#it's not smut so whatever
tojisun · 2 months
hhnngrf i know it's been done before already but thinking about pornstar!reader today :(
you had always been faking your moans while shooting but on the day that you were filming with pornstar!simon, the director had to stop the shoot because you just, well, you sounded different.
you don't sound the way you always do—whining, mewling, your moans reverberating from the base of your throat. you used to even croon, stuttered words slipping from your kiss-swollen lips as you sang how good everything felt.
instead all they heard from you today were the quiet rasps of your gasps, hitched breaths, and warbled whimpers that barely got picked up by the mic.
were you sick? did you need to take a break?
of course not.
you haven't felt so good in a while now, if not for ghost. his cock was big, if not short, but it filled you up so well that it rendered you speechless. he was hitting everything, stroking everywhere. ghost was the first to hold you down and fuck you deeply; the first to stuff all of his cock and make you feel every stretch, every thrust. pleasure hummed underneath your skin, spasming along your synapses until your brain was fried in your delirium.
others were able to coax your orgasm with their fingers or their tongues, sure, but ghost had been the first in a while to make you cum just with his cock.
"christ," his voice rumbles somewhere behind you. you startle, whirling to look up at him—his eyes are dark, his lips tugged up in the faintest of smiles.
he pushes your hair away from your sweaty face.
"i knew you doctored y'r voice but who knew that you sound completely different when pleasured, huh?"
he's mocking you, you know, but your eyes stray past his gaze and flit towards his groin, your throat constricting at the sinful image his cock makes underneath a skimpy towel.
god, you want more.
"aren't you just an open book?" ghost trills, giddy. you glance at him again, brows furrowed in your confusion.
he chuckles and bends forward just enough to hover his lips above your ear. then, he whispers, "meet me in my trailer in ten. i need to know what else you've been fakin'."
he kisses your cheek goodbye, leaving you to feel warmth flood into your cheeks and raze through the plane of your spine.
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moongreenlight · 7 months
Ghost knocks you up in the back of his truck during a one night stand btw.
Mdni. Nsfw below cut.
Like you’re a bartender and you’re flirting pretty heavily with him and the rest of the force boys for a good tip because you know their type. He’s not exactly shutting you down but he’s definitely not dogging after you like the others. You shrug it off and figure that three for four still gives you decent odds.
You step out back for a quick break on the top of the hour as things are winding down, promise your coworker you won’t be five minutes. He’s lingering in the workers only smoking area out back because he’s a freak. And you’re a little sussed-out, but he offers his help when you realize you’d left your lighter inside. Tells you he keeps his in the car in an attempt to curb his habit or some shit. Doesn’t matter. You know what he’s really saying.
He guides you with an arm slung loosely around your waist and for some reason you’re inclined to indulge yourself. Live a little. Get some after a months long dry spell that’s left you a little out of your mind. He folds you over the bench seat in the back of his truck in a dark corner of the lot. Leaves your pants bunched around your knees and only unbuttons his own enough to let his cock free.
He doesn’t bother trying to cram himself into the back with you. Given the sheer size of him, you weren’t sure he’d be able to anyway. Leaves the door open and yanks your hips back until he’s lined himself up. Makes quick work of it for both of your sakes, but it exceeds expectations given the circumstance. He comes mostly on the leather under you, but his hips stuttered and you ended with a bit slicking your folds. You cringe when you tug your pants back on you feel some pool in your underwear.
It’s a bit of an awkward walk back, but he makes good on his promise of a light when he sparks the end of your cigarette before walking back around front. You forget about the exchange until about a month later when you finally realize you’ve missed your period by at least a week and a half. You take a test mostly for peace of mind. Even though you didn’t use a condom, you’re decent at remembering to take the pill, so it’s really not heavy on your mind. Not until the test reads positive.
You pull him to the side the next time he comes to the bar and stumble over a hushed delivery of the news. He’s shockingly stoic. Silent for a moment before making some dry remark about how the two of you should probably go to the courthouse and make things official if you want to get his military benefits.
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the-great-kraken · 2 months
if you see a male character kiss a male character, you assume they are gay.
if you see a female character kiss a female character, you assume they are a lesbian.
if you hear a character say they don't feel like their gender, you assume they are trans.
so why do a-spec characters have to jump through so many loops?
a character saying they've never had a crush or don't want a relationship or that they don't understand romantic love is so often ignored or used as fodder for other queer or autistic headcanons (reinforcing stereotypes that aroace people are secretly gay or always autistic)
why is it that our stories are always "up to interpretation"? why do we have to wait for the words aromantic or asexual to be said to be taken seriously? why is it that even when characters say they don't want relationships, fans will scream and cry about sex/romance favourable aspecs and qprs?
when it comes to gay and trans characters, even the likes of bisexual lighting is often treated as though it canonises their sexuality. for aroace characters, even the most explicit coding possible is swept under the rug in favour of other "interpretations"
i'm so tired of fighting for representation just to have it ignored and minimised by fans. let characters be aroace. please.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
unexpected consequences
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words: 700
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, p in v sex, condoms breaking, pregnancy/breeding talk, unprotected p in v sex, established relationship, mention of marriage
“oh fuck, yeah.” you moan out, fingers gripping rafes shoulders. “right-right there.”
your moans are extra loud today, having been apart from rafe for nearly a week after he had business out of the country. rafe is just as pent up as you, thrusting harshly into your cunt to the chorus of his grunts.
“close.” rafe warns, but you could tell anyways by the swelling of his cock that he wouldn’t last long.
“oh my god, yes.” you moan out, back arching off the bed as your release pushes through your body, cumming with a final shout of your boyfriends name.
rafe drops his head into your neck as he cums inside of you, pushing as deeply as he can as your cunt pulses around him. you wrap your arms around his shoulders and press soft kisses to his head while rafe pants through his orgasm, until you shift slightly and feel it inside of you.
“rafe, pull out.” you shove at his shoulder, causing him to look up in concern, but he slips his softening cock out.
“what is it baby?” rafe asks. you look down at the condom he always wears, where theres always a bit of white cum gathered at the tip, but this time it looks practically empty, like he just rolled it on.
“rafe.” you hit his shoulder, causing him to flinch and look down.
