#it would help!!! a sneeze would help clear that out!!!! how come i dont get to
indulgnc · 2 months
WHO put my nose in charge of deciding how much it needs to tickle for me to sneeze. huh?? cuz its not very good at it!!! i think it tickles enough that a sneeze would help!!!!!! thank you very much!!!!!
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
omg omg omg i love ur sergios work <33
can i make a request? its my first time requesting something so i dont know if im doing it right but maybe reader being jealous when sergio spends all of his free time with his bf instead of reader but just because sergio wanted to surprise her with like her dream travel so he’s been planning it with his bf? can u make it angsty in the beginning and fluffy towards the end please? thank u if u will accept this<333
𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 | 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
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GIF by sergio-para-siempre
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Sergio Ramos x Female Reader
Word Count : 2.1k
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: My allergies have been terrible this week, and I've been sneezing so much that I've been getting headaches, so instead of writing 3-4 request , I was only able to write 2 this week c': hopefully my writing is still good c': ANYWAYSSSS Thank you so much for requesting!! I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ REQUESTS ARE OPEN, currently covered in college work so as of now uploads will mainly be on weekends. Thank you for your patience c’: ♥
You had been dating Sergio for almost two years now, and things had been going great until recently.
You've been feeling left out and ignored by your boyfriend, Sergio, for weeks now. He's been spending more time with his best friend, Marcos, than with you. Every time you try to make plans with him, he either cancels or tells you he's busy with Marcos. You can't help but feel jealous and wonder what's going on between them.
One day, you decide to confront Sergio about it. You call him on the phone and say, "Sergio, we need to talk. I feel like you've been avoiding me for weeks. What's going on?"
Sergio sighs and says, "I'm sorry, babe. I've been busy with futebol and hanging out with Marcos. He's been going through a tough time, and I want to be there for him." He hates having to lie to you right now, but he wants this surprise to be perfect for  you. His best friend, Marcos, has been assisting Sergio with organizing a week-long vacation surprise for you, which is why they have been hanging out a lot.
You feel your heart sink at his words. You understand that Marcos is going through a tough time, but it hurts to know that Sergio is spending more time with him than with you.
"Can't you make time for me too?" you ask, your voice quivering.
Sergio hesitates before replying, "I'll try, but I can't make any promises. Marcos needs me right now."
You hang up the phone feeling frustrated and hurt. You decide to give Sergio some space and see if he comes around.
Days turn into weeks, and Sergio continues to spend all his time with Marcos. You try to be patient and understanding, but it's hard not to feel jealous and neglected.
One evening as you check through your social media page, you come across a picture that Marcos shared of a boardwalk and crystal-clear water. In Marco's story, you can see that he appears to be in a tropical location, and in the bottom-right corner of the screen, you can see Sergio's tattooed arm. When Marcos posted the image, he must not have noticed Sergio's arm was there.
 Your heart sinks as you realize that Sergio has been keeping a secret from you.  You believe he's been planning a trip with Marcos, and you weren't invited. You assumed he was leaving for a Paris-Saint-Germain away match, NOT going out with Marcos once more.
Feeling hurt and angry, you call Sergio and demand an explanation. "Why didn't you tell me about the trip with Marcos? Why wasn't I invited?"
Sergio hesitates before saying, "I'm sorry, babe. Marcos and I have been planning this for months, and I didn't want to ruin it by telling you." Sergio believed that by speaking the flimsy truth, he would feel better. Of course, Sergio and Marcos have been preparing this vacation for months, but it is not for him and his best friend; it is for you and Sergio. They are at a resort so Sergio can check out the priciest water huts in person to ensure that it will be in top condition for you two.
You feel a lump form in your throat as you try to hold back tears. "So you're saying that Marcos is more important than me? That you'd rather spend time with him than me?"
Sergio's voice grows defensive as he says, "No, of course not. "
"What about me, then? Don't I deserve to feel special too?" you say, feeling your frustration boiling over.
Sergio sighs heavily, the line remains silent.
You shake your head and say, "I don't know, Sergio. I feel like you've been neglecting our relationship lately. I don't feel like a priority to you."
Sergio's voice grows softer as he says, "I'm sorry, babe. That's not it at all.. I promise all of this will make sense soon, okay?"
You feel your heart soften at his words, but you can't shake off the hurt and jealousy you've been feeling. "I don't know, Sergio. I just need some time to think."
Sergio sighs again and says, "Okay, I understand. I’ll be back home in two days, forreal this time. Then we can talk, ok?”
You say "mhm" in response and end the call without caring if it was petty or not. Of course you love your boyfriend, but lately he's been acting in ways that aren't quite to your taste. He generally clings to you and wants to be with you all the time, but during the past few weeks, you have only seen each other twice, which is very out of the ordinary.
Now, two days later, Sergio is finally back home. You're sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone, when you hear the front door open. You look up to see Sergio walking into the room, looking tired but happy to see you.
"Hey," he says, walking over to give you a hug.
"Hey," you reply, hugging him back. "How was your trip?"
"It was good," he says, pulling away from you. "Marcos and I saw some really nice things."
You can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he mentions Marcos, but you push it aside and try to focus on the conversation.
"That's good," you say. "I'm glad you had a good time."
Sergio looks at you for a moment, as if trying to read your expression. Finally, he speaks.
"Listen, I know we had a bit of an argument the other day," he says. "And I wanted to explain why I've been distant lately."
"Okay," you say, feeling your heart rate speed up a bit.
"It's not because I'm upset with you or anything like that," he says. "It's just that I've been planning something for us."
"Planning something?" you ask, feeling confused.
"Yeah," he says, sitting down next to you on the couch. "Marcos and I have been planning a week-long getaway for us."
"A getaway?" you repeat, feeling your eyes widen in surprise.
"Yeah," Sergio says, smiling. "I wanted to do something special for us, and Marcos has been helping me plan it."
You sit there for a moment, feeling a bit dumbfounded. You hadn't expected this at all. Knowing what he's been up to makes you feel terrible about how you've been treating him. You wish you could take those stinging accusations—along with the caustic attitude that accompanied them— when you practically said he didn't care about you anymore and you felt as though the love was no longer there. You know that you've probably hurt him, and you're filled with regret.
"I...I don't know what to say," you finally manage to say.
"I know we've been going through a rough patch lately because of how busy futebol has been," Sergio says. "And I wanted to do something to show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me."
You look over at him, feeling a lump form in your throat. Despite your earlier anger and frustration, you can't help but feel touched by his words. You're grateful that Sergio is forgiving and understanding. He knows that you're not perfect and that you make mistakes. He loves you despite your flaws, and that gives you hope that things will be okay.
"I...I don't know what to say," you say again, feeling a bit emotional. "That's...that's really sweet of you,” you can't help but feel a sense of joy bubbling up inside you. You had no idea that he was planning something so special for the two of you, and it's clear that he put a lot of thought and effort into making it happen. 
"I'm so sorry that I was acting bitchy towards you. Now everything does make sense," you say, giving him a small smile. "I can't believe you did all this for us."
Sergio grins back at you, looking pleased with himself. "I wanted to do something special for you, mi amor," he says. "Something that would remind us of why we fell in love in the first place."
You nod, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest. 
"So, where are we going?" you ask, feeling a bit of excitement building up inside you.
As he moves closer to you on the couch so you can see his phone screen as well, Sergio takes his phone out of his pocket.
"It's a surprise," he says, grinning at you. "But I'll give you a hint. It involves sun, sand, and lots of relaxation."
You raise your eyebrows, feeling your heart start to race. You still can't believe that Sergio has planned a trip for the two of you, and you can't wait to find out more.
As you watch, Sergio pulls up a page with pictures of a stunning beach resort, complete with crystal clear water, palm trees, and luxurious villas.
"Say hello to our little slice of paradise," he says, pointing to the screen. "We're going to be staying here for a week."
You stare at the pictures, feeling a sense of awe wash over you. "Sergio, this is incredible," you say, turning to him with a huge grin on your face. "I can't believe you did all this for me….. For us!"
Sergio grins back at you, looking pleased with himself. "I wanted to do something special for you, mi amor," he says. "And I wanted to remind you how much I love you."
You feel a warmth spreading through your chest, and you can't help but lean in to give him a kiss.
"I love you too, Sergio," you say, feeling a sense of happiness and contentment wash over you. "But do me a favor," you begin to say, drawing his full attention back to you, "If you ever ignore me again, I'm going to strangle you." He chuckles at your joke before swiftly embracing you and kissing you on the forehead, saying, "I'll never do it again, princess, I promise."
As the days pass, you and Sergio spend your time lounging on the beach, sipping cocktails, and exploring the island. You take long walks along the shore, hand in hand, watching the sun set over the water. You have deep, meaningful conversations about your hopes and dreams for the future, and you laugh and play like you haven't in ages. It's like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you're able to relax and just enjoy each other's company without any distractions or stresses. As your week comes to a close, you and Sergio sit on your balcony, watching the stars twinkle overhead. You lean your head on his shoulder, feeling a sense of contentment and joy wash over you.
"Sergio, thank you for this week," you say, feeling a bit emotional. "It's been incredible." Sergio turns to look at you, his eyes soft. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, mi amor," he says. "I just wanted to remind you how much I love you, and how committed I am to making our relationship work." You nod, feeling a sense of gratitude and happiness. "You know, Sergio, I never doubted your love for me," you say, looking up at him. "But this week has shown me just how much you're willing to do for us. And it means the world to me." Sergio leans in and brushes his lips against yours, sending shivers down your spine. "I would do anything for you, mi amor," he says, his voice low and husky. "I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy." You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes, overwhelmed with emotion. You know that things won't always be easy between the two of you, but this moment feels like a turning point. Like you can get through anything as long as you have each other.
As you lean into Sergio's embrace, you feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over you. You know that this week has been just the beginning of a lifetime of love, adventure, and happiness together.
"I love you, Sergio," you say, looking up at him with a soft smile.
"I love you too, mi amor," he says, his eyes sparkling with warmth and affection. "Thank you for giving me the chance to show you just how much."
You snuggle into his arms, feeling a sense of happiness and hope for the future. You know that there will be challenges along the way, but with Sergio by your side, you feel like you can conquer anything.
As the night wears on, you and Sergio talk and laugh, sharing stories and dreams for the future. And as you fall asleep in each other's arms, you know that this week will be one that you'll never forget. A week of love, laughter, and adventure. A week that brought you closer together than ever before.
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bishiglomper · 7 months
I think I MIGHT actually have a mild brain fluid leak 🤔
Listen listen listen-
My nose. Is constantly wet. The wells at the bottom of my nostrils just always have water in them. I am CONSTANTLY just dabbing at it with a tissue. All fuckin' day.
And I can use said tissue, a normal kleenex ALL day. Because it dries like water. Theres no slime or stickiness so it doesnt get stiff or crinkled.
Also, it does absolutely no good to blow my nose. A little bit of extra water comes out, but it doesn't like. Bring down anything.
I dont have drainage down my throat. I don't know if that's for or against my theory though. 👀
I have been sneezing a shit ton. So, allergies are still a possability. ☝
I think this has been going on for over a year. I think it's also gotten worse the last several months because I'm way more aware of it and thus annoyed.
I constantly have a tissue to my nose shoving it up there to absorb as much moisture as I can at once, I'm sure it's not very attractive.
The other thing is my ears leak. Just at night. Every night. My nose is fine though. Like they SWITCH. And I'm a side sleeper.
The fluid coming out of my ears is clear. My ears themselves are clean. They don't get waxy.
I've have tried searching all sorts of ways to figure out how my ears would leak from allergies, like I've been told it was, but I'm still getting that it would be wax. I don't have swimmers ear or infection. I know THIS has been going on for several years.
I don't remember if antihistimines stop any of this, I will experiment further with that. 👀
There's a few dozen other symptoms that come with CSF. I have maybe 1/4 of them.
Neck pain and stiffness. I don't know if this is caused by that or just tension.
I always have a mild headache. From 2-4. The migraine shot every month helps a lot but I'm still getting worse the last week or two before then.
I get light sensitivity so very easily. It ranges just from discomfort to straight up my eyes start watering. The other day it was super cloudy and it still felt too damn bright.
I always have vertigo. That is also at about a 3. It does get worse if i bend down but clears up after a second. (Though last night i had a more intense, several moments lasting one... vision actually blurred: another symptom)
Bending over and seeing if your face drips is a test for it, but that is SO uncomfortable for me, i tense my whole body and hold my breath and can't do it for more than a few seconds so.. That test hasnt worked for me
I do get mildly nauseous fairly regularly but i figured that was a precurser to a migraine. I'll start dry heaving If i don't take a zofran right away..
Another is balance and gait problems. 👀💦 that is a problem. I may have had that my whole life though. Though it has gotten worse the last several years. I've tried to do balance training sort of things. And my gait is just super small. (I think that's all thats wrong with it. I don't know if i zigzag or anything. It may just be a hip problem..)
CSF is usually caused by an injury. My theory is when I was 15, I went on a fair ride called the zipper. Its the pod with a weight at the other end that flings you around in a circle. Upside down and all. They sent me like 3x in a row because there wasnt a line. That was the first time I ever felt ill from a ride. I literally had to lay down for like half an hour in the grass before I could move.
And I could never go on a spinny ride ever again without getting extremely nauseous. 😥 Like just doing a slow 360 in a spinny chair makes me ill.
Breaks my heart because my FAVORITEST ride at our amusement park was that huge tube that spun so much you stick to the wall and they drop the floor. It was my life's goal to be one of those people who could turn yourself upside down then 🤣😭
So yeah, I think that's gonna be the next thing i bring up with my doctor. 🤔 I see her in a month but I might just straight up tell her "Hey I want some tests" now.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Things I believe Ushijima Wakatoshi would say if you lived with him (from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep) game streamer! y/n
“y/n... y/n... tendo cancelled on running with me- would you like to join?” (5:30 am)
“I’m gonna run ahead and come back, take your time. “
“don’t drink so much water, you’ll get a stomach ache”
“You’re hands are cold... no that doesn’t mean i want you to let go, now give me your hand.”
“I will shower now, can you prepare me a cup of tea in the meantime?”
*forehead kiss before the shower*
*yelling in a very monotone voice* “Y/n it seems like i’ve forgotten my towel, do you mind bringing me one.”
“stop looking at me, it’s emberassing.”
“where did you.... never mind i found my tea, thank you.” (6:30)
*after you get out of the shower, he’s on the couch, drinking his tea and you sit on him like a koala bear* “you’re feet at freezing cold, please don’t touch my l- I said don’t!”
“I’ll be going off to practice now... Y/n please let go of me, you know i’d take you to practice if i could.”
“I’m home!” (5:00 pm)
*big confused bc you usually greet him with a hug*
*he creeps up into your gaming room and scared you on accident, but he actually laughs this time*
“Sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to. I’ll get out of your hair now... *you tell him you aren’t streaming* Oh, okay- help me clip my nails, o can’t make them as even as you.”
“You can paint my nails if i can choose the color.... No i wasn’t going to pick clear- okay maybe i was- what of it? You have no right to judge me... You only wear black missy.”
“Hey if you’re gonna be messy then i’ll rather get out nails done professionally before you stain my skin”
“Can you prepare a bath for me, like all pretty in how you make it in your pictures.... What? I follow your socials, don’t look at me that way.”
“i tidied coping you once, and i felt tingly down there... but not in a good way.”
“You should have told me that the bath salts aren’t edible... You can’t tell me that you weren’t curious...”
“Get in with me, please. Y/n i will pull you in here, clothes an all.”
*in the bath, naked, i between his legs, your back laying on his chest, talking about ordering food*
“i thought you said you wanted to go in a diet. Ouch! Why’d you hit me! We’ll get you food darling, i was just asking.”
