#im asexual but SMASH
idk if u just want prem but:
nathan ake
trent alexander arnold
bukayo saka
bukayo saka = pass. that's my nephew.
trent alexander arnold = .................... i don't know. i think he's attractive n INCREDIBLY INCREDIBLY .... OHEW. would I? ill get back 2 u.
nathan ake = pass he's like 12. respectively.
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1o1percentmilk · 6 months
SEE IT'S LIKE…. in my head... Hatori is soo confident and "knowledgeable" when it comes to computers and tech and everything like that because of his powers but he turns into a bumbling idiot around people… and then Touichirou has the double edge of being both the most powerful computer in the world = Hatori HAS to do something with him, but also being a very powerful, dominant human man at the same time... and Touichirou obviously sees all of his subordinates as simply tools and reserves of psychic power but I think he's also willing to set that aside at times to leverage human connections and networking to get ahead (he's so business major coded)... it's honestly the gray area in their power dynamic that's interesting to me... who's the tool and who's the user...?
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darkwitchingflower · 3 months
ITS BEEN A WHILE but here's things me and my friends have said as pjo character pt 4/5???
Annabeth: That's not very feminism of you (@wraith--2)
Hestia: maybe build like a life size bread bloke (@carpcranium)
Leo: Feels like my toes are bleeding but it's just cause they're defrosting (@wraith--2)
Percy to annabeth: Nooo pookie don't leave ill get her a spider abortion (friend not on tumblr)
Annabeth: I thought I'd die before seeing common sense in this gc (friend not on tumblr)
Jason: It's not boring to want money and to not be even more mentally ill (@indecisivenb)
Leo: Sure bud (me)
Piper: Jesus was not straight (@wraith--2)
Some random camper in the dining pavillion: Hes staring into my soup (@wraith--2)
Leo: Everyone needs a piece of Leo (friend not on gc)
Leo: Me dehydrated: must not drink sex juice (@wraith--2)
Jason: Me and Percy cockfight like 3 times (@chefchennan)
Piper: Harry x hermione
Ron x jesus or smth
Luna x whoever tf she ended with? (Friend not on tumblr)
Mr D to someone being given a quest: You don't have a choice
They don't have a choice
It's equality all around (me)
Piper: Im not a people pleaser, im a woman pleaser (friend not on tumblr)
Jason (idk why but i instantly thought Jason): saggy balls? (@chefchennan)
Thalia: From your local asexual xx (@wraith--2)
Thalia: Homicide on Pinterest is an interest (@wraith--2)
Chiron: oh that's nice to see! A camper with a smile! (My criminology teacher)
Annabeth: ye I made percy smile by telling him I didn't like him in greek! (Friend not on tumblr)
Apollo: Will! Thoughts on be crime do gay?! (@carpcranium)
Thalia about Frank: Me and him are still friends we shoot kids together yesterday (@chefchennan)
Will doing some form of doctor test idk: I'm gonna skedaddle into your scrotum (@wraith--2)
Thalia: I f**king love garlic bread yummers. Its gotten so bad that I eat is everyday. I sweat garlic butter and shit out logs of bread. It's an endless cycle and I remake the garlic break with what I unleash (friend not on tumblr)
Percy to Annabeth (leo helped after frank found them in the stables): Thine eyes are blessed with the sight of her. Her.