“wha-” rafe suddenly realizes the issue, rolling himself off the bed as he walks into the bathroom, no doubt to inspect the condom and tell you what you already know is true.
“it broke.” rafe says when he comes out a moment later.
“i know.” you admit, shifting your hips from side to side again. “i can tell.”
“im so sorry baby.” rafe says with a sigh, laying on the bed next to you but not pulling you into his arms, not sure if you want to be touched.
“its okay.” you hum softly, mind still reeling. “you didn’t know.”
“what are we gonna do?” rafe asks, knowing you’re not on birth control due to affecting other medication you’re on.
“well, i can take a plan b in the morning…” you say quietly. 
“or.” rafe encourages you to continue, able to tell that you aren’t finished.
“or we could wait and see. i mean i probably won’t get pregnant just from one time, right?” you shrug.
“what about if it does take? and you’re pregnant?” rafe asks, looking at your tummy.
as if you’re thinking the same thing, you lay your hand over your stomach, knowing that even if you are pregnant there is nothing in there yet, but the thought alone has you rubbing gently over your skin. “i don’t know.” you admit.
“i want to keep it.” rafe blurts out. “if-if you are pregnant.” rafe can’t take not touching you any longer, pulling you close to him and tangling your limbs together.
“are you sure?” you raise your eyebrows. you think rafe would be an amazing father, knowing how protective he is of you, and how he strives every day to take even better care of you. “we are so young.”
“i love you. i want to be with you, i want a family with you. why not start now?” rafe questions. he won’t admit it to you yet, but he’s been thinking about taking the next step, having even gone ring shopping to see his options. “besides-” rafe smiles, “why are you trying to talk me out of it? you’ve always wanted kids.”
you grin back at him. “i know.” you let a giggle free, feeling giddy about the possibility. you’ve always wanted to become a mom, especially because you have so many younger siblings. “so, are we doing this?”
“yes.” rafe says definitively, pulling you in for a kiss, a comforting one that you truly need.
“oh my god, im so excited.” you break the kiss to mumble against his lips.
rafe nods in agreement, lowering a hand between your bodies to touch your stomach. “probably too early to start talking to your tummy, huh?” 
“definitely. i mean, we don’t even know if i’m pregnant, it may take a couple tries…” you trail off, hoping rafe gets your intention.
“well, i will just have to keep cumming inside you.” rafe shrugs. “in fact, we shouldn’t take any chances and i should fill you up again right now.”
rafes hand lowers from your stomach to your thigh as he grabs your flesh and pulls your leg over his hip, spreading your thighs for him as your cunt rubs up against his quickly hardening cock.
“rafe!” you shout with a laugh, but don’t stop him as he begins to grind his cock into your core.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart
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ivysangel · 5 months
Thinking about the nastiest, filthiest, most depraved sex with Jason. Visually, it's kind of violent, but really, it's not; you just need each other very carnally. There's no salvaging the clothes you were wearing, and the ones you wear over the next few days will have to cover you up enough so you don't get mistaken for the victim of a mauling. It didn't matter, though, didn't matter if you looked like you'd been hit by a truck or were brought to the brink of death and revived because nothing mattered when he was balls deep in your soaking cunt. 
Every single time Jason hit that sweet spot deep in you, you felt like you were on the verge of dying and ascending to the great beyond. The edges of your vision go dark as you leave deep bloody scratches anywhere you can reach, refusing to be the only one who looked like the victim of a violent crime when it was over. Your legs shake uncontrollably as he draws another earth-shattering orgasm out of you, making you slip further and further into the light. 
You always come back to him, though, the out-of-body experience ending when he bends you into a new position, whispering in your ear how good you are for him. It would happen again, and again, and again until you were sure you were gonna die on him or something, sure that every stroke of his cock was gonna be the one to take you out. Death's cold, clammy hands never touched you though, just Jason's warm ones wiping drool from your mouth, and lightly tapping your cheek. "You still with me?"
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selfindulgenthell · 3 months
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He got nervous.
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starrystevie · 10 months
rating: mature; 18+ only | cross posted on ao3 here
"truth or dare?"
steve's looking at eddie expectantly while he waits for his answer, his eyes wide and cheeks pushed up from the grin pulling at his lips. he's shirtless from past dares and eddie's trying hard to not look at the hair covering his chest, to not look at the way his scars have faded into a pretty dusty pink, to not look at the flexed muscles in his arm from where it's slung over the back of the couch and he's definitely not looking at the way the movement pulls his pec up.
they aren't high enough for this, not drunk enough for it either, but he feels intoxicated. maybe that's just what being around steve harrington at 2am does to him. it makes him stupid.
steve's grin grows wide enough to challenge even the cheshire cat and eddie knows that truth was the wrong choice. see? stupid.
the hand on the back of the couch tightens and eddie can feel the way it pulls the cushion under his back, the fabric creasing against his shoulder blade. steve's leaning in a tiny bit closer, same wild grin on his face, and eddie feels himself stop breathing. he tries to remain calm, tries to keep an even expression on his face, but when steve harrington is in his presence, it's harder than it seems.
"okay... truth," steve's close enough that eddie can see the specks of green in his eyes and he tries to focus on that instead of how he can almost feel breaths that aren't his own on his lips.
"what's your biggest turn on?"
whatever breath eddie attempts to suck in gets stuck in his throat and turns into a cough forcing steve to pull away cackling. he isn't in eddie's face anymore but he can still feel him, can still sense the barely there exhale on his face, can still only see steve green behind his eyelids.
"what the fuck, dude?!" is all he can get out. his palms are sweaty so he rubs them furiously over his jeans, scowling at his fingers when they get stuck in the small rips.
steve is laughing at the other end of the couch but his arm is still settled over the back of it, creating the most delicious tension on his chest. he looks broad like this, broader than eddie's really ever seen him. and with his hand across the couch and his legs opened just slightly and his bare chest on display and his bright white teeth glinting in the dim moonlight he looks-
he's hot.
he looks like the old steve, all cock-sure and suave, like he knows he can get absolutely whatever he wants. it does eddie's head in. is he what steve wants? is he why steve looks like he could jump on anything and everything that came his way? is he why steve thought he could ask him about his turn ons as easy as if he was asking about the weather?
