#i’ve done things like this before in the past
scoonsalicious · 3 days
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9.2 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of past cheating.
Word Count: 2.3k
Previously On...: Bucky and Lily had a conversation. Now Lily knows you and Bucky are dating.
A/N: Sorry this is late; I had to clean out my office after hours today. It was... an experience, to say the least :/
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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“I think you’re a fucking idiot,” your best friend, Hannah Santiago, said to you as you sat in the coffee shop across the street from The WarZone. She had been furious with you when you hadn’t answered her texts all weekend, so you promised her a lunch date to catch her up on your last few days in the company of one Bucky Barnes.
She did not appear to be taking it very well.
“Why?” you asked, mildly insulted. “He’s amazing, Han. I think you’ll really like him when you get to know him.”
Hannah rolled her eyes at you. “Oh, I’m sure he’s a peach,” she agreed with just a hint of sarcasm. “Though I’d probably feel better about it if you got to know him, too, before shacking up with him for days on end!”
“It’s NRE,” you told her, as if that perfectly explained the intense connection you felt you shared with Bucky. “That New Relationship Energy.”
“Oh my god,” Hannah groaned. “Get off of TikTok. You’re too fucking old for that shit.” A mother at the next table over with an infant in a stroller gave her a disapproving look and audibly tsked at her, but Hannah just responded with a glare.
“It’s great for marketing,” you grumbled.
“Look,” Hannah conceded with a sigh, “I’m sure this guy is wonderful, really. But (Y/N), sweetie, you haven’t had a serious relationship since you and Connor split.” You opened your mouth to protest, despite knowing she was right, but Hannah silenced you with a look. “I’m not saying I don’t want you to get back out there; lord knows it's past time– I just want you to be smart about it and not rush into anything headfirst with someone you barely know.”
Logically, of course, you knew Hannah was right. “He suggested we should put a pause on having sex so we can focus on getting to know each other better,” you offered. 
Hannah raised a well-manicured eyebrow. “Okay, that’s interesting,” she said. “Especially if it was as good as you said it was.”
You dropped your chin into your hand as you rested your elbow against the table and sighed dreamily. “Hannah, it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I swear, I don’t even know if I can call anything Connor ever gave me an actual orgasm after then things Bucky’s done to my body.”
The mother at the next table muttered something about “inappropriate talk” under her breath, but loud enough that you both could hear her. 
“Last time I checked,” Hannah said pointedly at you, though projecting her voice so that you knew it was actually for the other woman’s benefit, “‘inappropriate’ speech is still free speech. So sue me, please.”
You rolled your eyes good naturedly. As a First Amendment litigator, Hannah took Freedom of Speech extremely seriously. “Han,” you warned. “Let it go. This isn’t a courtroom.”
“Fine,” your friend said, ignoring the mother as she stood up and walked away with her stroller. “I’m just worried about you,” she said. “The last time you jumped headfirst into a relationship without really knowing the guy, you ended up married for nine years.”
You hated that she was right– you did have a track record of impulsive relationship decisions. “I appreciate you looking out for me,” you offered, reaching out to squeeze Hannah’s hand across the table. 
“So, do you really see this turning into a long term thing?” Hannah asked, genuinely curious. “Because I’ll support you if you do; I’ll just tell you I told you so if it all falls apart at your feet.”
“I think I do,” you told her, choosing to ignore her jab about rubbing failure in your face. “I know it’s early, but… I’m happy when I’m with him. There’s just the one issue with his–” You paused, not quite sure you wanted to divulge the Lily-sized elephant in your relationship with Bucky just yet.
“One issue with what?” Hannah asked. “And you better not say ‘nothing,’ otherwise I will use my cross examination skills against you,” she threatened. 
Having no desire to subject yourself to that, you relented. “It’s just… he’s got this female best friend–”
“Oh, hell no!” Hannah said, loudly enough to attract the attention of most of the other coffee shop patrons. “Nope, we are not doing this, (Y/N). I will not stand by and watch you go through that all over again.”
Truthfully, this was the reaction you had been expecting. “I’m not the same person I was back then, Han,” you protested. “Bucky’s not Connor, and Lily’s not Danielle.”
You understood your friend’s anger on your behalf. When Connor had promised you there was nothing between him and his childhood best friend, Danielle, you’d naively believed him, despite the gnawing sensation in your gut that told you something wasn’t right with their relationship. It was years before the instinct grew enough to convince you to look at his phone and you had found thousands of text messages between the two of them. You’d promptly thrown up.
His reaction had been textbook. At first, he tried to gaslight you– you didn’t see what you thought you saw; you were taking innocent conversations out of context (though, you weren’t sure how much context the exchanging of nudes really needed). Then, he tried to shift the blame on you– you were never around, always away on deployment or assignments. You emasculated him by getting promoted again and again, until you outranked him, and how was he supposed to live with that? Finally, he love bombed you, showering you with compliments and praise, begging you to forgive him, making promises you knew he would never keep, telling you he’d do anything to get you to stay.
Except for cutting off all contact with Danielle, apparently. He was willing to do anything, anything at all to regain your trust… just not the one thing you’d actually asked of him.
In the end, the divorce had been relatively straight forward. You weren’t stupid. You’d made sure to take screenshots of all of the text conversations between him and his mistress in case he deleted them. You’d even recorded the conversation you had with him when you confronted him, and he’d actually admitted to it. 
There were a lot of things you had disliked about the United States Army, but their stance on cheating hadn’t been one of them. Connor had ended up demoted, and you were able to maintain all of your financial assets without having to shell out anything for spousal support, despite the fact that you had out-earned him by more than double. 
As for Danielle? Well, you became an expert at giving her the cold shoulder and pretending like she didn’t exist.
“You never thought Connor would end up like Connor, either,” Hannah told you pointedly. “And yet.”
You sighed. Your friend had a point, you knew she did, but you just couldn’t imagine Bucky doing that to you. 
“Look, I’m not trying to shit in your cornflakes,” Hannah said. “I love you and I’m worried about you. I don’t want to see you rush into something and make the same mistakes again. That’s all.”
“I know, I know,” you agreed. And you really did. Hannah had been your biggest source of support when your marriage had gone to hell. She’d set you up with your attorney, let you stay with her while your housing situation got sorted, and had been your shoulder to cry on all the nights you had too much to drink and swore you were going to die alone. 
