#i was robbed of ironstrange
space-mermaid-writing · 5 months
Wednesday [IronStrange]
Summary:Tony fights Strange and his weird wizards on a regular basis. So when he is woken up by Jarvis and being told Strange is sitting in his kitchen, waiting to talk to him, Tony just knows that something is not right. What he does not know yet is that it will be a string of very long days.
Relationship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags:enemies to lovers, time loop, time shenanigans, hero/villain, hero Tony Stark, villain Stephen Strange, morally gray Stephen Strange, being a villain is a point of view, protecting the timeline, suicide but it has no consequences whatsoever, open ending, hopeful ending, Stephen needs a hug, Stephen and the never ending day, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual smut, all the stuff you love
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Chapter 3: What wizards do
Starting from scratch every day sucked.
But then again, with each new Wednesday that began, they could discard another theory and hypothesis. So in that sense, failure was a success, as it narrowed down their remaining options. Eventually they would find the right path. Hopefully.
“What do you even do? I mean your wizard circle. Most of the bad guys we fight are pretty forward with their agenda. But you… there’s no pattern, no ultimate goal we know. You rob seemingly randomly, meddle with political and military business alike, and we traced several ‘accidents’ back to you. But then, sometimes, you save people? Don’t think we don’t know about that.”
Stephen wasn’t sure how much he should reveal. He wasn’t exactly sworn to secrecy, but he also never talked to outsiders about the purpose of the order.
Christine knew a bit of it. Fragments she collected during medical emergencies. Just enough to not ask questions she didn’t want answers to.
When he didn’t say anything, Tony continued. “I take your silence to that question means it’s something I won’t like and that I should ask myself if I really should help you with this.”
He might not be wrong about not liking the answer, Stephen thought. But at that moment he decided to tell him anyway. He wasn’t sure why. Why should he be concerned about what Stark thinks about his motives?
“We are protecting the timeline.”
“The what?”
Stephen put his Starkpad down. “Are you familiar with Brand’s theory of decision branches?”
“You mean that every decision everyone ever faces is like a parting of ways? Depending on the decision made there’s a different version of the future.”
The sorcerer nodded. “We – the order of the Mystic Arts – make sure that the future is steered in a certain direction.”
Tony gaped at him. “If you influence decisions, you’re stripping people of their free will!” This was bigger than he had thought, and he tried to wrap his mind around it.
“No,” Stephen clarified. “We don’t care if you can’t decide between ham or beef on your sandwich. But if it happens that a lost super soldier will be needed in an upcoming battle, we will make sure that we stay in the ninety-five percent of the futures in which he will be found.”
“Bullshit! You didn’t know where Cap was.”
“You’re right, we didn’t. But we knew what needed to happen for him to be rediscovered. On this we just observed; but in other cases we need to intervene.”
He didn’t mention that the Ancient One probably also knew about the kidnapping of Tony Stark and his whereabouts in Afghanistan. And that she let it happen anyway because Iron Man was a key element for what was to come.
That had been long before Stephen ever heard about a place named Kamar-Taj.
Sometimes he wondered where his own car accident fit in all this. But he didn’t think too hard about it. He had made his peace with it and had adapted to his new life.
Tony still wasn’t convinced. “How can you know about the different futures?” He glanced at the golden necklace and hit the mark once again. “Time magic?”
“Yes. It allows me to watch all possibilities of the future.”
Tony clenched his fists, ignoring the screwdriver he was still holding, and narrowed his eyes. “You’re basically telling me, you’re playing god and get to decide which future you like most. Sounds like an awfully lot of power for one single man to me!”
Stephen glared right back at him, raising his voice. “Do you think I asked for this? I just wanted to find a cure for my hands. But then my mentor died and I happened to have a solution to get rid of a world consuming entity, and coincidentally I was able to use the Eye without accidentally destroying the whole time continuum! And after that I filled in for the ones we lost during the fight. This,” he pointed at his chest where the Eye of Agamotto rested, “is bigger than me. It’s not about personal favoritism; about who is the next president or whoever. A threat is coming, whether we like it or not. Whether we’re prepared or not. It’s about no less than half of the life of the whole universe. Every planet out there will be concerned. So, yes, if I have to send a mugger into a side street to make sure the mantle of Batman will be picked up in the future, I will do that.”
Stephen had gotten carried away with his words and revealed more than he had actually intended. He was angry and tired. With a burden on his shoulders he hadn't asked for, but tried his best to hold anyway. At the end of his rant he wasn't sure if his words were solely meant for Stark, or if he did need to convince himself to some degree that he was doing the right thing.
The hurt that had bled through from between the words had taken Tony by surprise, and he realized that the expression that always lingered in those blue eyes was the mark of a man who had seen too much. Of a man who cared deeply, even if he tried to convince himself he didn’t.
Tony recognized it, because he found the same expression whenever he looked into a mirror.
“Half of the universe, hm? Can’t argue against that – if you tell the truth.”
“I do.” Stephen slouched in his chair. He yearned for rest. Not just sleep but being stripped from all responsibilities. But he knew that that day was far away.
“I also can’t believe you brought a Batman reference into this.”
It was an attempt at a joke and to make amends. Stephen acknowledged it with a hint of a smile.
Silence spread and they turned back to their individual tasks. Stephen had already said more than he wanted to and Tony thought about the words he had heard.
“Can’t your necklace tell you a future in which we get out of this loop?” he asked after a while.
“Unfortunately, I can’t seem to access it during the loop, which is highly irritating.”
The more Tony learned about it, the more he got the feeling this was a magic problem after all. Then something occurred to him: something was coming. Could it be…?
“That threat you mentioned… does it come from space?”
“Yes. As I said: the whole universe will be affected.”
“Hm.” The engineer pondered. It could be what he had seen when the Scarlet Witch had meddled with his mind.
But if he were to finally know for sure it was true and to not be able to do anything about it currently… whatever he did, it would be gone tomorrow. And he was already working on one problem that wouldn’t let him sleep. He didn’t need to add more nightmares and panic attacks to it. He would talk to the wizard after this groundhog day was over. It might even be important enough to use the IOU he was being promised. Even if only to know if the vision he’d seen had been true or false. For his own peace of mind.
Twelve days in they had collected a lot of data but were still short of a solution.
