#im not putting the other character tags in screw that
tell me something about SU perhaps? Anything u want, I just wanna hear u talk about SU :]
im going to be autistic at you for a little bit now about Amethyst and Steven's relationship
ive tried to write out about 3 different versions of this and i havent gotten one im happy with so were just gonna roll with it okay? okay
one of the big things people talk about in the show is how the gems treat steven. the big two examples being in the episodes following A Single Pale Rose and in especially in Future. but a lot of the things people say are only really applicable to Pearl and Garnet. they dont really know how to deal with steven's issues and they both have a bad habit of falling back into old roles and as the show goes on they both start to more and more default to steven as the leader. but Amethyst, doesnt really do that.
after SPR, in between steven spending whole episodes trying to comfort sapphire and pearl and ruby and bismuth, he has an episode with Amethyst in which she spends the entire episode trying to make him feel better and figure out what he needs. which no one else really stops to do even tho she was his mom.
and now admittedly, i havent watched any of future in a While, but from what i remember Amethyst does try to push harder to get steven to talk and actually Doing things about stuff she notices when compared to Garnet and Pearl
to me, what i think this comes down to is the fact that unlike Amethyst, Garnet and Pearl have never really considered or been considered an equal to Steven. when he was younger and before he developed his power steven was at the bottom of the hierarchy within the crystal gems. and he stays there for a long time. eventually he starts to catch up to amethyst and they a little bit start to see eachother as equals, but not quite. and i think thats what happens in the Steven vs Amethyst arc. theyve both grown comfortable in this not-quite-equals dynamic, or at least Amethyst has, and when she thinks Steven is starting to get better than her, shes scared shes gonna get pushed down to the bottom again. but that doesnt happen, steven pulls her back up and together they decide to be equals on a level playing field. theyre equals and when one of them is suffering the other will pull them up, and when one of them succeeds the other can be proud of them. theyre equals
but theres none of that with pearl and garnet. i guess you could argue that together they have an arc about seeing each other as equals, but not with Steven. at first they see him as this little kid, hes just a little kid hes below them, they need to look after him, teach him. but even once he comes into his own and grows up i dont think they ever really see him as even close to a real equal. they either see him as their kid to look after or even sometimes they start to defer up to him, seeing him as their superior.
you could probably argue that as much as steven has grown uo with the gems, amethyst has grown up with steven too. sure shes a lot older than him and she had already been growing into her own. but to me i think the difference between flashback and even early season 1 amethyst to amethyst by the end of the show, she really grew up With Steven.
anyways yeah. i love amethyst and i love her friendship with steven. i love tiger millionare and tiger philanthropist. i love crack the whip, steven vs amethyst, earthlings, i love on the run, i love no matter what, i love whats your problem, i love smokey quartz and i love that they were the first steven/gem fusion
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quaranmine · 2 years
clicked on a whump fanfic and the character injured themselves and like later someone else was looking at them and was like "omg how did u even walk on this injury" and when they described it. it was. the character had dislocated their kneecap
as someone who has extensive firsthand experience with patellar dislocations. thats not how it works 😭
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foamimi · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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snaillock · 9 months
noo, bc i fucking feel yall. bc a fic i read thr other day?!? "gn!reader" the next line is "reader could arguable be considered afab" and then out of no where the fic uses female anatomy terms??? the reader is not "arguably" afab. it is afab, and a warning tag like "afab!reader, but no pronouns used" would have been a better explanation for your fic.
i fucking DESPISE when people do that and refuse to put the actual gender of the reader in the actual post or the tags. its really not that hard. as someone who writes both female and male readers, i know how to tell my viewers which one they are so they csn steer clear of something they dont like. its just female readers r considered "the standard" or "the default" with both female and male characters. (finding fem char x male reader is the hardest thing on earth omg but anyways)
and untagged drabbles are the WORST at this. there's no gendered tag and no warning at the top of the post so i assume the reader is gender neutral only to ve bombarded with fem terms. even if a creator doesnt want to put the reader's gender in the fic warnings, but it in the tags. it really isnt that hardddd. all tumblr writers need to have a seminar about tagging fics correctly and stating what is actually in your fic. or we all need to learn a03 etiquette or smth. bc being a male reader sucks😭
(srry sbout this rant. i just needed to say it)
nsfw mentions for anyone else reading!
dude yesterday i saw a fic that was legit tagged “gn reader, reader is called mama.” like how is that a coherent statement. it’s almost comical to me. one of infinite examples of what it’s like to look for fics on tumblr. like im BEGGING and PLEADING to people to think about what the neutral part of gn means.
i hate also when writers do “gn!reader that could be seen as female” when 90% of the fic makes it so so obvious like shut up that’s totally fem reader.
when people use afab as some cool fancy ass synonym for woman also irks the shit out of me but that’s a whole other conversation.
i fucking wish putting “character x female reader” or whatever gender in the actual tags itself was a much more common practice so filtering would actually do something. unfortunately the only people who actually do it consistently are of course the ones who write male reader fics.
like people shouldn’t be allowed to leave their fics untagged if it isn’t 100% gender neutral. like give me some indication god please. it’s even worse when i’m going through the blue lock tag so most of it is just untagged fem smut drabbles so it’s like a double smack in the face for me. like give me a heads up at the very least.
honestly i should just start fining people whenever they screw up with their tags. like straight up start demanding money for emotional damage charges.
(speaking of fem char x male reader, once i transition into more multifandom, i’m for sure gonna start doing those as well. the lack of them just makes me so so sad)
also don’t worry about ranting bc im so glad i have yet another chance to complain about this for the second time today. being mad about this stuff is like the whole reason why i even made this blog
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calethelettuce · 8 months
SaSi Intruality Week 5/7: Christmas in October?
Prompt: Gifts
Tags: @intrualityweek
Synopsis: Remus gets bored. Why not switch around holidays on everyone? Sounds like the perfect prank! ..He also just wants an excuse to give Patton things for no good reason. And Patton? Oh, he’s thrilled to finally see snow! The others are going to burn Remus at the stake for this one.
Characters: Patton, Remus, Logan, Virgil, Roman, Janus
Relationships: Romantic Intruality, Platonic Loxiety
TW: Swearing, dirty humor, sexual innuendos, mentions of screwing parents (but specifically dads), mentions of murder, oh also there’s a knife
“Why the fuck is there a Christmas tree in the common room?!”
“Virgil, what on Earth are you screaming about-“ Logan shut his book with a quick snap, looking up for the first time in hours. He stared at the Christmas tree sitting in the middle of the room, his stoic expression not changing at all. “Oh. I see.”
Virgil let out an annoyed groan. “There’s no way you’ve been sitting there this whole time and didn’t notice this!” He gestured to the array of Christmas decorations strung along shelves and light fixtures. “We’re erasing my favorite holiday, here!”
Logan shrugged, straightening his glasses frames. “Ask Remus. He’s probably behind this.” He supplied, putting his book down, “I’ll come with you if you want.”
Virgil crossed his arms with an annoyed frown. “I’m going to kill him.”
Patton managed to roll out of bed by 9 AM. His house felt awfully cold for October.. He rubbed his eyes, putting on his glasses while staring through the window.
Why did everything seem so… white? Patton moved back the curtains and nearly choked when he realized there was snow outside.
“In October!?” He checked the date: October 26. Good, he wasn’t going crazy. “It’s not even Halloween!” He mused, shutting the curtains and rushing down the steps with his phone in hand. The device was buzzing like mad, sending a tingle through his arm. He checked his notifications, chuckling at the exchange happening and the intense flurry of notifications.
The Sides!
Roman-ce Expert: what the heck is going on outside-
Down Low-gan: I'm unsure myself, actually.
Bananaconda: shut up i'm trying to sleep
My Dark, Strange Son: SHUT THE UP BITCH
Bananaconda: this is literally why nobody likes you
Down Low-gan: Stop fighting. Janus, just turn off your notifications like I do.
Bananaconda: whatever
Remus <3: Cock and ball torture
Remus <3: I'm hangin with your mom right now :P
Bananaconda: get fucked virgil
Pattoncake: i think it's cool! :3 snow is cool! srry for late reply just woke up
Roman-ce Expert: If it wasn't OCTOBER and not EVEN PAST Halloween I would agree
Remus <3: Patty!!
Pattoncake: Hi :D
Down Low-gan: Good morning, Patton, apologies for the spam from these imbeciles.
Roman-ce Expert: EXCUSE ME?????????? (ㆆ_ㆆ)
Bananaconda: shut up, i'm going back to bed
Pattoncake: Have a good nap Janny! ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ)
My Dark, Strange Son: i hope you die in your sleep
Pattoncake: VIRGIL- (≖_≖ )
My Dark, Strange Son: i only speak the truth dad
My Dark, Strange Son: Pat*
Pattoncake: :O
Roman-ce Expert: bro just got called out
Remus <3: Patty open the door :)
Remus <3: BABY LET ME IN
My Dark, Strange Son: go be sentimental somewhere else trash bitch
Remus <3: This is why I'm fucking your dad PATTON OPEN UP
Patton put his phone in his pocket, noticing the intense knocking on his front door. He pulled it open, smiling brightly. "Hiya, Remus!" he chirped. "Come on in!"
Remus grinned back, holding up a surprisingly neatly packaged bag. The tissue paper inside was a pretty blue and was very glittery. "I got this for you!" he declared, walking in and handing the moderately large bag to Patton, "Merry Christmas!"
Patton gave him a confused and concerned look, taking the bag gingerly from him. "Thanks! But.. you realize it's October, right?"
“Sure do!”
He raised an eyebrow. “Then why-“
“Don’t question it too much, Patty!” Remus simply gestured to the bag. “Open it!”
Patton thought about it for a moment. “Is this a trick?”
Remus looked awfully offended for someone who played pranks often. “Not this time!”
Patton nodded slowly, before stepping back and gesturing inside. “Well, come in first! It must be cold out there!” He was definitely cold himself, just by standing at the door with it open. “I can make your favorite hot cocoa, with the spices you like.”
Remus’ face brightened up at that. “Sweet!” He wandered inside, plopping down on one of the stools near the island counter. “Then you’ll open your gift?” He asked hopefully.
Patton gave him a small smile as he put the gift on the coffee table in the living room. “Sure, Morningstar.”
Remus hummed to himself, though it was more like a strange cackle or laugh than anything.
Patton got to work on the two cups of cocoa. He mentally went over the differences in the ways that every side preferred their cocoa, just to test his memory.
He knew that Logan liked his with milk and a tinge of peppermint (which was certainly interesting to him).
Roman preferred to make his with cocoa bombs, of which normally added tons of sugar from the extra chocolate.
Virgil rarely ever drank cocoa, but when he did? He preferred it cold. Patton still hadn’t figured that one out yet.
Janus took theirs as standard as you could get, but they rarely ever drank the stuff and preferred to drink other things.. like wine.
Now, Remus? It could change every day. Normally, he preferred his made with the water scalding hot. He preferred it so hot, in fact, that if anyone other than him tried to drink it they’d burn their hands on the mug. He loved spices, no matter if it was salt or pepper or anything else that comes to mind. His cocoa choices were never boring, Patton could confirm that.
He poured the still boiling water into a mug, careful not to spill any on himself or the counter. He held both the kettle and the cup with heat resistant gloves. “Remus, what spices are we thinking today, bud?” He called.
“Oooh! Let me think…” Remus began listing off random spices that came to mind.
Patton picked out three of the spices listed, putting a bit of each into the water and he added the cocoa powder to the mug. After being mixed, he slid the mug over to Remus. “There you go, hon!” He said cheerfully, beginning to work on his own.
Patton liked his plain and simple: just warm milk and the cocoa powder. Something simple to dip cookies in! It only took a quick five minutes for him to be sitting beside Remus as they both sipped their respective drinks.
Remus was the first one done. He plopped his mug down onto the counter, the hand painted black and green exterior shining under the glowing gaze of the lights overhead. “That was fucking delicious!”
Patton nibbled on a cookie, dipping it into his cocoa every so often. “I’m glad you liked it!” He said fondly.
Remus spun around on the stool as he waited for Patton to finish.
“Are you done yet?”
“Not yet, bud.”
“How about now?”
“Still no, honeybee.”
“……are you done yet?”
Patton sighed, giving Remus a knowing look. “If I open the gift now, will you let me finish my hot chocolate?”
Remus pondered that for a moment. “..DEAL!” He hopped up, running over to the living room and sitting down. “Get to it, Pattyboy!”
“Okay, okay! Hold on!” Patton followed him at a much slower pace, putting his mug down on a glittery, star shaped coaster as he sat next to his boyfriend.
Remus giggled to himself as he handed the gift to Patton. “Here you go, Frog Daddy!”
Patton put the bag in his lap, looking it over. “It’s pretty heavy..” he couldn’t help but feel slightly concerned. What could be in here?
“C’mon, just open it!” Remus nearly begged him, “The suspense is killin’ me, man!”
Patton pulled out the tissue paper, watching as it floated carelessly in the air before settling on the carpet. Inside, to his surprise, were three individually wrapped boxes. They were wrapped in shiny silver paper, with little baby blue bows decorating the tops.
“I hated wrapping it all neat,” Remus added, “but I figured you’d like it.”
