#i’m waiting in line at a girl in red concert
aaanttt · 2 years
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vax-merstappen · 5 months
F1 boys falling for you <3
these got kind of long lol, but i thought you’d rather have more of a storyline than less of one lol. Prefs are below the line :)
Lando Norris
It was your first season as an f1 driver and you had been performing surprisingly. As both the only woman on the grid and a rookie, you were drawing a lot of attention from the media.
The media wasn’t the only one paying attention to you, however. “Lando, just go talk to her!” Carlos exclaimed, walking up to his former teammate. “You’ve been staring so hard your eyes are going to fall out.”
“Shut up, mate.”
“You like her, no?”
“Of course not!” Lando exclaimed. Carlos raised an eyebrow. “Well maybe a little.”
“Then go talk to her, mate!” When Lando didn’t move, Carlos grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him in your direction. You turned to the guys, an amused expression on your face.
“Y/N, this is Lando. Lando has had a crush on you for the whole season but hasn’t got the cojones to tell you about it.”
Carlos shoved Lando in your direction and walked away. His face was bright red.
“Was he telling the truth?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Lando admitted. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out. I was going to tell you myself.”
“Well then tell me.”
“I, Lando Norris, have had a crush on you all season.”
You smiled at Lando. “Would you want to get dinner sometime?”
Lando’s face, less red now, lit up. “Of course.”
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Oscar Piastri
It was the final concert on your tour and you were performing in Melbourne. Little did you know that a certain formula 1 driver who was a fan had decided to attend the concert.
The concert went amazing and you stepped backstage to see your best friend waiting for you.
“Y/N! You did amazing!”
“Omg you won’t believe who I saw in the crowd.”
Your friend smiled. “Oscar Piastri! He’s a formula 1 driver and apparently he’s a huge fan of yours. You have to invite him backstage!”
You couldn’t help but be curious about this guy and so you instructed security to go find him and invite him backstage. When he arrived, he clearly looked shy and a bit embarrassed to be there.
“You must be Oscar!”
“I am. And you’re Y/N.”
You nodded and smiled. “I heard you’re a fan of mine?”
“You could say that,” Oscar said with a gulp.
“What would you call yourself?”
“A guy who never imagined he’d be asked backstage by his dream girl.”
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Max Verstappen
Max had just left his apartment to go pick up groceries when he saw you walking down the street, looking very lost. He walked up to you.
“Hey, do you need help?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m studying abroad here and I have no idea which way to go to get to the university.”
Max smiled and gave you the directions you needed and you thanked him and headed on your way. For the rest of the day, he kept thinking back to his interaction with you and how you looked so cute. He mentally kicked himself for not asking for your number.
A week had gone by, and you were still on Max’s mind. He had no way of finding you again and did not even know your name.
Fate must have been on his side, as when he walked out of his apartment that day, he saw a familiar figure walking down the street. He tried not to look to eager as he walked up to you. “Did you manage to get to the university the other day?”
“Yes! Thanks again for the help,” you responded.
“I had one problem with my directions the other day I realized.”
“You did? I made it there alright, so no worries.”
“I forgot to ask your name and number.”
Your mouth dropped open a little, surprised that the gorgeous stranger you met the other day had been attracted to you too. “Y/N,” you responded as you typed your number into his phone.
“I’m Max,” he said. “I’ll text you tomorrow and see if there’s a time we could meet up.
You nodded. “I would love that.”
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Charles Leclerc
Charles was a childhood friend of yours. You had seen him grow up and become the incredible man he is today. You had always been close, but Charles had come to want something more with you. To take your relationship to the next level.
It was a warm day during his summer break where he invited you to spend the day with him. You had gone on a hike in the hills of Monaco and had laughed and chatted the whole way there. When the two of you got to the top, you stared out at the stunning view. But when you looked at Charles, you saw he was looking at you instead.
“Do you have something to say?” you asked.
“Yes. Every time I see you, I can’t help but think how beautiful you are. I want you to be mine.”
“How long have you wanted this?”
“Oh, a long time.”
“Why didn’t you say so?”
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”
You leaned over and kissed Charles. “I’ve been wanting this for a long time too.”
He paused for a second before pulling you close and kissing you back. The rest of the afternoon was spent together, happier than either of you had been in a while.
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Carlos Sainz
One of the perks of being an f1 presenter was the time you got to spend with the drivers. Of course there were some you preferred to interview over others, but you enjoyed getting to know them all. What you didn’t realize was that for Carlos, one of the perks of being an f1 driver was getting to spend time with you. Before each Grand Prix, he would look for your face in the sea of media personnel. It usually wasn’t hard for him to find you, as someone so beautiful easily stood out from the crowd. Every time he saw your name on his media schedule, Carlos would get butterflies in his stomach. For someone brave enough to drive an f1 car, you were enough to make Carlos nervous.
At first you didn’t notice, but Carlos began to come up to you before every race. He wanted so desperately to show you that he liked being around you and that he really wanted to take your relationship to the next level. After the fourth week of him speaking with you before a race, you finally talked to him.
“Carlos, fancy seeing you again. You’re not on my schedule for today,” you greeted.
“I know, but I’m so sick of watching you from afar. I love to be around you and I’m sick of wanting you and not having you.”
“Oh, uh…”
“Are you free tomorrow night? To get dinner with me?”
“Are you asking me in a date.”
“Yes, I should have done so a long time ago.”
“Well since you admit that, yes I am free.”
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Lewis Hamilton
As a trainer in a celebrity gym in London, you often found yourself in the company of athletes of all sorts. However, the man who had recently started coming to your gym and asking you for advice had not stuck out as anyone in particular you should recognize.
The first week you had seen him, he had asked you to help spot him with the weights he was lifting. You had agreed and helped him, without making much conversation. The second week, you had caught him watching you as he ran on the treadmill but he did not come over to you. The third week, he had asked for some advice on which machines he should use even though you could tell he already knew what he was doing.
And this week, he had come up to you with a box in hand. “I’m sorry if this is a bit forward, but I’ve noticed you the past few weeks I’ve been in here and I think you’re really cute. Would you want to go on a date with me.”
Thinking he was cute, you responded, “Sure. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”
“Lewis. Lewis Hamilton.” He flipped open the box to show you what was inside. “I got you this bracelet. I noticed you always fidgeting with your other one and I thought you might like another to go with it.”
You smiled. “How thoughtful! I’m y/n by the way.”
“Y/N. I like it.”
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Daniel Ricciardo
For years, Daniel had disliked his media duties. Of course he would put on a smile for the press, but interviews were not actually super enjoyable for him. Until he got a new PR manager and he couldn’t help but look forward to press duties.
“Ok, Daniel. So today we’ve got the press conference this morning and then an interview with sky sports this afternoon.”
“Yep! Who else is at the conference?”
“Nico, Carlos, Fernando, and Oscar,” you replied. “I’ll sit off to the side and watch so we can debrief before heading to the next interview.”
“Oh, you’ll be watching me then?”
“Yeah, Daniel, like I always do.”
“Well I’ll be watching you.”
“What does that mean?”
“I can’t seem to keep my eyes off you. I know it’s unprofessional, with us working together and what, but going to interviews with you makes my day.”
“What are you trying to say, Daniel?”
“Would you go out with me? On a date? That’s all I’ve been thinking about lately.”
You looked down, your cheeks turning red. “You have a way of flustering me, Daniel.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Of course it’s a yes.”
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Yuki Tsunoda
Had anyone asked Yuki who his celebrity crush was, he would have said you. As a famous actress, you had been in a good number of Yuki’s favorite movies and he could just never seem to get your face out of his head. Despite both of you having many connections, you had yet to meet in person.
It only took a twist of fate and a gala for a mutual sponsor to bring you together. You were starring in the latest advertising campaign for a brand that has sponsored AlphaTauri for the upcoming year. You walked into the event wearing a stunning red dress and Yuki was immediately starstruck. His celebrity crush was here in person with him.
His jaw dropped open slightly as you locked eyes with him from across the room. He had dreamed of this moment for years and he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that he was in fact dreaming. You waved and began to walk over to him and Yuki pinched himself to snap out of that stupor.
“Hi, you’re Yuki, right? The formula 1 driver?”
“Oh, um, yes. That is me,” he responded.
“I’m y/n!” you said cheerfully.
“I’m so excited to meet you! You are my favorite actress.”
“Am I really?”
“Yes! I watched all your movies!”
You saw Yuki’s obvious excitement and decided to chat with him for a while longer. A while longer ended up becoming the whole night and you and Yuki exchanged contact information to meet again.
At the end of the night he told you that you were his celebrity crush for a long time and you responded that it was quite obvious from the start.
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Alex Albon
As an f1 driver, Alex was not home a lot. But somehow every time he came home, he managed to run into you. You both were neighbors, so it wasn’t exactly weird, but Alex was sure it was fate that you kept meeting. You see, Alex had what was comparable to an airport crush on you. He didn’t see you often and only from afar, but he couldn’t help but think about you after he had gone from home.
This time, Alex was going for a jog when he saw you struggling with a pile of boxes. He paused for a minute before crossing over to your driveway.
“Can I help you?” he asked.
“Oh, I’m fine. Just moving some boxes of donations to the animal shelter I volunteer at.”
The fact that you loved animals so much endeared you to Alex even further.
“Are you sure I can’t help? I was just going to jog, lifting boxes could be my exercise instead.”
You could hardly refuse the stunning man standing before you and he helped you get your car packed to go to the shelter. You found that you enjoyed his company.
“Can I be honest with you?” Alex asked.
“Of course.”
“I’ve come to like you since we’ve been neighbors. And I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me on a date? You’ve always seemed so nice.”
“Sure. Just maybe next time it can be something other than putting boxes in a car.”
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Logan Sargeant
As a streamer for Quadrant, you regularly streamed and discussed Motorsport content. The only driver on the grid you had met was Lando, but little did you know another driver had been watching your content.
Logan had fallen asleep one night with YouTube on and woken up to one of your videos on his screen. He immediately loved how you looked and as he continued to watch, the thoughtful way you talked about Motorsport really resonated with him.
A few days later, after watching a bit more of your videos and one of your streams, he sent a message to Lando asking for your number. Lando, knowing the two of you would be perfect for one another, agreed to play matchmaker and gave you both each other’s contact information.
Logan was thrilled to be able to text you and soon the two of you hit it off. Logan couldn’t help but fall even further for you every time you messaged and his heart would skip a beat every time he saw you go live. Needless to say, the American man had fallen hard.
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lloromanic0 · 5 months
HI sorry for the delay here’s the post I promised. xo love u all
I dreamed about this last night and had to write it.
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(Can you tell that his mohawk era is my favorite?)
Fucking with Bill while he’s on tour (fem! reader)
At last the day that were the most excited about arrived. Last year you were able to get VIP tickets to meet your favorite band, Tokio Hotel, before their concert. You were thrilled you loved all the members but you had a special spot for the vocalist Bill Kaulitz, there was just something about him that attracted you so much.
You got to the meeting location half and hour before some girls already lined up, you didn’t expect to see many people because VIP tickets were a pain in the ass to get, and you knew how lucky you were to be able to get them. The 30 minutes passed by quickly, in groups of 5 the security let the people waiting come inside, you waited excitingly for your turn to come, you wanted to impress Bill in some way but you figured that just being yourself and being kind to him was the best option, before coming you even got him a small bouquet of yellow roses hopping he would like them.
It was finally your turn, you sat down with the rest of the girls and the four boys sat across from you, you got lucky enough to sit in front of Bill, he greets you with a small have a soft smile which you mimic. You all had a small talk every one took turns on telling something about themselves or asking something to the members,when the chatting time was up you all got to take pictures with the band.
As your turn got closer you started to get nervous to give the flowers to Bill, during the chatting time you noticed that he was looking at you many times, you didn’t want to sound crazy but you knew what you saw he was definitely checking you out.
It was finally your turn you approached them, greeting them all individually, Bill was the last one, after hugging him tightly you pulled away handing him the roses.
“It’s nothing special but I hope it’s of your liking…” you said while smiling at him, your face was so hot and red you felt like you could explode at any time. He took the flowers in his hands while grinning at you.
“You’re so sweet thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it, I’m happy you liked it.”
He stared in your eyes for a second.
“You’re very red sweetheart are you feeling alright?”
The nickname he used for your almost making you melt why did he make you feel like that you wanted him so bad.
“O-oh I’m sorry I actually woke up a bit under the weather today..” you lied with all the teeth in your mouth. He chuckled at your response not believing a single word that had just came out of your mouth, he didn’t say anything so that you wouldn’t be even more embarrassed.
“Okay guys let’s take these pictures quickly we need to hurry.”
You stood next to Bill, giving him a side hug, he was so warm and smelled so good you wanted to stay like this forever, his hand placed on your hip making your heart beat fast, he lightly stroked your hip, as a reaction you cleared your throat.
“You can get the pictures at the reception.” Said the photographer.
As you were about to walk away Bill grabbed your arm as he if wanted to tell you something, he got in front of you so no one could see you both.
He bends down a little to hug you again, and whispers in your ear.
“You were lovely, I want to see you again.”
You felt his hand in the back pocket of your jeans placing a small piece of paper inside. He pulled away winking at you, as you tried to walk away your legs feeling numb due to what just happened.
They all waved bye at you and you did the same, Bill smiled innocently at you.
Outside the building you reach for your back pocket to look at the paper.
“I’m staying at the hotel down the street come see me at 10pm room 324 3rd floor ;)”
You nervously stare at the piece of paper, of course you had a huge crush on Bill but you never expected this to happen.
During the concert Bill’s eyes wondered through the crowd looking for you, your beauty,kind words and actions in that single moment were enough for him to realize that he wanted to get to know you better. He always said that he believed in love at first sight and this might be it.
