#ik hes not canonically transmasc
Transmasc Ace brainrot is real today
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rab1darachn1d · 2 months
bsd trans/queer headcanons for trans visibility day!!(PLS FEEL FREE TO ADD UR OWN I LOVE SEEING PPLS HEADCANONS)
-I see Dazai and Fyodor as both agender in a "im not exactly cis but i also dont exactly give a fuck anymore" Dazai more so because he has a hard time figuring out gender n shit like that and Fyodor bc he cant be bothered to think about that stuff(IM PROJECTING<3)
-I think Nikolai would be genderfluid or gender queer or would not care for labels at all and would use literally ANY fucking pronoun(Maybe hed feel like labels n shit were too constricting??? idk my tranny brain clung so hard to his whole "feeling like a bird trapped in a cage")(IK ITS NOT INHERENTLY TRANS IM NOT TRYING TO MAKE IT TRANS PLS DONT COME AFTER ME I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS)
-Chuuya and Kunikida are transmasc. no explanation needed(i could go on for HOURS dude you dont understand)
-Nonbinary Gin ofc ofc, how they present depends on the day and i dont think theyd care about pronouns(I believe its canon they prefer to be seen as masc in the mafia for safety reasons?) I could also see them as gender queer
-Lippmann being genderfluid or genderqueer
-Albatross being nonbinary(uses they/he)
-Akutagawa being unlabeled and doesn't care much about pronouns(he has worse things to worry about so i dont think hed give it much thought?)
-Kouyou being transfem
-I could see Atsushi testing out abunch of different labels(he was never taught abt queer stuff in the orphanage and so now hes just tryna figure shit out)
-Rimbaud being gender queer
-T4T Ranpoe guys you dont understand how happy they make me I HATE THEM
-Agender Tetchou and Pangender Jouno is funny to me, it wouldn't be on purpose itd just be a very funny coincidence
-Transfem Lucy and Anne being inspo for her transition makes me sob(I LOVE LUCY I NEED TO TALK ABT HER MORE SHES SO <333)
-following that T4T Atsulucy brings me joy, they could share their experiences "not feeling quite right" when they were both in the orphange
-Trans masc Sigma who will dress both masc AND fem(too all transmasc who dress fem and all transfem who dress masc you guys r so valid<33 your choice of clothes does not dictate your gender and violently bite those who say it does<3)
-Kenji would identify as male but would use any pronouns and not care how people perceive him, I dont think itd bother him as long as everyone is happy and no one fights over it
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eepyism · 7 months
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razielwritesstuff · 1 year
Obey Me! Headcannons ~
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I have never and will never hide that I dislike Luci
I do have thoughts
This man is just constantly sipping a caffeinated beverage he needs it to deal with these mfs
He's a single mother of all 6 of his brothers
I think all demons have sharp teeth. His are the least sharp of the brothers and he is PISSED ABT IT TGURBODFK
Fav song is probably by Mozart. Basic ass.
I discussed how the om! chars would deal wirth being in mlp (pls dont ask) and Luci and Luna give me an evil grinch smile
I feel like he'd curse when angry
Gay ass
Smells like pine trees or something
I think he'd have a fear of mascots
Like. character mascots.
Don't ask me okay
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Smells like axe bodyspray and SADNESS
Am I WRONG????
We all love mammon but that man.... we know he uses axe...
Befriends the local crows.
There is so many he could be carried off
They all give him shiny shit to sell
Did everyone remember how he's canonically a model
He's attractive. Canonically.
Anyways, second-sharpest teeth of the bros
This is cannon (TO ME) but Mammon is just attached to MC like glue
He once tried to steal and sell some of leviathan's games
The cast took a while to come off :)
Fav song is something CUNTY ik it
Most girlypop aside from asmo (YTO ME!!!!)
He's great :D
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He is so trans to me as a transmasc.
He has a main twitter and an alt twitter. Nobody knows abt the alt so he uses it to doxx ppl he doesn't like
I love Leviathan but I swear to God I don’t think he knows what deodorant is
“man for a guy who sleeps in a bathtub you really have no concept of hygiene”
How many Henrys has he had??? who tf knows.
Fav animal is SNAKES
Loves pokemon. his fav would be gyarados
He will assume anything except romantic intentions at all times
Autistic. As approved by my friend with the 'tism
He would be a brony
Lovable but a Bit Cringe
Has tied Mammon to a chair and forced him to watch stuff before
EXPERT at pirating shit
Would play Undertale.
Speedrunner !!
