#i’ve been so stressed and tired the past couple weeks
stockholmgf · 2 years
i think my nap today reset my entire central nervous system
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roses-and-tears · 4 months
#I have spent. 8 almost 9 hours resetting my laptop. I chose the option to keep all my files but uninstall apps. and it has been restarting#and installing for almost 9 hours. yeah I get that the process will be long. but ffs#I have been bored the past few hours so I watched the smile movie bc I got reminded of it yesterday#it was pretty bad. the couple gorey scenes towards the end were nice but some of the acting and writing was just terrible#I was also hoping the movie would’ve taken a different turn. I think it would’ve made it more.. idk. I can’t think of the right term.-#-it just would’ve made it better I think.#I’ve also eaten a lot today. more than I usually do. more than I have in months and years and im upset about that. im already bloated.#I hope I don’t work tomorrow. I have to call in in the morning to check. and I don’t mind working but rn I just kind of want to spend the#day relaxing#I’ve spent almost 9 hours on this resetting part. and 4 extra hours trying to simply repair it in restarts#I also need to clean up my room. a lot of it. and clean my pets cage. it’s ant season now and im really stressed about that#the smell of sharpie returns and I am just. overwhelmed. I have 3 days to prepare for my special week long activity and im not happy about-#-that.#I also had some feelings earlier that im stressed over too.#im being vague about that bc i just don’t want to go off about that to everyone#im tired and overwhelmed i just want my laptop to finish resetting so i can stop fretting about this. i want to sleep#im tired. of so much#to delete later
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victory-cookies · 2 months
me when the sun is out and I’m not at school or work and worrying about due dates and I’m playing my little games and watching my little shows and I somehow still feel like shit: ah. maybe I am depressed
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frvnkcastles · 8 months
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Summary: When you’ve been working all day, Frank decides to intervene.
Warnings: Stressed reader, feminine nicknames, she/her pronouns, reader wears glasses and is a university student, fluff :)
Word count: 929
Author’s note: I’m very aware I have some requests to get to but honestly I’m so tired because of college lately, so this happened. 😭 I’ve been writing a ton of essays in the past couple of weeks and all I want is Frank to hold me and give me an ”attagirl.” PLEASE. So this is for all my overworked girlies <3
Your neck throbbed with an uncomfortable ache when you craned it to the side, and with a low groan, you reached with your hand to rub the painful spot and averted your eyes from the laptop screen in front of you. Your pained sounds earned an unamused look from Frank who had gone without complaint when you had turned down movie night in favor of your coursework — he always supported his girl and her academic aspirations, of course — but this was where he drew the line.
”Aight, that’s it”, he decided with a grunt, kicking his feet off of the coffee table and reaching for your laptop, only for you to defensively pull back and stop him from stopping you. You knitted your eyebrrows together and glared at him, only for him to chuckle at your protests. ”Sweetheart, it’s been hours. You deserve a break”, Frank insisted, deciding to get up from the couch and circle around the back to drop his face in your neck and his arms around you.
”I know, I know, but I gotta finish this essay by midnight”, you argued through a stifled yawn, and with a grumble against the soft skin of your neck, Frank huffed.
”The fuck? Didn’t ya just write one the other day?” he queried, a frown distorting his handsome face when you tilted your head back to look at him.
”Yes, but that was a scientific text, this is a reflective one”, you explained the difference with a faint smile before leaning up enough to kiss his chin. After that, you looked back at the screen and the jumble of words and shoved your hand underneath your glasses to tiredly rub your eyes.
Humming, Frank kissed the top of your head. ”What a bunch of bullshit”, he muttered under his breath before stealing a glance at the clock on the living room wall and then making his decision for you. ”Hey, it’s barely 10 PM. You’re gonna gimme half an hour without that damn thing between us and then I’ll let ya do your thing, yeah?” he announced, and before you could protest, he was uncurling his strong arms from around your neck to slam your laptop shut and snatch it from your laptop.
”Frankie!” you tried to reason with him, but he shook his head and carried the laptop to the kitchen counter before striding back to the couch and pulling you onto his lap.
”Half an hour, sweetheart”, he emphasized, and as much as you wanted to keep arguing, you couldn’t deny that his warm, firm chest did feel nice against yours, and his big hands drawing soothing circles on your back offered some much-needed relief. As you laid down on top of him, he gently reached for your glasses and folded them on the coffee table before running his thumb across the indents they had left on your face.
”M’pretty girl”, he rasped, and immediately blushing at the praise, you buried your face in his chest and he laughed in a way that was so genuine it made his whole body tremble. ”Still get shy on me, huh?” he teased with a low voice, running his fingers through your hair before taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles, ”don’t ya know I’m sweet on you?”
Chuckling, you nodded and looked back up at him. ”You’re real sweet, Frankie. Kinda think it’d ruin your reputation if people found out what a teddy bear you are with me”, you contemplated out loud, and with a snort, Frank smiled and reeled you in by the jaw, planting a soft kiss on your lips when you were mere inches away.
”As if anyone’d believe that shit”, he pointed out smugly, before kissing you again, slow and sweet.
Sighing, you lowered your head on his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart as he mindlessly played with your hair. Minutes passed and you started to feel drowsy, even more so when a gentle rain began to tap against the windows and you could just enjoy the moment. You had noticed that with Frank, you didn’t even daydream anymore. What was there to daydream about? You already had the man of your dreams, always there to make you feel good in every sense of the word.
”Half an hour’s up”, Frank mumbled quietly eventually, sooner than you had expected, and with heavy eyelids, you glanced at him only to find him smiling lazily at you. ”You know you’re fuckin’ amazing, right?” he asked, much to your surprise, and with widening eyes, you crossed your hands over his chest and rested against the soft material of his sweater.
”What makes you say that?” you questioned sheepishly, and licking his lips, Frank nodded at the laptop waiting for you once more.
”The way you work. I know you’re tired but you still keep goin’. I fuckin’ adore you, girl. You’re kickin’ ass and it’s so goddamn amazin’ to see. Just know, I’mma always be on your team, yeah?” he praised, and once again, it was hard for you to accept it without getting bashful. But before you could hide, he snuck a thumb beneath your jaw and locked his eyes with you.
”Just really love you, y’know?” he muttered, and with a widening smile, you leaned in to kiss his nose.
”I love you, Frank”, you whispered before reluctantly getting off of him and heading for your laptop where the unfinished work awaited.
”You got this, baby”, he grinned at you from his nook of the couch, ”attagirl.”
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ghostbeam · 1 year
600w, reader cuts their finger, one mention of blood dripping against the cutting board, inspired by how every time I chop anything I think about how Bakugou would murder me for how I hold things
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“Hold you fingers right or I swear I’ll fly home right fucking now.”
Your boyfriend’s voice sounds over the phone as you continue to chop vegetables on the cutting board. With his eyebrows pinched together as he watches you through the phone screen, Katsuki sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of the blade of your knife coming entirely too close to your fingertips.
Sent on a mission out of town, the two of you had been FaceTiming every night for the past couple of days. With time zones, your boyfriend settles into bed around the time you start making dinner for yourself. It had been the perfect arrangement until he had to watch you wield a knife.
“You promise?” You tease, staring up at his worried face through the glow of your cellphone screen as you continue to chop up cabbage.
“You’re gonna cut yourself. I’m hanging up.” Katsuki says, voice stiff as he watches you.
“No you’re not.” You don’t stop chopping. Of course he’s not. He has to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.
“Move your fucking hand.”
“Oh my god, it’s fine, baby. I’m being careful.” You finally pause to look up at him. He’s moved to sit up in the hotel bed that he was previously lying against. His shoulders are tense and his lips are pursed. It makes you giggle.
“You’re very clearly not.” He clicks his tongue.
“I’m getting it done, aren’t I?” You speak, going back to the task at hand. He sighs over the phone.
“I’m serious.” You’re going to kill him. All he can do is sit and watch and wait for the inevitable. You mock him, stubbornly holding your hand in the way he’s told you time and time again not to.
“Ooh he’s serious—ow!” The blade of the knife comes down on the tip of your middle finger, a small gash opens and a drop of blood falls against your cutting board. You may have ruined dinner. You hear Katsuki curse.
“I fucking told you. Let me see.” He commands, sticking his face much closer to his phone than before.
“It’s fine! I’m fine!” You tell him, bringing your finger to your mouth and sucking on the open wound. Your boyfriends eyes widen at the action, running a hand through his hair.
“Fuck! I’m coming home!” He moves to get out of the bed, watching you through the screen. He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you move to the sink on the other side of the counter. You’re at least washing the gash instead of getting the germs from your mouth all over it.
“Katsuki, it’s just a tiny cut!” You tell him over the sound of the water. He groans.
“No more cooking. I’m sending u money to order out. I’ve shown u so many times how to hold your hand when you’re chopping—“ He switches from to an app on his phone to send you money, transferring enough so that you can have dinner (and dessert for that matter) the whole rest of the week. “god, lemme see it.”
“Stop! Im okay! Im putting a bandaid on.” He watches you walk out of frame, likely looking for the band aid’s in the first aid kit in the bathroom. When you return, you’ve wrapped a patterned bandaid covered in stars around the tip of your finger, showing it off to him in the form of flipping him off. He rolls his eyes.
“My fucking stomach hurts. You stress me out.” He tells you, falling back into the bed and holding the phone above him.
“Katsuki.” He hears your voice over the phone. He moves his eyes to look at your face on the screen. You’re a little sweaty from the heat of the kitchen, and he can tell you’re tired from the day you’ve had. His face softens.
“What.” He speaks softly.
“I love you.” You smile.
“Love you too.” He says, “even though you can’t use a knife correctly.”
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
hi hi !! i’ve been reading ur works and i looove ur writing style <3 is it okay to request a svt reacting to reader who studies past their bedtime ? tysm :))
svt when you stay up too late to study
a/n: i LOVE this request! thank you for sending it in! and WEHEYYY this is just in time for finals week LOL (really force-finished this today to get this out this week)
for context i'm writing this as an established relationship scenario and as if the reader is in college!
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✰ seungcheol has a day off during his tour and he just lets himself scroll around on his phone as he rests in his hotel room
✰ he's on the other side of the world and he's tempted to call you, but he knows that it's late where you are
✰ what catches his attention is when your activity status says that you're online
✰ hey, baby isn't it late over there? he asks, not without telling you he misses you though
✰ aw i miss you too cheol, i'm just studying
✰ at 2??? (he checked the time) you know you need to get sleep too right >:(
✰ you chuckle knowing that his eyebrows are probably knitted together the way they do when he gets concerned
✰ yeah i just wanted to look over a couple chapters though, you reply
✰ a few chapters or half the textbook ?
✰ just chapters 4-11!
✰ baby that's not a few! you're gonna end up sleepy in class tomorrow and that's not good
✰ you're pouting aren't you? you text, but decide to facetime him before he could respond
✰ he answers with his scrunched eyebrows and his face hilariously close to the screen. but his features soften when he sees you smiling at him
✰ "you should probably go to bed"
✰ "and you need to stop frowning before you start getting wrinkles" you comeback, giggling as offense takes over his expression
✰ "hey! i'm just being concerned!" he whines
✰ "okay!" you laugh, "i was starting to fall asleep anyway, so will you stop being mr. grumpy?"
✰ "maybe" he concedes, "you should take care of yourself, y/n"
✰ "i will" you assure him, "i'm excited for when you get back"
✰ he's finally smiling, "can't wait to see you again, i really do miss you"
✰ you don’t even realize it as it’s happening, you just thought your lovely boyfriend was keeping you company
✰ but to him it’s nearly 2:30 in the morning and this can’t be good for you
✰ slowly he starts to put your things away for you - he picks up your various highlighters and puts them away in your pencil case
✰ then he’s putting away papers that you haven’t touched in the last hour back into their respective folders
✰ he’s dimming/shutting the lights in the other parts of your apartment (he’s really mimicking a store during closing time LOL)
✰ your eyebrows are close together as you focus on this video when you feel your pen lightly snatched from your hand
✰ pausing your video, you finally see how all of your things are mostly put away
✰ “wow would you look at that, you’re ready to sleep huh?” jeonghan announces
✰ “where’d you put everything-” you begin, getting ready to take some stuff out again when he lightly grabs your hand
✰ “baby, it’s late,” he tells you, “you know your brain has to rest to absorb everything, right?”
✰ you sigh but agree, your eyes do feel like they’re starting to strain, so you pack up your last notebook, "you win this time, mr. yoon" you tell him
✰ "mhm" he hums, internally rejoicing because he's a bit tired too
✰ notices that you're social media says that you're still active even though both of you said goodnight a couple hours ago
✰ you're still up? he asks. after a few moments, he sees that you're typing a response
✰ yeah, i just wanted to go over these chapters before i went to bed
✰ your exam is tomorrow, right? you know it won't be good if you're tired when you actually take it, all your studying might go to waste
✰ i'm just stressed that i won't remember it all
✰ darling, you've been studying so hard the last few weeks, you'll do well he assures
✰ but i should probably look over this last chapter
✰ baby it might be hard to read the question if you're sleepy, you know what you know by this point... and cramming might just make you confused too!
