#i’m just worried it’ll get bad later if my worries become true
wuwubean · 5 months
You want my Magnus Protocol thoughts? No? Well too bad you get them anyways. Spoilers for the first two episodes ahead.
- First thing’s first the horror writing is just as good as ever. I’ve got my worries about the writing but the actual horror is not one of them. The second episode especially… absolute chills.
- I love love love the characters. Sam seems to be the opposite of Jon in a lot of ways but he’s just as if not more compelling as a protagonist. He also seems to have some sort of connection to the institute, which could be good or bad depending on how they take it.
- Alice is also great. She’s both comic relief and a grounding force for the other characters at the same time and I love that. Probably my favorite character so far
- Gwen has the potential to be amazing but that last name scares me. OG!Elias wouldn’t have had any family that cared about him or else Jonah wouldn’t have used him, so Gwen has to be a distant relative of some kind. If this ends up being a ‘im staying to find out what happened to my uncle’ situation that would be cool, but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion it’s not and I really hope I’m wrong.
- I really hope with all of my heart the TTS robots aren’t Jon and Martin but I’m 99% sure they are. At the very least I’m holding out hope they aren’t our Jon and Martin. The reason TMA’s ending was so powerful was because it was left open, but Jmart being around in Protocol kinda ruins that… which brings me to my last point
- This show was made to cash out on the success of TMA. That’s a fact. And I’m very worried that’s all this is going to be. Especially with how quickly Jon and Martin showed up. I love the characters and I’m really worried this is just going to be Jon and Martin’s Apocalypse Adventures 2: Electric Boogaloo. Call me paranoid but I think this show’s downfall will be being too reliant on TMA and not really having an identity of it’s own, and these first episodes didn’t do anything to quell that fear. Right now I’m cautiously optimistic, but I’ve got my expectations set to zero for the time being.
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thetriplets3 · 11 months
Could you do one about matt, where the reader has migraines and matt does everything he can to help her, lots of physical touch, words of affirmation etc
Ilysm and your writing ur amazing<3
as someone who’s had migraines and headaches every single day for 4 years I loved writing this. i hope you’re doing well feel free to message me if you ever need to talk, i know how difficult this can be. sending my love to you
꩜ migraine ꩜
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Waking up in excruciating pain has become my new normal. From the moment my eyes open I’m greeted by the familiar feeling of a migraine. The dull pressure around my head makes it feel like it’ll burst at any given moment.
Rubbing my eyes, I sharply inhale as a sharp jolt enters my temple and eye making it feel as if a nail has been driven into my head. Pulling the blanket over my head I groan. This isn’t how I expected today to go. You and I were supposed to spend the day in the city. Aimlessly reaching for my phone I turn Siri on and instruct her to send you a text.
“Hey Siri, send Matt a text” I grumble.
“What do you want to say?” Siri's voice irritates me more.
“Hi love, would we be able to do today’s plans another day? I woke up with a migraine again. I'm not doing well, it's taking a toll on me and I don’t wanna be a drag on our date. I’m really sorry I feel so bad. I know how busy you’ve been and how excited you were for this and I’ve ruined that. I'm sorry. If you aren’t busy maybe we can call later? I miss you and I love you” I tiredly mumbled to Siri to type out for me.
Putting my phone fast down on my nightstand, I bury my face into my pillow and pull the blankets up to my chin and try to sleep the pain away. I only slept for probably an hour until I breathed in a familiar scent. I slowly open my eyes to see you laying beside me. I waste no time burying my face into your chest and wrapping my arms around you.
“I'm so glad you're here” I mutter.
“I figured you'd either need or want some help since you aren't feeling good and I missed you” you whisper, making sure not to worsen my headache. “Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?”
“I need my heated eye mask and my meds please, you know where they are right?” I ask.
“I'll go get them, I'll be quick” you softly say as you plant a kiss on my forehead.
Staying true to your words you’re back in a few minutes with my nice and hot eye mask and some meds to hopefully ease the pain.
Putting the warm mask over my eyes I get comfy, resting my head on your chest as one arm wraps around my waist and the other massaging my scalp, easing the building tension in my head.
“I’m so proud of you, you know that? It’s difficult being in pain let alone constantly and this badly but here you are still fighting. I know it’s draining and takes a mental toll on you but you’re doing so good. I wish I could take your pain for you. You amaze me with your strength” you praise me.
“Thank you for coming over. I’m sorry for ruining our plans not just today but every other time I end up having to cancel. I feel bad about it. I don’t want you to think that I don’t wanna spend time with you because that’s really all I want is to be with you” I whisper.
“Anytime sweet girl I’ll always be here for you no matter what. Don’t apologize, remember we don’t worry about things that are outside of our control. You can’t control when you get a migraine so don’t feel bad for canceling. Plus when you have a migraine it means that I get to come over and take care of you which I love. You could never ruin anything, simply being with you is enough for me. I love you sweet girl, now get some rest I’m here” you tell me, soothingly massaging my scalp.
Your gentle voice, the head massage, the eye mask, and the meds is the perfect concoction to make me doze off into a much needed sleep in the arms of my favorite person. Migraines aren’t so bad when I have you by my side.
@d0wnt0wnstu4n1ol0 @iluvmatt @stxrniqlo @antisocialties @fake-coolbeans
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landofzero-archive · 5 months
Ougonten - Account of the Dragon's Ascension 5
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Writer: Kanata Haruka
Season: Winter
(Location: Starmony Dorm Common Area)
(A few days later)
Mika: Ngah~…… I wonder why this happened.
Mitsuru: Mika-ni~chan, cheer up! Keep it together!
Mika: Mitsuru-kun, sorry. I understand I gotta keep it together but……
But I never thought somethin’ like this would happen if I left things to Ran-senpai.
Nagisa: …… I’m sorry. I didn’t expect it either. My apologies, the result was unexpected, but a little funny.
Mika: Funny, huh…… I’m seriously worried about this~! I knew it, I shouldn’t have left it to Ran-senpai!
Mitsuru: But you also agreed with Nagisa-senpai’s strategy, right?
Mika: Uuu…… I thought it was a good idea when I heard it.
Nagisa: …… In the SNS trend of Mika-kun being a god, I introduced a new development in which I would appear as a new god.
…… The strategy was to transfer the popular trend from Mika-kun to me in the process.
…… With God Mode, I would be comfortable appearing in a context that treats me as a god.
Mitsuru: Actually, everyone was really excited to see Nagisa-senpai’s appearance!
Didn’t Nagisa-senpai write that first post on SNS and make it popular?
Nagisa: …… I used my screen name and account to prevent people from identifying me.
…… I will use that account to defeat the god Mika-kun and prepare the process for me to take his place as the new god.
…… After that, I was planning to start weaving a new story in which my fans would all treat me as a god, just the same as when Mika-kun became a god.
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Mika: But the result is that the number of gods has increased to two~. Why is it that Ran-senpai and I are supposed to rule the world as friends?
If I were to rule the world, I’d be better off doing it together with Oshi-san!
Mitsuru: I’m glad that Nagisa-senpai and Mika-ni~chan have become friends!
Nagisa: …… I was surprised to find out that the people who consider Mika-kun a god were stronger than anticipated.
Mika: If anythin’, I feel like they’re more riled up than before……
Nagisa: …… An enemy presence is essential as an element to liven up a story. Apparently I was perfect for the casting.
…… Right now Mika-kun and I are happily ruling the world together, but the lead up was truly a battle between gods.
…… Fufu. It was interesting to see someone come up with ideas that I would never have thought of myself.
…… In particular, I would like to praise the author who turned Mika-kun into “Ougonten” and scatter gold coins, causing me to drown in a sea of golden coins.
…… It’s fairly amusing if you interpret it as Mika-kun hitting me on the cheek with a wad of bills……♪
Mika: I still don’t understand Ran-senpai very well. Why are ya findin’ this interestin’?
Nagisa: …… Is it not interesting? It was truly a passionate moment when I activated God Mode and split the sea of gold coins, wasn’t it?
Mika: No, I don’t care about that. The problem is that nothin’s solved in the end.
Nagisa: …… I’m sorry about that. Certainly, I was unable to dethrone Mika-kun from godhood.
…… If you think about it, this novel was started by Mika-kun’s fans. A story where Mika-kun loses is unforgivable.
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Mitsuru: But Mika-ni~chan and Nagisa-senpai’s fans all get along and enjoy the story.
Nagisa: …… Indeed. That was the most unexpected thing. It’s not that our fans fight, but that they influence each other and become good friends.
…… In that sense, I don’t think my nosiness this time was all that bad.
Mika: Well, that’s true, but……
Nagisa: …… In the end, this was just a temporary trend. If you wait, it’ll fade away someday.
…… Doing various things poorly to try and fix it might just be more likely to generate opportunities to create even more attention for it, like in this instance.
…… I believe the best solution is to quietly watch without overreacting.
Mika: I guess I should just wait until everyone gets bored and not do anythin’ unnecessary……
Hmmm. If that’s the case then that’s fine…… Haaah
Mitsuru: Mika-ni~chan, are you okay? That was a big sigh wasn’t it?
Mika: Ahh, yeah. I’m fine, Mitsuru-kun. Thank ya lots for yer concern.
…… The fact that all my fans are writing novels with me as the main character, and that they’re excited about it…
If they’re happy, they’re happy. I think they’re doing that because they like me.
But I’m still inexperienced. It’s really uncomfortable to be treated like a god.
I’m not that big a deal. It’s like my name is taking on a life of its own……
Mitsuru: Mika-ni~chan……
I can kinda understand how Mika-ni~chan feels.
I’ve always played cool roles, so I’ve always seen myself as a cool person.
So I thought maybe that’s what people wanted from me……
It’s like they don’t see the real me and I feel lonely.
Mika: I feel like saying I’m lonely is a little different but…… That’s right, isn’t it.
Mitsuru-kun, you still keep getting cool roles don’t you? Don’t you think it’s tough?
Mitsuru: Yep! But it’s fun to play cool roles!
Mika-ni~chan would also be happy to have a story written where you’re the main character, right?
Mika: It’s like I said before. I’m happy to have people who accept me no matter what.
Mitsuru: Then you should cherish that Mika-ni~chan like that!
Mika: Eh? What do ya mean by cherishing me like that?
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Mitsuru: Hmm…… I dunno! I don’t really understand difficult things either!
But the most important thing is that Mika-ni~chan is happy!
I think it’s be great if Mika-ni~chan enjoyed the part that makes you feel happy!
Mika: …… I see. I kinda understand what Mitsuru-kun wanted to say.
I was thinkin’ about it too deeply, but I think it might be a good idea to enjoy the current situation.
If that’s the case, I’ll try to enjoy this situation a little more now that I’ve become a god♪
Nagisa: …… Is it correct to think that you’ve sorted out your feelings?
Mika: Yep. Thanks to Mitsuru-kun, I feel like I’ve gotten over it. Thank you♪
Mitsuru: Ehehe! If Mika-ni~chan feels better, then I’ll be happy too!
Mika: Ran-senpai…… There’s a lot of things I want to say, but I’d like to thank ya fer helpin’ me this time.
Nagisa: …… Fufu. I don’t think I was much help this time.
Mika: Don’t worry about the details! Please accept my gratitude sincerely.
Nagisa: …… Is that so, I’m happy to have you thank me. I, too, will be sincerely happy.
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jynrso · 7 months
i'll guide you through
this short oneshot was created because i was surprised that none of the other characters reacted during the dark urge "try and kill your love interest" scene in act 2. they all seemed to know about it in the morning, though, which made me think that they probably heard something. and then i figured that, the closer you get to act 3 and baldur's gate, the stronger the urge becomes. basically i think that the night in act 2 might be repeated more than once! thus: this fic was born this isn't connected to my other bg3 series – merely a standalone fic with a different protagonist! the player character in this fic uses they/them pronouns and remains unnamed to make this fic a little more ambiguous. read it on ao3!
This isn’t Tav’s first . . . episode –– and Shadowheart doubts it’ll be the last. 
As soon as their party crossed the boundary into Baldur’s Gate, their leader’s urges had become more frequent and insistent. On more than one occasion, she’s watched them begin speaking and then trail off, staring off into nowhere as their face grows whiter and whiter as the Urge whispers atrocities into their ear. While their little group all has varying degrees of success in snapping them out of their head, surprisingly enough, it’s Astarion who can really get through to them. 
But on nights like this one, where their screams and rabid howling pierce through the quiet, there’s often nothing that can be done except to wait it out. 
At the sound of pained growling, Shadowheart’s mind stalls on the line of the prayer she’d been reciting. She presses her lips together tightly, waiting a few seconds for the sound to die out, then restarts . . . only to once again get interrupted a few seconds later. 
Rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hand, she looks wearily through the gap in her tent to the camp around her. Though all of them had turned in a few hours ago, she doubts any of her companions are actually asleep. The atmosphere is tense, on edge, and thick with worry; they’re all waiting for the episode to end or if they’re needed, just in case. 
Waiting to see if Astarion can’t handle them on his own. 
The vampire has managed fine so far but they all hear the vitriol spat clearly in his direction when the Urge takes control. As he’s told everyone time and time again, Astarion claims he's good with rope (she has no intention of finding out whether that’s true), but even the strongest of restraints break eventually. And if they were to get loose in this state. . .the damage they could do, not only to their companions but to themself.
Sighting, Shadowheart shifts away from the tent’s opening, officially giving up on her attempt at prayer. Instead, she turns to the unfinished healing potion she’d abandoned earlier, herbs scattered in one corner of her space. It’s a mindless enough task and a useful one, too; after what they’d been through in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, their supplies could use restocking. 
“Knock, knock!” Astarion’s voice startles her; as soon as she hears it, she tenses up, arm moving for her weapon before she realizes just who it is. “I’m coming in, regardless of what ––  or who –– you’re doing in there.” 
Underneath his mask of false cheerfulness, when Astarion enters the tent, Shadowheart can see the exhaustion hanging off of him. His usual dark circles appear puffier and more prominent underneath his eyes. His shoulders slump forward, his body tight with anxiety even though he tries to hide it, puffing himself up with an overly exaggerated and obviously false sense that nothing is wrong. She doesn’t know why he needs to hold up appearances when everyone in camp knows the situation but she doesn’t question it; if this is what he needs to do to cope, then it’s not her place to say otherwise. 
His presence, however, is unexpected, leaving dozens of possibilities running through her mind, ranging from bad to worse. Surely he wouldn’t have left their side if things were bad? Surely he wouldn’t be pretending like this and cracking half-hearted jokes if something were truly wrong?
Doing her best to stay calm, she asks evenly, “Is everything all right?” 
“Everything is fine ,” he stresses. When she levels him with a stare, he holds up his hands and adds, “Well, fine considering the, ah, current situation . They’re resting. Or –– trying to.” 
“A sleep potion might help,” she muses to herself, mind whirring through possibilities. She feels. . .well, if she can’t be there with them, then maybe her knowledge of magic can help. “Or Gale could try ––” 
“They’ve tried that already,” Astarion snaps. The frustration that he’d been trying hide begins to slip into his voice –– it’s not at her, she suspects, but at the situation. All of them feel powerless but Astarion likely more than anyone else. “The godsdamned Urge is stronger than that. Nothing fucking works!” 
Shadowheart crosses her arms over her chest, saying nothing and waiting. 
After a few seconds, he sighs, shoulders slumping. One hand runs through his uncharacteristically mussed hair. “I . . . didn’t come here to yell at you.” 
“You haven’t scared me away yet,” she says mildly. 
“I shouldn’t linger too long but. . .” he glances over his shoulder in the direction of his tent. The camp remains silent for now but she doubts it’ll be this way for long. “Look, do you have any extra healing potions or –– or something? The rope is rubbing their wrists raw and bloody, so I thought . . . ” 
Shadowheart softens, understanding why he’s come to her specifically. “Lucky for you, I just finished crafting one.” 
She hands him the vial. He clutches it tightly in his hand, holding it protectively close to his chest. But when he opens his mouth again, presumably to offer her another attempt at a light-hearted quip, she raises a hand and cuts him off before that. 
“Do you need anything?” she asks pointedly. 
Astarion frowns, drawing himself up. Confusion etches itself across his expression. “Not that I’m not flattered you ask but why ––” 
Best to lay it out plainly. She’s not offering anything but if he asks. . . “I can’t imagine it’s easy being around their blood all night.” 
A beat. And then––
“How dare you,” Astarion seethes, eyes flashing. He takes a step forward but she doesn’t back away, chin raising in the face of his anger. “How dare you suggest that I can’t control myself or –– or that I would ever hurt them!” 
Shadowheart clenches her jaw, meeting his steely words with some of her own. “Excuse me for worrying about them when they’re already vulnerable.” 
“They have nothing to worry about, not with me,” he hisses. “The rest of you? Who’s to fucking say! But not with me. ” 
Her instinct is to throw a rebuttal, to retort and say he’s the only one who had hurt them so far with how frequently he takes their blood, but the words don’t come. Instead, she bites her tongue and takes a second to study him. 
She’s never trusted him, not fully, but right now, she sees nothing but devotion in his eyes. Devotion to them. He really believes what he’s saying to be true, she realizes. The blaze of anger he feels toward her is not on his behalf, but on theirs. 
“Besides,” he mutters, almost to himself. “It’s not like they can’t take care of themself, even when they’re like this.” 