After the concert you made your way to the hotel, the night breeze blowing softly on your skin making you tug on your jacket tighter as you approached the hotel lobby.
You walked to the elevator, fixing yourself up on the mirror, exhaling nervously and excitedly at the thought of being alone in a room with Bill.
You stood in front of his door for a moment when you finally gathered the courage to knock on the door he immediately opened it and pulled you inside. You stared at him in confusion.
“Sorry don’t want people to see you, you know how it is.”
“Oh I understand..”
“Come on don’t just stand there, come sit.”
You followed him sitting on the edge of the bed, the room had minimal decoration the bed had white sheets, there was a mini fridge a Tv on the wall, a table in front of the bed and a bathroom, on the bed side table he placed a water jar with your flowers in it.
“Do you want something to drink?”
“A water would be nice…”
“Coming right up.” He reached for the mini fridge opening it, he took the water bottle in his hand making it look even smaller in between his large fingers.
“Here you go.” He gave you the water smiling at you, he sat down on the bed next to you.
“Did you have a safe walk?”
You shook your head yes while you chugged some of the water. Bill moved closer to you your heart begging to race.
“How was the concert? I didn’t see you in the crowd.”
“It was really good! I’m sorry I was not very close to the stage.”
“Next time let me know so I can get you to be on the front row where I can see you.”
“Will do.” You replied smiling.
Bill was now making eye contact with his beautifully sculpted face was hypnotic, his hair was down and he had no makeup on and he still looked like an angel to you.
You got even closer to him as your desire for him grew with each second, you knew he wanted this to so you just went for it. Placing your hands on both sides of his face and kissing him deeply, he got surprised at your reaction but he soon melted into the kiss, placing his hand on your lower back.
“A bit bold now aren’t you?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.” You quickly replied.
“I very much did.”
“We’re just getting started.”
You pushed him on the bed getting on top of him.
“I think I’m love.” Said Bill in a slightly sarcastic tone.
“Oh shut up.” You replied kissing him one more time. His hands massaged your lower back and grabbed your ass a few times as you kissed and sucked on his neck, his strong sent invading your nose as he moaned under you.
“You smell so good Bill…” you whispered close to his ear lightly bitting it.
“You’re such a tease Y/N.”
“How do you know my name?” You ask giggling a bit.
“Did my research.” He replied winking at you. You rolled your eyes at him.
“How about you take this off?” You said tugging on his shirt. He lifted his arms up.
“Do the honors.”
You removed his shirt from him admiring his slim and toned upper body.
“Keep staring honey.”
“I will don’t worry.”
You reached down for his belt unbuckling it, unzipping his pants to palm his growing erection.
“Excited aren’t you?” You questioned.
He broke eye contact with you his cheeks now a light pink shade as you kept touching him through his underwear. You took his pants off and placed yourself between his legs.
“May I?” You asked while playing the waist band of his boxers.
“Please do.”
You smiled in response, removing his aching boner from his underwear.
“Fuck…” you whispering under your breath his size startling you. He grinned at your reaction, you pumped his length making him moan lowly. You lowered your face closer to his boner taking his tip in your mouth, you circled your tongue slowly around his tip making him shake and thrust his hips upwards.
“Bill don’t be so desperate now”
“Just p-please…”
“I didn’t know you were like that.” You said at the same time as you stroked him.
“I’m not hhhmm i-it’s just you mmhm~”
You stroked his as fast as you could for a moment making Bill grip the sheets and curse under his breath, you lean down again taking all of him in your mouth gagging a little.
“Oh my- fuckkk.” Bill moaned loudly as you moved your head up and down his cock. Your pussy was aching for him you needed him inside you and he felt the same,he needed to be inside you.
“Please Y/N ride me I need to feel your pussy mmhmm a-and cum inside you hhhmm~”
You quickly took your shirt off along with your bra, and your skirt as well. You got on top of him again, his hands immediately reaching for your panties to remove them desperately needing to feel your cunt tighten around him. You lowered yourself onto him slowly adjusting to him, his lips making an O shape feeling your tightness around him.
“Oh god you feel so good Y/N”
As you reached the base of his cock you lifted your hips back up slamming yourself back down onto him earning a scream of pleasure from Bill. You rode his dick merciless your tits bouncing on his face, as he grabbed on your thighs as hard as he could forming small bruises on your skin.
“Fuck t-too much s-slow down-“ he pleaded
“You can do it for me Bill.”
He turned you on too much not to react like this you wanted him to fill you up with his cum you wanted to claim him as yours.
As your legs started to get sore you used your knees to support you and grind your hips on his, his hands reaching for your ass to help you move your hips on him.
“I can’t wait any longer fuck I n-need to cum mmhmm-“ said Bill in a desperate voice his hips slamming upwards hitting that sweet spot of yours making you moan and tremble with his brutal thrusts.
You placed your hands on his chest for support grabbing on him forcefully your nails digging in his flesh as he kept thrusting in you non stop.
“F-fuck Bill I’m gonna cum..” You whimpered.
“Yes baby cum for me do it yeahh~”
You moved your hips along with his getting that friction you needed to cum all over his cock, he kept fucking you seeking his orgasm.
“Oh my god fuck I’m gonna cum so good in this pussy.” Grunted Bill, cumming deep inside you,his movements getting sloppier as he rode his orgasm.
You collapsed on his chest as he placed his hands behind your back hugging you tight both of you inhaling your natural scent as body warmth.
“That was so good Y/N oh my god.” Whispered Bill, as he stroked your hair.
“We should do this more often…” you replied.
“We will Y/N…I need you..”
You stayed in his room for a few hours,you showered together and he even gave a change of clothes, unfortunately you had to leave in the middle of the night since Bill didn’t want the media to come after you and you didn’t want to raise any attention either.
You kissed him one last time before heading out.
For surprise (or not) the next morning you and Bill were all over the gossip magazines and tv shows.
“How can they do this?” You questioned internally.
Note: I had another dream with 2023 Bill (yummy) I’m currently writing it along with your requests thank u so much for sending them and please be patient with me😪
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nanawritesit · 9 months
SM Entertainment Girl Group Idol AU (fem!reader insert)
feel free to use this for shifting or as a fanfiction backstory! (just tag me if it’s the second one hehe)
disclaimer: the extra info sections aren’t all original ideas, many were found on pinterest/tiktok :) images aren’t mine either
tw: none that i’m aware of
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Group Profile:
Group Name: Etoile (meaning star/ point of a star in French)
Members: 5 (5 points on a star)
Fandom: Starlight
Concept: Ethereal, Cosmic, Elegant
Debut Year: 2017 (between Red Velvet and Aespa)
Debut Song: “Constellations”
Debut Album Title: “5 Makes 1”
B-Sides: “Aries,” “Nebula,” “Orbit,” “Stardust,” and “Pisces”
Fandom/ Lightstick Color: Indigo and White (stars in the night sky)
Group Chant: All: “Twinkle twinkle!” Nabi: “Hi Starlight! It’s…” All: “Etoile!”
Members Profile:
Y/N: Oldest, Center/ Face of the Group, Main Vocalist, Speaks Korean, English, and Chinese
Cho Nabi: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Korean, Speaks Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese
Marie Tang: Main Dancer, Chinese-American, Speaks Korean, English, and Chinese
Han Iseul: Visual, Lead Dancer, Korean, Speaks Korean
Ikeda Kaori: Maknae, Main Rapper, Japanese, Speaks Korean and Japanese
Extra Info about the Group:
Pre-debut, Etoile released a cover of Girls Generation’s “Genie,” and it blew up so fast that fans couldn’t wait for them to debut
Etoile is known as “the bridge between third and fourth generation” in the kpop community
The members are also known as “the princesses of SM”
Etoile does a lot of variety shows because everyone loves the members’ funny personalities and playful group dynamic
Etoile was featured in a popular kdrama as themselves, though they only had a few lines in a couple episodes, it became a fan favorite and made the ratings sky-rocket
Etoile’s second comeback, “Andromeda,” is said to have one of the most difficult girl group choreographies in kpop. It was also the song that got them their first win
When Etoile got their first win with “Andromeda,” all of the girls were crying hysterically, including Nabi who was supposed to give the speech. She ended up handing the mic to Y/N, who had just been smiling happily the whole time. Y/N pulled Nabi into her arms as she gave the speech, and then the other three girls assembled a group hug around them. It became such a tender moment for Starlights that everyone watching started crying too
Etoile did a collaboration music video with Sailor Moon where all the members got to dress up as the sailor guardians. Y/N was Sailor Moon, Nabi was Sailor Mars, Marie was Sailor Mercury, Iseul was Sailor Venus, and Kaori was Sailor Jupiter
Etoile has their own plushie characters that are put on headbands and other merchandise for Starlight, similar to BT21 and Skzoo. Y/N’s is a white swan, Nabi’s is a blue butterfly, Marie’s is a black cat, Iseul’s is a pink puppy, and Kaori’s is a yellow duck
Etoile did a collab with “rom&nd,” a korean makeup brand, where each member got to create their own shade of lipstick. The five shades the members created sold out in just three minutes.
Etoile performed a cover of EXO’s “Growl” during one of their concerts in male school uniforms, and Starlights were so impressed by how cool and masculine they were
Being sandwiched between the two girl groups, Red Velvet and Aespa are like the older and younger sisters of Etoile (respectively.) The Red Velvet members are always checking in on them and giving them advice, and Etoile does the same thing for Aespa.
Starlight is famous for being one of the most loyal and devoted fandoms. They buy the girls billboards and food trucks for their birthdays, protect them from antis, and offer so much love and support.
The members have their own youtube channel called “Etoile Clubhouse” that they have permission to use freely. They post lots of different content, including challenges, games, song/dance covers, mukbangs, get ready with me/us videos, and q&a’s
Extra Info about Y/N:
Y/N is known as the loving mother of the group, while Nabi is more like a strict dad
Kaori was still in high school when she debuted, and Y/N took care of her like a mother would her daughter. She would wash and iron her uniform, prepare her breakfast and lunch, and help her with her homework every night. Kaori’s mother was so thankful, as she couldn’t do all this for her daughter herself, still living in Japan
While all the girls are close, Nabi and Y/N are best friends, they even have friendship bracelets
While Iseul is the visual because she fits the KBS the best, Y/N is the center/FOTG because her visuals match the group concept the best. She’s known for her “white swan” visuals: ethereal, graceful, and elegant.
Y/N and Iseul were also chosen as members of GOT the Beat
Y/N was the first member to have a solo debut in 2021. Her debut song was fittingly titled “White Swan.” Nabi helped her compose the songs, Marie helped her with the choreography, and Kaori had a rap feature on one of the tracks. Y/N performed it at the MAMA awards, and everyone was singing/dancing along to it so hard they almost forgot about the actual awards show!
Y/N is an ambassador for Dior and Chanel. Many brands were offering her deals after Etoile became popular due to her unique visuals, so she got to choose the ones she liked best
Y/N is known as the “OST Queen” of the group, she has sang many drama OSTs
Y/N’s best friends at the company include Yeri (Red Velvet,) Taeyong (NCT/SuperM,) Karina (Aespa,) and Ten (NCT/SuperM/WayV)
Y/N has had cameos in many different artists’ music videos, including Stray Kids, Enhypen, and NCT Dream
SHINee’s Key dubbed Y/N “SM’s secret weapon”
Y/N was part of a one-time collaboration unit with Dreamcatcher’s Dami, Weki Meki’s Doyeon, IZ*ONE’s Yena, and fromis_9’s Chaeyoung. They released a single called “Wild Mind,” and it was so popular that fans were advocating to start a new group with just these idols!
Y/N once dyed her hair indigo to match the fandom color, and fans started to dye their hair the same color to match her. The shade became known as “Y/N hair” on social media
Y/N and Marie were mentors on a Chinese idol training show, all the girls loved them because they were super helpful without being too tough. It also gained Etoile a lot of Chinese fans
Y/N has very impressive high notes, Starlights have made several youtube compilations with titles like “Y/N obliterating the sound barrier with her high notes for 5 minutes”
Y/N’s nickname from Starlight is “Angel Voice” due to her clear, bright voice
Y/N sang a cover of Taylor Swift’s “Anti-Hero” on Etoile Clubhouse, and Starlights tagged Taylor in it so much that she was shown the video in an interview. Taylor responded: “I’ve watched this video so many times! Her voice is so pretty. I met her once in Korea too, she’s so genuine and sweet! I’d love to collab with her, or Etoile as a whole. They seem so fun.”
Y/N was getting a lot of lip-synching rumors, until one day a staff member shared a video of her practicing before a concert with her mic on. It revealed her raw vocal talent and debunked all the rumors.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
musician!eren proposes to influencer!y/n before goin on tour. when they get home, it's romantic as hell; candles lit, rose petals in the bed. Overall, jus some sweet ass romantic soft sex.
my faves! my faves! my faves! 😩 and here I was having withdrawals for them. say less.
cw: just some sickeningly sweet sex with my fav ship :( , food and ice play (if you squint), oral (f. receiving) pregnancy mention, breeding
Eren’s comeback tour was something himself, you and all his fans alike had been anticipating. Going from city to city..performing a track list comprised of new joints and old favorites. He received amicable praise on his shows and had quite the time while on the road. Especially with his favorite lady by his side. The two of you exploring the country’s finest as future husband and wife. See, Eren had just popped the question shortly before he started his string of concerts. Elated as you were, more so to be by his side..you guys hadn’t properly celebrated the proposal..at least in the way that he wanted to! He wasn’t one for showing off or flexing for the public eye but lord, did this man go all out in private! The day you touched down back in your city, (y/n) was in for one hell of a surprise! Having already called up his assistant and some other help prior, Eren wanted you guys’ homecoming to be one that would never be forgotten. In addition to having them decorate the entire living room with a giant rose arrangement that spelled out ‘will you marry me?’ setting in the corner. As if he needed that validation once more. “I just wanna hear you say it again…tell me you’re mine..” cooing sweetly as you stood at the bottom of the staircase; immersed in his grasp and his finger underneath your chin as he gave you sweet kisses. And you of course said yes, with the same elation and excitement in your eyes as the initial one. He also a had a line of gifts waiting for you.
