#if you ask me something more specific than that chances are the answer is “idk :3”
threepoint14art · 3 months
HEY about your fhs au...... i hope you don't mind me asking nd also uhh i don't know if you would've prefered this ask on your other account but too late it's already here. is there a reason owynn's eyes are different sizes? is it something animal related or maybe incident related or does he just look like that because it looks cool as fuck?
Hello :D!!!!!!! Asks are fine on this blog dont worry! I also get its confusing that i have 2 accounts dw :,3 for the record i don't mind asks anywhere! Everyone is welcome to ask me anything anywhere, wether you are guaranteed a comprehensible response is another can of worms lol
To answer your question: the answer is a bit animal related, a bit of a rule of cool as fuck and a dash of the good old projection!!!
I have a LOT of eye issues that have required a ton of surgeries and dumb stuff and overall i just have a very shitty vision by my eyes being weird and unfixable, and then i also need glasses in the normal people astigmatism way so its a double hit! I wanted to give that to Owynn too in some capacity, and we played around a lil with how to do it.
First of all I'd like to present you with this, arthropods in our au all have really very noticeable eyes, we made it sort of an unspoken social rule for them to have to cover them since they look sorta freaky, which ties back to both cami and Loon having hair over their eyes!
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Here I humbly present three of my creatures (vincent cami and loon) ((vincent is owynns brother)) who are not owynn just to set a reference to what arthropod eyes are normally like; as you can see they either got the full complete eye of a solid color (any eye color that you can normally get or just straight up black/white) and cami who is an interesting outlier I will explain in a bit! In general a lot of insects have this fun thing called "compound eyes", scorpions, which arent insects but arachnids, have "simple eyes" which insects also have but as extra help instead of their straight up eye. Since i don't want to doom every single scorpion person in this world to have the worlds worst sight I opted to also gave them the principle of compound eyes, and we represent the simple eyes other insects have with little spots on the skin, thats what the thing on camis forehead is :3 (i promise this is kinda important)
Cami does have compound eyes like all arthropods, but you might say "dawg i see her pupils right there" and thats where you are wrong! Mantis have this cool thing where they always look like their "pupils" are following you but its just an illussion. So she's kind of a nightmare without her hair covering her eyes because woups it just looks like shes permanently looking at you. Forever. thats awesome. Social rule of covering ur eyes with hair makes a little more sense now
So where does owynn fit on all of this, well, when i asked myself "how do i give someone with a billion of eyes an inherent eye problem that isn't fixable solely with glasses" i came up with: His eyes are shrinking
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He still has heterochromia in the normal way, and his eyes shrinking is due to light sensitivity, the blue side is way more pigmented than the green one like its shown in that little grayscale thing, and because of that the green eye is MUCH more light sensitive and therefore way smaller, his glasses help him a lil with the whole light issue, but as a kid he just didn't wear them at all, which is why it got worse and worse and worse to where he is now, most people also assume he has ONE weird eye instead of two, because like I mentioned, arthropod eyes can be normal eye colors, OR straight up black/white. So since his green eye is so bright it blends a lot with the white part of his eye and people just think his eye is a flat white color and that the blue one is the weird part, once you get close to him you can actually realize how he has a way bigger issue on his green eye ^^
So he has normal eye problems that can be fixed with a prescription, and inherent eye problems that glasses can't fix! that being his green eye having seeing almost nothing, and losing a bit of range of sight on his blue one. the problem is mostly the green one ngl
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ooctlt · 1 month
I think the etiquette of ask blogs is a forgotten art. what I'm saying is (imo) it's not that people don't want to play, it is they don't know HOW, and more importantly they don't understand that the game exists to begin with. obviously you do not have to teach people the rules because your time and energy is finite but idk. it feels like from some of your OOC responses that you assume people know the rules and are playing badly, but I genuinely think people (me) just don't know what you are wanting them (us) to do. and also they (i) don't know how to tell if they (i) are playing the game correctly.
An example I am genuinely confused about is, is inciting a "shut up" answer a signal that the game is being played correctly, because we are inciting a reaction from the character? or is a "shut up" answer a signal that we are playing wrong and need to do something different? I'm sorry. I really love your art and seeing the story unfold but I'm confused and I want to play and I don't understand how.
yeah ive had a couple people tell me this has been the first active askblog in a while and the concept of askblog etiquette has been forgotten- @thatneoncrisis and i made a diagram:
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link to full-res image
a "shut up" reaction will hopefully show whether or not it's a closed path of exploration: if you have gideon sweating, going "pshhh its nothinggg" it means there is something worth exploring. if you have harrow slamming the door in your face, that is an advance that wont work on her
transcript under the readmore:
"Please stop talking to me."
This question is BAD because it's BLUNT, INCREDIBLY PERSONAL and founded on INCOMPLETE KNOWLEDGE of their relationship.
NOTE that its not that shitty questions will NEVER be answered, its that 1) they have a LOWER chance of being answered and 2) they have a HIGHER chance of being made fun of in character
gideon: haha who thinks harrow is HOT
"Sure. We run a lot of errands together."
This kind of question may not advance the plot, as it is INCREDIBLY BROAD yet NONINVASIVE. They're good for quick 1-3 panel answers. May generally be met with a less EXCITING answer.
It might also be DIFFICULT TO ANSWER because a broad question could include MULTIPLE ANSWERS - asking "do you guys go out" could not be answered SUSTAINABLY, because i cannot draw all the places they visit
me: "i have to do so much research"
"Yes, actually. She once invited me to [REDACTED], I didn't know she liked that sort of thing."
This question is SICK AS FUCK because not only do you learn something SUBSTANTIAL about the characters, you have stumbled upon A NEW PLOT BRANCH, one that actively deepens character connections and their past within the world. It specifically remarks upon a MEMORY* rather than AN OPINION and will typically be LONGER.
Another good option is to PROMPT something following this:
and this can then spiral onward…
It's not that this topic can never be spoken about, it's about WHEN you asked it and HOW you said it, or even WHO you asked.
Some topics, like the nature of HARROW AND GIDEON'S UPBRINGING are too recent for them to talk about, it has only been TWO YEARS since they left and there are SPECIFICS about the situation that the AUDIENCE hasn't discovered yet. There are things like GIDEON'S PARENTS that she CANNOT answer because she DOESN'T KNOW and answering multiple asks with I DON'T KNOW becomes repetitive and dull for both the DM and PLAYER.
BUT! She can learn! Over time, when the time is appropriate and feels the most natural for STORY PROGESSION. Think of it like a BAD ENDING in a visual novel. You START OVER and ask a DIFFERENT QUESTION, or approach it from a DIFFERENT ANGLE. If Gideon reacts poorly to someone congratulating her leaving BAD CIRCUMSTANCES, consider talking to her about the FUTURE. Instead of trying to pry at Camilla to see if she had an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with Pyrrha, try to ask about other things in that period of her life, like how they met or what caused her to move out.
FINALLY, if you'd like an ask to be answered out of character, your best bet would be to goto @notedchampagne and send it there. If you'd like an ask to be answered SINCERELY or you don't want SNARK, you can specify this in the ask, but know this blog may not be your thing.
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firesnap · 3 months
i have a genuine question. i promise i am not at all trying to defend him. ive dropped him entirely, literally deleted everything i had of him and unliked his songs.
ive just been wondering like considering that he has been in therapy, and also considering how if he does take a year off and then comes back, why cant it be redeemable? like cant people change? cant we give them second chances? he is 27. is he just doomed to be an abuser forever?
its just scary and im asking as like a younger person who is in my very early 20s. i know ive made mistakes. i know ive not been a good partner or friend sometimes. (and yes i was also abusive to a past partner...im not proud of it and ive learned from it. i have never ever touched anyone in that way after that. it took awhile but my current relationship isnt toxic and i would never hurt anyone or hit them again yknow?) and it scares me that people keep insinuating that he is irredeemable. like cant abusers change and become better? dont they get second chances? if shelby has grown and healed in 10 months wouldn't it be fair to say the same for wilbur?
im just genuinely asking because based on everything i believe you are older than me and im looking for guidance and just...idk im scared. growing up on the internet has made me so scared of making mistakes and doing anything wrong because when it happens to others i look up to, its always treated as something they'll never be able to change or improve. makes me feel like imma just be a horrible person forever because i made mistakes in the past.
This is a really complicated question that multiple answers can validly fit.
I don't think, personally, that anyone is irredeemable. I think everyone is on a journey of forgiveness and some of us may need more grace than others.
This is tw// abuse even more than the current topic, but my mom was incredibly abusive. We lived in a very rural area and she had a lot of undiagnosed problems and trauma of her own that created a pressure pot of issues. After I was born, she suffered through full on post-partum psychosis that nearly ended about as well as that sentence implies it could have. She was incredibly violent, controlling, and cruel for years. My sister went no-contact with her the second she turned 18. A significant event occurred that eventually spurned her into seeking real treatment that lasted for years. It's still ongoing.
My sister is also still no contact and I support her decision 100%. Those are her wounds and what she needed to do to get peace should be respected. I decided I wanted a relationship with the person who came out of all that work and, even then, it's been hard. I don't know if she's redeemed herself, and my god do we still have bumps in the road, but I support her for trying.
With Wilbur, how he responds to this is going to really impact a lot of things. I mean, I know no matter how he responds I won't be going on whatever journey of redemption and healing he has to go through. I'm tired and I feel hurt enough. I would think, if he wanted to show he was sincere, admitting what happened would be a great sense of closure for a lot of people who put time and energy and faith into this guy for years.
Not every person that causes harm is inherently evil, but there has to be some kind of knowledge that you're aware of the harm you've caused. No one is stuck as anything forever, life is constantly moving, and most people aren't saying his life is just over. You can work on yourself. You can change. And I'm saying that specifically to you, anonymous.
(Saying this, actually, there ARE people who would argue once you've done x you're beyond redemption based entirely on their life experiences as a victim, personal histories and many other factors. Kinda like my sister, that's their choice. And you have to accept that sometimes you fuck up so badly that you will permanently lose some people from your life. But your life isn't over.)
