#idk why that is yet exactly... i have to iron that out but these are my ideas for now
vaugarde · 11 months
One thing about my worldbuilding that isn't really important, I just think it's cute: the Pokemon anime is a TV show within the main gameverse and it's meant to educate kids about certain Pokemon while telling it's own story that's very, very, verrry loosely based on Red's journey.
#saying bc castor caught a few episodes of it and hes a fan#i take a few things from it or at least inspirations from it but for the most part its its own thing#also i think red watches the show and really likes it. hes really flattered. blue thinks gary is funny as hell#the main thing i take is the implications behind meowth's character but he's not a legit example of a pokemon learning to talk#idk if that makes sense. also humans assume that each and every pokemon speak the same language#when... its not like they cannot communicate with each other. this is where aura and telepathy kind of come in#every pokemon is capable of some form of telepathy that varies among species#but untrained- they can talk with their own species and others within that family- like canine pokemon can talk to each other#but otherwise nope. they cant really talk with one another. at least not inherently#its something a pokemon can be trained to do like extend their telepathy so that feline and equine pokemon can hear them#and it takes a LOT to learn how to do that with a human#usually caught pokemon naturally learn to do this since theyre usually exposed to a ton of different pokemon#... mayyyybe theres a quality in pokeballs that helps with that? i dont know i havent figured that out yet#also its easier to learn how to hear other species talk than it is to actually speak it#so a lot of caught pokemon can understand what their trainer is saying and ofc can hear battle commands#but they wont be able to actually talk to them#in pmd however this is all completely out the window. all pokemon understand one another and they also understand humans#bc their auras evolved overtime so that telepathy with all pokemon is natural to them#idk why that is yet exactly... i have to iron that out but these are my ideas for now#maybe it was something the legendaries did... it could also just be a side effect of pokemon growing to have their own civilizations#it is VERY weird for castor when he enters bc he hadnt learned telepathy with every type yet but suddenly bam he knows everything#and its very surreal to him to suddenly have a steelix talking to him#echoed voice
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aachria · 26 days
The long awaited (maybe? Idk how many of you were waiting for this) SSSBMTY College AU!
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Majors in bold
Headcanons in regular text
Notes about the art indented in orange
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Luffy — Undeclared
Was forced into school by his gramps. (The university dean. The fucking dorm building all the Strawhats but Jimbei live in is named after him.)(it was this or join the navy.) Takes the most random classes he can. Some of them are advanced and require perquisites and no one knows how he keeps getting into them. Wears shorts and sandals in winter & will run any errand or do any odd job for food. He has a very nice bike he got for free from a garage sale that Franky fixed up. There's a campus wide bet on when and what he'll choose as his major. His bucket hat was a gift from Shanks, the universities World Economics prof. Has a million friendship bracelets on his ankles because Ed makes them when they're stressed. Never has a bag on him. Fights Canadian geese on the way to class, like a fucking maniac. Protected species who?
When I tell you that this drawing of Luffy is the first time I've ever drawn actual feet with toes that don't look fucking ridiculous I need to cheer for me. Why is he a different flavour of boy every time I draw him please. His ass isn't rubber in this universe, of course he's scuffed to shit. Chopper ran out of Spiderman bandaids, sorry bud. Advocate for the Single Piercing Luffy™ agenda, he went and got it done with Ed when they got their helix.
Ed — English major Psychology minor
Took History of Piracy for easy grades & a story idea. Known around campus as that asshole who'll tell you exactly which of your roommates ate your leftovers for $5. Is roommates with Luffy because of a system mix-up when they got distributed. Always wears a Burberry trench coat Nami thrifted for $3 and gave them as a bday gift. Carries everything in a ratty falling apart messenger bag. Them and Luffy filled out marriage papers on a dare, Zoro (who got legally ordained on a dare minutes before) oversaw that, Zoro and Ed filed the papers when they were drunk. So Ed and Luffy are legally married. And they don't even notice until tax season and Jonah, Ed's accounting friend, asks about it.
I need you to ignore the inconsistence with the hands in these ok? Some of them get very nice and normal hands, and others get weird shaped blobs. Sorry Ed, them's the breaks kid.
Zoro — Health and Fitness major Mathematics minor
Literally no one knows why he has a Mathematics minor, least of all him. P sure he walked into the wrong class on the first day and just stuck with it. The most terrifying captain of the kendo team the university has ever had. He's won more championships and trophies in his tenure than the school has in its history, the revenue he brings in from sponsorships and such make them turn a blind eye to his... eccentricities (three sword style. Nobody has stopped him yet, anyone who says it's illegal gets penalized). Has had campus security called on him so often from being creepy when walking home from the gym in the dark there's a poster of him in the security office that says 'NOT ACTUALLY A THREAT. JUST WEIRD AND WALKS WITH PURPOSE.'
Zoro's sword patch on his jacket was designed by Usopp, embroidered by Luffy for a class (shittily) and fixed up and sewn on by Ed. Those docs have seen war. He has put them through hell. He has walked through a fucking river with those things, he superglues them back together every time they break. Franky had to strongarm him into getting the soles professionally replaced.
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Nami — Meteorology major Finance minor
All of her clothes are thrifted designer things. Regularly terrorizes Value Village employees. Anything she has that isn't thrifted she gets from the many estate sales she plagues, snatching grandma's entire Chanel collection and all her nicest jewelry. She has absolutely everything anyone could ever need in her purse. Tampons and pads? She gotchu. Extra pens? It'll cost you, but yeah. A curling iron? Sure, why the hell not. She runs the betting pool on Luffy's major with Ed. She also writes a gossip column for the school newspaper and has a podcast she uploads a new episode to every few months. Shows up to every class looking like a supermodel no matter the time. 7am? Perfect. 10pm? Fabulous. Your go-to if you get locked out of your dorm. Has a moped but barely uses it.
Nami's bag is a large Prada Gallaria Saffiano bag, which I painstaking drew to accuracy down to the colour even though it still looks ever so slightly different, because Nami is a big purse girl. The compass rose necklace was a going away gift from Nojiko when she left for uni. I think her haircut is so cute I love her sm. Don't pay any mind to how fucking disheveled half of their lineart looks next to her pls.
Usopp — Graphic Design major
Not a member of the archery club, but shows up enough he’s in all the team photos. Was originally the designated driver, had a pretty little mini van they called the Merry, had one of those fucking fuzzy dice hanging mirror things in the shape of a sheep’s head. Got in a bad car accident and she got totaled by some jackass in a red Honda Civic. Dating Kaya, who’s a nursing student. They barely see each other because she’s so fucking busy and half the students are convinced the girlfriend Usopp is always talking about and calling is fake. The Strawhats have a dnd campaign that they run every other week, Usopp DM's. On weekends he works at an axe throwing range and holds the record for most bullseyes in a row. They have his picture mounted on the wall.
Usopp's necklace is the old key to the Merry, and he engraved his belt buckle for a project. I cursed his ass with the giant fuck off portfolio bag because those things are so big and unwieldy. The people in his program's studio never clean their paint up properly, that's why he's covered in it. Advocate for the Usopp With Gages™ agenda. God he is such a cutie patootie.
Sanji — Business degree
Literally grew up working in a restaurant, he’s only going to school to get the degree so he can open his own and also because Zeff threated to castrate him if he didn't get a higher education. Cooks basically every single meal for the dorm, since it’s just the Strawhats (it's a new (old it's old and was refurbished. Everyone assumed it was haunted.) building that they just dedicated to Garp. Has no other residents yet). Him and Zoro fight so much in their shared room half the time he ends up kicking him out and making him sleep in the community room lmao. He just shows up in half the culinary classes because he hates the business ones so much, the one time someone tried to tell him to leave he cussed them out for a full ten minutes while gesticulating wildly with a knife in hand. They never tried that again. Saw one of the profs berate a young lady for wearing a dress shirt to class because it’s impractical and proceeded to take that personally. Yeah he wears three piece suits to all his classes, he could still kick you ass in ‘em. Shut up. Volunteers to show around foreign exchange students because he can speak at least 4 foreign languages fluently. Is it to woo pretty French girls with his charm? Wouldn't you like to know.
I could not draw Sanji in a decent pose for the life of me, his ass was just not having it. He's got one of them really nice leather messenger bags with the lined pockets and filigree, he's very proud of it.
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Chopper — PreMed
One of the few Strawhats who regularly sees Usopp’s reclusive girlfriend, and is very confused as to why people think she isn’t real. Still a literal child (is 15 still a child? Yeah that's like barely a teenager), a goddamn prodigy and got in with an incredibly good recommendation from the best doctor in the country, who just so happens to be his adoptive mother. He’s literally too cute for anyone to question that, plus he’s the sharpest tack in the damn class. He knocked his front tooth out ages ago (it was an adult tooth) but he's too fucking busy to get an appointment to get it fixed, just adds another layer to his babyface. Nice girls keep asking him if he's here to go see his parents or older siblings, he's endlessly infuriated by it and Sanji is endlessly jealous. Saved Ed from choking to death in a Domino's parking lot the first time they met, he dropped his pizza doing it so they bought him another. The rest is history. Does not feel cold, wears chunky boots year round. Got them reflective ass eyes like a deer, no one has ever taken a good picture of this child. He looks fucking possessed in his school ID.
TELL ME WHY I ALMOST FORGOT TO DRAW CHOPPER. I finished drawing Franky and was like "gee, only Brook and Jimbei to go! Good for me," and then I had to pause while looking as the picture of the group I was semi-referencing for heights n shit and was like "OH FUCK THE CHILD—" He's so cute tho. He's giving lil baby Goro Akechi. The argyle sweater vest and Timbs were a must, so was his hockey boy haircut. Matching backpack and tie for the win. Oh and the freckles, Chopper with freckles is everything to me.
Robin — Has a million hyper specific degrees. Currently earning her third doctorate.
Very mysterious and sexy. Mature student who occasionally gives lectures in the archeology program when she has free time. Owns a motorcycle but barely rides it. How is she not in debt after so much schooling? Don't fucking ask if you want to live. Is that why she lives in the dorm building? Do. Not. Ask. She and Luffy attend the same Theology class, no one knows how Luffy is passing with such good grades, but Robin is adamant that he doesn't take notes or borrow hers, and takes to having the same scores as him with grace. Child actor on one of those show like Barney (but not Barney dear lord) or Reading Rainbow and people only knew her as 'that kid with the creepy fuckin stare.' She was a meme a few years back, they called her the devil child. Every time someone asks her about it she just says she has no idea what they're talking about while giving them the creepy stare.
