#ive got like 5 things i wanna gif
This is easily my most controversial post. but if you want to watch me spit in numerology face, then please read away
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Alright i love my numerology. But i think its complete bullshit. Ive read so many sites and intepretations but they just say the same shit everytime, but when they explain themselves im like wtf that barely makes sense - for example life path 3 is jupiter, and it means; creativity, communication, inspiration. And i guess it makes enough sense to not question it. but i question everything, and i think we can do better than that >And thats where i come innnnn >>> 1 sun : MERCURY - Mercury is the first planet of our solar system, the sun aint a planet it just bright - all life path 1's dont act sunny at all, they act smart and calculated and they are 'independent' but the concept of the sun is not independent - the sun loves to share - mercury is independent, because to have an opinion requires an independent thought from others perspectives. - 'goal orientated' - so we all just don't care about our goals? bull shit fuck that, sounds like a mercury thing to only care about ur own opinion anyway - the sun likes to share and be the 'star' 1 energy don't it focused (like mercury) 2 moon : VENUS - the moon is not about the other (2 people) moon is technically a selfish energy, its about how you feel (yes people make you feel s type of way, but if you lonely, you gonna feel like shit anyway) venus is more appropriate planet for 2, becasuse 2 people requires diplomacy snd sharing, not the moon, the moon acts as a reflection, but it is not diplomatic, its selfish (but adorable) it takes 2 people to love and thats what venus all about, thasts why 2 should be venus (not 6 i'll get into dat) but this one should be pretty straightforward 3 Jupiter : EARTH - Jupiter is abundance and it could be 3 but theres a better answer for jupiter (coming up) 3 is earth because 3 is the holy trinity, god clearly loves earth the most, so its 3 okay, and everyone likes 3 (apparently) 3 is creative - there is no planet more colourful than earth - 3 is communicstion (everything on earth makes a lot of noise) and its inspiring - everywhere you look theres something inspirational on earth - you cant say that about any other planet - the rest of them just got a surface i guess 4 Uranus : Mars - whoever made up 4 as uranus imma slap the shit outta. 4 is a stable number (4 corners to mske s house) 4 is stability -4 is the emperor in tarot - uranus is nothing like that uranus is a crazy as fuck boiiiiiii. mars is far more appropriate, mars wants something it gets it (like emperor, in tarot) also a square is a 4, and thst mskes sense for mars because he all about conflict and competition. also they practical and sensible, and if your as bold as mars, your dsmn right you better be pracitcal or your gonna look like a fool and mars dont want thst.
5 Mercury : Jupiter - i understand 5 is about adventure and exploring, but its so much more fitting for it to be jupiter than fkn mercury. you see how dumb this shit is now??? look at the bigger picturre yall; numerologists didnt study the planets and it shows. 'change and progress' thats jupiters schtick, well hell its a little uranusy but mercury is a stretch. also everyone likes jupiter snd thsts why he 5 - he in the middle because everyone like him 6 Venus : Saturn - now ik your thinking saturn is karma and karma is infinite so it should be 8. well no your wrong, karma is not infinite. its however much you do you get back > think about how you draw the number 6 - you write a line (you do something) and it comes right back at ya (the cirlce bit). its also the lovers because saturn got a ring and everyone wanna find their special person to put a ring on > also saturn loves you, but he loves smacking you too. just like someone who loves you 7 Neptune : Uranus - ok this one does make some sense... because its about solitude and introspection... but anyway it took god 7 days to make the world - and the creation of the world changed the game you could say (like uranus is about change) - it also makes sense for uranus, because to change the world, you gotta observe it not be apart of it (to understand how it works) but you know what neptune does make sense here, so i get where they coming from
8 saturn : Neptune - wanna know what actually infinite? your spirit, spirituality, GOD IS INFINiTE - not yo karma - jesus fkn christ lawd save us and please forgive me for saying yo name in vain as many times as i do but WAT DA FUCK HAPPENED - Ik its associated with being a boss or a leader but to me its about achieving yo dreams, the real boss is someone like 6 or 4 (saturn - mars) and ik you thkink 6 is about love - but yall got no clue how much strength and fortitude it takes to love and it shows, thsts why saturn slaps you in the face as often as he be do > A leader must be in tune with god or they gonna get cancelled and not be givin leadership (dont forget who in charge you little shit)
9 Mars : Pluto - "embarking on a lifelong quest to quench an insatiable thirst for growth and new experiences" um okay - so how tf is that mars? mars is thirsty, but he dont care about growth he just wants some pussy. BUt pluto... now that makes more sense. Pluto wants the truth no mstter the price, and our life path 9's are on a infinite journey of digging and digging and thats what pluto do. pluto will literally put himself in jail just to see whst it feels like, mars will just fight everything, to attain his goals. pluto willl let you punch him to see how hard you punch. Stay dumb - yes i made this up - just as the old numerologists made it up - you dont have to believe me, thats why i dont believe in you.
I also believe if god is real, why wouldn't it be simple? why not correlate each number (and there only 9 numbers - excluding 0) why would it not be in the order god intended it to be?
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quijabored · 7 days
Just realizing I don't know how to do the whole colored text or different font thingy BUT ANYWAYS
Funny thing when I first started getting into the fandom bit for bsd and I saw Fyodor being simped on I was like "eeehh I mean I guess hes cool but I dont really get it. Like sure hes an interesting character but..." AND THEN I SLOWLY STARTED BECOMING A FYODOR SIMP AND I JUST SKDHKSJD I HATE THAT MAN I HATE THAT MAN HES SUCH AN ASSHOLE
please I love him so much hes such a bitch I hate him I love him so much
"If Fyodor told me to cut my skin off I would" FUCKING SAME
AND POE BEING LIKE "But if Ranpo were to die what would be my reason for living..." LIKE HELLO??? I LOVE MY OTHER SON (Poe)
ALSO FYODORS ABILITY?? From what I saw it seems that it's just kill by touch but if Dazais like "welp, idk" then I'm guessing it's a bit more complicated than that AND I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS AAAA
Also Mori and Fukuzawa did the sskk punchy thingy they did in the end of S2!! I'm not sure if people ship them (I refuse to take in any content about Mori) but if people do then win for them :D
Also Im extremely excited to see Nikolai cuz hes me minus the Ukrainian terrorist bit BUT AAAA I HOPE I GET TO SEE HIM SOON
I can't watch BSD until tommorow now cuz I wanna have a minute to process everything BUT AAAA I CANT WAIT TO WATCH S4
Fyodor made me feel so many ways I love him
THE SCENE WHERE ITS LIKE "Are you sure youre the real Akutagawa?"
"...And youre not gonna try and kill me?"
"What did you have for breakfast?"
Like don't get me wrong I love Aku how he is and I'm gonna love him more when I learn more about his character, but god damn it hurts to watch him seem so reliant on Dazais praise and Dazais approval like akdjkajsdj Ive been there my boy :(
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Twas talking about this scene earlier btw :3
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junoswrlld · 7 months
✧˖°📖nerd antics ୨୧˚
choi soobin x gn!reader 1.9k words warning swearing & lowercase intended & kms jokes genre fluff, established relationship, crack(this was very unserious) featuring sim jake-enhypen and eunchae- le serrafim junos’s note this is supossed to be a birthday present for nai @run2seob happy birthday pookster *runs away*
mini synopsis -- u do nerd anime stuff with Soobin (he shows u anime figure collection & jake jumpscare)
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Friday 3am
your phone screen illuminated your face in the otherwise dimly lit room as tonight was just like any night for you, the usual scrolling through tiktok at 3am, more specifically scrolling through the soobin hashtag.
it was definitely endearing seeing all the heartwarming things moas would post about soobin. The genuine affection they harbored for your boyfriend, was palpable. Their posts ranged from heartwarming anecdotes to hilariously relatable observations, all testament to the magnetic charm of Soobin.
but one video caught your eye, an episode of Eunchae's Star Diary, a close friend of yours interviewing Soobin and Kai. It was a compilation a fan made of all their favorite clips from the show. about halfway through the clip show Eunchae asks Soobin about his fixation with anime.
Eunchae leaned in and asked, "oh, Soobin you like anime?"
soobin laughed, feigning surprise. "ah yes, how'd you know?" he said.
eunchae couldn't help but chuckle in response, "Aren't you famous for it....?"
seeing this clip made you go down a rabbit hole of trying to find times when Soobin talked about the interest of his of anime. and in one video he seems to mention having a shelf of sorts the he uses to display anime figures. This intrigues you because it's not like you didn't know of this fascination, having been dating him for a little over two months of course he's told you all about it, but a shelf dedicated to figures? you've heard no talk of the sort.
and you've also had to chance to see such thing since you haven't yet been to soobins dorm, thus you've also never got the chance to see this shelf, so you decided to text him about it
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you: u collect anime figures??? soobie:WHO TOLD U?!?!?!? you: u did? you:i watched a clip of u mentioning it soobie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you: its not that embarrassing soobinnnn soobie: SO U ADMIT ITS AT LEAST A LITTLE WEIRD?!?!? you: WHAT NO you:id collect them too if i had the money soobie: really?? soobie:oh my gosh im in love you: omg wtf kms ur killing me you: anyways can i come over tomorrow(x together)? you:or i guess later today since its 3am soobin: like after practice? ofc u can you: im #scared after what ive seen of the dorms from tiktok you:a bike right by the stove? really? soobie:OMG LOL ill definitely clean it up for u you: u better
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5 hours later (8am)
soobie:y/n. you: what???? soobie: i just heard my 8am alarm go off you: not my fault u couldnt stop talking to me soobie: real u just have too much rizz you:real!!! soobie: but i gotta get ready to go to practice now you: wanna reschedule when i come over then? you:yknow so u (and me) can get some sleep? soobie:ur just reading my mind you: we should have planed it for tmr any since its saturady soobie: omg were so not smart you:im very smart idk about u tho you: since u spend all ur money on anime figures n stuff soobie: honestly fair
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Saturday 2pm
you've arrived at the dorm building, its a modern structure with a sleek and contemporary design. It stands tall, several stories high, with large windows that allow plenty of natural light to filter through. The exterior is adorned with a combination of glass and steel, giving it a polished and sophisticated look.
