#it also affirms that I genuinely enjoy the writing process
renegade-skywalker · 15 days
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lild00td00t · 10 months
Hello! I hope this is an okay request. can you do headcanons for how the admirals would comfort their fem! s/o when she is on her period?
Marine Admirals when you’re on your period: Fem! Reader
Hi Anon!!! Thank you so much for the request, I enjoyed writing this, I hope you enjoyed it and that I wrote it the way you liked <3<3<3
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora, Sengoku
Akainu | Sakazuki
• Akainu would expect you to be able to handle these things on your own, but he’s not cruel. He simply feels since you’re a grown woman he doesn’t really feel the need to “ hold your hand “ in this situation
• Unless you make it very clear that you’d like his support, more so than normal, he wouldn’t be very involved because again, to him this is a normal thing for women
• That being said, he will always have medicine and analgesics at your disposal, that being hot water bottles or ice packs to alleviate cramps, he tries to leave you hot tea in the morning to reduce cramps and will offer to draw you a bath before you go to sleep
• He’s not a very affectionate person, but if you need to be held he’ll hold you in bed, and try to comfort you, which doesn’t end the best since he’s silent and awkwardly rubbing your back- but hey, he’s trying right ?
• You’ll start to notice people checking in on you more, most likely Akainus doing so he can keep tabs on how you’re doing through the day, though he can’t see you id imagine he would send a cup of tea your way, but anonymously, he’s not openly affectionate outside of your home
Kizaru | Borsalino
• Offers period sex to help with cramps
• In all seriousness, he’s definitely worried, but knows that this is a monthly ordeal, and you’ve made it just fine before, except now you have his help and he’s over the moon to be a helping hand
• Very comforting presence, if you’re the type to get mood swings or have a depressive episode before your menstration he handles it like a champ, he understands that it’s a painful and natural process you’re going through so he holds absolutely no grudge or malice
• Besides Fujitora I imagine he’s probably one of the most patient partners, he’s very affirmative of you and acknowledges that you’re in pain and he’s there to help, he’s very aware of your needs and wants as well
Aokiji | Kuzan
• also offers period sex
• He’s gonna get lost in the pad aisle, and I mean genuinely lost.
• Imagine walking into an aisle and seeing this tall, lanky man, staring blankly at all the options before him, a shopping basket loosely hanging from his arm, his brain is probably resetting itself from how hard he’s thinking
• Buys a TON of different products, you can’t help but laugh at how confounded he is, staring at everything laid out before him, still confused
• You never have a shortage of ice or even a need for a cold compress, he prefers holding you and comforting you, after all he is an ice man <3
• He wants to constantly be near you so he offers naps a lot as a temporary solution of pain relief
Fujitora | Issho
• To me, he would understand this situation whole heartedly and do the best
• If you wake up to cramps or start crying his heart will absolutely break, and the first thing he does is comfort you, he’ll rub your back and give you soft kisses on your head while reassuringly telling you he’s there to help
• Since you’ve been seeing one another he keeps pads and tampons religiously stocked in his bathroom for you, he ALWAYS has medicine and is fully prepared every month for you <3
• He loves to offer you sweets or nice savory food, he’ll slip you a chocolate bar or some cookies if he sees you around but can’t stay long
• Fujitora seems like the type of partner to keep track of when his partner would get her period, like he has it marked on a calendar and knows when to start preparing, he’s so SWEET I cannot stress this enough
• Will buy you SO many snacks, whatever you want to eat is what he’s eating as well, if you like to binge snacks on your period then he’s your man
• You’ll have to do a errand run with him just to make sure he doesn’t forget your products, afterwards when you come home he implores you to take a nice warm bath with him <3
• Handles most of the house work and making dinner if you’re someone who feels fatigued during your period
• His goat LOVES to snuggle up to you or follow you around, that’s a tell tale sign to him that your period is coming, his goat WILL NOT leave you alone it’s adorable
• I imagine Sengoku to be a very physical person, so he has no problem giving you a massage if you don’t feel well or need a distraction from cramps
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babytarttdoodoo · 11 months
Can you write one of Jamie showing up to training sick and the team has to convince him to go home? Then someone takes him home (I want it to be Roy even though Roy probably shouldn't leave training when he's in charge for Roy/Jamie shipping reasons, but all the lads wanting to care of him would also be nice)
Who needs realism when we can have fluff? I went a bit off script but I hope you still enjoy it.
Thank you for the prompt!
(Prompt Fill Masterpost)
Isaac was generally the first player to arrive for training at Nelson Road. He tried to set a good example, being captain and all that.
Jamie, despite living closer to the grounds than most, usually strolled in with less than 10 minutes left to get changed and out on the field.
It used to annoy members of the team, Isaac included. These days, he knew that Jamie and Roy had extra early workout sessions together and that Jamie was just genuinely awful at managing his time in the mornings. It was fine - he never held anyone else up.
But it was therefore extremely surprising to find him in the locker room a full hour before training was due to start, dressed to play and slumped halfway into his cubby.
“Alright, bruv?” Isaac gave him a cautious nod and dropped his stuff at his section of the bench. “What are you doing here?”
Jamie was slow to answer, blinking bleary eyes at Isaac and apparently needing a minute to take in the question.
He sniffed. “... training, innit?”
“Yeah…” Isaac affirmed, frowning at his rough voice and general dishevelled state. “Don’t normally see you this early, though.”
Jamie hummed and nodded like that was a fair observation.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
Well, that probably went some way to explaining the state of him. There were dark smudges under Jamie’s eyes and his hair, rather than carefully styled in the swept-back quiff he’d taken to lately, hung limp and unkempt over his forehead.
He looked kind of terrible, actually.
Roy wouldn’t have let him come in if there was anything seriously wrong, though. That much, Isaac was sure of.
He hadn’t been overly surprised when the pair had told the team they were together. There had always been a weird level of intensity between the two and more than one person over the years had quietly speculated that at least some of it was down to sexual tension.
Any worries about how it would affect team dynamics had simmered down quick enough, too. If anything, they both seemed to overcompensate at work to make sure they couldn’t be accused of dropping the ball, so to speak.
But they did obviously spend their mornings together, training or otherwise, even if they arrived on different schedules. And though Roy was still hard on Jamie as a coach, he was also exceedingly protective as a boyfriend.
If something more than a bad night’s sleep were at play, he would have insisted Jamie stayed home.
Still, Isaac kept a careful eye and ear out while he went through his routine of getting ready. It probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for Jamie to fall asleep where he sat and get a quick nap in, but it was best to be ready to catch him if he toppled off the bench in the process.
Dani was the next to arrive, far too perky for the early hour and seemingly not phased by Jamie’s presence. His smile did dim at the lack of response to his bright greeting but Isaac caught his eye and gestured for him to keep it down a bit.
The message was received and passed on through silent glances and elaborate head tilts as more players filtered in, a collective effort to let Jamie close his eyes and snooze overriding the usual rambunctious atmosphere. Isaac was very proud.
Nate was the first of the coaching staff to arrive. He looked confused at the lack of rabble in the room and his gaze followed everyone else’s to see Jamie snoring softly. They all shushed him frantically when he opened his mouth to clearly try and rouse him.
Isaac, Sam and Colin beckoned him over to the other side of the room.
“What’s up with Jamie?” he asked quietly, looking between them.
“Just said he didn’t sleep well.” Isaac shrugged. “He was in before me. Seemed kind of out of it.”
“He doesn’t look alright.” Colin put in, frowning over at their pale and sleeping teammate.
“Have you heard from Roy today?” Sam asked Nate, worry pinching the corners of his eyes. “He must know if something is wrong.”
“I haven’t.” Nate checked his phone but shook his head. “No, nothing. They don’t always come in together, though.”
“But they train in the mornings.” Dani whisper-shouted from his end of the bench, clearly listening in and echoing Isaac’s own thought processes from earlier.
“It could be that Jamie did not sleep because they had a fight…?” Richard ventured reluctantly, holding up his hands in defence when the room hissed at him in disgust. “Just a suggestion!”
“If Jamie were angry or upset, he would be running laps or sulking, not sleeping.” Sam pointed out.
“And they wouldn’t bring that shit into work.” Isaac stated with surety.
Nate looked back at Jamie and checked the time on his watch.
“We’ll need to wake him up soon and make sure he’s okay. He can’t just sleep in here all day.” He peered over into the coaches’ office and looked relieved to see movement. “I think Beard’s arrived - I’ll go see if he’s got any ideas.”
The air of respectful quiet had shifted to uncertain worry as everyone started to question, internally or amongst themselves, exactly why Jamie was so exhausted. He didn’t have the best track record with open communication when something was wrong.
Could there be something up between him and Roy?
As if on cue, their manager stalked into the locker room and was immediately taken aback by the subdued environment. He stopped dead in the doorway and scowled.
“What the fuck’s up with you lot?”
“Roy?” Jamie stirred and opened his eyes to a squint in search of the familiar voice. Roy’s head immediately snapped to the side and took in Jamie’s half-reclined form.
“You look like shit.” Only years of experience let Isaac pick up on the surprise and concern in Roy’s voice. Vague worries about trouble in paradise dissipated immediately.
Jamie - predictably - pouted up at him. “‘S not nice.”
The slurred speech sent Roy’s eyebrows flying up in alarm and his emotions suddenly became a lot more visible to the untrained eye. He quickly pressed the back of his hand against Jamie’s forehead, cursing quietly at whatever he felt there.
“Fucking hell, Jamie. You could have called me.”
“Were you not together?” Sam asked, now also clearly edging back towards distress. Nate and Beard emerged from the office at the new wave of commotion.
