#insignia badge
arthistoryanimalia · 6 months
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Insignia Badge with Snow-Leopard Decoration Korean, Chosŏn dynasty, 19th century H. 21.5 x W. 18.8 cm (8 7/16 x 7 3/8 in.) Harvard Art Museums 2002.254
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irvinhahn · 3 months
Exploring the Significance of the Insignia Badge | Irvin H Hahn 
Firefighter insignia encompasses a range of symbols and badges that play a crucial role in the firefighting profession. These insignias go beyond mere identification, carrying rich symbolism, tradition, and significance within the firefighting community.If Irvin H Hahn has specific products, services, or a unique value proposition, tailoring these general principles to fit the specific attributes of the brand can be highly beneficial. 
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Insignia badge, 1800s, Korea.
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blackswaneuroparedux · 9 months
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The badge was meant to be a flaming ‘Excalibur’ - recalling the Lewes bomb that contained both plastic explosive and inflammable thermite with time pencils. I knew that, but most of us called the stylised badge a ‘winged dagger’ and it made a better title for a book than ‘Flaming Sword’ ‘Who Dares Wins’ etc. the sword looks more like a commando knife and was certainly not meant to be a ‘Sword of Damocles’.
Roy Farran, ‘Winged Dagger’ (1948)
The badge of the Special Air Service was created by Corporal Bob Tait in October 1941, who would survive the war and die in retirement in 1975.
Robert ‘Bob’ Duncan Tait was a founding member of ‘L Detachment’, later the SAS, and is credited with the design of the most coveted military badge in the world: the SAS winged dagger. Tait was part of 11 Commando before he was invited to join L Detachment under the direction of Col. Stirling while fighting in North Africa in World War Two.
He survived the regiment’s first disastrous operation: a parachute drop in support of the Operation Crusader offensive in Libya in November 1941. It proved to be an unmitigated disaster when 22 men out of 60 were either killed or captured by the Germans.
The second was far more successful and saw Bob Tait as one of five commandos who snuck into a German aerodrome deep behind enemy lines and laid explosives that destroyed 37 aircraft. The raid secured the future of the SAS as it convinced military chiefs a specially trained unit that could operate behind enemy lines was needed.
In between the raids, the members of the newly formed unit held an informal competition to design the insignia for the regiment. Tait’s design of King Arthur’s Excalibur sword - not a dagger as commonly thought - with light blue wings either side of it was voted the best by the rest of the men and is the cap badge still in use today.
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The SAS insignia represents King Arthur’s flaming sword Excalibur - not the dagger as it came to seen as.  Indeed the name ‘the Winged Dagger’ appears to have first been published in a SHAEF communique of 1944 which was then quoted in the Sunday Times and Observer newspapers.
Having already been awarded a Military Cross and Bar with the 3rd Hussars, Roy Farran joined 2nd SAS in 1943. Although not serving with the Regiment when the insignia were developed, his book, ‘Winged Dagger’ was truly the first book to shed light on the SAS when it was published in 1948. The image of the ‘winged dagger’ stuck in the public consciousness.
Early examples were made up by Cairo tailors and many variants can be seen.
By March 1944, the 1st and 2nd SAS Regiments returned to the United Kingdom and joined a newly formed SAS Brigade, a component of 1st Airborne Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General Frederick ‘Boy’ Browning, with Brigadier Roderick McLeod in charge of the SAS.  Many more badges would be required, and it was essential that a standardised design was agreed upon - see top right.
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In March 1951 the Malayan Scouts adopted the maroon beret and the badge of the Special Air Service and this was worn by the members of 21 SAS who formed the new B Squadron - see centre left. The instruction that brought the Malayan Scouts into the British Army Order of Battle as 22 SAS Regiment dates from 16th July 1952.
The central badge was worn by 21 SAS on the right arm when it was formed in 1947. At that stage they wore the Mars and Minerva cap badge of the Artists Rifles on their maroon berets which was of similar design. However, in 1956, these were swapped, and the design of the beret badge was published in that year (rather curiously on a crudely cut out backing)
The 1956 badge was worn throughout the 1960s - see bottom left. But this had become somewhat anaemic by the early 1980s. The current pattern is shown bottom right.
