#it's just very... impersonal??? idk if that's the right word but yeah
kaeyaphile · 2 years
in desperate need of a genshin impact break tbqh so i'm replaying mass effect 3 and also playing the elder scrolls online again and i forgot how much i missed it, being able to travel and/or explore with an actual group or even just a companion and with banter and conversation instead of just... alone 🙃
don't worry i still adore kaeya with every fiber of my being lmao
#kayleigh.txt#yes you can have four characters in your team in genshin impact but you don't have your own personalized character#and none of them talk to each other or to you even really lmfao#it's just very... impersonal??? idk if that's the right word but yeah#i need to play a game where i actually have friends and companions to spend time with 😂#plus the current events are just... of absolutely no interest to me and i'm not enjoying them at all#the game is beginning to seem more like a chore than an actual pastime that i enjoy#i say as i'm currently replaying me3 for the 27372732th time and bawling my eyes out lmfao#BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS me3 isn't boring and monotonous and irritating and lonely 😂#i have squadmates and A ROMANTIC INTEREST in it which i love that for me#even in eso we have companions now that we can travel with and talk to and they comment on everything#idk genshin needs to up their character interaction game#i think it's mostly because i prefer rpgs where you can customize your character#and you don't really HAVE a character in genshin#like yeah okay ik you're technically 'the traveler' but you can't choose your appearance or personality or anything which is so stupid jfc#idk i'm exhausted from this new job and having works 45hrs each of these past two weeks ugh#and i'm miserable because i'm pmsing and it's so ridiculously fucking hot and unbearably humid here on top of that#hopefully i don't drop genshin entirely but who's to say what will happen 🤷🏼‍♀️#right now i am very much bored and frustrated with it so yep break time lmao
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Nine
Here’s the thing. Like, on one hand, Paul loves teaching. But on the other hand, I honestly think he’d be a terrible teacher. He’s genuinely trying to explain songwriting to this kid, and all I’m getting is that I should be able to just look at a piano and it’ll give me whatever I want. “So it’s really just . . .” *plays Martha My Dear* “. . . and from there, you know, like, um, there’s no – unless you stop yourself – there’s no stopping yourself.” Yes, thank you, Professor McCartney. Very informative. Good thing you’re a gorgeous genius because not a word of that lecture made any sense. 
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Seriously I am BEGging someone to write Paul and Ringo in the 20s as a cabaret duo! With Paul’s talents being songwriting, slutting it up, piano, and vocals and Ringo’s talents being tap-dancing, ventriloquist dummy impersonation, with the occasional piano, vocals, and sly winks. Maybe they meet George and John through organized crime, idk.
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“They don’t just sort of come in your head, kind of thing?” “Yeah, sure. Fact, I had one this morning.” You know. As one does.
See, even Ringo’s on board with my plan. “Let’s make a silent movie.” And Paul. “In a club. That’s it. We’re in a band. We’re in a band, but we sell drugs.” And now they're stringing Paul up just for kicks. Maybe they could join the circus!
Literally the minute John starts being silly, Paul gets this fond look on his face and you can see the wheels turning like “quick, think of a way to get close to him.” And John’s into it. But they keep doing this seesaw thing and I can’t help but think how reminiscent it is of their dynamic as a whole. 
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“I see you’ve given up smoking, Richie.” “Yes, I have.” Reminds me of that classic, “I don’t even smoke,” thing. Seems like five-hundred years ago.
PLEASE tell me Peter Sellers and Ringo had a torrid love affair during the filming of The Magic Christian. The way Peter touches Ringo’s hair and his face! Ringo being a gentleman and getting Peter a chair! And I mean there’s plenty of queer coding between them in the film.  
But also laughing my ass off at Peter’s reaction to their song-titles/lyrics/gibberish/other references code.
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Yoko, you’re stone-cold and hilarious. “Or what we haven’t.” I honestly have mad respect for her complete disregard/disdain for the Beatles and their art only because that’s how they treat hers for the most part. But girl. You’re married to one of them. He genuinely does love them and what he does with them and you’ve got to respect that or go find someone else, you know?
Also, Paul does Not appreciate the attitude. “Or we’ll just sort of sit here and allow ourselves to be embarrassed. ‘Number nine . . .”
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Aaand, just like that, Peter Sellers “must be off.” He lasted all of 1 minute 26 seconds. Weak. George and Ringo lasted fifteen years. 
MLH is literally that annoying person that asks you a serious question about yourself just so he can use you as a segue to talk about his problems.
John: just recovering from the day, you know. Yoko: from the night. John: embarrassed (you have no right, dude, you literally played your sex tape for everyone like two weeks ago) Paul: Did not want that image, thanks very much. 
It actually KILLS me though that we’ll never understand their code. Paul and Ringo will take it to their graves and no one else knows it and any footage like this we’ve got, and any code songs, will just be mostly uninterpretable for all time. 
Okay these few minutes here are soooo special to me. It’s John at his peak lovely, sweet, gentle, kind self. He makes a joke at which Paul can only nod darkly which makes John realize just how bad of a place Paul’s in. 
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Paul wants them to get to work “achieve something every day.” But John knows he’s not in a good headspace to work and it’ll be shit and then Paul will spiral even more. So, he turns up the humor until Paul is sufficiently cheered. 
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And then, he says. “Guitars? I thought that’s what they do.” And Paul’s stammering. “Oh, that is what they do, but–” John stands up, does a little head-tilt toward the instruments. “Come on, I’ll even show you about half a song I was writing. Come on.” That last in the tenderest, most coaxing voice. It’s just soooo. Like. We talk a lot about Paul ‘handling’ John, and he did. But John sure knows how to handle Paul.
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I SO wish they’d have done something with “Madman”. It’s so fun!! Every single song in this era I will go to bat for, no question. 
Ringo’s little hug for Paul!!!! I can’t.
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drbased · 10 months
Ok, let's have a bit of fun tearing something apart:
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The first paragraph is entirely circular reasoning, and I'm going to explain why. Let's pick this apart:
So, transness brings to the equation 'a liberal individualism that assumes a singular, internally autonomous subject'? Really? A liberal individualism is what we want in discussing oppression, is it? No consciousness raising, no recognition of what binds us as a class, no finding self-determination through our relationship with the collective? Nope, 'liberal individualism': two words put together which genuinely sound like a parody of what lefties think like. Furthermore, I don't think transness, trans studies etc. really is something that assumes a singular, internally autonomous subject. If gender is both cultural and innate, then the subject cannot be truly internally autonomous, certainly not entirely. And even if you disagree with that assertion, there's no reason to assume that anyone needs a gender to be internally autonomous. You don't need a 'race gender' to find autonomy as a person of colour, you don't need an 'ability gender' to find autonomy as disabled person. As for me, right now I laugh, I can play video games, I can type dumb shit on the internet, I can wear t-shirts, I can do all the things I would do anyway, I can excercise my autonomy to the fullest without needing to apply a label of gender to any of it. Exactly what freedom is brough to light by having/expressing a gender is never really explained.
Meanwhile, feminism seems to bring... everyhing else to the table. Feminism brings the class consciousness, the political action, the actual recognition of how power operates - expressed in needlessly verbose terms. These two paragraphs are absolutely terribly written, by the way: they swing back and forth from overly simplistic to excessively verbose, and it's very clear that it's for rhetorical purposes. In this case, the description of how feminism recognises and analyses power dynamics is described in such a way that feminism is made to seem impersonal and highly theoretical to the point of it being a primarily academic tool; as opposed to the down to earth trans studies, which recognises the individual human at the center. How... ironic.
And it is here where the overly wordy prose goes off the rails. A lot of words are used for 'feminism was transphobic in the past, so now it needs transness... because.' Yeah, that's the circular reasoning. No real reason is given why feminism needs transness. It lacked it before, and I've implied feminism doesn't recognise the internally autonomous subject, so that's why it needs transgenderism. And there is, of course, the obligatory implication that feminists are the real bad guys who hate deviation from the gender binary. When feminists recognise that men took away women's right to vote, they failed to recognise that by pointing out that men did it to women means they're actually supporting men doing it to women. In actuality, we should all just plug our ears and go 'lalala' at oppression, that's what makes it go away. Christ, what bizarrely conservative rhetoric from such a fan of 'liberal individualism'.
This last bit really makes me mad: 'Feminism needs transness/trans studies in order to deliver on its claim of radical inclusivity'. Yeah, nah. Feminism has never, does not and will never, claim 'radical inclusivity'. You just made that up. Idk, maybe some people IDing as feminists in the past twenty years want to claim radical inclusivity. But at the risk of no true scotsmanning - no real-world radical politics (that is, politics that actually aims to disrupt power systems) aims to be 'radically inclusive'. In fact, I would almost say the opposite is true: if something is radically inclusive, then that means the oppressor class gets to sit at the table with the people they oppress, they get to disrupt the conversation and no real action is ever really achieved. So those with political aims tend to be radically exclusive, so that the voices who would normally be drowned out finally get a chance to be heard. Sure, you might consider it a bit single-issue, but that's not a bad thing, and is often the way shit actually gets done in the real world. Being radically inclusive is a way to dilute the conversation and spy on the people you're oppressing, narc
So the first paragraph was a real nothing-burger topped with circular reasoning, but the second one is where it goes from surreal to anger-inducing:
'Instead of a focus on patriachy understood through a rigid male oppression of women...' How dare you. You know literally jack shit about what you're talking about. All the books, all the feminist theory, all feminists have talked about, all our personal experiences, all we have done, all we have achieved. ALL of it was built on the understanding of what patriarchy is. How could patriarchy be done any other way? The use of the word 'rigid' here is really what gets my goat. Because without it, that phrase is going to read as perfectly reasonable to any feminist worth her salt. The word 'rigid' is purely rhetorical, attempting to slide in a judgment where it isn't needed. This writing is so bad, we've swung right back to the dry prose, and prose that serves as a real head-scratcher to anyone who isn't already part of the choir.
But don't you worry, we are reassured that instead of a basic analysis of the patriarchy that has been the backbone of feminist (and non-feminist general female organising) since forever, '... trans feminists took aim at the gender binary as a more fundamental and robust bedrock for the gendered ills that plague us.' Hmm, do they? I've not really seen any evidence for that. I would say that it's actually very hard to organise towards any societal change without the recognition of who power serves and why. If gendered ills 'plague us', then who benefits from the gender binary, exactly, and how? Considering how gender identity is pretty nebulous and hard to grasp, it seems hard to directly exploit anyone for it, or even realistically discriminate against anyone for it. I could explain in more detail, but I've done that elsewhere. Here, I'm going to finish this point with asserting that no, I do not think that 'taking aim at the gender binary' is a robust bedrock for anything.
So the next part, now bolded, is simply an overly verbose rehash of what was said before about how feminism recognises and analyses how power is wielded by men against women. And jesus, when I say verbose, I fucking mean it. Absolutely nothing of real value is said here, so let's move on.
And then we get a rehash saying, once again, the trans feminism wants to smash the gender binary. Once again, I'd like to see some evidence of what that looks like in practice. Because anyone who pays attention to this topic has seen time and time again that in reality, trans people end up reinforcing the gender binary quite a lot. As I've said before, if the only way to express your gender is through cultural signifiers, and those cultural signifiers are built by sexism, then you're going to be supporting sexism. It is unavoidable, no matter how good your intentions are.
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S2: E3 "Bloodlust"
Brought to you by I PROMISED Kayla yesterday I would watch more when I finished my essay so here I am
This episode featuring: Yet another member of the hunting community, veganism in a fashion, deep discussion on Dean and cowboys, and great fuckin music
Oh whats this song I think I know it
Is that Journey
Is that. Wheel in the Sky?
Jammin I fuckin love this song. Great start
Oh look a scared woman in the woods. Seems standard
Is that the Benadryl Hat Man
Crepe: The What Kayla: probably
Why are you moving around the tree like that
[ Kayla reiterates that the SPN soundtrack is good. I like 70's ans 80's rock so I agree so far. ]
Dean: Woo car! Decapitated heads! Helllll yea!
Kayla: man's two true loves
I love them being terrible fake journalists
Crepe: Everyone loves a Satanist Kayla: title of a black sabbath song Crepe: Really? Kayla: no just a joke Crepe: Oh
Wooo funky impersonations we're goin fast this episode
"Open it" "You open it" Lmaoooo
Whats goin on heeeere are the cowboy vampires back
[ Crepe replies saying it's worse, but at least has the kindness to spoiler hide the rest of the message. It just hid the word Vegan though. ]
[ Then Melon pops in, stating the time in his zone and expressing a worry for my sleep schedule. I told her it's fine, and that I actually am the furthest behind in terms of timezones amongst the group, as it was only a quarter til 9 pm at the time of that message. Not that xey shouldn't worry about my sleep schedule, because it is horrendous, but that's besides the point. ]
"So we're lookin for some people" "Sure it's hard to be lonely"
Ok so that guys gone. Watching them for sure
They're waiting for him?