Though he’s the only one who’s directly faced the Urge at its peak, they’d all seen what had happened to the bard who’d stayed at their camp near Emerald Grove. Nobody wants that to happen again. But if it does . . . it’s Astarion who’s on the front line. He’ll do whatever he can to subdue them, even at the cost of himself. 
(Later, once the Urge has fled the next morning and they’ve all gotten the chance to properly rest, Shadowheart realizes that this is the first time she’s seen Astarion be selfless, to worry about someone else more than he worries about himself. It’s an unfamiliar, almost jolting change in his personality –– but not necessarily an unwelcome one, especially when it’s directed toward them.) 
“All right,” she acquiesces finally. “You should get back to them. Before anything happens.” 
He nods stiffly, turning to go. 
There’s a slight pang of guilt in her chest for questioning him but she pushes it away. He’s not the only one in their camp who cares for the leader, even if he sometimes forgets. So just before he leaves, she offers up in an attempt at an olive branch, “If you need a break, everyone is up. Just . . . let one of us know.” 
Eyebrows narrowing, his mouth opens in preparation to snap at her again. His fangs flash in the low light of her tent, every inch a predator, but then he pauses, lips pressing together, head cocking to the side. 
“And deprive myself of the pleasure of hearing my darling tell me all the ways they want to murder me in graphic detail?” A half-smile tugs up at the corner of his lips but then he softens. “It’s not up to me but . . . I’ll ask them. When I can.” 
Shadowheart lingers in the entrance of the tent for a few seconds, watching as Astarion ducks down and enters his own. His presence seems to have reawakened the Urge; moments later, the angry muttering begins again, steadily growing in heat and volume. 
Astarion has it handled, for now. Still, she wishes there was more that she could do for them. They’d been with her every step of the way, especially in the aftermath of confronting the Nightsong. 
And yet there’s nothing she can do for them when they need it. 
With an ache in her chest, Shadowheart turns back to where she’d been grinding up herbs for the next batch of potions. This she can do. When they need healing for physical wounds, either tomorrow morning or further in the future, she’ll have her magic and potions ready. 
Moon maiden, keep them safe . . .
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maximumcheese · 1 year
Playing Cards - They Stand Shoulder to Shoulder 1
Location: ES
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A few hours later
Aira: Alkaloid’s emergency meeting, start!
…Well, I announced it but. With Tattsun-senpai’s hectic driving, I’m still kinda dragging my feet.
Mayoi: Since we hurried to get back here, there’s no time to be thinking about a vacation.
Aira: I’m glad we could get back quickly, if only thanks to that Rapture Driving.
I had a talk with Tenshouin-senpai as soon as I arrived at ES, so I want a break for my heart too…
Tatsumi: Well then, let me continue our conversation. While we are talking, I’d also like to sort some things out.
Hiiro: Thank you, Tatsumi-senpai. I’ll also try to explain everything I know properly.
Tatsumi: You don’t have to get worked up about it. I was shocked at your statement in the rose garden but…
After my chat with Eichi-san, I was able to get the picture, albeit vaguely.
It was in some kind of ambiguous manner of speaking, but in short, Eichi-san is looking for a good result from Alkaloid for now, I suppose.
While participating in the nationwide idol festival SS despite being rookie idols—
I feel like they were making the sort of request where, by then, we would have enough accolades to make a name for ourselves amongst other units, and they hoped they would become a foil for us. 
Aira: A newbie fresh off the farm participating in SS is kinda surprising, huh.
From an idol fan’s standpoint, they might wonder how an idol group without the least bit of familiarity could even be in SS.
That is, not the prelim rounds, but the main one.
…Well, I’ve also seen rumors online that ES is getting really fired up about this year’s SS. I don’t know what it’ll be like.
Mayoi: However, if it’s a demand specifically for Alkaloid, why didn’t they gather us to discuss it?
If you were to give orders to Alkaloid, wouldn’t it make more sense to gather the four of us to talk instead of messing around with just Hiiro-san…?
Hiiro: …We talked about this in the car, but I think it’s because my remark was the thing that lit the fuse.
Aira: The thing you told us about before in the cafeteria, right?
When the staff member asked Alkaloid in the office about what kind of work Alkaloid would like to do in the future.
Hiiro: Yes. I didn't tell you what I had said in response to their question.
I replied that I had no particular hopes…Apparently, the so-called “big-wig” of the office had heard my response.
Tatsumi: They said they were dissatisfied with Hiiro-san’s response, as he did not have the feeling of a strong spirit of both a rookie idol and a member of Starpro.
Since I’m sure the power to exert influence by those who hold authority in the agency is great, we know what’s going to happen to us, if only right now…
Hiiro: Yeah. Since the big-wig harbors a bad impression of me, it’s only natural that it’s my duty to eradicate it.
It’s also because I am Alkaloid’s leader.
The impressions of the monarch (leader) also become the impression of the unit that they govern.
I wonder if that’s why Tenshouin-senpai has been working on me to recover.
Tatsumi: This is nothing more than a guess, but I’m also of the same general opinion.
Mayoi: B-But! I was also there when the staff asked the question.
I didn’t think that what Hiiro-san was saying was a negative thing, and I even agreed with his point.
That is why I’m guilty of the same crime…I don’t think that Hiiro-san is the only one that should feel liable.
Hiiro: Mayoi-senpai…
Aira: I mean, even when Tattsun-senpai and I heard you talking about it in the cafeteria, I didn’t really think anything of it. There’s no reason to get too worried about it, Mayo-san.
Besides, we know what Hiro-kun was feeling when he answered that, right?
So even when I listen to what Hiro-kun has to say now, it’s kinda like…I understand how someone could take what he said a different way.
Hiiro: Tenshouin-senpai also said that celebrities' comments can be taken out of context and circulated around.
Tatsumi: It is sad that a statement’s true meaning, in its correct form, isn’t what gets passed around. Now, let us consider the things we can do, and the things we should do.
Perhaps this is the only time that Eichi-san is able to sound an alarm that is easy to understand.
Because pain is an essential part of growth. To overcome this pain, to use it as nourishment. To hope for an even greater growth.
Hiiro: That’s right, I want to grow and become stronger. Enough that I can protect myself when I get caught in a real dilemma.
Aira: Maybe during a time like that, someone like Anzu-san will lend a hand. It’s not good to rely on others, though.
Mayoi: Even more, we need to do things like be able to sense or get out of a crisis all on our own. We have to gain our own strength as idols, huh…
Aira: Actually, I’d want the office to protect us from crises and threats, right? Isn’t that the point of an agency? Or at least that’s what I think it is.
But. Considering what happened to the other units, you just never know what the people of the office might do to you, huh…
Ah, I’m not bad mouthing the big-wigs or anything. I’m just talking about the cruelty of society!
Tatsumi: It’s fine. We’re the only ones here, and since no one else is listening, please have some peace of mind.
Hiiro: …Even though we are beings created by ES—
We cannot allow ES and Starpro to take control of the fate and initiative of Alkaloid forever.
Going forward, I don’t know what’s going to happen but—
To decide our own path. Perhaps we will be the ones able to determine that.
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yyumemika · 3 months
Ougonten: Registry of Dragons Part Five
Registry of Dragons: Part Five
(Several days later) 
Mika: Nnah~... Why’s this gotta happen. 
Mitsuru: Mikanii-chan, chin up! Stay strong! 
Mika: Sorry, Mitsuru-kun. I know that I gotta stay strong but… 
But I really didn’t think somethin’ like this would happen if we left it to Ran-senpai. 
Nagisa: …Sorry. It was unexpected for me too. As sorry as I am, I’m rather intrigued by what the outcome will be. 
Mika: Intrigued ya say… But I’m seriously worried~! I really wish I hadn’t trusted ya with it! 
Mitsuru: But, isn’t Nagisa-senpai’s strategy in favour of Mikanii-chan? 
Mika: Ugh… I thought it was a good idea to just do what I was told. 
Nagisa: …In the flow of making Mika-kun a God, which is trending on SNS, I will bring in a development in which I appear as a new God. 
…By doing so, the strategy is to transfer Mika-kun’s popularity to me. 
…If I have a “God mode”, I can appear in context and be treated as a God without it being out of place. 
Mitsuru: In fact, everyone was super pumped for Nagisa-senpai’s appearance! 
Wasn’t the first part also posted on SNS and made popular by Nagisa-senpai? 
Nagisa: …I tried not to display my account or handle name. 
…Using that account, I’ll defeat the divine Mika-kun and prepare a process for me to take over as a new God. 
…After that, I had plans to start weaving a new story in which my fans would treat me as a God, just like what happened to Mika-kun. 
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Mika: But, now the number of Gods has jus’ increased to two~ Why do me and Ran-senpai gotta rule over the world as best buddies?
If I were gonna rule the world, it’d be together with Oshisan! 
Mitsuru: Well I’m happy that Nagisa-senpai and Mikanii-chan have become so close! 
Nagisa: …Mika-kun’s divine powers are so much stronger than I thought, even I’m surprised. 
Mika: I kinda get the feelin’ yer more excited now than ya were before… 
Nagisa: …For the climax of a story, having an enemy is critical. It seemed that I would be perfect for that role. 
…Now Mika-kun and I are ruling the world together, but the process was really a battle of the Gods. 
…Fufu. It was interesting to see some people come up with ideas that I would never have thought of. 
…In particular, I want to praise the author who made Mika-kun become “Ougonten” and scatter gold coins, making me drown in a sea of them. 
…It’s quite funny if you think of it as Mika-kun hitting someone like me with a wad of bills…♪
Mika: As always I don’t understand a thing about Ran-senpai. What’s so funny? 
Nagisa: …Wasn’t it funny? It really was a heated moment when I activated “God mode” and split the sea of gold coins. 
Mika: No, I ain't bothered about that. The problem is that after all that nothin’ has been resolved. 
Nagisa: …Sorry about that. It’s true that we still couldn’t bring Mika-kun down from his pedestal as a God. 
…If you think about it, this story was originally started by one of Mika-kun’s fans. They won’t let a story where Mika-kun loses slide. 
Mitsuru: But, Mikanii-chan’s fans and Nagisa-senpai’s fans are all getting along well and enjoying the story. 
Nagisa: …Yeah. That was really unexpected. Other’s fans shouldn’t argue, but instead influence each other and become friends. 
…In that sense, I don’t think my intervention this time was all bad. 
Mika: Well, I guess yer right there… 
Nagisa: …In the end, this is just a temporary trend. If you wait, it’ll die down eventually. 
…If you try to do something badly, it could end up creating more controversy, like this time. 
…I think the best solution is to quietly watch without overreacting. 
Mika: I guess I’m just gonna hafta wait till everyone gets bored, without sayin’ somethin’ unnecessary… 
H~mm. I guess it’s all well an good, then… Haa. 
Mitsuru: Mikanii-chan, are you okay? That was a huge sigh? 
Mika: Ah, yeah. I’m okay, Mitsuru-kun. Thanks fer worryin’ about me, though. 
…My fans’re gettin excited and writin’ stories with me as the main character and stuff like that. 
I’m real happy. I think they’re doin’ it cause they love me. 
But I’m still a complete novice. Treatin’ me like a God makes me feel uneasy. 
I’m not at all that great. It feels like I’m walkin’ alone with just my name… 
Mitsuru: Mikanii-chan… 
I can understand Mikanii-chan’s feelings, even just a little bit. 
I only ever play cool roles, so I’ve always had the image of myself as a cool person. 
That’s why I thought maybe everyone wanted me to be like that…  
I feel lonely, like no one is looking at the real me. 
Mika: It’s a little different than sayin’ I feel lonely. But… I see. 
Doesn’t Mitsuru-kun keep gettin’ offered cool roles? Don’t ya think it’s difficult? 
Mitsuru: Nope! Because playing cool parts is fun! 
Mikanii-chan is also happy that someone wrote a story with him as the main character, right? 
Mika: Yeah, like I said earlier. No matter what form it takes, if there’re people out there who recognize me, I’m happy. 
Mitsuru: In that case, it’s okay to cherish Mikanii-chan like that!
Mika: Eh? Whaddya ya mean, cherish me like that? 
Mitsuru: U~m… I dunno! I don’t really understand difficult words! 
But, the most important thing is that Mikanii-chan is happy! 
If you’re happy, I think it’s okay for Mikanii-chan to enjoy the parts that make him think that way! 
Mika: …I see. Somehow I understand what Mitsuru-kun is trying to say. 
I was overthinkin’ it, maybe it’s a good thing fer me to have fun. 
Honestly, I wanna try havin’ a little more fun in these circumstances where I’ve become a God♪
Nagisa: …Were you able to sort your feelings out? 
Mika: That’s right. Cause of Mitsuru-kun, I feel like I can move on. Thanks♪
Mitsuru: Ehehe! I’m happy that Mikanii-chan feels better! 
Mika: Ran-senpai too… There’s a lotta things I wanna say but thank’s fer helpin’ me out this time. 
Nagisa: …Fufu. I don’t really think I helped that much. 
Mika: Don’t worry ‘bout the details! Accept my gratitude will ya. 
Nagisa: …I suppose. I’m happy that you’re thanking me. I’ll be glad to accept. 
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astrasrebloggedfics · 3 months
Prompt Stories (not mine)
“Please?” the crown prince said hopefully.
The assassin hesitated. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this.”
“Come on, you’re doing great. Just one stab, it’ll be easy-peasy.” The prince  spread his arms wide, leaving his throat and chest vulnerable.
“Look, I’m going to level with you,” the assassin said. “I took this contract on the assumption that you were a bad dude. Usually when a country goes bankrupt this fast, it’s because whoever’s in charge is raiding the treasury. But once I infiltrated the guard, I actually had to spend time around you, and you’re just.” The assassin threw her hands up in disgust. “You’re a really nice person! There’s no getting around it! So I’m not super on board with murdering you now. Nothing personal.”
“But if you don’t, my sisters won’t get the life insurance payout, and the country will be in debt for the next century!”
“I’m pretty sure arranging for your own assassination is insurance fraud.”
“Your whole job is to commit murder,” the prince said, “and now you’re worried about a little insurance fraud?”
The assassin pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, let’s back up and think about this rationally. Have you considered faking your own death?”
The stone was immovable, in the past. Indestructible. A spire of granite no mortal hand could even alter.
But mortal hands build clever tools, and these last few hundred years I have lived in dread that they will break this, my sacred stone, the last link that preserves me, a faint shadow of a forgotten god. While my sacred stone stands, I do not, quite, fade away.
I am in a park, now, clipped and tamed, my forests long gone. But they landscape around me and my stone, admiring its beauty, so I do not complain. While they take pleasure in the stone, I am safe.
There is a playground a few lengths away, and the laughter and happy shrieking rouse me a little from my sleep. I watched over children, once. It’s nice to hear them again.
But I don’t truly awaken until the Offering is made.
Little hands touch my stone, with curiosity and a sort of reverence that only the very young feel now. For a child young enough the world is still a mystery, and even an ancient granite stone provokes wonder. So I stir, when she touches the stone, becoming hazily aware.
And then, solemnly, the child places a tiny colourful object in the roughly shaped alcove in the stone’s side, the place where offerings were laid two thousand years ago and more, and I awaken. Many people have put things in that alcove, of course… to take pictures, usually, these days, or putting a lost object where it will be seen. Merely to place an object in the alcove isn’t enough. A true offering is given as a gift, with intent.
As this is.
And I am awake, fully awake, as I have never been in the last thousand years, looking down at a tiny child with thick dark curls and a puffy pink coat protecting her against the spring chill. She adds a second jelly bean, and then a third, her face solemn. One red, one yellow, one white. Colours I once clothed my priestesses in, and I wonder if she has some gift of knowledge, or just chose colours that would stand out against the dark stone.
She pats the stone again, and smiles, then runs away to play. I do not fall back into sleep again, however, but I watch her run on short legs, curls bouncing, to play with the other children. I have a high priestess again.
My power is limited, very limited, but the bond between god and priestess is strong. Even when she leaves the park, I am dimly aware of her. A few nights later she has a nightmare, and I reach into her dreams to show her the stone, the stone where she will always be safe, and make the nightmare go away.
The next day, she brings a handful of peppermint candies and lays them solemnly in the alcove.
A few days after that, she brings another child, telling him confidently that the ‘special stone’ can make nightmares go away if you leave some candy. He offers a sticky lollipop, half-consumed but still valued by him, and I keep terrors from him at night.
Within a month, twenty-three children visit the stone regularly. A whole kindergarten class, I learn from the conversation of the teachers who bring them to the park once a week. Children this young are capable of great faith, and I strengthen rapidly. A magic stone that appears in bad dreams to make you safe is no more strange to them than the mysterious power that keeps a plane in the sky, or summons food to a supermarket, and they believe.
In the summer, Allie, my high priestess, comes to the stone crying, and makes her first request of me. Her cat has run away. Can I find it for her?
Animals are not difficult for me to influence, and the cat hasn’t wandered far. The next day, when her parents bring her to play, the cat is curled up on the stone in the warm sun, sleeping.
After that, the children’s faith is unshakeable, and my power grows. Toys lost or forgotten at the park are always found at the stone. Lost pets come to me, and small wishes are granted. One of my followers, Thuyet, is separated from his mother and lost. Later, he cannot explain to the satisfaction of any adult how he found his way from the supermarket to the park, but he and the other children know with absolute certainty that the stone protects them. They don’t find it strange that they always know the way to it, no matter where they are.