“Look, I promise to not jump into anything crazy,” you assured her. “I’ve learned my lesson.”
After saying your goodbyes to Hannah so she could return to her firm, you headed back over to The WarZone, hoping to get yourself absorbed in some work so you could get your mind off of Hannah’s worries before they became your worries, too. Natasha should be arriving shortly for her standing Tuesday appointment, and you were hoping to chat with her for a few minutes once she was done. 
The bell above the entry door rang cheerfully as you pushed your way inside, but the atmosphere in the lobby felt unnaturally heavy. You looked up from your phone to see Rand leaning against the reception desk with his arms crossed, glaring at someone across the room, and Zadie trying to pretend to look busy at her computer.
You followed Rand’s gaze and locked eyes with Bucky. His giant frame was spread out across one of the lounge chairs, and he seemed to have been watching Rand with a puzzled sort of wariness. When he turned to look at you, though, a blinding smile broke across his face that made your knees feel weak.
“Hey, sugar,” he greeted, standing up and making his way toward you. 
You moved to meet him halfway. “Hiya, Sarge,” you said, putting your arms around his neck and standing on your toes to kiss him hello. “I missed you.” 
“Oh yeah?” he asked, a teasing glint in his eye as his hands settled on your hips. “I just saw you yesterday.”
“Lotta lonely hours between then and now, Bucky,” you told him evocatively, toying your fingers through the hairs at the nape of his neck.
The loud sound of a clearing throat brought your attention back to Rand, who was looking at you in disbelief. “Really?” he asked.
“Oh, sorry–” you said, purposefully ignoring Rand’s meaning. “Where are my manners? Bucky, this is my office assistant, Zadie–” Zadie waved enthusiastically from her perch behind the reception desk, “-- and my Midtown location manager, Rand. Guys,” you said, taking an excited breath, “this is Bucky.”
“It’s so nice to meet you, Bucky,” Zadie said enthusiastically, and you knew the orchid and note he had sent you on Saturday had definitely won her over to his side. “Major’s told us so much about you.”
“Yeah,” added Rand through gritted teeth, “we’ve heard an awful lot about you, Mr. Barnes.” You shot him a look, silently pleading for him to be nice, or at least remove himself before he said something offensive.
“It’s nice to meet you both, as well,” Bucky said, ever the gentleman. He made to move, and you highly suspected he was going to try to shake hands with them. While you had no doubt Zadie would be friendly, you wouldn’t put it past Rand to just be a dick for the hell of it, so you wrapped your arms around Bucky’s midsection and drew yourself toward him, keeping him in place.
“So,” you began, hoping to distract him from your manager’s open hostility, “to what do I owe the pleasure? Because it is a pleasure to see you, especially when unexpected.”
Bucky smiled and moved a hand to brush a lock of hair away from your face. “Nat mentioned she was coming down for her weekly visit,” he said. “She invited me to come join her; thought I’d like to check out the place for myself.” He leaned in to whisper conspiratorially: “And if I just so happened to run into this pretty girl I’ve had my eye on, well, that would be a bonus.”
His words made your insides dance, leaving you feeling like a giddy teenager. “You’ll have to let me know if she shows up, Sarge,” you teased. “I’ll try to put a good word in for you.”
“You’d do that for me? Thanks, doll,” he grinned.
“Of course, handsome. Where is Nat, anyway?” you asked. The redhead hadn’t been in the lobby when you came in.
“She had to take a phone call. Avengers stuff,” Bucky offered with a shrug. “She shouldn’t be too long.”
As if on cue, the main door opened and Natasha breezed into the lobby. She caught sight of you and Bucky with your arms around one another immediately and threw a knowing smirk your way. “Sorry ‘bout that,” she said. She turned to Bucky and rolled her eyes. “Fury had some questions about the last mission that apparently couldn’t be saved for an email.”
“Fucking bureaucracy,” he muttered. 
“Tell me about it.” Nat’s frown quickly transformed into delighted glee as she rubbed her hands together. “Alright, Barnes. You ready to fuck some shit up?”
“Oh,” chirped Zadie. “I’m sorry, Ms. Romanoff; we didn’t have you down for a doubles’ room. Just your usual single.”
“Zadie, just move them to a VIP room,” you told your office assistant. You turned to Nat. “That should be more than big enough for the both of you.”
“They’re also significantly extra in price,” Rand interjected. 
“Waive the fee,” you said. 
“Sugar,” Bucky said, looking down at you, “that’s not necessary; we can pay the difference.”
“I’m not going to make my boy– er, um… my friends pay for an upgrade I offered them that they didn’t ask for. For fucks’ sake, Rand.” You hoped no one noticed your slipup, but the way Bucky was grinning down at you and squeezing your hip let you know it hadn’t gotten past him at all. 
“No problem, Major,” Zadie said. “Room 5c is available and all ready to go.”
“I’m sure you’re busy being the big boss, doll,” Bucky said as you moved to escort him and Nat to the elevators. You’d be having a chat with Rand later. “But any chance you could join us? I’d really like my first time to be with you.”
“Oh my god,” gagged Natasha. “You’re pathetic, Barnes. Seriously. That was bad.”
“So bad,” you agreed with a laugh, “but it worked.” You grinned at the both of them. “Yeah, of course I’ll help you pop your rage room cherry.”
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mammomlette · 17 hours
How I changed the obey me timeline in my obey me dr (because the real one is a dumpster fire)
So this blog isn’t supposed to be about my DR or shifting but I want to yap about this and help people out who want a reference on how they could change it if they feel it’s too messy like I did! <3
I’ve done a slightly more detailed version of events for the brothers in the celestial realm, during nightbringer and recently before MC, but I’ve also got brief bullet points in case you don’t want to read allat (understandable)
The celestial realm (not the place, the era for the brothers)
Lucifer was created about 6,500 years ago. We know he is over 5,000 for definite in canon as he says in about lesson 15 he can talk about either the past 5000 years or up to 5000 years ago. I chose 6,500 for no reason, I just felt like it
Lucifer is lonely. He has Michael, but that’s about it. Then Mammon came along about 5,700 years ago, a new angel curious about the realm and he basically just baby duck’ed lucifer. First thing he saw and just chose him. Lucifer just accepted it.