Roy shook his head. “No. Phoebe’s been staying at mine while she’s off school with the flu. Told this idiot to go home last night and get some proper sleep.”
He sighed and, despite his harsh words, gently smoothed back Jamie’s hair.
“You’re supposed to tell someone when you catch the plague, you muppet.”
Jamie just whined pitifully and leaned into the contact so hard he almost slumped right off the bench. Half the team jolted in place with aborted attempts to catch him.
Roy was right there, though, and easily tipped him back to a safe sitting position, grip steady.
“Alright, prima donna. Let’s get you home.” He looked over to Nate and Beard. “You two good to get things started? I can be back in an hour or two.”
“Take your time.” Beard gave him a firm nod and Nate mumbled his agreement, brow furrowed at the scene. “We got this.”
Declan swept in to help pack up Jamie’s things as Roy cajoled him to his feet and slid an arm around his waist to keep him upright. He accepted the duffle bag with a grateful grunt and started shuffling his boyfriend towards the exit.
“Let us know if you need anything, yeah?” Isaac demanded when they were finally underway.
Roy looked back over his shoulder and half-smiled at the room of worried eyes staring back at him. “Will do, captain. Keep an eye on the rest of them for me.”
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aubreysheadspace · 1 year
hi!! <3 can i rq the omori main cast with a reader who gets attached to people super easily + is rly affectionate :D (separate & romantic pls!! OHOH AND rw not headspace :3) if it's easier for you, you can just write kel, basil, & hero!! ^_^
WAAA TYSMMM I’m so glad ppl enjoy my work sm :0!! Hope u enjoy!!
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SUNNY is absolutely touch starved without realizing it, so he’s definitely stiff and awkward at first when you give him a hug or simply hold his hand
slowly but surely he’s gonna get used to it, and then he’ll be expecting at least a hug every single day at the point. he’ll be a bit disappointed if not but he’ll get over it
if you kiss him he’ll stop anything that he’s doing and stands/sits there for at least two minutes before his ears turn red and his cheeks slightly turn red as well
there was absolute silence, not a single movement from your boyfriend who you decided to kiss on the cheek/lips for the first time as a sweet reminder of how much you loved him. you grew to become a bit worried and poked his shoulders. "SUNNY?? SUNNY, are you okay??" you asked your stoic boyfriend. after a minute of poking him, you saw his ears turn a bit redder then usual and then his cheeks. you smiled a bit, knowing your boyfriend enjoyed the little kiss you gave him
SUNNY doesn’t mind if you get easily attached to others, and doesn’t mind if you two just met and you’re already attached to him
he’ll find it weird, but that’s basically it. he kind of enjoys someone being automatically attached to him for some reason?
if it’s someone else you’ve grown attach as well, SUNNY will feel a little jealous. he hides it pretty well, but always reassure him that you love him the most
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when she was younger, AUBREY would always take any sort of affection no matter what and even give back some of her own! although now that she’s hot-headed and a bit aggressive from everything that’s happen, AUBREY stays stiff when you give her a hug of some sort
she immediately look at you in disbelief before slightly smirking and letting out a chuckle. she secretly enjoys being hugged, especially when she’s feeling down the most. she also touch starved without realizing it from not receiving any attention from her mom and due to MARI’s passing
if you give her a kiss she’ll immediately panic a bit and look at you with an even more expression of disbelief like "WHY did u decide to kiss me?!" but she’ll think back to it when she’s alone and not even realize her cheeks are turning red from the feeling and thought of the little kiss
AUBREY’s cheeks grew flustered when you decided to kiss her on the cheek/lips, she looks at you in shock and a bit frustrated. "wh- what was that for..?!" AUBREY asked as you stifled a giggle out. "i just wanted to show my girlfriend how much i love her!" you responded, smiling a bit at her. "pfft— whatever.. at least let me know next time, you dork.." AUBREY looked away as she didn’t want you to see how red she was.
AUBREY will genuinely be a bit surprised that you’re easily attached to people at first, is that why you’re attached to her?
she kind of thinks you’re naive to be attached to others. i mean, what if someone is deep down a huge jerk to you?
this applies if you’re already attached to someone else that isn’t her. she’ll be a bit jealous at first, but then that jealousy dies down if you reassure her a lot with physical affection and words of affirmation
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KEL doesn’t mind if you’re so affectionate, because he is too! this relationship will be all about physical affection mostly but also a drop of words of affirmation
he’ll surprisingly give you affection more than you, and even be ECSTATIC when you give some back! he enjoys it no matter what and he’ll definitely need it when he has a bad day of some sorts
if you decide to kiss him, KEL would slowly process that you kissed him and once he does he gets even more ECSTATIC! he’ll gladly kiss you back with his dorky smile across his slightly red cheek
"woah!" KEL raised his voice a bit after he saw you give him a quick kiss on the cheek/lips for being such a good boyfriend. "you… you kissed me?" KEL said, kind of processing it which made you laugh a bit. "yes, yes i kissed you, KEL." you answered, and KEL finally processed it with a huge smile on his face. "you kissed me! you really did kiss me, [READER]! wow, i’m so happy!" KEL gave you a tight hug and plants a bunch of kisses across your face as his own reward for being such an awesome person to love him!
like the others, KEL does not mind at all if you’re super attached to others including him. that’s what makes you.. you! he won’t change it for the world
in a way, he’s sort of like that too! he understands where you’re coming from and even is a bit bashful is you’re already attached to him!
if you’re already attached to someone else that isn’t him, he won’t even consider himself jealous! he’ll instantly befriend the person as well!
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HERO absolutely enjoys the amount of affection you give him! sure, he’ll be a bit awkward and nervous about it at first but he’ll always enjoy the amount of affection you give him!
he’ll always do something for you in return. you needed to get some chores? HERO has already done them for you! are you hungry for a home cooked meal? HERO has already something cooking just for you!
if you decide to kiss him, HERO will instantly flustered but will give you his own charming kiss back as a little thank you
HERO looked at you with his eyes slightly widened after you decided to give him a kiss on the cheek/lips. he immediately turns into a slightly blushing mess and laughs nervously, "gosh [READER]! at least let me know when you’ll kiss me, haha!" HERO half-joked, looking away to hide his red face. "sorry, sorry! i just wanted to let you know how much i love all that you’re doing for me!" you explained your excuse, to which HERO looked back at you with the same surprised look before smiling warmly. "…thank you, [READER], i appreciate that you’re still with me."
HERO is genuinely a bit surprised how attached you are with people, but doesn’t judge you for it. that’s who you are and he doesn’t want to change you at all because he loves you!
he does know that there are actual jerks out there who’s take advantage of how nice people are, so he wants you to be extra careful!
if you’re already attached to someone else that isn’t him, HERO would love to meet them! he starts up a conversation with them, and just to make sure, let’s them know he’s your boyfriend
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BASIL is another touch starved one, and it’s pretty obvious. like AUBREY, he’d panic and be all flustered when you give him physical affection
he tries to calm himself down and slowly get used to all the love he gets from you, but he can’t help it! he appreciates all the attention and affection he gets from you but sometimes he gets overwhelmed easily, so make sure you start with him slowly
if you decide to kiss him, BASIL will immediately become all flustered and nervous. he’d excuse himself to the bathroom for a bit and once he does, he immediately tries to calm himself down. he can’t help but smile a tiny bit and cover his face in embarrassment
BASIL let’s out a tiny squeak as you one day decided to give him a kiss on the cheek/lips for how much he’s come so far. his face immediately turns all red and looks at you with a stunned look that said 'did you really just did that..?' you stifled out a tiny laugh and spoke, "sorry, sorry! i’m just really proud of you BASIL for how much you’ve come so far! i guess that was a bit too much for you, so i apologize..!" after you explained yourself, BASIL simply nodded and asked with such a meek and nervous tone, "sorry.. could you excuse me for a bit?" and immediately heads to the bathroom and locks himself in there. he couldn’t stop smiling and blushing for minutes!
BASIL is also surprised when he finds out you’re attached to people quite easily. he used to be somewhat the same four years ago and so he doesn’t judge you for it
although he’s closed off a bit now, he does secretly want to be your number one and never wants you to leave him for someone else
if you’re attached to someone else that isn’t him, BASIL will panic a tiny bit on the inside as he sweats more on the outside. he tries to reassure himself that you love him, so make sure his reassurance is correct!
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MARI absolutely enjoys all of your affection! she’s pretty affectionate herself, so expect a lot of hugs and kisses on the forehead
she also uses words of affirmation as one of her love languages, so expect a lot of compliments and flirting coming from her!
if you decide to kiss her, she’ll blush a bit before smugly looking at you. she definitely tease you a bit just for fun before kissing you as well!
"oh my!" MARI had a bit of a surprised look on her face as she looks at what you did. you decided to give her a kiss on the cheek/lips for being the best girlfriend ever!! you stifled a laugh at her response but immediately recognize the smug look on her face and realized what you put yourself through. "my goodness [READER], i had absolutely no idea you were bold enough to do this, hehe!" MARI said, right before she surprised you with her own kiss. "..but i guess i am too!" she said as she giggled a bit, knowing that her plan to fluster you worked.
MARI doesn’t judge you for how easily attached you are when it comes to people. she’s somewhat the same way?? she could make conversation with someone and immediately earn herself a friend!
of course she’s always be your number one, MARI would make sure of that by giving you all of her affection and love, and inviting you to little dates like a simple picnic with just the two of you
if you already grown attached to someone that isn’t her, MARI would be HAPPY to meet this person! she’ll invite them to a picnic as they, and you too of course, chat it off! like HERO, MARI would let the person know that she’s your girlfriend just in case!
