#i've been looking to download it for a while but i haven't gotten to it lol
very important question if i were to download hakupo's vb, which one is best?
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bawmbo · 3 months
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FUCK AI!! Artist made by people will ALWAYS be more valuable and enjoyable than art made by the machine, especially unethically. Reminder that stolen art is still stolen! AI is an amalgamation of artists hard work stolen without their permission and frankenstein'd together to create something that should have never existed in the first place. And while there CAN be AI used for good, such as how they used it in SpiderVerse to aide the process - it was used by consenting artists that did not do the entire job for them, but rather menial tasks.
AI is incredibly dangerous for other means, especially with the making of videos, games, and other stuff. As someone who finds home in artist fairs / alleys and whose whole love and joy comes from creation, the feeling is disheartening but more-so lights a fire. Human art will always prevail. We will never die, and to not let AI steal - in reference to my previous post, Go into your settings (under visibility) and check off a setting that lets Tumblr use your art for training - and if you're on computer and have the means to do so, use Nightshade / Glaze and poison your art. How this works, is that the programs will shift the pixels ever-so-slightly, unnoticed by the human eye but will completely fuck up the training for the AI - so your picture of a cat could end up looking like a really uncanny picture of a cow to the bot :) ( Though, I do realize it takes a long time to download? I haven't quite gotten around to using it yet, but I've heard from quite a few people that it works x) ) on the other hand, there's a warmup sketch and i have been trying to think of ways to experiment with my art style :))
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who-is-page · 8 months
Life is hard! Consider buying my stuff!
My life isn't quite falling apart, but things have gotten really tricky lately. One housemate (and their super destructive, permanent houseguest) is refusing to pay their share of rent or utilities for the next three months, and another is refusing to pay their full share of rent for that same amount of time and is making us cover around $75 every month, and I'm having to double-up my hours at work while still being a full-time student (and also one of my professors, who we're 99% sure is using ChatGPT to generate her citations because none of them exist and we pointed this out, hates my guts and has been grading me really harshly and forcing me to go full-sail on every assignment to ridiculous degrees in order to pass this required class).
My spouse is working on getting full-time at their job, but it looks like they won't be able to until December, and we also have no idea how much rent is going to increase this year-- my guess is it's going to go up another $500, same as last year, to a total of $3,000, so things are gonna get really fucking bumpy until around January, probably.
So basically, if you like the work I've done, consider throwing me a tip on Ko-Fi or buying my stuff on Itch.io:
(Also I promise we have more stuff lined up that we want to polish and publish, life has just been super-duper fucking busy! There is so much more going on right now than what I've mentioned here, especially in terms of surprise medical bills and other horrible surprises. And we haven't forgotten about Inky Paws issue 2, either, which we're still hoping to have done by December and which will STILL always be entirely 100% free to download, no matter what our living or money situation looks like. That will never ever change, so please don't worry!)
#personal#yells#one of the surprise medical bills was MY TOOTH FUCKIN BROKE#I need to get a whole ass crown!!! wtf I'm anti-monarchy this should be illegal to happen to me#there are other surprise medical bills too but that's the one I'm most like are you FUCKIN srs rn#I love dentists and I think they're the coolest so it's like not scary or anything it's just. it's SO EXPENSIVE.#All the other bills should be at around $600 or below but this definitely won't even with insurance and I'm like whyyyyyyy#I should have gotten the crown like a week or two ago but I literally just cannot afford it rn so I'm trying to just be careful#with the patch the dentist put on it a month or so ago....#sorry I'm just using the tags to SCREAM at this point like oh my god guys#you would not believe some of the bullshit that is going on rn#My housemate's permanent guest? it's their partner with assault charges#Who kidnapped a cat#Burned their last place of residency down#Bite and shanked their mother at 5am while she was asleep in her bedroom#And got my housemate arrested on false charges last year for funsies#And jumped off my roof#And brings stray animals in the house#And makes the hugest messes in the kitchen and living room without cleaning them up#(And I think she's a local drug dealer but that's more just a DO IT IN YOUR OWN FUCKING HOUSE AND NOT MINE thing)#So the whooooole polycule is on high alert that this person is gonna go off the rails and hurt people/pets at any time#I'm so unbelievably stressed out and worried about my cat especially#And like. I have PTSD dudes! This is so unimaginably fucking awful for my mental health!#If it weren't for my support system I would be in PIECES right now. I am so lucky to have partners and friends who care.#Also if some of that list sounds Weirdly Familiar to you it's because I wrote a fictional AITA post for NaNoWriMo '21 based on some of it#Yeah THAT is how long this stuff has been going on and what I've listed here is only Tip Of The Iceberg#Those two people will be gone by the end of November but oh my god I'm so stressed about retaliation and shit#The housemate in question tried to deflect by being like-- oh well she was just off her antipsychotics!#Like dude I don't know how to break this to you but. 1) that's a reason but not a justification for her behavior#2) She's an awful and horrible person both on and off her meds so obviously it is not the sole fault of her psychosis
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echoweaver · 6 months
Like a bunch of others have said, I have been nervous about making a simblr gratitude post because I'll almost certainly leave someone out, and that hurts. I guess I'll start with the disclaimer:
I read everyone I follow. I can't read every post, but I don't keep anyone on my dash who I haven't made a conscious decision to put there. If you've seen a like or a comment from me, I'm reading you, and I'm doing it because I like what you post.
And I appreciate a lot of simblrs I don't follow too. I've had to choose not to follow several who I'd like to follow, simply because of the above -- I read the folks I follow, and I can't let my follow list get too big for me to handle.
I also have a long list of story tags I follow specifically for stories that have a chronology that matters. I use XKit Rewritten on my browser to keep a list of unread posts by tag so that I don't miss posts from long-running stories.
OK, that said, and in no particular order...
@anamoon63 I have enjoyed the heck out of Alan Wilson's wild life. You're one of the reasons I'm poking at TS4 now. I also have gotten attached to Dale Cho and Kelly. They have so much personality.
@treason-and-plot I was intimidated by the complexity of your story for quite a while before I really started to dig in, but I couldn't stay away. You have so many characters! And so many plot threads! And they all weave together into a tangle of personalities that feel all too real.
@kimmiessimmies I'm still just getting to know your characters, but they're so vivid. As I've said in the comments, I really appreciate that Sadie and her entourage are mostly emotionally mature people who are working through their problems in reasonable ways. Characters don't have to be shallow or dumb to find themselves in drama, but it's a challenge to write mature ones.