Levi was born about 5,500 years ago, 200 years after mammon, and just stared at Lucifer and mammon for a while until they had a run in with him and claimed (is that a weird way to describe it) him. He just went with it
Satan was created on much different circumstances. Yes, he was first ‘born’ during the celestial war, but he first festered and came to life inside of Lucifer after Lucifer had his first serious argument with Michael (or the Father) since then, he had been flickering in and out of consciousness, just stuck staring through lucifers eyes and feeling nothing but wrath being stuck spectating at random times uncontrollably. This was approximately 5,350 years ago.
Roughly 5,200 years ago, the most beautiful of lights combined and shone down onto one (very large, the celestial realm has odd flora) red rose, and from the light after it dimmed was Asmodeus. He immediately felt pure adoration for all those around him, smiling and praising Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan who took him under their wing.
5,000 years ago-ish, two twin angels were created simultaneously. Two wings opened to reveal two twins, albeit not similar in appearance besides from their eyes, who were immediately attached at the hip. This intrigued Lucifer, who began to grow fond of them, and this fondness slowly rubbed off onto his other three brothers. Obviously, those twins were Beelzebub and Belphegor.
Simeon was created a little under 5,000 years ago, but acted much more maturely and quickly gained more power than the brothers (minus lucifer, of course)
The stable and supportive mind of Simeon drew lucifer (and per usual, the rest of his brothers) towards him and they bonded as family (important to note: I don’t headcanon this or assume this is how it went in canon. Simeon being one of the the brothers in the celestial realm and being as close with them as they were eachother is just something I added in. This isn’t canon or implied by any means)
And as the final of the siblings, Lilith was born 4,800 years ago.
She was sweet to all those around her, taking the interest of the twins and then the rest of the brothers. With time, the 8 grew inseparable.
Prior to all of the siblings being created, diavolo is born. Probably a few centuries before lucifer. Diavolo nags and nags and nags for Barbatos to be his butler and he’s like okay FINE just shut uppPPPP or however he would word that. (Barb also grew attached to him quite quickly for his standards, probably because he knew his father was so neglectful, the bastard)
Belphie had been watching from the clouds in quiet places as humans went about their daily lives. New civilisations formed and were destroyed and he thrived in watching the humans live and die and ascend (or celestial realm forbid descend)
After so long watching them, he decided to sneak down. He was so awe-struck by what he saw (and thankful he didn’t get caught) he just had to bring his twin and little sister with him!!
While he was there, he ran into humans putting on some kind of performance for other humans using tools and animals (This is the circus he is referred to have visited. Though they weren’t called circuses at the time, surely things equivalent have always existed)
The show didn’t seem all that impressive to Beel, but Lilith and Belphie practically glowed at the sight of the shows humans would put on to entertain each other, so he was content to let it happen.
Lucifer was sent down by Father to talk to the demon prince, Diavolo.
About 3,000 years ago, Lilith ran into a man while hiding her true form. She fell madly in love with him and understood she had to hide her identity and lead a double life. While leading with double life, she met not only the love of her life but her best friend.
Eventually, (not significantly long after considering how shortly humans live) her lover got ill. Lilith was more absent and notably more upset, so the twins caught on, who concernedly confronted Lilith, which was heard by Lucifer, who was forced to tell Michael (because Michael knew something was up and harassed him for it), who decided that Father would be able to help Lilith.
Yeah father did NOT help Lilith💥💥
Father was deeply displeased with her and decided to cast her out of the heavens (which always results in an angel falling, Simeon)
The brothers were outraged and decided to fight for Lilith with wits but they ended up having to use those fists instead 💔
Simeon was the exception to this though, as Michael had gotten to Simeon before lucifer could and convinced him fighting would be a mistake. Simeon pleaded with lucifer not to do it, but he was ignored. Simeon still vouched for the brothers though, which resulted in him being demoted but the brothers never knew he did this (so that sucks for Simeon)
In the battle Lilith died, they fell, Beel got survivors guilt Belphie became human racist, yk how it goes
However, Lilith knew she was probably going to die. She was always the weakest of her siblings. So, she gave her blessing to her best friend the day before she died, some of her power and some of her love eternally flowing through the best friend’s veins. The loss of this power definitely became another reason she died the next day.
(This friend would be my ancestor. That was I have Liliths power, but NOT her blood because that’s a tiny bit weird for me to be trying to diddle my greatX30 uncles, but to each their own)
Satan is born from the smallest pair of lucifers wings ripping off and in a last moment of light, form into an angry toddler
I’d also say Solomon needs to be born at some point recently before the fall. Mans is OLD and needs to be alive long enough before nightbringer (which in still using as a reference point btw, and also nightbringer is one year after the fall) to make a pact with Barbatos and become well acquainted with him.
I’m not sure when thirteen was born sorry guys, but I like to hc she was young enough to be most comfortable in a child form when she first met Solomon and once Barb dumped him at the lake thingy, she started aging along side him (in my head canons and DR, reapers can change their age)
Their rivalry started as childish banter but then he cooked for her and it became a tad real I’m afraid…
But anyway I’m gonna say this was about 100-300 years before the fall just because. That feels right to me
Solomon does a lot of crazy shit right after Barb makes a pact with him. Example: restraining order from the sea?
Nightbringer/right after the fall
I scripted out most of nightbringer
It doesn’t make sense and doesn’t fit in with the rest of the timeline imo??
Anyway, back to explaining what happened after the fall
Michael finds lucifers ring basically right away because he can see the tainted celestial energy flowing through it, so he goes down for the last time for a while to retrieve it
Lucifer makes a deal to offer his allegiance or whatever he said with diavolo in order to bring Lilith back to life, but this is as a human (didn’t change this)
Belphie, who despite always being a sleepy head managed to stay awake and enjoy lounging in the sun, began to stay indoors all the time m. He could see the stars from the planetarium, that’s all he really cares about. (Vitamin D deficiency who?)
All the brothers also begin to embody their sins. It’s sad to watch them morph into sin incarnate but they’ll grow used to it (in like, 200 years, rip bozos)
Diavolo comes up with the concept of RAD but doesn’t begin planning it out yet. He introduces the idea to Barbatos and the brothers, who aren’t thrilled about school or whatever but dont see a reason to oppose it
Satan is angy guys:((
Satan ages inconsistently. There are moments he is a toddler and then is suddenly in his pre-teens, all just based on how stable he is (while resting, he usually looks to be about 6 but his age changes randomly when feeling stresses)
He begins to learn from those around him to be calm, but to indulge in sins, never getting the virtuous upbringing his brothers had.
