#im mad stop writing him off as the cold one dammit :-(
bubmyg · 6 years
why do y’all use yoongi’s “cold outer exterior” as a description still he’s like a personified marshmallow w puffy and squishy cheeks and pretty pink lips that are almost always pouted a lil bit and big bright eyes that make a big O shape when he’s surprised or confused or listening really intently and he makes the cutest facial expressions even excluding his signature gummy smile and he’s always shyly fiddling w his fingers or crossing his legs super delicately and nodding along w whatever is being said bc he’s taking it all in and-
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Red Eyes
A celebrity is someone famous, not only for their blessings of beauty and knowledge, but for the hard path they have chosen to waik upon, However it can also be a double edged sword,for as one mishap of a wrong doing can end up being attacked by their followers, 
Thus the role of being a celebrity is somewhat both an incredible achievement and a poise you have to maintained.Thus you have to bottle your emotions,for as you have the role of being a major role model for everyone. Anger, Sadness, Jelousy, and even kindness, people will always interpret it,,,, as another..
{Shinjuku Academy}   
It is nightime Shinjuku, Thus, every student is safely inside their assigned dorm rooms, patroling the area out incase someone violates curfew, two teachers are assigned to patrol around the school, 
However two unsuspecting figures managed to escape their rooms and quietly make their way towards Shinjuku  Academy, What could they be doing at night that will cause them punishment?, And why at night specificly? 
Student 1: Did you bring it? 
A tall figure in a black jacket and pants quietly asked their accomplice, as they brought out a can of spray paint. 
Student 2:Yeah,here. 
Student 1: Awesome!, now then,,,Take this Harumo! 
Student 2: Hahaha! 
Furiosly spraying the wall,as if it was a canvas, the duo sprayed all around the wall as they write down letters that will cause a certain someone trouble 
As they humbly sleep peacefully in their dorm room, dreaming peacefully and softly smiling as if they are having a wonderful time in their mind space. 
Student 2: Dude,We better hurry before the teachers hear us! 
Student 1: Hold on, I have to put that bastard’s name on it! 
The second figure peaks to the side to check if they are nearby,
Student 1: Alright done!, Lets go!,...
Student 2: I can’t wait to see the look on that idiot’s dumb face when they get framed!
Student 1: Haha!, Yeah! 
{Narrator}:What awaits your tomorrow Dear Harumo? 
{Next Day}
{Shinjuku Academy} 
You and your guildmates have just passed the entrance of the school, When Shiro noticed something strange.
Shiro: I wonder whats going on over there? 
Looking upon the crowd of shocked students as they look upon wall, as the teachers are trying to get things around. 
Kengo: Hey!, what the heck is going on here!?
Kengo asked a neaby student and said: Harumo spray painted the wall.
Shiro and Kengo: WHAT! 
Harumo: Me!?,,
Ryota: Guys!, hah...hah...someone spray painted the wall, and...Harumo’s name is on it! 
Harumo: What!, but i ! 
Kengo: What the hell are they taiking about! 
Shiro: Its ludicrious for them think that! 
Ryota: I don’t believe its Harumo either,but they are making sound as if you did it! 
Harumo: Who?
Student 1: Hey look guys its the culprit who spraypainted on it! 
Student 2: Why did you vandalised our school like that!? 
All turn to gase you as they await your explanation. 
Harumo: It wasn’t me! 
Student 1: Yeah, tell that when your name is on it! 
Kengo: Time to beat the shit outta him!   
Shiro: Kengo stop, you’ll only make it worse! 
Kengo: This assholes need a beating if they whats coming for them! 
Harumo: For the last time!, I DID NOT DO IT! 
Student 1: Yeah,yeah, criminals always lie whenever they did something wrong! 
Student 2: Criminal! .Criminal!.
Ryota: Hey! Stop calling Harumo a criminal!, They will never do something like that! 
Student 1: Then explain the grafiti then! 
Ryota: Grrr..
Student 1: Yeah just like i thought!, Nothing!,Hey criminal! hu...
Harumo: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Like a thunderbolt you violently rushed towards the cocky bastard pushing them against the grafitied wall and gripped they’re neck tightly  as you look at them furiosly in the eye,staring as if you’re gase is like someone had been bottling up they’re pent up aggresion, and only now you are able to release it like nuclear bomb. as the color of eyes changed into a crimson,glare, almost as if a predator is about to bare his fangs on their prey. As you growled, fist clenched and hand on them tight as a rope, 
Student 2: Hey! what the heck let him go...!
Student 2: Graagghh,,Le...meee....gooo!
Harumo: GRAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!!,, 
Ryota: Harumo, stop! 
Kengo: Partner!, you’re gonna kill them! 
Shiro: Kengo! help me, loosen his grip! 
Ryota embraced you from behind as the two try to loosen your grip on them, slowly the two about to drown students are about to run of oxygen,as you blocked they’re airways with your tight grip. 
Ryota: Harumo...Please stop!...Please...
Kengo: Harumo...thats enough or you’ll end up killin them! 
Toji: Forgive me later Harumo...
Ryota: Toji?
{Toji knocked the anger filled student cold} 
Toji: Get Harumo to the clinic, I’ll deal with this two..
Kengo: Shiro,Ryota, take care of Harumo for now,{ Clicks his neck} 
Toji: Takabushi, I trust you’ll only knock them out..
Shiro: Kengo, don’t be an idiot!, you’ll only get in trouble, worse you might even get expelled! 
Kengo: I couldn’t care less!, IM MAD! 
Shiro: Kengo think about this! if you do this, you’ll never see Harumo again! 
Eyes widening in realisation, as his gritted expression turn to an expression as if he’s gotta comeback to finish you two off. 
Kengo: Dammit...Fine..Toji im leaving them to you! 
Toji: All of you get out now!, Now. i have some questions needed to be filled! 
Kengo: I gotcha Harumo..
Ryota: ....Harumo.....
{Shennong’s Clinic} 
Cold air from the ac,fills the room,you’re cooped up in, as you make out what appears to be clinic, 
Harumo: What ...happened?
You rub your head as you feel your head spinning almost as the blood on your head going everywhere, 
Harumo: Wait.....
{Remembers the incident} 
Harumo: I...i almost...
Hands shaking from fear, you took a moment to get your bearings in order.        
{Door opens} 
Shennong: You’re awake..
Harumo: Shennong what happened? 
Shennong: You passed out, probably from the stress, your friends brought you here, Fortunately, the students you strangled are fine.   
Harumo: I...almost killed them......
Shennong: .....
Mr Mononobe: Harumo..Thank goodness you’re awake..
Harumo: {Hugs Mr Mononobe} 
The moment you come into contact, you let it all out..as tears flow and drip on Mr Mononobe’s polo. buried in his abs, as you can feel the rockyness of it as you hurt yourself a little from the impact.. 
Mr Mononobe: There..there..Harumo..
Shennong:I’ll let the other teachers know.. 
Mr Mononobe: Thank you Mr Shennong keep up the good work!
Mr Mononobe: Shhhh...Don’t taik now..I’ll take you to your room,
Harumo: But i..
Mr Mononobe: The other students have already spread rumors about your recent outburst lately, and...it could affect you..
Harumo: Oh..okay...Thank you Mr Mononobe.
Mr Mononobe: Its only natural i care for my students.
.Harumo: Im sure everyone thinks im a monster now..
Mr Mononobe:...I don’t think you are..
Harumo: I nearly killed them!,
Mr Mononobe: But you didn’t.. 
Harumo: Thats because i blacked out! .
Mr Mononobe: And? 
Harumo: And??..
Mr Mononobe: If you truly call yourself a monster,then those wouldn’t be in the office right now.
Mr Mononobe: “A monster is being whom only exist to bring destruction”.
Mr Mononobe: You need time to cool off and think rationally. I’ll inform Shiro that i brought you to your dorm. So don’t worry about them.. 
Harumo:..Okay...Thanks again Mr Mononobe,
Mr Mononobe: Just doing my job..
{Dorm room} 
“A monster is a being whom only exist to brin destruction”
Laying on your bed,facing the sceiling. while recalling your outburst on the two students.. the very thought of it,makes you jump out in shocked as you stare at both of your rugged hands,probably from the tightness you were gripping caused it. 
{Knock Knock} 
???: Harumo,are you there? can i come in? 
Harumo: That voice...
{Door opens} 
Ryota: Harumo!..You’re okay.. 
Harumo: Ryota, why are you here?
Ryota: Hehe. i sneaked out, preteding i was going to the bathroom, 
Harumo: Ryota{ Hugs Ryota} 
Ryota: sHHH..its  Okay..im here for you Harumo...
Harumo:*sobbing on Ryota’s shoulders* 
Ryota: Lets sit down Harumo..
Ryota: Are you feeling okay now? 
Harumo: A ...little...
Both of you sat to next to each other on the bed, as Ryota gave his bottle of juice to the crying young man.. 
Ryota: ...Good news!,Toji caught the culprits who tried to framed you, 
Harumo: Really?!, who was it? 
Ryota: It was those two.
Harumo: ..Okay..
Registering the goodnews. you can’t help but remember the way you strangle them without mercy as you are lost in your own train of thought, from it, Silence fills the room as you sip from the straw. Ryota breaks the silence.  
Ryota: I’ve never seen you act like that Harumo...
Harumo: .....Yeah....me too...
Ryota: Do you....want to taik about it? 
Ryota: Harumo..you know im always here for you, so does Shiro, Kengo, Moritaka,and Toji, We’re all here for you..If you want to taik I’ll listen to every word.so please don’t ..hold it in .
Harumo: Am i a monster?..
Ryota: Off course not! why would you think of that!
Harumo:” A monster only exists to bring destruction” thats what Mr Mononobe said, But the more i think about it, the more its ...its actually true..
Ryota: You are not a monster Harumo.. You’ve never been one, ever since we’ve met on the park, 
Ryota: Do you remember,what i said about you could have saved yourself if you just abandoned me..
Ryota: You didn’t abandoned me,and you saved me, even though we were strangers that time, if you really are a monster then i wouldn’t be here taiking to you, i would have been in Oni’s stomach by now..
Harumo: But i....
Ryota: You didn’t killed them,, and thats whats important right now... 
Harumo: {Stares at his shaking hands} 
Ryota: Harumo...
The orange chubby places a gentle hand, to ease your quivering palms, you can feel the warmness in them as you feel the soft touch of his skin coming into contact with your rugged hands. and places it on his cheek. 
Your quivering expression turns to shocked as you stare upon Ryota directly into his peach colored eyes. But you look as if you’re staring directly to his warm soul, that it almost made you tear up..And as you do, 
 Harumo: Ryota....!  
You embraced the chubby cinnamon roll slightly tight, as you cry on his shoulders on the other one, While Ryota gently strokes your fluffy greyish hair, and closes his eyes as you let it all out, 
Embraced in a warming matter, the hallway echoes your emotions,for as the sun rays down on an warming atmosphere, making it much more ....peaceful... 
.         .     .  
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The Red Name pt 4
part one || part two || part three
The bed was cold when Michael woke up. The sun was high in the sky and Alex was long gone. All that was left in the whole cabin were the sheets on the bed and Michael’s phone on Alex’s pillow. The notification light was blinking and Michael already didn’t care about what anyone had to say to him right now. 
He unlocked it anyway when he saw the new email icon. He never got emails. 
It was from Alex.
We should’ve talked. That was always our problem, if we’re honest. Too much sex and not enough talking.
I’m glad we didn’t though. You were right, we’d just make each other sad and angry and that’s not how I wanted to spend my last night with you. Because that’s what it was. Regardless of what happens on my deployment, we both know this thing between us is in the past and it’s time I gave up and moved on like you’ve managed to do. 
Over the last two years I wrote you a lot of emails. Basically whenever I wanted to talk to you but couldn’t I’d write an email. I’m not sure why I’m doing this now but I just sent all of them to you. You can read them or delete them, it’s up to you, I guess. 
I love you. That hasn’t changed and it never will. 
Goodbye Michael.
Michael blinked away the sudden tears that sprung to his eyes. For all that he’d shoved Alex away over the last few years and flaunted the fact that he could move on, Alex telling him goodbye broke his heart. Michael wasn’t sure how they’d gotten to this point. It felt like one thing after another just piled on until there was no hope left. He wanted to fix it, even when he’d been with Maria part of him had wanted to fix it, he just didn’t know how. And now it was too late.
Rereading the email, he spotted the part about new emails and quickly exited out of that one. And there they were. Michael scrolled down to find the oldest one but it was impossible to tell. They didn’t seem to be in any particular order so he just clicked one and then another and then another.
I saw you at the Pony today. You looked like shit. Have you been sleeping? Eating? Or are you just existing on alcohol and acetone?
I hope it’s making you feel better because it’s not helping anyone. Not your sister, who really needs you right now by the way, not me, not Maria, and certainly not Max. 
I wish you’d let me help you.
You drive me crazy sometimes you know that? First, you want nothing to do with me or Project Shepherd. And now it’s all you care about. Well, Project Shepherd at least. You still don’t seem to want anything to do with me.
Am I suddenly that repulsive to you? Because of my father? Fuck him. Seriously, Guerin, fuck. him. Don’t let him do this to us.
You could’ve at least done me the courtesy of telling me you were dating Maria instead of letting me find out by walking in on you two.
Fuck you Michael
You need to pull yourself together. Your sister is drowning and she needs you and you don’t even notice. Liz and I should not be the ones keeping her afloat. She needs her brother, dammit. 
If only I could get you to stay in the same room as me for longer than 2 seconds
I can’t decide if you’re oblivious or stupid or just plain cruel
I get it, okay. You moved on. You’re happy. I’m happy you’re happy but I really don’t need a front row seat to you sticking your tongue down someone else’s throat okay? Would it kill you to cool it on the pda?
Max is back. You weren’t there.
I’m drunk. I shouldn’t bother with this it’s not like you’re going to read it anyway but I’m drunk and I’m lonely and it’s my birthday
Ten years apart and you never missed my birthday but now that I’m back you can’t be bothered? I want to be mad at you but I’m too sad to be mad
What did I do wrong Michael? Why are you doing this?
You ever throw something anywhere near the vicinity of Maria again and I swear to god I will knock you on your ass
Don’t touch her. Don’t even get close. I don’t give a shit how drunk you are
It’s the anniversary of Caulfield and I don’t want you to be alone but you won’t let me near you
I hope you told Maria what day it is or Isobel or someone. I hope you’re not alone.
I’m sorry
I’m so sorry Michael
You look happy
I miss you
I never thought of us as having an anniversary, not really, but if we had one it would be today
I was ready, Michael. I was fucking ready dammit. Why’d you have to pick then to finally be the one to walk away? I mean I know I deserved it after all the times I left you but your timing sucks.
I got my new posting. Also got new orders to deploy. I’m leaving Roswell and I don’t think I’m coming back this time
You came by today. I’m pretty sure it's the first time you’ve been out here since you told me in no uncertain terms that we were done. You wanted more info on Project Shepherd, on the Alighting that Noah mentioned. You could barely look me in the eyes. It was like I was just a colleague and not even one you particularly liked that much and it hurt. 
I get that we’re never going to be together but why can’t we be friends? Is it really that impossible? We’re either fucking or not looking each other in the eye? No in between? That’s bullshit
Why do you get to decide everything? When do I get a say in this? What if I want more? Do you even care what I want?
Don’t answer that. It’s pretty fucking obvious you don’t.
I had lunch with Liz and Rosa and Maria today. It was awkward and painful. I’ve never hated you before but I think I hate you for fucking up my friendship with Maria. She was all I had for years and now it’s ruined because of you
Be happy with her. Make it worth it
It’s not your fault. Me and Maria I mean. We fucked that up all on our own and neither one of us have really tried to fix it. You played a part, yeah, but don’t blame yourself for this too. You put too much on yourself already, you shouldn’t add this to it
You make a beautiful couple
Better than we ever did. Not that we were ever a couple. Not like you and Maria
We wouldn’t have worked right? That’s why you left? Because we would’ve crashed and burned?
Merry Christmas Michael
For someone who got angry every time I  mentioned the Air Force you really didn’t seem to care that I re-upped. I don’t know what to make of that. 
I’m going to protect you Michael, I promise. My father will never get his hands on you or your family ever again.
Why can’t I get over you? I’ve tried fucking other guys, dating other guys, it doesn’t matter. 
I’ve never been able to get over you. I don’t know why I thought now would be any different.
All I want is you. All I’ve ever wanted is you.
Full disclosure - I’ve had a lot to drink. Liek a lot 
Did you know that your people essentially mate for life? Yep. Turn 30 and the true essence of your heart will reveal itself on your skin and name the person you love most. It will stay there forever. Cant be cut off or inked over. Cant change neither. Once its there its there
Your turning 30 in a few months
I wont survive seeing her name on you i wont
I filed papers for a transfer today. Project Shepherd is basically dead and by the time the transfer comes through it will be really dead and i cant stay here anymore im not strong enough. I need to be not here when her name comes
Its my name. Fucking hell Michael its MY name?? 
What the fuck have the last two years been if its mY FUCKING NAME?
It hurt before when i thought you’d truly moved on but this? Oh this takes the cake
You love me. More than LITERALLY anything. And you still dont care enough to be with me
This is…
You should’ve left me in Caulfield and just saved yourself
You left a birthday present in my car. Why?
Thank you
I love it
Her name is Mara. 
She used to sing to the other prisoners when they were scared. She had such a beautiful voice. 
You won’t let me tell you about her but I think you should know. This was your mother, you should know who she was.
I’m sorry you didn’t get the chance to find out the right way. I really am.
I saw you on the street today. You were outside the jewelry store.
I wish you both a long happy life together. You both deserve it.
There were more. So many more. Michael had to stop and pace himself or he’d start breaking things.
It took him weeks to get through all of them. Some made him cry, some made him smash every fragile thing in Max’s house (he owed him new windows), but some made him smile.
I got a dog. Her name is Buffy. If anything happens to her I will kill everyone involved and then myself
Pics attached since I don’t know when I’ll see you.
Wilson’s getting married, can you believe it? I would’ve bet good money he’d die a happy bachelor. It’ll be so good to see the squad again. He invited everyone, even O’Brien.
He’s making me wear a tux, though, no uniforms :(
I think you’ve cursed me. I used to very happily not give a shit about football fuck you very much
(Eagles made the playoffs fuck yeah)
There’s this new prosthetic prototype the military wants to try out and somehow I landed on the shortlist of candidates to get it
It’s supposed to be so amazing you don’t even know. It’ll be waterproof! I can stand in the shower!
(its the little things sometimes)
I’ve really fucking missed Rosa. I know you miss your brother and I’m sorry but I never really let myself process how much I missed her
I promise to do everything I can to bring Max back. I owe him one
Rosa doesn’t like the jacket. She’s gotta go
I’m going to LA Pride next week. I’d ask you to come with me but you seem a little busy passing out on the floor of the Pony every night
I’m taking Isobel instead
I’ve got this new project at work that’s actually really interesting. I keep staying late to work on it and so Project Shepherd is falling behind but fuck Michael I love it
There was a crazy meteor shower last night. You would’ve loved it
The sunsets out here are unreal. I’ve been in a few deserts and seen a few coasts but nothing, NOTHING, beats this view
Its beautiful
It’s cheating on the Wild Pony, I know, but if you go over to Dexter there’s a great little bar that does open mic night on Thursdays. 
It’s been a long time since I sang. I’ve missed it. You should come sometimes.
Michael missed out on a lot while he was with Maria. He never wanted to miss those moments again.
In the five weeks it took him to get through all of the emails, no one heard from Alex. He’d warned them he’d be out of touch but it was still jarring. Michael took to driving out to the cabin or bugging Rosa to let him play with Buffy just so he could feel close to Alex. 
A week after he finished Alex’s emails he started writing his own.
You’ve been gone six weeks. I miss you. I’m pretty sure I lost the right to say that but I don’t care. I do.
I read all of your emails
I thought about responding to some of your emails individually but then I thought maybe just one would do it.
I’m sorry. I was a colossal jackass and you didn’t deserve any of it. I never should have blamed you for what your father did. You aren’t him, Alex.
There are only two people in my life that I trust to always be there: Isobel and you. Even when you walked away you always came back and I got used to that, I guess. When everything was spiraling out of control I needed someone to be angry at and I needed it to be someone who wouldn’t leave. Isobel was already going through hell so I picked you. I pushed you away as hard as I could and you stayed. You re-upped to protect me. You stayed in Roswell because you knew I needed you even though I refused to admit it. I put you through hell and you never said a word. Thank you. I should’ve said it a long time ago and I’m sorry I didn’t.
I’m sorry I finally pushed hard enough that you had to leave. Roswell’s your home and these people are your family. When you get back from your deployment you should come home and see them. I can leave if it’ll make it easier for you but you shouldn’t leave them just because I’m an ass.
I think Liz is actually dating both Kyle and Max. I’m also pretty sure Max and Kyle are not dating each other. Sometimes though...how sure are you that Kyle is straight?
I can’t decide if it’s too weird or not weird enough watching my sister and my ex girlfriend try to date. 
You said you didn’t love me. Why did you say that if you did? 
I don’t know that I would have done anything different but I’d like to think I’d have been more considerate about Maria had I known. I thought you were over me. You said you were.
It’s been three years since Caulfield and I’m alone. One of your emails mentioned that you didn’t want me to be alone but I am. I always am. No one understands. No one can possibly understand.
Kyle gave me a bottle of whiskey this morning. I’m trying to drink less but now that I’ve got a doctor’s seal of approval, I might just need to enjoy it.
I left my mom to die for you. I don’t think I would’ve left for anyone else.
I miss you. I think I’ve been missing you for years but you were right there so I didn’t realize it
Be safe. Come home
I’m a little obsessed with my mark ngl
It’s in my own handwriting but I wish it was yours. So it would actually be a piece of you with me
It’s crazy. When you were here all I could think about when I saw you was your dad and your brothers and Caulfield. I know it’s not fair and it’s not right but I can’t control it
But now you’re not here. And I look around the cabin and all I see is you making breakfast or burning the popcorn that one night we tried to watch a movie and ended up making out instead. I can’t sleep at the Airstream without thinking of you. Did I ever tell you that you’re the only person I ever brought home? Every other person I ever hooked up I either went to their place or found somewhere else. But not you. You came home with me. 
Liz wanted a group outing to the drive in. But I said no. I can’t go there anymore. 
My eyes are burning. Too much naked sister 
First I see my sister having sex and now my brother’s asking me for gay sex tips
I can’t
When we broke up Maria accused me of being with her because I loved her less, because then she couldn’t hurt me. I thought she was crazy but now I think she had a point. I literally just walked in on her in bed with someone else (I’ve completely blocked out the memory of who it was) and it didn’t hurt. I’m just...happy for her. She smiles more these days than she has in a while
It's nothing like when I saw you on a date that one time and had the sudden urge to beat the guy into a bloody mess with my bare hands. It's a nice change of pace
It’s been four months since anyone’s heard from you. I hope you’re okay and just not allowed to contact anyone.
Please be okay Alex. I don’t know what I’ll do if you’re not
Some idiot decided to put in a record store on Main St. Who even buys records anymore?
It has open mic night almost every night though. You’d love it
I seem to have moved into your cabin. Oops
The bed doesn't smell like you anymore :(
It’s Valentine’s Day and you’re not here and I don’t even know if you’d want to see me if you were but let me just say this:
You’re an asshole and I love it
You care so much about people, about your family (the real one not the jackasses named Manes), and you give so much of yourself for other people I’m constantly in awe of you
You named your dog after a vampire slayer; what a dork (next one should be Faith)
You are the strongest person I know. I put you through hell and you’re still standing and you somehow still love me. I don’t understand but I can’t complain
I miss watching movies with you even if your constant commentary can be annoying as hell
I can’t eat omelets at restaurants anymore, you’ve ruined me for life
Your voice is breathtaking; you should never stop singing
I love you
Happy Valentine’s Day Alex
Please just tell me when you’re home so I know you’re safe
Rosa has a boyfriend. It’s weird. We can’t talk around him. Too many secrets.
I broke the ship. Most of its still in the bunker but I scattered some pieces around town. The Airstream, Isobel’s, Max’s, the Crashdown, the Pony, other places too
The biggest piece is right here at the cabin. I needed it to be with you
Jenna’s back
Happy Birthday Alex
I’m sorry I missed one. I promise not to miss any ever again.
They probably don't have any good cake where you’re at so I’ll just have to take you out for some when you get home
I’ve co-opted Buffy from Rosa. She’s not getting her back
Over six months after Alex left, Michael received his first new email.
You’re unbelievable. Asshole
827 Willowbrook Cir #231
Marlow Heights, MD 20746
P.S. Don’t forget Buffy
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years
HC pt. 3
Story Time! with the bat fam
The bat language!
It's just glares and different forms of glares. Semi-glare. Glare. Glare-glare. That's about five sentences.
Ravin has cracked the code and communicated with them. They understand why Raven could but not how Mari understands them.
They are very confused because this little flower shouldn't, like why??? She wears her heart on her sleeve and you can tell when she's angry or sad. Dick and bruce do it but Mari catches them.
Unknown to them, when Mari wants to be, she can 'cut' off her emotions.
Mari found Damian to be semi-attractive. Damian was like eh, she's another girl.
But he was about 5'11 at this point, and for years to come, he would grow. Mari, herself, is barely reaching 5ft. She considers herself lucky that she even reaches 5'5.
She was 20 when she did.
She is very angry at taller beings than her. Dick is 5'11 while Jason is 6'3, Bruce is taller than both of them.
Mari hates them all. Jason still calls her a bean, even when she has him in a choke-hold during a sparring match. Mari will not hesitate to throw hands. Instead of mellowing out, she did the opposite.
Jason Todd has had sex with Talia before and he hangs it over Damian's head for years.
As a challenge, he brought it up in front of Marinette. Any other time Damian would have left but since Mari was here, he couldn't. Damian stayed but Mari was like
“Why???" Tugging, cause they were holding hands. "Mari, lovebug, Malak, Habi Alghali. Let's go." Mari is a dissatisfied bean. Reluctantly follows Dami away.
The Outlaws consisted of Kori, Roy, and Jason!
When they hang out they always have ‘baked’ goods. They were eating edibles in the city but they somehow made their way to the manor for munchies. Alfred asked if they had any left.
Assuming to part with them, they lied and said no. (they always do)
Alfred still searched the trio moved the treat around. Some sour straps, molly ranchers, and a joint.
Alfred took some straps and popped them in.
"Wait, Alfred, that's-" "I know." They will never forget. Bruce semi-believes them.
Mari never took a stance on cannabis. "Too young." was the excuse often used when talking about it. She was 16.
She knew what they did. It wasn't until, Gotham, that she got real experience with edibles.
Roy accidentally gave her 300mg of cannabis.
"I got brownies!" Roy came in the room, granted it was one of Jason's many hideouts and they had agreed to hang out before Mari was dragged away.
"Jason, Let's get blazed!" Roy kicked the door in and Mari took a stance, Jason got out his babies and pointed them at the door. "Uhh." Roy slowly backed out, Jason put away his guns and Mari bounced in excitement.
"Brownies!" Plucking one from the bag, Mari smelled it first. "Mari, no." Mari turned, then plopped it in her mouth, stuffed her hand in the bag and took a bunch more.
Eating 3 more and stuffing some for Tikki. Jason sighed deeply. "Dammit." It sweet chaos for Mari after that.
First, an anxiety attack then bliss. She was never afraid of heights from being Ladybug, and that just added more fun for Mari.
Damian doesn't find out until he calls Mari.
Because Mari was supposed to come back and hang out, they promised. No, Damian was not upset by the fact that Jason is not better company than him.
Not at all. Damian is superior in every way! His ringing phone brought him back to reality.
"Mari, get away from there!" That's Jason. Marinette was giggling and Damian could here the wind.
"No way, Jose," Roy shouted in the background. "Who's jOsE?!?!" Marinette laughed loudly and Damian was starting to question his existence.
"Mari, Baby girl, Demon tamer. Get off the ledge." There was an eerie silence. "Oh, that reminds me. Hi, Damian."