He’s been holding back and resisting his urges all throughout the tour. Being stuffed up on that bus with other people made it quite irksome. Sure, you had your fair share of hookups on there but not the experience you deserved. (Y/N) was no longer just some hopeless fling..a girl he’d fly out when he wanted some ass. No, you were his wife, bride to be and the woman he’d undoubtedly spend the rest of his life with. You deserved to be treated like a queen..his queen. Eventually, those cute little butterfly kisses turned to a full blown make-out session..getting lost in one another right there. However, there was way more to this extravagant surprise.. “..let’s go upstairs, okay? Get a little more comfortable.” muttering gently against your lips in a light huff before tugging away.
awaiting you beyond those doors was something you wouldn’t have believed. Akin to a scene from a movie, there were red rose petals scattered about the floor, leading up to the bed, candles flickering and burning underneath the dimmed lighting..along with some champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and some ice displayed neatly on a nearby stand. It was like a scene from a movie but never did you think you’d experience this in your lifetime. “Erennn..you didn’t..this is—“ before you could get too teary eyed, he grabs your hand, placing a kiss to your forehead and ushers you over to the bed. “This is all for you, princess..for us. It’s just me and you now. No interruptions, no work..I’m all yours.” Affirming all of this whole slowly removing the straps of that silk bodycon dress from your smooth shoulders and replacing them with kisses; that ethereal complexion glistening underneath the embers of the flames.
There was one more humble request he had asked of his team and that was to be left the hell alone for the next week. To not be disturbed with anything not pertaining to the matters of your body. He wanted you to himself..selfishly and hopelessly so he could make up for the all the lost time he had taken away. Starting by feeding you the strawberries..rubbing them slowly against your lips before letting you take a bite. Meanwhile, he’s starting to come out his clothes as well..discarding that black button down and slacks he has on. Far more dressed up than his normal Dunks and gym sweats and the only thing you wanted was to see him out of it. So low and behold, that’s what happened. You two eventually rendered yourselves nude, stripped out of everything and entangled in the bedsheets. Rubbing your hands across each other’s bodies, kissing and touching like you couldn’t get enough. Working his way down your neck to your stomach and thighs with a frozen cube between his teeth, Eren made a trail of gentle kisses all over that beautiful body..marking you up inch by inch until he reached your soaking center. Parting your thighs so that he could get in between. He wanted to take his precious time and spoil you with all the love he neglected to give out on tour..
taking the time to carefully taste your flavor; flick his tongue up and throughout your folds and suck on that sensitive clit, rub some cool ice on it and let it melt against your warmth until you’d fill his mouth with your sweet juices. Underneath those candle lights, your future husband masked his muffled whimpers with that plump, newly waxed mound. Your fingers tucked between the strands of his hair, guiding him along and he’d let you. All those nights you had to cut your sessions short out of fear of waking someone or him being too exhausted to do much..he wanted you to take all those frustrations out of his face! Ride his tongue until you had the sides of his face sticky as far as he was concerned. “You can come as many times as you want, beautiful. Don’t hold back..” encouraging with your fingers intertwined as he held your hands. And that you did, even stimulating yourself to tears, which he was happy to wipe away as he leaned up to let your lips meet in a steamy, passionate kiss.
“I love you, (y/n)…I’m so sorry we didn’t get to do this right the first time but I promise I’ll make it up to you..” saying all of this as he’s slowly making his way inside of you. Legs spreading on instinct and wrapping around his waist before he began to thrust. The two of you have holding each other close as he begins thrusting up into you. Your hands around his neck as he cradled his face into the crook of yours. Slowly he begins to give you long, leg shaking strokes.
Ones that have you clutching his shoulder blades and clawing your nails into his back..oh, he loves when he’s fucking you so good, it leaves him scarred. A sign that he’s doing it right. Eventually, the bed begins to shake and you’re moving the headboard. It’s getting deeper; swelling up inside of you and (y/n) just relentlessly begs for more. “Don’t stop, baby. Please keep fucking me…just like that.” Crying out in a tearful plea..whimpering and moaning as he gave every inch and part of himself to the woman he loved. Soon, those same tears would fall from his cheeks and he’d just push past that tightness, finding home inside of you..the feeling, the sensation of knowing that this was his and no one else would ever make you feel this way. You’d explain breathy ‘I love you’s’ and climaxes alike. He’s continue to make you come and before you knew it, he had filled you up twice. Flipping you around in every position until you found yourself on top of him, hand to his chest and on your final strides. Those green eyes glossed over in pure ecstasy but he had to let you have one more. Lying across his torso with his hands on your ass, you’d grind slow and let him pulsate inside of you. “Swear ‘m get you pregnant…oh fuck. Want you to have my baby, (y/n)..” whether he was delirious or dead serious, you wanted to feel that warm nut spill into you one last time. With that sweet voice, you’d urge him or rather beg for his last big load. You tell him it’s his and he takes that as he should, pouring every last drop he had to offer into that womb.
you lie there completely spent, latched in each other’s arms and ready for this type of treatment until death did you part.
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babyhedonistt · 5 months
Too Close To Touch // SIX
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warning: violence, swearing
Bad Omens : Concrete forever , Show 19 / 20
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It’s not like you wanted to wait this long to lose your virginity. You just never got around to it. And as far as you were concerned, first and last person you were ever with, just so happened to be Noah Sebastian, who broke your plump little 20 year old heart 3 years ago. Somehow, the universe keeps pushing you two back together. Your brother doesn’t even know the half of what went on between you two. You don’t want him to know. You shudder at the thought of Folio finding out that Noah took—
You shake your head at the thought. Red crept across your cheeks as you place your palms on your warm face to calm yourself down. Noah and your brother have been friends for as long as you could remember, but if Folio were to have found out that Noah did that with you…… he would want his head on a stick.
“Y/N.” Ruffilo snaps his fingers, and you snap out of your head. “Huh?” Your drumsticks almost roll out of your lap as Ruffilo was waving his hand at you while you were zoning out. “ I was asking if you wanted to come to the meet and greet with us.” His eyebrows crease, slightly concerned.
“I don’t see why I would. No one knows me as more than a substitute. Why can’t Folio go to the meet and greet? He’s not crippled.”
Ruffilo snorts. “He is coming. Noah just thought it would make sense if you were there too.”
You could physically see the confusion spread across your face when Ruffilo said this. He noticed it and shrugged. “Guess he had a change of heart. C’mon, it starts in 10.” He ushers his head to the door. You nodded and set the drum sticks on the table before pushing off your knees to stand up.
The meet and greet was chaotic. The boys were trying to get as many fans along as possible and you felt so out of place. You stood on the end, collecting dirty looks from every girl who stood in line. The minute they all took their photos, they gave inquiring looks as to why you were even there. You were used to being overlooked, you just don’t know why Noah even wanted you there.
The meet and greet paused for a brief intermission while everyone dispersed to the backstage area. Jolly and Folio getting a sip of water while Ruffilo was talking with Matt about the setup of the concert. You rubbed your eye, pulling out your pack of cigarettes from your pants pocket, heading towards the back door for a smoke break. The door to the outside opens outward which scares you nearly half to death as Noah stands in the doorway before grabbing your wrist, pulling you outside.
“Jesus CHRIST Noah.” You clutch your chest as his large hands rested on your hips, pulling the cigarette box fom your hand. “Now what were you planning on doing with these?” He asks, a grin pulling at his lips. “I’ve been trying to quit.” You lied. “Why aren’t you with the rest of the boys, out here?” You asked, trying to pull the box back from his hand but he holds behind his back.
“Needed a break from the goo goo eyes for a minute.” He chuckles. “Can you blame them?” You ask, sighing deeply. He merely shrugs before pulling you into a deep kiss. You let him take you for a minute before you put a hand on his chest, slightly pushing him back. “Noah, we’re going to get caught.” You explain, concern in your voice as you look around. “No we won’t. The others don’t even know about this area because they all quit smoking.” He chuckles. “Why did you add me to the meet and greet? The fans acted like I was the plague.
“Because, you’ve been helping this band, I’m sure at least a few fans would want to meet the drummer. Especially because you’re related to Folio.” He explains. Well he guessed wrong.
“I’m surprised they don’t want to burn me at the stake.” You shrug, looking at your feet. You could feel the confusion radiating from Noah. “I mean, it’s not like we kept our relationship private when we were together before, keeping it private now seems wrong.”
“3 years ago, our band wasn’t what it is now baby. I’m not ashamed of you. I’m just waiting for the right time.”
Anxiety filled your body as you took a deep breath. You couldn’t keep a secret from anyone and the fact that it felt like Noah was tying your hands, but that’s show biz wasn’t it?
“Hey.” He whispers, kissing your forehead gently before bringing his face to your level. His brown eyes were so captivating. You couldn’t look away from him. “Trust me. Okay?” He cups your cheek before kissing your lips gently, eerily gently, almost thinking if he were to kiss you any harder, you would disappear. The door shoved open behind the two of you which scared you both. Noah had slightly bitten your lower lip so you made a noise as he pulled away from you. You turned around and see Ruffilo standing in the door way, a look of surprise plastered on his face. You looked at Noah before looking back at Ruffilo. You felt warmth of embarrassment flush over your face before your fight or flight kicked in and you shoved past Ruffilo, back inside.
**Noah’s POV**
The minute Ruffilo opened that door, the entirety of my fucks flew right out my head. Did I want him to catch Y/N and I in the back alley? No. But was I upset that he did? No. It was going to get out eventually. Ruffilo doesn’t say anything before he steps outside, closes the door with a loud slam and shoves me square in the chest. I stumble back with a grunt before I catch myself from falling flat on my ass. “What the fuck, Nick?” I groaned, placing my hand on my chest, rubbing it softly. “I knew you were an idiot Sebastian, but I never took you as a fool.” He pointed at me. “Why the hell are you macking on Folio’s sister? Huh?”
I rolled my eyes. “Her name is Y/N.”
“Don’t bullshit me. We’re almost done with our tour and you pull a stunt like this? I always knew you had feelings for her but I never thought you’d be stupid enough to act on them.”
Punch. I punched my best friend square in the jaw. The minute I did it I regretted it because he retaliated by shoving me and he started swinging. I’m not sure if it was the testosterone that got the best of me, or the feelings I had pushed down about Y/N for so long, but they finally reached the tipping point. Nick kept swinging at my face and I tried to hold his wrists when my voice of reason came back to my conscience, but he wouldn’t stop.
My lip split and I felt bruising starting to form around my eye, until I heard the door open. “Nick!” Matt rushes out of the building, followed by Jolly and Folio. Jolly and Matt try to pull Nick off of me. With a bit of a struggle, they were successful. Jolly helped me up and Matt was furious. “Just what the FUCK do you think you’re doing Ruffilo?” Matt yells, holding Nick by his chest until he had calmed down. Y/N peeked her face out of the door, trying not to be part of the fight. She genuinely looked crushed and frightened. Nick had never blown up like this before, let alone on his best friend. The minute her eyes landed on me and my fresh injuries she looked like she was going to cry.
“Nick, what the hell?” Folio asks. Nick chuckles, astonished as he shook his head. “You all are so oblivious. Noah’ s been fucking Y/N under all of our noses while our band is supposed to be nearing it’s peak.” The area filled with silence. “That’s not true Nick.” I tried to defend Y/N, only to earn an eye roll form him. “Please. I come out here to see you shoving your tongue down her throat. What, are you black mailing her to play for us? I wouldn’t put I by you, Noah.”
With that comment, you could tell something set Noah off because he tried to get out of Jolly’s grasp. You could see the flames light in his eyes as he approached Nick and grabbed him by the collar, shoving Matt aside briefly. “You ever say some shit like that about her, I don’t care if you are my best friend, I swear to God I’ll kill you.”
“Noah.” Matt snaps as Noah lets Nick go, and doesn’t even bother to go back inside past you. He walks in the other direction, into the parking lot, and he doesn’t look back.
“Noah, get your ass back here right now, we have a show to do! You can’t leave!  Matt exclaims. Jolly starts slowly jogging after him before you lock eyes with your brother. You couldn’t read his face but you could see an exhale exit his chest before he walks towards you. “Come with me.” Folio whispers grabbing your wrist gently.
One thing about your brother, is that when he was quiet after something of this sort happens, shit was about to hit the fan.  
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Thanks for the support babies <3 love you and your thoughts always
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kpop · 2 years
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K-Pop Spotlight: ITZY
Their sneakers are laced up and ITZY is ready to take on the world in the only way they know how: as no one else but themselves. This week, we’re celebrating the five-member girl group and the release of their new mini-album CHECKMATE. We caught up with ITZY to talk about their favorite footwear, their upcoming world tour, and the soundtrack of their lives. Check out our full interview below!
How does the sound and concept of CHECKMATE differ from your previous comebacks?
RYUJIN: I think there are definitely more dynamic songs in this album, so I don't think you can feel bored at all when you listen to our album all the time. 
LIA: The concept of the album is brighter and more active than before, so there are more various melody lines and energetic shouting parts! 
Outside of music, what are you most passionate about? Are there any hobbies you use to de-stress?
YEJI: I feel responsible for everything I'm given and work hard to produce perfect results, but I still want to grow more musically, so I think I'm putting all my passion into music! I get stressed when I'm not doing well in the process, but the pleasure of getting good results makes me feel really good.
