#ive wanted it cut 4 literal months
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agayconcept · 1 year
#scuse me while i have a literal breakdown by my new hair stylist RUINED my hair so badly it will take MONTHS to grow it back and fix it#then i got on a bus only to be berated and harassed for using a cane 'while so young'#and referring to myself as disabled bc 'i dont like that word u shouldnt use it' and they wouldnt stop even when asked / i moved seats#then miss the second bus due to the ensuing anxiety attack i had#then tried to get on third bus only to find out they moved the stop several streets over which i cant walk#so now ive had to add a fourth or even fifth bus into the mix bc i cant afford a cab rn#i....i am going to get home and collapse. for real. i want to curl up in a ball and cry and die.#i am just. so tired and upset and defeated ugh#and also FILLED WITH RAGE about my hair. bc the woman heard me saying 'no dont do that!' and DID IT ANYWAY#and changed my hairline by like 2 inches#and its gonna take at least 4 months to grow back enough i can fix it. she basically fuckin scalped me. i am so angry and so embarrassed#i look awful. thank FUCK its in the back mostly so i can hide it under hats which i usually wear anyway#but now i HAVE to wear hats for at least 4 months. jfc.#so. fucking. mad. def never going back for a haircut again#will do the dye there bc theyre the ONLY salon that will order in that brand#but will be going elsewhere for hair cuts. so fucking mad ugH#she was so rude too wtf#what an awful fucking day#Ducky's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 23 days
Weekly Tag Wednesdayyy
Hi @energievie @mmmichyyy @spookygingerr @lingy910y @jrooc and @mickeym4ndy !
name: gigi
your time zone: est
favorite food: ive truly never met a soup i didn't like, but my favorite is pho. the absolute artistry behind creating a piping hot soup designed for a warm climate that actually cools you down with the power of herbs alone? stunning
your eye color: brown + green
do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? bone straight and very stubborn about it
coffee or tea? coffee
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which album is it? im going to say illinoise by sufjan stevens, i saw the play version last month and i highly highly recommend it its so beautiful
how many countries have you visited? korea, india, japan, mexico and canada next week if the canucks make it to round 7 (fingers crossed)
favorite social media platform (other than tumblr): instagram? I guess? I used to like chatting on reddit but the vibes are less than ideal so i chat with people here :)
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you want to be? a tiny, colorful bird on an island. no predators, just flitting around a forest
relationship status: very recently single :,( really tragic circumstances but ultimately amicable so we will remain great friends. i have had some pretty ridiculous breakups tho so maybe ill work those into a fic someday
did you go to college? if so, what did you study? yes, I went to an arts institute which i adored and studied architecture and morphology
you’ve just made a letterboxd account. what are your top 4 films? bones and all, princess Mononoke, midsommar, and julie and julia
what’s one of your pet peeves? when people start walking onto the train before people get out, oh that grinds my gears, I take three trains to and from work so a lot of my pet peeves are pubic transit related (still couldn't catch me in a car tho)
what’s one of your guilty pleasures? im going to change this to creature comfort: I love love love cooking and eating homecooked meals
and finally, if you could learn any skill, what skill would you want to learn? any instrument. literally any. i've tried hard over and over with different instruments and the best i can get to is like barely passible not quite good or god forbid innovative.
tagging under the cut!
@heymrspatel @doshiart @sirrudo @mickittotheman @mybrainismelted
@iansw0rld @especially-fuk-u @mickeysgaymom @softmick
@blue-disco-lights @gallawitchxx @solitarycreaturesthey @deathclassic
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dejaroze · 3 months
Big fat rant about nothing, just me yapping about TOH’s ending under the cut🦟
Okay so obviously I have massive witterot but like it’s so severe like I’m so ill about 2 fictional dead guys and one has committed serval acts of genocide but HES HOT SO HEAR ME OUT
I wish we got more content regrading the trio ( Caleb,Philip, and Evelyn ) because all we got were the pictures in hollow mind, and even that wasn’t much. Like yeah, we know what happened, partially. And that’s only Philips POV too, so this part of the fandom is literally just living off of scraps
Call me crazy but, I think TOH would’ve been better if there wasn’t a happy ending. I am so tired of happy endings in shows, like if they’re executed well then I enjoy them, but if TOH was for a slightly older age group and didn’t end in sunshine and rainbows, I would’ve been so happy. Please let the villain win for once, that’s all I ask.
That’s not even me being biased about Belos and stuff, just genuinely, how did this man with centuries of experience get overthrown by a 15 year old girl who didn’t even have to do that much to earn it? Luz found out about glyphs like a week into the demon realm?! Excuse me?! Like I do sort of understand since Eda is a wild witch n all, she might’ve practiced this stuff before hand or May have books about it, but it’s clearly stated in s1 ep4 that she doesn’t know how witches used to do magic?
And even then that raises questions, did Belos completely erase the existence of glyphs from the public eye? Are there no books about this stuff? Did he just destroy all records of this stuff? And how did he do that? Was it before or after he became emperor? Because all we know is that he’s been in power for a little over 50 years out of the maybe 350-400 he tried to recruit people to his cause. How do people not question how this man stays alive?! We don’t know for sure how long witches live, and even if they do live that long in the sense they don’t questions Belos’s age, then wouldn’t some people from the 1600-1700s still be alive to call him out on his bs?
This is why if we had info on how long witches live, it would help plan the timeline out so much more.
Witches seem to age like humans do though, so I assume they would live 80 years on average like humans? Because Edas mom, depending on how old she was when she had Lilith, is actually the age most people would be when their kids are 40 or so.
ive had this in my head for awhile, I might be overanalyzing this quote but in s1 ep13, Principal Bump says “Only 300 years till retirement” but in the finale, 4 years later, he’s seen being retired. So maybe time runs differently in the demon realm? Or that quote could’ve been a joke, but still, that’s a thing.
Back to Luz’s magic development though, in the matter of like 2 months, she learned all 4 of the main glyphs meanwhile Philip learned them way later. Now yes, I know Philip did say “it’s almost as if the Titan wanted to keep them hidden from me.” BUT this raises another question!
Did Philip only start learning glyphs AFTER CALEBS DEATH? Because we know the Titan can look over the isles through the middle realm, and maybe he knew Philips intentions weren’t pure so he hid the glyphs, but also how does he still have the power to do that if he’s assumably been dead for thousands of years? I mean clearly it didn’t work, but it still hid them to some extent.
And when did Philip change his identity? We can assume it’s after he met the collector, but did the collector tell him to do all of that? HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN PLANNING THIS? Has he been planning this even before Caleb’s death? You would assume so.
My god this whole timeline is fucked
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bblinkoo · 7 months
okay, so i have an almost 4 month old rabbit and i feel like i cant make any progress with bonding with her. originally she was in a very small play pen but i did my research and she now free roams my bedroom except for when im at school (im in college) and im never out all day. when im not home i keep her in her (much bigger now!) playpen with plenty of hay, water, pellets, chew toys and her bed. i try to cuddle with her when shes roaming and she wont have it. sometimes she'll be affectionate with me but then sometimes she'll become aggressive and bite and lunge at me for no reason. shes also extremely aggressive if i reach into her playpen for literally anything!! ive also tried to litter train her, i have the bumbox and am constantly cleaning up her poop and pee to try and get her to understand she needs to go in there instead, and her hay is right above her litterbox in a large hay bag. (i cant leave her hay in the litterbox because she's a digger.) in the couple months that i've had her i haven't been able to groom her or cut her nails at all because she wont let me and attacks me if i try. shes not quite old enough yet to be fixed, so im not sure what i can do about any of this behavior until i can get her spayed. i really love my bun and am not sure how i can bond with her more than this! any constructive!! criticism would be greatly appreciated, i want my bunny to love me :,(
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vashtijoy · 1 year
i have a translation question ive been wondering abt (sorry if you've answered this before, I tried looking but couldn't find if you've mentioned it).
