#i'm not gonna force you to read it
writeouswriter · 1 year
Girl, help, the book authors are trying too hard to be "hip" with the fleeting "teen lingo" and trends again, immediately dating their works before they're even released
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seventh-district · 15 days
not even gonna tag this properly bc i don't wanna get Involved but i do have some Thoughts i need to get out into the void so here we go
(aaa quick edit: CW for mention/discussion of Boothill leaks)
#today's gone Badly and i'm upset but instead of venting abt it i'm gonna channel that energy into doing a bit of tag rambling abt Boothill#well. less abt Him and more abt uh. self-analyzing my anxiety surrounding contributing to fandoms. he's just today's catalyst#like. i know it's mostly a me thing. i'm hypersensitive to criticism and very conflict avoidant + socially anxious + perfectionistic etc.#so I'm the one that keeps myself from posting more stuff out of fear of being criticized or called-out for what i've made#bc inevitably Someone's gonna see it and think its OOC or a problematic take or they'll misread my intent. etc etc what have you#but like. that's inevitable. there's no way to communicate every single thing with all of the nuance required to avoid misunderstandings#and other times it's not a misunderstanding it's just a difference of opinions and that's Fine!! there's no accounting for personal taste#there's no accounting for several things actually. taste‚ bias‚ lore-knowledge‚ differing levels of chronic-online-ness‚ etc#so this isn't me complaining abt the state of fandom culture (although i do think. sometimes. ppl take shit a bit too seriously)#but anyways all of this is mostly just anxiety-fueled. it's not like i very often actually even receive negative feedback or anything#if anything ppl tend to tell me that i'm overthinking it and killing my own fun and worried that my stuff is more OOC than it is#which like. yeah. Yeah u right :) but that's just the way that i am! always losing the idgaf war i suppose#anyways what's Boothill got to do w this ur wondering. well. i've been thinking abt the quickly emerging concept that he's illiterate.#and it just. has me feeling a lot of ways. and watching ppl disagree over it has me feeling some Bad ways. bc it's def a loaded topic!#if you'll pardon the pun there. and i don't rlly have anything new to add other than that i'm conflicted abt it.#like yeah i saw the leaks days ago. of him mentioning 'not hitting the books' much as a child when we ask him why he sends voice messages#or voice Transcriptions ig. ykwim. and like. *braces for impact* ...i liked it? like. it doesn't feel right to call it endearing#i'm not trying to infantilize him. ok that's not the right word either but ugh. you know? what i mean?? who am i kidding even i don't know#it's not quite right to say that it feels like Representation either. but it's something close i guess#as a southern person myself who didn't receive a 'complete' education due to factors that weren't to do with my intelligence#the concept of seeing him as a capable force to be reckoned with and respected who also happens to have not received much formal education#i like that. i do. but there's so many issues w it at the same time. like. as i said‚ being southern myself has me Wary of the way Hoyo is-#writing him. as well as of the way that the fandom is taking the bits of his lore and running away w them. and i'm Very aware of how ppl-#will see a southern character and be All Too Eager to agree that they're lacking intelligence based on our Redneck™ stereotype#sigh. and before we even go too far with this. it's not even confirmed that hes completely illiterate. which is a valid criticism i've seen#there's Multiple reasons that could make him prefer voice to text. but regardless. i'm just worried that ppl will misconstrue my intentions#like. example: that edit i made the other day of him saying 'no thanks i can't read'. wasn't me playing into the stereotype of-#'haha dumb country boy can't read!' it was. in my eyes. something he'd say as a joke to make light of a potential insecurity#like. i think there's far more depth to Boothill's character if ppl could look past the surface. and i dont wanna contribute to the problem#but sometimes ppl Will have stereotypical traits and i wish the same could apply to characters as long as it's done Thoughtfully.
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
my biological peer reviewer (sibling) called this theory “fun” and said i should send it, so here goes
my personal theory is the feds ((”federation”)) created the eggs because they decided the best way to enforce “you can never leave” was to give the people something they couldn’t lose, like in the post by tumblr user alexaloraetheris (no relation to the smp) where their friend who might be a deity had said,
"When you die you descend to the underworld with nothing to lose. To keep you, they give you something to lose. When you want to return, they will demand it back. That's why nobody ever leaves. The only way out is to never enter."
i’m thinkin that on egg D-Day, at the end of the countdown, the feds weren’t gonna give the eggs back. they were just gonna hide them forever, or do something else, anything else, just keep them away from their surrogate parents, because then the people would just be STUCK, because people could theoretically take their eggs and leave, but if the eggs are missing, gone without a trace, then the residents CAN’T LEAVE, because presumably the eggs are STILL THERE, SOMEWHERE, IN NEED OF HELP AND RESCUE, if only the residents could find them ON THE ISLAND. if they leave the island while the eggs are missing, they are abandoning these things that have become their children.