YUNA: In addition to music, I have a passion for fashion, beauty, and food! I also go for a walk to relieve stress.
So, your new single is called “SNEAKERS,” but what’s your preferred choice of footwear? What would you choose if you could only wear one type of shoe for the rest of your life?
CHAERYEONG: All white sneakers for both! I think they really go well with all kinds of clothes! Also it’s my favorite.
LIA: Basic black sneakers! They are comfy because they fit well with my feet. They are good matches for all kinds of clothes!
What’s your favorite lyric from your discography and why?
YEJI: “I wanna be me”—this is the part that I like. “WANNABE” is the cool image of myself that I've imagined. When I imagine myself becoming the person that I want to be, it motivates me to work harder and makes me grow more.
YUNA: I like “WANNABE” and “DALLA DALLA”~ Because the lyrics talk about living my own life, not others.
RYUJIN: My favorite song is one of our b-side songs called “Don’t Give A What” and my favorite part from this song is the way that we shouted “don’t give a what!”
Congrats on your upcoming tour! What are you most looking forward to and can we expect any special stages?
CHAERYEONG: Thank you! First of all, I'm so happy and excited to meet MIDZY face-to-face. As for the special stage, we're working hard on it! I think there will be a chance to see each member's charms in detail.
LIA: I’m very excited because it is the first concert that we’ve been waiting for and we are preparing it while thinking of the overseas fans that we could not go and see for a long time. 
Pick 3 non-ITZY songs to make up the soundtrack of your life so far.
CHAERYEONG: “Into the New World” by Girls’ Generation. I fell in love with K-pop with this song. They made my childhood happy. BOL4′s “To My Youth.” When I had a hard time, the song comforted me a lot.  
YUNA: YB’s “A Flying Butterfly,” BLACKPINK’s “Pretty Savage,” and IU’s “The Red Shoes.”
Lightning round! Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a plant or animal.
CHAERYEONG: My name is Chaeryeong Lee. I cherish my people the most! If I were a flower, I wish I were a rose! Because It’s pretty but it can protect myself by having thorns! If it were an animal, I think it would be a cat! This is because I like to be alone but also like to be with people, and I don't like to go outside.
YEJI: I am HWANG YEJI. I am a person that cherishes and loves everything I love. If I’m not a human, I would be a rose!
YUNA: This is YUNA. I cherish my beloved family and our members! If I were a plant, I would be a tulip. And if I were an animal, I would be a rabbit.
RYUJIN: If I were a plant, I would be a daisy and if I were an animal, I think I would love to be a cat. Because they are what I like.
LIA: I am just an ordinary person that cherishes the relationship between person and person. If I were a plant, I would be a sunflower. If I were an animal, I think I would be a sloth.
Want more of ITZY? Check out their new mini-album CHECKMATE and the music video for “SNEAKERS” here.
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plaindangan · 11 months
For her birthday, the curvy, joyfully, princess of the class pianist Kaede receives a weird box from miu. As well as a tablet, miu telling her to wait tonight to understand~ which of course let the other busty blonde pondering about it. Then night time comes and everyone goes back to her room, Kaede in her pretty pajamas that hug her body nicely (yeah Kaede is thicc and sexy, I’ll never stop saying it)
And the tablets lit up! The box opens revealing a pink button with instruction the screen displaying.. how lewd! Shuichi in his dorm room! And he’s almost naked half sleeping!
The button works the following way, pressing it will make Shuichi "better" but Kaede will be "bettered" just the same~ Each press making shuichi’s body more feminine, cute, sleek, sexy, his face somehow prettier, his butt bigger and lewder, his tights too, and of course his cock and balls~ up to a very VERY close to hyper limit~ but each will also made Kaede change too~ her curves growing, her nipples too, her body being more sensitive, stronger too, developing nice abs (Shuichi may get abs too and some sexy muscle~) and making her warmer~
Not only that, but there’s also special modes that can even be combined~ turning Shuichi into a catboy~… which turns her into a mooing slightly stupider cow girl~ turn his butt insanely sensitive~ which turns her into a futa~ (if it ends up futa / male insist on the fact shu too had a cock, it’s not just Kaede buttfucking him.) turn him more subby and needy for kaede; which turns her more pervy and lusty for him, or make him confident, downright dirty talking in his half asleep sleep about how he want to makes Kaede scream like a bitch, which in turns makes her more submissive~ have him wear an ultra sexy ultra girly nightgown and skirt (which turns her clothes into something ultra lewd too~)
What will Kaede do with that button~?
(I know I’m a massive bitch to ask for that but listen, I know you like to skip some part of story and you sometime feel embarassed about writing smutt, and I know "make the response long" is a bitch thing to ask, if you can’t make it short it’s fine. But don’t hesitate to insist on being descriptive~ also I’ll double send that ask.)
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
It's her birthday and there's nothing better to celebrate it with her pals in her year! The food prepared by Kirumi was great, the atmosphere was lively thanks to the games prepared by Kokichi (okay, on that note maybe it got too 'lively') and all of her presents this was year was phenomenal!~ From rocket kits to expense paid trips to a fancy hotel to even her darling sweetheart giving both concert tickets to her favorite jazz band! Everyone seemed to pull at all the stops to making Kaede's birthday memorable.
Then there was Miu's...tablet? Huh? Before she can even turn it on, Miu had blocked her, wiggling her finger in front of Kaede's face.
"Heeeey! Hold it mosquito bites!~ That little thing is for later on tonight for you room." Kaede felt suspicious of this, but with Miu dancing around the subject, she had to let it go. After a long day's fill of partying, Kaede was now back in her room prepping for bed. Changing herself into her pajamas, which was a white crop top that filled just snug over her large boobs and a set of pink booty shorts that show off a good deal of her fat ass, she was just about to go to sleep when she remembered the tablet.
Finally, she turned it on...only to immediately go red in the face at what she saw. There was Shuichi, sleeping in bed, in nothing but a pair of shorts that hugged at his hips. She was just about to turn it off out of reflex when she saw buttons lining all over the screen...hm?
"...Wider hips? Monsterification? Toned muscles? Wh-what even is this?!" she asked, before finally seeing the title screen to this tablet.
"Miu Iruma's Body Modifier V3000???" Wh-who asked for this!? Th-this was definitely an invasion of privacy. It was at this moment did Kaede become aware at the disclaimer right under it.
"Warning: every mod you do to your boytoy, you will also feel! So be wary when you go crazy!~ A-a-a-as if I would ever do that!" She said turned off the tablet, putting it next to her stand looking away from it!!!
...For about five minutes before giving in~ "...A t-test of it shouldn't hurt, right?"
This has to be an elaborate prank, right? Nothing will happen from pick, let's say...oh~ Shuichi had just turned over..and that cute butt of his was exposed. Maybe...oh!! She had selected the 'expand ass' option and watched in amazement as the detective's small, yet cute, ass, gradually expanded. To the point that his shorts couldn't even contain it anymore and ripped open! Like black confetti pieces, his destroyed shorts spread all over...leaving only a pair of jiggly, pale, moons that looked oh-so breedable. Kaede was panting from seeing it...but wait? Then...shouldn't she be-ooooooooh!!
A tingling sensation Kaede was spread throughout the pianist's own perky ass, nice and warm, and she could feel her own butt grow. And grow and...and!
Destroy her shorts, just like with Shuichi's! So, this was proof. The tablet worked just as intended! She should stop there and go to bed! Messing around with this thing would be dangerous!
...Buuut, maybe a few more tweaks would be fine!~
There should be nothing wrong with wanting her man to have a tighter stomach? A-and some curvy hips to go with his new ass? Oh! She can even make him more feminine! Maybe make him into a monster boy? Knock his height down a bit? Can't forget his cock and balls~
"Heehee~ Like, that should totally be enough, right?~"
Two hours in, Kaede was done and the results for both her and Shuichi were very noticeable. On her side, she was currently laying in bed, giggling happily to herself. Though, given her taller body, it was a bit of a squeeze to keep herself in it. Her newly plump lips curved into a a ditzy smile as she stared at the screen. Batting her new long eyelashes, she was looking at the screen with extreme interest. Occasionally, she would need to wipe at her new gigaton tits that were leaking a good deal of milk. It couldn't be helped as the monster girl she turned into was a literal cow girl. Complete with tiny horns, cowish ears and, yes, even bigger boobs that dwarf Miu's so easily. All of this was something she welcomed with open arms considering what happened to Shuichi.
Laying in his bed was her lover that she went to great lengths to make even cuter!~ His hips were curvier than even most girls to go with his new ass (something that shook tantalizingly as he slept) and his stomach had become noticeably tighter. He had also become a deal shorter, with the height added to Kaede, but that also served to help with another new aspect to him. Specifically, his monsterfied form being a catboy that was purring and occasionally nuzzling his pillow. Dreaming of Kaede and him in quite the erotic situation. Which is where the crowning achievement of Kaede's modifications come from...
Laying on his back, visibly thrusting occasionally, was Shuichi...and a very a ridiculously long erection. It looked to tower even Shuichi's body and was incredibly thick to boot. Constantly pulsating and twitching and throbbing. As well as connected, to a similarly large, swollen pair of balls that were no doubt producing enough gooey, creamy batter to flood the entire house. Aaaaaaah, just looking at thing was enough to get Kaede's to start furiously touching herself.
"K-kaeedee...a-am I doing this right? I-is this fine!!" Shuichi mumbled in his sleep, where even his dreamland self was eager to please the one he held dear.
"Yes! Yes, Sweetheart!~ K-keeep it up!! Keep on pumping for me!~ I wanna see that cock of yours at its fullest!~" Even if Shuichi can't hear her, her own lust state was frantic with lust that she didn't care!
So when things finally came to ahead, with Shuichi's delivering a volcano's eruption worth of cum all over himself, bed and bedroom, Kaede's melodic voice sang to the heavens as she soon joined her lover in ecstasy~
In the morning, she'll have to make a quick trip to Shuichi's place...admittedly after turning him back, but the passion she felt from this just needed to be unleashed on him!
Besides, with this tablet at her disposal, she had a feeling that nights like these were going to be a hell of a lot more often from now on~
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yourkimjaejin · 1 year
NCT AG at MAMA 2022
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Even though NCT Dream did not attend MAMA, Aurora went with AG after the girls flew to Japan joining Doyoung at their concert
AG walked the red carpet to B.O.Y. Their arms were linked together, Hannah and Moxy on the ends. All the girls wore blazer dresses. Juno wore a crushed velvet one in black. Aurora’s dress was black houndstooth. Hannah’s was half black linen and half black sequins. Lastly, Moxy’s was a black linen one with a cape in the back.
Even though the girls walked the red carpet, they weren’t actually at the show for the first day. AG was busy with last minute rehearsals for their performance
Moxy sits on the ground resting her back on the padding lining the walls of the gym they’re using for AG’s MAMA rehearsal. 
“It’s 4 am. We just finished rehearsals for Mama tomorrow. Just to give you an idea of the timeline. Myself, Hannah and Juno flew out for Dream’s show in Yokohama. It was actually Doyoung’s idea for us to join him. He was already planning on going and said ‘You guys should just come early! That way you can all fly out together.’ I think he just wanted company.”
Moxy pauses to answer a question from her manager.
Where was I…….Oh Yeah! From there we flew out after the last concert to be here in Osaka. We’ve been in rehearsal alllll day until a couple of hours ago when we got dressed, walked the carpet, said hello to some of our friends and now we’re here. Practicing our performance. Immediately after the show tomorrow Aurora has to fly out for Dream’s show in…….Fukuoka!”
Moxy’s looks past the camera with a blank look in face.
“Jesus, I’m tired”
The girls posted a ton of videos of themselves backstage at day two of MAMA. They filmed with NewJeans, Treasure, and Felix and I.N from SKZ. 
It was a Queendom reunion backstage. Moxy and Juno posted a picture with the girls from Kepler. Hannah filmed the #BOYChallenge with Hyolyn and Xiaoting.
AG sat upfront between Stray Kids and Treasure. Fans were treated to interactions between all three groups. Moxy, Han, Lee Know and Changbin took a selfie together. Juno walked over to talk with Hyunjin during a commercial break. Netizens were shocked to learn Doyoung from Treasure and Aurora were friendly with each other. As they talked, Aurora would sometimes blush to great joy from Doyoung. 
During NewJeans performance, AG like everyone else was dancing to Hype Boy. This has been the closest fans have gotten to the members doing the Hype Boy challenge for tiktok.
Aurora and Juno were both singing along to Future Perfect by Enhypen. Cameras caught Juno miming doing the dance along with the boys on stage.
All the girls were rocking out to Treasure’s performance just like everyone else in the crowd, fan and idol alike. Camera’s caught Haruto hugging Juno which is weird because the two haven’t interacted before.
AG’s performance was second to last, right before J-Hope. Their stage was called BOY, Hit The Lights! When the stage is announced. The lights and screens began to glitch out and flicker on and off. Everything shuts down, launching the arena into darkness. Suddenly the screens say Transmission interrupted.
A VCR played with the girls in a control room. The coordinates in the corner of the screen read The Flat, The Center of Kwangya. While the other three girls do miscellaneous tasks around the room, Moxy types away on a huge computer screen. All of a sudden, an alert goes off. The three girls run over to where Moxy has pulled up where the alert is coming from. On the top of the room, the words blinking say DREAM DISRUPTED.
“Where's the alert coming from?” Aurora asks. 
“Someplace called….MAMA??” Moxy questions exactly what MAMA even means. “It says it's in Osaka though.” 
Hannah claps her hands together, “Well what are we waiting for, we have a dream to set right.” All four girls turn around and jump into a large tunnel in the middle of the floor. The VCR ends with Juno winking at the camera as she falls back into the tunnel. 
