#imagines nct wish
sunshyni · 2 months
gênero. fluff
tokuno yushi × fem!reader
wc. 1.4k
n/a. posso ser sincera? não gostei de nada que eu escrevi aqui, mas eu queria muito responder esse pedido desde que a mah (@nayuswifee) me enviou (inclusive mah tá um pouco diferente do que você me pediu, mas espero que você goste mesmo eu não tendo curtido kkkkkk se tiver minimamente bom eu já tô feliz 🙏). eu sinto que o yushi é um tanto quanto atentado, do tipo atentado no sigilo, sabe??? então eu tentei transmitir isso na escrita kkkkkk e no mais é isso!!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! ⭐
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2 . my love is young and it's strong
Você ainda se recordava de observar Yushi num uniforme da banda marcial em algum evento organizado pela escola de vocês, a imagem dele tocando um trompete com maestria enquanto você contava os minutos para aquela aula acabar, observando-o pelo vidro da porta, continuava viva na sua memória. Não poderia se esquecer de todas as vezes que Yushi esperava com expectativa o professor deixar a sala para te puxar para dentro do cômodo instantes depois.
Ele costumava ter a fama de bom moço, representante da sala e sempre o primeiro aluno quando se tratava de notas, mas ele gostava de te bagunçar um bocado sempre que tinha a chance.
Além de um ótimo musicista, Yushi gostava de cantar, foi por isso que ele resolveu se declarar num karaokê que o pessoal da escola tinha o hábito de frequentar, num dia específico em que vocês dois inventaram de matar aula e Yushi fez questão de mudar as letras das canções de forma proposital para dizer que estava perdidamente apaixonado.
As coisas continuaram dessa mesma forma por alguns meses, com Yushi te levando para a sala dos professores escondido só para te mostrar o grande arsenal de chocolates de um professor chocólatra e para te beijar também, certo, o chocolate era apenas um pretexto para deixar seus lábios inchados e vermelhinhos. Tudo estava absolutamente perfeito, até as provas finais chegarem e Yushi te dizer de que tinha passado para a universidade de Oxford, na Inglaterra; sem mesmo ter comentado sobre ter se inscrito para lá.
Você decidiu de que seria melhor terminar para que ambos não tivessem que ficar “presos um ao outro”, mas isso era só uma desculpa sua, já que queria um motivo concreto para parar de pensar nele, virar a página, qualquer coisa, e se Yushi não fosse mais o seu namorado, talvez isso ajudaria, você não iria sofrer todos os dias querendo vê-lo, tudo certo. E mesmo Yushi achando todo o seu diálogo uma bobagem, ele aceitou sua decisão, apareceu na sua casa de manhãzinha, antes de embarcar no seu vôo, e te beijou docemente, desaparecendo no carro dos pais logo a seguir.
Agora, haviam se passado dois anos desde então, era o seu aniversário de 20 anos e por coincidência, o encontro anual dos seus colegas do ensino médio foi marcado no mesmo dia, por isso todos ao redor da mesa do restaurante despojado que você havia encontrado, estavam com chapeuzinhos de aniversário de cores vibrantes na cabeça.
— O Yushi acabou de pousar, acho que ele só vai deixar as bagagens na casa dos pais e daqui uns 40 minutos ele chega — Riku disse sem pensar nas consequências e você engasgou com uma batata frita. Todos fizeram questão de olhar para Riku com uma expressão que dizia claramente “Você é tapado?” — Eu só chamei ele, como fiz no ano passado. Como que eu ia saber que ele ia aceitar o convite e não dar furo que nem na outra vez? Quer dizer, ele tá morando na Inglaterra agora.
— Você podia ter tido a decência de me avisar, Riku — Você admitiu ao passo que Sion se juntava a mesa com uma nova porção de batatas em mãos.
— E aí você não viria. Qual é a graça? — A graça é que você estaria se prevenindo de uma situação embaraçosa, se você já se esquivava de Yushi nas redes sociais e em conversas que o envolviam, direta ou indiretamente, imagine como seria pessoalmente, será que seu corpo entraria em estado de alerta e seu cérebro involuntariamente movesse seus músculos para debaixo da mesa? Ninguém sabia ao certo como responder.
Você se tornou monossilábica depois disso, uma amiga ao seu lado não parava de contar sobre a vaga de emprego que conseguira numa multinacional, mas tudo que você conseguia pensar era em Yushi, será que seu visual continuava o mesmo? Ele estava mais maduro? Seu inglês adquiriu algum sotaque britânico? E a pior curiosidade de todas: será que ele estava de rolo com alguma britânica misteriosa e sensual?
Você balançou a cabeça para todas essas indagações e direcionou o olhar para a entrada do restaurante como se já soubesse que ele estava por alí, parecia até que a temperatura do lugar havia mudado, a mesa de vocês estava bem longe da cozinha, mas você conseguia sentir as bochechas esquentarem como se estivesse com o rosto próximo dos fornos. Sinceramente, ele parecia mais alto, o cabelo mais cumprido, mas o estilo descolado ainda continuava presente considerando a escolha do moletom da universidade de Oxford como a peça principal do seu visual. Yushi se acomodou bem na cadeira livre do seu lado, a cadeira em que a garota da multinacional estava sentada, mas que se tornou desocupada assim que ela se levantou para dar um pulinho no banheiro.
— E como andam as coisas, senhor advogado britânico? — Yushi sorriu para o amigo Riku que empurrou uma cestinha de nachos para Yushi, que aceitou o alimento sem pestanejar. Você permaneceu imóvel ao lado dele, vendo-o mergulhar metade da tortilha na guacamole e torcendo para que ele não percebesse que você estava observando-o feito uma maluca, embora essa fosse a verdade.
— Suportáveis. Estudar direito é legal, mas eu 'tava é com saudade de vocês — Ele confessou e virou o rosto bonito na sua direção, tocando na sua bochecha e acariciando a pele sem vergonha alguma, como se vocês nunca tivessem terminado e continuassem íntimos daquela forma — Senti sua falta também.
Mesmo que você parecesse ridícula aos olhos dele, com aquele chapeuzinho que mal cabia na sua cabeça e a expressão abobalhada, seu coração disparou com a confissão como se vocês tivessem regressado alguns anos, quando seu interior facilmente se abalava com uma fala sussurrada e um beijo roubado antes do início da aula.
Você vem que tentou dispensar o convite de ir até o karaokê mais próximos relembrar os velhos tempos quando Sion sugeriu, insatisfeito com apenas aquele momento que tiveram conversando e gargalhando no restaurante com direito a muitos acompanhamentos e os drinks mais malucos do cardápio. No entanto, quando deu por si, lá estava você, sentada no meio do sofá extenso da sala de karaokê enquanto o tempo que pagaram por passava na tela juntamente com a letra de uma canção que Yushi tinha escolhido para cantar.
