#it's always garlic and onion powder.
birdmenmanga · 10 months
man the fries at mos burger are crazy good I'm so glad I got the combo
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chartreusebird · 6 months
The only major downside to getting instacart other than the "slightly higher than in store prices" whatever that means. Is that it will suggest that yummy box of crackers that doesn't hurt my tummy because they are made of almonds and rainbows or whatever and I will remember that they are delicious and impulse buy them. Only to eat the whole tiny box of crackers in one sitting. And it was 7 dollars. Because of the almonds and rainbows or whatever. And it was not worth it.
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scrawlingwithstyle · 7 months
There was a post going around a long while back on how to "elevate your pasta."
Iirc, their tips included salting the pasta water, which I've done forever, and finishing your pasta by cooking it in the sauce (using the pasta water to thin the sauce if necessary), which I've done since I found that post.
Y'ALL. Had it ever occurred to anyone else to put bouillon in the pasta water instead of just salt? Because I've just had the BEST DAMN PASTA I've ever made.
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Since I only cooked half a pound, I put half a cube of bouillon in the sauce, half in the pasta water. Added about half the salt I usually add to the water, since, if I were making soup, I'd have needed about two cubes for the amount of water I used.
In case anyone is curious, I made the sauce with olive oil, 3 small cloves of garlic, several small tomatoes (halved), a 2:2:1:1 ratio of oregano, thyme, marjoram, and basil, half a cube of beef bouillon, some red pepper flakes, a little onion powder bc I didn't have much, salt & pepper, and a tiny amount of sugar to cut the acidity.
On low-medium heat, olive oil and chopped/minced garlic till its toasty. [Fresh onion if you want/have it.]
Add tomatoes and cook with lid on until they're soft. Smush them as much as you can.
Add about a cup of water and all the seasoning at the same time. I heated my water in the microwave so it wouldn't stop the sauce cooking, then added the dried herbs and let them sit in it for a bit before pouring them all in. Bouillon & red pepper flakes go in as well, [and onion powder if you want/have it].
Lid on till it's bubbling, then lid off till it reduces. Add a tiny bit (not even half a teaspoon) of sugar at any point in this process & mix it in.
Start the pasta water. Add some salt and the other half of the bouillon cube.
Once you can move the sauce over and it doesn't automatically fill back into the empty space, turn it to low and put the lid on.
When the pasta is juuust about ready, put it in your sauce & turn the sauce burner back up a little. Add a touch of the pasta water if you think the sauce isn't wet enough.
Keep in mind this is for half a pound of pasta-- only two decently sized portions.
The herb ratio came out really well, and I recommend sticking to it at any amount of sauce. Measure with your heart, unless you're Really White, then add a little more than you think you need.
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neverendingford · 11 months
#tag talk#the problem with going out and meeting new people to make friends is that so many people are highkey unbearable to be around#they'll fuck up basic scheduling for dates and meetups. they'll flake and message you about it two days later.#literally scheduled a dinner date with some dude and he never showed. texts me an hour later like “sorry I fell asleep” bitch you what?#like. messaging me literally last minute going “hey I've decided to not show up” is better than ghosting.#this isn't the first time something like this has happened. but like. why do people not respect my time.#I try so hard to communicate clearly and be transparent about timeline and schedule and letting people know if something comes up#and I'm not saying I'm better than other people. I'm saying I don't know why other people don't do it too. it feels like the bare minimum.#anyway. my brother was giving me shit for not sticking with friends for more than a few months and like. bro I have good reason.#I'm not going to choose to put in the effort for a relationship with someone if it's constant work on my end and constant let-downs on thei#like. bro I know I'm just some cheap ass to you but I'm still a person so maybe realize that I've put you in my schedule respect that#anyway. not being lonely isn't as easy as meeting new people. you have to actually like the people you meet.#meeting people you hate just entrenches you in the desire to never talk to people ever again.#unrelated. I cooked the best chicken of my life yesterday. milk butter garlic onion and lemon pepper.#crushed and minced garlic. diced onion. milk. butter. lemon pepper. heated in a pan.#then chicken pieces added to sauce in pan for a little bit. then moved to a pan in the oven.#I usually don't like chicken but damn this is genuinely so good. also my parents always cut chicken cross-grain and imo it's harder to eat#I prefer cutting the meat with the grain. idk why but it's so much easier to chew.#oh! pro tip. if you have trouble with milk going bad in the fridge cause you don't use it enough. powdered milk. big adhd tip#I can leave the tin of powdered milk in the pantry for months and then pull it out whenever I need it. no worry about spoiled milk#back to social and people. like. even nice people. I just don't like them anyway. idk why. like. nice polite people. mm too boring#would I like to be able to hold onto friends? sure. is that a reasonable expectation given my track record? no#I wasn't joking when I said I could drop tumblr no problem. it's nice here but relationships are fragile nothing built on air and dust#idk. cursed to a life of eternal loneliness. super fun. don't take this as a call for help. I don't need you to say “I'm sorry you're sad”
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kcrossvine-art · 3 months
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Hi fellow adventurers!! Welcome to chapter 2! We're going to be attempting a nice lil fruit-focused quiche/frittata/pie thing. And yes, tomatoes are fruits.
Who says you cant eat totally normal things in a dungeon with definitely no monsters in them? 
You know what that means; Man-Eating Plant Tart!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Man-Eating Plant Tart?” YOU MIGHT ASKThe way its prepared in the show is akin to a frittata, but the crust is borrowed from quiche world.
Whole milk
Bell peppers
Cherry tomatoes
Pitted green olives
Thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
In the show they use leftover hotpot stock, slime, and mashed up fruit as the batter ingredients. Fruit mush is easy to work with but I couldn't find any stand-in for slime that would cook correctly into what they made in the show, and the hotpot stock is just not thick enough to carry the base. It is too many watery ingredients at once. Needing a thickening agent, both gelatin and agar agar were tried. It was edible but the texture was… gelatinous. Regular egg and milk will serve for our purposes.
The next complication was the crust- so in the show its made with the skins of fruit, straightforward yeah? Well. You see it also has to be 1. Thick enough to bake without burning 2. Harden through cooking to be sliced and held and 3. Inedible. Lotus leaves? Plantain leaves? Really thin gourds? I couldnt find any historical basis for a savory food cooked in this method, or similar method, with an intentionally inedible crust. I could find a few dishes which used leaves as their crust, but none that hardened during cooking and even less that used fruit skin. I chose sweet potato skin for its visual match and texture. It is edible, and it is not a fruit.
I hope youll forgive me for these 2 major deviations as i wanted to keep it looking how it does in the show while also ensuring it tastes good.
AND, “what does a Man-Eating Plant Tart taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKFluffy, airy, savory, salty.
The density of the eggs is offset by the crisp fruits
And the saltiness doesnt overpower the remnant fruit-sweetness
(If you eat the crust) the sweet potato brings this nice muted, smokey, flavor
Spongecake-esque in consistency
Would pair well with cranberry or strawberry juice
Would also pair well with a mellow hot sauce?
. You can use heavy cream instead of milk for a creamier batter . Roast the fruit longer to remove more liquid if too wet (and vice versa if too dry) . Smoked paprika, pepper flakes, cumin, garlic powder, and onion powder would taste good in the mixture
"A mixture of mashed up and cut up Man-Eating Plant fruit, slime and scorpion soup is poured into a pan lined with the flattened peel of the fruit and cooked before garnishing with some more fruit. Described as salty by the group."
