#i want to see her safe and happy and tucked into bed with a kissy :)
magicky-hands · 2 years
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dontbeunraisonable · 3 years
New Year’s Kiss — BNHA x Reader — Part Four
(This takes place in a wonderful alternate universe where covid doesn’t exist. Please stay safe this holiday season! Please don’t exchange saliva with randos!)
This feels kinda repetitive, but I hope you enjoy regardless!
Characters Included: Todoroki Shoto, Togata Mirio, Uraraka Ochako, Yaoyorozu Momo, and Yoarashi Inasa
Word Count: 785
Warnings: none?
The rest of the series is here!
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“3! 2! 1! Happy New Year’s!” . . .
Todoroki Shoto
You weren’t really sure what to expect from spending the night at the Todoroki family’s house. There had been plenty of awkward silences, abrupt endings of conversations, and a few times Shoto’s dad seemed like he wanted to say something to you, and then didn’t.
Now you two were sitting in Shoto’s room, composing a letter together to read next year. You liked his handwriting best, so you watched him write while looking over his shoulder. Your phone buzzed, announcing the New Year.
“I love you, Shoto,” you murmured, tilting his chin towards you. He made a soft little noise, and kissed your lips, dropping his pen to hold your shoulders instead. He pulled away suddenly when the door slid open, and then was quickly closed again. Heavy footsteps hurried off, and Shoto flushed, earning him a few of your wonderful giggles and nose kisses.
Togata Mirio
Eri was slowly falling asleep on your lap, cuddled up in a blanket, and Mirio leaned heavily against you. The staff was out, either keeping an eye on the student body on the plaza or working, so it was just the three of you. You could hear the firework show begin, and you carefully turned to access your lover’s cheek.
“Happy New Year, babe,” you whispered before kissing his face. He shifted, muttering something about not being asleep, and then registered what was going on.
“Oh, right,” he beamed, kissing you fully on the lips, careful not to disturb the bundle in your lap. “Happy New Year.” He moved closer to you, deepening your kiss, his arms tightening around you. But Eri stirred, sitting up and asking if it was the next year now.
You hurriedly ran the back of your hand over your mouth before answering her that it was, and walking with Mirio to tuck her into bed. Once settled, you two returned to the couch to kiss more without worrying about the little one.
Uraraka Ochako
You and Ochako had been with her parents for the evening, talking and eating, and celebrating the beginning of the new year. It was almost 1am, and her parents were saying goodnight, and you two were setting up a bed for you on the floor.
You were yawning over and over, and already had gotten ready for bed, and were cozy in your pajamas. You curled up on the makeshift bed, waiting for Ochako to crawl into bed nearby. She instead sat next to your form, and leaned over you.
“Kiss, please?”
You gladly gave her what she wanted, pulling her down to rest on your chest as you gave her her New Year’s and goodnight kisses. She ended up falling asleep on the makeshift bed, cuddled up with you, and her parents took several giggly pictures before leaving for work in the morning.
Yaoyorozu Momo
The pair of you had wandered off from the rest of the lavish party to find some quiet. It was getting too loud for you two in there, now that the fireworks and champagne had begun. You had found a nice hallway with a comfy bench to sit on, with a plate of lifted hors d'oeuvres.
You two were quietly chatting, when she checked her phone and saw that it was the new year. She put the plate next to her, and told you when it was. You grinned, and asked if she wanted to go back to the ballroom to see the fireworks.
“In a moment. Have you heard of the… kissing tradition on New Year’s?”
You smiled, and leaned close to her face, murmuring your assent. She closed the distance between you two with a soft kiss, her hands gently holding your face.
Yoarashi Inasa
You were at a friend’s house party, sitting in the backyard on Inasa’s lap while some kids were setting off sparklers. A blanket was wrapped around the two of you, and his large hands rested comfortably in your lap.
“Mm, Inasa?”
He looked from the sparklers to your face. You pucker your lips at him, making quiet kissy sounds, inviting him to reciprocate. His hands leapt from your lap to your face, pulling you passionately to his lips, kissing you excitedly. You were slightly startled, but then melted into his arms despite the cold.
He pulled the blanket over your heads, and you pulled your legs up to avoid the cold, and let his arms tighten around you, ignoring the teasing from your friends. You stayed under the blanket for a little while, kissing, until someone pretended to knock on it and ask if you two could keep it down. You gave them a charming hand sign, and dragged Inasa by the hand inside to continue away from scrutiny. He followed like a puppy.
Posted 2020 December 31
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2018shawn · 4 years
Fluff 14 and kisses 7 for Shawn pleaseeeee
choose a prompt from here for blurb night 💓💓
a/n + warnings: <1k words!!!! really bad!!! but I've drunk a fair bit of wine now so I'm sorry it’s not great
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
Exhausted parents kiss
Somehow, bath toys had ended up in the kitchen and cookies had ended up in the playroom and you couldn’t help but blame yourself for the crazy evening you’d had. Agreeing to let you son and daughter sleep in extra late this morning, just so you and Shawn could have some “mummy and daddy time”, and then spend the day watching Disney movies was most definitely not a good move because when it came to bath time, the mini-mendes tornado struck.
You would deal with the mess later, strictly focusing on finally getting the two small bundles of fun down for the night – even if they didn’t want to. They’d already stayed up way later than their normally bedtime, and even for a Saturday, 9.30pm was pushing it. “William Manuel Mendes, I will not tell you again.” Shawn said, tone of voice firm but fair. The young boy scoffed at his father, rolling his eye as he scooped his teddy bear off the floor, after throwing it down in a protest for the 5th time.
Shawn was working on calming the younger boy, attempting to put one of them to bed instead of tackling them both at once. You cleared the toys in his room as Shawn ushered William into bed, sitting on the end of it once he was comfortable. You guessed your slightly older child, Amelia, was entertaining herself by singing along to tangled for the 3rd time today or organising her doll’s outfits in colour order, because she did that often and you had no idea where the organisation skills came from.
William’s bottom lip stuck out as he stared up at his dad, eyes looking as innocent as ever. You walked over to the bed, joining your husband and youngest child, bending down to your son’s height “goodnight baby.”
“Night-night mommy” He simple responded, his sulking lips turning into a kissy pout. He very much reminded you of Shawn; he was unable to sleep without a kiss goodnight and could most definitely not sleep at all if you’d fallen out or told him off.
You left the room, leaving Shawn to tuck William in with his beloved ted-ted. You closed the door after you, leaving it a touch open so you could spy in on the room. It was your favourite sight, seeing Shawn with your children and witnessing how untimely soft he was, although, the more you thought about it, the more you thought you must be creepy. Shawn pulled the covers up to his son’s neck, making sure he was as snug as can be and you couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, but you knew it was nice as they smiled at each other, even sharing a fist bump before Shawn bent down to kiss his forehead.
He appeared in the doorway and you pretended to be busy, picking up toys from the landing. “One down…” he chuckled quietly, clicking Williams door too with a quiet click. “Go get a shower babe, I’ll get Amelia down.”
You were grateful for Shawn; he never failed to put you and the kids first. Although you argued he didn’t need to, he insisted that you go take a relaxing shower or bath – whatever you preferred – and he would finish sorting everything out. After saying your goodnights to your daughter, making sure her bun-bun was safe and sound in the bed with her, you proceeded to taking a shower, deciding you’d battle the tsunami of toys afterwards.
An hour had passed when you and Shawn re appeared from your bedroom together, both freshly showered and revitalised. You made sure to speak quiet as you both creeped down the hallway, Shawn stopping at Amelia’s door and you stopping at Williams. Synchronously, you opened each of their doors, checking on the sleeping status of the small children and with a happy sigh, you clicked both doors back shut, looking at each other with a successful smile, feeling like parents of the year.
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep,” Shawn laughed, covering his mouth with his hand when he realised he may have spoken a little too loud. You agreed, nodding, walking over to him and throwing your arms up around his shoulders. He looked refreshed, although the bags under his eyes were prominent, but that’s what being a parent involved. His hair was wild and unstlyed, just how you liked it, as you ran your fingers through it, his eye subconsciously closing as you tugged at the brown curls. “I love you, mummy bear” He murmured, lips hovering over yours. You pressed your lips down on his, feeling his lips turn from happy and relaxed to determined. It had been a while since you’d both shared a real kiss; a kiss that wasn’t interrupted by a screaming child or a child running in because they had a nightmare. It felt lazy but needed. You were both exhausted, that was a given, but you wouldn’t have changed it for the world. Shawn’s soft, plump lips pulled away from yours as his forehead rested against your own, a slight smirk appearing on his lips “shall we tidy up downstairs tomorrow?”
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mrsalwayswritex · 4 years
Hazy Blazy Days
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A/N: Image is not mine, if its yours tell me and ill slap some credit but until then, thanks photo owner! I have been working on this baby for weeks guys. I hope you like it, its literally like The Dream for me, so dont judge me too harshly, I just wanna smoke with my boys! Anyways, Happy 420 to my fellow smokers, I wish you all a good day during this lockdown. Stay safe and I love you all!
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Word Count: 6.6k
Warnings: Swearing, Illegal activities [recreational marijuana use]
Songs used: Idolize Stay Afloat Free Your Mind All three of these songs are Immortal Paradox, linked to Spotify. These songs are explicit*
When she woke up she knew it was a hibernate day, shuffling to the kitchen quickly, filling her arms with the things she deemed important. Bottles of water, granola bars and a bag of chocolate chips, various snack cakes, and a large to-go mug of coffee all tucked in her arms as she tried to hurry back to her room.
“Y/n?” Joe called from their shared living room. “Where are you running off to?” She could hear his footsteps getting closer. Joe let out a loud laugh at the sight he was met with. 
Y/n stood with her hands full of her haul, smiling as best as she could with the bag of chocolate chips between her teeth. Joe leaned forward and grabbed the bag as she dropped it. “Thanks! It's a hibernating day, would you like to join me?” She chirped happily, smiling at him.
Joe’s face broke into a wide grin and he nodded his head quickly, “I will grab the blanket and be in momentarily!” He spun on his heels, taking off towards his own room. Y/n skipped back to her room, depositing the pile of snacks on her small wheeled coffee table. Quickly making her bed, minus her giant fleece comforter, moving things around when Joe slid into the room. “I even changed for maximum comfort!” He spun around quickly, flashing her a dramatic smile at the end.
“Impressive, Mazzello.” Y/n clapped her hands just as dramatically. “Pull that over and let's get this thing going!” She climbed onto the bed, pulling her blanket close around her. Following her orders, Joe pulled the small table over until it was against the bed, climbing on top and curling himself inside his own blanket beside her. “Alright, Mazzello, pick your fighter.” Y/n waved her hands around, wiggling her fingers as she reached to the floor pulling up a medium sized wooden box covered in stickers and marker drawings.
Joe smiled at the box, reaching over and pulling it closer to him. Opening it carefully, laughing loudly. “You know, this box reeks of pot.” He chuckled, Y/n stuck her tongue out at him. 
“You know, I think that may be a requirement for a pot box, Joseph.” She rolled her eyes at him playfully, reaching into the box and pulling out the bag of the sweet smelling greenery. “If you don't pick, I will.” Y/n warned him, Joe putting his hands up in defense before digging into the box’s contents. His choice was a small but thick bong, swirled with blues and yellows. Joe presented his choice to her proudly and she nodded her head. “Daisy,” She cooed, taking it from his hands, “Good choice!” 
Once it was packed, Y/n pointed at a bottle of water, Joe handing it to her blindly as he scrolled through Hulu on her TV. Pouring in some of the water, she handed it to Joe along with a lighter. Joe cleared his throat, straightening his back out causing Y/n to chuckle and he glared at her. Covering her mouth with her hands, she directed her attention to the TV, taking over for Joe as she heard the bubbling sound of Joe hitting the bong.
For as long as Y/n could remember, she and Joe had been close friends. Finding each other quickly on their first day of high school, being the first two to be busted smoking marijuana behind the building and making fast friends in detention. She fondly thought back to that day so many years ago.
“Mr. Mazzello and Miss Taylor.” The science teacher grunted out, shoving the slip onto the desk. “Smoking on school property.” He turned around and glared at the two, both of them stifled a laugh. The grumpy man shook his head as he walked out mumbling something about ‘these damn teenagers’.
“Caught smoking on the first day?” The detention teacher looked at them disapprovingly over her glasses. 
The two glanced at each other and both started laughing, Joe reaching his hand across the aisle. “Joe Mazzello.” He gave her a smile, she reached out taking his hand and shaking it with an awkward laugh, “Y/n Taylor.”
Once the final bell rang, Y/n stood up, stretching her legs, kicking Joes chair and making his jump awake quickly. “Sorry, Joey.” She yawned, stretching her arms high. “Time to get outta here,” She smiled at him, swinging her backpack over her shoulder. “Walk me home?” 
Joe smiled at the girl sleepily. “You got it, babe.” Joe winked at her and she barked out a laugh. 
“Save it, Romeo.” She winked back at him and Joe trailed out the door after her. 
Joe lived on the other side of town, but he knew in that moment, he would follow Y/n anywhere, as long as she would have him.
They spent most afternoons at a park by the school, waiting until dark before finally heading home, Joe always walking her home before going himself. 
One evening, senior year, the two laid in the grass in Joe’s backyard passing a joint back and forth and staring at the sky. “You gonna ditch me in college when you get a girlfriend, Joey?” Y/n asked, putting her arms behind her head.
“I promise to stick with you forever, y/n.” Joe passed the joint over to her, “The best buds stick together, remember?”
The two were absolutely inseparable through the years, even choosing the same college, which they rented an apartment together. 
Y/n smiled at him, here they were, almost 13 years later, still the best of friends. Joe was staring at her, she shook her head clear of the memory. “Y/n? You still there?” He waved the bong in front of her face and laughed. “Where did you go?” He chuckled, as she took the bong from his hand.
“High school, actually.” She nudged him with her shoulder, Joe bumping her right back. “Detention that first day. How you made me a promise senior year to always stick with me, and here we are, over ten years later. Still hibernating and watching tv for the day.” Y/n hit the bong, coughing lightly before waving a hand in front of her face.
“Calm down, I'm here cause you always have the best weed, alright? Don't get all mushy on me.” Joe snatched the piece away from her, “It's been ten years, I don't have time to find another weed connection.”
“You love me and you know it, Mazzello.” She stuck her tongue out at him, swatting his chest and making him cough loudly. 
“You wish, Taylor.” Joe made a kissy face at his best friend and she returned the gesture mockingly, both of them laughing deeply.
Three episodes of American Dad later, the pair of them sat atop Y/n’s bed laughing lazily, Joe munching away on a fudge round. Y/n flopped around, restlessly moving across the bed. Joe laughed at her, “Just open the window, it'll be alright.” He laughed louder as she scrambled off the bed and over to the window quickly, shooting him a bright smile.