About 100 years later and his aging is still inconsistent, but doesn’t spasm out anymore. He’s like renesmee or whatever her name is from twilight, he aged quite quickly for a born-demon once it was under control.
Michael becomes bitter in the loss of the brothers and shuts himself away for a few hundred years, only making appearances when needed. Once he stops being a recluse, it’s obvious he’s different. More unstable and obsessed with messing with people. But still him, still and angel
Raphael (whose birth I didn’t include because who has time for that, he just exists at some point before the fall) becomes more easily irritated and cold. This doesn’t last to such an extent permanently, but its impact still stands in present. He misses them.
And Simeon is distraught. He hides it, but his gloom is obvious to everyone. 1,500ish years before present day, Michael notices this and out of pity and sympathy, assigns a new unranked angel angel to be his student. To be his brother. (Guess who this is you guys!!)
Although he could never dream of replacing his brothers, having Luke around reminds him to be happy. A younger brother turned older with new responsibilities, but he’s happy to have company
Solomon makes a pact with Asmo in his (sol’s) hometown after they both get a bit tipsy.
Solomon has his war with the devildom (sorry chat I really don’t know why. Possibly having something to do with his new pact with Asmo) and during this diavolo calls upon the brothers to help fight against him. THIS is why they’re known as the 7 rulers of the underworld not some stupid ass kids quest to find Cerberus
During this war, Levi makes a bond with Lotan
Diavolo starts properly planning RAD
The brothers realise that it’s much more simple to just chill without their demonic features, so they find out how to have more ‘human’ forms and hang out in them for casual times
And given their status, this starts a trend in the devildom to be in human forms.
Big puppy shows up at their door for war one day. Guard dog acquired💪
Crows won’t leave mammon alONEEEE (he loves them really he just doesn’t know it yet)
Henry 1.0 is there for a minute too btw. Then he’s not
Pre-MC (Past 1,000 years)
Probs the shortest section
Diavolo officially establishes RAD with a curriculum that takes hundereds possibly thousands of years to complete
Luke meets the demon king at a ceremony (I don’t know anything about this other than it happened in canon, I don’t remember it being mentioned lol)
The demon king goes for a lil snooze and snork mimimi’s till this day. Guys just tired
While his daddy is honk shoo’ing the world away, diavolo is forced to take the throne temporarily
Diavolo had already basically taken charge the devildom while his father was AWAKE anyway since his father wanted to train him up (and zzzzzzz in peace) so he knew what to do he was just depressed he actually had to now and Barbatos was making sure of it
Levi gets Henry 2.0 (also a few henries in between. Shout out to Henry 1.7, the parrot who was smite-smited-smote-smoted-smitten- killed for calling lucifer a bitchass motherfucker. U we’re iconic king)
A human is born. This can’t mean anything important right guys. Right.
The exchange programme is put forward, Belphie threatens treason, lucifer is too gay loyal to defend his brother so he locks him in the attic as all siblings so
Briefer timeline
The brothers are all born (including Simeon, who is one of the brothers in my DR but didn’t fall)
Lilith falls in love yada yada, before the war she blesses her friend (my ancestor) and gives her her power
Solomon makes a pact with Barb and becomes a little 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
The brothers (not Simeon) fall and Lilith dies rip queen
Satan is born but he’s a toddler who just changes age when he’s angy
Until he gets his emotions mostly under control and then he starts aging (he stops aging once he reaches a certain point m, about early 20s but the brothers ages are weird in my DR)
Simeon is so sad Michael buys him a dog (I’m kidding, I know I know that’s an oversaturated joke)
Solomon makes a pact with Asmo while tipsy and wages a war because he was feeling 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 again
During said war, the brothers become known as the 7 rulers of the underworld. Cerberus shows up randomly on a Tuesday, unrelated to them gaining their titles
Demon king snoozes so diavolo steps up (he basically already did that but now it’s official)
Diavolo wants RAD. Nobody wants to go to school but they say yes because they kinda have to
Diavolo gets RAD
Human is born. So many humans are born every day, so this won’t mean anything right, chat?
Belphie is racist to humans so he threatens treason when diavolo wants the exchange programme and he gets locked in the attic
That’s it😭 I feel like I’m missing stuff out so if you notice anything missing lmk and I’ll add it!! I’m gonna do more posts like these, hopefully this was alright😞😞
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goldcnfish · 2 days
🐈‍⬛ han taesan : the truth.
genre : slight angst, romance, bfau, fem!reader cw : mental health (depression), suggestive content, sloppy kissing, playful teasing
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you and taesan have been dating since senior year of high school. over the past 3 years, you two have grown closer than ever, being able to tell each other anything. although you were extroverted, taesan was the opposite. he was more inward than outward.
but lately, taesan has been a bit secretive than usual. and maybe even aloof. you’d ask him what was the matter multiple times, but all he did was give you sharp answers like “i’m fine” and “it’s nothing”.
you could read your boyfriend like the back of your hand, and knew that something was troubling him. you just wanted to find out what it was, if he’d ever tell you.
since taesan was at the library with a couple of close friends, you didn’t have a chance to ask what was going on.
arriving home, taesan walked through the door, but instead of greeting you like usual, he just brushed past you and swept upstairs to the bedroom.
you’d had enough, and walked upstairs to the room to see taesan sitting at his desk, on his laptop, working on beats. he had a love for music, specifically producing and writing.
you called his name, but he didn’t respond. he had his headphones on, yet you looked down at the cord to see them not being plugged into anything.
okay. now he’s deliberately ignoring you. — remaining calm and trying to understand him, you tapped his shoulder. “dongmin, seriously, talk to me. something’s bothering you. i can tell.”
like before, he says, “it’s nothing,” before abruptly getting up and walking to the bathroom with a towel, presumably to take a shower.
you shook your head at him. you were going to get through to him, one way or another.
coming back into the room, taesan sat back at his desk, starting to work on his music again.
he looked tense, so you walked over to him and began massaging his shoulders. “babe, please. talk to me.”
