#idk what blocks to use for the walls so now my basement is just half torn apart and terrible looking lmao
nexus-nebulae · 2 years
building my beloathed
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butwhyduh · 3 years
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Jason todd x reader
Warnings: weapons, hint of sex
Summary: He shows off his scary equipment to see if you scare off. I write this months ago and never posted it. Idk y.
It was the third time that week that you sat in his room watching tv. Jay sat on the floor with some kind of equipment in his lap, tinkering as the show played. You sat on the bed with your back against the headboard wrapped in his blanket. Your fingers played in his slightly damp hair. He smelled like fresh shampoo and soaps.
“I don’t want to kick you out but after this is over I’ve got stuff to do,” he said before trying to change the subject. You looked at him suspiciously. He was never vague with his plans.
“What stuff?” You asked. He sat up a little straighter.
“Secret stuff. Vigilante stuff,” he said while twisting the equipment shut. It made a mechanical whirl noise before a red light came on. “Suck on that Tim. I didn’t need his help,” Jason said proud of himself.
“What is that?” You asked looking at the thing with no discernible obvious use.
“Scary secret spy stuff that I fixed without a computer.” He had a smirk of satisfaction on his face.
“So if I grab it you would freak out?” You said grabbing towards him. He quickly slipped out of your grip.
“Only if you wanted to blow the door off the wall,” Jay said twisting until the red light went off.
“Seriously?” You asked, with your eyes wide.
“No. But there is shit that you wouldn’t believe. But I can’t really show you. Hell, half the stuff in my pocket,” he laughed. “It’s just a tracer.”
“Shit I thought I was trying to grab a bomb for a second. Wait... what’s in your pocket?” You asked. He was standing and putting it in a bag. Jay stood a little stiffer.
“You already know what’s in my pocket. At least buy me dinner first.” He was deflecting. His joke didn’t make it to his eyes.
“No seriously. Show me your stuff. I want to see what crazy stuff you use at work,” you said also standing up. You got close to him, conveniently in front of the door. He tried to pull away but you grab his wrists. “I’ll thank you later.” You slid your thumbs up his forearms suggestively.
“Not even close,” he said plainly. He looked almost cagey but sometimes he just got that way.
“Baby,” you whined. “Show me.”
“No,” he said with a little different tone. He sounded almost annoyed. “You should probably get going now.”
“What the hell, Todd?” You said dropping his hands. “No. I’m not leaving. I’m tired of you being all secretive and shit. Are you 2 different vigilantes? Are you also a villain? Alien? What could you also be hiding beside Red Hood?”
“You wouldn’t get it,” he said stonily. You glared at him.
“That’s the fucking point. Tell me. Show me,” you said mad at this point. You had stepped into his space.
“You wouldn’t get it,” Jason said back slowly and deliberately, stepping right next to you. “It’s scary shit. I don’t-“
“You don’t what? For fuck sake. Just. Tell. Me,” you said almost mad enough to shove him but you held back. He loomed over you. You glared up at him.
“What if it scares you?”
“I’m not scared of looking at guns-“
“No, me. I use them. They are mine. They are part of me,” he said. It finally clicked. He had never cleaned his guns in front of you. Dick and Tim sometimes cleaned their weapons over breakfast when you visited. Jason was hiding it from you.
“Show me. I’m not scared of you,” you said softer. He stared at you for a minute before barely nodding. Jason dragged you down to the basement and pulled open a large panel on the wall. In it was a wide array of weapons nestled in black velvet covered foam.
“This is what I work with,” he said without taking his eyes off of you. You looked at all of the knives and guns and other things you didn’t even know.
“Can I touch them?” You asked him, interested. Your fingers already ran along the black velvet.
“Carefully,” he said. Jay stood close as you picked up a straight silver bladed, flat black handled knife. The curve of the handle was just a little too long for your hand but you liked the way it shined in the light as you turned it.
“That’s a 7 inch fighting utility knife, custom made for my hands,” he said. “It’s nice. Not my favorite.” You nodded and sat it down. You slid your fingers along the side of a hand gun, too scared to pick it up. “Pick it up if you want,” he suggested.
You grasped the gun. It was heavier than it looked. The sliver metal gleamed in the light. You kept your fingers fat from the trigger.
“It’s not loaded but you don’t want to make the habit of holding the trigger anyways,” Jason said sliding his hands around yours to show you how to hold it. You could feel his breath by your ear and your skin tingled. “You aim at something. Like the picture on the wall. And only once you know it’s perfect with no issues like wind, you move your finger to the trigger,” he said moving your finger to the trigger. You gulped nervously. “Breath out and pull the trigger,” he said before pushing your finger on the trigger. You jumped at the clicking noise. Jason laughed. He took it from you and sat it down.
“Am I scary now?”
“What is this?” You asked holding out a weird black knife. The blade was fatter at the end with a roundness that made it unique. You picked it up.
“Ka-bar combat Kukri knife. It’s kind of like a machete. Watch how you hold it,” he warned. You laid it back down.
“What’s your favorite?” You asked.
“This knife here,” he held up a nasty looking curved knife with a blade that just looked sharp. He made a few moves with it expertly. “Cuts right through Kevlar. Also really easy to cut yourself with it if you aren’t careful so I wouldn’t touch that. And these two guns are what I carry everywhere.”
“Everywhere?” You asked.
“Yeah. Any time I leave,” he said with a shrug handing you one. Silver metal hand gun that was a little bigger than the one you held and heavier.
“Like dates and stuff?” You asked.
“Okay I have undressed you and not found guns,” you said confused, thinking about all the times you’ve had sex in his car and he was wearing two loaded guns.
“Ankle, baby,” he said with a smile.
“But we... you were wearing this gun while we had sex?” You asked a little shocked. He laughed.
“Yeah, it was hot as fuck,” he said, putting the gun down and pulling you into a kiss. You broke the kiss.
“What about other stuff? I’ve seen bigger guns,” you said feeling shy.
“Seriously? Okay here,” he said pushing a button and the wall opened to show a wall of large guns. “These are mine. But I borough any other I need for a job. I wouldn’t really touch them.”
“Yeah,” you said taking a closer look. “What’s in your pockets?”
“Uh okay. Here,” he said pulling things out and putting them on a table. Gum, keys, a phone, a pocket knife, and a black block shaped thing. “That’s a taser.”
“That’s it?”
“For now. I felt pretty safe hanging out with my girlfriend. Unless you’re trying to kill me?” He joked.
“That’s the whole point of this. Be surrounded by your weapons and then kill you. Great plan,” you laughed pulling him close. He wrapped his arms around you in a hug but you chose to pat his pocket. You pulled a wallet from his back pocket. “Hiding things from me?”
“Yeah. Frozen yogurt coupons, a fake ID, and maybe twenty bucks. I feel so bad,” he said, looking at the ground in mock shame. “If I was hiding something you would never find it, baby. Trust me.”
“Not a confidence builder but okay,” you said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes.
“Nothing important. Now, the big question is, did I scare you off?” He asked losing the smile.
“Nope. Not a single chance. Second big question, why does a 25 year old man need a fake ID?” You asked.
“Well, I’m kinda legally dead and they don’t feel like giving driver’s license to dead people,” Jason said with a shrug but you could see that he relaxed.
“Ahh right. My zombie boyfriend. Now, this is a one time offer,” you said in a little huskier voice. You looked him over suggestively. Jason looked at you pleasantly intrigued. “What do you think about bending me over one of these weapon cases?”
“Fucking perfect idea,” Jason said with a wicked smile. He snatched you up causing you to yelp as he carried you to a case.
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humble-althemist · 4 years
The Hargrove-Mayfield House
I’ve been working on drafting this floorplan for ages, but now that I’ve got quarantine amounts of free-time I’ve come back to it with extra focus and determination to get this thing right, so here you go!
reference photos with explanation will be below the cut, because there are some weird-ass bits to this house that I feel need explanation/clarification/general screaming, and that in some case are very variable depending on what canon you want to go with.
anyway! with the front of the house down there at the bottom, and keeping in mind this house is on a corner lot (streets on both sides that have exterior doors), here ya go!
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(also just a heads-up that the exact proportions of everything was difficult to figure off based on a lot of these photos, and this house very much resisted attempts to be sketched out on graph paper, so while this is as close as I could get it without losing my mind, it’s definitely got some little issues here and there still.)
OK! so starting from the front, we’re all familiar with the view from the street, the long, thin porch along the front. but did y’all know the front of the house isn’t as flat as the porch makes it seem? 