At the end of summer another child, Ida, is seriously injured in a car accident. They all come to me to ask me to help Ida, and her recovery is… well, perhaps not quite miraculous, but far faster and more complete than it would have been. When she comes back, she places a string of beads in the alcove, red and yellow and white, the colours I favour, and I impress them all by making the beads vanish in a moment when no-one is looking. Those beads are enough to give me a corporeal form again, of sorts, and I continue to grow stronger.
It’s well that I am strong enough, because in the middle of autumn, when the air begins to grow cold again, a man comes to the park. I taste danger on him the moment he crosses its boundary, for all the park is my holy ground now. At first he does nothing, only sits on a bench and feeds crumbs to the birds, but I don’t like the way he watches the children in the playground.
When he comes back again, the ill-intent wreaths around him, and I am alarmed. He means harm, I know he does. He tries to feed the birds again, but none will approach him. I warn them all that there is danger, that he is hunting, and though my kind and birds are rarely allies, they trust me in this. Again he watches the children, and I see his eyes follow those who are not watched closely. The parents don’t know, as the little ones do, why this park is so safe, but they sense it somewhere deep down. They look away more often, worry less, when the children are here, and he sees it.
The third time the man comes, it’s late afternoon. A number of children are playing, the ones who live so close that they can stay until twilight before going home. Some are under the care of parents, some of nannies or babysitters, some of older siblings. None of them see the man slip into the stand of trees and bushes near the stone. There’s a hollow in the middle, a hiding place where homeless people come sometimes to sleep for a night or two, or rest during the day. They, too, know this park is safe, and so long as they do no harm I protect them. But this man is different. He’s peering out, watching the children run around, and in his previous visits he watched long enough to know that all the youngest children will run to the stone at some point, often two or three times, and that losing sight of a child in that area worries no-one.
He uses my sacred stone, my holy place, as his hunting ground, and that I will not permit.
The man does not know how lucky he is. Once I was a serpent as long as ten men, a god feared and worshipped by all the tribes around, and well capable of devouring a sinner whole. The children, few and small, have not given me enough power to resume that form, not yet, so he is not torn by my fangs and consumed alive and screaming. The form I take now is no longer than his forearm, slender as a reed and patterned in red and yellow and white like a string of coloured beads. A little snake, one a child could pick up.
But venomous. Oh, so very venomous. He dies before he can crawl out of his hiding place in the bushes, his heart stopped between beats, and I return to my sacred stone content. I am a small, weak godling still, but I have the power to protect my worshippers.
When the body is found, two days later, the adults panic and keep the children away for a week. I don’t mind. Their faith in me is strong, now (stronger still when one finds out that the body was that of a man who liked to hurt children and tells the others), and serpents are patient. They will come back. And I will protect them.
Note: Today’s trope is the concept of ‘the serpent in the garden’ - subverted, of course. I liked the idea of a fearsome ancient god becoming the god of a playground, of small children and bad dreams, without really changing its nature.
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deadcactuswalking · 2 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 24/09/2022 (Anne-Marie/Aitch, BLACKPINK, Montell Fish)
Dethroning Capaldi’s debut from last week is “I’m Good (Blue)” by David Guetta and Bebe Rexha, becoming Rexha’s first #1 on the UK Singles Chart and Guetta’s seventh. His last #1 was 2014’s “Lovers on the Sun” featuring Sam Martin and his best – by far – was “Club Can’t Handle Me” with Flo Rida. It’s not even close. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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It’s a tried and true formula to make a hit out of an older hit in egregious form, and hey, I can’t stand the song but good for the duo and the Eiffel 65 guys especially. Guetta has been in comeback form for now while, it’s no surprise that he gets a worldwide hit with a song that resembles his old sound. Will it usurp the original’s three weeks at #1? I don’t know, but what I do know are the notable dropouts, songs exiting from the UK Top 75 – which is what I cover – after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. This week, the list includes “There’d Better be a Mirrorball” by the Arctic Monkeys – it’ll be back with the album – but also “Yellow” by Coldplay, “Can’t Be Us” by Headie One, Bandokay and Abra Cadabra, “ALIEN SUPERSTAR” by Beyoncé, “Cold Heart” (PNAU Remix) by Elton John and Dua Lipa – finally, and “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi off of the return from last week.
What’s replacing these songs? Well, in terms of re-entries, “When it Rains it Pours” by Bad Boy Chiller Crew is back at #71, and in terms of notable gains, we have “Sex, Drugs, Etc.” by Beach Weather at #54, “All These Nights” by Tom Grennan at #51, “Kiss Me” by Dermot Kennedy at #50, “LA Leakers Freestyle” by Central Cee riding virality to #40, “Pink Venom” by BLACKPINK at #38 thanks to the album boost (more on that later), “2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)” by Lizzo at #28, “CUFF IT” by Beyoncé at #20, and “Big City Life” by Luude and Mattafix returning to the top 10 at #9.
The top five on the UK Singles Chart is pretty similar to last week, with “Super Freaky Girl” by Nicki Minaj at #5, “I Ain’t Worried” by OneRepublic at #4, “B.O.T.A. (Baddest of Them All)” by Eliza Rose and Interplanetary Criminal at #3 and of course the switcheroo between Lewis Capaldi’s “Forget Me” and “I’m Good (Blue)” at the top. Now, as is tradition, let’s take a look at albums that I listened to from this week that did not impact the singles chart.
Off the Charts
Opening the Door – Little Dragon
See, this is an odd week: every album here is just one I’m kind of lukewarm on, and therefore this WILL actually be brief for once. This is an EP from Swedish electronic pop group Little Dragon, and it’s pretty likely to go in one ear and leave out of the other, with its at times bubbly but mostly smooth R&B grooves that don’t grow old as much as they flick into the background, to the point that even a JID verse is disappointing. It’s definitely passable, and kind of a vibe, but outside of the closer “Peace” with Stefan Sandberg, which is striking enough sonically, I don’t really care much about this.
Hold the Girl – Rina Sawayama
I didn’t really like the debut but I figured that this could be more of a refinement and man, it just kind of trails off in a really disappointing way. It debuted at #3 on the Albums Chart and I get why – it is a pretty decent pop album, but every single song kind of reminds me of a song that I can’t really put my finger on, and it’s really distracting. The production is mostly good but never immaculate, and a lot of these sweet hooks never punch as hard as they need to. If she was going for restraint, I’d get it, but a lot of this is gunning for the camp and the melodrama which I don’t think it executes that well, with the experimentation midway through the album just sounding tacked-on, even more so than the debut. My favourite track is “Send My Love to John”.
Impostor Syndrome – AG Club
Alternative rap group AG Club deliver their most refined project to date, with the most actual track ideas and musical progressions, and some killer beats, but again, I’m disappointed. There is a lot of experimentation within and beyond the pop-rap format but it really only selectively works to make compelling songs, and whilst the rapping is good, it’s not that quotable and they get overshadowed basically every single time by their guest stars. If you want a catchy, kind of out-there album with good production, it’s there, but looking for anything more, just like with Sawayama, might leave yo a bit disappointed. My favourite track is the undeniable and jazzy “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” with some incredible verses from both redveil and especially Glen the Saiyan, as well as vocals from Sam Truth. Oh, and these guys can do emo-pop surprisingly well.
I Love You Jennifer B – Jockstrap
Maybe my expectations were just set too high but whilst there is some damn great music from the art pop duo, I feel let down by some elements of this. To get that out of the way first, Taylor Skye’s production is a lot less consistent and a cohesive sound gets really lost in the clashing frictions that are there fully on purpose but unintentionally distract from excellent performances from Georgia Ellery, and elsewhere, it has some great moments. The plummeting dread of “Neon” leads to a cathartic noise rock breakdown, the synth freakout on “Concrete Over Water” is well-deserved and the narrative and emotional thoroughline becomes increasingly clarified in the second half, particularly on “Glasgow”. That’s also where the album starts to fall for me, though. Whilst “Greatest Hits” is cute, it lyrically feels a bit lacking and honestly like a third draft, which makes it feel overly cryptic at best and just straight up annoying and unremarkable at worst, especially on the vulnerable yet frustrating “Angst”. As for the production gripes, it also gets worse and the demo qualities of the practically-a-closer “Lancaster Court” prevent it from being as ghostly as it could be and just make it unnecessarily tense. “50/50” is a jam but I have no idea how it sonically or thematically fits in here. All these dichotomies may just be why people love this so much, but I found this album to be sonically really promising and at times reaching that greatness, but ultimately lacking in actual development of these ideas. My favourite track is the sweetest, “What’s it All About?”, where Ellery careens with uncertainty on filtered acoustics and I wish the album was more focused to really hit home. And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...
#75 – “World’s Smallest Violin” – AJR
Produced by Ryan Met
We’re seriously doing this? We’re giving AJR a sleeper hit? To be fair, it’s not the worst song we could have given a hit to off of OK ORCHESTRA – I don’t know why I even listened to that album – but “Way Less Sad” was pushed and is probably the only tolerable track off of that record. Regardless, here we are with the brotherly trio’s new viral hit and obviously, I’m not a fan. Their typically obnoxious and chintzy tone is out here in full force, and AJR have always sounded like a show tune band with way too synthetic tones, especially the vocals here that act as backing and harmonies which feel like barbershop quartets and aren’t mixed particularly well. That’s of course before we get to the chorus which is just painful. I get the ambition, but Jack Met’s falsetto is not pleasant and the fading in of all of these synthetic, MIDI-sounding instruments in the messy drop just does not make sense other than flexing the fact that you have several different presets. Ignoring the... vaping reference, the lyrics aren’t awful though. Most of it is self-deprecative anyway, as he acknowledges his own complaining as unimportant yet still wanting an audience for his bitching as well as his achievements despite the fact that he’ll never be as impressive and his cause will never be as dire. Sure, it’s sold with as little tact as possible because it’s AJR, but it’s not reprehensible so really, my one complaint is the production, but God, it’s a large complaint. It’s so full of ideas yet so void of any of them at the same time. It almost reminds me of the more jovial levels of Super Mario Galaxy 2 if I can make any real contemporary sonic comparison, and yes, I know I just called a Wii game contemporary but I’m getting old, and if I can relate to AJR on anything, it is that.
#65 – “BILLIE EILISH.” – Armani White
Produced by July da Producer
I mean, it’s a good way to get your song in search results, right? Part of me hopes that Billie releases a response called “ARMANI WHITE.”, but what really is there to respond to here? The name-drop is in the chorus but it’s a cute reference to how he also needs a big shirt like Eilish often wears not because of anxiety but instead because he’s got a Glock under there. She’s not referenced throughout the rest of the song, and really, it just makes looking for this specific song more difficult since I’m going to see better songs by Eilish herself and just listen to those instead... which is a shame because I kind of like this. It relies on a recognisable sample of N.O.R.E.’s “Nothin’”, which peaked at #11 in the UK in 2002, which lays a pretty nice Middle Eastern sample from the peak era of the Neptunes behind July da Producer’s filters and heavy trap beat. I’m not a fan of his Auto-Tuned ad-libs but he has charisma as a vocalist, even if he’s slipping and sliding outside of the beat in a way that’s kind of sloppy. Sadly, there’s not much to be heard here in terms of actual punchlines and the song’s barely a minute and a half, so I’d stick to the original by N.O.R.E. with much more dynamic production and a Hell of a lot more style from both Pharrell’s hook and N.O.R.E.’s verse which are as distinct as ever even on a radio cut. He even name-drops Smash Mouth and Creed for like no reason, so the tradition of naming random alternative acts in your unrelated pop-rap hit continues to this day.
#61 – “Danielle (smile on my face)” – Fred again..
Produced by Fred again.., Benji Gibson, PARISI and Four Tet
I haven’t enjoyed much of the production work from Fred again.., especially as a lead artist, but I’m always willing to check out something from him because he tends to crib ideas or names that I have a fondness for, even if the songs don’t end up in my personal rotation. Most of the time, his songs act as cool ideas rather than actually functioning house tracks, and I was afraid that’d be the case with this one. After all, it relies on another very recognisable sample of Kanye protégé and alternative R&B singer 070 Shake’s “Nice to Have”, which of course didn’t chart but I think is pretty good as Shake goes into her typically flippant murmuring to express the humbling love that she feels with her partner. More broadly, it’s about the benefits of human companionship and the warping synth bass that initially trembles under her voice becomes this chasm of sound that briefly encapsulates her in the final chorus before the typical MIKE DEAN synth sound just buzzes away into the distance. It’s a great song, so how’s Mr. Again’s remix? Well, I think maybe 070 Shake deserved a feature credit given it’s a complete rework, but maybe her lawyers are worse than Future’s. All of the charm in the original is lost with this remix, it’s really awful. I like glitchy outsider house but the drums here are claustrophobic and it doesn’t help that the rubbery synth bass is really annoying, clashing generally with the content whilst not really repurposing it for any understandable recontextualisation. The vocal stem sounds like one of those DIY YouTube uploads, and the lyrics remain intact but less convincing when she sings “There’ll be a smile on my face” over cloudy, lo-fi grooveless music and a piercing level of wonky synth by the end that just contradicts everything about the original song that I liked. What an uncomfortable remix that just misses the point entirely. 070 Shake worked well with Swedish House Mafia earlier this year too so there’s precedent that this could work... but clearly not with Fred. Once again(..), I end up disappointed with his production.
#27 – “Hotel” – Montell Fish
Produced by Montell Fish
It’s sometimes weird to see such a limited star power in the name of someone debuting in the top 40, but this is a song that had gone viral on TikTok a while ago and was only now released to streaming platforms, seeing a lot of initial viral success for this Montell Fish guy who despite his low profile, has a couple big alternative R&B hits on streaming platforms, and I do like this new track. The fuzzy synths that come in on the first verse feel very MIKE DEAN-esque but given the distortion and guitar feedback that starts the track, and Fish’s tone being very different to say, an awkward Steve Lacy or a buttery Giveon, giving it all to his multi-tracked falsetto vocals that are just imperfect and lo-fi enough to really strike a “bedroom” resonance without being overly dissonant. The drums are mixed a bit too messily for me to dig fully, but I do get the chasm of that snare having a lot of impact for people, and it definitely fades into the wonderfully blended soundscape in both verses, only really becoming a bother during the bridge where those alarming synths aren’t there. I do have some nitpicks that keep me from fully enjoying the song too, like the guitar solo being kind of sloppy, and the lack of lyrical detail: I’ve been calling them verses, but it’s really just one chorus and it’s not particularly well-enunciated. These wouldn’t be problems if it weren’t for the production not being as top-notch as it should be, and the abrupt ending is a real misfire because this has a lot of potential, and with a rework from someone more professional or interesting – Hell, maybe MIKE DEAN should get on this and see what he can do – this could really be great, because there is something here and I’ll be watching out for Montell Fish for the years to come.
#24 – “Shut Down” – BLACKPINK
Produced by Teddy Park and 24
This one is a lot easier to explain. BLACKPINK released their album BORN PINK and whilst it debuted at #1 on the albums chart, it’s not one I listened to because, well, K-pop isn’t exactly something I’m interested in hearing. It’s a lot more conventional than “Pink Venom” which I still don’t understand and honestly, I like this. Putting “La Campanella” behind a trap beat sounds like something that should have been done before this, and the bass does boom behind a pretty hard instrumental, and thankfully, BLINK – if I’m allowed to call them that – spend most of the verses in Korean, as much of the group sound much more natural in their native languages. The girls sound pretty great in the braggadocious chorus, and “it’s black and it’s pink once the sun’s down” is a line that just kind of goes hard as a sentence... which is not something I often say about really any song here. Jennie’s verse is mostly in English, partly since she spent a lot of time studying in New Zealand so is fluent, and she sounds great. Sure, the flexing isn’t all that impressive but the melodic flows are hard-hitting and she trades off with Lisa really well. That final drop and outro has a lot more swagger than it has any right to be, and the violins all over the track sound really crisp alongside the trap percussion. For the first time probably ever, I can say that BLACKPINK’s attempts at rap have paid off for once, because this is great. It took a couple years but I guess they’re finally in my area.  
#16 – “PSYCHO” – Anne-Marie and Aitch
Produced by Billen Ted and Mojam
I guess it’s just Opposite Day this week because, yes, I am about to say I like this song too. Now, it’s not because of Aitch – he’s barely here with his tiny verse and he’s barely on beat. It’s not even really because of the production either, even though it is good. The simple, J. White Did It-esque basic and cheap piano line would probably work more for an... actual rapper – yes, I know Aitch is here, he doesn’t count – alongside the trap beat, but much unlike the BLACKPINK song before, the percussion stutters in a way that stodges through the verses and just absolutely kills in the chorus. The real star here is Anne-Marie, who for once turns that bratty energy and off-kilter voice to something really passionate with all the distorted filters, sloppy Auto-Tune and voice cracks shining through in a way that emphasises this toxic, messy relationship in an effective albeit incredibly unsubtle way. Her interplay and chemistry with Aitch is surprisingly there, and the “Mambo No. 5” interpolation is just stupid enough to work – and, no, it’s not sampled heavily enough for me to dig up its chart history. Just know that Bob the Builder’s cover hit #1 the day the towers fell. This is not supposed to be taken seriously in any way, and I don’t know if it was Billen Ted or Mojam that came up with making the vocal loop sound like complete garbage in the drop but Goddamn, it’s practically industrial and sounds incredible. It’s not all that far from what Black Dresses would do, and for a pop song, it doesn’t play around or dampen it down that much. The bratty melodrama and personality is here, more on Anne-Marie’s slide than it is for Aitch, whose vocal mixing is so awful it has got to be intentional. For whatever reason, I think this will last even shorter than the BLACKPINK song, and I know people do hate this, but I’m into this a lot and I hope to hear more complete nonsense like this on the pop charts.