That's it. "Ya Qamar Barid, I'm coming to get you." Marinette started to sob at that. "I MISSED OUR MEET UP, DIDN'T I???" Damian was already driving off, he traced the call.
"No, not at all Habibti. I was just thinking about where we should eat out." Marinette stopped crying.
"Really?" Damian confirms. "Mhm." "Je vais à la pizzeria que je veux, amant.* ”  The call ends and Damian is NOT panicking.
(I go to the pizzeria i want, lover.)*
Marinette hanged up and jumped down to the apartment below. "MARI!!" Jason was going to lose so many years of this. This small bean should be very afraid.
Jason jumped after her with Roy following on the other side. "Oh, shit. Mari!" Roy regrets everything leading up to this point. At first, it was funny, seeing anyone try for the first time is.
Jason caught up to Mari, who has made it down 4 apartments. They were on the 5th floor.
Almost went splat on the pavement a couple of times.
Damian pulls up in one of the many cars, he's hot-wired before. Mari doesn't notice she's trying to climb down from the first floor to the ground. She jumps to a flag and misses.
Damian catches her before she hits the ground. "Damnit Habibti."
Marinette giggles. "I would have been fine, you know that." Damian carried her back to the car, Mari's complaining the entire time.
Once she's seated in the cold car, she promptly falls asleep.
Lila causes problems for Mari, on purpose but for the wrong reasons.
To spend time with her. Lila is never going to admit that she likes or even remotely revolves her world around Mari. Max points it out to Mari and has tried to get Lila to confess.
Likes to make Marinette mad. When her cheeks go red Lila accidentally lets out a, “She’s cute.” Mari turned to her. “What?” Lila panics and shouts. “I said you’re shit!” Mari is a very confused bean.
The only reason why this is brought up is that they make Lila have Sociopathic tendencies. Like Oni-chan didn’t make sense. Why let go of Adrien? Willing? Better question, why only focus on Mari? Unless you know. . . . . . Just saying.
A lot of mini ships. Like Alix x Chloe.
Alix and Chloe are secretly dating. Sabrina covers for both of them when it’s date night. Alix’s parents know that she’s gay but not Chloe’s. She doesn’t know why she’s scared.
But she doesn’t like that way her dad dismisses gay pride parades. Marinette helps her come to terms and even helps go through her emotions and to come out.
Still doesn’t come out until very much later. Uses Adrien as an excuse. Adrien knows what she means.
Chloe's mother is alright, you know ,gay pride. She joins the parades and makes small nods in her designs.
Eventually Max x Kim!
Alix and Kim are best friends and they help each other out because they always get the wrong advice.
Max and Kim ‘got together’ because Kim didn’t want to date Odine. Max doesn’t think they are dating.
So Kim makes an effort for their relationship and friendship. Alix dared Kim to date Chloe on valentine’s day, Max was there. He didn’t even hear Chloe’s answer but that didn’t matter because, at that moment.
Max heard and Kim understood why he felt like ‘that’ around Max. Max said congratulations and that just broke Kim's heart. Max is not very good at emotions.
"Mom already has enough on her plate." "I don’t need to trouble her." Max to Kim at some point.
Very later. Marc x Nathanial! Fw/B at 17
Nath only shines when art is involved. Has done sculpting and embroidery lessons from Mari, because he doesn’t want to be limited to one form of expression. Digital music is not his thing. Instruments on the other hand. Band nerd.
Sneaks into Higher writing courses. The teachers let him. He’s so talented in creating a universe from nothing. Marc had let the director of the ‘LB and CN Movie.’
Look at some of his stuff but once some criticism on Twitter started to get deleted for some reason, Marc asked around. Bad plot and all, he dismisses the story “Astruc” approved and did another one. Just because he made one good thing doesn’t mean he made the rest just as great.
Yes I am dissing Thomas
I am changing this.
No relationship. Luka helps Kagami realize that not everything in sexuality is as black as white because im a sucker for Les Kagami and Bi Luka. They can find happiness with people.
Emotions? What’s that. Barely there. No chill. Whatsoever. Sarcasm? Come again. She can make sarcastic jokes but won’t know it if it hits her in the face.
Knows exactly what you're talking about but at the same time doesn’t. Can’t relate. It’s very frustrating because she won’t disobey without feeling guilty. Mari, Adrien, and Luka help tear down her walls and ‘need to approve’ attitude. A lot of walls around her heart.
Adrien doesn't like or feel any attraction besides strong feelings.
Demi? Or Ace. Maybe Ace.
He is very disappointed when he doesn't feel explosions or fireworks when he kisses Lila (It was for a shoot, maybe audition.)
Parents fighting? Middle of most argument. Afraid of failing his father because his mother was like that?
The acting was put on hold but she would sneak out for auditions. Natalie helped her sneak out. He can’t trust Gabrial but trust his mother's judgment and maybe Natalie.
He doesn’t know what to do because Mari is, best friend and Lila don’t like Best Friend. But Mari said it was okay when it wasn’t! Proud owner of at least one brain cell.
Eventually Rose x Juleka!
Very concerned with Juleka’s being. She wants Juleka as more than a friend but if Juleka isn’t comfortable with it.
Then she can wait until she’s ready. Her father supports but her mother doesn’t. She makes fun of her depression.
World of patience. Rose and she aren’t dating but they are saving for each other. Juleka was delirious when this happened. She’ll never admit her feelings. Worried about how people would act.
And of course Alya x Nino once Alya gets her head on straight.
These are mini-stories. I'm going to reference these and mention them when I can in the story.
Bruce has movie nights.
No one knows where it is or what movie he watches. Alfred has an idea, and the boys keep trying to find where he goes. It's been so long since he's had something nice in his life.
He... adores his... children. To some extent. Okay, a lot.
But that didn't mean he could show how much he... loved them.
Regardless, they bring trouble where ever they go. Finally getting the conviction to watch a movie, he kept the tradition every chance he got.
Marinette accidentally found him at one of the run-down movie theaters around Gotham. A new movie she was excited for was already released in America but after Sams Club™
She never allowed them anywhere near her in a public place. It was chaos last time. She memorized the way to this theatre and avoided all the cameras. She checked, multiple times. On patrol.
Both, Mari and Damian, are 16.
Bruce is 38, Jason is 24, Dick is 26, Tim is finally 21. Dami is a winter baby. December. Mari is a Fall baby. October 8th.
When Adrien and Mari hang out together, Mari loses one brain cell While Adrien gains one.
They can never get anything accomplished if it doesn't involve the miraculous in some way. Mari was talking about a recent design, Adrien was in the middle of drink soup on this cold day.
Marinette stopped talking as Adrien struggled to get a single noddle in his mouth. Mari opened her mouth to try and say something, but Adrien managed to get the noodle in and grinned. As if, he just got the best Christmas gift, ever.
Mari lost if after that. "A-Adrien!" Clutching her stomach, Mari continued to laugh, Adrien joined in laughing at the slurping noise he made Nino walked in a moment ago to them laughing. It was lunchtime and they went ahead of the Alya and Nino.
Fu is a touchy subject with Marinette.
After the left with his past lover, he shortly passed away. Marianna wrote a letter back to Marinette and that just broke the Dam she built around her emotions.
Chat Noir revealed to be Adrien to destroy the Akuma after her.
Mari, as the newly appointed Guardian, didn't take away his miraculous. No one else was able and she didn't want anyone else to break down from the weight of responsibility.
Chat Noir took his duty with more dignity and less comical after the reveal.
I just saw the Chat Blanc trailer and.. I had this idea before but omg this is weird.
Like most of this is going to be in Book 2. Book 1 is set in Paris, following Marinette. Book two is in Gotham, following Damian 
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kinktae · 4 years
How dare you bitchin!jungkook ?! HOW DARE YOU ?!
very NOT spoiler free bitchin’ 8 asks under the cut
deliciouslydisturbed365 said: I just read chapter 8 and holy fuck I’m nauseous. Poor Y/N 😭
queen-emon said: What the literal FUCK man, I just read Bitchin 08 and like im so broken. I never ever consider Y/n and I to be the same person but this time I felt like we were the same person both getting our hearts crushed by the man we loved so dearly. I AM NOT OKAY WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME! THIS IS SO NOT GROOVY :(
Anonymous said: Me🤝y/n Repressing our emotions
madjammil said: I am legit crying. Poor y/n! I cannot believe Jungkook slept with Kiri! My heart is broken. I thought these two were finally getting together and he goes and does this dumb shit! Smh. Aside from that, your writing was amazing as always! I love this series so much!
Anonymous said: omg i can’t believe jungkook is rly going to get his dickie chopped off 😍😍😍 deserve! can’t wait until yara finds out
Anonymous said: Ignore jk, y/n!!! Gosh she deserve so much better than a fboi who only cares about how he feels physically!! Ahole to the max and I need her to slap him! Yara can join along the slapping game!! But srsly he needs to learn his words alone can’t mend this and I hope y/n doesn’t give in so easily cuz he deserves cold shoulders from her for a very long time and don’t just rely on charms to get his way. Ik he was trouble from the start 😔 y/n dear don’t worry you deserve better
casualxexistence said: So 👉👈 um like is there like ANy chance that we get to see our baby yara’s reaction to this 🥺🥺🥺👼 bc um well I would kinda love to see her hand both jk and kiri there asses bc they aren’t gonna hAVE ANY AFTER SHE FINISHES WITH THEM RIP
Anonymous said: dude, what if y/n hooks up with tae and starts beef between jk and him while yara bitch slaps kiri….. dude bitchin’ has such good drama theories wtf literally anything is possible at this point
Anonymous said: if yara doesn’t punch kook can I punch him? Not as the oc I meant like me BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK
forvever-ddaeng said: I keep rereading this last part like it’s somehow gonna change or it won’t make me sad the more I read it but it’s having the opposite effect and now I want Yara to beat Jungkook’s ass smh
Anonymous said: what the fuck is wrong with bitchin’!jungkook does he think with his dick i wanna kick his ass
Anonymous said: why jungkook would do something like that if he likes y/n? i would be so mad at him too like… isn’t that kind of cheating? he didn’t say if he was back together with his ex but he slept with her so that must mean something, she probably thinks it means something. he was really stupid 
omgtaehyungsmullett said: i know jungkook fucking with me, dammit 😡
ausjeons said: Jungkook what the fuck!!! I could slap you silly after reading part 8 😪😩
Anonymous said: Team make jk suffer for awhile and then be able to patch things up with the oc 🤝
Anonymous said: I read ch8 last night and this weighed heavily on my mind all day like why is jk such a hoe? Like how could he just sleep with Kiri just like that. I think these children are very confuzzled with their feelings. After he slept with Kiri, did he rush to y/n bc he knew this was the end of their “relationship”? One last passionate banger goodbye 😟 my 💔 broken heart
Anonymous said: I ain’t even sad. I’m full on rage mode. WHO TF GAVE JK THE AUDACITY , THE ABSOLUTE BRAWN TO STICK HIS DICK IN KIRI AND THEN , NOT EVEN A FULL DAY LATER ( cuz yk that would be farrr too gracious ) WITHOUT A WARNING , WITHOUT A FRICKING GOOD MORNING EVEN , GOES TO FUCK OC AND THINKS THAT’S OKAY???? Good to know OC and whatever his relationship was with her was worth less than a nut😒
Anonymous said: i’m actually sad… like wow. i really expected him to go back, i really did. but even though i knew it’d happen, it still hurt, y’know? i think that made it worse; knowing that he’d go back to her in the end… shit’s fucked up, really. great job writing it. i could literally feel the emotion from this one.
Anonymous said: Bitchin ch 8…..oh wow the smut was so nice and fluffy but wtf JJK messed up big time. Honestly I don’t think he deserves oc after this. She deserves someone who isn’t so unsure of his feelings that it takes getting back together with and sleeping with someone else to realise it. If he really liked her, he wouldn’t have slept with Kiri.
Anonymous said: “ArE YOu MAd?” Srsly what brand of clown juice is Bitchin JJK drinking?
cchristinnaa said: Jk really did yn like a pocket pussy huh
Anonymous said: HOW COULD JUNGKOOK OH MY GOOODDDDDDDDDDD literally men aint SHIT….. the part where y/n said you got what you wanted from me🥺🥺🥺🥺 I FELT THAT ugh i love the angst
Anonymous said: Hope jk dieS from jealousy next ch. And regrets it skdhdhd :( jk. Hope they get their sht 2gether soon or im gon 😷😖😭
diortae said: me: *explaining to bitchin 8 jk why he’s a dick for calling Y/N his “pretty girl” immediately after fucking her raw the morning after he slept with his ex* 
jk: well, you know what they say. hindsight is 20/20 
Anonymous said: the way i closed the tumblr app when i saw jungkook saying “kiri came over last night”
Anonymous said: alright we beating jk’s ass @ noon 😤
Anonymous said: BITCHIN PART 8 WTFGGGG MY HEART Do be Hurting . i’m going to beat jungkook up !!!!
betysotelo18 said: It’s been a few minutes since I read part 8 and I can’t stop thinking about what could happen next… the meanwhile F U jeon Jungkook, you did wrong
Anonymous said: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I CANT 😭 WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THIS CHAPTER HUUUU JUNGKOOK WTFF BRO…….. my heart is breaking for them. Why can’t they just date already wkxbdbbdjdjdjdjdjdj this is onky misunderstanding right? and thankyou for the new chapter sis hihuhihih💕💕
Anonymous said: im shocked i dunno who i hate more rn you or jungkook. my heart is literally SHATTERED he better fix this or else im traveling to the 80s just to kick his ass 😭🤬
Anonymous said: never want to punch jungkook in the face like i wanna do right now
Anonymous said: JUNGKOOK WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK 🤬 for the love of god rose why do u did that to me i wanna die
Anonymous said: ROSE WTF WAS THAT MAN !!! my heart it hurts and like wtf jungpuke!! Why would he do that to reader !! why would he sleep with kiri and then sleep with reader ?!? Like go siekkeksjdjejjejdbehhe i wish i can put in reaction pictures in here
Anonymous said: Omggg thank you so so much for this chapter, for the whole fic. Thank you for sharing it with us. You are a great writter. Seriously! I just love how every chapter is so intense. Not only the smut is amazing but every detail, every action, the whole plot, all of the dialogues. I actually cried at the end I love how I can really feel everything. All the emotions. Ah and they’re so cute!!! But why was JK so weak? Even if that’s what you wanted since the beginning… I thought- BOY WTF??? :’( But seriously this is the type of thing I love, I am WEAK for this. The slow burn, the oblivious idiots that love each other but keep suffering thing. And you write it so well. Your mind!!! Your talent!!! I love it. Thank you, for real ♥♥♥ I’m antecipating the next chapter, but already sad that it’s almost ending :((( I’m gonna miss this a lot. Anyways, take your time, baby. And have a nice day! ♥♥♥ (Sorry for bad english btw)
tinievmin said: ROSE. IM IN PAIN. I FELT THE BREAKUP BETWEEN YN AND JUNGKOOK. IM SO SADDD. But not related to the plot, your writing is ART. You always make it flow so well aND WOW!!! I don’t have enough words to express how much I love your works
Anonymous said: kiri is a bitch i said what i said
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cool-guysyndrome · 5 years
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(I was gonna post this to Instagram first but the story got too long so here sees it first skkdhdh)
Title: dammit why do i always give the angst a resolution
TW: anxiety attack, heckloads of angst, swearing because virgil+stress=i get to write swearwords
Patton paced the dimly lit room, becoming more agitated with every step. He didn't know where he was, why he was there, how he got there, anything. It was awful being completely in the dark, thrown randomly into some foreign place with no forewarning or instructions. He had so many questions that it was hard to think at all. Where were his friends? Were they okay? Were they even in the same place as him? What if they were across the country or something? How would he find them? Where even was this country? Was he in a country? Why was he in a weird castle thingy on a mountain? It was scary up so high. What were these weird clothes he was wearing? What was wrong with him? Why could he suddenly create a weird green fire with his hands? Was he going crazy?
Patton sat down and leant against the cold stone wall, trying to steady his breathing. Was this how Virgil felt when he had an anxiety attack?
He looked down at his hands, scared to accidentally replicate the spectacle he had made when he went outside and set a tree on fire.
"Maybe i can control it?" He thought aloud. Worth a try.
Patton shut his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts on the tingly feeling that had spread through his fingertips when he made the fire the first time. Sure enough, he felt a soft heat begin to emanate from where his hands were outstretched, and when he opened his eyes he saw the small green flame dancing across his fingertips.
He found that he could make the flame larger or smaller by mentally compressing it, like a camera's focus lens. It was amazing, but at the same time it scared Patton more than any fear he'd ever felt before. This wasn't a kind power. This was something destructive, something dangerous. If this power was any clue to why he was in this strange place, it was not a comforting one.
Patton released his mental hold on the fire and it dissipated into nothing. He realised with a start that he had been crying while watching it, and he wiped his cheeks dry with a sleeve.
Whatever this was, it wasnt going to be easy, and how his heart ached every time he thought about the others was really not helping. Especially Virgil. Sweet, lovely Virgil, who was always kind and worried for Patton as much as his mother did, was probably hurting just as much as he was. That thought would have killed Patton, but his thoughts were mercifully interrupted by a-
"Fuck. Just when i thought my day couldn't get better huh."
Virgil glared at the fallen ornament like it was personally responsible for all the wrongs in the world, which it probably was in his eyes.
He crouched down with a sigh and picked up the broken pieces of ceramic. There were far too many breakable things in this stupid palace for someone as clumsy and lazy as him to be around.
He found some servant to give the pieces to, waving off their apologies and persistent praise. It was exhausting, all this social interaction. Virgil wondered how Roman ever wished for this kind of thing, but he supposed Roman was the only person crazy enough to like it.
He kept walking, slow enough to still pass as a walk, but fast enough that he could escape to his room as quickly as possible. Finally he reached safety, locking the door behind him. He sunk to the floor, exhausted.
"This place is fucking crazy. I think im going crazy." He told the empty room.
"I dont know what they want me to do half the time, and they treat me like the fucking king of the universe more than some stupid prince. I just want to go home and not have to deal with this stupid, stressful, nonsensical place and its mad inhabitants!"
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Inhabitants? What am I saying? Fuck, i sound like Logan."
Logan. The others. Shit. "Great now thats just a whole other problem as well. Wonderful. Fucking fantastic!"
Virgil stood up and took his cape off, tired if the heavy and unnecessary clothes. He started to anxiously pace the room, caught up in a flurry of thoughts that were making it a little hard to breathe.
"Shit. Shitshitshit. The others. Are they safe? I need to go find them. Are they even here? What if theyre in trouble? Logan and Roman might be okay on their own, but Pat..."
Virgils voice trailed off as his mind thought a horrible, terrible thing. Patton. Gentle, bubbly Patton, the light of his life, could be in danger. Or worse, already hurt. Virgil fell back to the floor, every inhale more of a struggle than the last. His whole body filled up with an overwhelming sense of dread that drowned out any of his attempts to calm himself down. His heart began to pound like it wanted to escape his chest, and he pulled at his hair like he wanted to rip it out. He thought he heard a strangled scream from someone nearby. Why were they screaming? He should be the one screaming. Then he realised that it was his own voice, and he was the one emitting the heartbroken cry. He managed to stop his screams but there was no ceasing the sobs that wracked his body as he lay curled on the floor, his mind repeating a single horrible thought a million times-
-over Patton's head flew a tiny streak of black, and it seemed to be hurt because it wasnt flying in a very coordinated fashion. One wing was flapping a lot less than the other.
Patton waited for the little animal to settle, then he stood a few feet away from where it had landed on the table.
"Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya. You look like you need a bit of help, actually, little guy."
He started moving towards the table very slowly so he didnt startle the creature.
"Hey, its okay, im gonna help you, alright? Lets have a look at that wing."
Patton continued to talk soothingly to the little creature until he was close enough that he could reach out and touch it. He saw that the animal was a small black bat, and one of its wings had a splinter of wood in it, not enough to do bad damage, but enough to affect its flying ability.
Patton slowly outstretched his hand, and waited for the small animal to make a move first, as a kind of permission. The little bat looked up at him with big black eyes with a shine of blue in them, and if it were human Patton would have sworn it was studying his face.
Then, all of a sudden, he heard a voice say, "Help?"
He nearly fainted.
"What?! Did you- did you just speak?!"
He watched the bat carefully, but its little face didnt move an inch even though he heard the voice clear as day. "Help wing?"
Patton couldn't help staring at the little creature.
"How are you doing that?!"
"Person help wing? Yes, no?"
"Oh my goodness gracious. And i thought the fire was weird."
"Help wing, yes, no?"
"Yes, yes, sorry, yes, ill help you. May i?"
Patton held out a hand to the bat's wing. The little creature obliged and lay its wing across his hand.
"If i ever see him again, i will definitely tell Virgil about this. He'll hate me for it because he's always wanted to talk to animals."
"Yea, hes my boyfriend."
"Oh. Boy Friend Virgil." The little animal seemed to think for a second, then it spoke again.
"Boyfriend, Virgil. I, Jazzy. You?"
"What?" Patton took a second to realise what the little creature meant.
"Oh, is that your name? Oh! Its lovely! I'm Patton!"
"Pat..ton. Patton. Patton help Jazzy."
"Yes, thats right, im helping you! By the way, are you a boy or a-
-Gurl you are a mess. You're lucky i can pick locks hun."
Remy closed the door quietly and went to sit beside where Virgil still lay on the floor.
"I heard you scream. Good thing i convinced those other losers that I'd handle this." He glanced down at Virgil again, noting his fists still clenched in his hair.
His voice was a bit more firm as he continued. "Virgil. Can i touch you?"
The purple-haired boy hesitated a moment, then shakily nodded through his hands. Remy gently pried his hands down from his hair.
"Can you sit up for me?"
Virgil did.
"Okay. Can you copy my breathing? 4-7-8 yeah?"
Virgil nodded.
Once Remy was sure that Virgil was no longer in such a bad state, he got him to sit on his bed and gave him a glass of water.
"Thanks." Virgil managed as Remy handed him the glass.
"Youre fine, gurl, i get this kind of thing a lot. The staff here get stressed all the time and someones gotta help calm 'em down, y'know?"
"Besides, gotta have you in top condition so i can 'scold you' as Perce puts it, or as i like to say, roast your sorry ass."
"Really? What did i fuck up this time?"
"Oooh gurl you wouldnt believe it. So much that the cat wants your hide."
"The cat?"
"The cat."
Virgil wasn't quite smiling, but his eyes werent as sad any more.
Remy lay back on his bed like he owned it.
"Nah, I'm messing with ya."
"I know." Virgil couldnt help a small smile.
"Its not the cat, hun, its the rats that cat's chasing that want your blood. Have fun arguing with rodents."
"That bad huh?"
"Nah not really. Percy wants to help you with some stuff you were struggling with today."
"Struggling?" Virgil raised an eyebrow at the other man.
Remy chuckled. "Gurl, you and i both know you aren't really the prince. Gotta have someone in on the secret to help before everyone is."
After Remy left, Virgil lay back on his bed, realising just how exhausted he was. This wasn't going to get any easier. But maybe it could, at the very least, be possible.
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Hi there cutie! I binged all your NCT scenarios yesterday 💜 and they were amazing! Here's my request. Character: NCT's Winwin 1. Enemy to Lover (I haven't seen any scenario where Winwin hates anyone, so you'll be the first!) 2. My prompt is a bit detailed, but hear me out: First Winwin hates y/n, but then prompt 7 and 39 happen. Then prompt 83. And the conclusion is a happy ending as lovers with 37, 38, and 50. Thank you, and congrats for 1K ohmygoodness gurl you're sLAYin
Dong Sicheng (Winwin) ; “I dreamt about you last night.” , “Don’t cry.” , “Stay there, I’m coming to get you.” , “Can I kiss you?” , “I think you’re beautiful.” + Enemies↣Lovers!AU / College!AU    ↳ College!AU not requested
Prompts here.Masterlists
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hey back cutie thanks for all your support ily
i had to omit one of the numbers (38 specifically) because i had a limit on number requests (which was five) so i hope you don’t mind :)
but thanks for making my job easier by being so detailed lmao
also can i just say listening to day6 helped me write this their lyrics are so salty lwfhakah
so sicheng over here doesn’t hate hate you, he just dislikes your presence
he’s a transfer student from china
so are you, from [country other than s. korea lol]
needless to say, you didn’t have very good first impressions of each other
sicheng had bought a new shirt n trousers for the first day because he wanted to look presentable
he was like the first student in the lecture room
you came in like two minutes late, looking tired af, armed with your supplies and a slightly cold cup of coffee
the lecture room wasn’t that big and there were a lot of students
and the only available seat was beside sicheng or beside the seemingly hungover dude in the corner
you chose sicheng
you had to waddle in between the chairs and the moment you were a mere metre away from sitting down
you tripped over a girl’s bag that she had left on the ground
your books fell atop your chair and on the ground
and your coffee?
it went flying from your hands
and onto an unsuspecting sicheng
you gasped so loudly, and kind of just stood there covering your mouth in shock
sicheng was wide-eyed, obviously in shock
once the initial surprise blew over, he realized how many people were staring, including the professor who had walked in just as the coffee spilled
his cheeks burned in embarrassment as he glared over at you
before you could even blurt out an apology, sicheng excused himself and practically sprinted out the door
the professor just told you to wipe the spill and copy notes for both yourself and sicheng
you agreed because you felt absolutely horrible
he looked traumatized
you ventured to the non-gender specific washrooms to grab a bunch of paper towel
and you found him hunching over one of the sinks, dabbing at his body with an already soaked clump of what you had gone to get
feeling incredibly bad, you got more paper towel and tried to hand it to him
sicheng didn’t even look up, smacking your hand away, in turn making the bundle of paper towels to flutter to the floor
you were kind of like ‘well that was unnecessary’ 
but you didn’t say it out loud, opting to just frown as you cradled your slightly red hand
“i’m sorry for–”
“go away.”
you were shocked again by how deep and off-putting his voice was
he sounded so pissed off with you
however, you were determined to apologize properly, otherwise you’d feel terrible for the rest of the semester
“look, i just want to apologize–”
finally looking up, sicheng narrowed his watering eyes at you in a harsh glare
“i told you already, go away.”
your frown deepened
you couldn’t help but feel slightly ticked off by his behaviour
yes, you did spill coffee on him, but hey! you tried to apologize and help him out by giving him more towels but he completely blew you off
but, you knew that if you were in his shoes, you’d probably be acting the same
you definitely wouldn’t be smiling if it had been you, that’s for sure
you couldn’t even say anything before he began to hunch over the sink even more
you noticed his shoulders shaking slightly, his fingers grasping the edge of the sink tightly
“are you stupid? i told you– go away!”
he sounded much more pressing than he had the first two times
you scoffed at the fact that he had called you stupid, but decided to just leave him be
if he wanted to drench in cold coffee by himself, then so be it
after picking up the paper towels that he had smacked out of your hand and grabbing a bit more, you returned to the lecture room with furrowed brows
sicheng didn’t return to class that day
grumbling, you stayed behind in the school’s library to copy down another pair of notes for sicheng when you would’ve been at home watching tv
you didn’t even know his name
unfortunately for you, the schools only two photocopiers had been malfunctioning since the summer break was coming to an end, and they still hadn’t had a repairman come by to fix it
in other words, you had to copy the four pages worth of notes by hand
it took you roughly half an hour to copy down everything
you made sure the notes were legible, not wanting to piss sicheng off even more because you were going to be honest with yourself; sicheng being mad at you made you mad somehow
you thought it was odd but something about sicheng just irked you
what, you had no clue
anyway, you learned his name the next day when the professor asked him to stay after class
you guys still had to sit together because the other seats were filled
you spent the entire two weeks plain out ignoring each other, and when you did interact there was usually some sour looks involved
everyone thought you were crazy for disliking sicheng
according to literally everyone else on campus, he was a total sweetheart
you: “if only you knew hmph”
although, you did have to come to terms with it after witnessing sicheng being kind to others yourself
then, once that fortnight had passed
you could’ve sworn your professor hated you
he told the class that he was going to have you be in partners to do some major research
and lo and behold
you were partnered up with sicheng
typical cliches amirite
you didn’t have a choice
working with your partner efficiently helped with your mark (ba dum tss)
and you weren’t up to having marks docked purely because you disliked your partner
neither was sicheng
you guys begrudgingly exchanged numbers, avoiding eye contact the entire time
you didn’t even talk face to face you just agreed to meet in the school’s library after his afternoon classes
so after meeting up with your friends n having drinks you had to leave to meet with sicheng
you were dreading it
you had previously convinced yourself that you could just simply ignore him
but as you got closer and closer to the library you realized you couldn’t
anywho, he arrived soon after and the two of you went to a table nearing the far wall
after setting up you kind of just worked in silence
occasionally, he’d ask you a few questions and vice versa
as time passed (luckily the library was accessible 24/7) you were getting more and more tired
however, your pride didn’t allow you to tell sicheng that
so you kept going, holding back yawns
until you literally just fell asleep at your laptop
sicheng didn’t even notice until he realized the clicks of your keyboard had ceased
he frowned at the sight of you before he realized it was past midnight
he just turned your laptop to him and pressed save
sighing, he just kept working
less than ten minutes later his eyes were trailing back to you
he grumbled to himself, realizing you were shivering
mumbling under his breath, he took out his jacket from his bag and hung it over your shoulders
eventually, sicheng got tired as well
realizing it was now almost two in the morning, he decided to just save everything for now and continue the next time you guys were to meet
after packing his things (and yours) he shook you awake
by the time you actually woke up, all you saw was sicheng’s back as he walked off
you realized your things were packed up and blinked in confusion
‘did he really just pack my things for me?’
you went home, the nap making you feel even more tired than before
the next day, you woke up with a start
your roommate, Eunjae, looked at you with a raised brow
“what’s up with you?”
you didn’t answer, choosing to just scream into your pillow, your face red
in your haste, you didn’t even check if your phone was in your bag like you usually did
you went to your morning class early
you nearly cursed the world for making sicheng be your classmate in almost every class you had
luckily, in your next class – mathematics – you sat near the front while he sat in the very back
so you didn’t have to deal with him
that is
until class was over
as you swung your bag over your shoulder and made your way to the exit, sicheng stopped you
memories of what you had dreamed about came flooding back to you
your face went hot and you quickly scrambled away
sicheng was confused
yes he knew you disliked him but you had never reacted like that before
usually you like to have the final word before leaving but that time you didn’t even say anything
he legitimately had to tell you something and he couldn’t exactly text you about it
so he chased after you
“wait!! [Y/N]!”
hearing him yell after you made you sprint faster
buuttttt sicheng is magic ok so he caught up to you
he stopped in front of you, slightly panting
before you could say anything, he took hold of your wrist
while you struggled to escape he went through his jacket pocket before taking out a phone
your phone
“you left this at the library yesterday. i found it when i went back for my mouse.”
you kind of just stared at him
you realized that you were staring for too long when he began to look uncomfortable
looking down at your phone, you took hold of it with your free hand
“thanks,,, i guess”
im literally having an allergic reaction while writing this lol
you took one more glance at his confused look before darting off leaving him confused af
‘why were they acting like that???’ - him for the next few hours
then, he found you again later that night
you were hanging out with your friends in the courtyard
he walked up to you, with intentions of talking about the research
but once you spotted him, you looked ready to jump out of your seat and run a marathon if it meant getting away from him
and so, you did
why– you had no clue
“why have you been so jumpy around me today?”