“i’m fine, y/n. leave me alone.” taesan said in a curt manner, not bothering to pay you any attention. he was too focused on whatever he was doing on his computer.
you sighed. maybe it was best to give him some space, so you just gave up and walked downstairs. you grabbed a bowl and spoon from the dishwater and made you some cereal, despite it being 5:42pm.
you sat on the couch, turning on some tv. you frequently glanced at the stairs expecting taesan to come down at some point, but he never did.
thinking to yourself, why was he being like this? did something happen? did you do something wrong? it didn’t make any sense.
an idea popped into your brain. you took your phone and began to call taesan’s best and closest friend: kim leehan. you were also pretty close to him.
in a casual tone, he answers, “hello?”
“donghyun, i need your help. it’s about dongmin.”
“y/n? what’s wrong?” his tone of voice instantly changed from casual to worried. “did something happen to him?”
“that’s what i’m trying to find out. this past week, he’s been acting so aloof and distant. i keep asking what’s wrong, and he never gives me an answer. do you know?” you asked.
“he was acting the same way at the library today. usually, he’s always talkative when he’s with me, but he was both unusually silent and was staring into space a lot. i’ve done the same thing. never opens up. something’s going on with him, though. without a doubt.” leehan replied.
“agreed. hey, thanks for answering. i’m going to try and talk to him again.”
“no problem. make sure he’s okay, y/n.” leehan said, and the phone hangs up.
you put down your phone and marched upstairs to the bedroom, about to reason with him once more, but your heart immediately sank the moment you saw the view in front of you.
taesan was on the floor, crying. sobbing. weeping. his head was buried in his knees, as if he knew you would walk in. he didn’t want you to see him cry.
you’ve seen him cry before, but never this hard. it was heart-wrenching.
slowly kneeling down, you gently placed your hand on his shoulder. “dongmin… hey, what’s wrong?”
he raised his head up, eyes bloodshot red, cheeky puffy. he must’ve been crying for a little. you wanted to take him and put him in your pocket.
“it’s… nothing—”
“please don’t say it’s nothing. something is wrong, honey. i can’t do anything if you don’t talk to me.” you sat next to him, making sure to give him your undivided attention to show you were ready to listen.
taesan let out a shaky sigh, wiping his eyes. “look… i’m sorry for the way i’ve been behaving. it’s just… i’ve been having a lot of internal issues.”
“like what?”
finally, he told you the truth, even if it hurt to say.
“my depression’s been spiraling a bit. a few days ago, i got verbally assaulted by my mom for wanting to be in the music industry when i graduate college, and not in the medical industry. i’m sorry for pushing you away. i should’ve just told you.”
when taesan revealed the reason behind his cold behavior, your first instinct was to pull him into a hug. a mother not supporting her child’s dreams. you’ve heard of stories like that before.
all you did was whisper soft words to him, and rubbed his back, reassuring him that everything was okay. you didn’t want him to stress himself out so much.
you cupped taesan’s face. “remember, i’m your girlfriend, but i’m also your confidante. you can talk to me about everything and i won’t tell a soul unless you say so. and vise versa.”
taesan cracked a small smile at that.
“bigger smile.” you said, tugging at the corners of his lips to form a wider smile. he rolled his eyes and a genuine smile appeared on his face. “now, what exactly were you doing on your computer earlier?”
“working on some music. here, take a listen.” taesan walked over to his desk and played a beat for you.
at the shift of the subject, you could tell his face was quickly softening. his red eyes were dissipating, returning to their normal white. he was smiling more and more by the second. you felt relieved. you hated seeing him sad, just as he hated seeing you sad.
now, you and taesan were on the bed, listening to some songs he wrote about you. you both had an airpod in one of your ears.
“baby, can i ask you something?” taesan asked, looking at you. he took out the airpod. must’ve been serious.
he sits up so you can hear him better. “can i kiss you?”
with a smirk, you raised an eyebrow. “dongmin, do you seriously have to ask to kiss me?”
“well… i mean, yeah. consent.”
you chuckled at his consideration. “yes. you can kiss me, babe.”
he smiled, but that sweet smile turned into a flirty smirk. he swiftly got on top of you.
“oh, so you’re not feeling down anymore, huh? you’re in the mood?”
“yes. thanks to you. you really know how to cheer a guy up.” taesan says, pecking your forehead. “now… do you mind if i cheer you up in a specific way?”
“and what are you implying, dongmin?”
“let me kiss you more so you can find out.” at last, taesan’s lips found their way towards yours. from how calm he usually was, you expected it to be a loving, tender kiss.
it was anything but.
the kiss was wet and sloppy, basically a full-blown make-out session. you two were making certain audible sounds. it was unbelievably hot.
taesan broke the kiss apart for a second, a smile stretching, then he kissed you once again, hands gently sliding up the bottom of your shirt.
you whispered against his lips, “your hands are wandering, baby.”
“so? not like there’s anything i haven’t seen underneath these clothes of yours.” he began burying his face in your neck. “you put on that same vanilla perfume, didn’t you?”
“of course i did.”
“good. it suits you.” taesan rasped, and began leaving love marks on your neck. you couldn’t help but moan, tangling your fingers in his soft hair.
“keep kissing my neck and this might lead to something.” you said with a grin, trying to control your eyes about to roll in the back of your head.
“thought that was what you were going for.”
“it is. continue.” you said, and pulled him into another steamy kiss. as you two had yet another make out session, taesan lifted the sheets over your heads, initiating a very sensual time between you two.
you were glad to have each other, to be able to talk about anything with each other, to do anything with each other.
a/n: if you’re going through something, you aren’t alone 🫶🏻
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Hello! I hope you're having a good day :) for fic prompts (yay I finally thought of one) maybe one of our guys casually referencing something a bully in their past taught them was true about themself and the other being like??? No???
Cheering!! Absolutely never get tired of writing scenes like this!
Ed hadn’t even questioned it when he said it.
They’d been working on painting the library with the prettiest light purple paint. It didn’t really have any books yet, but it was going to be a library, so that was what they were calling it already. They’d been joking around, and somehow they’d gotten on the topic of Ed’s sword fighting lessons, and Stede had remarked that he wondered why Ed hadn’t tried to teach anyone else.
“Mostly because I was flirting with you,” Ed laughed, and then he’d paused, and he’d just owned up to the reason that was probably the most true, but, because they were trying to be open and available with each other, he decided to take it a bit further. “And, y’know, I have anger issues, so I always thought it was for the best not to be swinging swords around anyone if I could help it, right?”
And Stede had looked at him, confusion all over his face. “Sorry, what?”
“Uh, I was flirting with you?”
