#i'm trying to stop cussing like a sailor
frogchiro · 10 months
did you see that warren cole posted his motorcycle on his instagram?! it's given me some maaaaaaajor thoughts about biker graves, maybe even in a modern cowboy/rancher au? like imagine him taking you on rides through the desert and he's so distracted by your chest pressed against his back and your legs spread behind him that he runs out of gas because he just drives so far and him and reader just end up in the middle of nowhere... they end up doing a walk of shame to some dusty ass motel and have tired lazy sex PAHAHAHAHAHAHA (i love you, and your writing. i always will! sending infinite love! <3)
YES I SAW IT AND HHRRNNNN the way that I need that man is astronomical, like, interstellar level
I think I'm gonna go with a...dad's best friend/neighbour Graves scenario for this one since I need a dilf to just take me away ;;
Imagine Graves coming to your dad one day to show him his new motorcycle and oh he just so happened to mention that he takes his new baby for a ride into the vast Texas desert for a day or two, do a lil sightseeing and stuff like that and your dad would be so thrilled!
Being none the wiser, your poor old dad asked his old military buddy if he maybe could take you with him if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. He said that while he appreciated you being a good student and generally a very calm and mild mannered girl, he thought that you'd need something...more adventurous to do during your summer holiday from collage and Philip being his trusted friend is the perfect person to do that! He trusted him with his life on the battlefield many years ago and now he will trust the blonde man with his daughter :)
Little did your dad know is that it's exactly what both you and Philip were hoping for, literally the perfect opportunity. You and your handsome older neighbour were in a,, let's say secret relationship, at least for the time being and every little sliver of time together was precious ;;
And so you quickly packed the few things you could, climbed onto the bike and off you two went, on a nice, relaxing trip, just the two of you until it didn't end up as relaxing as you though it'd be ;;
As much as Philip prides himself to be a man of iron self control with you it just slips away way too easy, but its one of those things he adores about you, how easy and young he feels when he's with you. Unfortunately this time it didn't come as handy as usual. You weren't supposed to travel too far, just around 100km, stay at a motel for a night or two, have some passionate intimate moments just between two lovers and then right back to put you back into your pa's arms with a pat on the head and call you a 'good kid' but as usual, everything went wrong.
As shameful as it is Philip got a little...distracted. The distraction being the feeling of your warm, soft body and the feeling of your pillowy boobs pressed tightly against his leather jacket clad back and he might have happened to drive a bit too fast for a bit too long and drove straight by the motel you were going to stay, with you not paying attention either being distracted too by all the pretty sights and Phil's cologne and musk :((
All was good and cool until the bike started to rumble and slow down into a dead stop. You drove too far for too long, you're out of gas and it's getting dark. Perfect.
You'd lie if you said you weren't at least a bit scared, after all you were literally in dead nowhere with the nearest town being at least 120km away, it was getting cold due to night approaching and Philip was cussing like a sailor trying to reach a towing company but to no avail, it was late already and no one would help you until tomorrow morning. As much as Graves was pissed off he vaguely knew the area having gone on bike drives here a while ago and he could remember there being a motel not too far away, maybe a 15 minute walk. Sure it was a dingy backwater hole with a shady looking old man behind the counter but better that than staying out here for the night right? Plus he could see that you were getting scared and so began the trek to the motel with you helping him pull his bike along the road.
After finally getting there, your fingers stiff from cold and from pulling the heavy machine you thanked all of the gods above and almost cried with relief and happiness when you saw the old blinking light of the sign of the motel. You didn't even care that it looked like the shadiest place on earth, all you wanted to do was to take a shower with Phil and jump straight into bed but,, it looked like the blonde male had other ideas ;;
What ensued was instead of you going right to bed and sleeping this eventful day off, way some sleepy, lazy and absolutely tired love making and it was the best you and Phil ever had <3
The way the older man was barely moving above you, your tired and sore bodies pressed together as close as can be with Philip thrusting his strong hips against you gently, his hot throbbing cock a warm and comforting weight inside you, right up against your cervix but not with the usual rough, fast pace but just resting there, taking in each others warmth in the otherwise cold motel room<3
Your breaths mingled hotly with each other as you lazily kissed before Philip returned his head back into the crook of your neck and started lazily making out with the sensitive skin, his hips barely moving at this point but it was the warmest and most comforting feeling you could ask for.
Tomorrow Philip would fill the gas tank in his beloved bike up to the brim so you could safely and uneventfully return to the motel you were initially going to spend your time but honestly? If someone were to ask you you'd say that this was the more or less perfect romantic getaway <3
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silverdune · 5 months
this siren song is not your calling | c.sn
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"you were supposed to be no different.."
minors dni. ageless blogs dni. blank blogs dni. you'll be blocked.
genre: fantasy/horror
character(s): choi san (ft. you as a seafarer)
tags: siren!san, seafarer!reader, captain!reader, ships, ocean, san has a tail (merpeople), scales and webbed fingers, angst, one cuss, mild gore
word count: 879
summary: choi san is a proud siren, one who has been watching and waiting to capture you for a while. but when he finally tries, something strange occurs..
a/n: ik this is quite short, i just thought of this concept the other day and wanted to write it; lmk if you're interested in an expansion? i'm up for writing more if you want to see more :)
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He thought he had had you wrapped up from day one.
That's what he likes to believe anyway.
Choi San was a proud siren, chest in the air without a single thought paid to the hearts that became his trophies. Every sailor that attempted to parry his advances found themselves beneath the depths of his ocean plinth and the beating organ in their rib cage became another plaque on his figurative wall.
You were supposed to be no different.
Your ship had passed by many times, and he had taken note of your schedule once he caught on to how often you would take this exact route. Once San learned you were the captain, just from observation alone, a smirk appeared on his face. You would be his first.
When your ship passed through this waters for the dozenth time, he clambered forth onto his rock and waited for your approach. His pupils shifted to daggers, much like the shape of his teeth, his webbed fingers shimmering against the moonlight as water trickled down his hands.
He had done this so many times before; San had laughed to himself as he watched your ship glide across the waters. This was going to be easy.
Pushing himself up over the rock, he licked his lips a few times, ready to sing the song that he had rehearsed many times for this occasion. No one else would hear this song - this was for you and you alone.
Opening his mouth wide, a whistling cry sprung from his larynx, causing the ocean around him to ripple within an inch of its life. You could mistake the effect for a major thunderstorm or tornado, a testament to the sheer power in his lungs and voice.
Your ship continued to sail as if unaffected by the song. San thought to himself that in mere seconds you would be veering towards him, completely bound to his will and unable to escape. He was beyond excited to add your heart to his collection.
And yet, you sailed on by, remaining undeterred, and to that, he stopped.
His lips almost quivered as they sealed shut. He shuddered against the rock, disturbed by the fact that nothing had come of this attempt to allure you.
Glancing up, his cerulean eyes burning like an eel in the murkiest depths, he screamed again, but it wasn't so melodic as it was mangled in his defeat.
San had failed to enrapture you. He had failed to take your heart.
A loss so cruel it sent his boneless body back to the water.
But San did not intend to give up. He was going to have your heart, one way or another.
The next time you appeared, he did the same thing again, but this time made his presence better known. He was unmistakable, his tail a brilliant forest green, his shoulders brandishing well kept scales of a burgundy hue.
San glared across the waters, watching and waiting for your ship to be within reach. When he saw you take to the bow and hold a telescope to one eye, he opened his mouth to sing once again.
That was when you pointed your telescope directly at him.
Through the telescope, you spotted the siren on the rock, and upon closer inspection, dropped the telescope overboard and into the sea.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed. You almost threw yourself over trying to grab it, and just about managed to with your legs halfway in the air. The balustrade was nearly piercing your skin with how hard you were holding on, and the blood rushed to your head in seconds.
San shut his mouth and shot up, back completely straight. His eyes grew wide when he saw you.. and for some reason, he felt an urge to do something.
All caution, thought and sense was thrown out the window when he dived into the ocean and swam at great speed towards your ship. The second he got to you, he popped out from beneath the surface of the water and looked up at you.
Your jaw dropped.
As did his own.
No, no, no..
San did not have time to think about this. He brought a hand out of the water, splayed his fingers, then pushed his palm out, which sent you flying backwards over the railing and onto the deck of your ship.
The landing was sudden and unpleasant. The telescope was still firmly in your grasp. Your crew was rushing over to help.
Every voice blurred and melded into one big cacophony of noise.
The only thing you could see in your mind was the siren.
What was more horrifying was that.. you knew him.
San didn't even return to his rock. He instead disappeared to the cavern where he often resided when he wasn't taking in the sun or the sights of his potential targets.
The tears were plain to see, even in the water.
Your name looped incessantly in his head even as he willed it to leave him be. Your face was now the only picture and it made him scream into the ether.
Now he understood why you did not respond. His siren song could not have persuaded you.
For your heart had already been his once before.
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× tristeetconfus (ave). do not repost. ×
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lightvixxen · 2 years
You have kids?!
Fluffy innocent act blurb
Not exactly a pt3 but I hope this holds yall over til the weekend &lt;3
Summary: reader finds out Eddie has 2 kids after their mom drops them off.
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, swearing, mentioned smoking but no smoking.
Taglist: @thefreakofhawkins86 @yaspillz @eiriancrow @eddiemuns0nl0ver @stunnababy2212 @strangerthings1983fan @fieldofsecretss @3rriberri
The clock read 8 am, and Eddie was rudely awakened to the sound of someone banging their first against his door. He groaned rolling over, looking at you, smiling to himself. You looked so beautiful, splayed out in his bed, in his shirt as sunlight streamed in through the curtains. The moment however did not last long as the banging got louder.
“Fucking hell-” he mumbled walking to the door in nothing but sweatpants. “Alright, alright! I fuckin heard ya!” he yelled at the door, yanking it open. Only to be met with the sight of his baby mama and his twins saying “daddy!”, then he realized that today was Saturday, and his weekend. “Edward.” Eddie rolled his eyes, “don't know why you insist on calling me that, you barely know me.” the kid’s rushed him, holding onto his legs “oh no! I'm being attacked by cute gremlins!” They laughed at his fake screaming, as he pulled two giggling messes into his arms “you two miss daddy?” he asked, hugging them tightly.
The two kids nodded, they both looked like a smaller version of Eddie himself. Curly brown hair and adorable brown puppy eyes. Of course, the moment was ruined by the witch that gave birth to them. “Remember, their bedtime is at right, and nothing too sugary. They have school on Monday” Eddie rolled his eyes once again “fucks sake, I'm their dad, not a babysitter, your rules don't apply at my house.” their mother scoffed “whatever, also, can you drop them off at school Monday? I won't be available.” Eddie put the kids down, ushering them to go play. “of course, you won't be, you never are.” with that, he slammed the door in her face.
After turning away from the door, he saw two brown-haired masses running back towards him. “Daddy! Our room is still locked!” his daughter- Aurora, told him, his son Ozzy, full name Oswald, Eddie despises it though, trailed after her. “Sorry Pumpkin! Daddy forgot it was the weekend, didn't have a chance to unlock it last night.”
Eddie made his way back to his room, quietly entering and grabbing his keys, trying his best not to disturb you. Before slipping out and unlocking the twin’s bedroom. “Alright, you little monsters, play while I make some pancakes.”
You awoke to the smell of pancake batter and tiny voices giggling, you moaned, rolling over in Eddie's bed, realizing it was 9:15 am. “Shit! Wait... it's the weekend.” slowly, and groggily you pushed yourself out of the warm bed. Settling to slip on some pajama shorts under Eddie's shirt and calling it a day. As you walk out, you see a room that is never open whenever you're over, wide open filled with toys and childish decorations.
“Hey, Eds! Why is...” you stop in your tracks, seeing two little kids, the spitting Images of Eddie sitting at his dining room table, same mop of brown hair, and big brown eyes staring back at you. “Morning sweetheart, hum, these are my Kids...” He points to what you assume to be the boy of the two, dressed in a dinosaur shirt and shorts “that's Oswald or Ozzy as I like to call him, and Aurora.” he points to the little girl, She’s in an adorable floral dress.
Everything clicks for you at once. “You have kids?!?!” you almost yell, your Eddie? The one who smokes every night, and cusses like a sailor is a father! Eddie nods “yeah, they're twins and five years old, I only have them every other weekend so you never had the chance to meet them.”
Before you could reply, Aurora is hopping down from her seat and running up to you. “Your the girl Daddy talk about all the time aren’t you! You’re really pretty” She beams at you, and you feel your heart fucking melt, she was absolutely adorable, Eddie on the other hand was horrified. “You little snitch! You pinky promised you wouldn’t say anything if you met her!” He ran up, scooping her into his arms. Laughter erupted from her as he picked her up. “Awe you talk about me?!” you gushed, “Nope! Don't believe anything these monsters say! They're liars!” he joked, putting Aurora back into her seat.
