#im just ranting in the tags now i realise
shittywriterbrain · 11 months
apologies to everyone who has to interact with me today or tomorrow because i just CANNOT be normal about hamlet and i WILL be doing this inside my head
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questioning sexuality is so exhausting
#(edit: sorry for the rant in the tags and i just. i want someone to talk to me)#i keep on doing it for no apparent reason#someone was talking about lust yesterday and i realised today that.#even tho id thought i don't experience it. i possibly do. but exclusively towards women.#i hate it here!#for a multitude of reasons i will never have a relationship with a woman but! i may be incapable of having a relationship with a man!#at some point in the last few months i have abruptly pivoted from definitely wanting marriage and kids to being ambivalent on marriage#and not wanting kids. that's such an outlier in my life that it might just be a mental health thing tho idk#but at the same time i. want to be loved.#i don't know what i want anymore and im tired of questioning myself#i definitely overthink it but idk how to stop it#and i hate hate hate how the moral obsessions have bee lately#this isn't entirely related but it kind of is#like Am i a terrible morally bankrupt person for having certain thoughts or is it just religious ocd go brrrr?? am i overthinking it?#i don't know. i don't know!#for a while labelling myself as arospec ace kinda calmed that down but. i don't know#i do't want to be attracted to women. i don't want to have to look away so often. i don't want any of that.#but i don't know how to stop it.#i don't even know if i'm attracted to men at all.#this is a cry for help and encouragement and prayers no matter what your views on these matters are#queer stuff tag#i nearly fessed up to my friend yesterday about same sex attraction and i might've except that it would have probably outed me as#the person who anonymously sent in a question several months ago about the side b movement to a church thing#ive only told one person at church about any of that sort of stuff and it was very vaguely worded#also see: this friend is the mother of the boy i?? i don't even know how i feel about him#i increasingly think it wasn't romantic at all. but i don't know#i would love any encouragement you got. anything at all.#i don't know how much this stuff is affected by the fact that i consider myself unloveable and think it highly unlikely any boy will ever#care for me#now im rambling. sorry
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Advice from experience: Be VERY careful on spending money on games, especially if what you're spending money on is like, limited events and shit.
Once you're in, you're IN and it's very, very hard to get out of mostly because of guilt and not wanting to put down stuff you've spent hours grinding for.
#alt rambles#rants in tags#recently started putting down and breaking off of a game that i've been grinding on for two years#and realised how much more time i have on my hands#and how much less draining my daily life is#and that i have more energy and time to do stuff instead of spending 2-3 hours every day to grind on the game#yea i spent 2-3 sometimes 4 hours per day just playing this game on a daily basis for the last 2 years#because i spent money and a shit load of time and effort in it#so putting it down genuinely makes me feel a lot of guilt#cause i feel like its such a waste#but like idk#i got really frustrated the other day and so burned out i gave myself a few days break and hoenstly im doing so much better than before#and i actually have time to do other stuff and do more art that now im starting to like#not want to go back to playing the game anymore#lmao yea if you know me you know what game im talking about#i mean i still love the game but damn was it fucking predatory and its only gotten worse thanks to new updates imo#it was fun before and now its just endless grinding#anyways#its another reason why i dont wanna pick up playing genshit even though i really want to#cause i finally got scara (thanks friend who logs in sometimes)#cause like i know genshit will also do that to me smh#anyways idk its just been on my mind lately about how i have unhealthy relationships with a lot of video games#i think im just going to stick to games like sdv and sr that don't have event after event#so thta i can go for breaks without feeling bad or like im missing out
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chaotictomtom · 9 months
honestly still so upset the blood donation situation. makes me sit on the floor and sulk for an hour each time i think abt it
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emmys-writing-blog · 9 months
okk, I've been at a major blank for the castle infiltration chapters I had been writing. Normally I just write whenever I get the inspiration to, though it's been almost 2 months now and I still have absolutely nothing for that story. I do not think I'll continue that story; if I do, it probably won't be anytime this year. I do have a new hyperfixation and story idea though so that will probably become my whole blog. I'll start posting about that soon!
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waywardgothauthor · 2 years
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lace-coffin · 2 months
Hi im that person that asked for the stufed toy thing and oh my god i loved it so much i loved everything and onece your requests are open sorry im asking while they are shut i had this sudden idea for a request sorry😭😭 ive also kinda got 2 ideas soooo sorry😅
But like a reader that is obsessed with drawing and loved to draw cute and sweet drawings to give to asa to do with their hyper fixation or every time they are with him they start ranting to him about it or them i dont know but he would be so educated on their hyper fixation unless its bugs then he would already know everything haha
Or idea 2
The reader likes to lick things randomly for no particular reason they just like to do it or they love physical touch and cant get enough of it always cuddling with asa at night as close as they can and just imagine them cuddling and they just lick him then he just gets confused that would be so funny to imagine😭😭
Or the reader for the same type of thing as the plushie one but instead music to calm them down and they would have like a tiny crying fit for their headphones bc i have had alot of meltdowns over not having my headphones its crazy i love your writing so much hope u have a good day❤️
Asa Emory x Autistic!Gn!Reader with a new hyperfixation
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Requests are open!