“I should clip my toenails... i scratched my leg the other day... it hurt.”
“I read an advertisement for volleyballs the other day, they where on sale.”
“You’re fingers are getting wrinkly... Look so are mine.” *proceeds to massage your cheeks w his textured fingers* “does that feel weird?”
“Why are you so small, i could crush you right now if i just hugged you hard enough....”
“If you go to the store one of these days please pick me up new underwear, i think my glutes are getting bigger”
“the water is getting cold now, move you’re butt so i can get out.”
*he gets out and you’re checking out his ass* “it’s getting bigger isn’t it” *low key checks himself out in the mirror, slowly nodding*
“hurry up and get out before you’re more wrinkly than coach washijo.”
“don’t tell him i told you that.”
“get up before i make you go get the food by yourself.”
*you pout at him* “Oh no- love i’m kidding, i’m kidding... let’s go get your food.”
*now walking the streets to get food*
“Am i scary looking? I seem scary dont i?” (7:00 pm)
“Do you think i’m scary? No? Good... Now give me your hands, i know they’re cold.”
*in a grocery store finding drinks to go along w food*
“we need to leave now i accidentally scared a child and she ran to her mother.”
“Y/n it is not funny!”
“We’ll find my banana milk elsewhere, now please- i do not wanna be yelled at by a mother who is not my own.”
“Y/n i found the banana milk, now should i get the pack- never mind i’m getting the pack... What? Don’t laugh at me.”
“Wait... wait.... I need to sneeze.”
*at home*
*starts singing* “sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no?✨böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🤴BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû🚣Dà🎉YO💦”
“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s catchy... y/n no i will not watch it with you.”
*forces him to watch yarichin bitch club*
“i did not enjoy that... the red head reminded me of hinata...”
“can we sleep now.”
“i have to sneeze again.”
*in bed*
“don’t touch me. i said don’t touch me! you’re feet are too cold.”
*you’re in his arms*
“you smell nice....”
“why don’t i smell like you? we use the same things....”
“oh you’re asleep...”
“small little thing you are....”
*forehead kiss*
A/N: Shoukd i continue these? If yes. Who should i do next, Iwaizumi or Sakusa?
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sicjimin · 3 years
8. I feel like I can’t breathe, it hurts so much.
4. I can’t talk, my voice is shot.
6. Does my forehead feel hot?
7. I’m sorry about all the tissues… I’ll clean them up.
for jimin with caretaker hobi ? your my favorite of all out there 👉🏼👈🏼
A.N : aaaa i hope this one meets your expectations T.T once again i apologize .. im not used to write colds sickfic jshdjdbdd i hope you like it ! and thank you for liking and reading my works :) that means a lot to me.
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"Hyung", Jimin shuffling his tired legs to Hoseok that's stretching on the corner of their practice room. He should've been doing the same thing, but there's one thing that he need to confirm. " Does my forehead feel hot?", he asks, brushing his blonde hair out of his forehead for his hyung to check. Hoseok lifts his eyebrow, placing his palms, and shakes his head, "A little bit warm, but i think that's definitely not fever", he concludes before his eyes widen and giving a light slap on the latter forehead, " Yah! You're not getting out of practice!"
Jimin yelps and pouts immediately, "I'm not! You're too negative towards me!", he complains, his pout deepens when he heard Hoseok laughing all the way to his formation. Jimin jogs along, placing himself next to Taehyung before the music starts, ignoring the aching deep in his bones and the uncomfortable feeling in his chest that actually, has been latching on him since this morning. He will be fine, right?
The answer is no. He's far from fine.
By the time Hoseok yells, "Practice over!", Jimin could feel his body just gotten worse. He's shivering despite his shirt soaking with sweats, his chest felt tight, not to mention how many times he had to stifle nasty coughs that want to erupt from him during the practice along with a few sneezing fits that now completely blocked his airway. He's definitely down with something and there's nothing more he wants rather than passed out on his comfortable bed.
Jimin lazily fetches his bag, leaning slightly to the wall to prevent him from completely falling over since he feels incredibly weak, and the bleary sight from the fever did not help at all. "Hyung", he weakly calls Hoseok that now also tidying his belonging, before a few coughs escaped from his lips. He clears his throat, winced slightly when it feels like someone has scratched his throat, " Can i go home now?"
Hoseok turned his head, and his eyes widen for the second time today when he meets with the younger state, "Shit, Jimin-ah. You're pale as sheet. Are you sick?"
Jimin turned his head away to sneeze before answered, "Mhm, i think i catch a cold", he mumbled, " Can i hyung?", he adds, repeating his request earlier. He's damn tired. Hoseok bites his lips and glances around the room. He didn't want to send Jimin home all alone but he remembers that everyone else having another schedule after this, including him.
"Yes you can. But are you okay to go home alone? Everyone else is have a schedule after this, me too, but i will go home as fast as i can"
Jimin smiles, "Dont worry hyung. It's okay, thank you"
Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows when he walked in into a completely dark room, only sounds of humidifier, and coughing fit could be heard.
"Jimin?", Hoseok blindly try to reach the younger bed, not wanting to turn on the lamp in case Jimin had headache. Hoseok could hear a faint whimper, followed by a sneeze, " Hobi hyung, you're back?"
Hoseok's heart clenched at how sick Jimin looks right now, his voice barely comes as a whisper. "I'm sorry hyung .. I can't talk, my voice is shot", Jimin murmured before he's thrown into another coughing fit. This one lasts longer, making him gasps for air, " Hyung ..", Jimin croaked out in-between fit, clenching his grips on Hoseok's arms as his chest feels tight and his congested nose definitely worsen the situation, "Hurts .. it feels like i can't breathe"
Hoseok bites his lips, hard, as his hand patting and rubbing Jimin's chest and back, hoping that it would ease up a little. "I'm sorry Minie, let's take medicine after this, okay?", that's all Hoseok could muster. Once Jimin calmed down, he offers the latter water that Jimin gladly accepts. He almost cries in joy when the cool liquid touching his burning throat.
"Calm down, Min-ah", Hoseok giggles at how eager his dongsaeng gulping the water. Jimin blush, either because of the fever or he's embarrassed, " Thank you hyung", he said as he pulls away the glass and the medicine, changing it from Hoseok's hands with a tissue as his nose itching again.
"Hyung, i'm sorry about all the tissue", Jimin trailed off, clearly embarrassed with the situation. While Hoseok just now realizing the mess on their bedroom floor with a pile of crumpled tissue everywhere. If it's not because Jimin is sick, Hoseok sure he will already bite the latter ears with his long scolding.
"Its okay Minie. Just rest for now. I will clean it up later"
"No, no, don't hyung. You might get sick. I'll clean them up", Jimin frantically says but got shut down quick when Hoseok slaps his forehead softly. " Hyung! What's that for?", he yelps in surprise, even though he sounds funny as his voice hoarse, come and gone.
"You barely can talk ! and you're not even opening your eyes fully. You will fall over in no time. Just rest for now and dont think about anything else. We have a lot to do tomorrow, hope this medicine really kick-off", Hoseok rants as he tucked Jimin back in his blanket. He turns on the humidifier before retreat himself to the bathroom to clean his sweaty body, giggling when he sees Jimin pouts at the threat. He coos at the sight, " You're so stubborn. Sleep well Jimin-ah, I will be back and we can cuddle. Stop pouting!"
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 22
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month
Hating LIla is apparently a family trait
First< Previous > Next
“Uh I hate this,” Chloe picks at her uniform like it's a disgusting growth.
“I think you look as nice as you always do,” Marion says cheerfully, turning around on his seat to look back at her and Kagami.
“Marion that is by far the worst you have ever insulted me,”
“It was a complement-” Marion doges her whack.
“Marinette! Hit your brother for me,” Chloe demands, standing up to try and reach him.
“It’s more gratifying if you do it yourself, trust me,” Marinette flicks through her phone, not bothering to look up, “I can pin your uniform to look more flattering if you like,”
“Nette you are the best!” Chloe hugs her from behind, awkward to be sure with the seat and all, yep that's the only reason, not Kagami's death glare that can be felt through the seat.
“Oh Marinette you can also pin mine,” Lila asks, as sweetly as acid, “Or weren't you going to offer the rest of the class?”
“No actually Lila she wasn't,” Marion sneers, ignoring Marinette trying to pull him back into the seat, “As I’ve made it quite clear none of you are our friends, so she isn’t obligated to do anything for you,”
“That’s so mean,” Lila sniffles, everyone is too busy feeling guilty to comfort her.
“Weren't you friends with MDC Lila?” Marion asks as sweetly as acid, “Why not try asking them?"
With that Marion turns back to his seat and starts scrolling through his phone, ignoring Lila's attempts at guilting. He gets a notification from Marinette.
I can speak for myself  
U can nicely tell them no- I  can tell them to fck off
That wasn't very nice
Im done with nice
Whats wrong?
Marion looks up seeing Marinette looking over him concerned, he sighs and texts back.
Dont worry Bruce hasn't told them yet
Its going to be awkward
We’ll get through it- Pound it?
Marion looks back up, Marinette is smiling at him holding out her hand.
“Pound it,”
They pull up to the school, the grandiose of Wayne academy is nothing to sneeze at. Brick buildings, iron work, Marion has to force Marinette to put her sketchbook away. They are escorted around the campus by a student. They’ll be split up and put into a range of different classes to make the best out of their week there.
“3 o’clock,” Marinette bumps into him, Marion lets his gaze slide over, spotting Damian.
“Wasn't Lila saying on the way over here that she was great friends with him?”
“Mari don't,” Marinette hisses, tugging at his sleeve, “It’s weird enough without pulling him in to our grudge match,”
“Nothing bonds siblings more than a mutual hatred of Lila, exhibit A,” He points back and forth between them, “I’m going to do it,”
“Don't you dare-”
“Hey Damian!” Marion shouts, waving his hand for the entire hallway to turn and stare.
Damian turns around with a scowl, hardly lessening when he spots them.
“Marion, just what do you think you’re doing,” Kagami scolds, as Damian stalks over.
“Lila,” Marion smirks back, looking over to the girl who pales at an actual Wayne walking over, apparently she had actually decided to look up what they look like.
“Oh this is going to be good,” Chloe steps back, content to watch the show.
“Hey Dami,” Marion goes to sling an arm around his shoulder.
“Don’t call me Dami,” Damian sidesteps his attempt, preferring to stand closer to Marinette.
“How’s Cat-fred?” Marion smiles, getting Damian’s scowl to lessen slightly, so he smiles brighter.
“He’s doing well,”
“Good good…” Marion shuffles, no longer able to look directly at him, “How’s the family?”
Marinette gives him a sideways look that clearly says ‘you did this to yourself’.
“Why are you asking?” Damian narrows his eyes, and Marion knows he fucked up.
Nette help please!
“I wanted to know when I can come over next for a rematch,” Marinette gracefully lets him off the hook.
“Evidently sparring at the manor is at risk of interruption,” Damian notes, deep in thought, “We should plan an alternative meeting space,”
“That sounds great,” Marinette smiles, catching Damian in between their grins.
Damian just nods and walks away, Marion smiles and waves.
“You’re an idiot,” Marinette punches him in the shoulder, getting him to lower his arm.
“We’ve established that, thanks,” Marion rubs his shoulder with a pout, “However look over there,”
Lila having an aneurysm, surrounded by the class berating her with questions.
“Worth it,” Marion grins, going for a subtle fist bump.
“Agreed,” Marinette returns the gesture.
“Lila why didn’t you say hi?”
“Why didn’t he say hi?”
“He must not have seen me,” Lila’s lip quivers in a practiced motion, “Marinette was standing in front of me,”
“Or were you hiding behind Marinette?” Marion calls over, actually voluntarily walking towards the beast.
“What?! Of course I wasn't!” Lila shouts, her glare sending him a clear warning, one he was fully prepared to ignore.
“Then why didn’t you just move?” Marion asks oh so innocently.
“I didn’t want to be rude,” Lila sounds shy but her face screams murder, as people hang around to eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Then you were doing it to be polite and complaining about Marinette is quite rude,” Marion has to hold back a smirk as he hears an ‘oh snap’ from his audience.
“I- you!-”
“That’s nice Lila,” Marinette interrupts, walking away like the badass she is, “How about we get to class,”
Marion goes to class, having the fortune to be lumped in with Lila. And yes he does mean fortune because while Lila is trying to brag and get the students under her thumb they are happily ignoring her, focusing instead on Marion’s tips for learning French. When Lila switches tactics saying she can speak Italian Marion switches over to fluent Italian, something he had learned from his Nona. He then breaks out his Mandarin, daring Lila to try and fake knowing a language.
Lila goes quite, just kidding you know that's not true. She starts to pull students aside whispering to them. Marion isn't sure if she is intentionally loud enough that he can hear her or if it’s just his enhanced hearing.
“He’s a bully, I know he’s just trying to act nice to get something out of you,” Lila warns a student who looks disgruntled to have basically been pulled into the corner away from the group.
“He’s a Wayne?” Ah so he’s heard the not-so rumour, “What could I possibly have that he doesn't?”
“He’s not a Wayne!” Lila snaps, before regaining her composure, “I actually know the Waynes,”
“... because they’re in your class?”
“No!” She stops her foot, “They made up that rumour! I know because I’m personal friends with all the Waynes,”
“Alright show a picture,” The guy shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets, Marion reminds himself to give them the award of ‘you’re smarter than everyone in my class, it's not much but it’s something!’.
“ What? ” Lila seethes, looking ready to tear his eyeballs out to have an excuse not to show him.
“All I’m saying is I’ve seen multiple pictures of them with the Waynes plus, I heard that they actually talked to Damian Wayne this morning!” He actually looks in awe at this fact.
“I would hardly call that a conversation,” Lila crosses her arms, looking to the side like a child.
“No you don't understand!” He employers making a wild hand gesture as if trying to show how amazing it is, “He’s the ice prince, if someone else calls his name or even tried to talk to him he would just ignore them, but he actually walked over and talked to them,”
“He saw me-”
“Look I don’t really care, this argument isn't worth having,” The guy puts up placating hands, the gesture having the exact opposite effect on Lila, “Marion seems cool, Wayne or not, so yeah,”
Marion tries not to smile as one by one Lila is shot down. Her anger rising so high Marion is sure she would have been akumatized three times over by now.
“Hey what's with Lila, she seems to have it out for you?” The first guy to talk to her whispers, turns out his name is James and was very confused when Marion gifted him a small paper trophy.
“Oh she does,” Marion shrugs, filling out the worksheet idly.
“Ok… why?” James presses, the small paper trophy sitting on his desk.
“Hmmm…” Marion leans back, tipping his seat, “It’s a paradox,”
“What is?”
“If I tell you the truth, you’ll probably think I’m lying and her accusations will seem more believable,” Marion reasons, looking up at the ceiling, “If I fake ignorance, you’ll probably just take her word for it, seems like a trap,”
“You’re taking this way too seriously,” James shakes his head, and Marion cracks a grin.
“Sorry, just happy to have some new friends,” His smile lessens, becoming melancholy, “It’s been awhile,”
“What? But you’re so,” James makes another one of his wild hand gestures,  “ Nice ,”
Marion just shrugs, but some people notice how he quickly glances over at Lila talking with someone else. Any further questions are cut off by the bell.
“Well, seems that's our cue to leave, now tell me are American school lunches really as bad as I’m led to believe?”
“You poor little french boy,” James shake his head,  “You have no idea the horrors you will face,”
“This is so much worse than I thought it would be,” Marion looks down at his tray in disgust, “This is a private school?”
“I told you so,” James shrugs, walking through the cafeteria to find a seat.