Would spend like the better part of a month to discover EVERY SINGLE glitch, bug, and exploit in a game to use it to is advantage
Has a sims 4 cc folder that's like 80 terabytes
He's my malewife and he's everything to me.
Would make a shiny living dex on every single Pokémon game
He has multiple cardboard cutouts of his waifus
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Satan has an Ao3 account. He writes exclusively on his fav characters
His Ao3 tag has something to do with Sherlock Holmes fight me
He tweets in perfect grammar
He'd kill over a board game
Would cry over a cute cat video
Lucifer got assigned as Tigerclaw LMAO
He would get into Leviathan's fandoms but only bc Leviathan forced him. He comes out liking the thing.
His favorite disney movie would be Aristocats
Loves Luigi
He became a cat person specifically because Lucifer is a dog person
He'd also be a brony
The one that can analyze media properly
His brothers use him to spellcheck their essays
He either watches video essays on YouTube or he makes them
Likes reading about witchkraft from the human realm, he finds it interesting
The one that taught Leviathan to make cardboard cutouts
Knows about 50 stray cats and has named them all
Constantly brags about how he has sharper teeth than Lucifer
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Smells like a different scented candle every week
Has that stereotypical gay accent
He's zesty
He's girlypop but we all knew that
Listens to Ayesha Erotica
Goes like "GIRL you would NOT believe what Solomon did!!"
He spills all the tea all the time
King shit
He'd wear a dress in a heartbeat and he'd ROCK IT
He would cry over broken nails but not because of the pain it might cause, only because it looks ugly asf now
The one who painted everyone's nails
Will threaten you in order to paint your nails, but he will do a color you like
King at make up
Absolutely loves Ru Paul
Keeps trying to get Dia to set up a drag race, he's unsuccessful as of now
Strawberry is his favorite flavor
He's very physically affectionate but would absolutely respect boundaries i will kill you if you think otherwise
He would HYPE. YOU. UP.
Has gum on him 24/7
Also has tampons on him so he can give them to the homies who need them (like Leviathan)
IDK man I didn't used to like him that much but he's grown on me
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VERY GOOD COOK because of course he is
Loves giving piggyback rides
Tall enough and beefy enough for you to sit on his shoulders
Would also let Belph sleep on his shoulders
He's a golden retriever. We knew this.
Surprisingly good at Just Dance
Not a dog person not a cat person but a secret third thing (he thinks cows are adorable)
Always spares bugs and spiders when he finds them
Cannot watch cooking shows, he's tried to eat the TV before
Loves going to movie theaters, will pay just for the overpriced popcorn
You can tell he genuinely loves you if he shares his food
Like he shares his food with MC and all the brothers are like "W. WHAT??"
Would INSIST you look great no matter what you look like
You will cuddle with him and Belph this is an Order
Smells like food-scented deodorant
He would be too scared to roughhouse with anyone, boy is too strong
Likes just picking people up and carrying them off
He's done this with Satan once and it actually calmed him down
Favorite show is Bluey probably
Favorite animal is a maned wolf or something
Would kill for a klondike bar
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Sharpest teeth out of the brothers + bites as a love language
Every time he bites Leviathan it results in Leviathan squealing higher than able to be heard by humankind
Talks in his sleep. It is adorable thank you for asking!
Smells like Lavendar, vanilla deodorant, and a little bit of "hasn't showered in 2 days" hidden underneath
Drinks a lot of milk
Blueberry is his favorite flavor
Lucid dreams a lot
He does not believe dreams have meanings his are always either incomprehensible or if they did have menains have ones he really doesnt like
Would drink monster energy but he hates the taste of caffeine (he just like me forreal)
Gummies are his favorite snack
He gives off trans energy but i honest to diavolo can't tell if he's transfem or transmasc or neither i CANT TELL
He's girly pop in his own unique way
His DDD's ringtone is Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica
He's neurodivergent to me i just dont know how
Chews on everything for sensory reasons
Spoiled. Because he's the youngest sibling ofc he is
Every time he drinks hot cocoa he puts marshmallows in it
He considers "barging into your room and scooching you over in your bed to cuddle" a sleepover
Alternatively he'll get Beel to bring you to their room
Hey everyone remember how he's canonically a yandere-
Anyways he's cool :)
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
thoughts on transman yamato and transwomen ace? (ik yamato is already canon so this is mostly just thoughts on transwomen ace lol)
I feel like if I think too much about Ace being a woman my lesbian heart won't be able to handle it but. But yeah. My thoughts are very-- Positive. Dying of lesbianism here.