Patton took out one of the smallest boxes first, which was rather hefty for its size. He unwrapped it carefully, confused as to what could be inside. He gasped.
Inside sat two crystal statues; one of a cat and one of a frog. “Oh, Remus! These are amazing!” He gushed.
Remus beamed. “Good! They’re Blue Calcite, they apparently help balance emotions. So, y’know, I thought it fit you.” He shrugged. “I got Logan to tell me that. I know absolutely nothing else.”
Patton pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I think they’re lovely either way.”
“Yuuck, positivity! Just keep going!”
The next thing Patton pulled out happened to be a knife. The blade was embellished with various gems and crystals in both green and blue, and Patton nearly dropping it out shock once he realized what it was.
“It’s not real! It’s a fake one I made! Not sharp at all!” Remus took it and tried to stab something, to no avail. “See? Totally safe!”
Patton breathed out a sigh of relief. “You almost just gave me a heart attack, mister!”
“Sorry not sorry! Open the last one, that’s my favorite!”
“I don’t know whether to be excited or terrified.”
Patton ripped open the box, pausing with an awestruck expression on his face.
A beautiful array of necklaces, friendship bracelets and rings sat inside.
“I made us matching ones!” Remus supplied, holding up his own emerald set, “Yours are diamond!”
Patton tried on the ring, realizing it fit perfect on his ring finger. He gave Remus the biggest smile the side had ever seen, before nearly tackling him in a hug. “I LOVE IT!” he squealed, “Thank you thank you thank you!!!”
Remus scoffed, ignoring how red his face was. “It was nothing, Pattycake!”
And then Patton kissed him.
Right on the lips.
And internally?
Remus flipped the fuck out. In a good way!
They sat there for a moment or two, just enjoying each other’s company, Patton’s hot cocoa long forgotten.
“I think Virgil’s going to kick my ass.” Remus muttered randomly. “I totally erased his favorite holiday.” He smirked to himself. “Oh well. Let’s go play in the snow!”
Patton laughed and smiled up at him. “Okay! Let’s go!”
Truth be told, Virgil had decided to let Remus live a little longer.
..only for Patton’s sake.
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let-it-rip-bear · 1 year
Any fic recs? :)
oh yes
an unorganized list of The Bear fic recs; most are gen just cuz im not a big shipper
nighthawks (5131 words) by arbitrarily Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sydney Adamu & Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Sydney Adamu, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, Marcus (The Bear TV 2022), Neil Fak, Tina (The Bear TV 2022), Gary "Sweeps" Woods Additional Tags: Character Study, Non-Linear Narrative, Post-Season/Series 01, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Canonical Character Death, Unresolved Romantic Tension Summary:
The work continues; the work begins.
Sunday Special (2073 words) by LearnedFoot Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sydney Adamu & Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Sydney Adamu & Richard "Richie" Jerimovich Characters: Sydney Adamu, Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich Additional Tags: other characters make appearances too, Friendship, Found Family, Christmas, Post-Canon Summary:
The Bear stays open for Christmas.
the trap (5957 words) by bartonbones (@bartonbones) Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto & Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto, NYC Chef Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, a meager attempt to supply some h/c in this ao3 tag bc im getting desperate, Minor Injuries, Verbal Abuse, im legally required to tell you to not do the first aid depicted in this fanfiction, One Shot Summary:
You need to fucking be better at this, Chef says.
Yes, chef, he says.
Get better at this.
Yes, chef.
Calling out orders. Hands. Plating with tweezers and holding his breath. Wiping plates. It’s funny because before this, he’d think that it's a mistake you’d only make one time. He’d think getting shoved and screamed at and sent home to shake apart and wonder if you’re wasting years on your life on a thing you fucking suck at would be enough to remind you not to forget to wipe a plate again, but the truth is that it’s not, that nothing is, the truth is that it’s a fucking trap. He’s always going to forget something again.
OR: How Carmy got that scar on his hand.
I Cannot Put My Thumb On When I Went So Numb (1517 words) by neonsandwich Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto & Richard "Richie" Jerimovich Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, Michael "Mikey" Berzatto (Mentioned) Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide Summary:
Carmen’s meds stopped working.
Carmen had known that for weeks, months even. His meds had been steadily decreasing in effectiveness for a while, but there was always something more pressing going on in his life than trying to schedule an appointment with his doctor, much less enter the process of trying to find a new antidepressant and dealing with the potential side effects from that. Carmen would just deal with the dread and extra self loathing at night and maybe the occasional suicidal thought. It wasn’t like he was going to act on those thoughts anyway, not after Mikey.
he said only sundown, sundays, christmas (2117 words) by hyacinthdreams Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Sydney Adamu, Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, Michael "Mikey" Berzatto Additional Tags: implications/references to suicide, implications/references to ptsd/grief, Dysfunctional Family, Character Study, No Beta, the Berzatto family, Atheist Character Summary:
carmen berzatto somehow screwed over the guardian angels in his life enough that he was going to a wedding, a funeral and a kid's birthday party all in one week, (bad things only came in cases of three or some shit like that, right?) all while trying to make sure his restaurant didn't go up in literal and metaphorical flames.
a study in carmy
ghosts and empty sockets (20510 words) by bartonbones Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto & Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto, Sydney Adamu & Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto & Michael "Mikey" Berzatto Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto, Sydney Adamu Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Sibling Love, Found Family, Nightmares, Eating Disorders, sort of...mostly just whatever carmy's got going on with his stomach issues, Self-Esteem Issues, look. he's a miserable little guy and it's my job to write about the misery of little guys, Grief/Mourning, shrimp boy carmy real, pre carmen/sydney if you squint, a lot of handwaving over timeline and career details dont acknowledge it pls, Yearning Summary:
"Again, their breath moves together, only instead of a sigh of relief it holds still, caught in their throats. They seem to both acknowledge a door half-open, a window just cracked. Sometimes it’s like this—working on the Bear, talking about Mikey when they have to, when they mention the money or the inspiration or the afternoons Carmen has to plan around in order to attend the AL meetings.
They are always on the edge of talking about it. Sometimes Carm feels it like a lighter, finger pressed down flat, letting all the gas out, never making a spark. It never catches, it never burns, but it’s there, fucking up the ozone layer or some shit like that. He’s always fucking up something."
OR: After months of hard work, The Bear is nearing opening, with a inaugural write-up in the Tribune to go with it. The only problem is: Carmy can't talk about the restaurant without talking about Mikey, and he can't talk about Mikey without talking about himself.
Close Enough (1678 words) by bloodinthecut Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto & Richard "Richie" Jerimovich Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Takes place after ep 8, Carmy is Not Okay, And we love to see it acknowledged Summary:
Richie is in the passenger seat. This is not by Carmy’s choice.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you skippin’ family, again,” he said as they finally closed up, chucking his keys at Carmy’s head and barely missing his eye. “You’re driving. I can’t get caught up in any more shit after that assault nonsense.”
In which Richie confronts Carmy after everything.
Salve: something that soothes or consoles (20764 words) by ouroboros_ontology (@eroticwound) Chapters: 6/? Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto & Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, Sydney Adamu & Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto & Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto, Sydney Adamu, Michael "Mikey" Berzatto, always haunting the narrative tbqh, mrs. berzatto, Marcus (The Bear TV 2022), Pete (The Bear TV 2022) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dissociation, Hand injury, Grief, carmy is the boy on fire of my dreams, Multiple Perspectives, Angst, Post-Finale, Touch-Starved, Burns, Emetophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide, corpse description, Canon-typical Cursing Summary:
Despite the money in the cans, Carm's still been off. Worse, maybe.
Or an accident in the kitchen puts everyone on the same page.
Yes, Chef/No, Chef (4991 words) by WatchMyFavesSuffer Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, New York Chef (The Bear TV 2022), Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, Michael "Mikey" Berzatto Additional Tags: Angst, Panic Attacks, Emetophobia, Verbal Abuse, Cooking, The French Brigade System, Fine Dining, Self-Esteem Issues, maybe hints of eating disorder (depending on how you look at the vomiting thing), mild body horror (in carmy's head), Perfectionism, black swan vibes, Whiplash (2014) vibes, Pre-Canon, Noma era, author watches a lot of cooking shows Summary:
“What the fuck is this?”
“Grilled branzino, Chef.”
“Wrong. This is dogshit.”
“Yes, Chef.”
Noma-era flashback, feat. abusive head chef, heavy Carmy angst, and a lot of kitchen jargon.
Bear Market Blue (4094 words) by threesmallcrows Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sydney Adamu/Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto Characters: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Sydney Adamu Additional Tags: Eating Disorders, Past Sexual Abuse, Depression, Carmen "I'm straight up not having a good time" Berzatto, Character Study, Anxiety Summary:
In the intake room, he says to the nurse, “I mean I work in a kitchen for chrissake. I eat all the goddamn time.”
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
is that a yanfei pfp omg, my inner and outer yanfei main loves you oh oh oh and and and also screw that dumbass ask this anon sent about yuuka THEY ARE SO INCORRECT GRRR "y'all only like yuuka because she is a girl!1!1!1!1!1!1!"
yeah no fucking shit so many of us like her because it solidifies the place of fem!yuus in the twstverse and stops dumbass people saying "hmph. its a MALE ONLY COLLEGE why do you have a female OC?? Just make a male OC???" (obviously not every person is like this and we should still appreciate masc OCs they matter just as much mwah) but we should denounce people who are so close minded.
like mannnnn that ask made me so annoyed but your response literally summarised everything i would've wanted to put into words but a bit less violent. the audacity they had to send in that dumbass ask smh like damn bitch let people enjoy a new character? so what if it's fem!yuu? like this is one of the times twst isn't being problematic but nah people still gotta have a problem with this and not the other issues (cough cough "Monsieur pyramid" cough cough)
also yuuken was actually pretty hyped up intially did that anon just sleep through an entire period of twst tumblr fandom lmao. i remember people writing so many fics and i haven't seen anyone say jack shit but the moment it's yuuka its "Nooo you're gonna project onto her waaaah!" like pls stfu we are literally just excited for a new character joining our silly fandom and becoming the subject of either a) unimaginable fluff or b) unimaginable angst smh /j
im sorry for taking my silly anger out in your askbox (ofc none of that is directed at you cause you wrote a bomb ass response to them and honestly you really put them in their place!) but that ask just annoyed me so mf much and i been thinking over my anger of it for a day and a half now
love your fics btw I get so mf excited when you post EJFHHEJD I hope you're having a lovely day mwah mwah, feel free to ignore this ask too no pressure 💓
NO BECAUSE I HELD MYSELF BACK, I say a lot of shit when I'm mad so it's better I hold myself back in these scenarios. But that's true, like search the Yuuken x reader tag and you'll find a sum of fanfic's, if you go to the yuuka x reader tag.. It's just me!
Sure Yuuka's hyped up, but like you said a decent chunk of it was due to the fact that her existence makes it so no one can attack fem oc's. And yeah a whole other part of the fandom simped for her, but you have got to understand that majority of the twisted wonderland fandom from my experience is homosexual.
Like I know a decent few lesbians, who write twst fanfic, so it's like not much of a shock that people simp for her a lot. And anon has to realize that fanfiction was created so you can self insert yourself in a scenario.
Like making that comment on a fanfic blog, was really fucking stupid ngl. And it seemed misogynistic from my perspective, ngl. I didn't say it because in my humble opinion that might've been "taking it too far"
Anyways, thank you for sharing your opinion, (And it's ok to rant to me as long as your not being rude abt anything) AND THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY WORK <3 And abt Yanfei, I've been growing her! I may main her one she gets to lvl 90!
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strxnger-things · 2 years
omg i finally found you!! I liked ur birthdaygate post AGES ago then forgot your url but im so glad i found you again bcos i have SO many questions- pls pls pls can you explain your theory more bcos its driving me crazy, a lot of people dont like this theory for some reason but im on the fence about how i feel about it :/
damn, I really thought I had the best hiding spot... *climbs out of a dark corner and stretches*
lol, hey!
ok so before I go any further into this, I just want to make something clear: I'm not the person who came up with the birthdaygate theory. I've seen a few people conflating birthdaygate with the post I made about something funky going on with the memories mentioned in the S2 shed scene, but they're like totally two separate things. Birthdaygate is the cool, big-brain theory that suggests Will's forgotten birthday is secretly a planned narrative tool that we'll see explained in Season 5 (whoever first put the evidence for that together, you rock and I have mad respect for you)
Memorygate on the other hand, is just a small expansion of it: my suggestion as to when or why Will's birthday might have been forgotten. Honestly, I'd not given the whole theory much thought before I unceremoniously threw it into the byler tag and watched the horror and heartbreak spread haha I'll do my best to explain it a little more, but I don't think I'll really be able to help much. My intention was never to convince people of anything. It was literally just me going, "huh... hey guys, isn't this kind of suspicious...?"
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and the thing is, if you don't believe in birthdaygate to begin with, then memorygate is completely moot. Like, it's just a lot of fun. But if birthdaygate is real, memorygate just might be one possible explanation. Maybe. ?? honestly? I think it would kinda suck if it was real. I totally understand why some people hate it. Whilst I'm sure it'd be a shocking twist, it would also be very deux ex machina, and it'd mess with the character's agencies.
but like, if it WAS suspicious... ...here we have a villain who can canonically a) view people in the present moment like they're all laid out on a chess board ("now-memories"), b) enter any mind he so wishes and spy on their innermost thoughts and memories, and c) seems to have a connection/obsession with time.