Women with Big Bags truther, right here. Robin deserves to be put in a suit. Goddamnit, get that woman in a suit!
Franky — Has a bachelors of Engineering, a bachelors of Architecture, and is earning his (water specific) Architecture degree
Currently the groups designated driver (after the tragic death of the poor Merry) with his supped up SUV, the Sunny. How do all the Strawhats fit inside? The power of love, obviously. That car will NOT fucking move if even one of the seatbelts is undone. Made Ed and Luffy wedding rings after he found out they accidentally got married. (Only after laughing for a half our straight, almost passing out, and laughing again. Then he cried for another hour about how beautiful it was.) He sometimes works as a nude model for life drawing classes on campus. Half of the the Strawhats have, in one way or another, seen him in the buck. Has knee braces from an... incident... with a train when he was younger. Now he volunteers at KidsAbility and has a shift on the campus crisis/suicide hotline. Huge advocate for mental health services at the school. He lives in the dorms for the ✨experience✨. Even worse than Luffy, mf wears booty shorts in the dead of winter. He's constantly dressed like It's laundry day. One of those guys from a famous Vine when he was younger that just gets stopped while he's walking so people can go "TRAMPOLINE VASE GUY??" (Iceberg was recording. I love Iceberg.)
Yes Franky is wearing an I ♥ MILFs shirt, what of it? It was a gift. Drawing him was an exercise in struggling with the pompadour and getting uncomfortably close to drawing Syndrome. Yes, he's cold all the time. No, he will not stop.
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Brook — Literally no one knows. Something music related probably.
Fucker has been around forever, there’s old ass profs who swear to god they went to school with him and he hasn’t aged a day. Regularly plays local bars and cafes. Doesn't own a cellphone, he can literally only operate rotary phones. Computers confuse the shit out of him. Knows nothing about pop culture or recent events, but is up to date on everything in the music industry. He sometimes helps organize the old library archives because he's somehow the only person who understands the system they're organized in. Sometimes he'll just namedrop a famous singer/band he's either played with, done karaoke with, or done background vocals/instrumentals for and you have to guess whether he's telling the truth or just saying shit. There's a campus wide betting pool (run by Nami and Ed, go figure) on whether he's a vampire, ghost, time traveler, or Dorian Gray in disguise. Prepares the questions for 70s night pub trivia. Every time the Strawhats plan a ghost hunt he's busy, then at the end they find out that all the paranormal shit they've been experiencing is just him running his errands. It's happened at least four times.
Is Brook off-putting enough? I was trying to make him off-putting. He swears up and down the neck tattoo was gotten on a dare by Elton John, what, you gonna question a man who looks like he stepped out of Coraline? The skeleton gloves were a gift from Ed.
Jimbei — Has already graduated as a Marine Biology major Political Science minor and is taking both a Gender Studies course and a Peace and Conflict Studies course years later.
Teaches martial arts at a local dojo on weekends and volunteers with the martial arts team on campus. Robin helps him organize protests on weekends. He's good buds with a lot of the faculty and gets invited to after work drinks regularly. He helped establish a program that walks people who stay late at the library to their dorms when he was first a student that's still going strong to this day. Lives off campus and has the Strawhats over for BBQ on long weekends. Literally the only time the Strawhats eat food not made by Sanji. The Grill Master™. Somehow holds some kind of record or high score at every single bar/pub in town. Knows every single mailman and janitor by name. MVP of the catch and release fishing club, helps plan all of their trips.
I struggled with him. I struggled hard. That's a man who went his whole childhood with a horrendous underbite and only got it fixed once he was an adult. Ed gave him the fishing lure earrings out of guilt after he brought them on one of his fishing trips and they fell in and nearly capsized their boat. IT'S A REUSED PLASTIC BAG JIMBEI IS RESPONSIBLE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT—
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Hello gorgeous !
Could you make something with a reader who is a very important fighter and in her plans she somehow married daemon as a second wife and made a deal with rhaenyra and daemon to respect and not threaten her people and kingdoms .
And when rhaenyra gets the throne , the reader asks for a divorce , breaking their hearts?
Stone Cold
Daemon Targaryen x Reader x Rhaenyra Targaryen
Summary: There was nothing more powerful than an alliance of two houses, and that was exactly what you offered the Queen and her consort to win the war. It was out of loyalty, but your heart was not as strong as your resolve.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Mentions of death/suicidal tendencies/war, fem!reader, second wife!reader, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: Heya nonnie (pls read this)! I saw this ask and was like OMG FRESH OMG REAL OMG YAS but then the more i thought about it, the more i was thinking it wouldnt be possible, like divorce wasn't a thing then and i know i could just make something up but i- i- dont play like that. and unless you're ok with a modern au, which idk if u are, i realized i could not write this BUT THEN while i was ranting in my reply of how i think ur req would really play out, i thought fine i'll write it anyway dw its not a modern au, but it's also not exactly your request either. its still pretty angsty tho so i hope you like it <3 ALSO IDK WHO IF I WANNA BE DAEMON OR RHEANYRA IN THE GIF I LOVE THIS GIF SO MUCH T_T Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda would you like to read a tibit of an epilogue for this?
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Rhaenyra was my queen; she always has been even as a child. Having grown up with rugged brothers, it was clear to me that power was only gotten through force, through sheer will, and landed only on those born to be heirs.
And yet she was declared to heir the Iron Throne, regardless of her sex.
And yet she rode on dragonback as her long braids and ornate skirts flew with the wind.
She was living proof that my brothers were morons in their belief that women were less, and that if I wanted to, I could do what they did, even better.
So against everyone's wishes, my parents, my brothers, the whole of society, I stood where I wanted and spoke about my thoughts. Though I was not welcomed, I trained to be strong enough go go against my adversaries, not just with my wit, but with my sword.
I made a way for myself in court and in battle, and developed a fortress within myself that could not be felled, not by a man, not by anyone.
So when it came high time for me show my gratitude to my queen, I did not hesitate.
I pledged my allegiance to her, and watched her navigate her plans with poise. I watched her as she caressed her pregnant belly and felt my heart hurt for her. I watched as she turned to her husband, the infamous Rogue Prince, for comfort, and found it in his touches.
Oh, to be like her, to capture the heart of the heartless, and to exude such feminine grace even in a room full of men who doubt her capabilities.
And so I finally spoke my plans to her. I finally told her the loony thought I've had since the start of my stay in Dragonstone. Our families should form an impeachable alliance and strengthen our forces.
"You are suggesting that you become my husband's second wife?" Rhaenyra states plainly. Her hand is atop her belly, and her husband stood steadfast behind her.
"It would be only for show, my queen," I nod, "you are aware of my family's stronghold, and how they insist on remaining neutral through all of this."
Rhaenyra watches me intently as I explain. Daemon tilts his head.
"This would give my brothers no choice but to fight for me-- for you."
"And how would marriage guarantee that?" Daemon asks, "I am well-acquainted with your brothers' insolence."
"You are correct, Prince Daemon. There has not been a moment in our lives where my brothers and I did not go against each other's wishes, but through it all, they have a sense of honor, and they would rather die than allow our family name be put to shame. It is why they were so against the idea of me taking up arms in the first place," I cross my arms, "but since then, they have joined me many times over in my victories. They would surely not give up the chance to bask in our victory."
Rhaenyra and Daemon take in my words.
For a moment, there is only silence. Then they look at each other, examining each other's expression.
That night, I was married to Daemon by the traditions of his house.
After he kissed me, I turned to Rhaenyra and nodded to her. She offered me a small smile and nodded back.
Since then, we exercised our might against the whole of Westeros. Those who did not know of us knew soon enough that the combined power of our houses, along with all our other alliances, was not something to be taken lightly.
And so we were tasked to spearhead the war under Rhaenyra's command. Daemon would take the east, and I would take the west. Where one needed help, the other would arrive with their blade, still slick with the blood of the enemy.
Historically, men had done nothing but strike me and spit on my bones. Though he was now my husband, I thought little of Daemon. I didn't then in the fires of his youth, and I didn't now. I bring myself to care about him out of my respect for Rhaenyra.
Yet as time went by, and battles were won and lost, I grew to respect him as himself, as Daemon Targaryen, the prince commander of the troops, who knew exactly what he was doing.
"I did not think you were capable of doing anything un-serious."
I turned to him as he smirked. His eyes were on the my cup of ale, "might my lady wife spare me a drop?"
Daemon sits next to me, though on the ground, as I was sitting on a stump I found not too far off our camp.
I peer down at him as I hand him my half empty cup.
My lips part when he downs it and places the empty thing beside him. Daemon catches my look and chuckles under his breath, "oh, did you mean to finish that?"
I don't get to respond as he grabs my leg and leans against my thigh.
My stomach rolls at the sentiment. I did not know why he was acting like this towards me so suddenly.
He releases a groan as he closes his eyes, "you are my wife, are you not? Must you stare at me as though you wish to burn me with your eyes?"
That would only be the start of his affection towards me.
It was jarring, disturbing, really, how he would reach for my hair and brush it aside, how we would reach for my cheek and brush it with the back of his hand. He would not do it in front of Rhaenyra, and for that I was at least grateful.
I decided not to make issue of it, because it was not as though it was harmful really.
And yet it dawned to me that that was my mistake; he was an invader of my fortress, and I only realized when it was too late.
I could not calm my beating heart when we were ambushed.
It was not the blade against my neck that made me want to hurl, not even how the man who managed to capture me for a few minutes was gutted on my side and had his entrails gush onto my armor. It was not the violence that made my pulse deafening to my ears, but how Daemon acted out that violence.
"Release her now, and I will be swift about your death," he seethed. When he was not listened to, his face darkened. The moment he had an opening, he stabbed my captor in the gut. When I was pulled away by our men, I watched as Daemon rampaged the man with his bare hands, smothering him until he was deformed, until he was dead.
And then he turned to me, gripping my face with his bloody hands, examining my form, "are you alright?"
That was when everything changed.
Not only did I begin to anticipate, look forward to his touches, I began to lean into them. I began to look forward to his company, seek his company. I would worry if there was not word about him, and I would worry if there was, until I knew it was not grave.