In the Arena a large crash echos in the arena. White light shines on the girls from above. Juno is the first to stand up. “Woah, guys. I don't think the computer told us that MAMA was an AWARD SHOW. Look! It's filled with people.” All the girls look out into the crowd with surprised faces. 
“I bet this is another prank from Naevis. Making us answer a fake alert only to plop us in front of a bunch of screaming people. Well, I for one am not sticking around for this. NAEVIS BEAM US UP!” 
“WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!” Hannah interrupts. “We can’t just leave them empty handed. It looks like someone was supposed to perform during this part. We should at least give them a show. What do you say ladies?” Moxy and Juno agree but Hannah has to elbow Aurora in the ribs to get her to agree, “Oww, FINE!”
Moxy turns to the audience, “Alright, do you guys wanna help us out!” The crowd screams in agreement. Moxy breaks character, taken aback by the response. “Okay, okay. All we ask is that you make. Some. NOISE!!” The crowd’s screams fill the arena as the light shuts off again. 
When they come back on, The girls start singing B.O.Y. A single spotlight shines on each member as they sing the opening verse. At the chorus, the lights in the arena come back to life and the stage fills with dancers. The skip straight to the bridge and final chorus of the song before Aurora steps up and asks the crowd, “YOU GUYS WANT ONE MORE SONG?!” At the crowd agreement, the dancers crowd around the girls and when they disperse, the girls are in completely different outfits before they start the last song. 
At MAMA, AG lets the world get a preview of the Repackage title track, Am to Pm. The repackage had been announced to release the second of december but the girls decided to debut the song for MAMA. On the stage the girls dance around the main stage, even going around to the side of the crowd where the observing idols sat. 
The girls walk back to the Main stage during the bridge. This version of the song, created for MAMA, has a dance break where the girls dance in the bed of ford trucks. The girls jump off the truck into the waiting arms of dancers. The dancers carry the members to center stage to finish the song, fireworks exploding from the stage as the fans cheer. In one last flash of light, AG disappeared from the stage leaving everything as it was before they began glitching.
In terms of awards, tonight was a milestone for AG. On the first day, AG won Worldwide Fan’s Choice Top 10 once again. But that's not what I’m talking about. On this night, AG and Nctzen’s finally broke AG’s MAMA curse with the girls winning Best Dance Performance - Female Group for Do It Like This. 
The girls were so shocked, they sat in their seats for what felt like hours before making their way to the stage on shaky legs. By the time they made it to the microphone, all the members were in tears. Aurora handled the speech in Korean and Moxy gave the thank you’s in english.
“Thanks to everyone at SM for their continued support. To our families, thank you for encouraging us to chase our dreams and make them reality. T-Thank you to our members. Many of y-you didn’t know any of us but you— you still opened your arms to us and brought us into the family you’ve built around yourselves. You showed us there was room for the four of us and we are forever grateful for that. Finally, CZENNIE!!!……you’ve stood by us. You’ve cheered for us. You’ve cried with us. You’ve been by our sides from the beginning and we couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you for giving us your time, your energy and your love. We, AG, promise to return it back one hundred fold. Thank you!” 
Backstage, AG’s managers got footage of the girls crying together after accepting their award. They posted it the AG instagram story for the fans to see with a simple ‘thank you nctzen’ as the caption
AG did a vlive once they got back to their hotel and it was memorable. The girls couldn’t stop crying over the memories of their time together. Some would argue that winning best dance performance isn’t an award worth sobbing over. But for AG and AGzens it’s years of work finally paying off
The girls took time to each give an ending message, once again leaving the girls in tears. Needless to say this video was used in every edit congratulating the group on Twitter.
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elvisprettymama · 1 year
Thats all right mama’
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Paired: Elvis x reader
Summary: Its your first concert, and your excited to see him…elvis himself, but after the concert something happens with you and elvis
Warnings: !Smut! Belly bulge, F and M receiving, cussing,
Y/n’s POV:
Here i am……..26 and cooped up in my house all day, well at least i have Jessica,Marlana,Marci,and Marilyn with me. My best friends….i walk into the living room with a 5 glasses in my hand with a bottle of wine, “girls did y’all hear about that delicious man who’s coming in our town for his concert?” I turn to Jessica “who are you talking about jess” i ask with a smirk on my face as i began to sit down putting the glasses down on the table.
“Elvis fuckin presley, thats who” she says smiling, “oh my GODDDD” we all start squealing, “but wait…..how will we get in, were broke” lana says frowning. “Wellllll, soooo you know eddie right….” jess says giggling “so eddie knew Elvis’s friend Red, and he introduced us so then we started talking and we had amazing sex, so now we have free tickets girls” she says laughing “omg jess you are such a genius” marci says laughing, “oh god jess” Marilyn says pouring the wine into our glasses.
Eventually we start talking about our high school and the boys we thought were hot and why, “im hungryyyy” jess says frowning, “we can call fix dinner together” marci proposes “okay lets do it” we all chime in, we began to cook. It was fun, we had a great time and it was around 9 so we decided to stay up for a little and alk more until we got tired.
“hey girls, im feeling exhausted so im gonna head up to bed” marci says standing up, we all agree and we head upstairs to our rooms. I sigh feeling tired, i began to take off my shoes and my dress, then i do my hair for tomorrow and i brush my teeth and i put on my nightgown. Turning ofc my lights i fall asleep.
The Next Day….
Y/n’s POV:
I wake up to the sound of loud music playing, confused and groggy i stand up, putting on my robe and heading downstairs, I am greeted by the girls “ good morning are you ready to go see Elvis” jess asks happily, “ yeah are you” lana adds in “ well as it is my first concert, I’m very excited” i reply smiling “ how do you sleep” marci asks while cooking the eggs, “ I slept all right, how did you guys sleep” i replied getting some orange juice. “ we slept pretty good.” they responded
We had eaten breakfast and talked for a while, then, after breakfast was finished we went in the living room and played a couple of games by this time we realized it was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon, which was the time that jess knew we needed to get ready.
“Hey girls, its time to go get ready so lets go” jess says laughing, we go upstairs and i go in my room to find my red dress, and my red heels with my red pocketbook. My theme was red tonight, i walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower while getting undressed.
I get in the shower and i start to scrub my body, making sure i get every spot, then i grab my razor and i start to save everywhere, i finished and rinsed my body off under the water, i turned the water off and i stepped on my floor towel while drying my feet.
Grabbing my body towel, wrapping it around me i walk into my room and i start to dry off, once im dried off i grab the lotion and i apply it and i start to get dressed, i finish getting dressed and i start to do my hair and makeup. I apply my lipstick and i start to put on accessories and my perfume.
I hear a knock on my door “come in” i say excited, lana, jess, marci and marilyn come in looking as beautiful as ever, “your so gorgeous” jess exclaims, “you look so good” lana squeals, “thank you girls, its time i think” i say and we head downstairs to the car
We arrive at the concert place, we get out and we are escorted to the front line of the concert, it starts and elvis comes out and god……did he look sexy….his hair…..his body…….his face glistening in the light……his lips…..his movements…..his voice….his eyes….just made me feel things ive never felt before……it was like he was a god on the stage
Screaming like the fan girl i was, he started singing and we were just screaming and blushing, we made eye contact, I instantly look away blushing. After few songs the concert is over, and i began to go find the girls when lana come over to me “y/nnnn….elvis wants to see youuuuu in the backkk, have funnn” she says in a songy voice
I walk to the back eager but nervous to meet him, i get to his dressing room and i knock on the door lightly, he comes over and smiles “hello pretty mama, come in” he says smiling, i walk in and he closes the door, “so….i hear your a pretty big fan of mine aren’t you mama” he says smirking while pouring bourbon in two glasses.
“Y-yes i am, ive been a big fan for years, its very nice to meet you Mr. Presley” i say smiling, “nice to meet ya too honey, oh and call me elvis honey” he says smirking and handing me the drink, “so how old are you” he says sitting down “26….” I say drinking, we engaged in small talk for a while until we realized it was very late. “Elvis is really late, i should get going” i say with a little sadness in my voice. “Oh i suppose it is, may i drive you home” i he says smiling, “of course elvis” i smile
Elvis’s POV:
I waited on the girl to come, any second, she was so beautiful, her smile……her eyes….. her lips….her body….god she was perfect….. i started to day dream about her until it got cut short by a small little knock. I open the door to reveal the pretty girl “hello pretty mama, come in” i say smiling, she walks in very quietly and shyly, i close the door, “so….i hear your a pretty big fan of mine aren’t you mama” i say smirking while pouring us a drink.
“Y-yes i am, ive been a big fan for years, its very nice to meet you Mr. Presley” she says smiling sweetly, “nice to meet ya too honey, oh and call me elvis honey” i say smirking and handing her the drink, “so how old are you” i say sitting down “26….” she says drinking, we start to talk about our interests and our likings and dis-likings, she looked so beautiful. “Can i…kiss you” i ask her “yes” she responds, i kiss her softly and passionately, her hands roaming up and down my body, i began to kiss her neck, making my way down to her pussy, i saw how wet she was
“So wet for me” i saw smirking and taking off her panties, throwing them to the side “y/n, before we go any further, is this what you want” i ask softly “yes…i want this elvis” she says groaning, i began to rub her sensitive clit, while eating her out “you taste so fuckin good pretty mama” i say groaning in satisfaction, i begin to go faster hearing her moan and whimper my name as i devoured her.
“God elvis! Fuck your so good” she clenched around my fingers, “im gonna cum elvis, fuck” she says whimpering “not yet baby, i want you to cum on my dick” i stop as i take off my pants, she flips me over, kissing down my stomach. She grabs my cock and starts to stroke it slowly, i groan at the contact of her hand
She starts sucking on the tip, “fuck p-pretty mama it feels so good” i moan, she bobs her head up and down, making groan and moan, “fuck fuck fuck, good god mama, your doing so good” i say leaning my head back moaning “im gonna cum” i say as my cock twitches in her mouth, she stops “i want you to cum inside of me” she says
I flip us over, and i slowly enter her, letting her adjust to my size she nods, as a sign for me to move, i start thrusting into her slowly and softly “faster please” she says, i start to pound into her little pussy, watching how my cock stretched her pussy out, watching her belly bulge while i fucked her “fuck fuck , yes im gonna cum elvis” she says, “cum for me mama, let it all out come on” i say groaning getting close to my end too, “im cumming” we both say as we cum in union, after a few more thrusts i pull out
“Shit…..that was really good” she says smiling, “i know” i say laughing, she kisses me, i get up and i clean her up and i clean me up, we get dressed again and we start listening to records of mine while dancing, the way her hips move and her body sways to the music is just….so angelic, we dance for what feels like forever, i started to notice it was getting late, i hoped she didn’t notice because i didn’t want our time to end
“Elvis is really late, i should get going” she says with sadness in her voice, i didn’t want her to leave, i didn’t want our time to be over. “Oh i suppose it is, may i drive you home” i say smiling, hoping that i get a positive answer from such a beauty, “of course elvis” she smiles, we set our glasses down and we grab our coats and leave my room
We walk to the car, i open her door and i close it when shes in, i walk to the other side and get in and i start driving, the drive was quiet due to her falling asleep on my shoulder, she looked so peaceful and precious….after a while we had gotten to her house, i shake her softly “y/n” i whisper.
She wakes up and yawns softly, “thank you elvis” she says smiling and hugging me “anytime…could we have dinner sometime” i ask “sure i would love that” she says smiling, she opens the door and begans to walk to her door “i dont get a goodnight kiss” i say teasing her, she walks back up to the car and kisses me passionately but softly
Her lips were so tender and sweet and plump, “goodnight elvis” she says softly and walks to her door and she unlocks her door and looks back, i wave and she waves back and enters and shuts the door , she was so beautiful, so angelic, i drive off and head home….what a good concert
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
MC Idol Crush Event- Shingen
NSFW 18+ content
“I still can’t believe you managed to get us these tickets, Saki!” I squealed in delight, practically bouncing from my place in Shingen’s arms as we stood in the VIP section of the concert hall.
“Hey, my bestie finally came back, even if only temporarily. We are celebrating your birthday with something you will never forget.” Saki informed me. 
“I am excited to share this experience with you.” Shingen told me, hugging me close. He was standing behind me, his arms wrapped around me. “And I am happy to see this beautiful smile on your face. It’s a different one from all the others I’ve seen.”
I turned my head, smiling up at Shingen, my cheeks reddening. “I’m glad you’re excited.”
“Yeah, well his excitement won’t last long once this concert starts.” Haru, Saki’s boyfriend said.
“Why would that be?” Shingen asked.
“You’re about to see a new side of your girlfriend.” Haru answered.
Shingen looked at him perplexed, but before he could ask for further elaboration, the lights changed and the music started to play. The members of Quiver were coming out on stage then, beginning their song. Saki and I -along with every other woman in the audience- lost our collective minds. Swept up in the moment, we all started screaming and crying.
What I didn’t know, was that Saki had made a HUGE NEON yellow sign and was holding it up. The sign read: IT’S HER BIRTHDAY!!! And had an arrow pointing to me. The band members seemed to notice her sign and ten, Toji, my favorite was kneeling down on the stage, right in front of us.
“So, it’s your birthday, baby girl?” He asked, looking at me.
I pointed to myself, unable to speak.
Toji gave me a warm smile. “Yeah, you baby girl.”
My cheeks were so red, but I nodded.
“Well, thank you for coming to spend your birthday with us.” Toji went on. “I think we should do something special for our birthday girl here, don’t you boys?”
The other band members nodded. “Definitely.”
They then broke out into a version of Happy birthday, singing it as if it were a love ballad. I was turning into a puddle of goo right there, my insides just melting. This was a dream come true. 