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edge-oftheworld · 1 month
okay, it is time we talk about atl
putting this video up here bc i love how she compiled things with a focus on what we know to be true, not just simply anonymous claims. because the 2000s and early 2010s were a really wild time and i hope that we all share in wanting to make the music industry better than it has been. because doing that requires thinking about how we talk and how we call people to account, in a targeted purposeful way that also affirms, where reasonable, their ability to do better and to choose it themselves as well. i hope you manage to watch it through and think about her criticisms of especially their statement at the end, and ponder the question of, how, realistically, would we call them to do better? (also, abigail??? what are you doing here?)
and also, because from there leads us to the question: do we think it's right to ask ashton to boycott their songs, and if so how hard is it appropriate to push him towards that--or are we channeling our energy in the wrong place, perhaps even causing harm, or 'punishing what we want to see'? because unlike some of their idols, 5sos do have a track record of being respectful to fans, and, if we want to make the music industry better, don't we want to see more of that? i draw some parallels and come up with some ideas under the cut.
I'll admit I don't know a heap about all time low; i enjoy some of their songs, appreciate a (maybe a little cringey) reference to microplastics and I know 5sos looked up to them a lot when they were younger and alex gaskarth helped write some songs off sgfg and showed up in the how did we end up here documentary. I've never been to one of their shows, had no idea about the bras, or that they formed in high school just like 5sos, with a lineup that parallels the instrumental roles of 5sos. in some ways it's like they're an american 5sos eight years ahead in their careers and about that much older than them too. rose to fame alongside bands like panic! at the disco, and like p!atd, made their shows run with energy of sexual liberation that meant saying some careless things, doing some morally ambiguous things that are highly problematic when taken out of context or thought hard about with a critical lens of how some sexual liberation when it has power attached to it, infringes on the rights of those with less power in the name of rebellion, and can even uphold abuse. so, problematic.
does this mean any of them are rapists? not necessarily. but have they taken less accountability than brendon urie? arguably.
and so clearly, the parallels with 5sos stopped a while ago. i've said it before but one thing i do notice about all the music 5 seconds of summer have put out, is that in an industry where it's normal to objectify women/sexual partners in general, in genres that often have a little of that sprinkled through songs i'll sometime overlook or sit through for the sake of the song as a whole--they don't have a trace of that. or if they do, it's playful, humble, not forceful by any stretch, and an invitation to a collaborative kind of sexuality (greenlight), a celebration of an existing relationship with its shared wants (slsp, valentine) or a kind of reflection on experience that went some kind of way (ela, talk fast, iwct, wayf, teeth, a lot of their discography). it's also all really genuine, it feels really safe to listen to--and that's unfortunately a really rare thing that they have.
so, in the event atl are actually looking to do better, not simply reactively to enraged fans and the general public (because for a lot of fans, the morally grey stuff is normalised. and people are loyal) there's a lot of artists they could learn from, where it could feel like a really authentic and autonomous learning process. and who are they likely to listen to?? maybe some guys who have looked up to them for decades, gone along a similar path, reached a similar level of fame, and kept this aura of respectfulness about them while also being cool people who aren't moral purists. 5sos have no obligation to do that, and maybe ashton simply didn't think before playing their song--but think about it. if we want to make any industry better, as much as supporting those who are doing it right (and imo this does include not forcing them into an inhuman standard of perfection) it includes facilitating accountable pathways for people who have done things badly to do better.
that doesn't change the fact that what is alleged is horrible. that as much as there isn't any proof of it, there's no proof it isn't true--how much more of a case they'd have if jack's partners from that time came forward and said they were with him at the time and there was no evidence of there being anyone else. if he came out and said that he's got some standard of how he treats underage fans (even if it is looser than we may like) and after whatever happened with abigail which was 10 years ago when he was still a young adult, he's learning more about who it's appropriate to date. and in the case if the allegations are false, if he's got nothing to be afraid of and they don't need to try strongarm it with the support of the law to make it go away, we actually do have another example (if very much unintentional) of how to transparently respond to false allegations sharing what you know and what you would and wouldn't do from our very own 5sos. (which again, parallels. sometimes reality offers the best irony).
because if it's not true and that can be shown in a transparent and respectful way, they have nothing to worry about. they can take this as a warning to think about their behaviour; we can hear the stories behind the allegations made, all can be put to rest. I hope the lawsuit uncovers the truth; I'm not too confident it will but the truth does have a way of coming out eventually. and the victims of the allegations deserve to have their voices heard, deserve to be respected and validated, even if we can't for the moment say for sure it was one way or another. we have to keep crying out for the truth to be found. for some of us it may mean stopping supporting them until we can do so ethically, but for some of us it may mean keeping them relevant, not stopping talking until we know the truth. some of us may decide this isn't the focus of our activism.
but is it up to us to decide that ashton specifically must choose the method of boycotting them? it's not up to me to decide that for you. but please at least think. is this the best use of my activism energy or is it better directed somewhere else--somewhere that might actually bring some sort of resolution to this?
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hello! any advice to get out of your head for someone who hasn’t picked up writing since they were a teenager? for some reason, in my head, i view writing on my own time for fun as “embarrassing” or “cringy” simply because i’m getting older and view it as a immature hobby…
…which is obviously not true! i have a lot of respect for writers and i know you can write at any age, but whenever i open a page, i feel out of place and can’t read my old writing in fear people would look at me as immature. the same goes for creating detailed characters and storylines.
i’m not even old either (19) but i mainly wrote a lot in middle school—maybe that’s why? idk.
tdlr; any advice on writing for myself again without fear of judgement?
Hi anon,
Thanks for writing in! This is something a lot of creators struggle with especially if it’s something they did when they were younger and during a time they considered themselves to be “immature” or “cringey”. The brain is great at linking things and creating patterns, and because you wrote a lot when you were in middle school, a time period that I think is universally accepted as the worst and cringiest part of life lol, your mind linked the hobbies you did during that time to the feeling of immaturity and cringiness. The great news is that most people grow out of this phase naturally! I know it’s not exactly the same but I remember when I was just starting college I felt embarrassed to talk about the bands I liked in high school (and secretly still liked) but as I got older and became more self confident and sure of myself, I learned to unabashedly embrace those parts of myself. And nobody cared! In fact a lot of people felt the same way as I did.
But don’t worry, I’m not saying that you just have to wait it out! There are definitely things you can do to speed up this process. My first suggestion is that if you’re worried that people will think writing for fun is immature (which as a 29 year-old with a writing themed blog I promise you it’s not!) , then for right now, just don’t tell anyone! It can be your secret hobby while you learn to be more confident and rewire the way your brain thinks about this.
I’d also suggest trying to find other people who also enjoy writing either as a hobby or as a hopeful profession so you have a safe community you can explore your writing in. Surrounding yourself with like minded people can be really helpful! I remember the first time I attended a writing workshop it felt so amazing and freeing to be surrounded by people who I knew also loved writing and were never going to judge me for my passion. It’s currently national novel writing month and even if you don’t feel up to trying to write an entire novel in one month, there are still plenty of NaNoWriMo activities you can take part in. There are tons of discord channels, forums, virtual events, and in person events you could join.
A lot of it will just be reminding yourself that it’s not immature or cringey. This won’t change you knee jerk reaction overnight, but just like how positive affirmations work (at first you think it’s dumb, then it’s kind of neutral, and then you start to believe what you’re saying to yourself) after a while you’ll find that the way you think about writing has changed. Think of writers you love and admire and how you don’t think they’re immature or cringey for writing, and neither do most people! Think of Tolkien who created incredibly detailed story lines and characters, and even went so far as to create multiple fake languages that many people now genuinely learn for fun. Even if fantasy isn’t your preferred genre I have yet to meet someone who considers what he did anything less than impressive. Not once have I heard someone call what he did immature or cringey. So I think just recognizing that you have this thought pattern that your logical brain knows isn’t true, and for now just accepting that you have this cognitive dissonance and not feeling bad about it, but taking these small steps to work towards changing that thought pattern.
And finally, just write anyway! Like I said you can keep it a secret for now if you want to, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! But try to write anyway. The more you write now then the more examples your brain has to rewire writing not as something you did when you were younger and therefore something immature but as something you do now as a young adult. And don’t put too much pressure on yourself as you’re getting back into writing for the first time in a while. Do not expect that your first attempt is going to be a masterpiece, but just have fun with it! Get into the habit or writing regularly, whatever that means for you. It could be once a week, it could be every day, just do what works for your life and your schedule right now. The more you practice the more normal it’ll feel and like anything, the better you’ll get at it, which will help you feel less cringey about your writing.
I’ll leave you with one small anecdote. Any time I tell people that I’m writing a novel they are always immediately impressed. I have never had someone say anything negative about it or anyone act like it was a dumb thing to spend time on. And most of the time I hear things like “Oh I wish I could do that, but I just don’t have the dedication.” Or “Oh I always wanted to write a novel, maybe I’ll give it a try now” or “Oh me too! What writing software do you use?”
I know this was a long answer but I wanted to try and ensure I was actually helpful! Please always feel free to reach out if you have other questions, or if you ever just need another reminder that there is nothing immature or cringey about wanting to write in your free time.
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
5 things I never tire of writing
I was tagged by the kind @boutiquetraveltravelboutique to share some themes I've noticed over the last two years, across one million words lol, thank you!
1. Porn with feelings
I'm a sex positive ace who didn't even know the term "asexual" until my mid 20s, and so I take that writing advice of "write what you would have loved to have read as a teen" to heart when it comes to a lot of my PWF. I'd elaborate further privately lol, but it feels far too exposing (and I consider myself a fairly open book in some ways lol) to explain on a public blog 😅 But yeah, it's a big theme I've written a lot of!
