#idk what demon has possessed me but im having fun
psiroller · 27 days
Stop Smoking, We Love You
I wrote a little thing based on @unkat's chilaios EMS AU, which has consumed my little pea brain. you don't need a whole lot of context though. 1k words, cw mentions of medical trauma, smoking, drugs. title comes from the car seat headrest song which makes me misty eyed thinking about my stupid boys.
Chilchuck relished the icy cold breeze on his sweaty face as he burst out into the rear parking lot of the hospital, the one for the employees that visitors still park in. He patted himself down until the sharp corner of a fresh pack of Newports hit his palm, and he remembered he’d been trying to use the inside pockets after he’d accidentally dropped a pack during a call and wasted thirteen bucks and tax before he’d even opened the damn thing. He was fortunate enough to have remembered his lighter, too; Senshi’s visiting family this weekend and he has no one else to bum a light from. He’d gotten in trouble the last time he asked a patient out of desperation.
He flicked his zippo and lit it in one smooth motion, a party trick that had long worn out its novelty and was just about to put it to the menthol-cool cigarette between his lips when two large hands entered his vision. One clapped the zippo shut and the other pinched the cig by the filter, tugging both out of Chilchuck’s grip.
“You mother fucker—”
Laios laughed as Chilchuck lunged after the precious nicotine clutched in his big hands, held just out of reach.
“This doesn’t look like twenty feet to me,” Laios grinned.
“I was going to hold it in until I reached the grass, fuck off, alright?”
“Then you won’t mind if I walk with you?”
Laios returned what he’d taken, and Chilchuck snatched it back. “Fine, fine, whatever. Come freeze your ass off with me.”
They crossed the parking lot, stepping carefully across black ice and hopping the curb to stand in the grass, a foot beyond the premises. Chilchuck made pointed eye contact with Laios as he stuck the cigarette between his lips and flicked the lighter open and shut, taking a long drag. He debated breathing it in Laios’ face, but decided to turn away. He blew a thin plume of smoke that caught on the brisk wind and whipped away. “Happy?”
“Not exactly,” Laios admitted. “You shouldn’t smoke, Chil.”
Chilchuck scowled. “Oh, here we go… listen, it’s my right to poison my body however I want. Just look at our patients.”
Laios fought a grim laugh and failed. “Hey, you asked.”
“What’s it matter to you anyway?” Chilchuck asked, slurred around the filter. He took another long drag and tapped out the ash into the frozen grass.
“As a medical professional, I prefer not to watch people die.”
Chilchuck released the smoke through his nose, rolling his eyes. “Preference doesn’t matter much to us, does it?”
“I guess not.”
Another long drag. He’d somehow blasted half the cigarette already. “You sound like my youngest,” Chilchuck breathed, with a fondly exasperated smile. Laios shifted around, his cheeks going pink in the cold. “She’s in the middle of some kind of health course and it’s got her all freaked out. ‘Daddy, don’t smoke those, they’ve got rat poison in ‘em!’” Chilchuck said, affecting a raspy falsetto. “It was kinda cute, but she was pretty upset,” he sighed. “She was crying. Must be a pretty heavy-handed program.”
“I had that growing up,” Laios said. "They had a cop come in and everything. Showed us pictures of tracheotomies.”
“Is that what they’re doing?” Chilchuck hissed. “She’s nine! She’s too young for that shit. I’m gonna complain to the PTA.”
“Hey, it kept me off. Do you want her on it?”
Chilchuck’s mouth drew into a long, thin line. “I guess not.”
They stood there, Chilchuck smoking, Laios doing fuck all with his hands in his pockets. Chilchuck wondered why he was out here at all if he hated cigarettes and smoking so much. It was biting cold, blustery, damp. It was a holiday weekend and there was only a matter of time before they got another Narcan call, he could be catching a nap before rush hour, but he was here.
“Does it help?” Laios asked. “With the stress, I mean.”
“Gives me an excuse to step out,” Chilchuck shrugged. “Gives me something to look forward to. Gives me a reason to breathe in and out for a few minutes that isn’t that dippy yoga shit.”
“Have you ever done it? That dippy yoga shit?”
“Hell no.”
“You want to try it? I can show you a few poses.”
Chilchuck choked on smoke, something he hadn’t done in twenty years. “You? Yoga?” The ass definition suddenly made a lot of sense.
“I don’t take classes, but you can learn a lot from YouTube videos.”
“Hm.” It had been the class aspect that turned him off the most. It felt somehow more embarrassing than just rocking up to the gym at three in the morning and dissociating on the treadmill for a few hours. “I’ll think about it.”
“I think it’d be fun,” Laios said, and Chilchuck almost believed him. “And it’s helped me, you know. After rough calls.”
Chilchuck sucked down the last of his cigarette and blew it upwards, a brief break in the wind allowing it to coil in upon itself in midair, minute particles glittering in the warm, flickering glow of the light post and simmering down in his lungs. He leaned down to smash the smoldering filter into the curb, putting the butt in his junk pocket to avoid being further nagged.
“Alright,” Chilchuck relented. “Why the hell not?”
Laios beamed at him. Chilchuck could think of a thousand reasons against meeting up with his boss to do anything that didn’t involve getting a beer, but looking at that self-satisfied grin gave him one very good reason in his favor. “It’s a date.”
“No it’s not!” Chilchuck squawked. Laios skipped away. Skipped. “It’s not a date, Laios!”
“See you then!”
“Nice HR violation!” Chilchuck screamed. “Mother fucker.” He muttered to himself, tapping his pack angrily against his palm and flipping up a lid for one more, just to spite him, and looked down at the neat rows of little paper cylinders, pristine and fresh.
Chilchuck crammed the box back into his pocket and trudged inside.  
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cl3fairyyy · 3 months
hide and seek || edward nashton / the riddler x fem reader (nsfw !) ⋆。𖦹°‧★
summary || your sex life recently with edward has been non existent. with him being so focused on his plans for gotham, you have found your needs being neglected. you decide to take initiative and plan a fun game for edward while he's at work.
warnings || SMUT!! there is plot but this is pretty much straight up porn lol. reader and edward role-play a kidnapping scenario but everything is consensual!! slapping, restraints, degradation, light knife play, overstimulation, p in v, pussy eating, choking, hunting(?kind of?), (fake) threats of violence, mentions of stalking, the suit stays ON during sex, some weird purity/ corruption stuff in this idk i think a demon possessed me halfway through writing this. minors please do not interact!!
word count || 4k i did not mean for it to be this long oopsie!!
notes || i haven't written smut in a LONG time so i am so sorry if this is straight up garbage pls go easy on me. recently reread year one and im seriously going insane the hyperfixation is so back guys. i love writing edward so much especially when it comes to writing some nasty porn about him LOL. i srsly had no idea how to end this so its kinda bad sorry D:
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆ ┊ . ˚ ˚★
In recent months, you have found yourself growing increasingly frustrated. For the longest time, you haven’t had the faintest idea of what has been causing this, and that has caused it to manifest itself in various ways throughout your everyday life. You have found yourself much more easily annoyed by the most minor inconveniences, and have had repeated warnings at work to stop arguing with customers over the pettiest of matters. 
One afternoon in late November, whilst attempting to share in your boyfriend’s body heat on the sofa of your freezing living room, watching the news and listening to him ramble about finally ‘revealing the truth,’ it hits you. 
Edward hasn’t fucked you in months. 
Even before this change, you didn’t have the most active sex life- you were both too busy holding down your day jobs whilst simultaneously investigating the corruption poorly concealed beneath Gotham’s cobbled streets. Still, you’d find the time every other week or so to take care of each other. 
You love having sex with Edward; he’s so gentle with you, handling you like a precious gem that will shatter if dropped. He always makes sure your needs are met before he even thinks of himself, worshipping your body with an obsession akin to a deeply faithful Catholic’s love for Christ himself.  
But sometimes... it can get boring. Not as boring as not having sex at all, but boring enough that you often find yourself lying awake at night, longing for Edward to keep up his Riddler persona for just a little while longer after he arrives home from doing whatever he does to have the coppery scent of blood soaking into the walls of your small apartment. 
You know your frustration will only worsen the longer you go without having sex, so you decide to do a small experiment. 
You take the next few days off work, pretending to be sick, and Edward, usually ever attentive to your every need, your Edward, who begins panicking if you all but sniffle the wrong way, barely notices. With your theory proven that his work has been turning him into someone who is evidently not your sweet Edward, you begin doing everything you can for even an ounce of attention from him. You give him shoulder massages after he returns home from a long day at work, cook him his favourite meals, run baths for him, at some point it evolves into you all but throwing yourself at him, and you have to take a step back to reevaluate your approach. Being that desperate for sex is not a good look, especially when your boyfriend is completely oblivious to how horny you are.  
You decide you need to formulate a plan to force him to focus on you. 
It starts with the lingerie. You scour the shopping apps on your phone for an embarrassingly long time, trying to find something perfect. You eventually come across a pretty lilac set, its sheer mesh bra framed with soft ruffles and feminine frills to accentuate your chest, and immediately order it, even begrudgingly spending a little extra for next day delivery. 
The next step of your plan is to come up with a simple puzzle, something stimulating but still to the point- you're so horny that you know the next time you’re in a room with Edward while he still has that Riddler costume on, it’s going to take some real self-restraint to stop yourself from ripping it off him.  
The final step of your plan is waiting for the perfect moment to put everything into action. You realise it isn’t the most complicated or glamorous scheme to ever exist, but if it manages to work and allows you to finally get some action, you won’t be complaining.  
One evening, when it’s well past 5pm, and definitely well past the time Edward should have been home from the office, you get a text from your beloved. 
hi honey, moved tuesday’s plans forward to today. got an opening with savage and cant miss it. will be home late- ill pick up food on my way back. love you. 
we’re finally making some REAL change : ) 
You almost leap out of your chair with excitement, rushing around the apartment to make sure everything is in place for your little game of hide and seek. 
When Edward finally returns home, the apartment is dark- it’s well past 11pm, so he figures you’re in bed. He sighs, setting down the takeaway bag on the coffee table and calling out your name, pausing when you don’t answer. You always wait up for him when he’s running his late-night ‘errands.’ When he thinks about it more, he realises you didn’t even text him back earlier this evening; you’ve been sick, too- what if you collapsed, or had complications, or worse?  
Before he can begin panicking, he finally notices the lit candle on the kitchen counter. Next to it is a piece of paper, which Edward gingerly picks up with shaking hands, reading the five words scrawled across it. 
‘Dear Riddler, 
Come find me.’ 
Confusion clouds Edward’s mind for a moment before he realises that he’s reading your handwriting, and the sweet flowery scent giving him a headache is his favourite perfume of yours. He stands still for a moment, rereading the note as the familiar feeling of want begins to curl in his lower belly. You’ve never actually addressed him as the Riddler before. 
He definitely likes it. 
You crouch uncomfortably in your hiding space beneath the dining table, straining your ears against the silence of the apartment as you try to gauge how Edward has taken your little game based off his breathing. You hear the rustling of fabric and the sound of something zipping up, and realise he must’ve slipped his jacket and mask back on because his breaths are definitely muffled now.  
He begins taking slow, deliberate steps around the apartment, his combat boots loudly thudding on the wooden floorboards as he does so. You suddenly feel very vulnerable in only your undergarments and wonder if this is how his victims must feel, a thrill tingling deliciously up your spine. 
You shift a little in your spot, trying to find a way to crouch comfortably while also remaining out of sight. Your heart pounds so hard in anticipation of being spotted that you’re sure Edward can hear it, especially when his footsteps begin to head towards your hiding spot.  
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to keep the sound of your breathing to an absolute minimum; the silence in your apartment is deafening and, for the first time in all the years you have known him, you begin to feel almost weary of Edward’s presence. In this moment, you’re not just Edward’s partner. 
You’re his prey. 
So wrapped up in your own mind, you don’t hear Edward’s footsteps behind you. You feel two strong, gloved hands grab your hips and rip you out of your thoughts. You squeal giddily as Edward throws you onto the wooden dining table, biting your lip to stifle the giggles that threaten to spill out. 
Edward looms over you, his glasses glinting in the moonlight that seeps into the apartment through the cracks in the blinds. He is completely silent, save for the heavy breaths muffled by his mask. When he finally speaks, his voice is low and raspy, and the sound of it sends tiny shivers of excitement up your arms. 
“I’ve been watching you for so long. Every move you make, I’ve followed from the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to snatch you up. Do you know how hard it’s been? Hearing your pathetic whimpers while you fuck yourself every night, and having to wait until it’s me making you unravel? But now I have you here, all to myself, and no one is around to save you.” 
The sight of him like this, so indescribably large compared to you, looking down on you like a lion that has captured its prey and is about to rip it to shreds- it sends sparks of arousal through you that pool in your sheer underwear. You look up at Edward through your eyelashes, smiling innocently. 
“Looks like you caught me.” 
With that, he drags you up, throwing you over his shoulder as he heads towards your bedroom. Your face burns, unsure of when or how he got so strong, and the anticipation of what he is about to do to you sends tingles of delight down your spine. 
Edward throws you carelessly onto the bed before straddling you. He wordlessly grasps your wrists in one gloved hand, holding them above your head while he rips off a piece of duct tape from the roll that dangles from his belt, and binds them together securely. He subtly tilts his head to the side, and you can read him so well at this point that you know he’s asking if your restraints are too tight. You shake your head, and he immediately melts back into character, sweeping his gaze down your exposed body predatorily.  
His gloved hands reach forward, roughly groping your breasts, pinching and rolling your clothed nipples between his fingers. You squeak, writhing beneath him, deciding to put on a bit of a show with it. 
“P... please, don’t...” you whimper pathetically, bucking your hips into his. You hear him groan under his breath above you, removing one hand from your chest to grip your chin harshly, squishing your cheeks together. “Shut up.” His voice is low and dangerous when he speaks, a complete contrast to the sweet voice Edward usually addresses you with. “You’re trapped here, and no one is coming for you. You can scream as loud as you want, it won’t make a difference.” 
“You’re so pitiful, dressed up like one of those whores on the street just to get my attention.” He breathes out slowly, slipping a gloved finger beneath your bra to massage your nipple. “I can’t say it hasn’t worked, but a whore is still a whore. You need to be cleansed, like the rest of the filth in this city, and the only person willing to do that is me. That’s why,” he pauses, the hand gripping your chin roughly yanking your mouth open as he leans over you, pulling up his mask slightly and spitting in your mouth, “you will take everything I give to you like a grateful little bitch.” 
He slaps your face, hard enough to sting but not enough to bruise, and you swallow the mixture of your saliva and his. You can’t stop the moan that slips out from between your parted lips, and he locks eyes with you, his pupils blown so wide with arousal that his eyes appear completely black in the low light. He leans forward again, pulling up his mask, and harshly kisses you, pushing his tongue into your mouth as his knee forces your legs apart. You whimper when you feel his erection brush against your thigh and he bites down on your bottom lip, hard. He moves his focus to your neck and collarbones, attacking the sensitive skin with kisses and bites, marking every inch of you that’s visible. 
