#it would be funny if she had a zebra too
indigoidiot · 2 years
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some more wizzies cuz i tearfully realized i didnt put elesa in a witch outfit yet and it made me sad
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pittie-cratch · 7 months
LOOK AT /anthro/ mlp redisigns that I made!
/I made them in class, don't judge for bad anatomy and things pls/
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I wanted Celestia and Luna look more like day and night/?/ AND as for deer-corn Cadance: Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were unicorns before alicornization, but Cadance was a pegasi, and she's the only one with colourful wings, so I thought it could be funny if she had different style of horn/s/ too
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Flurrys horns are the same as her mother, 'cause of same reason. On Shining Armour's armor /lol/ should have been written something like "Best dad ever" and drawn sun and moon /by Flurry ofc/
ALSO Armour and Blueblood sooo BFF's
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Spike MUST like baseball, and have paired necklaces with Twi
Tempest is here, because I shipping TwiPest
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Rara is here, because it's also a pairing with AJ
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Polyamorous horses and little Scootaloo
I'M SORRY, but I just don't understand how y'all draw RDash with so much stuff... I mean, this dummy would be lazy to iron the shirt
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Also polyamorous cuties, I don't know about should Pinkie be plump or no, but she's definitely chunky
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Made Maud look more like pinkie, and give her Pinkie's candy necklace/she's also BFF's with Rarity/. Yes, it's slinky on Sweetie Belle's tail!
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Sunset and Sunburst are siblings, and you CAN'T change my mind, also they're half zebras
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And height comparison of mane six
Thankies for reading♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
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sarcasticscribbles · 27 days
Hey I’m back from the walls with more statement ideas, enjoy
-Vast statement, fish in space. Fish where it shouldn’t be? Why fish? Watch fish eat several celestial bodies while a man stargazing panics about the end of the world as he sees the fish swimming towards Earth. Spoilers: fish did not eat Earth
-Flesh statement, I gotta mention my favourite Meat House. Meat House, my beloathed
-Desolation statement, idea of the avatar came from murderandcoffee on here. It’s about a town whose prone to natural disasters, but they don’t happen for natural reasons. The town has an unspoken rule to not look at a specific dead body that shows up around town right before a natural disaster. The people even had so many unfortunate people who didn’t know what they were doing that they have a pretty good description of the body, its several forms, and the months it is most likely to show up (which is kinda funny bc I just imagine someone going ‘ah fuck it’s April, you know what that means’). A newcomer didn’t know this rule and looked at the body. When a blizzard hit a few days later, the only casualty was the person who saw the dead body.
-Buried statement, the idea was a soldier who just would not stop digging trenches even long after the wars had ended. Reports at the time from the second lieutenant who assisted in digging the trenches showed a slow descent into a digging frenzy where the entire trenchmen team (about 20 people) and the second lieutenant just kept digging due to a reported ‘siren voice calling them into the soil’. It goes into how the dirt managed to bypass their masks and filled their lungs, how even up to the very last second they continued to dig. All except one trenchman died since then, and that trenchman continued to dig ever since.
-Slaughter statement. You know that one slide called Cannonball Loop in Action Park? The one that reportedly got teeth lodged inside it and caused lacerations? Yeah it’s literally just that but slightly more paranormal, like the tunnel ate someone and blood gushed out from the other end of the slide.
-Flesh statement, someone bought a dress from a tailor online. They mention how the website they used didn’t seem strange, and was only creeped out when they had to pick it up from the tailor’s ‘office’. It turned out to be her apartment, and her entire apartment block smelled of blood. When they were given the dress and complained it was way too small to fit them, she just said ‘it’ll come to fit you’. The statement giver never wore the dress, instead their friend stole it to wear without the statement giver knowing. It’s implied the dress absorbed their friend. When they went to give it back, the tailor had vanished.
-Spiral statement, in the form of a recorded sleep diary. The person is experiencing insomnia, or what they believe to be insomnia. More entries reveal that they physically are unable to sleep for some reason. Their body doesn’t let them sleep at all. As the entries progress, the statement giver becomes more and more paranoid due to their lack of sleep and is certain about ‘some twisted human thing’ following them everywhere. The last entry just has the statement giver repeatedly muttering ‘I’m not crazy’ to themselves as their recorder is malfunctioning severely (think the weird whirring noise that happened when Michael was around, but layered and louder)
-Hunt statement, a previous zookeeper recounts one specific day. They had been doing their duties when they noticed a little girl reaching her arm into the lion enclosure. They quickly ran over and pulled her away, only to notice that the lions were acting strangely and pulling away in fear from the two, like prey animals facing their predator. The ex-zookeeper couldn’t think about it for too long before chaos erupted. Prey animals began attacking the zookeepers that were in their enclosure and ripping them apart: flamingos dragged one to drown in the water, zebras trampled one to death, and an eastern bongo impaled one with their horns. The statement giver tried to escape the zoo while the little girl just clapped and giggled happily. The statement giver escaped, but not before a giraffe ate their arm. They were recalling this statement as they read about a similar catastrophe in a different zoo.
the meat house was a success last time
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pgaftrpar2ie · 6 days
Hoodwinked on OakPoint (2017)
Okay so #BOOM. Holdon lemme-
Set the Scene: October 2017, Bronx, New York, Halloween Night
Its my first time in #NewYork, I just turned 18 and my gurl @ the time had brought me tickets to go see #TRAVISSCOTT !! On #HALLOWEEN NIGHT!! @ the time i was the biggest Trav fan, truthfully idk if we were fighting at that time (we were always fucking fighting) but she #FISHERR looked out I will say that much.
PS: D****** would end up being my most #toxic love/relationship, which you'll begin to understand in later post. Anyways..
Lets put this into perspective. Im not a person that brags cause my family story started in a place of poverty. I love where im from, #PGCounty. Simply put-my family did everything the right way to get us out of that situation and that's the story I choose to tell. Now if you FROM THAT then you KNOWW #hood shit when you see it.
My biggest pet-peeve has to be: You was never raised in that environment but you swear you THINK you know how to move cause you not "scared". Then me "reading-and-reacting" gets confused for overthinking and being "pussy". So you think.
No. That?.. Her? Problematic.
So we get into the concert. Travis literally takes 1.30hr to come out with NO OPENER, or I dont remember. In the mist of his taking his sweet ass time-it was some niggas in that mf ready to shake the spot on bro. They was moving hella funny fr. They had secret lil call outs, matching Mocler's on and shit, it seemed like they was looking for somebody. They had these masks on like different animals type shit and im just lookin, watchin how they move. See, I was lookin too hard, lacking-just right behind me over my shoulder was a Monkey mask and a Moncler.. Damn. I got caught lookin by the same person ion want the attention of. Fuck it. Be cool, we cool. I think to myself.
My gurl on the other hand has no clue what the hell is happening, turns around, cusses the dude out for standing too close. Great.
Some "yeah, whatevers" and a couple "sound goods" were exchanged as I stepped in between them. Situation diffused. Problematic.
TRAVIS SCOTT IS ON THE STAGE. Im screaming, she screaming, everybody's pumped. Its great. Now if you ever survived the Rodeo you know there's no such thing as staying in one spot. if you not strong enough you WILL get pushed over. Its simple. So I got my gurl in one arm and the other hand recording/moshing, whatever. I held it down. In this moment there's actual #peace and #serenity. We not fighting, Travis Scott is flying on an eagle, were looking in each others eyes the whole time during #Drugs Like This, I almost loved her. So close.. Then she looses her purse. #OMFG. Money, ID, Social, phone, charger gone, all in the fucking purse. Why. UGHHHHH
First instinct, make my girl happy. I pull out my flashlight and point it at the floor, franticly moving people out the way and interrogating them at the same time. This somehow makes my gurl more unhappy. Problematic.
I look up and Zebra face, Moncler man got the fucking bag. He's literally looking back smiling as they walk through the doors of the warehouse. In between us there 2000 people, raging. Fuck
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mielkexnn-miraculous · 10 months
M. Dupain-Cheng (aka Ladybug) Headcanons <3
Honestly she’s just a lil clumsy dummy and I love her lol. Nothing more to say, just that.
She used to do ballet when she was little. She was in the same class as Chloé (and Adrien). She used to make fun of her for being clumsy however, and this transferred over into academic school.
She really likes tea. Jasmine’s her favorite.
She also really likes gardening; she hangs out at a garden top building she knows a lot.
I retcon that a lot of the plants she has growing on her roof are actually herbs and stuff.
Lots and lots of basil.
She knows flower language and has a few books on it.
She rlly loves candles but barely ever lights them so she’s got this huge assortment of brand new candles sitting around in her room.
Tbh she does this a lot.
She has a huge collection of stationary that she never uses. She just has to get them when she sees them.
She has gel pens and post-it’s and stickers galore. It can’t be constituted but she does.
Also doesn’t really color traditionally often; she just does a lot of sketching and drawing in pen and pencil for the most part.
On the other hand, she’s an expert at digital color.
Did y’all see the Jagged Stone album??
Her parents didn’t let her have a sewing machine until she was like 12 bc yikes automated sharp thing.
Thus, she’s rlly good at sewing by hand.
There was a long period however where nearly all of her fingers were constantly covered in bandaids bc she kept sticking herself; she could have just used thimbles but honestly they just made it rlly hard.
At one point she figured out that preliminarily putting on bandaids prevented any sort of actual hurt and she began to do so, replacing the ones that had fallen off each time she went to sew again.
She’ll stick her tongue out when she’s concentrated on drawing or will make the facial expression she’s trying to portray.
Really good at pretty much anything creative that she tries her hand at. Drawing? Great. Fashion? The best. Jewelry making? Like a pro.
She uses mascara and gets into using different colors like pink n stuff.
Eyeliner that could kill a man.
She still has all of her old stuffed animals bc she was too attached to them to give them away.
She doesn’t really listen to rap music too much but she can rap rlly rlly fast which is a surprise given how much she stutters n stuff.
She can wrap the entirety of fergalicious on request.
Both of her parents unironically listen to bring me to life by evanescence and it’s subtlely driving her insane.
She’s French, Italian, and Chinese, but is like 4% aware of her own cultures.
Like, she’s not entirely French but she has no idea what’s going on in the Italian and Chinese scenes rn?? The cultural identity crisis is real lmao.
Also she calls it “patsa”. She couldn’t pronounce it as a kid for some reason and never bothered to stop. Her parents think it’s funny.
Also also Marinette is the daughter of the best baker in Paris but she’d give an arm and a leg for Little Debbie’s cakes and Hostess snacks (like zebra cakes and cosmic brownies and cherry pies and marshmallow/cream filled crap).
She eats a lot of them as of becoming ladybug bc she can afford to tbh.
Her parents chalk it up to puberty + the runs she’s been going on lately.
Hint: the runs are to cover up how she’s actually getting as fit as she is.
Sometimes Forgets to Hide her Strength and will Pick Up people or Heavy Things.
Adrien would be embarrassed to admit that he actually liked it when Marinette Carried him once.
The class secretly shares photos of her Forgetting and Picking Up.
Also, after becoming Ladybug, for some reason, flowers and plants seem to be a lot easier to care for now.
She could forget to water her basil for a week and it’s still as big and bright as ever??
This bouquet should have wilted two weeks ago?? Cut flowers literally never last this long??
Those weren’t supposed to bloom for another two weeks?? Those weren’t supposed to bloom at all??
She’s basically her own little cell tower too. Need a better connection? Go stand by Marinette.
Flexibility is insane. Also reflexes.
If you catch her by surprise, you will be thrown.
Marinette will literally talk shit abt Chat Noir and then someone will simply agree with a lil mhm or a yeah and she’ll turn around and give dozens of counterpoints to what she was just saying two seconds ago and absolutely go for the throat and slaughter them for ever even thinking about saying anything bad about Chat Noir like that like the audacity.