Who I wake to every morning and think of
Who I dream of at night
Aphrodite has forsaken me yet she is my light
The waves will roar and crash
And I know, she is always up for a smash (@wraith--2)
Leo to literally any girl with a pulse: When I see her thoughts are gone
And all I can do is simply long
She could never be mine
Yet still I pine (@wraith--2)
Rachel thinking abiut percy: Days will pass and the sun shall set
All the while I'd place a bet
That I'm still there
Twirling my hair
Dreaming of something that was never fair (@wraith--2)
Thalia: is is the most fun I've had in ages, I'm trying to teach the bot aromanticisum (@wraith--2)
Thalia: As a matter of fact I am definitely aromantic but thanks for the suggestion (@wraith--2)
Leo, he meant to say floppy disks: Have you ever seen one of those floppy dicks-...🤏 (friend not in tumblr)
Mr D: Anyways orgies (@wraith--2)
Will to Nico: She's like nah, no love hearts have an onion were like Shrek now (me)
Percy: When I go to sleep I'm going to dream about gay sea creatures aren't I? (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: It's okay I'm a big girl I cry into my pillow (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: ohhh right in the trust issues (@thatonelazyghost)
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✅️ "rodion romanich raskolnikov is hands down the hottest of all the sinners. she's not even my favorite character but she is undoubtedly the sexiest. the boobs. the height. the hips. the swagger. the confidence. the way her tattoo ever so slightly peeks out of her shirt in some IDs/E.G.O./CGs... i would do anything this woman asked of me and more.
one thing i would like to note is that, while not a milf like some of the other sinners, she still has the most mommy domme energy and i know her hog is massive to match. im lightheaded thinking about how absurdly hot she is . Boobs in my mouth please"
✅️ "With the comments about her grip and how sinners reacted when she pulled them away she is most likely strong af also tall 6' (183cm) so yeah smash"
✅️ "im asexual and would still smash"
❌️ "me shaking and crying while i vote pass on outis rodya and denver like i'm so sorry you awful awful terrible women who i love but i am the wrong type of gay for this... can we get three more smash voters to make my one pass vote on each of them irrelevant"
✅️ "congratulations to rodya for having the biggest dick! time for the durability test!"
✅️ "Congrats to rodion for having the fastest cock out of the gang now if you excuse me I need to lose the ability to sit right for a week"
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pretentious-media · 1 month
hello, welcome.
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"I will tell gary that there is no god, and all of this is meaningless
but today, there is a god, and he has a plan for him"
sleep patterns - merchant ships
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please read this.
I am a minor (stay calm)
my personality type is INTP
I am a capricorn sun, taurus moon and a cancer rising
my favorite book is perks of being a wallflower
I was born on december 24th at 5:08 pm (do what you wish with that information)
i listen to lots of music
I would appreciate you using tone tags when talking to me :)
I am gay, asexual, achelian, demiromantic and demisexual, and also a transmasculine demiboy boyflux (we are hittin all the demis)
I'm actually the epitome of gender
Nikolai, Edgar, Koyla, Arlo, Kai, Ace, Ryker, Luka, Indigo, Elijah, Elias, Elliot, Leonardo, Maximus, Rodrigo, Edward, Cornelius, Vernon, Maxwell, Maddox (this is expanding) (if you have a problem with that DNI)
Koala, Niko, Benard, Neekus Meegeekus ( this is limited to some people), Bart, Bartholomew, Leroy
my fandoms:
perks of being a wallflower
sally face
hamilton (and most major musicals)
pjo and harry potter occasionally (im not far in either series)
ayn rand
edgar allen poe
death note
scott pilgrim
music taste:
the carseat headrest
elliot smith
the smashing pumpkins
alex g
mitski (the mommy issues are real)
bright eyes
will wood
dandelion hands
classical music in general
indie music in general
words you can refer to me as
anything gay (including slurs)
comrade (I love this one)
sir (I REALLY love this one)
madam (only satire tho)
bro (I will call you this about 10 times a day if you interact with me)
shawty (same as bro)
"I have absolutely no idea, I am afraid"
sleep patterns - merchant ships
the beautiful mutuals:
if you feel as if you want to be added to this list dm me because I'm afraid of thinking someone feels acquainted with me and they aren't.
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varii-corvid · 24 days
I feel like im gonna be called out by aroace people for making a lot of my fictional stories involve romance and kink and stuff and all I can say is... fair point you got me i definitely need more nuance in my story writing and stuff and I appreciate your input.