After the concert, we were going backstage, where we got to meet the members of the band and pose for pictures. I got them telling me “Happy Birthday” one last time before we were leaving and returning to the hotel for the night. As we rode the elevator up, Saki and I were gushing over the entire thing. 
“I still can’t believe that happened!” I squealed. “And I can’t believe you made that sign!”
Saki giggled. “Hey, I had to make sure we got noticed and what better way than to share it was my bestie’s birthday?”
“It was a dream come true.” I said, hugging her.
When we all got off on our floor, we were parting ways and heading to our rooms. Once Shingen and I were alone in our hotel room, he was locking the door behind us and pulling me back against his broad chest. His lips were then on the nape of my neck.
I let out a gasp, but smiled as I tilted my head, allowing him to have more access to my neck. “Shingen…”
I felt his lips twitch into a smile against my neck. He was pressing his nose to my skin then, slowly drawing a line up the side of my neck to my ear. I could feel his breath on my ear, tickling me and causing a shiver to run down my spine. “You know…I try to be a grown man about things… I try to remain mature… but sometimes… it’s difficult to do so.”
“W-what… are you…talking about?” I asked, my brain already becoming scrambled by Shingen’s touch.
“Do you have any idea…what it does to a man… to see the woman he loves… losing her mind over another man?” Shingen asked and I could hear the pout in his voice.
I gasped. “Wait…you…you got jealous over the band?” I asked, my eyes widening in surprise.
“I am used to other men desiring you.” Shingen told me. “However to see you desiring another man…”
“I don’t desire any other man, Shingen.” I assured him. “I mean…when I was a kid, I had a crush on Toji… and maybe I just let my inner teenager out, but there’s no one who I could ever want besides you, Shingen.”
“That’s good to hear.” Shingen replied, hugging me tighter. “Though I hope you don’t mind if I want some extra reassurance?”
“Hmm…just depends…what you have in mind?” I asked.
“I was thinking…marking you for one thing…and then spending all night having you call out my name…over and over again.” Shingen answered, his voice pure seduction rumbling in my ear and rolling over my body.
“I think…that can be arranged…” I replied, already feeling breathless from just his words and voice.
Shingen needed no further invitation. He was nipping at my lobe before putting those gorgeous lips at my neck once again, leaving a stinging kiss there. When he pulled back from my flesh, I felt his fingers glide over the spot he had just kissed. “The first mark…” He murmured. 
Shingen was then scooping me up in his arms and carrying me over to the bed. He was climbing on, hovering over me and soon his lips were on mine as his hands moved over my body, making quick work of my clothes. I was reaching my own hands to undo the buttons of his shirt, sliding over his nicely sculpted chest and abs.
Shingen let out a groan of pleasure. “Mmm…you are a troublesome goddess, my love.” He told me as he began to kiss down the side of my neck, my collarbones, and over my breasts, leaving little red lovebites over my flesh as he went. 
“Shingen…” I gasped out as each touch of his lips sent a jolt of pleasure through me.
“I will have you knowing no other words but my name by the time I am finished.” Shingen said, giving me a devilish smile before resuming his journey down my body with his lips. He trailed loves bites over my ribs and stomach, his fingertips tracing low over my hips. 
He trailed those gorgeous lips over my hips and down my thighs. He lavished my thighs in affection, using lips, teeth, and tongue. My body was already trembling as his mouth came ever closer to the apex of my thighs. “You’re so beautiful and precious to me, my angel.” He murmured against my flesh before spreading my thighs wide, resting them on his shoulders. 
Seconds later, his lips were on my core, drawing my sensitive bud between them and sucking. My hips bucked at the sensation, pleasure flying straight to me. “Ah…Shin…gen…” I moaned out.
His hands were gripping onto my hips, holding me in place as he continued his ministrations. His tongue came out to place, licking a stripe up my slit before focusing in on that little bud. I could already feel that coil tightening inside of me. “Sh-Shin-gen!” I moaned out as the pleasure washed over me. He seemed to be hitting every nerve ending with his tongue. I was soon reaching my peak, my release barreling through me. “SHINGEN!” I cried out, his lips and tongue continuing, drawing out my powerful release.
Slowly, he withdrew from me, smiling up at me from between my thighs as I began to come down from my pleasure high. Though he didn’t give me long to recover as he was soon rising up, my ankles now resting on his shoulders, his length positioned at my entrance. 
“We have a long night ahead of us, my angel.” He told me before plunging inside of me, filling me so completely.
I was still sensitive from my earlier climax and I could already feel that white hot heat building up within me once again. “Shingen…” I gasped, my hands reaching for him.
He smiled at me, taking my hand in his. “I love you.” He told me. “And I will make you feel so good, you will forget about any…former crushes…”
“How…could I ever…think of anyone…other than you… Shingen…I love you.”
Shingen soon had me moaning out his name again…and again…and again. All night, he made love to me, making sure that I knew there was no one else I could ever think of. Who was it I had even had a crush on?
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ssshhe8 · 2 months
Slushie BTS Fan Girl: A One shot by @ssshhe8 Words: 618
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“I go to work, listen to music, read semi-good online books, and fangirl about BTS.”
The explanation does not require eye contact. I stab a large lump of red slushie lodged at the bottom of my plastic cup, pleased with the distraction.
His brows furrow in confusion. “And that means you cannot date?” His hesitation makes me snort. My hand flies to cover my mouth. My legs swing casually on the counter, barely distracting him from my lack of manners.
“Sure I can. It’s just that my standards are quite steep.” His face remains the same strained frown. I shake my head with a reluctant sigh.
“Say we date, and it goes well. At the back of my head, I’ll always compare you to beautiful, unreachable lyrics and men who don’t know I exist.”
God bless him, he tries to smile for my sake, but it’s laced with frustration. He massages the back of his neck. His floppy hair bounces over his messy eyebrows. I prepare myself for a “Well, thanks anyway” or maybe “It was nice talking to you.”
Neither of which helped my guilt. It’s not that I don’t want a boyfriend. It’s just that it’s not fair to drag someone with me to my treehouse in the clouds. They wouldn’t understand my fantasies for theater-type love or fictional people.
The silence is uncomfortable. I force myself to suck down the rest of my slushie, a choice my brain immediately regrets. He chooses that time to start speaking. I’m only half listening, more focused on the ice spreading over the inside of my head to take him seriously.
“-I don’t think it’s fair to - and you should know it’s unrealistic and weird - so do you get what I’m saying?” His chest is heaving by the end of his rant. He pushes back his hair from his eyes. They narrow at me, daringly green and begging me to argue.
I hold a hand to my forehead. Brain freezes never fail to hurt each time. He is still staring at me when I open my eyes for the hundredth time. I give a thumbs up, realizing he’s waiting for my response.
“Listen, I’ve got to go. Uh, BTS is having an online concert in about an hour. I have to get ready.”
I jump off the counter, easily evading his attempt to grab my wrist. I heard him say something about they’re not going to be able to see you, and you didn’t answer my question. I’m far too distracted to feel bad at the moment.
It’s not ethical or smart. I know that. But people forget to ask the most important question: Why are you so obsessed with them?
Comfort comes in different ranges. It just so happens that mine are seven Korean men who wrote a cute song about butter and once argued about dumplings. And that is okay. Life is to do with as you please.
Purple and Green hearts dangle from my ears. I tighten my ponytail, fully prepared to jump off the walls the second the screen flashes. “How are we doing, Army?” Jhope’s familiar laugh follows the introduction. One by one, the boys appear on the screen, lining up in the middle of the stage.
“2! 3! Annyeonghaseyo, we are BTS.”
The rest is a blur. I’m hanging upside down on the bed when a knock comes on the door. I freeze. The door swings open. My mom’s eyes go from the computer screen to me. Her disappointment is loud. I carefully maneuver my body into a casual position on the tiny tan blanket. “It’s 2 in the morning. Why are you screaming?”
“Uh, BTS?” I laugh nervously.
Thx for reading this oneshot. I hope you liked it.
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izdatazn · 5 months
S.U.I.T.S - Terran Hidden War
I had the unexpected opportunity to have lunch in the city with Aikawa. He invited me to join him as we planned to attend Saki's concert later in the afternoon with my friends. Accepting his offer, I agreed to accompany him. Today is Saturday, February 18th, 2079. Despite being occupied with studying and various SUITS missions, I felt it was necessary to take a break and enjoy some leisure time.
"So?" Aikawa asked as he forked a sausage into his mouth. "How was Valentine's Day with Asuka?"
I replied, "I was deeply engrossed in my books and Asuka was pulled away for another SUITS assignment, so we weren't able to spend it together. She'll make it up to me." I drank my soda and then asked, "What about you?"
Aikawa confidently responded, "I received many chocolates from girls who have a deep crush on me. After that, I went on a date with my girlfriend."
Ignoring his answer, I continued teasingly,"I'm surprised your girlfriend hasn't slapped you for receiving so many chocolates."
Aikawa chuckled and said,"I gave them all to my friends. My eyes are only focused on my girlfriend."
"Ew," I playfully exclaimed, feigning disgust. "Gross."
"Says the guy who took forever to make Asuka his girlfriend," Aikawa mockingly retorted, reaching over and tapping my shoulder. "You're such a slow fool."
I changed the subject, cutting a piece of meat from my plate. "When is your next mission?" I took a bite and chewed on it.
Aikawa swallowed and replied, "My squad's next mission is to protect you from the Red Lady."
I sighed in defeat. "I told Asuka that I don't need any protection when I have my squad watching over me 24/7."
"It's an order from the higher-ups at SUITS," Aikawa replied. "I don't particularly want to do it, but even if I hadn't received a mission from SUITS, Asuka would specifically instruct me to provide protection for you."
"You're like a pet dog being ordered to guard the owner's house," I jeered.
"And for good reason," Aikawa responded. "I can't let my brother be taken by the Red Lady again." He reached over and tapped my shoulder once more.
I paused and chuckled. "And I appreciate that." My phone vibrated beside me, and as I glanced at it, I received a text from our group chat with the others.
"What is it?" Aikawa asked.
"Isabel sent me a text saying that we have a mission tomorrow from Daisuke. They have located Louise Durand, the three of clubs, and Tuna Gantulga, the six of clubs." I read aloud. Taking a sip from my miso soup, I continued speaking. "It seems like there’s no sense of urgency to this mission, so I guess later on I'll go watch Saki's concert.”
Later in the day, Aikawa and I rendezvoused with Sho, Ren, and Hina outside the venue. Sho and Hina apprised us of an unforeseen urgent matter that had arisen for Kumiko, Hideki, and Nanako. Additionally, Ren sent me a text concerning a SUITS issue whereby Kumiko's suspension had been lifted due to an hour-old critical mission they had received. As we waited in line to enter the venue, I suddenly received another text message from Isabel in my group chat. I showed it to Aikawa, showing the significance of the urgent text.
“Your mom is telling you to pick up your sister from her playdate.” Aikawa lied. “It looks urgent.”
I played along with him. “This is the first time in a long time she’ll have some alone time with my dad.” I sighed in defeat. “I’m sorry but I have to go. Apologize to Saki fro me!” I ran away.
I met with Isabel, Miyoung, and Viktor in the atrium at the SUITs facility. They led me to Daisuke's office to discuss the mission. To my surprise, Kumiko, Hideki, and Nanako were also present in their SUITs uniforms.
"What are you all doing here?" I asked, feeling confused.
"We're here to join your team on a joint mission," Kumiko explained. "Now that my suspension has been lifted, Daisuke assigned us to join you. Don't worry, we'll assist you from a distance."
Daisuke interrupted us and presented a 3D model of the Earth. After a few seconds, it zoomed in on the center of Australia.
"This will be your mission," he said. "Louise Durand is located in a heavily fortified area in the middle of nowhere in Australia. She is approximately one hundred kilometers away from Neo Productions and Security Enterprises (NPSE), which is a private corporation affiliated with SUITS. Our intelligence reports indicate that Louise has gathered a significant force and plans to attack NPSE.”
Kokoro continued, "With recent events over the past couple of weeks, it appears that the deck of clubs has been carrying out more audacious attacks on human activities and issues related to SUITs. They are no longer hiding in the shadows."
"Just because she's a three of clubs doesn't mean she's any less dangerous to SUITs," Daisuke added. "As for Tuya Gantulga, the six of clubs, we have someone monitoring her in Mongolia. We don't have to worry about her just yet." He then changed the subject and said, "Kobayashi, I have a gift for you and your team. It will be located in the engineering section of the facility. Just be careful not to break it on your first use.”
I followed Isabel, along with Miyoung and Viktor, into the engineering sector. Kumiko and the others joined us as well. We made our way through a sea of SUITs engineers working on these massive machinery. It took some time, but eventually we found the gift from Daisuke when the lead engineer stood out in the open next to the newly built massive vehicle.
"You must be Issei Kobayashi, Isabel Macedo, Lee Miyoung, and Viktor Krauss," spoke the lead engineer loudly amidst all the echoing noises around us. He continued by presenting us with Daisuke's gift.
"The Elusive Medium Class Assault Hover Vehicle can carry 4-8 passengers. It is equipped with two auto mini cannons in front of the cockpit and a single auto mini gun on top of the vehicle at its rear. On top of the cockpit is another room with an auto laser cannon connected to a swiveling seat that can rotate 360 degrees. This vehicle can defend itself from both ground and aerial threats. The armor plating is strong enough to withstand physical blasts, and there are shields to protect against laser heated weaponry. Hidden underneath are four pads that can lift the vehicle off the ground. The interior has an open floor plan with a kitchen, meeting/living room, med bay off to one side, and private quarters each with their own bathrooms.” The rear ramp opened up which caused Viktor's excitement.
What should we name it?" proposed Viktor enthusiastically. "I'm not calling it The IIict Vehicle."
"We're not-" began Miyoung.