So Sae's conversation with the SIU director on 6/5 after madarame's change of heart has her asking to investigate the psychotic breakdown/mental shutdown cases, specifically saying "we need to find a correlation among the incidents these past two, three years." This struck me as odd because as of 6/5 hasn't it only barely been about 2 years? I know Akechi has only been working for shido around two years at this point which is when he first induced psychotic breakdowns to prove his worth to shido, and then Wakaba is noted to have been around when the mental shutdowns started happening on 8/21, so it seems odd to me that sae who is usually pretty precise with her knowledge on the case would suddenly give a range that doesn't seem to be accurate, implying the cases have been going on longer than they have.
I'm wondering if something got lost in translation, or if perhaps I'm looking too deep into it and this line is alluding to metaverse incidents that happened before akechi met with shido (like the stuff that happened with maruki, or maybe even akechi figuring out his own powers himself before turning to shido, idk)
thank you, you usually give really great in-depth analysis on this stuff and I've loved reading your meta so this is just one thing I thought to ask haha
Hello, anon, and thank you! I have not answered this before and I'm delighted to look at it.
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Here's Sae in the SIU Bastard's office on 6/5.
Sae ここ2、3年の間に起きた事件を関連付けて、調査すべきです。 koko ni, sannen no aida ni okita jiken o kanrenzukete, chousa subeki desu We need to dig deeper and find a correlation among the incidents these past two, three years.
Literally, "the cases that took place over the last two to three years".
But what's going on here? What's the context of this scene?
on sae's case and others
6/5 is the last "real" day of the Madarame arc, the day it all wraps up. Madarame confesses; Akechi pops up in Station Square to watch (and, coincidentally of course, Kichijoji unlocks); you have a flashforward to the interrogation room where your next target is named; and Sae visits her boss, to link the psychotic breakdown cases she's been working on with the Phantom Thieves case that she has, to date, not been working on.
He is not best pleased, put it like that. Niijima is getting far too close to the truth. This will play out in later months.
One of the first things that happens in the game is that subway crash cutscene on 4/10. That's when we first see these two talk; Sae has made the connection that the "incidents" that have been going on, the scary accidents where people suddenly lose their minds, are all connected—a single case. The likelihood is that she brings Akechi in that day because he's known to have solved several of those cases.
On 5/4, at the end of the Kamoshida arc, Sae visits Leblanc, and talks about the psychotic breakdowns and the Kamoshida case: "Can a person's mental state really change so easily?" So here on 6/5, when she insists on the similarity between the psychotic breakdowns and the changes of heart, she's following a trail she's been on all along.
But of course, this is an ongoing case. Sae is likely refining and eliminating her data as she goes. It's perfectly possible she says "two or three years" because she simply hasn't narrowed her timeframe... or is it?
the news report at the start
Something else I want to quickly highlight from this scene:
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When we cut to the scene, Sae and the SIU Asshole are watching a news report:
Newscaster: ...The suspect has repeatedly testified that he does not have any recollection of his actions. Newscaster: A full psychiatric evaluation will be performed to further investigate the crime's details and motives.
Note that this unfortunate suspect is not Madarame. Madarame remembers his actions. He's just confessed to them all on camera. His news report, earlier in the day, stated that "initial psych evaluations state that he is mentally sound and likely responsible for his actions".
This is a totally unrelated psychotic breakdown. This is interesting, because at the start of June, background gossip is suggesting that "those weird incidents just stopped all of a sudden". But they haven't; there's one right here.
So are they just being reported on less? Has the Madarame incident made it necessary for there to be a publicised psychotic breakdown, to remind people of the scary incidents? Don't forget, the news we see is constantly manipulated in Shido's interests.
the timing of the incidents
Anon, you summed up the timing pretty well, but to quickly go over it again—Akechi starts working for Shido some time around 2014/05/21. We don't know when he awakens, or what he initially does, though he likely has a window after the conclusion of P4AU (is that in 2012?) when it can happen—Velvet Rooms may be unconnected, but I don't think there are multiple Igors, and I can't see Igor sitting on his ass with a brand new wild card running about. So IMO Akechi must awaken after Igor is imprisoned. Don't forget he gets the app from Yaldabaoth; he—and Joker—don't spontaneously awaken. And they both awaken into the Metaverse we know—a cognitive world centred on and controlled by Yaldabaoth.
On 11/21, Akechi states that the first thing he does for Shido, the act that proves his value and that he's not insane, is to give psychotic breakdowns to a group of Shido's critics in the Diet. So Akechi must a. have Call of Chaos, and b. have used it enough to know how it works, before he approaches Shido.
Again, we don't know what this looks like. But if, say, Akechi begins causing psychotic breakdowns on his own behalf, in the spring of 2013, when he'd be fourteen-turning-fifteen-in-June, then that would give us the three years Sae mentions.
The fact that the dating is uncertain, though, IMO, suggests that Akechi's personal use was rather sporadic and not easily traced back to him. It wasn't systematic, like Shido's use of him would later be; it wasn't the wave of terror it would become.
Essentially: just as you say, Akechi exists in canon and has a life long before he arrives on Shido's doorstep. He doesn't awaken two years before canon; he awakens before that point, and contacts Shido two years before canon. He has his powers before that point.
And we just don't know what he's like then, or what he chooses to do—except that there's presumably some conflict between the sides of him represented by Robin Hood and Loki, where his worse nature wins out.
sae on 8/22
Let's take a look at that other line of Sae's you mentioned:
Sae 若葉の死は2年前⋯『あれ』が起き始めた時期とも一致する⋯ wakaba no shi wa ninenmae... "are" ga okihajimeta jikan to mo icchi suru... Wakaba's death was two years ago... That also coincides with when the incidents started occurring...
Sae does not actually say "the incidents"—a phrase that, in P5 at this point, unquestionably describes the psychotic breakdowns. She says are—"all of that". It's quoted in the textbox, to emphasise its significance. We're supposed to understand what she means from context. And what's the context?
Well, Wakaba suffers a mental shutdown. We know, and Sae suspects, that the psychotic breakdowns, the mental shutdowns, and, yes, the changes of heart, are all one big, interconnected thing. Sae could be conflating all of it here.
But the thing is, she goes on to bring the psychotic breakdowns back into the conversation:
Sae 騒がれてる『精神暴走事件』のこと⋯少し話したわよね? sawagareteru "seishin bousou jiken" no koto... sukoshi hanashita wa yo ne? Earlier, I briefly mentioned about those psychotic breakdown incidents that have alarmed the public.
So Sae wasn't talking about the psychotic breakdowns before. She's only now raising the connection. She's reminding Joker (and us) that she talked about them in an earlier scene. Her are in the line about Wakaba's death can only have been the mental shutdowns. "all of those things that are like Wakaba's death".
What does that give us? "Wakaba's death was two years before that."—note, Sae is speaking in November, in flashforward—"That coincides with the start of the mental shutdowns."
what about maruki?
Going by his journal, Maruki's activity period seems to overlap with Akechi's—no years are given, but his journal describes an almost-three-year period, culminating in January 2017—the third semester.