Opening the window and taking a deep breath of the crisp air, sitting on the window seat and pulling her legs to her chest tightly. Y/n pulled out a pack of Newports and fished around the seat for a lighter, Joe tossing one to her from the bed and lighting the tip. She blew the smoke out the window but it just blew right back inside, looking back to Joe with a shrug. 
“I'm gonna pack this up again, ‘kay?” Joe pointed to the bong and Y/n nodded her head slowly, the smoke curling up around her trying to make a smoke ring. Joe chuckled as he watched her, knowing that after all these years, she was bound to get one eventually, though she had failed this far. As soon as Y/n threw the cigarette out the window and made her way back to the bed, Joe’s phone started ringing a familiar tone. Joe’s face lit up like a kid on christmas as recognition passed over his face. “Ben!” He shouted into the phone, a deep laugh coming through the other end.
“Hey buddy,” Ben's accent came loudly through the speaker. “What’s going on?”
“Having a hibernation day with y/n,” Joe replied, Y/n shouting a happy hello. “What are you doing?” He handed the bong to the girl and she took it happily.
“Are you really hitting a bong while on the phone?” Ben whispered, chuckling softly. “I've got nothing planned, you wanna get together?” Ben was obviously asking Joe, so Y/n stayed quiet, picking at her nails when Joe tapped her leg and gave her a questioning look. “Joe?” Ben asked again, Y/n nodded at Joe with an exaggerated sigh and a smile.
“Sorry, was just waiting for confirmation from the boss, do you want to come hibernate with us?” Joe asked hopefully, even though he had seen Ben since he was in town, Joe was always desperate to see his best friend.
“What does that entail, exactly?” Ben chuckled lightly, a car door could be heard closing and starting. 
“Well it starts by you stopping at the store and grabbing provisions, first of all.” Y/n piped up, Joe cracking a smile, before she continued, “Second, you must wear something of the cotton variety, there is no denim allowed in hibernation. Last but certainly not least, you must be prepared for copious amounts of marijuana consumption.” Y/n laughed out, counting on her fingers though only Joe could see. “That’s it, that’s all there is to it!”
“You in, buddy?” Joe asked tauntingly, staring at his phone intently like he could change Ben’s mind through the phone.
“Text me a list of things you need, and give me a half hour.” Even if neither of them could see his face, they could hear the smile in his voice. “Let you know when I'm on the way to you.” The line clicked off and Joe and Y/n smiled, rearranging the room once more to accommodate another.
Forty five minutes later, Ben texted back saying that he was leaving the store, headed to them, five minutes at most. “Stretch break until Ben gets here?” Y/n asked, already kicking her legs out from her blanket, stretching her arms over her head. Joe groaned as he stood, squatting over and over. As the both shuffled towards the door, they could hear a soft knock. “You get him, I'm gonna go find him a big blanket so he can probably hibernate.” She chuckled, tapping Joe on the back lightly as they seperated down opposite sides of the hallway.
Y/n could hear the two boys talking excitedly to each other as she poked her head out to the living room. “Got the last blanket from the closet, Joe you better check to make sure he's following the rules!” She hollered out as she walked back to her room. 
“Sweat pants, no denim!” Joe called back, grabbing a bag from Ben’s hands. “Come on back, man!” Joe ushered his grandly down the hall, his best friend following with a chuckle.
When Ben walked into Y/n’s room, he looked around, “I would expect nothing less from you, Y/n.” He chuckled, fingers playing with the strings of fairy lights on the wall. “Smells like pot in here.” Joe chuckled, picking the bong up from the side table and waving it around, Y/n gestured to it grandly.
“If it didn't, Joe and I shouldn't be allowed to smoke anymore, cause we are doing it wrong.” Y/n giggled, patting the bottom portion of her bed. “Pop a squat, Benjamin, we gonna get you stoned.” She grinned up at him, pulling the blanket closer around her shoulders, snuggling inside. “I even brought you a cuddle blanket!” Her voice was muffled from the fluff around her face but she kicked a leg out and pushed the blanket around.
Ben chuckled at her, kicking off his shoes and dove onto the bed, making Y/n squeal and Joe lift the bong high in the air. “I cannot believe that I am a 29 year old man,” He started, burying his face into the soft blanket, “that has a designated ‘cuddle blanket’.” Chuckling and reaching his hand under the pile to poke at her leg. 
“You simply cannot hibernate without a pile of blankets, man.” Joe added, leaning into the middle of them holding the bong out. “Who lives next door?” He asked, and when both of their hands shot up at the same time, he pointed to his ear.
“Neighbor!” They shouted in unison, causing Joe to laugh loudly and shove the piece into Ben’s hands. “Ha!” Ben stuck his tongue out at Y/n and she snatched the lighter out of Joe’s hand.
“Ha, that!” She wrapped her blanket over her face and squealed loudly when, after handing the bong back to Joe with an eyeroll, Ben jumped onto her pile, tickling and poking all over until an arm reached out of the top, waving a lighter in defeat. Ben snatched the lighter up and dug his hands into the pile once more, earning a giggle before he sat back on his knees and took the bong back from Joe.
“You two are nauseating, you know that?” Joe commented, and once Y/n emerged from her hiding spot, hair a mess, Joe grabbed at her and pulled her over until she was laying with her torso on his, and wrapped her in his large arms. Y/n flailed a little but ultimately accepted the affection, returning it as best as she could in her blanket prison. “Just remember Ben, she was mine first.” Joe kissed the top of her head.
“She’s still yours, mate.” Ben choked on the smoke, eyes wide.
Joe rolled his eyes at him, looking down at Y/n who had gone still against his chest. “You are both idiots if you think that I don't know.”  The two of them looked at each other, the blush apparent on both of their faces. “Oh so we are pretending this isn't happening?” Joe raised his hands in defense, snatching the bong from Ben’s hands. “Whatever you guys want to do.”
Hours later, after a decision to switch to horror movies, the three of them were piled on top of each other. Joe was resting against the headboard, Y/n laying her head on his chest and Ben with his head resting on Y/n thighs. As soon as the credits rolled on screen, Ben rolled himself over, completely trapping Y/n’s legs and groaned loudly.
“What’s up, Benny?” Y/n yawned, her hand finding his head and running her fingers through his blond curls, earning a grumble of satisfaction from the man.
He stretched his arms out, wrapping them around her legs tightly, leaning his head father back into her hand. “Well I was going to suggest going for a ride,” He mumbled into her thigh, “but I may not be able to function if you keep that up, love.” His eyes closed and Y/n switched to running her nails along his scalp, pulling another happy groan from him.
Joe looked down at the two of them, shaking his head lightly. Y/n saw the gesture and smacked her other hand down onto his chest, Joe making an oof sound and laughing when she pulled herself off of him. “A ride actually sounds fantastic, as long as I don't have to drive and” She raised her finger to both boys, “I ride shotgun.” As soon as the words left her lips, Joe and Ben both sat up, voices raised in argument but Y/n just covered her hands over her ears smiling wildly.
“You can have shotgun, only if you roll on demand!” Ben offered, sticking his hand out in her direction, Y/n cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’ve got a deal, Jones.” She slapped her hand to his and they shook vigorously, both laughing. Joe picked that moment to stick a freshly packed bowl in between them. Y/n cooed happily, taking the offered piece from him. “Oh, Joseph, what would I do without you.” She leaned back and kissed his cheek.
“You would perish, surely.” Joe smiled down at the girl, booping his finger on the tip of her nose.
“My hero.” She swooned dramatically against her pillows.
“And you said we are nauseating.” Ben mocked them, rolling his eyes. He smacked his hand gently on Y/n’s calf and she yelped in surprise. “Hit that, get it rolling so we can get rolling.” Ben stood, stretching his arms high in the air, Y/n totally did not notice the way his shirt rode up just a bit with the action.
Passing the bowl back and forth, the three of them slowly gathered all of the items needed for the ride and by the time the bowl was empty. Y/n pushed them out of the room and changed into shorts and then they were ready to walk out the door. “I'll drive, if it can be Ben’s car.” Joe raised a hand in the air and Ben shot him a glare. “Hey man, I'm offering to drive.” Ben growled at him playfully, digging his keys from his pocket and tossing them to Joe. 
“I can't believe I’ve got to ride in the backseat of my own car.” Ben grumbled, reaching for the door handle. Y/n stuck her tongue out at him, sliding into the front seat. “Oh stop at the station on the way, we didn't bring our provisions with us.” He leaned forward between the front seats as Joe pulled out of the driveway, nodding his head in acknowledgement. Y/n pulled the aux cord to the back seat and offered it to Ben with a smile.
“You can at least have music choice, since you gotta ride bitch.” She winked and Ben rolled his eyes, plugging his phone in and hitting shuffle before tossing it up to her. “You better have good burn run music, Jones.” Y/n playfully warned him.
Joe pulled up to a gas pump, offering to fill Ben’s tank fully for this ride if he went in to pay. Ben agreed happily and Y/n offered to go with him, getting Joe’s order of gummy bears and a Pepsi as she skipped to catch up to him. “I've got tiny legs, Ben, move slower!” She shouted and he turned around with a laugh. He crouched down ever so slightly but Y/n understood.
“Hop up, small fry.” Ben chuckled, grunting softly when she launched herself at his back, wrapping his hands under her thighs and bouncing her up higher. She wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and planted a loud kiss to his temple. Ben shook his head with a smile. “You are spoiled, you know that right?” He glanced up at her and she grinned back down at him, nodding happily.
Ben and Y/n were in and out of the store quickly, Ben chasing a squealing Y/n as they crossed the parking lot. He collided with her when they reached the car, Ben trapping her squirming form by locking her in place with a hand on the car on either side of her, leaning his head down to her ear. “Got you.” He breathed and she shivered, but playfully pushed against his chest. Ben backed away with a smirk on his face.
“Get in the damn car, lovebirds.” Joe whined, leaning in the roof of the car. Y/n shot him the finger before turning her back to Ben to get into the car. “Seriously are you guys just fucking with me or are you both seriously that niave?” Joe chuckled dryly, leaning down to get into the driver's seat. Once all three of them were inside, Joe grinned wickedly and looked to Y/n. “Get ready to roll, babe, we taking the scenic route.” He winked and patted her thigh.
Y/n kicked off her shoes and pulled her legs onto the seat under her, smacking a hand on her legs. “I'm ready, boss.” She smiled back at him, holding a hand out expectedly. “You know the drill, gimme the bag for the ride.” She turned her head back to Ben. “If you got any, give it to me, Benny.” Ben barked out a laugh and shook his head, Y/n looking at him strangely. He winked at her and Joe shook his head with a sigh. “You wish.” She rolled her eyes.
“We want some rap or some rock?” Ben asked, changing the subject quickly and plugging his phone back into the aux cord. “I found this new rapper that I’ve been really enjoying lately.” Y/n nodded her head enthusiastically as he pressed play. “His name is Immortal Paradox, he's pretty good!” He grinned from the backseat as the rapper started talking softly over the speaker.
 “You kids gotta find somebody better to Idolize..”
“Did he just say Drug Abuse?” Joe cocked his head to the side with a chuckle.
“It's a key element of the song, Joe.” Ben smiled back at his friend. He leaned his head back and sang along to the song with a grin. “Please oh please don't Idolize me, I'm a egoistic narcissist who lacks empathy, a judgemental bastard with insecurities, imma free spirit who's never been free. Long days longer nights in a mental cage, and I bottle massive amounts of rage, never meant to be a leader on the stage cause my lyrics seem lethal when they hit the page.” 
“Wow Ben, this song really speaks to you doesn't it?” Y/n stuck her tongue out at him but bobbed her head along to the beat. “It's pretty good, you pass this test.” She winked and turned herself back around and pulled out Joe’s bag and began breaking it up and sprinkling it into the folded paper. Ben scooted himself over in the back seat so he could watch her fingers work over the green bud, rolling it into the paper gently. He leaned forward, sticking his head between the front seats. Y/n caught the movement and smiled softly before licking the edge of the paper.
“Anyone ever tell you that you look absolutely lovely rolling a joint, Y/n dear.” Ben sighed dreamily, eyes not leaving hers. Before she could respond, Joe’s arm was flying towards her and the car was being tanked back into the other lane. Y/n and Ben both gasped slightly, Y/n gripping tightly onto the still open bag in her lap, 
“Joe!” She screeched as her drink rolled onto the floor.
“I'm sorry! We’re good!” Joe gave her a weak smile, straightening out the car easily. “I just got a little distracted is all.” He reached over and laid his hand on her leg, squeezing comfortingly. 
“Don't wreck my car, mate.” Ben grumbled from the backseat. Joe raised his hand from Y/n’s leg in defense before dropping it back to her leg. Ben watched the movement carefully, seeing the two best friends share a smile and Joe squeezing her leg again before they both changed their attention, Joe’s on driving and Y/n’s on the almost finished joint. Ben leaned back in the seat and smiled at the scene. He really lucked out in the friend department when he met Joe, and with Joe came Y/n and he couldn’t have asked for better people.
“Fire in the hole!” Y/n shouted happily and both boys joined in on her cheering. She put the joint up to her lips and fished a lighter out of her pocket, lighting the tip and inhaling softly as she spun the joint around gently. Once she was satisfied it was burning evenly, she passed it back to Ben who took it with an approving nod. Y/n watched him close his eyes and took turns hitting the joint and mouthing along to the lyrics.
“How ‘bout you, what’s your vice? Let me know, do you have any advice? Drink and Smoke help me stay afloat. Not a single fuckin thing gonna sink by boat.” Ben sang as he leaned forward and passed the joint to Joe over his shoulder, continuing the song as he nodded his head along to the beat and shooting Y/n a smirk when he caught her eye.
It was about forty-five minutes later when Joe swerved back into the left lane again, Y/n shot him a glare. “Joseph, if you kill me right now I will be so mad at you.” She raised a finger and poked him in the shoulder. “Maybe it’s time for Ben to drive.”
Ben nodded his head happily, tapping Joe on the shoulder quickly. “Yes, let’s do that. You’ve probably raised my insurance in the last hour.” Joe gave another squeeze to Y/n’s leg before pulling into the first parking lot he came across. “Let’s get some fresh air and stretch a little before we head back out yeah?” All agreeing, Joe went to turn the car off when Ben stopped him. “Leave it, we will just turn up the music, it's not like anyone is around here to complain.” He gestured around the empty church parking lot, not seeing another building in the area.
The three of them found themselves all laying on the trunk of Ben’s car, Y/n sandwiched between the two of them. “Why aren’t we smoking right now?” Joe piped up on Y/n’s left and both she and Ben turned their heads towards him. “Like here we are, just laying here and staring at the dark sky. We should be smoking.” He spoke with one hand behind his head and the other wildly gesturing around. Sitting up quickly and sliding off the car easily. “I shall return.” He bowed deeply, pulling laughs from the other two who settled back into staring up when he sat in the passenger seat, pulling the bag and papers from the center console.