“you can tell me”
you sighed, just going to face your problems
“i,,, dreamt about you last night.”
after that, you guys kind of stopped hating each other
now you could tolerate the other
you talked a bit more while doing research, but not by much
on the day you guys finished doing the research
sicheng proposed that you do the last bit at a starbucks or smth so you could treat yourselves when you finished
ofc you agreed because honestly coffee after work?? during work??? heavenly.
ironically i don’t like coffee
it was sunny that day
and you guys chose a spot by the window
you were undeterred by the sun, despite the annoying glare it made on your laptop screen
you just kept working, taking the occasional sip of your drink (that sicheng ordered for you)
sicheng was working away at his part of the project too
but as time went on, his hands and eyes were getting tired so he leaned back to take a break
just then, you got a notification from your friend
they had sent you a picture of [whatever your favourite animal is my fav is otters :)]
so you started smiling the moment sicheng looked up at you
he nearly choked right then n there
the way your hair caught the light? he was s h o c k e d
the cute way you tilted your head when you smiled? he was s h o c k e d
okay case in point, he was shocked
he found himself listening to his racing heartbeat rather than the buzz and chatter of the busy shop
his heart had never raced that fast because of you, so why was it now?
he had seen you smile in the past, and he would admit that he thought you were cute but before he wasn’t this affected
“um– i have to use the washroom, excuse me”
you just nodded, still smiling because of the photo
you didn’t notice the way his voice wavered or the way he practically ran to the washroom, too engrossed in either your work or the photo
when sicheng got to the washroom he just locked the door and stared at himself in the mirror with wide eyes
he was still in shock
‘do i like them?’
‘no, it can’t be…’
he’d let out a really quite n frustrated groan, messing up his hair as he rubbed his face in exhaustion
in that moment, in the silence of the washroom, he noticed just how stressed he was
he was on the brink of failing half of his classes due to pure exhaustion and the other two he was barely passing
and now he had to figure out whatever it was he was feeling?? toward someone he could barely stand to sit beside a mere fortnight beforehand?
as he stared down at the eggshell white sink, something fell
he blinked in confusion
looking up, he was surprised to see a single tear falling from his right eye, following the one that had just fell
he was surprised
the last time he cried was when he first got really homesick, but he could see reason for that
was he crying because of stress??
was he crying because he was confused???
he didn’t even bother to wipe his face, he just let his tears slowly cascade down his cheeks
after a while, he finally dabbed at his face with some paper towel and walked out
you made eye contact with him immediately, your straight face becoming concerned
sicheng kept his eyes glued to the tiled flooring, so he didn’t notice the change
when he sat back down without a word and just began typing you frowned
he looked
dead to be honest
you felt as if he wasn’t up for talking right now so you took your phone and sent him a small text
“don’t cry :) it might not be that comforting, but i’m here if you ever want to talk.”
you quickly placed the phone down and went back to work, your eyes flitting over your laptop screen to see his reaction
when his phone vibrated, the noise making a loud buzz against the wood of his chair, you curled up slightly
as he took out his phone, your eyes kept moving from your screen to him
finally, he looked up at you with a confused expression
without saying anything, you just pointed toward your eyes with a sheepish smile
his were slightly red and puffy
it wasn’t too noticeable, but if you were looking at him for longer than five seconds you’d notice
you had sported the same look while watching a drama the other day
instead of replying, sicheng sent you a weak smile before going back to typing
you sighed, doing the same
your drink went cold.
after the research was finished, you and sicheng didn’t really have a reason to talk to each other anymore
you were kind of sad, surprisingly
when the project first started you had been so excited for the day of its completion
but now that it’s come, you were just disappointed
to your own surprise, hanging out with sicheng wasn’t unbearable, not at all
you had found yourself waiting for time to go faster so you could hurry up and meet with him already
sicheng was a pretty nice guy
if you had told yourself that a month ago, you would’ve scoffed
you found yourself searching for him whenever you’d walk into a classroom or into the library
you didn’t even realize you were doing it until your friend pointed it out
at that point, it hit you
you, at some point in time, had grown to like dong sicheng
you, in all honesty, weren’t that surprised
you had suspected that you had feelings when you started feeling hot whenever he’d be near you (so, every other day basically)
and your heart would pound whenever he’d smile in your direction
whenever it’d happen you just shot it down because – no, you can’t possibly like dong sicheng – but lo and behold it’s possible
really, you just accepted it
you couldn’t just stop yourself from liking him, even if you tried
and by accepting it, you accept the thought that he could never like you
in your opinion, he was out of your league
so you just kind of
left your little crush alone
you didn’t make any moves
you didn’t talk to him more
you just continued on with life
unknowingly, you found yourself glancing over in his direction more and more often
you’d start checking if he was looking over at you, even if it was just a mere glance
and more often than not, he would be looking
however, the clock was usually on the other side of you, so maybe he was just watching for the time
before you knew it, your little crush and blown up into something more
by the time you realized how deep you were, you had no idea what to do
by ignoring it, you thought your crush would just go away, but now that it hadn’t you were confused
you found yourself longing for his presence
and missing the way he’d laugh at your little quips whenever you worked together
you talked it over with your friend and what they told you astonished you, despite how obvious it was
“[Y/N],,, you’re in love with sicheng, aren’t you?”
“,,, shit”
once it had truly dawned on you– your true feelings for the male, you started to freak out whenever he’d draw close
it got to the point where you started avoiding him in hallways because you got too flustered at the mere sight of him
me too, [Y/N], me too
this went on for a while
when sicheng noticed you literally spinning on your heel and speed walking the other way he’d be hurt
he thought you hated him
so he asked your friend, the one he sees you with a lot
“this might sound weird but,,,, does [Y/N] hate me again?”
when your friend started laughing, he felt so embarrassed
he thought he had said something wrong or something weird
maybe it was wrong and weird, he didn’t know
once your friend calmed down, they just whispered something before making their way down the hall
after that, sicheng made a valiant effort to approach you
and you notice right away
he’d frown whenever you started sprinting away, but with the new information he had acquired via your friend, he wasn’t as worried anymore
but he was kind of frustrated because he wanted to tell you everything so badly
he couldn’t exactly do that when you were straight up running from him
you weren’t answering texts either
and then that back and forth went on
it was only a month before the senior student’s graduation did something happen
so your friends had invited you to a party
you usually just turned them down, but you felt so stressed over school and work that you just threw caution out the window and agreed
you carpooled to the party
it was the typical type of house party you’d expect
dimmed lights, colourful lights strung from the ceiling, alcoholic drinks and party cups were neatly lined on a table that had been pushed against the wall
there was loud music too, almost deafening
you just stuck to the wall as everyone bounced happily around you, feeling out of your element
suddenly, a drunken man – someone you had recognized as one of the many faces at your school – stumbled through the crowd of bodies, sending you a sleazy smile and what had appeared to be an attempt at a wink
“hey there,” he slurred, stepping so close you could smell the beer in his breath “what’re you doing alone?”
you just kept using your phone
‘hopefully he just goes away’
he didn’t
when you didn’t respond, he roughly gripped a hand around your wrist, pulling you to his torso
“i asked you a question,” he grumbled
wrenching yourself out of his grasp, you pushed him away with knitted brows; “get off me, you drunkard”
bad idea apparently
the man narrowed his eyes at you, moving to reach for you again
you stepped out of his reach
your little taunting vexed him, making him completely lunge at you despite his drunken state
you quickly rushed up the stairs, knowing he’d catch up if you attempted to weave through the crowd to the door
opening a random door, you jumped inside and slammed it shut
you locked it, hearing the pounding knocks that could be from no one but him shortly after
after around ten minutes, the knocking ceased and you heard heavy footsteps going down the stairs
letting out a sigh of relief, you reached for the door knob
you had sighed too early, it seemed
the door was jammed
you frowned, pushing your body weight against the door
it still wouldn’t open
you started to freak out
being stuck in some stranger’s bathroom on a friday night wasn’t exactly ideal
taking out your phone, you quickly dialed your friends number
they didn’t answer
you tried again
still no answer
by this time, you felt scared
you didn’t like how cramped the bathroom felt
even if you aren’t afraid of small spaces, it felt as though the walls were closing in
slowly but surely
you wanted to cry from frustration honestly
when none of your friends bothered, probably too enamoured with the music and/or their dance partners, your frown deepened
realizing it was your only choice then, you dialed the final number in your contacts
soon, a tired little “hello?” came warbling through the receiver
“sicheng? sorry to be calling so late, but i kind of need help”
you explained to him the entire thing, from start to finish
you had begun to shake, eyeing the walls suspiciously
“hey,” he mumbled, his voice soft. “stay there, alright? i’m coming to get you.”
you just nodded, eyeing the jammed door, holding your phone so tightly your knuckles were losing colour
“not like i have a choice, but okay
he chuckled for a moment
“just breath– will you do that for me?”
at his words, you took in a deep breath
you couldn’t even finish your final sentence before he was messaging you back saying he’d be there in ten
sooner than you had expected, the door opened
behind that door, was sicheng
he too looked uncomfortable with the setting, and it wasn’t long before the two of you were rushing out
“i can drive you home,” he suggested
you couldn’t even refuse before he opened the passenger door for you
you sighed, stepping into the ceiling after saying thank you
he got into the other side and started the car
the ride was silent, aside from you telling him where to go
by the time you had reached your house, you were surprised
only five minutes had passed
when you turned to thank sicheng again, he was already looking at you
he looked flustered, something that was apparent under the bright light of the street lamp mere metres away from sicheng’s car
“is something wrong?”
he was silent for a moment, biting his lip in uncertainty
then, he spoke
and when he did, your heart raced once again
“can i,,, kiss you?”
you gasped
sicheng looked embarrassed at the fact that he asked– ashamed even
before he could even apologize
you had leaned over the centre console and cupped his face with your hands before pressing your lips against his in a gentle kiss
sicheng’s eyes were blown wide with surprise, before they finally closed and he relaxed
the kiss was slow and sweet and you pulled away slowly just seconds later, your eyes still closed
sicheng was the first to open his eyes, and when he did he smiled widely
“you know,,,, i think you’re beautiful.”
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pctcr · 7 years
seconds too late (part two)
quickly before the imagine begins, i want to thank you guys so much for 200 followers! it means so much to me and im so glad to write for you guys! i can’t thank you guys enough.
prompt: the reader dIES in peter’s arms
thank you to the anon that requested this
warnings: death, blood, sad, angst,, you might cry im sorry
excuse any errors
my requests are open btw! so send them to my ask!
if you want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask off anon or send me a message! please specify if you’d like to be tagged in everything, or just certain fics. thank you!
part one
Your phone vibrated on your bedside table, jolting you from your nearly asleep state. Peter had left shortly after you woke back up from your small nap and you were still tired. Groggily you reached over and grabbed your phone, wincing at the brightness of the screen at first. A text from Peter was what woke you.
   Peterrrrrr💖: I know it’s late but I was just thinking about you.
   Peterrrrrr💖: I’m really lucky to have you. I want you to know that. Sleep well, love. I’ll text you in the morning. We can possibly get lunch tomorrow. Love you!
   A grin made its way to your face before you even finished reading the first text. You sent him back a quick ‘Love you too, sleep well.’ before laying back in your bed. You were glad to have him too. Hell, you were even glad you were alive. A few months back, you and your family were stuck in the bank when a robber held you guys hostage. Spider-man came to the rescue, thankfully, saving everyone. As you went over the event you realized that you never got to thank him. He risked his own life to save you and you owed it to him to thank him. Your plan fell into place quickly. You were going to walk around every night until you got to thank him. It was the least you could do.
   You sighed, pulling your light jacket closer to your body. It was nearing midnight and you saw no sign of the masked superhero. You were disappointed, yes, but you didn’t think it would be easy either. You started to walk back to your house still gazing around you, trying to catch a glimpse of red and blue. Unfortunately, you didn’t. You walked to the side of your house and stealthily climbed in a window you had left unlocked before you left. Groaning, you laid back on your bed. That was until your phone started to ring. You sat up, grabbing your phone. You saw Peter’s name on the screen and you answered it.
   “(Y/N)!” He yelled immediately, sounding relieved.
   You raised an eyebrow, even if he couldn’t see it. “Peter!” You mocked, laying back down. “What’s happenin’, babe? It’s late. Also, why are you shouting?”
   “You haven’t been answering me all night! I called like 20 times!” He sighed, and hurriedly added: “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
   You shook your head. “No, I’m not mad at you, Pete. I’ll explain why I wasn’t picking up tomorrow at lunch. Is that okay?” The line was silent. “Peter?” You asked.
   You heard his soft chuckle. “I just realized I nodded and you couldn’t see me.”
   You giggled. “What a dork. But you’re my dork, so it’s alright. I have to get some sleep but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
   You could picture him smiling. “Yeah. Sleep well, love.”
   You found yourself grinning as well. “You too, babe.” You hung up the phone, and set it on your bedside table to charge. Soon enough, you fell into a dreamless sleep.
          “Peter, you have to hear me out on this one. It sounds crazy but I have to thank him. He saved my life and he deserves to know how appreciative I am.” You whined, trying to get your boyfriend to go along with your plan.
   He shook his head. “Do you realize how dangerous that is? What if someone finds out you’re trying to hunt him down and uses you as bait? C’mon, this is Queens. You could get really hurt.”
   “No, (Y/N). I want you to promise me you won’t do this anymore. For me.”
   You glanced up at him, sighing at the concern in his eyes. You thought it over in your head. You decided that tonight was the last night you would do it. You owe it to Spider-Man to try one more time, and you owed it to Peter to be safe. You nodded. “I won’t.”
   “Good.” He grinned happily, biting into his sandwich. You watched him with a soft smile on your face, wondering how you got so lucky.
   You left the sub shop around 2 pm, heading home. You stayed in your room doing homework until it was around 9 pm. Your parents had fallen asleep watching a movie, so you easily snuck out of the window you used the night before. You walked quietly along the streets of Queens, taking in the calm breeze and the skyline. New York was pretty. Some people would never consider the city beautiful, but you did. It wasn’t quiet or clean in some parts, but it sure was gorgeous. A voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You knit your eyebrows together as you tried to figure out where the sound had come from. You walked up the block a little and turned the corner to find yourself in a dark alley.
   “Hey, listen, guys, it’s a school night.” You heard a higher pitched voice say, and you started to silently scream in your head. Spider-Man was fighting two guys in the alley right in front of you. You didn’t want to get in the middle of it, so you backed away a little. However, you backed into something. Arms suddenly grabbed you, and you gasped quietly. You backed into someone, not something. Someone.     
   “Hey, lookie here, a little princess coming to join the party. Probably a Spidey fan, huh?” The man taunted, pressing something cold to your temple. You shuddered in horror when you realized it was a gun. You were going to die.
   Spider-man was too busy fighting off the other two guys to notice. The man started to hum, moving the gun down your body. You were shaking and fighting off tears. You tried to move, but he held you tighter and pressed the pistol against your head again. “What a shame you had to be here. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, lass.” His breath tickled your ear and you desperately wanted it to stop. You wanted to take back your entire plan. You wanted to be home and talking to Peter on the phone. But this was real. You couldn’t escape. “Please stop…” You whispered, a tear falling down your face.
   “Alright then.” He said. “Hey Spider! I think you have a new problem to deal with.” And with that final statement, the man clicked the safety off. He quickly pushed you out of his arms and moved the gun to your mid stomach and squeezed the trigger.
   You screamed out, the pain causing you to collapse to the ground. The man had run, and you heard footsteps following him. Everything was spinning. Your ears were ringing from the gunshot and you couldn’t think straight.
   “(Y/N)!” His voice sounded familiar. It sounded like someone you knew, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. You felt someone pull you into their lap, pressing down on the bleeding wound in your side. Looking up, you saw Spider-Man hovering over you. He was talking but you couldn’t hear him. In a panic, it seemed, he threw off his mask. It was Peter.
   “P-P-Peter…?” You gasped, breathing heavily. “Y-You’re-”
   “Please keep talking to me, (Y/N). The ambulance is almost here. Stay with me, please.” He was holding your side tightly.
   You hand was shaking as you reached up to touch his cheek. The blood from your fingers stained his face. “Peter, y-you have to s-stop them.” You paused as you took in a deep, shaky breath. “It-it doesn’t h-hurt.” You gasped. You knew it without even thinking twice. You were dying.
   “No, hey, love, look at me. You’re all the matters. You will be fine, okay? You will be okay.”
   “No,” you coughed, a metallic taste invading your mouth. “I’m gonna d-die…”
   Peter had tears running down his face. “No, you aren’t. Stay with me. Keep breathing, you can make it. The paramedics are gonna be here soon.”
   You shakily smiled. “I-It’s perfect, P-Peter… I’m in t-the arms of my f-first love. The first p-person I’ve ever loved. I-I love you.”
   Peter shook his head. “No! You are not leaving me, (Y/N)! Dammit, stay with me! Please!” He was shaking at this point. He was sobbing.
   You gasped, struggling to breathe. “T-T-Thank… you….” you wheezed out. Your rapid breaths stopped. You were gone.
   Peter knew it, but he still continued to try and wake you. Tears were falling down his face as he gasped for air. He screamed out in utter agony, sobbing as he held your lifeless body closer to him. He pressed a kiss to your head, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He tried to take in the last few moments of your scent that he had left. He rocked back and forth mumbling that he was sorry. “I love you...” he mumbled, his voice shaking.
   Peter Parker was officially broken.
author numbers;
words: 1491
posted on august 6th, 2017
follower count: 207
TAG LIST: @hawkiye @barely-emily @priyalikespurple @peterandchurros @toms-spidey @enniaram @random-stupid-stuffs
203 notes · View notes
mitjo-deactivated · 7 years
i'm back whoops (part two of mitjo ghost au)
Submitted by @captainredd
Run. I was in the woods again. The trees leaning over twisted distorted far more then anything else. The wailing sirens from the car pounding into my skull until it sounded like screaming, maybe that was me screaming. Run. Thickets scraped my knees and branches pulled at my clothes. My feet felt like led and my lungs burned but I still couldn’t stop. I didn’t dare turn around. Run faster. God dammit run faster! I was slowing down. No that wasn’t right I was still running at the same pace. But the world around me was speeding up. The siren whirling, the sky changing over and over night and day. All the voices getting closer now so morphed together it was like a hideous wave of collapsing voices begging to be heard. Run! God run Jonas you insufferable bastard can’t you run any fas- a branch caught my foot and fell.
“oof!” my head smacked against the wooden floor as my feet hung above my body still tangled in bed sheets. My breath was shaky and I could feel the tight skin of my cheeks where tears were drying. Home. I was home. I was in bed. I was in my room. I was home.
“Jonas if you don’t get up soon dean’ll tear you a new one for missing the bus.” and I was late. I struggled to kick myself free before sitting up and taking a few hesitant breaths. It’s just a dream. It is just a dream…
“I don’t know jonas it sounds like a premonition to me. Could be more than just a nightmare.” why was I friends with him again? I leaned against my locker door trying to keep my eyes open. I got tons of sleeps but that didn’t stop me from being exhausted. Somewhere behind me Lewis and Sid were arguing. “I’m just saying having the same dream for weeks? It means something. Probably way out of our powerful comprehension.”
“how you don’t realize those alien theory shows are rotting your brain is beyond my comprehension. He’s probably just stressed by school. When winter break hits he’ll be totally fine again right bro?” I nodded not even bothering to look up. The bell rang and people started filing towards class. My sister grabbed my shoulder and smiled. “Hey don’t let him get to you. You’ll be just fine. I’m sure of it.” I thanked her. She pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair. I half fought half laughed. “I mean you better be fine. You still gotta help me with my art project. Can’t do that if you kick the bucket.” I broke free and promised her I’d be fine. We parted and I was just about to leave when I stepped on something.
“huh?- hey!” my drumstick. I had been looking for that earlier, I was starting to worry I lost it at that dumb park but, shoot it’s broken. I picked up the pieces and noticed faint scratches on it. Wait that kind of looked like let- Brrriiiiiiiing oh no I’m late. I’ll just have to get a new one for practice later. I threw the broken one in the trash as I hurried down the hall to science.
Really? Again? If I weren’t dead and incapable of feeling shit I’d be hurt. For a nerd he didn’t seem to read anything. Fuck I wasn’t gonna give up that easily. I took the cig from behind my ear and plucked it in my mouth and reached in my pocket for a ligh-dammit right. I looked around and grinned seeing the worn out door labeled ‘Boiler Room.’ perfect.
Mr. Newman was a kind god sent who didn’t notice when students were a little late. Well he didn’t notice much of anything (kind of a push over) but hey I wouldn’t notice much if I had glasses thicker than my thumb either. So it was easy to sit in the back of his class and do whatever as long as you were quiet. Which was good because I didn’t think I had the ability to stay up through one of his lectures. Even half asleep I could feel the edges of my brain picking up where we left off. Blurry trees scraping at the corners of my vision, the taste of coppery blood in my mouth, and the absolute stench of-
“Smoke!” um no I was going to say dirt. However the girl still screamed smoke and I was brought back to reality. The sound of dozen chairs scraping as smoke seeped in from the open door. The fire alarm went off shortly after.
“Alright alright no one panic let’s get in an order-I said orderly fashion, oh for the goodness sake just get to the field without killing each other please!” the squat man ushered us outside leading away from the smoke, classes everywhere confusingly poured out of each room and towards the football field. I followed with went I heard laughter.
That laugh
It wasn’t something I heard before but felt so damn familiar. I saw a figure dart down a hall. I turned around, Mr. Newman wasn’t paying attention. I turned back but the figure was gone. Without thinking I went after it. It was like a scene out of a horror movie, the hallway was empty but filled with the echos of student’s faint voices. The smoke made everything hazy and I could swear it made some of the school posters look like they were floati- “Hahaahaha” there was that laugh again. Only this time there was a body to it. At the end of the hall. The kid was sitting on a windowsill half his body leaning inside and the other out. A cigarette in his hand.
“seems a bit redundant the do that now doesn’t it?” the guy stopped laughing and stared at me. It might have been the fumes burning my eyes but the way I couldn’t quite make out his face but felt the icy stare was giving me an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.
“Jonas Wagner?” a hand grabbed my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around to face the principal. “What are you doing where’s your class?” I looked back but the guy had left. Must have ditched seeing her come on.
“Well come along then. The less children get charbroiled the bigger my end of the year salary is.” we both headed out towards the field…
As it turns out the boiler room had caught on fire. A spark in the fuse box or whatever. Dean wasn’t pleased. “Do any of these places even TRY to use precautions to this kind of thing or do they just HOPE the ENTIRE SCHOOL doesn’t blow up by accident? I swear what am I even PAYING that school for? It’s not like you would even make it out if that happened. HEY didn’t I tell you to slow down? Jesus Christ Jonas it’s called chewing.” that had been a fun dinner. But I wasn’t really in the mood for eating anyway. I excused myself upstairs after dishes and flopped onto my bed. Homework was out of the question. My body was exhausted and my brain wasn’t planning on shutting down anytime soon.
I wasn’t sure when I fell asleep but the woods were back. I wasn’t running though, the sirens weren’t whirring and dogs weren’t barking. This forest wasn’t distorted in fact it was kinda calming. A lightening bug buzzed around and I held out my hand for it to land. It did so momentarily before suddenly taking off. “Ha hey wait up” I walked at a comfortable pace. The lightening bug always ahead but never out of sight. I vaguely remembered the path. A trail were there wasn’t enough sun to grow anything but there was always…I heard the rushing water. Faint enough that I had to strain to hear. The lightening bug sped up and starting flickering out. “No wait come on don’t leave yet.” I picked up the pace chasing after it. It dove behind a large branch and pushed through it. “Come on please don’t-” I stopped. The cove. I was at the cove. Heck I hadn’t been here since me and Sid were tiny. Dirt faded into sand which faded into lapping waves of the lake. Small boulders protruded from the ground some peeking out just above the water. God they had seemed so giant before. I ran my hand over one of them, the “S” carved on top. We had played a rigorous game of king of the hill for who got to write there name on top. I almost had her. Almost. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the flickering light. “Ha gotta!” I spun around and my stomach dropped. It was the guy again. He leaned against one of the boulders legs crossed and chin resting on his hand. The lightening bug landed on the palm of his and he crushed it in a fist. “y-y-you’re…”
“It’s m-m-me wagnerd. My question though-” he stood up, he was tall as heck, lanky but easily could do me some damage. I backed up tripping over myself. The world around me started twisting again, the sirens coming in and im sure the dogs were close to follow. A green mist floated around me. “Is how can such a loser nerd see me?” he towered over me, leaning down and I swear I could smell the campus fire from yesterday. “Boo!” I flinched and he pulled back laughing. “HAHA hahahaa Haaahah ahaahhaaa aaaa aaaa aaa…
aaa aaa aaa
I sat up in bed. Light nearly blinding me from the opened. My alarm clock blaring still.