He doesn't use his power until August 2014, at the same time as the mental shutdowns begin. But he's making small changes to the cognition of individuals—there's no sign he causes anything like a psychotic breakdown.
Let's sum up:
on 8/28, Sae's "two years before" likely refers only to the mental shutdowns;
on 6/5, Sae's "two to three years" likely refers only to the psychotic breakdowns;
we don't know when Akechi awakened, or what he did, but he did less of it than he did once he was working for Shido;
... but he almost certainly did do some of it—so there will have been psychotic breakdowns before ?May 2014, that might account for the "three year" period.
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illusionist1c · 2 months
hello and welcome to my blog! im sam, lydia, or tommy, but you can also just call me any variation of my username.
stuff about me!
• alexigender, demiromantic, lesbian, aegosexual
• i use neopronouns!! ty/tym/tyr/tyms/tymself, and vae/vem/vaer/vaers/vaerself
• minor. mostly nsfw blogs dee en eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• artist (or at least trying to be one lmao)
• beginner bassist (been playing since christmas 2022, but stopped playing for a few months)
• ga(y)mer
• probably audhd
• my timezone is EST!! (UTC -4:00)
• im open to hlvrai drawing requests! no nsfw though.
• previous tags for my rambles n stuff like that is #titan talks and #freaky talk. the current one is #manifested_illusion. trying to come up with an art tag for myself.
• i love making friends online, so dont hesitate to reach out if you think im cool! dw, i dont bite.
i support palestine.
if i ever dont participate in a strike, its because i didnt know there was a strike. so please lmk if im missing anything!! :)
my pronouns page:
my linktree:
fandoms + rambles abt them and dni list under cut :3
• sally face
• hannah montana
• icarly
• hellboy
• postal
• tsp
• hl//fr
• brütal legend*
• diablo 3
• batman
• whf
• splatoon 3
• batim**
special interests:
• bioshock
• the batman: arkham series
• anything xbox 360 related
• hl (vrai & freemans mind)
• rhps
• portal
• boomer shooters
• retro style horror games*** • austin powers
• bad lip reading****
*its not that popular, please go check it out if you love metal music and jack black
**i guess im a veteran?? i first joined the fandom in 2017 but i then js started to float around the community in early 2020, not rly engaging. idk. either way, im going back into my batim phase 😋
***specifically night of the consumers
****i rediscovered them a few months ago and ive fallen in love all over again. i watched them with my dad when i was like 5 so i have like. a really strong connection to blr and their skits + songs
dni if you are any of the following:
• proshipper
• sexist, homophobic, racist, a TERF, or any other forms of bigotry. stay OFF my blog, you weirdo.
• planning to get political under any of my non-political posts
• trying to incite an argument/be rude
• dont support palestine • are an nsfw blog. if you post mainly nsfw, i say this as respectfully as i can, PLEASE block me.
i have nothing against people who run nsfw blogs, as i have massive respect for sex workers and people who distribute their work as long as it doesnt harm anybody. i want yall to block me only because im a minor, and i want to stay safe online.
despite this dni list, i still block people quite a lot. just remember, if i block you, its for a good reason, and i most likely dont have anything against you.
last updated: june 3rd, 2024
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gavinstrick · 4 months
“hello lovelies ! as ya may know ive started a fundraiser for the operations and wheelchair that i desperately need, but ive never really been open about my disability on here so i thought id share a little about my story which is scary and uncomfortable but i think it’s the only way im really going to get through this and grow if I start actually talking about it.
I have been hospitalized thirteen times now since i was 16 yrs old. Diagnosed with bipolar 2, anorexia, PTSD, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and developmental disabilities (I was told my brain stopped developing at 14 yrs old). I faced disgusting abuse from hospital staff/doctors/psychiatrists/psychologists/nurses. it’s been 7 years of hell.
When I was 19 I had just been kicked out of the UCSD treatment center where they cut me off from my medication, psychs, therapists - everything. I ran away and became a victim of sex trafficking for the second time in my life and i honestly just didn’t want to do it anymore. I tried to kill myself by jumping off a freeway overpass onto the I-5 during day time traffic. I survived. Breaking my right foot, leg, arm, ribs, pelvis, and three vertebrae of my spine. I spent 2 weeks in the ICU and trauma wards and spent 4 months in a wheelchair where afterwards I taught myself how to walk again bc I didn’t have access to physical therapy. since then i escaped my hometown of san diego and have tried to make something new of myself. something not so broken. but after seeing a pain management doctor last year due to the debilitating pain in my spine. i was told that my spine was deteriorating. The discs between my vertebrae are completely degenerating, i have arthritis throughout my spinal column, severe joint dysfunction. And my spine can’t keep up. The bones are being eaten away and without proper longterm treatment, it is only continue to worsen until i lose all mobility. I went from being mostly mobile to now completely bedridden. I wake up crying and don’t stop until i go to bed because of the unimaginable pain i am in. I can’t sit up without assistance, can barely walk, and it is the most heartbreaking thing i have ever experienced. all I went through just to be here now: in even more pain.
i am now in Italy with my incredible husband-to-be who has been by my side the whole time holding my hand through the tears and giving me strength to find doctors that WILL help me.
my gofundme is my hope that i can raise the money i need to get the spinal operation, wheelchair, and treatments i desperately need - and deserve. I dream to be mobile again, no more pain, i wanna Walk down that aisle, i wanna raise a family in the future, i want a life that isn’t so much pain anymore. And I have hope. My beautiful friends and family, my husband who is my rock and my light and my everything - have all given me hope that the beautiful life i imagine for myself as i lay in bed everyday is possible - i just urgently need to get the operations, treatments, and mobility aids that will one day have me back on my feet. Please consider donating and if you can’t please share it please spread the word and my story. this surgery is my chance and all ive ever wanted was just … a chance to get better. so please consider. the link is in the bio and literally Anything helps and pleasee continue to share in anyway you can. i love you guys and thank you and im crying a lot now lol but ❤️ bless ya hearts and stay safe out there and thank you for reading ❤️”
- my official statement for my gofundme :•) pls do continue to share and consider donating if u can. i appreciate all of u who have supported me through this and the lovies who have been there since the very start. let’s get this fuckin operation gurls !!! Xx
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olberic · 5 months
ranking anime i’ve watched in 2023:
as expected, here’s this year’s top 10 for how much i personally enjoyed the anime i’ve watched this year. ive watched more than this, but god i watched so many bad ones…. even number 10 sucks but everything else was worse. sad!
as always thank u gifmakers for ur service 🫡 the world would be nothing without u all
10. the legendary hero is dead! (2023)
dont watch this show. it sucks and its bad. hey. come here. hold my hand. now lets just watch and enjoy the OP ok? don't worry about the rest.
9. my daughter left the nest and returned as an s-rank adventurer (2023)
i have to admit this show charmed me. its not the best thing ive ever seen but its nice. comfy. yknow? i haven't finished it but it's enjoyable. can't rank it higher until i finish it
8. sabikui bisco (2022)
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if it werent for the positively nonsensical jump in the middle of the show and the way theres just like. a lot of gaps? it’d rank higher. it’s a very cool premise for a show and i like the bisco/milo dynamic, and [SISTER] is fun as hell. it didnt wow me though overall, and while i enjoyed it i was hoping for more.