I've always considered Ace transmasc but this is so good too??? I believe Ace as a woman would like. Be the same. But woman. Kind of like Luffy ngl. The thing with ASL is that Ace comes out as a woman and the other two are like "Oh cool! *change pronouns when talking to her*" and that's kind of. The whole thing for them? They're extremely supportive and WILL beat the shit out of you if you say something about their sister. But. Like. Ace is already the one beating people up for that so they don't need to worry--
Thinking about Ace coming out like, time after the sake thing and Luffy telling her that they need to do it again because "We swore we were brothers but!!!! I want to drink sake with you again and swear you will always be my older sister!!!!!" and it melts Ace's heart completely. Not to mention that now nobody fights about who's the oldest because now Luffy has an older sister and an older brother!!
Makino would be the sweetest soul to her,,, She teaches her stuff and Ace is always asking her things to be more of a ""real woman"" and Makino is like ???????? "what do you mean real woman, sweetie, it doesn't matter what you do and how you look like as long as you're comfortable!! Don't let other people tell you otherwise!!" and Ace realizes that's the type of girl she wants to be to become a good older sister to Luffy. Supportive and kind and herself even if a lot of people won't see her the way she is.
Ace goes through life so not giving a shit-- I think she is the same except that when she wins fights and people think she is a guy she is just like "haha a woman beat you up fucking loser" and when people realize she is a girl they're all like "noooo cover your chest that's indecent!!" and she's so confused and angry because why is it okay to do so when they think she is a guy but it's wrong when they find out she is a girl???? She goes boobs out everywhere fr fr.
I think Ace is the type of saying "I can't have surgery and boobs so I'm just gonna do so much exercise my chest will look huge" and she is so committed to that. Good for her.
And!!!!!! When she meets Yamato??? And Yamato tells her he is a guy??? Ace is like "OH ME TOO ME TOO I AM A GIRL AND PEOPLE CONSTANTLY THINK I'M A GUY IDK WHY" and they have their "we the same fr" and fall in love bc no matter the gender Yamace is always canon. `You have this cool but a bit of a failgirl Ace and her tall af cute boyfriend. Boy who says teehee x Girl who laughs like a lunatic.
Also, I think her relationship with Roger would change a bit? And she already loves her mom but she would do it now even more because she would feel like-- More connected to her experience as a woman? I think Ace should wear a little flower in her hair just like Rouge, too.
And not to be depressing af but when Marineford happens and everybody treats her as Roger's SON she is having the worst time of her life for so many reasons. And Luffy just tells everybody he sees that Ace is not a guy and he might be in the middle of saving her but he will fight people so they refer to her right.
Idk I think there are more things to say but I am eepy and I just woke up. But I absolutely love this and Ace as a trans girl lives in my mind rent free.
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reamnosart · 2 months
Can you share some of your Ikabod headcanons
Ok thank u for asking because I’ve been holding onto headcanons for so long that I was afraid to share bc I didn’t know how other people would react D: I don’t engage in fandom spaces very much since I used to strictly enjoy canon, but I’m letting myself take artistic liberties with The Upturned since I like it so much!!
In my brain there are two Iks; the real one and the funky little self indulgent one that lives in my brain
“Real” Ik
-Gay and nb (he/they)
-he has adhd!! And probably some other neurodivergence. I relate a lot to how impulsive he is, and I also relate to his problem solving skills (the whole thing with him getting the historic database files)
-Ik’s dad didn’t treat him well because he acted soft (he’s such a sweetheart and a pushover I love this guy)
-I used to think Ik’s line about thanking his dad for killing him would suggest a repression of his sexuality/ associating it with him dying and wishing he was different, but I’m more convinced that he was forgiving/ thanking his father since the afterlife has been a better outlet to experience his interests without being afraid of being himself
-The reason Ik has yellow eyes is because they resemble truck headlights
-traveler isn’t the first person Ik tried to be friends with at the hotel
-the reason Ik doesn’t fight back against sob is because he’s a victim of sob’s experiments. The only things keeping him from becoming a monster are fear and his customer service skills
-I asked Zeekerss once about why souks vary so much in size. He doesn’t have a straight answer for it, but suggested it has to do with characteristics of the person’s soul. Ik was probably around 6 feet tall when he was alive, but his towering stature in the afterlife represents the lengths he goes to make others happy
-same reason he’s got his big goofy smile. He’s like a beacon of hope in such a miserable place. He’s a kind soul who chose to help others instead of wallow like sob or the artist
Self indulgent Ik (basically an OC at this point)
-so basically everything is the same except Ik and Sob are transmasc butch lesbians (just like me fr)
-in canon Ik died at 15 and met sob around 18 but my version of Ik is 21 when he dies and meets Sob (just. Like me)
-it’s easier to have creative freedom with a character when I relate them to myself let me have this
-Ik is Sob’s willing assistant and works with him to find more subjects/ victims for experiments. The suffering of Sob’s victims are a small price to pay in the search for an end to the afterlife, a concept that millions of souls could benefit from (and may even be a way to connect back to the land of the living?)