Aaa aaa a-
I struggled the find the off button and gave up just pulling it from the outlet. Another dream. It was just another dream. But it felt real. Nope nope no not thinking that nope. I hoped out of bed and grabbed my board and my backpack. As I tip-toed downstairs I could here Sid in the living room. Lying through her teeth no doubt how I was getting ready and I hadn’t felt like eating breakfast today is all. God that woman was a saint. I snuck out the front door and a few minutes later Sid came out too. “Ew dude are you wearing the same thing from yesterday?”
“You wear the same jacket all the time.” she laughed and punched my arm.
“Got me there bro.” the bus pulled up and some began another day.
“-For this assignment you’ll need to be paired up into partners.” I peeled myself off the table a looked around however how many times had I counted student out of bored? I knew what was coming next. “Mr. Wagner seeing as you don’t have a partner you can either join another group or do the modified single project.”
“I can do the project by myself just fine.”
After school I said goodbye to Sid and Mads and skated out of school. Since mot of Sellwood was going to the game tonight the roads were peacefully quiet. The cold wind blowing against skin was nice without having to swerve every time you thought you saw a headlight. I was half way home when I slowed down to watch the trees. Not an unfamiliar sight the whole town was littered with them. In the fall there was so many leaves on the ground you couldn’t take two steps without hearing leaves crunch. But I didn’t mind. Kicked up my board and stared into the woods. I shouldn’t but… last night’s dream echoed in my ears. Well my project was about the flood after all. I glanced around but there was nobody around save a few parked cars. I smiled and stepped where pavement met dirt.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
more of dem vampire feels
Kid: *holding wrapped boxes* "I think I have what I needed to pick up today...How about you?" liz: yep. should be everything. Patty: *pissed* "..." stocking: its ok.. ^^; Patty: "Santa's not going to give me one thing I asked for...And his beard was fake, too." liz: what is that? Patty: "??? Um...It's a secret..." liz: ah. Patty: -\\\\\- Kid: *smiles* "I can't wait for Christmas~" stocking: yeah. Kid: "...Oh...Um, Stocking? Is your father...still going to send fruitcake?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "..." *slight forced smile* "Great." stocking: i bet we could kill an evil human with it. Kid: "...Truly, the most powerful weapon..." *small laugh* "Sorry." liz:...patti...PATTI NO! -elsewhere- Anya: *packing* ao: *staaaare* Anya: *not even turning around to look* -___- "What is it, Ao?" ao: visiting family? Anya: "Yes. And what will you be doing during the break?" ao: the same. tending to the family shrine. Anya: "They needed extra hands?" ao: perhaps....maybe its just homesickness... Anya: "...Yes, that is understandable..." *struggling to shut her suitcase* ao: could i be of assistance? Anya: "...I suppose." Anya: "I just can't get it to shut..." -elsewhere- Crona: *eating a gingerbread cookie* mami: *has the radio on as she is making dinner* Crona: *smiles* "The gingerbread is very good--not too sweet, not too spicy." mami: *she smiles* Crona: "...May I help with dinner?" mami: of course. Crona: *smiles* "O-Okay...What should I do first?" -elsewhere- naho: so cold oooout... Shamrock: "Then you should have bundled up." *adjusts his scarf* naho: XP Mr. Tsubaki: *removes his jacket, drapes it onto Naho's shoulders* "Here you go~" naho: thanks. ^^ Shamrock: D: Mr. Tsubaki: *POOFs into fox form, leaps into Naho's arms* naho: ^^ so fwuffy~ Mr. Tsubaki: "Why, thank you--I make sure my shampoo and regimental brushing keeps my fur in this form so soft~" Shamrock: Q~Q naho: =w= ~<3 Mr. Tsubaki: "...So, Naho, how are things at the school? I had some recommended courses for you to take..." naho: they're doing good. Mr. Tsubaki: "First, for the dance ahead of us, I want you to take some dance classes. And second, I think you would benefit from a course in audio-visual technologies." naho: *writing down notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *smirk* "It may help you with those videos you keep recording..." naho: OwO;;;;; Shamrock: D: "Wh-What?!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Fu-fu-fu-fu~" naho: >3>;; Mr. Tsubaki: "You are so transparent, Naho..." *nuzzles against her* "Such a troublesome peer..." naho: OwO;;;;;;;;;;;; eh? sakuya: hey lila, want to go for a walk? *drags him off* lilac: e-eh?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Why do you record me when I am disrobing?" naho: >3>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lavender: have you even looked in her journals? naho: LAV!! >/////////< Mr. Tsubaki: "...Well, I guess Naho is getting doujinshi for Christmas..." naho: thank you! OwO belkia: *looking at the journals* dayum. Shamrock: "???" *looks over belkia’s shoulder...and his jaw drops* -TOO LEWD TO SHOW- lavender: nice. Higan: "Hmmm...The syntax is poor, but the descriptions are quite vivid...May we borrow these ideas?" Shamrock: D: D: D: D: "...I need something to wipe these memories from my mind..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "999...1000! Okay, I'm done..." *covered in sweat from his push-ups* "Need the bathroom? I was thinking of taking a bath." tsubaki: im good. *reading under the kotatsu* Black Star: "...Alright. Keeping warm? Got some good reading?" *takes off his sweat-covered shirt* tsubaki: yeah....very good.....*staring* Black Star: "... ??? Something wrong?" *he's now just in boxers* tsubaki: >////////////> Black Star: *concerned voice* "...Um...Maybe you should get out of the kotatsu for a bit. You look hot." tsubaki: im ok! Black Star: "Okay, okay, sheesh! Just checking...Maybe you need a bath, too." -elsewhere- Arthur: *holds up empty plate* "Seconds, please!" mrs kenshimono: you sure worked up an appetite today, huh? Arthur: -\\\\- "Your cooking is great..." ("Especially after some less-than-stellar brigade meals.") Hiro: "Yes, thank you! How is your meal, Eternal Feather?" ef: it's delicious, thank you ^^ Arthur: "Dessert should be tasty, too. Always really good ones here..." *looks at his phone* "..." hime: *she nods* dad got cookie making supplies today, so that should be fun. Hiro: "??? Arthur? Put your phone away--we're still having dinner." Arthur: *sighs* "Yeah, yeah..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *hugs Lord Death from behind* lord death: ^////^ Yumi: *kiss on the cheek* "All set with the children's gifts?" lord death: mmhmm! Yumi: "Good...because I finished wrapping your gifts...most of them." lord death: oh~? Stein: *yawn* aya: *she hands him a pillow* Stein: "Thanks..." *puts it under his head, lies down...* LK: -elsewhere- belkia: duuuude im gonna backflip right offa dis bitch bar, lol! Mr. Tsubaki: "N-Now thassssss...That's stupid..." belkia: imma do it for the vine! Shamrock: "Oh, let him jump." *downs another shot* "Woo..." sakuya: -_-; *is designated driver* Higan: *holds up phone* "Ssssss'okay...I got it...I'm recording...and...go!" belkia: OKAY HERE I GOOOO! *slam* oooow...im good! im immertal like eye of the tiger haha! Shamrock: "...You're eye is dangling out of its socket, 'tiger'..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *LOUD LAUGHTER* "...I'm so lonely..." belkia: oh shit. someone get me water? i need to wash the dirt off! Higan: *covers his mouth, starts running for the bathroom* Shamrock: "...Waiter! We need water! Our colleague has his eye out of his head!" sakuya: -_-; waitress: *SCREAMS* Mr. Tsubaki: *covers his ears* "Not so loud...Some of us have sensitive hearing..." Shamrock: "H-Hang on...I think I can put the eye back in..." otogiri: -_-; maybe we should go now. Higan: *collapsed on the men's room floor* "Ugh...Just like junior high school..." Mr. Tsubaki: "N-Nah-uh! We can't go yet! No one has taken their shirt off yet..." Shamrock: "Is it back in yet?" Mr. Tsubaki: "...That's what she said!" *loud laughter* -gun shots are heard as a black vehicle drives past being chased by a white van with the C3 logo on it- gil: DRIVE MAN! FUCKIN DRIVE! ray: DRIVING AS FAST AS IT CAN GO! Mr. Tsubaki: "...The fuck?!" Shamrock: ._. "...Shouldn't a secret organization not have its name on the side of the vehicle?" sakuya: oh fuck- guys, we need to bail! yumikage: DAMMIT TSURUGI LET ME OR JUN DRIVE! Mr. Tsubaki: "W-Wait! Where's Higan?" Shamrock: -_-;;;; sakuya: i'll get him, head out the back! Mr. Tsubaki: *picks up Belkia* "Right! Shamrock, get my credit card!" *runs off* Shamrock: "..." *looks at waitress* "...Could we get his credit card back, please?" waitress: here you go sir. o-o; Shamrock: *nods* "Thank you." *hands her $200* "Your tip. Good night." *runs after Mr. Tsubaki* -on the road- yumikage: OI! WRATH AND SUBCLASS BASTARDS! THAT IS A STOLEN VEHICLE! PULL THE FUCK OVER! gil: SCREW YOU <SCUM SUCKERS> THEY WERE GONNA SCRAP THIS BEAUTY! LIKE HELL WE WERE GONNA LET THEM DO THAT! Jun: -_-;;;; "Can't this vehicle go any more quickly?" yumikage: WE'RE DOING 79! Jun: *sigh* "Which weapons are in here...?" *tosses random items in the van...* the mother: gil, was the car really worth it? -_-; gil: uh, DOI! this is a classic 1920s cadillac! and in mint condition! Tsurugi: "Jeez, you are all so petulant about this! Just drive faster! How hard is that?! Do I have to take the wheel?!!" Ray: "...I have to agree with Gil: these are indeed <scum suckers>." yumikage: YOU CANT EVEN DRIVE! Tsurugi: "I CAN DO ANYTHING I SET MY MIND TO!" Jun: -____- "Stop. Yelling." gil: *drifts into a parking garage, hoping to lose them* -a female with green hair yawns in the back of the vehicle- ???: eh? whats going on? Ray: "Hello..." gil: !! UNA! my sweet lovely darling! did i startle you?! una: oh, hey gil. ^^ Ray: "Um...Gil? The road? Driving?" gil: <OH SHIT RIGHT!> phew, that was close. una: ^^; Ray: "...So, sleep well?" una: zzzzz.... the mother: and out she goes again. Ray: -_-;;; "No kidding...So, any idea how to avoid those weirdos?" the mother: seems we're going to have to lay low somewhere. last i heard, old child was in a hot springs someplace, all of love was in alisuin mansion, and doubt doubt was awol. Ray: *sigh* "Great...Where you want to go, then?" the mother: old child and all of love are our best options currently. una: a hot spring sounds lovely. gil: HOT SPRINGS IT IS! which one? -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Zzz..." kirei: how is he? Konro: "Today took a lot out of him. He will need his sleep." kirei:...i'll be returning to the shrine. rest well. Benimaru: "Zzz..." Konro: *smiles, nods* -early morning- Takehisa: *already with a cup of coffee, looking at the sunrise* misora: !!! *sneaks back into the firefly* Takehisa: *doesn't notice...* ("A lot quieter with people on break...") misora:..... -elsewhere- Hugh: -_-;;;;; the mother: and that's what all happened. misono: then that means 7 out of 8 servamps are in death city... Lily: "Quite a family reunion..." Hugh: -____- "Why are you staying here?" the mother: like i said, we're on the lam because SOMEONE...stole an antique car. gil: QwQ; Lily: "...That's rather...avaricious. Fu-fu-fu~" the mother: speaking of which, you said lawless was in death city as well? mahiru: yeah...its been...difficult to work with him, to say the least *sweatdrop* Hugh: "His temper has evened out--but his sense of humor is as awful as ever." the mother: at least he is in good spirits....after.....*she shakes her head* nevermind, it's none of my business. Hugh: "..." Lily: *nods* "Yes...Well...Will you be needing anything? We will be running errands..." the mother: just a roof over our heads until C3 gets off our backs. uzuki: scary... the mother: im not mad, this is just how my face looks.....does anyone want to hear any of my farming stories? -elsewhere- Kid: *yawns, hugs Stocking in bed* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Morning, Cupcake..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *nods* "Same..." *holds her hand* "Christmas break starts today..." stocking: yeah, christmas break. *kiss* im not gonna leave you, ok? Kid: "..." *hugs her* "Thank you...Could we...meet your parents, though?" stocking: sure. -elsewhere- otogiri: that was too risky last night...... belkia: on the plus side, my eye's back to normal! Mr. Tsubaki: *groaning, sipping black coffee* "Yes, please, lecture us--that's what my hangover needs, Otogiri..." Shamrock: -_-;;; "Lucky you..." Higan: *passed out on the floor* saku:..... <pitiful> lavender: so what's the next move? Mr. Tsubaki: *stands up too quickly* "Prepare for the dance~! ..." *collapses* "Oh, my head..." otogiri: how bothersome. -_-; Higan: *talking in his sleep* "Mmmm...I came to class naked again...I guess I'm stuck as the nude model...Get me from all angles." sakuya: *hurk* naho: *disgusted face* that's gross old man. Shamrock: "He could not control his drinking or smoking. It is amazing he is able to speak..." Mr. Tsubaki: *lying on the couch* "How will I dance like this?" saku: ....... -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki: *making breakfast* *phone rings* hmm? Black Star: *tosses over in bed, putting the pillow over his head to block out the phone* tsubaki: yes? who is it? Lily: "Tsubaki, sweetie! It's me, Lily! How are you?" tsubaki: doing good. Lily: "Excellent! Um...Maybe sit down, because I have some major news: some new vampire allies are in town!" tsubaki: thats great! Lily: "Now, this new vampire who arrived may seem...um...angry. She looks angry. Like, all the time. So...Yeah." tsubaki: noted. Lily: "How are you and Black Star doing, sweetie?" tsubaki: doing well. -elsewhere- PlushFix: *asleep, clutching the TV remote* -at the hot spring- misono: zzzzz....*yawn* morning already...? Hugh: *poke poke* "Why are you still sleeping here?" misono: *mumbling* -lily's phone rings- Lily: "Bonjour~" dodo: hey, its dodo, big news; mr alisuin going to be coming back to death city soon for the holidays. Lily: o_o "Oh...I should let Misono know then..." dodo: yeah. also, when he gets back, he wants to discuss something with misono... Lily: "...Any hint of what they'll discuss?" dodo: all i got was that it's urgent. Lily: "Yes...I will let Misono know. Thank you." dodo: and you should meet these two new maids, they are hella sexy!- Lily: "...Um...Okay?" -SLAP on the other side- ???: ignore him, he's an idiot. Lily: o____o; "Um...To whom am I speaking?" ???: its me, mitsuki? we live in the same estate? -_-; Lily: "Oh! ...You sound different on the phone..." -elsewhere- belkia: we got our eyes on the inside, and soon its gonna be showtime!! hehehehehe~ Shamrock: "Yes...If only some of us kept their eyes in their heads..." Mr. Tsubaki: *practicing his dance steps with his Tsubaki plushie* "One two three...One two three..." sakuya: ....... belkia: im just glad i got those maid costumes prior!....for reasons >w>; Shamrock: *unrolls a map of the DWMA...* "Yes, we are all so pleased that you have maid outfits..." *eyeroll* belkia: with lav and girioto handling the alisuin place, _we_ will crash the dance! hell yeah! Higan: -\\\\\\- "Let's save the outfit...for some modeling for my next painting...and sculpture..." sakuya: *muttering* next porno film. Shamrock: -_- "Don't give him ideas..." Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; "So disgusting, fascinating about people in maid outfits...Now, a kimono..." *fantasizes about Tsubaki* saku: ........................ Shamrock: *studying Saku* "Um..." saku: what? Shamrock: "N-Nothing!" saku:.... -elsewhere- Relan: *adjusting his tie...* shinra: ok. *inhales* im ready. Relan: *nods...knocks* mrs koizumi: relan honey, welcome home! *she hugs him* this must be shinra, what a pleasure to meet you~ ^^ Relan: o\\\\\o "H-Hi..." shinra: HELLO MRS KOIZUMI! *nervous smile* mrs koizumi: do come in sweeties. shinra: (thinking: ok, so far so good) Relan: *inching into the room* "W-Where is...um...?" mrs koizumi: *she looks at him* papa is upstairs sleeping. *she looks at shinra* my hubby works very hard and needs his rest. please dont disturb him~ -her tone is almost forced- Relan: o________o;;;;;;;; "Oh..." shinra: ok then...*looks at relan* .... mrs koizumi: do you boys need anything~? Relan: "W-W-W-W-W-Water?" shinra: same. mrs koizumi: coming right up~ *she goes to get some* shinra:..... Relan: ._. *looks at Shinra* shinra: *looks at him like 'do you want me to help you?'* Relan: *whispers* "Mother is...insistent, about things." shinra: *nods and looks upstairs* (thinking: the atmosphere here just got really foreboding....) Relan: *whispering* "Whatever she says, just nod..." shinra: ok.... Relan: "...Be kind to Father." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea, slowly* kabuki: did you sleep ok last night? Benimaru: *shakes his head 'no'* "Another one..." kabuki:........ Benimaru: "...How are preparations for the memorial?" kabuki: just about finished... Benimaru: *nods* "I appreciate your work on this, especially during this break..." -elsewhere- Meme: *pokes Mio's arm* mio: *snert* nyeh? *yaaawn* Meme: "We're going to land soon. Better get your seat belt back on." mio: ah, right. Meme: "..." *holds her hand* "Hey..." mio: *blush* ?? Meme: "You okay with this?" mio: yeah. Meme: *smiles* "Me too." Meme: "Thanks for letting me come along." mio: *she smiles a bit* Meme: "...Anything I should know before we get to your family's?" mio: i have pretty much all the consoles. as for my parents and brother, they're pretty chill for the most part. Meme: *giggles* "Well, glad to hear that about the game systems...Um...Have you...I mean, what does your family know about me?" mio: ./////. w-what i've told them, basically.... Meme: -\\\\- "Ha ha..." *pats Mio's hand* "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Kuro: *playing with a ball* sayaka: hehe, how cute~ mahiru: ^^; Kuro: -_-; "This is simply for hand-eye coordination, nothing more..." mahiru:.....misono didnt come back today..... madoka: maybe he's sick? Kuro: "?!!" sayaka: maybe we could check on him? Kuro: "...Yes. Mahiru, we should go..." Kuro: "What do you know about Misono's household?" mahiru: it's a big mansion, we were there, remember? Kuro: "But who else lives there...?" -someone is knocking at the door- sayaka: hmm? julie: *faints as the door is open* nnnh.... the mother: !!! get her inside, now! Kuro: "!!!" *helps to support her, walk her inside...* the mother: is she nuts? doesnt she realize how drastically a subclass' stamina drops in direct sunlight? it could have easily killed her... Kuro: "Then she'll bring an umbrella next time...Hey, you? Can you hear me?" julie: *breathing, but needs to recharge* mahiru: she's...one of lily's subclass....why would she come here? Kuro: "...Because Lily is in trouble?" julie: *waking up* mi...sono...trouble.... Kuro: "!!! Where? The mansion?" julie: misono...he's trapped. his father wont let him leave. Kuro: "...How do we get into the mansion?" sayaka: we can take my scooter! i think i remember the address! Kuro: *hops onto Sayaka's head* "Okay...Someone carry me there..." sayaka: there's room in my backpack! -and so- sayaka: there it is. julie: is it safe? mahiru: i think so. Kuro: *looking around to see who is at the mansion...* dodo: julie! there you are. you know its dangerous to go alone. sayaka: hey mr chauffeur guy! mahiru: is misono in? dodo: yeah, but he kinda got sick all the sudden, cant let anyone in, could be contagious. mahiru: .... Kuro: "...Sounds suspicious..." sayaka: i have to give him something. *pulls out a bag of caramels* i was gonna save them for later, but i think he'd like this as a token of kindness! ^^ Kuro: Q~Q "...May I have one?" dodo: ...sorry, boss' orders. now...wait, did i leave the back gate locked? sayaka: *NYOOM* mahiru: SAYAKA WAIT UP! D: Kuro: *holding on for dear life* o___O -inside- sayaka: MISONOOOOO- Mikado: "???" sayaka: oof! oh my gosh im so sorry! mahiru: *pant pant* jeez, you run fast.... mitsuki: who are you two? why are you here? dodo: sorry, they kinda slipped in. ^^; mitsuki: -_-#; honestly dodo.... -some of the subclass kids surround them- child: mahimahi! child 2: sawaka! Kuro: "...What?" child 3: kitty! hehe~ Mikado: "...Who are you all? And did that cat just talk?" Kuro: "...Feed me treats. Now." mahiru: um, i can explain- Mikado: *stares intently at Mahiru* "...Are you here for my child, Misono?" *glares* mahiru: um... sayaka: we're friends of his! OwO;; -elsewhere- Patty: *appears behind Liz* "...TICKLE ATTACK!!!" liz: GAH! HAHAHA STOP! XD Patty: *tackle onto the couch* "Tickle tickle tickle!!!" stocking: they seem to be in a good mood. Kid: *smiles* "A lot of changes..." stocking: *she nods* Patty: "SIS! That tickles! Ha ha ha ha!" Kid: *holds Stocking's hand* "We're...all much older now." stocking: yeah... hard to believe.... Patty: *taps Stocking's arm* "I'm tagging out! Your turn to do the tickle attack--ON KIDDO!" Kid: o__o -elsewhere- Shotaro: *stringing popcorn chains for the Christmas tree* -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage...*once the customers exit, she closes up shop* Jeje: "..." Faustus: *humming* metsu: *she looks upstairs, to where mikuni's room is*....he's been awfully quiet. Jeje: "Hmm...Has Misono not contacted him?" metsu: i dont believe so....from what i recall, doesnt misono despise him? Jeje: *nods* "...Someone should talk with him." Faustus: "...Don't look at me. I'm very busy." *holds up a shrunken head* "Say hello to my new friend, Alphonse!" metsu: ......well, when mikuni does come out of his room, he has a telegram from dr shuuhei... -elsewhere- Hibana: *knees wobbling* >_< "How does anyone stay on these skiis?!" -elsewhere- akane: i still dont see how fighting ghost thingies will help anyone... mitsuba: they're called 'jinn' dummy...right mr jun? Jun: *nods* "Yeah, yeah, jinn...And we are here to contain them." *stares at Akane* "That's how they help people." akane: .... shinoa: while we may not be 'eves', per say, but the weapons we were given might help make them easier to shake off people. akane: then what? yumikage: we contain them with these bad boys! *shows off jinn vaccum* mitsuba: what is this, ghost busters?! Jun: "Agreed on the weapons. But you'll need more practice with them, not just on the scene but here." *holds up a jar that says 'Fake Jinn'* "Hence this little exercise..." akane: *sword drawn* alright, its takedown time! -elsewhere- sayaka: thanks for the meal~ *nom nom nom* mahiru: misono isnt joining us for dinner? Mikado: "...Misono is busy. Recovering." sayaka: so you're misono and mikuni's dad? children: mikuni?............who is that? sayaka: O-O;;;;; Kuro: *nom nomming on candy* "Hmm?" Mikado: "...'Mikuni'?" sayaka:....uh- yamame: there is no one by that name who lives here. the only servamp living here is snow lily...misono is the only son. mahiru: ??? (thinking: they really dont know who mikuni is? whats going on?) Lily: *overhearing from the shadows...* Kuro: "..." *swallows another cookie* sayaka:....excuse me! nature calls! *exits*........*notices misono outside the window and makes her way to the door* misono:......... sayaka: hey misono! misono: !!! good god miki, dont sneak up on me like that! sayaka: we came to bail you out! misono:...what? sayaka: mahiru and i are here and we're gonna help you escape! misono: why are you even doing that? you're going to get in serious trouble with my father. sayaka: why? its because thats what friends do for each other. they look out for each other.....caramel? misono:......*takes some and puts them in his pocket* thanks....i think.... sayaka: hehe, now come on, lets blow this fancy popcicle stand! misono:............... \misono please....you're the only family i have left\ misono: im sorry. but i cant.....my father...im his only family. he'd worry- sayaka: thats not true, what about your brother mikuni?....come to think of it, why does no one here know who he is? its weird. misono: ...i- dodo: there you are! jeez your fast....come on, time for you to head home. sayaka: but i- mitsuki: *drags her off* sayaka: call you tomorrow! misono:....... -elsewhere- sayaka: that could have gone better... Q.Q; mahiru: at least it was something. Kuro: -w- *tummy full of sweets* mahiru: so what now? sayaka: all we do now is wait.... -elsewhere- misono: the backdoor key....it should be in mikuni's room....its such a mess here....what is it they...dont...want me....to.......*he passes out* Lily: *catches Misono* "...Time for you to rest... Misono....I hope you can forgive me for doing this....” -two maids watch from a distance- maid 1:....*she smirks* maid 2:....how bothersome. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sips his tea...smirks* belkia: any updates? Mr. Tsubaki: "Quite. Our informant has kept a close eye..." -phone buzzes- Mr. Tsubaki: "???" lavender: [seems lust is hiding something from the alisuin kid. may prove useful 2 our cause >:) ] lavender: [also turns out limo driver boy has a thing for big boobs. also useful info for me 2 use 2 my advantage <3 >8) ] otogiri: [ignore that last comment. -_-; ] Mr. Tsubaki: [too late -_-; keep us updated] otogiri: [understood] Mr. Tsubaki: "...Belkia? I think I'll take a poll online." belkia: neat! for what? Mr. Tsubaki: "Which are better: maids outfits or kimonos?" belkia: maid for the win! sakuya: are you kidding me? -_-# saku: <to each their own> Higan: "NURSE OUTFITS NURSE OUTFITS NURSEOUTFITS--" *foaming at the mouth* Shamrock: -_-;;;;; lilac:.....im confused. o-o; ame: ?????? naho: i'll go for anything that's cute, to be honest. Mr. Tsubaki: *drooling* "My camellia..." sakuya: so shameless.... -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: *wipes the drool* "Now, then...Let's review the best ways for infiltrating the Academy..." -elsewhere- Emine: *dressed as an elf* "...I hate you all." lin: ^^ Shotaro: *also in an elf outfit* "But it helps the kids--and Santa! You don't want to disappoint Santa, do you?" Emine: "...Do you really want to imagine what I want to do to Santa?" mana: *glare* Emine: "!!!" *hides behind Lin* "That snow-monster looks upset..." -3 days later- Lily: "Hello, Misono..." misono: ??? *yawns* lily? how long was i out? *rubbing his eyes* Lily: "...You must be hungry. Let me bring you something~" misono: that didnt answer my question, but ok..... -misono got up and went to the dining hall- maid: morning young master~ ^^ maid 2: up early i see. misono: morning. -the two maids depart, looking back for a moment, with the first maid smirking slightly- Mikado: *seated at the table* misono: ...good morning father, how was england? Mikado: *shiny eyes* "Misono! Cheerio, good chap! Come here--" *holds out his arms for a hug* misono: oh uh *hugged* o-o; mitsuki: you were more excited when he got back, so much so that you passed out. dodo: not as excited as you and your idol sho- mitsuki: YOU JUST KEEP QUIET! >////< Mikado: *nods* TWT "Papa missed you!" -the day goes on as normal, perhaps a bit too normally- -the phone rings- misono: damn, how do i answer this thing? Lily: "!!! M-Maybe I should answer..." misono: seems like a good option. Lily: *answers* "Hello?" sayaka: *on the other end* heyo~ how's it going~? Lily: *answers* "Hello?" Lily: "Oh! Hello! How are you?" sayaka: great. is misono there? Lily: .w.;;;; "...No?" misono: im right here! T-T; sayaka: thats a bummer, we agreed to talk a few days ago, but he didnt pick up. well, let him know to call us back when he can, ok? Lily: .w.;;;;;;;;; "R-Right! Of course! Thank you! Toodles!" misono: what was that just now? Lily: "Um...Telemarketer?" misono:..... -later that evening- misono: *gets into bed....but he feels something soft in his pockets* ?!?! what the- *he pulls it out* ....caramel?....!! *remembering sayaka offering some to him* !!! what? *he steps out into the hall and catches a glimpse of lily* lily? *he follows* otogiri:.... "Lily": "..." misono: lily wait! -he follows till he loses track of him, but ends up at the door of the tea room- ???: he's going to find out eventually... misono: *listening* .... (thinking: find out?) ???: "There has to be a way...Perhaps I could..." misono: *he peeks inside* Lily: "...change them again." misono: !!! *he feels like his heart dropped into his stomach* (thinking: change what again?!) otogiri: young master? you're up rather late. misono: !!!! *he stumbles into the room* mitsuki: m-misono! lavender:... Lily: "...Oh no...Misono...I..." misono: whats...whats going on? what did you talk about changin-.....the caramels......*he pulls them out of his pocket* sayaka....she was here a few days ago, wasnt she?? Lily: "Misono...I'm sorry. Can we just...sit down and talk?" misono: then i went to get the key when-.....what is it you're trying to hide from me?! Lily: "..." *tries to hug Misono* Lily: "I'm sorry..." misono: *backing away* if you wont answer me...ill just find the answer on my own! *he storms to mikuni's room* lavender:.... mitsuki: miso- *slammed into the wall by otogiri's strings* grk- Lily: "?!!!" *looks around for the antagonist...* otogiri: *sends the doll to attack lily* seems the bond is weakening....how bothersome....well....bothersome for you. dodo: what?! mitsuki: there was a mole?! otogiri: *she removes her wig* remember me...all of love? from the hotel? dodo:.... .