#if i articulate it right??
ok ok so if you like relating characters to classical myths…… what parallels do you think jet star makes?
ooooh okay, so, this was actually pretty hard to answer! theres a lot of characters where the parallels just jump out at me immediately and make so much sense in my brain and jts all just like. perfect (like party and icarus for example) but like, with jet ive never really given him much thought in relation to myths like this. i think bc hes already so intrinsically linked with the stars and the sky in my brain, i sort of see that connection as sort of the ultimate like. motif within his character. i never really related him to any other stories or anything like that bc hes always just been the sky and the stars to me
HOWEVER upon thinking about him with the specific context of classical muths in the mond, i have developed some Thoughts about... orpheus and eurydice. i know, i know, not really what i expected either but just hear me out okay
the story of orpheus and eurydice has always been one of my favorites; im a sucker for a good tragic love story yk? and ive always thought of jet star's character as, first and foremost, someone just filled with the most pure and genuine love for the world and everything around him. he falls in love with the stars and the sky as a kid because of stories his mother tells him, or because its the one constant in his ever changing life, or just bc he sees it as natures way of painting, of making art. he loves his crew in a similar way, where he sees them all as these sort of beautiful works, like these fucking blessings in his life that he never thought hed really get to have
he loves party and ghoul and kobra and the girl, and he loves his home, the desert, and the color and life that it brings. and so hes willinv to fight for them a till the ends of the earth, to hell and back
orpheus fails in his quest to get eurydice back, but i think the reason for exactly why is up to interpretation. maybe he doesn't trust that the deal he made was real, that she was ever behind him to begin with. maybe he turns around out of fear thats shes lost, or thats shes given up, or because shes begging him to look at her and he cant explain why he cant. wether or not jet star ultimately fails in his goals of saving his home and his family are also up gor debate, but i feel like no matter what he would consider himself to be a failure because he couldn't save everyone. i think he goes into bli's headquarters to pull his little girl out from hell, and hes so so sure that even if he doesnt make it, everyone else or at least someone else will along with the girl. he is going to save them all because thats what he does, he saves the ones he loves, he protects them and he goes down fighting.
and maybe as hes running towards desert with the girl and he chances a look back, thats when it fully hits them that no ones behind him like he thought theyd be. he failed and hes alone and suddenly hes eurydice falling behind the girl who trusts him to follow, and maybe hes icarus in a way, too, different from how party is because he chooses to fall instead
idk these were just my initial thoughts. just a whole lotta word vomit bc its like 1 a.m. and this is the first time ive ever really thought abt this in depth lol i might wake up tomorrow and completely disagree with all of this and write a response abt my ACTUAL answer to ur question (either way i will probably talk more abt jet and myths later bc i can im gonna be thinking abt this A LOT and im gonna have more to say later)
but yeah enjoy my thought process bc i was basically writing this down as shit came to me lmao
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
an ex-zionist jewish man recently went a bit viral on tiktok for sharing exactly how he sees zionism tie israel to the jewish identity and his personal experience with breaking away from it - I think it’s a really great watch.
He also made a follow up talking specifically about how he learned to humanise Palestinians, and a really integral part of it was his school, which would often bring in Palestinian speakers who’d share their perspective (here’s a link to it).
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 2 months
Begging swifties to understand that Taylor didn’t write reputation and Lover with the knowledge of how the relationship was going to end and that trying to “excavate” those albums for evidence to prove a specific theory as to why it ended is not how they should be viewed. Taylor wrote those songs feeling a very specific way because that’s what she was experiencing and she is now reflecting on them with hindsight and relates to them differently than when she first created them. These conflicting emotions can exist; how she views it now doesn’t diminish how she felt about it when she first released it.
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nibbelraz · 6 months
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A writer and His number one fan hater
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eemolu · 1 year
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i can’t believe tamsyn muir fucking said this. i can’t believe how right she is. i want to take her out for tacos and have an emotional affair with her that ruins me for all other dinner partners.
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justanotherfanfolks · 4 months
So Cater's new groovy...