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this is supported by the inside of the house, where we have Billy’s room in that pushed-out bit, and the front door visible through his door, leading into a living room in the pushed-back bit. (if any of that makes sense.) not the best screenshot but you can at least kind of see the corner behind Billy’s door and how it’s clearly not level with the front door
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now, I’m not gonna spend much time on Billy’s room because @gothyringwald​ has already done the work of the gods with that one (IN THREE PARTS, MY HERO), except to briefly say yes, there is a fireplace in here, it’s the back-end of a slightly bigger one in the front room. also, not that it’s at all important cause I won’t be using s3 screencaps for his room, but his room was very clearly not filmed in the same house for s3. the view out Billy’s door changes from the front door to a hallway from s2 to s3 (and there are no hallways in this house, as you’ll see), and the view out his front-facing window changes from porch to bushes. it drove me crazy the whole time so I just had to throw that out there.
anyway, for now I want to turn your attention towards Max’s room while we’re still in here because...
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first of all, yes there is a door straight into Max’s room from Billy’s, and no, I have not included it on my layout. That’s because in the show they use a bookcase on both sides of the door to hide it, so you could canonically say that there is no door. to be fair, though, they use this inset shelf thing that looks like in actual fact it wouldn’t work if both of them had one. so, use the door if it suits you, use the bookshelves if they suit you. canon is putty in your hands.
also I wanna point out that in the very bottom right corner of this shot you can see the corner of some wall trim. that’s the edge of Billy’s closet. and yes, it does stick out from the wall like that. at a guess I’d say about half of that wall is closet, and half of it is pushed back by exactly the closet’s depth, giving us this corner look.
moving on to the view into Max’s room, we can see the tiny closet space that her room has. it doesn’t appear much wider than the door to it is wide, though it is deeper than it appears from this angle, probably by about a foot. we can also see her door to the living room from here.
moving into Max’s room...
in season 2 you can feel the camera operators doing their damn best to show as little of this room as possible because it’s so weird and got so many doors, but in s3 we do get a little bit of a better feel and the screenshots I got from there do seem consistent enough with real-estate photos and s2 that I’m like 99% sure they shot Max’s bedroom scenes in the same house as in s2.
so, firstly we have a shot of that inset bookcase I mentioned hiding the door to Billy’s room, and Max’s lil closet to the right. it takes a stupid about of staring at the bottom right corner, but you can just barely see the shadow of what must be the closet’s outer corner there.
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panning left, we can see Max’s windows, prime for sneaking out to do nerd shit. in the show they put a lil firewood storage thing directly under her windows for extra sneaking out potential, but I can only put so many pictures in here before tumblr makes me split this thing into two posts so I’ll refrain from adding a cap of that.
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note also that that’s Billy’s window closer to us, and Susan & Neil’s at the back of the house. Billy’s would seem ideal for climbing out of as well, but some asshole put his sound system and vanity right under that window so idk how he’d manage it if he did. I’d love to see the elaborate shifting-stuff-around/gymnastics that goes into Billy’s regular sneaking out, though, if anybody wants to get on that.
ok, back into Max’s room cause we’re not done with it yet. we’ve accounted for a door that may or may not be between hers and Billy’s room, one to a lil closet space, and the one into the living room, but this girl has two more fuckin doors in her room.
unfortunately these two doors are never photographed together, so I didn’t figure out that there are two on this last wall until literally this morning while editing this post, but hopefully I can take you along my thought process on why it has to be two different doors.
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essentially the thought process is, (L) no wall at all between darkened/blocked-off door and corner, (R) at least a foot of flat wall to the left of door. going back to all of my screencaps with this knowledge makes a whole lot of stuff make more sense, but again I can’t put everything here. If there’s demand for more detailed screencaps and stuff maybe I’ll make a part 2, but for now I’m trying to be as succinct as possible. (lol)
so anyway, that door on the right clearly goes into the third bedroom of the house, because why the hell not have all the bedrooms connected, and that one Susan’s standing in front of in the screencap, I believe, leads to a bathroom. (to be clear, there are two doors in that screencap. one on the left that leads to the living room as mentioned before, and the one I’m talking about, behind her, which set designers have understandably tried to disguise as a closet.)
this is purely process of elimination, since the real estate photo I have of the bathroom does not show the door, does not have any windows, and doesn’t even remotely resemble the bathroom used in s3, but the only other bathroom space I was able to find in this house was off the dining room, which is definitely not big enough to hold a bath or shower. I may throw out all the reference photos of bathrooms I have if anyone is desperately curious, but for now in my head it’s just a general haze of ~a bathroom exists here~
anyway, from that right door let’s walk on into Neil and Susan’s tiny-ass bedroom.
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this room is so comically small I’m amazed Billy didn’t get saddled with it, honestly, but if you want some headcanons about why he might not have, my go-to is that Neil /or Susan realized this bedroom was the best for any teen with a mind for mischief. while the windows are definitely not as ideal for climbing out of as Max and Billy’s are, if we take that door on the left we’re in the pantry (yes, the pantry. stay with me), and it’s a straight trip from there out the side door, and out to your smokin’ hot Camaro.
idk how sound that logic is, but it’s what I’ve got lol
But anyway, now we’ve reached the end of the house on one side, so I’m gonna take us back to the front living room and work our way back from there. here we’ve a quick glance at the other end of that fireplace, and another angle of how the front door and Billy’s door relate to each other:
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the two parts of the living room are separated by this wide arch, and that further bit is where we see Billy’s weights and weight bench in s2. one could say that this is just normally where he keeps it, but my own personal hc is that they’re only there in s2 because the family just moved in, and that they later get moved to his room and the basement, leaving the living room more usable.
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It’s hard to be 100% sure, but looking at these photos, particularly at the floor, I believe the second living room area is narrower (as shown in the floorplan sketch). It makes Max’s room make a little more sense size- and shape-wise, and it seems like all the pictures I have of this space confirm it.
anyway, the open door on the right of the second living room bit leads back into Max’s room, and through another arch we can see into the kitchen, and beyond that the dining room.
for some reason the only shots of the kitchen are taken from the back of the house looking forward, so try not to get dizzy as we spin around here.
as you can see we’re now pointed towards the living room, and on our left (towards the bedrooms) we see the doors to that pantry I mentioned earlier. I don’t have any photos of the inside of the pantry, alas. those would solve probably every question I have about the ground floor of this house. if you look closely they look like bi-fold doors to me, but they could just open inward.
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we can also definitely tell that the wall on the left side of that arch is much shallower(?) than it is on the living room side, if that makes sense. essentially, these rooms on the left side of the house are getting narrower as they go on.
until the dining room! this room narrows a little on the right side, which you can see from exterior shots, but the pantry/bathroom weirdness in the middle of the house has definitely cleared out of the way to make room for dining here. we’ve also got two big-ass windows (comparatively), since going by the direction of the wood floors, the window on the left is not the same window as the one on the right.
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and going by the existence of a window in that bathroom, we know this part of the house has three external-facing walls -- or however a professional would say that. (essentially, Susan and Neil’s bedroom can’t be overlapping the other side of the bathroom.)
we’ve been pretty low on storage space here so far, so that + the fact that the door in the corner looks nothing like a door to the outside + the fact that there’s a door to the outside literally on the other side of the room, gives me the conviction that this door is just into closet space. it could be a door to the basement, but we’ve seen the back of the house before and it doesn’t look like there’s enough space there for a whole other room full of staircase. observe:
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not to mention Neil’s headlights are illuminating a perfectly good door to the basement right there, although idk shit about houses with basements. do they usually have two ways down if they’re built like this? I wouldn’t know, I live on a fault-line. we don’t do that shit here.
ANYWAY, that’s the house. somehow I feel like I’ve covered like way too much, and also not nearly enough, so do let me know if anything isn’t clear and I’ll try to fix it/do an additional post and link that. cause even if most of us are writing Billy living outside of Old Cherry Road/Cherry Lane at this point, this kind of shit is always handy to have around, at least imo?