Whshshs ok ok whats he want anyways
[ It is about this point where Melon, Crepe, and Kayla digress into some conversation regarding cowboys, vampires, and the resulting combination being a dilemma for Dean and his sexuality. Fascinating stuff, but I wasn't really paying attention as I was engrossed in whatever the Winchesters were doing onscreen. I will, however, transcribe it as well, because I think it's funnier that way. ]
Melon: Do you think cowboy vampires act as a paradox for deans concept of reality. One is something he desperately craves to be, and the other he hates some of the time. It’s like, the taping a piece of toast with jam to a shoe and throwing it. Which overrides the other? Crepe: That would be a very interesting take to explore Kayla: one of them is a kink and the other is vampiress
OHHH yeah hes a hunter?
Ok. Ok he's a little. Seems neat but. Idk. Brushes them off pretty fast. Hm.
Sure of himself? Or something else?
Ok garage guy. You gonna get murked orrrr
Crepe: Why is Dean into cowboys tho? Kayla: have you seen him interact with one heterosexually ever
What are you even looking for
Oh its a bird
Melon: But if faced with something you’re technically supposed to kill but is literally every kink you could ever want besides that one thing, what would dean do Kayla: fuck and kill probably. thats how they seem to usually operate Melon: Ok yeah you’re right Crepe: Monsterfucker and Monsterhunter
Why is a vampire working a garage
[ Kayla says its a capitalist hellscape, even vampires need the money. Which. Fair. Gotta pay for those replacement clothes when you get blood on them I guess. ]
Oh hey theres the Winchesters
Ewwwww chainsaw blood spatter. Kinda a look for Dean tho
[ Kayla and Melon both agree with this statement. ]
Sam whats up with that look. Problem that your brother chainsawed a vampire's head off
Melon: Dean at peak is covered in blood, holding a shotgun chainsaw, and in full cowboy outfit Kayla: sharknado 6 Melon: I mean we were all thinking it Crepe: I wasn't
Cmon Sam. Its about the murder and blood spatters. Get down with it
Kayla: sharknado but everything is the same except dean is fin Melon: That really changes nothing besides that the wife would be a dude instead Kayla: cas Melon: That’s what I said
[ They then discuss something about Cas that I apparently won't understand for like 8 and a half more seasons. C'mon guys, I haven't even met the guy yet. ]
What is going on over drinks here
Oh. So a vampire killed this guy's sister. :(
Right makes sense as hunter backstory
Dean finally admitting somethin abt how he feels abt their dad passing. And its to some guy they JUST MET INSTEAD OF HIS BROTHER
[ Melon says it's because it's easier to admit to a stranger than someone you know. Kayla adds that he has to be strong for Sam. Ah, yes, the constipated older brother syndrome. I get it. ]
I don't think this hunter guy is handling his emotions well gonna say
Gordon Walker? That's his name? K
Oh ok so this guy's just fuckin nuts. Got it.
[ They now discuss telling strangers about trauma with no warning. They come to the conclusion that this is just Tumblr. ]
"Yknow what I love about this life? It's all black and white." Hmmmmmmmm
Yeah this guy's more than a bit off his rocker and you both should leave!
Uh oh Sammy
Why does Sam keep getting stalked and/or jumped by shit huh
Don't breathe a sufg of relief you idiot
[ I meant to type "sigh", not whatever happened there. Add that to the list of Ink typos. ]
Oh look! Vampire! Of course
[ Crepe goes on a tangent about said Vegan Vampires, of which I follow maybe half of. ]
Ohhhh cattle blood. Funky
Vegan Vampires just living their lives I guess. Good for them! Unfortunately Sam and Gordon won't listen to him probably
Dean is too murder happy and Sam is not quite murder happy enough and they yell at each other about it
[ Apparently, they say, this is the plot of season 10. What the hell does that mean. ]
*keys not the car
Somethin about this chick's delivery. Weird. Not like in a suspicious way just in a What is this Acting way
Sam and his sad, sad eyebrow scrunch
Eww stabby
Gordon u got issues homie
Weird fuckin guy. Weeeird fuckin guy.
Shes trying her best leave her alone
Hunter fight! Hunter fight! Get his ass Dean!
WHSHSHSH screaming. Dean telling Sam to punch him. Bc he was a dick.
[ Kayla and Crepe both say they're going to bed, not even waiting 3 minutes for me to finish the episode. Rude. ]
Man now they have to deal with more Moral Quandries. Have fun with that boys!
And away they go. Into the sunrise.
I cannot emphasize enough how much I was not paying attention to whatever the hell my friends were talking about in the moment. Absolutely wild to go back and read all that. What the fuck are they on about
Anyways. Vegan Vampires I guess! That's a thing! Wild.
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jambeast · 2 years
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Tumblr is a funny place
Okay so you have to understand why I thought this was a parody, right? I didn’t know people even said that kind of thing anymore. 
Anonymous asked:
Kill yourself
Would rather not
Anonymous asked:
white little fuck. I hope you get shot and get a taste of the misery you give to all other people on earth.
I think I make a lot of people very happy!
Anonymous asked:
Just sitting in your little echo chamber covering your eyes. One day you will be forced to listen and see. And I hope the agony you feel then is strong enough to stop your heart.
That last line is quite poetic, I’ll give you that.
Anonymous asked:
ppl don’t like taika waititi bc he’s fucking anti-black. It’s well documented. He’s racist as fuck. But fangirlies only listen to each other, Tiktok and Instagram ig.
I don’t really care to investigate that much but, like, is there any evidence other that isn’t really, really, really insubstantial? You have to forgive me for not trusting your judgement, or the specific tumblr posts that list his crimes. You gotta make a Persuasive Argument for that!
Anonymous asked:
Just went through your blog and oh my god. You have got to be some conservative far right psyop bc if you’re genuinely leftist and against racism and for LGBTQ+ rights, you are painfully stupid.
I don’t call myself a ‘Leftist’ - I call myself Left-ish. Big difference! 
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
I appreciate the dedication
Anonymous asked:
Pedophile. Die.
Anonymous asked:
Antisemite. Die.
Anonymous asked:
Nazi apologist. Die.
Anonymous asked:
Racist. Die.
Would You Care To Substantiate Your Accusation
Anonymous asked:
“the last principled liberal” LMAOOOOO HOW ARE YOU THIS CLUELESS??
Would you care to clue me in to what you think it is I’m missing, exactly?
Anonymous asked:
always in good faith huh. Might wanna recheck that part. Unless it’s sarcasm idk it’s hard to tell over text but tbh you’ve done a pretty shit job of that
What do you think good faith means?
Anonymous asked:
Hey anon from earlier before. Well you said grovel not me lmao but now that we’re here. Grovel. Get on your hands and knees and suck me from the back. Then press your face into the muddy earth and leave an imprint of your indignity. And once you’re done with that, bite your fingers and tongue off and bleed in the dirt.
[In reference to This Post] Kinky. This reads like the kind of thing that would get that one person mad about it being allowed to be hosted on AO3. You’re glorifying violence! Sexual violence, even! Well I for one support your freedom to be a pervert on the internet.
Anonymous asked:
glad you think it’s funny lol
Yeah haha
Anonymous asked:
you can pretend to not be bothered. You can even convince yourself. But you’re brain will echo the words, and like it or not they will affect you, as words do. And the bit of me left in your brain will keep saying it until the day you die.
These reads like the last words of a vengeful AI trapped in a bottle. But like, please, try and look at this from an outside perspective. You -have- to be able to see, on some level, how pathetic this looks.
Anonymous asked:
The confidence that there’s only one person out there that hates you so much they want you dead lmao….wake up sis
I’m sure I’ve gotten anon hate from more than one person before. But I’m preeeeeetty confident that this particular streak is at least 90% you. If you want to impersonate a crowd you have to, like, mix up your writing styles. Mix up your angle.
Anonymous asked:
Go ahead. Report me. You can’t. And I’ll come back.
No these are really funny.
Anonymous asked:
I hope it did ruin it
[In reference to This Post] Well the way you would ruin it is by being a parody? I’m not sure if you understand what I was getting at there.
Anonymous asked:
“show how dumb those sjw are” lmao. I can literally feel how rancid you are from here. Let me guess. You are a cis het white person, and you just HATE that you can’t say slurs and talk about “those blacks” and the “faggots” and the like. If I’m wrong, you might wanna fix up your image babygirl.
You have a very vivid imagination. Plus, I don’t see anything wrong with the image of a cis het white person! They’re okay, just like every other combination of genders, sexualities and ethnicities :)
Anonymous asked:
I’ll keep coming back, don’t worry.
Looking forward to it.
Anonymous asked:
someday, whatever force you believe in, be it nature or karma, will catch up with you. I can be patient.
Almighty God read my tumblr blog and is Really Fucking Angry about my opinion on the movie 300.
Alright that wraps it up for tonight.
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Could u do one w famous!reader (singer and actress) and she’s Brazilian and they met at late late show or idk some other talk show?? Thank u love ur writing
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A/N: Thank you so much for the request, @lebortoletto, and sorry it took so long! Hope you like it!! 
Word Count: 4,746
Requests are OPEN! If you have a request for a blurb, oneshot, imagine, whatever, Send me a message HERE!!!
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Friendly reminder to please like and/or reblog. It helps more than you think :)
The Late Late Show
Y/N always loved coming on James Corden’s ‘The Late Late Show’. His team was always super organized and kind, and James sometimes treated his guests with a meal at a restaurant after the taping since it was usually filmed during dinnertime, and they always had a lot of fun on-set. James was one of the few television hosts whom Y/N would consider a friend.
Of course, being an actress provided Y/N an opportunity to meet and make friends with hundreds of other celebrities, and she considered herself to be amongst nearly all groups of celebrity friendships, but there were some more notable people which she hadn’t had the pleasure to meet, yet. One being Harry Styles.
She’d wanted to meet him since the days of One Direction, but their paths somehow never crossed, which was odd considering nearly all of her friends were mutuals with him. They followed each other on Instagram and Twitter, and would occasionally like the other’s pictures or tweets, but that was about as far as it went. She didn’t have the courage to message him. But that ended today. Both of them would be appearing on his show together.
She and her team arrived early, being escorted to a private room. Most of her team went to the main backstage room while Y/N got her hair and makeup done in her private room. There was still some time left to spare by the time they were finished, and Y/N, along with her PR person, decided to greet everyone backstage and have a quick snack before she changed clothes. She bumped into Reggie and a few other members of James’ team on the way back, smiling and chatting with them while they walked down the hall. As soon as she entered the room, she heard her name called out.
“Y/N! Hello!”
Y/N turned her head in the direction of the voice and smiled when she saw James Corden in the middle of a conversation with Harry Styles and someone else she hadn’t recognized, presumably on his team. She made her way over, noticing Harry holding a small, half-eaten sandwich, and trying to keep her composure.
“Hello, so good to see you again,” Y/N grinned, taking Jame’s hand and pecking him on each cheek before turning to Harry, heart pounding, “Hi, how are you? I’m Y/N.”
“Good, thanks, I’m Harry,” his voice was deep and muffled, trying to introduce himself with a mouth full of sandwich. He leaned in for a one-arm hug and pecked either side of her face. Once they pulled apart he had dramatically swallowed his food and smiled sheepishly, “Sorry,” he chuckled, “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“We were just talking about you,” James interrupted.
Your expression changed to one of surprise before Harry chimed in, holding a finger up and nodding, “Yeah, I’m a big fan. Salacity was incredible.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” Y/N blushed, looking between the two of them, “Well, I’m obviously a fan, too. Who isn’t?”
“Obviously, you mean me,” James joked, flicking his imaginary hair back.
The two laughed while Y/N nodded, “Obviously.”
Y/N continued on, asking James about his family, and attempted to remain calm while Harry’s overwhelming presence barely a foot beside her lingered. She could feel the warmth radiate from his side, fighting the urge not to look over at him every five seconds, though she couldn’t help but feel his eyes occasionally glance her way.
Since James was so close with both Harry and Y/N, it seemed to be easy to hold a conversation. But when James was ushered away by the crew to start prep and begin filming for his show, it left Harry and Y/N an opportunity to talk. They still had a bit before they would be called out.
“So, I heard you’ll be in the new Marvel film,” Harry turned to her.
Y/N’s mouth fell open, smirking unsurely. That news hasn’t been released yet, and as far as she was aware, not even her biggest fans knew about it. “How did you hear that?”
He grinned, looking down and then back up at her, “Uh, Alexa may have mentioned it.”
“Alexa Chung,” Y/N repeated, rolling her eyes with a smirk. Alexa Chung was a supermodel and one of Y/N’s closest friends. She shook her head, muttering, “I knew she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Yeah, I mean the contract is still under negotiation, but it’s looking good.”
Harry smiled, “Congratulations. I’m sure it’ll be amazing. Can’t wait to see it in theatres.”
“Thank you,” Y/N nodded.
Soon they were joined with more people from the crew of The Late Late Show, as well as more people from their own team as they were told the order of operations and how things were going to run tonight. James had a few segments he had to do on his own before interviewing the two of them, then on to a game, and a small break before Harry would perform.
They listened, intently, a handful of m&m’s in her hands. She noticed Harry shifting in her peripheral and when she turned to see what he was doing, he was already looking at her, pointing at her hands and mouthing, ‘throw me one’. Y/N giggled, picking up a red chocolate candy and scanning the circle of people to make sure no one was staring at her before quickly flicking it across the circle. Harry jerked to the left, trying to catch it in his mouth, but it just bounced off of his chin and to the floor. Only one girl seemed to notice and chuckled.