Ozzy gasped at the accusation from his father. “Nuh-uh! Only sissy is! I didn't say anything!” Ozzy leaned backward “Sissy didn't lie about how pretty she is though! Way prettier than mommy!” both you and Eddie laughed at this, a little boy saying, someone else is prettier than his mom, that's priceless! “Oh, I am so telling her you said that Oz!” Eddie said in between laughs, “But your right she is prettier than your mom.” He looked at you with admiration. “Now…who wants to go to family video and annoy Uncle stevie while we pick out a movie?” Both of the kids chime in with “me’s!”. It was going to be a fun weekend.
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naavispider · 1 year
Spider cusses like a sailor. I'm surprised Quaritch hadn't said anything about it. Would Quaritch do something about his potty mouth? If he were too it would go in lines of "you better stop or you're not getting any more tablet time" or "you got till the count of 3 to stop or you're going straight to bed."
Spider swears soooooo much. I feel like (in canon) Quaritch wouldn’t really care a lot, but maybe he suddenly realises one time that yes, it’s actually getting a bit much, so he kind of frowns. The thought of having to discipline this kid (because hell, that’s his job now) confuses him for a minute as he tries to figure out what approach to take. Eventually he settles on a threat that he meant to sound jokey, but it comes out too harsh.
“Quit cussing or I’ll wash your mouth out.”
Damn. He cursed himself inwardly at the way it sounded, and Spider glared from across the campfire. An awkward silence settled as Quaritch wondered whether he should say anything more. Should he try to break the tension?
But Spider had turned away, and the last thing Quaritch heard before the kid lay down to sleep was a string of muttered, filthy insults that he couldn’t help but be impressed by.
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pieground · 1 year
"There's A Bug!"
In which you asked the residents to get rid of a bug/insect in your/a room.
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➛ "F*CK U."
➛ Obviously, you chose the wrong guy.
➛ Would dead-stare you in the eye, hand you a broom, and leave without saying anything.
➛ What do you expect from him? Surely you can take care of a bug by yourself...RIGHT? RIGHT? SAY YOU DO OR HE'LL BE SCREAMING IN THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS FOR HELP. (It's a cannon that dis dude can scream loud enough to wake the mansion lmao)
➛ He will be anywhere but near you until that bug has perished. You will literally see him hanging sheets in the garden, eyeing you while you're in the hallway of the second floor—most likely trying to figure out if you have killed the bug or not.
➛ "A bug? Where?"
➛ Why did you ask him? Now he's obligated to chase you around with the bug squished in between his fingers.
➛ He roamed lands when he was an emperor and he came across so many insects in his life. He likes how unique different types of bugs look.
➛ He'll stop teasing you tho... when you're ready to pass out.
➛ He will toss the insect out and would laugh at your state. Of course, he will say sorry but doesn't really feel guilty about it.
➛ "Oh? Wait, give me a second."
➛ The most chill about it. Grabs a napkin and takes the bug. He'll give it a short inspection.
➛ "This is a rhinoceros beetle, it's harmless."
"Not to my mental health."
To get a mutual understanding of this, you need to compare Arthur and Dazai to a bug and why you avoid them.
➛ Will take it outside and set it free~ go birdy, fly~
➛ Make sure to thank him, he'd be extremely red in the face but it'll make him feel really good!
➛ "Deal with it on your own, I ain't got time for some goddamn insect."
➛ Two minutes later, he's in your room with a broom in his hand. Reasoning: this bug may interrupt Broer while he paints. (Not that Vincent would mind. The dude literally has a painting with a grasshopper stuck on it.)
➛ He'll do this in the Dutch way~, which is just the same way as everybody gets rid of bugs. And yes, he intends to perish it. It's Broer or the bug. His choice is obvious.
➛ He's giving Sailor Moon, but there is no moon. He'd be cussing every time he whacks the insect. Your room is now a battlefield. You might as well invite Napoleon and Jean over, maybe Arthur too, but you doubt he'd do anything at all.
➛ Would miss multiple times but mind you, he'd be hitting that thing until it's powdered, gone, perished, unexisted, unbirthed while saying things along with the thought of "regretting that it ever existed."
➛ "Bug?"
➛ Most likely that he was writing when you ask for his help. Will agree instantly, he could use some break right now.
➛ His weapon is a colander. The intent is to capture.
➛ Now, don't scream while he catches it okay? He'll scream too.
➛ That guy who goes "whoa, whoa..."
➛ When he realizes the need, he devises a plan. "Now, luv, if only you would..." and of course, his plan works. The insect is now in a makeshift cage made of a colander Sebastian now is looking for in the kitchen and a sheet of paper.
➛ Your role is to pick it up and throw it outside the window.
➛ Now there is three probabilities. 1. You can do it. 2. You can do it but you throw it along the colander. 3. You can't. Arthur's deduction says it's gonna be the 4th probability, you can't and you will throw the colander outside, leaving the insect inside your room.
➛ He was right.
➛ "WHERE?!"
➛ Will evacuate instantaneously. "What if I'm allergic to it?!" After all, bro's immune system needs immunity too.
➛ Running for the hills~
➛ If it's in your room, well good luck! He couldn't care less. If it's in the music room, that's a different story.
➛ Help Line: Leonardo or Jean. Not Sebas since they have a silent agreement about this stuff.
➛ No help available at the moment? Swat that thing with a broom— oh, it flies.
➛ Would need to get out of the room to gather courage, re-enter.
➛ but ya know, Ia also see him calmly removing the bug. Picking it up with a broom and a dustpan then tossing it outside the window before he let out a big breath. And then he will proceed to scrub every surface.
➛ introduce him to rubbing alcohol, I'm telling you, he ain't going anywhere without it.
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lifmera · 3 months
Hello! I saw you do matchups so I wanted to request one!! I'd like to request a Hazbin Matchup. If you can't get to me that's quite all right, take you're time!
I'm 18, my pronouns are She/Her, and I'm Pansexual. My favorite color is yellow. My zodiac is Saggitarius (December 21st). I'm 5'3" (short/average).
I am an actor (mainly a stage actor). I love to sing, paint (abstract cause its more forgiving), and cosplay (a lot).
I talk a lot. Some say too much and I was often bullied for it. I curse like a sailor. My teachers are sick and tired of my foul moth they don't even say anything anymore lol. Im very social and like making friends, though i dont have many. But i still try and be a friendly presence and someone people can feel confortable around. I have anxiety as well. I'm super clumsy its actually ridiculous. My family gets nervous everytime I'm near stairs, and I have a scar next to my eye from being so clumsy (I tripped and fell into the corner of a coffee table and bashed my face next to my eye. After my stitches were taken out and it healed, I tripped and fell again, bashing my face into a doorknob in the exact same place 🙃). I'm a danger to society from just how much I fall :) but I'm getting better at catching myself.
I like anime and video games (mainly indie horror [Batim, DDLC (is DDLC indie??), Poppy Playtime, Fnaf, and others.]), and D&D.
I also love musical theatre :)
I'm kinda sensitive as well so please be nice to me. I have an insane fear of Needles and Dogs (which Is super unfortunate). I like fruity flavors over chocolate when it comes to candy.
I hope this is enough info to help you figure out who to match me with :) if not you could just respond and say it's not enough and I'll give more :)
Thank you so much :)
Hey Hun!!
You might hate me, or love me.. BUT..
I’ve paired you with.. ADAM!
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Dont hate me.. i love him..
He would definitely force you to act for him. He’d enjoy it so much. And honestly he’d want to play with you!!
He loves your paintings, at first he didn’t really understand why… but when he saw the final product, he loved it!
He’d also force you to cosplay for him.
He’d be like .. “could you cosplay a cute cat girl..? Please? 🥹” (you could kick him in the balls its ok.)
He would bully you, AT FIRST. I think if you confided in Adam he genuinely would stop. He already lost two wives, it probably took him a lot to even bag someone.
Adam seems like a dick head but he would do anything for his s/o.
He would love that you curse like a sailor. You guys would cuss other people out like its a job.
He loves that you are friendly with other people, but holy shit this guy would be POSSESSIVE.
Especially after how clumsy you can be??
This guy is by ur side 24/7. On ur ass like its his LIFE MISSION
Hes definitely a clingy man.
You can talk to him about anything, but just as long as you are able to listen to him too. He just talks ssooo much.
Although like i said, hes pretty much an asshole, he’d get better for you.
He will change for his s/o, because if anything, if he loses another one? Thats just… 😅
He would totally feed you sweets and fruits though, he loves them too!
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liliumsabyss · 2 years
I Couldn’t Wait for You Pt 1
Kazuha x Male reader, partial Thoma x reader
TW: Unrequited love, Death, Blood, Major Character Death, mentions of having children, slight abandonment, non cannon shit, probably cussing i swear like a sailor.
Rain pattered against the windows thrumming in an unsteady beat. Cold had been filling the room but was completely absent as you and Kazuha were intertwined under the soft white comforter in the bedroom of your guys small but cozy house. Kazuha was holding you with his chin resting on your forehead and your face buried in his collarbone. He was calmly muttering poetry he liked to you although you weren’t paying attention to the poetry itself but more so his voice which could even lull the grandest of storms to sleep. Yet he would only do this for you, you his love that he would never hurt at least not intentionally. He loved you so much that he vowed to protect you with his life to which you only responded with a chuckle telling him that it wasn’t necessary but he still meant it non the less even if you didn’t know. However soon after the days you two spent cuddling in bed would be put to an end. The vision decree started forcing many vision holders to flee including Kazuha but not you. He begged for you to come with him but you refused, you refused to leave your home, your friends and where your life was centered around. While you had refused you still encouraged him to leave if he wanted and that you would wait for him. Which only left him torn at the thought of having to leave you yet somehow he knew you’d be upset if he stayed feeling like it was your fault that he remained. Although as he was conflicted he still spent his days with you trying not to over think the remaining time you had together even so it was cut short when he heard that his friend had challenged the loyal servant of the Raiden Shogun the Kujou Sara to a duel for the throne rushing he had to see his friend. But as the blond haired male arrived he saw his friend face the great Raidens punishment with his friend being executed he took the lifeless electro vision running away as the vision decree hunters hunted him down to arrest him.Kazuha knew he had to flee now with the warrant for his arrest quickly spreading but he couldn’t leave without seeing you first. And so he quickly sent word to you to meet him under your guys maple tree, the tree that held much meaning to both of you. It’s the tree where you guys first met as teenagers, it is the tree where you had first kissed, it was the tree where he asked you to be his lover, and it was the tree where he had planned to ask to marry you. So when he arrived at the maple tree on the cliff overlooking the ocean which was reflecting orange, red, and yellow hues that illuminated your lovely (s/c) and shown in your (e/c) eyes he knew he needed to savor the moment one last time. He didn’t even realize it but tears were dripping down his face as he stared at you affectionately trying to memorize every detail of your figure but he knew he couldn’t ever forget you nor did he want to. His thoughts were soon cutoff as you frantically grabbed his shoulders calling out his name asking him what's wrong.
  “ I have to leave.” He said, choking on his words due to the mix of emotions inside him the longing to stay with you and the grief of his friend's death.
  “ You have to leave now, don't you love?” You asked smoothly, grabbing his hands, rubbing them with your thumb, staring him in the eye.
  “ I'm sorry darling, I'm really sorry.” He said crying now as you pulled him in embracing him as you lovingly rubbed his back listening to his repeated sorry’s.
“ It’s ok love, it’s ok.” You replied, rubbing his back as he sniffed. 
 “ I will come back, I promise, I promise.” He said as he once again kept repeating I promise sniffling, trying to stop crying.
  “ I know you will and I will wait here for you even if it takes eternity.”  You replied pulling back smiling at him to attempt to show him that everything is alright even though it sent a pang of hurt into your heart to be separated you couldn’t go for your own reasons and at this point there wasn’t a way to get you passage out at this time.
 “ (Y/n) Im sorry for waiting so long but I want to ask now before we are separated,” he started as he started to get down on his knee revealing a wooden ring made out of the same wood from your maple tree, “ (Y/n) will you marry me even if not today, even if not in a month and even if not in the upcoming year and even if I don’t have much but will you please do me the honor and being my husband one day?”
 “ Of course I will, I couldn’t imagine a life without being by your side. I love you Kaedehara Kazuha.” You said smiling sitting down hugging him so you were both on the ground. He slowly slid the ring on your finger kissing your hand over and over. But the sweet moment was soon interrupted when the sounds of battle could be heard in the distance no doubt involving the vision hunt decree. You both stood up frantically as Kazuha whipped his head around.