Yeah, Best of the Week is going to “PSYCHO” by Anne-Marie and Aitch, with a strong Honourable Mention to BLACKPINK for “Shut Down”. Yeah, it’s not often I can say any of that. As for the worst, since it was a mostly middling week, I really do have to give AJR the Worst of the Week for “World’s Smallest Violin” but “Danielle (smile on my face)” by Fred again.. is oddly close as the Dishonourable Mention. Being in the same breath as AJR is never a career highlight.
As for what’s on the horizon, I can expect some movement in the coming months. The charts sometimes tend to ramp up during these last few portions of the year, and it’s always exciting. With Taylor Swift coming soon, some episodes may be just rife with discourse. But for now, thank you for reading and I’ll see you next week!
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ziracona · 2 years
I used to be way more of a doormat and appeasing because I was raised to be polite, but after enough people taking advantage of that, by college I was like “I’m really done wasting my time enabling horrible behavior. Look, bud, you now get the same level of thoughtfulness/tact/politeness as you give—ima mirror whatever approach you come at me with, because I don’t have the energy to put 110% into a relationship while you give 40 anymore” and it’s so funny that like without fail the kind of people you’ll show your favorite movie to super excited who will then go “Eh I didn’t really like it it was kinda boring” or be even worse instead of like, saying nothing, or finding a polite thing to say, are sooo shocked when you just honestly tell them what you think of stuff they share back.
Like it’s almost uproariously funny. One dude was like “I’m gonna make fun of you & your taste & fave game for reccing it to me since you liked it so much yourself, bc while I haven’t even touched this video game personally, I watched a game sins video on it one time, so I have a PHD in knowing it has no redeeming qualities,” and then was just offended out of his head at how hurtful I was for when he wanted me to watch a show he liked and I was like “Thanks for thinking of me, but I know the MC from the show this is a spinoff of, and find her impossibly obnoxious, and I just don’t think the story would be worth it to me,” like just couldn’t believe I’d be so tactless. Nother dude did the exact same thing, & then was so offended I didn’t pretend to not hate a ship in a mutual fandom whenever he kept bringing it up over and over despite already knowing I both hated, and didn’t want to talk about it. Knew a chick who would tell me she didn’t like things I brought up all the time, or thought my comments were stupid, but then was so offended any time I like, mentioned how much I was relieved a character from a game we both played that she liked & I hated, finally died & left the story.
Like without fail, that kind of person is always /so/ shocked, and /so/ offended if someone treats them even a less mean version fo the way they treat everyone they talk to. Occasionally after I start doing this bc the subtle kindness approach didn’t work, a person will go “Wow I’ve been kind of an ass huh?” & improve but 9 times out of 10 it’s just Comedy Central with them failing to see any kind of double standard but lost in the way I’m not Yes Maning them into next year like the idealized npc version of me in their head. But anyway this is on my mind not even because of that all too common (esp in Avid befriending-many-people-&-jumping-fro-1-to-the-next fandom spaces) shitass personality Load Out, but because whenever I do have nicer people I interact w in such circles, which happens not like, infrequently, but way less frequent than the ones who suck, sadly, it’s unimaginably funny to me in the opposite direction—like I’ll just be there talking to them nicely about something I can’t stand — not lying or anything just like, yeah I don’t mind listening to you talk about this movie I hate, bc I like you, and I have no need to tell you how I feel about the movie—you didn’t ask. You just wanna infodump. & I got no problem w that—I like hearing you talk, & you don’t feel a need to cut down & preach at everything I ever say, so we actually got something good here back and forth. But inside my head against the backdrop of how many mediocre to shitty people I’ve known recently I just am like “Baby girl, I have things in my loadout for you & only you that you can’t even imagine.”
#it’s funny but in a good way. it’s nice to have people who make you put the shotgun back in the closet and take out the snack case instead#(I know it’s easy to get paranoid online even tho I don’t interact much w a lot do you but if you’re worried I don’t vent about people who#are gonna see it in the space they’d—u know—see it. I vent about tumblr stuff irl to friends usually. this ain’t about u dw this is about me#talking to someone earlier & having a blast)#(bc they are one of the good ones & it’s so funny how night & day interactions w humans can be)#(one of my favorite ppl who shares a job w me is like this like girl has such different taste we like opposite things on a crazy level#but she’s so nice & chill I never gaf)#(shoutout to Erin. who was like this in college 💙)#(this is about a friend talking to me about Zutara for so long while I’m like :) I hate that ship but baby for you I’m just gonna enjoy the#enthusiasm — for you I’m true neutral today please-continue)#anyway don’t keep being a doormat for people—it’s actually way better if you’re frank because it speed weeds out people who aren’t going to#improve or be good to you anyway & you deserve better than being the Mean Girl’s follower to some asshat with 0 perspective for what it’s#like to be someone else#& it’ll make the good ones even /more/ fun to be around /more/ deeply appreciated in your heart#you become a different kind of aware once you shift from ‘this is bad but I’ll take it’ to ‘I’m not gonna put up with this anymore’. it make#the experiences quite different#Had a NB friend be like ‘:(( I’m lonely can I watch whatever you’re watching w you?’ & I was like ‘Sure. Here’s the context—it’s my#childhood fave show I rewatch sometimes for comfort and nostalgia. : )’ & they spent the next 20 minutes trying to find things#about it to call problematic till I kicked them off the call & later were so surprised I didn’t humor them#wanting to explain all their kinks to me. Ppl fkn wild bro. & we don’t gotta take it. Good ones exist too.
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Accidental Martial God WWX
That was exacty what I meant actually but I do have a few more povs if you want.
LQRs reaction to a demonic cultivator ascending, JGS and JGY reaction to the Yin Tiger Tally moving completely out of reach, WQ pondering the true requirements for ascension given WWX doesn't have a golden core yet ascended, WWX musing on Godhood and on his new followers both the good and the more disturbing worshipers.
Maybe LWJ protects the Wen Remnants because WWX asked him to in a dream and after he succeeds (13 years later) he ascends and is finally reunited with WWX.
Lan Qiren did not know what to think. Wei Wuxian, his most troublesome student, a demonic cultivator, had ascended. He’d ascended. How was that even possible? Were the Heavens blind? Why would they allow someone like Wei Wuxian to ascend?
From what Lan Qiren had thought, only those who are righteous and followed the correct path in life like the Lan clan’s founder, Lan An, would be worthy of ascending.
Either the qualifications for ascension were lower than he thought or Lan Qiren had been horribly mistaken about Wei Wuxian’s personality and motivations for using demonic cultivation. That last thought made Lan Qiren feel very uncomfortable.
He’d always been harsh on the boy and disregarded him, even - he ashamedly admitted - punishing him harsher and more frequently than others.
He’d thought he was in the right because of how Wei Wuxian was but…..
But if he was wrong then Lan Qiren owed him an apology.
Jin Guangshan wanted to scream out in frustration seeing Wei Wuxian ascend. That brat had the Stygian Tiger Seal on him - according to his spies - and now that he ascended, the Seal went with him.
He had had so many plans on bribing Wei Wuxian to his side or killing him when he refused - as well as stealing the Seal - and then taking over the cultivation world, lording over it as he was always meant to be.
Now those plans are ruined. He sighed. Hopefully that bastard son of his can finally prove his usefulness and give him countermeasures or he might retract his favor from him.
Jin Guangyao’s first thought upon seeing Wei Wuxian ascend was: Oh shit. I have to go make up new plans to help Father.
He knew his father wanted Wei Wuxian and the Seal and didn’t really care how he obtained both or either, just as long as no one traced it back to him. He sighed. This was going to be a big headache. But at least the plans on putting his father as Chief Cultivator were going smoothly. He could only imagine what his father would do to him if even this failed.
Wen Qing had still been in Yiling, making plans to relocate her family, when the news that Wei Wuxian had ascended had reached her.
Her first reaction was, That’s impossible.
Because it was, right? Wen Qing should know. She cut out his core, after all. But to think he was still able to ascend while he was a demonic cultivator made her wonder what the requirements were for ascending. Perhaps it’s an honest heart? Self-sacrificing tendencies? Or is it a sacrifice of some sorts? She paused. What if.....it was a trial? To test a person’s will? What Wei Wuxian had suffered was.....horrible. Could it have all been just a test from the Heavens?
If that was so, the Heavens really are cru--- 
“A’ Jie, we have to go! Some Jin were spotted nearby!”
Wen Qing gritted her teeth. Members of the branch families of Qishan, regardless of whether they were innocent or not, were captured and subsequently tortured to death by the Jin and sometimes the Nie. Because her family was all in Yiling, they were safe.......but only for now. They had to hurry and escape.
Wen Qing sent a quick prayer to Wei Wuxian, hoping for her family’s safety, and tucked the rest of her belongings in her qiankun pouch, remembering to wrap her arms in bandages to hide the needles she might need to paralyze any Jin that came close.
Wei Wuxian’s first thought when he landed in the Heavens was, What the fuck.
Then he looked around and looked taken aback and wary at the unfamiliar faces around him. Where the fuck am I?
“Hello.” A rather stoic-faced man greeted.
“Hello.” Wei Wuxian parroted back. The person in front of him didn’t seem to be a threat so he felt a little tension loosen from his shoulders. “Um, Xiansheng? I’m afraid I don’t know where I am?”
“You have just ascended.” The man replied, throwing Wei Wuxian aback.
“Are you pulling my leg?” Wei Wuxian asked. “How is that even possible! I don’t even have---” He swallowed. I don’t even have a core.
“I do not lie. Come, we are wasting time. We must get you washed up and dressed for the induction ceremony.” Seeing Wei Wuxian still frozen, the man sighed, signalled for some people to pick Wei Wuxian up and dragged the struggling man to some quarters.
After absentmindedly washing, drying and changing himself, Wei Wuxian noticed some differences in his body. He wasn’t....cold or hurting anymore. And - he touched his back - he could feel his back! After having his muscles and nerves shredded by Zidian, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to sense touch on his back or even move without pain! But now he can!
He heard the urging of some people and grumbled.
“You will become a god of demonic cultivation.” Was the first thing he heard when he stepped out of the room.
Wei Wuxian choked. “Excuse me?!”
“I said what I said. Now then, if you would please concentrate, you should be able to hear the prayers of the people below.”
Wei Wuxian felt like everything was moving a little too fast for him, but nevertheless complied. Immediately after, a flood of prayers hit him at full force.
“Wei Wuxian!” That was Jiang Cheng! “….Have some fun up there.”
“A’ Xian, do be well. Shijie isn’t there to take care of you so do be well.” Wei Wuxian refused to cry.
“Wei-Xiong! I hope there’s someone up there to supply you with you know what *winks*”
How does someone even wink in their prayers? Wei Wuxian thought amusedly.
“Wei Ying.” That was Lan Zhan. “Wei Ying, I will—be well.”
Ah, Lan Zhan. Always concise even in your thoughts.
Wei Wuxian was a little teary. As much as he was glad to not be a part of the cultivation world considering all the rumors, he did regret leaving behind those that cared for him.
That thought was much more cemented upon hearing…….
“Ah, Lord Wei, the pinnacle of evil, the role model of all demonic cultivators!” Wei Wuxian’s eye twitched. “Please hear my plea for more power! I need it, I need it to destroy everyone who harmed me!”
“Wei Wuxian, I wish to gain power over resentful energy so that I may tear my enemies limb by limb!
“Give me money! You’re a god, aren’t you? Be useful for once and give me some gold!”
“Tch. If I’m going to pray for anything, then it’ll have to be the Seal. You’re a god, now, right? So you have no need for the Seal. Just give it up.”
No matter the good or bad, Wei Wuxian heard the wishes and prayers of the people down below and while some were innocent enough, there were those that wished for death, destruction, tools for torture, power, money, women…….you name it.
It made Wei Wuxian feel a little disgusted with humanity. He cut off his focus from the bad and focused on the prayer he received from his friends and family.
“Wei Wuxian, I heard you became a god.” It was Wen Qing. He hadn’t heard her voice in a long time. “I know this might seem shameless of me after all I did to you, but please. Please guarantee the safety of my family. We’re being hunted down and—”
Her prayer was abruptly cut off, before coming back in full force with notes of desperation. Her family had been captured and taken to Qiongqi Path! Wei Wuxian panicked. He didn’t know how to escape from this place and try to go help her.
The…..person who was watching over him evidently knew what he was thinking about and merely stated that gods cannot interfere with the mortal realm. So he was stuck.
But that didn’t mean he was out of options.
It took a few days, but he managed to wheedle out how to help: via dreams. He merely needed to get into the mind of one of his followers and tell them to help. Much like those prophetic dreams Wei Wuxian had read about as a kid.
So he buckled down, thinking of the best candidate to help him.
Lan Wangji looked at the landscape around him and concluded that he was dreaming. Though, it was a little odd that he was aware that he was dreaming. Not that he hasn’t realized he was dreaming before - especially in those many fantasies he had of Wei Ying - but to be aware that this is a dream and to see nothing but a flat landscape was pretty out of the ordinary. 
Anyway, he digressed. What was going on?
“Uhh, Lan Zhan? Can you hear me?”
“W-Wei Ying?!” Lan Wangji couldn’t be blamed for stuttering. He wasn’t expecting this!
“Phew. Oh good, you can hear me. Anyway, Lan Zhan, I gotta be quick about this because I’m kinda sorta bending the rules here, but do you think you can go to Qiongqi Path and rescue Wen Qing and her family?”
“Huh? Just like that? Not even going to ask me for a reason, er-gege?”
Lan Wangji’s ears flushed red at the address. “If Wei Ying wants to save them, you must have a good reason. That’s enough for me.”
“Ah, Hanguang-Jun.” The title was spoken fondly. “Always so good. I’ll tell you anyway. Wen Qing and her family sheltered Jiang Cheng and I after Lotus Pier fell and even brought back Jiang-shushu and Yu-furen’s bodies! That’s a debt I cannot repay.”
“I understand. I will help.”
He couldn’t see Wei Ying, but could practically feel the amusement from him.
“Wei Ying.”
“Are......Are you well?”
“Of course I am. I’m actually feeling so much better than before.” Wei Ying grumbled, “I’m not even in pain anymore.”
“You were in pain?” Lan Wangji asked worriedly. “Wei Ying, why didn’t you say anything.”
“Lan Zhan, there was nothing you or anyone else could do to alleviate my pain. It doesn’t matter now. I’m okay.”
Lan Wangji was still worried and wanted to speak to him more, but---
“Ah! Looks like my time’s up!” Wei Ying exclaimed cheerfully as the dreamscape wavered. “See you, Lan Zhan!”
Lan Wangji nodded. “See you, Wei Ying.” I’ll catch up to you soon.
And 13 years later, Lan Wangji kept his promise.
I didn’t edit this so I’m hoping there’s not too many grammatical errors lol. 
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quaranmine · 3 years
I think one of the main reasons I'm annoyed about the buildmart discourse this time around is that it feels like it's overshadowing Orange's win? And buildmart discourse pops up all the time, and I know most people discussing it do in fact think Orange got a deserved win. You shouldn't have to put a disclaimer on your buildmart discourse posts that you think Orange deserved to win, but people are getting the wrong implications and it's causing friction.
But I think one of the reasons it's so bad this time, is because of the timing. It feels dismissive to all of the Grian fans, who are overjoyed, because Grian in particular is good at the game and his viewers normally like it and Grian finally won. So people are on edge--when severe buildmart discourse pops up immediately after someone good at it wins, us Grian fans feel like there's an implication that Orange didn't deserve to win or they only won because of it. And, while I don't review statistics, I don't believe that's true--Orange were in either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd basically the entire event. Grian never left the top 10 the whole time. They popped off and I truly think they could've won without BM.
But when you're looking at rancid tumblr discourse, you got to realize that the pro-buildmart side is on the defensive. They feel talked over and ignored because their fave players are normally ones who don't get the highest views or do the best at pvp games. Dream is allowed an opinion on the game, and I know he doesn't control his fans, but his timing is pretty bad this time because he has a HUGE fanbase on twitter who is already upset he lost and looking for something to blame. They're his fans so they're empathetic to his frustration, but not all express it well. As a result there ARE people on twitter saying the Orange didn't deserve to win. There ARE people whining and being rude in the qrts of the winner announcement. There ARE people accusing Scott of being biased and keeping buildmart only because he's good at it, despite him not controlling games. There ARE people who sent death threats to Quig for wanting buildmart (and proof exists.) There ARE people who consistently belittle the hermits and make fun of them, and sometimes when you're a fan of them or smaller streamers it feels like you're fighting for your life to get some recognition in the face of the wider fanbase. People aren't upset over nothing.
