#i'm planning on writing this eventually but for now have a shitpost about it
how zhongli met god!reader (a sneak peek)
Paimon: so how did you guys meet?
Zhongli: through a friend
God!Reader: he made a mess of my forest and I got so mad I tossed him out
God!Reader: ... er, but Guizhong arranged a meeting for us so he could apologize
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genericpuff · 2 months
Big steps are scary, but not moving forward is scarier u.u
So I've been sitting on this post for a little while now, I had planned to post it a few days ago but then I crashed for a nap and woke up to the news of LO ending so wound up using that as another excuse LOL
The last few months have been, to put it lightly, brutal. It's not that anything has happened, it's more like nothing is happening - the usual slow season in tattooing has been especially long, with especially less clients coming through the door, so while it's given me loads of free time to prepare for my conventions and work on other projects, it also means I'm not making as much as I'd usually make. And what I usually make is typically what supports everything I do here.
This has basically been me for the last half a year:
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(riding it out, just riiiding it out, whoof)
I'm very fortunate to have a job that satisfies my dream of making a living off art, controlling my own schedule, and making money doing it to boot - but the caveat to it all is that it's a luxury service that relies on the economy around me doing well, and the economy around me right now is very much NOT doing well. I'm also very fortunate that my savings are capable of supporting me, but that's all they are, savings - if I'm not making anything, they'll burn up eventually. I'm not sure how physically capable I would be of going back into retail / food service, and it's honestly just not something I want to do after coming this far as a tattoo artist.
I've also learned how valuable and necessary collaboration is during projects like these. Not just to supplement the quality of the work itself, but to supplement the working experience as a whole. Working with an assistant has been an eye-opening experience in that regard.
When I set out to make this account, it was for the purpose of LO shitposting, edits, essays, and nothing much more than that. I wanted to keep it separate for the sake of my mental health and for the sake of my separate audiences, because when I started here, it just... wasn't a popular opinion in the slightest to have opinions about LO and comics like it outside of the positive norm. I had a lot of fear for a long time built up in my head over it, but as time has gone on, I've fortunately had mostly positive experiences and even when they aren't positive... I've proven to myself that I'm capable of moving forward through it all with my head held high and that these scary experiences aren't as scary as they tend to seem in my head. That's really just the funny thing about fear over any sort of 'risky' endeavor.
That said, I've also branched out a lot more from this blog's original purpose. I've talked about the process of making webcomics, Webtoons as a platform, offered alternatives to creators seeking refuge from the more corporate platforms, given out writing and art advice, discussed topics concerning Greek myth, shared my own original works, and basically just naturally progressed into talking about and doing other things because LO will end eventually and I don't want to restrict myself to talking about the same comic forever LOL
This is a crossroads that I've been at for a few months now. And I know nothing will change unless I take a step forward. It might wind up not being in the right direction in the end, but it's forward, and that's all that really matters to me, because staying in the same place forever isn't good for anyone.
So, I guess I'm gonna stop yapping and just show y'all what I've been working on! I brought this up in a Twitch stream the other day and people in the chat were all very supportive and optimistic, so I'm hoping those of you who follow me here will be too ╭( ・ㅂ・)و (and if not, well, you can kick my ass in my inbox later LOL)
I've applied for my genericpuff account on Twitch to become an Affiliate channel and am just waiting on the approval process. Assuming everything goes through well enough, y'all will be able to subscribe to my channel or support it with bits. If I do get approved I'll be doing a rehaul of the channel design and offering some fun lil' goodies for the chat, and I'll be trying to stream at least twice a week.
So please go follow my Twitch account if you haven't yet! It's the best way to get early sneak peeks of Rekindled, as I'm usually working on new episodes, but we're usually also chatting about LO, webtoons related stuff, and other fun topics ٩(。•ω•。)و
But now for the biggest new addition - I've started a Patreon account specifically for my genericpuff stuff ! Normally I would redirect anyone who asked to my main Patreon, but it's not as active nowadays simply due to my original projects being on hiatus. And it's not exactly the best space to share any bonus goodies related to my genericpuff account.
That said, I want to make it clear that I will still be putting limitations on what I offer on this page. Anything related to early access sneak peeks will still be free for all. This will be a glorified tip jar first and foremost, most of what I will be offering as bonus goodies and incentives will be stuff like time lapses of pages, art tutorials, original character designs, critique requests, early access adoptables, deleted scenes, etc.
Basically it'll be stuff that I'm already making (or want to make) but will be exclusive to patrons that won't be tied exclusively to the reading experience of Rekindled. The comic will always be free to read, not just because of the legal stipulations of it being a fan project, but because I want it to be.
Alternatively, if you want to access the stuff I have planned for my original work that I will be posting as early access to my Patreon once it rolls out, you can support that Patreon here!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much for supporting what I do here, in all of its niche craziness. Building this little community over the past year has been life-changing, and I don't say that lightly. I've worked very hard to maintain what I'm doing here, and I'm going to continue doing so - it's a privilege to write and draw for you all week after week, and I appreciate any and all support you can give so I can keep managing what I do.