It feels so strange to admit to myself that I'm not actually asexual cause the label felt really comfortable for a while, But I still definitely agree with all of the points and perspectives about smashing allonormativity and just not assuming there is a default identity or way of being and that each person is nuanced and has rich inner experiences that shouldn't be ignored.
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kalimaxxing · 4 months
when i was younger fresh out sexual abuse i would masturbate as an ocd compulsion and i would do it so much every day and not even feel horny so it would take me so long to actually orgasm and my clit wud be sore and raw and i burned myself out for a few years and thought i was asexual and now im sexually healthy but when im depressed im not as into it but when im manic i turn into an insatiable nymphomaniac but im still scared to get naked in front of people so i have to take care of everything myself but i was thinking of getting tinder so i could smash and then ghost them and never ever have to look them in the face again but i dont want an std and i dont want to be a slut so i need a boyfriend but i dont want to get emotionally dunked on again because after last time i dont even want to get married or have kids anymore and i deleted my wedding and nursery room pinterest boards because it really opened my eyes but i really enjoy the emotional connection to another human aspect and i love flirting but there is an invisible wall that will always separate me from what i need
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laitoslittlemacaron · 6 months
Forgive me if you've been asked this before, but what is it that really got you so interested in Laito? If you can put your finger on it - I can understand that he has a certain je ne sais quoi.
Hello!💕 thank you for this question first of all! Its so easy but so so hard to answer as well, but yeah he sure does;v;<3 i once did a little essay on this topic on his birthday actually haha where i mentioned all the things i like about him, but..how and why and what exactly is so complicated to find out for myself😭
one important thing about me is, that it takes quite a while for me to develop a crush and strong feelings but if they are there once, they sure are🫡 and the fact that im asexual!! which makes it funny that my brain chose to focus on him (opposites attract??), but it really just means that im unable to sexualize people, allowing me to view the world and people in another way. As in many kinds of pretty and aesthetics, like art works. And certain things dont hit me that hard like they do with non-asexual people. But i'm absolutely not on the no-touchy side of the spectrum tho, i sure love affection, kiss marks and everything else (even tho i need to know the other one and like them a lot, idk ive never been in a relationship lol) , and i do enjoy his drama cds a lot 😂😭
What i meant to say with that, i didnt get into Laito because i wanted to smash him!😆 there were so many interesting things about him, that got my brain more and more interested and addicted to him and his personality. and hes so so pretty, his eyes are my exact favourite colour and his hair is autumn colours, its so beautiful and i want to braid it hehe.🍂 (looks are not enough tho and it took me quite some time.) and before i could even notice it, bam, i think i fell for him, slowly but then pretty hard. (And now its been 8 years agshshjk whaaaat-)
Hmm.. I love dark fantasy and vampire stuff a lot!! Its the twisted, the horror, unexpected, thrilling, esp about him. Its really cool. and finding out just how much there actually is to Laito, one thing after another. Besides his light hearted, funny, dark&twisted and flirty character, there are also his real thoughts, when he gets poetic, emotional and philosophic, and just then how damn cuuute he can be, and how much he actually cares after he stops pushing away emotions, and how much dumb stuff you can do with him (referencing all the funny moments, bonus cds, and silly cds). I would love to go with into cute cafes together, or showing my macaron skills, and idk there were soo many cute and stupid ideas he had that made my heart flutter and laugh a lot 🤣🤧💖 and so much more!! he makes me happy and all the love that i have stored in me can go to him🫶 (i knoww that hes fictional, but hes so well written, with so many sides, and its so nice to have smth or smn around you that/who gives you happiness!!!) but jeez i also looove vampire stuff, but it HAS to be him 😂💚
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silly-lil-lee · 4 months
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Hello hello, friends! My name is Toony, or Lee! I use he/him pronouns! I thought I'd make a new DNI and other things post because the last one was a bit messy! I'll be changing my url as well. Since this is my main blog now I wanna make it look nice, which entails setting a lil theme and changing my url.
