#it’s simply too funny an opportunity to waste
isa-renee · 5 months
probably posted about this before but. just remembered the time i actually had a “thanks i stole them from the president” interaction and like wild that literally happened like i was there i witnessed that moment i was one of like three people who heard that and Understood
for context this was like in 2021 btw
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seat-safety-switch · 1 month
Are you now, or have you ever, been a member of the American Horticultural Society? If you answered in the affirmative to this question, there are several detectives down at the station who would like to talk with you about your activities over the last few weeks. Don't worry, I'm no snitch: I just want my shitboxes back.
Gardeners are nothing if not resourceful. If you go into a good-sized suburban backyard garden, you'll see trash cans getting used to protect plants. Old lawnmower-struck hose irrigating tender veggies. And CD-ROMs dangling everywhere, to alternatingly antagonize and beguile the crows into not eating all the cucumbers this year. I admire this kind of waste-not-have-not mentality, but sometimes it goes a little bit too far.
A couple months ago, there were some rumblings about "guerrilla gardeners." These rogue seedsfolx would roam the countryside, eyes peeled for opportunity to plant a garden on land they don't own. Upon finding old abandoned lots, sun-bleached traffic islands, and unattended flower beds, they would strike, stuffing innocent lands with their ovules. Soon, a gorgeous garden of hardy plants would be in that place. Pissed off the bylaw officers, who now had to deal with the beauteous, chaotic bounty of nature, rather than dead, brown grass when it came time to mow. I thought this was pretty funny, until it happened to me.
Do you know why they tell you not to leave your dog inside a car? Because it gets really hot inside a car. Sun goes into the windows, but the heat can't escape. We call this a "greenhouse effect." Do you know what else has a greenhouse effect? Fucking greenhouses do. One morning, I came out to my yard full of several dozen non-operable, shit-box automobiles to find that someone had jimmied the locks on each and every one of them. On the seats? Plants. Some were exotic hothouse varieties. Some were simply pretty flowers. And they were all growing strong, fed by the sunlight through the greasy windows, the controlled drip of rainwater through the rust holes in the roof, the iron-rich powder on the seats, and the humid rainforest atmosphere of my cars' interior. What was this town coming to?
I cleared this out, of course, placing the plants gently outside, where they belonged. Soon, even more exotic varietals of botanist-lust found their way into the cars to replace them. If I turned my back for a weekend, I'd be chopping a strange kind of vine that even Wikipedia says "I dunno" about. The local bylaw officer noticed, too, while trying to do one of her routine sweeps to see if she could get me on a technicality. Seeing the work of the guerrilla gardeners enraged her so much that I don't think she even noticed I started parking the Viscount in the neighbour's swimming pool to keep the interior safe from all but water lilies.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 6 months
She hates me tho :(
Zhongli, Neuvillette and Dottore
With a fox!darling that is always with animals and isn't social at all due to heavy torture in her past and they discover it? 💀
Man I'm in need of some gore rn 💀💀
- Weird anon ✨
i'm so sorry but i just couldn't write neuvillette for this prompt, he's too precious DX
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including being held against will, delusional behaviors, torture, breaking of bones, and other potential topics. Please Read At Your Own Risk!
Yandere!Zhongli sympathizes with you, and since it’s clear that the animals bring you comfort, he allows you to keep a couple when he moves you in with him. He even goes the extra mile and builds a special enclosure so they’ll be just as content as you are, even if you aren’t receptive to his love yet. 
When he finds out about your past, which is inevitable with how overbearing he can be and how good he is at finding out things from the locals, it almost hurts his heart a little. But the more sickening side of him is thrilled because now he knows exactly how to get to you, exactly how to make you his perfect little spouse.
Whether it’s be reintroducing trauma through breaking bones, locking you in a cold, damp room with no lights for hours on end, or even things that border on torture, he’ll use it against you so long as it won’t entirely ruin you. While he wants you compliant to his whims and wishes, he doesn’t want you to be a shell, it would’ve been a waste of his time to break you to that point;
Zhongli would never stop as low as hurting your animal friends, but if need be he could certainly find ways to turn them against you. It’s almost amusing to him, the way you care so much for creatures who you’ll outlive. How you care so much for creatures who don’t even really know you, funny.
The sickening crunch of bone echoes through the room as Zhongli stands over you, the heel of his shoe digging into the freshly crushed bones in your leg. The makeshift gag, a towel from the kitchen, dug into the sides of your mouth as it muffled your screams and cries. The Geo Archon almost feels bad for using his strength in such a brutal manner, but it would all be worth it, at least that was how he justified it to himself. It wasn’t about the now, but rather what now would soon be bringing him. By breaking you down bit by bit, sending you spiraling back into some of the worst moments of your life, he could slowly rebuild your shattered pieces how he saw fit. What use was a puzzle if the pieces weren’t in the correct order, right?
Yandere!Dottore is sick, sick, twisted, and absolutely disgusting. If he wasn’t the cause of your original trauma, you could surely bet he’d be the driving force behind re-traumatizing you. 
Whether he chooses to reenact every step, or to simply do something far worse than what had previously done it all dependent on how he feels that day. Some days will be so similar to your past that you’ll truly feel like you were back there, all those years ago. Other days are so awful it almost makes what happened in your past seem insignificant as if that were a stone among boulders resting on the ocean floor. 
Dottore does think it’s funny though, using it as both amusement and research opportunities. It wasn’t often that animals such as yourself came across his table, so of course he’d taken the prime subject as soon as he’d laid eyes on you.
In his lab, you aren’t seen as anything but a thing that exists only for Dottore’s own gain. If you’re lucky one of his more sympathetic clones might take pity on you and actually give you a day to rest when he’s out of the Palace, but they’re expected to keep up the same treatment he inflicts in his absence.
It was almost sickening to the segments as the watched the fox-human endure soul shaking torture day in and day out. Everything from injections to straight up live surgery to see how much pain the body could take whilst awake had occurred on the cold, steel table. They were often left to clean up the mess, expected to stitch you up, administer antidotes to anything too harmful that had been administered today, and even sometimes bathe you due to the mess that had occurred. You’d been fed little since you arrived, given water only when necessary for your survival, and hadn’t seen sunlight in days- or months maybe? With the sickening way time seemed to pass, you couldn’t tell how long you’d been here. Your only reprieve would be when the doctor left for something more pressing, leaving you in the care of his segments that only sometimes took pity on you. Some seemed to hold a little more humanity than others.
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
shutting them up with a kiss ㅡ haruto, jongwoo, matthew, junhyeon & gunwook
boys planet trainees x gn!reader
requested : their reactions to shutting them up with a kiss.
genre : fluff, a bit angsty on the haruto one
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• haruto
haruto was on a survival show, boys planet. after the second elimination, they let the boys have some rest to go and see their family and friends. as his family in japan, you were the first person that came into his mind, so here he was, at your place. you were more than thrilled when you saw him, and after eating together, you ended up on your couch.
"so, how's it ?" you asked him, eager to know all the gossips and backstages of the show.
at first, he was mostly telling you funny anecdotes about what was happening there. then, he complained about the staff. little by little, things were getting a bit more serious, and haruto started to tell you about his true feelings.
"you know, i have fun there, even if it's stressful but... i worry about the image the editors are conveying to the star creators. i feel like they rarely give me screen time that showcase my hard work nor my talent, you know ? like, i'm only shown when i'm saying something funny."
you listened patiently to his concerns, showing him with small reactions that you were truely interested in what he was saying.
"this is not my first survival show. and i told my parents i'd go back to japan if i haven't debut after i graduated high school."
the worry on haruto's face was starting to be more visible. he was confortable enough with you to show you how he felf. you took his hand in yours, encouraging him to keep going. you knew he needed to get this off his chest.
"so, yeah. i'm kinda scared because my rank are not high enough, and they don't picture me as someone who is good enough to debut. i'm afraid the people who watch the show picture me as a comic relief more than anything and this show is my last chance so... you know, i'm starting to think maybe it was all a waste of time"
without a warning, you leaned in and planted a deep kiss on his lips. he was surprised at first, but then he found himself comforted by the gesture. now, the only thing that mattered was the feel of you next him, and now the warm of your embrace as you pulled him in your embrace.
when you broke apart, you didn't wait to encourage him.
"i don't think it was a waste of time to chase your dreams. you're surely more talented than what mnet shows on tv, but i'm pretty sure most of the star creators know that. this is a big show, so even if you don't end up debuting, you haven't lost. it's an opportunity and you gained lots of fans and support through it. you'll surely have debut plans proposed to you after it, because you are that talented. don't worry okay ? in my book, you're P01."
haruto felt the tears coming to his eyes, at first because of the stress, but when you started talking, it was the relief. he felt so much better after your words, and he simply hid his face in the crook of your neck.
"i don't know what i'd do without you."