This villain is also literally told a bunch of memories relating to one of his primary antagonists. The S2 shed scene helped Will break free of his possession just enough to save the day, but at the same time, what if Vecna was being given precious ammunition that he could utilise for future use? It's kinda convenient that Will's birthday is A Thing™ now, and the ONE time it's mentioned in the narrative is one of the most powerful and important scenes. Coincidence? Yeeeeah, maybe.
and as to how Vecna could have 'used' all those memories for his own benefit, I can only speculate. We don't yet know enough about what Vecna is fully capable of. Can he flit through people’s mindscapes without the victim suspecting anything? Do they always have a nosebleed or a headache, or is that just for when he’s going to kill/ consume you to open a gate?  Memorygate is just the theory that Vecna’s done something to those memories, including Will's birthday, because he knows they helped Will fight back against his possession.
Of course, Will was physically possessed in comparison to the mind possession we saw with Max and the other victims, so we don’t know if that changes things either.  It could be time-related (like, the date itself has been screwed with) or it could be memory-related (e.g. nobody from the shed scene can remember it because at some point, Vecna has messed with their minds, one by one). I can't help but compare it to how Vecna entered Max's memory of the Snow Ball. She did the same thing that Will probably did, and entered a safe space in her mind to escape him. She fought back by remembering the good, anchoring herself to her friends and to her special dance/kiss with Lucas. But then Vecna found his way in to that memory, slowly but surely, and took it over so she could no longer hide there. 
We didn't see it as an audience, but what if that was kind of what was happening inside Will's mind in S2? 
I'm not sure what more I can say to explain the memory stuff because there's still a lot of guesswork when it comes to Vecna and his powers. But I can go a little further into the Byler part for you, seeing as I only briefly mentioned it in my first post and I assume that's what you want me to get into most. So Mike talks about DnD games and their swingset meeting, and I think the latter is arguably the most powerful memory mentioned in the whole scene. A lot of attention is focused on the swingset memory. It's super important. We can also pretty confidently conclude that Vecna is pissed at Mike, especially by the time S4 rolls round. He's long known who he is, and he knows he's directly foiled his plans on more than one occasion, just like El. So go back and watch the shed scene again, and think about what we learned about Vecna in Season 4. Was he watching from Will's eyes, a hulking presence stalking through his mind, clouding Will's sense of self and listening intently to every word Mike was saying? Yeah, probably. Mike was visibly emotional. Distressed, vulnerable, raw, honest. Vecna learned that day that Mike and Will are deeply special to one other. He knows they're best friends. He knows a lonely Mike first approached a similarly lonely Will on a swingset when they were in kindergarten ('it was the best thing I've ever done...'). He also probably knows how Will truly feels about Mike. So that's a lot of ammunition for him to help put his plans into action, whatever they may be. He apparently doesn't want to kill Will, but perhaps he wants to isolate him. To hurt him, to make him feel forgotten by his loved ones, in a long game to win him over? Who knows.......
Vecna plays chess with people. He spies, he collects information, he uses people's memories against them. And the shed scene would have been a prime opportunity. A feast, if you will.
Once again, I hope I'm wrong about this. :)
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nerdyenby · 1 year
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I posted 179 times in 2022
That's 179 more posts than 2021!
105 posts created (59%)
74 posts reblogged (41%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 173 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#ninjago - 49 posts
#lego ninjago - 48 posts
#ranboo - 20 posts
#mc championship - 18 posts
#lgbtqia - 16 posts
#mcyt - 16 posts
#lgbtq - 16 posts
#mcc - 16 posts
#jay ninjago - 16 posts
#zane ninjago - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#timeline character motivation and just the logistics of this horro comedy being canon just doesn’t compute
My Top Posts in 2022:
Empires: haha worldbuilding
Hermits: I will build your entire freaking world /th
234 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
INTERNET!!! LOOK AT MY PRETTY GRAPH (it’s a venn diagram but whatever)
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It’s all the MCC participants (on the wiki as having participated in at least two events) that are on SMPs! I don’t know whether to thank Scott for bringing together such a wide group of people or to cuss him out for making this diagram so hard to put together /lh.
While we’re here, I also looked at the average age and the percent of LGBTQIA+ people on each server (from this sample).
Average age:
Origins- 22.6
Dream SMP- 23.08
X Life- 23.25
Empires- 27.14
Life Series- 30.88
Hermitcraft- 32.00
Percent LGBTQ:
Hermitcraft- 14.29%
Life Series- 25%
X Life- 28.57%
Dream SMP- 34.62%
Empires- 42.86%
Origins- 44.44%
Keep in mind this data may not be entirely accurate as I did it all in one sitting, without double checking, and using wikis as the primary source.
252 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Ben was Klaus’s only constant for decades. They bickered and fought constantly but they’re brothers, they love each other. When Ben died, Klaus was relieved that Ben was finally able to move on and find peace, but he still missed him, it’s clear as day in how he regards Sparrow!Ben when they first meet.
However, that’s all fairly surface level, stated clearly in the show itself. What’s less evident is that Ben has never had a friend before. I believe he says this, but I haven’t seen anyone truly pick it apart. His family was even faker than the Umbrellas’. They got along better, but they were more business partners than anything else. They spent their whole lives together, but barely got to know each other because their whole life is a publicity stunt. They’re under constant watch and judgement not just from their dad, but from the whole city and even each other. They worked so hard to be good at their jobs that they never were allowed to figure out who they were outside of them, even to each other. Ben isn’t deeply affected by losing his siblings because he doesn’t know how to mourn a relationship that lacked any authenticity. They worked together to be the perfect unit, so anything that didn’t fit into that image was hidden away, especially from the others because they *will* use that against you. And they spent every moment together, so none of them were ever allowed to be anything less than what was expected of them. Ben never got the opportunity to find out who he was outside of the guy on the billboards.
Then in walks Klaus, someone who knows Ben better than he knows himself. He knows the Ben that was allowed to be real, the Ben that was allowed to experience emotions other than stoicism and anger, the Ben that learned unshielded love through constant companionship with Klaus. Sparrow!Ben was never given the chance to become that, but seeing the absolute mess that is the Umbrellas, he finds that he wants it. He wants to be a mess, to be allowed to feel, to be accepted even when you screw up. He doesn’t know how to be the version of himself that earned that type of love, but then Klaus tells him that being real was what made Ben so easy to love.
And then they’re hanging off of each other the rest of the night. Don’t you dare make it weird (glares at Netflix), these losers are touch deprived. They’re clingy as hell in the most platonic way possible because do you think Sparrow!Ben has ever received any sort of physical affection? How many years has Klaus been metaphorically leaning on Ben before he finally learned to do so literally, only to lose him almost instantly? They each so desperately need the support the other is longing to give, okay?! They just want hugs, your honor.
333 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Things I know would have Techno doing his stupid little high pitched cackle /affectionate
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See the full post
468 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Aqua is so funny because they’re like “I feel like I went to school with you” after like game two and by game four Purpled literally says “We’re family, I’ll protect you guys” like what 😭 this is the most unexpected found family ever. Their vibes are: seniors in high school being paired up for a group project when they’ve barely spoken but always wanted to be friends and now they’re emotionally attached
798 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tsuunytsuun · 2 years
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I posted 247 times in 2022
That's 247 more posts than 2021!
183 posts created (74%)
64 posts reblogged (26%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 186 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#sk8 the infinity - 117 posts
#matchablossom - 85 posts
#kojiro nanjo - 78 posts
#kaoru sakurayashiki - 59 posts
#fanfic - 45 posts
#ao3 - 44 posts
#ao3 link - 23 posts
#domestic - 14 posts
#reki kyan - 11 posts
#karou sakurayashiki - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 68 characters
#i tried to find a gif and all that came up was innapropriate things
My Top Posts in 2022:
Matchablossom Prompt Tiiiime!
'Cause im bored TvT
Prompt: Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Kaoru exited the bathroom and quietly closed the door, tiptoeing with practiced silence across the room so as to not wake up Kojiro, sleeping peacefully in bed.
He quietly slipped under the covers, pulling them up and lying down beside Kojiro and content to wait for sleep to return, when he suddenly felt two arms wrap around his waist. He looked behind him just as Kojiro pulled him snugly against his chest, putting his nose in Kaoru's hair and continuing to snore.
Kaoru blinked a few times, then he smiled softly and let himself bask in the warmth of Kojiro's body heat, closing his eyes and falling asleep in record time.
18 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
SO- If Kojiro and Kaoru are both 26 in the anime, (27 in real time, since both their birthdays have passed) then that means that they were born in 1995/1996 (95 in real time, 96 in the anime)
AAAAND since people who were born in 1977-1995 are considered Millennials, if we're going by real time that's passed Matchablossom are in fact- Millennials.
And if we're going by the anime then they're RIGHT AT THE CUTOFF-
21 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Matchablossom Headcanons - Nicknames Kojiro has for Karou
Blossom (Karou's favorite)
Cher-Bear (Karou's second-to-least favorite, used in a teasing manner)
Pinky (Karou HATES this one, he says it reminds him of My Little Pony, which he hates)
38 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Headcanons: Kojiro and Karou's Relationship
Headcanons for my What a Life Sk8 Family AU, specifically about Kojiro and Karou's relationship!
At first glance, you'd automatically assume that Kojiro is the flirtatious one, but in reality, it's Karou.
He was the biggest flirt in High-school, and once he became friends with Kojiro, a lot of their dynamic was just relentless flirting all the time on Karou's side, and intense blushing paired with helpless stammering on Kojiro's.
Kojiro sucks at flirting lol, he'll try but then he gets nervous and trips over his words, but Karou thinks it's cute :)
He's gotten better at it over the years, but he still sucks in the long run 😅
Sometimes, Karou will become insecure in their relationship, out of fear that Kojiro will suddenly realize that he's way too good for him and leave :(
When that happens, Kojiro always makes sure to give Karou lots of extra love and reassures his husband that he loves him, and will never leave no matter what.
Karou initiated their first kiss, and afterward, Kojiro was such a blushing mess that he nearly fainted.
Karou's parents didn't approve of Kojiro, so they said screw y'all 💃and eloped, but when they looked back on it, they did wish they'd had a real wedding.
Eventually though, they did decide to have a small ceremony in Hawaii with Kojiro's family present.
It was very nice and aesthetic, and Karou wore a very pretty flower crown Kojiro's baby sister picked out for him UvU
45 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Headcanons Continued - Nicknames Karou has for Kojiro
Darling (Kojiro's favorite)
Broccoli (Karou made this one up in retaliation to "Pinky")
68 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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OKAY i did tell u i was gonna be screaming into your inbox. and now that i have marinated on screwed for about half a day I AM READY
first. i just want to say that this fic made me cry SO MUCH. which. i know you already know because i mentioned it like 50 times in the ao3 comments. but it's worth saying again. and i mean like Ugly Crying. but anyways.
the most beautiful thing about this story was the characters. every single one of them was so complex, nuanced, wonderfully written, and lovable (minus kristina). the first one that comes to mind is ERIK!!! listen here i love fanon erik. i will wax on poetic about fanon erik. you made me HATE erik. but also love him? and forgive him?!?!? i loved him and i hated him and i hated loving him and i loved hating him and GAHHHH the way i feel about this erik is so complex. same with ebba. you wrote her AMAZINGLY. she definitely had a redemption arc in my eyes. by the time the video came out, i loved her. the fact that she was texting wille throughout the day and doing everything she knew how to help him and not even mentioning it to erik. yeah. im a big fan of hers.
and of course. wille and simon. i literally cannot put into words how much i loved them and adored their relationship. you don't understand. their intimacy. the way they adored each other. their closeness. their ADORATION. the way they always turned to each other. i just.... speechless.
ALSO. the angst. like. between the characters but also the video and the scandals and kristina and wille always taking the blame and just YEAH. i am such a slut for angst and YOU DID IT SO GOOD.
yeah i honestly don't have enough words for how much i loved this story. you and dani did such a beautiful job.💜💜💜
Hi. Okay, wow. You could not possibly begin to understand how much this means to me. I'm smiling from ear to ear. I'm so grateful for you and for your love for Screwed. Any and all love for Screwed fills my heart with so much joy. That thing is like my baby at this point.
I apologized for the tears on AO3, but I'll apologize again lol. I am very sorry for the tears, and I hope the happy parts of Screwed made it worth it. I know those moments were few and far between towards the end there.
I'm glad you enjoyed my take on Erik. I love the perfect fanon Erik, but I wanted to give him some edge. And I'm very glad you enjoyed the Ebba plot. It was fun to watch people grow to love her throughout the story, especially because I didn't even know how well her arc was going to turn out lmao. I was fully prepared for people to still dislike her by the end. But I love Ebba, and except for the very beginning, I always have.
I'm glad I could do the characters justice and I'm glad the angst was well written. Dani and I had an ongoing joke before Screwed that angst was the only thing I could write, so I'm glad that skill never went away.