Harry turned to her, mouth ajar and brows scrunched up, pretending to be indignant and mouthing, “What was that?”
“Another,” Y/N mouthed, grabbing a blue one, this time. Once again, she scanned the circle and chucked the m&m higher.
This time, Harry hardly had to move. He opened his mouth and caught it, smiling and chewing on the candy. “Nice throw,” he nodded, approvingly.
After the meeting, Y/N’s Publicist urged her back towards her private room so she could get changed. She slipped into a sexy red pantsuit that plunged down her neckline and flared at the wrists and ankles, pairing it with a pair of matching red high-heels. Again, she made her way backstage where Harry was, talking to some more people, and when they both saw each other they froze, eyes widened for a moment before their smiles turned into laughter.
He made his way over, now wearing a white button-up underneath his red suit and matching red pressed pants and red shoes. “You copied me!”
Y/N shook her head playfully, joking, “We should swap our suits mid-show and see if anyone notices.”
Harry laughed, “Yes! I can wear yours for the performance!”
The two were greeted by another crew member and led to the side of the stage where they had to remain silent. They looked at each other and back to their crew, silently shimmying and to the sound of James’ voice before their names were called and an eruption of screams and claps echoed through the air from the live studio audience.
Harry let Y/N walk out first and followed her towards the stage as they smiled and waved to the crowd before stepping up on the platform to greet James with a friendly hug and peck on the cheek, sitting side-by-side on the couch.
When the cheers died down, James turned to the two with a grin and said, “It’s great to have both of you back on the show. What is this?” he motioned towards their outfits, laughing, “You’re wearing the same outfit! Did you plan this?”
They both laughed and Harry joked, “Yeah, I rang her and asked what she was wearing and went out and bought the same exact thing.”
“I wanted to give you a heads up so you could match us, too, but Harry told me not to because you would outshine us,” Y/N played along, making James belly-laugh along with the audience.
“I was this close to being upset with you both for not including me,” James laughed, settling down, “You two have never actually met before, have you?”
“No,” they both shook their heads, looking at each other for a second with a smile, “First time.”
“That’s surprising because you both seem to have a lot of the same friends.”
Harry nodded, “Yeah, we seem to run in the same circles, but never at the same time.”
“I think he was just avoiding me, really,” Y/N nodded, making the boys laugh.
Harry chuckled, “yeah, I see her at a party and I duck behind the trash cans,” he did his best impersonation.
James laughed, turning towards Y/N, “You must have been partying a lot this past weekend after your big win.” Y/N smiled widely while the audience, along with Harry, clapped loudly. Cheers, again, echoing from the crowd. James continued, “You’re new movie, Salacity, was nominated for a bunch of awards, but you made history as the first Brazilian to win an Academy Award for Best Actress. What was that like?”
Cheers erupted again and Y/N bit her lip, nodding and looking up at everyone. This never got old. “Thank you,” Y/N grinned, turning back towards James, “Honestly, I think I blacked out when they called my name.” Everyone laughed as she continued, “It was so surreal. I’ve always dreamt of winning an Academy Award but never thought in a million years that I would be the first Brazilian to win. I’m incredibly proud and grateful and just so honored to even be in the same room as all of those talented people. I’m very lucky.”
“Well you deserved every bit of it,” James nodded, earning a voice of agreement along with more cheers from the audience, “Salacity was also nominated for Best Original Song, which was written and sung by you, is that right?”
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, Harry’s not the only talented musician here.”
Both of them laughed as jokingly threw his hands up, stood, and pretended to walk off set. When he plopped back on the couch he said, “First you steal my outfit, then you steal my job?”
“I’m so sorry. I’ll let you open for my next tour,” she joked back.
She felt silly for being so nervous when she woke up this morning. Truth is, this is one of the easiest interviews she’s done. Normally she struggled for the right words to say or with getting a feel on whether she needed to be more professional or if she could let her silly flag fly. Because she knew James so well and got along with Harry so quickly, it made things a lot easier.
They discussed Harry’s career for a bit before circling back to Y/N as James said, “Now, we had your counterpart, KJ Appa, on our show last week. Such a nice guy, by the way.”
“So sweet,” Y/N nodded in agreement as James continued.
“And he had nothing but good things to say about you. He even said that you were one of the best on-screen kisses he’s had” James admitted, making the audience awe as Y/N blushed and smiled. James carried on, “But he did mention a particularly….awkward moment between the two of you on set. Care to elaborate?”
When Y/N’s eyes widened and shifted in her seat in embarrassment, James laughed. She looked at Harry beside her to see him curious and she began to explain, “Well, as you know, Salacity is a very, uhm, how do you put it?”
“Erotic?” James offered, laughing again.
Y/N nodded, chuckling, “Yes, there’s a lot of sex scenes. So, anyway one the very first sex scene we filmed, I’m in this sexy, lacey black lingerie, basically strapped onto this harness contraption in the air and KJ’s character has to come in from behind me, but the harness that was holding my arms snapped, tore off my bra, and I was dangling by my legs upside down with hundreds of crew members watching. And KJ, the sweet guy he is, sees that my bra came off and panicked, and he jumped in, practically hugging me as I was hanging upside down to cover me. But he didn’t realize that the only thing he was wearing was this sock that covered his dick because we were just about to film this sex scene, and it was all up in my face.”
Everyone burst into laughter as Y/N explained, “That poor guy was just trying to help, but they got me down pretty quickly. But it definitely lessened the tension for the rest of filming. We got closer after that.”
“Can’t get much closer than that, can you?” Harry joked, making her laugh, as well.
When that portion of the interview had finished, cameras cut and their team had rushed over to do a few quick makeup and hair touch-ups, laughing and joking with each other about how well it was going so far. They were then directed towards a different area of the stage, sat around a table with rancid smells lingering around.
“Have you ever done this before?” Harry asked her as they were getting re-wired and James was getting prepped.
Y/N shook her head, pushing her hair behind her back and screwing up her face, “No, and I might vomit just looking at all this stuff.”
Harry nodded, “I’ve got an extra toothbrush you can have afterward.”
James came back and they were given two minutes to get situated before the cameras focused in on them. Reggie and the band played the theme song of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts, while Y/N rang her fingers and Harry looked between her and James. Cheers and claps sounded and James smiled teasingly at the two.
“You both look thrilled to be doing this,” he said, sarcastically.
“Oh, yeah, can’t wait,” Harry retorted.
Y/N pursed her lips, shaking her head, “I must have been out of my mind when I agreed to this.”
They laughed as James directed their attention to the table, spinning it, “Alright, let’s see what we’ve got here. We’ve got 1,000-year-old egg, Fish eye and bird saliva, cow tongue, salmon smoothie, cow blood and pork tongue jelly, bull penis, hot dog water, which is the absolute rankest thing I’ve ever had, and giant water scorpion.”
“Why?” Y/N groaned, sitting back in her chair in disgust.
Harry chuckled and James laughed as he explained, “So here’s how this game works. We are gonna ask each other questions, okay. The questions are written here and we have not seen them. We have a choice. We can either answer these questions truthfully, or, we have to eat the food that the other person chooses. Okay?” Harry and Y/N nodded in understanding. “Alright, ladies first. Y/N, you are going to choose a food for Harry that he has to eat, should he not answer the question.”
She glanced and spun the tabletop in search of food, bending down and taking a whiff of something awful, she gagged, making them laugh, turning the tabletop until something was placed in front of him, “I’ll go with the fish eye and bird saliva.”
“That’s the one I was least looking forward to,” Harry groaned.
“Were you looking forward to any of them?” James shot back, laughing. “Alright, Y/N, what is your question for Harry.”
Y/N turned her card over in her hands and scanned it before chuckling, blushing, and looking up at him, “Harry, backstage you mentioned you were a big fan of my new movie. How much of it had to do with my sex scene, and what did you think about it?”
“Which one?” he joked, smiling, making everyone in the audience gasp and giggle.
Harry blushed, straightening out his suit, a lopsided, shy smile still stretched on his face, “Uh...I mean, even without the sex scenes it’s a brilliant movie. But, uh, yeah. They were very….Oh god,” he slapped a hand on his forehead, looking down and making the audience laugh. Y/N shook her head in amusement as he attempted to regain composure, “Yeah, they were very realistic.”
“How many times did you rewind those scenes?” James teased.
“No, no, no, that wasn’t the question. It’s my turn now,” Harry waved his finger, making everyone laugh again as the band played and Harry spun the table. “James, I’m going to give you….well, I know how much you love hot dogs, so I’m gonna give you the hot dog water.”
“You dick,” James groaned, taking a sniff and gagging, “That really, truly is the worst thing we’ve ever had on this show. Alright, then, what’s my question?”
Harry picked up the card and grinned, “James, you have had a lot of big-name celebrities on your show. Who was the biggest disappointment?”
The crowd ooed as James’ face fell, shaking his head and looking back at the producers, “Who wrote these?”
“Come on, don’t be a pussy, answer it,” Y/N joked, making everyone laugh.
James shook his head, “I can’t. I can’t,” and he picked up the shot glass and tipped it into his mouth.
Everyone gasped and he immediately reached for the bucket and spit it all out, “That is horrible!” he exclaimed, rinsing his mouth out with water, “Why do we still have that? Alright, Y/N, I am going to pick for you….” he spun the table around before grinning and halting a pink, meaty cube in front of her, “Cow blood and pork tongue jelly.”
Y/N winced, poking at the large cube and gasping, “Oh my god, why is it so hard?”
“That’s what she said,” Harry chimed, making everyone laugh.
“We all know how you feel about my movie, Harry,” shot back, making everyone burst into laughter and Harry blush.
Harry hit his face for a second before James continued, snorting, and looking up at Y/N, “Y/N, you’ve been rumored to have very famous exes. Between Timothee Chalamet, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Zakhar Perez, rank them from best to worst in bed,” Y/N’s mouth fell as the audience gasped and laughed.
“Pattinson’s gotta be the best, hasn’t he?” Harry assumed, making Y/N hide her face.
“Now, this is not to say that any of them are bad. Maybe they're in the top three,” James suggested, “But of the top three, who is the worst,” he laughed.
Y/N uncovered her face and looked between the two men, reaching for her fork and knife.
“Oh god,” Harry winced, as James shouted, “No! No!”
She dug her fork in and sliced a corner off, “I never kiss and tell,” placing her knife down and taking a deep breath before hurriedly putting it in her mouth. The texture was what she imagined dog food tasted like, and she gagged, grabbing her tin can and spitting it in before swishing her water around in her mouth and spitting that out, as well.
“That was disgusting,” Y/N blotted her mouth with the towel.
“I can’t believe you’ve done that,” James shook his head.
“And I’m not doing it again,” she took another sip of her drink, “Is it my turn now?”
“Yeah, Y/N, you go ahead and choose something for Harry to eat if he doesn’t answer the question.”
She spun until she landed on the 1,000 year old egg. James announced what it was as Harry nodded and said, “Alright”. Y/N picked her card, turned it around, and said, “Oh, no.”
“Oh, God, what is it?” Harry sat up straighter.
“Harry,” Y/N started, “You and Niall are the only remaining members of One Direction who are not parents. Rank the members of One Direction from worst to best parents.”
Without hesitation, Harry stabbed his fork into the egg and shoved it in his mouth. Everyone gasped and Y/N pulled away, covering her face with the card and using it as a sort-of shield. He made a show out of slowly chewing it, holding back a gag. He used his water to swallow it down and stuck his tongue out to show that he had finished it.
“No way,” Y/N shook her head, nose scrunched.
“You are insane,” James shook his head.
“Tastes exactly the way you think,” Harry took another sip of water. “Right, James. I’m going to choose for you…...the water scorpion.”
“The giant water scorpion. For reference, this is what he’s chosen for me,” James picked up the stiff, hard, black bug and showed the camera. “Go on, what’s your question.”
Harry cleared his throat, picked up a card, and chuckled, “James, I’ve been on your show for years, and even taken over for you twice. Who is your favorite member of One Direction.”
A smile slowly spread on James' face and he shook his head, staring off at the audience as they screamed and laughed. “I can’t choose that,” James breathed, turning to face him.
“Well, you have to, or else you’ll be eating a giant water scorpion.”
“Oh, come on, we all know it’s not Harry,” Y/N joked, earning an amused glare from Harry.
“Excuse me,” Harry said, “I happen to know, for a fact, that it is me. Go on, James. Tell ‘em.”
“You think it’s you, do ya?” James questioned, looking between them before finally picking up the water scorpion, “You keep thinking that,” he joked before taking a bite of its head and chewing. He laughed mid-chew, spit it out in his bucket, and took another sip of water.
“How dare you,” Harry joked, indignantly.
James laughed, turning the table, “Y/N, It’s my turn to ask you a question. But first, I’m going to give you the salmon smoothie.”
“Ugh,” Y/N sniffed it’s pungent aroma, sitting away from the glass of pink, chunky fish.
She looked up at James as he scanned the card and laughed, “Y/N, you were nominated for a lot of awards this year. Who has won against you that didn’t deserve to?”
“Oh noooo,” Y/N trailed, throwing her head back, causing James and Harry to laugh.