Tony learned that even if his body was rested in the morning, having his mind working nonstop was not healthy. He was used to pulling all-nighters, but it felt like his tiredness had reached a new level.
Frustrated, Tony buried his face in his hands. He wasn't used to being stuck in a project, and the fact that he couldn't talk to anyone else about it except the wizard didn't make it any better.
Someone put a blanket around his shoulders and when he looked up, he realized it was the cloak that was hugging him sympathetically.
At first the engineer tensed up at that realization, but then he patted the red fabric. “Thanks, buddy.” It wasn’t really helping but he figured it was the thought that counted.
Strange looked at him in sympathy. They had just performed the spell to create the bond between their souls earlier; the warm tingle still echoed in his chest. It was a familiar feeling by now.
“You should take a break tomorrow, Tony. Why don’t you sleep in and meet with some friends?”
“What about-…?”
“It can wait for another day. I’ll do some meditating and meet you before midnight.”
A break sounded really fucking good. Tony already felt guilty because he had canceled his meeting with Peter so often. Even if he knew that it didn’t matter because the boy didn’t remember it.
The look on Stephen’s face when talking to him was gentle and Tony realized that the sorcerer cared. It warmed his heart and made his stomach flip. Uh – oh. The magic man shouldn’t care. And Tony shouldn’t like the thought of Strange looking out for him.
Tony definitely needed that day away from him!
It was weird not being woken up by Jarvis' voice stating the words he had probably memorized for life by now.
Between midnight and waking up it felt as if he at least got some sleep and when he looked at the clock it was three hours later than when Strange usually showed up.
“Good morning, Sir,” Jarvis greeted him as soon as Tony moved out of the bed. “I’ll prepare a coffee for you.”
“Thanks. What day is it?” The engineer asked, just to make sure.
“Wednesday the fifth. You have a missed call from Pearson and Specter regarding the launch of the Stark hearing pro aid. You also have a meeting with Miss Potts scheduled at eleven and you told Peter to drop by after school.”
“Move everything that doesn’t need my immediate attention to tomorrow. And invite Rhodey for lunch.” Today he wanted to have his family around him.
“Of course, Sir.”
The meeting with Pepper was very boring. Tony loved it. He was signing papers and they were discussing some new branches of SI and when to launch the next Starkphone update.
It was a constant problem that Tony developed the technology he was offering to the market far too quickly and every now and then he needed to be reminded that people needed to adjust to and accept change. Those things weren’t to rush.
Tony couldn’t relate to that but he trusted Pepper as CEO to make the right decisions.
Rhodey dropped by for lunch in his armor and brought tacos. It was faster than being stuck in New York’s traffic, plus he hadn’t exactly been in town.
They sat on the roof and listened to the sirens and the honking in the streets below.
“Remember that project I told you about?” Tony asked his friend after taking a sip of his soda. “The one with the guy I don’t really like?”
Rhodey looked at him, knitting his brows together. “No. What project? And what guy?”
“We talked about it, Rhodey bear. I called you from the pla-…” Then it hit him. When he had been on the plane on his way to Malibu, he had wanted to say. On another Wednesday.
Of course Rhodey didn’t remember.
“I meant to call you,” Tony steered back. “Probably fell asleep before I had the chance.”
“You? Asleep willingly in the middle of the day?” Rhodey shook his head. “How exhausted have you been? I thought Jarvis kept an eye on you to keep you from pulling all nighters.”
Tony shrugged, an easy smile on his face he didn’t really feel. “He tries his best. You know how I am.” He took another taco and offered Rhodey the last one.
“Tell me about the project,” his friend said. “And since when are you working with partners…wait, we’re not talking about Doom, are we? That guy’s mad and you shouldn’t work with him on anything.”
It was like having a déjà-vu. Tony answered evasively and changed the topic soon after. Rhodey noticed that he was hiding something but he didn’t push it yet.
Fortunately – he would forget it again tomorrow.
Peter arrived in the afternoon long after Rhodey had left. It was great to have the bundle of energy around.
He talked a lot, about school, his friends, and last night’s patrol.
Tony just listened to his rambles while they plugged the Spider-Man suit into Jarvis and ran a check-up – everything was fine besides a small bug which was quickly fixed.
Then Peter told him about May and their trip to the planetarium last weekend. That had been only a few days ago, but to Tony it seemed like weeks had passed. Because for him it had.
He sent Peter home early in the evening, because he knew May would wait with dinner and also because he didn’t know when Strange would come over.
Afterwards, when he was alone in his lab he had nothing left to do for the day. He just took a look at his workspace, where he had spent so much time with the wizard.
A terrible thought occurred to him: what if Strange didn’t come? If he deemed it best to continue searching alone for a solution.
Tony would forget everything.
Some would call it a blessing not to know but Tony had never been one of those. He had always been pro knowing.
Oddly enough, thinking about not remembering Strange tightened his chest.
They were enemies. At least they used to be. But now he’d gotten to know the wizard. And what he had seen intrigued him.
He wasn't sure that he approved of what Strange told him about the timeline and his work and Tony would most definitely not stop fighting him if necessary. But the things that had used to infuriate him, he now found charming. The way the stoic sorcerer expressed his opinion with a single raised eyebrow; his sharp wit and of course his intelligence with a hint of arrogance that was absolutely legitimate.
Strange was hard working, dedicated and had an exceptional mind. It was a dangerous combination.
Tony should know better by now than to get distracted by a handsome face and sharp cheekbones.
There were still two hours left until midnight. Tony had never been good at being patient.
If Strange didn’t come there was no way for Tony to contact him. He didn’t know about his whereabouts, just that he was located somewhere in central New York.
“Sir,” Jarvis spoke up. “Doctor Strange has just appeared in the kitchen.”
There was disapproval in his voice. Tony had instructed the A.I. and told him of their expected visitor. But that didn’t mean Jarvis had to like it.
“Tell him to come to the lab.”
There was a surprised pause from Jarvis. Then, “Are you sure?”. Not many people were allowed into Tony’s private lab.
“Absolutely. I told you: time loop. You can scold me all about it tomorrow.” If Thursday ever arrived.
Shortly after the door opened and Strange stepped in. Ever since their trip to Malibu he had traded his robes for casual clothes, which still seemed out of place to Tony – even though he had suggested them himself. But still, today there was something different about his outfit.