“Hold up a sec,” Marion says, spotting Damian, not talking but rather trying to ignore someone talking to him, “Dami!”
“Don’t call me Dami,” Damian pushes Marion off him this time, the person who was talking to him looks shocked that his arms aren’t broken.
He puts his tray on the table and grabs Damian's shoulders.
“I have an urgent problem,”
“Cheng-Dupain, from what I know of you that is a massive exaggeration,” Damian brushes him off again and Marion’s scared the other kid is having a heart attack, “Now stop bothering me, it can wait for later,”
“I didn’t take any pictures of Cat-fred!” Marion cries, flopping onto Damian, who doesn't bother pushing him off a third time.
“... Understandable,” Damian snatches Marion’s phone, letting Marion input the code over his shoulder, “This is an oversight on your part,”
“So you’ll send some to me?” Marion grins, using Damian’s head as an armrest as he watches him enter his number.
“Yes,” Damian passes Marion’s phone back and Marion grabs his food.
“Great, see you later!” Marion stands up, ruffling Damian's hair before leaving.
“What was that!?” He hears the other person shout as he walks away.
“What was that?!” James yells, and whoops the entire cafeteria is staring between him and Damian.
“Do you ever learn from your mistakes?” Marinette asks, materialising beside him.
“No?” Marion scoffs, putting his and on his hip, “Why would I?”
“Are you actually siblings?” James still looks in shock but at least he isn’t gaping and gasping for air anymore.
“Yes?” Of course they were siblings, they are twins? Is that not clear?
“God-fucken dammit Mari!” Marinette hisses, “That’s not what they meant!”
“Oh,” Marion says softly, totally not jumping as Damian materialises next to him.
“Cheng-Dupain, it was this absentminded nature that caused this rumour to get out of hand in the first place,”
“Yeah… you are going to have to be way more specific,” Marion looks around the whole cafeteria is still staring at them, trading whispers.
“No we are not related, that is a baseless rumour,” Damian glares at James, making him recoil.
“Right… baseless,” Marion mumbles, getting kicked in the shin by Marinette.
“Adopted then?” James foolishly asks.
“ No ,” and yep now James looks afraid for his life.
“Haha, you know you don’t have to seem so offended by that?” Marion slings his arm around Damian’s shoulder, silently rejoicing that he only gets a withered glare this time.
“Like I said,” Lila’s voice carries over the still quite cafeteria, “The Waynes were telling me how they hate that rumour, the meer idea they are connected to the twins is-”
“ Excuse me ,” Damian slams his hand down on the table, right next to Lila making her jump out of her skin,  “But who are you, and why do you think you know anything about my family and what we think,”
“I just-”
“You presume you’re of enough importance to understand my feelings towards the matter?” Damian stands tall and looks down his nose at her, “You aren’t,”
“Lila,” Alya whispers to her as Damian walks away, “I think you should just let them sort it out, it’s a family matter,”
“Who is that?” Damian demands when he gets back to them, “And how do I destroy her?”
“Don’t worry about it Damian, she's just doing it to get attention,” Marinette explains calmly.
“Lila Rossi,” Marion has other plans, “She’s a Liar, provide proof she doesn't know your family or anyone for that matter and she will be destroyed,”
Damian gives a curt nod and walks away, back to his friend who is still gaping like the rest of the room.
“ Mari ,” Marinette smacks him.
“I merely shared my wisdom,” Marion stroke his invisible beard, “What he chooses to do with it is up to him,”
“Ugh, that was a long day,” Plagg groans, curling up in the middle of his pillow.
“Plagg you slept in my bag the whole time,” Marion flops onto his bed, and it wasn't over they had to go on patrol soon.
“Which is far more disruptive than a bed,” Plagg complains, letting Marion curl up next to him, “Not comfortable at all,”
“Speaking of not being comfortable…” Marinette trails off, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Our brother insisting we aren’t related?” Marion curls around to look over at her.
“Very strange feeling,” Marinette nods, absentmindedly pulling her feet onto the bed.
“He yelled at Lila,” Marion smiles up at the ceiling.
“Does that make him an honorary Dupain-slash-Cheng?” Marinette smiles over at him.
“Yeah…” Marion’s grin drops, “... Or Dupain/Cheng/Wayne,”
“... You want to tell them?” Marinette asks in her horrible tone that reminds him of being back in Paris and trying to stifle emotions.
“I mean, yeah,” He sits up, crossing his legs, “They’re family right? I want to know them, do you?”
“He seemed upset when they called us siblings,” Marinette turns to face him, the Kwamis watching their little meeting from the outside.
“He seemed more upset with Lila, said he was insulted by it,” Marion reasons, he feels like they’re back in Paris dressed as Ladybug and Chat Noir having three in the morning conversations on rooftops.
“It’s Lila, anything she says can piss someone off,” Marinette sighs, flopping back on the bed, destroying the illusion, “Tikki what do you think?”
“This is a decision you have to make on your own Marinette,” Tikki advises sagely.
“Tiiikkkiiiiii,” Marinette whines like a three year old
“Alright, I never had a family but I have the other Kwamis,” Tikki concedes, explaining to the twins giving her all their attention, “I am separated from Nooro and Dussu, and if family feels like them I do not want you to be separated,”
“What if they get mad?” Marinette asks, fidgeting.
“Then you’ll find a way to work through it,” Tikki smiles at them, “You’re Ladybug and Chat Noir, there isn’t anything you can’t do,”
“Just do it kid!” Plagg shouts, giving up on pretending to nap, “If it turns out bad at least you know!”
“What is it Sugar Cube?” Plagg asks sweetly, getting chased out the room moments later.
“So, we doing this?” Marion asks, after all their Kwamis have left.
“I guess so,” Marinette shugs, bringing out her phone, Marion holds her hand for comfort as they wait for the phone to ring.
“Hello?” Bruce picks up on the third ring.
“Hey Bruce,” Marion says, sounding strained even to himself.
“Marinette, Marion,” Bruce answers, pleasantly surprised, “Is everything alright?”
“How do you feel about telling everyone else?” Marion cuts straight to the chase, he can’t be bothered to run.
“... are you sure?” Marion can feel Marinette tension grow at the question, “I want to but they’ll all be surprised, it might ruin your trip,”
“We got sent to the hospital the first week being here,” Marion reasons, he should technically still be on bed rest.
“... That's true,”
“So?” He prompts after a too long pause.
“When do you want to tell them?”
“Tomorrow,” Marinette speaks up for the first time.
Well I guess that's that
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month @nalu-ismyjam @the-one-woman-army @rosesandsailboats @blackmagicforever @zeneralla @ivymala07 @tired-butterfly @tired-butterfly @Ranger-gothamite @A-star-with-a-human-name @enchanted-nerd
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dapandapod · 4 years
Flowers and bad ideas
Prompt by the one and only @dont-tempt-me-frodo when words ran dry and ideas ran away. Thank you for letting me borrow the braincell! Many words were worded and I hope it is readable and did your idea justice! 
On Ao3 here! 
The skies are clear and blue above them. Lazy white clouds drift over them, the summer heat making any attempt at movement slow and drowsy. Despite this, Geralt has decided they need to be on their way. Despite this, Geralt has donned his leather and his armor. Despite this he keeps a brisk pace on the dirt road, every now and then reminding Roach to keep going with a nudge of his heels.
Walking next to and slightly behind them walks a bard, completely bored out of his mind and in so much misery because of the gods damned heat. It’s the kind of heat that gives the air above the road a floaty quality. Don’t ask Jaskier for better words to describe it right now please, his brain is boiling inside his skull. 
In a desperate attempt to distract himself from the slow cooking of his most prized body part (wait, scratch that, second most prized body part!)  he looks around. Maybe there are some greens he can use to decorate his brain when it is ready to be served. A wild pepper mayhaps? A handful of berries? A decorative flower might suit? Jaskier fans himself with his hands, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. It makes no difference whatsoever, no respite to be found. His tunic sticks to his back under all the layers of what is deemed proper, summer or no. Jaskier will never understand what keeps Geralt going, and how he is still alive clad in all that leather.
Not that he complains, mind you, that behind wrapped in leather like a gift is a sight to behold no matter the weather conditions, but he would never be able to walk around like that himself.
The road leads them from between the rolling hills and up on a small height. Roach doesn’t stop, the soft sound of her hooves hitting the gravel making a steady rhythm to organize his thoughts around. But finally something distracts Jaskier and his boiling brain.
On the soft slope of the hill they are standing on a wide field stretches out. The high grass is speckled with colours, like tiny stars growing out of the ground. It is beautiful.
Jaskier has to stop and just take it all in. To just take a moment, take a breath and take it in. He might stand there a bit too long, because the rhythm of hooves stops and Geralt turns to look at him. Jaskier snaps himself out of it, and he means to catch up with them, he really does. But his eyes keep straying to the field of flowers and he finds himself drawn to it.
So Jaskier gives in. He knows it’s a bad idea, his nose always starts dripping and his eyes get swollen and itchy. But Jaskier loves bad ideas. That’s how all his masterpieces are written after all. So he puts his lute down carefully on the road, pushes his sweaty hair from his face and throws himself into the field with a squeal.
He runs straight out into it, down the slope with his arms outstretched. The grass reaches up to his knees and tangles with his legs and he goes down, falling into it willingly. “Jaskier!” comes from behind him and he can hear Geralt dismount. Jaskier pays the witcher no mind, propping himself up on his elbows like a kid and bends the nearest flower to his nose. If he is going to spend the rest of the day sniffling he might as well make it worth it. The smell is sweet and he can feel a smile stretch across his lips. “Jaskier!” Geralt calls out again, hurrying up behind him and pulling him up to a sitting position. As predicted, Jaskiers eyes are already itching and his nose is starting to do its thing. 
Still smiling, still with Geralt's hands on his shoulders, Jaskier looks at this wonderful man, kneeling with him in a field of growing stars. It’s a very nice feeling.
“Yes, my dear witcher?” He says, not understanding at all why Geralt looks so worried.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Geralt asks, frowning slightly at Jaskiers loopy expression. 
“It is very warm, but yes.” Geralt's eyes widen in alarm when Jaskier turns his head and sneezes loudly. “And these flowers are trying to kill me, but other than that I am perfectly fine.”
Jaskier regrets his choice of words immediately as Geralt janks him up and drags him over to Roach.
“I knew it.” Geralt mumbles as he starts digging in his saddle bags. “I knew something was wrong.” “What? No? Nothing is wrong, I should just not have smelled those flowers is all.” This doesn’t help at all and Geralt searches even more frantically in the bags.
“Poisonous. They are poisonous, nobody just falls down from running in the grass. Fuck where are they?!”
“They were poisonous?! Meliteles tits Geralt, why didn’t you stop me?! Am I going to die?!” The heat is suddenly overbearing, his sniffles and sweating worrying, heart racing towards his doom. “I don’t know Jaskier but your eyes are swelling up and you are sweating and that is not normal.” Geralt says through gritted teeth and wait, hang on. It finally clicks for Jaskier.
“Oh Geralt.” He chuckles, a hand on the witchers arm to turn him. “Im fine!” He says again, trying to smile comfortingly. But his eyes itch so much so he reaches up a hand to rub it, and his nose refuses to stay dry. Geralt just gives him an incredulous look. “It’s true, it’s just the allergies.” As if to prove his point, another sneeze forces his way out and his eyes tears up from the force of it. “See? Not dying.” He says, voice strained as he wipes away snot and tears and sweat. Geralt is entirely unconvinced.
“I promise you, I am not dying. Not from this anyway. And you can’t tell me sweating is not normal when it feels like we are walking on the inside of a fire elemental's arse crack. But prettier.” Seriously, how is Geralt stil standing up in this heat with leather and armor? His brain must be boiled into mush too, because Geralt reaches up and places his hand on Jaskiers cheek. His thumb traces the thin skin under Jaskiers itching eyes and there, Jaskiers brain checked out entirely. “Promise?” Geralt says, and it is completely unfair. Jaskier would promise anything if those callused fingers touched his skin.  
“Yes. It’s only allergies.” He assures him again, but he is not so sure anymore. He is definitely feeling a little faint. But to prove it, he takes Geralt's other hand and places it over his speeding heart, as if that would clear things up. The boiled brain has checked out and thus the reasoning is somewhat flawed. Geralt's fingers splay over his heart, Jaskiers hand circling around his wrist to keep him in place. The witcher's eyes are trained on his chest, a new rhythm taking the place of roaches hooves. An uneven, desperate and lovesick rhythm, but not a dying one. Not this time. Then their eyes meet again, and Jaskier pulls in a breath through his open mouth (his nose is too busy being allergic).
Then Geralt chuckles and all gods above Jaskier want to kiss him.
“You’re a mess” Geralt smirks and lets his hands fall to his sides. Jaskier has to stand there for a moment, once again taking it all in with all the limitations a boiled and absent brain brings. He is indeed a mess, inside and out. A third sneeze explode from him, snot flying, eyes reluctant to open again.
Geralt strolls back up the hill and picks up Jaskiers lute, putting it on his back after strapping his swords to the saddle. “Up.” Is all Geralt says and motions for Jaskier to climb up Roachs back. Jaskier is sceptical. That never went well before.
“Why?” he asks, eyes squinting and darting between the two. “I'm not dying?”
“So may be, but we will never get to the next town in time for the contract if you are insisting on falling into a field of flowers every few minutes.” And sure, Geralt has a point. He climbs up with some assistance and then takes out his handkerchief to wipe his nose.
“Still not dying.” He complains.
“I remain unconvinced.” Geralt smirks up at him and grabs Roachs reins and leads them onwards. They start making their way onwards, Jaskier only being allowed to sit there. No more bad decisions for Jaskier today, for surely the next thing he would do is fling himself into his witchers arms.
Which, hey, is not a bad idea at all!
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tenshindon · 4 years
How about Launch for the "Give me a characrer" thing? (Love ur art btw🧡)
Give Me A Character and I Will Answer:
Why I like them:
Blue Launch is super cute and I love how she acts like everyone’s big sister! Blonde Launch is just. Pure Anarchy and I adore how whack she can get and her dedication to being by Tien.
Why I don’t:
I like that Launch has two personalities, but I wish it wasn’t executed by her sneezing. That’s about the only thing I can’t say I like about her.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
I can’t remember the exact episode but it was an early Z one; Blonde Launch just Straight Up kidnaps a bunch of chefs and forces them to cook an Immaculate Meal for Tien and Chiaotzu only for Tien to dismiss the meal entirely like can we get an F in chat for Blonde Launch (and the chefs).
Favorite season/movie:
Launch really does just show up sparingly and when she’s there, sometimes she doesn’t do much unfortunately. But she probably does the most during the Tien Saga- from her pulling out a gun to clear out the crowd to her Unapologetic Love for Tien after seeing him for Two Whole Minutes are just Golden.
Favorite line:
“Yes, please come! I’ve fallen in love with your savagery! …Can we at least be pen pals!?” -Blonde Launch when Roshi asks Tien to follow the Turtle School and her response after Tien rejects the offer
Favorite outfit:
It’s a brief appearance but I love Blue Launch’s little Buu Saga outfit- the jacket looks super rad and I dig the hat; Girl seems to have been able to hold down a job as a truck driver too!
I’ve come to like to think about from time to time is probably Launch and Yurin!
Launch and Bulma!  I also think if they were dating that would be cute but I also like to think of them just being real good pals- maybe Bulma even asking Launch from time to time to come over and babysit Trunks and Bulla for her.
Head Canon:
This is probably Such an improbable piece of lore but I like to think that she’s just an extreme diluted descendant of a Saiyan- that’d at least explain her Unique transformation and personality change somewhat.