@bearphase I got sucked in by Clem. Orange has got to be one of, if not the most challenging NSB generation, and you aced it. I've been invested ever since.
@rebouks You sucked a character all the way to rock bottom, and then he climbed out with hope and integrity and took everyone nearby out with him. I'm still not sure how you made such a dark story so warm and friendly.
@zosa95 I always smile when your characters show up on my dash. You're a warm presence in the community and a good storyteller. And your screenshots somehow manage to be extra endearing.
@greenplumbboblover I've never seen someone try to tell a soap opera of all of Sunset Valley. I'm getting a fresh look at characters who almost never get the spotlight. It's so much fun.
@mosneakers What can I say? I'd snatch Coraleye away from her boy if I had a chance.
@danjaley I can only imagine the kind of work that goes into the McCarrics. Reading their story makes me feel like a fly on the wall of real moments of a Scottish landed farmer's life. I've also snatched up a lot of your cc for my own projects.
@declaration-of-dramas You have such a beautifully staged historical setting, and your characters are so wild. I miss Lady Prilly, but this new story you're telling in San Pineda has already caught me.
@natolesims Your NSB has so much personality. Grey is a lot of fun. I hope we'll see Tiana soon. Ella's story really gripped me, and Tiana's was shaping up to be just as intense. Plus, your Disney simalikes are spot on.
@oasislandingresident You're a big reason why I discovered I like longer lifespans! I fell into the all-to-common trap of assuming everything had to be generational. You can discover very different stories when you give sims more space to live.
@pudding-parade You make some of the prettiest sims I have ever seen. I've downloaded about half a dozen worlds from your world reviews, and I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with them.
@queeniecook I can't wait to meet Vera and Caleb's baby. You've got us all in suspense. Your story is such a fun combination of adventure, intrigue, and domesticity. Also, so many pregnancy photo shoots. 😆
@nocturnalazure Last on this list but not least, I think your story is the first one I found on tumblr that I became a passionate fan of. I honestly think in another universe it would be a great TV adventure drama. I jump whenever I see something new on the tteot tag. Thanks for the story.
Thanks to everyone, and to the folks I've forgotten and will feel guilty about later. 😅
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my-apologees · 2 months
Few months ago I found another Deus Ex inspired game (besides Core Decay)
It's still in the making but the devs plan on releasing it next year :)
Deep State perfectly replicates the style of Deus Ex while Core Decay sort of goes for a more stylized look (which is pretty neat!! It's a balance between modern and retro)
Although I have to say, the demo is quite buggy.. I'll let it pass because it isn't SO buggy to the point it's not playable, but it's the annoying little things sort of bugs y'know? Like sometimes when I restart from a checkpoint it adds items that I haven't gotten when I was at that checkpoint (Just the icon however, not the item entirely)
I hope we can manually save in the finished product because as cool as the "Checkpoint Device" is, I find it quite tedious for the fact that you HAVE to search for it or else you can't save..
My suggestion is to just make it a little more abundant or just add an option to be able to manually save (like in Anachronox where you can choose to save without timeminders)
Overall, it's pretty good! It has that similar Deus Ex vibe that I've been aching for (hell, even the aiming too but it's more modernized here)
You can download the demo and support the developer here !
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
Okay now EYE must ask you - how are you liking BG3??? How far are you?? Tell me about your Tav!!!! (Please and thank you <3)
hi!! 💖 i only started the game a few days ago and it was an impulse decision i made after having previously told a friend of mine that i definitely wanted to play it but that it'd probably take me a while to get around to it (and, because i thought i wouldn't play anytime soon i hadn't really been trying to avoid spoilers). but, i have the PC version and while it generally runs just fine, my computer is kind of slow and the game is so big that it took hours to download and install. so i kind of went ahead and started to come up with a whole character idea during that time LOL. sorry if my explanations of things get a bit too rambly/disorganized. i'm actually not very far in the game at all yet, i've been spending a ton of time doing stuff in the druids grove and i'm supposed to go find halsin but i haven't even gotten karlach in my party yet! i've recruited all the main companions except for her but i am excited to meet her. gonna put the rest of this under a cut for length.
my only background with DND is that i listened to the first campaign of the adventure zone and i've watched the legends of vox machina show. i also have a friend who's super into her own DND campaign and another friend who's told me a lot about dimension 20, specifically fantasy high--and i've considered trying it out for her but haven't gotten around to it yet! i think she actually told me the same thing about the episode lengths making it easier to get into than critical role, because i had tried critical role and it was just so long that i couldn't stick with it. but, yeah, i've also looked at the forgotten realms wiki a bit but i've never actually played DND. i have played skyrim and final fantasy 14 and some other similar RPGs with customizable blank-slate protagonists, and in those types of games i always have to make OCs to roleplay as--usually i'll think up a basic idea to start with and then flesh the character out as i get into the game. they're never really self-inserts but i do often project onto them a little.
so, in games like these my first character is usually an elf that specializes in elemental/destructive magic. idk why, that's just what i've always liked. in ff14 i started out as a black mage without knowing it was the hardest class to play LMAO. soooo i went into this planning to create a high elf sorcerer, but as i started writing out ideas and thinking about what to do, i ended up creating a half-high elf bard. they're transmasc/nonbinary and in my head they use he/they pronouns, but i picked the nb option in the character creator and that causes npcs to actually use they/them in dialogue which i think is so cool. i love that the character creator is so inclusive in regards to gender.
anyway, i named them elenion, which is something i took from the lord of the rings universe because i'm a huge nerd. in LOTR it's an elvish word that basically means "of the stars". here's a couple screenshots i took when i first started. let's just ignore the fact that this hairstyle clips into elf ears (and also that the face preset is from a mod i downloaded).