The entrance is well-lit, and as you step inside, you're greeted by a spacious and stylish lobby. The walls are decorated with subtle, tasteful artwork, featuring images of past achievements or group photos of the residents. The floor is immaculately tiled, and there's a reception desk where visitors can check-in.
after the rigorous check-in process of the front desk ladies just making sure you're not some crazy fan trying to break into the dorms, they point you in the direction of the elevators you would be taking to Soobin's room.
As you step into the elevator, your anticipation for seeing Soobin intensifies. The doors start to close, and just before they shut completely, a hand slips through, causing the doors to retract. You look up, and to your surprise, you find yourself face to face with a group of idols entering the elevator.
you think that maybe it's one of the front desk ladies that might have forgotten something? or maybe it's Soobin getting to his dorm at the same time you did. so without giving it a second thought you spam the "open door" button, hoping to help whoever is on the other side of the door.
just when you think that it's surely soobin based on the height the person entering the elevator has, he turn to meet eyes with you.
JAKE?!!!?!??!?! FROM ENHYPEN???????
of course, you have idol friends since you're dating the Choi Soobin, but he hasn't introduced you to Enhypen yet! you don't even think he's told them about your relationship, so what if Jake thinks you're some crazy fan like the front desk ladies did??
jake side-eyes you as he exits the elevator, reaching his floor, clearly thinking you're not supposed to be there. silently relieved that the awkward encounter has come to an end, at least for the moment since you can't stop replaying the moment in your head and cringing.
exiting the elevator onto the floor where Soobin's apartment is located, the hallway greets you with a quiet atmosphere. as you walk, the recent awkward encounter with Jake replays in your mind, leaving behind a sense of unease and self-consciousness. however, amidst these feelings, there's a spark of excitement, especially considering this is your first time visiting Soobin's dorm. the anticipation adds an extra layer to the mix as you make your way down the hallway.
as you reach Soobin's apartment door, marked '127' as he had told you. taking a deep breath, you knock, eager to see him but after 10 seconds of awkwardly waiting outside his door you hear a loud thud coming from the other side. you knock again, thinking his clumsy ass might've fallen over and hurt himself.
just as you were about to knock again the door wings open, and soobins stumbles to lean against the door frame.
"hey, uh, you come here often? i said that with Rizz by the way." Soobin says with a sheepish grin, trying to mask the fact that he stumbled with his charisma. His disheveled appearance and the loud thud suddenly make sense.
as you observe Soobins slightly disarrayed state, a realization dawns on you. the charm in his smile doesn't quite hide the signs of a hurried cleanup. the misplaced items and the askew chair suggest that he must have been rushing to tidy up the place right before your arrival. and the thud? Probably something clattering to the floor in the midst of his cleanup efforts.
"hold on, why do you look so shaken up??? i swear the dorm isnt that bad, i cleaned it up and none of the boys are here. you good?"
soobin gestures at you to come in and you do. "it couldn't have been that bad y/nnn. what did he say anyway?"
"he didn't say anything BUT he did give me the nastiest side-eye on the planet. and i swear if i was near a cliff i would've jumped cause that interaction made me wanna kill myself."
"i hope you're joking about the last part cause i dunno what id do without you pookie." he says while winking and putting up double peace signs.
you couldn't help but cringe, your eyebrows involuntarily scrunching together.
"some light aegyo didn't make you feel better?" soobins shoulders slumped, and he cast his gaze downward in defeat. "how about i put on a studio ghibli film so you don't die of embarrassment?" he says while guiding you to sit on the living room couch.
"spirited away."
"put on spirited away."
"of course"
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after a Mini Studio Ghibli movie marathon, you remember the main reason you wanted to come over in the first place.
Soobin's cheeks flush slightly as you enthusiastically exclaim, "OH RIGHT!!! where's your little figure collection hiding? that's like the main reason I'm here."
"i thought you might've already forgotten, and why do you wanna see it so bad anyway?"
"soobin, i literally think it's cool. plus i wanna see the things you're passionate about or whatever." you say with a teasing smile, trying to ease the tension of his embarrassment.
soobin sighs, giving in to your insistence. "i guess if you wanna see it so bad." He murmurs softly, fingers intertwined with yours, guiding you towards his room with a gentle tug.
as you enter soobins room you can clearly tell that the living room was the only one he bothered tidying up, as all of his room was left in chaos.
"welcome to my humble abode" Soobin says, gesturing playfully around the room.
"I'm surprised the figures aren't scattered across the floor with how messy this place is."
"to be fair i didn't exactly have time to clean considering you never told me when you'd be here till you were 10 minutes away"
"i guess you're right but wheres this shelf full of figures ive heard so much about?"
soobin pulls you out of the doorway and closes the door behind you, revealing the infamous collection that was hiding behind the opened door.
"WOAH. this is way more than i thought it would be."
"so it is weird???"
"WHAT?!? NO, if anything its really impressive cause how do you have all the money for this??"
"i'm an idol."
"oh right. well anyway, who's this girl?" you say as you go to pick up a chibi-looking figure. when you're only inches away from picking it up soobin slaps your hand away.
"what was that for!?!?!?!" You ask, fingers instinctively reaching for the tender spot where the impact landed.
"don't touch them?? they're only for display. and that's a Nendoroid of Lillie from the pokemon anime, kai bought her for me. also how did you not recognize her? do you not watch pokemon??"
"okay, nerd. also i hate to break it to you soobin but the last time i watched an episode of pokemon i was 12"
"im heartbroken," he says dramatically stumbling away from you, grasping onto his chest (CUZ THATS WHERE HIS HEART IS). "you've broken my heart, this is to much to bear."
"don't worry soob, I'll buy you a new figure to mend your "broken" heart"
"REALLY????? are you serious cause there's this one figure i really want to preorder," he says grabbing his phone out of his pocket at the speed of light to show you what he's talking about
"soobin do you really think i have the money for that? also, what the fuck is a Nendoroid???? what kind of alien name is that?"
"Nendoroid is the chibi figures, they're my personal have to collect."
"this wasn't as mind-blowing as i thought it would be."
"what did you expect?"
"i dunno maybe some secret underground vault of ultra-rare figures guarded by miniature anime warriors or something"
"Well, sorry to disappoint. But hey, can we go back to watching Studio Ghibli movies now?"
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note pt2... please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop please dont flop
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storiesofsvu · 9 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 5
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Emily Prentiss x reader enemies to lovers warnings: language, medical talk (some of which is not accurate, don't at me), minor hurt/anxiety, y'all know the drill already. My deepest apologies for how long this update took. Life really took over, ya know? I hope it won't be that long before the next one! Don't wanna miss an update? Sign up for the taglist here! Like what you read? Interact, Tip your writer!🩵
Emily wasn’t sure if it was anxiety or excitement coursing through her veins but she was practically buzzing from the moment the first nurse of the day left her room. The reason for the buzzing of course, was that all that stood between her and getting discharged was your signature. One little scribble on the bottom of a piece of paper and she would be out of this godforsaken hospital room for good, back out in the real world with fresh air, proper food and she could only pray, an actual coffee. She felt a bit like a child on the very last day of school, where you were stuck watching the clock tick each second by while you stared out the window watching the sunny day go by, aching to be running through the field rather than trapped in class, even if all you were doing was watching a movie. She was ready to rip out her IV and wander through the streets of Paris and at least attempt to enjoy this forced vacation.
The issue being that you normally swung by earlier in the day, checking on her and making sure everything was good before you started your rounds on other patients, took in other traumas and dove into surgeries. Emily reluctantly sat through a morning of near silence, no one coming or going from her room while she played scrabble on her tablet before lunch was served. She made sure to eat every ounce of it, on the off chance this was some kind of test, before she spent the afternoon switching between napping and catching up on the most recent season of The Bachelor that seemed to have her enamoured. She swore the sun was almost setting in the skyline by the time you finally rounded the corner into her room, this time you were in cozy clothes instead of scrubs, a small smile on your face.
“Sorry. Things got a little crazy today, how are you?” You asked, sweeping through the room to glance through her chart.
“Aching to get out of here.” She replied with a soft sigh and you chuckled.
“Well… everything looks good.” You flicked the chart closed, moving to the table, “I’ll sign off on these, file them, take your IV out and we can finally be on our way.”
“Are you serious?” Her face lit up and you were pretty sure it was the first time you’d actually seen her smile, “like, you’re not fucking with me?”
“Why would I fuck with you?” You barked a laugh, “I know this is what you’ve been waiting for, I wouldn’t dare tease.”
“No last minute tests or scans?”
“Nope.” You smiled, “everything yesterday checked out perfectly. You’re doing good in PT, incisions all healed, ribs back to normal and in the places they should be. You,” you picked up one of the newer clipboards from the base of the bed, scrawling your name across a handful of dotted lines, “are free to go.” You pulled off the pages of discharge papers that were her copies, handing them to her, “there’s some after care instructions and a few other things in there you’ll need to read over.” Moving through the room you gloved up, swiftly taking out her IV, un-attaching her from the rest of the machines, “alright. I’m gonna go file these and punch out, give you time to make sure you’ve got everything.”
“Thanks.” Emily flashed you a bright smile as you collected all the paperwork you needed and disappeared from the room.
She let out a huge breath of relief, shifting from the bed as her eyes carefully glanced around the room to make sure she hadn’t missed packing anything up, not that she had much to begin with but she still wanted to double check. She had just tucked her phone charger into her bag when you popped back through the doorway, your bag tossed over your shoulder this time.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” She replied, cautiously picking up the small duffle, only wincing slightly when she got it over her shoulder.
“It’s not far.” You commented, digging through your bag until you found the spare metro card, passing it off to her, “that’s for the rest of the month.” You seamlessly switched to French as you exited the hospital doors in an attempt to blend in “have you been to Paris before?”
“Yeah.” She replied, pausing for a moment as you nodded toward your right in the direction of the metro, “lived here for a bit growing up.”
“Well, at least you won’t be utterly lost then.”
Conversation fell quieter as you ducked into the station, not only could Emily tell that you’d had a long day she was catching the vibe that you’d had a long week and were very much looking forward to getting home after you’d finished chaperoning her. On top of that, this was her first time out in civilization in months, she was a little on edge, a little rusty in her profiler ways as she discreetly listened to conversations around the two of you, eyes carefully darting around making sure your surroundings were safe and Ian wasn’t magically on the same train platform. You seemed to sense this, discreetly giving her wrist a gentle pinch when your train showed up so it wouldn’t look like you were fully giving her directions, guiding her to a seat at the back of the car where her back could be to the wall and she could keep an eye on things. You still weren’t sure on specifics but you knew she’d been a little freaked out about leaving the safety of the hospital, that this could be overwhelming for anyone getting discharged after that length of time much less someone who was living a fake life currently in order to survive.