-Ik has become numb to the idea of connecting to guests after meeting millions of them and being berated/ harassed by lost and confused souls. Traveler is the first person in 40 years he’s related to, so Ik goes out of his way to keep traveler safe from Sob’s traps.
I have so many more but it’s like 5 am so I can’t remember them all rn,,,, thank you again for asking!!! I always love talking about this game.
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daz4i · 3 months
what r ur bsd gender hcs????
oooo thank you for the ask! >:3
chuuya is transmasc i think is basically canon atp really
dazai is nb forever and ever to me
big fan of transfem kouyou + kyouka bc of meta reasons and also bc it's just fun in general
transmasc tanizaki. also a near canon one. why are you wearing a binder boy
the doa have one bit of gender they're forced to share and fukuchi hogs it most of the time (sigma is agender, fyodor doesn't care enough to figure things out, nikolai is like fyodor but in the opposite direction. bram is a vampire which is a whole gender all on its own)
speaking of i like transmasc fukuchi actually. 1 that one pic with his tits out. where are his nipples. top surgery fukuchi real? 2 i like to hc characters that express their genders in extreme ways as trans bc well. ik many trans ppl irl who do it too. so i can't help but hc any character who is basically the definition of a Manly Man as transmasc 3 i think we need to start hcing big strong guys as trans more often only then we can start healing
akutagawa is kinda like fyodor in a sense that he's probably nb but too busy with other things to figure it out rn
q! once again basically canon lol
i think that's all i have for now! 😌
otherwise i go by their canon genders. not necessarily assuming they're cis, these are just the ones i'm most passionate about! :3
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starfilled-galaxy · 23 days
System info + introductions for the alters :D This post is occasionally updated !
We're a proxy system (linked) which means there's a permanently frontstuck host and instead of switches we only blur/blend Each alter is associated with 1 emoji that we tag and emoji combos = blurry/blended
Fictive heavy, lol whoops
Collectively sex-repulsed asexual, also collectively share the same neurodivergencies (adhd, autism, social anxiety) tho some of us have more heightened nd traits than others
Quoigenic! Which means we don't know if we're traumagenic or endogenic or mixed origin or smth else and honestly we don't fucking care to find out
We switch between I/me and we/our a lot, we tend default to I/me though unless talking about multiple of us or the system as a whole
Usually we use the term "alter" but we dont mind sysmate/system member/headmate etc, alter is just the shortest lol
Alter intros under cut bc it's kinda long!
💫 - Niko! Pronounfluid. Genderfluid, grayromantic gaybian. Alterhuman (otherhearted cat). Not a fictive, just decided to steal the name from Niko OneShot. Perma frontstuck host :'3
🌌 - Aster. He/him. Unknown romanticity or gender, though I'm pretty sure he uses most of our space-themed gender labels. Alterhuman. Partially a prosecutor (only gets hostile when he feels threatened... like a bee lol)
🩸 - Fang. They/them. Unknown romanticity or gender. Alterhuman (demonkin and otherhearted bat). Traumaholder. Loves red and black color combo :3c One of the 3 "Knife Freaks"
Yeah ik I'm "edgy" and "emo" and "cringe" but who cares. Be cringe and be free. I'm having the time of my life looking like a 14 year old's cringe emo OC and nobody can stop me -🩸
🏀 - (rw) Kel. Usually he/him but sometimes uses she/her and very occasionally ae/aer and xe/xyr. Bigenderfluid, pan gaybian, possibly arospec. Furry, also really likes rock. Rw Hero is his comfort person and he's in an in-sys relationship with Sunny ^^ One of the 3 "Knife Freaks"
Genuinely fuck off if you treat me/source like a joke stop it I'm a person too you assholes -🏀
🌹 - (rw) Hero. He/him. Transmasc, abro pan bi. Really likes bugs and especially dragonflies. The only adult alter in the system, and also takes a role of trying to comfort everyone in the system
🔪 - Sunny. He/she/they. Trigender/boygirlenby, gaybian. He fucking loves scene. Also he apparently introjected as like post-game (true ending) so his sight is kinda blurry in his left eye (yes we're aware canon Sunny got his right eye stabbed, its just a source-fictive disconnect) One of the 3 "Knife Freaks"
🧡 - (hs) Kel. He/him. Boy, cis doesnt feel right but he's not a transguy so he's just neither, unknown romanticity. Yeah there's two Kels, and two Heros, dw about it. They just share names. Anyway he's silly he's the youngest of us. Doesn't wanna be called a little tho!
