#in that???? Art is one of the most beautiful way humans can express themselves and you're just letting a machine do it?? The other day we
child-of-plut0 · 6 months
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AI is killing creativity
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sunderwight · 4 months
y'know what, I think it's kind of interesting to bring up Data from Star Trek in the context of the current debates about AI. like especially if you actually are familiar with the subplot about Data investigating art and creativity.
see, Data can definitely do what the AI programs going around these days can. better than, but that's beside the point, obviously. he's a sci-fi/fantasy android. but anyway, in the story, Data can perfectly replicate any painting or stitch a beautiful quilt or write a poem. he can write programs for himself that introduce variables that make things more "flawed", that imitate the particular style of an artist, he can choose to either perfectly replicate a particular sort of music or to try and create a more "human" sounding imitation that has irregular errors and mimics effort or strain. the latter is harder for him that just copying, the same way it's more complicated to have an algorithm that creates believable "original" art vs something that just duplicates whatever you give it.
but this is not the issue with Data. when Data imitates art, he himself knows that he's not really creating, he's just using his computer brain to copy things that humans have done. it's actually a source of deep personal introspection for the character, that he believes being able to create art would bring him closer to humanity, but he's not sure if he actually can.
of course, Data is a person. he's a person who is not biological, but he's still a person, and this is really obvious from go. there's no one thing that can be pointed to as the smoking gun for Data's personhood, but that's normal and also true of everyone else. Data's the culmination of a multitude of elements required to make a guy. Asking if this or that one thing is what makes Data a person is like asking if it's the flour or the eggs that make a cake.
the question of whether or not Data can create art is intrinsically tied to the question of whether or not Data can qualify as an artist. can he, like a human, take on inspiration and cultivate desirable influences in order to produce something that reflects his view on the world?
yes, he can. because he has a view on the world.
but that's the thing about the generative AI we are dealing with in the real world. that's not like Data. despite being referred to as "AI", these are algorithms that have been trained to recognize and imitate patterns. they have no perspective. the people who DO have a perspective, the humans inputting prompts, are trying to circumvent the whole part of the artistic process where they actually develop skills and create things themselves. they're not doing what Data did, in fact they're doing the opposite -- instead of exploring their own ability to create art despite their personal limitations, they are abandoning it. the data sets aren't like someone looking at a painting and taking inspiration from it, because the machine can't be inspired and the prompter isn't filtering inspiration through the necessary medium of their perspective.
Data would be very confused as to the motives and desires involved, especially since most people are not inhibited from developing at least SOME sort of artistic skill for the sake self-expression. he'd probably start researching the history of plagiarism and different cultural, historical, and legal standards for differentiating it from acceptable levels of artistic imitation, and how the use of various tools factored into it. he would cite examples of cultures where computer programming itself was considered a form of art, and court cases where rulings were made for or against examples of generative plagiarism, and cases of forgeries and imitations which required skill as good if not better than the artists who created the originals. then Geordi would suggest that maybe Data was a little bit annoyed that people who could make art in a way he can't would discount that ability. Data would be like "as a machine I do not experience annoyance" but he would allow that he was perplexed or struggling to gain internal consensus on the matter. so Geordi would sum it up with "sometimes people want to make things easy, and they aren't always good at recognizing when doing that defeats the whole idea" and Data would quirk his head thoughtfully and agree.
then they'd get back to modifying the warp core so they could escape some sentient space anomaly that had sucked the ship into intermediate space and was slowly destabilizing the hull, or whatever.
anyways, point is -- I don't think Data from Star Trek would be a big fan of AI art.
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astroice · 1 year
random astro observations pt. 2🍡
this are only a bunch of observations based on my friends and family, so take what reasonates and leave what doesn’t
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Highlights: cancer, moon, gemini, rising, 4th house, scorpio, mars, saggittarius (a lot), stelliums, 8th house, virgo, aquarius, taurus, pisces, leo
Cancer moons are NOT crybabies, they are so strong and give up a lot only for other people. They tend to feel anything and everything at the same time, extreme sensitivity. They have a special ability comforting their special ones. 
Gemini rising often find people commenting about their eyes, they’re absolutely all the focus of their face. Whether big or small, they are VERY beautiful. (My mom and I are Gemini rising and people always comment ‘wow, what big eyes!’ it’s a bit weird sometimes)
Mars in 4th house is one of the most difficult placements. It means anger or issues around the family and home life. Lots of them are awfully honest abt life and I get kind of a vibe of daddy issues
Scorpio Mars can hurt very deeply only with words and their anger is often is accompanied with a lot of pain. It depends of how you hurt them but they can resent you for years and even take revenge but that also depends of the rest of their placements
Saggittarius Mars are… argumentative? I say it in a good way. If you don’t agree with them, prepare for a 5 hour ted talk, they’ll give you a list of hundreds of the facts they support and why they’re the best way to think
Venus in Virgo people over analyze their relationships A LOT.  They want people who see small details in them and help them to be better in the interior. They might not be most romantic sign but they really put effort in relationships so they get to know you better and give you the love you need
Sagittarius Placements cover their feelings with laughter and humor, they don’t want to be seen as emotional or well, as humans. They try to be optimistic against all problems so they don’t fall into sadness. People describe them as funny but they really need a hug 
Taurus Mars they always react calmly and understating to any argument or situation, their patience is also very strong so they usually don’t get angry. Very good parents and communication although their stubbornness might get them lost
Pisces Stellium have a strong bond with spirituality and dreams. A lot of their lessons come from dreams. They have a special connection with music and express themselves artistically. They almost always are good with instruments especially drums. 
Leo Moons are usually the center of attention without trying. Whether you are good at school, arts or sports but they’re definitely the spotlight 
Libra Venus they have really a kind heart. When someone catches their eye they’ll do whatever they need to do for impressing them. They are HUGE flirts and dream of a love book relationship. A friend has her libra in venus and a guy took advantage of her making her do things she didn’t wanted but it was “a proof of your love”. So people often take advantage of their passionate love
Hope you liked it!
I appreciate comments and questions ❥
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onskepa · 18 days
Hi, could I get a fic where the Sully kids + Spider learn through Norm what a wedding is so they organize one for Jake and Neytiri? Thanks in advance.
Ask and you shall recieve! This is such a cuuuuuuuuuuute idea~!! Hope you and everyone likes it! Enjoy~!!
P.S: Cover was done by none other than @jakexneytiri check her page out! Thank you darling for giving me permission to use your art!
A wedding? A wedding!!!
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Tuk sighs dreamily as she twirls and admires a flower kiri picked for her. Admiring the pretty color as how the sunlight reflects it. It somehow reminds her of her parents' love story, how they met and how they mated. In na’vi standards, it was not ideal but to tuk, it was perfect. Forbidden love? How tragic and romantic! 
Of course she has seen a few small handful of na’vi courting, and heard stories of her friends' parents' romantic paths. Yet she cannot help but wonder, do humans court the way na’vi do? Or is it different? Only one way to find out!
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“Tuk, for the last time, I may be human, but that doesnt mean I know every human custom” spider patiently explains to a happy little tuk. Her tail sways in hopes she can  gather as much information as possible. Even with spider’s lack of knowledge, she doesn't give up! 
“What about uncle norm? He is from Earth, maybe he knows” tuk suggests. 
Spider nods in wonder, slightly agreeing. But then he turns back to her, “why are you interested in human customs all of a sudden?” he asks. Tuk isn't one to search for anything human related, she is fine with what little she is exposed to.  
With a happy smile, all too pleased to be asked that question. 
“I know all about na’vi courting, but I wanna know about human courting! Mom and dad didn't do either, so I wanna know!” 
Shrugging, spider seems to see her point of view. 
“Alright, lets go ask uncle norm” 
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“I'm busy” Norman says without looking at the kids. They give him an unimpressed look. 
“Reading star wars comics for the millionth time doesnt count uncle norm” lo’ak says deadpanned. Norman stayed silent for a few seconds before putting his comic away. 
“What did spider or tuk eat this time?” he asks with a tired sigh. Both spider and tuk gave him a rather offended/surprised expression. 