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• jongwoo
jongwoo and you had been dance rivals for years now. always pushing each other to do better in order to beat the other. you two were in the same dance crew for a while now, and you knew each others for years. because of that, you were constantly fighting to know who will be the leader of the crew, as you two were the best dancers.
this competition results in you guys always bickering and teasing each other, creating a tension between you two. but you still respected each other and admired your talent and work.
there was a dance competition coming soon, and your coach decided that in order to win, he had to send his best dancers, namely, jongwoo and you.
you complained so much about working with each other, and you guys struggled to create a choreography because you kept up fighting about what was better. but, at the end of the day, you always found a way of compromise.
the dance was a bit intimate. nothing too much, they were just moments were you had to touch each other and be close, portraying the relationship of two lovers. and there is where lies all the difficulty. for as long as he could remember, jongwoo always had a crush on you. it was a secret he never told to anybody. on the other hand, the feeling was mutual since recently. when you were practicing, your eyes couldn't help but find their way to jongwoo, admiring his dance skills. your feelings made it hard for the both of you to focus during the intimate parts, and you two covered your shyness with even more bickering.
there was this part of the dance where you were face to face, his hands on your waist while yours were making their ways to his shoulders. and jongwoo couldn't keep his chill whenever this part came up, firstly because he was too shy, but also because you were never doing correctly.
in fact, you never touched him fully, your hands only brushing lightly his skin. he never said anything about it, but he was still thinking about winning the competition, so he understood it was time he corrected your posture.
"look, i know it's awkward for you because the dance is a bit affectionate but, please do it correctly."
"what do you mean ? i'm doing it the right way", you tried to defend yourself.
"let me show you."
he pulled you closer by your wrist, lightly in order not to hurt you. after that, he faced you, placing your arms on his shoulder the way they were supposed to be. finally, he completed the move by placing his own hands on you.
"we're supposed to do it that way, otherwise the whole story we're supposed to deliever through the choreography would be messed up. we have to look like lovers, so please touch me the right way so it won't look weird. if you really have a problem with the move, we can change it"
he kept talking about some of the other close moves you weren't doing right, but the way he haven't let go of you made you lose focus on his words, looking at him. now, your eyes were focused on his face only, and you couldn't help but realize he was good looking. like, really good looking. he started to feel his gaze on you, slightly slowing down his words to look at you back.
"if we want to win we cannot do it that way, so... uh... why are you looking at me like that ?"
despite his eternal beanie, you could see his ears go red. both of you felt that strange electricity between you, and just like a magnet, you couldn't help but get your face closer to him, without your lips touching him yet.
"are you going to kiss me or something? i-i'm not saying that's what i want but if you want to kiss me i won't stop y-"
that was enough for you to finally press your lips on him. for a moment, he was unsure what to do, not realizing you were kissing him directly. but then, he responded, his grip on your waist thightening a bit. it was only a brief moment, but it was enough to make you feel like your legs were week.
"i'm sorry", you said once you two pulled away. he simply smiled, still not letting you go from his embrace.
"i don't know if you're suggesting to put that in the choreo, but i liked it" he said, making you giggle a bit, before he leaned in again.
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• matthew
if there was a word to describe your relationship with matthew, it was... confusing. you shared the same friend group, and at first he was just your friend's friend. with time, you two grew closer, to the point where what you had was a bit ambiguous.
you may tell everybody that you guys are just friend, no one would trust you.
at first, your friends thought it was funny, the little games you two played. sometimes you two would flirt, sometimes you'd try to make each other jealous, or you'd bicker, and sometimes you were just regular friends. but, they never thought those games would last that long, they hoped eventually one of you would finally make the effort to ask the other out. they would tease you to let the you know how the other felt.
but it's been a year since this relationship was going and neither you nor matthew did a step toward the other.
in reality, the fact that they kept teasing you but none of you had confessed yet made you both doubt. matthew thought after all they said, and the way he acted with you, you knew he liked you. and if the feeling was mutual, maybe you would have asked him out. but you never did, so he never dared to try anything with you.
little did he know, you thought the same thing, and that's why you were to afraid to confess to him. that is how you two ended up with this confusing relationship were you both are idiots in love, but too dense to realize the feeling is mutual.
until jiwoong had enough.
"gyuvin, i have a mission for you."
"what ? are you jerry from totally spies or something ?"
"come on bro it's serious matter, it's for the world's peace."
"okay you got me at the world mission anyway. what is it about ?"
"you're gonna flirt with y/n."
"and now you've lost me."
gyuvin was looking at jiwoong in shock, not getting why he would flirt with you.
"y/n is basically with matthew, and they are my friends, why would i do that ?" continued gyuvin, offended.
"the thing is they are NOT together!" insisted jiwoong.
"but you know how it is... both of them are just waiting for a sign to get married or whatever."
"the problem is they had enough signs and didn't do shit yet. i can't stand them whining anymore about their one-sided feelings when they could be together already.", explained the oldest.
"okay but why would i flirt with y/n then...", said gyuvin, still not understanding.
"because matthew would see you as a menace and finally step the fuck up."
"why don't you do it yourself ?"
"because i flirt with all my friends and matthew wouldn't care as much as if it was you."
"...fair enough."
it was enough to convince gyuvin, because he was tired of you and matthew's bullshit anyway. the plan started the day after jiwoong talked with gyuvin, and the three days that followed, gyuvin kept on hitting on you. jiwoong's role in the plan was to be the little devil on matthew's shoulder. your friend group went to the amusement park that day. matthew was sitting on a bench, jiwoong next to him as he observed you and gyuvin taking pics a little further.
"damn... don't you think gyuvin and y/n grew closer these days ?"
"right...", sighed matthew.
"maybe you should do something about it'', advised jiwoong.
"i don't know jiwoong, they kinda look like they like him."
"they clearly don't. but if you want my opinion, it's your sign to confess before y/n actually ends up liking him."
"what if they reject me ?"
"at least you won't have regrets about it."
matthew kept thinking about his friend's words, contemplating wether or not he should really ask you out, to the point where he became extremely silent. you noticed it, and you finally left gyuvin's side to talk to matthew. jiwoong got up, letting the two of you together as he joined gyuvin.
"hey. is anything wrong ?" you said.
"hm ? no, i'm okay. why ?" he answered.
"i don't know, you seem lost in your thoughts."
his hands were flat on the bench, so you let yours on top of his.
"whatever it is, i can listen to you. maybe i'll be able to find a solution."
matthew felt the butterflies making their way into his stomatch after you touched him. the thought of you doing the same thing to gyuvin came up suddenly, and it got to him.
"look, i know you might like gyuvin but... well no, do you like gyuvin ? i just hope you don't because i was there before him and i felt like it was going nice between you and me and it's pissing me off that you two became that close because i liked you for a while now and i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me, but if you don't i get it 'cause-"
matthew was stumbling over his words at this point,
you placed a quick peck on his cheek to get his attention, and he felt his face get warm because of the sweet gesture. he finally turned his head in your direction, looking at you in disbelief. matthew face slowly lit up, still proceeding everything. you took the hand that was under yours as you leaned in once again, this time going for his lips. it was a small kiss, innocent, that still left him speechless.
"i'd love to go out with you."
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• junhyeon
"are you almost done ?"
"okay... and now ?"
you let your head hit the table. there was this homework due in two hours that you totally forgot about. when you remembered about its existence, you went straight up to the desk in your room, pulling out your laptop to work. but there was something else you forgot about : your boyfriend, junhyeon, was supposed to come over.
you were halfway in the work when he knocked on your door. you told him to wait for you until you finish your work, because it was very important. so you were on your desk, and he was laying on your bed, waiting for you to finish.
but it's nothing more than a fantasy to imagine him staying quiet while waiting. at first, he did, scrolling on his phone, not disturbing you. then, an hour went by, and he started to lose patience.
"y/n, i feel lonely."
"loneliness comes in pair with silence. therefore, please shut the fuck up."
he simply whined as you tried to focus again on your work. after a few minutes, you started to feel thirsty. you turned to junhyeon's direction.
"babe, could you please grab me water ?"
"i don't know... should i ?, he replied in a teasing tone. you just sighed, about to get up to take it yourself, when junhyeon grabbed your desk chair to pull it toward the bed he was sitting on.
"how about you take a break ?" he said.
"junhyeon, i swear i'm almost done. you can wait for a bit then i promise i'll be all yours."
"but i'm boreeddd... plus, it's been a while since we got to hang out together. i miss y-"
junhyeon couldn't finish his sentence, because your lips ended up on his. it was not only because you wanted him to stop talking, but he looked all pouty and down you couldn't control yourself. he met you eagerly, his lips soft against yours, finally getting what he wanted since he got here. you pulled away when you remembered the work still waiting for you, leaving junhyeon still wanting more.