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idrawstuffidk · 4 years
A list of (potentially) paranormal happenings in my house
That time when I was 6 or do and saw a shadow man in my doorway (now, that is my sisters room, keep that in mind)
My sister claims that she sees a shadow man every night/early morning peeking through said doorway at her (it goes away when she walks past it but reappears when she lies back down)
That’s not sleep paralysis, she can move just fine, but she’s seen an extreamly tall shadow man hunched over that would be taller that the ceiling if he stood straight during sleep peralysis
I was walking through my door after school when I was in 7th grade and heard my mother call out to me from her room. When I checked what she needed, she wasn’t there and it turned out she was still at work
Was sitting on my bed drawing when I heard my mom come home from grocery shopping, went to help her unload the groceries and she wasn’t even home yet
My sister heard a flute playing outside my room, there was, indeed, a flute on display outside my room, but no one was playing it and I didn’t even hear it (bear in mind my sister is the only one in my family who can play a flute)
Heard scratching on my wooden bedpost late at night. Didn’t look behind me but my room is suspended off the ground and we didn’t have a mouse problem (it was also right behind my ear so even further off ground level) so I doubt it could have been an animal
Heard scratching coming from my attic a few night ago, idk it could have been a raccoon but it didn’t happen again so it could have been anything I guess
My sister saw a girl in a white dress sitting on the coffee table out of the counter of her eye. She thought it was me so I had to tell her I hadn’t left my room. We went to investigate and nothing was there
While fixing my outfit for the day I looked up at my wall (the windows were behind me and were the only source of light) huge shadow moves in front of me like there was something moving behind me blocking the light from the window. I turned around and nothing was there. (This was also fairly recent)
Played Charlie Charlie in my room and the pencil moved, that happened the same time the heater turned on in the room next to us so take that with a grain of salt I guess
Most recently (and what inspired me to make this post) my mother claimed that last night she heard a younge girl calling out for help and for her mom from our basement. She says the it sounded very odd and distorted, but kind of like a midpoint between my and my sisters voice. Mind you she was half asleep when she heard it and it could have been a dream, but creepy nonetheless
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Game of Thrones 8.6 “The Iron Throne”
Well, our watch is over. 
I don’t know how to feel, considering this entire season was very up and down and all over the place. Not to mention extremely whiplash-inducing. From Jaime’s whole show arc meaning zip to Daenerys’ roller coaster descent into the “Burn It All” Mad Queen to Cersei’s boring death, season 8 as a whole was NOT GREAT, BOB.
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There were a few decent moments in the finale though. Sansa was crowned Queen in the North, so that was awesome. Drogon’s “but mama, wake up!” moment broke my damn heart. Ghost finally got his good boi snuggles. 
But overall? Yeesh.
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‘Kay, let’s try not to boo and hiss when the “Executive produced and written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss” credit flashes across the screen.
As the finale opens, Tyrion is seen wandering through the desecrated streets of King’s Landing, dumbfounded that the Queen he (and many of us) believed in actually did this crap.
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He separates from the others while Jon, Davos, and Co. locate Grey Worm about to commit some post-surrender slaughter of some Lannister army soldiers, in the name of the new Queen. Davos suggests he and Jon go speak with Dany while Grey Worm continues his slaughterin’. 
If there is one thing you can say for Torgo Nudho, it’s that he’s fiercely loyal.
Tyrion meanders to the crumbling remains of the Red Keep, heads right for the basement, presumably with his fingers and toesies crossed, and realizes the escape to the beachhead where he’d stored his little dinghy is blocked by a rock wall. So he heads to one of the few piles of bricks on the floor and lo and behold--
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Really, Cersei and Jaime look more like they are in the middle of a good nap. And there aren’t that many brick piles on the floor. Like they could’ve moved somewhere else in the basement and avoided dying but yanno, plot. 
Arya’s picking through the fire-lined streets of King’s Queen’s Landing until she eventually comes to the town square...place. The Redkeepplatz? Der Rotenwohnturmplatz? Where she spies some jubilant Dothraki playing with their horsies. They won, they’re feeling (temporarily) awesome.
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Of course, GoT is legally contracted to never go more than a scene or two without featuring the brooding face of Jon Snow, which it does, as he climbs up the stairs leading to Der Roten Wohnturm. Naturally, the gold and red lion banners of the Lannisters have been removed (and likely thrown into a corner somewhere for the Dothraki horses to poop on) and in their place is one big Targaryen one.
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Rather reminiscent of a dog pissing on a fire hydrant, is it not?
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So Brooding Jon and his wolfhead cane (I am still pissed that he didn’t beat off any errant Dead with it, I must say) climb up the steps under Grey Worm’s disapproving eye--remember, Jon has been kinda against slaughterin’ Lannister soldiers who already surrendered to which Grey Worm is all *Pikachu gasp face*--to meet his Queen/sort of girlfriend/aunt, who makes her grand entrance like this:
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Fabulous, dahlink! Dany is like a catwalk walker at a high-high-fashion Milan event. In fact, if Versace or John Paul doesn’t hire Emilia Clarke to recreate just this moment for the next Fashion Week (yanno, the one at Milan or Paris or New York, not at, like, Tallahassee Fashion Week), I will not buy any more of their products. Not that I could before.
No, she didn’t paste dragon wings to her back. It’s just Drogon. But the shot sure looks cool!
Daenerys catwalks out to her adoring public--quite a lot of adoring public.
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Srsly. I thought from the glimpse of trailer that all those soldiers were, idk, surrendered Lannister Army who’d sworn fealty or something. Weren’t most of her forces annihilated during the Battle of Winterfell? There were certainly not this many after Drogon Dracarysed the crap out of the K.L. gates and they burst into the city walls. 
There is raucous cheering and whooping...from the Dothraki. The Unsullied just sort of stand there and bang their poles against the ground because they are boring. 
Dany gives a rousing speech about the Dothraki being the blood of her blood, they kept all her promises to her, defeated her enemies, blah blah, and Drogon roars as if it is a football game. 
She makes Grey Worm her Master of War, which he kinda was all this time, just now it’s official. I guess he gets better pay now.
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Dany switches tongues and addresses the Unsullied in High Valyrian. The Dothraki are there like “Dafuq is she talking about?” Just as the Unsullied were before. She calls them “liberators”.
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You should really stop using that word, Dany. English teachers would red-pen all over this essay.
Dany continues in her exuberant High Valyrian that they will not stop until every man, woman, and child in the world, from Winterfell to Dorne and Lannisport to Qarth, has experienced her flavor of “mercy”.
Arya’s in the back watching like--
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Is it me or is this victory speech rather...”Hitler giving a rousing oration at a Nazi rally” esque?
Arya may not be loving this but the Unsullied, with their *tap tap* and the Dothraki excitedly raising their Arakhs and Scimitars in glee, sure do. Tho idk exactly what has the Dothraki so riled up. Dany’s still speaking High Valyrian; they have no idea what she’s saying.
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Tyrion is not happy with Dany either. Probably because she killed his brother and burned a shitload of people. He walks up to her as she winds up her Hitlerish speech and she looks at him with some of that ice borrowed from the North. In English, she accuses him of committing treason for freeing Jaime. He in turn meets her gaze and throws away his Hand to the Queen pin.
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Dany orders Tyrion taken away, presumably to be Dracarysed. And Jon is watching all this happening like this:
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We’ve all done it, don’t lie. “I know he has a swastika tattoo on his face but he’s only a Nazi on the weekends!”
Dany meets his gaze silently telling him to “respect mah authoritah”--
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--and she walks away with Unsullied flanking her. I am not sure where to. Half of the Red Keep is in ruins. 
As Jon watches, Arya appears beside him like a ghost. He asks her what she is doing here and what happened and the audience goes in tandem--
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What do you think happened, Jon?! Your girlfriend torched the city. Arya’s there in the city. You think she magically poofed there covered in dirt?
You still know nothing, Jon Snow.
Arya confesses that she came to kill Cersei, who of course died the most boring and undeserving death. Her presence right now is solely to remind Jon that Dany knows his true name and heritage and because of that he will always be a threat to her. 
Jon goes to visit Tyrion in isolation--handing over his cane, which for a second I thought was an umbrella; I now think every Great House should have a House Umbrella--and the first thing he asks is thus:
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Tyrion is disappoint but thanks Jon for coming to see him anyway. It is ironic, he pontificates. He is the one who told Dany of Varys’ treasonous acts and now he’s getting the Drac for the same thing. Well now Varys’ ashes can say “I told you so”. He then asks Jon if there is life after death. Cus, you know, Jon would know. But Jon does not remember any. Tyrion is relieved. Oblivion is all he can hope for after choking Shae, shooting Daddy Tywin with a crossbow, and betraying Dany. 
And he is prettttttttyyyy sure the war ain’t over. Dany will go on “liberating” until everyone is “free”--and of course by “free” I mean either loyal or barbecued. 
Jon is checked in at Justification Station:
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Tyrion asks him if he would’ve done it. After all, he’d been on the dragon’s back before. Jon stutters that he doesn’t know but Tyrion, and all of us, know he would not have. Tyrion is probably speaking to the same portion of the audience who loves Dany when he bites out that “Everywhere she goes, evil men die and we cheer her for it” and that portion, of which I count myself, reply--
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Why wouldn’t we? When she Dracarysed those assholes at Astapor, I fistpumped like Pauly D. 
Jon slumps down on a nearby stool. “Love is the death of duty” Maester Aemon said long ago. But, Tyrion posits, maybe duty is the death of love. Jon always tried to do the right thing by the people. Who is the biggest threat to the people now?