Alguns colegas cochilavam de cansaço no estofado, outros foram procurar por glicose no balcão do karaokê para terminar bem a noite, então quando Yushi chegou nos últimos acordes da música em questão, a única pessoa que pode testemunhar os cem pontos foi você no fundo da sala. Reconhecer que foi exatamente com aquela música em questão que ele se declarou para você anos antes fez seus olhos se encherem de lágrimas e você desejar que as coisas não tivessem terminado daquele jeito.
— Feliz aniversário — Yushi desejou, erguendo um isqueiro que tinha tirado do bolso do moletom canguru, por algum motivo, ele costumava dizer que era devido a sua experiência de escoteiro, Yushi sempre tinha consigo as coisas mais inusitadas como o presente isqueiro fofo de um dos personagens de Hello Kitty. Você sorriu, gostando de mirar seus olhos sob a luz da pequena fonte de calor e no momento que você fez o movimento de assoprar a vela improvisada, Yushi fechou o objeto, selando os lábios nos seus de repente. O que fez com que você desse um pulinho do sofá pega completamente desprevenida.
— Você tá tão fofa com essas bochechas rosadinhas, não consegui resistir — Yushi sorriu, puxando as suas pernas para o colo dele com a maior naturalidade do mundo e fazendo as suas maçãs do rosto se aquecerem um bocado mais, se isso era possível.
— Eu não consigo mais. Não consigo mais te ver online em alguma rede social e não poder te dizer que tô com saudade e que não vejo a hora de te encher de beijos — Ele disse enquanto acariciava suas pernas cobertas por uma meia-calça, ele tocou seu queixo suavemente, fixando seus olhares — Você me entende, né? Também se sente assim?
Você assentiu com o olhar, contemplando quando um sorriso esplêndido se fez presente nos lábios dele.
— Acha que consegue lidar com um relacionamento à distância?
Yushi não demorou nem um milésimo para te responder de prontidão:
— Eu só não consigo ser só o seu amigo.
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00127am · 2 months
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YOU HAVE A NEW LIKE! select NCT members as hinge messages i've received 𓍯𓂃 all for shits & giggles! warnings cursing, yang's (14) mentions a kys joke, taeyong's second message (17) mentions blood
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🧾 © 00127am 2O24
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neocitycafe · 4 months
Home After the Holidays (Mark)
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♡ genre: hot cocoa - fluff, sweet and steamy hehe; a bit smutty with too many thoughts; i guess "new year’s time pensive cheese" is a theme for me (here’s haechan’s version from last year) ✎ words: 2.1k ✓ summary/notes: busy idol husband Mark finally returns home :’) and you’ve missed each other. a trope that i love lots. @d-nghy-ck to bronwyn, here’s a slice of pensive cheese(cake), especially for you! this cafe would probably not be here if not for this first customer who came by and said hi! wishing you all the love in the world~
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It’s that awkward time in late January when you’re not sure whether it’s still socially appropriate to include “Happy New Year” in your greetings. Mark had told you not to come to the airport. The weather was frigid all week and it’d be way past midnight by the time he got out of customs, and then there was the long cab ride home.
But he missed you. 
Closing the front door gently, he looks down to find his old lace-ups where he usually left them, as if he were home this whole time. Your favorite pair is set neatly next to his, and a smaller set of shoes next to those. Ones with velcro and lights that he bought a couple months back, but it felt much longer ago so quickly. You’d replaced the original laces with neon green ones, and all of Mark’s teammates cooed at how cute that was. 
The lights are dimmed and Mark finds you on the couch in a pile of blankets, where you cozied up while waiting. His heart suddenly aches thinking of you with only a little cup of chamomile tea to warm yourself and get to bed. 
He had been so busy working lately, loving what he did, creating music, making crazy new connections, show after show, press conferences, collaborations. Had he done anything for you lately? His mind races.
From where you’d dozed off, you find Mark frozen by the door. After years of knowing him, you could see his raised brows and the running thoughts behind them. His lips pressed into a thin line and his eyes shifting to the side meant self-doubt. You want to erase those worries and pour love into all the spaces where he thought he was not enough. 
“I wanted to get you flowers.” His voice cracks and you get up to close the distance between you.
“Oh Mark... I have you now.” The cold from outside has clung on to his coat, but you ignore it and wrap your arms around him more tightly. “It’s the middle of the night, silly. I don’t need flowers.”
You feel him shake his head against you, “And I wanted to be home for the holidays,” he says with a bit of a whine. 
“You’re here now.”
Looking into his eyes, you brush the hair away from his forehead and peck him on the nose. The end of the year meant holiday tour stops, special shows, concerts, and awards nights. The holidays meant the opposite of holidays for entertainers like Mark. It meant he couldn’t really be with family until afterwards. He follows you into the kitchen where you set your mug in the sink. 
“Did you miss me?” You turn when he wraps his arms around you from behind. 
You’re momentarily caught off guard by his boyish smile and a pang of longing wells up, an emptiness in your chest that had been there behind your smiles when he had video called. The answer is a thousand times yes, but you bite back the truth in favor of not worrying him. You shake your head playfully. “I don’t have to. I get to see your features in our son’s face every day.”
Mark breaks into a grin that you can’t help but match. “Is he asleep?”
“Yeah, but he sure begged to stay up! He can be a little headstrong sometimes. Like someone.” You give Mark a long look and he pouts in response. “But he finally fell asleep a couple of hours ago.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being my home.”
“You’re sappy, Mark Lee.” Nonetheless, you’re more than willing when he tilts your head for a deeper kiss. He runs the tip of his tongue along the seam of your lips and you part them to let him taste you. A familiar heat stirs in your belly, and you reach your hands up to tangle them in his hair and pull him closer. He groans into your mouth and presses you back into the kitchen counter. From this position, he places pressure where your bodies are connected, where you want it. He rocks against you once, twice, slowly, fluidly, and you pull him even closer. 
Mark’s hands knock into the stacked pots and pans behind you on the drying rack, and you’re grateful for your husband’s quick reflexes. He steadies a pan, preventing what would’ve been a huge clatter. You both freeze for a moment. 
“Easy, tiger,” you tease while throwing him a wink. “Or baby lion or cheetah or whatever small big cat you are.” 
He responds with a playful growl that is both adorable and sexy, his nose scrunching up. 
A delicious thrill runs through you as his gaze locks on you again. Knocking your legs apart and then lifting you onto the counter, Mark reminds you of how he wanted you everywhere when you were newlyweds. A tender bite between your neck and shoulder reminds you of how he wants you now. You make a mental note to call Jaemin for some babysitting this coming weekend, because you wouldn’t mind some more alone time like this. 
You tug on Mark’s hand and he knows what you mean. You slip off the counter and try not to trip over each other as you eagerly make your way to the bedroom. It’s a familiar but exhilarating path, like a choreography that your bodies move to automatically once the music starts playing.
When he finds a towel already laid out on the bed, he raises a seagull of a brow, and you can’t help but laugh. He teases, “Oooh, so you were prepared!”
You lean in to whisper in his ear, feeling cheeky and bold, “Well, my husband gets messy.”