///.; mitsuki: DODO! D:< Lily: "!!! Everyone, get back! I'll--" otogiri: you'll what? let misono learn the truth of what you're hiding from him? Lily: "..." *glares* "Ma'am...I cannot let this attack on anyone in this household stand." *battle pose* "Leave, while you still can." dodo: we'll handle her! go get misono! yamame: *pin sword in hand* Lily: "Right!" *chases after Misono* dodo: *pulls out gun* alright, lets dance. lavender: say, i know this is out of nowhere, but...you're kinda cute~ dodo: um... .///. mitsuki: DODO! D:< lavender: let me ask....you have a thing for big breasts, dont you~? <3 *pressing herself against him* dodo: O/////O mitsuki: DODO!! D8< lavender: thought so~ *kisses him below the ear* dodo: O//////O ...!!! i...i cant move?! lavender: *takes the gun* i'll be taking this thanks~ *she chases after lily* mitsuki: WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE IM KILLING YOU UNTIL YOU DIE!!! Lily: ("Where is he?") misono: *running to where mikuni's room was* Lily: "!!! Misono, stop!" misono: stay away from me! .....i always hated mikuni.....but i dont know why.....why are you manipulating my own memories? what is it that you dont want me to know?! Lily: "Misono...I can't have you hating...hating..." misono: JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH ALREADY! if you're so insistent....then....how can i even trust you?! Lily: "...I don't want you to hate m--" -BANG- misono: !!! lavender: *smirks* -shatter- Lily: "..." *bleeds from his mouth...feelings Jinn release from the wound...* "M-Mi-Misono...G-Get back..." *collapses to his knees, crying* misono: !!! LILY!!! -at the dance- Kid: *glaring at one decoration* "...This snowflake is off..." tsubaki: ^^; stocking: want to dance? Kid: *instant smile* "Of course~" Black Star: -\\\\- tsubaki:....you've been practicing... stocking: hehe~<3 Black Star: "Y-Yeah...It's kinda like fighting in battle. Only without punching...You dance great, Tsubaki." Kid: *smiles at Stocking* tsubaki: ^^ Patty: *holds up a gingerbread man to Takeru* takeru:...*nom* t-thank you ^^ belkia: *staring from across the room* i wanna punch that guy so muuuch! >n< Mr. Tsubaki: *frowning* "No kidding." Shamrock: x_-; "Calm yourselves...Please." Patty: "Hee hee hee...You got a crumb..." *kisses his cheek* lilac: .......*looking around, awkwardly* takeru: >/////////< Crona: "H-Hi, Lilac..." lilac: !!! oh...h-h-hi! mami: glad to see you're ok. *she smiles* lilac: t-thank you! Crona: "...Enjoying the dance?" lilac: y-yeah....d-dad decided to chaperone... Crona: *looks at Shamrock* "...He looks upset." lilac: y-yeah.... sakuya: *dancing* Jacqueline: *watching Sakuya* "Hmm...He isn't dancing with anyone?" kim: doesnt look like it, neither are those new kids..... mitsuba: this is so dumb. -_-; yumikage: its no picnic for us either, princess. mitsuba: why you- shinoa: oh my. a little lovers spat i see? mitsuba + yumikage: HELL NO! Jun: "Be quiet, and have some cake..." akane: she's way too chill....freaking rich kids, am i right? Jacqueline: "...I am familiar with people concerned with money..." akane: and you are? Jacqueline: "Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupré." kim: you can call me Kim. you new here? akane:....yeah. names Akane Hyakuya. the blonde girl is Mitsuba, and the purple haired girl is Shinoa. we're transfer students. Jacqueline: "Well, a party is certainly a good way to be introduced to your new classmates." akane: i guess so.... so the DWMA really is a school of the elites, huh? Jacqueline: "Well...It does attract some of the most powerful meisters, weapons, warriors..." akane: ah... Jacqueline: "Are you a weapon?" akane: not really.....i-....its complicated. tsubaki: *goes out to get some fresh air* Jacqueline: "..." *nods* "It's okay..." *smiles* "The Academy is supposed to be welcoming to all students..." kim: yeah, we get new people every day. Jacqueline: "You can always find activities here..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stands back from her...* tsubaki:.........*a bit tense* (thinking: something.....doesnt feel right....) Mr. Tsubaki: *opens his mouth...* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello." tsubaki: !!! *she turns to face him*.....why are you here? Mr. Tsubaki: *small, innocent smile* "Am I not invited?" tsubaki:.... -mr tsubaki's phone rings- Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Sorry..." *looks at the phone* otogiri: all of love has been taken out. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Thank you. What comes next, then?" -noises are heard on the other end- lavender: kyan~<3 mahiru: OHMYGODIMSORRY! Mr. Tsubaki: -____- "...What is going on?" otogiri:.... -_-; mahiru shirota arrived. do you wish to speak with him? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh! Yes, very much so~" mahiru: *takes the phone* hello? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, there! How are you~?" mahiru: what's going on?! what did you do to lily? why is there jinn- Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, when a vampire is injured, all that jinn just floats on up out of them. Perhaps it has something to do with all those misdeeds us naughty sins are up to..." tsubaki: ?!?! mahiru: what?! Mr. Tsubaki: "Best not get too close to it...But maybe you should get used to seeing it..." tsubaki: w-what's going on?? mahiru: what? Mr. Tsubaki: "Are you familiar with C3? Surprising people. Very interesting. But they are such a nuisance. So I thought, 'Why not spread some of that jinn around?' How do you think the world would look, with that darkness hanging over them?" tsubaki: !!!!!! mahiru: !!!!! Mr. Tsubaki: *smirks...until he sees Tsubaki staring at him...he frowns, seriously, as if he is talking to both Mahiru and her...* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Do you know what it is like, to feel melancholia hanging over you?" tsubaki: ........ mahiru: *he runs for lily* otogiri:.....we should go now. lavender: good call... *she and otogiri exit* Lily: *crying, on the floor, wreathing* "Stay back..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." tsubaki:.....tsubaki.....what did you do....? Mr. Tsubaki: "..._I_ did nothing...technically." -back at the mansion- mahiru: lily! snap out of it! misono: ....... Lily: *crying* "M-Misono..." misono: LILY! *he runs over to him* mahiru: MISONO NO! Lily: "..." *looks up, with pure animalistic rage, as he screams at Misono, leaping at him* misono: !!!!! *shuts his eyes tightly* Lily: *slashes at Misono, as if pulling Misono towards him...and into him...* misono: *he opens his eyes*.... ???? where.....am i? ???: "...You are not supposed to be here~" misono: ??? *A small child emerges from the shadows...Easter eggs are around them* misono: are you...part of lily? Child!Lily: *nods* "Uh huh! I never thought I'd see you in here, Misono!" misono: whats going on? (thinking: is this like what mahiru....) Child!Lily: "...I got hurt. Badly. And I...I...did something wrong, didn't I?" misono:......the only one to blame here is me....its my own arrogance that got you hurt....i just...wanted to know the truth... Child!Lily: "...You should not. The truth...will change things." misono: what do you mean? Child!Lily: "...I can't...You'll hate me...you'll hate yourself." misono:....even then, i just want closure. cant you at least let me have that? being happy all the time....its not realistic. we have bad days too... Child!Lily: "Misono...How can you have life...without love in it? Please...Don't..." misono: i'll be ok...i promise. Child!Lily: "But...What if I'm not there to be with you?" *The Easter Eggs start shattering, sinking into the water around them...* misono: !!! *lily's memories flood his head* Memory!Lily: "...I promise: he will not remember what has transpired." memory!mikuni: hey little guy, im your big brother. Memory!Mikado: "What have you done?!!" misono: are these....!!! memory!mary: *she weakly reaches her hand out* Memory!Mikado: "He must never know. He is my son--and I don't want him to be hurt." memory!mikage: to think im a father...its amazing. Memory!Lily: *looking at Mikage's pocket watch, smiles* "Time flies, does it not, my friend?" memory!misono: please stay with us, snow lily. misono: *he opens his eyes...he is now in his bed* mitsuki: he's awake! Mikado: "...Son?" misono: father? Mikado: Q~Q "MY BABY!!!" misono: ah! t-too tight! ???: misono! misono:.... !!!! madoka: *waves* misono: W-WHY IS SHE HERE?! Rin: "!!! Um...We want to check up on you, dude? You had a pretty nasty time, huh?" misono:....lily is he- mitsuki: he's alive...albiet a bit lethargic....he hasnt spoken to anyone since he woke up. he hasnt even tried to strip. Rin: "...Tried to what?" mitsuki:.....long story. madoka: *sweatdrop* misono: are mahiru and the others- Mikado: "My baby needs rest! Please, don't worry your pretty little head..." yamame: they're helping out....dodo is injured, the subclass fell ill... misono:....... Mikado: *stares at Yamame* -_-; misono: .....i need to use the bathroom Rin: *looking around* "Um..." ("I don't see a bedpan...Can he even stand up?") Mikado: "Of course. Would you like me to carry you there?" misono: i can walk thanks. tetsu: i'll walk him there. Mikado: "CLEAR THE WAY! MY SON NEEDS TO TINKLE!" misono: FATHER PLEASE! -tetsu and misono exit.....outside- misono: why are you- tetsu: just thought you needed help. misono:.....thanks..... *he goes inside* -The library has numerous volumes, as well as a desk covered with Mikado's files, books, and letters- misono: *looking around* -One book is a journal, opened to a page with a word standing out: Mikuni- misono: *he looks at a photo of his family*......*he looks at the journal*...... misono:....!!!! w-what....? Mikado's journal: "...but I was too late: Mikuni had killed her." misono: .....oh....that's right..... misono: why...why did he kill our mother?....*looks at more journals* there has to be some......thing..... *his eyes widen and his pupils shrink* journal: the truth is, misono was born from an affair. misono: *he feels his heart drop again* -he continues to read how mikuni's mother murdered misono's birth mother, how he was taken in, how mrs alisuin tried to kill him before mikuni killed her then left- misono:...no....nonononono......*he feels like he is about to scream....but nothing came out but silence* misono: *whimpering* im sorry....im sorry.....im sorry....lily....mother....father....mikuni......this is my fault....if i had just died then- -Misono's hand knocks into a book...- misono: ??? w-what? -Letters fall out of the book- misono: *he reads them*..... letter: dear mikado, thank you for the letter you sent. misono and i are doing well. do you like the name? i named him after you to an extent. he's already beginning to speak and he's always smiling. -misono continues to read the letter- misono: *tears begin to fall* -a watch is contained in the letter, as well as a photo of misono and his mother. misono:....i really...do take after her..... -inside the mansion- Lily: "..." yamane: lily? misono wants to speak with you. misono:......i know the truth now. Lily: "...I hurt you, didn't I?" misono:....you arent the one to blame here....no one is really.....it hurt a lot....but....i think im ready to accept it....my mother would have wanted me to....im not mad at you. Lily: "...Misono...Your mother..." misono: i know. Lily: "...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...for all of this." misono: ....i forgive you....*he hands him the watch* i know its early but, merry Christmas, snow lily. Lily: "...Merry Christmas, Misono..." *accepts the watch* misono:....*extends an arm* here....you're probably hungry.... Lily: "...No, I'm--" *stomach growl* o\\\\o "...Okay, a little." misono: *smiles* Lily: "..." *opens his mouth, as he leans towards Misono's arm...* -later- sayaka: there, how does that look? mitsuki: looks good. Mikado: "???" sayaka: *putting up decorations* oh, thanks for letting us help out, mr alisuin! Mikado: "It is...helpful. It has been so long since hanging up these decorations..." *examines one ornament...* sayaka: *she looks* *The ornament says "Mikuni's 4th Christmas* sayaka: so you do remember him? Mikado: "...This is a family that, for so long, has wanted one thing: to forget...Maybe..." sayaka:.....is this mrs alisuin.....wait a second...misono doesnt look like either of you. *GASP* is he *whispers* adopted? Mikado: "N-No...It's...a family concern." misono: father...may i speak with you? in private? Mikado: *chipper* "Of course, my son~" *gently sets the ornament onto the tree, in a prominent spot* "..." *follows Misono* -in the study- misono: i know the truth now. about my mother....my real mother. Mikado: "..." *nods* "I...did not want you to...You were so young and...I didn't..." misono: .....even then, i would learn eventually....but im not angry with you...if i held it against you, i wouldnt get anywhere....you really loved her, didnt you? both of them? Mikado: "...Yes. I am...awful." misono: you.....did something wrong....but that doesnt make you a terrible person. i appreciate that you looked out for me. but i think im ready to face things on my own. no....im not on my own...i have friends by my side. Mikado: "...I can't just let you out there. You are a child. You need family to be with you--" -chessboard chairs appear- Mikado: "?!!! What on Earth...?" misono: i am young, yes, but that doesnt mean im not mature. im not going to leave my family, i can always come home. but im ready to find my own path. Mikado: "...'Your own path'..." *smiles* "Interesting...I think that path may take you somewhere...May I ask you something?" misono: yes, but first i must ask something as well. i know this will come off as harsh, but it needs to be said, would my mother have wanted me to be locked up forever? Mikado: "...No." -the board and chairs dissipate- misono: now...what did you want to ask me? Mikado: *sighs* "...If you see your brother...I want you to pass on this message from me." misono:......what is it? Mikado: " 'Son...Come home.'" misono:....ok. i will. -elsewhere- metsu: rummaging through mikuni's mail _again_, doctor? Faustus: "...What? I like the free perfume samples." *sniffs the mail* "Aaaaaah~ Lavender!" metsu: -.-; .... ??? *she notices something; an invitation to the alisuin mansion christmas party* oh? Jeje: "..." Faustus: "...Oh, that invitation? Yeah, junk mail. Can I use it for scrap paper?" metsu: .....*she goes upstairs* mikuni? you have a letter. Mikuni: *holds up a puppet, speaking through it with a high pitch* "What's that, buddy?" metsu:....here. *she sticks the letter in the puppets mouth and goes back downstairs* Mikuni: *smiles, waves...Picks the invitation out of the mouth...and recognizes the handwriting* "...No..." Mikuni: "..." *leaves it on his desk...* "Wh-Why now...?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm..." *staring at seven candles, around one large candle...he put out one candle* "One down..." Lavender: and then there were 6... -elsewhere- Hibana: *frowning, her leg in a cast* gabriella: *kiss* its ok. we can still cozy up to the fire place~ Hibana: *pouts, blushing from the kiss* "I can't believe I break my leg going down the children's slope..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: HYAAAH! *slicing jinn away* take that! akane: where did it all come from in one night? Jun: "Something bad..." tinker: no kidding. these readings are off the charts! Jun: "Contain it, and mark the locations. We can track them to their origin..." tinker: right! shuuhei, how's everything at your end? Shuuhei: *grumbles* "So dirty...It's everywhere..." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Are there any updates?" ryuuko: nothing currently. Relan: "Oh...Okay...H-How are you?" ryuuko: well. mikami and i were invited to a christmas party. Some of the more prestigious families in the area will be attending. Relan: *smiles* "That should be nice." ryuuko: *she nods* Relan: *picks up Buttons* "A lot of fun happening..." buttons: ^o^ Relan: "So cute!" *smiles happily* "Wait 'til you see the new toys you get for Christmas, Buttons..." -and so, the next night- kilik: wow, fancy party. sayaka: sure is! Wes: *looking around* "Impressive architecture." norio: mikado. a pleasure to see you. *he nods* Mikado: "Oh! Greetings." *offers his hand* norio: *shakes hand* i'd like you to meet my wife, Chikami, and my daughter, Mikami. mikami: h-hello... ._.; Mikado: "A pleasure..." ("A name that starts with an 'M'..." *plotting* ) ryuuko: ... Mikado: *looks at Ryuuko* "Hello!" norio: and this is my daughter's friend, Ryuuko Houo. they're both members of the 3rd special fire brigade. Mikado: "Oh...Is that the brigade with the head of Hajima Industries?" norio: no that would be. Mr Helvitz: actually, that would be the 6th brigade. also its head of haijima's european branch. vivian: ^^ Mikado: "Oh...Well, welcome!" -on the balcony- madoka: you're a really good dancer, rin. Rin: *small embarrassed laugh* "I had a lot of practice...Dad always had me do that..." madoka:....is he...feeling any better? Rin: "...Some days are better than others..." madoka:....*she hugs him* Rin: *holds her close* "I'm sorry for bringing it up..." madoka: its ok. *she kisses him on the nose* Rin: -\\\\- "Aaaah..." madoka: hehe~ so cute. Rin: "Um, I mean, you're cuter..." misono:......*walking away, somewhat heartbroken*....*sighs* -bump- misono: !!! shinoa: oh, pardon me. i guess i wasnt paying attention~ misono: ..... shinoa: something wrong? misono: nothing..... shinoa: ....say, want to dance? misono: w-wha? shinoa: ah, introductions. im Shinoa Hiiragi. *extends a hand* misono:.... 7///7; Misono Alisuin. Lily: *peeks from around the corner* :3 misono:...f-fine. shinoa: hehe, come on~ *she takes him back to the ballroom* Lily: *squee* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: such a nice night out... Kid: *nods* "Glad to see one..." *holds her hand* ("Especially after such curfews...") stocking: *admiring the lights* Kid: *points to one light* "Excellent display..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...When I was tiny, my father took me out to see the light displays...and I...I..." stocking: ?? Kid: -\\\\- "I had thought about taking my _own_ children to see such light displays..." stocking: *blush* that would be lovely. Kid: *nods...small squeeze of her hand* "Stocking...I love you." stocking: i love you too kid. *she kisses him* Kid: *kisses back...smiles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "...I keep checking around here, making sure the windows are all secured." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "...Hey. You're going to be alright." tsubaki: i know....it's lily im worried about... Black Star: *nods* "...Any update?" tsubaki:...he's...better....but still weakened.... Black Star: "..." *puts his hand over Tsubaki's* "He's a tenacious guy: he's going to get better." tsubaki:....*she nods* Black Star: "...Would you like to go visit him?" tsubaki: i would like that...i think there's a formal party there.... Black Star: "I could get dressed up, right now!" -and so- Black Star: o_o "...You keep figuring out new ways to look classy." tsubaki: thanks ^^; *she is in an asian inspired outfit with her hair done up* Black Star: *in a suit, actually looking presentable* *offers his arm to lead her inside* soul:...*spots them* dont i know you from somewhere? *he speaks in a joking tone* Black Star: *smirks* "Yeah, the row behind you in class." soul: yeah i know, haha! surprised to see you guys here. tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "...You see Lily around?" soul: hmm? oh, you mean the person with the, uh... *puts two fingers on his head to mimic lily's antennae* Black Star: "Yeah. Also, he may be stripping." soul:.......uhhhh... mahiru: he's in the kid's room. soul: O______O mahiru: HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING TO THEM! Black Star: "Awesome--thanks, Mahiru! Tsubaki, you want to talk with him on your own, or...?" tsubaki: *she nods and goes to the kid's room* mary: miss tsubaki! *hug* julie: tsutsu! Lily: "???" *looks to see Tsubaki, smiles* "Hello." tsubaki: hello. feeling any better? Lily: "...A bit. Slowly." tsubaki: at least its something.....and how is misono doing? Lily: "...He is...encountering some major changes in his life." *smiles* "But I think he is ready to face them...He _has_ been ready, for some time." tsubaki: *she nods* misono: -//////- honestly, that girl.... Lily: "How are you, sweetie?" *glances at Misono...* tsubaki: well...oh, hey misono. misono: *he nods* Lily: "Misono, want to sit and chat with Tsubaki and me for a bit?" misono: um. sure. Lily: *smiles* "Tsubaki, are you okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* yeah. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." naho: something wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am torn, in two directions, by what my goal is...and what my heart desires." naho: *listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "I want to make a point to these other sins...but I fear, should I move forward with this plan, I will shut off another option...another path towards happiness, towards her." naho: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I am stuck having to wait and see what comes next." -outside- lilac:......*sniff* saku:...what is it? lilac:..... saku: is this because of what greed did? lilac:.....*tearing up* saku:......your friends....they died because they were weak. lilac: *tenses* saku: in this world, only the strongest survive...remember that. lilac:...... Shamrock: "...Is there a problem here?" saku: its nothing....*walking away* lilac:....... Shamrock: "...Lilac. Don't listen to her..." *pats Lilac's shoulder* lilac:...... Shamrock: "...Let's get some tea..." lilac:..... -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzzz..." chie: *tucking him in* hehe~ -christmas morning- Patty: *peeks over Liz's bed* :3 liz: merry christmas sis! Patty: "Awwww, I was going to wake you up!" *crawls into bed, hugs Liz* "Merry Christmas!" liz: hehe... Patty: "Can we head down and open gifts now?" liz: sure thing! -in kid and stocking's room- Kid: o\\\\o stocking: well~? *in a cute wintery nightgown* Kid: "That looks great on you..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "..." *holds up a small wrapped box for her* "Merry Christmas, Stocking." stocking: *she opens it* !!! kid... *The jewelry looks like a candy necklace, only thinner and with more subdued colors* Kid: "..." stocking: its beautiful. *she kisses him* Kid: -\\\\- "It seemed to suit you..." stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Akitaru: *giddy* "New weights! Thanks!" shinra: *he smiles* Takehisa: *looking at his present* "..." tamaki: its not going to eat you. Arthur: "I hope not...I once thought there was a Griffin in my Christmas gift, but it was only socks..." *unwraps...* "!!!" -it was a custom pen sword- Arthur: "...Glorious...THANK YOU!" tamaki: no problem. Arthur: -\\\\\- "Here is your gift..." tamaki: thanks. *she opened it up* *It is a cat themed bracelet and a set of game cards for her mobile video game* tamaki: *shiny eyes* this is great! thanks! *hug* Arthur: "Heh. I'm glad you like them..." -elsewhere- Emine: "...Why is this box wrapped in paper decorated with dancing penguins?" mana: it's called 'gift wrap' Emine: "...That one penguin looks mischievous..." *carefully unwraps...* -its a nice scarf- Emine: "...I like this color." lin: ^^ i worked extra hard on it! Emine: *smooch* "Thank you." lin: >////////< -elsewhere- Hibana: "I had a surprise for you, before this broken leg..." gabriella: oh? Hibana: -////- "Yeah...but I did get you another surprise..." *hands her a new phone* gabriella: aww, thank you! *smooch* Hibana: *hug* "I tried to get the best I could, for the best woman..." gabriella: >///////////< Hibana: "I love you so much..." -elsewhere- lilac:......... Mr. Tsubaki: "Lilac?" lilac: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "What troubles you?" lilac:.....nothing... Mr. Tsubaki: "...When something is on my mind, I look to the sky. I never got to see many stars when I was younger. Too many clouds out..." lilac:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "Gives perspective, on where we are in this universe." lilac:......... belkia: *downing a whole thing of egg nog* Shamrock: *sips* "Really, you will have a terrible hangover..." lavender: CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! belkia: MUSCLE TUFF! *slams bottle to the ground* HOO HOO!! Higan: "Yay, booze!" sakuya: -_-; Shamrock: "So embarrassing..." saku:..... <idiots.> Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, now, enough drinking...We have additional gifts..." -elsewhere- the mother: i say we find this little 'tsubaki' prick and give him a good what for. *cracks knuckles* Hugh: "He is quite powerful..." soul: if we all ambush the guy, then we can get some answers. tsubaki:..... Black Star: "We'd do better if we separated him from his clique... mahiru: then we'll have to bait him out somehow.... Kuro: "...Tsubaki?" tetsu: isnt that what we're discussing? Kuro: "No, I was speaking to _our_ Tsubaki. She can be our bait." tsubaki:.... Black Star: "What?! After what has happened?!!" mahiru: it does sound risky... Hugh: "Yet he seems to let his guard down around her..." tsubaki:...i'll do it. if it helps. Black Star: "...Can we be your backup?" tsubaki: .... romina: i think i have a plan. guildenstern, you got spare whale suits? Guil: *whale noise* "...I mean, yes." sayaka: THE WHALE FREAKING TALKS?! Guildenstern: "I CAN SAY MANY THINGS." Black Star: "...I remember when talking cats were weirdest thing I saw..." romina: the whale suit's actually a costume. sayaka: oh, ok. Guildenstern: "But what do you need an extra whale suit for?" -romina explains her plan of hiding tsubaki in one of 5 whale suits, while 4 others, including guildenstern and romina, hide in the other suits- Black Star: "...So, Mr. Tsubaki won't attack or risk hurting her..." the mother: it sounds crazy enough to work. Hugh: "Or just crazy..." romina: i say we take a call of hands. all in favor. Kuro: "..." *reverts to cat form, buries himself in Mahiru's arms* mahiru: *exits the room with kuro* Hugh: -_-;;; "Yes, I agree...but no more votes..." the mother: i think we should give it a shot. Black Star: "..." (pats Tsubaki's hand) the mother:......oh...right.... tsubaki:...*she nods* romina: so that's me and guildenstern in two suits. any volunteers for the other suits? Black Star: "Right here!" una:....those whale suits look so fluffy....i wouldnt mind sleeping on one -.- Guildenstern: -_-;;; "The outfits are comfortable..." una: does it make a good bed or pillow? ray *sweatdrop* (thinking: she certainly lives in her own world, doesnt she?) Guildenstern: "...Likely." una: yaaay. -w- ray: gil? what do you think? Gil: "I wanna shove a harpoon up this Tsubaki jerkoff's butt!" *cackles, before turning calmly to Ray* "Is that okay?" ray: sounds good. una: whale shish-kabobs?.....sounds yummy –w Guildenstern: "I will not be shishkabobbed!" Black Star: o-o "...I hope he meant the Tsubaki we don't like..." ray: he did. Black Star: "Good..." una: can we get yakitori afterwards? Gil: "Whatever you wish~" ray: *sweatdrop* the mother: *sweatdrops* Black Star: "...In any case, how will Tsubaki and another person move in those suits?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: [text: okay trip with family?] vivian: [yeah. europe is nice, but i miss u *sad face*] Kishiri: [same. Wish I could be there. Anything u want me to do while you're away?] -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: *smooooch* you're just the sweetest~<3 Kid: "You're doubly sweet~ Did you like your gifts?" stocking: very much so. Kid: "...That's not all..." stocking: oh? Kid: *holds up a blindfold* stocking: oh my~ *she puts it on* Kid: *small kiss on her cheeks* "These clothes won't do, though..." stocking: ah... Kid: "carefully takes off her dress, leaving her in her underwear* "I'm going to walk you just over here...You're still in our bedroom, the door is locked...Do you trust me?" stocking: yes, of course i do. Kid: "Okay..." *he is behind her, guiding her to sit down...she can feel something hard against her leg* stocking: ahh.... Kid: *slides her panties to the side* "I'm going to slide this new toy in, okay?" stocking: o-ok... *She feels it slide into her...It is long..She is sitting on something with a dildo going into her* Kid: "And now, to turn it on..." stocking: ahhhh.... *Kid guides her hands to clutch the base of the device on which she is seated...Then he turns it on, sending light, slow pulses into her* stocking: *she moans loudly* k-kid! Kid: *he clutches her breasts from behind* "I control the switch...Should I decrease the speed?" stocking: m-more...please... Kid: *on set of fingers release the snaps on her bra, while his other hand turns up the speed...* "Enjoy..