#im still deciding on should i kill or off or not or she's still kicking in some random house you walk in
leviathanspain · 1 year
bill weasley x reader
synopsis: new revelations under a set of stars
bill had never been one to cause any fights, let alone land the first blow. but as his fist connected to amon inkwell’s nose, watching as the boy fell back onto the pavement, in almost slow motion, bill thought back to the conversation that he had overheard, causing this situation.
his legs had been shoved over the ledge, the bridge was his favorite spot, quiet and normally empty, it was always the perfect time to smoke a smuggled cigarette, and ponder over his life. his red hair was blowing just over the side of his face, as he exhaled the smoke. a quick huff when he turned suddenly, hearing the door creak open, he saw a group of boys messing around, and went back to his cigarette.
he kicked his feet as he heard the boys near him, and just a few pillars down, sat to have their conversation. their voices carried to his ears, and bill couldn’t help but pay attention, especially as he heard your name.
“..senna mentioned that y/n was a virgin. desperate to get it over with, she said. i say, i volunteer myself. offer a date, and a little bit of private time?” he laughed, and the rowdy laugh of the other boys joined in.
bill huffed, and before he knew it, he was landing blows left and right to amon’s face, the other boys having to use all their strength to shove him off.
“talk about her again and i’ll kill you!” he threatened, his eyes wild as the boys peeled amon off the floor, his face already bruising and swollen.
you burst through the infirmary doors with a stern look on your face. your hair blew back with the wind and bill noticed your expression. he rolled his eyes, and shook his head, “i’m fine.” he said as you neared, but didn’t say anything as you peeled back the bandages and looked at his hand. cut and bruised, there was still some dried blood. you sighed, “god, really bill?!” you wrapped it up tightly, causing him to hiss, “it’s not that bad, y/n. just a battle wound.” he tried to seem his usual, nonchalant self, but this behavior was not like him at all. bill was one to argue, maybe even get a little loud, but violence had never been a thing associated with the weasleys.
bill looked down, “at least amon and his goons have decided not to say anything. i assume that’s not just because of me?” he looked at you, smirking slightly and you shrugged, “i can also pack a really good punch.”
bill nudged you, smiling, “im sorry, for what they said. i- i just got really mad.” he shook his head and you scoffed, “relax, weasley. you have my full gratitude for defending my honor, and for canceling that date unintentionally. i had found it hard to say no.” you admitted, and bill nodded, “you should lose it with someone you love, not someone like amon.”
you blushed, “ah. yes, i,” you cleared your throat, “listen, i’ll see you later. i have to get to an exam for divination but are we still on for tonight?” you stood up, brushing your robes down, bill noticed that your face was incredibly red, and he looked down, “yes. i’ll see you then.”
the quidditch field was almost ominous, the heavy flapping of the tents in the wind created a noise that had you looking over your shoulder, but seeing bill already on his back, looking up at he stars, you felt safe. you ran towards him, and landed next to him, lying down.
“evening, weasley.”
he smirked, looking at you, “evening, y/n. how was your exam?”
you shrugged, “bleak. the professor said she saw ‘something of a revelation’ in my tea leaves.” you scoffed, and reached into bills robe pocket. the semi crushed cigarette pack was pulled out.
bill laughed, “not very open minded are we?” he teased you, and took the pack out of your hand. you watched him light it, and draw a large inhale. bill noticed your silence and looked at you, “what’s wrong?”
you laughed bitterly, “i can be open minded!” you defended yourself, taking the cigarette from him.
bill rolled his eyes, laughing, “yes, of course, and im a non smoker.” he threw his head back onto the grass, and you shoved him.
“this isn’t funny. i- i’ve done a lot of open minded things.” you held out the cigarette, “look! im smoking, i never smoked until i met you!” you sounded unsure of yourself and bill could tell, “that stick is so far up your ass you cant even convince yourself.” he joked, and you let out a laugh, “okay, that was a little funny.”
“yeah, i know.” he mocked his arrogance and folded his arms behind his head, closing his eyes, “show me your open minded side, show me that rebellious girl.”
you inhaled the smoke, and without even thinking, you leaned down, blowing the smoke over bills face, your lips kissing his suddenly.
bill reacted with his hand holding your head, leaning up to meet your lips with a hunger he didn’t know he had.
you kissed him deeply for a minute, unsure of what to do, but bill was leading the kiss, heavy on the tongue.
you pulled back with a smile, “see? i did something i would never do.”
bill smirked, “kissing me cannot actually be that bad.”
you shrugged, “it wasn’t, but you’ve been passed around so much that i should probably head down to one of those muggle clinics and see if i caught anything.” you joked, and bill tipped his head back with a laugh, “at least i’ve been passed around.”
you rolled your eyes, “ha, ha. not funny, weasley.” your mood had suddenly felt spoiled, and you took a frustrated drag.
bill sat up, and shook his head, “i’m sorry. that wasn’t very nice, was it?”
you looked at him, and you sat back, handing the cigarette to him, bill tossed it aside, “no it wasn’t. but i guess i can’t blame you. seventh year and still a virgin? im pathetic.”
bill shook his head, “no you’re not. half the guys here are all knobs, you don’t have to do anything, especially because you feel like there’s some sort of pressure.”
you sighed, “you’re just saying that because we’re friends. last i remembered, you had girls on standby, waiting to take a ride on the weasley express.”
bill wrinkled his nose and you laughed, “that was in bad taste, im sorry.” you admitted and bill shrugged, “no it’s fine. im a slag.” you laughed loudly now, and shoved him.
you and bill got into a slight tumble as he shoved you back, you losing your balance and falling down onto the grass, he paused the little fight and smiled up at the sky, “remember what i said in the infirmary? do it when you’re ready, with someone who you love.”
you looked at bill, his face watching the sky was bordering even more beautiful than the constellations themselves, and suddenly that urge to kiss him hit you again.
bill turned to look at you, and as he did, you were already leaning down to kiss him again.
you crawled on top of him, your legs on either side of his, you kissed him roughly.
as much as bill would’ve loved to keep kissing you, he paused, and pulled back, his hands holding your face, “what are you doing?” he knew exactly what you were doing, but it was if you had really wanted to be doing this, that he questioned.
“you said to lose it to someone i love.” your hands reached down to the white collar poking underneath his sweater, “i love you, bill weasley.”
bill nodded, “i never thought you’d say that.” and bill kissed yoh again, wondering just how a wonderful girl like you, someone who had been his friend for years, seen the ugly and the bad side of him, had seen his family, met them, spent summers with them, had chosen him.
he was not like anyone in hogwarts, good or for bad. but you looked at him like he mattered.
and as his hands trailed up to your skirts, peeling back the elastic, you looked at him and nodded, wondering just how perfect this moment was.
and as bill took you for his own, your cries echoing out into the quidditch field, you on your back and bill on top of you, your eyes focused on the constellations in the sky, and suddenly you saw what bill saw. the constellations were in harmony, and as you came, bill fucking you right into it, his declaration of love came out as a groan, his lips kissing yours.
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the-nightshade-crypt · 7 months
My personal favorite headcanon for Nerdy Prudes Must Die (spoilers, obviously) (I start off with a shit ton of just the actual story before the theory, I'm bisexual and autistic, I'm hyperfixated as fuck and these two are so cute, leave me alone /lh)
Max is obviously in love with Grace. Even if he frames it as just wanting to take her chastity, it's clear that he loves her. I mean, firstly, he defends her from bullying despite her being the nerdiest prude. Max himself says to Pete that nobody is a loser until he says they are, so if Max says Grace isn't one, then she wouldn't be. When she comes over to him in their first scene he asks so fucking sweetly to carry her books, like, batting his eyelashes and such a sweet voice. And when she declines he resorts to his mean bully self.
Grace very clearly does not love Max back. Despite her sexual fantasies, and even the lyric "I think im loving you more than I should" in Dirty Girl, she doesn't love him. Cause that's all they are, fantasies. In Dirty Girl she makes it very clear, with her saying multiple times "I don't/won't care about you". And its clear she doesnt want him to like her either, since her fantasy Max specifically asks her to "love me like you dont care." Showing that she really just wants him so she can give in to her temptations. She only sees him with lust, a symbol of her "sinful" desires. A symbol she wants to get rid of by any means to stay pure.
When Max decides to kill Steph first, he screams "you fucking Judas", which causes Grace to show up and shout "So you do know the Bible!" She then follows that up with "I used to have a crush on another guy who rose from the grave. But Jesus never threw a football like you max!" Despite her saying "crush" I fully believe she didn't mean it that way. She just needed to get him on board with her plan, and she knows how he feels about her.
She finally gets him to leave Steph and Pete alone and they have sex. When she comes back, she's smoking a cigarette and states "I needed that." Max comes out from behind the the wall and gets on his stomach, kicking his fucking feet like a tween girl writing self insert fanfiction, and says "Hey, uh, Grace? Where you going? Don't you wanna cuddle a little bit?" This line alone proves to me that he's in love with her. Compared to someone like Ted Spankoffski, who would never do something as romantic as cuddling after sex (at least not with anyone besides the girl he loves), it's obvious that Max has real feelings...