“No, come on, we were all shocked on at least one of those categories,” James offered. Y/N shook her head, taking hold of the glass.
“Chug, chug, chug!” Harry chanted, compelling the audience to join in.
“Fuck off,” Y/N mouthed to Harry, making him laugh as she took a swig of the monstrous drink.
The second it hit her tongue, she heaved, quickly grabbing the tin and spitting the contents in as James called the end of the game. She took several sips of water, gulping it down to alleviate the lingering taste in her mouth. They called for a wrap, and Harry immediately dug out a packet of gum from his pocket, offering one to each of them while more crew rushed up to them.
Y/N thanked him, shoving the wrapper in her suit pocket, and after they were briefed from the crew, they had about fifteen minutes to spare while they set up for Harry’s performance. People from each of their teams tried to talk to them, but Y/N had something else in mind.
“Follow me,” she told him, grabbing his arm and jogging through the halls backstage. He chuckled, confused, but intrigued, following closely behind her until they reached the door of her dressing room. “Give me your suit jacket.”
Harry’s eyebrows raised and mouth formed an ‘O’, realizing what she was doing. With a grin, he unbuttoned his suit and shrugged it off, carefully handing it over to her. She shot him a smile, which made him grow steadily more keen, watching as she slipped into the room and closed the door behind her, disappearing. He waited, leaning against the wall for what seemed like a little longer than necessary for switching jackets. When she emerged wearing his jacket, his smile widened.
“Looks better on you,” he smirked.
She smiled, passing him the clump of red fabric that was her top, “Let’s see if we can say the same about you.”
He slipped his arms through the sleeves of her jacket, and although there was plenty of room in the arms because of the flare, the chest and waist were a bit tight. He made sure not to tie the sash too tightly and straightened it out, “How do I look?”
She giggled, flattening the collar of the jacket and joking, “Beautiful.”
They made their way back towards the main area of the backstage, surrounded by their teams and crew, laughing about the jacket change and prepping Harry some more as he rummaged through a small travel-sized toiletry bag for the disposable toothbrushes and toothpaste, and the two of them brushed their teeth.
Eventually, Harry was ushered to another stage where he and a band were situated. Lights dimmed and shone strategically on him as he was announced and began to play. Y/N, never having been to a Harry Styles concert, and a fan of his music, watched from the side of the stage, arms crossed and leaning against a large black case of some sort. He looked over at her a couple of times, trying to hide a coy smile, he danced around the stage and used the sash on her jacket like a rope, swinging it around.
When he finally finished, she, along with the studio audience, clapped and cheered for him. He thanked them, clasping his hands and bowing a few times, humbly repeating, “Thank you,” while James announced it was a wrap. Y/N joined Harry on the stage where the two of them, along with James, greeted people in the audience, signing pictures, papers, and phone cases, just chatting with the fans and taking selfies with them.
James, Harry, Y/N, and their publicists spent about an hour and a half to two hours after the taping to sit down at a nearby restaurant for a bite to eat. They were seated at a private table, enjoying some more banter and fun. She had a feeling that Harry was flirting with her, or maybe she was just hoping he was. He started it off by sneakily stealing bits of fries off of her plate throughout the meal as he sat across from her, and she would reciprocate by ‘accidentally’ stepping on his toes under the table.
“Hope I didn’t scuff those Gucci loafers,” she winked, smirking.
As much as she didn’t want the night to end, there weren't many excuses she could make to prolong the conversation, and everyone else was very clearly tired aside from the two of them. Y/N stayed towards the back of the group as they made their way back outside, and Harry slowed his pace and hung back until he was walking side-by-side with Y/N.
“I guess I should give this back to you,” he slipped the jacket off of him as they exited through the back, letting the cool LA air swirl on their faces.
Everyone was giving hugs and saying their goodbyes. Y/N looked down at her jacket in his hand and she leaned in to kiss either side of his face, lingering a little longer than normal. When she pulled away she shook her head and lightly pushed the jacket back towards him, “No. Keep it. An excuse to see you again.” And as she began walking backward to join her group, she called out, “check the pockets.”
His toothy smile turned into a furrowed eyebrow. Confused, he dug his hand in either pocket of the jacket until he pulled out what looked to be the gum wrapper. But, upon closer inspection, he noticed a series of numbers written in black ink. Her phone number. He looked up just in time to see Y/N opening a car door.
“Call me!” she shouted, smirking, before getting in and closing the door.
Harry’s smile grew even more, clutching the red jacket tighter and slinging it over his shoulder, making sure to carefully store the gum wrapper in his wallet and watching as her car drove off down the street and out of view.
@odetostep @mylittleangel9403 @thurhomish @fallingfordolans @gwenlovesharrystyles , @harryswinterberries, @gucciboots, @golden-grande, @mylittleangel9403​ @korlynn-grace @ilovedogs1989 @aalessandrabarboni
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mikkaeus · 3 years
lads I am feeling FRAGILE
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With 执子之手, WKX is quoting 诗经·邶风·击鼓 (Book of Songs). The context:
死生契阔,与子成说 执子之手,与子偕老
No matter what happens, I made you a promise: To take your hand in mine, til death do us part [T/N under the cut, though I’d like to add here that in a modern context these lines seem to be ubiquitously taken as romantic. The original meaning is disputed whether it’s lovers or comrades-in-arms. At the end of the linked article, the author quips “some people may say there is an easy way to resolve this conflict...” (当然啦,我看到有人为了调和二者,认为“战友”就是“恋人”,“恋人”就是“战友”,提出了“基友情“的说法,这个嘛……)]
Some thoughts on this, mostly derived from this meta (in Chinese)
1. The second, unsaid half of the line is 与子偕老, which is more literally “grow old together”. In the face of ZZS’s mortality, with their time together feeling more measured by the day, WKX must feel that he dare not say these words out loud. YBY is allegedly coming with help, but WKX has already been disappointed once, on that night where it seemed like the sky and the heavens were crying with him as well. No cure is guaranteed - the only thing that is certain is ZZS in front of him now, happy and laughing and telling him that he has a home here. So, instead of alluding to promises neither of them can keep, WKX instead continues with 坐看云舒, saying that he’ll enjoy these days as they are, and appreciate the simple joys of life: lying back on the grass to watch the clouds unfold, his lover’s hand in his. (I really like how this parallels the “life is just three meals day” sentiment they toss back and forth throughout the show.)
2. This has to be taken in the context of the whole conversation on names they had. WKX is responding directly to ZZS’ initial toast, quoting how WKX explained his name back to him (天涯孤鸿 无根行客). This is WKX’s line with the characters for “Zishu” bolded: 执子之手,坐看云舒. I just think it’s neat that while 子 is literary “you”, it also emphasises that the “you” here is ZZS (unlike Youku with the “a” lover stuff*). Also, the second half rly gives the vibe of the Person A, looking at the stars: wow so beautiful / Person B, looking at Person A: yeah. [since it’s sit (坐) and watch (看) the clouds unfold (云舒)/Zishu (舒)]
*[More ramblings about Youku’s translation choices & general translation stuff under the cut]
For Youku to add “lover” in there is certainly... a choice. On one hand, the translator went ALL IN with making explicit the romantic connotations of the poem. On the other hand, generalising it to “a” lover makes it somewhat nonsensical and gives me vibes of “ah just two bachelors, staring into each other’s eyes across the table because they’re not gay, just waiting for young maidens to come sweep them off their feet”. Edit: I just realised the first time he says it in this scene Youku uses “the” instead, but IMO this is still very impersonal. It feels like he’s parroting a history book. This is the reason I completely missed even the “lover” bit the first time around bc i was like right theyre just quoting poetry again lmao
T/N: 1. 死生契阔 is literally “life and death, separated and reunited” (契阔=离合). 2. 偕老 might sound familiar if you kept up with shl concert shenanigans. Heizi laoshi said 祝贺他们白头偕老 and then everyone proceeded to collectively lose their minds. 3. I translated as “til death do us part” because “grow old together” just sounds so bland and I wanted to bring in the marriage connotations that 偕老 has. idk if it’s too much localisation though 😔
Biggest shoutout to Sabina on twitter!! their livetweets (in Korean) are where I initially learn about these things. the lines contain multitudes! tweet abt the scene in question
Some evidence for the solid romance/marriage connotations so yall know im not just pulling stuff out of my ass:
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If you’re still here, I’m going to take advantage of the read more to keep rambling, so
I think this is a GREAT example of how translation is so contextual & dependent on interpretation (especially literary Chinese, which as my friend said, is a whole fuck). If we were going with the ~soldiers~ meaning of the poem, I’d translate it more like
No matter what happens, we swore an oath To go hand in hand, until the end
Although that discards the 老 aspect of it, which I’m not 100% on what the poet was trying to say with that ngl but I guess it could be like “we swore that we WOULD make it out of this battle to grow old together”. Which obviously doesn’t work with “until the end” because that’s so fatalistic, but brain zero cannot think of nice way to translate surviving
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sapphic-luthor · 3 years
fic writer review!
thank you for tagging me @hrwinter !
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
twelve which really doesn’t feel like enough because i have at least twice that many in progress in my google docs woops
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
65,278 hahahaha
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
mmmm i think two ... point five. ish. there were some rough attempts when i was quite young but i didn’t get anything readable up until one or two for orphan black-- all of my actual work that i’m proud of is here in supergirl.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
a six-day exercise in denial 
lip drawn constellations and pen marked kisses
accidental kisses and ill-timed visits from the deo
kryptonian tradition, or something like it
musings from 504
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
very very rarely, and mostly that’s just because i never really know a way to provide a meaningful response that doesn't just boil down to “thank you!!!”
and tbh i feel weird about this all the time because receiving comments makes me smile like an idiot at my phone and i go all squiggly and happy and excited so i probably really should be answering them but i just . i never know what to say that doesn’t look very impersonal!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending
in which a half-confession breaks them both by a mile
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut?
god yeah but a lot of it never makes it to the publish stage and i should really change that because sex is what gets all the hits lads
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not an entire fic, no, but i’ve had some scenes and paragraphs taken and hidden behind very thinly veiled reworks
11. Ever had a fic translated?
yes! a lovely person called R_H_Felidae_Athena actually translated a bunch of my little minifics into Mandarin which i think is the loveliest thing in the world
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
i haven’t! i’m not sure i’d be any good at it because i’m shit at deadlines and i also have very very little structure to my writing process and it’s a lot of “idk it just feels this way in my head” lmao
13. All time fav ship?
every ship feels like your all time fav ship when you’re in it doesn’t it? so right now absolutely supercorp-- i’ll admit i’ve put more time and work into this ship than others but i’ve had some that really really touched me and that i’ve put a lot of my heart into in the past
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
ah jesus i have so many. almost two years ago i started writing an au (based on one throwaway line in s5) where kara and lena meet because lena’s running through national city and has a security team following her at a distance and kara thinks she sees a woman being followed followed and steps in and beats the hell out of the security team and lena can’t stop laughing hard enough to tell her they’re hired and then kara takes her to lunch as an apology
15. Writing strengths?
girl honestly i don’t even know i’m winging it every single time
16. Writing weaknesses?
fucking TENSES. i tend to swap between them here and there and then it confuses the focus or the intimacy of the scene and sometimes it’s very difficult to tell how far of a lens the reader is supposed to be watching through and it’s just gggaghhhhhlgjddj one day i’ll learn to write in past tense i swear
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i’ve not really found myself needing that very much but if i did run across a scenario where it was unavoidable i’d probably try to find a native speaker before i wrote anything of substance so as not to be deeply embarrassing lol
18. First fandom you wrote for?
does the teen titans script i handwrote in a notebook when i was 9 count
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
i have a soft spot for this one because i wrote it all in one manic go and it just poured out of me in a way that worked so well on the first try and it got really nice reception and it’s by far one of my proudest even though it’s but a short little thing :’)
tagging @itllsetyoufree @contagiousiridescence @littlemousejelly @gaydisasterdanvers
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icharchivist · 3 years
ok i read the lyrics to don't cry... for the first time today and i got hit with a wave of emotion for sympathy for the angel for real like... agh. that play hits so hard. how is it so good??? i think that play like. REALLY does well in doing the troupe story / play parallels. anyways the lyrics oh my god theyre really something else. like its a duet... but the lyrics theyre singing arent about each other??? tragic. i mean yes its a tragedy but like. its like wow theyre both singing like oh i just want u to be happy and i love you etc. but like theyre singing to different people... im going to cry. the song title is like when departure kicks in as the hxh with "you can smile again" like. are you SURE abt that buddy. anyways im just in my sympathy for the angel thoughts again today like i get why everyone was silent before clapping i too would be left speechless (mostly bc i think my brain would screech to a halt being like. wait. it was gay this whole time i wasnt imagining it???)
i also think a lot about how like they very specifically perform that in competition with the god troupe, which was a big factor in pushing tasuku and tsumugi apart, and like that sort of drifting away from each other is, in some part, paralleled within the play itself? but like. the play is a story and tasuku and tsumugi are not a tragedy. if that makes any sense.
and the way they can like. pull off a play charged with so much sadness but deliver it as gently as intended. its kind of like. it always felt like that it was almost a resolution, like oh this is a tragedy, but we aren't going to lose each other, and we're not going to lose to you (god troupe), either. and like god / heaven like yeah the god troupe themselves chose the theme but its like. adore the way this tragedy is very specifically abt rejecting like the impersonal feelings of heaven... people are not a set of dates and love is worth more than any heavenly place... makes u think makes u think!!!
oh god hi! yes your feelings are so true TwT man
the song title is exactly like that omg everytime the song pops up my thoughts are always "failing the step demanded by the title" DLJFKDFKJDFL pain and suffering
but you're so right about everything!!!