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i didn't really give him a tragic backstory or even the most interesting story haha--i'm wanting to do something bigger and angstier with another character on a second playthrough when i'm more familiar with the lore and world of the game. and i'll probably also end up changing or expanding on some things about this character later, but for now i just kind of made a normal guy with normal problems. i had this idea that his father, a human who attracted the attention of a beautiful elf woman, was also a bard and was a very successful musician in his youth. so elenion has always shared his father's passion and dreamed of being like him, being able to effortlessly tell incredible tales and inspire crowds of people through song, but no matter how much he studies and practices he never feels good enough. if he seems confident it's usually just because he's gotten really good at faking it. he's also pretty reserved and often avoids having to talk about himself by asking a lot of questions. see, i kind of wanted to specifically find a way to not roleplay the usual sort of loud, flirty, goofy bard, lol. not that i dislike those kinds of characters or anything though!
however, bards are meant to be super charismatic, witty, and persuasive and of course the game strongly encourages that with the dialogue options and skill bonuses you get. so my way of explaining this is to have elenion be a bit like raine from the owl house, in that they may be shy, but they're very firm in their ideals and are no pushover when it comes to protecting themself or their allies. they're clever and have a snarky side to them, and they're genuinely friendly and caring in a way that gives them a sense of quiet charisma. which reminds me that one of the spells i gave them at the start was sleep, and it's made me imagine that when they were a kid they tried calming a crying baby by playing a lullaby on their lute and accidentally ended up casting their first spell.
oh, and, i also wasn't really sure at first where in the world i wanted elenion to come from but i decided on something pretty quickly after getting multiple of those dialogue options suggesting that the protagonist is baldurian! i pictured them growing up in a somewhat small town with their family but moving to baldur's gate as an adult, hoping that if they left the comfort of their home and started to journey out into the world a little they'd eventually find their spark and become the bard they wanted to be. unfortunately they've had little luck so far because even after all this time they can't see that maybe their whole fixation on trying to be just like their father and achieve the exact same kind of success that he had is holding them back. the fact that their father died the year after they moved away hasn't helped either. and now, in the middle of traveling to a historical site that they'd wanted to see in person and use as inspiration for a song, they've been abducted by mindflayers and are struggling with the massive upheaval that this has brought into their relatively mundane life.
so. yeah. my tav for this first playthrough may not be the most unique or exciting character but i like him! i like figuring out what kind of choices he'll make and thinking up new ideas for what he likes and how he sees the world. also, i find it funny how in your reply to my ask you said you thought you'd be into gale but then you fell for astarion--because i thought that i'd be all over the edgy, brooding, snarky vampire man, but it turns out gale is so charming and funny that i'm probably going to romance him first. i'm also pretty intrigued by shadowheart and wyll but i'm so early in the game that i can't even say who i think my overall favorite companion will be because they all seem so interesting!! even karlach despite the fact that i haven't actually met her yet, i've seen a bunch of cool gifsets of her and my brother told me he's been romancing her on his playthrough. i really need to go find her soon.
i'm sure you can tell from everything i wrote here that i am definitely enjoying the game LOL. i can already tell that there's just so many different things to do and see, that i will both need and want to do a lot of different playthroughs and that it's going to be something that sticks with me. nothing wrong with using guides and walkthroughs btw! i do it too because i'm worried about missing too many things and have the world's worst sense of direction even with a minimap. honestly i probably need to look up some guides for certain mechanics that i don't feel like i've really figured out yet. there's a sarcophagus trap in the ruins early in the game that got me SO stuck and got my whole party wiped and then i looked up a video and found out you could turn off the whole trap system by pushing a switch... i felt so stupid askjdfgf.
anyway, i think this got to be way too long of a reply so i will stop here! but if you ever wanna tell me more about your tav or anything definitely feel free to and i hope you're having an awesome day!
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msviolacea · 1 year
Today the internet apparently wants me to see several different posts about not using Google Docs, which is something I've been considering for a while, but I still haven't figured out a good system to replace it. So, looking for recommendations that would hopefully include:
The ability to easily edit a document across different devices without downloading and re-uploading a file every time.
The ability to share documents with someone else to read and/or collaborate.
Creates text that is somewhat easy to copy and paste into other places without having to deal with weird website formatting, etc.
Something useable in Windows. Android is a secondary want, but I cannot do significant writing on a mobile device so anything that's Android and/or iOS exclusive is out.
Doesn't require buying a whole new device. Maybe someday, but not right now, especially not with tax season upon us.
Price isn't an issue - we've gotten into this internet privacy mess by assuming everything should be free and open forever, and while that's a great ideal, it's not our current reality, so I'd certainly be happy to pay for something that has the right features.
Like, I love Scrivener, but I can't open those files in anything but Scrivener. And I've gotten used to the convenience of going "hey I have an idea, let me open the document on my laptop during a work break and add a few sentences to it" - I'd rather not give that up unless I have to.
So yeah. Google is convenient, but increasingly evil. What else is there that will do at least half of what they can do? Because if I'm ever limited again to "you can only write when your desktop is on and you can access a very specific program" and/or "you have to write thousands of words on a tiny screen on a swipe keyboard," I despair for my future writing output.
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darknebula85 · 2 years
My favorite fnf mods:
(This list has been updated on March 7, 2024)
I started playing friday night funkin since Sarvente's mod came out, but got interested in the game thanks to a remix of Dad battle made by Retrospecter. I have been playing from then until now, and although the game has dropped in popularity I still enjoy it a lot. It's one of my favorite games in general, I haven't gotten so addicted to a game since geometry dash came out hahaha (one of my favorites too) By the way, currently the mods I look forward to the most are: Fnf Classified, vs Cartoon cat, immumus showdown, vs Mario pc port, arcade archives, blank pages and crimson carnival. When they come out we'll see if this list changes or gets bigger… unless they are canceled as usually happens :v
There are some mods like indie cross and vs Impostor that I haven't been able to play because my PC is a potato, but someday when I have money to buy a new computer I'll play them and probably update this list.
These are also my favorites, so I couldn't leave them out:
20- Cassette girl. 19- vs V-TAN. 18- Livid lycanthrope. 17- Flavor rave. 16- Classified. 15- Antiphaty. 14- Twimsomnia. 13- Doki doki take over. 12- Vs Fnaf 1, 2 and 3.
11- Spooky Saturday scare:
This mod exceeded all my expectations, especially since I had no expectations XD. I didn't even know it existed so I downloaded it out of curiosity when it came out, and wow, it was extremely good. My favorite part was the whole process to unlock the song "Imscared", it was a lot of fun to investigate, I really look forward to the next update.
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10-Fnf graffiti grooving:
I played it a few days ago, and wow, I liked it more than I expected. One thing I really like about fnf is the huge number of characters, both original and those created by the community, and when they appear as cameos in a mod I always feel a little emotional hahaha. Aesthetically it is beautiful, the part of the train in the dark is top tier, and Sinester is one of the songs that I liked playing the most, and one of my favorites in general.
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9-Lofi funkin:
I really don't have much to say here, I played this mod the same day it came out, at home it was 12 and something, so I finished playing it at 2:30 in the morning, that day was not the best and the mod made me forget the bad moment of that day, so I really enjoyed playing it. And well, the mod is very beautiful, the songs are very funny and, honestly, it is a good de-stresser.