But I do think, regardless of what he says or does about this, his time of controlling a large platform is at an end. He can still do a lot of things in his life after he works on himself -- editing, song producing, directing, writing or whatever -- but being in charge of a large impressionable audience that could enable more destructive behaviors is just not it.
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If They Had Cat Nekos In CoD
Hear me out. Hear me out. This isn't cringe I promise just walk with me here.
It'd be an exclusive procedure specifically meant for combat, meant to enhance humans past what they're supposed to be to make them better fighters
Cats wouldn't be the only animal, they'd just be one of the main test animals because of how common cats are and how much knowledge we have of their anatomy as compared to like a bat or something
Only a few hundred people would get the opportunity to participate in the initial test phase, not based on rank or anything, just a few hundred soldiers all from different ranks and bases being tested with prosthetic animal ears and synthetic nerves to see how well they'd communicate with the original human nervous system
I imagine with the cat ears they'd find a way to reroute your normal hearing network, therefore making your original ears worthless as far as hearing goes, but I don't know the science-ey medical part of how that might work
You'd be temporarily relocated to a more specialized base with better supplies and higher trained personnel so they could track your recovery and any issues that might arise with it (hence how you would end up with a transfer to TF 141)
Everyone would just be staring at you when Price escorts you off the helicopter and onto the base to meet the team, but out of curiosity and astonishment (they had time to cope with the confusion because they were told you'd be coming a few weeks prior, nothing more than need-to-know ofc)
So pretty much they only knew that they were getting a new temporary team member who underwent an experimental prosthetic procedure
So yeah they are actually kind of confused because the whole cat ears and cat tail part never got clearly disclosed
I feel like Soap and Gaz would be the first two to really start asking you questions about it, like y'all would be out for lunch one day while the rest of the team was on a mission or just during other down time or something and they'd wonder how it works, if you can still hear out of your human ears, etc.
You'd answer all of them with the sweetest little smile on your face because no one has ever been so intensely curious about you before
But then you'd start getting insecure because you worry they're ONLY curious about you because of the cat ears and not because they're curious about you
So you'd go to Price about it, who would say to just give it a few weeks to wear off and they'd start treating you like normal, they're just curious
Oh you also can't really go on missions yet because you're technically on medical leave, you just need to stay around environments you're used to as a means of preventing hysteria and all the good shit that could come with surgery backfire (I think, again idk the science medical part of how that would work, but I imagine it could be a big issue so I'm putting it in)
And when Ghost comes back one day and sees Soap trying to pet your ears something in him just fucking snaps and he tells the sergeant to meet with him privately
And you don't understand what's going on AT ALL you're just worried you got Soap in trouble
So you go to Ghost the next day while you know he's by himself in the gym (you also sneak in a workout while you have the chance because you feel like Ghost isn't personally invested in you enough to tattle) and try to pry him for answers
But he just does his normal Ghost thing and ignores anything he doesn't want to answer, and when he feels like answering you feel like he's staring your soul down inside fucking out
And then you finally pry enough that he's irritated enough to tell you to shut up, that the sergeant has no business trying to get so close to you like that because you're still recovering from an intense medical procedure and he doesn't want Soap to fuck it up
But you low-key feel like it's an excuse so you just say something like "ooooookay" in this really doubtful tone, and Ghost is like "is there a problem?"
And then you remember oh shit this guy is actually above me in the chain of command I should shut up before I get in actual trouble here so you're just like "No issues here Lieutenant" before going back to your workout
And it doesn't take long after that for the silence to start feeling deadly, like it's choking you and wringing you out little by little, so you leave
And Ghost practically ignores your existence after that if he doesn't have to acknowledge you for a mandatory reason
But Soap doesn't leave you alone because he's still curious about the cat ears (I imagine at this point the rest of TF 141 has had their initial amazement wear off, but Soap can just never quite wrap his head around it)
And the curiosity ends up having you and Soap as friends but like out of the corner of your eye you always see Ghost staring you the fuck down when you're in the same room together even if Soap isn't there, but when Soap is there it's terrible
And you try to ask Soap if he knows what's up one day when you know Ghost won't be around any time soon for some reason or other and Soap just shrugs and says "L.T's always tense. Always up to high doh 'bout something, never really lets himself relax."
But there's this little glint in Soap's eyes like he knows something that he can't quite tell you properly so you just nod and go with it
And then you eventually start going on missions with TF 141
On your first mission you're still kind of wobbly because you didn't get much time to train but you pull and push through
And on like your third mission you actually save Soap's life and you notice Ghost doesn't stare at you with as much hatred after that and you start trying to put pieces together like "okay so they're close"
And then in Las Almas when you meet Alejandro and Rudy they just blink at the cat ears and tail but don't really say anything else about it and you're like "okay they're chill I like them"
You're there when the air in the car freezes from Ghost's stare in the mirror at the mask comment, you're there when Soap has to go in and get interrogated, you're there when Graves betrays the team, and when the three of you end up on the run together Ghost and Soap realize exactly how useful the cat attributes you gained from the surgery are
Your TF 141 callsign is something cat-themed because pun opportunity (haven't decided exactly what)
But anyway after almost dying together and escaping the town and getting to the safehouse you realize how much closer Soap and Ghost seem to be because it's just right in front of you. Like even when you were in the town over comms (you didn't insert much aside from occasional location updates) you heard how unusually playful Ghost was with Soap when he usually despises jokes (he would cringe every time he had to call you by your callsign for the first few weeks and I will die on that headcanon hill)
So now that the three of you are finally alone you ask what the deal is and make it firm you won't let up until they give you the truth
And Ghost tries to say they don't have time for this but Soap stops him like "a nod's as guid as a wink to a blind horse" and Ghost just glares at him and doesn't have to say anything and Soap sighs and is like "hiding it isn't going to help us anymore, she knows L.T"
And that's how you find out Ghost and Soap are dating
You swear not to tell another soul and Ghost is just his usual violent self "Won't be a slow job if I find you tried" and Soap just elbows him
But the air is actually a lot lighter after that and the three of you actually manage to have some quick laughs together
And you're like actually so relieved that your Lieutenant doesn't hate you and that he was just being an overprotective bf
After you get back to base after that mission the three of you actually end up spending a lot more time together because Ghost and Soap like finally having a friend they can be open about their relationship with and not be scared to lose their jobs
Hey! If you read all the way through this, go check out Chapter 1
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ukulelegodparent · 4 months
hey i just wanted to send an ask as someone who has been like really struggling with this for a while. it was your tag on post about white south africans that went something like people acting like having ancestors in europe gives them some magical tie to that place. i see a lot of posts telling people like me to reclaim their european roots rather than appropriate stuff that doesn't belong to me. is that really the answer? i just feel like i don't l have another option. seeing people with cultural ties that they can draw pride, inspiration, wisdom from and then looking at my own lack of any of that just kind of opened like a deep pit of dread in me as i thought about it more and more. idk even know if you have the answers necessarily its just been eating away at me and that tag kinda just kinda made me really wanna ask on the off chance you had any sort of answer.
Hey, I mean I'm no expert on the topic and can only really speak from my own experience which is mostly as a European interacting with Americans. This won't necessarily match your situation, but I just know more about the situation in the US bc of well. The everything of it.
I mean embrace your roots all you want and look at the culture of your ancestors and keep what you want and leave the rest. It's yours. But let's take someone who is German-American. Their ancestors came there in the mid 19th century and that is their latest direct cultural tie to Germany. Or German lands or whatever. It's the middle of the 19th century. It's complicated. Point is those ancestors left a society where their specific culture (whatever region they were living in) was the majority and went into a culture where it was the minority. So either they assimilate or they form a smaller community with other Germans. Either way at that point they are cut off from the main bulk of what they consider their culture. They themselves will have strong cultural influences from the culture that surrounds them and even without that the culture on it's own will slowly warp and change. So too will their language. Maybe they stop speaking German in the first generation, maybe during one of the world wars, maybe there are still parts of the adult population of that community that speak a form of German. What that German-American person would consider the traditions and culture that were passed down to them from the German side of the family might have very little to do with anything that was part of the culture of those initial immigrants to the US. Now while all that was happening German culture in Germany also changed a lot. Between Unification, a world war, the establishment of a democratic system, the absolute turmoil of the 20s, female emancipation, fascism, another world war, a refugee crisis, another dictatorship, a lot of immigration from Turkey and Italy, the establishment of the EU, reunification etc etc. German culture in Germany is also drastically different from what it was in the mid 19th century when those ancestors left.
So that is the one slightly odd thing that like. People talk about their what they consider their own culture and they call it eg "German" or "Polish" or whatever, but the culture they have has just been through a lot of washes. Which is fine, but it is a bit silly when people post pictures of two old women on a cemetery and they want to call them 'sweet ladies' but end up calling them 'old hags'. But also by calling it like a culture that has a whole country attached to it it's a bit like they're declaring themselves experts which. I mean it leads to miscommunication is all I'm saying. And also there's the point that ethnicity just doesn't work like that in Europe. It's just not carried down that far through the family. I might have had Polish or Dutch or Danish ancestors in the early 19th century but I literally would never know. So it's odd to us here for people to build their identity around something that lies so far in their past. Again. This is the part that is just a little odd, will get people made fun of etc. Maybe a little annoying at times but whatever. 'you have yours over there and we have ours over here' is the name of the game.
The frustrating thing is when people with this history act like they have any sort authority on these things. And especially the frequent (Especially American) 'Bull in a China shop' moments you get where people then base their entire personality around stereotypes and come here and act like they belong. And just. There is sometimes this deep unawareness with especially Americans that they are foreigners here. Of course with Americans the cultural imperialism plays into the frustration here but I see it even with my cousin who grew up in Aotearoa and who also just. I mean both of her parents are German, a lot of their friends are and they've visited almost every year she's been alive and yet, when she says she wants to study here all I can think is 'Girl you will have the biggest culture shock of your life' and her parents literally barely have Kiwi citizenship.