“This is so,” he murmurs breathlessly between fervent kisses to your skin- and, Christ, is he smelling you?- “everyone knows you were fucked by the Riddler. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? For everyone to know that you’re such a whore that getting fucked by a serial killer gets that pathetic cunt of yours completely soaked.” You moan at his words, arching your back to press your chest against his as you grind against his knee. 
“Such a needy little thing. One touch from me and you’re already at my complete disposal.” He leans back on his heels to look over you, your hair a complete mess, your lips swollen and as red as the flush on your skin. The strap of your bra has slipped down your shoulder and Edward’s breaths become haggard as he reaches for the knife on his belt; he cuts away the fabric hiding your breasts from him, much to your dismay (that lingerie set was pretty fucking expensive), and immediately takes one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud before biting down lightly. You moan louder, squirming against your restraints and trying to pull away from him. 
He slaps you again, harder this time, running the flat side of his knife against the mark that begins blooming on your cheek. “If you don’t shut up and take it like a good girl, I'll have to hurt you.” He presses a chaste kiss to your parted lips. “I wouldn’t want to ruin a face as pretty as yours.” 
You whimper, rubbing your clothed core against Edward’s thigh, feeling the arousal in your lower belly build from the stimulation. Edward certainly doesn’t miss this, his eyes widening slightly as he peels your underwear away from your pussy. A string of your own slick connects you to the mesh fabric, and you can hear the amusement in Edward’s voice when he says, “oh, I’m going to ruin you.” 
He cuts your underwear away, dragging his knife down your body painfully slowly. You shiver from the cool metal, whining from frustration when Edward’s gloved fingers spread your glistening folds, pointedly ignoring your throbbing clit. 
“You pathetic girl... so wet for me. No one else could get you to react like this from their words alone, could they?” You shake your head rapidly, wiggling your hips in an attempt to get closer to Edward’s fingers. “Say it, then.” He begins lazily rubbing circles into your clit, causing you to cry out with relief at him finally touching you. He runs the blunt end of his knife across your neck, twisting it in his hand so the tip presses into your skin, not quite breaching your flesh. “Nice and clear for me. Tell me that you’re my bitch.” 
You moan when he begins speeding up his movements on your clit, stumbling over your words. “I.. I’m your- your b-” He cuts you off with another slap to your cheek, and the action sends a sharp jolt of pleasure right to your clit, causing you to choke out a moan. “Not quite, pretty girl. Try again. Whose bitch are you?” Your eyes narrow with confusion for a second before you realise what he wants you to say. 
“I’m th- the Riddler’s bitch.” 
He nods, satisfied, pushing two gloved fingers inside of you while the other continues rubbing your clit. You can feel your orgasm approaching embarrassingly fast, whimpering and giving Edward a pleading look. 
He nods wordlessly and you unravel, your orgasm enveloping your body in a blissful warmth as your pussy clenches hard around Edward’s fingers. He breathes out through his nose, hard, as he watches you cum, his cock throbbing at the feeling of your pussy spasming around his fingers.  
Edward pulls his fingers out of you when your body finally finishes shaking, inspecting your wetness on them in the low light of your bedroom for several moments, before pushing them under his mask and sucking them clean. He moans at the taste of you, and you feel his dick twitching against your leg as he closes his eyes, savouring you. He sighs, opening his eyes. 
“I need more.” 
Before you can react, he’s gripping your waist with strong hands, dragging your body up against him, holding you up almost completely off the bed, and hooking your legs over his shoulders. Edward gazes at your drenched cunt with a hunger in your eyes that you've never seen displayed by him, his breaths deep and shaky as he smells the arousal leaking out of you. You squeak, thighs still quivering from your previous orgasm. 
“W-wait, Ed- Riddler, I... I’m still t-too sensitive for...” You cut yourself out with a cry of pained pleasure as he latches his mouth onto your pussy, pushing his tongue into your sensitive hole. You sob as he sucks on your clit, shocks of overstimulation wracking through you as you weakly kick your legs against him, your body growing limp. The sounds Edward makes as he devours your pussy are obscene, the room filling with echoes of your cries and Edward’s moans as he sucks and licks crudely at your sex. 
He pulls away occasionally, praising and degrading you in barely coherent pussydrunk babbles: “such a perfect girl for me,” “stupid bitch, such a needy whore for your savior,” “so pretty with mascara running down your face,” “any louder and I'll give you a real reason to cry,” “taste so good, i need all of you.” And it’s all so much, his tongue writhing so deep inside you, the grip of his hands on your ass, the cool leather biting into your flesh, the way he moans and ruts into the bed from the taste of you, and before you can even breathe you’re cumming again, and you’re cumming so hard your back lifts off the bed entirely, the strength of your orgasm rocking you all the way to your core. Your mind goes blank as a chain of choked moans and sobs spill from between your lips, all you can focus on being the way Edward continues to fuck you with his tongue all the way through your orgasm. You can feel your slick sliding down your thighs, and when Edward pulls away you can see it dripping down his chin, and you don’t miss the proud grin on his face as he pulls down his mask. 
He drops you back onto the bed, straddling you once more and wiping your slick from his chin with his finger, motioning for you to open your mouth. You obey him and he pushes the digit inside, motioning for you to suck it clean. When he pulls his finger from your mouth, his eyes darken, and you can practically feel the smug smile in his words. “Such a good little girl for me, aren’t you? No one can make you cum like I can... and I can still smell how horny you are for me. You’re so needy, yet you’re never satisfied.” 
He tilts his head, and the dim light from the lamp behind him illuminates him similarly to a halo, and you almost find yourself beginning to create a religion in your head just to worship him. 
“I don’t think you’re being very grateful.” 
You begin crying out words of thanks, rubbing your legs together to lessen the ache of overstimulation. Edward's knees cage you in, and he grips one of your thighs with his hands. 
“Quit your grovelling and stop fucking moving when I’m talking to you.” His hand travels to your face, cupping your cheek with a surprising tenderness as he sighs. “You’re still so filthy... look what this city has done to you. I suppose I’m your last hope.” 
He unbuckles his belt and unzips his trousers, finally freeing his cock from its confines. The tip is an angry red and leaks with precum, and Edward lets out a breathy moan as he strokes it. He spreads your legs, lining himself up with your sex and pushing into you slowly. He gazes down at you, a complete mess beneath him, and groans. “You’re so lucky... being fucked by Gotham’s salvation...” 
You can barely think, let alone speak, and when Edward begins moving his hips, his thumb finding your clit and massaging it, you sob, tears streaming down your cheeks. He moves in and out of your agonisingly slowly, and when you look up at him, you can make out that his eyes are closed as he savours the feeling of you. 
“Your virgin pussy is so... so fucking tight. Oh... h-how does it feel to be fucked by your saviour? Your God?” 
You sniffle beneath him, choking on your sobs as he speeds up to a punishing pace, his cock bruising your insides. He grabs at every inch of you, his hands finding refuge around your throat. 
“Oh, you’re so good. You were so filthy, but I will cleanse you. I will purify you; I will plant the seed of hope within you, and you will be saved.” 
He babbles on as he fucks you, squeezing his fingers around your throat, verging on crushing your windpipe but never quite gripping hard enough. You cry out for him, so cockdrunk and lightheaded from your sudden lack of oxygen that you find yourself looping your bound wrists around his neck, pulling him forward and crashing your lips to the rough leather of his mask. He makes a noise of surprise before his fingers once again find your clit, rubbing at it desperately as his hips begin to stutter against your own. 
Edward, ever the gentlemen, wants you to cum before him; you feel your cheeks grow warm at the thought, and pull away to look at him. You can barely keep your focus on him, your vision going hazy, and he begins assaulting your clit with more fervor. 
“Be a good little angel and cum for your savior.” 
Your vision goes white as the orgasm rips through you, your entire body spasming as your pussy clenches down hard on Edward’s cock. He has to stop moving to prevent himself from cumming as he guides you through your own orgasm, his fingers weaving through your hair as he coos at you. 
“Yes, that’s it. Such a perfect girl. So pretty cumming on my cock.” 
He begins speeding up again, his hips slapping against yours with a clumsy rhythm, his breathy moans growing louder and more desperate with each thrust. You lay, exhausted, whimpering incoherent words of encouragement to him as he chases after his own climax. 
You feel him begin to pull out and you weakly wrap your legs around his hips. “W-want you inside. Need... need you to cleanse me from the inside.” 
Your words are what tip Edward over the edge, and he whimpers loudly as his cum spills inside you, his hips grinding into yours as he relishes in the aftershocks of his orgasm. 
Thank God you're on birth control.
Edward slowly pulls out of you and cuts the duct tape that binds you, gently pressing kisses to the insides of your wrists. He pulls off his fogged up glasses and his mask, placing a gentle kiss to your lips as he smiles at you worriedly. 
“I didn’t go too far, did I?” 
There's your lovely Eddie.
You shake your head, laughing weakly and he smiles, pushing his glasses back up his nose as he helps you to your feet and guides you to the bathroom, letting you use his body for support. Edward sits you on the lip of the bath and dampens a towel, gentle cleaning you up and placing loving kisses to every bare patch of skin he can reach. He reluctantly leaves you alone to freshen up as he straightens up the bed, changing into his pajamas and finding your favourite t shirt of his to sleep in. 
When you re-enter the bedroom, with a slight limp that Edward definitely notices but refuses to comment on, he dresses you and tucks you into bed before lying next to you, brushing your hair out of your eyes. 
“Sorry I’ve been so... distant lately.” 
When you go to answer him, he rubs his thumb soothingly on your cheek and you get the message that he hasn’t finished talking. 
“We have big things planned, we both know that, but... it wasn’t right of me to not look after you when, now that I look back at it, you really made it obvious that you needed me to. I hope you can forgive me.” 
You smile, pressing a shy kiss to Edward’s lips. 
“Don’t apologise, Eddie. There’s nothing to be sorry for. You can apologise tomorrow when I can’t feel my legs or sit down properly for a week.” 
He laughs and buries his face in your neck, inhaling your scent.  
“I really love you, you silly girl. A-and..."
He pulls away from you but continues to avert his gaze, his cheeks pink and a lopsided grin tugging at his lips.
"The, um, th-the lingerie was very pretty, you looked really lovely. I'm, ah, sorry about..."
He doesn't meet your eyes and you snort, bringing a hand to rest on his cheek with a fond smile.
"Yeah. That I'm not so quick to forgive. You have no idea how expensive nice underwear is when you're a woman."
Edward laughs shyly, delicately holding your wrist and pressing tender kisses to your palm that leave you melting. The heat in his eyes, however, is undeniable.
"I absolutely will not complain if you decide to spend all my money on pretty lingerie and then decide to model said lingerie for me."
"You're unbelievable."
You both laugh as Edward continues peppering soft kisses up your arm, then your bruising neck before finally meeting your lips in a tender kiss. He pulls away, and the way he looks at you with such love and adoration almost makes you tear up.
Edward twirls a strand of hair around his finger, pulling you closer to his chest. His fingers reach up and he begins combing them through your hair properly, whispering sweet praise to you as you find yourself dozing off.
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xanuchi · 2 years
Hi! If u dont mind can u write the pomefiore trio with an s/o who has a demonic sneeze idk if this made sense but i thought it would be funny 😭😭
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i have so many ideas for thisJkksskkdd !1!:&2@:& (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)!!! but ty for requesting i had fun with this, darling <3 !!
characters included ; vil, rook, epel 🌹🏹🍎
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vil schoenheit ; 🌹
First of all, what the fuck— and second of all.
How the fuck???
Vil was causally doing his makeup when he was about to pick up his brush to blend the contour. However when reaching for the lipstick, you sneezed like a fucking elephant.
He turns around so immediately, almost in tears as he felt his heart fucking drop from how colossal the sneeze was and how demonic it sounded
Vil thought a demon had somewhat possessed you and would probably fuckin' call Pope Francis to exorcise your soul iN thE naMe of thE fATheR, sOn aNd the hOLy fuCkIng spiRIT—
Nonetheless he laughs afterwards, but frowns at how he has to start all over again over the bottom half of his face.
Probably would grab the lipstick and ruin your face with it. Though, you both end up laughing, and it's very wholesome at the end of the day.
You owe him the next few weeks ahead for that satanic response of a sneeze. also for ruining his makeup-
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rook hunt ; 🏹
Honestly, this man wouldn't fucking flinch.
He's not scared of anything, and if anything beyond doubt, you should be scared of him.
Rook looks at you the moment you let out the most satanic shit of a sneeze, ever known to mankind.
"Non non, let me show you how it's done."
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🧍 ...
Proceeds to sneeze so fuckin loudly that you become paralysed with your eardrums bursting in the process, the glass panes of Pomefiore have shattered and wildlife has scattered. Assert your dominance, dear Rook.
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epel felmier ; 🍎
Laying on the grass, wind softly blowing strands of hair outside Pomefiore's dorm.
Apple trees bloom beautifully above you both. Everything seemed so serene and peaceful.. and Epel loved these moments between you two. It was always perfect, where for once he'd not have Vil nagging and constantly having him at his very edge, every single day about perfecting his stance, looks, voice and everything else.
He falls asleep..
shawty, you good?
He ends up punching the fuck out of the air and suddenly his fist reached your nose.
HE PANICS SO MUCH&;@@(@4@(@;&
"O-Oh my gosh- (Name), I'm so sorry- What the hell was that noise? You know what, forget it— Let's go to the infirmary. Oh god i'm so sorry, i'm so sorr—"
He is mumbling apologies as he reached for the bandages and tries to fix your broken nose bUT THERES MORE BLOOddd JSJDJWKDJ
He panics more.
Suddenly realises that cry of satan was your sneeze.
He doesn't know whether to laugh- or cry because you have a manlier sneeze than he does- And the babey sneezes like a kitten.
Honey, why do you do this to him—?
heldpej I couldn't stop cackling at this imagining circus vil bye IM GONE IM ASCENDING 🏃💨💨
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smolandweirdwriter · 3 months
Serafina and the Black Cloak Reread Thoughts
I forgot that the book takes place in 1899 for some reason, but regardless I'm very eager to see how that's handled (since I read it when I was much younger, I doubt I would have picked up on that). but I mean that's just fascinating given the history of the civil war (Cornelius Vanderbilt was a union man--not in it himself, but donated a giant steamship worth about 1 million USD). Also fun fact: George Vanderbilt paid his staff New York wages, which were higher than Asheville wages-- up to the equivalent of $73-ish dollars for the highest working members.
sera and her pa are adorable! little serafina not wanting to eat her veggies is my favorite thing & in a modern au he would definitely be the kinda guy to mix spinach into her brownies to try and trick her into eating vegetables
also serafina first line: "Did." do with that what you will
can serafina get rabies? she says she's been bitten by rats before...
love the sprinkling of 1890s southern dialect lmao
I forgot how good the imagery in this book is!! the descriptions of sounds and nature are incredible!!
mr Vanderbilt has over 22 THOUSAND BOOKS that's the kinda life goal I aspire to
serafina made up stories after reading she's just like me for
au where serafina is a PI & part-time novelist perchance?? (Braeden is a vet ofc)
Sera's pa: if anybody ever asks you who you are or where you're from, you don't answer, got it?