Hi I hope you like this! I totally crammed my last two fixations into this < 3
Call Asa old but he wasn’t exactly up to date on video games. He defiantly was now at least, not that he had much choice. You were always flipping between interests, intensely talking and interacting with one topic for weeks or months at a time and then switching to another that catches your interest. It’s been Sonic The Hedgehog for atleast 3 weeks now.
He didn’t exactly picture his desk to be filled with pictures of anthropomorphic hedgehogs but here he is, he kinda signed up for this when he stuffed you into the trunk, knowingly or not. As long as you’re happy then he’s happy, even if he thinks you’re spending a little too much time on that GameCube you begged him to bring to hotel..
A few weeks pass and it’s now the Saw franchise. Victims being “tested” in disgusting gory traps by a man that fancies himself to be god? This is more up to his speed..pun unintended.
A series of excited knocks sound from the door of your masters workroom. Stretching his taught shoulders and neck he takes inventory of his aching muscles, he supposes he can take a break to spend some time with his puppy. Slumping back in the chair and swinging it to face to door Asa calls you in. “Enter”
Keeping your eyes pinned to the floor until given further permission you enter the room, shuffling over to drop to your knees in front of your owner, waiting for the order. The currently unmasked man drinks in your appearance, oversized jumper falling to sit on your neatly pressed together thighs and the collar he places on you every morning slightly twisted, the tag not where it should be.
“Eyes up pet” he says firmly, snapping his fingers to emphasise the point. Jumping a little at the suddenness you snap your eyes up to meet a fond look on master’s face, you relax a little, letting out a sigh.
Shuffling to prop his chin up with his fist in interest, Asa continues.
“What can I do for you pet?”
Visibly perking up and practically vibrating on the wooden floor you push the paper into Asa’s face, defiantly too close, there’s no way he can actually see it like that. Realising this you settle to put it in his lap and stare back at him hopefully.
“I drew more pictures! I wanted you to see..” you reply a little shy, suddenly realising how loud and excitable you had been, insecurity creeping in. Asa recognises you shrinking in on yourself and tuts. “Can I see, cricket?” He adds softly, prompting you to show him what you’ve been working on, he never wants you to feel ashamed about you’re passions even if you’ve been taught in the past to ‘tone it down’
Asa wants all of you, he accepted that from the moment he hoisted you into the box, to the moments when he firmly settles the collar around your throat every morning.
Soft smile settling onto your face you hand over the paper, not ignoring the way your knuckles brush against your masters during the exchange.
You wait with baited breath as he looks the paper over, you know he would never say anything demeaning about your art but you can’t help feel a little anxiety when letting someone in on something special to you. Todays drawing is a rough sketch of your for a saw trap, it’s grisly and frankly disgusting, you don’t envy anyone that would end up strapped down and desperate on the other end of it. Obviously you have no need for a contraption like that, but it’s only an (admittedly) sick fantasy.
After flicking through the diagrams and reading the notes as best he can (it’s not your fault he can’t read you’re handwriting well 🙄) a strange look crosses his face..it’s almost like you can see the cogs working in his brain. this could either be fantastic or a disaster, Asa isn’t one to do things half assed, it’s always all or nothing.
“Can I use this?” The silence is suddenly broken, his sclera eyes raising to meet your own, not any less eerie than when hidden behind his mask.
A strange feeling begins to pool in your stomach, should you feel exited? Proud that he wants to use your plans? Or disgusted? Sick to your stomach that the plans you never envisioned actually coming to fruition will be used to torture some poor individual? Unsure how to feel or respond you stare back at him, lips slightly parted as if trying to muster something up.
“These are wonderful cricket, they may need a little tinkering to make them functional but regardless this design is…fascinating.” A sickly sweet smile sits on your masters lips as he hands the paper back to you, ruffling your hair and placing a chaste kiss to the crown of your head.
Stunned and with a pit in your stomach you nod dumbly, leaning into the affection and practically purring. The idea that you’ve just essentially sentenced someone to their painful and unethical demise is soul crushing…but also a little thrilling? Has your owner really rubbed off on you this much? It’s not like you don’t know what he does day in and day out but it’s never been this..personal.
Asa slaps his knees (like the old man he is) and rolls back over to the desk, pushing away his current projects and random hardware to make room for your (his) new trap.
“Can you bring me the paper please, doll?. I would like to get started as soon as possible.”
Shaking off the ever building dread you pull yourself up, a little unsteady due to the burning in your thighs from sitting in one position so long. Placing the paper on his desk you stare back at him, waiting for further instruction. you’re not sure when he ended up ingraining that response into your mind but at this point it’s not worth questioning, it’s not hard to see that the pair of you are living in your own little world outside of normal society by now.
“You’re welcome to either sit by me as I work and give input considering it’s you’re design or you may sit on your bed and wait for me to finish”
You glance over at the cushy pet bed across the room from Asa’s desk…a lay down does sound ideal right now, maybe a nap will help clear your head? Or swallow the guilt.
“I’m gonna lay down sir, maybe nap a little, promise I won’t snore and distract you” you tease, giggling and feeling a little better in yourself.