I also think Dream made a mistake mentioning Grian by name in his comment--we can argue all day whether or not his points were right, I'm not talking about that, but i think the timing of it right after Grian's win was poor because it set off a wave of people belittling the win or saying he only won because of BM. It drags Grian and his fanbase directly into the discourse when they're at peak excitement, and thus they go on the defense. They accuse Dream of being a sore loser. I think Dream should've waited until a day or two later and it might be better, but I genuinely don't know since we've become so polarized as a fandom. And it didn't help that Sapnap literally called people pussies for not wanting pvp games (implying that being bad at pvp makes you a pussy.) I hope he intended it as a joke but it just came off as incredibly rude and Hbomb rightfully called him on it. That attitude is one everyone feels they're fighting against when they're fans of non-pvpers. Sapnap obviously isn't Dream and Dream doesn't control what his friends say, but the Dream Team "brand" is strong enough that what any single member says will reflect onto all of them in some people's eyes. Whether or not that should be the case I'm not arguing, I'm just stating how I've seen people view it.
So the issue is that we're both at severe odds to each other and nobody is getting anywhere in this discourse. People who like buildmart feel attacked and on the defensive, because it gets used to belittle their faves and the CCs who dislike the game have much larger fanbases to argue against. They feel the games inclusion gives an opportunity for non-pvp players to shine, and worry that if it gets removed, it'll put MCC one step closer to being catered to pvpers. I'm not arguing whether or not this logic is sound, I'm just explaining what I perceive to be the issue. It's also worth saying that Dream fans also feel attacked and on the defensive. Dream is a large CC who's been in a lot of controversies (and we're not gonna discuss his faults in that) and as such, his name gets dragged through the mud a lot. He has the largest fanbase but also the largest amount of hate. He also takes most heat from outside the fandom--most people who "hate mcyt" actually just hate Dream. People who are fans of CCs other than Dream benefit from this shield, but Dream stans get hate from all sides. Therefore, it becomes really easy to interpret any crit on Dream as hate that needs to be defended against. So that side of the fandom is on the defensive too.
So we go in circles on this discourse. "Everybody hates it and it adds no value to the event." No, not everyone hates it--and those who don't hate it aren't only Grian or hermits either, they include people like Hbomb and Shubble and Fruitberries and other CCs. Does it add value? People argue all day over that and I won't get into in my post. People have widely differing opinions on it and I don't actually think there is a right answer, despite everyone arguing like there is one. Is the game ableist? Absolutely not, and i can't believe we got discourse over that. Is it still possibly causing issues for some neurodivergent CCs who dislike it and overwhelming them? Sure, it totally could be! I can see how it might mess with Dream's ADHD and make it hard for him, thus making him hate it, although people should stop speaking for him on his own experiences and saying it's definitively the case. Maybe something can be tweaked to help that. But remember that accessibility and neurodivergence is varied and there is no "one size fits all." I've seen just as many ND fans saying that buildmart causes no problems for them as I have ND fans saying it overwhelms them. There's no simple right answer to most of these questions brought up in discourse.
So what's the answer? I don't know. I don't know and I cannot speak for everyone. But I do know it hurt really badly to be so excited for Grian's win, only to watch my dash plummet into some of the most hateful discourse I've ever seen.
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I had a bad day at work, and due to various circumstances was under really heavy pressure(and might have caught a cold due to being in the rain). How would the ROs comfort such an MC?
I'm sorry to hear about your day, and I personally hope you get better and that the days to come hold better circumstances for you. Now what the RO's would do...
E: As you enter the house with a heavy weight on your shoulder, they're already there to lift it off with a heartfelt smile and promise. "No matter how bad it gets, I'll do my best to make up for it. Next time call me, and I'll stand out in the rain with you. It's always easier to get through things together, you know?"
R: They're quick to pick up on your stress, giving you a solemn smile as they push themselves off the couch. "Seems like you've got a story to tell -- or vent, rather. I happen to be a good listener." True to their word, they're attentive to your every word, even offering some suggestions and leading you down off-topic tangents when they feel you're getting too burdened by the conversation, but always keep things focused on you.
L: They're justifiably upset and worried for your sake. "Working in such distressing conditions? How could your seniors be so irresponsible to allow that? You could easily get sick-- Ah, one moment," L flits around their bookcase in search for something, eventually resting their hand on a heavily dog-eared volume. "I will do my best to treat your symptoms before they become too pronounced. It says here for colds...'apply occasional electric shocks to the offending area'?" they glance back at the spine of the book and flush, "M-My apologies, I must have taken Rachael's..."
V: "Commander," they appear at your side, clutching their dog tags tightly in their hand, "Recompose yourself and fight. It's your duty to be strong, even when you're at your weakest. Use every resource you have, including me. As long as I am alive, you won't lose your battles."
P: "Stop dragging your feet," P mutters, unwrapping their hands and revealing bloody scabs on the knuckles. Their expression is hard to read as they look directly into your eyes, "You have to be better than the pain. The world isn't going to give you breaks. It'll take everything from you if you let it. So why're you letting it take your drive?" P stands with clenched fists, "Change your clothes. We're going to spar. Keep sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourself and I'll show you what life has in store."
M: "Aren't you...pushing yourself...too hard...?" They tut and begin massaging your shoulders, "Stress...is bad...for your health...you know...? Everyone has...limitations...It's important to...understand...yours..." You feel your tension ease quickly at M's touch. They laugh softly as you begin to lean into it, "Does it...help...? I like to...think... I'm very good...with my hands...I'll do it...for as long...as you want...if it helps you...relax..."
Ra: You find them drenched when you enter the house, muddy footprints tracing a hasty path from the back door to where they are now. They greet you with a pleasant smile, ignoring the water dripping from their matted hair, "Welcome home dear! You're back later than usual, aren't you? I almost got worried! Especially with the sudden turn of weather! It has been storming quite often lately, hasn't it? It can cause cars to veer uncontrollably off roads and into areas that are hard for search parties to navigate...Oh! A little unrelated, but your boss still drives the rusted truck with a dent on the left side of the hood, right?"
S: They tilt their chair onto two legs, leaning towards you energetically, "Damn, they got ya whipped again? Hey, I know, whadd'ya say we graffiti the house of the guy that keeps makin' ya do that stupid shit? We can even break a couple windows or somethin' if it helps ya feel better."
F: They beckon you over as you enter the house. Sitting cross-legged, they give you a lazed once over until an elegant smirk greets their lips. "You appear to be in particularly dire straits, don't you? Perhaps you'd enjoy a moment of respite? It seems fortune smiles on you, as Fiore has deigned to complete your duties while you were busy performing menial labor for a less significant cause. Don't believe I will treat your lack of loyalty lightly, either, but I will take my time determining a just punishment. Now fetch us a drink if you will, or I may start finding ideas."
Thank ya for the ask! And take care of yourself anon
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hi love the writing! Could you do something angsty around 26 or 35 with max??
Tumblr media
Summary: You found out Max cheated on you
Warnings: angst, swearing
Word count: 2.5k
26. “Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?”
35. “What will you do if we break up?”
'Max is looking at you' you read what your best friend Anthony, an engineer at Red Bull Racing, wrote.
And you worked at Red Bull Racing too, you decided with Max Verstappen, your boyfriend, that this is the best way for you to travel with him. You didn't have a complicated job. You dealt with filtering the negative ad on the team and then you gave it to Victoria to deal with the articles as she knew.
'Okay, let him look,' you write on the piece of paper that Anthony wrote quickly on.
You were at a meeting with all the Red Bull Racing employees, to your bad luck. Being in the same room with Max Verstappen was the last thing you wanted at the time.
Sure, your relationship was beautiful, or it had been anyway. He was whatever you wished from a man and more. He looked like a bad boy but he was the cutest and most thoughtful man you knew and he made you feel safe even when you couldn't see him.
His words still resonate in your mind and you had to make a supernatural effort not to cry.
You knew Max Verstappen loved you. He told you that every day and showed you through the gestures he made. He never gave you a reason to doubt him, and you didn't look for scandal either.
But every time you saw her, a lump appeared in your stomach. Without wanting to, you became careful around you, looking for her or Max. When you saw them talking, you looked for any excuse to go near them.
But your fear was unfounded, wasn't it? Max loved you, you were together for two years and you were fine.
But you also looked at her. She had also had a long-term relationship with Daniil Kvyat, a relationship of almost three years and they have a little girl together. There can be nothing between them.
Anthony has told you several times that Max and Kelly have been spending a lot of time together, at least lately, and you said you weren't worried. Why would you be?
But last night all your worries and fears came upon you at once. Anthony told you he saw Max leave the paddock with Kelly and didn't come back for about three hours. He didn't want to pay attention to this thing but when Anthony went to the driver to show him some sketches he noticed a small bruise on the backside of his neck.
"Really?" he tells you laughing. "How old are you to leave hickeys on your skin? Only teenagers still do that."
You felt all the color drained from your face. Hickey? You never left anything like that on his skin.
Anthony probably realized that what he said was not about you.
"Y/N... I'm so sorry..."
"It's ok," you say and smile at him even though you wanted to die at that moment. "I need a little bath, I'll be right back," you say and get up from the chair.
You started crying in the bathroom. You were disappointed, scared, disgusted, and shocked. To learn that someone you trusted unconditionally had been lying, cheating, and had developed an emotional bond with another woman behind your back was not registering in your brain.
Yes, you weren't a model, you didn't look like one, but Max always told you that you were perfect and that no other woman compares to you.
You literally could not wrap your head around what was happening...
You hoped that your darkest thoughts would never come true, but they did. Max and Kelly. Together. Behind your back.
It feels like every nerve in your body has either frozen or left your vessel completely. Your body literally enters a state of shock; adrenaline. You are absolutely stripped. Vulnerability. Disbelief. Disgust. Horror. Anger. Confusion. Shattering, crippling, traumatizing heartbreak.
Trust, honesty, and respect are necessary for a relationship, and Max just shattered all three at once. You have been the victim of an emotional crime. You ask yourself, how could this person fuck me over like this?
I trusted them.
I loved them.
I was loyal to them.
I kept my end of the fucking bargain.
How could you emotionally manipulate me?
What was I lacking?
Am I the problem?
Truly sickening, reality-twisting, mind-fucking stuff. You just couldn't believe that this was happening to you. Infidelity is something you hear about quite often, in books, movies, the media, or to other people, but not to you. This was somebody you loved with all of your heart, who told you he loved you, who had never shown the slightest inclination of dishonesty or moral transgression or disloyalty.
"Y/N, are you okay?" you heard Anthony behind the door, the fear and worry present in his voice.
"I'm fine," you say, though no one would have believed you. "I'll be there in a moment."
You splashed some water on your face, looked in the mirror, and bit your lip. You looked like hell. The eyes were red, the small veins that irrigated the eyeballs were broken, the face was red, in a combination between the violent crying crisis and the anger you had.
What were you going to do? Will you pretend you didn't know anything? Will you tell him you knew? Were you going to break up with him or were you going to wait for him to break up with you to be with Kelly?
You finally came out of the bathroom and Anthony was waiting for you at the door. He hugged you tight and assured you that everything would be fine. But he had no way of knowing that. It was nothing more than his simple hope that his best friend would not lose her fucking mind.
The phone starts ringing. Anthony lets you go and he goes to see who's calling you. He gives you a worried look. You immediately realized that it was Max who was calling you. Tears began to flow down your cheeks again and Anthony took your reaction as an invitation for him to answer the phone.
"Hey, man," he replies, and you don't hear what Max is saying. "No, she went for a coffee and left her phone on the table. Okay, I'll tell her. Okay, bye."
You approach him after he's finished the call to make sure you don't hear Max's voice.
"He said to go to his room."
"I don't want to see him."
"I realized that. Let's go, we'll deal with this problem later."
You went for a walk. The fresh air calmed you down a bit, but you had all kinds of thoughts in your mind.
How many times has this happened? Did you really want to know that? You really wanted to know how many times he kissed her and then he would come to you and tell you that he loves you.
If Anthony hadn't seen the hickey, how many more times did he planned to cheat on you?
Did he love her? That would have hurt you the most, knowing that you failed to give Max the love he needed and had to look for it in the arms and bed of another woman.
"Just know that I understand your feelings. I've been through this myself." Anthony breaks the silence and you look at him. "To be cheated on, it's a feeling of helplessness and zero self-worth. You feel as if you didn't do enough for that person which is why they reached out for someone else sexually or romantically. You blame it on yourself half the time. You dig for answers in your memories to try to figure out where you went wrong, where things started to go in a different direction. You hope that it won't happen again. You hope that the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater" it's just a myth. They broke your trust, how could you ever trust them again, right? You become paranoid when they go out at night or they don't answer your phone calls by the first ring. You find yourself having more down and depressed days than happy days. And a lot of questions will always replay in the back of your mind. Why? Why now? Why with them? How could this be happening to you? No matter how many times you get an answer, it won't be enough. Day after day, it'll get better but worse at the same time."
After two hours you returned to the paddock. You were immediately notified that Max was looking for you everywhere and he was worried he couldn't find you. Ironic, isn't it?
"Y/N!" you hear Max's voice.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" Anthony asks, standing in front of you to block your image of Max.
"No, it's okay. I'll handle it somehow..."
Anthony nods and leaves, staring angrily at Max.
"Hey, I was looking for you everywhere. Are you okay? Your eyes are a little red." he asks and if you didn't know better you'd think he cared.
"Let's go somewhere private."
You went to his room. You sat on his bed and thought about what you could say. You were thinking about what Anthony told you when you walked together.
Max hands you a dose of Red Bull and you take it, feeling your throat very dry.
"We need to talk," you tell him and you feel your eyes start to sting. It was not yet time to start crying.
"Okay? Is something wrong?"
"Is it true what Anthony told me?" you ask and you see that Max doesn't know what you mean; how would he know? "Is it true that you and Kelly spent some time together?"
His face went blank for a moment as he tried to understand.
"What you mean?"
You reach out your trembling hand to the collar of his polo shirt to lower it where Anthony told you it was the mark.
And Anthony was right. There was, in front of you, the hickey Kelly made on him.
Max didn't expect that. He looks at you with wide eyes and you hear his heart start beating harder. Sweat dripped down his forehead.
He looked away from you, numb. You discovered his secret. You didn't know if he was afraid of your reaction or sorry you found out his little secret.
"I didn't intend to hurt you," he says, and you realize he's telling the truth.
He had a guttural voice.
You smile at them. A broken smile that hid the primordial desire to cry and hit him with all your best.
"I don't care about your intentions. They're irrelevant. You didn't intend to hurt me? Well, you didn't intentionally try to keep me from harm either."
You don't know where you had the strength to look into his eyes and not cry. Max looks crushed. Because you found out? Because you're breaking up? Because he has to put an end to the affair with Kelly?
"How long was it actually going on before I found out?"
You see Max trying to think of an answer that doesn't affect you so much or destroy you at all.
"For less than a month," he answers.
One month? Where were you a month ago? In Spain. Did something happen there? Did you notice anything strange about him? To his behavior? No. You didn't notice anything.
Was he really that good at hiding his mistakes?
That, of course, if he considers the relationship with Kelly a mistake.
"Did you ever think of me when you were with her?"
He did not answer. You didn't even know if you wanted to know the answer to that. What would it be like to answer that he never thought of you and that his mind was soaked in serotonin that only Kelly could think of those moments?
"I never stopped loving you."
"I don't believe you loved me while you were cheating on me. Love and betrayal are incompatible. I don't feel safe with that kind of 'love.'"
"So? You're breaking up with me?" Max asks.
Although you still had so much to say, you no longer had the power. You were so mentally and physically exhausted that you just wanted to be alone and cry.
"There's nothing else to do, is there?" you say and leave his room.
Anthony was waiting for you. He noticed that you had no tears on your face and frowned.
"What happened? Did you guys make up?"
You hug Anthony hard and cry. At that moment you gave up being strong. You gave up pretending, even in front of you, that you were fine.
Fuck it, you weren't fine. You were far from fine.
You looked back at Christian Horner, who was presenting something on the video projector. You lost the whole meeting with the crew. You had no idea what was being said.
Honestly, you don't even care what they said. You only worked there because you were Max Verstappen's girlfriend. But for eighteen hours, this was no longer true. So what's stopping you from going to Christian and telling him you're resigning? What keeps you from going home and forgetting about Max, forgetting the last two years of your life and starting over?
"That's it for today, thank you very much, friends, and let's get back to work, yeah?"
Everyone gets up from their seats. Anthony draws your attention and beckons you to look at the garage door.
You could faint then and there. No one and nothing ever prepared you for the emotions you were experiencing then. Kelly Piquet was at the garage door, waiting for the meeting to end. She was staring at Max, but he was just looking at you.
"Can we talk a little?"
You nod to Anthony that you're fine and he can leave. You look at Max and you see that he doesn't look very good. He had dark circles and you're sure he didn't sleep last night either, just like you.
“Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?” he asks, looking down at his shoes.
"Yes," you answer categorically, looking at his face, waiting for him to raise his head so you can look him in the eye.
“What will you do if we break up? You will leave here or-” you interrupt him.
"Not 'if I break up with you,' we've already gotten over it," you say and Max looks at you with wide eyes. "We already broke up last night. I'm still here because I haven't had a chance to talk to Christian yet to tell him I'm resigning."
"Are you leaving?"
"I have nothing to do here. I came to Red Bull Racing for you."
A tear runs down Max's cheek.
"What can I tell you to stay?"
"There's nothing left to say. Now go," you say and you feel a lump in your throat. "She's waiting for you."