From start to finish this recipe took 3-ish hours? Shredding the potatoes took the longest, so if you get them bagged itd be cut down. A very filling recipe and a good way to sneak veggies/fruits in if you have a hard time getting enough of those essential nutrients. The best advice i can give is to add salt/seasonings at every stage of the process, to build up layers. It makes a difference flavor-wise (even if its just salt). I advise against reheating if possible. The filling will make the crust soggy over time.
If you want to be closer to the cooking of the show, you could double the fruit amounts and mash them together while halving the amount of egg and milk. I hadnt tried due to budget reasons, but it should work with some finangling. I'll pass the final verdict off to you guys with how todays recipe turned out <333
What would you rate this recipe out of 10? (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do better, and what would you have done instead?
3 Eggs
13oz whole milk
2 bell peppers
2 small persimmons
140oz cherry tomatoes
12oz pitted green olives
34oz thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
Heat oven to 420f and grease a 9-inch pie pan.
Thinly slice (or shred) your sweet potatoes and squeeze out any excess moisture. Coat in olive oil, salt and pepper.
Press sweet potato mixture evenly into and up the sides of the pie pan.
Blind bake for roughly 25 minutes or until lightly golden-brown. No worries if the edges get crisp.
Remove pie pan from oven and set aside.
Core and chop up your bell peppers and persimmons. Coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Line out on a baking sheet, evenly spaced, and roast for roughly 20 minutes or until softened. (you can do this at the same time on a separate rack from the pie crust if you have room)
Remove the stems from your cherry tomatoes, and drain/dry your green olives if canned.
Bring a frying pan to medium heat with olive oil. Add the green olives and sautee until their skin texture starts dimpling. Add the cherry tomatoes and continue sauteeing for about 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
Once the bell peppers, persimmons, cherry tomatoes, and green olives are all done, set aside to cool until just above room temp.
Lower the oven temperature to 350f.
In a mixing bowl combine your eggs and milk, add salt to taste. If you want other seasonings nows a good time!
Once uniform in color and texture, add your cooked fruit. Stir until evenly distributed.
Pour mixture into the potato pie crust.
Bake for roughly 40 minutes. The filling should be mostly firm, but wiggle *slightly* when you shake the pan.
Remove from oven and let rest for roughly 15 minutes before serving.
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secondbeatsongs · 7 days
alright my friends.
it’s time.
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look! the wall I always take my pictures in front of is blue now! so much has changed. aeons have passed.
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this looks unsettling
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ohhhh this is dry milk powder! I’d know that taste anywhere - I used to love the stuff, and it’s pretty flammable.
hmm. tastes like there’s a bit of salt in this, and definitely some poppy seeds. fascinating.
I was gonna just go right to cooking it but hahaha holy shit this looks so gross now that I've added water to it
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look at it! it looks like a really scummy pond with dead bugs floating in it!
okay. waiting-four-minutes time
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Jackie why are you squeaking at me. I’m not letting you climb in the dishwasher again
(look at all the claw marks on the woodwork! she's a menace)
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it doesn’t have a strong smell - it smells mostly of noodles with just a hint of garlic and caraway underneath
oh! all the sauce sank to the bottom, but stirring it up there’s definitely some creaminess in the texture of the sauce
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hmm. now that it’s stirred up and there’s steam coming off of it, it smells mostly like hot milk, but specifically the instant kind. unsurprising.
okay, I’ve put this off for long enough.
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oh the noodle texture is particularly slimy. and...huh.
on their own, the noodles taste like nothing. maybe some milk taste, but not much otherwise. but when I get a bite that has lots of seeds in it, I definitely taste them! and some bits of onion, too.
it’s not outright disgusting though, so that’s something
does it taste like an everything bagel? no. it tastes like noodles with caraway, poppy, sesame, onion, and salt.
does the sauce taste like cream cheese? disappointingly, no! it’s got a milky creaminess, but no sour tang to it at all!
weirdly, I feel like if it did have that sourness, it might taste more like an everything bagel.
speaking of...
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it’s time for some science
so the first thing I have is popcorn that’s supposed to be everything-bagel-and-cream-cheese flavored. my sibling gave me this specifically for this experiment, so everyone say thank you to them for enabling me.
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interesting! this doesn’t taste bad. it still doesn’t taste like bagel (and actually hold on...no, the popcorn on its own doesn’t taste like bagel either, just garlic) but I think the flavoring on the popcorn has added some much-needed taste to the noodles, and so it mildly improves it. three stars
next for the cream cheese
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oh, significantly improved! ...or maybe I just love cream cheese. it adds such a nice tangy creaminess to it, and balances out the spices and seeds. four stars.
still tastes nothing like a bagel, though.
and so we try: packaged everything bagel seasoning!
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ah. this was a lateral move. the seasoning on its own tastes good, but when added to the noodles it does nothing but make it a bit more salty. one star.
so now, I have to reveal to you. that I have one final trick. one last thing I can do to attempt to make these noodles taste like an everything bagel.
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behold: an everything bagel
(and it’s a fancy one too! not a pre-packaged one! it’s even got sunflower seeds on it!)
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I’m going to try a couple bites without cream cheese, and then I’m gonna add cream cheese and try that
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conclusion: this was a waste of a good everything bagel
I liked the cream cheese variation better, simply because I stopped being able to taste the noodles at all. five stars!
so when I started out I said the noodles themselves were not outright disgusting, but I’ve changed my mind. after tasting this really good actual everything bagel, these noodles do disgust me. partially because of their flavor, but more because of their (and Nissin's) moral integrity.
how dare they claim that this is what an everything bagel tastes like. this is an insult to bagels everywhere, and I find it truly offensive.
...anyway I guess I’m gonna go eat the rest of this now, because this is my actual breakfast today.
oh god. and I still have two more of these cup noodles! I forgot; I bought extras just in case!
wish me luck -_-
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ninsletamain · 4 months
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Fluffbruary Day 6: tie | embarrassment | dessert
My contribution to RebelCaptain Fluffbruary PLUS @quarantineddreamer's super ultra amazing fic addition below the cut!!!
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The lines of code on the screen were no longer making sense. Somewhere between coffees 4 and 5 of the day they had slipped from Jyn’s grasp, gone from familiar symbols to something more akin to ancient hieroglyphics–as sure a sign as any that it was long-past time for her to take a break from her assignment. 
Reaching her arms skyward–tight knots in the muscles of her shoulders and along her spine protesting–Jyn glanced blearily at the alarm clock that perched neatly on the corner of the desk. 
Shit. Was that really the time? She scrambled to her feet, socks slipping on the linoleum floor, and threw her hair quickly into a bun. (Or what she hoped would pass for one anyways.)
Pants. I need pants. Jyn cast about the room, throwing the covers of the bed back, checking over the back of the roller-chair she’d spent the day–no, longer than that apparently–glued to, but found nothing. 
She could have sworn she had at least dropped a pair of sweatpants at the end of the bed at some point…
Cassian must have tidied up before he left (the neat freak); she hadn’t even noticed. That happened sometimes: the computer consuming her when she was locked onto a particular idea. But it shouldn’t have happened today. Today she had planned to wrap up her coursework early, surprise him… 
Okay screw the pants, Jyn decided, marching from the room towards the kitchen with all the determination of a soldier approaching the battlefield.