Only for Grace to say "Oh Max. I just gave you a gift. A very special gift. In fact, I just gave you what I cherish most. My chastity." Not only did she successfully fulfill what the Lord's in Black demanded, though we all know they didn't like that Pete or Steph didn't die, she also got what she wanted... to give into her sinful sexual urges.
With Max screaming that it was worth it, and him gone into the black and white, Grace becomes almost addicted to the power of the Black Book. The end of the musical is her taking over Max's role to kill the people she deems deserve it, in her case, perverts.
Now, my actual theory is that since Grace is directly connected with the Lord's In Black, she can freely go to the black and white, similar to how Miss Holloway seems to be able to. With Max in the Black and white... I like to think he's still actively pining for her. Whenever she visits to talk with the Lord's he's just kinda watching and trying to flirt with her and she's just completely over it. It gets to the point where even the Lord's are irritated. But slowly Grace starts to find his flirting charming. Realizing that since she is working for the Lord's in Black, effectively denouncing her Christianity, there's nothing stopping her from finding someone attractive, or wanting to be with someone. Their relationship at this point might stay as mostly sexual, but she is falling in love.
Maybe she makes a deal with the Lord's to bring him back to life, or maybe she's into fucking ghosts and just asks for that idk but the point is... I like thinking that with her doing the Lord's in Black's bidding, she can see max and actually get to know and fall in love with him.
I just really love the idea of Max being a lovesick himbo babygirl, only for Grace to reject him and be an asshole. But Max is a hopeless romantic who finds it hot that Grace is mean to him and he doesnt take it to heart. He's desperate for a positive relationship, seeing that he says his dad calls him a cuck and is very clearly emotionally/verbally abusive at best, and it kinda seems like Grace wants to be adored by someone, the same way Linda Monroe does.
They are in love your honor
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
oughhhh.....marie is awkwardly flitting around the house, trying to find something to occupy herself with so she can forget that her husband is out there trying to catch her brother-in-law and that there's a junkie/possible accomplice sleeping in her guest room when she hears a loud thump from said guest room. her hesitations about entering without hank are trumped by her concern for the nice dresser in there and she opens the door to find her new guest convulsing on the floor, still partially tangled up in the duvet (he didn't even get under the covers, she realizes). marie isn't sure if she should call 911 because what's the legality of harboring a potential criminal in ur house?? what's the houseguest etiquette for a kid who has seen and done awful things but is only a few years older than flynn?? marie's medical training (and the thought of flynn) kicks in and she kneels down to get the duvet off of him and cushion his head as the convulsions peter out and he lays there, panting. he looks like one of her patients after their third round of chemo, when the pain and fatigue really starts hitting. jesse wakes up on marie's purple throw rug, confused as hell and his head pounding; marie is right up in his face, looking at his pupils. she starts to ask "are you high", then decides against it halfway thru: "are you alright?" he mumbles something about his ID before trying to sit up and take stock of this weird-ass situation. marie gives in at this moment, her mind a cocktail of thoughts about flynn and memories of that videotape he and hank recorded in the living room earlier today. "come on, up. i think u hit ur head on the nightstand." she makes him come into the kitchen and sit on one of the barstools while she rummages around in the freezer for a bag of peas. part of her kind of wishes he'd take his shoes off inside, but part of her doesn't because she knows that he'd be weirdly apologetic about it if she told him to take them off now. it's very strange, standing awkwardly by the sink while a kid who has literally killed somebody is sitting at her counter with a bag of peas against the side of his head and that look on his face like he expects her to come across the counter and sock him. finally, marie takes a pan out of the cabinet. "do u like lasagna?" she's already going to the pantry for noodles so it doesn't really matter what his answer is, but she listens anyway. "um. yeah.....but u dont have to or anything." marie gets sauce too while she's in there. "its almost dinnertime." theres silence as she gathers the ingredients and turns on the oven to preheat, but it's not as weird as the silence before. finally he says "im sorry for getting dirt and stuff on ur sheets" and marie looks at him one more time, knowing that he won't be looking at her (like a chastised kid), and says "it washes out. let me get you a new bag of peas."
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twocrabcake · 9 months
alright here’s the deal
i’m gonna make a percentage of how many trap victims/related persons survive
wish me luck this is gonna be tedious 🫡
it’s been an hour or two since i wrote that lol i got busy
idk i’m starting when its like 12am????
survived: iiiiiiiiii
not: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special (survived): iiiiiii
special (not): iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special is either 1 the game was rigged or 2 they beat the game but died some other related way (ex: adam) 3 or if it was up to somebody else to save you as part of their game (ex: eric matthews, like a lot of them actually)
special good is when it was rigged/something was against them or different but they still beat it. hold on hold up i’m looking for an example rn. ok the secretary lady deborah or something she was in a trap out of her control but she survived.
(timing these for some reason) 1:12 am
dude idk where to put matthews bc his first game was a fluke and he survived but he was also like saved? idk man i’ll think about it (i put him in special died OH GOD NO LOOK AT NOTES)
i can’t put my headcanons/theory’s in here okay cowabummer dude (i have to put adam in dead i’m sorry ok)
1:20 (^im realizing now a shit ton of these fall into the special category whoopsies maybe i got too specific)
1:28 aw dude the fatal 5 are gonna suckkkk bc they’re all working together and linked and connected and shit fhhhghh
1:33 okay dude the steam lady is difficult bc the first half was a special but the last wasn’t. fuck it im just gonna say she could have survived the burns herself
1:40 can’t decide if the first and rebooted games from jigsaw should be put in together or if they should be separate. i just finished i smoked an entire bowl and i am trying my best here ok
1:50 the train guys is rigged they don’t explicitly say it but there’s no way
1:58 alright. fucking finally. that experience was just a downward spiral haha get it bc i hate that movie. also hate jigsaw the movie jigsaw. this was very unpleasant once i’m done with this shit i’m gonna fall asleep to saw 5 or smthn.
2:02 i have to use a counter online bc i’m too tired to count all those little i bitches
2:06 the fruits of my labor. my creation. behold
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Pie chart
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oh thank god
ok so there it is. the ratio of victims that survived and victims who’ve perished in jigsaws traps. you don’t know how much footage i’ve skimmed through. 1 like=1 ass kicking for to me because what was i thinking
me laying down in bed after this ↓
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2:18 ok here it is. the real true official one.
sorry for all that. thank you for accompanying me on this task. i did not have fun. except when i was watching 1-3d but then after that it sucked. 1-3d even took up almost all of the view time but the last bits were so unpleasant it threw that all out the window. gonna go watch one of the original saw movies. you can tell saw x will be good bc it has saw in the name. the title. oh my god oh god i’m realizing i forgot people. i think i forgot bobby. what the hell man screw this i’m going to sleep. i’ll deal with it when i wake up and wonder what the fuck i was on last night. thank you for joining me on this journey of a mental breakdown everybody. a mental spiral, even, if you will. i’m imagining cheesy ending scene music like the character/actor is thanking the audience. signing, logging off at 2:34 am. goodnight everyone.
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 2 years
okay but i need a steddie childhood friends to strangers to friends to lovers fic
like imagine steve subtly asking dustin so many questions abt eddie after he finds out dustin had become friends w him cuz he hasnt talked to eddie, like /rly/ talked to him, since 8th grade and wants to know how hes doing.
and like it could have flashbacks throughout the story of eddie and steves friendship from like 2nd grade to their falling out in 8th when steve decided he thought popularity and fitting in was more important than his friendship w eddie.
(eddie had a crush on steve the whole time they were friends and as much as he hates himself for it, it never fully faded after their falling out)
so throughout the whole of s4 theyre both just avoiding the topic but during the scene where eddie tells steve him biting the bat head off was "totally metal", steve brings it up and apologies for being such a dick to him. eddie tries to brush it off, saying its not a big deal, but steve doesnt drop it. he stops eddie and looks him in the eye and says some thing like "u didnt deserve that shit, eddie. i was an idiot that thought fitting in was worth kicking u to the curb and idk if ill ever forgive myself for that." eddie just kinda looks at him all stunned and starts to stutter out a response but steve just /keeps/ talking "i get it if u want nothing to do w me after this is all said and done but uh, idk i think id be cool if we started to hang out again. only if u want to, tho, its okay if u don't. i get it." eddie, not having a clue how he should react to that, says something like "ya, man. id rly like that." w a stupid smile on his face and then completely changes the subject, starting his speech abt the stancy tru luv bullshit.
further more, when it gets to the scene where theyre splitting up for their kill vecna plan, eddie steps forward and says steves name, searching his brain to say something, /anything/, but hes a fucking idiot so he ends up just saying "make him pay". steve nods at him and starts to turn away but just decides 'fuck that' and he turns around again. he just walks right up to eddie and pulls him into a hug, giving him no time to protest before burying his face in eddies curls. eddie stands stunned for abt 2 seconds before hes hugging him back. still holding onto him, steve tells him to pls pls be careful, munson. and eddie laughs nervously patting his back before pulling away, saying something like "u too, man. i wanna see ur pretty face walk back here alive." and softly slaps his cheek or something equally awkward and gay before they both part ways, eddie getting weird looks from dustin which he promptly ignores. (robin would know exactly what was happening ofc, steve told her absolutely everything, so she would just give steve an awkward thumbs up or something)
idk what would happen after that this kinda got out of hand- im sorry lmaoo but i cant get this out of my head i need someone to write this or i might have to take matters into my own hands😭(and god knows id never finish it or have the confidence to post it anywhere)
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spnshortcake · 1 year
I got a prompt from @rosiahills22 and it’s with Jake “hangman” Seresin. If anyone likes this don’t forget to reblog and comment/like! It will help engagement!! Also if you have a request please ask me!! I am so excited to be back into writing! Now let’s get into this!