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *cuddles* chie: hehe~<3 Yohei: "Imagine our baby's first Christmas..." chie: >w< Yohei: "Little snowman outfit..." chie: *squeeee* Yohei: "Children's books...stuffed toys...advanced robotics manuals..." chie: ^^; Yohei: "I'm kidding! ...A little" chie: sure babe. *smooch* Yohei: >\\\\< "I'm just excited.. " chie: i am too. Yohei: "I hope he has your smile.. " -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "..." *crying silently* kabuki: ??? are you ok miss usada? Tsukiyo: "K-Kabuki?!" *wipes tears, puts on fake smile* "How's it hanging?" kabuki:...alright...but you seemed upset... Tsukiyo: (fake smile falls) "...I barely heard from family..." kabuki:...*soft hug* Tsukiyo: "..." *holds onto him, cries* kabuki: shhh... its ok. Tsukiyo: *calms down...* "Thank you...I'm sorry." kabuki: it's quite alright. Tsukiyo: *still holding onto him...eyes droop...then...* "Zzzzz..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Comfy?" liz: yeah. Wes: *slides under the blanket and next to her* "Good...I was worried you were chilly..." liz: not with you. Wes: "Hee hee..." *hugs her, kisses her cheek* liz: i love you. Wes: "...I love you, too..." *cuddles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "You sure about this?" tsubaki: *she nods* i have no intention of killing him. if i can resolve this peacefully, i will. Black Star: "Will he try to hurt you?" tsubaki: i dont believe he will. Black Star: "...I'll back you up to make sure that doesn't happen." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *holds her hand* "I love you." tsubaki: *she hugs him* i love you too. Black Star: *hug* "..." soul:....*he looks over at lawless* Lawless: "..." *stands to exit* licht: where are you doing? Lawless: "Nothing..." romina:..... Lawless: "I shall depart to get some air..." romina:..... Lawless: "...WHAT?" romina: i didnt say anything. Lawless: "Then cease with your stares! Look inward at thyself rather than upon my visage!" soul: huh? Lawless: "...Just stop looking at me. I'm sensitive to that." soul: sorry, jeez. Lawless: *marches away* soul: should we go after him. licht: why should we care? soul: you know, you have some fucking nerve todoroki. he's your partner! sure you may disagree a lot, but you're both in this together dammit! *drags him along* Black Star: "..." *loud applause* romina:...... ray: so that just happened. Gil: "Fuck yeah, it did! Really loud rant there!" misono: now to put the plan in motion...thankfully i had lily write down the phone number while we still had that old man's phone. Black Star: "So, you're calling the guy himself?" misono: ........would someone call him? mahiru: are you ever going to learn how to use a phone? -_-; Black Star: "Just one of you dial that creep!" tsubaki: i'll do it. *she dials the number* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *answers* "Hello?" tsubaki: hello. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom?" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* yes, its me. Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, hello~ To what do I owe this pleasure?" tsubaki:.....*she looks at black*star. she had a plan* i surrender. Black Star: "??!!" Mr. Tsubaki: 0///0 "Surrender what?" tsubaki: i'll surrender myself. Mr. Tsubaki: "...To...me? Why?" tsubaki: on one condition; if i surrender, you wont send your subclass to harm the other servamps. Mr. Tsubaki: "...With you by my side, I will have no reason to...Where shall we meet? I can send a subclass--" tsubaki: ....i want to see you. face to face. Mr. Tsubaki: "As you wish. The park?" tsubaki: in the wooded area, yes. Mr. Tsubaki: "I look forward to seeing you. I promise, I will do whatever to make your time with me the happiest in your life." tsubaki:.... -at the hotel- belkia: what was that call for? Mr. Tsubaki: *starts dancing with Belkia* "I have a date with destiny!" lavender: huh, i think i worked with a girl by that name way back when. otogiri: it's a figure of speech. -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: *twirls Belkia* "I am off to bring our new mommy home: the Camelia Blossom herself!" Shamrock: D: naho: *JAWDROP* Mr. Tsubaki: "Toodles!" *starts skipping to the exit* Shamrock: "B-Bu-But--Someone stop him!" belkia: question! should we have this be a traditional japanese style wedding, or a western style? Mr. Tsubaki: *calls back* "Two weddings, then! Two days of weddings! Four days! Oh, make everyday a new wedding for me and my blossom!" lavender + sakuya + otogiri: -A-; (thinking: he's way beyond salvation at this point...) Mr. Tsubaki: *departs for the elevator, humming the wedding march* -elsewhere- licht: fuck, he runs fast for shit rat. soul: no kidding....OI! LAWLESS! WHERE DID YA GO?! Lawless: *hidden amongst the bushes...* soul: ....... (thinking: maka, if you were here, you could find him....) *Wind brushes by Soul...from a direction that seems to draw with it a familiar wavelength...* Lawless: *feels wind blow by him* "?!!!" ("When did it get all warm all of a sudden?") soul: hey. Lawless: "?!!! 'Swounds! How did you spot me?!!" soul: call it divine intervention. licht: come on idiot, lets go already. Lawless: "No! Don't you get it? We have a gorgeous opportunity to stop the Sin of Melancholy once and for all!" soul: but tsubaki...she wants to resolve this peacefully, and that's what we're going to do. Lawless: "No! I will not let that happen! I will not let someone give themselves up to secure peace. I WILL NOT LOSE HER AGAIN!" soul: !!!! licht: ?? Lawless: "...Nothing. It is zero, a space, the 'o' in...in her name. Forget it. Be like Lavinia and cut off your tongues than speak of what I am about to do! I will kill Melancholia, save your Tsubaki, and this war can end..." licht: *KICKS HIM ACROSS THE FACE* you talk too much. soul: h-hey! what the hell?! licht: im going to knock some fucking sense into him....because *pose* im an angel. soul: THIS ISNT THE TIME FOR THAT D:< Lawless: "If you intend to block my path...THEN PREPARE TO DIE!" soul: !!! licht: say that shit to my face. Lawless: *rushes at him* "No words, just force!" soul: !!!! *blocks the sword with a scythe arm* Lawless: "Back, shark! Or you will be meat for my stew!" soul: what the hell is wrong with you? Lawless: "Why is she doing this?!" *slices at Soul* "No one should have to sacrifice themselves, especially not her!" licht: she's doing it of her own volition, why should it matter to you? Lawless: "Because this does not have to happen! It should not happen!" soul: well, it kind of is, no changing it now. Lawless: "...Then I will stop her!" (Tries to make a run for it...) licht: *summons piano barrier* she knows what she's doing. Lawless: "NO, SHE DOES NOT!" *shrieks and howls, as the reality around him ripples* soul + licht: !!!!! -the area around them resembles a theater- voice: everyone take your seats. the show is about to begin. soul: ??? *Lawless appears, in Renaissance garb, before a statue, its features hidden in shadows* soul: ??? (thinking: isnt...that the same statue from history class?) Lawless: *steps into the spotlight* "...This is the tale of a woman too pure for this damned world." licht: ... *Light shines onto a setting of a city on the other side of the stage...Two groups, one wearing blue and the other wearing green, quarrel* Mob: "Sacrifice!" "We demand blood!" "Bring us the sacrifice!" soul: ?? Lawless: "..." *smirks* "But, I am telling the story out of order. Let's start earlier..." *The set moves away, taking the mob with it, their screams of bloodlust fading as sunshine falls onto the stage, revealing a castle in the distance, a forest in front of it...Lawless seems to have vanished from the stage* ~The Tragedy Of Ophelia~ ???: "Ophelia!" *A hedgehog runs through the forest* Lawless: "Ophelia!" ???: just a little further now... -a young lady picks a fruit from the top of a tree- ???: got it! -upon grabbing the fruit, the young lady fell out from the canopy- ???: ah- Lawless: "Ophelia!" *transforms into human, leaps, catches her...* ophelia: hehe, nice catch. girl: princess! are you ok? ophelia: im fine. look. i got the largest one on the tree. boy: wow! Lawless: *still holding her, pouts* ophelia: thanks for catching me.....lawless, you can put me down now ^^; Lawless: "You should not be picking fruit for others. Why can't you leave this work to someone else?" ophelia: *sigh* puck's going to be a big brother soon, we were gathering fruits to celebrate. girl: mr lawless, lets make flower crowns! -when sunset came, the two returned to the palace- ophelia:...its nice isnt it? the families of this country are growing more each day. Lawless: -_- "Yeah...Speaking of growing, you're getting harder to carry...and catch when you fall..." ophelia: *she pouts* mean. im not a little girl anymore, haha. *Lawless is wearing a flower crown* ophelia: hehe, its a cute look for you. -time passed on for the two, until one day....- ophelia: *in an ornate gown* i'll be getting married soon. Lawless: "What?! Why?!" ophelia: ....the skirmishes with the neighboring country have gotten worse. if it escalates further, a war will break out... Lawless: "But...But I...I..." ophelia: ?? Lawless: "...I don't want you to throw away your independence like this." ("Why can't I speak the truth to her...?") ophelia: ....*soft smile* im not looking for freedom, what i want...is peace for this country. i want to become an icon of peace, and tie the knot between both our countries. -and so, with the union of the prince and princess, the two countries were brought together, and peace was attained. however... such peace, did not last long- soldier: that attack was a declaration of war! soldier 2: the've gone two far this time! solider 3: i saw we put their beloved princess to death! that should teach them a lesson! Lawless: (overhearing in hedgehog mode) Lawless: (runs to Ophelia's room) ophelia: hmm? what is it? Lawless: "We have to escape! You have to escape! The military intends a coup, intends to kill you!" ophelia: !!..... Lawless: (takes her hand) "We can run away! To safety! Where you won't be hurt!" ophelia:....im sorry. but im staying here. Lawless: "...What?" ophelia: *she chuckles* this is the second time now that you suggested we run away...but its like i said before, i dont want to run away. what i want is peace, for not only my country, but both countries. heh, i guess that is rather avaricous of me, huh? if i must die for self-realization, then so be it. Lawless: "...Ophelia...You...You can't...I...I..." ophelia: its ok...no matter what happens, even after im gone, i hope...you can find happiness somewhere. -soon, the day of her execution came- Lawless: (pale, eyes sunken) "..." ophelia: how mane ages hence? shall this, our lofty scene be acted over? in states unborn and accents unknown? this will be my final sacrifice for peace, this is not the beginning of a war, but the end of one. people of both countries, heed my words. i was not forced to come here, i am here of my own accord. if you were to ask why, the answer is quite simple. it is because i loved peace, as much as i could love it. ophelia: people of both countries. i hope that you will plant a flower of peace... all of you. whom i loved. -those....were her final words- -slice- -The stage fades to black...and the sun rises. The scaffold and its blade are gone, replaced with a statue...- -decades passed, and a lonely, heartbroken stayed by the statue built in memory of the princess- -Rain falls onto Lawless and the statue- ???: this is why we dont fall in love with humans. -a young boy, no, the servamp of pride, approached the young man- Lawless: "...What can I say...I desire..." -the 7 silblings of sin discussed an important matter...however, this is a story we already heard, is it not? ignoring the repetitive details, when the man returned, all that remained of that country...was rubble- Lawless: "...What the devil...happened...?" -the statue of peace was left in shatters, the head barely remained....but as the statue shattered....so did the young man's mind- Lawless: "...Hee...Hee...HA HA HA HA!!!" (Tears falling down his face) -life...love...such a pitiful thing....such a pitiful man....pitiful...pitiful meaningless life- -its time for the final curtain call and final bows everyone~- Lawless: "All for naught! All for naught!" soul:...... licht:..... Lawless: -approaches stage...bows.. - licht: ok. enough is enough... *he stands up* puppet!romina: backstage passes only~ Lawless: "???" licht: *kicks the doll aside* out of the way, shit doll. Lawless: 'Sorry, no encores..." licht: mind if we give you some critique? the soundtrack needs improving. *he gets onto the stage, soul follows* Lawless: "Hey! This is my story!" soul: lets hear him out for a moment. licht: *begins playing fur elise* i can see it now...the faces of those moved to tears by my performance. i can hear their tears dripping onto their hands. Lawless: "...Stop that, you bastard...You know I despise sad songs..." soul: its not the song that's sad....its, all open to interpretation, right? Lawless: "And that is what I see and hear. The world is depressing. That is all I sense from it." soul: ....isnt is just _you_ who's depressed?.....after what happened, its reasonable to be sad.....but you cant just spend your life being miserable. Lawless: "...A lifetime cannot change what I did wrong...I should have told her..." soul: .....i think i know what you mean......i lost someone i loved too. sure, we squabbled often, but in the end, we always made up....she really did...bring out the better parts of me......when she was killed, i was ready to just give everything up....but, i had friends there, to help me overcome the pain......if im remembering correctly, ophelia wanted you to be happy, didnt she? Lawless: "...I...can't imagine happiness." licht: of course you can. soul: *he then begins to play; tsubasa wo kudasai* licht: just think of it....you are a small child....you are an elderly woman....you are flowers....you are the universe. what is it you want in life? imagine it with all your heart and soul. -what are you?- Lawless: "!!!" ("...I never wanted anything greater in this world...But then I heard Licht's music, and it was like nothing I heard before. And I wanted to be with it, hear it...and I want to hear this music...hear so much more music...") -what is it that you wanted to become?- -ophelia's image smiles warmly- Lawless: (clutches something around his neck) "...I want to be the man she loved." -its ok for you to miss her. its understandable. as long as you remember her, then she's never truly gone- licht: do you want to be someone who just withers and dies? left to be forgotten? Lawless: "Ophelia...I didn't tell you I loved you. I didn't ask you to leave with me to make your global peace a reality. But now...I will bring this peace to this world, and I will make sure this is a world where love and peace can thrive.” licht: then get out there.... licht + soul: AND LIVE YOUR DAMN LIFE TO THE FULLEST!! Lawless: (sneers) "Such coarse language...but it's loud and clear!" -they are back on the sidewalk- licht:...come on hyde. lets go home. Lawless: "Tch. Home? Don't you think we'd still be more helpful backing up the young lady against Melancholia?" licht: *kick* i meant home base, dumbass -_-; soul: ^^; i guess the more things change, the more they stay the same....hey, lawless.....there's gonna be days when you feel like shit....if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me, ok? Lawless: "Ouch! How mean!...And sure, whatever, talk...Um...thanks." soul: no probs. Lawless: "...Hey, how do you even have teeth like that?" -elsewhere, in the woods- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." (internal screaming of glee) ??? hey. -WHAAAAAALE- Mr. Tsubaki: "...What?" (Dodges) -5 whales are standing before you. whale 1: yo. Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, my! Such silly designs and inappropriate voices! Hee hee hee! What is this?" whale 1: the person you are looking for is in one of these suits. can you guess which one it is? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom? You're into...whale cosplay. Hmmm...That is surprising, but I suppose I could get used to it..." whale 1: .....YOU GONNA TRY FINDIN HER OR NOT?! Mr. Tsubaki: "If it gets me closer to her--" (flash step until he is next to one whale..and hugs them) "Blossom Flower!" whale 2: O-O;; (ray: *SCREAMING INTERNALLY*) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Wait...I CAN'T TELL WHO IS IN HERE! Too much padding!" whale 3: *CHARGES AT HIM* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Not interesting at all.. " (dodges) "I'll just have to take the outfit off of each of you until I find my Camelia inside..." whale 1: O-O; (romina: im gonna whup his ass.) Mr. Tsubaki: (leaps at Whale 1) whale 3: *HEADBUTT* SCATTER!!! -the whales run in different directions- Mr. Tsubaki: "Umph! Wait! Come back, my love!” *Chases one whale* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." misono: looks like we're going to infultrate again...i got better disguises this time, so hopefully this works. mahiru: quick question....why are half of us going dressed as girls? misono: since our group is mostly guys, they wont expect it! it's called strategy! sayaka: i think you guys look so cuuuute! Lily: "Strike a pose!" the mother: it's a nice look. madoka: so convincing. Black Star: "Then keep the parts up so not to bring suspicion..." tetsu: ok. *dressed as a butler* Hugh: ): "I hate this baby look..." sayaka: i think it's really cute! i just wanna take you home! >w< uzuki: it's amazing i still had some doll clothes that fit you. Hugh: D: -and so- Lily: (waves to everyone as they enter) "Excellent dress! Oh, you are rocking those shoes! Cool shades!" clerk: may i help you. misono: *higher voice* yes, we're looking for 'carmine entertainers' to audition? Hugh: (nods) clerk: ah yes, the top floor. *hands them a key* Lily: "Wonderful! Thank you so much..." -on the elevator- mahiru: you guys ready? misono: yeah. tetsu: *nods* Hugh: (nods) Lily: "Yes...Can't wait to try battling in this number..." misono: try to take it easy. you still lost a lot of jinn... Lily: "...Of course..." -top floor- Shamrock: "...Where is the master? What is taking him so long?" belkia: izayoin's still isnt back either. -ding- otogiri: ?? Shamrock: (opens the door) misono: guess who. Shamrock: "...Who are you young ladies with these familiar looking young men?" misono: O-O; sakuya: what's going o-....m...mahiru?! mahiru: O-O;;;; Lily: "...So much for the plan..." tetsu: *throws a coffin at shamrock* Shamrock: (coffin to the head) "OUCHIE!" -elsewhere, mr tsubaki's phone rings- belkia: WE GOTS A PROBLEM! Mr. Tsubaki: "So do I! These whale suits are practically glued to their skin!" belkia: WE GOT PLAYED LIKE A FIDDLE MAN! THOSE BRATS AMBUSHED US! Mr. Tsubaki: "...WHAT?!!" *rip!* "...Nope, you definitely are not my Blossom. Nice undies, though." Guildenstern: D: ray: im officially scarred for life. Mr. Tsubaki: "...My Blossom lied to me!!! She's not here at all, is she?!" ray: maybe she is maybe she isnt. romina: schrodinger's flower. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Belkia, capture the interlopers but do not kill them. I have whales to strip..." belkia: you got it! Mr. Tsubaki: (war cry) "I will find you, my beloved! I hope you are presentable!" -back at the hotel- Hugh: "Behind you!" tetsu: !! *dodge* lavender: you know, you're kinda cute. a shame you arent a bit older. otogiri: you're shameless. belkia: SHISHKABOBING TIME! Lily: (dodging, barely) misono: this is bad. Shamrock: "How dare you trick us with deceptive albeit fashionable attire!" mahiru: kuro! belkia: jeez, where's izayoin when you need her? Kuro: "...I don't want to. I hate this outfit." (Dressed like Hello Kitty) Shamrock: (tackles Tetsu) tetsu: !!! Shamrock: (chokehold) misono: *jumps onto shamrock's back and tries prying him off* GET OFF HIM! Shamrock: "Get this elf off my back!" -someone throws him into a wall- saku:..... Kuro: "!!!" (Leaps at Saku) Hello Kitten Klaws!" saku: *blocks them with her sword*....how annoying. Kuro: (sliced) "Aah!" (Growls) mahiru: KURO!! *runs over to him* Shamrock: "...This tall one is down..." Hugh: (bat form to fly away) lavender: not bad sakun~ saku: shut your damn mouth. lavender: ?! what the hell got into you? saku:....retribution...for what you all did. ~Tale of the bamboo cutter~ -SLASH- -lavender is sliced in two- lavender: ah-..... Hugh: "!!!" Shamrock: "What on earth?! Why did you do that?!" saku: *picks up lavender's top half and throws it though the door* im....not pleased. Shamrock: "Neither are we, but that is against the young master's wishes..." lavender: *too shocked to even make a sound* Kuro: "...Insane..." saku: you misunderstood....im not pleased with you. that old man...he defeated me.....i want to make him...all of you pay. Shamrock: "...Higan?" saku: *grips the sword tighter* Shamrock: "!!! Then take it out on him, not us!" saku: i have...a plan in mind. Shamrock: 0-0 lavender: ah....... *SCREAMING* Shamrock: "!!!" belkia: HOLY SHIT! OI! OLD MAN WE COULD USE BACK UP PRONTO!! lavender: YOU FUCKING BITCH I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!! Higan: (yawn) "What---?" belkia: HOW ARE YOU SLEEPING THROUGH THIS WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!! lavender: SAKU YOU C*NT I WILL FUCKING CLAW YOUR MOTHERFUCKIN EYES OUT FOR THIS!! Higan: "Well, see, last night, Lav did this thing with her tongue that sapped the energy all out of me--" (notices the battle...) ".. All right! Cat fight!" sakuya: NOW?! OF ALL TIMES?! SHE'S CUT IN HALF YOU ASS!! lavender: oh really? i didnt notice, except, oh i dunno. MY LOWER HALF IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HALLWAY! Higan: "...I have so many jokes to make, but first--" (summons flames) "While you're crazy hot, Saku, I am not afraid to fight a woman...So how about you surrender now?" saku: just die already. *charges at him* i have no intention of losing a second time... Higan: "Burn." -Flames explode at her, aimed for her eyes, chest, and limbs- saku: .... saku: *SCREAMS* d-damn! *burns on parts of her face* Higan: "...Such beautiful colors..." saku: *charging and slashing at him again* i refuse to lose. those who lose are weak... Higan: (pulls back his fist) Higan: --knees her-- "Right in the babymaker..." saku: !!! d-dammit.....*she looks out the window and smirks* right on time... Shamrock: "???" yumikage: yo. belkia: awwww shit. Shamrock: "You're with them?!" saku: not quite. yumikage: she just told us where you were. lavender: YOU'RE THE FUCKING WORST!! Higan: "Why do a thing like that? They'll hurt you, too--" Jun: "Take this!" (Knees Shamrock in the balls) Shamrock: >< yumikage: we made kind of a deal with her. she tells us where tsubaki is, and we let her live. fair enough. Higan: "...Yeah, no. You need to leave--" mahiru: !! Higan: "Be gone, while you still have legs on which to run..." yumikage: ....tch- damn, where the hell is tsurugi when you need him? Tsurugi: "GUYS!" (Calling from another room) "I can't find Tsubaki...just a plush doll he was dancing with..." mahiru: O-O;; misono: creepy. Hugh: "...Disgusting..." Shamrock: "We can obsess about Young Master's proclivities another time...Belkia! Attack!" belkia: *swords in hand* ALRIGHT STABBY TIME! >8D Tsurugi: "...Do I still get paid?" -in the woods- ray: good thing there's overcast today... Mr. Tsubaki: (giggling) "Get back here~" tsubaki: O-O;;;;;; Guildenstern: (pursuing Mr. Tsubaki...in only his boxers) "Get back here, you foolish vampire!" romina: -_-; (thinking: at least i have clothes on under the suit. and not just undies.) Mr. Tsubaki: (dodges) "Nice orca design on your undies, buddy! Now, where is my Blossom..." (sniff) "...I. Smell. You!" romina: AW HELL NAH! Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Move aside, you." romina: D8 tsubaki: O-O;;;;; *in the yellow whale suit* Mr. Tsubaki: "I have my beautiful flower to find..." (tries to walk by Romina towards Yellow Whale...) tsubaki: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mr Tsubaki: (approaches Yellow Whale..smiles) "I am ready to go home, with you." tsubaki: O____________O;;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why did you pull me away from my family, Tsubaki? So that your friends could hurt them?" tsubaki:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Was this all some ruse? Tsubaki...Don't hurt my family..." tsubaki:...*trembling* after you hurt mine? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I...didn't...Tsubaki, they aren't..." tsubaki: arent what? Mr. Tsubaki: "...They aren't your family, are they? They aren't someone for whom you gave up so much...to give them life..." tsubaki:.......even so, i want to protect them. Mr. Tsubaki: "...And I want to protect my family, as you do your own...So, we are at an impasse. What do we do?" -the phone rings again- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *answers* "Yes?" belkia: shit got really bad...the brats left, but turns out izayoin sold us out to C3...we chased them off, but lavs hurt really bad, izayoin fled.... Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! I'm on my way!" *looks at Tsubaki* "...Did you send C3 after us?" tsubaki: C3? *confused* i dont...i didnt send them. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I know you didn't. I just wanted to hear you say it. I have to go..." tsubaki:.... -later- lavender:..... *healed, but asleep* Higan: "..." *sitting by her bed, holding her hand* lavender: mmn....ma....im sorry mama..... Higan: "??? Shh...It's okay..." lavender: ....*calming down a bit* Higan: "...I'm here. Not going anywhere. Not again." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Yo...Um...Is the Tsubaki girl back? What's going on?" romina: it's....complicated, to say the least. Lawless: "!!! What happened? Is she okay?!" romina: she's alive and well. the incident ended in stalemate... julian: wrath's subclass and guildenstern are still a bit worn out though... Guildenstern: (bandaged, without his whale suit, and wearing a shirt that said ‘oh whale’) -_-;; ray: on the plus side, casualties were kept to a minimum. Lawless: "...Which suggests there _were_ casualties?" ray: just two suits. Guildenstern: T_T "MY BABIES!" tsubaki: it's ok... *pat pat* Lawless: "...What about you, Tsubaki? How are you holding up?" tsubaki:...im ok...what about you? you kind of ran off... Lawless: "...I'm...conflicted. But I'm here now." tsubaki: *she nods* -a few days later- Mr. Tsubaki: "How are you, Lavender?" lavender: better...least im not dead, haha... Mr. Tsubaki: (smiles) "Good...Ready for a mission, or need a bit more rest?" lavender: still recovering, so im just gonna rest a bit. sakuya: we're gonna need a new base... Mr. Tsubaki: "I have an idea--" Shamrock: "No, sir, we are not moving in next door to your beloved." Mr. Tsubaki: D: lilac: w-where can we go then? Higan: "There are some deserted locations..." Shamrock: "Museums, hotels, mansions..." otogiri: hmmm... Hirano estate. an abandoned eastern style mansion whos residents suddenly left without a trace... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmmm...Sounds rich, but it could use a flower theme name...I'll think of something after we move in. Shamrock, purchase it." Shamrock: 'It is abandoned, so not too difficult." belkia: it looks like the kinda place that has creepy little girls crawling out of the well. Higan: "Yeah, really...Hey, Lilac, you're shaking..." lilac: i-i-im ok... naho: its ok lila, sakuya and i will protect ya ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "Such rumors are just superstition anyway." -elsewhere- Kid: "It's so sad removing the Christmas decorations each year..." stocking: yeah. Kid: *carefully placing ornaments into wrapping, then into storage* "...Do you think..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...Sorry. I was just imagining future Christmases." *holds up an ornament: "Kiddo's First Christmas." It has a photo in it of Kid holding a zebra stuffed toy* stocking: awww. Kid: "Heh..." *wraps it carefully, places it into the box* "...You know, maybe we should have an ornament, together..." stocking: *blush* Kid: "Could always make one..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Thanks for inviting me to lunch..." shinra: it's not a problem. iris: ^^ Relan: (smiles at Iris) "How was your break, Iris?" iris: it was nice. sister's leg is getting better a little bit. Relan: "Yeah, I saw her post online. It's kind of you to visit her." ^^ -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Zzzz..." fang-hua: so that's what all happened, commander? Benimaru: (nods) "It is horrifying..." fang-hua: if i'd just been here, then- Benimaru: "No, it's not...I mean, you couldn't have known..." fang-hua: ..... Benimaru: (pats her hand) fang-hua:.....*she nods* Benimaru: "We will have to follow this evidence. I'm going to need your help." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: (smiles) "It's good to have you back..." fang-hua: glad to be back... Tsukiyo: (yawn) "Hey, why are there people in my--!!! Fang-Hua!!!” fang-hua: hey tsukiyo, im back. Tsukiyo: (GLOMP) fang-hua: haha.. ^^; Tsukiyo: "Did you miss me?" fang-hua: yeah, i missed all of you. -peeeeeeek- hikage + hinata: big sis kohana's back! *hug* Benimaru: (smiles) "That's sweet..." kirei: miss huo. its good to see you *she smiles* fang-hua: good to see you too, sister. Benimaru: "..." -/////- hikage + hinata: ... 