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8-Fnf Funkscop:
Ok, I had to edit this, because what I just played is amazing… I mean, how come this mod has gone so under the radar? The songs are too good, and it perfectly adapts the style of the playstation 1. I liked it a lot, I didn't expect much and it ended up being one of the best I've ever played.
Edit (30/11): Ok I'm editing this again, it's only been two days since I posted this and I've already changed it 3 times lol. Today while I was working I watched a 2-hour video about the history of petscop... and my friend, what a great crap, whoever thought of such a story has talent.
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7-Viernes noche webiando:
Aquí voy a hablar español al chile (nunca mejor dicho :v). Bueno este mod lo jugué cuando salio hace como un año, y en su momento me pareció entretenido sin más, nada muy destacable tampoco, pero hermano, con la actualización paso de ser un 7 a un 100 nmms. El esfuerzo que le pusieron a este mod es una cosa de locos, si hasta los actores de voz de pulentos colaboraron, además del pinche derker que me sorprendió mucho verlo haciendo la voz de Bodoque XD, y es que el amor que desprende por todos lados es una cosa muy bonita. El mod en si es de altísimo calidad, los sprites y diseño de personajes son espectaculares, pero para mi lo mejor fueron las canciones, amigo, QUE BUENAS SON LAS CANCIONES DE ESTE MOD, no hay ni una que no suene mal. Así que si, puesto 6 para CHILE y su increíble mod!!!
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6-Fnf Funk mix:
Well, we got to the heavyweights, I loved this mod, I played it two months ago I think, and I thought it was super fun, I liked all the retro aesthetics they worked with, and my friend, the songs are very good, besides Mario bros it's an important part of my childhood, and seeing it so well represented here was a nice gift. I only find one problem with this mod, and it is that it is very difficult for those who are just starting to play, dying if you miss 3 notes is very difficult, but with practice you can do it.
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5-Fnf hololivefunk:
It's one of the first mods I played, and I only wanted to play it because of killer scream :v . Honestly, I follow few vtubers, the one I followed the most was Rushia (D':) and it was because I liked her character, but going back to the mod, I liked the story a lot, it has a simple but very beautiful story, and well, at some point I grew fond of the character of Aloe, so on that side they hit the nail on the head. On the other hand, it was the first time I completed a song that was impossible for me, when I finished red and black after playing for almost 3 hours… I felt an impressive satisfaction XD. Very good mod… it also has a killer scream so it adds more points. Now with the update that they released I must say that it is one of the best mods that I have played, it is extremely entertaining.
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4-Fnf baddies:
A similar case to that of graffiti groovin, I really like it when I see characters I know making cameos, and in the case of this mod, week 1 is the one I liked the most, I loved the tremendous lore they invented hahaha. Although it is true that when this mod came out there were all kinds of controversies, I focused more on the gameplay and the quality with which they do things, and in the case of baddies, they do that part very well. Por cierto soy Latino, de paso Venezolano, así que la semana de Jasmine me hizo sentir como cuando estas en una de esas fiestas familiares raras a altas horas de la madrugada XD.
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3-Hotline 024:
I've been waiting for this mod for months, I've been following saruky on all her social networks waiting for her to announce the release of the demo… and when she announced it and it was available… I ran to download it. And honestly, in general terms, this seems to me the best mod that has come out with indie cross. It has everything I like, very good design and quality, crossovers and music, THE MUSIC IS BRUTAL. And well, I don't have much more to say, it's too good and fun.
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2- Mario´s Madness:
Well, this wasn't expected. Unlike many other people, I enjoy horror mods. It's true that there's an oversaturation of them, but there are many that are really good, and in this case, we have the perfect example of a well-made horror mod. Mario's Madness never caught my attention; I played V1 and didn't think much of it, so I wasn't eagerly awaiting its return. I'm more excited for Rerun, but the day came, the mod was released, and I downloaded it, and I can only say that it's a masterpiece of this community. The story is incredibly well told, the songs are spectacular, and the mechanics, brother, the mechanics are insane. Each song is different from the others, especially Paranoia; that song has been one of the most incredible things I've seen in this community. The final battle was brutal; the entire introduction to the fight, the sections, and especially the unexpected ending it had. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MOD IS TOO GOOD! EVEN THE CREDIT SONG IS AMAZING, IT MAKES NO SENSE. For all the experience this mod left me with (and because I've been listening to the songs for 2 months now), it takes second place. We just need Rerun to come out, and we'll see if Mario holds his place against Sonic.
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1-Friday night crunchin:
Please give support to this mod, I beg you :v , it seems to me that it has little support compared to what the mod offers. I mean friend, HOW GOOD IS THIS MOD!!! The first time I played it I completely fell in love with Legacy (my favorite song in all fnf with morten obire), and with the latest update that brought Threat and Rumor I just like the mod even more. I just don't know how to explain it, everything in this mod seems so good to me, the menu, the sprites, how they tell the story, and the freeplay songs, which is the best I've played since this game came out. I don't know, fnf crunchin is my favorite mod, I just love it. Interesting fact, I've been hearing rumor since I started doing this.
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relia-robot · 10 months
My emotions are scattered all over the house
I'm pretty sure my joy is close by. I might have left it pressed between the pages of my book, or perhaps I downloaded it onto my game's memory card. I know it's here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. It'll turn up, but it's vexing. 
My anger is down in the basement, on the bottom of a stack of boxes I haven't looked at in years. I should really just toss it, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I might need it someday, but frankly, it scares me. 
My sadness is in fragments, because I accidentally dropped it one time. I tried to clean it up, but I keep stepping on sharp pieces of it in places I didn't expect to find it. I got a replacement, too, for when I need it, and occasionally I forget that I hung it up in the kitchen and bang my head on it. 
I think my fear has gone bad. I keep smelling it festering, even though I've vacuumed the whole house three times. I'd love to just get rid of it, but no matter how many containers I scrape into the garbage, I keep finding more. 
I do sometimes find old joy that I've forgotten. If I'm lucky, it's faded into a nice melancholy, and I can admire it for a moment before tossing it. If I'm unlucky it's got despair growing on it, and I have to pull out the bleach and try to sanitize the whole area. I haven't had to do that in a while, thankfully. 
Sunday, as I was cleaning, I found a big dust bunny full of all kinds of gunk. As I was trying to throw it away, it broke apart, and so I've been finding chunks of random emotions for the last three days. One of them got me pretty good this morning, too, tears all down my face. I can't even tell what it used to be. Maybe I should get a robot cleaner? 