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Oh, I see you TWST.
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Ok, something something feeling of drowning, trapped, trying to call for help, no one listening, something something.
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
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detransition is something that should Absolutely be talked about but the idea of going into this tag terrifies me beyond belief
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blankinsidecards · 1 year
thinking about Aiglamene. Like, so
a child crash lands in town. mystery where she came from. the mother is dead. this tiny redheaded thing has no one in the world. the town takes her in because what else are you supposed to do with a orphan dropped on your doorstep, but they don’t love her. the reverend family needs an heir, so they kill every single child on the planet- wait, scratch that, all but one. this one kid is alive, she’s alive, against all odds. so naturally, everyone’s scared of her. everyone hates her. out of all the children to survive why was it the one no one cared about. but they move on, everyone does, and the kid grows. and she starts asking questions. you start answering them. you start telling her stories, and it’s nice to be listened to, even if the kid is just a twerp. you start teaching her, she’s a natural with a sword, but you don’t tell her because it’ll go to her head. you’ve never had a maternal bone in your body, you aren’t mothering her… but she’s got nobody. and neither do you. you train her, you teach her, you tell her she can get out, get free from this place, if she works hard enough, fights good enough. she works hard. she fights well, better than you ever did at her age. she tries to get out. she gets caught. she tries again. and again. and again. and eventually, there’s a chance, a real chance. you’re the only person in the world who could get through this kid’s thick skull, and you tell her: this is your chance, this is it, you’re getting out, you’re leaving me, you’re never coming back, you’ve going to live, you have to get out now. and she goes. she goes, and she doesn’t come back. she doesn’t come back, and then she does… and she’s dead. she’s dead, and she’s back, the two things you prayed wouldn’t happen. she’s back and she’s dead and this is your child, you raised her, and you sent her off, promising a bright future, and it killed her.
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spookyfbi · 7 months
Just dying over the realisation that Ed asks to take it slow in 2x05 because he’s still not 100% sure he’s not a whim to Stede. He wants Stede so, so badly, too badly to completely push him away, but he doesn’t want to go too fast in case Stede has his fill and moves on. And he’s still not sure he’s not a whim in 2x07 when he sees Stede enjoying his newfound fame and he wonders if now Stede will move onto his new whim and leave Ed behind.
And it’s not until Ed reads the letter in 2x08 that he finally realised he wasn’t a whim, that Stede is as all in as Ed is.
Because as much as ‘I love everything about you, I love being near you’ was enough to convince Ed that he was loveable even as Blackbeard, it still wasn’t ‘we wrote our names on each other in permanent ink’. It wasn’t enough to convince Ed that Stede’s love for him would last. He knew Stede loved him in that moment, but he didn’t know it was a ‘forever’ love.
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justaz · 4 months
thinking about klance.
keith who is always left behind and abandoned, either voluntarily or not. keith who has trouble trusting people and talking to people and getting along with people and-…keith having trouble with people in general. keith who is used to fending for himself and not relying on anyone bc the two (2) times he’s done that, his parents and shiro (died, left, disappeared), didn’t end well. keith who despite finding shiro again couldn’t help the gap forming between them as his brain and heart insist that something will happen again and shiro being here isn’t permanent. keith being proven right in season 2/3 and being left alone again.
lance who is SO trusting that he comes across as a bit naive. lance who worked hard to get where he is, who studied and practiced day and night to be at the top of the class. lance who always fell short and just missed the cut and ended up a cargo pilot. lance who only excelled once keith was gone but was stuck living in his shadow. despite the fact that iverson was mean to keith, keith was his favorite student and iverson always held a grudge for lance taking his place and was downright cruel to him at times. lance who started a rivalry w keith in his head bc he was determined to prove that he could be better than keith. lance who was moved from blue to red paladin, following after keith yet again. lance who worked hard to prove that he was worthy of being red paladin but always failing bc he was never keith, he was never good enough.