✰ you seem very passionate about this lol you replied, seeing how rapidly his messages followed each other
✰ i'm passionate when it comes to you ofc, so is this goodnight for real this time?
✰ yeah i guess so you give in, goodnight joshy and thanks for always taking care of me <3
✰ goodnight my love <33
✰ jun noticed that you were slightly panic studying deep into the night for one of your finals. you ran your hand through your hair frustratedly as you reread your textbook, mouth mumbling as you tried to memorize it
✰ it was nearing 3 am and he was a bit worried about you being so tired and stressed
✰ "baby it's late" he says carefully, "don't you feel tired?"
✰ "jun i can't remember any of this" you whimpered, "i think i'm gonna fail tomorrow"
✰ immediately, he's pulling a chair to sit next to you, "hey, you don't know that for sure, so don't swell on it too much right now, hm?"
✰ he's taking your hand gently in both of his, lightly pressing his thumbs into your palm to massage it and slightly soothe your mind
✰ "you know" he starts, "we can't guarantee that you'll fail, and we won't hope for it either. just try your best first, and we'll wait for the results and just go from there, okay?"
✰ you nodded, appreciating his words. "oh, it's already this late?" you realized as soon as you glanced at the clock
✰ "it is" he confirmed, "and you seem tired, baby.. maybe let's go to bed?"
✰ "let's do that" you agree
✰ stays up with you too, but he gets bored and tired and doesn't want to go to bed without you
✰ hoshi pulls his chair next to yours just to fold in half and lay his head on your lap
✰ won't stop you from studying necessarily but this action does manage to guilt you into pausing for the night. afterall, your test isn't for another week and you should probably rest
✰ your baby in your lap has already dozed off in the few minutes it took you to decide to call it a night
✰ "soonyoung, soonyoung?" you say softly, tapping his shoulder, "let's go to bed, hm?"
✰ he sits up and looks so adorably sleepy that you peck his lips, making his smile a very sleepy smile, "okay, baby" (he's a little extra cuddly that night)
✰ as a former certified ipad kid, he just props up his ipad and watches a series (with earbuds in) on one side of the table as you continue to study
✰ he doesn't want to tell you to stop studying necessarily because you're actually doing something productive, so he decides that he'll also just keep you company
✰ the thing is, both of you lose track of time, you're 4 chapters into your textbook and he's 5 episodes into his latest show
✰ suddenly, the sun is starting to rise and both of you have very prominent eye bags
✰ "oh wow" you say, noticing how the city is slowly waking up
✰ wonwoo rubs his eyes tiredly, "i think both of us should've rested a while ago"
✰ "huh, we probably should've" you agree, "sorry if you stayed up just to stay in here with me"
✰ he waves at your apology, "no, it's okay, it was my choice to keep you company." for a moment the two of you sit in silence while orange hues start to fill up the sky
✰ "are you hungry?" he asks, "places are probably going to start opening soon so we could get breakfast... we don't get to do this too much lately"
✰ "yeah i'm a little hungry after all that reading" you smile
✰ the two of you end up going outside in your pajamas, just throwing on some hoodies because few people are up at this hour anyway. you get breakfast at a nearby coffee shop, very cozy in your pajamas for a relaxed meal :)
✰ he's checking his phone as he gets ready to leave the studio and he notices that you're up because you posted a story of your desk filled with study materials a few minutes ago. he decides to call you
✰ "why are you up so late?"
✰ "why are you still up?" you counter, knowing that woozi can't be someone to lecture you about this lol
✰ for a moment he's taken aback. "i'm just leaving the studio"
✰ "and i'm just studying"
✰ there's silence on the line as he tries to come up with what to say
✰ "you can't be one to talk about staying up late, jihoon" you tease
✰ "well i just care about you" he says softly, and this melts your heart
✰ "how 'bout this," you wager, "i'll try to start sleeping earlier if you do too, you need some kind of rest too"
✰ "we could work that out" he agrees
✰ did try to convince you to maybe take a rest around 10 pm but you promised you only had one more thing to do
✰ he can't seem to convince you to come to bed so he stays with you in the kitchen as you have your notes and materials splayed out on the table
✰ he stays quiet to let you focus. eventually he starts watching something on his phone (with earbuds in of course)
✰ he leans his head down on the table on top of one of his arms as he watches some videos, but he finds his eyes drooping at some point and just fully passes out LOL
✰ you're so caught up in your groove that you only notice him half an hour later
✰ when you check the time, it's past midnight and you feel a little bad that he had to fall asleep in this position. while he looks as adorable as ever with his face so peaceful, hair just lightly covering his forehead, and his lips slightly parted
✰ so you close your laptop and put your things away without waking him up too abruptly
✰ gently, you shake his shoulder, "'kyeomie, let's go to bed?"
✰ he stirs for a moment, slowly remembering where he is as he wakes up and nods
✰ when you two settle into bed, he pulls you into his chest, a little clingier than usual, resting his chin on top of your head
✰ "you know you can't keep staying up like this, even if it is to study" he mumbles, voice groggy, "'ts not good for you"
✰ you laugh, but wrap your arm around his waist, "oh yeah?"
✰ "i'm really gonna put my foot down.." he mumbles and you can tell he's falling asleep again
✰ "okay" you giggle, giving him a squeeze where he only hums back in response (he's very tired)
✰ you told him to go to bed and that you'd be there in a couple minutes
✰ mingyu himself has had a long day, so he was looking forward to cuddling with you. but he was also incredibly tired so he accidentally fell asleep within minutes of his head touching his pillow
✰ he only wakes up in the middle of the night because he's grasping for you and and his hands can't find you
✰ blinking awake, he notices that you're actually not in bed, and that the lights are still on. checking the bedside clock, it's in fact 4 am
✰ groggily, mingyu gets out of bed to find you studying in the kitchen. "baby" his voice is raspy with sleep and has a slight whine in it, "why aren't you in bed yet?"
✰ "i'll be there in a couple minutes... what time is it, anyway-"
✰ "it's 4 am" he interrupts, "youknowiwantedtocuddleyoutonight." he's pouting and your heart squeezes at this very tall but soft man in your kitchen. his hair is disheveled from bed too, making him that much cuter
✰ "okay" you say, closing your laptop. "sorry i didn't realize how much time passed, 'gyu"
✰ he grumbles something you can't quite hear, but he doesn't avoid your hand that reaches for his. he doesn't avoid you coming into his arms in bed either, instead he pulls you a little closer, already starting to fall asleep again but even better knowing that you're there
✰ "is it still possible to make up those cuddles you missed?"
✰ "you can make up some, but you owe me more tomorrow" he mumbles, "you're in debt" (you chuckled but he's very serious)
✰ why do i feel like he purposefully gives you a cup of tea while you’re up late
✰ it’s a sweet gesture on its own but he also knows that tea warms you up and the cozy feeling is perfect for dozing off (not that you’d have any problem falling asleep at this hour anyway)
✰ it's chilly in your kitchen where you're studying too, so hao comes in a couple minutes later to drape a cardigan across your shoulders too, patting your head as he walks away to leave you to your studies
✰ his plan goes a little too well because the tea and the cardigan essentially serving as a blanket makes your eyes droop as you read your textbook
✰ during his hourly check-ins with you, he finds you asleep with your head resting on your textbook
✰ "honey, come to bed" he says softly, lightly shaking your shoulder to wake you up, "cmon, you fell asleep already"
✰ he helps guide you to bed where you proceed to pass out again LOL
✰ (bonus: before going to bed himself, he organizes your stuff on the table a bit so you won't be overwhelmed the next morning)
✰ he’s very appalled to discover that your activity status says you were online 2 hours ago - he’s seeing this at 7 am
✰ he almost instinctively calls you before he realizes that you probably just started sleeping recently
✰ sends a text with angry emojis: we’re gonna have a talk once you’re fully rested 😡😤
✰ comes over when you do finally wake up in the afternoon
✰ “tsk, i don’t know what i’m gonna do with you” he tuts as he walks in
✰ “it’s good to see you babyy” you say, wrapping your arms around his middle as he takes out the food he brought
✰ “your cuteness won’t work today!” he scolds, even going so far as to shield you from his vision with one hand, “i’m not gonna get distracted today!” (he’s definitely either lying or fighting for his life to not give in to you
✰ "why are you so grouchy today" you chuckled, ruffling his hair
✰ "because someone here won't take care of themself" he counters, only leaving you to look confused. when he sees your expression he continues, "you need to sleep you know!"
✰ finally, it clicks. "ah, okay that's why you're like this today"
✰ "yeah, that's why!" he's frowning so cutely even though he's trying to be mad
✰ "it's just for finals week" you assure him, "it's the last stretch of classes, you know? one all-nighter or two won't kill me"
✰ he sighs, "it won't kill you but it's still not good for you to do. do you need help studying? or keeping track of time? i can move things in my schedule around to help you-" he begins
✰ you cup his cheek, "seungkwan, you trust me, right? i promise i won't sleep this late all the time, but you gotta cut me some slack for finals season"
✰ "just promise you'll sleep at a good hour when your finals wrap up, okay?" he gives in, holding up a pinky
✰ "promise" you agree, completing the pinky promise
✰ he softens, "will you let me know what day your last exam is? let me treat you for working so hard"
✰ the same day you were up late he coincidentally had a late night practice. when he sent you a clip of one of their new dances, he didn't actually expect you to reply until the next morning
✰ looks cool so far! you sent
✰ oh you're up? what are you doing so late?
✰ studying and taking notes ~ exams are coming up
✰ ohh i guess it is exam season. i'm coming over by the way he told you, he did this sometimes after work
✰ an idea pops up in his head. before stopping by your apartment, he searches up "good brain food for studying" and buys a couple seemingly random snacks from a convenience store
✰ he comes into your apartment and even gives you a little haul of what he bought. "so i checked and apparently these are good for you to eat when you're studying"
✰ one by one, he lays out his goods on the table: an orange, a lemon, a bag of assorted nuts, and a bar of dark chocolate.
✰ "honestly i don't know how accurate the website i checked was, but you know, maybe these could help?" he wonders
✰ you chuckle but hug him as a thank you anyway
✰ but in the middle of the hug he realizes that the convenience store was the only place open because it was so late. "wait, isn't sleep also good for studying?"
✰ you pull your head back, "it is"
✰ "how about you eat the study food tomorrow?" he offers
✰ "do you wanna go to bed?" you ask, and he's nodding. he'd be lying if he said he wasn't tired from practice
✰ he leaves early the next morning because he has a relatively busy schedule, but he's happy when you send him a picture of you enjoying the single orange with your breakfast. he's happy when you send another picture later in the day of you using the lemon for your tea too
✰ wagers with you to go bed
✰ he adores that you're so studious but it can't be healthy staying up so late
✰ stands next to you while you're sitting and holds his hand out, motioning for you to hand him your flashcards
✰ "let me quiz you and if you get most of it right, you go to sleep"
✰ you chuckle but hand your stack of cards to him
✰ "how many are these?" he wonders out loud, glancing at a bunch of terms he doesn't understand
✰ "50?"
✰ "50!" he exclaims, "okay, okay i'll start now" he decides, but not without an encouragement of "you know all of this"
✰ by the 20th term, you've only gotten 1 wrong and chan is getting more and more excited with each term you remember correctly. his eyes bounce back and forth from the index card in his hand to your face, unable to control his nodding as you gradually say your explanation
✰ you pause here and there as you take time to think, but you still get everything right in the end
✰ "yes... yes... yes! that's right!" he cheers, "my y/n is so smart!" even standing up from his seat in his fervor. with his joy, you feel yourself getting more confident in your answers too
✰ by the last card, you've only gotten 3 wrong, but even so, you were only missing a bullet point or two. chan can't help but hug you at the end since he's so proud of you and the two of you get to sleep now
✰ walks to your bedroom with an arm around your waist. then even as you two lay together, he gives you a hug, "you did so well"
reminder: to those taking finals this week or in upcoming weeks, remember to try to get enough sleep and to eat well and stay hydrated! it's tough times but it's still important to take care of yourself <3 tests are important but so is your body!
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honeyedmiller · 10 months
I love your writing. I was wondering can you please write a pedro×reader when they realize that they're pregnant and it's just so sudden and unexpected and shock them both?
aww tysm, and yes omg. Pedro would be the sweetest dad ever 🥺
warnings: mentions of nausea and getting sick, unexpected pregnancy, little bit of angst, fluff. no use of y/n.
word count: <1k
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“I don’t feel so good again.” You groan, slowly getting up from bed. Pedro watched you worriedly as you scurried to the bathroom to puke out all of the contents in your stomach, again.
You’d been feeling really nauseated and fatigued the past few weeks, and Pedro was getting really concerned about your well-being.
You felt him rub your back gently as he held your hair back, comforting you through your illness.
“Maybe it’s time we go to the doctors, honey. I’m getting really worried about you.” His voice is soft, full of concern.
You nod your head in agreement, tired of feeling like this nearly twenty-four seven now.
So, the next morning, Pedro took you to a private clinic near his house.