My new url is: silly-lil-lee
Without further ado, let's get into it!
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homophoic, transphobic, racist, ableist, etc.
Anti-agere or anyone who thinks agere is a kink
I myself age regress, and would appreciate you be patient with me if I ever reply late.
Only here to bully and be an ass
Any sort of incest shipper or proshipper
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I'm a minor
I have ADHD, autism and anxiety (the three As! /j)
I'm transgender and use he/him pronouns
I'm also asexual and panromantic
Happily taken!
I adore music and can play guitar and piano
My special interests are The Lion King, The Walking Dead and frogs (there's more to come I'm sure)
My favorite color is yellow (bet you didn't know that /j)
I use lots of keyboard smashes and tone indicators
Hazbin Hotel 📻 ♥ 🗝
Animaniacs 🤍❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Clone High ✨️🤍
Frog and Toad 🌾🐸🌻
Goof Troop ✨️💚
The Princess and the Frog 🐸✨️🍛
Supernatural 👻❤️‍🩹
Super Mario Bros. 🍄🍝⭐️
Scream 🗡🩸☎️
Ride The Cyclone 🔮🎡🎢
Bear in the Big Blue House 🌝🧸💙
Pinocchio ✨️💙🦗
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@toony-fanfics -fanfiction blog
@silly-goat-demon - Atlas blog (Hazbin OC)
@itty-bitty-demon - Sylvia blog (Hazbin OC)
@silly-little-animals - The Lion King multimuse blog
@smiles-and-radios - Alastor ask/rp blog
@we-are-the-ones-who-live - TWD blog!
@magic-in-the-valley - Disney Dreamlight Valley side blog!
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gemwolfz · 8 months
im like if a monsterfucker was asexual
on a similar note asexuality really does add a very fun layer of abstractness and arbitrarity to smash or pass. the other day i was playing with some friends and there were several characters who got unanimously passed except by me because i thought they were funny. well thats not entirely true, ivan "eggman" robotnik is genuinely the ceo of sex, and dingodile from crash bandicoot seems about as fuckable as bowser from super mario. which is to say very. also they passed on mario himself?? mario mario would treat you right c'mon
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oswednesday · 7 months
im asexual so i always vote pass in smash or pass polls XD and youre asking a lot of questions about the weapons and bondage gear that "im asexual" already explained are Two different types of asexuals; many of you get pissed off at the former and make it all of our problems, like annoying people are annoying universally
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coderiderr · 4 months
i always take smash or passes on here too seriously and everytime im like huh i havent been hitting smash on any of these polls- of course not you idiot youre asexual
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siouxxiie · 2 years
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☆ hello there! my name is polish-anon and im another beginner writer here ^^ I use She/Her/They/Them pronouns, i am a asexual biromantic person. Also I am a Aquarius! This is my main blog where i write stuff and reblog stuff. I’m also making a matchup account too :D
☆ i make x reader, drabbles, headcannons, fanfics and more!