but then in came the brazilians. and shit went south. because see, the spenglish (spanish / english) streamers were INVITED, but the brazilians CRASHED; the feds didn’t INVITE THEM, they weren’t EXPECTING THEM, but they can’t let these guys leave either, so they PANIC, and they scramble to give the brazilians the same thing--something to lose. the new egg had a brazilian jersey, homie was TAILOR MADE for them to pack bond with. the feds didn’t have time to send out multiple eggs, it was all or nothing, so they picked something they could reasonably assume all five of them would find endearing because they don’t know shit about these guys--they had a week to observe the OG batch, but all they know about these newbies is the brazilian flag on their boat--and so they sent the little egg out to become THEIR THING, the thing they couldn’t afford to lose.
it leaves open why the eggs are cracked too, bc idk what’s going on there lol, either 1: the eggs cracked because they’re hatching and the feds picked that date bc they wanted to yoink the eggs before they got Too Powerful, or 2: the feds were the ones to crack the eggs as an excuse for why they vanished--returning the eggs untouched would open too many questions the feds don’t want them asking; this way, instead of being concerned specifically with “why were the eggs missing”, the residents presume they know the answer--the cracks.
but yea i’m just gonna add as an aside that personally i think cucurucho / osito bimbo / the white fucker is way more active again because the feds are still scrambling to keep up with the brazilians (which, again, the feds weren’t expecting), and the binary fuckwad came in to put the fear of god into the newbies--maybe so they didn’t get too focused on the morse code transmissions; iirc max was theorizing that both osito and binary were part of the federation ? and if so it does make sense that the binary entity went to fuck with cellbit immediately after cellbit was introduced to the conspiracies of the island, yknow, a warning shot. i think they want them to be focused on the eggs.
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sanji-screenshots · 5 days
I'm FINALLY through with Dressrosa which means I'll be seeing our main man again soon, but now I'm thinking about how long I'm going to be in Whole Cake Island... like it took me a (relatively) long time to get through Dressrosa and Sanji wasn't even there for most of it! With WCI I'm going to be pausing every 5 minutes to get screenshots! Lord help me, I'm going to be stuck there for the rest of my life...
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homestuckconfession · 1 month
some of yall act like the slur replacement project is to make homestuck less problematic or some shit and like.... im not gonna deny if thats the intention or not but there still Should Be One That Exists. that just censors the slurs. are we forgetting that slurs are slurs and some people cant read them without having a full blown panic attack
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cluescorner · 3 months
Randomized Robins AU - Ages + Worst Trait Exercise:
Steph (25):
Says her worst trait is her murderous rages (she is exaggerating for dramatic/comedic effect, she’s killed 3 people tops and for very good reason)
Thinks her worst trait is her spitefulness (one of the few traits she definitely got from her father + one that prevents her from fixing her relationships and living her best possible life. She’ll refuse to interact with someone she dearly loves after an argument (happens significantly less after Tim’s death) or will say things she knows are hurtful just for the sake of having the last word. This trait will worsen in some ways as the list of people who have wronged her and those she loves grows, but will also ease up as she matures and realizes the harm it’s doing to her relationships with those she loves most.)
Her worst trait really is her spitefulness
Cass (26)
Says her worst trait is her self-righteousness (she believes that her goals are righteous and, as a result, she is righteous. Cass becomes very defensive whenever someone questions the mission and often does not second-guess herself. This is a trait she only develops later in life as she grows closer to Bruce/learns to understand herself more/starts to love herself more. But she knows she isn’t perfect and when somebody she trusts criticizes something she is doing she is willing to listen. She just usually isn’t the one to START the introspection.) 
Thinks her worst trait is her self-righteousness. 
Her worst trait actually is her obsessiveness (she gets it from Bruce and, while not as bad as him, she will easily become preoccupied with her night-life and the mission if someone isn’t there to pull her back. She will do this to the point of self-destruction and it hurts her relationships with the people she loves, especially Steph.)
Tim (24)
Says his worst trait is his spitefulness (he actively rejects the idea of mending his relationships with the older members of the family and this causes him to also lack good relationships with the younger ones)
Thinks his worst trait is his obsessiveness (similar to Cass, if he gets fixated on a task or idea he will neglect everything else in his life in order to dedicate more time to it. Unlike Cass, he will almost never be dragged away from it unless Pierrot snatches control of the body and forces them to take care of themself.)