"i don't have-"
"oh bullshit," steve says with a flick of his free hand. "everyone has one, man. what gets you all hot and bothered?"
eddie tilts his head up with a scoff. "why do you want to know?"
"consider it your average every day bonding." he says it like it's obvious, like all guys do when they sit around and play sleepover games like they're kids again is talk about what they like in bed.
but eddie's drunk on steve in 2am moonlight and can't help himself for giving him everything.
"i like dirty talk."
he'd always give steve everything.
steve's grin shifts into something borderline feral that has eddie vibrating under his skin. he moves his hips and settles back into the arm of the couch, leveling eddie with his gaze. his eyes are heavy when they look at him and eddie feels glued to the spot.
"oh yeah?" steve's inflection sounds exactly like what eddie craves for and he's afraid that he's shown all his cards already if steve was able to pick up on it that fast. "like what?"
he rolls his eyes if only so that he can take them away from watching steve's muscles contorting as he shifts on the couch. it's not hard to get eddie in the mood, that's the embarrassing thing. his limited experience before he learned about alternate dimensions and things living under hawkins didn't exactly help his case. he didn't exactly have guys throwing themselves at him as a social pariah covered in still healing scars, either.
so steve looking at him with those eyes and that grin and without a shirt for god's sake? not helpful.
"i don't know, i just-" his mind supplies images that gets his cock stirring. a certain king of hawkins under him or on top of him or right behind him whispering things in his ear that he had never really thought about before.
"-i just like hearing the effect i have on them, i guess."
and then without warning steve is moving. he's up on his hands and knees and is leaning into eddie's personal space again, his face close enough to eddie's that he can see that damn green in his eyes again.
there's still a bit of space between then but not nearly enough that eddie isn't effected by it. steve's pinkie is brushing his thigh and his cock that was already interested just thinking about the sounds steve could make is stirring even more awake under his gaze.
"you like hearing you're doing good?" steve questions. eddie sighs. "you like all the moans and stuff?"
all eddie can do is nod, afraid that if he speaks that he'll do something embarrassing like say he wants to pull whatever sound out of steve that he'd let him. suddenly, steve's pulling away minutely to get his mouth close to eddie's ear, breath coming out in puffs against his skin.
"oh fuck," steve huffs out, voice pitched high and dainty. feminine. "oh, oh eddie, it's so good."
eddie grips his hands onto his knees like they're the only thing keeping here on planet earth as steve moans in his ear. his cock is starting to grow, whatever blood that was left in his head heading south fast and it's leaving him dizzy. from up close, he's sure steve can see what he's doing if he was to look down. he's wearing sweatpants that don't exactly hide anything, after all.
the sounds steve are making are all light and pretty like he's going off of his own experience and eddie has the fleeting thought that it's what girls sound like under him. that some girl has been pressing up close to steve's chest and had her pretty pink lips up close to his ear as he fucked her into the mattress. but oh, if eddie had the courage he'd tell him. tell him that he doesn't want to hear some girl, some stranger.
he wants to hear steve.
"you gonna take care of that?" steve's voice is back to somewhat normal, a bit raspy and deep, and it floods through eddie's veins like molten lava. he doesn't remember closing his eyes but he peels them open and turns his head to look at steve. he follows his gaze and sees that they're both looking at how turned on eddie is. he doesn't have enough blood left in his cheeks to blush but he would if he could.
"steve, that's wei-"
a hand wrapping over his knee stops him mid sentence. "not weird. do it. i want you to."
eddie gulps even though his throat feels drier than it's ever been. steve's fingers tighten and he jerks his chin up to urge him on and fuck, he knew he'd always give steve whatever he wanted.
"can you just," eddie sucks a breath in through his teeth as he drops his hand to his waistband, fingers teasing under the fabric. "sound like you, please?"
the silence feels palpable. he can feel every place that his clothes are touching him, every place that steve is touching him, every place his breath has fallen on him that evening. he has half a mind to take it back and tell him he was joking, to pretend like he's some girl again and eddie could get off on that, too. he could at least try, especially if it was steve.
but then- "eddie, fuck."
steve's mouth is close to his ear again, lips ghosting over the shell of his ear as he groans into it. his voice is pitched deep but it's definitely undeniably steve. he shifts onto his knees so he can drape his arm behind eddie once more. not touching, but there and as eddie's hand slips under the fabric to grip at his cock, they both let out a sigh.
"yeah, there you go. gonna touch yourself for me, hmm?"
"shit," eddie groans out as his hand trails over his weeping cock. he brings his thumb up to gather a bit of the precome that's dribbled out of the top and rubs it between his fingers before gliding them down his length. steve's panting these little sounds into his ear that mirror eddie's own moans. when he sighs, steve sighs, when he whines, steve whines.
it's like he's touching himself to get steve off, too, and isn't that something to think about? them laying side by side with each other's dicks in their hands, stroking just how the other likes to get them off. he'd watch steve's face, speed up when his eyes open and slow down when he's close. he'd buck his hips into steve's steady grip, swallow the moans he pulls out of him so they echo through his body. it'd be heaven on a mattress or hardwood floor or ratty couch in a ratty trailer.
"got me all hard in my jeans, eddie." steve breathes out and eddie can't see is he's lying or not but it sounds true and eddie briefly wonders if steve should go into porn with those acting skills. "the way you look with your hand in your pants, jesus, it's a sin. all flushed and hot and, god-"
if steve keeps it up, eddie is going to be done way faster than he wants to be. his hand speeds up when steve lets out a particularly loud moan in his ear and then there's a brush of denim against his arm and wow, steve was in fact not lying. his hips keep jumping up to get pressure against eddie's forearm and the long line of steve's cock is teasing him.
"steve," he whines out, "are you..."
"of course i am," he laughs against eddie's ear before sneaking a tiny kiss to his temple. "you're so fucking hot, dude. been wanting to do this for too long. too long, oh my god."
his hand that was on eddie thigh moves up to unbutton his pants and slides under his own waistband and eddie takes a moment to slow his strokes as he looks up at steve. he looks like a greek god in grungy trailer lighting, chest shimmering with sweat and puffing with heavy breaths. he's grinning down at eddie and he feels like he could float away.
