#i've written quite a lot today o.O
scorchieart · 1 year
Hello! For the fic reader ask game: B7, B9, C3, C10, D9, D10 ❤️
Hello there! Thank you for the ask, there are quite a few of them here O.O
B7: Which character is your favourite to read about? Why?
At the moment, Clavis Lelouch. He's such a malleable character with so much potential, and I love seeing how others interpret his actions and toss him into random situations.
B9: Who is your OTP?
🤷‍♀️ Idk buddy. Cosmo and Wanda, I guess?
C3: Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it?
So... my definition of "safe for work" is more conservative than the internet's, and many times throughout the years I've opened stories that I ended up not finishing for one or more reasons. My list of nope-ing out of a story is very long, so I'll just pick a few that come to mind:
Too many typos or grammatical errors. I do them all the time too! But if I can't understand what I'm reading, I can't continue.
Private/intimate scenes that make me feel like an awkward third wheel. It's like looking away from the TV when a yikes scene comes on.
Excessive foul language or vulgar behavior. Just no, expand your vocabulary, please.
Problematic relationships depicted in a good light. I know fandom is escapism, but I'd rather stick to reality.
If it's just one line, I could probably let it slide. But if it goes on for paragraphs and paragraphs I nope outta there. And I'm not shaming anyone for enjoying any of these, not by a long shot. They're just not meant for me.
C10: What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?
The Divergent series was pretty big when I was in middle school, but every time I started it someone in my class would look over my shoulder, see the chapter I'm reading, and say "Oh! Is this the part when [insert giant spoiler]!" I've grown more resistant to spoilers now, but it does still ruin the mood.
D9: Who do you discuss fandom-related things with most often? 
These days, it's the tumblr moots ❤️
D10: What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
Since I've been thinking about it a lot today and Cybird refuses to deliver, Bloodstained Rose Day. I have at least 5 wips on the subject, but I'm skeptical anyone else wants to read them, so I need to see at least one story posted to confirm I've got a kindred soul out there. (But nothing too gory, I'm a sensitive kindred soul)
Reader to reader, let's share some questions.
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moiraineswife · 7 years
“I’m not angry at you, just at myself… Because I knew this would happen, but I let myself fall in love with you anyways.” for Moriel (I don't know if I'm ready for this)
(.......I apologise in advance for what’s to follow...Sad. Very sad. Seriously. Avert ur eyes now if this is maybe not ur cup of tea. EXTREME SADNESS (ie death) WARNING.) 
The cool, crisp fresh air of the Illyrian mountains is a welcome balm upon her feverish, sweaty skin. Mor pauses, drawing out this moment just a little longer, when she winnows onto the base of the high, sharply sloping hill. He waits for her at the top but she indulges, savouring the sweet, rich taste of the air. She’s been trapped inside too long, a cage of her own making, for her own penance but...For him she had let herself loose this day, this one day. 
Her calves burn as she sets to climbing, higher, higher, higher, panting for breath halfway up. She should just turn around, go back, try again another day, she isn’t ready for this, she isn’t strong enough, she’s never been strong enough for this but- But she has to do it today. She has to. 
The soft fingers of wind that had murmured at her in Velaris are replaced by a different monster out here. This gale tugs sharply at her hair, tossing it, unbound as it is, into great clouds of gold, curling around her head, a halo gilded by the sun overhead, one she doesn’t deserve. It tears at her dress, loose and uncharacteristically plain, pure white and simply cut. Her feet are bare, the harsh grass of these lands grazes against her skin but she barely notices. 
Her heart is in her throat as she reaches the crest of the hill, her chest is tight, her body shaking. She clenches her firsts. She can do this. She can do this. She’s survived everything else this world has thrown at her in the past. She can survive this too....If she does...She’ll know she can survive anything. 
With small, slow, tremulous steps, she approaches him, sitting down beside him she bows her head, tugging at her pendent, squeezing the smooth stone tight in her palm, rubbing her thumb absently over it again and again, letting that help steady her pounding heart. 