“Where’s Levi?” At some point Tony had gotten on a first name basis with the piece of fabric.
“They stayed home. I just came by for the spell.”
Although he had long since stopped questioning Tony's willingness to stay in the time loop, his voice sounded uncertain today. As if Tony had changed his mind after a day off.It was probably a justified fear.
“Sure, let’s do it.”
By now Tony knew the movements the spell required by heart. The yellowish glowing thread that connected them. The warm tingle that resonated with something deep inside of him.
Relief flooded through him. He knew he would remember.
Strange had a similar expression on his face, but for a different reason. Then he turned to leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Do you have somewhere to be in the next…”, Tony glanced at his watch, “hour and a half?”
The sorcerer stopped and shook his head.
“Do you wanna grab a beer and watch a show? I bet we can find something you haven’t binged yet in all of the free time the loop gave you.” It was a lighthearted joke because it wasn’t hard to guess that entertainment hadn’t been on Strange’s priority list.
“I don’t own a TV, so you’re probably right.”
“You don’t… don’t tell me you were serious about not having a phone. I thought you were just reluctant to give your number.” Tony shook his head in disbelief. “Do you write your letters with ink on parchment in the light of oil lamps? Or is that too advanced already?”
Strange made an amused noise. “We do have electricity and I’m happy to inform you that we own a laptop.”
“A laptop? Like in one? For how many people?”
“Wong and I share.”
“Unbelievable,” Tony muttered.
He took the sorcerer upstairs into his living room where they got comfortable on the couch. Almost the entire opposite wall served as a screen. Tony barely used it himself. Mostly for movie nights with family and friends.
They agreed on Doctor House and watched until midnight.
“Sir, Doctor Strange has appeared in your kitchen.”
“Clear the day, J.”
Somewhere in between, Strange became Stephen and Stark became Tony. They still argued almost every single day.
“We could order pizza,” Tony suggested, going through the take out delivery services in central New York.
“We had that yesterday.”
“How about soup?” Stephen offered instead. They hadn’t had that yet.
“Who eats soup when they’re not sick?”
“Soup is a perfectly normal meal.”
“I think we’re friends now.”
“God, don’t say that.”
Pepper arrived with the elevator. Jarvis didn’t announce her because, for one, she was family, and secondly, he was very suspicious of what was going on in the lab.
Pepper stopped dead in her tracks as soon as she saw who else was present.
“Can you pass me the tongs?” Tony asked the sorcerer who didn’t even look up from his own work and just made a gesture whereupon the tool floated to the engineer. Tony picked it out of the air. “Thanks.”
“You should consider wearing gloves,” Stephen suggested. “You have a fully equipped lab and still manage to ignore any safety rules.
“Since when do you guys tolerate each other?” Pepper’s voice made them both freeze and they looked at her, as if they had both been caught doing something sensitive.
Tony had forgotten to clear the day. At least he thought so. He should be used to it by now, since he had to repeat it every single day. It was somewhere between day 45 and 52. Tony had lost track of time. One day bled into another and it was always Wednesday. He wasn’t used to repeating any request to Jarvis though. Normally, Jarvis knew more than him.
“‘Tolerate’ is a strong word. We’re working together on a problem,” Tony said while Stephen opted for the smarter option: staying silent.
Pepper put her hands on her hips. “Are you solving that problem or are you two creating it?”
“Haha, funny. We’re-…” Tony suddenly had an idea and he turned to the sorcerer. “What if you’re the problem?”
“Pardon me?” Stephen sounded confused as well as insulted.
“You’re the only one remembering the time loop. It starts with you waking up and ending with you at midnight.” Tony explained. “So whether this is caused by magic or by science: it is linked to you.”
Pepper watched their interaction with a healthy amount of wariness. “Jarvis, what is happening?” she asked the A.I.
“Sir said they are stuck in a time loop and the day is repeating over and over for them.”
“Have you any proof for that?”
“Negative, besides that they seem pretty friendly with each other.”
Pepper's face hardened. She had been there the last time Tony had been working together with magic, and had seen how bad it had ended.
“Tony,” she said louder to get his attention.
He stopped his bickering with the doctor and turned his head to her. “Yes, dear?”
“You know he,” she nodded to the sorcerer, “attacked you at the fundraiser gala just a few days ago?”
Stephen had indeed. But that seemed a lifetime ago.
“I know what it looks like, Pep. But I assure you: it’s alright. Everything is fine, really,” Tony reassured her but his words only raised her distrust.
“How can you be sure he is not messing with your head?”
“I am not,” Stephen protested immediately.
“Pepper, please.” Tony made a step towards her, raising his hands in a soothing gesture.
Pepper retreated a step backwards, not trusting anything that was going on here. “Jarvis, call the Avengers,” she told the Jarvis. “There’s been a breach in security.”
“Pepper no! Jarvis, don’t!”
But it was too late. Jarvis had basically just been waiting for an excuse to intervene.
The Avengers assembled promptly. No need to mention that the day didn’t end well.
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seraphichime · 2 years
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HI! I’ve been a little inactive here.. But heres a wip! Idk if I’ll finish it but marvel creeped back up on me... Maybe I’ll start drawing a bunch of ironstrange bc i miss tony </3
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snivycat-art · 5 years
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what a great concept we got robbed of smh, would have loved to see how this played out in the movie ;o;
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Why yes, I am still mad that Stephen wasn't in Far From Home, thank you for asking
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onedeadfellow · 5 years
When Fate Is At Stake
Basically this is just that deleted scene from Disney+
Tony is wearing the Cloak of Levitation and Stephen is wearing the Iron Man suit. The boys are gonna kick ass.
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nukternl · 4 years
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What are the Marvel ships that you love the most and hate the most?
It goes without saying that they can be fanon too
So imma cover almost all the ships that I can skim from over the top of my mind.
NOTPs: This might offend a WHOLE bunch of people lmao but I will give reasons for most of them. And please I am warning you beforehand, I DO NOT HATE ANYONE who ships them (except Thorki, 'cause ew dude stop).
Thorki (self-explanatory)
Sylki (sorry but I just can't come to terms with the whole thing. And it's casual chaotic bi siblings energy for me tbh).
WinterFrost (absolutely NO interaction? Where did this one even come from? The comics? I don't remember them talking that much at all).
