#it's so cute. it's got the flower girl aesthetic. it has a really good color scheme. its back is literally a bush. that's awesome
front-facing-pokemon · 8 months
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bugscreating · 9 months
Ahhhh, I have bad Saiki brain rot. I have so many head cannons, I specifically have a ton about Saiki in a bloomcore aesthetic
This is going to be long, but I am having fun. I have more ideas, but they will have to wait til tomorrow
-One time that Kusuke is fixing or updating Saiki’s antennas, he decides to prank Saiki by making them super flowery. But the jokes on Kusuke, Saiki likes them. Doesn’t even ask for them to be changed back
-Kurumi finds them super cute and makes him the sweater I drew. Saiki loves it, but justifies wearing it because his mom made it. He can’t just not wear it
-It doesn’t take long for Kurumi and her parents to shower him with gifts of flower themed clothes and accessories
-Grandpa Saiki gets super excited about it and buys Saiki a custom and handmade flower lamp and bedding, for people living in his community. And he personally travels and brings them to Saiki
-Grandpa Saiki got a stained glass flower lamp, he personally picked out the shades of pink as he wanted the petals to be a mix of different shades of pink and made sure the metal would be silver. He made a new organic flower design to show the crafter what he wanted it to look like. He made it look like the big pink flowers, that went on for miles, that lined a section of the road to Saiki’s grandparents house
-And Grandpa Saiki went out and bought the fabric and thread for the quilt and picked out the colors and lining for the bedding. He also bought the batting so it would be a thick but breathable quilt. He made sure the corners of the fitted sheet would have extra elastic bands to make sure it stayed smooth. He even flipped through quilting books and found a pattern that he thought would look good with Saiki’s furniture (he obviously made sure all the colors he picked for the quilt and lamp would go with his room)
-Kuniharu makes a stupid comment like ‘wow, I always wondered what it would be like to have a daughter. Thanks Kusuo.’ He makes the mistake of saying it in front of Grandpa Saiki and Kurumi
- Kurumi takes on her devil face and YELLS about encouraging things thier kids like and for possibly pushing Saiki away from bloomcore, because she finds him adorable
-the rest of the day and the next day are hell on earth for Kuniharu
-Saiki grateful for the wonderful pieces of decoration and the thought that went into them so he decides to be kind and invited him to get coffee jelly
- The shift in aesthetics catches all his friends attention but no one feels comfortable bringing it up and Nendou is focused on messing around and not how Saiki looks
- eventually the psikickers ask and Saiki shrugs
- Auira is the one to suggest he grows his hair out and when it’s long enough she’s the first to buy him flower themed hairpins and clips
- it makes Saiki happy and excited enough that he stops scowling and his eyes spark with wonder
- that starts the psikickers new mission to buy him lots of cute accessories
-Now about once a week each member of the psikickers will gift Saiki with a flower accessory
-pretty soon between his family and friends, plus the occasional impulse purchase, Saiki has a sizable collection of flower accessories
- to afford all the gifts, the psikickers start a service where they find lost items. Between the three of them, they are guaranteed to find the missing item
-When Saiki’s hair gets even longer Auira starts to braid flowers and leaves into it
-Saiki also has heavenly locks of hair, softer than anything. So Chiyo and Kokomi want to touch it
- Eventually Chiyo gets the opportunity when they have a gum class or chemistry class and Saiki needs his hair to sit above his shoulders and Aren of someone suggests a bun. But Auira doesn’t know any nice buns, so Chiyo volunteers. The bun is amazing
-(mostly unrelated, but I have a head cannon that Chiyo volunteers at a girls home. Like one of those big sister programs. And that’s they she’s so good with Kokomo who doesn’t really have any other female friends and also with dealing with ways to help Mera stay controlled, but still be who she is. That’s where she learned how to do long hair hairstyles)
-Kokomo I’d super jealous that Chiyo got to touch his hair first
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walmart-miku · 9 months
I gotta say I love the new project sekai designs but I feel like we've lost some stuff here. Here's all my thoughts on it.
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Pros- the outfits are more cohesive now and they feel like a unit. It also shows how they've grown as a group. And that they've been signed with a company now
Cons- I feel like leo needs new outfits lean too heavily into the fact that they're school girls. I think that they really could've gone a more rock aesthetic with leo/need. Something like leather jackets instead of blazers or something similar to ichikas original shirt or maybe more straps (I really liked that shirt, I did not know how much I liked that shirt until now but it just looks so good on ichika feels iconic)
More More JUMP
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Pros- like leo/need they feel a lot more cohesive and the new outfits are really cute. I love the little color detailing on the outfits with each members signature color
Cons- the blue color that they chose as the main color is beautiful don't get me wrong, but it completely washes out both Haruka's and shizuku's color due to both of them being a shade of blue. Also I feel like we've lost some individuality here. The only differences I see between outfits are airi having a two piece and the skirt designs differing slightly.
Vivid Bad Squad
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Pros- the most cohesive feeling while keeping theor respective personalities and styles. Toya is out here laying a slightly more formal look with his blazer, akito is still out here with his double sweatshirt layering, an has switched up from showing leg to midriff (which looks amazing my jaw literally dropped when I saw her she's so pretty) and kohane is just really cute as always. And also all of them have a mostly blue piece which really brings them together as a group while keeping them separate.
Cons- Toya doesn't have a little belt/fabric strip with a repeating word on him :( (akitos on his jacket, an's on her belt and kohane on her skirt by the pocket) also idk about mikus blouse here it looks really funky and just kinda off
Wonderlands x Showtime
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Pros-once again, pulls them together as a group really nicely. I'm in love with mikus new outfit here it keeps all of the silly wonderland energy without being super childish like her last one was. Also emu slays the lesbian color pallet
Cons- THE COLOR SATUATION WHYYYY???? the colors they used for the outfits are less saturated than before and it just feels a little wrong. I love the pastels but I don't really think of pastel when i think wxs.
Nightcord at 25
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Pros- they already had a pretty cohesive group outfit and they got to keep that so kudos to that. I also love the flower detailing on the dresses, the way it slowly fades in and the same with there signature colors on the bows. And mikus new bows are just AHHH they're BUTTERFLIES!!!
Cons- I'll miss mikus harness, It just looked so damn good. Also kanades sweater. I feel like it really captured kanade at her core and now she's got a school like uniform when she doesnt even go to in person school. I also feel like we lost a little bit of mizuki's cuteness here
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sentavoarts · 5 months
hey, ur oc is super cool! got any hcs w/ them in adwd? i’d love to know!!
HI THANK U FOR THAT but yeah i have some:
His name is Sen btw! (where i basically got my name from)
Post will include these things: -Basic info about him (fav color, food, music taste, etc) -More detailed things (previous jobs he worked, body details like scars and tats, etc) -Hcs with them and grim (uses his actual name)
Basic stuff:
-He/they pronouns
-Sennes is his actual first name with Sen being a nickname
-Fav color is this specific shade of blue ( 8BECFF)
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I can't even explain why he likes it he just does and thinks that's awesome of him.
-Fav foods would be those local filipino noodles (pancit canton if u wanna look it up) and that samanco ice cream
-His overall genre of music would be a mix of indie , jazz and, somewhat pop
-Fav artist is arctic monkeys or laufey!! (projecting here)
-He doesn't really have a style he just wears whatever he thinks looks good on him but it may range from vintage to things those skateboard boys wear!
More detailed things about him:
-He's quite scared actually not sure if it was seen that much in that art but he has a scar across his face from accident (technically an attempt of casp trying to take his soul) from when a wine bottle fell on his face.
-On the note of wine he actually had a bartending job while he was in college to help pay for his rent. He's had some other previous jobs before this one and here they are in order: flower shop cashier > cafe barista > bartender.
-Honestly the job i was gonna give him wasn't in the list of jobs (psychiatrist) but if i were to pick in the list it would be mortician i just think he would probably kinda enjoy it??? because if you think about it being a mortician is like those asmr tiktok games where you give a make over to a zombie or smth...
-Tattoos! All over his arms! And on his nape:
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the one on his nape is inspired by a song called "crying lightning" by arctic monkeys!!!!
-He has a mole on top of his eyelid and freckles everywhere.
-Actually pretty buff as he can bench press around 291 lb (strong baby boy)
-He's actually had some self defense training from his parents when he was younger and picked up boxing and fencing as a hobby.
Hcs with Casper!
-Like one of the options in the game, Sen would absolutely ENJOY putting little ribbons all over Casper's hair. He might even play around a bit and make him have goofy hairstyles (that Casper would KILL him for but we ignore that).
-He calls Casper "Casp" because he just thinks its really cute. Along with "Cas" "Buwan"(filipino for moon) and "Vinegar" (Teasing)
-Inspired by that convo in their official discord server, They would have a BLAST doing each other's skincare/ make up while listening to 2015 white girl songs!
-Following the one before this they would ROCK karaoke night.
-Sen is a avid music listener and would probably try and get Casp into so many other artists.
-(based on the game) Sen's teased Casp about his plush Azrael but really Sen has a whole ARMY of plushies and Casp REALLY gets back at him for that. Basically would go like:
"Your not really all BIG and SCARY with that plushie thats so PINK and CUTE!"
"Says the shithead with a army of plushies on his bed... seriously why do you need that many"
"THE CHILDREN??????????????????"
-Idk why but i feel like he would let Casp use markers to color in his tats!
-Sen would 100% bring him on a whole road trip to a more country/rural place to just enjoy the peace and quiet (Like one of those aesthetic vanlife tiktoks
-Sen is pretty decent at drawing and i feel like Casp would be too if he tried hard enough but i just imagined them giving each other lil drawings they made (could even be on little notes left on the fridge or little letters scattered everywhere)
-On those days Casp is in the soul sickness time will be spent snuggled in bed and having nice warm meals!
-Sen would probably always ask Casper for a sparring session because that seems like it would actually be fun! Plus we don't really know much about how Casp fights so... that would be interesting (he would be butt hurt if he loses).
-Their def a >:| and :3 duo
-I feel like deep in my bones Casper would probably like playing guitar/bass. So basically what im saying is they could sing and play TOGETHER! YIPPPEEEEEEEE!
nyways i think i better stop here because this list is getting LONG. And currently thats all the hcs i can think of.
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sleepydrabbles · 9 months
Things I Have Been Obsessed With:
Description of Emotion
Manga (as a specific art form)
Anime (as a specific art form)
D Gray Man
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Japanese (the language, yes.)
Describing personal experience
Money (not in the fun get-rich-quick way, no)
Writing Original Stories
Writing Fanfiction (yes, that’s a different art form entirely)
Photography (of small things)
Organization (konmari’d the fuck out of my room three times)
Social Connection (I’ve elaborated on this too many times to explain here)
Astrology (Babylonian, Chinese, Personality Typing, etc.)
Random Generators (using them)
The floor (my RA has a photo of me lying on the dorm floor because I still find it nice and grounding)
Religion (mostly Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, some Ancient Egyptian. Never got around to the Catholic Saints but it was a desire)
Piano (quit because brother stole my piano book and hid it for ‘being annoying’)
Fairy Idol Kanon (it’s a real series I swear)
Happy Happy Clover (manga)
Pandora Hearts
My Hero Academia
Genshin Impact
Books (Book Hoarding, Dragon Style)
How to Train Your Dragon
Rise of the Guardians
BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan, Beyond the Scene, etc.)
SEVENTEEN (kpop group)
Fashion (continues to baffle me)
Stretching (Inherited super stiff, tense muscles and wanted to be able to touch my toes)
Aikatsu (anime)
Nest Building (as in bedding, comfy clothes, etc.)