(If a soldier’s uniform was your boyfriend’s oversized, university sweatshirt and the fight ahead was the arduous task of preparing a meal.)
It took her more than a few tries to find everything–despite how organized Cassian kept his kitchen cabinets–but before too long Jyn was staring down at the black, glinting surface of a flawlessly seasoned cast iron pan and the looming depths of a large pot, a box of spaghetti, its matching jar of sauce, and an assortment of meat and vegetables thrown on the counter beside them. 
“I’ve got this,” Jyn muttered to herself, eyeing the recipe she’d taped to the fridge like it might grow fangs and snap at her. (Or catch fire and nearly burn the place down as had happened on her most recent foray into chefdom). “You’ve hacked into government systems before,” she continued. “This will be easy compared to that. A piece of cake, or a pot of pasta.” Hopefully anyways. 
She checked the oven clock. If she stood any chance of getting this done before Cassian (Impossibly-Punctual) Andor came home she had to start now. 
The empty apartment should have been quiet, peaceful. Instead, it suddenly seemed impossibly loud, noises swelling in her ears the longer she stood staring at the array of ingredients and tools––footsteps from the neighbor above, the distant rumble of a washing machine next door, the clicking of the fridge beside her, all clamoring in some insane harmony. 
The longer she stood there waiting (for what, she had no idea) the more power the sounds seemed to hold, quick to dredge up each and every anxious thought she had been so diligently shoving to the furthest corners of her mind since Cassian had told her of his plans to travel to Yavin…
When he cooked, Cassian always had music playing. Maybe that would help. Drown out the worry and the fear.
Jyn pulled her phone from the pocket of the red hoodie and tapped a playlist at random. Something upbeat began playing, muffled through the fabric as she tucked the phone back into the pocket, rolled up the too-long sleeves of the sweatshirt, and drew a deep breath. “Alright, here goes nothing…”
Turning down the hallway that led to his apartment, Cassian smelled something…interesting. 
He tried to pin down what it was. Starch, yes. Tomatoes, yes. Onions and garlic, most likely. But then there were other unexpected notes, the heat of what might have been chili powder tickling at his nostrils, growing stronger with each step closer he got to his door, and maybe the cheese he was smelling was parmesan or pecorino? The combination wasn’t exactly bad, just off–out of balance. 
He thought for sure it was one of the neighbors; maybe Mrs. McCleod experimenting again–after all, she had stopped him just last week to ask him about his favorite market for finding fresh produce.
But as he passed by Mrs. McCleod’s apartment, he noticed the crack under the door was dark, a small pile of mail collecting beneath her welcome mat. She was probably away visiting her niece again. Which meant that the smell was most likely emanating from the door at the end of the hall.
His door. 
Cassian tugged his tie looser, a warmth kindling in his stomach, a smile slowly spreading across his face; Jyn. 
He’d insisted she should stay at his apartment while he was gone–enjoy some solitude away from distracting roommates and loud neighbors–but he hadn’t been entirely certain she would take him up on it. She’d given him a strange look at the suggestion (despite the fact that after nearly a year of dating, she seemed to spend more time in his apartment than her own) and returned to her keyboard, completely absorbed in the endless numbers and symbols flashing wildly across the computer screen at her command.
The reaction hadn’t been a total shock to him. Jyn had been unusually quiet ever since he’d first mentioned his job interview in Yavin. He’d tried to tell himself she was just preoccupied with the workload associated with the final semester before she earned her degree, but deep down he knew that she was likely asking herself the same questions as he was: If I get this job, what happens to us? 
Cassian reached into his suit pocket for his key, twisted it in the lock, and slowly opened the door, his eyes tearing up at the overwhelming burn of capsaicin in the air. Dropping his backpack by the door, he followed the sound of hissing steam, music, and occasional cursing into the kitchen. 
It had been just over a day since he’d seen her, but even so, Cassian had spent the plane ride home longing for the moment when he could wrap his arms tight around her again, kiss her until they were both oxygen deprived and gasping for air. 
He’d envisioned a quick, eager reunion. Unable to hold himself back from rushing towards her; clumsy, grabbing hands and awkward clashing of teeth. 
But then he saw her: standing in his kitchen with her hair wild atop her head, dancing from the stovetop to a nearby drawer; humming along to the song playing faintly in the background as she poked uncertainly at a pan of sauteed vegetables and shot a quick glance at a boiling pot of water–and all he could think to do was lean his shoulder into the doorframe and stare, his breath catching in his chest with a fierce and sudden ache. 
Cassian knew he was helplessly, hopelessly lost–had known it for a while–but it had never been more apparent to him than in that moment, hovering at the threshold. He was certain that if he did nothing else for the rest of life but watch her, he’d still die the happiest man on earth. 
She’d decided to borrow his favorite sweatshirt while he was away–red, well-worn, with Ferrix University emblazoned across the front. As she rose on her tiptoes to reach into the spice cabinet, the bottom of the sweatshirt rose too, revealing the faintest glimpse of black panties, serving in sharp contrast to the perfect, pale curve of her ass. 
The sight inspired a different kind of ache. Cassian made his way across the kitchen, and placed his hands on Jyn’s shoulders. Somehow, the only words he could seem to find were, “You’re cooking.”
A string of swear words fell out of her mouth in quick succession. “I could’ve stabbed you,” she grumbled, even as she set down the knife she was holding to lean backwards into him. “You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that.”
“I’m surprised I managed to.”
He felt her shoulders rise and fall against him. “I was distracted.” 
“I can see that,” he mused. “You’re cooking. You hate cooking.”
He could just make out the faint flush that rose in Jyn’s cheeks as she glanced back at him, her hair tickling his chin. “I do hate it,” she agreed, “but I figured you’d be hungry and…well, I don’t hate you.” 
A soft laugh escaped him, “What a relief.”
“Shut up.”
“No really,” he said, pulling her closer. “I was beginning to wonder.”
“Do you want food or not?” Her scowl was made significantly less believable by the smile catching quickly at the corners of her mouth. 
Cassian gave a considerate hum. His stomach had been rumbling as he stepped off the plane, but now a different kind of hunger was taking hold. His skin was hot beneath his suit where Jyn’s body pressed against his own; all he could seem to think of was her in his sweatshirt–in only his sweatshirt. 
But Jyn seized his brief lapse of silence as an opportunity to change subjects. “So…How’d the interview go?” she asked lightly, though her muscles went tight as she dipped a wooden spoon in the red liquid that bubbled on the stove in front of her.
He watched as she blew steam away from the spoon before bringing it to her mouth to taste and wincing. “The interview was fine,” he murmured, pressing (what he hoped she would as) a reassuring kiss to the top of her head.
The smile had already vanished from Jyn’s face. “You think you got the job then?”
Cassian moved his hand slowly up and down her arm, earlier ideas already forgotten. “They made me an offer,” he admitted quietly. 
“They did…” The energy seemed to have drained straight out of her–the dancing, humming, swearing woman from moments ago turned to shadow. 
Like she didn’t know. Like she couldn’t feel the frantic stuttering of his heart where his chest pressed between her shoulders blades. Like she couldn’t sense him, standing right here beside her on the knife’s edge. 
“I told them I couldn’t give them an answer yet,” he told her. Of course I did. As though there had been anything else he could do…
“You did what?” Jyn twisted in his arms. “That is your dream job. You know you want to go, so just go. Why would you–”
“Jyn,” he cut in, and she went still–let him hold her in place for at least a moment longer while he continued. “I said yet. I told them I couldn’t give them an answer yet.”