Thank you for the love and support on it. My heart is very happy knowing that it's out in the world and people enjoy it.
I'll probably pass all of this praise on to Dani like I always do, but I'll tag her anyway so that she gets the notification lol. @the-navistar-carol
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soul-dwelling · 2 years
not a soul eater question, but im curious, do you have any advice on starting a fansite type of blog? ive wanted to make one for an interest of mine for a bit but im not really sure where to start. rlly love the work you put into your sites :D!
Aw, thank you! 
Getting into this fan site happened largely out of chance–and a lot of mistakes that requires me to repeat, “Learn from my mistakes.” 
I had been on Tumblr long before making this fan site, and my personality used to be far more organized. I used to just reblog anything. Then I noticed the kind of stuff I tended to reblog over and over again and thought, “This isn’t as organized as I’d like.” So I would make a blog dedicated to just that one cartoon or comic or franchise. And then I’d make another one. And another one. And another one, and so on. It was only when I started watching Soul Eater on Toonami and started looking at fan art and reading fanfics that I noticed how much I was reblogging from the series and decided, “Okay, now I need to make a fan site of this”--and not only did that one get more followers than other ones, but it became the franchise and fan site I got most interested in. 
So, that would be Advice #1, and it’s the most simple advice I can offer: If you find yourself sharing a lot of stuff from something you like–an anime, a hobby, whatever–make a new blog for it and just start reblogging stuff you see on Tumblr. 
And that also would be Advice #2: If you see that your fan site is getting more followers, and if you are getting more and more into it, keep going with that fan site. 
Just make a site and start reblogging stuff: it doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. (But if you want it to be more complicated, I do have more advice below.) 
So, I got more followers, I got more into the site…and then I screwed up–and this is “learn from my mistakes,” and Advice #3: Don’t take content from other sites and share on Tumblr. 
Sharing a link, I think, is fine–it’s not as great as seeing if that DeviantArt, PixIv, or social media artist already has the same art on Tumblr that you can reblog from their Tumblr, but it’s ethical enough. But saving the image, re-posting it on Tumblr, even with credit to the original DeviantArt, PixIv, etc account is not. And that’s not even getting into cultural and legal differences across countries, where you may think that’s fine where you are, but for the creator in their part of the world that opens them up to more problems. So, repeating myself, don’t take content from other sites, even if you are crediting correctly–always reblog when available. 
While reblogging and (mistakenly) sharing a lot of Soul Eater content on the Tumblr fan site, I also made sure to tag posts to keep things organized. As I said, I used to be a lot more organized, and I have fallen away from that over the last five or so years–but back then, I would make sure to tag content by character, location, chapter or episode number, whether it was content from the anime, the manga, fan works, and so on. That’s a lot of work, and I don’t recommend it if people are pressed for time. I think people will get a lot out of your fan site just when you reblog content–but I think people do get even more when they know they can click a tag on your fan site and get all the Maka content you have, all the Soul content you have, all the Crona, all the Kid, and so on. 
So, that’s Advice #4: Tag content in a way that makes sense for you. 
(And since you’re making a fan site for a diverse audience, tag with content warnings whenever possible.) 
But be careful when tagging original stuff that you put on the fan site. This is a Soul Eater fan site–so while I’m fine tagging something if it pertains to a certain character (Lord Death), or location (the DWMA), or a concept (demon weapons), I try to avoid #Soul Eater or else I would flood the tag with my stuff. 
This also goes in the other direction: as apparent from my posts, I have a complicated regard for Atsushi Ohkubo’s follow up manga, Fire Force, and I really don’t want to pollute the #Fire Force tag with my own complaining. So, I just tag it as “#Dwells Whines About Fire Force” so that anyone who wants to read my complaints can, and anyone who is trying to enjoy Fire Force isn’t getting their positive experience disrupted unnecessarily. If it is something that I think is super-important to discuss (uncomfortable sexualized gaze problems in Fire Force), I’ll tag it with the series; otherwise, if I think it is more petty complaints (how Fire Force differs from Soul Eater in negative ways), I think that’s whining and not as helpful for discussion, so, I don’t tag it #Fire Force. 
As you keep making your fan site, maybe you want to make your own content. I don’t draw much at all; I used to write a few fan fics; and I used to do a lot of work on the Soul Eater Wiki, I used to make a lot of GIFs and screen caps, and I used to make a lot of photoshopped images from Soul Eater. 
So, Advice #5: Contribute however you can and want to. 
Maybe you want to add your own illustrations, writing, and research–go ahead and do it, it can only help add something to the discussion. Share a doodle, kiseake art, a sculpture, a cosplay you made–whatever you feel comfortable doing and without compromising your sense of safety, privacy, or anonymity. Share that cringey fanfic you wrote if you don’t mind the responses it may get (just be ethical in what you do, given the characters you are writing about and the situations you are representing). Write that post where you analyze that really obscure detail, or tie in something you saw in an episode to a book you read, a film you saw, or a lecture you heard in your high school or college science, literature, or history class. 
As long as you are being ethical, logical, not harassing, and not lying, you’re helping add to appreciation to the thing you’re a fan of. Even if people don’t interact with what you made, you added to the fandom. Or, if those people are hostile and trollish at you, well, that’s on them, that’s not your problem, they are just awful people, so screw them, do what makes you happy and block their accounts or turn off anonymous responses. 
And that also leads to Advice #6: Do it only when you can and only if it’s still fun. 
This fan site has fallen into hibernation more than once. It’s not that I wasn’t still online and wasn’t still checking for messages and responses. But when time is limited, and mental health is drained, or other things get in the way that you have to take care of for your health, your financial security, and taking care of your family and friends, don’t make a fan site a higher priority than it needs to be. The fan site will continue as long as the platform is still up and you haven’t deleted the account or been hacked or banned–you can always come back and add more to the site later when you want to. 
I’ll stop here for now. If I have more advice, I’ll add it in reblogs. And I appreciate any contributions from others who have made fan sites. Thanks again for the question! 
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flareondotcom · 19 days
im making tags for my active dungeons and dragons characters!!! just for blorbo posting, for funsies. but ive never posted them before, so this is a lil introductory 🫶 yknow, put faces to the names youre about to be seeing a lot more of lol
forgotten realms babes under the cut!!!
really sorry ahead of time for the low quality pictures, s'all i got boss!
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is Heller Highwater!
race: kenku
class: barbarian
background: sailor
pronouns: he/they
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they have fucked up zygodactyl parrot hands and feet. no reason, just some flavor lmao. hes a jokester, a goober if you will, always keeping their spirits high. a scrappy lil fella. optimistic, confident, could befriend anyone in any tavern, and drink them under the table while he's at it. so loyal that its a flaw, not a trait.
as an egg, he was plundered by pirates from a small island apart of the moonshae isles. (the pirates are good guys, its a whole situation) he was raised by the crew on the open seas. they operated more like a nautical merry band of robin hoods than pirates. the captain was a retired harper, and had a strict code of conduct.
the story of how they became a barbarian though, is quite the tale. this is already going to be so long tho, so maybe some other time lol. after all is said and done, he left the sea behind for a life of adventuring on land, and comes out the other end with the same amount of jolly zest for life, but now with a deadly temper when the conditions are right.
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their war hammer, Feather Fall, is enchanted to be completely weightless, and still hits with all the deadly weight of any war hammer. he picked it up while escaping captivity. he had been held captive for so long that he was in poor health by the time of his escape. he was so atrophied, feather fall was the only thing in the armory (that was burning down) (again, its a whole situation) that he could lift to take with him as he fled.
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during one of the many "missions" heller went on with their crew, the tip of their beak was blown off after a risky maneuver to save their ship mates from certain death. the ship mates and involved crew felt so guilty for making heller risk his life that they pooled together enough silver to commission him an ornate prosthetic with a polished red jewel for his beak. its fashioned to the keratin of his beak by screws, and he can take it off when it suits him. their beak gets sore whenever a stormfront comes through.
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is Masha Chokecherry!
race: forest gnome
class: archfey warlock
background: hermit
pronouns: they/them
masha is soft-spoken, monotone, and willing to go with damn near any flow that comes their way. absolutely nothing frightens them, but nothing seems to particularly excite them either. has a sick sense of humor. twisted fucking cyclepath. ultimately just wants a simple, quiet life but fate denies them that life at every possibel opportunity, and they are resigned to this. they're slow to trust, but once someone's earned it they'll have it always.
they grew up in a remote village deep in the wilderness. this village was ruled over and governed by three prominent, ancient families of gnomes: the chokecherrys, who are rangers, the brambleboots, who are druids, and the fiddleheads, who are clerics. if you hadn't guessed by now, the village worships all aspects of nature, and live and die by its balance. on the surface, it was all very peaceful, serene even. picturesque. but underneath its surface, behind closed doors, the politics of the three families are cutthroat, high stakes, and taken deadly seriously. each of the families collectively vie for the most divine clout from their respective pantheons of nature gods, and will do Anything to put themselves ahead of the other families. piously, of course.
(hit me up if you ever wanna know about the insane machinations of the three families, it gets crazy. fucked up gnome discourse the likes of which youve never seen. generations of soap opera gnome drama you would not even care about)
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^ here they are making pixar face
through a series of bullshit events, masha is violently exiled from their village for entirely petty familial dispute related reasons. (another quite-the-tale situation). it was during their years of isolation in the wilds that they had a chance encounter with an archfey in need of a warlock servant. and well! the rest is history. they have a positive, but ultimately complicated relationship with their patron. honestly i could go on and on about that, but this already feels like a lot of information lol.
ok now do a silly one.
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anyways! these are some of the most fleshed out characters in my entire arsenal, so theres a lot of stuff i left out! for the sake of brevity! thanks for looking at my silly lil sketches of my silly lil guys!!! this is going to be the first post in each of their respective tags, and i'll mostly be putting memes and aesthetic stuff in here, but i'll probably post more sketches and blurbs about them in the future!!!
and of course... feel free to ask about em if you ever feel like it, its so fun to talk about them <3
0 notes
prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
take in stride | k. bakugou 
➳ tags ;; 18+ sub!bkg, dom!reader, riding, gn!reader, afab!reader, bkg has braces, reader is a bit of a bully but bkg is also just easily flustered, the nickname braceface, teasing
➳ wc ;; 1.4k (in like. maybe an hour) 
➳ a/n ;; i want him so fucking bad this is so stupid im gonna die. based on this post
➳ synposis ;; bkg has always been easy to tease. when he gets braces, you can’t help but wanna tease him a little more. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
You have a lot of vices. 
Primarily, online shopping. A couple of other things here and there - drinking on weeknights, skipping breakfast. You’re not really much of a hedonist, but you have things. Tendencies, habits that you can’t break free from no matter how hard you try.  On the list, or really you’re main one is Bakugou Katsuki. 
Teasing Bakugou Katsuki more like. 
Sure, maybe, it’s considered bullying. For someone so popular, you’re not sure why he’s so easy to pick on. He’s so attractive that even his most dweeb like tendencies seem to becoming part of his ruggish nature. He’s not unpopular. He’s not the most liked guy on campus but people seem to like his unapproachability. You think part of it is fantasy, nobody really knows Bakugou Katsuki. Except you, of course. 
It’s a long story but on coincidence, you found him on hero comic forums - arguing his fucking heart out. You put together it was him based on the fact his username was bkatsuki, and you asked him about it. You didn’t think it was a big deal, in fact - you found it rather endearing.  But when you brought it up, you could practically feel the tension. He immediately went to shut you up, tugging you aside after class and practically yelling at you to keep it wraps. 
You’re not one to get talked down too, you didn’t like his attitude. Honestly the whole thing was pretty funny. Something about him is challenging by nature, and you like that - you like him. 
So, you tease him. And he really isn’t in any position to argue with you over it because you know this big, dark secret. It’s funny to you, more than anything. He always looks ready to ignite, pale skin going this vibrant red. You can’t help yourself. You’ve never really wanted to tease anyone like this. You’ve never been a callous person, and you don’t have any interest in being callous to people in general. You’re not even that callous to Bakugou, you just like to.. mess with him. Like to raise your brows and drop comic book character names and watch him freeze. 
He’s so dorky, you almost feel bad. You like it about him. He sleeps at 8pm, and doesn’t drink (him, of all people - straight edge) and is smart and is genuinely quite a dweeb. If he wasn’t so intimidating in the looks department, he’d have a target on his back. But he’s handsome, and athletic, and that tends to make up for the rest. 
But, you? You know better, and it’s cute to you. It’s so utterly and disgustingly adorable to know that he gets flustered easily. You wanna run him into the ground more than you want to do most things. You’ve tried to leave him alone, let him be - but god does that dorky little flustered make it hard. Makes it fucking impossible. 
You were surprised when you kissed him the first time. Against a wall at some dumb frat party. Even more surprised when he let you, not protesting. Almost shocked when he whimpered that sweet little whimper. After that, you never stood a chance. You were thoroughly, utterly addicted to him. 
He confessed to you, after much prompting, that he was a virgin. No romantic experience. He mostly just studied and saw friends but you only really heard the virgin part. You made it your lifes mission to court him, make him yours. It was all you could ever think about. All you ever thought about was how you were gonna screw with him next. 