Staring straight ahead of her, the wind falling silent, as though the world holds its breath and waits for her to speak, to say the words she’s kept inside her heart for five hundred years at long last. “I’m sorry,” she begins tremulously, “I should have come to see you sooner than this I...I know that.” She swallows tightly, still staring at the landscape around her. Beautiful. Wild and untamed and utterly raw. She understands why he’d wanted it to be here. It’s perfect. 
“I hope you can forgive me,” she breathes, fingers absently tugging up long strands of grass, weaving them together, needing to keep her hands busy as she says this, give herself something else to look at. “I know you understand why- It was...It hard. It hurt. I hurt and I needed some time I...I hope you can forgive me,” she says again. She knows in her heart that he will but...The words are spilling from her and she’s barely in control of the torrent that escapes her. They’ve been kept inside for too long. They know themselves what she needs to tell him, better than she knows herself. 
“But I’m here now,” she says, voice a little stronger with that admission. She’s doing it. She’s surviving it. This isn’t breaking her, it can’t, it won’t, she won’t allow it to. “There’s something I have to tell you, Azriel...Something I should have told you..So long ago but...We weren’t ready. I’m still not ready but...I have to say it. I have to.” 
He won’t interrupt her now, not now that she’s finally begun. She has all the time in the world to say this to him. The only small blessing from everything that’s come crashing down around them all recently. 
Swallowing, Mor forces herself to suck in a deep breath, her lungs protest, seeming to be made of stone, burning as she tries to keep herself going, as though even her body wants to give up. No. No she can do this. For him. She can do this. 
“I’m not angry at you,” she begins slowly, “Because I know how you like to take the blame for everything, Az, but that’s not happening here. I was. I was furious with you for doing this to me but now...I’m not angry at you....Just at myself...” It shouldn’t be this hard, not after all this time, not after everything that’s happened. It shouldn’t be this hard. “Because-” She falters. Gulps down another desperate breath. Tries again. “Because I knew this would happen,” maybe not this precisely but...She had known. She had known that this path led only to destruction for her, that she would end up with her heart shattered and her soul in ashes and she had...She had. 
“But I let myself fall in love with you anyway,” she finishes, closing her eyes and letting the weight of those words, finally loosed into the world, crash over her at last. 
“It was worth it,” she says, nodding firmly. “I’m angry right now because it hurts, because I hate that I didn’t try harder to let go of you, because that would have made this so much easier but...Deep down...I know it was worth it. I know that I wouldn’t change anything. I did the right thing.” Even though she’s not sure she’ll ever be the same again, even though she feels as though a part of her has died, she still knows that she’s made the right choice all these years, that now was the moment to tell him, and not before. He hadn’t been ready. She hadn’t been ready. And Cauldron...if she’d tried to push him...What might have happened? What might she have become? This is better. No matter how much she aches...This is better. 
The wind howls mournfully around them, sweeping over the rolling hills that surround them and she closes her eyes, letting it carry her away, for just a moment, just a moment on its back. 
“I love, Az,” she whispers, as the sky darkens above them and that familiar hush falls over the world. “I’ve loved you every day for more than five hundred years. And now it’s over. Now it’s done. And I-” she breaks off, blinking away tears. “I’ll get through this. I know you’d want me to. And you damn well better appreciate it because I have no idea how I’m going to do that but...but I will.” 
She opens her eyes again, turns at last to face him, “I will,” she breathes, stretching out a hand, “Because I love you. Because I will always love you.” Her hand presses flat against the rough stone, the carvings etched into it fresh and raw, not yet smoothed and weathered by time. She lets her fingertip trace every letter, his name, and the runes that follow.
 Azriel. Brother. Friend. Partner. ‘The noblest act in this world is also the saddest; that of burning yourself to the ground to ensure those you protect will never feel the cold.’ 
She had chosen the words to go on the headstone, words from one of his favourite poems. Rhys and Cassian had both agreed with her decision at once. She had carved them here herself using her magic. A trained stonemason could have done it better but...It had been right that she had done it. He had deserved that. One last gift from her to him, the least she could do after what he gave for them all. 