83 Benimaru: "...Well, you'll be busy catching up. I'll start my patrol..." -elsewhere- PlushFix: (sharpening claws) hina: found ourselves some new recruits. PlushFix: "Cool, cool...How they look?" hina:....quiet. saku:..... PlushFix: "...Still hot, though." saku: *draws her sword at him* mimeca: *looks at akua* PlushFix: (flashes his claws) "I got blades, too..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: (drying her hair) nea: ahh, nice and refreshed~ Kepuri: "Yeah, we ladies needed a break..." chie: mmhmm. medea: -.- *swimming through the onsen* Kepuri: "So calming..." chie: it sure is, right toru, honey? *rubs her stomach* Kepuri: "...May I feel?" chie: i dont mind. Kepuri: (puts hand on her belly...) "!!! He kicked!" chie: *squeeees* Kepuri: "Medea! Want to feel the kick?" medea:....i'll pass thank you. Kepuri: (pouts) "Whatever...Nea?" nea: yeah? Kepuri: "Want to feel the baby kick?" nea: i guess... Kepuri: (squee...then goes into onsen with Medea) "What's up with you?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: (sigh) "Ahhh..." kim: zzzzz.... Jacqueline: "..." (looks at Kim) ("She looks so peaceful...") kim: *sleepy tanuki noises* Jacqueline: (small laugh..."Cute...") -at the onsen- soul: *stirring awake*....what the? Lawless: "Zzzz..." soul: O-O;; (thinking: i have no idea how to feel about this...) Lawless: (sleep talking) "I missed you, my Juliet..." soul: O__________O;;; Lawless: (hand strokes Soul's chest) "Hmmm...Your breasts feel smaller..." soul: O/////////////////////O *SCREAMS INTERNALLY* Lawless: "Mmm...Let me take a look..." (reaches under Soul's shirt) soul: <____>;;; Lawless: (light kiss on Soul's chest...) "Wait...You never had a scar there..." soul: gnh- >///o;; Lawless: (wakes up) "...Soul? What the devil...?" soul: dude.....what the shit?...... O-O; why do you have an erection right now?! Lawless: "...Um..." soul: O-O;;;; Lawless: "...Cold shower?" soul: im good.......this incident never happened. Lawless: "...Okay. But if it did happen--" soul: dude. Lawless: "I'm just saying! We all get lonely now and then--" soul: .... Lawless: "...Yeah, maybe I need a cold shower. Excuse me..." *stands up* -elsewhere- Emine: -_-;;; "Shotaro, stop splashing water at me..." Shotaro: *splash splash splash* "Hee hee..." akaderu: *slumped in the water* what a drag... Tool: "Stop whining and just relax..." *dunks head under water, swimming* Yohei: *sipping tea* "Ahhhh~" Assi: *can't really see because he doesn't have his glasses on...* "Where's the soap?" Zuno: "..." *hands it to him* "Here." Assi: "Thanks!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *shudders* tsubaki: everything ok? Black Star: "Yeah, just a weird feeling I got...after..." tsubaki:....*she hugs him* Black Star: *hugs back* "I'm glad he...he didn't hurt you." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *lies his head against her chest...* "...You're brave." -at the shop- metsu: mikuni, package for you. Mikuni: "??? What d'ya think is in it?" metsu: i dont bother looking through mail that isnt mine...unlike certain _other_ people. *pokerface glare at johannes* Johannes: "..." *wearing a pair of boxers on his head that are labeled "Jeje's"* "...What?" Jeje: *removes the boxers from Johannes's head--and slugs him in the jaw* Mikuni: *opens the box* "...!!! A dollie!!!" metsu: *reading the note* 'dearest miku, i found this on a raid, and i know how much you love dollies, so i sent you this. plz send money, tsurugi.'....he also drew a kissy face on the letter... Mikuni: "..." *sigh* "What money? I spend it all on dolls--he knows that..." -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: hehe~ *circles her finger along his chest* Kid: *shudders excitedly* "I hope I haven't been too rough on you, with the new toys..." stocking: its fine, you know i like it rough~<3 Kid: "...Really, now?" *holds one of her wrists, massaging it* -at the hotel- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ready to move?" belkia: yeppers! naho: all set~ otogiri: have everything? lilac: *nods* ame: *nod* Shamrock: "Aye." Higan: "Here, let me help you, Lavender..." lavender: im good, im recovering, but im not completely helpless, haha. Higan: "Then maybe I just want to be close to you...cop a feel..." Sakuya: gross. -_-' Higan: -_-;;;; "Grow up." otogiri:.... anyway that should be everythi- Shamrock: "DON'T OPEN THAT BOX, BELKIA!" belkia: ??? *The box has items belonging to Mr. Tsubaki, as well as photos, illustrations, poems* belkia:....... o_o Shamrock: *closes box, grabs Belkia by the throat* "Not a word to young master, or your head will be shoved into a furnace!" belkia: *choked voice* ok ok! Shamrock: "Good." *releases Belkia onto the floor, picks up his box, and walks into the living room* "Ready to depart, young master~" Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Where is Lilac?" lavender: hallway i think....he's been rather quiet lately....*concerned* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'll get them..." *approaches Lilac in the hallway...* lilac:....*looking up, clutching his fox plushie* Mr. Tsubaki: "We're about ready to move..." lilac:....*nods and puts the plushie back into his backpack* Mr. Tsubaki: *offers a hand, smiles* "It'll be okay..." lilac:....o-ok.... Mr. Tsubaki: "You'll like your room." lilac:.... Mr. Tsubaki: "And you'll be in another neighborhood...Maybe make new friends there?" lilac:......*slight trembling* (saku: your friends.....they died because they were weak.) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Lilac? Did something happen?" lilac: i...im ok... Mr. Tsubaki: "...If something _did_ happen, I hope you will tell me..." -morning- soul: ....... sayaka: so what's our next step? Lawless: "Wouldn't mind finding Mr. Tsubaki's new location and take the fight to him..." mahiru: perhaps we should recruit mikuni? misono:........ Kuro: "He seems a bit...off." mahiru: but he seems to know a lot of stuff about servamps and such...he could be a useful ally. misono:.....*sigh* fine. but im not going to enjoy it. Lily: "...It may go better than expected...I hope." sayaka: i'll just hold down the fort ^^;;;; -and so- sayaka: *hiding in the coffin* why Q-Q mahiru: here it is. misono:... tetsu: *knocks on the door* sayaka: O___O;;;; metsu: come on in. -the group enters- misono:.... Jeje: *stares at Misono* misono: *cold chill* mahiru:....*AHEM* is mikuni in? metsu: oh, he's upstairs. *Faustus appears around the corner* Faustus: "HELLO!!!" misono: ACK! sayaka: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;; licht: the fuck? tetsu:....hi. Faustus: *looks at Tetsu for a moment* "...Damn, they are making them tall nowadays...Where is Teddy Bear?" tetsu:...there's some over there on the shelf. Faustus: "Huh? No, I mean your friend, Sayaka?" tetsu: oh. she's in the coffin. Faustus: "...Fun." sayaka: TETSU YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM!! tetsu: hold on a sec. *he opens it up, and sayaka stumbles out onto the floor...on her face* sayaka:....ow Q.Q Faustus: "Rubber Ducky! Hang on, I'll get you bandages, an ice pack, and ointment!" *runs off* sayaka:....tetsu why? tetsu:....was i not supposed to say anything? licht:....(thinking:....what the hell is going on here?!) Lawless: *stares at Jeje* "..." Jeje: *stares back* Kuro: (playing with a ball of yarn) metsu:....*goes back to stocking shelves* tsubaki:...*notices the doll*.... O-O;;;;;; Black Star: "...Oh, fuck no, that ain't right..." Mikuni: *in his room, hosting a tea party* "I told you: three cupcakes is my limit!" misono:....*ACHOO!* stupid dust. Mikuni: *tenses* "I...recognize that sneeze..." sayaka: aww, you sneeze like a kitty. misono: i do not! shut up! >3< Mikuni: *peeks over the stairway...* misono: *tenses* (thinking: i feel a familiar presense. a presence i have not felt since....) Mikuni: "..." ("I can't talk to him...What would I even say--") *his hat falls off his hat, down the stairway* o_____o;;; misono: ...SEEMS HE'S NOT HERE! LETS JUST LEAVE! O-O; sayaka: but we just got he- -the hat landed on misono's head- misono: O-O;;; Mikuni: D: "MY HAT!" *covers his mouth* misono: oh goddammit... Mikuni: "...Um...Hello, brother. Brother's friend." misono:....mikuni. sayaka: hey mikuni. *wave* Mikuni: "...MISONO!!!!" *leaps over the bannister, arms out, to be caught by Misono* -due to misono's small stature, he got squished- misono: get....off...me.... Mikuni: "Oh...Sorry." *gets off him, picks him up* "...I thought you'd be taller." misono: T_T; sayaka: well, he is the younger brother... misono: no one asked you. sayaka: q.q Mikuni: "..." *takes back his hat...which is flattened* "So...Um...How are you?" misono: ....had some stuff go down in my life. but surviving... Johannes: *holding up bandages* "I'm back! Sayaka, why don't we give these two some privacy?" sayaka: i just remembered! i have work! later! *she opens the door.....its a blizzard* D8 ....(thinking: i am at the mercy of a cruel god.) Johannes: "...D'aw..." Mikuni: "...You...are here, Misono..." sayaka:....seems im stranded here now until the storm passes...... QwQ;; misono:...yeah.... metsu: shall i get you all something to drink? Kuro: "...Milk." Lily: "Tea~" Mikuni: "..." Johannes: "Soda! How about you, Wet Goose?" soul: O_O; sayaka:....some ramune if you have any QwQ Black Star: "Yo, one right here, too." Jeje: "Blood...I mean, water." metsu: i can get you blood if you want. *holds up syringe* mikuni, hold still. Mikuni: *pouts* "Fine...Just clean the spot first..." metsu: very well. -and so- tsubaki: that's basically what's been happening. Mikuni: *looks at Misono, then back at Tsubaki* "So...You think we can help?" mahiru: you guys seem to know a lot about vampires, so you might just be able to help us. sayaka: *trembling* soul: you ok sayaka? you've been on edge since we got here. sayaka: imokreally. Johannes: *leering at Soul* "So...You are one of Sayaka's friends, too, huh...?" soul: yeah, i guess i've known her since she started attending school at the academy. Johannes: *towers over Soul* "Are you treating her well~?" soul: of course, why do you ask O.O; Johannes: *smiling but creepy, angry voice* "Because if you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and show you your own lower intestines~" soul: O_O; why would you care? sayaka: >__>;;;;; Johannes: "Just. Being. Cautious. You hear me?" Mikuni: -__-;;; "Someone, please hit him." metsu: *CHOP* stop that. sayaka: thank you metsu! Black Star: "...Man, I thought the people we hang around are weird..." soul: something seems familiar Mikuni: "...Misono?" misono: what? Mikuni: "...You know, don't you?" misono:........yeah. Mikuni: "...I am...I did something awful." misono:......if you didnt...then i-......t-thanks.....i guess... Mikuni: "...I am happy you are alive." misono:.....father...wants to see you. Mikuni: "...Oh. That is surprising." tsubaki: about this doll...*she holds it up* Mikuni: "..." *looks at the doll...then Tsubaki...* "Oh my God! Someone figured out how to turn dolls into flesh and blood humans?! Neato! Can you turn my Veronica doll into a flesh and blood human? Or my unicorn doll?" metsu: one of mikuni's former partners in C3 sent it to him. mahiru: EH?! Mikuni: *nods* "Yes--I think they got it on a mission?" Mikuni: "I think it was at a hotel?" tsubaki:....i think i'll purchase it. Black Star: o______o;;;; Jeje: "Good purchase." metsu: come downstairs, and i'll ring you up. tsubaki: thank you. Mikuni: "...When did Father expect me? I did receive an invitation from him..." misono: he will be heading to europe after the new year... Mikuni: "...I guess I better get there soon. Today?" tsubaki: there's so many dolls here... Lawless: *looking around at dolls* "No kidding...Jeez, who collects them all?" metsu: that would be mikuni. -_-; Lawless: "Man, expensive hobby. But a fool and his money are soon parted--" licht: how much for this one? *holds up a doll with angel wings* it's so adorable. Lawless: -____-;;;; "You damn nerd." tsubaki: do they all have names? Lawless: "I see some labels on them...'Angelica,' 'Beatrice'..." soul: 'Lilian', 'Christine', 'Emilia', 'Jeanette', 'Oph-'...oh.....oh shit. Lawless: "???" *spots it* "..." Q_______Q soul:...*comforting awkward hug* easy buddy. licht:.... Lawless: "...I-I-I...Is that...doll available?" licht: ...? Lawless: "May I buy that doll?" metsu: why do you ask? Lawless: "Sentimental value. Maybe I need a hobby, dress up dolls or something..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Man, Mana--you're really good at ping pong!" mana: *griiiins* Emine: *sipping milk* "Hmm...Never been to an onsen. It was nice. Too much time around naked people, though." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "So, when is the boss going to be off the crutches?" officer: soon hopefully...but at least im not getting stepped on, my spine cant take much more... Kishiri: "...Oh, don't even act like you didn't like that." -_-;;; officer: D8 Hibana: *walking on crutches towards them* "You! Officer! You still have paperwork not finished!!! Gabriella, release the dogs!" Kishiri: -____-;;; "Don't I deal with enough dogs..." -elsewhere- Relan: "That was a good meal--thanks!" iris: ^^ Relan: *stretches* "The Commander has been running us ragged, so this was a great break..." shinra: ah. Relan: "...Was it this hard for you, to do the basic physical training?" shinra: a little bit...did you want to train together sometime? Relan: *nods* "Training with people strong like those in the 8th would help..." *winks at Shinra and Iris* shinra: daww… *blush* iris: ^^ Relan: "How is everyone else at the brigade? Your commander okay?" shinra: yeah. he's doing well. Takehisa: *emerges from around the corner* "...Hide me..." shinra: !! Takehisa: *dives behind sofa* Relan: "...That sofa is not big enough for your tallness, sir..." iris: uhhh.... O-O; Takehisa: "I think I have upset Maki. HIDE ME." -elsewhere- PlushFix: *looks at Akua* "So, what's your story?" akua:....not much money...family were druggies....but i found salvation. *pulls up pant leg to show a marking of 3 eyes on their ankle* PlushFix: "...Huh. Didn't that weird M&M kid have that mark on his fancy mask?" akua: i felt there was some kind of link between him and the kishin....i wanted to think there was....the madness....numbed the pain. PlushFix: "Heh heh...Madness is kind of fun like that." akua: it...doesnt hurt anymore.... PlushFix: "Ha ha ha! That's good, then, right? Pain is no good--not unless you're into that kind of thing. But I don't feel pain now! Watch!" *slams his plush body against the wall, each time making a loud squeak* "See? No pain!" mimeca: *giggling motion* PlushFix: "See? Mimeca's laughing! So why don't you laugh, too, Emo Buddy?" -elsewhere- Konro: "And that's what has transpired, Fang-Hua." fang-hua: ...... Konro: "...I'm sorry. I know this is a lot to take in." fang-hua: ..im....just glad everyone is ok... Konro: *nods* "This...has been a difficult time, especially for Young Master." fang-hua:...is there anything i can do? Konro: "Just be there for him--that's all you can do." fang-hua: right. Konro: "...You care deeply for Benimaru, don't you?" fang-hua: of course i do. Konro: *nods* "Yes, that is obvious. And I know he cares for you as well." fang-hua:...*she smiles a bit* Konro: *pats her back* "Keep doing what you're doing. But always take care of yourself, first." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: *knocks* "May I enter?" fang-hua: !! oh, of course. Konro: "...I think I have to go on patrol..." *exits* Benimaru: "...Hello, Kohana." fang-hua: *ahem* commander. *she nods* Benimaru: *sits across from her* "...You okay?" fang-hua: yeah.....things have....really been hectic here, huh? Benimaru: *nods* "Frightening. I think people here will need some time to calm down. Opportunities to relax..." fang-hua: *she nods* Benimaru: "...Sorry. I was rambling. I just have no idea how to calm the divisiveness that has torn our community apart." fang-hua:.... Benimaru: "Kohana, when you are troubled, what are things you do to distract your mind?" -elsewhere- Patty: *half of her hair is dyed pink, half purple* Kid: *glare* kirika: *snickers* Patty: "What? I thought this hairstyle is very fashionable! Right, Takeru?" takeru: it's really colorful. Patty: "Hee hee..." *smooch* Kid: *growls, slowly pulls out an electric hair clipper...* stocking: easy kiddo. *hug* Kid: -\\\\\\- *small kitten growl* stocking: hehe~<3 Patty: *hugs Takeru* <3 -elsewhere- Shotaro: *yawn* "We all had a lot of fun at the baths, Mom..." setsuna: that's good. *rubbing his head* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Emine: "You still lost to Mana in the game of pong-pinging." setsuna: you tried your best. Shotaro: "I know!" *huggy* Emine: *frowns* "In any case, that was a new experience, but now it is time to sleep. Good night, Shotaro...Mother." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *swipes finger along fireplace* "Hmm...Dusty." otogiri: it's surprisingly well intact...on the inside at least. Higan: "Will need to do some repairs on some areas. The chandelier could be refurbished." Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* belkia: we need to get some cable in here stat! Shamrock: "I will place that call..." Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around for Lilac* lilac: *asleep on one of the futons* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, pulls a blanket out and plays it down over Lilac* naho: is he gonna be ok? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I have confidence Lilac will be fine." naho: ..... sakuya:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I think we could all use some sleep..." Higan: *looks at Lavender* lavender: yeah, good call. i've been feeling kind of out of it lately... Higan: "I already assembled your bed and put down the sheets. It should be comfortable for you." lavender: thanks. Mr. Tsubaki: "Which other rooms have their beds set up? Or sleeping bags?" otogiri: we got you a futon like you'd asked. belkia and sham have beds as well. ame also was given a room with a bed. Mr. Tsubaki: *claps his hands* "Yay, futon!" ame: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: "Turn in, all. We have a busy day in the morning for additional repairs...and to initiate the next step in my plan..." *sneer* -elsewhere- Black Star: *light kiss on Tsubaki's neck* tsubaki: >/////< Black Star: "S-Sorry. Too much?" tsubaki: i-its fine. Black Star: "...Hey..." *hugs her* "You okay?" tsubaki: yeah, you? Black Star: *nods* "I just...Um..." tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "..." *closes his eyes, his lips leaning towards hers* tsubaki: *surprise, but kisses back* Black Star: *kisses her...his tongue passes along her bottom lip* tsubaki: a-ahh~! Black Star: *holds her close* "Too much?" tsubaki: just...still getting used to it... Black Star: *nods* "Okay. Let's take our time...Want to cuddle?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: *lies back in bed, hugging Tsubaki* "...I'm happy you're here." tsubaki: *she smiles and nuzzles into him* Black Star: *holds her* "...You've gotten more beautiful since I first met you. Taller..." tsubaki: you too... .////.' Black Star: .\\\\. "Y-Yeah...I've gotten bigger..." -elsewhere- misono: *asleep* Lily: *keeping an eye on Misono* mitsuki: how is he? Lily: "Recovering...This is so much to accept." mitsuki: .....he's a strong kid. Lily: "Very...I just did not see that..." mitsuki: ....sooo, has he been making friends? Lily: "Quite a number~ Close compatriots of varying temperaments that help him stretch as a person, to learn more about different people." mitsuki: that's good..... >->;; does he have any special someone's in his life? n-not that im prying or anything! j-just curious. Lily: "...Mitsuki, I am Lust itself. I can see through you~ And...Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? I do think he has someone in mind..." mitsuki: oh really? Lily: "Yes, but it is complicated: she's already spoken for." mitsuki: oh. that's a bummer. Lily: *nods* "I don't know how to advise him..." mitsuki: .... Lily: "There was also another girl, as the Christmas party..." mitsuki: *perks up* Lily: "A girl named Shinoa. A little peculiar..." mitsuki: shinoa, eh? i think i heard the name... Lily: "Oh? She was at the dance. What do you know of her? I think her last name was Hiragi?" mitsuki: Hiragii! i hear the hiragi family is a really prestigious family in japan. if what i heard is true, they have strong connections to the IDPC Lily: "...Is that a bad thing?" mitsuki: i dont think so, but it is something i figured you might want to know. Lily: *nods* "Better to have this information now than be caught with my pants down...so to speak." mitsuki: -_-; Lily: *giggles* "Just a slip of the tongue...so to speak." mitsuki: hey! phrasing! Lily: "Sorry! When I'm on a roll, I just can't stop myself until I get off this kick!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Aaaaah..." stocking: *panting and shuddering* f-fuuuck... Kid: "You are so amazing..." *slaps her bottom* stocking: o-oh~! harder kiddo! Kid: "You asked for it~" *spank spank spank* stocking: ah~! that feels so good! Kid: "You know what else feels good..." *grabs her breast, pinches her nipple* stocking: ah! >/////o Kid: *turns her around, puts his mouth against her breast* "Mmmm..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *tied in bandages, hanging by his ankles from the ceiling* tamaki:....*drinking her orange juice*...so anyway... Arthur: "...Difficulty sleeping, too?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: "...Yeah. I...had some dreams." tamaki: mm... Arthur: "...Does OJ help you sleep?" tamaki: i was just thirsty. Arthur: "Ah..." *smirk* "I thought you'd prefer milk." tamaki: oh shush. -early morning- mahiru: happy birthday kuro. *gives him a scarf* Kuro: "...This will keep me warm. Thank you." mahiru: *he smiles* Lily: *holds up a ball of yarn* Kuro: -____- the mother: i got you this. *it's a t-shirt with an 8-bit link on it* i heard you like video games, so i thought this would work. Kuro: ._. "...Thank you so much." *small squee* soul:....oi, law, didnt you get him anything? Lawless: "...Yeah, I did...Let me just reach into my pocket..." *shoves his hand into his pocket* "Aaaaaand..." *pulls out his hand--giving the finger at Kuro* Kuro: -____- soul: -__-; Lawless: "BWA HA HA HA HA!!!" soul: (thinking: this guy is one tough egg to crack...) Lawless: "..." *sigh* "Fine." *tosses a 3DS Nintendo Awards card at Kuro* "Here, try not to choke on it." -elsewhere- Black Star: *washing his hair* "Awww..." tsubaki: *making breakfast* Black Star: *finishes in the shower, exits in towel* "All done in there!" tsubaki: good to know....*she smiles* Black Star: *sniffs* "Hmm...That breakfast smells GOOD!" *walks over, grabs a slice of bread* "Something to hold me over before I get dressed..." tsubaki: hehe~ Black Star: *leans over to grab some butter for his bread...* Black Star: *holds his towel, as he walks to his room* "You go shower, I'll dress and eat..." -elsewhere- Kid: *soft rub on her bottom* "I'm sorry..." stocking: *wince* its fine. im not dying. Kid: *small kiss on her bottom* "Let's get some ice..." stocking: nng...yeah. Kid: *puts on his robe* "I'll be back shortly..." *blows a kiss to her as he opens the door and exits* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hugging his pillow, sleep talking* "Why, yes, I do want to shop for new linens, my love..." sakuya: *couldnt sleep* Shamrock: -_-; "Belkia, stop spooning with me." belkia: *drooling* naho: *watching intently* lavender: *covering herself with the bedsheet* fuck, that was great. Higan: *relieved sigh* "Y-Yeah...I think you're back to 110 percent health..." *soft spank* lavender: ah~ *she smiles* thanks. i really needed that last night. Higan: "Same..." *strokes her cheek* "I needed something, too...To know you recovered..." lavender: t-thanks. 7///7 Higan: "..." *strokes down her cheek...to her chest* "...These are marvelous...A work of art...I would love to draw you like this..." -in another room- ame: *yaaawns and knocks on a door* lilac: *waking up* ??? ame: cant sleep. *lays on top of the futon* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches on his bed...spots the full-size Tsubaki Nakatsukasa doll* -_-;;; "Why, Belkia?" *exits, walks into hallway, looks into Lilac and Ame's room...* "???" lilac: *not sure what to do* ame: zzzzz.... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *waves at Lilac as he enters, whispers* "How about I take her to her bed? Or she can sleep in mind, since I'm awake anyway..." lilac: m-maybe her room... -in ame's room are a few crayon drawings. including a girl with a polka-dot dress and braids with the word 'me' written next to her- Mr. Tsubaki: *lays her in her bed, puts the sheets over her...sits by her bed, looking around the room* -there is drawings of the other subclass, as well as ame's parents- Mr. Tsubaki: *small laugh* ("She made my nose too big in that drawing...") -in one drawing is the whole group, plus her parents that says 'i wish mr soobaky will invite mommy and daddy to live with us. i miss them ): - Mr. Tsubaki: "..." TT_TT -elsewhere- uzuki: um, im not sure how to yell you this but...you're subclass is asleep in the washing machine. the mother: ...where is that? uzuki: come on. una: zzzzz... *asleep inside the washing machine* ray: ....no comment. uzuki: does she...usually fall asleep in weird places like this? the mother: this is nothing compared to other places we found her dozing off. ray: HEY GIL! WE FOUND HER! SHE WAS IN THE WASHING MACHINE! Gil: "AGAIN?!!!" *runs to the room* "Oh, darn it!" *opens the door...* una: zzzzzz =w= Gil: "She's all wet again!" ray: i'll get the towels. una: *cute kitty yaaaawn* oh..hey gil. Gil: -\\\\- "Hello...You were asleep in the washing machine. We have to get these wet clothes off of you." -chop- the mother: i'll get her into a change of clothes thank you -_-; Gil: o___o;;; "I didn't mean anything like that!" una: zzzzz..... Gil: "J-Just...Just get her changed, please." the mother: alright. -later- Hugh: -_-; "The washing machine is not a place for bathing, the drier is not a place for getting warm--AND WHO IS NOT CLEANING THE DISHES?!" mahiru: need us to help out? Hugh: "..." *gets on his hands and knees* "I'M BEGGING YOU! It's been so hard with these crazy people here!" Q~Q mahiru: ok then. una: zzzzz... *in a nice floral print dress* the mother: it was nice of your sister to lend her that dress. tetsu: no problem. Gil: o\\\\\o una: zzzzz *leaning against gil* Gil: *steam comes out of his ears* "G'aw..." ray: cute. Gil: "Ray...Help me! What do I do?" ray: just roll with it? i dont know. Gil: "...* repositions Una so her head rests on his lap* "???" una: zzzzz.... -elsewhere- Hibana: "I should be out of this cast soon...and when I do, I want a row of men on which to step." gabriella: understood! *salutes* Kishiri: Q~Q [texts Vivian: hibana wants to step on my back. help me] -elsewhere- belkia: we're gonna need an epic gift for tsubakyun's birthday. any ideas guys? Shamrock: "A complete set of encyclopedia!" Higan: "A sculpture in his honor!" naho: new sandals! sakuya: a less shitty attitude? belkia: let's kidnap that girl! >8D otogiri: .......*makes belkia slap himself* belkia: OW! that was mean girioto Q.Q Shamrock: "Hmm...Sandals are doable and useful. Now we need something a bit more expensive and unnecessary, and something he really wants." Higan: "...Kidnapping the young lady may not be a bad idea--" otogiri: O_O sakuya: D8 lavender: if it gets him to stop whining, then sure. otogiri: D:< Shamrock: "I protest this plan!!!" belkia: all in favor? *raises hand* lavender: im in. ame: *raises hand* Higan: *raises hand* belkia: those against it? *sakuya and otogiri raise their hands* Shamrock: *raises both hands* belkia: that's 3 against 4 then. lilac? lilac:.....uhhhhhhhh........... Shamrock: *intense glare at Lilac* Higan: "Come on, Lilac--you know Tsubaki needs some relief..." lilac:....*tearing up* c-can i be left out of this? naho: yeah, leave him alone, he's stressed enough!....im just gonna be neutral. Higan: *smirks at Shamrock* Shamrock: D:< belkia: two neutral, 3 saying no, and 4 saying yes. the i's have it! >8D Higan: "Alright...Then let's figure out how to get Tsubaki's beloved here...Maybe in a stripper cake..." otogiri: *CHOP* too far. naho: gross, old man. Higan: Q_Q Shamrock: "...This will blow up in our faces..." belkia: never know until ya try! Shamrock: "Hmph...How do you even propose luring her? Kidnapping? How?" belkia:....hmmmmm....how about having ame bring her here? Higan: "Sure! Ame, you can do that, right?" ame: ok! whaddo i have to do? Higan: "How about you tell her that you are lost and need help getting home?" ame: ok. Higan: *smiles* "Good." lavender: i'll keep an eye on her. Shamrock: *grumble* *grumble* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *cut down, but still tied up* "...I said I was sorry." maki:...*sigh* its fine. Takehisa: "I simply meant that--" Akitaru: "Maki! Good to see you up and awake! I'll untie Takehisa, while you lead today's morning exercise routine, 'kay? Great!" *picks up Takehisa, runs* Takehisa: o_o; -elsewhere- Shinoda: *offers a bowl of ice cream to Nea* nea: *nom nom* mmmm~! ^^ Shinoda: "Oh, Medea!" medea: yes? Shotaro: *holds up a crude drawing of her* "For you!" medea: um....thank you. i suppose. Shotaro: "Hee hee..