Slowly but surely, he let you in. It took a while, but you started dating. The dynamic never really changed, but now you get to meet his friends and you get to ignore his frustration when he’s needy and ready to go home. 
You ease up on him, a little. You try. After all, you don’t want him to resent you. You try to be careful.  
But the moment you hear that he has to get adult braces to correct something in his jaw, you can practically feel your spirit crumble. Any resistance, or self-restraint completely vanishes from your spirit and when he comes to you in your dorm room, with a fresh set of braces across his mouth . You swear you see white. You can’t think of anything other than fucking him stupid. Teasing him, just a little. It comes to you second nature almost. 
Of course he’s your biggest vice. What view could be better than seeing him underneath you? 
“Aw, c’mon braceface - try and hold out a little longer,” 
“Don’t fucking, ngh, call me that! You idiot -” 
You can’t help but slam your hips down with a sharp breath. He’s a terrible liar, always has been. That’s why his big secret was such a problem, and he’s never changing in that. Even as you ride his cock in the middle of your single dorm, he can’t help but be betrayed by his own body. 
He’s exceptionally pretty. His face is flushed cherry red, down to his chest. His neck is covered in a plethora of hickies, new and old. His nipples are pretty and pink and swollen and he looks a messy. Drooling, hair pushed back by a headband (your headband, that he borrowed) and his hold head is thrown back on the chair. His hands are obedient as they rest on your hips, and you smile a little. You keep your movement up, soft and slow - letting your pussy grip him with rhythm.
He can’t help himself but drool a little, always messy and he’s digging his fingers in trying to stop himself from moving. You love seeing him fall apart. Love seeing him grit his teeth as he falls apart. His cock is hot and heavy, painfully hard and twitching endlessly like he’ll cum any second. 
But he wont. He’s trained well, knows not too unless you say it. Knows he can’t unless he begs, pleads - his pride is nothing if not gnarled, the flesh of it in your teeth. It’s the clear ownership in all of it that makes him keen, and when you purposefully tighten up just to hear him say please, he understands it well. 
“You look so fucking cute with ‘em in you know? What choice did you give me, anyway? ‘s your fault,” you muse, another slam of hips that has his entire lower-half tense as he tries to keep it together.
“Open your mouth for me, Katsuki,” 
He opens his eyes, teary, and grits his teeth and stares at you. He looks so miserably burdened. It fules you, his bratting. You choke a little harder, smiling soft and easy. 
“You wanna cum, don’t you?” you pick the past up, the soft shlick, shlick, shlick of you riding him making him ache. Something deep and visceral in his gut as you chase your own orgasm, practically ignoring him. He whimpers, whines. 
“F-fuck, fuck you, fuck” he manages, mouth clamped. He watches, mournful, as you cum. The rubberband snaps and you’re riding out your high with no pity or remorse. You smile as you finish. 
“That felt good. Bet you want to, too, huh? Open your mouth, Katuski,”
He’s at his limit, so he does, shameful. You stick your thumb into his mouth, hooking it into his cheek and laughing. He looks so absolutely pathetic, teary and miserable and it makes you light up. He’s so sweet, so good. 
You hook his mouth open, leaning his head back to spit in his mouth before kissing. It’s sloppy, all tongue, dragging it over the metal with a soft laugh. It makes him squirm, upset. 
“So fucking cute with your braces. Can’t even kiss right, you brat,” you hold his face in your hands as you pick your pace up again, kissing him a few times. 
“But you did good, yknow? Never gonna get tired of seeing all that metal in your mouth. You wanna cum right?” 
“Please, please, please,pleasepleaseplease,” 
“Go ahead, been a good boy for me. Cum, baby” 
He finished out with a silent scream, so much cum coming out you can’t help but giggle. You watch as he cums and cums and cums, stupid slurred “fank yous” leaving his mouth as he does. 
When he’s finished, he’s clinging to you like usual. You pull back a little while he gets soft inside of you, fingers in his mouth. 
“I like the band color by the way,” you comment. He flushes, too tired to fight. 
“...Thank you,” 
You have a lot of vices, really. 
But Bakugou Katsuki has to be your favorite. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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swcetnight · 3 years
It’s Definitely You || kth. (m) 4
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Working as a barista in NYC has its perks, but when your ultimate dream of being on the Broadway stage tends to come crumbling down, the only thing that raises your spirits is the comfort of a complete stranger… who seems to have known you for far longer than you thought.
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masterlist here
→ pairing: taehyung x barista!reader (also musical theatre performer cause I had to)
→ genre: fluff, angst, future smut | strangers(ish) to lovers… i won’t give the truth away... gonna have to read and find out for yourself ;))
-> warnings: oc has a really… really bad day, rude customers, swearing, degradation, near sexual assault, panic attack, anxiety attack, mention of major character death, description of plane crash (be aware), kissing, making out, brief tongue action, sexual content
→ word count: 9.8k
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authors note:
finally!!! we’ve FINALLY a made it to the next chapter of It’s Definitely You… I can not put into words how long this chapter took me, but i’m so beyond grateful that i was able to continue with this story cause we are SO CLOSE to getting the answers we’re looking for!!! i just want to say thank you to everyone who has been so so supportive and loving of this story— it means the absolute world to me that people are enjoying my writing and the story im telling! it’s so rewarding to know that i have people looking forward to the future chapters— almost as excited as i am to write them! thank you. from the bottom of my heart. i hope you enjoy!!
authors thanks:
thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far.. i’m sending all of you love! there was no beta-reader for this chapter, so bear with me if there are any mistakes!
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please send in an ask if you like to be added to the tag list !!
also, if you are enjoying this story, please don’t hesitate to send me an ask (on or off anon) and let me know your thoughts, feelings, theories, etc!! i would love to hear from all of you!
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It's been an awful day.
No, worse than awful. The moment you walked through the academia cafe's wooden doors, you knew you were doomed.
Usually, evening shift leaders are meant to prepare cold brews, pastries, and, ya know, other necessary necessities for coffee shops. Usually, they help by preparing everything so that it's easier on the openers (aka you and Jimin), especially since they open at such an early time. Much to your dismay, not a single thing was prepped for this morning's shift.
Screw you, closers!
Jimin was absolutely fuming. The human sunshine himself? Yeah, him. He was bursting at the seams, fire and chaos dancing in his usually sweet and softened eyes. The innocence of Jimin seemed to fade away the moment he clocked into an absolute mess of a morning shift, knowing that he, the shift leader, was the one who had to patch it back up. You had helped him as much as you could, but truth be told, it left a damper on the rest of the day.
Everything seemed to go downhill from there.
The cold brew machine broke, a mess of nozzles breaking off the spout, cold brew splattered across previously cleaned surfaces, and the already stressed Jimin doubled in his stress levels. The pastries also had no expiration dates, causing him to contact the manager on a tangent, questioning when said pastries would expire— and telling him that last night's shift leader did absolutely nothing.
You've never heard Jimin talk ill of someone until today.
And when Jimin wasn't happy, no one was happy.
On top of that, he spilled an entire cube of cream across the backroom floor, soaking his backpack and causing the cardboard boxes holding coffee beans to rip and tear. This left Jimin in tears, but you promised him that you would clean it up— not wanting to make things worse for the poor guy. So, there you were, on your hands and knees, cleaning the flooded backroom of creamy hell.
This was not an ideal morning, but you were happy to help keep some of the stress from falling onto Jimin's shoulders.
Oh! And that's not all.
You decided that wearing a white shirt to work was a good idea! Why did you do that, you wonder? Hell knows! All you do know is that the cream accident wasn't the problem; it was the matcha accident soon after when you dropped an open bag of bright green matcha on yourself, leaving behind green stains all over the white surface of your top.
Screw you, matcha!
After spending a solid ten minutes scrubbing most of the green out of your shirt, (and convinced you were also wiping away the last of your sanity), the doors opened, and customers were welcomed into the cafe. You couldn't help but notice their curious eyes dropping down and gazing at your clothing, which is slightly clouded with a green tone in a splotchy pattern.
You love your job. You love your job. You love your job.
That's what you're currently chanting to yourself as you sit in the backroom, eyes watery and breathing labored while your heavy head sits in your hands. You had decided to take a break after spilling hot coffee on a customer, who ended up cussing you out before leaving in a tizzy. You hated letting people down—even customers who were ungrateful and snarky.
You bow your head, closing your eyes in an attempt to empty your mind.
Everything's okay. It's fine.
You try to comfort yourself, reminding your anxiety-filled brain that you have a West End opportunity coming up and that it won't be long till you leave this barista job behind. No more angry customers. There would be no more splotched green clothing, unless it was the green paint for Elphaba's appearance in Wicked The Musical.
It's not that you want to leave the cafe, but you are hoping for a change. And to pursue what you truly wanted to. Being able to avoid awful days like these was just the cherry on top.
The idea of theatre works like a charm. Your heart rate slows, and breathing regains its composure. For a moment, your head empties as you lay it against the wall behind you. You wish this feeling would remain until the end of your shift, but, unfortunately for you, it doesn't last long.
The second you feel like you're ready to get back out there, lifting yourself from your "backroom corner of sadness" and making your way to the cafe floor, Taehyung is standing at the front register. Suddenly, all that pressure comes racing back and seeps through every part of your body, deep down into the tiniest crevices and leaving you a mess.
What is he doing here?
Should you take his order?
Maybe you should wait a little longer and let Jimin handle it?
When he looks up from his phone, probably in an attempt to see who would assist him, his eyes meet yours. It feels like your heart fully stops, hands clammy as you wipe them on your apron, begging for Jimin to come to your aid. Alas, Jimin is making a frappuccino on the bar farthest from the register. You're thankful when you see Olivia, one of your other co-workers, make her way to the counter, greeting Taehyung and taking his order so that you don't have to.
You know you're a coward. You know that you should talk to him, especially since he's standing right in front of you with a neon "perfect opportunity" sign shining brightly above his head. And no matter how badly your heart wants to, your cowardice is the barricade in the way of its pursuit.
Taehyung isn't looking at you anymore but looking at the menu overhead— another "perfect opportunity" for you to sneak past Olivia, avoid his gaze, and make it to the bar unscathed. Luckily for you, Taehyung doesn't say anything other than his order.
When he finally strolls back to his small table in the corner, his cookie dough latte is in hand (courtesy of Jimin because you were too scared to make it-- assuming that you'll mess it up and embarrass yourself). Still, despite not having the courage to talk to him, you can't help but find yourself staring.
The last time you saw him was when you kissed him in your dream. When he had his warm arms around you, enveloping you in his gentle hold. They are now covered by a grey sweatshirt which keeps your eyes from wandering along the muscle beneath. The last time you saw him was when he kissed you and said he loved you. Taehyung loves you. Well, at least in your dream. But, God, how you wish it were real.
Instead, you're faced with the true reality: Taehyung's usually comforting eyes cast away from your own and a brick wall placed between the two of you, just waiting to be smashed down.
And it's all your fault.
"You're staring." Jimin coos from beside you, giving you a nudge with his arm. You offer him a glare that could pierce through the aforementioned brick wall, clearing your throat as you reach for the next order ticket. Jimin exhales in dissatisfaction, "You should just talk to him already."
"Wasn't that your job?" You question, remembering back to when Taehyung had asked to see Jimin last week. For the "project." A part of you believes that his need to vent was not regarding the theatre article. It was regarding you.
"Yes. It's my job to tell you that you should talk to him. This has gone on long enough, and no matter how much I loooove being a middleman to you, this is just getting ridiculous," Jimin states, his voice laced with the sound of sarcasm and exhaustion… You make a mental note to call him later and tell him how much you appreciate him. He's shaking his head as he finishes off another latte with the art of a flower, a creamy design atop the light brown surface.
It would be best if you still asked Jimin for latte art lessons, too.
Jimin continues, "Anyway… you should. He probably wants to talk it out just like you do."
You glance back over to Taehyung, whose head is now resting on his palm, looking over what you would assume to be notes for his project. You take a moment to appreciate his solitude, running your eyes across his loose black sweatpants and grey sweatshirt. You've never seen him this home-like before— but you're not complaining. Not in the slightest.
Even though he's looking at the paper, his eyes seem out of focus — what was he thinking about?
"Am I gonna get some help here, or should I leave?" A rough voice snaps, drawing your attention to the front register where a semi-tall man stands with an unsatisfied expression on his face. You take in a short breath, apologizing profusely as you scurry over to the register and eagerly ask for the man's order.
"Shouldn't you be doing your job?" The man continues, unamused, his voice spitting fire across the register and straight into your nerve endings. You pause, glancing up at him and wondering if you heard him correctly. Who the hell was this guy? He's removing his credit card from the back of his phone when he barks out his order. "A four-shot americano. Just black. Got it?"
You nod slowly, heart rate spiking at the man's tone of voice before you glance back down at the register screen. Usually, rude customers don't bother you all that much… but today, after everything that has happened earlier in the morning, you can't help but feel the stinging at the back of your eyes sooner than you expected. You were already close to crying before, but now it's as if it's going to spill out at any moment.
Don't cry. Don't.
You steal a shaky breath, tapping his order onto the register screen.