Asa huffs out a chuckle at your joke. “I’ll be sure you don’t little bug.” He says, smiling gently at you. You turn to leave before being stopped in your tracks.
“One more thing, pet”
Cool gloved hands slide around your neck making you shiver at the contact, the small misplaced silver tag is slid back into its original place, proudly stating your name and owner on the front like a brand.
“There we go, much better”
Blushing a little you thank your owner and wonder off to the dog bed, curling up and lazily watching him work from afar.
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sybeez · 3 months
theres magic in splatoon?
oh HELL YES i get to rant about splatoon on here instead of on discord :]
@anemonequeen hey u can add on too 👀
So what i call magic in splatoon is less 'high fantasy bullshit' and more 'its all around and you don't notice it' like the post said (my example was electricity irl and how we use it rn for mundane stuff). It's all headcanon also btw but very supported by stuff from the games themself
List of stuff thats magic in splatoon in no particular order (ill go over these after): music, technology (human made especially), DNA, ink maybe?, salmonids migration, probably more but thats all i got (infodump under the cut)
SO music has been canon magic since splatoon 1 and actually its linked to the DNA part!! ,,,I probably need to explain human technology part first to understand that but it's basically all the Alterna logs basically.
Quick recap tho: the earth is fucked > some humans go live underground in giant domes all over the globe(unsure) > in one of them they devellop crystals out of molluscs like squids n octopus ability to change color based on emotions and use those to make giant LCD screens to line the dome > fast forward 2 generations of underground humans > the next gen scientists who want to go out even if thats a fucked up idea > rocket go poof n destroys the screen > the squid LCD crystals seep into the ocean n evolution happens for every creature to turn into anthros
also most impportantly the crystals retained the hopes of dreams of all of humanity down there* (important)
now fast forward 10 000 years and we find this scroll in splatoon 1
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and that melody famously created a revolution by every single octarian realising they actually have free will at once (it did NOT break any kind of mind control they just lived all their live in an authoritarian society) so already we can tell theres something up with.
another time we find that melody thats important is the end credit for splatoon 3 (wave goodbye) at around the 3:00 mark
,,,now im realizing this isnt exactly what i had in mind but the first time i heard it i thought the voice had no gargling like inkfish voices n instead it was the voices of all humanitys ghosts coming together to sing that part. But if we still go with that then (my headcannon) that means that melody thats been etched into sea life DNA was actually a human anthem that was kept in the memories of the LCD crystal
Now in splatoon 3 theres a lot of magic anyway lol but idk how to even explain that (the 3 lights, lil buddy becoming a kaiju, big man making ink) so use ur imagination for that lol but its there.
other human technology that's also magic: the machine to keep judd alive that somehow made him immortal AND clone him
There's more magic hidden in the game (like however the ink from the ink tanks fuels our weapon via bluetooth and how some non-inkfish characters can somehow use ink for turf wars) but thats why i tagged sasha lol
oh yea for the salmon migration bit i'm specifically talking about the 7 rings when a big run happens. idk how to explain that so therefore its magic
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dailytwsttweets · 10 days
🔥🔥🔥okok got a couple ships, some are ships i don't ship but used to be obsessed with or ships I still love to this day
🔥🔥🔥florid !!!! love em love em love em
🔥🔥🔥jamikami (jamil x kalim ) was obsessed with them for a very long time before I realised I was aromantic and now I just see them as the best friend duo of all time !!!
🔥🔥🔥idia x vil, used to ship em before the aromantic beam got me and now I see idia as aromantic but I still like fanart I see of em cause its a comfort to me?? its weird
🔥🔥🔥deuce x ace, same as the others I used to ship em but now I see them as a cool duo now!!
🔥🔥🔥deuce x epel, love them as a ship, love em they're so cute :333
only got two ships I still ship on here lmfao but nowadays I just see everyone as a silly friends :) been doing that with a lot of characters now that I know i'm aromantic lol
Okay okay let me just gather my thoughts
1000/10 I LOVE FLORID :3 They make up I think 80% of this account and my rants and they’re both my top favs and I’m literally their no1 fan. Also it’s one of the first few ships I shipped at the beginning of the game cause I saw a bunch of fanart and my friend said how popular it was and I just started vibing with it and actually getting into it when people would talk about it and make art or analysis’s on them and with my hyperfixation on Floyd it just intensified oh my god I can go on
…2/10. I’m not a big fan of Jamikali at all I’m sorry, no hate to the shippers ofc I just don’t like it.
10/10 Adeuce was the first ship I shipped by myself when I played the game for the first time. They reminded me of Akitoya in a way and I just started to like them (plus everyone calling them a couple)
8/10 I love Apple Juice. Genuinely. Haven’t gotten to book 5 yet but from what my friends show me, it’s really cute tbh and I like them a lot :3
Also aromantic gang let’s go (I’m Arospec)
(Im not gonna tag this post with Jamikali cause I don’t wanna clog the tag up 😭)
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heartsoulspiritelite · 10 months
Adam Cole x MJF
The ride back was tense, awkward, and long.