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charlie-and-mushrooms · 9 months
School hasn't even started and I've already stressed myself out. The past few days it's looks like I've been sitting around doing nothing.
But my brain actually been going crazy thinking of stuff. trying to think of things I want to put in my locker, things I want to bring to class, if my bus will be picking up more or less kids and cause the time it'll pick me up to change even though I haven't gotten an email about it, trying to figure out where my locker is, trying to figure out where my classes are, trying to remember what people have said about certain teachers, setting a whole bunch of alarms for the morning and worrying that I won't wake up to them cause I'm heavy sleeper, or that I didn't put the volume all the way up or it was set to a different day or if it was set to pm instead of am. And worrying that I'll forget to take my anxiety meds (yes I have anxiety, what gave it away?) Because I rushed and forgot to take them before the bus, and then I either forgot to put extra in my bag (even though I know for a fact I did that) or that I'll just completely forget about it. I put on an alarm to remind me of meds and that helped but then I worried that it would go off on the bus which is usually very quiet in the mornings and most kids are sleeping, so I put the volume down and then I worry I won't hear it or I did it wrong and it'll go off loud anyway. And i wonder if I'll know anyone in my classes, and if I'll be awkward and mess up the introductions and ice breakers, so I thought of trying to plan out some answers to that stuff but I don't know what they'll ask. And then I think about the fact that it'll be cold in the morning so I'll probably wear pants and a sweater and maybe a coat and hat, but then what if during the day it's hot and I wish I had worn something lighter, even though I wore pants and a sweater for the majority of the year last year. And I worry about missing my bus cause that happened alot last year. And then I think about the fact that I should probably download some episodes of the podcast I've been listening to (the penumbra podcast), but also the fact that I can't listen to podcasts all day like I've been doing through the summer cause I won't be able to pay attention, but I also haven't updated my music in a good while but that probably doesn't matter cause I'll like what I had before anyway. And then I wonder if I'll wake up in time to make my lunch and get my Waterbottle, and that I might get hungry in the day if I don't have time to pack enough snacks and that I always brought a Waterbottle last year because the school has water fountains but only to fill up waterbottles and they don't give out cups so if you don't have a bottle to fill you have to buy one and I won't have money so I'd be thirsty, and if I'll get homework, and if my friends will be awkward around me cause I've missed a bunch of dnd sessions lately even though they're all nice and I don't think they'd be like that. And if someone who has a locker near me or sits near me in class is someone I don't like cause the seats don't really change after the first day and one time last year the guy in the locker beside me told me his friend thought I was cute and it was really awkward. And what if I mess up trying to find my classes and walk into a random classroom full of kids staring at me and if my headphones are charged enough cause if they die and I'm without music or podcasts that would be terrible, and what if I forget them altogether? Has my phone's battery gotten worse? It is an old phone, will it last through the day? And-
Yeah. This'll be great.
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annegirl13 · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @charmandersims, so I figured I'd answer. I don't share my sims stuff any more but I do still play. (Now that I finally have a computer that can run it again.) I never tag anybody, but if you're a sims person and you want to do the tag, do it!
What’s your favourite sims death?
I like death by satellite. I don't make a habit of killing my sims on purpose, but sometimes, just to let some frustration out, I'll make a sim of an annoying person and drop a satellite on them on purpose.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match. I think alpha CC looks out of place in any sims game.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
Not usually. Sometimes, if I have a story reason for a sim to be skinny, I will, but usually I just let them stay fat until they roll the want to be skinny again.
Do you use move objects?
ALL. THE. TIME. I have to. I try really hard not to get my sims stuck places but sometimes they get stuck. And sometimes you just want somebody or something RIGHT THERE. Move objects is the easiest way.
Favorite mod?
I'm gonna go with Macrotastics. I like being able to tell my sims to do something using the macro menu instead of giving them 47 commands.
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I first played Sims 2 Deluxe, which had the regular game and Nightlife. My sister got it for our ancient PC (which we called the Rocket, because it always sounded like it was going to blast off). Boy was I surprised when I got the base game for my Mac and there wasn't a downtown or dates or anything!
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
I think I say "live" like "alive" but I don't know. I don't usually say it aloud, and then when I think about it for this kind of question, I can't figure out what I actually say...
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
So, I don't know that I ever shared this neighborhood (and if I did it was ages ago and all evidence has been deleted) but I made a BACC founder named Lexi who I really liked. She was kind of quirky and she had elf ears...(I don't tend to make a ton of my own sims...)
Have you made a simself?
Ages and ages ago, and I don't have one around anymore.
What sim traits do you give yourself?
Bookworm, Shy, Creative, Loves Kids...I'm a family sim? (I don't think about this much...Can you tell?)
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
I'm a sucker for red hair. I always wanted red hair.
Favorite EA hair?
Um...I don't know? I haven't used just EA hair for a while now.
Favorite life stage?
I'm going to say toddlers, because they're cute, but I like all ages.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
More gameplay and storytelling than building. I'd rather download something if I need a specific lot, but sometimes I just have to build it myself.
Are you a CC creator?
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Not really anymore? I mean, I have people who I know play sims on here who I'd call friends, but we don't talk about sims. I just like their posts of their sims. (Is that friendship?)
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Sims 2. I never played Sims 1 or Sims 3, and while I got into 4 for a while, I find the gameplay too shallow for me to enjoy it longterm. Whereas with Sims 2, I can remake the same town and makeover the same sims 47,000 times and not get tired of it.
Do you have any sims merch?
Nope! I can't think of any that I'd really want either. It's cool to have, I guess, but I don't wear jewelry or t-shirts much and I have too many mugs already...
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Um...I've just kind of learned a lot more about how the game works, I guess? I've probably gotten more Maxis Match...Um...When I first started I was making original characters in original neighborhoods and now I play premades?
What’s your Origin ID?
I have no clue. I don't use Origin anymore, since I don't play Sims 4. (Sims 2 still runs on my Mac without needing Origin, for which I am rather grateful.)
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I can't pick just one!
How long have you had a simblr?
Since...2013, maybe? I don't remember exactly. I started on Tumblr around the time people were moving over here from Livejournal, because I wanted to follow certain people whose blogs I liked.
How do you edit your pictures?
I use Preview. I just kind of crop them and that's it.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
If somebody would make the last two expansions for Mac, I'd be so grateful! Specifically Apartment Life. I want witches!
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
I'd say Nightlife is my favorite. I also like Open for Business, because Bluewater Village is my favorite neighborhood, but as I mentioned, Nightlife has features I can't live without. (Also Bon Voyage just for the "walk to lot" feature.)