And it might also be from the European side an attempt to remove oneself from colonialism, though I don't think that's the case. There is a huge cultural divide, especially between continental Europe and the Anglosphere. But mostly I mean culture is a living breathing thing that people have to actively participate in to be a part of it. And wherever in Europe your roots may lie, by nature of living on the other side of the world you cannot participate in those traditions and you will be part of a different culture. Like my culture to me is Easter Fires just as much as getting a Döner after a long night out and getting fresh bread rolls from a bakery on a Sunday morning and not being able to go shopping on a Sunday and terrible terrible Apres-Ski music (that I must admit I indulge in sometimes) and the stellar parody dubs of 2010 German Youtube and hearing church bells, and the architecture and the language omg the language, the beautiful poems, having to suffer through Faust in school, the supermarkets, the way towns work here, the way winter smells, the way my grandfather talks and the way my great-grand aunt talks, the forests, the mountains, the fields, not going to the Oktoberfest, not because I don't have the means to but because growing up I was taught to despise it and all things Munich with it, good Brezen, amazing lentil stew (from the can of course), the list goes on and on and on. And some of these are really specific to me and some are more general. And like if you want to connect with your roots, I'm genuinely happy for you, have fun! But for our hypothetical German American, whatever sits at the heart of German and European culture (bread and a certain grumpiness seem to be a big component of both) it will probably never be truly hers. Even if she were to move here. And that's fine. I mean. Idk which post you saw bc there actually were two where I left comments like that in the tags, but one of them listed a lot of examples of what culture can be and of why the 'haha white people have no culture' thing is inaccurate. Maybe it's just that it's hard to see sometimes when your culture is so squarely the majority you never ever have to think about it. Idk. I look around me and even between the regions I've lived in there are such stark cultural differences. Culture can be the songs you sing for children to fall asleep, what the most prominent mode of transport is, where you go to eat, what you eat, what you cook, whether you cook at all, whether you go to church, whether there are crosses hanging everywhere despite rarely anyone ever going to church, what you wear, especially outside of traditional clothing. Maybe at the core of this discomfort I expressed in those tags is also the big question of 'why are you looking here for guidance? You are so different.'
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sinning5sos · 9 months
can y/n be married to Cal and he has a son from his first marriage, and like something happy happens? idk, the son like asks her to do something big and y/n is so excited
You admired the way that Calum was moving in the front yard, his body gleaming with sweat and his muscles contracted under his shirt. He was arranging a new flower bed, specifically because you had mentioned once that you loved the idea of having one, and building it himself in front of the house the two of you shared. 
You finished washing some dishes from breakfast, when you spotted your step-son running over to Calum. He was a bonus of you marrying Calum, already nine years old and you loved him more than words could express. He had slowly warmed up to you while you had dated Calum, he was only three when the two of you first met.
His mother wasn’t in the picture, and it had left him wanting a relationship with you but he was still scared. Calum encouraged him every step of the way, allowing him to move at his own pace and for him to do what he wanted.
The two of them chatted for a minute, then both turned to look at you in the window and you smiled back at them. Calum handed him a daisy from the garden then nodded, and you watched your step-son run around the house to get in through the side door. He held the daisy out to you, which you gladly accepted and smelled it for a second, then leaned down closer to him.
“Would you want to go bowling with me to the mommy-son bowling?” He asked, rocking back and forth on his feet and you quietly gasped at the question. You immediately smiled as you nodded excitedly, and wrapped him into your arms and squeezed him tightly. 
“Of course I would, oh - I’m so excited now!” You said, pulling away and kissed the tip of his nose and he giggled before running away into the living room. You hummed as you stood up and moved back to the window, and watched Calum carry his tools back into the garage then out into the backyard. You grabbed a glass of water and carried it out to him, and wrapped your arms around his back. 
“Calum, baby guess what.” You said, and he smiled as he let his tools fall to the ground and turned in your arms to face you, but you didn’t even give him a chance to answer, “Oh, he asked me to go with him to the mommy-son thing,”
“I know baby,” He said, and you furrowed your brows but he chuckled, “He asked for permission just now in the yard before he could take you out on a date.”
You fake frowned at how cute that was, and hugged him tightly, despite him being sweaty from working all morning, but you fully embraced him. 
“I’m so happy baby, I can’t even begin to tell you. He loves you so much, when you go home - you’re all he talks about. You’re so much better for him than she could have ever been.” He murmured, and you pulled back and cupped his cheeks as you saw his eyes begin to water, “I have so many words but all I can say is thank you for loving him the way that I do.”
“Always, Cal. He’s a part of your life, and you’re a part of my life, probably the most important part. Thank you for letting me be in his life. I know he had a hard time trusting women after everything she did, but I just love him so much. I’d do anything for him,” You said, and he leaned closer and kissed your forehead, humming gently as he held you. 
“I love you,” You whispered, and he smiled as he tucked his head down and kissed your lips. 
“I love you,” 
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bonearenaofmyskull · 4 months
Hi! I love your Hannibal meta and it's such a joy to see you back. The ask about IWTV reminds me, would there be any chance that you might write the Good Omens meta you said you wouldn't do a few months back XD? Or some hints about what you were interested in talking about? I feel S2 added a bit more depth to the characters that hasn't been discussed enough (or I haven't delved into that fandom enough to see) and the Job story did get a tiny bit Hannibal-y with the god questioning and temptation
Thank you! Glad to be back.
No, I'm not qualified to write Good Omens meta. xD But I can give you ONE piece, the sum of my opinion, which is that the commentary about the finale (what I saw of it, at least) made the common fandom mistake of viewing the characters' actions through the ship instead of through the individual characters' personalities and values. They talk about Aziraphale not being ready for an overt relationship, or just frankly condemning him for his betrayal, or that both of them do not have good relationship skills, or the Metatron's manipulations, or idk, something about the coffee being drugged?
But while all these things are important (maybe not the coffee, idk what's up with that), the real issue that I haven't seen talked about is faith. (Not that I've researched it, so my apologies if this is all going to be not new because someone else covered it extensively, and I'm just not in the fandom so I didn't know.)
And not in faith each other but in God, or more specifically, in God's righteousness.
That's the purpose of the Job story in the narrative, to illustrate that difference in their worldviews. Aziraphale has come to the understanding that Heaven is operating in its own interests, but he still believes in God's goodness. Crowley...doesn't.
That's why Crowley can't go with him because that lack of faith means he doesn't believe that Aziraphale (or even the two of them together, if he were an angel again) could possibly set something right that has no righteousness at its core, while Aziraphale must go to right Heaven because what has been happening there is an abomination of God's goodness in his eyes.
Aziraphale was wrong when he thought that Crowley would take the Metatron's olive branch, but his error is so enormous because he can't wrap his head around how to Crowley, Heaven's iniquity is just a symptom of God's own, which Aziraphale just cannot accept. So he chooses to see it as a flaw in Crowley, instead of recognizing that Crowley's moral backbone is (apparently) greater even than God's.
So what Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for is not the awkward kiss or anything he did wrong in their relationship. He's forgiving him for his lack of faith. And Aziraphale must go, he has to make Heaven worthy of regaining Crowley's faith, and he has to prove that God is worthy of Crowley's faith as well. He's got to save them all: he has to rescue Heaven from its iniquity, God and goodness and the world itself from the grip of Heaven, and, more than anything, he has to save Crowley from his unbelief, from living in that outer darkness that Aziraphale is really starting to see for the first time.
If Aziraphale can just do these miniscule few teensy tinesy itty bitty wee things, then Everything Will Be Okay.
How this will go in S3 --whether Aziraphale falls and Crowley rises, or something else--is going to be largely dependent on how the show decides to handle God's character. Whatever the powers of Heaven and Hell believe on this show, God Herself seems to be a Deist. She was notably absent in S2, and in S1 She was definitely treating creation like a spectator sport. I think the show is going to have to finally answer the question of whether or not the angels and demons are all carrying out God's Ineffable Plan through following it, or through failing to follow it. The fortunate fall, on a celestial scale, perhaps.
As that is revealed, just how benevolent God is should also be revealed, and I imagine that could have some significant bearing on how the Ineffable Husbands' relationship resolves. They're setting poor Aziraphale up for his own crisis of faith, ofc, and Crowley more than anyone knows just how that outer darkness feels. But they're also setting Aziraphale up to understand that the belief in goodness that he misplaced with God is a belief in goodness he can safely place with Crowley instead.
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haptureratch · 1 year
Bitch, You Need Therapy
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Pairing: Johnny Knoxville x Reader (afab)
Others: Chris Pontius, Steve-O
Word count: approx. 4.5k
Synopsis: You’re part of the crew, temporarily filling in and enjoying it immensely. You are filming something overseas. Knoxville finds out you have a crush on him and decides to fuck with your stressed little self until he gets carried away in the moment.
WARNINGS/tags: NC-17, minors DNI, adult language, alcohol (technical lack of consent), soft allusions to hard drugs, oral sex, genital penetration, THE DOUBLE MEANING OF LIPS, kinks galore (praise, rough, petnames, things I don’t have a word for)
Notes from the author: Yeah idk he just seems like a playful bastard that might be hiding a kinky streak. Not tied to any specific period of Jackass filming so reader can take some creative liberties (the least I can do when I am dictating reader’s entire personality lmao). Knoxville is single in this world; it’s all fun & fantasy. This work has not been officially reviewed apart from one of my best friends giving enthusiastic approval early on. But I’ve read over it a hundred times while writing it SO DAMN SLOWLY, so hopefully it is okay. There are purposeful tense changes and I hope they hit the way I'm intending. Is the whole thing cringe? Maybe; maybe not. Pls let loose & enjoy! I am a long time reader and I’ve had ideas here and there; finally decided it was time to fuck around and find out myself. It’s been way harder than I thought and I have even more respect for my fave fic authors out there. If you know me irl, no you don’t. WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU~~
Night has been falling earlier and earlier as weeks peel away from Autumn toward the year’s end. It is 7 o’clock in the evening but feels more like 11. Outside the darkness is interrupted by numerous streetlamps along the sidewalk. The lights glow a golden orange, reminding you of the crackling fire in the pub, and you dig your hands into your coat pockets seeking warmth.