Romanogers (they protect each other and take care of each other and respect each other, even LOVE each other but it's platonic. I can't see them having a healthy romantic relationship outside the comics).
Stucky (lord, you can unfollow me now lmao. They're besties, period. HECK I SEE MY BESTIE AND ME IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP, we're both gay but that's beside the point, plus it makes sense lmfao. I'm Bucky and my bestie's Steve and yes, we have a hilarious friendship).
Steggy (idk, I've never been able to ship them. It always seemed very short-termed, like, yeah they were a thing but it wasn't MARRIAGE serious between them. I couldn't see them together, majorly because I had started shipping Daniel and Peggy together but ofc a woman simply CANNOT move over CAPTAIN AMERICA! Shit's gonna hurt in What If...? istg).
WinterIron (one word... wHat? No seriously. Why? Even this one, where tf does it come from? Ik Bucky was being controlled by Hydra but I wouldn't be able to fall for a person who killed my mom, just no. I could forgive them but nOpe, I wouldn't fall for them, absolutely not. Never, period).
IronStrange (literally just had one scene together where they were bickering like an old married couple but we have SEVERAL of these scenes with Stony. MAN, c'mon, they're literally not even good friends lmao. I see the "genius feeding the other genius' ego" dynamics but this wouldn't be a very long-lasting relationship. We all can LITERALLY SEE the end of it and it would be ugly).
BuckyNat (istg I would've been shipping them with my entire heart had Bucky not been her teacher and most definitely in love with Sam lmao. Like they radiate the typical assassin couple sexy vibes and like the whole relationship would be strong AF, I can see that (Seb, my man, I agree. They robbed you off of kissing Scarlett), I'm not blind, I just ship Sambucky lol).
WinterBaron (seriously, except for three ships with Bucky in them that have some actual sense are Sambucky, BuckyNat and Sarah and Bucky, all other ships are COMPLETELY the fabrication of a few of the True Believers' collective imagination. Ju- Zemo USED HIM TO SPLIT THE AVENGERS GODDAMN IT! SIMPLY LOOK AT HIS BODY LANGUAGE AS HE TRIED TO SELL BUCK TO SELBY, JUST LOOK! There was no use of him touching his face, but he did, he's not a thing okay? Just that).
OTPs- I don't think I need to specify anything lol?
Stony (lmao I had to begin with this one. Just- the helicarrier argument scene in Avenger 2012 (had to specify) and the sheer existence of ALL the Avengers shows, movies and their scenes together (pretty sure that's just Chris having a giant crush on Robert but not everyone needs to know that lmao). That's it. That's my explanation).
Sambucky (just watch TFATWS S01E05, you'll know what I'm talking about but yeah I've been shipping them since Civil War).
Lokius (idk, I just love them!).
WandaVision (who tf doesn't? Bitch, come 'ere I'll kick you outta this planet's orbital plane).
I've got ships from the comics and X-Men too but then tumblr might crash lmao.
That's pretty much all the ships I've got from the top of my head I guess?
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Thanks to @cyanide-latte for the tag for the first half of this, and @marymaryroo for the last half! <3
Tag Nine People You Want to Get to Know Better!
Favorite color: Red! Especially a nice dark red. I also really like yellow.
Currently reading: Moonshine by Rob Thurman. I think it's my fourth or fifth time reading it? It's the second book in my favorite series. One of these days I'll make a post about it.
Last song: "Prayer of the Refugee" by Rise Against
Last movie: Pirates of the Caribbean 5. I watched it earlier today and I'm watching it again as we speak, and I'm about to make a post about it xD
Last series: I've been watching The Nevers! It's really good.
Currently craving: Free time. Motivation. Either one would be great.
Tea or coffee: Yes.
Currently working on: Oh god, so many things. Uhhh the 90 Days finale, the visual novel, several headcanon requests, some monster boyfriend/girlfriend profiles, and my novel... just to name a few.
Get to know me
(I took out any questions this list had in common with the last one)
Three ships: Ohohoho <3 There are several I quite like, but we'll go with these.
McHanzo - McCree x Hanzo, Overwatch. This was the first ship I ever really enjoyed, like enough to look for fan content for. Might still be my OTP, actually.
IronStrange - Iron Man x Dr. Strange, Marvel. Their dynamic in Infinity War is just so good. I was a goner.
SkullCollector - Chromeskull x Collector, Laid to Rest and The Collector, respectively. Slasher power couple. Everyone here is already familiar, I'm sure. :p
Consuming: Had Chinese food (sesame chicken) for dinner! :)
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
IronStrange kid: "Alright, let's get family game night on a roll!" Tony: "He'll yeah, this is gonna be so much fun!" 10 minutes later Kid: "YOU STOLE FROM THE BANK!!" Tony: "JUST ACCEPT THAT IM THE SUPERIOR MONOPOLY MAN, CHILD." Strange: 🤦‍♂️
Strange: At least we've moved passed the Great Mario Kart Incident of 2016.
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doitwritenow · 4 years
Okay I just,,, any Ghibli Ironstrange AU. Like any of them.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind??? With the Dark Dimension as the toxic forest??? And Stephen as the prince of a land of sorcerers living in tense cooperation with the Dark, unexpectedly thrust into the politics of war and bearing a message in the form of one lost Peter Parker??? Discovering secrets with Tony, the heir to that warmongering kingdom, Stephen begins to realize perhaps not everything in this world teetering on the edge of destruction is as it seems...
Castle in the Sky/Laputa??? Starring Tony as a young prospecting airship engineer, and Stephen the idiot who jumps out of one with nothing but a green amulet as protection. The Ancient One and the other sorcerers are space pirates. The Cloak/other relics play the part of the sentinels protecting the floating city. Tony has family issues. Everybody gets adopted and adopts other people. Airship adventure. 
Spirited Away??? You know where I’m going with this; a spiritual kingdom that robs a mortal Tony of his breath, keeping him trapped within its specific, almost legalist magical confines. His journey to escape involves a number of strange and wonderful figures-- a boy who can climb walls, a set of sister sorceresses and the Stones they wield to keep their holds on the sacrifices of the kingdom’s inhabitants, and a man with scarred hands and resigned eyes who might need his help more that the other way around... 
Idk just... all of them. Any of them. Ghibli movies are amazing as is, of course, I’d change nothing about them. And they’re all such good fodder for AUs!!! 