Again, I'm not tagging anybody but if you want to do the tag, do it!
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mejomonster · 2 years
So there's this thing called compressed audio of shows, a thing from the immersion language learning community, and it's basically a shows episode audio condensed to just the dialogue. Which means it's both a nice way to practice listening with nonstop words and no dead time while getting to hear a story you already like, it's also a lil way to kinda 'rewatch' stuff you like almost like an audiodrama in how it feels listening.
Well a site had some chinese drama condensed audio and I downloaded ice fantasy, figuring I would like listening to it for practice
And fucking wow did my absolute love for Ying kongshi come back AND HIT ME LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN
Oh and kongshis mom is the hottest hottie (the pink haired girl from Karamazov Tomorrow) I love her acting on screen, especially as the morally grey to evil unlike wife she is in Ice Fantasy. And fire king is a jerk but... hes also pretty fine, I kinda get it. I get why she ended up getting a little crush
And I haven't even got to the other main characters again yet!
And anyway I heard Ice Fantasy dialogue again and was immediately reminded how much 1 its absolutely pure wish fulfillment for me as far as the political families magical fantasy mixed with mortal reality Dramatics stories I eat up (and that fill much of my own original stories ToT) along with the Key tropes I love most in romance, especially over the top Big Journey Big Stakes Mortals/Immortals Enemy Sides stories. And it also manages to keep me eager for the next episode and more story, which is so hard for me in some cdramas and doubly so in xianxia where I either hate it (a lot of popular ones) or bore easily (the legends had great actors but I couldn't click enough, same with love and destiny) and only once in a great while do I love it to pieces (Love And Redemption, Canglanjue). Ice Fantasy is one of the ones I love to pieces. Not cause it's perfect (whereas the other 2 I really do think are at Minimum 90% phenomenal), but more personally just cause Ice Fantasy hits every angle I personally want a fun dense fantasy story to do.
It has interesting distinct settings that look clearly different from any other fantasy western or Chinese I've seen before (while also being clearly inspired by various influences), while by 2022 standards it looks a bit cheap, it's costume and set designers clearly had a distinct identity they envisioned and succeeded at making it. (In fact canglanjue's costuming and set choices remind me of Ice Fantasy with a mix of western elf fantasy styles with horns and wood and vines and less heavenly/demon/mortal traditional setups but clj is more subtle so it still is partly clearly similar to the traditional xianxia heavenly/demon costuming and sets, just unique within that subset). Ice Fantasy goes fun with it, white haired Ice Immortals, red firey haired Fire Immortals, mermaids with blue streaks, mortals with purple highlights cause he liked purple (it's fantasy so why not let them have fantastical hair!). Ice Fantasy goes why not give armor so fantastical it reminds me of Valkyries armor, of crystal fairy wings and icicles. It has a mortal city of people with dream powers, a lush foliage city with mortal healers, it may not have the budget to look so perfected but it is so distinct and i absolutely love when stories KNOW what they want to be.
It's own fantasy setup ALSO knows what it wants to be, and it's not that heaven/demons/mortal realm set up. It has remnants of that format with Fire Immortals dressed in some ways like dixingren in Guardian, demons in Love and Redemption (and Eternal Love and the list goes on). But like my preferred xianxia, the Fire Immortal kingdom is ultimately just another country in the story, with characters given room to care about and understand. I don't see a soft side of Fire king but he's portrayed honestly a lot like the also Quite Fucking Cruel Ice King. I see the Fire princess and once we see her pov she is going through a LOT that parallels Ka Suo's duties, burdens, fears. (She's also paralleling Ying Kongshi as she isn't in line for the throne the way her brother is, isn't seen as a choice for leadership even when she's trying so hard and IS competent and would be the choice if things were fair). We see her pov and we get moments they aren't just black/white villains (oh unlike say Eternal Love -.-). It's not perfect, cause I'd say Ice Fantasy doesn't have perfect writing (though the character arcs are consistent and I enjoy deeply which is all I give a shit about lol if that were bad I couldn't watch). It meanders into various subplots like a role play between friends or a webnovel going for bulk or an anime filling up many seasons. But they're fun arcs I wanted to see ToT! They're indulgent but I'm happy to be indulged in this particular case. It's definitely a drama that could've been tighter and maybe cut some subplots and sharpened the overall cohesive long plot into something more well arced and structured in pacing. But despite the scattered nature of many short plots forming into a big plot (mm sort of how I write ToT) it does keep itself fast paced so the pacing itself isn't slow (again I only can watch cdramas with good pacing lol). It's just gonna be a Ranma 1/2 or Inuyasha viewing experience plot wise rather than a tight quick paced Death Note one.
And God does it fit so many goddamn tropes I enjoy. Brothers who just want to help each other but complicated family politics make it a battle uphill. Characters who's lives make their desires impossible (I've been there and like seeing those arcs gotten through), political intrigue (I eat it up it's no joke a bulk of my own original writing lol), campy costumes (I personally eat up costume designs like this I'd rather see the spirit of intent than expensive stuff with no Identity unique to itself), dominant women (Li Luo and Fire Princess and Sword Girls my beloved), sweet in love himbos (hi most of the men heros), snarky bitches who are honestly kinda hot (Fire Princess, her bro, and her dad for sure, Kongshi later on), manipulative desperate people and if you hand me an empress/queen pulling the strings to destroy in desperation I am in awe (kongshis mom and the Empress in Secret of the Three Kingdoms both delivered this and oh shocker BOTH are some of my fave shows), Li Luo is my IDEAL heroine romantic lead (she's a Guardian she's a bodyguard she's street smart she's chivalrous and brave and kind and friendly, but she also holds her duty seriously amd recognizes the painful reality of a mortal so close to an Immortal and she in so many ways includes similar things I love about Zhao Yunlan and in a fantasy setting her particular model is SO rare cdrama girl leads but exactly the kind I love - I imagine YouFei I'll one day like for this, and again Secret of the Three Kingdoms gave me widow assassin princess with similar traits in some regards, that show gave me A ton of the girl character types I most crave in historical shows), Ma Tianyu (who's acting I love irrationally) plays an earnest sweetie who wants to help his loved ones and turns into a manipulative lashing out twist of himself (like Ye Zun going bonkers world ending) as a result of that desperation and its a joy to watch (love that explosion - literally he explodes Fire and his bro finds him like if shen wei found ye zun blowing out of the pillar and eating ppl on the way out, but Ka Suo is way more close to Kongshi so he takes his side and helps cover the damage). Again my girl from Tomorrow plays a main grey morality character pushing the political drama along, and I am always hype when I get her acting. It's like... Ice Fantasy gives me the kind of self indulgent fantasy fantastical plethora of stuff i like the way I imagine sailor moon does for someone. It's just thank you thank you I am so thrilled when I finish it I have a sequel! (Which indulges yet ANOTHER thing I eat up, fantasy in mundane modern reality! Incidentally also the bulk of stuff I write).
