#is really basic and not tickling my fancy
dani-ellie03 · 6 months
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I made a Christmas house, because of course I needed to.
It was my first time doing a tab and slot house. Tab and slot was a little harder, if only because the wood is thinner than the MDF houses I'd done previously and as such, some of the parts warped a little from the paint. Nothing too egregious, but I did have to shove some of the pieces together to make them fit.
I did not have the patience or inclination to find/purchase 1:24 siding so I tried to camouflage the tabs as much as I could. As you can see, some tabs were easier to camouflage than others.
I'm still not sure which was more fiddly: gluing the fake lights on the eaves or wrapping the wee ribbon around the wee Christmas trees to pose as garland. The stars on the trees are, no word of a lie, stickers I found at Walmart. The ornaments are those little plastic bits that are meant to go on the smaller ceramic Christmas trees for the light to shine through, just with the posts snipped off.
I'm actually impressed with myself that I got it done before Christmas! I didn't really start it until just before Thanksgiving.
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makrustic · 11 days
I want to start drawing landscape. Do you have any tips?
Took me a while to answer this (sorry anon)! Drawing landscapes for me are mostly just a matter of doing a few 'art studies' and a bit of imitating life. Here's a brief rundown of my process. I find that I learn best when I see a picture or a reference that really tickles my fancy, like these ones! First image for it's colors, and the second for it's composition.
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And then I pull up the dreaded white canvas on start on a rough idea or just start dribbling out the basics: composition, a bit of color, general shapes, etc. If you have a hard time doing general landscapes, don't worry! Imagine breaking it down like this: You layer on some general colors and shapes; don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can always go back to it! Be loose and organic with it at first, we're not striving for detail yet, and just let that brush move freely. And once you got the shapes down, you can go back and forth in the canvas to start detailing. I find that it's best if you really look into how some things are "made". Like for example, how that patch of grass in your reference is made: 'is it layered? does it have some shiny bits in it that I wanna highlight? are the blades of grass sharp enough to individually detail or more clumped up together to just put in a sorta grassy blob?'. Also, don't be afraid to experiment a bit. Try putting some highlights around the edges to make it pop out more, or try putting small changes in the color you're working with; something that's close but still different, so that it compliments each other! Then it's just a matter of going forward with it; see what you like and what you wanna keep and imitate, see what you want to change or maybe just leave out on. Keep on detailing and going until you're happy with it!
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This is a really brief rundown and explanation of a process that can be entire unique to each and everyone of us, and takes a bit of time and practice to pull off. But I believe in you! We all start from somewhere, sometime down the line; and that can start right now if you want it to! Goodluck to any artists out there who wanna try out landscapes. It's a fun and comforting process of organic and loose art that breathes in a lot of life in some people, especially me. Twitter | Prints | Ko-Fi | Patreon
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ajortga · 11 days
sweet pt.3
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: jenna's plans don't go as expected with you, the cute coffee girl, you spend the day with her in the park instead.
word count: 3.8k+
a/n: idk what to think about this, but really wanted to get this out there. aggtm series mentioned!
read the previous parts here!: part 1 part 2 part 3
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A day comes a little quicker than anticipated. You send her your address and she tells you she’ll come at 10:25.
Jenna spends the whole day after filming figuring out just what she’ll wear. 
‘It’s not even a date’ she’s trying to assure herself. A moment of weakness for her caused her to ask you out for anything but what she’d call a date.
Jasmin’s voice is already echoing in her head.
‘You know, Y/N, Jenna dressed extra fancy for this occasion. Spent all night trying to impress you. So feel proud, she doesn’t dress this well even on expensive dinner nights.’
The thought makes her groan, she wishes that it was filming day tomorrow. All they have to do is be there and listen to the picture of the director for their next shoot. 
She unhangs the top hidden in her closet and takes out a black off the shoulder long sleeve mini dress. Her eyes scan it for a moment, looking at the mirror while draping it over herself. Then she pairs it with a pair of gold hoops.
Sure it’s not simple, but she’d wear it to fancy dinners, so Jasmin wouldn’t tattle tale of her wearing something more extravagant because of you. She’ll just make up an excuse of some sort.
You told her to come at 10:25, you’re basically 10 minutes away from her. 
Jenna fucking wakes up at 7:25. The sight that she saw in the mirror was the closest thing to hideous she’d ever seen. Every morning the brunette looks like a messed up raccoon when she looks in the mirror. Her eyes staring dully at her, half-lidded and hair all scattered. 
The reflection stares back at her, a smile on her face. 
“This is actually so stupid,” Jenna says to herself, immediately dropping the giddy smile on her face. “Ridiculous.”
She tosses her clothes to the side, into the basket that held her unwashed clothes. Her fluffy cow slippers fly off as she feels the cold tile under her come in contact with her skin. 
She shivers.
The handle of the shower is turned to a warm setting. Leaned more to the hotter side, before she steps in and lets the warmth of the water tickle her bare skin. A sigh escapes from her lips, grabbing the best smelling shampoo her heart desires. It’s not even the day to wash her hair, but she does it anyway.
“Date, date, date” says the voice in Jenna’s head.
“Oh, so now you’re haunting my brain, Jasmin? Great.” She murmurs, shaking her head while letting her fingertips thread out her bubbly hair.
Jenna showers for 30 minutes, smelling as fragrant as possible. She hopes you like vanilla. Well, she doesn’t care if you like vanilla or not. She doesn’t even care about you. (Yeah no, that’s a lie)
Steam hisses out the shower when she steps out of the stall, body wrapped in a warm fluffy towel.
Her fingers brush through her hair as she blow dries and curls it, putting on her outfit she chose the day before, glimmering in the lifting sun. 
Then she puts on skin care and makeup, closing her eyes as she rinses her face off with her grapefruit wash, her eyeliner perfectly sweeping next to the tip of her eyes.
She sprays her favorite perfume. Which also coincidentally seems to be her most expensive one.
At 9:30 you send her a small text.
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: hi, goodmorning! i hope i didn’t wake u if u were sleeping. i’m still not sure if you’re still picking me up at 10:25, i was waiting for a text yesterday to confirm but i didn’t want to push, yk?
“Shoot,” she mutters, mentally smacking herself in the face, she forgot to text you to let you know that it was for sure she was going to come get you. She furiously smacks her thumbs against the keyboard.
jelly bean: omg hi! Sorry, lowkey was kinda distracted yesterday.
Jenna stops for a moment, realizing she was distracted planning out her whole day and making sure that you’re impressed with what she shows you, before looking back at her phone to type more.
jelly bean: with work i guess but yes! 10:25 is still on. I hope u don’t mind being tagged along with a few people, they usually pick me up. Sorry for not texting!
seen at 9:34
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: oohhh yeah don’t worry about it! I just didn’t want to bother u or anything
jelly bean: Text me anytime, you don’t bother me
jelly bean: I might just take a while to respond, but I do eventually. See u soon!
liked by y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl
Honks are heard from her driveway as Jenna uses her spare time wrapped in her headphones and the book she was currently invested in, As Good as Dead. She places her bookmark through the page she was on and closes it, before she listens closely. 
Yep, she knew that beeping pattern all too well to know that it was Jas. She grabs her keys, some gum, and her book before opening her front door.
“Hey girl! Oh shit, you look amazing!” Jasmin hollers, Mason screaming his head off in the passenger seat and Melissa poking her head out.
Jenna can feel her eyes rolling, a smile plastered on her face as she crawls into the back of the car, hugging Melissa.
She can hear the statement coming before Jasmin even says anything, “Oh, wait a minute. You’re all dressed up because of a certain someone, aren’t you?”
“No I’m not.”
Jasmin looks at her with a ‘really?’ look in her eyes from the rear-view mirror. “Hair styled and everything. Oh!” She gasps, turning her head slowly and teasing her.
“And your favorite perfume too.”
“Ay dios,” Melissa mumbles.
“Jasmin, I’m going to leave if you say anything when Y/N  goes through these car doors.” 
She gasps, offended, before giving up and letting Jenna off easy, “Okay, okay. No promises though.”
It’s silent for a moment, before Jasmin turns back from the wheel, “But I’m going to tell her if I catch you making out in the backseat of my car.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” She yells, turning a right and following the navigation to your house.
When they pull up to your drive, where your lawn is perfectly mowed and littered with the most precious flowers, Jenna texts you.
jelly bean: i’m here
She looks over to your window, her attention drawing away from her phone. Your house was white, nice windows and cute gnomes and exterior looks. Jenna only looked away for a few seconds, to look back at her phone and see Jasmin was literally nudging her nose through your messages.
“What the fuck!” Jenna screams.
“Y//n, the nice okay coffee shop girl,” she replies out loud, a bit too loud. “Oh wow, you even have her in your pinned messages.”
Melissa leers over, looking at the two as they smack each other's hands. 
She has to physically stop Jasmin and Jenna fighting playfully, “She’s coming out.”
They don’t hear her. Of course. 
And before Jenna knows it, she’s shaking her phone out of the other girl’s hand. She hears a tap on the window and looks up.
“Hi,” you greet, glancing at the people behind her. You wore a pearl necklace, hoops dangling from your ears. Jenna noticed that she’d never seen you without your apron at the cafe. Now you’re here, wearing something that you usually wouldn’t wear. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the dreamy thoughts.
The phone that was grasped is immediately let go and Jenna looks at you with eyes wide. It takes a moment to be able to register what was going on.
“Can I slip in?”
Jenna pops out of her thoughts, immediately opening the car door for you and scooting into the middle seat, “Oops, yeah, my bad, sorry.”
Jasmin rolls her eyes, “Amauteur,” she whispers under her breath, watching you buckle in your seat belt. She notices the way you tilt your legs to the side of the window, like you can give Jenna leg room.
“Hope you don’t mind a few friends tagging along?” She says, looking at you as you stare at the window.
“Oh no, it’s all okay.” You glance at her for a moment, trying to avoid the way everyone is basically staring at you.
“I’m Melissa,” the brunette next to Jenna says to you.“Melissa Barrera,” she adds, a small roll of her r’s present. She has eyes like one of a deer, wavy hair, and looks sweet. The smile she gives off eases your nerves a little as you give a small one back. 
“I’m Jas and this is Mason. Don’t get near him, he has a thing for throwing anything in his arms when someone scares him..” The curly short-hair driver says, like spilling a secret. It makes Jenna smile. You scoot just a teeny bit closer.
Mason gasps, smacking her arm as she drives to the set, “For your information, it’s called reflexes. Chad would definitely have survived, could’ve gotten away by accidentally hitting ghostface whack with a guitar.” They share a laugh. 
Jenna digs in her bag for something, earbuds. Damn it, you didn’t expect her to listen to music. You didn’t want to just curl up in the window while the other three were talking. You were hoping to get to know her better. 
“So, coffee girl,” Mason’s voice brings you back from your thoughts. He stays silent for a moment before whispering, “We’re trying to get to know your name!” As if he didn’t already know from the gazillion number of times Jenna told them. He’d just have to play stupid.
“Jenna named you cute coffee girl on her phone,” Jasmin teased, “No, I’m just kidding.”
You give an awkward laugh, feeling the way Jenna tenses against you. You don’t catch the dead glare she gives to her. You hope you’re not a bother to her, maybe she thinks of you too lowly to find you cute. You let it go, “It’s Y/N,” you softly say.
“That name is pretty,” Melissa says, Jenna agrees, getting the courage to nudge your shoulder like she usually does when the other 3 aren’t around. You nudge her back. 
“Thanks,” you murmur, giving a thankful smile.
“What the shit do you mean there's no filming today?” Jasmin hollers, slamming the gate with her palms. 
“Jas, I think you got the wrong date,” the tall brunette says next to you. Jenna skeptically looks at the girl, currently complaining, “I got my hair done and everything!” 
The shorter girl taps on her phone, you stay close by, “Wow, I thought you were just a little shorter than me. But man, you really are short.” 
She shoots you a look, her freckles apparent on her face. She flips you off. “How do you miss the day by 4 days?”