Her knuckles were white, wrapped tight around the wooden spoon. He reached past her and switched off the burners before anything could start smoking or boil over.
Cassian’s own nerves were starting to take hold. He gave a hard swallow, trying to clear the tightness from his throat. “I don’t want to go to Yavin. Not without you… I don’t want to go anywhere without you.”
“What are you saying?”
“Come with me. After you graduate in the spring, come with me.”
He was about to tell her she didn’t have to answer right now–to delay whatever pain he sensed was coming from inevitable rejection–when she closed her hand around his tie and tugged him closer, tilting her head back to press her lips to his. 
Beneath his mouth, he could feel her smile forming, but it still took his breath away to see it when they broke apart. “Is that a yes, then?”
Jyn wound his tie tighter around her hand. “I like this suit,” she commented, eyes sweeping across the blue fabric and back to the black silk of the tie. 
“I’m taking that as a yes…” Cassian told her, his attention splitting as she began to playfully undo the top buttons of his shirt. 
“I cooked for you…” Her lips passed over his throat, her voice muffled. 
Heat was racing up Cassian’s spine, his thoughts going increasingly hazy. “You did…” he replied, inhaling sharply as the hand not wrapped in his tie found the back of his head, fingers tugging lightly at his hair. 
“I’m a terrible cook, but I cooked. For you.”
She still hadn’t answered him. Not really. He wanted an answer, a definitive answer. “What does this have to do with–”
“Are you still hungry?” 
“Jyn–” he pleaded.
“Because I was thinking we should forget about the food,” she continued, her mouth brushing over his ear–words like sparks to his skin. “I changed my mind. There’s something else I want to do for you instead. Something I’m much, much better at…”
He relented slightly, instinct shoving reason aside as he tugged at the hem of the sweatshirt, her skin soft against his fingertips. “What did you have in mind?” 
“You mean, aside from moving to Yavin?” she murmured with a teasing grin, pressing even closer, tips of their noses brushing, her breath warm against his cheeks.
“So that was a yes earlier…”
Jyn rolled her eyes at him. “What do you think?”
He lifted her off her feet, and she laughed, wrapping her legs tight around his torso. “I think you’re coming to Yavin with me,” he said, slightly breathless, not quite daring to believe it. 
“I’m coming to Yavin with you,” she echoed, delivering a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Welcome home, Cassian.”
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
Cooking While Disabled
One of the things I miss most about being less disabled is cooking. It was one of my favorite things to do and something I've always been good at.
On good days there are things I can do that make it easier. It's not the same as before, but I hope that sharing what makes it possible for me to cook helps others who struggle with it.
Tips for cooking while disabled:
You can incorporate precooked food in your meals. For example, stir fry with precooked rice with the ingredients of your choice, or taking frozen pasta (like the ones with maybe sauce and a couple other things) or plain microwave pasta (I prefer these, but heat it first) and putting it in a pan adding other ingredients like vegetables, cheese, garlic, etc
If it comes frozen or canned that can really help. Frozen rice you can just microwave, frozen cut veggies and garlic and onions are good as well
Buy a chopper with different shaped blades, spiralizer, electric slicer/grater, food processor, or any appliance that will save you energy. Ideally machine washable. Stand mixers are also better than manual ones. Especially helpful if you have joint/wrist issues
You can always prepare ingredients ahead of time. I find that sometimes it helps to prep (chopping or mixing ingredients, etc) earlier in the day or even a day before. Then you can put it in the fridge or freezer until you're ready to cook the full meal
Look up easy recipes or recipes for elderly/seniors. With the latter you may find more nutritionally balanced food but an unbalanced easy meal is better than none
You can sit while you prepare ingredients.
You're allowed to take breaks. You can turn the stove off, maybe put a lid on it to retain the heat, sit down, maybe take something for your symptoms. Some things you may not be able to stop in the middle of like making pancakes or deep frying something, but if you're making soup or curry or chili or something, often you can turn it off for a bit and take care of yourself.
If you need help and can get it, please ask for help. I know many of us need to work on asking for help including myself. Even if it's just washing the pots and pans or chopping something. You are not a burden you hear me?
Stretch before and after cooking just as one would before a workout. It will likely lessen any joint pain or stiffness as you are still exerting yourself
Listen to your body. Just as you're allowed to take a break, you are allowed to decide you won't be able to finish what you're doing. You may put away your food before it's done (if this won't ruin the meal). You are allowed to leave a dirty pot in the sink and come back to it later (just make sure you or someone else does before it gets gross). You can wash them in the dishwasher. I know this is bad for the seasoning on pots and pans but you can reseason them to be nonstick again and use nonstick spray
You can buy seasoning mixes rather than using individual seasoning. Instead of parsley, oregano, basil, etc you can buy Italian seasoning. Instead of paprika, pepper, cumin, oregano, salt, etc, you can just get taco seasoning. This may sound obvious but it can save a lot of time and energy
An issue I have is buying perishable ingredients thinking I can use them, having a bad week or two, and the ingredients have gone bad. Try to plan out your meals before shopping and ask yourself if there's an easier alternative for any ingredients. Maybe pre chopped fresh onion instead of a whole one, sliced mushrooms instead of whole, frozen vegetable blends instead of individual, powdered ginger instead of the root, bullion instead of stock that you may not be able to use all at once. I know this is like one of the other points but these are what I find most helpful
Use supercook.com! You input the ingredients you have on hand and you'll get a list of recipes you can make with what you have. Often there's a wide range of complexity and difficulty
Make enough food to freeze or refrigerate leftovers. It helps if you can portion it into single servings in Tupperware or freezer bags. You can prepare frozen burritos for your next few lunches or dinners, separate portion sizes of spaghetti, portion salads, etc
Feel free to add any additions!
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
Outlaw cowboy sevika who fell in love with a good woman or a woman she is partner in crimes with?
i'm done writing the big fic, so i can finally start doing requests again!! starting with this GENIUS idea tysm anon <333
men and minors dni
the parlor doors swing open, and a shadowy figure wanders into the tavern. behind the bar, you bite your lip, watching patrons scatter as the cloaked figure struts over to the bar, a jingle decorating every one of their footsteps as their spurs twirl on their boots.
they knock on the bar top to get your attention, like you haven't had your eyes trained on them since they strolled in. you grin.
"how can i help ya?" you ask, already reaching under the counter to pull out a glass and bottle of whiskey. you pour them a big glass and slide it across the bar, not moving your hand when they reach forward to grab it.
when your fingers meet, you gently brush yours against theirs, then slowly, slowly trail your fingers up their arm, before grabbing the rim of their hat and flicking it up.
there she is, you think as sevika's face is finally revealed to you. she's smiling just as wide as you are.
"got any vacancies?" she asks. you chuckle.