2. Trauma
Well without going into details, I'm very invested in stories that involve healing and communication and advocating etc etc etc. It once again goes to that writing advice from above, but also just healing for me personally to navigate fictional stories in safe spaces that discuss particular kinds of abuse but also grief and loss taking steps along that healing journey ~ some of the most meaningful comments I've received are ones from readers who felt seen, or heard, and a few even shared how some have helped their own grieving process. I felt very humbled reading those 🥲
3. Dialogue
I'm a words of affirmations gal ~ and I will genuinely write out all the dialogue before I start the chapter lol. It's like, for me, the dialogue is the most important and that's where I pour most of the initial energy into to capture the vibes - and then I write the words/scenes around it. I do have a few where the dialogue might not be a lot of lines in comparison to the rest of the structured fic, but even then, I strive for the importance of the line to be built up on by the descriptions before it - not the other way around. Words, lovely words, I'll never have enough of people communicating 💕
4. Religion
My faith is important to me, my number one - and yet, having experienced spiritual abuse myself, and not being heteronormartive, I would never pretend there aren't valid critiques to organized religion. So I understand why some people might be confused why I would invest so much into it, but my relationship with my God is a personal one that I like to explore through characters in the content I create. To write or draw fellow interfaith queer characters (while acknowledging my takes are self indulgent fanon and no other takes - including a character hating all things religious - are any less valid!) but for me personally? It's that representation that speaks to me on a personal level and I enjoy getting to make self indulgent pieces for a niche group of readers/friends (y'all know who you are). One of the most meaningful gifts I've ever received was a commissioned piece of art that is my tumblr header (Joe x Nicky praying together) when im not using seasonal ones, I cried and cried when I was given it. It really means that much to me 💗
5. Crack
Now for whiplash time. Considering I mostly write about heavy subject matters, I don't think it's all that surprising I would want to lean on a sort of play therapy lol. Ridiculous stories that only a handful of people would ever enjoy and that's alright, I enjoy it enough for everyone lol! But yeah, from quackverse to catbois to sarcastic precanon takes, I love to laugh and I'll happily share with whoever might like to join in 😅
@ongreenergrasses @energievie @werebearbearbar @sheafrotherdon @mekana47
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maglors-anion-gap · 1 year
9,10 and 13 for the weird writing ask :3
[from this ask game]
I'm late getting to these! when I ask for asks, never trust that I'll respond promptly (send them anyway, though, I like attention)
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know.
kinda, maybe? There's been some times where my mom was sure she was visited by something.
She was downhill ski-race training at night once when she was younger than me, and she tripped on something and fell. Her dad came running up the hill because her light went out. She was a junior olympic racer, the snow was fresh powder, and the place she fell was clear of debris - but if she hadn't fallen, she would've slammed face first into a tree at 70 mph and died. The light on the course was out; she would never have even seen it. Falling saved her life, and she fell over nothing, over thin air.
She's also been visited by her grandmother twice. On the worst night of her life, she said she felt her grandmother, who had been dead for twenty-some years, sit down next to her and this feeling of peace came over her. Almost a decade later, I was out in the forest with her, somewhere her grandmother would have liked to be. I was doing something with our gear, and I turned around and she was kind of crying. And she pointed down the path and said "I just saw my grandmother. She stopped by again to say goodbye, because I don't need her any more." And I genuinely can't remember if I saw a person on the path or if I'm imagining what my mother saw.
On a more pragmatic note, I think people feel strongly about ghosts for one of two reasons: sometimes you get a gut feeling that something's wrong, and that's usually worth listening to; and respecting the dead/the passage of time and life is part of the grieving process and being able to let go of people who have passed in a healthy way. I think science affirms, not discredits, the need for a mourning period; people might dismiss them as a thing of the past, and the economically minded certainly begrudge bereavement time, but what's profitable isn't synonymous with what's kind or what's right. You need some time and some space to get right with your love and your sadness. So traditions around mourning and paying your respects to your ancestors are very interesting to me!
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Haunting is like, when I can't stop thinking about something, and I keep turning it over in my head. This can be a good, bad, or neutral thing, depending on if I enjoy thinking about it, or if it torments me. I don't think I've ever been tormented by my own writing (except perhaps in embarrassment); I don't think I've ever managed to write anything that soulful (though I've certainly tried). Right now I'm being haunted by that Tom Stoppard quote, let me find it:
“What do I want? Nothing which you'd call indecent, though I don't see what's wrong with it myself. You want to be brothers-in-arms, to have him to yourself... to be shipwrecked together, (to) perform valiant deeds to earn his admiration, to save him from certain death, to die for him - to die in his arms, like a Spartan, kissed once on the lips... or just run his errands in the meanwhile. You want him to know what cannot be spoken, and to make the perfect reply, in the same language.”
I am being haunted by this because 1) this is what it's like to be a gay man, 2) this is what it's like to be a trans man, 3) this is what it's like to love a man. And I am in a really weird place where I love my partner, I covet what he is, and as supportive as he is, I also get the sense that 0% of this makes sense to him. It's all impossible to talk about, I want him to understand it intuitively, and to know what to do. Instead he asks me if I might grow my hair out again.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
I am having a weird-hard time writing about women who want to be women. In the sense that: I would be cool with being a woman if being a woman meant nothing and I existed in a void without anyone else around me. Introduce one person to the void and I have to get as far away from being a woman as possible, because their idea of being a woman is always different from mine. Had a big row over my hair - I actually like having long hair, but not when people tell me I ought to. So because I'm having a weird-bad time with being an (ex)woman, it's hard to think or to write about why that's actually enjoyable for many people.
It was never hard before, and once I get this worked out it will be good and easy again and I will write about lots of women. Unfortunately right now all of my women start drifting into manhood.
Otoh: it's very easy for me to write about sex.
my newest fic is about 1) women and 2) sex and that's why it's taking so long to finish. The sex is done, the women are not. Apologies to the intended recipient :'(
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justfandomwritings · 2 years
Hello! I just wanted to tell you that your writing is fantastic. I love your Hangman short series about Addie. It is incredibly well-written. You have serious talent. I aspire to be a writer in the future, and when I read your stories I genuinely feel all the emotions those characters feel, and hope someday I can write as well as you do. I just wanted to tell you because I’ve reread the Hangman stories multiple times and cannot get enough of it.
Hi friend! I considered writing an effusive thank you about how much it meant to me that you read my stories and liked them, and how much I appreciated your comments and that I could provide Jake and Addie’s story for you... And I will. Because this is amazingly sweet of you to say. Fanfic writers put time and effort into stories that are so often under appreciated (I am very fortunate to have amazing readers like yourself who remind me that someone out there is reading and enjoying what I have to write and I could never be more grateful to you and everyone else for it!) so it's always wonderful to see that readers like your fics! Especially when the character's emotions hit home. That is my end goal of every fic. It's why I so often end up writing angst. I want readers to feel something and connect with the characters in the story, so this was just affirmation that I've done that! And I love you for it!
I also want to talk to you about what you said about wanting to write like me.
Writing is all about starting. (Go watch that scene from Set It Up. Nothing has ever been more accurate). You don’t have to aspire to write or hope to write like me. I promise you all of my writing is absolute shit when I first put it to paper. You are absolutely capable right now of putting something to paper that is as good as the first draft of the Only Thing if not better. I don’t know what your talent level is, but it doesn’t have to be high to beat that.
You can tell exactly how much time I put into a piece based on how not-shit it is. They are all equally bad when put to paper the first time. And that is not me being disparaging of myself or putting myself down because I do think I am good. I’m just not any better writer than anyone else. What I am is a better editor.
I don’t write a good first draft. I, to quote Set It Up, go back and make it better. And make it better. And make it better. Until it’s either good enough to publish or until I am done rereading it and say fuck it and publish it anyway or abandon it.
Your first drafts are your first drafts. They’re good, or they’re not, and that’s ok either way. And sure, as you gain experience those first drafts do get better, but your standards also get higher. So really, your first drafts will always seem bad to you. But it doesn’t matter if you think they’re good because no one is going to read your first draft. If you’re judging your writing based on all the words you put on paper, you’re doing it wrong. Write something down then improve it. Then judge yourself on the improved version and improve on that. Then judge yourself on that version and improve. Again and again until you look at it and go “I’m proud of this.”
The minute you’re proud of it is the minute it’s done. As you get better, that standard will get higher, and that’s a good thing because that will push you to become better. At any given time, at any given experience level, if you are proud of what you’ve got on paper, than it is a good story.
But don’t not write or say you only want to write like someone else just because you think someone else writes well. I promise you most of us don’t. We just put the time into it to make it seem like we do. We write and read and reread. We get betas to reread when our eyes get tired of the words. We set fics aside and come back later. Writing is such a small part of the process. Every time you reread a story, every time you change a word, you make it better because more thought went into that word than the one it’s replacing.
So, to paraphrase set it up, go write something that is absolute shit. Then make it better and better. And when you don’t think you can make it better on your own anymore, come find me. And we’ll read it together. Until you’re proud of it. And then when you’re proud of it, you can post it.
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triviareads · 1 year
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Releases April 25th
Bàs Sinclair is the executioner of Clan Sinclair. He was trained from a young age to be a merciless warrior and literally portray himself as death personified. But when he's faced with executing Shana, the woman he kissed the other day, he finds he can't do it. Now, the Sinclairs are on the verge of war with another clan, all while Bàs and Shana's relationship continues to blossom.
It's been a hot minute since I read a Scottish book, and I was even more exited to read this as it's set in the late 1500s. James VI is King, and much of Scotland is still controlled by powerful clans like the Sinclairs. The time period really shows because there is, uh, a significant witchcraft plot.
