#it's giving Shakespeare vibes
ohtobemare · 10 months
can confirm buying a gorgeous notebook and writing in Sharpie marker sparks the ~creative~ flame
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompts in Memes 7
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youcancallmekathyp · 10 months
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But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (II.ii.)
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sirensskai · 5 months
My favourite thing to do is look at certain premade sims in sims 2 and headcanon them as trans (there is no officially trans sims in sims 2 so why not) based on vibes lol
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
gonna start subjecting u lot to my rambling abt classic viet authors
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chasing-storm-s · 11 months
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Transfemme Ferdinand (The Tempest) NOW
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britneyshakespeare · 7 months
don carlos by friedrich schiller is the most wild thing i've read all year and i'm only in act 2
#this is giving me flashbacks to when i read the winter's tale and i was literally slamming my fists and emphatically shaking the book#because i just could not believe the level of DRAMA i was reading (and the craft with which it was written)#i just closed act 2 scene 3 and im like GIRRRRLLLLL#princess of eboli im rooting for you#nobody tell me if something shitty happens w her im having a good time right now#tales from diana#up until act 2 scene 2 i was getting phaedra-meets-prince hal (of the henry iv plays) vibes#but then those next two scenes were CRAAAAZY#and i should mention phaedra by racine is one of my favorite plays#schiller also has a beautiful skill at language if the translations are doing him any justice#i dont know german so im not reading the originals naturally but just. the edition i have. the verse is so beautiful#i also read his mary stuart this year and it was also great but im losing my mind at don carlos#i was intimidated by this play too though bc it's nearly 200 pages in my copy of his works! which is a p big book#but OOOHHHHH my god#im just over 1/3rd through the play and i cant imagine how it gets any wilder#but wooooow. WOWWWW#schiller might be the first non-anglophone writer ive read who ive seen called 'the shakespeare of his culture'#and i actually felt that the comparison like. did justice.#the intensity ive felt reading these 2 schiller plays are very much how i feel reading the greatest shakespeare plays#not that the greatest/most acclaimed writers of other languages ive read arent AS GREAT as shakespeare#but like. molière i'll use as an example bc i love what i've read of him.#he's the most globally well-known french writer of verse plays but that doesn't make him like shakespeare.#he's very much in his own camp of artistic genius. his craft is also very different. the resulting products are super unique#from what is typical of a shakespeare play.#schiller's style AT LEAST FROM THE TWO PLAYS IVE READ very much have the same depth of character#complexity of plot#and grace of verse.#im obsessed! king!
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years
Shakespeare Characters Playing Poker
Hamlet: Look. The faithless queen of hearts.
Horatio: Huh? You don’t have any face cards.
Gertrude: *walks by*
Horatio: Oh.
Hal: You’re cheating!
Falstaff: *I* a cheat?! That is the most outrageous- 
Hal: You have 4 aces.
Falstaff: So just because I have a good hand you decide to slander me by-
Hal: No. I have a royal flush so you can’t possibly have all four aces.
Falstaff: ...
Falstaff: Behold! A miracle! 
Hal: You’re telling me God plays poker? 
Falstaff: The Holy One, blessed be he, could not allow the divinely appointed heir to have an inferior hand and thus decided to lend His mighty aid! What else can it be? .... Unless you’re suggesting the divine right of Kings is just a construct designed to grant legitimacy to authoritarian rule in a hereditarily based feudal caste system? 
Hal: ... Fine I’ll give you this one if you put back the handful of chips you just stole when you thought I wasn’t looking.
 Cassius: Royal flush beats two pair. You have to forfeit your chips.
Coriolanus: Let any man who dares come and get them. 
Cassius: You can’t do that. Can he do that?
Caesar: I mean--
Cassius: Don’t start.
Aufidius: It is in the rules that you have to forfeit the chips. 
Coriolanus: Make me. 
Aufidius: Maybe I will. 
Lady Macbeth: Are you serious? Right in front of my poker game? Get a ROOM you two! 
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jakeotters · 2 years
i wish i could be a tragic hero. rant to myself about how terrible my life is at least 3 times a day. be petty towards everyone who tries to get involved in my problems. pretend to be insane so people will leave me alone. having to revenge my father for his murder.
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pendragonsclotpole · 1 year
Lord Crawley on Galavant was not what I was expecting.
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originalcontent · 1 year
happ the birth!
uh thanks i mean it's not my birthday but i appreciate the thought i guess
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I think it follows a certain poetic order of things that the sweater I have stolen from my father (who has also had it for years) should begin unraveling a bit at the sleeve just as I write my essay on Shakespeare’s Sonnet LXV – a sonnet describing how all things succumb to Time eventually, no matter how sturdy they may seem.