Mason jumps up and down, slamming his fists into his chest, “You know what that means… MOVIE MARATHON NUMBER TWENTY-” 
“Ok,” Mason mumbles, defeated. 
It’s a little chilly, you try to get familiar with your surroundings. It’s a filming studio, you’ve seen it before when you drove to work. You try to think where you five could go to that was nearby. 
“There's a garden nearby, if you guys are willing to go. We don’t have to go if you guys don’t want to. I’ve driven there before and it’s really nice, I just never had the time to actually go there.” You suggest.
Jenna looks up at you, scrunching her nose. You sniff, ruffling her hair as she speaks, “I thought you only knew about coffee.”
“Lucky for you I’m a lady too,” you reply, grabbing out plain crackers from your backpack. “You wanna feed the geese?”
She snatches the crackers and opens it, “Yes,” she says, already stuffing her mouth with the crackers. “This brand is fire.” 
You chuckle, before snatching the bag back and putting it into your backpack, “Miss, I can assure you you will be given more crackers if you help me feed the wild animals,” your voice is sarcastic.
“But Jenna is a wild animal,” Jasmin states.
“Oh, right,” you say, nodding up and down like it was a realization. “Here you go, jelly bean.” You throw the cracker in Jenna’s mouth while she munches it happily.
“Duck duckity duck goose.” Mason sing-songs, dancing with his hands everywhere, “I want me a goose so I can juice a moose.” 
Jasmin looks at him, weirded out, “Juice a moose?”
“Have you never heard of rhyming?”
“Mason is so silly like a Billy that wants a chili- Okay guys that’s enough.” Melissa interrupts, “I’d love to hear your rap battle but I want to come home with flowers so let’s GO.”
Mason and Jasmin cross their arms, rolling their eyes, “Aw man."
You five walk across the garden, the sweet smell filling the air. You look at Jenna, currently flipping through the starting pages of a book that looks oddly familiar.
"Is that a book from A Good Girl's Guide to Murder?"
The question makes her ears perk, immediately looking at you, "Yeah, actually it's the third book."
There is nothing more that makes her heart swell than to see your smile right here and now, "I love that series! I finished all of Holly Jackson's books in the span of 2 weeks."
"Really? I just remember reading the first one and really liking it. What did you think of it?"
Your eyes shine, "It was so good! Had me in a book frenzy. I like the third one the best, though I thought it was kind of slow at first. It definitely has the most action. You'll love it."
"I'm glad to hear that. Hey, maybe we should read the same books or watch the same movies and compare our tastes, music wise too!"
You look like a little girl on Christmas Eve, a silly smile on your face, "I'd love that!"
Jasmin, Melissa, and Mason whisper among each other, smirking at the two of you. "They're already flirting."
“So,” Jenna starts, walking with you across the meadow filled with flowers, it looks so pretty, just like you. She could say that, maybe you’ll find her strange and stare at her with a straight face, so she doesn’t. “Why did you decide to work at a coffee shop?”
You look down at her, playing with your necklace, “I don’t know. Honestly, I used to bake a lot when I was little. It was mostly because my brother was a fatass.” You say seriously, and Jenna turns to you, going, “Oh.”
It’s silent for a moment, before you start giggling, “No! I’m just kidding, sure my brother was hungry. But I started baking cause my grandma was always in the kitchen making random shit. It was just that I liked spending time with her. I guess it sort of rubbed off on me.” You look at her and she takes in your eyes. She didn’t know how to explain it. But Jenna would say something in them made you special. 
You tear your gaze, looking at the blossoming display of flowers in front of you.
“Do you think you’d like doing it for the rest of your life?”
The display of different flowers growing makes the setting like spring. “Maybe, I don’t know. Maybe not the rest of my life. I mean,” You don’t know how to explain yourself. “Well, as much as I love baking and carrying on the piece I can only connect to my grandma, I guess I’m not always going to be happy baking.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Baking is something I like to do for a hobby. I like to do it because I want to do it whenever I feel a certain way. But it’s not really fun when I have to do it no matter what I’m feeling, if you can understand that.”
Jenna nods, “Yeah, I do.” She murmurs as you guys find a place to sit down. The other three walk around.
“So, what do you want to be?” she asks, now a little more intrigued. 
“Something in film. I always wanted to do something like that. A director maybe, I guess I want to be in an atmosphere that’s based on what I see on set.” You pick at the daisies in front of you, tucking it in your ear and offering Jenna one, she takes it. “My parents never let me do anything with theater when I was in high school. I remember I wanted to do it for 3 years, when freshman year of high school started, I was going to apply. But my parents forced me to take something else when they looked over my decisions.”
The shorter girl looked at you, the way you twirled the flower in your hand. It seemed like the subject made you a little vulnerable, the lack of seeing your soulful gaze gave it away. 
“I was pretty upset,” you sigh, scratching your head, “I mean, sure I understood that they just wanted me to have a career that could make me a living, something that I wouldn’t regret. But even then, I wish I could’ve just done it for fun, take the experience. At least if I couldn’t do it as a career, I wanted freshman year to be the time to explore. I just kind of gave up, knowing that what my parents wanted was only trying to protect me.”
Jenna could understand you. She too was rejected when she wanted to first act. She could remember slamming her tiny hands into her pillow as she sobbed angry tears when her mother told her no. Maybe she should’ve been more thankful that she was given the opportunity. You never were told yes.
You wrap your arms around your knees, she does the same and feels you put your head on your shoulder. “What are your favorite flowers, jelly bean?”
“Roses. Light pink ones. Sunflowers and daisies are nice too.” She says, also tucking the daisy against her ear. “What about you?”
“Tulips. Pink, blue, yellow. I think they’re just so pretty. I love hydrangeas too. The light blue ones if I’m choosing a color.”
Jenna tries to keep that in mind. You look away from her, putting a strand of hair behind your ear as you look at the never ending garden in front of you two. She pulls out her phone, snaps a photo of you looking into the distance, away from her. You don’t notice.
“Tulips suit your favorite flower,” she murmurs. “I heard people match their favorite flower.” She puts her phone down as you turn to her. 
It takes you a moment to get what she’s saying. She thinks you’re pretty. It makes her smile when she sees you realize what she’s saying. The least you can do is give her a foolish grin, “Thanks. You suit your favorite flowers too.”
“Guys, geese!” Mason’s voice interrupts, all breathy and out of breath from running to you guys. “I want to feed them, come on!”
You and Jenna get swept off your feet as you run with her into the flower-filled meadow to the small pond filled with ducklings, geese, swans, and fish. 
They quack, waddling up to you as you pull out your crackers. It doesn’t take long for at least 30 animals to come to you. Half of them aren’t even geese. Squirrels, jack rabbits, heck, even a stray cat. 
You hand the crackers to Jenna, before bending down and petting the orange kitten. “Hello there,” you say in a baby voice, petting it as it meows and nudges its body to your legs. You giggle, sitting down and letting it rest on your lap. “You’re a small one, aren’t you?” The cat makes a small noise as you stroke its soft, orange fur.
Jenna hands the crackers to Mason and the other two. “I never seen a stray this cute before,” she squeaks, petting the small cat’s head gently. 
The kitty purrs, licking your hand that’s scratching its side. It’s a boy. “What should we call this adorable creature?”
“What about Tiny?” 
“Tiny it is. Tiny the tiny kitty.” You grab an apple slice and let Jenna feed him.
“Oh you’re so cute!” She exclaims, cradling Tiny. He seems pretty clean, you hold him. “I wonder what it’s doing out here.”
“I think it’s a sign for us to start a pet daycare.”
You giggle.
Mason, Melissa, and Jasmin run around, throwing crackers to ducks.
“SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME!” Jasmin cries, accidentally hitting the cracker whack in the goose’s face, running around as it’s chasing her. “I’M BEING CHASED!” She screams, throwing her arms in the air as you and Jenna watch her, laughing and huddled up against a tree.
Mason and Melissa snort, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes. “This is what she gets for taking all the cute and chubby ducks.”
Jasmin shrieks, running into a patio for the park nearby and closing the gate.
30 minutes pass and everyone is calmed down, except Jasmin, who’s cautiously eyeing the goose who chased her. “If you can run faster than me, I’m going to apply to be a track runner bitch.”
You're napping on Jenna’s shoulder, Tiny cuddled up against you two. She snaps another picture of you, smiling widely. 
The day after, you open your phone to be greeted with a new post from Jenna on instagram.
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liked by melissabarreram and 6,810,532 others
jennaortega: Day in the park with my favorites. 3rd photo taken by melissa, te amo
melissabarram: Pretty girls 😍 
y/n_l/n: we are oh fish ally giving tiny a new daycare cutie
↳ jennaortega: oh yes, we first need to sign a contract of marriage and work
aliyah.ortega: yes queen
jasminsavoy: i'm never going there again, i almost got brutally murdered by that goose.
masonthegooding: 🔥need to plan a picnic there
You smile to yourself, letting yourself lean on your side as you grin. You send her another text on Insta.
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: i have to sign a contract of both marriage AND work? what if i have to choose just one?
jelly bean: 🤷‍♀️ i can only give you one contract if you tell me your schedules for your shifts. Do u know how many times I came in and am greeted with someone completely different?
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: okay maam, you got it ! :p
sent 1 attachment
jelly bean: Thanks for ur service
jelly bean: let's make a playlist together
jelly bean: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/<3
reacted with 💗
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madame-fear · 10 months
do u think u could do something smutty with jace. like he just became king and still in his fancy royal like coronation robes and reader calling him his majesty or something. idk if that makes any sense
ps, i love ur writing so so much
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★ amira speaks ! : of course, so happy to know you enjoy my writing !! <33 just like last time, i made a small imagine of how he would react when calling him “your grace/my king” for the very first time. you probably wanted a one-shot, sorry! but i will try to make one for this req as soon as i can ; enjoy either way !! <3
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Despite Jace not really being the type of person in becoming extremely cocky or getting a huge sense of power the moment he had a grand feast prepared on his honour after his coronation as the new King of the Seven Kingdoms, the way you now basically became his Queen and referred to him as “my King” for the first time; things become far, far more different.
By the time you are celebrating on the feast of his coronation, expect him to have his dark coffee eyes fixed on you the entire time. Both of you are properly dressed for the occasion, with the finest of silks and fabrics of all Westeros, and you just have all the rightful vibe of his very own Queen. His wife, the love of his life, and mother to his heirs to the Iron Throne.
The way your voice so smoothly called him “my King” would be constantly echoing through his head. He would feel a great sense of authority and dominance over you as your King, and his ravenous dragon gaze would lurk around your body, fierely preying over every inch of yourself. Expect him to have him by your side the entire time, tossing away whatever the definition of personal space is, with his hand on your waist and very discreetly caressing it.
Afterwards, once the coronation feast is over and everyone has either left or gone to sleep, King Jace will basically take you bridal style on his arms right to the chambers you share to, you know... Kinky alone time, and use all the building up he has inside of him from thinking the nastiest things involving you during the feast.
Praising, neck bites and hickies, having you begging for him in your knees while calling him my King and having you deepthroat in his size, taking all the cum that leaks from him. Hair pulling, name calling, fucking you from all angles and in every possible way plus messing your entire body with his semen to prove that you’re his Queen, and he will be your King.
You obvviously end up sore, slightly limp, with a shaking body yet satisfied — all because you called him your Grace and my King.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@damatheirin @jacesvelaryons @tickle-euphoria @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @hopelesswritergall @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could write about the Merc's with a gn! reader who loves baking?
Btw, I love your writing style! It all feels so accurate and it's helping to feed this new fixation of mine <3 <3
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I see we have some food lovers in the askbox, chat. *crackles knuckles* you ask, and daddy delivers.
Mercs with somebody who gives them food
- Depends on your current location. The gravel wars isn’t short of moving from place to place. If it’s somewhere like japan he’ll go full weeb mode and eat nothing but fish related dishes. You know speed racer? In the fucked up TF2 universe there’s a speed racer themed restaurant. Take him there. (On second thought maybe don’t go eating with him in Japan he might eat the Hiroshima rocks.)