“HEY ASSHOLE, why did we leave that cozy fucking place?!” you shout over the wind at one of your walking companions with some frustration. Only some. You’ve had a couple drinks and your speech seems to come out in demanding exclamations regardless of any real anger at that point. And you’re fairly certain any frustration stems from unmet desires directed toward this man and his stupid glinty purple-tinted sunglasses. Sunglasses, which he wore inside the intimately lit pub and which he is still wearing outside at night. What a jackass.
A different, unsunglasses’d man answered. “Because adventure calls! Sure, it’s cold out. But not cold enough to get frostbite. The call to adventure must be heeded even in the face of Ice Queen Mother Nature. Like the Russian Police, she’s stern. Stern…but fair,” he announced with omnipotence. Everyone in the group seemed dead set on committing crimes this evening. This one was guilty of venturing out in 20-some degree weather without a coat or sweater or torso cover of any kind. Just a fluffy scarf and a Santa hat. Another jackass, you thought. But that’s why you jumped at the chance to work with these people. It was an invigorating break from the mundane. And the group oozed fun; to be in the same room as any of them was to know friendship and laughter.
You smiled genuinely at him. Despite the cold and questionable decisions, he still inspired affection. “Thanks, as always, Pontius, for the exceptional pep talk but I think I was asking—”
“DUDE WHERE IS MY SKATEBOARD?!?!!” screeched a third man’s voice. He’d definitely had the most to drink out of the group so far this evening and crime was written all over him. Good ol’ Steve-O. Nothing more to be said about him.
Sunglasses finally spoke up. “I decided against anything with wheels for this and threw it in the back of the van, Steve-O. We can come back in the daytime tomorrow for skate shots. There are a lot less lights the farther in the park we go.”
“Knox, you IDIOT, I’m planning on being so fucking hungover tomorrow! I’m on my GAME now, man, you shoulda brought it!” He bent down to gather up two fists of snow, mash them together, and hurl the mass toward Johnny.
“If you want it so bad, go back an’ get it!” He grinned while dodging the poorly aimed snowball and jumped over to rap Steve-O on the ass with the back of his hand. This garnered a slow, deep, huffy giggling from Pontius. It was less of a giggle, more of a devious huh-huh-huh. It sounded like something you’d hear in the boys’ locker room but if it came from the throat of a grown man.
The little spanking sparked a quick scuffle between Steve-O and Johnny. After nearly slipping and falling, he gave up on trying to fuck with the taller man and hardened his resolve to skate in the snow. “UGH! I’ll be back…” After a beat of wily consideration he added, “Or not!” Steve-O then darted off in the direction of the pub, almost slipped again, and slowed his stumbling gait. If he was headed toward booze he was probably going to get another round. A round of…something.
Chris and Johnny shared a look and the Santa-hatted one asked, “Who’s going with him? It’s law that we use the buddy system in all foreign lands, especially when we don’t want to get arrested. More arrested than we get when the cameras are rolling. Those times are okay.”
Johnny spoke first. “I’ll stay to map out where Jeff thinks we can get the money shots. Y/N probably needs to mess with the camera settings.”
“Actually, yeah,” you uttered, reviving from a slight stupor of quiet observation and remembering your role in all of this. “This would be our first night footage of the trip and I haven’t experimented with the exposure or what type of flash I can—”
“Okay nerd on, genius, I’ll go,” Chris interrupted. He smiled and bowed himself out in the direction of Steve-O and the pub.
“Better hurry, Pontius! Something tells me the board ain’t the priority now,” Johnny called out. You watched as the smoke from his breath dissipated into the cold and the two of you continued away from what seemed like the rest of civilization.
The other men gone from sight, your physical awareness of Johnny dialed up. Though he was lean, he seemed to exude heat through his black peacoat. Maybe you were imagining things. But you dared to draw a couple inches closer to assess. He slowed his gait and you veered right back over and even sped up a little. You thought you heard a quiet laugh come from his side of the path.
‘Dammit, Y/N, fucking stay focused,’ you thought to yourself. You can’t give them anything to get you on; it was more important to you than any legal trouble. You were here to relieve Lance after one too many trips involving vomit-on-the-camera incidents. You had a job to do, you had creative input to offer, and you didn’t have to let on that you found one of the guys so hot you couldn’t stand it. That fact could be kept firmly TO YOURSELF. The need to keep it a secret almost hyped it up to an obsession. You found yourself stealing photos during planning sessions, when you were 95% certain that no one would notice. Since you were such a dedicated crew member, the team assumed you were experimenting with angles or compiling a look-book or something.
Sure, you took candids of everyone. But the most recurring subject by far was Johnny Knoxville. There were the obvious features that caught your eye, mostly when he laughed, all white teeth and crow’s feet. After a while you noticed how he stood kind of funny, whether that was from past back injuries, weak glutes, or a touch of valgus knee deformity you weren’t sure. It didn’t at all detract from the beauty of those long legs or the defined torso they led up to. Certainly didn’t ruin his painfully (for you) deep iliac furrows smack dab in the middle of it all. And you weren’t going to get started on his arms or shoulders or jawline. He really took your love for anatomy and smacked you upside the head with it. He was art and you were insane.
Your stupid little fangirl crush even had you calling him ‘Johnny Knoxville’ in your head instead of PJ. It was like how you still called your teachers ‘Mr/Ms/Mx’ after graduating from school, even though they gave you permission to be on a first-name basis. It was hard to get comfortable with others like that. Another reason why you wanted this chance at a different work environment even if it was just temporary. You sorely needed to relax, Y/N. Unclench your jaw, take a breath, stop the shoulders from migrating upwards, and just keep walking. Sometimes the set of Jackass was not the ideal setting to work on those goals—all of those damn pranks—but…
“Lost in thought, puddin’?” you heard in your ear. You didn’t so much hear them as felt the words slap your skin from behind, the shock of wet heat in the cold air startling you. The streetlamps brightened in your peripheral vision.
You spun around and couldn’t help the nervous fake-laugh that escaped. “Oh, uh, yeah, you could say that. Just handling a lot of little things right now. Like the jet-lag, that European alcohol hitting a little stronger, the cold being colder here somehow, filming schedule, the list goes on, man." You hoped adding 'man’ would lend the illusion of you being chill, cool, totally not in fight-or-flight mode a moment ago.
It didn’t. There was an awkward silence as he stood facing you. Behind the shades you couldn’t see the mischief in his eyes as he planned out where he was going to take this. To you it just looked like staring. ‘Fucking dammit,’ you swore at yourself, ‘I don’t know if he KNOWS knows but he knows something is up. Agh, focus on work, FOCUS ON WORK.’
You cleared your throat, pulled namaste out of your ass, and shifted the power of the interaction back on your side with, “Hey, why don’t you stand over by that statue and help me with shot composition.”
“Yes, boss, on the double!” His tone was playfully condescending as he headed over to the metal figure, an unknown man outlined in snow. “Anything for you, sweetheart.” He let the last word drag out lower and slower than the rest. You had to fight your dead brain to let you breathe again. He was going to fuck with you, alright, and it was going to happen tonight. But for his own fun, no cameras in sight other than yours. There was always a chance of one of those goofy assholes hiding in a bush, but your gut told you there were none. No one else was going to be around for this, but you weren’t sure how thankful you were. You were flooded with several thoughts at once. How far would he go? How far did you want him to go? Did Jackass have HR? What was their policy on a creator/actor doing unspeakable things to a camera person with his mouth? Could the van be moved for about 90 minutes tonight without anyone knowing? Was he all dom or a switch? How easy would it be to get him to giggle during a blowjob?
Fuck. Focus.
‘FUCK,’ you thought as, for some ungodly reason, Knox put his tongue to the statue’s ear. The side of your neck began to tingle where his breath had been several minutes ago; memory is a powerful thing. You shook your head to regroup.
“Better pray you don’t end up like that kid in A Christmas Story,” you deadpanned.
He looked away and called out toward the woods at the edge of the park, “Nah, I’m too wet for that. That…that’s the secret.” You saw his back shuddering slightly, probably with laughter, and tried to see deeper into the trees. Not a soul was detected.
“You’ll be wetter when that statue comes to life and throws you in the river.”
He turned back toward you. “Naw, I think he likes it,” he grinned as wedged his body even closer to the metal and began to run a hand slowly down its torso. For the first time he made eye contact with you over his glasses and you dared not break it while his hand migrated further and further south. “And I think he’s not the only one, darlin’,” he drawled, his tone growing deeper and darker by the second. Two fingers began to lazily graze between the statue’s legs. And, as if that wasn’t enough, his hips ground into what had to be extremely cold and extremely hard metal. He let out a low sigh into the winter air.
This probably lasted just a moment but it felt like an eternity as you stood watching him, unable to do anything else, not quite believing what you were seeing. Your eyes were glued to where you thought his dick was, where you thought you saw an outline begin to show. He kept at it, grinding and sighing and caressing against that fucking statue, only averting his gaze to let his eyes roll back into his head and flutter shut. Which he made sure you could see with the shades slid all the way down the bridge of his nose. The whole thing was insane but you could not stop the cascade of heat and desire from building inside you. It’s like the more it shouldn’t be happening, the more you were into it. You wanted to look around and check for the crew for the umpteenth time but couldn’t tear your eyes from him. Johnny Knoxville was getting freaky on a statue to tease you and you were simmering in your own juices.
What the actual fuck?
Okay, case closed, he definitely knew.
Uhh… Just try to own it now?
“You know what, you whore?! It’s gonna be really fucking awkward when my underwear freezes out here!”
He finally broke, fell away from the statue, and dissolved into laughter on the ground. You hoped your boldness would recuperate a bit of your cred and he’d back off. (You hoped he wouldn’t back off.)