“Turn it up!” Ben shouted as he heard the song change. When the music got louder, Ben started singing along, y/n turning her head to look at him. His eyes were closed, lips moving quickly to keep up with the lyrics. “If you flirt with me I'll be nervous but never hesitate, I'm so in love with you and life and that is always relevant.” His eyes stayed closed, but y/n watched his eyes crinkle up in a smile, turning his head towards her as he kept going, “hypothetically if we both got amnesia, I’d ask you for those digits when our spirits meet up.” When he finished, he opened his eyes and his cheeks heated when he saw that Y/n was staring at him with a soft admiring smile on her face.
“Thanks for inviting me today, love.” Ben used the hand that wasn't under his head to reach down and pat her knee that she had pulled up on the trunk. “I would have just ended up smoking by myself and probably falling asleep on the couch watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.�� He laughed and she turned her head to face him, looking at him seriously.
“You are welcome any time to join us, Ben, you know that.” She gave him a genuine smile and he grinned back. “I'm serious, you're at our place almost as much as we are, plus you make a perfect third for Joe and I.” Y/n patted his chest a few times before settling back into her position.
“That sounds..” Ben laughed deeply and shook his head, “..very raunchy.” 
“In a perfect world, maybe.” She winked at his shocked face, “But alas, you both suck too much.” 
“Who is sucking what?” Joe popped up beside the trunk with an eyebrow raised, presenting the fat rolled joint to Y/n.
“You, if you ask nicely.” Ben blew a kiss to his friend and Joe winked back. Y/n snorted loudly, reaching a hand out to Joe, who helped pull her into a sitting position. Ben looked at the window where Y/n was sitting. “Hell of a time for me to decide to get out of the back seat.” He waggled his eyebrows at Joe who laughed and pointed at Ben with a nod. 
“You are both gross.” She lit the joint and crossed her arms, letting the joint hang from her lips. “I hope I leave an ass print on the window and then you can't see out of it.” Y/n ended the sentence with both her middle fingers up, causing both men to chuckle. 
“I will happily give up my line of sight for your ass print to be on my window, love.” Ben elbowed her in the side and dropped his head onto her shoulder. “You should know that would be my choice.”
“He’s right, you should know that he would choose your ass over just about anything by this point, right buddy?” Joe extended his fist towards Ben who responded by bumping his own fist against it and nodding his blond head quickly. 
“You are correct, good sir.”
“I hate you both.” Y/n grumbled, rolling her eyes and blowing the smoke out harshly, handing the joint to Joe. “Honest.”
Ben and Joe stared at each other for a second before they turned to her, both leaning towards her in sync. “No you don’t.” Ben whispered close to her face and Joe was close behind him, inching towards her face. 
“You love us.” Joe laughed and the two of them alternated tickling and peppering little kisses all over her cheeks. Y/n squealed and wiggled, but neither man let up.
“Honestly, I cannot stand either of you.” She squirmed, flailing her arms and legs as much as she could without actually injuring them. “You are both awful humans.” Y/n finally huffed out, pushing them away and crossed her arms again, blowing a few stray strands of hair on her face from the struggle.
“Yes,” Joe agreed, “But we are awful and you love us anyways.” He reached forward and ruffled her already messy hair.
“Can we just get back on the road? You are both awful company.” She huffed out, shooting Ben a small smile when she noticed him staring at her.
“Yes, your highness,” Ben sighed dramatically and looked at her expectantly. Joe barked out a loud laugh and Y/n dropped her head to her chest. 
“That was awful.” Joe shook his head and swatted at Ben.
“Truly awful.” Y/n agreed, using Joe’s outstretched hand to pull herself off the trunk. “I'm thinking I'll roll one more and we take the super long way home.” She grabbed the joint back from Ben and placed it between her lips as she adjusted her shorts and pulled her hair tie out, flipping her long hair over and pulling it back up quickly. When she stood up, both boys were looking at her with lazy smiles. “What are you looking at?”
“Just you, babe.” Joe reached for her, wrapped her in his arms as she accepted the hug right away. “I'm glad you're my best friend.” He smiled at her as she wrapped her arms around his torso.
“Oi, what about me?” Ben put his hand to his chest in mock offense. “Am I chopped liver now?”
Joe threw one hand out and grabbed Ben’s sweatshirt and pulled him into the embrace. Y/n yelped as she was once again sandwiched between them. “Both of you. I'm glad you're both my best friend.” Joe mumbled into the pile. Y/n pushed her hands against Joe’s chest and her back against Ben’s chest to break up the weird hug.
“Great, now we are all nauseating.” Y/n playfully jabbed at the two of them before she raised her hand in the air, circling it around. “Let’s wrap this up, I'm getting cold and my blanket is calling me.” She pumped her fist in the air and stomped over to the passenger side door.
“You heard the boss.” Joe clapped his hand on Ben’s shoulder as he rounded the back of the car. Ben smiled at them both before opening the driver door and slid inside, adjusting the seat with a glare at Joe. “Not my fault you're shorter than me.” He shrugged and Ben flipped him off.
Once they were back on the road, the joint burnt down to a stub, Y/n threw it out the window and pulled her legs up to begin rolling the last one. “Left, Right, or Straight.” Ben would ask randomly, turning in whichever direction was chosen. Y/n and Joe took turns answering him until they were happily lost. Ben kept fidgeting with his right hand, moving it back and forth between the shifter and his lap before Y/n grabbed his hand and set it on her leg. He smiled at the girl and she grinned back at him.
“It helps Joe drive calmer,” She shrugged and turned up the music, closing her eyes and leaning her head against the seat. Ben caught Joe’s smile in the rearview and looked away quickly. Ben relaxed in the seat a little more, holding the steering wheel loosely in one hand and the other hand tracing small circles where his hand touched Y/n.
Another 20 minutes of driving and Ben smacked his hand on the steering wheel happily, “I know where we are, maybe 35 minutes out.” He tapped Y/n’s leg lightly and she lifted her head sleepily. “Are you ready to smoke one more before you get to go to bed, lovey?” 
“I'm ready.” She yawned and Ben smiled fondly at her. Pulling the joint from behind her ear, and lit the tip. Sighing contentedly as she let the smoke curl out of her mouth. “I am also ready for bed.” She stifled another yawn, and hit the joint once more before handing it back to Joe. Weaving her arm under Ben’s, she rested her hand on his leg too. “This ok?” 
Ben looked at her hand and back at her face quickly, “It’s perfect.” He smiled at her and the way she smiled back, Ben could have died happily right then and there. She bobbed her head to the music and the rest of the joint was passed between them without words. Ben tapped his elbow on the center console, “Smokes in there, could you light me one?” Y/n nodded, tossing the roach out of the window and grabbing the pack. Soon they were back in Joe and Y/n’s neighborhood.
“You should probably just crash at our place, buddy. Better than you falling asleep on the ride home.” Joe offered, covering his own yawn. “My couch is your couch.” Y/n nodded her head in agreement, gathering the supplies and shoving them in her pockets. “‘Cause I know I'm beat.” 
“I will take you up on that offer, I think.” Joe chuckled as Ben fought his own yawn back.
All three of them slid out of the car and shuffled back to the apartment. Y/n went straight to the kitchen, putting on a kettle for tea before going back to her room and changing back into her leggings. Walking over to the window seat again, she pulled a cigarette out from her pack, a soft knock on her door pulling her attention back to earth. “Can I grab my cuddle blanket real quick?” Ben’s soft voice floated through the barely opened door. 
“Yeah, come on in. Hey I'm making tea, if your british self would like some before bed.” Y/n grinned at him, and he smiled brightly back at her with a nod. “I'm glad you are our third.” she added after a minute. Spending a lazy day with Ben, she realized, was one of her best days in a while.
“Yeah, I am too.” Ben grabbed his blanket up and wrapped it around his shoulders. Instead of leaving like she expected him to, he sat across from her and snatched the cigarette out of her hand. His leg bounced lightly and he looked anywhere but at her. “Was Joe right earlier?” He breathed out with a cloud of smoke.
“What do you mean?”
“Are we just being naive?” Hitting the cigarette again and handing it back, blowing the smoke out in a huff and looking back at her. “Are we not seeing what's going on here?” 
“What’s exactly is going on here, Ben?” Y/n tilted her head to the side with a small smirk. Could he be serious? Y/n hoped that Ben wouldn't be able to hear her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She kept his gaze as she brought the cigarette to her lips, tilting it to the other side when Ben smiled and looked away and back quickly.
“Well I don't know about you,” He started, grabbing the cigarette from her again. Blowing out the smoke slowly, like he was trying to calm his own heartbeat. “But I spend a lot of time thinking about kissing you.” His eyes flicked to hers and he sucked in a deep breath and held it as he studied her face.
Y/n’s cheeks flushed and she chuckled. “Is that so?” Nodding her head softly. “Now what would you say if I told you, that I spend a lot of time thinking about kissing you as well?”
Ben’s smile was so wide that Y/n couldn't hold back a soft giggle. Hitting the cigarette once more, Ben crushed it out in the ashtray and within seconds he had one hand cupping her chin, brushing his lips over hers gently. Y/n responded instantly, bringing a hand up to the back of Ben’s neck and sinking her fingers into the soft curls, both of them letting out happy sounds at the contact. 
“I would say that this is going to happen a lot more often now.” He brushed his thumb over her cheek and she leaned into the touch, eyes fluttering closed. “But right now, your couch calls my name.” He kissed her forehead quickly before standing up and pulling his blanket closer. “And the water is calling yours. Let’s go have some tea before bed.” He held his hand out to her and when she took it, he interlaced their fingers and traced circles with his thumb.
While y/n busied herself in the kitchen, the boys settled into the living room, and when she walked back into the room she noticed her favorite spot open, the center of the couch, right between her two favorite humans. Three cups of tea and one final bowl packed and passed between them as they relaxed on the couch. Y/n smiled at the two boys, her two best friends. “Alright boys, I think that this is it for me.” Draining her tea cup and standing with a groan, Y/n walked behind Joe and grabbed his face with both hands, planting a kiss to his forehead while Joe wrapped an arm around her tightly. When she walked over to Ben, she repeated the gesture of grabbing his face with both hands but she pressed a kiss on his lips instead. “I'm off to bed, love you guys.” She yawned once more and gave a small wave as she disappeared for the hallway. Both boys muttering their goodnights before Joe swatted Ben’s arm playfully.
“It’s about damn time.” Joe threw his hands in the air happily.
“You may have been right.” Ben huffed out a laugh but smiled anyways. “But I’ll never tell you that.”
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Bad Boy
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I sat unable to sleep, the street lights shining in through my windows. I wanted to get up and grab my comic book but I knew if my dad came back and found it he'd kill me. So I sighed sitting up in my bed rubbing my eyes a little and tugging my blankets around me tightly trying to keep out the cold. I climbed out my bed tugging my long pj pants up a little and shutting my door tightly but not loud enough to wake my brother up. Climbing back into bed and tucking my covers and blankets around me tightly biting my bottom lip a little excited, pulling my covers closer and slipping my hand under them gently and tenderly stroking myself through my pants and boxers to try and get me hard the second I began rubbing it started to get stiff and harder I shut my eyes biting in my lip a little harder slipping my hand under the loose waistband of my pants stroking up the obvious half hard bulge in my boxers trying desperately not to make any noise in case someone heard me slipping my hand under my boxers to gently and tenderly touch my shaft trying hard not to moan or overstimulate myself gently moving my hand up and down my shaft gently rubbing precum into my head with my thumb I tugged my pants and boxers down to my knees quickly going back to stroking and it quickly became pumping "uuuhh kimi" I groaned quickly clamping my other hand over my mouth as not to wake my brother or my dad if he was back yet, my breath unsteady as I got faster and faster my careful delicate touching turned in to just pure pumping and squeezing as my hormones took over in desperation, imagining her sweet soft skin, her smooth silky voice, her gently loving hands, her addictive sugary lips, and… umm everything else of my pretty little kimi. 
I hit my orgasum like a brick wall gasping in shock as I did my hand instantly working on its own to ride it out my moans just audible below my hand "uuuummmm uummmm uuuuuummm kimi, kimi…" 
I cleaned up as best I could and tugged my pants back up relaxing with my arm behind my head snuggled up in my covers in the early morning light satisfied and happy. Until a little while later I heard a noise someone was up and about
"Morning" beckett smirked leaning on my door frame
"What?" I yawned 
"You're up early," he smirked. I just shrug "you seeing kimi Today?"
"Maybe" I shrug "depends how busy she is"
"You ever gonna learn that girl's real name?"
"It's not safe for her to tell me"
"You keep saying that what does her dad even do?"
"I don't know, she can't tell me" 
"You really infatuated with that dam chick aren't you?"
"I'm not infatuated she's my friend" I argue getting out of bed 
"Yeah? You don't hang out with friends to check out there tits"
"I don't!"
"Ohh so you don't see her purely for the fact her tits bounce when she walks?"
"No, of course not, she's my friend, and...even if I did like her, I would be for her wonderful personality" 
"Sure Sammy, keep telling yourself that," he smirked "but last I checked, you can't wank to personality" he winked before he left my room
"It's none of your business beckett"
"I'm your older brother, everything you do is my business" he laughs "and you wanna keep it a secret try maybe not screaming her name when you masturbate at six o'clock In the morning" 
I sat counting up money from my performance when I recognize a familiar figure come over to me 
"Hey shakespeare" her sweet voice smiled I looked up saw her in her little blue converses that we're falling apart, her thigh high stripes blue and black socks, her knee length black pleated skirt, her blue long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled to her elbows, and her pretty pigtail plaits. I instantly jumped to my feet hugging her as tightly as I could 
"Ummmm kimi I missed you" I smiled squeezing her a little tighter as I spoke 
"Awww I missed you too Samuel" she smiled pushing me away a little as I had been nuzzled on her shoulder "don't I get a kissy?" She whines playing with the collar of my overshirt 
"Umm, of course you do" I blushed keeping my arms around her and pulling her to kiss me, she happily kissed back running her hands slowly up and down my chest thought my thin t shirt her hands getting lower and lower each time we kissed making me hold her a little tighter pulling her slowly closer "uumm kimi" I moaned I to our kiss 
"Ooohh" she giggled pushing me away a little but staying in my arms "down boy" she giggled
"Hu?" I asked a little puzzled but then she moved her hips against my rock hard erection thought my jeans and her skirt "ooohh… fuck" I sighed 
"Awww what's the matter Sammy?" She giggled
"I'm sorry kimi, I tried so hard" I complained "I even did it this morning so I wouldn't" 
"Awww Sammy have you actually started jerking off days you think you might see me just to try and make it so we can make out for more than two minutes before you get a Bonner?"