Max turns to the garage door to see who you're talking about.
"I gave her a text message last night and told her it was all a mistake between us."
You smile at him. "Goodbye, Max," you say then you shout for Christian.
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Hi, happy Shared Birthday Month, cause it's my birthday month as well!! Can I please prompt you a WinterIron, where Bucky and/or winter soldier is a science nerd and a massive Tony Stark stan? Happy with setting in any era, any rating 😄 Thank you! You are amazing and I love your stuff!
Happy late birthday! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this prompt but here is a cute no-powers au, featuring some minor Natasha/Steve and some science from a paper my lab group read in group meeting yesterday (check the ao3 story for the paper citation). Sorry I didn't come up with something more original for the science but this was on my mind.
As always, everything I write is also on ao3.
“Okay, Steve, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me—for us,” Bucky quickly corrects when Steve shoots him an amused look. “So what are we going to do?”
“We’re going to sit quietly in the audience,” Steve says.
“And what are we not going to do?”
“Shout that our best friend would like to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane,” Steve dutifully repeats what Bucky has been telling him for the whole drive to the studio. He gives Bucky a sly smile. “Even if it’s true.”
Bucky swats his skinny arm lightly, enough to sting but not so hard that it’ll bruise Steve’s arm, which bruises like a peach. He still can’t believe he managed to win the tickets to watch the live taping of the one hundredth episode of Tony Stark’s show, It’s Only Science If You Write It Down. He’s been following the show since its first episode five years ago. Growing up, Tony Stark was to him what Britney Spears was to other kids. Stark was always in the news for his innovative inventions for his father’s company. Everyone had thought he would take over SI after his parents’ deaths, but instead he’d handed the company over to Pepper Potts, a then-unknown young woman working in SI’s financial department. Stark still held the majority of shares in the company but he’d turned his focus to becoming the next Bill Nye, along with his best friend. Bucky had stumbled across one of the articles about him when he was young and immediately developed one heck of a crush on him that hadn’t at all disappeared with age.
And now he’s here, attending the first ever live taping of Stark’s show.
It’d be a dream come true if only Steve wasn’t the one attending with him. Don’t get him wrong, Stevie’s great, but he’s also convinced Bucky needs to date more often and he’s very… enthusiastic about making sure that everyone they meet that Bucky thinks is even the slightest bit cute knows that.
Stark is the crush to end all crushes. He knows that Steve knows it. He also knows what Steve is like, and he thinks he’ll die of shame if Steve feels the need to let Stark know it too.
“You have your inhaler, right?” he asks as the line creeps forward.
“Yes, mother,” Steve sighs, patting his pocket. “And an EpiPen in the other pocket and my meds in my wallet.”
They’re reminded to keep their phones firmly in their pockets by the surly security guard—incongruously named Happy, according to the badge he’s wearing—at the front door and then ushered inside the studio, only to be stopped by a young woman with a clipboard as they’re climbing the risers.
“Hi,” she says with a sphinxlike smile that makes Bucky want to check that his wallet is still in his pocket. “Which one of you is Bucky Barnes?”
“Uh, that would be me,” he says, raising his hand slightly.
Her eyes catch on the silver sheen of his prosthetic. They don’t register anything other than idle curiosity, but Bucky still awkwardly tucks the arm away. It’s been almost ten years since the accident, but he’s still not used to the looks he gets when people see it.
“I’m Natasha,” she says. “Mr. Stark’s personal assistant. JARVIS noticed you when you entered the studio. Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you both that there’s been a change to the contest winnings.”
Dread starts to pool in Bucky’s stomach but it doesn’t have long to settle before her smile gentles and she adds, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. He just wanted to invite the two of you backstage after the show is over.”
Bucky’s mouth drops open. Steve reaches over to close it and asks, “Why?”
To Bucky’s surprise, Natasha gives Steve a clear onceover, seemingly pleased by what she sees. “Mr. Stark wouldn’t like me to give away his secrets, but I’d imagine it has something to do with the way he spilled his coffee all over his front when he saw your friend’s picture.”
“Really?” Steve asks skeptically. “A notorious playboy tripping all over himself for this yahoo here?”
Natasha laughs, hard enough that Bucky mutters, “It wasn’t that funny.”
Once she’s calmed down, Natasha says, “He’s not as bad as you think. A lot of it is just reputation. And yes, as soon as he got a look at him, he was demanding I figure out a way to get him backstage.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Steve demands, taking an indignant stance.
Natasha hums, eyes going dark. “Oh no, you got invited backstage because I wanted to meet you,” she purrs. “I’ll come find you boys later. Enjoy the show.”
She saunters off, putting just enough of a sway to her step that Bucky suspects if he were attracted to women, he’d be mesmerized. As it is, he’s the one who has to reach over to close Steve’s jaw this time.
They take their seats and a few minutes later, Tony Stark and James Rhodes walk on set. They’re quietly talking to each other as the crew bustles around them, makeup artists darting up to make sure their faces look perfect. Stark is dressed in a t-shirt that says Engineers do it on the test bench—which is a terrible joke really and shouldn’t make Bucky want to laugh as much as he does—and well-worn jeans that perfectly mold to the shape of his bubble butt. Rhodes could be dressed in a paper sack for all that Bucky notices him.
Steve leans over and whispers, “You sure that I can’t yell that you want to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane? Natasha made it sound like he’d be open to it.”
“You do,” Bucky hisses back, “and I’ll tell Natasha you were looking at her rear when she walked away.”
Steve makes an indignant noise and sits back in his chair, sulkily crossing his arms.
“Quiet on set!” the director yells. “And… action!”
“Hi!” Tony Stark says, smiling right at the camera. “I’m Tony and this is Rhodey and you’re watching Disney Channe!”
“He’s kidding,” Rhodes says long-sufferingly. “You’re watching It’s Only Science If You Write It Down.”
Later, Bucky wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what the show had been about. He’d spent the entire show too entranced by Tony’s voice and charisma to pay any attention to the actual science, which is a bit of a shame. He really does like science—he wouldn’t be getting his PhD in physical chemistry if he didn’t—but he can’t tear his eyes away from Tony long enough to actually watch the experiment. It’s fine; he can always watch the show later when it’s released (and maybe, if he’s lucky, he’ll have Tony to watch it with).
It seems like both an eternity and only a moment before the show wraps. Tony and Rhodes leave to thunderous applause, only coming back out for quick bows before disappearing backstage again. Bucky and Steve stay seated while the rest of the audience filters out slowly until Natasha comes to get them. She and Steve chat quietly as she leads them backstage but Bucky can only listen with half an ear; he’s too nervous about meeting his personal hero.
Rhodes is leaving the room Natasha leads them to. He breathes a sigh of relief when he spots the three of them. “Good, you’re here,” he says, specifically looking at Bucky. “Maybe you can calm him down. He’s been bouncing off the walls since he saw your picture.”
“Really?” Bucky squeaks. He clears his throat and tries again. “Really?”
“Really. He read all your papers last night—twice.”
“He has?”
Rhodes nods. “He really likes your piece on inelastic electron wave packet scattering.”
“Yeah? What did he—”
“You’ll have to ask him,” Rhodes interrupts. “I might be a rocket scientist but chemistry isn’t my preferred field of science. If you don’t mind, I’ve got a date to get to.”
He pushes the door open, letting them in, and leaves. Natasha slips through the door, followed immediately by Tony saying, “Where are—oh god, they left, didn’t they? I knew this was too much. Nat—”
“They’re right outside,” Natasha says smoothly. She opens the door further, revealing the two of them awkwardly standing there. Bucky’s gaze darts around a fairly nice dressing room before finally landing on Tony, who is blinking back at him with a wide-eyed, slightly stunned look.
“Hi,” he breathes out.
The corner of Tony’s mouth twitches up in the tiniest of smiles. “Hi.”
“Great, now that that’s out of the way, get out,” Natasha says, giving Tony a shove so that he stumbles out of the room, right into Bucky’s arms. She reaches out and grabs Steve, pulling him inside. “Don’t disturb me for the next hour.”
“Uh,” Steve begins, but he doesn’t actually look upset by this turn of events, so Bucky doesn’t worry—too much, anyway.
He does, however, turn to Tony and ask, “Is he going to be okay?”
“Oh yeah, he’s fine,” Tony says breezily. “Natasha’s just very direct.”
Now that it’s just the two of them alone in the hallway, it’s a little more awkward. Bucky opens his mouth twice to say something, only to shut it again as soon as he realizes his question is stupid. For his part, Tony shoves his hands deep into his pockets and rocks back and forth on his feet.
Then the sound of what is obviously Steve moaning floats through the door. Bucky cringes and jerks his thumb in the direction of the door. “We should—”
“Yep,” Tony agrees.
They get all the way back to the set before they stop. They look at each other for a beat before dissolving into giggles. “Oh my god,” Tony says, clutching his sides. “I knew she moved fast but—”
“Well, Steve doesn’t move fast at all,” Bucky says, “so you can see where I’m a bit lost.”
That sets Tony off into another round of laughter. Bucky is calming down a bit so he takes the moment to admire the way Tony laughs with his entire body. It takes Tony a moment to realizes he’s being stared at. When he does, his laugh tapers off as he gives Bucky a lingering look.
“I’m Tony,” he says eventually.
“Wow, that’s really unfortunate.”
“You’re not wrong,” Bucky agrees. “Blame Stevie for that one.”
“Childhood friends, huh?”
“Literally played naked together in the kiddie pool.”
Tony grins. “That sounds familiar.”
“You and Rhodes—”
“Oh no, but if you ever get the chance to meet Janet Van Dyne, remember to ask her about the time she thought she could make a living selling mud pies.”
Bucky takes a moment to marvel that this is his life now, that Tony thinks nothing of giving him dirt on the most prolific fashion designer of their generation. “So, uh, Rhodes told me you read my papers?”
Tony’s eyes light up, and, wow, he looks really pretty when he’s excited. “Yes!” he exclaims. “I want to hear your thoughts on the—uh—the time-dependent density functional theory model.”
“I’d love to,” Bucky says honestly. He bites his lip. “Maybe over coffee?”
A delighted smile spreads across Tony’s face. “I’d really like that.”
He holds out his hand for Bucky to take, which he does. Tony’s hand is small and warm, fitting perfectly against his. They stand there, smiling at each other like idiots, until the surly security guard pokes his head around the corner and asks, “Boss, do you need me to drive you?”
Tony jumps. He shoots Bucky a sheepish grin and then calls over his shoulder, “No, I think we can walk, Happy.”
“Are you sure? There’s—”
“It’s only two blocks.”
“Yeah, but—”
“You know what, Happy. You should go see if Natasha needs you to drive her somewhere. I think she’s got a date too.” While Happy is distracted, Tony tugs Bucky towards a side door he hadn’t noticed earlier. “Come on,” he mutters. “Before Natasha decides to kill me for sending Happy to interrupt her.”
“You could not antagonize her,” Bucky points out.
Tony shoots him a mischievous grin. “Where’s the fun in that?”
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in which harry stumbles across your livestream.
a/n: alright lovelies! here is my submission for bificathon hosted by my two lovely friends @bopbopstyles & @harrysclementines !! my prompt is ‘harry accidentally stumbles upon a livestream of her and her friend’ and let me tell you, I SNATCHED THIS SO QUICK! its my first time writing gxg smut, so pls be nice :’). also september is bi awareness month, so happy bi month babies! you’re so all beautiful and valid <3
enjoy 4k words of bi/camgirl!yn x roommate/best friend!harry filled with girl x girl smut/filth
come into my inbox and send feedback and let’s talk about this!
pls rb to share! <3
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It was Harry’s usual Thursday night when he found himself lying in his bed with his laptop on his lap and a plate of his dinner in his hands. 
He was binge watching interior home designers on Netflix, letting out an ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ as they revealed the finished homes, practically envisioning his future home the same way. 
Thursday nights were practically the start of his weekend as he didn’t have classes on Fridays, and usually his friends and him would hang out, but he really just didn’t feel like going out nor did he have the social capacity to hang out and get drunk when he’s probably going to do that on Friday and Saturday. 
He simply just wanted a break, and that included staying inside and watching interior designers flip a house completely different, and eating his dinner. And he wasn’t ashamed that he enjoyed it. 
After a few episodes and an empty plate, Harry paused the next episode before it even started to put his plate away and grab a glass of water. As he was washing his plate, he heard the door open and close, followed by hushed giggles and whispers. 
“Shh. Harry might be asleep,” a voice said, but he knew it was you. You knew that he liked to sometimes sleep early, but he thought it was too early to be asleep, seeing as it was only eight p.m. 
“I’m actually in here,” he chuckled, making himself present with his voice. 
“Oh!” You said surprisingly, and another laugh was heard. 
You made your way to the kitchen, your guest following behind you as you saw Harry in just a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. 
“Hey, H,” you greeted. 
“Hi, love. Have fun tonight?” He asked. You had went to the bar to chill out from the many essays you had to write and exams you had to take, and Thursday nights were also a start to your weekend as well, so fuck it. 
“Yeah, I did, thanks for asking. This is Daniela, by the way,” you introduced the girl you had met at the bar. 
You had seen Daniela right when you walked in as her and her friends were sitting at the table right next to the entrance, and she immediately caught your eye. She looked right back at you, giving you some flirty eyes herself as you were dragged away by your friends and straight to the bar. 
After a few drinks and rounds of dancing with your best girlfriends, you saw Daniela walk over to the bar and order some drinks, so you decided that it was your chance to go up to her. 
You two had immediately hit it off, getting to know one another. She told you that she was a lesbian, and you proudly told her that you were bisexual. You also found out that you’re both in the same bio-chem class together, which definitely raised the excitement as she suggested studying together and you happily said yes. Then there was dancing while you two were both buzzed, completely forgetting your friends as you grinded against each other and kissed, not caring that you were practically putting on a show for everyone around you. 
And when you suggested that you took her home, she immediately said yes, and you dragged her outside as you waited for the Uber you called. 
“Nice to meet you, Daniela. I’m Harry,” he introduced himself, shaking her hand. “Her roommate and friend-”
“Best friend. C’mon, Harry, don’t put yourself lower than that,” you corrected and he smiled. 
“Alright, alright. My bad,” he laughed. 
“So, we’re gonna go to my room,” you winked him as Harry said ‘have fun’ before cleaning up a bit in the kitchen. 
He was glad that one of you was getting laid. He also noticed how happy you were, which he absolutely adored, and he thinks it has to do with the fact that you came out a year ago, and you’re now living your life to the fullest and happiest, and that’s all he wants; is for you to be happy with yourself and in general.
Harry met you at the end of freshman year of college as your friend groups met up with each other at a bar. He was a bit more shy than the rest of his friends, and didn’t immediately mingle with everyone until a few drinks in. But as you introduced yourself to his friends, you noticed him sitting down at the bar, not interacting with anyone. You were also somewhat on the quiet side, but was able to handle introducing yourself, so you completely understood why Harry acted the way he did when you two met. 
“Hey, not feeling it tonight?” You asked, taking a seat next to him. 
“Eh, not one for going up to people and initiating a conversation,” he said nervously. 
“I get that. Makes me nervous to go up to someone and talk to them, but I’m trying to get over that, so here’s me trying,” you chuckled as did he. 
“Well, we gotta drink to that then,” he said, and it took him by surprise that he was able to make a joke and laugh. 
It could have definitely been the liquid courage, but he was starting to warm up to you; joking around and becoming less tense as you two talked and drank. But that was because you were making him comfortable, to which he appreciated very much. 
Since then, you two have been by each other’s side. He told you that your friends kind of intimidated him because they were very out there, and that made you laugh slightly because it was very true, but you made sure to be by his side whenever your groups hung out. 
The group hangouts turned into one-on-one hangouts with just you and Harry. He was definitely more comfortable with you, and he really enjoyed your company and presence. 
Both of your friends had expected you two to end up together, but you two realized that you were better off as friends—who knows if you two will end up together, but for now, you were happy being best friends with him as was he. 
It was a year, the end of sophomore year, when you wanted to move out of the dorms. It wasn’t like you didn’t like your friends and roommates, but sometimes you wanted your own space and that didn’t help when there’s two other people in the same room as you. 
So Harry suggested that you both find a flat together since he was on the lookout for a flat anyways, and it’ll help him a ton with bills and whatnot. You excitedly said yes after you asked him if he was sure that he wanted to move in with you, and if he was extra sure that he wanted to since you’d be there when he would take home people. He laughed, and said that he didn’t care and wanted to live with you, saying it’ll be fun. You both had gotten quite close throughout that year and practically told each other everything, so it’ll be even better to live with someone you both trust. 
Junior year of uni, he noticed that you always came home with a sad frown on your face, briefly saying hi to him before going straight to your room and locking yourself up for hours. Harry tried figuring out why you were in such a mood all the time, and tracked his steps, seeing if he said anything wrong that made you upset. But he couldn’t figure it out as you both always had light and fun conversations during breakfast and dinner. 
And the frown went on for months until you both came back from Christmas break, and you told him that you had to tell him something very important. 
“Love, you can tell me anything, you know that right?” He said, reassuring you. 
“Yeah. It’s just…I’m nervous to,” you said, shaking your leg. Harry really wondered what happened during break that made you so anxious. He was worried that you wanted to move out and not live with him anymore, but he had to remind himself that it was probably not even about him as he told you to take your time. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll be here when you’re ready,” he said, and you nodded, giving him a smile before you walked off to your room to gather your thoughts. 