A few stops later, you gently nudged at her good side and she followed you out of the car, taking note of what station it was and which exit you took that was closest to your destination. You nodded toward a little market, asking if she wanted to grab a couple of things on her way home and she agreed, silently slipping through the aisles until she’d found enough to last through a couple of days and met back with you at the counter. She felt awkward when you passed off cash to the shop owner, realizing she didn’t have any and you muttered an apology to her as you left the shop, saying you’d left her bank and credit cards in the apartment with her passports and stuff, not wanting to lose them. You took the bag from her so she wasn’t carrying too heavy of a load as you walked up another block and a half and you directed her to an apartment building, using the fob to get through the front door and into the elevator where you scanned it again to make it move.
“Extra security is nice.” Emily mumbled, letting out a breath as she relaxed into the back wall, “and I appreciate the escort, but you really didn’t need to come up with me.”
“I didn’t want you to struggle with two bags.” You retorted and she let out a little laugh, interrupting when you tried to continue your stream of thought.
“Am I not trusted with the key?”
“No, you’ve got your own.” You dug through your bag again, pulling the second chain from it to pass over to her.
“My… own?” She stalled slightly as the elevator doors slid open, glancing between the key in your hand and the one in hers. She watched as you stepped a few feet down the hallway and slid your key into the lock, “do you have a key to my apartment?”
“Seriously?” You raised a brow to her, pushing the door open before silencing the alarm as she scurried out of the elevator and to your side, “they spent seventeen thousand on your funeral, another six hundred and forty two thousand on your medical bills and that doesn’t even cover your ongoing PT. You’re lucky they gave us a two bedroom.”
“What.” Her voice hardened slightly as she stepped into the doorway of the apartment, her lips forming into a tight frown.
“Between their allocated budget and your level of ongoing care it was the best option.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
She stepped into the space, letting the door swing shut behind her and after a brief second thought, she turned to quickly make sure it was locked. The apartment wasn’t small, but it wasn’t giant either, a small entry space filled with a rug, coat and shoe racks and a small table that you tossed your keys and work bag down onto as you kicked off your shoes. A foot or so down on the left was a small kitchen, enough space for most standard appliances and counterspace that curved into a breakfast bar opening up into the living room. The space was tidy, clean, dishes sitting in the drying rack that she could only assume were from that morning, a few blankets tossed over the back of the couch and one of the larger chairs, a few books, some of which looked like medical text books on the coffee table along with a vase of flowers. Off to the right were three doors, each open and it was safe to assume two were bedrooms and the one in between was a bathroom.
“Laundry’s in the basement.” You commented, pulling her out of her trance as you crossed to the kitchen to put the food away in the appropriate places, “the card for it’s with your bank and ID’s on the bedside table.” You gestured towards the room closer to the door and she was safe to assume that meant it was hers, “some extra clothes and things in the closet. Make yourself at home.”
“Yeah.” Her tone was terse, letting out a huff as she kicked her shoes off and disappeared into her room to dump her bag on the bed, looking around the space.
“I’m gonna run down to the gym, you have my number if you want me to pick anything up on the way back.” You called to her as you wandered into your room, pulling your hair up into a ponytail as you grabbed a couple of things.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Her reply was barely audible through the apartment though the slamming of her bedroom door certainly was. It caught you off guard, jumping slightly at the sound before you glanced in the direction of her room through the wall. You hadn’t really thought sharing a space would piss her off like that, hell, after the way she’d been acting through the week you were back at the point that you thought the two of you might actually end up being friends. Rolling your eyes you let out a small sigh, scooping up your keys and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge before you stepped through the door, making sure it was locked behind you.
In her room Emily dropped down on the edge of the bed, her head burying in her hands as she let out a heavy breath. She’d been in such high sprits all day that she was finally going to be free, that she was going to be able to live her life again, be herself again. She’d nearly forgotten why she was in Paris in the first place, that just because step two was done and she was out of the hospital did not mean that things were going back to normal. She still wasn’t able to go home, wasn’t able to call any of her old friends and still had to be alert whenever she was out. Because she wasn’t herself, she was Valerie. And Valerie deserved a fighting change at surviving this mess, even if Emily didn’t.
You came back a couple of hours later to a dark and quiet apartment. Considering Emily’s reaction to the shared space you figured you’d give her a little bit longer to adjust to the new environment, giving her a chance to explore the space without you in it while you were out. Instead it looked like she had stayed shut away in her room, not a single thing out of place when you returned.
Flicking on a few lights you changed into pyjamas first, tossing your gym clothes into the laundry hamper, you’d opted to shower at the gym already so at least that was checked off your nightly list. Wandering back to the kitchen you pulled a few things from the fridge to whip together an easy chipotle chicken pasta, pouring yourself a hefty glass of wine to go along with it. Crossing through the apartment you set your dinner up on the balcony, wanting to enjoy the spring evening and fresh air outside of the hospital while you ate. On your trip back into the apartment you picked up one of the novels on the coffee table to indulge yourself with, before you glanced up to the closed bedroom door and let out a small sigh. You took a brief break to quickly plate up the second portion of pasta, topping it with fresh parmesan, wrapping it tightly in tinfoil before tossing the pot into the sink to be cleaned later. On your way back to the balcony you gently knocked on the closed door,
“There’s a plate of food on the counter, I know you didn’t eat dinner.” Was all you said before you slipped back to the balcony, sliding the glass door shut behind you. You figured if she had some privacy and her own space she was more likely to come out to at least get the food if not eat it.
You weren’t sure how long you were outside, but the sun was fully set, a chill in the air pulling shivers from you as you finished another chapter. Figuring that was the signal to head back inside you picked up your things, book going back to the coffee table while the dishes came with you into the kitchen. The extra plate of food still sitting exactly where you’d left it. You sighed softly, sliding it to the side so you could do your dishes, putting away the ones from that morning in the cupboard.  You glanced toward her room, huffing softly before you picked up the plate and stashed it in the fridge, if she wasn’t going to touch it you at least wanted it edible tomorrow so you could eat leftovers.
Emily had fallen asleep not long after you’d knocked on her door, truthfully, she was pretty exhausted. If the sheer annoyance and frustration hadn’t kept her riled up when you were at the gym she knew she would’ve fallen asleep then. She was still recovering after all and even a short journey through the city was more than enough to wipe her out. She’d drifted in and out through the silence and the sound of you doing dishes, listening as you putzed around the apartment a bit before your bedroom door finally clicked shut. She could feel the pit in her stomach beginning to ache and knew she would need to eat something before attempting to get some sleep but she didn’t dare leave her room until long after she’d heard you flick your bedroom light off and get into bed.
Only once the apartment was in complete silence did she finally, silently, slip from under the covers of her bed, pulling JJ’s sweater tighter around her as she snuck around the apartment. With you off in dreamland she finally let herself look around the space properly, it was decorated nicely, although she was sure some of that wasn’t you. This was likely some federal apartment, and Interpol one, maybe even a Doctors without Borders one, that was even more likely knowing her trail had to be covered. But there were still touches she knew had to be you, more personal items that you would’ve picked up over the last couple of months, the blanket over the back of the couch looked particular inviting, fuzzy but not in the overstimulating itchy way, dotted with constellations and she was sure that was yours. She liked the flowers on the table, the idea that you liked to fill your space with something alive, colourful and considering the shape of them you changed them out every couple of weeks, she’d noticed an array of flowers at the market you’d stopped at earlier. Above the tv there were some photo frames scattered on the wall, a few of you with a girl a few years younger who looked an awful lot like you, considering they all looked like travel pictures she figured that was your sister. Another frame looked like a family photo, an older brother from what she could tell from resemblance, who had a couple of kids, your sister and your parents. The third was from a graduation, judging by your age she figured when you finished medical school, the same friends copying over into a couple of other photos, one where it looked like you were a bridesmaid. Little pieces of home you’d brought with you in an attempt to ground yourself and not forget who you were, things that she didn’t have on this particular journey.
Her stomach growled and she let out a sigh, thankful it had distracted her before she could spiral down the hole of not having any pieces of her old life here. She quietly wandered back to the kitchen, not even daring to flick the light on, using the fridge and stove lamp as her resources as she found the plate of food wrapped in the fridge. Her hand rested on the counter as she pulled it out, hitting a patch of condensation where it must have been sitting warm, waiting for her earlier and her head tilted in realization. Directly beside the spot was a three quarter full bottle of wine, an empty, clean wine glass, as if you’d left that out for her along with the food originally. Her eyes darted to the drying rack, a water spotted glass sat there, you’d clearly already had yours. Popping the plate into the microwave she thought for a moment, the only meds she was still on were the sleeping ones and anxiety ones, both you’d mentioned no heavy drinking on, but she was sure one glass wouldn’t hurt. Hell, it would probably knock her the fuck out with the meds and that truly was what she needed if she was gonna get any sleep in a new environment.
She managed to catch the microwave before it beeped, glancing up toward your room and listening for a moment before she pulled open a drawer in search of cutlery. Unbeknownst to her, she actually copied your routine, taking the food and wine out to the balcony to enjoy. She couldn’t help but want to feel the breeze on her face, breathe the fresh air, the coolness of it helping calm her racing heart, help ease her anxiety while she ate. She felt bad leaving the glass and plate in the sink but by the time she was finished her wine her eyelids were drooping so heavily she knew she wasn’t going to make it much longer, enough energy to make sure all the doors and windows were locked before collapsing into her bed.