Food experimentation (not anything wild. Grapes and yogurt wrapped up in a tortilla was pretty good)
the details TM (apparently. I get told frequently that I notice the little things. I do not think they are little things. I continue to miss things my mother finds obvious.)
Tragedy (why the fuck did I read so many books about people suffering and getting hurt as a teenager. I can’t stand true crime, but I did read “Reviving Ophelia” by Mary Pipher and it did some serious damage)
Music (as a listener. I was looking for a vibe that I have now found successfully many times over but still can’t describe to people, lmao)
Eragon by Christopher Paolini
Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce
Harry Potter (spare me. I was eleven.)
The Fire Within Series by Chris D’Lacey (just checked to make sure I didn’t hallucinate it)
Mistborne Series by Brandon Sanderson
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (my copy is a wreck of notes and underlined parts)
Studio Ghibli Movies (My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Howl’s Moving Castle, Ponyo, Song of the Heart)
Avatar the Last Airbender
Tourist Spots in Japan (I’ve since discovered through personal experience that the normal city streets are my favorite)
“Aesthetics”, as in the practice of throwing together a bunch of photos with similar color schemes and themes and calling it a summary of a vibe
Eve’s Music (JPOP)
Yoasobi’s Music (JPOP)
Kenshi Yonezu’s Music (JPOP)
Aimer’s Music (JPOP)
Teddy Bears and stuffed animals
My Little Pony
Littlest Petshop
American Girl Doll
Vague Endings to Stories
Found Family
LGBTQ+ Labels and Groupings
Gender Presentation
Throwback Lists of 2000s Dance Songs
Character Playlists (That spotify thing where you name a playlist ‘[character] vibes’ and fill it with songs you think could be their theme)
Fairies (specifically that one book of flower fairies that’s really old and cute and seasonal)
being a Good Student TM (grades looked great! Other stuff not so much)
Human Biology
Drawing Manga Style
The Concept of Art
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Shortly after asserting N'Kosopa's will against the vindictive Racules and fending away the Bugnarak Empire in Peta, King of Evil Gira and President Yanma Gast are unexpectedly stolen away by God Kamakiri: Guardian Shugod of the Kingdom of Ishabana. Infamous for her lavish lifestyle but beloved by her people as a healer, Ishabana's young Queen Himeno Ran no doubt seeks an audience with the two men. Though her aim is uncertain, she may prove to be an invaluable ally in dethroning Racules and freeing the people of Shugoddam...
...ahem, that is to say... "Let's get this story of ours back on track!"
Spoilers, I guess...
-Sheesh, they should pay me to do these recaps!
-So the story goes!
-Ah, it's...
-Well, it's certainly a pretty place!
-Getting kidnapped by a beautiful girl's gigantic robot mantis god...
-That's how I'd like to be introduced to someone.
-Ah, Yanma seems to know what's up.
-Uhhh, not at all, Your Majesty! We're right as rain, eh Gira?
-Ooooof, shut down.
-Well, to be fair, Gira's a pretty eye catching dude.
-...I won't lie, it'd have been all over for me right then and there.
-Rich, glamorous doctor, patron of the arts, and direct with what she wants?
-AND flower handcuffs!? Oh, Toei, you guys gotta stop reading my search history.
-Soooooo, how we feeling about Zenryoku King? I think it's pretty good, but I'm not quite sure it fits the theming quite yet.
-I absolutely love this opening sequence though, it's so sick looking.
-I love how the team colors just pop out of the grayscale.
-Sentai gets visual flair even if fidelity can be called into question sometimes.
-Holy shit, every Kingdom's in better shape than Shugoddam!
-That motherfucker!
-Kuwagon :)
-I see Gira views his god as his bestie
-"Here I thought you a junkyard dog! Gast, you spineless, simpering purse pup! Have you been so truly whipped that you'd hand over MY God to please a single whim!?"
-"No! ...Nyes :3d"
-Oh, and she's got maids for days!
-"...okay, can he say that in English? Or uh, Japanese I guess... come to think of it, what do the people of Tikyu speak? Galactic Basic?"
...actually, I hear Erica Murakami's got a bit of Canadian in her, would she know English?
-Rainbow Jururira!
-...come to think of it, Gira must be starving. Not only did he just get out of a battle, but he was taken to another country and hung from the ceiling. ...has he eaten today?
-"Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
-Oooooh, three greater guardians.
-That's a scarab, I'm pretty sure.
-Himeno seems like the kind of person who'd get extremely mad about a typo in chat.
-Hmm... this place reminds me a lot of the Netherlands. ...or I suppose more accurately, the Dutch tulip craze.
-If you don't know what I'm taking about, I insist you do a bit of research on the 17th century's Tulip Mania. It's a hell of a lot like the investment schemes we see nowadays, in terms of how much money was lost and how little we learn from it.
-"Oh God, it's another one... *Sigh* Do I have to depose this one too?"
-"Smash that house!"
-Gira's certainly sticking to his principles. Very based of him.
-Those poor people.
-...Ohhhh, she likes blowing shit up.
-God, she's perfect.
-"...and just as suddenly as it came, it's gone. Let's get outta here."
-Raaaainbow jururira.
-The bugs are fighting!
-Ohhh, it's a soup.
-"Yeah, thanks, whatever."
-"Good work. ...but this ain't the real thing."
-I'm gonna be honest, I haven't the foggiest idea what jururira even is.
-For all I know, it could be like
-Deep fried spaghetti ice cream.
-Okay, that seems like gelatin.
-Man, Yanma's just *deflated*.
-"Hand over the beetle, or you're fired."
-"You be safe now, yeah?"
-Ohhh, poor kid
-Seems like her Dad's really mad.
-And off she goes.
-"Please follow these instructions."
-Man, I'm sad now.
-Queen Himeno's aesthetic sense
-Okay, he just
-I've done a lot of things for cute girls in my short existence, but I don't think roleplaying as a geriatric is one of 'em.
-Oh shit, Bugnarak.
-Who is Queen Himeno Ran, really?
-The people flee!
-Ohgai Busou!
-Help her!
-...oh god, she's covered in shit.
-Take that selfishness to the top, girlie.
-Himeno Ran! Does as she pleases, and pleases as she does!
-Come and Kick It!
-Ohgai Busou!
-Kamakiri Ohger!
-Kamakiri, Kamakiri! Yas Queen!
-Ohh, she's even more beautiful than I could've ever imagined
-She be walkin!
-"You're not nearly enough of a self-centered bitch yet~!"
-"Hahahaha! How obstinate! Verily, your selfishness is a fitting ally for the King of Evil~!"
-Man, that Mantis would bite my head right off...
-King Ohger!
-Oh shit
-...that's two episodes in a row with poop jokes, what the heck.
-"Oh, okay. Zooom."
-Oh okay, that's uh
-An interesting angle.
-Yay, we did it!
-...I've decided that I am now officially a Himeno Ran simp.
-...you could've picked up on context clues, but I figured saying it outright would help.
-"You just let me handle it, yeah?"
-King Dybowski!
-Of Toufu Land!
-Good on ya, lass.
-That's our Queen for you.
-"Shut it boy. I've got a job to do."
-God Kabuto!
-Oh, no time for surgery, it seems!
-Kaguragi Dybowski! What is this Bee Lord after?
-Suppose we'll just have to wait and see now, won't we?
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sweetmoonstorm · 11 months
Hello I would love to request a match up from LMK from you!
Name: Katherine (Kat)
Love Language: Physical Touch/Quality Time
Personality: She’s extroverted and the mom friend. Generally very bright and cheerful, though her energy level will match those she hangs out with relaxing more not to overwhelm people. Has a bad habit of bottling up all her negative emotions, and even when breaking down will often try to deal with it alone rather than burden others, as she views it. She is always willing to help others in any way she can, whether doing things for them or giving advice (will drop anything she’s doing to do so). Can be rather sarcastic if annoyed or if retorting to someone else’s snark. Very stubborn and independent when it comes to doing tasks, also very obligation oriented while also being a procrastinator. Things out of her control triggers her anxiety the most.
Sexuality: Heterosexual female
Aesthetic: Bright colors and floral patterns and cute things
Appearance: Long straight brown hair often bound in a low ponytail, pale blue eyes behind glasses, very busty with slighter hips, pale skin with freckles over face arms and shoulders, usually dressed in either pajamas or shorts and t-shirt/tanktop
Fandom of Choice: Lego Monkie Kid
Anything sought out in general: Those who can keep more of a level head in stressful situations
Likes: Animals, Sweets, Stuffed animals, Singing, Baking, Hanging out with friends, Hugs, Sharing tasty food with others 
Hates: Anyone who messes with those close to her, Being unable to help those close to her, Burdening Others, Shoes, Pants, Things being out of her control
Ok, so-
(from by @magicmaiden36 ty ty)
After reading this, the first person that came to mind was Sandy.
I know that Sandy isn't really seen much in matchmaking(at least from my experience), but Kat and Sandy to me seem like the absolute perfect match.
I've got the reasoning too if you just click kept reading-
Sandy, the descendant of Sha Wujing is a big blue guy who has roughly thirty therapy cats, a violent past, and a like for tea and talking things out. He also looks like he could give great hugs.
Kat, your oc, is a girl who is fond of stuffed and real animals, keeping things under her control, and hugs. She also has the habit of bottling up emotions.
To a person like me, those two would be a sweeter than honey couple considering they get together.
Here's the generic backstory for these two.
For some reasons, I am able to see Kat being a good friend of Mei.
Building up from there, Mei gets into some chaos and is wrapped up into MK's crew, Kat later on becoming part of or supporter of the group, and being introduced to Sandy, the descendant of Sha Wujing.
Me being a sucker for slow burns (but at the same time an impatient person), I think these two would have more of a relationship where it'd be like "Oh hey! We actually have quite a lot of common, don't cha think? :3"
From there on, the relationship would build up until it's like. "Oh. *Oh.*"
Cue the many, many, *many* flower crown making and (free) therapy sessions with Sandy.
They'd be the couple that people get either sick of bc of the sweetness or jealous bc of the romanticness.(Is that even a word-)
And hey, benefits!
Free therapy for this oc!
At a point where Kat gets stressed out bc there's something outta her control, Sandy could just pop up behind his love and offer some tea and a therapy session! (Which is really just Kat getting to interact with all... 30? 35? of Sandy's cats, plus Mo, his look-a-like. With an additional feature of Sandy piping in and trying to talk through Kat's problems and figure them out with her. Woohoo.
I'll stick with a strong belief that he is a very good, if not the best, cuddle giver, so let that Physical Touch Love Language do it's thing n sit back and relax for those (horribly time consuming, waste of time, yet so relaxing and comfy) cuddles!
Mo would also be very cuddly + affectionate towards Kat considering she'd be his caretaker's honey, so a bonus!
(I refuse to abandon the belief Sandy would call Kat so many tea related nicknames, and just plenty of overly sweet nicknames in general)
Anddd That's about it for this match!
I hope this was alright, and have a nice day! >:DD
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postmodernbeing · 3 years
Shingeki no Kyojin Headcanons: 104th training corps (College AU - Outfits pt I)
Hello, Postmodernbeing here. I decided to continue writing about this College AU , only this time, I'm making some outfits HCs, since I'm working in a oneshot and this visuals could be helpful. Also, it seemed like a lot of fun so I've decided to give it a try. Hope y'all like this. Much love.
IMPORTANT: I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin nor the trend of this outfits-displays, only this HCs belong to me. // Contains spoilers (for the icons that I used in some characters) // English is not my first language, so I ask for your patience and understanding.
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Eren Yeager
Chains and rings of stainless-steel. Combat boots matching faux-leather jackets with studs and pins from bands.