- He swears he’s on a diet but it’s inconsistent as fuck. This is the same guy who canonically eats radiation we’re talking about here. You hand him some warm bread you baked and he’s ecstatic. You catch him sprinkling something on his slice. It’s grounded up like pepper. He’s like “This? This shit is fuckin’ perfect. The person who owns my gym back in boston recommended it for energy. Tastes great.” You read the label and you realize it’s grounded up uranium.
- If you make him homemade fried chicken he’ll nearly choke up. Seriously. nobody’s ever done that for him before. Giving him food in general is also his love language but chicken? He thinks you want to marry him forever and ever now.
- You don’t really know what soldier likes.. He doesn’t make anything very evident and tries his hardest to make his one defining trait being that he’s a veteran. But you know that’s not true. You decide to make him some sandwiches and he’s confused. “Huh.. Well that’s some weird tasting MREs. Not complaining. It’s actually really good. Shame that civilians can’t get the same luxury right now.” He says. You have no idea how to explain that WW2 is virtually nonexistent anymore.
- Finally you settle with something. Honey with warm bread. Instead of eating slices like a normal person he just swallows the entire loaf like a snake. You are worried for this man’s intestines. He seems to be fine however.
- Gives you either a romantic or platonic kiss on the head. Your pick. His breath smells sugary and sweet and you nuzzle your head against his collarbone in response. This is his way of showing he appreciated the food.
- I sure hope you’re capable of producing stew because that’s all he eats when he isn’t unhealthily suppressing his own hunger with scrumpy.
- You get him to eat a variety of food somehow. Although he’s picky, he isn’t impossible either. Due to growing up in an orphanage he was no stranger to having to cook for himself at times when the caretakers just really didn’t care. You exchange recipes. For some reason he has an entire Scottish cookbook under his bed. As well as a book on “Leonerdo Da Fuq’s Basic Guide To blowing Sentries Up. And making it look like an accident.”
- He’s very thankful. Demoman’s not much of a foodie. He eats to live rather than lives to eat. But your snacks hit different. They’re made with your love. That’s why they’re so much better than what he typically eats.
- He eats everything you give him. Even if it doesn’t particularly tickle his fancy. His belly is big and swollen afterwards and you want to squish him so bad. That’s a pillow waiting to be laid on. He then tells you fond memories of thanksgiving and when his mother would cook his family an entire turkey dinner.
- He responds twofold by making you something as well. You wake up one day to find an entire breakfast platter laid on your end table. There’s a little sticky note there and although it doesn’t have a name on it — the dash alongside the expertly drawn symbol of his class is evident enough. Only somebody with expertise in blueprints would draw something like that. Hint hint.
- Heavy isn’t a dumbass by any means but this is a certified Heavy L situation. He thinks you’re trying to offend him at first because people call him fat on a regular basis. Medic explains from afar that actually it’s a gesture meant to express hospitality, and upon realizing you were just being nice he looks embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck.
- Lets you spoon feed him your food. He likes it for some reason. He likes any kind of meat, and protein. He eats that shit everyday. Not just that but dark chocolate and other bitter tasting foods as well. Despite his massive size he doesn’t actually eat large portions at a time.
- He knows how to make mostly deserts. Takes on a sort of mentor role and tries to teach you how to bake cakes and stuff like that. You’ve never seen Heavy in such a domesticated setting. Watching him go about cooking without breaking somebody’s skull in for once was actually kind of surreal.
- Cook / get them nothing but sweets. They won’t eat anything else. You begin to wonder if Pyro is even remotely human because of how much unhealthy food they eat. (But then again you’ve seen soldier survive losing both his arms and Medic sowing them back on. It’s probably fine.)
- They are unbelievably excited to see you walk into the room with plates and/or boxes. You’ve unintentionally pavloved them into associating it with your food. They clap and make grabby hands. Wanting to see what sweets you’ve brought them.
- It’s actually quite odd.. You see them retreat into their quarters to eat their food. It’s clear they’ve eaten it because they always take the plates back but you’re never allowed to see them eat directly. They don’t attend dinner with the other mercs or even breakfast.
- “Bloody hell.. This for me?” His voice hiked up a little. A little shocked that somebody would even consider making or buying him food in the first place, Only his parents ever did that for him. He takes it hesitantly but his expression doesn’t seem negative. Just incredibly dumbfounded. You had got him some donuts from a market in tuefort. You figured it would go well with his coffee.
- Immediately starts eating them. Sniper is both a meats sort of guy and a sweets sort of guy. Looks from side to side to make sure nobody saw him take your offer. That would be a embarrassing. He grabs the entire box and retreats into his camper van like a rat.
- He then slowly opens the door.. “Oh, right. Bugger. This is typically the moment I comfortably invite you in.” He cringes at the thought. Leaving the door open for you, and moving aside to let you in. He begins telling you the basics about how to hunt your food. For some reason it’s all incredibly dangerous aussie animals though. Some of the stuff doesn’t sound edible but he’s apparently eaten. He’s especially passionate about how to properly cook crocodiles.
- Pretentiously nitpicks the fact you brought him cupcakes. Citing his knowledge about how too much sugar consumption can kill you… whilst simultaneously eating the cupcakes.
- “Even worse yet —- they ruin your dental health. Hoo, i’d hate to be on the receiving end of a tooth filling by an angry dentist.” He says, shoving more of your sweets into his face. You wonder if he’s even self aware of what he’s doing to be honest. “Although I do envy their sadism! It’s much worse than mine, actually — Das schmeckt gut.” He adds.
- He frowns. You knew Medic had loved cupcakes in particular so you were confused at first. Well it wasn’t that. In fact it was something more stupid. “Well then again the consumption of sugar is important for our bodies, I must add. With the wrong diet we could die from low blood sugar. I wonder if it is possible to extract all the sugar from a human body using a sort of giant homebrewed syringe. It is in theory possible for me to—“ The man is at his chalkboard writing down mathematical equations again.
- When you give him food for the first time he’s unbelievably pouty. Couldn’t you have asked him his tastes first? He hesitantly eats what you give him anyway. As long as it isn’t fried, fast food, candy or anything that wasn’t expensive as fuck.
- Incredibly good table manners. Incredibly good at cooking his native cuisine. For some reason he’s intent on insisting that french food is superior than any other food. When you’re eating with him he straightens your posture, politely puts your napkin in your lap and schools you on the fact you’re not using your salad fork or whatever. There’s way too much pointless shit on his table. Who the fuck created all these weirdly specific rules?
- Eventually he’s so tired from trying to teach you he loses his temper and crosses his arms like a discontent toddler while you eat nonchalantly. “What?” You say. Using the wrong fork again. He’s still staring at you. “What?!” You repeat yourself. “I love you, Spy.” You say. Shoving more food into your mouth. He keeps glaring at you.
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amyispxnk · 7 months
Hangin' with Dracula.
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Finale of my Halloweeny drabbles with Joel!
31/10- trick or treating.
A/N: I love this trope with Joel where he falls in love with the babysitter so damn much. Also Sarah. Also Joel with slicked-back hair.
Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 2046
Warnings: fluff, kissing, mentions of a divorce + adoption (Sarah's not adopted in this DW), pet names
You crouched down on the purple rug, picking up jewels from the pot beside you and carefully attaching them to the girl in front of you, adding the finishing touches to her witch costume.
"You've put like eighty of those things on my face, is it done yet?" She groaned, despite having asked for the fancy gems and designs from you.
"There are only 14 on there, stop complaining."
"Okay, okay, I just wanna go already!" Sarah exclaimed, foot tapping furiously beneath her as she sat on the edge of her bed.
"Calm down, just 2 more." You said as you reached for another gem.
"One.. two.. and done." You grinned, standing up and clasping your hands together as you admired your handiwork. Swirls of different sized and shaped purple gems adorned her face, with a little eyeshadow - that took a lot of convincing for her father to allow it - and her hair done as best you could. Hair was never really your strong suit.
You had spent at least an hour getting supplies and trying to make the costume look as good as possible for her though, enjoying the task and finding it a good opportunity to grow your relationship with the girl.
You had been Sarah's babysitter for almost 3 years now, and you both loved eachother, and although she wouldn't admit it she thought of you as the maternal figure in her life. You were so caring and patient with her, good to both her and her dad, and a sweet person in general.
And although you were supposed to be just her babysitter, you found yourself coming round to their place for things even when Joel was home like dinners and movie nights etcetera. He appreciated you a lot, and knowing Sarah liked you so much made him like you a lot too.
"Okay, don't touch your costume too much! I'll go get your dad then we'll go." You told her before walking out of the room and knocking on his down the hall.
"Joel? She's ready.." You called from behind the door. He adjusted the bowtie on his much too extravagant costume before opening the door, immediately hiding his face behind one hand when he saw the look on your face.
"Oh my god. You went all out didn't you?" You teased, moving his hand away from his face and starting to scrutinize the outfit.
"So it's a vampire.." you began, as he nodded. "I like the hair." You grinned. He had actually brushed his hair for once, slicking it back with some gel. "Yeah. Makes me look stupid though." He shrugged as the two of you walked into Sarah's room so he could see the costume.
"What d'ya think?" She asked him, doing a 'creepy pose' and wiggling her eyebrows.
"I think..." He started, walking over to her before picking her up and spinning her around, making her squeal and swat at him playfully. "It looks super cool." He said, tickling her sides slightly and making her erupt into fits of laughter.
"Dad! Dad, you're gonna- mess up the makeup! We spent so long on it!"
"Okay, okay. You look amazin', babygirl." He grinned, kissing her forehead before setting her down again. Your heart melted at the sight of them, they had such a good relationship despite how much Joel had to work and the other many difficulties they came across in life, ones you knew about very well. Finance, family.. more specifically her mother. Your jaw clenched at the thought of her.
When Joel told you what she did to him, to both of them, you wanted to find that woman and make her realise the impact she made on his life.
She basically had the kid then decided it was too much, wanting to put her up for fucking adoption, leading to a huge argument with Joel. He couldn't just give her up like that. It had only been a few months and he already loved that little girl more than life itself. He'd do anything for her.
So that's what he did. After his ex-wife moved out, he did everything for Sarah every single day. Woke her up, brushed her teeth, changed her clothes, fed her breakfast, changed her clothes again when she got said breakfast all over them, took her to the park, watched corny kids shows with her, read her stories before putting her to bed then working so late his eyes stung from being open too long. He did everything he could to be the best parent ever for her, feeling like it was his fault her mother left and needing to make up for it.
Then things got busy. The contracting company was not exactly smooth sailing but he needed money. For her. He didn't care about his own wellbeing anymore, he could starve for all he cared as long as she was okay.
That's when he hired you, just over 3 years ago. And you were a blessing in more ways than one. Not only were you amazing at your job, but Sarah genuinely really liked you, loved you, and the way she'd talk about you made him so happy, hearing about all the things you did with her and for her. He knew that subconsciously she probably thought of you like a mother, and you acted like you were one with her; he honestly couldn't have wished for anyone better to be that for Sarah, and it made him more than just like you. He reckons he really fell in love with you when he came home to both of you asleep, she was in her bed all nice and tucked in whilst you were kneeling on the hard floor beside it, storybook slipping out of your hand and it was evident you were staying awake just for her, making sure she was fast asleep even though you were evidently just as tired as her. You put her first before yourself like he always did, showing him how much you cared for her, and the sight might have brought tears to his eyes.
Not only were you amazing with Sarah, but you were also really good to Joel, it was like you took care of him sometimes too. You'd leave him food, ask him how he was, make sure he was drinking water and sleeping properly, even bought him new clothes after teasing him about wearing the same 3 shirts in rotation but then noticing that he only had that many.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt Sarah tugging on the flaps of your pirate costume which you threw together at the last second; she had practically begged you and Joel to wear costumes too, so you had gone and bought one for him the day prior then realised you only had your old one from years ago, which got stained so you didn't wear it again until now.