His worst trait actually is how manipulative he is (the KING of guilt-tripping and using people’s emotions against them. He’ll do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants, he’s not above crocodile tears. And he will do it to whoever he needs (or wants) to with little care for how his actions impact others.)
Pierrot (Insists: “Age doesn’t apply to me! And even if it did, I'd probably be the oldest. Or the youngest! I’d never be a middle child, though.” Mental assessments by the Bats have put him around 21, with a margin of error of 3 years. Pierrot has called this “blatant character assassination by my eternal rival!”)
Says his worst trait is that he is an irredeemable psychopath without any regard for the wellbeing of others (this is a lie and everyone who's important to him understands this). 
Thinks his worst trait is his parasitic nature (he literally would not exist had Tim not suffered the way he did. Plus he is a living reminder of one of the worst things that happened to many of his loved ones. He is a parasite injected into a functional person's body and contributes to his continued suffering. This is also a largely incorrect judgement of himself, caused by his actual worst trait.)
His worst trait actually is his limited sense of self (he doesn’t really know who he is outside of ‘inheritor to the legacy of the Joker (a man he despises yet also views as a father)’ and ‘chip in Tim’s brain that became sentient’. He slowly develops an identity over the course of his life and relationships with other people, but he lacks the foundations of identity that most people have. Pierrot will often almost become a caricature of himself and what others perceive him to be because it's the only person he knows how to be. This causes wild swings in how he behaves and relates to others, sometimes to the detriment of himself and others.)
Dick (17) 
Says his worst trait is his clinginess (he is a very extraverted person who likes to be around others, which mixed with his fear of abandonment after his parents died means that if he goes a few days without seeing/talking to a friend he will get very anxious.)
Thinks his worst trait is his anger issues (he gets ticked off very easily and will explode on people. He’s kind at his core and is usually very nice, but he has a temper that can escalate significantly. Spoiler (and later Twist) help him channel this anger into something positive.)
His worst trait actually is his anger issues.
Barbara (18)
Says her worst trait is her disability (internalized ableism, she thinks of herself as less valuable than the other Bats because she cannot be out there in the capes like they can. She will grow out of this as she matures and as she learns how invaluable her support for the team is.)  
Thinks her worst trait is her disability 
Her worst trait actually is her overly-independent nature (In an attempt to overcompensate for everything she can no longer do, she has resolved to do literally everything that she possibly can without any help from others. This results in many instances where she either takes on too much and winds up not being able to fully realize any of her tasks or where she makes her life and the lives of others significantly harder by refusing help when offered/not asking for it when she needs it.)
Damian (16)
Says his worst trait is his perfectionism (he is overly critical of both himself and others, taking any flaw or problem and amplifying it to an absurd degree. This is due in part to his life with the LoA (where even a brief misstep could lead to death), in part to how others treated him initially as Spoiler (any flaw was fixated on and used as a reason to either mistrust him or portray him as unworthy of the mantle), and in part due to the fact that he is Bruce’s son (the only person with worse perfectionism problems than Damian). Gradually, Damian has improved in this regard but it’s still a massive barrier to both his own happiness and his relationships with others.)
Thinks his worst trait is his perfectionism 
His worst trait actually is his perfectionism
Duke (16)
Says his worst trait is his definitely-real secret evil side (says this as a ‘my dad is a villain so who knows??’ joke)
Thinks his worst trait is his impulsivity in his words (Sometimes he will crack a joke or say a remark without thinking it through, leading to a LOT of hurt feelings and drama. He’ll say something without thinking it through and wind up seeming insensitive. This isn’t done because of malice, rather because Duke is someone who’s quick to act and speak. But while the mantle of Insight and his awakening powers have helped him with his actions, they do not always help with his loose tongue. As such, Duke gains an unfair reputation in the media as an instigator and will accidentally cause family drama through what he says.)
His worst trait actually is his impulsivity in his words
Jason (14)
Says his worst trait is his bad manners (he grew up on the streets and has no idea how rich-people society works, which he’s pretty insecure about considering he’s now the youngest kid of Bruce freaking Wayne). 
Thinks his worst trait is his reactiveness (Jason never got the privilege of planning ahead for various events in his life, so he instead needed to rely on being swift and harsh in how he could react to situations. It’s saved his life on multiple occasions and helps significantly in his role as Spoiler, but it can also lead to extreme overreactions (accidentally causing kidnapping scare after Jason ran away following a fight with Dick) and a struggle to plan things out ahead of time. As he grows more secure in his place in the family and in life, this trait will lessen but never fully dissipate.)