Emily tugged the blankets tighter around her, letting out a little shiver as she curled around herself. She inhaled heavily, frowning when the scent of detergent was overpowering, only a flicker of JJ’s perfume remained on the sweater. It had stood out so strongly against the chemical smells in the hospital it had been her go to calming mechanism, a memory of home lulling her to sleep. Now so much time had passed it was nearly gone and she knew she would need to wash the thing soon, then it would be gone forever. Her body sunk heavily into the bed, at least this one was more comfortable than her last, letting out a breath a tear rolled over her cheek as she nestled deeper into the pillows. It was only a moment later she was asleep, hoping that her dreams would distract her, that maybe she’d wake up in a different situation, that maybe all of this had been a nightmare of its own.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @its-soph-xx xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @scorpsik @prentiss-theorem @strongsassysexysloane @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @theclassicgaycousin @regalmilfs4me @kalixxh @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @niyizh @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @tommyriddleobsessed @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @romanoffsho @honeyycat @ratsnestinmyhair @assgardangod @originalbrunettecharacter @elz-artzzz
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vintagelacerosette · 8 days
Weekly Tag game (Catch up)
Forgive meee I am late but I had the other one in my drafts & I hadn't be able to finish it off yet 😅
I was tagged by these sweethearts 💖💕💖
Jessica @guinguin1984 Julia @blue-disco-lights Deanna @deedala Georgia @iansw0rld
Face @burninface Jaclyn @crossmydna Evie @energievie
Bri @y0itsbri Lyle Lyle crocodile @kiinard Macy @heymacy
Mel @gardenerian Sarah @sleepyheadgallavich Julissa @heymrspatel
Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Kat @mybrainismelted Ling @lingy910y
Name: Shermyn
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): Sydney in the western part  
Ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to….rule? (hehe nice maybe my Leo tendencies 🤣🦁
This is what I saw on Quora
1) Become a community organizer · 2) Learn to speak eloquently · 3) Tell people what they want to hear · 4) Sell your soul to the Devil · 5) ...
Where can I…. watch Saltburn? (it's on my watch list haha) Amazon Prime
How old is…. Taylor Swift? (i didn't search this but i guess she's top result) 34
How long does it take… to get to mars? (wow a fun one) Now quoting NASA, "If jt all goes well, you'll get to the Red Planet in about seven ot eight months." ♂️🔴
How many… states in Australia? Six states 🇦🇺
Who set the record for…. the highest jump? Javier Sotomayor good job my dude 👏
When did….michael jackson die? 25 june 2009 (woah I started 1st year of high school then)
What does it feel like to… to be in love? (ummm ive never searched that but damn a pointed search 😭😭😭) Reddit says "when you wake up thinking of that person & go to bed thinking of them"
Can you…go parasailing in sydney? (So me bc i missed out when i was in the Philippines 🥲) You can't anymore booo 👎
Why do… i sweat so much? Google says could he nerves that trigger it.
Is there a way… to save karlach? I really wanna play Baldur's gate 3 what's gonna happen to her?? I love her?? 🥺
How old do you have to be… to work? (boooo i don't wanna work but i want money 😩) In NSW minimum age for full time work is 17
Where do the… kardashians live? (i don't care) Malibu
What is the best time to… to go to fiji? (aaayee holiday??) June to September
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless? shameless last episode date
11 April 2021 I needed it for my gallacrafts 🥹
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Astrological sign: Leo ♌️
Upon which continent do you reside: Stralia 🦘
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🥶💸🤔🤫🤗
whats your favorite flavor of gum? Juicy fruit but the flavour never lasts long
whats the last movie you watched? Anastasia for my nieces first viewing 😆 It mostly became a sing-a-long with my big sis 🎤
what was your worst subject in high school? Maybe science?
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? Working for a weekend event at a convention centre for the active wear brand Lorna Jane. I got lost on the 1st day & didn't get paid for that 15 min 😅
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? Try all the interesting foods 😋
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? BBQ sauce & caramelised onions 🌰
cincinnati chili, thoughts? Never heard of it!
do you sleep with a plushie? No my plushies are on a shelf bc I can get kicked out of my room every 2nd weekend bc my sister & her family takes it over haha. But worth it to have my baby niece over 🥰
how do you feel about thunderstorms? No strong emotions. It's cool when boom
what's the last animal you touched? My dog Roxy 🐕 ❤️
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: Tulip on this korean dry shampoo I'm trying 🌷
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? Oh I was organised at knowing darw but procrastinated the hell out of the assignment until the due date. Then trying to finish the night before 😅 I found an old diary entry calling myself a dumb bitch for doing that to myself & saying to never do it again (she did) 😭
Not tagging anyone bc LATE but if you wanna play consider yourself tagged! 🩷🐇
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saccharinemeat · 6 months
What are your opinions on Hfjone ships?
oh fucking man
okay imma get crucified , but here we go. opinion on popular ones + my own rareship
fucking SUCKS. it can only work if you're self aware about how absolutely awful and hurtful liam is,and i feel from what ive seen that the fandom just reduces them to 'omg doomed yaoi' and like, woobifies them. This ship only and only works as one sided,forced and extremely toxic (in my eyes). Bryce deserves better than Liam, and liam relentlessly hurts Bryce down to the very goddamn end (← i say this as someone who is currently fuckin obsessed with liam and self recognizes in him 😐)
I like this one. I feel like theyre pretty good for each other, although, it's sort of a doomed one,in the sense of how it would work only if they were to be in the plane forever. I do feel like Amelia sort of lost herself in the plane forever. If those two ever got out, he'd have to take some charge on their shared recovery and Liam is NOT gonna deal with that well. Still a cute ship,and I like it.
...why? this feels like pairing the leftover main characters because everyone is focused on the Boys TM. they dont really have any chemistry,like,even theorically i feel like they wouldn't mesh well,unless you wanna make Amelia basically Charlotte's therapist. But yay, women! i can't be mad about this one,really. I don't mind it
Lairy is...complicated, emotionally. I can see it actually being a thing,but it's really in a fucked up way. definitely a 'i hope we both die' kind of pairing. I think about it and it gives me heartache that i cant explain. it hurts because they both are awful in different ways but also they are trying. I will say i do enjoy it but in a way that makes me hurt. lots of angst there. I think this one especially benefits from becoming a ship that happens after moldpack being A thing
Okay this one is not popular,in fact i feel like nobody but me is into it but theres so much potential here. especially the way they would be so horribly,terrifyingly bad to each other. I can imagine Charlotte getting out instead of Bryce,and how different it all would be. her prideful nature and liam's manipulative tendencies are so deliciously wrong. I feel they would bring the worst out of each other. I have a lot to say about them but like. Consider those first 5 months. Liam was as isolated as Charlotte was,he only sorta rejoined the others in the last two months stretch, and I think they might've interacted during that. And just, Charlotte WOULD be interested in solving the mystery,she would jump on that chance because she needs control and Liam would be elated at first and horrified later and AGH it would be so messy and interesting. please ask me more about moldpack. im the charlotte/liam person number 1 fan now.
and now rapid fire other ships,
Oscar/Bryce - can see it,and i feel like it makes sense within Bryce's trauma streak. I can imagine them bonding and it getting a bit too close
Bryce/Stella - I wish this had more exploration,object shipcest is so insanely rare. I like it
Taylor/Amelia - kinda cute,can see it if taylor stayed in the plane. Especially if it starts as a sort of one sided crush that goes too far
Liam/Owen - this is cute,can kinda see it but only in a no-show scenario (as in, ONE never happened and this is a coworker romance thing)
Charlotte/Parker - it upsets me,but i can see them as having hooked up once and Parker catching feelings while Charlotte is super uncomfortable about it and that explains that weird tension.
Bryce/Amelia - eh. sure? it's cute but i dont care for it a lot. also i dont care for sodacentpack a lot,but it's better than sodapack alone i Guess. get ♣️'d lmao
ALSO, the crackship/crossover with showvember
Airy/Popcorn - NO. piss off the joke is boring and lame and IDK i hate it.
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
"What is this?" (for a 5 line fic)
A/N: Set after the hospital bomb in season 3.
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“What is this?” Kelly straightened as much as his injuries would allow and pointed a finger in the direction of the hospital room’s opening door. “You,” he said with a momentarily stunned breath of amusement, “are definitely not supposed to be here.” 
The wheels of the IV pole squeaked as you slowly moved with it into the room, your slippers shuffling across the floor. At Kelly’s words and the finger he still hadn’t dropped, you offered an exhausted smile. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
“I might have to if you collapse.” He pushed the sheets off and heaved himself up a bit more. His chest protested sharply to the movement and he clutched at it with a hiss through his teeth, letting out a short laugh after. “Look at us cripples,” he said. When he glanced up again, you had stopped in the middle of the room, your body slightly hunched over. Kelly sobered. “How’re you even standing?” He made to get up, ignoring the fact it had only been six days since the hospital explosion and his injures were just as severe as yours, but you took another step before he could swing his legs over the side of the bed.
“Perseverance is a powerful tool,” you spoke through a clenched jaw, pressing forward.
Kelly’s brows rose. “Not that powerful,” he said. “You fractured your ribs, Y/N.” And dislocated your shoulder, received a concussion, and got pierced in the stomach by a nasty shard of glass, he thought to himself with an inward sigh. 
You stopped by his bed, situated the IV pole, and sat on the edge with a huff that almost had you toppling off. Kelly put a hand on your back and briefly considered calling for a nurse, but in all reality he’d been just about ready to escape his own room to find yours. Knowing you were somewhere in the hospital but he couldn’t see you had been more gruelling than he’d let on. It hadn’t been enough for Matt to just give him updates on your situation. He’d shoved you away from the suicide bomber before shoving the bomber himself. Guilt had been one of multiple emotions he’d felt after waking, though Matt had done a good job in ridding him of that.
“I just wanted to see you,” you told him between breaths. 
“Alright,” Kelly said, “and I wanted to see you, but—” He glanced at the IV pole and then at the catheter in your wrist. “You didn’t unhook yourself from anything, did you?” At the small shake of your head, he nodded. “Okay. How’re you feeling?”
“Tired. In pain.” You rubbed at your eyes. “Wanna go home.”
“You and me both.” Kelly shifted to make space beside him and pulled the sheets back up. “C’mere and lie down.” You gradually lay back, your face contorting into many expressions as you worked around your battered body. Eventually, you found a comfortable position tucked against his side, your head on his arm and the rest of your body stretched out towards the end of the bed. You squeezed your eyes shut against the exertion and focused on your breathing, a daily thing you’d had to become accustomed to in the past week.
“How are you?” you mumbled after a short while. 
Kelly brushed his fingers across your shoulder. “I’m getting there,” he said. “Looks like we both are. It won’t be too long until we can go home and get back to work now, huh?” A brief smile flit across your lips and he bent to rest his cheek against you. “Man,” he spoke under his breath, “it’s so good to see you again, Y/N. You had us all worried.”