Once they arrived back at the hotel, neither knew what to say, which was odd.
Max was being super quiet, Adam didn't know what to do. They hugged it out, everything was fine right?
The ride back was tense, awkward, and long.
Once they arrived back at the hotel, neither knew what to say, which was odd.
Max was being super quiet, Adam didn't know what to do. They hugged it out, everything was fine right?
MJF was sitting on the hotel bed staring at his lap, Adam was watching him from the seperate hotel bed beside him.
He usually got annoyed at Maxwell's rants and wanted nothing more but for him to shut up, Now was different. He got used to the man's antics and now he wanted nothing more but for Max to talk to him again.
Plus Max kind of has no right to be mad, He was practically bullying Adam's friend, He had to do something. Once Adam was finished with his task on checking up on Roddy, He found Max and they both drove to their hotel in a taxi, That brings us to what is happening now.
Max moved his gaze onto Adam and stared at him for a couple seconds. Like he was analyzing him or something.
"Im sorry" He whispered
Adams eyebrows scrunched in confusion
"Man we already sorted this out its fine" It really wasn't fine but he didn't want to make more of fuss.
"But it's not Adam. You're aloud to have as many friends as you want, It- Its not something im use to and im sorry, I guess it just hurts hearing  everybody say all of these horrible things about me to you when im right there." He confessed, His voice laced with sadness
He scratched the back of his neck and moved his gaze from adam back onto his lap, He still wasn't used to apolagizing and actually meaning it, It was odd.
Adam went to Max's bed and sat infront of him
"Oh Max, Look i get it, its alright okay, i promise, I keep telling them you're actually a good person when you're around the right people, they just dont understand that and im sorry" He whispers in a comforting tone.
Max nods, taking in his words
"Wanna play videos games" Adam asks with a sheepish smile trying to break slight awkwardness and end the current situation.
He wanted to bring the man's spirits back up, he discovered that he actually really enjoyed his tag partners random long rants, No matter how many times Max denies it, He can tell the man enjoys playing Adam's videos games with him.
Max perked up at this
"Sure, Of course buddy let's play" He replied smiling
They got everything set up and sat next to each other shoulder to shoulder at the edge of the bed.
About an hour later they decided to wrap up the game and take a shower before getting ready for bed. They have an early flight.
While waiting for Max to finish his shower, Adam just sat on the bed waiting, He started thinking about his life. About Britt, He wasn't even thought about her at all recently, Suddenly he feels really bad and takes his phone out of his pocket to send her text.
Adam: Hey love, how are you? I miss you
He sent his message and waited, and waited, until his train of thought got interrupted by Max walking out the bathroom in just a towel.
Adams eyes widened and he tried adverting his gaze, While he felt a blood rush up into his cheeks.
"U-um Max took you long enough" He tried to joke in a shakey voice
"Oh yeah sorry about that brochacho" He said back not realising Adam's state.
Adam grabbed a towel and pajamas and rushing his way into the bathroom.
He stared at his reflection thinking about what just happened, Why did he feel that way? He sees Max shirtless and in his small wrestling gear all of time. What was different about this? The way the water dripped down his torso.. the wa- Oh my god he has to stop.
He started panicking what was going on. He started getting dizzy and breathing heavy.
"Hey Adam you okay" He heard max ask worriedly after he finished getting dressed and heard Adams cries of distress
He couldn't form a single thought
"Im coming in"
He opened door and saw his tag team partner on the ground unable to breath properly
"Hey buddy breath with me okay" he attempted to calm him down
"I-i cant" Adam cried
"Yes you can, Here listen to my heart alright calm down, Just breath" He brought the panicking man onto his lap while trying to stay calm
Adam clutched max's shirt and listened to his heart beat. After what felt like forever he finally was able to breath properly again.
"T-thank you" He whispered removing himself from Max's lap
"You fuckin scared me man, you sure you're alright?" He asked quietly while looking at Adam with the most soft and concerned gaze.
"Yeah i just- i dont know" He said looking at the ground
"What happened? What brought this up?" He questioned
He felt himself blush again and quickly got up and left the bathroom
"Wait Adam where are you-?" He tried to ask while following him
"Please leave me alone im fine okay.." He whispered
Max look slightly hurt and confused
Adam just felt so overwhelmed
"Man why can't you tell-"
"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU, YOU IDIOT" He started sobbing and collapsed to the ground on his kness
Max froze for a second before he looked down and seen his bestfriend and knee'd down infront of him
"H-Hey breath darling please, you can't have another panic attack"
"I-Im sorry, i never realized it until today" He said miserably
Max smiled
"It's alright, I like you too, i just couldn't say anything because all i knew was that you were a straight man in love with Britt Baker" He blushed and avoided Adam's gaze
"Oh shit. Britt, holy fuck, what do i do?" He rushed out
"Just tell her the truth man, thats all you can do" He advised him
He still cares for her deeply and always will, but right now he thinks the person he truly loves is right infront of him.
"Okay" He sighs
Before he thinks about it any longer he pushes himself up and kisses Max.
Max of course kisses back and makes it so Adam straddles his lap.