"is it enough for you to wait for me ?"
he gently pushed your chair back to the desk before letting himself fall back on the bed.
"i'll take a nap, hurry up."
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• gunwook
gunwook could swear he wasn't the jealous type. in fact, he did swear many times that he wasn't. and he lied all of those times because he definitly is.
it's not that he didn't trust you, far from that. he admired you in so many ways, and he knew most people admire you as well. the problem is, gunwook is not confident enough.
you know, he's trying to stick to that one persona, of the confident, strong, and powerful boy. but it's more of a facade he's pulling to convince people it's truly who he is.
so, yeah, when he saw you that day, laughing so hard to junhyeon jokes, he didn't like it. calm down, gunwook, they are just laughing! that's what he repeated to himself, trying not to let that get to him. in fact, he was dramatic about it. gunwook didn't try to interfere between you two : after all, the three of you were friends. wouldn't he be a bad boyfriend if he just pulled you away from junhyeon and for what ? laughing at his jokes ?
he definitly didn't want to be that kind of boyfriend. come on gunwook, think ! what do you do now ? this is a situation of crisis, this is how everything start. they start by laughing and then you don't have time to realize that they are already getting married !
yes, it was time for him to... assert his dominance.
trying hard to look composed and cool, he passed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you a bit closer.
"hey, y/n ! how about we go and i show you how funny i am."
"...what ?"
"no cuz what.", added junhyeon.
gunwook throw thunder to junhyeon through his eyes, and his friend didn't need much to understand he was jealous. after all, he knew gunwook, they already talked about his jealousy toward other people. a smirk made his way to junhyeon's face.
"y/n, who do you think is funnier between gunwook and i ?"
"oh you did not", said gunwook in disbelief.
"well, you are both funny...?"
you were kinda dense to be honest. you didn't even realize junhyeon was teasing gunwook.
"what do you mean we are both funny ?? i'm funnier, right ?", told you gunwook.
"that's not the same thing, you don't have the same type of humor anyway, it's not even comparable..."
"okay but you like my type of humor better ?"
"what kind of question is this"
"gunwook... don't tell me you are... jealous ?", said junhyeon in a dramatic tone, gasping after the last word.
junhyeon was having the time of his life. he crossed his arms, a smile on his face as he watched gunwook rambling and going crazy about nothing.
"i'm not jealous ! why would i be jealous ? you guys were just laughing, right ? in fact, i make y/n laugh way more than you do junhyeon ! i make them laugh 2x, no, 10x more !"
"are you really jealous about me laughing to his jokes ?", you said in disbelief.
"oh he definitly is", responded junhyeon.
"i am not because i am funnier anyways."
"well that's not what y/n said..."
"y/n please don't let me lose to kum junhyeon"
"gunwook, there is no competition..."
"okay but what if-"
at this point, it was getting ridiculous to you. not to junhyeon tho, he loved the view. gunwook just started rambling even more, telling nonsense. junhyeon was eager to see what you would do. suddenly, you had an idea.
"gunwook." you said, making him stop in his monologue.
"what ?"
you simply went closer to gunwook, giving him an innocent peck on the lips. you finally silenced the gunwook who was freaking out seconds before. a pink tint started to creep on his cheeks, as junhyeon let out a loud scream.
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Hello I hope you are doing well. Are you still doing Fallout 4 companions react? If you are I got a funny one for you. How would the companions react to someone telling the Sole Survivor to act her age, and she immediately plays dead.
Thank you! I'm doing quite well, and I hope you are, too! I hope you enjoy this one! 🥰 I know I loved writing it 😂
Cait - Despite the fact that she is utterly fuming at the person who had dared tell F!Sole that, she cannot help but snort in amusement when she understands the reason she fell to the ground. F!Sole's sense of humor is undyingly (no pun intended) awful and literal, but it is a nice way to put the person in their place.
Curie - Misses the joke at first and is immediately at F!Sole's side, worrying for her health because people don't collapse for no reason. However, when she understands the joke, she does find it rather funny, but only after she has ensured Madame's safety.
Piper - Almost immediately falls to the ground laughing with her Blue because her naturally smart-mouthed self INSTANTLY gets it. However, she manages to hold herself together long enough to make a sarcastic quip to the rude person saying something along the lines of "Ask and ye shall receive."
MacCready - Takes him a second to get it, but he cannot help but find it extremely funny when he does. He laughs a little as he gives the person the stink-eye until they go away and leave him and his "dead" friend alone.
Deacon - Falls to the ground with her before he fully understands the joke. No explanations or anything, he just goes and plays dead alongside her just to further mess with the person that had told her to act her age. He's always in for a good prank.
Codsworth - Laughs happily. The joke doesn't take long to occur to him, and he is more than eager to support her attempts to ward off the haters. He scolds the person, making sure to make a few clever comments himself.
Hancock - Would have just assumed stab them as look at them for saying something like that to F!Sole, but when she fell to the ground in response, he waits for just a couple of beats, trying to figure out what she's doing. As soon as it dawns on him, he is instantly cackling loudly and unashamedly at her clever way of putting the person in their place.
Danse - Is somewhat embarrassed and terribly taken off-guard by the display. He is instantly dragging her up and leaving because this is not an honorable sort of way to represent the Brotherhood or if it's Post-BB, it's not a way to conduct oneself in public regardless. -5/10, not outstanding.
Preston - Is somewhat shocked that his general is behaving this way, but it is slightly funny despite his reservations about how this must represent the Minutemen. He just sort of looks away awkwardly until she is done.
Valentine - Just sighs tiredly and he gets it instantly. However, he can't help enjoying the joke despite the ridiculousness of the entire thing. After a few moments, he asks her if acting his age was dead, too, and if he should go ahead and join her.
X6-88 - Is terribly unamused. This is a waste of time. It would have been more fitting to simply threaten the person or skip the formalities and simply shoot them. But he lets her have her fun despite how silly it is.
Dogmeat - Does not understand the humor and is instantly confused and a little concerned when she falls over. He sniffs her carefully, trying to figure out if she is alright. However, when he sees she's okay, he barks excitedly, taking the opportunity to lick her face now that she's more conveniently at his level.
Strong - Is instantly confused and he kicks her side a little to see if she's really alive or if she just fell over dead for real. When she quickly comes back to life to assure him of her livelihood, he gets angry. "Why tiny human pretend to be dead when NOT dead?!!! MAKES NO SENSE!!!"
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
sirius black x reader— reader and sirius in an established relationship playfully tipsy flirting at a party when sirius leads the reader to the basement bathroom and at first the reader is like sirius black what is wrong with you but nonetheless the reader cannot resist and a not-so-quickie ensues. reader and sirius strategically leave after a very drunk james knocks on the door to pee and sirius and reader go about their night dancing with each other with flushed cheeks— they might even leave a little early
(sorry this is just a few thoughts, nothing fancy, I just couldn't sleep and this request got me thinking...)
please, this is him to a tee! he would totally seduce you like a fucking siren, even if you'd given him the old warning of no funny business, when alcohol got involved, he simply couldn't stop himself and you just couldn't resist. how could you? he would just stand there staring at you and only you, blocking the rest of the party out completely. although, it's when you dance and he stays back that he gets enough... just watching you move your hips like that and your tits bounce to the rhythm was too much for his cock not to take over and drag you down into the basement bathroom (the basement because you know, that way people can't hear the noises he wants you to make for him)
but James, fucking James suddenly tries to get in and nearly rips the door handle off from how he's yanking at it. you of course immediately get ripped out of the real-life wet dream that Sirius had put you in, try and push him back as he's got you balanced on the sink with his tongue down your throat.
occupied! is all he calls out to his persistent friend, barely removing his lips from yours to do so.
Sirius? mate, let me in, i need to take a leak!
just go away, James! his friend's presence wasn't gonna stop his hands from travelling up your skirt...
seriously, give me one good reason as to why you can’t open this door right now. because my wasted brain can only come up with one thing-
but while James is going off on the other side off the door, Sirius places a hand on your cheek and whispers to you sweetly, don’t answer him baby, just stay right here with me… trying to convince you to stay, trying his best to get you back to where he had you just a few moments ago, so rilled up that you'd slap him clean across his face if he didn't make you cum in the next few minutes.
y/n? you in there, sweetheart?
and although Sirius shook his head wildly and mouthed for you to stay quiet, you timidly giggled …hi James
i fucking knew it, you freaks! well done padfoot! well fucking done!
shut up and leave us alone! Sirius barks at his friend's wolf whistles, though you grab the opportunity and hop off the sink, no, babe, come on, don’t go! we were just getting started! 
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puddleslimewrites · 9 months
False Promises (Part 2)
Part 1
Hero never got bored or looked the least bit uninterested when Scientist talked about new ideas. Most people would zone out long before they really got into a lecture, but still had the decency to nod and comment politely. Hero didn't offer any empty pleasantries. It was funny how similar they were to Supervillain in that way.