The look in his eyes and how he kisses you next is the response you were hoping for. When you fall back into bed, it’s easy and slow. You take your time wriggling out of your clothes, and you laugh at his cute shimmy while pulling his jeans off. The both of you sigh in content when his body is above yours, skin to skin. 
Mark’s fingertips trail patterns along your sides, his left hand’s calluses from guitar playing are a little rough, but soothingly so. You map out the constellation connecting the mole on his neck, on his cheek, the tiny one on the corner of his mouth. He spends his time with his lips on your neck where you crave them, wet kisses with a slight bite that have you feeling hot all over and in want, and then you’re grateful they’re chasing paths over the crests and valleys of your body. 
Mark travels down until his face is settled between your thighs, his warm breath causing you to shiver in anticipation. He takes your hand and kisses your wrist, your palm, your fingertips, slowly and thoughtfully. He moves to do the same with your other hand. The love in his gaze staring up at you is too much for you to handle, so you close your eyes and lay your head back. And then he’s lacing your fingers together, holding your hands as his perfect mouth dives in eagerly. 
Mark isn’t shy about playing with your wetness and giving you what you crave. He laps at you with the intent of pushing you to the edge, like there’s nothing else he wants but for you to feel good, and you can’t help but arch up towards him. 
When he tires, he keeps stroking your clit with his fingers, keeping the contact consistent and insistent, and then switches back to working you with his tongue. He keeps going even when you cry out his name, your thighs close around his head, and your hips lift off the mattress as you succumb to the overwhelming pleasure.  
When he comes back up to face you, he’s surprised to find the tears falling down your cheeks and into your hair. You don’t notice it yourself until he starts worrying. 
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” 
You shake your head. “No, that was amazing.”
He rolls to his side and pulls you into his chest carefully. His eyes search your face.
The words are tumbling out before you can stop them: “I missed you. Mark… I missed you.”
You finally let yourself go.
Going to your son’s first winter concert at his school alone. You’d even saved a seat for Mark, but his filming schedule got delayed that evening. Opening holiday presents with Mark’s parents at their home, without him there. Counting down to the new year by yourself while his team celebrated their album of the year win. How you never wanted to burden him. How you understood his career and wanted to be his steady support, and yet... “I missed you so much.”
“You know you can tell me that. I’m not afraid of how you feel.” He pauses to dry your tears with gentle hands and a kiss on your cheek. “I want to know. I want to love you better.” He holds you tighter, as if capturing every bit of the emotion pouring out of you. It’s like Mark knew the exact words you needed to hear. While being laid bare and vulnerable, you feel safe and known, and now, ever grateful that your relationship is one you are both committed to growing and working out together. “Let’s talk more in the morning after some rest, yeah?”
“Thank you, Mark.” You gaze up into his shining eyes. 
“For what?”
“For being home.”
“Look who’s being cheesy now,” he teases back. 
You tug on him beneath the covers in response and Mark lets out a surprised moan. 
“Mmm, in the morning’s okay too… ah, babe. I mean, do you still want to make love now?”
You nod against his chest and laugh at his insistence on calling it lovemaking rather than sex or anything else. “Do you?”
He nods too and the boyish grin you love so much is back. You push at his shoulders and move so you’re seated above him, your thighs settled over his.
I love you, I love you, I love you. He seems to say, and you feel it in your soul. 
When you sink down onto him, you fill his presence with your closeness, as he fills yours with his. And it’s like the time and space between you disappears. All you hear is Mark, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he loses himself in loving you, and you him. He aids with your rhythm with his hands holding your hips, and then makes the switch so you’re under him. 
There’s the softness of the sheets, his lips, your fingertips, the moonlight shining in, the sound of rustling and sighs pulled from deep within. The flush of his cheeks, your parted lips, the thrum of beating hearts, and later, the patterns slowing steadily into dreams together.
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You’re gladly surprised by the warmth in your bed when you wake up in the morning. Mark kicked off his side of the covers in the middle of the night as usual, leaving a mountain of blankets on top of you, so you pull them up to cover his bare chest. You probably should have showered after last night, but it was too comfortable being cuddled up. Mark’s discarded shirt is closest, so you pull it on, mind reveling in everything for a moment: his scent, his return, his closeness, your shared love. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by the bedroom door swinging open. Little hands, messy morning bed head, and eyes shining as they peer in. (You’d have to remind your son about knocking on the door again.)
He’s quick to spot the lump next to you under the blankets. “Dada!”
You smile and hold a finger to your lips. 
“Mm-hmm, yes dear, come here.” You sit up better and he clambers into your lap. “Shhh. He’s sleeping.”
His eyes are wide and he whispers rather loudly, “He’s snoring.” You cast a wistful gaze over the relaxed expression on Mark’s face, not knowing when the last time it was that he slept well. 
“Let’s let him sleep more.” You ready yourself to sneak out of bed. Your son was really getting too heavy to carry. He’s squirmy and ticklish, and of course he starts giggling almost immediately when you try to lift him, the sound bubbling out uncontrollably. Someone else you knew laughed just like that. You’re trying to get up quickly when you feel Mark’s arms wrap around you from behind. 
“Come back....”
The way he holds you tickles, and the added weight of your son makes you lose balance, so you fall back onto Mark’s chest, effectively making your family a little sandwich. Mark lets out a small grunt from the weight but he doesn’t really mind. His heart is as light as can be. His eyes are bright and his smile mischievous. He wriggles around and declares, “Love attack!!!”
There are lots of kisses and shared silliness, and you laugh until there are tears in the corners of your eyes, little crystals breathlessly kissed away too in the moment. 
"And at last, I open my arms wide again to give you warmth. I'll do anything to make it right. Those stars are shining on us. I'll cherish this moment, all of it, my baby. I’m gonna love you… Love doesn't come easy, girl, but loving you is easy.  Every day without you feels hollow. Because our memories refine even our imperfect moments into treasured times, I reflect, calling love a beauty."
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babbymochiiii · 3 months
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↪︎pairing: idol! Johnny x afab! reader
↪︎genre: smut, fluff, romance
↪︎warnings: established relationship, johnny getting blind folded, oral (m), unprotected sex (y’all wrap it up pls), dick riding, dom johnny, sub reader, daddy count (1), dirty talk, Johnny coming inside of reader, pet names; hers: angel, baby; his: baby
↪︎synopsis: you give Johnny a birthday surprise 🎁
↪︎word count: 1.7k
note ✨: Happy birthday to Johnny!!! 🥳 decided to write this fic that’s been brewing in my mind for a bit just because 🤷🏼 and besides it’s straight to the point 😂🫶🏼
requests are open! 🤎
divider credit @chaefilm 🖤
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“You’re blind folding me?” Johnny lets out with a chuckle as he goes along with whatever you have planned.  
“It’s part of your birthday surprise.” You giggled as you finished off tying the red silk ribbon around his head as you straddled his lap.  