It’s a poem I recommend you read and, if you happen to be so inclined, analyse. I’m not very familiar with Shakespeare (didn’t study him much in school since I don’t live in an anglophone place), but I can say that this specific sonnet is definitely worth reading. And if you like the theme of art being the only way to make something immortal, then I can also wholeheartedly recommend Horace’s Odes (in particular Ode 30, III). Horace can sound a little conceited, but he was right: he IS remembered to this day for his skill, it wasn’t his personal delusion that it would be so.
I don’t expect this will be read by many, but I would love for more people to read poetry – it was held in such high regard for so long that we are today more inclined to overlook its brilliance than to notice it. So yeah, that’s why I wrote this. Enjoy the poems, they are the soul of human existence!
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telvess · 7 months
RoR: How they sleep with their s/o (headcanons) 🔞
Jack likes when you’re strapped to his arm at night. He has a habit of reading a bit of Shakespeare before bed, so being close enough to him that he can smell your shampoo is actually one of his favourite moments of the day.
When the reading time is over, Jack prefers to lie face to face with you and hold hands. Of course, he doesn't mind any other position where he can observe you.
Yeah, Jack is a little creepy because he likes to watch you sleep. He admires your beauty and hearing your calm breathing makes him happy because he never expected to have someone who felt so safe around him.
Since he's the last one to fall asleep, you'll probably wake up first. Jack doesn't mind if you wake him up with kisses.
Poseidon allows you hug him. Feel grateful. He ONLY does it because you’re such a crybaby and he is tired of your big teary eyes you constantly make. He thinks that hugging is useless and doesn’t provide anything, but just for your sake he can get through this…
STFU, POSEIDON. You love cuddling.
He holds you in a tight hug, with his hand on your back and your head on his chest. He likes to feel your warm breath on his skin, but - once again - he would never admit it.
Poseidon has a cold body, so you can use it as an additional reason to cuddle.
Beelzebub will go to bed the moment he hears you taking a shower before sleep. He doesn’t care if he has something to do. He doesn’t want to miss the opportunity for a cuddle.
Beelzebub is a small spoon. You hold him from behind with your arm around his waist and your forehead resting against his back - he just feels wanted and that feeling kills him.
That being said, he would never ask you for a cuddle, but if you don’t initiate, he gives you that inpatient look over a shoulder. Don’t act dumb.
Beelzebub likes to listens your calm breathing. For him it's the best lullaby. Knowing that someone shares something as trivial as sleeping in the same bed with him is amazing to him.
He is a living radiator, so you probably don’t need a blanket.
Thor isn’t into cuddling, but isn’t against it either. Definitely wouldn’t say no to you. The important thing to mention is that Thor thinks cuddling is a good introduction to sex.
He prefers to lie on his back and have you on his chest. Considering how big Thor is, you'll feel so small when his arms wrap around you. He likes to touch your thighs and buttocks and kiss your forehead, so if you decide to return the favour and caress his face or muscular chest… you definitely won't fall asleep quickly.
That guy is such a mess.
He will elbow and knee you in his sleep. I don’t think rolling him over would give you any good result. He is a heavy sleeper, so he'll probably return to his previous position in a moment.
Maybe he'll calm down a bit if you kick him. But please, play dumb when he wakes up in the morning and ask you where he got that bruise.
Apart from the disadvantages of sleeping with him, Buddha is really cute when it comes to cuddling. He treats you like his personal pillow, wrapping his legs and arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder.
You have to feed him in that position.
Sleeping with Loki is like sleeping with dozen cats.
Once you announce you’re tired and close your eyes, Loki’s intrusive thoughts will win. He will blow in your face and when you shout at him he will pretend to sleep.
Go on, roll over. How naive of you… Loki will start pinching your ass. Or steal a blanket just for himself. Or tickle you. Anything to keep you awake.
Yes, at this point you know that shouting at him only encourages him. You have to tire him out. And at this time of day, there's only one thing you can do to achieve it. Have fun.
How comfortable his muscular arms are around you…
Hades just gives these big protection vibes, so there’s no way he wouldn’t be a big spoon. He wants to hold you close, bury his nose in your hair and gives you few kisses here and there.
He can't sleep alone anymore since you two shared a bed together. Your company makes huge difference to him. He likes talk to you before sleep, whispers sweet things in your ear or tells you stories.
It happens that our king talks in his sleep. Of course, in the morning he denies everything because he knows he doesn't do it.
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rampantram · 5 days
May I requested the two lads and the mistress having their personalities in a very 180° way? Lamb's shy, Narinder's loud, Ewe is a being of sin?
(I'm practicing Shakespeare, it's not working)
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It's giving me "enter player 2" vibes. 💫 (Does anyone remember that trend or..?)
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