7. trigun stampede (2023)
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im sorry trigun stans i simply didnt love it. i see the appeal i really do but it just didnt hook me. i really liked the animation and the storyline. im intrigued by whatever the fuck is going on with those plants and yall have said theres a tallgirl in the next season? so i’ll keep watching. i just didnt love it
6. that time i got reincarnated as a slime (2019-2021)
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in contrast to #7, i can see why this show is weak HOWEVER i just enjoyed it. i like it. huge fan of how much gender the protag has. i love how they get new powers. i enjoy that it can be interpreted as an extremely bisexual show. it was well paced and the slime diaries OVA was a great addition. a lot of the characters really stuck with me too and its like. idk. one of my favourite isekais i guess
5. buddy daddies (2023)
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this should rank higher. its so fun. its SO fun. its silly and it doesnt take itself seriously. i laughed in every episode. the dynamic between the guys is great. the dynamics between them and the kid is great. just a really solid show if you can stand the queerbaiting. i dont even care
4. bocchi the rock! (2022)
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the bocchi side of tumblr is right this show rules. i like how real bocchi’s social anxiety feels (literally how it felt when i had it). the characters are entertaining, the show’s well done, they even have solid music (which band-based shows dont always do right!). its really funny and its really earnest and its a joy to watch
3. demon slayer: swordsmith village arc (2023)
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i included the entertainment district arc in last year’s list so this arc makes the cut. im always late getting around to watch the new stuff and i dont want to read the manga but god DAMN does this show hit different. incredible fight scenes. i loved everything they did for the hashira backstories. i love whatever the fuck is up with genya. it even gave me some akaza to sustain me for the next year or whatever. ik this show gets overhyped but its normal hyped. to me.
2. frieren: beyond journey's end (2023)
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oughhh frieren… ive only known this show for a few months but it means to much to me… i dont even wanna talk about it because its so good i just wanna watch it again. go watch frieren if you havent already its anime of the decade. to me
1. gundam: the witch from mercury (2022-2023)
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ive never seen a gundam before but i will be watched them after this! what can be said about it that hasnt already been said on this site. the romance storyline is impeccable, the fights are awesome, the moral questions it posed were excellently covered. by the end of the first episode i was speechless. by the end of the last episode i'd cried like 4 times over the course of the show. this thing made me cry to happy birthday. what the fuck
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airbrushfather · 5 months
@paz-45 asked so here are my 5 ee tattoos lmao (warning for me just rambling absolute shit under the cut)
my first ever tattoo - jon's handwriting and a wild wave because i love violent sun so much. looking back the handwriting tattoo isn't something i'd do today but it's what got me started on getting tats at all and i had a very positive experience (both w getting it and w asking jon for the writing lmao)
the teeth are not related, for the record. writing is about 6 months healed in this pic and almost 18 months healed now. also i know no one asked but since i love talking about tattoos - this is on the outside of my forearm and the pain was about a 3/10. super easy placement if you want somewhere to put a first tattoo that won't kill you off immediately.
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classic lil gth hand. i always forget i have this because it's on the back of my arm (hence the bad photo too, say hello to my ear) but i do rlly love it, my artist did a very good job. it's about 5 months healed in this pic and just under 18 months healed now. this is on the back of my upper arm, the pain was probably a 4/10. a little spicy towards the inside but nowhere near the worst, certainly less painful than the inside of the bicep for instance. i also never find colour that bad (lines are worse imo) but i know some people do, so i guess if you came to this post looking for genuine tattoo advice, take that into consideration
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these eyes are, technically, ee related - and please excuse this horrible photo, they're really hard to get a pic of! but me and my artist designed them together based on put me together's bridge - 'is it the darkest night/or is that dawn in your eyes?' it's a very important song to me and i love these tattoos, especially the dawn one with all the little details. it actually looks a little better now it's healed, it's settled into itself a lot more. they're super fresh in this pic (less than a month each, i got them within about a week of each other) and about a year healed now
pain wise this is a rough placement. the bottom one especially was one of my most painful tattoos - probably an 8/10. it proved i could never tattoo my actual knee because i genuinely had a terrible time of it. though weirdly the top one was really easy, probably a 6/10
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i find this one incredibly hard to photograph bc of the way it wraps but my favourite line from final form (i stole the idea from someone in atb but it's one of my favourite sentiments, as in, this is my first body so i will make mistakes, and it is my last body so i will look after it). i broke one of my only tattoo rules for this too, which was No Words. i doubt i'll get any more words after this bc i don't think they'd really fit very well w the rest of mine, but i thought this was a really nice way to cuff my patchwork arm.
it's about 6 months healed in this video (from today). pain was probably another 8/10, wrist is a very spicy placement but not the worst one by any stretch. the outside (first body) was easier than the inside (last body) and it was definitely tolerable, tbh it was almost more annoying to heal than it was to get
i do have plans for more ee related tattoos (i want to get one from each album, so i have arc and rdf left to conquer) but atm i can't get anything because i have serious trust issies w new tattooists (and i love my artists who i know already) and my shop is currently 200 miles away. i'll probably get one in summertime if i have the money. i really like that for the most part they're not super obvious what they are, even the hand isn't bam in your face this is album artwork unless you're in the know. no hate to those kind of tattoos (ive seen some sick tattoos of the whole gth cover or at least the entire guy) it's just not my kind of thing, i like to be mysterious.
sorry for talking so much, but getting tattoos is my only personality trait. i could and would literally speak about it all day. consider this your formal piece of danny's tattoo advice. none of these are my most painful placements and none were my most painful tattoos, but everybody is different so if you genuinely do want this advice, take it with a grain of salt. and if anyone wants more of my advice/further tattoo tours, feel free to ask (idk why you'd want advice from me but i have probably about 40 tattoos at this point and i want to talk about it. because i'm boring and inufferable. i'm A Tattoo Person. this is my coming out </3)
cheers for looking x
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fallingforel · 1 year
arabella pt 4 - menswear
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“WHERE ARE YOU? YOURE MEANT TO BE HERE BY NOW! I MEAN IT Y/N I NEED AN EXPLANATION. NO THEY DONT GO THERE ON THE MAIN TABLE SMALLER CENTERPIECES ON THE ROUND TABLES, I NEED AN EXPLANATION?? IM WAITING ON ONE.” “It was matty okay luce, he forgot to wake me up, so im gonna be just a tad 3 hours late”“Oh good lord, okay look as long as youre here for the rehearsal dinner everything is going to be fine im sure” “Okay good? How are things anyway? Hows henry? Luce?” “Err alls good here. We have a slightly larger problem though. Em and him just walked in”
where all of the 1975 gang and y/n attend a wedding 
warnings: a few swearing, recreational drugs use (coke and weed) and a panic attack, also please let me know if there is any more that I need to be aware of them
A/N and here it is im taking tommorow and monday off, but I promise you, chap 5 will be out next weekend, kisses x 
“Well get rid of them then, because I tell you now Luce if they are still there, when the wedding comes around I will just stay at my mums house until they’re both gone and you don’t want your maid of honour to cancel on you last minute do you?” 
“No I suppose not. Okay I will do my best to get them gone, look I’m gonna have to go now babe I haven’t got time to sit around and chat I have got a wedding to sort out, I’ve still got to make sure the DJ knows the no plays and when to play our songs so I love you and I’ll see you in about 4 hours kisses.” Lucy says while making an unbareable smooching sound down the phone. 
“Love you. But I mean it when I say, I want them GONE.” 
“Yes, yes, okay I’ll see what I can do babe love you, but I really have to go now hun” which is her final sentence before I was met with the signal of her putting down the phone. 
Before, I start properly focusing on my drive back to Wilmslow, I had to make sure Adam knew that both of our exes were there. So thats exactly what I did. 
reaching out to press my home button on my phone “phone ad” 
“now phoning ad” I was met back with the robotic voice speaking out to me through the aux cord
the phone rings a couple of times before Adam picks up 
“Hey Y/n whats up?” 