Sera: got it
Sera, the second she meets Braeden: hi I'm serafina here's my social security number
OH BRAEDEN FIRST DESCRIPTION WHAT "... or she'd see their twelve-year-old nephew riding his horse across the grounds, with his sleek black dog running alongside." (p. 12)
"Sometimes she dreamed of wearing fancy dresses and ribbons in her hair and shiny shoes on her feet" props to Robert Beatty for not making her have internalized misogyny and hating "girlie" things. the main fight scene is done in a dress if I recall and I'm so ready to read it
she mentions Braeden a lot (calls him "the young master" or "the nephew" but still, good foreshadowing)
awww poor sera wants a real family but also loves her pa *sigh* EMOTIONAL CONFLICT
sera describing the basement as "hers"!!!
the butler's 11 year old assistant gobbling cookies in the middle of the night is so real im sorry. but also sera standing in the shadow watching him & pretending they're friends chatting is gonna make me cry
oooh the rats and bugs all fleeing from cracks in the walls when the man in the black cloak arrives!!!
mr Thorne first line: "Don't worry. We're going right in here..." creepy lil shit
"her legs felt like explosions of speed" idk why but that line made me laugh. the book is so well-written but for some reason that line just feels very, idk, childish? it kinda took me out of the experience but maybe that's just me
"friends had to help friends. she didn't know much about life, but she knew that." she doesn't even know the girl but considers them friends and wants to help her. serafina seems to think Braeden is kinder than she is, but honestly I don't think that's true. I think Braeden is more willing to trust people, but serafina is more willing to sympathize with them, & I think she has preconceptions of people in power being bad (mr v, mr Thorne-- though the latter turned out to be true--rowena, etc) which turns out false
"A tall man in a black cloak and hood, his hands stained with blood" we have our first Mr Thorne description folks!!
"Just stay still, and this will all be over," he said, pulling her toward him. Serafina suddenly realized she'd made a dreadful mistake. This was far more than she could handle." oh god the places my mind instantly went to? dark, awful places. this book is disturbing and I'm inly 19 pages in-- how did I read this so gleefully as a kid?
"...as if the man wasn't of his own mind but possessed by a demented, ravenous demon" I don't quite remember but isn't it true that the cloak can speak to the wearer? so did it take over mr Thorne at some point? did hearing that voice all the time affect him and further corrupt him? did he ever get confused when he took the cloak off, maybe in the beginning, and think perhaps he didn't want to put it back on again, but in the end the urge for power and youth was too great? oooh angsty fanfic ideas.....
"Death was so near that she could see its blackness and hear the screams of the children who had gone before." this book is so dark how is it for children???? it's incredible I love it
ik she's looking for a place to hide from a guy trying to pull our her soul but her thought process when searching for a hiding spot reminds me of playing hide n seek
"She was the CRC. No trap or weapon or evil man was going to catch her." hELL YEAH
ahhhh description of serafina. collar bones that don't connect to other bones --> cats have a detached collar bone. four toes not five--> cats again. (also as a kid who was tiny and short and having been thought practically dead at birth, serafina was always inspiring to me)
"Mice are timid and prone to panic-induced mistakes at key moments. Just stay still little mouse, [she thought]." oooh nice callback to this exact thought about mice when she's hunting rats earlier
Also did I mention how much I love the chapter titles being encircled in brambles that form the shape of her face or a panther?? that's just cool. if I can actually write something good enough to be published, I'd love to have something like that
Babe wake up new slang just dropped: “gnawin’ on leather” 
Her pa doesn’t like mr poe gives “my dad won’t let us watch horror movies so you have to sneak them over in a different dvd cover if we’re gonna watch a horror movie when you sleep over later tonight” omg rowena & serafina girltime au?? (Lol sorry)
Oooooh the dynamo’s busted I wonder what thaaat meeeaannnssss (hehehe)
Biltmore being one of the few homes to have electricity is a nice reminder of the time period
“she’d been trying to follow [her pa’s] rules at least some of the time” lol
“Spotting an upholstered chair she felt an overwhelming desire to run her fingernails over the plush fabric” REAL
Her being shocked at flower vases & the idea of flowers INSIDE the house is so funny
Awwww poor sera, looking for her momma and siblings everywhere…
Serafina is super smart. just putting that out there. She’s brilliant and I love her
Oop the first description of Edith Vanderbilt kinda gives chatgpt-generated ngl (obviously it wasn’t bc it predates chatgpt & shitty ai writing generators, & this book is SO MUCH BETTER than anything an AI could generate regardless) 
“A refined and attractive woman, Mrs. Vanderbilt had a pale complexion and a full head of dark hair, and she seemed at ease in her role of hostess as she moved through the room.” Idk what about this makes me think “AI generated” but it just DOES
“Serafina loved to climb the tapestries at night and run her fingernails down through the soft fabric” AGAIN SHES SO REAL FOR THIS
“I’m sure that most of you already know Mr. Montgomery Thorne,”… Mrs. Vanderbilt said with a gentle sweep of her arm toward a gentleman. “He has graciously offered to play [the violin] for us today.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Vanderbilt,” Mr. Thorne said with a smile as he stepped forward. ... To Serafina, who’d been listening to Biltmore’s visitors her entire life, he didn’t sound like he came from the mountains of North Carolina, or from New York like the Vanderbilts. He spoke with the accent of a southern gentleman, maybe from Georgia or South Carolina.”
Serafina having an eye for fashion was NOT what I was expecting from this reread lol (she describes mr t’s outfit then says “all of which she thought went nicely with his silvery-black hair and perfectly trimmed sideburns”)
Hmmm interesting she actually sympathizes with/likes mr Thorne at first?? I did nOT recall that
Lol serafina liking to watch mr Thorne’s fingers move as he plays and wanting to pounce on them is so Cat of her
Apparently he looks “sickly, a little frail even” which I do not recall, but hes also got “watchful, sensitive brown eyes” and “a rather fetching tussle of wavy brown hair”
“Are you lost?” WE GOT IT WE GOT THE LINE but more importantly we got the NEXT LINE which is “May I help you find your way?” And hes described as not timid or shy but also not overly confident which I LOVE (fun fact this line is very similar to one of the characters of my other favorite kid’s book series, Keefe Sencen’s “you must be lost” line)
Lol Braeden always sharing his food with Gideon annoys the chefs i LOVE him
Name drop at last, missing girl’s name is Clara Brahms. Honestly I’m a little sad Clara isnt a recurring character later on. Braeden, Serafina, and Clara could’ve been a good trio 
OOOOHH “She had heard the servants in the kitchen joke that their master must have secretly found the Fountain of Youth” what a NICE SET UP for how the black cloak keeps people young & serafina’s suspicion of mr Vanderbilt
Mr Vanderbilt: *wears dress shoes to go riding*
serafina: criminal activity right there. Lock him up
Least accurate part of this book is the implication that serafina uses a hairbrush lmao
New slang: spit nails (means be really mad)
“I’m twelve years old. I’m grown up.” Mmmm not quite, but I agree with the spirit!
“Just tell me what’s wrong with me. I want to know. Why are you ashamed of me?” scuse me, I’ll just be over here… crying… in the corner
Ohhhh serafina back story… she could’ve had 3 siblings (AU where all of her siblings survive, but they’re humans too & her pa raises them all???)
The midwives wouldn’t even help a baby??? And the nuns were so mean for what? Like at least consolidate the man, he’s trying to keep a child alive, don’t just tell him “it’s going to die. You should kill it now” who DOES THAT??
It’s so funny to me that serafina didn’t realize she was the baby in the story until after it was over. i get that it’s a kids book but still!
Oooooh nature v nurture very nice very nice
Oh wow I forgot serafina was almost kidnapped when she was probably around 2-3ish (her pa says she was walking/wandering around, so I assume it’s around that time?)
“It’s plain to see that you’re not like other girls” WOW sera’s pa just went there lmao
Ok so when I was first reading this, I remember shipping Leandra and serafina’s pa SO HARD and wanting her to have a proper mother-daughter-father type family, yknow? 
The implication that bright/stereotypically “good” things can ensnare your soul too is so fascinating. That good things can be bad for you too… fascinating
“Her pa had told her to leave them to it, that it wasn’t any of her business, that they weren’t her kin, but who was he to say who was kin and who wasn’t? He stole babies out of the woods!” Help why is this so funny 😭 
Ooohhh she wants to find Braeden! And she keeps thinking of Clara as her friend. I’m so annoyed Clara wasn’t brought back now ugh
Awwww she’s wondering if she can think of Braeden as a friend
Awww poor serafina 
Serafina: *sees dress shoes* THE DEVIL’S APPAREL!!!
Huh apparently there’s a concealed door to the right of the fireplace in the billiard room? Wonder if that’s true
Oooh and it leads to the smoking room, with a similar one leading to the gun room. VERY curious if this was made up for the sake of the story or not
Haha serafina spitting on the back of her hand and using it to wipe her face and hair is so Cat
Serafina loves closets lol 
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Help why is this whole page so funny 😭
Serafina canonically climbing up a tree to get away from a dog and staying there until her pa got a ladder to get her down is so Cat I can’t
“[Shadows…] [which] reminded her of griffins, chimeras, and other twisted creatures of the night which were half one thing and half another.” OOOOH good foreshadowing!!!
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I like this part
when he asks why he’s never seen her and she says “maybe you’ve seen me before and you’ve just forgotten” and he says “I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED YOU”!!!!
hearinf him say her name has tremendous power over her!!!! I’m going to be sick 😍
smolandweirdwriter reblogged trialserrors Pinned Postsilversickles-deactivated202101 This blog is a safe space.Nazis, TERFs, pedophiles, bigots, Tr*mp supporters, Islamophobes, exclusionists, queerphobes, and anyone who can’t reblog this post, etc, do not interact. I will block you.emo-bunny-1317 FollowHell yeah!#safe space
smolandweirdwriter reblogged smolandweirdwriter Serafina and the Black Cloak Reread Thoughts: chapter Nine and TenMr Vanderbilt: you’ve got to be a man, BraedenSerafina, in the corner, under her breath: yOU’vE gOT tO bE A MaN, bRAeDeNMr Vanderbilt: *gives Braeden some well intentioned, albeit slightly sexist, advice* Serafina: MURDERERNice allusion to Mr thorne’s skill at everything being suspicious Chapter 10 was creepy af (I mean it does take place in a graveyard soo)Cloven Smith has a creepy gravestone, & google told me nothing about him, so I doubt he was realSerafina: *sees a grave to two women* oh these must be sisters me: WIVESAnyway now I wanna write an au about Mary and Margaret being witches or catamounts or something WE FOUND THE GLADEscarred-serafina-fan Djffjjfjvjgnng I'm gonna assume sisters since they were nine but that's freaking funny lolsmolandweirdwriter oh my god I didn’t even read the dates 😭 I’m so stupid
smolandweirdwriter Serafina and the Black Cloak Reread Thoughts: chapter Nine and TenMr Vanderbilt: you’ve got to be a man, BraedenSerafina, in the corner, under her breath: yOU’vE gOT tO bE A MaN, bRAeDeNMr Vanderbilt: *gives Braeden some well intentioned, albeit slightly sexist, advice* Serafina: MURDERERNice allusion to Mr thorne’s skill at everything being suspicious Chapter 10 was creepy af (I mean it does take place in a graveyard soo)Cloven Smith has a creepy gravestone, & google told me nothing about him, so I doubt he was realSerafina: *sees a grave to two women* oh these must be sisters me: WIVESAnyway now I wanna write an au about Mary and Margaret being witches or catamounts or something WE FOUND THE GLADE#serafina and the black cloak#serafina and the black cloak reread
Serafina and The Black Cloak Reread Thoughts: Chapter Seven and Eight
I got bored so my thoughts will be on two chapters at once now (so this goes faster)
Braeden is canonically a horse girl
lol serafina is scared of horses
mr crankshod is a lil sus (I say like I’ve never read the book before)
still. I don’t like him
me personally I would not walk into the forest at night but 🤷
no bc lowkey I hate bugs. I’d be thinking about them walking all over me the whole time (UNFORTUNATELY, I do love camping and nature. Just not the bugs. Which yes yes I know biodiversity they’re good for the environment et cetera et cetera. I wish I loved them— I never kill them in the house or anything, I take them outside, but I just don’t like them
Sera and Gidean trusting each other!!
oooh when Braeden freezes when he gets scared, nice allusion to how the rats/scared creatures freeze
They’re allies!!!
something I find very interesting is that to serafina EVERYONE can be separated into Friend or Foe. Clara and Nolan, whom she barely knows? Friends.
Braeden is such a horse girl
ooooh he’s helping her into the carriage like a GENTLEMAN
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“I’m sorry there aren’t any blankets,” Braeden said. “Not even a good cloak to sleep under.”
”I’ll pass on the cloak, thank you,” Serafina said with a smile, and Braeden laughed.
they’re so 12 year old coded lol
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Braeden backstory!! & emotions
Mr Vanderbilt: you’ve got to be a man, Braeden
Serafina, in the corner, under her breath: yOU’vE gOT tO bE A MaN, bRAeDeN
Mr Vanderbilt: *gives Braeden some well intentioned, albeit slightly sexist, advice* Serafina: MURDERER
Nice allusion to Mr thorne’s skill at everything being suspicious
Chapter 10 was creepy af (I mean it does take place in a graveyard soo)
Cloven Smith has a creepy gravestone, & google told me nothing about him, so I doubt he was real
Serafina: *sees a grave to two women* oh these must be sisters
me, realizing they’re nine: … Childhood lovers who could never fall in love properly because they never grew up?
me, sighing: sisters
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Anyway now I wanna write an au about Mary and Margaret being witches or catamounts or something
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AND LEANDRA!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!
oooh is a creature of the night good or bad? Or is right/wrong/good/bad something we need to decide for ourselves?? Fascinating implications & queries for a kids book
”why do I deserve a present?” “Because we’re friends, right?” SO CUTE!!!!!!
braeden being loud af in the tunnels lol
braeden hanging 30 feet in the air lol
serafina wanting to knock the pieces of the chess set over to watch them fall is so Cat (yes that is what I dub the term)
lmaoooo Mr Thorne calling Mr Rostanov “daddy” aged SO WELL
serafina: let’s go through peoples stuff
braeden: let’s not
Braeden as they go through every room: I like this guy! He can’t be evil! I like this guy too! And this guy!
Serafina: you like too many people
Raphael Room, Van Dyck Room, Sheraton Room, Old English Room, Morland Room
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Love knowing this is actually true!!
“The pumpkin pie, like all pumpkin pie, looked like something a dog would eat” UH! I beg your pardon?? Pumpkin pie is DELICIOUS
Serafina softening to Mr Vanderbilt and seeing how much he cares for his staff and guests!!
Ooooh Mr Thorne is getting sick!!!