"Pretty much… it didn't work" I sighed 
"Aww, I don't mind you getting a Bonner Sammy" she smiled 
"I know, I just… I don't know I feel weird" I said just as her watch went off 
"Ooohh sorry samuel I have to go else I'll be late for work, I'll see you later I promise" she smiled giving me another quick kiss before she headed quickly off in the direction of her other job.
I know both a lot and at the same time barely anything about kimi.
I mean kimi isn't even her real name, she can't tell me her real name so at this point kimis pretty much become my pet name for her well it would if she was my girlfriend.
I think everything about kimi could be explained with two simple words.
It's complicated…
Why does she use a fake name? It's complicated
Why does she have four different jobs? It's complicated
Are we dating? It's complicated
Everything about kimi is complicated.
We were kinda sorta dating… I think, we kiss, we cuddle, and sometimes we do sexy stuff so I guess we're kinda dating.
She works so many different jobs because her family needs the money her sisters are too young to work or help really her dad works somewhere I don't know where, and her mother is about as useful as a chocolate fireguard at least that's what she said. 
Her name is because of her dad, something about what he does or something like that means she can't tell anyone her real name not even me.
I worry about her sometimes when I see her with black eyes or broken fingers, all of which I usually try to help her with and kiss them better where I can, and she does the same for me from when my dad's In a bad mood. 
I finished up performing and headed to the comic book shop it was almost time for it to close so I was the only one there Walking slowly around looking at the figures I'll never be able to afford, the endless amount of comic books I got to the phantom halo section and began looking though 
"Hi Sammy" her sweet voice smiled as she was sorting some inventory
"Hi kimi" I smiled 
"Are you here for comics today or something else?" She smirked 
"Well… comics, and to walk you home if you wanted me to?" 
"Five minutes" she smiled kissing my cheek and going back to her work so I finished up and waited for her outside soon enough she came out holding my hand so I squeezed in her hand and tugged her along with me down the darkening streets 
"Kimi?" I asked after a while "what are you uhh up to tonight?" I asked as we got to her houses back gate 
"Nothing much, why?" She asks 
"I was uhh just curious if maybe… you wanted to come over? Read some comic's? Cuddle?-" I began
"You just wanna make out and have some sexy time" she giggled coming closer to me resting her chest against my own 
".... Well, I uhh I wouldn't say no if you wanted to" I blushed 
"We'll see Sammy, maybe if you're a very very good boy" she smirked slipping her hand under my jeans to gently play with my half hard cock through my thin boxers "I'll come see you tonight, after dark" she whispered kissing down my neck 
"Uuummm… why do I have to wait so long? Can't you finish me now?" I whine trying to kiss her but she wouldn't let me 
"Because I like making you wait" she giggled her hand getting faster rubbing and palming over and over "you gonna be a good little boy and keep him nice and hard for me?" 
"Of course I will" I gasped feeling a twinge of pleasure as I spoke "kimi please, im desperate" 
"But you already jerked off this morning? How can you be desperate again already?"
"Because your just that irresistible" 
"Am i now Sammy? No touching once your home" she wants 
"But kimi-" 
"No, no touching else I won't come visit, or I'll come and do that thing I always do when your a bad little boy" she smirked leaving a hickey on my neck 
"No no please" I begged "I'll be good, I'll be good I won't touch, I can't bare when you do that" 
"Alright see you later" she smiled kissing me deeply I kissed back pulling her closer desperate to feel her against me till she pulled back blowing me a kiss as she went inside.
I sat on my bed trying to make sure everything was okay my bed made or as made as I could be with me in it, the floor clean my tissues from this morning disposed off waiting as darkness fell and only a few minutes later there as knock on my window I jumped but instantly got excited trying to calm my breath down a little gently jerking myself to make sure I was hard still 
"It's open" I Whispered and she quickly pushed the window open and climbed inside dressed as she was earlier but her skirt so much higher and I don't know if it was Intentional but she flashed her little red panties as she climbed in 
"Hi samuel" she smiled shutting the window again 
"Hi kimi" I blushed my hand working on its own I know I was only doing it to get hard again but I couldn't stop already getting close just looking at that little skirt those sexy breasts I wanted nothing else in the world then to strip her naked and have my way with her she giggled moving closer sitting on my bed above the covers pulling me to kiss her I happily kissed her back melting into those heavenly lips wrapping an arm around her to pull her closer, her tongue slipped into my mouth and I happily toyed my own with hers our kissing turning into a hormonal teenage make out "uuhh kimi, ummm kimi…" I groan I pleasure but she moved closer again and she pulled back 
"Sammy?' she warns 
"What is it?" I asked desperately trying to get back to kissing her, licking my lips savouring her taste unable to remove my eyes from those perfect red lips 
"Where is your right hand?" She asks 
"Oohh uhh I was uhh just uhh sitting in it" I lied moving my hand away from myself to put it on her waist 
"Liar" she smirked moving my covers away looking right at the obvious bulge in my pj pants from my bonner 
"I uhh I kept him hard, just like you asked" I blushed 
"I think Sammy you were doing a little more than keeping him hard" she giggled pulling my pants down revealing my hard dripping erection as I hadn't bothered with boxers tonight "bad boy" she smirked 
"I couldn't help it, with you visiting it's all I could think about… your all I could think about, I got so desperate and then when I saw you I couldn't help but touch in desperation for you kimi" 
"That's not an excuse" she smiled "your dad and Beckett out?" She asks and I nodded "good" she smirked going to the bag she had dropped by the window bending over in that little skirt flashing her panties again she pulled a long tie out her bag and came over sitting over my lap tying my hands to my bed far apart from each other she tugged the covers away and my pants completely off me leaving me half naked against my bed restrained so much I could barely move I already felt desperate almost crying knowing what she was about to do to me...
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brideofedoras · 4 years
Happy Birthday, John Kennex
In honor of Karl Urban’s birthday, I wrote a little birthday fic to go along with Soulbound.  John Kennex’s birthday is June 7, 2007.
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Disclaimer: I only own my OCs
Word count: 1900+
Rating: 18+
Warnings: brief mentions of anxiety, asthma and self harm
Emily smiled and waved to the nurses on duty as she walked by the nurses’ station.  Sara was on duty, she noted, rolling her eyes when the woman winked at her.  She clutched the little malachite dragon she carried a little tighter in her right hand before letting herself into John’s room.
Her heart stuttered in her chest when she saw the detective, still unconscious.  Someone had shaved off his stubble earlier and had given his dark brown hair a trim. 
She had to swallow a few times before she managed to find her voice.  “I… I, uh… have it on good authority that today is your birthday,” she blushed when she realized her voice sounded a little on the breathy side.  Oh, lord…  At least I’m not wheezing.  “The big Four-O,” she placed the dragon on the bedside table next to the photograph of John and his partner, Marty Pelham, and Marty’s wife Maria and son Marty Junior.  “But don’t worry,” her breathy voice took on a teasing tone.  “I won’t tell anyone your real age.  Sandy and I will keep it a secret.”
She busied herself with her normal routine upon arriving for her daily visits.  She straightened his blanket over his chest, smoothed her hands over his chest and arms to make sure the wrinkles were out, grounding herself to keep her anxiety at bay.  She blushed when she felt his heartbeat kick a little harder when her palm brushed over his chest.  “I’m beginning to think you really enjoy my visits even though I’m the most boring and awkward visitor you’ve got,” she teased.  “Yeah, I know.  I shouldn’t talk down on myself like I do but I am awkward and I’m sure what I talk about is boring.”
Finally, she squeezed his fingers and ran her fingers through his shorter hair.  “I miss the scruff,” she admitted softly as she traced her fingertips along his smooth jaw.  Her blush darkened when she realized she’d spoken out loud this time.  “Oh, god, don’t mind me,” she giggled nervously.  “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.  I…”  She drew in a deep breath and slowly released it.  “You look very nice when you’re clean-shaven, but you also look pretty hot when you’re scruffy,” she confessed with a half-sigh, half-whisper.  “I…  I don’t know why I find it so easy to talk to you, to admit things that I know I’d never be able to say out loud if you were actually awake… much less be able to open up to anyone else...  I…  I probably would never be able to talk to you if you were conscious…  I mean, I’m…  I’m nobody.  And you’re…  You’re you.  You probably wouldn’t even give me a second thought,” she turned away from the bed to walk over to the window.  “I’m such a painfully shy and awkward person with anxiety and asthma, no one looks twice at me as it is,” she wrapped her arms around her stomach before she growled at herself.  “I’m sorry, ignore me.  I’m just…  I know I’m hard on myself,” she admitted quietly.  “It’s your birthday.  I’m supposed to be happy and in a celebratory mood, but you already know how I feel about birthdays.  But I am happy, in a way.  I’m hanging out with the best-looking guy in the world, even if he doesn’t know I exist.”  She returned to the bed and leaned down.  “Happy birthday, John,” she whispered before kissing his cheek.  “I brought you a present.  I know I didn’t have to, but after I accidentally caught a glimpse of the tattoo on your arm I knew what I would get you for your birthday or Christmas.  I like dragons, but I prefer the European ones to the Chinese ones.  I found a Chinese dragon carved in malachite at a shop near campus and had to get it for you.  It’s really pretty.”  She moved away from the bed to sit down in the chair.  “So…  I’m thinking about applying for an internship through the Synthetic Dispatch Division.  Dr. Lom is open to taking on an intern.  I’m scared to death I won’t get the internship if I do apply, but I won’t know unless I try, right?  I haven’t talked to Sandy about it, not yet.  We’re meeting for drinks later at McQuade’s.”
She grew quiet as she watched his chest rise and fall with each breath he took.  “Maybe someday we could go out for a drink after you wake up.”  When she realized what she’d said, she quickly backpedalled, stammering and blushing hard before she could string a coherent sentence together.  “I…  I really need to shut up, huh?  Not go out like as in a date or something like that, I could only ever dream of going on a date with you.”  She blushed harder and smacked her hands over her face.  “Shit.  God, Emily, you’re such a damned idiot!”  She cussed at herself.  “Drinks between friends.”
She scrubbed her hands over her face.  “You’ve come to mean a lot to me in such a short period of time already,” she reached for his hand.  “You let me ramble and babble when I get nervous or anxious and somehow I feel much calmer when I hold your hand.  And I’ve rambled and babbled a lot already today.”  She took a deep breath and grimaced when she wheezed.  “It’s a beautiful day out today.  Couldn’t ask for prettier skies.  The sunrise this morning was gorgeous…”
Thunder rattled the windows of the hospital room.  Must be storming.  Dammit.  Emily better not be out driving in this.  I want her here but I don’t want her to get into a wreck either.  Sam, I hope you and Lizzie are watching over your daughter, please don’t let anything happen to her.  She has no idea how much she means to me.
Another rumble of thunder rattled the windows, drowning out the whoosh of the door sliding open.  The scent of vanilla cupcakes reached him and he breathed an internal sigh of relief.
Emily was safe.  She was there.
The door swooshed open again, followed by the scent of raspberries.  Sara, his favorite nurse.  She was nice, always talking to him when she was checking on him.  Always making sure he had the softer blankets or more supportive pillow.  “Here’s the towels you requested, Em.”
“Thanks, Sara, I don’t want Karen or Tim hollering at me for dripping all over the room,” Emily’s voice was filled with light-hearted amusement.
Sara laughed.  “They won’t holler, Em.  Karen will give you the look and chastise you before she hugs you, and Tim is such a good-natured soul.  They’ll chalk it up to job security.  Anything else you need?”
“Nah, thank you, I’ll holler if I do.”
The door swooshed open and shut again, leaving him alone with Emily.  He listened to the gentle rustle of fabric, towel maybe, before the sound of a raincoat being shrugged off reached his ears.  
“Hi, John,” her voice sounded a little regretful.  “I wasn’t ignoring you, I promise.  I’m dripping all over the place and don’t want the housekeeping staff to worry about my coat and boots dripping all over.”  Her voice strained before he heard the slide of two zippers.  “It’s nasty out today.  The storm didn’t hit until I was halfway here.”
Should’ve stopped somewhere to wait it out, Sweetheart, I don’t want you risking your life just to spend time with me.
“I know, I could’ve pulled off to wait it out but it hasn’t let up at all and I didn’t want to sit in my car in a sketchy parking lot,” her hands brushed his chest as she straightened the blankets.
His heart thumped harder when he felt her palm settle over it.  Good call.  But I still don’t want you driving in a storm, Emily.  I’m not worth you getting hurt.
“I couldn’t miss my favorite guy’s birthday today,” her breath puffed over his cheek before her plush lips pressed against the stubble.
Favorite guy, huh?  Sweetheart…  He wished he could turn his head, to feel her soft lips on his.  He settled for feeling her smile curve on his cheek instead.
“Happy birthday, John.  Whenever you wake up you’re going to have a lot of cards and a few gifts,” the chair scraped closer to the bed.  Her hand curled around his.  “Just because you’re in a coma doesn’t mean anyone who loves you can get away with ignoring birthdays and holidays.  Sandy’s got a box she’s putting them in for you.  I didn’t bring a gift with me today, it’s at Sandy’s.  I wasn’t about to bring it with me.”  Her breath hitched on a wheeze.  “I finally worked up the courage to go through Daddy’s stuff and found a few guitars I never knew he had.  Sandy told me you collect guitars, that you play a little, and I asked her if maybe I should give them to you.  They’re vintage, from the 1970s and 80s.  Or would they be considered antiques?  I don’t know.  They’re beautiful, though.  One’s an acoustic and the others are electric.  Daddy even had sheet music for some of the old classic rock songs.  I sent those over with the guitars.”
Sweetheart, they’re your dad’s, you should keep them.
“I don’t have the room in my apartment for them, I don’t want for them to remain in their cases tucked away in a closet.  They’re meant to be picked up and played and proudly displayed.  I don’t know how to play, other than random strumming that sounds god awful.  I never was musically-inclined growing up, I would’ve taken the amp apart to see how it works and if I could improve it,” she laughed softly.  “Maybe that’s why Daddy had them in storage, to keep me from doing just that.  I…  I would like to learn how to at least play a few chords, though.”
I could teach you.  Not that hard.  I’ll get a guitar in your hands and sit behind you, wrap my arms around you to guide your hands.  He groaned.  Slow down, Kennex, he warned himself when he felt arousal stirring in his belly just from the image in his head.  Dammit.
Her fingers laced through his.  “I hope you will like them.”
I already do, Sweetheart…
The gentle press of soft, plush lips on his woke him up.  John groaned, wrapping his arms around Emily.  “Mornin’, Baby,” he murmured before deepening the kiss.  
She braced her hands against his shoulder and shoved.  “You’re ruining the moment!”  She giggled when he pinned her beneath him and attacked her neck with voracious kisses.  “John!”