“err look I thought you should be aware, that Em and him are both there and that you should be warned because they might show up tonight or tommorow, and I kinda don’t want them to because then I’ll have a panic atta-” 
My waffling on was then cut off by adam’s voice ringing through the aux in my car, 
“look y/n/n, who cares if they’re both there, I certainly don’t I’m over her now, you should be over him too it’s been 6 months, it’s no longer fresh in our minds and plus we’ve both got new people in our lives, you’ve got Al and I’ve got Carls, infact I’m inviting her to the wedding, there was already a spare place from Em being uninvited and Lucy said yes to inviting her so now shes coming, you should invite Al im sure he’d be well up for it. G told me he was a massive fan of ours” 
“I’m not too sure Ad we literally only just met last night, do you really think it would be that smart to invite him?”
“look just tell me you’ll consider it y/n/n you at least deserve to have someone there for you” 
“okay, okay! I’ll think about it but its not a yes”
“good im glad, right im gonna go. Because ive still got to pack some last minute things, and I’ll see you later on at the rehearsal dinner okay” 
“okay lots of love” 
I say before putting down the phone. and going to phone alex to see if he wants to come. At this point I’m stopped in a petrol station to phone him as I didn’t save his number earlier. 
ringing once twice three times biting my nails in anxiousness, before i hear a thick northen accent ringing through my ears 
“Hey, who is this?”  
“Y/n? is that you? was wondering when you’d call are you alright darlin’“ 
“yes yes it’s me look listen. I’m going to a wedding this weekend and I was wondering if you’d wanna go with me. its just theres an extra place due to some dramas that happened and so..”
“look love, I would really like to go, I wish you would’ve told me sooner, I’m literally about to board a plane to leave England right now, but we have to sort out a date some time soon, I’d love to get to know you better”
“Yeah no of course. I 100% get that plus its not like you would’ve missed out on anything anyway. It’s literally a boring wedding” 
“You don’t have to downplay it fo me love, sounds dead interestin” 
soon an announcement is made that I cant quite hear but it is soon made clear that it’s Alex plane because he bids his goodbyes and then he hangs up the phone 
“omg! y/n/n! thank goodness you’re finally here! you’ve missed out on a lot it’s like grand central station in there, people flying everywhere moving things honestly I don’t know how I do it for a job. It’s soooo good to see you, honestly, I’ve missed you so much, how’s London and the modelling life treating you?” Lucy says running up from the front entrance of the moderately sized building, and to my car giving me a rather large squeeze. 
“It’s been good, London is manic though, all the time, and these shoots they are just amazing I did one recently for a major U.S. company had to travel to L.A. for it. but honestly my career has taken a major turn since I moved to London with the boys.” 
“That’s so good I’m so happy for you. And how are the boys? Are they good? Is the music life treating em well?” 
“so well, I can’t say too much because it would spoil it. But they have recently been getting so many radio plays it’s ridiculous but I am so proud of them!”
“thats so good! Looks like that move was good for all of you then!” 
“yeah yeah it was, Luce I’m freezing can we go inside? Are they in there?”
“ of course we can babe, no no they’re not! my mum told both of em where to shove it. that soon made them leave!” 
“I’ve always loved your mum. did you know that!” I say throwing an arm around her shoulder and walking into the venue. 
“so when are the rest of you London lot getting here?” Henry asks standing next to me. 
“umm not too sure but I’m sure they’ll be here soon. shouldnt be too long they set off about 3 and a bit hours ago. so in like in a few” I say in reply. 
“Hopefully, they won’t be too long. Luce is stressing way too much I dread to know what she’s gonna be like tommorow.”
“Ha! Yeah. I know what she’s like, I remember Matty’s 18th suprise party, she was dead stressed when I organised that, and she wasn’t even the organiser! But look don’t worry, it wont go too mad. I know that with her everything goes to plan” 
“yeah, thank you for being here by the way, I know it can’t be easy being here especially after what happened 6 months ago.”
I was about to reply when I was cut off by a curly haired boy, a really annoying one to be precise. 
“Matty shut your mouth, go get your suits on boys, rehearsal dinner commences in 10, you’re late already as is” Lucy says. Before walking over to where Henry and I were stood having our conversation
“y/n/n, I need you to go get your dress on too.” 
“okay, I will go and do that now” 
The rehearsal dinner was a success, I knew it would be, anything Lucy organises is. It’s what she does best, kinda always knew she would be an events planner, her and Henry was meant to come to London with us, Lucy living with me and Henry living with the guys, but then the both of them recieving their dream job offers in the heart of Manchester, so they never did. I think it was meant to be that way if I’m completely honest. I just don’t think it would’ve ever worked, especially with the guys and I all being single and them two being in a relationship. Sure,it worked in Wilmslow where none of us lived together but the whole dynamic that we have now would’ve shifted and just wouldn’t have worked.  
Currently I am squished between a tree and a skinny curly haired man, we ended up, going back to my mums last night and both George and Matty insisted that they had to see my mum. So just like we were 17 again and had just had a drunken house party, we are sleeping in my bed. To be fair its quite a large bed, however all three of us, are slightly bigger being 22 and 23 now, we just dont fit. 
So I did what I had to do in order to get up. Wiggling to the end of my bed as so to not wake the two massive lumps in my bed, and eventually getting off at the end and then I went on the search to check for my phone. 
Finding it laying on my bedstand on G’s side, he must’ve found me passed out and it still on so he must’ve put it there. 
Turning it on to find out the time reading 7oclock, the wedding starts at 11 so its time to make my way to wake up the boys so that we all can head to the hotel, both of them being groomsmen and me being lucy’s maid of honor, so I do just that but I cant do it normally, thats just not our friendship dynamic. So I head to the bathroom to get a jug and fill it with cold water, heading back to my bedroom I start pouring it on matty.
“What the fuck y/n.” 
“It’s time to get up, we have to head to the hotel, to get ready. We all have to be ready by 9 incase the event staff need help with anything, and I promised Lucy we’d be there by half 7, 8 at the latest to make up for all of us being late yesterday, now help me wake up G. While I find out where the fuck Ross and Hann are” I say while pulling my phone out to find out where the other two of our group are. 
“I dont fancy getting slapped by the tree thanks, you can do it, I’ll call Hann and Ross” 
“uh uh, you made me late yesterday, you get the pleasure of waking up the giant, I’ll get us a maccies breakfast on the way if you do.”
Soon enough he does it, earning a slap from George “it’s the crack of dawn, Matty what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
“To be fair G, it’s 7 we have to leave in 10 because Lucy wants us at the hotel, and I dont think any of us want to anger bridezilla, I just know shes gonna be on a warpath today. Plus I promised stink here a maccies breakfast, right now though I’ve got to phone the other two find out where they are, can one of you two phone ross? I’ll phone ads” Matty nods his head reaching for his phone. while Im on mine pressed to my ear, trying to get through to him stepping out of the room so I don’t get distacted by Matty on the phone to Ross.
Finally after about a minute I’m met with a raspy voice. 
“Adam? Are you with Ross”
“yes, yes its me, and No what do you want at this ungodly hour, Y/n?”
“I promised Lucy I’d make everyone head to their respectful getting ready rooms, at half 7 so can you head to Hen’s and start getting ready I’ll bring you a McDonalds.” 
“yes yes okay. I’ll head there now, when you come knock on my hotel door its 432, Carls will have my car keys, your stuff is in my car, Matty couldnt fit it in his” 
“okay, okay. Bye I’ll see you.” 