“Hangman, to your left” I yelled into my helmet mic. I am his caboose. We have been training for about a week now. And he still won’t listen to me.
“That’s a kill” maverick said into our headsets. I sigh cause this is our 5th time running this and he always gets us killed.
He lands our jet and we see the rest of the team come up to us and I get out with a huff taking my helmet off. We walk back to our seats and maverick looks at both hangman and I.
“Why did you get killed? Maverick questioned I immediately said “cause bagman doesn’t wanna listen to his caboose when she is giving out calls” I looked at jake and he smirked. Typical.
“Well darlin, I don’t need someone telling me what to do in my jet.”
“Hangman I’m your partner I’m not just there for shits and giggles. I’m your eyes. That’s the whole point of the damn caboose.” I’m getting so annoyed.
After training was a bust we all decided it’s time to get beers at The Hard Deck.
“Ugh phoenix , why does he just make me so mad. Why can’t he just get his cocky ass head out of his ass.” I huffed sipping my beer.
“That’s just how he is you keep doing what your doing in the cockpit and maverick will see what an ass he is” she smirked.
“Girl if I don’t get up in the air for this mission im gonna be so pissed just because of him.”
“Oh my gosh , stinger (y/n callsign) you totally are in love with him.”
When she said that I almost spit out my beer.
“N-no I am not Phoenix.” I say to her while she gives me a bitch you lying look.
I would be totally lying if I didn’t like that man. He just gets under my skin. He is such a arrogant ass. I couldn’t tell her that.
We get up from the bar when the rest of the squad got to the pool tables. Rooster and Hangman are playing a game.
“Look who we have here Phoenix and Sting, my caboose.” I roll my eyes at him. He just always has to push my buttons.
“Well I’m basically just another body since you never listen to me and get us killed everytime, bagman.” Rooster chuckles at my comment.
“Are we gonna play or you just gonna keep laughing” Jake says to rooster as he breaks the balls.
“I know they just put you behind me cause they know you couldn’t handle the mission being in front” he smirks at me. Ugh seriously I’m a good pilot just as him. He is so annoying.
“You know what they should’ve named you hangover.” I huffed
“Why is that sweet cheeks?” He looked at me taking his toothpick in between his lips.
“Because you always give me a damn headache” I smirked at him getting a chuckle out of the other aviator’s. I walk away head high walking up to Jenny at the bar getting everyone a beer expect bagman.
“Man, I’m gonna marry that girl.” He says to the other teammates watching her walk away.
Next day at training we are back in the air.
“Hangman to your left. Smoke smoke” I say into my mic.
“He ducks down the jet and flashes”
“And that’s a kill” he says mocking maverick cause he finally got him.
We land our jet and I smile.
“Man see told you. Listen to me and we will kick ass in the sky, hangman.” I smirk as I get out the jet.
“Well for our first kill as a team, wanna get a beer tonight with me” he smiles.
Oh man. This man is gonna be the death of me. But of course I said hell yes.
“Well I can never say no to a free beer hangman.”
I hope you liked this! This was my first Jake “hangman” writing. Please give feedback. Should there be a part 2?
I actually enjoyed writing this!
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
hell yeah baby backstory time
it is time for the boston tea party caper!!
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notes under the cut assss always
this episode is a bit of a mix-up for me. i like it but not my favorite all things considered. i'm still excited though- some of the moments in this episode are GOLD
JHSGHSD "hey red hows san diego" "not great" "im not talking about you girl"
"i thought he lived in the cloud"
player looks so unamused pls
shadowsan is the best character here he's so funny
if they vowed to use their "superpowers" for good and ivy hotwired that car later on i guess maybe they used to steal cars and then decided to go straight maybe
ivy is so cool
OH hey also by the way their younger designs. SO GOOD carmen should have gotten a dorky in between phase we were robbbbed
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not trey and his butt chin
i like how the screen glitches when its paused on trey. new headcanon this is a powerpoint presentation they threw together right then and there
you dare knock LYDIA
"i got this" zack says with the confidence of a man who just ate taco bell learning they won't see another restroom for eight more hours on the road trip
the talking through the race kills me every time 😭you can't hear each other
man this racetrack has an overhead drone keeping exact pace with the leading car
zack had a chase devineaux phase too once
carmen sandiego: oh no no we're rated for seven year olds!! the boston tea party caper: the mafia boss who lent us money threatened to put a hit out on us if we didn't commit a robbery for him on a suspicious front for a money laundering operation for the mob
the main reason i dislike this episode and need for speed is because zack doesnt ever get to learn. he was impulsive and it was bad in duke of vermeer, he was impulsive and it was bad in boston tea (okay fine, it shows us his younger self! fine with that) BUT THEN HE IS IMPULSIVE AND ITS BAD AGAIN NEXT TIME. FOR THE SAME REASONS whyyy wouldn't they take duke of vermeer as an opportunity to show his growth instead of making him out to be some angry no control childish idiot who sacrifices untold amounts for a little payback. and drags ivy down with him EVERY TIME
there's something so cool and sinister about ivy smiling, reassuring him, and then slowly pulling down the ski mask to hide any emotion. ivy and zack seem like they could have been prime targets for VILE recruitment- they could have gone down a much darker path
shadowsan was so invested
carmen's puberty crammed in those few months between the boat and the boston holy shit
player accidently saved zack and ivy's asses by turning off those cameras jgjsgkd
the second perspective of zack crashing into the wall kills me every time pls
here goes carmen with "its for your own safety" who taught her that phrase
i love how z and i immediately think that this person couldnt possibly be...i dont know. an employee or a manager or someone who works at the donut place. she's gotta be another thief. i mean they are right but like why
the giant ass green vault behind the fridge door 😭
wait didn't they arrive in a truck parked on the other side of the building
carmen ALSO had a chase devineaux phase
???? isnt that truck she just stole the one they got there in???
i mean carmen. girl. you kicked them out of their own robbery and then stole their car did you expect them not to follow you
carmen's devineaux side coming out <3 also completely shameless carmen cant drive comic plug
there are so many car accidents literally everyone could have died in for these two (this and need for speed) episodes. credits roll as the paramedics show up to carmen who just CRASHED HER CAR INTO A FUCKING HOLE HEAD FIRST
they had to make sure to show us that carmen was literally the worst driver possible to justify zack being there
i love zack immediately getting super friendly with the random woman who just stole their car, crashed it, and then stole it again with them inside
carmen: haha suave quip zack and ivy, the two most neurodivergent bitches on the planet: IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR
also carmen looks hilariously uncomfortable wedged behind this shipping crate. she's experiencing her first infodump
the loaning money joke is actually very funny
i kind of like how awkward carmen still is in some areas. she still talks like a VILE operative- she reports her every move to player, she simply responds with "understood." because thats the only way she knows how to relate
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ivy: oh no camera: zooms out to show the most outraged face the animators could draw
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screenshots of all time
can you imagine your weirdgirl little 16 year old classmate dips and you see her a few months later and she's turned into this trenchcoat wearing 5'7" long haired adult woman whose only goal is to make your life a thousand times harder
not quite sure how this episode said "oh yeah. her classmates who knew her as a kid constantly call her by the wrong name and disrespect her despite constant corrections. and also her mother figure, seeing the new her, disowns her with the proclamation that this new person killed her child when she took this new name and betrayed her" and made it not transgender
le chevre was so cool about everything for like three minutes
HEY okay my favorite detail of the show is that when carmen runs in this episode she gets way out of breath because she isn't in shape yet i LOVE that detail
i have never heard more emotion from gina than when she went "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME"
el topo is also cool about things for like three minutes
zack and ivy bounce constantly between dumb orange cat energy and golden retriever who would jump into the ocean for a guy who petted them once energy
legend has it carmen still manages to throw el topo and le chevre in the water every time they are within a mile of it
i love le chevre backing up and running away from her because he's like oh shit. wasn't she like the best in our class?? is she going to kill me or something?? why did she leave VILE what the fuck im booking it nah
its never brought up ever again that ivy's "shirt" is actually a blue undershirt and a black vest and that is criminal we needed a gay vest. something
the slomo kick is so hot
those plates must have hurt so fucking bad
okay well. you DO commit crimes
"the police have no idea they exist" okay. TELL THEM
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"got any room for us on your next job?" "you know what? sure! come along and help me take down this global criminal organization. uhhh what are your names again btw?"
yall i dont think eddie is going to want to see you for the money
A FLYING CAR he said yeah zack that was smart
i love how offended by literally everything the bostonians do shadowsan is
that hq wont be so wasted when you die of hypothermia! good luck carmen
alrighty, thats the beantown caper all done! only two more to catch up on before I'm on time again for my favorite episode this saturday >:)
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miupow · 5 months
It was a beautiful sunny autumn day but the energy of humanity didn’t match
Today, is the day where the people celebrate mourn the death of a rich mobster. Most didn’t know he was one, but he was a well loved man by many, so he was missed by many.