"think i'm hot, stevie?" he says on a shuddering breath as he hits a spot on his cock that he immediately goes to find again. steve smirks before his eyes roll back as he gets a hand on his own dick.
"so hot, so fucking-"
he's cut off by a moan and eddie sends up a silent thank you to the universe that they have the trailer to themselves for the next few days because eddie needs to pull more of those out of him. he needs steve on his back and on his cock and in his mouth and on his fingers and every which way he'll let him have him if it means he gets to hear more of that.
"gonna get my mouth on you soon enough, gotta know what you taste like. gonna get you down my fucking throat..."
steve's brought his mouth back down to eddie's ear and is grunting like he's running the race of a lifetime while he tells eddie what he wants to do him. says truths of his own outside of the now forgotten game, secrets laced with some of the most romantic things eddie's ever been told. tells him how pretty he is, how good he is, how he's imagining eddie's fingers on his cock and on his skin and how he's close, close, close.
knowing he's effecting steve this much, knowing he has this hold on him that he thought was one sided, knowing that he's racing through steve's veins like he's racing through eddie's, it's too much.
"i'm... fuck- i'm gonna," eddie's hand speeds up and the hand on the back of the couch comes up to tangle in his hair. there's a pressure pulling him back until he's looking at the ceiling for a second until all he can see is steve and the flecks of green he's come to love.
"it's okay, i've got you, come on. let me just-"
their first kiss is shared on a ratty couch in a ratty trailer with their hands in their pants and come covering their fingers. eddie's mouth is open enough that he's moaning into steve's and the hand on the back of his head is twitching while he comes. they pull apart enough that eddie can hear what they sound like as they work through their orgasms together, can hear what steve sounds like as he works himself down.
he's going to get that on a record someday, he tells himself. it'll go platinum.
and just as quick as it started, it's over. only this time steve's snuggling up next to him and using his clean hand to stroke over the exposed skin on eddie's stomach instead of returning to the opposite end of the couch. their chests are heaving as they try and regain their composure and it feels like bliss until steve laughs.
it's like an ice bucket being poured over him and he wishes he didn't love hearing steve so much because he's afraid that the laugh will haunt his memories for ages to come. steve must feel him freeze up because the hand on his stomach circles around his waist and pulls him even closer so he can nuzzle his face into eddie's chest. it starts to settle the nerves that had wound themselves around his insides.
"i don't know if you could tell," he starts, voice muffled against eddie's flannel. "but i've been wanting to do that, this, for ages."
eddie snorts. "you've wanted to make me jizz in my pants for ages? really? low standards even for you."
steve snorts out a laugh in return. "no, you idiot. i've wanted to be able to do this for ages."
he tilts his head up and places a featherlight kiss to eddie's lips. it's soft, it's sweet, it's the opposite of everything that happened not two minutes prior. eddie feels a smile tugging at his mouth and pulls back to see steve smiling, too.
"does this mean..."
there's no words, no definition that eddie can put to the events of the night that don't sound silly or juvenile. but then he sees steve settle back down, pressing a kiss to right over his heart before laying his head down where it was.
"... that we're doing that again? absolutely. just maybe in a bed next time."
and maybe they don't need a label. maybe all they need is laying on a couch with come cooling in their pants and echoes of what just happened bouncing off the trailer walls. maybe all they need is a promise of later sealed with a kiss and their heartbeats in synch.
and maybe, just maybe, they'll play truth or dare again.
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onismdaydream · 2 months
sigh. thinking about yuji going through your drawers when you invite him over. you excuse yourself to the bathroom and he instantly pockets a pair of underwear. he likes looking at the colors and patterns of your bras, tries to guess which one you're wearing now, wonders if you'd pick them out special if you were gonna show him. you know him well enough that he's sure you would be able to figure out which one is his favorite, which one he likes to imagine you in when he fists his cock and bites his lip to keep himself quiet. he hopes he'll gather the courage to ask you out one day. but for now, he has to stick with wrapping your cute little panties around himself.
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moonlight-prose · 9 months
Imagine: Missionary with Din while you hold his necklace between your teeth 🤤 you ain’t getting away from me, boy
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a/n: i know you sent in another ask saying you didn't mean for it to be a request, but i started writing it the second you sent it. i just only finished it last night. mainly because my inspo for din has been lacking as of late. although i've been on a small din kick recently which has me going feral over this idea. it's barely even a fic, but i had to write it. din and jewelry is my eternal fucking weakness.
summary: horny thoughts about din's necklace.
word count: 0.9k+
pairing: din djarin x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, biting, p in v sex, din's brain short circuiting, a tad bit of needy!din, unedited and no beta so there's probably mistakes.
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Time had slipped away from you the longer you lay there, your nails digging into his lower back and head thrown back. It felt like ages since he came home, practically dragging you into the room with a throaty rasp of what sounded like your name and need you. And who were you to dissuade him? When you were more than willing to be spread out beneath him, his name was a cry that was permanently etched on the tip of your tongue.
“You feel fucking perfect,” he grunted, his teeth sinking into the hot skin of your shoulder.
The spot would feel tender tomorrow, but at that moment you couldn’t stop the way your body reacted. Your walls clamped down around his cock, a garbled moan ripped from your throat as he soothed you with his tongue.
“D-Din—” Your breath caught in your throat, legs trembling as he shifted the angle slightly, striking against something eviscerating.
“Mesh’la,” he panted, hand sliding down to hitch your leg up higher on his hip.
You could feel the cold metal of his necklace press against your chest as he dropped down to kiss you. Licking into your mouth—spit trailing along his chin when he pulled away. He began to speak then. An aimless ramble of how he couldn’t wait to fill you up, to watch you cum on his cock, but your mind had gone empty. The only thing registering, that familiar cold feeling that warmed up against your skin.
The silver of his necklace swayed in front of you. The chain, pristine and perfect even after years of wear. And you couldn’t tear your eyes off it. Could barely understand that he was in fact still talking to you. Din pulled himself up off you slightly and something registered in your brain—flickering bright. Overtaking everything until it practically burned through your body.