I also love to imagine that while she’s visiting Tien’s farm and Yamcha happens to be helping out, Blue Launch’ll make the lads some lunch so they can all relax and hang out when they take a break.
Unpopular opinion:
I don’t think Tien and Blonde Launch ever really dated; their relationship was Absolutely a one-sided thing imo (of course I could be missing some anime filler but I still hold that opinion regardless OOPS).
A wish:
It’d be cool to see Launch show up every now and then; she doesn’t have to do anything major, but hey it’d be cute if she just pulled up to Capsule Corp one day with like. A delivery of fruit or something for a party LMAO (and hell let her stay for the party too Bulma she’s your friend!!)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
I mean. What Could Possibly Happen To Her At This Point. I don’t know uhhh Don’t Suddenly Become Tien’s Wife Despite Us Never Seeing You In Super And Tien Never Showing Romantic Interest In You Or Anyone Really.
5 words to best describe them:
Your angel and your devil
My nickname for them:
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uselessmonsterboy · 4 years
Heres a prompt, if you want, mido has his first snowball fight!! And its all good!! Its all fluffy!! Aizawa just keeps waiting for the shoe to drop but it never comes bc this is fluffy!!
Lit so i dont all too often write pure fluff and actually have been told i have a knack for turning pure fluff prompts into fluff/stuff so here is my attempt i swear i tried
It wasn't often that snow actually accumulated in the city. Not with how far south it was. It was the weekend and the dorm was collectively bundled in their best clothes they had. He heard talk about a cross class snow war. He wasn't entirely sure what the specifics of the war were or when they planned to do it but he had seen the different classes gearing up and his class was no group to turn down a challenge, friendly or otherwise. 
He did have his concerns, of course, about how much of this would end with sick kids and such. He also saw the ones who decided to sit out in favor of relaxing in the warmth of the dorm itself. Tsuyu was not a surprise and was apparently planning on making a meal with Kouda for the rest of the class who was participating. Aizawa would be sitting out too if not for the fact that he intended to make sure things don't get too out of hand. He heard one of the stipulations was that there was no quirk use allowed (this time was whispered excitedly between some of the students) and so he didn't think it would get too rowdy per se. He saw Midoriya sitting curled on the couch, swathed in blankets and watching T.V. quitely, a comfortable air around him as the documentary ran muted, subtitles playing across the bottom of the screen. 
That was one of his other worries. He was confident Midoriya was capable and fine to handle himself by now, he just also knew he had shifted the night prior and it was… it was not a short one. Midoriya had paced restlessly in the suite the school had built on the top floor specifically for the times he had to shift. He had rattled and warbled almost the entire time, muttering in a wordless tongue, as he waited out the shift. Aizawa had spent the time with him as it was a point where Midoriya had already been anxious all day and so he had intended to offer some form of comfort if needed. 
All day so far, though, Midoriya had been entirely nonverbal. Something that only really occurs as of late when he is incredibly stressed and Aizawa, having already talked to both Yagi and Yamada about it, had no idea why. 
He sighs as he follows the class out of the dorm and leaves the three inside. It would have to be talked about later. 
The war was in full swing within minutes. He had to commend the stealth of the other classes, they had nearly ambushed his students if not for Shoji's watch. The zone was apparently decided to be the length of the path between the different dorms and the stretch of trees next to it.. A corridor of raining snowballs was the result. It was an interesting layout that forged a sort of no-man's land in the middle that was a nearly unmarred expanse of snow. He was off and out of the way of any stray shots or collateral from heavier fire. He could see Kan on the other side of the territory watching the students on his half. His occasional shout of advice or criticism barely carrying through the noise of students calling and commanding each other. 
He heard steps in the snow behind him and turned to see Midoriya walking up to him, bundled in proper clothing for the weather now that he had them as well as still dragging a throw blanket over his shoulders. It was carefully kept off the ground. He raised a brow in question but got just a shrug in response, which was fair. 
Midoriya stopped just next to Aizawa and watched the brawl going on with a lazy interest at best. He couldn't help but wonder if the kid ever even had the chance to participate in a snowball fight with how his life has played out. It was probably not something you just stumbled into when as busy as Midoriya had definitely been his whole life just trying to keep alive and functioning. He went back to watching the tide slowly turn in the favor of 1-B. The other class had all of their students in the brawl and with as fervently as they had been working to try and one up 1-A all year it is not really surprising that the lack of three students was playing into their favor. 
He glanced back down to Midoriya just in time to see the boy flinch and lift the blanket just in time to block the snowball that smashed against the blanket where it now covered his face. He whipped his attention back to the war, ready to reprimand the clear attack on someone who wasn't actually in the fight. 
Yet, the words died in his throat as he heard the quiet huffed laughter coming from Midoriya. A quick once over showed a small smile on his face as he shook off the snow on the blanket. He took a moment to tie it around his shoulders like a cloak, glanced at Aizawa, and jogged over to where Uraraka, Kirishima, and Mina were quickly forming snowballs and tossing their ammo to the students on the front line of attack. 
Aizawa didn't know why that made him both relieved and even more anxious to a small degree. He watched even more sharply than before. Midoriya never spoke a word and his actions were almost reserved but still just as efficient at forming snowballs as the other three. At some point Kirishima and Uraraka tagged out of the ammo building ring, swapping with Shinsou and Sero who were sufficiently powdered in snow. Shinsou had an arm tucked in his sleeve and was building snowballs as best as he could with his 'lost arm' from the fight.
This continued for well over two hours until the teams had wilted in numbers to only three or four kids on either side. Kan had actually been the one to call it the draw that it would not have remained as when he saw one of his students sneeze and another rubbing their arms aggressively to try and warm up. The disappointed cries from both classes were loud enough that Aizawa found himself hiding a smile in his gear. They would have to find resolution on the Quirk day.
He stood aside as his class loudly clamored and debated how to improve their tactics for the next round on their way back to the front doors. It took a few moments to spot Midoriya who was sitting on the roots of one of the larger trees, neatly wrapped in his blanket. It was a wonder that his friends hadn't stayed with him so Aizawa walked over himself.
"Everything alright?" He crouched down next to him.
"Mm." Midoriya yawned and rubbed at his eyes with the blanket. "Thinkin'."
Ah, so words are back. At least a little.
"About anything specific?" 
Midoriya seemed to consider the question a moment before nodding.
"Last time. Uhm…. Last time it snowed like this I slept under a tree like this. Built a small shelter and stuff." He frowned at his own words, looking up at the tree like it would hold some form of information for him. "It's different."
"How so?" Aizawa knew these times of talking about the specifics of Midoriya's history were entirely on the kid's terms and not all that common. He had quickly learned to leave his questions open because those seemed to work best with him.
"I'm happy now. Warm." Midoriya blinked a few times, wind having stirred up some of the unpacked snowfall in his direction, before making eye contact with him. "Do you think Yagi-san has that nice tea still?" 
"I'm sure that he probably has an entire cabinet full of the stuff at this point." Aizawa glanced back to see no students still lingering before he ruffled Midoriya's hair to knock off the snow that had collected there. "We can go check."
He stood and waited as Midoriya stretched a moment before he stood up as well. He gestured for Midoriya to take the lead, they would wander at whichever speed he wanted on their way to the teachers' dormitory. At this point he was pretty sure that Midoriya could walk the path with his eyes closed but Aizawa was more comfortable himself to have the kid where he could keep an eye on him. It was good, he thought, that Midoriya was at the point where he felt deserving enough to verbally confirm he felt happy. It was progress.
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I rewatch Miraculous—Mr. Pigeon
Behold!!! The episode that almost made me stop watching Miraculous.
No for real i think i got up and left the room first time around, this episode was so ridiculous.
• “You only have one day to work on your fashion piece.” Only a day? That seems kinda unrealistic when you take into account designing, gathering materials, whether or not you need to go out and buy any materials, the amount of time it takes to actually put all that together...
•WHOA Gabriel’s actually smiling in that pic Mrs. Bustier shows. Er, smiling-ish
•Pure cinnamon roll child seems proud this peppermint frappucino dickhead is his father (Gabriel ur hair looks like whipped topping and that tie doesnt help). BE GRATEFUL FOR SUCH A CARIBG CHILD YOU PRICK!!!
•Maaaaaariii chill the fuck out your overactive imagination and severe anxiety are getting the better of you.
•AHEM Gabriel has a purple bowtie in Mari’s imagination instead of that ridiculous peppermint scarf he uses to hide Nooroo’s broach???
•Adrien: appears out of nowhere
Marintette: jerks and flops away like a fish on dry land
Me: lol bye Marinette
• Adriens beuatiful face when Mari is talking to him (before she blunders and stumbles with her words) is beautiful
•Mari’s beautiful face when Adrien is telling her “you’re so talented Marinette!” and the subtle tremor in her eyes as they widen with her smile...☺️😊😘i love my beautiful, anxious mess of a daughter
•Mari: Follows Adrien with her eyes like an owl. LMAO.
•Chloe does not deserve Sabrina 😒
•Whereas Gabriel resembles a peppermint frap, Hawk Moth/Papillion appears to be the result of what might happen if Batman and the riddler had a baby
•Ramier, bruh, there is like. Zero. Fucking. Reason to be that upset over not being allowed to feed pigeons. For real. Go feed them on some rooftop somewhere if you must. No reason to let Hawk Daddy akumatize you over it...
...You know what? We’re not calling Gabriel “daddy.”
EVER. Again.
•Also Hawk-shitface, pigeon dude is your worst idea and you keep coming back to him. Seriously at least put some effort into your champions’ outfits. Youre a fashion designer for petes sake!
• wow this show really loves its skin-tight body suits, huh? Even when they look ridiculous.
•Sabrina how the hell much did you have to pay for a cellphone that lets you zoom in on a fucking sketch from dozens of feet away and score yourself a crystal-clear image???
•Sabrina: “We’re soooo awesome!”
Chloe: “We?”
Chloe does NOT deserve Sabrina.
•Arent real bird feathers full of germs and bacteria that cause diseases? And Marinette “im immune to bird flu” Dupain-Cheng just plucked that shit up off the ground and put it on her hat of all things. I dont know whether to be fisgusted or impressed.
•Chat “paint me like one of your French girls” Noir for the win everybody
• “Im allergic to feathers.” I came across a theory on tumblr once (cant find the OP) that this coulda been caused by Emilie wearing the damaged Peacock broach when she was pregnant with him. If thats true i would be pleased😏
•Allow me to channel Chloe for this comment: LB, CN, that disguise is about as convincing as Mr. Pigeon and Bubbler’s get ups are appealing. In other words, NO.
•Chat Noir moonwalking with a hat on—booiii got some moves. 👌👌👌👌
• “You’re the cat dont you eat [pigeons] for breakfast?!” No LB, Kitty Boi is a domestic kitty otherwise he’d present to you little dead things like my cat used to do before we stopped letting him go out. This is an awful joke but SPARE THE BIRDS, theyre just like Ramier—being controlled by a monster.
• “On the count of three my beloved pigeons will commence fire.” As disgusting as pigeon poop is i think they’ll live. Cant you come up with a better evil plan? Threatening to break the glass floor at their feet by having the pigeons stomp on the cage would be more effective. I’m not trying to help the villain, kaay? I just prefer my villains to use their head. Honestly Team Rocket is more intimidating than Pigeon Dude.
•is it just me or is kitty boi especially adorable in this episode??? 😻😻😻
• flock of pigeons put a dent ten times the size of kitty boi’s head in the door
Okay thats actually kinda terrifying. What woulda happened if that attack hit a normal person wearing no magical armor??? They’d be pecked to bits...
• CN: “I gotta get outta here before my secret identity is revealed!”
LB: “Yeah you wouldnt wanna let the cat out of the bag!”
CN: “...Haha very funny.” 😾
Dont dish out what you cant take, handsome boy.
•LB’s look of amusement as CN starts running in place for fear of detransforming in front of others is hillarious
•kitty boi if this hotel takes tips you should really give Jean-whatshisname one. That was the speediest, life-saving room service ever.
•isnt this just Chloe’s room??? Theres a ladybug pillow on the bed and everything. Why did the mayor send CN to Chloe’s room???
• “i cant wait my dear pigeon.” Hmm reminds of later on when Hawk Moth calls Nats “My dear Mayura.” Bruh if you INTO Ramier just ask for his phone number like a normal person, quit akumatizing him and eat a damn snickers
•LB: Time for a sneak attack! Oh no, my sneak attack failed cuz my partner couldnt help but sneeze with all these FEATHERS around.
HELLO, he just told you he was allergic to feathers???
•ugh them censoring out the punches with flashy screenshots is so LAAAME show me the VIOLENCE.
• “Cat Noir! Grab [the bird call!]” AGAIN he’s ALLERGIC TO FEATHERS. Just tie that yoyo to something to keep Pigeon dude in the air and smash it yourself.
• Gabriel is that teacher from Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide who was never physically present in class and was only ever seen through a tablet or some nonsense
•Chloe getting busted my Marinette in front of the principal, Gabriel and Adrien is a great example of how PLAGIARISM DOESNT PAY are you listening art thieves lurking on tumblr, instagram and elsewhere???
•ahem Gabriel that sympathetic look you give a weeping Chloe is very out of character
• “youre the winner Marinette.” Not gonna check out Kim and Max’s hat? You could at least look at it, doesnt seem very impartial to pick Mari without looking at ALL the hats
Girl they are BOTH allergic to feathers. How many blonde teenage boys walk around with a feather allergy? Quantum Masking or no Quantum Masking, c’mon you should be at least considering the idea theyre the same person from that knowledge alone.
Annnd thats all for now. This episode is more of a vent-inducing hate sink than enjoyable, save for the gushing waterfall of cute kitty boi moments it provides. I may do Stormy Weather later today to make up for it.
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rinharu-purple · 4 years
MakoHaru vs. RinHaru is like Apples vs. Pears
Ooohhh, how nice that we have a horrific pandemic hugging our from us fellow humans cruelly treated earth, so that we could stay at our homes, bake our own bread, have hundreds of zoom talks and try to learn how to knit a sweater for our dog. Everybody chooses another recreational activity to spend their time at their homes...Me? Well. I can  finally write my thoughts on Makoharu vs Rinharu ship war because that's my business and knitting has never been my forte...oooor writing gramatically perfect essays and yet here - we - are.
I think Makoharu and Rinharu are veeeery different and I will try to tell you in this post why is it that I think so...(nope, not because I'm a Rinharu shipper, why would you think that, and no there will be no Makoto shaming, he's a precious baby boy and I love him)
Lets start with the context, in which these two kinds of relationships can be found in.
Makoharu is the “We have been best friends since we were in our diapers and now we are like siamese twins, like salt and pepper, like Ernie and Birt, like avocado and lime juice” type.
Mako and Haru got to know each other while they were 6 years old when Makoto tripped on a sand castle on the playground and Haru helped himto stand up. Ever since then, it's almost always has been Makoto's mission to help Haru stand up, get up or get out of any situation, pool or bath. They are neighbour kids so they've spent their entire life together. Day by day, year by year. They've started swimming in a SC together,  went to the same school and then attended to the same university. Even when they were on school trips outside the city, they would share the same room. So unsparable they've always been. Considering the fact that they are currently in their early twenties, they must have spent almost 15 years together. In that point they no longer need to use words to communicate or Haru has to tell Makoto about his problems. Makoto can always be spot on about Haru's concerns whereas Haru can sense when something's up with Makoto, even though he's not so spot on as Makoto. Haru is not the best when it comes to seeing through the souls of people. He has a quite accurate sense of detecting suffering souls though.