Hero asked questions. Not as many as Supervillain and not nearly as introspective, but they made Scientist think. Not just about their work, but about themself, too.
Hero asked for their favorite color. They didn't know. No one ever cared. Questions like that left them feeling flustered and off balance. But there were ones they could answer more easily. Like why erlenmeyer flasks were shaped in such a funny way, or what caustic chemical they most preferred.
Both Hero and Supervillain were fishing for information. Scientist was more than aware there were alterior motives (there always would be). Supervillain poked and proded their mind for their thought process - the way anything and everything worked, how they planned to make and use their own creations. And Hero...
Hero wanted to know them as a person. It baffled Scientist, really, to be seen as more than what they'd done and what they could do. Hero didn't care much for science, but they cared when Scientist had something to say. They didn't preach the glories of a career in heroics, though Scientist was sure that's what they were sent for.
Scientist was useful to Supervillain. With them, they felt needed. Wanted. With Supervillain came admiration and awe at not only the power they had, but the potential they saw in Scientist and their work.
Their relationship with Hero was harder to place. At first Scientist was merely tolerant as Hero seemed content to simply observe and learn. They weren't sure when tolerance turned into...Scientist was reluctant to call it friendship. But Hero was there. They were present and attentive and there, which was more than Scientist could ever ask for.
A beaker crashed on the floor, but Scientist hardly cared for the danger of broken glass when there was a much more immediate threat looming in the doorway. "What- Wh-What are you doing here?"
It had been months since they'd last seen that face. They should have locked the doors, turned out the lights, pretended they'd gone home when Hero suggested it.
Supervillain cocked their head. Scientist could see the thoughtful look in their eyes as they considered what to say. "I made a misjudgment," they settled on. They spoke slowly and carefully in a measured effort to craft a regretful image.
Scientist didn't doubt they were regretful. But not for them. No, they felt remorse for the lost opportunities, for time wasted, when they realized that not only had Scientist survived, but that they'd been recruited by the heroes as well.
Too late Scientist realized that they'd backed themself into a corner. The only door into the lab was on the far side of the room and the windows were at least three stories up from the ground level. They didn't have an escape route.
Scientist should have known better.
They should have known better than to accept the help of heroes after hiding for so long; better than to choose a side that wasn't their own.
Maybe...maybe that was their plan all along. Superhero's speeches about the 'good of the people' never worked, so the heroes sent someone who could appeal to them. Someone who could get them to lower their guard and gradually change their mind. Someone who could be their friend.
Like a fool, Scientist fell for it. Just like they fell for Supervillain.
Tagging: @vallianttreedreamland
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heart-of-neptune · 1 year
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Pick whatever number you want. This is for fun and if it helps you then that's lit too!
Pile 1:
What makes you iconique is your ability to remain in balance no matter what is going on around you. You have the ability to communicate swiftly & clearly without harming others. You may be someone who moves fast in general which requires you to be grounded at all times. You’re a master at making yourself and others feel loved. Your love is universal because you have the ability to empathize with anyone regardless of their background. You are funny and always make yourself and everyone around you laugh. Your ability to alchemize your darkness into something that serves you is unique. You don’t simply pretend it doesn’t exist, you acknowledge & let it become something that helps you in your life. You are wise no matter your age. It’s as if you carry lifetimes within you that gives you the ability to harmonize your life no matter the circumstance. Your experience in life provides you the opportunity to help yourself as well as others easily and effortlessly. Your humor helps with that. You are a lover who does not waste any time and consistently shows up for yourself and those you love. People look up to you. They want to know you and understand you. They feel how powerful you are and that draws them closer to you. You have a fiery heart that doesn’t back down. When you want something, you get it and everyone knows this about you. You are able to manifest money, & abundance so easily because of how powerful you are. Your ability to go the distance is another reason you’re so inconique. You have the patience of someone who has lived 1000 lives. You know that no matter what, things will always work out for you and the rest of humanity. You may be seen as angelic to some because of the wisdom you share. Remember how I said you move fast in general? You may be moving so fast that it sometimes looks like you’re not moving at all. Spiritually speaking, you level up RAPIDLY. If you ever feel like things aren’t moving in the 3D, it is because your body has to catch up to all the internal growth you’ve had. Rest if you need to and keep being your iconique self. There is always movement even when you're resting.
Pile 2:
What makes you iconique is your ability to free yourself from all illusions of entrapment or illusions that limit you. You are someone who refuses to be a victim and owns your role in every situation. You see through all illusions because you yourself, are a master illusionist. You see the truth loud & clearly at all times. You create your reality with great intention. You may be a night owl or someone who isn’t afraid of the darker aspects of life. You may be someone who looks up at the night sky a lot wondering about all the other beings that exist out there. Your beliefs are alien to the majority of people you have met. This is because you have a very specific and niche mindset. It is incredibly rare to meet someone like you. You are that iconique. You know this about yourself which makes you love yourself deeply and fully. You are happy on your own and that shows. You may be someone who enjoys being elevated. This can be literally or figuratively. You are an excellent life partner and many wish to be with you in whatever way you’re comfortable with. This is because of your open-mindedness and self-security. You're the person everyone wishes for. You definitely give off King vibes no matter your gender. You have leadership energy yet you carry it so effortlessly. If you are a sexual person, you are really experienced and know exactly what you want & give to your partner(s) lovingly. If you’re not sexual, you may be someone who is REALLY good at other forms of intimacy. Not everyone is as adept as you when it comes to this. Good for you. That’s fabulous. All in all, it's your experience that makes you iconique.
Pile 3:
What makes you iconique is your perspective. You could be placed in many different types of situations and your mind will always see the best and most positive aspects of whatever is going on. You are not easily swayed by old systems & old beliefs. This allows you to never be shaken by anything that happens. You have very clear boundaries in every aspect of your life. This makes you an especially grounded & powerful person. You have an immense amount of clarity in your life. This is due to being honest with yourself at all times. Clarity is what really stands out though. You see things exactly for what they are. Even so, you embrace it with love. You are the embodiment of life. You naturally fulfill so many wishes all by existing. You can be anything. You’re a shapeshifter. It’s an ability that requires focus and intent. You make it look so effortless. You’re most likely the leader of whatever groups you’re in or people look to you for guidance. You’re an incredible creator. Whatever you create is always one of a kind. It’s always something that was never seen before you created it. You’re as original as it gets. Your take on things always manages to blow everyone’s minds in the best way possible. You have a rebel spirit. This allows you to make changes within your inner world, which then changes the outer world as you live life being yourself. Those who are engrained with older programming may see you as “the devil” because of how progressive you are. Ignore those people and continue to be your progressive, mind-blowing self. The world needs you to keep being you. You are the embodiment of change, progression, and love. You are surrounded by so much genuine love and support. A happy life is one that you were meant to live.  
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spotlightlowlife · 5 months
Helluva boss Barbie missed opportunities
Why was she cut from the explosion scene? The very significant event at her home that impacted so heavily on Blitzø and Fizzoralli.
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Our Blitzø flashbacks feature him with Fizz even though all three will be peers the exact same age, we even got quality little Blitzø and Stolas time, who got confirmed to be their age.
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There was no reason for it not to be Blitzø and Barbie performing since whoever preformed with Blitzø didn't matter and we were soon to get plenty of Fizz content anyway.
We already know that Blitzø and Barbie were a twin act.
Blitzø and Barbie being a twin act but there being a sibling rivalry between them, along with a rivalry towards Fizz who their dad showed favouritism to could make sense. Either could be the better performer with the not so great one having both their twin and Fizz way ahead of them. Blitzø charisma that stood out to Stolas when they were children could be at the heart of this because charismatic people are often able to get by in that alone, whilst one with talent at the task is a double threat. What if she never felt she could live up to either Blitzø or Fizz?
When Fizz and Blitzø made amends upon realising that there were those who interfered with them seeing one another following the explosion, who were these people or "they"? This could have been Barbie, someone they both love, trust and would take the word of, who would have been justified in feeling a certian way about what happened
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simply dropping her name would have given her some development though not dropping her name too would have made sense in both protecting her identity, however with this a flashback, since we already had one, simply featuring her in a group would have given us some Barbie content and some mystery.
We could have seen plenty of her in the summer camp episode where Moxxie had his chance to lead the mission. Seeing as Moxxie had no idea who she was, she could have been under his nose the whole time.
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Barbie could have attended Mammon's show and took the 'not wasting time applying for the pageant because women aren't funny' comment seriously. This could have been triggering because of an existing inferiority complex, it could have lowered her mood, Blitzø could have cringed at this (along with the opportunity for Fizz to go on to bigger things) and reaction she could have walked out, went somewhere to blow off steam or cheer up, or she could have walked down that high street with them and slipped into a bar, we learn that Fizz and Blitzø had stolen alcohol before during this walk so she could be at that stage already to know how certain substances affect her.