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fideidefenswhore · 8 months
The new queen's white falcon was on prominent display throughout the pageant, resting on a bed of Tudor roses. Although it is now synonymous with Anne and the Boleyns in general, Henry had only granted it to her on her elevation to the marquessate of Pembroke. It was a fitting choice because the same bird had long been an emblem of Anne's Irish ancestors, the Butlers, earls of Ormond. It also had strong royal associations and had been used as an emblem by the celebrated warrior king Edward III, as well as by Henry's maternal grandfather, Edward IV, with whom he strongly identified.
Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I (2023), Tracy Borman
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lord-squiggletits · 10 months
Pharma's Autobot insignia is white which is a color associated with mourning apparently, and his insignia was shown as being red right before he went to Delphi, and the white insignia is consistent as opposed to some kind of coloring error.
So like it's just casually THERE that Pharma is wearing an Autobot mourning sigil and it's just never commented on???
Well I think actually a black Autobot sigil was the color of mourning but still? It seems as if people almost never wear an Autobot badge that's not red and if they do it's for a specific reason.
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tankbadge · 1 year
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Very neat tiny patriotic pin with glass enamel. Probably silver- or other white metal plated. I would guess it is pre-WW2.
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vepuei · 3 months
Zōvelä Ōm'Bïsk Badge
Golden wolf serpent with alexandrite and green inlay.
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slugslide · 7 months
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bucklemonster2 · 11 months
- De Badges van het Leven - Nederlands
Een klein creatief project  (fictie)
Door gewoon mijn leven te leiden, heb ik blijkbaar drie Levens Badges verkregen, tot nu toe.
Ik probeerde andere mensen om raad te vragen, ik wilde erachter komen welke badges ze hadden verdiend. Sommigen hadden badges van hun werk of hobby's, maar geen enkele had een echte Levens Badge. Ze waren zelfs in de war en begrepen niet waarover ik het had. Ik weet nog steeds niet exact hoe je een Levens Badge verkrijgt, hun nut ken ik ook niet. Misschien zijn deze insignes een soort beloning, soms leuk, soms als een ironische grap. Desalniettemin; dit de badges die ik heb ontgrendeld en hun beschrijving:
I. The Lone Wolf (de eenzame wolf) verdiend in 2018
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Hoe meer je achterna rent, hoe meer ze wegrennen. Misschien heeft iemand je verlaten en ben je urenlang met meerdere mensen aan het praten via allerlei dating-apps. Mensen komen niet opdagen, of vriendschappen die goed leken, vallen plotseling weg. Als een clown die allerlei trucjes uithaalt, probeer je van alles te leren zodat mensen je aardig vinden. Je krijgt zoveel klappen in je gezicht (figuurlijk, letterlijk of beide) dat de klappen zelfs geen pijn meer doen. Uiteindelijk realiseer je u, waarvoor doe ik dit? Je ontdekt: ik kan wel gelukkig zijn alleen. Er zijn hobby's, boeken, kunst, films. Haters zullen blijven haten en je kunt alleen zijn zonder eenzaam te zijn. Daarom heb je de 'Lone Wolf' Badge verdiend.
II. The Folly of Fools (de dwaasheid der dwazen) Verdiend in 2020
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Yay! Het leven is net begonnen! Je maakt je opleiding af, met of zonder diploma. Je bent klaar om iets op te bouwen. Maar elke keer dat je een baan vindt, een goede vriend, iets dat stabiel is, lijkt het allemaal onder je voeten weg te glijden. Je bent te traag, of het werk is gewoon op. "maar we bellen je wel als we je weer nodig hebben." Stabiliteit lijkt iets uit het verleden te zijn, of iets dat nooit heeft bestaan. Op de één of andere manier is er nog steeds eten en een dak boven je hoofd. Misschien leer je wat vaardigheden en koop je wat gereedschap en proviand voor het geval de boel echt in elkaar stort. Mensen noemen je een dwaas, maar dat vindt je niet erg. In deze snelle wereld van overprikkeling is iedereen een beetje gek; aangezien de meesten geobsedeerd lijken door snelheid, luidheid en geld.