His worst trait actually is his reactiveness
#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#tim drake#dick grayson#barbara gordon#damian wayne#duke thomas#jason todd#batfamily#randomizedrobinsau#I'm debating whether I should tag this with the Joker Junior tag and those related to it for Pierrot#because like...it's not quite that. but it's also very close to that and is the direct result of that.#but Pierrot would fucking HATE to be tagged as that and sees it as an insult to his identity...which he already has problems with#so I don't think I'm gonna#anyways lmao I am totally projecting my younger self onto Barbara. How could I not? She's literally the reason I view my disability#the way that I do and she actively improved my mental health just by existing and saying some of the shit she did when I was in the#stages of accepting my own disability. So yeah I am projecting a lot onto her because I love her and see myself in her.#I'm mostly basing these characterizations on my favorite versions of them (ie Red Robin 2009 Tim and Birds of Prey Barbara).#so I'm taking the traits I like/think fit in this AU and discarding what I think either is bad or doesn't fit or if I just don't like it.#Damian's 'murder gremlin who is a meanie on purpose because he is a meanie' is entirely unappealing to me and also does not fit this AU#I prefer him when he's portrayed as a sympathetic kid (who is still an asshole) and not a demon child. So that's what I'm using.#same with Talia's 'abusive mother who is totally on-board with all of her father's bullshit and will kill someone for no reason' version#I have read enough comics to know what I like/what is most important and what I don't like/what is#BLATANT CHARACTER ASSASSINATION GRANT MORRISON YOU FUCK YOU SET TALIA BACK SO FUCKING FAR#I also decided to outline their WORST traits because I already know what I like about these characters/their best traits.#most people do. But what was a greater challenge was finding what would make their lives and those of others worse.#what would I hate about this person if I knew them IRL? What would I first suggest they get therapy for? What hurts them and why?#I found these questions really interesting in the context of this AU where some people are forced into completely different roles#the says/thinks/is was inspired by trying to answer that question for myself. I say my worst trait is my impulsiveness but when#I asked others in my life they answered 'oh so you said your weird thing where you don't ask for help right?'
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iris-nonsense · 7 months
Ok i'm not that happy with this twist because this destroys the most interesting part of jjk's premise to me (main villain living rent free inside the mc head). Like the way this forced coexistence affects both yuuji and sukuna is barely explored in more than 200 chapters and now it's gone. We've been told from yuuji himself that he can hear sukuna's voice in his head (and it was like chapter 3) and gege never did anything with it... these two had to be together 24/7 for 6 months and before shibuya yuuji was not affected by it at all which i would say it's a shame and a waste.
All of this just to recreate something that has already been done (looking at you ansem and orochimaru even if you failed)
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volivolition · 1 month
Do the character opinion bingo with Volition and Electrochemistry >:]
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hey red i CHERISH YOU <33!!
hahaha yup im normal im so normal about volition we all know this :)
headcanons: - Volition smells like molten metal and stone, like if you'd just stepped into a forge. his limbs are cool and metallic, but closer to his chest and neck his skin is warmer, and he smells like lavender. his armor clinks like ceramic windchimes. - Electrochemistry smells like sweat and whatever the last "bad thing" harry's had. these days after the martinaise case, it's often of faint cigarette smoke. (i think while he's getting better, he smells like other things that give pleasure chemicals. warm blankets, good food, the breeze rushing in through the kineema window, hugs and pine aftershave.)
the reasons why "canon isn't real" is questioned is because of shipping reasons, i am absolutely shipping them in the wrong way but we're not looking at that, we're just gonna look at them kiss okay? okay? they're in love. to me. they can fix each other. they're healing together.
also for the love of god volition give me your fucking gender PLEASEEEE let me be a knight :']
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lesbeid0u · 2 months
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#Methinks I may be cupioromantic#I was talking to my friend after we got back from aniboston and somehow the topic of conversation changed to our orientations#And I was explaing to them how I don't think I've ever actually like. Loved someone romantically/been capable of loving someone romanticall#But I still wanna be in a relationship and they were like#'King I think u may be on the ace spectrum'#And then I fell victim to the 4am Thoughts and started doing some reflecting/research and damn#Wouldn't You Fucking Know It#Hoenstly tho it feels so fucking freeing knowing that there's a name for how I feel#Bc I thought I was like. Broken or some shit for the longest time bc no matter how much I tried#I could never manage to force myself into having feelings for someone irl#And idk maybe I'm not actually ace/on the ace spectrum and I'm just falling victim to the 'you haven't found the right person' mentality#But like I genuinely do not/could not see myself falling in love with someone yet I do still want to feel loved romantically#Anyway#These are 4am thoughts at 5pm so I'm not gonna dwell on them too much#If you've made it this far in the tags and have any words of advice about this shit lmk#Thanks for reading. And now it's time for the breaking news#My mom has beef with one of the stray cats in out backyard bc she thinks he's a bad influence on his children#Also one of his kids looks Just Like Grim Twistedwonderland and I'm getting making that his Halloween costume this year hehe
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autistic-sidon · 8 days
Important announcement
So I'm making a huge change! Despite me not believing DNIs are something that really works, I still think it's important to announce that I have having a massive change of boundaries regarding sidlink shippers due to something that occurred on the beautiful site called twitter dot com!