Beomgyu and his wife sat mysteriously in the shadows, the speech at his funeral going in one ear, and immediately coming out the other. They hated that man, but they still attended. Not to pay respects, to make sure he was dead.
Beomgyu tried his best not to smile, ain’t nothing to smile about at a funeral. But he can’t help but feel a sense of joy seeing his enemies dropping like flies
The couple was mysterious and silent the whole funeral service, deciding to save their shit-talking for the repass that took place outside the building.
“Murdered. Just pathetic,” Beomgyu rasped out “died to someone bashing his skull. Just embarrassing.”
“They didn’t even find out what killed him. They believed it was probably a club or something…but they didn’t find any weapon” His wife then spoke
“To be honest I’m focusing less on WHAT killed him, i’m more focused on WHO killed him. Whoever did it was clever, but if it wasn’t you or me then who? He didn’t have any enemies except for us.”
“Who knows….” She then started slurring and dragging her words “…maybe it was his wife that killed him if it wasn’t you or me”
Beomgyu, confused, took off his sunglasses and shifted his eyes towards the widow. The young beautiful woman, mourning the death of her husband, but was secretly smiling knowing that she now owns her late husbands money, and eyeing other men (and women) hoping to not be single for long. She wasn’t hiding it well, well to Beomgyu she wasn’t.
“Hm…what makes you think it’s her?” He then questioned his wife’s accusation
“Why wouldn’t it be? If anyone knows the dirt behind him besides me, it’s her.”
“Oh?” Beomgyu then became intrigued “You never told me any of this before? What more dirt does he have to him? I only know his failure to complete the deal we made and him trying to kill me.”
His wife then pulled him further away from others, and just to be safer she whispered the dirt behind the dead man. All the fraud, all the murder, all the cheating, the corruption. Every crime you could imagine under the belt of the corpse. Beomgyu couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he wasn’t surprised.
“All that money he has he easily covered his shit up. And why do you think were his only enemies? Because we’re the only ones to still be alive.” His wife then finished her small rant
Going back to the repass, it took everything in Beomgyu to not go back to the funeral home and kick the coffin, or illegally cremate him when no one was looking. He may have been a mob boss, but what his enemy did was more than just being a mobster, he was a man that should’ve be seen for his crimes.
“I heard a few years ago his wife had an affair too. To get him back for him cheating on her.” She brought her up again
“Hm, I wonder if the one she slept with attended. That would be hilarious” He replied holding back his laughter
She then giggled and quickly tugged his sleeve and rasped something shocking to him, something he thought he would never hear, something that nobody else should be hearing.
“Baby, why do you think I know so much?”
omg i see what you mean by making it gay 😭😭😭 BISEXUALS PLEASE RISE FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM
stunning. brilliant. unique. spectacular. outstanding. 🧚‍♀️ anon im gonna kiss you on the mouth. i want mc even more than i want beomgyu tbh
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eric-the-bmo · 10 months
Blood and Silicon Ep5: The Dice Hate Us
[Summary: Blake and Leo decide to go check out the garage without Pauline. It doesn’t go well.]
Picking up from last episode, Blake goes off to feed from the woman Pauline brought in, leaving her and Leo alone in her office. There’s some silence, and eventually Pauline pauses from her typing (where she’s typing up all the information we gathered from the census quest) and lets Leo know that if anything is bothering him, he can talk to her about it. He holds his hands and says he just can’t tell her those things at the moment. She goes back to typing. Sebastian enters the room and asks Pauline for some time off, since college classes are going to be starting up eventually in the spring. She grants it to him, and he leaves. She goes back to transcribing the documents we got from Victor, and Leo pulls out his notebook to try and decipher some of the code he’d written down.
Blake returns from feeding and asks what they should do next; Leo suggests the garage and once again is immediately shut down. Blake offers to drive Leo home, and the two start to exit the club.
On the way out, Seb stops the two of them and recommends Leo change his wardrobe, since he doesn’t dress like everyone else at the club and is getting looks about it. Leo acknowledges this, drawing his coat closer around himself, and he and Blake exit the club and get into the Gangrel’s car.
Leo starts smoking a cigarette as they drive, and few minutes into the ride he realizes this isn’t the way to his apartment.
“Where are you taking me?” “...Somewhere I shouldn’t be.”
Leo is reasonably a bit terrified hearing that, but Blake is all “wait no hold on im not gonna kill you,” and it turns out they go to the garage of the Ashen Rose gang. There’s a chain link fence surrounding the perimeter, and a guard standing by the garage door entrance.
They get out of the car, and Blake asks Leo how long they should stake this out- Leo, a bit impatient from hunger, says “Or I could just do this” and turns invisible. Unfortunately, this causes him to gain a point of Hunger; His Beast begins yelling at him, and he tells it to shut up. Blake asks if he’s okay, but Leo ignores him and goes to investigate. His Beast tells him to go after the guard, she’s a Thinblood, won’t her blood taste great? He heavily considers this, but decides to stalk the perimeter of the chain fence to find an opening.
While trying to do this and be stealthy, Leo avoids kicking a can, and he’s very proud of himself, but then accidentally kicks a cat, which lets out a yell (and then knocks over a metal pipe!!!), and he’s like “oh god we fucked up,” and due to the hunger and anxiety of creeping around, he starts to dissociate because oh shit, oh my god they might get caught.
Trisha, the Thinblood guard, looks over and begins to head towards the sound; Blake realizes he should cause a distraction, and so he does a great impression of another cat.
Leo, still invisible, tries to continue finding a way through the fence, but ends up hitting the fence. His Beast goes full-paranoid- Leo fucked up, the guard is going to notice, they fucked up, they’re going to get caught oh god they should run- and so he runs away.
Smash cut to Pauline, still doing her paperwork. Sebastian enters her office and asks how long she’s been working with Blake and Leo [the answer is about a month for Blake, and only a few days for Leo]. He then asks if she’s certain she can trust them. Pauline responds that she can, and warns Sebastian to be careful.
Cut back to Leo. He’s stopped running now, as his paranoia has now worn off, but he’s still incredibly hungry. He goes off into the alleyways of the city, still invisible, and eventually finds an extremely drunken man sleeping behind a liquor store. He bites down and begins to feed, ending his invisibility.
Blake, not knowing that his companion ran off, tries to see if Leo had managed to make his way into the garage or not. He spots a vent on one side of the garage, and determines that no, Leo didn’t make it in, actually. He decides to wait and see if Leo will come back, and that he’ll go out and search for him after enough time has passed.
Meanwhile, Leo’s still been drinking the man’s blood, and is aware that if he continues to do so he’ll also get drunk. He doesn’t really care- in fact, part of him is looking forward to it. He drinks, and while his Beast is practically chanting at him to drain the man, and while he’s still a bit hungry, Leo pulls away so that he doesn’t end up breaking one of the Chronicle Tenants [The weak deserve protection]; and at this point he realizes he doesn’t know where he is. That’s fine; he can try and retrace his steps.
Blake decides to go find Leo, going down alleyways and whisper-calling his name. He eventually finds the Malkavian, and is relieved at this a bit, because 1) he found him, and 2) Leo being drunk at least means he fed, yknow? He asks Leo what happened and Leo responds that he got lost, and the two of them sit down. Blake asks how he’s feeling, which leads to an interesting interaction:
[”At least he’s not yelling at me anymore!” “??? Why would I yell at you?” “No, no, not you- J.” “...Is J still here with you?” (laughing) “He’s just not yelling at me anymore.”]
Blake gets Leo to look at him- letting him know he doesn’t have Pauline’s dominate abilities- and gets him to agree that they’re not going to tell her any of this; it stays between them. They head back to the car.