You know, despite the pretty intense content (parental trauma, murderous brother-in-laws, birth, clan wars, etc.) this book felt like a warm hug. A lot of it had to do with Bàs being the least threatening threatening man ever. His dad basically brainwashed him into thinking he killed his mom when she gave birth to him (Bàs literally means "death"), and that he must be a warrior and an unrepentant killer if necessary, but despite this, Bàs is actually a really nice guy. Like sure, he acts like he's basically death personified and will fuck you up if you cross him, but also, he takes care of babies (but will not hold them for fear of killing them because he is Death Personified)! He heals animals (who he names unless he's gonna eat them) like a jacked tatted Scottish Snow White! He carved a memorial for his late mother! he learned where the clitoris is from his big brothers! He's very much the gruff, strong and silent type. So no wonder his relationship with Shana is really sweet and romantic.
Shana's characterization might actually be one of the weak spots in the book. We know she's a midwife with a strong sense of familial duty (she risks her neck for her sister and nephew multiple times in the story), and that she helps Bàs realize that his self-perception about him being a ruthless monster is incorrect and genuinely harmful, but beyond that, I never felt like I really got her as a character. Maybe it's because Bàs was so unique (and troubled) in comparison... idk. I really liked what Shana stood for, as well as the her relationship with Bàs, but I just couldn't get a sense of who she was.
The sex:
Speaking of their relationship, my personal take on the sex in this book is that because of all the external turmoil (and there's A Lot in this book), sex for Bàs and Shana is kind of their safe space? If that makes sense? So it's very a tender and affirming kinda sexy.
I didn't mention this earlier but if you like family-forward stories, then you'll enjoy this book. At this point, all of Bàs's brothers have coupled off, and them and their wives (and their aunt) play a pretty big role in the plot. Heck, Shana even helps birth Bàs's nieces, a process described in semi-graphic detail. Plus, they're all involved in the clan skirmishes and rescue missions.
Overall, if you're a fan of Scottish romances, this is the book for you! I'm sure I'll feel even more strongly about this after I read through the rest of the series. Highland Beast has all the hallmarks of the sub-genre while subverting it in a sense because despite Bàs being a big, brawny warrior, he's actually really sensitive and genuinely a nice man. Heather McCollum managed to write him like this without sacrificing the heat or the chemistry with Shana, so kudos to her for that.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Entangled Publishing for this ARC.
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humansun · 1 year
Written December 14th, 2022 at 12:26AM
Hi. I love being alone and the time I get to myself gives me an asston of energy. I think my mood is frustration on the fact that I have had no solid stool in the past twelve hours and that I haven’t had a chance to be by myself.
The time I have to myself means I get to take a moment to stop time and focus on my existence. It means I can meditate, write, and read. Reading is such a great way to get away, because I’m clearly invested in something and it gives me an excuse to not talk to anyone while entertaining and educating myself on a story.
What I’ve been thinking about today is a fear of not being able to change into the person I want to be. I feel as though the problems I’ve navigating today are problems that I’ve come across in my life before, and it scares me that I am not able to overcome them or address them more productively than in the past.
The truth is though, I don’t think it’s true. I know I am changing for the better and I’ll continue to get better because there are moments in my life where I witness the change and feel gratitude for it. Without meditating each day, it takes effort to recognize my existence and genuinely live in the moment. It’s difficult to, but I am absolutely trying.
Another weird feeling I’m grappling with is my fear that I am not a good creator or artist. That the writing I make does not contribute anything but the same lessons to the world. Just because I’m interested in something it might not mean I am good at it. It scares me because I witness how hard my sister works to make her dreams happen with the amount of talent she has and worry that I will never be as great as her. I’m afraid of not being as brave.
Even the little script I wrote feels like a failure project and that tiny writing piece is already bringing so much disappointment to my life. I think what’s important I hold on to though is that reminder from Benny. The reminder that it is my first short film script and although it’s trash and no one might see it nor like it, that I can still keep writing. I still have 75+ years to write anything I want whether anyone sees it or not and enjoy the craft for myself.
This creative journey is not a race and I shall not treat it as one. The creative journey is forever a process. One that will be vulnerable and difficult. I will not learn it in 3 months while in Vietnam. I will learn it over time and grow more ideas with each experience of my life. I can’t wait to see what’s in store and I’m so grateful to be the growing person I am. I am committed to being the best person I can be.
P.S. We watched Home Alone today and slept most of the day. I love Vietnam so much, and I love Da Nang with my whole heart.
Written December 14th, 2022 at 12:38AM
Here are some last thoughts of the day:
I feel so grateful to have the people I do in my life. I’m happy that they are the people they are as well. For example, Phoebe and all the wisdom and love she brings into my life. I think she and I fit together really well as friends because she is also a words of affirmation goddess. I’m grateful for my family in Vietnam as well, because they all have hearts of gold. They’ll do anything for their family. No matter who it is, I feel so lucky.
FLO is my most recent obsession. They’re just, everything and I love them all so much.
Water is delicious and we should all drink it as often as we can if we are afforded that privilege.
I don’t want to leave for the holidays ever again.
At the end of the day, I love being with Benny.
I’m learning a lot about family history. OMG! We were watching Vietnamese music videos today and so many of them had gay love triangles that gave me life. One of them was based on a historical account with Queen Nam Phuong. I read her whole Wikipedia page and thought she was such an awesome person in history that I wish I knew about earlier. Vietnamese history whether about family or the nation is super interesting.
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baddiedaddy7 · 2 years
♧︎Jupiter Signs♧︎
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Aries(1 º, 13 º, 25 º)
❤️‍🔥~zealous ppl
🐙~good at taking the lead role
❤️‍🔥~knows how to get out of comfort zone, and take risks
🐙~”take the risk, or lose the chance”
❤️‍🔥~daring, some may even view you as reckless
🐙~may start something then not finish it, bc they moved onto something else
❤️‍🔥~knows that just sitting and waiting will not get you opportunities, that you have to go out there and get them
🐙~usually has an optimistic pov on things
❤️‍🔥~may make decisions without thinking it through/can be impulsive
🐙~celebrities:rihanna, whitney houston, johnny depp, robin williams
Taurus(2 º, 14 º, 26 º)
🐨~usually kind hearted
💞~prefers to play things safe
🐨~be careful and don’t over indulge
💕~can be giving, and charitable
🐨~can be judgemental
💕~has a realistic pov
🐨~more than likely will have success & luck w/material things and finances/wealth
💕~may take awhile to kick bad habits, but once you do your luck will increase
🐨~may be a homebody, or like to cook/good at it
💕~attracts luxurious things easily, i smell fancy vacays & fancy cars lol
🐨~may even brag about the things they have, since they cherish them so much
💕~celebrities:shakira, sarah jessica parker, pablo picasso, bruce lee
Gemini(3 º, 15 º, 27 º)
📚~may love to learn and/or teach
💜~may feed off of knowledge and fun facts
📚~your pov on life may change. one day you may be optimistic, then the next day you may be like “fuck it”pessimistic lol.
💜~probably well known among peers
📚~likes to talk/socialize
💜~mind is adaptable & diverse/versatile
📚~may find luck from reading, learning, teaching, and/or writing.
💜~may also find luck when trying new mentalities and/or perspectives
📚~watching a comedy show may make you feel better
💜~have debates every now and then, get your thoughts and opinions out there and you may learn something new in the process :)
📚~celerities:willow smith, cindy crawford, muhammad ali, stephen hawking
Cancer(4 º, 16 º, 28 º)
🦀~trust dem gut feelings babygAL/bOI/peRSUn, they may get you out of deep shit or lead you to luck
💕~open your heart, and show your vulnerable side
🦀~spend time w/loved ones & ppl that make you safe and warm
💕~nurturing others may make you feel good
🦀~make your house comfy & to your liking
💕~if issues from the past still nag you, talk abt it with someone your comfortable with, gotta heal those wounds
🦀~may find luck through exploring your culture, trusting your gut, and being intune w/your emotions
💕~usually soft hearted individuals in general
🦀~empath indication, and has a loving vibe in general
💕~celebrities:taylor swift, halle berry, steve jobs, kurt cobain
Leo(5 º, 17 º, 29 º)
🦁~focusing on self love, and confidence may bring you luck
💛~read some self love/bad bitchh affirmations
🦁~try many hobbies, don’t just stick to a few
💛~get in tune with and express your creativity! write a song, paint/draw, write, etc
🦁~just have fun! hangout with friends, do makeup/dress up, flirt w/whoever, etc lol. life is short
💛~pov is most likely optimistic
🦁~self assured people
💛~don’t be afraid to take the lead. you’re a natural born leader✨
🦁~surround yourself with ppl that have genuine, positive vibes, ppl that hype you up!