“And what could that birthday surprise be?” Johnny hummed sensually as he placed his hands on your hips.  
“You just gotta wait and find out.” you whispered in his ear as you gave him a small kiss at the shell of his ear.  
Goosebumps formed around the base of Johnny’s neck down to his arm as his grip on your hips tightened. “You’re teasing...” he realized.  
“Of course, I am... I gotta build the tension while I have you blinded folded.” you said as you slowly climbed off his lap and towards his hardened length that happily sits high against the air leaking beads of pre cum, waiting for attention of its own.  
You came face to face with Johnny’s tip. A strangled moan leaves his lips as he felt your warm breathing hit his shaft causing for a shiver to run through his body. Before he could protest to you, you started to kitten lick his tip, causing him to throw his head back in ecstasy at the feeling.  
You continued to kitten lick, enjoying the look of pleasure and torment that started to wrap around Johnny’s facial expression. Johnny bucked his hips up trying to gain some sort of other type of stimulation as he knew that he didn’t like you teasing him with such small licks.  
“Tsk, you’re getting needy.” you retorted as you started to fist his shaft.  
With a groan, Johnny bucked up at the sensation. “Watch your tone angel. I may be blind folded but that doesn’t mean you have the reigns completely.” he said between teeth as he felt you take as much of his length into your mouth.  
“Mmm, you’re always more talk than action anyways baby.” you mumbled as you gasped up for air before going back down and bobbing your head just the way Johnny likes it.  
Johnny sat up as much as he could without hurting both you and him and wrapped his fingers in your hair pulling you off of him. “Don’t tempt me angel, you know I’ll make you regret it.”  
“Regret it? More like make me love it.” you said as you gave him a somewhat fucked out smile.  
“Tsk, you’re a brat, you knew that?” johnny sneered as he blindly guided you back to what you were doing.  
Happily going back to business, you started to deep throat Johnny, causing you to gag around his length as you tried to control your breathing.  
Johnny felt the way you swallowed around him causing him to groan and tighten his grip on your hair. Making your eyes tear up even more as you continued to push down on him before pulling away, causing strings of saliva to connect from the tip to your mouth.  
“I didn’t say you could stop.” Johnny said as he pushed your head back down on his shaft and started to face fuck you, not showing you any sort of mercy.  
“Fuck angel your throat is so tight.” Johnny moaned out as he held you down to where the tip of your nose touched the base of his shaft.  
You tapped Johnny’s thigh, signaling to him to need to breath, to which he lets you up and lets you catch your breath. As you tried to go back down on him, Johnny pulled your head back.  
“I’m not cumming like this. Ride me.” he ordered, not leaving any room for discussion.  
You bit your lip as you tried to suppress the smile on your face. “Yes, daddy.” you said as you straddled his lap once again.  
Once situated, you take hold of his shaft and align him to your entrance. You slowly sink down, making the two of you moan out at the sensation of your joining.  
“Soaking wet as always.” Johnny comments as he felt your slick trinkle down from between your folds to his base.  
A moan leaves your lips as his words as you slowly started to fuck yourself.  
You held onto his shoulders to level yourself as you started to pick up speed just as the pleasure started to become deliciously intense. Not being able to hold back anymore, Johnny takes hold of your hips as slams you down. This causes you to arch your back and moan out in pleasure at the sensation.  
He held you in place as he started to fuck up into you, completely getting lost in the pleasure. You couldn’t complain as this was exactly what you wanted from him. “F-fuck angel you feel so fucking good.” He moans as he bit his bottom lip.  
With how intense he was fucking you, the blind fold started to fall down from its original position. Not like either of you cared that it came off, just the intense eye contact that was happening could cause goose bumps to form on your skin.  
When the blind fold came off, Johnny could see the pleasure written all over your face as you looked at him. He saw the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head before you threw your head back as strings of moans leave your lips.  
Johnny took hold of your waist and flipped both of you over to where he was on top of you, not once coming out of you. He continued his brutal pace inside of you making you see stars.  
“So beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous my angel.” Johnny moaned out as he started to see how fucked out you were becoming. 
“Mmhm, y-yes…” you trailed off as you moaned.  
“Dumb on my cock already angel?” Johnny teased as he started to tweet with your harden nipples.  
“Y-yes — “a moan coming from you cut you off as Johnny’s hand trails down to your clit, squeezing it between his fingers.  
“Hmmm, just how I like to see you.” Johnny mumbled to himself as he watched the way you react to his touch.  
Johnny’s eyes trail down from your face to where you both join together. Seeing the way, you sucked him inside of you had him going feral inside. He pulled out of you, causing you to whimper at the lost feeling of being full.  
“Just for a moment baby, I need you to turn for me, okay?” Johnny said as he helped you turn onto your stomach.  
Automatically, you arched your ass up off of the bed giving Johnny a full show of your pussy, slick coming out of it for how good he was fucking you.  
“Fuck angel, look at the way you’re dripping.” Johnny says as he takes hold of your ass cheeks and spreads them apart so he could get a better view of your wet entrance.  
“J-Johnny please…” you whine as you pushed yourself against him.  
A slap landed right on your ass, causing you to jolt forward with a moan. “Patience.”  
You whimpered as you looked over your shoulder to see Johnny completely mesmerized by the sight before him.  
Johnny delivered a couple more slaps before kneading the tender flesh in his hands. He leaned down and placed kisses along your ass cheeks before he bit into one, making you moan loudly.  
Aligning himself with your entrance, Johnny thrusted himself into you in one go delivering the fullness you’ve been trying to regain back.  
Johnny continued the brutal pace from before, chasing the high within both of you that he knew was around the corner.  
“I-I’m…” you trailed off as you stuffed your head between the pillows below you as the pleasure was too much to bear with.  
“Fuck yourself on my cock angel.” A hiss escapes through his lips as you start to move yourself along his shaft, chasing the height that’s building up tightly.  
With a twitch from your walls and one last thrust on Johnny’s cock, you found your legs shaking in pleasure causing them to give out.  
Johnny followed your movement. He pressed himself deeper inside of you due to the position of you laying down completely on the bed. He continued thrusting into you hastily helping you through your orgasm, causing some overstimulation, as he chased after his own high.  
You felt like you were on cloud nine as Johnny brought you into overstimulation. Small, whiny moans leave your lips as he continued.  
You felt Johnny’s cock twitch inside of you, signaling that he’s about to release his load.  
“Angel, fuck I’m so close.” Johnny groaned out as he continued.  
“Inside.” You mumbled into the pillows.  
Johnny took hold of your hair and pulled your head back. “What was that angel?” He whispered into your ear.  
Chills run down your back as goosebumps rise onto your skin. “I-inside of me baby please.” You cried as you felt you were close to a second orgasm.  
“Fuck baby…you drive me crazy.” Johnny said as he brought his lips onto yours, shoving his tongue inside of your mouth to dominate the kiss.  
Lost in the kiss, you felt the sensation in your stomach tighten once again causing you to clench around Johnny. 