“Be careful please.” He said pleadingly as he grabbed the sides of your face pulling you into a kiss before he kissed your forehead closing his eyes trying to keep himself together. But as he stepped away his eyes still lingered on you before he turned his head running never looking back not even in the harbor when he boarded the crux and not even as the boat took off not until he was just outside of the Inazuma territory did he look back in some impossible hope of seeing you but that would not be. 
    As days passed into months Kazuha's mind often fleeted to you as he stayed aboard the crux under the captain Beidou who knew of his past and sympathized with his story. He often questioned what you were doing, if you were eating well, if you were still doing the things you loved, if you got a new hobby and many other loving worries however then there were his nightmarish worries in which he worried that your vision had been taken but he quickly dismissed that one as you had some powerful friends including the heirs to the Kamisato family and the ever so clever Thoma. His other worry he could never dismiss was that you had found another, you were such a beautiful soul that he feared with his absence that someone swept you away not that he could even blame you as he had been gone and shown no signs of returning. But it was a selfish thought of his that did actually hold a decent amount of reasonability to no one’s surprise, he saw the way your friend Thoma had looked at you and the disapproving looks he got from him as well. You and Thoma had known each other for far longer then he had known you, you two were childhood friends practically inseparable. In fact when Kazuha confessed to you he thought you would reject him instead having feelings for Thoma. But with that selfish thought he also on some days hoped you forgot about him and ended up with Thoma. Today was one of those days his body ached with an unexplainable pain and his heart cried out for you but with that came the intruding thought that you and Thoma were now lovers. He could see it, you guys were happily married, having a house in the large flower field that was several miles away from the Kamisato estate, a contrast to your guy's house on the beach that remained without flowers. He could see your smile lighting up Thoma’s pouting face after a frustrating day of handling the Kamisato heirs affairs. He could see you and Thoma cooking dinner side by side, something that he himself was never good at. And he could see you and Thoma snuggling in bed as Thoma sings and tells you songs and stories from Mondstadt whereas he knew you preferred those over poetry. He could see you and Thoma in outfits of white or whatever color you prefer happily at an altar, something he wasn’t able to do with you. And he could see you and Thoma with several children (you had biologically/ several you had taken in) having a delightful family with your children's grandparents and extended family there too to help something in which he didn’t have. And as he thought of this life for you his heart cried with grief from what he thought was jealousy and sadness at the intruding thought but it was something very different. 
    Little did he know you had been enjoying your day to the best of your ability since Kazuha had left. The first several months your refused to leave your house just staring at the wall in an attempt to make time move faster, Thoma had to take care of you constantly having to even move into your house for a temporary time not that he minded he loved you and only wanted the best so to see you in the state you were in made his heart cry. However at some point you snapped out of your state carrying on in a life without Kazuha but slowly and surely returned to your normal state with Thoma only having to come check on you once a day. You still often went out to your maple tree the same maple tree where you bid your lover goodbye and you would wait there hearing whispers of the wind trying to find some sign of Kazuha whether that be news of his life or even him returning. You would wait till late in the night falling asleep against the base of the tree murmuring Kazuha’s name in your sleep. Those types of nights are the nights that Thoma worried about you more than usual, he would on these nights carry you to your home and rest in a chair by your bed to make sure you were alright. Thoma’s heart cried for you so much he thought it would burst. Those nights were also the nights his hatred for Kazuha grew not because he got your love but because he left you alone to wither away even though Thoma knew it was your own choice to stay he still blamed Kazuha. But as of the current day you had decided to go into Inazuma city to buy some stuff. It was a nice day with the sun high in the sky with the rolling clouds and sweet cool breeze that gently swayed the sakura trees. The shops were semi busy as you shopped for food as well as clothing for the upcoming festival in a few weeks which you planned on attending with your friends Thoma and Ayaka. But the white fluffy clouds soon started during dark grey as well as the sky and the cool wind shifted into a salty scent instead of crisp signaling that a storm was rolling in from the sea. So you swiftly made your way home in an attempt to get away before the storm hit curling up in your bed alone. The coldness that used to dissolve from Kazuha’s body heat was no longer there, leaving you shivering in bed hearing the tapping of the rain on your windows and roof. These days were the days that upset you the most, the days that you were lonely and cold without him, those are the days you felt his absence the most, it was a clear reminder that you were here alone partially by choice and partially because it was near impossible to get out. However your thoughts were soon interrupted as a knocking came on the door to which it wasn’t the same rhythmic tapping Thoma did and it certainly wasn’t Kazuha as you had started to give up on him coming back. Although the knocking persisted instead when you chose to ignore it which started getting on your nerves. And when you got up, walking through your house to the front door you were about ten feet away from the door when it went flying inwards you barely dodged it diving for the ground leaving sprawled out on the floor. As you stared up in the empty doorway you saw the loyal servant of the Raiden Shogun and the head of the vision decree Kujuo Sara. She stared down at you in disgust as she stepped inside your house shielding her already wet self from the rain.
    “ Where is Kaedehara Kazuha.” The woman demanded more than asked looking down upon you. As you were petrified, frozen in your position on the floor but your fear soon turned towards anger realizing this was the woman who caused harm to many, and who drove your lover out of the nation.
    “ I don’t know, and even if I did know I would never tell you, you awful piece of shit.” You screamed at her rage seething in your voice as you tried to make eye contact but she wasn’t looking at your face rather at the lime green vision that glowed attached to your hip. And as she looked from your vision to your face she got a gleam in your eyes telling you that something wasn’t right.
    “ You have committed an act of treason for obviously helping in some capacity the fugitive however if you hand over your vision the act can be overlooked.” Kujuo Sara said calmly with her hand reaching out.
    “ No, I won’t give it to you.” You said to her as your hands clasped protectively over your vision looking fiercely at her face as you thought on home to escape but there wasn’t anything you could do you needed soil nearby to use you vision and the fields were too far from where you were at with the addition of Kujuo Sara’s electro vision could easily fry the plants also even if you could somehow achieve part of that you weren’t a fighter really at all.
    “ Well then as head of the vision hunt decree I order you to death for acts of treason.” The purple haired woman said as she pulled out her bow shooting an electro arrow at your feet. As she stood leaving you momentarily confused before lightning camping striking through you leaving you with a bleeding gaping hole in your abdomen as you lied on the floor unable to cry for help or move.  But as she walked over she leaned down and snatched your vision as you weakly swiped toward her hands to grab the lime green gem that you noticed color started to fade. But as quickly as she came she left with your vision. The pain was intense in your abdomen but you started to feel more numb and cold as the seconds past till your eyes became to heavy to stay open. And as you closed your eyes you thought of Kazuha the man you loved the one who swore he would marry you the one who swore he’s come back and though you tried to not get your hopes up you knew he would come back. He had vowed and he always kept his promises. You however were about to break yours and with the last ounce of energy you had you whispered.
    “ I'm sorry my love, I couldn't wait for you.” Then you went silent and unmoving.
    That is when Kazuha’s heart was wrecked with grief for what he thought was from a simple intruding thought, but no it was from his love leaving the world, and breaking his promise to him.
    Your body laid unmoving as all of Tevayts sky cried for you but no one knew that not till Thoma had walked to your house to check on you. But as he approached your house and saw the door missing he knew something was terribly wrong. He rushed into your house only to find your body in a pool of your own blood staining your clothes and floor. He crashed down by your side screaming your name as he grabbed your upper body cradling it crying out for you. That was the day he grew to despise Kazuha. It didn’t take very long to put together what had happened from your missing vision and your house being broken into. He despised Kazuha because even if not directly he had caused your demise, the demise of you the man who he had loved since you guys were kids, the man who didn’t love him in the same way but he would give the world to you yet you weren’t here to receive it. And so he carried your body away refusing to look at your unmoving face in fear he would cry once again. He carried you to your maple tree where he dug a grave burying you in it carving a tombstone into the base of the tree. He wished he could get your vision back, you at least deserved that but he knew he couldn’t. He sat by your side for hours before leaving to deliver the news of your death to the Kamisato estate in which everyone mourned just like the sky had been. Very few didn’t know you and even less disliked you so the pain of your passing hurt everyone, many including Thoma, Ayaka, and Ayato dressed in black to mourn your death. Thoma didn’t tell anyone about your burial site. It was too important to you for anyone but Kazuha to know with the exception of Thoma. But Thoma made sure it was well kept and after months of mourning people slowly started to stop wearing black and the sad memories of you but instead remembering you in joy, Thoma would still continue to check on you once again talking to you about his day and the current news in hopes to keep your memory alive within him.
Thank you for reading! And if you want to make a request your free to(Please make a request so my procrastinator ass can get shit done)
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howlofhades · 1 year
It's not gonna be structured, I'm just gonna roll switching from oc to oc.
I feel like Barks would never sleep at night because he would just think about all the brothers he couldn’t save after every mission. But even when he sleeps willingly it doesn't last long.
If Bear were to ever get in a relationship he could never sleep after an argument, he won't sleep until everything has been settled.
Storm probably has the most tattoos out of all my clones, but they all happen to be dedicated to the brothers he's lost. He almost got one dedicated to Barks.
Put Skunker and Barks in a room, and I can assure you that Skunker is leaving with a dislocation (Barks didn't do it.)
Bear drinks enough caf to probably kill a person, but he'd deny it. "This is my first cup today." I can confirm that would be a lie, he's probably drunk two, maybe three.
Erix has a bullet in a necklace given by Skunker the first time they met, the other Skunker jokingly said "Next time you annoy me this is gonna go in your forehead" and Erix kept it just to annoy him.
Bear would give droids pronouns I think
Storm will literally hit Barks for no reason and when Barks hits back, Storm screams for Rex
Barks will try to explode you with his mind if you annoy him
Barks: "snapping my back like a glow stick would solve all my problems."
Storm absolutely FACEPLANTED the first time he stepped off a gunship for the first time. Nobody let's him live it down. The next time he did it was in front of Anakin
Erix will do something, blame Storm and boom Barks and Storm argue. He loves it.
Erix cusses like a sailor
Skunker admires Barks and Rex for putting up with the chaos
Skunker bombards waxer, boil and wooley with jokes
Bear bites off more than he can chew
Now some incorrect quotes:
Barks: I hope no one lowkey hates me.
Barks: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being.
Barks: Go big or go home.
Barks: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Barks: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Barks: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.
Storm: I was put on this earth to do one thing.
Storm: Luckily I forgot what it was so I can do whatever I want.
Storm: Is this a good idea?
Storm: Probably not.
Storm: Do I care?
Storm: No.
Erix: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Storm: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I think.
Erix: Barks, gather the others. We need to have another Storm -is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-them-before-they-hurt-someone convention.
Barks: I’m not a doctor I’m a medic.
Erix: What’s the difference then?
Barks: Well doctors actually save lives, medics just make you feel more comfortable as you die.
Storm: Note to self; never get shot.
Barks: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Barks: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.
Barks: My knee just cracked so loudly that I half expect it to glow in the dark tonight.
Erix: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity?
Barks, turning to Storm: How tall are you?
Storm: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life.
Barks: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Storm: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Erix: Edible.
Erix: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Storm: Well, that would such because you can't microwave metal.
Barks: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
Erix: Pros and cons of dating me.
Erix: Pros. You'll be the cute one.
Erix: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Phoenix: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Phoenix: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
Lazarus: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Lazarus, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
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animeaandp · 11 months
Figure You Out
Pairing: Izuku x reader
Warnings: explicit language, nsfw (not really yandere but maybe a bit??)
Summary: You've been in a relationship with someone that everyone knows isn't a good match. He's not a bad guy but the two of you couldn't care less about the other, let alone have any real feelings left. It's obvious the relationship has run it's course so your friends leave you be; you'll end things when you're ready. However, a 'gentle nudge' never hurt anybody.
Note: Inspired by the song 'Figure You Out' by VOILA (creative title I know)
Midoriya was said to be a literal ray of sunshine, or a cute little bunny, as sweet as could be. When you transferred into the hero course your second year, he was the only person you knew of other than your best friend Shoto. You'd heard only good things about Midoriya but when you finally meet he's nothing of the sort. He didn't smile back, said maybe two words, then refused to look at you a day after that. It didn't make sense but you found some comfort in that everyone else was just as confused. Later when his friends quizzed him about it, he didn't give a straight answer, waving off the interaction as nothing. Then halfway through the school year, once you started dating your boyfriend, 'nothing' become the only way Midoriya treated you. He's maintained this disposition for two years. And now, in your final year, you could manage a brief conversation albeit far from friendly. Like tonight.