To summarize, me and another person got accused by someone with 5000+ followers of cyberstalking, mostly the other person. I unfortunately can only really defend myself and that is all this post will be about. What's most important to note about this "callout post" is I was misgendered in it.
To expand, this person who I choose to not name, included me in one tweet of the thread, in which I was misgendered. This person also included screenshots of my account some that dated back to 2022 when I was still a teenager/freshly 18, EVERY account I have on the Internet, along with out of context interpersonal drama from 2022 with 3-4 other at the time teenagers being the ones involved. It was drama that had happened and passed, everyone involved was young, and everyone involved has (presumably) moved on.
The person who posted this "callout" included a rather steamy message I sent without being involved in what prompted said message, only using one specific part of it to get a moral high ground over me. I am led to believe this person is a significantly older adult than me, so posting something that had to do with a bunch of teenagers 2 years ago is quite frankly immature.
I digress, as the most important issue was me being misgendered. I must mention again that this person has 5000~ followers, including being mutuals with rather large artists. At the time of posting the callout my twitter had 497 (now has 498). I do not even have a 10th of the posters following, and I was publicly misgendered in a post where I am made out as a stalker freak.
I thankfully have not (yet) received mass harassment. However I did have someone say me being misgendered was a "skill issue" and then called a slut. Note that one of the main arguments the poster made was hypothetical harassment, where I was actually harassed. Screenshots below.
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The reason I'm so upset about the misgendering is not just doing so in front of a large audience, it is also because of the poster provided such specific shit about me and still posted the callout with the wrong pronouns.
Here's a list from memory of what the poster included:
- Dozens of screenshots of me complaining about stuff on my own account(s)
- Two (2) qrts of me disagreeing with bad takes
- One screenshot of drama from 2 years ago that this likely older adult wasn't involved with, drama that occurred between teenagers.
- One screenshot of my bio on this blog??
- One prehistoric screenshot an older post of me being like "haha I'm a bitch wacking a hornets nest" that has a super old layout from idk how long ago (I might be mixing that one up with a different screenshot, either way both are there)
- Usernames of my Twitter, my private Twitter, My main Tumblr, this Tumblr, and my Instagram that I don't use. Only two accounts that I have on the Internet were spared.
Is the issue clear?
I am upset about the misgendering because the poster got all this barely inflammatory shit that I have said, as well as revealing almost every account I have on the Internet and STILL MISGENDERED ME. Showing so much random stuff from my accounts as long as revealing all of them is already odd behavior, but the misgendering is completely unacceptable in this context. Someone digging through my online presence like this should know I use it/its exclusively and hate they/them. Here's some places where my pronouns are and how fucking easy it is to find them:
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The ONLY EXCEPTION is my Instagram. Which I genuinely have not used in years. I had the pronouns set to she/they/he because back when I created that account, it/its was not an option. I checked, it's now an option, but because I don't use that account I never changed it. This account has old art as profile picture, three outdated pronouns, outdated names, zero posts, and a link to my old carrd. It's out of date, and 4 out of 5 other sources say it/it's only. Here's a screenshot of this account to show:
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So yeah. The only excuse is if the poster got the screenshots from other people, even then you should have checked before addressing me. After me and my friends pointed out I was misgendered, the only update was saying that correcting my pronouns was a "minor correction." This is unacceptable to me. My pronouns are related to my entire identity and existence, fixing a misgender of me in front of your audience of 5000 is not a minor correction. That is a very major correction that also warrants you fixing that section of the callout post, reposting it, and personally apologizing to me. However, none of this happened so I will no longer accept an apology at this time, as the damage is already done. Misgendering a transgender person who doesn't even have a tenth of your following, in what is possibly the most inflammatory and bullshit callout post I've ever read is extremely fucking dangerous. Evidence of which I already provided, where a possible transphobe said my misgendering was a skill issue and then called me a slut. If the poster is reading this, I really hope you understand how much danger you put me in and how lucky we all are that this callout has had almost no effect on me socially. I am so incredibly lucky that I only received transphobic harassment from one person.