“WOW, you really take us for a couple of skxawngs?” spider asks, putting his hands on his hips. 
“Sharing jake’s single braincell, yes” 
“Whatever, we didn't eat anything mysterious, yet, but, tuk wanted to ask you something and now we all wanna know” spider defends while slightly pushing tuk forward. 
Having norm’s full attention, tuk finally asks “How do humans court each other?” 
norm ‘s shoulders deflated a bit, “of all people to ask, you had to choose the most single, and lonely human” 
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“Wedding? And the females wear white while the males wear black?” tuk asks as she sees some wedding photos lended by scientists who were married. Norm nods, “thats right. Of course not all weddings are like that, it is traditional but many choose other colors for their weddings” he adds. 
Tuk looks at the various photos of brides, many in odd looking clothing. But all were so beautiful. Different long dresses, each unique to their own. Various flowers tuk has never seen before, and the grooms were also handsome. Wearing similar outfits but also in different styles. The more tuk learned about the concept of weddings, the more she began to form an idea. 
“So, man and woman plan a wedding, woman finds a pretty dress to wear, walks down the tiny path to meet her mate, they kiss and marry right?” she reviews, norm nods again. Sensing something is up. 
“What are you thinking about tuktuk?” Kiri asks. 
A mischievous little grin forms on tuk’s face. Her eyes sparkling with a devious glow. The expression reminds norm of the Grinch when he has a grand scheme.
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Taking the day easy, jake and neytiri hold hands happily as they make their way to the village. They had a rare free day to themselves. No duties to attend to, no training, no meetings, no chasing their kids from death related troubles. None. They were free to do as they like. 
And what they wanted to do for now was stroll in the village, perhaps collect a bit of fruit. Maybe later hunt for a delicious dinner neytiri has in mind. So many possibilities. 
“Woa, is it just me or are the people acting strange?” Jake asks, He and neytiri notice the odd behavior of the people. Many give them happy smiles, way too excited greetings, some even offer special gifts! 
“Is there something we missed?” Jake wonders. Neytiri tries to remember but nothing seems to remind her. 
As they walk further, there was a huddle of na’vi, all their eyes and ears facing the same direction. Jake and neytiri make their way through, and see someone giving them instructions….
“And look for white flowers! Anything will do, oh and those beads will do so nicely! Yes yes, and take the woven clothes over there! That path must be super pretty!” 
It was tuk. 
And she was giving directions to everyone like a tiny, cute boss. 
“Tuk?” Neytiri calls out in confusion. 
Her little one heard her, smiling, tuk makes her way to her parents with a happy squeal.
“Hey babygirl, what's going on?” Jake asks as he picks her up in his arms. Tuk just giggles and snuggles up to him. 
“Planning your wedding! Duh!” she responds as if that was the most obvious thing. 
“Wedding? What?” There were a lot of things going through his mind. 
Neytiri was just as confused. 
“What is a wedding?” she asks. But before tuk can happily answer, the rest of their children returns. With arms full of things. 
“Ok tuk, took us forever but we got what you needed” lo’ak said with a tired sigh. He, neteyam, kiri and spider were holding flowers, beads, baskets full of white colored cloths, and black paint. 
“Kids, what is going on?” Jake asks, more eager to know the answer. Because nothing is making any sense to him. 
“Tuk wants to make a special wedding for you guys” kiri replies as she shows tuk her findings, who nods in approval. 
“What is a wedding??” Neytiri asks a bit loudly. 
Tuk clears her voice, “a wedding is a special mating ceremony for humans. They decorate everything so pretty in white! The female wears a special gown called a wedding dress, and she walks down a flower covered path to meet her mate at the end. Where someone who holds spiritual power blesses them, the mates speak their vows and promises and kiss! Uncle norm showed me!” 
The little smiled so proudly of this knowledge being shared. 
Jake inwardly groans. Damn norm. 
“Tuk, sweetie, is that why are you doing this?” he asks another question. Tuk just rapidly nods. 
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“A wedding….” Neytiri repeats, still trying to wrap her head around the idea. 
The sully family returned to their home in need of a family meeting. 
“Why…?” she asks. 
Tuk plays with her fingers, feeling more nervous by the second. 
“Well…..you and daddy tell your love story all the time. How you guys met and stuff. But you never really did any courting like everyone else. Grandma says that courting is very important, to see if the relationship is possible. I thought a wedding would be nice for you two….cause you never courted…” she explained her reason. 
Neteyam was sitting behind her, rubbing her back to sooth her. 
There were many things to go over of what she said. Jake brings tuk over to his lap, releasing a deep sigh. 
“Am I in trouble” Tuk asks worriedly. Both of her parents shake their heads. 
“No baby girl, but you can't do things like this without telling us. Or even asking, how are you sure we wanted this?” Jake pointed out as gently as he could. 
Neytiri turns her head towards her oldest four, “and all of you for not stopping her”. 
“We also thought it was a good idea…” neteyam answers while scratching the back of his head. 
“When uncle norm taught us how humans courted, tuk wasn't the only one to like the idea. And it is true what she says mom. You two never really had the chance to do it right. Why not now?” Kiri tries with calmness in her voice. Knowing her mother is very short tempered when it comes to anything human related. 
Neytiri and jake look at each other, a special communication between them. 
“You did take me straight to the tree after my trials were finished….” jake reasoned. Neytiri rolls her eyes but fondly remembers that night. Yes, she did, she was not going to let him slip away now could she? 
And there really was no room for courting since the war started literally the next day.
Going over her options, Neytiri turns to tuk and jake. 
“How does human courting work…?” 
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Whatever pace the people were working at, doubled. By either prayers, or some miracle of Eywa, neytiri accepted to wed in the human custom. Tuk wasted no time and needed back up from the help of uncle norm. Who became her second in command in all of the organization. 
Her siblings become her little servants, repeating her orders to the people. 
And someone had a big role to play. 
“Come ma’ite, we must get you fitted” mo’at say with a bright smile on her face. Gently she tugs neytiri to her hut, kiri and other fellow na’vi woman takes her away. 
“Fitted for what?” neytiri asks, feeling a bit excited for whatever is to come. 
“For your wedding dress mom” kiri replies. Closing the flaps of the hut, the ladies began to work their magic. 
While on the other side, jake was being taken to a different hut, being led by his three sons. 
“Seriously?” jake says while raising an eyebrow. 
“Tuk’s orders” lo’ak grins a bit smugly. 
A few handful of Jake's friends entered the hut with him, with preparations of getting him ready. 
“Oh, and dont forget to write your vows!” spider reminds as he snaps fingers in remembering what tuk told him. 
“My vows?” 
“This is going to take awhile” 
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“Oh yeah, its all coming together” tuk says, pride grows in her little heart as the wedding decorations and the set up is nearly completed. 
Norm was beside her, whistling impressed. “Gotta hand it to you tuk, you do know how to design” he compliments. This makes little tuk humph with glee. 
They were at the spirit tree, white veils, flowers, the Atokrinia’s floating around elegantly. Her image displayed ever so perfectly. 
“Ok, it's all set tuk!” lo’ak says as he with kiri, spider and neteyam arrive. 
“Good! So we are good to go!” 
“Almost” kiri teases. 
“We just need one more thing” neteyam smiles, but tuk was panicking a little. 
“Did we forget something? It's the bells, isn't it? Dang it I should have-” she was interrupted mid sentence when she felt something land on her head. 
Looking at what it was, it was a flower crown. 
“A wedding isn't complete without a flower girl” spider says. Gasping in happiness and surprised, tuk shouts in great joy. 
“Come on, we still got time!” the three siblings drag tuk away to have her be the prettiest flower girl pandora has ever seen!
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The flutes began to play, releasing harmonic sounds as the notes echoed to the people’s ears. Ninat taking the lead of the melodious choir, her voice and the others balance with the instruments. In tune to perfection. 
The Atokirina floating all around, giving the path a heavenly glow. 
The people sat anxiously, all in rows as they respectfully cleared one long path. 