“The working conditions, here, honestly…” you said as your hands came to your hips.
His maniacal glee, normally adorable when it wasn’t tied up in such a stressful and sexy situation, died out and he regained upright footing. He didn’t bother to brush the snow off his coat or shake out what had peppered his hair. He took off his sunglasses and folded them into the inner pocket of his coat. He smiled down at you and you felt him gently grab your shoulders. “You’re so wound up, Y/N,” he remarked with genuine care in his voice.
The touch and proximity made you stiffen; your arms dropped to your sides. His breath smelled like booze and you wanted to drown in it.
His fingers laced together behind your shoulders and slid down to rest at the small of your back; you instinctively grabbed at his forearms. “Gotta learn how to relax, baby.” He jerked your lower half into him and you could feel that you had not, in fact, been imagining that dick. With that, you felt the last of your good sense rocket away, leaving a long-imprisoned whine in its wake.
He dipped his head down to your ear and growled, “How loud does that kitty purr?”
No words.
No thoughts.
Your head threatened to crack off of your spine but he caught the back of it with one hand, the other snaked firmly around the rest of you, as his lips made contact with your neck. Soft kisses were syncopated with nibbles, the heat of his mouth searing your skin in contrast to the chilly air. His tongue was so wet and so warm against your flesh. You all but dripped for him.
“Van,” you demand.
He takes your hand, grins, and leads you out of the park toward the town.
The two of you make it to the van and he takes space in the driver’s seat. The engine comes to life relatively quietly—thank god for hybrids—and he maneuvers it onto a darkened side street several blocks down. You seem to be surrounded by a bunch of businesses closed down for the night but you also don’t have a single fuck to give now. You slide a hand over the rod in his pants and his lips part with a groan.
Hunger takes hold and you lunge over the console to catch his mouth in a voracious kiss. Tongue and teeth everywhere. Even the smallest hints of pleasure out of this man are going to drive you wild tonight. But you want—you NEED—to savor the experience. The movements of your jaw slow and the space between your lips closes as you center yourself. His lips come together but his breath continues hard and deep through his nose. His eyes are shut tight as if he's exercising control as well. You pepper kisses across his cheek, down his neck, and back up to his ear where you sigh your contentment.
“Mmm, sweetheart, I’m gonna need to hear more of that,” he says low in your ear. Your belly flutters up into your chest and you think you might fall in love, like an idiot.
He kisses you deeply and pulls you with him into the back of the van. The heat of the exchange melts off both your coats. A sleeping bag is found, unzipped, and laid down. Not that the two of you notice the cold all that much, it just seems like the right thing to do in a van that carts around the Jackass crew. He is a bit more discerning than some of his co-stars.
He unzips your pants and slides them down your legs. You sit up to help kick them off along with your shoes. He takes off your shirt, leaving you just in your bra, socks, and panties. You love how exposed you must look and how vulnerable you feel. He looks you in the eye, smirks, looks down at your hips, licks his lips. Your thighs squeeze together with anticipation and your moan spells out your need.
He lowers himself down, still clothed, onto your nearly naked body and lays his lips all over your skin. He slides across you lazily and you can’t stand how good his clothes feel against you. You can’t wait for that dick to be out and in your mouth. It’s how you want to show him how good he’s making you feel. The way he takes the fabric of your panties in his fingertips tells you he has his own priorities.
“May I?”
“May you what?”
He smiles and toys with the bows stitched to the elastic around your hips. He takes the band in his teeth and looks you in the eye as he lets it snap against you.
“Eat out that pretty pussy of yours, doll. It’s all wrapped up for me like a present under the tree.”
You’re not able to make a joke about stealing Chris’s Santa hat. You can only reach down and start to wiggle the remaining cotton off, with which Knox happily helps. The bra and socks follow suit and a cheeky kiss to your foot garners a giggle.
Things get very serious again when he positions his face in front of your heat. He hugs your hips to him and rests his large hands down on you. You can’t help but buck up into the contact when his lips meet yours. His soft, wet tongue feels so fucking good. Your hands find his hair and you rake your nails through it. Every time you look down he’s either got his eyes closed, lids fluttering in the prettiest way, or he’s looking right back at you. Each moan from your mouth elicits self-assured hums from his and it drives you to desperately need more.
“Need you in me, Knox,” you demand.
He looks up at you again with those deep brown eyes and doesn’t say a word.
“Want you in my mouth first. I want to taste that dick.”
He pulls himself up and you all but tear the black and white KNOXVILLE belt through the loops of his Dickies. He frees his hard cock and you pause to take it in with your eyes first.
“It may not be the biggest but right now you got me harder than—aaughh..” The whole rest of him stiffens up and he bites into his knuckles as you take in the tip. He relaxes with a deep sigh as you try to swallow the shaft down and gag when your lips meet his hilt.
‘That’ll do just fine,’ you think to yourself.
You keep it slow to draw it out, slow but deliberate with licking and sucking. You work his cock with your mouth until you lose yourself in the act. You love every single sound this man is making and commit them to memory. And his taste, how the pre-cum doesn’t stop oozing. The way his head is thrown back with his mouth wide open, gasping. How he can’t touch you enough right now. Every few moments you turn your attention to his balls and thighs and that delicious V leading down to it all. The feel and scent of his skin is intoxicating and you’re biting light marks into his flesh. You get so far gone you stop murmuring his name and start to call him Daddy. His cock twitches every time.
He takes a deep, clarifying breath before taking your chin in his hand and speaking, “I’m so ready to slide right in, baby. Will you let Daddy fill you up?”
“Fuck me.”
The van space is tight but you lie down and he holds himself over you, cock at your entrance. You’re practically vibrating with anticipation.
He drives the head of his cock slowly into your pussy and the feeling is so warm and sweet and intimate. Birth control be damned; you’ll get emergency contraception in the morning. Your arms and legs wrap around him possessively as he works into a rhythm. You rock your hips with his to catch his cock at the right angle. He finds your mouth in the dark and moans into you as he thrusts. He’s downright fucking you into the floor of the van and strangely you haven’t felt this whole and alive in a long time. Your orgasm is building and building but you want even more of him before you come.
“I wanna ride you, Johnny,” you gasp.
“Thought you’d never ask. Be my guest, doll,” he answers as he pulls out of you and arranges the sleeping bag across the van’s bench. He takes a seat and slaps his thighs with a grin, erection bobbing around invitingly.
You climb on top of him, legs quivering with eagerness, and take just a moment to pause before sinking slowly down onto his cock.
His answering groan draws you against his chest, sighing into him, as you get to work riding. It’s your turn to fuck him into the van.
You both wrap your arms around each other, but no one can get close enough. Thrusting, humping, clawing, kissing, biting, sucking, moaning—the two of you going at each other like animals. (His glutes are NOT, in fact, weak.) Your legs are tiring but you push yourself to keep going. Closer and closer your end nears. He knows it because his teeth are clenching as your pussy is tightening around him. He’s fighting to not cum before you.
“Don’t stop, baby, don’t stop. Keep on riding me. Keep grinding that sweet little thing on my cock.”
You pick up speed.
“Come for me, sweetheart.”
He squeezes your ass tighter.
“Good girl, I can feel it. Come for Daddy…”
That’s it. Your cunt squeezes up inside of you and smashes down around his dick in a primal, undulating frenzy. There’s an explosion of stars behind your eyelids. He’s yelling out your name and digging his fingers deeper into your hips as his orgasm spills hot inside you.
After unmeasured moments, breaths began to slow and a contented stillness fell over the van like snow upon the ground. The two of you wrapped each other up in an embrace and held on tight without a word. It wasn’t much longer until your brain woke back up and began to wander. You knew you were going to think back on this night many, many times when you were back home alone. You’d feel the ghost of his breath and his lips on your skin. You’d ache to hear him moan your name again. AND, FUCK, THE PLAN B--
Gentle laughter broke out, as if he could read your mind. He couldn’t, of course. But it was so very easy to tell when you were uneasy. And Knox was an excellent people reader.
“Just don’t think about anything right now, sweetheart,” he assured you.
“Johnny, I…” You began and trailed off, unsure of what to voice first.
“Call me PJ,” he smiled and placed a kiss on your head. “And don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll stop by a pharmacy soon as they open. The guys are gonna need some Tylenol, too, I bet. I’ll get us all sorted.” And he sealed his promise shut with a squeeze of your shoulders. Not a mind reader, but definitely thoughtful and at times very practical. Always aware of what’s going on around him.
You trusted him. Probably more than you should, but you did. And you gave whatever energy you had left over to the effort of not thinking. You had no idea how long it had been since you checked the time, when the sun was coming up, or what the two of you would do next. What this would mean for the rest of the shoot. But, if you’re gonna be dumb….
Several hours post-coupling in the van, after the sun came out for vengeance, you found yourself hanging with Pontius at a near-by café. You felt calmest around him out of all the crew and were happy to listen to his stories for distraction. Distraction from your anxiety and the various aches in your body. What you had really wanted was a diner that served greasy food and heinously strong coffee, but they didn’t have those here. Chris must share the need. He was still sporting the Santa hat and some serious bags under his eyes. There was what appeared to be lipstick smeared down his neck, but it was…stippled? From…the only idea that came to mind was another man’s stubble. But he never asked about the way you weren’t walking right, so you paid the favor forward.
His words drifted away from big cats and other wildlife, and he shifted conversation topics. “Crazy night last night, huh,” he said.
“Lord. You bet,” you answered. Oh, here we go.
“What time did you turn in last night? Or this morning?” He batted his lashes and played with the cotton puff at the end of his hat before flipping it to the other side. It invoked the atmosphere of girlies at a sleepover sharing the latest gossip.
“Oh, you know…” Your face reddened a little and you looked down into your steaming coffee mug.
He brought his up to his mouth for a sip and stared you down over it. “Do you happen to know where—"
Your phone buzzed in your back pocket and you pulled it out automatically.