He lifted his head.  “You started it by kissing me awake, Baby.”  He frowned when tears glistened in her baby blue eyes.  “Emily?”
“I get to look into your eyes this time when I say it,” her voice cracked as a tear slipped down her temple into her dark hair.  “Happy birthday, John.”
John cupped her cheek and brushed the tear away with his thumb.  “Baby, don’t start cryin’ on me,” he chastised gently, shifting onto his back and tucking her to his side.  “What are your plans today?”
“We’re not going to spend your birthday with you in bed and me in a chair holding your hand,” she retorted.
“How ‘bout we both spend the day in bed?”
She giggled.  “John!”
“It’s my birthday, can’t I pick how we spend the day?”  He quirked an eyebrow at her.
“What about your birthday cupcakes or breakfast or your present--”
He hauled her on top of him and silenced her protest with a kiss.  “Later.  Much… much later,” he growled between kisses.
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ashsblurbs · 4 years
I don’t want these moments to change
*Bonus chapter for change series.*
“Brooklyn, James stop running around the house. Where is your sister?” Tony was stress trying to take care of three kids all at a very different point in their lives. Sarah was twelve and was starting to go through her angst stage. Steve and Tony often wonder what happen to their sweet little girl, but they loved her anyways. Then there was the ball of energy James. He was now nine and wanted to be in everything. He did football, and lacrosse. James and Steve often go on runs every day while Tony makes them a lovely breakfast. Lastly, Brooklyn was their rough and tumble princess. She was six and all she wanted to do was be with her best friend James. They did everything together and often get into trouble like they were now.
Crash, something was defiantly broken in the living room. Tony rubbed his temples wishing Steve would come home soon. Just one more day. Steve was currently at a conference for his construction company. Tony was so proud of him, but he sure missed him when he was gone. After Brooklyn was born Steve decided that he no longer wanted to work for someone else. Even though Tony could help him with starting a business, Steve wanted to do it all his own. Steve went back to school and got all of the required certification. Now he had hundreds of employees and two huge projects in Boston and Concord.
“Guys, what was that?” “Nothing dad.” The kids hollered back. Tony knew that a lamp was broken. He walked in seeing his kids trying to clean the mess up before he would see what they had done. “Move! I’m going to tell your father what you did when he comes home. Now go to your rooms!” Tony said sternly. The kids sulked away making Tony feel bad he yelled at his angels. “Darlings, I just want you to know I’m not mad just disappointed. I love you.” James and Brooklyn looked back with their puppy dog eyes. “Love you too, dad.”
As Tony finished cleaning up the mess, he thought about making dinner. Then he thought pizza would be better. “Hey, dad, Auntie Nat wants to video call.” Tony looked over to see Sarah finally come out of her room for the first time all day. “Tell her I’m game. Did you dye your hair?” Sarah ran her fingers through her hair scared that she was about to get yelled at. “I like the pink tips maybe next week we can go get it professionally done.” “Yeah, that would be cool.” She had the biggest grin on her face and skipped back to her room to grab her laptop. Steve and Tony believed to give their children the freedom to explore and express themselves. They were always encouraging them to be who they wanted to be. Tony wanted his children’s childhood to be very different then what his was.
Sarah came back with her laptop. Her and Natasha were talking about ballet. Tony was glad his daughters had such a strong female role model. “Yeah, Nat we are going to do a rock show. Yes, definitely I will tell dad to record it. Here’s dad now. Bye Auntie Nat.” Sarah handed her laptop over and ran to find her siblings. “Thanks sweetheart.”  
Natasha sat on the other line in her lovely Brooklyn home holding her small daughter Willow. “Is that Willow? She’s gotten so big.” Tony commented. Natasha looked down at her sleeping six-month-old. She grew so much that sometimes it saddens Natasha. She wasn’t ready to abandon the baby months yet. Just a few more months and her little girl would be walking, talking, and then the terrible twos would be on the horizon. “Where’s Bucky?” Natasha snapped out of her daydreaming to see Tony staring at her waiting for a response. “Oh, he’s with Alexei. He wanted to build a fort and Bucky couldn’t say no.” Natasha giggled. “They are just two peas in a pod. You know those two.” Natasha never imagine she would have the type of life she had. Being married to the love of her life and having two wonderful children. She would never change this for the world.
“Hey, what are you wearing to Sam and Victoria’s wedding? Also did you fine a babysitter. I would hate to miss it.” The wedding was in two weeks and Tony stilled didn’t know what to wear. Maybe a classic suit would work. “No outfit yet but Pepper agreed to babysit. She might be willing to watch another three-year-old and a baby. I will text her later an ask.” Natasha was so glad to hear that. One less thing to deal with. Then Willow started crying. So much for having a nice conversation. “Sorry, I have to go and feed this one. Tell Steve and the kids I said hello.” Tony was left with a blank screen missing all of his friends but especially her. Natasha was the glue that kept his life together. She was the only one that understood what really was going on in his life. The only one he could talk to about marry life and crazy kids. Tony looked over at the time and saw it was six o’clock. Wow he was surprised one of the kids weren’t begging for food yet.
“Guys, dinner time.” Tony placed two slices of pizza for each of his kids on the table. Not even two seconds after he called for them, he heard the stampede running from upstairs. “Stop it.” “You stop it.” “Ugh, I hate you both.” Just one more day Tony thought. Yep a headache was forming. He loved his kids, but they sometimes drove him crazy. “Sarah, no phones at the table. James stop touching Brooklyn. If you three can be good while we eat. We can watch a movie.” The kids got excited and actually ate with out fighting. Which was a miracle for Tony.
“Good night, Brooklyn, daddy loves you.” Tony tucked in and kissed her goodnight. “When is papa coming home?” He clicked off the light and slowly closed the door. “He will be here when you wake up. I promise.” Then he moved to James’s room where he had to slowly maneuver so not to step on a Lego or a toy solider. This kid needed to clean up, but Tony understand. This was actually how his workshop looked so he couldn’t blame James for being like him. “Goodnight. James. Love you.” James yawned and turned to see his dad looking back at him. He pulled the blanket closer to himself. “Love you too.” Lastly, he went to Sarah’s room. Normally, she thought she was too grown to get tucked in but since Steve wasn’t here, she took it. Her and Steve were inseparable and often hated when Steve was gone for long periods at a time. When she was younger, she would cry for hours on end until she tried herself out. Tony knew Sarah loved him very much but her and Steve had that special bond that Tony would never have.
Tony slowly cracked open the door hearing Sarah talk to someone. “Sorry, just wanted to say goodnight. Remember lights out by ten.” Sarah waved Tony to come in to see who she was talking to. Tony looked over her shoulder to see Steve standing in front of his hotel. “Hey, sweetheart. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I love you.” Steve made a kissy face towards the camera which made Tony laugh. “Eww, dads stop. I’m right here.” Sarah made a scrunched-up face not enjoying when her parents showed their love. “Sorry, honey, goodnight you too.” “Goodnight, daddy. Be safe promise.” Steve placed a pinky up to the screen and she did too. “I pinky promise.” This made Tony smile.
Tony laid on the couch watching a rerun of a random sitcom. He always struggled with sleeping. He struggled more when Steve wasn’t there with him. Tony found him self slowly drifting off to sleep when he heard a slam of the car door. He jumped and ran outside to find his husband walking up to the house. Tony ran down the steps and jumped into Steve’s arms forcing him to drop his bags on the ground. “Whoa, hey, sweetheart. Did you miss me or something?” Tony stayed in the crook of Steve’s neck never wanting to let go. Steve rubbed a hand down Tony’s back. He picked him up and carried him into the house and laying him in bed.
“I missed you so much. Come here and let me show you how much I missed you?” Steve giggled as he watched Tony try to be sexy, but he was slowly falling asleep. Steve placed a kiss to his husband’s cheek. “How about we get some sleep tonight and there can be an extra special treat in the morning.” Tony hummed as he slowly started snoring. Steve wrapped Tony up in his arms pulling him in as close as he could.
Tony was in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes while Steve was playing with the kids. “Daddy, I have to show this Tik Tok dance. Can we do it?” Steve walked in carrying both Brooklyn and James in his arms with Sarah trailing behind him. “Honey, do you know what this Tik Tok thing is Sarah is talking about?” Tony laughed realizing they were becoming old men. “No, dear, but I do have pancakes. Eat up” Tony looked at his beautiful family. He never knew this was going to be his life. If he could tell his twenty-eight-year-old self that he would be married to the best man in his life going on for ten years. Then get to see his three wonderful children grow up to be strong humans. “Dad, are you okay?” Tony didn’t realize that a tear was running down his cheek. Steve got up and wiped it away adding a kiss. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just extremely happy.” He turned giving Steve a slight grin. Steve knew what was going through his mind but instead of saying anything he just kissed him once more. “Come on guys, in front of breakfast. Get a room.” This just made the laugh harder.  
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We Are Stars For Each Other Chapter 4: Live Alive
So here’s chapter 4 for We Are Stars. I’ve been getting so much love on it, that I decided to post another chapter here. Please enjoy. YOU CAN FIND ALL OF WE ARE STARS AND MY OTHER WORKS ON MY MASTERLIST. 
                                          Chapter 4: Live Alive
You didn't look back as you walked through the doors and out into the warm evening air. You hoped that by now Wooyoung had added your number into his phone, and planned on texting you or something.
"Ha, I highly doubt he will, but Minie says I should be more positive, so let's just roll with that", Then it dawned on you, "Oh shit I have to text Min Seo and tell her what San said before I forget."
You pulled your phone from your bag, hoping for a text, but there was nothing. You sighed and pulled up your chat with your dear Minie.
(7:13PM) - MINIE I JUST LEFT. San said he wanted to see you again, something about a lovely smile.
It was bookended with hearts and kiss face emojis.
Before you could finish the giggle that had escaped at the thought of teasing your best friend, the phone rang and you nearly had a heart attack.
Relief flooded your mind with the name on the screen, when you glanced before answering.
"You scared the shit out of me Minie!" you sighed out the breath you were holding, "You know I gave Wooyoung my number, I thought it was him."
"Aish, language Y/N. I'm sorry but I needed to know all the dirty details about my future husband." She sounded like she was more than excited.
"I told you everything, San asked me where you were off the bat. He Said you needed to come and see him as he missed your lovely smile." You smirked at that, knowing it would throw her into a fit of giggles.
"Y/N! Did you say anything to him?! Was he smiling?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Min Seo was on the edge of her seat in anticipation. You assumed it was much like yourself in the presence of Wooyoung.
"That was all Minie, these fan events are short. There isn't much time for talking", You pulled the phone closer to whisper to her, "I'll tell you what, if Wooyoung texts me, I'll give him your number for San. Sound good?"
"Oh.MY.GOD. Y/N, if San texted me I would die. Just die." Her reply was laced with something other than excitement, fear maybe?
"It'll be fine Minie. I need to get back to the apartment, I have to clean up the mess I made getting ready."
"Alright, but you had better tell me if Wooyoung so much as sends you a smiley face, you hear me Y/N?"
You smile at her concern. "Yes, mother. I'll make sure to let you know. Miss you Minie, come home soon ok? Be safe."
When the call ended, you were getting onto the bus. You did genuinely feel sad at Min Seo not being around. Her advice had helped through so many situations at this point and no one knew the boys of ATEEZ better than her it seemed.
When you walked into the apartment, the mess greeted you. "Fucks sake, have I always been so messy?" You look around for the answer and just nod. "Well, let's get this done so I can spend my weekend hovering over my phone like a teenager waiting on her cheating boyfriend to message her."
The day passed, while you checked your phone every half hour to make sure the volume was turned up on it. Time was passing slower than normal, and the next day dawned with no calls or texts.
You were starting to lose faith now, but Min Seo should be home today. That thought made the world brighten up a bit. If the boy you liked wouldn't text you on such an open invitation, then you'd just hug Minie and it'd be alright.
Nearing 5 pm, the door the apartment swung open. Min Seo tearing through it with bags upon bags, and luggage.
"Y/N! I got you something!" Min Seo yelled through the entryway.
"Is it food?" You reply
"Pretty much, yeah." Min Seo knew you loved your snacks from home, and you hadn't been back since the day you stepped on the airplane.
You jumped up, jogging to the bags, searching through them to find your favorites. "Fuck yeah, Minie! Root Beers and flaming hot fries? You're an angel among women."
Once you were both settled on the couch, Min Seo's bags stowed in her room. The junk food was strung across the table. You were happy with her home but sad as you kept glancing at your phone.
"So, no word from Wooyoung yet?" Minie was trying to be gentle, she knew this particular crush had cut you pretty deep.
"Nah, no word. That's alright though. I've been through worse. It just stings." Your reply was directed at the floor.
You heard Min Seo humming softly to herself. She was scheming something up, and you never liked that. She got bright ideas, that normally backfired. You were always the one to get burned on those.
"Park Min Seo, don't you dare try to scheme up some mess, yeah?" You grumbled. Mostly trying to protect yourself from whatever it was.
She was scrolling through something on her phone at lightning speed. Her lip tucked soundly behind her teeth.
"I've got it Y/N!"She said so loudly, it startled you.
"What Minie? What did you dream up?" You replied without paying much attention.
"There's a special promotion here I remembered hearing about.", she cleared her throat before reading the text on the page she had up. "Ateez Concert, with limited backstage access."
You coughed out your drink you were in the middle of swallowing.
Min Seo continued, "Only 4 backstage passes will be sold for this event All proceeds will go to charity. Show your pride for ATEEZ." She stopped and looked at you, a sly smile painted on her face as she handed you her phone to read for yourself.
You gawked, "Minie, there's a few things wrong with this. Number one, it's on a Friday two weeks from now. and Number two, it's in FUCKING BUSAN YOU NERD!" You yelled at her jokingly.
"And?" Min Seo's reply ever aggravating
"And, I have a normal job. I'm not a gorgeous model who makes a bank paycheck off a two-week romp in the states like someone I know." You stare over at her to push your point home, "These tickets are WAY too expensive for me. That's half a weeks pay, I wouldn't be able to eat if I did this. I couldn't get to Busan by train in time even if I left work two hours early." You hung your head a bit.
By Min Seo's standards, it wasn't a terrible idea, but it wasn't practical for you either.
Min Seo eyed you from across the couch, "You're just trying to get out of it, Y/N. I think it's pretty sad that you're going to give up after all the trouble you went through already." She sighed.
"I guess I'll just have to let everyone know you're a big sissy that couldn't face your own insecurities." Min Seo continued on with her guilt trip, "Say you had a best friend, who would help pay for those tickets, and maybe even our hotel? It might just be that I know a model who got offered another big payday in the states."
When you looked over at her, she was pointing to herself with both thumbs smiling when she whispered, "It's this model right here, I got offered another job."