“So did you,” you said. “They almost lost you.”
Kelly opened his mouth to argue against that, but you weren’t wrong. You had been hurt, perhaps more than him, but they’d stabilised you quickly. His own journey had been rocky, or so he’d heard. In some morbid way, he was glad it hadn’t gone in the opposite direction. Waking up to hear of your injuries had been bad enough, but seeing you close to death on the operating table would have messed him up.
He shook the thoughts from his head and subconsciously tightened his hold around you. “We’re still here,” he reminded both you and himself.
You moved your head to lie against his chest, the dull thump of his heart soothing you. “Good,” you whispered.
It was then that the door handle was pushed down, and your eyes shot open. You briefly glanced up at Kelly, then shut your eyes once more. “I’m asleep,” you said hurriedly.
Kelly didn’t have much time to consider your words. When the door opened and a nurse walked in, stopping suddenly when she clocked the extra body in the bed, Kelly shrugged.
“She’s asleep,” he said.
The nurse shook her head but a small smile pulled at her lips. She checked your vitals first before moving to do the same for Kelly. “And why is she asleep in here, and not in her own room?”
“Ah.” He smiled. “She’s got a mind of her own, this one.”
“Looks like she gets it from her family.” Stepping back, the nurse sighed but obviously couldn’t not relent. “Alright,” she said. “Anything happens, call for help immediately.”
Kelly nodded. “Got it. Thanks.”
The nurse looked far from convinced, but she left all the same, likely to make everyone on the ward aware that the girl with the broken ribs and the healing wound in her side had escaped into the fire lieutenant’s room, and she had been too much of a pushover to grab the nearest wheelchair and take her back.
You opened your eyes and peered victoriously up at Kelly, who laughed and shook his head. “Get some real sleep now, conspirator,” he said.
Chicago Fire Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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olberic · 5 months
ranking anime i’ve watched in 2023:
as expected, here’s this year’s top 10 for how much i personally enjoyed the anime i’ve watched this year. ive watched more than this, but god i watched so many bad ones…. even number 10 sucks but everything else was worse. sad!
as always thank u gifmakers for ur service 🫡 the world would be nothing without u all
10. the legendary hero is dead! (2023)
dont watch this show. it sucks and its bad. hey. come here. hold my hand. now lets just watch and enjoy the OP ok? don't worry about the rest.
9. my daughter left the nest and returned as an s-rank adventurer (2023)
i have to admit this show charmed me. its not the best thing ive ever seen but its nice. comfy. yknow? i haven't finished it but it's enjoyable. can't rank it higher until i finish it
8. sabikui bisco (2022)
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if it werent for the positively nonsensical jump in the middle of the show and the way theres just like. a lot of gaps? it’d rank higher. it’s a very cool premise for a show and i like the bisco/milo dynamic, and [SISTER] is fun as hell. it didnt wow me though overall, and while i enjoyed it i was hoping for more.
7. trigun stampede (2023)
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im sorry trigun stans i simply didnt love it. i see the appeal i really do but it just didnt hook me. i really liked the animation and the storyline. im intrigued by whatever the fuck is going on with those plants and yall have said theres a tallgirl in the next season? so i’ll keep watching. i just didnt love it
6. that time i got reincarnated as a slime (2019-2021)
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in contrast to #7, i can see why this show is weak HOWEVER i just enjoyed it. i like it. huge fan of how much gender the protag has. i love how they get new powers. i enjoy that it can be interpreted as an extremely bisexual show. it was well paced and the slime diaries OVA was a great addition. a lot of the characters really stuck with me too and its like. idk. one of my favourite isekais i guess
5. buddy daddies (2023)
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this should rank higher. its so fun. its SO fun. its silly and it doesnt take itself seriously. i laughed in every episode. the dynamic between the guys is great. the dynamics between them and the kid is great. just a really solid show if you can stand the queerbaiting. i dont even care
4. bocchi the rock! (2022)
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the bocchi side of tumblr is right this show rules. i like how real bocchi’s social anxiety feels (literally how it felt when i had it). the characters are entertaining, the show’s well done, they even have solid music (which band-based shows dont always do right!). its really funny and its really earnest and its a joy to watch
3. demon slayer: swordsmith village arc (2023)
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i included the entertainment district arc in last year’s list so this arc makes the cut. im always late getting around to watch the new stuff and i dont want to read the manga but god DAMN does this show hit different. incredible fight scenes. i loved everything they did for the hashira backstories. i love whatever the fuck is up with genya. it even gave me some akaza to sustain me for the next year or whatever. ik this show gets overhyped but its normal hyped. to me.
2. frieren: beyond journey's end (2023)
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oughhh frieren… ive only known this show for a few months but it means to much to me… i dont even wanna talk about it because its so good i just wanna watch it again. go watch frieren if you havent already its anime of the decade. to me
1. gundam: the witch from mercury (2022-2023)
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ive never seen a gundam before but i will be watched them after this! what can be said about it that hasnt already been said on this site. the romance storyline is impeccable, the fights are awesome, the moral questions it posed were excellently covered. by the end of the first episode i was speechless. by the end of the last episode i'd cried like 4 times over the course of the show. this thing made me cry to happy birthday. what the fuck
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strawnarrries · 2 years
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Summary: While joining Niall and the boys on their Where We Are tour, Niall wants you to sneak into his bunk on the tour bus.
Requested: no
POV: 2nd
Warning(s): hand stuff!!
hiya!!! ive been missing the 1d days a looooottttt recently and have had so many story ideas based during those days, so in honor of the boys 12 year anniversary, here's one of the sexier stories i've thought of! i hope you enjoy ;)
ps i'm also not completely sure about what the rules were when it came to gf's on tour but for the sake of the story, we're going to pretend that management was strict about it!
Are you up?
It was 1:48 in the morning when you got the text from Niall before replying back with, Yes why?
You were currently visiting Niall and the boys on their third consecutive tour, Where We Are. It was a couple hours after the show and the boys were out, each sleeping in their own bunk, inches away from you. You were in your bunk, Niall in his right above you.
Management was strict on the boys when it came to girlfriends visiting on tour. You were big distractions to them so they limited the amount of time you were able to visit. You were not allowed to go with them on tour, only allowed to visit a handful amount of times in the 6 months they were on the road, four days at a time max.
You and Niall had been dating for about a year and a half now and things couldn't be any better. Of course you have your ups and downs like every other couple, but you've learned how to work through those problems and exit out the other side happier than ever.
Long distance sucked. It was so hard. But you and Niall texted if not called each other every day you were apart. It didn't matter the timezone difference, you always made time for each other even if it was a couple small texts a day or a quick 5 minute phone call. You always dreaded the day he had to leave for tour. This year wasn't as hard as last year. Last year you were in a newer relationship, just entering the honeymoon stage and not wanting to leave his side ever. This year, while still hard, you have more love and trust in him, you know what to expect and know that you got through last tour, so you can get through this one too. And of course you know you're allowed to visit him a couple of times!
You wanna come to my bunk?
And do what
Kiss maybe
That's risky. What if we get caught? You know how strict they can get :(
He didn't have to say anything more before you were quietly exiting your bunk and sneaking up into Niall's. As you pulled the curtain back slowly, you could point out the mischeivious grin on his face. You climbed in and snuggled up into his warm embrace under the covers, slowly closing the curtain, careful not to make any noise.
Turning on your side to face him, you mimicked his grin as you whispered low enough so only he could hear, "hi."
"Hi, pretty girl," he hummed as his arms wrapped around you, the pet name having butterflies erupt in your stomach, "'m so happy yer here wit' me. I missed ya so much."
"Me too. 'm gonna miss you when I have to leave again."
"I know, but let's not t'ink about dat right now," he pushed a stray piece of hair out from your face as he looked at you in the dark bunk, little to no light being shown, "Wanna kiss me?"
You nodded quickly before you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. A few pecks to his lips before a longer, more passionate one had you both craving more. The kisses started sweet and soft but soon picked up heat. His lips were soft against yours, his tongue moving magically in your mouth. The kisses were hot, but they were slow, both of you careful not to make them smack against each other in fear of being caught.
His hands gently caressed your back, short, bitten fingernails scratching your soft skin as he felt everywhere his hands would allow. Your fingers threaded through his unnaturally blonde locks, painted nails scratching at his scalp and playing with the dyed strands of hair.
"I love ya," he breathed out quietly.
"I love you too."
His lips were back on yours, tongue slightly grazing past your lips, his hands traveling lower and planted on your bum. He squeezed what he could grope in his hands and you wanted to moan, but kept it in. You could feel the twist in your core and your panties start to dampen at his actions.
"Lay on your back," he hummed and as he urged you to turn your body.
"We shouldn't," you whispered as you obeyed and turned your body so you were laying on your back, him still on his side next to you.
"Shhh, just lemme make ya feel good," he whispered back, sitting up on his forearm so he was hovered over you, "I miss ya. We never get any alone time here."
He was right. It was almost impossible to get any alone time with Niall while on tour. He rarely got any even when you weren't with him. The boys shared everything from rooms, to bathrooms, to even beds. Even outside of that, their constant schedule keeps everybody moving. People on every part of their team always busy with something whether it be getting ready for the shows, cleaning up after the shows, or keeping the boys in line, you are never alone.
You didn't reply, only letting your legs spread open more to allow him better access to your most vulnerable spot. After a few more kisses to his sweet lips, his lips trailed down to your jaw and neck. His calloused fingers slipped past the band of your nike shorts and your cotton panties, landing slightly to the left of your throbbing bundle of nerves. His fingers moved side to side and it felt good but he wasn't directly on your clit like you needed him to be. You reached down and grabbed on his fingers, adjusting them slightly. He continued to rub how he knows you like it and once he began to rub at that perfect angle, you had to bite your lip to keep from moaning.
His fingers moved south, feeling just how wet he's made you. Easily slipping his middle finger into you, he lifted his head from your neck and watched you react to him. He moved in and out of you curling his fingers up and feeling around. Your face contorted with pleasure. You fluttered your eyes open to look at him.
"Feels good," you hummed almost inaudibly, but he understood you.
He gave you a few kisses before slipping his index finger into the mix, his two fingers stretching you out and feeling as you clenched around him. Your breath hitched in your throat and began becoming staggered.