Haha Braeden saving serafina from getting her eardrums ruptured
ohhhhh he’s playing the piano because clara is good with the piano
Braeden somehow knowing what kind of food serafina likes and bringing it to her is friend goals
GUYS Braeden says that Mr Thorne owned an estate “before the war between the states.” That’s the civil war, in 1861. It’s been almost 38 years since then. But Mr Thorne isn’t described as an old man at all. But he couldn’t be a fully grown adult and own property 38 years ago but still appear as if he’s in his 40s. Right??
but also Mr Thorne’s death is sooooo overdue. Child murdering evil plantation-owning racist piece of shit got what he deserved
UGH all the descriptions of the night and the stars and nature make me SO MAD I live in a giant polluted city
A good couple pages:
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“The time for sneaking and hiding was over. She was going to make sure one man in particular saw her. And tonight was the night. The Chief Rat Catcher had a job to do.” (Ch 19, p225) YES SERAFINA!!!!!
“She… kept lacing her dress up her back with shaky fingers, but she was having a terrible go of it. Normal girls must have extremely long and bendy arms to do this every night, she thought. Help she’s so funny 😭
“She hated walking straight. And she hated walking slow.” REAL
“She was a China doll, and she was a wraith, in and out of shadows, a girl in between.” Very nice
oooohhhhhh she’s hoping the mountain Lion will show up to kill him. I didn’t realize that the first time i read this
“Come out, my dear child, before I become angry with you.” Thanks to @secretly-a-catamount for telling me Thorne was meant to be a warning to children about child predators because now I SEE IT even more clearly than I did earlier
”At that moment, all the power and ferocity of closed motherhood came ripping out of the woods.” YESSIR
”she was mightily perturbed he hadn’t stayed dead” 💀 😭
yesyesyesyes die rat bastard!!!!! Mr Thorne is dead!!!!! Let’s go!!!!!
Braeden putting together a search party for serafina and sending gidean out ahead is so perfect and wonderful
Am I the only one somewhat perplexed that all Mrs&Mr Vanderbilt did was send down some beds? Like why not give them a proper room even in the servant’s floor or something? Idk
“There are few skills more important than picking good friends.” — Mr Vanderbilt, the man who befriended Mr Thorne 😂
ahhhh I loved this book. I can’t WAIT to reread the rest!
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borathae · 3 months
their bickering please oof
sometimes they are my babies sometimes they are my parents
I’m a plank once I sleep WHOEVER WHO SAYS THAT, ARE DEFINITELY NOT PLANKS *source me bro. also my cousin said 'i sleep like a dead body' in a sleepover and her sister said nah you sleep like the body getting possessed and its been forever her nickname. 😭
Lies. We’re equal me and dad sharing chocolates or sweets be like
They contain silly and funny one liners which are exactly Jungkook’s humour. genz humor in a nutshell
there was one time where the fan stopped working due to power cut during a sleepover (5 in one bed💀) and guess what we did, we moved the smallest on to the table 😭😭 and 1 slept on the floor
wow to be in an amajin relationship where u dont continue bickering cuz its turning to argument, i wish i would be in one like that
You never know, sleep paralysis demons EXACTLY TELL HIM SIS
“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.” I- understandable have a nice day
“Not even if you could watch? Imagine waking up to me getting railed by a sexy, hot demon.” oh no IDK WHAT TO DO NOW AAAH
“Aww sweetie, don’t be. It’s just my sleep paralysis demon.” yeah very normal shit what do u mean it doesnt happen everyday
“Mhm? Are you gonna manage to be quiet? MOMMY STOP AAH
but getting him to beg some more is way too much fun not to do it. He is so delicious when he is desperate.  AAAH HER MIND 🤩🤩🤩
you can’t deny him when he is hitting you with The Good Boy. THE POWER OF GOOD BOY™
His tits are pressing into your arm like this. dont know if its the flu dizzy or reading this dizzy BUT IM DIZZY AAAH
“And out”, he whispers, “get it? I WOULD HAVE FULL ON STARTED CACKLING * i mean night, the time where breathing is funny
You want to tease him for being loud? You dare to call him a whiny baby? AAAAH
he chooses his childhood bed. poor bed, its definitely the top g
“My good girl”, he whispers who is a dom? what is a dom? idk, USE ME DADDY
do the unthinkable crime of sliding your fingers between his buttocks just to rub his hole. UR GOING TO MAKE THE BABY LOSE IT HES GONNA BE TOO LOUD LOL
“See? Told you, someone gonna poke your hole tonight “ STOP
“Ah, ouchies my head.” I- at least its better than getting leg cramp while rubbing one out
and hits the headboard softly stop he is such a cutie pie STOP THEY WERE JUST SOO HOT AND DRIVING ME CRAZY NOW THEY ARE SO CUTE AAH
Okay fine, teamwork come on.” THE REAL SHIT GUYS
mystery of the universe, but you managed. FUCK I WANTED MY PLAYSIT TO PLAY MY UNIVERSE that i even cheated by going bathroom, so that next song plays & i can say omg my universe played when i read this BUT THAT THAT STARTED PLAYING I-
“There we go. Right where you’re supposed to be.” FFGFHGRRRRRAAWR M FERAL
his childhood bed croaking from the movement.  please tell its not their last night on it
No other words, no matter how nasty and dirty, could get his cock as hard and leaky as your confession of love could get him in those moments. dont know if i should cry from eyes or between the legs
He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. HIS NECK MOLE KILLS ME LIKE I WANNA KISS IT SHUT UP
closes his mouth around your digits, sucking on them with pouty lips and big doe eyes. I NEED TO MEDITATE THIS IS KILLING AND RESURRECTING ME BACK TO LIFE
Tears run down his cheeks, he is arching his back even more. Yeah, you’ve really got him good.  THE DESCRIPTION IS SOO GOOD I NEED A PRINTER FOR MY BRAIN
“I kinda feel like your parents must have heard something.” “Please don’t say that, I’ll cringe to death.” THEY WERE PLAYING UM WRESTLING YEAH DOING YOGA NORMAL SHIT U KNOW?? DECIDED TO JAM TO SONGS ON BED
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, THANK U I WAS SHOOK ONE TIME WHEN I HEARD IT OUT OF MY OWN HUHA LIKE BRO U OK?? (ik why it happens but that was loud?? give a warning bruh)
we fucked in a motel only to realise we didn’t have tissues?” i will definitely have this haunting me everytime i listen to hotel motel pitbull
THE SMUT WAS GOBSMACKING AS USUAL and fucking delicious *insert that licking fingers tiktok audio
they were so in love they were my parents, my babies, i cried i lost all my uwus i also wanted to gobble them
good fucking night *shudders and sigh whistles
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“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.” I- understandable have a nice day
FELT AGAIN FANDSFN lmaooaoa all your reactions to the smut parts are so funny I am living for them <3
He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. HIS NECK MOLE KILLS ME LIKE I WANNA KISS IT SHUT UP
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, THANK U I WAS SHOOK ONE TIME WHEN I HEARD IT OUT OF MY OWN HUHA LIKE BRO U OK?? (ik why it happens but that was loud?? give a warning bruh)
GIRL YES OMFG and then you can't stop it like 😭 when I was with my ex it happened like one time and then I laughed and it got worse cuase the movement squeezed it out more like whY WOULD YOU DO THAT COOCHIE??? 😭😭 (he didn't even laugh he just stared weirdly like- fucking weirdo, that dude was so stiff)
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sexygrass · 8 months
Leo! Baby! How ya doin??
I saw something about requests for hyuck🤔
What about a needy hyuck with an oral fixation so like he needs to have something in his mouth to feel better yk, fingers, tits, giving head just for the sake of how it feels on his tongue. A whipped hyuck, if you will.
I know you'll do wonders with this🤌🏽✨
Omg, thanks bae🥹
I had a lot of fun writing this, more than I should. It's not what you exactly wanted but will soon write a better one, promise
here's, hope u like it!
Lesson (M)
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Pairing: needy! Sub! Haechan x mean! Dom! Fem Reader
Warning: handjob, humping, punishment, bratty haechan, pet names, degradation, breeding, slight exhibition, haechan is just so whipped, clingy haecahan, fingers sucking, edging, stimulation. If I forget anything, lmk.
Word Count: idk
I didn't proofread, so bear with any mistakes;)
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Haechan was stressed, cramming as much as he could for his upcoming exam. He thought he he didn't have much, but once he started reading the notes that he begged renjun to send him, he realized he was in for a long day.
Chewing on his pen one too many times, he felt his saliva drip down his hand and nearly wet his paper. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he pushed his classes up his nose, "fuck this, im tired."
standing up, he went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water before grabbing his phone from the table next to him, checking on the time, his brows furrowed: you were hour late. No wonder he felt suffocated without your presence.
He was a very clingy boyfriend who had no understanding of personal space. He'd be in your business all the time and will complain and nag and nag at you for not taking him with you to your gatherings with your colleagues, he'd always say that he has to be there to let people know that you're taken so none of your disgustingly-handsome friends make a move on you but in reality, he was just clingy and very possessive over you and you know.
Deciding to text you to know when you will come back, he leaned on the counter and started typing, his bottom lip between his front teeth.
Me: mommy~~ when will you come back? I'm boreddd ~ need youuu :((
Mama Bear: I'll be home soon baby, just had extra work to do. I'll bring dinner with me but promise me to behave
"She won't be here soon then," he slumped his shoulders with a visible pout on his lips, but your last message ignited an idea in his head.
Giggling, he danced his way into your shared bedroom, his exam's preparation long forgotten.
He wanted to wait for you to come back from your work and spend some time with him to help him relax but you're late and he misses you and the little demon on his shoulder's idea seems more fun than sitting idly by and waiting.
Taking his clothes off and itting on the edge of the bed, he took a deep breath. He knew he'll get punished for doing what he's about to do, but he was already hard at the idea alone.
Running his hand over his stomach and down to his growing bulge, he hissed before throwing his head back into the bed, "I think I got tamed, I can't do it. woah." he looked around the room, and once his eyes landed on your perfumes, he smirked before stumbing to his feet and grabbing the bottle, spraying generous amount on a pillow, he got rid of his boxer and slowly started humping.
Once his sensetive cock head made contact with the harsh material, hyuck let out a porngraphic moan at the friction and a dark patch already formed from his precum, smelling your perfume and feeling it surrounding him, he whimperd when he picked his pace and started rutting against the pillow desperately, his moans growing high pitched as he called for your name with closed eyes while picturing you standing before him, degrading him and teasing him, calling him a needy slut. He can almost hear your voice, and that made him whine louder.
He knows he will get his ass fucked into next Friday once you find out but that made him moan louder. He wondered if you would like his show and praise him or mock him for being so needy for you, and defently punish him.
he imagined you using him as fuck toy, overstimulating him and slapping him around whenever he didn't answer whatever you said to him and make him cry from the overstimulation, till you break him.
A particular lewd moan rips from his throat at the possibility of you walking in any moment and catching him touching himself, the anxiousness and anxiousness of being caught sending him over the edge.
feeling his thighs shake, he threw his head back, his glasses fooged up as his sweaty hair damped on his forehead, "F-fuuck, mommy! Gonna c'm—" he stilled before spilling his load on the pillow case, some cum painted his stomach white and the rest dripped down his hhighs before he fell backside on the bed with a whimper.
"Tired already?" Your soft voice made him snap his eyes open and slowly turn to look at you. Sitting on his knees on the bed, he smirked at you, "you're late," he gave you a cheeky smile, spreading his thighs to give you a glance at his glistening cock.
The realization that you mightve been there watching him all along made his softening cock harden.
Letting a low chuckle, you walked towards the edge of the bed where he was spreading his thighs for you. Leaning in, you stroked over his cheek, pushing some of his damp hair off his face to get a close look at his gazed eyes that were filled with lust.
Running your thumb over his wet lips, he absentmindly opened them. feeling the tip of his tongue brushing at your fingertip, you dipped your thumb inside his mouth, and he hummed happily around your digget as he sucked on it.
You smiled down at him, your free hand caressing his skin, going from his neck to his chest, making sure to avoid his nipple, to his stomach and then to his cock.
Haecahn whimpered, and you were quick to take your finger out of his mouth. "Mommy, I'm—"
Pushing your middle and rung finger back into his mouth, he choked around them, "I don't want to hear you. You broke the one rule we have because you were such a needy slut that couldn't wait to get fucked, so now, you will get treated like one, understood?"
You pushed him on the bed, your fingers still in his mouth. getting no response, you pressed on his tongue, and he gagged before nodding his head.
Smiling, you pushed with your other hand his glasses that were slightly falling up his nose.
Wrapping your hand around his sensetive dick, you started pumping him slowly, enjoying how he whined around your fingers to go faster. "Bad boys don't get what they want." You murmur, mouth at his thigh, and when you sucked a hickey, he moaned, arching his back.
Pulling you wet fingers and replacing them with your other hand, you used his saliva as lube, and without warning, you breeched his hole, making him gasp.
"Y-yes fuck," adding a finger, you curled them inside and hyuck cried, fucking into your fingers, desperately. "Love your fingers, s'much," he mumbled, drooling.
Pressing your thumb on his leaking slit, he whales and clutches the sheet for dear life at the stimulation.
He knew he wont cum any time soon, he knows you wont give it to him that easily and he was thankful. He was a slut for punishment and you both knows. It was why he kept breaking your rules, so you'd break him later.
Pinching his nipple between your index and middle finger, he cried, and his thighs started to shake, feeling his orgasm coursing through his vain, his eyes crossed when you hit his prostate, but when you wrapped around the base of his cock, staving his orgasm, he whined and weakly tried pulling your wrist off so he'd cum –a mistake he knew he shouldn't do – you slapped his hand away, smirking, you laughed at how desperate he looked. His glasses fogged with tears running down his flushed face.
"Please, I- please," you scoffed, pressing hard on the hickies on his thighs, and he whimperd. "Please, what?" You mocked, "is that all you know? Is that how I taught you to beg?" You added a third finger, and his eyes rolled into his skull
Clutching the sheets harder, you feared he might rip them, he was going insane, the pleasure was too much. Your fingers in his ass, your hand around his dick and he felt your warm mouth around his nipples, his vision went black.
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"Mommy," a low whine made you look over your shoulder. With a smile, you rolled in your chair and faced the sleepy man. "Morning, hyuckie," you greeted with a teasing smile.
Looking around the room, his brows furrowed. "Was it a dream?" He muttered before reaching to rub on his face, but when his body stinged in pain and he slowly felt the sorness in his legs, he stilled.
"I guess you're all barks, no bites. You passed out. And I'm still mad at you but hey, guess I fucked you so well," leaning down, you pressed a chast kiss to his forehead and pecked his parted lips, "breakfast is ready. I'll drop you by, do well in your exam, and I'll consider forgiven you."
Haechan was in trance. He didn't hear anything you said, but the lingering feeling of your soft lips on his skin made him snap, "exam? What exam—HOLY SHIT"
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mejomonster · 2 months
List of fanfiction prompts (please feel free to use these and tag me I'd love to see):
Tentacle shennanigans. Truly anything you can come up with from the truly bizarre to the "they fell into a monster trap" to "they adopted a cute little buddy." (Dmbj has tentacle monsters and zombie things in like every show and yet the ratio of weird creatures in fic? Could always be higher)
If the source material has aliens, monsters, creatures, powers, EXPLORE THAT! If the source material is mundane, try an AU where you explore What If they did have powers, were aliens, etc. I'm extra emphazising this though if the source material already has one of these elements, because it can be fun to expand the sandbox and explore how Far a premise can be stretched. There's so many source materials with monsters (supernatural), magic (merlin), powers (xmen, guardian, marvel), aliens (doctor who, torchwood, star trek) and it'd be cool having more fics exploring farther than the initial bounds of the source material, or even just a new angle it never happened to go in.