“Mmgh, fuck!” Johnny moaned out of the kiss as he started to release his load.  
As you felt the hot strands of his cum inside of you, you came around his cock for the second time tonight.  
Johnny put his weight on his arms so he wouldn’t fully collapse on you. Slowly, Johnny moved to the side, careful not to hurt you as he was still inside of you. He brought the two of you to your sides where he pushed the hair that clung onto your sweat damp forehead away from your face.  
Johnny softly caressed your arm; this causes you to stir slightly at the gentle sensation. Groggily, you opened your eyes and looked over your shoulder to see Johnny smiling down at you with a gentle smile. 
“Happy birthday baby.” you said softly as you took hold of his hand.  
“Thank you for the birthday surprise angel.” Johnny said as he placed a tender kiss on your shoulder.  
With one last shared kiss, the two of you drifted off into sleep content with another successful birthday surprise.  
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ummm thANK YOU TO MY 100+ FOLLOWERS!? ☹️🖤 honestly to see that so many of you like what I write is enough but to see that many of you following me makes me cry in joy 😭🫶🏼 thank you thank you thank youuuuu you guys encourage me 🖤
But I hope you guys enjoyed this fic! Had to give Johnny something for his birthday (ofc he ain’t seeing this cause— well 💀)
So much love from me to you MWAH MWAH 😚🖤
— mochi 🕷️
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markiemelon · 26 days
snow devil
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genre fluff, crack, no warnings
pairings gn!reader x riku
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11:11am—♡‧₊˚ ↴
“riku i swear if you throw tha—” bam. snowball right to your head.
he stood there, entertained… with his stupid smile… and his stupid face that you loved so much.
“stay there.” you said firmly, running your fingers through your dampened hair, shaking off a little powder that hadn’t yet melted.
you gave him a chance to reconsider his actions, but when he showed no signs of remorse, you settled for revenge. your sudden jolt forward made him flinch, and when he least expected it, you ran full speed ahead, tailing behind him as he stumbled through the snow.
“yn! yn! im sorry!” he exclaimed in a series of laughter and pleas. “i said im sorry!” he looked over his shoulder and saw you catching up. “you’re not sorry enough!” your tone was threatening. when he saw you cup your hands into the snow, he accepted his fate.
the sensation of the snow against his cheek made him shiver, so he buried his face into the collar of his coat in an attempt to warm up. “it’s cold!” he whined, waddling up to you and even trying to get inside your coat too.
he dropped his dramatic act when he got an idea. “hey we should make snow angels!” he jumped behind you to hug your back, craning his neck over your shoulder so you could see him. “don’t i look like an angel?” he teased, fluttering his eyes. “…don’t i?”
“riku, you are literally the embodiment of satan himself.”
dismissing your insult, he lowered to the ground and allowed himself to sink into the white, swiping his arms and legs side to side. shortly after, he was dusting his jeans off and taking a stand next to you.
“look.” he grinned, proudly observing his not-so-hard work. you pointed at his creation in horror. “ahh i think it has horns!” his smile quickly faded. “shut up, yn.”
thanks for reading. requests always open!
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winwintea · 1 month
nct and pet names
pairing ▸ random!nct members x reader (yuta, ten, jaehyun, renjun, jaemin, chenle, riku, sakuya) author's note ▸ i was inspired by another post, but wanted to go for a more realistic feeling, especially towards the foreign idols. enjoy my brainrot. also there needs to be more wish content on here i beg
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yuta - naishinno 
this man would definitely call you ‘gorgeous’, ‘divine’, or ‘princess’. but he’d prefer and be more comfortable to say such words in his native tongue. he also found out how much you enjoyed hearing him speak japanese, so sometimes on purpose he’ll sneak up behind you and whisper, “naishinno…'' (meaning princess in japanese)  startling you but also making your ears turn pink. yuta also has no problem with using the pet name within earshot of others, and as much as you protest, he assures you that no one really understands.
ten - mi mi 
hear me out guys. hear me out. ten our beloved cat mom would definitely call you something relating to cats. he’s not calling you “kitten” because um that’s kinda cringe… but he would go for something cuter. “mao mi” is the chinese word for cat, (I KNOW HE'S THAI. BEAR WITH ME OKAY) and people usually refer to kittens as “mi mi” (it’s like the most basic name an owner can give to their cat too) most of the time, nicknames are usually duplicated characters, and mi mi is also a very common nickname for girls. it also means ‘tits’. so ten decided that was the best nickname in the world and he was an absolute genius for coming up with it, and so now you’re stuck with being called his “mi mi” for life. good luck. 
jaehyun - cara mia/mi amor/ma cherie 
jaehyun LOVES pet names. it’s a rare feat if he ever calls you by your first name. ‘sweetheart’, ‘darling’, ‘honey’. he uses them all. but jaehyun is a classy bitch, and he likes to keep things fancy, so his favorites are using different languages, just because it somehow sounds more expensive and full of taste and that’s exactly what he feels you deserve. some of his favorites include: “cara mia” the italian words for ‘my beloved’; “mon amour” & “mi amor” the french and spanish words for ‘my love’; and finally, “ma cherie” the french words for ‘darling/sweetheart’. (stream mon amour by gemini guys)
renjun - qin ai de/qin qin/lao po 
okay yes renjun is using chinese, but not straight away into the relationship. let’s get that cleared up out of the way. he’ll initially start with ‘my dearest’, and uses his sweet voice to his advantage. “qin ai de y/n, could you do something for me real quick? pretty please?” but eventually as the relationship progresses on and he feels more comfortable, he’ll start dropping the “lao po” (‘wife’ in chinese) on you, which initially comes as a culture shock, because you haven’t even thought of getting to that stage yet. renjun teaches you of how common it is in china for non-married couples to call each other husband and wife, and even teaches you how to say ‘lao gong’ (husband)
jaemin - pookie
once jaemin discovers this word it’s joeover for you. one day you accidentally call him, ‘pookie’ to his face (which is what you would often use when referring to him around others) and he is so intrigued by the word he demands an explanation as to what it means. and when he realizes it’s true purpose, it’s true meaning, he’ll be taking that word to the GRAVE. and this brat uses it EVERYWHERE. on text, in person, in front of your friends. he will never spare you the pain and embarrassment. but he just wants to let you know how much he loves you, truly. his pookie <3
chenle - bao bei
immediately into your relationship chenle throws around ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ like crazy. this man knows what he wants because he quickly found out that if he slurred his words while saying, “bao bei a~” you would fold immediately. not afraid of saying it in front of others because the only one who understands are the c-liners (but eventually everyone catches on) chenle also somehow makes it seem so casual and natural. ‘bao bei’ also directly translates to treasure, and he’ll occasionally add in a ‘xiao’ (little) at the beginning when praising you or giving you compliments.
riku/sakuya - pan-san
I was originally just going to do riku, but figured i’d just shove these two together, but mostly write about riku.
sakuya and riku both like bread, the only difference is that while both want to work at a bakery, sakuya cannot cook to save his life and riku can actually bake. these two actually share so much in common it's actually insane, for one being absolute shits in general. regardless, ‘pan’ means bread and ‘pan-san’ is actually so cute and it rolls off the tongue really well. (i was originally going to say ‘pan-pan’ but a quick google search said no.) 
although riku enjoys teasing you, he still wants you to enjoy the pet name given to you. ‘bread’ is sweet, it is simple, and it is certainly delicious. literally the best nickname anyone could ever have and you should be grateful. but you don’t seem as pleased as he is. you have to process that your boyfriend is naming you after bread. not even like ‘cupcake’ or ‘sugar cookie’ or something else, just. bread. but after riku yaps about it for an hour, adding in compliments and phrases, you give in, and allow yourself to be called bread.