While walking back to the dorms from a party, Midoriya acted as disinterested in you as always, but every time you walked faster or slowed down so did he. Everyone else was either still partying or turned in for the night hours ago. You left once you started feeling too lightheaded to keep dancing, and didn't realize Midoriya had been walking with you the entire time. He rolled his eyes when you finally noticed him but nothing else. Otherwise, it's a nice quiet walk and the night air refreshing, so if Midoriya was going to babysit you then he'd have to enjoy it as well. "Even if he is a big dumb dummy."
"You know most people act nicer when they're drunk."
"I'm not drunk yet and you're still you."
"There's not enough alcohol in the world Izuku."
"*scoff* fucking brat.." "Hey." "What." "How come you only cuss around me? Everyone else swears you're a saint but you're closer to a rotten sailor."
"No one else bothers me like you."
"Well why do I bother you.?"
"So damn chatty." Midoriya ignores your question until your footsteps fall too far behind. His hand drags down his face as he turns around, "Now what. Need to puke.?" but you're standing still, watching the tears bouncing off your shoes, just as confused as Midoriya. He takes a few steps closer and you snap out of it. You wipe your face, "I'm sorry; sorry, I don't know where that came from."
"...It's probably all the blood rushing to your head. Try sitting down."
"Yeah, okay."
You find a bench and take deep breathes but the tears keep falling and you keep apologizing to Midoriya. The expression he's giving you is some mixture of concern and irritation. Still, he sits quietly until you've calmed down enough to keep "AH!!" "Y/n?!"
Should you cling to your twisted ankle or scraped knees? Trying to stand was a mistake because maybe-just maybe-you were a little drunk, and the first (attempted) step proved it. Midoriya jumped to help you up and back onto the bench but instead of checking if you were okay like a decent human being, "WHat the hell were you thinking?!! If you weren't ready to get up then fucking say so! There's no point getting hurt just bc you don't want to admit your drunk-what if I hadn't been here?! What if something worse happened!?! If you can't be responsible and handle your alcohol then stop going to these damn parties! You don't-!" "SHUT.THE.FUCK! UP!" "!?!?!" "Shut up-shut up-SHUT UP already!! FOR FUCKS SAKE do you ever get tired of yelling at me!!?!?! I get it-you hate me(!) just shut up for a FUCKING SECOND-CHRIST do you not see that I am hurting-" The words catch in your throat so you turn away and silently cry, waiting for things to just go back to normal.
"...? Huh-? Wait! What are you doing?!"
"It's getting cold. We need to get back to the dorms."
"What part of that means picking me up?!!?" You squirmed in Midoriya's arms but a weak breeze was more of a nuisance to him. "Isn't it obvious; you can't walk so I'm carrying you."
"But-!?! Why...like this?!"
"Least amount of strain on your injuries...worried you're too heavy for me to carry??" "NO! Asshole...but if my boyfriend found out-" Midoriya's laugh vibrated against your side and your righteous fury melted into shame. It's a common occurrence now a days, and no one laughed more than Midoriya did. He was just the only one to do it to your face. "That 'boy' wouldn't have jack to say about it. I bet he didn't even know where you were tonight. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong."
"...No; you're right...and he couldn't care less."
"I know that he's not a good boyfriend okay-everyone knows, even he does I think. We hardly see each other anyways, so there's no point pressuring him to care. Things are just easier this way." You clear your throat, not wanting to start back up. "Besides, it's not the worst treatment; not like you could do any better so quit bugging me about him." You expected a typical Midoriya retort but he's quiet and continues walking. 'Whatever, I'm tired anyways.'
The dorms are up ahead and you start thinking about if the first aid kit in your room would have everything to treat your wounds. The scratches on your knees weren't that bad but your ankle needed proper wrappings immediately. Midoriya carries you inside and to the elevators, patiently holding you until the doors reopen but you're confused, "This isn't my floor Izuku." "It's mine." He takes you to his room and places you on his bed like it's no big deal. You immediately try to get up but "Don't be dumb" a soft shove sends you back down. He grabs his own first aid supplies, then sits at your feet. After re-inspecting your injuries, he begins tending to them one by one. The guy is the most accident-prone person you knew so you trust he knows what he's doing and look around his room. It's unsurprising how much Allmight merchandise there is but you did expect more of a 'guys' room than this; it's very clean and organized, even smells nice.
"Your favorite color is yellow"
"Hm? What was that?"
Midoriya's eyes are fixed on your ankle but "that's why your go-to snack is a banana, even though you prefer crunchy foods over mushy ones because of that time you accidently ate spoiled yogurt as a kid." "Wha-how did you know that??" "The question is why doesn't your boyfriend know that." His eyes look up between the ends of his hair and send a shiver up your spine. "*scoff* You don't think that I could do a better job than that idiot? Not by much, but I've known you longer, and easily know you better than he does, so don't insult me like that again. I'd be a far better boyfriend for you." Finished with your ankle, Midoriya's eyes trail up your legs, following his rough hands that push your dress up and out of the way. If he notices he doesn't say anything about the blush flooding your face right now. What was he saying-what was happening?! He begins treating the scrapes on your knees, only addressing your squirming with a quick regrip on your thighs that said 'you're not going anywhere.'
"You like to wake up early to go watch the sunrise, but you're not a morning person and go back to bed afterwards. That scar on your arm is from falling off your bike as a kid, that scar on the back of your left calf from falling out a tree. You're always falling, fucking klutz, and listening to music while walking around is why there's always a knot on your forehead; you've run into every lamppost on campus. You like watching scary movies with Tokoyami but they keep you up at night, then spend the next few days jumping at every.single.sound. *sigh* Your favorite animals are bees, again they're yellow, and you think that pollination along with their ability to fly is fascinating, all regardless of having been stung a dozen times because you don't know how to keep your distance." He switches knees. "You want to retire from being a pro hero one day; get married, have a big family, and be one of those over the top stay-at-home 'Pinterest moms'. I bet you'd be really cute with a little belly."
Your knees were both bandaged now but Midoriya's hands held on like the worst thing in the world would be moving an inch. His gaze was burning a hole into your thighs while your breathing was the loudest thing in the room, barely surpassing your heart pounding. His fingers inch further up "I could love you with my eyes closed; you have no idea how easily I can read you y/n. It's obvious how you like to be held" his fingers crawl higher "how you like to be touched" higher "how you like being praised" he looks up, knowing exactly what he'd find. With dark and hungry eyes that make you shiver, "What is it you like being called again.? Pet?" Midoriya starts lifting himself up between your thighs, face getting closer to yours, hands long gone under your dress "No, that wasn't-...pretty girl? Was that it.? Hmm no...ah, that's right. 'Puppy'." strong hands digging into the meat of your hips "Yeah that's right. You love being such a good puppy you melt. How embarrassing when Allmight playfully called you that and everyone saw how red you turned. He's been your favorite teacher since."
Your lips tremble trying to form a word but Midoriya pulls away to swim in dangerous waters. "I could praise the clumsy puppy too. The oh so dumb little puppy...I know her favorite music, cat café to visit on the weekends, even her sleeping positions." The first kisses over your thighs are electric and the lick of his tongue pulls the first of many strangled gasps out of you. "I'd make the puppy feel things...tell me that I can." His nose brushes back your dress further and you think of anything to do or say other than stop. This trance makes lifting your hips effortless, and laying you on your back. Midoriya stretches your thighs further apart "I'm gonna praise my dumb puppy" face lowers "tell her how good she's doing for me" then disappears "then she'll thank me with the prettiest sounds..."
You're free to squirm, rut, buck, and shake as much as you want. Midoriya wasn't letting you go. A world of color erupts in your mind and keeps you high in the sky. Things like "come on puppy" and "that's a good puppy" grow louder as Midoriya replaces his tongue with his fingers. They're relentlessly trying to send your eyes to the back of your head. "God you're doing so good, such a good puppy-dumb little thing.." His teeth graze your jaw and nip at the strained vein in your neck. "Cry for me more puppy; say my name...that's it...Izuku is so sweet to his puppy isn't he, spoiling her bc she fell down again. Such a big girl right now though" Your fingers dig into the arm picking up it's pace as he seethes in your ear "now ruin my fucking sheets.!" Broken whimpers and moans accompany the teasing kisses Midoriya's dragging across your face, the muses only pausing as that white-hot feeling washes over you and you forget how to breathe.
You remember as his hands maintain a vigorous pace and you’re begging him to stop. “Not until you take it back” Midoriya cages your neck in his other hand “I’d be a way better boyfriend than that pathetic excuse-APOLOGIZE.” But his hand was squeezing too tightly. You reach out to push him away but your strength can't compare.
“You better figure it out. Now. Before things get painful.” But they already were; that warm feeling faded away and was replaced by a painful twist in your gut. You're spent. Midoriya is just abusing your body now by continuing to keep his unrelenting pace “come on puppy, take it back” he forces his fingers even deeper “don’t be a bad girl” and squeezes your neck tighter. Strangled gasps escape his grip and you try to but “Aw puppy, don't cry. I know it hurts, you should've apologized, but you’re almost there, so hold on and try not to pass out yet.” He presses deeper-harder-not hiding the lust in his eyes watching you struggle. You begin clawing at his chest and at the hand on your throat "There it is.!" he cheers seeing you panic, and starts putting his back into it. Because you're feeling it. That radiating pain finally built up into the most painful knot, so much so you’re scared of the snap. You begin struggling under Midoriya but it’s no effort to keep you pinned, but “SIT.Still.!? Should’ve apologized. Now be a good puppy and give it up.! Come on, one more-stop.!struggling.! I swear if you're gonna be bad girl-!? Ohh that’s it, ha-YES. There you go puppy.!…atta girllll…that's such a good girl look at you, aw puppy yesss...yes. So pathetic-so fucking.dumb. Just how I like you-GOD I wanna just-!!”
Midoriya sits up to revel in his masterpiece. You're on the verge of passing out and it's absolutely stunning. He leans down before your eyes fully shut, smiling innocently through his own sweat and labored breathes, as if he didn't just make the devil himself beg forgiveness for the past two hours. He drags a kiss across your face, "...Insult me again puppy; I believe I’ve made myself clear what will happen...sweet dreams, y/n. We'll get started on that family first thing in the morning."
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trinity-mia · 4 months
a story as endless as the ocean
the sea of monsters
1.1 and lead us not into temptation
warnings : cussing, nudity, pirates, luke being a man, implied/off-screen violence
word count : 4.9k
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1.1 I Get a Full-Body Spa Treatment and Luke Gets... Well
I woke up in a rowboat with a makeshift sail stitched of gray uniform fabric. Luke sat next to me, attempting to paddle.
I tried to sit up and immediately felt woozy.
"Rest," he said, reaching out to stop me seconds too late. Like I'd been too late to help my baby brother. Only my one was way worse. "You're going to need it."
He shook his head, looking genuinely upset, reaching over to me and smoothing the hair at the top of my head down. "Angel, I'm sorry. So sorry, baby."
We were silent while the waves tossed us up and down.
"He may have survived," he suggested half-heartedly, though he obviously doubted it. "I mean, fire can't kill him."
I nodded, but I had no reason to feel hopeful. I'd seen that explosion rip through solid iron. If Tyson had been down in the boiler room, there was no way he could've lived.
He'd given his life for us, and all I could think about was how I'd been so irritated by his need for my comfort around the ghosts aboard the CSS Birmingham. And Clarisse, what about her? Had she managed to survive the explosion?
Waves lapped at the boat. Luke showed me some things he had managed to salvage from the wreckage— Hermes's thermos (now empty), a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia, a couple of sailors' shirts, and a bottle of Dr. Pepper. He'd fished me out of the water and found my duffle bag, the only one of the three that had survived. I still had Hermes's bottle of multivitamins, and of course, I had Riptide and Shaker. Plus, my phone and credit card were there, which I was immensely glad for. I had no battery and nowhere to use my card, but at least I wouldn't have to get new ones.
We sailed for hours, barely speaking as I focused on directing the boat. Now that we were in the Sea of Monsters, the water glittered a more brilliant green, like Hydra acid. The wind smelled fresh and salty, but it carried a strange metallic scent, too— as if a thunderstorm were coming. Or something even more dangerous. I knew what direction we needed to go. I knew we were exactly one hundred thirteen nautical miles west by northwest of our destination. But that didn't make me feel any less lost.
No matter which way we turned, the sun seemed to shine straight into my eyes. We took turns sipping from the Dr. Pepper, shading ourselves with the sail as best we could. And we talked about my latest dream of Grover.
Our best guess gave us less than twenty-four hours to find Grover. And that was assuming that my dream was accurate and that Polyphemus didn't change his mind and try to marry Grover earlier.