Has a few flannel shirts (that he stole from Zeke, his brother doesn't mind, tho). But for the most part, Eren's shirts are from merch of bands with a few (handmade) changes.
Eren likes to sew badly on purpose some patterns or figures by following quick tutorials. All his clothes are modified or drawn over.
While his main looks are metal head alike, he also wears snickers, hoodies, sporty pants, and jackets to class. Pretty laid back, he looks as he just woke up from a nap all the time tbh.
Sometimes goes skating but he’s not that good, his skateboard is more of a fashion statement really.
Has both ears pierced around (lobe type) and tattoos on both arms.
It’s pretty obvious to this point, but I’ll say it anyways: Eren wears black religiously. Definitely he’s open to darker shades of any color, but must wear something black at least.
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Mikasa Ackerman
Our girl wears black clothes mostly. She doesn’t have a preference between skirts/dresses or pants, but you’ll rarely see her wearing jeans.
Many skirts and ripped tights to match with platform boots or classic converse. Also owns a large wardrobe with different hoodie and shirt sizes and designs yet mostly in dark shades.
Lots of necklaces and rings with perforations to match, none in her face yet lots in her ears. Mikasa has only one tattoo: Azumabito’s clan logo.
Speaking about Azumabito’s, whenever she’s working with them, she wears faux leather jackets at most, and her classic red turtleneck. Nothing too exaggerated nor formal.
A total goth since middle school, and even though in college finds it a bit unpractical, she tries to keep it as loyal to her style as possible.
Books and notebooks are part of her attires. She’d be writing or reading at any time that’s possible. Not always about her classes, tho. She also likes novels and arts. An artsy goth, perhaps?
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Armin Arlert
Sky blue is his color. Matching it with classy pants and blazers in clear colors.
His wardrobe looks like one that belongs to an aristocrats’ son. Some light-academia realness.
He can pull off some casual looks with sneakers but it’s more common for him to wear his oxfords, cap toes or moccasins to class, or anywhere really.
Cardigans, vests and blazers are his best friends as soon as autumn arrives. Always in colors such as beige, green, brown, and grey.
Armin is easily the best dressed from all his group of friends, and I’m not even open to discuss this. Let’s just remember his canon outfits throughout the four seasons. Even in a Modern AU he’ll keep being the king he is.
Not a big fan of accessories though. Except for his handkerchiefs that match his blazers. Since his grandfather used to choose his clothes, he taught Armin that a handkerchief was a gentleman’s must carry. Now he wears them only to pay his grandpa honor, as a lesson more so.
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Jean Kirstein
King of brown jackets and turtlenecks. Really, his wardrobe is in such color harmony. It’s impressive.
Little to no accessories besides an occasional scarf or a single ring matching some bracelet.
Although he’s used to wear a consistent type of clothes and even colors, he wouldn’t dare to define a style for himself, is it boho? art hoe? dark academia? Maybe we’ll never know.
Zero perforations only because he’s scared of pain, but Jean is really drawn into them, so he uses fake ones for his ears sometimes. Has only one little hidden tattoo, made when he started college and lost a bet against Sasha and Connie.
Jean’s always stylish, clean, and smelling like cologne. He also has an extensive routine for shaving, combing his hair and trimming his beard.
Second best dressed of all his friends. Lowkey loves fashion but keeps it for himself (and Marco). Plus, in her mother’s house he keeps more clothes than his dorm' wardrobe can storage.
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Marco Bodt
Colorful, youthful, and casual, that’s his style. Marco’s clothes reflect his joyful personality and every time he enters a room, he brightens the mood so easily.
A lot of denim and if he’s not wearing bright colors, you can be sure he’s caring something white with him (a bandana, a baseball cap, a scarf or his sneakers).
Shares with Jean a special appreciation for clothing, except Marco prefers more laidback and casual outfits.
Has no tattoos but recently got both ears pierced. He decided to since he really likes the earrings that k-pop idols wear.
If spring was a wardrobe, Marco would have it. I can’t stress this enough. Just so pretty and genuine.
Also, he definitely uses accessories (small jelly or colorful rings, bracelets of all kinds and simple necklaces) but there's more, he uses objects that are not meant to as accessories too. Such as band aids and small stickers around his face, skates in his backpack and flowers in his pockets.
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Sasha Blouse
Unironically messy style. No matching patterns nor colors, different textures and sizes that made little to no coordination in her outfits. Unaesthetic is her aesthetic.
She likes baggy jackets and jeans with big pockets for snacks obviously, midi-skirts and graphic tees. Sasha is the definition of zero fucks given and still looking cute.
Of course, she knows how to pull off some cool outfits, it’s just that she doesn’t care that much unless is specifically required.
Not a big fan of accessories besides belts (maybe) and her backpack. Unless we’re talking about bucket hats that became a must wear thanks to Connie.
“Borrows” Nicolo’s hoodies/shirts that wears with her favorite threads. Then plays dumb when her bf asks her about his clothes. They both secretly love that dynamic.
Sasha plays it safe when it's about her hairstyle, also not a big fan of makeup -at least not the way Mikasa or Historia do-, but she’s open to try new things if her best friends dare her to.
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Connie Springer
King of striped shirts and golden chains. His style is mainly urban and youthful. Conniegod remains unmatched in his awesomeness even in a Modern AU, if you ask me.
Owns a collection of sneakers that wears with his numerous printed socks. So creative and colorful.
Also, Connie has a small collection of unique shaped tinted glasses, also bucket hats and simple stainless steel chains.
Has small fun tattoos around his legs and arms, ears pieced but nothing too grunge. Speaking of which, he matches religiously his earrings with his chains that hang of his belt.
Usually wears dress pants or cargo pants. Anything but denim or really skinny fitted pants. Coincidentally, most of his shirts are loose too.
Definitely brings his skateboard with him all the time so it’s part of the outfit, really (Eren tried to copy that from Connie, let’s be honest). He’s so good at skating, and when he doesn’t feel like walking around campus, skating is always a good idea.
Part II here
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raventons · 4 years
The list of names
*scary music playing* Ok, guys, in the light of American Middle Eastern policy, that has once again brought me to tears, I decided to do something a bit happier (this is me trying to influence my followers to read the news and fight for the right thing and all that jazz). I’ve got a lot of asks recently, mostly from people new to the world of CC, about which creators are the best, so I’ve made this little list of the creators I download and use the most. This is not in any way a complete collection, I might have forgotten someone (and there’s also plenty of creators I haven’t discovered yet). Also, these are all build creators, mainly creating alpha CC. Please feel free to add to this list. Also also, the description I’ve used for the artists are totally my own making, so if you are a creator and feel like I am describing your work in an unfair way, go ahead and punch me in the face.  If I was a new simmer, I would check out these creators:  Retired: MXIMS - Makes modern, real life furniture with the best quality. Has many downloads left on their website.  MINCSIMS - Similar to MXIMS (with some amazing collabs), also with a beautiful talent for doors and windows. Not many objects left in orbit, but google is your friend.  DAER0N - Done everything from noodles to palms, but the recent Daer0n I would describe as gold, dark and modern, with 3D modeling skills out of this world. Retired, and much of the old stuff is gone, but some can be found at bloomingrosy.  DOX - Similar to Daer0n with a slightly stricter, more wooden approach. The most underrated one of the retired giants. Has some downloads left on their website. ANBS - Super clean aesthetic. Modern, real life furniture. Many downloads left on their website. SLYD - Mostly known as a CAS creator, but has the amazing shoes and bags available as decor. All downloads left on the website.  HVIKIS - Wallpapers and wall art. All downloads left on the website. VIIKIITA - Recolors to die for. Not many objects left in orbit, but google is your friend. Active (I think. I hope. I don’t know):  ARSBOTANICA - Previously simshamlet. Does really lovely, vintage aesthetic perfume bottles and amazing flowers. SLOX - A personal favorite. Modern, I’d say. And realistic. But often with objects you didn’t even know you needed, that ends up being the main inspiration for the whole build. Like some folded shirts, or a stack of books. 13PUMPKIN -  A long with Artvitalex this is the best wood creator in the community. The sets are kind of like “small-lovely-family-home”-style, but can be used in big, modern builds with equally outstanding results.  WONDYMOON - My by far most used creator. The most organized one too, I’d say. All sets match eachother, and are easy to find (and are all named by elements, this guy is a rock star). PYSZNYDESIGN - The Kilburn set is to die for.  MEINKATZ - Literally replicas of real life furniture, with their history and all. Honestly the coolest thing ever. Also, a really nice person.  PRALINESIMS - The best floor and wall creator, hands down. I don’t know if this is really the person I should tag tho, so I’ll tag @cross-design​ and hope for the best because I honestly still don’t know who is who. I love them both tho. THE TSR GIANTS: SEVERINKA, KARDOFE, UNG999, SIMMAN123, PILAR, ARTVITALEX, ANGELA, DOT, BUFFSUMM, SHINO and NYNAEVE - Yes, a lot of the creators I mention here are active on TSR and a lot of my TSR giants are active elsewhere, but I still, maybe arbitrary, like to put these under the TSR flag because they represent that wonderful vibe of big sets, certain room types and signature colors. PEACEMAKER - a true legend. Some of the CC is borderline MM, but that is what makes them so perfect. They go with both themes. MIO - This is the first creator I downloaded from and they will always have a special place in my heart. Brilliant conversions, flower sets, seating, everything.  NOVVVAS - A way too humble person that claims she is not the best in the game, when she truly is out of this world. RIGHTHEARTED - who I have been referring to as neiden my whole life because I am an idiot.  TINGELINGLATER - Does a lot of things but blessed all of us with windows and since then I am in love.  ANYE - Pinkbox Anye, to be correct. Lovely person. Lovely sets. Unique eyes. Adore this one.  FOREVERDESIGNS - Will literally transform your bedroom. And kitchen. And life.  BLACKMOJITOS - Build sets and sexy, stunning posters (and a basket every now and then). Also up for commissions, I just noticed. Go throw money at her. She is amazing.  KAI-HANA - Has a totally unique style, where everything is alpha, but still has a beautiful, clayish touch to it. Underrated.  AROUNDTHESIMS - A bit on the MM side, so if you’re looking for that MM/alpha mix, this is for you. Extremely productive. Does everything and more.  CHERRY-SIMS - A part from the CC, this is also the best picture editor I’ve ever seen. I am a huge fan!  CONCEPTDESIGN - Did someone say trees? YUMIA - Soft flowers, old school touch, vintage AGGRESSIVEKITTEN - Literally killed half the community with the recent brutalism set, which without a doubt will be voted best CC of 2020. Also, where else would you go for both beautiful, vintage objects AND a tarot card reading? Weirdly obsessed with seals. Makes amazing lots. I love you.  DSCO - I gave up trying to spell this creators full name after the sixth attempt. I would describe the CC as cute. But not in the condescending (that I could spell) way. More in a bad-ass-I-need-all-of-these-objects-kind-of-way! KKB - My ignorant and uneducated ass wants to call it Korean, and I am sorry if this isn’t the right way to describe anything. Soft, pastel but at the same time very cool, with rattan and wood.  DR GREENIE - Former Green Girl. Mostly MM, but has made some of my most used decor objects.  HELEN - Extremely productive. Does everything.  NIKADEMA - Has made my favorite sink!  PQSIMS - Makes sets. Usually light wood.  LUNATICAVILLAGE (2SIS) - Another underrated favorite. Everyone should go here and show as much love as possible! LAVI3ENROSE - A creator that entered my world quite recently. Art deco. Bronze. Gold. And the best wrapped Christmas presents of 2019.  DDAENG SIMS - Another giant that recently changed their name (used to be dreamteamsims).  FELIXANDRE - The best historical creator (as in making epic shit that would create the most wonderful castle). Sometimes a bit on the MM side with the furniture, and that contrast makes it, in my eyes, even better.  SIMCREDIBLE - Sets. Color matching. Often light and modern. I use their decor stones in every single one of my .  SOLORIYA - MM creator. But even for us alpha bitches there are wonderful stuff (I think this is the case for most MM artists, I just don’t know so many of them).  XELENN - Also does literally everything. One can scroll this blog for hours.  OWL-PLUMBOB - Amazing build objects.  SANOYSIMS - A long with MXIMS, I’d say this is one of the most “realistic” artists.  WINNER9 - To me, this creator is all about the amazing wall art. But of course they make other stunning objects too. Marble tables, anyone? SJAMBOKSIM - My most used concrete walls (and I use concrete A LOT).  AIFIRSA - Totally different style from everyone else. Absolutely love this aesthetic.  VIVIAN STUDIO - This sounds weird, but their onions are the best object in my game. Don’t judge.  HEURRS - A quite new creator who blew my mind with some recent candles and earned my first reblog since 456 BC. Love you.  I am forgetting so, so many. Please, I sometimes can’t even remember my own name, so don’t feel hurt if I missed you. PLEASE comment your favorite creators below! Where would you advice new simmers to start looking for good CC?  Love you guys!!!