Niemand en niets is logisch, en dat is het enige dat stabiel is, wat je kunt verwachten. Je leerde lachen om de absurditeit van de wereld. Ja, je bent een dwaas, maar wat er ook gebeurt, je zult het overleven. Je lacht en de wereld lacht en knipoogt naar jou. Je hebt de 'Folly of Fools' Badge verdiend met grote onderscheiding! III. The Curse of Connectivity (de vloek van connectiviteit) Verdiend in 2023
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Oké, je wordt geghost op dates, en vrienden laten je vallen. Ja, ja, dat kennen we allemaal. Maar wat is dat? Je kunt niet eens in contact komen met commerciële bedrijven, zelfs als je bereid bent om geld in hun gezicht te gooien? Ach, ja, we zijn zo verbonden in de 21ste eeuw! Je kunt brieven sturen, hun telefoonnummer bellen, sms'en, een e-mail sturen, Whatsapp, Messenger gebruiken, .... En dan vraag je u af, met al deze opties, WELKE optie moet ik kiezen? Er zijn talloze opties en geen van hun lijkt te werken! Bijvoorbeeld: u kunt geen contact opnemen met de computer hersteldienst. Dus u gaat er zelf heen om te ontdekken dat uw computer nog steeds niet is vermaakt! Je gaat naar je klas, maar het blijkt dat de leraar ziek is en je die boodschap niet hebt gekregen. Dan wil je inkopen gaan doen, maar om de één of andere onverklaarbare reden is de winkel gewoon gesloten. Wat is er aan de hand? Het is alsof een sluier je weghoudt van de rest van de wereld. Het kan alleen maar worden verklaard door: The Curse of Connectivity;
De Vloek van Connectiviteit! Door deze vloek te ontdekken, heb je de badge verdiend, helaas zal dit het probleem niet oplossen. Niets kan de vloek opheffen! Ha! Maar het leven is en blijft nog steeds goed.
Dit waren de drie badges die ik tot nu toe heb ontdekt. Heb je enkele van deze Levens Badges gevonden? Weet je misschien het doel van deze badges en hoe je ze kunt verdienen? Is er een beperkt aantal badges? Als je één van deze Levens Badges hebt ontdekt. Of meer over hun weet. Vertel me er dan alsjeblieft meer over!
U kunt contact opnemen via: E-mail: [email protected]
Reddit: u/GreyWalken Vermeld alstublieft 'Levens Badges 2023' zodat ik weet waar u naar verwijst.
Voor meer van mijn creatieve werken, ga naar:
Onthou: dit is fictie ( misschien is het hele universum slechts één verhaal verteld door een buitenaards wezen dat alleen op een verlaten planeet zit of zoiets )
- Bedankt, Emilia Sameyn -
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irvinhahn · 3 months
Exploring the Significance of the Insignia Badge | Irvin H Hahn 
If you're specifically interested in the significance of an insignia badge related to a blog, it's essential to understand that the term "insignia badge" may not have a universally recognized meaning in the context of blogging. However, if you are referring to badges or icons associated with blogging platforms, websites, or blogging communities, here are some potential considerations:
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Credibility and Recognition: 
Some blogging platforms or websites may use badges or insignias to denote credibility or recognition. For example, a badge from a well-known blogging association or a reputable award can signify that the blog meets certain standards of quality or has received recognition within its niche.
Community Building:
 Insignia badges can foster a sense of community among bloggers. It might be a way for bloggers to identify with a particular group, organization, or network. This can be especially relevant in niche blogging communities where members share common interests.
Achievement and Milestones: 
Bloggers might use badges to showcase achievements or milestones. For instance, a badge could signify the number of years a blog has been active, the number of followers, or a significant accomplishment like winning a particular award.
Trust and Authority: 
In some cases, badges may be used to establish trust and authority. For instance, a security or privacy badge on a blog can reassure visitors that the site follows certain security protocols, contributing to a safer browsing experience.
Marketing and Branding:
 Insignia badges can be used as a part of a blog's branding strategy. A well-designed badge can make a blog visually recognizable and help in marketing efforts, especially when shared on social media or other online platforms.
Partnerships and Collaborations: 
Blogs that collaborate with other brands, organizations, or influencers may use badges to signify these partnerships. This can be a way to cross-promote and enhance the credibility of both parties involved.
Firefighter insignia encompasses a range of symbols and badges that play a crucial role in the firefighting profession. These insignias go beyond mere identification, carrying rich symbolism, tradition, and significance within the firefighting community.If Irvin H Hahn has specific products, services, or a unique value proposition, tailoring these general principles to fit the specific attributes of the brand can be highly beneficial. 
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zhongrin · 1 year
cium aku dong?