🍳 - (hs) Hero. He/him. Transmasc, unknown romanticity. He's very shy and anxious and rarely talks. Seems to be a symptom holder of our more extreme social anxiety
🦴 - Hector (dog). DOGGY!! Kel and Hero's lil shiba inu is a fictive! He/him, no gender just dog. Not to be confused with agender, just unlabeled. He's very excitable, and uh only speaks in barks, even in typing. I'll have to translate for him any time he talks
🍃 - Hollyleaf. Wow omg a not-omori fictive?? No way... /silly She/her. Christmasgender/xenogender, unknown romanticity. She and Lion are very source-detached since when they introjected it had been a long time since I read the books with them in it
🦁 - Lionblaze. He/him. Unknown romanticity or gender. He's silly and fluffy and honestly kinda similar to the hs Kel fictive personality-wise, but less kid-like
I know source was written in a super boring way but it still makes me sad to be called boring :< -🦁
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meowsticmarvels · 4 months
omg oomf please impart onto us ur eritoshi headcanons 🙏
ON ITTTTT here you go....... was gonna respond to this earlier but then reload came out and ive been Insane About That ever since but still. dont have many rn but im curating things. here we go. my beloved tragic yaouri
im a he/she toshiro truther. also open to most gender things but i particularly think transfem toshiro is rly real
nb any pronouns eri... i also do like transmasc eri but it depends on how i feel. either way theyre both Transgendeor
toshiro c-ptsd/anxiety/autism is real. to me
wow i need to make more hcs for eri. anyways shes audhd methinks
i think theyd adopt a dog maybe........ not sure why i feel strongly about dog in particular but this is a thing ive been thinking about for the past few weeks. need suggestions for what Type or what rheyd name it but i feel really strongly about eritoshi dog
ik eri having stickers on her cane is like. canon if shown for a second but i wanna point it out. its so real
it's rough for a while after they reunite. esp with like. the trial trying to indict marie and yoshiki and everything but they!!!! have eachother!!!! im so normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i actually cant rly. think of anymore. but theyve been rotating in my mind for the past few months please continue to talk to me about them and/or share your own hcs im sick
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nosleep83 · 10 months
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Leo’s a HUGE Percy Jackson fan. He adores the books and has never acknowledged the movies.
Donnie watches the Snapcube sonic fandubs religiously and quotes them daily (Mikey probably does too- he admires the improv).
Leo DEFINITELY almost cried the first time he got in trouble at school (SELF PROJECTION LETS GOOOO).
Leo really likes checklists and feels super accomplished whenever he checks something off.
All of the turtles pretend they’re in edits a lot lmao.
Donnie uses Twitter and refuses to ever call it X.
Mikey will send the most out of pocket videos and images to the family group chat at like 3am.
Mikey and Donnie played undertale together and they both cried at the true pacifist ending (Ik I’ve already said that a while ago but I still thought it belonged here).
Raph and Mikey both didn’t drink milk for like a solid month after you-know-what happened.
All the turtles make up roasts abt Cynthia and Superfly to pretend they all weren’t seriously traumatized by both of them.
Mikey’s aro ace, Raph’s bi, Leo’s transmasc, and Donnie’s non binary (he/they). These actually aren’t head canons tho Seth told me this himself /j
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sol-shines · 7 months
@ your tags PLEASE talk abt your parker designs!!!
this is for you and @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars THANK YOU for enabling me :3 sorry this took a little bit
if you don't know what this is about i drew my takes on the parkers here !
rambles under the cut:
SO what i sorta wanted to do was make. each parker flow into the next while subtly changing in between ,,, something something losing yourself to the game, becoming unrecognizable. so let's cover it parker by parker:
prime: i personally Love the hc that the coin is parker's mom. so prime is a lil ancient roman coded guy. he's SOOOO eldest sibling coded help. like he and his mom have a very strained relationship but also he thinks that if he just does whatever she wants she'll finally be proud of him :P whoops! and yeah v explosive anger (firewalker reference!), leading to ego, leading to. You Know. anyway. oh ALSO the parkers get younger as we progress so :))) they all STARTED at 19 but have varying degrees of age. so prime is in his mid-thirties.