Blitzø savings could have been all their savings which could have added to her turning to making quick money.
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These scenarios could have contributed to her addiction and forgotten career.
She didn't even need any lines for these, the Blitzø and Fizz explosion flashback got the story across without any. Feeling invisible is a common reason for people to fall off.
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Would it be like… okay? If I… watched Hazbin Hotel… maybe sorta had a good time even though it wasn’t that well executed? and all the characters look like cut Hat in Time character Moonjumper. Except with less reason for looking like that.
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Missed potential in things makes my brain go brrr bc it almost makes me think more than stuff that’s genuinely near-perfect. Like when I watch Wander Over Yonder I’m like having the best time ever but the show is perfect so my thoughts on it are just oooooough!! Good show good show!! Eating it!! Oh the helper seeks to help because he knows what it is to be helpless!!! Everything feels well thought out!! Commander Peepers!! Animation good!! Craig McCracken makes good cartoon!! Catchy song!! Lord Dominator cool woman!! But like I have nothing to add. Because… show simply really good. And well written and perfect. What more can be said?
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But a plothole… can be a headcanon opportunity… can get you thinking more about it than the creator probably did… so sometimes bad media fun in a unique sort of way. Like Petz Dogz 2.
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I love Petz Dogz 2 it’s so bad.
I know there is drama but I’m not entirely sure what that drama like… is? Evidently the creator has no idea what she’s doing and I hear she doesn’t handle criticism well but it also seems like there’s more going on? Or something? Whatever. I don’t know.
also I am far from immune to catchy song. Such songs…
But I don’t like them bringing up sex all the time that’s lame shut up I don’t care. That’s stuff you’re supposed to vaguely imply and then leave the rest to the fandom bc god knows they’ll take it from there. Have some tact. Honestly. Don’t mind the swearing too much but like. Shut up about the sex please looking at YOU.
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anyway basically what I’m saying is that from a young age reading warrior cats I’ve always appreciated a good bad piece of media. I don’t know I have feelings. Getting off my chest.
The deer guy is cool and if it weren’t for the fact that every other character also has that body type I’d think it was really clever that he looks like he has Chronic Wasting Disease. Also it’s funny that he’s built like an early sexyman humanization but is aroace apparently. Except once again everybody looks like early sexyman humanization.
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abittersweetraisin · 11 months
It hasn't been only Chloé...
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Before season 5 goes cold, there are a couple of things I still want to say.  The quality of the writing has affected more than just Chloé. The thing is that it has been way more noticeable in her. And also, people tend to blame it on the characters, as if they wrote themselves.
-Marinette’s friends.
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I know I’m not alone in this one. It is annoying how they love and trust Marinette one second, but then Lila opens her mouth and they distrust her right away. It’s a kid’s show, ok. But come on, that’s forcing it too much. And Alya,… please, even after she learned that Marinette is Ladybug, she still trusted more in Lila’s words. Poor Alya, she deserved better. And she seems different. I don’t know what is it. But her personality seems different. Less interesting.
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I bet this section is going to be a very unpopular opinion area.  I don’t like at all how all of the sudden he just forgot his feelings for Ladybug. Just from one episode to the other his mind changed to “oh yeah, I now realize I’ve actually always been in love with Marinette”. Excuse me? Just like that? Instead of having all those filler episodes with the akuma of the day, they could had written him slowly falling in love with her. 
Something else I don’t like… It seems like in the beginning the writers thought it was funny all the kissing jokes that Chat Noir said to Ladybug. They didn’t read in time all the complains from a portion of the fandom. I hated how his behavior was labeled as a sexual harassment.
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In real life if a person tells you to stop you have to stop. Yes, of course. And you don’t have to touch another person for it to become sexual harassment. But that’s the thing, Chat Noir never did any of that. He never tried to force a kiss (like Felix did). He never gave her an inappropriate look (Of course not, it’s a kid’s show. That would had been preposterous.). Yet, the fandom labeled, and I don’t remember having seen a scene where the writers tried to defend him.  No, instead we had Gladiator 2, where while he’s shielding them from an attack she just grabs him and throws him to the trash bin. But that was supposed not to be overreacting. 
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She and Chloé are the opposite sides of the same coin. 
We’ve all seen how the writers have not wasted opportunity to make Chloé as evil as possible. The very same thing has been forced to Marinette, just in the opposite direction. She’s super good. She’s the protagonist, I get it. But, wouldn’t it make the story more interesting and relatable if she weren’t portrayed as so extremely good and perfect? You may be thinking “but she’s made many mistakes”. All her mistakes get easily forgiven, or erased, or justified, or left without consequences or simply used to portray her as a martyr for whom we need to feel sorry. To a certain degree that could work, but it’s been taken too far. And that’s become annoying for many of us. She was funny and endearing back in season 1 and 2.
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But as the series progressed… 
You may think I’m exaggerating in what I’m saying,… Let’s see:
Chat Blanc. If she hadn’t sneaked into Adrien’s room he wouldn’t had found out, no reveal, no Chat Blanc, no destruction of Paris (and the world?). That reality, those consequences got deleted when she went back in time to erase her message. So, all good. No harm done.
Strike back. She got tricked and got all the miraculous stolen. Ok, that’s a mistake that could had happened to anyone. Still, what happened? Su-Han got on his hands and knees and apologized to her. It was his duty to help protect the miraculous, yes, but why did she need to apologize to her? If there’s a guardian superior to him, then that’s who he should had apologized to for not having taken the miraculous box back in the beginning of season 4. It should had been his responsibility to hand the miraculous to at least young adults. Back then Adrien and Marinette still had time restrictions. Ladybug’s words to Su-Han while he was apologizing: “Fine, fine but please get up. You know, everybody makes mistakes”. One would think that an adult person would know that.
There was a a brief scene in this 5th season where Plagg refers to Marinette as the best girl in the universe. It was one of the latest episodes to be released, but I can’t remember which one it was. I’ll update if I remember or if I get into the mood to go look for it.
I came across a video in youTube that was a title “Why does everyone hate Marinette now?”. It mostly dealt with the lack of consequences for her actions. In my opinion, what I find annoying is how all the characters work to put her in a pedestal. Everything twirls around her and how good she is. There was the story of the Agrestes, but nop. That was a given way less attention than how awkward she felt around Adrien. Or the plans to tell Adrien she was in love with him, etc. 
Ladybug and Chat Noir are supposed to be equals. Just alone the placement of their miraculous in Master Fu’s box highlighted that.  As someone said, when the mega akumas came up they could had said that his cataclysm would be needed to break the object, but no. 
In season 4, Marinette broke Luka’s heart. Then a few episodes later she’s talking to Luka about her feelings for Adrien. That was very insensitive of her. The writers didn’t have time to excuse her behavior in that same season, but of course they addressed that in this 5th season. In the Migration episode she brings out how insensitive it was of her to talk to him about Adrien when she had broken his heart. And what was the reply the writers wrote? “You didn’t break my heart, you enriched it”. Yeah, right, there was no scene in season 4 showing Luka devastated. And just to make extra sure the fandom understood that Marinette is super good the writers had her saying “So,… you’re saying I’m not cruel or pathetic?”. I could almost see Astruc’s face sneaking in “See people? All good!”.  This is a good example of what I mean when I say that the characters work to make her look as good asa possible.
I have read some Adrien salt complaining how he does nothing yet he receives the reward. What reward? He’s been demoted to side kick at best. Sometimes he’s a little better than a flowerpot. How many times when Hawk Moth gave his boring little speech he said something like “I will defeat you Ladybug”, completely forgetting there’s supposed to be two of them. And all season 4 he kept being ignored and replaced. That’s a reward?
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Just because a character is a main one doesn’t mean that everything needs to be focused on them all the time. 
Buffy the vampire slayer. Her name is the show’s name, yet, there were episodes completely focused on other characters. There were things going on with Buffy, but the show also showed what was a going on the lives of the rest of the gang. That made it more rich and interesting.
Same for “Sabrina, the teenage witch”. The episodes were around 20 minutes long, yet they reserved time to show the lives of her aunts and of Salem.  
For obvious reasons I had hesitated to make this post. People are bound to think that I’m only writing this because I support the redemption arc that had started with Chloé. But that’s not true. I would be thinking this even if Chloé hadn’t been written in the show at all. 
By the way, it seems that the rules of making a wish have changed. I can’t help to wonder and cringe at the thought of how they’re going to handle things in season 6.
