#if you hate proshitters fucking block me
cloudyinthecloset · 25 days
Just leave me alone, man. Just fuckin leave me alone. Block me and move on. Don't put me on your stupid fuckin hitlist or whatever the fuck, it's very clearly in my bio and pinned post where I stand, it's not necessary. Don't spread my blog around, I made sure it couldn't be google searched for a fuckin reason. Leave me the fuck alone. I am too tired for this shit, I have a 40 hour/week job, because I'm a fucking adult, and there is so much shit way more important than this dumb fucking argument. Learn some god damn internet manners and shut the fuck up, block and move on, it's really not that god damn hard.
Leave me the fuck alone.
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
tldr: @buddyaldridge is a 30 year old weirdo proshipper who talks shit about ppl behind their backs, block em and report if you can/want to
just wanna let everyone know theres a omegaverse mpreg dallyboy writer whos been an all around WEIRDOOOOO cause their brain is LITERALLY porn rotted and they cannot fathom ppl actually having fun at all, their @ is @buddyaldridge aka @pelopsides previously known as @madelynprior
in 2020-2022 the outsiders tumblr they used to be @madelynprior and theyre a hardcore dallyboy stan which is already fucking weird, but on top of that, they would make teen pregnancy omegaverse smut fics which??? and im not gonna give you the ss, nigga im givin yall the LINKKK to see it with your own eyes so you know im not crazy
how ik its them is bc on their acc RIGHT before they switched to their buddyaldridge acc, and before that acc was named “pelopides”, they used to go by “madeleinepryor”, how ik its the same person is bc on a good chunk of their post, theyd tag it as “#madeleinepryor dispatches” on top of that, they just straight up linked their ao3 acc😭😭
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heres what the link goes to, they linked their ao3 acc, they just changed their username on ao3 as well from madeleinepryor to greasers
now me calling them a proshipper isnt me talking out of my ass, they say it themselves like ughhhhjjj
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as for them talking about other ppl, i wont share ALL the screenshots bc idk if the ppl theyre talking bad about would rlly feel comfortable w those being posted, if they know, they can feel free to post it on their own accord, so like i said, wont share, but i HAVE seen some and i can conform that they have done it, its ABSOLUTELY NOT above them
for now ill post the ss i CAN post rn which just proves my point
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now ignoring that theyre talking smack, theyre just so odd and obviously didnt rlly think this through bc 1967 is ALREADY IMPLIED in the 60s, youre just incapable of reading things that arent about teen boys getting it on w each other PLEASE get a grip on reality😭😭
theyve talked about 14 year olds and their post on their acc just to shit on them, once again, GROWN ASS PERSON TWEAKIN OVER THE IDEAS OF A 14 YEAR OLD🗣️🗣️
NOW maybe your asking “how do you know the discord user and the tumblr user are the same person” AND I WILL ADMIT, while i DO have strong feelings they are the same person, its not 100% proven, HOWEVER buddyaldridge DOES go by buddy and that discord users name is buddy, so while its not concrete, the link IS there, once again, feel free to come to whatever conclusion you wanna come to about that
but what ISNT disputable is the fact that theyre a proshitter
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additionally just this??? reblog from them????
on its own, not MUCH, bit considering the fics they make this is SO weird like??????