It’s been weeks since his death. She should have been here with him every damn day, should never have left his side. But the last time she managed to rise from bed was the day of his funeral. Since then she’s remained there, shut away, refusing to talk to anyone, barely eating, sleeping too much because she dreams of him and doesn’t want to wake for too long to endure the pain of living in this world without him. 
But tonight...Tonight is their night. Starfall. She’s spent every single one with him since they met. An accident for perhaps the first fifty years, then a tradition the two of them had strictly enforced. Missions and wars and kings and high lords alike had waited upon them for this one day, this one day. She couldn’t let him down. She had forced herself out of bed, not answering Cassian and Rhys’ surprised exclamations at breakfast, and had made her way out here to be with him. 
The sky darkens overhead and the first spirits begin to crest above her. She wonders if he might be among them. She hopes he is. She hopes that he’s still able to fly, at least this once, wherever he is now. 
“You’d best be waiting for me,” she finds herself whispering, her hand still pressed against the stone, resting over his name. “When I see you on the other side you better be there, Azriel, you better be ready and you better kiss me so damn hard I feel like I’m dying all over again, do you hear me?” Her voice catches, tears clogging her throat, choking off the rest of her words and she forces them all down, sitting there, tears streaming from her eyes, one hand still clutching onto him the entire time. 
She lets the rest of the night pass in total silence, watching the spirits drift down lazily from the heavens. She sees one star, burning a brighter blue than the others, lingering longer, seeming to drag itself back across the sky, forcing itself to remain longer for her so that she finds him, knows that he’s keeping up this tradition too, that he’s here with her tonight just as he’s here with her.
She remains on that hill all night, longer after the world has faded back into darkness, huddled against his grave. She doesn’t cry. All her tears are spent. She just sits beside him, holding onto him, letting the silence stretch. 
By the time Cassian comes for her in the morning she can no longer feel the cold. The boom of wings overhead has her thinking, for just a moment, that it might be him. But the tread of footsteps is off, Cassian always so much heavier and more decisive than Az, who might have hovered everywhere for all the noise he made. 
When he reaches her he brushes the tips of his fingers over the gravestone, his tribute to his fallen brother. Without a word he gently scoops her up into his arms. She doesn’t resist him, just lies limply against him as he flares his wings and takes off. As he flies them home she asks him quietly, through tears she hadn’t realised had begun to fall again, if he saw him last night as well. Cass nods, thickly murmuring that he did. 
Mor can’t help herself looking up as they fly home. She wonders if he’s still watching over them, then assures himself that he must be. Not even death could stop him from protecting those he loves; his family. She prays, though, that he manages to find some peace, some time for himself. And that she sees him again soon. This world is colder, harsher, without him in it. Strange, how the loss of a shadowsinger could leave her world so devoid of light and full of darkness. But she will see him again. And in the meantime...In the meantime she’ll live, as she would have wanted...She’ll live and find ways to show him she loves him every day so that when they find each other again...They’ll be ready. 
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
@kendal0ksw Asks: Anyway... I would like to request a sweet honey milk tea of Deuce, Azul, and Malleus (being called Tsunotaro) with a male Yuu kissing their hand. And when asked why he responds that 1. they looked like they needed a little distraction from whatever was troubling them and 2. to show how much they care about them. Hope this is alright...
𝑨 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒈𝒐 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚
Headcannons with: Malleus, Deuce, & Azul
Note: Someone pls shoot me I don't know how to write 3 repetitive scenarios w/o making it boring asf. So with request that has similar patterns per character, I figured Headcannons would work? I hope it's ok. I tried making imagines but it looked boring... OH! But I added my short Azul scenario as compensation. Blergh enough chitchat I'm thirstea.
[ 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚋𝚊 𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍... ]
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-ˋˏ•𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒂•ˎˊ-
After a long day of being avoided being the infamous “Malleus Draconia” this fae gets tired from the attention he draws and the lack of attention he gets.
Dealing with Dorm duties, People constantly fearing him for nothing, people approaching him to pry information *cough Rook cough* and to not even get an invite in dorm leader meetings? This just gives him a bit of a headache.