Makoto is always observing and following Haru in a not creepy way. Makoto is loyal to Haru and givies Haru a safe space, where he could always go to, when in distress. Makoto is the translator to Haru's thoughts and feelings, when it's far too uncomfortable for him to express his thoughts himself or the replier to his unasked questions, when its too embarrasing for him to pose them. He gives him handkerchiefs, when he sneezes, tells him to get out of the pool because its still too early to swim outdoors. He also guides other people in their handling of Haru, so that he wouldn' be put into unsettling situations. Makoto is taking over the role of a protector for Haru. Some also see Makoto in a maternal archetype. Even though I find this a little bit far fetched, Makoto is definitiely the mother figure in the team, that's for sure. Just not in this duo.
What is then Haru's role in this relationship? What does Haru think of Makoto canonically? I really had to skip this part and give it some thought before writing anything about this, because I didn't have any straight answer at the first time. Haru cares a lot for Makoto. I mean, we all saw how he freaked out when he's nearly drown in the ocean. He also reacts frantically, when Makoto tells him about his plans to go to Tokyo.Haru is also very sensitive about Makoto's fear of the ocean and always tries to stay between Makoto and the ocean while taking walks at the beach. But Haru usually goes his own way, doing his own things, regardles of Makoto. Sometimes it's almost like he would take Makoto for granted, especially when he's lost way too much in his own problems. He doesn't see Makoto as a basic part of his swimming career and also doesn't confide in him in topics regarding Rin. For example he never told him why he'd quit swimming and he also didn't mention him about the “fence tension”. Makoto is transparent with Haru, but can we say it other way around as well? We saw Makoto struggle with his feelings towards swimming in High Speed and Haru could only catch up to this after quite some time. The same goes for Makoto's dilemma about his future plans in Eternal Summer, because Haru was dwelled way too deep on his own dilemma. What about their team relay in the first season? When he's shattered to pieces because Rin won the 100 m freestyle race, he just disappeared and discarded anyone else. This might be te only unbalanced element in the MakoHaru relationship.
Whatever the roles in that ship might be, due to their closeness and co-dependence Makoto and Haru are extremely comfortable around each other and trust each other completely. It is an established relationship which has very strong roots. It is an unbreakable bond. This is the main context of this ship. What about RinHaru?
Rinharu is the “Ever since I've met you my life hasn't been the same and I can't stand you yet you complete me trope... like yin and yang, like Mr. Darcy and Elisabeth, like two polars of a compass, same same but different” type.
Rin and Haru have always been rivals but also friends. They would compete in every single silly challenge out there, but then set the prize in rather questionable things like “the winner carries the loser bridal style”. They are responsible for the most of the emotional meltdowns of each other but then again they are also the ones to gather the broken pieces of each other and “save” one another. On the other hand, they contuniously keep taps on each other, observe one other from behind the scenes. They also are not using words to communicate like in MakoHaru, the only difference from MakoHaru ist that not only they fail to understand each without words but they also misinterpret each other and therefore have many quarrels along the way. Then again we have many intimate scenes between them, mostly at night, in a car, on a bench, in Haru's room or in the same bed abroad, in which they express their thoughts and feelings very straightforward with clear sentences. No innuendos, no sugary coats, no ego-masks. As honest as they can be. More interestingly, those feelings and thoughts usually turn out to be mutual. They think and feel the same way, they just don't confess them often. It is a relationship of two opposing ends all the time and yet they crave to be next to one another, swim together, see the world together, be like one another, cherish their moments and memories together.  They appear to be  the “opposites attract” stereotype, but they keep growing, expanding and evolving. Neither them nor us viewers know what the next scene in their relationship will be like. It's a relationship that's still in the making, they dont' have an established pattern.
As much as MakoHaru will stay being best friends RinHaru will also stay being friendly rivals, regardless- of any other direction their ship may take. Imo those are the foundations of these two ships, so how are they played out in the series? What is the tone of these relationships?
Makoharu is green and blue, you mix them and you have either a darker or a lighter shade of green
I've just described MakoHaru as an established, safe relationship. It's not only that, but its also a harmonious one. Makoto and Haru are harmoniously compatible with each other. They don't argue much, or have completely opposite opinions, wishes, desires. Even when they differ in their ways, they still manage to find a common ground and keep theit relationship on track. So that's why the producers always give MakoHaru scenes a stabile tone. They don't have drama, but they also don't have emotions on the extreme end of the spectrum. The comforting atmosphere is the basic of their interactions. When they have an argument, they work this through swiftly, and close the deal. They don't carry the burden along the way, they just leave it there.
In illustrations Makoto and Haru are mostly portrayed facing the same direction, wearing the same uniform (obviously), in the same setting, in cooperation. Their Drama CD stories are also that of two characters getting along well. Makoto pampers Haru to his good health as a firefighter and protects him from the police or they cook a meal together and Haru plays to role of a trainer to Makoto. But hey are also portrayed like a somewhat married couple in a domestic seeting. Even Nagisa mentions in the first season that hey look like a newlywed couple. Btw I really think that Nagisa is a hardcore MakoHaru shipper.
RinHaru is red and blue, you mix them than you have motherf#cking purple!
“.. like yin and yang, like Mr. Darcy and Elisabeth, like two polars of a compass, same same but different”  of course they are red and blue! Red and blue are two of the three main colors so they are not harmonious. When mixed they try first to dominate each other but when they finally blend, they make the sophisticated yet charming purple. Something that is neigther blue nor red, something brand new and that's RinHaru. When they are together they clash, they compete, they try to dominate each other but once they finally give in, it's a sight we've never seen before. The ever unforseeable atmosphere sets the tone of RinHaru, which is why both Rin and Haru are still insecure about each other and because their reactions are unpredictable to each other. They appear to be indifferent or comfortable when together and yet there is a certain lack of confidence in their  interactions. They break their heads while contemplating about each others actions and carry the burdens of the unanswered questions in their own heads for quite some time.
In the official artworks they are mostly looking at each other, provoking each other or“mirroring” each other. They are moving forward on their own paths, but in the same direction. Their Drama CD stories show Rin as a policeman, who try to arrest the trespassing merman Haru but then end up showing him his favorite sights and Haru offering him his blood to save his life. In the second one, Haru and Rin, on their way back from the high school regional tournament, at night, using the only time to spend some time together, reminiscing about their eternal summer together and making promises about the future. In another one, Rin is spending the night at Haru's and they once again reminiscence about their childhood and then it takes a misleading turn which includes teenage boys keeping books under their beds. There are always some intimate sparkles in those stories and Haru and Rin always have a romantic moment, in which either one does something romantic to the other or they share theit romantic thoughts about their relationship. RinHaru in my opinion is handled like a "beginning of the relationship" couple. They are exploring their feelings and their relationship progresses with time.
And that is an important point. MakoHaru might be portrayed like a married couple but they are not one. On the other hand, RinHaru really is an everevolving relationship. MakoHaru's setting hasn't changed ever since the first season but RinHaru is taking a different turn in every single one.
Here is a brief comparison of the first and last highlighting interactions of the both ships in each season.
First Season:
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In the first season MakuHaru starts as it always does. Makoto pulls Haru out of his bathtub so that he could go to school in time, much like in the past. And there are important scenes in which they express their appreciation for them sticking to each other. RinHaru on the contrary, starts on a bitter note due to their dispute from the middle school and keep a cold face until they both speak or in this case shout/cry out their true feelings and make up.
Second season:
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Second season also starts with Makoto pulling up Haru out of his baththub and ends in the same manner, even though they also have a fight because Makoto also tries to bring Haru to his senses about giving more serious thoughts to his future plans. RinHaru starts the second season with a new set of feelings. They set a new tournament record and reach the finish line at the same time, giving each other high five and experiencing this new “fired up face” sensation. At the end of the season we see them again at the starting block on neighboring lanes, but this time they give each other a confident, challenging and yet playful smile before diving in.
Third season:
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In the final season up to date Haru and Makoto are attending university in Tokyo and to my surprise aren’t living together. Their first scene is as usual Makoto helping Haru out of water but Haru, this time, pulls Makoto right into the pool, pointing to the fact that Haru, indeed, has become more assertive and confident in his actions. At the end of the season, we see them both still meeting as best friends and studying together. Rin and Haru set off for the final lap of the series miles apart, nonetheless we find them thinking about each other, while they’re in water. Being far awy no longer bringst fear to their relationship, since they know that they are working towards the same goal and that their paths will cross again. And exactly this is what we see in the very final scene. Haru and Rin, standing side by side, at the international stage. Wondering what the future holds for them, but one thing is for sure...They’re diving into the future as a duo.
So when we leave every other scene out of the discussion and solely focus on what are the starting and ending status of these two ships are, we can see that MakoHaru stays stable over the years and don’t show much change, whereas RinHaru evolves and progresses over time and these guys are feeling closer to each other despite spending most of their times apart.
So how do the other characters react to these ships?
Well as mentioned earlier Nagisa is definitely a MakoHaru shipper. He makes suggestive comments about their relationships amd is also very attentive to Mako’s worries about Haru which brings me to Makoto’s reactions to RinHaru. Why was Makoto jealous of Rin and wanted to race him in freestyle? I think Makoto was jealous of Rin because he’ realized that there is someone, who occupies a certain area in Haru’s life, which he cannot be involved in. This would make any best friend uncomfortable and he also confides in Rin after his fight with Haru. Rin on the other hand accepts MakoHaru as best friends and supports it and tries to cheer up Haru about his fight with Makoto by saying that Sousuke und him fight all the time. Sousuke also seems to be aware of the dynamic of RinHaru and is quite cold towards Haru while messing with Rin about his fixation on Haru. He is also quite aware about Rin’s expressions changing while tlaking about Haru, so he senses something out of the ordinary there. Rin’s homestay parents also give Haru a wink while telling him that Rin used to mention from someone whom he looks up to. Ikuya as a newly introduced character, also shows some jelaousy like behaviour towards Rin, although this behaviour is pretty mutual. but I could see Ikuya having more concerns than Rin here. Let’s also not forget about how even Kisumi’s realized that Haru appeared to be lonesome, when Rin was in Australia during middle school (which Haru silently confirms during Ikuya’s heartfelt burst out in Starting Days). People know, that there is something more then what meets the eye for RinHaru.
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In total, MakoHaru has always been a relationship, which owed its strength to its stability and therefore is a very rooted and powerful relationship. Makoto is without a doubt Haru’s best friend and he will remain being that. However I don’t think there has been more than that and also don’t see it turning into something romantic. I mean, like 19 year old college students in Tokyo, don’t you think that they would at least get into a flatting situation if they were more intimacy there? (or maybe this isn’t something common for Japan, I dunno). Since Makoto’s journey takes a different orientation than Haru’s I wouldn’t be surprised if Makoto would soon have a girlfriend. I see Makoto more of a heterosexual guy tbh.
RinHaru on the other side, is still a story in the making and their strong feelings and obsession for each other and most importantly, their paths finally meet and they will be able to finally spent more time together and get to know each other even more. Considering the passion, intimate moments and their desire to be together could turn into something in romantic. I think the romantic feelings between Rin and Haru have been there right from the beginning, but they had to live through all kinds of experiences and form their personas as professional swimmers and find their true identities, while establishing their relationship first before giving thought to what other feelings might be there. So its just a matter of time, that they become aware and act upon these feelings, so we could just hope that we got more Free! productions.
Thank you everyone, who’s made it this far. I know it’s been a long post, but there was no way for me to cover it any shorter than that. Please excuse any typo or grammatical mistakes. I checked the whole text twice, but I’m pretty sure, that I’ve oversaw many mistakes. Did you like it though? Would you add/change something in it? Let me know. I would love to hear your opinions!
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iwritesickfic · 4 years
boy who cried flu
(yes I am aware of how stupid this title is leave me alone)
Peter rarely - if ever - got sick. Nobody who didn’t know him well would believe it though - he had a long track record of absences and missed assignments, despite being a 3.9 GPA student. He’s flaked from social events and parties countless times, always citing he’s not “feeling well.” It’s not technically a lie, though he does lie sometimes. 
People understand physical illness - they know what it feels like to be stuck in bed with a bad cold - but mental illness? Not so much. So...he bends the truth. A professor won’t be very forgiving if you say you spent all weekend in bed because you couldn’t find the motivation to move, but say you had a bad cough? No one bats an eye.
So most people assume Peter has an awful immune system. That or he’s just a pussy who won’t leave the house with so much as a sore throat. Everyone except a select few - Simon, Ashlynn, and Alex. 
Simon’d been his friend since undergrad, and they’d been roommates for a time, so he knows exactly what Peter means when he says he “doesn’t feel well.” Ashlynn is the type to show up unannounced with a quart of homemade soup. And Alex...Alex was there when things had gotten out of hand. 
But just because they knew he was lying when he said he was sick didn’t mean he stopped using it as an excuse. Ashlynn, despite herself, would usually not question it. Simon wouldn’t think twice about the lie, almost taking it as a direct confession. Alex would usually get pissed off and demand some kind of proof.
They were supposed to go to the beach tomorrow - get up early and take the train together to rockaway. But somehow, for the first time in years, Peter has something more than some congestion. Something way more.
It started a few days ago, a runny nose and swollen sinuses. He slept like shit, and the next morning his throat was raw and he absolutely could not breathe through his nose. But he had class, so he took the train in and sat in his lecture and tried to keep his sniffling to a minimum. By the time he was headed home, he’d long since run out of clean tissues, so he tends to his nose with a damp scrap of napkin he found buried in his bag, his nostrils red and irritated from the abuse. 
By the time he gets home, his congestion has gone from a clogged, static brick in his head to leaky, runny mess, but he’s well aware he can’t take a day off from work on his thesis, so he sits in bed working until 2 AM, one hand wiping the mess from his upper lip, the other scribbling notes in his worn out pad. 
He wakes the next morning not sure when he fell asleep, his head pounding heavily behind his eyes, sinuses throbbing and inflamed. His throat feels swollen and hot, and the relentless sneezing that started the night before isn’t helping any. The two days prior, everything seemed to be concentrated in his head, but now it’s clear it’s migrating into his chest as well. Halfway through his day at work in the library, he starts to cough, wet and harsh. 
It doesn’t help that his body aches like he ran a marathon, and chills are coursing through him like ice water in his veins. By the end of the day he can’t wait to finally sit down and rest. His body’s been screaming for it since the moment he got out of bed, and all day shelving books has really taken its toll.
Unfortunately, he’s got an hour long commute and lucky for him, it’s standing room only. He grips the subway pole like a lifeline, his head spins every time the train rocks. He catches a glimpse of his reflection in the darkened window - he looks awful. Bags like bruises under his eyes that are rimmed in pink and half lidded, his nose irritated and red. A coughing fit tears through him, and he tries his best to catch it in his sleeve. His knees start to tremble as he tries to take deep breaths, and he’s startled when someone taps him on the shoulder.
“You wanna sit?” the woman asks, and it takes him a minute to realize she’s offering her seat. Normally, he’d suck it up, but he’s too miserable to refuse. He mumbles a thanks, and sinks down.
It takes all his self control not to fall asleep then and there.
By the time he’s back at his building, he’s seriously doubting he can climb four flights to get to the apartment. Part of him would rather just lay down in the lobby but he knows this is the final stretch before he can climb into bed and sleep.
He’s interrupted by several fits of coughs, and by the time he’s reached the fourth floor he’s practically gasping for air, and soaked in sweat. The chills he had all day have swapped with an oppressive heat that makes him feel almost lightheaded. 
Somehow, he’s quite sure, he manages to stumble to bed, stripping off his damp clothes, the cool air on his slick skin throwing him back into shaking chills. Just as he’s about to let himself be sucked into sleep, his eyes fly open. Tomorrow. 6 AM. He’s supposed to go to the beach. There is no fucking way he is going to the beach.