"Yeah," I said bitterly when Luke pointed that out. "Because you can never trust a Cyclops, right?"
Luke sighed and stared across the water. "I'm sorry, Angel," he admitted. "I was wrong about Tyson, okay? He was a good kid. I wish that I could apologize and tell him that."
I wanted to stay mad at him, but it wasn't easy. We'd been through so much together. He'd saved my life more times than I could count. It was stupid of me to resent him, especially when it was really myself that I was upset with.
I looked down at our measly possessions— the empty wind thermos, the bottle of multivitamins, a useless phone and credit card. I thought about Tyson's innocent sweetness. He had trusted me, and I had let him down when he needed me most. Why did the people I love always get killed? First my mother, then my brother.
Maybe the Fates had cursed me for some reason. Maybe I had been reborn, but I was such an awful person in my first life, the Fields of Punishment weren't enough suffering, so they had given me a life of tragedy to ensure I repented. Well, if that was the case, it had worked out perfectly.
"Why do the gods even let me live?" I wondered. "If I'm prophesied to destroy the world, it would be safer just to kill me."
Luke sighed and raked a hand through his windswept blond curls. He looked as worn out as I felt.
"Allie, I don't know," he shrugged. "I guess some of the gods would like to kill you, but they're probably afraid of offending Poseidon. Other gods... maybe they're still watching you, trying to decide what kind of hero you're going to be. You could be a weapon for their survival, after all. The real question is... what will you do in a little over two years? What decision will you make?"
"Did the prophecy give any hints?"
Luke hesitated. Neither of us mentioned the prophecy much, mostly because the pressure tended to make me feel like I was going to have a panic attack. But I was feeling masochistic, so I brought it up anyway.
Maybe he would've told me more, but just then a seagull swooped down out of nowhere and landed on our makeshift mast. Luke looked startled as the bird dropped a small cluster of leaves into his lap.
"Land," he declared, pointing. "There's land nearby!"
I sat up. Sure enough, there was a line of blue and brown in the distance. Another minute and I could make out an island with a small mountain in the center, a dazzling white collection of buildings, a beach dotted with palm trees, and a harbor filled with a strange assortment of boats.
The current was pulling our rowboat toward what looked like a tropical paradise.
"This is so definitely a trap," I stated, rising and squinting at it.
"Yes," Luke agreed. "But we need more supplies and a faster boat, so we might as well trip it, anyway."
I sighed, and gave a reluctant nod of agreement.
We sailed past into the dock, and were greeted by a sign saying we had arrived at 'CC's Spa and Resort.'
"Why would a spa be out in the middle of the Sea of Monsters?" Luke asked suspiciously. 
I ignored him, focusing on a much more important fact. "Shower," I cooed. 
He gave me an exasperated look. "Trap, Angel," he reminded me.
I waved him off irritably, giving him a look that said I was not going to budge on this topic. "After I'm clean," I insisted. 
He huffed and gave in, rolling his eyes. 
Oddly enough, our rowboat wasn't the weirdest ship in port. Along with a bunch of pleasure yachts, there was a U.S. Navy submarine, several dugout canoes, a helipad with a "Channel Five Fort Lauderdale" helicopter on it, a short runway with a Learjet and a propeller plane that looked like a World War II fighter. Finally, there was an old-fashioned three-masted sailing ship.
After a moment of investigating the docks, we followed the sounds of habitation, as well as the smell of food. We passed through a sort of outdoor lounge, and that's when I noticed something odd.
There were a lot of women, ranging from their teens to their thirties. They were all stunning, swimming in a pool, kicking back in a tub, sipping drinks on lawn chairs. But there were no guys around. It made me feel suspicious. I supposed that it could be a women's only spa, which was typical enough, but. This was the Sea of Monsters, and we were demigods. That would be too easy.
"Where are all the guys?" I asked Luke in a low tone.
"Huh?" he mumbled back. When I glanced at him, he blatantly gaping at the half-naked women we were passing. I shoved him as hard as I could, glaring at him. My peeve of getting sexualized creeping up on me.
"Hey, Pretty Boy!" I snapped. "I'm right here, you know."
"And?" he shrugged, and I went to punch him, but was interrupted.
"Welcome!" a woman exclaimed, coming up to us. She looked like a flight attendant— blue business suit, perfect makeup, hair pulled back in a ponytail. She shook our hands, wearing a bright 'business person' smile. For some reason, her demeanor seemed off. Something about her stance made me think she would make a better warrior than a businesswoman.
And, honestly, she just gave me a sense of unease. Like she was an enemy, and I had to get away as quickly as possible. When I glanced at Luke, he didn't seem to pick up the same feeling. But then again, he was still staring at the women in bikinis. I bit back an angry growl of frustration at that, stepping on his foot to draw his attention.
"My name is Hylla," she continued. "I'm a manager here at the resort. Is this your first time with us?"
Luke and I exchanged looks.
"Uh, yeah," I gave a hesitant nod.
"First— time— at— spa," Hylla said with a nod as she wrote on her clipboard. "Let's see then..." She looked us up and down critically. "Mmm. An herbal wrap to start for the stunning young lady. And of course, a complete makeover for the young gentleman."
"Oh, please." A herbal wrap sounded perfect. But then I remembered the deadline.
She was busy jotting down notes, but she smiled nonetheless.
"Right!" she said with a breezy smile. "Well, I'm sure CC will want to speak with you personally before the luau. Come, please."
"Uh, we can't stay," I replied quickly.
"Why not?" she frowned.
"Well, we have this thing soon," Luke explained vaguely, finally following my lead. "And it's kind of got a deadline, you know? We have to hurry."
"Well, at least stay for a few hours," she insisted. "Meet CC and have something to eat."
Something in her eyes told me if we didn't submit, we would end up in a fight, and I was way too exhausted for that to go well. We exchanged quick looks, before reluctantly nodding.
"I guess it couldn't hurt," I muttered, making Hylla smile brightly.
I had to admit it. The place was amazing. There was white marble and blue water everywhere I looked. Terraces climbed up the side of the mountain, with swimming pools on every level, connected by water slides and waterfalls and underwater tubes you could swim through. Fountains sprayed water into the air, forming impossible shapes, like flying eagles and galloping horses.
Tyson loved horses, and I knew he'd love those fountains. I almost turned around to see the expression on his face before I remembered: Tyson was gone.
"You okay?" Luke asked me. "You look pale."
"I'm fine," I replied. "Just... let's keep walking."
We passed all kinds of tame animals. A sea turtle napped in a stack of beach towels. A leopard stretched out asleep on the diving board. The resort guests— still only young women, as far as I could see— lounged in deck chairs, drinking fruit smoothies or reading magazines while herbal face masks dried on their faces and manicurists in white uniforms did their nails.
As we headed up a staircase toward what looked like the main building, I heard a woman singing. Her voice drifted through the air like a lullaby. Her words were in some language other than Ancient Greek, but just as old— Minoan, maybe, or something like that. I could understand what she sang about— moonlight in the olive groves, the colors of the sunrise. And magic. Something about magic. Her voice seemed to lift me off the steps and carry me toward her.
We came into a big room where the whole front wall was windows. The back wall was covered in mirrors, so the room seemed to go on forever. There was a bunch of expensive-looking white furniture, and on a table in one corner was a large wire pet cage. The cage seemed out of place, but I didn't think about it too much, because just then I saw the lady who'd been singing... and whoa.
She sat at a loom the size of a big-screen TV, her hands weaving colored thread back and forth with amazing skill. The tapestry shimmered like it was three dimensional— a waterfall scene so real I could see the water moving and clouds drifting across a fabric sky.
"It's beautiful," I breathed.
The woman turned. She was even prettier than her fabric. Her long dark hair was braided with threads of gold. She had piercing green eyes and she wore a silky black dress with shapes that seemed to move in the fabric: animal shadows, black upon black, like deer running through a forest at night.
I'd never been particularly insecure, not when it came to my face or body, but a couple more minutes and that could've very well changed. 
"You appreciate weaving, my dear?" the woman asked me with a friendly smile.
"I appreciate pretty things," I replied honestly.
Our hostess smiled at that. "You have good taste, my dear. I'm so glad you've come. My name is CC. You'll fit right in here, what with looks like those. Have you ever had a blemish in your life?"
The animals in the corner cage started squealing. They must've been guinea pigs, from the sound of them. Meanwhile, CC looked us over with a frown, irritating me a bit.
"Oh, dear," she sighed. "You do need my help."
"Ma'am?" Luke asked. He looked like a kicked puppy, which just made me more annoyed at the woman.
CC called to the lady in the business suit. "Hylla, take Allie on a tour, will you? Show her what we have available. The clothing will need to change. And the hair, my goodness. We will do a full image consultation after I've spoken with this young gentleman."
I bristled at that. "What's wrong with my hair?" I demanded. Sure, some hair was falling out of the braids, but it wasn't that bad, was it? And, I frowned. She wanted to separate us? That seemed like a bad idea. We didn't have time to spare. Who did this woman think she was, anyway? I noticed how entranced Luke was by her, and it made me even more pissed off for reasons I refused to admit to. 
"I really don't think—" I began, but she stopped me.
"Go with Hylla, dear. She'll sort you out, nice and quickly. You don't have to worry about a thing."
"Go on, Angel," Luke added, waving me off without looking away from CC's revealing top. "You said that you wanted a shower."
I scoffed, but reluctantly, I followed Hylla out the door, and was bustled off to some sort of make-over area. There, I met her younger sister, Reyna, and received a make-over. It reminded me of getting ready to film for a movie or do a shoot for the cover of a magazine. All in all, I felt pretty at home. I got along with the girls fantastically, and they restored me back to my regular self.
I had been waxed, plucked, buffed, and polished for almost two hours before they finally declared me finished. I stared at myself in the floor-length mirror, feeling like a Barbie doll, but still myself.
I wore a single-strap, very low neckline, floor-length, white-and-gold-colored dress with a long slit up to my mid-thigh. Underneath, I wore a pair of six-inch golden stilettos. I ran my fingers through my curtain bangs at the front of my hair and tossed them out of my fierce-looking face. I hadn't done a shoot for a few weeks, and this felt right up my alley. 
My hair was done up with golden strands that twisted down my perfected curls and a diadem that Hylla told me had been passed down from an old Spartan Queen— Aerla, if the legends had told her right. It was encrusted with diamonds and had a sentence engraved on the back in Ancient Greek saying: And this to hold my promise to my people. 
The girls had let me keep my usual jewelry that hid Riptide and Shaker, which wasn't hard to convince them of, as they mostly matched anyway. Even though my face looked airbrushed from the makeup, I almost couldn't even feel the difference. 
Reyna and Hylla clapped and looked me over, making sure there was nothing else they could add. Finally, to top off the whole outfit, they'd given me a gold purse that had my old clothes and shoes in it as well as a new bikini for the pool, a pair of Gucci sunglasses, a spare dress and shoes, and extra lip gloss. 
Although I was feeling great and the impulse to stay was growing by the minute, I decided very firmly that it was time to find Luke, and get the hell out of there. Grover and Camp awaited us, after all. I didn't have time to play dress-up forever.
"You look beautiful," Reyna told me. 
I smiled back. "Thank you," I returned politely. "Listen, can I go and talk to CC, please?"
"Of course," Hylla cheered. "You can tell her that you want to stay now."
I gave her an appraising nod, but held my true emotions to myself. They were so nice to me, I'd hate to hurt them by letting them know that I had no intentions of staying. 
As we walked down the hallway, Hylla praised me and my talent of not walking harshly while in heels, which, like many other things I did, was achieved from many years of wearing stilettos for premieres, red carpets, and runways. 
We arrived back at the same place that we had first met CC in, and Hylla left me. When I entered, CC was humming at her loom once again, but Luke was nowhere to be seen. A sick feeling turned in my stomach, and I cursed both of us for being so stupid as to go into a trap deliberately. How arrogant were we? Hadn't we learned any common sense over our lives? Morons, both of us.
Especially Luke. I bet that he had been too distracted by CC's breasts to notice that she was about to kill him. This was all his fault. He'd known about the Greek world a lot longer than me, after all. I would've left earlier if he hadn't pressed me into going with Hylla to the damn make-over. At least the stilettos would be handy to stab someone with, if needed.
"Ah, Allie! You look absolutely stunning!" CC exclaimed as I entered. 
I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously. "How do you know my name?" I demanded, but with a light enough tone to keep her from suspecting how much I knew. "I never told it to you."
She faltered for a second before quickly rallying, giving me a familiar smile. It was the 'I'm innocent, not a monster. Lower your guard so I can kill you, demigod' smile. I had become very acquainted with that smile, and I cursed our foolishness again when I saw it.