The man chuckles in an irritated manner. "Do you even speak?"
"Sorry… I uh— Uhm," you clear your throat anxiously, "is there anything else I can get for you today?"
The man bends down slightly, resting his hands on the counter with a sardonic grin glued to his face. You've never felt so uncomfortable in your life. His eyes pan over your name tag that sits on your apron. "Y/n."
Hearing your name formed on his lips makes you even more uncomfortable, which you thought was impossible. Apparently, you were wrong.
"I'll get started on your Americano… It'll be three thirty-nine." You say quietly, motioning for him to pay as you step over to the bar in hopes of getting as far from him as you can. Your hand shakes as you pick up the cup, pulling shots and placing it down below the espresso machine. Looking to the side, you spot Jimin talking to a customer about their order, totally unaware of the situation at hand.
"Make it extra good for me, yeah?" The man says, almost seductively, ignoring his card in the chip reader and focusing his attention on you.
You give him a nod, throat constricted with anxiety as you attempt to calm your shaking hands, spilling the tiniest bit of an espresso shot down the side of the cup. You tend to it quickly, wiping the trail of brown with a rag before drying your hands on your apron. You're thanking your bar skills, having been able to finish it quickly, before you're handing it to the man who is still grinning in your direction.
"Here you go, sir… Have a great day." You paint a smile on your face, which is smeared at the corners of your lips, unable to hide your ever-growing discomfort.
It's the moment you turn to walk towards Jimin that he speaks up again, voice deeper than before.
"Did you put in four shots?" He challenges, staring down at the cup in his calloused hands with a disgusted expression.
"Yes, sir." You respond.
"Then why does it look like you missed it?" He utters, turning it in his hold and showing you a line of espresso falling down the side. You missed a spot. Usually, it wasn't a big deal, but you can feel your heart drop to the floor.
"I paid for four shots. Is this a joke to you?" His voice grows louder word by word, echoing in your ears as your voice wavers in response.
"I'm.. I'm really sorry— I can remake it for you if you'd—"
"I'm going to be fucking late." He sneers, pushing the coffee cup forcefully in your direction before he leans across the counter. His eyes rake you up and down, and you swear you stop breathing. "You should make this up to me in a different way, yeah?"
You can't think straight. This was the first time in your life where you actually felt fearful of losing it. The man is staring at you, every inch of him screaming what your mother always warned you about: "stranger danger." A smirk returns to his face before you hear Jimin's footsteps behind you.
"Excuse me-"Jimin starts, voice strained in frustration, but before he can say another word, Taehyung is beside the man with his hand gripped onto his arm.
"I think it's time for you to leave," Taehyung says, voice low and eyes laced with disgust as he turns the asshole in his direction. Taehyung, although his build isn't as buff as the poor excuse for a man before him, he's still taller than him— and every part of you hopes that this guy would be intimidated. Taehyung hands the drink back to the customer, his stare unwavering. "It's four shots. So take it and leave."
The man scoffs, backing up from the counter with disbelief written on every inch of his face. "Who the hell are you?"
You look at Taehyung, whose hand is balled in a fist as he removes the customer's card from the reader with the other, holding it up to glance at the name. He looks absolutely livid, though his voice is controlled when he speaks. "Jared Stone, is it?"
The man stumbles forward to snatch his card quickly, eyes boring into Taehyungs.
"I'm a journalist." Taehyung continues, calmly, "And unless you want your name written in the newspaper, I'd suggest you leave before I pick up my pen."
You can tell that this "Jared" is starting to falter, believing Taehyung's slight fib, his arms lowering a bit as Taehyung glares at him with the most intense look you've seen on his beautiful face. Taehyung is usually all smiles-- kind eyes with a gentle tone. Like soft snowfall. His surface of genuity hides his ability to be cold and direct. Now, he's anything but soft. His hand is still sporting a fist, and he jerks his head in the direction of the door, coaxing Jared to leave the cafe as soon as possible.
"Fucking asshole," Jared mumbles under his breath, clocking Taehyung in the shoulder with force as he makes his way to the door, throwing his Americano down and splattering hot coffee along the tiled flooring. Customers gasp quietly as he bangs the door open, disappearing amidst the crowd outdoors as you struggle to catch your breath.
What the hell just happened?
"Are you okay?"
You glance back at Taehyung, his dark yet soft eyes studying your face as he once-overs your appearance.
"He didn't touch you, did he?" Now his voice is wavering; the cold lace in his voice is gone and replaced with concern. He's staring at you with every ounce of that concern plastered across his face. You can't help the flutter of your heart in response to having his attention again… the attention of the one person who has been ignoring your existence the past few weeks. But then again, what have you done to help that? Absolutely nothing.
Maybe that's why he looks away once you confirm that you're alright. Maybe that's why he gives you a nod and a "good" before making his way back to his table, albeit a little timidly. Maybe that's why he doesn't question you further and leaves you standing at the counter like a lost puppy, hopeful for the return of the one who loves you most.
When he said he loved you? That was a dream.
You can feel your lower lip quivering as you turn and rush to the back room, Americano frenzy left in your wake as you curl into yourself in the corner. You'll clean it up in a moment.
You know this is just a bad day out of many-- but it feels like everything has been going wrong. What you wanted most at this moment was the same touch of the man who haunts your dreams. You wish he would hold you and tell you that everything was going to be okay. And the one thing that used to be steady and solid was Taehyung's friendship. Now, even that is ruined.
You make a mental note to speak to him as soon as possible… but you feel way too small right now to even dream of being confrontational.
Maybe that's why you end up crying in the back room, alone, back to your "backroom corner of sadness" with smears of green atop your shirt and spilled coffee on your hands.
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You're dreaming again.
It wouldn't take much convincing to know this fact, especially since this dream seems to pick up from the exact spot that your airport dream left off. It was the same lights that shone overhead like a glowing halo, the same aching yet excited feeling in your chest, the same brown backpack carry-on you're currently throwing over your shoulder. You definitely didn't pack light, even for your carry-on, so you can't imagine how heavy your actual luggage is.
How did you even pass luggage check-in?
Your thoughts wisp away as soon as the dream jumps to you sitting in your seat, evident from the low whirring of the engine and the uncomfortable leather seat you're sitting in. You've never been a huge fan of planes, since your parents thought it was a good idea to watch "Lost" in front of you right before one of the bumpiest plane rides of your entire life. Ever since that day, you've always been nerve-wracked while flying.
If Taehyung were here, it would probably be easier.
You knew that he wanted to come. You knew that he wanted to be your support system in person, especially during this time of excitement — but he had work and projects, and you had promised him that you'd survive a mere month without his hand to hold. You'd claimed that he would be your "virtual" hand, that you would think of him whenever things got tough, or you felt like you couldn't keep going. After all, he was only a call away.
He had said that he was grateful for this fact. And to stay safe. So, you plan to.
You're too busy admiring the blue sky above, clouds dancing, and creating shapes that only an artist's mind could see. You can see rabbits and dragons hidden within the layers of fog that make up the clouds. You're far too distracted to notice an old woman seating herself beside you. It's when she speaks that you finally fix your attention toward her.
"Is this seat taken?" The old woman smiles. She has light grey hair, kind eyes, and wrinkles that define her age to be over 60 at least. Despite this, she looks youthful and friendly, which makes your nerves feel lighter.
"No, it's all yours!" You return said smile, nodding to her as she places her carry-on beneath her feet. It's an embroidered floral bag; pink flowers cross in zig zags atop the brown surface.
"Where are you headed?" She questions, setting her wrinkly hands on her lap.
You smile gleefully. "I'm going to London, actually!" You can't help but laugh at the old woman's shocked expression.
"Wow! That's quite the plane ride you have ahead of you! It'll be worth it once you're there, though." She seems genuinely excited for you, unabashedly clapping her hands and heightening your excitement even more. You offer her thanks before resuming your study of clouds.
You wish you could control this dream, just to bask in the excitement for a little bit longer— but time skips abruptly to the takeoff, engine revving like a loud roar from a lion as it gains speed down the runway. For a moment, your heart palpitates, nerves returning full-fledged. Take off and landing is your least favorite part of flying, fearing the worst.
Within seconds, you feel a warm hand placed on yours. The old woman is smiling kindly at you, rubbing your skin gently in a nurturing way before she looks at you fondly.
"My husband was afraid of flying." She says, squeezing your hand before she resumes looking forward.
"Really?" You question.
"So much so that he used to grip my hand like a stress ball, absolutely crushed my fingers." The two of you laugh, a fond smile playing at her lips, which deepens the wrinkles on either side and makes her smile appear even larger.
"How did he get over it?" You ask, distracting yourself from the upward tilting of the plane that's finally taking its flight. A metal bird on solid wings that you have to keep reminding yourself of its purpose: to fly, not to fall.
"He just held onto me." She shrugs. "He passed away a few years ago, but we used to face all of our fears together. He said that I always made him feel safe enough to face anything."
"He must've been brave. I would have still been terrified." You laugh quietly, holding your breath as the plane finally takes its flight and dips the slightest bit.
She's smiling and laughing in response, a warmth of admiration crossing her features. "I don't think so; he was absolutely shaking."
"Poor guy, he must really love you to face that fear." You respond, finally calming down when you see that the plane has reached high enough without any issues. It allows you to reach down and grab a piece of gum from your bag, which you assume would make the popping of your ears cease.
"He did."
You smile fondly as you pop said piece of gum into your mouth, mint exploding across your tongue. The old woman and her husband remind you a lot of your relationship with Taehyung. He's your safety net, who made you feel as if you could achieve anything.
You loved him.
"Remember," the old woman starts, "tell your loved ones that you love them. You never know how long you have with them."
Your smile fades then, seeing her eyes slowly churn with gratitude, yet she can't hide the fact that she so obviously misses her husband.
"I'm so sorry for your loss.." You whisper, solemnly smiling towards the woman beside you.
"It's okay…" She pats your hand. "We'll be reunited soon enough."
Cell Phone Reminder Added:
Tell Taehyung you love him when you land.
Another time jump, and this time you can feel the turbulence jostling you within your seat, adding shock to your already fearful state. Your hands are still holding the old woman's hand, and tears are pricking at the back of your eyes like a prodding needle. You've been silently telling yourself that you're going to be okay for the past fifteen minutes, and yet every moment spent on this plane sends you into fifteen different stages of fight or flight mode. Mostly flight mode. You could probably fly this plane better than the pilots.
The loudspeaker crackles.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're experiencing some weather changes. Please keep your seatbelts fastened in the meantime, and we'll be through it soon."
You wish you could say that the announcement eases your nerves, but the second bump of turbulence sends you nearly flying out of your seat, hushed whispers filling the nerve-riddled cabin. Obviously, you weren't the only one within this aircraft that was nervous. You can feel the old woman squeezing your hand again, but even she can't hide the look of terror upon her face.
Another intense jump of the aircraft sends your eyes squeezing shut, legs holding you still by the seat in front of you. You're confident that the passenger seated there is probably too distracted by the turbulence to be annoyed with your childish antics of seat kicking.
Another crackle of the loudspeaker nearly makes your racing heart stop beating.
"Fasten your seatbelts, prepare for turbulence and please remain calm… Fasten your seatbelts, prepare for turbulence and please remain calm…"
The message is repeating like a chant.
Suddenly, a loud crack of thunder and spark of lightning sends the lights of the cabin flickering once, twice, then completely turning off, leaving you in the dark both literally and figuratively. A sudden lurch downwards has you yelping, searching out the window for a sign of safety, but you're met with near darkness from the thunderous clouds around you, which block any form of vision.
The cabin is loud now. Cries and shouts are heard around you as you cover your ears in an attempt to regain control of your fear.
You'll be okay. It's gonna be okay. Just breathe…
Another plummet downwards forces the tears out of your eyes, a muffled scream filling your hands when your stomach jumps up and into your throat. Within seconds, the oxygen masks from above come falling down, and it takes you merely another second to reach for two of them, helping the old woman who is frozen in shock beside you to get her mask on before putting on your own.
You suddenly hear a piercing voice over the loudspeaker, which is crackling even more intensely than before. You hate that loudspeaker more by the second.
"Please prepare for impact."
That's when the screams of neighboring passengers start. A baby wailing in the back of the cabin has the tears pouring quickly down your cheeks. You can't think. You can't see. You wish you could turn on your phone and call Taehyung, but the repetitive swooping downward of the plane knocks you of your senses.
All you can do is remember the smile on his face while waving you goodbye. The loving eyes of a man who loves you. His soft hair flowing as he does a happy dance before you disappear around the corner-- a large smile present on his lips as he continuously sends finger hearts your way.
You wish you could tell him you love him too.
You pray that you will see him again…
It's when you finally underpass the clouds and see the ground quickly coming closer and closer that you stop crying, absolute terror freezing your body, and an immediate wash of acceptance overtaking you. The ground is coming on fast.
This is it.
It seems that every second that passes, another giant swoop of the aircraft takes its ascent. A single tear falls down your cheek when you're merely ten feet away in the plummeting plane.
The last words from your mouth are sincere and quiet:
"I love you, Tae."