Adam breaks the kiss
"You know i don't think you're clean enough" he smirks and whispers into Max's ear
"Oh yeah?, Well it would be a shame to waste more water huh" He whispers back
Adam felt himself get butterflies
"Shower with me?" he asks shyly
To answer his question Max lifts them both up off the ground, and hears Adam gasp in surprise, He reconnects their lips and carries them both back into the bathroom and turns the shower back on.
~Cross-posted on wattpad & ao3~
Bro they bouta fight twice in the same night-
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quillsink · 2 years
my troy + abed + annie roommate HCS!! tagging @abednadirsgf (no pressure btw obv)
troy and abed are Obsessed with bubble wrap. they just are. abed sometimes carries a bit with him to fiddle with and one time the two of them go Crazy and tape bubble wrap to the dreamatorium walls, floor, and ceiling and spend a day in there just popping all of it.
yk how in remedial chaos theory we see abed fiddling w a pencil? he does that All The Time and i hc he picked it up frm annie like she does that when she’s nervous and he picked it up. aaaagh i just love shared/influenced mannerisms we are all mosaics of everyone we love!!!
AND!! in relation to my last hc the REASON he picked it up is bc the two of them study together (I Love Them.) like yea it starts out as spanish bc the group never actually studies and they both want good grades but then it jusr becomes them Vibing together. abed will bring his film class stuff and annie’ll have her administration work and they’ll just vibe in annie’s room, abed sitting cross legged on the bed pencil behind his ear whistling doodling cameras and scribbling concepts on a notepad while typing up a script and annie’s lying on her stomach next to him highlighting a textbook!!
at first it’s just them studying in silence or abed asking annie a q ab spanish but one day abed is having a Brain Not WorkTM day and has a midterm tomorrow and is Freaking Out and troy’s at dance class so abed’s like “hey annie. hey annie are you free” in this very calm voice. and she’s like hey sure what’s up. and he’s like oh nothing i’m just going insane what about you. and she’s like What and he starts pacing and ranting and she’s like hooooly shit dude chill. and then they sit on her bed together and annie opens her laptop and opens a folder titled “ADHD” and then flips through a bunch of stuff til she finds the executive dysfunction doc, and she says “ik adhd and autism aren’t exactly the same, but executive dysfunction is a shared symptom so maybe this can help!!” and she walks abed through some techniques she uses and they work and he just gives her one of his little smiles and says “thanks :]”. and he’s mentally like hmm. i want a hug but how do socialise. agh. and she’s like “AWWW ofc abed!!” and hugs him and he does his little :] smile again and hugs her back!!!
all three of them hold hands, this is because they are best friends and they love each other, btw. if u even care. 
annie helps troy realise he has adhd!!! he casually mentions stuff here and there like memory loss and some auditory processing difficulties and shes like “ohh yea that sucks huh!! adhd can be the worst sometimes :/” and he’s like sorry the What. and she explains adhd, and he’s like. tell me more. and then it somehow winds up as a montage with a powerpoint and one of those boards with red yarn because it’s community, it’s annie, of COURSE it does, and soon troy’s like, wow. holy fuck. okay wow this explains a lot. and then has a slight anxiety attack like holy SHIT this changes EVERYTHING im not normal aaaaaaAAAA and starts rocking back and forth so annie freaks a bit bc holy shit what has she done to her best friend and then she just ends up holding him and tells him it’s okay, troy, it’s okay, you’re still who you are, now, you jusr have an explanation, like. and she explains how she felt when she got her diagnosis, like the puzzle pieces fit together, and yes it sucks life can be harder bc of adhd but also learning ab it explains it all. and then she gets out her computer and shows him all the folders and tips and he’s like. holy shit i love u. 
They Are Cuddly. these are some touchstarved motherfuckers. like troy and annie are very physically intimate w friends but abeds a little more hesitant bc he’s scared of reading things wrong. but he learns w troy and annie they’re okay with it. they initiate and enjoy hugs and hand holding and cuddling and they smile at him if he initiates it so he stops being worried about it and soon the three of them are just Like that. avg friday night u look in at apartment 303 u see them all huddled on the couch, abed curled into troy’s side and annie sprawled across the two of them holding abed’s hand with her head on his shoulder. I Love Them So Much It Is Unreal.
btw. friday nights are movie nights for them. they will cancel every other appointment damn it all to hell friday nights are for Them and for Them only!!! they take turns picking the movies and they love it, annie makes microwave popcorn for her and troy and abed makes buttered noodles but still sneaks some of troy’s popcorn and he always puts two forks in the buttered noodles so troy can have some. even after they’ve all graduated and left when troy comes back to america whenever the trio meet up it’s always on a friday night, for old times’s sake.
okay wow this got long!! if u made it this far thank u for reading i love u here have a cookie 🍪 
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darth-shado · 1 year
3 times Tim tried to get Jon and Martin together, and 1 time he realised he didn't have to
Chapter 1
this fic is a collab between ma and @im-gonna-squeet
Summary: Tim knew about Jon and Martin's not so subtle feelings for one another, so he took it into his own (and Sasha's) hands. But little did he know, he didn't have to.