“Hey, doll, where did you run off to?” Your heartbeat quickened and you smirked despite yourself. You didn’t need to look up at the sender to know who it was from.
“Know where what,” you offered with no doubt a dazed look in your eyes.
You were definitely going to need a therapist after this job was through.
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geryone · 16 days
hello!! i was just scrolling through your page, saw where you talked for a bit about reading nonfiction a few days back, and it made me think you might be able to help me with a problem i've been having lately? which is like... kind of the opposite issue most people have, i think, in that i got really into reading nonfiction books a (long) while ago and now have been reading exclusively nonfiction for so long that i'm having trouble getting back into reading fiction lol
do you have any recs for books that really just GRABBED you from page one that you might recommend for someone trying to get back into reading fiction?
or like (and idk how to word this in a way that doesn't sound pretentious lol) books that felt... intelligent, for lack of a better word? or maybe "informed" is a better way to put it? i'm not really interested in anything crazy dense or hard to read while i'm trying to "ease my way back in, but i think one of my issues is i don't feel like i'm learning anything with a lot of fiction books so it feels pointless.. which is a stupid way to look at it, i know, and i know this may be a weirdly specific thing to ask lol, but any books with any sort of specific/unique setting/setup/whatever aspect that the author is clearly knowledgeable about and sprinkles info about throughout? like a cross that's fiction plot with nonfiction-y bits sprinkled throughout? but i get that this one may be a bit difficult to think of examples of so feel free to ignore this bit if u cant think of any 😖
either way and even if you decide not to answer this, thanks regardless! your posts have introduced me to so many good poetry books that i otherwise would not have read, and i hope u have a lovely day/week/year/life!! 🩷🩷
Genuinely I think you might really enjoy Poor Things by Alasdair Gray. The book is very distinct from the movie so don’t let that scare you off! One of the things I enjoyed about the book was the narrative format- the novel is presented as a factional account in book format but you get various letters from the characters as you read through. I have not stopped thinking about this book since I read it. There are a lot of passages devoted to science/surgery/experimentation so it feels a little more substantial than a normal fiction book. I’m not sure if I’m selling it well but I do think it is something you’ll enjoy if you give it a chance!
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yanderu-deredere · 9 months
asdsadf idk if you answer requests like this lmao so ignore this if u dont but which of your ocs would be good with like a really bratty darling? especially one that loves to tease them till they snap but thhen, when they do snap, she pretty much goes *puppy dog eyes* u don't wanna do that do u? im just a lil baby! im just ur lil baby! would u be mean to ur lil baby? lmaooo
a/n: hey, anon.......... this is a serious question but uhm did you get this ask from that one meme LOL
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neway emmm i would absolutely love to do this request! here you go lol and i interpreted 'good with' in two different ways so hopefully you like it lmaooo
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warning: female parts and pronouns since the ask specified, mentions of blood
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liam arieh ★ profile
liam definitely gives off the impression that he's patient and kind but, actually, he's like a predator in waiting LOL
he literally gets angry/irritated moderately fast. not the fastest in the list but it's up there and he gets angrier/more irritated the more he wants it
and oh baby, does he want you so desperately every single time
you're the fruit to his tantalus frfr LMAO (always gotta sneak those mythology references when i can)
for a bratty darling, he wouldn't be particularly terrible. his prerogative, though, would be to turn the tables on you and make you beg for him
sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he doesn't. it's very 50/50 chance
though, when you pull your cute lil 'im just ur lil baby! would u be mean to ur lil baby?' schtick, he'll break very easily and get really annoyed and he wouldn't be able to hold back
"I'm just a little baby!" You grinned in that way that made Liam's hackles absolutely rise "You wouldn't be mean to your lil baby, would you?"
Honestly, normally, you would've been right. Normally, he really would prefer pampering you than punishing you.
But you'd deserved it; prancing around in those tantalising clothes, bending over where he could see, licking your lips in that specific way that made them glisten.
You probably thought you really would get away with it this time but, unfortunately for you, Liam had enough.
Without hesitation, his hand darted forward, his fingers wrapping around your neck, definitely not hard enough to hurt you but hard enough to make you a little lightheaded in a minute.
Then, just as suddenly, his lips crashed into yours.
The kiss wasn't as soft as it usually was with Liam. Sometimes, with Liam, he treated you like you were something precious, touched you like you would break apart in his hands if he wasn't too careful.
He was always calculated with you.
This kiss? This kiss was teeth and saliva. He nipped at your lips till he tasted the copper of your blood. He pressed his lips to yours so hard, it felt like it would bruise.
When he pulled away, a string of drool came with him.
You could see in the dark of his eyes that you had made a mistake provoking him.
With little flourish, he started dragging you by the neck to the back of the tattoo shop "I think it's time for me to remind you how to behave."
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
definitely not the fastest to get annoyed by your little bratty acts but definitely the fastest to act on it
to fujio, he's always in control. he's always the top dog. and what do you get when you provoke a dog? you get the teeth
he also isn't kind about it. he needs to always be more dominant than you so, when you act up, he needs to put you in your place almost immediately
holds some affection for you, of course, so he's kind about it. or, at least, as kind as fujio could be about something like that
You let out a choked sob as your fingers dug even deeper into Fujio's biceps. You were sure that, at this point, you'd probably broken skin. Part of you felt victorious at that, felt like you were giving him as good as you got.
Fujio, on the other hand, could hardly feel your nails.
He was too distracted as he watched his thick cock sink in, inch by agonizing inch, into your sopping wet cunt. No matter how hard he drilled into you day after day, you still stayed just as tight as the first time.
One of his hands pushed your thigh closer to your torso, practically folding you in half, while the other hand darted up to your face, his fingers digging into your cheeks as he made sure you looked straight at him.
"What was that about being a little baby, hmmm?" He taunted, teeth bared in a rather maniacal grin as he fucked his cock in and out of you, making sure to make every thrust as bruising as the last.
All you could do was hiccup and whine, your mind blank as tears pooled in the corners of your eyes.
Fujio laughed this time, cruel and cold, before his fingers tightened around your face “Open your fucking mouth.”
You weakly obliged but, really, the way he held your face already had your lips parting anyway. Without hesitation, Fujio spat in your mouth, his saliva warm and wet against your tongue.
“Swallow.” He ordered and, like an obedient little slut, you did “Good girl. Maybe now you’ll remember your place, huh?”
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
quickest to get annoyed LOL but he never gets truly angry
his favourite thing is pampering you and taking care of you so it'll always annoy him when you want to rebel against him
he lets you though. he'll always let you because you're his precious sweet darling
the 'best' at dealing with it in a sense because, though it's obvious he's very annoyed, he approaches you with sweetness and patience
takes a lot for him to snap like liam and fujio LOL
"Why are you acting this way?" Ryouta sighed, turning his gaming chair to look directly at you.
Your previous fire and brattiness disappeared almost immediately. You're left standing in between his legs, shy expression on your face as you held your arms against your back.
You felt a little like a chastised kid.
"N-Nothing! I-I'm just-- I'm just being a lil baby, is all!" You manage to stutter out, nervous under Ryouta's rather dark gaze.
He sighed again, ragged and huffed, before taking your face into his hand, his fingers not exactly digging but definitely pressing into your cheeks "Do you want my attention, my little baby? Is that it?"
That definitely got your cheeks to turn even hotter. Still, somehow, looking at Ryouta like this, all that rebellious energy before vanished into something softer and weaker.
Slowly, haltingly, you nodded, pout playing across your lips.
Ryouta let go of you before leaning back in his chair. Without hesitation, he pulled his joggers down and let his cock out. Despite his obvious irritation, it was already hard and leaking precum.
“Come sit.” He pat his thigh with his freehand. The expression on his face didn’t leave any room for questioning or complaints.
So, you did as you were told. You lifted that short skirt you put on just to tease him and, because you had nothing underneath, it was easy enough for you to get on top of him and position yourself over his dick.
You sank down on it, feeling every single inch as it was fed into your aching pussy.
“Good kitty.” Ryouta wrapped his arms around your waist as soon as you had sunk straight to the base of his cock. “Maybe you’ll learn to behave if I keep you right here, hmmm?"
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yeong-bae kigal ★ profile
funny little guy doesn't know what to do when faced with your brattiness loool
like ryouta, he very much prefers to pamper you and just give you what you want so he doesn't understand where the brattiness comes from
like you don't have to act out to get his attention, baby
absolutely almost impossible to annoy LOL like bratting around just gets him horny. thatse it
"Baby..." Yeong-bae sighed and, for the first time, it sounded ragged and harsh. You perked up a little at that, looking at him curiously. Had you finally broken through his soft exterior, had you finally revealed the harsh Dom in him?
Instead of what you expected, he cupped both of your cheeks in his hands, his palms warm against your skin, and he kissed you. Like always, the kiss was soft, gentle, but it was the kind of tender that made your brain float.
When he pulled away, it took you a second to get back to reality.
"Why are you being like this?" Yeong-bae asked you as he pressed his forehead against yours "Did I do something?"
Faced with their earnest questions, you were left feeling rather embarrassed by how childish you were only minutes ago. You had stubbornly wanted their attention, you supposed.
Yeong-bae, ever as attentive to your every need, immediately understood. He pressed another soft kiss against your lips before pushing you down on the bed behind you.
Without hesitation, they started gently taking off your bottoms, tossing them aside. You didn’t understand what was happening at first but, when they placed your thighs on his shoulders, you immediately got it.
You grew shy under their rather rapt attention, your face hot and your ears even hotter. Your hands flew up to cup your own cheeks, your eyes wide as you stared down at your lover.
“I’m sorry if I haven’t been paying attention to you, baby.” He pressed a kiss against your clit before licking a broad stripe up your cunt “But don’t worry, we have all afternoon. I’ll give you all the attention you could ever need.”