“After that.”
“Oh,” Ed realized, clicking his tongue, looking down at his paint roller so he didn’t have to look at Stede. “I have anger issues.”
“Uh, no,” Stede said, almost laughing.
“Stede,” Ed sighed, “I know you love me, I love you, but we’re trying to be vulnerable with each other, and you really shouldn’t -”
“Oh, honey, no.” Stede put his own paint roller back in its tray, wiping a few specks of paint off on the light shorts he’d put on for painting as he crossed the room to Ed’s side. “Thank you for telling me. But who the fuck told you that?”
“Uh,” Ed said. “Does it matter? It’s -”
“It is not true,” Stede said, so firmly that Ed looked up in surprise. “You do not have anger issues.”
Ed ducked his head.
“I have more trouble controlling my anger than you do, honestly,” Stede snorted. “Why do you think…?”
Ed cleared his throat a bit sheepishly. “Uh, I’m really violent -”
“You were a pirate.” Stede shrugged. “Again. I’m more violent than you are.”
“Uh-huh,” Ed snorted.
“Really,” Stede insisted. “I’ve seen you get angry, Ed. Like when that awful man called you a donkey - if anyone did that to you now, I’d probably shoot them in their faces, but you gave him every chance before you got mad.”
“And then I ordered him skinned with a snail fork,” Ed mumbled. “Because I’m -”
“I would’ve done worse,” Stede said immediately. “Honestly, Ed, I’m in awe of your restraint.”
Ed…restraint. Huh.
He allowed the thoughts to dance across his mind, for just a moment before he pushed them away.
“If I don’t have anger issues,” Ed started hesitantly, occupying himself with re-applying paint on his roller, “then, uh…”
“Oh, lucky for you,” Stede said brightly, “I can tell you all about what my boyfriend Ed is like. He’s amazing. He’s my best friend.”
Ed couldn’t help his smile at Stede’s unbearably fond tone. “Go on, then.”
“Alright!” Stede almost leaned back against the wet wall before Ed stopped him, and he giggled, his nose scrunching with it. “Well. My Ed is so patient. He always explains things so well. He never yells, but he can get a bit chatty when he’s excited. When he’s annoyed with me, he gets the cutest line between his eyebrows.”
Ed pretended to pout at him.
“That one,” Stede laughed, pressing a kiss to the grumpy line on his forehead. “He’s very sweet. He’s always gentle, and kind, and he’s very usually cheerful. He loves making people laugh.”
“Sounds like a pretty alright guy,” Ed said, trying to sound very casual and not at all like he was choked up.
“Oh, he is,” Stede grinned. “He’s amazing.”
“Awright,” Ed grumbled, deciding that was enough introspection for one day, and he dabbed a bit of paint on the tip of Stede’s nose.
Stede yelped at him, and then chased him around the room trying to get him back, and before long Ed was bargaining for his fucking life before Stede could get paint on him.
And when they’d negotiated a truce and decided to make lunch, Ed took Stede’s hand, and he squeezed it tight, and for the first time, he didn’t worry about hurting Stede when he held him.
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I am sorry
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
John Wick X Fem!Reader 𓍯𓂃 Angst • -1k Words
Maybe he was right all along…perhaps people like us don’t deserve to feel love, and yet, here I sit on the floor in the hallway to a house he rarely resides in, weeping as I pick up the last of my belongings. Maybe he was right… I’m the problem. It has to be me, I must be the problem, otherwise he wouldn’t be afraid of loving me. That’s got to be wrong though, that would insinuate that he loved me at all which isn’t true. I could never be loved.
“Don’t make this any harder than it has to be, just take your stuff and leave.” His voice was muffled from the other side of the door I was sitting across from. “John, please-“ god I sound so pathetic, it’s no wonder he hates me. Silence, my pleas were met with silence, but not the kind we were used to, sorry, the kind I was used to. It was no longer silence where words weren’t enough to communicate, it was the kind where words would only take up more space within the heavy tension. Maybe he simply didn’t hear me. My John would never leave my pleas unheard. ‘My John’ what a foolish concept, he was never mine.
“Why? Why John? WHY?! Why? Just tell me why John. Tell me and I’ll leave you alone. I just need to understand why. Please.” I must be incomprehensible with all the sniffling and babbling. Bang. The door opens and slams against the wall. There he was, aggravated, wearing his usual suit, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this upset. Man, I must have ticked him off. “I’m sorry.” The whisper breaks, barely leaving my lips. “This. It’s when you do this shit that really pisses me off. When you go and say sorry for every little thing as if it’ll get you some sort of pity points.” Borderline screaming, standing tall on the frame of the door. “I’m sorry.-“ “There you go again.” “I am NOT done speaking. I am sorry that my poor ol’ pitiful me bothers you so much. I am sorry that I’m not as independent as you’d like me to be. I deeply apologize for stupidly thinking that being together for 5 years meant that I’d get to hug my boyfriend once he got home, I am so sorry for assuming that you’d like to have a nice warm homecooked dinner by the time you got home. Shit, I’ll even apologize for loving you even though you told me that killers like us could never feel love. I’ll apologize for every last thing I can because it’s the only thing I’m good at doing. Ain’t that right Jardani?” “Yeah, you’re right. Now take your stuff and get out of my house.”
I stand, push him out of the way, and enter to grab my last belonging. The room was in disarray, with clothes all over the floor, drawers half open, and the dresser which still had my dresses surrounding it. Atop his nightstand was within a frame, a Polaroid he had taken of me on our first official date. Back when we were both working as assassins, before the crash.
I miss those days. I miss when I didn’t think that every bad thing that happened was because of my own fault. I miss the days when I thought I had it all under control. I miss when John would draw me a bath and rub soothing circles on my back after a long day. I miss when I felt loved.
“You never loved me, did you? You don’t need to answer that. I already know the answer. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you. I hope you find someone you’ll love. Goodbye, John. Goodbye. ” Up until now, he’d had his back turned against me since I walked past him, and now he watched in fear as I walked past him again he grabbed my wrist, the one with the frame. “Not this. It belongs to me.” I resisted but his grasp only became stronger, not enough to be tight, but enough to stop me.
