#its green crack btw
witchlockmonsterfox · 2 years
just got back from my pcp to discuss medical marijuana! she was OK with it but said she could not approve it because you need an MD and she’s a nurse practitioner. she did however give me a list of my diagnoses and i have *four* conditions on there of the 18 that our state requires for a card (you only need one)
only thing i am worried about though is that shitty nurse practitioner i was seeing before for psych meds put down “polysubstance abuse” on my list but it was because i was smoking weed! i’m on two controlled medications from doctors who have seen this list so i’m guessing it probably won’t be an issue?
anyway so now i’m going online to set up the appointment at the marijuana clinic… hopefully i can get in tomorrow and then in two weeks or so get my card! i already have a strain from the local dispensary picked out and everything
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eyrieofsynapses · 6 months
why Aurora's art is genius
It's break for me, and I've been meaning to sit down and read the Aurora webcomic (https://comicaurora.com/, @comicaurora on Tumblr) for quite a bit. So I did that over the last few days.
And… y'know. I can't actually say "I should've read this earlier," because otherwise I would've been up at 2:30-3am when I had responsibilities in the morning and I couldn't have properly enjoyed it, but. Holy shit guys THIS COMIC.
I intended to just do a generalized "hello this is all the things I love about this story," and I wrote a paragraph or two about art style. …and then another. And another. And I realized I needed to actually reference things so I would stop being too vague. I was reading the comic on my tablet or phone, because I wanted to stay curled up in my chair, but I type at a big monitor and so I saw more details… aaaaaand it turned into its own giant-ass post.
SO. Enjoy a few thousand words of me nerding out about this insanely cool art style and how fucking gorgeous this comic is? (There are screenshots, I promise it isn't just a wall of text.) In my defense, I just spent two semesters in graphic design classes focusing on the Adobe Suite, so… I get to be a nerd about pretty things…???
All positive feedback btw! No downers here. <3
I cannot emphasize enough how much I love the beautiful, simple stylistic method of drawing characters and figures. It is absolutely stunning and effortless and utterly graceful—it is so hard to capture the sheer beauty and fluidity of the human form in such a fashion. Even a simple outline of a character feels dynamic! It's gorgeous!
Though I do have a love-hate relationship with this, because my artistic side looks at that lovely simplicity, goes "I CAN DO THAT!" and then I sit down and go to the paper and realize that no, in fact, I cannot do that yet, because that simplicity is born of a hell of a lot of practice and understanding of bodies and actually is really hard to do. It's a very developed style that only looks simple because the artist knows what they're doing. The human body is hard to pull off, and this comic does so beautifully and makes it look effortless.
Also: line weight line weight line weight. It's especially important in simplified shapes and figures like this, and hoo boy is it used excellently. It's especially apparent the newer the pages get—I love watching that improvement over time—but with simpler figures and lines, you get nice light lines to emphasize both smaller details, like in the draping of clothing and the curls of hair—which, hello, yes—and thicker lines to emphasize bigger and more important details and silhouettes. It's the sort of thing that's essential to most illustrations, but I wanted to make a note of it because it's so vital to this art style.
THE USE OF LAYER BLENDING MODES OH MY GODS. (...uhhh, apologies to the people who don't know what that means, it's a digital art program thing? This article explains it for beginners.)
Bear with me, I just finished my second Photoshop course, I spent months and months working on projects with this shit so I see the genius use of Screen and/or its siblings (of which there are many—if I say "Screen" here, assume I mean the entire umbrella of Screen blending modes and possibly Overlay) and go nuts, but seriously it's so clever and also fucking gorgeous:
Firstly: the use of screened-on sound effect words over an action? A "CRACK" written over a branch and then put on Screen in glowy green so that it's subtle enough that it doesn't disrupt the visual flow, but still sticks out enough to make itself heard? Little "scritches" that are transparent where they're laid on without outlines to emphasize the sound without disrupting the underlying image? FUCK YES. I haven't seen this done literally anywhere else—granted, I haven't read a massive amount of comics, but I've read enough—and it is so clever and I adore it. Examples:
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Secondly: The beautiful lighting effects. The curling leaves, all the magic, the various glowing eyes, the fog, the way it's all so vividly colored but doesn't burn your eyeballs out—a balance that's way harder to achieve than you'd think—and the soft glows around them, eeeee it's so pretty so pretty SO PRETTY. Not sure if some of these are Outer/Inner Glow/Shadow layer effects or if it's entirely hand-drawn, but major kudos either way; I can see the beautiful use of blending modes and I SALUTE YOUR GENIUS.
I keep looking at some of this stuff and go "is that a layer effect or is it done by hand?" Because you can make some similar things with the Satin layer effect in Photoshop (I don't know if other programs have this? I'm gonna have to find out since I won't have access to PS for much longer ;-;) that resembles some of the swirly inner bits on some of the lit effects, but I'm not sure if it is that or not. Or you could mask over textures? There's... many ways to do it.
If done by hand: oh my gods the patience, how. If done with layer effects: really clever work that knows how to stop said effects from looking wonky, because ugh those things get temperamental. If done with a layer of texture that's been masked over: very, very good masking work. No matter the method, pretty shimmers and swirly bits inside the bigger pretty swirls!
Next: The way color contrast is used! I will never be over the glowy green-on-black Primordial Life vibes when Alinua gets dropped into that… unconscious space?? with Life, for example, and the sharp contrast of vines and crack and branches and leaves against pitch black is just visually stunning. The way the roots sink into the ground and the three-dimensional sensation of it is particularly badass here:
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Friggin. How does this imply depth like that. HOW. IT'S SO FREAKING COOL.
A huge point here is also color language and use! Everybody has their own particular shade, generally matching their eyes, magic, and personality, and I adore how this is used to make it clear who's talking or who's doing an action. That was especially apparent to me with Dainix and Falst in the caves—their colors are both fairly warm, but quite distinct, and I love how this clarifies who's doing what in panels with a lot of action from both of them. There is a particular bit that stuck out to me, so I dug up the panels (see this page and the following one https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-20-30/):
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(Gods it looks even prettier now that I put it against a plain background. Also, appreciation to Falst for managing a bridal-carry midair, damn.)
The way that their colors MERGE here! And the immense attention to detail in doing so—Dainix is higher up than Falst is in the first panel, so Dainix's orange fades into Falst's orange at the base. The next panel has gold up top and orange on bottom; we can't really tell in that panel where each of them are, but that's carried over to the next panel—
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—where we now see that Falst's position is raised above Dainix's due to the way he's carrying him. (Points for continuity!) And, of course, we see the little "huffs" flowing from orange to yellow over their heads (where Dainix's head is higher than Falst's) to merge the sound of their breathing, which is absurdly clever because it emphasizes to the viewer how we hear two sets of huffing overlaying each other, not one. Absolutely brilliant.
(A few other notes of appreciation to that panel: beautiful glows around them, the sparks, the jagged silhouette of the spider legs, the lovely colors that have no right to make the area around a spider corpse that pretty, the excellent texturing on the cave walls plus perspective, the way Falst's movements imply Dainix's hefty weight, the natural posing of the characters, their on-point expressions that convey exactly how fuckin terrifying everything is right now, the slight glows to their eyes, and also they're just handsome boys <3)
Next up: Rain!!!! So well done! It's subtle enough that it never ever disrupts the impact of the focal point, but evident enough you can tell! And more importantly: THE MIST OFF THE CHARACTERS. Rain does this irl, it has that little vapor that comes off you and makes that little misty effect that plays with lighting, it's so cool-looking and here it's used to such pretty effect!
One of the panel captions says something about it blurring out all the injuries on the characters but like THAT AIN'T TOO BIG OF A PROBLEM when it gets across the environmental vibes, and also that'd be how it would look in real life too so like… outside viewer's angle is the same as the characters', mostly? my point is: that's the environment!!! that's the vibes, that's the feel! It gets it across and it does so in the most pretty way possible!
And another thing re: rain, the use of it to establish perspective, particularly in panels like this—
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—where we can tell we're looking down at Tynan due to the perspective on the rain and where it's pointing. Excellent. (Also, kudos for looking down and emphasizing how Tynan's losing his advantage—lovely use of visual storytelling.)
Additionally, the misting here:
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We see it most heavily in the leftmost panel, where it's quite foggy as you would expect in a rainstorm, especially in an environment with a lot of heat, but it's also lightly powdered on in the following two panels and tends to follow light sources, which makes complete sense given how light bounces off particles in the air.
A major point of strength in these too is a thorough understanding of lighting, like rim lighting, the various hues and shades, and an intricate understanding of how light bounces off surfaces even when they're in shadow (we'll see a faint glow in spots where characters are half in shadow, but that's how it would work in real life, because of how light bounces around).
Bringing some of these points together: the fluidity of the lines in magic, and the way simple glowing lines are used to emphasize motion and the magic itself, is deeply clever. I'm basically pulling at random from panels and there's definitely even better examples, but here's one (see this page https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-16-33/):
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First panel, listed in numbers because these build on each other:
The tension of the lines in Tess's magic here. This works on a couple levels: first, the way she's holding her fists, as if she's pulling a rope taut.
The way there's one primary line, emphasizing the rope feeling, accompanied by smaller ones.
The additional lines starbursting around her hands, to indicate the energy crackling in her hands and how she's doing a good bit more than just holding it. (That combined with the fists suggests some tension to the magic, too.) Also the variations in brightness, a feature you'll find in actual lightning. :D Additional kudos for how the lightning sparks and breaks off the metal of the sword.
A handful of miscellaneous notes on the second panel:
The reflection of the flames in Erin's typically dark blue eyes (which bears a remarkable resemblance to Dainix, incidentally—almost a thematic sort of parallel given Erin's using the same magic Dainix specializes in?)
The flowing of fabric in the wind and associated variation in the lineart
The way Erin's tattoos interact with the fire he's pulling to his hand
The way the rain overlays some of the fainter areas of fire (attention! to! detail! hell yeah!)
I could go on. I won't because this is a lot of writing already.
Third panel gets paragraphs, not bullets:
Erin's giant-ass "FWOOM" of fire there, and the way the outline of the word is puffy-edged and gradated to feel almost three-dimensional, plus once again using Screen or a variation on it so that the stars show up in the background. All this against that stunning plume of fire, which ripples and sparks so gorgeously, and the ending "om" of the onomatopoeia is emphasized incredibly brightly against that, adding to the punch of it and making the plume feel even brighter.
Also, once again, rain helping establish perspective, especially in how it's very angular in the left side of the panel and then slowly becomes more like a point to the right to indicate it's falling directly down on the viewer. Add in the bright, beautiful glow effects, fainter but no less important black lines beneath them to emphasize the sky and smoke and the like, and the stunningly beautiful lighting and gradated glows surrounding Erin plus the lightning jagging up at him from below, and you get one hell of an impactful panel right there. (And there is definitely more in there I could break down, this is just a lot already.)
And in general: The colors in this? Incredible. The blues and purples and oranges and golds compliment so well, and it's all so rich.
Like, seriously, just throughout the whole comic, the use of gradients, blending modes, color balance and hues, all the things, all the things, it makes for the most beautiful effects and glows and such a rich environment. There's a very distinct style to this comic in its simplified backgrounds (which I recognize are done partly because it's way easier and also backgrounds are so time-consuming dear gods but lemme say this) and vivid, smoothly drawn characters; the simplicity lets them come to the front and gives room for those beautiful, richly saturated focal points, letting the stylized designs of the magic and characters shine. The use of distinct silhouettes is insanely good. Honestly, complex backgrounds might run the risk of making everything too visually busy in this case. It's just, augh, so GORGEOUS.
Another bit, take a look at this page (https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-15-28/):
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It's not quite as evident here as it is in the next page, but this one does some other fun things so I'm grabbing it. Points:
Once again, using different colors to represent different character actions. The "WHAM" of Kendal hitting the ground is caused by Dainix's force, so it's orange (and kudos for doubling the word over to add a shake effect). But we see blue layered underneath, which could be an environmental choice, but might also be because it's Kendal, whose color is blue.
And speaking off, take a look at the right-most panel on top, where Kendal grabs the spear: his motion is, again, illustrated in bright blue, versus the atmospheric screened-on orange lines that point toward him around the whole panel (I'm sure these have a name, I think they might be more of a manga thing though and the only experience I have in manga is reading a bit of Fullmetal Alchemist). Those lines emphasize the weight of the spear being shoved at him, and their color tells us Dainix is responsible for it.
One of my all-time favorite effects in this comic is the way cracks manifest across Dainix's body to represent when he starts to lose control; it is utterly gorgeous and wonderfully thematic. These are more evident in the page before and after this one, but you get a decent idea here. I love the way they glow softly, the way the fire juuuust flickers through at the start and then becomes more evident over time, and the cracks feel so realistic, like his skin is made of pottery. Additional points for how fire begins to creep into his hair.
A small detail that's generally consistent across the comic, but which I want to make note of here because you can see it pretty well: Kendal's eyes glow about the same as the jewel in his sword, mirroring his connection to said sword and calling back to how the jewel became Vash's eye temporarily and thus was once Kendal's eye. You can always see this connection (though there might be some spots where this also changes in a symbolic manner; I went through it quickly on the first time around, so I'll pay more attention when I inevitably reread this), where Kendal's always got that little shine of blue in his eyes the same as the jewel. It's a beautiful visual parallel that encourages the reader to subconsciously link them together, especially since the lines used to illustrate character movements typically mirror their eye color. It's an extension of Kendal.
Did I mention how ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL the colors in this are?
Also, the mythological/legend-type scenes are illustrated in familiar style often used for that type of story, a simple and heavily symbolic two-dimensional cave-painting-like look. They are absolutely beautiful on many levels, employing simple, lovely gradients, slightly rougher and thicker lineart that is nonetheless smoothly beautiful, and working with clear silhouettes (a major strength of this art style, but also a strength in the comic overall). But in particular, I wanted to call attention to a particular thing (see this page https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-12-4/):
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The flowing symbolic lineart surrounding each character. This is actually quite consistent across characters—see also Life's typical lines and how they curl:
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What's particularly interesting here is how these symbols are often similar, but not the same. Vash's lines are always smooth, clean curls, often playing off each other and echoing one another like ripples in a pond. You'd think they'd look too similar to Life's—but they don't. Life's curl like vines, and they remain connected; where one curve might echo another but exist entirely detached from each other in Vash's, Life's lines still remain wound together, because vines are continuous and don't float around. :P
Tahraim's are less continuous, often breaking up with significantly smaller bits and pieces floating around like—of course—sparks, and come to sharper points. These are also constants: we see the vines repeated over and over in Alinua's dreams of Life, and the echoing ripples of Vash are consistent wherever we encounter him. Kendal's dream of the ghost citizens of the city of Vash in the last few chapters is filled with these rippling, echoing patterns, to beautiful effect (https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-20-14/):
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They ripple and spiral, often in long, sinuous curves, with smooth elegance. It reminds me a great deal of images of space and sine waves and the like. This establishes a definite feel to these different characters and their magic. And the thing is, that's not something that had to be done—the colors are good at emphasizing who's who. But it was done, and it adds a whole other dimension to the story. Whenever you're in a deity's domain, you know whose it is no matter the color.
