#interview with writers
It's always
"When will fanfic writers update their stories?"
And never
"Does this fanfic writer have adequate enrichment to engage in writing behaviours?"
Fanfiction writers (Scriptor fictus) are intelligent animals who need plenty of enrichment as well as encouragement! If they're stuck in poor conditions (e.g. have studies, work, have to actually write to have something written) then they require the proper enrichment to engage in more healthy behaviours, like writing. Remember, due to poor breeding and socialisation, over half of all fanfic writers suffer from low self confidence and executive dysfunction so take care of them!
Give your fanfic writers proper care. Fanfiction writers are a life long commitment.
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kayascodelorio · 14 days
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#drop your ao3 handle armand #he's such a fanfic girlie
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fanfictionroxs · 8 days
Daniel working on his laptop ignoring Louis/Armand fighting in the background like the perfect child of divorce lmfao. Reminds me of Claudia writing in her diary ignoring Louis/Lestat arguing lmaaooooo
Who's the band aid for a shitty marriage now huh Danny baby?
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❝ I wish I could say fanfic writing as a part of my special skills while applying for a job ❞ and what if I say you actually can? because writing fanfic can actually be used as a part of your special skills while applying for a job and it is valid. writing is writing. literally the only thing differentiate fanfic writers from writers who publish and sell original works is that fanfic writers can’t publish and sell their works. that’s all. that’s the only difference. don’t let anyone tell you “fanfic writers aren’t real writers because their works aren’t as good as those of writers who write and sell original works” because that’s utter bullshit. I’ve read so many well written fanfics that are so much better than some published original novels. (here’s the proof.)
wanna know the trick? if you don’t think you’re gonna be taken seriously if you say you write fanfics while in a job interview, then say creative writing. because writing fanfics is considered creative writing. it is creative writing.
fanfic writers can write novel-length fiction, fanfic writers can write as good as any other writers who write original works if not better. fanfic writers are writers and they are just as valid.
you, a fanfic writer, may even be more dedicated and passionate than writers who sell original works because, while they write because it’s their job, you literally write 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 free 👏🏻 out 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 pure 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 passion.
that’s a whole novel and you wrote that with pure love and passion. that’s pretty mind blowing.
so yes, you absolutely can and should say creative writing while applying for a job, and say it proudly. you are a writer.
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glossglamour · 2 months
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ojay so hugh laurie dislikes the word bromance too, good to know .... "weird romantic love" ......
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ahmednabubake · 21 days
Urgently Yusuf can't do without you're help
Contribute Now to save Yusuf and his family
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21500/85000 Donate now to complete 100%
8 years old  child, Yusuf  have a kidney failure
Thank you so very much for your supporting us and for your contribution to saving us and getting us to safety and evacuating from Gaza.
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vorpalfae · 6 months
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we’re only 3 episodes in but buddy daddies is already superior to lots of shows in the childcare genre by letting the child character have tantrums and be annoying to her guardians sometimes and say she needs to go pee at literally the worst moment rather than just being a cutesy moe blob designed to induce baby fever
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danishprince · 1 year
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kieran culkin post-finale interview with variety
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sophsun1 · 8 months
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Jacob Anderson on Interview With The Vampire
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showmey0urfangs · 3 months
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I have no taste for violence, voluptuous as it may sometimes appear. It is the seduction that is perfectly in tune with this monster's heart. But do not mistake my meaning. It is not I who seduce the lovely beauties whom I take as my brides. It is they who seduce me through their dreams.
You see, they all want the embrace. There is a kernel in all of them that is "half in love with easeful death" and as I wander through the late-night streets in the chill hours, I can hear their plaintive sighs, a muted chorus rising from those beds, its rhythms penetrating the very walls. They summon me. They long for me. Gentleman Death...
Armand—Interlude With the Undead by Anne Rice, 1979
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90sgreggaraki · 2 months
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the vampire lestat (1985) // interview with the vampire (2022)
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mindfogs · 7 months
i can't believe the show about characters being gay and problematic won't let the characters be gay and problematic
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nightcolorz · 1 month
armand is never like confidently in control or self assured or aware at all of anything, he's just pretty good at pretending he is. He's a good leader in the sense that people looking to be led seek out a leader who seems like they know what they are doing, and Armand is good at giving the impression that he knows what he's doing, when rlly he's most often the mentally damaged vampire equivalent of a fish flopping around on land waiting for some big hands to toss him back in the ocean and show him were he belongs
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milfromanroy · 29 days
Louis telling Claudia "it's YOU and ME" and then the show cutting to Lestat sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HER oh what if i was suicidal...
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wenellyb · 2 months
Buck and Tommy just got together and there are already hundreds and hundreds of posts in the 911 tags talking about how Buck and Tommy's "break up" will happen.
And it's fine, people are allowed to share their theories, I share mine as well, but I can't help but wonder what's the angle here?
From what I've seen, most people are sure Buck and Tommy are temporary because they're sure "Buddie is Endgame"? But how would they know?
As far as we know Buck and Eddie are best friends and there hasn't been any indication that the writers are planning for them to have à romantic relation in season 7. Reading interviews with shipping goggles on isn't canon, it's fan theory.
If they had planned it, they would have put some "seeds", some small hints here and there when Buck and Tommy got together, showing that Buck and Eddie's relationship is not meant to be seen platonic, like Buck being unsure about Tommy or Eddie being supportive but a little jealous.
But they haven't, all we've seen right now is Buck being head over heels for Tommy, telling his sister what he likes about him and telling Eddie how he can't stop thinking about Tommy. Buck has such a massive crush on Tommy he invited him to his sister's wedding.
Buck's coming out scene to Eddie was so beautiful and emotional, but there was no hint of Eddie being jealous or him having romantic feelings for Buck. We even got the sweetest and most platonic hug ever.
Where exactly are we supposed to get the message that Buck is harboring a secret crush for his best friend? Or are we supposed to imagine that he'll magically develop romantic feelings in the middle of the season?
I don't understand where the "Tommy is a placeholder for Eddie" theories are coming from???
Buck hurt Eddie to get Tommy's attention, his words not mine. How are the writers going to go from that and make us believe that he was in reality in love with Eddie? How would that go?
I have nothing against Buddie, I even like the idea of them, but at the end of the day, I believe what I see on screen. Fan theories are just theories.
I'm sorry but to me, Buck is all about Tommy.
As someone who has seen my fair share of TV shows, I'm wondering why anyone would think that that's the direction the screenwriters are going.
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