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loudestcloud · 3 years
After a long brake from this saga, it returns for her birthday! However, I should start this by saying the obvious fact that I don't like they way Nami and women in general are drawn, I really wish the mangaka had a middle ground between the 'If I sneeze I'll snap in half sexy girls' and the 'i will crush you in my fat rolls ugly girls' types but here we are and this is what we've got. As a result, most of my connects would usual be how I wish she her skirts would be longer n such but I'm not gonna do that because I don't want it to get in the way of the actual content in the post. Let's go: NAMI!!
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'First appearance': it's not the first at all, idk what to call it tho, it's her 3rd. it's just the one in We are so technically counts. It's probably the nostalgia, but I love this look. I can't place why but I'm not even mad at the weird stripe lengths design, it's just cute to me. The sleeves are short but long enough to hide her tattoo and I adore her skirt too like the dark orange parts remind me of blood oranges!
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Baratie, Loguetown, Little Garden, first Arabasta outfit, (& Long Ring Long Land) Post-Arabasta & Post-Enies Lobby: This was probably a common or local brand for her cos she's rocking that skirt in all different colors 👌 Also, I just wanna start by saying, all her t shirts actually go past her hips? So her skirts would actually be longer than they look cos she's actually draw quite strange when in tops. Anyway, shes starting off strong with this nice pink top n I like the nice shade with the white. Then, a dark blue for the first and only time ever for Nami to pick out. I personally think lighter colors are nicer for her tho. Bringing us to this BEAUTIFUL baseball jersey with purple sleves, get it bitch oml! 😘 I don't think that skirt matches very well but it's still cute. Then, she tries stripes and I think it works out well and I think the 3/4 length look is good for her too so that one is nice. The diamond pattern tank top is actually one of my favourite Pre-Skip looks just because it's so well matched with the skirt. You can't see in the picture but the dot inside the circle is the same yellow as her top so it's just very well done, definitely an actual set. And the lace? Amazing. I hate the feel of lace myself but it looks amazing.
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Baratie, Drum Island, Post-Arabasta, Long Ring Long Land Whisky Peak, Post-War, Punk Hazard: Now, I don't actually have much to say about these, I just think they are worth mentioning.i like Nami in shirts with text, I always spend way too long trying to read em lol. Anyway, I like the Drum Island shirt & Punk Hazard shorts because ✨ stripes ✨
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Water 7 & Enies Lobby: Nami's first dress! And also a new skirt! I like this frilly style more, I wish it stayed around tbh but oh well. Water 7 gives us the iconic blue shirt & tie with matching shoes and it's a blessing really. Then, Enies Lobby gave us the strange Denim outfit that Paulie hated with all his mind 🤣 At the time,I thought it was a cool outfit. It's not bad, the too looks a bit armour so it's go that going for it and that jacket slaps in my opinion. I like long sleeves on cropped jackets.
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Thriller Bark: Pink! When I saw the first outfit, I thought something super bad was going to happen because it looked fancy and that anime for 'time to die'. Lucky for her, nothing happened at all apart for her just looking really grown up. I like her hair too, super cute. In the next fit, it's a total flip, quite punk. Her belt is a nice contrast from her skirt and I LOVE her top! Her party outfit looks like an itchy lace and the straps, while I live frills, look very irritating. It looks cute but I could never wear it myself. Lastly for this set is one of my all time favourites for Nami because she gets to wear a necklace! It's very small and hard to see but I think it's amazingly cute. This combination of her hair being down again, a nice pokadot shirt, full length jeans and a big smile from making a friend makes it all the best.
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Sabaody Archipelago & Levely: As with the 3rd outfit set, I just think these are neat. She's rockin' a different necklace, shorts and a 90s style flower top then in Levely she's chillin' in a simple puff sleeve shirt with hearts a cross the chest. Simple looks, very effective
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Fish-Man Island, Punk Hazard & Dressrosa: Fish-man island comin' in hot with the iconic Timeskip look and belt! This, I much prefer the Crimin bra because it's simple plus her hair is up really cutesy. Also it's funny cos that would have been expensive for she didn't steal all the outfits she did. Looks wise, Punk Hazard is my favourite but I really dislike that it doesn't cover the bottom of her boobs and its not really supportive. I think it's my favourite because it reminds me of Frankys vibes. Dressrosa's is also really cute but once again looks like the frills would tickle a bit. Also I like her shorts.
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Zou: A DRESS! not only that but it's Purple, a color she's not worn before more than as sleeves years back. It's an interesting dress style, very lacy and would brake easy but it's VERY nice to look at. Her next looks bring back the ruffley frills and basic shirts. The half button shirt has her 2nd number on it and the colour matches her skirt! I like the purple coming back in her next skirt but what I like way more is her last Zou look. It's a nice halter neck with black lace trim then to make it better, her skirt is a wonderful shade of red that has an adjustable rope belt with little gold buttons on! I just- 🥰
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Whole Cake Island & Wano: everyone's lord and fashion savour, WHOLE CAKE!!! I mean look at how cute she is in that first one! That fairytale aesthetic really owns my ass at this point! Then it's a total shift with that more mature sexy style red turtleneck dress no sleeves? The side by side vibes are 😘👌 love em! Plus, this arc gave us more purple AND 2 box neckline dresses which I think with Nami they really work. The forts Wano ouyfit is only here cos blue really works for her. It look okay but I don't think they are as nice as most people do. Idk what it is about it, I think it's just too square. The 2nd is nicer to my eyes, idk
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And lastly, I just wanted to Shout out the First eps and the Dead End Adventure outfit cos it looks like Vector from Despicable me:
This post was made listening to 'One Piece vibes' by Kato & rewatching One Piece
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cin-dy-moon · 4 years
touch // tai x mc
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AN: so, I needed to take a break from writing my other projects and I was struck with inspiration elsewhere… so: I present something filled with angst and longing instead. I just KNOW physical touch is Tai’s love language. No one will be telling me otherwise lol.
Rating: No actual smut, but Tai is a grown man so… his thoughts aren’t exactly always PG-13. Sexually explicit themes. Cursing.
Words: 3,639
Synopsis: After the waterfall, Tai has been holding himself back from touching you all the time. He didn’t want to disrespect Camilo, at least not to his face. But without even trying, (some trying) you were becoming more and more irresistible.
My MC: Minji Song, 24, 5’6”, a conservationist researching how to prevent coral bleaching for her PhD, moved to the UK from Korea for university, she had lived in the US for 8 years during her teenage years, yawns at recouplings, a firecracker.
Tai was genuinely excited to have a sleepover with the boys. It was a good way to get to know everyone and have a chance to bond with the guys. Coming into the Villa could be pretty intimidating, especially when you come in later. Tai wasn’t afraid of being liked or not. He was already a pretty likable guy. But on Love Island, sometimes the difference between winning and losing was about who liked you. Bonds were important to form.
It was fun, lots of laughs and time to get to know one another better. Tai was sure that there was plenty there for the show runners to use for content. Bill was curious about how everyone was coming off outside, but Tai could tell that he just wanted to know if he was popular. Honestly, Bill was a mixed-bag. People either loved him or hated him. When Tai told him this, he was pretty chuffed about it, finding the mixed reviews as something to take pride in. It was a pretty Bill reaction; he lived in polarized opinions.
Bill was the reason the pillow fights started.
The actual sleeping part was where Tai found his trouble. The quiet and the darkness only amplified his thoughts. They were all drifting to her.
Nicky seems like a really great guy. He’s loyal to the people he attaches himself to. He’s really made himself an older brother/father figure in the Villa. He’s fiercely protective of Minji… Minji.
Harry’s a cute kid with wild ambition. He needs a strong work-ethic to pull it all off. Minji works so hard… Minji.
He suddenly had become hyper-aware about how the sheets felt against the palms of his hands, his legs, his stomach. They were soft and smelled like fresh linen. He closed his eyes and thought of the way she smelled. Peach. A hint of musk. Some kind of flower. With her sweat, it morphed into something that reminded him of something nostalgic, something he couldn’t put his finger on. Like picnics on the beach. Salt. Sunshine.
His eyes shot open, startled by the intensity of this connection to her. Realistically, they had one morning with a good conversation and a really great date that resulted in some… pretty big bits. He’s had one-night-stands before, but he rarely ever had such an instantaneous connection to somebody. He never had that connection lead to sex so quickly. Mind-blowing, earth-moving, award-winning sex.
Tai ran his hands over his face. He needed to get some sleep, but his slong was starting to get other ideas. The pulsing was getting more intense. There had to be something else he could think of.
Ciaran seems like a great guy, also a potentially great work-out partner. His eyes just light up whenever he starts talking about his dog or dogs in general. I like my fair share of pups, but Ciaran was on a whole other level. In fact, sometimes his nose will scrunch a little as he’s speaking and the smile on his face is so wide and contagious…
He turned so that he was on his side, staring blankly into the night. His imagination was in full gear with the wondering of what it would feel like to have her arms snake around his waist right now, to fall asleep to the feeling of her nuzzling into his chest, to wake up with her absentmindedly kissing up his jaw. He closed his eyes again determined to chase away the ghostly memories of her touch.
Count sheep, Tai. He was maybe too familiar with the operations around sheep, how dorky they looked without their wool coats fully grown, how they smelled. The smell of barnyard was certainly a boner-killer. He settled better into his pillow. The memories of his time spent volunteering at a sheep farm the summer before secondary school crept into the forefront of his brain. The sun and the shit mingled together to create the worst smell in existence. The heat and the air thick, stuck to the insides of his lungs like tar.
And then it was morning.
He awoke to chatter, something he might have to get more used to considering that he was going to be sharing a bedroom with twelve people. He yawned and stretched his large arms across the bed. Camilo said something about making breakfast for the girls as a surprise. With that suggestion, Tai had to suppress the instinct to grimace. He didn’t want to be obvious about his disdain at them being together. But he sure as hell wasn’t smiling.
He knew that Camilo wanted to make breakfast for Minji specifically, to woo her. Tai couldn’t blame him, though. Minji was something else. A clear and vibrant color against softer hues, like the bright orange in a sunset. There wasn’t much competition when it came to her. Honestly, a lot of the commentary from before he came to the Villa seemed to be about who Minji would win with. She was a blazing inferno. The others were great, but…
She lit up every room she was in.
After getting ready in the bathroom, they made their way into the kitchen. Ciaran exchanged looks with him, both unsure of what to do with themselves.