This next section is an optional read, I wanna talk about cyberstalking and callout culture
Warning for mentions of abuse
It just so happens that I am a victim of an abusive relationship where I was cyberstalked. Let me tell you what that was like, warning for those who are sensitive to abuse/stalking and how it affects people.
I broke up with a romantic partner January 31st 2022, and after I did, the partner posted lies about me, and claimed that I showed various forms of bigotry without providing evidence. I had one suspicious account follow this blog, which I inferred was this ex partner trying to get regular access to my posts. In addition, the ex partner made new twitter accounts and went out of their way to follow people who were in the same circle of twitter as me, and regularly post negative statements on my character. Mostly they never used my name (this is why I can't/couldn't take legal action) however there was at least 3 times where they had replied to someone about me, and then DM'd that person telling them that I was terrible and to be blocked.
One of those times occurred on April 19th 2023. A mutual had quote retweeted a shitpost I made thinking it was funny, then this ex-partner told them on a private account that I was toxic and should be blocked. The mutual didn't oblige, and thus I began to be mentioned by name and blatantly harassed. Because of this I had no choice but to post a google document about my experience with this ex-partner. After that they admitted they were wrong, and have left me alone since. (This document can be found on my twitter but I will not link it as I genuinely believe my ex is trying to/has changed. I will only provide it through DMs if you ask)
Unfortunately, the effects of cyberstalking that occurred through 2022-2023 ruined me. I was in college at the time, and because of this cyberstalking I had to drop out. I couldn't do my homework. I couldn't go to class. I rarely left my room to relieve myself or clean myself. I barely ate or bought food. I could barely leave my dorm. I did not feel safe. This is the reality of cyberstalking.
Through my own real experience and severely negative effects of cyberstalking, I can confidently say that I did not cyberstalk the poster of the callout. The "evidence" provided did not prove such.
Let's talk about why I was included in the callout that was mainly about someone else. I cannot speak on whether this mutual cyberstalked. I followed them on my main and private Twitters because I enjoyed their takes. I am not close with this person and am not an "accomplice" but rather a bystander that didn't give a shit.
The reason I was included in the callout is because quite frankly the sidlink community does not like me. They have not liked me since I was 13-14 (under a different blog) and I left the community at that age and made new blogs. I have always been pretty outspoken about my opinions and thus have been blocked over it, which is completely fair. It is also completely fair to dislike me and disagree with me.
What is not fair is having such a boiled up clearly long term hatred for me, and readily throw serious accusations at me when the chance arrives. I have not ever tried to cancel sidlink shippers. While I have stated before that I believe the ship to be slightly weird, never have I ever made an inflammatory callout post about one of them, claiming that they did something illegal.
My section of the callout has poor evidence, bad formatting, and I believe it has no ALT text. In addition the entire callout has this, what I can only describe as a "girlypop" esc font, and includes a quirky image of Sidon at the end. This shows me that the poster is not taking the situation as seriously as is being claimed. If it was truly a serious situation, you'd make it an accessible document/post that has actual relevant evidence.
This callout post, or at least my section, is everything that many people on Tumblr/Twitter have said is wrong with "callout culture." I'm being labeled as a problematic, irredeemable cyberstalker (not to mention dehumanized through misgendering) for things that happened 2 years ago, and me complaining about things on my own accounts.
I believe callouts should be reserved for abusers/bigots only. Even then, readers of the callout should be extra critical. People often make bogus callouts on trans people online (particularly trans women/transfems) and that is exactly what happened here. I am a transmasculine lesbian, and I have had a bogus callout made on me. What's particularly annoying and also revealing to me is I saw 2 default profiles on the #sidon tag here on tumblr repost screenshots of my section of the callout (and I don't think they did this with the person the callout was mainly about??? Literally just me???) I must reiterate how lucky I am I have not been harassed further, as most trans people this happens to are run off the internet.
Most callouts are either immature drama that should have been handled privately, straight up bullshit, or both. In my case it's bullshit. No one should ever ever spread around callouts (especially ones where the accused is trans) without being critical about who's posting it, why, what their evidence is and how it relates to the callout subject, and what the identity of the accused/accuser is. Callouts should never be made for interpersonal issues unless bigotry and abuse is involved. Callout posts about trans people where the trans person is misgendered should not be heard out until the callout is fixed, reposted, and then the poster apologizes for the mistake at least on a personal level. As far as I am aware in my case, it was only referred to as a "minor correction" and no apology was made. One person already harassed me about it, so even if it's minor my point is proved.