and finally, ive heard that theyve specifically came for me about my haitian shepards and maybe even my heritage, saying that they hated race hcs??????like using me as an example, they ss my acc and talked shit, someone contacted me about it and they dont have ss of it specifically, but they can vouch for it, and im not just gonna dismiss that, bc while they dont have ss, they do have ss and proof of everything else, so i do believe them, and theyve said if they find it they would show them to me, do what you wanna with this info
ANYWAYS buddy, your brain is unironically pornrotted, ur being a lil baby who cant do anything but cry and moan online on discord of all places and ur doing all this as a 30+ year old, and its CRAZIER bc youre doing all this while having “minors dni” in your pinned post, while also writing about minors, in a fandom MOSTLY OF MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!!!! (aka minors!!! ik age is hard for you to grasp) on top of that, literally ANY and ALL race hcs is way more believable and enjoyable than any “ideas” you’ve been cooking up in that odd demented, shriveled up pea brain of urs
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anyways yea, that all i have to say, and im speaking for myself here, but i mean this with every fiber of my being, i dont know how you function in life but i DO NOT want you to go any farther, and i think others would/DO feel the same, ive seen what makes you cheer and i am PROUUUDDD to make you BOOOOO, you shouldnt be near minors at all, fictional or non fictional, you should BARELY be near other adults
plus if you go onto their acc rn, notice how when anon called them out, buddy aint even say they were wrong?? JUST SAYIN🗣️🗣️
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im tagging everything i can tag bc i DO NOTTTT want mfs interacting w their blog, and want as many ppl as possible to be aware, dont say anything to them, dont give them attention bc obviously they’ll think this is funny and post it on their shitty discord server or whatever and giggle like they arent a grown ass nigga w bills to pay, trying so hard to cling onto their high school days, making fics about a canon middle schooler getting banged and pregnant, pls block and report do whatever u wanna do, just plssss dont let this proshitter on this damn sight near kidssss😭😭
dont take this as me WANTING drama, i dont, i just dont want ppl coming in this fandom thinking posting this shit and doing this is ok, youre bullying ppl for doing harmless things meanwhile your just making straight porn about a weird ship left n right, thinking YOUUUUU of all ppl have the place to talk about anyone or anything like your opinion on anything is valid😭😭
you NEED stones thrown at you
if anyone has anymore ss send em to mmeeeeee, but in the mean time ill be doin my own thing wooooo‼️‼️🔥🔥
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ughhhh ranttt
Being proship in a small fandom is sucky!!! :(
Like, i am from a small fandom for a little YouTube webshow. So i have to survive off the breadcrumbs people post. So i reblog and like everyone's art/writing, and make some art/writing myself.
And as soon as i make the complete FICTION I write ""bad"", everyone hates me.
Like a minute ago, i saw a post saying that "The proshipper community in our fandom is growing, especially on tumblr!!! Proshitters get blocked on sight i hate you!!! waaaa!!!"
Proship tumblr fandom WHERE??? you all hate and blocked me. It's just me. I have never seen a comship in my fandom other than the one post i did. If you say the proship fandom in our fandom is growing, gimmie the damn @! I need to see it.
I know that person meant me. I am the proshitter in your little fandom space. Only me.
There's no one else.
I'm not against you blocking me, do what you want. I block people all the time! I won't be angry. What i am angry about is the fact that you had to vague me in a post for no reason! Just block me, don't fucking harass people.
Nothing aginst that person, just needed to rant. That person is lovely! And so is everone else in this fandom. I'm just a little tired. :)
I'm probably overreacting but whatever.
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notgreedo318 · 11 days
very fucking real you little shit, kill yourself.
woah there bucko! not very pg-13 of you.
okay, dude, listen. i get that you dont like billjosh, and im sorry. but it is MY blog, and i can do as i please. its mainly for fun, anyhow. not that i have to explain myself for you. youre being a dick and acting a fool over a fucking ship. let it be known, i am not a fucking proshitter, but you will not catch me getting this mad over something like this. get over yourself. if you hate it all so much, then block me. i know that you hate the billjosh bullshit, and i get it. if you hate it so much, fucking ignore it. you can still enjoy the goddamn ask blog. but personally i feel like you should just block me. thanks. normally id care more about our fandom than what i like to do myself, but again, this is MY blog. im not being toxic, im just making dumb jokes about a ship i and my friends, and other anonymous people like. most of the community has no problems with it, and even if they dislike it, none of them have been as whiney as this. they just ignore it and move on.
youre doing what the eltingville club was supposed to teach you NOT to do. get out.