“Good morning Mr. Pascal, Mrs. Pascal,” The doctor said, and you blushed at the assumed last name. It made you blush even harder that Pedro didn’t even try to correct the doctor. “What brings you in today?”
“I’ve been feeling really ill recently. I’m constantly nauseated and so exhausted. I thought it was stress from work but I don’t get like this usually when it becomes tough-going.”
The doctor nodded at what you were telling him, and he hummed. “Have you taken any pregnancy tests lately?”
And just as fast as the color rushed to your face, it drained. “No.” You say meekly, looking over at Pedro who looked just as stunned.
You both tried to be so careful… there’s no way you could be pregnant. Right? Right?
“Well, let’s not be too hasty. Let’s run some tests but I will have you take the pregnancy test just to be sure.” The doctor said, and you nodded.
You proceeded to do a series of tests, but the doctor quickly came back with the shocking news.
“It seems you actually are pregnant, ma’am.” He confirmed, showing you the test results in black ink. You couldn’t believe it.
“But I– I don’t understand. I just had my period a few weeks ago.”
“That could’ve actually been implantation bleeding. I’ll give you two a couple of minutes before I get a sonographer in here to do an ultrasound on you, okay? Congratulations.” He smiled at you both, exiting the room.
It seemed like ages that both of you sat in silence before an overwhelming sense of panic surged over you, and you started to cry.
“I’m so sorry.” You kept muttering, covering your face with your hands. Pedro immediately pried your hands from your face as he embraced you tightly, kissing your head.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, honey. It takes two to make a baby, right? I have every much responsibility in this, too.”
“But, what are we going to do? You have filming coming up soon, I have my job… we’ve only been together for a year, Pedro. This is–”
“Sh sh, hey, it’s okay. It’s okay,” He cooed, rocking you back and forth slowly. “We’ll figure it out, okay? You can quit your job. I make plenty for the both of us. You can come with me to Vancouver, if that’s something you wanted to do. I’m in this with you every step of the way, baby.”
You cried in his arms for a bit before the sonographer came into the room, rolling in the ultrasound equipment.
She smiled sympathetically at the two of you before instructing you to lay back and lift up your shirt.
“The gel is going to be a bit cold. My apologies.” She says before squirting some onto you, taking the wand and moving it around. You could see a tiny figure in the darkness of what you presumed was your uterus.
“There’s baby,” The sonographer said with a soft smile, pointing to various parts of the body. “Looks like you’re about six weeks along.” She concludes, taking snapshots of the screen.
“Little baby Pascal.” Pedro whispered, looking at the screen and then down at you. His grip on your hand got tighter as he brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it.
The more you both stared at the screen in wonder, the more you both fell in love with your little creation. You knew it wouldn’t be easy with your hectic lives, but if you were to do this with anyone, you were so glad it was with Pedro.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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I  II - something about the way you look tonight III
 “Coach Jr., you look great!”
 Y/N laughed as Alex got closer to give her a hug.
 “How long has it been?”
 “Too long, you dick. How’s the missus?”
 “Rehearsing. Stressing. Driving herself crazy because of tiny details. The play is premiering in a week and she is so happy I swear she’s skipping around like he’s in a fucking prairie… I love her so much.”
 “You guys are so cute, I swear to god… I wish I would be able to make it but I’m so happy she’s finally doing musical theatre!” she beamed, looking past him to see Jack walk through the door, clearly being nagged by Trevor, who was almost jumping up and down around their friend, not ever shutting up.
 Alex looked back to see where her attention had been diverted to.
 “You two really need to just get it out of your systems.” he stated simply, with a blank expression.
 Y/N’s jaw almost hit the floor at her friend’s crude comment, but she couldn’t say she was surprised, he had always been one to be forward when it came to speaking his mind.
 “Turc!” she scolded. “We are polar opposites who happen to be good friends and…”
 “Sweetheart, you’re rambling. You and Jacko have always had a weird chemistry, and I mean that in a good way. It wouldn’t hurt to bite down on that apple. Also, I’ve already been recruited by the drama queen to fix you two up, so…”
 “Your girlfriend?”
 She stifled a laugh, shaking her head and rubbing his arm up and down.
 “Alright, Alex, thanks. I’ve got to go, though. I’ll see you later?”
 “Count on it!”
 Jack waited alone in the media room Coach had arranged for the photo ops to take place in, leaning against the wall, going through his Instagram feed. Apparently, his former commander in chief had already posted the famed picture they had taken earlier and everyone was freaking out over it. The duo did look couple-y. He smiled when he got a text notification: Y/N had forwarded the picture to him.
 We’re too cute for words, Hughes! xo it read.
 He wondered if she’d ever see him as anything other than plain old Jack from camp. Trevor was right, he did have a huge crush on her. How could he not? She was gorgeous, kind, funny and extremely talented. He couldn’t get enough of her. He never grew tired of her presence. Something about her had a stranger hold on him.
 His relationship had become tiring and dull so when his girlfriend told him she wanted to end things he was torn between feeling heartbroken and being relieved. Even though he felt a heavy weight inside his ribcage, he wasn’t reminded of it as often today because her presence eased his mind, soothed his heart.
 Y/N walked in, rolling up her sleeves and moving to stand beside him.
 “We’re a hit.” she announced, showing him her million-dollar smile.
 The brunette man returned her grin, shrugging.
 “I’ve always known we were epic.”
 Soon enough, in came the mini tornado known as Y/N’s father, followed closely by the kids who had earned their picture with hard work. They took a couple of photographs before a young girl, brought as one of the boys’ plus one, requested they’d pretend they were gazing adoringly into each other’s eyes while she stood aside looking annoyed.
 The doctor wrapped her arms around his neck and did as she was asked. Jack’s blue eyes burning into her own, his intense gaze making her feel something she couldn’t quite explain. He had a way of always making her feel special just by looking at her.
 “I think you two should date.” the teenager blurted out. “People would go wild.”
 “I’ve been hearing that quite a lot lately.” Y/N replied, avoiding to meet Jack’s eyes as she waved the girl goodbye.
 Jack didn’t say a word, burying his hands in his pockets as he tried to act casual.
 The photo ops were finished and both were looking forward to their well-deserved break. They walked side by side down the hall back to the improvised green room assigned to the star athletes.
 “They went with formal wear for the benefit dinner, Tkachuk told me his team only did casual wear last year… I guess they really wanted to milk the whole glamorous superstar deal.” Y/N pointed out, breaking the silence that had settled between the pair.
 “I’m hardly an example of what glamorous stands for.” Jack chuckled, scrunching up his nose.
 “Oh, no, I meant Trevor. I wonder what he’s wearing.”
 He stopped on his tracks, pretending to be deep in thought. 
 “That’s actually a pretty good question. He is known for making bold choices.”
 “That’s one way to look at it.” she snorted, instantly covering her mouth with her hands.
 “Did you just…”
 “Don’t!” the smaller woman pleaded.
 Jack erupted into a fit of laughter and Y/N groaned, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
 “You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
 “Not for a second, Messier.” he winked, finally managing to stop laughing, noticing the frown on her face. “Oh, come on… I promise I won’t mention it to anyone, alright? It was kinda cute, actually.” the brunette man joked as he placed his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly against his side in an unexpected moment of bravery.
 “Yeah, yeah…” she rolled her eyes lightheartedly and opened the door, only to find the room empty. “Where is everybody?”
 “They let about ten minutes or so ago to get ready for dinner.” an older woman explained, as she entered the room to restock the refreshments table for the next day.
 “Shit, Alex and I were supposed to share the car we rented for the weekend!” Y/N grunted.
 “I was stuck with Z and Cole.” Jack said, checking his phone for any texts or calls letting him know he was on his own. “Unbelievable.”
 “Guess I’m calling a cab.” she sighed.
 “We can share one if you’d like.” the brunette man offered. “Where are you staying?”
 “The mighty Saint John’s. Courtesy of the boss.”
 “They really booked us all to stay in the same place, hu? I’ll call for a car.”
 The cab didn’t take long to arrive. As the gentleman he was, Jack opened the door for Y/N to climb in, joining her and letting the taxi driver know where they wanted to go. When they got to the hotel, Y/N saw the time on her phone, mumbling something about not being able to get ready on time, tapping her foot impatiently while they waited for the elevator to come down.
 Jack chuckled to himself as she checked her watch time and time again while they went up.
 “This is not funny, Hughes… I thought we had more time!” she whimpered, just before the familiar ring let them know they had arrived.
 “I don’t know why you’re worried about that, you’ll look great even if you have had less time to get ready.” he stated, matter-of-factly when they stepped out into the hall. “I have seen you sweaty, red and disheveled before.”
 Y/N scoffed, looking for her room key, hidden somewhere in her purse before halting in front of her door. 
“This is me.”
 “I’m staying right down the hall. Do you think they managed to book the whole floor?”
 “Knowing the boss and how much of a control freak he is, probably, yes. He knows Turc and Z are way too rowdy together and didn’t want to disturb other guests.”
“They did try to drag me out of bed to get pizza at 4 am the last time the three of us where in the same place.”
 “Why am I not surprised?” Y/N pondered, turning her back to him to open the door. “Go get ready, unfairly handsome man. We’re supposed to be meeting downstairs in twenty, right?”
 Jack simply nodded, taking in the way she had called him handsome once again and waiting until she closed the door behind her to walk down the hall into his own room.
Y/N took a shower, wrapping a towel around her body and rushing back and forth her neat room, looking for the dress and shoes she had packed specifically for that night, laying the satin fabric carefully on the bed before she put on her lingerie.
 She heard a knock on the door and hastily grabbed the first thing she found to put on, going to answer it.
 “Hey, birdy!” Alex greeted her sheepishly, waltzing into her room in a dark blue suit.
 “You look good, Turc.” Y/N smiled, tying the fluffy robe around her body.
 “Hey, hey, hey! Is that how you’re going to show up at the benefit? You little rebel, disrespecting the dress code, I like it!” her bubbly friend gushed, sitting down on the bed.
 “Haha, very funny! I’m still pissed you left me at camp without saying anything.” she pointed out, turning on the hair dryer, missing Alex’s reply over the noise.
 The man got up, grabbing the device from her. “Let me help you with that.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I see you brought the red dress. Nice!”
 “You and your girlfriend did threaten to pinch me really hard if I didn’t.” Y/N snickered, closing her eyes while Alex picked up a brush and the dryer.
 “We have our ways…” he shrugged. “So… Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room, or…?”
 “What elephant in the room?” the doctor questioned, turning to look at her friend.
 “Well, you know, the whole Jack-is-single-and-you-should-totally-take-advantage-of-that situation.”
 “Did Trevor set you up to this?”
 “He just broke up with his girlfriend, Turc. They had been dating for a while, according to the press. He needs to grieve and figure his life out before you nerds try to set him up with someone else, you know that…” she shook her head, looking down at her hands.
 “You would make an adorable pair, though… Just putting it out there.” Alex mumbled as he finished tying Y/N’s hair in a low bun, leaving out some strands to frame her face. “Voilà!” he cheered triumphantly, satisfied with his work once he saw a small smile creep up on his friend’s face.
 “You do have some weird fairy godparent hands… I trained you well. Can you pass me my make-up from the bedside table, please?”
 “Your wishes are my command.” he grinned, handing her the beauty products.
 “Thank you so much, Turkey. How late am I, right now?” she asked, spraying her favorite perfume on her neck and the back of her ear, before getting up and picking up her dress.
 “You still have time, don’t worry. I’ll go down right now and tell them you’ll be ready in a minute.”
 “Just do me one last favor and zip up my dress, please.”
 Downstairs, the group had been divided into two, so they could fit into the large taxi vans parked outside. Jack adjusted his suit jacket, looking around the room from time to time, checking if she had come down yet.
 Alex walked out of the elevator, smirking once he recognized the disappointed look on the brunette man’s face when he realized he wasn’t the one he was so eagerly waiting for.
 “Hey, beauty.” he greeted him.
“Hey, Turc.”
 “She’ll be down in a minute.”
 “What?” he mumbled, snapping back to reality, having clearly missed the suggestive tone of his voice.
 “You don’t fool anyone, Hughesy.” his friend winked, leaving him alone to join Cole by the front desk.
 He pretended he didn’t understand what he meant, leaning against the pillar next to the large couches in the main entrance, going through his social media feeds for the tenth time in half an hour. Nothing new.
 His older brother had texted him to let him know he had seen the picture Coach had shared and that he “totally approved” but had “dibs” on her since he had known her for longer than he did to which he had replied with a middle finger emoji.
 “Finally!” Trevor chanted, throwing his hands up in the air as he approached Jack by the pillar. “I was beginning to think I was going to have to get you ready myself!”
 Jack looked up from his phone, being left speechless at the sight of her. He knew she’d look amazing, but he had no idea that, ten years later, she could still knock the wind out of him.
 Y/N had chosen a beautiful red A-line dress with a generous square cleavage that accentuated her tiny waist. She could only be described as a fallen angel. He bit down on his bottom lip, clearly too distracted by her beauty to be more subtle about checking her out.