I began to laugh with him, in the privacy of our conversations, in front of the troops, in front of Rhaenyra. I began to bicker with him unabashedly, for it became second nature. I began to dance and make merry with him, for why'd shouldn't I? Why not, when Rhaenyra teased us about it, when she laughed about it with us.
And then at some point, I did the worst thing.
I began to want him.
I began to want him the way Rhaenyra did.
I began to felt entitled of him, for after all, he was my husband too.
I allowed myself believe that it was alright, Rhaenyra wouldn't mind, after all, her husband was my husband.
But then I faced with the truth of how brazen I'd become.
But then Rhaenyra called for Daemon and he did not answer.
But then she gave birth too early and held her lifeless daughter in her arms.
But then he was broken because of it, and yet made no inclination to anyone.
But then I realized I was not apart of their picture, for neither of them even spoke their sorrow to each other, much less anything to me.
I was a fool to think I was deserving of anything. I was a traitor to them and our agreement. I was a traitor to myself.
And so I rebuilt my fortress, I pulled away from Daemon's touches and did not hold Rhaenyra's gaze too long.
I became reckless in battle. I dove head first into everything, not caring what the consequences would be.
It was because of my recklessness and severe injuries that we were at the precipice of victory. Daemon should have been applauding me where he was rebuking me. And Rhaenyra should not have been worried by her husband's news of me at all, not when she would benefit the most from my death.
Yet here I was, gripped harshly in Daemon's hands as I defied his wishes to stay in bed longer.
When that didn't work, he ordered me in the name the Queen to do so, because it was, in fact, her order too.
It dawned onto Daemon that it didn't matter which of them commanded it, I would not be withheld from the cries of war.
"DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?" Daemon demanded finally as I got onto his last nerve.
I did not hesitate to respond.
His expression dropped when he heard me say yes.
It was against myself that I began to bawl in front of him. I had worked so hard to keep my defenses, and yet it was all for naught.
"Why?!" he heaved, hands darting up to my face instead of my arms.
I shake my head. I would have to die first before I admit anything to him.
"I will have you chained like a madwoman before I have you succumb to your darkness," he quips, releasing my face, before dragging me to the tent post, undoing his belt and binding me there with it.
I cry out to him. I tell him to release me, of all of it, so that I wouldn't have to suffer.
"Tell me wife what makes you suffer, who makes you suffer, and I will swiftly end them."
I shake my head at the anger on his face, "Daemon, please."
"TELL ME!" he quips, grabbing my face again.
I choke on my tears finding as I allow my voice to betray me.
Daemon knit his brows, "what was that?"
"It's you, Daemon," I whine, screwing my eyes shut, "it is hell to be around you. I do not want this pain anymore."
He releases me, stepping back twice, "and what mortal err have I done to make you loathe me so?"
I peel my eyes open, chest constricting at the sight of him. I shake my head, "nothing."
Daemon's nostrils flare. He grabs my jaw tightly, face tense with hatred, eyes glassy in betrayal, "then why?"
I whine at the pain of his grip.
He heaves as he releases me, shaking his head as he walks back, "will you drive me mad along with you, selfish bitch?"
I shake my head again, "Daemon-"
"Because I want you!" I blurt, "I want you so bad when I should not-- I cannot!" I grip my hands tightly, "we may be married, but you are not mine. You are Rhaenyra's, and I do not wish to ever come in between that. Not after all that has-"
I cut myself off when Daemon began to undo my ties. I myself began to back away from him when he began to rid himself of his clothing.
I threaten him with my words. When that does not deter him, I threaten him with the blade I managed to snag.
He was stoic the entire time. He asked me to kill him, dared me to kill him. Of course I could not. I threw the blade to the side.
He called me a fool as he undressed me. He called me pretty when he began to kiss me. He called me his when he began to fuck me.
I shouldn't have, gods know I shouldn't have, but I did, I let him have his way, because I wanted him to. I wanted him to touch me, to use me, to take his anger out on me. I wanted to for so, so long.
It was everything I ever imagined and more.
And enjoyed it deeply before I hated myself viscerally after.
It was clear at one point that everyone knew of us. Our dynamic had drastically changed from when we were first married to now. They all knew what he and I did in the dark, but why would they care, we were, in fact, married.
I cared though.
And I guess it was the will of the Stanger to allow me that one thing before collecting my soul.
I did not fight against it. I did not try to save myself.
When I decided to take the blow for Daemon in the battle field, it was not out of my selfish desire to find freedom in the shackles I bound myself in, it was because I wanted to save him, I had to save him.
He admonished me as he carried my limp body out of the skirmish. He called my name and threatened to do his worst if I thought of closing my eyes at all.
It was nice to have made it long enough to make it through the transport, to see Rhaenyra, and her and Daemon's children that I myself found to love in my own way.
I felt bad that they all seemed to be sad that I was fading away.
I felt bad that Daemon had to be the one to carry me here.
Where was Daemon?
"He's gone to finish the war," Rhaenyra said, holding my hand firmly in hers.
"You can hear me?" I mutter as I watch her sad face.
"Of course I can, my dear," she caresses my cheek, "why wouldn't I?"
I close my eyes, "I beg your pardon, my queen."
"No!" she calls, shaking my cheek, "you cannot sleep until Daemon has returned. He is but a fortnight nigh."
I hum, "she has been so lonely though."
"Who? Who has been so lonely."
Rhaenyra pulls her hand away. One of the children gasps.
"I told her that I was not her mother, that you are," I sigh, "but she told me she wanted me to stay with her."
Rhaenyra is bewildered. For a moment she is unable to do nothing. She repeats the name she called. When she is not met with a reply, she takes another moment to collect her thoughts, "you cannot answer my daughter's call. Your duty is with me, not her."
Rhaenyra's face tenses when she does not get a reply yet again.
She calls out, one, twice. She shakes the hand in her grip, and remarks once more about Daemon, knowing that would do the trick, she knows it will, it has to.
A chill runs down her spine when she realizes was for nothing.
It is too late.
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mitsvriii · 3 months
out of touch
angsty fluff; more in notes, apart of "two people one heart"
notes: reader’s job has something to do with designs; not specified but goes along with that, some of it was rushed?? if the pacing is weird that’s why, reader is smart, no bimbo reader in this fic, kaveh is a himbo tho let’s be fr, the song’s meaning is about being misunderstood/disconnected in relationships so just trust the process with the pacing of that in this fic yet again, i did NOT expect this to exceed the word count in my head but the thoughts y’know, young al haitham’s characterization is different from present/in-game, not THAT familiar with his backstory but screw it we ball, idk how akademiya classes work bro 😭, screams into the void the PACING 😿, open ending 🤧, i actually hate this so much LMAO, turned out to be more platonic than romantic aiya,,,,,,
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You could hardly believe that Kaveh and Al Haitham had managed to live together in high tensions for so long, especially since you had moved in with them and witnessed their antics. Financial decisions in your job weren’t exactly something that would lead you to have enough money to support yourself until you could make more. This is exactly why Al Haitham offered you the choice to stay at his house, or in his tantalizing words, “just one person helping someone else out of the goodness of his heart”.
Kaveh wasn’t the happiest person when Al Haitham offered you to stay with them, although it slipped your focus at that moment. It started grabbing your attention when you would often hear their hushed but harsh whispers when you tried to doze off at night, or the not-so-subtle glares they threw at each other over meals. You wondered if it was because one of them simply didn’t want you in his company or if you had done something wrong, but you soon found out that wasn’t the cause. 
To put it simply, it wasn’t the fact that you had moved in or the fact that you were disturbing them at all, it was that they seemed to be in some sort of competition for your attention, or forgiveness. It was a small theory that you tested when you asked one of them to hand you a pen while sketching out a design. It would be absolutely correct to say that they both acted like two cats after a toy trying to hand one to you first. 
It wasn’t just that occurrence either, ever since then the two of them seemed to have this little competition between the two of them to try to do as much as they could for you, despite your multiple inputs against it.
You supposed that maybe it was their way of saying “sorry”. Asks of service. You suppose that maybe rooming with two people who you had certain history with them didn’t help with their little competition of who would earn back your forgiveness first.
Kaveh and you had been friends since you were kids, ironically. After his father’s death, Kaveh had sought to spend more time with you rather than his mother. But in the end, you couldn’t blame him because she was quite a mess and wouldn’t even bother speaking half of the time, which wasn’t something you minded because she sounded so hoarse and blank that it made your ears hurt. You and Kaveh both enrolled in the Akademiya at the same time, you went into Vahumana while he went into Kshahrewar. 
The first time you met Al Haitham was later on in the year when you were still having migraines over research reports and the struggle of having to memorize information out of twenty books at a time in the Akademiya instead of the source of them being Kaveh and Al Haitham themselves. You knew little about him other than words from the students' scattered whispers about him. 
Apparently, despite being a kid on the quieter side, he was extremely intelligent and had enough knowledge stored within him that he could go toe-to-toe with Amurta’s know-it-all. You two were in different Darshans so it was no surprise that you didn’t know him all that well at first. However, he seemed to know some things about you. 
You never questioned it, but you honestly had an idea that Kaveh may have rambled about you to him. You knew that Al Haitham and Kaveh had spent some of their spare days together and often spent time in the library in their spare time, but knew little about what their conversations consisted of.
A wish that often came across your mind was that you had spent more time with the two of them when you had your breaks instead of getting ahead in your work or going out to do things within the city. But the past was in the past and no amount of daydreaming about what could’ve been would happen.
Gradually Kaveh soon introduced you to Al Haitham in the library when you were on one of your breaks, the latter of which only nodded his head in greeting before going back to his writing. You brushed it off as one of his “antisocial qualities” before joining the two of them at the table in the library. Time faded as your days at Akademiya came to an end, the three of you growing closer together, though good things never lasted for long it seemed.
Kaveh seemed to get more distant as the years grew by, leaving you and Al Haitham to discuss possible scenarios of what happened. That seemed to be the unspoken question that hung on your lips but never came out. The thought had crossed your mind to ask Kaveh’s mother, but you didn’t want to stir up that hornet's nest if she had something to do with it. 