So yeah obviously. I'm desperately wanting to rewatch Ice Fantasy and finish it now ;-;
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hoxooster · 1 year
Payday Q&A thing! M, T, X.
M is for MASKS: favourite mask/s?
I've got a few. I gotta give some love to two masks that I made:
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Full Metal Doge and 80's Cowboy. The former is actually the first mask, material, pattern, and colors that I got when I downloaded PD2 on my da's computer. I'm known by this mask, and even though I haven't worn it in a long while (I've got a personal, 'wear as many of the masks as you can' challenge that I've been working on), I still love it dearly. As for 80's Cowboy, I just really liked how it came out when I first made it--it's probably one of my best masks, design-wise.
As for untampered with masks, I love these ones:
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And, for a lil' bit of fun, these are my favorite PD:TH masks:
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T is for TASER: most surprising moment/thing that happened in-game?
Hm. Well, I can think of a couple things. For PD:TH, a lot of 'em are just things dealing with my buddy, Wolfee. Like, him finally agreeing to accept my friend request (after much begging on my part), that time he found out that you can get stuck inside the police transport trucks on Green Bridge (and he stayed in there so I would get stuck and would have to fight my way out, the cheeky fucker)...
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... how I earned my Steam username by impressing him (Diamond, 145, me and him with bots. Went loud 'cause the code didn't work. Him and the bots went into custody. I had to survive an assault wave, then dom 3 cops to get them back. He complimented me, and thus my Steam username was created and cemented.), and a bunch of other shit that I could spend hours talking about.
For PD2, there was the time that the GO Bank vault was just open--didn't know that that was a possibility until it happened to me...
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... the time Wolfee showed that he cared about me enough to threaten one of our friends with bodily harm if I was downed...
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... the multiple times I messed with Emma with the artifacts on Shadow Raid (she mains Chains and had never gotten his mask in a drop, then I got one after torturing her XD)...
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... and some other things here 'n there that I love to talk about as part of my 'Old Man Stories' while in-call with people. I've made a lot of fond memories in this game, and I look forward to making a lot more, ya know?
Honestly, the most surprising thing is that you made Breakin' Feds a comfort heist for me, Red. Jeezum Crow, I hate it here.
X is for XENODIAGNOSIS: would you want Bain's disease to be curable and why/not?
No, because his death needed to happen. Simon Viklund wanted to leave OVERKILL, so he left to pursue other things and hangout with his best friend, and I'm happy for him.
As a Payday fan, this is devastating. Simon defined what Payday is--and I'm not joking. His portrayal of Bain guides players from a place of camaraderie and respect that no other contractor has ever even touched, and probably never will. His Cloaker dialogue is filled with memes and jokes at the expense of the fanbase, but, ya know, sometimes we all need to be taken down a few pegs whenever we get too cocky in-game. And his music? Jesus, his music gives both Paydays a feel that cannot be replicated--we've seen the examples that have been put forward by others, and they just don't compare. Now, I'm not sayin' that those songs ain't great, but they obviously just don't feel the same. Simon was the Heart and Soul of Payday, and his loss is felt deeply by those that know and hear the difference. It actually makes me very worried about PD3, 'cause it's just not gonna feel right without him there. But, it is what it is.
As a Payday player, I'm glad that it was handled in-game, so people wouldn't be left questioning just what in the hell happened to Bain. I hate that shit when that happens in TV shows--like, when characters disappear or get replaced by different actors without an explanation. Anyway, the decisions made on how to go about it were... strange, to put it lightly, but at least something was done. And, even though I hate bodyswapping narratives, I'm not peeved by Bain's ending. It was an alright send off, for what they could do on short notice in a sinking ship. Closure's a luxury that not all games have, and I'm glad that we got it with Payday's most important character.
And, as a decent person, I'm glad that they just killed off Bain in general. I dunno everything that went on behind the scenes at OVERKILL while Bo was imploding everything, but I can make some educated guesses. It wasn't good. For anyone. There's a lot of hurt there that's difficult to come back from, and, honestly, it's probably best if the OVERKILL team and Simon (and especially Ulf) don't work with each other again. Plus, it's probably just easier, logistically.
So, as much as I will miss Simon defining Payday, and Bain in his entirety, I'm glad that his disease wasn't presented in-game as curable and that his character was given a proper send off. He's more than earned his retirement and I hope that he enjoys laying mad pipe in the Oval Office.
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Hi, I don’t know if you can help with this and if not it’s ok but I am 20 now and have never dated anyone and I really don’t know where to start, I’ve been on dating apps for about a year and get overwhelmed and stop using them for months at a time but I feel like it’s the only safe way to find wlw in my area so I don’t have much of a choice. I’m just at a loss for where to even begin trying to find a girlfriend and how I should act in the early pre-dating stages (even as early as texting after a match) I’ve gotten a lot of matches but nothing has come of it and I feel a bit depressed and isolated because of it. Sorry to vent a bit
Hi friend,
You're good! I completely understand feeling really alone and inexperienced. Growing up queer in a small town is really just like that sometimes. I was lucky that I had some other queer friends and utilized online communities like you. I didn't have an in person relationship until I was about 20, so I definitely get the pressure and expectation from society that you "should" have done certain things by now (like having a first kiss) when in reality everyone is different and goes at their own pace, and it only actually matters what you feel and what you want and what's right for you.
And as for how you "should" act while in the flirting stage? Man if there was a handbook I'd send you that, but there isn't. That's kind of the thing: we're all just making this up as we go. (The real secret of being an adult is that none of us know what we're doing, that applies to dating too.) Some of it is trial and error, some of it is just doing what feels right! Just be kind, be open-minded, and be yourself! What I normally do is to try to meet someone where they are, like reciprocating/matching their level of enthusiasm to start. In my experience, it's really similar to the process of making a new friend! (Friend+, if you will.) Just try to communicate what you're looking for, assert your boundaries when needed, and be open to the unexpected. People are bound to surprise you.