“bye bye, see you in a bit, double sausague and egg pleaseee”
“yes yes okay, see you in a bit Ad’s” I said before hanging up the phone and returning to my bedroom where Matty and George still reside in my bed, although this time a phone was pressed to Mattys ear talking into it 
“Yeah, Y/n wants us to get ready, so we will be there in a bit”
I mouth to George “is that ross.” earning a shake of his head. “his mum” i nod my head waiting for him to finish his conversation. 
A few moments later a “yep okay bye mum I love you see you tommorow” ending the phone. 
“Right as much as I am glad that you were on the phone to your mother Matthew what is the situation on Ross?”
“He was with Henry already, apparently Lucy banged on his door at half 6 this morning making sure he was up” Matty said chuckling a bit
“That girl honestly” I say shaking my head 
“Right come on you two lets get going we’ve got places to be people to see” I say slapping the two boys on their legs. 
The ceremony was a success, and it all went well. now we were heading on a little walk to where the reception was being held. Matty George Ross and I were infront, and then Adam and Carly following suit behind us. 
We walked into the marquee tent finding our seats George and I both sat at the head table as I was Maid of honour and G was Best Man, Matty, Ross and Adam were sat on the table infront of us though so we all weren’t too far from eachother, luckily I was sat next to George and Lucy so I didnt have to endure meaningless conversations with other members of the bridal party like I did at the hen do. 
“C’mon G we’re sat here”  I say grabbing his hand and pulling him towards our seats after checking the seating plan that was displayed on the foam board standing on the white easel. 
And soon enough the reception was well underway after Lucy and Henry had their first dance. George hopped on the decks doing what he knows best, Lucy had let him have an hour at it giving the DJ an hour break to dig into the buffet. 
I walked up to G wondering if Matty had any Joints. Because Lucy had want to let loose, and she hadn’t smoked in ages but claimed it was “my wedding night so I can do whatever the fuck I want” clearly having had taken too much advantage of the free bar at that point. 
“well your the best man so whats the plan? we gonna smoke” 
“y/n/n I’m busy doing my best to give everyone a fucking good time here, go talk to Matty about it, he’s outside. He’s the one thats got ‘em I’ll smoke my own later” 
“okay I will, c’mon Lucy lets go find Matthew, bye G”
We walked outside finding Matty perched on a log smoking, we approached him 
“oh Matthew” Lucy called out 
“oh here comes trouble” he shouted out earning a giggle from lucy 
“look we just wanna know if you’ve got any of those joints left, I know you must have at least half of one left, I can see you smoking one, and it’s not even halfway finished. The bride here wants some to let loose, Hen hopes it’ll calm her down and stop her being so stressed about everything. ” 
“Look bug, I would and you know I would, but I’ve only bought three like I told you before, you’re gonna have to ask about. We went to school with half of the people in there and we all know they’re all pot heads, someone in there is bound to have some” 
“Come on! I know who will have some” Lucy says. 
Eventually we found someone with some after asking about three people. Joining Matty on the log he was sat on when we came outside previously. Staying in silence, we sat and smoked. Until Lucy eventually piped up 
“You wanna know why I’m smoking?” 
“Because, it’s your wedding day and you can do whatever the fuck you want?” I question laughing 
“no, it’s cause I needed to put off crying, this day couldn’t have gone worse. Henrys Mum sent me a text this morning saying that I shouldn’t be marrying him that he doesn’t really love me and I don’t deserve him, she’s been giving me evils all day. y/n/n I almost left him at the alter especially after Em’s text” she says tears flooding her eyes when she turns to look at me. 
“oh Luce, c’mere babe” I say with my arms wide open and she shuffles along the log we’re sat on and hugs me, sobbing fully at this point. tears not coming to my eyes. After she pulls away I can’t help but ask about the text. 
“what did you mean by the fact that Em texted you? what did she say” 
“she said about how I banned her from my wedding, and that I needed to grow up because I took your side after the whole argument six months ago and that she would make an appearence along with him today, but not before she said that in a year or two Henry would leave me for her, I’m so sorry for not telling you earlier Y/N, I haven’t even told Henry, I’m not sure I even want to. I don’t want to make him leave, I know it’s silly because we’ve been together close to a decade at this point. But what if he decides he doesn’t want to be with me any more y/n/n, I don’t know if my heart will be able to take the pain especially with you in London” 
“Don’t be silly Luce it’s okay, but she has no right to make you panic like that especially after warning you that she’s going after Hen, Luce, you are aware that you’re going to have to tell Henry about all of this right, especially about his mum, she has absolutely zero right to tell you whether you’re good for her son or not.” 
“She’s right you know, you have to tell Henry, even if you dont want to, he needs to know. I’ve never known the two of you to keep secrets from eachother, especially one this big Luce, you know I may not have liked you at the beginning when you were dressed in nowt’ and telling everybody you were shagging every boy in Wilmslow, But Luce I like you now, and I know that you would really benefit from telling him, I can go get him if you want, y/n/n and I can be there while you tell him if you want?” 
“no, no it’s fine I need to tell him on my own you two go. enjoy your night, come find me when you’re leaving.” 
“okay okay, I’ll see you in a bit we’ll send him out to find you” 
After finding Henry, and telling him to go find Lucy outside, Matty dragged me to the bar. 
“so bug.” he says turning to me “whaddya drinkin’?” 
“malibu and coke” I say in reply 
he gains the attention of bartender “scuse me lad can I have an ameretto and a malibu and coke please, passionfruit variation please” This boy knows me too well at this point as he asks for the passionfruit variaton because he’s all too aware after too many slip ups at parties to fill my glass with original malibu and me turn up my nose at the coconut flavoured liquer. 
He thanks the bartender after handing us our drinks. And we go over to our tables but not before matty spills a load of his on a taller lad who we’re not too sure we know. 
“watch where you’re going pot head yeah and also watch your girlfriend yeah think she might be getting some tonight but certainly not you, you scrawny fucker” the 6″3 skinny lad pipes up 
“look I might be spilling my ameretto because of previous joints yeah, but don���t talk about my best mate like that, I don’t know who you think you are, yeah you might be taller than me, but you look just like me so I reckon I could knock you out, so just watch what your saying yeah” 
“Matty, leave it hes not worth the fuss yeah” 
“ooh getting your girl to sort your problems are we?” I can see Matty clenching his fist just as if matty was about to swing for him so I step infront of him before anything can happen. 
“Do you want anything to end up in the press about Denise’s son losing it at wedding?” I ask him knowing thats exactly what would happen knowing the fuckers that went to our school. He shakes his head no in reply “exactly, so leave it yeah, this guy is not worth our time or effort yes?” he nods his head I tap him on the back throwing an arm around his shoulder “come on then stink” and so we’re off, back to the dancefloor so we can forget our troubles and have an absolute blast of a time before I’m back to work in two days, and the lads are back to the studio next week.
“Matty, I need to go to the loo” I shout over the loud music but not before making a sniff gesture with my hand signaling that it was time to bring the sniff out, It was kinda known in Wilmslow that our group, were drug users, not hardcore as much as people think, only when parties were going on or when one of us wanted to feel something. 
“cmon then bug, lets go to the bathroom” 
Once we made it into the bathroom I lock the main door so that no one could make it in especially, Lucy’s conservative great-grandmother that definetly had some interesting views. 
as I came back from locking the door hopping onto the counter where matty wasnt cutting lines. After he finished cutting the lines he handed me the rolled up 20  but not before saying “two each” “ooh a 20, very rich of you” “shut up and just sniff your two, off the porcelain basin will you” “okay okay chill out, Matthew” I say hopping off the counter taking the rolled up 20 that he was still holding out for me to take. 