Ensemble group stories! What's a day in the life for the group? What's a bizarre day for the group? (If its star trek there could be cool aliens! Weird planets that make you question your own life! If its dmbj how weird would it be if they entered a tomb and just ran into a normal non criminal university achaeologist! If its Guardian did they meet a ghost? A mutant? Did they attempt to avoid weird shit entirely and it went fine until Chu Shuzhi pulled out his puppet and attacked someone being rude to the store customer service? Whats a class day of the kids on DS9 look like? What does Torchwood look like all on a covert mission to blend in at a resort getaway? How does a usual investigation go for Chloe and Lucifer?)
An expansion of the last one: take a crack fanfic premise and write it seriously. Wu Xie is stuck with a normal oblivious archaeologist, they run into zombies, the archaeologist still has no idea, a monster possesses Wu Xie, what happens? Danny Phantom runs into Mulder and Scully, what happens? Zhao Yunlan wants to interrogate Fei Du on suspicion of murder and being a mutant (im writing this lol). Henry from RWRB wakes up in his fantasy story where he's incan old kingdom and Alex's lookalike is there, does he think its a coma he needs to escape, does he accept his new life? Barbie meets Wednesday Adams and they date (pretty sure this fanfic exists). Some fandoms are predisposed to treating crack seriously, such as dmbj or star trek you could write time travel slime monsters body doubles sex pollen invisible city floating on clouds talking flowers and all would basically be believable possibilities in canon. Those can be fun to explore the extent of bizarre and stretching you can do. (Kingdom Hearts is like... already that in some ways). But from the other direction, it can be fun to take something more realistic like RWRB or Bad Buddy and go "what if somebody was a mermaid, or they got stranded on an asteroid in the year 3000, or adopted a lil tribble, or were suddenly cloned."
Ridiculous Meet Cutes. This could be genre mashing so like: character A is a slasher on a killing spree and runs into character B who was plotting to kill a person dangerous to them and ends up thanking character A which was unintentional and intensely NOT intended, character A crashes a spaceship on character Bs job so yay they get to quit at least (in a fandom where there shouldnt be space ships canonically), character A summons a demon but B shows up instead, character A meets character B at the library as they share like interesting reading material both unaware theyre like Story Enemies (hero/villian or perpetrator/investigator etc). Character As house is haunted and they run out screaming and crash into B who is then also Haunted by extension and confronts A about it. Idk Im not great at meet cutes but I guarantee the wild stuff fanfiction comes up with can often times be a lot of fun and sometimes very interesting in a way canon might have not put as much thought into.
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balsemicvinegar · 1 year
I KNOW NOTHING ABT DEVILMAN BUT I GOOGLED THE CHARSCTERS um. miki kuroda or ryo or psycho jenny (?????) love
points at you. d(vilman disease upon ye.
i've done ryo already he is such a loser <3 (x)
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sorry for censoring sum words i dontw ant them to appear in tags but idc if anyone reblogs or sum shit
so like i need to explain that dvmn is a relaly old manga and it got a 2018 adaptation that i... do not like... where they had an original character named miki/miko kuroda ajd uhg... i dont like her. its not her fault shes boring its the writers' fault. she was gay for miki randomly. uhm it wasnt well written.
i guess shes technically the adaptation of miko but like no,m, theyre totally different characters. idk its the c-tie honey natsuko treatment
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miko k-wamoto slayed harder..,
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uhm this is kurodas design. i dont like her... i do notl ike the masturbation scene either. stare. i do not like the fanservice. or maybe its not fanservice and has some symbolism but it makes me uncomfortable... uhm.
also if ur wondering why she looks different in the other one aka darker skin . stare. demon possession darker skin. raises my eyebrows. sus. sorry this was bashing on the 2018 adaptation i do not like it.... she just shouldnt have been a character i dont udnerstand.
but i dont hate her bc im not passionate about this show or like the idea of improving the show. i think the existence of this show is just :(
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meh thoughts on sicko jenny. sick in the head jenny. insane jenny. pscyhogenie. sick animal. beast.
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i lik her design in the 2018 adaptation actually shes siggly. if ur wondering thats her human form. i dont think about her much bc shes mostly a plot tool or whaverthe the word is im hungry i want to eat dinnerand im not googlign this shit up so like i dont think she deserves to have some character arc or something or shes wasted potential shes good for what she is and like i want more content of her bc shes fun but i dont actually care if we dont get anything. whatever shes funni.
let me show u all some of her designs wait
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i hateee dvmn grimoire (some other spinoff) but her deisng is sooo nice i like it
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look shes funky.
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also i love her design in dvmn saga (another... spinoff... the spinoffs never end) not bc its like unique or anything i just like seeing her more and she looks sick in the head (probably bc of go n*gais style)
ok anyways lets end this long infodump with an image of homophobia
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(thats not jenny btw thats ryo in a wig) ok bye i love autism
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takalzuoom · 2 years
Okay but for the Pirates Au because holy shit I'm fucking feral over the concept, morally ambiguous characters fucking SEND ME, may I humbly offer you the concept of Cutler Becket? Because obviously our boys are all varying versions of chaotic dumbass but the true villain of the piece, the one who makes her snap out of sacrificing her own happiness for duty is the Lawful Evil fucklord of Cutler Becket.
And because I crave NRC/RSA violence, he's gotta be one of them. Some rich, entitled noble who's been given power beyond imagination and who's never been taught empathy to wield it carefully and if you think Azul and Vil and Malleus take advantage of the situation to get what they want hoo boy is Becket so much worse.
Because MC is already so tired of being nice, so close to just going apeshit being kidnapped by what seems like everyone in possession of a barely sea worthy dingy and their cousin, at the very least they treat her like a person worth fighting for (wah wah). But Becket? He doesn't want a partner, he wants a trophy, a status symbol and a living embodiment of a fuck you towards literally everyone. He will have MC as his just to lord it over his enemies, stealing the treasure that coveted out from under their noses.
And MC is having exactly none of that shit. This time when she escapes, she's not tired, she's fucking pissed. Maybe Becket has crossed a line. Maybe he's gotten Riddle demoted and pushed him into evolving into (in my humble opinion) sexy smelly Norington who is more of a pirate than he'd like to admit. Maybe he's threatened Grim and motherfucker no one threatens your emotional support chaos demon and doesn't suffer the consequences. Maybe she hears of the blackmail Becket uses to force Crewel to grant him even more powerful and wealth out of concern for his child. Maybe he was just a little too smug about "rescuing you from the pirates" (it wasn't cute when zuko did it, it def ain't cute when Becket does it).
Either way, MC is ready to fucking take names and that is what she fucking does. Becket is about to take control of the seas? She has more than a few pirate captains who fucking owe her and she is not above using what she learned from them to manipulate them into doing her bidding. Damsel in distress who? For every time she was betrayed, every time she found herself once again tossed around by the whims of others, she learned. And she was ready to get some catharsis by taking over the seas herself, after all, who better to be the king of the Pirates than the treasure everyone sought to possess?
( I am so sorry for tye rant I have so much PotC brainrot and youve unlocked something in my soul. 🥲 you're amazing I hope you're having a good day!)
just for a second cause-
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oh my god.
this is pure gold. like. i don’t know what else there is to say honestly
neige is already in the sorry. so maybe chen’ya??? cause he likes to fuck shit up😳😳
maybe he’s son stuck up noble from heartsbyual. indeed trey and riddle’s friend who was born with a silver spoon on his mouth and doesn’t understand the consequences of his own actions
and he says how cute his little friend riddle is for trying to get back his lovely fiancé and decides to join in the fun!
no he doesn’t actually want to marry you! he just wants to keep you for the kicks of it!
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spectacledraws · 3 years
How would your player react to Kris ripping the soul out at the end of the chapters? What happens between the two of them?
Haha this is an annoyingly long ramble to a simple question. well I guess my fav characterization of my “player” is kind of just me, but slightly less self-aware? the player would prob be so confused after these chapter endings bc like, weren’t we having fun? :’) :’) they would be viewing the whole situation as a fun game. Which it is, in reality lol. And hopefully they would realize later that kris seems to be a “person” who deserves to be themself.. but then what “game”— the reason for kris and the other characters to “live” — would be left? like others have said, I don’t think the point of deltarune is to punish us just for playing the game even if you solely do pacifist stuff and have good intentions. I don’t think the answer is to just NOT play.
Like although it’s obviously scary for kris to have their autonomy taken away, I kinda hope that kris and the player develop some kind of mutual respect or acceptance. They’re kind of a team stuck together no matter what. As a “character”, the player has no choice but to control kris (but can choose HOW they do so) And kris is.. almost constantly possessed so they don’t have much choice at all (and seems to have a hard time sustaining themself without the soul inside them??)
In reality, one random day we were asked to download a suspicious “survey” program and were unexpectedly thrown into a new game world. We were asked to create a vessel to play with, and were instead railroaded into controlling kris. So yeah, playing straight the theme of “you shouldn’t play the game at all” would be pretty unimaginative and mean-spirited and I agree with others that Toby is better at writing and respecting his own work than that.. lol. And yeah it would be boring to rehash the same “lesson” from undertale, so there’s gotta be twists in there somewhere. Idk
So yeah basically if the player and kris are stuck together, they’ll learn to work together and reach.. “an ending.” A game needs to be finished. (I’m guessing snowgrave-style choices will make this..... complicated. Im not expecting kris to warm up to a player that does this lol😭.. but again it’s really just a game in the end so I’m def not demonizing no-mercy players. Having curiosity and experiencing content is all part of the fun, meta or not. Like come on! the undertale no-mercy fights are cool!!🤪)
basically I don’t know if anything I ever say makes sense, and there’s so little to go on I’m just rambling about hypotheticals😋 this wasn’t a succinct answer but it was an answer.
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mojaves · 2 years
😨🌙🙈🎁✏️🌪️ + jason!
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. he's always ready to fight he probably just uses that as an excuse. maybe he's not even scared.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
because theres like. 2 very different paths for him in my mind (not that i cant decide im just. Video Game Planning in my brain. as you do), it's either being hellbent on revenge and doing anything to achieve it, or simply trying to stay alive and keep his family + friends safe even if that means isolating himself completely <3 love that for him
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
since he and my v are basically 2 sides of the same coin (their fates at the start are way too similar for me to want to make an entirely New oc so. v is the au version that only makes sense to me i guess Dont Worry About It) the answer is very much the same from yesterday. He Cannot Let People Know He Has Feelings And Simply Craves Love And Affection
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
always delighted to receive a good knife or two. even if it's extremely impractical or useless or whatever. if it looks pretty he wants it. he's a lot better at giving gifts than he thinks he is. he puts Way too much thought into everything he ever buys for anyone else so much so to the point where he Despises what he's getting them. until it turns out they love it and he's like. oh! i did good (:
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
oh i am thinking. i am thinking So hard about this. i do not have one specific answer but what i Do have is a playlist full of songs that make me think of him/have his Vibes. does that help. does that legally answer this question [plugging my oc playlists at every opportunity <3]
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
oh this is a VERY good question for him bc he's been through so so so many times,, at the very beginning when i first made what eventually became him roughly 10 years ago, it was a spirit of death kind of thing?? that was like. im so bored i hate it here im going to cause problems. it first took the form of a kid but the things it could do in that form were very limited. so it then took form of an old guy, who became like. the father figure of another oc. and later i made another oc who was possessed by a demon or. whatever idk. and at Some Point?? these two ocs morphed into one and jason came out at the other end and is almost Entirely different from the base concepts,, but ik in my art you can see when he started looking more and more like he does now which is cool actually. i also kind of recently revived the death spirit thing idea with ruthie bc i realised it was Very Fun and didnt want to abandon it after all
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dipplie · 3 years
Temporary list of my stories and OC’s until one day I make a comprehensive and well made list:
Polli: My oldest OC and fun fact was my persona till she become edgy and I wasn’t 12 anymore. Everyone’s favorite yes yes I’m aware. Yellow, energetic, eats dirt and bugs, I can’t tell if she’s evil because of a wisp possession or just crazy. Breaks the 4th wall. Is she a Mary Sue???????? Who knows.
Melody: NOT Polli’s girlfriend despite Polli’s delousions. Has an abusive mom :(. Only has one eye and then no eyes and then robot eyes or smthn idk she becomes a badass when she gets older. But otherwise trembling in her shoes all the time.
Melodys Mom/Sharren: Bitch. Okay well all I’ll say is she’s old and grumpy and probably smells bad.
Louise: Total hotty, rich kid, FtM, got bullied as a kid for his weight. Had a squad of fans basically in high school. Lived with his mom after his parents got a divorce but his mom was semi abusive, projected her femininity onto him, and wouldn’t have been supportive of his transition, so between middle and high school he went to live with his dad and got his sex change and testosterone. His best friend in elementary and middle school stopped talking to him after his transition, and became his competition for the most attractive and sought after boy in school (except Louise is a sweetheart while his friend Tommy is a dick and really gross) His dad runs a company that specializes in technology, and after meeting and falling in love with Melody (even after all her abusive trauma and losing both her eyes) he has his dad and some of the developers create a way to get her vision back and I mean honestly I love him how could you not love him he’s so perfect.
Fick: Big nerd boy with thick glasses. I feel like he’d use Reddit but don’t quote me on that. Big crush on Vivinya. Boy don’t wander into the woods- oh look dead body with a curse on it don’t touch it- aaaand now he has a wisp that makes him kill people, way to go kid. Panic attack central.
Vivinya: True crime girl, yucky yucky. Probably had a knife collection. “uwu I’m insane” except she actually is and starts using Fick to kill people for her and treats him like her “Yandere boyfriend” or something cringe and gross oh god. She deserves jail. JAIL. Needs to learn guys need to give consent too. Just overall sucks 1/10.
Tommy: I mentioned him early to be Louises ex best friend and rival. He used to have a crush on Louise actually but that don’t excuse being a BITCH!!!! Also needs to learn people gotta give consent he is just as gross as Vivinya. Cheats on all the girls he gets with because he’s again, a bitch. Idk if he deserved to get murdered though I mean he was still a teenager but it’s fine. Thinks of the song Seventeen from Heathers actually this story does feel a tad reminiscent of heathers with vivinya being a crazy and wanting to off a bunch of students. Huh.
Suzannie: Tommy’s older sister who’s a detective. What a coincidence. Monotone and depressed. Probably because her little brother got murdered. Gets real awkward when she’s talking about her brothers murder(s) to Fick and Vivinya like “when I find who did this to him they’ll regret being born”. Kind of really pretty actually.
Adolescents (there isn’t actually a story here yet but don’t worry about it shhhh):
Nelson: HIMBO HIMBO H- Jock stupid idiot big dork god he’s so awkward and his main personality trait is having a crush on Naomi and being a dork when talking to her. Probably could benchpress you.
Naomi: Gamer or something and a nerd geek. Her main personality trait is having a crush on Nelson and also being a dork when talking to him. Probably a weeb and fandom dweller. Can’t draw but she commissions artists to draw. She does write copious amounts of fanfiction though.