Dating apps and dating in general can be really overwhelming! Take breaks when you need to! It's daunting to start. I've had one downloaded on my phone for months now but haven't actually made a profile because I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. The process is awkward and messy and unpredictable, which is why I think most people would prefer to just skip to the part where they have a stable loving partner already. Unfortunately it doesn't usually work like that.
But I think if you really want a partner, it's worth wading through the waters. Dating apps also aren't for everyone, and that's okay! I know in person can be really difficult too, especially if your circumstances aren't really conducive to meeting other wlw in public spaces. But you can't give up! There are hundreds of different kinds of date/meet-up/chatting apps nowadays, and lots of other social platforms/local clubs or group activities where you can meet people with similar interests; it might just be a matter of finding one that works for you. And if the most you come out with is some new friends, then that's great! In times like these, it's more important than ever to have a support system that you can lean on.
The most important thing to remember, which I will continue to emphasize ad nauseum, is that you are not alone. I assure you there are tons of other queer folx around the world that feel the same way (like me!). We are here. You never have to go it alone. You are part of a universe that is full of wandering lost souls seeking connection, and in reality you never actually have to look very far. So hang in there, and don't throw in the towel just because you haven't found what you're looking for yet. It takes time, you just have to trust that things will work out the way they need to, when they need to. Have faith, and have patience! It will not be perfect, and it might not even look like what you expect, but I know that it will be worth the wait.
And in the meantime, remember, we're in this together. My inbox is always open. <3
All my love and best of luck,
Sappho 💞
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Why u change you mind? You posted the other day how Lily was just on a short break—now it’s just gone??
Initially, I had sent out initial pages of manuscripts to agents and was still waiting on a response. I had hoped that I could argue with them that a) the fic is good advertisement b) hurts neither my sales nor Harry Potter's and c) the Russians have probably scraped it anyway.
I had every intention of continuing to update while I waited.
They hadn't gotten back to me yet, so I started looking seriously into self-publishing just after I made that post. And I thought, for a bit, I could perhaps keep it up as they are markedly different.
However, as I was formatting the first ten or so chapters I had an "oh fuck" moment.
To self publish there are automated checks to see if there's any matching text on the internet. There are large differences, but there's also things that are the same (specific quotes, some descriptions, etc.) And as far as I can tell there's no place to easily comment "Hey, I know this is a thing, I promise it's not a free version floating on the web/I didn't steal it and I can prove it, please publish."
In order to publish, I have to make inaccessible publicly.
Now, why I didn't come out and say it is that I've been Wattpad poached in the past where people have PM'd me asking for permission to post my fics (as is, not translations) on Wattpad in order to get money. I have always said no, but with no competing official version I can point to, and with this being publicly accessible, I'm afraid that leaving it easily downloaded for too long will result in it immediately going straight up on Wattpad or else somewhere else.
I also hadn't realized people were honestly still that interested. Either people had downloaded it and read it ages ago or else were never interested.
It's a very old story with a reputation (some people love it, some people hate it, some people wonder what the fuck a Wizard Lenin is). It's been around forever though and my thought was "well, if they haven't gotten to it already, they were never going to and they'd certainly have no interest in a book version."
And, well, here we are.
My hope is that, after publishing and automated checks are done, giving this all about a month or so after publishing when a human could start looking, I can keep the Ao3 back up until the second book needs to come up and we go through this whole deal again until the whole thing is done and we can have both versions on the net. However, I can't make any promises about that, so I won't try to. (The argument for this being a problem is if the distributor then finds it, I get to prove I own the fic, and then says they want it taken down anyway because they decide there's too much in common + fanfiction nonsense that always makes people quake in their boots and then there's nothing I can do).
I realize this is very sudden news, that I hadn't realized was as sudden as it was because I'm an idiot who thought people read all my posts and realize "oh trying to make a novel" means "may have to come down".
Ultimately though, the fic does have to not be publicly accessible for at least a little while, which means off the internet it goes...
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yisanged · 1 year
so i have a. Healthy fear of downloading things onto my computer especially. things i am not. paying for.. i thought u might. enjoy or at least laugh at the gymnastics i just did to get the. orv epub on my computer while simultaneously making sure i am Not Getting A Virus
hmm im nervous about downloading a random epub on my computer i use for important stuff... hm -> i no longer have important stuff on my old chromebook, and it physically can't get viruses so i could read it on my chromebook!! yes i'll do that -> i charge my chromebook -> i download the epub -> "this file type is not supported" Ah. i see. i guess epubs are also a type of file this computer cannot run, along with exe files (hence the no virus thing). bummer -> search "can epubs contain viruses" bc now im considering downloading it on my good computer -> yes they can. hm. -> wait i have norton antivirus so it should be fine, right? right???? -> it will be fine. -> i check out the site im downloading from ok it actually looks reputable and not. Sketch ok this should be fine i haven't gotten any warnings from norton from being on this site it's FINE -> ok click download pls let this not screw me over pls let this not screw me over ple -> ok it downloaded time to scan the file TWICE -> it looks good ok to be safe let's scan my entire fucking computer okay looks good -> hmm i've never read an epub before but it should be like a pdf, right?? which means i can open it in firefox -> it opens up at least 200 tabs all empty and won't stop opening them -> HUH THATS WEIRD IS THAT. DID I JUST FUCK MYSELF OVER I DIDN'T LIKE THAT -> scan my computer AGAIN bc that was. sus -> search for "how to open epubs" bc that did NOT work at all -> ok i need an ereader thing on my computer. yay another. thing to download hhhhh -> i get an ereader thing for my computer -> mmmm my computer is glitching a bit Don't Like That but it could be just my computer being weird bc it does have. a history of being weird -> ok reboot computer everything is back to normal now -> time to scan my computer One More Time to be safe bc hhhhhh -> alright all good -> norton says the ereader is safe cool cool -> alright i set it up! -> I HAVE NOW IMPORTED ORV EPUB ON MY COMPUTER ->->-> ORV ACQUIREMENT HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL YAYYY
in conclusion. i have a Very healthy fear of giving my computer deadly viruses but we have. escaped unscathed and with orv. hooray <3
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HELP............. well i commend your efforts and congratulate you on successfully making it out of all. that. lmao with orv intact. i personally prefer reading webnovels and ebooks and such on my phone rather than on a computer and if you feel the same way and happen to have an android i'd recommend the app readera it's good for viewing epubs and other files like pdfs and on epubs it lets you highlight things and add notes to your highlights like "gay" or "slay" and whatnot which i personally find highly elevates the reading experience. if you're fine with keeping it to your computer than that's cool too though and YAYYYYY i'm glad you're giving the novel a try :D
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