Safe to say I was feeling the effect of the drug I had taken just a mere 10 minutes ago. 
and soon enough, Em and him were here and I was making a beline for the exit, Making Matty clearly confused as he hadn’t noticed them. so obviously as confused as he was, He followed. 
“bug, bug, slow down.” he called out and I turned to face him, my breathing irregular and tears streaming down my face, my makeup clearly smudged. 
“Woah,woah. Whats happpened? why the tears bug?” He asked. 
I tried replying but I couldn’t I was too worked up to explain. My hands doing anything they could. Unsure of whether it was the drugs making me like this or just seeing him in the flesh after 6 months. 
“okay okay, bug look at me” Matty sounding so distant at this point, so I didn’t even know where he was “Honey, you’re gonna have to look at me so I can understand what happened” 
Touching my chin, he gently lifted my chin with his fingers. removing them, my breathing still rapid at this point. 
“cmon bug, copy my breathing, deep breath in, and then push it out” doing exactly what he said. We just sat there in silence me following Matty’s breathing. Until it was back to a normal pace. 
“You gonna tell me what happened in there? What made you all worked up, so much so I had to do breathing excersises with you which we hadnt done in ages, god last time we did them was when you caught him cheating with Em” and suddnely his eyes go wide realising that thats what happpened. “oh bug!” he says scooching over to give me a hug. Knowing me too well at this point to realise, that in that moment thats exactly what I needed a good hug from my best mate. 
I start tearing up again, “I saw them together, Matty and I thought I was doing so well as well I hadnt thought of him until a couple of days ago.Yet, I saw him in the flesh and it feels like I’ve now taken three steps back.”
“No, you havent bug, not at all, It’s natural it generally is, do you remember when I got cheated on?” he asks me I just nod in reply “well I remember she disappeared a while after that. And then like a year later I saw her, in cafe nero when i was working, god the tears all started to come out then, I had to get out of there, and because of that I got fired, it was right in the middle of morning rush aswell” “so thats why you got fired, we all thought it was because you burnt yourself or set off a smoke alarm lighting a joint in the bathroom, but awwh Matty you’re so sweet, I never thought you would be that heartbroken over her, we were only 15/16″ 
“Look, I’m just saying it’s natural to feel like you’ve gone back in time, anyway are we gonna go back inside or do you just wanna get out of here?”
“Just want to get out of here, I don’t think I can face him if I’m being perfectly honest, sorry stink you probably want to go back inside an enjoy the rest of your time with everyone, probably pick up a girl too.”
“No. No. don’t be sorry bug, you have every right to. Besides I’m probably gonna yosh in someones mouth soon if I stay any longer, plus I dont want some random coming up and going in for the kiss” reaching inside his blazer pocket to check for the time “and It’s 5 past three I can hardly see and if i stay up any longer I’ll probably pass out so its probably best if we go now anyway.” 
end of chap 4
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Mom got out of ICU today, and put into a normal hospital room. My family went to go see her, and as for myself and my siblings, it was basically the first time in 3 weeks that we'd seen her.
She was covered in giant tender bruises from head to toe. Thankfully, only 2 IVs were in versus the original 7, and she was down to one pole that held the bags, while the rest were hooked to the bed. The blood clot in her leg has grown, and is breaking up at last, or so we assume. But mom can't walk because it hurts so bad. She has mesh in her lungs now to prevent the clots from reaching them again, which will kill her if they do. Additionally, she's on oxygen for the time being. And, there's a chance when she comes home, that she'll have to remain on oxygen tanks, and if that's the case then nobody is sure how long. But I've got this awful gut feeling telling me mom will be on the tanks for the rest of her life... I don't know, and have no way of knowing, but that's just what my stupid gut is saying to me. It'll be minimally 3-5 more days before she's released to go home. It could be more, and something inside also tells me it's going to be longer. But mom says she's doing the best she has been since the first surgery 3 weeks ago. Her nurses are really nice, super sweet, and they playfully poked (hehe) at my needle weenie self who had to turn away when they drew blood from her.
My anxiety didn't help when a $86 bill went through on my bank account that's already overdrawn by Gods only know how much... I'll be damned lucky if I make $150 for this paycheck. And an artist I commissioned back in March last year for a November finishing time on a piece, was late and is now almost finished in January. I'll have to pay him the other $175 soon, and I don't know when, and if I'll even have a single dollar to spare by then... There's another draft I have coming, on the 16th, for the retirement fund my father forces me to pay into unless I want to give him $100 for literally no reason, minimally once a month but possibly more, instead of the $75 for the fund once a month. So I go for the fund. And then, I have to somehow pay for my therapy appointment in another 10 days as well. I'm really not sure if I can do all this. I ditched college to work more, and as soon as I did, they cut me down to one day a week for the next 4 weeks, and there are no people I can cover because everyone is scrambling with trying to get more than 25 hours per week. Fuckers. Try living off 8 a week, when you just told the boss you're free all day every day at any time, and they won't even schedule you for 1/3 of what everyone else is working part time, let alone full time.
I'm so scared, so lost... I was hoping to get a ticket to go see Blind Guardian in May, but they're selling fast and I'm not sure when I'll ever have the money, if I will have the money, to get one in time... Not like I've waited 9 years to go see them live for the first time ever... I somehow have to save $32 for a train ticket as well by mid February, to go to the city for something I'd planned 7 months ago. And then, I planned a trip with friends which I may not be able to do if this keeps going downhill with my money... I already have to pay for a con we are going to as well in September. And I'm just... Fucking distraught. I planned my entire year around the fact that I'd be working full time and get more money. And work kicked my ass with a giant fuck you immediately upon me making those plans.
Fuck my life. Give me my healthy mom back, and $1000. Please... I'm fucking desperate and broken...
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blogofreverence · 2 months
netlabel drama is so dumb i swear i am just a blogpop stan. not that thats anywhere as bad as being a furry electronic musician. well theyre sort of the same thing but colloquialisms will have people talking some agere not littlespace and im like dude spaceshare is a politics game about inventory management and then they get mad cuz i call it schizo affect instead of tism speaking and im like sorry i speak in rhymes and riddles? im retarded dude. yeah they diagnosed me when i was 6 but im 24 and going back to special ed so it's like ... i call it what i want. i mean really its PHP (partial hspitalization program) but TLAs (three letter acronyms*) scare me cuz i dont even know if its an IOP (intensive outpatient program) or what like i had occupational therapy in second grade and im going to have special ed for grad school. literally im not unemployable ive had like 3 or 4 jobs that lasted no more tyhan a month total like cut it with that starving artist crap Ur literally an ebegging goddess
*TLAs or Three Letter Abbreviations are generally not also acronyms. Acronyms must be phoneticized, like SCUBA or Self Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus
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icyfox17 · 3 months
3, 4, 9, 11, 15, 20, and 21 :D!!