"I'll call it Big Bertha!" interrupted Viktor eagerly.
"No..." started Miyoung again.
"BIG BERTHA!" shouted Viktor triumphantly.
Viktor ran off in excitement while Miyoung sighed in resignation.
"I guess Big Bertha it is," chuckled Isabel.
"Really? Isabel..."
"You'll get used to it," reassured Isabel, patting Miyoung's shoulder, before trotting off. A few seconds later, Miyoung joined Isabel and Viktor.
The lead engineer continued explaining. "What you see here is the garage. It can hold two scout vehicles and a light terrain vehicle. Underneath the main body is a storage room and six electric battery transformers. The batteries have a lifespan of up to two years in normal situations or six months in heavy situations. The Ilict 'Big Bertha' Vehicle is a fusion of light and heavy assault vehicle - the first of its kind."
"So it's a prototype, and we're beta testing it," I concluded.
The lead engineer tossed me the keys with a warning, "Don't get yourself killed," before walking away.
"He sounds confident," I remarked, changing the subject. “What about you Kumiko? Where’s your vehicle?”
“Mine is a relatively new model light assault vehicle, The Izanagi.” Kumiko answered. “It’s a smaller vehicle compared to yours but it get the job done.” She boasted.
I stepped into the spacious living room of The Elusive ‘Big Bertha'. Everything was state-of-the-art, yet it had a casual look. I wore a brown and black suit, a formal uniform given to me by Daisuke. The others walked past me, also wearing the same colored uniform.
"So why are we letting Viktor drive?" Miyoung asked.
"Because Viktor named it Big Bertha, so he is the captain," Viktor proudly replied. "Why are you occupying the laser cannons when you can't see?"
"Because you took my seat, so I'm taking the second-best seat in this vehicle," Miyoung retorted.
"It's Big Bertha," Viktor insisted.
"I am not calling it by its name," Miyoung said, annoyed.
"Don't be shy," Viktor teased.
"And I'm not calling you Captain!" Miyoung shouted.
"Viktor is the captain."
They carried on with their playful conversation as Isabel monitored the scanner sensors, her attention fully devoted to the task. I sat beside Viktor, ready to offer assistance if needed. Meanwhile, I examined the main room which turned out to be quite spacious. It featured two comfortable half sofas and a coffee table at its center. In one corner stood a well-equipped kitchen while another corner housed a bar for our enjoyment. A billiard table occupied yet another corner, and an infirmary was conveniently located in the remaining corner. Above the expansive main area was a circular walkway that connected to both the primary cannon and a single mini gun for defense purposes.
"What other features does this have?" I whispered.
I heard a chime and a female computerized voice spoke, "Hello, I am the AI of this ship."
"That's quite impressive," I remarked.
"What would you like to do today?" it asked.
Viktor shouted, "We'll call you Big Bertha!"
"Would you like to change the name of your AI?" it inquired.
"No!" Miyoung shouted.
"Yes! Captain Viktor said our AI's name is Big Bertha!"
"We are not-" 
It chimed again. "Hello, my name is Big Bertha. How may I assist you today?"
"UNBELIEVABLE!" Miyoung exclaimed.
I heard Viktor laughing and Miyoung let out a defeated groan right after.
"Map?" I asked. As the coffee table glowed, a 3D version of Earth appeared in the center. "Australia." The map zoomed in on Australia's size. I gasped. “Wow."
It took less than eight hours to reach the shores of Australia, and we arrived at Neo Production's main headquarters in a remote location right at midnight. It was Sunday, February 19th, 2079. I am truly amazed by Big Bertha, a hovercraft that effortlessly glides over water, making travel much easier compared to planes or other modes of transportation. Kumiko's Izanagi closely followed us. Finally, we had the chance to meet with Isabella Borgia, who held the position of head of security for Neo Productions.
Prior to my encounter with Isabella, I instinctively retrieved my dossier. According to historical records, Isabella was born into the formidable Borgia Family during the Italian Renaissance in 1470. However, these accounts failed to mention that she was not acknowledged as another legitimate offspring of the Borgia Family. Rather, my dossier revealed a clandestine truth - Isabella was an illegitimate child of the Borgia Family and a secretive concubine of Leonardo Vinci during his later years. Subsequently, any further readings pertaining to this matter remained confidential and inaccessible for me.
"Welcome to Neo Productions, Issei Kobayashi and Kumiko Kobo," Isabella said, as she approached us by our vehicles. "As you can observe, our defenses are on high alert due to Louise's audacious decision to live next door. Since we requested assistance from you, we will assist you as well in your assault in Louise’s location.”
“We appreciate the assist, Isabella.” Kumiko spoke.
Louise Durand was born in 480, during the period after the fall of Rome and under the leadership of Clovis I in modern-day France. She was one of the few women in Clovis's army who played a crucial role in reuniting the Franks. In 509, she witnessed the successful reunion of the Franks, but unfortunately, her life came to an end in 533 when Theuderic I ordered her execution for betraying his commands. However, she miraculously revived due to The Red Lady's intervention and subsequently began interfering with human affairs. In early 534, she exacted her revenge by slaying Theuderic I. Consequently, Louise found herself on the run from SUITS and had to constantly evade their pursuit.
"Attention," Isabella spoke, adjusting her tone. "We are now within range of Louise's defense guns," she announced.
"Presenting the Illicit Class Medium Assault Vehicle, DeVinci, on your right," Kumiko declared. "And assisting us on the left is the light assault vehicle, Izanagi."
Captain Viktor took over. "This is Captain Viktor speaking," he began. "Front and center is Big Bertha, the Elusive Medium Class Assault Vehicle."
Curious about our progress, I asked, "How far are we?"
"Incoming fire!" warned Big Bertha. "We are fifty clicks away from Louise's defense."
Despite being bombarded by enemy guns, we pressed forward without any damage to our vehicles - both DeVinci and Izanagi were taking direct hits but remained unaffected. I noticed a multitude of vehicles approaching us while enemy aircraft hovered above.
"Do you think we can endure this?" I inquired.
"We have a survival rate of 100%," responded Big Bertha confidently.
"I wish I had your level of confidence," I muttered to myself.
The Izanagi decreased its speed and positioned itself behind Big Bertha and De Vinci since Kumiko's vehicle was too small to withstand direct hits. However, due to their larger size and superior weaponry, Big Bertha and De Vinci were able to easily destroy enemy vehicles upon impact. The Izanagi closely followed behind, providing support. While Big Bertha and De Vinci unleashed their firepower on the enemy vehicles and aircraft, the Izanagi dealt with any remaining threats from the rear. We bravely endured this situation despite continuous enemy gunfire, resulting in the destruction of multiple enemy vehicles.
"Warning," Big Bertha alerted. "Louise Durand, identified as the three of clubs, will imminently arrive at your location." Big Bertha displayed Louise Durand's precise location on the map projected onto our transparent windshield. Among the multitude of enemy vehicles ahead of us, her vehicle stood out due to its massive size in comparison to both ours and the adversaries'.
"How can we be of assistance?" I inquired.
"We'll handle defense and shielding, Kobayashi," Isabella replied. "You take charge of hijacking her vehicle and dealing with her.”
“I will assist you, Kobayashi.” Isabel insisted.
Big Bertha and De Vinci veered away from each other, with Izanagi trailing slightly behind Big Bertha, narrowly avoiding a direct hit from Louise's colossal vehicle. We quickly made the choice to encircle Louise while simultaneously defending ourselves against other opponents. Our main objective was to dismantle Louise's defensive plating as Isabel and I readied ourselves to infiltrate her vehicle in the garage. Equipped with SUITS light armor that featured built-in energy shields, we also attached an assault rifle to my back and a pistol in my leg holster. Afterward, I loaded my empty pouch with ammunition.
The rear ramp of the garage opened slowly, revealing the chaotic scene around us. Isabel assisted me in focusing on a sturdy energy defense shield before we decided to board. It was challenging to do so under pressure, but I could feel an invisible energy shield enveloping my entire body.
"Follow me," instructed Isabel.
Big Bertha moved closer, slightly ahead of Louise's heavy vehicle. Isabel took a running start, and I followed closely behind. We jumped off the ramp onto Louise's vehicle platform above. With a gun in one hand and her weapon swinging close by with the other hand, Isabel quickly dealt with the guards on top of the mobile vehicle. I dealt with the remaining enemies popping out from hiding. We took cover immediately as we were under fire from above and around us but our personal shields didn’t wither from heavy fire.
I cautiously peered out from my hiding spot and noticed Louise standing on top of her vehicle, accompanied by a few of her guards. Her intimidating presence would terrify even the most seasoned SUITS member. "Step forward, young one!" Louise bellowed in a commanding tone. "And confront me with bravery."
"You deal with Louise, I'll handle the guards," Isabel whispered encouragingly. "You can do this."
With determination, I emerged from my hiding place and set aside my gun. As I reached for my sword, Louise swiftly retaliated by hurling a chained spiked ball towards me. With gracefulness, I leaned backwards to avoid the weapon as it soared overhead before quickly regaining an upright stance. 
Drawing out my gleaming sword, I fearlessly took charge and led the way with Isabel closely trailing behind me. In a swift motion, Isabel dashed past me and slid underneath Louise's towering figure, engaging her guards in an intense close-quarters combat while I focused on confronting Louise herself.
Louise swung her chained ball at me with intense aggression. Reacting swiftly, I raised my sword to intercept her strike, but the chain unexpectedly wrapped around my blade. With a forceful pull, she yanked me towards her and landed a powerful punch on my face, causing me to stagger backwards. Raising the chain weapon above her head, Louise aimed another swing at me. Despite blocking her attack with my sword, she relentless continued her aggressive assault. 
Gradually retreating, I found myself losing ground in the battle. Suddenly, an arrow pierced through Louise's chest armor followed by another hitting her helmet—though it had no effect on her. A light vehicle unexpectedly leaped over both Louise's vehicle and us. It was then that I recognized Kumiko behind the wheel, Nanako manning the gunner spot, and Hideki seated in the shotgun position.
Assisting me in combat, Nanako released yet another arrow from her bow that struck Louise's chest once more but failed to halt her progress. Taking action outside of the vehicle, Hideki joined forces with me as Kumiko skillfully maneuvered their vehicle away from danger before driving off into the distance.
"How about we level the playing field, Kobayashi?" Hideki grinned and brandished his chainsaw sword. With me at his side, we sprinted towards Louise. Our weapons slid off her armor as we engaged in close combat. Our small stature and quick reflexes, forged through rigorous endurance training, proved to be a challenge for Louise to keep pace with. Unexpectedly, another arrow pierced her armor once more. Nanako came to our aid again while Kumiko focused on matching the speed of Louise's combat vehicle with her own.”
Louise skillfully revealed another hidden chain ball spike from her sleeve and aggressively swung it in our direction. Although we managed to dodge the first one with agility, evading both spikes simultaneously proved to be more challenging. She didn't pause for even a moment, and neither did we. It was a battle of endurance in which we lost after playing mouse with Louise.
Louise swiftly and skillfully wrapped her spiked chain ball around Hideki, effortlessly pulling him towards her. With precision, she landed another powerful punch directly on his face. The impact sent him hurtling off the platform, only to be saved by Kumiko's mastery of Earth manipulation as she caught him mid-air. He was thrown back to the Kumiko’s vehicle as I dealt with Louise alone.
The engagement intensifies as Louise focuses solely on her opponent, giving her a remarkable advantage. Although my endurance is enough to sustain me for a while, Louise is just getting started. It mystifies me how she was designated as a three of clubs, one of the lowest cards in the deck. Nevertheless, I have been repeatedly cautioned by others not to underestimate her abilities despite her rank.
Louise once again ensnared my sword with her chained weapon, causing her to pull me closer. I held my ground momentarily, engaging in a brief tug of war before ultimately conceding defeat. Anticipating her next move, I skillfully slid beneath her and evaded her punch. Seizing the opportunity, I unsheathed my second sword and effortlessly sliced through her leg defense, leaving a clean cut on her skin. Swiftly rising to my feet, I continued to dodge her attacks while keeping the chain weapon entangled with my other sword. With precision and speed, I confronted Louise using my second sword and efficiently dismantled her armored plating.
Another arrow pierced through the weakened armor, piercing Louise's skin. With clenched teeth, she pulled it out and launched another attack at me. I struggled to untangle my weapon from her chains as she relentlessly drew me closer. Despite my best attempts to avoid her strikes, a few caught me off guard and landed successfully, disorienting me momentarily. 
I need to bring this to a quick end as I cannot bear her relentless assault any longer. It appears that she is experiencing the same. I have observed her armor weakening under the constant strikes from my weapon. I have done everything in my power to wear her down, yet she shows no signs of slowing down at all. She might prove a match against Viktor. I continued my pressure on her.
After a few minutes of interaction, she was unexpectedly struck by another arrow, this time in her left eye. To her surprise and dismay, a second arrow hit the exact same spot as the previous one. The impact of the arrow caused disorientation and blood began to flow from her wounded eye. Infuriated, Louise yanked the arrow out of her eye and forcefully discarded it. Meanwhile, the arrow lodged in her chest dug deeper into her skin; she attempted to remove it but eventually abandoned the futile effort. As a result of all this bloodshed, her vision became even more disoriented.
I perceived this opportunity as advantageous and quickly unfastened my sword from its chained holster. Drawing my second sword, I positioned myself in a powerful stance. Firmly gripping my main sword with both hands, I observed Louise flailing about due to her impaired vision. As she charged towards me, swinging her weapon uncontrollably, I adeptly parried and evaded every one of her attacks. Capitalizing on her weakened defense, I landed precise cuts on her until her armor slid off her body. An arrow pierced through her exposed left chest while another struck her vulnerable abdomen.