A path the tuk carefully walks through as she delicately lays flower petals. A flower crown on her head, wearing the cutest light pink loin cloth and pearl like bead top. Tuk truly looked like a flower girl. Behind her was the bride. Her beautiful mother, The one where all eyes go to see. 
Neytiri walks gracefully on the path her daughter leads. Wearing an all white outfit, her loincloth, her top, her head piece, and the veil she wears. All white. Her hair braided loosely behind, flowers decorated on her hair as well. Neytiri never felt more beautiful than she did at this moment. With a bouquet of flowers she holds tightly, her eyes search for her mate. The love of her life, Jake. 
At the alter, at the root base of the spirit tree was Jake. In all of his might glower, wearing a black loin cloth as his warrior armor at the waist, his hair braided in the similar fashion he wore during the war. Feather and bead amended to the braids, and small black paint to enhance his handsomeness. Jake looked so good it made neytiri want to run towards his arms. 
As they reached the altar, tuk took her place beside kiri who was wearing a style similar to tuk. Neteyam, spider and lo’ak beside their father as they admire their mother. 
Jake offers his hand to which neytiri happily accepts. Removing the veil to reveal her beautiful face, jake could help but mutter “beautiful” in awe. Together they both turn to face mo’at who smiles with heavenly joy. 
“Welcome everyone. Today, we gather in great celebration to bring these two wonderful people into union. Through trials and tribulations, these two souls have been challenged time and time again. But their love has pulled them through. Proving to us all that love truly conquers all. That being with your true one, anything can be accomplished” 
mo’at gestures to Neytiri and Jake that it was time to say their vows. 
But as they speak, tuk listened as best as she could. Hearing her parents story over and over never waivered with time. If anything it only sounded better each time. And hearing their vows right before her big eyes, it was adding a whole new perspective. 
Yes, tuk is a sucker for romantic things. Even if her siblings tease her, tuk won't stop. And seeing this made her love romance even more. 
“And by the great blessing of our great mother Eywa, I can now happily announce, Jake and neytiri as husband and wife! You may now-” 
Neytiri didnt let her mother finish as she dragged Jake down to kiss him like her life depended on it. Jake happily reciprocates. 
The na’vi cheered in celebration. Applause, screeches, everything was heard. 
Tuk sighs dreamily as she sees her parents kiss. 
“I can't wait to get married” 
Kiri: “never” 
Spider: "nope"
Lo’ak: “not gonna happen” 
Neteyam: “over my dead body”
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Okie so this kinda became a tuk main story but I like it how it turned out. What do you guys think? Until next time! See ya!
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ivesambrose · 2 years
Pick a picture ♔ 𝔜𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔩𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔠𝔶
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1. 2. 3.
The definition of “Legacy” is something that is passed on. But Legacy can take many forms. A Legacy may be of one's faith, ethics and core values… A Legacy may be monetary or your assets… A Legacy may come from one's character, reputation and the life you lead – setting an example for others and to guide their futures.
To book a personal and in depth reading with on this topic or any other query you have with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name and query
Services Offered
Thanks for the tip 🌹
Picture 1
You'll be known for the bonds you've built and cultivated.
For some this can manifest as a love story or relationship that sets an example or standard for others. That despite distance or inherent differences or your past how you showed up for each other and how you treated one another whether it lasted or not.
You'll leave behind a community that feels like a safe haven to a lot of people.
Some of you may have a legacy of a healthy loving family with strong values and morals. You've chosen not to pass down the pain or trauma you've endured or been projected upon and decided to break the cycle instead.
You may also make a shelter or donate to them or start a business or community that grows bigger with time that encourages people to freely express themselves or experiment with things that haven't been done before.
You're a humanitarian at heart even if there are days you don't see the humanity in people.
You will inspire others to break cycles that are detrimental to them.
Your energy is very encouraging and kind yet creative and prone to discovering new things, always seeking to find the silver lining in the worst situations. You do have excellent foresight and try not to get swayed by the doom and gloom surrounding the world. You seek to bring at least one, however small hopeful and beautiful thing into this world and you will succeed in the same.
Picture 2
Wealth and power. Lot of it.
I believe this is my saturn in aquarius group or saturn and/or jupiter dominant group.
You have endured a lot in your life so far, it may feel like you're centuries old inside a tiny body sometimes.
You'll be known for something no one or very few have done. I believe you'll pave the way for others.
Your mind and your subconscious is the most powerful asset you have. Use it well.
You'll have success in foreign lands.
Your wealth and sucess will be accumulated over time. So you might be a late bloomer but this will be to your advantage.
You'll be known for your wisdom, discipline, eccentricity, experimental, optimistic and diverse nature.
Quite a lot of people will look up to you even though you'll prefer to live a life of privacy.
Picture 3
You'll be known for your words and the way you've healed people through your gifts.
Perhaps you're mercury or water dominant?
Your art, your idealism, your vision, the way you romanticise your life and seek out your dreams.
You also know how to express pain, grief and disappointment in ways that gives others a chance to relate and heal.
I see you perfecting something overtime or getting stronger with what you already possess.
You'll likely have a victory you'll feel guilty over but soon learn to forgive yourself for and realize that you deserve good things too without harshly judging yourself for it.
Some of you may be singers, actors, cinematographers, visual artists, painters, psychics, healers, physicians, therapists etc
You'll be a muse and mystery to others like they haven't comprehended your true essence or your heart but will always remember your beauty, compassion and the way your words or your presence has impacted them.
I feel a lot of people might see you as illusive and unattainable or a complete mystic and some will see you rather motherly regardless of gender, intuitive and extremely intelligent. Someone ahead of their time.
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I always find the 'semiotics' or symbolic language of media interesting from an evolutionary perspective. Recently online there was a bit of a discussion about run cycles in animation; a guide to running written by Hayao Miyazaki from back in 1980 for which we had the text due to its inclusion in collected-writings book Starting Point has been missing its original accompanying visuals for all this time. Someone (Rebekah Machemer) found and scanned those drawings so now we have the complete work:
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Very cool stuff, and really great to recover any lost production media like this. In the essay itself Miyazaki gets a bit philosophical - why care about running animation at all?
Above all what is most important is what one wants to express through the act of running…Men of strong resolve, who are wearing heavy armor and carrying swords, should run in a way that weak extras cannot. The running of surging masses on fire with anger, the running of a child doing his best to hold back tears until he reaches his house, the running of a heroine who has forsaken everything but the desire to flee—being able to show wonderful ways of running, running that expresses the very act of living, the pulse of life, across the screen would give me enormous delight. I dream of someday coming across a work that requires that kind of running.
On the one hand this all resonates; make the character visual, express their identity through motion, etc. On the other hand...girl who runs like this? I don't run, like, at all! It's not a common occurence in my everyday life to see a single person running, and if I do it is 99% of the time someone working out. I am pretty sure when I do run its way less an expression of my Forsaken Herione vibes and instead an expression of my 12-hours-a-day-on-a-computer workout routine.
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-How you think you look running
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-How you actually look running
What I am not saying here is that Miyazaki is wrong or anything to care about running. Instead I am saying that when he discusses how beautiful the act-of-running is, that is only partially coming from observing reality; it primarily comes from animation as a medium. Animation's value-add is the art-in-motion, you want the screen to be expressing itself to the audience through movement. You as an audience member want to see the animator themselves express their own aesthetic to you through that movement. There are a million ways to make that happen but running is one of the strongest; its character focused, universally applicable, common *enough* that you know what it looks like, you can make it diegetic to a climax if the plot demands it, etc. It makes sense for animation to utilize it, and it does - more than just animation, film all over does! It's a universally common symbol in the language of film with decades of meaning built into it.
But that meaning does not first come from real life, it comes from those demands of film-as-a-medium. In all likelihood no one has ever emoted a climactic meaning to you while running, or after running, you don't have a frame of reference for that. When you, as a viewer, are emotionally moved by the act of running, you feel that because film as a medium taught you to feel that. Compare it to how animation/film often focuses on the eyes and mouth for expressing emotion - that is not an invention of film, that is how real human beings communicate, when talking to a person you focus primarily on their eyes and mouth. The semiotics of film's language around eyes is built primarily from real life, which is much less true for running.