parker ii: AH the most elusive of the parkers. SO: in my personal lore interp, parker ii was created when prime starting to push back against the coin more and more to the point where it was becoming a problem. and prime of course is very destructive and makes a mess when he's angry. so ii came about from me going "...what if parker just. said fuck it and left. didn't give a shit about ego just didn't wanna play the game anymore and found a way out." and that's exactly what my ii did. absolutely fucking vanished and quit the game for good. somehow. which uhhh MIGHT have been what caused prime to go apeshit ("why does ii get to leave and i'm stuck here?") and end prehistory. whoops. so i wanted to make them look very vagabond-y. somehow got even edgier than prime (impressive). also they're abt 30-ish. and have crazy gender stuff going on. possibly transfem. "but how is that possible if you hc the parkers as transmasc-" shhh. i don't know <3
park3r: GOD i loved doing this one. this parker is such a bitch and i love him. the first commissioner parker, created bc "OKAY so we gotta make him more young and impressionable and less unstable AND take him out of this game bc very clearly Bad Things will happen if he stays" so they made. a chronically online teenager and made them commissioner AMDNFM. god yeah i love this design he's sooo. just a 19-year-old trying to fill an impossible role and putting on a cool face about it. tragic, yes. but they're gonna complain the whole time and make everyone else miserable too. fully believe he was just scared and out of his depth the whole trial :( oops why are parkers iii and iiii so sad. i drew him closer to mid-20s here but honestly he could easily be younger
p4rker: LOVE this guy's lore so my hc is that after the trial that killed park3r it was like "uhhhh FUCK we need a new one of those. stat." so. they just. took park3r's incin'd body (ik it's not really Canon that park3r was incin'd he just Died but. let me have this) and like. stitched it back together. so p4rker is covered in burns and stitched together like frankenstein all over, and they just threw a mask on them like "see!!! new guy!!" the result of this being they didn't have. a whole ton of time to add shit like Personality, so p4rker is the outlier in that they're very naive and even polite? they don't understand what all the fuss is about them and just wants to be. nice? shame he didn't stick around long :/ the drippy bits are a little percolation nod! in this particular drawing he's like 20 :(
pvrker is. obviously the least human. park3r was more of a prototype of a commissioner, p4rker was a temporary placeholder at best, pvrker... was well and truly made For The Game. and his appearance reflects that. kinda a combination of iii's bluntness and 4's naivety. in-universe some people think he's the most sinister or whatever bc he's so directly Controlled By ILB Shit and that's not NOT true but like. give him a break guys he's like 6 days old he's new at this :(
ANYWAY that's so long holy shit. here are my rambles i hope u like them. im So Bad at blaseball lore so someone yell at me if something i put in there isn't accurate but. yeag :)
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bluelizze · 8 months
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Ok so having black butler grell brainriot so I completely scrapped all my old black butler ocs to make a sorta self-insert oc kinda situation
(Click to read more about this handsome fella)
Some basic info
Elliott Allen (might change last name idk)
He’s transmasc and goes by he/they pronouns
He’s a vampire (I love vampires and I am one)
Works at a tailor with someone whom he known since their great grandfather (bc some backstory shenanigans)
He loves making outfits as a way to express himself and his feelings
Not everything is set in stone but these are just some ideas I have
Obviously, Elliott was born a girl and for the most part was fine except that they felt more masculine on the inside while still enjoying feminine stuff
elliott was also known to be pretty fragile (ik very cliche) so he picked up sewing to pass the time but eventually starts to like it
I have no idea how elliott would become a vampire tbh, so if u have any ideas, lmk
anyways, what made elliott realized that he’s a man was a nice tailor he met when he was window shopping
he and the tailor became good friends and later he learned that it was ok to be a man while accepting his femininity
I should note that he met the tailor after becoming a vampire
He soon became a sort of assistant/apprentice and continue on doing so for every generation pass down
At one point, the tailor built a separate room for Elliott so kinda like a studio but adding a bedroom in the same room bc they learned that Elliott never really comes out of the shop (at this point, lives in the shop)
madam red and her husband were one of their regulars so elliott had some sort of attachment with them
which kinda leds to the next part
The two met shortly after grell became a full ledge reaper and basically elliott was like “omg you are the one I need for this outfit I’m working on” and particularly pushed grell to their tailor to try on the outfit and omg grell looked so pretty