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amethyst-noir · 4 years
I like it that we collectively as an Ironstrange fandom somehow headcanon Levi plays along with Tony long before the battle suit switch canonically happened. It's like it comes natural to shippers that Levi supports its wizard's new bf (and teenage son, Peter).
That’s because we know that the Cloak wants Stephen to be happy and that Tony is the one to achive that miracle. It’s hundreds if not thousands of years old it and knows what’s going on.
Also, the cute little interaction were the Cloak taps Tony on the shoulder? There would have been so many other ways to get Tony’s attention but it choose the one that had the chance of freaking out Tony (already stressed out and on high alert, his poor heart) the least.
The Cloak cares. Not only about Stephen but about people in general and it understands them. It’s just the best piece of sentinent outerwear ever.
(I want to see the switch so badly. Tony would have looked cute and Stephen badass beyond imagination. We were robbed in that regard, like in so many others.)
I swear if anything happens to The Cloak of Levitation I will riot. It would be unforgivable.
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danidoesathing · 4 years
001 Marvel 002 Bray 003 Noah Maxwell
Favorite character: Either Peter Parker or Kurt Wagner. I can’t choose I love them both
Least Favorite character: I’m not sure, maybe one of the early villains in the MCU?
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Cherik, MJ/Peter, Nightsilver, Valkyrie/Carol, and uh ironstrange I guess
Character I find most attractive: UHHHH THERES A LOT I GUESS VALKYRIE
Character I would marry: Nightcrawler. Wait would that make a furry-
Character I would be best friends with: Peter Quill. He seems rad 
a random thought:
An unpopular opinion: The Netflix shows are good you guys are just mean
My Canon OTP: Peter/MJ. I know its not canon in the movies (yet) BUT STILL
My Non-canon OTP: Cherik. They’re SO GAY it's ridiculous they literally ran off together in dark phoenix 
Most Badass Character: Punisher. I know cliché but hes a strong, blood hunger anti-hero with a sense of justice and no real superpowers but someone isn’t dead yet?? amazing
Most Epic Villain: Hela. God she’s amazing
Pairing I am not a fan of: Any of the nasty ones. You know what I mean.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): The waste of potential of the whole XMCU. Like imagine!!! The angel and demon dynamic with Nightcrawler and Angel!! The relationships between Peter and Erik/kurt and Raven!!! The young xmen group fun we were ROBBED of!!!! 
Favourite Friendship: Ned and Peter. Brotp man
Character I most identify with: Eddie Brock. The disaster bi energy
Character I wish I could be: None of them really. Their lives kind suck
When I started shipping them: fuck dude I dont know
My thoughts: Its cute!!! unlikely but very cute!!!
What makes me happy about them: It's just so soft,,like,,,Brian just,,,,,hugging jay,,,,
What makes me sad about them: they’re dead
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Idk theres not a lot of fics about them
Things I look for in fanfic: Just softness. Angst is good all but I just want them to be happy
My wishlist: I dont know what this means
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Either one could end up with Tim and id be happy
My happily ever after for them:
A nice little apartment with a couple of cats
How I feel about this character: hes very relatable and that worries me
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Evan and sometime Kevin
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His relationship with milo is SO GOOD
My unpopular opinion about this character: none really?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Get this mans a nap
Favorite friendship for this character: Kevin and him
My crossover ship: Evan and noah is that counts
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babywarg · 5 years
ironstrange multipart fic: Settling for a Miracle [6/?]
Chapter Summary: Stephen stops drawing power from the Dark Dimension a second time, out of concern for a friend with something to hide. Things are said over the phone.
Chapter Notes: Still takes place during Avengers: Age of Ultron. Man, a lot of things happen during that show!
Originally on AO3.
When Stephen drifted back to attention, he found Christine’s hand on his.
Christine was seated beside him at a table in the hospital cafeteria, while Christine’s on-call neurologist, Nic West, sat across from the two of them, and was staring at him expectantly.
“Were you even listening, Stephen?” Nic demanded. “I mean, you know, it’s no big deal, it’s just a human life we’re talking about here.”
“Of course he was listening,” Christine retorted, doing her best to sound like she believed it.
Stephen gripped Christine’s hand momentarily, before releasing it. She withdrew her hand, satisfied with the acknowledgement.
“Okay. Sorry, Nic.” He passed a hand over his brow. “Truth is, I didn’t get enough sleep last night. It’s messing with my concentration.”
Nic didn’t seem impressed, or convinced. “You’re going into surgery like that?”
“Nic,” Christine again. Her voice was firmer this time. Nic rolled her eyes at her.
(Stephen understood. “Tired” was never an excuse among his colleagues. It was a mild gripe, at best, but never a way to get out of things.)
“I’ve gone into surgery in worse states, my patients still made it out of the operating theatre minus their tumors.” It was a bad, bad argument to make, but Stephen was in knee-jerk defense mode and was in no mood to keep his mouth in check. “Look...I’ll take a look at his records and get back to you. I just can’t be pressured into giving an opinion right now.”
“Yeah, guess that’s the best we can hope for.” Nic glared at Stephen. “It’s funny, though - back in the day, you gave your opinion whether or not it was solicited.” He stood, sighing loudly. “Next time, I’m consulting with someone who gives a shit.”
Nic left without another word. Stephen let him go, feeling like he deserved to be walked out on.
He stood to leave. Christine stood and kept pace with him.
“You do give a shit,” she said quietly to him. “We both know this. So what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing.” He was aware that he sounded as tired as he felt.
“If it’s a problem with a patient, you can tell me.”
“It’s not.”
“Or with the super-secret Stark project?”
Stephen mirthlessly chuckled. “I’m fine, Christine. I just haven’t had enough sleep.”
Christine stopped him from walking by laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Stephen, I hope I know you well enough for you to let me say this,” she said in the same low, careful voice, “but something’s been different about you these past few months. You’ve changed for the better, for the most part. I think you’ve met somebody.”
Stephen scoffed, “I think I’d know if that were the case...”
“But have you?”
Stephen held his tongue.
“Met” isn’t quite the right word for it, I’m afraid, Christine. “Thrown together” feels more accurate.
By fate or by something else, I still can’t tell.
Christine sighed, took her hand off his shoulder. “Okay, you don’t have to tell me. I just want you to know...if this person ever gives you something to lose sleep over, you can talk to me.”