💛~attracts luck by being your true self, and not putting up a front
🦁~celebrities:aaliyah, elizabeth taylor, jason mamoa, gordon ramsey
Virgo(6 º, 18 º)
🐝~give yourself some credit
🤍~helping others will bring you fortune
🐝~pov is more than likely realistic
🤍~being easy on yourself, and appreciate your positives more than your negatives will bring you luck
🐝~you may be good at giving advice, your advice may even change someones perspective on a lot of things
🤍~has high expectations for others and themselves
🐝~hard working, and likes to problem solve
🤍~”mistakes are little bumps in the road, and won’t stop you from getting to your destination”
🐝~celebrities:kim kardashian, selena gomez, demi lovato, will smith
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Libra(7 º, 19 º)
🐛~enjoys the finer things in life. fancy art museums, restaurants, luxurious brands, etc
💝~may like to travel to places that are popular
🐛~cares about social/human rights
💝~unbiased, and likes to keep thing peaceful
🐛~pov is most likely realistic
💝~don’t let anyone walk over you, standing up for yourself will bring you luck
🐛~probably doesn’t believe in leader and followers, just each person doing their part(which honestly everyone should have this mindset lol), but if not may be a follower :/
💝~may somehow attract good things through relationships(platonic or romantic)
🐛~pragmatic & reasonable
💝~can also be charismatic & friendly. good with ppl/ppl smart
🐛~celerities:madonna, beyoncé, michael jackson, freddie mercury
Scorpio(8 º, 20 º)
🦚~intuitive, empathetic & magnetic
🖤~thinks deeply, and thoroughly. loves to have convos til 3am(atleast me personally lol)
🦚~likes mysteries, and trying to figure them out
🖤~can most likely sense when they’re being lied to. body language smart & feels vibes
🦚~realistic pov
🖤~sees the light at the end of a dark tunnel
🦚~finds luck when they look deep
🖤~attracts fortune when they’re intense
🦚~gives their all when interest in something, and honestly can obsess over things they find fun(like reading posts on the same thing for hours, etc)
🖤~face your issues head on first, then begin something new
🦚~charming yet private😈
🖤~celebrities:nicki minaj, britney spears, tupac shakur, elon musk
Sagittarius(9 º, 21 º)
🦩~free spirited
💘~most likely loves to travel
🦩~may prefer long trips over short ones
💘~honestly has luck overall lmaoo
🦩~intrigued by many things
💘~probably interested in the world, other countries and cultures
💘~may find/attract luck when traveling, learning, and/or teaching. through curiosity
🦩~pov is most likely optimistic, and always thinks there’s a positive to everything
💘~thirsty for wisdom
🦩~looks at the bigger picture
💘~debating may make you feel better
🦩~celebrities:cameron diaz, kendall jenner, ben affleck, snop dogg
Capricorn(10 º, 22 º)
🦉~works their asses off/vv hard working
🤎~believes you have to earn your way through life
🦉~pov is usually pessimistic, but can grow into realistic
🤎~determined, and persistent
🦉~cut yourself some slack, and appreciate yourself every now and then
🤎~dedicated to goals, and goals are usually long term
🦉~attracts luck by taking it easy and slow. don’t rush, and stress yourself out. take a day off if you feel overwhelmed
🤎~plans ahead, probably has their whole future planned out, and may even be good with money? lol
🦉~reliable and powerful work ethic
🤎~celebrities:scarlett johansson, zendaya, tom holland, the rock
Aquarius(11 º, 23 º)
👾~socializing will make you feel better, online and/or irl
💟~appreciate and acknowledge your eccentric side
👾~tech savvy, and should try to take an electronic program atleast once
💟~express your thoughts and ideas, even if they seem wacky
👾~usually cares for social rights, go protest sometime(safely ofc)
💟~do things with your friends more often, instead of by yourself. they care abt you :)
👾~pov may be pessimistic or realistic
💟~being spontaneous, and not following a routine may bring you fortune and luck
👾~originality comes easy to these individuals, just don’t overthink
💟~donate or help out your community will give you good karma
👾~celerities:marilyn monroe, princess diana, barack obama, george clooney
Pisces(12 º, 24 º)
🦄~may attract luck from daydreaming, and getting lost in thought
💗~follow your intuition
🦄~most likely an empath, if not then definitely should try to become one. you may also attract fortune this way
💗~express yourself. read a poem, dance, sing, skate, cry, write, do something creative every now and then
🦄~sensitive, and may absorb others energy
💗~good at listening, and being a therapist lol
🦄~may be want to do something that “heals” ppl. give advice, help someone that like fell & cracked their neck, etc lol
💗~utopian, and helpful
🦄~may have dreams that predict
💗~pov may be optimistic
🦄~thinking for too much will not bring any luck. chill, and let time do its thing
💗~celebrities:lady gaga, megan fox, billie holiday, bradley cooper
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lokiskitten · 3 years
Tom Hiddleston | nice acting skills
Pt2 : the changing room
Tom Hiddleston x fem!reader
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Author’s note : I never originally planned to write a second part but I was being held at gun point so here’s pt2 of the “nice acting skills” imagine KSKSK
plot : after going through this rather peculiar moment, you unexpectedly bump into Tom in one of the changing rooms. From there, things take an unexpected turn.
warnings : smut ( with /legal/ age gap ), unprotected sex, extremely light and discreet spanking.
You were pulled out of your daydream session again by the exhaustingly familiar sound of the director throwing around new orders, setting you and Tom free from set as this scene didn’t necessarily needed to be filmed twice. You were now sent off to the makeup and costumes room which was located nowhere far from the place you currently sat. Tom wasn’t meant to be changing nor getting ready in the same room as you did, which was totally understandable due to the fact that you didn’t share the same gender nor age. He therefore took a different turn than you did, feet leading him to the left as you were accompanied on your right.
You were allowed in your personal changing room, the makeup lady arranging her stencils which laid on the table before the mirror. However, she suddenly seemed to remember about an important detail which she seemingly needed to be getting on the instant. You were therefore left alone with nothing but the costumes and cold cup of tea to keep you company. Sighing tiredly, you sat down on the chair which faced the mirror, eyes falling on your own tired reflexion. However, you were now able to hear the sound of the door opening again, a forced smile appearing on your lips as you expected this person who just walked in to be the makeup artist.
“Did you find what you’ve been looking fo-“ you began, eyes diverting upwards only to land onto Tom’s familiar yet unexpected silhouette. He closed the door behind himself, leaning against the wall as his strong arms crossed against his bare chest. You were now trapped with him. However, it was far from being a bother. But your naturally strong mindset forced you to put up a mask and pretend as if his naked upper body wasn’t something which disturbed your mind and senses. “Oh, it’s you.” You spoke bluntly, trying you best to hide any emotion which could’ve been a threaten to your reputation as a young and serious lady.
Tom smirked. “Yes, it’s me.” He answered, his deep voice which carried a beautiful British accent rolling off his tongue perfectly. It never failed to make your heart and crotch melt. Finally getting up from the door, the older man slowly moved towards your seat before his veiny hands decided to take ahold of the leather material. His ocean blue eyes stared at your reflection in the mirror, yet he wasn’t making eye contact but simply admiring how beautiful your body was. Gently, his hand moved up to your hair which he dragged back behind your ear, fully revealing your beautiful face to him.
“You’re beautiful.” He affirmed, making sure to regulate both his voice and tone in order to guarantee that he would look as attractive as he possibly could- even tho he wouldn’t have needed any of these forced artifacts to seduce you or anyone else. You had caught him red handed through his game, though- again- it was far from being a bother. In contrary, you enjoyed it. However, the little voice in your head couldn’t help but beg you to deny his offer whilst the other part of yourself desperately wanted you to give in his flirts. Your body easily became a battlefield for those two separate opinions to fight and argue endlessly.
Face to your lack of answer- and that mostly because you were lost in your thoughts- Tom tilted his head before moving his hands down to the opening of your robe, gently starting to pull on it in order to reveal your bare chest. However, your own hand was soon to move up to his wrist and take a firm hold of it, asserting dominance and stopping the older man through his track. Face to this hostile move, the actor couldn’t help but grow confused. He frowned and accepted to respectfully pull his hand away. “Do you not want this? I beg your pardon, I thought you shared those same feelings which previously took possession of my body.” Tom explained, referring to how he felt whilst shooting the infamous scene barely a couple of minutes ago.
“No no, I do.” Your responded, your main priority being to make sure that he wouldn’t feel like he was in the wrong nor inappropriate. You finally agreed to get up from the chair you have been sitting on, still unfortunately remaining shorter than your screen partner who towered above you. “But isn’t this... not such a good thing? I mean, I always hear people brag about not mixing your love life with coworkers.” You explained, remaining aware that Tom surely didn’t work that way, which was easily noticeable if you bothered to take a look at the female casts from the movies he’s played in and link it all up with his never ending list of ex romantic partners.
Upon noticing that he didn’t seem to truly pay attention to your words, but more to your face, you stopped yourself through your speech. He was adorning those flirty eyes of his, which no woman could potentially resist to. No matter how hard you fought, in the end, you’d always fall for him. “Can you- stop looking at me like that, with your eyes and.. eyebrows.. and all of it.” You ordered, hands gesturing towards his face. Hearing those satisfying words, Tom accentuated his facial features game. “Looking at you like what?” He responded, slowly moving closer to your body until his hands could finally wrap around your waist. It felt like a huge victory to him.
Before you could know it, Tom’s lips pressed against yours, the man offering you a genuine and intense kiss which honestly resembled the ones he’d give you on set. But for now, this didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you were sharing a wanted and needed moment with your screen partner. His hands moved down from your cheeks to your shoulders, pushing off your robe which fell off your body with ease. Unlike him, you didn’t adorn any form of underwear and was therefore left naked for the older man to cherish and enjoy. The kiss progressively intensified, both of your lips parting in order to allow each other’s tongue to come in.
As he embraced your figure, Tom slowly started to push you towards the nearest wall, the two of you stumbling upon a couple of objects before your back could finally collide with the hard material. You moaned against his mouth, knee moving up to his hip which allowed you to feel his hardening bulge against your sensitive core. Your clit was throbbing, begging for sexual satisfaction coming from the man. Feeling your leg suddenly raise against his hip, Tom’s hand moved underneath your thigh and made sure to hold it up there, offering you some free support so you wouldn’t have to carry the heavy member on your own.