“Why don’t we tag-team breakfast for you, me, and Yasmin?” Ciaran suggested. Tai smiled, grateful for the way that the three of them had bonded, and nodded in agreement. They got to making scrambled eggs and avocado toast. Ciaran looked contemplative as he watched Tai cooking and then grabbed some fruit out of the refrigerator, taking blueberries to the sink to wash. It was easy to forget about the cameras in some moments, but when the entire kitchen was crowded and bustling and hot, it was painfully obvious. He was just going to make the most out of it, doing his best to make the most aesthetically pleasing and Instagram-worthy dish.
As Tai was plating things, he looked up to see Minji making her way across the lawn towards the kitchen. Camilo jumped to his feet to greet her, and Tai couldn’t ignore the small pang of jealousy he felt in his chest. The slices of avocado on his toast got mushed up more than normal. He let the corner of his mouth pull down slightly.
Her lilted voice carried across the lawn loud enough for him to hear her excited chatter but not what she was saying. Her checkered bikini hugged her ass like it was molded onto her. How do you go about knowing what someone looks like in their most vulnerable and intimate state and then have to go about pretending like you haven’t? She looked up at him. They made eye contact for a moment. Time halted to a standstill, like it was giving Tai the grace to let her warmth shine on him for just a little longer.
She looked away first.
He cleared his throat lightly and brought out the plates to Ciaran and Yasmin, who both gave him a short applause for his work. He grinned, flooded with appreciation for his new friends. Something was going to go well this morning. Then, he noticed that the only seat with them was near Camilo and Minji.
“It was weird not having you in bed last night,” Camilo muttered. Tai mentally rolled his eyes. They shared a tent together. “Also, I made you some food.”
Minji took her plate gratefully, eyeing it down without glancing back up.
“Perfect timing,” she was bursting. “I was so hungry.”
“Well eat up then, babe.”
Tai lost his appetite.
Actually, who was he kidding. He would be hungry in five minutes if he didn’t eat now. He picked up his fork and started to poke at his eggs before putting a small bite into his mouth. There was a little too much pepper in the eggs, but it was still good. He glanced at Bill, who was heartily helping himself to his fry up, mayonnaise in the outer corner of his mouth. Tai sort of just stared for a moment at Miki wondering how on earth she was sitting there eating her own food and smiling at him. She reached over to wipe his lip, and he just muttered a thanks before delving into what rules of etiquette were “actually important.” Abort. Shift attention to anything else.
Tai watched as Minji started to go in on her own breakfast. He knew that Camilo was a great chef, but there was some instinct to hope and try to out-do him and cook something Minji could gush over. Maybe it had something to do with his pride or with him being a Leo, but he wanted to be the best for her. He knew he could be.
His eyes honed in on her hands, the way they held her fork, how they absentmindedly held her cheek as she listened to the banter between all of the islanders. She was calculating the best way to reveal their antics from last night.
“We gave each other oily massages last night,” Minji divulged, a mischievous sparkle in her eye. “It got handsy.”
That peaked everyone’s attention, whether or not they believed it was actually true. Ciaran and Harry both fell for her joke, ever so naive and young. It made him wonder how Harry was going to succeed and not be taken advantage of.
Tai sat up straighter. Of course, she had to mention massages. He swallowed the food he’d been chewing, remembering the way her hands felt in his hair, the way that her fingertips trailed lines of fire across his body, the way her ass felt in his hands, the feeling of her around his—
“I’ve never had a massage before,” Ciaran admitted. Tai couldn’t pass up the opportunity to flirt a little with Ciaran. He was too precious to leave alone. He blushes so easily.
“Don’t worry, I have experienced hands,” Tai said with a smirk. “I’ll give you a good kneading if you’d like. I’ll leave you feeling very satisfied.” He winked. Ciaran blushed and the conversation continued, mainly light and still about the respective sleepovers from last night.
“I crushed everyone in a pillow fight,” Minji said, a fiery look in her eyes. She certainly had a competitive streak. It was hot. Her eyes met his, and for a small moment, he felt a rush in his veins and warmth spread all through his body. Her eyes left his, and then it was all gone. Like the worst kind of instant withdrawal.
All he did was crave her. The touch of her soft hands on the nape of his neck, her lips on his, her legs wrapped around his waist, her body pressed against him, his fingers curled in her hair.
He wondered if she ever felt the same.
“Why are there bean bags everywhere?” Miki asked.
“We jousted with them,” Nicky explained, but there was still confusion.
“One boy, the knight, sits on the back of another boy, the horse. Then they face another team. The bean bags are used to knock each other off with,” Tai gave them a shrug and chuckled lightly. “My mates and I made this game up when we were smaller.”
“Harry got destroyed,” Camilo added. Tai forgot that he existed for a moment. It was nice while it lasted.
“Oi, it was because Bill was a rubbish horse!” And the arguing started. Tai couldn’t help but look between the two of them and be reminded of the kids he coached. In petty arguments like these, it was best to just deflect.
“It’s not all Bill’s fault,” he interjected. “Ciaran and I just made a great team.”
“Sounds like I could kick your ass at jousting,” Minji chimed in, eyes challenging him. Sparks.
“Oh ho, tough talk from Minji,” he raised a cocky eyebrow. “We’ll see if she can back it up.”
“Keep talking smack and you won’t have to wait,” Minji retorted, eerily calm. “Pressure’s gonna be riding you just like Ciaran was last night.”
“So, you just assumed that I was on the bottom?”
“If you weren’t, you will be.”
“Is that cause you’ll be the one doing the riding?” he was getting dangerously close to revealing too much. Minji’s expression didn’t change, but she couldn’t do anything about the blush that appeared on her cheeks. She leaned back in her seat.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle that,” she was careful in her words. “Besides, I wouldn’t want you to go home early before any of the fun really begins.”
Tai was smoldering. He could’ve gone further. He was so tempted to. But the atmosphere had already gotten weird with this challenge-flirting that the two of them were doing. Camilo shifted in his seat awkwardly before clearing their plates.
Minji glanced around, only now seeing how people were slowly finishing up and cleaning around them. The cameras had been focused on their conversation, probably keeping a close eye on the two of them because of their exploits behind that waterfall. She bit her lip like she was trying to stop herself from laughing. When no one was looking, she winked at him. Then, she walked away.
“Let me do the wash-up, since you guys were kind enough to cook,” Yasmin said, her voice was like spiced apple tea. Cinnamon. Clove. Nutmeg. He said a quick thank you while his eyes followed Minji, who’s been pulled to the side by Nicky. Their friendship was instantaneous. People on the outside appreciated how they challenged each other, or rather, how she challenged him with his outlook about his sister.
Tai glanced away quickly, asking Ciaran something about his dog. That would get him talking for a while, and it would make it seem like he was having a conversation rather than being a weirdo and just staring at Minji. Nicky teased her about something and she laughed. God, what a laugh. Unrestrained and inelegant, it threw her head back a bit. She winked at Nicky, who took his turn to laugh.
“Kelly is so smart, I swear,” Ciaran’s voice interrupted his people-watching. It had more of his Irish sing-song quality whenever he got excited about something. “She can tell when you’re speaking to her and what you’re saying. One time, I was trying to…”
Tai’s eyes darted back to Minji. Her mouth pulled down at one corner, annoyed by something Nicky said. Her eyebrows furrowed a bit, listening to whatever Nicky was saying. Tai would bet money that he was talking about his sister again.
All at once, it hit him just how much he was into her. There was no one else on the island for him. Honestly, he should have known that as soon as he heard her voice for the first time, since before she discovered them in that tent.
Knowing how she acted, she was probably snooping outside of it. He knew it was her from the sound of her sneeze. Tai could pick out her voice in a crowd. Minji’s voice was coated thick with honey, fresh and ripe watermelon that dripped down your hands, the pleasant warmth that bloomed from inside when you’re drunk, the song that you play when you’re driving late at night with your dearest friends.
Little things like that hook him so easily. The last time he felt anything like this, it was three years ago. Thea’s eyes sparkled all the time. They made him feel like he could achieve anything as long as she kept looking at him like that. Of course, that didn’t work out at all. Breaking up had incapacitated him for a while. How was it that he was so enamored by Minji after knowing her for such a short period of time?
His heart wanted to leap into the entirety of her, but his head still had some reservations. He can get so caught up in the imagination and perception of a person that he forgets that they are just human. There was still so much of her that he didn’t know, that he wanted to get to know. Uncover her hidden truths and secret desires. Figure out what she was keeping behind the facade in her eyes.
A cacophony of burps completely derailed any more thoughts. Minji chuckled, “Maybe we need to work this off.”
Tai lit up. He quickly convinced them into doing “Tai” chi, something he first started doing to mess with his teammates.
“Tai is the best!” He shouted, delighting in the idea that every islander was just praising him for no real reason. He slowly shifted his weight from one foot to the next.
“Tai is the hottest,” he heard her voice float through a knowing smirk. He could’ve kissed her right then. His expression was completely smug before his gaze even met hers. She was stirring the pot by grafting on him in front of everyone again, and he was welcoming it. Nothing big had happened in the villa yet. Wouldn’t it be interesting for the audience to see how far he could push this? The temptation was too good to pass up, and the way she was looking at him made it harder to restrain himself.
“Think we need another waterfall to cool down with, Minji?”
She fought back her smile, though her eyebrow was still arched and her eyes still held that tempted look. He knew: she had a taste and she wanted more too.
“Tai’s got the cutest bum here!”
Everyone was amused when Seb was the first to affirm, especially with how certain he was about it.
Tai wanted to see if Minji would take the bait again, “Tai’s an incredible and passionate lover!”
“He sure is…” she mused, almost like it was just a thought accidentally said out loud. But she was looking right at him, eyes bored into his innermost being. For a moment, he wondered if it was a dare, egging him on to take her again there on the lawn. Prove it to them, to everyone.
But he didn’t, he resigned himself, “How could you possibly know that?”
Before Tai could say anything else, Camilo whisked Minji away. Tai chi was officially over for the day.
He made his way over to the kitchen determined to make his perfect cup of tea. It would help him feel better about this whole morning. Plus, holding it should help preoccupy his hands and mind from drifting into the memory of what it was like to explore her body, to make her utter his name.
It was at the point in the morning where it was too warm to have a hot drink, but there was something almost meditative about the whole process. Waiting for the kettle to reach its boiling point, measuring out the perfect amount of tea leaves, watching how the tea stained and spread in the water. He took a long and slow sip. It was perfect.
Camilo rushed by him with a grimace on his face. The space between his eyes knotted with frustration. He glanced at Tai for a moment. His eyes were cold. Instead of saying anything, Camilo just made his way inside. Tai stared at the place where Camilo had disappeared and then to the direction of the loungers. He placed his mug on the counter and abandoned it there, the cup half-full.
He saw her lying down, an arm draped over her eyes to block out the sun. Tai nudged her foot with his leg. When she saw him, a smile broke out on her face. It was wide and bright. His heart leapt.
“Well, hello,” Minji spoke and he drank in every word. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“I make it a point not to leave beautiful women unaccompanied,” he told her, sitting himself down on the lounge chair next to her. He stretched his body across it, making sure to lightly flex as he did. He could feel her gaze on him. His smirk found its home on his face.
“I see that,” she said simply, and then she laid her head back down. A silence fell on them like a blanket, but it was getting hot out laying in the sun. Tai let the silence continue, curious to see what was going to happen. The silence continued, though. He wondered if she was doing it on purpose.
“So, did you only come here to lay down next to me?” She was fishing for something. Tai turned his head towards her.
“Did you want me to do something else?”