She sounded so sincere. Of course she did. Christine never faked affection.
“I can always talk to you, Christine,” he said to her with a smile. “Thank you.”
He was about to say more, but his cell phone rang. He took a look at the display.
“Gotta take this,” he said apologetically.
“Go for it.” Christine punched him lightly in the arm. “Make sure to tell them they’re answerable to me.”
She left Stephen’s side to check up on some of her patients recovering in the wards nearby.
Stephen accepted the call.
“Hi, I’m returning a call from Dr. Stephen Strange, genius neurosurgeon and future hottest piano bar player in New York?”
“Very funny.” Tony sounded fine: a fact for which Stephen was genuinely thankful. “Sorry about that, Tony. I think I butt-dialed you at around 2 AM this morning. Fell asleep with my phone on my bed and rolled over on it by accident.”
“Is that all? Good. I was afraid you were partying too hard without me, got wasted, fell into a gutter somewhere and needed someone to drag you out.”
Also funny. They’d mutually agreed that they were done with their share of hard partying. They were seasoned professionals; there were more productive ways to get their adrenaline fix.
“Actually, it’s a good thing you called,” Tony continued before Stephen could speak. “I wanted to tell you I’ll be heading back to New York soon, but I may not be coming back to the apartment. Something came up. I’ll be staying in the Avengers Tower until it’s done.”
Stephen had to admit to himself he was mildly disappointed, but he decided not to let on. “Not a problem. I have my hands full here with new patients, too. I guess our research will have to be stalled a bit longer?”
“Yeah...I think that’s going to have to take a backseat. What I’ve got on my hands now - much, much more important.”
He recognized that confidence - it was the same as the one Tony employed when speaking to him about his med-tech projects.
Whatever this new project was, Tony was fired up over it. It must really be huge.
And, Stephen guessed: Tony wasn’t up to discussing the dream with him. In that case, he wasn’t in a position to push.
Thanks for robbing me of sleep for nothing, douchebag, he thought fondly. Keep this up, and I'm telling Christine on you.
“Wish I could say you’re welcome to visit,” Tony continued, “but I can’t promise I’ll be able to entertain you. This thing is probably going to take up all of my waking hours.”
Christine passed Stephen by, on her way to another ward. As she caught his eye, she pointed to the back of her wrist, as if pointing to a wristwatch.
Stephen nodded at her and waved distractedly to show he understood.
“But I’ll definitely, definitely want to see you when I’m done. In a few days. I hope you’ll free up your schedule.”
“Sure thing,” he said, still looking after Christine to make sure he hadn’t missed any more non-verbal cues. “Let me know when you’re available, and take care of yourself. Lots of water, no skipping meals. Love you.”
As soon as the last two words left his lips, his hand shot up to cover them.
His eyes went wide.
His face started to slowly, thoroughly grow hot and red.
“What?” the voice on the other end of the line was tickled pink. “Say again? I missed that last part.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
He’d hissed the words out. He was blushing. He was painfully aware of it. He hid his face from people passing by even if he didn’t know them.
There was a loud, hearty laugh on the other end of the line.
“Okay, then, guess I’ll just drink the water and not skip the meals.” Tony’s voice held a happy lilt. “Love you, too. Asshat.”
Any hyperventilation that was starting in Stephen was arrested by the casual tone with which those words were spoken.
He replied with a grateful chuckle.
Then he ended the call, to spare both of them any further awkwardness.
Stephen wondered if, on the other end of the line, Tony was blushing, just like he was.
He rather liked thinking about that. He’d seen Tony blush, after all. Under more considerate lighting.
He took a moment to compose himself after the call. Then he went off to prep for the upcoming surgery. There would be time to bask in this game-changing moment later.
It was amazing, how a few minutes on the phone with Tony could turn his whole day around.
He’d been feeling light-headed from lack of sleep earlier. Now, after that one call, he was wide awake and ready for anything.
“So you carry this over to here,” Stephen droned, “and when you’re done, you - Peter, are you listening?”
The boy’s mind was clearly far away. Stephen had brought it back to earth with those simple words.
“Huh?” Peter’s hand had been propping up his chin. He brought down that hand guiltily. “Oh...sorry, Dr. Strange. Yeah, I was listening. I swear.”
The irony did not escape Stephen; he’d been too distracted to listen to Nic West earlier in the day. Peter being similarly listless now must be some sort of karmic payback.
“In that case, please show me how to balance this equation, per what I just said.”
Peter made a show of knitting his brows in concentration. Approximately 24 seconds of pretense later, he wrote down the correct answer on the practice sheet.
But the thing was, Stephen hadn’t even taught him how to do the equation correctly yet.
In short, Peter didn’t really need a tutor.
Stephen put down his pen.
“Peter,” he said in a low, serious voice, which he hoped did not sound threatening, “I want you to tell me what’s really going on.”
Peter Parker stared at his brand-new science tutor with alarm and trepidation. Like a deer in headlights.
“I-I don’t know what you mean, doc,” he said softly. He folded his arms over his chest protectively - a move that, unexpectedly, reminded Stephen very much of Tony. “Did - did I do it wrong? Maybe we can go through it again? I’m sorry, I drifted off a bit back there. I know you’re trying your best, but science is just - “
“Is someone hurting you?”
Peter’s motor mouth stopped abruptly, and Stephen made a sincere effort to sound gentler.
“Maybe someone at your school? A bully, or an authority figure, someone you trust...”
“No,” Peter quickly answered. “Why - why would you think someone was hurting me? Do I look - do I come across as someone who was...hurting?”
“Not exactly,” was Stephen’s straightforward answer. “If anything, you look...like you’re in better shape. And more confident. Like whatever had been hurting you before, had stopped hurting you all of a sudden. But something’s bothering you, and I’d like to understand.”
As Peter scrambled for an answer, Stephen took stock of what was right in front of him:
Peter was always a gangly boy, initially fated to grow lanky and thin, like someone Stephen knew (he’d gone through his own high school years teased for having a “giraffe neck,” among other hurtful things).
But this current Peter seemed...different. Bulkier.
Stephen always did his best to stay up to date on the newest medical technologies. And, as far as he knew, a child didn’t change from a thin frame to a well-muscled one nearly overnight. Not even with Stark tech.