Continuing to thrust his fingers in and out of you, everytime he went in, he curled them up, finding the special spot that made you feeling oh so good. He paid special attention to that spot, finding it each time he went in.
You struggled not to moan. You were gripping his hair and the sheets to help relieve that struggle. He made you feel so good. He always made you feel so good. His hands were magical. Anyone can see it with how he plays that guitar on stage.
He was bringing your closer to your orgasm by the second. You both knew it wouldn't be long until he had you a struggling mess under him. The knot in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter, begging to be released.
"Gonna be quiet enough if I let ya cum?" he whispered, his breath tickling your ear.
"Please," you begged, needing the release.
He sped up his movements, careful not to make any noise, even though it was hard because you were soaked. His arm started to burn from overuse but he knew you were close and he wasn't planning on stopping. He began to press kisses and suck at all of your sweet spots again, urging you to release.
And you did.
Your entire body erupted with pleasure, your back arching and your toes curling. Your face was scrunched up with pleasure, lips sealed tightly against each other to prevent any noise from escaping no matter how badly you wanted to scream. Your knuckles turned white from your grip on the sheets beneath you and you were seeing shapes behind your squeezed shut eyelids. You were in complete and utter bliss.
As you came down from your high, your body relaxed into the bed and Niall slowly pulled his two fingers out of you, slipping them into his mouth, sucking them clean. He laid back down next to you as you tried to maintain your heavy breathing.
"Did so well fer me," he whispered, "That feel good?"
"I wanted to scream so bad," you breathed out.
He smiled a sweet smile at you before attaching your lips together. You pulled back and closed your eyes, regaining your breath and your body. His head laid on your shoulder, hand running up and down your arm soothingly.
Once you were ready, you turned onto your side and lifted up his head to look at you. You kissed him again and reached your hand down, cupping him over his boxer briefs.
"Mm-mm," he shook his head no.
"No?" you asked confused.
"Tired, babe. Had a show tonight."
"Are you sure?" you asked, feeling selfish that he helped you out but you didn't help him.
"Mhm, got a off day tomorrow so we're checkin' into a hotel for the next two days and you've got me all to yourself then."
"Okay," you hummed, feeling the tiredness hit you as well.
You laid there in each other's arms for a bit, enjoying the euphoria and safeness it brought to you. His steady breathing in your ear, strong arms wrapped around you, and the warmth radiating off him relaxed you.
"I should go soon," you sighed, not wanting to leave his arms.
"Can we cuddle just a bit more?"
"Only 5 minutes. I can't fall asleep with you."
He didn't say anything. You turned onto your other side so he could spoon you. Getting comfortable, he pulled you into his bare chest, his arm snaking around your waist and you intertwining your fingers on top of his. He gave you a short squeeze as a silent way to say he loved you, enjoying the snuggles he's getting before you have to retreat back to your bunk. You did the same, sighing contently. Your eyelids felt heavy but you knew you had to stay up for a little longer. You decided to rest your eyes, promising yourself that you wouldn't fall asleep.
Rookie mistake, Y/N.
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ifhymona · 5 months
٭* Not Too Late *٭
Chapter 4 | chino moreno x reader
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chapter 3 ~ chapter 5 | ao3
1.6k words
a/n: !! PLEASE READ !! the chapter is going back to y/n and chino’s argument, in case anyone is confused !
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chino’s pov:
she turned around and walked away. that hurt. i stood there for a second thinking to myself. i remembered telling her those things but i also dont. at the time, i was more focused on the fact that she told me to break up with her. my mind kind of blocked out what i said. it hurt even more when a week later she cheated on me. i hated that she was right. that she knew something i didn’t.
when i walked back inside, the guys were all huddled around the door acting like they weren’t listening.
i looked at them and they looked at me. “you heard her!”
“she didn’t mean it though, right?” stephen asked. i stood quiet with my eyes on my feet. “right?” he exclaimed.
“did you guys hear everything?” they all looked at each other and nodded. i sighed. “she meant every word she said.”
chi spoke up. “you should go home chino. we’ll all meet back up in two days and check in, alright?”
i was grateful towards chi. despite my actions, he was still my friend when i needed it.
i nodded and we all packed up at went home.
here i am watching star wars for like the millionth time. star wars always helped me feel better when i was in a funk. no matter how many times ive seen it, it will always be my favorite. i even still use a star wars lunch pail anytime we go to a venue in case i get hungry.
but this time, it wasn’t helping me the slightest bit. all i could think of were y/n’s harsh words.
“you’re the most selfish person i know and i want nothing to do with you.” i repeated her words back to myself. “i mean how could she say that? we used to have so much fun together. she aint’t no saint either. what about that one time we all went to the skate park and she didn’t even talk to me. not once. she was only talking to ethan smith. she knew how much i hated ethan too.”
who am i kidding? what i did to y/n was way worse. i just couldn’t stand the fact that she was right. that she basically predicted the future. when i discovered cassandra with another dude, it felt as if my world was crumbling apart. i had lost my girlfriend and my best friend.
i thought i loved cassandra. she was the first girl to ask me out. every guy has a phase where they’re obsessed with their first girlfriend, that’s just how it goes. but after i found her cheating, i slowly grew a resentment towards her. i didn’t understand why i was even with someone like her. but now, i’m neutral about her. that was just a dumb high school relationship. but with y/n it was different.
when i broke up with her, i found myself waiting for y/n’s call for hours hoping she would put everything aside and things would go back to normal. but it never came. i missed y/n more and more. but i couldn’t believe that she had just left so easily. like we didn’t a past together. i didn’t like her like that. i just needed a friend.
after graduation, i stopped seeing y/n less and less. eventually, i started moving on from her. then i got with the band and life has been great. that was until she came back in the picture to be our assistant. when i seen her name in that paper, i didn’t wanna believe it was her. but it was. now i feel like i’m going crazy over her.
i stood up to go smoke a cigarette since star wars wasn’t helping me. i stood on my balcony still trying to erase my thoughts about y/n. but i couldn’t help feeling like an asshole.
my mind kept going back to the memories we used to make. like when we shared a PE class sophomore year and we would always talk and joke and mess around.
or when i snuck into her art class to see her but got kicked out after we started laughing too hard.
or when i would go to the bathroom and would pass her class walking back to mine. i would wave to her through the window and somehow she noticed me each time.
she always had her hair down and it was long and thick but naturally flowy. she would always tuck her hair behind her right ear. i always liked it when she would do that. i don’t even know why i remember that.
i wanted to apologize. but the more i thought about it, the more i realized how much of a bad idea it might be. i missed y/n and i was stupid enough to lose her. what if she really did want nothing to do with me? what if i went to her house and it ends up backfiring on me? what if i apologize and she doesn’t accept it? what if i lose her for good? i needed to give her some space.
me and the band were practicing a new song that we had just came up with. but the whole time, i wasn’t feeling it and you could hear it in my voice too.
“okay stop stop stop.” chi shouted. “what is up with you today, man? your voice keeps cracking dude and i miss your little whiny voice.” he said sarcastically. i smiled but didn’t respond.
chi walked my way. “is it really that bad?” he said while holding my shoulders. i nodded.
chi sighed and told everyone, “let’s take 5.”
me and chi sat down on the couch and he asked “is this about y/n?”
“yes. i’ve just been thinking about what she told me and i never felt like this much of an ass before.”
“look man, you need to snap out of it. why don’t you just say sorry?”
“because i’m scared that if i say sorry, she’ll think im lying and never wanna talk to me again.”
chi bursted out laughing. “i love you chino but sometimes you’re such an idiot. if you and y/n have a past and you know that what you’re saying is genuine, then i doubt she’s never gonna wanna see you again. you need to man up and say sorry before it’s too late. plus we still need an assistant and the band has been lacking without her help so you need apologize either way. so go and talk to her right now because we need her.”
chi was right. i’m glad i had someone like chi to keep me in check.
after skating for 15 minutes, i had finally arrived at her house.
when i knocked on her front door, her mom had answered.
“is that camillo moreno?? i haven’t seen you in ages! how have you been?”
“hi mrs. l/n. i’ve been good, just got busy with my own life i guess.” i shrugged. “is y/n here?”
“yes but she hasn’t left her room in days so good luck with her.” she sighed.
i didn’t realize how badly i had hurt her. hearing her mom say that made me feel worse. but this wasn’t about me.
i knocked on her door. “leave me alone!” y/n shouted. i walked in anyway.
her room was a mess. there were clothes everywhere but luckily no old food plates.
“jeez this place is a mess.” i teased.
“go away, chino. didn’t i tell you i wanted nothing to do with you?” i knew i was right. this is going terrible already. i should just leave.
but i didn’t want to. i needed to fix this. “you did but since im so selfish, im gonna do what i wanna do.” i joked.
no response. i knew i shouldn’t have said that.
“oh come on, y/n. ive been thinking about what you told me and.. i’m sorry.”
no response. i needed to get her back into my life. i need to tell her how much she means to me.
i sat down at the foot of her bed. “you’re right. it was selfish of me to expect all those things from you. at the time, i thought cassandra was my everything. despite all the bad signs, i only payed attention to the good ones. i guess i was just so caught up with cassandra that i failed to realize i had lost the most important person in my life, you.”
she sat up. her hair was tangled and greasy. her eyes were glossy and red. her nose was stuffed and she had eye bags. but despite all that, she still looked beautiful.
“jesus you look like shit.”
“yeah i wonder why camillo!” she shouted at me.
it went silent. “you have every right to be mad at me. but there’s no reason to leave the band.” i looked into her eyes. “the band hasn’t been the same without you and the guys really miss you. they keep reminding me that i screwed up big time and that i needed to fix it.” she laughed. how much i had missed her laugh.
“y/n, i really am sorry about everything.” we stared at each other. “you know, i will admit that i did miss you a lot. like a lot a lot.”
she smiled. “me too camillo.”
i hugged her. not only because i thought she needed it but also because i needed it too.
“how did you even get in anyway?” she asked.