And if you can't, that's okay! The best way you can support my work is to read it, share it, and engage with it! Remember that reblogs will always be more beneficial than likes, and please don't ever be afraid to pop in to our streams or into our Discord to say hello! It would be a joy to have you ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
Thank you all so much. This has been a big barrier to overcome on a mental level, my anxiety is through the ROOF right now, but I'm so grateful and glad I have such a wonderful circle of readers, community members, and friends who have offered their reassurance through this slow season and process of seeking support. Whether or not this is a step in the right direction, it's at least forward <3 And whatever comes of it, we'll see. But I'll be riding it out all the same ~
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lethesbeastie · 6 months
Ahem I can be So Normal About MHC I swear I swear I'm So Normal—
To answer your question, Monster Hunters Club is a homebrewed campaign based on dnd 5e run by my friend @llcursed-imagell that I've been hyperfixated on for roughly 3(?) Years alfhskfjslfjs!!! It's an urban fantasy meets american gothic storyline following a group of kids in a small West Virginia town as they get pulled into an interdimensional plot that threatens their home.
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<<< some of the original artwork I did a year ago when everything started akfhskfjs
The original campaign ran for 9 sessions, and I've got roughly 43 ½ hours of audio recorded from them, but due to personal issues the beta campaign was cut short. However, the dm and remaining players still adore the world and characters, so we're planning on reviving it to do an official podcast/multimedia series when everyone is in a safe financial place to do so! In the meantime, I've been doing copious amounts of research into everything from Appalachian folklore to homelessness among queer youth in order to properly flesh out a compelling narrative backstory for my player character, and have been actively working on setting up fully fledged concept art/character designs/comic scripts/etc so when we're ready to start production most of the artistic work is already in progress.
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<<< Some of my more recent sketches working on making sure designs are recognizable and distinct
In MHC I play Chorus, a young bard who settled in the small town of New Haven after being homeless for two years. There's honestly So Much I could say about them, but for now I'll leave it at this: Chorus' greatest desire is to reunite with their sister, Artemis, who disappeared from their hometown after a mysterious creature began haunting the woods. They're determined to bring her home safely or die trying.
Monster Hunters Club has been an absolute joy to work on with my friends, and I'm incredibly grateful for the patience of my dm whose been subjected to paragraphs of character thoughts on a nearly daily basis for 3 years akfhskfhsd. I'm really hoping that I'll eventually be able to start producing comics to introduce the characters and world before the campaign gets started, but it'll depend on college/finances/life in general. In the meantime, I'll just keep drawing shitposts, writing music, and making 24 hour long character playlists akfhskfjsk
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cheeriecherrymain · 7 months
I uhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,
,,,,,would like to issue a formal apology about these last several months. By which I mean, my complete and utter radio silence (aside from the occasional shitpost).
Life has been hectic! In great ways, in wonderful ways, and,,,,in some not so good ways, too.
In June, my baby sister was born! She's amazing and incredible, and she's so so cute! I've never wanted kids of my own (neither adopted or biological) but I love taking care of kids. I love teaching them, and playing with them, and I love seeing what kinds of wacky shit they do.
I've been really involved with helping my parents with my sister, and such a duty has taken up a lot of my time. My whole world has basically been revolving around this tiny little human, and around the rest of my family.
And as such, I started neglecting my desire to write. At least in the beginning.
In April of 2023, something happened. I don't really know what, but I can pinpoint the exact day that my mood shifted. Nothing overly concerning, but a moment in time to be slightly suspicious of: a feeling I haven't felt in many years.
Not a crisis or anything like that, but the beginning of what could become a months-long episode, if I wasn't careful. I've dealt with this kind of thing for nearly twenty years now, which means I know my own signs. I know not to ignore those seemingly-small actions and thoughts, because they can absolutely lead to something bigger.
So for a little while, I tried to really focus on writing - something I love. Something that I'm passionate about. I tried to focus on art, and on painting, and on music. But it slowly became harder and harder. My thoughts grew muddled and slow, new ideas weren't forming, no matter how hard I tried. Even when trying to find different subjects, it was the same.
My creativity had just. Stopped.
So I set it all down for a bit. Slowed down my progress, and gave myself permission to rest and recuperate and take care of myself. I was hoping that I had just 'sprained my brain', and that soon I'd be back on my dramatic nonsense, typing away and having fun.
But that...didn't happen.
And my mood kept sinking lower and lower. No matter how I kept up my self care routines, no matter how much I tried to do the things I know that I enjoy.
So I talked to my parents. I set up an appointment with my doctor. I got in to see my therapist again. I feel like I'm failing, for not being able to keep up with a community I love. I know that I'm not, deep down, but the anxiety is still there, on the surface.
I'm sad that I'm not able to write anything right now. I'm sad that I'm not able to create art. I'm sad that I can't sit down and read, and enjoy, and scream about all sorts of beautiful pieces that get posted. I'm sad that i'm not able to keep up with the friends I've made here.
Having a supportive household has been an incredible benefit for me, it always has. But especially now, when my own brain is kicking me in the ass for reasons I can't even figure out.
I'm so grateful to have a tiny human to focus on, during a time when I'm not able to do much else. All these people bring light and happiness and peace to my life, and I don't know where I'd be without them.
All this being said, I hope you guys understand! I'm not going away any time soon: I'm still here. Lurking. And I absolutely plan on coming back to writing, eventually. That's not something I'd ever give up. Ever.
But I am taking a break, for my own benefit. We gotta take care of ourselves, the same way we desire to take care of others!
So instead of 'goodbye', I'll say this instead: I'll see you guys in a while!