Andrés: Ohhh the school bad boy babyyyy. Baseball bat with nails in it or something. There’s like... A thing between him in Charlotte and he wants to be a thing but she’s being difficult and makes it hard to talk to her or about her and ugh.
Charlotte: Princess, high school princess. She’s actually pretty nice when you get to know her- but she’s a diva. Ballerina after school. Best friends with Naomi and doesn’t know what she’s talking about when she mentions ships or OTPs but she listens anyways because she’s a good friend. There’s like... A thing between her and Andrés but she doesn’t know if she’s super into him but geez he’s really hot but she gets such mixed responses when she asks her friends about it and what if it doesn’t work outttt.
Marlon: They/Them but they’re okay with either pronouns they aren’t sure yet, he or she is okay... Box boy box boy. Autism... He doesn’t want to admit He’s attracted to men but he’s totally attracted to men. He lives alone which is probably illegal for his age but somehow he manages. Everyone thinks he’s “the quiet kid” and he’s really sad about it no don’t make jokes like that please guys ahh-
Sing for Me:
Kat: The color pink, addahadda(adhd), angry and loud and short. For being only like 10 and being an adorable little lesbian dressing in sparkly pink dresses she actually likes screaming a lot and would totally sing heavy metal if her producers let her. Loud and mad but gets so soft around her girlfriend. “If anything happens to Brie I’m killing everyone in this room and then myself”.
Brie: French... Birds and stuff. Loves her girlfriend even though she is so loud. So fast. So much. Likes to write pretty things. Is only like an inch taller than Kat. Filled with so much love for everything.
Elliot: The girls manager. Lots of coffee. Stressed out of his MIND please help this man. Probably gay. Seems like a smug dick but he is just a tall and lanky dork that loves puppies and wants nothing more than for Kat and Brie to be happy. Accidentally brands them as sisters and then Kat kisses Brie and- oh fuck oh shit oh no what has he done. Hides the fan and non fan responses from them. Poor guy.
Horror Hosts:
Ichabod: Hot demon who’s the son of the current ruler of hell or something. I mean he’s hot, smart, and royalty, what more do you want. I very specifically hear the dub voice of Kyoya Ootori from OHHC as his voice don’t @ me. Goat legs????? Yeah??? Don’t be rude.
Barnabie: Ohhhhhhhhh big orc teddy bear I’m crying I love him????? He puts up a more confident ploy and the given stereotypical personality orcs supposedly have but he’s just a shy boy that wants to give girls flowers and call boys pretty. Help him.
Garrison: Gary Burger. Fat hairy gay man. I mean werewolf. Wouldn’t it be funny if I made the whole werewolf thing backwards and made him transform into a HUMAN only on the full moon??? Party animal, pun absolutely intended. LOUD AND FUNNY he’s a dork. Bites. Horny on main Garrison please you’re supposed pamper and flirt with the guests but not quite that much.
Vincenzo: Token Vampire but he’s Italian because I felt like it. Talk and lanky of course. Bitch face. Blood coffee? Yeah lots of coffee. Tired. Let him sleep in Ichabod. Steps on people. Can summon and reanimate corpses but has a bitter attitude towards them because they get annoyed with him as much as he gets annoyed with- everyone else. He does have a soft spot but idk where it is. When he’s talking to guests he’s more suave and sexy though.
Kai: Genderfluid haha get it because slime fluid-... I’ll stop. Probably objectively the hottest because they can look anyway they want and shift their vocals to sound like almost anything, also probably objectively the best in bed (if you’re okay with the texture of Jell-o) and honestly come on save some for the rest of us it’s not fair. This boy can SING oh my god seranade me and whisper in my ear baby. Spunky and sassy.
Hallvor: BABY OCTOPOD BOY OHHHHH I LOVE HIM HE’S SO SWEET AND IS AN ANGEL DARLING BOY SO EMBARRASSED SO SHY SOFTEST VOICE OHHH- ohhh nooo he’s got a knife ohhhhh Hallvor baby don’t be like that ohhhh... Used to work in hentai actually (I wonder why) but quit because of immoral practices and good for him we love that. Okay he’s not actually a yandere or whatever but he DEFINITELY wants to squeeze you a little too hard and has those crazy eyes.
Carla: Main character of this OHHC monster clone. She sucks I don’t like her because listen listen she kills monsters as a living and when she tries to kill our boys here, Ichabod catches her and goes “no” but then the rest (not knowing her murderous intent) fall in love with her and Ichabod is like: “shoot well I’ll keep you alive and around but I’m watching you” and blah blah romance and feelings and character development and wow she seems like she’s grown to care about them... So Ichabod removes a curse he put to prevent her from harming them or leaving... AND THEN SHE STABS THEM ALL IN THE BACK IM CRYING. I mean she might have an extra reason for needing to kill them but I haven’t decided if I want to actually put it in the story yet so.
Maria/Marianna: Was this goth angry chick and the head of these losers but after a failed heist, fire, and being betrayed and dropped from a window on a 3rd or 4th story down into flames, and going to the hospital and changing her name, she changed totally and become a soft pretty girl... And then the next three boys went “HEY BOSS WE FOUND YOU” and she went “oh no” and now she’s just an anxious wreck like “no no no no no I don’t shoot people in the face anymore no no no no no” And has a fear of hands. Also was Diamontés best friend in primary school and yes all these characters went to the K-12 school all the other characters do/did. Pretty voice. The story is mostly about her being anxious around all the other characters because who was it that betrayed her and dropped her into the flames below? Find out next week on th-
Nikki: He’s that character that you see and immediately go “oh he’s gross and is angry and is a bitch” and you’re right he is and has a cockney accent and screams a lot and probably swings a knife around a lot, but he’s got a sweet interior (somewhere in there... somewhere) Screamo heavy metal. Him and the rest of these character briefly talked about having a band and then they didn’t and then at the end of the story they do and although he plays guitar mostly, if he does do lead vocals he screams a lot. Bitch.
Anthony: Pretty boy but like the “was in the army” pretty boy vibe. Probably played football in highschool. Pyromaniac. Punches Nikki a lot. Almost gives himbo vibes sometimes, almost. Kind of likes the old timey cozy aesthetic. Plays the piano sometimes but “oh I’m not very good at it” Plays extremely well
Diamonté: TALL. Purple goth boy aesthetic hellll yeahhhh. CRAZY EYES AND THEY SPEAK VOLUMES WATCH OUT. Drums. The scary kind of quiet because he just smiles at you. Crowbar. Okay but he’s actually really sweet though. Secretly loves watching Anthony and Nikki get into fights so that’s why he rarely puts a stop to it. I think he’s a sadist. Can be a gentle giant, but can also be a not so gentle giant. The only time he’s really talkative is after copious amounts of booze.
Unnamed/Undesigned 1: Literally a pimp and he’s pretty gross. Blonde hair and pink and white clothes.
Unnamed/Undesigned 2: Chick that likes to throw knives and be angry and threatens Marianna a lot but in a quiet and monotone way, Marianna is pretty scared and hopes that these are just shallow threats uhhhhh.
Unnamed/Undesigned 3: Sells guns (without a lisence of course) and wears a bandana over his face a lot. Tired. Grumpy.
Unnamed/Undesigned 4: Like Marianna, was cold hearted and cool but then got caught in the fire and got all soft. He only has one eyes but how sweet his eyepatch is a heart. Recoved along side Marianna and they are good friends good friends tha- wait Marianna are you going back with them oh god you can’t do that oh dear oh no oh-
(I don’t have a story or name for these two but they’re my comfort ship OC’s and my current hyper fixaction right now):
Rodriquéz: I literally designed him with almost all the traits I find attractive in a guy other than freckles so as you can imagine I find him super HOT. I also designed his personality on what I find attractive from a guy so as you can imagine I find him super GREAT. But anyways he’s grumpy and closed off and monotone and smug. I really could go on for hours about how I want him to step on me I’m so sorry guys. Both him and Samantha give the “21 and having immature fun” vibes. They’re a thing but they like going to bars together and splitting off and doing their own thing (or doing someone else’s thing if you get what I mean haHhahHhahGahGhaha-) But so help them if anyone doesn’t oblige by the “no” from one of these two, someone’s gonna get beat up.
Samantha: (She literally just my personality shhhhh don’t tell anyone it’s a secret) Bubbly, energetic, a little shy by extroverted, bombshell blonde or something? It took me way too much time and effort to design her but I’m really happy with how I finally designed her, I love her outfit. She could kick me in the face and I’d say thank you. Girly drinks at the bar. Got that trauma and anxiety™️ secretly though. Skips and jumps a lot. As I’m typing this I keep looking up at the drawing of her and more and more I would want her to also step on me.
(Space Story I don’t have a nice title for):
Unnamed/Undesigned 1: So... Funny story this story originally was with me and uh... My ex I guess... So I gotta replace the MC’s... Whoops ahaha... Awkward. But anyways the MC is a robot and a girl and is a slight tsundere or smthn.
Unamed/Undesigned 2: Has a space ship, works for this organization in space that protects the galaxy. Is cocky, lazy, sly, oblivious, and an idiot. The love interest- obviously. Probably accidentally committing space crimes. (Like space pirating hAHAHA-) Kind of cool when he wants to be.
Dandelion/Dandy: CAT. WITH A JET PACK. Kind of an asshole. Fun fact used to be Polli’s cat but then when the Second MC crash landed on earth she was like “fuck this noise I’m going with space boy laterz” (okay she can’t talk but she thought it).
Zizii: Lesbian alien? Yeah???? Okay but I mean her main character trait is being a dorky back alley doctor and engineer obsessed with the MC because they’re a sentient robot with emotions and a lazer arm and rocket boots WOW!!!!!!!!
Story I want to revive:
So I had a story I started writing a long time ago about this tech theatre kid that had a crush on this other theatre kid character, but in a play that other character has to kiss another person for the show, and as the story progresses the MC convinces themselves that it isn’t just a play and that their crush actually loves and is kissing that other kid. And in the play, that other character is supposed to die. Show night comes along and they die, but like actually, and by the hands of the MC (Idk maybe like a light falls on em or smthn). So it’s a grotesque scene the audience sees as just an act. (Mutters I dunno I think my idea’s cool...) So I’ve been wanting to design these characters and work more on the story but I’m busy being obsessed with Rodriquez and Samantha so. (And the Horror Host Club too I love them too still).
Other Characters that either don’t have a specific story or are kind of like background characters:
Jacqueiliquinne Merril: Sara Berry vibes from 35mm (go look up The Ballad of Sara Berry, maybe like an animatic idk the first one that comes up is nice) But otherwise rich, pretty, popular, bitch. Tries to like, steal Louise from his squad and it’s like bro that’s unnecessary who hurt you that’s so rude. She gives Nui from Kill La Kill Vibes too. Oh she knows her name is long and annoying but you have to say the whole thing.
Brianna: Jaqueiliquinne’s sister. Big titty goth gf??? She’s pretty popular too and kind of a bitch too but to a much lesser degree. Her and he sister throw hands a lot when no one is around, you know, “THEY GIRLS ARE FIGHTINNGGGG”.
The Louise Fan Club: 4 characters I haven’t named yet. One writes fanfiction of Louise and shares it with the others and with him sometimes and although he thinks it’s a bit weird he also finds it a tad endearing and supports her. One is an aspiring photographer and is constantly asking Louise to model for him. One is an artist and draws Louise all the time. And one is an aspiring musician who writes songs based of Louise’s relationships which again he finds a little weird but endearing and supports her.
The Jacquiliquinne Merril Fan Club: Genderbent-ish (I say ish because one of the characters is a little bit less defined gender wise) versions of the Louise Fan Club. Yes I’m lazy, and no they don’t get along with them, infact they hate each others club with a passion. 
Unnamed/Undesigned: I wanna make some hacker kid just because I wanna have one.
Unnamed/Undesigned: I also really wanna have a super cutesy magical girl and then a really super duper generic boring character probably like star vs the forces of evil idk I never watched that show but it looks cute.
Me: I exist in the universe fukc you I can do what I want it’s my story and I get to chose the who also if you wanna be in the mess of a universe go ahead draw yourself with my OC’s I allow and encourage and appreciate it. I literally made the Horror Host Club as a sort of Harem story and you are absolutely allowed to make out with them if you’re a monster fucker DO it GO ahead it’s canon.
and that is ALL I have FOR now Knowing me I’ll make like 12 more characters by July, and I mean I need more characters for the high school anyways so...
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ziotsu · 4 years
time to write out literally all my thoughts as someone who can’t read Japanese!
I actually saw the first few pages when people were posting them because apparently the first half of the chapter comes out the second week? I didn’t post my thoughts cause I wanted to do them all at the same time
Page 1! Well this is fun, I absolutely love the expressions in this manga (I feel like me going on about the art in this manga is going to be a theme lol). But the subtle differences between how Ashiya looks and how he looks when Sakae is controlling him are amazing. And it isn’t just the eye color, but just everything with how Sakae acts and carries himself (face included) really is awesome. And it doesn’t feel like just slapping a new face on Ashiya’s body, I genuinely can see Ashiya making this expression when Sakae isn’t possessing him (if he wasn’t such a cinnamon roll). Also the shock on Abeno’s face is not something we see too often. He has his normal shocked face but this feels more raw than in the past? Like his eyes seem wider and the way his hair is makes it seem like he basically just did a double take. MMMMMMMMMM this is good shit. But story wise, I assume this page is just restating the fact that you really don’t wanna use influence on a parasitic shrub possessed demon.
Page 2 and 3! Abeno know’s what’s up, or at least it seems so. It would be more surprising if he didn’t tbh. Also I wonder if Sakae kind of knew this was going to happen? Considering he was trying to keep them away, I assume he did. At the very least he does not seem shocked at all to see Aoi like that at all. Speaking of Aoi, they are def trapped where they are at. That whole is well large enough for them to get through and attack them again, but they are still on the ground it seems. I am guessing it has to do with the tree we saw coming from their tail last chapter. They are still 110% mad though.
3-4! It looks like it isn’t just the trees that are keeping Aoi down, I thought the roots attaching the main body to the ground had been ripped up but it looks like there are some remaining. Sakae is as gentle as ever, yes just toss away his injured arm, great idea. Now Abeno is in even more pain. The wound though is really deep, looks like two large gashes, which Sakae actually starts to dress (rest in peace, kimono sleeve) (also while abeno is trying to get his arm out of the inner kimono (idk what is is called), we can see the medicine Abeno always carries around! I love the attention to detail in this manga)
5-6! Yup, page 5 doesn't do it justice, but page six really shows the extent of the damage one of the gashes did. Super nasty scar going to go there. We see some more of Aoi though, and do they chirp? Like what cats do? Cause murder cat looks super cute on page 5 and I don’t know how to feel about this.
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They look like baby here and I want to protect them. Abeno seems to be bringing up the medicine, though I really don’t know what this would do to Aoi other than basically kill them. Which honestly, may be for the best? I know it’s a bit messed up, but it has been stated before that they are obviously past the point of getting them help, and leaving them there would be super dangerous.