Inside, Leo asks Blade why he took them to the garage, since he seemed against it; Blake said it was his way of apologizing for being a stick in the mud (and also Leo needs to learn some lessons). Leo then asks what was up with the look Blake gave him after meeting with Victor (specifically, after Leo asked the Nosferatu to look into someone named Jeremiah). Blake says it just reminded him of his own past, and refused to elaborate any further. Blake sends Leo a text after dropping him off a few blocks from his apartment to make sure he got home safe.
The next night we meet up at the Asylum- Leo actually has on a black sweater this time to try and blend in better. Pauline’s printed out her documents and has put them all in a black folder. The trio heads to her office, and she calls up Zane the drug dealer, telling him she’s got someone interested in the drugs the Ashen Rose gang is selling. He says to go to the Northeast dealers, and warns her that their stuff is dangerous; also, it’s too early in the night for them to be out selling it at the moment. She thanks him and hangs up.
Blake and Leo somehow manage to convince Pauline to let them go check out the garage, and she’s all “okay, you wanna go so bad? fine.”
Pauline does not want to do this, but here we are, at the garage. Blake pretends to just now spot the vent, and he and Pauline try and do a “stand on the shoulders” thing to get Leo up there, but the dice continue to hate the players here, so even after two tries they’re unable to do this. Blake somehow ends up ripping the vent off its hinges, I think, which makes a Loud Noise. This, like the night before, alerts the guard.
Blake gets on the roof somehow???? Leo uses Obfuscate to hide, and Pauline waits. When the guard shows up, Pauline casts Dominate [”There was a thief here, but you scared him away. Everything is fine.”], and when the guard leaves she heads the other way.
Trisha the guard meets up with another gang member who wanted to see what was up, and the two get into an argument; because why would someone try to steal from this garage, as far as everyone knows nothing is in there?- they should change locations, the other guard is saying. Trisha is adamant it’s okay, since she scared the thief away. The other guard opens up the garage door; Leo sees his chance and goes in.
There's all sorts of alchemical stuff in there; tables with shelves and vials and weird components in jars, notebooks with alchemy equations/numbers, some of the weed the gang was making- but the main thing was this: There is a fridge laying on its back. Black tubes are running from it, dripping liquid into containers and running up to the alchemical equipment on the tables. Leo is certain there’s a vampire in there, perhaps, but is unable to check; The two gang members were in front of the open garage entrance, and doing something like that would cause the invisibility to end- and even if he were to do it again super quickly, it wouldn’t hide the fact that the fridge would be open.
However, Leo manages to grab some stuff (alchemical components, a notebook, some weed), and does the Quick Invisibility idea mentioned above for it. The trio all gets tf out of there and into the car, where Leo tells them about his Vampire Fridge theory. 
The session ends with the coterie heading over to meet Harrison at his bar- It’s time to give him the information they learned from the census interviews, and to receive their reward (aka, feeding territory so they can eat without trespassing/fear of getting staked)
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spaciebabie · 2 years
PLEASE tell me about your oc lore that comic was SO INTERESTING I'm on my hands and knees begging for more pls
i LOVE slow burns so everything in the story takes a moment ta kick off. you have katherine, "curiosity killed the kat" quin n her perfect parents, perfect friends n perfect life. everything is good. she's a kookie middleschooler abt ta go ta highschool, she's president of the history club, she's designated as the LEADER of the rexica manor field trip b/c of how dedicated she is ta learning abt their history.
she goes on the trip! it goes great, stupendous even! she comes home!! her parents are unreasonably upset for no reason b/c of a specifc thing that happens that i dont wanna spoil EERURUERUGUEGUEUGR
and she ends up learning a horrible truth. she's like, "i feel like we should do something now, with this thing i aquired maybe i can do something." n ppl keep telling her ta, "leave it ta the adults" "what are you even going ta do?", "everything is already in motion you just hafta wait till it all falls inta place" but-
so she goes n does something STUPID. she directly puts herself in harms way, she puts herself in the forefront of the action b/c she thinks she can do somthing and the adults are forced ta acknowledge her b/c of this. they're forced ta include her even though they dont want to. again another child has decided that they want ta b involved in an ADULT MATTER and the only way they can make sure she n the other dumb kids stay alive is ta involve them so that they can watch over them.
time passes, a new character joins the fray. a deranged lunatic who will stop at nothing ta get what they want. they fucking flip the WHOLE WELL PLANNED OUT OPERATION THAT HAS BEEN IN THE WORKS FOR 20+ YEARS ON ITS HEAD AND KAT TURNS INTA A DIRECT TARGET.
people are hunting her. they want her dead. the police are aligned w/a new corrupt government that are after the thing she has designated herself ta protect (notice how i said, "herself" THE ADULTS DO NOT WANT HER TA PROTECT THIS THING) she's a fugative. she's an outlaw. she's protecting something the public percieves as dangerous, but she knows its not. her parents cant help her, n while she does have adults there ta aid her its obvi not the same. she misses her parents so much, she's stressed trying not ta get caught n die, having ta move from place ta place b/c of the threat of being recognized n the constant raids on the places she's at. i think that her birthday falls w/in this timeframe so like,,,,imagine trying ta celebrate your sweet 16 when your government is actively out hunting you.
and the best part of it is that some of it is her fault
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okthatsgreat · 4 months
HEY @shsl-roomba I WROTE OUT A WHOLE REPLY TO YOUR QUESTION AND THEN TUMBLR DECIDED NOT TO PROCESS IT LMAO! and then when i tried again it deleted the entire ask so </3 Um!
im gonna copy and paste here THE ORIGINAL ASK WAS ALONG THE LINES OF "how would your ocs react during the tragedy (if they weren't remnants?)"
you guys are being so nice asking these questions btw this shit is like cocomelon 2 me
alright SO!!!!!! this list is going to be decided based on how likely they are to survive in an apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic scenario IGNORING the possibility of them becoming remnants................ i reckon despair still definitely has a say in all of this just because of the nature of this catastrophe but i will try avoid them becoming "remnant-like"/evil if that makes sense !!!!!! ALSO this is ignoring the possibility of them getting like. nuked or smth
• sae: knows how to survive off of very little, lives in a (mostly-- her afi is still alive and kicking probably!!!!!!) secluded fishing shack off of the coast of iceland where the nearest town is like a forty minute drive. she is (as her ultimate would suggest lol) an extremely skilled fisherman and sailor, so should it REALLY come down to it she could man a solo ship into the ocean for a few weeks and be totally fine. not only that but she is remarkably well adjusted to this life already and will have little difficulty adjusting should a catastrophic event hit the majority of the population. sae is fine with seclusion, very physically strong in the rare chance somebody does attack her in person, knows how to live off of the ocean, and lives far away from heavily populated areas. honestly disregarding the loneliness that will definitely start creeping in on her and having to deal with people dying all across the world she will be so fine gfjhkdghksfhfdgdfjk. she would be more than happy to keep her and her afi safe, and maybe the occasional wandering survivor should they approach with good intentions
• naomi: sae is the outlier in that i know for a fact she would be extremely likely to survive, but EVERYBODY ELSE on this list has a much higher percentage of getting themselves killed LMFAO. that being said, naomi has been a bit of a survivalist for most of her life and is definitely scrappy enough to make her way around. now when i say "survivalist" i don't mean she's like. a hunter or knows much about outdoor living, which is definitely a disadvantage for her, but she's survived periods of time with limited/no food or shelter. obviously this wasnt an apocalyptic scenario but she could definitely apply some of her knowledge she's gained from that time!!! it would be hard to catch her, so if she were to get herself killed it would probably be because she seriously fucked up somewhere along the line or she died of hunger/freezing. AND ALSO IMPORTANTLY naomi is not the most headstrong character and despair is certainly just as much of a threat to her as other people are. paranoia could be helpful in some cases in keeping her safe but it will really end up damaging her in the end, not to mention other people if they ever manage to run into her. likely wouldn't hang out in a group (but honestly i could see it in an au that is nicer to her lol. a group of like four or five that takes her in and tells her to chill the hell out)
• erin: NOW I KNOW SHE SEEMS REALLY HIGH UP ON THIS LIST so let me start off by saying a few things. number one the jump in survival rate has SERIOUSLY plummeted from naomi to erin, like they are NOT in the same realm of conceivably surviving LMFAOO. number two while in any normal apocalyptic scenario erin would suffer, i can really really clearly see one scenario where she ends up being ok. like in a normal scenario she would really have to toughen up and drop the pippy act immediately (which, if push came to shove, she could), and while she isn't extremely strong or knowledgable about survival she is very ruthless. despair would hit her like a TRUCK at first, mostly because her entire life was dedicated to that kids show of hers that is now gone forever along with most of its audience, but once she gets over that (IF she does) she would absolutely grow a backbone and help out. does that mean she survives??? not necessarily. but in the event she does end up getting over the despair she would likely join a group of some kind and help out in any way that she can. ALSO. I KNOW THIS IS KINDA CHEATING SINCE TECHNICALLY THE EVENTS OF ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS IS "AFTER" THE TRAGEDY. but if we are considering those events then erins survival rate just shot wayyyy up because i can really see the kids of towa city taking a liking to her due to her children's show and just kidnapping her as a second servant LMFAOOOO. some kinda jester even. and ohhhh my god she would get so fed up with nagito. she survived a whole tragedy and reshaped her entire personality only for THIS asshole to give her grief good fucking lord