Louise began to bleed from her wounds as she slowly fell to her knees. I turned around and lower my sword as she stayed in place for a couple of minutes. Louise coughed up blood. I took a couple of cautious strides towards her, waiting for her to make a move. Again, another arrow struck her forehead which didn’t really end her but weakened her a bit more. I stood behind Louise with bated breath.
Louise spoke weakly, asking, "What are you waiting for?" She sighed solemnly and added, "I have done what I needed to do." I raised my sword above me, gripping it tightly with both hands. Reminding me of the impending danger, Louise warned, "Don't forget, kid. It will come for all of us. You are not ready." As chaos raged around me, I took the decisive action of severing Louise's head from her body to bring an end to her life.
"What do you have?" I inquired, scanning the surroundings.
After defeating Louise and her forces, we conducted a thorough search of her base to gather any additional information. We eliminated her camp's defenders as we divided ourselves throughout the area. Inside the main room, papers were strewn across the table and near the computers.
"It appears that Louise has operations in Sydney and nearby cities," Kumiko responded while examining the papers. "I will forward this intel to SUITS, but it seems my team will need to remain in Australia for now."
"How long do you think it will take?" I asked.
"We'll stay until we've put an end to Louise's operations," Kumiko replied. "Although it may take around a week or even a couple of weeks. I’ll see you back home.
0 notes
sansajonquil · 9 months
i look at eric, he was a vampire at the red diner. his alter was remington, a singer in a rock metal band called the relentless. a black tie was draped in its soft material into a neckerchief.
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it had been a while since we saw each other, he was shooting lonely, where we met on the football field. he was clutching his arms in coldness, the black slip he was wearing quite cold. in one scene, he was riding on a skateboard among the packing boxes on the darkening pavement. I had been walking home from school, walking across the field, and reading about the fireplace on my phone. I had a voyance rune tattooed on my arm, as I am walking through the pink brown bleachers.
looking up, I recognised remington, from the first concert of the relentless I went to. i startle, my body feeling like I have to bolt. I remember in the moment of standing on the field, we stared at each other in the waiting lines at the concert as I was lining up to meet emerson, in which his alter was lieseil. he does a double take at seeing me stare at him, thinking, ‘ is she okay, ‘ when signing autographs. then he just shakes his head, and continues signing. yet, yet! when climbing into the taxi back to the hotel, he reminiscences in wonder and fume of why are you looking at me, don’t feel quite right. feeling passion and fury in lyricalising, ‘ this sh** messes with my head, ‘ the cruel demise of the jackal. hysterical laughter bubbling in his chest. he also had an abusive childhood, feeling it in his adult life - trying to be a good son, to not worry and be happy, and feeling hyperactivity in climbing on the ceiling.
my feet rustles in the grass, and he hears, looking at me, as he is holding a shovel in digging his grave in the dirt of the field. he recognises me, a shy girl, as a yellow golden dragon is on the collar of his black jacket ( which was hanging on the bleacher, shining in delectable chocolate. ) he is quiet as he stares, a moment passes.
sebastian, warhol, who was with rem, then calls me out, speaking to me as I’m picasso, he annoyed and saying, ‘show us what you’re made of. you’re made of stars, c***!!‘
I say, ‘…uhm, hi, ‘ in a quiet voice. rem hears, and replies with ‘ hello there. how are you? ‘ he is eating a nutella chocolate cake, during his shoot, it on a paper plate next to him. he extending his hand to shake mine.
‘ I’m good, thanks, ‘ i say, shaking his hand.
we reminiscence about our time on the football field, as we sit in the red diner with julia. a lot had happened since then, we both feeling quite shellshocked. he said, ‘ I feel like I’m f***ing dying, ‘ saying a bit of his shock to me, of the corridors of the mind. he also understands, singing, ‘ I’d rather die than become my dad, I don’t need no sleeping when I’m diving off the deep end. ‘ he shows me a drawing that visually describes his ache :
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0 notes
tnott · 1 year
[18 December 1993]
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“So,” Theo’s father said, “what would you like to do for your birthday next week?”
He had picked her up from the Hogwarts Express earlier that day, and now the two of them were sitting across from each other at the small table in the kitchen, partway through a meal of fried cod and spiced red lentils. Normally Theo would have been enjoying the food — it was one of her favorite dishes — but she hadn’t had much of an appetite lately, and so far she’d only managed to swallow a few mouthfuls.
She answered her father’s question with a shrug, pushing the lentils around her plate with her fork. She’d be turning fourteen on the coming Wednesday, but she hadn’t given the occasion much thought; she’d spent the past few weeks simply focusing on the fact that she would soon be home, home with her dad and her dog, and away from those horrible Dementors. Just riding past them in the thestral-drawn carriage had nearly made her sick, and she’d felt clammy and chilled for the entire train ride back to London.
“We could go to a museum,” her father suggested. “Or a concert, perhaps. A trip to the city would be nice, wouldn’t it?”
She shrugged again. “I don’t know,” she said. “I’ll think about it.”
With her attention fixed on her plate, she couldn’t see the look in Leontius Nott’s eyes as he gazed at his daughter — weighing, assessing, and more than a little worried.
“You’re not eating,” he said gently. “Are you feeling well, Theo?”
Once more, she shrugged. “I’m not really hungry,” she said. “I think I’ll go to bed early.” She didn’t wait for permission, but got to her feet, pushed in her chair, and placed her half-full plate on the counter beside the sink. Nell, the house elf, would take care of it. Then she kissed her father on the cheek.
“Goodnight, Dad,” she said.
He squeezed her around the shoulders and said, “I’ll come tuck you in once you’ve changed, all right, my girl?”
She nodded, once more missing the look of concern on her father’s lined face, and then left the kitchen. Hal padded along behind her, his collar jingling as they climbed the stairs; the dog followed her nearly everywhere when she was home, keeping her company as she read or played, and spending his nights sleeping at the foot of her bed.
When she reached her room, she closed the door behind her and sank onto the mattress, staring up at the familiar blue ceiling with its smattering of silver stars. She didn’t change right away, but simply lay there, feeling too listless to move. She’d thought she would be all right here, safe at home, far from the looming Dementors and the dark castle and her beastly classmates. She’d expected the leaden weight that had settled in her chest to fall away when she finally saw her father. But it hadn’t. She felt no less hollow or tired or cold than she had yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that.
Part of her wanted to tell her father, but something held her back. Not fear, precisely; she knew Dad would never be upset with her. But she didn’t want to disappoint him. She didn’t want him to think that she was weak, that she couldn’t cope with a simple Dementor. No one else at school seemed to be affected by them the way she was, except perhaps Potter. But then, Potter was always having funny turns. The Dark Lord’s curse had addled his brains, or so Mr. Malfoy had once said.
Still, even Potter’s fainting spells occurred only when he was physically near the Dementors. Theo didn’t have to be near them; their chill seemed to follow her throughout the castle like some miasma of despair, leaving her breathless and sleepless, empty and cold. Even here, safe in her bedroom with Hal beside her, it was hard for her to feel anything but a bone-deep sense of exhaustion.
Eventually she roused herself, fetching her flannel pajamas from beneath her pillow and changing into them. Not long after that, there was a knock on her door, and her father called, “Theo, are you decent?”
“Yes,” she said, sliding off the bed and walking across the carpet to the door. Her father entered, still dressed from dinner, and for a brief moment it struck Theo how old he was — grey and stooped, his round face wrinkled and his knuckles swollen with arthritis. He was old, and someday he would die. He would die, and he would go in the ground with her mother, and then Theo would be alone.
Abruptly, she burst into tears.
“My girl,” she heard her father say, “my girl, what’s wrong?” But she simply shook her head and fell into his arms, crying harder than she’d cried in ages.
She didn’t know how long they stood there, her father holding her tightly as she sobbed into the folds of his robe, Hal padding over to sit beside her, grounding her with his warm weight as he leaned against her leg. It was only when her tears had receded to hiccoughs that her father spoke again.
“Come here,” he said, guiding her out into the hall. “Come with me.” He led her to his own room, Hal following, and shepherded her onto the loveseat in the corner. Then he pulled out one of her mother’s knitted afghans and wrapped it around her before sitting down beside her.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” he asked softly.
That set off another flood of tears, and it was some time before Theo calmed down enough to speak. “I don’t feel right,” she managed to choke out, wiping her streaming eyes on the corner of the afghan. “I don’t— I don’t—”
She dissolved once more into sobs. Between gasped breaths, she told her father everything — about the Dementors, about that horrible boggart, about her falling grades, her sleepless nights and, most of all, about the hollow, echoing despair that seemed to have settled into her very bones.
“I’m so tired,” she hiccuped, once her torrential confession had subsided, “always, all the time, but I can never sleep — I don’t even know when I last slept. If I could just freeze the world somehow and really sleep for a few months—”
“Shh,” her father said, holding her close. “It’s all right, Theo.” He brushed a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. “You’re having a melancholy fit. I had hoped you would escape them, since they passed over me, but I’m afraid they do run in the family.”
”Is there a way to make it stop?” she asked, sniffling a little.
”There’s no cure,” he said, and his blue eyes were sad as he looked at her. “But there is a special tea that I can teach you to make. I’m afraid it’s not like Pepper-Up; you won’t feel better right away. But if you drink it every morning, it will help.”
A wave of relief seemed to be washing over Theo, and she leaned sideways to rest her head against her father’s shoulder. He knew. He knew what this was, and he knew how to fix it, and he didn’t seem disappointed in her at all. He just seemed concerned.
”I think, right now, we should start by getting you a good night’s rest,” he said. “I’ll give you a sleeping draught, and we can tackle the bigger problems in the morning.”
She nodded and then asked, softly, “Can I stay here tonight?” She would feel safer with her father near than she would alone in her own room.
“Of course.” With a wave of his wand, her father conjured up a pillow and placed it in Theo’s lap. As he went to fetch the sleeping draught, Theo settled herself on the cushions, burrowing under the afghan and then whistling Hal up beside her. The dog bounded onto the loveseat, his golden tail wagging, and curled up by her feet.
”Here you are,” her father said a moment later, returning with a glass of purple potion.
Obediently, Theo drank the lot before laying her head down on the pillow and closing her eyes.
”Sleep,” she heard her father say, just before she drifted into slumber. “Hal’s here. I’m here. We’ll take care of you.”
0 notes
tell-tale-taeil · 1 year
Hello Pája my lovely friend! I didn’t pay attention to new releases last month as much as I have in the past, but I did listen to a handful.
I think my fave (other than NCT) was TXT’s comeback. The EP as whole was pretty great but my favorite song by far is Farewell, Neverland. I also really loved Crescendo from Monsta X’s album. Oooh also GOT the Beat’s mini album. It was super musically different and I found it very interesting but it’s definitely not for everyone. Honorable mentions to SF9’s comeback and Primrose’s debut!
Ohohoh! I almost forgot that Onewe released an English album! I haven’t listened to it yet but I’m sure it’s great because they’re a super talented band!
Rae Rae Rae!! Hello and how have you been? ^^
Thank you for all your recommendations, I'll give them a listen right now!
I like the underlying beat in Devil by the Window. Wow what is that ending eheh, I didn't expect that. And now for something completely dfferent with Sugar Rush Ride ahah. Oh that little Billie Eilish moment. Happy Fools where have I heard that intro before UGH. Wow that beat is so familiar. I like the lady singing. Tinnitus, I feel like I've heard it already ahah. Maybe it's TXT's signiture sound. (hold on let me check, I def have other TXT songs in my playlists....huh, nevermind then :D ). Neverland definitely the best track of the album for me. I feel like I would like it even more if their voices would sound, like, a little bit less accentuated? That's not the word.... I feel like some parts are kinda strained, I don't know how to put it lol.
👾 MonstaX's REASON:
Do we even need to talk about Beautiful Liar, I am so in love witih that song. Daydream has such an interesting sound. Like a depressed circus. What is Crescendooooo, it's a bit of everything oh my gosh. Wait did they say let's get sexy ifusskjdf. The way it ended so abruptlly. Lone Ranger sounding kind of basic so far. Feels like a filler song. Deny a vocalist song I see I see. Okay no we still got the rap as well but IT FITS THE SONG, vocals and rap can COEXIST in balance in one song, NCT please try harder. Oh I like It's alright. The piano <3 Hhhh I like it! It's like relaxed. Sigh, should I listen to more of MonstaX? Maybe I should pay more attention to them.
💃💃 GOT the beat's STAMP ON IT:
I actually dread this one, I've heard the two title tracks (?) they performed during SM's concert and my ears bled :// (Also I thought they're called Girls on Top and not GOT the beat eheh.) But! I'll give it a try. Here goes. Sigh. It's like... we have all these beautiful extremely capable voices and we make them shout all at once. Also why does everything have to sound like NCT. Wait why does Alter Ego have a bit from 2 Baddies???? Mark's iconic line. (Like not the lyrics I guess but the delivery is exactly the same??) I don't know I guess I'm kinda tired of the "bad bitches, touch me and die, loser" concept. If I had to pick one song that didn't make think about skipping it within first seconds, it'd be MALA cause we can hear some actual vocals in it and also I kinda like the tone shift in the chorus.
9️⃣ SF9's THE PIECE OF 9:
At this point everything starts sounding the same to me T_T Nothing really stuck with me with thie album, sorry :(((( Maybe Fighter. And Stay with me.
💮 Primrose's RED MOON:
I haven't heard about Primrose before, let's go. Always love a good intro. Ooh, here we go with the Neosound again eheh. Okay so it's a girls group. Sounding like GOT the beat but less chaotic. I say it's a standard girls group, well done! ^^
I've already listened to Onewe because I was confused for a moment and thought that Onew released a new album jgdfkg.
Rae, thank you so much!!!!!!!!! I can always rely on you ^-^
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