What is cool is how much of a semiotics of running animation has been built up given its origin within the demands of the medium. Miyazaki had a hot take and a desire to see artists push the craft as early as 1980; since then I can think of hundreds of running cycles artists have put their own touch on. I think of these as real Artist moments - it is something that the craft leads you to that you become obsessed with perfecting, existing for its own sake, something that interplays between observation and pure creativity. I can see these scenes now outside their own story, as the use and evolution of language. Which is neat!
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taytaay131313 · 1 year
This has been sitting in my drafts for months but I will finally post it even if it gets 0 likes and nobody agrees.
Gaylors have it the hardest and we always get hated on the most but being a Kaylor fan makes it even harder. Why? Because to this day we can still find connections to Kaylor even in a year such as 2023. Ask again why? Because Taylor’s fandom is based on what has been Taylor’s public image since the very beginning and that is being linked with a man. That gives fandom a reason not to read into her art too deep. Ask again why? Because people who are afraid to express their opinion if it is different than general public’s opinion will rather let themselves be naively convinced that what general public is saying is what is probably right and go with it. Because if you slightly think there has to be something with all the queer themes in her art you are 1. delusional, 2. you are not her fan, 3. you are forcing her out of the closet, 4. you are forcing and pushing your sexuality on her and for that you will be getting cancelled,mass bullied even get death threats. So you will rather stay in the dark age and go with general public’s opinion because it is EASIER. Ask me again why? Because Karlie Kloss in the swiftie fandom has been portrayed as the most horrible human being to ever walk this earth and it is so IN and TRENDY to hate her every day, 24/7. It is how you gain your fellow twitter and tiktok and instagram friends and following for hating on Karlie Kloss. Because that is what the largest part of Taylor’s fandom does. And you would rather be “popular” than open minded.Kaylor fans have been fans for YEARS before most of the fans that harass us right now. Again why? Being a Kaylor is hard even amongst other gaylor fans because out there is also a big portion of queer fans who do not like the idea of Taylor and Karlie together. And these are just a few of the reasons we get bullied the most in the fandom because Kaylor at least to me still makes the most sense than all other theories and I am not humbling people who believe in Swiftgron or any other ship I am saying this in the nicest way possible. This is like a “pick your own hero” and go with it. I picked mine long time ago. I will stan Kaylor together or apart. I love Taylor Swift from the bottom of my heart on her own. I love Karlie Kloss from the bottom of my heart on her own too. My idea of the most beautiful love story is them together and if it’s not I will still keep supporting them regardless of them even being linked with each other again or not. They deserve to be remebered for all the beautiful legacy they will be one day leaving behind.
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hunted-the-amiba · 3 months
Something I’ve ruminated on today is the conversion of negative or difficult thought into creative works. More often however it’s the opposite.
There’s this unspoken understanding that an artist, whether it be through words on a page, paint on a canvas, or a singers voice (or an infinite other option considering the breadth of human expression), can translate their inner sorrows and demons into works of beauty. These works are often lauded as a premier piece of art for its medium.
I don’t know if this is healthy for people as a collective however.
Now I am by no means discounting the people who have healed from wounds by creating. Everyone’s process for dealing with those feelings and thoughts is unique, and there is magic in seeing one turn those thoughts into something that communicates a feeling or state so primal. There is wonder in those pieces and I will never insult or doubt that.
What I do not like is the way we have turned these individual expressions of individual experiences into almost an expectation. Perhaps I am uniquely alone in this observation, but I have seen a general pressure to translate what you’re going through into art. That the way an artist copes is through creation, and whilst I think that every artist does this in one or another, I don’t think it should be the one way.
There have been times where I have sat infront of a blank page, wondering why I cannot turn the hurricane of sorrow and fear inside me into… something. Anything. I think we assume that’s how we break the dam. That in order for it to be released and not ruminate in, we must create.
Perhaps this the consequence of culture that alway more and more of the people who live it. Perhaps it is because we expect so much of those who create, that because they weave great works that we see ourselves in we assume through some paradoxical form of empathy that they must be using their art to tame their beasts the same we use their art for that.
Do you know how I’ve gotten out of my toughest moments? Those situations where I feel like I’m drowning? Sometimes, albeit rarely, I have written myself to shore when the inspiration struck. But most of the time? It was my friends. I know it’s cheesy. And we are so afraid of that in these days of grim media and grimer reality.
But it’s true. You need to find the people who will lift you out of the water, and who you’d do the same for.
I have seen people damage themselves more, by picking at their wounds for the sake of arty. The extra damage is small, and maybe the end result is healing enough. But I worry it isn’t. If you keep picking a scary while it is healing, you will cause it to bleed again, and I think this is the same for mental wounds.
Yes some mental wounds require you to go in with a surgeons tools to pry out and analyze what hurt you, so that you may best deal with its consequences. But other times I think it wise to acknowledge you have been hurt, do what you can to stop the bleeding, and then move on.
Perhaps this is the raving of an exhausted writer, with to much time to think, but to little imagination to turn pain into words. Perhaps I am wrong. But even then I hope that this has made you reflect on how you cope and deal with pain, especially creatively, and maybe realize you can do it better. Self improvement is an eternal road, that is what makes it beautiful after all.
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crazilust · 2 years
Geminis in pop culture and how they're underrated
Whenever we think about high intelligence, progress, innovations in regards to astrology, most of the time, we come up with Earth signs such as Capricorns, Virgos or Tauruses. Aquarius is also brought up often when it comes to progress and genius. It's crazy to me Gemini, which is ruled by the literal planet of intelligence and communication, is so often forgotten.
Kanye West ( Sun in Gemini, Jupiter in Gemini and Lilith in Gemini)
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According to certain websites, he would be a Cancer rising, which would means his Gemini would be in the 12th house along with the three aforementioned placements.
Kanye is the perfect example of the genius strike that we often forget in Geminis. Kanye as a rapper, can be seen as a pioneer of both hip hop and rap. His refusal to do what other people were doing changed the game forever. Hate it or love him, the format of the today's rap songs are largely influenced by him. This is due, in fact, mostly because of Gemini's mutable qualities. Mutable signs are meant to disrupt the system. They are meant to bent the rules to their liking, wether you like it or not. If you even look at artists' birth charts you can see that they have major mutable placements no matter the element (water, fire, air or earth). But let's go back to Geminis because I actually think it's the combination of every aspect of Geminis that make them so powerful. We'll come back to that later.
Since the beginning of Ye's career, his goal was to share his story. He wanted the audience to immerse themselves fully in his world, no matter what that particular world was. That's also one of the reason why some albums created so much noise, because it was so raw. I feel that is so Gemini of him. Let's not forget that Geminis are ruled by Mercury. The literal planet of intelligence, communications, mental stimulation and curiosity. That said, if you mix the mutable aspect of wanting to disrupt the rules with Mercury's quality of wanting to communicate and share, you get someone that's not ashamed to give you the full depth of their human experience, no matter how disturbing it is.
Kanye has been shamed a lot for this, people accusing him of switchings beliefs from one extreme to another. Which is true (and kinda the reason why I don't like him as much as a person anymore, but let's move on). And that, too, is very Gemini of him. They get hated on so much for this trait, but I do believe as artists, that trait can get them so far, if they use it as a way to express the duality within them.
To me, art is supposed to make you feel something, no matter if the emotion is deemed negative or positive. And that's how you feel with a Gemini, Kanye being a prime example. He's able to pour his point of view and feelings into his art and we just get to witness that. And yes it's uncomfortable, because we would rather see the world in black and white. Geminis are not like that. They see and understand every point of view and rarely take side.
I love Geminis artists, man. Since I was a child.
2. Emma Chamberlain ( Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in Gemini)
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With Emma, what I want to highlight within the sign of Gemini is the intelligence and level of adaptability, like-ability and charisma that ooze from them. Emma Chamberlain is a young Youtube star who gained popularity for her vlog videos and unique editing style. One of the main reason she also got hate was the fact that she seemingly got famous for... well, nothing. That is the beauty and curse of Geminis. Most of what they do seem effortless, and I think that's why they're so underrated. Emma was able to capture your attention with a vlog that was as mundane as a short trip to the thrift store. How did she do it?