She keeps all the flowers he gives her as Ladybug and presses them and puts them in this giant, heavy ahh archaic lookin book she has lying around.
Tbh even she doesn’t know where it came from but yk, flowers :)
No but actually she doesn’t question it nearly as much as she should.
Or at all. Marinette what is that thing.
We all know that she thinks of her role as Ladybug and her powers as a responsibility more so than an escape like Adrien does, but I like to think that at some point (maybe after the Santa Claws incident?), she loosens up about it and begins to understand Chat’s pov on the miraculous. Obviously, she still thinks of it as something not for personal use, but she’s more open to wandering.
Sometimes when she can’t sleep (particularly because of superhero-related stress), she’ll sneak out to find a nice place to sit and look out on the city, letting the drowned-out ambience lull her to sleep.
Sometimes on cold nights, she’ll bring a blanket or a jacket or something. She also likes bringing her sketchbook.
She’s more than once awoken to the sun on her face, on the roof of a building after accidentally dozing off and had to rush home.
We love her 💞💞 ok that’s it, bye.
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giant1956 · 1 year
hi What r ur fav rock hudson movie s .... i must know
!!!!!yes okokso all the performances i love from him are usually ones where he uses his natural-to-him "still waters run deep" acting so anything that has to do w identity drama or internal emotional conflict is where i gravitate. here’s my list (in no particular order). i kind of just infodumped really fucking hard sorry. i made myself stop after an hour tho lmao.
giant, ‘56. - the part of bick benedict was fucking perfect for him. he was big, brash and fucking awful but there was always something simmering beneath that, a complexity that isn’t spoken but shown. there’s a human being there dying to escape the rigid parameters of the roles he was submitted to as the son of a great american male: a breadwinner with a duty to hoard land and wealth, a husband in possession of a submissive and dutiful wife, a father in possession of obedient children, but more importantly a man w the responsibility to maintain the legacy of the men that came before him. someone who’s intolerance was always rewarded and yearning for freedom was always punished - his childhood isn’t shown but the way he interacts with his own children makes it clear. you can watch the movie thru so many lenses but watching it thru a feminist lens you can see the critical way rock played bick’s toxic masculinity. i mean the silent grief and desperation to communicate during the fireplace scene when leslie tells him she’s taking the children to her parents and when he waves goodbye to his family at the station then hes standing there alone as the train pulls away….he’s got all this money this land this power and he’s fucking miserably alone because he’s drowning underneath the weight of all his expectations. desperately trying to fit into a box nd miserable when he can’t and when his family can’t fit in there with him. I MEAN the way he crowns jordy the successor of this legacy of pain but you can tell that kid is terrified of him nd can see thru all the machismo to his heartbreak nd would rather not inherent that shit thx……….UGH. idk rock just makes you feel for this horrible lovely bigoted heartbroken man without even needing to speak. (i could write another 50 pages so im gonna stop here)
seconds, ‘66. - his most autobiographical movie ig. talking about it in the context of who he was as a person nd not just who he was as an actor feels like tonguing at a sore its just…such a fucking powerful film nd he was really going thru it. stunning cinematography, direction, supporting performances but that movie wouldn’t’ve been half as good if you had anyone else playing antiochus.
all that heaven allows, ‘55. - he’s fucking everything in this movie. a beatnik tree farmer in love w an older woman played by jane wyman, set in a small new england town, in the autumn nd winter??????? like obviously its great. but his collaborations w sirk come to a glorious head for this movie. they were reading each other's minds nd you can telllll
ice station zebra, ‘68. - maybe not on everyone’s list but idc he’s basically a star trek captain in this movie nd his gentle authority nd monotone calmness soothes me. he’s got the cary grant thing where his line reads are self aware nd a little self deprecating and it makes for a good watch if you like super long nd boring movies w cold war plots nd where they try to get everything super accurate about submarines...which i do. omg ernie borgnine and patrick mcgoohan are also great.
come september, ‘61. - i fukcing love this one idk why people talk about it like it's a cut rate day/hudson wannabe. it makes me laugh whenever i watch it he’s so fucking funny in this movie nd gina lollobrigida does a decent job too.
pretty maids all in a row, ‘71. - gene roddenberry wrote this………………gene roddenberry fucking wrote this. anyway. disgusting, perverted, horrific, hilarious, terrible, fantastic. his character;s literally called tiger nd spends the entire film sleeping w everyone that walks into his office also he’s a murderer. it's clearly inspired by manson its a great b movie i meanjust the scene where he calmly holds angie’s tit while they talk?????lmaooooo. he shouldve played more psychopaths. oh nd the post-fuck kaftan + curly hair is a top 5 look of all time.
hornets' nest, ‘70. - this movie is also fucking ridiculous. it’s audacious, its incredibly violent and the outrage it gets you to feel about how violent the kids are is definitely evocative when you realize its a vietnam flick nd that’s the whole point. rock throws grenades while driving a truck one handed (no double) the physicality of the role is impressive nd for that alone its on my list.
a farewell to arms, ‘57. - IK WHAT YOURE THINKING BUT LISTEN david fucking o. selznick is what made this a terrible movie. jennifer jones and rock were acting for their LIVES and vittorio de sica is incredibleincredibleincredible if production didn’t fall apart nd selznick wound his fucking neck in and didn’t run john huston off the project like a week before (days???) before filming this movie could’ve been so fucking good. i mean??????????? that last scene almost makes up for all the shit you need to slog through to get there. almost
send me no flowers, ‘64. - ive already watched this three times this year. ive got hypochondria nd its nice to see someone more neurotic than me, thanks george kimball, but the real draw for me is that rock’s character is emotionally married to tony randall’s character as much as he’s actually married to doris day’s. seeing him act w paul lynde is fucking great also.
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crabussy · 2 years
brief alter introduction because a lot of them use this account now and again!!
robin- me!! the host. freak of nature, creature, horror/wilderness enjoyer. mentally i’ll about aotearoa for whatever reason. enjoyer of cringe. he/they/it, 16
phoebe- she’s soooo cool. overuses the cat face emojis but we love her. music taste is insane. projects images of cock and balls into my brain because she thinks it’s hilarious. she/her, 19
alastair- nervous wreck, resident academic, adores astronomy but knows next to nothing about it. messiest fucking room ever, thank god dust isn’t a thing in headspace. he is like a wizard to me. he/him, 24
bee- everyone’s mom. would make killer jam if she had access to good fresh fruit.. SUPER good hugs. literally the nicest ever, very concerned about my questionable life choices. she/her, 36
jasper- pretends to be stone cold and mature but in reality he’s kind of a softie. diet consists of cherry flavoured everything (GROSS) and cola (ACCEPTABLE) reminds me of a young crowley in some ways. he/him, 21
circe- local witch. pronounces her own name wrong. deeply appreciative of dark fairycore and fairygrunge, listens almost exclusively to molchat doma and phonk???? swamp enjoyer. very cool. she/her, 17
nat/nathan/natalie: shares names with both my aunt and uncle which is kinda weird!!!! the most pirate ever. very chill but also very unchill when shit hits the fan. she’s very very cool and intimidating and I am sometimes nervous to talk to him. she/he/they, 22
francis- geeky, nervous, extremely lanky and super sweet. she’s very nostalgic about kiwiana stuff (chocolate fish!!!! footrot flats!! waiheke!! L&P!!) and tied to our childhood memories. super fun, has awesome mint green frizzy hair. she/they, 16
claire- absolute hippie /t. tie dye tapestries and stained glass wind chimes and healthy food. she’s awesome, wine aunt of the system, somehow likes salad and kombucha. very nice gal!! she/her, 25
oliver- Normal Guy of all time. the only vaguely unusual thing about him is that he’s ginger. enjoys cooking, sculpting/stop motion, and browsing reddit. very exploratory with his hobbies which I admire (: he/him, 16
katie- shark enthusiast. gave herself sharp teeth just because. completely nuts, sharp as a tack, Observer Of Details. likes bugs too, and really enjoys street food. short LOL HAHHAHAAHA. she/they, 14
chester- I keep calling him max by accident. little bear cub ankle biter, first thing he ever did while fronting was put 10 kilos of hair gel in our hair and make devil horns out of it. evil. where the wild things are enjoyer. he/him, 11
julian- fashion king, makes zebra print look good, loves peacock feather motifs. possibly a satyr?????? or something??????? no clue. he’s very fabulous, reminds me of zulius from centaurworld. he/him, 27
silas- aspiring botanist, somehow both eccentric and super composed simultaneously. loves plants, finds them fascinating, approaches life with logic and strategy which doesn’t always work but hey. he/him, 40
jon- former head archivist of the magnus institute etc etc. gets up in the middle of the night to shuffle around, talk to my cat, and be paranoid. love him. he has long greying hair and a great fashion sense. very knowledgeable!! tired. he/they, 29
martin- polite but also a bitch. he’s allowed honestly. lover of pecan pie, and most pastries. stronk…. big…… Holder Of The Jon… enjoys travelling and occasional company. fluffy strawberry blond hair and thick dark eyebrows. has custody over our only turtleneck jumper. he/him, 31
zoe- like a mini phoebe (don’t tell her I said that /j). likes tennis and racing games, listens to music that sounds like you’re being put in a blender. enjoys neon highlighter-like colours and being a Menace. she/her, 13
caleb- super funny and creative. very neurodivergent, really likes dragons and other mythology. likes drawing and making up stories, very chatty. he/him, 10
sun- oh so cheerful!! so much fun, mischievous at times, super good with kids!!! resident robot. loves to wear clashing patterns and colours, sticks his tongue out when he thinks, a bit clumsy but also very agile. sweet tooth, loves shiny things and crafts. he/they/she/sol, ageless
moon- super graceful. calm and collected, great sense of humour where you can never tell if they’re joking or not, loves silky clothes and shiny accessories. capable of lulling anyone to sleep except itself </3 loves figure skating and deep sea life. other resident robot!! great singing voice… they/he/it, ageless
selene- bubbly and intense!! life of the party, wearer of the pinkest clothes ever, fashion icon, very passionate about womens rights and queer struggles. so much blonde hair. she’s like if a bimbo was a woman in STEM. love her. she/her, 23
aries- kind of an asshole, getting better, strong opinions about the way the system functions. they’ve decided they have curling ram horns and love the colour purple-red. good music taste, dresses like they’re from genshin impact. they/them, 18
xavier- cool boy swag, formerly known as crowe, super laid back and doesn’t talk much. wants a pet raven so bad, doesn’t listen to music much, wants to create music tho. Ive never seen him wear colour ever. he/him, 18
that’s everyone for now!! some of them have their own blogs accessible via @menagerie-crew
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life-with-a-4yearold · 11 months
my first post!
So I decided I would start blogging, but didn’t know where to start. Why I decided was because my life is hectic, chaotic, funny and down right stressful. I have a 4 year old child a 2.5 year old german shepherd and a partner we have a 3 bed ex council house and live in a lovely little village. All seems great ? well no… we may sound like your typical family but we have a lot of baggage our life isn’t perfect in fact far from perfect. We have our arguments we have days where we laugh non stop, there are days when all I want to do is cry and forget the world. Times are tough when you have a 4 year old who doesn’t want to listen and is so head strong that you feel like breaking down but yet shes the most caring child and loves us and her dog more then anything, like we love her. So I decided i would write about it to let people no they are not alone. I’ll tell you something, its not easy having children I only have one and find that hard. Starting from the beginning. Pregnancy was terrible, heartburn, sickness, aches and pains. I found out I just was pregnant November 2018. I had her on June 18th 2019. She starts school this year. What 4 years its been, we have moved 3 times. Our first dog died he got run over. We then got another dog his an arsehole we got him when my daughter was 1 and he was 9 weeks old. Now that was a mistake! Having a 9 week old puppy and 1 year old just walking. Now shes 4 and his nearly 3 they have both become best friends and wont leave each others side, typical german shepherd behaviour.