Regarding that shape language, I wanted to make another note, too—Vash is sometimes described as chaotic and doing what he likes, which is interesting to me, because smooth, elegant curves and the color blue aren't generally associated with chaos. So while Vash might behave like that on the surface, I'm guessing he's got a lot more going on underneath; he's probably much more intentional in his actions than you'd think at a glance, and he is certainly quite caring with his city. The other thing is that this suits Kendal perfectly. He's a paragon character; he is kind, virtuous, and self-sacrificing, and often we see him aiming to calm others and keep them safe. Blue is such a good color for him. There is… probably more to this, but I'm not deep enough in yet to say.
And here's the thing: I'm only scratching the surface. There is so much more here I'm not covering (color palettes! outfits! character design! environment! the deities! so much more!) and a lot more I can't cover, because I don't have the experience; this is me as a hobbyist artist who happened to take a couple design classes because I wanted to. The art style to this comic is so clever and creative and beautiful, though, I just had to go off about it. <3
...brownie points for getting all the way down here? Have a cookie.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 3 months
What about the reader is terrified of spiders, so when johnny corners them, they back into a wall where there's webs and spiders. They freak out, preferring to jump into the arms of a killer than have spiders on them.
Id love to know how johnny would react, if he'd be surprised and try to talk them through their fear or would torture them by making them touch the webs. (This would definitely be me because im terrified of spiders 😅😅)
johnny slaughter x gender neutral!reader
a/n — IM SCARED OF THEM TOO. FUCK GODS GREEN EARTH NO ONE WOULD EVER WILLINGLY MAKE THOSE FREAKs. (but bees scare me more and I injected just a tad of that in here too cause they can FLY. ohhhhh if spiders could fly too it'd be over for me😭) btw let me know if Johnny needs to be written differently, I'm still getting used to writing a southern character since I usually write characters with transatlantic accents and dialect and alll!
summary — check the ask! basically the same, I just tried to make Johnny somewhere in the middle between mean and comforting + ambitious ending to the best I could
warnings — implied harm, mentions of blood (it's really tame)
word count — 2k
~~~ story under the cut!
You had to get out of this place. You didn’t know what this was, all you knew was that you were underground, trapped in a maze with psychos trying their hardest to get you. Screams came above as well as below, where you were. It was dark in some areas and barely lit in others, letting you know that there must have been a way up. There was a guy with a freaking chainsaw! But worst of all, there were spiders. Everywhere. They rappelled down from the rusty light fixtures and sheets of metal tinning the roof of each tunnel with a thin glistening string that you had to be mindful of to avoid. The blood on your face was no match for a spider coming into contact with it, or any part of your body for that matter. You couldn’t count how many times you had walked right into one moving itself down a line of silk. In every crevice and crack, in all the hiding spots, and even weaving little webs between each rickety step leading up from the basement.
The place was already confusing enough as is, but when you reached the top step—where the high Texas sun met the line of darkness enshrouding the basement—you knew you were in the clear from those eight-legged freaks. Now, you just had to deal with the ones with two legs, buzzing around like worker bees trying to get their sweet, sweet blood-red honey. 
The start of it was easy—their footsteps strong and heavy and the creaking of the floorboards gave away their positions, so you knew what rooms to avoid in their farmhouse. One guy was too busy setting up traps around the various places you could squeeze yourself through, and the blonde girl a few feet away from him was waiting to “add a little something” as she put it. You didn’t want to stick around to find out what she meant, so you found freedom through an unlocked door at the back of the house. Their front yard was a mess of old cars and fencing found on farms in the area—you had driven by enough when traveling to Newt to recognize them. They were used for cattle, but their purpose here was to keep people in with its complex layout, and you were almost out of the dilapidated mess.
Down along the path was a shack with what you hoped would be more supplies. Something like another thin object to slide into the various padlocks these freaks had installed, or something sharp to defend yourself with. Whatever it was, it just had to be something useful. You did your best not to get spotted, keeping away from the beaten path by ducking into the tall grass for most of your walk down to the shack. The first door you noticed on the exterior was unlocked and opened with ease like they weren’t trying to protect the things inside—or stop anyone from leaving. But everything looked to be personal on the inside, intimately lived in with a mess of wrappers and laundry and dirty dishes crowding up such a small space. He was a worker bee with no time for himself.
And just like that, you could hear his buzzing in the form of footsteps from outside. You moved to hide behind the side of his couch, crouching and hoping that it covered enough of your figure to make it seem like you weren’t there. His boots were heavy on the ground outside and heavier on the wood floor. He had little care for the door, slamming it open with a loud bang. Maybe he would do a quick sweep around the room and leave, but the words uttered under his breath proved you wrong. “They’re always so careless…”
He must have been tracking you, and you wondered for how long. Maybe that’s why it had been so easy to get down to this place—he wanted you to come here. While you were hidden behind his couch, you took the brief opportunity to map the area out. Everything was either too big or too risky to run for if you wanted to fight back, but there was a slit in the wall furthest from you. It looked like a piece of it had fallen off, creating the perfect diffusion in the house’s cracks for your escape. The only thing now was deciding when to run, when to risk it all, and expose yourself for a brief moment before you slipped through the little mousehole.
But that never happened. Your window of opportunity escaped faster than you when you entered this building because the man’s footsteps were steady, straight, and determined. He didn’t miss a single beat and rounded his couch in seconds upon entering the place. You could see his fingers tooling with the knife in his hands, preparing to keep a firm grip on it as he slashed and sliced. He went for his first swing, missing as you stood up and made a dash for the slit in the wall. You still intended on running, even if he had already found you.
“You thought you could hide in my stink? When this is all over, I’ll add that pretty face of yours to the collection.” The voice sounded painfully close to you, and you could feel the swish of air as he swung again with his knife. He didn’t land the hit but in your attempt to dodge it, you moved too far to one side and came into contact with the wall to your left. Your exit was so close, but he closed in on you, making it impossible to reach unless you intended to overpower the man with sheer strength alone. 
With your back pressed flat against the wall, you had no choice but to accept what was going to come to you. That was until you felt a sensation along your neck and arms. It was this light, almost invisible touch but you knew it all too well. Just one strand of it needed to ghost your skin, and the rest of your body would light up with fear—thinking that the silky sensation of a spider’s web was all over you. It was irrational, but also completely sane. Those eight-legged freaks were quick to weave webs and they could be crawling all over you right now! You couldn’t stand the thought of one being on you or near you, let alone multiple. In your panic, you moved away from the wall and towards the man in front of you. Who cares if he had a knife and a murderous intent? Those spiders had eight legs, were probably poisonous, and would bite you the first chance they got, at least this guy would only do one of those when you were in his arms. Your arms were between your body and his, feeling the reassurance of the fabric of his tattered black tank. He seemed to be happy by the outcome of your reaction, but he didn’t know what caused it other than his own ego.
“Good, you’re makin’ this easy for me. I’ll be nice and make it hurt a little less.” He laughed, sounding delighted before it faded into something sinister. He spoke again but with a gruff tone, then confusion followed, “Playtime—huh?”
Johnny noticed that you weren’t looking at him with pleading eyes. The begging he was used to hearing, the same kind he would chuckle and grin at before turning those cries into screams never came. Instead, your head was turned back to look at the decently sized web spun up against the wall. It filled out the entire corner and it was almost impossible to not touch it when he backed you into that part of his shack. 
“The hell is your problem?” He asked, “Do those things bother ya?”
You nodded your head. When you did look back towards him, he was met with a frustrated look with outlines of fear twisting your face and twinging your voice. “Why haven’t you killed that thing?”
“He ain’t hurtin’ nobody!” Johnny defended himself.  “I like to think that me and him have a… a similar connection and he eats the mosquitoes takin’ all the blood form ya that I want to drain, but I’ll get rid of ‘em if it means you’ll get your priorities straight.”
Johnny wasted no time moving around you and getting to work on the spider’s web. This was your chance to run, the hole in the wall just a few feet away as you backed up to give him some room. But you didn’t go anywhere, you stood and watched as he tooled his knife in circles, spindling it until roughly half of his blade was covered in a spool of cobwebs with a few spiders too stunned to move resting on it. 
He turned back around, holding the blade close enough to himself that it was making you uncomfortable just seeing it. You imagined them crawling under his gloves, laying eggs, and hatching a million spider babies in the few seconds they were under there, and then a flurry would crawl out from underneath and create a sleeve of themselves over his arm.
“Could you… get rid of it?” You asked, wincing at the sight of the spiders. They weren’t even moving—but maybe they were preparing to jump like some of them do. 
Johnny was fed up by this point. He started to feel as if he had gone after the worst of the victims by tracking you. “Aw hell, that thing is more scared of you than you are of it!”
“I just… hate them,” you shuddered. Your eyes darted up to his face, taking solace in that as it was a much better sight than the wiry spiders he was handling. You tried to think of something else to, and you ended up saying something smart back to the unreadable stranger. “And your knife won’t be much use if you can’t, uh, stab me.”
You could hear him complaining to himself as he brushed past you, “I should make you lick this for giving me trouble.”
But he never did. He marched right outside, making sure you followed close behind him with a wave of his covered hand. It gave you a second to think while he was distracted. Why was he being so nice? He was part of the same group that had you strung up by the arms hours ago, and now he was clearing his place of the spiders—which, he would have a lot of work to do if you were to stay here. The sheer number of them would make you call an exterminator for the entire state of Texas; this place felt like their central hive. Your thoughts were interrupted when you stepped outside, and you two stood on the flattened dirt path leading back up to the house you had just escaped from. Johnny had stopped, turning back to point the blade at your face.
“See?” He said, bringing the blade closer to you. He got a kick out of seeing you squirm, but you had an underlying trust that he wouldn’t do anything too impulsive like throwing it at you. “Didn’t move an inch.”
He bent down, kneeling to keep himself steady as he pinched the part of his knife where the silvery steel met the molded handle and, with one clean sweep, wiped the spiders and their webs clean off onto the ground. He stood back up and pressed his boot down into the dirt. You watched with your own eyes as the spiders were obliterated into nothing but mangled remains. For extra insurance, he swiped the blade of his knife across his jean-clad thigh to make sure it was clean. Then, he turned back to you with a proud look on his face.
“There we go.” He trailed off, his eyes darkening at the realization that all of your attention was back on him. “Now, where were we…?”
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mistyresolve · 1 year
HIIII!! Todays my birthday but I’m not someone who likes my birthday. My therapist told me to try to do others things on my birthday to forget the bad things and enjoy. So nothing better then asking for an amazing creator to make a story right? Love your content btw!!! I would like to request a ghost x reader where she hid her birthday because she doesn’t specifically like it because of some unknown reason and he does something. Could be a party or whatever. I want the story to be kind of like a surprise tbh. Could be fluff or smut or whatever you wanna write. Thank you either way. Love you!
Word Count - 1.1k Warnings/Tags - None A/N - sorry i'm a little late getting this out!! I've been working a clinical for my school, but I hope you had a relaxing birthday. Please accept this short one-shot as my gift from me to you 🤍
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The clock on the wall read: 21:23, meaning you’ve made it the entire day without a single birthday celebration. No having to awkwardly stand in the doorway while people around you sing that awful grating “Happy Birthday” jingle when you walk into a room. There were no announcements during your morning meeting. There were no surprise parties when you entered the barracks. There was no opening those last-minute gifts that would inevitably end up in the garbage and lying to the gifter about how much you needed it. 
The day was just like every other day before and every day that would be after. You preferred it that way and you couldn’t have been more thankful. You kept the significance of this day close to your chest, kept its existence a secret. You received one card for an aunt the day before along with a request to visit her once you returned home from your tour. 
A bitter relief soothed the muscle of your clenched jaw when you got to your room uninterrupted. The comforting quiet of the empty space was the only gift from the world you welcomed. You tugged off your boots, setting them on the rack in the closet, and your uniform followed close behind in preparation for your nightly shower. You changed into a pair of loose shorts and a military issued green shirt and opened the door once more. 
It was a knee-jerk reaction to attack the crouching form before your door. His own reflexes matched yours and tossed the knee coming for his face to the side, narrowly avoiding a broken nose. It painfully cracked into the door frame. 
You hisses, “Jesus,” and hopped back into your room, rubbing at the already forming bruise. 
“You psycho,” Ghost glowered up at you, a hand instinctively reaching for the blade at his thigh. 
“You’re the one camping outside my door like a serial killer,” you spat, needing to lean against the wall to take the weight off your leg. You waved an aggravated hand at him, freezing when you spotted the small box in his hand, wrapped in plain brown paper. The same paper they supplied at the post office. You narrow your eyes at him, suddenly suspicious, “What are you doing?” 
“Dusting,” he raised to his full height, now looming over you. He wasn’t wearing his normal attire and mask, a clear sign that he was off duty. He wore a regular black ball cap and a mask that covered his mouth. The top half of his face was still visible; his dark brows, thick lashes, and intense eyes were on full display. It felt like an intrusion to see him so bare. If your nerves weren’t shot you would have ogled at him. 
“That’s a lie,” you looked down the hallway, making sure no one would overheat the conversation.
“Obviously,” he pulled his hands behind his back in a poor attempt to hide the box from your view, “I’m just…hanging around.” 
You gave him an incredulous look, “Outside my door?”, you reluctantly realized it would be less painful to just rip off the bandaid, “What’s in the box, Riley?” you sighed, irked. 
You didn’t think he was capable of blushing but the light pink that appeared beneath his skin was all the evidence you needed, “A gift. For you.” 
You opened your mouth to snarl at him, but when the doors to the outside clicked open you tugged him into the dark room, closing the door behind him. 
“Return it,” you quipped at him. His having a gift for you meant he was aware that it was your birthday today. It felt like an invasion; like he was seeing you naked.