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just-antithings · 11 months
something I hate about anti's is that they wanna talk about it EVERYWHERE they are. Like I'm in this space where we rant and talk about our eating disorders (trying to help e/o recover) and I've befriended a few people who, out of NOWHERE, just began ranting about "proshitters" and fiction etc; like dude this is about our fucking ED not fandom. It's so annoying. And I blocked them which led to them posting and being upset ab it. But others agreed with me and some talked about how this is a place for our ed not that. And those ppl have made ppl go away out of the space just to get away from them :( like dude, they just wanted a space to recover, not to hear you rant about how thought=crimes and fiction is bad and etc. Esp considering most of the ppl in the space has other disorders like ocd.
yeah that’s really shitty. and I’ve definitely noticed that antis can’t seem to keep their nonsense about problematic ships to the right spaces, they’ll bring it up in all the wrong spaces and compare things that really shouldn’t be compared to something as trivial as shipping
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sketchyglitterfart · 11 months
anyone who ships stridercest or is a fucking weirdo about the homestuck kids(when theyre young) fucking block me i hate all of you
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vixythemeaniefukei · 2 days
Hi there you will call me Vixy
He/they please
Please excuse my sarcasm and rudeness I swear I’m a nice person but antis get on my nerves ‼️‼️‼️ (don’t worry I use tone tags a lot)
I can tell the difference between fiction and reality and I fully believe that fiction does not affect reality, however there are some cases where people cannot tell the difference and I truly pity them ☹️ so please always be educated!!
I like screwed up media with intense themes
I think that should be enough to tell you my stances and if not I will make you guess /j
I’m a fudanshi too (or fukei bc I like that term but it’s not as common) (not in the “rotten” way but in a “proper” way and same for my fujo sisters too 🫡)
Ok with l/li and sh/ta even tho I fucking hate kids irl /j
Also rq friendly as long as you’re not actively harming people in the process irdc what you identify as
I don’t really have a dni but any kind of anti (ship, yaoi, loli/shot/kod, para, rq, etc) (except for anti censorship) are not allowed on this blog and I won’t hesitate to block your dumbass immediately if you wanna try and start shit on my blog 😊🩷
That’s all I got really and I hope you are a fellow Proshitter that the antis won’t shut the fuck up about 🤪🥰😘 let’s all just vibe together and enjoy our screwed up shit in peace without any fancops/fiction dictators in sight
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
Man I am so tired of people whose DNI lists include some trait of mine interacting with/following my stuff it’s like having to keep dragging someone’s damn dog out of my yard ‘cause they ain’t bothered to put a fence around theirs. None of these damn puritans takes any responsibility for their own damn lives.
I know anon. It feels like they do it on purpose. I had to block A LOT of people who followed me despite having a big fat "PROSHITTERS DNI" or "BATCEST BLOCKED ON SIGHT" in their bio or intro posts, it's not even funny.
It's already hard with the other way around, with having to check blogs' intro posts and DNIs if I want to follow someone, because it really does happen a lot that they don't want "people like me" in their followers count, and I want to respect that. There's one Batman blog in particular that I have been following for idk around a year? And recently I saw a post of theirs which vehemently told their followers to fuck off if they liked batcest or something along those lines. Again I respected that and fucked off, despite being just a silent follower and not having ever interacted with them.
Add on top of this the fact that antis often follow you, and if you're not careful to block them asap they will also send you hate (according to my personal experience at least) once they realize you are a "nasty proshitter". To those folks that diminish this issue and paint the situation in the light of "both sides are exaggerating", I say, do you realize that these guys send people insults and death threats? That if you're not careful as a creator you might wake up one day with 200 hate notifications in your inbox?
And yes, it does feel like some of them do not take responsibility for their own lives, and in some cases it's because it's not true that they don't want "proshippers" to interact with them - they even get pissed when their DNIs get religiously respected! - they want to pick a fight and play the part of the "concerned for the children", pearl-clutchy angel of righteousness while telling artists and writers to kill themselves over an artwork they consider immoral. That's how they get their emotional supply, and that's why I immediately block them if I see them following me: either they want to pick a fight and that is why they followed me, or they didn't realize what they were doing and they WILL get triggered over my content, so I'm doing both them and myself a favor.