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, childe, wanderer, cyno, al haitham, tighnari, xiao, ayato, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, kaveh, thoma, dottore, pantalone
◇ tags ◇ fluff, domestic, established relationship, kisses. LOTS of kisses (duh), slight angst (kaeya i'm so sorry), slight suggestiveness on some, slight possessiveness on some
◇ a/n ◇ [en] “kiss me please?” aka the ways they ask for a kiss <3 uh? what... what do you mean i clearly have favorites? i-i don't..... *nervous sweating* ANYWAY. merry xmas yall!! we all deserve fluff this holiday season so enjoy <3
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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“can i have my special tea?”
“darling, may i?”
zhongli is a natural at pulling you in for a kiss; most of the time he doesn’t expect you to kiss back, but he would be over the moon if you do.
you’re passing each other in the hallway of your house? he just leans towards you to place a fleeting kiss on your shoulder. you’re doing something and he passes behind you? he leans over to place a kiss on the top of your head and goes off his way. you sit beside him and plop your head on his shoulder? he smiles and scratches your scalp and places a sweet kiss on your forehead.
unfortunately (for you), on some occasions when he’s feeling a little playful, he might become a little tease; kissing you everywhere but your lips until you protest. to which he’ll chuckle fondly before finally giving in, pressing a soft fleeting kiss that promises you more when the curtains close for the day.
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“kiss meeeeeeeee!!!!”
“[name]…. who was that person....?”
childe is a master of surprise kisses! he makes use of his skill to erase his presence to sneak up on you when you’re relaxing, before suddenly tackling you into a hug and kissing you all over your face.
when he’s in the mood for kisses, he becomes a ravenous kissing monster who can only be satiated after at least fifty proper kisses. or perhaps a few rounds of long, drawn-out make-out sessions.
just don’t deny him of his kisses because then he’ll brood and it’ll be his poor subordinates who get the burnt of his frustration. and if you get gifts on your doorstep with a recruit insignia badge, you probably should storm your boyfriend’s office before he actually kills someone.
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“what? what’s that look for? heh, if you wanted a kiss you could’ve just asked. i~diot.” *cue the heart-piercing, soul-ascending blep*
“hey. come here.”
wanderer is either endlessly taunting you for the whole day, or being very blunt (while blushing furiously) as he motions you to come over. there’s no in-between.
you either kiss him, which will result in a smug smirk and perhaps a haughty ‘hmph, knew you can’t get enough of me’. or you just don’t… which means you’ve indirectly signed an agreement for him to be a total brat™️ for the day until he’s satisfied.
ohhh how unfortunate, your favorite scarf is blown away by the wind. ooooh, seems like it’s raining and there’s no shelter, too bad you don’t have a hat that can function as an umbrella. ooooo, what’s that? you want a hug?
in. your. dreams.
and yet when you kiss him he melts into you within 0.001 seconds.
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“[name], did you know? sloths never kiss on the first date…… they take it slow.”
“can i… hold you? just for a bit?”
when the kiss puns start to drop left right and center, you know it’s cyno’s way to ask for a kiss.
... the man uses his jokes to get people to be less way of them instead of saying it out loud, what did you expect?
he might not realize it, but he stares at you especially hard on these occasions. if it were others, they would have feared for your life, but you know this is cyno’s version of the infamous wet puppy eyes. personally, you think it’s very adorable because it’s so very him, so you can’t help but pretend you don't understand just to tease him more.
the population thinks you must be some kind of a beast tamer in your past life, seeing as how the general mahamatra always faithfully follows behind you and always back down as soon as your touch descends upon him.
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“you’re here. come sit. now kiss me.”
“i need to kiss you so you can testify to kaveh that i am, in fact, not an amateur when it comes to kissing. it would also be good if you can rate your satisfaction on a scale of one to ten- [name], where are you going?”
at the early stages of your relationship, al haitham isn't as insufferable; he takes what he gets, and he’s taking the time to get used to the idea of how he practically has the right to kiss you now.
but when that realization fully, truly sinks in?
oh boy.
he’ll be blunt, straight to the point, and unashamed. he might be blushing the first few times when he asked for your permission for a kiss. but seeing how much you got into it, hearing the breathless way you whisper his name, and witnessing the dopey smile after he’s done with you…
aha. eureka. it appears his expertise extends to kissing too. but of course, he is, as the youngsters these days say, ‘built different’, after all.
so why would he shy away from the activity?
now come kiss him.