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Tyrion knows that he’s asking Jon to do a horrible thing, but it’s the right thing. After all, Jon is the most dangerous person in the world to her, being the rightful heir. Alas, Jon stutters that it’s Dany’s decision as Queen, I guess whether to kill him or not, tells Tyrion he’s sorry he’s gon’ be Dracarysed, and is about to leave when Tyrion tries one last ditch by bringing up Sansa and Arya. They’ll never be loyal to Dany, and Jon will have to choose.
With lots to think about, Jon goes to confront Dany, who is prowling around the mess she made of the Red Keep. Drogon, as always, is faithfully standing guard beneath a pile of ash. Or is it snow? Is there snow in the capital? Questions.
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Inside (I...guess?), Dany ventures into the once glorious throne room, which now looks like this:
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Hope you have a good Master of Coin in mind, Dany.
The new Queen is stunned and delighted about finally coming face to face with the Iron Throne.
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Yes. Hundreds of swords all melded together sounds fabulous for my back. Why does everyone want to sit in this thing so badly?
That is when Jon shows up. He begs Dany to spare the lives of the remaining Lannister prisoners. Tyrion from the impending doom of the dragon’s breath. Dany shakes her head. They cannot get by on “small mercies” when there is a whole world who needs...mercy. It will be a good world, she insists. She will make Jon see that it will be a good world. 
He asks about everyone else. The people who “don’t know what’s good”. Dany’s reply: “They don’t get to choose.”
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Dany wraps Jon in her arms and demands he be with her because they’re fated, they’ll break the wheel together, blah blah 
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And for a moment, just a moment, it almost appears to be working. They kiss passionately, there’s a glint of metal, Dany looks shocked. And then...
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Yeah, I didn’t spoil myself, though the season eight plots were easily accessible on Reddit. Probably posted by an annoyed PA who is firmly in the “this season blew” camp. In fact, I am willing to bet it’s the same guy who left The Cup in 8.4. He did it on purpose. 
But still, though I had a feeling Daenerys would not make it out of the finale alive, I was not prepared. It makes total sense for Jon to ultimately kill Dany, as he is the only one who could get close enough to her to do it aside from Grey Worm, who would never, and, of course, Drogon. There is a poetic irony to having the man who loves her ultimately be her end.
And yet...
Poor Jon. Two girlfriends, both dead. 
As Jon cradles her, Drogon starts creepin’. His dragon senses tell him that something’s happened to his mommy. Jon lays his deceased lady love on the floor and Drogon creeps up behind him, scaring the pants off him. He pads over to Dany’s inert body, trying to wake her up.
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All together now:
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I literally aww’d out loud when I first watched this. Twice. On Twitter, people have likened this scene to Simba pawing at a deceased Mufasa after the wildebeest stampede in The Lion King. It’s pretty reminiscent. “Mom? Mom? Wake up, we got the Iron Throne now!” 
Realizing that his mama really is dead, Drogon is not happy. He growls at Jon, rears up, and fire swirls at the back of his throat. Jon, for his part, remains stoic. I suppose he thinks he deserves this after becoming a Queenslayer. 
But Drogon spares him, perhaps unable to harm a Targaryen? Instead, he takes his ire out on the ironically defenseless throne made of dead men’s swords.
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He melts the fuck out of that throne until it’s nothing but molted metal. No one entirely knows why, but two theories are prevalent. One, that Drogon understood that it was really the Iron Throne that killed his mother in the end, her ambition to lead, and not Jon. Dragons are supposed to be incredibly intelligent. And two, as Leslie Jones put it, “If my mama can’t have it, ain’t nobody having it!”
Once the evil pointy chair is gone, Drogon cradles Dany’s body in his talons and flies away with her. 
And I’m dead.
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Oh, I’m so sad for Drogon. First the Night King took Viserion. Then, Captain Underpants shot down Rhaegal. Now his mom’s gone. 
I want to hug him.
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The next day, Grey Worm and Co. come for Tyrion, but instead of being Dracarysed, he’s led to the Dragonpit, where various heads of Great Houses are assembled to discuss What To Do Now--yanno, that Jon Snow killed the Queen. Yara wants him dead, as well as the Prince of Dorne. Arya threatens to cut her throat if she says that again. Davos, as usual, is the voice of reason. He tries to bribe Grey Worm with the Reach but the Unsullied do not want payment; they want justice. 
Tyrion says it’s not for Grey Worm to decide, and Grey Worm is pissed. But it’s for their King or Queen to decide, and the powerful people before him must pick one.
Grey Worm’s like--
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He is not all in on this idea but he’s gonna humor it.
Sam starts to suggest democracy but everyone’s like LOL.
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Edmure Tully, aka Tobias Menzies, aka Frank/Black Jack Randall on Outlander, who we haven’t seen since season six, rises and attempts to make a case for himself being named King. Sansa has no time for his antics.
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Burn after reading, Edmure. 
Honestly, I’d have preferred this side character we haven’t seen for two seasons over the guy they actually picked. Tyrion, who, I may remind, is the prisoner here, makes a case that the best man/woman (it’s a man) for the job is someone with “the best story”. Okay, cool, I can get behind that.
And then he says, “Who has a better story than Bran Stark?”
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Let’s see, of the remaining nobles, Sansa has overcome a shitload of adversity to become a really kickass, strong leader of her House, Arya was raised a spoiled little girl and could’ve lived off that but instead threw all those trappings aside to transform into a literal assassin, Brienne is now the first woman knight in all of Westeros, Tyrion went against his House to support a southern Queen and survived a false accusation of poisoning his nephew by his sister, Sam was sentenced to the Night’s Watch by his jackass of a father only to find love, family, and survive the Battle of Winterfell, Yara was kidnapped by her pirate uncle, lost her brother, and is now Queen of the Iron Islands, and Jon, well Jon, what didn’t Jon fucking do? 
Bran was carried around by the poor dude whose head he fucked with for a few years and spent this season being an unemotional robot.
Tyrion asks Bran if he’s up to the role and Bran replies--
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WHAT HAPPENED TO “I CAN’T BE THE LORD OF WINTERFELL, I’M THE THREE-EYED RAVEN”?! Even Isaac Hempstead-Wright said when he originally got the script, he thought it was a joke. 
We’re supposed to believe he is not up to the task of lording Winterfell but the Seven Kingdoms? No problem.
I’m sorry, the Six Kingdoms. Sansa will not agree to appoint Bran King unless he gives the North independence, which he does.
Six Kingdoms does not sound as good, y’all.
Bran’s a Six Chick now.
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So everyone votes and the newfound oligarchy of Westeros toast to their new KingBot.
They call him Bran the Broken because every royal needs a nickname. It’s kind of insulting but I highly doubt Westeros was at all #woke.
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I like my ideas better.
Bran makes Tyrion his Hand to make up for all his mistakes in the past, and Grey Worm bugs out because he’s a criminal and deserves justice. But Bran is now a KingBot and can do what he wants so there!
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Tyrion, saved from execution, reports to a reckt-looking Jon that KingBot has decided to send him to the Night’s Watch, which still exists for some reason. He will take no wife, bore no children, etc, al., we’ve heard the spiel before. 
Jon asks Tyrion if what they did was right because he feels like shit and Tyrion tells him to ask him again in ten years. So they don’t even know if killing Dany was a good thing or a bad thing.
As Jon ambles through the docks, he passes Grey Worm’s ship. One of the Unsullied lets him know in High Valyrian that all the men are on board and wistfully he nods his reply.
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Naath, being of course, Missandei’s home. Grey Worm and the Unsullied are fulfilling a promise he made to Missandei before the Battle of Winterfell--that he would accompany her back home to protect her people from slavers. Now, sans Missandei, he is keeping that promise.
At the docks, Sansa asks Jon if he can forgive her. He is a better person than I because I would’ve been like--
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Jon tells her the North has its independence because of her, they hug, and he moves onto Arya. She can’t visit him at the Night’s Watch because she is going on an adventure! She’s gonna start world-building. Arya the World-Builder!
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She’s going west of Westeros. For the glory of the Starks and the North. Maybe start a colony there and push some indigenous people onto reservations.
 Next, Jon goes down the line to bid goodbye to his new KingBot.
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Seven Six Hells, it’s a good thing this is the finale because calling BranBot “Your Grace” and bending the knee to him will never not be super odd.
Jon tells him he’s sorry he wasn’t there when KingBot needed him and KingBot assures him he was exactly where he was supposed to be with that creepy blank face. Y’all may as well have installed HAL as King.
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In the miraculously intact and debris-free Red Keep, the new Commander of the Kingsguard is searching through the Big Book of Westerosi Knights For Dummies--
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--for Jaime’s entry, I guess to complete his story, and somehow she finds the wherewithal not to be catty.