“It’s not really something I can return,” he admitted, his cool tenor matching his steady eyes. He had stomped out the bashful air surrounding him so quickly, “I haven’t mentioned anything to anyone else if that’s what you're concerned about. Nor did I spend any money on you.” 
“I’m more concerned about who told you,” you stepped back from him, the tension between you felt like a tether around your throat. 
“It was in your file,” he revealed but quickly added, “I’ve read the file of everyone that I’ve worked with,” when he saw the unsettled look pull down your face.   
You stared at him, your mouth a hard line. A combination of relief and interest tested your resolve to remain angry. 
“Would you just open the damn thing,” he held out the box, no bigger than the palm of his hand. 
Cautiously you took it from him, “If it’s a stupid keychain I’m throwing it out.”
“Shut up.” 
The only sound was you ripping the paper and you shaking the box till the bottom fell out. You didn’t expect your reaction to be one of delighted shock. You stared at it, eyes blurring with hot tears, “How did—”, the words caught between your clenched teeth. There laying on a bed of tissue paper was a small charm. The chain that once accompanied it was still at large, but it was a small piece of metal hammered into a daisy, each petal as delicate as the last was a gift from your late sister you thought you lost on your last mission.   
“Figured you’d want it back,” he shifted on his feet, suddenly finding the view outside your window incredibly fascinating.  
He must have gone back to find it after you realized it was missing. When, or how, or why he would do such a thing was incomprehensible. This small gift was more than just a necklace charm, its sentimental value was priceless. You didn’t think you would ever see it again, hadn’t even considered going back and looking for it yourself. 
“This means a lot,” you tried covering the whimper with a laugh, “More than I could ever express. Thank you.”
“Of course,” he lowered his chin, his somber expression visible even with the mask, “Had a hell of a time finding the damn thing.” 
“Why did you do that?” you tilted your head at him, confused. 
He shrugged, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, “Knew it was the only gift you would accept.”         
You opened your mouth but couldn’t find the right words. There were no words equivalent to the feeling of the weight being lifted from your shoulders. 
He knew that you didn’t particularly like your birthday, and he still managed to celebrate it without you feeling sick to your stomach. He didn’t make it out to be a big deal. Or try and change your mind about the day. Or pry into your past to find out why you didn’t like the day. He simply gave you a gift.       
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onbearfeet · 2 days
WIP Wednesday: Bloodstone, LLC
In this excerpt from an upcoming WBN story, Elsa explains the facts of supernatural life to her new clients, Laurel and Solange. After she's made them sign NDAs, of course. (BTW, Laurel is Elsa's ex-gf and Solange is Laurel's wife.)
On to business, she decided, before she embarrassed herself. She held out the envelope to Laurel. “I’ll need the both of you to sign these before we begin.”
Laurel dropped Solange’s hand to take the package. “What’s this?”
“Non-disclosure agreements,” Elsa said, keeping her tone carefully level. “Just routine, you understand.”
“Routine for who?” Solange asked, arching a perfect eyebrow.
“Me,” Elsa replied. “My team’s safety is my responsibility. They’re good people, and they’ll do their best to help you, but let’s just say the world is not kind to … unusual people … and we prefer to fly under the radar.”
Laurel had slid the sheaf of papers out and was speed-reading them. “This says we’re not allowed to discuss any personal details of the employees of Bloodstone, LLC, other than you.”
“Well, someone has to take the blame on Yelp,” Elsa said. “And my name’s on the paperwork.”
Solange skimmed the page in Laurel’s hand, then gave Elsa a long, measuring look. “Mutants?” she asked.
“Is that a problem?” Elsa replied, a little too sweetly.
“Hell, no,” Solange said, and unclipped the pen from inside the envelope.
“Splendid,” Elsa drawled as they signed. Then, under her breath, she muttered, “Not a word, boys. I’ll explain later.”
“What was that?” Solange asked.
“Nothing,” Elsa said. “All done?”
“All done!” Laurel handed the stack of pages back to her, now adorned with two sets of signatures.
“Excellent. Thank you.” Elsa stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply.
The back doors of the van swung open.
Barnes was the first one out, visibly scanning the house and the nearest treeline, and she could just imagine the furious whispered argument that had led to that, because he was striding across the driveway with his rolling infantryman’s walk before the front passenger door had so much as clicked open. Jack’s boots hit the ground next, and he trotted around the front of the van, his green twill jacket flapping in the breeze as he hurried to catch up to Barnes despite his slightly shorter legs.
Then Ted stepped out of the van, rising to his full red-eyed height against the golden sky as the van’s suspension creaked and settled back into its old configuration, and Laurel and Solange stopped breathing.
Elsa slid the NDAs back into the envelope with a snap, just as a reminder.
“Ladies,” Barnes said as he came to a military-precise stop a step behind Elsa. She didn’t have to look at him to know he had cracked his movie-star smile at them, and she stifled the urge to elbow him.
Jack arrived a heartbeat later with a cheerful, “Good afternoon!”, and whatever he was doing with his face made Laurel blush.
Elsa silently gave up all hope of retaining professional dignity. “Laurel Westfield, Solange Vinton, may I introduce my team. Jim here,” she bobbed her head toward Barnes as she used his chosen pseudonym (which was only a pseudonym for people who knew he disliked that version of his actual name, Jesus Christ, Barnes), “is our logistics and operations master. Jack,” she indicated the werewolf currently giving them a cheerful wave, “is our ritual expert,” she took a deep breath, “and Ted handles everything else.”
Ted gave an amiable rumble.
“Ted,” Solange repeated.
“Ted,” Elsa agreed, and lifted her packet of NDAs a little higher against her chest, holding them like she would a powerful grimoire.
Ted burbled.
“He says it’s lovely to meet you,” Jack translated.
“What do you do?” Solange asked, turning her face toward Elsa but flicking her eyes back toward Ted.
“Health and safety,” Elsa said blandly. “And marketing.”
She heard the little choking noise Jack made, but no one else seemed to react.
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ladyviserra · 2 years
we’ll we get a part 3 of The Sweetest Betrayal?
I loved the fic so much btw💗
The Sweetest Betrayal | Aemond Targaryen
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Female!Targaryen!Reader
Summary: Aemond makes his decision on what he wants to do, what he really wants...more than anything.
Warnings: incest, curse words, arguments, mentions of deaths, war, THE ENDING!
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: I guess you figured out this is the last part of this series. It has been so fun to write it and I am glad you enjoyed it. I have been away from writing since it's going to be a busy year for me, but I managed to finish this. Also, some people die and don’t blame me for that since the spinning wheel made that decision instead of me. Anyway, thank you for the love you gave to this fic and for your patience I really appreciate it and now onto the ending.
Alicent had screamed the doors down before anyone came to her rescue, finding her broken on the floor, leaning next to the wooden thing she just banged on. Her tears stained, leaving her ugly as her eldest said.
Aegon sent for Aemond and finally got the first word out of her " NO! " The dowager queen nearly stood up, still feeling the cracks the shock left her.
" Lord damn you woman, spit it out! " The king was frustrated. His forehead wrinkled at the state his mother was found in.
" Aemond... " She began, giving up until she noticed how her son was getting angrier. " He fled. " A real confusion was put on him. " Fleed? What does that mean? "
" He betrayed us. " If his hair wasn't white it would start to be. " How what did he do? "
" He was with Daemon's daughter. With Y/n. " The king growled in anger, kicking the nearby chair, throwing the vase, and screaming his lungs out.
" He left us for her! " With Aemond's leave, the greens were in ruins, not only did they lose a strong character, but also the biggest dragon Vhagar went with him, which left them in great loss.
" Oh, what will come of us? " Alicent couldn't believe her mind, that all she was living through was real.
" Fuck him, let's get this war over with. " Aegon left his screaming mother who might have brought some sense into him if he didn't rush away.
The air around his face felt cold, but it wouldn't stop him from going back to his home, his love. Vhagar too had some understanding of it since she was flying quicker than she would usually. Perhaps she could sense her rider's big wish for getting to Dragonstone as quick as possible.
Before he could even spot the island, he saw a dot in the sky which flew around, thinking it was one of the Blacks he decided to follow it. His sapphire eye glowed when he realized it was Y/n, his beloved. He hurriedly pulled Vhagar to go higher in the sky, which she did with swift moves.
The other dragon, calmly flowed in the sky, until realizing there was another dragon close by. Alerting Y/n who let her dragon lightly lower itself preparing for the possible danger the dragon and its rider could cause to them. However, it did take long for Y/n to realize it was Vhagar. The knowledge of the before unknown dragon worried her, Aemond was with her just this morning, so why would he return again during the day when he could be seen?
Not long after the dragons met on the ground, both lovers jump off them and ran to each other’s arms. Aemond sweetly pushed her head into his neck, hugging her tightly. 
“ Aemond, what are you doing here? “ Her eye twitched from the nerves she was feeling, hoping the rest of the Greens weren’t with him. “ I came to get you. I came to tell Rhaenyra that I will serve for her claim. “ She smiled proudly. “ You will? “ 
“ Yes, but most importantly, I shall ask your father for your hand. “ A surprise blossomed on the Princess’s face, lighting it up with colours of excitement. “ Oh, Aemond. “ Y/n rose a bit to kiss his lips, not being able to hold her happiness away for the words she was hearing. 
She continued to kiss him until he stopped her with a tiny bit to her lip. “ Now, now, let’s not get greedy, plenty of time for such entertainment. Let me get a yes from your father first. “ Y/n still smiling, took his hand and started strolling to the castle.
By the entrance stood three guards, all displaying their houses on their armour. The blades were put in front of the two Targaryens “ You traitor, must not pass. “ One of them spoke strongly gripping his sword’s handle.
“ Aemond is about to become one of us. “ Y/n said. “ And he is my guest, so you must let him in with me. “ She bothered to say the last words a bit louder than the rest of the sentence.
They had no other option, but to do as it was said. The two headed towards the room in which Y/n was sure all her family waited. And she was right. Just as the door, Daemon Targaryen spotted the sapphire flashing of his enemy, taking out Dark Sister. “ Don’t you dare make a single step. “ With his posture every looked in the direction of the door, spotting Y/n with their enemy. The other guards that were in the room, took out their own swords. The Velaryon couple Rhaneys and Corlys spotted the girl, gasping in shock, as their grandsons angrily watched the man behind their half-sister.
“ Father, let me- “ 
“ Explain? What is there to explain? The traitor came to the Dragonstone, ready to drop out another eye from his skull. “ 
“ No, he is here to- “ 
“ It’s fine. “ Aemond laid a hand on Y/n which tensed up her father even more. “ I shall speak for myself. “ His gentle smile turned serious when he met the eyes of the Rogue Prince. 
“ I have come in peace to the Dragonstone with two purposes. The first one being of devoting my loyalty to the true heir of the Iron Throne, Rhaenyra Targaryen. “ He cornered his eye to the Queen, who didn’t take her eye off him the moment he came to her sight.
“ How so? “ She questioned. “ I have realized how my brother Aegon and my mother aren’t my family. Daeron, Helaena, Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor are dear to me, but I don’t think they would be able to accept my decision of changing sides as quickly enough to be here. “ As he breathed a small amount more, Y/n could understand how hard it pained him to leave them and that if he could, he would take him with them somewhere where they could be happy.
“ And why do you want to be loyal all of a sudden? “ He dragged his hand down to Y/n’s waist before stepping forward, feeling as she flinched to make him go behind, fearing what could be done to him, Aemond only smiled at that reassuring her he will be alright. “ That brights me to my second purpose. “ The prince said as he took out his sword, alarming Daemon who was ready for attack, but before it came to that the strong sound of metal hitting the floor played in everyone’s ears.
Aemond started dropping his dagger and knight to the ground, leashing himself and the weapons that could harm someone and kneeling in front of Daemon. “ I came here to ask for Princess Y/n’s hand in marriage as her love made me see with my eye the family I want to be a part of. “ 
As the words were said out loud, everyone fell in shock, looking at either Aemond or Y/n, figuring out their relationship. Daemon looked at the man before him and then at his daughter, confusion catching him.
He left the man to kneel and walked over to Y/n, handing her his own hand and pulling her to the side. “ You were sneaking around with him, I see. “ His voice made Y/n frown. “ I know father, I wouldn’t have if you did approve of him. “ 
“ I promise you, he is telling the truth father, I know he is and this isn’t a trick. “ Daemon watched as she spoke observing as her eyes worriedly switched to Aemond who still kneeled in the same spot. “ How can you be sure? “ 
“ No sane man would go alone in the pit of dragons and drop his weapon in front of them. “ 
“ Y/n, no Targaryen men are sane. “ 
“ No, but they know what they want and they don’t let anything stop them from having what they desire the most, not even humiliation of kneeling before their enemy. “ Daemon took a good look at his daughter, thinking of how quickly she had grown up in front of his eyes with him bearly realizing it. “ Alright then. “ 
“ Prince Aemond of House Targaryen. “ He turned quickly at the sound of his name. “ I give you my blessing. “ At the sound of these words, the seriousness of their faces vanished, replacing it with the brightest smiles there could ever be. And once again Y/n found herself in hands of her lover, happier then ever before.
Seeing how genuinely happy they both looked, Daemon knew he made the right choice, with calm steps he made his way to Rhaenyra who wasn’t as sure about Aemond.
“ Our Y/n, is your source of loyalty? “ Aemond still holding her responded “ She is, and there is no better time to show it than now. “ He said before speaking “ I have escaped my brother’s punishment but just for a small bit, by now he must be close to the Dragonstone. “ With the information of the Greens being close by, the Targaryens hurriedly rush outside. 
Daemon approached the couple “ Y/n, you know what you must do. Aemond, you stick by me. “They both nodded to him. All of them called their dragons and jumping off their backs. Vhagar and Y/n’s dragon patiently stood waiting for their riders. 
Before they could separate Y/n grabbed Aemond’s arm. “ Let’s get out of this alive. “ Aemond only smiled at that reassuring her he will be alright. “ We shall, and live many years to come. “ Kissing her forehead dearly, they both hopped on their dragons, flying in opposite directions, not knowing will their paths cross again.
Following the plan her family made prior to the war that was to take place, Y/n was dropping by the Driftmark where dragonless Alyn of Hull was waiting for her with the supply of water and food. Flying very high, hiding with the help of the clouds they moved to the sky, hoping to arrive at King’s Landing as soon as possible, but not soon enough to meet the King.