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with -fucked up by racoma -car lights by james marriott -iris by goo goo dolls
OUGHOGUHGOGHOGHOGUHOGUHOGGHOUGHOGUH i have been looping these three SO MUCH LATELY along with allez les blues by los camps
fucked up jumpscares me bc theres swearing in the literal title and it sounds so intense and i mean the bridge aka my fav part of the song IS intense bUT ITS SOOOO GOOD AND SOSOSOO PRETTY AND I CANNOTTT GET OVERRR IT RAHHSHSHDFJSDK
car lights is a funny one bc the first like 3 years of me listening to james' music i never got into it for some reason?? i always loved grapes and gold n stuff but then tommy covered it during his karaoke stream and HOLYSHITT i was like wtf this is so good? and then i listened to the original and went HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD??? its now been like 2-3 months and i still. am looping this shit constantly like BRO BR O BRO BRO BRO BRO ITS SO GOODDFDOWEJFIAWFEJAWFELJAWEFIJWEFLWE I LOVE CAR LIGHTS SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH
iris is one of my long time fav songssss, i grew up on 90s alt rock so anything from that era is just soo <333 fkjdsdjflsj EPXLODES !!! but like the last two years ive gone in and out with listening to it. i'll listen to 90s for like a month and then go back to modern music. but yeah january i started megaaaa listening to 90s alt rock again and i remembered how much i love iris so that shit has been on loop as well. it is genuinely one of my top five fav songs of all time. also extra fun fact for you !! my mom used to loop it while she was pregnant with me <3 so it is just kinda like. my song lmao ever since before i was born lmaooooo
okay gonna provide a cut bc this will be a long one ^-^
4 i already answered and i would answer w diff ones but this ones gonna be long so i'll skip it for now eheh
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood -Auld Lang Syne by Andrew Bird -Carol of the Bells from the Home Alone soundtrackkk -Rocking Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee
the first album is such a lovely one grgrgrkjrjgk i have nice memories of listening to it while sitting in front of the (real wood !!) fireplace and drinking tea and just enjoying my family's company during xmas time <333
and the last one is just a classic:D also reminds me of home alone which is ofc my fav xmas movie ever (way better than elf FIGHT MEEE)
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack (i think this means like soundtrack so regular songs rather than ost but if u wanna know my three fav ostsss pls send and i will tell !!! i love film osts so much omg 😭😭😭) -Heroes by David Bowie [Perks of Being A Wallflower] -Lake Shore Drive by Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah [Guardians of the Galaxy] -Spirits by The Strumbellas [Middle School Worst Years of My Life]
goddd this movie changed my life honestly and the scene this song is from genuinely is just. it rewired my brain chemistry. i want to feel infinite man its soooooo i love this movie sosososooso much and this song is just so lovely and just RAHSHSFJDKSKJFKLAKJS i cannot english properly lmao i think im losing steam but just. yes. this song + movie are both. yes
I LOVE GOTG SOUNDTRACK SO MUCH IT IS PEAK EVERY SONG IS FUCKING AMAZINGGGGG but this is one of the songs that i found from this movie and idk !! i think it's underrated it's so vibey it makes me feel so happy:))))
this is another movie that literally changed my life. like. it's such a silly movie? but it genuinely makes me cry everytime and and this songggg this is the beginning of me looking into my own taste of music that's not just generic top 60 from the radio or my family's taste. i found this song from this movie and found the rest of the band's music and and and it was one of the first steps of me finding out who i am. it's a really big part of my personality (both the movie and the song) and i just :(( this band makes me sooo emotional. they helped me out during my first bout of mental health issues and i just got to see them in concert a couple months ago and sobsobsobsosbsobosbsobsososbsobsobsossbososssssssss SORRY i'll start rambling now i just GODDD the strumbellas mean so much to me :(
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to -Come on Eileen by Dexy Midnight Runners -Coming Home by Leon Bridges -Starting Over by Chris Stapleton
the first two are just CLASSICSSSS you have to dance to themmm and i have in the past and its literally the greatest feeling in the world. literally nothing compares. the last one is more targeted towards my partner:))) she's from tennesse LMAOO and loves country music buuuuttt besides that i also just like. my dad and his wife listen to country music a lot and it's soooo?? it's so lovely idk this style of country music is just pure vibes. but yeah the lyrics r also super lovely and just remind me of my partner so badly grjgkjrgkjrg i need to listen to alllll the country and soul (heh pun unintended) music with them. this song in particular is so comforting i just feel like it'd be nice to dance in the kitchen to <3
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one -Morning Rain by Adam Torres -Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson -Home Is by Kanaya
you just give me very soft pretty rainy day vibes <333 ur a very kind person and you hold so much positivity. these songs are all so very comforting and i just !! think they suit u very well ^-^
21. three songs of your childhood -Upside Down by Jack Johnson -Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley -Clocks by Coldplay
goddddd this songgg this song is nostalgia in a nutshell. used to love the movie but also my mom and i used to dogsit for this one person and they had 3 cds. jack johnson, barenaked ladies, and adele. i used to play those and just run around the house acting out the songs. so all of those are very nostalgic but upside down takes the cake bc it just. sounds nostalgic. idk its such happy vibes and its so innocent and wholesome and i justtttt sobsss its so lovely
my half-siblings' dad had a record player before it was cool and the two records he used to play all the time were bob marley and michael jackson. bob marley reminds me more of my childhood though. its just !! its bob marley man. certified classic and good vibes. i love this song so much <3 i love all of his music a lot but this one just ??? makes me feel super intense emotions
this one is NOSTALGIA KING i dont know if there's any other song that sounds like nostalgia like this one does. it was always on the radio in the car and its also in several movies and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its so gorgeous i love this song so much <3333
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sobeesknees · 9 months
bro old school harvest moon games (cant speak for the new ones) were so goddamn hard for dumb kid me
specifically talking about harvest moon ds (cute)
it was one of my first games ever, so i didnt even know that wikis existed for that thing and i never even thought about googling it bec ive never had to do that before??
i was consistently broke, there was never enough stone or wood, i didnt know jack shit about anything
i reached probably year 3 or 4 with less than a hundred sprites, still less than 30k to my name and man it was such an experience bec my first ever heart event was from Sky and it left me gobsmacked. I didnt know that was a thing?? Kid me kept returning to that fountain at night trying to trigger another cut scene bec i had absolutely no idea
It was a min-maxer's wet dream, seeds that could go up to level 99???? tools that went to level 99???? motherfucking milk that went up to level 99?? OH YOU WANT LARGE MILK?? literally spend your days destroying your DS screen with the milking mini game. You want to win the animal festival?? EASY just destroy your screen with the petting mini game daily and dont let your cows die without making offspring or youll have to buy one and start with zero hearts again 🫶
and it was like so emotionally devastating. i think my save file was cursed. i remember my animals dying because of a horrible storm that destroyed my STONE barn (that i specifically saved up for because it was less likely to get destroyed) and it got me so fucked up i stopped playing for months since stone was so hard to come by and i used everything i had for that fairly new barn.
my sister and i were so traumatized from all the destroyed buildings and wasted money and resources we started storing chickens in the stable. we wouldve pushed all 4 cows in there if we could.
and i was so dumb, in an earlier save i managed to not stockpile hay or was way too fucking broke to buy some hay so my chickens actually died from starvation.
anyway yeah im a filthy rich motherfucker in year 2 in stardew valley now and id like to thank all my dead cows and chickens from harvest moon, your sacrifice made me who i am today
also i dont remember which harvest moon game this was but i remember finding out that if you dont get married to your chosen npc of choice some bitch will steal your man so yeah
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kiekiecarrera · 10 months
Kie literally has her hands in JJ you can see her hand on JJs rib cage and they’re looking at each-other like they just hugged and of course it’s completely blocked by Chase 🙄 season 4 better make up for all the robberies we got https://twitter.com/obxcomfortt/status/1685990918673829889?s=46&t=3pVP4qJcqGhmh_sHRUkcSA
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