But yes, it is tiring and very frustrating. I started this blog out wanting nothing to do with fandom discourse and the likes, but it kind of slaps you in the face whether you want to deal with it or not, doesn't it. Especially if you are a creator but even if you're just sitting there reblogging and commenting the things you like.
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the5n00k · 1 year
CHOOSE VIOLENCE ASKS: 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25
I am so sorry for so many feel free to skip as many as you want lol
DAYUM OKAY (readmore bc this is long af and I don't wanna clog timelines)
4: it takes a lot for me to block you and usually I won't do it at all in most cases but some people are in my replies on Twitter a little Too Much saying some weird ass stuff occasionally I'll just say fuck it bye bye and block em
6: the most annoying ship fans are the ones that harass other people because they ship something different/not at all case closed (this even goes for proshitters, just block them and move on, harassment is never okay)
7: this happens. Far more often than I'd like to admit. And sometimes it changes depending on who I've been talking to. And I don't necessarily hate this character but most recently it's Andrea? She's got a great arc set up and I don't mind seeing her on screen at all, she's fun but whenever some people bring her up it's just. I know they're about to say some dumb shit. Doesn't help with how weird Twitter is about the girls
ALSO everyone seems to think enemies to lovers is a tried and true ship dynamic when SOMETIMES IT JUST DOESN'T WORK‼️ REALLY FUNNY COMING FROM A SCRINX FAN BUT C'MON SOME OF THEM ARE JUST PLAIN TOXIC! EVEN THE CANON ONES
10: how starved people are for emotional content that they'll write characters completely ooc to make a dramatic and dark plot. I'm sorry but there's a balance to this shit you can't just kill off a character or take every good thing away and have it be narratively satisfying. Again, rich coming from me but most of my shit has a point
13: Tord from Eddsworld. What the fuck even happened to that poor character
14: I don't read a lot of fics so I can't really answer this one but can I complain about my own fics and say "really fking cheesy emotional speech between the mcs"
15: this isn't even fandom specific but when people overuse the chromatic aberration and don't mark it as eyestrain like OW WHY I CAN'T EVEN COMPREHEND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE IMAGE‼️‼️‼️
16: I don't understand how people are so attracted to the dark and brooding types like. I've literally never been attracted to a character like that
They're cool??? But I don't see the appeal? Romantically at least. Give me my goofy asses and my Absolutely Deranged men pls
18: for TGAMM, they been sleeping on my mans Darryl (gonna pretend like I haven't as well)
And the episode Lock, Stock, and Peril literally one of my favorites from s1 please
22: I barely see Anyone else drawing scratch being a fucked up creature PLEASE I CAN'T KEEP SUSTAINING MYSELF LIKE THIS‼️
23: gonna be honest I was a Mollie hater and Ollie hater in general before season 2 aired (victim of leaks 💔) but one of my friends gaslit me until I started shipping it ironically to make the fandom mad and now I would die for them
25: that some episodes of TGAMM are boring because they're not plot relevant or they're too predictable. My friends in Christ you are watching the 2021-2023 equivalent of a slapstick cartoon with slide whistles and crash cymbals, the point isn't to subvert expectations all the time, it's to have a silly fun episode sometimes with comedy first and foremost please the show is literally a slice of life comedy
I think that's everything hope I answered the right ones my attention span is completely SHOT today whoops
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deaddovedarlin · 1 year
What in your life fucked you up so bad that you had to become a pedorapist and a proshitter? You're fucked up and need God! Kill yourself for the sake of your minor boyfriend and those you abuse, you fucking pedophile!
Seriously, kys. I can't believe you's ruin gf with your disgusting fetishism! You are not traumatized by SA obvly bc you are fetishising actual survivors. You make me sick and I'm sure your mom's proud of you!
Filth. Take a rope and a blade.
This is going to be long because I have much to say
To start this off: I would typically delete this and move on with my life, but this reeks of childish-ness and a lack of clear point. Also, it gives me a reason to educate. I can't tell if you're a troll looking to illicit a reaction, if you're trying to invalidate my experiences and trauma, or you just hate me because of my shipcourse stance. Either way, you're getting a reaction. So, congrats if that was your goal!