"Holy Shit Minie, that's amazing! They liked you that much they wanted you back? Wow." You rolled your eyes in her direction
"For your information, Y/N. I'm a very popular person, people like me." She retorted to your sarcasm
"Everyone, except San, then?" You quipped
"That's yet to be seen. He may like me, he asked you where I was last time." She looked over and stuck out her tongue at you.
You laughed before replying, "Alright Min Seo, I'll tell you what, there's 4 backstage passes for this so if you can happen to score us each one, I'll go. Good luck." You snorted at her and got up from the couch with a stretch and yawn.
"As for me, I'm going to bed, the tickets go on sale at midnight. May the odds be ever in your favor, FIGHTING!" You pumped your fist with a giggle as you walked into your room to slump onto the bed.
Tomorrow is Sunday, and maybe, you'll finally get that message when you get up. Being hopeful was never your strong point.
Sunday was here and yet no messages to call or speak of. You slept with your phone on your nightstand just in case.
"Maybe I was being presumptuous in thinking anything would come from this." Your sigh was deep, and you felt a new crack forming in your resolve.
While you were brushing your teeth a familiar sound called through the house, but you ignored it. Then again, you heard it. "What the actual hell is...OH HOLY HELL MY PHONE!"
Within seconds you were tearing through the house at a full run, toothbrush still in your mouth silently praying, "Please oh please.."
When you picked up your phone off the couch, your heart flew out of your chest. Two unread messages from an unknown number. Is this happening?
(10:43AM) Unknown Number - Hello, is this Y/N?
(10:49AM) - Yes, this is her. Who's this?
(10:50AM) Unknown Number - you gave me your number last week, can you guess who I am?
(10:50AM) - Wooyoung? Is it really you?
Your replies came with a cautious feeling. This could be Wooyoung, or maybe he dropped your number somewhere and some creep had found it. Suspicion ran through your brain.
(10:52AM) Unkown Number - Maybe. :) <3
Maybe? What kind of bullshit answer was that? Maybe? Now you were getting slightly aggravated.
(10:53AM) - Alright, Who is this? I'm going to block this number if you don't tell me who you are.
(10:55AM) Unknown Number - If it were Wooyoung, what would you say?
(10:55AM) - I'd tell him he's beautiful and so talented. I'd tell him he's my bias and just in general how much I think of him.
(11:02AM) Unknown Number - Ah, Well thank you. :)
(11:02AM) - Is this Wooyoung or not?
Your replies were getting a bit quicker as you were getting more nervous. Was this Wooyoung or someone else? Surely it had to be him and he was just messing with you, right? He loves to play jokes on people so that had to be the case. You were blinded by the fact that this could actually be him.
(11:05AM) Unknown Number - Listen Jagi, if I can call you that, I have to go. I've got practice in less than a half hour. I'll text you later. Save this number under an inconspicuous name. <3 <3 [Kissy face emoji]
The texts end there, and your heart is racing. He just called you Jagi. Wooyoung called you Jagi. It made you feel like you were flying. Warmth traced through your body as you giggled happily. Maybe this was all coming together.
You saved the number under Lucifer with two hearts. a heart-eyed emoji, and the eggplant for posterity. You laughed at that. You didn't know how big Wooyoung actually was, but a girl could dream.
You'd seen that video for Pirate King on Youtube, the one filmed for M2 here they lined up and danced one at a time. Those pants showed everyone all they needed to know and even though Wooyoung looked big, you think Mingi probably won that battle with his big dick energy and well, everything was out.
"Oh Lord help me, I'm talking to the Devil in disguise. I hope I can handle all of this, and him." You smirked at that last thought. You could absolutely handle Wooyoung, you'd fantasized about it enough.
You thought Wooyoung would make a great switch sub. He'd take a beating while saying "May I have another?" in a breathy voice. His ass a lovely shade of pink.
He could also be a dom, spanking you for not bending over properly when he asked, but always giving you the best cuddles after.
Oh what dreams you had, and you were ready to act all of them out. All this time with no physical affection from a man. You were wound up, just waiting to snap. Goosebumps formed all over you and warmth was spreading to your core.
"Hopefully this happens soon. I'm going to lose my mind if it doesn't." You were talking to the wall now, your head lying against it, trying to get your bearings and breath properly.
"Fucking Lord, he's trying to kill me." Your breathing finally slowed, now you just had to play the waiting game, you just hoped it wasn't going to be almost 3 days like last time.
Your day went by, slowly. Always keeping your phone nearby, maybe Lucifer would text you and you could start getting to the serious stuff, like if the eggplant emoji you put by his name was earned or not. You smiled.
It seemed strange when your text tone went off, at just after 7 PM. Your breath caught in your chest. It couldn't be Min Seo as she was asleep, trying to get over her serious jet lag, there was only one person it could be.
(7:13PM) Lucifer - My beautiful Jagi, bogoshipo. I hope you get this.
Your hands tremble, making the phone shake in your hands. He's using informal, sweet speech with you and it makes your heart flutter. Breathing deeply, you steady yourself to reply.
(7:15PM) - Hey handsome, I'm here. :) I'm a lil nervous tho. I've missed you too, did you have a good practice?
You pulled in your bottom lip between your teeth to worry it, waiting for his reply. You were nearly starstruck at the fact that Wooyoung was texting you right now.
(7:16PM) Lucifer - Aigo, it was tiring. I need cuddles Jagi. :(
(7:16PM) - Aww, poor Wooyoung, so tired and in need of lovin. I'd hold you if you were here with me. [kissy face emoji]
(7:18PM) Lucifer - Ah, Jagi. Pick a name to call me other than Wooyoung, I'd like you to call me something sweet and special.
At this point, Hongjoong was sweating bullets. He knew what he was doing wasn't right, but he needed to get to know you. It seemed like the only way to do it was to make you think it was Wooyoung on the other end. This had to work because if you found out, he was in big trouble with both of you.
(7:19PM) - OK, how about I call you wangjanim? I think it fits because you really do look like a prince.
(7:19PM) Lucifer - That's perfect Jagi. I love it. Now with that out of the way, how're you doing?
(7:21PM) - I'm fine honestly, was just waiting on your text. I'm so lonely here. Min Seo is in bed jetlagged, and I'm just wasting my day. :(
You would never tell Wooyoung that his name in your phone was Lucifer, not because he was awful or mean. It was because his body rolls would send you straight to hell with a snatched wig. You laughed at the thought, but then heat rose through your body at the thought of Wooyoung snapping his hips in your direction. Your brain clicked to something you remembered. You quickly typed out your next message
(7:21PM) - I almost forgot, Minie and I are trying to get those backstage passes for the concert in Busan. I'd love to see you again, and actually be able to talk.
Several minutes went by with no reply. Did you say something to make him mad? Maybe he was eating? Your mind raced with possibilities and most of them bad.
Hongjoong wasn't mad at all, he was scared. Scared of getting caught out in his little plan to make you fall in love with him. His idea was to make you fall, and then reveal himself so that you would see him instead of Wooyoung. Now with the possibility of you getting those VIP passes, he had to do it sooner rather than later.
(7:35PM) Lucifer - I hope you get them. I'd love to see you and wrap my arms around you for the best cuddles I could ever get.
(7:36PM) - Aww wangjanim, that's so cute I could just die! are you trying to make me blush?
You weren't lying when you said that, the color had already started to creep across your cheeks and down your chest. Warming everything it covered.
(7:38PM) Lucifer - I might even kiss you, I don't think I could stop myself. Or maybe I could run my hands through your hair, and nuzzle your neck softly. I bet you'd kiss me back if I did. ;)
That message made you stop in your tracks and your breath get caught in your chest. You had to reread it. He was going to kiss you? Oh God. The warmth that was throbbing in your core turned into a fire and it burned all the way to your toes.
(7:40PM) - Oh really? I might kiss you back, but getting near my neck might be a bad idea, sweet wangjanim. ;)
Hongjoong laughed at that, he could imagine you laying back on your bed, in your t-shirt with just panties on underneath it, giggling softly and blushing from head to toe. Maybe you'd be rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. He knew you were somewhat of a hardass, and stubborn, but he was positive he could turn you into a mess right now.
(7:41PM) Lucifer - Now I could use that against you. Want to tell me any more juicy secrets? I could tell you some of mine if you tell me yours. What would you want from me Jagi? Just kisses, or something more?
The fire that raged in your body throbbed deep in your core. Wetness coating you, nearly dripping down your thighs, as you moved to lay in your bed. You hoped this would go even farther than you thought.
(7:43PM) - Do you want to know a secret of mine? Something that turns me on? Well, my neck is one thing, but I'd really like you to spank me and maybe pull my hair a lil. I hope that doesn't scare you, I like things rougher than other girls I think.
Hongjoong read that message and had to bite his lip to stifle the moan threatening to escape his lips. His dick throbbed at your admission. You wanted it rough, he could give you that. He'd give you anything you wanted. His hand slid down to grab himself through his sweatpants, gently squeezing. His eyes rolled back as all he could see was you, naked on all fours under him your ass cheeks red from spankings. It was all he could do to not pull his dick out right then and stroke himself into ecstasy. He needed to write something back.
(7:45PM) Lucifer - Jagi, be careful you're playing with fire. Since you told me a secret, I'll tell you one of mine. I love the feeling of nails dragging across my skin. I want to hear your moans and whimpers in my ear. licking up your neck. Mmm, I bet you taste like heaven.
Your breathing hitched, one hand already sliding across your stomach and lower. fingers tracing along your panties, a whimper falling from your lips.
(7:46PM) - I'm so wet for you right now. Please, wangjanim. Give me anything you can, I'll take it all, just for you.
Hongjoong smirked at his phone. You were easy to play with, and he was going to make it rough on you if that's how you wanted to play.
(7:47PM) Lucifer - Jagi, stop. Don't touch yourself. I want you nice and ready for me when I see you. Can you be a good girl for me? ;)
Your brain swirled with thoughts of Wooyoung perched over you. His bottom lip bitten and red. Marks across his beautifully sculpted chest from your teeth and nails. It took all your control to stop yourself as a finger ghosted over your clit before pulling your hand away with a groan of frustration.
"Oh, what a dick move. He wants to play this game, alright we'll play but the rules should be even across the board I think." You say to yourself a smirk playing on your lips.
(7:49PM) - That's not very nice wangjanim. I'll be a good girl for you, but only if you be a good boy for me. Follow your own rules. I want you just as ready for me. ;)
The words good boy played over in Hongjoong's head. He'd never thought of himself as a switch before, but those words sent a spark of electricity through his body right to the head of his dick. He felt himself twitching under his groping hand, with one last soft squeeze he let go and licked his lips. "Alright pink cheeks, we'll both play and see who can last the longest." He said to himself a grin on his face.
(7:51PM) Lucifer - I'll follow the rules, but if either of us breaks them they'll get a spanking. Sound fair Jagi?
A shiver ran through your body, causing your clit to throb almost painfully.
(7:51PM) - I agree to your terms, Sir. Will you keep texting me until the concert? I'll miss you so much if you don't. :(
(7:53PM) Lucifer - Of course we can still talk. I just want you to save that orgasm for me. I made you feel that way, so it's mine. I want to hear you and taste you.
(7:54PM) - Oh God, please stop Wooyoung. I can't handle this anymore. My body feels like it's on fire, and I think you ruined my favorite panties. -_-
(7:55PM) Lucifer - I'm sorry Jagi, I'll stop. It's getting late, and I know you have work tomorrow. How about you take a nice bath, and relax the rest of the evening. If you need me I'll be here, alright?
When you called him Wooyoung it brought it all back for Hongjoong, he was going to have to tell you eventually. It was going to take some courage to do it, but he could. He bit into his bottom lip, silently cursing himself for playing this game as his dick throbbed.
"I need to tell her soon," Hongjoong laid his head back on his pillow thinking of how he could do this, "Just a few more days of talking, and then I call and tell her it was me texting her. Maybe by then, she won't be too mad."
Hongjoong smiled to himself, his plan should go off without a hitch, he hoped.
When you stood from your bed to run your bath, you could feel slick coating the tops of your thighs, sticking your panties to your core.
"Damn that Wooyoung and his Devil ways. I bet he's jerking off right now and not following the rules at all." You groaned in frustration, this wasn't going to be easy. Two weeks without any release. You could do it, but you might be pretty grumpy by the end of it.
About the time you were rounding the corner in the hallway with your towel and clothes, Min Seo popped out of her door with a smile plastered across her face. Her phone was turned so you could see it, a confirmation number was written in an email.
"I guess the odds were in my favor Y/N. I hope you'll be ready to see Wooyoung up close and personal. In two weeks we'll be in Busan, and you'll be spending an hour with the man of your dreams." Min Seo batted her eyelashes as if she were in a dream herself, smiling all the time.
Your heart stopped for a minute. A whole hour with Wooyoung, after the conversation you'd just had with him/ Oh you were in for it now.
"Good job Minie! I hope you're ready for an hour with San, your future husband." You stuck your tongue out in her direction.
You joked with her, but as you walked into the bathroom and closed the door, you felt anxious. An hour with Wooyoung was going to make you or break you, especially with the no orgasms rule in place. You sighed, undressing and sinking into the hot water.
"what the fuck have you gotten yourself into now, Y/N?" asking yourself as you leaned your head back in thought.
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velvetchen · 6 years
Umber | oneshot
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Genre: Fluff, coffeeshop!au + barista!xiu Pairing: Xiumin/Reader Word Count: 2.6k Warnings: none
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To say you’d had a bad day was an understatement.
You typed the last word on your essay - or your last word for tonight, anyway. It was nowhere close to being done, and the amount of work you had left to do wasn’t worth staying up yet another night to finish. You’d get as much done as possible before class in the morning, you figured. If you didn’t end up finishing, at least you allowed yourself a good night’s sleep, and that was what was important, right?
At least that’s what you told yourself, heading into the bathroom to wash your face before bed. You looked in the mirror as you cupped water in your hands - you looked worse than usual. Dark circles, stress acne on your cheeks, your hair falling out of its bun, the makeup from that evening you’d been too busy to wash off. Groaning, you shut off the tap. It was just all too much at once.
You were only going to bed, so your disheveled appearance and paint-splattered t-shirt wouldn’t matter. You settled with washing your face and brushing your teeth for tonight, too tired to do much else.
You stumbled back into your room, eyeing your bed with longing, glancing at the clock as you went: nearly 2 AM. You’d get less than an ideal amount of sleep before your exam tomorrow, but nothing could be done at this point.
The second you closed your eyes, you started to drift, wrapped up in the comfortable warmth of your blankets. Finally - you’d been wanting to go to sleep since dinner.
Then your phone rang. 
You bit your lip in frustration, cursing internally at everything. Who was calling you at this time? If you weren’t so sleepy, you’d be mad, but instead you just pressed the phone to your ear and mumbled out a “Hello?”