 “Okay, beauty, you can breathe now.” Alex came up from behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. “Come on, everybody, Coach Jr. is here. Let’s go.”
 At the sound of Alex’s voice, Y/N glanced in their direction, locking eyes with Jack. She smiled softly, scrunching up her nose the way she always did. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
 Alex linked arms with Y/N, leading her outside and leaving him standing there, completely dumbfounded. 
 “Dude, did you just choke?” Trevor asked, trying to hold in a cackle.
 “Shut up.”
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httpsbearily · 22 days
☆*: A Rabbit’s Mind
[Tags]: smut | lorsan x reader | GN reader
Minors Do Not Interact
[Author’s Note]: I’ve added a 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 audio to enhance the experience and stimulate your imagination. You can ignore it or play it, it’s up to you, it won’t affect anything. The scenario is him trying to stay quiet as he straight up jorks it...and by "it", haha, well. lets justr say. His peanits.
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Lorsan missed you. No, it was beyond that, he missed you every hour that you weren’t by his side—tonight, right now, he yearned for you. He craved your presence like it was water and he was a dying man stranded in the blazing desert.
Normally Lorsan could hold himself together, the company of his traveling partners an ever-present reminder that he could only indulge himself so much. But lately the situation felt different, almost uncomfortably tense. Maybe it was because it had been a couple of weeks since Lorsan had last seen you; Or maybe it was because the weight of his previous mission had finally subsided and his stress levels were no longer near stroke inducing. Whatever the reason, Lorsan had found himself these past couple of days with a near constant stiffness in his pants and escalating thoughts. It was so disruptive to his newfound goal of traveling all of Esperia that even the great magister, Merlin, had grown concerned that the bunny had come down with some kind of illness.
"Lorsan, are you sure you're alright?" The magister had asked, gathering the attention of the loyal hamster subjects.
"Yeah, you don't look so good!" Chippy added, clambering around the magister's legs with his bulky backpack noisily rattling as he did so. He peered up at the slightly flushed windwhisperer with a confused expression on his face to which Hammie had pushed away with her hand.
"It's not that you look bad, you just seem a little out of it. But now that I think about it, you're symptoms have consistently increasing in degree since last week," said Hammie.
"So you've noticed as well?" The magister asked the familiars with a hand to the chin in thought.
"Of course! We would not be fit to serve you if we couldn't notice at least this much," Hammie exclaimed with her usual enthusiasm for her master.
"I'm fine," Lorsan finally interjected with a wave of his hand and a smirking grin as he tilted his head to the side, "What, trying to get rid of me already? It's only been a couple of weeks since the Dark Forest was saved—you can't possible be tired of me so soon?!"
"It's not that. We're just worried for you," The magister calmly reasoned, not phased by Lorsan's teasing and even less inclined to point out how forced it was.
"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm fine. Really! Just running a little hot is all but it's nothing to worry about. My ears help me cool off."
For a few seconds no one said anything, not even the magister's chatterbox companions. Lorsan grew slightly worried, had he really behaved so instinctually that he had given himself away?! He was so sure the looseness of his pants had hidden anything that could incriminate him. Sure he'd been sporting a constant light flush on his face and had been increasingly more fidgety when sitting and sleeping lately, but he could easily attribute that to seasonal allergies or something! He doubted they knew much about his rabbit-person biology anyway so pulling one over their head might prove to be easy. However, Lorsan didn't need to defend himself before the magister finally nodded and concluded, "If you say so. In any case, we should set up camp and rest for now."
"Already? But the sun won't set for another few hou—" Chippy was cut off by the magister.
"I'm tired. We've been wandering for weeks now without stopping. Calling it a day a little early won't hinder our progress. It's not like we have a destination anyways."
And so, after distribution of chores, Lorsan found himself alone gathering edible vegetation while Chippy searched for firewood and the magister—partnered with Hammie—set up the tents. The more distance the wilder put between himself and his travel group, the more he began to pant. He had been holding himself in restraint for so long, having to endure the images of you flashing in his mind in all kinds of situations with complete control. Your smile, your laugh, the scent of your hair, the sound of his name from your lips, the arch of your back, the feeling of your hands around his throbbing—....
He was doing it again. Lorsan let out a frustrated noise, his hands tangling into his hair as he shook his head to clear it. It'd already been almost 10 minutes since he separated from the group and he hadn't found a single plant to eat. He just couldn't focus, and it was all your fault! The way you cried out as he ravaged you in a mating press, how good you felt clenching around his weeping member as if refusing to let him pull out. He could almost swear you were right in-front of him on your knees looking up at him with teary eyes as you tried your best to please him with your mouth, one hand massaging his balls and the other wandering up his stomach, nails lightly scrapping against his skin. Dura above...he might actually go insane.
"Get yourself together, Lorsan," the rabbit told himself, "you're acting like, well, a bunny in heat—…”
Oh. Oh. The realization crashed over Lorsan causing him to stumble a step back. Completely forgetting what he was meant to be doing, he dashed back to the campsite, almost tumbling into Chippy on the way. The surprised hamster called out for him but Lorsan paid him no mind. When he reached the camp, he was breathing heavily, his chest heaving, and he looked like he had been chased by a golem all the way from Holistone. Merlin, who had been setting up the last leg of the tent, looked at the wilder with startled eyes.
"Lorsan? What ha—"
"How long ago was the start of spring?" He interrupted.
"...?" The magister raised an eyebrow, "About 2 and a half moon cycles ago."
"Oh no..."
"Lorsan, what's wron—Lorsan?!"
It made sense, it finally all made sense. As Lorsan bound back the way he came, he left the others calling behind him, only faintly hearing their footsteps following after him. He should have known that when he started thinking of you, sweaty and panting on the bed with his cum leaking out of you after filling you so full in delusion that you'd have his kits, that his rut was near. It was so obvious and he was frustrated with himself, so ashamed to be (and have been) thinking if you that way—after all, the two of you were just friends. If only you knew of his desires, if only you wanted the too; To be pressed against the wall with your arms over his shoulders and one of your legs hitched up to his waist, exposing all yourself to him as he thrust into you.
Lorsan felt himself twitch in his pants and he almost collapsed on the spot. He'd almost forgotten how hard he was already and his running didn't help—in fact, the rubbing of the fabric of his clothes against him felt so good.
Misarte, please forgive me.
He dashed to the left of the path, behind the wall of trees and shrubbery in hopes that the others would not find him. Allowing himself to slow down before he came in his pants, Lorsan floundered about in search of a hidden spot behind some boulder or in some small cave. But there was none. All around him there was only trees and bushes that permitted a small degree of obscurity. It would have to do lest the others discover him out in the open field. With a hazy alertness, Lorsan shrugged against a particularly big tree, his chest partially pressed against it, swiveling his ears around on his head to listen for any approaching footsteps. Hearing nothing, he allowed himself to free his aching member from his pants.
Almost immediately, he began to whimper. He was already so sensitive after denying himself for so many days, and the feeling of his own hand was already a celestial sent blessing. With a gasping breath, he began to stroke himself slowly and without-hesitation recalled all the scenarios he had been fantasizing about this past week. He imagined himself blindfolded, his wrists tied behind him, as he sat in a chair with you draped over his lap. He imagined you teasing him by hovering your opening over his leaking cock, wiggling your hips so that he would brush against you but never penetrate. He would be so desperate for you, begging you to please sit down, to please take him, to please let him move. You would only innocently smile, taking immense pleasure in his lust filled state, not satisfying him until you yourself could no longer hold back--and once you finally let him fill you he would be so eager, moving his hips quickly but clumsily as his desire reached its peak. It would be the end of him if you grabbed the base of his ears, or worse, his tail.
Lorsan lifted his head from his arm that braced his weight against the tree, not even realizing he had covered his eyes. His hand had increased in its pace and moans had begun to slip from him. To which, he remembered that he had to regulate his noise level to not be found out by the others whom he heard in the distance.
Surprisingly, this was not enough for the wilder. His rabbit instincts were driving him to breed so moving his hand would not cut it. The hardest thing he'd ever done in his life was pulling his hand away, immediately blocking the flow of pleasure that was coursing through his veins which caused him to cry out in protest at himself. Only a momentary displeasure however, because Lorsan had vaguely remembered passing a bushel of bright colored, astonishingly large berries. If you could even call them berries. They rivaled the size of small melons, and if his [foggy] memory was correct, they were filled with a gelatinous water. Tucking himself back into his pants, Lorsan moved on shaky legs towards the direction he saw the berries.
It didn't take long to find them, and only after a couple of minutes, Lorsan was back to his tree with a large berry held in both hands. The texture of the berry's exterior felt fuzzy but the shell was solid, making it an adequate resource for the bunny. With his two thumbs, he pressed against the weak point of the shell which broke a hole into it causing the juices to splatter his hands. Sticking two fingers into it, he felt around to confirm it was indeed a Water Berry and his heart raced. He never thought he'd behave so ferally, but the heat in his core drove him to act rashly. Oh well, that would be something for him to reflect on after he calmed down. Right now, he focused on taking his shaft out—once again—and dropping to his knees.
In his mind, he had you on all fours, your legs spread wide enough that your own juices dripped onto the floor. Your back was arched as you pressed your face into the pillow, your fingers clutching onto the sheets for dear life. His hands are on the bend of your hips to hold you against him as he gyrated his own hips against you, the tip of his dick buried so deep inside you that you could almost feel it against your stomach. In reality, Lorsan was hunched over on his knees, holding the berry with both hands as he brought it close to his hips for him to penetrate. The water of the berry seemed to closely resemble your fluids, and the squelching that sounded when he fully sheathed himself inside it made Lorsan moan out loudly.
He quickly hushed himself, once again twitching his ears to listen for any incoming intrusion, and only beginning to move against the berry when he found none. He held the berry still, letting his hips thrust against it as he imagined it was you and oh did it feel so good. His actions not only satisfied his drive to mate, but it allowed him to fall deeper into his fantasies of you. The rabbit moaned and whined in pleasure, his tail waggling at the sensation of it all, and his ears swiveling on overdrive. He pushed deeply into the Water Berry and shivered when the fluid squirt against his abdomen.
His peak was close and he felt his thrusts speeding up, his balls beginning to slap against the exterior of the berry causing an extra stimulus to the wilder. Lorsan imagined you on your back, your entire front side within his view. Your face was contorted in pleasure and your legs shook by his side. You would have cum multiple times by this point so you would be absolutely wracked with hypersensitivity, tearing falling from your eyes as you begged Lorsan, 'please'. Your hands grip his arms for stability, your toes curling, and still he would not stop. Not until you were dripping with his cum. It would take you praising him for his release to hit, and when it did, it would be full force.
Lorsan cried out, forgetting the requirement to be quite, as his orgasm suddenly hit him. He was so caught up in his mind, he hadn't realized he was sinfully abusing the berry. His hips stuttered intensely, his ears going rigid atop his head, as his filled his makeshift toy with his sticky mess. Perhaps it was because he had been so pent up, but the rabbit seemed to spurt out white ropes of cum for an incredible amount of time—it even began to leak out of the berry despite him still sheathed deeply inside. The rabbit moaned loudly, only finally slowing his movements when his high passed.
It wasn't you, but Lorsan's need to breed had [somewhat] been satiated and that was good enough for now. He hoped he wouldn't have to do this again any time soon, but with how strongly his rut had hit him this time, he wasn't confident. Breathing heavily, he pulled out of the berry, the movement causing his cock to twitch in sensitivity. From the sloppy hole flowed the mixture of watery fluids and cum, a combination that surprisingly was not as gross as he'd think. Weakly, Lorsan buried the used berry in the dirt using dead leaves to cover the evidence of his presence before cleaning himself up [he really needs to wash his clothes not] and fixing his clothes.
With a newfound tiredness, the wilder made his way out from the canopy of trees back to his concerned friends that were still looking for him. He definitely owed them an apology, and an explanation which he would lie about...obviously.
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whataboutthefish · 1 year
While you were sleeping
Omegaverse, Steddie, mpreg
Words 900
Also on Ao3
Whirring noise… click
Dear Eddie,
Where do I start? Dustin has given me this tape recorder so I can keep a diary of sorts for you. I guess we have some pretty big news to share. 
We’re pregnant.
So I found out today. I’ve been feeling a bit shit, tired and achy and Robin and her big mouth joked that I could be pregnant. I think the way all the color left my face concerned her a little, so she held my hand and we did the test. 
I don't want you to miss out on a single moment so here I am probably 6 weeks pregnant, taking a polaroid in profile to show you with this recording.
Any bump you see is more to do with the box of twinkies I stress ate this morning than the tiny bundle of cells making themselves at home in my womb. 
I’m so scared, Eddie, I know you’ll wake up soon and laugh; we’ve been to hell, fought demons and survived, what’s scary about one little pup. 
Please wake up soon. 
Nine Weeks
Morning sickness is the worst, especially at 3pm. Why do they even call it morning sickness? It's stupid and I hate it. I can’t stand the smell of tobacco, Hopper stopped by the hospital and I vomited on his shoes.