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“did you know that fennec foxes go through withdrawals when they don’t receive at least ten kisses per day? it’s true, i have conducted extensive research on it. with me as the research subject, of course, so i know the result is 99.99% reliable.”
“there, i gave you headpats. now will you give me kisses?”
always so dramatic and sassy. tighnari loves seeing the embarrassed look that crosses your face and the adorable giggles that escapes you whenever he tries to initiate the activity.
the fox hybrid likes to pat your head and lean forward so you can press a thank you kiss to his face. he doesn’t even mind where your kiss will land.
nose? kinda ticklish, but that’s very cute of you. cheek? adorable, why thank you. lips? hmmm… do that again.
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“……….. what? i-i wasn’t staring!”
“[name], just a moment…. stay still.”
please just save xiao the embarrassment and kiss him regularly.
although your boyfriend might not look like he enjoys affection, he actually does. he’s just… not used to it and has no idea how to react, much less initiate physical affection. it’s something that he needs a lot of time to get used to, especially with his condition and background.
your protector yaksha is always so gentle when he asks for your loving touches - and most of the time he doesn’t even dare to ask - but the signs are there. you’ll really have to squint your eyes and tilt your head and maybe do a handstand before you realize ‘oh he wants a kiss’.
just. cuddle and kiss him darn it.
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“my, what a fine morning, don’t you agree, sweetheart? it would be even more perfect if i had a morning kiss from my lovely partner, don’t you think?”
“there you are. lock the door for me, darling. now, why don't you make yourself comfortable?”
teasing words here and there, his hand touching your arm more than usual, him stopping when you pass each other in the hallway to make some insignificant small talk even though he’s clearly hurrying to a meeting…
yeah, your overworked man is in dire need of some loving.
if you give in and pull ayato for a quick kiss, he will skip over to his next appointment with a permanent smile. once again, you’ve saved the day of everyone in kamisato estate. great work, you! pat yourself on the back because you deserved it!
but continue to ignore him and you might find yourself being called to his office just to sit on his lap for hours (which, trust me, it gets boring after a while) without kisses or any sort of affection whatsoever... so pick your actions carefully.
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“i know i should be working. but i wanted to… take a break.”
“love, your lips… n-no. it's just that. um. they look dry. here, use my chapstick.”
diluc? taking a break from work??
that diluc???
either he is very sick, or he is very much starved for your love. kindly think back on your day and check when was the last time you gave him a proper kiss, please.
what's that? you gave him a forehead kiss this morning to wake him up? oh. i’m sorry to say this but that’s just not enough. how dare you starve this man for four hours with no kisses. no wonder he’s unable to focus on his documents. please fulfill his lovesick daydream by barging into his office and distracting him from work with your wonderful, soft lips….
... please?
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“work? mmm…. unfortunately my battery is near-empty… o kind, beautiful soul, would you help this poor man back to his feet?”
“hello my love, i came by because your lips look lonely.”
kaeya is very obviously a teasing flirt when he’s needy or bored. mostly he adores the embarrassed look on your face; he thinks it's very adorable and endearing. it's a sight he wishes to treasure and forever imprint in his mind, to peruse when doubt and darker thoughts attack him at night.
but let me tell you a secret.
yank his stupid coat and pull him into a kiss before he can use that sultry voice to tease you. kabedon him when you have the chance to, while you’re at it. watch the cavalry captain become putty in your hands. you’re welcome <3
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“my dove, would you be so kind to quench this wandering man’s thirst for your sweet kisses?”
“it’s rather windy today… there you go, all set. ah, it's okay, i'm not cold. oh, i forgot. just one more thing- *kiss*…. hehe, i can see that you’re warming up already.”
longing looks and poetic words. kazuha kisses you like it’s a stray wind brushing gently on your lips, light and dreamy and leaving you wanting for more. his ruby eyes will droop with affection as you whine and pull him back for more contact. well, who is he to reject your generous invitation?
soon enough one peck becomes two, two becomes three, and then it turns into a soft makeout session and- oh is that beidou yelling at you both to get a room? haha, it seems like it’s time to change locations…
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“[name] look, i finished the blueprint for our dream house! huh? oh, yeah this is the… what, fifth blueprint? well, i can’t help it! we should have at least seven houses in all seven nations- eh? t-the mora? uhhhhh…”
“i need… i need inspiration… my muse… i need my muse…”
you know it’s bad bad when kaveh trudges onto your side like a zombie that’s been out running after people’s brains for far too long.
he slumps onto you completely (good luck supporting a claymore user) and basks in your presence, arms wound tight on your middle section. it seems like you’ve deprived him of kisses for far too long. he’ll recover faster if you hug him back and run your fingers through his silky locks. when he pulls back slightly to pout at you, and you place a sweet kiss on his lips, it’s like you’ve flipped a switch.
the legendary architect's eyes widen and his downturned lips flip upside down. he kisses you back with vigor and runs back to his drawing room shouting about some new calculations and other kind of materials he could use. what a dork.