He texts their group chat with trembling fingers.
hey im real sick i cant go tomorrow
There’s an immediate reply from Alex.
don’t fuckin do this man. we’re going.
A text from Simon.
you’ll feel better if you leave the house, you always do.
He sighs, cursing himself for using this shitty excuse so much now no one will take him seriously.
im serious i feel like trash
Alex answers immediately.
PETER. youre not sick youre being a pussy. we’re going to the fucking beach and we’re having a good time.
Simon responds.
chill alex.
if youre depressed thats fine but maybe consider coming still it might help.
i mean i’d feel better if you came
Peter groans.
im sick. like sick sick. like flu sick.
Alex shoots back quickly.
ok then what are your symptoms?
Peter rubs his eyes, trying to relieve some of the throbbing. 
fever, chills, aches, cough, runny nose, headache, tired.
There’s a moment of silence and he places his phone on his bedside table with a sigh. He’s about to go under when his phone starts to buzz. Once. Twice. Three times. He swears, grabbing it. Three texts from Alex. The first is a screenshot of the symptom list that appears when you google “flu” which just happens to be in identical order.
you need to be more creative
seriously man im not letting you miss this. we planned this months ago. dont be a dick.
Finally, Ashlynn chimes in.
you dont need to lie p, its ok if you dont wanna come.
While Peter would like to further argue that he’s not in fact lying, he just doesn’t have the energy. At this point, it doesn’t matter what they think. He’s not going - who gives a shit why? He’s able to fall asleep almost immediately, but unfortunately, he doesn’t really stay asleep.
He wakes up about every 45 minutes, coughing or shivering or burning or all three. After his fourth or fifth jolt awake he can’t for the life of him seem to get any rest. Every time he’s about to drift off, another coughing fit explodes from his chest and leaves him trembling. He’s hot, but he’s not sweating, which he realizes vaguely must mean he’s dehydrated. As the night wears on and his condition continues to worsen, he wonders if he should call an uber to take him to the ER. He can’t afford it, not in the slightest, but he’s not sure he’s ever felt this terrible before. Somehow, he remembers there’s an old thermometer in the kitchen. An old roommate had bought it thinking it would work for deep frying but didn’t realize the range only spanned from 95 to 107.
He needs to take his temperature. See how serious this actually is. He can’t remember the last time he actually ran a fever, so he’s not sure if this is just par for the course or whether this level of misery is cause for alarm.
He stumbles into the kitchen, and for once he’s glad to live in such a god-awfully tiny studio. He lands heavily against the counter, and rummages through the drawer to find the small device. After what feels like an eternity, he manages to grab it with shaking hands, fumbling with the buttons for a moment before flipping on the small kitchen light. 
He sticks it under his tongue, it feels like ice. He tries to coach himself on what he’s going to do. If it’s over 100, he’ll go to the hospital. No, that’s too low. 102?Still maybe too ambitious of a goal. It’s then he realizes he’s really just trying to justify what he’s going to do anyway - save himself an ER bill and stay in bed. He’s jerked out of his thoughts when the small device beeps and he removes it carefully from under his tongue. 
The display flashes 103.2. He doesn’t really know what that means but after a quick google search it’s not exactly any clearer. It’s bad, but not bad enough to cause brain damage, supposedly. Fuck it, that’s good enough for him. He climbs shakily back into bed, the small excursion has left him absolutely exhausted. 
He needs medicine. He knows that. Some tylenol at the very least, but if he can barely walk to the kitchen he doesn’t know how in hell he’s getting out the door, down the stairs, to the pharmacy, and back again. So, he’ll just have to live with it. 
He spends the rest of the night in and out of half-sleep, each coughing fit seeming to drive the illness deeper into his lungs. His nose has started to run again, and each rub with the already-used tissue makes his poor sensitive nostrils burn in protest.
The next morning he wakes to the harsh, deafening drone of his apartment’s buzzer system. He cracks his eyes and checks the time. 6:42 AM. Whoever the fuck it is can wait, he’d like to suffer in peace. Still, as he tries to slip back into the sleep the buzzer continues to go off and after about five minutes, he sits up in bed, fighting the wave of dizziness that washes over him. He stumbles to the keypad and presses the button that opens the lobby door, and the buzzing finally - mercifully - ceases. 
He grabs a t shirt from a pile on the floor and pulls on a pair of boxers - he doesn’t know if he’d be able to stand anything more with the way his fever is raging. He sits on the edge of his bed, trying to catch his breath, quickly breaking down into another awful fit of coughs. Just as he’s finished, he hears a heavy knock on the door. Sighing, he forces himself up, padding slowly over to the door, trying not to aggravate the dizziness any further. He pulls open the door and is confused to see not an overzealous delivery person, but his three friends. 
He stares dumbly for a moment before a breath catches in his throat and he breaks into thick, wet coughs. He sniffles, wiping his nose with his wrist, before looking back up at them.
“What?” he mumbles, and there’s an awkward silence. 
“Shit,” Alex finally says and Peter sniffles.
“What do you want?” he repeats, surprised at the hoarse, broken quality of his voice. Does he really sound that bad? Ashlynn pushes forward, wrapping him in a tight hug. She’s short, so her face is pressed into his chest, and he stumbles back slightly.
“Oh Peter,” she whispers, and he swallows, closing his eyes. She pulls away, and he has to force them open again. She she presses a hand to his forehead. Her palm feels cool but uncomfortable against his oversensitive skin. “You’re burning up.”
“I know,” he murmurs, wishing the conversation could be over so he can go lie down and not have to explain himself to his friends. He sighs, and narrowly avoids another coughing fit. “Are you gonna come in or you just all gonna stand there?” They exchange looks. “Well?”
Ashlynn pushes past him, followed by Simon and finally Alex. Peter shuts the door and tries his best not to look as fucked up as he feels walking to sit in one of his kitchen chairs. 
“What do ya’ll want?” he asks Simon and Alex, Ashlynn already digging through the medicine cabinet.
“We don’t want anything we were just concerned,” Simon says.
“Then why do you look so fucking shocked?” Peter snaps, even though he knows Simon is only telling the truth.
“Because I was 100% sure you were bullshitting,” Alex says. Peter is far too tired to get into a verbal sparring match with Alex, but he tries halfheartedly anyway.
“Still sure?” before Alex can reply Ashlynn is back with a damp washcloth and the thermometer he’d used the night before. She lays the cloth on the back of his neck, and he can’t help the small whine that escapes. 
“Open,” she says, and he does. She places the thermometer under his tongue gingerly, and strokes some of his hair off his forehead. “You don’t have anything? For this?” Peter shakes his head. She presses her lips into a line. “Simon and me are gonna go out and grab some stuff, ok?”
“That’s not necessary.” His voice is almost slurred with the fever, and as if on cue the thermometer beeps. Ashlynn frowns at the reading. She shakes her head.
“Christ, Peter.” She touches his forehead again, this time with the back of her hand. “103.6 and it’s not necessary?”
“I don’wanna be lectured.”
“I’m not lecturing.” She spends another moment fussing with his hair before getting up, grabbing Simon. “We’re going to get some stuff, we’ll be back. Alex, make sure he doesn’t die, ok?” It’s clear Alex is about to protest, but Ashlynn levels him with a glare. They leave, and then it’s just Peter and Alex.
Alex stands by the door, hands in his pockets. It’s a while before either of them speaks.
“What was I supposed to think?” he finally says, and Peter tries to swallow his anger.
“I don’t know, man.” He runs a hand through his greasy, sweat damp hair. He starts to shiver again, wrapping his arms around his torso. Alex takes a careful step forward.
“You get why I wouldn’t believe you, right?”
“Yes, Alex.” The chills are now back in full force, he’s sure he must be shaking like a leaf. He wants nothing more than this conversation to be over, but Alex doesn’t seem to be getting to message.
“You never get sick. Ever. So what am I-”
“I get it. It’s fine. Just...stop talking. Please.” He’s shaking so bad he can feel his teeth chattering. He pulls his knees to his chest. He closes his eyes, praying something - anything - will warm him up. He hears footsteps and fumbling, then feels a dry, warm blanket being tucked around his shoulders. He looks up, and Alex is standing there, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Do you wanna lay down or something?” The thought of climbing back into his sweat damp sheets makes him cringe, so he shakes his head. “Why not?”
“S’gross, I sweat a ton.” 
Alex nods.
“Right. What about the couch? You can lay on the couch and I can do your laundry.” 
Getting horizontal sounds heavenly, so he nods, and Alex touches his shoulder, quickly pulling his hand back.
“What the fuck - dude, you’re like...on fire. Shit.” He tests the side of his neck and winces. “Fuck.”
“Can you just help me?” Peter is embarrassed at how small and sick his voice sounds, and the fact he’s asking Alex of all people for help, but he knows if he tries to do it on his own he’s going to fall and crack his skull.
“Yeah, yeah, of course.” He wraps an arm around Peter’s waist, and supports him the few feet to the couch. It’s not very far but his knees go weak about halfway there and he’s glad Alex is holding him. As soon as he gets onto the couch, he curls on his side and closes his eyes. “You’re ok?” Peter nods, and Alex pats his shoulder awkwardly. “Ok. Cool. Just...stay there, I guess.” Peter can hear him starting to strip the bed.
“I was maybe gonna go for a run,” he mumbles, and Alex laughs softly. 
“Definitely. Then I’ll enroll at NYU for my bachelor’s.”
“You’re just jealous you don’t have all my debt.”
“You’re right. I’ve been trying to rack up some credit card bills but so far no luck.”
Peter opens his eyes to see Alex with the bundle of sheets in his arms and the bottle of detergent. He pauses for a second, shifting from foot to foot.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and Peter swallows hard.
“I know man, it’s ok.” Alex smirks.
“Alright. Don’t die while I’m gone.”
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bow-woahh · 4 years
She-Ra season 5 thoughts
A chaotic summary of my feelings/ reactions of each episode! Spoilers. Obviously. 
Episode 1 — Horde Prime
- First of...Adora stop throwing yourself into battle challenge - "You're not She-Ra anymore" — TELL HER SIS - The way Catra was so smug but Glimmer was not having any of it "You're just as alone as I am" if that ain't the truth idk what is - Catra wanting the climb up the ranks? Sis I don't think so let's see how long that lasts - The DINNER pissed me the fuck OFF - Oh yeah here's my obligatory SW FUCK OFF CHALLENGE - Micah, King, glare at her!! Yes!! - The way Scorpia said "Catra thought my singing was annoying" honey - That clone was SO annoying stfu about Prime being omniscient and omnipresent and shit like ugH idC - Bow and Adora are the BROTP - Scorpia stinging Adora to keep her safe - and that's on friendship - The way Prime INSTANTLY called Catra out "Adora means something to you" listen I hate the gay but damn he's smart. He saw right through her act. - "Adora chose her side and I chose mine" that doesn't mean you don't still care Catraaa - Also that was REALLL quick lmaoo the way five seconds she was like "imma climb up the ranks" then in about two secs HP was like "sis I have no use for you" - "What are you going to do to me?" IM CRYING - Adora and those weird flashback PTSD things -- are u okay sis?? - This was the first episode and I already want to cry so....wow
Episode 2 — Launch
- Adora omg she's so fatigued girl S L E E P - Bow getting pissed at everyone for not letting her rest...what a king - Catra disobeying HP and talking back to that clone but then HP took its form...fuck man that shit scary - STOP CALLING HER  LITTLE SISTER CHALLENGE JESUS FUCK - Everyone hates Entrapta wow ouch - Literally Entrapta being horny over robots is hilarious lmaoo - Mermista is a great leader and they worked so well together ahhh! I'm loving Scorpia and Frosta's friendship - Entrapta got the signal!! I'm proud -  Adora stop following holograms and illusions challenge -  Adora being all like "I don't know my destiny anymore but I know I need to save my friend." LIKE YES HONEY -  Glimmer is sO volatile like honey,, did you need to break HP's crystal ball thingy?? DID U?? -  also she knows her dad is alive now and that H U R T S ++ I bet she doesn't know the sword is broken so fuckkl -  Micah as She-Ra?? something I never knew I needed -  SW not being in this episode at all? love that for us - "I reinstate my horray" I LOVE YOU SCORPIA - "Can you stay?" MY FUCKING HEART GLITRA FRIENDSHIP HERE WE COME
Every episode I just feel immense f E AR
Episode 3 — Corridors
- THIS STARTS W BABY CATRA AND ADORA?? NOELLE WHY ARE TRYNA KILL US?? - Catra and Glimmer talking about sleepovers and Adora...damn my heart - Adora and her stupid ponytail 💀 - "I'll never say sorry!" - THE WAY YOUNG CATRA WAS SO JEALOUS EYE— - "There's no one in the entire universe who cares about me." - "Im sorry! For everything." IM SO UPSET WTF -  CATRA IS FUCKED BUT SHE SAVED GLIMMER -  HP GTFO CHALLENGE -  I'm so proud of my baby tho wow... -  What the fuck we gone do now? -  so much happened in this episode so this is a lot shorter because my brain is numb. Catra is gonna get brainwashed?? isn't she?? -  "I want to do that one good thing in my life." IM CRYING Y'ALL
Episode 4 —Stranded
- Adora is like "Catra, Catra?? saved you?? wtaf?” Lmaoo - Bow and Glimmer fighting is hurting my HEART - KYLE HAS A CRUSH ON ROGELIO?? SCORPIA DONE EXPOSED IT AHHH - Swifty tryna contact Adora?? kinda cute - him impersonating everyone was onbrand and kinda funny ngl - The way Adora is like "it's complicated" lmaoo girl everything is w you - I live the star siblings omg yeS - "I have to save someone. Someone I—" omFG ADORA - Adora is S T R O N K - she GLOWED OMFG SHE RA?? IS THAT U?? - BOW AND GLIMMER BEING OKAY?? MAYBE - Etherians really are wilding out here - YESSS THEY JOINING THE REBELLION - "Maybe we'll never be friends like we used to be."  Glimmer...I love her sm - "I can't just leave her there. I have to try." Adora actually cares so much about her!! and I love Glimmer being supportive wow we love a queen! - THE BEST FRIEND SQUAD IS BACK TOGETHER!! LETS GOO - "She-Ra is back." Swift Wind is annoying but thank you. thank you for saying that horse.
I literally threw my hoodie across the room and forgot that I did that wow lmao
Episode 5 — Save the Cat
- My friend who's ahead me said wait for episode 5 now I'm fucking S H OO K - this episode name has me shook I can't - its WRITTEN BY NOELLE?? WE'RE FUCKED - I love Wrong Hordak SM what an idiot - Catradora really is gonna be canon wow - WTAF IS THAT SHE IS NOT MY CATRA SHE IS A CLONE her hair tho?? kinda nice - the way HP said "your Catra." like low-key he said gay rights - "You broke my heart. And he has made me whole again." - "We both know I don't matter"  and "you're and idiot" "I know" THESE TWO ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER - SHE JUMPED OFF A CLIFF FOR HER - the way she's holding her?? so soft - SHE RA IS LOOKING FLY -- and is she taller?? - "You miscalculated" YES QUEEN I LOVE HER. THAT WHOLE FIGHT SCENE WAS AMAZING - FuCK HORDEP PRIME - Darla is the best Light Hope SUX - the "Hey, Adora" was SO SOFT IM SO HAPPY
That episode really hiT different Catradora is DEFINITELY canon EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU NOELLE
Episode 6 - Taking Control
- Adora. Chill. - Catra's trauma...wow - honestly I have SO MUCH TO SAY and so little at all. - The ending w Catra joining was so cute and all the Catradora interactions are SENDING ME this is the development I need - "Adora. Stay." MY HEART - thank fuck that chip is gone YAY - Entrapta and Catra making up? Catra saying "Thank you and I'm sorry" her least favourite words -- characters DEVELOPMENT - The way Catra blushed when Adora transformed GIRL YOURE GAY - SHERAS POWER IS TOO MUCH SLAY GIRL - Horde Prime FucK off challenge I hate him - Micah tryna be a father figure? cute - the endING FUCK WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT SPINNERALLA??? POOR NETOSSA
okay but where tf is DT, KYLE, LONNIE AND ROGELIO??
my mum is so tired of me screaming lmaoo
Episode 7 — Perils Of Peekabloo
- Catra just SAT on Adora's lap the PDA is unmatched - We love a filler wow - we literally can't trust anyone this shit sucks - SCORFUMA STANS STAY WINNING - Mermista and Seahawk kinda cute tho (the  heart eyes) - DT I KNEW IT   - CASH KITTEN? EYE—JUST SAY SUGAR MOMMA AND GO - NETOSSA DOESN'T DESERVE THIS - MERMISTA TO - EVERYONE is chipped WTF - DT is a theatre gay through and through   - THEY'RE FUCKED WE'RE FUCKED - NOOOO SCORPIA 😭😭😭 - "I'm the muscle, remember?" - SCORPIA'S POWER, HER REACH, IT'S AMAZING - everything is going downhill FAST - "Happy Anniversary" EYE—😭😭😭😭😭
well that sucked What the fuck we gone do now?