With love,
Cherry <3
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jade-of-mourning · 3 months
hiii so uh I just found ur account but I see you post a decent amount of mako stuff,,,
are you planning on putting any of that on ao3 (finished fics or blurb ideas turned into fics) or is it solely tumblr? and would you possibly mind some short stuff based on some of your posts? idk he’s js my newest hyperfixation and your acc is so coolll :3
HI ANON!!!! mako has been in my brain so much for the past few months; i just restrain myself from posting seven times a day and instead, i aggressively brainrot in my discord server with a single person in it. (it's me — i'm the single person)
i've been juggling a couple fics for ao3 on him lately (account, mostly atla writing), though tragically i've been at a bit of a writing block. it's probably from overthinking story structures, but trust that i'll get at least a couple of them out eventually haha. the main one is a post-canon fic called rose beds and gasoline veins at 11.9k as of now, followed by a silly 10-chapter 14-year-old-avatar!mako au called snowglobes don't shake on their own which i've spent some time casually outlining (featuring jinora and asami!). there's a post i spontaneously conjured up that would roughly act as half of the first chapter. i'll post the summary if you're curious lol
i've also got a couple random/short oneshots that i spontaneously wrote and completed, before promptly forgetting that i can post them, so… maybe i'll do that soon. one of them is a slightly different take on mako & bolin's family in ba sing se, on some of their cultural differences and traumas through hot pot (which i might expand into a longer oneshot on ao3 after i finish rose beds). the other one was initially a joke about him (who i like to hc as aro lol) accidentally being a really big fan of sex. it's very vague but it turned out kind of angsty in exploring how mako deliberately gives up control in an attempt to frame himself as his mother rather than the man who killed her (coping fr); it's not really up my usual alley, but i might post it somewhere sometime idk. i didn't ever really flesh it out in my head but i have some inklings for a mako & kai oneshot on forgiving yourself as a kid, a mako & lin beifong oneshot on his recruitment featuring better characterization than that spontaneous shitpost i made, and a half-written expansion of jobs in an actually comprehensible story-ish format focused more on pre-canon backstory of him and bolin. also, last night i kind of accidentally started an essay arguing the case of reading mako as "this is a male female character somehow", but that's a whole other brainrot. my friends think i'm insane for wanting to write an essay for fun :P
thank you so much for stopping by!!! i love to hear that people love this random fictional character too — it makes me really happy especially considering how many people do not love him haha. literally anyone please send me asks about writing or headcanons or brain thoughts and enable me to talk about mako because i can actually talk about mako so much.
and for the record, sorry for responding with so many words oops. i have a lot of thoughts.
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^^ summary for the avatar!mako au that i might never finish but i think it's a really funny mix of crack and seriousness that i would love to write. maybe after i finish my marimba solo!
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
May I ask why under construction is going to be your final kylux fic?? I'm gonna miss your writing for them if that becomes true 😭
So I talked a little bit about this on twitter, but tbh should’ve here both because half my audience is here and also because tumblr actually has the room for a complete explanation without worrying about character limits lmao
At this point, I don’t intend to stop writing star wars stuff completely if that’s any comfort. I have some renbens I want to do/finish, also a recent bentai idea, plus who knows what inspiration will strike. Even kylux inspo is possible, especially if we get new stuff at some point (like perhaps that comic in august). Nothing is set in stone here. I never thought I’d actually be at a point where this fic feels finishable lmao, yet here I am, so who knows
However, I have been writing kylux for over 7 years now. I posted that moodboard on my anniversary of the first fic I published, though I was reading fic and stuff for a few months before that as well. And it’s just… after this fic is complete, I’m not sure I’ll have anything left to add to kylux, you know? With it, I feel like I’m saying everything that I want to say about them. Writing this, as both rough and rewarding a journey it has been, feels a lot like closure to me. Tbqh I’m expecting a lot of people not to like the subject matter or agree with some things regarding this fic, but for the first time in a while, it really is about me and what I want. It’s a story I have to tell - that’s why it’s driven me mad for 3.5 years lmao. And after it’s done? I’m not sure what will be left to say. Maybe something, in which case more kylux will happen, but also maybe nothing. Essentially, I’m preparing both myself and the people I care about in this fandom (including lovely readers like you) for the latter just in case it is what happens, even though it may not. Maybe when I post it, it’ll get a ton of love and I’ll get flooded with sudden inspo. But maybe not. Everything has to end eventually, sadly, and this just feels to me like an ending, like the closing of a chapter. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s just the feeling I have. I’m going with my gut here rather than a specific plan
Also, as much as I have people in this fandom I truly care about and adore and I have people who care about and like me, whether we’re close friends, mutuals, or just a follower and a person that have never spoken to each other yet the care is there regardless, there’s also some elements to this fandom that are not so great. I know a lot of people who’ve been driven out. I myself was cancelled on twitter for running a particular event and the rest of the fandom hasn’t treated me the same since. The fandom has changed a lot in those 7 years, some of which is for the better, and some of which I think we could’ve done without. Plenty has also stayed the same; both the good and the bad. And I think the fandom as it is today and what I want to get out of it are just unfortunately incompatible. It’s no ones fault, but sometimes a space isn’t giving you what you need it to. I wish it could still give me that, I really really do, but right now it just seems it can’t. And that’s not the entirety of the reason, but it is a factor as to why I’m not as interested in continuing as I once was. I’m just not getting what I need out of the fandom right now. Again, everything is mutable, but it’s felt that way for a bit now
All that being said though, kylux will still very much exist on this blog. I still very much enjoy the ship and I don’t have a new fandom to move to permanently as of yet, so reblogs will continue, as will shitposting and memes and all of it. I recently finished collecting all the tweets I want to preserve here, so there will be an influx of posts, ficlets, memes, all of it, that will be coming sometime in the near future (whenever I have the energy to actually start the process lmao). This is still the kyluxtrashpit, after all lmao
So I’m not leaving the fandom by any stretch, it’s just that I feel like this fic will say all the things I have left to say about kylux. And because the fandom space isn’t giving me what I’m looking for at the moment, I have less interest in seeking out inspiration and rather am letting ideas to come to me, which at present I just don’t have any more beyond this fic. I could be wrong and who knows, maybe there’s another 7 years of kylux ahead of me lmao. But I want everyone who’s supported me at any point during these last 7 years to know ahead of time that it is very possible for this to be my last fic for kylux because I think that’s the least I can do for you all
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thejournaluser · 5 months
HELLO stranger! welcome to my posts- or blogs- or whatever! i still dont know how to use tumblr or how it works!!! this is basically my randomness stuff, take it as you will. i might do blogs just to post poems and stuff, but ye. Enjoy your time here in my acc!