Days turn in to weeks in this house, I do anything for a simple life. Cant be arsed to put the washing away I wont, don’t feel like hoovering today I wont. I do everything and its ok to have a day off every now and then, we have a take away on a Saturday night so I don’t have to cook 7 times out of 10 we will have one then too. I HATE having to cook when I don’t want to. The theought of having to think of what to cook for dinner drives me crazy! And no one eats the same thing EVER roast dinner I im the only one who eats veg. my daughter will eat carrots peas and broccoli my partner don’t eat fuck all. Im fed up of doing different dinners, no what I think the dog actually eats more then what we do. No point in me even buying dog food he eats everything they leave which is pretty much the whole plate! End up doing cheesy pasta!! Fucking cheesy pasta.
Days out? Yeah all sound great until you get a screaming 4 year old because they want an ice cream which costs about £8? Since when did 99’s cost so much ? no wonder no one wants to go out anymore, we went to the zoo just to get in cost £109.98! for the FUCKING zoo!! As we was walking round you get them people that just decide to stop in the middle of the path and get in everyones fucking way and DON’T move. Finally get passed mumbling fucking idiots under your breath. Still while youre kids screaming because you’ve refused to pay £8 for a 99. Sweating because its 1000 degrees. Thinking what the fuck was I thinking. To make things worse walk past the gorillas and they are only having abit and now got to explain to a 4 year old that they are just playing, and that’s what they do. Had to buy the £8 ice cream to get her to move away from them. So not only are we sweating skint and now traumatized, we have a 4 year old that’s witnessed 2 gorllias going at it. Well that’s the only thing she did see as no other bastard animal was out!! Now were all hungry thirsty and fed up… find a nice little food shack got 2 burgers and a hot dog and shared some chips…. £36.00 sorry what ? for 2 burgers a hot dog and one portion of chips ? didn’t even get the drinks because my idiot partner forgot them!! Well glad he did would have had to taken out a second mortgage! Fucking livid at this point, in the end we walked round rest may have seen a zebra could have been a rhino, I was so hot and thirsty I don’t know what I was seeing. Gift shop on the way out why??? The DRAMA we had when we said she couldn’t have anything because it was to expensive. Dragging her out by her feet, while shes screaming she wants a monkey. LAST thing I wanted to see. FINALLY we gave in got her it and then finally got back to the car, shes strapped in and me and my partner look at each other with the look of defeat and just sigh. Drove home in silence the whole way. TRAUMATIZED by the experience. Bitch bag is in the bag seat flat out asleep clenching her new £18.00 toy that is about the size of a small banana. Excuse the pun. Ive never looked forward to getting home so much in my life. We ended up all having a bath put fresh pjs on I opened and drank 2 bottles of wine while crying lol. Ordered a kebab watched the rest of Paw patrol the movie and off we went to bed. Day over all to be done again in a couple weeks time.
To Be Continued….. one very tired and stressed mum.  
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Because they live in my head rent-free
Yes, happy headcanons in our Descendants fandom
First of, it's Auradonian Zoo. It's security measures consist largely of „Hopefully, our visitors are not suicidal idiots,“ and the Isle kids will take advantage of that.
AKA the animals can't escape and harm people, but sufficiently reckless teens could totally climb into some exclosures.
Cut to all three Hook siblings jumping into the croc exclosure to show everyone how it's done. And leaving the employees and everyone not-Isle frozen and dumbfounded as they proceed to wrestle the crocks and win.
Unlike Jade. Yes, everyone will remind her of that.
*points at random lizard* „Mal, this is you.“ *another lizard* „Look, Mal! Here you are!“ *after looking for a reptile for slightly too long* „Finally, there she is! Everyone, come look, I found Mal!“
This was started by Uma and Jay.
On unrelated note, Uma's pirates enjoy finding the hiding reptiles in terariums entirely too much.
Uma's favourite is the Sea World exposition though, because, come on, people, there are sea ponnies!“
Harry would be happy to stay there with her all day, looking at the sea ponnies and sharks and fishes and totally not her reflection in the dark glass, how dare you even suggest that.
She also has to be physically dragged away from the manatee-petting-pool, because she kept chatting with them and attempted to climb into the pool, which is apparently not allowed.
Neither is allowed to jump into the bear's enclosure, not even if they „Look cuddly.“ Though to be fair, Uma, Harriet and Evie all pointed out that it looks like a safety hazard as soon as they saw that the railing is climbable-over and the drop is „not that high.“
Also, turns out that the Zoo keepers are not exactly amused by wild villain kids trying to race on the zebras, antilopes and camels:
Jay and Jade tried to persuade the camels into a race after climbing into their enclosure, a feat that the Isle kids agree could be accomplished by a sufficiently determined two years old. (The camels do not cooperate.)
Harry and CJ have better luck with the oryx gazelles, you know, the ones with the long sharp horns that could totally impale a person. („I'll bet you I could ride on that.“ „Bet's on.“ „What are you doing?! Miss?! Mister?! GET BACK HERE!!“)
The kids have too much fun comparing eachother to animals. Peacock is a fan favourite (All three Hooks, Evie, Anthony Tremaine); everyone agrees that Jay and Jade are some sort of big cat, only lying in the sun all day, and every single cute little animal you see? Yeah, that's Claudine. (She stopped finding it funny after the second time)
Everyone's favourite animals to watch are suricatas.
Everyone will deny it.
And by the way, did you know that you can't jump to them to pet them a bit?
Nor can you take the goats from petting zoo home. The employees will hear them making noise under your cloak.
Oh, and Harry attempts to steal a turtle. It's valuable and it's shell would make for pretty jewelry.
You know these walk-through monkey enclosures that have ropes in them for the animals to play on? CJ bolts from the tourist-route to climb on it too. The zookeeper protests that it's not safe, but Harriet just waves them away, stating that CJ will be fine. CJ is hanging upside down on the rope by this point and Harriet might or might not have spiked that cola she bought.
Oh, ice cream!
So much ice cream!
„Ben is paying for this, right?“ „Well, he better be.“
They are also very ready to ignore the no food inside rule until the Smee twins point it out. No one wants to be a bad example for the Smee twins.
Facilier sisters are good at pointing out the hiden animals. Like, freakishly good.
See the full post
101 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Weapons the VKs would use:
The Pirates
(Hey, these are mainly just notes I made so I wouldn't forget which weapons I gave them in Utopia of the Lost. So if something doesn't add up with the canon, that's why.)
So, the pirates largely favour sabers. For the drama, of couse, and also because of a hilarious translation I may share with you one day. All of the VKs know their way with a dagger and/or knife.
Now onto the characters:
Harry Hook - He uses his hook, of course. To quote: Nothing says I'll give you a second smile better than a razor sharp hook in your hand. He can fight with a saber in his other hand. The idea of using a shield didn't ever occur to him.
Harriet Hook - She has two sabers. The idea of using a shield did occur to her, but where would be the drama?? Besides, she has Sammy, her first mate, to guard her back. Also, two weapons are better than one, right? More efficient.
CJ Hook - CJ is absolutely willing and able to to fight with anything she finds. She trades with Sinclair children, as Helga Sinclair sends her kids something interesting in an unaddressed package every now and then. Also, she loves throwing things. Very sharp things. Oh, and one time, she found a gun: this lead to Harriet banning guns and riffles Isle-wide and dumping the gunpowder into the sea. She locked the machinery on her ship. Never let CJ have a gun. She practically lives to cause chaos and she has no idea how death is supposed to work.
Uma - Similarly as Harriet, she fights with two sabers. No shield: She has no regard for her personal safety and both Harry and Gil have her back. Spoiler!!! She finds Triton's trident and uses it in fights too, because while the magic doesn't really work, it still has three really sharp ends. And it looks impressive as Hell.
Gil - Look, if Gaston taught him something, it's fighting. He knew how to use regular sword, dagger and various knives, and as he joined a pirate crew, he picked up fighting with sabers too. He prefers to fight with his bare hands, though, or better yet, to not fight at all.
The de Vil cousins - Diego, Hunter and Ivy are a part of a pirate crew. They can fight with sabers, but they prefer to keep their distance from the enemy. Preferably with the use of some expolsives. Uma banned them from inventing and experimenting in the port, because the pirates and fire do not mix well, so they meet up with Carlos in the ruins of Hell Hall every now and then to invent together.
Claudine Frollo - Before she joined the pirates, she couldn't really fight. She knew the basics, of course: strike below the belt when needed, go for the eyes, scream "Fire!" instead of "Help!". She has an affinity for fire and arson, but, well, the pirates and fire do not mix. The de Vils are strictly banned of providing her with expolsives, unless the circumstances are dire and the Captain gives the command. Claudine finds sabers barbaric. She thinks of poison as dishonourable weapon. This sends the rest of her crew up the wall. The day the Hearts introduce her to a zweihander, however- That is an interesting one.
101 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Hey, I little list of stuff I like and don't like in D3!
Stuff that I consider canon. Crazy enough to keep its rights, or something:
Audrey getting possessed by the scepter. Key words: getting possessed.
Any and all Huma moments that might have occurred.
Ben getting turned into a Beast, mirroring his father's story. I find it neat.
Jane being the awesome good fairy she is.
Celia Facilier. Yep, she's the whole point here.
Stuff I don't like and therefore did not happened:
Eh, the storyline in general?
CJ Hook and Freddie Facilier, who were in Auradon already due to Wicked World, NOT meeting their siblings the moment they crossed the barrier. We were robbed of the combined chaos of Harry and CJ and I'll not forgive that. Also, I refuse to believe they would have been caught by surprise by Audrey. Those girls have been hyperaware of their surroundings and any possible dangers since they learned how to walk. Well, Freddie was. CJ might have gotten distracted and attacked Audrey on the spot. You know what? That is a scene I wanna see. CJ Hook going headfirst at Queen of Mean, not even impressed by her evil laugh.
The whole "Mal is Hades's daughter" thing. Just, why??? Why not just introduce Haddie? Why not let Uma, actual Descendant of Greek Parthenon, handle it? Hell, Evie could have been Hades's daughter instead! She has blue hair! That's enough by Descendants logic!
Uma and Mal reconciling. Just. No. Not at this scale.
...Looks like I'm getting slighty off-topic.
Anyway, that's just my personal opinion, so, like, I mean no offence?
Unless that's offence to D3 version of Mal. All offence to her. And to King Beast whose fault it was anyway.
136 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Disney Descendants 🤝 Ever After High 🤝 School for Good and Evil: the holy trinity of middle grade fairytale retellings in which the children were doomed from the very start.
688 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Into the Abyss
Chapter Four
(TW: Substance abuse, descriptions of drug dealing. Reader discretion is advised)
Near spring break, Aurora made a fatal decision. She was coming to the end of her options, coming up with a temporary solution. I couldn’t do anything. She never told me her plan, unlike herself. I never saw her in school anymore, but when I stopped by her house she seemed oddly excited for someone recently expelled. We chatted about everything and anything, when I asked about her plans she told me she would get a job. But that doesn’t mean the job was safe or morally good, she wasn’t technically “helping” anyone, right?
She began selling her cocaine, as strange trucks pulled up to her house, with even shadier people driving them. There were the trenchcoats and the undercover businessmen. Her hands were full of cash while doing her little science experiments in her basement. Boxes of baking soda and piles of baggies, spoons, and beakers were laid out and about.
Meanwhile, her mom was still far gone, working a small job. Aurora had changed slightly, or at least had a noticeable increase in her drive for money. But as her dream of living the fast life had just begun, her health took a sharp decline as she fell into a spiral of crack addiction and dealing.
Wow, for once, I realized something was wrong. Nobody around me smoked that much, just in the bathroom. Didn’t stop me from trying to crush my grandpa’s prescriptions. She spent more and more time in her basement, sometimes inviting me with stacks of cash. Her eyes became erratic, clutching onto my wrist for life, contrasting how sullen she’d become.