Tags: Established Relationship, Attempted get together, oblivious archival assistants, Jon and Martin being little shits, Post MAG: Fluff, Season 1 Archival Crew
Word count: 1,3k
Tim left Martin's office, which was now more like his room rather than a workplace. He wondered why his co-worker was so avoidant about the question regarding his quite obvious romantic interest in another person working at the institute. Tim would guess that the person didn't work here if Martin wasn't trying to avoid this topic and get Tim to leave his office immediately when it was brought up. It must've been someone who's his and Martin's mutual colleague. But he did ask about everyone which meant that Martin wasn't quite truthful with him, although-
Tim turned on his heel, to return to Martin's office. His suspicions of who might've stolen the heart of his friend grew as he saw Jon leaving the office he was heading to. They passed by each other in the corridor, Tim smiled at him but Jon remained the same, focused on work as if he didn't had time for being friendly towards his assistants. Tim just shrugged it off as it was pretty usual for Jon to act like that at work.
He soon stood in front of Martin's office. Tim (very) lightly knocked on the door and entered the room without waiting for an answer.
"Do you-" Martin said it softer than in his usual tone, until he looked up from the pile of paperwork and saw who entered his office. Just as he noticed his voice was back to the usual tone; if a louder, higher pitched negative attitude towards him could be called that. "Christ! Normal people knock Tim! How many times do I have to tell you this?!"
He would've joined this one-sided argument if not the more important thought he had in mind. "Is it Jon?" Tim asked overlapping Martin's rant about knocking at the door and causing him to immediately go quiet.
Only in a matter of seconds Martin quickly started protesting and his face slightly reddened. "W-what? No! D-definitely not him. Uh- Why do you think so?" He tried to cover up his embarrassment by poorly acting casually which he was aware of. "Y-you know what? Just go away." Martin tried to change the subject and get a few minutes to get to work rather than daydream about his boss.
"So it is Jon." Tim said through laughter caused by his friend's reaction to his theory being correct.
"Even if it is him, that's none of your business." Martin signed, being quite disappointed in the turn this conversation took. He didn't had the strength to look at Tim now so he tried to get busy with all the papers on his desk.
"It absolutely is, seeing you pining for him is quite tiring to watch."
"What pining?" He jerked his head upwards, surprised at what was brought up. Martin had been nicer to Jon but it was just casual 'trying to be a better co-worker' and didn't think it was noticeable from the outsider perspective.
"Come on Martin. Don't play dumb. Hold on, I have an idea!"
"Please don't." He responded quickly, not wanting to know what his friend had in mind.
"You're free on Friday after work, right?"
"Nope. I am not. I have a statement that needs a follow-up and it's about time I get back to doing those." He faintly smiled, as most of the times he was looking forward to seeing Jon this time he was glad to have an excuse of why he couldn't meet up with him.
"So a lovely weekend in the countryside. Got it."
"I've already made a reservation for myself." Martin still tried to stop talking with Tim about trying to set him and Jon up for a date. Which worked… for a few seconds.
Tim was about to leave defeated but just as he reached for a doorknob he was stricken by the idea of how to tease Martin more about his crush. He turned towards his friend and said with a smirk on his face. "Wait, you're not telling me there will only be one bed."
Martin felt his cheeks get warmer, imagining this scenario. He was struggling with words, while trying to form the best response to this suggestion. "Okay Tim that's enough, get out."
"Sure thing." He said just before exiting the room, still chuckling to himself.
Tim now just had to arrange a 'date' for the two of his friends. It wasn't going to be a huge problem, he knew Jon meaning he also knew how to make sure that he will be the only one available to 'help' Martin with a follow-up to one of the statements.
"Hey, boss!" Tim announced himself as he walked into Jon's office. And leaned against the side of the desk, next to where Jon was sitting.
He didn't bother to look at him due to him remembering each one of his co-workers habit's while entering his office. "What is it Tim?"
"I was just talking to Martin about his follow-up this weekend. And you know about his situation…"
'I'm pretty sure I've heard laughter but go on.' He wanted to say but that would only make the whole conversation longer. Instead he said: "Yes, I am well aware of why he is currently living in the institute."
"Right. He asked me or more likely implied that he would like to go with another person this weekend."
"Yes, you can also go." Jon said without putting much thought into his answer.
Tim audiably exhaled. "Afraid I'm busy on Saturday."
"What about Sasha?"
"Yeah no chance, she also can't make it. We both have plans. More accurately, we are going to her parents to celebrate their cat's birthday."
Jon looked up with an expression like he was questioning what Tim had just said. The assistant just nodded slightly to prove his truthfulness.
Although this reasoning was absurd, he didn't have the heart to stop his two co-workers from visiting a cat, especially on it's birthday. "And you're suggesting I go with Martin?"
He signed, being quite disappointed about the thought of spending the weekend with Martin. "I suppose I could. Let me just talk it through with him."
"Great! I'll be off." As usual before he left he snapped and pointed finger guns at Jon but this time he also winked at him, which indicated that something was up though he had no idea what that might be about.
Just as Tim returned to the assistant's office he slammed the door open and said cheerfully. "Sasha! I won! And guess what?"