account announcements log:
(jan 26) made lots of poems before making this account. might post them all but it takes a while ughghghg
(jan 27) im starting to write my thoughts here as well. oh well, might as well make fun here in this account LOL
(feb 4) might wanna post stuff about my ocs. dunno why but i thought i wanted to be famous but eh seems illogical
(feb 11) i might write random shitposts because im THAT out of ideas and full of boredom. mega spoilers tho-
(feb 15) hiya peeps. not feeling the ups right now, just the downs. it'll go away eventually but right now i'd rather feel the emotions than bottle them up. i'll be back soon.
(feb 19) hi y'all. im back from the downs and im currently in a valley in between (istg if any beasts would appear i would-) anyway time to do my usual
(feb 20) woah, did not expect my writing prompts to be getting attention lol. might do those just to get some hearts and all. enjoy the stuff btw!
(feb 22) did NOT expect for my post to get this much attention lol. this account was supposed to be a dump for my creativity BUT im glad people are enjoying it. Thank y'all for staying!
(mar 3) might not be up for it but uhh i wanna do story prompts with a side of shitposting. i already did a sample a few hours back here
(mar 5) i dunno anymore. should i turn this posts of mine into a public confession? i mean, no one might read it lol.
(mar 6) lore???
(mar 19) i decided to write something today. a small project, really but due to some trouble i did in school, it inspired me to write it. enjoy.
(apr 6) hello. i'm still alive. anyone alive, still? i stopped the project for now. i'm so burned out.
(apr 12) tasked my friends and fam to give me one word only. and from that one word, i'll have to make a story prompt out of it. enjoy my silly ideas
(apr 13) aight guys. i might make one sentence writing prompts soon.
(apr 17) introducing The Rooftop, a once-planned short story turned into a long series. hope u guys enjoy
(apr 24) hi guys sorry for not posting anything in a while. school's anniversary week and it's absolutely draining now that instead of going home at noon, i now go to school in the evening. i basically live inside the school now
(apr 27) IM BACK! but i'll still be gone in a few days. still have a lot of things to do and too tired to make story prompts.
(may 12) i have to make to make an announcement in may cuz i don't wanna miss a month just in case. also, to make sure i actually did say something interesting: here's my most popular post
(may 22) ok uh im kinda having a slight anxiety attack rn due to drinking three cups of coffee in one sitting
(may 22, pt2) ??? aight, sorry for the past announcement. it was me freaking out. anyway, im fine now and just listening to music to calm myself down. ngl it's getting hot now with three layers of blanket i just put myself in.
(may 26) on may 24 i think... i called, and they hung up.
(may 27) sorry for making the last announcements too personal. anyway, i noticed that i've been reading a lot lately and been getting into different fandoms thanks to this website. might make a blog dedicated to making reviews. dunno
(june2) wassup. birthday and graduate here. and also a fellow pride month celebrator.
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So because AO3 typically doesn't allow some sort of newsfeed option to a user's profile and we really don't want to make a potential TOS-breaking story where we all do is talk about potential ideas/updates with all of our fanfics we're working on, we decided it's better to just make a tumblr blog that's only used for this purpose and this alone because all of us got burnt out on Tumblr and don't really care too much to actively use it, but thought this would be a smarter way to inform our readers of any potential updates and etc.
We're the Aviary System, an officially diagnosed traumagenic DID system that will occasionally write fanfiction, and honestly 98% of it is Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction and it's been that way for over 10+ years. We also went by Draenog Glas on FF.net a long ass time ago, Hedgehog_Oatmeal for several years, and for now one of the main writers of the system is just calling her main account TheAviarySystemWrites on Ao3, at least for the time being until we can figure out a better "brand name" I suppose.
My name is Prim and I am one of the alters in the system and my own account is CombatFrogsFan119 and while I am currently assisting with one of our Sonic fanfics right now I'm planning on eventually branching out, even if it means I make a few shitposts along the way getting stoned up into my eyeballs.