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SFW Alphabet: Jerome Valeska
,,I‘m more than a man. I‘m an idea, a philosophy. And I will live on in the shadows, within Gotham‘s discontent“
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This is so corny o my god
A= Affection
How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Okay so of all the metaphorical rock stars you could meet in Gotham, Jerome's da choice if you're looking for someone to give you a lot of affection
One way he uses to show you his affection is physical contact. He loves to kiss and hug his S/O. Especially in public, he likes to wrap his arms very tightly around your waist to spread kissies all over your face
Moreover this man wastes no opportunity to tell you & others how great you are. He is thrilled with you, worshippes the ground you walk on and has zero shame in admitting it
If you like to be given gifts, he would also fulfill those wishes, even if he can't really relate to that, in view of the fact that he simply prefers physical closeness over material things
B= Best Friend
What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
Your friendship started either in Arkham or in the circus:
• You came to his attention in Arkham. Either he's heard a lot about you and you're entertaining enough to keep around , or you've been otherwise interesting and made him curious
• You approached him in the circus. Maybe you saw that he was beaten up by his mother and felt sorry for him, so you decided to take him under your wing
No matter what option it has been, you're now part of Jerome‘s plans and you better take part in them because bores are not appreciated. Be prepared to be dragged into dangerous shit and watch your buddy slap his ass in goofy suits before swinging it on a cannon to kill an orphan
C= Cuddles
Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
Aw hell yes. Since his Love-Language is physical contact, he likes nothing better than to lie in the, in his eyes, godlike arms of his S/O. It gives him a feeling of warmth and love, feelings he has been missing all his life. He feels a sense of security to be so close to you
Jerome’s probably the type of guy that likes to lay on his S/O to rest his head on their chest.
Preferably, they crawl through his red hair, too
But, however, he wouldn't mind turning it around so that you can lay their head on his chest
Apart from that, he likes to grab you by the waist to pull you onto his lap. Now you‘re sitting on his lap, which is btw obligatory
D= Domestic
Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
No, that probably wouldn't be possible, at least not in Gotham. Thanks to his insanely long criminal record, you'd never be able to stay in the same place for long and would have to move frequently. Besides, he's not used to living in one place for more than a few weeks, since he grew up in a circus
Yet in the places where you would live, living together would be surprisingly pleasant. At least as far as the household is concerned
(As I’m not sure whether you would find the dragging of hostages and corpses very funny)
His mother was away time and time again for nights on end, which made him have to take care of himself once in a while for years. As well this kid was condemned to take care of the dishes while his begetter was banged by a clown next door or to take care of giant elephant crap in the very very freezing winter
So he is used to cooking and cleaning
However, my incredibly professional advice would be, to not leave him unattended in a kitchen. Relying on him to clean up messes is also something to avoid
Nevertheless cooking together so that someone has an eye on which buttons he pushes, on the other hand, is something that might even be fun
E= Ending
If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do that?
Depending on his reasoning, he‘ll act
If you've become boring, he'll distance himself from you further until you hear nothing more from him personally. Or he simply makes off straight away
As a substitute he decides to make sure you’re fun again by making a pig of you in front of his cult
But if you betrayed him, he'd probably give you a clean shot in the head. On the one hand as a short-circuit reaction, on the other because you were important to him. Alternatively he would be so merciful and forgive you after abundant psychological punishments
F= Fiance(e)
How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
Since he‘s head over heels about you, he sees nearly ridiculous many advantages in a wedding and would have no doubts about it
You‘d share a last name (preferably his), you would wear his, stolen from a jeweler, ring and you'd be officially his. What more could he possibly want?
(Needless to say that he couldn’t be more indifferent to the legal benefits)
If it were up to him, you could marry him almost right away. He believes that what you have is special and that it will last forever, so why not seal this thing?
G= Gentle
How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
Physically, he'd be quite cautious at first, but would squeeze tighter and tighter over time when he hugs you. Seeing as when he wants physical contact, he wants it as tight as possible. Very tight. The kind of tight where you struggle with breathing
Emotionally, you're safe with him when you feel like a piece of trash. He'll want to cheer you up, offer himself for a hug, after all he knows how it feels to be alone
He wouldn't even hesitate if something bigger was needed, such as huge fireworks or another terrorist act
Jerome tries his best to be emotionally gentle. After being abused all his life, he’s used to suppressing his feelings, only to explode at some point, which he tries to avoid with you
But in any case, it‘s certain that he would never raise his hand against you
H= Hugs
Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
Oh definitely. Physical contact is very important to him and he won‘t let it be taken away
As I mentioned in the column above, he loves tight hugs. As soon as he has the chance, he’ll wrap his arms around you and hug you TIGHTLY from behind. Or very TIGHTLY from the front. Or he'll pick you up TIGHTLY and start spinning around
He also insists that he is the one to break up the hug, which he sometimes really takes his time to do
I= I love you
How fast do they say the L-Word?
He says what he thinks, and that includes when it comes to tell you how he feels
Once he is aware of his feelings, he wouldn‘t hesitate to tell you that he loves you. On the contrary, he would like nothing better
My man would also have no problem telling not only you, but all of Gotham about it. I mean he wouldn't brand "I LOVE YOU, YN!!!!" into Gotham's skyscrapers, that's too corny for him, but there‘s no universe where he would deny it
J= Jealousy
How jealous do they get? What do they do when they‘re jealous?
Once you've entered his sight picture and he has decided that he wants you, he sees you as his
And it's really not hard to tell that he's not going to share you with anyone
His jealousy can take on enormous proportions, to the point that he'll do anything to keep you all for himself
Not like his brother, he wouldn’t plan ahead to get his competition out of the way. He would solve the dilemma like a reasonable, grown ass man
Very publicly and very dramatically
His target will be stalked, humiliated and killed in a hella twisted way
No matter how he ends up doing it, on TV, at an interrupted live concert, or a captured circus, he‘ll make damn sure you see it
K= Kisses
What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
He kisses his S/O everywhere. Cheek, temples, hairline, neck, shoulders and, of course, lips
A French kiss with him will probably take some getting used to, as he probably drools an incredible amount
He loves to be kissed on the hairline and on the cheek (especially after having his face cut off). Apart from that, he also loves to be kissed on the lips
And of course on his di-
L= Little ones
How are they around children?
Thanks to his childish nature, he is good with kids. He would love to play with them, watch cartoons and make jokes
Children would love him, too, until his first death. The sewn-on face would prob freak them out
I wouldn't say that he would be a good father, because I consider the methods of education that he would use to be more than questionable and would show dangerous, violent psychopaths as results, but who am I to judge
M= Morning
How are mornings spent with them?
Jerome's a ball of pure energy, thus he doesn't need much sleep, which is why he wakes up early. He def won’t wait for you to wake up by yourself, since he'll be bored soon afterwards. Instead, he’ll kiss you awake, hit you with a pillow or jerk you until you finally open your pretty eyes
When he's done with that and you're awake, he’ll either hold you against his chest or kiss you (either very gently, or very intimately to get you to sleep with him)
I'd say that he's the type of person who doesn't eat in the morning before getting ready, so preparing a huge breakfast wouldn‘t make sense
N= Night
How are nights spent with them?
Surprisingly relaxing when he's not busy turning Gotham into a giant madhouse
Before you go to sleep, which you never do without each other btw, you two watch his name constantly popping up on the TV news or play some video games. But when it's time to go to sleep, you listen to him talk about his plans for what feels like hours while you drift off in his arms
O= Open
When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait to reveal things slowly?
Obviously, he has no trouble admitting in front of a bunch of people that he was abused by his mother and dragged around the country with a circus (which he apparently thought was pretty ass), so it won't be any different for you
However, there‘ll be things that he wouldn’t tell you. Like his brother, for example. It'll take some time for him to reveal that, if at all
But other than that, there's probably invariably little he wouldn't tell you. In any case, he is anything but a private person
P= Patience
How easily angered are they?
As I said before, he bottles up his anger to the point where he explodes. That can have many causes:
Did you upset him? Has he been confronted with his childhood? Is someone using you to get to him?
Then, when it comes to his explosion, they can get pretty violent. Even if he didn't hurt physically you, it'd become extremely uncomfortable, even for you
In the meantime, he's no longer so prone to getting extremely angry. He either laughs his penis off or destroys whatever is a thorn in his side, before he‘s really starting to worry
How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
He remembers everything
No matter what you’ve said or done, he'll remember it. Unfortunately, this also applies to the embarrassing stuff that you did in his presence. He won‘t forget em either
More likely he‘ll remind you every time it comes into his head
R= Remember
What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
Besides the moments when you guys made a mad mess, he also likes to remember simpler, formative moments in your relationship
Since the rest of this post is already so hella corny, it doesn't make a difference now anyway, fuck it, so let’s just say he likes to remember your first kiss, your first meeting and the day he asked you out
If I'm honest, he also likes his memories where you were intimate. If I'm being even more honest, he thinks about them all the time
S= Security
How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
I don't think he expects you to protect him. But he‘d kinda enjoy it
If you put yourself in enormous danger, he would melt, but wouldn't find it very funny. If you were to help him out with a small argument, things would be different. THAT would be funny
Jerome doesn't take you out to protect him, but it's obviously vice versa with you. He suffers from jealousy, but doesn't feel like he has to isolate you to protect. His presence is enough to keep creeps off your back. I mean, He is Jerome Valeska, he has a name in Gotham. But if that's not enough, he doesn’t mind taking care of the problem another way
T= Try
How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
Whatever you like and also suits his taste will be done. He spares no effort, no breaking of the law, and no dead ppl
He has a thousand ideas, which makes the difficulty of making a decision his only problem
While he would appreciate suggestions, he prefers the ideas to come only from his head. He wants to take care of special occasions, and will make sure it's a blast
U= Ugly
What would be some bad habits of theirs?