With a full day passing by, their fears for their loved ones grow, hoping they would see them alive again. Soon they arrive at King’s Landing, with the hidden soldiers of House Arryn already close by they circled around the Red Keep making sure it was safe for them to enter. Landing on their feet, with the honourable army of men, they approached the gate and soon enough, seizing the castle. 
“ I Y/n Targaryen, have come to take the Iron Throne in favour of my cousin, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. “ With the taken power and stable control, Y/n imprisoned the Dowager Queen and put Queen Helaena and her children in the care of the guards making sure they would not escape.
As they waited for the rest of their family, the iron chair sat cold and Y/n waited on a balcony which pointed in the direction of Dragonstone hoping to see her family soon. In such state, she waited 2 and a half days, not seeing no marks on the sky to look like a dragon, that was until the two red dots were getting closer to the King’s Landing. Recognizing them as Caraxes and Meleys, she ran thought the halls, hoping to get out of the castle quickly.
By the time she made her way out of the castle, she had seen her brothers’ dragons flapping their winds onto the grass. She found herself in her father’s embrace, before looking up at the sky and seeing Vhagar dropping down. 
She happily cried out for Aemond and dived into his arms, feeling safer than ever before. “ It’s alright love we are all here. “ He comforted her, as the warmth of her tears reached his skin.
As said Prince Aemond married his one and true love Y/n. Their wedding was the first to happen and was followed by the wedding of Baela and Jacaerys and a year later by Alyn and Rhaena’s. Alyn’s brother sadly didn’t survive, dying just before his killer Aegon II. The rest of the Greens were spared, except from Otto Hightower who vanished without a trace.
Queen Rhaenyra let Aemond and Y/n live in King’s Landing with Helaena, and her twins, Maelor and Daeron who all bend their knee to the new Queen.
And as for the family Aemond desire to have with Y/n...
“ Dear Lord, don’t jump that much you will get too tired to play anymore. “ Y/n warned her oldest son, a boy of only three. The little one soon became bored of jumping and sat down next to his older sister by three years and pulled at her red dress as she pulled back.
“ No, no. We don’t pull girls’ skirts. “ His mother separated the siblings, giving her youngest daughter to her elder 10-year-old sister and keeping her son in her arms. “ Not unless he is interested to see what’s underneath. “ Y/n’s husband chuckled, holding their youngest son who is just waiting to celebrate his first name day.
“ Don’t teach him how to do bad things. “ She scolded the man, trying to not crack at his smirk. “  Those are not bad things. Just want to teach him, how I found a beauty like you. “ With his one free arm, he gently grabbed her neck and brought their faces closer. They kisses sweetly until, breaking apart when they heard their son’s muffled words. “ I want a kiss, mama. “ The little boy said frowning. His parents laughed. “ Well then everyone is getting a kiss. “ Calling after their daughter, Aemond and Y/n gave their children kisses until it tickled them, enjoying in the beauty their union created.
tags: @ultarviolence | @glors3 | @ateliefloresdaprimavera | @cleverzonkwombatsludge | @badwicht | @mooniesthings | @flyingmushroomss | @missusnora | @holy-minseok
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
Hi! May I ask for a Stardust Crusaders Jotaro x Reader?
Where reader gets cut pretty deep and is in immense pain, what would Jotaro do?
I love your stuff btw!!
hello! And thank you for enjoying my fics! Truly appreciate it😊💌 I hope you don't mind the amount of ✨angst✨ this lil work has dear anon, and I do hope you, and the fellow readers enjoy it~
Hurts Like Hell - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 1.8k+
“Hey it’s him. That infamous delinquent”
“Hey dude, shut up! He’s gonna hear you!”
“Shit,” Jotaro cursed through his bleeding wounds. His knees wobbled by the slightest with every sprint and every corner he turned, feeling the high of adrenaline decrease with each run, but he couldn’t give in. Not now. “Shit shit shit!”
“Why do women care for an edgy bastard like him anyways? It’s not like he cares for them anyways.”
His breaths turned more ragged with excruciating effort as he neared his destination. With each hurried step, his heart raced- more out of fear than from the pain and injuries his body was still coping with. Almost there.
One more turn around the corner. And he stilled, heavily panting as his anxiety spiked at the sight before him.
Buildings that used to stand firm for god knows how long, now crumbled into large chunks of debris with few of their base foundations serving as reminders of what were used to be. The streets and pavements cracked and caved in from the colliding power of two Stands. But that was the least of his concerns.
Because in the same area was where he last saw-
“Y/N!” Jotaro yelled the loudest he could, his voice echoing throughout the emptied street. He trudged through the ground, bypassing each huge pile of debris with Star Platinum aiding him in clearing them. “Answer me!”
“Hello… Just so we’re clear, I’m not here to harass you with flowery letters or sweets. I’m just here to eat in peace, okay?”
“Why do you care?”
“Damnit Y/N,” Jotaro persisted despite his severe aching, teeth gritted as he shoved past the countless debris off his path. He grew desperate. “Damnit- Where are you?!”
Eventually, his search came to a halt. And his chest might as well have stabbed him from the way his heart froze in terror. Underneath the fallen concrete of the neighboring building, a large red pool of blood crept its way out of the pile.
No. It couldn’t be. Picking up the pace, his remaining adrenaline offered him that boost to rush over to the aforementioned site. The second he stopped before the damned debris, Star unleashed an array of punches to obliterate them.
And there you were.
Jotaro let out one quivered breath. “F-Fuck.”
“Why the fuck did you follow me woman?!”
“You think I wouldn’t start getting worried whether or not you were still okay?!”
You lay motionless on the broken pavement, a gaping cut slashed from your left shoulder down to your right hip. Beside your body was the knife his mortal enemy once held in frozen time. The same weapon that was supposed to be for Joseph if you hadn’t interfered.
It felt like it all happened in a second- your weakened self, barging into the scene to distract the enemy with your Stand, time stopping for only him and Jotaro to witness, his grin widening as he walked to you to deal the severe laceration across your body. In front of him. To make him reel with agony.
He could never forget the way he trembled with anger and horror, his breath shaking at the sight of your body sliced open at the mercy of the cruel vampire.
Jotaro dropped to his knees, immediately seeking your presence, checking for signs of life to spare him his sanity. Crimson tainted his faded green top. “Hey…” He noted your fast shallow breaths and the faint pulse on your neck. “Come on.” He carefully picked you up into his arms, gazing at your face with a silent plea for your eyes to open.  “Wake up. It’s me.”
You didn’t respond.
He quivered, panic beginning to set in. “Y/N, open your eyes goddamni-“ A cough. A violent one that caused you to stir and regain consciousness with blood leaking from the corner of your mouth. Your eyes couldn’t open as wide as it normally were, but knowing you were still alive was enough for him.
You had the audacity to put up a weakened smile as you croaked out a quiet “Jotaro…”
Hearing you call for him in this state tore something inside. “Damnit.” The delinquent gritted his teeth as he positioned his arms underneath your knees and back to lift you off the ground. Though as he got up, he let out a pained grunt, his knees giving up and sharp pain stabbing him from where his shoulder broke.
“You’re… hurt,” you whispered. “Don’t… do this.”
Jotaro ignored your words as he forced himself back on two feet with your frail body secured in his arms. Star could’ve made this easier for him, but he just had to hold you close to him. Just to make sure you were here in his grip.
“The old man’s got to be nearby.” He bolted to the opposite direction, harsh breaths escaping him as he allowed whatever energy he had left to keep going. “He’ll patch you up.”
“Jojo...” Your hushed voice sent hundreds of tremors into his racing heart. Focus! Don’t panic. “I-I’m cold.”
“Fuck.” He held you closer to him, pressing your broken body close to his and shit, your skin was cool to the touch. “Hang in there. I’m sure they’re nearby.”
“You really can’t shut up, can you?”
“Hmm… I really can’t. Why don’t you shut me up more often then?”
“You brat.”
A giggle. “You ass.” And a kiss.
With his injuries worsening and his vision wavering, Jotaro’s movements grew sluggish no matter how hard he pushed himself to move. He grunted with pain as he lost his footing, tripping over a slab of debris he failed to notice.
Though as he collided with the ground, he shielded you from the impact with Star coming out a split second to embrace you from the front. Jotaro was so close. He could feel the faint sensations of the Joestar mark approaching from a distance.
He tried to get up again, albeit slower and with added agony to his efforts. But he wasn’t immortal like DIO. Just a human who couldn’t continue leaving wounds untreated. With the attempt, he cursed as he fell onto his knees and groaned.
“Please… that’s enough.” Through strained vision, he gazed down to look at you with tears spilling from your hooded eyes. “I’m… I’m not worth… the suffering…”
“Shut up,” Jotaro said, sharp with an underlying tone of panic laced with it. “Stop talking and hang on.”
You whimpered as the delinquent made his way to a nearby wall to lean against with you pressed tight against him. “Just… don’t say anything until gramps gets here. He’s coming.”
“I… I can’t-“ You heaved and coughed frighteningly large droplets of blood onto the pavement. Jotaro didn’t know how much he could hold himself from breaking down at the sight of your immense pain. His eyes stung with unshed tears.
“It…” You sobbed, a weak hand clutching the fabric of his clothes. “I-It hurts… so fucking much Jojo.”
His breath trembled with fear, holding your head close to his broken shoulder as he held you tighter in his arms. “I know. I know it does.” Jotaro steadied you as he placed a firm kiss on the crown of your head. “But he’s coming here. And everything’s going to be okay.”
You buried your face into his shirt as tears continued to stream down your face, your shaking hands gripping his clothes.
Fuck. FUCK. “Old man!” Jotaro yelled out to the open. Angry. Frustrated. Desperate. “I know you’re near! Hurry goddamnit!” With every strangled sob ripped out of you, he could feel his chest caving in more and more with dread. “Gramps?! Pol?! Fucking anyone?!”
His screams stopped as he looked down to you with frenzied eyes. And he wished he didn’t. You became pale, your skin colder, the blood still leaking out of your gaping cut. But even after your cries and the severity of your condition, you still had it in you to smile at him as if that would ease his turmoil.
“I’m tired…”
“No… no, no, no- You stay awake for me.” He said, lightly shaking your shoulders to stress out how much that gesture would mean for him right now. “Stay with me until others come. Okay? You hear me?”
You let out another bloody cough, the light in your eyes dimming with every second. The hold you had on his shirt loosened by a bit and your head lolled against his chest. “I… want to sleep Jojo…”
“You’re not going to sleep damnit!” He gritted out, his hands tightening from where they were holding you up. “You can do that when we get back where our wounds will be treated. So just… f-fucking just…” His voice trembled, unable to keep himself from feeling the pain of everything.
A cool palm cupped his cheek, slowly lifting his head up towards your beautiful, bloodied face. “It’s okay…” You whispered to him, your thumb grazing the tear streak running down his cheek.
Jotaro let out one shaky breath, pressing his face against the chill of your hand. He felt pathetic. Pathetic because he did everything that was almost impossible, but now… he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t heal. He couldn’t teleport. And now…
“We lost Avdol… Iggy… Kakyoin…” He muttered through his tears, wrapping his arms around you. Fuck the blood. Fuck his broken bones. “I can’t… I can’t lose you too. Not you.”
At his words, your eyes swelled with fresh tears and with a broken whimper, you uttered, “I…I want to stay here… with you.”
“Remind me that when we defeat DIO, we should frequent the beaches in Tokyo after school.” A beaming smile. “The ocean’s quite lovely, don’t you think? I want to visit it sometime, and you can come with me~”
He could feel your breathing turned faint, but he ignored it and continued to hold you close to him. He grasped the back of your head and directed it towards his shoulder. “Then stay. Because you’ll be okay. It’ll be okay.” A couple more tears ran down his cheeks as he pressed his face against the side of your head. “They’re coming and... we’ll visit the ocean. Like you always wanted.”
“I… already did…” You croaked, thumbing his shining aquamarine eyes. “Every… day.”
All the strength from your limbs left as your hand dropped from his cheek. The one gripping his shirt dropping with the other. Your eyes grew heavier and the pain grow duller and duller. “Jo… Jotaro-ssi… I…”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” He began to rock you back and forth in gentle motions, his gaze now distant and his deep voice cracking with every strangled sob as everything turned hopeless. “Stay with me. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.”
Jotaro couldn’t tell how much time has passed, but he never ceased in his swaying motions and never-ending whispers. Even when he couldn’t hear you speak. Or when you stopped moving entirely. Even when Joseph and the Speedwagon Foundation arrived to witness the scene before them.
A broken mantra of “You’ll be okay… you’ll be okay… you’ll be okay….” was all he could say.
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ottoslab · 1 year
(Shakes you) otto you've GOTTA tell me more about the freelance mystery solvers I GOTTA KNOW ABOUT EM WHAT ARE THEY DOIN !!! I love your designs sm btw your SO REAL FOR THIS AHH
HEEHEE ohhh ok cracks my knuckles. Im gonna be writing this right before passing Out for the night so apologies in advance if this isn’t very comprehensible but i will GLADLY explain the funny freelance mystery solvers o7
EDIT HI This got so long im putting it under a readmore KGJFNGKJSGK.
Also! I didn’t draw anything to go with this ask because i told myself id give my hand a break, but I do actually have some recent doodles of Vern and Kitty i was doing in between the lineup so I’ll put them here for a little display ^_^ theyre not in context of anything im about to mention, just some dynamic exploration stuff that are their own whole other rambles
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Ok! Readmore time! Paragraphs of nonsense! For your viewing pleasure!
So!! Vernon and Kitty are both employed by True Psychic Tales independently of each other when theyre older. Vernon is an illustrator/interviewer for the graphic novel division and Kitty works in special effects makeup for the more-recent live action film division! They don’t end up crossing paths for a while until being assigned to work together to research stuff for an up-and-coming TPT film project or smth. They become work buddies after reconnecting (though they choose to mostly ignore the fact that they knew each other as kids due to How They Were back then. They’re both very embarrassed about it for numerous reasons)
It becomes commonplace for them to help each other out with projects, and eventually through their research (fact-checking and digging through old psychonauts mission archives) they start to come across old psychonauts files of unfinished or ‘suspicious’ looking missions, ones that normally didnt get the green light to be told in graphic novel form due to the fact that they were inconclusive and, as a result, don’t make for good stories.