There were a few clean girls, though. Every time I tried to tell her, she responded with “At least I get that bank.” or “It’s really not that bad, just quit overreacting.” Aurora became more and more unstable, and I had to let go. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to lose her, not now, not ever. But it wasn’t me who saw her in her last moments.
He wasn’t your typical crazy guy. He wore a white sweater, contrasting his true nature as he approached her house. She was rubbing it on her gums as he convinced her to go out with him. “I’ll drop you back at ten.” She was only seventeen but had no hesitation whatsoever, I liked that about her, her fearlessness. It turned out to be both her best and worst quality.
He took her away and she was found dead in a parking lot seven hours later. It wasn’t a shooting. It must’ve been a failed deal. He nearly got caught for selling it, so he wanted her stash. She refused, like a stingy CEO, a cute one of course. Her eyes still had a slight shimmer. The doctors found it in her system. But what shocked me the most was who did the act. Someone tall and familiar. Someone who always was a stoner. Why, oh why would he want crack? Is that why his car was loitering around at dawn?
And this brings me to how I avenged her death. I couldn’t kill him, hopefully, he would die in prison a few years later. My heart was crushed when I found out, right at the same time as everyone else, a werk into senior year. I wasn’t special. She didn’t even write me a note. Did she want this?
Her smiling yearbook photo was next to Jake’s mugshot in the news, glistening as if nothing had happened that night. Did she realize how selfish she was? I missed her, I missed her too much. Every day when I passed by our shared locker, I looked at the picture of us taped inside. Zebra print washi tape held the edges of our smiling faces as we shared a hug or made funny faces.
I smiled to stop the tears from shedding. I slipped the letter in, the note that conveyed all my feelings, from “I wish you were still here to I love you to Why did you leave me so soon”. But with her death, a little bit of my morality came back. She may have been wrong, but she had a fair cause. Money.
But not enough morality to prevent me from what I did next. Not enough drops of hope to prevent it. My goal was to live fast or die trying. And to continue her memory, I could only attempt to live it out. Get a decent cash flow and do all the things we never got a chance to do. And so, a new chapter in my life began a dark one, but not one that I necessarily regret.
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Love and Wasteland
Chapter 3: He is the topic
One week later...
Zira and Flower had come to agreement that they were to share the cave but the agreement turn into a bonding experience.
One would hunt and the other would look after the children vice versa. Nuka,Bethan,Lucy was getting on so tag and sleeping in a pile.
"Nuka you said something about a lion with werid accent"Bethan asked
"Yes it was like Scar english accent but different that, i can't explain you need to hear him to find out" Nuka said smiling.
"What did he look like?"asked Zira
"Red mane,Green eyes,Brown fur and had scar across his back left leg"Nuka explained
"Sounds dreamy"Zira said out of the blue.
"If your saying the lion your saying the lion that sounds dreamy... Ewww your like twice his age"Flower said "children go play outside"
Zira took no notice is what flower just said and was imaging the lion
Nuka,Bethan,Lucy went outside
Scar's cave
Scar was moaning as normal
All he did since he became king
hyeans say it because he sad about Mufusa and Simba's death.
Lioness say it's because he dosent really want to become King.A dark figure walk turn over to see who it was. It was Shenzi Scar's second in command. Scar grunted as he stood.
"Sir theres been sighting of a male lion in the pridelands"Shenzi said
"Description of this lion"Scar snapped.
"Red mane,green eyes,brown eyes and scar across back left leg with a weird accent"Shenzi explained
"Diiiiii...eee...go"Scar stuttered.
"Something wrong sir"Shenzi asked
Scar was lost in thought Diego that name had not be mention in a while. No it couldn't be the same Diego that play with Simba and Nala. the same orphan cub that he took in as cub which as that point everyone thought Scar was a sarcastic, lonely, un welcoming lion. he turned to Shenzi who he forgot was still there.
"Sir do you want me to get rid of him"Shenzi asked
"No,Just keep i eye on him"Scar answered.
Shenzi walked out of the cave.
One day later
Zira was hunting. in wasteland there was still food to be found just not as much as there used to be. Zira stopped to stalk Zebra it was quite old which made it a easy catch well it should of
Zira ran at the old Zebra with quick speed then pounced at the Zebra but it quickly ran from her then there was a sudden crunch .A sound was too close for comfort made Zira shiver.A dark figure stood over her with Zebra in its mouth.
"This must be yours"The lion said with accent that Zira only heard once before and this wasn't Scar
she stood up and took the Zebra
"Thank you"said Zira
"Mrs please let me walk you home,and help carry your Zebra"The lion said
Zira laughed at how he said Zebra and the fact that treat her like proper lioness not just a cub bearer.
"Whats so funny?"the lion asked
"You prounce Zebra like to has h in it,Zeh-bra"Zira laughed
"and you prounce it like Zee-bra" The lion responed.
The both kept laughing at each other until the went back to the cave where Flower was waiting for Zira to come back with walked in first followed by the mysterious lion that had Zebra in stared at the lion that walk in a red mane,green eyes,brown fur her jaw dropped she couldn't get to grips. This is the same cub that Scar adopted. Didn't he die from same stampede that killed Simba and Mufasa.
"Diego"Zira said"is it really you"
"Nice to see you Zira "Diego said
Part of Diego history will explained in the next chapter.
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chemspxdr · 10 months
Fast Car - Track 2 - Short Skirt / Long Jacket
Notes: They go on a DATE (it’s not a date) and they’re BONDING (he says she eats like a lion consining a zebra)
So, she may or may not have a workplace crush.
Is this a big deal? In the grand scheme of things, probably not. Especially considering the recent expansion of said scheme to include a world of the supernatural less than a week ago. But a crush is rare for her, especially of this caliber. Hell, she wore mascara today, something she hasn't fished out of her makeup bag since the beginning of her new position as “window.”
Although her physical presentation is less than ideal for a professional setting, she's driving a car, for Christ's sake. It's safe to say she can retire the formal attire she once had to don during her time in the office.
It started out simple enough, a “damn” released below her breath when she saw him walking towards her vehicle for the first time, then accidentally referring to him as “pretty boy” moments later. It's rare anyone makes her lose her filter so outrageously, much less a man, but here she is, fawning over the prettiest boy she's ever seen while desperately trying to focus on the road in front of her.
Is he an asshole? Most likely, but he's also slightly funny, responding to her quips in kind either verbally or with a playful scoff and roll of the eyes. So regardless of how good of a person he is, he's nice enough to at the very least tolerate her humor. She'll take what she can get.
Did she mention he's gorgeous? He's tall, lean, and has a voice that sends her into an absolute tizzy. Not to mention the hair, she really shouldn't have offered him her hair tie, she would much rather let him sulk about his bangs if it meant she could take one more moment to appreciate the way his locks frame his face. But she's been feeling uncharacteristically soft towards him, and the gentle look of surprise on his face every time she shows him a small kindness makes her heart flutter She also just doest want the guy to be so damn sulky all the time, so the drinks keep coming. The caffeine from the matcha is minimal, but does the trick to perk him up, albeit slightly.
He grabs the beverage on instinct now, after the past three drives, taking a sip before reaching for the file on the dashboard. He speaks without looking away from reading the file.
“I hope you’re not buying all these with your own money”
“The drinks? It’s fine, the guy that works the register thinks I’m cute so I get one for free”
“Why not just get your own drink for free instead of getting two?”
This poor boy just cannot process acts of kindness. But she's too stubborn to admit it, instead choosing to brush it off.
“I would, but I still want to support local businesses. It's good for the economy.”
“That’s a bad business decision, to give a free drink all the time,” he responds in a rare talkative mood, glancing at her briefly.
“Men are hardly known for good decisions. Especially when a pretty girl is involved.”
He laughs lightly through his nose at that, continuing to read the file with his “concentration face”: a slightly furrowed brow paired with a (very cute) pout on his (very pretty) lips.
He was one tough guy to crack, but at this point in their relationship, she'd like to think they've reached a level of professional friendship. So, she chooses to speak once he closes the file and rests it on his lap.
“I’ve been kind of picking up on this stuff, can I ask soemthing?”
“So like, curses I get. Cursed energy,” she waves a hand in a vague gesture, “sort of. But like, what makes you so special? You’re quite the hot commodity. And I know,” she turns to look at him, “it can’t only be because of your stunning good looks.”
“Please look at the road.”
She does, with the roll of her eyes, and only then does he answer.
“I have a technique. All sorcerers can control their cursed energy, but a technique is different.”
She nods along as he speaks, waiting patiently for him to explain further.
“So cursed energy is powerful in a general sense, but when someone has a technique, they can apply their cursed energy in unique ways.”
“So those are rare?”
He hums in affirmation.
“What’s yours?”
“Curse manipulation.”
“What, so you can just walk in, tell the thing to sit like a good doggy, and be done for the day?”
“No. I have to consume it first.”
“What?” Her head whips in his direction.
“Road, please,” he demands, to which she turns back forward with a groan.
“I fight them. Turn them into these,” he gestures in the air, trying to describe it in terms she’d understand, “orb things, and…swallow them. Then I can control the curse, use its cursed energy, and summon it whenever I want.”
“So you have to eat balls?”
He takes a deep inhale through his nose, clearly working up self control before glaring at her.
“Very funny. Truly.”
She cackles at his reaction, but more so at her own joke while he grovels silently.
She wipes an invisible tear with a dramatic sigh once she's composed herself.
“What do they taste like,” she turns to look at him, “you know, the b—“
Once her eyes are back where they’re supposed to be and her shoulders stop shaking with silent laughter, he takes a deep breath and continues.
“Like shit, actually.”
“Gross. Like shit shit? Or like, general shittiness?”
“It tastes more like vomit.”
“Huh. That sucks. Makes sense though.”
“How so?” He peeks at her through the corner of his eye in slight disbelief.
“Well, curses are the accumulation of negative emotions right? Makes sense they would taste…you know, bad.”
He doesn’t respond to that.
“What, surprised a lowly non sorcerer could put that together? I’m not stupid. Only most of us are.”
“I was surprised, just a little.”
“Unbelievable, isn't it? I’m gorgeous, and wildly intelligent. A very enviable combination.”
He rolls his eyes in a more gentle display of irritation compared to earlier, and leans his head on the window in silence for the rest of the drive.
Shes learned not to take his silences personally, and took the time to think about what she just learned. Poor guy. His workload is insane if the amount of times she drives him a week is anything to go off of, and on top of that, he has to eat literal shit. She hopes whoever is in charge pays him considerably more than they do her, although she’s not sure any amount of money would be worth it.
She pulls up to an abandoned warehouse within ten minutes. Some sort of curse is to blame for a number of missing persons over the past year, and the issue has just recently been sent to her department. It was within the massive pile of cases sitting on her desk earlier this week, and considering the curse has been festering for so long, she selected this particular case to be sent to the necessary higher ups to delegate what (un)lucky sorcerer gets to take care of it. Unexpectedly, there's a group of people – officers – in the parking lot, one specifically striding towards her car.
“Ah fuck.”
Her outburst caused him to follow her gaze to see a gaggle of police officers that, evidently, should not be there. Some are talking amongst themselves with disgruntled faces and a few are engrossed in seemingly frustrating phone calls. One of which, upon seeing their car entering the lot, flips his phone shut with a sneer, and strides towards them.
“Fucking Hitoshi. Fucking asshole. Fucking fuckballs.”
She takes a deep breath to cease the string of (uniquely American) curses and throws the car in park.
“I'll take care of this,” she says as she exits the vehicle, then slams the door aggressively before striding over to the officer in question. Suguru exits quietly, leaning on the hood of the car to observe.