A few days had passed by, and so had the weekend. Tim was rather impatient as he got back to the institute and tried not to immediately go to Martin and ask how his trip went but he managed to wait until he was done with his work. At least for now.
As he was walking past the corridor he noticed that the door to Martin's office was slightly ajar. Tim knocked and when he heard an answer that indicated that he can enter he did. "So...how was it?" Tim asked.
"It went surprisingly well." Martin smiled to himself, looking up from his laptop, setting down his mug back on a table when Tim just stared at him trying to get more information from him. "Well…. Nothing really happened but we did get a chance to speak to each other one on one and Jon seems to not be as much bothered by my company as before."
"That's a start." Tim went quiet and Martin went back to carefully trying again to drink his tea. "Really nothing else? No cuddling together before falling asleep?"
"W-what? Definitely not. W-why would we?" Martin laughed uncomfortably. Although when he looked at Tim he saw that he seemed rather amused by his reaction. "Oh get off it, we rented two rooms, no big deal."
"Lucky for you I have a few more ideas for your dates."
Martin wanted to say something against those words but he realized that thanks to that he had a chance to spend time with Jon on those occasions. Tim expected any kind of answer but he took silence as a win.
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chaotictomtom · 11 months
thanks @egirlgarak for tagging me!!
tagging anyone who wants to do this hehe im too shy to tag ppl smh
Were you named after anyone?
only one of my middle deadnames lol, my grandma italian's name she had to change when getting to France. adam came from seeing cool ppl with that name + movie with hugh dancy getting me to finally pick it. i mean i DID a strawpoll on twitter back then to help me choose lol. so not really after anyone ig technically. thomas was given to me by people calling me this name umprompted even before i came out to myself so like. alright will keep it I GUESS random people in my life chose it for me
When was the last time you cried?
ppl say T will make you unable cry and....prob depends on the person. i still do cry seeing videos of cute dogs getting groomed and seeing general good in life and people 👍 so i think it was 2 days ago watching daily dose of internet last vid cos a bit about a kid trying to make friends made me tear up lol. humanity.....<333333 cries like a baby instantly
Do you have kids?
if da bébé (cat) counts yes. but no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i don't think! a lot! but i guess i do use it sometimes. more irl tho i just realised i never really use it online in case it doesn't read as sarcasm. mibbe when i rant in the tags on my own posts tho lol
What sports do you play/have you played?
played a bunch of different sports during my school years but it's been years of not doing anything and it's a struggle between thinking how my knee can suddenly fuck up and needing exercise to be healthy </3
What's the first thing you notice about someone?
i honestly don't know............. ig i try are they. like not a cunt and a bigot. can i exist without them thinking im out of line by just. being me fdhglkjhdflkjd. also. do they think im funneyyy >:)
Eye color?
light brown. i think
Scary movies or happy endings?
not picky i like em all 👍
Any special talents?
that pepe silvia scene with charlie kelly but it's me linking everything to Die Hard. not kidding. it's a curse i could think "pff no way what im watching rn is linked in any way to Die Hard" and i can while saying that already do the mental exercice to link the two things. everything is fucking linked to these movies. even bands. mcr! weird al! talking heads!!! movie/tvshow is easier to link up to Die Hard but still anyway been thinking abt doing twitch stream abt this for years now. like that wikipedia speedrun game thing but. mmm die hard......
Where were you born?
South-ish east of France, didn't live there long at all was a babey when we left to get further south 👍👍👍
What are you hobbies?
movies 👍 tvshows 👍 music 👍 im so original ik. i like to draw too!!!! computer stuff yumyum!!!! viddie games 👍👍👍👍
Do you have any pets?
How tall are you?
da bébé (basically garfied if he slayed more + had longer hair)
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</3333333333 like 5'2. jerma voice why are u short because god doesn't fucking love me that's why
Favorite subject in school?
honestly don't remember much </3 ig art back in middle school. and i liked learning about everything we had but highly depended on the teachers + class too. learning is fun!!!! not in france's school system tho
Dream job?
scary question..................... currently having a "realistic" work project (very long term) to be a cyber café owner!!!! but capitalism wasn't a thing i guess would like to do my shit, drawing and creating other things to trade for other things................ wanted to work in space as a kid so ig this too
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I posted 11,636 times in 2022
671 posts created (6%)
10,965 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,244 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#everydoors - 737 posts
#rex - 566 posts
#yes - 562 posts
#ahsoka - 512 posts
#anakin - 492 posts
#asks - 492 posts
#obi-wan - 489 posts
#cody - 326 posts
#fives - 314 posts
#echo - 314 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
time for Thoughts™️
I will always rant about every member of the disaster lineage but I just got very very especially sad about Dooku and Qui-Gon. 
how did I not realise how late he left the Order??? I always thought it was idk, some time earlier than the Phantom Menace but this is just. they really went for the peak angst potential didn’t they
we now know what happened to Yaddle, but at what cost…
As always, fuck Sheev. look what he did. he took a bunch of perfectly good light-siders and fucked them up is what he did.