Geminis are about mental stimulation. Their brains is going at 200 mph at all time. They're always thinking of stuff, and Emma just had the brilliant idea to record herself and let that out of her brain. They have a way of recounting stories that is absolutely fascinating, you cannot do anything but listen. There's a reason why there's so many youtubers and rappers that are Geminis. They are good with words (that mix of Mercury and air is sweet, I'm telling y'all).
Another thing that I noticed is how good they are at marketing themselves (Mercury also rules commerce). They know how to make every part of themselves appealing and sellable. Everything that Emma wears become a trend. I totally attribute that to her Gemini placements (her mix of Taurus placements also helps i'ma be honest).
In conclusion
Geminis are pioneers, not only because they refuse to play within the limits of the game, but also because they are constantly evolving. Incredibly intelligent and insightful, they are able to recognize what the audience wants from them and give them even more than what they initially asked for. Creative and honestly quite weird, the moment they accept to share who they truly are to the world, they become everyone's model to copy from head to toe. They are able to stay solid within a high pressure environment and that makes them able to handle fame at quite a high level, actually.
advice : If you want to be famous or think you're meant to be, and you don't have the usual placements that is associated with fame (leo, capricorn, virgo, scorpio) please look at where Gemini is in your chart and work off of that. It'll be incredibly helpful.
If you read to the very end, I wanna know your Mercury sign and where is it placed in your chart. I love you all regardless,
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hamletisintown · 8 months
Fae people: Spiders
Scattered about in small villages, spiders sometimes seem more primitive or asocial than Insect Faes. It is a false assumption however ; their society is simply organized in a more horizontal way, with very little hierarchy. Every social unit, be it a village, a small regroupement or even just a family, decides together on everyone's roles and duties. When a decision must be made that might affect more spiders than just this one unit, such as matters of conflict and war, gatherings are organized for people to discuss, debate, and vote on the course of action. A council is often elected to oversee such debates, usually consisting on the oldest and wisest, as well as the strongest and most admired members of the community. A small group of people with varied expertise, able to give advice on different matters, and rule a decision when the community is too divided to come to one by themselves.
Spiders can boast of a few special abilities that differentiates them from other Faes and greatly shaped their way of life.
>Multiple pairs of eyes. Like most people, spiders have 2 eyes that can see in the same spectrum of light as normal humans. The secondary eyes however allow them to perceive some ultraviolets, which can be useful for better distinguishing certain plants and animals that bear patterns only visible in this spectrum. Some nocturnal spiders can even see in the infrared spectrum which useful for seeing in the dark.
>Weaving. Spiders use their hair as thread to weave cloth, rope, and even magic! Most spiders know how to weave at least some simple creations, as it is one of the staples of their culture. Clothes are an important means of self-expression and standing, and many spiders, especially those that are well-off or are clothes weavers themselves, will show off some beautiful colorful clothes.
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Spider hair is made of different materials than other people's hair, and grows faster too. Many spiders and especially hunters and warriors will keep their hair long so they can use it on the fly if needed. Using thread and ropes to fight is one of the spiders' specialty, and tricky to counter when you're not used to it. Alternatively, spiders that don't weave much or at all regularly cut their hair and donate it to weaver workshops.
Some weaving arts have been passed down for generations in certain families. If regular weaving is already well consideredd, magic weaving is even more important for spiders. Its mysteries are well-guarded and it has brought spiders strength and protection against enemies for centuries. Some few magic weavers will specialize in weaving information into webs and become Archivist, a very small group of weavers dedicated to keeping history and other very important information alive in a hidden library.
>A second pair of arms. Like many Insects' wings, they can appear and disappear mostly at will (and like Insect's, clothes get in the way of them, which is why most spiders keep a lot of their torso uncovered, or covered with a layer of clothes that is easy to remove) and while they do require a bit of training to learn how to use them in tandem with their main arms and can be a bit much at times, they can truly boost a spider's speed and/or maneuverability in many activites such as fighting or weaving. Very rarely, a spider will be so skilled at what they do with their 4 arms that they might be able to sprout and use a 3rd pair. It is extremely hard as it requires a lot of focus, dexterity and training. A few legendary warriors and weavers are known to have had 6 arms.
>Venomous fangs. Spiders possess special glands that allow them to produce venom. The potency and effects of it can vary slightly from individual to individual, and some people don't produce venom at all. Dedicated hunters, or people with particularly potent or useful venom will regularly drain their glands and store the venom to use it later or sell it.
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Spiders and Insects have a long history of not getting along well. The 2 groups simply have very different ways of seeing things. Spiders think of Insects as weak-willed, gregarious and clumsy, while Insects see spiders as primitive, cunning and scary people. Spiders sometimes have the reputation of being cowards, because of their fighting philosophy, relying on traps, poisoned weapons, and strategic hit-and-run ambushes. Such fighting style is adapted to smaller numbers of fighters. They themselves consider Insects cowards as well because they prefer to fight in bigger swarms and battalions.
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These are just my thoughts, I understand that many others feel differently.
There have been times in the past that I’ve felt frustration or anxiety about Taylor not coming out potentially ever, while continuing to drop “hints”.
(I personally feel like she has unofficially come out and is only not officially coming out because of all of the many many other closeted people she would be betraying if she really told her truth, AND for the purpose of privacy, which is in no way exclusive to closeting, straight entertainers also have PR relationships and keep their personal lives to themselves as is their right to do. But that is only background on how I feel about why Taylor is doing what she is doing, and why I don’t feel in any way entitled to her coming out. This post is just about my personal emotional experience of coming to peaceful terms with being an attentive fan in this situation.)
I have always *loved* following the lyrical and other Easter eggs to Taylor’s truth. While I went through a couple of album cycles of disappointment when the build up didn’t culminate with an official coming out, I have grown to truly be at peace with this little upside down world/wonderland/Narnia that we live in as fans who see a deeper meaning to her work.
I’ve seen some people express that if she isn’t going to come out they would rather her not leave Easter eggs at all. I very wholeheartedly disagree.
On a selfish/personal level, continuing to see the sapphic themes we’ve identified in her songs, the symbols for her truth in her branding and rollouts, reminds me that I’m not making all of this shit up. If she were to suddenly stop, I would personally feel a little ungrounded, like it must have all been coincidences. I would also have far less deeply relatable music from an unbelievably talented lyricist, to listen to.
Sure there are plenty of other sapphic writers/musicians I love, but Taylor is irreplaceable. Her work is unique as a closeted woman, because when you can’t name a feeling you have to describe it, when you can’t tell a story in plain language, you have to tell it in allegory and metaphor, leading to work that is not only relatable, it makes you understand your own experiences and feeling more deeply and in a way that other writing can’t.
On an empathetic level, it baffles me that anyone would ask Taylor to stop putting her real experiences and truth in her art. The same themes we see in folklore and evermore and midnights are present in her debut album. Taylor has always shown her true rainbow colors in her writing, whether she was doing so intentionally or not. Her whole life and happiness is her art, and her art includes not only her lyrics, but her music videos and her era aesthetics, and everything that goes into presenting her songs to her audience.
Her art is her outlet. Taylor has explicitly expressed that her writing holds her truth, it’s the only place she can emote genuinely. Being a visual artist myself, my work is the only place I can channel certain emotions. I can’t imagine censoring myself in that part of my life.
Taylor, by her own admission (in some of her most beautiful lyrics yet) has made many mistakes and unsavory compromises in her navigation of these choppy waters. I am not saying that she is blameless or flawless. She is human. Which is kind of my point.
I want to go on record that I will enjoy following her “hints”, for the rest of my life, if she never come out - or for many years to come if she one day chooses to unearth the roots of closeting in the entertainment industry with a tell all autobiography or docuseries.
I can’t wait to see what her next step is, and I’m honored that she entrusts us with everything that she does. Getting glimpses of her truth, and reading/listening to her endlessly impressive reflections on her experiences. Everyone longs to be seen and recognized by their community. I want her to know that i see her. So many of us see you. And we love you.