“Hitoshi. I’d say it’s a pleasure to see you, but it’s not. The case transferred departments. You are not needed.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” his voice is dripping with disdain, and his smile does nothing to hide it, “man, that new position must be working you to the bone to get you dressing like that to work. Should I make a call to HR?”
“I dress like this because I have something called job security. That means I’m good enough at what I do to know I won’t lose my job over a pair of sweatpants. Why are you here? Needing to butt in on other cases to fill your empty schedule?”
Hitoshi’s lip turns up at that, but he quickly regains his composure.
“No, honestly I was just curious as to what your super secretive department gets up to. Whole lot of nothing, from what I’m seeing.”
“As opposed to walking around all day with your head up your ass? Unlike you, I have work to do. If you and your friends want to shoot the shit, be my guest, but do it somewhere else. Evac zone is the surrounding two blocks. I suggest you abide by that.”
The man turns bright red the more she speaks, and although Suguru has enjoyed the show, he has a job to do, and he isn’t in the mood to diffuse a physical altercation or dispose of a dead body. Whose, he can’t say for certain, but his money is on Hitoshi, who is currently stammering with rage and wiping an almost constant sheen of sweat off his lip.
As Suguru approaches with his hands in his pockets, he gives the man a brief once over. He’s fairly tall, but not as tall as Suguru, and in his late thirties, if his receding hairline is anything to go off of. Hitoshi meets his eye, triggering another wave of flustered stammers.
Suguru reaches her side and references the man with the jutt of his chin, “”What's the hold up?”
“No hold up at all,” she smiles at Suguru, the countenance quickly morphing to a sneer as she turns her attention to Hitoshi, “right?”
Hitoshi manages a curt goodbye through his rage and storms off, shooing his colleagues back to their respective vehicles.
“Who was that guy?”
She sighs and grumbles, “A jackass I used to share an office with. Smelly and creepy.”
He turns his nose up at that, “Ew.”
“I know right? We have to wait a bit for those fuckers to leave so don’t do anything crazy. Feel free to look over the file or scan the perimeter,” she waves her hand over her shoulder airily as she walks to the car, leaning on the hood and flipping her phone open to occupy herself. He chooses to walk the perimeter of the warehouse until the officers take their leave. He’s made it back to the parking lot by the time they pull out, finding her waving from the same position on her car, shouting so he can hear.
“I'm out of here, text me when you're done!”
He acknowledges her with a mock-salute, waits five more minutes for all civilians to leave the area, and enters the building with a sigh.
When he enters the car, it smells faintly of mint.
“Hey,” she greets him, extending her hand while blowing a large, green bubble.
He looks down, a pack of gum offered in his direction, he takes a piece without hesitation. Anything that may rid the taste in his mouth, he welcomes with open arms.
“Thanks,” he unwraps the foil and pops the gum in his mouth. Spearmint.
She waits for him to buckle his seatbelt and drives off, humming to a song on the radio. She’s been doing so more often these days, sometimes muttering out the lyrics under her breath. They reach a particularly long red light, during which she takes the opportunity to remove her hands from the wheel and massage both palms with her thumbs, taking extra time with the dominant hand, eliciting a near silent hiss. She must have to file a lot of reports by hand, the special divisions within police departments are most likely underfunded and outdated.
She continues humming during the drive, drumming her hands on the steering wheel.
“I’m hungry,” she states, punctuated by a pop of gum, “there’s this American themed restaraunt nearby, wanna go?”
“Uh, because I'm hungry? And I’m never on this side of town.”
“What do they even serve at an American restaurant?”
“No idea, but I hope they have a nice cheese burger. All these restaurants here do weird fancy fusion shit. I want the real deal. Ooh,” she breaks off excitedly, “and I want some good fries. Oh my god I can put them in the burger like I used to,” she groans, loud and guttural, slamming her head against the headrest, “nevermind, not asking for permission. We’re checking it out.”
It’s safe to say the decision has been made for him, so Suguru doesn’t raise any complaints.
They pull into the parking lot, surprisingly filled considering the fact that American themed restaurants are not all the rage, but there's enough cars to match the time: 6:02 pm, perfect for a small dinner rush. The restaurant has bright red and white accents, a large logo written in glowing red cursive.
“Oh. My. God. It’s a diner. It’s a fucking diner.”
He turns to watch her excitement, her eyes are as wide as they can get given the fact she’s smiling with all of her teeth. She turns her body towards him in her seat, slapping her hands on the wheel in exlamation, “it’s a fucking diner!”
She practically leaps out of the car, jumping on the balls of her feet while waiting for Sugru to follow suit. Once he closes the passenger door, she’s off, striding towards the front doors to enter, but not before spitting her gum a surprising distance into the nearby trash can. He does the same (disposing of his gum, that is) by taking it out of his mouth and dropping it in the can.
The hostess is Caucasian with bleach blonde hair, dark roots barely peeling out from under a novelty paper hat marked with the restaraunts logo. The two women hold a conversation in unintelligible English, the hostess laughing profusely (is she really that funny?) and answering questions enthusiastically, with an interesting accent.
They are seated at a booth in the corner, hostess plopping two menus on the table and switching back to Japanese.
“Your server will be with you shortly.”
He looks across the table to her with a curious brow.
“What were you two talking about?”
She peeks up at him from behind her menu, “Doesn’t everyone here know a little English?”
“I know English, but not whatever the hell that was.”
She laughs, “Sorry, I’m a fast talker, and the girl has a British accent. That’s probably why.”
“Yeah apparently the manager only hires white girls for the ‘theme’,” she raises one hand in a gesture of quotation, “he doesn’t really know the difference anyway.”
British, huh? He wonders if there are any British themed restaurants in Japan.
“Definitely not,” she says, he must have spoken aloud, “British food is nasty from what I hear.”
“And what’s so special about American food?”
She drops her menu with a loud gasp, brows raised and jaw dropped in over dramatic surprise, “what’s so special about— have you never eaten a cheeseburger?”
“Of course I have.”
“Yeah but like— lettuce, pickle, onion, tomato, mayo, ketchup, and American cheese?” she rattles off the list of condiments at an alarming speed, to which he takes a moment to think, then shakes his head.
“Not like that, no. But I’ve had burgers.”
She waves her hand with a click of her tongue, “You haven’t truly lived, then. I’ll order you one.”
He almost considers it, but changes his mind at the ever present nausea in his gut, “No, I’m not hungry.”
“Fine, you can eat my fries then. I only put them in my burgers anyway.”
Their waitress approaches, a slightly older woman with curled hair and red lipstick.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger with everything on it, and some fries,” she points to him without looking, “and he’s gonna have a chocolate milkshake. Wait—“ she looks at him now, “—chocolate or vanilla?”
“Chocolate,” he responds, “but I don’t—“
“I’ll drink it if you don’t,” she waves her hand flippantly, then thanks the waitress with a smile.
“I told you I’m not hungry. And besides, milkshakes are too sweet for me.”
“I know you don’t like sweets, but your gonna like it.”
She’s so insistent, “Ugh, fine,” he holds his hands up in submission, leaning back in the booth and crossing his arms, “I have a question.”
She looks at him with slight surprise, his unexpected interest interrupting her inspection of the condiment tray, “Sure.”
“Were you raised here for a few years? Your Japanese isn’t bad.”
Of course, it’s a lot better than that, but he’s not willing to give her any credit.
“No, I took a class in middle school because my friends and I didn’t want to learn Spanish,” She's rearranging the sugar packets in their container by color now, “then I just kept taking the next highest level each year. I took a couple classes in college too. Then I moved here and had to put it all together,” she finishes her work with a satisfied smile, sliding the condiment tray back to hits position at the edge of the table, “it was hard, but I figured it out in like, a year.”
“Why’d you move here?” He spits out the next question without much thought. She pauses at that, eyeing him suspiciously.
“You’re rather curious today.”
He isn’t going to disagree on that, he’s surprised at his interest as well. But he only offers her a shrug in response.
“I just—“ she pauses, chewing her lip, “—uh, got an internship at the department for forensics. Worked there for a year, then got put in my new super secret position.”
“Right after college?” He does nothing to veil his interest now, for both his and her sake, “that makes you what, twenty four?”
“Close, twenty three. I got put in school a little early when I was a kid.”
He hums in response, not choosing to say more. The waitress arrives with waters and straws, leaving almost as soon as she came to attend to her other tables.
He looks around at the patrons. Three booths are sat with either couples or families and the bar has two patrons sitting on opposite ends. Behind the bar is a window to the kitchen, framed with a sparse collection of order tags pinned on a clothesline. The handful of orders that have been fulfilled are placed on the frame with the ring of a bell, to which a waitress walks by to bring the dish to the respective table. From what he can see there’s two chefs: a teenager and another, much older man.
His eyes flick across the table at the feeling of being watched, but she either was fast enough for him to not catch it or wasn’t watching at all. She’s looking around the restaurant with a curious gaze, hands fidgeting with a straw wrapper. She's wrapped it up in a tight coil, and is now rolling it between her fingers.
When the younger chef places a burger in the window with the ring of a bell, their waitress comes by to grab it, then retrieves the milkshake from somewhere behind the bar. She breezes to and from their table with a faint, “Enjoy your meal,” and is off to focus on her flip-phone behind the bar.
She’s leaning over the burger with a predatory gaze, taking off the bun and placing a handful of fries on the patty. Once she raises it with both hands for one large bite, he can see that it’s almost the size of her head. Her eyes roll back, and she lets out a groan.
“So good,” she mumbles through bites, then places the burger down reaching for a napkin , “here.”
She puts a handful of fries on the napkin, sliding it over to him, “Dip these in your shake.”
She laughs through another bite of her burger, “you don’t like sweets enough to drink the whole thing by itself, right? Dip your fries in it.”
He’s not sure what face he’s making, but at her continued laughter he can assume it’s one of disgust.
“I swear I’m not trying to fuck with you,” she grabs one of her own fries, reaching over the table to dip it in his glass, then placing it in her mouth. In an uncharacteristic move, she swallows before speaking again.
“See? No poison. If you hate it, you won’t ever have to eat it again. It can’t be worse than curses, right?”
He stares down his shake. It’s true, nothing can taste as bad as what he has to consume every few days, so what’s the harm in this?
He takes the smallest fry possible, scoops a tiny amount of shake, and takes a tentative bite. He looks up at the ceiling as he chews, then dips the rest in his shake and finishes the fry.
“It’s not…” he looks back at her, who is leaning over the table, hands braced in anticipation, “…terrible.”
“Yes!” She nearly shouts, fists raised in the air, “I knew it.”
“I never said I liked it,”
“Eh, for you that’s close enough,” she brushes him off, returning to face her whole attention to her burger. At this rate, she’ll probably finish it in mere minutes.
He continues to take intermittent bites of his fries and when she’s not looking, dips them in his shake. It really isn’t terrible, the salt of the fries toning down what would no doubt be an overwhelming amount of sweetness from the shake. The shake lessens the intensity of the salt as well, so his stomach is able to accept the food with minimal groans of disapproval.
Do all Americans eat food this uncommon? And do they do it so…violently?
Her lips are smeared in ketchup, much like a lion in one of those nature documentaries eating a zebra or something, and — god— she somehow got a spot of ketchup on her forehead.
He watches her finish the burger with thinly veiled horror and awe, reaching into the carnage to take a handful of fries once his own ran out.
By the time he's had his fill, she’s downed the burger without so much as a break for air. She plops the final bite into her mouth with closed eyes and a smile of satisfaction, leaning back with a hum.
“I haven’t had a burger that good in so long,” she groans, then looks back at him, smiling at his empty napkin, “you like the fries?”
“They were okay, shake wasn’t bad either,” he slides the glass to the edge of the table, “but I don’t think I can drink any more.”
“Oh hand it over, wimp,” she grabs the glass and leans back, slurping the shake down in what was most likely a record time.