Leaning up, you latched your teeth into the chain of his necklace, dragging him back down until his body was pressed completely on top of you. Nearly pressing the breath out of your lungs.
His eyes widened, fingers digging into the meat of your thigh, and you felt it. The way his hips stuttered as his mouth dropped open. He moaned unabashedly, his thrusts speeding up as he desperately shoved you towards a release—his fingers swirling quickly on your clit. You remained where you were. Biting into his necklace and scratching your nails down his back as your release built and built.
Until something snapped so hard your entire body arched. A shout leaving your mouth as his necklace fell past your lips, dragging along your throat. Something about the metal pressed hotly against you unraveled you even further. Sending you so high you feared you may never come back down.
“Look at you,” he breathed, a tinge of awe in his voice. He shoved his hips forward, sinking deeper until a soft tinge of pain mixed with the pleasure. “You like my necklace in your mouth? Huh?”
You gasped, feeling his arm loop beneath your knee and pull your leg up—pressing you into a position that pounded the head of his cock right against that blinding spot inside you. Another orgasm was building fast, but you could barely get words out to let him know. He watched tears stream down your temples, your mouth open yet no sound came out.
“Oh fuck,” he breathed out, feeling his balls draw up and his stomach tighten. “C’mon mesh’la. Give me another one.”
His hips grinded down, the coarse hair at the base of his cock hitting your clit perfectly—shoving you towards another mind numbing release.
“Din!” you wailed, your thighs trembling in his hold—eyes rolling back as you lost all sense.
“Please, please—” He leaned up, his necklace hitting your lips—the plea sounding deliciously perfect on his tongue. “I need…maker—”
Without fully realizing it you latched your teeth around the metal, tugging until it dug into the skin on his neck, the sharp bite of pain all he needed. He fell apart with a choked moan, burying his teeth wherever he could reach as he spurted into you. That familiar warm sensation now sending a soft rolling wave of pleasure through your spent body.
He panted against your skin, his body hot to the touch, but you still ran your hands down his back—soothing him until he felt well enough to say something. Eventually he raised his head, his brown eyes sparkling and lips pulled up into a knowing grin. A look that made your heart flutter—warmth filling your heart.
“Didn’t know you liked my necklace that much.”
You huffed, unable to stop the smile from pulling at your lips. “Shut up.”
“Don’t worry,” he said, sliding his lips along your cheek. “I liked it.”
His fingers played along your collarbone, thumb pressing against the skin and tracing until he hit the base of your throat. “I’ll have to get you a necklace too.”
Your eyes widened, lips parting as the image of him biting down on your necklace entered your mind. As if the breath was knocked from your lungs, you felt your walls flutter around his softening cock—heat spreading beneath your skin. His grin widened, the look on his face so blatant and loud you practically heard him whisper it into your ear. For a moment you wondered if he had in fact said it out loud.
Yet his mouth remained closed, his hand pressing lightly against your throat as he shifted, thrusting shallowly into your leaking cunt. The message, now loud and clear.
Your turn.
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neosvcr · 6 months
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breeding with hanbin.😵‍💫 him having you in mating press. keeping your thighs spread for him because you're so overstimulated, you keep trying to close them. he'd just be completely possessed by the primal desire to claim you as his, to knock you up with his babies. he would not stop, how could he? you look so pretty when his cock is inside you, and you'd look even prettier with your belly all full.
"come on, baby, you can take one more for me yeah? let me make you a mommy." he'd breath out, brushing strands of your hair out of your face. the pretty noises you're making, the pretty tears falling down your cheeks and the white ring that had formed around the bottom of his cock all drove him insane. he's already creamed you so much that his cum is running down your slit and forming a pool on the sheets, but he wasn't done yet and you didn't want him to be done.
his cock filled you up so perfectly, and you noticed how his thrusts got sloppier and sloppier. "look at me, baby," he moans out, "ah-please look at me, my love." when you do, he swears he almost cums on the spot. the desperation and neediness in your glazed over eyes. his hands grip on your thighs as his hips began moving at a pace that made you dizzy. "hanbin," you mewled, unable to form a coherent thought because of the way he's fucking you dumb. "keep your eyes on- fuck- keep your eyes on me, angel." his hand trails down your thighs as his fingers come between your creamed folds to rub the sensitive nub between them. "you gonna take my cum? gonna carry my babies? you'd look so fuckin pretty pregnant, my love. so, so pretty." he'd begin babbling as you both approach your nth orgasm of the night. "cum for me baby, please cum for me."
this was his favourite thing. making sweet love to the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, the girl he who wants to start a family with, his girl.
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saetoru · 7 months
something that’s always been funny to me is that long fics with smut tend to do better than long fics without but it’s like. if you write a longggg 10k+ word fic with a build up and plot and sprinkle in smut at the end, people will read that long build up and pay attention to the plot in order to get to the smut. and 99% of the time the tags and comments will talk about the plot itself and the way it was written as opposed to the sex and they will ask for more or for part 2’s and as annoying as the part 2 comments can be sometimes, it also means that they focused on the plot and not the smut. but if you post that fic without the smut—as in same fic and same build up and everything, but the smuts not there, a lot of those same people will simply not give the fic a chance. it’s just funny to me bc yes, a part of it is just horniness, but also i think it’s partly that there is also some conditioning to believe that a “perfect romance” or a “perfect story” of a romance is sealed with intimacy that’s more often than not sexual in order to actually be valid. and yeah. idk. it’s an interesting thing to see from a writers perspective
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murdrdocs · 2 years
namor is a cuddle fucker and you can’t convince me otherwise. 16+
EDIT: ignore the fact that i call him ‘amor’ in this, i have now realized the flaws in such a nickname. however, i am still too lazy to go back and change it so.
when the warmth of the sun is steadily disappearing and the chill of the night makes itself known, he’s holding you close to his chest.
the ocean’s waves are inching closer to the two of you, attempting to call namor home, but he ignores them for just a little longer.
they’ve yet to reach dangerous territory. yet to pull you both away from your comfort. and until then, namor won’t pull away from you.