Oh yeah Hopper’s alive, he’s different, you can tell he’s been through it. 8 months is a long time to rot in a Russian jail. You don’t need to beat him by the way, we’d be happy to see you open those eyes any day. 
It doesn’t feel real yet, the seedling is still just a bean, and besides the nausea and back ache I don’t feel any different. 
I miss you.
Twelve Weeks
Doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex, I said no. I don’t want to find out without you, I want you there when we first meet our seedling. You can almost see the bump now, Robin says I’m just getting fat, maybe she’s right. 
I love the way my body is changing, I’m going soft everywhere, not just my stomach, my chest, my face everything is getting soft. Nancy says I have the pregnancy glow, and my hair is the healthiest it’s ever looked. I guess pregnancy looks good on me. 
Wake up soon, Eds, I don’t want you to miss this. 
Sixteen Weeks 
I had to get elastic waisted pants. You better not laugh when you hear this because this is all your fault! 
Robin is going to birthing classes with me, I'm pretty sure half the group think we are a couple. I’m not in a rush to change their minds, the sad looks are getting to me. When you tell someone your partner is in hospital and you don’t know when they will come home, well, people look at you with pity and a sense of panic in their eyes. Seems people are uncomfortable with the prospect of death, and me an unmated omega, the shame.
No, I think I'll just be the turkey baster lesbian couple instead for now. 
Twenty Two Weeks 
Felt her kick today, at first I thought it was just gas but then she really got going, it’s like butterflies in your stomach. I know we decided to keep the sex a surprise but I just have a feeling. Dustin did some old wives tale trick with a pendulum and agrees with me, god knows where he dug that bit of information from. 
We are past the point of fitting into elastic waists and I am officially in maternity wear. I am not happy about this. The clothes are obscenely cutesy, with a wide variety of moo moos and oversized sweaters to choose from. 
I’m afraid your hellfire shirt is now completely stretched out and no longer yours. I’m not giving it back. 
Twenty Five Weeks
Robin is on at me about picking a name, at least a short list, but I can’t. Seedling will suffice for now, you’ll wake up soon and we can argue about all the silly names you’ll choose. I’ve already vetoed Frodo so you can forget about that suggestion.
The nurses helped me lay beside you today. I was so tired and seedling was very active, they helped me lay your hand over my stomach and she played with you for over an hour. I would have been mad, she was really going for my kidneys but I swear I saw your eyes open, just for a moment. The doctors think I'm over tired, seeing things that aren’t there, but I know you’re still in there. 
You just have to follow my voice, just follow my voice and come back to us.
Twenty Eight Weeks
Seedlings' favorite time of day is when we are with you, she can’t seem to sit still when she’s with her daddy. I don’t know what you’ll want to be called when she arrives, but I’ve decided on Oma. I know it’s old fashioned but it feels right. 
We are so close now, my back aches and my ankles are swollen and all I want is for you to hold me in your arms and tell me it’s all going to be alright. 
We might stay a little longer tonight, seedling wants to feel you close and so do I.
Oh my god, Eddie…
Nurse, come quick he’s opened his eyes… 
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nyrandrea · 1 year
The Essence Of Our Spark
Summary: Hiding in plain sight.
Noah Diaz had learned how to do that all too well, but when an argument with his little brother cracks open the flood gates of suppressed memories of wars long past, his mask slips, and along with it, his sanity.
(Takes place after the events of ROTB so there will be spoilers!)
TW: Mentions of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Also a few swears
Also available to read on AO3 here!
In the darkest corners of Noah’s mind, where memories converged with fear, something whispered in his sleep; fragments of a past that he had always desperately wished to forget. His nightmares always came in the form of a battlefield, screams pierced the air and mingled with the metallic cacophony of gunfire. Amid the madness, a lone young soldier struggled to fix a circuit breaker, his eyes wild with terror. With every breath, he inhaled the acrid scent and exhaled a piece of his humanity, forever lost to the unforgiving abyss of war.
Noah flinched, and he put a hand to his chest to steady his breathing as loud popping went off in the kitchen, a familiar scent of butter and salt wafted through to his room.
‘Popcorn... ’ he reassured himself. ‘It’s just mom making popcorn...get a goddamn grip, man...’  
As if sensing something was wrong, Noah’s mother appeared by the door frame, hugging a bowl to her chest with one arm and a duvet draped around the other.
“Noah, please tell me you ain’t still working on that thing?” she said, nodding to his work desk.  
Taking a moment to flex his trembling hand, he dismissively waved her off. “C’mon, I’ve only been at it for an hour or two.”
“Honey, it’s three in the afternoon. You been hunched over that desk since two in the morning.”
Her expression softened when Noah didn’t reply. “Have you been taking those sleeping pills?”
“Yeah, I just...got the work bug, that’s all,” he muttered. “You know me, once I start, can’t stop.”
“You gotta stop sometime, sweetheart. Otherwise, your body will.”
Noah flinched slightly. “...Right. Don’t you have a movie to watch?”
His mom frowned but said nothing. “Because I know you haven’t eaten anything, there’s leftovers in the fridge, okay? Just...don’t cook, I’m too tired to deal with that right now. I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
Once again, he waved her off, and when she finally got the hint, he returned to his work project.
“C’mon...just work, damn it...!” Noah sighed, his nostrils flaring as he tried to splice a couple of wires together. This was the last step to complete the repair for Kris’s gameboy, which had suffered a beating against the wall after several failed attempts at the final boss of whatever latest game he had received for his birthday.  
The walls in the apartment were thin so Noah and his mother had immediately scrambled out of their beds when they heard a loud banging coming from Kris’s room, with Noah kicking down the door and raising a baseball bat to beat the shit out of whoever had been stupid enough to break into their home and target his little brother, only to be met with the snivelling boy sitting on the bed hugging his knees and pointing at the broken console on the floor.
Kris had suffered his first bout of gamer rage.  
Noah had tried to be sympathetic; their mother much less so.
He couldn’t blame her for being angry. She worked long hours and had spent a lot of hard-earned cash to buy that gameboy for Kris in the hopes that it would cheer him up—or at least provide a distraction—from his illness. They couldn’t afford another one.
Which was why Noah needed to fix it.
It had been weeks since his last interview, and the small pot of money he had slowly built up from doing various repair jobs for folks around the neighbourhood was beginning to dry up. He had spent most of it on various parts to fix up Mirage.
And it had been worth every damn dime.
“C’mon...There we go!” He punched a victorious fist in the air as the screen lit up along with the familiar 8-bit jingle. “Oh, thank God. Or Primus. Whatever.” Noah sat back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment, sighing in relief and smiling at the thought of Kris’s face lighting up when he got his one true love back.
Noah snorted. That kid needed to get out more.
His expression dropped a little. He knew at one point, when the illness was at its earliest stages, that Kris had tried to hang out with his friends, go to school, play at sports, just all the normal stuff that a kid should be doing. But he started tiring more and more easily and grew so frustrated that he ended up locking himself in his room, isolating himself from the world and everybody that loved him
That was when he got the call from his mom, her voice had a nasal tone to it, as if she’d just been crying, and Noah knew he needed to come home. Fortunately, his superiors granted him general discharge after a hell of a lot of arm twisting. However, they made sure to get back at him in the form of a bad reference that crapped all over his chances of getting a decent job.
Or any job, really. Even the damn janitors wouldn’t take him on.
Giving himself a mental kick, Noah forced himself out of the chair before he could start feeling sorry for himself and grabbed the newly fixed console before heading to the door.
“Hey, ma,” he softly called out, softly knocking on the living room door and entering when he heard a muffled “Come in ..”. He smiled a little at the shifting lump on the couch, a hand lifting from under the covers to reveal his mom’s face, illuminated by the soft glow of the television screen. He couldn’t help but notice the dark circles under her eyes; those night shifts were really starting to take their toll on her.
“¿Qué es eso?” she asked. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’ve finally fixed Kris’s console, just headin’ out to give it to him now.”
“Oh gracias a Dios,” she muttered in relief. “You’re a little miracle worker, you know?”
“Sí, mama,” Noah gloated, holding up his hands. “I know I’m the best.”
She smirked under the covers. “If only your cooking skills were that good.”
“Hey, c’mon now, it’s just an acquired taste, that’s all.”
“Uh-huh, sure,” she said with a yawn, prompting Noah to take the handle and close the door part-way.
“You work yourself too hard,” he said softly. “I’ll let you get some shut-eye.”
“And you worry too much,” she weakly argued back. “Tell Kris to be home by six,” his mom paused a moment before adding. “He’s been spending almost as much time at that dingy old garage as you have recently.”
Noah swallowed down a dry lump. “Yeah, he’s uh...been helping me out with this... project.”
He inwardly cringed. He had always been a bad liar, especially when it came to his family.
“Right,” she drawled out, obviously not convinced. “Just make sure he doesn’t inhale too much of those car fumes. It’s not good for his condition.”
“Don’t worry, I will,” Noah said, inching his way out the door before making a beeline for it, shouting out a quick “love you!” before slamming the door shut on his way out.
Beads of sweat ran down the sides of his face as he jogged down the stairs of the apartment building and into the bustling and vibrant streets of Brooklyn, shoving the gameboy into his pocket as he walked down the street.  
He wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to be able to keep this secret from his mother. Kris had found out within five minutes of him being home, but luckily had taken the whole thing in his stride, seemingly not phased by the idea of giant alien robots and the world nearly ending.
Kris was just built different, he supposed.
Their mother on the other hand...
He wasn’t sure what would have freaked her out more; the fact that he was friends with talking vehicles or that he had travelled outside of New York without leaving so much as a note.
He may be have been in his late twenties but there was no doubt in his mind that she would have grounded his ass for a month if she found out.
Noah shook his head, he was going to keep this secret for as long as he had breath in his body. She had enough to worry about: with her job, classes, bills, the medication for Kris.
Except they didn’t have to worry about that anymore.
Absent-mindedly pulling the business card he had received at his ‘security job’ interview, he twirled it in his fingers, brushing a thumb over the symbol of the eagle. The whole situation was still so bizarre to him; this super-secret government organization wanted him as an agent because...what, he just happened to choose the right car to break into? Because he was associated—by accident—with giant machines that could help them with whatever war they were in the middle of?
Noah couldn’t think of any other reason on why they would want to hire him.
It was Elena who had led the Autobots and Maximals to the transwarp key, it was Optimus Prime and Primal that charged into battle against Scourge and Unicron, and it was Mirage who had sacrificed himself and transformed his body into a suit to protect Noah. He...he hadn’t really done much of anything. Just happened to tag along for the ride.
That Agent Burke guy was wrong. He didn’t deserve this.
And he couldn’t throw himself into the middle of another war. Not after his harrowing time with the army and certainly not after that whole world-ending ordeal he’d just been through. Besides, he had other responsibilities. He couldn’t leave Kris again. Or his mother. They needed him. He was the man of the house. They needed him. He was more useful to them here than playing pretend at some secret agent shit.
He shoved the card back into his jacket pocket, planning on throwing it away later. From his other pocket, he pulled out a walkie talkie.
“Yo, Kris,” he greeted. “Got a little something for ya, you still at the garage where I told you to stay?”
There was a pause.
“What did I say about using our real names?”  
Noah rolled his eyes. “Apologies, Tails. I repeat: you at the garage?”
“Uh. Yep. Still here.”  
“Then why don’t I see you, huh?” Noah asked dryly as he edged past the heavy wooden doors and into the dimly lit space. A nostalgic scent of motor oil and sawdust tinged the air, a reminder that this was Noah’s safe-space. The small workshop was a treasure trove of relics; shelves lined the walls, each filled with an array of tools and rusted projects that had been laid to rest.
The only thing the garage was missing was his little brother and newly repaired Porsche.
“Kzzzzt, this is Knuckles here,” a new voice chimed in. “You’re uh, kzzzzt, breaking up there, Sonic.”  
Noah grimaced and clutched onto the radio device a little harder. “You get him back here now or I swear I’ll put my knuckles through your damn windshield...!”
“Geez! What’s with the threats, huh? Calm down or you’ll end up as much of a killjoy as Optimus-”  
“No names!”  
“Oh! Sorry.”  
Rubbing his temples in frustration, Noah tried again. “Can you guys please just come back? Like I said, I got something for you, Tails. It’s real important.”
As if on cue, a mis-matched Porsche came skidding along the road and sped right towards Noah, who didn’t even flinch when it screeched to a halt within inches of him and went through the all-too familiar process of transforming.
“Mirage is in the garage!” The robot cheerfully announced, catching Kris mid-transformation and gently lowering him to the ground in front of Noah before stretching out his limbs. “Oh, man does it feel good to get out again. And! I gotta say Kris, you’re even more fun to joyride with than your brother.”
Noah rubbed his face, feeling like a vein was about to pop. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Hey, come on now, Noah,” Mirage waved a dismissive hand. “Jealousy ain’t a good look on you.”
“You took Kris out joyriding?!”
“I took him out for some fresh air! What, you’d rather the kid was cooped up in this dusty old workshop all day?” Mirage snapped back, dramatically gesturing around the small, cramped room.