The fact in the song they are not talking to each other, that Raphael is talking to Michael but Michael is mostly talking to the Human.... this is just so painful. But it does so much of the job if you consider that for exemple this love Michael has for the human represent this love for theater that led him to waste himself away, while Tasuku, still wanting to further his passion, wanted also to be with Tsumugi and had to watch him set distances and disappear from his life. The whole thing is so tragic...
and the play is so tragic and indeed it reflects the plot and the troupe so well!!
and yeah that makes sense too, i feel like in a way making this play a tragedy, of Tsumugi letting himself wither away ect... Is one way to have a last stand on the stage, showcasing that they won't let that happen to you. Exactly like you say!
DLKJFDF honestly you said it well i dont have much to add to it except that Sympathy for the Angel was SUCH a good play, and i really think everything worked so well into it. You're supposed to feel sympathy for both Michael, losing himself in his love, and Raphael, who couldn't help because he felt he had to stay by his duty, the place he blonged, in heaven, and had to watch his friend disappear. Just like we are learning about them, about the things they regret ect. The God Troupe put them in this situation which had the life of the company at stakes and i think totally embracing what it would be like to die for love also reflect their dedication to the theater, how they're willing to pour everything in one last stand.
idk i don't know how to put it into words you said everything that needed to be said DKLFJDF just many thoughts, many feelings, Winter is just so good i love Winter so much.......
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permian-tropos · 3 years
Daniil - Liberosis
Didn’t think this prompt word would become so poignant so soon. The subject matter wound up kind of surreal and taking whatever path I thought might be interesting but sometimes it’s nicer to let other people search for meaning in something. 
IDK yeah I just wanted to publish this. Contains canon-typical misery.
Liberosis: The desire to care less about things.
It rains again, always with that damn rain, and inside of each puddle in the street is the reflection of a man with cold eyes. They’re a little bit sardonic, as if the protective cloth tied over his mouth obscures a world-weary smirk. They track movement deliberately, and never dart or flash.
When did this happen? When did his features freeze in place like this? It’s interesting. The last time Dankovsky saw his own reflection, he was burned out like a candle stub.
This is better. You’d rather see a second wind from the Capital doctor on his rounds, a man who cares less and does more, even if what he does isn’t much use to anyone. It’ll give people less reason to panic.
The plague is spreading on the wings of panic. That’s why the patrolmen show no mercy to the sick, those shambling mummies, when they stray into the streets.
Dankovsky never gave such an order. The man in the puddle wears his intentions well: But I wouldn’t countermand it.
When you think about it, the only way to fight the plague is to resist your natural human desire to seek help, or even the comforting touch of another; instead you must succumb in solitude, to save others.
The nature of epidemics really is to target the most precious aspects of our being…
“What do I do? What do I do? I’m lost…”
Dankovsky first expects that wheedling voice to come from a child, but it’s too knowing, like it’s playing a game.
Sometimes they’re called mimes, but they talk too much. They’re more amused by the circumstances than the name Tragedian suggests. Subconsciously, Dankovsky has gotten into the habit of treating them as if there is not a human under that patchwork black cloth, but paper stuffing, or an animated wire frame. They’re an oddly useless counterpart to the orderlies, and they certainly don’t answer to the Bachelor.
“One of you?” he sighs, backing up a few steps. “What do you want from me this time…? Get it over with.”
The masked man dawdling under the streetlamp tips its head slowly one way, then the other. “His Excellency thinks I spoke to him?”
“I’m the only one on the street. Unless you’re raving, in which case I have no time for lunatics.”
“How cruel. In any case… I’ve lost my mask.” The Tragedian shields its eye-holes from the rain with a hand, and looked far and wide.
“It’s right on your head,” Dankovsky grouses. “Now what’s my reward for finding it, a bag of marbles? Or wait, you’ve lost those too.”
“Oh, no, not this. This is my face. You see how blank and plain it is? It wants a character, a role to play. A mask, a mask.”
Dankovsky folds his arms. “What about playing a man who doesn’t leave his house… wherever he comes from, his burrow, his den, and doesn’t get himself into trouble?”
The Tragedian offers an apologetic shrug and spread palms. “I tried it but alas, it weren’t for me. I didn’t know my lines, and came too late…”
The Bachelor mutters, “You’ll be a dog soon – playing dead.”
“I’ve lost a mask of careless cruelty… I think it would be fun to wear a while. It grins at simple victories and doesn’t shed a tear for those less fortunate. I’d like to be the one who laughs in Hell…”
“Fine, I’ll look for something like that… I suppose.” It wasn’t the first bizarre request he’d taken, and been able to fulfill despite not understanding it at first. Whatever the Tragedian was looking for, it would turn up eventually.
Now the Tragedian was clasping its hands together, pleading. It was remarkably expressive for having, as it said, such a blank face. “But if perhaps you’d let me borrow yours…”
“That’s completely unsanitary.” What kind of idiot request was that?
“I mean the one behind the cloth, the visage that regards the world so icily…”
The Tragedian pokes an impudent, spidery finger right between the Bachelor’s eyebrows, which pinch together in great chagrin.
“I don’t know what you’re getting at… but I get the impression you’re not asking for a real object.” He slaps the finger away. “If you want to wear my face, playact all you like. Just don’t impersonate me to anyone important, or use my name for any stupid ventures. Or you’ll regret it.”
Dankovsky leaves the actor to mime out his gratitude, head fervently bowing, clasped hands pumping up and down. He’d expected to get something out of this exchange, but perhaps it’s a longer-term investment. Or it’ll be quite the farce when the thespian starts wandering around the town pretending to be him. He’s not sure what he’s given away.
Signal fires mark the start of an infected district. He tightens the cloth around his mouth and nose and rushes in. There’s one house in particular he has to visit, so he very much intends to keep his head down all the way there.
His ears are assaulted by wails of the dying, carried far even by stagnant windless air.
At first he doesn’t understand why his skin is prickling. Senseless paranoia.
I gave away my mask…
It doesn’t mean anything!
But something’s changed in him for sure.
Even though it’s illogical, he’s shivering like ice has been poured down his shirt.
His eyes catch movement and he jolts away at first, because he’s learned to flee whenever a human shape stumbles across his path in districts like these. One filthy touch from any of these walking corpses could pass on the infection.
“Don’t,” he whispers. “Don’t come near me…”
“Help us…” the mummy gabbles. It’s sobbing under the linen wraps, but those cries might be of relief as well as pain. “Please, please, you’ve got to help us… I’ve been looking all over for a doctor… You’ve got pills, haven’t you? Kind sir… spare us something… even just a sleeping draught…”
Dankovsky should be fleeing, and he’s frozen instead. He should do the compassionate thing and put a bullet through this faceless cloth-wrapped head, and he cannot. He has the unsettling thought he would rather turn the gun on himself.
The supplicant takes his inaction as permission. Its hand has seized him and is crawling up his forearm, creeping as surely as a mold on a wall.
“There must be something…” the infected one pleads. “If only to… I just wanted to… oh, but it’s so… my head’s spinning… I can hardly hear myself, can you hear me? Am I speaking? Are you there?”
More dying souls are shambling out of the alleys and either they can smell healthy skin like sharks smell blood or they’re spotting him through the gauze over their eyes and immediately recognizing him. Two have emerged from behind one building… a third and fourth from a park…
The dead come to drag him down into the earth. Rain pours down his cheeks.
There’s someone behind him, shouting, but he doesn’t realize it’s directed at him until—  
“What do you think you’re doing, dummy? Dummy Dankovsky!”
“Hah?” He’s unstuck when that strident childish voice pierces his ears through the white noise.
In comes charging none other than the wandering saint girl, shoes pattering and splashing through the sodden pavement. She spreads her palms out like she’s pushing out a great wave of force from them, some kind of heavenly wind, and even though no immediate magic goes off with a theatrical bang and puff of smoke, the sickened townsperson withdraws.
Clara catches Dankovsky’s arm. Her grip is mighty steel.
“You didn’t think you could heal them with your touch, did you?” Her tone is either mocking or heartachingly sincere. She’s too peculiar to ever be one thing or another, so maybe it’s both. “Don’t… don’t get those funny ideas into your head, okay? You’ll make people worry about you…”
Of course he finds her words ironic, but not surprising. It’s the usual way that young people parrot the things they’ve been told by others, as a way of expressing concern.
Especially ironic now that she’s extending her free hand towards the bandaged wretch, with a strained but beatific smile, flashing white teeth. Her fingers unfurl, flexing, preparing for an incredible sleight-of-hand.
“Don’t be scared,” coaxes the Changeling. “I’ll take care of you!”
“Careful—!” the Bachelor croaks, voice stolen by panic. But he still waits with bated breath, wondering if he’s about to witness a miracle.
But as soon as Clara’s palm brushes the gauze-wrapped fingertips, the infected person’s hands turn to claws. They gasp and clutch their chest, rocking on their heels, head bobbing.
It’s almost as if they’re trying to express a profound devotion and love that cannot fit inside them. Then they exhale without a word, collapsing in a heap, like a thread over their head has been snipped.
Clara’s smile shrinks by millimeters. Water droplets slide off it, dropping from the corners of her lips.
“Why…?” Her query is a quiet chime, a small tolling bell.
“Leave it, leave it. It was a myocardial infarction,” Dankovsky mutters. “Plainly, a heart attack. It’s usual for them to die like this in the end… Perhaps they were startled by us… Overwhelmed by a moment of hope.”
“I thought I was the one who healed…” the girl says, eyes fogged with confusion. “I mixed it up… Even we can’t tell us apart anymore…?”
Damn this… The girl’s delusions are only going to worsen now. Whoever’s been letting her roam about without supervision needs to rethink their priorities. She used to irritate Dankovsky with her proud preaching, and he was afraid she’d be able to stir the town’s population into a fervor. They come out of their homes in search of her sometimes.
Still, it’s possible she’s been witnessing frightening things for days — or longer? who knows where she came from or what she’s suffered to be without a family now — and has convinced herself she must have a purpose. Whose mind doesn’t falter like that in the face of an insane world?
The Bachelor doesn’t think he’s nearly as paternal as his rough-and-tumble counterpart, the favorite of the orphan underclass, Burakh. But Burakh’s not here right now.
Dankovsky slings a strict enclosing arm around Clara’s shoulders.
“You didn’t do it, Clara…” he commands her to believe, as his heart keeps minutely panging in that new way that he’s not accustomed to. “Don’t think about it. Pull that ratty scarf over your mouth and nose and keep moving.”
She’s stumbling after him, reluctantly keeping apace. “But can’t you see I’m not her…?”
“Whoever you are, I don’t care,” Dankovsky mutters. He stares only ahead, at the distant waterlogged signal pyre marking the invisible border between poison and safety.
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gabywantsafriend · 4 years
Anything For You: Ferris Bueller x Reader
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(Kinda my gif??? Idk I found it online but I originally posted it on here)
Requested by anonymous:  ferris bueller realizing he loves the reader maybe?
I’m so sorry it took such a long time to post another imagine! I hope you guys enjoy it :’)
Warning: Swearing
“Adams?” “Here.”
“Adamley?” “Here!”
“Adamowski?” A rather lazy hand was raised, indicating the student’s presence. 
“Adamson?” “Here.”
“Adler?” The response was delayed by a couple of seconds. “Here.”
“Anderson?” Another delayed response. “Anderson?” “Here!” 
Nothing. You quickly scanned the room, he wasn’t there. You hadn’t even noticed that he didn’t walk in that morning. You looked at Cameron and he shrugged. Apparently he didn’t know what Ferris was up to or where he was. “Bueller?” Crickets. “Bueller?” Dead silence. “Bueller?” The teacher’s monotonous voice began to sound like a broken record player. 
You cleared your throat as you tried impersonating the missing troublemaker, letting out a low “Here.” The class snickered, causing your teacher to silence everyone. Turning to you, he huffed. 
“L/n, I know you and Bueller are best friends but you really don’t have to cover for him in his absence. You’ll get your turn in the roll call later, don’t get too excited,” He went on with checking the attendance. You stubbornly sank into your seat, eyeing the vacant one next to you where Ferris was usually sat. What kind of trouble do you have in mind this time?
Recess rolled in and you were standing at the phone booth just outside of your school. You dialed Ferris’ home number and waited for him to pick up. He was probably out on another one of his spontaneous adventures.
“Hello?” His voice was nasally,  he was always good at playing sick. 
“Oh, cut the crap. Where the hell are you, idiot? This is your tenth absence this semester, you said you didn’t wanna miss school after last time! No wonder your grades are shit! What are you up to now?” You scolded. Skipping class to hang out and be teenagers was fun the first few times. However as it became a habit of Ferris, you wished he could take school more seriously.