Episode 8 - Shot in the Dark
- The soft smile Catra gave Adora while teasing? love that - loving this new squad - the wAY HER TAIL FLUFFED UP SHES SO SCARED MAN - Wrong Hordak is my main g - the LAUGHING!! THE BLUSHING!! EVERYONE CAN SMELL THE GAY TENSION - omg Catra being the brains of the operation?? yes please - "Catra's first mission" THEY'RE SO OBNOXIOUS I LOVE THEM - "I'm going to kill your friends." "Please don't." we are ASCENDING - Casta? Strike her down anyway please 🙏 - Adora is SO WHIPPED the way she blushed at Catra making the door - "It's such a cute sneeze" BOW KNOWS IT CATRA IS CUTE AND THATS THE TEA - literallyyyy I hate SW GTFO CHALLENGE get OFF my screen 😡 - CATRA WHY DID YOU LUNGE AT THAT THING?? - OMFG MAGICAT?? (Nope dumb bitch) - "I'm coming!" "Hurry." - "I'm sorry. I got angry. It's something I'm working on" ADORA GLOWED AND SAID "You are?" WE LOVE SELF GROWTH AHH - It was Catra's hand OMFG IN THE TRAILER - Adora and cat thing being magic? we love it - MELOG IS SO CUTE and Catra can talk to it?? wowow - they love taking strays lmao - Wrong Hordak's character arc is the best one in the show - CATRA HAS AN IDEA?? YES - Preach Casta shut Weaver up - "That about sums it up, yes." I love them as a team - the hand holding? so cutee Catra don't pretend you're not whipped - oml Glimmer kissing Catra before Adora? EYE— Glitra shippers gonna be so happy at that one moment lmaoo - THEY'RE HOMEEEE
ahhh we're getting close to the end nooo
Episode 9 —An ill Wind
- oh god oh god - Catra is so badass with Melog i LOVE HER EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL  - having to fight your own wife? that shit sucks - Erelandia? it's free - omg HP is angry asfff - FROSTA CHILL SHE PUNCHED HER HARD - Adora and Catra are soft 🥺 that's all I have to say
Episode 10 — Return to the Fright Zone
- omg are we gonna see Kyle?? Lonnie? Rogelio?? (also nope, stupid hoe) - okay but Netossa getting screentime? YES PLEASE - I love the intro sm ahhhh - also her knowing everyone's weakness? love that shit - ouch Perfuma ouch didn’t have to go so hard on Catra and YET - omg I forgot Bow's dads existed - "Mostly bad memories" 😔😔😔 - competitive gfs for the win - Catra FLEW tho WOW Scorpia is STRONK - the dad jokes are immaculate - "I'm working is being a better friend. That has to count for something right?" - "We don't throw tanks at our friends" sis you don't give flowers to your them at this current time either - "why did I get stuck with the water Princess?" Catra...baby I love you - omg there's a fail safe THANK FUCK I was legit speechless - "There's real power in love and friendship" preACH IT GIRLIE - SCORPIA FIGHT IT YESSS - legit forgot Spinny and Netossa were fighting lmao oof - FINALLY ANGST OVER THE WIVES ARE BACK - omg THE PAN TO ADORA ABOUT BEING VULNERABLE AHHHH - Perfuma is Catra's therapist that's my headcanon - OMFG I FORGOT ABOUT SW FUCK SHIT CATRA BABY IM SORRY
damn I'm stressed out
Episode 11 — Failsafe
- Weaver STFU challenge - them taking about their abuse? we love to see - "We— I could really use your help" KILL ME NOW THEY'RE TOO MUCH - "Not because I like you" she says SMILING - Melog is Catra's affectionate side prove me wrong - Stan Entrapta for clear skin - SW doesn't deserve rights (as per usual) - DONT TOUCH HER BITCH LITERALLYYYY WHYYY - and now She Ra is glitching?? fuck - Catra is so jumpy eye— "Trust Me" MY HEART SBSBDB - Weaver really called her a DISTURBANCE STFU 💀💀💀 - Entrapta and bird horse ftw what a tag team - OMG NO BE CAREFUL - "Did you just jump in fire to save me?" SHE WAS SO SMUG - can SW burn like... now? - "It's none of your business" LITERALLY BUTT OUT  - "Catra, she distracts you, confuses you." WEAVER I FUCKING HATE YOU SM I FUCKING I WILL PUNCH MY SCREEN - Entrapdak being a thing? I do not know how to feel - "Your imperfections are beautiful."  I am.... conflicted - SW doesn't deserve screen time - Catra is an i no cap (I genuinely have no clue what I meant so sorry about that) - i think the fuck not - this episode is so stressful - Catra saving Adora >>>>>>>>> - what an awful reunion for Glimmer damn - "It doesn't always have to be you!" IKR IT SHOULD BE WEAVER - fuck dark magic fuck it all - Catra's upset?? no my baby 🥺 - this whole episode is just traumatising - Adora's heart do be glowing - Catra's LEAVING?? why?? - "What do you want Adora?" - MY HEART BEEN BROKE SO MANY TIMES I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE 😭😭 - omg this time instead of Adora leaving it's Catra (you are a dumbass DUH) - that H U R T S - ADORA TELL HER YEs QUEEN
Episode 12 — Heart Part 1
- I am not prepared for this - Adora...baby I'm so sorry - Glimbow moment with a banjo?? that was cute - Adora really is a party popper - "Adora doesn't want me. Not like I want her." AND THAT'S ON LESBIANISM BUT ALSO FUCKING OUCH  - but really Catra...do you really think Adora doesn't want you? girl are youb B L I N D?? - Wrong Hordak is MY GUY - Stan the rebellion for clear skin - NOOO WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART DON'TPLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT THEY NEARLY KISSED AND IT WAS A FUCKING SIMULATION - real Catra be CAREFUL - "We have to warn Adora" YES SIS WARN YOUR GF  - "I thought I could make my own destiny" U STILL CAN SIS - I'm scared I'm fucking scared - my HEART IS BEATINGG FASTT - I really hate Horde Prime uhhhhhhhgg - for once in your sorry life do something good Weaver jfc - "I can't leave her behind again" - BEST FRIEND SQUAD + MELOG YES - "Bow, I love you." GLIMBOW IS BACK ON AHHH - BUT AT WHAT COST??? (literally what am I saying??) - "You deserve love too." AND THAT'S ON PERIODT - Glimmer coming in clutch!! - Mermista and Seahawk do be cute tho - Micah is actually the worst rn wow - "Goodbye, my oldest enemy" CATRA COME QUICK AHH
the last episode....I'm not ready to say goodbye
Episode 13 — Heart Part 2
- ofc this is written by Noelle - "Hey, Adora" MY HEART - "I'll catch up okay? Get to the heart." - SW ACTUALLY DIED?? THANK YOU MY GIRLS CAN HEAL NOW
andd that's as far as I got before freaking the fuck out with everything that was happening onscreen but THE CATRADORA KISS WAS EVERYTHING and the ending was perfect 🥺💖
Thank you Crew-Ra, Noelle for making such a beautiful and heartwarming show, this will be remembered for years to come because what this show did was incredible and unlike anything I've ever watched.
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alvinsoffie · 4 years
December 1,
Theme: Each World AIDS Day focuses on a specific theme,  
This years theme is  “ Global Solidarity: Shared Responsibility.  ”
A look back at recent themes gives an interesting perspective:
2020    Global solidarity, shared responsibility
2019    Communities make the difference
2018    Know your status
2017    My health, my right
2016    Hands up for HIV prevention
Personal awareness and responsibilty, coupled with Community support is a reasonable paradigm for moving the HIV/AIDS agenda forward. Embracing this can go a far way to achieve the Goals for eliminating HIV
"  World AIDS Day remains as relevant today as it’s always been, reminding people and governments that HIV has not gone away. There is still a critical need for increased funding for the AIDS response, to increase awareness of the impact of HIV on people’s lives, a need to end stigma and discrimination and to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV."  
I am quoting directly from UNAIDS here.
A useful way to compare The two pandemics:  The 40 year old HIV/AIDS pandemic is the stately annual  journey around the sun.   COVID 19  is the 28 day cycle of the moon around the earth.  It's busy and frenzied. Because it shares the same stigmas, the same governments the same communities; the same inequities: we get a quicker look at the cycle of events. Some countries are already on their third wave, their third cycle or go round of COVID 19. And lessons are being learned at this heightened pace.
This crisis, This frenzied pace has become  a wake-up call, an opportunity to do things differently—better, and together. In many respects, the defeat of AIDS as a public health threat could depend on how the world responds to COVID-19.
Inasmuch as  COVID 19  has overshadowed the AIDS pandemic. we  DO note that some important lessons are being learned and that with care we can utilize  aspects of the COVID 19 response to improve HIV response and awareness.
Since you have invited a religous, I believe that you are expecting some insight from a Christian or Biblical perspective, and if this is so, I wouldn't want to disappoint you.
I did some homework, a little research,  and came away shocked!   In a sense  upset on learning that Stigma is the main deterent and source of frustration for battling and overcoming the effects of the AIDS epidemic.
As I looked at the seven types of stigma identified across a range of psychosocial situations, I came to realize that Stigma and its associates, prejudice and discrimination, are deeply ingrained responses that are applied outside of logic and wisdom, and where it surfaces can surprise you.
For the record the seven types of Stigma are:
All of these manifestation  of Stigma are being  experienced in real time in this COVID 19 pandemic. Lets not forget that persons were beaten for sneezing, an involuntary act. Fear and paranoia brings out the worst in us. Where they find common ground, the excesses are very dangerous.
To return to the global AIDS response;  At a time when 'untraceable equals untransmittable is a reality already, It is strange that there is no obvious reintegration mechanism for the persons who can overcome the virus. Right HERE, such a mechanism or protocol could provide a rallying point against the stigma PLHIV face. It becomes a powerful incentive to reach for; a goal to achieve. This is one crucial difference with COVID 19, Governments want us to get back to work so there are tests and procedures for reintegration for those who have caught and overcome the virus. The reintegration is SPONSORED because it is deemed vital.
The HIV scenario still has gender bias and sexuality and dominance issues that drive the stigma and after 40 years they remain well entrenched globally.
What does scripture have to offer here. Both Old and New Testaments recognize a variety of diseases that initially demand isolation and removal  from communal life. Numbers 12 points to a situation where Miriam the sister of Moses was punished with a skin disease and was out of the camp in isolation for 10 days. Even here there was a clear return to community. She wasn't cast into outer darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth!  Israel camped and waited  for her. Just a biblical reminder that it always help to have a celebrity or power person build empathy for your cause.
The reintegration mechanism was well defined. The priests were trained and were the ones assigned the inspection of the suffering person. Once satisfied of their rehabilitation, they offered the necessary sacrifice and were fully reintegrated into family and community.
In the Gospels where Jesus was remarkably open to transformative action on peoples behalf, his advise to cured lepers, to
" show yourself to the priests ...  
" Offer the sacrifices Moses commanded"
leverages this generations old schema for returning the  renewed back to community. Jesus did not subvert the process: he co-opted the process for the validation that it offered. The process is Critical! In real life more than a few persons doing well on their regime fall away and do not return for medication and help. The validation process is aborted by some triggered fear and more than a few will end up dead; losing their lives.
   A lesson here is that education doesnt always defeat prejudice. In fact it can provide seemingly plausible justification for discrimination.  This is why discrete access to health care for PLHIV is a necessity. Thank God for JASL.
   The Label Avoidance Stigma is the most insiduous of the seven. It is the one that keeps the infected person from seeking help. in your community or elsewhere. They know full well that bush have ears and if you are seen in Mocho or Portland or Mandiville at a clinic the rumour mill will grind and your issues will be publicised. They keep quiet and die quieter still. I have seen it up close and it hurts my heart every time I am faced with it.  Let me say it again;  Thank God for JASL  
Sadly, you are as likely to hear a pastor or preacher condemn the sick and declare God's judgment rather than provide access to care and counselling and in hospitals one has to deal with health professionals whose personal biases become stumbling blocks to personal healthcare services..some share unethically, the details of their patients, furthering stigma and discrimination  ...   very well documented.
If the church would follow Its Lord's instructions. If it would extend itself to speak for the voiceless
Someone came to Jesus for healing and the discussion began:  'Lord, If you choose you can make me whole'.  Jesus said,  'I DO Choose!'  If our churches would follow Jesus and choose to facilitate health and wholeness, a lot could change.
Church could stand with or stand up for  the sick especially PLHIV/AIDS.  it could do a lot to counter stigma, to counter the whispered inuendos that is Stigma by Association. Stigma by Association is the one that kills community support for the needy. It is the one that ties you to the presumed sexual preferences and activities of the persons you are inclined to help.  
Churches could build support for members and persons who are HIV positive, but who would dare share their status with the brothers or sisters in church. Very few keep secrets, fewer still, exhibit compassion. We need radical Christianity of the leave all and follow Jesus variety.
Returning to the bigger stage,  the theme Global solidarity, shared responsibility invites us to revisit our relationships and the activities they engender. Global solidarity invites us to explore the Global response and align ourselves with projects and activities that we are able to support. There are a plethora of them and myriad best practices scenarios waiting for our implementation.
One important feature of World Aids Day is the memorialization of the dead. Given the early stigma and circumstances of dying,  many persons have not been properly remembered and closure is still eluding some families who have lost loved ones to  HIV/AIDS.
The opportunity to come out and name them and remember them is hugely therapeutic. This is something that the Church does well.   Catholicism provides a liturgy on All Saints Day, November 1 for the memorialization of our dead. We do it systematically and we know the benefits of it. We light the votive candle, we pray for those we love, and we ask God in his Love and Mercy to deal kindly with them.
There is a ministry here for churches. There is a place where we can quietly exercise the gift of presence as in grief counselling and just be there for those who need us. There is a place for a prophetic voice that can stop the slander and inuendo by its forthright affirmation of the Person living with HIV as a full and complete human being, bearing the image of GOD.  
Even in death, the stigma continues and the cause of death for the death certificate can be problematic for family members.  To remove Stigma is to open up the resources freely and fully for those who need it. This day must come sooner rather than later.  these are difficult times, make no mistake. But we can make a difference if we try a little bit harder.