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discluded · 2 years
I’m 😭 know I get the snake joke when they asked Apo about kissing Mile lmao (this whole thread) idk what todo with this info
Nonnnyyy!! Thank you for giving me the chance to talk about something I've wanted to talk about for a while, which is how good MA's acted kisses are. And it's good acting too! But first,
I spent a bit of time trying to figure out who the person being translated was (apo_mytype), and it looks like they're just a fan. But their comments resonated so much with people the twitter translator (jsaturfiles) got asked to translate/share. I'll post it here so people don't have to go to the tweet:
ive seen #MileApo in kissing scene workshops since the filmania era, their kisses are so real. apo said before that p mile wasn’t yet good at controlling himself. so every time they kissed he wouldn’t stop until apo nearly fell on his back. but apo couldn’t even fall because p mile was gripping his arm.
back then p mile’s body was very thick (he’s still thicker than apo today) one of his arms could wrap around apo’s entire body like a snake wrapping around it’s prey. from kissing in filmania to kissing in boc. by the time kpts ended #MileApo probably kissed 100s of times. let me ask for real, have you guys ever felt anything for each other at all? even some little thing?
some couples have been together for their whole lives and don’t kiss as often as #MileApo (reffering to them in the series)
Now let us take a very necessary break to watch some Filmania era kissing
(mobile is a PITA so here's video 1 and video 2 if they don't show up)
The Art of a Good Kissing Scene
For anyone (no one) wondering "Kyuu, how the fuck do you know so many things about everything" the answer is 1) I don't know shit, 2) I have ADHD, and 3) I spend a lot of time just learning things about I find interesting. Like watching a lot of videos like the above.
The coach basically breaks down a list of things she's looking for in good/bad scenes, including 1. prelude (setup), 2. breath (pause before the kiss -- it's a moment of dramatic tension to set up the audience), 3. rhythm of the kiss, 4. dialogue/chemistry/moment/surrender (checking in with each other).
And she specifically compliments Jonathan Rhys Meyers' ability to create a private moment (13:39) of intimacy in a crowded place to establish the context for the kiss. So there is actual acting technique in how technically good on-screen kisses are, and also specifically how good Mile and Apo make KP's kisses.
I adore all of KP's kisses, but I specifically want to talk about how good their first kiss in episode 3 is.
The thing is, it's obviously not the first time MileApo have kissed, and certainly not even the first time they've kissed as Kinn and Porsche, but they have to sell to the audience the authenticity of it being their first kiss in the context of the events of the show -- the hesitancy, the heart in your throat jolt of tension, the tenderness and chasteness and longing and release of the first kiss.
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(cr smittenskitten for the gifs! here's another edit of this extended...tumblr glitched on let me add more pictures?)
And you know it's good acting because they can recreate this exact same tension, breath, longing, and relief of tension live in one take
(video link for those suffering mobile like me)
It's so good in that the setup is both anticipatory and surprising at the same. Watch both happen...This youtuber's mom was even able to count down to their kiss.
Perth (Ken) has talked on his channel about how shows are filmed non-sequentially and it's up to the actors to know their characters well enough to know what's going on with them in that scene. Since the first kiss on the pier was physically in the same place as where they ended their first date in episode 8, they likely shot those on the same day or very close together. So MA had to know their characters' hearts very well. And their trust in each other, in taking each other's small cues, is what builds in the authenticity of watching Kinn and Porsche falling in love.
So yes, all the practice helped, but their kisses really do feel special. Mile and Apo constantly sell to us how special it is.
And that's what we call acting, baby. 😩💦
Let's just say it's probably good Mile had a whole year to get all of that hunger out of his system first because KPTS Episode 3 Kinn was way more respectful than Mile was haha.
(if you keep asking sending me anons, I will eventually run out of interesting things to talk about!!! 😅)
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
any pronunciation tips when pronouncing greek names? any common errors i should avoid? trying to impress a very important greek teacher in an interview and hoping to convince them that im competent enough to start studying the language! any other general tips would be super appreciated hahah x
You didn’t tell me what kind of studies it is (classical studies, modern studies, just linguistics, generally Greek culture and history studies) to be more precise but I believe I can give some tips anyway!
Use modern Greek pronunciation for any instance of speaking Greek to them, including addressing them. Even if you go for classical studies, outside the classroom you should use modern pronunciation to earn their attention.
If you are going to speak any basic Greek with them, you should definitely apply plural of politeness. Greet them with a “Ya sas” or a “Hérete” or a “Kaliméra sas” if it’s morning or “Kalispéra sas” if it’s afternoon. Always with plural of politeness. In the language that you are going to do most of the talk, use please and thank you and all forms of polite talk when it’s necessary within the context. These things are valued in Greek academic communication.
Address them with the word κύριος / κυρία + their surname. Kírie + Surname, if it’s a man, Kiría + Surname, if it’s a woman. You don’t have to address them after every answer or anything, just in the beginning and whenever it feels like it makes sense to do it. And plural of politeness. Please note that they may not apply plural of politeness to you, they may not call you mr or mrs and they might call you with your first name. All this is totally normal in Greek dialogue etiquette, you are the student, the younger person, and they can address you informally. THIS DOES NOT MEAN you can drop the plural of politeness. No matter how they talk to you (I mean unless they would insult you or something LOL) you have to use the plural. You can drop it ONLY if they explicitly tell you to do so which I doubt they will but anyway. And even if you drop the plural, you will still address them Kírie / Kiría + Surname unless they also tell you to call them by their first name which I also doubt and then you will STILL have to address them as Kírie / Kiría + First Name. Don’t drop the Kírie / Kiría under any circumstances. Unless they also tell you specifically to do that but the chances are very very slim.
Go in there with a pleasant but serious demeanour, you know, like in a typical interview. Depending on how they are, you can follow along their demeanour but always be one step more reserved. So if they are serious, you stay serious. If they are relaxed and humorous, you can loosen up as well but do remain a little more serious than them.
If they take note of you speaking Greek (regardless of how well or bad you do), you can smile reservedly and be like “Yes I am trying, I am really hoping / looking forward to learn more / improve”. But don’t make light of it, like “hehehe I am speaking Greek… opaaaa!” . Show you are interested in it seriously, academically.
I am pretty sure the professor will value much more your genuine interest to study the Greek language or culture, rather than any technical mistakes you might make. Show a contained mix of fascination and focus to them and you will win them over, I am sure! But don’t go in there like “idk the alphabet looked cool” XD
You can of course add how it might be very aesthetically appealing to you or having some practical significance for you to learn the language. But keep this supplemental and focus on scientific fascination and Greek’s academic / cultural impact.
I think I got the ultimate trick to impress them. Whatever they ask you about why you want to take these studies, push modern Greek culture in your answer or, even better, talk about how it fascinates you to explore the continuation or evolution of Greek culture / language / history through ancient, medieval and modern times. Talk about the special case of Greek being so well attested, giving us a window to explore cultural evolution in big spans of time with more precision. If these are modern Greek studies, definitely do not talk about how you love Greek mythology or ancient philosophy. I mean, it’s not bad to say that, it just won’t make the difference you hope for to the professor. Show that you value all eras of Greek history / linguistics and if it’s modern studies, then do emphasise on the modern era and maybe talk about exploring the impact of Byzantine / medieval in modern history and literature and culture. Maybe talk about how perhaps you were exposed to Modern Greek history and culture and realised how overlooked / under appreciated it is and how, I don’t know, it could prove to be impactful in certain ways. I mean, use the one of these that applies best to you and work around your answer, I am just giving you some ideas! But the point is, don’t focus on classical Greece or Greek mythology. Express an interest for the civilisation / linguistics throughout time, talk about exploring continuation, evolution and impact and I believe you got them :)
To summarise, be serious, focused and pleasant. Show respect and interest in all Greek linguistics / culture / history without discrimination. Talk about continuation. If they ask you if you have some niche interest about it, definitely choose something less known, more overlooked like something from medieval or modern times. Don’t stress over potential mistakes you might make. Use polite language.
And success is imminent 😁
Καλή επιτυχία!
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tears-of-taelia · 2 months
Hi Sophie!
So I don't know much more specific things to ask, but what are some of the most prominent headcanons you have about Rejuv characters?
Hi—thank you so much for the ask! It’s nice to meet you. Sorry it took a while for me to answer it.  I have come to the devastating realization that I am, in fact, boring, and do not have many headcanons of my own. So, I decided to include the few I could think of in addition to a few random theories with little to no context or explanation. May go into detail in some of these in the future if anyone’s interested~! I would love to hear your headcanons and theories too! :)
Spoilers under the cut!
All of the member of A-Team (Aevis, Aevia, etc.) have prominent Sanpaku eyes
Erin’s voice has a lower register than Melia’s (based on that one comment she made about Melia’s voice being annoying lol)
Ren and Aelita have feelings for each other but won’t act on them until Team Xen is no longer a threat. I mean this is p much confirmed on Ren’s end (thanks Nastasia!)
Amber has a crush on PLAYER!
Kenneth eventually developed a bit of a drinking problem (relatable). Alexa, play Talia by King Princess
Tho they aren’t technically related, Jenner passed his love for death metal onto Melia
PLAYER inherits skills from A-Team. Like piano playing! (confirmed in an old version, rip)
Mini Theories:
(Some are move obvious than others. Some may conflict. This is just for fun pls don’t come for me)
Geara’s Giratina is Griselda (say that five times fast lol). And this is the same Giratina we explored Darchlight Caves with. Also she’s Spacea and Tiempa’s sister, but is somehow trapped in her Giratina form. What the hell (pun intended) was in that chalice???
Crescent’s father is Vitus. Not sure how this would work since he technically can’t reproduce (according to what Vitus said in the past). But it would explain why Crescent’s fate is wrapped up in Melia and Erin’s
PLAYER is Missing.EXE from the Paragon encrypted files. Which means they’re supposed to be the embodiment of Zygarde. OR Madame X is Missing.EXE
Vitus’s soul has (somehow) latched on to Maria’s (using the crystal thingy she was trapped in maybe?) and he uses the power of the Archetype to move between different bodies. Password: unbound soul and all of that. All to achieve immortality
Nim is Nymiera! (not a huge leap at this point lol). But a version corrupted by Storm-9 / Rift Matter. She is constantly being drained by something… but what exactly?