klance who found what they lacked in each other. lance who was there for keith when it seemed like the universe was crumbling down around him. lance who stood by keith’s side and told him what he needed to hear, supporting him being leader and helping lead the team together. keith seeing lance as an equal and relying on him the way lance relied on him. keith who was loved and supported by someone who never left, lance who was seen for who he was and who never doubted him or his place on the team. klance who turned on each other.
keith who turned into what he hated and leaving lance behind. lance who saw keith as weak and selfish for leaving him the team behind. keith who came back to a lance who was so angry and upset, but who never left his side bc lance was just Like That. lance who was so hurt and upset, who said cruel things in the vacuum of space, but keith never saw him as less for it, who never got angry enough to hurt lance back.
at the end of everything, lance searching for keith to sit at his side as they watched the sunset bc lance will always be at keith’s side. keith who told lance how relieved he was and hopeful bc he knows what lance is capable of and how much he needs him. klance being what the other needs, holding each other’s heart in their hands but never taking the opportunities to crush each other. lance who never left keith behind, keith who never saw lance as less despite the vitriol he spat at times.
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implied-divinity · 13 days
im feeling sappy tonight. shoutout to the baby tboys begging to be forcemasced. one day you will become the man you want to be. within the kink its wonderful when another man grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you headfirst in. its wonderful to share in the joy he felt when he started. in reality know youre afraid. it takes guts to let yourself be who you want. dont take your feelings lightly and let yourself explore. you are not alone but its also up to you. take care. much love.
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unbidden-yidden · 7 months
Okay so in the same vein as this post, I want to reality check the people who keep asking (yes I've been this person too, don't @ me) why oh why are Jews the only group leftists are willing to categorically deny self-determination to, and the reason is that most of them are tits deep in Christian supercessionism and don't even know it and have absolutely no desire to change that.
The reason they deny self-determination to Jews is the same reason that they would deny any claim to self-determination of, say, Mormons. If the Mormon church tried to claim Utah because it's the epicenter and birthplace of Mormonism [Edit: apparently the birthplace of Mormonism is western New York and not Utah whoops, but the point stands] and therefore they may as well have an indigenous claim to it, people with brains would rightfully lose their shit.
"But it's a culture too, not just a religion!"
So? Have you met any Mormons and spent time with them? They have their own culture.
"Okay but Jews are an ancient people!"
Please look at the batshit Mormon theological view of the Twelve Tribes and their attitudes towards Native Americans.
"Okay but our history is real!" Yep! These people don't know the first thing about Judaism and Jewish history and don't care.
The reality is that most westerners are hellbent on ignoring Jewish history and ethnoreligious identity because literally all of western civilization is built on Christian supercessionism. Even the people who leave Christianity and hate it (and "all religions") with a violent passion still refuse to engage in learning about Jewish cultural and ethnic history because you cannot do it without engaging the history and texts that they blame as the roots of Christianity and therefore they discredit all of it out of hand.
Obviously they're super fucking wrong about this. You, my fellow yid, and I, both know that. But unraveling the supercessionism means understanding their culpability in Jewish suffering and how they benefit from institutionalized antisemitism.
They are extremely unlikely to do that.
Why? Because if they unlearn Judaism as "just a religion" &/or "Christianity without Jesus" and begin to understand it as an indigenous Levantine group, they then have to reckon with the reality of how much Christianity has stolen from Jews and how much of their hatred for Jews is baked into their western goyische psyche by intentional Christian misunderstandings of Judaism.
Am Yisrael cannot to them be a real people with deep tribal roots and a strong culture, because then they would have to separate Judaism from Christianity and question their assumptions about us and our history.
"But Judaism accepts converts!"