“Y/N? Is that you?”
“No, it’s the cat.” Your roommate sounded drunk, and you automatically knew what she was calling about.
She laughed, the sound too exaggerated. “You’re funny. Y/N, listen, can you do me a favor? Pretty please? I’ll buy you that new - you know that new thing you wanted? I don’t remember what it was right now but I’ll buy it for you! Please?”
“What is it, Momo?” You sigh, pressing your palm to your forehead, rubbing your face.
Her voice went hushed. “I’m with the boyfriend, and we really need a place to - uh -”
You grimaced. “God, Momo! You’re really kicking me out at 2 AM because you want to get it on with him-”
“Please,” she interrupted, dragging out the word. You knew if she was in front of you she’d probably look so convincing that you’d give up now, but since it was only a phone call you attempted to hold your ground for a little longer.
“Can’t you go to his place?” You protested weakly.
“His roommate has someone over too, look, Y/N, I’m sorry but just this once? Please?” It wasn’t just this once, but she was probably drunk enough to forget. Hating yourself and everything else, you dragged yourself out of bed and stood up.
“Fine. Do you have your keys?”
“Yeah, my keys! Y/N, you always care about me so much. I love you.” She made kissy noises, and they came staticked through the phone.
You laughed. “Love you too. Drive safe.” The phone beeped off at that, and you sighed. As much as you didn’t like her boyfriend of the month - whom she’d been with for a staggeringly long month and a half now - you knew he was smart enough not to drink and drive, so you weren’t too worried.
What you were worried about, though, was what you were going to do now. You couldn’t go sit outside, and you had no one else you could bother at this time of night for a place to crash. You needed some coffee, too, if you were going to stay up any longer, your eyes threatening to snap shut even as you walked across the room. At the door, you stopped - you couldn’t go out in your sleep shorts. Could you? Should you? Shaking your head, you grabbed the jeans that were discarded across the back of your chair and tugged them on, fumbling with the button in the dark.
You grabbed your laptop, shoving it in your bag and stepping out of the apartment, locking up before heading down the stairs and out of the building towards the only establishment you knew would be open at this hour - The Brim, that one indie coffee shop with the cute barista that you’d been to the last time Momo had kicked you out.
The streets were - unsurprisingly - deserted, but you were in a fairly safe neighborhood and the coffee shop wasn’t too far away so you settled for walking, hoping the exercise would help you perk up a little. Windchill bit through your shirt and suddenly you regretted not changing into something warmer, but maybe once you got inside it wouldn’t matter.
As you approached, you saw the warm white light from inside spilling onto the darkened street, and even from your position a block away you imagined you could smell the scent of coffee. Hurrying forward, you pushed open the door. You were right - it was a lot warmer inside. Quiet, too, with only a few other students like you working at tables or reading or looking grumpily at their mugs. You walked up to the counter, intending to join the latter group.
There wasn’t anyone behind the counter, so you just stood there awkwardly, browsing the display as you waited for someone to show up. The case was almost empty, but still had enough to catch your eye. Your stomach grumbled.
“Hello, how can I help you?” You looked up suddenly at the voice, meeting the dark brown eyes of the guy who you recognized as the cute barista, from his sleekly short black hair and the apron he was currently tying around his waist.
“Uh,” you paused, glancing up at the board, not actually having thought about what you wanted. You figured something strong was the way to go. “I’ll have an...americano? And the red velvet brownie, please.” You should be kicking yourself for having so much sugar at this hour, but you were too tired to care.
“Coming right up,” he said, grinning brightly.
“You’re really happy for such a late hour,” you blurted, watching the way he hummed as he walked across to make your drink.
“Is there anything wrong with that?” A small grin curved his mouth. “I think it’s good to be happy at any time of the day.”
You leaned onto the counter, resting your chin in your hands. “No, I just asked because I feel like kicking something right now. I could use some of your positivity.”
He looked up at you, registering for what seemed like the first time your messy appearance. You suddenly felt self-conscious, your skin heating, but he didn’t seem to have any reaction other than asking,“Long day?”
“Yep,” you said, unenthusiastic. “You?”
“Long enough,” he said, and you both laughed. As he bent over to pluck your brownie out of the display case, you saw his happy expression drop for a second to reveal a tiredness not unfamiliar to you.
“Are you a student?” You asked, curious.
“Yeah, I go to the campus here,” he answered, ringing you up. “That’s...6.60, please.” You reached for your bag to pay, but he interrupted. “You know, never mind. It’s on the house.”
You stopped, raising your brows in surprise. “I - No, it’s okay. I’ll pay.”
He waved you off, handing you your tray. “I insist. It’s the least I can do to make a bad day a little better.”
“You don’t have to,” you mumbled, your face warming. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” With a last little grin, he turned away, humming again as he started to clean up. You turned, cheeks still warm, to find a small table tucked in the wall beneath a window. Settling in, you pulled your laptop and notes out of your bag. If you were going to stay awake, you might as well get some work done. Or you hoped, at least. It would be a miracle if you could even get more than one coherent paragraph at this point. Sighing, you reached for your coffee, getting started.
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A warm hand on your shoulder roused you. “Hey, you okay? You’ve been sleeping for a while.”
Your eyes snapped open and you sat upright, lifting your head from where you had rested it on your laptop. The empty plate and coffee mug were in the barista’s right hand, his left one still resting on your shoulder.
“Easy,” he chuckled, lifting his hand, cold replacing the warmth of it. “Sorry, I just assumed you didn’t intend to fall asleep.”
“I didn’t,” you grumbled, looking at your essay, where the pressure of your head on the laptop keys had resulted in a long stream of senseless letters. “Thanks. Ugh.” You swiped at your face to rub the sleep away.
“Welcome,” he said, eyes twinkling. “Do you want another coffee?”
You shook your head. “Sadly, I don’t think any more caffeine can help me at this point.”
“What about some company, then? A good conversation is more stimulating than all the coffee in the world. Or so I’ve heard.”
You smiled. “Only if you’re willing to deliver.”
“I won’t disappoint,” he announced, sliding your plate back on the table and sitting in the seat across from you.
You shut your laptop, leaning your arms on the table to focus on him. “Won’t I be keeping you from your work?”
“No, I think everything’s good,” he said, and you followed his gaze to look around the interior of the coffee shop. Besides you two, there were only a few others busy working, about half the people that had been there when you’d arrived. You nodded, looking back to him.
“So…” You dragged, suddenly shy.
“Well, you were supposed to provide me with stimulating conversation.” You tapped on the table, looking at him. His eyes were the color of coffee - a lovely dark umber. Perfect for a barista, you thought.
“Did you know you can feel more awake just by smelling coffee?”
“No, I didn’t,” you said, leaning forward. “Please, charm me with your extensive knowledge of coffee facts.”
“The charming I can do, the facts...I’m afraid I don’t have that many.” He shrugged.
“That’s a shame. Charm me with facts about yourself, then.”
“Myself? Hmm,” he adopted a thoughtful expression. “Not as interesting a topic, seeing as I’m an organic chemistry major. There, that’s your cue to run screaming.”
You grinned. “Us medical students are unfortunately well acquainted with your group.”
“Are you? I thought you would be a med student. You look the type.” He tilted his head, looking over you.
You raised a brow. “Oh? There’s a type now? What type am I?”
“The type that works all night and says one cup of coffee is enough.” He grinned.
You laughed at that. “How does that tell you I’m a med student?”
He shrugged again. “Med students also have a habit of being very attractive,” he said. “Although you’re only the first one I’ve properly met.”
You blushed, hard. “Are you saying I’m attractive?”
The smile making the corner of his lips twitch was telling you he was enjoying this. “Do you want me to say that?”
“I - I mean, it wouldn’t hurt.” You tried to keep your voice even, heart starting to hammer. You’d only just met this guy, and already you were starting to think he wasn’t good for your health. Especially if he was going to keep giving you free cake.
Although the cake was the less harmful aspect.
“So,” he continued, a self-satisfied look on his face. “It’s your turn to charm me with facts about yourself.”
You ducked your head, suddenly unable to look him in the eyes. “I think med student gives you pretty much everything you need to know, doesn’t it?”
“No, no, I beg to differ. I’m intrigued. You’ve baited me efficiently.”
“Well,” you started, and the conversation went from there, dipping into mundane topics like your favorite colors (his, blue; yours, chocolate brown), what you liked to do in your free time, what you wanted to do after college. You almost didn’t realize the time going by, the minutes passing and your eyelids getting droopier by the second, until you had to pause mid-sentence to let out a yawn, covering your mouth. Your ears turned red. “Sorry.”
He smiled. “Why are you working if you’re so tired?” He asked, nodding towards your laptop.
You shook your head. “I don’t have anything else to do. My roommate kicked me out in favor of her boyfriend, and I really don’t think it’s safe to go back in there until tomorrow.” You made a face.
He laughed at that. “So you’re just going to stay up all night?”
“I was expecting to, but now I just want to sleep.” You pouted. “I’ll probably go sleep in my car.”
“No way,” he said, standing suddenly. “You can come to my place. I have a spare bedroom where you can stay.”
“Oh, I...It’s okay, you really don’t need to.”
“Please. I promise I’m not a serial killer.” You narrowed your eyes in mock suspicion, staring at him. “I’m really not!”
“I believe you,” you burst into giggles. “But don’t you have-”
“Work? It’s past 4 AM. Technically, my shift’s over.” He nodded to the guy that had appeared behind the counter about half an hour after you’d started talking. “Lu Han will take care of it. Or at least he’s supposed to,” he added, frowning. This Lu Han guy looked like he’d fall over at any moment.
“Um, okay. I’ll come with you.”
“Relax,” he grinned, picking up on your lingering uncertainty. “If you’re really not comfortable, you don’t have to. I can get you a hotel. I can even barge into your place and order your roommate to let you sleep. I just don’t want you to sleep in the car because there’s nowhere else. It’s cold and you’ll wake up feeling like crap.”
“No, it’s okay,” you nodded, standing up as well, putting your things away inside your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. “Let’s go.” One side of you was relieved; the other side on alert, yelling at you for going home with a stranger you’d just met. Stupid! Don’t you know what people can be like?
But a stranger who didn’t feel like so much of a stranger at all. And a stranger, you realized, whose name you didn’t even know.
“Wait,” you called, catching up to him as he exited the cafe ahead of you. “I never got your name.”
He turns around. “I’m Minseok.” Suddenly he seemed serious, almost shy, like your not knowing his name had given him confidence.
“I’m Y/N,” you said, falling into step with him.
“Y/N. It suits you.”
“If you say so.” You brushed your hair behind your ear, smiling as you walked with him to his car, an old but perfectly maintained model that you thought matched him quite well. The interior was comfortable - too comfortable. You settled in, your bag on your lap, as you waited for Minseok to start. You watched him out of the corner of your eye as he started to drive, a song humming on his lips again. He still looked bright and alert, even for four in the morning.
Still watching him, you settled your head on your bag like a pillow, eyes slowly drifting shut.
“Hey, Y/N?” Minseok asked, a few minutes later. “Do you maybe want to-” he began, turning to look at your side of the car - but you were already fast asleep.
He smiled. Asking you on a proper date could wait until you woke up.
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a/n: here’s the fic i woke up at 4am for! jskdnfs i know i said i’m on a writing hiatus but i just....had to
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Johnny
#8 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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Word Count: 1,216 Style/ Genre: Headcanon/ - Date Posted: 30 Sept 2017
johnny seo
seo johnny
seo youngho
the chicago pizza
okay so johnny being your boyfriend would be full of chivalry! ! !
like johnny would be one of the sweetest boyfriends ever ? ? ?
johnny would be the kind of boyfriend who would be shy about certain things yet have that immense surge of courage to do stuff on impulse
like kissing you on the lips at the most unexpected times just because the urge was overwhelming him
maybe in class?
or maybe him just looking at you and his insides just go rAWR MY GIRL IS TOO BEAUTIFUL I JUST WANT TO KISS HER SO BADLY (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
huehue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
okay but johnny being a chivalrous boyfriend?
yes please
from the most simple acts of opening the door for you, always asking for your opinions on things to always making sure that his and others’ decisions do not put you in a difficult/ bad spot 
like that NNN video of johnny calling to wake you up in the morning
“(Y/N)-ah, are you not awake yet? Wake up! Quickly wake up and see me~ I really really miss you~~”
“Johnny, we facetimed till 3am last night, how are you not tired...”
“I’m not tired because I’m excited to see you again!!”
Johnny be that guy in school with excellent grades but is quiet about it so nobody knows that he actually this super smart alec 
so when uall got together
he would become your personal tutor
tutoring you on subjects and topics that you were not very good at
despite school taking up most of your time to go on dates with Johnny, the tutoring and study dates with him would be very enjoyable
uall would probably study in either cafes or the library
after several hours of studying, Johnny would slide a post it note towards your side of the table, his expression remaining indifferent
but the post-it note would contain very encouraging messages to you
“You can do it (Y/N)! You’re the biggest hit, I believe you are really capable, don’t give up! Love you much ❤️”
“The numbers in the world will never be able to express the love I have for you. Hwaiting babe, I’ll be supporting you always, we can get over our examinations very soon 💪”
ohmo so sweet
Johnny also be that super sneaky boyfriend
“Hey (Y/N), can I try your drink?”