“Guys!” Kris shouted out before Noah could argue back. “I can talk for myself, y’know?”
“Yeah, I know Kris, but-” Noah tried to argue as the robot looked down sheepishly, only to be instantly hushed by his little brother’s stone-cold glare. He’d definitely learned that from their mother. Or Optimus.
“He only took me ‘round the block a few times, Noah. I wanted to go with him.”
“No buts,” Kris held up a finger. “Besides, we didn’t get into any trouble.”
“Well, except for that cop tryna’ stop us for speeding-”
“I said we didn’t get into any trouble,” Kris reiterated, aiming his glare up at Mirage now, who instantly stiffened and looked away.
“Nope. No trouble here.”
Noah sighed and knelt to Kris’s level. “Look, I get you want to have your own adventures and yeah, even I got into a little trouble when I was your age.”
“A little?”
“Okay, a lot,” he corrected himself. “Look, my point is... you gotta be careful. I...,” Noah paused for a moment, trying to find the best way to word this.
“I don’t want you to end up being like me.”
A silence fell upon the room then as Kris narrowed his eyes, and he didn’t even have to look up to know that Mirage was boring down on him too.  
“Bro, you ain’t being serious, right?”
“I am being serious, Kris. You...you’re...I mean I...” Noah stuttered. God, why was talking so hard? “You’re a real bright kid and-”
“Lemme guess, I got a ‘bright future ahead of me’?” Kris drawled out sarcastically.
“Yeah! You do! But you gotta drop that attitude, keep your head down and keep up with your schoolwork. You can’t be like me and fu-” He stopped himself and cleared his throat. “Muck it up like I did.”
“You can say fuck, Noah. I’m not five.”
Mirage, who had taken to hovering in the background so as to not get in the middle of the brother’s argument, sputtered and tried to poorly disguise his laugh with a hacking cough, blaming it on the dust.
Noah groaned and rose, deciding it was now time to harness the kind of power stance that would usually win his mother an argument “My point is that you’ve got a chance to make something of yourself, get outta Brooklyn, get yourself a decent job with good money-”
“Okay, I may be old enough to swear but I ain’t old enough to be thinking about all that,” Kris said defiantly, crossing his arms to mirror Noah. “You can’t just dump all that on me.”
“I’m not dumping anything on you, I’m just saying you gotta-”
“Well, I think you gotta go see a therapist.”
Noah blinked as a smug grin formed on Kris’s face. “W-what?”
“Don’t you even notice that you’re always putting yourself down?” The teen grasped at his hair dramatically and pitched his voice down an octave. “Oh no...! I’m not good enough to get a job...! I don’t deserve to get credit for saving the freakin’ world...! I can’t cook for shit...!”
Noah wasn’t sure what to get more offended by—the fact that his own brother was insulting him or that he had the balls to pull him up about his own insecurities.
“You little-! I don’t sound like that! And my cooking is just...an acquired taste...!”
“Stop avoiding the subject.”
“I don’t need a therapist; we can’t even afford one! And last I checked, we were talking about your future, not mine. So, let’s leave it, yeah?”
Kris didn’t take the hint.  
“Bro, you are part of my future. And you always tell me that it ain’t good to bottle up our emotions and to always talk. Like when Tails helps Sonic, or Luigi helps Mario, or-”
“But we ain’t Sonic and Tails! Or...or Mario and Luigi or whatever, and this ain’t a videogame, Kris! You can’t just point and click your way through life and expect to get a happy ending. You got your head in the clouds way too much, and it’s about time you got back down to reality like the rest of us!”
“Noah...” Mirage finally chimed in, but was interrupted by Kris.
“No, I get it,” the boy said, somberly nodding. “You got all these hopes and dreams that you couldn’t achieve by yourself and so now you’re pinning ‘em all on me, right? ‘Cuz you think you ain’t got a chance at living the life that you wanted. ‘Cuz you’re worthless, right?”
“Worthless... worthless ... you’re worthless...!” His commander had shouted at him. His father had shouted at him. He had shouted at himself.
Noah’s head was pounding . His thoughts clashed like opposing tides in a wild storm; a battle between fear and reason, threatening to tear him apart. All he wanted was for his little brother to have a good life and not to be trapped within the four walls of a rotting apartment in the middle of gang and police territory, fearing for his life every time he opened the door, that he would get shot for being in the wrong place at the right time. To try and escape, only to end up in a different kind of war that valued him only as cannon fodder, to be sent home in a box with a medal slapped on his cold, lifeless body for his ‘service’. To be remembered by only a few and missed by no-one.
And to be regarded as a low-life coward for running away.
“Noah...? Noah...! Noah ...”  
He didn’t even realise that Kris had a grip on his arms and was shaking him, or that Mirage was kneeling with his hands hovering over him. Their mouths were moving but what they were saying was all muffled and distorted, like he was underwater.
His lungs hitched, and he started gasping for air.
Noah hated that he couldn’t keep his emotions in check, that something so trivial triggered such a raw, primal fear within him, and that he showed such a vulnerability to his little brother and best friend. The two people who were supposed to rely on him for support and strength.
With some semblance of control, he managed to wave them both off with an air of nonchalance and coolness that he had learned to adopt from Mirage's personality.
“I’m fine, I’m good,” he just about choked out. “I think I just gotta...go for a walk or somethin’.”  
His legs found the strength to stumble forward of their own accord, stopping only briefly to lean by the doors so he could glance back. “Mirage, could you uh...could you take Kris home? Mom wants him home by...by six, aight? And make sure he does his homework because...yeah.”
“But Noah... yew don luk so gud...”  
“Just do it, okay?!” He snapped. “Please...”
Within Noah’s weary soul, a fervent desire to escape surged through his body, and without a second thought, he slipped out into the embrace of the early night. Each step propelled him into the unknown, his heart beating wildly as his legs pounded against the pavement, fuelling his need to leave everyone else behind.
The wind whistled through his ears, and the city bathed in the soft glow of streetlights overcame every ounce of his senses, drowning out the chorus of desperation that echoed from all around him.
I am hungry for the hurt/comfort Noah and Mirage fics so I decided to write one myself. Let me know what y'all think!
Part 2: Coming Soon!
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icaruspendragon · 1 year
cw: grooming, suicide, mental health
i know a lot of times when we see/hear the word grooming we think of a certain kind of victim of a very particular crime. to help clarify, i’m gonna give a concrete definition for what i’m taking about
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so finding out this is something that’s been happening to me for the past few months sure hasn’t been, ya know, great. and i don’t feel great about it or myself.
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nearly every. single. box. i get to check almost all those boxes. fortunately, the sexual aspect isn’t a facet of what i went through.
idk. i’m just. i’m hurt. i feel violated. i was manipulated and lied to and gaslit and taken advantage of and used. i feel used. and i think the worst part is that i’m still scared to talk about it. because the people involved would make my life even more miserable than they have already if i named names. they’re still finding ways to hurt me even in my silence. and i just. i don’t know what to do. i don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with the fallout that would happen if i said something but i feel an obligation to say something because this exact thing is still happening to others. i feel trapped.
i’ve talked about it in therapy. but i just don’t know how to deal with it. especially because all of the sudden my brain decided it was time for me to start processing my brother’s suicide. and this abuse started to happen literally days after he died. i feel like an emotional live wire. i cannot stress enough how much i’m not having thoughts of harming myself but i feel so used and so empty and so tired. and i can’t even talk about it. not really. not unless i wanna make it worse.
i managed to finally get out and i’m still scared of what they can do to me.
how the fuck do you handle this? what do i do now? because i feel sick to my stomach with fear and anxiety making this post but i can’t have all of this floating around in me anymore. i had to let some of it out. and i’m scared about what’s going to happen to me now.
that’s why i’ve been online less. that’s why the quality of what i have been putting online hasn’t been the best. between finding out i was emotionally and mentally manipulated and abused for months by people i thought were friends and being treated subhuman at work. i’ve had all the life zapped out of me.
that’s part of why i’m pushing patreon so hard right now. so i can at least leave my job and hope that doing so will free up the mental and emotional space to address the fact that at twenty-five-fucking-years-old i got groomed.
something has got to change. i feel like i’m at the end of my rope and that rope is about to snap.
once again, i’m not having any dangerous thoughts. but i feel like i’m on the cusp of a complete and total mental breakdown.
i just wanna catch a fucking break, man. it really does feel like one thing after the other.
so yeah. i’m scared and sad and empty and i feel dirty and used and violated and it’s sucking every ounce of joy out of me. i just wanted to focus on being able to be creative full time. on making people smile and laugh. on helping others. that’s all i want to do and now i barely have the energy to shower.
it’s not fair. after everything i’ve been through i get to add another thing to the list and it’s just. not. fair.
it’s been a really, really hard couple of weeks on top of having and really, really hard past eight months.
anyway. that’s why i’ve been like this recently.
if any of that looked/sounded familiar, here’s the site i got the info from. you should check it out.
and maybe talk to your therapist.
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vanfleeter · 1 year
Out of Body // JTK
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Paring(s): Jake x reader x Josh x Sam x Danny Warnings: angst, slight swearing, depictions of a car accident, mentions of death and pregnancy, out of body experience, (let me know if I missed anything). Author's note: I've been rewatching One Tree Hill for the millionth time and a storyline inspired me to write this. Spoiler alert (even though this show has been out for a long time, lol): Quinn and Clay have out of body experiences when recovering from being shot. I got inspired by the out of body to write one for Jake, so here you go.
Music pumps through the speakers into the sound room. Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny all sit around the room listening to it and giving their opinions on what should be changed or who needs to work on what. The album is scheduled to come out in six months and they’re so close to finishing.
Jake is getting tired of it. He’s tired of working what feels like endless hours in the studio. He misses sleeping in his bed for more than four hours. He misses you. He misses waking up to you in the morning with a mug full of freshly brewed coffee in your hand as you wait for him to wake up. He misses cooking dinner with you in the evenings and eating it together on top of the kitchen counter with a bottle of wine shared between the two of you.
Deciding to call it for the night, Jake stands up from the couch. “I don’t know about you all, but I’m going home and getting sleep.”
Josh looks up at him. “But we have to-”
Jake shakes his head. “No.. I’ve been here in this damn studio for way too long these past few weeks and I’m over it. I want to go home and be with my girlfriend. We still have six months until this album releases and another two before tour starts and we’re near finished but I’m exhausted and I swear if I stay here another minute I’m going to go insane.” He reaches for his keys and his wallet on the coffee table. “I’ll be back on Monday but I’m taking the weekend.”
Leaving the sound room he heads out to his car and climbs inside. He pulls out his phone and dials your number. It rings a couple times before you pick up.
“Hi baby.” He hears that smile in your voice. “How’s work going?”
He sighs. “Draining.. But I’m coming home. I’m done for the weekend.” He shoves the key into the ignition and turns it. “I will be home in thirty minutes. Please have some drinks ready when I get there, I beg.”
You giggle. “Rum or whiskey?”
“Both.” He says chuckling.
“Both it is.” You say retrieving the two bottles off of the drink cart. “I will see you soon.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Pulling out of the parking space he heads out onto the road to make his way home. Stopping at an intersection, he looks over to his left and spots a flower shop on the corner. A smile tugs on his lips. Looking behind him he sees no other cars parked behind him. Slowly backing up, he turns his car into the turn lane and waits for the light to turn green.
Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel he chews the inside of his cheek. “Come on, come on..” He sighs.
The light finally turns green and he presses his foot to the gas. Pulling out into the intersection he starts to turn left when headlights fill his peripheral view. He tries to get out of the way before the car slams into him.
Though he isn’t that lucky.
The vehicle slams into the side of his car, sending it tumbling over several times before coming to a stop in the middle of the road. In the midst of the ringing in his ears and numb feeling in his body, he hears his cell phone vibrating on the floor of the car before he slowly drifts into the darkness.
You pace back and forth by the front door, your phone clutched in one hand while the other is resting on your cheek. Worry fills your body.
Sure Jake has a tendency to be late but that’s nothing unusual. What’s unusual is for him not to call when he’s going to be late. He normally calls if he decides to stop off somewhere real quick. At this hour he would most likely stop to pick up food.
Ten more minutes slip by and still no Jake.
Headlights flash through the window as a car pulls into the driveway. You throw open the front door only to find Josh running up the sidewalk. His face is pale and his eyes red.
“You need to come with me.” He says grabbing your hand and pulling you out to the car.
“What? Why?”
“I’ll explain on the way.” Josh says as he ushers her into the passenger seat and roughly closes the door.
“Josh, what’s going on?”
Josh takes in a deep breath, his hands tightening around the steering wheel turning his knuckles white. “It’s Jake.. He was in an accident.”
It feels as if your stomach drops to your feet. “Wh-What?”
“It’s bad, (Y/N). Really bad…”
Pulling up the hospital, the two of you head inside where you’re joined by Sam and Danny in the lobby.
“Where is he?” You ask.
“They took him back already.” Danny says. “They won’t tell us anything.”
“Which is stupid because I’m his brother.” Sam snaps as he glares at the tech behind the counter.