"fully booked, sorry miss." you tease. she snorts. "but maybe if you work for it i can arrange a place for you to sleep." you add on. sevika rolls her eyes as you grab two buckets and gesture for her to follow you. she does. she always does.
you wander out of the tavern and into the small side garden you tend to in your free time. shoving a bucket into her arms, you gesture at the well. she meanders over to it and begins pumping the spout until water comes spurting out. you watch in amusement as she gets sprayed and curses.
you walk through your rows of crops, harvesting a few ears of corn, a couple of potatoes, a handful of carrots.
your tavern/inn is located on the main street of a small shanty town in the middle of nowhere. the only people who travel through these parts are up to no good, so when you came to own the place after the previous owner died and left it in your name, you made a few policy changes.
for one thing, you don't ask questions. patrons can come in riddled with shrapnel and bleeding, their faces identical to the 'wanted' sketches that are plastered around town, and you simply turn a blind eye and serve them a hearty bowl of stew, fill 'em up with liquor, patch their wounds, and give them a bed. in exchange for your discretion, you've made plenty of shady friends, who often pay for their time spent in the tavern with stolen and smuggled goods like pretty jewelry, gold bars, or premium cuts of meats or cheeses.
the locals don't give you much trouble, too scared to piss off any of your friends, too happy with the imported rare goods they bring to town with them to complain about the occasional stand off or shootout.
you wander out of the garden, stopping by the small stables and greeting sevika's trusty mare shimmer. the horse whinnies at your appearance, tail swinging happily as you scratch her ears.
"hey, shimmer." you whisper to the horse. "here, baby." you say, hand feeding her a few carrots. "how much trouble'd she get you in this time?" you ask the horse. shimmer doesn't respond, too busy crunching on her treats.
behind you, sevika's hand wraps around your waist. you smile as she presses a kiss against your head.
"missed you." she mumbles against your temple. you laugh and gesture to the tavern.
"c'mon." you say. "i'll canoodle with you once these chores are done."
you and sevika spend the afternoon tending to the tavern. she distributes the water evenly among bedrooms, filling the wash bowls and pitchers patrons can use to hydrate and clean themselves.
you tend to the stew, chopping and stirring in your vegetables, adding a few pinches of dried garlic and onion powder to the bubbling pot of perpetual stew, stirring and tasting and adjusting until you're happy with how it tastes.
it's the slow season. travelers are rare in these parts, but even more so during the scalding hot summer. a few neighbors wander in for a quick drink, and the few patrons you have retire to their rooms once sevika's done refreshing them.
once the sun sets, the tavern is empty, except for you and sevika.
she's staring at you adoringly from across the bar, her chin propped up in her hand as she watches you sweep. you scoff at her expression.
"what kinda trouble'd you get yourself into this time, huh?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"you didn't see it in the papers?" she asks.
"that train robbery?" you ask. sevika shrugs with a smile. you laugh. "you're gonna get caught up one of these days." you say as you begin wiping down the bar top. sevika rolls her eyes.
"you got no faith in me, darlin', it breaks my heart." she says. you laugh and turn off the oil lamps, before starting up the stairs. sevika follows behind you.
the second floor is where your patrons sleep, but you get the whole attic/third floor to yourself. it's a nice little studio space, two windows on either side, big enough to hold a double mattress and two sets of drawers, a few chests stuffed full with treasures and valuables sevika's brought back to you.
sevika sighs as she enters the space, hanging her hat and poncho up on two nails you'd slammed into the walls for her years ago, shoving off her boots and stripping down to her undergarments. you sit at your desk and watch her strip with scruitny, making sure she doesn't have any new wounds or scars. she washes herself down with a wet rag, sighing as the grime and dirt of her travels slowly washes away. once your sure she's not injured, you allow your gaze to become appreciative, taking in her muscular back and arms as they scrub her body down.
you rise from your seat and approach her, slinging your hands around her waist and tucking your chin over her shoulder. she sighs and leans back against you.
"three weeks is too long." you mumble against your lover. sevika hums.
"i know, darlin'." she says. you take the washcloth from her and begin to scrub her back for her, occasionally kneading and massaging at the knots and tension that riddles her muscles. she melts. "i missed you." she sighs. you kiss the nape of her neck.
"i missed you too. had me worried, you know." you mumble against her. she turns in your arms to wrap her own around your waist, gently swaying the two of you back and forth as she soaks in your features.
"i've been yours for how long?" she teases. you roll your eyes. "five years now?" she asks. you smile and nod. "and you're still worried about me? you know i always come back to you darlin'." she says. you sigh and roll your eyes. "gonna give yourself an ulcer at this rate." she teases. you chuckle.
"wouldn't have to worry if you stuck around." you say.
you and sevika have had this conversation a thousand times now. she's made more than enough in her time as a bandit for the two of you to live comfortably together until the end of time.
still, she always leaves. you don't blame her, before she met you sevika spent her entire life wandering the west, all alone, never staying in one place for longer than a week.
but then, one fateful night all those years ago, she stumbled into your tavern bloodied and battered, staring at you with a sparkle in her eyes as you patched her up. and since then, she's been circling back to you after each and every one of her jobs.
the longer she's had you, the more time she puts between her heists. you'll get her to stay eventually, you just have to be patient. but patience is hard when the love of your life has such a dangerous occupation.
sevika swoops in to kiss the frown off your lips. you sigh against her and wrap your arms around her shoulders as she slowly uncinches your corset and helps you out of your layers.
when you're both naked, you guide her to the bed, plastering yourself to her side as you continue to kiss her. tears well up in your eyes as you get your hand in her hair, and she notices, pulling away with a frown.
"'s wrong darlin'?" she asks. you hide your face against her shoulder.
"what if you die out there, sev? a hundred miles away all alone in the desert... nobody'd find you until you were just bones and dust. and i'd be here waitin' for you to come home for the rest of my life." you say, your voice wobbly. sevika wraps you up in her arms and sighs against you. you reach up to gently trace the scars littering her left cheek.
"fuckin' ruining the surprise." she grumbles against you. you blink.
"what surprise?" you ask. sevika rolls her eyes and darts forward to kiss your forehead.
"the train... it was a cargo train. one of the cars was headed to a bank, padded wall to wall with cash 'n gold. enough for a hundred people." she says. you gulp and blink at her, hesitant to assume lest you get your heart broken.
"so?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"so, i'm retiring." she says simply. "fuck do i need to keep robbin' and lootin' for if i'm already filthy rich?" she asks. you blink at her, your heart swelling, tears falling down your cheeks as you soak in her words. "plus... i met a girl i'm hopin' to settle down with." she says, smiling shyly at you.
you let out a shaky breath then launch forward, pinning sevika to the bed as she laughs and gathers you in her arms.
"are you serious?" you ask against her. she chuckles and kisses your head.
"deadly." she responds. you melt against her, clinging to her like your life depends on it. "you think you might need a new employee here?" she asks. you snort against her.
"i can figure somethin' out." you say. "gotta work on your people skills, though." you tease her through your tears. sevika laughs and smacks your ass.
"y'know..." she starts. you pick your head up from her shoulder to look at her, and she looks away, nervous. you kiss her lips and she sighs, her anxiety melting away under your touch. "i met a pastor while i was out wanderin'." she says. "said he wouldn't be opposed to marryin' two women if someone were to give his chapel some donation money." she whispers.
you study sevika for a moment as she anxiously nibbles on her lip. "you askin' me to marry you?" you ask. sevika shrugs.
"i mean... i've already given you hundreds of rings." she says. you smile.
"you have." you say. she smiles up at you.
"so?" she asks. "his chapel's a day's ride from here. figured we could go now during the slow season, make it a little vacation?" she asks. you grin and launch down to kiss her, and sevika sighs against your mouth.
"there's nothin' in this world that would make me happier, baby." you whisper against her lips. sevika grins.