"Yeah honey?" You said quickly, trying to seem less out of it.
"Let's go!" She beamed up at you, shaking her candy bucket around. "This is far too empty for my liking."
You chuckled at her comment before taking her hand and walking to the front door with the two of them.
"Let's go, Dracula." You teased, making Joel roll his eyes as he unlocked the door.
The three of you spent the night going around the neighbourhood, trick or treating and even visiting a haunted house - which was put together so badly even Sarah found it more funny than scary.
She was drifting off just as it got to 10pm, Joel picking her up and resting her head on his shoulder as he walked over to you as you were caught in a conversation with a neighbour who's daughter you were friends with.
"I think it's best we head home now, unless you wanna do some more trick or treatin'?" He teased with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, no. Let's go. Bye Mrs. Jones!"
"See ya sweetheart! Make sure you come 'round soon, maybe at Christmas?"
"Sounds good." You smiled, immediately grimacing once you'd turned around and walked away.
"Used to be friends with her kid and- shit happened so we aren't anymore. Her mom still thinks we're thick as thieves though." You explained to Joel.
"Shit happened?" He repeated questioningly.
"Yeah.. we knew eachother in highschool and stuff happened with boys. Yknow how it is."
"Boys suck. I hate 'em." He commented, making you laugh.
You rounded the corner and came to his front porch. He walked up the steps and you stood awkwardly at the bottom of them, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you waited to say goodbye.
"What're ya standin' down there for?" He asked as he opened the door and walked in.
"I- I don't know actually." You mumbled, walking inside behind him and taking your shoes off as he walked upstairs to take Sarah to bed.
He came back downstairs as you took off the outer, more cumbersome layers of your costume.
"You gonna take your costume off or am I hanging with Dracula for the night?" You smirked as his hand came to the button of his cloak.
"Right, right." He got to work with taking off his costume, ridding himself of the cloak, fangs (yes, he actually wore plastic fangs for this), bowtie and waistcoat.
You walked up to him in a moment of bravery and started unbuttoning the outer shirt he wore, he had put an extra on since it was actually really cold this Halloween.
A comfortable silence filled the room as you finished with the shirt, moving to hand it to him before his hands gently came over yours.
"Are you okay?" He asked, having noticed when you kind of spaced out earlier thinking about the past few years with them. It made you wonder if there was anything more, ever would be, and you accidentally let your thoughts get a hold of you for too long.
"What do you mean?" You replied, acting like you didn't know exactly what he was talking about.
"Well earlier you sorta.. y'were starin' into space." He explained, taking the shirt from you and putting it on the arm of the couch.
"Well, I uh- was just thinking." You murmured. You thought it would be kind of weird to tell him you'd been thinking about his ex-wife and how much better you could've been for him, for both of them.
"Thinkin' 'bout what'?" He pressed, stepping a little closer to you.
"Just about us." You said in an even smaller voice. "The past few years have been really nice and.. I just-" you groaned, cutting yourself off and looking away as you realised how awkward you probably just made things.
He took a deep breath before speaking, trying to calm his nerves and telling himself this was a good idea.
"I really like you, darlin'. Love you, I guess I should say." He confessed, making your head almost snap from how quickly you looked back towards him, eyes widening.
"You do?"
"Yeah." He exhaled, one of his hands coming to cup your cheek as he didn't see any signs of discomfort coming from you.
You leaned into his touch slightly.
"I really like you too." You said as your hands rested on his chest, feeling his heartbeat erratically thumping inside.
He closed the distance between the two of you with a cautious, slow kiss against your lips as your hands slid up and moved to his hair, pulling him closer as you deepened the kiss.
When you broke apart, you panted heavily as you looked into his eyes.
"You taste like chocolate." You murmured, making him let out a low chuckle.
"Had to take some from the bucket. Dad tax." He reasoned, making you nod in agreement.
You kissed him again, savouring the taste of chocolate and him.
"Tastes good."
"So do you." He smirked, hand still resting on the side of your face.
"Y'wanna stay over tonight?" He asked as his thumb rubbed circles on your cheekbone.
"Yeah." You breathed, unable to stop a grin from stretching across your face before you leaned in and kissed him one more time.
"Happy Halloween." He murmured.
"Happy Halloween, Joel."
Thank you sm for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open.
Happy Halloween! 🎃
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-The World's most Multiversal DND Party!-
(featuring @danganronpasurvivoraskblog, @a-student-out-of-time, @finalverse and @despair-to-future-arcs)
//So there were a lot of talks about the main protagonists of mine and three other well-known Danganronpa ask blogs forming a DND part together on Mod Bubbles blogs, and as an artist, and a major DND fan, I could not resist.
//My little autistic cogs in my little autistic brain got turning and I basically made full on character sheets for all four main protags of each of the blogs; Kuripa from Survivor, Hajime from ASooT, Nagi from NWPM, and Aliza-chan from Finalverse
//I won't post the full sheets because I don't know how many people would want to see that, plus it's a shitton of information that I just don't want to bother with. But outside of the character cards above, here's a brief summary of every character in this "AU" shall we say.
Hajime - The party leader. Was once a young boy who never stood out, but gained the gift of a prophecy that showed him a dark future wrought by dark lord Junko Enoshima. Now with the power to reset himself every time he dies, the number of times depicted in his magical left eye, he dedicates his life to the journey of stopping the prophesized dark future. Sometimes he can be a bit cold and distant, always acting like the fate of the world rests squarely on his shoulders despite his teammates by his side, but he is capable, kind and a true leader.
Aliza - Aliza has a power with a similar origin to Hajime, which gravitates her towards him, and eventually is the founding reason she becomes his ally. Unlike him however, power is that to see and explore other universes parallel to theirs, where everything can be different, and she struggles to control it. The goal of her journey is to learn to use her power for good, and to escape the lofty expectations and cruelty of her family. She's a little bit clumsy and inexperienced as a result, with her wild magic sometimes landing her team in deeper trouble than they were originally, but she always means well and if nothing else, serves as the heart of the group.
Kuripa - He was originally a well-known artist and sculptor who lived a quiet life until a rogue in a steel mask raided his village and murdered his sister. For those who frequent this blog, you know how this story goes. He dedicated the rest of his life to hunting down the murderer, learning black magic arts and becoming a blood hunter, willing to sacrifice anything and anyone, including his own body, if it meant achieving his goal. He's a bit of a loose cannon and more violent than his peers when it comes to executing plans, much to Hajime, Aliza and Nagi's chagrin, but it's made up for in the fact that when he gets the job done, he REALLY gets the job done, and it makes them glad that he's an ally and not an enemy.
Nagi - Nagi was an Aasimar who was the guardian of a realm in the sky known as "Neo World" until she was attacked by Junko Enoshima's evil paladin right-hand, Mukuro Ikusaba, who was ordered by Junko to kill her and bring back a part of her body to show that she'd finished the job. After this encounter, Nagi miraculously survived, but Mukuro successfully tore her wings from her body. Nagi joins the party out of revenge, and despite her trauma, is still the most mentally sane member of the group, acting a lot like a team Mom of sorts.
//I'll also but transparent renders of the characters here if that tickles your fancy. Thank you for letting me pour my little nerd heart out.
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widowsistersandfriends · 11 months
Romantic Roller Skating (50th Fic!)
Request: Maybe something with Natasha x reader on the romantic way? Btw, I love your posts ❤️‍🔥
Note: Thank you so much for this request! I really enjoyed writing this one, and I'm glad you like my fics! Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy this fic! Also, thank you to everyone who has been supporting my blog and fics throughout! I truly appreciate all of you 💗
Warnings: This fic is NSFW. There is tickling with different tools, fingering, and some curse words. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read
Word Count: 3405
You pulled up into the driveway of the house you lived in with Natasha. After a long week of work, you were ready to rest this weekend and catch up on your favorite show. You put the emergency brake in place, shut off the engine, and gathered your belongings while heading inside.
“Honey, I’m home!” You called out, looking around a bit puzzled as most of the lights were off in the house. You knew Natasha was home because her car was also on the driveway.
“Hello? Is anyone home?” You asked, starting to worry.
You entered your shared bedroom, as the lights were off, and the only thing lighting the room were four fancy candles. You walked over to the candles slowly, seeing that there was a small envelope in the middle of the square of candles.
You reached in carefully and grabbed the small white envelope with a red heart sticker sealing it closed. You look around, wondering if Natasha was secretly watching you from somewhere. 
“Miss me?” A voice rang out, which you recognized right away from the low sultry tone to it.
You turned to face her, not expecting what you saw. Your mouth dropped open as your eyes took in her perfection. The redhead stood there in front of you wearing black lingerie with her hair flowing freely with light waves. 
“Are you gonna pick your jaw up off the floor?” Natasha teased, gently tilting your chin upwards.
You blushed and turned away, too stunned to speak. Natasha knew you were panicking inside, so she slowly guided you along.
“Go ahead and open it,” the redhead gently said, while lightly tickling your side to get you to relax.
You yelped and jumped away before carefully opening the envelope, pulling out a sturdy piece of small paper. 
Be ready at 6. Don’t forget your skates ;)
P.S. If you’re a good teacher, you’ll get a special treat ;)
You looked at the redhead, asking her what she meant.
“I’m taking you on a roller skating date,” Natasha said.
“But you don’t know how to roller skate,” you said, wondering why she’d take you on a date she couldn’t participate in.
“That’s why I included the last part, silly,” Natasha said, as you reread the part about being a good teacher.
You blushed knowing exactly what she meant by a “special treat.” 
“Now come on my little bunny, let’s go,” Natasha said, grabbing your hand.
“Aren’t you gonna put on something else?” You asked.
Natasha looked down and realized she was still in her lingerie only. She giggled in embarrassment, as you reminded her that she was only for your eyes.
The two of you headed to the roller skating rink. Luckily tonight was a special for couples only, which meant no little kids running into you. 
The two of you rented your skates and headed out to the rink with the other couples. 
“Alright Mrs. Romanoff, I’ll teach you how to skate,” you said confidently.
“Basically, all you do is push off one foot at a time. You want to glide with your skates, and it’s sort of like slowly walking. You won’t take as many ‘steps’ since you’ll be gliding in between. Here, I’ll show you,” you said, pushing off your right foot and gliding a bit before pushing off your left foot.
Natasha tried to do the same, which much to your amusement, did not turn out well. The redhead slipped and fell onto the rink, as you quickly skated over towards her.
“Are you okay?” You asked, now a bit worried.
“I’m fine, I’ll get the hang of it,” the Black Widow responded. 
“Here, hold on to me while I skate with you so you can balance,” you said, offering her your arm.
The two of you started off slow, only going in straight lines first. The black widow was a fast learner and was able to skate on straightaways in no time.
“You’re doing great! Let’s try a turn now,” you suggested.
“Stand behind me and hold on to me so you can get a feel for how much you have to lean in order to turn,” you told the redhead.
“Hmm, I may get an extra feel for something else,” Natasha said with a smirk. You were thankful that the rink was pretty dimly lit besides the neon lights. In broad daylight, anybody would be able to see your face as red as a tomato. Just for that comment, you decided to be a little mischievous. Before Natasha could properly hold on, you took off, quickly skating away from her while giggling. You knew Natasha couldn’t turn that well, but you still had to be quick because she was hot on your heels.
“Y/N, get back here you little brat!” Natasha called out playfully. You turned around and immediately entered a fit of giggles. Unfortunately for you, that one glance back caused you to not see the couple slowly skating in front of you. You swerved quickly, able to avoid the couple, but were unable to keep your balance. You tipped over, sliding across the middle of the rink. You silently cursed to yourself, knowing this was enough for Natasha to catch you.
You saw Natasha skating quickly towards you, wobbling on the turns much to your amusement. You scrambled to get up quickly, but not quite fast enough. As soon as you got up, you couldn’t propel anywhere, as Natasha grabbed your hands and held them behind your back.
“And just where do you think you’re going missy?” Natasha asked, holding your wrists in one hand. 