“Stop, you’re losing me.” And to that, he let go, scared that he’d hurt me as if I was another assignment. “I’m sorry… just please… It’s mine…” “No. It isn’t. She isn’t. Not anymore. I’m taking my belongings like you told me.” “NO!” His voice cracked midway through, and his breathing was now shaky and erratic. But despite his job, his mood, and his strength, he didn’t have it in himself to stop me from walking out the front door. He probably did. He simply didn’t want to. He didn’t want to or else he would have chased after me instead of falling against the closed door, slumped with his hands on his knees like a little kid who’s hearing their mom drive away.
But it’s for the best. I’m simply wasting his time, loving him, knowing that he’ll never love me.
Where will I go now? Where will I go now that no one has waited for me, now that I’ve been left behind by the only person I gave my all to. Let’s be honest, I never had much to offer, I’m surely not the only female assassin. I’m just a waste of time…
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cherry-pie-bi · 1 year
i feel the urge to make an aita post cause goddamn
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soullessjack · 2 months
this isnt rlly a serious post more so than a thought I need to verbalize but like. there’s an INSANE difference between the fandom being like “hey what if jack was actually his age and got to be a little normal” vs y’all treating a grown ass man like he has to cover his ears when someone swears or sleep with a nightlight on because he’s afraid of the dark, and throwing the P word around to anyone who thinks he’s attractive. one of these things is not like the other.
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3lostyears · 6 months
i hope this is the last post i’m gonna write about this but one of the reasons the 60th specials upset me is that it felt like rtd cheapened his own legacy. his initial run, especially season 4, was so meaningful to me as a kid, so influential to me as a writer and even the way i love and engage with tv to this day. that’s not to say he or his run was ever perfect, the most obvious issue being the terrible choices with martha and mickey, and others.
but it’s still upsetting to know that he doesn’t get what made his own series special. which i kind of knew when i read in the writer’s tale that, had catherine not come back as donna for season 4, the companion would have been romantically interested in the doctor. again. the thing he most consistently got right was how his run had stakes; how you could feel the heavy weight of death. tentoo works because it IS bittersweet, because it does come at a cost to both the tenth doctor and donna.
and now? he just gives us another tennant clone and it means nothing. if it had been 13, if david had just come back as tentoo to remind his former self that resting, living, is still an adventure. that despite what it might feel like, it’s an option. and after all the horror 13 faced it could have felt like a catharsis, especially if she’d reunited with the fam in addition to tentoo reuniting with donna. maintaining the biregeneration would still have undercut ncuti’s debut but not the way having david as TWO different doctors did (plus i was never expecting rtd to have improved on race because i watched years & years and wow yikes).
but it still sucks that someone who has written genuinely meaningful things to me hasn’t learned anything in the intervening years. that perhaps next time i revisit s4 it’s going to shine a little less brightly because of what he’s now written, to me the sign of truly bad writing and something i’ve already experienced from another doctor who showrunner, and that makes me sad. a real “you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain” moment.
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medi-bee · 6 months
making a two minute animatic for a podcast 99% of my followers have never heard of well that’s just how it goes sometimes
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mattodore · 3 months
okay so because previous anons asked about sex, I wanna ask about aftercare, how they act after sex? oh and i’m curious how their sex life change after being together for a while
xoxo <3
their aftercare isn't always aftercare-101, if i'm honest. theo is very bad at it and doesn't really... ever... do that for matthias. and matthias may be very good at giving aftercare but theo is incredibly resistant to it. i mentioned earlier that theo really gets off on praise, but... he also flinches away from it. he's so twisted up about so much of what he wants and he's really, uh... well. he makes it really hard to get close to him and offer comfort despite how much he desires it. matthias can't say certain things without scaring theo off (and i mean, like, theo will quite literally run away), so he has to talk around what he wants to say and what theo needs to hear to prevent theo from bolting before he can bring him down.
matthias takes a long time cleaning theo up and massaging his muscles after, and he'll hum or talk to himself in polish so theo knows he's still there touching him (but isn't stirred before he comes to himself on his own by english he can understand). when he's finished, he'll ask theo very simple yes or no questions that let matthias know how theo's feeling without outright asking how he's feeling. he also checks on theo throughout the day, but he has to be even more subtle there or theo starts to feel smothered. is your body okay? do you want me to get you dressed? does your head hurt? do you want me to read to you? he focuses on asking about the physical and what theo wants to do rather than theo’s emotions. matthias has learned that asking if theo's feeling okay after is a quick way to trigger a very, very negative response in theo. it's one of the reasons why i think matthias is constantly asking theo in the heat of sex how he's feeling, because that's when theo is so preoccupied by the physical aspect that the emotional effects leak out without him fighting to keep them in. it takes a few months for theo to get comfortable with the feelings he has after sex with him before matthias can really give him proper aftercare. that’s why the sex they have early on is never anything too crazy. matthias coaxes theo into a better place first.
​i also think it’s important to clarify that it’s not like they’re always having kinky sex. still, theo usually needs physical touch after vanilla sex as well. matthias himself always craves conversation afterwards, so he waits for theo to stir awake (because he often falls asleep after sex) or come back into his body fully to talk to him.
as for changes to their sex life after they’ve been together for awhile… i believe i've talked about this before, but their sexual dynamic turns on its head after a few years. theo starts to take control of the reins and gets more comfortable asking for and doing what he wants. with theo he just has a lot holding him back and it's only after he's grown as a person and worked past a majority of his intimacy issues that he can act on the desires he's been burying waaay down. there's a sort of brattiness that theo starts to have a lot of fun with during sex—a lot of pushing and prodding, withholding, insulting... matthias is having the time of his life lmao, like he loves being challenged and pushed around. matthias takes on a more submissive role during sex as they age, which is fun for him. plus it's kind of the dynamic they've always had outside of sex anyway. of course, there are never any set roles in their sexual life so i'm not saying that it's always like that, but theo enjoys telling matthias what to do and how to do it. they have a lot of fun with it.