He will probably flee to his room when things get a little bit out of hand and he needs some of that good relaxation time.
Resting his head on the bed. Eyes slowly close. The atmosphere relaxing as breaths slow down. "Welcome back Tsunotaro!" You cheerfully exclaimed.
What? Nani? What in the world? Was he that distracted to not notice you in the room this whole time? Expect yourself a O.O face from you local fae.
"Hmm? I didnt notice you were there Y/n..." Even if your lovely Malleus is shocked, He will still gently smile at you. Eyes narrowing, an endearing smile appears in his face everytime he looks at you.
Slowly, your hands would make it's way to creep in his hands. Bingo! Hand holding complete!
Ok! Time for mission number 2! After a tight clasp on Malleus' fingers, you brought your face close to the hands you held dear, and gave the fae a small kiss at the back of his hands.
As if the shock earlier wasn't enough, The fae's eyes widens in surprise yet again. Malleus definitely doesn't get your behavior at times..... But it's not like he hates it... In fact, He loves it...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A warm giddy smile paint your face. How infectious... A smile that can melt all your troubles away within a hitch of a second. Malleus can't help but smile ear to ear with the endearing gestures he received.
"But why would you even kiss my hand?" The fae questions in laughter. "Well, you looked pretty troubled today and I dont really know how to help... So I thought that a small kiss will do the trick!"
"You know how much I care about you right?" The answer Malleus got was something priceless. His heart felt warm and fuzzy hearing that someone cares for him. There really was never a dull moment with you.
Expect a little tint of flushed pink in the fae's cheeks for a brief moment. But gotta look close! Malleus won't show it, but he's blushy wushy and melting all over!
Tsunotaro is not much of the type to get the receiving end but he's still very thankful you did this for him uwu.
Expect malleus to give you a kiss on your hand in return too! He can't help but want to share the feeling he got when you kissed his! ^~^
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-ˋˏ•𝑫𝒆𝒖𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒅𝒆•ˎˊ-
Finishing the last lesson of Alchemy class, Spade boi is exhausted. Using too much braincells is not his forte, but he still needs to grind to get to the honor roll!
He will probably stay in the classroom for a bit and study some of the history materials and alchemy reviewers for the test tommorow... Oops, our cutie fell asleep while writing down his notes.
You walk your way to the classroom because you forgot something. But surprise surprise, it seems like the something you forgot is actually a person, not a belonging...ಠωಠ
You peeked at deuce sleeping soundly with his head resting on the desk. You laughed at how cute he looked sleeping with his mouth open.
He didn't even spare time to take off his lab coat. He must be exhausted huh?Worried by deuce, staying for a bit won't be a crime right?
While reading, somehow, your eyes wanders off to his hands that fell off the desk while he grunted "five more minutes." Wow, sleeping deuce is probably one of the best deuce out there huh? You laughed to yourself.
Maybe it was because of boredom, maybe even from worry, or maybe its just because you simply wanted to do it. But you started to intertwine your fingers with deuce... WoaH...
Smiling at how comfortable it was to hold his hands. You prop your face to kiss his fingers. Chu~♡
"Uhhhmmm....." Oh... You got caught redhanded... Deuce wakes up to find you holding his hands... furthermore, YOU WERE KISSING IT! How embarrassing...(O////O)
Looking up at Deuce, You see a red tomato flushed boy. His cheeks up to his ears are painted pink from embarassment.
"Ahaha... Good morning... Oh wait... Good afternoon." Deuce will look away from you bashfully... How embarrassing for him... But face it, this is such a treat for you.
"You know... You've been awfully dazed and troubled these days... Please take take a break too... It's bad if you keep sleeping in random places! I care about you a lot and I don't want to see you stressed ok?"
Deuce was left astounded with the heartwarming speech you gave him... He felt butterflies flew in his stomach, like flowers bloomed inside his heart. Truly touching words...
Spade boi will smile gently at you, pink cheeks like powder blush, and eyes that sparkled Joy.
Expect this boi to grab your hands and put them in his pockets, saying "If taking a break is ok... Then this is ok right? Let's stay like this for a little bit longer... Ok?"