“Y/n, calm down. First of all, I could easily hack into the school’s computer system and change my grades,” He coughed. “Second, I’m not kidding this time. I’m actually sick.” You scoffed, muttering a small “yeah right.” 
Of course, you found it hard to believe. You’ve known Ferris Bueller since you were ten. And you knew that it took a lot for him to be ill. 
“Why would I ever lie to you? I’m serious,” he deadpanned. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. “Alright, I’ll bring today’s assignments for you and I’ll visit you as soon as class ends.” You could practically hear him smile through the phone as he spoke. “Thanks, Y/n. You’re the best.” You bid goodbye as he did the same, both of you putting down the phone.
Well, what do you know. For the first time in a long time, Ferris Bueller was sick.
You dropped your bike right in front of the Buellers residence and sprinted to the back door. You lifted the rug and took the spare key that Katie Bueller left in case of emergencies or whenever you wanted to visit. You were always welcome. Unlocking the door, you bolted up the steps and stopped in front of the door to your best friend’s room..
“Ferris, you better not be naked. I’m coming in.” 
“Hi, Y/n.” The sight was beyond pitiful: The floor was littered with used tissues. Bottles of medicine decorated his dresser. And on the bed was a very pale boy, sniffling and shivering still even under the many layers of blankets he was covered in. Oh, Ferris.
“You look like shit.” He let out a weak chuckle. “It’s nice seeing you too,” he quipped. You rolled your eyes at his untimely use of sarcasm and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead.
“Jesus, you’re practically steaming,” You commented, getting up to fetch him an ice pack to hopefully lower his temperature. “I’m flattered, Y/n. I really am. But can you keep it in your pants until after I get well?” You were used to his foul-mouthed jokes by now. “Very funny, loser. Now put this on your forehead,” You handed him the cold material and he obeyed, hissing as it touched his skin. 
“Oh, right! I got the homework for you,” you told him, getting your bag and pulling out his books and assessment sheets and laying them on his desk. “I also wrote an extra copy of the notes you missed,” You handed him the pages that you’ve ripped from your notebook where the duplicates were. His eyes, teary from his cold, widened.
“Wha-? But I just asked for you to get today’s assignments! You didn’t have to go an extra mile with taking my notes for me!” He took the papers gratefully, flipping through them. “I’m convinced you’re my guardian angel or some shit! Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you.” 
It was true. You’d gladly and endlessly do anything for him.
You’ve liked Ferris since you first covered for him in fifth grade. 
Young Ferris thought it’d be a good idea to chuck a bouncy ball at Mrs. Ritland, the math teacher you had all despised. Believe it or not, he was an even bigger idiot back when you were ten. She was writing on the chalkboard, back turned to you; the perfect time to strike. The small toy hit the poor lady’s nape. The classroom was suddenly filled with gasps and the sound of laughter. She exclaimed in pain, rage-filled eyes darting from student to student. Before she could even question which delinquent threw the damned thing, you stood up and raised your hand. 
“I did it, Mrs. Ritland!”
Ferris was quick to defend you, chucking another bouncy ball at the woman. “If you even think of punishing her, you’ll have to go through me!”
You were both given a month’s detention and have been inseparable ever since. 
“I’m dying,” He croaked, snapping you out of your daydream.
“Oh, please. You’re not dying. You just can’t think of anything good to do!” You quoted him. “Didn’t you say that yourself?” 
He groaned, “Yes, I did say that myself. But now isn’t the time. I’m really not feeling well, Y/n.”
“Nonsense! It helped Cameron last time, he felt great afterwards.” You got off the bed, trying to pull him up with you. Instead, he snuggled deeper into the covers. “Aww, come on! Get up on your feet, mister! What do you feel like doing today? The weather’s lovely! Maybe we can go swimming? Or perhaps you’d like to go to the arcade? Ooh, street food sounds good! Just tell me where you wanna go, and I’ll take you there!” You coaxed excitedly.
“As much as I love our adventures, I was thinking maybe we could just stay here? You know, we could talk for a while and we can take a nap together just like when we were kids. And when I’m feeling better, we could watch a movie,” Ferris spoke softly, sniffling right after. You hummed, considering his offer.
“You can stay here and rest. I can get us some corn dogs from the stand nearby, I’ll be quick I promi-”
“No, no, you missed my point,” he shook his head, grinning at your stubbornness. “I meant can you stay? We don’t have to go anywhere. I enjoy your company, it’s more than enough,” He pulled the blankets to his nose, hiding his bashful smile as well as his growing blush. You were sure you would have melted then and there.
“Sure thing. Ferris.” You adored this boy.
It had been an hour since you’d agreed to stay in with Ferris and you were seated at his desk, tutoring him about trigonometric functions, a lesson he missed that day. He was reading the notes on the topic, following along with what you were saying. “Okay, I found this to be quite easy. So, we start off with the basics: sine, cosine, and tangent-”
At least, that’s what it looked like.
At first glance, it seemed as though he was actually studying. But what you didn’t know was that he had been admiring your handwriting and your little doodles on the blank spaces of the paper. 
See, Ferris liked you. He’s liked you since forever ago. He remembered the moment so vividly, as if it only happened yesterday. 
“I did it, Mrs. Ritland!”
He looked at you and thought, “Wow, that is the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” Obviously, he couldn’t let a pretty girl such as you take the blame for what a stupid boy such as him had done. It just wasn’t fair to you. So he immediately admitted that it was his fault, as he should.
He felt guilty that you had to get wrapped up in this mess and had to suffer the consequences. To make up for it, every time you had detention, he would take you to secret hideouts around the school. That two months of running around school trying not to get caught marked your first of soon-to-be-many adventures. 
And now here you were, almost eight years later, helping him solve for x. His eyes softened at how into it you were while teaching him. You were even more beautiful than when you were a kid, just when his younger self thought you couldn’t get any more stunning. 
He thought about how you were kind enough to fill him in on everything he’d missed; how as soon as class was dismissed, you biked as quickly as you could just to take care of him. You could have easily ditched him to go out and get those corn dogs you’ve been craving; or you could have easily gone out for a walk since, according to you, “the weather’s lovely.” 
But you didn’t. 
You stayed. 
The mere thought of that, along with everything about you, caused his heart to pound out of his chest. 
I think I’m in love with her. Fuck that. I am in love with her.
“...And that explains why sine 90° is equivalent to 1. What the-? Ferris Bueller, are you even listening?” You waved a hand in front of his face, still not responding. He looked as if his mind was somewhere completely different. “Hello? Earth to Ferris?” He blinked a few times, shaking his head. He whispered something you didn’t quite catch. “What?” He whispered again. “I can’t hear you, pal. Speak up.” 
“I love you. There, I said it.” You were at a loss for words as your eyes met. Both of you progressively got redder by the second.
“What in the right mind made you say that?” Confusion was evident in your voice, as well as nervousness. 
“I’ve loved you for a while now and when you dropped everything to visit me today, I realized how deep I’ve fallen,” Ferris bashfully stated. He could be cheesy at times but you thought it was cute.
“Woah, you are such a fucking sap,” You both burst into laughter, him scoffing and clutching his chest in mock offense. “I love you too, you dingus.”
His heart fluttered as you said it. The mix of his sickness and your confession made him lightheaded. You plopped down on his bed, hugging him tightly. “Wait, what are you doing? You’re too close, I’m gonna get you sick!” He asked as you kissed his nose. 
You got under the covers with him, rolling your eyes, “You think I still care? I fucking love you for Christ’s sake!” You made him laugh at that. “How about that nap you suggested earlier, hmm?”
He closed his eyes, the biggest grin still plastered on his face. “She loves me,” being the last thought in his head before contently falling asleep.
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creativenicocorner · 3 years
Slides a ⭐ for a star person :p
Holy shit it took over a year and I barely remember which fanfic ask this is about...I think it's like a director's cut one? REGARDLESS! I do remember the star was to like talk about whatever - and while looking for a WIP I came across an attempt to answer this WITHIN a wip? Past Nico what were you thinking?!
I do know this was written sometime before Ch15 of Terpsichore came out, because there were a few references? But I rephrased the wording a bit.
Forgive me for using this as an excuse to just babble on about how I choose the music titles for chapter sections in Terpsichore, but also, I'm not entirely sorry haha Without further Ado! Here’s hoping this rambling makes sense haha!!
⭐ AN ANSWER!(♥→o←♥)
So it’s taken me a long time to figure out how I wanted to answer this. For a while I was going to ramble about M*A*S*H how it was a rather formative show for me growing up, especially in its anti-war message as well as how it feels like a comedy played in a minor key. There was even going to be a link to a video essay on the show, and then I was going to hint at a want to write a series following the changelings in a pre-show context in the sort of vibe M*A*S*H gave.
But it got lost, and weighty…and…idk, I can’t seem to stick to a lot of things these days? I don’t know.
But there’s always been in me the want to attempt to explain why I choose the music pieces I choose to title the sections in each chapter. Cause despite the little message at the bottom of the first chapter and the last chapter talking about motifs leitmotifs…writing prose is nothing like composing music.
And not only that I’m sure less than half of the people reading the fic will listen along with the playlist. Which is 100000% fine! I anticipate it even!
Because at best, those sectional pieces serve less as soundtrack more like a silent movie’s musical medley.
Because it’s the written word, and I’m not Andrew Hussie ldgj though the day I find out how to put a little ���play button’ to listen to music during a fic, I might do that. But at this point in time Hell No haha.
Despite this, there is a process behind my music selections.
There is a difference between what I consider ‘corpse de ballet’/ ‘ensemble’ sections, and ‘leads’ / ‘duet’ sections.
Or what my poor readers go through as ‘a shit ton of prospective shifts’ and two prospectives at best, at the same time. I don’t know why I’m such a fan of bouncing between perspectives so much that you probably feel seasick. I always consider it a miracle anyone understands what the heck is going on dfjglk The answer is probably because I like third person omniscient writing, and am a sucker for situational/character irony. But I’m also a grammar school drop out haha and don’t actually know the rules of writing by heart? I’m just a fool with a bunch of vibes and a dictionary doing their best lol.
[ stressed coffee sip ] Fake it til you make it baby
But yeah! Enough borderline weird self deprecating! Let’s talk music!!
So! Usually when writing a section I try and think about who are the central characters in the section, and or what is the theme/emotion I’m trying to call on. Is there a motif, or a reference I can play on musically? An idea or concept I can echo or even enhance? Will it be a specific genera of music tied to a character because that character embodies and or is known for a specific genera (example: Nomura and Opera- more on that at during ACTII )
Once I answer those questions, I’m able to narrow down my music choices. Which, again, acts more like a book of suggested musical medley orchestras and musicians would purchase during the silent movie era as like a cheat sheet of what they could play during a specific scene.
So…for instance, for a character like Barbara Lake I wouldn’t use video game music -or maybe I could…but it would only be in terms of perhaps referencing her son.- who I would have a higher chance at choosing to select a video game music piece for (hang on to your butts ACT II Zelda soundtrack).
In the fic I’ve built the idea that in order to explain Barbara’s ability to paint, that she not only took classes but was part of the production team in putting on a play, mainly in set design painting props. Which opens me to a world of musical options when it comes to Barbara’s character. Especially when certain musicals hold songs that can be really fitting to her character later on. An example of this can be seen in ch3 “Aquarius”, and ch14 “Julia”.
Ch3 is Barbara’s big planned picnic date. The first date she and Walter go on after she ingested the binding spell. The two of them coming together, but also the magic of which awakening something magical inside.
And Ch14 in which the binding spell is broken, but also whatever was holding Barbara’s potential to reaching towards that magical something inside her is also broken. And in a sort of my own attempt at written diegesis between the narrative and the song selections in the sections, the lyrics to Aquarius is written out as Barbara depends into the water. In which it is no longer the dawning of Aquarius, Aquarius is starting to take center stage. Their cue is played.
That would be my example on a very character driven musical choice.
Not only that, but it is at Ch3 where Walter is influenced more and more to Barbara’s appreciation to musicals, so much so that it begins to influence his own array of music pieces. His dreams no longer dialogue from movies he fell asleep to, but sometimes full on reproductions of staged musicals and plays. An example of this can be seen in Ch11 On the Right Track from Pippin the Musical - which oof I could go into a full dissertation on in regards to changelings/Pippin and The Pale Lady/Leading Player.
Not only that, but due to influence from Barbara’s love we get the moment of Walter’s ‘I want’ section piece in the form of Ch9 “Corner of the Sky” (aka Pippin’s I want song as well). The moment before this happened there was the interaction with Angor AND Otto AND the repercussions of Angor attacking the school. It is clear to these characters that Strickler is not giving his all in killing Jim, and perhaps never tried to give his all. Something that Otto proclaims as Strickler making excuses, and Strickler insists is tact.
Then there is the situational character driven choice.
I’m going to continue to use Barbara as an example here, and say that THIS can be seen in Ch2 “No. 9 – Finale Andante” and ch12 “Le Lac Des Cygnes Introduction: Moderato Assai”
Both of these music pieces come from Swan Lake. The reasoning behind the choice is probably asinine in thought process (Barbara Lake, Swan Lake), but also thought out in the sense of the following:
In Season3 of Trollhunters Morgana, in order to attempt to reacquire her shadow staff from Strickler (“The Exorcism of Clair Nuñez), transforms herself to take Barbara Lake’s physical form.