It wasn’t until the next week that Al Haitham had sought you out to ask what exactly was happening, and he didn’t seem to take I don’t know for an answer, either. Apparently Kaveh had blown up in his face over a project, most likely the result of the buildup of his stress over the past few days, and so went their newfound friendship. With a sigh you were off to talk to Kaveh, who explained his reasoning with angry mumbles and refused to elaborate further. He didn’t talk to you until two weeks before graduation.
His mother wanted a fresh start. To move, to get out of Sumeru, wipe out the past; a clean slate. That included leaving him behind, too. Although you understood that he was hurting, it wasn’t a good excuse to hurt you and Al Haitham emotionally, either, however you didn’t bring that up because it was a somewhat miracle he was talking to you now.
He claimed he needed space so soon after the three of you graduated you didn't exactly stay in touch. You sought out to at least send each other letters but the only one that returned them was Al Haitham in all his glory. After a while, though, he too soon was busy with his own things. You didn’t question it and moved on yourself, too, the world wasn’t going to stop for you. But the three of you were now roommates so it was only a matter of time before the three of you talked about the big elephant in the room, right? 
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taglist: @keiiqq, @luvrkise, @hotanina
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ineffablydelighted · 9 months
[How exploring the Ineffable Husbands' dynamic in Good Omens can help us figure out what the show/book is all about, Part 1/?]
Also called: This human has, apparently, too much time on her hands and will be trying to Effable the Ineffable for [...] hours.
Ah, Hello! 👋
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I'm ineffably delighted to meet you all! 😇
Let's cut to the chase and bear with me as we try together to analyze further the subject of the day:
Aziraphale is in love with Crowley and I am pretty sure he is aware of that fact BUT 
[yes, there is a "but", do not erase me from the Book of Life just yet, let me explain first, homie 🥺] 
I do not believe he can comprehend WHY he is just yet, and what that would mean for him in terms of... well... EVERYTHING he ever stood for.
It will also be the perfect roots to answer the biggest question yet :
What is Good Omens all about, exactly?
[Yeah, it's a tough one. When I say "bear with me", I really insist on the fact that it will be LONG. I will try my best to make it fun to read and to allow some "natural breaks" but know that I would appreciate your unshared attention if you're willing to give it to me. 😇]
Although, would you have the chance to ask him about it (probably looking at a cup of tea as we would all do in Earthy fashion), Aziraphale would have somewhat of an answer to give you, probably in the range of:
"Because, deep down, Crowley is the nicest being I've ever known."
Is it false? No, Crowley IS nice. Swaggeringly nice, occasionally unhinged, but still. Nice.
And that is somewhat the core of the... "problem" for our soon-to-be Supreme Archangel [Yep, the pain is still fresh, thanks for asking, you're welcome for reminding you 😭👍] because, as much as Crowley learned nuances due to past experiences (Falling being, most likely, the most traumatic one,) Aziraphale remains bound to think in absolutes. And everything relates to THIS perfect meme right there:
[Whoever you are, person/entity who has done that, you have forever my utmost gratitude and respect]
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I'm far from bringing anything new to the table here, but to Aziraphale, Crowley should NOT have fallen in the first place. Because of how nice he is. Crowley IS an angel, to him. In fact, I'll go even further by stating that, to Aziraphale,
Crowley is more of an Angel than ANY Angel in the "Main Office."
Let's present our other contestants, shall we?
When he ruled, Gabriel was an absolute a** and had an ego the size of, idk, at least A DOZEN GALAXIES. He made Aziraphale feel like... well... poop most of the time they interacted.
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That is why, in S2 when Gabriel/Jim tells him "I love you", Aziraphale, even being and considering himself a "creature of love", happens to be utterly unable to either reciprocate or take the compliment. At this moment, later enhanced when he reminds himself of the Job case, he realizes he is able to feel, if not hatred, NOT love NOR admiration for somebody he should somewhat consider a role model.
That is very important for Aziraphale's present and future character development, especially considering Gabriel/Jim's own fate, so please keep that in mind.
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Michael? Oh God, Same if not worse: too condescending and ambitious in the wrong way to inspire anything nice to anybody.
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Sandalphon just does what they are told but can totally throw a punch if necessary.
Uriel is mostly cold, occasionally cruel, and can also be physically threatening.
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[I love the actress, though. Gloria Obianyo deserves a Ph.D. in Resting Bitch Facing for her performance in Good Omens alone and I'm here for it.]
S2 Saraqael seems to be more layered but has also been hurtful to Aziraphale (especially when she ironized that he couldn't possibly be the 25-Lazarii-magnitude-miracle caster).
Overall, S1 Aziraphale refers to the "Main Office" Angels as "BAD ANGELS!" after their hostile encounter. We could see from his face he would have wanted to use harsher words but couldn't get past his forgiving, decent nature.
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Before we talk any furfur-ther [Am I proud of this so-called pun? A-BSOLUTELEH 😎🤭], let's add a really important stone/layer to our favorite Angel's thinking: to him, it is simple maths:
And let's save it for later, shall we?
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[Killgrave dear is just here to remind you you can take a break anytime to drink a glass of Talisker if you'd like, or, more so, if HE'd like. Also because that character is THE best David Tennant role on television - 10th Doctor being the worthy third, I let you guess which character is our second now - and I might have wanted to use this gif just to be able to say that, who knows? *whispers* Mysssteryyyy...]
To a being like Aziraphale, who mostly thinks in dichotomy, being an Angel requires one main requirement: being GOOD.
[Buy a farrrrrm and be good! Not just "pretendy" good but. properly. GOOD! - NO, I couldn't find the gif and YES, I'm mad about it, but since I'm also unable to make one myself, I'll just shut it.]
That is why he refers to the Main Office Archangels as simply being BAD.
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At that moment, they had been mean to him, threatening, and, by doing so, they became somewhat active in Hell's Armageddon project. Making them "bad" angels, but, more so:
Bad at BEING Angels.
Aziraphale, on the other hand, is, at heart, the penultimate goody-two-shoes: he does feel bad about himself whenever he does something bad/wrong such as lying (it has started to change, and I'll nuance that statement another time, but you get the grip).
He is constantly scared he might fall whenever he somewhat defies God's will or the idea he built in his head of what an Angel should be(have).
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But have you paid attention to how his "Angelmates" NEVER seem to CARE about their own displays of, let's say "unconventional characteristics" for what should be the highest "Representatives of the sole concept of Good"?
Have you ever seen Gabriel or Michael being self-conscious about their narcissism and condescending tendencies? Uriel about their coldness? Saraqael about their sarcastic nature? Any of them about their use of violence? Of course not! They seem to be perfectly fine with it!
They own their characteristics, good AND bad.
Aziraphale does not.
Aziraphale is... soft. Even if he, at times, expresses regrets to be just that, he also applies it to his Angelic nature.
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You know who else is soft?
Crowley is soft because he cannot kill children and takes it upon himself to LITERALLY DEFY BOTH GOD AND SATAN'S WILL TO SAVE SAID CHILDREN, including two annoying ones [especially the one who DARED to hit on Aziraphale but that is a topic for another day]
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[MASSIVE Bildad the Shuhite fangirl here, consider yourselves warned.]
Crowley is soft because he cannot even kill GOATS.
Defying both God's and Satan's will to save kids? Yeah, eventually, okay.
Defying God's and Satan's will to save goats? Man, that's so effingly. more. powerful.
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[Oh, look! A bird flying, normal thingy, nothing to see here, buh-bye!]
Crowley is soft because he proposes/"tempts" Aziraphale to "eat a spot of lunch", especially whenever his Angel experiences stress.
We have barely seen him eat, which might indicate he does not have such a strong taste for it personally. He only goes to the Ritz to enjoy Aziraphale's company and to watch him happily eat scrumptious, comforting foods.
[Okay, also because it morphed into a proper kink at some point but that is NOT today's subject, so stop trying to make me deviate from it! 😣]
Oh, and, before you bring that up, no, the alcohol motive is not relevant since he can, in all probability have a glass of Talisker in ANY sort of pub/restaurant in London.
[As a proper peated whisky lover who happens to be French, let me tell you this is NOT the case in my country and I'm super duper jealous of you, lads.]
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Crowley is soft because he takes care of both Gabriel and Aziraphale's bookshop, even if it is clear he loathes the first and expressingly said he would not be a bookseller "even at gunpoint."
And, by "taking care of", know that I MEAN IT: he kept an eye on Jim, didn't wake him up when he heard him snore, answered any question he had, no matter how seemingly stupid they were [Even if Crowley, of all beings, cannot be anything but a raging "There is no stupid question, only stupid answers" representative] and offered him hot cocoa. As for the Booksho-P[uhhhhh *exhales in asthma*], he attempted to repair Jim's messy ordering twice and meticulously rearranged the place after ✨the Ball✨
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[What do you mean, "he also Killgraved him into jumping out of the window?" HE ALSO STOPPED HIM FROM DOING SO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. #NotBiasedInTheSlghtestIndividual]
Crowley is soft because he shares his Bentley with Aziraphale. Which is a VERY. BIG. DEAL. considering it was, at the time, HIS LAST ONE AND ONLY PRIZED POSSESSION.
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[Should I mention that the Bentley FALLS IN LOVE with Aziraphale or is debating on whether or not that falls into the Oedipian complex territory off-topic? Yes, I'll see myself out.]
Crowley is soft because he rescues Aziraphale on countless occasions, even though, 99% of the time, that is pretty much unnecessary.
For real, guys: if Aziraphale had been discorporated in the course of his 6000+ years on Earth at any other given moment BUT on the eve of THE WAR with a capital "W", nobody in Heaven would have flinched.
[I do have a theory, though: maybe being re-incorporated takes quite a long time, which would have meant too many years apart from each other, hence the growing Damsel in Distress kink in Aziraphale, idk THAT IS NOT TODAY's SUBJECT, OKAY?!]
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Also, Crowley is soft because "doing that makes him so happy".
Do you know who is supposedly "so happy" to save living things, aka GOD'S CREATIONS? Angels.
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Crowley is soft because he rescues Aziraphale even when it is ACTUALLY ENDANGERING for both of them
He risked: his life, his pretty comfortable position "he carved out for himself", both his Earthy and Infernal homes sort of speak, AND EVEN HIS CAR to save his Angel's bottom/help him out in the direst situations (like stopping time to stop SATAN HIMSELF.)
[Also his past/present/future existence altogether, but the Bentley is more important, as I'm sure we'll all agree.]
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[That is a Class A Protective/Helpful Husband, right there.]