Josh lays a calming hand on his younger brother’s shoulder before approaching the counter. “Is there really nothing you can give us?” He says. “I’m his twin brother. We’re blood, practically the same person.”
The tech shakes her head. “Like I told your friends, I can’t release his information.”
Josh sighs. “We’re his family!” He shouts as he slams the palm of his hand on the counter. “My brother is back there somewhere dying! I need to know where he is dammit!”
“I’m sorry, without the proper authorization I cannot tell you. So I am going to need you to calm down and take a step back before I call security.”
Josh inhales and takes a step back. “Whose authorization do we need in order to get information? And better not be him because I swear-”
“His wife.” The tech says. “Only she can authorize it.”
Josh’s shoulders drop. His eyebrows crease. “Wife?”
The tech nods her head. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Only she can release it.”
All three boys turn towards you. “Did we miss something?” Danny says.
You look back at them with the same confused expression on your face. Josh grabs your hand and pushes you up to the counter.
“This is his…wife.” He shakes his head. “Just give her the information.”
The tech looks at you and you give her a faint smile. The tech huffs. “I need to see your ID please.” She says, holding out her hand.
You dig through your purse and retrieve your wallet. Pulling your ID, you hand it over to her and she looks at it. She glances back up at you and then back down at the ID. She sighs and hands the plastic card back to you.
“Jacob Kiszka is currently in surgery right now. I will notify the surgical team of your arrival and someone will be out soon to update you.”
Sam throws his hands in the air and hangs his head back. “Great.. Just great..” He mutters before walking away with Danny quickly trailing behind him.
You smile politely at the tech before giving her your thanks and dragging Josh away from the counter.
“So we just sit here and wait?” He says.
“Appears so..” You say. “Have you called your parents yet?”
Josh shakes his head as he sinks back into the chair. “No, I haven’t had the time. As soon as I got the call from the police, I immediately went to get you.”
You nod your head and stand up from your chair. “I’ll go call. You stay here and wait for any updates.”
Josh nods his head. “I’ll come find you if I do.”
Waking up again Jake finds himself in his bedroom sitting on the bed with his guitar in his lap. Looking up from it, he looks around the room to find it empty. You were nowhere to be found.
Putting his guitar off to the side he stands up from the bed and leaves the room; but when he does he finds himself in the hospital lobby. People milling around, all going about in different directions. Looking through the sea of people he spots his twin sitting in one of the chairs against the wall. He rushes over and sits down in the empty chair beside him.
Josh continues to stare blankly ahead in front of him as he clenches his jaw.
“Josh, look at me… Josh?”
Josh turns his head towards Jake. “Are they coming?” He asks looking past Jake.
Jake follows his gaze to see you coming towards them both. You nod your head. “Your mom is a wreck… But uh, your dad–he’s calling the airlines now to find a flight down here from Detroit. They won’t be here until tomorrow..”
“And Ronnie?”
You shake your head. “I left her a voicemail but your dad said he’d call her too.”
Jake stands up from the chair. “(Y/N), can you hear me?”
“Sam and Danny haven’t come back?” You say. Josh shakes his head. “Okay uh we should go find them–maybe go grab some food while we wait.”
Josh nods his head and stands up from his chair. “Come on..”
“Guys, wait!” Jake calls after them. But to no avail, they don’t hear him. He tries to follow after them but as soon as he steps through the doors he finds himself looking down at himself from a overlook. His body lies there on the table as surgeons crowd over him to repair the damages that he sustained from the accident.
A series of beeps keeping track of his heart rate begin to erratic. “He’s crashing!”
“BP’s dropping!”
“We’re losing him!”
Jake pounds his fists on the glass panel. “No!” He shouts. “Don’t give up! Come on!” –
Sam paces back and forth in the courtyard with one hand dug into his hair and the other one resting on his hip. Danny sits on the bench leaning on his knees as he picks at his nails. “How am I supposed to just sit here and wait?”
“I don’t know..”
“I mean.. I-I have to do something.”
“Like what?” Danny questions. “You’re not a surgeon, you have no idea what the first thing is to do.”
Sam spins around to face Danny. “Don’t you think I know that?”
“He’s my brother.. It’s human instinct to want to do something.”
“Then go to the chapel and say a prayer…”
Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Please.. Who the hell would I pray to that remotely cares that my brother is dying?!”
Jake steps up to his brother. “Sam.. Sam, please hear me.” He pleads. “Sam, I need your help. I don’t know what’s going on.”
Sam continues his pacing back and forth. “If he dies…”
“He won’t die..” Danny says. “Stop talking like that.”
Jake runs over to Danny and sits beside him on the bench. “Danny, please. Help me!”
“Hey there you are.” Josh says as you and him step out into the courtyard. “We’ve been looking for you.”
“Are there any updates?” Danny says as he stands from the bench. Josh shakes his head.
“We called Karen and Kelly, and told them what happened.” You say as you adjust your jacket on your shoulders. “They’ll be here tomorrow.. Still can’t get a hold of Ronnie though.”
“Are either of you hungry?” Josh asks. “We were gonna head to the cafeteria to get some food.”
“How can you eat right now?” Sam says.
Josh shrugs his shoulders. “I’m not really sure what else I’m supposed to do…”
“You two go ahead,” Danny says. “We’ll meet up with you guys soon.”
Jake follows quickly behind you and Josh. “(Y/N), baby please. Please hear me. O-Or see me. Please, I’m right here.”
You brush a strand of hair behind your ear as you sniffle. Josh hears you and stops in front of you.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
You shake your head. “I’m so scared, Josh.. What if–What if he doesn’t-”
Josh shakes his head as he places his hands on your shoulders. “No, don’t think like that. Jake will be okay.”
“How can you be so sure?”
A smile cracks on Josh’s face. “He’s my brother. My other half. Trust me when I say he’ll be fine.” He pulls you into his arms. “Besides, he’d be an idiot to leave you like this.”
You stifle a giggle as you pull away from him. “Shut up..”
Josh chuckles. “Come on, Mrs. Kiszka, let’s go eat something horrible from the cafeteria.”
“Geez.. Stop.”
Josh grins. “You have to admit, it does sound good. Mrs. Kiszka. I’m telling you what, if he doesn’t marry after this, he really is an idiot.” You roll your eyes, making him laugh. “Though you two already act like a married couple.. What would be the difference? A silly little diamond ring on your finger?”
You smile. “Maybe I want a ring.” –
Jake stands over his bed watching as his own chest rises and falls. He leans against the window sill and stuffs his hands in the pockets of his pants. “So this is what it’s come to..” He says. “Tube down my throat, IVs stuck inside of me everywhere… Man, I look horrible…”
The door to his room opens and Karen steps inside. “Oh my baby..” She whimpers as she walks over to the bed.
Jake pushes off of the window sill and walks over to the bed. “Mama..”
“What happened to you Jacob?”
“I wish I knew myself..” He kneels down beside the bed and looks up at his mother who stands on the opposite side. His heart breaks as he watches her eyes fill with tears. “But I’m right here, Mom. I know you can’t see me but I’m here.” He tries to reach for her hand that rests on his chest but it only flows through her; as if he were running his hands through a cloud.
The door opens again and you walk in. You greet her with a sympathetic smile.
“What happened?” Karen asks.
“Car accident.” You say. “He was on his way home from the studio when he was hit.. Car is totaled..”
“Did he run a red light?”
You shake your head. “No.. He had a green light. Someone else ran the red light and hit his car.”
Karen takes a deep breath. “How are you?” She asks. “Are you doing okay?”
You nod your head. “I’m as good as one can be.” You say.
Karen smiles before wrapping her arms around you. “I have faith that he will pull through.” She says before pulling away. “Have you eaten yet today?” She asks. “Or even slept at all?”
“Josh forced me to go home last night to sleep.”
Karen laughs. “Good. You should sleep in your own bed and not the uncomfortable cot they offer you.” You giggle. “Come on, let’s go get some breakfast.”
Getting up from his knees, Jake follows closely behind them. As they round a corner they greet Kelly in front of the cafeteria.
“Dad..” Jake breathes. He walks over to Kelly. He watches his father plaster a smile on his face as he pretends that everything is going to be okay.
But Jake doesn’t believe it will be. He watched himself nearly die. For the five minutes that he was gone, not breathing, his body felt light. Free.
“Have you seen Josh?” Kelly asks.
Karen nods her head. “But it’s best if we leave him be.. He took it rough when we were told of the complications..”
Jake watches you now. The way you look away, your jaw clenching as you fight to keep yourself composed. Jake steps over you. He tries to wipe his hand across your cheek, to comfort you. But it only paces through you just as it had before. His heart breaks a little knowing he can’t comfort you. He hates how he has to stand by and watch as the people he loves grieve for him.
“Baby, I’m here.” He says, his voice cracking as he speaks each word.
You sniffle and wipe your face free of the tear that escaped down your cheek. You turn back to face his parents. “I’m gonna go find some coffee..” You say before slipping into the cafeteria. Jake looks back at his parents before slipping into the cafeteria too. But instead he’s sent somewhere else as he steps through the door.
“Oh what the hell..” He grumbles.
He looks around him. He’s at the beach. Looking down at his body he finds that he’s dressed in a white linen button down shirt and matching white linen pants and he’s barefoot. The complete opposite of what he was wearing the night of the accident.
“Hello?” He calls out. “Hellooo? If someone of a high power is up there,” He says, tilting his head to look up at the sky. “Can you please tell me what the hell is going on? I want to go back, please.” He throws his arms out in the air beside him. “And if this some kind of test, it’s pretty fucked up because I feel this is where I’m supposed to be when I die and I’m not ready yet.”
He hears someone chuckling. “Oh be quiet, Jacob.”
He spins around, his hands dropping to his sides. He sees an older gentleman standing a few feet away and dressed similar to him. His eyebrows furrow.
“Who are you?”
The man smiles. “Let’s just say I’m a friend.”
Jake’s eyebrows raise. “A friend.. Okay?”
“Let’s take a walk, shall we?”
“If this leads up to you telling me that I’m dead, just say it now. Spare me the trouble of a sentimental walk down the beach.”
The man chuckles again. “Jacob, just walk with me.” He says before turning around and heading down the shore.
Jacob huffs but reluctantly follows after the man. “So who are you really? A spiritual form of Jesus?” He asks when he catches up to the man.
The man scoffs. “I wish. Wouldn’t that be something? No.. Like I said, I’m a friend.”
“Do I know you then, said friend?”
“You were pretty young when I passed, you and your siblings all were. I was an old friend of your parents. I came around a lot to the lake where we would all play music.” He explains. “I was the one with the fancy blue guitar that you seemed to be mesmerized by.”
Jake’s eyes widened. “I remember you.” He says. “I can’t remember your name but I remember you..and the guitar.”
The man smiles. “My name is Robert but everyone called me-”
“Uncle Robbie.” Jake interrupted.
Robert smiles. “You and Josh always called me that despite me not actually being your uncle.”
Jake smiles. “So why are you here? With me, I mean..”
“I saw what was going on.” He says. “I saw the accident, I even saw you for a brief moment when your soul left your body the first time.”
“The first time? But..”
“It occured right after the accident. You were technically dead for a couple minutes before medics arrived.” Robert says. “A bystander who saw the whole thing happen, he ran out to you, brought you back.”
“So I died, twice..”
Robert nods his head. “But the good news is, it won’t happen again.” He says. “How have you been feeling?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, what do you feel like? Do you feel like you just keel over and fall asleep at any given moment because you’re so tired? Or do you feel like you could run forever and never be exhausted?”
“I definitely feel like taking a nap.”
Robert smiles. “Then you won’t die.” He says. “You’re feeling tired and probably exhausted because your body is healing.”
“Already? That quick? It’s only been a couple days.”
Robert shakes his head. “Time is different here.” He says. “It feels like it’s only been a couple days here but truthfully it’s been almost a week back there.”
“But the news that Josh got.. That wasn’t from when I woke up?”
Robert shakes his head. “One of your kidneys is failing.”
“But you said my body is healing.”
“It is.”
“So if my body is healing, why am I in kidney failure?”
“It all happens so quickly, Jacob. I don’t know the specifics, I just know what’s happening.”
“Isn’t Josh a match? Can’t he donate?”
“He wanted to.” Robert says. “And he could have, however, another patient passed away and he was an organ donor and since you’re classified as an emergent case, you get his kidney.”
“So Josh-”
“Josh is fine. He was taking the news of the kidney failure a little more rougher than the others. He didn’t want to lose his best friend. But I think when you wake up, those tears you see won’t be sad ones but happy ones.”
“So I’m not dying?”
Robert shakes his head. “Nope. You’re gonna be just fine.” He stops walking and turns to face Jake. “You see that house over there?” He says pointing off into the distance.
“That’s mine and (Y/N)’s.”
“Go home, Jacob.”
“Thank you.” As Jake starts to head off, Robert calls after him. He turns back around to look at him.
“Don’t drown yourself in your work either. You’re missing out on some pretty big milestones, Jacob.”
“You’re gonna have a little boy of your own, Jacob. Focus on that.”