"sure you won't mind bein' an outlaw's wife?" she asks. you laugh and smack her shoulder.
"a former outlaw." you correct her. she chuckles. "and no, i won't mind. 'specially when that outlaw's as handsome as you." you say. below you, sevika blushes.
"fuck off." she grunts. you laugh.
"that's no way to talk to your wife." you tease her. sevika grins.
"you're right. 'm sorry, darlin'."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666
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kitchenwitchtingss · 11 months
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A delicious chicken dish to serve at the dinner table!
4 bone-in skin-on chicken thighs
1 tsp onion powder
2 tsp thyme
Salt and Pepper
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp rosemary 
4 cloves garlic
1/4 cup chicken broth/bone broth
3 slices of bacon (if you don't want to use bacon, you can always use a couple of tabs of butter in replacement)
Season your chicken with onion powder, thyme, salt, pepper, garlic powder, rosemary, and paprika, and let sit to marinate.
In a cast iron skillet fry your bacon. Drain and set bacon aside. With the bacon grease still in the pan, Sear your chicken for about 5 minutes on each side until browned. If there is too much bacon fat in the pan you can always strain a little out before adding in your chicken.
 Remove the chicken from the pan. Add in chicken stock to remove all the crispy brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Add minced garlic, more salt and pepper, a sprig of fresh thyme, and a spring of fresh rosemary. Add back chicken and spoon sauce over them. 
Put the pan in the oven at cook at 375F for 20-30 minutes, or until chicken is cooked.
Top chicken with bacon in the skillet and serve with a hearty serving of scalloped potatoes, and veggies.
Have a blessed Lughnasadh!
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unpretty · 1 year
do you have a link to a good empanada recipe?
here is the empanada recipe i looked up because one time after helping her make empanadas nana was like 'now you know how to make them yourself next time' and i realized she expected me to be able to retain any of that even though she hadn't given measurements and i hadn't taken notes, and when i tried asking dad he was like 'you've made empanadas before? you know how to make them, you're a good cook' and i decided it would be easier to just print a recipe off about dot com (now the spruce) than try to explain to my dad that i do not passively absorb recipes through osmosis
this recipe made me realize that empanada dough is supposed to be pastry dough and the fact that empanada day involved hours and hours of everyone in the family standing around a table kneading dough was insane actually. it's pastry. imagine kneading pie crust. the only explanation i can come up with is that nana didn't have a fridge and her version didn't need to be chilled. however i'm not making dough like that ever again in my life. the first time i made these for my dad he was like, "see? i knew you'd get it. you're like a master at this now. you even found a way to make the dough come together without having to knead it all day." and i didn't have the heart to tell him that the recipe i was using was from about dot com.
my notes on the recipe are that it calls for too much onion. three onions? for one pound of meat? that's too much onion. only my grandpa tries to put that much onion in and nana doesn't let him because that's nuts. i like making a batch of caramelized onions in the slow cooker or instant pot, or using onion powder, because even setting aside my textural issues i am not actually supposed to eat onion and those kinds of onion make me suffer less for my sins. if you are capable of eating that much onion without going straight to hell then follow your heart. also add as much garlic as feels right but that goes without saying because it's garlic.
if you grew up in a hamburger helper household you may be tempted to try draining the fat from the beef. do not do this. you need that fat. empanadas are not a health food.
the recipe calls for regular raisins, which is incorrect. they need to be golden raisins.
growing up we made the beef mixture and then the sliced black olives, golden raisins, and hardboiled egg got added at the end. however i started mixing in the olives and raisins like that recipe said and i do think that turns out more consistent. however if you have people who want different ratios of beef to olive to raisin, doing it nana's way means everyone can mark the ones they made for themselves.
we always pressed the edges of the empanada together with a fork and then poked holes in it with the same fork. it didn't matter if they weren't super consistent because they were going to be deep fried. however i hate hot oil so i bake mine and i bought a set of 6 inch plastic empanada presses
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they make everything much easier and more consistent
if you want to be extra then instead of poking holes with a fork, you can use a flower-shaped vegetable cutter to cut a flower out of the assembled empanada, then press it back on at a slight angle using a straw and glue it in place with the egg wash.
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nana also put powdered sugar on her empanadas when they were done but i feel like that makes more sense when they're fried, so i don't
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mariacallous · 6 months
Several years ago, I invited my new boyfriend to Yom Kippur at my aunt’s house. He didn’t need convincing – I think he adored my family early on – but to entice him further I made sure he knew what was on offer.
Bagels. Cream cheese. Lox.
Let’s just say he showed up on time. I knew my aunt would be thrilled when he devoured the pickled herring. (He earned similar accolades when he asked for seconds of gefilte fish at Passover.)
Jewish food, he says, is just a hop, skip and a jump from the Scandinavian food he grew up with. “It’s like the foods of my people. Foods of your people, foods of our people.”
Apart from being poetic, it was a very Jewish thing for him to say.
Now my husband, Brad is definitively non-Jewish by all religious standards. His father was raised in a big Irish Catholic family and his mother, raised in the Midwest, is of Scandinavian descent. He was the first non-Jewish person I’d met with his own proclivity for pickled fish and smoked salmon.
Among the items he always kept in his pantry — before he met me and still today — are tinned fish and Triscuits, often eaten as a meal. He and I have been on a year-long journey of finding the best “real rye bread” within driving distance in the greater Metrowest area of Boston. (Haven’t found it yet.)
To say that he embraces all things Jewish is obvious. That he loves me is only part of the reason; another is the food. 
My grandmother always had enough food to feed an army, no matter whether it was Shabbat, Passover or Tuesday. I watched as Brad became accustomed to the foods we loved and the leftovers we take pride in sharing: the containers left on the table after Yom Kippur for extra brisket, the paper bags for challah and rugelach.
But he’s taught us about food, too. Our family text chain is called “Smashburgers Unite” because of my family’s newfound favorite meal, brought to us by my husband. A better cook than I (a generous understatement), he loves cooking projects. 
At that point, my biggest cooking project I’d taken on was making latkes for Hanukkah.
It had been my job for years. I’d shove the potatoes in the Cuisinart, wring them out as best I could, and do my best guesswork with how much egg, matzah meal, onion and salt should go in. Then I’d stand at the stove and fry them, the kitchen filling with that wonderful greasy-spoon smell, as the rest of my family arrived. I laid them out as they were done, always in an inadvertent ombre from light to dark as the oil, and my patience, decreased. 
So for Brad’s first Hanukkah with us, I told him — who once made a BBQ for 40 people with no help from anyone — that I (and, by proxy, he) was in charge of latkes.
“Cool,” he said. His indifference both alarmed and relieved me. 
“It’s more work than you think,” I said.
I should have known he’d have better tricks  for peeling massive amounts of Russet potatoes and draining their water (cheesecloth! The man I’m dating owns cheesecloth?!), adding cornstarch to help the eggs adhere better to the mix, and adding enough salt so they actually tasted good. He added seasonings like zaatar, onion powder and garlic powder. He showed me how to wait until all the oil – way more than I was used to adding for frying – was shimmering, and to be patient while each side cooked.
I think he wanted to add a shallot.
“It’s not traditional,” I said.
“So?” he said.
He had a point.
The latkes that year were a hit. My family made sure he knew that it was now his task for life. They were joking, but they were also serious.