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There, Brienne. Fixed it for you.
At the small council table, Tyrion reverently sits in the seat of the Hand to the King while the rest of the council comes pouring in. Sam places a thick tome in front of Tyrion, and when he asks what it is, Sam proudly states that it’s A Song of Ice and Fire, a history of the wars following Robert’s Rebellion and death. 
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There isn’t much that takes me out of the experience more than mentioning the title of the show I’m watching. And although this is Game of Thrones, we all know it’s based on the ASoIaF book series. 
By Archmaester Ebrose, eh? You sure it wasn’t, say, Archmaester Jyrge of House Martyn?
The in-universe AsoIaF doesn’t even mention Tyrion, which is hilarious.
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Brienne and KingBot enter and everyone stands and calls him “Your Grace” and we snicker. At the table, the first thing KingBot does is ask about the missing Masters of Whisperers, Law, and War. And also where Drogon is. Sam says he is flying east but KingBot seems determined to find him.
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What’s he gonna do, warg into Drogon? You leave that poor baby alone, KingBot! In a short time, he’s lost both his brothers and his mother. He’s totally alone. Don’t bother him no more!
Before Podrick, who is now Ser Podrick, takes him away, everyone stands to salute their KingBot.
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Maybe I’m a broken record, but Bran being crowned King is like getting an A+ on the presentation when you spent the whole prep time playing Words With Friends on your phone.
When he leaves, the remaining small council members discuss rebuilding the armada and distributing wealth responsibly. Bronn has been named Lord of the Reach and is now Master of Coin. His first priority as such is--
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Tyrion also comes to the conclusion that after extensive research into the sewers at Casterly Rock, clean water=healthy people.
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The camera slowly pulls out on our happy merry men (and woman) of the council so I guess that means that is the last time we will see them.
At Castle Black--
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And so fast? Are all the builders in the North drinking Four Loko or what?
There, waiting, is Tormund, like he’s Leo at the end of Titanic. He knew Jon would be back. Because he’s “got the real North in him”.
In all corners of Westeros, the Starks are doin’ their thang. Arya is setting sail for places unknown, brandishing the Stark sigil.
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Sansa is attending her coronation of Queen in the North after winning the Northern independence.
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And Jon is among the wildlings at Castle Black. He seems to be searching for someone in particular amongst the throng. 
And then, he finds him!
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It’s Ghost! The goodest good boi in the wide world finally got his snuggles from his Daddy. 
He deserves all the love and treats because he’s the best boi.
Yes, he is! Yes, he is!
The finale closes with Tormund and Jon leading the Free Folk into the woods. Hmm..
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Is Jon destined to be the King Beyond the Wall now? We’ll never know for sure because the show is over. But there is always fanfiction. 
I am reading one right now where Jon and Dany meet in Pentos before she is crowned Khaleesi. It’s good shit. 
So, uh, pros: Sansa being crowned Queen in the North was awesome. She deserved it. I can see Arya as an explorer. Cons: KingBot. WHY?! I cannot see him being the “great king” the other characters think he will be. He has no emotion, which is why he is KingBot. The first thing he does upon calling to order his first small council meeting is wondering where the fuck Drogon is so he can kill him. And it’s not enough that he’s elsewhere in the east. KingBot has to warg into him or into something near him to get his exact location. Idkkk him being King is pretty absurd. 
The finale was a week ago and I’m still in mourning for Dany. I’m in mourning for how fast the writers took her to Mad Queen status. I like the theory that Drogon is flying to Volantis to have Kinvara of the Red Priesthood revive her so that she can come back to Westeros and kick ass and take names. 
In the meantime, and forevermore, the wheel keeps on spinning...
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A Pirate’s Soul (part 1)
Synopsis: Pirates of the Carribean/ The Avengers mashup! 
The Reader, a skilfull Avenger had gone on a mission with a few fellow members, one of them being Stephen Strange. The mission turns for the worst as the Reader gets trapped with a no way out, but instead of Doctor Strange opening up a portal for Y/N to escape to New York or even just the woods outside, she gets transported to the 18th century Caribbean sea, where she meets a group of people that will forever change her world. Especially a certain son of a pirate with the sweetest heart.
Pairing: Will Turner x Avenger!Reader
Warnings: swearing but that’s a given with me
Genre: idk anymore
Word count: 2151
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The thing about being an Avenger is that you’ll meet very different and weird people throughout your life. The thing about fighting alongside them is that not everything goes as planned. Ever. Especially when one of the people is a sorcerer with the power to open up portals and bend time and space.    That is what happened while Y/N, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes and Wanda Maximoff had gone out on a mission. What was supposed to be a simple in and out turned into a full-blown battle with not only Hydra agents, but enhanced aliens running around and shooting at them.    “Strange, I need you to open up a portal for me!” the girl shouted, comms filled with gunfire. “Like now! Right this second! I don’t wanna die today!”    “A bit busy over here!”    “Yeah, well the building is about to collapse and I have no way out!”    She punched a six-armed alien and whipping her knives around she slashed a deep gash over its chest, organs and green blood spilling out. There was nowhere to go. Y/N was down in the lowest basement level and she was being ambushed. The rumble of explosions up above shook the ground beneath her feet and the stone walls, making it her own little tomb.    Her Y/E/C eyes were wide with fear, the terror so huge she could barely hear Tony calling for Strange to do something, could barely decipher Bucky’s yells of anger and Wanda’s tearful sobs.    She closed her eyes as the ceiling above her shook more and more, the last three creatures ready to pounce. Before the cold blocks collapsed on top of the girl, the alien’s hands grabbed onto her shoulders, waist and thighs. But instead of feeling the wind knocked out of her by a wall, she fell… and fell through it, greeted by an echo-y thud off a wooden surface.
   In an instant her eyes were open, bright sunlight shocking her system as a beautiful salty breeze of the sea invaded her senses. There was no time to relish in the feeling as the monster was still on top of her chest, seemingly just as surprised to be in their new surroundings. Y/N took it as her cue and sliced off the arms that held her thighs, eliciting a shrieking scream from the thing. Her second blade struck in its shoulder of the one that held down her hip. Y/N wiggled around a bit, hooking her leg over its tail and flipping them over, so that the girl was now on top of it and with a hard thrust she pushed the blade through its neck, pinning it to the wooden floorboards underneath them and killing the thing.    Her combat suit was ripped open, basically leaving it in shreds. Her chest was heaving as her palms grabbed onto what seemed to be a timber railing. Y/N let her eyes adjust to the scene beforehand, and if she wasn’t as exhausted, the adrenaline wearing off leaving a leaden feeling in her legs, she’d almost believe what was in front of her.    A tallish man with dark dreadlocks, a red bandana, a triangular hat and God only knows how many trinkets tied into the strands stood before her. His brown eyes were lined with charcoal and a hand with a ring on every finger was holding a sword up to her. A tiny goatee with beads hanging off of it swished around in the wind, but what drew Y/N’s attention more was the young man standing beside him.    Clad in a white cotton tunic, the buttons open revealing a muscular chest, his chocolate eyes bore into Y/N’s Y/E/C ones. His shoulder length hair was half up pulled away from his face revealing sharp cheekbones and jawline.    “I’m dead aren’t I?” she asked to no one in particular, noting that there were more men on the ship, each looking scruffier than the previous, all of them weirdly enough dressed like they were from the 17th hundreds. “Or did you transport me to a fucking amusement park, Stephen?” she chuckled turning away from the men.    There was no reply.    “Stephen?” she tapped the little black device still securely tucked in the shell of her ear. Again nothing.    Y/N’s voice shook as her eyes soaked in the scene. “Tony?” Nothing but blue water, the emerald and turquoise hues glinting in the sunlight. No land. No Hydra or New York. Nothing but the open sea.    She spun around, panic settling in her stomach. The man with the dreadlocks looked over at the man with the tied up hair giving a glance of confusion as his sword lowered down.    “No,” Y/N choked out, “no, no, no, no.” Her palms met the wooden floor of what she now knew to be a ship. “This can’t be happening! Wanda!” Y/N’s scream echoed in the open air. “Bucky!”    At this point, her back was pressed against the side of the ship and a palm going to her throat. Y/N couldn’t properly breathe, her head was spinning from hyperventilating. Suddenly a hand was placed on her shoulder. She could feel the skin-to-skin contact, courtesy of a giant rip in her suit.    “Miss, I need you to breathe, okay?” it was the one wearing the white shirt. His voice was soothing, like the waves the ship was lulling on.    “Where,” Y/N heaved out, “where am I?”    