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“[name]….” *insert the most adorable, heart-wrenching, chest-squeezing, wet puppy eyes here*
“i’ll be going now. have a good day, okay? i love you!”
like a faithful shiba inu, thoma beams and stares at you expectantly near the front door of your shared residence, waiting for that kiss you never fail to give him every single time he’s about to head out to work in the mornings.
will you ignore him and risk getting ayaka to visit you because ‘thoma seems very sad and distracted today, did you have a fight? why don’t you talk it out, i know you both treasure each other', or will you be an angel and make him start his day with the loveliest gift you can bestow your loyal lover?
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“based on the monitoring data of your hormones over the past few hours, it seems that you’re in need of kisses. what? me, lying? making up facts? listen to me. who’s the doctor in this relationship?”
“it appears another segment of mine has been granted the privilege of a kiss, so i demand equal treatment.”
sure, doc. hormones screaming for a kiss. will experience lethargy for the rest of the day if not fulfilled. immediate treatment is preferred as he does not want to be stuck with a grumpy, needy lover for the rest of the day, blah blah blah-
look. i'll translate for you.
he wants a kiss. dottore wants a kiss. just give the mad doctor a kiss.
huh? which segment do you give a kiss to?
….. it seems like all of them want a kiss. you know, just to be fair.
good luck.
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“good day, darling. i see that you’re wearing the necklace i bought you yesterday. you look ravishing indeed.”
“come here, love. i won’t ask twice.”
with every compliment directed your way and with every piece of new jewels added to your collections, pantalone expects you to give back some sort of affection. naturally. everything is a give-and-take, no? he provides you with all the luxuries and convenience a normal civilian can only dream of, and you provide him with what he asks for.
he’s not even asking for much - just don’t look at other men, focus on him and his needs, and pull him into a kiss every fifteen minutes. it's not hard of a task at all. surely you can fulfill it? otherwise, perhaps some disciplinary sessions are in order...
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea
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inky-duchess · 10 months
Fantasy Guide to Royal Orders
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Royalty usually seem weighed down by a lot of medals, badges, chains, ribbons and sashes but each of these little details means something. How can we write them accurately and create our own versions for our worlds?
What exactly is a royal order?
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A royal order is an honour bestowed on a person by the monarch. A royal order is an exclusive reward for those who have provided exemplary service to the nation or monarch or are simply honoured by the monarch for any reason from being close personally. Royal orders can be granted to other monarchs, members of the Royal family or aristocracy or even commoners.
Rank and File
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Most orders have certain classes with the order. The Monarch is always the head of the order, there's usually a Commander of the Order along with every me member being assigned into First Class, Second Class etc. Being a member of the order actually entitles the member to certain privileges, such as a member being able to request the use the home chapel.
Pomp and Circumstance
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A royal order can be bestowed in a grand ceremony or even privately. Some royal orders, including the Order of the Bath and the Order of the Garter, include annual rituals of the recipients meeting all while wearing their acquired medals, sashes and accessories. Being a part of an order would entitle you to attend certain events.
Rules of Wearing a Royal Order
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Orders can be worn at many events. Usually the whole ensemble is worn to Order-centric events such as an investment or a celebration. The sash or riband can be worn at White Tie events or even as part of military uniforms along with the star. Smaller badges and pins can be worn at black tie events.
Family Orders
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Royal family orders are bestowed upon female members of the Royal family to wear at formal events. These are comprised of a diamond encrusted portrait of the current monarch (or any past monarch who granted them the order) worn suspended on a coloured ribbon.
Details of a Royal Order
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Sash or Riband: The sash or Riband is the length of coloured fabric that lies across the chest, secured at the shoulder and hip. These can come in an array of colours to differentiate between each order.