• ryobe: ryobe is a lot more cunning than he first seems, and while he knows nothing about survival or fighting (should it come down to it which it likely will), he could reasonably work his way up in a group of survivors. while his refusal to relent his goofy personality in such an upsetting situation would definitely earn him quite a few enemies, it probably DOES help him to get through a lot of the trauma in general. unfortunately it is also very likely his downfall as well. he doesnt have this "whole world gets ripped out from under him" moment like erin does and when he finally does realise he needs to get a bit of a grip it is wayyyyy too late. he would really piss off a lot of important people and in an apocalyptic scenario where everybody is extremely paranoid you need to be able to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner. and the second he gets kicked out of a group (if he even MADE IT to one in the first place) its OVER. he can not survive on his own, both mentally and physically
• mika: she's got more of a grip on reality than ryobe does but she doesn't have any particular skills that will cause her to excel in this scenario. can't fight, not particularly charismatic, not particularly cunning. it really all comes down to luck and she famously does not have a great track record with this
• yoshito: a huge softie with, unfortunately, zero relevant skills. he either goes mad or dies before he gets the chance to. i cant see a scenario where he ever fights back like a few of his classmates with similar strength would, he isn't very fast, and he is not equipped to handle loneliness. the only thing i could possibly think of that he could use is his knowledge of certain shelters and food banks, but ALL of them are likely to get targeted in an apocalypse like this so he's pretty shit out of luck in general lol. he'd stay hopeful for as long as he possibly can, but i can't really see him making it super far. best case scenario he becomes a future foundation member
• rie: nothing in her life had prepared her for this and i really don't think she would make it. while she would probably have a "whole world gets ripped from under her" moment like erin did she would not adapt quickly and even if she did push through she is not nearly as ruthless or determined to survive. physically weak, probably losing her mind a bit and letting that charismatic side of her slip, and has no clue how to find food or shelter. not to mention the lifestyle adjustment would also be extremely jarring for her as well, even if she is probably more adjusted to living on very little than most would expect of her. overall just cant really see it, in a beautiful world where everything goes right for her she might be able to pull herself out of trouble by the skin of her teeth
• billie: girl whose whole purpose is to be mid then die. family guy death pose................... TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and of course. andi computer
THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! <333333
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nerd-at-sea5 · 1 year
the last s2 chaos dump post. spoilers ahead
also i think i just lost my shit while watching this ep
oh all of his joy is abt to go away SO FAST
shauna. shauna. SHAUNA.
van tai nat the judge-y lesbians of all time <333
yeah lisa's dying.
hate to say it but misty's right lottie pls get some therapy
nat defending her wife (kinda?)
'we got over it' *taissa's head tilt* oh nat honey none of you got over it
oh my god the look of terror when misty tells lottie nat drew the queen
ok technically shauna started the cannibalism
ok no give him time to greive.
....at least their taking off his clothes first?
thank you natalie
do not. do this. while fucking. blindfolded.
and after all of it, van is still squimish about blood....gonna sob
van is making some painfully good points rn
she's dulling down the knifes...SCRATCHED OUT EYES.
jeff YOU are on tv...callie's facial expressions alone i love her-LMFAO SHE KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE THE GUN IS-
nat's trying to protect lisa....she's so dead!!! oh my god nat and lisa im gonna s o b
he wants to go with her because he think she's not like them but she wont let herself go with because she thinks SHES WORSE.
van's minor case of insanity should not be as hot as it is.
ok she's phrasing it weirdly but she has a point
walter's gonna kill kevyn.
'are you one of the cult people' 'no i'm from the shire'
his heart is so small....OH SWEET FUCKING LORD.
yeah ok ive gotta fast forward that. DUDE IT WAS RAW.
misty i'm rlly not liking you rn
van just kicking the fire ily
vannnnnnnnn OH she wants to die-nvm.
it's gonna be nat i stfg and im gonna die
this gives me to much anxiety oh good god. lottie??
fucking hell.
'it was vans idea' *the face of bitch pls*
oh lottie-wait i wanna hear van's story....
it's van or nat. nvm it's nat. CALLED IT.
lottienat pls makeout NOW challange. BOTH timelines.
ben watching like: i do not understand lesbians, also. i want to die.
nat you want to kiss her so bad, ur also having a midlife crisis at 17
omfg akilah's little curtsy and the way she and nat smile at each other
misty it was cute but the way ur looking at her makes me think you want to kill her
fuck. damnit lisa.
misty if you do this i will forever hate you.
yep. misty i hate you. idgaf if it was an accident.
just when she wanted to live. SHES NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.
pls tell me shes got like a tolerance to this stuff?? pls.
'this is exactly where we belong' no, no you deserve to live you just haven't realized it yet.
jesus the way she's smiling at her. she just wants to help!!
fuck she's actually dead.
i am so fucking furious right now.
god van's entire face is just 'it's supposed to be me.'
van palmer i should not find this hot.
hey at least their warm now right
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
What are your post-str Shinaya hcs?
this got so long. its my blog i am not putting a read more. deal with it. its shinaya hour
i want and need a role reversal. i want drama. post str shinaya break up without even being together first. ayano keeps waiting for shintaro to Do something because she's like. okay its been 2~ years and by now she CRINGES at remembering how she acted around him so shes like ok i CANNOT cling to him like that AGAIN. if he wants to come around he will but shintaro is yknow. like that. so obviously he fucking doesnt like honestly hes still sort of acting the same around her like less mean but still a bit dismissive, mostly out of embarrassment though cuz mekatrio wants to kill him+harutaka and momo tease him when he has Moments with ayano so he kinda wants to spare himself that embarrassment so hes like sweet in private then cold in public and ayanos like ????????????????????? does he like me or not what is going ON but also ayano and her amazing awesome self steem issues are like he fucking HATES me im the most annoying person in the world !!!!!!
so she eventually keeps her distance and obviously he notices and shintaros like oh fuck i messed UP because now theres like this sort of misunderstanding and the only way to clear it up is healthy communication but you know DAMN WELL he wont do that but somehow he finds it less mortifying to go around looking like a kicked puppy in a wet cardboard box around her desperately trying to get her attention making ayano even MORE confused.
eventually after a while of being in a circus i think hed get the balls to ask her out himself. probably bc of haruka/takane/momo telling him he's a fucking idiot bitch. anyways i think shintaro tries to kiss ayano and they hit their faces against each others and it really hurts💗🙏
btw thats only them getting together i think. but also that's how they break up and get back together over and over and over with like the exact same precedure everytime. on and off shinaya my beloved.
anc duhhh obviously im gonna talk abt the yuukei quartet Have u met me. takanes like another funny part of the whole thing like i know ive talked abt it but im obsessed with codependent shintaka *holds head* bc ayanos jealous of takane for how vulnerable shintaro is with them unlike with her and takane is individually close to both so shes kinda being dragged by both of them but especially shintaro forcing them to play as their relationship therapist and she fucking hates it but someone has to fucking do it apparently because shintaro and ayano cant talk like normal people. haruka keeps more distance than takane like its something they need to do themselves yknow and tells takane they shouldnt rly get in the way but shinaya KEEP going to her and also takanes insane and still feels responsible for shintaro bc (gestures at the whole ene thing) yeah so its tough for her to say no. like takanes obsessed with shintaro plus sees how pathetic shinaya are being and takane enomoto when they decide to obsess over others so they dont have to think about herself am i right😃<- what haruka tells her . she does not appreciate the comment. the whole thing also causing harutaka drama ougghhh shinaya is so messy that theyre contagious. but haruka is the 1 yuukei quartet member with any emotional intelligence so harutaka have actual communciation so theyre more caught up abt this being like a sorta messed up thing between the whole group and their relationships. on and off shinaya ft unwilling(?) relationship therapist takane ft an even more unwilling haruka who just wants his damn girlfriend to stop cancelling their dates to go stop shintaro from crying at ayanos feet begging her to take him back for the second time this month
ok and.........actual Break Up shinaya where its like Enough for ayano bc thats a fucking insane relationship to have so shes like lol maybe i should get therapy👍 and shintaro again is pathetic and desperately trying to gain her affections back but he just looks so pathetic and its funny. they dont rly stop hanging out bc they wouldnt do that and also its not like shintaro will just leave the dan LOL but thru it all the mekatrio are like KILLING HIM with their eyes especially kano god dont get me started on the one sided(?) kanoshin of it all. i love kano and shintaro having this weird fucking tension during the breakup augh kano little meowmeow the amount of self hatred he feels ok im getting sidetracked shinaya ends up together again basically. in my sitcom delusion shintaro finishes his first song Ever and its abt her and then she hears it everywhere and its so damn embarrassing bc theyre broken up but she still likes him so much it makes her look stupid amd the stupid song brings them back together ummmm sorry. my shinaya era (holds head) i will study them under a microscope
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jaybird-fanfics · 6 months
Burnt Out: Chapter Thirteen
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Warning(s): Physical Abuse
Dabi angrily sighed as he pocketed his phone after you didn't answer for the third time he called you. He didn't want to be paranoid, but after knowing that Ryuji was out on the search for you, he couldn't help but worry. He decided to head back to the hotel, hoping that you were still there and just asleep. As he hurried back, his heart began to thump against his chest in an almost painful way. He hated this feeling, he hadn't felt like this is a long time. He hissed a sharp curse from under his breath before quickening his pace. Once he arrived at the hotel he raced to get inside the elevator and to the room. He rushed to the door, and immediately felt a sinking feeling at the slightly opened door. He threw the door open and walked inside. You weren't there.