We will be making an FAQ about any potential questions a reader may ask and laying out our main conduct on how we're going to tackle this. Despite us being a system this is IN NO WAY A SYSCOURSE/DID BLOG and would rather keep most details regarding our disorder private unless it directly influenced our work. We will also not participate in any syscourse whatsoever. We're not fans of how Tumblr generally deals with DID so we'd rather just mostly leave that can of worms alone and leave it be.
Also, just as a general warning, most of our works usually deal with sensitive issues such as mental illness, explicit sexual situations (not shown on here due to Tumblr's puritan ways of course), drug use, child abuse, PTSD/trauma, self-harm/suicide and even long in-depth paragraphs about religion. While we do have a few G-rated fics, this is generally pretty rare and most of our shit could be considered "edgy" to some individuals. If you're not in the right mental headspace about any of these subjects it's best you avoid our work.
Rather than make this introductory post longer than it needs to be we'll add an FAQ later, post the line to where it's easily accessible and periodically update it if we can think of any obvious questions and etc. to just lay out to save people's time.
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sapphicwhxre · 3 years
♥︎ pairing: pansy parkinson x fem!reader, past draco malfoy x reader and draco malfoy x pansy parkinson
♥︎ summary: you reconnect with the girl that draco malfoy cheated on you with at hogwarts, and realise you have more in common than you thought ─ including the belief that the other knew they were the other girl.
♥︎ warnings: past cheating, asshole draco, arguing, use of the word slut, swearing, slut shaming, bar/alcohol, enemies to lovers
♥︎ a/n: we’re acknowledging that the title isn’t nemesis it’s nemesis but how taylor swift says it in long story short 💅🏼 also just yay ‘cause idk if anyone remembers since i shitpost so often but i’ve wanted to write this forever and i finally did it!!
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you have got to be fucking kidding me.
that was your first thought when you saw her.
today was horrible. troubles everywhere you went and you thought you’d be safe in your favourite coffee shop. well, you were wrong. in line, there stood pansy parkinson, the slytherin princess herself.
pretty, put together, pansy fucking parkinson. the girl your highschool love ─ or so you’d thought ─ had cheated on you with for a year. you were over draco, truly, and hoped he’d matured after the war but to see the reason for all his lies to you left a stinging, bitter taste in your mouth.
you’d finish your coffee and be on your way, simple. there was no reason to acknowledge her or remember the smug look on her face as she kissed him, on one of the many days he stood you up. why torture yourself by remembering the glint of happiness in his eyes turning into one of panic when he saw you watching? you hadn’t cried that hard in years and weren’t planning on it. not over a stupid high school nemesis, you're better than that.
downing the hot liquid as fast as you could, you gathered your things and walked straight for the exit, not daring to glance at her. almost there, just a few more steps. but of course, the universe could never let you catch a break. the ladies’ restroom door flew open only an inch away from you and you were now face to face with pansy parkinson. shit.
as if in shock or relaying every dirty memory about the other, you stood in silence for a moment. “i didn’t know you lived around here,” pansy finally broke the ice. she swallowed after unleashing her hissing tone on you, visibly thinking hard about merlin knows what. “away from it all, i mean.”
nodding, you forced out a smile, determined not to return her clear irritation at seeing you. maybe it was childish to hold onto the past. “i do,” you agreed. “i’m more surprised that hogwarts’s resident pureblood princess is living in the muggle world, especially going to places like a cheap, shitty coffee shop.” pent up venom hit the both of you and you instantly regretted what you’d said, ruining the civil demeanor you’d hoped to keep.
the pursed-lipped scowl you’d grown so used to seeing in the halls during your school years met you and pansy crossed her arms, standing up tall. “things change, l/n,” she spat, omitting any details she’d considered giving away. “what about you? you’re here too, couldn’t find another girl’s boyfriend to sleep with?”
here you were just like old times, bickering and hissing petty insults at the other. you narrowed your eyes and scoffed, “isn’t that your area of expertise, parkinson? being so pretty and perfect that you just can’t help going and wrecking a good relationship?”
pansy looked deeply unsettled and upset. she raised her voice so much that any louder and she’d be causing a scene. “what are you on about?” pansy all but yelled. “you were the side chick! draco loved me until you went and started to spread your legs for him!”
you blinked at her, processing her words. there was no way, no way that she thought you were the other girl. she was the slut that fucked everything up, not you.
then it hit you. neither of you were to blame. “fucking draco malfoy.” you sighed, de-escalating suddenly. your eyes flickered up to pansy’s apologetically. “he lied to both of us, didn’t he?”
pansy stared at you blanky before responding, much more softly than before. “you... you mean you didn’t know he was seeing me?” she asked, curiously. you shook your head no and pansy quieted for a moment. “i didn’t know about you either, l/n, honest,” pansy said.
maybe it was the tender sincerity you hadn’t known she was capable of but without knowing what came over you, you sat down at the table beside you and gestured an invitation. “do you maybe want to talk? try to put this behind us?” eyes widening, pansy didn’t answer. she did, however, take a hesitant seat across from you and gaze at you oddly.