I feel like Anakin really does Not know how to Handle Child at the time of that first training montage. he does his best to be a good teacher and train her the best he can but I definitely got scary chills watching him say “again” so many times in a progressively darker tone
I’m fine I’m just crying over how all that training, no matter Anakin’s downfalls, saved Ahsoka’s life in the end
my first reaction to Rex mentioning Jesse was basically just “oh hey it’s my dude!!!” and then I realised that Anakin and Jesse both trained Ahsoka in ways that she then used to survive their attempts of trying to kill her and now I’m not okay
that handful of Obi-Wan scenes was a nice bonus
Caleb getting all excited about Ahsoka doing the droid training exercise he’s so precious-
The funeral.
no because the fact that Ahsoka would have been chased down and possibly killed by the Empire if they found out she was still alive but she went to Padmé’s funeral anyway to pay her respects because Padmé was so important to her-
“She was my friend” feelings. so many feelings. i cried here.
Rex sticking with Ahsoka until after the funeral makes me have a lot of emotions and a lot of thoughts; iirc we don’t actually know how long they were together after the Tribunal crash before they split ways
*insert that one textpost that was like [me every second Bail Organa was on screen] ‘that’s Bail Organa’*
anyone else feel a little iffy about the whole “we have a duty thing” he was saying to Ahsoka? maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention, but it felt a little to me like he meant she had to/was obligated to join the Rebellion. it doesn’t seem very in sync with Bail in general, but if someone has a different interpretation that makes more sense, please share with me.
the only other thing is I’m just confused and a little irritated about the section with the farmers and the Inquisitor. like, when in the timeline exactly did that whole encounter take place? and if they wanted to show a storyline like that, why didn’t they just animate some key moments from the Ahsoka novel? I feel like it sort of gives it more weight in a way to have Ahsoka’s big return to the good fight and the Rebellion set two years after the end of the war, and given how similar the setups are, I have to say I would have much rather had at least some scenes from the book in animation than a whole new separate thing that kind of replaces it.
me when the girl’s brother went to tattle to the Empire: every town’s got a Timm 😔
ngl I really thought she might be Kaeden at first but it wasn’t too bad I suppose.
especially since I will never, and I mean never, get sick of watching Ahsoka kick Inquisitor ass
all I want to do is wrap all my faves up in a blanket and hug them very tight yk
in conclusion: I am just screaming. so hard right now.
128 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Fennec: We’re gonna feed you to our rancor mwahahahahaha >)
assassin dude: plsss nooooo D:
Fennec: PFFT we don’t have a rancor lmao it died
That one rat: hi :3
247 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Cad Bane: You’re getting soft in your old age
Boba: You are literally. Twenty plus years older than me.
1,094 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Fans will be like ‘this is my comfort show’ and it’s the most depressing show ever
1,293 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Peli: there’s someone here to see you
Din: oh it’s my son
5,210 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dotty-dot-dottus · 11 months
Reblog peoples art.
Long rant post
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I'm not one for mope or complain, i normally say "it is what it is" and move on but its actually getting really disappointing and upsetting how little recognition my art has been getting. I know how much my art is worth, ive seen it flourish and develop in front of my eyes for nearly 12 years now, i know how much my work deserves. Ive been doing my Book of Life series for about 4 days now, and yeah sure that's not a long time, but ive been using this flow of drawings to test something. there's a theory that the more consistently you post, the more likely your posts will be pushed to your mutuals, tags, whatever. and that theory has been obviously proven, very clearly, to be untruthful. My best friend, bless their heart, has been supporting my posts, yes, and i deeply appreciate it. but having one or two people pass by with a like and nothing else, is really demotivating. Currently, Im rendering another drawing, Carmelo, from a few posts ago. Ive spent the entire afternoon getting every detail as accurate as i can. and half way through painting, i took a step back and realised that no one will see and appreciate my passion and love for this movie and its beautiful characters; im simply 9 years too late. and it really upset me. All my posts up up until now have been about Team Fortress 2, and yes i still love the game, i always will i want to reach out beyond the confines of the fandom. And it really breaks my heart to see that the moment i try something new, suddenly, no one wants to see me. no one says anything or even looks at me. All the mutuals and connections that ive made suddenly just disappear and dont want anything to do with me, all that support just vanishes.
My posts arn't getting attention because its not some random guy saying "Balls" in cursive text with some one rebloging it with "Testicles even", im not even kidding a post like this can get 10k within a month. My posts arnt getting noticed because they're not some suggestive photo of some random white guy from a Netflix show you've never heard about. My posts are not even making to my mutuals pages because what im drawing is not mainstream. Its indie, its old, its not popular. and i feel that no matter how old or unpopular something is, it should still get to stand with the others. i understand that beggars cant be choosers, and that i wont always get what i want, but hell i still have the right to complain and yell into the empty void that is the Book of Life tags, where posts from nearly 6 years ago reside, forgotten and tossed away. But im being dramatic. Throwing a tantrum even Im not expecting sympathy or attention, because this blog might as well be private. but if you are seeing this, like and reblog peoples art, even if you dont know the artist, even if its from a fandom you dont know. if you like that art, then show it some love! You have no idea how much a difference simple two clicks can make.
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