"Your friend, Luke, told it to me," she claimed. 
I raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh?" I asked curtly. "Where is Luke, by the way? We really have to get going, you know. We have a deadline." In the corner, the guinea pigs squealed for attention, giving me a headache.
"Why would you want to go, my dear?" CC asked, ignoring my question about Luke. "You have so much potential!"
"Potential for what?"
"Potential to be a sorceress, my dear," CC leaned into me. She waved her wrist, causing a small flame to dance over her hand.
I took a wary step back. "A sorceress?"
"Yes, my dear." CC held up her hand. A flame appeared in her palm and danced across her fingertips. "My mother is Hecate, the goddess of magic. I know a demigod when I see one. And the world is full of gossip about you, since your claiming last summer. We are not so different, you and I. We both admire greatness. Neither of us needs to stand in the shadow of men. We are both drop-dead gorgeous. You'll fit right in!"
"I don't understand," I said slowly. A guinea pig squealed again, and I made to rub my forehead, but went back on it, after remembering I was wearing makeup. 
"Stay with me," CC urged. "Study with me. You can join our staff, become a sorceress, learn to bend others to your will. You will become immortal!"
"You know better than to trust that silly camp for heroes," CC insisted. I bristled at the insult to my home as she continued dismissively. "How many great female half-blood heroes can you name?"
"Um, Atalanta, Amelia Earhart, Harriet—" I listed, but CC cut me off.
"Bah! Men get all the glory." CC closed her fist and extinguished the magic flame. "The only way to power for women is sorcery. Medea, Calypso, now there were powerful women! And me, of course. The greatest of all."
Realization dawned me. CC. "You're Circe!"
"Yes, my dear."
I backed up, twitching for my sword, and Circe laughed. "You need not worry. I mean you no harm."
"What'd you do to Luke?" I demanded harshly. Circe smirked and waved at the cage of rodents in the corner.
"Only helped him to realize his true form."
My eyes widened in realization. In the Ancient days, Circe had turned men into actual pigs. Apparently, she had modernized, like most of the Greek world.
"Forget him," Circe said. "Join me and learn the ways of sorcery."
"Astraea, think about it!" Circe rose to her feet, clapping sharply.
I hate being called by my full name. If she hadn't turned me against her by turning Luke into a rodent, she would have by using that damn name. Talk about bitches.
"You're the first mortal daughter of Poseidon in history," she continued, pacing back and forth while waving her hands. "Your power and potential are undoubtedly unmatched. As the child of the Great Prophecy, you can bring the world to its knees. Bend it to your will. No more gods expecting everything from you. No more all work and no play. No more men seeing you as a toy. Be a goddess. Accept my offer and become my apprentice! Nothing will stand in your way of gaining whatever you desire!"
I glanced away, thinking furiously. I had to figure out a way to get Luke and get off this dumb island of brainwashed women. But I had to keep the dress. That was my exception. 
"Can I have a moment to think in private?" I asked innocently, keeping my eyes wide. "It's a lot to take in. I would never have guessed that someone as famous and amazing as you would offer me a chance like this."
Maybe I was over-doing it a bit, but, well, Circe was an immortal. In my experience, they had high opinions of themselves, and had the impression that having their attention was every mere mortal's heart's desire.
"Of course," Circe smiled. "I know how honored you must be that I would deign to offer you my aid. Take your time." She waited, folding her hands, and I bit back a growl of frustration.
"In private," I added.
Her eyes widened in realization. "Oh, of course. I'll go and check on dinner while you think it over." With that, she strode out of the room. 
I breathed a sigh of relief despite hearing the sound of the lock being engaged, and I rushed over to the cage of guinea pigs. "All right, which one is you?" I groaned and then cursed. There were at least a dozen, and all of them looked the same! How in all of the Fates' names was I supposed to figure out which one was Luke?
They all squealed, making it worse. 
"That isn't helping," I complained, fighting the urge to run my hands through my beautifully done-up hair. 
I scanned the room and spotted the cuff of Luke's jeans sticking out from under the loom. An idea sparked, and I rushed over and began rummaging through his pockets. Finally, I yanked out the bottle of vitamins and scrambled back over to the cage.
"Oh, this is gonna go so badly," I groaned to myself, unscrewing the top and dumping the entire jar into the cage. I saved one, shoving it into my mouth, just in case it could help at all. A second later, the door opened and Circe, Hylla, and Reyna all entered.
Circe's eyes widened at the scene that greeted her. "You stupid girl!" she cried. "What have you just done?"
I scrambled up, summoning my swords, but before I could say or do anything else, the cage broke. The guinea pigs all grew into various men. Naked men, to be more specific. Which was about to go as well as you could imagine, considering most of them were pirates.
"You witch!" One of the men roared. "You are going to pay for what you've done! I am Blackbeard, and I will have my revenge!"
Holy fuck. The Blackbeard?
"N- now, Edward," Circe stammered, waving her hands at him. I caught Hylla's eye, knowing I'd feel awful if anything happened to either of them. They had treated me perfectly. I didn't want this to be my 'thank you.' 
Run, I mouthed. Hylla nodded and grabbed her sister and pulled her out of the room as the sorceress backed away.
"Arrgghh!" the pirates yelled. They began to race towards Circe, somehow holding swords, and she turned to run, tripping over her dress.
I was still looking away, so I nearly beheaded Luke when he grabbed my arm without warning me. "Woah, Angel," he chuckled. "Relax. Thanks for the save, by the way."
"No problem," I mumbled. It was a little funny, since with the stilettos, I was almost as tall as he was. He obviously wasn't used to it, as his eyes settled on my collarbones, where my head normally was.
"They didn't do anything to you, right?" he asked, sounding worried. 
"You do realize you're naked, right?"
He was silent for a moment, before he moved away, and I heard him grabbing his clothes. "Uh, I have a wonderful suggestion, Angel," he chuckled nervously. "Let's never, ever, tell my siblings about this. Like, ever. Okay, safe to look now."
"We should go," I said, making no promises not to tell the whole camp about this particular adventure.
He gave me, or rather, my outfit, a skeptical once over. "Dressed like that?"
I stopped in my tracks and turned toward him angrily, my previous fury at him for getting us in this mess in the first place doubling. "I know the hell you did not just utter the words 'dressed like that.' I don't exactly have time to change," I snapped back, not caring for his shocked expression. "Now, c'mon. I don't want to have to fight a couple dozen pirates, do you?"
"Good point," he nodded. "Let's go."
We ran down the hillside through the terraces, past the screaming spa residents and the pirates ransacking the resort. Blackbeard's men broke the tiki torches for the luau, threw various herbal wraps into the swimming pool, and kicked over the tables piled with sauna towels.
I almost felt bad letting the unruly pirates out, but I guessed that they deserved something more entertaining than the exercise wheel after being cooped up in a cage for three centuries.
"Which ship?" Luke said as we reached the docks.
I looked around desperately. We couldn't very well take our rowboat. We had to get off the island fast, but what else could we use? A sub? I didn't know if I could control one of those, and no way in Punishment was I going on a jet, even if one of us could manage to fly it. And then I saw it.
"There," I said firmly, pointing it out.
Luke looked doubtful. "But—"
"I can make it work."
I couldn't explain. I just somehow knew that an old sailing vessel was the best bet for me. I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him toward the three-mast ship. Painted on its prow was the name that I would only manage to decipher later: The Queen Anne's Revenge. One of the most famous ships in history.
"Argggh!" Blackbeard yelled somewhere behind us. "Those scalawags are a-boarding me vessel! Get 'em, lads!"
"We'll never get going in time!" Luke yelled as we climbed aboard.
I looked around at the hopeless maze of sail and ropes. The ship was in great condition for a three-hundred-year-old vessel, but it would still take a crew of fifty several hours to get underway.
There were two of us and we didn't have several hours. I could see the pirates running down the stairs, waving tiki torches and sticks of celery.
I closed my eyes and concentrated on the waves lapping against the hull, the ocean currents, the winds all around me. Suddenly, the right word appeared in my mind. "Mizzenmast!" I yelled.
"Bless you!" Luke yelled back as the air was filled with whistling sounds of ropes being snapped taut, canvases unfurling, and wooden pulleys creaking.
Luke ducked a cable that flew over his head and wrapped itself around the bowsprit.
"Allie, how the fuck..."
I didn't have an answer, but I could feel the ship responding to me as if it were part of my body. I willed the sails to rise as easily as if I were flexing my arm. I willed the rudder to turn.
The Queen Anne's Revenge lurched away from the dock, and by the time the pirates arrived at the water's edge, we were already underway, sailing into the Sea of Monsters.
*    *    *
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lifewiththelulus · 8 months
You already know Birch spoils those kids lol Anything they want they'll get if they ask her
So do the Ashwoods. They don't have money to not spend it on family friends
Kindlin is just happy that if something ever happens to her that they won't be left alone
Plume is not a kid person but he felt a need to promise to be there for em. "After all they'll need an amazing mentor on how to be as smoke as me" he jokes halfheartedly
Kindlin appreciates him but never pushes the kids on him She wouldn't have him babysit unless he offered cus she sees he's sort of uncomfortable But she does tell him he's doing good when they first let him hold them
" can i make them flower crowns?" "Sure?" "Ok I'm in" Don't worry though if anybody even looks at them the wrong way the short King anger comes out. "I know pansies but I'm not one. I can arrange to have this foot up your ass"
Kin: "language!"
She used to cuss like a sailor but stopped when they started planning for a baby
"oh come on Kin they can't even understand me" all it takes is one look and he's just begrudgingly "yes ma'am"
Charlie: …Ahssh
Kin: "you know how fudging hard it is to not use real cuss words!? This took me months to get the hang of you butter fudger!"
Cirrus: So how was the visit sweety? Kindlin: Well, Charlie said his first word. Cirrus: Really!? What is it!? Kindlin: …
Well at least you dont have to worry about mimi swearing
I can see Auroras first word The kids are in their highchairs and Cirrus and Kindlin are running around trying to fill an order She sees a cupcake on the counter and keeps trying to reach it but can't and can't get their attention pointing at it so she gets upset and just shouts "CAKE!" and keeps trying to reach it. Kindlin dropped the tray she was holding and whipped around to see if Cirrus heard what she heard
Charlie would throw his own bowl onto the floor to copy momma, Charlie is going to grow up to be a little menace
Kin knew from the moment he said his first word too XD But she still loves him with her whole damn heart.
Her favorite thing is scooping them all up at once and smothering them in kisses Their laughter and delighted squeals are her favorite sound in the world
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addictofanimation · 2 years
I'm A Little Upset...
The anti kaeluc and anti luckae tags aren't even safe. Like, at all. This is a bit of a long one, so ignore it if you don't want to read this monstrosity.
I tried to look up some brotherly posts again and the tag is just filled with people hating "antis" and making all kinds of excuses to ship them and even trying to make arguments for it like eremika and guys who fall for their childhood friends. I myself don't really care for eremika and don't really watch AoT unless it's just the scene where Eren transforms for the first time, but did Eren ever consider Mikasa a sister? Did he ever refer to her that way? Or did his mother just help take care of Mikasa because she thought she would be all alone if she didn't? Besides (spoiler), they don't even get together in the end. Eren apparently got together with some other chick and even had a child with her.
What they ignore is that I usually don't like ships where they consider each other family then turn around and fall in love. I don't care if it's m/m, f/f, m/f, or whatever. It's strange and sends all kinds of mixed messages that can screw with a person's head and alter how they see things, especially if they are easily influenced. Not to mention that most of them are fujoshis anyway, not even LGBTQ people. Just straight girls who find it hot when two guys they want to screw, screw each other.
Some of the points they make are nonsensical too. Like relying on their color pallets or completely ignoring how Kaeya's profile has already been corrected of mistranslations, but the fact that he was adopted wasn't changed. Why would it take them over a year to fix a mistranslation? And why would they tell people who ask if Diluc and Kaeya are brothers (myself included), that they are and that they are adopted brothers? Kaeya canonically has referred to Crepus as his father and a Chinese fan has even pointed out that their mother (who spoke much better Chinese than they did) said that Kaeya referred to Diluc and Crepus as his adoptive brother and adoptive father.
It just boggles my mind that they have stooped so low that the only real defense that they try to make is by calling us racist. It's like they forget how anti-gay China is. Sworn brothers weren't invented as a BL trope or just so that gay Chinese people could fly under the radar, though I acknowledge that it's used for that too in recent decades or possibly centuries. It's older than that, much older. Even looking it up describes the bond as familial and it would honestly be pretty dang weird if it wasn't considering "brother" is in the term.