With that finished, he takes his wallet out and fishes for his card to place it on the end of the table.
“No!” She protests, preparing to slap his hand away with her absolutely filthy hands.
“Eugh,” he all but jumps back in disgust before the card can reach the table, “don’t touch me.”
He grabs about ten napkins from the dispenser, handing them to her, “You're a mess.”
She wipes her hands and mouth down with a laugh.
“Don’t pay, I ate everything.”
“I ate your fries.”
“It was already agreed upon that I would give you my fries,” she waves down the waitress, who takes her card while withholding a chuckle. That reminds him.
“You’ve got a little something,”
“Where?” She wipes at her face with the back of her hand, “Did I get it?”
“No, uh,” he raises his pointer finger, which she mirrors with her own, all the way up to the center of her forehead, “here.”
“You’re not funny,” she pouts.
“I’m not lying! It’s right there!” He gestures frantically towards her forehead, which still has ketchup on it by the time the waitress returns the card. She’s about to stand up and take her leave after that, and how could he be seen with that?
“Fucking — stop,” he frantically lurches toward her, swiping her forehead with his thumb, showing her the evidence, “see?”
She stares at him, first looking at his thumb, then back to his eyes with a flustered laugh.
“Oh. Oops.”
“You eat like a maniac,” he stands to leave, but turns back around, snatching a napkin to wipe his hands, “come on, let’s go.”
They make their way to the car, but she pauses right as she reaches the driver's side door.
He peers over the car at her, “Did you forget something? Your wallet?”
She thinks for a moment, patting down her pockets. “Shit, I didn’t tip,” she breaks into a run back into the restaurant and he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t smile.
Just a little.
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briamichellewrites · 10 months
“Daddy, there’s a new kitty!”
Mike went over to where Otis was excitedly pointing to Cookies. She had just woken up from one of her many naps and was ready to play. Hi, little human. She heard the humans talking but she didn’t know what they were saying. Mike told him she was Bria’s new kitten. What was her name? Cookies. He thought that was a silly name. After laughing, he had him stick out his hand, so she could sniff it. Once she had, he gently pet her.
Good job, buddy! He liked the new kitten. She was so little! Yes, she was. But, she would grow up to be a big cat. Cookies liked him, too. He ran to get his toy dog from his bedroom because he wanted to share it with her. Cookies decided since he was gone, she would go get a drink of water from her bowl. She carefully climbed down from the cat tree and ran as fast as her little legs could go.
Rawr! She jumped and her fur puffed up. The little human was back. Mike told him to be careful and not to scare Cookies because she was just a little kitten. She backed off a little. He picked her up and comforted her by gently petting her. Thank you, human. Otis showed her his toy dog. It was his favorite toy. She sniffed it. It smelled funny. The toy looked like a dog but it didn’t smell like a dog. He pushed a button and it moved around. Yap. Yap. Yap.
She pawed at it, making it fall over. Otis laughed and turned it over, making it start moving again. Bria came home after visiting with her therapist and publicist. It had been a very long afternoon and she was done with human interaction. Mike asked her how everything went.
“There’s a child here, so I’m going to go to my room before I explode.”
“I’ll come up and check on you in a few minutes.”
Yikes. Either she was having an episode or something happened. Chester was on his way over, so he would check on her when he arrived because he didn’t want to leave Otis alone with Cookies. He didn’t think he would hurt her, it was better to be safe than sorry. Besides accidentally scaring her, he was doing a great job of being gentle with her. Misty and Bon Jovi were avoiding the toddler at all costs. They were more than happy to sit back and watch.
Otis gave her one of her toys. Thank you. She sniffed it before batting it with her paw. I’m going to get you! She made herself small before pouncing on the toy. I got you! She grabbed it with her teeth. I’m a great hunter! She imagined herself as a lion out in the Sahara of Africa and she was hunting down her prey. Maybe she caught a zebra. She would bring it back to her pride for dinner.
Yum! She imagined what that would taste like. It wasn’t the same as her toy, but that was okay. She liked playing with it and pretending to be a lion. As a kitten, she was supposed to play. That was how she learned. Just like the little human. Woof. Woof. Otis made his toy bark, as he moved it around on the floor. He pretended it was walking outside. It was a big, strong dog. Just like Misty. He grabbed a pretend bowl and brought it over. That was his dog’s water bowl. Was his dog thirsty? Yes.
“He thirsty. Yum. He likes the water.”
“Good. Dogs like water. So do cats.”
“Okay, you can go back to playing now. I love you, doggy.”
“That was a very nice thing to say. I bet your doggy loves you too.”
He nodded. Bria came back down after going through her episode. She was in a good mood again. Mike asked her if she was okay. Yeah. She came over and sat down with them. He decided not to ask. It was likely just another mood swing. He was happy she went off by herself, instead of blowing up in front of Otis. Borderline Personality Disorder was hard but he would never tolerate her being verbally abusive in front of his son.
Cookies was happy to see her. Hi, human! She went over and crawled in her lap. Bria picked her up and kissed her little forehead. Hello! I love you. She then set her back down in her lap. I love you too, human. They heard the front door open. Misty ran over to see who it was and Mike followed behind her. Chester. They kissed each other.
He bent down to say hello to a very happy and excited Misty. Hi, human! Hi! He laughed before standing up again. Otis was also very excited to see him! He went over to him and sat in his lap, making him laugh. How was Bria? She was good. It was just a long afternoon. She and her publicist went over rumors and publicity for the Grammys, which was the next day.
What rumors? She rolled her eyes. There was one rumor that she was in rehab for an eating disorder. Then there were rumors about her dating various guys, like Leonardo DiCaprio. She never even met him. It was a whole lot of speculation. It was mostly laughable dumb… stuff. They laughed as she tried not to swear. Then, of course, she had to talk about her trauma with her therapist for the millionth time. Even though she knew it was supposed to help her, she didn’t want to go through it over and over.
If her therapist wanted to spend the entire time talking about Jon Bon Jovi, she would be way more happy to do that. They laughed. Did she tell her therapist about her new kitten? She did! Next time, she was going to bring her in with her.
“She can explore the office for an hour.”
“The Grammys are tomorrow”, Chester said.
“Oh, my god. I’m… going to go to bed early because I don’t want people to think I’m drunk when I’m tired as heck. I’m trying so hard not to swear. I also think I’ll be so pumped up that I won’t feel tired until we come home. I’ll just curl up in a ball somewhere and fall asleep.”
They laughed. Linkin Park was nominated for three awards, so they were also anxious but excited. Mike invited her to be his date for the event. Since he and Chester weren’t ‘out’, they didn’t want speculation about their sexuality or relationship. It wasn’t anyone’s business. Just like Rob being bisexual. Chester thought he was adorable.
Was he attracted to him? Not really. He was like a little brother. Mike wasn’t attracted to him, either. Though, if he asked him out, he would give him a chance. Maybe he would change his mind. He was open to that. For now, he was happy with Chester. Otis interrupted his thoughts by announcing he had to go potty.
They both got up and headed towards the bathroom. After helping him in the bathroom, he would start making dinner. The animals saw him getting up, so they started announcing they were hungry. Bon Jovi and Cookies were the loudest.
Meow. Human, I’m hungry! Bria got up and went to fetch their food. Chester laughed, as he followed her to the kitchen. Oh my god! Once the food was distributed, they all started eating. Yum! Otis came out after using the bathroom like a big boy and washing his hands. He showed them his clean hands. Good job, buddy! He sat down and watched the animals eating, while the adults made dinner.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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starvine · 3 years
first date headcanons
attack on titan (modern au)
summary: some first date headcanons with some of the attack on titan characters. 
warnings: none, just fluff :)
eren jaeger: movie 
a little basic but it’s all eren could come up with
besides, it was between a movie and dinner and dinner felt too formal so y’all decided on a movie
he’d let you pick the movie tho
he might argue with you if it’s something stupid and claim that it’s horribly written (as if he knows a thing) but that’s it
eren would make sure to get the BEST snacks. spicy food? check. candy? check. popcorn? check. fruits? check.
he just wants to impress you (even if he did have to confide in his friends for some advice)
he just really likes you
during the movie, you guys would start shifting closer to each other, both a little too timid to move all the way all at once
but you guys would make commentary throughout the movie, laughing when things seem too cliché or when a character says something funny
half way throughout the movie, you guys aren’t even really paying attention it it
you’re too busy throwing popcorn at each other and trying to catch it in your mouths, feeding each other candy, and giggling at each other
it’s intimate in its own relaxed way, which makes eren realize how perfect you are
you both could make the most out of a pretty average first date situation and make it into a beyond amazing first date
and that was all he needed to ask you on a second date before he dropped you off at your car, walking with you to make sure you got there safely
and ngl you’d be a bit of a fool to say no to eren
armin arlert: aquarium 
sweetheart is so nervous 
before he came to your apartment to pick you up for your date, he was a little nervous wreck 
he was fidgeting with his fingers, playing with the buttons on his shirt--he probably accidentally opened one by accident 
but once he saw you, he felt fine 
it was as if he physically melted, you just make everything okay 
once you guys got to the aquarium, he would NOT shut up
he was probably pointing things out, telling you fun facts, asking you what is your favorite marine life 
“oh, you like pufferfish? that’s cool! i like them too. they’re very... puffy.” 
he’s like a child in a candy store 
but while he’s rambling about how the digestive system of a sea cucumber basically cleans the ocean, he’s wondering how he should make a move 
he doesn’t want to scare you off or anything, but he doesn’t want you to be disappointed 
but while you guys are looking at one of those large fish tanks, the ones where you walk through a tunnel, you guys just sort of stand there and watch in awe
or rather armin watches in awe while you look at him, a soft smile gracing his pink lips as his eyes dart across the illustriously blue colored glass
and when he feels your pinky latch onto his, he’s a little shocked that you had made the first move
he didn’t not expect it per say, he just thought that he would be the one to make the first move 
but his overthinking got in the way
and when he turns to look down at your intertwined pinkies, he caught you sending him a delicate smile that made his heart squeeze until he felt as if every part of him was on fire
but it was him who finally held your hand fully 
he just needed you to give him the extra push
mikasa ackerman: book store 
it’s a very calming atmosphere, which is something you’d both need for this first date
mikasa is probably pretty anxious for the first date, and wants to make sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself while also making sure she’s okay and enjoying herself
so the calming scent of the book store and the quietness is perfect for her to multitask between mediating the two
you’d both be tasked with picking each other books and then buying them for each other
so initially mikasa was nervous because she wasn’t sure what to get you but then you asked what she liked to read and so that allowed her to ask the same, making the situation less stressful
and all while you two are walking from isle to isle, eyes scanning the various book titles and covers, she sneaks glances at you and how pretty you look
and the fact that you seem very deep in thought, heavily concentrated on getting her the right book, makes her feel less concerned on whether or not you’d rather be with her or not
the answer is obviously a yes but mikasa has a hard time understanding that sometimes
so when you give her the book you bought for her, making sure to lightly touch her fingers while you hand it to her, she already knows that another date is what she wants you both to have or else she’ll probably explode
and based off of how flushed she looks, the possibility of her exploding is not highly unlikely
you guys will sit at this little table in the corner of the store, reading your books
i can picture mikasa annotating certain lines that remind her of you, making mental notes to show you later
overall, the date is pretty lowkey and very sweet
connie springer: dave + busters/bowling
ok there’s not much of an explanation for this one besides the point that if feels right
like connie is pretty energetic and i feel like you can learn a lot about a person based off of the games they’re drawn to 
hence the arcade
i think connie really likes those racing games or the zombie shooting games
he also claims he’s really good at ski ball (he’s not, he’s trash)
so a good portion of the date consists of you just laughing at him the whole time cuz in all honestly he’s not the best at games but he enjoys them for the fun of them
he’d definitely cheer you on when you were playing or try to mess you up if it was you two against each other
but either way he’d give you a hug or a pat on the head after every game
even if u beat him
he’d probably try to sneak a kiss when you guys were in one of those shooting games that requires a booth and the curtains drawn (does that make sense?)