Crowley is soft because he encourages Aziraphale to follow his passion for ✨prestidigitation✨
Even though he is pretty... amateurish at it. Not only does he encourage him, but he also HELPS him when he accepts to be his dashing assistant on stage.
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[Yes, he does tell S1 Aziraphale to stop doing magic because he "has no idea how demeaning that is" but I'm pretty sure it was BECAUSE of S2 1941's events. Also, #WeStan1941Crowley here.]
Crowley is soft because he works pretty hard to make two humans he barely knows fall in love.
Yes, he also does it to cover his and Aziraphale's 25-Lazarii-magnitude-miracle lie BUT don't tell me his amazed expression when he thought he was about to witness Nina and Maggie actually falling for each other was not the purest, sincerest of all.
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Finally, even if I could come up with more examples,
Crowley is soft because he saved Aziraphale's books JUST because he KNEW and CARED that Aziraphale CARED about said books.
That also, in Michael Sheen's very own opinion [as stated by Neil Gaiman in S1 GO DVD commentary], shared by many fans, and myself very much included, marks the moment
Aziraphale falls in love with Crowley.
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[I DARE you to tell me THIS is NOT THE LOOK OF LOVE PERSONIFIED, go on, fight meh.]
So. WHY did it happen at that moment in particular? Well, because, first of all:
As a proper Jane Austen fan, Aziraphale is a slow burner.
Also, to him, an actual Angel, love is everywhere, so differentiating one love from another might be more difficult for somebody who can feel it whether or not it is even their own.
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BUT [have you started getting used to my "but"s yet or should I harass you some more?] Let's go back in time to see how every previous encounter (that we know of) led to that pinnacle, shall we?
[Oh and, YES, this sort of essay will be long, and NO, I had no idea how much it would be when I started writing it, and still haven't, tbh 🤷‍♀️]
During part 2, we will also dive a little bit deeper into what Good Omens is all about.
[Yeah... I figured we would all need a break at this point.]
More on that later, then!
Hope I kept your interest at a reasonable peak. See you soon, Angels ❤
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Need help to find the rest of this analysis? I've got you covered! Follow me, Angel 😇
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clambuoyance · 2 years
i'm trying to explain to a friend why exactly kon is so tragic but i can't figure out HOW
omg i rambled about this to my bestie that doesnt read comics like a week ago 😭 i think there’s several things about kon that scratches my brain in a particular way, but one of the things that make me sad about him is that for someone whose character is sort of presented as a “rebel teenage superman” (or a superman that didnt grow up with people like the kind hearted kents to raise him) and who wants to be his own boss and person, he kind of…is rarely in control of his own life, ironically enough. or things keep getting in the way 🤔
like if you’ve only read him from yj comics (which i think is sufficient to understand his basic character) then there’s a scene from the early issues where he’s alone by the campfire after everyone’s gone to sleep and laments about the fact that he’s never going to grow up (in his solo, he got infected w like a virus thingy and the operation that saved him fucked up his aging but u dont have to read it to read YJ) and he expresses fear at the thought of all his friends growing up and leaving him behind, leading him to quote peter pan (“to die will be a great adventure”) which of course, is the moment i became obsessed with him 😔😔😔 and even after his aging thing gets fixed, there’s still that theme of having to mature and grow up while others move on that i like idk idk. peter pan makes me sad and so does he
there’s an another ask about it ill try to answer soon regarding the messy af tana and knockout situation in his solo…(and my mixed opinions on the writing 😔)but even without that, there’s also the whole thing w being a teen celeb and then later being cadmus’ field agent, or just things constantly turning his life upside down. like i read this letter column from a reader from the 90s that was really happy kon finally got a name but wished clark would check in on kon more bc they felt kon needed more adult supervision and guidance (which is sooo true) or else he’d get himself into more messy situations 😔
and i havent even gotten to the tt comics yet 😭 he lost a bit of his pizazz which is sad but i do think it was good he like. chilled out a bit
like kon makes a lot of mistakes and is kind of an idiot sometimes (a lot of the times) but he’s trying his best 😔✌️he is just a little lab creacher he cannot change this
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soulsty · 9 months
....dude Fi was designed to look 13-14 according to the devs. it's really creepy that you ship her with anyone tbh, ESPECIALLY Ghirahim. she's literally a child. says a lot about you imo
Alright alright alright, let’s clear this up.
Do not mistake this post as me trying to excuse weird shit. Ew. I hate pro-shipping. Get it away from me.
Now into the nitty gritty-
Quoting DIRECTLY, from Hyrule Historia, it is on my lap as we speak
“• Looks 13 or 14”
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Does this concept art look a lot like our finalized Fi design? Yes it does. This is the second closest to the finalized version in the book
So let’s go over more of this, and the several reasons why I think this isn’t canon.
“• metallic texture”
That didn’t stick around. I often joke that everything in Skyward Sword looks like it’s made out of fondant, and while her clothing does, her skin and wings looks much closer to porcelain.
“• a naive cuteness”
uhh, sure? She never seemed naive to me, but she is still cute so… that stuck I guess?
I don’t need to go over the last bullet point, because that is just true lmao
But here’s the kicker! Right?
“Like the Fairy Queen in Wind Waker”
The Fairy Queen is obviously a child. We know this, look at her, she also flirts with 12 year old Link iirc
But what makes this design look like the fairy queen? The hair does, it’s exactly the same, just parted on the opposite side. The grey-blue color is really similar. Her… eyes? But wait… that’s the same eye type as the regular Great Fairies? And Ghirahim?
She didn’t even carry over the circular toon style eyes in her final design
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I’m pretty sure I could assume the Great Fairies in WW are meant to be adults right? Other versions always have been, and they very clearly look like an older version of the Fairy Queen… so why does Fi’s finalized design actually look a bit more like them? From the pointed eyes to the strong nose-to-eyebrow ridge, she’s starting to look less like the Queen to me…
But let’s go back to the concept art. What else does it say?
These are the same design as the other one that says she looks 13-14, just a bit less detailed
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hmm… huh… that’s interesting. Her gem changes color? Well, that’s not canon
Wait what? “Connected to the arm, which is why it bends.” She has arms under her wings?
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So yeah, in that same design where she “looks 13 or 14” she had arms. Do with that what you will
How about we dive even deeper into Fi’s concept art, hmm?
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It seems pretty clear to me that she wasn’t meant to be a child character from the start, some of these designs appear child-like (the one next to the iron man design in particular), but lots of these are also just women
But okay, okay, let’s take a step back from Fi’s concept art. How about Ghirahim’s, what does his say?
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The same age as Link? This mfer is 17?? Jesus Christ, talk about the jock kid in high school
Jokes aside, I don’t believe that, he refers to Link as a child the entire time, all of his concept art pre-finalized, just looks like old men, so I assume that moreso meant they were straying away from that design element.
I would also like to mention that Ghirahim’s concept art states in his sword form “He shows emotion without using his eyes”
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While very clearly showing a picture of him expressing with his eyes, something that remains consistent in-game as well. So this could be translation error, or just… idk honestly it just doesn’t really make sense lmao
The tl;dr of all this concept art talk is this:
Don’t take concept art as fact. As an artist, concept art is literally that. A concept. I have made designs with elements that have been changed drastically by the finalized version. It’s all a process.
SO! Now that we’re done with the concept art, let’s actually move to references from the game.
At the beginning of the game, this is said, by Gaepora and Fi
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Link is referred to as “a/the youth” multiple times, as opposed to Fi being referred to once as “youthful in likeness yet wise with knowledge immeasurable.”
Youthful in likeness. Not an actual youth, and the youthful in likeness thing could not even necessarily tie back to saying she looks 13-14, just that she looks young. Youthful is a very large age-range after all.
My second point about in-game… Scrapper. This doesn’t really lead too far, because we have no idea how “old” Scrapper is “supposed to be”, he’s a robot, he has less of an age than Ghirahim and Fi, BUT he’s allowed to be an absolute simp, to the point of calling her “Mistress” non-stop, so idk, that just doesn’t read as something a child would go through to me.
UPDATE: more evidence on the front of Scrapper, when he firsts meets Link, he explicitly doesn’t want to help Link because, and I quote “Serving children is very low in my task priority.” Then Fi appears, blah blah blah, you can’t carry the windmill propeller in your pouch, right? Then Scrapper says “Who are you!?” And does what I can only describe as his version of an AWOOGA (what being “zrrt-FWOOOSH”, paraphrased) and continues, “Your name is…Fi? Should I call you Mistress Fi? Are you looking for something Mistress Fi? …I…understand. At your request, I will carry anything, regardless of weight or destination…”
So there you go, serving children is very low in his priority, Hylia was around at the same time the LD units were active, so Hylia would’ve known about the Scrapper units priorities, (assuming they all have the same priority list) so why would she make a child? Just why? And in the same vein, why would Hylia make her servant sword-spirit a child in the first place, that doesn’t make any sense 😭
Looping back around to where this all started, what does “looks 13 or 14” even specifically mean? She looks that age, not she is that age. And I’m not going to go Lolita topic with this, I’m not here to say “she’s like 1,000 years old! So of course she isn’t a child!” I’m here to say, lots of people look older, or younger than they actually are. She’s almost the same height as Link, so if she were meant to be around his age, she’d probably be around 16, and if she’s 16, and Ghirahim is 17 according to his concept art, where did your argument go?
Speaking realistically, Hylia probably designed her to look young and ‘cute’ so she wouldn’t scare Link. Let’s be real, her personality is intimidating, and she was going to be projecting herself into his dreams, so if she had a intimidating appearance (like some of her old concepts), Link would probably be afraid of her.
That’s all. I could go deeper into some of these points, and add on other things, but I think some stuff is self-explanatory.
Now, even if you want to discredit everything I just said, Ghirahim and Fi are both adults in all of my work. Unless explicitly stated or shown otherwise.
I draw and write them how I envision them in my head. In Skyward Sword, I have always read both of them as adults. I have not aged-up Fi for this ship, that’s fucking weird. They are both adults.