The man who had his sword pointed at her before, answered the question. “The Caribbean sea, love. Right in the heart of it.”    Fine. She could work with a place. A place was good. But then came the question Y/N didn’t really know if she wanted to get an answer to. “When am I?”    Her Y/E/C met the white-tunic-mans. They were soft, consoling, she didn’t want to look away, but then again, neither did she want to hear what his lips had to say. “18th century.”    Y/N took a deep breath. 18th century. She was in the fucking 18th century. Man, had Stephen fucked up. Her attention was taken away from the man by a woman, she hadn’t previously noticed. The blonde was just about to touch the alien but Y/N was faster, jumping up and wrapping her arms around the petite girl, shielding her body with her own.    “Don’t touch it! Unless you want the whole ship to go up, I suggest you back away.” Her eyes were a lighter shade of brown, golden specks glinting in the sunlight, plump lips open in an unheard question.    Hydra had scientifically grown the alien species in test tubes and then genetically engineered them to explode after dying if someone or something touched the skin, to cause the maximum effect of destruction. Back in the base that had actually helped her out in the mission, at one point setting off a chain reaction and taking a whole block out. Now, given the fact that there wasn’t land anywhere on the horizon, Y/N couldn’t risk anything.    A tall and lanky man, one eye darting around, clearly made from wood scooted closer to the strange creature. “You touch it and it’ll explode. The ship will go down and so will everyone else,” Y/N warned him, hoping the rest would take it to heart too.    The girl was barely keeping it together, opting for command mode to stay sane. She needed something to do, so a plan had to be devised to safely dispose or at least relocate the carcass before another curious mind came a bit too close and boom! went the dynamite.    “Well, what do you suggest then? Leave it out in the open? Where it’ll rot and then a seagull will flock down, sit on it and make my Pearl drown that way?” The guy with the deadlocks had approached Y/N and the girl, the Avenger still sorta shielding the other woman’s body with her own.    Back while fighting with Hydra, the bodies had exploded because of harsh movements, like rubble hitting it, a stray bullet or a graze of a knife. In an instant the green blood started to turn orange and then red, the dead flesh heating up before exploding, the shrapnel of bones and the sheer force of kinetic energy bringing down stone walls. But what if nothing did touch it?    Y/N had magic in her veins, but she was untrained, nothing like Stephen. ’Damn, it Wanda, I need you,’ she thought to herself before looking at the gathered crowd. The girl was terrified of what ran through her blood more specifically because one time as a kid she had accidentally set a house on fire, just because of her emotions and ever since then she had locked that part of her mind.    “Stand back.”    The girl immediately detached herself form Y/N taking a few steps away.    “What?” it was dreadlocks.    “I said stand back. I don’t know what’s gonna happen so you might want to keep yourself at a safe distance.”    He levelled a gaze. “And what is a safe distance?”    Y/N had no answer to that. “Preferably somewhere off the boat, but since that ain’t possible- as far away as you can.”    The girl steadied her mind, slowly feeling her heart rate come back to the normal thud-thud-thud. ‘Don’t fuck it up, don’t fuck it up, don’t fuck it up’ was a mantra ringing through her head. Wanda and Stephen had had years of training whereas Y/N had none, so freeing that part of her mind was terrifying. To allow the power she didn’t know how to control ooze out of her every pore was the scariest thing that had ever happen to her.    The girl concentrated, letting the tendrils seep out and feel the air. It was a shock to her system. She could feel every molecule around her, the tiniest ripple under the sea, where a crab left an indent in the sand or a fish moved its muscles to propel itself forwards. Y/N could fell everything, and as much as she wanted to revel in this newfound world, she had to focus.    Air. She could use air. Something warm trickled down her nose, the sticky substance worming past her lips and down her chin. Y/N had no time to wipe away what she knew to be blood. She extended a hand towards the dead alien and mentally pushed the air underneath it up, trying to picture it as a solid material the body could be laying on. She imagined it lift above the floor and it did. Green blood was spilling out from the places where its limbs were missing as well as through the giant neck wound.    “A bit more, a bit higher, a bit further,” Y/N muttered underneath her breath as she moved her palm toward the open sea, the body floating in the air immediately following that direction.    Red droplets from her nose splattered against the wood. “Just a bit more.” A huge headache was forming, ripping her skull apart. “Just a tiny bit more.” It was over the railing, hovering above the sea, yet it was still too close, what had dreadlocks called it- Pearl? It was still too close to the Pearl.    From somewhere behind her a voice kept calling. It was saying for her to stop. Or at least that’s what Y/N thought. The only thing she could hear was her own blood pounding in her ears. Her hand shook with the force the girl was exerting.    “A tiny bit more,” it came out like a strangled breath before she released the alien, it’s body splatting down into the sea, exploding in a matter of three seconds.    Y/N’s lips pulled up in an exhausted smile. “There,” she heaved out, “done.”     And suddenly she lost balance. Y/N would’ve smashed her forehead against the black railing if it hadn’t been for two strong arms that caught her just in time.    His mouth moved, yet Y/N couldn’t hear the words. Lick-the-bed? What no, that couldn’t be right. The woman she had shielded from the alien’s body reappeared in Y/N’s vision. She was carrying a cloth, a damp one that she gently pressed against Y/N’s flushed skin. No, Elizabeth, not lick-a-bed. That was the girl’s name.    The woman’s mouth moved as well, Y/N’s hearing catching onto one single word before falling into the blissful darkness where nothing hurt.    “Will…”
Tags: @fandamad
A/N: I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m a mess :D
please tell me what you think :)
P.S. if you have any requests or wanna be tagged drop a message 
P.S.S. please don’t repost without credit
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artradhikita · 4 years
The time I started writing a comic book / graphic novel (Part 4 of idk how many, this may take a while LOL)
This is Part 4.
Click here for Part 3:
Click here for Part 2:
Click here for Part 1:
@azonip OMG this is going to take days!
So at this point the story heats up because shit’s about to do DOWWWWN!
Copy-paste of the original first draft:
it is the afternoon. alex is at work when a stranger drops  off a package. it's a woman. she leaves without saying a word.
alex: what's this?
the package is labeled alexander cadeyrn. on the back is a return address. alex opens it and finds a writable dvd in it labeled "play me". alex is puzzled and puts the cd case in his pocket. he closes the shop and goes home. kai and quan are sitting in the living room. alex sits down and pops the dvd in the tray.
quan: new movie?
alex: someone dropped it off at work, i don't know what's on it.
they watch the screen which displays nothing, then a recording comes on. rafa's face looks at them from the tv screen, taking up most of the space. all 3 men sit bolt upright.
rafa: alexander. this is very important, so i hope i have your full attention. i told you when i met you to leave this town, did i not? i warned you that there would be consequences. but you didn't listen to me, you're still here, and now someone is going to pay the price. someone very dear to you.
rafa's moves out of the camera view, revealing behind him a woman tied to a chair, with two hooded figures standing behind her.
alex: lucy!!!
rafa: i believe this is your younger sister, lucy, is that right? *he leans towards lucy* say hello to your brother.
lucy's mouth is taped up, she glares at rafa.
alex: *shouting at the screen* get away from her, you bloodsucking leech!
rafa: *to the camera* you see alexander, before making this videotape we questioned lucy. it seems she knows nothing about your little secret. i don't think she even understands the gravity of this situation. *to lucy* well, lucy, it's like this: your brother is the leader of a secret gang of monsters, and they think they can run my town. i warned him to leave, but unfortunately for you he ignored me. and this is why you're here. now, if your brother surrenders, i will let you live. if not, i will have to kill you. *looks at the camera* did you hear that alexander? you have until midnight to surrender to me or else your little sister will suffer. i promise i will not harm her until that hour. but if you try to rescue her, she will be tortured and killed, so no tricks. believe me, one wrong move from you and she will suffer through the worst hell you can't even imagine.
at that moment a pale, hairless, sick looking creature with spidery veins creeps from behind lucy and strokes her cheek with a bony forefinger.
alex gasps and all 3 of them jump to their feet.
kai/quan: what the hell is that!?!!?
lucy's eyes become fearful and her face turns pale. but she quickly tries to hide her fear and glares at rafa, ignoring the creature.
rafa: *looks at lucy* such an innocent face. it would be a pity if that innocence were to be taken away, wouldn't it alexander?
the recording ends. alex slams his fists on the coffee table, which cracks.
kai: that demon!! if he dares hurt her i'll kill him with my bare hands!
quan: seriously, what the hell was that thing?
alex: i don't know. where are myrina and ralph?
quan: they went out to a restaurant.
alex: call them home. tell them it's urgent but don't tell them about the video yet. we need to make a plan.
it is night time. lucy sits tied to a wooden chair, eyes closed and mouth covered with a thick square of tape. rafa is sitting on a chair watching her in silence. 2 hooded men are in the middle of the room, one of them is pacing back and forth. the pale creature slowly circles lucy, staring intently at her.