“i hopped through a window.” i smirked.
she punched my arm. “ow! your mom had let me in, you jerk.” we both fell into laughter.
i love being around her. she’s my best friend. i missed laughing with her like this and i will do everything to make this friendship last.
a/n: please leave a like and a repost if you enjoyed todays chapter !! chapter 5 will be out next week. lots of love <3
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b-kaulitzx · 11 months
BILL KAULITZ || Pulling you on stage ||
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You & your bestfriend, Adam were at a Tokio Hotel concert. It was the late 2000s, people dressing how ever they liked. A few girls with dresses on and jeans. Crop tops, glasses, jeans, jackets. You name it, you were in the 'gothic' part of it. Chunky boots, fishnets, black Jean shorts, crop tops, black small jackets, you name it.
You heard of the band two years ago, by your bestfriend. He wouldn't stop rambling on about them. I personally always liked bill and Georg. They are both extremely hot, now in person you couldn't lay your eyes off them.
You were staring at Georg, trying not to freak out that Adam got tickets for your birthday week. "YOURE WELCOME Y/N" Adam screams, making sure I can hear even though he screamed right by my ear. "YEAH THANKS A". A few minutes pass, jamming out to Schrei. I notice Bill walking closer to the front of the stage, and then winks in my direction. He gets even more closer and puts a hand out, reaching for me. I turn to Adam and act surprised(😦), I turn back around to Bill, grabbing his hand. Security pushing me up, I reaching the stage I turn to the crowd and then back to Bill. "Whats your name, Schatz?" He says into the Mike and points the microphone to my mouth. The crowd goes wild, screaming. "Oh! Um y/n!" . I say, holding in my excitement, "Well y/n, why don't you come back stage after we got done,". He winks at you, "that would be nice" I smile, bill turning back to the crowd and starts signing again, about a few seconds later, turning the microphone to you. You guess you have to finish the lyrics. You do and he nods, this goes on until the show is done.
Adam cheers you on from the crowd, being louder than usual. You smile at him and once the show is over, most of the people are gone, you spot Adam and get down to the stage sitting on the edge while he rests his arms on the railing. The band is getting water and snacks while u wait for them to get done. "Y/N! jesus how was it, if that was me i would have literally cried! " He says, his fvoice raspy from yelling. "Oh my god adam, it was fucking amazing. Surprisingly didnt get stage fright". He claps softly, "look, snice your gonma chill out with the band, I'm gonna go home okay? He's some money to get a cab, plus you guys will probably be drinking so that's even better". He throws a 50 dollar bill at you, missing the stage and falling on the floor. He winks and leaves, "adam? Bro im not getting off this stage!" You yell at him, he turns around and laughs. "Oh my God, damn it" you jump down from, the stage, grabbing it and stuffing it in your back pocket. You turn around trying to get back on the stage, you keep failing. You turn around, facing the few little people in the crowd, trying to jump on stage while a few people look at you is kinda embarrassing. You hear someone's voice "need help?" You turn around and see Georg, a layer of sweat on his face. "Oh! Please, I've been trying for the last like 2 minutes". He reaches his hand out for you, grabbing it and pulling you up. "That wasnt hard, Y/n" He grins, "it is when im not tall enough" he let's out a small laugh, "come on, Bill hasnt shut up about you snice we left the stage". He leads you to a black current and pushing it over you, you go under it and see the rest of the band. "Oh bill, shes here" He tunes out, "ah, y/n!" he turns to me and smiles, "your singing was awesome Y/n!' Bill says, walking up to me and shooing Georg away. "Thanks, bill. You were amazing yourself".
I honestly wanna add more but i just pulled an all nighter and im tired. ive had this thing SIT in my drafts for like 5 days so yeahhh. Also this is so long my bad yall, this was supposed to be like 2 paragraphs💀 Also didnt proof read because im lazy
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ivy-wisp · 1 year
The Defense of Samantha “Sam” Carpenter
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Every series of movies or tv shows has a reboot, where new characters are introduced and they complete ignore what the original was all about. But, some reboot actually made the series better, but others suck ass. But do you know what reboot that hasn’t happened to let me down, Scream. I like Scream (2022) better than Scream 3. And I know y’all are gonna say “Scream 3 is better than Scream 3” or “Why do you like Scream (2022) better than Scream 3?” Why it’s just the bee knees for me guys. I think they did a good job with honoring Wes Craven for all of his work. I believe that if movies are gonna reboot, the crew should at least honor at least the person who started it all, I’m at you Lars Klevberg. To be honest, I kinda forgot that Child’s Play actually had a reboot, thank god Scream (2022) got more likes than that piece of shit. And the only thing I liked about the Child’s Play reboot was the soundtrack. But I don’t wanna waste my time talking about reboots and shit, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the new lead for the Scream movies, Samantha Carpenter, preferably known as Sam. This is Defense for Sam Carpenter.
Samantha Carpenter is the main protagonist of the Radio Silence’s Scream film series, serving as the main protagonist of Scream (2022) and Scream IV.
Having run from a troubled past, the former Woodsboro resident returns to her haunted small California hometown to aid her younger sister Tara against a new Ghostface entity. Later, she and the Core Four (consisting of herself, her younger sister and the Meeks-Martin twins) are confronted with a series of Ghostface entities in New York City.
At age 13, she discovered the secret of her birth origin — she is the biological daughter of original Ghostface serial killer, Billy Loomis who derives from the original Scream (1996). Correspondingly, this also makes her the paternal granddaughter of the first copycat Ghostface killer, Nancy Loomis, who appeared in Scream 2 (1997).
After her legal father's abandonment due to her birth origin revelation, she spiraled into a life of drugs and crime. This dismayed soon-Sheriff Judy Hicks, who Sam would babysit the son of (one of these duties was during the second Woodsboro Murders). At age 18 (likely almost 19) — with Woodsboro no longer serving her any good — she abandoned it in favor of another California town.
In her departure, Sam did not say goodbye to her mother or baby sister (then age 13). Over 5 years later, Sam is confronted with both her troubled teen past and birth origin. Now a 24-year-old bowling alley attending, she joins forces with original legacy franchise survivors, Dewey Riley, Gale Weathers and Sidney Prescott, to stop the new killer. She finds herself to be Ghostface's primary target.
In the end, Sam proves to embody the rules of a real-life horror movie legacy "requel" (reboot and sequel); she is both the descendant of a legacy character, and the new Ghostface entity is her own boyfriend, Richie whom she is able to kill (staying true to the original Sidney-Billy dynamic), as well as his accomplice who lives at 261 Turner Lane, Woodsboro (Macher residence), Amber Freeman.
One year later, Sam still deals with hallucinations of her father. She is in therapy, dates Danny Brackett, and also deals with public scrutiny following conspiracy theories accusing her of being the true killer of the Legacy Killings. She lives in New York City where the rest of the Core Four study at Blackmore University.
Alongside former schoolmate Kirby Reed, the Core Four confront a trio of family killers—NYPD detective Wayne Bailey, and his children, Quinn and Ethan, who seek revenge against Sam for killing Richie, Wayne's son and the siblings' older brother. She successfully kills two of the three killers, and inspires Tara to get the therapy she needs. Meanwhile Sam herself is alluded to have embraced the darker side of her father and grandmother.
Samantha is portrayed by Melissa Barrera.
Racist and Hateful Comments
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Let’s talk about Samantha Carpenter and her actress Melissa Barrera. Sam is the new main star of the Scream movies. However, she is quickly hated by fans and it pissed some fans for the way they treated her. How do I feel about it, I feel extremely disappointed and sad when they put out mean comments. It’s like threatening to make a ship cannon or something. I don’t know my brain is damaged right now y’all.
Anyway, I think it’s disappointing that people hate on the actress. If you hate the character that’s fine but don’t blame the actor or actress, no matter what nationality they are, it’s unacceptable, and I hope you guys realize that. Once again, Melissa Barrera doesn’t deserve hate in any way whatsoever. Just be glad the writers fix her character and Melissa’s and you’ll realize Sam doesn’t need to be the New Sidney. Because no one can outrun Sidney Prescott.
Sam’s Sister and Actress
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Tara is Sam’s younger sister and she is played by Jenna Ortega. She became the first target for the Third Woodsboro Murders and the first victim to survive a Scream movies because she part of the Scream new leads. But how can people not hate her, I’m just saying so don’t sue me! Some people say they hate Tara because of that one scene. And I’m one of those people, because you can’t handle what you’re saying while you’re drunk and I think that’s the point. Tara, I know how you feel but don’t use your anger on your sister but on Billy Loomis, even though he’s dead.
It’s not like I don’t think Tara doesn’t deserve to know the truth but I do blame Sam for leaving her and not saying goodbye to her own sister. But I understand why she left, to protect her from her, because she’s afraid she’ll turn out like Billy. Dammit, now I hate Billy for putting the Carpenters in so much pain and trauma, even his own daughter.
But Tara doesn’t need to be the New Sidney either because she survived in the opening. That’s all I’m saying. Tara and Sam rules in my opinion.
Richie and his family
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Richie was the ex-boyfriend of Sam. He was cool up until his reveal as Ghostface, I mean, I kinda knew it was him when I first saw the trailer. In fact, I suspected everyone except Wes and Tara. Btw, let me know in the comments if you knew Richie was Ghostface
After his reveal, in my opinion, Richie is a piece of shit. I mean this 27 year old motherfucker groomed an 17 year old girl, does his family not notice that before they reveal themselves? I feel bad for both Sam and Amber and most of y’all might know why? Thank god, Sam killed him.
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And after he died, his family wanted revenge on Sam and her sister. That’s Scream for y’all. Also why the fuck is Ethan is as tall one even though he’s the youngest? Maybe? I already have a tall sibling, it’s not just Quinn.
But I do think the twist being the daughter of a serial killer is good and using it for Scream X check it out on Wattpad, a new chapter is coming out soon. This time, Richie is getting the role and he had a daughter after the Second Murders where he raped someone but I’m not saying who cause spoilers, duh. And I’m not saying who’s his daughter, guess you’ll have to figure it out yourself Muahahaha!
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In conclusion I don’t think Sam will be the new Ghostface at all, along with Tara, Chad and Mindy. And here’s why I think that:
When Sam said "My father was a murderer. No matter what you think, I'm better than that." It doesn’t mean she had to follow Billy’s footsteps, Richie!
Or when it turns out Sam still has Billy’s mask but she later drops it, I’m getting the feeling that she’s rejecting her father and his murderous actions and letting him go, like she let Tara go, I don’t know.
But I think I should wrap this up, but let me know what you guys want me to do next:
My thoughts of Amanda the Adventurer
Just about Deku
Whoever has the most comments wins.