Kitty and Vernon end up sort of… picking up on these old missions in their spare time. It’s not psychonauts work but its also not not psychonauts work, you know? They team up to try and work out what lead to dead ends in missions and cross-referencing possibly related stories with other stories, and go out into the field to try and get answers. I picture it a lot in my brain as an episodic mystery series vis a vis scooby doo. They pick their archived mission log of the week to check out, go out, get some answers, and get a conclusion to bring back to TPT and a new graphic novel is made of the story they were able to uncover! With some more overarching plots where they get a little in over their heads here and there.
Franke’s got a bit less of a fleshed out role in all of this atm, mostly because i havent thought of him as much as the other two? My current vague-idea i have is that she and kitty had a falling out during their teen years, and Franke calls Kitty and Vernon falsely claiming to have a lead on a mystery theyve been working on, in order to try and reconnect with Kitty after she stopped talking to him. He has to come clean when whatever she leads them to actually ends up being a real psychic issue, and she has to explain that she doesn’t know what’s going on because she hadn’t actually called in about anything legit.
Franke does end up being a good help despite technically being the reason they got into deep shit in the first place, and Vernon’s probably the one who asks her to stick around (Kitty isn’t against it, but definitely isn’t really all too welcoming about it either.) They definitely have a whole thing where they all get closer and Kitty and Franke get to mend fences (a character arc along the lines of franke realizing he was kind of a hardass who wanted to make up without actually accepting any faults, and some other super impressive character arcs along the way im sure.) And all three of them continue to go on mystery deep-dives and uncover unfinished psychonauts missions!! Wahoo yahoo!!
Mystery incorporated asses! They’re fun, i enjoy them a lot! Hopefully this is some good tidbits of detail for u thank u for asking about them :]
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
howdy, can i request yandere exorciste x ghoul(the mythologic one not the anime xd) reader? btw i luv your blog, keep it up 👍
Yandere male x gn Ghoul Reader
Word count:1.5k
Warning: animal death
“This the place?”
The air is heavy with the smell of smoke; embedded in the seats of a yellow car stopped on a desolate road. The engine remains stationary, ready to peel out of there as soon as possible. A single bill of currency slides between the gas separating the front and back compartments.
“Yes, thank you. Keep the change.”
The passenger exits the vehicle as soon as a hand tugs on the other side of the paper. It speeds off before the door handle can click shut; leaving the man in a cloud of smog on an already foggy night. Brief case in hand, he faces the building behind him. A two story house; lone on its block – cut from the outside world by steel gates and walls of stone. A winding path creates a further difference, green fields covering the plot. The man presses a button on a panel at the front gate, alarm buzzing before there’s a click- and someone speaks. 
“Good evening. I’m Johann David, here for the -"
“Yes, I know. I’ll let you in.”
The gate pops open without so much as a creak. Johann enters and begins his journey up the hill. The concrete is wet; grass freshly watered. Patches of dead earth were sprinkled through the field. No light left the house except for ones on its porch and from the window closest to the door. Johann knocks, door opening a crack as an eye peers out at him. The home owner looks him up and down as if assuming he wasn’t who he claimed, before deciding he seemed fine and pulling the door open fully.
A man stand at the door, face grim and eyes heavy with lack of sleep. A woman clings onto his arm, just as exhausted – if not closer to passing out right there. They both look to the man at their door, trying to keep their eyes from the scar that peaked from his collar.
“Thank you for coming, Father. We didn’t know who else to call.”
Johann flashes a reassuring smile. “It may be for the best. May I enter?”
The couple stands aside and allow him to come inside. Each holds a flashlight in hand.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why are all the lights out?”
“It… doesn’t like the light. It moves around a lot more when they’re off. You should be able to hear it better… Can we walk while we talk?”
“Certainly..” Johann joins the pair in walking down the nearby corridor. “So what makes you believe that this is something that requires my… area of expertise?”
“We’ve seen it before.. It’s not like any beast we’ve ever seen. It’s almost.. human.”
“And why didn’t you call law enforcements first?”
“We tried.. At first they didn’t listen, and when they did they left us on our own.”
“Can you describe what it looks like?”
“It's so fast I could barely catch a glimpse. It has grey skin… These.. black teeth. It lets out a terrible snarl. Oh god.. Our daughter used to feed the small animals that crossed our land, and we havent seen any in weeks. ” 
The woman breaks down crying, her husband soon to comfort. In the time, Johann surveys the walls they past. Floral wallpaper was home to many forms of art. Framed china, small statues, vintage paintings. One sticks out to him amongst the others. A hand painting of a small family consisting of a father, mother and their young son. The parents hold pastured smiles while the boy's lips remained thin. He seemed to be looking elsewhere – far beyond the painting. A blue ring hung around his ring finger, few sizes too big for his hand.
“Where did you get this?” He questions.
“Huh? Oh, we found it in the attic. I guess the past owners left it behind.”
“I see..”
“We’re here…”
The group finally reach their destination. A wooden door when an aged handle, standing at the end of the hall. The husband passes his flashlight off to Johann, his eyes never meeting his – afraid of the reality they’d face if he didn’t return. Fearing the guilt of leaving another man to die. 
“There’s a window down there, but use this if you need it… For our safety, we will lock the door after you go down there. We hope you understand. “
“I do.”
He unlocks the door; foul smell blowing from the depths below. They all recoil from it – the scent of rot and death. Taking his final breath of fresh air, Johann takes his first steps into the basement. He hears the turn of a lock behind him, taking more without a second thought. His eyes adjust to the darkness by the time he reaches the end of the stairs, clutter and debris filling his line of sight. He grips the cross around his neck and begins his search for the beast.
The area is large, made a maze by the rows of shelves blocking a clear path. Johann turns on the flashlight, keeping it low to the ground. Spots of red begin to dot the white concrete. The smell worsening with each step past them. The clashing of teeth hiss in the air. He remains unbothered; keen on finishing his mission. He comes across the window the couple spoke of, and it was there that he saw it. The creature from his dreams.
A rabbit’s blank, beady eyes stare up at him; it’s brown coat dyed in the crimson of its blood. The creature looms over, eating at its exposed organs. It’s skin was a blueish grey, clinging to the bones of it inhumanly long limbs. It’s long tongue slurped at the blood like a starving man. Johann's heart races. He removes the cross from his neck, and places it on a shelf – barely able to speak.
“Face me…
The creature whips its head in his direction. It lowers its body closer to the ground, growling. It begins to sniff the air, relaxing; as if it recognized something in the man before it. It grins madly, wiping blood off its black fangs with the back of its hand.
“Hello… Father. It seems you’ve finally earned the title.” 
Its voice was still the same.
“Please. Call me, Johann.. Y/n..”
You tilt your head, eyes lowering in recollection. “It’s been a while since anyone’s called me that. Doesn’t matter, much. I won’t be them for much longer.”
You stand up. Despite your recent meal, your ribcage was protruding from your flesh. An abnormality even for even with the state you were currently in. Johann grimaces. He can’t bear the sight.
“How long has it been since you’ve eaten human flesh?”
You think for a moment. “Since my parents died. Or right after you left. I can’t remember. Getting pretty hungry though. Maybe you can be my first victim.”
Johann looks away. He never wanted to leave you. Not even after the truth of your parent’s horrible actions came out. Not even when you visited him that night; when you should have been in your grave. Losing you was like losing a part of his soul, and when he got you back he was like a miracle from a cruel, twisted God. 
“I never stopped loving you, Y/n. I gave into my family's wishes because I knew I could see you again some day if I took this path.”
“So you could kill me?”
“So I can make up for the mistakes of the past.”
Johann pulls a ring from his pocket, and its twin. Heirlooms from both of your families, exchanged when you became engaged as a young age. You were always meant to be, and you both looked forward to the future; broken only by the sins of your kin. They had a fear of death, doing anything possible to achieve everlasting life – no matter how many fell for the cause. You became a test subject, and the only one to make an unwilling deal with the devil.
“You can’t be serious. All the pain I’ve caused.. all I will cause. Just send me to hell where I belong.”
“The only pain that lingers is the pain of not having you at my side. Y/n I am willing to give anything to have you once more, even at the cost of my life.”
He kneels before you, like a sinner at prayer; rolling the sleeve of his shirt up and offering you his flesh. He clings onto your cold skin, pleading up to you. 
“Y/n, please. I love you. I don’t want to lose you again.”
You sink to his side. His eyes lock with your blank ones; beautiful as jewels to him. You take him in your arms. He goes limp. Finally at peace. Finally able to close his tired eyes and rest. He feels you lift his arm. He feels your teeth in his flesh, but he remains still. Tear free the strings of his heart and he would still remain. The one demon he would never free from his life
“I’m going down there.”
“Honey, no!”
“It’s been too long. I’ll be back.”
The husband unlocks the door. He enters the empty basement and searches for the priest. He finds him in the arms of the demon, arm speared by its fangs. Despite the flesh being torn from his limb, he smiles in absolute euphoria.
“The exorcism is almost complete..”
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drakiandh · 6 months
Shifting Jewels - Chapter One, Corrupted Clash
YOOOOOO!!! @cosmicrain-draws @otherxagnela, I did it! Here's the first chapter of my Steven Universe/Fusion AU. Hope it fits the cash lol. It's on AO3 under the same name btw.
The unrelenting rain pounded relentlessly, transforming the ground beneath him into a clinging mud that sought to impede his every step. Refusing to yield, he pressed forward, maintaining a determined pace in pursuit of the corrupted gem weaving through the rain-soaked forest. The falling water blurred his vision, but the swish of the gem’s tail remained discernible. As he ventured deeper, marked trees hinted at the proximity of the impending trap. A subtle grin played on his lips, excitement building with each step toward the climax of the hunt.
With a purposeful thrust, he extended his spear, just enough to graze the gem’s leg. It responded with a primal roar, a visceral testament to its degraded state. Despite his inherent superiority, he failed to suppress the brief and shameful hiss that escaped him.
Skidding to a stop in the muddy terrain, satisfaction etched across his face as the meticulously set trap snapped shut with a resounding crack. The gem convulsed within the bear trap, its protests merging with the drumming rain. Its final display of resistance ended with the corrupted gem bursting into mist, leaving the gem to clatter to the rain-soaked ground. Navigating the backup traps, he carefully approached the fallen gem.
In the feeble light, the gem lay before him—a once-proud warrior now marred by animalistic corruption, its once-vibrant azure hue now tainted with ugly shades of green. Hopefully, the Diamonds would be able to reverse the corruption once he found a way to get back to Homeworld. The uncertainty struck a chord in his chest as he picked up the gem and encapsulated it within a crimson bubble. He pushed on its top lightly, sending the bubble away to his temple.
A heavy sigh escaped him, his eyes slipping shut as he stood amidst the relentless downpour. The gentle sensation of the droplets that slid over him momentarily shielded him from the weight of his thoughts. After allowing a few stolen moments to catch a breath he didn’t truly need, he reopened his eyes and took a deliberate step forward. A sharp pang reverberated through him at the motion, causing him to double over as his form glitched and shivered. Fleeting yet intense, the pain subsided, leaving a lingering discomfort.
A soft curse slipped from his lips as his hand instinctively sought for the gem on his back. A wince accompanied the touch, yet he persisted, gently tracing the extensive cracks marbling the red rock. Time weighed on him; he had to hurry, for if the looming threat of the corruption didn’t get to him first, then the impending risk of his shattering will.
A soft chirp escaped him, a dissonant sound that marred the quiet symphony of the rain. A deep frown grew on his face, he despised those seemingly inconsequential noises. Such utterances belonged to creatures of the wild, to insects, not to him—not for a gem designed to command in the crucible of war. He staunchly affirmed his identity, declaring that he wasn’t bound by the constant specter of death, that his body should not bleed, and he shouldn’t be susceptible to pain. However, a quick glance at his arms and legs shattered the illusion.
In some grotesque sense, he admitted, he bore the semblances of an animal. The corruption’s insidious touch reached him, even in the depths where he sought refuge within the planet’s crust. The result? It had morphed him into a grotesque hybrid creature, bestowing upon him a natural armor, unbidden and unbroken by the need for constant concentration. His once-graceful hands morphed into sharp claws, while spikes adorned his arms and legs. He might have welcomed it, had it not been marred by sporadic bouts of animalistic hazes that incapacitated him for days and turned him into something less than the calculated warrior he was meant to be.
A surge of pain jolted through him, an unwelcome intrusion that fractured his thoughts, compelling a pained hiss to escape through clenched teeth. As the wave of discomfort receded, he redirected his gaze upward, fixing a glare upon the sky, more precisely, at the rain that aggravated his gem. The persistent irritation urged him to hasten his steps; he needed to escape before the pain resurfaced. His movements, though quick and precise, bore the subtle aftermath of the recent hunt—a measured trot, simple yet effective, propelling him toward his destination.
The warp pad beyond the forest materialized before him, a sight that prompted a weary sigh to escape him. Stepping onto the platform, he initiated the activation sequence, his form engulfed by the enveloping white beam as he embarked on the tranquil journey through the warp. The low hum of the warp enveloped him, a soothing melody that accompanied him on his brief interdimensional travels. Shaking off the lingering droplets that clung to him like persistent memories, he materialized at his temple within moments.
Stepping off the warp pad, he navigated through the cavernous expanse that served as his dwelling. It was a far cry from what one might envision as a temple—a vast network of interconnected caves, carved naturally by the Earth’s ancient forces. Discovered during his early solitary years, he had claimed it as his own, designating the largest and deepest chamber as a holding room for the corrupted gems he collected. Fortune favored him when he stumbled upon the remnants of an old gem warp pad within the cavern, an artifact from a time when others might have considered the space for storage or as a base. Now, it belonged to him.
The chamber embraced him with warmth, a comforting cloak that gently eased the persistent ache in his back as he stepped inside. A small, appreciative smile tugged at his lips, a fleeting expression of solace before his gaze fell upon the captivating sight that unfolded before him—a sea of well over a thousand bubbled gems.
Among them lay soldiers he had once commanded, their forms encapsulated in the protective bubbles. A few were gems he had personally trained, their potential honed under his meticulous guidance. Others belonged to the rebellion, the audaciously named Crystal Gems—misguided rebels whom he intended to return to service on Homeworld, whether through voluntary submission or the unforgiving embrace of a Rejuvenator.
Yet, amidst the multitude of captured gems, one conspicuous absence resonated. A special sapphire, elusive and untamed, continued to roam the earth unchecked. This particular gem held a unique significance, a presence he desired to see once more, even amidst the looming threat that the encounter might result in his own shattering. Curiosity gripped him as he pondered the potential manifestation of the sapphire’s corrupted form. Would it mirror the colossal and monstrous demeanor of the sapphire’s combat prowess, a formidable force both beside him and against him? Or, perhaps, would it bear a softer, diminutive semblance, a reflection of the gem’s original personality before the taint of corruption took hold?