IN THE BALLET SWAN LAKE The wizard Von Rothbart, in order to obtain what they want, transforms (granted someone else) Odile to look like the hero Odette in order to trick the prince into proclaiming this imposter Odile as their one true love. In which Odile is the mirror to Odette, and while looking similar (in fact typically the ballerina who performs as Oddette would also perform as Odile) are opposites in spirit.
And, at least in Terpsichore, what near primordial eldritch force can rival that of the Eldritch Queen that we know from cannon will inevitably impersonate Barbara Lake?
But wait, there’s more.
In chapter 2 the piece used in section 2 is the end of ACTI from Swan Lake. The music hints not only the arrival of Odette, but also her inevitable tragedy. What is written in this section, briefly at that cause we watched how the scene plays out in the show, you don’t need me writing that back at you, but I digress- What is WRITTEN in this section is Barbara sipping the enchanted tea that binds herself to Waltolomew Strickler. Something that you, the viewer and fan will know ends in tragedy, as do I the writer and also fan knows will end in tragedy. The only people out of the loop here are the poor poor characters.
And then the revolving door of bad situations that is ch12 happens, and we return to Swan Lake with “Le Lac Des Cygnes Introduction” In which Barbara is introduced to Jim Lake’s Trollhunting world, finally. But wait! There’s EVEN more.
Because not only is Barbara introduced to Jim’s Trollhunting world, Barbara begins to allow herself an introduction to that weird magical more that’s inside her via dream. And YOU/WE the reader/writer/audience, are introduced to the strange figure Giselle is talking to on the beach of Lake Superior…who…well, you’ve probably already have an idea as to who that figure is ;)c
There are also moments when I just select a song piece because I think it fits Thematially well - ch11’s “Powerhouse” section. Aka the music that plays in Looney Tunes whenever an assembly line montage occurs - to which in that section Jim Draal and Walter are putting together the booby-traps to thwart Angor Rot (as well as try to reassemble some sort of emotional connection between them). Or it could be a reference to a meme I really enjoyed, example Ch12’s “Roundabout” aka the music piece known vernacularly as “The Jojo Meme” but also like…meme aside it’s really good and fits and just lkfgjkgsdj I have a lot of feels about Roundabout and I won’t apologize for it haha
And yet, something I pride myself in, is that you don’t need to know all of this to enjoy the story. It isn’t necessary to listen to the Swan Lake pieces or even the Musicals, or even the Jojo Meme. Because, if I did my job right, those echoes ought to be in the writing. The pieces to the section have always been optional. Just little markings in a booklet to be given to you the reader/composer as a suggestion and you can choose to play those pieces along to the silent film, or boot up a ragtime. And that’s the power you have. And that’s equally as wonderful!
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rushingheadlong · 4 years
idk about anybody else (maybe i have backwards thinking??) but i'd rather have adam record new content with what's left of queen. when i heard him singing The Show Must Go On i was like 😣😣, only bc Freddie never got to sing that live. i'd rather them make original content bc that is unique to them!
i admire adam for lots of reasons, though im not particularly fond of his songs, but i respect his courage. stepping into freddie's shoes was never going to be an easy job!! but i'd never ever hate on him.
at the end of the day: if adam was to sing the songs exactly like freddie did, there would be hate. if he was to put his own spin on it, like he does, he'd get hate. he cant win.
much love 💓
( - @two-lovers-together )
Yeah I can understand feeling a bit oof about hearing Adam sing the songs that Freddie never got to sing live... The way I see it, though, is that if Freddie could have toured and performed those songs live he absolutely would have, and I think it’s a great way to honor Freddie’s legacy to include songs like The Show Must Go On, Love Kills, I Want It All, etc. in their setlists so that these songs get a chance to be performed live the way they should have been in the 80s/90s instead of saying, “Well Freddie never did that so we’re going to let these songs fade into obscurity.” But I very much understand why some people would feel differently about that!
I think what gets to me about the Adam hate is that, like you said, he gets hated no matter what he does. If he puts his own spin on it then he’s not respecting Queen’s/Freddie’s music but if he doesn’t change it enough then he gets accused of trying to “replace Freddie” (even though Adam, Brian, Roger, and everyone actually involved with Q+AL have repeatedly said that Adam couldn’t replace Freddie even if he wanted to).
There is absolutely a double-standard that gets applied to Adam and it’s made worse, I think, by the fact that he’s a gay pop star who got his break on American Idol. The people who are fans of him, specifically, are fans of his work with Queen - but the people who are fans of Queen first and foremost don’t always (or even usually) like Adam and always judge him for how he got his start, which isn’t fair on any level. And like I’ve said in other posts today, that means that while there is incentive for Adam to bring Brian and Roger into his work, Queen has to be more cautious about what they do with Adam so they don’t set off a new wave of accusations about how they’re “not really Queen anymore” just because they’re doing things without Freddie and John. 
And not to keep going off (and this isn’t directed at you specifically at all! I just continue to have Too Many Words) a lot of the hate that Adam gets reeks of homophobia. The accusations that he’s too flamboyant (even though he’s no more flamboyant than Freddie ever was), that he’s trying too hard to replace Freddie (because they’re both gay so obviously that means that they’re basically the same person)... Paul Rodgers can change Queen’s music because he is physically incapable of singing them as they were written and it’s heralded as a good decision, but then Adam changes Queen’s music to add his own bits of flair while still keeping them in the original key and tempo and he gets shit on for it. 
Adam is expected to always sing perfectly, perform perfectly, reassure everyone that he’s not trying to replace Freddie, be thankful that he’s so “lucky” to be working with Brian and Roger (never mind that Brian and Roger wouldn’t even be touring as Queen if Adam wasn’t in the picture), show his sexuality in a way that’s safe and palatable to straight fans, only talk about connecting with Freddie’s music as a fellow gay man either in vague terms (so no one can accuse him of putting words in Freddie’s mouth) or else talk about it again in a way that’s palatable to straight fans... 
Like I genuinely cannot overstate the amount of pressure that Adam is under that Paul Rodgers was not under, and the ways in which his career has always been marked by him being an out gay man and how that impacts his work with Queen (because despite Freddie also being a gay man Queen fans are some of the most remarkably homophobic people I’ve encountered in quite some time).
He really cannot win, and that is such a travesty because Adam is genuinely a great performer and musician in his own right and he deserves more honest recognition for his work, not to continually be trashed by Queen fans who refuse to accept that Brian and Roger are never going to tour with a Freddie impersonator.
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im-actually-ok · 4 years
Chapter Five
First, Previous, Next
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ships: Platonic DLAMPR, platonic Logince, platonic Moceit
Word Count: 1077
Genre: Not fluff but not angst, idk
Warnings: Fangs, very slight body horror(the fangs), food, eating, spying, alcohol(Janus being a wine mom), doing the wrong thing for the right reason (i think that’s it but if i missed anything please let me know so i can add it, thank you!!!)
Ohhhhhhh gosh why was Logan doing this?? Roman was going to think he was weird and a screw up and- and-
“Jesus, Logan, what happened to you??” Logan was snapped from his anxious thoughts when he heard Roman, looking up to see Roman looking at him with a look of… confusion? Concern?? Logan wasn’t the best with emotions.
He made sure the door was closed before he moved and just… sat down on the floor, “hey, Ro,” he said softly, moving a hand up to cover his mouth as he spoke.
Roman was definitely concerned but he moved, sitting on the floor as well. Logan… /definitely/ looked off. First off all his hair was longer, most of it was tied back into a short ponytail but a bit hung over his eyes in the front, the second was the dark circles under his eyes. Guess the lisp wasn’t the only different thing about Logan, also the fact he wasn’t wearing his usual black polo and blue tie. Instead he had on a dark blue large sleep shirt that hung over his small frame and pajama pants with little spaceships and planets and stars.
“Hey, Lo,” he said softly, “you ok?”
“Not… not really,” he said softly.
“You… you wanna talk about it?”
Logan hesitated. Did he really want to tell Roman???
Yeah. He wanted to do this.
“Don’t… just don’t freak out, ok?”
Roman nodded slightly but truly he couldn’t make any promises.
Logan took a breath and nodded as well, “Right. No point in pothtponing it.” he looked down at his lap, “I wath… experimenting and it… didn’t go the way I planned..” he said softly and Roman raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?” He asked, the concern and confusion on his face growing.
“I mean that I-...” he sighed, putting his hand down and facing Roman so the other would see his teeth, “I fucked up,”
“Patton, it’s eleven pm, why are you here?” Janus asked, leaning against the doorframe in his black robe with hints of yellow and a green face mask on, his hair pulled up out of his face and a wine glass in his hand.
“I need your help,” Patton said, hugging himself around the torso.
Janus sighed, “What did you do?”
“I-wha- nothing!”
“Then what do you need me for?” He asked with an eyebrow raise.
Patton sighed and looked around, unsure if anyone was listening, “Can I come inside?”
Janus rolled his eyes, “Ah yes, at eleven pm in my self care hours, I’d /love/ for you to come in,” he said, obviously not wanting him to come in.
“Thanks, Janus,” He said, stepping inside and not catching the sarcasm.
Janus just sighed, walking back inside after Patton and closing his door. Patton pulled out a chair from Janus’s desk and sat down. Janus waved his hand and he was in his normal attire, face mask and robe gone but the wine glass in his hand stayed as he sat on the edge of his bed, “So, Patton, what do you need help with? Got your cat stuffie stuck on the ceiling fan again and need my cane to get it?” he asked with an eyebrow raise.
Patton shook his head a little and then sighed, clasping his hands together as he took a deep breath, “No, I-.... I need you to pretend to be Roman tomorrow and get into Logan’s room,” He said quickly, his face burning slightly with the shame that came with asking such a thing.
Janus’s eyes widened and he sighed, “I must have drank too much, Patton, dear, I’m afraid I misheard you, can you repeat that?” He said though he heard Patton quite clearly, he was giving him a chance to explain himself.
“I-I need you to pose as Roman, please. Apparently Logan let Roman in his room and I’m not sure what’s going on but- but I need you to do this for me!” he said, begging the other, “please, Janus,”
Janus gave him a look, “Patton, you cannot be serious, you are Thomas’s sense of morality and yet you sit here and ask me to violate one of my best friend’s trust by impersonating another one of my best friends behind his back?!”
“I know how it sounds but you have to trust me,”
“This is insane! If Logan trusted Roman enough to let him in that’s a big deal. He didn’t trust me that much, he didn’t trust Virgil or Remus that much, and he sure didn’t trust you that much,” He snapped.
Patton shrunk back a little, tearing up, “I-I know, I-I-I’m sorry, I’m just…. I’m so worried about him, Janus,” he said softly, looking up at him with pleading eyes, “It’s just one time, I only want to know if he’s ok and I’ll never ask you to do anything like this ever again I pinky double super extra duper promise!”
Janus just looked up at him before looking away. “It took me… so long to get accepted. I finally was able to be with you guys and we’re happy. If I do this and the others, or worse, Thomas finds out then not only will Logan and Roman be hurt but I’ll be shipped right back to the dark mindscape. I can’t do that again, Patton.”
Patton’s expression softened, “Janus… we’re not going to ‘unaccept’ you,” he said softly, “You’re family now, kiddo, and if they send you off they’ll have to send me off too because this was all my idea in the first place.”
Janus ran a hand through his hair and he sighed, “Patton I-”
“Kiddo,” Patton cut him off, “I’m not gonna force you to do anything you don’t want to, just know i’m only worried about Logan, you don’t have to do any of this, ok?”
Janus nodded a little, taking deep breaths, “ok… can I-... can I think about it?”
Patton smiled and nodded, “of course, kiddo, take all the time you need,” Patton said, standing and moving to leave but taking Janus’s wine glass as he did.
“Hey, give that back,”
“Kiddo, its eleven pm, you shouldn’t be drinking wine this late,”
“You’re no fun” He stuck his tongue out at Patton and Patton just laughed as he left the room. Janus sighed, flopping back onto his bed and summoning a new glass of wine. He was going to need it if he was going to make this decision.
Oh what are they gonna doooooooo????? How will Ro react? What will Janus choose? Is Patton making the right choice? So MaNy QuEsTiOnS tHaT i DoN’t HaVe ThE aNsWeR tO!!!
Fangs Au Tag:
@did-he-just-hiss-at-me @aegis-the-ace @occasional-fander @thefivecalls @wishthefish916 @osdd1b-partner-system-dynamics
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the-astro-ace · 3 years
Alrighty, for @spiritofcamelot who asked for snippets from my giant list of WIPs lmao
9 - Dragonlord Gwaine
So, uh, funny story
The first chapter of this one is up on AO3 X’D
Basic premise: Gwaine is a Dragonlord, but he doesn’t know it until he happens to run across Balinor in a tavern one day
Ummm, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah.  I’m stuck on this one X’D.  I had Plans, but then the further I got in the Plans, the less I liked the Plans, and now I don’t know what to do this one laskdjfklasdf
I would love to give a snippet from Chapter 2, but as it stands right now I have no idea how much of my current WIP of chapter 2 is actually going to make it in/get released
I hope to finish this one, but I have no idea how soon that’ll be ;-;
19 - Spymaster Merlin
Basically: Arthur realizes Merlin knows what he’s talking about when it comes to enemies, and decides to make it official by appointing Merlin as spymaster
Merlin then turned back to Arthur.