“the things i said were awfully petty, uncivilized, and immature. i'm sorry,” you hurried out an apology and added, “today and when we were in school.” something about the situation filled you with so much. anger that you’d blamed the girl who was a victim just like you instead of the abuser. sympathy and sadness for how she was feeling since you’d spent so many nights with your face buried in your pillow and feeling the exact same thing.
pansy smiled surprisingly warmly and exhaled deeply. “i’m...” she seemed to struggle with finding the right words. “i’m sorry too. all this time, i never even stopped to consider that you were hurt too.” you felt the same way, all of the hatred you had for pansy parkinson melting away. she was just a girl who, like you, trusted the wrong boy. no one deserved to be punished for that. yet you’d inflicted your hurt on the other for years. “draco’s a fucking dick.”
slightly caught off guard by her shift in demeanor, you laughed ─ to her surprise. “yeah, draco is a fucking dick. there’s a bar just a few blocks from here, care to let me buy you a drink?” you proposed. “it’s the least i can do after thinking you were a homewrecker for the past almost decade.”
“it’s only noon,” she objected and you raised your eyebrows. pansy looked to her lap, allowing herself a laugh that sounded dangerously close to a pleased giggle. “i’d like that.” you helped her with her things and for an unapparent reason, you noticed that her nose crinkled when she laughed and couldn’t help but think she looked awfully pretty. for the first time, you noticed pansy's beauty in a kind way, not one filled with jealousy.
on the way to and eventually inside of the bar, you and pansy conversed shockingly easily. you found many things in common. you had the same favourite hobbies, made fun of the lines that draco had disgustingly used on the both of you, and even ordered the same drink. you and pansy acted as if you’d always been best friends. you clicked so well that it was hard to believe you’d ever hated each other.
“y/n, you’re kidding, that was you?” pansy snorted with laughter, on the edge of her seat at one of your stories you were sharing. the use of your first name sounded like honey on her tongue and the feeling in your chest told you it was something you could get used to. “blaise and i were laughing for weeks, how on earth did you manage to not get caught?” she propped up on her elbows and listened intently.
“it’s a secret, pansy,” you rolled your eyes playfully, fondly recalling the memory you’d shared of you and hermione accidentally filling dumbledore’s study with bubbles that dyed anything they touched. you hadn’t followed the witch’s instructions and absolutely refused to let her turn you two in. who knew it’d make for a great conversation piece all these years later?
“oh, you’ll tell me one day,” she sighed. one day. you had to say, despite having butted heads at the beginning of your encounter... you got along incredibly with pansy. you could genuinely say that you were elated to hear her say ‘one day’ as if it was fact that you’d see each other again.
laughter dying down, you grinned at pansy and took her hand. the back of your mind told you that you’d only been friends for a few hours and that physical affection should be off the table. but something about pansy made the unfamiliarity not matter.
“i never thought i’d find you so wonderful,” you admitted. “makes me think we should have dated each other instead of that blonde ferret prat back in hogwarts.”
pansy didn’t laugh at your half-joke, instead taking the hand you’d extended in both of hers. “we could always start now, since said blonde is out of the picture.” briefly taken aback by her boldness, you returned her glossed smirk and felt a flutter in your chest. you turned and sprawled your number out on a nearby napkin, handing it to her.
“i do have to get going. but it’s a date then, parkinson.”
“i’ll see you then, l/n.”
and in the fateful turn of events you never would have expected at the start of that already terrible day, you found yourself unbelievably excited to see pansy again.
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hunxi-guilai · 3 years
hello! i've been a big fan of this blog and while i'm sad you're going to slowly start phasing it out, i feel like you should do what you feel you need to do. also, i'm very sorry that this became stressful instead of fun! i did want to ask if you were still going to reblog posts here, even if you stop making your own meta/content? not that you have to! i'm just hoping that people haven't like, run you off the fandom entirely. (1/2)
also the last anon question you got was Very Yikes and i'm sorry you had to deal with it. i wish people would stop and use google for 5 seconds before asking you stuff. i hope you have a good day and that your year becomes less stressful! (2/2)
hi there! that’s a good question; when I talked about phasing out this blog, I did mean that I wasn’t planning to tend to my queue as much! I, uh, put more effort than I’d like to admit into my tags, so I am planning to eventually let my queue trickle out. it might run out in a week or two, depending on what catches my eye in the never-ending stream of content on my dash, but it’ll be a lot of time I can reclaim to work on other things
and I wouldn’t say I’ve been run out of the fandom! more like... generally burnt out (cinnamon roll, slightly charred). of course, various factors that lead to burn out include putting in a frankly terrifying amount of emotional labor in writing/responding to certain asks/conversations/hot takes in fandom, but also like... I put over 200,000 words on the internet about/related to CQL in 2020 alone, so I gotta take a moment to pump the brakes a bit. relax and consume some more media. think about life. engage with other media in less intensive ways. maybe shitpost occasionally. you know how it is! 
I feel like I'm the kind of person who spends years quietly tending to my garden of thoughts, and it just so happened that last year was a harvest year. and it was absolutely lit, let me tell you. but now it’s time to turn the dirt. to plant something new. and to tend to it with the same love and care and forgiveness, no matter what it ends up becoming
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fiberfaerie · 2 years
very all over the place introduction
Hi there! I'm so happy we've found each other.
Prepare yourself, I am the queen of run-on sentences.
My name is Valentina and I'm a 25 year old faerie living in Northern Ohio, but originally spent most of my life in Oklahoma. I grew up being taught many different things by my mother, but knitting seemed to stick to me like non other. Since I started crocheting as well I've been wishing on every shooting star I see for an extra set of arms + hands!