his lips are kissing at your shoulder and his hand is rubbing at the fabric covering your hips and waist and stomach. your legs are slotted together, and his chest is against your back so that you can feel the steady thrum of his heart shielded by his rib cage. even so, you feel it as if it’s guarded by nothing.
because that’s what namor’s like with you. letting down all of his inhibitions, allowing himself to be free from his past and present. just so he could be with you. so he can let that feeling deep inside of him come to the surface.
it’s what you call him as his lips sneak up the side of your neck.
long ago, when you were both getting to know each other, the name sounded almost foreign on your tongue. you hesitated when you spoke it, even though you meant it, and the hesitation made the syllables sound uncomfortable coming from your mouth.
but now you say his name with the same comfort of prayers and wishes and hopes.
now, in this mundane and comforting moment, his name sounds warning from your mouth.
he hears it, yet he hums as if he doesn’t.
although you’d called him as if you were going to continue speaking, you don’t. at least, not right away.
you sigh, and your eyelids close, and you push your hips further back against his. then, when his lips have made their way behind your earlobe, you speak up.
“again?” you ask, referring to the many times you’d been in a position similar to this one today alone.
“if you’re able to,” he murmurs into your skin. “if you’ll have me.”
he bares his teeth and your sigh is more of a whine when the bones nip down onto your earlobe.
“will you have me?” your name ends the request, and you’re sure that the way that he says it hypnotizes you and makes you agree. but that’s just you refusing to own up and acknowledge the way namor could always rile you up.
you’re not sure if you’ll be much help this time, and he senses this.
“i’ll do the work. let me make you feel good.” and you don’t have to be told twice.
your soft “okay” is lost in the wind and carried to the sea.
namor doesn’t waste any time.
you’re both aware of the salty water creeping closer and closer to your feet with each wave, an alarm clock inching towards it’s designated time, a time where you’ll both be pulled from this dream-like state and brought back to the reality of your responsibilities.
you try not to think about that as namor pushes your flimsy dress up to rest on your hip.
there’s a moment where his hands aren’t on you, and it lasts longer than you would’ve preferred. when his hands find your skin again, you involuntarily jump and his teasing chuckle makes your neck burn.
“it’s just me, my love. i’m right here.”
the head of his dick tickles you as namor urges your thigh forward. you’re bare, and still wet from the times before, so it’s embarrassingly easy for him to slide right in.
his rocks start slow as if he wishes to treasure the limited time you both have left with each other for a few weeks. but then he speeds up almost all at once. his warm, soft palm slides under the dress and rests under your breasts. his hold is firm, yet he’s also pulling you back, holding you tight against him so you’re able to hear the groans coming from his lips.
“still feel so good, my love. holding me just right. you were made for me, weren’t you?” you’re nodding, frantically, the movement hurting a bit with the stiff ferocity of it. he laughs again, and it’s equal amounts condescending and adoring, if possible.
“i waited all those years for someone to call ‘mine’ and it was so, so worth it, baby.” you’re swearing under your breath at this point. your legs are spreading, too. your thigh is lifting and your back is arching as you try to get him even deeper. it’s not working and you’re whining frustratedly. namor shushes you gently.
“it’s okay. i’ve got you. let me take care of you.” he does, of course. his free hand grips your hip forcefully, and he uses it to pull your cunt down onto his cock with each thrust.
you shouldn’t be so close already, but you are. and you’re upset about it. because cumming means that namor has to leave you. you’re trying to hold off, biting down onto your lip and tensing your muscles. and like he does with everything else, namor notices.
“don’t hold off, sweetheart. it’s okay. this isn’t the end, you know that. i’ll be back. i always come back.” and he does. he never leaves you alone and empty and cold for too long. there’s no reason for you to hold off or worry.
you let go.
your moans are covered by the other sounds around you but it wouldn’t matter anyway. you’re secluded, and no one could hear it. no one except your lover.
he’s reaching his own high, thrusts turning sloppy and his groans powerful and assertive in your ears.
your hand reaches down to rest over top his and you turn your head to get as close of a look at him as you can. his eyes are pinched shut, his skin is glowing in the moonlight, his curls are formed and frame his face perfectly.
without much thought to it, you push your lips to his. he reciprocates your kiss easily, a mess of teeth and tongue and spit swapping with your mirrored desperation.
“where do you want it?” he asks against your lips.
“inside, mi amor. please.” there’s no reason to beg because namor’s answering your request in just a few moments.
his forehead presses to yours and his hips stutter once more and then he’s shooting warm seed into your walls. you twitch with the newly added warmth, and your eyes flutter shut contently.
namor’s lips pepper kisses along your face as you come down and it takes him a while to slip out of you. even when he does, he doesn’t separate from you. you want to tell him that he needs to go. that he should return to his kingdom.
but for now, you let your body relax, and your eyes stay shut, and you remain in the moment.
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xifere · 6 months
xifere presents… fem!nurse!geto x gn!reader
content warnings… sub!geto, doctor!reader, cunnilingus, not proofread
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You could tell the figure behind the door was her just by her presence. The air in the room suddenly shifted and you could feel your senses heighten. The doorknob twisted slowly before the wooden door pushed open with a slight creak and the person you dreaded seeing the most appeared through the slit she created. Her head peaked through the door, dark chocolate pupils scanning the room, her deep cherry-red lips smiling when her eyes caught yours. Despite your efforts to avoid her the past few hours, she still found you in a discreet corner of the hospital.
“Y/n… pleasure to see you here,” Suguru greeted, pushing the door behind her close. 
“Truly is. I thought I found myself a place I could have a moment of solace in.” Tempted, you broke eye contact with Suguru and let your eyes drift to her lips. In the dim lighting of the forgotten breakroom, they were slightly glossed and freshly reapplied, probably right before she entered the room. 
She tilted her head, rustling her hair behind her, bringing your attention back to her eyes. “Really? I usually come here for the same reason, I just wasn’t expecting any company.” Bullshit, and you knew it. 
“Ah, excuse me then, I’ll let you have your break in peace,” You said quickly but took your time packing your few things up. Suguru swiftly found herself leaning against the table you were sitting at, her plush thighs peeking through the bottom of her white uniform. You looked up at her with steady eyes, not missing how her tits were practically spilling out at the top, waiting for her to speak.