I would also like to express how upset I am that the callout did almost nothing to me. The harassment from one person upsets me, but the fact that I have not lost a follower here, and even GAINED a follower on Twitter proves my above points that callout culture is extremely immature (and pointless). The poster gained absolutely nothing other than interactions and surface level support from the 5000+ follower base.
(optional read end)
WHEW. That all being said, my original topic from the first paragraph. With the exception of my beloved mutuals, current followers, and casual sidlink shippers, I wish that sidlink shippers who are active in the ships community to not follow me on any websites. I have had bad experiences with this community since I was 13, and I am finally done. This was my breaking point. I am no longer comfortable in any way with people from said community sharing a space with me. You can honestly analyze this new boundary yourself. If you ship sidlink and disagree with that callout you're welcome here. But if you are actively spreading the callout, and interacting with the people who are responsible for it I ask politely that you leave me alone. Here's a GIF I find relatable to lighten the mood and hopefully make up for this incredibly long read. If you read the whole thing, thank you so much.
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(Another note, this is my first time making ALT text on these types of complicated screenshots. If I did something wrong regarding formatting please please let me know!)
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lockedtowers · 24 days
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OKAY I FINALLY DID IT anyways Inspired by (and with permission of) @acourtcfmuses's own list, I made a Ship's List, basically meaning it shows the current ships, canon ships, and potential ships. I did all three blogs under one link because I'm a brat.
I have some 'Established Crossover' Ships there too that I do not have sb else I'm writing them w, bc i'm using my own version of thoses muses. Meaning I am open to writing those ships w others if they want, but if mentioned in a thread it's my own versions, NOT other peoples. AKA nobody try and claim i'm forcing ships I'm literally writing w myself to avoid that claim lol. Just like I'm making sure I tag repeatedly that threads w myself are me w me, bc I still remember like, 2018sh when someone tried to claim i was 'tricking people into thinking i was popular by writing with myself' however tf that works, idk, but anyways! nobody be dramatic and here's my list of things!
also bless Alana tbh i didn't know what a filter was on docs until now, now i just gotta learn how to do custom colors on it.
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claire-starsword · 5 months
translating this walkthrough really helps putting in perspective how disappointing the structure of SF2 is. Up to Creed's mansion there's a clear balance of "explore a town, next battle, explore a town, next battle", occasionally chaining two of the same event for variety. Each place has some neat detail or at least some backstory/theme to it, which is basically the reason i'm translating.
The moment you head to North Parmecia it's battle, battle battle, town controlled by devils, battle battle, town under devils, battle battle battle x5. I can feel my brain slipping but more importantly I can feel the writers' brain slipping, the guide even ramps up in errors and omissions here because yeah who cares
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 months
Beginning to really wonder how much of my financial concern is manufactured and handed to me as opposed to something I'm genuinely concerned by
#bc like. i'm getting by just fine. i don't have anything to be reasonably worried about#but also when i was a kid my father would break down my mother's paycheck and basically explain how broke we were#and that May Have Affected Me Somewhat#as well as just. the way you consistently see the advice to just save! don't get takeout! necessities! and i'm not intent on living like#a monk nor am i intent on being on that grindset for financial gain#it's like i don't intrinsically care but i have so many messages given to me about how i need to care a lot and it puts me in a weird spot#i am simultaneously standing still and moving at mach speeds#i mean right now i just need a safety net while in between jobs; after that i need to save up to move out of state bc the uh#political situation and upcoming presidential election don't seem very sustainable for someone like me anymore#they weren't to begin with but i don't wanna stick around to see how bad it's gonna get#but it's like. okay and then what? save for what? going back to school i guess? idk#i feel like i keep asking myself what i'm trying to accomplish and keep trying to force myself to have answers#here and now when i have to be okay with taking things one step at a time instead of having everything here and now#it's simultaneously fine and terrible and i am holding two conflicting yet equal truths#i feel i may have a clearer head once i leave my current job. i'm trying to look but nothing feels appealing given how#burnt out i already feel. i dread going back into my workplace and i fear it's showing to the patients and i don't want that#i want a month off to rediscover who i am as a person outside of getting yelled at in retail and then pick something back up#could be feasible. genuinely could be. i need to sort out the health insurance aspect but. that's lowkey the plan?#to construct a financial safety net and then slam on the breaks for a while; see if i can strike up a deal with the staff about me#coming in for specific tasks bc we already know i'm quick and efficient with the inventory so i do have a little leverage#you know what. this is getting some of it off my chest and i'm starting to feel confident again lmao#i won't be doing weekends starting either next week or the week after so that's a start! i just think i want everything done right now#bc i'm afraid i won't have the chance again but i will. i definitely will#i just need to let myself get to that point; it's just the immense drain from the register work and the Everything that comes with retail#also having to accept that it's okay to leave this; there's not something wrong with me like. ''not being able to handle it'' or w/e#no mindfulness or detachment could've saved me; it was shit and i'm hitting the bricks and that's all there is to it#i've been thinking a lot about it all lately bc it's what's most prominent in my life rn of course#idk. pondering. introspecting. as i am wont to do#anyways if you've read all this you're a real mvp and i am kissing you on the hand#shai speaks
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oifaaa · 1 year
There’s something so fucking funny to me about that anon’s use of a semicolon. Like they really had to make sure you knew those two independent clauses were linked
They wanted to show off that they knew proper grammar while I'm sitting here like want to see the longest run on sentence of your life
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whoarethegirls · 5 months
i don't understand authors who write historical fiction and put stuff in their books that i can dispute with 5 minutes on wikipedia
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Summer Ship asks for TyHil (because a) if i reblogged this i wouldn't get a single ask, b) who's stopping me lol)
🌼 Who likes to go outdoors and who prefers to stay inside?