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(do let me know if you want to see anything for the other members! i'll try my best 🙏🙏)
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eusion · 1 month
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪nct wish hyung line as ur college bf ⌒☆
word count ⌒☆ 858
pairing ⌒☆ nct wish hyung line x reader
note ⌒☆ ive done it... save me
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sion ⌒☆
walks with u to ur every class even if his own class is across campus
attends every club formal event with u bcus he cant let ppl see u without him!!! esp if ur dressed all pretty
despite wanting to be around u all of the time he will give u more than enough time to urself or w ur own friends
hes jumping into dance circles at parties but will periodically check in on u to see if ur doing ok
"did u eat yet" "ok did u wna go get food"
never gets jealous or competitive when he sees other guys flirting with u. hes v confident n trusts u 1000%!!
hes just better and he knows it
gets shy often so pda doesnt come easily
so when he holds ur hand while walking through campus u feel really giddy
doesnt let u eat in the dining hall bcus he thinks the food sucks so he tries n brings u lunch everyday
always there to lend support or advice whenever u need it
otherwise hes quietly cheering u on w the biggest smile on his face
he takes care of u a lot but u always make sure to return the favor!
he needs a lot of reassurance too so u always take time out of ur day to tell him how much u appreciate him
cup his cheeks n give him a kiss!!!!! he will smile so big...
hes v studious n never puts off his work
his good work ethic rubbed off on u but even during study sessions u both cant help but get even a Little distracted
laughs at all of ur jokes n ur not sure if its bcus ur funny or bcus he wants to make u feel better
riku ⌒☆
will do anything to take the same core classes as u so he can have a partner
if someone tries to take u as a partner first he will whine n cry until the other person gives in
designated study buddy even though u two get distracted 100% of the time
when ur rlly stressed from exams count on riku to be there to give u comfort n lots of hugs
whenever u get up for something as small as presenting or as big as mcing for ur club event, riku will always be there cheering the loudest for u
"THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" then covers his face in embarrassment
randomly calls u over zoom just for fun...
works at ur campus bakery n passes u free bread n pastries even after getting in trouble w his boss
also jumping in the dance circle n will take 5 min breaks in between to chug his water n fan himself
dragging u to every campus event..........
when u two have sleepovers ur sharing his twin bed
he will hog the blanket n steal ur plushies + the entire pillow
drunk riku is either spitting out nonsense or theres a constant string of i love u's
u two are learning tiktok dances in ur free time n saving them for ur drafts just to look back on later
always at ur apt/dorm? unannounced?
but ur roommates n housemates are used to it
plays volleyball for fun w his friends n u come to his lil games to cheer him on
yushi ⌒☆
takes pottery as an elective n every piece he makes he dedicates it to u
begs that u visit him at work with the widest eyes
gives u free drinks all the time even after getting caught n almost fired
lets u take as many silly pics of him bcus he knows ur gonna post it on main....
and gets super Happy when u post him
u two are regulars at his favorite stir fry restaurant! the owners love seeing u two together n will always add on the unofficial college couple discount
lives on campus so u two have lots of sleepovers together..
dormmates recognize ur shoes n always expect u to be there
always tagging along when u need to run errands! whether itd b for groceries or returning a shirt he will b there!!
ur always studying when hes around :((( < yushi
ur laptop on the coffee table n ur back against the couch as u sit on the floor..
sometimes he will come over n just lay his head on ur lap while scrolling thru his phone
matching accessories.. lil things like scarves, gloves, etc
has a cute selfie of u two as his lockscreen and an off guard of u walking along the pier as his homescreen
part of ur schools dance crew along w sion
u love watching his performances! u never get tired of watching him and bragging to everyone about how talented ur bf is
"and u didnt bring me flowers?"
matching merch for ur college... just showed up once day with two varsity jackets for u n him
is actually on the unis soccer team n is one of their best! #allrounder
u go to his games in his jerseys all the time just to see how big his smile gets on the field
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yawnzzznnn · 2 months
requesting prompt 5.)Kiss? you want a Kiss? with riku please <3
✮Bored Teasing - Riku✮
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✮Special Thank too: Anon, Riku, NCT WISH
✮Note: slightly oc Riku, sorry if it's terrible my mental health has been plummetting lately, I just really need comfort
✮CW: kisses : teasing : slightly oc Riku : food : drinks :
✮Taglist: no one yet but if you wanna join just lemme know
✮Prompt: 5.) Kiss? You want a kiss?
You and Riku sat comfortably on your couch, him having come over for peace away from the loud dorm he was living in. Snacks scattered about the coffee table, as well as trash from snacks and drinks y'all had previously eaten. Your legs thrown over Riku's lap as you sat sideways, Riku's hands busy themselves with yours, slightly twisting your finger every now and then leaving a small peck on your knuckles.
"Riku" you spoke softly taking your foot, pressing it on his thigh. A small hum left his mouth as he stared lazily at the TV, the movie being played lost both your interests long ago. Instead of responding with words you made a small kiss sound, Riku looked over confused "hm?" In response you once again made the small kiss sound, after a few seconds Riku seemed to have understood.
Giggling softly he shook his head no, your neutral bored face contorted into a confused pout, "why?" Your eyes asked, once again Riku shook his head no "nuh-uh, it's your turn to give the kiss" Riku said making up a lame excuse, "what? Riku, we don't go by turns and you know that" you spoke, snatching your hand from his as you crossed your arm, swinging your legs off his lap you face infront of you.
Riku's quiet giggles turned into slightly disturbing cackles, "no? I think we should" he spoke, tease lacing his words. You scoffed "Riku! Come on, I don't do this to you when you want a kiss" your said, your pout forming into a frown, Riku laughed leaning closer to your ear as he spoke lowly "kiss? You want a kiss?" He teased, sneaking his hands between your folded arms as he pulled them apart setting them to your side, he carefully situated you so your facing him. "Don't be a baby about it" he teased more.
Before you could protest he gently put his lips on yours, your previous train of thought ending, falling into the abyss of Riku, after what felt like an eternity Riku pulled away, "happy?" He asked smoothing your hair down, in response you nodded laying yourself back in his lap with a small smile on your face.