He'll look away in the other direction, propping his other hand and resting his head on it. If you look closely... A delicious red blush can be seen in his neck and ears too!
“Even if Riddle were to scold us, i think it will be worth it”♡♡♡♡♡♡
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-ˋˏ•𝑨𝒛𝒖𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐•ˎˊ-
After a tiresome day as Mostro Lounge, the lounge closing a little later than the usual, A certain octopus is really tired and frustrated because the work got pushed back in their schedule.
As he skims through the numerous pages of parchment, octo boi let out a sigh from frustration. He has to deal with a lot of things this night....
But what he didn't expect was that you were there to brighten his night!
Have a short scenario cuz I love u ♡
Boisterous laughter. Joyful screams. Drinks spilt in the floors and tables. The lounge was getting rowdier with each passing second. Fights fuming in the other tables. Song being sung across the bars.
What's up with this chaos? Where was Jade and Floyd?.... Oh right... Azul nagged on floyd earlier this morning. He's now in his infamous bad moods leaving Jade the only responsible person azul can rely on. But Jade got his hands preoccupied with stopping fights at the moment... Dammit... This is going to be one hell of an evening.
After dealing with the chaos of Mostro Lounge's happy hour, strain and fatigue was evident just by a peek at Azul's Face.
"Haaahhhh... Dealing with those morons was a waste of time, I've still got a long night reviewing the deals and homeworks... Hah. Wonderful..." The sound of pen scratching the wood rang across the room as Azul hummed a melody trying to relieve stress...
"A.z.u.l. kun! Hello!" You happily hummed as azul got caught off guard shocked. "Hm! Oh! Y/n? When did you get here? Pardon me, The lounge was quite rowdy earlier and we had to close a little later than the usual... Oh wait a second lem me just take care of this..." Fingers swept through the crisp pages of numerous books. His pen lightly tapping a beat in the wooden desk.
Moments pass as seconds became minutes. The pen scratching noises enveloped the room drowning in silence. Azul was lost in thought as he burn through the hundreds of words written in the thin pieces of parchment.
You pout at the thought of azul ignoring you, but it's not like you can disturb his work either. So in the end, you just watch him skim through hundreds of pages and thousands of words. Eyebrows furrowed, he fixes his eyeglasses again...
Lost in thought, your eyes wanders off to his ungloved hand... The back of his hand looked smooth and it looked soft. Caught in the moment of daze, you didn't even realize your hands crept stealthily working its way to lock fingers with Azul. This caused azul to look at you in disbelief and shock as a tinge of pink paints his pale face.
What? Octoboi is confused. What? Why were you holding his hands? What? You're not letting go of his hands! futhermore, your fingers are INTERTWINED! Azul.exe has stopped working. Azul wasn't made for cute moments like this.
"Y/n... May I ask why you suddenly linked fingers with me?" Azul asked with his fingers tinged pink, face was painted red down to his neck. "Well... You looked really troubled while you were doing your work... So I thought that you can use a short break? You looked pretty stressed so...."
Ahhhh.... Azul really should've read that one romance book he once stumbled upon, how does he deal with this? Damn, he surely wasn't made for this... He stared up your eyes only to look away again bashfully.
Pfttt you gotta admit... Azul really looks cute like this. You slowy brought your lips to azul's hands. Chu~♡ a kiss on the hands! bingo! "There! Have a kiss as a token of my love for you and how much I care for you! Hehe!"
That's it, Azul needs maintenace after this... This is just too cute for his soul. Cheeks tinged red, he fixes his glasses up again. His hands lightly squeeze yours as he began to say "Well, I cannot abandon my work and responsibilities... But maybe it's not a crime if its just for a few minutes... Don't let go of my hand ok?" The night at Mostro Lounge was quite chilly than the usual. But the hours that passed by felt warmer with the hold of a certain octopus.
Note: Running low on braincells, Hope you liked this. And yes, I'm currently in my real time Azul loving hours. Time to buy takoyaki~ jk no I'm doing more requests that is rotting in my inbox. Again, sorry if this was not your cup o' tea (༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
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