“I was trying to avoid aging,” you said, giggling at what you thought was a clever joke. 
“Oh really? You want to call me old now huh?” Natasha asked, using her other hand to claw at your stomach, causing you to double over in a fit of laughter.
You didn’t want to make a scene in public, so you bent over and tried to keep it to just a few snorts and giggles. However, Natasha knew you wouldn’t last long, as she snuck her finger into your belly button, causing you to shriek and scream.
“NAHAHAHAT STAHAHAHAP,” you screamed, trying to find a way to escape.
“C’mon you can skate away can’t you?” The redhead teased, slipping her hand slightly under your shirt to get your sides.
You cackled with laughter, unable to hold it in, twisting out of her grip and falling on the ground. You quickly turned over, ready to defend yourself. Natasha was too quick, slipping both her hands in your armpits, as you squealed and clamped both of your arms down. However, you were still a mess because the redhead kept wiggling her fingers at lightning speed.
“You have to lift your arms in order for me to get my hands out,” Natasha teased.
You barely mustered the strength to lift your arms, which just led to you falling for another one of her traps, as she tickled you even more mercilessly there.
“Just like you tricked me into teaching me how to do turns?” Natasha replied, as you writhed mercilessly under her fingers. Natasha saw you were running low on air and eventually let you up. Much to your embarrassment, people were watching and chuckling at your state. 
You gave Natasha a playful punch, as she offered you a hand to get up.
“You were like a flopping fish,” Natasha teased, much to your embarrassment.
“I can’t control how I react when tickled,” you grumbled softly. 
“Oh I know, it’s adorable,” Natasha replied, giving you a light squeeze on the back of your neck to prove her point, as you scrunched your shoulders up and entered another giggle fit.
The two of you skated a little longer, until it was time for dinner. Natasha had reserved a place at a fancy restaurant downtown, so you guys cleaned up and headed out together. 
The place was filled with fancy chandeliers and even had a golden staircase at the entrance. 
“Right this way,” the waiter said, opening a fancy gate to the seating area. After you two were seated you each ordered your entree and drinks. Natasha got a root beer along with chicken parmesan. You got a strawberry lemonade and a chicken fettuccine alfredo. 
The two of you talked over dinner, playful banter and serious topics all mixed in. You guys even split an ice cream sundae for dessert. After you guys properly digested, you two headed home. 
You two headed for the bedroom to watch TV when you guys got back. Or so you thought. 
Natasha stopped in the room and gave you a look. 
“What?” You asked.
“Your dress.” Natasha responded.
“What about it?”
“It needs to be off,” Natasha said, as you knew this wasn’t an opinion. It was a command.
As much as you loved being dominated by Natasha, you couldn’t help but always have a little fun with her beforehand. 
“Says who?” You asked with a cocky smirk.
“Me.” She said, pulling out a set of restraints.
Your eyes widened, as you quickly tried to escape the room. Natasha grabbed you with one arm and threw you onto the bed. The two of you then had an all out wrestling match, which of course, no one could win against the black widow. She managed to take your dress off, leaving you in only your underwear and bra. 
She finally was able to pin one of your arms down and fit your wrist into the restraint above your head. You, being the stubborn brat you were, reached over with your other hand to try to unstrap the restraint.
“Uh uh uh, little one, you’re not going anywhere,” Natasha said, tickling your left side, causing you to shriek and jerk your arm down and away from the restraint. As a last resort you reached out to tickle her, which much to your surprise, earned a few giggles and you could tell she was fighting it. 
“Y/N stahahap I mean ihit,” she huffed, as you giggled in glee. However, that glee didn’t last long as your other wrist and both your ankles were now tied down, leaving you in an eagle spread position. 
“This is my treat, right?” You asked with a wry grin. You knew you had been a brat, and she wasn’t gonna let you off the hook for it.
“Not just yet you little tease. I may have punished you for the roller skating thing, but I still have to punish you for many other things,” the redhead said, slowly placing a strange box on the bed.
“What? Why? I didn’t do anything! I’m innocent!” You cried.
“Hmm, let’s see. How about all the times you called me old? Or all the whoopie cushions you put and I sat on? Or maybe even just a few minutes ago when you tried to tickle me?” Natasha listed off.
“That’s not fair! You tickle me all the time!” You said, now getting squirmy.
“You’re damn right I do. This time, I’ll make sure to make it even more enjoyable,” Natasha said, slowly undressing herself to reveal the lingerie from earlier. She did it nice and slow just to tease  you, knowing you could only look but not touch. Next she slowly opened the box, looking inside. 
“I’ll start off with something nice and simple. Not too much, not too overwhelming,” the redhead said, as she pulled out a soft thick feather. Your eyes widened while you shook your head frantically. 
“Natasha NO! Please! I’m sorry, I’ll do anything!” You pleaded, as Natasha just smirked at you while shaking her head. With that she took the feather and sawed it between your toes, sending you into hysterical laughter. 
“NATAHAHASHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES,” you cried out, unable to scrunch up your toes as she held them back.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Natasha asked teasingly.
“NOHOHO IHIHI AHAHAM NOHOHOHOT,” you shouted, wriggling around as much as you could.
“But you’re laughing and smiling, right? You look like you’re having fun,” Natasha continued teasing. 
She gave you a small break, gently dragging the feather up and down your soft soles to keep you giggling. You knew you were in for a long night. 
Natasha took the feather and lightly dragged it over your shins and up to your thighs. You jumped when the feather touched your inner thigh, as you held in your yelp.
“Sensitive are we?” Natasha said teasingly, dragging the feather closer to the outline of your underwear.
“Mmmph nohoho not at ahahahall,” you struggled to get out.
“Uh huh. We’ll get back to that later,” Natasha assured with a wink.
She then took the feather over your sides, tummy, and ribs, making you jerk and wiggle while giggling hysterically. When the feather reached your armpit, you jumped and tried to jerk away.
“No no no not there! You know that’s my weakness!” You pleaded, unable to do much.
“You’re right. Thanks for reminding me! I should take it up a notch huh?” Natasha said, reaching into her box. She pulled out a bottle of massage oil, as you shook your head frantically.
“Oh FUCK NO. You can’t do that!!” You screamed, as Natasha ignored your pleads and began rubbing the oil on your smooth underarms. 
You giggled in anticipation, the sheer thought of her touching your armpits and able to begin tickling you at any time drove you crazy. Just when you thought you got used to her rubbing motions, you felt her fingers curl and her nails touch your sensitive pits. You lost any control of sanity at that point.
“BAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO OHOHO MY GOHOHOD STAHAHAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEHEASE MEHERCY,” you laughed hysterically, twisting as much as you could away from her. The oil made you a thousand times more sensitive than you already were. You shook your head and squirmed back and forth while shouting and begging for her to stop.
“This is what you get for being a brat. And don’t even lie, we both know you’re enjoying this,” Natasha said, smirking while continuing to rake her nails. She let you have a short breather, while she applied oil to the rest of your upper body.
Then she picked out her next tool from the box. One that could work on almost every single spot. Your eyes widened again, cursing out loud as she chuckled at you.
“Ready?” Natasha asked.
“No.” You said back flatly. Natasha knew you were just being cheeky, so she took both of her electric toothbrushes and held them against your sides, moving up and down and over your rib bones as well.
“PFFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIHIHIS IHIHIS MEHEHEHEHEAN,” you squealed, kicking and thrashing as much as you could.
“You love it,” Natasha said, taking in your cute laughter and sweet smile. 
She moved the toothbrush back up into your armpits, causing you to lose it all over again. Occasionally she would place the toothbrushes on your neck, causing you to squeal like a baby. 
“YOU AHAHAHRE EHEHEHVIHIL IHIHI HAHAHAHATE YOHOHOU,” you shouted, knowing you didn’t mean it.
“Oh really? You want to see evil?” Natasha asked, as she put the electric toothbrush in your belly button.
“It’s too late now to be sorry,” Natasha said, drilling it deeper in your belly button, causing you to wiggle and scream for mercy.
After another break, Natasha straddled you, now squeezing your hips and using her nails over your sides and inner thighs, leaving you a mess of laughter. 
“Shall we check how wet you are?” Natasha said, smirking at your blush.
She reached inside your underwear, feeling around for your clit.
“Oh my, you are so wet,” Natasha said, teasingly circling around your clit.
You let a moan escape, desperate to be finished at this point.
“What’s that? What did you say?” Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You shook your head stubbornly. 
“I agree. I should make you even hornier,” Natasha said with an evil grin.
She began applying the oil to your feet, which you dreaded most. After thoroughly heightening your sensitivity, Natasha took out a hairbrush.
“NO DONT YOU DARE I SWEAR AHAHAHAHAHAHA NAT NOHOHOH PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP ALREHEHEHEADY IHIHI CAHAHANT TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIT,” you screamed, as she used the brush up and down your sole, occasionally switching off and using the electric toothbrush on your feet and toes.
You were a mess of laughter now, and you could feel the pulse down there.
“Are you ready for it?” Natasha asked, and you knew what she meant.
“Finish me already you jerk,” you said, once again challenging her.
The redhead just smirked, bringing the feather and toothbrushes with her, as she spread your legs wider and sat between them.
“You are such a brat, you know that?” Natasha asked, as she traced the feather around your sensitive areas. 
“Ihihihihim nohohohot,” you giggled, before snorting with laughter as she used the electric toothbrushes around the hem of your underwear. The worst part was you couldn’t close your legs to protect yourself from the tickles.
Natasha gently tugged your underwear down, giving her full access to your pleasure spot. 
“Fuck me already dammit,” you said desperately. 
“No cursing,” she teased, running the feather over your clit, causing you to jolt and bite back a moan.
She continued to torture you, gently running the feather on and around your clit, causing you to buck and yelp at the sensation. She hit a particularly good spot, causing you to let out an obvious whimper.
“You gonna be a good girl for me?” Natasha asked, her tone now low and seductive.
“Yes…” you said, a slight quiver of excitement tracing your voice. 
“Moan for me,” Natasha commanded, now taking her finger over your clit.
“Ohh mmmph,” you moaned out, arching your back with the sensation. You knew you were close and wouldn’t last long.
“That’s a good little girl,” Natasha cooed, continuing to finger you at a steady pace. You continued to arch your back at the sensation, and she knew you were trying to orgasm as fast as you could. Just as you had messed with her, she was gonna do the same.
“So close…Yet so far,” Natasha said, removing her fingers from your clit and instead using the electric toothbrush on your inner thighs and belly button.
“GAHAHAH IHIHI HAHAHATE YOU,” you shouted, forced laughter spilling out of you. Natasha knew you were frustrated out of your mind right now, but she couldn’t resist playing with you. 
“Say please and I’ll finish you,” Natasha said.
“Please…fuck me,” you said breathlessly.
“Cum for me and moan for me,” Natasha demanded, returning her fingers to your clit, which was even more wet now.
The redhead knew you were close as you began to shake more and moan, so she sped up her fingers. You were close and you could feel you were borderline right before an orgasm. Natasha sensed this and gave one last burst of speed to her fingers, causing you to lose any control you had left, as you let out a cry of pleasure, cumming all over her fingers.
“Ohhh yesss keep it there, mmmmm,” you moaned, riding out your orgasm, finally relieving the sexual tension you had pent up inside of you. You continued to ride out the orgasm, as Natasha kept up her speed. This ultimately led to another orgasm, and all you could do was buck and ride it out while moaning, as your hands were above you.
You finally finished cumming, as Natasha went to wash her hands before untying you. You collapsed into her arms from the energy that had left you, as she cuddled you and rubbed your back.
“You sure are a loud moaner,” Natasha teased after a bit.
“It wasn’t even that loud, you huffed in annoyance, flicking her ear.
“You did so well for me,” Natasha whispered in your ear, making you blush yet again.
“Careful, you might make me wet again,” you teased.
Natasha responded by kissing your lips passionately, as you guys made out on the bed. What followed the make out session was the best sleep you both had in a while. You smiled to yourself, knowing you had the best partner in the world.