7-8! I am making another assumption that Sakae doesn’t know what the medicine does. Which I have a current theory that the medicine is a new development for the underworld. (if such a medicine existed before Aoi left, why wouldn’t they use it on them?) Which would also mean that Sakae wouldn’t know about it either. My guess from the last pages seem to be correct as there is a panel showing Aoi burning, which seems pretty deathy to me. I honestly don’t know what they are going to do, though I think for now, they should be getting back, reporting the situation and getting help for themselves. Aoi seems really stuck here so I don’t think they are a direct threat to the underworld immediately. (Unless Aoi manages to escape the island and oh boy that would not be good) Abeno seems pretty determined, though, so regardless Aoi is most likely going to meet their actual end.
9-10! Aoi is starting to go to sleep here, Sakae seems really good at first aid (wonder where/why he learned that ;) Maybe a certain lady who often gets sick?) Not a whole lot happens, I think these are mostly showing the passage of time, and it seems Abeno is putting away the medicine for now. Which good move, my boy. Come back to take care of murder cat later. Also I wonder if all those trees are from Aoi’s parasitic shrub. That would be terrifying if that is the case. It could really show how long they have been there, trapped and going mad because of the shrub.
11-12! Good lord all of them are looking super cute this chapter. Sakae you can’t do this to me, just all your movements and facial expressions are justlasdkhjg;lakshjdg. Ashiya is cute in his own right, but this is a different type of cute. Why are all these characters like this and please don’t stop making all these characters like this. We get a good look at Aoi’s spine and it makes me sad (though also could give more insight to how the shrub basically takes over? Using the spinal cord to get to the brain seems like a good path to take if the shrub’s goal is to spread like any other parasite (which also makes sense with the going mad thing, kind of like rabies almost) I am glad Abeno’s arm is being supported and held still with what they had on hand. Still looks super painful though.
13-14! And they are out! At least out of the pit where they can really easily run if they need to. Sakae is starting to get tired, so I wonder how much longer he can go on? I hope he can stay awake long enough to get back to the mononokean because I highly doubt Abeno can carry an unconscious Ashiya back. He would most likely have to wait for Ashiya to wake back up before moving on and who knows how long that will take. Part of page 13 made me go back to see the last few pages, but it looks like Aoi’s front right paw is stuck in the ground :( good cause they are most likely really stuck there and probably wont be able to escape easy but it makes me sad to see the previous master of the mononokean in such a state.
15-16! Oof the tiredness is really showing in the first panel. Get out of there quick so you both can rest! I am guessing Abeno is asking about why Sakae said those things in the flower field.Like how Aoi is dead and such, and honestly did Sakae lie? Aoi, as they were in the past, is dead. They are completely over taken and do not recognize even the child they basically raised.
17-18! Oh boy Sakae is getting more and more tired, Abeno is asking about the golden butterfly and can you two just get going? Ya’ll have limited time here!!!!! Though I wonder if Sakae used his influence on one of the butterflies to communicate to Ashiya? it seems very similar? Or a butterfly made from pure influence? Which would explain how it disappeared when Ashiya grabbed it?
I am going to stop the page format because uh.... WHAT. First off Abeno was def asking about the influence/parasitic shrub thing that Sakae brought up. And WE ACTUALLY LEARN ABOUT IT NEXT CHAPTER. This is huge cause oml this feels like a rare moment. Normally mysteries like this linger for a few chapters, simmer and make us suffer. BUT WE GOT A NEW BRAND OF SUFFERING TODAY FOLKS! Like I theorized it a bit on why I didn’t think Aoi was the one Sakae used his influence on, due to thinking that Aoi being infected years before picking up Abeno seemed super dangerous and didn’t feel like something they would do. I DIDN’T KNOW YOU CAN USE INFLUENCE TO CURE THE PARASITIC SHRUB THOUGH! PAGE 22 IS SUFFERING! PAGE 22 HAS ALL THE ANSWERS! Like we now know what happened, or at least have enough facts to be able to piece it together! Aoi and Sakae went out for a job, either they find out that the demon is infected or know and are going to try to help them out. Aoi somehow gets infected by this demon and Sakae uses his influence to get rid of the growing infection only to die himself as the parasitic shrub is not meant to live in the human body. This explains why Aoi was so beat up over his death, because IT WAS THEIR FAULT. It explains why Sakae would use his influence on a demon that is infected, because it is Aoi, their employer and friend. He probably wasn’t meaning to die at all, just thinking that ‘hey let’s just get rid of this shrub from Aoi so they don’t die because they are an important part of the Underworld (though AU where Sakae can’t do this and has to become the next master of the mononokean ;) )
We also see the aftermath, it is almost like he becomes some form of demon himself, and actually looks infected with the shrub. I doubt it is the same sort of situation because he doesn’t become a tree? I am honestly unsure on how this affected him. He does go and meet his son a few months later, (wait or was that Aoi because between the two pages we see a sort of continuation with the hand on the left (aoi’s hand) but we also see the ‘veins’ of the shrub which hints towards Sakae? I like to think that Sakae visited baby Ashiya, so I am going to go with the assumption it is Sakae visiting till I am proven otherwise) and smol Ashiya is always cute. Ashiya does seem to ‘notice’ something? or he is just a baby and babies cry A LOT. We see Sakae ‘infect’ the butterfly he uses to communicate with Ashiya in the flower field. Wonder if he tried doing the same in the past with Abeno, only Abeno cannot hear his words.
ALSO GUYS I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF THERE NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Ashiya is now completely passed out, Abeno cannot carry him back and now they gotta just chill there till Ashiya wakes back up. I know it is awesome to have questions answered, but please. 
Though I guess somehow they managed cause Ashiya wakes up in what I can only assume is the Legeslator’s place? It is def not the mononokean (too large and im sure we would be hearing a bell the moment Ashiya woke up) but it could be Korou’s place. Not sure how Abeno managed, but he probably found a way to get them out of there. Rip golden eyes, though :( Guess they were just either the side effect to using that much influence or a hint that Sakae was just kind of hanging around in case shit hits the fan. 
There is incense burning, making a guess this is either a preventative measure against the shrub or something to help wake Ashiya up faster. Ashiya is alone and it seems he is shaken because of what Sakae explained (I am guessing it was similar to his dreams when he subconsciously used his influence and he was dreaming about Sakae’s past)
This chapter was amazing, answered so many things and saw enough cute to really counter balance the ‘what the actual fuck’ this chapter brought along with it.
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poemsforpersephone · 4 years
The third and final book rec list for fans of The Last Sun!
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The Infinite Noise by Lauren Shippen has really cool empathy powers which, although not the two way bond Brand and Rune share, does remind me of the emotion reading aspect in TLS. The m/m relationship in it is also super sweet. 
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee. This one I’m recommending because the protagonist is a snarky asshole just like Rune, and the writing style is so well done. It’s m/m and genuinely such a fun and quirky book. Also the cover art is gorgeous!
Silver in the wood by Emily Tesh. This is an LGBT novella where a wild man called Tobias lives in a place called “Greenhollow,” , where, and I quote, “Old secrets better left buried are dug up, and Tobias is forced to reckon with his troubled past—both the green magic of the woods, and the dark things that rest in its heart.” So im recommending this one simply because of the involvement of secrets and troubled pasts haha. 
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. The front cover of this one gives me The Hanged Man vibes like, all the way to the bone, which is initially what prompted me to rec it on this list. But also: “Gideon has a sword, some dirty magazines, and no more time for undead bullshit.” Idk about the dirty magazines but the rest of it scREAMS Rune. and the main character is a lesbian!!! yay!! 
The Black Veins by Ashia Monet. “In a world where magic thrives in secret city corners, a group of magicians embark on a road trip—and it’s the "no-love-interest", found family adventure you’ve been searching for.” It’s like someone looked into my heart and picked out my deepest desire and then wrote it and gave it life. This book is super diverse and super awesome. 
The Deathless Girls by Kiran Millwood Hargrave is a f/f take on Dracula basically. I’m recommending it because the main character and her sister go through a traumatic event similar to the loss of the sun court, when men come and burn their home to the ground along with their people and they’re captured and taken as slaves. It’s about family, friendship and survival, and it’s beautiful. 
The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco. An LGBT book where climate change deniers are the villains? ... you have my atttention. 
Prosper’s Demon by K.J. Parker. This is about a morally questionable exorcist!  It’s a satirical, interesting take on the topic of possession with a kick ass cover. 
The Wishing Heart by J.C Welker. An LGBT fantasy novel where our protag, Rebel, finds a jinni’s vessel and is thus thrust into a whole new world of trying to keep said jinni from everyone else and find a way to free her! The world building is awesome and so are the characters.
Tarnished are the Stars by Rosiee Thor. “A secret beats inside Anna Thatcher's chest: an illegal clockwork heart. Anna works cog by cog -- donning the moniker Technician -- to supply black market medical technology to the sick and injured, against the Commissioner's tyrannical laws.” i have the hardbook version of this and the cover??? is so?? beautiful.
The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum. TALKING OF PRETTY COVERS. “Ryann Bird dreams of traveling across the stars. But a career in space isn’t an option for a girl who lives in a trailer park on the wrong side of town. So Ryann becomes her circumstances and settles for acting out and skipping school to hang out with her delinquent friends.”
Predatory by Brooklyn Ray. WERELEOPARDS FRIENDS!!!! god damn wereleopards im?? so happy. m/m 
The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta. FOUND FAMILY QUEER WITCHES. need i say more. 
Portraits of a Faerie Queen by Tay LaRoi. The fey run amok in this one! f/f with a gorgeous front cover.
Unbroken by Brooklyn Ray. step 1: rent haunted house. step 2: fall in love with witch-turned-demon who inhabits it. step 3: profit???
The High King’s Golden Tongue by Megan Derr. This one is lovely! Nice world building with an emphasis on languages and kingdoms, and a lovely m/m romance that builds from kind-of-enemies-but-not-really to lovers. the audiobook of this is great. 
Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch. SORRY YOUR BOOK IS SET WHERE? MY HOMELAND? MY COUNTRY MY COUNTY MY HEART? we never get any attention imma go cry in the corner. its a historical fantasy m/m romance in YORKSHIRE gosh im here for it. And let me tell you... this is one fantastic book. I really, really enjoyed it.
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner. fantasy, m/m, lotsa swords!
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst. f/f fantasy with a princess who has fire magic in a kingdom where magic is forbidden! 
Freedom’s Fate by Jennie Taylor. SPAAAAAAACE i love books in space.
Pegasi and Prefects by Eleanor Beresford. “Charley's final year at Fernleigh Manor is complicated by a runaway pegasus, unwanted Games Captainship, a dangerous new rival and, most of all, falling head over heels in love with another girl. What is a reluctant Senior Prefect to do?” catch me while i swoon.
The Necromancers Dance by SJ Himes. m/m vampire/necromancer romance, urban magic and fantasy, very fun and smooth read, a little bit insta love but not totally. 
The Star Host by F.T. Lukens. “Ren grew up listening to his mother tell stories about the Star Hosts – a mythical group of people possessed by the power of the stars.” a m/m fantasy book set to a sci fi fantasy background.
Empty Vessels by Nicholas Williams. “Lucas Mahler babysits clones all day, but he's trapped under the legacy of his body-builder father and his genius girlfriend. When Lucas tries to rise above, he's murdered. Waking up in the body of a clone, Lucas embarks on a mystery full of blood, old friends and lost loves.” idk the whole clone thing in this just always reminds me of lord tower making all the different fake versions of people he knows lmao. 
So, the thing is. 2020 is very close friends, and some awesome books are even closer. These below are books I’ve not read yet, since they’re not out and I am a poor ARCless girl, but they’re books you definitely want to keep an eye on.
Witches of Ash and Ruin by E. Latimer. Bisexual OCD protagonist who is a witch D: its everything i could want. 
Wild Sky by Zaya Feli. LGBT fantasy with dragons! It sounds so, so fun.
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust. “A captivating and utterly original fairy tale about a girl cursed to be poisonous to the touch, and who discovers what power might lie in such a curse...”
The Fascinators by Andrew Eliopulos. “The Raven Boys meets Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, about an openly gay high school senior in small-town Georgia.” m/m fantasy which looks super sweet.
Cemetery Boys by Auden Thomas. “Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can’t get rid of him.” THIS SOUNDS SO COOL oh my god. Yes PLEASE. 
When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey. “A sly, witchy dark comedy about four teens whose magic goes wildly awry.” Magic, darkness, comedy, what’s not to love for fans of the tarot sequence??
The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune. I absolutely love T.J.  Klune’s writing so I can’t wait to get my hands on this. m/m superheros!! friends!!! get excited!! I think anyone who likes how witty K.D. is will enjoy this writing style. 
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune. YES ANOTHER ONE this looks so good too we are BLESSED. “A magical island. A dangerous task. A burning secret.”
Fragile Remedy by Maria Ingrande Mora. “Sixteen-year-old Nate is a GEM—Genetically Engineered Medi-tissue created by the scientists of Gathos City as a cure for the elite from the fatal lung rot ravaging the population. As a child, he was smuggled out of the laboratory where he was held captive and into the Withers—a quarantined, lawless region.” The idea of the Withers kind of reminds me of the westlands.
The Fell of Dark by Caleb Roehrig. UHM im always here for lgbt vampires in young adult fantasy fiction. The author says that “this book is gay and filled with monsters” which also fits the last sun so i figured it belongs on the list lmao. 
Ruinsong by Julia Ember. “In a world where magic is sung, a powerful mage named Cadence is forced to use her power to torture her country’s disgraced nobility at her ruthless queen’s bidding.”
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I’m going to live blog my rewatch of The Untamed because im alone and gay.
Episode 8^
-tfw you can’t say goodbye to /either/ of your boyfriends before going back home
-i can’t believe Wei Wuxian literally just throws a rabbit into Jiang Cheng’s arms.
-they’re so cute 😭😭😭😭😭
-lightning storms must be nuts in the Cloud Recesses forreal
-“gone night hunting 🙂”
-Lan Wangji looks /breathtaking/ in those robes. That shade of blue? Incredible. He really does have the reputation of one of the two most beautiful cultivators to uphold after all
-That boat is so tiny how romantic~ I bet WWX complained the entire time about it being cramped
-say what you want about the Wen clan and being evil, but if i got to have a cool cloud/mist/smoke bird to spy on people id be pretty morally corrupt too
-i like seeing when WWX’s talismans are blue and not red, idk how often it happens but it’s a good colour for him when he’s happy
-im CACKLING I love Nie Hauisang so fuking much his laugh is so good
-the bros™️ are back babbyyyyy both of them going “eeehhhhhhhh????” with those shit eating grins and LWJ’s soul is just leaving his body in the bg.
-Nie Huaisang sees LWJ: *war flashbacks to how many times they got punished for drinking and being shitheads* WWX: “oh dont worry hes like super chill now”
-the music and set design for Lotus Pier makes me have so many emotionssss its so prettyy
-“i thought you two were incompatible” Nie Huaisang checks LWJ & WWXs horoscopes daily to make sure LWJ is a good match for his bro
-ahh he’s so good with Lan Wangji bringing him closer to the crowd after that bright smile 😭 “its ok, not that crowded” he’s just so happy to be with LWJ
-Wei Wuxian is so touchy and clingy with anyone he’s close to it’s no wonder Lan Zhan is just in a constant state of gay panic when theyre alone haha he’s not ready to have him hanging off his shoulder 24/7
-“hey, uh, not to be gay but your boyfriend is really hot, dude.” “I agree, my boyfriend is super hot. I wonder if he’s single.”