Also, the anonymity of the anonymous feature on Tumblr is a bit misleading. Yes, you are anonymous and that hides your blog from public veiw, but due to the circumstances of having to be logged in to send an anon: you're trackable! What I'm saying is: be careful sending things like this- especially to online strangers. It doesn't bother me, but it may wound the ego of someone else that knows how to find your blog.
Now to give you your reaction!
Probably trauma. Scratch that, definitely trauma. I'm not a "pedorapist," and whatever gave the impression that I am- whether it be the proship thing or paraphile thing- is wrong. I have never heard that term either because as far as I'm aware every pedo who's had sex with a minor is a rapist, as well. There is, of course, areas in that regard that can be loop-holed. Nonetheless, I just don't hate people for having thoughts like me.
I'm fucked up because of God, more specifically the religion "Catholicism." It was Catholicism that lead to me not reporting my abuse for fear of ostracization, being labeled impure, "not forgiving those who wronged me," and not being godly like Mother Mary.
My boyfriend is not a minor and I haven't abused any animal or people? Again, not a pedophile... I'm assuming the minor part comes from his enjoyment of cutesy things.
Gravity falls (I'm assuming that means) is a massive franchise with fans of all flavours. It's not fetishism either, I have never once sexualized, irrationally been devoted to, or worshipped any GFs character. I'm a casual enjoyer of Mabill because I like to explore the dynamic and power imbalance of the relationship.
I am traumatized and I have never fetishied the survivors of SA. There has never been an instance of me thinking that survivors are sexual gratifying? ("fetishism," though, would probably right in this context because I do have an irrational devotion to it because of my trauma, but that's not aimed at other survivors)
I'm sorry I make you sick, genuinely, but there is a block feature to curate your online experiences. Also, my mother is very proud of me! She deals with my weirdness everyday and looks at my art to tell me it's very good despite the subject matter. I love her.
Not to get in detail, but I've already tried that. As my very best friend says: I've committed to the blade already.
Overall, this experience was a 5/10. Not very creative, but they did use the public info I've said about myself against me. That's bonus points.
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 1 year
TickleBottomSparkleToes rant
CW:zoophilia (?),incest,pedophilia and rape mentions
this my first rant on tumblr lol
all tmc fans attention I want to say this user named TickleBottomSparkleToes/GAYTACOMUNCHER have done very nasty stuff they writed very problematic stuff and also disrespecting alex and teh cast's boundaries
disrespecting tmc cast's boundaries
they did a fanfic book of tmc named "mandela smut" on ao3 it's contains very nasty stuff like pedophilia also zoophilia,incest and rape and it's disrespecting crewdela's boundaries they don't want sexualiztion of their characters but they don't heard and writed it damn why you guys think respecting boundaries is hard??? oh my fucking arceus
you know the book named "mandela smut"? yeah so I Said it's contains pedophilia and other shit and you proshitters will say "oh here's no problem here because it's fictional 🥺🥺🥺🥺" SAME IT'S FICTIONAL IT'S WRONG this thing that you said are excuse of making these shit that you are making
zoophilia (?)
I'm unsure if they did zoo stuff because they are uncomfortable doing that shit but let's see
1st story
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so this story contains pedophilia also zoophilia??? pedophilia you know it it's because of age gap is on this chapter
so werewolf!cesar screws a girl (reader) also it's have mentions of doggy dick so I'm unsure it's zoophilia or not I'm afraid if i did a misinformation but this story stills problematic
2nd story
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again doggy dick idk it's doggy dick or not
3rd story
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idk it's petplay or cesar as a DOG but if it's a dog like a feral dog they did zoophilia fanfic of animal X human
incest and rape
they did a fanfic named "mark had enough of sarah"
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the story tells about mark get mad at Sarah because she is annoying him and leave her in forest and he rape her so in this story sarah is 7 and mark is 17 so it's 10 of age gap 💀 and it's incest because mark and sarah are SIBLINGS also it's contains rape it's disgusts me I hate people who makes this story because they get fucking horny of it
so here is the twitter
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also ao3
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also they have wattpad idk the username if you know pls tell me
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Bird is disabled. They physically cannot work an 6-8 hour job, the money off their comics is their only source of income, and yet, you’re gonna bitch at them for being friends with someone who is a “proshipper” (and if you bothered to do your own research rather then your immediate gut reaction based opinions, you’d SEE yourself in toffee’s pinned post that they neither want antishippers or proshitters interacting with them. Need I remind you too that toffee is also disabled?