I knew he was about to take this latke-making to the next level. On the way home, he thought up different flavor combinations, like adding dill and black pepper, and what if we fried them in schmaltz – we’d have to roast a chicken first; store-bought schmaltz wouldn’t cut it – and what if we added cayenne, and what if we used different root vegetables, like turnips and rutabagas, and what if made a sweet potato version?
I was exhausted just thinking about it. The latkes take a great deal of effort, and I don’t have the same love of cooking that Brad does. Where he sees opportunity, I see how long it will take to clean up. 
Maybe we buy shredded potatoes, to make it easier? I suggested. 
But no: Everything from scratch, no shortcuts. Our first year in our new home together, we made them in our kitchen. He shredded the potatoes, I wrung them out. He set up three bowls with different seasonings and spices. I spooned them into balls, and we’d take turns at the stove, frying, flipping, frying again. We ate several between us right away – impossible not to. Yes, it was an hours-long process. But the pride I felt at bringing them home, measured by the silence while people ate and ate, was unmatched.  
I learned that the effort, the planning, the execution: it’s  a way of showing love. The energy we put into the latkes as a team made me feel closer, somehow, to the holiday and to my Jewish roots.
That first meal of jointly-made latkes also included my mom’s brisket. Over dinner, the conversation turned to other traditional Jewish foods like corned beef and pastrami. Brad pointed out that they were both brisket, just made different – something we hadn’t really ever thought about. 
He mentioned he could make a pastrami. 
Our eyes widened. 
“It’s just a matter of brining it…then smoking it…” 
So we’re in charge of both now: latkes and pastrami. 
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feyburner · 1 month
tumblr user feyburner, i have a confession. i don't know how to roast a chicken, or do anything with a chicken, and at this point i'm afraid to ask.
I can tell you're afraid to ask bc this isn't really a question. But I will answer it anyway. I'm always happy to talk about chicken.
You’ll be pleased to learn that roasting a chicken is so easy. The below explanation is quite long bc I am including all the information I can remember, to set you up for chicken roasting success. But, essentially, you’re rubbing a chicken in oil and seasonings and putting him in the oven for like an hour. Done.
Remember that people have been roasting whole chickens since the dawn of time using whatever they had around bc it’s the most low effort, high reward meal ever. You could say the word “salt” in a chicken’s general direction and toss him at a candle flame and he would still turn out great.  
To roast a chicken:
Buy a whole chicken, however big you want. 4-5 lbs is enough to feed 3-5 people with leftovers.
Prepare a workspace with a plastic cutting board (not wooden bc raw chicken juices) and paper towels. 
Remove the giblets, pin feathers, extra flaps:
1. Stick your hand up his primary orifice and pull out anything loose. There is usually a handful of little organs like heart and gizzards and sometimes these strings of pale bean looking things (tbh not sure what those are). Save these for stock, except the liver (super dark squishy organ) which will disintegrate. You can eat the liver separate if you want.
2. Trim off any sticky-outy bits that have pin feathers on them, and the flaps of fat/gristle over his orifice. Save the fatty bits for stock. Leave the triangle of fat directly above the orifice (his tail). 
Pat the chicken dry with paper towels inside and out. Get him as dry as possible. 
Spatchcock: You don’t have to spatchcock/butterfly but I like to, bc it maximizes outer surface area for that good good crispy skin. Also easier to get breasts and thighs done at the same rate.
All you have to do is cut the backbone out of the chicken with poultry shears or kitchen scissors if you’re desperate. Then push down hard to crack the breastbone so he lies super flat. Save the backbone for stock or jus. How to spatchcock step by step guide.
Dry brine: Prepare a bowl of coarse kosher salt. More salt than you’d think. Like 1 Tbsp per lb of meat. Rub salt over the whole chicken inside and out. Don’t skimp on the salt especially on the inside. It will not make your chicken crazy salty, it doesn't penetrate the meat that deep. Also some will be wiped off before you cook. 
Put the chicken on a wire rack on a baking sheet and chill uncovered in the fridge for 2-24 hours. The point of this step is the salt draws moisture to the surface of the chicken, which then evaporates in the circulating fridge air. It helps you get crispy chicken skin.
Dry brine + resting isn't 100% necessary, if for some reason you must produce a roasted chicken on a time crunch. But it's a good practice.
Roasting time:
Pat excess moisture off chicken inside and out. If you did not spatchcock you can stuff the inside with a halved lemon or garlic head, herbs, whatever you want. 
Seasoning rub: Prepare a small bowl with olive oil (maybe 1/4-1/3 cup?), salt, freshly cracked black pepper, and whatever dried herbs and spices you want. A good starter is: salt, pepper, parsley sage rosemary thyme, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder. I love me some Cajun spice mix like Slap Ya Mama. Start with like 1-2 tsp of each (1 tsp spices, 2 tsp dried herbs) and build from there. Don’t be shy. Recipes on the internet are like “Use 1/2 tsp herbs for this whole recipe” because they’re heading off 1-star reviews from annoying people who can’t handle a molecule of flavor. Season with your heart, your pussy, and your balls. Don’t be ashamed to use a store-bought spice rub. It’s not lazy, it’s efficient. Also, who gives a shit.
Rub the oil all over Mr. Chicken like he’s an Ancient Greek warrior-prince you’re preparing for the Olympic Games. 
Some recipes tell you to use butter, or slip butter under the skin, but butter has higher water content than oil and might not get you the ideal crispy skin. You can do whatever you want though. It’s your chicken. 
Preheat the oven to 425°. People will tell you a billion different temperatures—screaming hot, low and slow—but I’m here to tell you that it is so hard to fuck up a roast chicken, you can experiment and the results will always be great. 
I like to start at a high temp for 30 minutes to get the skin crisping and then reduce to 375° for the rest of the time to avoid burning. Sometimes you’ll have to cover him with foil if the seasonings start charring. That’s fine.
General cook time: 20 minutes per lb of meat, give or take 20 depending on oven temp. A 4-5 lb chicken at 425° -> 375° generally takes me ~1 hour 20 minutes. If you do low and slow at like 325° it might take 2+ hours. Just check on him periodically. Tbh it’s harder to overcook a chicken than you probably think. 5 minutes, or even 10-20 minutes, is NOT the difference between beautiful tender juicy chicken and a bone-dry tragedy. Chicken is not turkey. He is versatile and he can take it.
Pull the chicken when a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part reads 145° or above. (160° is the “safe temp” but 1. The temp will continue to rise for a few minutes after it leaves the oven, and 2. 160° is the temp at which bacteria dies immediately. 145° is fine for eating. Disclaimer: I am not a scientist just a guy who makes a lot of chicken.)
If you don’t have a thermometer, pull the chicken when you insert a knife into the thickest part and the juices run clear. Gorgeous.
Let him sit for 10-20 minutes before carving. When carving, find the oysters and give them to your favorite person or take them as the Cook’s Bounty.
Again, this explanation is quite long because I included lots of detail. If you do it even one time, you'll realize it's incredibly easy and intuitive and doesn't take much time at all.