He found himself immersed in contemplation, a forbidden luxury for a gem of his rank. The act of wondering was a privilege reserved for the Diamonds, the omnipotent rulers unbound by the constraints of laws. It was a privilege bestowed upon the architects who conceived the intricate designs of gems, envisioning the vast potential inherent in the amalgamation of dirt and minerals to give rise to life. It was a privilege granted to those who forged the indelible legacy of Homeworld, allowing them to dream of towering spires and establish bases on desolate moons.
He, on the other hand, was a humble soldier—a commander, yes, but a soldier nonetheless. In the hierarchy of gem society, he existed to execute orders, not to indulge in idle contemplation. Wondering was not his domain, a realm he shouldn’t even be able to access. Yet, as one of his claws gently traced the surface of a bubble, he found himself succumbing to the forbidden allure of curiosity, allowing his mind to venture into the forbidden territory of speculative thoughts.
Those thoughts, once crisp and defined, now morphed into indistinct muddles, a hazy fog settling over his consciousness. The widening of his eyes marked the realization of an impending descent into the tumult of corruption, a curse escaping his lips as the disorienting wave washed over him. Swiftly, he pivoted on his heels, abandoning the room in a frantic retreat.
His hurried footsteps reverberated through the labyrinthine halls, their rhythm growing increasingly erratic as the encroaching corruption tightened its grip. Panic, a disconcerting sensation that had once been foreign to him, now clung to him like an old companion, urging him to greater speeds. His mad dash led him to the warp room, a sanctuary where the promise of escape beckoned.
Time dwindled rapidly, and the urgency mounted. Barely managing to step onto the warp pad, he initiated the sequence, opting for a random destination in a desperate bid for salvation. However, the corruption’s relentless advance proved insurmountable. In the final throes of consciousness, he succumbed to the encroaching darkness, his vision fading into an abyss of black.
He stirred into consciousness after what he knew was a long time, the dull throb of a headache persisting within his thoughts. A low groan escaped his lips, his eyes clamped shut against the pulsating ache in his skull. Nestled in the shadows, he remained motionless, seeking to replenish some of the energy devoured by the encroaching corruption. As the minutes ticked by and the headache receded into a more manageable ache, he cautiously focused on his surroundings.
Without unveiling his eyes, he initiated a deliberate ascent, settling onto his knees. Flinching at the sparks of pain, a deep breath offered a modicum of relief to his frazzled nerves. The air, tinged with an unexpected saltiness, felt damp and cool, a welcome antidote to the lingering burn of exhaustion. Gradually, he tuned into the subtle sounds—the wind weaving through the trees, the distant lapping of waves, and the earthy texture beneath his hands as they pressed into the soil. Wait…
Opening his eyes, he glanced downward, confirming that his hands were indeed embedded in the ground. The notion that the ground possessed an audible quality struck him as intriguing. Lifting his eyes to the night sky, he surveyed the tranquil surroundings. It was a peaceful night, with the moon gracefully descending toward the horizon, heralding the imminent arrival of dawn.
The world unfolded around him with an unsettling clarity, a starkness that surpassed his comfort. His brow furrowed into a frown as he raised a hand to rub at his face. Something felt amiss. Was he facing the throes of mortality? Could he even succumb to such a fate? Sighing, he ran his hand roughly through his hair. A near-painful sensation bit at his head, forcing his hand back. A soft hiss escaped him as he inspected his hand, finding the limb unharmed. Whatever had bitten him seemed to reside on his head. Could it be a small animal? No, the sensation didn’t seem disconnected from him.
Slowly, he lifted his hand again, delicately sifting through his hair in search of…
There. He gently curled a finger around an odd stem protruding from his head, a subtle unease coiling in his chest. The reason for his discomfort eluded him as he touched the peculiar stick-like growth. A swift survey of his surroundings confirmed his suspicions. Sticks, remnants of his corrupted haze, had entangled themselves in his hair. Another sigh escaped him before he wrapped his hand around the intruding stick and tugged.
A guttural scream tore through the air as a surge of pain seared through his head. He recoiled, burying his forehead into the cool earth, his hands scrambling to dig through his hair and cradle his aching skull. Shivers wracked his frame, the lingering pain refused to dissipate as swiftly as the sharp, immediate agony accompanying his initial crack. This was different—reminiscent of the persistent torment he endured during the onset of his crack or the insidious grip of corruption’s first embrace.
Gradually, the pain began to ebb, a slow retreat from its initial ferocity. After agonizing minutes, he tentatively attempted to sit up once more. One hand remained entwined in his hair, anchoring him in the present, while the other planted firmly into the soil for stability. A twinge of discomfort coursed through the thing on his head as he moved, prompting a soft hiss. Extricating his hand from his hair, he inadvertently caught another appendage. A cursory search revealed only two entangled in his hair before he rested his hands in his lap, glowering at the empty space before him. Another gift corruption-induced addition, a bothersome intrusion into his being.
One of the appendages twitched in response to his annoyance, catching his attention. Its length was such that it intruded into his peripheral vision.
A low growl, a shameful animalistic sound, escaped him as he rose to his feet. Gingerly, he touched the newly acquired appendages, relieved when the one he had tugged didn’t trigger a surge of pain. Now, the challenge lay in figuring out if he could exert control over these strange extensions. Concealing them would be ideal—perhaps tucked away in his hair if they reached far enough back.
With careful precision, he brushed the appendages backward, experiencing relief as they obediently nestled into his hair. Experimenting with different movements, he searched for a specific new nerve that would grant him control. After several minutes of focused practice, he succeeded in maneuvering them to some extent, allowing him to keep them discreetly concealed within his hair. Though still present, they became barely noticeable, at least from the front. A quick touch confirmed their length, indicating they were long enough to protrude from his hair in the back—a less-than-ideal outcome. Nevertheless, they were now out of his line of sight, and should he encounter a human and find himself too fatigued to dispel the creature, he mused that he could pass it off as an intentional aesthetic choice. After all, humans in this era were consumed by their appearances.
He embarked on the journey to retrace his steps, guided by the rising sun illuminating his path. Proficient in the art of tracking, be it trailing corrupted gems or retracing his own corrupted footsteps, he navigated the terrain with practiced ease. Hours passed before he encountered something familiar, the sun nearing its zenith. His clawed hand gently traced ancient carvings, grappling with the embarrassment of taking an unusually long time to recall the language in which the words were etched.
“Star was here,” he mumbled to himself, his voice low and rough from disuse. Peeling back some moss, he revealed cartoonish depictions of what appeared to be Pink Diamond and several other gems. Similar carvings adorned the planet, ranging from simple declarations like ‘Star was here!’ to intricate sculptures of gems and the Diamonds. Over the years, he had found solace in discovering these marks, a reminder that he hadn’t always been alone.
This particular carving, one he had encountered many times, served as a natural marker signaling his proximity to his temple. A few miles north, he would be able to retreat to the comforting warmth of the lowest chamber, earning a well-deserved break. A hiss escaped him as his hand started glitching, swiftly reforming into a foot. Frowning, he shook the limb until it reverted to its original state.
Rumors circulated about the Crystal Gem’s leader possessing the ability to heal any gem—an ability that enraged Homeworld, as healing powers were reserved for the elite, namely the Diamonds. How the rebellion’s leader acquired such powers remained a mystery, but he had made it his mission to uncover the secret of the healing fountain the rebels so proudly boasted about. The sooner he found that fountain, the sooner he could mend his crack and devise a method to stave off the encroaching corruption.
His antennae (a term he adopted after observing their uncanny resemblance to a local beetle’s) involuntarily perked up, alerting him to the distant murmur of voices. Though too far away to discern the words, one of the voices struck an oddly familiar chord. His eyes narrowed in thought. Could it be one of the humans he had conversed with in the past? Unlikely, as too much time had passed for any human to remember him. When was the last time he had engaged in conversation with one? Their lifespans were short, and he reckoned it had been well over 50 years since his last encounter. The voices drew nearer, sparking a curious itch born from some corrupted instinct within him. Deciding to dismiss it, he turned and resumed his journey to the temple.
“Aw, come on!” The voice echoed with a familiarity that tugged at the edges of his memories. Against his better judgment, he pivoted on his heel and hastened toward the source. Surprisingly, his antennae proved more sensitive than he initially realized, taking nearly ten minutes to pinpoint the location. As he slowed and crouched down, he could hear the humans’ laughter.
“Yeah, I recognize this spot.” The voice, the one that triggered a peculiar urge within him, stirred an unspoken desire for conflict. Creeping closer, he observed the two figures in a small clearing. In its center, a seemingly ordinary rock assumed a significant role—a base pillar, its original purpose obscured by time, now a favored spot for humans to lean on.
The human leaning against the pillar appeared peculiar yet strangely familiar. Their skin bore a rich brown hue with subtle blue undertones, their hair so dark blue it verged on black in the absence of direct sunlight. Dressed in vibrant colors of pink and yellow, they crossed their arms over their chest, grinning at the other human.
“Why do you want to come here anyway?” The other, a plainly dressed villager in comparison, inquired. The colorful individual patted the pillar beside them.
“I’m hunting,” declared the colorful human. “I’ve been here before, and I heard rumors that there’s some massive beast nearby.” Unbeknownst to the human, the beast they sought was likely the corrupted gem he had recently subdued.
“Well, that beast hasn’t been seen for a while. Some folks back in town mentioned hearing it scream before a loud bang echoed out. Sorry, but I think someone else got to it first.” The plain human responded nonchalantly. The colorful one leaned forward, their once casual expression replaced by a more serious demeanor.
“What did the bang sound like? Did it have an odd echo?” They inquired, keenly attentive. The plain human, oblivious to the shift in mood, hummed and shrugged.
“It didn’t sound like a gunshot, that’s for sure. Can’t recall much; it happened on the other side of the city.”
“That’s alright,” the colorful human said, relaxing against the rock. Despite their seemingly nonchalant posture, an experienced observer might discern an undercurrent of tension, as if they anticipated a confrontation. “You’ve given me enough, don’t worry. I’ll make sure that bigger beast doesn’t come close.”
“Wait—there’s a bigger one?” The plain human’s expression shifted to one of fear. A breathy chuckle escaped his hidden form at the sight. They shrugged.
“Yeah, reckon it’s still close-” Their words were abruptly cut off as the human hastily fled, running down the path they had arrived on, leaving the colorful human alone. Sighing, they closed their eyes, appearing relaxed despite the lurking danger just beyond the bushes. The silence lingered, causing some of his corrupted instincts to subside. This human wasn’t the one he knew—
“I know you’re there,” the human’s unexpected declaration caught him off guard. One of their eyes slipped open. “You’re one smart corrupted, I must admit.” A threatening hiss escaped him at the title that belonged to him. The human stepped forward off the pillar and removed their jacket, revealing a beautiful blue gem on their chest. A gem! A gem that wasn’t corrupted! His joy at encountering another gem was tainted when he recognized the familiar face.
“Star,” he spat the name with a hiss, rage coursing through him. The gem, the Star Sapphire, flinched back.
“Oh shit, you’re not corrupted—? Wait—Painite?!” The Sapphire exclaimed in shock. Was that his name? His name was Painite. How could he have forgotten?
Emerging from the shadows, Painite, yes, that sounded right, revealed his full form, causing the Sapphire to inhale sharply in shock. “You are corrupted…” the Sapphire remarked, a sad expression overtaking his face.
“Do not pity me, Sapphire,” Painite hissed, flexing his claws, a burning desire to tear through something coursing through him. “I am corrupted, so what?”
“Wait, hang on, Pie-”
“Do NOT call me that!” Painite snapped, reaching a hand back to his gem. Summoning his weapon caused him pain, but he was determined to finish what he had started all those years ago. The Sapphire cringed at the sight, briefly eliciting a sense of joy within Painite. Yet, it was swiftly crushed by the resurgence of the familiar feelings of rage and betrayal.
“Wait, wait, wait! We’re not in the war anymore!” The Sapphire protested hastily, raising his arms as if to shield himself from Painite’s imminent attack. Painite, however, knew better than anyone that the Sapphire held tricks up his sleeves, and he must have only honed his skills over the years. “We don’t have to fight!”
But rage clouded Painite’s judgment, fueled by the corruption. “TRAITOR!” he screeched, lunging forward to swing his spear. The Sapphire yelped and agilely leaped backward, narrowly evading the attack. Painite swung again, prompting the other gem to raise his hands in defense. The spear’s tip effortlessly sliced through the body of light, eliciting a scream of pain from the Sapphire.
“Oh! Fine! If you want a fight, I’ll give it to you!” the Sapphire declared, tapping the blue gem in his chest. His hands transformed back into their original rich blue hue. Despite the haze of corruption, Painite managed a grin. Finally, they were on equal ground. When Painite swung again, Star caught the weapon with one hand and shattered its tip with the other.
This time, it was Star who initiated the attack. He thrust his hand in Painite’s direction, a seemingly futile gesture to anyone else. However, Painite had trained Star, honing his attacks and shaping him into the warrior he had become. Now, it was time to see if the skills he imparted on Star had endured the years on Earth. Painite leaped back, narrowly avoiding the spikes of hands that shot up from the ground. They wriggled in the air momentarily before retreating to the ground, reemerging beneath Painite’s feet.
Dancing around the hands, long-forgotten muscle memory asserted its place in Painite’s chest and legs. With ease and precision, he maneuvered around the hands, slashing at any that approached too closely with his newly reformed axe. Closing the distance to Star, Painite swung his axe with a flourish, aiming for the Sapphire’s defeat.
The weapon was caught by Star’s hands, catching Painite off guard just long enough for the Sapphire to freeze his hands around him. Painite thrashed as he was restrained, kicking at the hands holding him as he was lifted into the air.
“C-Calm down, Pain,” Star panted, and Painite could only hiss in response, baring his sharp teeth in a threat. The corruption’s haze clouded his mind, causing him to act on a mix of pure hatred and corrupted instinct. “Painite! Calm down! Damn it!” Star yelled, panic etching his features.
Painite hissed again, mixing a few clicks of his teeth snapping together. Star’s grip tightened, prompting a low whine to escape his throat. “Painite, if you don’t calm down, I’ll have to poof you,” Star said, a pained expression crossing his face. The tightening grip momentarily jolted Painite from his haze, and a strained laugh escaped him at the Sapphire’s words.