That’s when it all hit. Turning back around he takes off down the shore until he reaches the house. Pushing the door open, he steps inside. A bright white light fills his vision and he opens his eyes again to find that he’s in his own body again and lying in the hospital bed.
“Jake..” He hears you sigh. He feels your hand on his cheek and he turns his eyes to look at you. You stifle a sob as you cover your mouth. “You’re finally awake.”
He reaches up to hold your hand in his. He sighs in relief when he feels your solid and warm hand.
“I’m sorry..” He says.
“Sorry for what?” You ask.
“I’m sorry for missing so much.” He says. “I’ve been working so much on the album that I never realized that you’re pregnant.” You cast your eyes down to the bed. “I’m sorry I haven’t been there and that I didn’t notice. How the hell I never noticed…” He sighs. “I’m sorry.. I promise from now on, I’ll be there for you and our son.”
You shoot your eyes back up to Jake. “You know?” Jake smiles. “How did you know?”
“Let’s just say I had a gut feeling.”
You lean over and kiss him. “I’m so glad you’re awake.” You say. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
Jake chuckles. “I promise to do my best. Now.. I am hungry.”
You giggle. “You just woke up.”
“Yeah and I haven’t eaten in a week. What’s your point?”
You laugh and stand up from your chair. “I’ll go find your doctor and figure out what you can have. I’ll be right back.”
Laying his head back down in the pillows, Jake stares at the ceiling. He makes a mental note in his head to order flowers for you when he gets released from the hospital and to start buying baby clothes.
O fim.
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purplefiction-ao3 · 1 month
I don’t want to be a downer but I need to vent. I want to rest but my body demands attention.
I’ve had more tonic-clonic seizures in 2024 so far than I had in all of 2021/2022/2023 combined. Which means no driving, which = less independence.
My lung function is so poor and it’s putting a lot of stress on my heart, which stresses me out more because I’m so scared of rejection or cardiac arrest.
The thing is though, I’m so tired. I’m tired of being in pain. I’m in a constant state of high stress and anxiety because I’m struggling to breathe and constantly feeling air hunger.
My doctor has officially uttered the words I’ve been fearful of. If I can’t find a doctor willing to try one more tracheal reconstruction surgery (I’ve had 3, none have really improved the situation other than buying me more time🥴), the only option to improve “quality of life” will be to get another tracheostomy.
My first tracheostomy experience was traumatic for the couple of years I had it. To be told I’m looking at a permanent trach feels life altering in a way so many other medical things I’ve experienced weren’t.
The way people treated me when I was trached and vent dependent was awful. Totally invisible. My voice is already so weak and gives out easily, I’m scared I’ll permanently lose the ability to talk.
I’m grateful for medicine and my heart transplant and all of the extra time I’ve been given. But… I just need a break. I just wish I could have a break from my broken body once in a while.
No need to worry, I’m not suicidal or anything. Just contemplating mortality and wondering at what point I just need to stop with the medical interventions and let my body do it’s thing. I have a DNR that applies in certain situations and a living will but still.
This wont be the medical intervention I refuse though, if I chose to stop medical interventions. If a trach and vent are necessary for me to not feel like I’m struggling to breathe, I’ll do it. If there is one way I don’t want to die, it’s suffocating to death. Severe air hunger and the inability to breathe unassisted ranks as maybe the #1 worst things I’ve ever experienced.
So, let this serve as my current life update and as an explanation why updates for my WIP on AO3 may be slow. I’ve had three massive seizures just this weekend and I’m feeling all around sick, depressed, and too weak to even lift my own head up. I’ve relied on caregivers for all of my basic needs these past 3 or 4 days. Hopefully, once I can hold my own head up and change positions without doubling over in severe pain again, I’ll be able to get the next chapter out in a reasonable amount of time. Mostly I’m hoping to avoid a hospital stay and I’m hoping I won’t end up with an emergency trach this week. I want to be able to make this decision not under duress this time.
Good thoughts, vibes, and even prayers (if that’s your thing) are so appreciated. I need all of the encouragement possible right now.
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thedreamscapes · 1 year
donation and sale post
i’ve got a big amount of bills coming up, mostly due to health reasons, and i need to get my cat to the vet. all of the overtime i’ve been snatching up at work has had to go towards $1300 car repair and maintenance.
i started having problems with my thyroid and ended up with over $1,000 in tests that i’m fighting for insurance to look at. i have an appointment with a specialist scheduled for the end of next month.
the problems with my thyroid made my hand pain flair up to the point i can hardly do art work right now. i have joint pain and weakness, i’ve been dropping things, i can hardly hold a pencil for any length of time. i went to the orthopedist this past monday and he gave me a steroid injection in my wrist and that has helped my left hand TREMENDOUSLY. he didn’t want to do anything to my right, yet.
i have an ultrasound scheduled next week and i start occupational therapy the second of april. i am praying the shots and therapy will be enough; my doctor passively mentioned wanting to send me to a surgeon depending on the ultrasound results. hopefully not.
on top of all of this, my mum was diagnosed with hurthle cell carcinoma this past month and we’re trying to get her into a sister location of MD Anderson, thankfully right down the road from her. she’s scheduled a consult for her first surgery at the beginning of may...because that’s the earliest they had. we’re already looking at over $2000 just for the biopsy after insurance covered their part. the first surgery was quoted about $13000.
this doesn’t include trying to get my cat to the vet.
i am asking for help. i don’t want to, but i’m at the point, i can’t work more hours than what i’m doing (job won’t let me) and i’m beyond stressed. i have prints and pins and original art for sale and i’m linking ko-fi.
i CAN take a couple commissions if folks are willing to wait. i can’t guarantee a turn around time because my work time will be based on my hand function.
i’m so tired, y’all. i’m so fucking tired.
this is my ko-fi link
this is my store front link
this is my commission information
reblogs are appreciated beyond words.
i’m only trying to raise $500 right now to give myself breathing room while i get things figured out.
and cry. there’s lots of crying
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
hi can you please write a Yelena x reader where reader has had a bad day so Yelena comforts her?
Rage Room
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader 
Summary: After a bad couple of days, Yelena offers to help you release built up tension. 
| Angst & Fluff | 1.4K | Talks of mental health and issues related around it | Mentions of sex | light language warning |
AC: I originally wrote this as a platonic relationship but it kind of went it’s own way…I hope you enjoy! 
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Been a part of the Avengers has its perks but it’s also draining, mentally and physically. It didn’t matter that you’ve been a part of the team for almost 5 years, you still weren’t used to the days when everything would catch up to you. Always making sure you put your all into everything you did from training to taking missions no matter how big or small, the constant feeling of trying to prove your worth to the team always got to you. Never did you have to prove yourself like you think you did, the team loved you and you are family to them but maybe it was just something you did to keep yourself distracted. 
You got along with everybody well, some better than most. You considered Yelena one of your closest friends, even though she wasn’t technically apart of the Avengers you both still managed to grow closer. 
“Earth to Y/n” Yelena clicked her fingers in front of your face as you stared into the distance. “Huh? Oh sorry” you blinked to refresh your eyes. “You’ve been spacey a lot lately. Is everything okay?” she asked in her thick Russian accent. “Yeah, just fine” you poorly lied causing Yelena to frown at you. “Want to try that again?” she offered. 
You sighed, “I’ve just been stressed a bit lately and today just isn’t one of my best”
“Is it something I can help with?”
“I don’t think so…I mean, I’m just tired like all the time…then I start to overthink everything and read into people too much like this morning I swear Tony was mad with me over something so that’s been playing on my mind a bit and then yesterday Natasha refused to take me on that week on mission her, Clint and Kate just left for which just made me overthink more – “
“Natasha didn’t let you go because you’re overworking yourself in training and you barely rest” Yelena pointed out after cutting you off. 
“That’s crap!” you spat, “I’ve just been trying to get rid of this built-up tension I have!” 
“Overworking yourself isn’t going to do that but I know something that would”
“Yelena, I don’t want to sleep with some random just to feel better” you tilted your head at her. 
“What? No, that’s not what I meant” Yelena shook her head, “even if you did have sex, I don’t think that would do much” she joked. 
“Ha ha, very funny” you rolled your eyes. 
“Have you heard of a rage room?” she asked. 
“I have but I’ve never been to one. I didn’t see the point when I could just work out?” 
“Do you want to come with me to one? I go once a week, helps for full that need to break shit!” 
You thought about the offer for a moment, everything else you’ve done to try and help yourself clearly wasn’t helping so you agreed, and the next day Yelena took you a rage room. 
“Here’s protective eyewear and a helmet for protection” the receptionist smiled handing you the protective gear. Once you and Yelena put on the protective gear you were both shown to two separate rooms. “You guys can have a room each or share, completely up to you. Everything is set up, have a blast” the young woman smiled. “Thank you” you replied as she walked away. 
“What do you want to do? Share or separate?” Yelena turned to you. Shrugging with a pout, “whatever you like” you replied. “Honestly, I want to see you smash shit up so let’s just share” she smirked before opening the door. 
The room was filled with breakable things like glass bottles, old kitchen appliances, old televisions, and some random statues. The walls were covered with random pictures that were spray painted and the floor had evidence of past customers letting out their rage. 
“Go on, what are you waiting for?” Yelena handed you a sledgehammer with a long handle. You couldn’t help but give her a smile, taking the hammer from her and walking up to a flat screen television. “I just hit it?” you asked just to make sure. 
“Y/n, we’re not leaving until this room is covered with shattered glass and plastic” Yelena replied. 
With that, you took your first swing at the television causing a large shatter to the black screen. You swung again, quickly finding the fun in the activity. 
“Is that all you’ve got? Come on, give it a good hit!” Yelena encouraged as she took back and watched. 
“I am!” you looked at her over your shoulder. “Let everything out here. Everything that’s made you worried, stressed, pissed off, whatever, let it out here. You can be as loud as you need” Yelena explained.
With all the thoughts and things that have made the past few days terrible you finally let all that built up tension and emotions out. Smashing everything in sight, screaming at the item before swinging, cursing at anything that got in your way. 
After a while, the room was almost covered with broken glass shards and what not. “That’s better” Yelena chuckled as you wiped the dripping sweat from your forehead, “feel better yet?” she asked. Your cheeks were red and warm as you nodded, “heaps!” you smiled. 
Yelena returned the smile, “whenever you feel like your run down again let’s just come here and let it out, yeah?” 
You nodded, “I like that and thanks Lena, for you know, I know you don’t like being praised but it means a lot that you look out for me” 
“You’d do the same for me” she brushed off your comment, “wanna give the other room a hit?” 
To Kate it was no secret that you’d been crushing on Yelena for some time now, but you understood how she closed off she was to the idea of relationships. Every time the two of you spent one-on-one time together you felt your feelings grow bigger for her and so did the frustration of being too scared to tell her how you felt. Yes, you’ve had a few bad days but you’ve only being overworking yourself to try and get Yelena off your mind and yet here you were, at a rage room with the woman you’ve fallen for and she doesn’t even know. 
“Wait…Lena...” your lips had a mind of their own, Yelena turned back around “Yeah?” she smiled softly. Your heart started racing, you felt like you were sweating more than you originally were, your eyes searched hers for a reason to stop yourself, but you found nothing but nervous, butterflies in your stomach rising. “Y/n, are you okay?” Yelena tried snaping you out of your thoughts. You didn’t reply, too lost in her green eyes to even notice her lips were moving. If Kate was here, she would’ve given you a light elbow to the arm to snap you out of your trance. 
“Okay…I’ll just meet you in the other room” Yelena turned back around, taking a few steps away from you. 
“I… I think” you stuttered catching Yelena’s attention again as she turned back to face you, her face covered with concern, “I think I’m in love with you” the words fell from your lips leaving you in shock at what you’d just said. Yelena looked almost as shocked as you did, her eyes falling to your feet quickly. 
“Lena…I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean to blurb that like that… j-just forget I said anything” you stuttered once again in a panic, “I’m just going to go…I’m sorry” you added quickly before Yelena could say a word. Dropping the hammer to the floor and removing the protective Yelena stopped you, gently grabbing a hold of your right arm. “Do you mean it?” she asked, now her eyes searched yours for an answer. 
You nodded lightly, a soft “yes” confirmed her question. A smile tugged at her lips as she released you from her grip, “Then why would you leave?” she asked. 
“I… I thought you’d…I got embarrassed” you admitted. 
“I like you too” Yelena took off her helmet.
“You do?”  
She nodded, “I just thought you were into Kate, so I never said anything” 
“Kate knows how I feel about you” you replied causing both of you to chuckle lightly before silence filled the messy room “Sooo…” you looked up at her. 
“Ca-can I” Yelena stopped herself and took a deep breath, “can I take you to dinner tonight? If you want…” she smiled nervously. 
Your heart felt like it was jumping out of your chest, “yeah, I’d like that” you gave her a warm smile. The both of you looked at each other like two young teenagers in love, both filled with butterflies and thoughts ran with nerves that only added to the excitement of finally going on a date. 
“Screw it, do you want to get lunch now instead?” Yelena spoke up, you quickly nodded, “please! I’m starving” you replied. 
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