“Sur-” *passes Johnny your drink but gets interrupted by Johnny’s lips on yours*
“Uhmm, that was delicious~”
“(Y/N)? Are you okay??? I don’t really want a tomato for a girlfriend you know..”
says Johnny who would have a light pink flush on his cheeks because he would be embarrassed by his boldness
but he would have no regrets! ! !
and let’s talk about Johnny being a tall beanstalk
your nickname for him would be Sunflower!
so technically that’s my reblog tag for johnny
because he’s really tall like a sunflower stalk and he brings you and everybody else happiness
there’s always a smile on his face regardless of whatever has happened
and you would just love that positivity radiating out of him
Johnny might like to tease you being shorter than him (i’m assuming most of you are)
but in a very friendly and fun manner
“(Y/N)! Look! How do I look? I think I look super sexy~”
*appears Johnny in your heels/ platforms as he poses with his butt protruding out sideways and a kissy expression on his face*
“I think I finally understand why short women like heels, it’s like experiencing a whole new world never before”
and also? selfie times with Johnny?
uall would have the most adorable couple selfies
numerous selfies with tons of different filters
cute, retarded, stupid, pretty filters
uall would probably like to do faceswaps with each other and laugh at the result too
“aaaa my girlfriend is pretty on anybody’s face,, i’m jelly,,,,”
“whAt johnny seo i think i need to get your more mirrors, have you seen yourself gLISTENING”
“well then i guess i’m the brightest in your eyes ;)”
yes as you can tell johnny seo would be extremely cheesy too
and also let me put johnny’s guns to use
he did not carry every nct member that has been on NNN for no use
secretly, they were all practice to carry you bridal style on your honeymoon night ;-) 
but johnny would actually like to piggyback you
especially when you’re tired and all
he would almost automatically ask if you would like to be carried
which most of the time you would be too exhausted to reject his kind offer
but you wouldn’t mind anyways
because johnny’s broad back would be very comfortable to lean against
he would always make sure he brought you home safely
even tucking you comfortably in bed before he leaves
which most of the time he wouldn’t
because you would either pull him down into your bed to snuggle sleeping with you
or he wouldn’t even want to leave your side
even from 1mm away, your sleeping face would still be absolutely beautiful to him
smiling sweetly to himself as he took in every feature of your sleeping posture and calm expression while sleeping
giving you a soft kiss on your forehead or nose as he wished you good night
i would actually picture Johnny liking to bring you to peaceful places away from the city crowds for dates
he would really appreciate and enjoy the serenity of the atmosphere
probably like empty grass fields along hills
or maybe along the han river late at night
he wouldn’t want anything else to distract him during his sacred time with you
every moment with you was precious to him
honestly, he would actually really like taking midnight strolls with you along the han river or in parks
as he admired the beautiful night scenery
he would just turn to his right and realise that the scenery could only second to the beautiful person beside him
no matter what others said, you would be the most stunning gem in the world to him
chill dates at home with johnny would consist of both of you lying down lazily on the couch
you playing lazily with johnny’s luscious brown hair
and him just nuzzling his head into your stomach
he would play soothing melodies on the piano
filling the whole house with his amazing playing and occasional vocals
have I mentioned backhugs?
johnny would go absolutely soft for backhugs
a backhug from you would make him melting in the knees ! ! !
so soft like woogly boogly 
johnny would actually be a super soft, super considerate, super caring, super loving boyfriend
he would never fail to make you happy
he would never fail to make time for you
he would never fail to lend a crying shoulder and listening ear to you
he would never fail to give you valuable advice
he would never let you down
tbh if you could find another better boyfriend that also goes by the name Seo Young Ho 
call me up at XXX-XXX-XXX
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natty-anne · 4 years
September 22, 2020
Scene: the Livingroom/bedroom of my tiny one bedroom apartment
Mood: it’s been a very good Titty Tuesday (My day off, I spent the whole day naked in my robe, laying around, screwing around, chilling)
Daughter just finished her bath. She’s currently munching on her own made up trail mix. Kyle is watching this new show on Netflix, it’s a Bar-B-Q making competition. IDK, I’m like half paying attention as I’m sitting here, typing this up as it happens, and I’m currently listening to Michelle Obama’s podcast on Spotify, as this is all going on.
“Trail mix kissy!” -Zoey as she takes a big spoonful of her Macgyvered trail mix, and than kisses me on my cheek.
It has been a very long, but good day off. Got to enjoy it for once. Plus, the weather is amazing outside right now!!! It’s really breezy and cool. You can definitely feel Spoopy season is right around the corner with it’s wonderful Fall weather. That’s if Florida will actually allow it to get cool and cold and/or chilly this year. 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year so who really knows how mother nature and the climate are gonna play out with the last 3 months. -shrugs- either way just another day, still here, in Florida. -sigh-
Life updating since I’m bit of a ghost these days, new partner, new mentality when it comes to life and people. It’s pretty nice. And it’s pretty nice to have an actual partner for once, not just a dude clearly just trying to fuck me cause I’m a pretty face and I’m gullible cause I want to be loved. -rolls eyes- men really do fucking suck, but whatever, I’m happy now. (:
“Smoked corn and crab chowder!”
OMG, I’m loving this show right now! Kyle is in the process of making dinner.
You know my mind, especially when I take it to another level of reality, tends to jump all over the place, among my jumble of a brain of thoughts, ideas, opinions, suggestions, memories, fears and favs.
Time stamp: 10:12pm, we are now eating dinner. Family time is everything, especially when your child is dancing like a ballerina, making suggestions of who will be voted off the competition, as well as telling Kyle “I give this meal two thumbs way up!” while holding her two actual thumbs high up in the air and shouting with excitement as she shovels the food into her mouth. haha. My kid is the best I honestly can say, and it’s a flipping miracle, cause there are days no lie where I feel like a pretty shit parent. If ya’ll really knew. -sigh- But that’s talk for another time if I even feel like talking about things. ;)
*Side note to remember cause Zoey just said it to me: next chance I can get ahold of Hatchimals, they gotta be Hatchimal Pixies...oh dear lord, love her, she’s so spoiled, LOL
10:23pm: god damn this podcast is awesome. Zoey will be finishing up soon, brushing her teeth, and heading to bed. Then I shall be diving into the realm of H.P. Lovecraft inspired world of the splendid world of Cthulhu. -squees giddily- Ya’ll don’t even knowwww!!!! “Maple bacon cupcakes!” OMG, you guys I’m dying over here with this show I swear!
Mind rant jump moment: I’m trying to figure out how to end this post, cause I want to update ya’ll but now it’s like I actually don’t have the time and IDK why I’m even trying to type this post up when I gotta go now and deal with Zoey real quick. lol Life of a mom. I’m not a single parent anymore...but sometimes I still feel alone. But it’s not Kyle’s fault! My mind....my mind, does this thing, and it affects my body, which affects my mood, which comes full circle back to my mind and I just want to be left alone, in some place quiet. You know??? Hell I don’t even know if anyone can truly relate to me... :/
11:17pm, we can’t seem to find kitty. I guess I need to step away and assist with this, otherwise there will be no sleeping of the Zoey till she is located. -sigh- Being the parent of a 5 year old but has a strong personality of a preteen/adult has it’s trials and tribulations. She blows my mind every day with something new...she also annoys the shit out of me constantly, but I keep myself calm, cool and collected and I deal with each of her little moments in a calm, we are equals and you will understand me and know that I am mother and what I say goes and you need to listen to me, be quiet, behave and do what is needed to be done. Like virtual schooling or cleaning up after herself when her room has been hit by another toy filled hurricane. lol
11:39pm : apparently Zoey and kitty were playing hide and seek and kitty is just really good at hiding. Zoey refused to locate her plushie and continued to pretend to run around panicking like the cat is real and is really missing even though she is clearly some where in the room. -annoyed sigh- My child folks. I annoyingly tell her oh well guess you gotta go to bed with out kitty. She proceeds to cry, I turn the light out and tuck her in and leave the room. Good night you little rascal.
11:44 : it’s my time now!
I’ve paused Michelle for right now, I’m mentally exhausted due to the going ons that just occurred. My daughter can be rather exhausting to deal with lately, thanks to all things going on. I want to put her in brick and mortar schooling but I’m too fucking afraid of her catching COVID. She’s safer at home with me and Kyle! Idgaf what you have to say or think about that choice so keep on walking if you need to Felicia, cause at least my child is safe from all the bullshit and dumbasses of society.
Wow, this turned into a longer post than I was expecting to actually post here. It’s been a while since I’ve really talked, talked on here and IDEK if anyone is even truly following me anymore let alone would see this. LOL. It’s all good, this is my blog after all, and it is out there in the internets to be discovered however it is discovered. I’m pretty sure Kyle is surprised I have spent this much time glued to my computer, typing this all up. It is a little crazy, that I managed to have the time, on my day off for once, to get a little of my mind and my going ons out there for ya’ll to know about. You’re welcome, haha.
So there’s this new filter on Snapchat, that turns you into an anime character. It’s super kawaii! n_n haha!
Alright I’m deciding to end this post on that note right there! I could probably say more, and keep this going, but I do believe this post is pretty long enough and my elbow is starting to ache, haha. It’s been a while since I’ve sat down with my laptop and done anything really worth typing up about.
Just living and surviving, and working in-between.
You stay safe out there Tumblr, I’m sure you’ll hear from me again soon. ;)
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Here Come The Boys P9
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“Y/N! Quiet down!” Miss Hartlen Yelled “Stop your infernal Crying!!” she screamed as I huddled in the corner where she had put me at breakfast this morning, as I was unable to stop my tears at the table from my nightmare the night before. I sniffled and turned away to the corner still not able to stop my tears. “You insufferable girl!” she yelled going to hit me
“Stop it! Leave her alone!” a voice chimed in from the dinner table making her stop “You’ve hurt her enough! she’s scared, she’s confused, she’s hungry just leave her be!” the voice yelled 
“Insolent boy!” she yelled marching away I looked out from the corner it was the newest boy dropped off a week or so ago after his mother and father where shot up on Mulberry street. she marched over to him grabbing his ear and pulling him away from the table and throwing him beside me “if your so fond of Protecting her, you can sit down there with her!” she yelled going off to give the other children there dinner 
“I’m sorry I made you miss dinner today” i tell him
“Ohh no it’s alright, I don’t mind...  would rather not eat it to be honest” he smiled getting sat against the wall 
“Thank you for standing up for me” I smile
“Your welcome, someone had to its not fair the way she treats you” he says
“It’s not fair how she treats any of us” I sigh “My names Y/n” I smile 
“I’m newt, and well... I’m happy to stand up for you whenever you need me” He smiled.
I sat huddled up in my little blanket lightly crying not wanting to sleep and have my nightmares hunt me. 
“Y/n? are you okay?” I heard newt’s voice ask quietly across the room I didn’t answer I heard the creak of a metal bed frame and the  gentle soft steps across the room often causing little floor boards to creak till I felt my blanket move a familiar skinny figure climbing in beside me tucking there blanket over me too “Nightmares again?” he whispered and I nodded “It’s okay y/n I’m right here no monsters or horrible people are going to get you, your safe here with me” he mutters pulling me close to him I nuzzled into his neck “hey, there we go...come on get some rest little bud” he smiled so I moved closer and happily went to sleep feeling safe in his skinny arms....
I remember sitting picking daisy’s in the field putting them in the little skirt of my dress 
“Y/n... did you want to come play?” Newt asked me as he wondered close
“No thank you, I’m happy with the flowers” I smile he smiled too taking a seat beside me I giggled fixing his messy hair out his eyes it felt funny where he has to wash it this morning, we all had a wash this morning and got our good clothes and such out as there was apparently some people coming around today to look at us all 
“what if... one of us gets chosen?” he asks 
“We won’t, they never pick me” I sigh playing with the daisies
“But... what if they do?” he asked 
“I don’t know, It would be better then here I suppose” I shrug
“But, I might not ever see you again” he said sadly 
“Hummm... then I’ll make you come too” I smile “if they want me so badly they have to take you too” I smile hugging his arm 
“but then by law we would... be brother and sister” He blushed
“so... you’d be a great brother” I smile
“But, then we couldn’t cuddle or kiss anymore” He says
“Ohh,” I sigh “then I’ll make them convince there friends to adopt you maybe there next door neighbors so we can stay together” I smile as I finished up “I made you a present” I smile putting the little ring of daisies I made on his head it was a little too big so it fell covering his left eye “oopps sorry, I can fix it-” I began
“no, it’s perfect” he smiled fixing it so it would stay on his head “Thank you little bud” He smiled giving my cheek a kiss make me blush and giggle 
“newtie!” I complain grabbing his face and pressing tiny kisses all over it when I moved back he looked adorable his face glowing bright red, his hair all out of place and filled with daisies and clovers, my red cheap strawberry flavored lip gloss Miss hartlen made all the girls wear today was stuck in little kissy marks all over his skin his sweet innocent little giggly smile on his lips I wanted to kiss him and  think he wanted me too as well, 
“KIDS!” Miss harlens voice yelled so I got up dusting some dirt off my dress and newt quickly sorted himself out as we ran inside we stood in a line in the dinning room I noticed newt beside me struggling to get the lip gloss marks off his face so I giggled tugging the skirt off my dress and wiping it all off for him 
“Thanks y/n” he smiled just as the door open and we stood quietly there where three couples, the first took one look at us all and looked un happy the second the man of that couple looked at all the girls strangely and the last well
“Ooohhhh Martin would you just look at all the little darlings!” she almost squealed rushing in looking at us all 
“Yes dear there very nice” he sighed the other two coupled wondered the line of us looking at each of us like bits of meat the first couple often whispering little things they assume we can’t here
“No Luke I told you I don’t want a ginger one.... no not her she’s far to chubby,” and such like that as they wondered past she got to me and “humm... this ones nice, shame about the face” she sighed 
“a face can be fixed Marilyn” the husband told her
“Luke if I’m getting one I’m not paying for a remodel of the face I want one photo ready” she sighed walking on to newt “Ohh no... far to skinny” she said quickly moving on the second couple didn't even get to us they picked a girl from much earlier in the line
“Tina please this is the fourth place we’ve been today just pick one!” the man of the third couple spoke up 
“Ohhh but I love them all” she smiled 
“Pick one! we get it from here I’ve had enough Tina I‘m tried” he complained
“Well... okay” she sighed shutting her eyes and moving her hand around pointing as us all till she stopped opening her eyes she was pointing at newt “that one!” she smiled running over to him 
“Your sure? your positive this time you want that one?” he asked her and she nodded tugging him out the line by his hands 
“yay! my perfect cute little boy, you can have anything you want in the world my special little boy” she told him hugging him tightly 
“Anything?” he asked her
“anything my beautiful boy” she smiled “just say the word and it’s done” she smiled 
“Then... could you take y/n too” he smiled coming back to me and holding my hand “Please, I love her every so much I couldn’t bare to be parted from her” he smiled making me blush hard
“Ohhhh Oscar! there in love!” she squealed happily “we have to take both” she smiled
“Tina! I said one! we don’t want her” he says “what kinda crack pot operation you running here Miss Hartlen? even the kids are trying to up sell us” he says “Tina at two grand a kid, I’m not getting two just because the one you picked has a girlfriend” he whispered too her
“ohh but Oscar I can’t bare to part them” she complained
“Then pick a different one” he told her
“ohh but I have my heart set on him Oscar, Please” she begged 
“Tina, you have five minuets, we either take him, you pick another one, or we go home with nothing... five minuets, and I want you outside with one! kid” he told her before he left 
“Sweet little boy, we can give you everything you could ever want, take you anywhere you could dream off” she began “Your sure you won’t go without her?” she asked him 
“I’m sure” he nodded 
“Alright sweetie, I’m sorry” she told him going away she looked around for a moment before she at last picked someone else and left. everyone returned to the field going back to there games and such I held newt’s hand a little tighter tugging him back to our spot with the flowers 
“why did you do that? you could have had everything you ever wanted” i ask
“but I wouldn’t be with you” he shrugged “I thought about it, how nice a life with them would be but... i realized then, i don’t want to go anywhere if you can’t come with me” he smiled 
“Ohh newtie” I smile hugging him close he blushed alot I sat up a little and gave his lips a tiny kiss which made him freeze in shock turning bright red as I nuzzled into his chest holding him as tight as I could
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