 Shared Responsibility brings us back to Genesis and Cain's question  ' Am I my brother'e keeper?' Yes!  Yes we are.  God requires an answer of each of us. We are social creatures We need each other for Fulness of living.  We will need to develop more programs that bring real benefits to people living witH HIV
My word of encouragement for PLHIV/AIDS is simple:  Keep the faith. HIV is no longer a death sentence. Serious progress has been made and you can access a good life right here, right now. Your Life is precious! Dont throw it away! Do NOT let pride or shame rob you of health and family, joy and accomplishments. Still dream...  Most things are still possible if you believe and persevere.
Do the right things for yourself. There is now legal recourse to some forms of discrimination. Fight your battle for your life and find support for your cause along the way.  Life is Precious.... DON'T give up! Fight Fight   Fight!
With discipline and determination, the way things are going,  you might actually outlive some of your detractors.
Here I want to quote and close with Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn,
“Whether as funding partners, technical informants for policy design and programme implementation, or as medical workers serving people living with HIV and AIDS at the community level, we need to have all hands on deck." the Observer November  20
I endorse All hands on Deck! The world can  and must do better regarding the AIDS pandemic. We must remove the strictures and structures that maintain stigma and discrimination in all its forms.
I endorse all hands on deck and hope to see church and state join together to do the right thing for signicant numbers of our citzens who need our help
I endorse All hands on deck to design and build reintegration protocols and mechanisms for those on the margins right now. they dont need to be there!
I endorse all hands on deck if these hands are tender loving hands, desiring to nurture and to care for those in need.   We have had enough of the finger pointing sleight of hand deception > I'm just saying:
I endorse all hands on deck in the response from governments, NGOs and  Communities  acting globally and locally.  It is my hope that solidarity will facilitate the crafting of an accelerated response with a view to end Living with HIV/AIDS soon.
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Ch5 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Warning this story is M bordering NSFW
Chapter 5:
SlayerYesterday at 9:51 PM
Inuyasha knew that if his brother really wanted her he would catch them. He was banking on Sesshomaru  just not giving a damn. But when he felt the swell of Sesshomaru's power, and the earth moving force of him chasing after them his heart dropped.  His bastard  of a brother wanted HIS Kagome.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:53 PM
Now, Kagome and he may have agreed that they were better off as friends, but that didn't mean that he'll hand her off to his brother. That's just wrong. Actually, imagining anyone with Sesshomaru is just wrong and gives him the heebie jeebies.
 SlayerYesterday at 9:54 PM
And she was still HIS Kagome.
"Can you hold a solid circular barrier around us?" Inuyasha called over his shoulder.
Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:57 PM
All he had to do was make it to the well. Just up ahead. He could see the clearing. The old stones that made up the base. It was so close. Kagome nodded, "I can try!" Her reiki blossomed into a barrier, but for some reason Sesshomaru was able to reach right into it. "Miko."
She trembled.
 Walter205Yesterday at 10:01 PM
Too late, she came to the realization that the barrier didn’t work on Sesshomaru because, deep down, she didn’t really want to escape from him after all.
 SlayerYesterday at 10:01 PM
She solidified her barrier, but just as it became solid a huge paw slapped them away from their destination. 'Great now we have a 50 foot dog playing ball with us.'
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:02 PM
Sure, in the dark, somewhat high part of her mind, she imagined playing fetch with Sesshomaru, but not like THIS!
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:03 PM
"You're going to ruin the goods, Sesshomaru! Stop!"
 Walter205Yesterday at 10:04 PM
Kagome felt green as Sesshomaru swatted them for the fifth time. More like Pinball at this point instead of regular ball.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:06 PM
Apparently the 50 something foot dog had SOME sense because now he was looking down at them, actually her, in a somewhat contemplative way. She didn't like that head tilt. Nothing good came out between her and dogs tilting their heads while looking straight at her.
 Walter205Yesterday at 10:07 PM
“Kagome, drop the barrier when I tell you to. I have a plan to get us out of this mess,” said Inuyasha as his Tetsuiga started to turn Hot Pink.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:09 PM
Oh. Oh good lord no, his tail was wagging. No no no no that can't be good, he's happy about something no no no. Ever so hesitantly she dropped the barrier.
All hell broke lose and nothing went right.
 SlayerYesterday at 10:11 PM
Sesshomaru  still in his true form, lunged for her, completely  ignoring Inuyashayelling out a new attack. Next thing he knew he had some type of metallic  confetti going up his nose, which unfortunately caused the huge dog to sneeze. Right on Kagome.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:12 PM
That was one strong sneeze because it blew the first layer of Kagome's kimono right off and now she was on her hands and knees trying to get up from the blow.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:18 PM
Dripping with snot, Kagome shouted, "Dammit! I just want to stay clean for half a day!" She flung out her arm, pointing right at Sesshomaru and his wet nose, "I thought you were trying to help me by taking me from the shiro, but you just wanted to torture me!" She wiped her face with the back of her sleeve, getting emotional with how tired she'd become. Sunlight peaked over the horizon, and she sniffled, "I just want a bath and my fluffy robe and sham pajamas and my bed..."
 SlayerYesterday at 10:20 PM
Seeing the little priestess dissolve  into tears made both dog demons tuck their ears and look at the ground.
"Ah Kags dont cry! Damn it you asshole look what you did!" Inuyasha yelled at his older sibling.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:27 PM
Sesshomaru's massive paw pushed Inuyasha into the dirt. They all knew if Inuyasha hadn't of stuck his stupid face into the middle of things, this would never have happened. With a whirlwind of power, Sesshomaru was back looking like his two legged self, covering HIS miko's shoulders with moko moko.
"Everything can wait until morning, let's get you a bath first. I look forward to washing your hair." Hair so black it gleamed blue in the sunlight, and wildly unruly, so unlike his own. He had to admit, to himself alone, how curious he was about her human but timeless attributes.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:31 PM
They were already well away from Inuyasha's muffled screaming and right in front of a small spring when Kagome's frazzled brain finally caught up to what Sesshomaru just said, "Wait what?!"
 SlayerYesterday at 10:39 PM
"Come now we will get you clean fed and to bed and we can talk in the morning."
"You're not staying while I bathe!"
"But I am Miko. Your requirements were love security and marriage. I can easily give you two of those things. I would like to try to foster the third. That means we spend time together." Sesshomaru started the massive work of unrobing his Miko. 'My god how many layers did mother dress her in."
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:42 PM
"Sesshomaru!" She tried to slap his hands away as her obi fell to the ground and he began removing the outer layer. The silks were glued together by his giant dog snot. She pouted, "This is all your fault..."
 imjaneeesYesterday at 10:44 PM
It was a long and tedious process because he would not wish to scare her by ripping the clothes off of her but he was patient. For a while. It was on the last layer that Sesshomaru nearly threw his hands in the air and bash his head against the wall. His mother all but places a chastity belt on the miko and it would not come off unless the one wearing it takes it off herself.
 SlayerYesterday at 10:46 PM
"Remove your last layer and get in the water. This Sesshomaru  shall not peek." He turned away from the nearly naked Miko and scanned the trees wondering if his idiot of a half brother was going to show up.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 10:59 PM
As soon as his back turned a loud splash resounded with a laugh he knew all too well. "InuKui! Get your hands off my miko!" He growled, turning on his heel. The sight was disturbing. InuKui had her arms around Kagome's naked body, rubbing noses. 
"Uh...InuKui...if you don't mind...some space?" Kagome's face, neck, and chest were flushed red.
 Walter205Yesterday at 11:03 PM
Turning around, Sesshomaru took in a eyeful before noting that Inukui was at least still wearing her blue robe of the water hamster.
 imjaneeesToday at 12:11 AM
Inukui, as completely uncaring of other people's comfort to appease herself as her mother is, merely grinned at the miko.
"Don't you know, you're our sister now! Mother said you and big brother would give us new pups. Mother has been rather melancholy lately, I think she misses having pups around the shiro since there hasn't been one since I came along. But now you're here so everyone would be happy! How often can humans give birth per century though? Mother told me to ask you about this."
Good lord the girl meant well so Kagome couldn't really get mad at her, not to mention that she reminded her strangely of Rin with a feminine Inuyasha face. This was weird.
revangToday at 1:05 AM
“I- I’m not giving anyone pups!” Kagome squeaked with a furious blush. “We’re not even in love! I’m going to bathe and go home away from all of this nonsense. And when I get back, we’re going to resume our hunt for Naraku and the Shikon like we should be doing!”
 Walter205Today at 9:59 AM
Later that night, Sesshomaru lay against the great tree of time, staring up at the countless stars of the night sky accented by the crescent moon. Kagome was sound asleep by his feet, taking full advantage of the furry softness that was Mokomoko in the absence of her beloved sleeping bag. Inuyasha was above him in one of the tree's limbs keeping watch, while Inukoi was curled up next to Kagome, where Shippou would normally be at. 
 Everyone had settled down remarkably well last night after the miko's declaration that she wouldn't be bearing pups for anyone in the hot spring. At that point everyone had taken a giant step back as they realized Kagome had gone through too much in too short a time period and that she was being driven away by their actions. After letting her bathe in peace they had fed her the fish on sticks Inuyasha had brought to the cave earlier. 
 While she was eating they had discussed backing off considerably on their plans and ambitions for the time being as the Miko had a lot on her mind and a lot to talk about, to all of them along with her mother in the present. It was decided to let her return home in the morning but since it was late at night she would stay with the three of them nearby before departing. 
 They had paid their respects to the graves of Kikyo and Kaede, the latter having passed on almost a year ago, not of old age as many thought would happen but in one of the many battles against Naraku, the Trash Prince having killed her in order to taunt Inuyasha about Kikyo's death along with hurting all of them emotionally. Kaede's death hadn't been in vain however as she had prevented Naraku from learning about the secret of the Bone Eater's Well.
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panda-noosh · 5 years
Request: I JUST SAW REQUESTS ARE OPEN SO PLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSEEEE MAKE MORE PIDGE STORIES (preferably ones that dont end in sadness) like maybe one about y/n secretly being related to one of the other paladins or some shiz idk just aNYTHING WITH MAH PIDGEON 💚💚💚💚💚💚 also I friggin live for your writing its amazing and i don't understand
For: @kiiitkaaat4231
    When Pidge saw you, it was an accident. 
    She wasn’t necessarily avoiding you, but she certainly hadn’t stepped out of the house this afternoon with the intention of running into you. For weeks, she’s been doing a pretty decent job of keeping herself to herself, because when it comes to you, she’s stomping on very, very bumpy territory.
   It’s such a cliche, and she knows this. She accepts this, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to try and come out the winner. At the end of the day, her friendship with Lance means everything to her, and she will never be willing to sacrifice that for the sake of a crush that - let’s be honest - might not even lead anywhere.
   Pidge certainly isn’t willing to test it.
    But tonight, the workload gets too much. She’s been trapped in her bedroom nearly the entire day, dawdling over the same god damn software for one hour too long - it’s making her head hurt. Physically ache, to the point where not even shifting the screen lighting will help. That’s when she knows its time to pack in and perhaps treat her body like what it is - her body.
    She’s not in a good mood when she pulls herself from her room and heads downstairs. She’s not thinking clearly. She doesn’t even look both ways to make sure you’re not in the hallway before she leaves - she just walks, and perhaps that’s where the first trip up came into place.
    She doesn’t notice it. Not through the aching pains of her hunger. Not through the blur that is her thoughts.
    She waltzes right into the kitchen, one hand tangled in the hair at the back of her head, the other mindlessly scratching her stomach-
   Both of them snap to her sides when she looks up and sees you standing there, head buried in the cupboard, a number of ripped open cereal boxes littering the ground beside you.
    Pidge wants to turn back. She wants to turn around and flee before you turn around and see her, but her feet are frozen and she knows if she gets caught with her back to you, it’ll make the situation ten times worse. So she stays standing there, blinks a few times to try and clear her head so she doesn’t make a complete fool out of herself when you eventually look up and see her- 
    She sneezes.
   You jolt upright, head slamming against the top of the cupboard, a half-eaten box of Cookie Crisp tipping over and spilling beside you.
    “Jesus!” you exclaim, rubbing the back of your head, spinning to look at the shocked Pidge who is currently still standing in the doorway with her jaw agape and her eyes wide. “You could have said something a little earlier!”
   “I feel like you would have reacted the exact same way,” Pidge replies. She waltzes over, bends down and starts scooping the spilled cereal into her palm. “Can I ask what you’re doing?”
    You help her clean as you speak, and Pidge has to will herself not to lean forward and kiss you with how close you are right now - there’s been a number of close calls. Pidge doesn’t want to ponder on those.
     “I was cleaning out the cupboards,” you reply. “Hunk keeps buying new cereals from the different planets we go to, and all the other ones end up going stale. I thought I’d go through and throw them out.”
   Pidge raises a brow. “At half two in the morning?”
   You shrug. “I also couldn’t sleep.”
   “That’s a McClain thing, I think.”
   You scoff. “Absolutely not. Once Lance is out-”
   “Lance is barely a human. Therefore, my argument still stands.”
   You smile, ducking your head down in your attempts to hide it. Pidge wants to hug you. She wants to hug you. It’s such a weird feeling, considering she’s never been that type of girl before - she used to hate hugs, but there is a sudden appeal to the idea of wrapping you in her arms and holding you close.
    “Anyway,” you continue. “What are you doing up, Miss Pidge Gunderson? And why do I have the honours of your company?”
   Pidge blushes, tries to hide it, probably fails. “I was working. My brain got a little . . . lagged, so I came downstairs to get some food and that’s when I saw you.”
   “That’s when you scared the shit out of me for no reason.”
   Pidge smiles sheepishly. “Sorry.”
   You shrug. “No big deal. At least it was you. I like you.”
   Pidge’s heart thunders. She wills it to shut up, because what a stupid thing to react to. You’ve hugged her before. You’ve praised her and cried in her arms when she returns from missions - hearing you say you like her shouldn’t make her head spin in the way it does. 
    “I like you, too,” she says. And perhaps it’s the way it comes out as more of a whisper that catches your attention. Maybe it’s the way Pidge refuses to look up, the way she grips the cereal box a little tighter. Whatever it is, your attention is grabbed and suddenly you’re looking at Pidge with narrowed eyes.
    “Hey,” you say, reaching forward. You hesitate before placing your hand on top of hers, and immediately Pidge’s eyes slip closed. “Are you alright?”
   And then she says fuck it.
    “Would Lance be pissed off if I took you on a date over the weekend?” 
    The words are out so fast. She has to look up to make sure you’ve heard them correctly - part of her wishes you haven’t. She could redo it. She could bring herself together, be in a better headspace, not so panicked and jumpy because your hand is on hers.
    Your eyes soften immediately. Pidge prepares herself for rejection - you’re gonna try and let her down easy, and Pidge is gonna have to appreciate it and move on. She looks away, quickly waving her free hand in front of her face, because she’s too paralysed to move the other one.
    “Actually, you know what, that was unfair,” she says. “I shouldn’t have sprung than on you. I shouldn’t have just assumed you’d be willing to-”
   “It depends on where you’re taking me.”
   Pidge freezes, eyes snapping to your own. “Pardon?”
   You grin, and Pidge positively melts. “It depends on where you’re taking me,” you repeat. “He won’t like it if you’re taking me to some shabby old, run-down restaurant. He’ll want something a little better, I think.”
   Pidge swallows thickly, hardly believing her ears. She nods anyway. “O-of course. I wanna - I wanna take you to the best restaurant I can find. I wanna spoil you a little bit.”
   You shrug. “A good night in with some takeout pizza might not annoy him too much.”
    “You’re not inviting him, are you? I kind of just want it to be us two.”
   You giggle, lean forward and press a small kiss to Pidge’s cheek. “I’ve wanted it to be just us two for months, Pidge Gunderson. I’m glad you’ve finally caught on.” 
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