Okay byeeee!
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ocarinaofpride · 11 months
pinned post with basic info
My names Lucio/Vincent!!! im a nonbinary asexual butch lesbian and i like rambling about stuff sometimes!!! i dont post usually, im very reblog heavy so sorry about that. Im always open to talk about my interests so if you wanna ask me about them PLEASE DO!!!
heres a list of my interests ..!
IM MULTIFANDOM!! should be obvious but oh well! i dont only talk about one thing, i can randomly bring up a thing i like after like 5 years of not talking about it basically. If you expect posts only about one thing ive got bad news for you…
i do not really tag posts… I will with proper CWs when needed but otherwise i dont do that. i dont mind tagging certain things if you want me to though!!
please do NOT follow me if you fit anything listed here thank you. if i block you then its because you fit my dni/post something im not comfortable with seeing sorry not sorry.
- pr0ship/pr0fic/anti-anti . fuck of…
- engage in or make real person fiction
- nsfw
- ship sefi-kura/gan-link/zel-gan/zack-seph this falls under proship technically but some ppl dont realize that …… but im very heavy on not liking any of these pairings!!!
- actively use the r slur / thinks its not a slur. idc if you can reclaim im not comfortable with the usage of it at all
- have an issue with using tone indicators. I need them lol
Thats pretty much it? ill edit it if i need to . im only making a pinned now bc ive been getting a lot of attention on some posts and i just dont wanna risk attracting any oddballs to me 🫡
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thank you for your time Goodbye
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bearseulgs · 2 years
IVE as girlfriends
gn!reader x ot6
genre: fluff
wc: 891
warnings: food
requested!! tysm
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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Gaeul ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
i see Gaeul as being a very playful gf
y'all love joking around w each other
you don't see each other much during the week due to school and work so you've dedicated saturday night to y'all's night where you watch movies, bake, and play board games
you would expect twister to be cute and stuff but no twister is WAR
she probs likes those group hangout dates where you're with friends but y'all two end up going off to do your own thing
y'all're just so enamored by each other
also on game/movie nights, you sometimes have little showcases where you get to show off your interests in powerpoints UGH an autistic's dream date tbh
but she also knows when to be serious
she's very good at talking things out, and bc of this arguments rarely occur
that and you just match each other very well
the perfect relationship tbh
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Yujin ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
loml fr
you can always lean on her, she loves helping people, esp you
but she also needs support bc becoming leader at such a young age can be stressful, esp after debuting at 15
anyways what's it like having the coolest gf ever??
y'all love going on fun, adventurous dates together, like hiking or amusement parks
yujinnie trying to win you a plushie at those game booths I'M CRYING 🥹🥹
y'all would defo make each other playlists, and she listens to every one you send very carefully, always wanting to hear your music taste
she thinks it helps her get to know you a lil more &lt;3
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Rei ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
other loml
i really like Rei's art, and she seems to like making art, so i feel like y'all would sometimes have those dates where you do that thing where you share a canvas and every 5 minutes you switch so the other person adds onto the painting until y'all are done
sorry if i didn't explain that right 😭
or if you aren't an artist or singer or anything arts related, she'd love watching you do your own little thing and learning about it
like if you play video games, she's always down to game w you, or if you keep a garden she'll tend to it w you
but if you are a musical person she loves hearing you perform, whether it's at a school concert or just you and her
y'all are each other's biggest supporters
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Wonyoung ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
she'd be such a good gf
always very caring and attentive, your needs would never go unnoticed by her
but she expects the same energy in return
Wonyoung values you a lot, but she's also very sure of her worth, so for the relationship to work y'all have to put the same amount of effort in
different types of effort is okay tho
like i see Wonyo as being very physically affectionate and liking to praise her s/o ☺️
but say you sometimes don't want physical touch, but like being in the same room doing separate things?? she loves you for that
y'all go on all sorts of dates around the city, whether it's lunch at the local cult's deli (yes we have that where i live), afternoon tea at the park, or shopping at a local bookstore
y'all always exchange little gifts and do small tasks for each other, it's like your thing
whether it be her bringing home a flower she found that she thought was pretty like you or you doing her laundry bc you know she's been busy
overall a very healthy relationship, y'all are absolutely perfect together
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Liz ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
she's so shy and i find it so endearing
definitely was scared to be affectionate at the beginning bc she didn't wanna seem clingy
but over time she got much more comfy with you and now she's always cuddling up to you aw 💞💞
aquarium dates
i honestly think Jiwoo would love the aquarium
y'all taking pics of each other next to the pretty jellyfish wall 💞
or when both of you are tired and want a stay at home type date, baking/cooking
esp if you've been watching food shows together,,, the kitchen is your professional workshop
she loves you so much, she is the sweetest girl so please take care of her ☹️
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Leeseo ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
she's the absolute opposite of Liz lmao
she seems so confident, she defo asked you out and asked you to be her s/o
Yujin said that Hyunseo has a lot of friends that she's close with so i feel like she'd love introducing you to them
going bowling and then hitting up the arcade after 😩 GIMME NOW
she spends like,,, $5 at the claw machine before you intervene
(whether to show her how you do it or drag her away depends on your claw machine skillz)
going insane on the hammer thing and competing to see who can hit it the hardest
y'all are so competitive fr
but at the end of the day you really do love each other and would do anything for each other
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a/n: bruhhh this should not have taken me as long as it did 💔💔 anyways get me a Liz, also lmk if you want a more detailed version for a member!! i'd be more than happy to do that
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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dreamingomens · 1 year
hi! i’ve never done a matchup thing before, but it sounds so fun and scream is my favourite thing as of now!
in all honesty i’m not sure what my gender is, i lean towards male pronouns more but i’m still very feminine on certain days, it’s half half? i’m aro-ace! the type of aromatic that’s cupioromantic, and a mostly sex-repulsed asexual. now the sex repulsed part is mostly towards myself, i don’t wanna see other people or myself naked, watchjng sex scenes is less bad, still weird to me tho,, im super into horror movies and corey things like death 🫶 i’ve taxidermied a rat, and ive burried a dead elk for its bones! i’m terrible in school except for art classes, and have bad social anxiety.. but that doesn’t stop me from trying to talk to people! when i’m comfortable with someone all my worries leave which is nice! like an introverted extrovert! im into photography as well,, and i love cats! i love making halloween costumes, and trying to make them spooky and bloody! i collect clowns, i currently have 8 of them (one is possibly haunted) uhh i’m super into fnaf and theories, but i also love deep conversations about the meaning of life, i also write poetry!! and i love love love the moon 🫶
my favorite movies are the lost boys, scream, labyrinth, 9, ferngully and the last unicorn! i prefer listening to sad love music over anything else ! i have terrible adhd, (possible autism? i’m on a list to get tested idk if that’s important?)
and onto looks, i’m 5’6, my body type is i think the apple one? my hair is originally dark brown but it’s dyed blue as of now! my hair is up to my shoulders but in a gendernutral way yknow? i’ve got brown eyes, but they have green mixed in as well. i have to wear glasses because my percsriptiom is -5 but each of my eyes is slightly different in sight! i have so many beauty marks, and i have multiple triangles formed by them jn mg body, i dress in dark colours if it’s winter, but if it’s warmer i’ll add some colour, hawaiian shirts mostly shejsjsj i hope this is enough info ;-;
thank you so much <3
hope you enjoy anon!! <3
i match you with...
Billy Loomis
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- hes very interested in the taxidermy, but never did it himself. once he saw you doing it, he'd love to learn some tips and tricks!
- horror movies and gore? yeah he's about that too. y'all would have movie marathons constantly and in depth discussions about scenes that occur
- he'd make it a goal to watch nearly every horror movie with you
- he'd help you pick out glasses if you ever needed a new pair :,))
- making halloween costumes and taking fun pictures during the spooky season or any time of year i think yes!!
- stu would make a comment about the clown collecting and billy would just punch his arm 😭
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pinocchiozee · 1 year
HIII TUMBLR!! SORRY FOR THE LONG TIME I NEVER SPOKE :[ I just got these things finally and i wanted to talk about it!! I hope after this ill be able to become more active, i wanna start using tumblr now! :]
Also i wanna show my GDT collection one day, its mostly just Pinocchio but i got this Fake leather Guillermo Sketchbook i draw in from a few months back and recently got the art book for Shape Of Water!! [My favorite live action people movie ive seen him make so far!]
Anyways have this very long story because the only thing i can talk about is myself😭😭
I have really old art ive never shown past the eyes of Discord😭😭😭
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I CANT WAIT FOR THESE TO COME!! Ill give an extensive review of these and post it on here! Also another very big reason on why i also got them is to repaint them!! :] they need a repaint so badly😭😭
So the lore...
A very long time ago, at the movies official release like 5 months ago.. a few days after that i went looking for cool stuff because i needed to know if there was any news🥺🥺🥺
And i did! The first line of toys they produced was the Mego Corp GDTPinocchio toy line, which i was very excited to get since i had the money, albeit i wasted all of it before on the books and the pop figures that just came out, then along came the limited edition Pinocchio Maquette replica one month after..
(Also i might get the timeline wrong, i have a problem with remembering and the understanding of time)
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[which costed 10 times less than the actual handcarved limited edition WOODEN PUPPET😭😭 Id have to be a millionaire to get THAT ONE! Ill work hard to get that once i start my summer job]
Sooo i decided to save for that instead, pushing away the one thing that i was able to get in favour of the Maquette, each month i kinda got forced to waste alot of my money on things i never wanted to get, so it was a very slow rise, i never got to my goal before they already got sold out, i was 100 dollars away because of the SHIPPING, THE SHIPPING COST 100 DOLLARS TO GET TO SWEDEN, I ACTUALLY ALMOST HAD ENOUTH😭
This gave me a money complex that lasted for about a few months, i used to be a compulsive buyer but i completely shifted because of that, i mean im still very compulsive but now i get so shameful every time i get anything and i avoid the shops like the plague.. because i dont need it!! [Also to get the maquette replica]
Okay thats my story, Ofcourse ill only talk about GDTP and every other single Pinocchio adaption, and Guillermo Del toros every other movie and series, this is why i got tumblr LOL
[and maybe some other things!! I have other interests as well, but not as intense as this one]
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[i like all adaptions lol]
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