“It would be better to-” His words were cut off by a wince as the grip tightened to dangerous levels. He felt his form begin to ripple, his cracked gem taking too much strain. He chuckled and stared down Star. “To shatter me.”
And the world went white as he poofed.
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whosectype · 1 year
How did you come up with chai in the first place?
Well chai is sort of a sona, so some aspects are inspired by me aksjskjdfjf but I chose her name to be chai, because chai is very much a comfort drink that is my favorite thing to make in the morning!
also I partially created her originally to ship with mugman cough cough
design wise, she is green coded just cause I love the color green! Her main outfit (at least when I first created her) was how I wanted to dress at the time cause I was unhappy abt how I look and stuff ( BUT now I dress how I want and chais main outfit is something I wear pretty much on a weekly basis hehe). The cracks on her hands are a stylistic choice to push lore and stuff, but the chip on her rim is based off of the scar that I have down my head!
I went through and pulled out some old chai art from the depths of my procreate folders from like august last year SO DONT JUDGE ITS OLD AND UGLY
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These are like the some of the veerrry first ^^^
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Random old doodles and chais old bad ending design lmao
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THE FIRST MUGCHAI DRAWING (it’s so bad Ik) and then a doodle of chai and Cuphead dancing on a rooftop to Elvis Presley (not a ship drawing btw just sillies being sillies)
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And last this old ass comic from FOREVER AGO
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ediqn · 1 year
jalen green nsfw alphabet ✰✰
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a/n:this is my first and probably last post that has to do with smut. and its not that i don’t wanna write smut i just don’t know how 🤗. so enjoy this while it lasts. i’m so sorry for me disappearing btw it won’t happen again.
warnings: suggestions of smut, cursing.
a - aftercare. (what their like after sex)
i can’t even lie jalen asks you if you wanna order food.
“what you not hungry?”
and you were in fact hungry. so he ordered food and while waiting for the food he ran yall a bath so once yall are done the food will be there so y’all can eat, cuddle, and watch tv.
b - body part. (their favorite body part on them as well as their partner)
jalens favorite body parts of yours are your stomach and thighs. he loves laying on your stomach when taking naps, and if youre in missionary he likes to cum on your stomach. and your thighs, before he starts eating you out he makes lines of hickeys on your thighs. but when he’s actually done eating you out he’ll just lay on your thighs.
his favorite body parts of himself are his legs. i think he really takes pride in his legs because he gets to show them off bc he plays in shorts. and he would rather play in short shorts so now they can really be seen. and he also has a leg tattoo so he likes to show that off as well.
c - cum. (anything to do with cum)
like i said earlier if youre in missionary (which yall are most of the time) he likes to cum on your stomach. but if y’all are in any other position he’ll cum anywhere on your body, and if he doesn’t make it in time he’ll cum on the sheets he really doesn’t care. when youre giving him head and you’re not on the pill he’ll cum on your face or boobs, and if you are he’ll tell you to swallow it, and you will.
d - dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
he secretly wants to fuck you in a public place, specifically a bathroom stall (the stall is clean i promise). or if you’re out to eat anywhere with friends or family he wants to finger you under the table or wants you to give him head under the table. but he would prefer privacy bc there could possibly be paparazzi following him.
e - experience (how experienced are they?)
jalens only 21 so he doesn’t have that much experience except for high school. now idk his high school experiences but if he was fucking around it was probably in missionary every time. but with you, he really trusted and loved you enough to try new positions, toys, etc. and you guys get to find out what yall like and don’t like as a couple so it can be more comfortable for future situations.
f - favorite position (what’s their favorite position?)
he likes to keep it simple with missionary. it makes both of yall feel good so there’s no problems with that. and he likes to cum on your stomach. but y’all will occasionally do doggy or cowgirl if y’all are just in that type of mood. like after a long game for jalen and he wants sex but doesn’t wanna do anything is the time for cowgirl. and if he comes back with a win (bc the rockets are ass im sorry) then he’ll just fuck the shit out of you in doggy until you cry.
g - goofy (are they humorous or serious during it?)
if jalen sees that you’re struggling a bit with the pain he’ll try to do anything to make laugh or crack a smile. and he also makes jokes if it starts to get too quiet. but when yall are done he’ll start mocking you which you don’t find funny at all 😔.
h - hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
jalen likes to keep it shaven bc he thinks the hair is a distraction. he wants you to be focused on one thing rather if its him fucking you or if youre giving him head, and he doesn’t want the hair to be bothering you. and when its visible, yes the carpet does match the drapes.
i - intimacy (how romantic are they while doing it?)
i think jalen tries his best to be romantic. like you guys will see other couples around you that are big on pda or if yall walk past restaurants you’ll see couples on dates. but you and jalen aren’t like that. he does give you all the love, affection, and attention when yall are alone though. like princess treatment and all. but not around complete strangers, friends and family? definitely.
j - jack off (do they masturbate?)
before y’all got together y’all were in high school so he probably did it a lot bc what teenage boy doesn’t? and he also probably watched porn while doing it. but when he got with you he just stopped bc it’s like what’s the point when someone’s down to do it with me. and when he’s at away games y’all will just have phone sex or he’ll jerk off to your voice on the phone or videos/pictures of you.
k - kink (one of their kinks)
jalen definitely has a praise kink. from getting lots of attention and praise in high school from being considered one of the best high school players he expects it. its like he can’t go a day without getting praised by you even if he brings in groceries from the car, he has to know he’s doing a good job from you.
l - location (favorite place to have sex)
his favorite place to have sex is his room/yalls shared room. he likes to keep it simple. but he really wants to risk it all and bend you over the sink in the bathroom with the door unlocked.
m - motivation (what turns them on?)
praising him and touching his thighs. like i said before he has a praise kink so anything you praise him for he’ll start to get turned on. and i also said he really takes pride in his legs so touching them (especially his thighs) will drive him crazy.
n - no (something they won’t do/turn offs?)
anything that can hurt you or anything that you’re uncomfortable with. he of course wants it to be fun and intense but he doesn’t wanna hurt you either.
o - oral (do they prefer to give or receive?)
receive. now like don’t get me wrong jalen loves to give. he loves watching you squirm and try to change positions under his touch. but he lovesssss to receive. especially after a win, it’s like victory head. and he also likes when he’s in a subby mood so you baby him while doing it.
p - pace (are they slow and sensual or fast and rough)
jalen is still young so he has a lot of energy that he needs to let out. so you let him take it out on you which allows him to go fast and rough. but when he knows he’s been going rough for a while he’ll try to switch up and go slow and sensual for yalls own good.
q - quickie (would they pull a quickie or wait to get home?)
it’s like jalen NEEDS to cum before doing anything. like if he knows he has to cum he’ll make it his #1 priority and put it before anything. and i also think he complains about how painful it is if he doesn’t cum and he really needs to, like blue balls type shit. so he’ll definitely ask you to give him head like 10 minutes before a game bc his dick hurts.
r - risk (would they take any risks?)
i did say before that jalen does wanna fuck you over the bathroom sink with the door unlocked. but other than that the farthest he would go is if youre out with friends and leaves them to fuck you. bc you guys are still young and that shits embarrassing.
s - stamina (how long can they last?)
jalen could go all day and all night tbh. anytime someone mentions sex he just gets a random burst of energy. which then leads to him thinking of you.
t - toys (do they like to use toys?)
jalen doesn’t like to use toys while having sex with you. he thinks toys are a distraction and he only wants you to be focused on him. very selfish of him ik. but if yall are with friends and he wants to push ur buttons he’ll probably tell u to wear a plug and he’ll control it throughout the day.
u - unfair (do they like to tease you?)
he only likes to tease you if you’ve embarrassed/teased him before. only because he doesn’t wanna embarrass you on purpose and make you feel bad. but if you’ve teased and embarrassed him, best believe he’s getting his lick back.
v - volume (how loud or quiet are they?)
when jalen is fucking you he’ll let out soft grunts and occasional whispers of “fuck” or “shit”. but when he’s getting head or if you’re riding him he’ll let out very soft moans bc he claims moaning makes him seem weak.
w - wild card (a random headcanon abt them and sex)
idk guys ik this is nasty but he likes to spit in ur mouth. jalen spitting in ur mouth just speaks to me. and it’s not like an every time yall have sex thing. it’s more occasional to catch you by surprise.
x - xray (what’s going on under those short shorts?)
6.5 inches when soft, 7 inches when hard. and it’s probably slightly curved and has a few veins.
y - yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
with having u as his girlfriend, it’s pretty high. just knowing that he has someone to let all his frustration out on and their totally ok with it makes his sex drive go through the roof.
z - zzz (how quickly do the fall asleep afterwards?)
jalen doesn’t fall asleep until you fall asleep. which is not long at all bc ur both so tired when yall are done. but sometimes he just might start dozing off before you do.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
just thinking about cooking together and pissing around singing obnoxiously to a playlist you and matty made together and just being so in love
omg pizza making night!!!! matty had suggested having a date night in, and you thought it would be cute to make pizzas together (because realistically, if you fuck up, it would still be good bc... it's pizza lol) and matty was so up for it!! so you make the dough earlier in the day - matty absolutely tries to recreate the ghost pottery scene while you're kneading it and you both end up winded from laughing so hard - and then go on a cute little supermarket date to get other ingredients while it's chilling. you go to m&s because its date night and you both thought you should do something slightly fancier than your usual, and also because you had a notion for their raspberry pornstar martini cans lol (unreal btw). and then when you get home, you get changed into comfy clothes (you steal one of matty's t-shirts), crack open some wine to share and get started on making dinner! and matty takes control of the music before doing anything else - obv - and he puts on a playlist that the two of you have designated as the "cute domestic shit" soundtrack; thinking it's a lot of mellow 70s pop/rock (the carpenters, george harrison, paul simon, billy joel, fleetwood mac (the love songs!), carole king) and soul music (temptations, aretha, donny hathaway, sam cooke, al green, roberta flack). anyway, the two of you are having fun making your food and chatting and singing along, and then i think matty just abandons his pizza to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist to sing al green's let's stay together right in your ear (oh my god i would melt). and you're all blushy like "babe! focus on the pizza, not on me" and matty literally just sings louder into your ear and tickles you, and you laugh and think fuck it and start singing along too, so it's the two of you just swaying side to side and singing softly to each other adorably. and i think when the song ends and you've put the pizzas in the oven, matty's jokingly like "you know, i'd ask you to sing on a 75 song but i think you'd probably put me out of a job. and then how are we going to afford your m&s cocktails" and you roll your eyes and get all shy and matty says "no seriously i love hearing you sing. and you should actually sing on one of my songs because you're very good. i know i'm biased but like... you really are. besides it's my band i can do what i want lol". and you wrap your arms around his neck and you're like "are you going to write a romantic duet for us" and matty's like "i'll write you whatever you want, sweetheart" and he grabs his phone and chooses a specific song from the playlist and says "in the meantime, let's sing this" - it's marvin gaye and tammi terrell singing you're all i need to get by, and you and matty are just the sappiest little bitches in the world singing along to it, holding each other tightly and gazing lovingly at the other and kissing in between verses and choruses. it's so sweet, and you just alternate between kissing and dancing and singing and laughing for ages - the pizzas end up a little bit burnt, but neither of you give a shit because you're just so in love that you can't be unhappy <3
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gr00vyminibus · 1 year
Nothing crazy, pretty vanilla actually
A/N : i didn't wanna ruin that innocent cottage core ms. honey image but then it came to me, that woman is about in her mid or late twenties in the movie, she is a grown adult so I was like (to myself) yeah u right xp, then proceeded to write this short smut. Read at your own risk if you wanna protect that image :)) This is about the ms. honey in the Matilda musical btw
Also, I wouldn't put a taglist for these types of writings because its like an out of the blue thing, I'd only tag if it was an official story but yeah, xp (I'm done talking lmao)
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You kiss the inside of her thighs, getting Jennifer riled up for what's about to come. Her fingertips are dancing at the bands of her panties just dieing to take them off so you can have her.
When you leave open mouthed kisses just beside her heat a sound of desperation finally comes from within her.
"Y/n please, I can't wait"
"Trust me darling, this isn't a delay. I want my touch to be savored so that when I finally get here," you right above it now, warm breathe fanning over her clothed cunt.
"Your limits will pleasingly exceed because of me." Just then you kiss her clit over the lace and lap at the damp spot on her folds.
Jennifer couldn't believe your mouth felt that good and it wasn't even directly on her, "slide these down for me" she obliged and spread herself open again like a blooming orchid.
You couldn't resist and licked at her glistening essence, burying your head further between her thighs.
She caught the sight of you pleasing her when she looked down, making her lips part in amazement.
Her eyes don't stay open for long when she lets out a low moan, judging from your toungue motions varying between technique and speed you must've liked it.
Jennifer holds her thighs for grounding and squeezes them when you make her arch. Your hand slide to her hips and pulls them down further on your mouth, "oh, f—" she refrains herself with a bite to her bottom lip.
You part from her and prod a finger at her entrance, "let it out" as you ease one in she squirms at the feeling but you calm her down with kisses to her naval.
"breathe darling, it'll feel so much better soon" she loosens up to your calming voice and gives you the green light when you can continue.
Jennifer wants more than your index so she gets the middle one aswell, the way her hips grind down on them is consistent because she loves the feeling of you inside of her.
You lean back down and gently suck at her puce nub with a clouded mind that's filled with every aspect of Jennifer's body.
Like the way she reacts to your touch, the taste her lush pussy delivers and that beautiful face twisting up from the pleasure.
Suddenly her walls began to squeeze and her hand holds your head steady. "I'm close– fuck don't stop" a moan of your own had escaped and created a tad more pleasure for Jennifer who couldn't stop the ecstasy slurred curses.
She was quivering under the palms of your hands and was about to finish soon.
Both of her hands were threaded in your hair as she whispered numerous chants of yes, then her movements stuttered and she arched from the bed with a long moan, sweet and satisfied.
You licked her clean as her thighs twitched from the overstimulation.
Jennifer could barely crack an eye open for you when you loomed over her, "Jenny, how're you feeling sweetheart?" She held the hand that cupped her face with a hazy smile.
"Good, so good"
"Good." you chuckled and gave her a slow and passionate kiss that made Jennifer feel aroused once again in her nether region.
You mistaked her mellow attitude for exhaustion and settled beside her, fingers reaching for the lamp light but her hand brought yours back.
"We're not going to sleep until you come as well" her hands road up your shirt and took it off your head.