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: much~ Kid: "That's good. You always heal so quickly..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "How may I make it up to you?" stocking: however you feel~ Kid: "Maybe candy...Or a bath? Or..." -elsewhere- Medusa: "Easy there...I'm here, it's okay." neian: *sniffle* Medusa: "You'll feel better...Just need to finish your medicine and get some more sleep..." neian: *hic* Medusa: "Shh..." *starts singing..." neian: ......zzzzz Medusa: *smiles, kisses her forehead, places her back into her crib* Ponera: Q~Q -elsewhere- Wes: *hands coffee to Liz* "Just how you like it..." liz: thanks. Wes: "Feel better?" liz: yeah. Wes: "That's good...About the New Year..." liz: hmm? Wes: *hugs her, pulls a blanket over them* "What would you like to do? Any place you want to travel to?" -elsewhere- tsubaki: *out on a walk* ???: *in a baseball cap, collar pulled up, whispers into collar* "Target spotted." ame: *sniff sniff* tsubaki: ?? ame: bi-big sis...where did you go? tsubaki: aww, its ok. i'll help you find your sister. ame: r-really? ???: *watching, smirks...* *stands up, approaching near Ame and Tsubaki...* lavender: ah! there you are! jeez, you really shouldnt wander off like that kiddo. ame: sorry. lavender: *kneels down and pats her head* its fine...*looks at tsubaki* i hope my kid sister wasnt too much trouble for you. tsubaki: not at all. lavender: *she nods* say, how about you come over for lunch? tsubaki: i wouldnt want to intrude- lavender: its fine, really. ???: *stays back, watching from afar...* < > Let Lavender lead her < > Intervene to knock out Tsubaki < > Kidnap Tsubaki themselves ame: pleeeease? ???: *observing, overhearing...* tsubaki: well, i guess i wouldnt mind. ???: *follows Tsubaki, Lavender, and Ame* -they arrive at the front of the estate- tsubaki:.....(thinking: something seems....off.) Shamrock: *inside, in disguise, wearing shades, a wig, a modified butler's outfit...and a fake goatee* lavender: we're home~! ame: we're back! Shamrock: *effected voice* "Welcome. It is good to have you home." tsubaki: it's....very clean on the inside. Shamrock: "Oh, a guest." *forced smile* "Thank you for the compliment. I do try to keep things nice and tidy..." tsubaki: may i sit down? *leaving her shoes at the door* Shamrock: "Of course...Let me lead you to the den..." tsubaki: *follows* -in another room- belkia: the eagle is in the nest! tsubakyun's gonna be so happy! otogiri: i think he's out right now...said something about 'adding a few more subclass' *Knock knock* belkia: ?? Higan: *through door* "It's me. Open up." belkia: hey higano! how'd it go? Higan: *smiles* "Tsubaki's gift has arrived~" otogiri:..... sakuya: now what? Higan: "Well, to best present her to Tsubaki, I have some wonderful outfits she could try on--" otogiri: *chop* -_-; naho: gross, old man. Higan: "Ow! Jeez...Fine. (Then you can keep the nurse outfit...) So, we just keep her busy until Tsubaki returns..." lavender: i think i might have an idea~ Higan: o\\\\o "Oh?" lavender: given his fondness for eastern style things, we could have her in a white yukata that i got. i even got a red sash to go with it. Higan: o\\\\\\\\\\\\o "...If I were Tsubaki, I'd love that." otogiri: at least it's something modest. -_-; Higan: "Well, I guess we should get to work fitting her for it--" otogiri: *CHOP* leave that to me and lavender. -_-# Higan: *head slammed against the floor* “So young….so cruel.” -outside- tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "More tea, ma'am?" tsubaki: sure. i really hope im not intruding at all. Shamrock: "Not at all. We enjoy any company we receive." *still forced smile* tsubaki: ^^; *drinking her tea* i hope this isnt rude, but the estate looked....kind of abandoned. im amazed people are living here still. Shamrock: "Oh, yes: this old home has seen better days. But we have been at work with refurbishing." tsubaki: ah....so the estate's owner.... Shamrock: "Very busy, I'm afraid, but they will be returning shortly--" tsubaki: ah.....*her head is growing fuzzy* (thinking: my head....i...!!!) *she tries to get up and exit, but falls to the floor* w-what? Shamrock: "Hmph. Took long enough..." tsubaki: *tries to send a distress text* Shamrock: "Stop that..." *kicks the phone away from her hand* "Can't have you do that..." tsubaki: ah.... *she passes out* Shamrock: "Hmph...Better if we just eliminated her." belkia: you know we cant do that. Shamrock: "Yes, yes..." Shamrock: "So, what happens now?" otogiri: *lifts her up with puppet strings and brings her to another room* .....im sorry for this... lavender: we'll handle things from here~ otogiri: *locks the door behind her* no. peeping. Shamrock: "???" Higan: *still bleeding in the other room* "Damn it..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "?!!!!" mahiru: !!! soul: shit, this is bad! misono: any idea where she is? Kuro: "GPS coordinates?" misono:....how do i even do that? Kuro: *sighs* "I'm not a hacker--I'm just tossing out ideas. We'd need someone who knows tech better, and my knowledge extends to homebrew video game systems..." licht: maybe check the school's computer lab? Black Star: "Something there has to be able to find her! And someone who can read souls, too! Come on! Let's go!" -later, elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "...How do you feel?" ame's father: we-we did what you asked, now please...just tell us our daughter is ok! Mr. Tsubaki: "Shh...Not so loud. I don't like loudness...She's fine, I assure you..." ame's mother: ...... Mr. Tsubaki: "Given her...current condition, she is not exactly in a position to be out and about." ame's mother: .....*trembling* Mr. Tsubaki: "People don't take kindly to...my kind. Her best bet is to remain under my protection." ame's mother: then...can we at least see her? i just...want to see my baby again...please... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "I could have you visit us, but we need time to keep people from locating us. I know it is difficult, to want to see your child again...Could you please wait just two more days?" ame's father:....if she gets hurt- Mr. Tsubaki: "She will not: I give you my word." -elsewhere- ???: *texting* [location found. looks like they lured someone inside. seen her around before] tsuyuki: .... [any further details?] ???: [no idea how many persons inside. quiet from out here. the girl hasn't left the house yet--she may already be dead] tsuyuki:.... [keep an eye on things. i have my doubts tsubaki would kill her] ???: [ok] tsuyuki: [C3 has her as a 'POI' for a reason.] ???: [why exactly?] tsuyuki: [seems tsubaki has taken a liking to this girl.] ???: [...gross] tsuyuki: [she may be our key to containing him.] ???: [yeah, can only hope. alright. i'll text the address. want pics of building?] -elsewhere- Black Star: "WHERE IS SHE?!!!!" students: *staring at him* Black Star: "...WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?! IF YOU'RE SOMEONE WHO CAN SENSE SOULS OR HACK A CELL PHONE, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! THE REST OF YOU, GET MOVING BEFORE I SMASH MY FIST THROUGH YOUR FACE!" kyouko: what the hell has gotten into you? madoka: ??? Black Star: "Tsubaki is in trouble--because of those goddamn vampires!" madoka: !! kyouko: vampires? Black Star: "Yeah! Real stupid but dangerous ones! And we can't find where they took Tsubaki!" kyouko: so what do you want _us_ to do? Black Star: *clutches Kyouko by the shoulders* "Can you find her soul?! Or hack a GPS phone?! OR DO SOMETHING USEFUL?!!!" kyouko: first off, GET OFFA ME! second, i heard rumors of a genius who spends her time in the metal shop classroom. Black Star: *picks Kyouko up over his head* "LEAD THE WAY TO THIS NERD!" kyouko: PUTMEDOWN!! DX< -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Hurry--Young Master will be back soon!" belkia: the display is set up. nice! got your gifts ready everyone? we save the big one for last! sakuya: his birthday isnt even until tomorrow. belkia:...every party needs a pooper thats why they invited yoooou~! Shamrock: -_-;;;; "I'd say this party has more than one pooper--" Higan: "HA HA HA! You called yourself 'sh*t'!" Shamrock: >_< otogiri: here he comes. *The door opens, as Mr. Tsubaki enters the foyer and locks the front door behind him* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmph...Shamrock isn't here to tend to me upon entering..." Shamrock: D: lavender: *snickering* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *hears Lavender, but can't identify the sound* "Hello? Is anyone home?" (Slight panic, as he remember Ame...) belkia: SURPRISE!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "???? What?! What happened?! Is everyone okay?!! Lilac? Ame?" group: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! otogiri: even if it's a day early. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Oh." *smiles* "Well, that is a surprise, to have a birthday party a day early. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!" -elsewhere- mei: just a little more aaaaand. there we go! should be easy to track her location. but since this an emergency tracker, it's only going to last 24 hours. Black Star: "Then I'll get it done in less than a day! Thanks! Now, to find where those fuckers took Tsubaki!" mei: good luck! -elsewhere- belkia: and now, the megalodon gift! the creame of the crop! the- sakuya: get on with it! Mr. Tsubaki: *face full of cake* "Huh?" -thud- belkia: what wazzat? -in the room- tsubaki: *trying to undo the ribbons binding her wrists and ankles* come on...come ooon... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um...You said there was a megalodon gift. Where is it?" belkia: it should be in there. *points to the room* Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Um, okay?" *gets up, starts walking towards the room...* Mr. Tsubaki: *opens the door* tsubaki: !!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *voice grows quiet, shocked* "...Tsubaki?" tsubaki: *paralyzed with fear* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looks out into the hallway, smiles widely* "Could I have all of my subclasses line up? I would like to thank you for this most gracious gift~" belkia: no probs~! lav and ame lured her here! Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Really? How interesting..." *lines them up...then has Ame and Lilac take a step back* "Then let me show you my thanks..." *Mr. Tsubaki pulls back his hand, and does a long slap across all of their faces (except Ame and Lilac) in one fluid motion* sakuya: DX belkia: OW! tsubaki: WHAT THE FUCK?! otogiri: that was warrented. Shamrock: Q~Q "Young Master! I-I didn't approve of this! I voted against it!" Higan: *holding his cheek* "Ow...I now wear this red mark on my face..." Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles at Lilac and Ame* "Lilac, please take Ame to play in her room for a bit, please~" lilac: uh, o-ok. ame: ok! *Once Lilac and Ame leave...* Mr. Tsubaki: *glaring at his family, pointing behind him to Tsubaki* "I did not ask you to kidnap her. I did not want her harmed. And what is worse, you could have endangered us! You could have hurt Ame! What do you have to say in defense of this insanely stupid action?!" lavender:....oops. sakuya: shit. belkia: Q-Q; Shamrock: *shudders* Higan: "Oh..." otogiri:...im sorry. Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes. 'Oh.'" *pinches the brow of his nose* "Okay. Step one, we untie Tsubaki. Step two...Um...I have no idea what Step Two is." otogiri: right away. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks as Tsubaki is untied* "...You have no reason to believe I had nothing to do with this..." tsubaki:...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...When we let you go, you will inform others of our location, won't you?" tsubaki:........do you want me to tell them? Mr. Tsubaki: "No. We are vampires. There are people who would rather see us dead. And Ame..." tsubaki:....then i wont say anything. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "I believe you." *looks to the others* "We are letting her go." tsubaki: i wont lie, you've done terrible, terrible things.....but i dont think you're completely evil. you or your family. Mr. Tsubaki: *ashamed...fox ears pop up on his head, folding down, like an embarrassed dog* "I have...but...I didn't do this to you. Did they...hurt you?" lavender: otogiri and i changed her clothes, and sham drugged her, but that's all we did. Mr. Tsubaki: "DRUGGED HER?! ..." o\\\\\o "Changed her?" *finally notices Tsubaki's outfit...slight nosebleed* Shamrock: *tries to run away* tsubaki:.... *flustered* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um, well, let her change back into her clothes..." o\\\\o *still standing, not leaving the room...* tsubaki: *takes her clothes* i'll....change at home. thanks. 7///7; Mr. Tsubaki: "W-We don't want to inconvenience you..." *reaches an arm out--to grab the escaping Shamrock by the neck* "And Shamrock owes you an apology. Would you like to beat it out of him?" *holds up a baseball bat* "It is my birthday party--he can be our pinata..." Shamrock: *choked* tsubaki: n-no thanks. i think since its the new year tomorrow, we should start fresh. so for that reason, i'll pardon everything that happened today. lavender: for real? tsubaki: *she smiles and nods* Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\o "YOU ARE AN ANGEL!" *drops Shamrock to the floor, gets on his knees, bowing to Tsubaki* "Thank you!" Shamrock: *wheezing from being choked* tsubaki: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *kisses her feet* tsubaki: ./////.; Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *backs up, stands* "S-Sorry. I was groveling--I got carried away..." tsubaki: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *ahem* "W-We will, um, step back and let you exit...Goodbye, Tsubaki." *picks up Shamrock by the collars, leads the subclasses away to the second floor...* tsubaki:....!! wait....i know it's not much but. *she gives him a scarf* happy birthday. Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\\o "...I...don't know what to say..." tsubaki: *she smiles and exits* -Elsewhere- Black Star: "A-Are you sure you're okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* it went better than expected. Black Star: "...Given how bad I expected things would go, that's not exactly reassuring." tsubaki: ...im here now, huh? Black Star: "..." *nods* tsubaki: *she hugs him* Black Star: *hugs back* "...I'm getting worried." tsubaki:....i know. -elsewhere- naho: Q.Q Mr. Tsubaki: *wearing the red scarf* "..." *hugs Naho* naho: eh? Mr. Tsubaki: "I am still upset with what you all did..." *pulls back, smiles* "But I cannot be upset with my family." naho:.... Q_Q belkia: awwww. Mr. Tsubaki: *glares at Belkia* "You, however, could use some time to calm down...What were you thinking?" sakuya:... (thinking: ever since she gave him that scarf, he's had a flowery aura...) belkia: GAME TI-......we dont have a TV.... Mr. Tsubaki: -____-;;; "Then perhaps you all should have chipped in to buy a television rather than KIDNAPPING MY BELOVED AND DRUGGING HER!" *sniffs his scarf* "Aw~" belkia: OwO;;;;; Shamrock: *reviewing paperwork* "We can buy a new television tomorrow..." *looks nervously at Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: *frowns at Shamrock* "...I should have Naho punish you." Shamrock: o___o;;; naho:...... me? owo; Mr. Tsubaki: "Any ideas in mind?" naho: i have no idea. *muttering* if it's with you he'd be really submissive but he looks like he'd be hard dom with anyone else and i've seen his reading habits so i have no idea what i should do he'd probably do really intense things to a cute girl like me *mutter mutter* sakuya:........ (thinking: how can such an innocent looking face have such an x-rated mind?) Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Yes, submissive to me..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...You already have video of him and me...Anything else you wanted?" naho: eh? hmmmmmmmm... i dunno~ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *whispers* "Are you interested in intense things with Shamrock?" naho: eh? OwO;;;; sakuya: *mortified* otogiri: *judgmental look* Shamrock: D: Mr. Tsubaki: "...What? I am asking the question, to be direct..." naho: owo............ OwO............ O//////////w//////////O *vibrating* lavender:...i think you broke her. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Indeed. I'll put her to bed." Shamrock: D: D: D: D: Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Not like that..." belkia:...sham...did you need to 'vent' again? Shamrock: *meek nod* Mr. Tsubaki: *sets Naho in bed* "Will you be okay?" naho: O///////w///////O belkia: same place? lavender: dont go breaking peoples legs this time! Higan: -_-;;;; "How about we _not_ take Shamrock out into public again and just get him a video?" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Naho, talk to me. This isn't appropriate to keep it bottled in." naho: *blink blink* what? belkia: yeesh.....or should we just bring someone here then eat them? Mr. Tsubaki: "You are a young woman, with sexual desires. And bottling them up is not healthy." Shamrock: *stomach growls* o\\\\\o "...I think Mr. Tsubaki is already on edge. Would he want us to?" naho: *flustered* i never really thought about my own love life..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, it doesn't have to be _love_. But sex is helpful for some people--" belkia: HEY TSUBAKYUN! CAN WE CALL SHAM A PROSTITUTE? Mr. Tsubaki: *hears the yell* -_-;;;; "...Naho? What do you think? Sham deserves some punishment, and I'm...just not in the mood to kill a random human right now." naho: but he broke someone in half last time! >^< Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "Good point..." *calls back* "No, Belkia! He can deal with simply a porno and pig's blood!" *looks at Naho* "..." *lies beside her in bed* naho: !!!! i-i cant do that with you! i-i'd just be weird! Mr. Tsubaki: "Okay...That is what I wanted to hear. But it that is the case, why is that weird but not you filming me?" naho: O///w///O;;; ummm.... sakuya: you realize she's a textbook fujoshi, right? naho: WHAT HE SAID! Mr. Tsubaki: "...What's that?" sakuya: it means she likes to see two guys doing it. -_-; Mr. Tsubaki: "...That can work, Naho, but not without trust. And you haven't earned that when you spy on people." naho:.....*teary eyed* im sorry....am i a bad person? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *hugs her* "I forgive you...but I think you need to apologize to Shamrock." naho: ok...*knock knock* sham? c-may i come in? Shamrock: "Yes, what is it, Naho?" naho:...im sorry for filming you guys. Q.Q Shamrock: "..." *nods* "I am happy to finally hear you say that directly. Thank you." naho:...i just wanted you to be happy.... Shamrock: "...You are still young, and may not realize that you may fail at making someone happy if you embarrass them. How would you have felt in my situation?" naho: ........Q~Q Shamrock: "...The look on your face says it all." *sigh* "Naho, don't you think you need a more healthy outlet? I mean, even reading porn would be better..." naho:...do yaoi doujins count? Shamrock: "Yes, they do." naho: ok ^^ Shamrock: "Just...Just don't spy on me anymore, please?" naho: i'll behave. Shamrock: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *overhearing, smiles* Shamrock: "...What was that thing you were muttering earlier?" naho: OwO;;;; what? Shamrock: "What. Were. You. Muttering?" naho: *sweats* Shamrock: "..." -she tells him- Shamrock: "...Really?" naho: .////w////.;;; Shamrock: "...May I ask you two personal questions?" naho: O.O what? Shamrock: "First, when did you last masturbate?" naho: >//////>;;; Shamrock: "You violated my privacy, so I asked you a question..." naho:....i dont know. .////.; Shamrock: *nods* "And my second question...are you a virgin?" naho: O//////////////O y....yeah. .//////////.;;;; Shamrock: "...If you could have that fantasy of yours made a reality--what you muttered about 'intense things'...Would you want me to do that to you?" naho: O/////////////////O i-id probably break in half! Shamrock: "...I promise, I would be gentle. I could use a toy instead..." Shamrock: "...So..." naho: well....you swear you wont break my legs? Shamrock: *hand over his heart* "I promise, I will not break your legs, or any part of you..." *small smirk* "Well, except maybe your hymen." naho: .////////.;; Shamrock: *walks to the door, locks it...* "...You have seen me naked, so I think turnabout is fair play...Please, remove your clothes..." naho: *gulps and strips down* Shamrock: *smirk* "My, my..." *gets on his knees, staring at her panties* "Those are quite cute..." naho: *flustered* Shamrock: "...Little bunny rabbit..." *kisses lightly on her hip, his hand gently resting on her leg* naho: *squeak* >/////<;; Shamrock: "Heh heh...You make adorable noises, you know that?" *kisses up her side until he reaches just under her bra...small lick where her bra meets her skin* naho: >///////////<; Shamrock: "Does this feel alright?" naho: f-feels weird.... 7////7;; Shamrock: "...Would you feel more comfortable if you weren't the only one in their underwear?" *starts unbuttoning his shirt* naho: are you...ok with this? what about mr tsubaki? Shamrock: "Mr. Tsubaki is not here right now...and I do not mind trying a different experience..." *lays a finger on her chin* "...You are beautiful." naho: >////< nu-uh, im cute, dangit! Shamrock: *lifts her chin up...* "...You indeed are cute..." *closes his eye, leans towards her face...* naho: *biting her lip* Shamrock: *his lips meet hers, just lightly brushing along her upper lip and teeth...* naho: *her breath is caught in her throat* >/////<;; Shamrock: "...Was that your first kiss?" naho:.....*she looks down and nods, embarrassed* Shamrock: "...Oh...It felt nice. You have very soft lips." naho:.....*she doesnt say anything* Shamrock: "Naho...Is this okay?" naho: ... *whimpering* t-this is all wrong...this isnt...how i wanted it to be... Shamrock: "!!! Oh, Naho...I'm sorry." *tentative hug* naho: im so stupid....i was about to give myself to someone much older than me....it wouldnt be right....i wanted it...to be with someone who honestly cared about me.. Shamrock: *nods* "That is for the best...Let's just forget this, okay?" naho: o-ok....*hic* Shamrock: *rubs her back* "It's okay..." *drapes his shirt around her shoulders* naho: *sniffle* Shamrock: *seats her on edge of his bed, sitting with her and a box of tissues to let her let it all out* -she just whimpers- Shamrock: "It's going to be okay, Naho...You'll find the right time, with the right person..." naho: b-but...what if i dont? Shamrock: "..." *smile* "Then you'll be okay. Because that is okay." naho: *hic* Shamrock: "...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: mmmmn~ that was great... Kid: *smiles* "Y-Yeah..." stocking: hehe~ happy new year kiddo. Kid: *smiles* "Happy new year, love...We brought it in with a bang..." stocking: yeah, hehe ^^ Kid: *strokes her side* "I know one thing that could make this better..." stocking: oh~? Kid: *reaches under the bed...and a rush of cold air is felt* "I put a small icebox under here..." *pulls out two Popsicles* stocking: ooh. thanks! *nom* ^^ Kid: *licks his* "Mmmmm~" -morning- ~BEGINNING OF Y5~
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lolzcatz12 · 4 years
Sick Day (Moody Marble Hornets Oneshot)
~Hoodies pov~ I watched Masky from the cameras of the security room as he snuck around the dark forest to find and kill the little girl that had wandered in. Taking quick glances of the screen from time to time while i filled out papers Slender had given me, well us. I took another look and the girl was dead, having been stabbed in the neck, her blonde hair now being covered in dark red blood. Masky headed back to the mansion the little girl on his shoulder, the body hanging lifelessly. I got up and tapped the many papers together, and put them away. I rushed back to our cozy room. He had been called out on a mission while he was taking care of me and me, being the workaholic i was, took the chance when he left to finish the papers. I knew he would get mad if he discovered i wasn't in bed, resting. I wish he wouldn't worry so much about me. Hes got himself to worry about as well, especially with that nasty cough hes always had because of the slender sickness. I didn't have it as bad as he did though. I sighed and got under the green blankets of my bed, my whole body ached and i felt so cold even though i was sweating. I groaned and grabbed my pills and a water bottle and took them. My headache pricing my skull as i heard the old rickety door open. Masky took off his white mask to show an worried expression. He came over and touched my forehead and sighed. "The fever hasn't come down one bit. You're stupid for taking that mission alone" I chuckled slightly. The reason i was sick was because without Masky knowing i took a mission for Slender and went to the forest and starting carving symbols into the trees. Well since i didn't want Mask to get sick because of the cold forest and the heavy rain i did it by myself and now here we are. I coughed before replying, "I c-can handle a-an illness w-w-way better t-than y-you can, so i-i had t-to do it. I h-hate seeing y-you sick" I cursed to myself for all the stutters. Masky sighed and shook his head, his brown locks of hair sweeping side to side with his head. "I would've been fine." He got up and went to his closet to change out of his damp and muddy clothes. I blushed and looked away. This was not the time or place to get excited. Soon after that we heard a knock on the door, Masky went and answered it. It was Ej, carrying a bowl of soup, Masky smiled and nodded and told Ej something i couldn't hear. But when Ej responded he frowned and looked over at me. Dammit Ej, he probably told Masky what i did. Masky gratefully took the bowl of steaming soup and went over to me and set it at my bedside table then sat on his bed. He looked into my eyes, his cinnamon colored gaze pricing my dull green eyes. "Hoods, why cant you just not work for at least a day. Fuck, no wonder why you arent getting better you keep straining your body just too work. When was the last time you even slept a full night?" I looked down shamefully, gripping onto the bed sheets as i tried to come up with an answer. I sighed and looked back over and almost jumped at the sight, Masky had tears pricking his eyes as he waited. "M-Masky d-dont c-cry! I-I'm f-fine!" To absolutely NOT prove my point i went into a coughing fit, startling him. He rushed over to me and rubbed my back like i would do to him when he was sick. Soon my coughs dissipated and Masky spoke up. "Why shouldn't i cry Hoods? You're killing yourself! If you arent careful one day a simple cold could be to much for you a-and you could..." He trailed off, wiping his eyes with his arm. "And you could d-die..." He finally finished. I brought him into a hug, he hugged me back. "I cant l-lose you a-again Brian.." He mumbled into my shoulder. I sighed. "You w-wont lose m-me Tim, i p-p-promised you t-that" He stopped hugging me and glared into my eyes, "If you promised that then why are you killing yourself?!" I didnt know how to respond. I had no words. "Brian. I made you promise that because i couldn't live without you. I-I-" He mumbled the last of his responsse and i looked at him. "W-What?"  I asked, tilting my head to the side. Masky sighs. "Promise me you wont hate me for what i'm about to say" He looked into my eyes, searching them for something. "I p-promise" His gaze went from side to side then to my eyes again and went down. He stared at my lips for a little bit before looking at the ground. I was confused. "Brian, i made you promise that because i love you! I cant live in this world without you!! You make me feel things i thought i had lost a long time ago." My eyes widened and tears sprung. Was Masky, my crush, actually telling me he liked me?? "I-I-," I began but Masky shook his head and got up. "No Brian, i know you don't feel the same way and im sorry for even saying anything.." He sounded like he was about to cry and he headed towards to exit. I sprung up from the bed and began making my way over to him as fast as i could but i stood up too fast and black spots dotted my vision. I fell chin first onto the ground and Masky jumped and whipped around and gasped. "H-Hoods! You idiot!" He came over to me and crouched down, trying to help me up but before he did i said something that made him freeze. "I l-love you t-too Tim" I breathed out, he looked at me eyes wide. "W-Wait really?" He asked and i only nodded, he looked so happy and kissed me, and i happily kissed back. It only last for a few seconds but it felt like heaven. He looked kinda serious again though and he manged to pick me up, making me yelp and cling to him. I wasn't that much of a fan of getting picked up but for some odd reason i liked it when Masky did it. He placed me back on my bed, "Promise me you'll get better Brian." He said and i looked at him. "I promise Tim." Bro this ship is my life. I hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it! ~Author
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