The only real-life comparison I can think of is if you had an adopted sibling that you adored when both of you were younger, practically joined at the hip. Then the two of you have a serious fight at eighteen and go your separate ways. Then when you meet again about three years later, everyone tells you that it's okay to get between the sheets with them because "you're not blood-related anyway, so it doesn't matter."
If someone told me to sleep with my adopted sibling, I'd punch their teeth out their mouth and have my siblings help me curb stomp them just to make a point. Not really, I'm a wimp who can't really fight even if I'm heavy-handed enough to hurt people around me by accident. I could probably be a pretty good fighter if I took the time to learn, but I'm way too lazy. I prefer to read, play video games, watch anime, and go for walks to get some exercise in. One of my siblings has handed my behind to me on a silver platter during the two physical fights we've gotten into.
I'm not gonna test somebody I don't know. That's how I wind up dead in a ditch somewhere. Or dismembered and scattered across the country and never recovered until much later.
Once again, I'd just like to point out that I do not go to these blogs, tweets, or posts to scream about how they are brothers and hurl death threats. I usually ignore them and go about my day. But it's getting really frustrating that I can't find any platonic Diluc and Kaeya content without kaeluc or luckae vastly outnumbering it and making it extremely hard to find. Even the Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings tag on AO3 isn't safe. While I don't hate them, I am getting really tired of their actions.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
What abiut an au where the candle is sentient like casita, and can "talk" but only mirabel understands it as the next chosen "candle holder".
But the candle cusses like a sailor. After Mira's failed cerimony it keeps cussing Alma. Lil Mirabel goes around asking what each cussword is and Julieta goes after Pepa or whoever she thinks is teaching Mirabel cusswords.
Also no one believes Mirabel can really understand the cqndle, sinfe even Alma dones not. They think shes just upset she does not have a gift so she makes one up for herself.
Hell yes
(I have to type it quick though, so sorry for the nonsense-)
Candle Wisperer AU
Ever since Mirabel's door disappeared, she kept hearing strange words that is always yelled when speaking it.
While they were having breakfast, she kept hearing insults towards her abuela, so she decided to ask.
"What's fuck?"
Everyone either stopped eating to look at her in shock, or looked at her in horror.
The candle was also startled.
Julieta immediately looked at her hermana, but she only raised both of her hands and shook her head no.
After that, she kept asking every madrigal adult what the cuss words are.
"Mama what's shit?"
"Papa, what does Fuck You mean?"
"Tìo, what's bitch?"
"Tìa, what is cunt?"
"Uh Abuela- what's a dickhead?"
Everyone practically had heart attacks when she asked those, even Abuela was horrified.
Julieta, the gentle and smart mother she is, decided to think it was a good idea to chase everyone who cussed.
11-year-old Isabela was trying to hide her imperfect laugh, and since Mirabel was asking the words Dolores didn't understand, she also began to question.
So now they had two kids asking around what are cuss words, Dolores' was worse.
"Mami, what's [VERY MEAN WORD]?"
Now they had two moms trying to find the people who cussed.
Mirabel told them that she could understand the candle, but no one believed her, saying that's just how she copes with no gift.
So a decade later, when Antonio's Ceremony was happening, she heard the candle yelling for her, telling her to go to the center of the casita and look for herself.
She dashed to the center, seeing tons of cracks, the canon still happens, but with the Candle cussing out Alma so much Mirabel wanted to just speak what they're cussing.
"Tell her to fucking accept her family and not the shitty gifts Miracle created!" "Candle no, mama will ground me for the swear words."
When she was about to go to Bruno's room later on, the Candle suddenly said something strange.
"Don't fall twice, alright?" Mirabel was confused. So when she step foot, she fell and landed on the sand, making her E A T T H E S A N D -
She guessed that was the fall, so she won't fall again.
When she got out, the candle sweared.
"Shit- you almost died didn't you?" "How did you know?!" "I felt it, your damn soul almost fuckin' went to a cliff."
The dinner scene happens, the WECID scene happens. But something was wrong.
Abuela was yelling at Mirabel, when all of a sudden, Mirabel was told that she should repeat every word the candle says.
So, she did it.
"You're one of the reasons why Bruno left."
"You didn't fucking stop the rumours of him! You just let them!"
"You didn't fucking stop the rumours of him. You just let them."
"Was Pedro's shitty sacrifice a joke to you..?"
"You. Made. Your family. Have trauma too. You forgot they were human."
Everyone stared at her in horror. Her tone made them know she was repeating someone, but where?
"The Miracle is dying because of you!" A crack opened beneath them.
Everything happened too fast. (God, I'm becoming lazier at writing I'm so sorry-)
And then everything was fixed.
Mirabel was staring at the doorknob she was holding, she placed it on the door. The casita began to become magical again, everyone gaining their powers back.
"Hola, Casita." She waved back at the house.
While they were partying, her mama asked her a question on how she knew the cuss words ever since her ceremony. She just said that she kept hearing the candle say it.
So they practically knew she was the next candle holder.
"I'm back bitches! I didn't die!" "The candle said they're back and didn't die."
"Wait, where's the candle?" Antonio asked. Everyone looked to where thr candle was supposed to be, seeing nothing.
"Oh shit. How did I hear the candle when it's gone?'
Sorry that it moved on too fast, I was in a hurry, but I hope you enjoyed this!
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non-un-topo · 2 years
Just…just any thoughts on them being the wlw mlm gang of history 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (after typing this out I realize this sounds like a poor Victorian child in media “please any spare thoughts please 🥺” ajjdkflsa)
Oh so many thoughts, friend ;_; (disclaimer: I know we hardly have any canon content of the four of them together and I'm running on 374567 headcanons in a trench coat but I'm trying to stay on the canon track and also. i just love them a lot.)
I've said it before but the fact that they are the oldest couples in the world, and they're all gay..??? It's something about the level of closeness and understanding that they all must have had with each other, it just does things to me. It's no secret that the old guard is a queer story (both in the obvious sense as in there are queer characters, but also in the sense that it queers conventional big-action hero stories). It doesn't shy away from showing us just how isolating immortal life must be. Now, imagining that throughout hundreds to thousands of years... with four queer characters? Two of whom are racialized? We've got different levels of social isolation and oppression.
It's hard to even imagine the impact they collectively had on "social outcasts," so to speak, or people who were othered. And the fact that they were two couples adds another layer of love and trust and commitment to all their work.
It's no secret that queer people have been deliberately erased from history for centuries (and are still erased in media--looking at you, Disney), but the existence of Andy/Quynh and Joe/Nicky (as fictional characters and also as characters within the fiction) just prove all that shit wrong by being old af and explicitly gay.
In a crack-ier vein, I really do think that being queer would have potentially made their bond even stronger. It's like being in their own little in-group all the time (and we're delving into headcanon territory), travelling wherever and whenever but always as a unit, likely apart from most of the people they interacted with. I mean, I imagine spending centuries with the same handful of people would warrant a super tight bond and probably extinguish all modesty, but even moreso if all parties in the group are gay. (I may be thinking about the four of them doing all sorts of taboo shit, like sharing a bedchamber, a bath, helping each other get dressed, cussing in front of the "ladies," or more likely Andy and Quynh swearing like sailors, sparring together, sharing clothes, etc)
Anyway I've gone on a tangent <33 I will stop there!
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azikarue · 2 years
MayBlade 2022 : Day 13 : Stars
Max/Mariam | FFN Rating: K | FFN Link ❖ Mariam couldn't put her problem into words because it didn't make sense.
She didn't know why she was getting snippy with Max all of a sudden when he was the only person she wanted to spend time with, or why his apartment felt cloying when it was one of her favorite places to be. Nothing had changed from her last trip to New York. If anything Max had fewer distractions with his spring semester finished and summer on the horizon. But still, she was frustrated.
Normally getting some fresh air helped, so she spent a few good hours in the park parting overconfident opponents from their cash. She returned at the end of the day, tired and hungry and wanting to scream. The last one wasn't normal and made her feel like a horrible person for souring her time with her boyfriend with a poor attitude.
Max knew her well, so it didn't take him long to pick up on her mood.
"Mariam, is something wrong?" he asked her on a Thursday as she came back to the apartment cussing like a sailor. She'd meant to do it under hear breath, but when she had trouble unlocking his door, it escalated.
"Nothing," she snapped, immediately regretting it when some of the sunshine faded from his face. "I don't know," she tried instead. It felt truer, but no less comforting. "Just tired, I guess."
Later that night, when she should have been sleeping, she climbed to the roof and stared at the sky. What ought to have been a canopy of stars was an unremarkable, inky darkness in the city lights. Whatever comfort she'd been expecting to find there was unavailable.
When she finally returned to bed, she tossed and turned until she fell into an uneasy slumber.
It was after noon by the time she woke up on Friday, and Max was packing a bag.
"What are you doing?" she asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Are you going somewhere?"
"We both are," Max answered cryptically. He zipped his duffel bag shut and hauled it up over his shoulder. "I'm gonna put some things in the car and make a quick stop. Think you can be packed and ready to go by the time I get back?"
"Packed for what and to go where?" Mariam didn't mask her annoyance; she wasn't one for surprises, especially first thing.
Max pondered her for a moment, annoyingly refusing to buckle under her glower. He dropped his bag to the floor to sit on the edge of the bed. His touch was tender when he tucked her hair behind her ear, taming some of her bedhead along the way, and leaned in to kiss the center of her forehead.
"You'll find out," he promised. "Just trust me."
"Max..." she warned. There it was again – the familiar prickle of nameless frustration that she'd been trying to tamp down for the better part of a week. Her fingers were itching for her launcher, even though her days in the park hadn't done the trick so far.
He must have been able to tell she was about to refuse, because he laced his fingers with hers, gave her one of his looks, and said, "Please, Mariam?"
She sighed. The fight was leaving her with every second she stared into his blue eyes and every brush of his thumb over her knuckles.
"What should I pack?"
The only hint he gave her was that they were going to be outside some of the time and that she should dress comfortably. After shoveling some of her own clothes and plenty of his sweatshirts into an overnight bag, she took a quick shower to help her wake up the rest of the way.
When Max came back from wherever he needed to stop off, he carried Mariam's bag to the car for her and tossed it in the backseat. She didn't ask why he wasn't using the trunk. She didn't even ask where they were going, because she knew he wouldn't tell her. She just settled down on the passenger's side and kicked her feet up onto the dash.
"Part of your quick stop better have been for food," she said as he pulled his door shut behind him.
Max's only answer was a laugh. He reached behind her seat and brought forward a bag of miscellaneous snacks. Maybe whatever he had planned wouldn't be so bad, after all.
They drove for hours. With Max's company and the windows down, it wasn't unbearable. Eventually the cityscape melted into miles of forests and hillsides and Mariam began to feel simultaneously lighter and sleepier. Long car rides always did it to her, and the lingering jet lag didn't help.
She nodded off at some point and only woke up when Max was getting out of the car because it triggered the interior lights. And Max, hardwired to notice her every move, quickly apologized for disturbing her.
"I can work on getting set up if you want to rest some more," he offered, as if she had a clue what he was talking about.
Mariam waved him off. She'd rather see what kind of surprise he'd cooked up for her – all she could see from here were lots of trees. Not to mention, she needed to stretch her legs. There was a chill in the air, so she shrugged into a hoodie before stepping out of the car and promptly stopping in her tracks.
They were parked on a patch of gravel, tucked away in a pocket of trees. Straight ahead was a flat stretch of grass, the individual blades swaying in the mountain breeze. When she looked up, the sky was full of as many stars as Max had freckles on his face, plus billions more. It took her breath away.
"Do you like it?" Max's question broke the spell. He had two sleeping bags hugged to his chest and a quizzical expression on his face. He toed the gravel, a bundle of nervous energy. "I followed you to the roof last night. It didn't seem like you found what you were looking for, and I thought–"
She cut him off with a kiss. There weren't words she could find to describe the way her world righted on its axis in that moment, or her gratefulness for him somehow knowing exactly what she needed, even when she didn't.
The sleeping bags hit the ground as she crowded his arms. He didn't seem to spare them a second thought, pulling her into his embrace in a hurry. When she broke the kiss to tuck her head under his chin, she could feel his heart thrumming quickly where her hand lay on his chest.
"Do you want me to set up the tent?" Max asked, pillowing his cheek on top of her head.
"Not yet," she answered, more than content to stargaze from her favorite spot in his arms.
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londonfog-chan · 4 years
Abbacchi x Reader: Sudoh Buck AU
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The coffee shop Abbacchio THIRST everyone keeps losing their collective shit over on AO3 and admittedly the chapter where I decided I was one thirsty ass bitch. All characters aged up.
"Ok, fucking Darth Vader over here, whoever has their headset on turn it the fuck off! Sounds like you're doing something gross!"