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sinisxtea · 22 days
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can confirm the lyrics are real no need to check i’m actually taylor
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zzzmyeon · 2 months
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gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
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moodboard 🐮
nct or girls generation ❔❕
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mins-fins · 2 months
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💌 NCT 127 ꜜ
skyline highlights! — (series; ongoing)
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
the course of true love — (long fic; work in progress)
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
1, 2, 3 — (series; ongoing) signed, agent zero — (series; ongoing)
pearls — (drabble) 20:20 pm — (timestamp) the spiderweb theory — (smau series; work in progress) endless nameless — (smau series; ongoing) there's nothing left for you — (drabble) remember summer days — (long fic; work in progress)
new years day — (long fic) two slow dancers — (drabble) bygone days — (drabble)
21:29 pm — (timestamp) operation ἐκλείπω (long fic; work in progress) oh fuck you cupid! — (long fic; work in progress)
bring it back — (drabble) where do we go — (drabble) 02:09 am — (timestamp) oh fuck you cupid! — (long fic; work in progress) 06:10 am — (timestamp) june 20th — (drabble) missa solemnis — (drabble) should've been me — (drabble) boyfriend texts (smau oneshot) star — (drabble) haunted — (drabble)
junie — (drabble) you have one new voicemail from! — (oneshot) oh fuck you cupid! — (long fic; work in progress) 00:17 am — (timestamp) express moon — (long fic; work in progress)
audere est facere — (long fic; work in progress) unapologetically in love — (smau oneshot) you have one new voicemail from! — (oneshot) a day for love — (long fic; work in progress)
orbit of yours — (long fic) sincerely, a lovestruck fool — (long fic; work in progress)
💌 WAYV ꜜ
nothing here yet..
to the one i call love — (long fic; work in progress)
boyfriend texts — (smau oneshot) closure — (drabble) parenting chronicles — (long fic; work in progress) not now kitty cat! — (smau; work in progress)
pareidolia — (drabble)
buttercup — (smau series; work in progress) dal segno — (drabble) all flights are delayed — (long fic) r.i.p 2 my youth! — (long fic; work in progress)
dancing swords — (long fic; work in progress) r.i.p 2 my youth! — (long fic; work in progress)
01:09 am — (timestamp) perfect moment — (smau series; work in progress) space science — (drabble) delicate — (drabble; work in progress) r.i.p 2 my youth! (long fic; work in progress)
nothing here yet..
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sunshyni · 10 days
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“PENN U” surgiu do meu amor pela série de livros chamada “Amores improváveis” ou “Off Campus” da Elle Kennedy, e consiste em contos com os neos (incluindo todas as units, 127, DREAM, WAYV e futuramente WISH) que possuem uma ordem de publicação, mas que não necessariamente você precisa seguir para ler, é opcional. Ah! E como os livros que eu me inspirei possuem essa temática de jogadores de hóquei no gelo, todos os neos vão ser atletas, seja de hóquei ou de outro esporte.
Contém: linguagem imprópria, conteúdo sexual (com isso eu quero dizer uma frase com conotação sexual aqui e alí, mas nenhum smut) e muito provavelmente os neos sendo idiotas por mulheres.
PENN U – Abertura
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Defensor
Cursando: Administração (mas sonha em se tornar um jogador profissional da NHL*)
Equivalente a: John Logan (do livro “O erro”)
PENN U - Johnny
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante de centro
Cursando: Ciência da computação
Equivalente a: Colin Fitzgerald (do livro spin-off de “Amores improváveis” chamado “The chase”)
PENN U - Mark pt.1; pt2 (final)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante ala (wing)
Cursando: Ciências da saúde
Equivalente a: Dean Di Laurentis (do livro “O jogo”) e a Hunter Davenport (do livro spin-off de “Amores improváveis” chamado “The play”)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Goleiro
Cursando: Hotelaria
Equivalente a: John Tucker (do livro “A conquista”)
TEN (eu me recuso a escrever o nome completo do meu amor, my bad)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Defensor
Cursando: Belas Artes
(jogadores que não fazem parte da universidade da Pensilvânia, no entanto são comentados em alguns contos e consequentemente ganham as suas próprias histórias)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante
Cursando: Tecnologia da informação (meu parceiro aí de carreira)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Defensor
Cursando: Direito
Equivalente a: Garrett Graham (do livro “O acordo”)
PENN U – Haechan
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante
Cursando: Ciência da computação (buscando por um mestrado em “engenharia de jogos”)
Equivalente a: Conor Edwards (do livro spin-off de “Amores improváveis” chamado “The dare”)
Em breve...
PENN U: Abreviação para universidade da Pensilvânia;
NHL: Abreviação para Liga Nacional de Hóquei (em inglês, “National Hockey League”).
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00127am · 2 months
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TAPE ONE. tokuno yushi & gn! reader RUN TIME. 1K words
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2OO4. 勇志
"you look pretty,"
the chatter of passing people from beneath your open window nearly consumes each syllable of his compliment, tone much too soft to be deciphered through the hustle and bustle of the city. a noise partnered with the all too familiar serenade of cicadas and the steady stop and go of traffic. the life all around you so loud that yushi, in all his gentle and tender words, is almost forgotten. washed away with the sudden strike of high tide, only to be resurrected by the lull in the surf and your significantly fine tuned hearing.
"yeah?" a question poised in the undertaking of an action as you pull your shirt from over your head, collar getting stuck on the angle of your chin. a problem solved as quickly as it had arisen with one harsh tug until the article of clothing is tossed absentmindedly onto the bed behind you.
he swallows softly, eyelashes fawning against his cheeks as his head tilts upon his shoulder. catlike eyes follow the curves of your naked spine, tracing over every muscle, every beauty mark, every imperfection and division. his answer is one made without thought, an immediate response that even he finds to be said much too instantaneously. "yeah,"
"thank you," you unbutton your jeans, shaking them off the bone of your hips with a few light steps and a yank at your beltloops. balancing on one foot as you slide them down your legs, kicking them off with a rightward snap of your ankle.
"have i ever told you that?"
you crouch down to one of your wardrobe drawers, sliding it open in a single, fluid motion. tongue caught in between your teeth as you sift through the clothing, fingertips slipping over the folded fabric once, twice, then three times over until you've successfully found the bottoms you've been searching for. "that i'm pretty?"
he nods, leaning against the doorframe as he watches you stand to your full height. a motion undertaken with little thought, one that he realizes you did not catch with the continued silence on your part. so instead, he offers you a hum of affirmation. one which stands out from the noise of your backdrop, a sound much too sweet too blend into anything else.
you pause, thinking for a moment before tugging on your pants. brows furrowed and nose scrunched as you button them, slender fingers dropping to the zipper. despite the thorough mundanity of the action, your red-haired counterpart gazes upon you as if you were dancing a pirouette la seconde. though, he supposes that he would watch paint dry if you were the one who had put it there. "i'm not sure,"
"well i do," he says, lips parted and tongue caught gently between them, expression tensed as if it were a matter of life or death, "think you're pretty, i mean,"
you laugh, eyes flicking upwards to meet his gaze. eyelashes upon eyebrows, the upwards curve of your lips obscured by the angle of your chin. your inflection is genuine, earnest. "so are you,"
despite the warmth which spreads throughout his chest at the register of your reply, your words are anything but. they're cool. refreshing and short-lived, like a breeze in the unrelenting gaze of the summer sun. one he wished would lay upon his skin for even a second longer, yearning for the chill which lays upon his spine and the sigh of relief which escapes his tongue.
swallowed in the heatwave of june, you're the only one who could make yushi freeze. and perhaps that's why his next words slip off his tongue with such ease, such an unconsciousness that he barely registers that he was the one who said them.