Maybe Peter had been secretly going to the gym? Taking vitamin supplements, protein shakes?
It would make sense if he had a health problem: that would mean Peter came to Stephen simply because he needed a doctor. An expert who would be able to tell him if he was taking drugs that weren’t good for him.
It made him feel a bit sad. He’d accused Tony once upon a time of wanting to get close to him just because he wanted a personal physician. Tony had shot him down.
Now here was a young man who was, by all appearances, doing exactly that.
Stephen brushed the disappointment aside. He was not inclined to refuse help, if he could give it. He was going to help Peter however he could.
“Pain’s an old friend, Peter,” he assured the boy. “I can tell you’re in pain. I just need to understand what kind of pain it is and how you got it. You can trust me.”
Upon hearing this, Peter clammed up, quite visibly. Stephen hoped that meant he had gotten to the heart of the matter.
“I...” He wanted to talk. Stephen could tell that he did. He wanted to trust Stephen, very badly.
But in the end, he chose not to.
“...I have to go, Dr. Strange. It’s late. May’s gonna worry.” He gathered his books, notebooks and pens in a clear hurry, stuffed them back into the backpack he’d brought them in. “I’m really sorry. I can’t...maybe next time.”
He all but fled Stephen’s apartment.
As he heard the door close, Stephen sighed and leaned back in his chair.
Kids were never his forte. He wondered if perhaps Tony, with his more easygoing air, would have gotten farther with Peter...
Whatever it was that was bothering the boy, it seemed serious. And urgent.
Stephen could only see this one way: if he could do something about it, and he didn’t, he was at fault.
He had to do something.
At the very least, he had to find out what was wrong.
So, late that night, when he was sure most everyone else in the immediate vicinity was asleep, he projected his astral form into the Parkers’ apartment.
(It was the second time in a week that he’d had to end the dark ritual to perform a standard spell. Stephen knew the occasion merited it, but he sincerely hoped it wasn’t becoming a habit.)
He’d never been invited into the Parkers’ apartment, and it felt like an intrusion - a necessary one, but an intrusion nonetheless.
The place was...cozy. Cozier than his current residence, certainly. Stephen had always hired designers for his previous homes, but he couldn’t exactly afford one now even if he wanted one...and looking at other people’s apartments was a surefire way to remind himself that he couldn’t DIY his own apartment’s interior worth shit.
His first objective was to check on May. She was peacefully sleeping in her bed. Not that it mattered if she was sleeping or not, because he would remain invisible to her, unless 1) she was psychically sensitive, 2) she was specially trained to detect spiritual anomalies, or 3) Stephen wanted her to see him.
Stephen noticed the framed photo of May and a man on her nightstand. Perhaps her departed husband?
He decided not to think too much about it. Satisfied that May wasn’t going to pose a problem, he moved on to Peter’s bedroom.
There was no one there. The window was open. A light breeze blew through the thin curtain. Had Peter snuck out?
It was past midnight, and an empty bedroom that belonged to a teenager would normally be cause for worry.
But Stephen decided to treat it as an opportunity. He looked around for clues that might lead him to understand what was going on.
On the walls were pretty standard, down-to-earth stuff - vision boards, dream colleges, dream travel destinations, band posters, post-it “notes to self” on a pinup calendar - and in one corner was a janky old-school desktop computer with a CRT monitor.
It didn’t seem like a store-bought model - in fact, it seemed highly customized, made up of very well-used and not-quite-rust-free parts.
Peter built his own computer. Stephen wondered if Tony would be interested to know that.
One of the “notes to self” on his calendar said “Apr 25 - first session with Dr. Strange” and beneath it, in tinier, barely legible scrawl, was: “he’s awesome. if anyone can help, he can. DON’T CHICKEN OUT.”
That wasn’t very helpful. It just confirmed his observation that Peter was hiding something.
As he was thinking, he heard a scratching sound from outside.
It sounded...like something big was making its way along the exterior wall, toward the window.
A window that was seven stories off the ground.
Stephen scowled, stepped back into the shadows on impulse. He knew he couldn’t be seen, but he also knew there was no harm in taking extra precaution, in case the intruder happened to be psychic.
From the shadows, he watched as a human being crawled into the window.
Stephen was morbidly fascinated. It reminded him of a horror movie he’d seen once - where a long-haired ghost crawled out of a well, and out of the television screen.
But this wasn’t a ghost. This was a human - a young person - who crawled on hands and knees into the window, up the wall and across the ceiling - then flipped and landed neatly on his feet as if he weighed nothing.
Like a skilled gymnast.
Or an insect.
If this was a thug or a robber, he wasn’t dressed like a typical one. The getup looked like a costume of sorts, with black goggles over the red cloth that covered his entire face. (Could he even see with those?)
He was also carrying a backpack.
The same backpack Peter had carried into Stephen’s apartment earlier.
There wasn’t much Stephen could do as an astral projection. He could move light objects and make himself visible - but that was it.
It occurred to him to spook the intruder off the premises, but he decided to wait and see what he was going to do first.
The intruder, obviously completely unaware that he wasn’t alone in the room, set down his backpack, and took off his mask.
It was Peter.
He didn’t even seem out of breath. Stephen imagined that making one’s way up seven stories and across a ceiling would take a lot out of a person, even a young person like Peter - but the boy showed no sign of tiredness or distress.
It was as if he’d just stepped out, bought something from the store, and come back indoors. No big.
Still wearing his baggy, multi-colored costume, Peter unloaded the contents of the backpack. Most of it were vials of a shimmery, milky liquid that Stephen couldn’t identify on sight.
But Stephen’s first instinct, as a doctor, was to think it was something recreational and not quite legal. It was, after all, snuck into a young person’s bedroom in the dead of night, while his guardian was fast asleep.
Oh, Peter...
But to his relief, Peter showed no signs of ingesting the liquid, or taking it into his body any other way. He had a makeshift device of some sort hidden in a dresser drawer. Peter carefully installed one vial into that device, then just as carefully fitted the device around one of his wrists.
It didn’t look to Stephen like the device had a way of injecting the liquid into Peter’s bloodstream. It looked completely external.
Peter took a deep breath.
“Here goes,” he said softly to himself.
He lifted his arm, palm up, and pointed the device toward a blank spot in his vision board wall.