In the summer Hilary prefers to stay inside, have late-night at-home movie dates or bake/cook together. Tyson is a beach person through and through (am I ever letting go of my surfer hc NO) and in order to get Hilary out and about, he has to make a lot of promises about doing extra chores or studying. But it's all worth it in the end when Hilary steps out in a bikini.
👙Who got a new swimsuit that the other can’t stop looking at?
Hilary 🧜🏻‍♀️ Tyson 😳
🩴Who breaks their flip flops?
Oddly enough, Hilary and Tyson finds it annoying since when they do go to the beach she just curls up in a corner with a book and doesn't move about, so how does she manage to break it every single time 🧐
🐚Who likes collecting shells?
Tyson, and then he gives the best ones to Hilary. Which isn't a great idea since she's a hoarder so by the time they're old, she just has jars and jars full of shells given to her by Tyson.
Sometimes Tyson keeps the really good finds to show to his father whenever they meet.
🌞Who handles the heat better?
Tyson, Hilary complains a lot and never lends her handheld electric fan to anyone.
⛈Who’s afraid of thunderstorms?
Also Hilary, but she wouldn't exactly be scared of it, but just that they maker her uncomfortable and she prefers not to be alone when it's happening.
🌈Who enjoys the longer days the most?
I think this would really depend on the phase of their lives. When they're in school together then both of them would love longer days because that would mean being able to spend more time in each other's company. When they're in uni or when they start working, then they just want the day to get over so they can get home and see each other again.
⭐️Who likes to look at stars?
Tyson because he has a faint memory of his father pointing out the constellations to him when he was little, Hilary also becomes interested in astronomy after Tyson mentions this. And then she becomes the person Tyson goes to with all his questions astronomical questions.
🌊Freshwater or saltwater?
Tyson would love saltwater because he likes to swim/surf in the ocean during summers, Hilary likes freshwater because she enjoys sitting by a pond on a spring morning.
🍉Which one loves watermelon? Who spits the seeds like it’s a sport? Or who hates the seeds?
They both love watermelon and they definitely compete over who can spit the seeds out faster. Every now and then Tyson lets Hilary win so he can see her celebrate unabashedly.
🫐Do they like to go berry picking? Who picks the most berries? Who eats more than they pick?
This would be something that Hilary would plan for the two of them just so they can avoid going to the beach for a day. Tyson will obviously eat more berries than he picks and then sulk when Hilary finishes off with a larger amount than him.
🥩Who’s grilling? What are they grilling?
I can see Tyson as one of those guys who're really particular about their grilling equipment and techniques. They probably bring out the grill for cookouts and beach parties so Tyson would probably choose to grill some meat.
🛶Who’s never been on a kayak/canon? Do they tip over?
Hilary's probably never been because Tyson keeps teasing her about how he will tip her over.
✈️Do they travel over the summer? Where to?
I think when they're in their 20s they'd travel during every vacation they get, especially during the summers I can see them making plans to visit Max in America, or Rei in China. But when their kids are born, they prefer to do more domestic trips and save international travels for special occasions.
🎢Are they amusement park people? If so, what’s their favorite ride?
They weren't really until they decided to have 4 kids with wildly different personalities who can only ever agree on doing one activity together, riding a roller coaster. Hilary sits this one out though.
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