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i-am-the-me · 6 months
My Will Wood album cover ranking and my thoughts about them :3
10th place: The real Will Wood (2020)
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I don't really like album covers where the focus is just on like. a dude
I like the lighting and the funeral motifs, and the cover kinda represents the plot of the movie, how Chris gets consumed by/obsessed with the personality of Will Wood
But still, I don't like the cover enough for it to be higher in my ranking
9th place: Everything is a lot (Remastered) (2020
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I mean, I like it, but it's just a more bland (colorwise) version of the original, isn't it? Gonna talk more about it later on ;3
8th place: Camp Here & There: The soundtrack (2021)
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Not a big fan of minimalism, but I do like the composition. The sky rieseling down like the sand in the clock is REALLY clever depicted (/genuine) (/impressed). I also like how the warm colors clash with the coldness around, reflecting the plot of the podcast (imo), but still, too much empty space for my liking.
7th place: "In case I make it, (2022)
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It's ok, don't like the color composition tho. The moon (I think that's supposed to be the moon) (not sure), and the cheese. I like the nod to Tomcat Disposables (Is there cheese in the great beyond?/What's the moon made of?/Meet me there after I'm gone...), because it is my favorite lyric in the song, but I'm not sure if it really encapsulates the meaning of the album yknow? I like the style of the cover, symbolizing this big schizm in Wills music style with it's not so fucked up look, but couldn't the cover have been something that looks like it isn't just a cover for Tomcat Disposables?
6th place: in case i die:" (live) (2023)
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It's silly (/sillious) (/in a good way) :3 The black and white really fit this album I think, idk why tbh. This cover was originally planned for In case I make it and I would have liked it if it would have stayed with In case I make it, but oh well.
5th place: Everything is a lot (2015)
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The green-ish touch really adds to the cover. I love how the face breaks apart :3. Wills paisley art is just so pleasant to look at. And the brain trying to re-wire itself at the top is a nice detail :D im scared of the worm
4th place: The Normal Album (2020)
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As I said, covers where the focus lies on a Dude™ aren't what I like, but. But as this is a parody of the 50s - 60s era of album covers I can close a second eye. Talking about eyes, why are Wills eyes so big here? A deer in the headlights of life (/so deep) (/sarcastic). The cover perfectly shows the motifs of the album, the crushing life in a society where you need to be exactly like the others (the coat and tie he wears), trying to rebel against it (personalizing of the tie), but still having to keep the social standards (greeting the neighbors even though they most likely hate you for your rebellion), and trying to cope with not being able to be like the others (I don't know how to explain this point I was trying to explain). This cover screams about a world of white picket fences and potlucks
3th place: SELF-iSH (2016)
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It's so vibrant :3, I love Hypagognia 3 (the background art) (or is this Hypagognia 2) (idk). The guy being made out of a collage (the picture thing, not the school) of various parts of Wills painted body reflecting the motifs of the album, how there is no static "self" and that one can choose to not have one I mean. Kinda ironic how Will said "The world doesn't revolve around you, so don't revolve round someone else" in Missanthropologyst, while here the world literally revolves around him (yes I know the scissors will separate him from the world, but it has not yet succeeded 😼)
2econd place: SELF-iSH (Remastered) (2020)
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Literally what I just said but now the background is in a UV-ish blue and looks kinda poisonous. I want to eat this cover, it looks so good :3
1th place: The real (2018)
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The cover of the live album recorded in Roxy & Dukes, the recordings were then later used for The real Will Wood. The SELF-iSH guy returned! The collage-y paisley art, the colors, I need to get this cover into my bloodstream somehow. Hands down best cover there is, not that much explanation behind it for me. If this would have been in color it would have been at 9th place I think, but without colour it's perfect.
These are my thoughts about Will Wood[('s) and the tapeworms'] album covers. I only did Will Wood, but maybe I could make a ranking of the pre-tapeworms-era-bands album covers, idk yet.
If you want you can also tell me your thoughts about the album covers and which are your favorite/least favorite :3
I like talking about albums and their covers because music and art are really important to me :D
Making this ranking was fun, goodbye!
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wcbweblog · 9 months
What Could Be Worth Eternity?, or wcbwe for short, is an art/storytelling project of mine! I currently have a comic (very early stage) in-the-works, as well as some writing and other art pieces. In short, wcbwe is what I call the original universe that holds a number of stories and characters I want to share!
………not exactly, unfortunately. The comic is still very early in its production, and as the only person working on it, progress is slow going. I think taking the extra time will be worth it in the end, but I’m biased lol. As it stands, this blog is not specifically for the comic in the works, but when I am ready to start posting pages, this is where it’ll happen!
Wait, countdown? For anyone who doesn’t know, for about two months, I was doing a… daily, countdown on my main blog, and it ended today, 2023.08.28, the day this blog goes up.
To be honest – the countdown wasn’t for this. In fact I’m writing out this lil intro post the day it’s supposed to go up while at work haha! I am incredibly unprepared. The countdown was to something at work (that never ended up happening, to my knowledge), I think we were supposed to do some sort of… media blackout? Like I said, it didn’t happen, so it doesn’t really matter. But, well, a couple of my moots saw the countdown and got curious, and I thought ‘well I should do something on tumblr, too!’. So here we are. Art blog! Yup, this is an art (and sometimes writing) blog centered around the wcbwe universe. Right now the plan is to update every Monday, but that’s subject to change because I have no clue what my uni schedule is yet XD
Ah yes. The comic. My pride and joy, should I actually manage to stick with the project. Like I said, it’s still very early in its production; only the prologue and first chapter have been scripted, and only half the prologue has been storyboarded. And it’s going to be a very long comic, so that’s not a lot. I’d prefer to have the whole thing, or almost the whole thing, storyboarded before I start making pages. If you want an estimate? I’d say it’ll be about a year or more before I can start posting pages.
Well, there’s no time like the present! I need somewhere to organize my thoughts and concepts for the universe, story, and characters, and I’m hoping having a dedicated blog might motivate me to sort out my ideas haha.
Wow! What was the progress again? Not to worry! I’ll keep the progress updated here :]
scripted up to chapter 4
21/? pages storyboarded
0/? pages completed
In short, anything wcbwe related! Digital art, traditional art, short writing things, animations, concept art, storyboard sketches, etc. etc. Anything I make that has to do with the wcbwe universe will end up on here eventually! Not all of it will be Quality Art TM lol
I don’t want to get too into spoilers, especially since I don’t have most of the plot ironed out yet. Up until the comic’s production is further along, the main focus here will be on worldbuilding and designs. With that said – you might be able to put together pieces of the plot with the art provided! I’ve got a couple big pieces coming up that have some kinda major spoilers. I just don’t want to actually talk about the plot things until I know what I’m doing. With that in mind, some art might end up getting retconned in the final production. Though, there’ll be a liiiiiiiitle plot sneak peak at the end of this post. Very small :p (it comes with art!)
Idk haha, if you’ve got anything to say, or any questions, drop an ask! It might take me some time to answer or I might want to save it for whatever reason, but I’ll answer eventually! Oh – asks are exempt from the Monday Updates btw! I’ll answer them whenever I answer them :3
…oh yeah I should probably mention. C a t s. (also tags are in the. tags-)
Without further ado – welcome to What Could Be Worth Eternity? Let’s dive in.
Arceli dies.
And then she doesn’t.
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minteaspoon · 1 year
The Sea Dragon’s Kraken
kind of daemyra dynamic with dalcerys:)
a/n: lmao I really had to strain my brain for this
anywho, enjoy luke having an existential crisis over a rehappening of what started the dance of dragons in the first place: the second son being in danger, and either killed or taken hostage:)
(very hard decision over whether I should kill little vivi off storm’s end style, or keep him alive but at the cost of ruby’s life - one of luke’s dragons, and whom vivi feels connected to the most out of the three dragons. SO I COMPROMISED AND DECIDED TO MAKE TWO SEPARATE FICS OF BOTH INSTANCES - IDK WHICH ONE WILL BE CANON, SO PICK WHICHEVER CANON AU YOU WANT TO BELIEVE:D)
a/n 2: this is the lead up fic to Vivi’s fate of arriving back to Luke safe, the other fic that ends with Vivi’s death will be Dalton not going with Little Vis to the Stepstones, and while he gets them to join his brother turned mother for the upcoming war, he gets killed on route back to the Isles by either Maelor or Jaehaerys or a son sired by Aemond I haven’t decided yet - this basically kickstarts the second civil war the same way as the first dance of dragons
@rowletlittenpopplioteam this is for you, thanks for reminding me I had too many drafts in my notes for lucerys and his harem:)
“Love, Viserys will be alright. He will have Ruby with him, after all.” The words were whispered, though in the room devoid of anyone except for two, it echoed and bounced from the walls as Lucerys stared out into the sea, hands clasped tightly on the windowsill.
“I know he will have Ruby with him, I know Ruby is protective of our little Vis, but still… I can’t help this immense dread within my stomach,” clutching his abdomen swollen with babe, he turns to face his husband.
“Dalton, I fear a repeat of Storm’s End, I fear our little Viserys will be another instance of the wretched Greens taking everything from me. They already took mother, my fathers, my grandmother, Jace, Joffrey and Visenya - you know how much they wanted to rid my mother’s blood from this world, and if news of our heart being out there - all alone - spreads, he might-“ his words were choked back, as small sobs racked throughout his body.
His husband stood silent, arms crossed at his back, and eyes down to bring a sense of privacy to his grieving and distressed husband. As the Greyjoy hears the sobs die down, he slowly walks in front of his beloved, and brings his hands to clutch his sea dragon’s trembling palms. “I know it’s cold comfort, but our heart will be safe, whatever happened to you in the past will not be repeated today, and certainly never in the foreseeable future. He’s a stubborn boy who loves his brother turned mother, he’s determined to prove himself to you, he wants nothing more than for you to be proud of him.”
Luke lets out a shuddered breath, “that is precisely why I am afraid. He is exactly as I was with my mother, and I fear that sameness will be what breaks me apart again, and will be what kills him as it did my family.”
Dalton sighs defeatedly, he knew his husband was concerned, very much and understandably so. As such, he offers a bargain.
“If it makes your worry lessen, I will set sail with Viserys to the Stepstones, and I will accompany him in making a deal with the leaders of the Stepstones to your cause,” Dalton proclaims, in a near yelling tone of anger, though not directed to his dear Pearl of the Seas.