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smilingangel582 · 10 months
Lemme be honest, Percy Jackson is a book series I read and enjoyed as a kid, but I was totally not expecting these boys Nico and Will! And it's real! Omg I just read the new book, Sun and Star, and they really tickled my fancy!
Btw... I am not enlightened about hero's of olmypus since I don't remember much apart from the basic story line. Sooo, I will write about these boys more since I know them better. Btw I'm gonna be a lee!nico main! Ler!Will is the best! Sunshine needs to shed more light on him.
And the one I'm writing now is not entirely a tickle fic, because I want some more cuteness and love from them, so... there will be only a minor tickle scene. If that's not enough, I'll write a better and intensely cute one! Heeeheee
Warning spoilers alert
Need you by my side.
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Ps. You can't tell me this gif is not relatable!
Camp half blood was much quieter around this time. Will rested by the stretchers after most of the patients are well taken care of. He was ready to close down the infirmary when he noticed a familiar presence by the Apollo cabin.
This made the son of Hades step out and push his hands down his pockets giving a head gesture "Yo,"
As calm and reserved as ever, so intense. Will thought with a smile, but he really wished Nico could open up more than the rest. He just got used to socializing, but its kinda hard to get him to interact with others willingly.
He would do it for Will. Indirectly, he had that look ever since. Plus, he would swing by the infirmary to check on Will, showing his love more endearing for Will.
"Are you here to see me?" Will asked teasingly.
Nico looked away with a frown "Well, no... just bored,"
"I thought you enjoyed your self-solitary confinement," raising an eyebrow, Will watched Nico shift from one foot to another by holding the expression of seriousness. "Yeah, can't I roam around these lands?" He added "I need to get out of there at least once"
Sighing, Will reached to grab his shoulders and slide his arms over his neck to embrace him. "Just simply say you missed me"
Almost. Will saw a faint blush, but it was a split second. He scoffed but didn't push him off, "Yeah, think whatever you want"
"Babe..." he whispered to his ear now, this made Nico stagger back and Will grabbed his elbows now to avoid a sudden tumble on the grass.
There's that blush. Will grinned, now blowing into his ear. "Your ears are red... that was a dead giveaway..."
(A/N: I'm a sucker for sensitive ears - may it be for tickle purposes or any non-tickle purposes)
"Solace..." he gritted his teeth but didn't say anything much as he felt himself melting to the sudden arousal. He had always been weak on the ears, he can't control himself when Will took advantage of this.
They were still outside by the forests, far from the other cabins but close by the infirmary. They could slip away easily without anyone finding out... hopefully.
"W-wait..." Nico gasped suddenly leaning against the tree as he felt Will push himself to bite his ear, which made him moan a wavery and high vibrato.
"Nico that's adorable" he whispered.
"Ngh! S-shut up" hi gripped Will's jacket to push him and pull him... he was torn with both desires.
Will felt him warmer now, his own face slightly flushed with excitement. He watched the beautiful face of the Ghost King turn to something cute and stimulative.
"Can't... sorry," he nipped his collarbone, making Nico give a weak cry of protest, "I missed this... so much Nico"
He decides to back off before giving a long kiss to his tender lips. Nico widened his eyes. Those pitch-black eyes were brighter like a confused kitten. Will didn't stop his fingers from holding Nico's shoulders. He could see this was a temptation he wanted desperately for himself as well.
"You had to do that...?" Nico whined, pulling his knees to his chest as he mumbled like a child. Another lovely side that Will loves in him was this childish pout and complains he had. When things don't go his way he would be like this.
"Come on... you look like a puppy that needed attention"
"Is that so?" His tone shifts to a smirk. Will didn't see this coming. He felt a sudden weight on his chest as he watched Nico kiss him more vigorously, now pinning his own wrists. Too surprised by the attack, he gasped. "W-wait!"
"Your turn..."
Will liked it rough, he smiled fondly but then again, they might go too far as to getting caught. He should stop nico from getting too far.
There is only one way to stop him.
"Ack! Will!" He yelped now, stumbling away from his boyfriend."Dohont do that!"
Will snuck a few fingers clawing at his ribs. He resorted to immature measures in order to tame Nico's wild vengeance. It's effective even for someone like him.
"I'm sorry, but is the big bag son of hades a bit ticklish?" Will giggled when Nico tried to escape the playful nimble fingers of his. Chuckling more at that, he grabbed Nico's wrist and in one hand to his chest while the other hand snuck to his hips, pinching them rapidly. This drove Nico wild, "Yohohou moron! I'll sehehend you creatures ohohof -gahaha nohoho more -aahha ihihihi wihihill make suhuhuhure thehehehey eheheheat your brahahahain!"
Clicking his tongue, he poked his stomach. "That's so adorable. You should stop watching dead rising though," he grinned, now wiggling his fingers. "I can't help but want to tickle you more for that stunt you pulled ..."
"SOHOHORRY!" He yellled when Will hit a particular sensitive spot. He snuggled his lips to the side of his neck bringing tickly kisses which made Nico arouse and giggle at the same time.
"Alright, alright... we gotta stop. Let's continue on bed"
"Y-yohou mean thahat?"
Will watched the keeness in his eyes, then smugly pointed out "Oh, don't you like my seduction? That's fine, I can tickle you instead?"
"Stop, you know what I meant." Nico gave a soft smile without any forced attempt. Will felt his heart begin palpitation at that. He gave one last kiss on Nico's pale cheek before dragging him away, "I know, Nico..."
"I need you by my side," Will said unexpectedly, then Nico widened his eyes by this confession. He chuckles playfully. "That reaction was priceless... I gotta take a photo of that someday"
"Bastard, what am I a cat...?" he chuckled in a low voice but then looked up at the blond who was glimmering light to his life. Before that, he blushed as he said, "I love you, sushine, so i need you by my side too"
"I love you too, my grumpy ball of darkness"
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pinacoladamatata · 11 months
so you want to multiclass Astarion?
a shitty and simple guide bc i'm bored and going insane. Here are some Specifically Astarion Rogue multiclass ideas
pls consider: rogue with 2 lvl druid dip. No hear me out! okay! if you give him 2 levels in rogue. then 2 levels in druid; he gets druid spells + wild shape! Then do the rest of his levels in rogue. ok. so. he could literally sneak around as a cat, or infiltrate as a badger. (handy? yeah? also if possible you could mod the cat form to be a rat for flavour and he could sneak into cazadors house like this either for scouting or with the express purpose of jumping a surprise round on the motherfucker.)
druid/rogue doesn't tickle your fancy? we've also got rogue / 2 barbarian! just for the rage and reckless attack ability. imagine it: he's got 2 daggers + crossbow, fuck armor. he can now rage and take half damage, and add reckless attack combined with sneak attack, yes. (might need to respec his strength here bc its 8 by default lmao)
still not good enough? we've also got the rogue /ranger gloomstalker: idk what to tell you here. assassin + gloomstalker is raved about. you get hunters mark, favored foe, superior mobility. i could go on. basically you can't fuck this one up. go nuts.
next I present a classic: the rogue / fighter 3 (or 5) *slaps hood of astarion* this bad boy can fit so much damage potential in it. Give him 2 handed fighting bc it's sexy and he has cunning action. now he also gets action surge. 3 attacks baybeee. not to mention second wind + his bite ability
*you could also take 5 levels in fighter, the other 7 in rogue. and he'd gain access to extra attack. cazador might as well just walk outside.
and last but not least; rogue/ vengeance paladin. yeah i know, wtf astarion as a paladin? and this build needs 5 levels in paladin to really be worth it- BUT! he'd get lay on hands, divine smite, and extra attack with this. and Tell Me he wouldn't be down to swearing an oath of vengeance against cazador? we can make this work! also you Know that divine smite is gonna come in handy for inevitable vampire fights.
im not interested in mixing the other classes. like at all. i guess bard and monk have something but i dont like it for him. the only thing remotely appealing to me with rogue/sorcerer is making him an arcane trickster and then going sorc for meta magic to be able to use subtle spell while hiding.
anyway that's my shitty astarion guide. bye
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Happy Wednesday!
If it tickles your fancy, I would love, love, love, love, love a fic of any flavor in the Mob Wife Alexander Lightwood universe you just casually yeeted onto my dashboard because that's obviously going to live in my head rent free for the next many moons. <3
(What a world omg)
Laws i love this verse so it will always tickle my fancy to get prompts and saeth keeps sending me things that boost my interest. Well this is definitely a flavor in that verse and I hope you enjoy it because it took a turn I didn’t imagine it taking.
Seriously I never planned this character to be in the fic or ever write from their pov and then it was like ‘oh hey interesting let’s do it”.
So this is basically an interlude after Alec’s figured he could either be a bodyguard or a boytoy and only one of those gets to flirt and touch Magnus all night.
Simon pov (he’s an unreliable narrator, prone to rambling, anxiety and dramatic and humorous interludes and he lacks so much info)
Alec is just like: I would just like to get back to my husband. he doesn’t sleep as well when I’m gone, so please talk as little as possible and just listen first.
Simon: I’m so glad I can’t breathe. If I move he’ll kill me.
(also mob wife is an occupation not a gender role but Simon doesn’t get that… yet)
And Simon shivers because Alec Lightwood doesn’t need to raise his voice to be terrifying.
And Simon is terrified.
But also not overwhelmingly so.
Because he’s also finally seventy percent sure Alec won’t kill him, which is much better than the fifteen percent Simon thought it was until recently.
Though in a crisis, he’s also the one Simon wants to hide behind.
Even in the beginning, Simon’s chances were always better with Alec, even if they both complained about it.
“Okay, yeah right. I’m Simon.” He hears himself say and he reminds himself to take a breath even though he doesn’t need to.
A lack of heartbeat and oxygen only mean that even Simon’s own body won’t save him from panic anymore.
“Yes? I know you’re Simon.”
And Alec says it like it's an obvious conclusion but Simon is just really happy to hear him say it, especially without a threat.
Because Alec isn’t the kind of person who is casual with most people and Simon is almost nothing to him.
Sometimes Simon worries he’s just another body to Alec — one in the congo-line-of-lovers that Izzy has had — but then Izzy reminds him he’s the only boyfriend Alec’s bothered to remember the name of.
And Simon is also one half of Clary’s package deal and boy, that sure did him no favors when they first met.
He takes pride in it.
“Simon—“ Alec says and he’s sighing, deep and long and Simon wonders if his inattention and eagerness has once again doomed his — now second — attempt at living.
Well living while being dead but Simon might actually stay dead this time if he lets his thoughts keep going.
“The greenhouse?” Alec is asking him and Simon wonders why until he remembers how much he hates Alec’s office.
The greenhouse is the only other place Alec takes official meetings.
And something shivers down Simon’s spine.
Because Alec doesn’t even like him but he’s noticed Simon’s dislike.
This is an Alec that’s trying to be careful.
So just how much does Alec notice? Simon wonders and the little part of his brain that he’s learned can save his life tingles.
Where does it end?
“For the love of, Simon sit the fuck down and breathe every fifth count.”
Simon finds himself on the hard marble of the Institute’s unfamiliar greenhouse floor. His head between his knees and a too heavy hand roughly smacking his back in sets of five.
There is brightness on his face when he finally opens his eyes.
“This is sunlight!” He accuses angrily, because he finally trusted Alec a full seventy percent and now this.
“Simon you’re a daylighter. You were blasted by the soul sword and survived. You’re fine.”
And Alec doesn’t sound sympathetic and Simon winces because well—
Okay yeah. That’s fair.
Plus Alec has seen Simon drunkenly dance naked in the sun and that is a memory neither of them talk about.
It actually calms Simon down, because if Alec refrained from killing him when he plastered his naked body to Alec’s and yelled ‘teach me how to fight future brother-in-law!” Alec had in fact, spared his life.
First by not killing him.
And secondly, for not telling Magnhs that Simon’s no-good-very-bad-brain decided it was perfectly reasonable to cop a feel of Alec’s ass with vampiric strength.
It’s not a bad ass.