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softwaring · 10 months
Would you post your chicken tikka recipe?
chicken tikka marsala
first marinade:
- chicken thigh
- lime juice
- cayenne
- chili powder
- salt
second marinade:
- greek yogurt
- ginger paste
- garlic
- turmeric, cumin, garam masala, madras curry powder, cayenne, ground coriander
for the curry:
- coconut oil
- 1” cinnamon stick
- 2 green cardamom pods
- 2 whole cloves
- serranos, sliced
- onion, chopped
- cumin, garam masala, madras curry powder, garlic p, cayenne, coriander, smoked paprika, turmeric and white pepper
- tomato paste
- fire roasted crushed tomatoes
- soy sauce and fish sauce
- rock sugar
- coconut creme
- cilantro
top w more cilantro when done serve w white rice and naan (trader joe’s makes amazing frozen garlic naan i always keep em on hand lol)
marinade the chicken the first time for 30 marinade. mix the ingredients for the second marinade then pour in the chicken WITH the first marinade. mix well and marinade at least an hour but it’s best after 24-48 hours.
start ur rice ina rice cooker
preheat ur grill to high heat, then grill the chicken until well charred. then remove and let rest.
melt coconut oil in a pan then add onion and chilis, cook until they soften. stir in garlic and ginger and cook til fragrant. stir in spices and cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes. clear a spot in the middle of the pan then add tomato paste and caramelize. stir in tomato purée, soy sauce and fish sauce then simmer 10-15 minutes until thickened and color deepens.
once deep red, stir in coconut creme and rock sugar, cook 10 more minutes then stir in chicken and chopped cilantro. cook 5 more minutes or until well combined and chicken is cooked through. serve over basmati rice w cilantro!
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crippleprophet · 2 years
gluten & dairy intolerant and sick as shit: a “what the fuck do i eat?” primer
most gluten-free, dairy-free (hereafter abbreviated gf/df) recipe sites are so clearly written by people who have the energy to cook - consistently enough that they don’t need to worry about food spoiling - and money for tons of ingredients and equipment. as a person who’s bedridden a large portion of the time, this is useless as shit!
so here’s how i’ve kept myself alive the past 6+ months for other sick folks looking for a realistic starting point, in descending order from least to most energy required. in addition to being gf/df, i can’t eat raw vegetables or red meat, need to avoid/minimize seeds and artificial sweeteners, and try to minimize soy when possible, so these suggestions align with that.
as always, check the labels first! other folks feel free to add on with any suggestions!
gf cereal - chocolate gf off-brand rice krispies are a go-to low-energy meal that can also be a snack
bananas with peanut butter
rice cakes are my best friend - they’re like 4x cheaper than gf bread and the easiest option i’ve found so far. my go-to is rice cake, vegan cheese, 4 slices of deli chicken, a pinch of salt; 4 of those makes a filling meal for me
gf toast with peanut butter or butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar
gf oatmeal in the microwave, seasoned with brown sugar and cinnamon. if you need to avoid cross-contamination, make sure to only purchase oat products that are certified gluten-free; they can easily get cross-contaminated from wheat in the field
tofu scramble - season with curry powder, garlic and onion powder, chili powder, and salt. add whatever veggies you want - i do (frozen or canned) spinach, mushrooms, and tomatoes
gf chicken nuggets - if i have a little extra energy i’ll make a vegan ranch using a vegan mayo base
gf/df pizza - they’re expensive. i’m sorry.
gf/df nachos - vegan mince with gf taco seasoning, olives, vegan cheese, corn tortillas chips. for a lower-energy version, i melt vegan cheese on tortilla chips in the microwave and add torn-up deli chicken and seasoning
frozen gf fries - plain or with vegan cheese sauce, vegan cheese, and/or vegan mince (seasoned with garlic powder, chili powder, paprika, and salt)
rice with ingredient - canned beans and/or peas; canned tuna cooked with curry powder; frozen edamame and canned salmon cooked with gf (tamari) soy sauce, honey, and chili powder
fish tacos - frozen fish cooked with cumin, paprika, chili powder, salt, pepper; cilantro-lime rice; avocado if you’re up for peeling/cutting; vegan cheese; corn tortillas
pre-popped popcorn
tortilla chips
gf/df cookies
gf/df chips (crisps) - in the UK, Seabrook is a great gf brand, and the classic ones are df as well
gf/df protein or granola bars
gf/df ice cream
tangerines, clementines, etc - they last longer than other fruits
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kcrossvine-art · 7 months
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Hiiii friendssss! What the FUCK is up. What the fuck is up. What the Fuck is up. On todays cute little cookin excursion we are going to be deep frying things and using a wok. If you dont feel comfortable deep frying, and dont have a wok, im sure theres other ways to do it silly :DDD
I believe in you.
From LotR online we're gonna be making Fried Beetroot Sticks!! 
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes into Fried Beetroot Sticks?” YOU MIGHT ASKSlices of sweet little beated root dipped into a batter with, watch out, special flavors too.
2 Beetroots
Corn flour
Red Chilli Powder
Garlic Paste
Baking Soda
Peanut oil
And we'll also be making some horseradish sour cream dip to go along with it;
Sour cream
Prepared horseradish
1 Green onion 
Few splashes of lemon juice
Salt to taste
Ground pepper to taste
"Cooked, tender beetroot sticks are dredged in a light batter and fried to give a crispy exterior and a soft, sweet interior. Served with a bracing horseradish sour cream, this snack is both filling and delicious."- LotRO Tooltip
AND, “what does Fried Beetroot Sticks taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKThis is like homemade fair-food and it sounds like a contradiction but its not
But maybe its just because its fried food? American brained, sorry.
Retains the inherit sweetness to beetroot
And similar to pickled beetroot the sweetness contrasts the spicey of the batter
(which i encourage you to amp up if youd like more spice)
The horseradish sourcream dip is to die for
Measure with your heart for that one, and save some green onion to top it with when you serve
This would pair very well with a lime italian soda or with shaved ice cones
Im always very anxious about deep-frying things, or working with oils at high temperatures, but i didnt run into any complications with this dish. Just make sure to keep best practices and safety precaution in mind, especially with a wok as it can tilt!
. If you dont have corn flour, you can substitute all-purpose flour . If you dont have peanut oil, look up oils with the same smokepoint to decide what else to use
The recipe stuck out to me, as i was assembling a list of foodstuffs from tolkiens work, for being such a "regular" named food. Also its worth 19 silver 69 copper in the LotR MMO and im immature.
I think the dip has the most room for improvement and tinkering. I've never made horseradish sourcream before, so more practiced tastebuds could perfect a simple thing like this. In the future id also like to try adding red pepper flakes along with the the powder and garlic paste, to give more visual variety and spice. I think cumin in the batter would be a nice midtone flavor too.
I give this recipe a solid 8/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) for its relative simplicity and modularity with things you could add.
Beetroot Sticks Ingredients:
2 Beetroots
130 grams corn flour
1 tbsp salt 
1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 tsp Garlic Paste
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
178 grams Water
432 grams peanut oil
Horseradish Sour Cream Ingredients:
225 grams Sour cream
200 grams Prepared horseradish
1 whole green onion (green and white parts VERY finely chopped)
1 tspn lemon juice
Salt to taste
ground pepper to taste
Beetroot Method:
Peel all beetroots and cut them length-wise into  rectangles.
Combine flour, salt, chilli powder, garlic paste, baking soda, and water in a bowl.
Mix well into a smooth batter.
Heat peanut oil to medium in a wok and dip beet roots into batter. Deep fry until golden brown in color.
Stack beetroots on paper-towel lined plates to cool and dry as you go.
Serve with horseradish sour cream!
Dip Method:
Mix all ingredients
Cover and let stand at room temperature for 1 hour for the flavors to blend.
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