You can peek me here, but I have made the move back to Tumblr so you'll officially always get more of me here, and a better chance to chat/become friends with me here.✩ I've made this online move mostly because Tumblr has always catered to my extremely chaotic and unusual posting formats, though there are plenty of other reasons.
you will be blocked if you can't comply or don't have a shred of human decency
More information?? Well okay lets get this out of the way
I was born with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia which is a fun way of saying I'm legally blind in my right eye. It's a tiny bit lazy because of this, and causes a complete lack of depth perception; which brings amusing struggles with light switches sometimes. I was also born with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. I will affectionately refer to myself as a werewolf because of this, and the way my cycles affect me.
I was supposed to be born on the 20th, but my birthday ended up being on March 24th (however I celebrate all month long) ☆ Aries Sun ⋆ Gemini Moon ⋆ Libra Rising ☆
For about five years now I've been raising two fur children with the love of my life. We have plans of moving soon, though we are still undecided on where. Mostly because we wish we could leave the country entirely.
The dream job I had as a child was with fashion design, but I let myself feel incapable for the better part of my life due to my fluctuating larger sizing. Into later adulthood I've found myself on the self growth/love journey I wish I could have started so much sooner. Surrounding myself with the right people who have loved and supported me in my growth, and diving headfirst into crocheting a few years ago has really shaped me into who I am still becoming
*.·:·.☽✧ A Fiber Faerie ✧☾.·:·.*
If its not been clear yet, you've found a messy personal blog! I'm not able to stick to a schedule of posting, or really give this a whole lot of structure. I do however think its fair and fun to give this introductory. Kind of like a ~Hi nice to meet you this is me- but it's also a warning; if you're not of similar mind you might be driven insane by me!~
I will probably rant here and there, but I also plan to rbg/shitpost, as well as share ALLL the details I'm always character limited against sharing with my creations. I am always making something, and it's almost always clothing. I'm currently an odd size where measurement-wise I am at the Goldilocks point of L-2X depending on what brand or designer deems whatever measurement to be whatever size. Confused? Me too.
My ongoing sizing debacle gives me a different viewpoint on most existing crochet clothing patterns, and has forced me to adapt and learn how to redesign things in order to fit me more flatteringly. I've also learned how to design clothing completely just because I'm so tired of feeling like so many things aren't made for people my size and up.
I decided I'll just do it myself, and I want to tell everyone how I did it so that anyone who wants to can as well. So I plan on eventually writing out more detailed posts for each article I have and will make, but for now I guess this is still just an introduction. Didn't I warn you it'd be like this?
Bye for now, but know this will be updated and changed around periodically. like cmon we all know this could always use cleaning up lol
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Okay, okay, last shitpost/word vomit. I have a few topics, so I figured instead of just making a bunch of these I'd just compile them into a lump. The last one is kind of, like, a bit of a trigger warning for mentions of depression and stuff, but I'll be like 'And finally' or something like that so you'll know it's the last one.
First: I *adore* this, and I don't know if it can be considered a trope, but I saw it in V.anitas and I've immediately latched onto it (might show up in a chapter of my Bioshock fanfic if I ever make another chapter). But it was a fight scene, and one of the characters sees themselves angry in a mirror and goes "Have I looked like this the whole time?". I dunno, trying to not spoil, but I feel like it's good angst-fuel
Second: I have so many ideas and not enough OCs or time to complete them. Between starting to study again, work, commissions, and personal obligations I've found myself barely able to focus in general even with the help of medicine. I mostly need OCs because I feel both selfish and weird about using already established characters for things now, when I had no issue with it when I was younger. I don't know why it skeeves me out now, but I'm gonna try to make some more OCs so that I can do more stuff :)
Thirdly: I've found myself attaching to media rather intensely again, so I'm probably going to make some self indulgent stuff with me/my persona and some OCs I'll make to fit the media that I'll be basing stuff off of (i.e. G.enshin)
Finally: I know that I haven't written in a long time other than some drabbles. I don't know even if there's people out there that like my stuff, but there is a reason I haven't expanded on Momento Vori or Welcome to Rapture, and it's actually good. Not, like, a good reason, but it's good that I haven't felt the need to write about them. Because I usually only wrote about those when I was *hating* life and myself, when I was at my emotional lowest. It's why they're both graphically violent, because I felt just so much anger and rage and numbness that I needed an outlet. It eventually turned into just numbness, which is what started my hiatus from those, but over time I've slowly been trying to get better. I personally think I'm my best self right now, but I have been thinking about restarting my writing for those two and starting some more oneshots, and I'm very excited. Even if I don't post anything about them, I'll still enjoy the mental diving back into these characters and stories that I had planned.
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caesar-is-hollow · 2 years
Hello, this is the introduction. Read Me.
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I realized that my last few posts, the first ones I've posted on this brand new blog, are very fucking dark. Yes, let's tarnish this shiny new project with depression shitposting. Good. At least that's on brand.
No, the reason I'm doing this is that I miss writing. I need to journal for therapy anyway, so why not post it publicly for accountability and the illusion that someone is reading. And it's here because I missed Tumblr. Sure, there are more relevant blog platforms, but I used Tumblr as an escape in high school, so it's helping me out again.
This is my FIFTH blog. FIFTH. I have five of these fucking things. None of them are active, but I have yet to decide what to do. My art account has a small amount of work I no longer have. I kinda don't want to delete them for nostalgia reasons, but one of them is a fandom account that has since become problematic (it starts with a J and ends with she's a fucking TERF, but you can take my Wolfstar ship from my cold dead hands, bitch) I haven't used any of them for several years now, so I have no idea what all the content is and thought it best to start fresh.