I think there’s a chance that Maria actually was an only child, but used the Archetype to wish for siblings. This then altered the memory of Vitus or something. Idk there’s a good chance this is not the case. But like, seriously, how many “Archetypes" are there? How would you “split” an Archetype? Crack it like a wish bone??? Is it split evenly??? Would love some clarity on this
The “past” Aevium isn’t actually the past—it’s someone’s MEMORY (or perhaps, the Core’s memory?) of the past. And therefore, sort of an illusion. That’s how the time crystals worked in Alamissa, at least. Erin also hinted at one point (I think this is still in the latest version? But correct me if I’m wrong) that the “past” Aevium may not necessarily be what it seems. Or, the past is a different dimension or world
In order for the Paragon world to survive, the Renegade world must be destroyed. This is renegade!PLAYER’s motive. (“With life, there is also death. With death, there is also life.” “I gain nothing. They gain everything.” “The light within the belly of Ouroboros shall never cease, lest the flames be doused by the will of the suffering.”)
In the “corrupted future” Blacksteeple Castle event where Melia dies and her power is awakened, she successfully transforms a “wilting” world into a “blooming” world using the power of the Archetype. On that vein, Madame X’s goal is to turn the current world into a wilting world to save the world she comes from. That’s why Madame X bemoaned that “this is was an outcome… I prayed to never see”
The SS Oceana is a vessel between worlds and part of the Interceptor program’s (and therefore Variya’s) design. I mean it FUSED ITSELF WITH THE SEABED ma’am that is not normal. Also the pillars and stuff. I’ve written a longer post on this that’s coming soon~!
Melia is the manifestation of a wish made by Maria—a wish so strong she somehow transported half of her Archetype’s energy to her. Or there’s maybe a scenario where Maria knew Melanie and wished Melanie was… different? Or something? Lol. Possible also an Interceptor. Like PLAYER, she remembers people after they were deleted. Core motif and whatnot.
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Hii, i would be very happy to hear your opinion about this
in medici ep5 of s2 it was implied that giuliano was mad that lorenzo didn't ask him to be his son's godfather, it's natural that giuliano is hurt since he's the baby's uncle while Francesco is a random outsider but then idk if he would be a good godfather since we saw he was quite carefree. He was literally late for piero's christening and we also didn't see him bother to come to see the baby while we saw both bianca and Francesco on screen with the baby after the christening. So i doubt if he was choosen to be the godfather would he be a responsible one? Given how carefree he was i doubt if situation was reversed, he would have raised piero as responsibly and affectionately as lorenzo has raised guilio. But then he actually in a way sacrificed his life for lorenzo so maybe he would be worthy if given a chance but i am not sure. What do you think?
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Sorry this took me so long to answer lol, I had a lot of thoughts about this and had to make sure not to go off on a tangent lol
Okay, so yes, in ep 5 of season 2, its implied that Giuliano is hurt, and feeling left out, although I don't think it is specifically about Francesco being Piero's godfather and not him. I think that is probably a part of it, but I think it is more, that Lorenzo brought Francesco into the Medici family and wanted to work closely with him and the Pazzi bank to ensure everyone got along, and I imagine that kinda of made Giuliano feel left out, Lorenzo can also be an idjit and probably treated Francesco more like a brother than a working partner, and didn't work very hard to keep Giuliano in the fold, but I don't think that small fall out between Giuliano and Lorenzo was completely Lorenzo's fault. Giuliano probably felt left out and went off to sulk and pulled away instead of trying to fix things.
Nah, I don't think Giuliano would have been a responsible Godfather, he was the younger son, and liked to enjoy himself and indulge, but he was never ready to be in charge of a child. Francesco on the other hand, wanted kids, and I think if things had gone differently Francesco would have been very involved in Piero's life. He would have taken the role of godfather seriously, whereas Giuliano might have just seen it as a title since he is Piero's uncle.
I also think Lorenzo wanted the making of Francesco, Piero's Godfather to be something to make Francesco feel more like family, and I don't think he did it to snub Giuliano. At this point in the series, Guliano had pulled away and wasn't really present.
I think if something had happened to Lorenzo and Clarice and Giuliano was left with Piero, Giuliano would rise to the occasion. Neither of the Medici sons is one to shrink from duties or responsibility. So Giuliano would have had some growing up to do and learning, but he would have raised Piero as his own like Lorenzo did for Giulo.
I also think, maybe on some level Lorenzo knew that Giuliano was younger, he wanted his freedom, he is the younger brother. Francesco is the older brother, he practically already was a father to Gugielmo, so yeah Francesco might have been a more obvious choice in that area.
But I don't think Lorenzo's choice to make Francesco godfather was supposed to snub Giuliano. It was to bring the families closer together, especially since Jacopo was a wild card, and I think Lorenzo genuinely wanted Francesco to be a part of their family. Francesco never had a core family growing up and I think Lorenzo knew that. And like I said, at this point Giuliano had pulled away so maybe there was some distance between the brothers and they were both going about that the wrong way. The Medici brothers are pretty but at times they can be pretty dumb lol
Hope that answered your question! Thanks for the ask! 🙂 🩶
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murdockmeta · 6 months
Dude I have such a silly question. I'm working on winter suits for my friend's spider-man au and like...
Do you think Matt's suit has temperature control? I'd imagine cold/heat hits a bit harder for him
this ask sent twice idk if you accidentally did that or if tumblr goofed (probably the latter 😭) but anyway.
okay listen. I've never really thought about this cause in my head Matt's autistic and his poor interoception cancels out any major effects hot or cold weather might have on him. (not that poor interoception would actually make him invulnerable to temperature changes, that's not how being human works, but rather it would mess w his ability to REALIZE that he's being effected by the temperature changes) which makes sense to me cause he wears his suit under his clothes most of the time even when it's super hot so I'd imagine he just like. doesn't really notice it.
as far as canon goes I don't remember ever coming across anything that implies hot/cold weather is harder for him to endure. i believe he's commented on different types of weather like rain/wind and such but even then he usually talks about how it messes w his radar sense/orientation rather than whether he feels it more intensely. I imagine he WOULD (and he probably has said that but i just cant remember it) but the question is if it's enough that he feels the need to have accommodations installed into his suit or not. I'd lean towards no tbh but it's easily up for interpretation.
the reason I say no is because doing anything to counteract what hes actively feeling would fuck with his perception of his surroundings, yknow? he relies a lot on his ability to feel temperature changes in real time to gauge different elements of his surroundings.
in concern to cold weather specifically; maybe make a suit that has some kind of wind resistance? cause harsh wind stings his skin and he also hates the feeling of going numb/loss of sensation so hed do something to avoid it getting that bad. he already wears gloves and boots and more than one layer, so I don't think you'd need to add anything on. cause he's moving around so much he doesn't really need the extra layer for warmth, he'd need to be more concerned about sweat giving him a chill actually. idk how detailed ur getting w these designs but making sure the fabric is the right materials to help keep sweat off his body would be important.
this is all heavy semantics so I'll also propose a much simpler, in-canon meta joke for this solution. a large blue jacket. just. a large blue coat of any kind. this is in reference to a running joke spanning over several runs to include Matt in a blue coat whenever given the chance. it started in volume 1 and you can see examples in miller, chichester, and waids runs just to name a few off the top of my head.
anyway. I love answering silly questions, please send me more any time you like. hope this helped lol
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songforaname · 7 months
not so much a secret, more just something i've been wondering and never got the opportunity to ask:
what's your connection with lizards?
i've remarked that it's something we have in common and in my case it's having one as a pet, but i've just never brought it up out of, idk, fear that since he's of a species often just grabbed from the wild (which he wasn't, he's one of the first of his kind to be born in captivity in the nordics) that you'd think less of me?
Short answer:
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Longer answer:
i've never put too much thought into it, but the earliest i can trace anything back to is reading a children's science book about lizards whenever i went to visit my great-grandma over in canada as a kid.
i specifically remember about it having separate sections for lizards and salamders and how to care for them a return them to the wild after you've caught one.
naturally, living in a place which would be covered in snow for like a third of the year meant i'd never have the chance to do that, and a house full of cats and the occasional dog meant there wasn't any place for a lizard to be put in a tank either. (the fish i had would occasionally disappear from the tank they were in too. except for the goldfish i won at a carnival game, which is a whole different story)
but then at some point after my sister was born, my mom ended up getting us into making crafts out of beads and string. One of the projects in the book we had was a lizard. Guess what i made a lot?
then in like fourth or fifth grade, at the little christmas gift market my school would throw every year so kids could buy presents and get them wrapped, i had bought presents for almost everyone i knew except for my sister and by pure chance the doll bed i had bought for my sister also came with an Iggy the Iguana beanie baby for like $5 extra instead of the other tables there selling the beanie babies for like $15-$20 on their own.
That exact beanie baby has been in my posession since then and is the one i take pictures of whenever i go places and i've taken him cross-country several times. if we assume i got him the same year as his listed birthday is - August 12, 1997 - that would make him 26, and almost a year older than my brother.
At some point, other people in my family would grab me stuffed lizards for christmas or birthday presents because the Iggy pictures on facebook were the main way they would know what i was up to.
however, while typing this out, i remembered that as a really young kid, i had a Barney the Dinosaur doll i would have by my side at all times for years, even forcing my mom to end up getting more eyedrops than necessary when i needed them because i wouldn't take them unless barney had to take them too. And she couldn't fake it because i would watch her put them in. i don't know whatever happened to him.
i also was obsessed with the american godzilla movie at one point, and all kinds of dinosaurs as a kid, but none of those lasted as long or as fiercely as Barney or Iggy. so as far as i can tell, you can tempt me into anything with a brightly colored, fuzzy reptile of some sort.
or, for a probably more accurate answer, plucked from a tumblr post:
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(i also don't actually know much about lizards.)
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