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raw-law · 28 days
Been thinking about this recently...do you think there's a positive correlation between creativity and mental health issues? It seems to be so, based on illustrious examples...and if so, why do you think it occurs?
- Anon 🍰
i'm not sure if it's always necessarily positive, but i do believe mental health and creativity play hand-in-hand with each other constantly.
not only has there been many major examples of it shown throughout history, the most prominent one i can think of being william charles utermohlen (an artist with alzheimers who drew self portraits of himself that slowly degraded overtime), but they intertwine in more minuscule things as well. true art will always be connected to humanity in some way. i don't believe you can make art without inserting some part of you into each piece. it's why so many people often use art to cope or for expression. and whether the artist intends it or not, it will always reflect the individual to some extent.
this is the exact reason why art can either ease or prolong mental health issues depending on what happens to the user. if art is about putting yourself onto a canvas, it also means having to dig into yourself to provide that, whether it's conscious or subconscious. digging into yourself means either finding who you are or losing yourself entirely. it's very much a gamble, and the risk is greater the more unstable the person is. but i do think the positives still outweigh the negatives. art is far more important than the slim of credit society gives it. artists define the issues in us. you can't find the cure without knowing the root first.
i'm not sure how much of this made sense. i was rattling off a lot of things without organization, but hopefully it was at least a little interesting to read.
I'll say this, Anon: I don't really know a lot about arts and the like, so I'm only offering this opinion based off my current (limited, perhaps) knowledge of it.
In my view, art and mental health definitely have some sort of correlation. They're both interchangeable as either the cause or the effect.
Someone unstable can make great art, like how making great art can---perhaps---make the artist slightly unstable over a period of time.
Even though I don't know as much about art as (maybe) Ryuzaki does, I do enjoy looking at it, and the best art is always raw, authentic. It makes the viewer feel something that they didn't even know was there. And, obviously, the people creating this kind of art will have to put in unimaginable sacrifices to create something so beautiful for their audience. And putting in that kind of sacrifice...can break the person sacrificing it, I suppose. It's hard, digging out parts of yourself to give to the obscure notion of 'art'. Maybe, for some people, it's even a compulsion---it's something they have to do, something they have to use to either know themselves even better, or to break themselves open entirely.
Ryuzaki explains this better than I do, I'll admit. I got somewhat sidetracked on it. But thanks for the question, Anon. It's an interesting one.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Some spoilers from a person trained in literary criticism, after opening youtube and cringing hard at the title of a video and it had me screeching in annoyance at people who thinks consuming a lot of fiction automatically makes you a Literary Critic, and that will mix personal taste with objective truth.
A long, rantful tirade under the cut that I may or may not delete later.
ALL art is derivative. Or at least, Literature surely is. The great breakthroughs are so because they refused some conventions. Meaning that they had those conventions in mind and actively chose not to follow them. They're still derivative. Using "Fanfiction" as a slur is perfectly pointless and not that slur you think it could be, and "originality" is not something we should praise so much and looks so much to... Not if we don't want to be disappointed. Nothing is truely original in art, not in the "Never done before" way (one could argue that early cinema was original? Oh sure, as a mean of expression! But take a moment and consider "People travelling to the moon" as a theme in literature. I can trace it back at the II century AD, and I wouldn't be surprised if the theme came up before that in other cultures I am not so knowledgeable of. Méliès' Voyage dans la Lune is original in execution because cinema was new... As for the story? Still derivative!
The concept of "Mary Sue" as a slur should die. Really. Stop. That type of character may not speak to you and that's very valid, it's your right in not liking it! still doesn't make it objectively bad or evil, or something to despise. Two people will read the same book in two different ways. That's the beauty of literature: it's not high school math which has a right and a wrong answer. Literature and Humanities work in shades of grey. If some people need to have a main character that's clumsy, that's beautiful but very unsure of herself, that's important to the story, so they can identify themselves in her and maybe gain some more trust in themselves, what's wrong? There's nothing wrong in liking, in needing a Mary Sue, and there's equally nothing wrong in disliking her. It's just a matter of taste and of the right moment you read her. I read Twilight in three days because by that time I WAS clumsy and unsure of myself, I WAS just in high school after years of middle school being bullied. I could relate to Bella, and it felt nice, at 14, to see that even if you can't stand on your feet for more than 10 minutes, you can still live adventures and be loved. I stopped reading the saga because the "Edward dumped me and I stopped living" didn't resonate with me at all, and I didn't go further in my reading. Years of Liceo Classico and Academies got me hating Twilight because EEEEEW BELLA IS A MARY SUE EEEEEEW. That's bullshit.
Personal taste =/= Judgement over how good or bad is a book. I am sorry to relate this to you, but no, reading a lot of fiction doesn't make you a literary critic. Because good literary criticism takes the context into account to judge a book. You can't separate a book from its context, particularly when you're talking about classics, but also talking about modern books. Because no author lives in a bubble and doesn't act influenced by the society they live in. There are objective parameters to judge a book! But beside the fact that most authors played around it, and that those parameters are also HIGHLY depending on the context we're in (just as an example: Shakespeare was HIGLY unpopular in XVIII century Enlightment criticism. Voltaire hated the guts out of him and didn't consider him a good playwriter... Because Shakespeare didn't follow the Ancient Greek/Roman theatre criteria that the Enlightment preferred. That's just it. So you see, criteria vary too with the historical context. A book celebrated today may not be celebrated tomorrow.). But: you can like and dislike Classics. It's ok. It's normal. You have a personal taste, and the fact that a book has some objective value that makes it a classic and makes the book worth studying is totally separated from your personal taste and should always be kept separate. I majored in English Literature: I know that Dickens is a hugely important author, I know why he is and why he's in literature history books, why we study him and with reason. It doesn't change that I find Dickens' books terribly boring, they don't speak to me, they're out of my taste and preferences. Hard Times was probably the only book in my uni I couldn't bring myself to finish and read the summary on Wikipedia of. I tried, it isn't for me. I still think they should be studied in school, because they're very important for their period, and hugely useful to understand Victorian mentality and context.
That's it, welcome to my TED talk, I'm sorry for the tirade but I opened Youtube and there was a video titled "Is Rings of Power Galadriel a Mary Sue??" which had me fuming from my ears.
What if she is? Who cares? Just say you didn't like the show, that you imagined Galadriel in a different way and that's it. Don't deminish people who on the other hand liked her.
I promise, you can write your opinion of a book/show/media as just your personal opinion and impression. I swear it's fine, anyone who studied Literature would know that criticism is just that and doesn't mean much, that you can like a movie that's technically bad and dislike a movie that's technically great and that's perfectly fine and valid.
You don't need to make it an universal experience and an objective truth to be entitled to your opinion. Good taste is overestimated anyway. Embrace the trash. You're not a better person if you only like critically acclaimed stories, believe me, it took me years to realise it.
But still, if you want to write some proper criticism... Context is essential. Otherwise you read Jane Austen and you think she wrote romances. Which she didn't. She was a social satyrist and a terribly brilliant one. We just read her out of her context, we have lost the parameters to grasp the criticism because we live in a different society. The romance is all that's left. You can read Pride and Prejudice just as a love story... But if you want to write a critic essay over it, you can't treat it as such. You can say "I liked the romance plot the best!" and still say it's a brilliant satyre. But you have to know it's satyre.
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dawneternal · 1 month
Sage - what medium of art speaks the most to you? Why do you think that is?
I love too many things, I think. I've always had a soft spot for poetry because at its core, its prose with silly self imposes rules but it's beautiful and lovely and no two people write poetry alike. One of my favorite poets is Neil Hilborn, and I'm also in love with David Larbi's poetry Instagram reels.
I love fiction in general and words, I think storytelling is such a lovely way to share yourself with the world and it's such a precious part of human history
I love soundtracks!! I almost went to school to be a composer cause I grew up composing themes for all the stories I wrote (they were not great but I had the spirit lol) and I walked down the aisle to the HTTYD soundtrack at my wedding 🙈 John Powell, Alexandre Desplat, Ludovico Einaudi, Joe Hisaishi, Tom Rosenthal, and Jerome Alexander are some of my favorites. I think I get like an ASMR reaction from soundtrack and I love it
And art 😓 drawings and paintings and sculpture and literally any way that people express themselves through creation I am just obsessed with.