it’s not really romantic like at all, especially since it smells like a million different people in there, but it’s very low stress so in all honesty that’s what makes the kiss nice
and after you guys had used up all your tokens, you’d combine your tickets and pick something together
your prizes would mostly consist of candy and him insisting he get you a plastic gem ring so you can always remember your first date together
it was also his little, strange way of asking you for a second date
levi ackerman: art museum 
unlike connie, he’s not super energetic
so a museum is right up his alley
levi’s a bit awkward, he doesn’t really know how to talk to you
and especially since you’re lovely, his words jumble together and he gets all flustered
so a nice, quiet museum exhibit is perfect for him
it’s a nice balance between casual and formal, so you both dress nice but aren’t restricted by the need to be super polite and stuff
he’d probably like it when you try to imitate the poses that are shown in the paintings or sculptures
just imagine the soft chuckle he’d be unable to prevent from escaping his lips which then melts into a soft smirk
beautiful, beautiful lad
he probably wouldn’t join you though, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself
he just smiles at you and stares at the art, reading the background info they give on those little plates near them
but he would notice when you stare at him
he could be looking at some art made during the dutch golden age, but as soon as your head slightly tilted in his direction, his cheeks would HEAT up
you almost asked him if he was feeling alright he was so red
but as the date went on, levi really just thought about how much he enjoyed your presence
and he’s not a wicked talkative guy so being able to feel comfortable with someone even if you aren’t talking or doing much is pretty important to him
as the date concludes, levi finally works up the courage to place his hand on your shoulder, asking if there was anything else you wanted to see before the museum closes for the day
his face might be bright red, but the smile you give him makes him feel a little less embarrassed
what can you say, you’ve got charm 💅
hange: the fucking zoo
ok i won’t lie when i got the idea of hange taking you to the zoo for your first date i thought it was so funny and idk why
like they’d be so excited that they’d nearly forget that they’re on a date with you
they’d drag you around from exhibit to exhibit, pointing out the exact breed of tortoise or some really strange fact about the zebras without looking at the little description panel in front of the exhibit
it’s pretty comical
but then randomly, when you guys are sitting down and eating some fries from one of the concession stands, they start going on a rant about animal cruelty and how a lot of zoos don’t treat the animals properly
and you’re just sitting there like “what 🧍‍♀️” cuz they’re mood changed so quickly LMAO
and as soon as their rant started, it finishes and they’re rushing you to the reptile exhibit
they’d probably try to figure out if they could hold one of the snakes
you’d have to drag them out of there before they start harassing one of the workers into letting them hold a snake
they’d also give all of the animals names only to forget them in 2 seconds
“hey, robert, it’s good to see you again!” “hange, i thought you named them dante?” “oh... did i? 😁”
however there’s probably like one animal they absolutely despise and idk why but i feel like it’s parrots
y’all would be walking through this rainforest exhibit, birds flying from tree to tree and the whole time they’re cursing the birds under their breath for no reason at all
just an angry person walking through a rainforest exhibit, cursing out birds
pretty normal if you ask me
however, the date itself is pretty casual and almost feels like you guys are just hanging out
or it would if they didn’t ask you out on another date before dropping you off at home, kissing your cheek as their farewell
pieck finger: café
very simple and quaint
i feel like pieck has a coffee addiction and always puts her in a better mood
so what better place to go on a date then a café?
she’s definitely an iced coffee drinker, and will occasionally go for a hot drink but usually iced coffee is her go-to
and if you get a coffee or tea that she also happens to like, you’re already practically golden in her eyes
since pieck has a very soothing and lowkey nature, i can see the date being much more just like a conversation with someone you’ve known for forever instead of interview-y which is something i’ve found coffee/lunch/dinner dates to be a bit like
but pieck knows how to keep things interesting and she’s a pretty calming person to be around so all is well
i also can’t see her getting super nervous before the date
she seems pretty calm unless in high-stress situations, but even then, she’s pretty level-headed
but since she’s so calm, it makes you wonder if she really cares for the date
and of COURSE she does, she’s so excited about it
it’s just the way pieck is
but as the date continues, she’d probably start to tease you by playing footsies under the table
you gotta keep the date interesting, you know?
you guys would talk about your interests, family, friends, shows you’re watching
literally just anything and everything that’ll allow you guys to get a feel for each other
and if all goes well she’ll definitely suggest another date ;)
also don’t expect to leave without her either writing something cute on your cup, pressing a lip-stick stained kiss to your cheek that matches the one surrounding the rim of her cup, or a promise that your game of footsies will continue next time you see each other
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extasiswings · 3 years
you make my heart beat
I played myself...anyway, if you’re interested in the post that inspired this, it’s here, asking how I would write a forgotten first meeting + hospital AU.  Also on ao3 here.  Have about 2k of Buck and nurse!Eddie set between seasons 2 and 3. 
Eddie is at the reception desk reading a chart when a cup of coffee slides over the counter and settles by his forearm. He glances up—
“Usually it’s the doctors bringing me bribes, not the patients,” he says, a small smile curving his lips. “Last I checked, you didn’t have charts for me to transcribe for you—what’s this for then?”
Buck shrugs and leans forward, elbows on the counter.
“Who says it’s a bribe? I can’t just do something nice for my favorite nurse?”
Eddie closes the chart and picks up the cup—his eyes slip closed as espresso and cinnamon bursts across his tongue, and he barely holds back a groan—fuck, but it’s been a long shift.
“Thank you,” he replies. “Did I know you were coming in today?”
Buck shakes his head. “Last minute check-up. Got new scans on Monday—if everything looks good, Dr. Graves should clear me to take my recertification test.”
There’s a hopeful note in his tone even as Eddie catches the flicker of nervousness that passes through his eyes, and Eddie thinks about running into him a few months earlier, about I don’t know who I am without the uniform, and reaches out. His hand curves around Buck’s elbow where it rests on the counter—it makes his breathing go a little unsteady, touching Buck without the justification and distance provided by clinical professionalism, but the touch elicits a soft smile that does funny things to his heart, so Eddie can’t quite regret it either.
“That’s really great, Buck,” he says quietly. “I’m happy for you.”
One of the new residents comes around the corner and Eddie clears his throat as he pulls back his hand.
“I guess I know what the bribe was for then,” he teases, trying to push them back to their prior, lighthearted zone. “You just wanted me to do your work-up instead of Shirley.”
Buck laughs. “Can you blame me?” He asks. “She’s mean and her hands are always cold.”
“You complain that I’m mean all the time,” Eddie shoots back as he logs into the computer to check Buck in.
“Yeah, well, maybe I—” Buck cuts himself off and Eddie glances up in time to catch the flush darkening his cheeks. There are a lot of ways that sentence could end and all of them make his own face heat.
Maybe it’s silly—he’s an adult, he’s single, he gets flirted with all the time, even, or maybe especially by Buck, he shouldn’t get flustered. But it’s because it is Buck and not just any random patient or family member that he does. Because Eddie doesn’t know what he’s doing but he wants—
He busies himself grabbing a clipboard and a check-in form and clears his throat again before looking up.
“Come on, I’ll take you back.”
“Thanks, Eddie,” Buck replies, and his smile is back, the soft one. It’s only because Eddie’s distracted by it that he notices the way it twists into a grimace when Buck takes a step.
Eddie’s brow furrows. “You okay?”
Buck waves him off. “Fine, just—I’ve been training a lot so I can take my test as soon as I’m cleared. Must have pulled a muscle or something. Twinged a little is all.”
Eddie makes a note on the clipboard and Buck groans.
“No, come on—I pulled a muscle, I’m fine, you don’t have to write that down.”
“Maybe you pulled a muscle, maybe it’s nothing—regardless, Dr. Graves should know that you’re having leg pain just in case,” Eddie says. He pauses and narrows his eyes. “You weren’t going to tell him.”
“Because it’s nothing,” Buck insists. “Come on, Nurse Diaz, isn’t there some saying about hearing hoofbeats and thinking horses, not zebras?”
Eddie steers Buck down the hall to an exam room.
“Yeah, sure. I’ve heard it,” he replies.
“So…” They step through the door and Eddie nods at the exam table before reaching for a blood pressure cuff. “There are a lot of very common things that could be causing pain in a limb that you’ve had multiple surgeries on, only one of which is that you pulled a muscle, and some of which could be serious. No zebras required. I’m not taking the note off the chart and you’re not going to lie when you get asked about it, okay?”
He fastens the cuff around Buck’s arm and presses a button to start the reading—he can’t help the way his lips twitch at Buck’s exasperated look.
“Little pressure,” he adds, and Buck rolls his eyes.
“I should have taken my chances with Shirley,” Buck grumbles.
“Yeah, well, if there’s a next time you can bring her coffee instead—I hear she likes hazelnut lattes.”
The cuff loosens, the monitor beeps. Eddie scribbles down the number. It’s a little high—Eddie glances over, takes in the tension in Buck’s shoulders, and bites his cheek.
“It’ll be okay,” he says, even though he usually tries to avoid promising patients anything. “Best case, they run a few more scans and waste a couple hours of your afternoon to find out that you’re right and perfectly fine. Worst case, something’s wrong and they catch it now and fix it and you’re still on track to get back to work, just maybe a couple weeks later than you planned.”
“It’s already been five months,” Buck sighs, his fingers raking through his hair.
“I know it’s frustrating—”
“How’s Christopher?” Buck interrupts, and Eddie levels him with a sharp look for the obvious deflection, but allows the subject change as he logs into the exam room computer.
“He’s good,” he replies. “Great, actually. Keeps asking about you—he, uh, he had a really great time the other day, even if it was just hanging around here. I can’t thank you enough for watching him.”
It’s not something Eddie normally would have done at all, but his abuela had a fall, Pepa had to go back to work, he couldn’t take off because they were already short-staffed with three other nurses out with the flu—
And Buck had just…been there. Finished with his physical therapy and offering to stick around so Eddie could finish his shift, all smiles and no judgment, and after five months…well, they’re something like friends, right? They're...something, anyway.
“He’s an amazing kid, and it was the best day I’ve had in…awhile, actually,” Buck admits. “You really don’t have to keep thanking me. I would do it again any time.”
I do, though, Eddie thinks, but he bites it back. He bites back, I’d like that, too.
He finishes filling in the intake information and steps back.
“You should be all set. The doctor will be in any minute.” He pauses before he reaches the door. Swallows.
“Find me after?” He asks. “Let me know how it goes? I’m on until four.”
“I’ll find you,” Buck promises. “Have to say I told you so when it turns out I just pulled a muscle.”
“I’ll be glad to hear it,” Eddie replies. He gets one more smile to sustain him before he walks out, leaving Buck behind.
He’ll see Buck later.
Except…he doesn’t. The rest of his shift passes without another sign of the other man and the gnawing worry in his gut worsens. The exam room is empty when he checks, he doesn’t have any new pages or texts—it would be easy to pull Buck’s chart and find out if something happened, but that feels like it would cross a line when it’s not strictly necessary—
He shoots off a text of his own, but there’s still no reply by the time he’s showered and changed out of his scrubs.
It’s happenstance that he runs into Dr. Graves’ favorite resident outside the locker room.
“Hey, Cassie—Graves had a patient today, Evan Buckley? I did the intake, and I was wondering—”
“Oh, he was admitted,” she says. “Room 312, I think.”
Eddie’s stomach drops. Sometimes he hates being right.
“Thanks,” he says faintly. She gives him a distracted hum, preoccupied by responding to a text, and Eddie heads to the elevators.
“Hey,” he greets a few minutes later, leaning against the doorway in Buck’s room. His hands are shoved in his pockets and he’s not entirely sure whether to cross the threshold.