“No, stay. I insist. I enjoy your company very much, Doctor.” 
You found yourself taking a deep breath as to remind yourself where you were. Her piercing dark eyes glimmered with something mysterious and titillating as she looked down at you– there was something about her that tempted you to no avail. You knew you had to leave.
“Excuse me, I should head back–,” You started, standing up from your seat, but Suguru placed her hand on yours. She pouted as if to ask do you really need to leave? You wanted to reply yes, but no words were exchanged, only glances. Her hand felt heavy on yours, you could feel your self-restraint slipping away the longer you were around her. She pulled you in with that aura of hers, it tackled every single one of your senses. 
You hadn’t noticed, but you’d positioned your legs in front of her crossed ones. She looked up at you with that all-too-knowing smile of hers, and you knew you lost the little game you were playing from the moment she entered the room. 
You don’t know who kissed one another first, but the two of you were suddenly in a heated battle. Your hand found the back of her slim neck and your fingers tugged on a few locks, pulling her head back and a faint noise left her mouth. You left wet kisses on her exposed neck, eliciting ticklish giggles from Suguru. Noticing the black-laced bra underneath her uniform, you quickly unbuttoned the top of her uniform and placed open-mouthed kisses on her chest. Soundless sighs left her lips as you fought her bra off, attacking her nipples senselessly when they were finally bare. 
“Mm-more, do something- more…” Suguru whispered, squirming under your affections. You stood up for a moment and she was splayed perfectly across the table. Her red lipstick was already messed up from the kiss earlier and her eyes slightly glossed over. Her bare tits rose and fell as she breathed as she looked at you with soft eyes, silently begging for more. Your arousal indefinitely increased as you watched her display, and it was just then that you noticed the reason for her little teases throughout the day. 
Her uniform was scrunched up at the bottom, her glistening pussy out for the world to see– more specifically, you. You laughed, something animalistic waking up inside of you.
“You sure are a handful…” You said, placing your hands on her thighs before placing a kiss right above her clit and receiving a groan of disapproval in return. She wants more, but you place petty kisses everywhere but her cunt. When leaving love bites on the insides of her sensitive thighs, the mix of pleasure and pain pushed her further.
“C’mon, please… I can’t wait much longer…” 
You smirked before latching your lips onto her wet cunt and a gasp left her throat. Little kitten licks, kisses on her clit, but nothing more. Just enough to keep her going, letting out those precious, honeyed moans. Her slick against your tongue tasted eminently her, spurring your arousal even deeper. Her, her, her. You’d never get enough of her.
Her legs tried pushing against the strength of your arms, but you kept them in place as you sucked on her sensitive bud. Her hand flies down to your head, her fingers latching onto your hair tightly. Her moans suddenly became muffled when she realized her volume was a bit loud, but when you blew cold air against her wet pussy, her back arched off the table with a gasp. You quickly latched yourself back on her and she began chanting I’m close, close, close, close breathlessly.
You lapped at her pretty pussy endlessly, basking in the beautiful symphony she made with her voice. Your fingers pressed deep into her thighs to keep them from suffocating you, but her hand pushed your head further down her puffy cunt. 
She arrived at the peak moments after, her moans reverberating around the room, her orgasm delivering multiple waves throughout her body. She shook under you, her slick leaking down to the table. Her face was slightly bashful– flushed and teary-eyed. She looked at you with a mean glance when you got up, but she couldn’t hide her true feelings any longer.
“Kiss me.”
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b1mbodoll · 9 months
pairings: park sunghoon x f! reader
warnings: daddy kink + creampies + cervix fucking + praise
💌: this edible is hitting and all i can think ab sunghoon makin love to u 😵‍💫 he fucks you in missionary cus he loves watching your pretty face when you cum n prasies u so much anyway enjoy
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“my pretty girl, don’t hide from me. let daddy see your face, princess”
sunghoon presses his forehead to yours, his hands pinning your own to the bed ensuring you wont cover your flushed face.
his cock reaches the deepest parts of you like this, your legs wrapped around his hips as he keeps a slow pace, grinding his pelvis into yours when his length is buried to the hilt, making you clench around him and push your chest into his as your back arches.
“love you so much, angel. you’re mine.” your head is fuzzy, tears slipping down your cheeks at his sweet words. “‘m yours baby, all yours. ‘m so in love with you, — fuck —” he’s cut off by a grunt before continuing, “whose pussy is this, baby?”
a choked out sob is ripped from you when he bucks his hips unexpectedly and taps your cheek with his hand, trying to direct your attention to him. “‘s yours hoonie! promise!”
he presses light pecks to your face before meeting your lips in a deep kiss, keeping your lips locked until the lack of oxygen makes you break away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you.
sunghoon can tell when you’re close, the way you grab stupidly as his shoulders in an attempt to hold him even closer and how your cunt squeezes him tight are telltale signs. “don’t cum yet, princess.” he orders, “wanna cum with you, ‘m so close.”
he thrusts inside one last time, his cock pressing right up against your cervix making you gush around him as he cums in thick spurts.
“did so good for me, baby, always such a good girl for daddy” he praises, cupping your cheek and kissing along your jaw.
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hyewka · 1 year
dude sub!beomgyu is so hot. but you know what's hotter? bratty, possessive sub!gyu. maybe i'm biased cuz i like my men like that but likeeeee
wanna overstimulate him so bad until he's crying and whining for more 😵‍💫😵‍💫 n he probably acts like a bitch at the start, acting all confident and dominant.. yet the second you start fucking him he just folds :(
literally pushing my obsessive sub gyu agenda on everyone but he'd probably fuck you after seeing you getting all close with someone else as a way to show dominance 😵‍💫 gyu seems like the type who'd overstim himself inside of you too, moaning shit like "you're mine" as he chokes on his sobs.. might as well flip him over and let him know he belongs to you only :))
anyways i'm kinda hungry 😍
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warnings; sub!yandere-ish beomgyu, cockwarming, mentions of overstim? hair pulling, reader’s equally obsessive sorta, not proofread
You twist your sore wrist, trying to relieve the pain Beomgyu you think, or at least hope, had unintentionally inflicted. But with the way he's been increasingly needy the more time you had spent shopping, the more you're sure it was far from an accident.