after that, grell would frequently stop by at the shop during closing hours bc she’s aware that that’s when elliott is pretty much active (she doesn’t know they’re a vampire yet)
it would mostly just grell talking about her work and complaining while elliott measures her for his next week or making the outfit has he actively listens
nothing really changes once the two learn of each other’s true nature but it just made the two fell of each other even more
well… for elliott. it takes grell even longer to kinda realize it
bc grell had always fancy other men, it made elliott somewhat jealous and insecure of himself for not fully being the man she wanted
which somewhat led to having the worst gender dyphoria of his life
grell later catches on and basically realizes that elliott was the man she wanted all her life
bc he did not care about the fact that she used to be a man, and loved her as a women and treated and cared for her like one
she realizes that elliott was basically treating her the way she has always dreamed of, for who she is inside and outside
buuuttt it took a while for her to get to elliott bc he was so emotionally closed off
this is where madam red comes in, she was sorta the stepping stone to help grell realizes elliott's pining love for her
she also helped grell by telling elliott that the commission was from someone she knows very well
anyways, elliott just made the dress as he was told only to find out that the person that madam red was talking about was grell and grell basically was like "sooo.... i didn't realize how much i was hurting you and i didn't really mean it..." (idk how to write this without making her out of character)
grell put on the dress and basically fell in love with elliott even harder and basically confessed her love to him by hugging and kissing him (yes in those cartoon fashion ways where lipstick stains was all over elliott's face as he gots heart eyes)
after that, elliott slowly becomes more open with his life and his emotions with grell
he does eventually learn that just because grell fancy other men, doesn't mean she feels any sort of romantic feelings towards them
it doesn't fully stop with elliott possessiveness and jealously towards other men but it wasn't as bad as before
pov: elliott grips grell's waist and basically says "trying to eye my lovely grell aye?" as grell shivers at the possessiveness in elliott's tone
when elliott meets sebastian, the jealously went somewhat off the roof
he was relieve when sebastian verbally shows that he isn't intersted in grell
but elliott was still jealous of him bc sebastian is partically elliott's dream masculinity (if you know what i mean)
it took some time for elliott to open about it with grell and when he did, grell basically spoils him for the rest of day
also yes, elliott does drink blood from grell and ofc grell enjoys it, a little too much but hey, it's a win win for the both of them
elliott did not fully liked the idea of sucking off from other people before he met grell
he still doesn't but he wouldn't mind if it's grell bc he loves her and she enjoys it
even tho it’s not rlly official (they both don’t know when it will be official), they like to call each other husband and wife
“why, this dress is for my lovely wife in red 😙”
“Isn’t my dress lovely 🥰? My hubby made it just for me 😘😘😘”
besides the whole vampire aestheic, he was partically inspired by phantom of the oprea
he can dance, specically he can do ballet
he loves doing the waltz with his mannequin in dresses, but now he does it more with grell whenever she models for his outfits
edited: N/A
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1pcii · 5 months
SHADAHKNKAS saw u in the notes of some kuina posts and that made me realize that there is simply a bond with kuina and tashigi fans, who may even often be the same fan, because AOUGHHH KUINA I CARE HIM SO MUCH episode 19 literally changed me forever. swords + gender struggles are all you need to hook me on a character sometimes Maybe. the whole greatest swordsman promise... sob. also. something about zoro promising his name will reach the heavens and trans kuina. which made me think.. what if kuina and The trans fear of dying then having your deadname on your tombstone that you can't do anything about because you're dead. kuina dying before they even get to figure everything out and all of a sudden he's just known as kuina forever, and then zoro making a name for himself in kuina's honor or something idk (i like zoro's backstory) (KUINA )
THERE ISS. people who theorise that they are secretly related or the same person or direct parallels are so close to getting it but don't imo (no shade to those theories tho, I just personally find them narratively unsatisfying).
like they are parallels in that kuina is symbolic of the sexism people suffer and tashigi is an adult woman who has come out the other end sword swinging but ultimately so unsure of herself as a result. also the (trans)genderisms, we are all hand in hand 🤝.
MAN KUINAS STORY BROKE ME DOWN ON A BASE LEVEL AND REWIRED NY BRAIN. I had to take a break from reading just to let it soak in it's so good, a swordsmans promise indeed, that scene was beautiful, I love zoro the world's first a accidental feminist <3. zoro carrying on her dream with his will never not have me in hysterics.