I have no idea how often I'll post or how long I'll keep up with it, but here we are. I have ideas for it and I hope to actually stick with it regardless of how it's going. I have a tendency to get excited about projects and give them up when they don't turn out as planned. Instant gratification is a bitch.
As for what to expect content-wise, I don't know that either. I'm a complex individual with a variety of interests, which funnily enough makes it difficult to pin down a theme for a blog, let alone a catchy title. Which is one of the main reasons I fell back to Tumblr. It's a weird place for weird people. I've never fit in a box and I'll be damned if I try to start now.
So the posts will be hectic, random, rambly, full of asides and run-on sentences, with no particular rhyme or reason. I'm just writing. I may post my art or whatever, but I think this is mostly going to be for accountability purposes, so I don't think I'll be reblogging anything unless maybe it's positivity and mental health stuff like one of the previous blogs. Idk, we'll see. I might do a blog challenge later just to get into the habit of doing this. I plan on having somewhat themed content, but right now I'm just trying to get the ball rolling. This is no longer an empty blog! I've written a fuckton in the past hour, so that's something I guess. Yay me.
Farewell for now, I'll be back eventually.
xoxo, Gossip Girl or whatever.
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merrrgun · 2 years
Fans of @whodoyouseee ,
I am currently unsure if it will be finished. Between my real job as an actual physicist, and my actual severe mental health issues, it became very hard for me to work on it. whodoyouseee started as an outlet for me to express my frustrations with my real life, but it eventually became something I could no longer enjoy working on because of how sick I really am and have been.
The indefinite hiatus is equally as disappointing to me as it probably is to fans; this started as something I was incredibly passionate about. And when it got a motherfuckin mention from NICK NOCTURN? I can't even begin to describe how excited I was to work on it more and more. Working with Nick to improve and publicize this project has been nothing but a grand experience. I really can't thank him enough for his help.
But that brings me back to the present. As of right now I'm working on my own mental health. When I am better, and when I have the resources, I may revisit whodoyouseee and finally complete it the way I had planned. In the event this doesn't happen, I will write a detailed post of exactly how Alice's arc would have played out, and exactly how the project would end. This would not be as satisfying to anyone as if I were to just finish it, but I figure this would be better than nothing.
I hope you all understand where I'm coming from. Life has not been easy for anyone since the rise of covid. If you want to keep up with how I'm doing as the creator, feel free to give me a follow here. I shitpost, I meme, I sometimes talk about my life. And I'm happy to welcome fans of the project to take a peak into who I am and what I'm like as a person. So, hi! I'm Morgan, and I'm a physicist. I like metal, the legend of zelda, and tabletop rpgs. And I'm so very pleased to meet you.
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ashleyrobyn · 3 years
I am focused. Have been creating things almost every day. Have been writing on my blog, getting everything out that I've had on my mind. I have been singing. Just doing little covers but I'm laying the groundwork to eventually do more with music as well. These are the things I used to do when I was younger. When life truly felt fulfilling. I am getting back in touch with who i was before the years of trauma took over. A big difference between then and now is my access to the internet, and my subsequent addiction to shitposting memes and just scrolling at any idle moment. It is a terrible habit bordering on toxic and it takes me away from my goal more than it helps. I deactivated a couple days ago. I will still be using social media platforms, but only to promote my creative endeavors from now on. My whole childhood I dreamed of being an artist. Certain role models stifled that growing up, telling me it's not realistic. So i gave up and look at all the time I wasted. I don't even know how I gained back the hope but it just feels right and i believe in me. I believe with enough dedication and self-discipline, I could go so far. It would be amazing surpass everything that has kept me down for so long and show everyone that doubted me what I am made of. Any support on posts: shares and comments will help hugely. You don't need to buy to help propel me in the direction of the right eyes. I will be creating a patreon with exclusive content. Insight into my process will be mostly posted there. Eventually I may share my blog but at the moment I'm using it more as a personal tool trying to just really do the soul searching necessary to come out of the rapid succession of traumatic events I've experienced throughout the majority of my life with real healing. Real change. I am breaking the cycle. My kids are looking to me for motivation. My ex is praying for my downfall. My unemployment has been held up for 2 months, my tax refund is expected to be delayed until may, my stimulus went to catching up on bills and debts, and welfare won't even qualify me for damn food stamps because they need a statement from pua and i have no access to my account currently. My car broke down so I am unable to pound the pavement looking for work and I am unable to clean houses until I get my refund to fix or replace the old shitbox. I am applying for jobs that are hiring within walking distance, and once I get my car on the road I plan on pursuing my cna certification so I can the hell out of this rut for good. See I have a practical plan too... But what I am really trying to manifest is a life where I can afford to enjoy my life doing the thing that nurtures my soul vs committing to a soul sucking 9-5. To create a life where i can be present for kids without buckets of anxiety. Where I can continue to teach them and protect them from this damn pandemic that is continuing to rage on. I need this to work. I need everything I've been through to have been for a reason. So anyway if you are trying to reach me or waiting on a commission, please be patient. I am currently working on the stuff but it will get done better and quicker if I continue to isolate myself from people for awhile. I've been getting overwhelmed lately, shouldering a lot no one knows about in silence and the little energy that hasn't been drained in the last few months needs to get put towards actions, not words. Stay tuned for when my etsy shop goes live.
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