rafa: frederick, will you please stop pacing? it is most unsettling.
fred: my pacing is unsettling? listen to her! *points at lucy* she's been humming for over half an hour now, it's going to drive me mad! why don't just let us finish her off already!
lucy glares at him. the creature looks eagerly at rafa.
rafa: no! i said she is not to be harmed unless i give the order. i forbid you to even touch her!
fred: but she won't shut up! it's nearly eleven and my patience is running thin.
rafa: silence! one more noise out of you and your patience won't be the only thing of yours running thin!
aeron snickers. the door suddenly opens and a veiled woman dressed in black walks through. rafa stands.
rafa: what news, my lady?
the woman: *with spanish accent* someone approaches; a man.
lucy is quiet and looks at rafa. *thinking: alex!*
rafa: alone?
the woman: yes. i believe so. he is nearly at our door, he walks slowly and he is not armed.
lucy:*thinking: alex, no! they're going to kill you!*
she struggles to get free from the chair, but to no avail.
rafa: good work. *looks at lucy* i don't want any interruptions. watch over the girl and ensure no one touches her.
rafa exits the room. lucy looks up at the woman, but she can't see her face. the woman sits in rafa's chair, facing her.
alex walks up to the door of what looks like an abandoned old house, but the front room seems to be lit. he knocks. the door creaks open.
rafa: come in alexander. i've been waiting for you.
alex: *walks in* i've come to negotiate with you for my sister's life.
rafa: well, you certainly like to get to the point. please, have a seat.
alex hesitates.
alex: where's lucy? i want to see her.
rafa: you will, very soon. she is being kept safe while we have our meeting. i promise she is unharmed. please, sit.
alex sits: i understand you want an exchange.
rafa: exchange?
alex: yes, my life for lucy's. that's what this is all about, isn't it? i surrender, lucy lives. right?
rafa: yes, that is what i said. but where is the rest of your gang?
alex: you said i would have to surrender, but didn't metion the others would too. i understood that i was to come alone. am i mistaken?
rafa: no, you are not mistaken. i was just wondering where they were, that's all.
alex: rafa, this is between you, me, and my sister. the others don't know about the recording. they don't know where i am or anything about this. i just want to get lucy out of this.
rafa: i see. and what happens to your gang after your surrender?
alex: how should i know? i don't expect to be around to find out. you'll make sure of that, won't you? *glares* where's lucy?
rafa: patience alexander. i'm not finished yet. how do i know the others won't continue to run amok in my town after you are gone? and how do i know they won't try to take revenge for your death if they find out what happened?
alex: the brotherhood is nothing without me. i removed all my things from the house and left them a note stating that i'm leaving them and moving away. i said i don't want to be part of the brotherhood anymore and that they should all move on with their lives. when they read it they will think i've abandoned them. without me the brotherhood will break.
rafa: very clever of you alexander. it's a pity, i'm sure if we had known each other under different circumstances we could have been friends.
alex: i seriously doubt that, i could never be friends with a monster like you. now let me see my sister! i'm tired of this bullshit.
rafa: very well then. follow me.
rafa leads alex down the corridor and points to the staircase leading to the basement.
rafa: after you.
alex descends and enters the basement, he sees lucy and the others. lucy sees him and makes noises.
alex: lucy! * he walks to her but rafa blocks his way*
rafa: just one moment alexander. we're going to do this my way. frederick, aeron! *he snaps his fingers*
the brothers grab alex by the arms and hold him to the wall.
alex: alright, you have me, now let her go!
rafa: ah, there's a problem. you see, if i release her she'll go crying to your friends about your death, which makes your story about abandoning your gang completely void. they will try to avenge you, and i'll never have peace in my town.
alex: you call that peace?! you're a tyrant, a monster! you only want us out of here so you can go on killing innocent people with no one to stop you! you promised she would live! you lied to me!
rafa: i didn't lie! i was going to spare her, but you made it so now i have to kill her in order to get my way. i'm sorry alexander, but things change.
rafa turns to lucy and removes the tape from her mouth.
rafa: any last words my dear?
lucy: go to hell!
rafa: i am hell. and now you're going to die!
suddenly 4 wolves come bursting in. lucy screams. they attack rafa's gang. the veiled woman turns into a huge snake and fights them along with the others.
alex: lucy!
alex unties lucy and tries to get her out but is confronted by the creature, who swoops lucy away. kai pounces on him and lucy falls to the ground.
rafa attacks alex. myrina and quan battle the hooded brothers while ralph is in the coils of the huge snake.
kai and the creature fight, but the creature creeps up the walls and across the cieling, kai can't reach him as he crawls towards lucy.
kai: keep away from her, you demon!
kai stands over lucy and acts like a shield. meanwhile ralph sinks his teeth in the snake's skin and she lets him go hissing. he falls to the ground gasping and she tries to bite him but myrina leaps in front of her and sinks her teeth into her neck. the snake screams and shakes her off and coils up in a corner. myrina goes flying and knocks fred over.
ralph: myrina!
ralph recovers and attempts to help the others.
kai leaps up and catches the creature's leg in his jaw. the creature falls to the ground and screams in pain as kai strikes him with his claws, but it manages to escape and runs away, disappearing out of the house.
quan, myrina, and ralph are battling the brothers while alex is fighting rafa, but rafa is too strong and he is about to kill alex when kai sees him and leaps from behind, sinking his teeth into his shoulder. rafa is wounded but flings kai off him, lucy tries to help her brother but the snake suddenly comes from behind and is about to kill her, but is stopped by ralph.
alex: kai! get lucy out of here!
alex gets out his knife and tries to stab rafa but rafa knocks it out of his hands. it goes flying across the room. aeron looks at the knife.
kai: lucy! get on!
kai runs out of the house and into the forest with lucy riding on his back. he slows his pace to a trot.
lucy: stop! let me go! *she jumps off* who are you, what's going on?
kai: it's okay lucy, it's me, kai. i'm not going to hurt you.
lucy: kai?! what!?!
kai turns into his human form and lucy gasps.
lucy: you're the wolf i met in the forest last winter!
kai nods: yes, and the others are myrina, quan, and ralph. we came to rescue you.
lucy: what the hell....how is it possible? what about alex? is he a...is he like you?
kai: no, alex is human. but he's our leader, he helped us control our transformations and formed the brotherhood of wolves. i was 12 when it all started, it was really difficult, but he was there for me. every full moon i would turn into a vicious animal, but he helped me control myself, and now i can transform whenever i want without hurting anyone...unless i want to.
lucy: i'm so confused. why didn't he tell me? he never kept secrets from me. he even told me when he took up muay thai and fought underground to pay for college!
kai: i think maybe it's because it was more my secret than his. and i know he didn't want you to know about the brotherhood because he wanted to protect you. you see how dangerous it can be, our enemies don't play around.
lucy: we have to go back! alex can't fight that monster on his own!
kai: no! lucy, the whole point of me being here is to make sure you don't get into any more trouble. i know you want to help your brother, so do i! but i promised i would keep you away from danger.
lucy: but they need us! they won't survive against three incredibly strong vampires and a giant snake by themselves! i can fight, you know that kai!
a voice from behind: that won't be necessary.
lucy: alex! you made it!
they see the others approaching, they are all hurt from the battle. quan is severely wounded and is being carried on ralph's back. ralph puts quan down and myrina runs up to him and starts to cry. quan is bleeding profusely, he is dying.
myrina: quan! no! hold on, please, don't die.
kai: what happened?
alex: aeron got my knife and stabbed him from behind.
ralph: we have to do something! he'll bleed to death!
lucy stares at quan, she hesitates, but then she kneels beside him.
lucy: i think i can help.
alex: lucy, no, we need to get him to the hospital. *pulls lucy by the arm, she pulls away from him*
lucy: there's no time for that. please trust me, i might be able to help him.
she sits down by quan and places her hands over his knife wound.
myrina: what are you doing?
lucy: shhh! please be quiet i need to concentrate.
she closes her eyes and breathes deeply. a soft light appears under her palms. the others look in surprise. lucy furrows her eyebrows in deep concentration and she whispers.
lucy: *whispering*please help me....please......help me heal him.....
the light gets brighter and the bleeding stops. everyone is astonished. suddenly the light vanishes and lucy falls unconscious.
alex: lucy! *he cradles her in his lap* lucy!
kai: look! *pointing at quan*
myrina: quan!
his wound is completely gone, he stirs and sits up in a daze. lucy's eyes open slowly. she looks at alex.
alex: are you okay? what did you just do?
lucy: i'm okay, i just feel really weak. did it work?
she looks at quan, who is being hugged by myrina. he looks confused.
quan: what happened? i thought i got stabbed by that vampire and then someone attacked him. things started going blurry and you got me out of there ralph. next thing i know i'm here and i feel better than ever. was it a dream?
myrina: no, lucy saved you. i don't really understand how, but you were bleeding to death and she healed you.
everyone looks at lucy
lucy: i... i don't feel good.
alex: whatever she did must have weakened her. come on, lets get out of here.
alex carries lucy and the other 4 follow.