☆ i really love watching and reading anything like manga, shows, and more!! (feel free to ask)
☆ i listen to a lot of genre’s which you’ll find out down below, but im a lover of many vocaloid songs (that’s why im in love with kikuos songs)
☆ i have a lot of fictional crushes and kinnies which will also be down below so i have a lot of comfort characters/crushes but here are some and with the rest of what i like:
☆ Favorite Shows: jane the virgin, degrassi, paswg, end of the f*cking world, big mouth, insatiable, invader zim, south park
☆Favorite Movies: Perks of being a wallflower, s3x drive, super bad, juno, scott pilgrim, basically every michael sera movie
☆Favorite Animes: hxh, death note, love chinibyo, demon slayer, akudama drive, umaru chan, TBHK, neon genesis evangelion
☆Favorite Games: Smash bros, siege, dbd, minecraft, roblox, sally face, mario kart, undertale, honkai impact 3rd, cookie run, pokémon go, five nights at freddys, sims, genshin impact
☆Favorite Music: Eyedress, slipknot, puzzle, marina, mars argo, loona, kikuo, pinkpantherss, bo en mcr, cigarettes after s3x, mitski, tyler the creator, tv girl, paramore, melanie martinez, lana del ray, clairo, steve lacy, rebzyyx
☆Favorite Characters: Chiaki Nanami, l lawiet, rei ayanami, mikan tsumugi, arataki itto, tweek tweek, asuka langley soryu, makoto naegi, princess carolyn, shinji ikari, stan marsh, judah (bojack), mcchicken
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the-navistar-carol · 2 years
here from zee's blog. don't worry about answering if its too personal, but how did you know you were ace? did the whole romance vs. sexual thing confuse you too? going through my own thing rn and idk how to articulate it but i feel like advice coming from a person that i know, in however limited of a scope, would help, as opposed to an informational post (they have been helpful too! its just not what im looking for rn).
Hey, anon! I have a funny story about how I realized I was ace, actually — and it’s funny because it’s completely ass backwards from anyone else. To TL;DR it, yes, romance vs sex confuses the shit out of me still. Like, how can someone look at someone else (even someone they don’t know) and be like “smash” ?????? How does it go further than aesthetic??? Than “oo pretty person! moving on” ?????
Content warning, I talk about boobs below the cut.
But the story of how I realized I was ace goes something like this.
I didn’t know that being LGBTQ+ was a thing until seventh grade. Like at all. Age twelve. Had never heard about people being gay. My parents are not homophobic, they are accepting of who I am, but for some reason -- LGBTQ+ things were never brought up in the house. But age twelve. That was the year I got a wider group of friends and also had wider internet access. What did I do with it, you may ask? Print memes off of Pinterest and carried them in a binder to show my friends. I am not joking.
But in this Pinterest rabbit hole, I discovered the glory of crossposted Tumblr textpost memes. Like old Tumblr memes. Having-the-old-format old. And alongside these memes like the dancing Spiderman and none pizza with left beef was some pretty profound shit. Like the ol’ “biggest gaudiest patronuses,” the “the day after i killed myself” poem, all that jazz. And in that category of profound was a bootlegged post about asexuality.
“Huh,” twelve-year-old me said, taking all of fifteen minutes to think about it. “That sounds pretty accurate!”
While I have not looked back since, it gets funnier every year that that is how I figured it out. Because for the first three years or so, I was carrying around the label with just the knowledge of what it was, not really thinking about it whatsoever despite it being as true as the color of the grass in California. (Brown.) It was only when I hit sophomore year or so that I actually began to realize hang on, I was actually on to something here and that there was actually — shocker — a lot more about me that fit with the ace label. I got bored when making out with an ex. I got BORED. MAKING OUT. That was the funniest one.
To TL;DR that — I never had the feeling of “oh no I’m broken, I don’t feel this emotion” because I slapped the label on myself and then discovered I actually fit into it after the fact. I’m probably not the best person to ask “hey how did you know you were ace” because I discovered more about being ace after already labeling myself as such. But I did write a research paper on asexuality, if someone ever wants to read that for some reason.
…..i did not answer your question.
About the romance versus sex thing: it absolutely still confuses me. Tinder is a huge confuser. Why. Why the hell. Hookups. Why. Why the hell. Is it not enough to listen to someone ramble about something they're passionate about? Love is stored in the infodumps.
My last ex was not ace, I have not dated someone ace because finding ace men is actually quite hard. But there was a point near the end of our relationship when he wanted to see my boobs (like with a bra on, not nude from the waist up). I got nothing out of it, but shrugged and went “sure” because,,,, ehh???? It’s just,,,,,, boobs? They sure as hell don’t make me horny, so I had no problem temporarily showing off things that didn’t affect me lmfao
People, to me, are like paintings and dogs. They’re like paintings in the sense that I can stop and admire someone, even for a while, but I’ll eventually walk away. They’re like dogs in the sense that I want to cuddle and hold hands and do soft things with them, but I wouldn’t fuck a dog, to put it crudely. Also, I get tired of hanging out with people after a while, but that’s also because I’m autistic and a whole other can of worms.