"You don't have to if you're tired"
"Don't be daft, y/n" a slight smirk splintering at her lips.
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star-keepr · 10 months
hi this is a silly stupid fic I thought would be cool to write but please be warned when I write gore I spare no details, @x-ca1iber has had to learn this the hard way so please proceed with caution <3
(btw I have no idea if anything like this has been written before so if it has been I apologize in advance)
credit to @clownsuu I believe they're the one that created this au
TW!!! gore, pain(lots of it), sharp objects, fear, mafia(?), guns, death
Welcome To The Family - Y/N x Mob au Wally
Today was the day of your 'interview', you knew you couldn't miss this one as it was extra important. Being part of a mob wasn't exactly anything new to you, although it had admittedly been a while. You would have stayed with your own, if they weren't all shot down by a rival gang. The only reason you survived was because your mom was good enough to hide you while the whole ordeal went down. They aren't fond memories to think back upon, and now that you're thinking about it, you start to become a little nervous. Would a mob accept a member of a former rival family? No, no, you've gotten this far. The boss would have definitely said something by now if you weren't welcomed.
The gloomy city streets glistened a little from being coated in a fresh layer of rain in the buttery colored streetlights. You didn't want to check the time due to your hurry, but from looking above at the dark cloudy sky you guessed it was around 10:00 pm. This part of town was always deserted, everyone knew it was gang turf. That's what made you so unnerved to return here. Just little you wrapped in a concealing coat silhouetted by flickering streetlights.
Eventually you made it to the building you were instructed to enter, it's a little old looking like an almost abandoned apartment. You knocked on the door. No answer. You waited a moment, then tried hesitantly to knock again, but before you could, the door cracked open to reveal a tall green man with... did he have four arms?! He gave you a suspicious glare through the small crack with a single eye.
"Y/N L/N. I'm here about the job offer?"
You hold up a rather elegant looking card with the boss's info on it, a surefire way he told you to get into the building if his bodyguards didn't trust you. The door opens up a bit more as the tall green man (you think he's some sort of caterpillar??) takes the card and inspects it thoroughly, looking over both sides like his life depended on it. After a very long and suspenseful moment, the caterpillar looked back at you, handed you back the card, and stepped aside for you to enter.
"Follow me."
The inside of the building extremely contrasted its outside, as the inner workings of this place were very clean and fancy. A chandelier above, marbled quartz flooring, and a big staircase in the middle with what seemed to be more quartz for the railings. The stairs were covered in velvet, and felt soft under your worn out shoes. You now feel extremely underdressed, even the green man leading you is in rather dapper attire. There were doors at the sides of the giant hall that you assumed lead to other rooms, and while you listened carefully you could hear... at least two people yelling in one, a tv show blasting from another, a man screaming for his life in another, and you swore there was a gunshot noise that wasn't from the tv.
The green caterpillar stopped to turn and wait for you, you hadn't noticed you stopped mid-staircase to take in all the sounds and sights. You look embarrassed and quickly catch up with him.
A few more staircases and a rusty elevator ride later, and you soon both arrive at the boss's office. A weird sense of dread seemed to suddenly coat you like a weighted blanket, but you did your best to shake it off. The caterpillar seemed to notice this, and while he was obviously not one to talk much, he patted your back gently as he opened the door.
"Just be cool."
As if the building itself couldn't get more luxurious, the boss's office was no exception. Comfy velvet chairs, custom carved desk and shelves, and in the middle of it all a rather peculiar looking man with his attention focused on whatever papers he had in front of him. The caterpillar stays by the door, but upon realizing the boss didn't notice you come in, he knocked lightly on the doorframe, causing the man to look up. Wow, what a sight! You had seen and met him before of course (otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this job offer), but there was something so magical seeing him in his true environment. When you met him he was disguised as a painter at a local café. No more façade now though. His curly hair was tied into a loose ponytail, and he wore a loose dress shirt with suspenders and faded pants that seem to have once been colorful. The most notable feature however, besides the piercing stare and rings on his fingers, was his lack of two eyes. One seemed to be sewn shut with a long nasty scar running through it. It gave you the creeps. Then, with a voice as smooth as honey, the man spoke.
"Ah, hello doll. I'm so glad you decided to accept my offer."
His words felt cold as they slipped into your ears. His small smile, while an attempt to be a warm one, just looked sinister. You force a little smile back.
"Come, sit, I'm so excited to learn more about you."
You didn't dare disobey and quickly took a seat across from the man. You were both aware of how powerful he was. He reached down to open a drawer, pulling out a file with info in it. As he opened it and began to read, you realized it was a file on you. How the hell did he even get that?? Isn't that only for government clearance?!
"So, I hear you've had some experience with a... 'family' like this before?" He says this from behind the file, setting it down open-faced to look you in the eyes once more.
"Yes, I- well- I have. I'm sure I don't need to remind you what happened to them though..."
The man had both fists under his chin listening intently and calmly.
"Which one? You'll have to humor me, doll."
"Do the... [lastname]s ring a bell?"
He seemed to perk up at this.
"Oh yes, I knew the father quite well. I thought they were all killed though. I suppose I'm mistaken."
"I was the only one to survive."
"Tsk tsk. Too bad. Now I understand you were.. a bit smaller back then? Still an adolescent? Do you think you'll be able to improve upon being here should I choose to let you be a part of this family?"
You nod confidently.
"Yes, sir. I've been a hitman ever since my family's massacre, I've learned a lot and I know I'll have a lot to learn from here."
"Of course, the assassin gig... so I trust I won't need to go over any basics with you then? Checking if you know how to pick a lock, if you can disguise yourself, et cetera?"
"No need."
He nodded thoughtfully.
"Good... Well, I see no reason yet as to why you shouldn't join us, although I hope you know that you'll have to quit that assassin job. And... one other thing."
You heard the caterpillar shuffle behind you, and upon looking you noticed he had locked the office door and was now standing in front of it. You started to get a little unnerved, but you said nothing as you turned back to the boss.
"What... what's the 'other thing'?"
He smiled to himself and got up from his desk, pulling out a little wooden box.
"Well, anyone can say they're loyal to us. I must admit I trust you more than a few of the other family members, but it's just a formality to *prove* you won't leave or betray us."
You start to squirm in your seat a little, curious as to what he could mean.
He removed a scalpel from the little box and held it up in front of his scarred closed eye.
"I'll have to take your eye."
A wave of fear washed over you as those words escaped from his sly smile. You thought about escape but then remembered your only way out of the room was blocked by the caterpillar man.
"Don't worry, it's a simple procedure, everyone else has done it and they're fine..."
The boss muttered in a soothing, almost singsong way as he began to put on surgical gloves.
"Wait...! Is this really necessary?? I mean, you said it yourself, I'm pretty trustworthy-"
You began to try and bargain with the man with a shaky voice, it's almost hard to believe he's being fully serious about this. Maybe.. maybe it's just some sick prank? Yeah, they must just be dunking on the new guy... at least, you prayed that's what it was.
The man then stood in front of you, scalpel in hand.
"Stay still, I need to find a way to do this neatly.."
He muttered, testing the scalpel at different angles just inches away from your eye. You couldn't help but shake now.
"Wait, you're serious? Am I going to get some painkillers...?"
The man chuckled softly.
"Oh doll, it wouldn't be a pledge of your loyalty if you didn't feel the pain..."
He placed a hand gently under your chin, the other poised in the position he wanted with the scalpel.
"Now this may sting a little... oh, and please try not to scream too loudly. We don't want to alert any others."
You couldn't help but flinch away. The boss noticed this and lowered his hands patiently.
"Now now, you have nowhere to escape. And just think, a whole new future is waiting for you just a few slices away."
You cup your hands over the eye he was aiming at shaking your head a little and backing up.
"I- I just- I've always been weird with eye stuff, I couldn't even get contacts in without chickening out. I don't know if I can do this."
The man just smiled softly.
"It'll be over before you know it, I promise doll."
You take a moment to look around you, thinking deeply.
"I-... I don't have a choice, do I?"
The man sighed lightly.
"I'm afraid not. I've learned that just getting it over with is better than letting the fear consume you."
You were still shaking as you looked down into your hands. You really didn't have a choice now.
You almost couldn't believe yourself as you shuffled back to the chair and sat down, it was almost as if another entity was controlling you, something with a higher presence. The man gently placed his hand under your chin once more, the other poised above the target.
"Take a deep breath in three, two..."
(okay here's the really gory part so just another fair warning)
Before you could think you felt the sharp blade of the scalpel plunge beside your eye into the socket. You let out a yelp as it moved, this was... so much more than a little sting. You didn't know whether to close your eyes or keep them open while the boss worked, both options were unbearably painful. Bloody tears immediately filled your vision, and it was starting to go red and fuzzy as the scalpel made its way deeper into your eye socket. You did your best not to scream, not to move, as you knew it would only make the process more painful, but damn was it difficult. You could hear as the blade severed the first of several nerves in the back of your eye connecting it back to your brain.
"You're doing great doll, keep being as still as possible for me..."
Another few nerves were severed, and you immediately lost sight on your left side. You were silently crying now to somewhat replace screaming, fat blood-mixed tears flowing down your cheeks. The last few nerves were severed, and you didn't feel your eye anymore. You obviously still felt immense pain, it just didn't stem from your eye itself anymore. Your vision was dizzy and blurry now, and you could just make out the man's hand reaching into your eye socket and pulling out something white and overbearingly bloody. Everything sounded rather muffled and distant now, but you could tell he was happy from his tone.
You then felt the sting of a needle, some cotton, then some gauze being wrapped around your eye.
"You did so well!"
The man chimed, looking down at you. You could see the blood stained clothes and gloves.
"Welcome to the family."
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catchyhuh · 7 months
It's flu season. How would they live through the sickness + would they take care of each other? Bonus: how did they survive the pancemic / quarantine situations?
you know the funny thing is the only time i’ve ever had the flu (which was miserable and lasted a full week WITH the vaccine already in my system so remember to ALWAYS KEEP UP WITH YOUR SHOTS) i had been into lupin for about a yearish, and i watched fuma AND napoleon’s dictionary in one night to pass the time and only at that moment did i truly understand the. variety of animation quality present in the lupin the third franchise. i can still taste that medicine in my mouth whenever i see either of them. but anyway
lupin has two sick modes: not feeling too peachy but will act like he’s dying to exploit special treatment and being pampered, and actually very, very sick, but will deny he’s that sick because he feels weird having people truly, honestly, sincerely worried for him. 
would he take care of others? well. yes. not in a very tender way, but he doesn’t want them DYING at least. like, if jigen is bundled up on the couch, red nosed, blanket over his head, and pathetically asks for the remote, lupin will get up and give it to him, but he’s not holding his hair back when he’s vomming lol. he WILL offer a hairtie though. you see? it’s about that level of care. you’ll be far from miserable, but in all honesty, he COULD do more
would you believe people standing multiple feet away from you in a museum makes it twice as easy to plant secret tracking devices and tiny bombs and shit? would you believe? would you believe masks made facial recognition tech twice as easy to crack since most people turned it off anyway? WOULD YOU BELIEVE?
jigen feels this weird defensive embarrassment about being sick. people like jigen don’t GET sick. or so they all tell themselves. so when he’s actually like, SICK sick, miserable and nauseous and coughing, it bothers him MENTALLY more than it does PHYSICALLY
as a result he doesn’t want people taking care of him. it’s going to happen anyway, usually from lupin, so he doesn’t waste energy fighting, but he’ll only barely acknowledge the fact he’s the picture of death right now
his usual personality is in full play when he’s taking care of someone ELSE though. you’re only getting the help if you beg or if he can immediately tell you’re going through it, but if you DO get his help, he’s going to talk and talk and talk about how you KNOW better than to hang around after someone tells you to your face they’ve been sick. you’re lucky he gives enough of a damn to get you the big stack of tissues with the special lotion in them so you don’t rub your stupid nose raw. you’re welcome btw,
oh the emotional turmoil of being “too perfect to get sick” but also LOVING getting whatever you want under the guise of “please? i’m sick :(“ it's so hard to be her. so difficult to have her lavish life
fujiko is not. the most doting person. you wanna talk about someone who will just stand in the next room over while you’re hunched over a toilet bowl all pitiful and green in the face. it’s not that she doesn’t care! she just. would rather never ever ever see that shit lol
fujiko’s usual targets are selfish, hateful, yet unbearably idiotic and easy to manipulate. so… she kinda loved when covid was at its full peak, because she got an IMMEDIATE visual shorthand for who was deserving of her sugar baby schemes. ESPECIALLY if they constantly made a big deal about how they refused to mask up. so… yeah, made her life incredibly easy!
actually gets the sick the most out of them because he forces his body to withstand extremes that NOBODY’S BODY SHOULD REALLY BE WITHSTANDING. gets the flu almost every year despite getting shots and the like, but he survives. 
all of them WOULD take care of him, but he rejects the help. it’s not fully a pride thing; he’s heard many times that you heal faster by working your body as normal, so it can readjust quicker. but… he doesn’t really question why they’ve already got some warm soup lightly simmering on the stove so it doesn’t get cold before he pours himself a bowl, or why they just HAPPENED to have the nausea medicine right on the coffee table…
the same “get better faster by getting off your ass” technique is in full swing when he’s watching OVER somebody sick though, so… very much a tough love approach. but if you act even a smidgeon MORE miserable during the process you might get him to back down a tiny bit
(sticking the DO NOT EMULATE sticker on his forehead again) zenigata could stand sopping wet in negative degree weather with the patient 0 covid guy standing right in front of him, breathing right into his nose, and there’s ONLY a 50% chance he’ll actually get sick. and even if he does get sick, IT WON’T STOP HIM IN THE SLIGHTEST.
zenigata is weird because if he’s taking care of one of the gang, first he gets this HAHA IDIOT YOU SHOULD’VE KNOWN YOU’D GET SICK but when they actually start paling and getting weak he’s like “oh my god you lost a shit ton of electrolytes. we need some gatorade” so once you get past that initial gloating stage he’s not bad. just. very overwhelming, as he usually is
gets touchy about being taken care of depending on who the caretaker in question is. for 85% of people, he’s brushing off the help, insisting he’ll be back on his feet, and really, you shouldn’t hang around him either or you might catch it too. but if it’s somebody who’s already seen him drunkenly sobbing over the smallest act of kindness or quite literally jumping out of windows in a lupin-filled blind rage then. yeah, he’s a little more accepting of the help. 
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