Shittily, he has little understanding if you're not keen on being in the spotlight
I mean he’s a showman, obviously!
Even if he naturally wants to be the star of his show, there's certainly some room for you too, so once he makes it back on stage, he'll make sure you're by his side. On stage, in front of all his followers cheering and applauding for the two of you
Apart from that, living with him will be more than nerve-wracking. Chaos, he constantly seeks your attention and behaves like a violent child
V= Vanity
How concerned are they with their looks?
I must admit that I don't quite agree with the headcanon that all his self-confidence is fake, since many sociopaths are eventually confident to a whole different degree
He's aware that he’s a fucking smoke show.
Doesn't mean that the thing with his face didn't bother him even a little. After a while he came to terms with the fact that he had to staple his face on for a while so he wouldn't lose it, but by now he's cool with it
W= Whole
Would they feel incomplete without you?
You're probably the most important part of his life. Without the first and only person who really loved him for who he is, took care of him and made him feel safe & understood, he'd know he was missing somethin
He’d no longer have anyone to talk to, who would let him get close and with whom he could enjoy a nice life together
Especially because he knows he wouldn't find a replacement anywhere that could fill the void you leave behind
So yea, he would
X= Extra
A random headcanon for them
He was one of those kids who wasn't allowed to drink Coke or other drinks that contained too much sugar
Caffeinated substances and too many sweets made him hyperactive, and if he had friends for a sleepover, he would have gone off like Missy in Big Mouth, would he have consumed one of these
Y= Yuck
What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner
Aside from a boring one, there would be another S/O who is too obsessed with him. Don't get me wrong: he loves it when you show him off and are head over heels with him, however he doesn't want to be controlled and manipulated
Needless to say that he does not want to be spanked by his partner. Neither just like that (okay well who would want that) nor if it’s something sexual
What is a sleep habit of theirs?
He sleeps restlessly and moves incredibly much. He also laughs and talks in his sleep
I can't decide if he's a light sleeper so one wrong move is enough to wake him up, or if he's such a deep sleeper you could hit him with a golf club until he doesn't wake up at all lol
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capcavan · 8 months
What do you think of Jack and Sheena? On their own and in their interactions with Fox!Riko?
I don't read fics in fandom so I have no clue what fannon people have but there was one post about Jack that went like " he might be asshole but he is fox and so clearly something bad happened to him to be deserving of his spot on team"
And it was a bit funny to see because it had the feel off " you all shouldn't paint him as shallow antagonist when he is a victim too"
But that's basically who riko is as well.
So now that I got my inflamatory intro out of the way let's go.
In talks with @jtl-fics we came to few things.
Jack is not good person . Jack is obsessive raven fanboy. And so jack ending on foxes who were reason for ravens demise is very funny because I don't think he will appreciate the opportunity being on this team really gives him. He won't graduate as fox either kicked off/killed/quits on his own.
Jack would join fox team year after Riko wchih meant riko had already a year to get domesticated go to therapy and just do better . And this is important because the foxes got to know him and know what person he is outside of nest without being manipulated.
But then jack comes along
Jack who wants to see the raven king in action. Jack who grew up holding onto legend of undefeated ravens as his personal inspiration to withstand the abuse in his life.
Jack never wanted to be a fox
He wanted to be raven he wanted to become force so strong nobody would dare to fuck with him (clueles about what was going in the nest and as a child from military family ready to accept whatever abuse ravens went through simply as necessity)
And Jack is just perfect person to get under riko's skin and reignite his god complex
Riko deserves to be captain after all
Kevin was ungratefull bitch for tattooing over 2
Neil and Andrew should be punished for refusing to join perfect court
Of course not all at once
Jack is smart he will play the long game slowly seeding doubt and making riko struggle. Riko does not have strong footing to stand on. He is trusting and very easy to manipulate especially when he is told such nice things like " you were right all along actually and they just want to make you feel bad to restrain you potential" not in those words but with this intent over and over.
Some issues might develop out of this
But the moment literary any of the foxes will realise what is going on jack will have his ass handed to him because nobody wanna deal with this bullshit ever again.
But the point of original post stands
Not every person will develop good copying mehanisms
Not every person will grow up in environment that allows them to be good
Not every abused person becomes victim some people have strong personalities some are groomed to hurt others and some people never meet a presence in their lives who will tell them they were wrong all along. Nobody hurts other people for fun without any underlying issues.
Well foxes just let jack know he was wrong
Whatever he will do with this information is on him at least there's nobody holding gun to his head as he does so.
But since this is fox riko au we already seen the positive version of story unfold and so it's only fitting jack will head the opposite way.
As for Sheena idk anything about her she just sounded like jack's yes-man i guess her part in all that would be trying to isolate riko from his partners and try to take his spot as his girlfriend instead of Renee wchih riko would never allow for - his relationships are extremally important to him and so Sheena was just wasting time and if anything making jack's efforts less fruitful.
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hologramcowboy · 11 months
I will start by thanking u for having this blog and opening my eyes on alot of things even though I dont agree on everything u say here ( I think Jensen was fantastic as SB he was simply the best thing about season 3) but I agree on alot of things that said here and the fact that Jensen choosed to be mediocre in all aspects of his life and it's just sad , for ex in acting he wasted his prime years doing soap opera and cheap cw tv , usually new actors with ambition will start with small budget and indie movies till they get better opportunities and stay away from tv because it's a known fact that's tv actors rarely make it out of tv , Jensen now want to be an A lister but it's too late now he is 45 , Jp fans always get mad when we compare him to movies stars ,but the truth is he have movie star qualities maybe he doesn't have the range to be campared with DiCaprio or rayan Gosling but actors like Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth have nothing on him in term of talent, looks and charisma , it's just they were smarter in their choices , CE casted as CA based on his look ( blue eyes , blonde, good American boy ) and the character is one dimensional anyway and does not require range at all and just quick look at his post marvel work will show that he is even less versatile and more mediocre than Jensen, however he was smart ,before marvel he used to be in indie movies, romcom and failed blockbusters which help to put him on the map and give apportunites , while marvel wasn't looking for big names they will not hire tv actors either . Now for his marriage , I've noticed just like everybody how awkward they look as a couple and have zero chemistry and then some videos like pregnancy joke video or the WT premiere , he always looked annoyed, visibly cringed with her and sometimes he look straight up disgusted like when she tried to touch his hair , then I digged further here and I wish I dont cause now I dislike him , the fact that he cheated on his gf and backstabbed his friend and for what for this ? Is this the best he could do? Hollywood male actor will usually go for either super hot actresses like scarlett Johansson or black lively or an average one but have great personality and funny / great person and she is neither one these she is average in everything and she is not even nice to him , imagine my surprise when I found out that her acting carrier is consist of her being slutty and naked , I'm laughing bc jensen have no standard or class at all , it's hilarious that he went on SB press ranting that he can't do intimate scenes bc he is a family man when his wife is basically a grorified soft porn actress, he will never be CE bc that man have standard, he didn't tie himself up with tv and he knows that he is a frat boy and not exactly ment to be a family man so he didnt tie himself up with women and children, Jensen on the other hand isn't exactly a family man either but he did it anyway by half assing it and being away most of the time while his wife taking the wheel , and now he want to use this marriage to sell the image of powerful couple , the problem is outside their ig post they can't even pretend to like each other and even when they do like in the recent con they did together they dont have the chemistry of married couples and Jensen looked disgusted when she tried to kiss him , the fact that the happiest they ever looked together is when they were partying , drunk and wasted , tell me everything I want to know about their relationship , and I honestly I dont feel sorry for him for being stuck with a woman that he has zero passion for , it's his carma for being a cheap cheater
Hi, anon! I too was really shocked when I saw how trashy Danneel is. To think he backstabbed to people of value over her and also effed over Jared when he produced TW over her. She definitely makes me question his character deeply.
As for the second part of your ask, you forgot to turn on anonymous and your username was visible so I avoided posting that one, to protect your privacy.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
R Jack Howl Gala Couture Personal Story
"I'll drag them all down!"
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Ballroom]
Vil: You're finally getting the basics. From here on out, we'll switch to one-on-one, more precise walking lessons.