Darth Vader is an understatement. Whenever someone leaves their headset on and does any task, your ears are assaulted with what sounds like some mouth breather huffing directly into your ear canal.
Not even two shifts into Passione and you're already showing your coworkers that you have the capacity to look innocent, but have the mouth of a sailor. In a fitting turn of events you've been put on customer support, free to fuck off wherever you wish and cuss all you want on the headset. No one at your store appreciates your humor, in fact any time you make a joke they conveniently pretend they don't hear you or they grimace until the situation becomes awkward and you have to shut your mouth before you make an even bigger ass of yourself. Here at this location, the boys eat it up with a spoon. They can't get enough of your jokes, encouraging you whenever they force a headset on your head the minute you clock in. Even the new girl Trish, a pretty thing with dyed pink hair and a smile that goes for miles, joins in on the never ending train of dirty jokes, profanities, and general riff raff that makes Bruno bitch at everyone involved like a single mother.
But at the moment, the breathing most certainly does not belong to Bruno. Usually he's the one who always casually reminds people when they leave their headsets on.
"Mista!" you growl, "Turn it off or breathe less!"
"It's not me." he insists, the beep of the warming oven being cut off as he mutes himself.
"Narancia, I love you but I don't need to hear what it's like for you to get laid!"
"Negative babe~... I'm on drive bar." Narancia replies.
"Not me hunty." she answers, and the sound of the wind in her headset confirms this.
"Fugo, I swear to fuck-..."
"It's me. Fugo doesn't have a headset."
Immediately you press on the sprayer head a little too hard and the back splash soaks the entire front of your apron and your uniform shirt. The voice you're greeted with on the headset is totally foreign, and unmistakably sexy. A low hum, almost like Bruno's baritone, and much like the rest of the crew you've come to love it's colored with the slightest hue of an accent that makes your knees start to knock together. Admittedly you're bad with voices and just as worse with names. You can't put a face to this voice no matter how hard you try, and it's no wonder considering that out of all the stores in the district, Passione has more employees than any of them, including H. Green and S. Platinum locations which are always overstaffed because of the sheer amount of business compared to the meager crowds you get at Ogre Street.
But... With that voice... if you were a customer you'd fucking live at that drive thru just to hear him read back your order to you.
"Woah..." you're nearly moaning the words "I'm wet in more ways than one, who the fuck is this?"
"It's Leone." he replies, voice low and sultry, "Sorry about that, I was eating a bagel."
Leone... who the fuck is Leone? Surely he has to be one of the other baristas whose names you never bothered to learn... doesn't really matter to you when you have constant attention of the store's man candy. But suddenly this is a whole new person with the sexiest voice you've ever heard giving you attention like everyone else. For very obvious reasons, this piques your interest.
"I don't recognize your voice." you said, putting down the whisk you were rinsing. "What's your last name?"
"Abbacchio." he responds. "We haven't met face to face yet, but I've seen you before. You're the beanie from Ogre Street right? It's nice to finally talk to you. I think you're really pretty."
... Oh sweet baby Jesus why aren't you taking the wheel yet!?
"Aww, and aren't you just a sweetheart?" you murmur, leaning over the sink as your voice drops to a near whisper. "Wait... Aren't you the one with the pretty handwriting in the book?"
His chuckle makes you honest to god swoon, and even Bruno peeks his head in to check on you when you make that kind of a noise.
"Yes, that's me." he confirms. "And you're the one with the great customer service. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to you, but I've been listening for a while. I really like your attitude. You're much more fun than your coworkers."
“Really?" you ask, taking up more dirty dishes, "Big shocker there, I'm surprised no one at this store is drooling over Ogre Street's heartthrob one miss Kimmy."
"Meh. I think the consensus is that you're the favorite barista out of everyone from your store if we're being honest."
That's Narancia, and even Abbacchio agrees with the rest of the crew. They all start complimenting you, how you never ask stupid questions, you try to help out any way you can. They honestly can't go two minutes without berating the other coworkers. It's all things you'd normally do to try and be helpful, but you're not sure exactly why it's so endearing to all of them. You're just another barista? It's never mattered to anyone this much before. Especially when you always come home in tears at your other location. It must be that you're not used to receiving compliments in such abundance.
"Agreed." reaffirms Abbacchio. "You're really agreeable, and I like your jokes. Your laugh is really sexy."
"Well aren't you a flatterer." you smile, putting the dishes to soak in the sani solution before throwing them for another go in the dish washer. "But I like having my ego stroked. Tell me more about how I'm wonderful, Abbacchio."
You can tell he's about to reply, until you hear the mournful "ding" from the drive thru sensors indicate that someone wants to order. You hear him tell you "hold that thought" before he turns his charms the customer.
"Hello there..." he purrs into the headset, "Welcome to Sudoh Buck, what can I get started for you today?"
The customer murmurs an "oh wow" before she remembers why she came here in the first place.
"Um yes hi can I please get a..."
It doesn't take much for you to zone out and return to your task. As soon as you finish up this set of dishes, you'll be able to take your last ten before you go home for the day. Customer Support is one of those coveted positions because you have little to no interactions with customers at a busy store. Bruno sets you to work with a task list, you work to the limit on the timer on your apron. Whenever it goes off, you have to drop what you're doing and come back to front to brew coffee. If anyone needs anything, like if Mista runs out of warming bags or Narancia needs more cups or milk, all they have to do is press the button on the headset and set you forth to do their bidding. Admittedly, you don't find yourself going straight home anymore. Even your brother, stoic and nonchalant, makes comments about it whenever you come home an hour or two later than the time you're supposed to. Mom, well, she's a worrier, and thinks you're getting up to no good shenanigans. But let's be real, when you live in the house you live in any trysts with potential suitors goes out the window. Your brother is in college and his schedule is unpredictable, and your mom is a homemaker.
The minute Abbacchio tells the flustered woman to pull up to the window, he returns to shower you with compliments over the headset, calling you the prettiest thing he's ever seen to put on an apron, how cute your angry face looks when you're totally focused on bar, even busting out some cutesy nicknames that make you squirm as you try to finish up your dishes. Strangely enough, everyone else is silent on the headset, letting you and Abbacchio get acquainted with one another to your heart's content, the lull in the conversation only happening when a customer pulls up. Eventually, like all good things, the compliments come to an end and the conversation turns to other topics.
"So you said you live with your mom?" Abbacchio asks after taking an order of five different fraps. You can hear Narancia cussing softly as he has to make each individual drink.
"Yeah, my mom and my big brother." you affirm. "It's the most I can afford in this town. Everything's so goddamn expensive, I couldn't even afford to make the first and last month's rent on the cheapest place in town, and my brother can't move in with me yet since he's doing school full time. But enough about me, what about you?"
"Mm? What about me?" he asks, flirt evident in his voice.
"Which country do I have to thank for that blessed ass accent you have?"
"That's Italy." he laughs. "I've been with the company for over six years, I started out at the reserve roastery in Milan and came here when Buccellati offered me a job. I came on a work visa, and now you can't get rid of me. I'm one of your shift supervisors."
"Well, temp supervisor anyway." you respond rather sadly. "It's too bad this store hadn't been opened before I got hired. Otherwise I would have loved to start here."
"I still think you should transfer." interjects Trish. "No one likes Ogre Street anyways."
"I... I'd have to think about it."
"What's there to think about anyway?" Abbacchio asks, and you stop scrubbing the chocolate pump for a minute. "If you transfer here, I'd get to talk to you every single day. Tips are shit but you can move up if you'd like."
"And the best part is if you transfer here, we can see your huge ass every time you bend over." Mista chimes in.
"MISTA! WE ARE AT WORK!" Bruno sounds exasperated over the headset.
"Oh yeah, my bad boss. I mean to say we can see your venti ass every time you bend over."
Everyone loses their shit for a minute to laugh as Bruno begins to berate the very bad and naughty warming man off headset. Before he mutes, you can hear him threaten disciplinary action, and you can't stop howling in the back. Nearly falling over just thinking about it.
"So how about it cuteness?" Abbacchio asks, and his voice is so warm and inviting you can't help but smile. "Think it's worth us stealing you away to stay here?"
"Yeah... I dunno. Like I said, I'd have to think about it. Besides, I think working here would just give my mommy an excuse to show up more often..."
A shrill sound assaults your ears, the timer, and you sigh.
"Now the age old question..." you wonder aloud, "What the fuck did I brew last?"
"I know we've been selling a lot of medium and dark." Abbacchio replies. "And it's already ten thirty, just cut the blonde and do full batches. Narancia can do pour overs."
"Ah yes," you can hear the mischief in Narancia's voice. "My special americano pour overs."
"You know Narancia, one of these days corporate is gonna walk in and see all the shit you do and your ass is going to get canned." you respond, laughing as you wash your hands in the employee sink before going back out to front.
"Fuck it." he laughs. "It won't bother me none, Buccellati can take care of me with all that Mama Daddy money he's got."
"Oh hey, cara mia, when you come up to front, come to drive. I've got something for you."
That was Abbacchio, and for a hot minute you're almost nervous, like a first date, at the prospect of seeing him face to face.
"Oh yeah? And what would that be?"
"Well," you hear the rustle of the bag, "It's cat shaped, and really cute, like a certain barista I know..."
"OOOOOOOOH DADDY!" you squeal. "You've just made me the happiest girl on earth!"
He's found your weakness. The quickest way for any man to get to your heart is to dangle some motherfucking food in your face, no lie. Even your brother has commented on more than one occasion that if anyone wanted to take you all they had to do was dangle a fucking cupcake in your face and you were toast. And it doesn't help that you called your mom squealing about the cute little kitty shaped cake pops they had out for the season.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Come and get this and we can meet in person."
Ever the one to be lured in with the prospect of free food, you run your ass to the front, nearly bowling over Mista as you skid to a halt at the nook where the drive thru window is located. To your ever lasting shock, you come face to face with the last person you'd ever expect to be flirting with you so boldly.
"Holy shit..." you breathe. "Abbacchio?"
It's the dude who gang faced you the first day you came in, and ironically the one who got fed up with your friend's bar time. Silver hair pulled into a pony tail, glistening purple lips, snatched makeup that's too perfect for a barista... All put together in a black apron. His glare never leaves his face, but maybe... Just maybe, he's like your brother and just has a very bad case of resting bitch face. Because you get a little hopeful when he sees you and his lipstick mouth smiles, beckoning you over with a warming bag in his hand. When Abbacchio reaches in, he pulls out the very treat you've been craving all day since you've seen it. This is the best part of the job. Sometimes some customers forget they get food and never come back, and it just sits there for hours until someone has to throw it away, or they'll change their mind last minute about the food, or worse yet someone on warming (Mista) will fuck up an order and get the wrong sandwich. If it's a sandwich, nine times out of ten you have to toss it, but if it's a sweet treat it's usually fair game for anyone to enjoy since it will just go in the trash. You love to have the mistake foods, sometimes you'll take them to your brother at the college, or more often than not you'll take them home to share with your mother. She loves sweets, and working for a coffee chain she normally can't afford to frequent is such a rare treat that you love to spoil her.
"Oh my god!" you coo, "Is that a kitty cat cake poop just for me??"
"Just for you." he chuckles. "Why do you call it that anyway?"
"I dunno. For some reason the feral part of my brain activates whenever I see words and I just like to play around with them and mutter weird things to myself. I tried telling it to my SM at Ogre Street and he told me I better not call it that, otherwise I might slip and call it a cock pop or something."
He can't help the smile that spreads over his face, and he suddenly gets a very naughty glint in his eye as he twirls the cake pop in your direction.
"So?" he asks. "You made such a big to do about being friendly on the headset. Be a good girl and take a bite of the treat I worked so hard to get for you. Come on, take a big nom nom out of this cock pop~."
You hope and pray that by some stroke of bad luck that no one you know outside of work just heard that. Not one to be shown up when it comes to flirting, you don't miss a beat as you step forward. With a look in your face that would make your mother faint if she knew how filthy you were being, you waste no time in licking a stripe slowly up the cake pop before taking a fat ass bite out of the head. Abbacchio's grin could split his entire face in half, and even more so when you use your teeth to pull the pop stick out of his hand.
"Hey... hunty, question?" it's Trish interrupting the positively predatory stares you and Abbacchio are giving each other. She's been listening in this whole time.
"Yes Trisha my love?" you respond, not taking your eyes off Abbacchio.
"Just one question... Can you eat pussy like that?"
A cacophony of screams and your screech of "NASTY WOMAN" makes Trish lose her shit outside, and Bruno swears up and down from the back office that he's going to write up the next person who says something filthy over headset during his shifts.
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