-*longing stares INTENSIFY*
-man i /hate/ this dude, this isn’t some Yin Iron measuring contest.
-this poor waiter, but like, Wen Qing really has more braincells than all of the main cast combined
-“are you making fun of me?” “I am, what are you going to do lil’ baby, cry about it?” “Yeah”
-don’t put Suibian between your legs like your riding a broom absansnxjsnans
-Wei Wuxian’s natural sense for feeling ~*spooky*~ things is a very good character point. Literally since his first day meeting LWJ he’s shown this, knowing without any context that the possessed guy wasn’t actually dead etc.
-imagine going into an unexplored cave for the first time and just finding a fully detailed statue without any explanation. Yeah- I’d definitely think that was haunted too.
- ~scary cave bonding time with the boys~
-WWX looking over at LWJ while restraining the statue screams “is he looking at me? Do i look cool? Does he see me being strong and protecting him?”
-im so genuinely confused at how big this statue is supposed to be
-even before he started using demonic cultivation, WWX’s aura is shown as black/red, I wonder if the cgi team just didn’t bother making it different or maybe that’s just a flex on how much of a Goth™️ Wei Wuxian really is even on the inside.
-i love love love crowd acting and seeing the few people doing the bare minimum to pass in a shot. Its something I recommend everyone pay close attention to cause sometimes its really funny
-thank god there wasn’t a fourth door for the puppets to gently punch their way through.
-“did we just fall into a trap” does liking Nie Huaisang make me a morosexual
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
The Pain In Your Eyes
hey wow this is from FIVE YEARS AGO (exaggeration but is it? really? why don’t i ever do anything) but this is like the “send me a title and i’ll tell you what kind of fic i’d write for it” 
ok so
uhh this is like, mostly tangentially related but look,  i couldn’t think of anything (hence why i took so long to answer lkghjfgh im sorry) but for some reason i’m really feeling TWI MAGIC REVEAL, BABEY!
(this got….WOO. incredibly long)
so okay! okay! how does alec find out his boyfriend is secretly a 400+ year old  warlock with cat eyes and magic powers? there are lots of ways. i’m personally fond of “magnus is still getting used to having his magic back so he’s actually Extremely Not Subtle and alec like. kinda guessed there was something paranormal going on but his magical boyfriend was too nervous to tell him yet so he was patiently waiting and when magnus finally nervously blurts out the truth alec is like “warlock, huh? sweet” and magnus is like????????? im a Monster???? half demon?? i have inhuman powers and eyes that show my monstrous heritage??? i have been keeping this huge secret from you and i didn’t trust you and it’s horrible and awful and life changing and i’m IMMORTAL and im part DEMON and why aren’t you YELLING AT ME? and alec’s like i have an adorable half-demon bf this is hella sweet. your eyes are beautiful and your magic is not subtle babe. im not gonna yell at you for being like, scared of telling me, it’s cool. also about the immortality thing: talked to your clearly magical friend with the horns, and im FOR SURE chugging an immortality potion at our wedding. and magnus is like (happy but shocked) WEDDING? this is like five consecutive bitch slaps for him, except instead of bitch slaps they’re deep and loving kisses. 
BUT. this is an angsty prompt, let’s be real. not that that has zero angst potential, but to focus more on pain in eyes…. mmm… >:) so REWIND
magnus has been keeping his magic a secret. possibly even to his own detriment, like he still doesn’t have super great control but he’s like, TIGHTLY lashing that shit down because ALEC CAN’T SEE HE CAN’T HE CAN’T and it’s like. hurting his recovery from being dormant for so long, but as long as it gets him more time with alec :))) he hardly cares :)))) 
BUT. but but but. ok look im so tempted with “magnus accidentally shows off his cat eyes during sex” but SERIOUS. SERIOUS. ANGSTY. SERIOUS. magnus slips up. not during sex, sorry. he slips up. 
oh my god wait i have an idea. a horrible horrible idea
this is so bad i dont even know if i like it but
oka Y SO magnus has been tightly controlling this shit but he can’t help but slip up sometimes. he can’t help it, okay. it’s mostly minor things. he’s upset and things tremble on the shelves, he’s really happy and the plants literally perk up and he looks kinda like he’s glowing. sometimes things move closer to him when he needs them–usually not super obviously, but alec’s still kind of like wait wasn’t that over there a second ago? 
and he’s trying his best but he doesn’t catch everything, doesn’t even always notice because it feels so natural. he sips coffee that should be boiling hot only it’s just right and he isn’t burned. (alec brings him some really fresh coffee and he tries to warn magnus before he picks it up but before he can yell it’s in magnus’s hands and he’s taking a sip and–he’s fine. not burned at all. and he looks at alec with that adorable little confused look, brow furrowed and head slightly tipped to the side, and alec doesn’t know quite what to say because that had definitely been too hot for human consumption earlier…)
and every once in a while alec swears his eyes like. flash, or something? they look… different. it’s hard to explain, magnus always turns around or closes his eyes or SOMETHING but like. just for a second alec swears they looked brilliant gold. 
and his fortune telling abilities are like. good. weirdly good. like, he’s never wrong, good. and he knows things he shouldn’t, and he makes weird offhand comments that don’t make sense sometimes before getting flustered and glossing over them, and sometimes he acts like he’s been around for like. a LONG time. IT’S WEIRD.
anyway so it’s just little things. just enough to drive magnus into “slightly eerie” territory. alec’s not like, scared of him or anything, but he’s kind of like. is something……..up? 
and alright this next bit is where it gets a bit hazy but i’m thinking for like. whatever reason. maybe alec’s not the only one who’s noticed, maybe some other people have too, maybe jace if we want to pull him here and make him a douchebag (kind of hard, though–not the douche thing, but like, he’s literally not friends with alec in TWI, so… i mean, thank god, but. hard to get him in, then. maybe through clary? idk.) but anYWAY the point is 
fucking jonathan gets involved. i wanted to make valentine the crazy preacher but he’s already got a role in TWI and jonathan’s a crazy shitbag in every universe, let’s be real. and jonathan is like THIS SOUNDS LIKE DEMONIC POSSESSION TO ME. THINGS MOVING AROUND? STRANGE EYES? WEIRD PAST? KNOWING THINGS HE SHOULDN’T? NEVER GETS BURNED? SEEMS OLD? CAN DIVINE THE FUTURE? SOUNDS DEMONIC TO ME, BABY. 
and alec is like whoa hold on. wait. but jonathan, manipulative fuck that he is, is like. all smooth talkin. like hey, aren’t you worried about your boyfriend? what if he’s hurt? what if this is hurting him and you’re doing nothing to stop it? what if we can save him? 
it doesn’t help that magnus has been acting weirdly lately (read: worried alec might be onto him since ALEC’S been acting weird, and psyching himself up to TELL ALEC THE TRUTH) and alec. doesn’t know what to do. 
but ultimately he’s convinced when he overhears/sees magnus meeting up with his friend. which is ragnor portalling into his home, horns and all, and them talking in hushed panicked whispers. and alec’s like “oh fuck what a demon is possessing my boyfriend” 
he’s heard family legends their ancestors were demon hunters, but unfortunately not much about warlocks and the like so he doesn’t make the connection, he just thinks “oh shit, the legends were true, and i of all people ironically am dating someone being messed with by a demon. well, I’M THE BEST PERSON TO SAVE HIM THEN.” 
ok i wanna be clear alec wouldn’t like. take this far and actually hurt magnus, ever. like he’s not about to tie him up and carve symbols into his chest or something. he’s just mundane and worried and unsure what the fuck to do and manipulative evil little bitch jonathan is taking advantage. 
and honestly i’m not sure how far to take this either, the image i have is magnus like. tied up in a pentagram and jonathan about to be a crazy bitch and alec being like “oh fuck this this is NOT what i signed up for” bonus if he was worried about magnus being possessed for realsies but then he sees magnus’s cat eyes and they’re like. too. him. they’re full of pain and fear and this kind of resignation and alec is like no that’s no fucking demon, that’s the man i love, or maybe it’s both, maybe he is the demon, but i don’t care because magnus is a demon then i guess demons are good because magnus and evil don’t go together EVER. 
but like at the same time, the heartbreak/trust shattering that could cause–alec like, trying to “exorcise” him for being a demon? MMM DON’T LIKE THAT. like i’m not looking for a relationship breaker here, just some juicy angst with a happy ending. and i feel like with a lot of careful planning that might work, but i don’t. really want to right now. 
so LIKE. maybe not that far, maybe alec is planning on confronting him and he’s got something dumb like a holy water water pistol (shoutout to ryan bergara, i love you) and salt, but he’s like “idek what i’m gonna do if he ends up being possessed but i sure as hell know i’ll save him if it kills me” but he like. before he can even get the words out. for whatever reason. don’t call me out on not knowing why, maybe he catches magnus by surprise or comes home early, idk. he sees magnus’s eyes. and they’re these gorgeous golden cat eyes. and alec can see the moment magnus realizes alec can see them, his eyes go wide and scared and he looks hurt and a little sick and like he’s already lost something irreplaceable and it hurts that he looks so. there’s so MUCH PAIN IN HIS EYES (aay,, aYYY.,, titteLEE) and also. god his eyes are so pretty. even beginning to tear up they’re so pretty. and alec has so many things he wants to say ranging from i love you and nothing will ever change that to seriously please stop looking heartbroken i need to hug you right now i love you so much to i know what you are–i mean, like, not what as in a thing, but what as in you’re a demon and i know and it’s okay, to wow your eyes are pretty to wow i am dating a demon okay and alec is just like. he just blurts out “holy shit you’re beautiful” and that’s all because with the “reassure magnus he is loved!!!” and “MAGNUS IS HURTING RED ALERT” and “So Your Boyfriend’s A Demon” feelings going on, Gay™ just overrides all the panic 
like he’s forgotten about the holy water and the salt he’s just like. oh my god. pretty. sexy. wonderful. and absolutely for-sure magnus and nothing else. so again there’s just that fun thought process of “does this mean my boyfriend IS the demon because that’s not a demon, that’s magnus” to “ok sweet im dating a cute ass demon” to “demons are good now i guess? or at least mine is? that’s neat” 
because like, while demons obviously traditionally get a bad rap, there are plenty of fucking books and tv shows and fiction wherein demons are the good guys, or not so bad, or whatever. so to a non-religious mundane with no concept of real demons as according to shadowhunters canon, “good demon” isn’t necessarily impossible or that hard to accept. 
magnus will probably not take the misunderstanding of being called a demon that well, but he will be thoroughly mystified by the fact that despite thinking he’s a straight-up full-on demon, alec is not upset or horrified but in fact kind of pleased. 
but anyway alec’s like “i’ve figured it out! i’m pretty sure you’re a demon, and that’s why [evidence here], but like, it’s okay! holy water is banned from the house and i know the salt thing is only a particular kind of salt but i swear if it helps, no fucking salt in the house. definitely none of that kind of salt. i originally thought you were possessed but i have burned all exorcism shit and anti demon things i had and i will literally do anything to protect you. should i say oh satan or oh lucifer instead of oh god? that’s fine. just wondering. i will literally give you my soul. i love you” and magnus is like i love you but oh my god oh my god oh my g
(also this doesn’t really fit in but i do have the image of alec squirting magnus with the holy water pistol and it just like. splashes on his face. and magnus is like. [disgruntled blink, nose all scrunched up, Adorable] [gingerly wipes off water] “why” and alec’s like so you’re not a demon, cool. wait, or demons don’t actually react badly to holy water. or you’re hiding it somehow. or my water isn’t holy enough. fuck)  
AN ywa YY. magnus has to explain he isn’t a demon (”oh shit fuck i’m sorry shit did i hurt your feelings goddamn it i can’t believe i jumped to conclusions”) he’s half demon (”okay i wasn’t THAT far off and don’t give me that look i’m not judging you i love you very much and this changes nothing”) and uhhhhhh he’s an immortal warlock with magical powers and the cat eyes are his mark and he has magic and he’s 400 years old and he’s been dormant for a very long time and he’s sorry he lied and didn’t tell alec and he really isn’t evil or anything and please say something, alexander.
and alec is just like “okay this is a lot to take in but ten minutes ago i thought you were just straight-up a demon and was cool with it so you really think i wouldn’t be cool with this?”
anyway like. they just fucking… it’s a little anticlimactic. magnus feels like his feet have been swept out from under him, alec’s just okay with it, other than a minor initial freakout, and that’s… it?
of course, there’s still jonathan. you know what, here’s how to get some drama back into it. alec never really like, actually got close with jonny boy or anything, it was just someone he talked to in passing who was like “ur bf is possessed bro. i can…… exorcise him if u like” and he like. knows about the downworld, but believes they’re all evil demons and bad and he’s the true shadowhunter or something? but he’s just crazy and a horrible person? idk. but anyway he like. shows up again. he might try to cause some drama by being like “ur boyfriend sent me >:) to SEND YOU BACK TO HELL” but it doesn’t work, magnus’s heart aches a little at the thought but he knows it’s not true, you know?
but like jonathan tries to hurt him and magnus is like, fumbling with his magic a bit, still slightly off kilter (especially because he’s still been trying to hide it a lot and stifle it and he’s not quite in sync). but alec like, defends him (because he took self defense classes and like, martial arts and shit, even as a mundane he knows how to pack a punch, you know?) and he gets hurt. jonathan goes after him (why are you supporting this monster? this demon? why are you on his side? …maybe you’re possessed too–) and magnus is like. OH NO. YOU FUCKING. DON’T. and fucking WRECKS him. like full magic avatar state bullshit, he’s like “i will fucking BEAT YOUR ASS, leave alec the FUCK ALONE.” and he basically like. idek portals jonathan to the middle of the sahara or across the world or on a remote island that has resources but no way off? idk what he ends up doing, but it like, takes care of him without necessarily killing him
but like. magnus is super powerful, but using that much magic abruptly after years and years of nothing takes its toll and he passes out. alec, slightly bruised up and maybe a little bloodied but ultimately fine, carries him bridal style (!!!!!!!!!!!) and magnus wakes up in bed, warm and safe and comfy with alec by his side, all patched up and also fine, and cat and ragnor and raphael all there like “hey idiot” bc WHY DIDN’T MAGNUS TELL THEM ABOUT HIS WEIRD NEW MUNDANE BOYFRIEND AND ALL THIS DRAMA THAT WAS HAPPENING? OTHER THAN THE MINOR DETAILS? they’ve been talking with alec and like. they have varying opinions but the general consensus is “he seems to be treating magnus good and he clearly loves magnus, and we like that.”
anywaYYYY this got……super fucking long. but the title thing is ujst basically “alec knows magnus is magnus and not Something Else because there’s like. real emotion in his “demon” eyes and he looks scared and pained and it’s SAD and alec’s like “shit yeah this is him and i love him” and that’s the turning point of the story” 
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