"Fuck!" Dabi hissed. He took out his phone and dialed your number one more time, it was ultimately pointless. If you didn't answer before, why would you now? Especially if that fucker had gotten ahold of you. His head snapped in the direction of the bed as he heard your phone ringing. He hung up and walked to the bed and picked it up, unlocking it and noticing a video waiting to be played. His grip on the phone tightened as he saw your bruised face in the still paused frame of the video. He finally pressed play, and watched in horror as the video started. The camera has panned to your beaten form on the ground, your weak sobs only overshadowed by Ryuji's voice. "Come on, look at the camera girl. Im sure your villain boyfriend will want to know you're still alive. For now at least." When you didn't listen, Ryuji sighed and crouched down and grabbed you by the hair, forcing you to look into the camera. The sight of your beaten face and wet cheeks had made Dabi sick to his stomach. "See? She's still kicking!" Ryuji chuckled. "Too bad I had to punish her for mouthing off to me earlier. Otherwise, she would have looked a little more presentable for you" Ryuji moved the camera to his face. "Sure was smart of me to put a tracker in that phone of her's huh?" He laughs. "You wouldn't believe it, the shit she was saying. She really thinks your some sort of hero, a knight and shinning armor that will come to her rescue. Even you can admit how stupid that is. Then she goes on about you killing me, that I'll be a bad memory to her. Ha." Ryuji glanced at you as he talked. "You should know better than that...You belong to me you dumb bitch!" The camera shakes, making the video blur for a moment before Dabi heard a harsh thump followed by your cries of pain.
Dabi could have melted this phone, his anger only growing the more he watched. The more he heard you cry. The more he heard that bastards voice. Ryuji sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose. "As sweet as she is, she can be quite the pain in the ass. Anyway." Ryuji grins as he talks. "Im looking forwards to our meeting. I'd love to talk to you in person. So how about you meet me at my place and we can get to acquainted better. You can find my location in her phone. Oh and, don't try to bring your buddies for backup. You come alone, or I'll fucking gut this bitch. And I won't wait all night. Remember..." Ryuji moves the camera on you for one last time. "Your damsel is waiting. Don't let her down." And with that, the video ended.
Dabi had never felt such rage. Such hatred. He thought he could never feel anything stronger than this than what he has in the past, but that all paled in comparison to what was happening now. Dabi checked the location before swiftly leaving the hotel. He wouldn't have brought along any of the league even if he wanted to. Ryuji was his to kill. He wasn't intending on letting anyone in on this. This had became personal from the moment he reunited with you. However, he did make one phone call before he arrived at Ryuji's home.
"It's me...Make sure everything's in order. She'll be ready to go in the morning."
Meanwhile, you were tied up on a chair in Ryuji's bedroom. Your head hung low, blood dripping from your nose onto your lap. Your body ached, strained muscles screaming in agony, you could feel the bruises forming on your skin. Ryuji had been relentless, he didn't let up for second as he beat and broken you. Any ease you felt before this had been erased entirely. You were now left feeling weak and helpless once more, at the complete mercy of the monster before you. You were stupid. So very stupid. Of course this would happen. Why the hell did you ever think anything would change? At the end of it all, you would always end up right back into Ryuji's grasp. No matter how far you ran, no matter where you go, he would always find you and drag you back, kicking and screaming. And you were a fool to think otherwise. Dabi might come to save you, but even if he does, you won't truly be free. Even if he kills Ryuji, you will still be his. The marks on your body would be a constant reminder, of how he claimed you, owned you.
And there was nothing you or anyone could do to change that.
Ryuji stepped in front of you. You heard him speak, but could not find the strength to raise your head to face him. So you just listened. "You could have had everything. I would have given you everything. Why did you have to go and do that?" He spoke with the facade of gentleness. "You know that you have always been my favorite girl. You mean so much more than those other women. You think I would do this to just any of those whores? No. You are special, you always have been. Which is why is pains me deeply, to know that you are no different from them. Im not willing to let you go just yet. I can forgive you in time, as I always have. But you'll have to earn my trust again, otherwise, you'll be nothing but dead weight on my shoulders." Ryuji crouched down in front of you, he could get a better view of your face this way. "I hate to ruin that pretty face of yours. If this keeps up, no one's gonna want you. Not even the most desperate of people. So be better won't you?"
You nod slowly. Ryuji began to speak once again, but stopped once he heard a loud bang. He smirked and rose to his feet. "Looks like my guest has finally arrived. I'll be back once I've settled this little scrap." He says before leaving you alone in the room. You knew Dabi was here, but you did nothing. Said nothing. You kept your gaze locked onto your lap, and just...waited. For what, you didn't know. But you waited...for something. Anything. You waited.
And then it began.
Ryuji walked out into the living room, he was greeted by Dabi stepping over the door he broke down. The door laid on the ground, blue flames dancing on the now burned edges of the door. "You know how expensive this house is? Hope you have a way planned to repay me." He smirks. Dabi said nothing as he stopped just before Ryuji, he had nothing to say to him. Nothing, other than-
"Where is she?"
Ryuji nods his head back towards his bedroom. "She's still alive, if you're wondering." That's all Dabi needed to hear before moving his hand up, flames engulfing it as his stare intensified onto Ryuji. As much as he wanted to kill him, he couldn't go back on his word. Dabi would make his death all but quick. Ryuji would know a whole new meaning of pain by the end of the night. And once he's gone, he would get you out of here. He would make sure you never got hurt again. Or he would die trying. Ryuji shook his head. "All this over some woman. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you love her." Ryuji locked his eyes on Dabi's. "Don't tell big bad Dabi has grown soft. If that's the case, then this will be very boring." Dabi narrowed his eyes before jerking his arm back. For once this dickhead was right. He did love you. He was more than willing to put his life on the line for you if it meant you'd be alright in the end. And god damn it.
Dabi sent a blast of flames towards Ryuji.
You will be alright.
Ryuji dodged it, the same shit eating grin on his face as he did so. "You'll need to do a lot worse than that!" He took a pocket knife he had hidden and clutched it tightly. "You're about to see something real exciting." Ryuji chuckles lowly. He rushes Dabi, narrowly avoiding another wave of flames. When he was close enough, he took that pocket knife and slashed at Dabi. He wasn't aiming to actually stab him, but to cut him. And unfortunately, he had managed to make a small slice on Dabi's forearm. Dabi quickly moved his other hand sent more fire his way. This time Ryuji would not dodge in time. The left side of his upper body caught fire. Ryuji acted quickly and removed his shirt to get rid of the flames. He ignored the pain from the fresh burns he had received on his arm and partially on his chest and abdomen. "That's gonna leave a nasty scar." Ryuji smirks. "But I say it's well worth it, after I managed to land a hit on you like I did." Dabi wasn't oblivious. He knew that, even if just a scratch, could result in his downfall.
"Shit!" Dabi hissed sharply. Ryuji laughed before flicking his finger upward. With that singular motion, Dabi's arm, the one that was cut, involuntarily jerked up in the air. Dabi grunts in pain. It felt as if his arm was being harshly twisted, his muscles cramping up. He could barely summon any fire with that hand, so he switched to his left. "Not so fast." Ryuji says before waving his hand and quickly bringing it upward. Dabi's other arm was forced back down, the same cramping feeling in the limb as the other. Dabi was then forced down onto his knees with the flick of Ryuji's wrist. Dabi's arms painfully brought down to his sides, he glared up at Ryuji as he stepped closer to him. "You really are a let down you know that?" Ryuji sighs. "I really expected more out of you. Turns out, you're just some wanna be bad guy. All bark and no bite. What happened to that whole, "I'm gonna kill you" attitude?" He asks smugly. "You're holding me down." Dabi began. "You too much of a bitch to let me up and fight you fairly? Afraid you'll loose?" Ryuji scowls before delivering a harsh blow to Dabi's face. "You know I'm right." Dabi says, barely acknowledging the punch. Blood dribbled down his nose, a throbbing sensation in his cheek. But he paid it no mind as he spoke. "Your quirk is good for one thing, keeping people still so you can do whatever you want. If you were as bad as everyone thinks you are, you'd let me up and fight me like a real man."