Y’all preach about how ableist some wc maps etc are; and yet, do this shit because god forbid artists want to explore ideas/topics that they find interesting.
You knew what you were doing by responding to that anon, you all were always looking for reasons to cancel Bird all because they dare to explore ideas that make them happy. This fandom all gave them shit for stone x willow, and even when they tried their best to fix the relationships and remove the incest, this fandom still had things to bitch about - and I honestly fucking hate that you are willing to risk someone’s livelyhood over fictional cat ships.
You are all willing to risk fellow severely mentally ill disableds lives, over fictional cat ships.
Bird put their mental and physical health on the line for this fandom to make comics for you all to enjoy, and this is what you always give them in return; ungrateful, shit-talking nitpicking; always trying to control them, and they lost a family member while making these comics, yet put their grief aside to continue making them for you all.
Yet you all still have to turn in them and make them feel bad.
Yeah, their friend ships uncomfortable (gross) ships, but you should have the balls to block and move on. Teenagers aren’t helpless little baby dolls need saving, you all know to use the blacklist and block button, to move on.
That anon and this whole thing is selfish of you and other users to be doing. You all know Bird is vulnerable to insults and harsh comments of any kind. You don’t care about “warning” Bird. You only care about seeking an easy target to control. This fandom is not as pure and kind as it makes itself out to be and I wish you’d all stop lying.
Wow, why send me this? How on Earth did you get the idea that I was trying to cancel Bird from this:
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I am not looking for an excuse to cancel Bird at all and I believe that should have been clear by their post. I love their comic, and I have a great respect for Bird. I was just surprised that they might have been interacting with a proshippers and just expressed hope that they were not aware. If anything this post is a defence of Bird by not assuming they are aware of such things. Also why bring disability into this? I am certainty not saying this is the case here at all with Bird (they haven’t done anything wrong as far as I know) but why should someone’s disability excuse any questionable or bad views/actions? And I mean this just in general not applying to this particular situation.
How on Earth is any of what I said going to risk anyones life or livelihood? How is anything I said above a lie either? I have not shit talked, I have not sought control of anybody - I have literally not said anything about this beyond what I said above - and the fact you have accused me of such malice is very upsetting to me.
I apologise if this isn’t very well put but I have literally just woken up to this.
If you think such things of me the that deeply saddens me and I advise you to look back though things I have said on this blog, or leave and not come back at all. I am always happy to receive constructive criticism and learn from any mistakes I may make - a fact I have always made abundantly clear on this blog. But this ask isn’t constructive in the slightest, it is just cruel.
Edit: Just to clarify something I forgot to mention I know certain mental disabilities mean that those who have these disabilities are not fully accountable for their own actions. I was not referring to such people above in regards for accountability and I apologise for neglecting to mention them sooner.
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kedreeva · 2 years
Hey, just so you know, is-the-owl-video-cute has been taking shots at you and calling you an abuser, proshitter, and probable pedophile on their blog. IDK if you are getting anything nasty yet, but I just wanted to let you know. From what I know of the pigeon drama, it's way overblown anyways and Owlvid thinks they know more than a fucking VET
I appreciate the heads up, but I could not care less what that blog thinks of me, as its run by a very mean spirited anti who hates AO3 and that's what they're pissy about today lol anyone that's been here any length of time can make their own judgment call on me. I got nothing to hide, and won't be sucked into drama. I will just continue to block people that can't behave themselves, and live my life.