Star: The Star is the diamond pin that is a fixed next to the sash. This will usually be encrusted in diamonds displaying the symbol of the order or the initials of the monarch.
Collars and chains: some orders come with chains of the order that are worn around the neck, usually displaying the symbols of the order. These are usually worn over a cape or with a military uniform.
Badges: Are pins worn at the shoulders usually depicting the symbol or motto of the order.
Medal: Some orders come in the form of a medal suspended on ribbon depicting either portrait of the monarch as worn in family orders or initials of the monarch or just the symbol of the order.
Cape/Cloak: Some orders call for a wardrobe change as well. Some orders require the members to dress in large heavy embroidered cloaks stitched with the insignia of the order. These cloaks were seen most recently at the English Coronation of Charles III.
Lists of Royal Orders for Inspiration
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Order of the White Elephant (Denmark)
Order of Dannebrog (Demark)
Military Willem Order (Netherlands)
Order of Orange-Nassau (Netherlands)
Order of St Catherine (Russian)
Order of St Olav (Norway)
Order of the Garter (UK)
Order of the Bath (UK)
Royal Family Orders of George V, George VI, Elizabeth II etc. (UK)
Royal Victorian Order (UK)
Order of the British Empire (UK)
Order of Merit (UK)
Order of Leopold II (Belgium)
Order of the Lion (Belgium)
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shoezuki · 11 hours
Ok ok ok i cant stop fucking thinkin bout this so like
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These r the silvermane insignias ya? N its essentially badges/medals worn by captains of the silvermanes. So of course it makes sense that gepard would have em on his uniform
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Altho like hes has multiple i Guess? Is he like a captain x3?? Ok thats whatever but what i want to fucking know is why
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andy-wm · 7 months
Jikook and Chusoek and the Guardian of the Moon
(or, the legend of Daltokki)
On the day of this important holiday, I'd just like to remind everyone that the Chusoek moon - the fullest, brightest moon of the year - appears in public park installations, shop displays, on greeting cards, and in photo zones all across Korea at this time of year. It's everywhere.
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^The Chusoek moon, as seen from Busan.
That same moon also appears on Jungkook’s shoulder, highly stylised to emphasize the legendary Moon Rabbit (Daltokki, 달토끼) who lives on the moon making rice cakes.
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Why choose this?
We know that every piece of Jungkook's tattoo is meaningful to him, the imagery choices he's made are not random. The Daltokki moon takes up a lot of real estate on his inked arm, so I looked into the significance of this particular story.
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So what IS the story of Daltokki, the Moon Rabbit?
The legend of the Moon Rabbit is significant in many East Asian cultures and there are several variations of it.
In the Korean version of this story, the rabbit offered himself up to feed a starving old man, who was in fact a king of the gods, disguised as a beggar. The old man was so touched by the rabbit's sacrifice that he revealed his true identity and sent the rabbit to be the guardian of the moon. Now the rabbit lives on the moon, tirelessly pounding ricecakes under a cinnamon tree.
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There's probably some significance to the Chuseok hiloliday itself, since it falls close to his birthday. In fact it falls neatly between both Jimin and Jungkook’s birthdays. But i believe there is something else, something much bigger happening here...
Who in BTS is associated with rabbits?
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Who in BTS is associated with the moon?
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So just to recap:
Jungkook has a rather large tattoo of the moon that is designed to show the rabbit Daltokki.
The rabbit who is the guardian of the moon.
I see, I see...
So, this rabbit and this moon maybe?
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This determined and steadfast rabbit who celebrates, and cares for, and protects his beautiful, shining moon?
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Let's take another look at the tattoo:
It's significantly large, situated on his shoulder like the sleeve patch you might wear if you were in the armed forces or the police department or some other organisation that has an insignia for identification.
The moon is surrouded by a decorative flower border, the kind so frequently seen in Korean imagery, creating a sort of ... emblem.
Like a badge of office, or perhaps a badge of honour?
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So it looks like Jungkook has inscribed on himself, an insignia that identifies him as the guardian of Park Jimin.
Another tattoo, like the JM on his finger, that makes an irrevocable statement to love, honour and cherish... because isn't that what a guardian does?
What else can I say, but
Happy Chusoek, Jikook lovers!
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Hello! A request if it's okay, TF rid2015, minicons from Decepticons, with F! Bot?