Tom cared a lot about the feminine pleasure- probably more than he did care for his own- which would surely guarantee you a good time spent with him during this early afternoon.
Upon feeling that you were now wrapping your arms around his neck, Tom decided to take the initiative to pull his boxers down- setting free his hardening member which had yet to grow to its full size. He was now able to fully pick you up, hands wrapped underneath your thighs in a cautious manner. His tip wouldn’t stop colliding with your soaking hole, visibly begging for entrance without ever truly daring to cross the step. Thankfully, you knew that Tom had always been a very determined man who usually reached out for the stuff he wanted instead of waiting for people to give it to him.
Therefore, it didn’t take long for him to carefully sit you down on his cock, being able to feel that you were now wet enough to painlessly welcome in his prominent member. You guys moaned together, his forehead pressing against yours as his girth was progressively coated with your love juices. Once he reached balls deep, the actor decided to take a couple of seconds in order to allow you to adjust to his size, ocean blue eyes looking up at your face which he admired and praised more than anything in the world at the moment.
Kissing your lips, Tom began to move again, hips gently and cautiously thrusting forward and retracting backwards repetitively until he felt like he could now fasten his pace. Meanwhile, you found yourself lost through pleasure and bliss, forehead firmly pressed against his as you decided that it would probably be wiser for you to keep your mouth shut and avoid to attract anyone else’s attention. Besides, you only wanted and needed his. Moaning out loud would’ve been a great risk to take as the two of you remained aware that you were in a studio filled with thousands of working people. Therefore, Tom regulated his pleasure by wincing and hissing silently whilst you decided to carry on humming sensitively.
Your arms remained wrapped around his neck as he carried on pleasuring your cunt as well as his own member, lips praising your neck which in some way also helped him through the restricted moans process. His girth rubbed past every single sensitive spot of yours, g-spot going wild and swelling out of pleasure due to the man’s perfectly appropriate actions and mannerisms. However, and without giving you a warning, Tom suddenly pulled out in order to flip you around- you chest now facing the wall as you were soon to understand that your job was now to bend over for him. His arms had probably grown tired of carrying you, which you acknowledged and understood.
Before he decided to bend you over, his large hands moved up to your breasts from behind your back, caressing and squeezing them with a lot of lustful care before he retracted his hand back to your spine, pressing his palm against your flesh and forcing you to slightly bend over. There wasn’t much space between you and the wall, which therefore only allowed you to fold a little bit. Your own palms collided with the wall as Tom’s hand caressed all the way down to your bum, giving the flesh a gentle slap before allowing his digits to take ahold of his own girth. He guided his tip to your entrance again, taking time through his actions to make sure that he would execute them properly and painlessly. Even through lust, Tom remained a gentleman.
Feeling his hardness slide inside of you again made your legs tremble, yet Tom made sure to hold you up by giving your hips a gentle and reassuring squeeze. The muscles he had developed through the intense hours spent at the gym contracted as he began to move in and out of you as you tried your best to once again remain silent and discreet. Though, a couple of moans eventually had to escape your lips. Tom shushed you respectfully, giving your bum a light spank which stood as a punishment face to your risky behavior. Yet you refused to complain, smile appearing on your parted lips as the older man continued to pound your core.
Eventually, his hips began to stutter, thrusts gaining in sloppiness which was due to his nearing orgasm. This once Tom didn’t manage to hold back his own moans, hums and groans escaping his lips as he respectfully pulled out right before white strings of sperm could be projected against your cervix. Instead, the thick liquid landed on your back, staining your flesh. “Fuck..” he praised, taking a deep breath in before exhaling loudly. His hips continued to gently rock against yours, shaft rubbing against your upper bum as Tom wished to fully get over his orgasm.
You were left emotionally shattered, body still recovering from the intense amount of emotions and sensations which had previously taken possession of your body- brain still attempting to figure out wether this was right or negative for both of your careers.
Y’all asked : I deliver. I hope you managed to enjoy it! Requested tags : @lokis-leah @marianastudiesart @fa-me @lokistoriesblog @sunshineyrosie @delightfulheartdream ❤️
[ Every single share/comment/like means a lot to me as a writer! Please never doubt that! I acknowledge and praise each one of those interactions as they also help to motivate me. Love you guys💜 thanks for the support. ]
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kkoumiii · 3 years
Astrology observations 🌠
Hey! Please do not take these observations personally if they don’t resonate within yourself. Take it with a grain of salt and don’t hesitate to share your opinions or your observations! Without further ado, let’s do it!
Astrology observations 2 ❄
Astrology observations 3 🌙
Astrology observations 4 🏹
Astrology observations 5 🪁
➳ Uranus in the 3H brings a very nervous, erratic and restless mind.
➳ Moon square Venus people would be the type to look at food and think "Do I need it or do I want it?" There's a real struggle (Square) between desires (Venus) and needs (Moon) and since Venus is hedonist and Moon also represents nourishment, food can be seen as a pleasure essential in order to feel good.
➳ I noticed that Mars in Sagittarius people are really cartesian and don’t believe in ghosts or this kind of stuff. What’s more, they generally have a very limited version of what can occur after death.
➳ I also noticed that Mars in Sagittarius people are unaware of their strength and thus don't know how to fully control it when they're playing around with someone. Because of that, they will hurt you without wanting. For example, if you're tickling each other, they will suddenly pinch your skin really hard, thinking that they're doing it softly. But still, you will feel the pain even though they truly didn't mean to hurt you.
➳ It might sound redundant but Pisces (specially Mars I observed) really have something about feet. They either love when someone touch or massage them, or hate when their feet are exposed or touched by someone else, they can even sleep with socks on because of that.
➳ If you want to please people with Cancer Venus in the 3H, just write them a letter and tell them genuinely how much you love them and what they mean to you. Cancer placements naturally need and love words of affirmation (refer to love languages) and even more so if it's about Venus in 3H. It's truly the best gift you can offer them.
➳ Aquarius Sun and Rising often have something particular to their eyes, whether it's the shape, the colour, the lashes...
➳ Moon in 3H people would really benefit from writing down their thoughts daily and keeping a journal. These folks have a lot of imagination.
➳ In synastry, overlay with Jupiter falling in the 3H may show that the house person finds the Jupiter person really funny without even trying.
➳ Sun conjuct Venus people are naturally seeking for beauty and harmony in their life since it’s part of their identity, and they usually attract a lot of attention around them since they’re really lovable. But people with Sun conjuct Venus in Retrograde is another story. Because the retrograde is an internal process, these people may find it hard to see their real values and to find love and beauty within themselves, even more because it's rooted in their core. Moreover, they have a hard time showing love and any kind of affective demonstration in general. They have to understand that they are as precious and worthy of love as anyone else.
➳ I have a theory about the degree of your MC. I think in some cases it might represent the age at which you become aware of your reputation and start to act as the most stereotypical version of your MC sign at your work place or when you’re working on something. For example, I have a Virgo MC at 13° and during school, I had started to be regarded as a studious and perfectionist student around this age. I’m not so sure this theory applies for everyone, especially for those who have their MC in early degrees, but tell me what do you think about this one.
I made a lot of 3H observations without realizing 😂 Hope you enjoyed it though! Have a nice day lovelies! ♡
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chocolate-parfait · 3 years
I see the askbox is open 🙂 You don’t know the speed at which I raced here.
But I was really hoping that you could do headcanons for Arthur (vamp), Masamune (Sen), and Mitsuhide (Sen) with a s/o who is an author? Like Tolkien almost, she writes high fantasy and is super well known? (bonus points if she goes back in time with one of her novels on her to show them exactly).
I hope it’s not confusing^^
I adore your writing so I hope to see whatever you publish in the future!
Thank you so much!!
Waa thank you sm for your support!! It really means a lot, thank you ❤ ❤ I hope you enjoy!
Author!MC who writes high fantasy novels - (Arthur, Masamune & Mitsuhide)
Arthur is extremely amused and intrigued when he hears about your occupation, and even more so when he discovers that you’re a pretty big shot, too. For once, he completely discards appearances (although he still thinks you’re very pretty) and is genuinely interested in your job, frequently asking details about your writing process, your stories and such.
Your books come from two completely different universes, as we have realism and crime against fantasy and supernatural. Yet, when you offer your book for him to read, he falls absolutely in love with it. Although it may not seem like it, Arthur is quite the superstitious man, and has always had a certain interest in the occult and paranormal. Long story short, he becomes your number one fan.
He asks Comte to bring back your books from the future so that he can read them all (if you find out he’ll admit it with a sheepish smile and a blush on his face), and even then he feels like he doesn’t know enough about the different worlds described in your books and about their writer, you. If the topic pops up during conversations he'll take his chance and curiously ask you more and more questions about your job; if not, he'll pick up hints along the way whenever he can.
Your writing schedule will easily adapt to the domesticity of your relationship. You both write together in the same room (sometimes his, sometimes yours, or even in the dining room) as it can be very motivational, and you’re both ready to comfort the other whenever a lack of inspiration puts a stop to your writing. Furthermore, it’s very practical when it comes to taking breaks! He’ll cuddle with you while asking how everything’s coming along and if you need him to help you get some ideas. (this man will def sneak kisses whenever you're absorbed in your own little world because he adores the pout that magically appears on your lips whenever you're concentrated)
Overall, he’s very supportive of what you do. He understands the struggles of being a writer, but he also adores how much of a professional you are. Would probably be a fanboy even if you two didn’t know each other (he’d buy your books in secret so that Theo doesn’t tease him; the great mystery writer who adores realism, falls in love with high fantasy books. The man would never let him see the end of it)
Even before knowing that you actually come from the future, Masamune is extremely curious to see some of your works once he hears that you’re a writer. As someone who writes poetry, knowing that you have the same passion makes him like you even more; although your occupations are as different as they can be, he still enjoys finding a common ground with you. Sometime later, after he has already discovered about your particular situation, he’ll also come to learn about the differences between what he thought you did and what your job really is. Fundamentally the job is always the same, but the whole process and the final products are almost completely different than what he had expected.