#river dipping#asks#anonymous#oc extras#nsft#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#a burning house to live in#echthroi#finally done..... actually patting myself on the back for being able to answer all of these in a day and a half like#normally being asked anything abt my ocs takes me forever to get to bc i just take everything so seriously#......................................exhibit a: this reply jnjhkjfnghk#my ocs are just really complicated so i feel like i have to really expand upon each new bit of information#like theo is NOT ! well adjusted in the slightest#and while matthias can read people very easily it doesn't mean that there aren't times where he messes up#theo is very closed off and he will lash out at the slightest thing that spooks him#and he also... is not really experienced in having good sex yk? so he's so bad at aftercare which i guess is like. well.#good thing your partner is someone who's used to being left to his own devices after experiencing major physical and emotional stressors#matthias can usually take himself out of a scene just because of the nature of his past...#but i think theo does pick up on what matthias does for him after awhile and he tries incorporating it into 'aftercare'#but................. i don't think he really understands what all he should be saying and doing for a few years like not until he's#domming matthias more frequently and has taken the time to look at The Internet lmao jkfjnhkjn i imagine it shocks him a bit#matthias may be good at sex but he does have his blind spots and those normally involve himself… so he never told theo that what he does#for him should be reciprocated………… additionally matthias is very much a giver not a taker#like he doesn’t expect or even really want theo to ask how he’s feeling. but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need that.#….have been rereading this for the last thirty minutes idk why this is what i’m like Yikes ! about responding to 😭#whatever post ‼️ theo isn’t good at sex i’ve said it before who can be surprised he gives zero aftercare
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benbamboozled · 1 year
Bruce Wayne Headcanons
that I cannot reconcile with current/most/ALL of his comics characterization but I hold onto nevertheless
—Bruce Wayne!! trains each of his Robins with the goal of them becoming better than him.
—Bruce Wayne!! intends for the Robins to be his actual failsafe if he ever went off the deep end. (Fuck that weirdo robot lol.)
—Bruce Wayne!! 1000% blames himself for Jason Todd’s death I don’t care what the comics have had him say or what his dumbass inner-narrative has said…*handwave handwave* all of that was just him desperately trying to cover the hole in his heart from failing his son so completely.
#Bruce Wayne headcanons#yes this IS a stealth rant about BvR and other things I hate.#the Jason Todd one in particular…like…#FIRST OF ALL—what fucking parent blames their teen kid for being *murdered in cold blood by a serial killer*??? NOT ONE THAT I WANT TO KNOW!#SECOND OF ALL—BRUCE DIDN’T EVEN *KNOW* THAT JASON WAS FUCKING *THERE*!!!! LIKE…#HOW WOULD HE *NOT* LOOK BACK ON THAT AND GO ‘I should have been better for him’?????#and like…as I’ve said before—I could buy him using The Story Of Jason Todd as like a Teachable Moment (tm)#to try to get SOMEthing of value out of Jason’s BRUTAL MURDER BY A NOTORIOUS SERIAL KILLER—#WHO THEN WENT ON TO TRY TO KILL THE ENTIRE UN BTW.#but like…he *himself* thinking that Jason was to blame??? NO WAY. nuh uh#not Mr. Tortured By Being Unable To Save His Parents When *He* Was A Child. NO. DO NOT PASS GO.#man I feel like I had a third point but idk I’m too angyy lol.#idk WHY WOULD BRUCE NOT BLAME HIMSELF FOR LEAVING JASON ALONE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!#IT DOESN’T FUCKING ADD UP!!!#YOU CAN’T TELL ME A DUDE IS ALL *HAUNTED BY HIS PAST* AND THEN THE THING THAT FUCKING WELL *SHOULD* HAUNT HIM…#HAVE HIM BE LIKE ‘lol sucks to suck.’#YOU CANT EVEN SAY IT’S UNRELIABLE NARRATION BECAUSE IT IS NEVER CHALLENGED *WITHIN THE FUCKING* NARRATIVE!!!#LIKE SURE IF THE *GOAL* WAS TO HAVE BRUCE WAYNE BE A FULL-ON HUMBERT HUMBERT LEVEL BIG FUCKING LIAR THAT WOULD BE A GOOD WAY TO DO IT—#BUT THAT IS CLEARLY *NOT* WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! WE ARE CLEARLY SUPPOSED TO THINK ‘aw poor Bruce too bad Jason sucked so hard. :(’#okay *deep breath exhales smoke from my nostrils* okay I think I’m done.
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robertsbarbie · 5 months
wait i forgot to tell yall the absolute highlight of my day, and probably year, and probably existence because it was genuinely the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me
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yeyayeya · 5 months
I’m back! Well, not necessarily, but I’m on the road back home. I am mentally exhausted, but my break back in Mexico was fun! I won’t exactly get back to posting normally, but I will in a few days
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lesbiansanemi · 12 days
In a turn of shocking events absolutely stunning no one more than myself, I might actually enjoy cooking and not only that, be good at it
#it’s like a switch just flipped or something it’s crazy#cooking genuinely used to be in my top 10 most hated activities#but these past couple days I’ve been loving it?#I wonder if the secret is that I’m ACTUALLY cooking#as in like making things from scratch and not relying on premade frozen and stovetop meals#like on Saturday I made a ran of ribs#(made bbq sauce from scratch and everything!)#and then shredded the meat for tacos#they were delicious! and I loved the process of it!#they were so yummy I brought the leftovers to work for lunch the next day!!!!#I’ve *never* done that before#last night I made pasta#and while the pasta was premade (I don’t think I’ll ever reach a point where I’m making pasta from scratch regularly lol)#(I would like to give a shot eventually though)#I made the sauce myself and actually grated fresh Parmesan cheese instead of using the powdered shit#and it was so yummy!!!!#today a friend is coming over and I’m gonna make her fried rice with some of the leftover rib meat#I woke up this morning and first thing made French toast and bacon#not frozen French toast like I actually turned the stove on#tomorrow night I am planning on making Turkey meatloaf with glazed carrots and some peas#what is HAPPENING#this used to be HELL for me and now I’m enjoying it#and food tastes???? good????#this is insane who was gonna tell me food could taste good??????#I used to hate food and only ate when I needed to#is this what cooking from scratch does???? it makes it taste good?????#mannnnnnn#but anyways yes I’m loving it I’m loving the process and it’s tasting good#I haven’t had a horrible accident where something tastes awful yet#(I expect it will happen eventually haha but so far!!!)
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y’all I have this sleeveless yellow shirt that I could potentially use for a narrator cosplay, but I look more like Stanley (short brown hair etc) which should I do😭
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riverdalenerdlol · 9 months
Adult coloring books like to say they’re good for relaxation and stuff but how am I supposed to RELAX when I can’t decide on the COLOR SCHEME for this fucking PEACOCK and it has shapes so small that I’ll color OUTSIDE THE LINES if I BLINK TOO HARD
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