#ignoring the 3d
cyberjaiee · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(`Δ´) ﹒ ❋﹒🪑 ﹒manifestation lesson three !? ﹐✩
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# HOW I IGNORE THE 3D . . . !!! 🩹 ★?!% aka how i ignore my physical reality while manifesting
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i think a lot of people take it the wrong way when ppl say 'ignore the 3d' i know me and a few other people i've met have definitely tried to ignore the 3d in ways that just make no sense. to ignore the 3d does not mean to try your best not to hear, smell, see, taste, or feel anything that goes against your manifestation.
let's say there's someone you really don't like but u have to spend the day with them in a group project with a few other people. they're rambling on and on about shit that doesn't even make sense, just going on and on.. so what do you do ?? you COULD get upset and yell at them or storm off but what will that do ?? what will that accomplish ?? you just got upset and let them get to you too quickly. if they're truly that obnoxious they'll just keep going to piss u off more, u may even get in trouble and automatically get a bad grade on the project. OR you could simply ignore them. how do u do that ?? u don't become childish and put in ear plugs or something, bc then you can't hear the rest of the group, right ?? instead, you can still hear them of course, but it just goes through one ear and out the other. because it is NOT worth your time. you're still open to the other members, you still interact with them instead of letting one ingrate get the best of you.
ok now that we're done with that long ass analogy, do u see how this relates to the 3d ?? of course, the person that's being annoying asf is the 3d. when the 3d shows you something that goes against your desire, you do not react because you know it does not match what is going on in your imagination. you don't entertain nonsense because YOU KNOW what is true and what is not. sure, you're existing in a real reality, but not in the one you're meant to be existing in. you assume your way into the reality that matches your 4d.
you have the senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. we need these senses to fully experience the things around us. you know the truth, and the 3d must conform. the 3d isn't of concern to you EVER. again..
simply, do not relate to or identify with the 3d. you're seeing acne ?? nah that mirror it's stupid, it must not work because yes, you obviously DO have clear skin. you honestly don't even need to acknowledge it, go ahead and compliment ur clear skin fr. do not identify with the other you that is being shown in that mirror. you can't escape your senses but you don't have to take them as fact. you don't have to fully dwell on what the 3d is showing you. when in doubt, refer to the only reality that matters, your 4d.
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© @cyberjaiee - 2022
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gxddessliving · 2 years
ignoring the 3D - my story
let me share a story with you.
when i used to have anxiety attacks constantly- among my symptoms - there'd days i'd be feeling very ill, sometimes to the point where simply standing felt like the worst task for me. when i was taken to the hospital however, the doctors ran a million tests on me and truthfully found nothing and deduced it to physical symptoms of anxiety- but i was sure something was wrong and they had to be lying or not doing their job efficiently. i assumed the healthcare and doctors in my country were sub-par and no matter what something was definitely wrong.. (despite several blood test reports stating the opposite and proving i had a clean bill of health) . thankfully, although symptoms continued for a bit, nothing was actually wrong ..
this isn't the case anymore thankfully !
the point im trying to make is- no matter what i saw, what people literal medical professionals were saying, what was evident to my senses (the 3d reality) - i still persisted in my assumption that something was wrong. thankfully it did not manifest into any definable illness- but the symptoms continued whereas someone else's most likely would have stopped after the doctors' report that it was anxiety that simply needed some valium to be treated.
so my loves, ignoring the 3d isn't really pretending not to see or hear-. you have the senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. that's wonderful- because these senses are what we use to experience life to the fullest! it also isn't trying to imagine the 3d as something else. you know the truth is within, and the outer man simply follows. the 3d isn't your area of concern EVER.
the key, for me at least, is not identifying with the 3d.
the same way i didn't identify with being healthy and just having a lil anxiety.
you want to manifest black hair but you're naturally blonde ? ok im seeing blonde hair in the mirror but i actually don't identify with this because um i have black hair ??? i have had black hair my entire life ??? i have no idea what that goofy ass mirror is talking about.
you see, you can't escape your senses- but you don't have to be a slave to them.
the old man (old story) is dead- and we are brought to a new creation through imagination (of the new story). identification with that is all you need to fully experience that. isn't that amazing ?
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4dglowup · 11 months
The Magic Race by 4DGlowup
If you feel you cannot ignore the 3D:
Acknowledge it and move on.
Then, continue to persist in your desire.
Why is this ok?
You cannot mess up your manifestation.
Acknowledging the 3D for a moment will not mess up your manifestation.
If you are afraid of your 3D, you are in a constant state of acknowledging its existence anyway. Therefore it is best to acknowledge it so that you can move on.
Here is an example:
"The Magic Race" by 4DGlowup
Let's say you have to do a 5k through a big park and at the finish line, you receive $5000.
At the starting line of the race, there is a giant PURPLE tree ON FIRE!
It is staring you down and it would be very hard to ignore completely.
The only rule of the race is that you cannot stop for longer than 1 minute to think about this tree or else you get instantly transported back to the starting line and must continue the race from the beginning.
It's okay if you stop but it can't be for more than 1 minute or else you are delaying the race, you are delaying your prize and you are delaying your life from moving on when you could be doing better things with it beyond the finish line. You are also beginning the race over!