A roar rumbles in your ears. You can feel an initial strike of pain from the ground's impact, muffled screams filling your ears, and then…
You jolt upright, a loud shriek escaping your lips as you grasp for any form of life that you can. This form of life happens to be your Phantom Of The Opera blanket, which you tug upwards while frantically scooting back towards your headboard. You can feel the sweat sticking to the polar bear pajamas that hug your legs, clinging to the material and making you feel even more claustrophobic than you already are. Your eyes are blurry, breathing heavy, and your heart is running a mile a minute.
For a moment, you think you're still on that plane. That you're hitting the ground with force and praying to stay alive.
It's only when your surroundings settle in; your warm yet sweat-covered bed sheets, wooden bedside table that is littered with pictures of you and your friends, and the low rumble of a storm outside; only then are you able to catch your breath.
Only then do the tears come crashing down, a tsunami of racing beats of your heart, and the teardrops that fall against your t-shirt.
It felt so real.
And yet it wasn't, you remind yourself, raising your teary eyes to see the "Wicked The Musical" poster that hangs like a trophy on your wall, flashes of lightning brightening the shadow of the window against said poster. Despite knowing that it was all a dream, you can't help but feel as if you're still falling. As if you're dead right at this moment and unable to accept that fact.
What if you are?
This thought scares you, the tears falling again as your hands tremble towards your nightstand in search of your phone. Once found, It's a quick venture for your contacts before you're pressing the call button.
Calling Kim Taehyung…
You bite your lip, the ringing on the line endless as if it was mocking you and your will to be alive.
"This is Kim Taehyung; sorry I couldn't get to the phone right now. Please leave your name and number, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you."
You try again.
Calling Kim Taehyung…
No answer.
Calling Kim Taehyung…
"Please pick up." You whisper, face crumpling at your lack of luck. Taehyung had always been so quick to answer you, but the flashing red of your nightstand alarm clock is reminding you of what time it actually is:
3:00 AM.
"This is Kim Taehyung; sorry I couldn't get to the phone—"
He's probably sleeping, yet you ignore this possibility and attempt to reach him one more time, cutting off the last call and immediately pressing the call button again.
What if you're actually dead? What if this is your life flashing before your eyes? What if—
A tired voice croaks across the line after just a few more rings. "Hello?"
"Taehyung?" You say, your tone panicked and shaking— which is very obvious since his once tired voice is suddenly wide awake when he responds.
"Y/n?" You can hear the rustling of his sheets, probably from him sitting up in alarm. "What's going on, love?"
You don't even register his slip, voice hiccuping from the sobs that are currently racking your throat. If it weren't for your complete lack of brainpower right now, you would probably be embarrassed by the sounds coming out of you. But how could you possibly not cry after a dream like that?
"Where- Where are you?" You question, clinging to your comforter as another round of sobs are released from your constricted throat.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here." His voice gently whispers, rustling continues, and suddenly you can hear his muffled footsteps over the line. "It's okay, talk to me.. what's going on?"
You blubber a bit, unable to form coherent words, but another hush from Taehyung and an "it's okay" helps you to get your words out.
"I had a- a dream. It was a plane crash, Tae." You cry, breathing slowing down ever so slightly. Your mind is still foggy, but you can feel your consciousness slowly coming back. "Where are you?"
There's dead silence on the line, the previous rustling and footsteps coming to a halt. For a moment, you think you lost him.
"Taehyung?" You whisper, another sob threatening your voice.
"Y/n." His tone is suddenly serious. "Stay right there. I'm on my way, okay? Just breathe. I'm coming." You can hear a jingling of what's most likely his keys and the door slamming shut. "I'm coming. Stay there."
"Okay." You sniffle quietly, hearing the line cut off, and you're left in the silence of your room once more. Without Taehyung's voice to distract you, the heart that beats rapidly in your chest seems to intensify its speed. Why had he gotten so serious after you told him what your dream was?
Ignoring this thought, you quickly lean over to turn on your light, which drowns the once darkroom in rich golden color.
You can see the polaroid pictures of you and Taehyung next to the wicked poster. He's smiling that same boxy smile that lights up a room, his eyes watching you pose for the picture. Not once did he look at the camera, you notice— his eyes were constantly on you. As if you could disappear at any moment, so he had to soak up as much as he could.
Although seeing him smile made your aftershock body relax just the tiniest bit more, you can still feel the fear within you.
You can still feel the initial pain of contact from that plummeting aircraft as it hit the earth's surface. It was as if it actually happened.
The scariest part?
A part of you is almost certain that it did.
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He arrives quicker than you thought he would, a loud knock on the door disrupting your dazed-out state, which you haven't moved from since he hung up. If someone saw you at this moment, they would probably think you're crazy. Honestly… with how vivid that dream was… you probably are.
It took about five minutes of sitting there in the silence of your room for the regret to start sinking in; regret for forcing Taehyung up and out of bed at three o'clock in the morning when he could be happily asleep right now. But the moment you open the door, all your regrets cease at the sight of him.
He's got an extreme case of bed head, which he's attempting to hide with a beanie, but his hair is still wildly soaring this way and that— which you probably would've laughed at if it weren't for the circumstances. His face is drenched in concern, and a jacket is thrown haphazardly over himself, which seems to be partly off of his figure from what you'd assume was him running. He had to have been, judging by his labored breathing and snow-covered sweatpants that are painted with white up to his knees.
If you were in your right mind, you would probably be beckoning him in by now— but the only thing you can think to do is cry.
And that's exactly what you do.
You swear you see his own features crumple too, but his arms are around you before you can fully comprehend if you were seeing correctly, solid and warm as his embrace melts into you and consoles your beating heart. He rubs the back of your head with his hand, whispering into your ear and reminding you that everything's okay. The breath that fans along the skin of your cheek is warm and gentle, softening your erratic puffs of breath.
Within moments, he's removing his hat, discarding it on the table, and slowly moving you to the couch before seating himself beside you. His arm only leaves your back when you're fully seated, but it's quickly moving in front of you so that he can hold your hand. Constant touch. Constant reassurance. He's so good at calming you despite barely having to do it before… It's like he already knows what to do. Suddenly, he's the same boy from the rooftop—the same warm and comforting expression and the same soft hands that hold your own.
His smooth, deep voice breaks through your sniffling and thoughts. "Can you tell me what happened?"
With a nod, you begin explaining your dream. It might be all in your head, but Taehyung's face continues to grow paler and paler as you tell him the details. A shell shock look overtakes him in a way that makes your skin crawl. Maybe it's because it was such a dark dream; perhaps that's why he reacts the way he does. But it looks as if he had gone through it himself. His eyes are falling everywhere but on you, and his hand is steadfast on your own and gripping onto it like a lifeline.
"Y/n…" He whispers, his dark chocolate eyes resting on your hands— you try to ignore the fact that you notice a swarm of tears pricking his lower lash line. You don't have the right to call him out for expressing emotions, not after begging him to come over at three in the morning.
Still, "it was just a dream," you assure. Stating this seems to calm the last of your own fear, the weight within your chest dissipating to a dull ache-- still present but bearable.
"Yeah." He nods, quickly wiping the tears away and passing it off for brushing his hair out of his eyes. "It was just a dream." And despite this fact that bursts from his lips, you can still hear the fear within his voice. You don't want to question him in hopes that you'll avoid upsetting either one of you further… you've shed enough tears for one night.
Yet when he leans towards you to wrap his arms around you, tears remain tauntingly behind your eyes. His heart is beating rapidly beneath the thin material of his jacket, thundering hooves of a horse at full speed.
It reminds you a lot of your own heartbeat that night on the rooftop. Your heart too was beating fast enough to possibly jump out of your chest, taking you down the stairs and out of his sight before you had the chance to say no. Suddenly, his warm embrace feels cold. You still haven't talked to him about that night.
Talk to him.
You breathe, "Taehyung."
He hums in response, low and gravelly with his evident exhaustion.
"I'm sorry." You confess.
Taehyung removes you from his embrace, turning you towards him. "It's okay, Y/n. I'm here, and everything's okay now. Like you said, it's just a dre-"
"No." You interrupt, breathing deeply to summon up the courage you've never possessed. "I'm sorry for running away that night."
He stays silent for a moment. He's obviously connecting the dots and slowly coming to terms with what your apology was truly meant for. You can't blame him for being confused since you ignored each other for weeks before you called him over at three in the morning because of a silly nightmare. It's when his gentle eyes slowly meet yours that you know he's on the same page. He still doesn't say anything.
"I'm sorry for being scared… I've never really experienced something like that, and I just… I ran like a coward." You fiddle with your fingers, the soles of your feet gliding against the carpet beneath them. "I'm not used to having someone in that way. An intimate way, I mean…" Your cheeks flush. "I've never even kissed anyone until that night."
"Y/n." He whispers, drawing your eyes back to his fond expression. He's looking at you in a way that makes your heart churn: soft, warm, understanding, and loving… all of this hidden within the chocolate of his irises. Gentle Taehyung. "I was too forward. That was completely my fault. I felt like I pushed my luck… and I didn't want to come across as overbearing, so I just felt it was better to distance myself. I didn't want to make you feel like you had to do something you didn't want to. I didn't want to hurt you."
His words are like a warm hug around your wavering heart. You didn't really think about how embarrassed he might have felt, giving his heart to you only to have it left on that rooftop in the cold chill of winter.
You know that you have to make it up to him.
There's a pause of silence in the room, deafening your senses… which must be the only reason why you have the confidence to say:
"Kiss me."
Taehyung looks baffled.
Well, it's too late now.
"A do-over." You add.
Taehyung looks torn, yet his eyes are glued to yours. You try to avoid his gaze, even though you were the one who mentioned kissing in the first place.
Finally, he whispers, "Y/n…"
"Kiss me… I promise I won't run." You explain, words nearly catching in the back of your throat from your increasing nerves. You really didn't think this through.
Taehyung's frozen; the color that was once gone from his face when you told him about your dream is now rushing full force back onto his cheeks. It warms your soul. He looks almost like a child but with an intensity that is anything but childlike. You can nearly feel your heart drop into your stomach.
"Are you sure?" He questions, eyes never leaving yours.
You nod. "I'm done being afraid."
And that's all he needs.
He's slow, like the tide on a lazy river, full of gentleness and cautiousness to ensure that you won't fall overboard. That you won't run away.
And you don't.
It feels like years until his lips are placed delicately on your own, as still as a rock but warm and soft to the touch, beckoning you into its heat. Taehyung is testing the waters, moving his lips ever so slightly against yours… as if he was questioning whether or not you truly wanted this. So, in a trance, you slowly move your lips against his in return, parting them and sinking into the motion.
It seems that this was the only way to reassure him, and you must have done something right— seeing as his hand strays from your wrist and works its way up your arm. His touch leaves behind a trail of goosebumps snaking along your skin, his brows cinching as he leans in even closer to you, and finally parts his lips against yours, dipping to capture your lower lip between his.
If you said you weren't inwardly freaking out for a moment there, you would be lying. Not once have you ever kissed anyone like this. But this is Taehyung, and for some reason, after the initial shock, it feels as if you both have kissed dozens of times. It feels right. Good.
His hand is now snaking around your neck, pulling you in even further, which you didn't think was possible. You swear you can feel your heart jump into your throat when a soft moan escapes his lips as he sneaks his tongue along the line of your lips. Not knowing what else to do, you part your lips for his access.
Not once has a boy been able to give you the shivers, and yet here Taehyung is lowering the last of your resolve when his tongue slides into your mouth. Your face turns beet red when a hiccup uncontrollably constricts your throat.
Taehyung stops abruptly, breathing out softly and distancing himself by only a fraction, probably to make sure you're still alive while still being encompassed in your warmth. You're definitely alive. Still, you feel as if you have to pinch yourself to make sure.
A smile sinks onto his lips, and your heart flutters at the low chuckle that meets your ears. He's perfect… in every way. Your heart clenches from pure adoration for the man in front of you. He's all smiles, lips kiss bitten and eyes soft and gentle... Without being able to restrain yourself, you move back towards him and meet his lips once more.
Like a switch, Taehyung responds a bit quicker this time, resuming his tantalizing routine with his tongue within your mouth. His breath is hot, mingling with your own when you stretch your arm up to place your hand within the softness of his wavy hair. You feel as if you're starting to get the hang of this, smiling a bit and tilting your head to the side to deepen the kiss. You swear, the moment you release your own small sound (that you'll probably be embarrassed thinking about later), Taehyung becomes even more heated. He holds the sides of your face gently as if you're made of glass, but his lips say otherwise as they kiss you roughly.
Taehyung moves with you, laying you down on the couch so that he's hovering over you, carefully moving your legs with one hand to keep them from being crushed. All the same, he's keeping the smallest of distances between the two of you. Once you're fully situated, he finally takes the initiative to lay his weight down as his kiss deepens. You can feel the shock and sizzling heat traveling down to your stomach, making your head spin wildly— and obviously, Taehyung feels it too, judging by the low groan that breaks free from his lips.
"I missed you, Y/N." He breathes between kisses, transferring from your lips to your chin, to the side of your face, all the way over so he can take your earlobe between his teeth which sends shockwaves throughout you. How is he so good at this?
You agree with a hum, another small whimper escaping you as he continues his venture down to your neck.