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2018 end of year banquet day and lead up to it
with two posts in a row like about sean and last one mentioning the end of year banquet I reminded myself of the 2018 end of year banquet which is quite possibly the best day of my life so far
its important to note that it was a very rainy summer and I only had one pair of sneakers and one pair of shower shoes
since it was so rainy and its a scout camp not a resort camp kinda thing there were huge puddles everywhere which the kids loved but I had to walk through several large puddles several times a day to get to the nature lodge and remember, I only have sneakers so I ended up getting trench foot (2018s thing, every year has a health thing) and me being me I didn't do anything about it except eventually start limping bc it hurt too much otherwise but my last work project the day before the end of year banquet day was my aunt (lake director at the time) and I carrying the fire stations (essentially 2x4 basket holding a rake, a shovel, and a bucket or two) from campsites to the trails and I got to the last one before I couldn't ignore it anymore so im 5′2″ barely 110lbs and the fire stations were pretty darn heavy so I couldn't limp for fear of breaking my ankle or smth so I walked normally but it hurt so much that when I set it down I cried and it took a bit for me to stop and explain what was happening so my aunt took me to the health officer and he told me what it was and what I had to do and I got to shower in the health lodge (which was amazing bc while the staff showers are clean enough they are nothing compared to the health lodge shower that also had hot and cold handles instead of the preset temp six second buttons that the staff showers and pool house showers have) but I had to keep my feet dry and clean so I had to stay in the dining hall all day the next day to set up for the banquet
banquet day which I did but I was getting a little stir-crazy stuck in dhall all day when camp is my only freedom and im so used to being outside and working there so my brain was a little confused like yo this is camp not school I shouldn't be stuck in one building for half my day so when we needed more lights from hart lodge I literally jumped at the opportunity to leave it was drizzling when I left the dining hall but hart lodge is like five minutes away and there was supposed to be a work crew there that could let me in but I took the road bc its shorter and flatter instead of the trail and the crew mustve taken the trail at the same time bc when I got there, no one was around and like I said I was going a little stir-crazy earlier and felt like I needed to do smth wild so I came to the conclusion to break into hart lodge to get the lights instead of walking five minutes to get someone with the keys to just let me in and no one was around so I was think aloud and the moment I decided to just break in, it started to pour and I mean that seems like a sign to not do it right well I was going to anyway and not too long after I started to try, my boss (the favorite adult) and another co-worker showed up bc they needed smth from hart lodge and they had the keys so they let me in and I returned to dhall soaking wet (in a white t-shirt and my boss told my aunt cause he was a little concerned with my attire as a young girl essentially wearing a see through shirt surrounded by a bunch of teen boys and she came to me about it saying he was concerned and I didn't even realize bc I didn't know what I looked like it hadn't occurred to me but im glad I don't get embarrassed easily) to string the lights and finish everything there and when all work projects were done, we had some free time before the banquet so I told sean, my bsf, that I wanted to break into hart lodge and seans down to do anything so we go to hart lodge to break in but we didn't plan ahead we just had whatever was on us which wasnt much at all (it was staff week so we didn't have to wear class b so I was in a t-shirt and exercise shorts with no pockets so the only thing I had on me was my spider knife clipped to the hem of my shorts) our first thought was to walk up the roof of the basement that conveniently started a few inches from the ground (its on a hill) and try to get into one of the windows from there but that didn't work now admin was going through some things and the interim camp director had done a cleansing of hart lodge which previously was just a big place for whatever needed storing and that cleansing brought out a lot of stuff to sit in front of the lodge until we got the big metal trash box the next day so I grabbed a plastic crate to put on top of a wooded chest I had rolled down earlier to a single floor outset room with a lower roof than the rest of the building that was three floors and it got me like three feet higher but before I could figure out how to actually get on the roof from there, sean made me get down see our relationship is that he’ll make me get down from the crate on top of the chest so I don't hurt myself and then two minutes later place me in a puddle when im getting over trench foot and eventually we gave up trying (though I don't think sean ever really tried to break in bc I fully believe he could with no trouble, I think he just came along bc I was excited about trying) and we sat in the west qm shed which is actually the wood shed and we talked for a while now you might've noticed I said banquet day but I haven't talked about the banquet don't worry, its coming faster than you think as it did for us because as we sat in the shed, we heard the drums for evening colors so evening colors is the daily ceremony where we lower the flags before dinner and colors is in class a and the banquet, a very important and quite formal event, is also in class a and the drums are camp band signifying the start of colors and if u remember, sean and I arent even in class b and we had no idea what time it was bc neither of us had a watch or our phones but colors is starting so we got up and bolted to the staff site to change and class a is supposed to be sneakers or boots with bsa socks, bsa shorts or pants, bsa belt, any scout shirt, and a specific bsa shirt buttoned over that with the shirts tucked in and everything neat (and most camp staff girls do smth nice with their hair) and neither of us had any of that on and the girls cabin is a quarter mile from the rest of camp so I kept a bag in seans shack with my shower stuff and class a and anything else I might need during to day so I don't waste time going back to korman so we speed changed (yes I am a girl, yes sean is a boy, yes we changed in front of each other, no we didn't stripe to do so, no were not dating, no we wont be, were just close friends who were rushed and comfortable enough with each other) (but that's really frowned upon so if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing) (think for legal reasons, this is a joke) and we sprinted to the wall for colors and halfway there sean said he forgot his belt and turned around to get it, he did not end up on the wall for colors but I went out a stood at the end, next to my director (my boss, favorite adult) who questioned why I was late so its a good thing sean decided not to get on the wall next to me bc the majority of camp staff was already convinced we were fucking even though I was dating someone else who was also at camp (ha ha part of the reason I broke up with him was bc he was  jealous of sean though I only know him bc of sean and he was jealous of some of my other guy friends at camp though male staff outnumbered female staff that year like 6 to 1 so idk what he was expecting but anyway were close friends now so its chill) but we ended up sitting together at the banquet and I don't really remember what we ate but after eating, a co-worker put a Styrofoam bowl full of whipped cream onto my directors head (I feel like I cant call him my boss in this situation bc while he is my boss, his boss and his boss’s boss were also present) now my director was in the middle of a conversation with one of the important camp guests and while covered with whipped cream, he shook the other mans hand and said ‘it was nice talking to you, if youll excuse me...” and bolted after the co-worker who ran out the door now both of these men are like 6 foot 200 lbs and they don't often run so ofc all of staff followed and they tousled for a bit then kinda got over it and when we all walked back in, the spring had torn from the door so sean got up to get screws and a drill and fix it in the meantime, my director retaliated with two cans of whipped cream directly in the co-workers hair see when my director got hit, he easily wiped it off bc he shaves his head weekly but the co-worker has lots of bushy hair that whipped cream likes to stick to and by the time sean finished with the door, his seat was taken as well as all the other seats at our table so we shared a seat as he ate a bowlful of blocks of butter (much to my protests) and we watched the video of the year and the award giving portion of the banquet began now the co-worker who “pied” my director tried again but on the camp commissioner instead who was the sweetest, most adorable person but he failed as my director stepped seemingly out of nowhere and at the last second, slapped the whipped cream bowl into the co-workers face the rest of the banquet continued without interruption which wasnt hard as it ended soon after which brings us to the post-banquet staff swim its supposed to be a surprise to first years but someone usually forgets and they all find out anyway but it goes like this we take everything out of our pockets and some people take off their socks and shoes and all the staff climb up on the wall we stand on for colors (its like four inches at the lowest and four feet at the highest) and I love standing at the highest part because we get called by how many years weve been on staff and you jump off the wall and race across the parade field to the open gates of the pool and jump in, in class a and we all swim around for a bit playing I have your hat which is an imitation game where someone calls out “I have ___’s hat” and tosses it and whoever catches it, imitates that person theyre usually really funny but occasionally someone says smth that doesn't make sense but no ones mean and its really nice then we showered and hung out for a bit before going back to korman to sleep 
the end
ps I was going to write a post after this on the 2019 banquet but now its like 4:30am and that's a good time to go to sleep so I might write about it tmw 
pps I really said “if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing” talking about changing in front of a friend when I spent 17 lines beforehand on breaking into a bsa building and didn't even think that that might be something that's also frowned upon, perhaps more
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