An hour later, you came out of your room and found Harry sitting on the couch, watching a film. You sat next to him, and he immediately turned off the TV, giving you his full attention.
You took a deep breath and started, “What I was trying to say earlier was that something about me has changed, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when I was still figuring it out, but I was just scared of what you would think,” you said. Harry started to get concerned, but he let you finish talking before he said anything. “So, I’ve always had an attraction towards girls, and I thought it was just me thinking a girl was pretty, but when I started to get nervous and flustered when a girl would talk to me, I realized that I really like them, and I would find myself flirting with them and longing to have something romantic with them. And then when I went back home for break, I met up with a childhood friend, and somehow…we kissed. It was so magical that it made my stomach flutter.” 
Harry had smiled softly as you told your story; knowing where this conversation was going, but of course, he stayed silent and let you talk. 
“So what I’m trying to tell you is that… I’m bi,” you had said nervously, hands shaking in your lap. You were trying to contain your tears from falling from your face as you shook your leg. 
“Love, I’m so happy for you,” he replied, opening his arms to comfort you from the anxiety you were feeling from telling him. You had softly sobbed into his shoulder, feeling the weight on your shoulders disappear as you had finally told the person you were closest to and who you trust the most. 
“R-Really?” You said as you pulled away from his hold. 
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be? I’m happy that you can be whoever you want to be and I’m here to support you,” he said, holding your arms and running his hands over your skin. 
“Thank you, Harry,” you smiled at him, feeling ultimately grateful for your best friend and his acceptance. 
Harry smiled at the memory as he heard giggles through your door, and he chuckled as he finished cleaning before heading to his room. He was feeling a bit tired and despite it being a bit earlier than his usual bedtime, he decided to call it a night a try to get some sleep, deciding that he could go on a run in the morning since he was sleeping early. 
But after an hour of tossing and turning, he gave up trying to get a restful sleep, and opened his laptop to put on some Netflix, hoping it would lull him into a deep slumber. He was comfortably watching a random show until his hand grazed his crotch, and he realized he hadn’t relieved himself nor had he had sex in a while. 
So, he pushed his boxers down his legs, kicked them off the bed, and took off his shirt before he grabbed some lube and pumped his cock as it immedately hardened in his hand. He began touching himself in the darkness of his room as he quietly groaned out and threw his head back on his pillow. 
Realizing he doesn’t have some kind of visual, he stops to search up cam girl sites on the internet so he can get a mental image in his head to get him off. He finally settled on one user that was doing a live stream called ‘KISSYPLS’ as the preview was a girl going down on another with a purple ambiance to the room. The room was dark, but not dark enough where he couldn’t see the two girls. 
The sound of the moans from his laptop were quite loud and he didn’t want you to hear it all the way from your room, so he grabbed some headphones from his bedside table, plugging in his earbuds into his ears as the sounds of the girls moaned and talked dirty to each other. 
“You taste so fuckin’ good,” the girl that was doing the eating out said before she crawled her way up to the other’s body. 
And the slightest moment as Harry was watching, the girl on her back had shifted down a bit as they kissed, and Harry’s eyes flew wide open once he glanced. He saw the face that he wouldn’t have expected he would see. 
His roommate. His best friend. It was you. 
You were being eaten out on his computer screen by Daniela, and he was in complete shock. He honestly hadn’t expected to find you because it was just a random scroll through the site, but holy fuck. 
You hadn’t had your account for very long—maybe about three months. But you thought it was a good way to make some extra money because the bills were stacking up and they had to be paid off somehow. And you loved the idea of getting off in front of a camera for random strangers who pay to see that shit. 
And of course, Harry didn’t know you were a cam girl at all. He hadn’t seen that coming when he was looking for something to get off to. But he wasn’t complaining. He just didn’t expect you to be the one on the other side of the screen. But there you were, showing your body and having sex with someone on camera for the (as shown) 27 people watching who are also horny as fuck. 
You as a person are already beautiful, he knew that, but your body was something else. The way your tits were shown so clearly on his screen with your tattoo that was inked right next to your left tit; as the purple light hit your skin. He wanted to take them in his mouth and devour them. 
You were sprawled out onto the bed, naked as Daniela was kissing you, and he couldn’t stop looking at you as your face looked while kissing someone. He was in complete shock that he stopped stroking himself, his dick in his hands as he watched you two make out. But once his cock twitched from the sight of your ass sticking up, getting a view of your glistening pussy and ass, he continued. 
You flipped Daniela onto her back, making her squeal in surprise before you started kissing down her body, leaving small and sweet kisses to her soft skin. You took her nipples into your mouth, sucking on it lightly as she moaned. Once you were lying on your stomach between her legs, you gave her inner thighs a kiss before licking one long strike up her pussy. You generally loved the way girls taste rather than guys, so your mouth salivates more when you’re with women, eating them out and tasting them, and pleasuring them to their orgasm.
You tongue focused on her clit, licking her sensitive bud relentlessly as your arms were looped under her thighs, and your hand reached up to grab one of her breasts, taking her nipple in between your finger and lightly pulling it. 
“Oh, fuck,” she moaned. Her voice was much more high pitched than normal, but you think it’s hot as fuck. “Like that.” 
That encouraged you to continue sucking on her clit, and you brought your free hand to plunge two fingers into her wet pussy, curling up to meet the soft spot inside of her. Daniela’s back arched off the bed as her hair was spread out onto the pillow as she grabbed a fistful of your sheets into her hands. You pulled your mouth away from her to place your hand on her clit, rubbing it fast as you continue to finger fuck her. Daniela was an absolute mess above you, chanting that she was going to come as a way to manifest her orgasm. 
“C’mon, beautiful. Cum for me,” you encouraged her, the sound of your voice had made Daniela and Harry moan out with how sultry and seductive you sounded. Daniela’s peak washed over her as her hips bucked up, but you placed your arm on top of her thigh to stop her from moving as you calmed her down from her high. You licked her up once more, collecting her juices on your tongue before climbing up her body to connect your lips with her. Daniela could taste herself on you, and it turned her on even more despite just having an orgasm. 
Harry watched as you two kissed for a while. She wrapped her arms around your back, pressing her body against yours as you two made out, swirling your tongues together. Harry fondled his balls, intensifying the feeling before going back to stroke his cock. He gripped on his long hair with his other hand, so it felt like someone was in the room pulling his hair for him, and he closed his eyes. With the feeling of his orgasm coming, he was about ready to pump faster so he could get to his peak, but he heard your voice again. 
“I’m not done with you yet. Wanna cum again?” You asked her, and she nodded eagerly. “Want you to cum when I say so,” you told Daniela, and she nodded. Harry slowed his movements down as if he felt like you were personally talking to him, even though a lot of people on her live stream felt the way he did once she said those words. 
You fixed the laptop, pushing it back a little but still pointing it down to your bodies rather than your face. Giving Daniela a kiss, you situate yourself, putting one leg over her and the other under. You reach between you two, inserting your finger in her wet hole and bringing that wetness to her clit, and she does the same to you. 
Slowly moving closer to one another, you touch clits, rubbing it against each other as you two moaned out. The sounds coming from both of your mouths were loud enough that Harry had heard them from his room, and it genuinely felt like he was in the same room as he was also watching it on his screen. 
“Fuck, I wanna cum,” he groaned to himself. 
“You wanna cum?” You said, rubbing yourself on her and she whimpered out a ‘mhm,’ and you proceeded to grind faster. 
“Yeah, please let me,” Harry moaned. 
The feeling of both your wetness rubbing together was sending you over the edge as you felt like you were going to explode. Your moans had gotten louder, and you really hoped Harry was wearing some sort of headphones with loud music because you felt bad that you were being this loud, but you couldn’t help it. 
But little did you know that Harry was listening to everything. 
You felt like Daniela had waited long enough to release, so you grabbed her face gently, giving her a kiss. “Go ahead. Cum for me,” you said breathlessly as you were going to let go after she was done. 
Once Harry heard those words, he sighed in relief, letting out a loud groan as his orgasm was released onto his stomach. His abs clenched and his hips bucked into his hand. He grabbed a pillow and bit on it, concealing his moans as he came down from his high. With his chest heaving up and down, he looked over at his laptop to see you breathing deeply and he knew that you had just orgasmed as well. 
Your orgasms had hit both of you hard as you were left sprawled out on the bed, laying on opposite sides as your legs were still entangled with one another. Daniela sat up, pulling your body towards her, and she kissed you deeply, still feeling entirely breathless. 
“God, you’re amazing,” she said against your lips, and you smiled into the kiss. The live stream was still going on, so Harry continued watching you two interact with one another post orgasm. “Kinda wanna use that dildo of yours on you,” she smirked, and you chuckled, nodding your head eagerly. 
“Like a threesome, but with a dildo,” you joked, and she laughed. 
“Maybe we should have one?” 
“What? A threesome?” You asked, pulling back, and she nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders. 
“Yeah, why not?” 
“With who?” 
Just on cue, a knock was heard on your door quite loud, making you and Daniela turn your heads towards the door. Before you even had the chance to even get up, the door opened, revealing Harry in just his boxers. You couldn’t help but look down at his crotch area and see his cock hard. 
“Done with the show ladies?” He asked, smirking. The two of you were still completely naked, but neither of you cared to make an effort to cover yourselves. 
“W-What?” You stuttered and looked at Daniela as she had no clue what was going on either. 
“Watched your live stream,” he finally said, and your eyes widened. 
“How did you find it?” You asked, moving towards the edge of the bed, and Daniela stayed behind near the headboard. 
“By coincidence, I swear,” he said, walking towards you. “Was just scrolling and I was horny as fuck, and I stumbled upon it.” 
“D-Did you like it?” A nervous tone came with your words, and it was strange because you’ve never been nervous with Harry, except the time you came out to him. A huge part of you wanted him to say he liked it and that he enjoyed the show, and you really hoped he did. 
He stood in between your legs and looked down at you as you looked up. The sight below him was just something that irked him; you looking up at him with wide eyes, acting innocent and him looking down at you with a raging hard on, begging to be touched by you and your mouth. He placed his hands on both sides of your face, caressing your warm cheek as he studied you for a moment. The smear of mascara that laid under your eyes and your flushed cheeks made his cock twitch. 
Just from watching your live stream, he noticed that you were quite dominant in bed with girls. But with how you’re looking at him, wanting validation and reassurance from him, you’re submissive with men (or just him in general).
His stare was intimidating, and the dark purple light illuminating your room didn’t help. He’s never seen you naked and bare, so that added to the stress of if he likes what he sees. But you were surprised that you didn’t want to cover up in front of him. Throughout the years of being best friends and roommates, you two have never fucked. Although you have kissed multiple times, it was purely platonic and sometimes you just needed a kiss every once in a while. And as your best friend, Harry was happy to help. 
“Of course I fucking loved it. Wanna know my favorite part?” You smiled softly, nodding slowly as you looked at him with big and innocent eyes. He bent down, matching your eye level before he whispered, “Well, first of all you, of course. Looked so damn beautiful, I swear.” You blushed, and he continued. “But the part when Daniela suggested a threesome just a minute ago. If you and her are up with me being a plus one, then I am. Your wish is my command,” he said softly, kissing your nose.
Daniela gasped behind you, a big smile on her face as she crawled to the edge of the bed, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissed your shoulder before she spoke. 
“Well, looks like we’re gonna have a lot of fucking fun.” 
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
“I like a challenge Darling”
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Word Count: 5,366 Demetri x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, reader being paddled, NSFW
Marcus and Demetri had a different relationship as Master and Personal Bodyguard when compared to Aro and the Twins and Caius and Felix. Marcus would quite often converse with the tracker when it was just the two of them in his private study, exchanging views of the books they have read, sharing stories from their human lives etc. This is how he came to know that Demetri had become lonely over the years as he had yet to find his mate, unlike his friend Felix who found his mate Mia a few decades back. Marcus had told him to have faith and that when the time is right, he would meet his mate and they would spend an eternity together.
So when Demetri finally met Y/N courtesy of Esme Cullen, although it was totally by accident that the two met, Marcus was happy for him and welcomed Y/N into the family with open arms. He liked her as she was respectful to him and his brothers and being human, she was curious about a lot of things including their world, their laws and this was something Marcus found endearing about her and would give her as much of his time as possible when Demetri was away so she wouldn’t become bored or restless. Even Caius liked her and he hated humans. Marcus surmised this was because of her interest in their laws and how they came to power and she understood that the vampire world and the human world were better off under their rule than that of their predecessors.
Marcus was in his private study working at his desk, Demetri being his personal bodyguard was in the room sitting on the sofa reading. Marcus didn’t see the point of him standing at the back of the office when he could be comfortable on the sofa reading or planning for missions. Sometimes Marcus would hide in his office just to escape the throne room and the bickering of his brothers, he always bought Demetri with him which the tracker appreciated. This was one of those occasions.
They had been in Marcus’ study for about an hour when he surprised Demetri with a request, one that related to Y/N. “Demetri, would you bring Y/N to my office please as I have a proposition for her?” Demetri’s eyebrows rose, a look of shock flashed across his and he knew Marcus saw it “Do not worry my boy, it’s nothing untoward. I promise” Marcus reassured him “Of course Master. When would you like to see her?” He asked “As soon as possible” Marcus replied “I’ll go get her now then. She’s in the garden” “Very well. Thank you Demetri.” Demetri bowed his head and left the room making his way out to the South facing garden where Y/N was reading by the fountain.
“Hello mi amore” He said softly as he approached her, not wanting to spook her “Demetri” She replied with a smile, one that showed she was happy to see him “Have you been let off early?” She asked, a hopeful look crossed her face “No, sorry. I’m here to escort you Marcus’ study as he would like to talk to you” He replied “Oh. Is it bad? Have I done something wrong?” “Not that I am aware off. Maybe he has become bored of my company and wishes for yours instead” He chuckled “We both know that’s a lie. He’d never get bored of talking to you, you have too much in common. I’ll admit he does seem to like my company or should I say he likes to keep me company when you are away on missions” She replied as she slipped her hand in his, their fingers interlacing with one another. Demetri loved how warm she felt against his skin.
“Good afternoon Y/N” Marcus greeted her with a smile as she entered his study, Demetri right behind her “Afternoon Marcus, I trust you are well” She replied with a smile of her own “I am thank you and hope you are too” He gestured for them to sit on the sofa “I’m well too, thank you for asking” She sat beside Demetri and placed her hand in his, Marcus noticed and smiled, seeing the strong bond between them despite the short time they had been together.
“So you may be wondering why I asked to see you?” Y/N nodded and smiled “Well, Gianna is out sick for the week and I was hoping you might fill in for her. I know the two of you get along well and you have helped her out on occasion, when you’ve needed a change of scenery for example” Y/N looked at Demetri and he just smiled back at her “It’s your decision cara mia” She looked back at Marcus and smiled “I’d love too. Be nice to do something different for a week and at least I know I’ll be safe as everyone knows I’m Dem’s mate” She chuckled, Marcus and Demetri doing the same “That’s very true my dear.” Y/N was in for an interesting week and she didn’t even know it.
Later that night Marcus informed Aro and Caius that Y/N was covering reception for the remainder of the week in Gianna’s absence. They were pleased to hear this as the lower guard Louis, who had covered that day did not do a very good job. Caius had threatened to rip his hand off just because he could.
The following morning Demetri escorted Y/N down to reception and ensured she had everything she needed to complete the day’s work “Thank you for helping out mi amore” He said softly and placed a kiss to her temple “It’s no bother really. I’ve helped Gianna before and it’ll be nice to be out of our room and see somewhere other than the library for a few days” She replied “I’ll come by and see you at lunchtime” He kissed her lips before leaving and heading to the throne room for guard duty. “Please gods let this week pass without incident for my beloved” Demetri muttered low, praying to his gods.
The first two days on reception went by without any problems or incidents, something everyone was pleased with. Day three however, there was a small problem when Heidi bought the ‘tour’ group in. Two of the tourists started bickering and Heidi was busy sorting out the disruption and therefore didn’t hear one young lady ask Y/N where the bathroom was “I don’t know why they call it morning sickness when it lasts all day” She said to Y/N as they walked to the female bathroom. Heidi did a final headcount and noticed she was one person short “Y/N I seem to have lost someone” She whispered “She’s in the bathroom being sick. She’s pregnant” Y/N replied and Heidi’s face paled “Wait five minutes, then please escort her out the castle. Make some excuse for me otherwise I’m in big trouble” “Leave it with me Heidi. I had no intention of letting her re-join the ‘tour’ as it would’ve gotten you into trouble” Y/N said with a smile “You are a star Y/N, truly” Heidi gave her a grateful smile “I owe you one” She called over her shoulder and continued on her way with the tour group to the throne room. Y/N was pleased as the young lady got to keep her life and Heidi didn’t get into trouble for bringing a pregnant lady on the tour.
Day six of Y/N covering reception for Gianna was more eventful than anyone could have imagined. Demetri and Felix were in the training room with the lower and transitory guards carrying out the regular training session. Jane, Alec and Santiago were on duty in the throne room with the Kings. Y/N heard a commotion and got up from the front desk to look and saw some of the transitory guards fighting at the entrance to the castle, humans were beginning to pay attention which worried Y/N, especially as it was sunny outside.