"i was in love with you last year,"
if you were at all startled by the sudden admission, you didn't show it. instead busying yourself with adorning your top chosen just a few moments prior. you're focused on straightening your shirt, attention unfocused on the boy in front of you. and for once, yushi's glad to not hold every ounce of your consideration. for if he did, if he was met by your gaze (the one which makes his heart drop to his knees) then he's positive he might explode.
your tone is nonchalant, an underlying hint of amusement evident in the ending intonation of your vowels. "really? did my failing grade in economics charm you?"
he shrugs, attempting to keep his tone every bit as casual as yours (it doesn't work, in fact, he sounds too much like a schoolboy with a crush for his replies to be considered anything but lovesick). "a bit,"
"glad it did something," you laugh, finally picking up your head to meet his gaze. a movement which encourages the sudden flight of a million and one butterflies, battering and banging against the walls of his stomach and sending his cheeks burning a shade of red most akin to his hair. "but now?"
yushi clears his throat, a last ditch effort for any sliver of composure (one which reaps no rewards). "what about now?"
arching your brow, you shoot him a incredulous look. as if what you were referring too was all but obvious (it was, but he's trying so desperately hard to wear an aloof facade despite the feeling of it unraveling with each and every glance in your direction). "you said last year. was in love. past tense,"
your words are spoken with a hint of haughtiness, a puffed up pride which sits upon your head like a golden crown. as if you had just gotten him to admit something you already knew and won the cat-and-mouse game which the two of you have been rattling between for the last year and a half. something that for all intents and purposes, you had. a trend which he was all but reluctant to continue. an unwillingness that lasts for just a fraction of a second. he huffs, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms in a show of faux annoyance. "i'm not giving you the satisfaction of using present tense,"
"but you would use it?"
"yeah," like the initial confession, the answer comes easy. slipping down from upon the tip of his tongue as smooth as honey. pooling in the roar of your heartbeat and resting upon the crimson blush of his cheeks. yushi's words are spoken with such an ease, such a natural lilt as if they are the only things in the world which he was ever meant to attest. "i would,"
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return to the vhs collection
🧾 © 00127AM 2024
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ohmytyong · 1 year
i was just thinking about boyfriend!jaehyun and how he would spend quality time with you. he would take you out on dinner dates and then he would take you back to his apartment to pour you a glass of red wine while the two of you swayed lightly in the living room listening to some cigarettes after sex songs playing on his vinyl.
you would go on museum dates, art galleries, concerts and he would take pictures of you with his camera to capture each moment, while complimenting you with each pose you stroke.
you would do movie night marathons together, you would spend hours in the kitchen trying to make crêpes following a recipe you found online, even if your attempts failed.
you would sing duets together, jaehyun would strum random chords on his guitar while you hummed random soft melodies on top of the sound.
jaehyun would help you remove your makeup after a long, tiring day and he would let you fall asleep on his chest while he would plant soft kisses on your forehead.
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chuuzys · 10 days
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winwintea · 1 month
how wayv would react if you showed up at their doorstep covered in bl**d with a g*n
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how wayv members would react if you showed up at their doorstep covered in bl**d with a g*n. PAIRING ▸ wayv x reader 
TRIGGER WARNINGS ▸ mentions of: bl//d (o) and g/ns (u), very angsty
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ i watched the winwin and ten lovely dance cover again and cried because im an emotional trainwreck... REGARDLESS. idk actually how this prompt came to me but damn
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Qian Kun
Kun’s lips are pursed together, his eyes widen at the sight of you. With your blood stained cheeks, mixed with your murky tears, you were covered head to toe in… red. He looks you up and down before demanding angrily, “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” His voice is loud and clear, and you can’t help but choke up a few sobs in response, unable to answer him. Kun grabs the gun out of your hands, and embraces you in a tight hug. This time his voice begins to crack and it’s a lot softer, “What did you do…?”
Ten was so caught off guard by the blood, he didn’t even notice the gun in your hands. “Holy SHIT! What the hell, y/n?” Strings of curses followed, but you couldn’t do anything but just sob uncontrollably. Ten gazes into your teary eyes. It’s hard to see your face clearly, since it’s covered in blood. Although Ten had no idea what you did, you had come to him for help. He grabs your shoulders and presses his face close to yours, and gives you a comforting smile, “Come inside. I’ll get you cleaned up.” He would be your rock. He would be your shield. He would protect you. Always.
Dong Si Cheng
Winwin has mixed feelings as soon as he sees you at the door. He’s definitely shocked, but hides it well. The gun was directed towards Winwin, but your hands were shaking, trembling. You were a wreck, a blubbering mess. He places his hand upon yours, slowly lowering the gun. “Why don’t you put the gun down and tell me what happened?” His voice has a soothing and calming edge to it. He embraced you in a hug, rubbing your back, as he whispered in your ear, “It’s going to be okay.” And that’s almost enough to make you believe his words. Almost.
Xiao De Jun
Xiaojun cursed as soon as he saw you. “Woah…” He held his hands up in defense, eyeing you carefully. His eyes nervously glanced around the area, wondering if any of his neighbors might take notice. You remained silent, your shaky fingers still wrapped around the gun.  The scent of blood fills the air, which Xiaojun notices as quite fresh. Once his shock has worn over, he finally breaks the silence, “Are you going to tell me what happened or are we going to be here all day?”
Wong Kun Hang
Hendery is just at a loss for words. The first thing he says to you, trying to process everything going on in front of him is, “Oh. That looks… messy.” (no shit) Hendery stands there awkwardly, not sure of what to do. He looks into your eyes and stares back at his reflection. There’s nothing left he realizes. Whatever you did, whatever caused this mess… didn’t matter. You would never be the same. The person he once knew, was gone. Lost forever. And he could never get you back. 
Liu Yang Yang 
Yangyang hadn’t expected you to turn up at his doorstep, much less covered in blood. “I’m trying not to freak out… but is the blood yours?” You shook your head, and he stared at you, in awe for a second. He put his hands around your shoulders, and felt how much you were shaking. Not wanting to disturb the neighbors, he brought you inside, wrapped a towel around your body, and quickly filled a bucket with water so he could wash you off. “Yangyang…” You called out to him, your voice still trembling, “Do you trust me?"
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