She smiled but didn’t say anything at first. He could see her thinking about something. Her eyes pierced him, exploratory and unfamiliar. He wanted to know what she was looking for; he wanted to know if he would be willing to give it to her.
Her head snapped to the lawn and her smile dropped. A cameraman was making a beeline towards them. Exploration over. No discoveries could be made.
Tai glanced between her and the cameraman, unsure of what to do himself. He wasn’t happy. Clearly, there was something she wanted, but she couldn’t do anything with their privacy invaded. He was frowning.
“I want to know you,” she said simply. She was quiet and resigned, not at all like how she presented herself normally. Her voice was the same kind of honey-comb comfort, but it was more clear, ringing like a bell. It resonated so deeply in him. He didn’t know what to do with it. With five simple words, he was left without his footing.
Her phone went off. The moment was over for her. Wordlessly, she gets up to go. Minji let herself get one more look at him before she left, a small smile on her face.
And then, she was gone.
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Survey #373
“warm me up in a nova’s glow  /  and drop me down to the dream below”
Have you ever kissed someone that you thought you’d never kiss? Welp, never thought I'd kiss a girl for most of my life. When was the last time you ate take-out and what was it that you ate? Mom bought us breakfast at Bojangle's the morning after my sleep study. I got a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. Do you enjoy when guys hit on/flirt with you or does it normally make you uncomfortable or annoyed? When was the last time more than one guy was flirting with you at a time? It makes me uncomfortable, especially if it's very obvious and pushy. Like some respectful flirting is fine and can be flattering if I'm single, but you better respect my boundaries and not act like a dog. I don't think two guys have both been openly interested in me since Juan and Jason in high school. Can you name five things you enjoy looking at pictures of? Animals, flowers, waterfalls, expressions of love between people, and boudoir. Would you rather have an eternal winter or an eternal summer? Both sound pretty sucky, but an eternal summer sounds worse. Do you know much about the Greek gods? Not anymore. I did in high school, as mythology was an elective I took. Are there a lot of stray cats and dogs near where you live? Not in this neighborhood. How would you cope with living in isolation away from society? How long do you think you could cope before you went mad? Oh god, I couldn't cope. I'd lose my shit so fast. Have you ever found any hidden treasure? No. Would you ever want to hibernate through the winter? No, I enjoy winter. Which holiday do you prefer, Halloween or Christmas? I like the Halloween vibe more, but I enjoy Christmas more as a holiday. Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall? Cold. What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over? I don't believe I've broken up with anyone over something small. Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet? My older sister got it. It was hell. What’s the dominant color in the room you’re in at the moment? An off-white. Do you know who your mom’s favorite singer is? James Hetfield of Metallica. Easy. What room in your house is the messiest? The spare room. Have you ever used a “puppy face” to get your way? Ha, yeeeaaah... If you could change any law that exists in your current country, what would it be and why? Here comes free healthcare. For obvious reasons. What were the last toppings you had on a pizza? Pepperoni. Would you rather spend an hour walking a dog or riding a horse? Riding a horse. Do you freak out when you need to visit the doctor or the dentist? Nah. Do you prefer The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit movies, if you like any of them? I haven't watched either. Which Harry Potter film was your favourite? What about your least favourite? I haven't watched those, either. What do you think about nose piercings? I like them. Nostril studs especially are really cute imo. How many floors does your house have? One. What’s your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid? I don't really like Kool-Aid anymore. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Yeah, a cyst. Do you enjoy sappy love songs? Unabashedly. Do you wear a one-piece or a two-piece when you go swimming? One-piece. What would be your biggest pet peeve in a relationship? Not communicating your feelings straight-up. Be straightforward and honest with what you're going through with your partner, for the love of God. Have you ever had a teacher hit on you? Have you ever hit on a teacher? No to both. Do you tend to eat more on Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas? Christmas, because of chocolate stocking stuffers and boxes from Dad, haha. Do you know what an "AMV" is? Yeah, I used to make them. Do you think you have a sad life? In some ways, yeah. What’s one award show you have to watch every year? None. Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? The Joker, particularly Heath Ledger's. Do you like Rammstein? Love 'em. What is your favorite small dog breed? Aesthetically, I think pugs, but I've said before and I'll say it a thousand more times: I don't support breeding them. What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? I've never been obsessed with a comic book. Do you like kids pop-up books? Those were my absolute favorite kind AS a kid. What is your mother's mother's maiden name? Ummm I'm pretty sure Collins. Have you ever pet a monkey? No. What’s your favorite Owl City song… besides "Fireflies?" I actually really like "Hot Air Balloon." What’s your fave Miley Cyrus song? I don't know many, but I do know "The Climb" is absolutely gorgeous. Fave Rascal Flatts song? Probably "My Wish." But I also really like "Why" and "What Hurts the Most." Fave Justin Bieber song? None. Miley Cyrus, Demi Lavato, or Selena Gomez? Jesus, you really like bands that I don't, haha. I don't know any Demi or Selena songs, so idk. Fave Eminem song? Oh man, I do like a lot of Eminem. I know it's so cliche, but I genuinely adore "Love The Way You Lie." It gives me goosebumps. Do you think you could survive a month of solitary confinement? NO. Absolutely not. I would lose my motherfucking mind. What is something that you find utterly boring? Sports, save for dance, are incredibly blah to me. What noise/sound can put you to sleep? Gentle, steady rain tapping on the window. When you are upset, do you tend to shut others out? YYYYYYYYYYYEP. When was the last time you felt abandoned by someone? bleh Does the sight of blood gross you out? No. Do you like red roses, or do you prefer another color? I love red ones, but I really, really like the ones with a pink-peach gradient. Have you ever gone through a red light? I think I MIGHT have accidentally because I was zoned out, but I don't THINK so. Do you fail to stop for stop signs, sometimes? I can't recall if I ever have. What is one of your major turn-offs? Misogyny. The moment you act like you exceed my worth just because you have a dick, byyyyyeeee~ During which year of your life were you the most unhappy? 2016 was hell on Earth for me. Have you ever seen a blue jay in person? I have. Do you like leaves better in the summer/spring, or in the fall? I'd like to meet someone that actually chooses anything besides fall, lol. Do you like the appearance of green eyes? YES! Do you typically like green-colored candies? Yessss. It's not rare for them to be my favorite flavor of whatever the thing is. Who is the most energetic and happy person you know of? My nephew, omg. Have you ever encountered a black widow? I actually have seen at least one to my memory. They're native here. Has an animal ever peed on you? Yes. Do you prefer green or purple/red grapes? I enjoy both, but I prefer green IF they're actually firm. What color is your birthstone? Purple. Why did you leave your house last? To go to the TMS office. I have to go there every day (but the weekends) for two months for treatment now. Is anything on your body sore? Well, inevitably my upper right arm, where my tattoo is. It looks so fucking beautiful redone though, it's all worth it. :') Have you ever eaten a cookie cake before? If so, was it good? Hell yeah man, cookie cakes are great. Do you lose interest in someone easily? I'm quite the opposite. Who was the last person you flirted with? Sara. Do you still talk to the person you fell the hardest for? No. Who’s the last person that slept over your house? My sister and her husband. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes. Are you currently sad about anything? I mean, I always am about something. How would you feel if your last ex fell in love with someone else? I would be super happy for her. Who was the last person who left your life and hurt you? Colleen. Do you know anyone who died of breast cancer? I might know of somebody, but all I know personally are survivors. Do you miss any of your old friends? Well of course. Have you ever been used before? I don't know. Ever taken a picture kissing someone? Yes. What’s the last thing you and your sibling laughed about? I Don't know. I haven't seen either in some time. What’s the last thing you took a picture of? A meme to send Sara, haha. Do you listen to classical music? No. Do you tell your parents who you like? Why or why not? I mean, I don't just randomly bring it up because just being like "hey I like this person _____ now" seems weird. Now if I was asked or mentioning it is somehow relevant, then I will. Who’s the most annoying person in your neighborhood? The damn dog next door who never shuts up. Name one of your psycho exes? None. I was the "psycho ex," and it's embarrassing as shit. Do you make your own clothes and/or add designs to them on your own? No. Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? It's not something I always actively think about, but subconsciously, I absolutely always do. Especially knowing my family doesn't buy from "ethical" markets, but instead big ones. "Ethical" in quotations because there is no moral way to slaughter an animal for food, but at least there are smaller farmers who can give their livestock a better, cleaner, happier life. What are you listening to at the moment? I'm semi-watching Gab play Bioshock. I'd never seen the game before, so just kinda vicariously checking it out. Seems all right. Does anything hurt right now? My tattoo is definitely in the sore phase. It'll start scabbing soon. I literally can't stop looking at it, I love it so much. How many years have you lived at the house you’re living in right now? Around 1 1/2. Have you ever lived in a different country that the one you’re living in? No. Which of your parents will you see next? I live with my mom and rarely see my dad, so. Do you like Chinese food? Only pork fried rice and egg rolls, really. What sort of music were you brought up on? When all of us kids were very little, Mom would usually play her rock channels on the radio, sometimes a (clean) CD. She also would ensure to play kids' cassettes sometimes, too, like Raffy or whoever it was. Once Ashley reached a certain age, she would always ask for a pop channel to be put on, so most of my childhood was that and some country music, too.
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skzluvs · 4 years
Strawberry Cheesecake 🍰; Han Jisung
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2.3K
A/N: Reuploading this one cause it had too many mistakes!
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She tasted the saltiness of the caramel Frappuccino she ordered next to her a strawberry cake her ultimate favorite.
"So tell me Y/N how's school" Chan asked with a smile while he sipped his iced americano.
You where sitting at table in a vintage local coffee shop surrounded by aesthetically pleasing neon signs and flowers.
"You know being a college freshman is way harder than I thought" You sighed looking at him. Discomfort written all over your face.
“I know that face you make when something is troubling you, what it is exactly? I truly doubt is school related" He spoke softly.
" I swore I wasn't going to fall for him Chan, then tell me why I can't take him off my mind" You almost banged your head on the table as a sign of frustration.
You just couldn't understand why he made you feel that particular way and why exactly had to be him the one who everyone wanted the one you absolutely just couldn't have.
“He just has that effect on people Y/N"- Chan laughed showing his cute dimples.
" He truly does but that's not the point Chan you are supposed to be my friend and tell me to stay away from him before I fall in deeper"
Chan knew him they're weren't exactly close but they both shared American literature and that means they have talked here and then. Also they share a lot of things in common for example they were majoring on the same career.
" I can't do that sweetheart because indeed I'm your friend and if you like him I guess I support it"- He raised his shoulders innocently.
" Christopher Bang Chan! I never said I liked him to begin with and second of all you are such a bad friend this is why Woojin will always be my favorite"- You replied to him with annoyance raising your voice a little. Causing some customers to look at you.
Yes, you had the guy on your mind 24/7 but you just couldn't afford to like him. It was not safe, there were a million reasons why you couldn’t fall on that trap and mainly because you didn't wanted to become another one of the so called “fans” he has too many of those already.
" I feel disrespected but let me remind you woojin is still mad at you because you ate his precious chicken" He snapped back.
"What part of I was drunk both of you don't understand I was about to passed out and that chicken was the only thing that was on the fridge it was totally not my fault in fact you guys should do the groceries more often just saying" you responded with a sassy tone.
You were too busy fighting with Chan to noticed that a group of guys entered the coffee shop. And in that small crowd of young boys the protagonist of your chaotic nonexistent love life.
" Y/N I think we are missing the point here" He said trying to go back to the initial conversation.
" And that is..." You said waiting impatiently for him to answer.
" To admit that you do like him" a grin spread across his face.
You wanted to beat him so hard for being such a cheeky bastard.
"Fuck you Christopher I'm just going to pretend I didn't heard you assume my feelings like that" You scoffed in disbelief.