Bot's kinda like Snow White in Personality, naive/innocent, good-natured, yet mature or motherly…
Bot's had been raised on earth and by humans, since they're a baby. They don't know anything about cybertron, she still cares/loves Humans and Earth…
The Con minicons, such as Airazor & Divebomb, Backtrack & Ransack, Swelter & Glacius, and also others, had lost or escape, their boss(es)/master(s) and Autobots, and they're in weakened state…
Until they found by Bot and they've been treated kindly by Bot…
Bot and the minicons had dynamic or platonic relationship that kinda like Disney Snow White and the dwarves. Yet the Minicons become very attached to Bot and being protective and aggressive if anything happens to Bot, even they'll harm master(s)…
Also you can add this/these, if you want:
the Reactions/Interactions of the minicons' master, like Fracture and others, and possibly Their Master had a romantic interest/feelings on the Bot
Ooooh! It's been a hot minute since I have heard about the minions. This concept just makes things more interesting.
Hope you enjoy!
Minicons reaction to Bot Buddy with Snow White personality
SFW, platonic, slight angst, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
Rid 2015
Bot Buddy had arrived on Earth when they were still a protoform in an escape pod. Their caregivers put them there in hopes they would escape the war.
When they crash landed on Earth they were met with a group of humans. Good thing Buddy had quickly captured their hearts.
The group decided to raise the young bot in their neighborhood and keep them hidden from the government. Buddy grew up slowly with their new family. They did everything together. From going on camping trips, to hiking around the area, and having movie nights under the stars.
As time went on the original group began to age more rapidly and have more children.
Buddy was there to hold their hands as their times went up.
The children of the group adored Buddy and sought to help them as well. Buddy had their new family again.
Did it hurt Buddy knowing that they would last the next generation after the next? Yes, yes it did. Buddy sometimes would jokingly call it their curse when they got older.
Buddy found solstice in nature after a while. They loved going out into the thick woods. They also managed to befriend groups of animals that they would come to know as their other family. Nature taught Buddy that nothing can stay the same, even if they didn't like it, things had to change.
They met the minicons while on one of their trips through the woods. Buddy had never seen someone else who looked so similar to them. Sure they were smaller than Buddy, but most people were.
The closer Buddy got to the minicons the more they realized they had a problem.
One of the purple ones had gotten pinned down by a land slide and a boulder. The other 3 were trying to move it.
Buddy knew they had to help.
Quietly, Buddy walked behind the minicons and swiftly lifted the boulder off the poor minicon and placed it gently to the side.
"Are you alright?"--Buddy
The minicons were not expecting this!
They had just gotten ambushed by the Autobots and separated from their 'masters'. Then this big boy comes over to help them?
They awkwardly thank the bot and immediately try to find their insignia.
"Where's your badge?"--Divebomb
"What badge?"--Buddy
"You an Autobot?"--Airazor
"What's an Autobot?"--Buddy
"What do you mean what's a bot?! Who's side did you fight on?"--Swelter
"I'm sorry I don't understand."--Buddy
"The war! Which side of the Cybertronian war did you fight on?!"--Glacious
"I don't know any war that happened on Earth with that name. And what's Cybertronian? Is that what I am?"--Buddy
"What... Do you even remember Cybertron?"--Swelter
"Is that the planet where I come from? Old great great grampa always said I came from the stars."--Buddy
"..."-- minicons
The bigger problem has to be issued now.
At first the minis planned on tricking Buddy into thinking the Cons were the good guys and all. But that seemed to be a challenge as the new bot didn't even know the basics of anything.
Glaciuos and Swelter both thought it to be some collaborative ruse to trick them. Divebomb and Airazor thought the same after a bit.
It isn't until they are all making flower crowns and each has an assigned squirrel, that they realize Buddy might have been telling the truth.
The goal of returning to their master's is shot out the window the second one of them makes a mean comment to Buddy.
"Everyone let's go. I'm sure Razorpaw is waiting for you too."-- Fracture
"Oh. You're leaving then... Well it was nice to meet --"--Buddy
"Cut the act you lying pile of scrap!"--Fracture
Collective gasp.
"How dare you swear in front of them!"--Airazor
"They're just a kid!"--Swelter
"We are leaving! C'mon Buddy, we are going to go see Squirrel Ramon and his kids!"--Airazor
Buddy has a bit of explaining to do when they get back home to their family. But it'll be for the best. Buddy can finally have a family that won't disappear in a blink of an eye.
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