A little flat but very muscular with thighs that could break a neck and Simon tries very hard not to work himself back into a panic.
He does not need Alec Lightwood bringing him down from a panic attack while he thinks about how he nakedly gropped Magnus’ Bane husband’s ass hard enough that Alec had sighed and in the medical bay he’d dragged Simon to, activated an iratze.
“Magnus is going to know that these marks aren’t his.” Alec had said casually, “and he’s not going to like it. I really didn’t like it. You certainly didn’t like it either, if you know what’s good for you. So therefore, this never happened.”
And Simon is never ever going to tell even Clary that he did like it.
He’d liked it very much and he’d suddenly understood Magnus’ instant obsession.
Which had turned into a new crisis.
Because Simon’s taste is apparently Lightwood’s.
Which is not helpful for his continued life expectancy.
Because it will either be Izzy for eyeing up her married brother, Magnus for eyeing up his husband, and Alec for Simon’s sheer audacity.
“Simon, do I need to get someone else?”
“No!” Simon manages to get out because Alec Lightwood-Bane can never find out that he snapped out of the panic attack three minutes ago and almost sent himself into another panic attack because of said man’s ass. “I’m good. I’m good.”
Alec doesn’t look impressed but Simon knows he must not look very impressive.
He doesn’t take it personally.
Alec isn’t impressed by anyone besides Magnus, unless he’s impressed by someone’s stupidity.
And that never turns out well.
“Okay, so what can I do you for? I mean for you. What can I do for you?”
Alec is eyeing him like Simon is Magnus’ awful snake Baby.
Which is rude.
Because Simon has seen Alec with that nasty little worm and Alec is much nicer to Baby than he is to anyone besides Magnus and Madzie.
“Okay so listen carefully. This is a lot of information I’m going to give tou. Magnus has several identities in the mundane world. Some of them are linked legally but most of them are involved and hold a great deal of power in mundane crime groups.”
“Magnus is a mob boss!” Simon gasps out in giddy delight and then Alec is ruining his joy like the grumpy dilf he is.
The grumpy dilf he is not.
Because Simon doesn’t even know what a dilf is and he’s never been so glad that Alec can’t read his mind.
“No Simon. He’s not actually running a mob or gang or whatever else you’re thinking. He’s simply a powerful individual and is known for his information and skills and he has a lot of money. Nobody wants to be on his bad side. Everyone wants to be on his good side. So he has the authority of someone high-up and even the mundanes behave in Brooklyn. I personally don’t really care how Magnus got his status or how he maintains it.”
And Simon has so many questions but Alec has his—
— look on his face.
And Simon has seen that security footage. So he stays silent.
“It’s a persona that most High Warlocks do. Create identities in the mundane underbelly of their territories. Make sure the mundanes fear and respect them enough that they can come and go freely. They need to be trusted to keep an eye on any slip-ups. And no, they’re not undercover. They’re not doing the mundanes work for them.
“But Magnus and I quite honestly don’t care. We protect mundanes from the shadowworld, not from themselves. If the mundanes want to kill themselves and each other, that’s their problem. So long as they only do it in mundane ways and not with ties to the shadowworld. We don’t need the clave coming down here, bristling about the accords anytime soon, or anytime at all.”
And Simon swallows because he understands how serious this is, intimately.
Aldertree was sent by the clave.
He remembers Aldertree.
Izzy remembers Aldertree.
A lot of people remember Aldertree.
So he keeps focused, listening to the hummingbird-wing-beat of Alec’s pulse under his words.
“Magnus has done this for centuries. He knows what he’s doing. But we’d both prefer if I could go with him in the future.”
And Simon is practically vibrating because he’s nearly positive that he’s about to get a padawan.
Which, even in such a serious situation, is amazing!
“Which means I need to know more about modern mundane culture than I do.” Alec is grimacing and Simon knows it’s a testament to just how much Alec loves Magnus that he’s doing this.
“Magnus gets by because he has centuries of knowledge but I’ll need a crash course. And no Simon, I cannot read your mind.” Alec Lightwood’s eye roll continues to be a thing of beauty and Simon feels his undead soul un-die a little more. Because Alec definitely can’t read minds.
Or Simon wouldn’t continue existing.
“Look, Magnus and I went over a list of all the questions you might possibly ask. He gave me the answers so I didn’t have to waste time. We both agreed you’d be the best to ask, since you spend the most time around young adult mundanes. And you’re popular with your peers.”
Simon feels like he’s dreaming or maybe died again.
Except this is a much nicer if not possibly a more traumatizing experience than his first death so Simon concludes it has to be real.
His luck is always this bad.
“Magnus thought and I agreed that it would be just you and I, you tend to—“ and Alec trails off and Simon has a moment where he wishes he’d never drank Jace’s blood.
Because Alec is trying to be considerate.
Because he’s trying not to say that Simon can’t handle being in the same room with both of them after the incident.
It’s mortifying.
“Right, so do I need to call Magnus so he can join us?” And Alec looks very serious, eyes dark and calm and without a flicker of anger or of true concern. Alec is a good leader not because he cares but because he makes himself act regardless of care.
It took a while for Simon to realize that sometimes the people who care the most are the ones who let you down the worst.
And Simon winces, because Alec does look incredibly tired compared to when Simon saw him… however long ago.
“No sorry. I’m good, just a surprise. But like a good surprise, it’s like I’m Q and—“ and Simon trails off with a sigh because there’s no point and he is shocked when Alec runs his big hands over his scruffy perfect Lightwood face.
Or maybe it’s his Trueblood genes.
“Yes, okay fine. Simon you can be Q. But if you call me 007 or whistle that obnoxious tune I will give you cause to regret it.”
“You know 007?” Simon actually gasps, because this might truly be some epic dream and he doesn’t even register the threat.
Well, his hindbrain does and it’s screaming, but Simon can’t listen to it over the shockhold Alec’s words have put him in.
“Simon, consider who my husband is. Just for a minute.”
And Simon does consider it.
He considers how a delighted and charmed Magnus would coax Alec into ‘research’ for his ‘undercover excursion into the mundane world’.
“Oh my god.” Simon barely breathes out, “Magnus made you marathon them.”
And Alec is gritting his teeth. Simon can hear the grind of his incisors and he swallows, hard.
“Right. Absolutely no mentions of triple digits or shockingly appropriate theme songs.”
And Simon’s death flashes—
hunger the dirt the gnawing-bite-thirst-trap-feed of hunger and Clary’s screams
— before his eyes when Alec gives an exasperated sigh.
The moment passes and Alec is giving him a begrudging yet judgmental look.
“It’s often that the criminal part of mundane life is where the shadow world slips over. Magical drugs slip into mundane ones, easy money, anything goes. And no one cares about that except sometimes it leaves evidence. Unexplainable evidence that mundanes want explained. Right now Magnus is chasing a new rumor; and we’d like for me to be able to go with him.”
This is quite possibly the single coolest thing Simon has ever been involved in.
“So are you going in as his bodyguard? A new dealer of some super magic drug? Oh. My. God. Alec, are you going to be a rival boss or something coming in? Or a hitman? Are you going in as Magnus’ cleaner?”
And Alec is staring at Simon like he’s actually truly lost it.
Which Simon doesn’t get. They’re all obviously the best and most understandable choices.
“Simon, Magnus is my husband. Obviously I’m his mob wife.”
And Simon can’t breathe, but he feels the oxygen knocked out of his lungs.
Because Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane — a man who has prevailed heavily in both Simon’s nightmares and his recent and most horrifying wet dreams — wants to learn how to be a proper mob wife.
“Oy vey.” Simon manages to get out and then he looks up at Alec and blinks at his too-tall, too-powerful body.
And wonders how he’s supposed to guru Alec into anything that can pass as what middle-aged criminals will consider a wife.
Mob or otherwise.
Later they’re finally finishing up their first crash course and Alec looks worse than he did with his own arrow through his chest.
But he escorts Simon out, ordering his shadowhunters absently to various duties and checking in as he passes and Simon takes it in with a sudden wonderment.
Simon’s seen more changes of leadership in his short time as a part of the shadowworld than is normally seen in a generation.
And he got a much more up-close and unwanted personal view of how badly it can go.
And Alec is… he’s surprisingly really great. Even if Simon only has shitty examples to compare him to and so when Simon is walking out into the sun and Alec is going through a portal that appears out of nowhere, he lets his guard down and mutters.
“He’s so totally M.”
And just before the portal warps out of existence, Simon’s hearing picks up a quiet, irritated—
And he winces.
Alec’s senses are frightening and Simon is a vampire.
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navree · 1 month
Not sure if this has been asked, but if so then you're free to ignore this message. I was wondering if you could articulate why you like Aemond Targaryen as opposed to Daemon Targaryen. The latter seems to have more prominence in the story than the other.
I'm gonna go off the show, since that's what I'm currently more invested in when it comes to Dance stuff (I read all of F&B but the parts I reread the most are always about the Conquerors, as I love them).
So, part of it is that, quite simply, Daemon's a misogynistic ass and Aemond, as far as has been portrayed, isn't. I don't care for Daemon trying to groom his fourteen year old niece, I don't care for Daemon calling his wife misogynistic slurs when she didn't do anything except be married to him, I certainly don't care for him bashing her head in with a rock and getting away with it, I don't care for him trying to ruin Rhaenyra's reputation, I don't care for him then literally leaving her half naked in a brothel in a city notorious for being dangerous (she could have been raped, she could have been killed, the fact that she got back to the Red Keep without a scratch is a miracle), I don't care for him calling Alicent a whore because his half-rotting brother finally croaked, I don't care for his neglect of his children by Laena and even Laena herself (and I don't care for it in metaverse either, I really liked Daemon and Laena's book relationship and I hate how they screwed that AND how it's yet another example of how poorly the Velaryons, the only prominent characters of color, are being handled by the writers), and I definitely won't care for when he orchestrates Blood and Cheese to go after women who had fuck all to do with what happened to Lucerys's boring ass. He's a dick, which already isn't gonna endear me to him, and he's a sexist dick at that, and I don't like it.
Getting a bit deeper into it, my dislike of Daemon also comes from the fact that there's just nothing there. I've complained about this before, but everything that's actually interesting about Daemon seems to come primarily from stuff admitted about him after the fact or from Matt Smith's own acting choices beyond the script. In the actual writing of his character, he's an asshole and he wants to be king and he has a sexual obsession with his niece who he's known since she was a baby; that's it. It's left to the audience to then lean into Matt Smith's choices for the character, extrapolate what we can from creator interviews and some pretty heavy subtext, and then try to craft something ourselves. And even canon events about Daemon that I could get invested in, like his relationship with Nettles (problematic? yes, but it still tickles my fancy because there's a Lot there), just hasn't happened yet and isn't enough to get me pre-invested.
That's not the case with Aemond. The stuff about Aemond I enjoy and that endear me to him as a character, like his struggles with bullying, his bond with Vhagar, his contentious but ultimately loyal relationship with Aegon, his love for his mother, his internal issues surrounding justice denied and the need for retribution, even just his basic characterization in the four episodes we've seen him in, those are in the script. Those are integral parts of his character, that are present and visible and impactful to other characters and the story at large in the broader narrative. There is actual substance to Aemond as a character in a way there just isn't as Daemon. And even Daemon is going to be more "prominent" due to his connection to Rhaenyra, the storyline at the ready for Aemond is FAR more interesting than Daemon's. Daemon in season two is going to orchestrate the worst thing that happens in the Dance and then bounce around Westeros doing God knows what, the only thing I'm looking forward to from him are any interactions with Alys Rivers, but because I'm excited for her, not him. Aemond, on the other hand, has a lot of good set up. Because of his actions, he created an accident that he tried to avoid that has had profound repercussions on his family, and is tied to a horrible act that is going to affect the people closest to him. How is he going to deal with his emotions regarding his own culpability? How much hate and blame is he going to place on Daemon? On Rhaenyra? How will this impact his relationships with the people affected, his mother and his sister and his brother? How is this going to duel with his feelings of superiority, especially once he becomes Aegon's regent? What's gonna motivate him to take the regency but also never allow himself to be called king and remain steadfast for his brother? Is he going to enjoy it or not? We seem to be getting more stuff with him and Criston, how's that gonna be affected by Blood and Cheese and their subsequent military campaign together?