Buck looks…tired. Frustrated. Upset. Raw. He tries to cover it when he sees Eddie, but it doesn’t fully work.
Eddie’s heart aches.
“Blood clots,” Buck sighs with a rueful shrug. “On the screws in my leg. They said it was lucky they caught it before one broke off and traveled anywhere, or it could have killed me. Guess you saved my life, Nurse Diaz.”
“Well…” Eddie weighs his hesitation against his desire to be closer and ultimately pushes off the doorframe to step inside. “You are my favorite patient. Who else is going to bring me coffee if you died?”
“Oh, I’m sure a lot of people would be more than happy to do that,” Buck replies. “I’m picturing a line around the block here.”
Eddie settles into the chair next to the bed.
“I think you’re vastly overestimating there, but—” Eddie wets his lips as he meets Buck’s gaze. Fuck, he’s not good at this, but he would do just about anything to bring Buck’s smile back. “—but, for whatever it’s worth, I wouldn’t want anyone else to.”
“Because I’m your favorite patient?” The look in Buck’s eyes is hopeful but wary, the kind of look that says despite his easy flirtations, he’s been burned before and expects to be again. And maybe it’s that honest vulnerability that finally unsticks Eddie’s tongue because when he opens his mouth to respond, what comes out is—
“You’re not just a patient, Buck. Not to me. You have to know that.”
“Do I?”
The skepticism feels like a challenge and Eddie rises to it by leaning in—he slides his fingers into Buck’s hair and closes the gap, kissing him once, twice, as Buck makes a startled sound against his lips and curls his own fingers into Eddie’s shirt to kiss him back.
“I don’t do that with just anyone,” Eddie breathes when he pulls back. “And I definitely don’t let them meet my son. Clear enough?”
Buck clears his throat, and nods, flushed and a little dazed in a way that makes Eddie bite back a grin.
“Speaking of, I have to go pick him up, but…” Eddie steals another kiss. “I’ll come see you tomorrow? And maybe we can…talk about this a little more?”
“I’d like that,” Buck admits. “And—Eddie—I—” His throat works as he swallows.
“Thank you,” he says finally. “For not letting me brush it off.”
Eddie’s thumb rubs against the edge of Buck’s jaw before he finally drops his hand.
“I care about you. Part of that means wanting to see you care about yourself,” he replies. “You don’t have to thank me for that.”
Buck looks like he might argue with that, but ultimately just tugs Eddie in for one final kiss before releasing him.
“Tell Christopher I said hi.”
“I will.”
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fanficsandfluff · 3 years
That Damned Laugh
To the anon who informed me of Rainbow Rowell's RACISM, i am writing this for my love of the characters, not the author's writing skill or fame. fuck her. i am still very much aware of what she wrote about and how she portrayed a character, but i cannot stop this inspiration when it comes to me. (wait to be clear to everyone reading this who hadn't seen the anons and my discussion, carry on wasnt the accused racist book. that was something else.)
If you, anon, end up seeing this and maybe don't like what I'm doing or whatnot, I'd love to hear from you again.
For those of you who maybe do practice Death of the Author, I hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Carry On
Characters: Simon Snow, Baz Pitch
Words: 1,905
Simon Snow does not laugh, full stop.
(Well, to be fair I'm not a cackler much myself, but I do at least guffaw from time to time.)
Snow spent so much of his youth being weighed down by the 'Chosen One' moniker and being tormented by yours truly. Still, I know of that little list he kept of things he liked about Watford and all its experiences and people. It seemed he did take joy in most of it all. After all, I'm sure he had fun at Bunce's house on many an occasion.
But just being around him and in this way for a while now, you start to notice. He's seen me laugh. A few times, in fact. And hard. I'm not very proud of it; what that man can do to me and make me do. He doesn't like when I cover my hand over my smile. It's habit, though, I've reminded him countless times. The fangs and all. We're working on it.
But Simon may just smile or huff. I've giggled with him on our particularly soft nights or togethertimes.
All this to say... I've found a new hobby/goal/obsession recently.
Make Simon Snow laugh.
My cheekiness all these years has kept my humor to cruel, lowbrow tones. Maybe it makes me less funny, I don't know. But once or twice I'd nail a comeback or snarky one-liner (of course with a bit of flirt thrown in) and Snow will giggle and shake his head. But that's all I've achieved! A small, pandering, boring -- though still admirably adorable -- (Damn that Snow) giggle.
I've moved on to physical humor. I tried throwing myself dramatically over him when he's in bed, but he just seems to think it's all part of my Pitch flair.
Today I made a minor breakthrough.
I was in the kitchen trying to mix myself a smoothie. Bunce has been gushing about a smoothie craze for weeks now, so I finally figured why not. The damn lid wasn't on tight enough. Not-yet-smooth smoothie shot everywhere. There was a pause as it happened, my one hand on the Liquify button, my other resting nonchalantly atop the lid that didn't do any lidding, dammit.
Snow looked up at me from his seat by the kitchen counter, eyes drawn from his phone. A beat. He barked out a laugh. A much louder one than I think I'd ever heard him make.
"Put a sock in it, Snow," I growled, to keep with my facade, though inside I was jittery with glee. I wanted to hear more.
Snow convinced me to binge a new show. Crime Minds. Something like that. No, criminal. It's Criminal Minds.
You wouldn't expect this to be a series fit enough for a cuddle, but Snow and I are an unexpected couple. So it works.
A few dumb jokes are littered throughout the show, in between corpses and the same police station set being reorganized and shot from different angles every episode. One such joke was so inconspicuous and so nothing that I cannot even recall it now. But both Snow and I chuckled at it. Then Snow made an additional comment to it, making me laugh. And soon we were both giggling together like schoolboys, like we had early on when we were maybe still a bit bashful with each other.
He shoved his face into my ribs and snorted when I whispered the new inside joke much later on in the episode. I was also grinning like a madman, but the soft tickle his action gave me didn't exactly---
In bed. Perfect. Lovers fool around all the time in bed. Not fool around as in sex--well, no, of course sex, but I mean they also play around-- never mind.
Baz has been acting off lately. I can't quite put my finger on what it is. He seems distracted. More like how I act. I'm always thinking of something else, not able to stay focused on one thing for long. He's like that, but trying to act like he isn't.
We're doing something odd today. We're in bed at sunset. It's hardly sunset, as a matter of fact. The sun isn't seeping orange and red into the flat yet. Penelope took us out on a hike today. It tuckered the both of us out. Baz drained a buck when we got home.
I'm laying perpendicular to Baz (or is it parallel? composite? I could never remember mathematics), my legs resting over his stomach. He's reading and I'm playing a puzzle app on my phone.
Now's the time, Baz. Just do it, don't think.
His socked feet are right in front of me. There's only been a handful of times we've sat in this position, half of them being my lower half resting on Simon's sturdier upper half. It's now or never.
I stare at his feet for too long, zoning out and forgetting that I was left staring at them, so it definitely looked like I have a fetish for feet. Which I don't. Focus, Basilton.
I take a finger-- no, two fingers. I scratch quickly at his heel. His leg jerks, foot being pulled back.
"What?" he asks me, as if I hadn't been plotting this for weeks. As if I just did it to get his attention.
"Something on the bottom of your sock, love."
Simon went right back to his head hanging upside down off the side of the bed, phone held out in front of his eyes.
Well, that proved one thing. He's ticklish.
He places his ankles right back where they originally were, crossed, atop my stomach. I try again, this time on his arch. I apply more pressure.
"Bahaz!" Simon shakes his foot out, "Is that how you start a foot massage?"
"Would you like a foot massage?"
"No. Not if it's going to tickle like that."
My cheeks heat up. Damn that buck. I'm rosier than I usually am.
"You're ticklish?" I ask, coolly. I barely stuttered.
"I wouldn't try it," he's back to looking at his phone again, "Penny did once and I nearly broke her elbow or something. She wouldn't stop talking about it for days."
"So you're very ticklish, then."
"Don't," this is the first time Snow seems to tense up.
There's a moment of quiet between us. A tense quiet. I lunge for his ankles and he shoots up into a sitting position. I scratch at his arch with four fingers now and he screams.
"Baz!" Simon whines a bit and he somehow yanks his legs free, not without losing one of his socks in my grip.
He's grinning at me. No. Sneering.
I still hate when he does that. Reminds me of back when I wanted to throttle him. Sometimes I still do.
"Baz," I warn. His whole posture changes into a predator's, like he's the lion and I'm his fresh zebra. The new stance sends a shiver down my spine, with his shoulders hunched and all, ready to pounce.
"Baz... Baz, Baz, Baz..." I say over and over again because he's smiling at me, and then I start to smile, too, "Bahaz!" I try once more, but his name is all that's coming out, and now I'm giggling. I'm nervous. He did this to me.
He's already giggling and I haven't even laid a hand on him.
"Yes, Snow?" I respond to his many calls of my name before I lurch forward, sending my whole body crashing on top of his and trying to pin him. I dig my fingers into his sides and don't stop for as long as I can maintain contact through his squirming.
"Gehehet off!" he's already crumbling, words being broken up with short laughs.
I slide my fingertips to his stomach and scratch there; Snow bucks. It gets even better when my cold fingers make contact with his warm skin beneath the shirt he's wearing. He yelps like I've never heard him yelp (like he's burnt his finger, but he's also 11-years-old again), and he dissolves into loud, beautiful laughter.
"St-Stohohop! Baz! I'm going to end you!"
"Isn't that how we always said it would end? Snuffing each other out? I'm perfectly happy that it's now going to end in my favor. You should've told me you were this easy to defeat earlier on, Snow."
"Shut up!" he cackles, legs kicking wildly behind me, as my body is thrown over his torso. Now I have both my hands buried into his sides, squeezing and squeezing. I get curious, my cheeks still burning with blood, and I lean down to his neck and... (no, I don't bite) I start nibbling. Snow loses it.
His whole face scrunches up, as I watch when I pull my head back. His smile is huge and bright. And the laughs bubble up from his stomach, releasing softer into the air like he sucked a little of the joy from it before releasing to keep for himself.
"Dohon't do that!"
"I thought you love my kisses."
"Not tha-HAAT!"
He shrieks again, hands too slow to stop my face from moving in. I nibble and even lick a few times, careful not to touch him with my fangs.
Did I mention that my hands are still tickling at his sides and ribs while I'm nibbling? Oh yes, I've waited so long for this sound. I wasn't going to make it come out lightly.
I blow a raspberry and that's when Snow's laughter catches and turns all hiccuppy. The noises are infecting me, starting to make me giggle. I shift, and my face now descends towards his stomach, which is bared after I rucked the shirt up.
He's laughing at me. I keep laughing even without him tickling me.
"I swehehear I'm going to fucking kill you and your whole family if you do that dohown thehere--" I'm hiccuping. Crowley, how embarrassing.
He's got me. I can hardly breathe from laughter. I keel over into him or he into me, but soon we're a laughing pile together on top of the mussed up sheets on the bed.
I make a loud snort and that reels us both back in again, laughing til we're red in the face and til my cheeks hurt.
Simon is giggling away, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself, but he just keeps on giggling. I'm able to sit up a little more and Snow's head is in my lap. He's beaming and looking up at me through squinted, teary eyes.
"That was fun," I say, and I don't think it's the brightest or smartest thing to say. But I say it.
"I love you," Snow's smile is still wide, like he's drunk from it. There's a moment where I feel like I've died again, color drained from me.
It doesn't seem to bother him, that he's said that. For the first time. I run my fingers through his reddish curls once, letting them tangle in the locks towards the back of his head. I hunch myself down so I can kiss him.
"I've wanted to hear that for so long," I whisper.
"That I love you? You haven't figured it out by now?"
"No, you idiot," I say with nothing but fondness, brushing my nose along Simon's jaw, "Your laugh."
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