Arthur was watching him, his brow furled in thought.
Merlin glanced behind himself - was that where Arthur was looking? - but when it revealed nothing, he turned back, utterly confused.  “Arthur?  Is something wrong?”
Arthur stared at him for a moment longer, before sighing and leaning back in his chair.  He gestured to the empty one across the desk from him.   “Have a seat, Merlin.”
Merlin was taken aback.  He gestured to the clothes that still needed putting away.  “But I -”
“Now, if you please.”
Merlin blinked, but he nodded and set out the half-folded shirt on Arthur’s bed, before making his way to the desk and taking a seat.
Arthur was silent for several moments, staring at Merlin with that expression of consideration.
Merlin’s stomach began to twist.  Did… did Arthur find out somehow?
Merlin shifted.  “Arthur?”
Finally, Arthur spoke, “Merlin… you knew about Valiant.  You tried to warn me of him before he attacked.  You were investigating the men who impersonated Sirs Ethan and Oswald long before anyone was suspicious of their true identities.  You knew Lady Catrina was a troll before anyone else -”
Merlin shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  “Arthur -”
Arthur held up a hand, and Merlin shut his mouth with an audible click. 
Arthur paused, then he let out a breath.  “What I’m trying to say is that… you have good instincts, good reflexes, and time and time again you have proven your loyalty to me and to Camelot.  You have a way of figuring things out before anyone does, and you are able to make connections with people that I am incapable of.  You take things into your own hands, and if there’s a threat, you’re one of the first people who know about it.”
Arthur clasped his hands on the table, and met Merlin’s eyes with an intensity Merlin wasn’t sure he liked.
“I have a proposition for you, Merlin.”
37 - Gwaine Emrys
This is another attempt of mine for a comedic fic, and, here, I’ll just paste the first bit and hope it is self-explanatory 😆
There were a lot of things that led to the situation Gwaine was in now.
First and foremost, he supposed, was that several years before, he had jumped into a fight in a tavern to help save a handsome, raven-haired young man and his companion from surely being killed.
That, of course, led to him waking up in an unfamiliar castle and an unfamiliar bed. And that led to many more moments with the raven-haired young man in question, bringing Gwaine to a life that he never thought he could have had, but would never give up for the rest of the world.
Now, several years after that initial day in the tavern, Gwaine’s life was looking very different.
Very different indeed.
For starters, he was now a knight for that raven-haired young man’s companion.  One noble, albeit very prattish at times, King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot.
And that raven-haired young man in question, one quite handsome Merlin Emrys, was Gwaine’s husband.
His name wasn’t Merlin Emrys when they met, no, for Merlin had had no surname to speak of then.  
But when magic had been finally, finally returned to Camelot and Merlin had been given the role of Court Sorcerer, Arthur had asked Merlin to pick one.  To appear more regal in the eyes of the council and of the neighboring kingdoms, he explained.
Merlin could have chosen the last name of his father – and that of the Dragonlord Clan Ambrosius – but as people knew him by his other name, Emrys, already, Merlin went for convenience and simply opted to make his second name his surname.
And when, about a year later, he proposed to Gwaine and asked for them to be married, Gwaine was faced with a decision himself.
He had never told Arthur – or anyone other than Merlin, really – his true surname, wishing to keep that part of his past buried and forgotten.
He was Sir Gwaine, Knight of Camelot and nothing more.
But when it came time to sign the marriage papers, Gwaine found himself adding on a new part to his name – one that made him completely and utterly Merlin’s.
Gwaine Emrys.  Not too shabby sounding if you asked him.
However, thinking back to that moment when Gwaine chose his new name, he never could have predicted what would transpire because of that choice. Most everyone in Camelot knew Merlin, and most knew Gwaine was his husband and a knight.  A mundane, magic-less knight.
But, there were still people who did not know Merlin on sight, especially in the outer villages.
In hindsight, Gwaine supposed they should have realized mix-ups like this would occur.
“Everyone! He’s here!  The great and powerful Emrys!”
The faces of the villagers lit up, and they all turned to Gwaine with broad smiles – cheering and clapping with the belief that the great sorcerer was among them, and all their problems would soon be solved.
Oh dear.  
This would take some explaining to do.
65 - Selkie Gwaine
I remembered this one having more - whoops
Okay so this file has a grand WHOPPING total of 43 words, so I shall just use a description I already wrote lol
OKAY SO I'm uh, not sure how this is going to start
But I think the basic set up to start will be that Merlin+Gwaine+the others are all living in a seaside village.  Merlin and Gwaine are good friends, and often hang out
Somehow I'll establish that Gwaine never talks about his past - he's referenced a couple things, but he never goes in depth, and Merlin's never heard him mention going to visit his family.  His dad's dead, but other than that Merlin doesn't know what happened to them (So actually not too different than canon alksdjfasd)
I think just...one night a storm's coming in.  And Gwaine's just...sad.  Maybe it's an anniversary, or maybe it's his mother's birthday, but point is Gwaine's just being all melancholic That night the storm comes in, and as Merlin's on the beach doing, uh, Something, he spots a figure sitting in the shallow waves
And Merlin, upon closer look, finds it's Gwaine
Gwaine doesn't move (I'm trying to decide if he's inebriated at this point too but idk), and Merlin approaches him, to get him out of the water before he drowns, gets struck by lightning, or gets hypothermia, ya know? And I just have this idea of Gwaine, when Merlin gets close, is all "Can't you hear it singing?"
Merlin's all ???
Gwaine: "The ocean.  Can't you hear it?"
But point is Merlin grabs his arm and is all "Come on we need to go" and at that Gwaine gets up and follows
So Merlin gets Gwaine back to his house - Gwaine just seems out of it this whole time so he's probably inebriated oof - before Merlin gets him out of his wet clothes, gets a fire going And of course he's a bit 😳 at the idea of cuddling for warmth with Gwaine (because this is me lol) but point is he's certain Gwaine's going to get hypothermia if he doesn't
So they get all comfy and go to sleep aslkdjfjlaksfjklasdf
The next morning they wake up and Merlin's just "Do you want to tell me what that was all about??"
And Gwaine just sighs
"I'm not human, Merlin
"I'm a selkie"
Merwaine Body Swap AU.  Pretty self explanatory I think
Merlin looked into the mirror.
He expected to find two Merlin’s staring back at him: himself, and the figure with his face next to him.  But instead, he found one Merlin standing to his right side -
And Gwaine, taking the place where he should have been.
“W-what?” Merlin breathed, before reaching a hand up to his face.
The Gwaine in the mirror did the same.
Merlin’s breathing grew ragged, and he ran his hand over his face - feeling his cheeks, his nose, the scruff covering his jaw.  While there had been mornings he’d desperately needed to shave before, there had never been anything like this.
The most damning thing, however, was when he moved his hands to the sides, and found long hair there - brown and curled, and definitely far longer than Merlin had ever let it grow.
And it finally began to sink in what all this meant.
If - if he was in Gwaine’s body, and the figure with Merlin’s face thought Merlin had stolen his -
Merlin turned to the person next to him.   
The figure with Merlin’s face was doing the same thing Merlin had been, running his hands over his face with a shocked expression, as if unable to believe what he saw in the mirror.
Then he slowly turned to look at Merlin, that shocked expression still there.
“Merlin?” the figure asked.
“Gwaine?” Merlin responded, stomach sinking at this confirmation of who it was that was truly standing next to him.
They stared at each other for a moment longer.
Then they screamed.
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jenivi · 4 years
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Arthur and the Invisibles (2007) is a one of the worst movies I’ve ever watched
I remembered watching this movie as a kid and felt pretty nostalgic about it. While scrolling for a movie to watch today, me and my bf ran into it and wanted to see if the movie lived up to how cool we remembered it from our childhood.
So for quick plot summary for those who don’t know what this movie is: Arthur is this 10 year old boy living with his grandmother in the countryside. He occupies himself with grandpa’s studies of small creatures (called the Minimoys) in their backyard. It’s also explained that his grandfather earned rubies as a gift from helping out this one African tribe, and hid it in the backyard (presumably with those creatures). 
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His grandfather, however, disappeared and his grandmother is in deep debt. Some guy in a suit pressures them that he will own their land if the grandfather doesn’t come back and they don’t pay their debt in 2 days. Arthur finds the secret his grandfather was hiding and finds a way to get to the miniature, underground world of the Minimoys with the help of the African Tribe (who lives somewhere in their backyard I guess???). 
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The rest of the movie is about the journey he takes with the Minimoys to find the rubies (and fight the bad guys who have it) and eventually find his grandfather (who was a prisoner from that bad guy). Grandpa comes back and they pay back their debt with the rubies, happy ending yay the end. 
SO excusing the eerily-looking animation and how gross it made me feel (I’m mostly talking about the numerous giant-sized insects they animated with high detail)...
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...the content in this movie is completely trash. Throughout the whole movie, the PACING WAS SO RUSHED AND TERRIBLE. This went for both the pacing of the plot and dialogue!! Things escalated so quickly, from one thing to the next, event-wise and with how characters felt about one another. Like you dont even know,, things happened SO FAST. And this was mostly a result of how choppy and quick the dialogue was. THEY TALKED LIKE A BAD ANIME DUB, one line after the next after the next after the next. And basically all their lines were exposition or them explaining things (like what they were holding, what they were doing, etc)?? 
OH and the love interest... the love interest. 
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Right off the bat, her personality was mildly irritating.. Her personality summarized is the stereotypical “I’m not like other girls, i don’t need you to protect me” kind of girl. And personally, I’m all for girls being independent,, like power to girls!!  The problem with her is the constant remarks she makes to remind the audience that she’s “not like other girls and doesnt need protecting.” I’m sure that 80% of her dialogue in this movie is a sarcastic line towards someone that radiates negative energy. It’s just not the type of character you’d want to watch on screen because of how negative they sound. (Then as you’d expect because tropes, she becomes softer after falling in love with Arthur)
IMPORTANT THING ABOUT THE ROMANCE IN THIS MOVIE THAT MADE ME UNCOMFORTABLE: So the protag is 10 years old (I’m assuming but he looks and sounds 10). Love-interest-princess acts like she is mentally 16-18, but she’s actually 1000 years old. But it’s “okAY” because 1000 years in her world is actually 10 years in the human world. She’s voiced by Madonna by the way, if that adds anymore to image I’m trying to describe. idk man, i was just super uncomfortable seeing this girl open-mouth kiss this 10 year old kid TWICE in this movie (she initiates BOTH times).
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OH and they get married after knowing each other for a day and arthur becomes king i guess
Also THESE are an actual screenshots of things that happened in this movie:
Arthur touched love-interest-princess’ chest and then took the lace off of her top, making her let out this weird scream. She has to cover her chest for the rest of the time until she gets the lace back
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Arthur opens a car door for love-interest princess then gets a view of her ass?? then pogs the fvck out???
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The jokes were tasteless and inappropriate for a children’s movie. There were just SO MANY moments that made me feel super uncomfortable (whether it was a joke or not). My bf and I seriously had to question if we were watching a kid’s movie. 
They had a scene where they drank this green smokey drink at a club with Snoop Dog (LITERALLY IM NOT JOKING THISGUYISVOICEDBYSNOOPDOG) and green smoke came out of their mouths
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Also Snoop Dog hits on love-interest-princess who is an obvious minor, and flexes that he has 7 wives
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Arthur underage smoking:
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Arthur’s parents come back to visit (cuz they've been away for a while) and his dad was scared of the African Tribe staying by their house. The dad runs away to the grandma and she asks “what’s wrong” then he says “five..” Grandma responds with “five what?” then he plain out screams “BLACK” with exaggerated gestures. uh EXCUSE ME????
im sure the african tribe stereotype this movie was depicting was pretty offensive in itself too...
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And there was a scene where the bad guy (voiced by David Bowie) explained why he was evil. Apparently it was because people thought he was ugly and because he kissed some insect that made him contract ugly disease while he was drunk (he actually says he was drunk and the way he talked made it seem like it was equivalent to a one night stand)
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and lastly, just a little nitpick but i HATE this guy’s voice (he’s the bad guy’s son). He sounds like a horrible Eggman impersonator with a lisp and with rocks stuffed down his throat. I’m sure with every word he says, saliva flies out of his mouth. 
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Yeah I guess you have to acknowledge it was 2007, but you can’t deny this movie is still very uncomfortable to sit through and it does not excuse some of the things that happened here.
So uh overall.. bad movie is bad and I had a bad time. You can watch it if you want to experience what I had to. I won’t stop you. 
I was gonna write about the sequel on here, but I think I’ve written enough. I’ll save that for a different post if I feel like it. Just know that the sequel ends with a Kidz Bop-styled cover of Poker Face by Lady Gaga that chants the bad guy’s name in the beginning of the song (in the link they pitched the audio but it doesn’t change how bad the song is so its ok)
If you made it this far, thanks for reading to the end!!
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