" What are you so afraid of though" he questioned raising an eyebrow at you.
" I already told you. First of all he's never going to like me back we only talked like twice and that's only because my clumsy ass bumped into him in the library"
" Don't you guys share a clase together" Chan asked while taking a sip of his coffee.
" Yes economics, but you know Mr. popular sits in the back surrounded by girls who are staring at him all day admiring his beauty while on the contrary I have to sit on the front so I can actually listen to Wilson talk about Adam Smith and his invisible hand of capitalism for an hour straight"
" Sounds like fun" he repeated mocking you.
" Today you are acting like a real asshole and I'm questioning why I'm still friends with you"- You said sending him a dead stare.
"I guess someone not in the mood for jokes" He said grinning.
"I'm just stressed out okay!"- You growled.
" Well I'm just going to say, you can keep denying it all you want I know you better than anyone else and unfortunately I can tell you are already in love with the poor man"
Mental note never talk about your love life with Christopher Bang because he has no fucking clue about anything else but music.
" When did you gotten so wise ? clearly never because all you are saying is nothing but bullshit" You crossed my arms in denial.
" Whatever you say Y/N. Why haven't you eaten your strawberry cake yet this matter must be really affecting you today because you tend to devore that thing in seconds"
The straberry cheesecake was just there sitting lonely on the table dripping the red syrup while the big chunk of straberry on top was slowly melting. You stared at it lost on your own thoughts.
There are too many reason why is even risky to think You were to like him but You couldn’t help to suppress a smile when You thought about him laughing or just walking confidently along with his friends through the hallways. You felt like a high schooler all over again having this secret crush on someone who can be seen as unreachable.
To you he was a like a shinning star in a sky, someone I wished upon up every night knowing that even with my extended hands I was never going to be able to touch because he felt too high for a simple mortal like yourself.
" HEY BANG CHAN"- a voice called for my best friend who rapidly turn his head looking for the owner.
You stayed there frozen In your place you could recognize that voice anywhere Seo Changbin one of the richest and most admired guys in school and of course for my misfortune his best friend.
“Hey Seo how you been?"  He asked while greeting the boy with a typical handshake.
There was no surprised that Changbin was talking to Chan they're both Music Majors, talented creative, self producers who were extremely passionate about their career unlike you who selected probably the most boring and time consuming career it could possible exist.
That's correct You were a Med student. Exciting knowing You’ll probably die before I get the chance to graduate.
"I've been well but actually I wanted to talk to you about a song I've been working on, do you maybe want to help me with some tracks ?” He asked directly and I could've sworn I heard Chris gasp.
" Of course mate I would love to" He replied with that beautiful smile showing off his dimples once again.
" I'm actually not that busy right now do you mind if we go to my place and work on it I barely started the beat" Changbin suggested.
" I don't mind I'm not busy either" Chan said immediately.
" Then let's go! can't wait for you to hear it" Changbin said turning around quickly.
You turned to face him for the first time since he got here, they were just talking comfortably as they pretended You wasn't even there but honestly You didn't mind at all, that's what happens when people with similar interests get together also nor You wanted to interrupt their personal conversation.
" I'm leaving Baby! I'll see you tomorrow I'm sorry we couldn't finish talking about you know what but I'll treat you to dinner next time"- Channie said while taking his jacket from the chair and standing up to follow Changbin.
" Don't worry about me, have fun with your new friend" You gave him a smile before he disappeared through the crystal doors of the coffee shop.
And then you came back to your thoughts while you kept on staring at my favorite dessert that didn't look as appetizing as before when you purchased it about 30 minutes ago.
As you was having this mental battle of trying to figure out my feeling for the dark haired boy you didn't even noticed that someone approached your table and stand there looking directly at you.
" Y/N" A sweet voice called out your name taking me out of your trance.
"Huh"- You said looking up confused.
That the minute your heart stopped for a couple of seconds and suddenly You forgot how to properly breathe. The most beautiful man was standing right there next to you with his hands on his pockets and his beautiful brown hair styled to the side. He was wearing sweatpants and a red hoodie but he still looked like a model.
"Can I sit here or are you waiting for someone" He asked offering that smile you always end up falling for.
Was he actually talking to you? You questioned mentally. You don't even know each other like that You wonder how is it possible that he even knows your name maybe he has a good memory and remembers you as the girl who tripped with the books on him on the library.
“God why did my mom had to made me uncoordinated” you said unaudible feeling your ears burn in embarrassment.
Your hands were sweating and You couldn't get the words out of your mouth you was suffocating on them.
" You can sit" you said rushing your words as you could spitted fire. If Chan ever needed a back up rapper you think you could do the job.
He proceeded to pull the chair in front of you and plopped himself on it while putting his elbows on the table and resting his cheeks on his hand his eyes looking directly at me. You instantly broke the eye contact and focused your gaze on that strawberry cheesecake again.
There was an awkward silence for a few minutes were neither of you made a sound until he decided to end it.
" Y/N i need to ask you something" His sweet voice sounded a little preoccupied.
" What is it" It was so hard for you to pretend to play it cool in front of him. The one who haunted you even on your own sleep a place where you thought it was safe. But not anymore.
"I know we haven't talked much but I found you really interesting" He scratched the back of his head nervously. "what I'm trying to say is that I would really like to get to know you I mean if that's okay with you of course" He said so fast no wonder why he's actually a rapper.
The red of your cheeks were just as the color of the strawberry syrup from that cake. How was you supposed to answer that while not long ago you was rejecting any possibility of liking him.
" I know this question might sound stupid to you but why me? You know there's absolutely no one in this one who hasn't fallen for you yet" I questioned still unable to believe on his words.
" Oh I know there's one, You are the only one who hasn't" He said obviously.
" So you are saying you find me challenging because I can resist to your charming face " you raised an eyebrow starting to feel offended you clearly wasn't going to be a game to him.
" Not quite I'm saying you are different and I like that maybe you don't realize it but even if the whole world liked me I would still only look at you, I mean I have been since you came in late the first day to Wilson's trying to fix yourself because you looked like you ran a marathon to get there" His laugh overflowed the whole room.
"Excuse me but my alarm didn't worked that morning and I didn't even got to eat breakfast so yes I ran my way all over there sorry I didn't looked presentable to your eyes but some people don't want to be late on their first day" You snapped back messing with him a little.
It was comfortable being with him like this right now. Something told me you was going to cherish this moment forever.
"I never said you looked bad in that moment I thought wow that messy girl is the prettiest one I've ever seen" A smirk spreading across his face.
"Are you just trying to cover up the fact that you literally just roasted me" You said laughing.
" Hey I didn't!” He said puffing outhis cheeks and You must admit he looks adorable every time he does that.
“By the way I was also meaning to ask is strawberry cheesecake your favorite as well?” He asked looking at the almost melted dessert.
" Yes it is. I have tried many variations but I always come back to this old friend, trust me I can eat strawberry cheesecakes for life I just haven't eaten this one because I was too distracted"
"Mine too! I love all kinds of cheesecakes to be honest with you, but no other flavor can surpass the deliciousness of the strawberry one. I must say it's my favorite because in some way it reminds me of you"
"How so" You asked curiously trying to hide the blush on your cheeks.
" It's really sweet but not to the point my teeth would hurt and the juicy texture of the strawberry just melts with the cheese and the cookie crust that's kinda how you are Sweet enough for me to like you with a twist personality that makes it even more fun"
You grabbed the fork and cut a piece of the cake while You shoved it on his mouth.
"Just be quiet for a moment you are being cheesier than the cheesecake" You said pointing at the plate while laughing at his sudden confession.
“Mmm this is delicious” He said savoring the taste on his lips. Liking them slowly in a teasing way.
“By the way, just for the record I was the one who purposely bumped into you at the library I'm sorry I had to grabbed your attention somehow" He winked at you with a smirk.
"JISUNG" You yelled at him.
You both talked about many things that afternoon but one thing you would never be able to forget is how his lips also tasted sweet like that strawberry cheesecake you shared.
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kpopchangedmylife44 · 4 years
Ateez: wedding thread
Part 1: hyung line
Part 2: maknae line
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he prepared for months and wrote a song about your lovestory especially for the proposal
you both get really emotional when he sings the song to you (but how could you not)
50-100; would love to invite all of your friends and family, but doesn’t  want to invite everyone he knows, so it doesn’t get out of hand
would design it himself and maybe hire a designer to bring his vision to life (if he can’t do it by himself)
would wear quite a lot of accessories
would make sure that your clothes look good together
Wedding ring:
you would design individual rings that are really unique and express your personality and connection  
would love to have his friends and family capture the wedding (Jongho, I see you)
but also has a team of photographers, who will make an aesthetic video and film everything
Venue: somewhere in the city, maybe the top floor of a skyscraper
does a lot of the decoration himself, as he has an eye for details and you love his sense of style
Flowers: blue lilies
Colors of the decoration: dark blues and touches of silver und gold
Music: would compose several songs just for your wedding and gets teary performing them; you both hire your favorite band and dance the night away
On the wedding day
gets really excited but also a little nervous
probably jumps around a lot
asks everyone if they already saw you
his friends calm him down (or try to)
he’s already smiling before you enter the room
but once he sees you, he just wonders how he got so lucky and he can’t wait for you to finally be married
holds you really tight after your first kiss as a married couple
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after being together for 5 years, he couldn’t imagine a life without you, so one day he saw a beautiful wedding ring while window shopping and it became clear to him that he wants to marry you
would prepare for the proposal and wants to be very romantic
you two are in a boat driving around town when he asks you to marry him
he gets a little nervous but nearly cries when you say yes
40, your closest friends and family, would prefer a more intimate wedding
Outfit: a really classic look- black or white suit, no accessoires
Wedding ring: a silver ring with diamonds and rubies  
you would probably have a long photoshoot in your venue with a lot of changes of the scenery
for the ceremony there are also various photographers, as he wants to capture every moment from every possible angle
an old castle, which is beautifully decorated in white and a light pink color and a lot of flowers
Flowers: white roses
Colors of the decoration: white and silver with a touch of pink
Music: a pianist for the ceremony and a band for the party (would also invite all of the members of Ateez, who would perform a song as a surprise)
On the wedding day
freaks out, because he wants everything to be perfect and how you both imagined it
checks every detail 10 000 times
takes his lint roller everywhere, so everything looks spotless
but the second he sees you walking down the aisle, he forgets about everything else
it wouldn’t matter, if the apocalypse happened around you right now, as he couldn’t take his eyes of you and forgets about the surroundings
he just looks at you the whole day and nobody else matters
feels immediately calm when you take his hand
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you’re together on vacation and he really enjoys your time together
when you both relax on the beach, he feels like he is really living in paradise with you and he wants it to last forever
so one morning before breakfast, he goes to the city and buys an engagement ring
the proposal itself is spontaneous and Yunho is kind of a mess, because he can’t stop smiling and does not remember what he wanted to tell you
but by the look of his eyes you can see how much he loves you
cries when you say yes (and after that you start crying too, but after a while you both laugh together)
100-150, this boy knows a lot of people and although it may be a bit much, he just wants to show his love to everyone and wants them to celebrate your special day with him
Outfit: dark blue suit with a flower
Wedding ring: rose gold with a diamond and a signature inside which reads ,,Yours forever”
you both wouldn’t like a staged photoshoot, so you ask your friends and family to take spontaneous pictures of you
prefers funny and real pictures
there probably would be a photo booth at the wedding
also hands out instant cameras to several guest
although the pictures are not perfect, they capture your relationship beautifully and feel special to you as the people you love took them
a large location with a garden and lots of flowers
Flowers: literally all colors of the rainbow, flowers are everywhere
Colors of decoration: pale blue with touches of all colors, the decoration itself is quite colorful, but it goes together
Music: classical music for the ceremony
for the party you hire a DJ, cause this boy gotta show his moves and no one can hold him
would do a choreography for your wedding dance and you practice a lot
although you both are way to giggly to dance it perfectly, you just enjoy it while spinning around with the love of your life
On the wedding day
he is nervous and really excited
smiles so much, it basically hurts his face
calls you every few minutes, to ask how you’re feeling
his best friend Mingi (who also is his best man) tries to calm him down, but you can imagine how that goes
when he sees you in your wedding outfit, he almost faints and gets teary
thinks to himself ,,How did I get so lucky?”