He doesn’t know what high fantasy is, but when you do tell him about all the various genres and such, he finds himself not too weirded out by the idea; it’s very similar to popular folklore, after all.
When he asks you to tell him one of your stories, you find the perfect situation to show him a physical copy of one of your best-sellers. He’s amazed by the weird-looking book. It’s experiencedly crafted and perfectly written (that’s printing for you<3), and he curiously fidgets with it as he asks endless questions about it. Unfortunately, he can’t read anything (even if it was written in modern Japanese he’d probably be able to grasp 3 words in a whole page or smth, lol), so you find yourself narrating your stories to him. (you receive great in-depth feedback for each chapter in return!! Masamune will be 100% honest with you and takes it v seriously). It becomes a daily occurrence that neither of you wants to miss. Each night, just before bed, you read out loud part of your book as Masamune quietly listens to your every word, wholly enraptured by the story.
He’s the most supportive partner one could wish for, and he’s always ready to show your works off to everyone he knows. He’ll help you get in touch with local printers and see what he can find amongst all the imported goods to make your job easier. If you ever find yourself stuck, he’ll gladly take you on a stroll to help you get your mind off writing for a bit to come back more refreshed and inspired.
Mitsuhide is a man who mostly communicates through lies, vague descriptions or distorted realities just to confuse others. As such, he finds your writing skills and wide imagination to be quite useful and admirable. He can be a capable storyteller if needed, so you often wonder why he doesn’t try writing every once in a while.
This said, he never expected for his kitsune story to strike up a chord in you to the point you’d write a story with a character heavily based on him as the protagonist. He’s quite flattered to say the least. When you hand the finished manuscript to him as a gift, he reads it all in one night. (let's pretend he'd be able to understand ahahah...) He’s amazed by your skill and the world you managed to describe through such vivid wording, but you'll have to read between his teasing words to grasp his real feelings about the gift, although he sincerely thanks you profusely.
The novel is the first work of yours he has ever had the chance to read, so he stores it away very carefully in a corner of his room, but curiosity makes him wonder about your previous works though he doesn't directly ask you anything about them. Sure, he'll probably drop some hints here and there concerning this hidden wish of his, but that's totally up to you to understand. Sooner or later he finds two copies of some of your books in the bag in your room (it was totally accidental, he wouldn't just barge in your room and look through your things like that), and he feels like he's fallen in love all over again. There's this particular level of mastery with which you handle your words that leave him spellbound and amazed. Who would have ever thought that his little clumsy mouse was such an expert writer?
In general, Mitsuhide is the closet fanboy. He won't be as open about his love for your stories as Masamune, but he's not afraid to be direct about his feelings every once in a while, especially if you really need to hear supporting words from him. If anyone ever brings up your skills during a conversation, he'll hum in affirmation with a rare, genuine smile gracing his lips.
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toothyleech · 3 years
𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚 + 𝐆𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐮 | 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝟑𝟗𝟎
»»———————— ♔ ———————-««
Kazuha and Gorou had been friends since they were kids, and Gorou had a huge secret he had been hiding from him since they were kids. He never hid things from his best friend—ever—but this was a special exception. Lying was not his strong suit whatsoever, in fact, Gorou was an awful liar, but that didn’t stop the fact that he felt like he had to lie to his best friend. Of course, it made him feel guilty, but he couldn’t do anything about his predicament other than hide his feelings. His feelings for Kazuha, that is. That’s right, Gorou had a big fat crush on his best friend.
There were certain unspoken rules about being in love with your best friend. The first rule was never tell your best friend you’re in love with them. It could potentially ruin the friendship, after all, and that was the last thing Gorou wanted. The second rule was not to be suspicious about how you feel about your best friend. The problem with that though was that Gorou was entirely conspicuous about how he felt, although luckily for him, Kazuha was entirely oblivious to his feelings.
It was both a blessing and a curse that Kazuha had no idea how he felt. The blessing was that Gorou never had to fumble his way through a confession, but the curse was the fact that Kazuha would never notice his feelings and they’d never be together. That was the part that crushed him. They’d never be together despite how hard Gorou pined for him, imagining how they would be together, maybe going on dates like ice skating and getting ice cream. Then Gorou could show him how agile he was on skates, and impress him to no end.
That would never happen though.
The smile faded from Gorou’s lips as he realized the reality of the situation, deflating like a kicked puppy. He rested his head on his hands, leaning against his desk and letting out a soft sigh. There was no way he had any sort of chance with Kazuha, as much as he wished that he did. He wasn’t even sure that Kazuha was interested in dating at all! Not like that particularly mattered, as he was content with just their friendship, but it still served as another purpose to make him look even more like a sad dog.
Gorou couldn’t focus on his homework no matter how hard he tried. Kazuha was coming to his house soon, and while he was excited for him to come over, he was also very nervous. He was about to break rule number one of the Crushing On Your Best Friend guide. Despite his own trepidation, he was sure he wanted to confess to Kazuha. Even if he got rejected or it ruined their friendship, he had to work up the nerve in order to confess to his best friend. There was such a small, slim chance that Kazuha would return his feelings, but the chance was still there. Gorou still had hope.
The sound of the doorbell ringing made Gorou perk up and simultaneously wilt. He was nervous to say the least, but he still forced himself to stand up from his desk and walk his shaky legs downstairs and towards the door. When he opened the door, a genuine smile lit up his face upon seeing his best friend. Kazuha looked beautiful as always, every hair in order and every piece of cloth draping perfectly across his form. He looked stunning, and Gorou couldn’t look away. In fact, he had been staring for a while.
“Hello?” Kazuha asked softly, waving a hand in front of his face with the smallest of smiles on his face. They had known each other for a long while, so they were both comfortable joking and playing around with each other. “Are you going to let me in?”
“Yeah! Yeah! Come in!” Gorou was quick to move aside, allowing Kazuha to come inside of his house. He was utterly smitten with the man, and it was clear by the way he looked at him. Kazuha seemed to be oblivious though, as always. “How have you been? Is college kicking your ass too?”
Kazuha gave him a warning look at his crass words, taking off his shoes before moving further inside of the house. “It’s fine.” He said simply. “I’ve been enjoying my literature class.” He declared delicately, moving towards the kitchen. Despite his polite and light words, he sure was impolite sometimes. This was only proven by the fact that Kazuha opened his fridge and began to rummage through it, which was quite rude in his eyes. Only jokingly, of course.
“Because you get to write poems?” Gorou asked, moving after Kazuha so he could jump onto his own counter and sit on it. “You’ve always been the poetic type. Waxing love poetry for someone?” He teased, his gut twisting nervously the more he spoke. This was starting to become a touchy subject. That was only exemplified by the hesitance Kazuha had as he paused his food scavenge.
Gorou’s heart dropped into his stomach upon the hesitance. “Woah woah woah...are you crushing on someone Kaz?” He leaned forward, almost falling off of the counter in the process. When he saw Kazuha bristle, however, he backtracked a little bit. “I mean like...it’s not bad if you have a crush! It’s kinda sweet actually.” He scratched the back of his head with his long nails.
Kazuha didn’t turn to look at him, continuing to rummage through the fridge slowly. “I don’t have a crush on someone.” He said in a steely manner, although he tried to keep his words lighthearted. “If I did have a crush on anyone, you’d know.”
“How would I know?” Gorou tipped his head to the side curiously, like a lost puppy. “Do I know them?” He pushed gently, not trying to push too far so Kazuha wouldn’t snap at him.
There was a small lapse of silence before Kazuha spoke again. “I don’t have a crush.” He said firmly. “But if I did...you’d know them very well.” He finally turned around, biting into a string cheese like a heathen.
Gorou almost let out a sad whimper, but he stopped himself before it slipped out. “Is it...Tomo?” He pretended to act surprised, knowing deep down in his heart that it might be Tomo instead of him. Of course, he was praying for the answer to be no, but it was a real possibility that the answer would be yes.
Kazuha sighed for a moment, putting down the cheese so he could approach Gorou and cup his face in his hands. Before Gorou had a chance to speak, he was kissed gently on the cheek.
When Kazuha pulled back, Gorou gaped at him. “What...What was that for?” He asked, dumbfounded. “What about your crush on Tomo?” He asked, watching as Kazuha fought back a facepalm.
“I don’t have a crush on Tomo,” Kazuha explained, clasping his hands together in front of his body. “I have a crush on you.” He said simply, causing Gorou’s eyes to widen.
“Me?” He pointed at himself, completely and utterly perplexed. “You have a crush on me?” It seemed too good to be true. Kazuha had a crush on him. Kazuha had a crush on HIM. Never in his wildest dreams could he have prepared for this moment where he discovered that Kazuha, in fact, had a crush on him as well. The term seemed so childish, but so true! It was a simple, gentle crush.
“I have a crush on you too…” Gorou whispered, his cheeks and ears completely red. “I’ve been like...in love with you since we were kids.” He didn’t realize that he said love until the words had already left his mouth, but it was too late to take it back now.
Kazuha paused. “You...love me.” He didn’t say it as a question, but as an affirmation, hiding his smile behind his hand. “I love you too.” He said simply, leaning forward to give Gorou another gentle kiss on the cheek.
This was nice. Gorou could have never dreamed of this. Their friendship had ended in a way, but not on a bad note. It was simply the start of something new.
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