He bent his wrist backwards and pressed down on a button on his palm with his middle and ring fingers.
(Stephen noticed with some amusement that this gesture was similar to one commonly used by Masters of the Mystic Arts for spellcasting. He doubted Peter knew that, though. It was simply the easiest way to firmly press down on a button on one’s palm.)
A stream of white liquid shot out from the device on Peter’s wrist.
It landed on the wall and formed -
- a web?
Stephen didn’t know how else to describe it. The liquid scattered against the wallpaper and solidified into an intricate pattern that looked very much like a spiderweb.
Peter let out a joyous whoop.
“Oh my God,” Peter whispered breathlessly. “Oh my God, it works! It works, I did it, I -- “
He clamped his hands over his mouth. He jumped up and down in place and soon, around his room, careful not to make too much noise as he celebrated.
Stephen still wasn’t sure what was happening. But he was sure of one thing: Peter definitely didn’t need help with “science and stuff.”
Peter dropped onto his bed, still giddy. He lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling he had just crawled on, breathing hard as the excitement wound down.
Stephen then understood what kind of pain Peter was suffering from:
It was the pain of having to keep a mind-blowing secret to himself.
Peter wasn’t in trouble - not yet, at any rate. He was just dying to tell someone about his newfound powers, but was still a little overwhelmed by them.
Perhaps he was afraid of the repercussions of telling someone - like how his and his aunt’s life would change, how his friends would see him, how his schoolwork might be affected...
How he could be seen as a freak. Something to be feared.
Peter shouldn’t be hurried. That much was clear to Stephen. The boy had to decide for himself whom to tell and when.
But there was one thing Stephen could do to help that along...
He waved his hand once, and a post-it note detached itself from Peter’s wall calendar.
It was the one that said “first session with Dr. Strange.”
Peter jumped up out of bed as soon as the note peeled off. He caught it before it hit the ground.
Stephen’s eyebrow rose. The boy’s senses and reflexes were amped up. Part of his newfound powers, no doubt...
For a long time, Peter stared at the note on his hand thoughtfully.
Stephen had already dropped his hint and learned enough: it was the right time to make his exit.
Peter’s bedroom faded from view. Stephen returned to his tired body and his shaking hands, and willed himself to rest.
He would hear about it on the morning news a couple of days later: the top floors of the Avengers Tower suffered major damage from a terror attack that occurred late the previous evening.
Manhattan residents were assured, however, that the terrorists had fled, the city was safe, and that the Avengers were on the case.
Commentators on Stephen’s news feed said it was likely not a simple terror attack. Insiders reported that Tony Stark’s Iron Legion and a deadly "programming bug" were somehow involved, stoking paranoia on the airwaves.
But “terrorists” was all the news would say.
“Need to be out of town again for a few days,” Tony supplied over the phone, sounding snippy and rushed, and even less willing to give out hard facts than journalists were.
“I know the work, Tony,” Stephen answered. “But I hope you also know I can’t help worrying about you.”
“I don’t need you worrying about me. Everything’s fine.”
It was an unexpectedly hostile response. Stephen didn’t answer.
He heard Tony draw in a long breath. He imagined Tony hanging his head apologetically.
“Look. I’m sorry. It’s just...to be honest, things are bad. And I don’t know how they got this bad. It’s pissing me off, but I can’t afford to let it get to me right now.”
“You can’t even tell me how bad things really are, can you.” It was an accusation, and it probably came across to Tony as such.
“Why would I do that?” was the cold response. “If you knew, what exactly can you do about it?”
That stung.
Instead of dragging the conversation out into what was likely going to be their first full-blown fight, Stephen decided to end the call as civilly as he could. Though gruff, Tony still sounded somewhat apologetic as he said goodbye.
A few days ago, they had professed their love for each other over the phone.
And then, before they could say the words to each other in person, terrible things happened and suddenly the distance between them became very real.
Tony was off to another life-threatening mission. Another one that Stephen was not welcome to be part of.
And couldn’t be part of, even if he was.
It was amazing, how a few minutes on the phone with Tony could turn Stephen’s whole day on its head.
He had never before felt that way about anyone.
And a part of him was terrified.
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fandomtrashplease · 5 years
Tagged by @spacegaiys
Ah, mutuals.
Rules: Answer the six given questions before tagging others to do it as well
Relationship status: Happily engaged for the past 4 years.....yeah
Favorite color: Silver and Purple! The non gaudy colors of royalty! (Gold sucks ok)
Top 3 ships: Harringrove, because like duh. ColdFlash, love me some superbois! and probably IronStrange. Sorry Steve.
Chapstick or lipstick: Lipstick, because wearing chapstick would mean I know where a tube of it is at any given time. (I have no clue my guy)
Last 3 songs listened to:
I wont judge your music if you don’t judge mine, deal?
Last movie I watched: Power Rangers directed by Dean Israelite and produced by Haim Saban. It had Dacre Montgomery and Naomi Scott in it so I had to. 
Also! Power Rangers was supposed to get a sequel and it didn't! I was ROBBED!
Ok, thats it. 
I is tagging: @liquid-rage @arthoebyers @crimsondomingo @uncle-keery
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strangelyironic · 4 years
Hi, it’s 2020 and you still have to try real hard from snatching ironstrange away out of my cold goddamn hands. Thank you very much.
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widovv · 6 years
someone’s catching on here :))) i have an ARSENAL (also pssst go follow my ironstrange playlist on spotify for a better listing *wink*)
perfect strangers (cover) - grace grundy
who knows the secret tomorrow will hold?we don’t really need to know‘cause you’re here with me now, i don’t want you to go
start again - rob simonsen feat. elena tonra
i lost you in a momentyou caught me in a dreambut if we can see the endthen we can start a new beginning
sailing again - joe mendick and kyle selig
and then we’ll fall through all our dreams again, againwe will feel the pulls and tugs and then, againthey’ll reflect and twist and break and bend, againwe’ll begin where we began again
illuminate - the kite string triangle and dustin tebbutt
as the words fade awayi still believe what your eyes say(fall into your arms)i still see you illuminate
pieces - andrew bell
there’s too much smoke to see itthere’s too much broke to feel thiswell i love you, i love youand all of your pieces
send me a character/ship and i’ll make a playlist!(i might go to sleep but i’ll pick this up tomorrow)
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