“You are no Targaryen nor Velaryon in the eyes of Westeros, the Greens made sure to publicize and spread that, and your humiliation and suffering will be what draws the Stepstones to you. They will see you as no Targaryen or Velaryon, but as Lucerys Greyjoy of House Dragonborne. And with some threats from my fleet, and from a dragon, I do believe it’ll make them more willing to fight for you - they want to stick whatever ironic victories they require with dragons in the arse of those Westerosi bitches and bastards.”
His soft consort was silent, staring at the wall behind the Greyjoy’s shoulder. After a few moments, Luke turns his dark eyes to his husband’s, and tilts his head. “…I trust you to bring our Viserys back safely - alive and well. The same with our dearest red princess, Ruby. The Stepstones will be under my command, but are free to raid and kill anything and anyone from and within Westeros.”
The Greyjoy smirks, leaning his forehead against Lucerys’, “and what else, my Lord of Dragonborne, eldest surviving son of the true Black Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, and rightful King of Westeros?”
“…Show no mercy. I grant you, your fleet, and our Viserys and Ruby my permission, to show no mercy.”
Loud laughs of excitement, pent up rage and bloodlust erupt from the older man, as he clamps his rough hands upon his lord’s cheeks, and brings him into a kiss.
Separating, Dalton whispers into Luke’s ears, “If I see that One-Eye in the skies, on the ground or at sea, I will shoot him and his dragon down, and bring to you their heads.”
“I will hold you to that promise, my husband.”
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saintforan · 1 month
So i saw that u made that Holders au and was open to questions so here goes:
Would the rest of the smiling critters have Miraculous/miraculum (idk how's it exactly called) too? Which ones would they have if yes? Would it be kinda based on the animals or character more, or maybe even smth else?
Cuz ironically the pig miraculum is like for a cheery person so it fits with the piggy smiling critter in both cases
OOP be prepared for another long ahh ramble post
Alright so, on the og series the miraculous are given to whoever the miraculous guardian aka master fu decides they are worthy of having them, so he gives the cat and ladybug miraculous to adrien and marinette bc they proved they were good people. The thing is that besides them two, and ofc the villain, the rest of the people that get miraculous they only get them temporarily when chat noir and ladybug need help.
THE THING IS that who chooses who gets the miraculous in the og series is marinette?, like ok shes a very good ladybug but i find it kinda nonsense that she being a 14yo teenager gets trusted by the miraculous guardian (whos like, old af) to choose who gets supernatural power????? idk but personally doesnt make sense to me, i would understand it if she had like atleast A DECADE of experience with them but she barely has any ;-;
SO MY POINT WITH THIS is that i wanted to avoid that same thing bc again, doesn't make any sense to me, so in thia AU theres no guardian! yippeee!
So how the fuck do they even get them in the first place? Easy! They found them! This universe follows the same prompt as the og one where nineteen of the miraculous were sheltered by the order of the guardians (Ppl designated to take care of them), BUT on this AU said order would eventually fall apart/perish for a reason i havent figured out yet LOL on my behalf i just made this au like, yesterday LMAO
After this happened, the miraculous they sheltered got lost, and since the Order was erradicated, there was no one that would actively search for them. SO some time later, mr prototype found an old book that told the tale about the miraculous and blablabla and the infinite power that the black cat and ladybug miraculous give to whoever lands their hands on them, and so he decided to hire investigators and archeologists to find these precious jewels he learned about. Although he didn't find the black cat and ladybug miraculous, he did find the butterfly and peacock. Then after a while, catnap and dogday found the ladybug and black cat miraculous. So going back to your question (too many words just to get here LOL), i still need to develop this au some more, but im planning to make dogday very interested in the miraculous thing, therefore while investigaating them them out of pure curiosity, and adding that the ladybug miraculous makes him luckier he would actually get to find some of them. This said, the rest of the critters could get one on two situations, 1) like dogday and catnap, they get lucky enough to find one, 2) a little like on the og story, in a very very VERY VERY VERY (emphazise on V E R Y) fucked up situation they might encounter, as the critters are good friends to dogday and catnap, they could give them one of the ones they found, but again this would be on a VERY fucked up situation
if i had to choose which one of them to give a miraculous it would prob be either crafty or kickin mainly bc they are the ones that dogday trust the most besides catnap, or in a very specific situation bubba could get one too, a Felix like situation where he steals one from the prototype but on this case it would be out of greedyness lol, very much like layla
and about which one would they get.. i was thinking on giving crafty either the fox (gives the power of Illusion) or the rabbit (Gives the power to time travel), as for kickin he would prob get the turtle (gives the power of Protection aka s h i e l d) or i would go for the safe option and give thim the rooster. As for why they would get those animals miraculouses, my main reason for choosing them would be how responsible they would be (or how i think they would be) with the power each of them gives, for example, crafty would get the rabbit one bc whoever carries it must be really careful with it as it involves time travel, and on my personal vision of crafty she would def be able to handle it
i think thats all? if u got any more questions feel free to ask yippee
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youcanseethecosmos · 2 years
hi i like your dreamling actors au A LOT and i was wondering if you'd share more snippets about them 👀. mainly i would like to see more of dream falling for hob yet being more of an asshole the more he tries Not to be one, while hob is like "why does this guy keep searching me out just to be a dick wtf". idk i just like your actors au alot haha and would love to see more <3333
Hi friend! I'm so happy you love the dreamling actors au as much as I do!! And ofc I'd be more than happy to give a few snippets of Dream and Hob's lowkey one-sided enemies to tentative friends to lovers timeline.
I'll focus more on the start of the relationship here because everything else is a major spoiler for the fic hihi
Lights, Camera, Action posts: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Dream and Hob's first movie where they played romantic leads was, ironically enough, a queer reimagining of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I'll let you figure out which of the two main couples they played ;)
Dream said to Hob that he took to speaking in iambic pentameter really well for "someone who wasn't classically trained" and Hob took that personally
Meanwhile Dream in his mind is like "that was my best compliment i hope he appreciated that." oh Dream. sweet baby boy no...
Hob meeting Dream was a classic "never meet your heroes" kind of set up. Although he wasn't a rabid fan, he deeply admired Dream as an actor
He still admires Dream. No matter how rude Dream seemed to be, Hob couldn't say that he wasn't good at his job. As long as the cameras were rolling, he could get lost in their little world. Dream knew how to pull you in once the story starts and Hob, despite his dislike of Dream, allowed himself to be pulled in every single time
One time Dream bought donuts for the entire cast and crew of one of his movies with Hob. Whether intentional or by happenstance, Hob didn't get a donut. He knows he shouldn't be petty and upset over a single donut but he IS and he will DIE on that hill
There is a very specific incident that happens about 6 movies in with Dream that changes Hob's perspective of him (what it is Exactly is a spoiler hihi)
Hob has never seen Dream eat or drink outside of filming. Like ever. Even during supposed lunch breaks, Dream spends his time reading and/or taking a nap while leaning against the wall – standing up.
Hob would be a solid 6 minutes in a blooper reel. Dream's never forgotten a line therefore has never appeared in any blooper reel due to his own slip-up. Hob did catch him try to hide a snort behind his coat sleeve once though.
Hope that gave you a nice glimpse at dream aka most awkward man in existence who can sleep standing up like a horse and recite his lines from a script after three passges but can't tell his handsome co-star hob that he miscalculated the amount of donuts he was supposed to bring last time and he would have run all the way to the nearest dunkin' just so hob wouldnt feel left out
save him pls
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epersonae · 10 months
The cooking project - Crêpes
If yesterday's post was probably one of my most-made recipe cards, this might be my most-made recipe in my binder, which is sort of a Binder of Theseus. My sister made me a binder full of typed-out recipes as a gift when I was a sophomore in college, and I still have the section separators, which were collages of images cut from magazines, and I have some (most? all?) of those typed recipes, though the binder itself has been replaced. And of course I've added many more recipes, printed from the internet or sent to me by email or clipped from magazines. (I had a subscription to Sunset for a while in the late 00s!)
This recipe, though, was copied from a webpage into probably a Word document and then printed out, and dates from March 15 2003. The URL in the image no longer works, but the contents can be found in the Wayback Machine (ctrl+f, "crepes"). It was posted as part of the author's "French Week" as sort of an oblique protest of the impending Iraq War. In any case, I have been making it since then.
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Because this can be found in the Wayback Machine, and because the instructions are hilariously long, I am not going to retype the whole thing here.
My only personal notations are combining "whole wheat flour" and "white flour" into a single line (I've literally never made these as savory crepes in 20 years), and a note that 1 egg approximately equals 3 crepes.
Making the batter
One of the things I love about this recipe is that it scales really well: one egg to 1/4 cup flour. The sugar ratio is weird and I usually have to do a rough approximation, because 1/4 cup sugar is 4 tablespoons, but also it's a very forgiving recipe that way.
I have learned over the years to beat the eggs first and THEN add the flour/sugar/salt, much less lumps that way. (ironically, 20 years and I just noticed he never says when to add the salt, altho clearly it's with the flour)
I have literally no idea how much milk I use. I mix in a bit at a time until it looks like the right texture/color. It's all vibes, baby.
I don't think I've ever let it sit two whole hours but it definitely does change texture a bit, for the better, if left to sit at least a half an hour. (I have also never drunk a glass of red wine while waiting for the batter.)
Below is: just after mixing in the flour/sugar/salt, then after some milk, all the milk, and after sitting for idk half an hour? 45 minutes?
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Jam! Eating while making!
As I said, I've literally never made them savory, altho the last time I had them with a little bit of local whipped goat cheese and strawberry jam, and that was FUCKING TIGHT.
My usual is to take out whatever jams I have (today: strawberry and raspberry freezer jam that I made in 2020 and 2021 respectively, quince jam that a friend made, and marmalade) and just alternate flavors as I make them. I usually end up eating some while I'm making them. (As the guy says, bachelor mode™️.)
Two eggs' worth did in fact make about six crepes, I think, which is kind of a lot for dessert but I guess I had dessert for dinner, it's fine.
(Oh, and I think I've tried flipping them without a spatula exactly once, I am just not that bold.)
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In any case, this continues to be one of my favorite recipes of all time, I will make it for anyone at any time for any reason. (The longest stretch I ever went without making it was after Ryn died, and I finally had eggs and milk and enough energy...and found BUGS IN MY FLOUR and about lost my damn mind. But I have made them a couple of times since then.)
Fanfiction bonus content!
So if you are reading my fic for the benefit of all the broken hearts, and you have already read chapter 16, then you know why I posted this today. If you are reading it and have not yet read the new chapter, consider this a teaser.