Okay, as someone who "converted," I'm going to say no, not really, actually. Conversion is a convenient shorthand, but it's not accurate. Converting to Judaism means a mutually consensual adoption into the Tribe, after thorough vetting, at least a year of study and perseverance but probably more, and the main, primary promise that you make is about choosing to share the collective fate of the Jewish people. Yes, this adoption and naturalization is through the medium of the spiritual/religious aspect of Jewish identity, but it's way more than that. To be a Jew is to know that I might get stabbed on my walk to shul for being visibly Jewish, and to accept that possibility because the idea of not living as a Jew is worse. Gerim have to be ride or die because a serious chunk of Jewish history is on the "die" side of that equation. You have to be just a little bit nuts voluntarily take on that risk (reminder that I say this as a ger who is happily Jewish) and it must come from a place of profound love for and identification with the Jewish people. And once you join the family, that's it. You don't get to ever stop being a member of the family, even if you become estranged from it.
It's a people, with a deep history and culture, and anyone who joins it takes on both. Obviously your genetic makeup and ancestry don't change, but everything else does.
Understanding that major difference in Judaism in a serious way means that they would have to let go of their world view that their religion and culture are separate, that Christianity intentionally divorced faith from culture in order to acquire as many converts as possible, and then begin to understand how Christianity has shaped their understanding of culture, tradition, what religion is, ethics, and values. And they would have to then make an effort to separate their understanding of Judaism and what they think they know about us from Christianity, however they do or don't relate to it.
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likegoldintheair · 1 month
i still wonder what the turning point will be for buck and eddie, respectively, regarding confessing about the true depths of their feelings for each other. and i'm not talking about moments of realizations here, because we have eddie who most likely had his oh moment all the way back when he got shot and buck will undoubtedly have his own oh moment sooner rather than later now that he consciously knows that he likes men too. so unless buck's moment happens as a response to eddie telling him that he loves him or because they're in a situation where the stakes are so high that they think they might both die, i'm going to assume that there will be at least a period of time where they both are aware of their own feelings about the other but have little to no idea that it's reciprocated so they're left to pine and yearn and long from a distance and if that's the case, then what will the turning point be. when will one or both of them just throw caution to the wind and confess.
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shima-draws · 2 months
Normally Sanji is the most put together person between him and Luffy. He’s probably the most put together person on the entire crew besides Robin. Meanwhile Luffy is a walking disaster, chaos is naturally drawn to him and he’s ALWAYS getting into trouble. When it comes to their actual romantic relationship tho. It’s COMPLETELY flipped lmao
Luffy will walk out on deck with his hair slightly tousled and his vest a bit askew but that’s normal for him. He looks smug as hell but that’s also normal for him. Nobody bats an eye. Then Sanji comes tumbling out of the galley. Shirt untucked and buttoned up the wrong way, hair thoroughly ruffled, clothes rumpled, looking utterly fucking disheveled. His nose is bleeding, he’s stumbling like he’s drunk and his neck is covered in hickies. Everyone on deck proceeds to lose their goddamn MINDS
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walker-lister · 5 months
I look forward to more people discovering just how impactful what Jodie Whittaker did as the 13th doctor was.
To me, she ran her own marathon at a sprint, breaking down boundaries without so much as a word for those who had put them in place.
And she seemingly did it all with joy, and respect, and kindness (jfc if you ever get the chance to meet her she is so kind I cannot put it into words).
She is an incredible ambassador for the ability of representation to inspire, to recognise, to reconfigure (dare i say also to regenerate lol).
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clairenatural · 5 months
i also think that cas as a character fundamentally feels like he doesn't Belong and that's something they did accidentally but can be interpreted as an allegory for multiple different experiences that all resonate with people. Misha has talked about how he wasn't intending him to be Not Like Other Angels, all the angels were supposed to be like that, they just. didn't end up doing that. And because it wasn't intentional at first I think the angel/human cas debate/endgame/storylines resonate differently to different people who relate to it in different ways. Outside of the debate of what should/would most likely happen in canon I've seen a cas actively choosing to be a man be important to people for gender reasons. I've also seen a human!cas who chooses to be human be important as an allegory for leaving a toxic family and choosing your own found family. And I also see angel!cas be important to people as an allegory for neurodivergency and the idea that he should be accepted as an angel the way he is, that there's nothing "wrong" with him as he is. he's such a beautiful complex character and i think people connect with lots of different aspects of him and idk i think it's really cool. i love castiel
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