Vil: I'll work with Silver. Jack, Rook will supervise you.
Jack: Eh, Rook-senpai? When did he get here…?
Vil: The success of the show is the main priority of this mission. That is why I have brought someone who has an eye I can trust.
Vil: Don't you dare slack off just because I am not watching you. I will not forgive you if you waste my Vice Dorm Leader's time.
Jack: Yessir! I'll definitely learn it all, at any cost!
Rook: Très bien! It's wonderful how motivated you are. Now, let's begin quickly!
Jack: Thank you!!
Jack: How was that, Rook-senpai?
Rook: Good. I can see that you are gaining confidence with every lesson. That was quite the dignified walk!
Rook: However, you are focused too heavily on your feet's movements that you're looking down. You need to raise your head and appeal to the audience.
Jack: A-Appeal to the audience? Even if you say somethin' like that, I ain't gonna get it at all.
Jack: If that's the case… I just gotta train harder until I get it! I'll do it one more time, so please tell me what you think!
Rook: No, let us take a break here.
Jack: A break? There’s no time to rest. I know… I know that I'm holding everyone else back.
Jack: I need to work harder than anyone else and do this fashion show performance, or else…
Jack: To both Leona-senpai, who believed I could do this, as well as Silver-senpai and Ortho, who'll be with me in the show, I'll just drag them all down!
Rook: Your enthusiasm is fantastic. However, it may be counterproductive if you push yourself too hard.
Jack: It'll be fine. I normally train this hard…
Vil: Listen to Rook's orders and take a rest, Jack.
Jack: Vil-senpai? Weren't you watching over Silver-senpai's practice…?
Vil: We are also breaking for the moment. Silver is outside grabbing a breath of fresh air.
Vil: I value your willingness to keep pushing, but that is also one of your main faults.
Vil: If you were to continue practicing to exhaustion and end up drained on the day of the gala, it will be extremely aggravating.
Jack: But…
Vil: Come to think of it… It's always been like this.
Vil: I told you not to practice for the marathon because there was a snowstorm outside, but you did not listen.
Vil: "It might snow during the actual marathon too, so this practice’ll prepare me for it!", you said. And in the end, you fell sick the day before the marathon. And then there was…
Jack: I-I get it! I'll take a break! So please don't tell any more embarrassing stories of when I was a kid.
Rook: Fufufu. Nice, Vil. You seem to know exactly what to do to calm Jack down.
Rook: But this is a great opportunity, since we're taking a break, why don't you tell us some more? I'd love to hear about both of your childhoods.
Jack: Uh… I mean, we only went to the same school for about a year or two. There's not much to tell.
Vil: Oh, really? There were plenty of entertaining stories, if I recall.
Vil: You would say, "I'm not interested in kid's games" and refuse to play tag with your friends. Instead, you'd just train your muscles.
Jack: Uh, I don't really remember that much, but… But wait, what's so funny about that?
Vil: Of course it's funny. To an outsider, that "muscle training" simply looked like "tree climbing," after all.
Rook: Oho, that sounds just like Jack-kun. Please, tell me more!
Jack: Urgh… Oh, I remember one. If it's about Vil-senpai…
Jack: This one time, we were playing all day in a huge snowstorm. You made a huge snow sculpture then, didn't you?
Vil: Ah… Yes, that did happen, didn't it? How nostalgic.
Rook: That's a charming memory. What did you make?
Vil: I made a throne that I could actually sit on. Of course, I also made sure to add all the proper embellishments to it.
Jack: Rook-senpai, he may be speaking of it so pridefully, but I was the one who made most of it.
Jack: You don't know just how much I suffered tryin’ to make all that freshly fallen snow hard enough to sit on...
Vil: Well, I concocted the design, didn't I? And of course, I helped with the decorations.
Rook: Hm, yet another story that sounds "just like" you two. I can clearly imagine it.
Jack: What else… Well, we also took extracurricular lessons on skiing and snowboarding at school together.
Vil: It was my first time, so I learned from Jack, who had experience with it.
Jack: Yeah, but you mastered it real quick, so I really only was able to help for a short while.
Vil: I'd been training my core, so it seems that I was already quite proficient in sports like skiing or snowboarding where you need that sense of balance.
Vil: …Similarly, I'd think someone like you who also trains his core should be able to master something simple like walking properly...
Vil: Rook, how do you think Jack is doing?
Rook: Yes, he's doing fantastically. His reflexes are top notch, and his hardworking spirit makes him quite malleable.
Rook: He's still struggling a bit, but with a little more practice, his walking should be flawless.
Rook: His facial expression is also quite stunning with how commanding and wild it is. I'm sure the faefolk will be mesmerized by it.
Jack: R-Really? It doesn't really feel like it…
Rook: Well, it is difficult to see your own improvements. In fact, you have been progressing quite well, Jack.
Rook: Actually. How about as a status report, you show Vil your walking?
Rook: I am sure that your actions will support my words.
Jack: Got it. Then, here I go.
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Jack: …How was that?
Vil: Not bad. After a few more lessons, you may be able to join Silver to finish practicing with him.
Jack: You serious!? I mean, it's not like I think that you'd give empty compliments or anything…
Jack: And it felt like I was a bit more relaxed when walking this time than compared to before.
Jack: Maybe it was because we took a small breather that I was able to relax some tension…
Jack: Thank you, Rook-senpai.
Rook: No, no, thank you. I enjoyed hearing your fascinating stories.
Jack: Alright… I'll keep doing my best, and give you guys a show as good as Silver-senpai and Ortho would.
Jack: Please keep me going strong, both of you!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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silentheiss · 4 months
salt on your lips
The figurative dust settles.
He Xuan buries his family’s ashes.
The sun rises and the wind blows and his heart goes cold and quiet.
There’s a certain kind of calmness in accepting the inevitable. He Xuan was hoping he’d feel at peace before finally, finally ceasing to exist, but calmness that he feels is more emptiness than peace.
Resignation, He Xuan thinks.
Shi Wudu is dead.
Shi Qingxuan is as well as.
He Xuan will die today.
The circle is complete, the vendetta is brought upon the guilty, the sun rises and the wind blows.
He Xuan takes the ring off his cold finger and throws it in the sea. He doesn’t need to keep his ashes close anymore, he has nothing to protect, nothing to cherish and nothing to love.
Heavy, black ring meets water surface with a bright, tinkling splash. It sounds almost like a laughter.
It hurts, from some reason.
The wind carries the sound away, further and further from He Xuan.
Good. He never deserved this laughter, and he doesn’t get to have it on his deathbed either.
He Xuan closes his eyes, takes one last, unnecessary, breath, and walks into the sea. He lets it carry him, deeper and deeper, and then, for the first time in way too many years, he lets his sea drown him.
He sinks for a long time. At some point he thinks he will never stop sinking.
Then, his back hits the ground, and he lets his mind go.
Shi Qingxuan doesn’t have much, these days. But they have time.
They spend many hours on the shore, these days, thinking and dreaming and contemplating and never, ever reaching any conclusions.
It’s almost funny how hundreds of years of their godhood flew by, unnoticeable in their laughter and smiles and easiness. Now, one human year drags, stubborn and slow as if refusing to end.
Shi Qingxuan still laughs, smiles and drinks wine, when opportunity arises.
But most often than not they look into the water, wandering if they could’ve changed anything if only they weren’t so blind, so fucking naive.
They wanted so much to hate. Hate He Xuan, hate their ge, hate anyone except themselves, and yet.
And yet.
They love their brother and despite all the lies, Shi Qingxuan knows, he loved them, too.
They, laughably, love their friend, who never loved them, but was at least honest about it.
Who’s your friend?
You were, Shi Qingxuan begs.
You were, at least sometimes, at least a little bit.
The sea roars, making Shi Qingxuan startle out of their thoughts with a gasp.
“Now you’re just being grumpy.” Shi Qingxuan chimes, frowning. “Just like our mutual friend.”
Sea roars again, quieter this time, and retreats, taking it’s waves back almost shyly, as if hearing Shi Qingxuan, and understanding, better than anyone else, how much it hurt them, to be reminded in such a brash way of someone they lost.
As water stills thin ray of cold sunlight catches on something small and unassuming, lying on the shore, half buried in sand.
Shi Qingxuan raises to his feet, slowly and unsteadily, and limps towards the tiny object, unable to look away from it.
It’s a ring. Black, and a little bulky. Not the prettiest thing, but something tells them that it’s way more precious than it looks. It feels almost warm in their hand, and somehow, the thought of simply putting it up their sleeve seems inexcusable. They put it on their finger instead.
Something dreadful settles inside their old, beaten heart.
Shi Qingxuan sighs and turns around. Long journey is waiting ahead — they have something to discuss with Xie Lian’s husband, and it’s better not waste time.
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