Y/N made her way to the throne room and knocked on the door once and they opened from the inside “Sorry to interrupt but…” “Y/N you know you aren’t meant to interrupt” Aro cut her off “Yes Aro, and I apologise but some of the guards are fighting at the castle entrance and humans are gathering to watch and it’s sunny outside” She replied quickly, hoping she wouldn’t be punished as Gianna’s predecessors were. “Santiago, Josh please go and deal with the guards at the entrance. Y/N you can return to reception” Aro said with a smile “Thank you Aro” She smiled and bowed her head before leaving the throne room quickly.
“Y/N needs to be punished” Caius says to his brothers “Really brother? Do you really think it’s necessary?” Aro asked “She did interrupt despite knowing she shouldn’t” Caius replied “She came to warn us of a possible exposure threat and she did knock first” Marcus defended her actions “Still rules are rules brother. If Gianna had interrupted instead of Y/N we would’ve punished her. We cannot play favourites just because she’s Demetri’s mate even if she is helping out this week” Caius reasons “Ok then. I’ll take care of her punishment” Marcus says as he gets up from his throne “You? You’re going to punish her?” Caius asked smirking “Yes, Demetri is my bodyguard and Y/N is his mate. Therefore, I will handle this situation” He replied and left the throne room.
“Demetri won’t be happy” Alec muttered low to Jane so only she could hear “My shift has finished so I’ll go tell him. He’ll want to know about Y/N” Jane whispered back.
Marcus went to reception to see Y/N “Hello, my dear. I need you to come with me please” “Of course Marcus, am I in trouble?” She replied “I’ll explain soon enough” He said and held his arm out for her to take. He led her to one of the guest rooms in the South Wing. Once inside he closes the door and explains the situation they are now in. “Caius has asked that you be punished for the interruption” Marcus started softly “But I knocked first and I thought you’d want to know about a possible exposure risk, especially as it involves your guards” She replied “I know my dear and I pointed that out to him but he was adamant a punishment was needed. I told my brothers I would deal with your punishment as Demetri is my bodyguard and you are his mate” “O-ok. Thank you. Does Demetri know?” She asked “Jane has finished her shift and I’m sure she’ll inform him of what has occurred” He replied and she nodded.
“Please can make your way over to the bed?” Marcus asked and she did as he asked. She stood at the end of the bed and felt Marcus come to stand beside her. “Please lean over the bed with your arms out” She did as she was instructed and felt his cold hands wrap something silky around her wrists “I’m tying you to the bed so you don’t move during the punishment you’re going to receive” He said low as he reached over her and gently placed a silk scarf into her mouth and secured it at the back of her head “This is to muffle your cries. Although, I ask that you don’t resist or cry out as Demetri is likely to hear and the punishment will start over if it’s interrupted for anything but an emergency. Also, you must keep your eyes closed throughout. Understand?” “Yes Marcus” Her reply coming out muffled.
There was a knock at the door “I won’t be a minute” He told her and opened the door to see Demetri, a confused and slightly angry Demetri. He stepped into the corridor and shut the door. “Calm yourself, my dear boy. No real harm is to become her” He advised “Jane told me what happened and whilst I agree she shouldn’t have disturbed you, she only did it to save us from being exposed by our guards” Demetri replied, worry clear in his ruby eyes “I know that and that is why I decided on her punishment and not Caius…” “What is her punishment?” Demetri interrupted “She is to be paddled 40 times” Marcus replied “What? Why?” “Well I heard Y/N talking with Gianna recently about certain things and well Gianna’s been spanked by an ex in the past for ‘misbehaving’” Marcus replied and Demetri’s mouth fell open a little “So you thought Y/N should be paddled for interrupting you?” “Yes, I do. Unless you’d prefer I take a leaf out of Caius’ book?” Demetri shook his head and Marcus smiled “Here” Marcus says and hands Demetri the small black paddle “You want me to do it?” He asked surprised “If you’d rather me do it…” He trailed off and held his hand out “No, no I’ll do it” Demetri replied and went to enter the room, only Marcus stopped him “She thinks I am going to hand out the punishment and I didn’t correct her. Also, I never said you had to hit her hard, just that it has to be 40 times” Demetri nodded in understanding “Thank you master” He bowed his head “Of course my boy. Do you really think I would harm her or order you to do so” Demetri shook his head “Exactly, once you’re done take her to your room and spend the afternoon together.” Marcus turned and walked away.
Demetri entered the room and locked the door, he turned and saw Y/N bent over the end of the bed and secured in place by silk scarfs; he felt himself harden a little ‘No, this is punishment not pleasure’ he tells himself as he makes his way over to the bed. He doesn’t say anything just lifts her dress up to her waist so her lacy covered ass is on display ‘Gods this isn’t fair. She’s wearing the blue set I love’ he thought to himself. He counts to three mentally before bringing the paddle into contact with her ass softly.
‘Is that a practice one?’ Y/N thought to herself as the paddle hit her ass softly; the answer came to her rather quickly when the next few paddles to her ass were just as soft ‘Marcus must be being gentle cause I’m human and Dem’s mate’ she thought to herself as the paddle continues to hit her softly. ‘twenty-five’ Demetri counts in his head. ‘wonder what Dem will think when he finds out Marcus paddled my ass’ her thoughts going to her mate and his reaction. Demetri continues to hit her softly as his minds wonders too ‘I think next time I spank her it’ll be a little harder and with my hand, just to see what effect it has on her in a different setting.’ Y/N feels confused as this doesn’t seem like a punishment Caius would approve of but she wasn’t going to complain. ‘forty’ Demetri places the paddle on the bed and unties her wrists and places a kiss to each one; a soft gasp escapes her lips and he smirks “It’s just me darling” He says low in her ear as he removes the scarf from her mouth “Dem” She breathed and he helped her up and held her to him “I’m here” He kisses the top of the head “Did you…” “Marcus let me carry out your punishment” He cut her off “I’m sorry. I only…” “Don’t worry about it. Marcus and I have spoken and agreed your actions were for the right reasons, this was just to satisfy Caius’ request.”
He took her hand in his and they made their back to their shared room, once inside he locked the door “How are you feeling?” “I’m ok but next time the dumbass guards risk exposure, I’m going to ignore it” She replies and he nods as he pulls her into him capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. He pulls away his eyes locked on hers, his burning in his need for her. He kisses her roughly, his hands moving to her ass and he gives it a squeeze before lifting her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. “Good girl” He says low and she gives him a sultry smile.
He placed her gently on the bed, one hand running up her thigh coming to rest on her lace covered hip. He kissed along her jawline making his way to her ear and nipped it gently, before placing a kiss below and leaving a trail of kisses down her neck, his hand stroking her through her lace covered panties “Hey, I’m not that easy Dem, take your time…play me like a violin” She says low in his ear and he growls before replying “Play your cards right and I may snap your G string” He gave a wink and continued to kiss and nip at her skin.
He pulled away long enough to remove her dress and his shirt and trousers before capturing her lips with his. She bit his lip and he opened his mouth allowing her to slip her tongue inside, their tongues moving against each other as soft moans fill the room.
“You’re lucky I love this blue lace set you’re wearing or I’d be ripping it to shreds” He says as removes her bra and panties before settling himself between her thighs, his mouth closing around her clit and sucking harshly, flicking the bud with his tongue. Soft gasps fill the air and she feels his fingers dance against her skin, he growls as the scent of her arousal fills his nose, the sound vibrating against her clit, her arousal building and a soft whimper leaves her lips.
He moves up the bed, placing one hand to her cheek and kisses her lips softly as he enters her slowly, stilling for a moment “So warm and wet just for me” He pulls out of her a little before re-entering her slowly “Ahh Dem” He moves in and out of her over and over filling her deeply with every thrust; hitting that sweet spot and she met him thrust for thrust “Ahh Y/N” He breathed against her skin, she felt his mouth on her breast, kissing and sucking her skin leaving a mark. He continued to move within her as he took a nipple into his mouth sucking it and flicking it with his tongue. Her fingers carded through his hair and she gave it a tug; a growl escaped him before he gently nipped her breast.
He could feel his release was near but held off as he was determined for her to finish first, he needed to claim her, finally mark her as his. He kissed her neck and then sank his fangs into her skin, a light gasp left her lips as she felt him bite her. Her orgasm hit her at that moment, her eyes closing and stars flittered behind her eyelids. He continued to drink her blood, drawing out her orgasm as he released himself deep inside her. He pulled his teeth away from her neck, licking the wound closed; leaving a bite mark on her skin that would show everyone that she belonged to him.
Y/N could feel that Demetri was still hard inside her despite him climaxing moments ago “Dem, you’re still hard” She said low “It’s a vampire thing, we can go for multiple rounds without tiring” He replied and winked at her “So, there’ll be a round two then?” She asked before biting her bottom lip and looking at him through her lashes. “Definitely sweetheart” He replied as he began thrusting in and out of her again “I could stay here and make love to you all day” He said looking into her eyes and gave her a quick kiss “I do have the afternoon off…” He trailed off and let his hand slowly move down her body, his fingers lightly brushing her folds. “As fun as that sounds, I’m human and I don’t think I could keep up with you” She replied low “I like a challenge darling. Let’s see how many rounds you can keep up with me for. Mmm?” He asked, his eyes darkened by lust, before capturing her lips with his, both of them moaning into the kiss.
“Ok, but we have to try different positions. Switch it up a little” She replied, taking her bottom lip between her teeth, she felt him twitch inside her “Deal. Where would you like round two?” “On the bed but I’m on top” He smiled and rolled them over “Do with me as you will” He smiled at her, she smiled back before lifting nearly all the way off of him only to sink back down on him hard “Cazzo” He breathed out and she chuckled “That good huh?” She lifted off of him again “You had a great teacher” He smirked at her as she lowered herself back down on him, his hands going to her hips “Uh uh. You gave me control sweetheart” She circled her hips over his and he growled, his hands moving to grip the bedsheets “Good boy” She praised low and he chuckled. She leant forward to kiss him as she grinded against him and felt him hit a new spot inside her, she repeated this action as she left a trail of open-mouthed kisses along his jaw and down his neck. “Ah Y/N.” She continued to move her hips over his and he felt her teeth graze his skin where his neck meets his shoulder before she sucked on the skin there eliciting a purr from him. He was smiling as he watched her rise and lower herself on his hardened length, her hips grinding against his to get the friction she needs as she nears her orgasm, “I’m so close” He breathed out “Me too” She smiled and sped up her movements, her release followed shortly after; her hips continuing to move over his and she feels him twitch inside her, his cold seed filling her once more. His eyes were closed tight as he came, his mouth open; a soft gasp escaping his lips as his grip on the sheets tightened. “Gods, you’re amazing” He praises her and sits up to hold her close, pressing a kiss to her temple “Like you said, I had a great teacher” She whispered and he smiled against her skin.
“Round three” He breathed against her ear “Your choice” She replied and he thought for a moment “Any chance of a blow job…whilst I think of our next position?” He asked “Only if you say please…Mr Volturi” He growled and thrusted up into her “Dem” She cried out “Any chance of a blow job please?” “Of course Mr Volturi” She climbed off him and moved over to sofa “Coming then?” She beckoned him with a wave of her fingers. He went to sit on the sofa when she placed her hand on his stomach “You stay standing” She sat down on the sofa and wasted no time in taking him into her mouth; his head fell back instantly, loving the way her warm mouth felt around his cock “Oh gods” Her hands moved to his ass and gave it a squeeze as she took him further into her mouth, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat. She moaned around his cock; one of his hands moved to the back of her head, his fingers grabbing a hand full of hair. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock, swirling it around the tip, licking up some of the pre-cum that had leaked out. He growled low as he felt a warm hand cup his balls, massaging them and he tugged on her hair and thrusted his hips forward ensuring he hit the back of her throat and she moaned around him. She hollowed her cheeks as she continued to suck him off and massaging his balls “Such a good girl” He praised her as she run her teeth along him and he twitched inside her mouth. He tugged on her hair and she stopped moving her head up and down his cock, allowing him to fuck her mouth, he moved his hips forward a few times ensuring he hit the back of her throat each time. He felt her tap his thigh and he stopped moving his hips, giving control back to her. She sucked and licked his cock a few more times before she ran her teeth over his length again and he emptied himself down the back of her throat, her swallowing everything he gave her. She licked him clean before pulling away and looking up at him. He knelt down before her and kissed her, tasting himself on her tongue. “I love you Y/N” “I love you too. Next position then?”
He took her hand and led her to his desk and bent her over it; and he entered her easily from behind, one hand wrapping around her throat applying a little pressure “If you don’t like this or you want to me stop, let me know” She nodded in response as the pressure on her throat increased a little. He thrusted in and out her setting a fast and rough pace “Demi” She breathed out and he leant over her burying his head in the crook of her neck, slipping inside her deeper as he continues to thrust inside her, his other hand moving down to play with her clit as he applies a little more pressure to her throat “You’re doing beautifully mi amore” He felt her walls flutter around him and he sped up his pace, edging them closer to their releases; the warmth of her release coaxing his own to follow. He released his hold on her throat and placed a kiss to her neck as he pulled out of her, she turned to face him smiling. One hand going to the back of his head and she pulled down for a passionate kiss.
“Round four is your choice darling” “Well, Mr Volturi before round four I’d like you to get on your knees and return the favour. Please” He smiled wide “Anything for you.” Demetri sat her on his desk and lowered himself to his knees in front of her and buried his head between her thighs, inhaled slightly taking in the scent of her arousal and growled low. He looked up at her to see her looking down at him, his ruby eyes had darkened further due to his continued arousal. He gently lifted one leg over his shoulder before lowering his head and sucking on her clit, flicking the bundle of nerves with his tongue. She leaned back slightly and gripped the edge of his desk as he placed a hand on her stomach keeping her in place before he gently pushed her other leg away from him, giving him better access to where she needed him most. He continuing to suck and flick her clit with his tongue, her soft moans being the only sound in the room. He smiled against her knowing he was the only one who could elicit that reaction from her. He moved his head lower and she felt his tongue enter her, she gasped and one of her hands moved to his head and she threaded her fingers through his hair before tugging on the strands, eliciting a growl from him. She felt his growl vibrate against her “Dem” She breathed out, he growled again and she felt a knot form inside her; she tried moving her hips to get the friction she craved but his hand still held her in place. He withdrew his tongue from inside her and closed his mouth back around her clit, sucking harsher than before; his tongue flicking her bud. She felt him slip two fingers inside her, curling and uncurling them so they brushed her inner walls a few times. He uncurled his fingers and moved them deeper inside her, hitting her sweet spot; his fingers and tongue working together to bring her to climax. “Ahh…Dem” She breathed out as she came hard, her eyelids half closed. He withdrew his fingers and put them into his mouth “Mmm. I love the taste of you baby” He smiled looking up at her through his lashes “I love you Demi” “I love you too.”
He stood up and surprised her when he lifted her over his shoulder and made his way to their walk-in closet and set her down on her feet before he pinned her against the wall. He captured her lips with his in a heated kiss and nipped at her bottom lip and she whimpered allowing him to slip his tongue inside her mouth and dominate the kiss. He lifted her up into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist and she could feel his cold hard length pressing against her entrance and with one slow thrust he entered her easily “Fuck…baby” He growled in her ear, he didn’t give her time to adjust to him, he just began to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace; her legs closed tighter around his waist and she grinded against him; he slid in deeper hitting that sweet spot inside “Oh yes” She cried out, her nails scratching lightly across his back and he growled and thrusted up into her harder. He kissed and sucked his way up and down her neck, nibbling her earlobe and she felt him smile against her neck with each moan of pleasure he coaxed from her. His thrusts sped up chasing his release as he felt her walls flutter around his cock; he bit her neck for the second time that afternoon and took a few gulps of her blood and she screamed out in pleasure as her orgasm hit her hard, stars dancing behind her eyes. The warmth of her release pulled him over the edge and he emptied himself inside her; continuing to move inside her with slow, long stokes as they rode out their highs together. He licked the wound closed and kissed his bite mark, he captured her lips in a slow sensuous kiss, she opened her mouth to him and he slipped his tongue inside, their togues moving in sync with one another.
“I love how you feel inside me” She whispered when he pulled back to allow her to breathe “I love how warm you feel wrapped around me” He replied before kissing her again. He walked backwards to the loveseat in the corner and sat down with her still in his arms, staying buried inside her for a little longer. He wrapped his arms around her holding her to his chest as she wrapped hers around him. She buried her head into his neck as he laid his on her shoulder, both enjoying their after-sex cuddle.  
Y/N was totally exhausted once Demetri had finally finished making love to her and he noticed her heartrate and breathing had slowed. She was supersensitive now and knew she was likely to be a little sore in the morning but didn’t mind as she had enjoyed every minute of being with her mate.
He carried her to the bathroom and set her down on the counter and run a sink full of water using some of her favourite bubble bath and washed her gently with a warm cloth. He then cleaned himself up before carrying her over to their bed, placing her gently beneath the duvet. He crawled in beside her and pulled her into his arms once again and held her as she fell asleep, breathing in her scent. He smiled to himself as he thought about the sexy afternoon they had just spent together, impressed that she had kept up with him for six rounds of amazing sex. ‘my amazing little human’ he thought and tightened his hold her, placing a kiss to her hair “I love you darling” He whispered and closed his eyes, resting beside his mate.  
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