That being said, I know why they're acting a fool is also because I refused to get into the pigeon drama when asked. I hadn't looked into the situation at the time someone asked me, have never been made aware of any of it, and I'm still not going to get into it, but it looks like it goes a lot deeper than I knew when I responded initially. I don't and have never followed TRL; my interactions with the loft are from when I took in ~20 pigeons from a hoarding rescue situation last May, and needed help getting them fed and cared for, and they helped. What I thought was going on was a well-known pigeon keeper's birds caught a virus and said keeper lost some and was treating the rest. What was actually going on was that, but also more. Such is life, there's always stuff people don't know. If the owlvid account wants to expend energy being a dick about it toward me that's their problem.
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themountainsays · 2 years
i realized most of my fandom stress comes from twitter so i officially declare once again that tumblr is the superior website. Even antis seem more chill, like idk this specific shade of blue triggered the happy chemicals in their brains and made them less violently murderous. There's this weird trend on twitter in which people talk a lot about the proshipper-hate and ship-hate they see? Like you're looking at some cute incest fanart and next thing you know they're posting screenshots about this and that person who's making the same generic "ewww disgusting proshitters ew" posts you always see, and complaining about it, and making mostly good points of course but also skjsfdjndsljflej I'm not gonna tell anyone what to post about, of course, but I don't exactly want to see people talk about how much they hate me. That's why i have all of these antis blocked. Cos I don't want to know what they're saying. Like, I'm sorry, but there's a reason I never publish the ask-hate I get. I don't want my followers to see it. I don't want to dedicate it time. I want to forget it happened, block and move on. Not to mention the shit antis will post on the madrigalcest tag, like the kind of shit that tells everyone you've never read a book in your life. Pretty annoying esp when they get violent. Over here it seems so much more chill. Either there are less antis or they're less insane, there is less cross-tagging and there is no Dream SMP discourse in the madrigalcest tag :)
anyway i want to thank everyone who sends me madrigalcest asks y'all are saving me from the fast-food easy serotonin triggered by these 280-characters tweets. I don't wanna fall into temptation and become depressed like my favorite twitter-addicted cancellation survivor breadtubers i want to be a woodlands goblin shipping incest a la old school e.lsanna in the wild west frontier where no one gives a fuck and i don't live in fear of a.dassa accidentally stumbling into my incest fanart which would be the greatest embarrassment in my life.
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dunkingtruth · 3 years
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don’t rb
🌀undiagnosed currently but i’m pretty sure i have autism or something similar
✂️minor under 15
❓thing lover…my interests include tex/as ch/ain/saw m/as/sacre, robots, weirdcore, taxidermy, and DOOM
🪚te//rfs and the like fuck off. d/s/m/p fans, proshitters, pedos, fans of problematic media (like sp, su, hazshit motel etc) are Not welcome here! also if you’re asofterworld fan i hate you don’t touch me. tell me if i reblog something from someone shitty
🛼i block liberally so dont be surprised
🐑i’m several characters irl, the full list is here. no doubles because youre not me and never will be <3 go cry about it or whatever
🎄don’t interact with my dunk.txt tag unless we’re mutuals or friends
🫀i’m a robot irl!
💢 im very passionate about TCM AU, ask me about it sometime!
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cassarttstudio · 4 years
Just a bunch of important posts from my account
Free Palastine🍉🍉
not a post just a note: i tag posts w my favorite characters for myself to easily find them because im a simp :)
another note: I BLOCK BLANK BLOGS. just. reblog something. put a pfp even if its just a meme. just show me ur not a bot. i also block proshitters on sight. my brother in christ you like p*dophilia. go outside. talk to survivors. understand why nobody likes you.
another another note: i named my smtv protag rin kamisato so. im tagging posts w him as such because I HATE TAGGING WITH ANYTHING ELSE
not a post but this is my carrd
All my Six the Musical shitposts
Miu but Blue (all 33 edits) (basically its miu but she has blu clothes)
oh, you ship zackray? look here for my opinions.
god FUCKING dammit kris where the FUCK are we?
- (part two)
You are a slave. Want emancipation? (Vivid Bad Squad x Persona 5 art)
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