FUCK YEA THATS SUCH A GOOD IDEA. I have soo many thoughts about baby!zoro and kuina and trangenderism. egg kuina cis zoro, egg kuina STEALTH TRANS ZORO ABSVDJFBKSHDKDN <333.
little baby zoro looking at his grave with the uncontrollable urge to carve out those letters. to carry and rearrange them and make sure they get back to him in the afterlife spelling 'worlds greatest swordsman'.
trans kuina makes me so emotional because ultimately I don't know if they were canonically trans but it's my FAVOURITE 'what if' for them. they never really got to be anyone outside the dojo masters daughter. the failure of a heir and the girl who beat zoro 2001 times. who would they have been if they got to grow up? come to terms with themselves and unlearned all that heavy, painful biases pushed onto them? as a transmasc who's studying into a (cis)male dominated field myself ik, the feelings of 'betrayal' and 'proving misogynists right' and imposter syndrome and inadequacy issues and perfectionism they might've gone through,,, sobbing my eyes out HE MEANS EVERYTHING TO MEE.
zoros backstory is genuinely one of my favourite parts of the manga idc how 'simple' it was it's still beautiful.
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firefly-sky · 7 months
fanon kyle broflovski headcanons in a nutshell.
Gay AF!!!11!1!
He likes cross dressing and is secretly a femboy 🫣🫣
Has a crush on Stan and is in denial 🤭🤭🤭
He’s such a loser lmaooooo never goes to parties, such a loser 🤪✌️
dies a virgin 🫶🫶
wears glasses bc he’s such a nerd 🤓
in love with cartman, stan, kenny, mr. garrison, honey boo boo, tolkien and clyde!!! 🩷
hates his mom becuz y not
marries cartman and stan and craig and tweek and kenny and gary and thomas……..
straight hair 🥰
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Ik canon compared Orion to Jack, which I know was supposed to be a whole "he was just some guy before the war" thing which. I've got opinions on. First of all I exactly hate boiling down someone's personality to being average or normal, like??? It's not that neither of them have a personality, it's that the show doesn't dwell on them enough. In Orion we tend to fill in the gaps ourselves but I feel like often we just... Forget about Jack instead. I feel like we should play the "fill in the gaps" game with him too, that's why I HC him as not only transmasc but that he had a goth phase shortly before the show. I'm willing to take the character who may seem like the human equivalent of salted white bread and bestow gifts upon him
Oh right the point of this
What I was gonna say it's infinitely funny when tfp Orion is compared to Miko
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Ik I’m late to this but happy pride month yall! Here are some characters I head-canon as LGBTQ+
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Gay, Demiromantic and Demisexual
Has a HUGE thing for Soap
First discovered he was gay when he was 17
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Bisexual with a male lean
Has a thing for Ghost as well but they don’t know they like each other yet
Transmasc/transgender (FTM)
Was so excited when he got his surgeries and Ghost stayed with him the whole time before, during, and after
First discovered he was bi when he was 11 and discovered he was trans when he was 16
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First discovered he was pan when he was 14
Started playing around with pronouns at around 15 but settled on the ones he uses now
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First discovered he was gay when he was 22
Has a thing for Nikolai
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Gay but HEAVILY in denial
“Doesn’t use pronouns” (literally wouldn’t care what pronouns you use on him, so all pronouns)
Had his first gay experience in high school but denies it ever happened
He made out with a guy in the school bathroom during class but apparently “that didn’t happen”
He admitted it while drunk
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Lesbian (she canonically has a wife)
Transfem/transgender (MTF)
Price took care of her after all her surgeries
Her and her wife are high-school sweethearts
Loves her wife with all her heart
Every time she comes home from a mission she brings flowers and chocolates
Best wife ever fr
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Didn’t even realise he was pan until he met Price
Has a crush on Price fr
He always thought he was just straight until he met Price and rethought it
After hours of thinking and researching different sexualities (and many “am I gay quizzes”) he came to the conclusion he is Pan
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Transmasc Alex transmasc Alex transmasc Alex
Realised he was a boy when he was 19
Realised he was bi when he was 13
Preference for women
Price was also there for all his surgeries
Dad Price fr
Very proud of his top surgery scars :3
HUGE crush on Farah
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Unlabelled when it comes to sexuality
Just loves who she loves
Crush on Alex
Asexual, enjoys sex but doesn’t feel the need for it in a relationship
First realised she was ace at 23
Never put much thought into sexuality
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Also unlabelled when it comes to sexuality
Had feelings for a guy when he was in the navy and thought he was gay but realised he still liked women then realised he didn’t care about gender but pan didn’t feel like it fit so he just said “fuck it” and went with unlabelled
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