also asks himself what it took him so long to marry you, it was crystal-clear from the beginning that it was meant to be
can’t wait to finally be your husband
compliments you before the ceremony starts
cries while you hold your speech and does his best to finish his
and the wedding kiss feels like the beginning of a lifetime of happiness
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you know each other for almost 5 years and also live together
when you have a really bad day, Yeosang gets upset and he wants to make sure, that he’s always there to make you feel better
you both talked about marriage before, but you were really chill about it and took your time
but Yeosang feels like your relationship is on another level, because you are basically the light of his life and he wants to call you his wife/husband
so a week after your breakdown he comes up with the idea for the proposal
you go on a weekend getaway to the sea, where you watch the stars on a terrace
and he prepared a really sweet speech, but he gets so nervous (his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, i’m sorry)
when he finally proposes you both embrace in a tight hug and hold onto each other for a long time
Guests: 50, a rather small wedding with your friends and family
Outfit: more of a classic look with a dark suit, but touches of color
Wedding ring: silver with a sapphire or rose quartz
you would hire a photographer for a shoot, but the shoot itself wouldn’t take up a lot of time, because you would rather enjoy the wedding itself
Jongho would film the ceremony and your friends and family all take photos, so you get a ton of pictures together
there would be a rose wall to take pictures infront of
there are pictures of you everywhere, because you wanted to express your lovestory in the wedding venue
an old building with a garden and lots of fairy lights
Flowers: lilac flowers
Colors of the decoration:  pale colors with touches of pink and blue
Music: a singer for   the ceremony and a band for the party, which would cover your favorite songs
Yeosang would also like to sing a song for you (so he can finally get his lines) or a duet
On the wedding day
Yeosang would be giggly, nervous and excited
on one hand he can’t wait to finally marry you, but he is more nervous than he ever was on stage
gets really flustered when he sees you (and probally laughs in his hand, because he can’t contain his excitement)
almost gets choked up while saying his vows
when it’s finally time to say yes, he is about to cry and brings out the tiniest yes you ever heard in his adorable voice and it’s so cute
after the ceremony he is almost back to normal, clings to you the whole day and just enjoys himself
when you see him dancing with a flower girl, you can imagine him being such a sweet dad (but that’s for another day, cause I’m already devastated)
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spidercakes · 5 years
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Tony gives him a once over and Peter feels a little self conscious on account of he’s the only one here wearing color. Well, a bright color. Carol is technically wearing color but her flannel is a dark blue and he hardly counts the yellow on her Nirvana shirt. “Come on, Peter. It’d be kind of fun, giving you a punk makeover. Bet you’d look real good in Nat’s clothes,” he says, drawing Peter into his lap. How is it that even Rhodey, who by all means is kind of a prep, is also not wearing color?
“I don’t know if I could pull that off,” he says honestly. He likes his pastels and his skirts and his soft aesthetic. Tony looks good in the leather and spikes and the eyeliner but Peter is pretty sure he’d look like he was playing dress up.
“I’m sure you’ve got something in your wardrobe that’s not pink. Humor me a little and give it a try,” he says, pressing a kiss to Peter’s cheek.
“Is anyone going to ask why the hell he offered up my clothing?” Nat asks, arms folded across her chest.
Bucky looks her up and down. “I don’t know, probably because he’s wearing the pink version of your outfit,” he points out. They both look down at each other and huh. Nat’s fishnets are black, so is her skirt and crop top, but it is pretty much the same as Peter’s except his skirt is pink and his shirt is white.
“This is kind of punk looking,” he says and Tony raises an eyebrow.
“Sweetheart, the black fishnets do not make that punk.”
When Tony sees Peter the next day he lets out a soft laugh. “Babe, that’s adorable but its so not punk,” he says, circling his arms around Peter’s waist and drawing him in.
Peter looks down at his outfit. “There is so much black here! Pretty sure this is like... all the black I own. And I think the shorts might be Liz’s, there’s like... not a lot of dick room.” But he can make do on account of he’s got no hips so it works out, if only barely.
When Carol sees him she snorts, “aw, he tried so hard! Its so close!”
“What’s wrong with this?” he asks, looking down at his outfit. He’s got the fishnets he worse yesterday, presumably Liz’s high waisted black shorts, and it took him forever to find those black garter belts to hold up the thigh highs he put over the fishnets. He only has them because he went through a very brief goth phase he no longer has picture evidence of, thank god. He even managed to find a black choker, he’s seen Nat wear those it counts!
“Well,” Tony says, “might be this very pastel pink shirt.”
“I don’t even think I own a black shirt! I did a lot of digging through my closet. I found things in there that should have never been there to begin with. I found the unicorn phase I went through when I was thirteen. I think this should count if for no other reason than I had to suffer looking at all that,” he says, pouting.
Tony grins, clearly having a good time with this. “No dice, baby. You can do better than this, I know you can.” Peter huffs because he found his unicorn phase. He should be spared a bad grade in punk due to psychological trauma suffered in his attempts to get there.
When Nat shows up she snorts, “aw, that’s so cute he almost managed it. Kind of. If punk were more pastel goth looking, anyway,” she says, looking as amused as Tony.
“This is why we call you pretty boy Parker,” Bucky adds, walking up behind her.
“You what?” he asks, looking to Tony, who rolls his eyes.
“That’s what he calls you because he keeps trying to make fetch happen,” he says.
Peter perks up, “you guys have seen Mean Girls!” he asks, excited. Usually their taste in movies is way different so its strange to find common ground.
One of Tony’s hands slip from his waist to his ass, “of course we’ve seen Mean Girls. What kind of savage hasn’t?”
“I haven’t seen it. Also how the blue fuck did I end up looking more punk than you?” Rhodey says, appearing from around the corner. Peter looks him over and he resents that Rhodey does look more punk than him and all he’s done is throw on a pair of black jeans, a black v-neck, and a leather jacket.
“You know what, I can do better than this,” Peter says, determined to outdo Rhodey of all people in punk looks. He can’t possibly go around knowing that a damn football player managed to out punk him.
He’s pretty confident that he’s at least managed to outdo Rhodey today in punk aesthetic and he had to steal a sweater from MJ to do it but he managed so. This time when Tony sees him he doesn’t immediately laugh so there’s that, but he does look amused. “Well, you definitely outdid Rhodey,” he says, gesturing to him.
Peter huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “Tony, he’s literally wearing a letterman jacket. How could I not outdo that?” he asks.
“I had my doubts. You still look more like a soft boy going to the library but you’re not too far off,” he says, hooking an arm around Peter’s waist and drawing him in.
“Its all black! I had to steal this sweater from MJ,” he says, pouting. And he had to go digging back through the depths of his closet to find the garter belt with the flowers on it and he thinks he did a good job.
Tony snorts and starts laughing. “That explains why it looks familiar. Punk is more than a lot of black though, but you’re getting there,” he says, grinning.
Peter curls his arms around Tony’s neck and leans in, “And here I thought you might approve. Guess you don’t get to see what’s underneath now,” he says, laughing when Tony gives him a panicked look, pulling him back in when he goes to move away.
“Oh, no, no it fine,” he says, kissing Peter softly. “Really.”
“Is it? Because he looks like he’s about to spend a few hours in the library and dressed comfortably,” Natasha says, frowning at him. Tony gives her a look and she rolls her eyes, “you can’t just approve because you want to get laid, Stark. Here,” she says, pulling off the thick belt she’s got wrapped around her waist and putting it on Peter. “That looks better,” she says, nodding in approval.
Tony frowns, “huh. It actually does.”
Peter looks down and sure enough it does look better and come on. “A belt? Seriously?”
“Quit whining, I sacrificed my look for this Parker. Be grateful,” Natasha tells him.
Tony pulls him back in, hands settling on his hips. “So I get to see what’s underneath later, right?” he asks and Peter rolls his eyes.
“Horndog,” he accuses. Tony shrugs, unrepentant and Peter lets out a long suffering sigh, acting put upon. “Fine, I guess,” he says and Tony grins, eyes lighting up with excitement.
Tony snickers as Peter stretches out on his bed. “What, didn’t have that in pink?” he asks as he climbs onto the bed, sliding a hand up Peter’s thigh. He can’t believe it took him this long to find a pair of black jeans in his wardrobe and he actually really likes them.
“Yeah, I have it in pink, and mint green but I decided to wear the grey one,” he says as Tony’s hand slips up the sweater in question.
Tony’s lips quirk up, “the pink one would look cute with these jeans,” he murmurs as he leans in to kiss him.
Peter smiles, “I thought you thought I owned too much pink?”
Tony shakes his head, “nah. It looks good on you. Gotta admit, you in Carol’s Nirvana shirt, my jacket, and Bucky’s pants was a hilarious sight though.” Because they’d all given up hope that he could manage punk on his own and it turns out the look isn’t for him. As he suspected he looks like he’s playing dress up but he did snipe a skirt or five from Natasha and she can’t complain because he knows she stole at least two of his sweaters and a pair of jogging pants. They’re totally even now.
“Next time we should give you a pastel makeover. See how you come out,” he says, laughing at the way Tony wrinkles his nose.
“Oh, it looks fine on you but I draw the line at pastel anything. If you’ve got red I’ll let you put me in whatever, but leave the pastels at the closet door,” he says.
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supercalime · 3 years
Mooncakes commentary
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Alright, guess who’s back with a book commentary no one asked for? This girl! I got a bunch of graphic novels to read during this weekend, so be prepared to be spammed! This is my thoughts on Mooncakes by Wendy Xu and Suzanne Walker. Enjoy!
- alright I already love the representation!
- I love the colors
- What kind of unholy horse is THAT?
- Nova and Tam are so cute!
- Oh shit! Horse girl? Horse demon? Am I connecting the dots? Or am I reaching?
- I’ll trust Tat for now cause she’s funny and she ships Nova and Tam but I got my eye open for you, horse girl
- The little creatures on the nanas’ backyard are adorable! Their designs are so cute! They look like pokemon
- Benches are gay, a continuation
- Oh fuck they kissed already? That was quicker than I expected! Good for them
- Cousin terry I-
- Tam’s puns give me life!
- They’re ghosts??
- Oof- hearing your mom say that is just... oof. Poor nova
- Is mrs Crawford evil? I’m getting evil vibes
- Crystal magic is so cool
- Unrelated, but I really like Nova’s hair. It looks so soft and shiny
- I knew mrs c was evil! Ha!
- I don’t see the point of having magic being hidden in this world. Maybe there’s some hidden meaning I didn’t get, but it feels like these magical beings are very integrated, why not let it be the reality of this world?
- Of course there’s a cult. There’s always a cult
- Tam, don’t do it
- Sudden lack of color took me out. I don’t know if this is a weird version or if it was a choice, but anyway, moving on
- I love tatyanna
- The Pokémon are back!
- Ugh, the stepdad
- Queue avengers theme song! The Calvary is here!
- Flower wolf is an aesthetic for sure
- Awn, what a lovely ending
- This graphic novel is cute
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