Hope this helped?
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SO apparently my old diagnosis of DDNOES isnt used anymore and I would be considered OSDD so I just thought that I (we?) would say a little hello to the community.  I AM professionally diagnosed and my new therapist thinks it might help me a little bit to actually acknowledge my alters instead of my last therapists advice which was not to give in to it.  
Sarah is my adult fronter (Im 30 but I feel like shes more 21-25 which is around the age i detransitioned).  She is very sexual, likes to dress in lingerie (specifically babydoll style), the only one in the system who responds positively to male sexual attention, the only one in the system who masterbates (sorry if that is TMI).  She is also the only one in the system with the ability to do makeup.  She loves VC Andrews and poetry and fancy smelling soap.  Her favorite music is stuff like Xiu Xiu, The Mountain Goats, radiohead, Nicole Dollanganger, Ginger Bronson, and Hole.  She does non-contact online sex work and is a bit of a compulsive spender.   She collects Precious Moments figurines. We are all autistic but Sarah is the highest functioning.  Sarah is recovering from EDNOES/Bulimia/Atypical Anorexia.  She likes benzos, opiates, and ecstasy and is my most social alter.  She has a slight southern accent.
My second alter is Syd.  Syd identifies as male and is roughly 15 years old.  He likes rough sex, is a recovering cutter, is an insufferable edgelord who is fascinated by gore and autistically into horror.  He holds most of my wrath toward the world.  He’s my second most common fronting alter.  He likes MCR, The Used, Smashing Pumpkins, and Three Days Grace.  He loves to read splatterpunk and transgressive fiction.  He is a reckless drug user and will get high on anything from benadryl to cough medication to the air in the whipped cream can and is a compulsive stoner.  His preferred high is psychedelic.  He prefers the company of other boys and doesnt have a lot in common with most girls.  He is very dysphoric about his chest and the most likely to get caught up in drama and discourse because he doesnt separate negative and positive attention.  He collects horror merch.  He has the most severe case of BPD and NPD out of the system members and also has the most noticeable tic (sharply exhaling through the nose).  He uses a lot of slang circa-2011 and has the strongest eastern accent out of the three.
My most common fronting alter and also my lowest functioning is Ash, my “little” (age 2-5).  She loves to color, likes early Melanie Martinez, collects squishmellows, and is terrified of “mushy” textures.  She is very emotionally dependent on our partner and gets severe separation anxiety.  She is the most capable of caring for children out of the three because she understands their needs, being a child herself.  She is a severe trauma holder with CPTSD and often nonverbal.  She is completely asexual and terrified of male attention.  She is friendly to everybody to a fault and easily manipulated by false kindness.  She is the only one in the system without body dysmorphia.  She likes weed because it makes the overstimulation calm down a little bit and did NOT like acid when i did it while she was fronting.  She is obsessed with receiving praise from authority.  She enjoys more lighthearted media like comedy and eats too much candy.  She has a higher pitched voice than the other two.  
I sometimes dissociate to a robot/void state when overstimulated but I slip between alters with little to no interruption or chunks of missing time (well that may or may not be true i have a very bad memory) and have some control over “who” is fronting its not completely involuntary (like i can push Syd and Sarah down if they try to front at work) but my therapist was pretty confident in the diagnosis.  So thats pretty much it, Im open to more questions if anybody has any but that is pretty much “us”.  
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fancy--that · 2 years
smash or pass spongebob
well he is canonically asexual.
But smash.
"Im ready. Im ready. Im ready." Plus he's goofy.
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