My art history professor and my ceramics instructor both really emphasized how much we can learn from how humans chose to beautify their functional crafts. Like pottery and clothes didn't need to be made so pretty and intricate with their own traditions and customs, but we did that because we're people and we wanted it to mean something and I think that's so cool. I love humans!! And I love art history!!
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titoist · 2 months
every time i try to think about what Pad Chennington actually represents to me i feel like i'd have to write a whole book for it to not be missing any details. & it still feels like the most core principle of it is still some undeniable feeling in my chest that, after years, i still don't know how to articulate right
it feels like a phenomenon where conversation about it only crops up around its more egregious cartoonish examples ("do people only like this album because of its backstory?"), when really i think it kind of hangs over everything
i guess it's just that one supreme reality for me is that everything just exists. & the more one accustoms themselves to an entertainment landscape where some kind of telos behind everything is an absolute unquestioned fundamental given, the more it kind of deadens connection that supreme reality & distances one from reality a bit overall, in my view
& i'm not talking entirely about art here, so one could raise the question, "is a telos not blatantly essential to art?" but it's not so much about the telos of the art, as much as it's about the art's abduction into a kind of conceptual plane where telos, as it relates to the viewer, is the fundamental substance that comprises it, & the fundamental condition on which anything can even be imagined to exist in the first place, & in everything it must be identified
the sphere of entertainment, the realm that is the total body of media subjected to the lens of being entertainment, of being a service. & i think the more one is accustomed to this sphere the more they place things in it automatically
Pad Chennington says yes, couch yourself in more layers of abstraction & presentation & mere secondhand perception, & accustom to yourself to a perception of art wherein its expressive & communicative utility & value is hollowed out & replaced with the perception of how it can serve you. & insofar as it remains communicative, that too is only in service of serving you
obviously gratification is not fundamentally bad. one can feel the communication embodied in a piece of art & feel gratified by that connection. that is good. it doesn't mean that it feeds into this sickly thing i am trying to delineate here. i am convinced that something more subtle must be at play
it's what happens when someone can't seem to take in a piece of art without spontaneously weaving some brand new interpretative lens for it on the spot, through which it can robotically serve some latent desire to feel inspiration, or fear, or befuddlement, or pride in a musician's "trajectory." & this service is rendered by way of some controlled, predefined model of "art incites effect"
i'll reiterate: the problem is not that art incites effects! that's its beauty. the problem for me is "art incites effect." quotation marks. if art inciting effects wasn't beautiful, i don't think it'd desirable enough to get exploited & muddled up into "art incites effect"
the miracle of inspiration becomes like a service that is successfully rendered at certain times. art can feel like a service worker, but with the "thrilling risk" that it's simply allowed to not always invariably succeed
even the absence of a telos can be retrofitted into the telos of unraveling or puzzling over an enigma in some stilted way that follows in the footsteps of some youtube documentarian ("is this an arg?")
Pad Chennington is just the egregiously undisguised abduction of works of art from the plane of "just existing" to the plane of forced telos. but, like i said, i feel like there is a tendency for things to exist on that plane anyway, once people are too acclimated
it's invoking discordance & disorder in a piece of art on purpose & being called schizophrenic by someone who couldn't dissociate it from the telos of your work being there for them to intellectually conquer by exposing some underlying factor at play
it's Kiwi Farms streamlining the abduction of its targets' entire selves into a framework wherein not even human beings inherently just exist, but have their every action filtered through an interpretative lens that reframes everything to support the telos of gratifying the userbase's desire to feel repulsedly stimulated by eccentricity. all of this collated & tabulated into a convenient & gratifying list of forum threads, an interface, like a DoorDash menu, lives flattened into a list like a supply chain flattened into an app
it's like a phenomenological disease that can become a person's fundamental tone for processing the life happening right there in front of them
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ask-de-writer · 1 year
SEE STORY (Part 5 of 5) A tale from the World of Sea
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See Story
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat​
14372 words
copyright 2023
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may   reblog the story. They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions. I will allow those who do commission art works to charge   for their images.
All sorts of Fan Activity, fiction, art, cosplay, music or anything else is ACTIVELY encouraged!
Sea is a colony assumed lost somewhat over a thousand years before this tale opens.  They were sent on a one way trip, not knowing that there was no land at all on the whole world of Sea.  Thus, aside from humans, NO CREATURE OF SEA IS IN ANY WAY ITS NAMESAKE.  They were simply named for a superficial resemblance to some Earthly creature by the early colonists.
New to SEE STORY?  Read from the beginning HERE.
“Oh, look!  She has Strong Skins and Wing Rays and Orcas!  Buy me one, please Daddy!”
“Look, Kara, this girl has a model of a fishing smack, just like the one Mother uses.  Would you like it?”
It was not long before every one was sold.
A few sailors of the Grandalor wandered by, speaking loudly, “Make lots of toys, Longin!  They’re all that you’ll have next Gathering.  We pulled your best waters right out from under you in the Council Meeting.  Didn’t give squat for ‘em either.”  They linked arms and walked away, laughing.
Kurin came running up to Cat, in tears.  “Did they really take away our waters, Cat?”
Cat gathered the child into her arms and held her.  “Calm yourself, Little Fish … That’s it.”  She petted Kurin’s hair gently. “They think that they got our waters, Kurin.  That is not the same as getting our waters.  Where was the crab reef?”
Kurin wrinkled her brow in thought.  “We sailed south for most of the night with a good wind and all sail …” Her eyes lit up.  “It was in the buffer space between the Gula’s fishing waters and the Dolthin’s … They didn’t get it at all!”  She clapped her hands in glee.
“I know that you,” here Cat, smiling, gently touched Kurin’s nose, “can keep a secret, so I will tell you. We tricked them out of a whole fishing water of better reefs.  This is the most important thing to remember, though.  If they had not tried to cheat us we could not have turned the tables on them.  Always deal honestly, but never stupidly.”
The bazaar continued for days.  Everyone chaffered and bargained for the best deals that they could get.  
A small knot of sailors and officers had gathered a little way from the Longin’s booth, as they had for the last several days.  The people changed, but the group remained.  They were all there for the same reason.  The Longin’s Lady Luck could most often be seen there, though this Gathering, there was no telling where she might turn up.  Many were simply curious.  Others were thinking of courting her.
“See her, there back of the Longin booth?” pointed Mara, the new First Mate of the Fauline. “That’s her with the white hair, like fresh foam.”
“She’s the Longin’s Luck?  What a beauty!” said Torinsin, of the Gula’s rope walk.  “I heard that she’s blind and helpless, though … Dragons! Look, she just dragged that whole tub of lobsters up front by herself.  Don’t look helpless to me.”
“Lots of us been watching her.  She don’t act blind.  I wonder what the Grandalor’s up to this time.  Spreading lies like that?” speculated Morin, of the Grython, stroking his chin.  “Our Captain said that she would be welcome aboard.”
“Maybe they want to get her for themselves!” Mara put in.  “Maybe I should ask some of the Fauline’s crew to meet her.  Seems from what I’ve seen she’d be an asset to any crew.”
“I did hear that she’s marrying, gonna leave the Longin this year,” said Morin.
“That’s what’s up, for sure, then,” said old Ganther, the Dolthin’ Master Boatwright. “Grandalor is trying to grab the Longin’s Luck for themselves, and cut us all out.  Just like them.”
“Is she still available?  We have some good young men on the Gula that might do,” said Torinsin, eagerly.
“We all do!  I talked to Captain Mord already.  She’s bespoke,” said the Captain of the Grinna.
“What! What ship’s got her?  Who’s the lucky guy?” asked Torinsin, only slightly downcast, but still eager for gossip.
“They’re keeping it under their watch-caps until the night of the full moons,” said Forin, Grinna’s First Mate, stroking her hair and smiling a little at Torinsin’s expression.