So it was no surprise how fast he got you on the bed when you finally went back home.
“You’re so mean to me.” he mutters in the crook of your neck, breath hot against your skin. Beomgyu has you pinned under him, his hold unforgiving, pressing down on your body. “You do it on purpose. Make me so fucking crazy, I hate it.”
You flutter your eyes shut when his lips make contact with your sensitive flesh, the slight nip making you breathe heavier. “Beomgyu.” you try warning, to stop him from going further, but it only spurs him on.
Earlier, you stumbled upon Jeongin-- your old highschool friend, while window shopping with Beomgyu by your side. Naturally, you'd want to catch up as you haven't seen him since the last highschool reunion which was two years ago. The longer you spent enthusiastically talking, the more you felt Beomgyu's fingertip dig into your wrist.
You figured he was jealous, and when Beomgyu was jealous, he was different in the sense that he needed reassurance. A lot of it.
When he starts sucking harshly, marking all over your neck down to your collarbones, hips increasingly grinding against your clothed core, his grunts ceasing to be an act slipping his neediness against your skin, you run up your hand to the back of his head grabbing a fistful— you were always fine with his desperation to give you hickeys whenever he felt insecure, laying pliant and letting him cover you with varying purple splotches but the drawn line was always him fucking you.
And that was exactly what he was trying to do, whore.
You yank his head back and the horny dog has no shame letting the blush creep up his cheeks even when he hisses out a curse. “Who gave you the right to grind against me?”
“What? I can’t try to fuck my girlfriend but you can go around whoring with—"
He shrieks when you pull his hair again, his scalp burning, tears already brimming on his waterline. “You have such a filthy mouth pup, I ought to put it to better use, no?”
His eyes still have the audacity to look down at you. You sneer, a soft scoff escaping your lips. Beomgyu has always been one to try and dom during sex, which you wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for the fact that you knew the poor boy was weak after a single twist to his bud.
After a few beats of silence, you decide to pull him down for a quick kiss, a mix of saliva and tongue, before you abruptly stop reciprocating and Beomgyus left whimpering against your lips urging you to continue. You put your hand on his chest, getting him to reluctantly pull away. “No. You have to fix your attitude first.”
He shakes his head, “You’re the one whos been talking about Jungwoon or whatever his name is—"
“I don’t care! You couldn’t shut up about him the entire way here! I hate it. It feels like he could sweep you off your feet when I’m not paying attention and then—and then you’ll…” his assertive demeanor cracks in a flash, his face flushed, lower lip quivering up into a pout, “You’ll leave me and, and—“
You don’t let him finish, flicking his forehead to which his hand immediately fly up to rub as if you just smacked it. “Ouch? What was that for?”
“You’re such a dumb boy.” You say shaking your head. “I mentioned Jeongin once. Once during our way here because you seemed so bothered by how we knew each other.”
You weren’t lying, proven by the way Beomgyu tries to counter your point, but closes his mouth after nothing comes out. A sly smile, and your hands already sneakily sliding up his loose hoodie, thumb finding their way to graze his already hard nipples, “Baby boy got stupid jealous just because I talked to a guy, huh?”
His arms that were holding him up, pinned next to both sides of your body had started to tremble. So fast, it was almost comical.
“Shut up. He wasn’t just some guy. He was totally into you.”
You rub his bud in circles, cooing at how his hair falls over his face, as he tries to gain composure. “Really? You thought he was checking me out too?” you tease, making sure to catch him off guard with a random pinch.
His body jerks, a strained exhale leaving his lips before hes too weak to keep himself up anymore, head falling to bury itself in the crook of your neck, getting you to feel his bulge against your thigh. He was already giving up.
“Stooop.” he whines, continuing to rub his crotch on your inner thigh. “You’re so mean to me.”
You decide to give it up, instead twirling a strand of his soft hair as he gets more and more feverish against your leg. “N-no more teasing. Have to be inside you.” he finally breathes out, a call of desperation, so needy Beomgyu was.
Beomgyu who’s too impatient to fully take off your skirt, only pulling them up before he bunches up your panties to the side, his tip barely protruding your entrance before he pushes in his red dick in, so inexperienced and stupid, shuddering as he keeps his cock buried.
“You have to move pup.” you instruct lightly, trying to fuck yourself on his dick, but it proves impossible as Beomgyu shakes his head adamantly.
His breathing is heavy, dumb mind already filled with esctasy, head finding comfort in the warmth of your shoulder, cock drilled so deep inside he might go insane with your warmth, “Wanna stay in here forever."
“And ever.” he sighs, sucking on your abused hickeys again. “So you’ll never leave.”
It should’ve been concerning, a red flag to look back on but what happens if you feel the same way? Having him only be by your side.
Beomgyu who finally starts moving, ever so slightly, moaning with each small sharp snap into you. It takes you by complete shock when his pace goes a complete 180, Beomgyu becoming crazed, his thrusts quickly becoming sharp and erratic, so similar to his humping earlier with no particular rhythm, hammering into you, each love proclamation as tears waste no time to stain his cheeks, body shuddering with his head feeling light, drool trickling down under his chin, “Mine, mine, mine. Jeongin can’t have you like this. You’re mine.”
His body presses against yours, leaving no room for breathing, kissing you so roughly, yet his soft lips are a contrast, “I only belong to you. Nobody else—ha!”
His hips stagger, lanky body once looming over you so weak and frail. “N-no! Am cumming, cumming—“ he babbles so loudly, the sight so beautiful, his lashes more pronounced with the wetness of his tears. He belongs to you, he’s right. Just pressing against where his nipples are gets him to cum prematurely. You smirk feeling smug, even when simply the sound of his cute moans has you weak. You feel his hot load shoot inside you, bad boy.
He tries to catch his breath, clearly dumb fucked, chest heaving, as he falls to your side on the bed. You don’t let the boy get away so easily after not even making sure you finished.
The terrified look in his eyes as you swiftly get on top of him, switching positions was enough for you to know that this was going to be a long fucking night.
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majestyjun · 18 days
nobody talk to me unless it’s about him
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creds. 1,2 - 5,6 - 3,4
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