Like, see? There's so much more richness available for Aemond's character, because there's so much more to Aemond's character than Daemon's. Daemon may be more prominent, yes, but he's incredibly shallow on a writing level, and combined with the fact that he's mostly a shitty person, he becomes something I dislike (and I love characters who are shitty people, my favorite character in The Magnus Archives is Peter Lukas and I constantly blab about how I want his cruel sadism to be given more attention by the fandom). So prominence doesn't really factor into it for me, because there's just too much working against Daemon beyond that, and conversely, too much in Aemond's favor.
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What exactly do you look for in a story? Do you have a particular story genre that you like? Fluff? Angst? A mixture of both? Basically, what tickles your fancy
So I am a big sucker for a mixture of angst and fluff! When I'm reading non-fan fic stuff I generally read horror/suspense/thriller/dark fantasy/scifi.
I was not a big reader when I was a kid, which probably seems weird to you -- but the books that were available to be just weren't what I wanted to read. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was one of the first books I LOVED, but for the most part the offerings were just not my cup of coffee.
I like reading about complicated characters and relationships. I like when I can really connect with the characters!
Most of the books I really LOVE are a bit weirder -- but they are an emotional experience in all the ways!
When i read fan fiction, I'm already connected to the characters so it's up to the narrative to do the best.
Hope this answers your question.
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ellecdc · 2 months
hi elle! how you doin? hope everything is okay :)
do you reject any requests? what type if so? the obvious thing , i assume, is those topics you have as a defenitly no, but i just got curious if you find hard to write certain scenarios.
love ya!
hi babes! i'm doing alright thanks, how are you?
if there are fics that fall outside of my request guidelines I won't keep them - but I've actually not had anyone request anything that's been posted as a 'no' so thank you all for that!
I've noticed that everyone is very apologetic when requesting (which i think is so sweet and cute, y'all are so worried about 'annoying' me when I literally ask for ur input all the time), but super unnecessary. no one has to apologize for sending me an ask (unless they're being rude) because that's what the ask button is there for.
there have been a few times when a request has been too vague or too specific (which may not be helpful feedback for you all lol, sorry)
an example of a request that's 'too vague' could be like "______ x reader, fluff and maybe some miscommunication" - I like to know the general vibe, maybe what the characters are doing/how they feel, and how you'd like it wrapped up sort of. idk how to describe 'too specific' but like, if you've basically written a whole fic yourself (which is so fun for me because it is good daydreaming content for me lol), I don't often feel inspired to write it because I'm not sure what more I could say, you know?
I've deleted a few requests that are voldemort related because I don't fuck with that bitch. and I've denied requests regarding intricate experiences or cultures that I don't feel I have the right nor the ability to accurately depict with the respect it deserves.
I've also received a lot of requests that I like and am interested in writing that are perhaps heavier or angstier, but I need to be in a specific mood to write them and I need more time because I find I need to be able to step away from it every so often during the writing process.
otherwise, it's just kind of what tickles my fancy, you know? which says nothing about a request being 'good' or 'bad', but rather my mood, my available time, my interests etc.
for example; right now my hyper fixation is physical hurt/comfort or sick/comfort and the characters as parents lol so I am finding that really easy to bang out quickly.
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As promised here’s a follow up to my last post!. Mad scientist breeds plus a bit of info about keeping them 😊.
• First off we have the classic cartoon mad scientist!. These guys are great for beginners and are really easy to care for. They can range from silly little guys who just wanna make weird gadgets to villains who need more special interaction.
• The old school breed is classic, though I wouldn’t recommend for first time owners. These guys after often undone by hubris and will try to bend the laws of nature if left unsupervised for long (frankenstein and Dr Jekyll fall here) it is recommended to have a hero to keep them in check
•The horror doctor. These guys are notable for their blood stained looks, and a tendency to do horrific expiriments on living subjects for the fun of it. These guys really shouldn’t be left alone and some people argue against the breed cause they are often bred to be violent.
•One of my favorites,steampunk scientists!. These guys are covered in gadgets and love to tinker!. They are great for a family but you need to make sure they have enough metal (preferably brass and copper) to make things!. Otherwise they will get depressed!.
• This isn’t really a breed,but of course there is a morph that can occur in any breed: limb replacements!. Whether it’s a see through head,a mechanical arm,or basically anything,some mad scientists will replace bits of themselves with synthetic replacements. It has been argued that this is due to stress,but no real answer has been agreed on as perfectly healthy and happy scientists have been seen to do this.
• Genetic mutation scientists are some of the hardest to care for, as their needs constantly shift. If you don’t give them enough external stimulants they tend to mix their genes with whatever tickles their fancy.
•Lastly feral scientists. These are not pets and should not be approached in the wild! You can generally tell a domesticated scientist from a wild one in three simple ways; a feral scientist will carry a bag filled with equipment, their lab coat will be less bright, and they have sharp claws to defend them selves. Best to keep away for both yours and the scientists safety.
Of course different genres will determine colours and personalities of all breeds. A children's media steampunk scientist will act a whole lot different than a horror one. And these are just a few notable breeds!. Be sure to do research before choosing a pet :).
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cookies-over-yonder · 10 months
turning red
CO-WRITTEN BY @silverlistenstothings
Hermie tries out a new makeup look on Taylor!
Part 14 of The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Roommates
"You know, red is your colour," Hermie says, running a brush across Taylor's eyelid. It feels weird, but not too bad. Taylor's dabbled in eyeshadow before, but he could never quite figure it out, and it would end up all over his face every single time.
"You think so?" Taylor asks, keeping as steady as possible. He can feel his tail swishing back and forth while the rest of him remains stationary.
"Yeah. Matches your energy. Red is vibrant, bold, and loud, like you."
"Ooh, I thought you were just gonna say something like 'it brings out your eyes.'"
"Well, yeah, that too. You'll have Link falling into them in no time if either of you get a fucking clue."
" What? " Taylor squawks, channelling most of his energy into staying still, and the last bit of it into figuring out what the hell Hermie means by that.
"Oh, please. He's been all concerned about you, y'know," Hermie adds with a teasing lilt, and then puts down the eyeshadow brush in favour of a big one for blush.
"There's no need for him to be concerned. I was fine, and I'm still fine," Taylor bites his lip for a moment before continuing, "but, uh… has he talked to you about me?"
"You know, your face is so flushed right now, you don't even need this," they tease. The brush feels light and soft on his cheeks, and the smirk on their face only makes Taylor's burn hotter.
"Hey!" Taylor pouts. "You didn't even answer my—whatever."
"Was that excitement I heard?" Hermie prods, and Taylor catches the tip of their tail twitching like a playful cat. "Why do you want to know?" they ask, swiping the brush back and forth across the tip of his nose.
"I’m just curious! I don’t care!" Taylor squawks again, wishing he could squirm away without risking ruining his makeup. "What about you and Normal, huh?"
Hermie’s tail stills as they let out a derisive laugh. 
"What about us? You were there last time we spoke. He’s barely even texted me since then," Hermie says, and their face and tone don’t give away much more than vague irritation, which Taylor has come to realise is basically Hermie’s default state. "But I suppose I should ask if he seems to be doing okay."
Taylor opens his mouth to answer, and then closes it. Hermie leans away to fully take in the smug expression on his face.
"Then ask," Taylor demands, and Hermie rolls their eyes, setting down the brush in favour of a smaller one.
"You realise I don’t actually care, right?" Hermie scoffs, setting aside the brush. "You’ll gain nothing from needling me over it."
"It’s not fair that I don’t know any of your friends to tease you over," Taylor huffs, less than satisfied with the reaction. 
"I don’t have friends, Taylor," Hermie laughs, pulling a bottle out of their makeup pouch and unscrewing it, revealing a ton of thick glitter.
"What! You don’t have friends at Chaparral?"
"You know me," Hermie says, a bit sulkily—but not actually hurt, as far as Taylor can tell—as they dip the brush in the bottle and begin to dab at Taylor's cheeks. "It can’t actually come as a surprise."
"I do know you! That’s why I’m surprised!" Taylor protests. "You’re like, really cool!"
Hermie pulls away to avoid smearing glitter across Taylor’s face as they throw their head back and laugh harder than Taylor has ever heard from them. Even if it’s at their own expense, it’s nice to see them laugh beyond their usually amused huffs. It’s nice to see Hermie happy, for once.
Taylor's eyes drift to the array of brushes on the counter, a couple stained with the makeup they've been applying. "You know, you're so fancy, using these brushes and stuff."
"What else would I use?" they ask, returning to dab glitter onto the tip of Taylor's nose. It tickles.
"I'd just use my fingers."
"I…" Hermie blinks, visibly baffled. "Why?"
"I dunno, brushes feel weird. It makes me feel like I have more control."
"I could never do that," Hermie says, frowning a bit at the mere thought. "Close your eyes."
Taylor does so, and he feels the brush against his eyelids.
"Okay, you can open them."
Taylor does, watching Hermie lean back to take in the look. They tilt their head a little, tapping their foot thoughtfully against the tile. 
"I mean, I don't apply eyeliner with my fingers. I'm not even sure how you would do that,” Taylor continues, and Hermie looks away to survey their collection of makeup. 
"Shut up for a second,” they say absentmindedly, grabbing something from the counter. 
"Wow, okay."
Hermie unscrews the cap of Taylor's black lipstick. and brings it up to his lips. He's had this lipstick for a while, but never bothered to wear it.
Taylor opens his mouth and Hermie applies it, and it feels weird and stiff. It's like a layer of paint on his lips. Not the best.
As soon as Hermie is done, Taylor is pressing his lips together, and pursing them, and opening his mouth wide.
Hermie's got the eyeliner now, unscrewed and ready to apply. "What's wrong?" they ask, just before reaching Taylor's eyelid.
"It feels weird."
Hermie looks them over with a critical eye, frowning a bit at the review. 
"You'll probably get used to it," they say, carefully meeting his eyelid with the brush and sliding it across.
Once Hermie's done the eyeliner, they back away to look at Taylor's face again, and cringe.
"There is lipstick all over your teeth."
Taylor turns to the mirror for the first time and sees all the work Hermie has done. There's red eyeshadow with a gradient to black toward where his tear ducts are, and there's iridescent thick glitter scattered about on his eyelids. His cheeks and nose are purplish and sparkling like his eyes. His lips are mostly black, but there's bits of pink and red showing, and yeah, his teeth are very stained.
Taylor runs his tongue across his teeth, and it feels weird, but the lipstick is gone.
"Sorry, I must've been biting it without realizing."
"You're doing it again right now,” Hermie sighs. 
He is.
"Okay, let's take this off," Hermie says, grabbing a makeup wipe.
"Is it gonna sting?" Taylor asks, knowing he's got a ton of open cuts on his lower lip especially.
"Ah, no, these are for sensitive skin."
Hermie takes the lipstick off, and they're right, it doesn't sting.
"How about we try this instead?" they ask, showing Taylor a pinkish lip gloss he had also neglected.
This one feels less stiff and weird which is a relief, and Taylor looks back in the mirror to see his lips are sparkling and tinted pink.
"Yay, I look so cute! Thanks, Hermie! I love it!"
"I'm glad."
Taylor glances at Hermie’s reflection in the mirror, taking in the little self-satisfied smile that they’re wiping from their expression as soon as they meet Taylor’s eye.  
"Can you do this for me before school sometime?"
"Alright," Hermie says, standing up and starting to put the unused brushes back in their bag.
"Yay!" Taylor repeats, jumping out of his seat and wrapping his arms around Hermie. They stiffen a little before letting the tension go, and then Taylor feels a hand on his back.
It's entirely still, but it's there.
"Now, let's clean this up," they say slowly, and Taylor pulls away.
"Okay! You wanna watch something after?"
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