“Has anybody thought to ask her direct?” asked Ganther, cutting to the heart of the matter.  “She’s easy to find, now.  First time in nineteen - twenty Gatherings that anybody’s seen her much.  Now, she’s all over the place.”
“I am, aren’t I?” said a cheerful voice, like splashing, flowing water.
The whole group jumped as if shocked by a Jolting Ray, and turned to see Cat, only a few feet away.
“So, tell us, who is it to be? What ship’s getting you?” asked Torinsin, eagerly.
“You all could have come to the Longin and courted me.  Nobody did.  I’m afraid that she’s right,” said Cat cheerfully, pointing to Forin.  “Come and see on the Weddings Night.”
“Did anybody ever tell you that you are cruel?” said Torinsin with a cheerful grin.
“One or two … hundred … so far,” replied Cat.  Then singling out Forin, she added,  “Come, take me to your booth.  You have some truly beautiful cloth that I would like to get.  What do you call those woven-in pictures? ”
“I believe that you mean our brocade …”  The two wandered off in the direction of the Grinna’s booth, chatting cheerfully.
The Longin finally ran out of shellfish.  By the night of the Full Moons, the Longin had sold everything that they had brought and were preparing to strike their booth.  Sold out or not, the other booths were being struck, too. The Gathering market was over and the space was needed.
As they were packing away empty tubs and lace spools, fabric bolt cores, and their awning, Cat noticed that Kurin was crying quietly.  Packing could wait a few minutes.
“Little Fish, why do you weep?”
“‘Cause tonight you’re going to marry somebody from off of the Longin, and I won’t see you anymore.”
“Kurin, Kurin Behar, come here,” and she wrapped her strong arms about the child.  “Come with us to the Weddings tonight and see my husband and love.  If you do, I will give you a present that you will always have to remember me by.  Besides, you may indeed see me from time to time.”
Kurin seized on that last.  “You mean it?  I’ll see you again, sometimes?  Promise?”
The Captains of the many ships of the Gathering Fleet were now escorting their young men and women of marriageable age to the rafts that had been the marketplace.  Most of those were going to meet people that they had been courting for at least several Gatherings.  Some were friends from childhood.  Only a few ships arranged marriages for advantage, without concern for the feelings of their young women and men.
Grandalor was such a ship, and as their marriage gigs rowed past the Longin on their way to the wedding barges, some of their women were openly sad.  There were a few among them, however, who rejoiced that they were leaving so oppressive a Captain as Barad.  Few of the young men looked happy at all.  Their marriages were bringing, not happiness for themselves, but skilled women for the Grandalor; cooks, weavers, ropers, sail-lofters, and all those other skills needed to maintain life on the Sea.
The Longin’s young folk felt sorry for the Grandalor’s, but they climbed cheerfully into their own gigs, going to meet those folk that they had chosen, and who had chosen them as well.   Cat was among their number, pulling an oar with a will.  Those who wished to watch the marriages followed in other boats, Kurin among them.
Everyone on the Wedding rafts were divided into four groups, to the north the brides, to the south the grooms, to the east, the Captains and officers and to the west those who came to watch and wish well.  That last group was by far the largest.  
There was little room left on the rafts.  A cheerful buzz of conversation drowned almost all else. Everyone knew that the Lady of the Longin’s Luck was due to marry, but to whom?  What ship would be lucky enough to have her?  It was clear that the Grandalor’s lies about Cat had been dispelled by all that people had seen her doing during the market.
The order of the ships was called.  This was the order in which the ships would bring forth their grooms to meet their brides.  The Longin was to be the last, by her own choice.  Many felt that the suspense was deliberate.
Night had fallen to star filled darkness and the Wedding Rafts were lit with lanterns.  Shortly after full dark, the eastern horizon began to glow.  Soon the limb of large Wohan appeared over the horizon.  Carsis followed and a few minutes later, little Dorac.  All three continued to rise together until, for a moment, all three moons sat, just touching the horizon.  Their light raced across water gone flat as glass, like three shafts of brilliance, converging on the Wedding Rafts.
There was a quiet that fell on all the watchers.  A woman could be heard telling her children quietly, “Remember this moment.  It will not happen again in your lifetime.  The Dragon’s Moons only rise once in a thousand Gatherings.”
The ceremonies began.  Sarfin, Captain of the Dorton called forth the Dorton’s grooms.  Their brides were called and, rejoicing, went to their loves.  When the roll was complete, the Dorton’s Ceremony of Marriage was spoken and the brides signed the Ship’s Articles as new crew-members.  Each ship had its own version of the ceremony.  Each Marriage from each ship took another bite of time.  It was growing late.
Finally, Mord of the Longin called the last of the grooms forth, and besides the brides for them, there was one more, still uncalled.  Cat would be left standing alone when the last of the Longin’s grooms had his wife.  Everyone could count, and the raft was absolutely buzzing as people figured this out.
The last bride went to the last groom, and Cat stood alone, dressed in a lovely brocade of white with black leaping Orcas.  Captain Mord came to her and said quietly, “Where is your groom?”
“He is here.  Marry my friends, and then you will see.”
Shrugging, Captain Mord went back to the grooms and new brides of the Longin and began the Ceremonies of Marriage.  Cat went to the spectators.
“Kurin!  Kurin!  Oh, there you are, Little Fish.   I promised you a present on my wedding night, and you shall have it.  Come with me.”
Trustingly, Kurin put her hand into Cat’s and followed her across the raft.  The Longin’s Ceremony was just done.  Captain Barad brayed, “I don’t see your groom!”  His voice was cut off by the flat smack of open hand to cheek.
Mord withdrew his stinging hand and said poisonously, “MECAT, my sister in all but blood, has said that he is here.  I believe her.” Turning to Cat, he said, “All of the marriages of this night but one are done.  What do you want me to do?”
“State for all my name, ship and crew.  My husband will make himself known.”
Turning to all the watchers, Captain Mord called out, “Cat, my sister in all but blood  … Her name in full, dictated by Custom and Law is Mecat  …  Of the Longin her whole life, Our Gift from the Sea … Of no crew because of the Dragon’s name you bear … Who have you chosen and who has chosen you?”
All about the raft, a dozen huge fifteen-ton Orca whales jumped at once, rising clear out of the water and falling back with a huge report and splashing of sea water.
“Stand just here, little one,” Cat whispered to Kurin.  “I will be back in a moment with your gift.  Trust me, you will come to no harm.”
Raising her arms, Cat cried out in a voice like storm waves toppled by the wind, “Iren! Dark Iren! Come forth and claim your bride!”  The ocean in front of her boiled and rushed aside as a huge Sea Dragon reared his head high in front of her.  
The creature was covered with large black scales the size of a man’s hand.  Spines ran down his back and frills adorned his head.  There were large tendrils about the fanged mouth.  Big dark, intelligent eyes gleamed from deep set sockets.  Orcas rose with him to the surface.
Cat dove joyfully into the water and was gone.  A minute passed and then two.  A well-meaning woman, one of the Longin’s new brides, tried to lead Kurin away.
“Come, Dear.  She is gone.  As long as she has been under, she must be drowned.”
Kurin confidently shook off the kindly hand.  “She told me to wait.  This is a short dive for Cat. I’ve seen her do five minutes before.”  Mystified by Kurin’s response, the woman waited with her.
The water swirled, and a second Sea Dragon rose up.   This Dragon was pale, like new sea-foam, but scaled spined and frilled like the other.  It had eight foot jaws, with two-foot fangs and eyes that were completely blank.  It was blind. The monster head thrust toward Kurin, who refused to run.  The woman fled in terror.  Powerful tendrils about the Dragon’s mouth grabbed Kurin, and hugged her.  Kurin, with a squeal of delight, tried to hug the massive snout.
“Oh, Cat!  You’re back, just like you said.”
Blind Mecat, the Great Sea Dragon gently put the child down.  “I have your gift, Kurin.  Just stand for a moment.”  The enormous jaws opened and a breath like fog came out and enveloped the child.  As the breeze blew it away, everyone looked in amazement.  Kurin’s hair, once dark, was now the color of new sea-foam.
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