What must you do?
You acknowledge the tree and keep moving because although it is something that is hard to ignore, there isn't any point in continuing to look at it.
Is it crazy. Sure, yes.
But what is at the finish line? Something better. A prize of $5000. Desired life beyond the finish line. Not having to do this race over and over and over, FOREVER.
What importance does this specific tree hold? Why is it purple? What does it mean? Why is it burning? Do you actually need an answer for these questions? Would answering these questions actually help you?
If you want to make up answers, you can. You don't need to though. The tree is insignificant. It is only what you acknowledge - a giant purple tree on fire. That is where it begins and that is where it ends. It isn't stopping you from doing the race. It isn't blocking your path. There is life beyond this giant purple tree on fire.
Is there life beyond your 3D circumstance?
Yes there is. You could not have a desire beyond this 3D if there wasn't. So the answer is yes, every single time.
So persist.
The Wrap Up:
If you have trouble ignoring the 3D:
Ask yourself - is there life beyond this 3D circumstance? (Yes, because you could not have a desire beyond this circumstance if there wasn't)
Ask yourself - do I need to answer every question I have about this 3D circumstance? (This is up to you but remember the purple tree in The Magic Race story. Can it just be a giant purple tree on fire?)
Ask yourself - how many times have I been sent back to the starting line of my 5k? (You have to be honest with yourself. How many times have you done this race? How many times will you do this race?)
When you move on from acknowledging your 3D circumstances, it stops taking up space in your mind and allows you the freedom to think of any other thing.
Persist in the thing you desire.
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
so basically ignoring the 3d is acknowledging it's there but not letting it sway you from the end goal and to keep persisting?
When we say ignore the 3D it just means you don’t let it deter you from what you want, remember that your imagination always prevails so as far as you’re concerned your desires are yours and circumstances don’t matter!
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friendlyengie · 1 year
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hey do you guys want some references. Because brother I have some fucking references for you.
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3d-made-by-paws · 4 months
Hello fellows, do you remember me?
I have been in a little art block, but now I finally do something. I think some of you will like this. It's been a hard like.....three months??
In some point I looked at the model and just redo most of it. And now I have more problems with fixing the arms then it has been on the first design, I think I can probably solve this but it will and would take some time.
And now have the THING:
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I know that I am get VERY late on the party
Cass is finished the CAS and probably the @somerandomdudelmao thing and start new ...........
But till my work is working i will do it or die trying
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decamarks · 2 years
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HE'S FINALLY HERE!!! happy belated anniversary to deltarune chapter 2, and my favorite big shot spambot!!
words cannot convey just how much i loved making both the model and this animation. spamton is one of my favorite characters ever, and bringing his cartoony antics into the third dimension was WELL WORTH the effort it took.
this is my first attempt at making any kind of rig like this, and i'm pretty pleased with the results and my efforts. keep in mind that this model is absolutely not as well optimized as it could be... but you're free to use it for LITERALLY ANYTHING!
DOWNLOAD PAGE: https://decamarks.neocities.org/spamton.html
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maythearo · 8 months
Idia on a 3ds‼️ Idia I drew on colors!3d for the nintendo 3ds‼️
It's so weird to see how the real colors look like in the digital ver through my phone, the 3ds screen quality is ANCIENT
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Speedraw (sped up by like 30x) under the cut
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hinamie · 2 months
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i'm a week late to the party but i too have been personally victimized by Them
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fatfurfoof · 2 months
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morning routine
here we see amelia fresh out of bed, remnants of her midnight snack on her nightstand, half awake and wondering why her undies keep getting smaller and tighter... time for breakfast!
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majiil · 1 month
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cussima · 1 month
"im trying so hard to manifest"
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You don't have to try, let alone try hard. this is hard to conceptualize, specially to someone trying to run towards their desire (chasing it) trying to see it on the 3d
But that's the thing "trying hard" comes from focusing on the 3d
When you focus on the 4d, and you rely on it, you feel a sense of peace, you'll be calm. You know your desire will materialize because you've already imagined it in your 4d, and it is fulfilling to have it in the 4d.
You no longer feel like you have to run towards it, learn more about the law, do every method. You're just in peace with your desire. Maybe your intuition will tell you to do a method and you'll actually enjoy doing said method !!
Manifesting isn't torturous, it's peaceful in nature. It feels like spring.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
hi hera i had a real bad today, it was so embarrassing cause we had to pair up and nobody wanted to be me with me lol.it's kinda sad since in my 4d im like the most popular girl ever but in my 3d im not. what should i do?
I'm sorry this happened, my love. Whenever I would experience something in the 3D that didn't align with my assumptions I simply chose to not make a big deal out of it, I just proceeded with my day. It was pretty much an "anyway, moving on I'm still xyz" type of mindset that I had adapted. That's how I persisted. Remember that circumstances don't matter. Who you are in the 4D is who you truly are. Pay no mind to what your senses are telling you, you're the most popular girl ever regardless of anything that dares challenge that assumption.
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i-hear-a-sound · 11 months
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do you think old man yaoi can bloom on the battlefield?
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sableeira · 2 years
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when the meeting is so boring you start rotating your guy inside your brain
courtesy of this post
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