"See Dabi, I don't have to do any of that." Ryuji says, he grabbed Dabi by the hair and jerked his face close to his. He took the knife he had and held it up to his neck. "I tend not to get my hands dirty if I don't have to. I save that kind of thing for people who are actually worth the effort. And you, are not worth it. Killing you wont bring me any sort of satisfaction, as much as bring me some sort of peace of mind. Peace of mind, knowing that one less annoyance is in my life. It's like finally doing a chore that you've been putting off for days. It's still a pain that you have to do it, but it's good to know it's not around anymore to be a constant reminder. It's stressful, and I can't have any sort of stress in my life." He presses the blade of the knife ever so slightly into Dabi's neck. "I get enough of it from that bitch that cares so much about you. If she wasn't so pretty, I would have killed her ages ago. You know what I mean. You've had her to yourself for a while. She's good at what she does, isn't she?" Ryuji grins. Dabi gave him a disgusted look. "You're a fucking asshole." He spat. "You don't deserve someone like her. The fact that you even thought to put your filthy hands on her, is enough for me to burn you from the inside out."
"Oh I'm sure." Ryuji rolls his eyes. "Why the fuck do you even bother? There's plenty of sluts just like her out there. What makes her so god damn special?" He asks. "You wouldn't understand even if I did feel like explaining it to you shit stain." Dabi mutters. Ryuji clicks his tongue, pressing the knife even further. "God I'm not gonna miss your ugly ass face." Just as the knife started to draw blood, a voice forced Ryuji to pause his actions.
"Ryuji stop!"
Ryuji furrows his brows in confusion before turning his head. And he was met with the sigh of you, holding a very sharp knife in hand.
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sanriopinterest · 1 year
♡The Turmoil of the Beehive♡
The floor collasped as my bed fell through. I rubbed my eyes as my pj's continued to slip off of me. "This is who I'm waking up too? Asshole!""I not gonna stop what I was doing so you only have yourself to blame for what you're about to smell, preacher douchebag". The other two girls complained. "Uhm, I was still sleeping dickhead" I deadpanned. "I'm gonna ignore that and keep talking". We sat kn the couch as garter went on with explaining a new mission or something.
   Stocking licking her ice cream so fast, some of it got in my braid and on my skin. Chuck then pulled out a little old man and got to talking about missing students and shit. "Alright you hookers! Go wash your asses in the sink and get to high school before that ghost swindles anymore students!" He screeched.
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(This is your outfit, in (f/c) of course)
   See through crashed through the wall and a red carpet rolled out in front of us. "Are those celebrities?". Questions made its way through the crowd. "We're angels, dick" Panty said sliding on her glasses. "Uh, you do know what incognito means right? It's the opposite of that". We pranced through the halls as the cameras flashed. I pulled out a honey bun and began to eat. "Alright lets get this over with, where should we go first" I said opening the map of the school. Panty looked ahead and I followed seeing a ginge haired boy run down the hall with a beehive on his head. "What in the fuck? That's not suspicious or anything".
   Panty summoned her gun and shot at the dude, making the bees drop away. He slid across the floor and we looked down in digust. "Was that necessary?" Stocking asked. He looked up at us "Holy Mary Mother". "That all you got" Panty said kicking the beehive back onto his head. We laughed as he tan around in despair. "Oh briefer's darling" someone called out from the top of a huge cheerleader stack. "You're not really running around so carelessly with my precious beehive on your head now are you?" She said with a whole lot of venom in the last few words. "If looks could kill" I said throwing my wrapper. He started whimpering and apologizing to her. "So hey, what the fuck is that?" Panty looked up. "Ew, gross. Is that barbie wanna be I smell" The girl said re crossing her legs. She went on and on about her "I own the school" speech.
"You the janitor?" "Yeah, cause we meant the principal and he's hotter" Panty and Stocking threw to her face.
    "Well damn, she's actually kinda pretty" I said looking at her for a little. Panty and Stocking glared at me."My name's Barbie, you may also refer to me as;Queen Barbie, Her majesty, or Goddess. Allow them to demonstrate". The whole school went wild. Panty yawned"Your working way too"hard here. Did she seriously refer to herself as barbie, like the outdated fetish doll, with like a bazillion occupations""She did, and im allergic to plastic. Lets get out of here before we catch slut face" Panty and Stocking dragged her." Call me" I said throwing her my number as I got dragged away. As we exited Panty stepped on her beehive. All I heard was her ramblings and "The braided one is the most tolerable".
   "Check this shit out guys, couldn't you just die? It even moves when you stick a finger up her""Third base panty, collect all four. Your just in this for the uniform" Stocking said not looking up from her sweets magazine."And your point?" Panty said wobbling around her figurine. The teacher then started passing out condoms for some strange reason." Don't put that in your mouth!" I warned Panty as she started eating the condom like it was gum. "Hey what are you girls doing?". Geek boy then whined to us about his 'friends' going missing.
 He took us outside and decided to show us how is 'backpack' thing worked. "So what exactly were we taking when we decided to follow the ginger freak fro show" Stocking stated. "Good point" I said sipping on a slushie. "Sorry it usually works" Panty then suddenly kicked the 'proton pack'. "Proton pack of shit" she screamed. After she kicked it, it started vibrating and then blowed up. "Well isn't this a delight,
   I was afraid I would never see my favorite slut cankles ever again" a voice said from behind.
     Out popped barbie on top of a bunch of robots. "Ugh, aren't you supposed to be in the trash?""Ten inches is way to big for you""You never called me, kinda glad. I see my mistake". We all started a huge argument, in the middle of that empty field. She jumped off her pedestal and turned into a demon"Could this have been any more fucking predictable""Nope she's a queen, she's a bee, she's a queen bee, we fucking get it" Panty and Stocking whispered. We took out our weapons and the fight began. (Im not writing all of that srry).
    As the gong sounded we knew she was defeated. A few coins fell from the sky and I got them. "Uh thats it cheap bastard's"
    Panty complained. "Here come the geeks" Stocking sang as they fell from the sky in cocoons.
    The ginger then went on to praise us about being ghost hunters. I snuck behind him and started to untie the geeks from their cocoons. "Hello smoregasm board! Who's fish should I play rocking chair with first""Oh I guess you've earned it""Line up, boys" Panty said sneaking away to the football players. "Hoe." I said kicking a nerd that tried to look up my skirt. "I need some sugar" Stocking said looking up to the sky.
Words: 1061
Wattpad: @Vonlovesbread
-ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕔 🌊
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burning-sol · 8 months
i will NOT attempt to make an exorcist au fanfic right now i wont i wont im not a writer i can barely write oneshots no freaking way. but i will dump my thoughts.
rumi's church prays to the one true god that is zuen and believes that zuen is the only god, which is not true but they're not entirely incorrect either. rumi's current life really revolves around the church a lot, it's sort of their outlet for their feelings and helps give them a sense of purpose. though, they are definitely not following the book and are 'recruiting followers to the church (collecting their own followers)', and they do feel an aspiration to be something more than what they are currently. rumi has performed multiple successful exorcisms before now, they get a lot fulfillment from it and it's arguably something their more devoted to than strictly following the church, which is why they're apprehensive but ultimately still open to seeking help from odd places.
peter is basically just a guy like he was and happened to get possessed by exandroth. exandroth got kicked out of the celestial realm because she was associating with a certain tristan and thanatos and picking up on some maybe not very pro-pantheon ideas. exandroth isnt really causing any harm, he's just a free loader. and when rumi comes to visit, exandroth is very ecstastic to make fun of them. anyways peter has just been dealing with this angel and starts trying to set boundaries like 'you have to clean the dishes exandroth'. it's all very silly.
thanatos is a robot still. you see in this church, they are basically the equivalent of evil satan ritual evil dnd people, and they werent really notably for much until this angel suddenly just started hanging around and went off about what it was like to be an angel. and they kept going back and forth on things until they decided that they should perform a ritual to make a robot that could theoretically kill celestials or maybe even gods. uhhh so they went way over their heads with that one, but with exandroth's help they managed to make this cool robot. i dont know how old thanatos rationalised 'yep gonna be scarificed and become a badass robot' but it fucking happened. robot thanatos dont really know what he meant to be doing but anyways, he's pretty neat.
this isnt really an au that's meant to be dramatic, it's mostly just a bunch of stupid shit. if i were to hypothetically write a fic, it'd have some character arcs and touching moments, but mostly this is just silly. im sure someone could do a serious take on it, but i like equal parts tragedy as i do humour so.
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