If you are not reading it: for the benefit of all the broken hearts is a fix-it fic for Water Flowing Underground, a very strange beautiful fic that blurs the line between Actor AU and RPF, that plays with questions of identity and choice and intention and also what we are even doing with fanfiction. My fic picks up from the end of that fic, from the point of view of a character who is dismissed by the narrative of the original, and who finds a way out of the wreckage. (it's the weirdest goddamn thing I've ever written, and yes, I think that includes the Bigfoot fic, and also I think my best writing ever. Certainly the most work I've ever put into any writing in any medium.)
And also there are crepes.
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galacticcfangirl · 1 year
La Carcacha
Pairing: Young!Din Djarin x Reader (F)
Part 3 of the Amor Prohibido Series.
Words: 512
A/N: hello!!! Happy Friday :) idk why but i'm kinda using different styles in every fic, I hope you like this one!
“Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away there was a Princess. 
And no, we are not talking about a relevant, soon to be Queen with lots of responsibilities. We are talking about a “my-only-job-is-to-have-fun-be-happy-and-pretty” kind. 
And of course there was a Prince. Wait. No. Was it a knight? No. Oh. Of course. 
It was a Mandalorian. Well, not exactly. A soon to be Mandalorian. 
They met exactly how Princesses and Mandalorians meet. At the market. 
He was buying supplies for his people, they used to live underground, not like now, freely and fearless.
Some may say it was love at first sight. Since he wasn't wearing a helmet yet, they had the chance to look at each other’s eyes and smile. Of course, at that moment she didn’t know who he was but he knew who she was. 
They saw each other a couple of times around the town, but one day everything changed
Her father, the king,  decided to sell some ships that the Empire wasn't using anymore, one of them was a Razor Crest Assault Ship with a cost of 1500 Imperial Credits, and that man bought it in cash. 
It was a piece of junk that needed repairs, and the Mandalorian spent his free time keeping an eye on it while it was being repaired in the mechanic shop. And the princess, just by chance, spent the exact same hours around the mechanic shop while he was there. 
And that’s how it all started. 
He had the most beautiful brown eyes and smile, he told her he was training to be a bounty hunter to help his family with the money and the supplies, “it’s a big family” he said, “Would you like to go fly around for a bit when the ship is done, Princess?” he also said. 
The amount of times the Crest took to start up, with an uproarious sound during the take off and vibrating
“Please, don’t fail us now” she used to think, “I have to be at the palace before midnight”
And of course, some of her 5 siblings used to cover her, not without a laugh of course. The youngest princess dating a commoner, and one with a flying piece of junk. And it's ironic how the galaxy works. She wasn't born to be a Queen, and he definitely wasn't born to be a King, but who would imagine they would end up just like that?
But she was so happy, waiting for him on the fields almost every day in case he came back from a hunt. 
But things weren’t always that nice, things got complicated when he…-”
Snores interrupted her.
-”Grogu?’- She asked. “Are you still awake?”.
He was lying on his small bed, being held by his Mother, deeply snoring, with his eyes closing and his little brown blanket on his fists. She looked at him and gave him a small kiss on the forehead.
-”Still with that story?”- Din asked, leaning on the door frame. He was out of his armor, without his helmet, like he is nowadays. 
-”Is the only way he falls sleeps, he loves listening to it”
-”The story about how we met?”
- “ Exactly. And I didnt get to the most exciting part”
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dootznbootz · 5 months
hi! im so curious abt whether or not you have any hcs/thoughts abt when helen and penelope found out abt what happened to agamemnon and then later clytemnestra? (srry if youve answered smth similar before! i looked thru the tags and didnt seem to find anything)
With Penelope, I kind of have it planned where I go into a bit with how Nauplius, the father of Palamedes, goes and fucks with the other kings by going to their homelands and telling their wives they're bringing back a new bride so that the queens would, you know, take on a lover or boot out the king when he comes back.
I think it's funny af that Palamedes' dad went around trying to fuck with the other king's kingdoms and it worked as most of their wives had affairs but then you have Penelope, the WIFE of the guy who set your son up to get murdered, and she wasn't buying it. Got revenge on all the kings except for the one who was truly responsible because his wife was too cool.
I love imagining him trying to convince Penelope, who's already like "You're telling me, my husband, the embodiment of simping, is going to replace me? When he knows I'm the best thing that ever happened to him?"
But when she realizes who this man is??? She's fucking FURIOUS. this is the father of the man who put their CHILD in such a dangerous situation and is the reason why her husband is away from her. She throws him out but Nauplius gets to Odysseus' parents and...tells them he died. He lied so at least he could hurt Odysseus in some way at least...Also Ironic as Palamedes I'm pretty sure is a distant descendant of Poseidon. There's something there >:D
But idk for sure how EXACTLY I'm going to have it go down but I like the thought of the family at least COMMUNICATING and sometimes visiting each other. Maybe Penelope visiting Hermione as her auntie kind of. Maybe visiting her siblings, mother, and father (until he tries to convince her to remarry again. then she avoids him :( ). Same with Clytemnestra. And idk for SURE but everyone has an inkling that she's having an affair with Aegisthus but no one knows for sure. Penelope tries to bring up Nauplius but...isn't able to get anywhere (can't spoil everything!)
When she finds out what happens it's a "I KNEW IT!" and anger as she's saddened as she cared for both these people so much as she grew up with them nearby. First Helen was kidnapped, her husband is gone, she can't see her siblings as often, now another person she grew up with and cared about is not only dead but also the one who killed them was another person she cared about! And she doesn't know how Ithaca, being a smaller island as a whole, could help their children. She's sad for them but also knows that she already has so much on her plate that she can't really help them. (also somewhat selfish :P Her and Odysseus are like-minded)
There's a part of me that thinks that, being the somewhat "I will do whatever I have to do to get on top" part of her would just "play along" to get resources from Mycenae while deep down feeling like "There will be consequences" or she would completely ignore and no longer do things with them until Orestes takes it back. She's got a lot going on with the suitors as well so idk for sure yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WITH HELEN, that's much more complicated. She's been gone so long, and has to worry about getting back to her kingdom and looking forward to seeing her family again only to realize that some of her family has done something horrendous. Her sister killed her Brother-in-law! Menelaus' brother!! She grew up caring for Agamemnon as well! And also her husband is grieving!!! There is...SO MUCH going on. She's probably able to grieve a bit while in Egypt (because if I remember correctly they find out through Proteus, yeah?) There's grief for the sister she knew. She was ripped away from Hermione, how could her own sister not only kill her husband, but also send her children away and be so horrible to them?! But kind of in the same way as Penelope, so much on their plate with just returning, that they don't know how much they can do until later. I don't think they would be willing to do any sort of interaction with Mycenae afterward though. :P
Little side thing, but since I love MenOdy's BROTP, I'd like to think that Menelaus, being told by Proteus, a deity, where Odysseus was at, was kind of "mind-wiped" until Telemachus comes as "it's not the right time yet" with the gods. Menelaus and Helen realize afterward of "HoLY FUCK WE SHOULD'VE TOLD PENELOPE!!!" as they care about both Odysseus and Penelope. Also doesn't help that yeah, gotten news about bro/brother in law being murdered so there's a LOT going on. but I don't like to think they simply forgot??? when for one thing, I plan to write them as all very close?? NO >:(
It was just prophecy shit of "Hey, it HAS to be 20 years, mm'kay?"
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0809sysblings · 7 months
I was listening to Double's instrumental and there's like, the sound of a baby or small child?? What is going on??
very good question, i would also like to know the answer!
yeah tbh i don't have a very confident idea on what it means... i guess i've got a few possible ideas as to what it could signify but... again, i'm not confident in them so do with these what you will 👍!
also this is kinda long and rambly lol oopsie daisy...
it could represent John having been just born (as he directly refers to himself in the song as "a newborn" and also talks about how he was "born" only very recently in Neoplasm). now if this was meant to mean this, I would think they would have used the crying of a newborn baby to represent it since they cry when they're born, not laugh. which the audio seems to contain laughing, not crying. and newborns cannot laugh yet, only cry. so maybe instead of having just been born it's meant to allude to the fact that he's very very young.
--skip if you want it's not super relevant. maybe interesting to think about, but not completely relevant to this.--
cause i'm not really sure when exactly John split! was it before the murder(s)? during? after? idk lol.
i REALLY need to actually sit my ass down and read those long ass tarot card analysis posts for MeMe because i haven't really read any yet because i suffer from Cannot Fucking Sit Down And Focus To Read Giant Paragraphs Of Words disorder... which is ironic because i love rambling and making long posts. as you can see.
but anyway. maybe he split to deal with the stress leading up to it. or maybe he split to deal with the stress of the murder(s) having already happened and to take the responsibility even if he didn't actually kill anyone. it's not uncommon at all for an alter to split afterwards to take on the aspects of a trauma that can't be accepted.
for example- if Mikoto is the murderer, maybe John split to be someone who did want to murder the victim(s) and to be someone who doesn't feel any guilt over having done it. and then the other characteristics to his personality are to support this: unapologetic, doesn't take any shit, fine with being violent to protect himself and others, doesn't feel bad about rebelling, etc. hell, he could even legit believe he was the murderer depending on how far his role to take responsibility for it goes.
if John is the one shown mostly in Double (because there's certain imagery to suggest that maybe he isn't there for a lot of it. but also imagery to suggest he is. i hate it here my brain is too small for this), he may have not actually done the murder(s). if the inside of the train represents the subjective reality (not the objective reality) of what happened, so how John sees it, then that could be why he's doing the "killing" on the train even though we know the confirmed murder happened outside the train station. he's there to be the murderer, even if he may have not actually done it. and why we see mannequin pieces flying outside the train, where the murder occurred, as he swings from inside the train.
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TANGENT END... yippee
ok i had another explanation but i cant seem to figure out how to word it... and also it's more to me like a "oh, an interesting nod to this thing maybe..." and less an actual theory.
if someone wants to add onto this with their own takes, please feel free <3. because i haven't thought too long or hard about this yet or any legit theories for the MV. despite being mikoto-pilled, i am more the type of person who likes to pick apart the psychology and subjective aspects of characters and behavior. not really... actual narrative theories.
thank you for the ask!! sorry i couldn't really answer anything for you though, hah...
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