"I mean it… I missed you so much." He repeats, pausing his movements to meet your lips again with a gentle kiss. He strokes your face with his free hand, the other clasped within yours (which you hadn't even noticed they were intertwined until now). "I miss you."
There's a break in his voice, and the slight tremble of his lower lip is throwing you off. Was he about to cry? A second ago, he was devouring you, and now he sounds like a lost puppy. Bless his soul.
"I'm right here." You whisper, running your hand through his hair to push his bangs out of the way. You want to get a good look at him, make sure he's okay. You ignore the catch in his throat.
"I still miss you." He repeats.
It takes a moment before he shakes his head, laughing with a quiet "sorry" before he sinks back down to kiss you. You don't question him further. In fact, you're too busy freaking out to question him further. You don't know where it came from, but a sudden surge of boldness overtakes you, and you're reaching for the lapels of his jacket, shifting it slightly.
Taehyung doesn't seem to be thrown off and is quick to respond, sitting up to remove it and throw it on the ground beside the couch. He's no longer damp from the sleet outside, but warm beneath.
With another deep kiss and a dip of his hips (which is stealing all the remaining breath out of your lungs), he reaches for the bottom of your shirt.
Just when you're about to move his hands up in an effort to get this shirt off, he pauses. You squirm a little, wanting skin-on-skin contact as soon as possible— but Taehyung is frozen.
"You okay?" You question, heat rushing to your cheeks at the notion that he might be overwhelmed. Maybe he doesn't want this much of you.
You're such an idiot.
You hold your breath. "If you don't…" You begin, eyes running in every direction, "… if you don't want to, that's oka-"
"No, no. No." He shakes his head quickly, a gentle smile tugging at the corner of his lips… yet he still seems hesitant. "That's not it. Believe me. I want to."
You can feel your stomach flutter. He could lift one finger, and he'd have your heart soaring.
"It's just…" He pauses, breathing labored. "I have to tell you something… before this goes any further, there's something you need to know."
"What?" You whisper, eyes wide with concern. "Do you have any diseases?"
He laughs loudly at this, shaking his head which tousles his hair this way and that before he leans down to kiss your forehead. You're confused now… And horny. Not a good mix.
"Taehyung, just tell me already." You punch him playfully, hoping to resume this make-out session you've been waiting for for way too long.
He still seems nervous about continuing, his eyes wavering away from your questioning gaze. Every second he takes for silence is adding more nerves onto your chest… was it that serious?
"When I first met you…" He starts, licking his lower lip (which you've noticed is one of his nerve habits) before he finally meets your eyes. He might be slow-moving and sensual on the outside, but his eyes hold a deep churning of fear that makes the already evident goosebumps on your arms a bit more painful. "When I met you that day at the cafe… That wasn't the first time I met--"
Before he can finish, your phone rings. Blaring loud. You're annoyed for a moment, wondering who the hell was trying to get in touch with you at this specific time, but as soon as you see the name on the phone screen, you nearly pass out.
Hyun Do-yun, Film Out Theatre
Holy shit.
The audition. The video audition you sent for the West End audition.
You gasp loudly, reaching desperately for your phone on the coffee table. Taehyung is still hovering over you with curious eyes-- you would give anything to hear what he was going to say… but this call was way too important.
"Can I… It's a theatre opportunity." You whisper, unable to hide your nerves. Your heart is beating full force, just like it was a second ago when Taehyungs lips were on yours.
He nods quickly, smiling at you while he plays with the ends of your hair, keeping himself busy when you finally pick up the call.
"Hello?" You speak softly.
"Hi! Is this Y/N Y/L/N?" A voice of a middle-aged man speaks back.
"Yes, this is." You nod, glancing at Taehyung. He's looking at you fondly, continuing to play with your hair. So patient. Your heart swells.
"Perfect! This is Hyun Do-yun from Film Out Theatre Company! I'm calling regarding your audition for 'The Eternal'? I just wanted to let you know that we've accepted you for the in-person auditions on December 16th! Are you still able to be in London by then?"
You freeze, eyes locking wide on Taehyungs, which he seems to catch your surprise and is looking at you with a questioning stare. There's no way this could be happening. There's no way you just made out with Kim Taehyung, and now you're getting this call. There's absolutely no way. Your heart feels like it's about to combust, and it takes a moment for you to gather your bearings before you respond.
"Wow.. That is-! Wow, thank you!" You sputter, shaking your head in disbelief. "I'm absolutely available; thank you so much."
"Perfect! I'll email you all of the information regarding callbacks, and we'll see you on December 16th!" He chuckles; a shuffling of papers is heard on the end of the line.
"Awesome. Thank you so much again!" You can't contain your smile, closing your eyes in glee before he finally says goodbye and hangs up the phone.
It takes you a moment to truly come back to your senses, the aura of warmth from Taehyungs body hovering above yours finally shaking you from your resolve. Still, he's looking at you with curious and elated eyes at the smile on your face… he must know it's good news!
"I got the callback, Tae." You choke out, excitement bubbling in your throat and causing your words to come out in nearly a squeak.
"What's the call back for?" Taehyung questions.
Oh right, you never even told him about this one— while you were too busy being an idiot and not making a move.
"It's a West End production called 'The Eternal'!! The lead role, Taehyung. The lead role!!"
His veiny hand that was previously playing with the ends of your hair hesitates for a split second, and a flash of something crosses his face. If he didn't immediately start smiling and shaking you with excitement, you might have asked him what that initial look was for-- but you're suddenly too overcome with excitement to care anymore.
"Y/n that is-- amazing." Taehyung beams, deeming it necessary to reward you with a quick peck on your lips. Every time he touches you, the previous thoughts of the audition-- what you were going to wear, your makeup, everything-- all of that seems to waver away in a fraction of a second. All you can think about is the fact that Kim Taehyung is on your couch, practically straddling you and kissing you as if you've always been his. As if this was something he was used to doing daily. If it weren't for your awareness of when you met him, you would probably think that he's known you for most of your life.
Despite the almost embarrassing fact that you're leaning in again to resume the kiss, he pulls away a bit with a smile.
"Woah, slow down. I want to know more about that audition." He's chuckling at your disappointed expression before you're flying through the details of the aforementioned audition. You tell him about the night that you got the email, how Kim Namjoon was the one who reached out to the director and gave you a good word. Taehyung sits quietly as you explain, his hand holding yours as he denies having anything to do with the fact that Kim Namjoon received a video of you singing. You don't believe him when he says that it wasn't him, but you continue anyway.
It may be in your imagination, but the more you speak of the audition, the more Taehyung seems to remove himself from your embrace. At the moment, you don't think anything of it. He's probably more intrigued that you, of all people, are receiving this kind of opportunity rather than the fact that the two of you were making out merely minutes ago.
"Wait..." You scoot up a bit, removing Taehyung completely from lying above you-- seating yourself across from him on the couch. "You we're going to say something to me before I got the call."
Taehyung freezes for a second, glancing at you before he quickly rushes out with a response. "Actually, it's not important."
You give him an "I don't buy it" look.
"Seriously, it was nothing." He insists with a laugh, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. He must know that touching you has a noticeable effect on your ability to function, especially since your eyes are falling to where the skin-on-skin contact occurred. Still, you press on.
"Taehyung, it was obviously not nothing..." You deadpan. "It took you a minute to even get the words out."
"Yeah! Because it was so stupid and didn't need to be said." He counters.
"You're a terrible liar." You respond.
Taehyung narrows his eyes towards you, pretending to be hurt by your comment.
"Come on, Tae, just tell-" But before you can fully get the words out, he leans over and lands a peck on your lips, nuzzling his nose against yours before he pulls away with a satisfied grin on his face.
You can feel your cheeks heating up, a small smile forcing its way onto your lips... This guy is dangerous. Despite this, you can't help but realize how wonderful it is to think about the fact that he could kiss you at any moment. That he wants to kiss you and hold you in the way that you've been hoping for for months. He has no idea how long you've waited for this.
He chuckles at your dazed expression, sighing quietly. "You should probably get some sleep... You have a shift tomorrow."
You stare. "How did you know that?"
Taehyung pauses. "You.. You always work on Fridays, right?"
You nod before throwing a grin his way, raising your hand to his wild hair that's grown wilder after your little rendezvous. "I guess I have a stalker now."
He looks at you incredulously, removing your hand from his head of hair with a quiet "am not." The two of you share a smile, enjoying the peacefulness that encompasses the room before he's finally raising himself from the couch. He's grabbing his things before you finally attempt to stand up with him-- and yet, he immediately stops you.
"Now, now. Your precious West End feet should never touch the floor again!" He says spiritedly, delicately placing you back onto the couch with a kiss. "I'll see myself out, okay? Get some rest."
You don't fight with him, enjoying his dramatics. He's making his way towards the door when he turns to offer you one last smile, blowing a kiss your way before he's disappearing out into the hallway.
For a second, you think that maybe this was just another dream. This whole night could not have happened... it was just way too unrealistic. Yet, here you were. After thousands of pinches later to make sure you were conscious, your eyes meet Taehyungs discarded beanie on your small dining table. He forgot it.
It's winter... he's going to freeze.
Without a second thought, you're leaping up towards the table, snatching his beanie while bounding towards the door to catch him.
Before you can fully leave your apartment entrance, you halt in your tracks, eyes widening slightly.
Taehyung had barely gone anywhere. He's standing in the hallway, his forehead resting against the hallway wall, with his arms placed above his head. Before you can call his name, he makes a quick movement as if he's going to punch it... your breath catches in your throat when he turns into view.
Is he crying?
Why is he crying?
His eyes are red as he grabs a fistful of his hair in both hands, pacing back and forth between the sides of the hallway. He looks completely shaken up. He seats himself on the ground, curling his legs up. You can hear quiet "shits" and "fucks" escaping his mouth as he hides his face in his hands, throwing you off slightly since you've never heard him outwardly cuss before. If it weren't for your fear of confrontation, you would probably be hugging him by now. You don't want to disturb him anyway... not when he probably thinks he's alone. Moments like this need privacy.
The last thing you see is Taehyung picking himself up, closing his eyes together as he attempts to control his breathing before he's shakily making his way towards the door.
If there was one thing Taehyung was bad at, it was hiding his emotions.
But he was, almost scarily, good at keeping secrets.
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next chapter
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tag list: @vantecaffe @moonchild1 @procrastination-queenie @hobipaint @jeonfiles @surilirani (unable to tag) @dopedreamfireparty @vantezza @audstylesgirl @getmemyfries (unable to tag) @unicornbabylover @deliciousdetectivestranger @luckyzipperscissorsbat
enjoying this story? please be sure to like and reblog!! it would really help me out, and i would love to hear your thoughts and feelings regarding this work!! thank you for taking the time to read :)
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
what's your character creation process? how do you come up with a design, backstory, personality, etc? which ones come first? and how long does it usually take?
ohjhhhHHHBoy. p. int ere st?  lotta pinterest. maybe too much pinterest. little picrew. pinterest and then picrew and then pinterest and then sketchbook, and then crying over one song you attached to them at 3 am. 
design is often the first thing that emerges for me? im a hopelessly visual thinker, enough that it’s exceptionally rare for a character to come to me without any aesthetics attached. doing a character without a design feels like im working counter to all my impulses. i have no clue how there are writers who just Make People without immediately attaching a color scheme to them. (quick sidebar: the most recent OC with this struggle was the character i repeatedly told myself i wouldnt make- which is why i find it endearing how many tags are” #op why would you ever not make this”. i didnt KNOW i was busy not-making a cutesy robot catgirlboy! i didnt know that for months and months at a time!!) 
even though i could probably get away with designing people in pretty clothing for eternity, i find i do often need to tack on one level of story or characterization for a concept to stick in my brain. for whatever reason, with my writing sensibilities, that usually means applying a single level of metaphor, often tying back to the visual element. xeno is x-rays- okay, so xe feels exposed and wants to climb inside everything to see how it ticks. roxanne is cubism- okay, so she likes exploring multiple perspectives but is kinda janky about it. prism is made of light, with multiple eyes- okay, zi loves the spotlight and needs attention or else zi will die. sometimes i have characters that come from the other direction- lorna is closed off and feels empty? okedoke, we'll put a keyhole in her chest and go with locked box metaphors. there's a sorta back and forth conversation where the emotion informs the "element" and the "element" informs the emotion, if that makes sense.
i think backstory is one of those things that can take the longest for me to nail down? its often the area that'll receive the most revision, while i "discover" these people in reverse. i try and keep my creations thematically strong and consistent, and sometimes it takes a while of screwing around with these fellas to really understand what they're "about", and THEN i gotta turn around and rewrite their whole life accordingly. ive definitely set myself up in a worldbuilding playground where the visual design also informs a level of transformation? which is just free backstory, bayybeyy. when characters do emerge backstory first, it's because they're very settled into the world, and these rare instances can actually turn into my strongest narratives?
im vagueposting the robot catgirlboy again.
as for how long it takes?? uhhHHH, sometimes i wind up drawing people for years before they finally tell me who they are. sometimes its instantaneous! sometimes the entity known as “cubsim girl” haunts your sketchbook for years, making fun of your art, before you discover she’s an alcoholic.
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she is my harshest critic.
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