#i still think he turned out pretty close to how he was in my head so that's cool! 😆
sanguineterrain ¡ 3 days
Hello! I recently found your blog and bruh I'M SMITTEN by your works.
Would it be alright if I requested Jason Todd x gn reader (also vigilante but only works on small cases and in safer places... Jason wouldn't let them anywhere else after a heavy injury they sustained in the past)...
Maybe they're searching for clues in one of the alleys and reader finds a baby there and takes it home (or maybe they fall upon a tired-looking woman throwing her baby over the bridge, reader manages to catch it but when they get back up the woman is gone)? Just overall how would Jason react to his partner finding a kid and bringing it home and what would happen after.
I made myself laugh bc I thought Jason would be like "good thing you went home and not to a bat cave, can't handle another sibling, the last one is already a living hell.
And I wanted to ask if it would be alright if I requested more than just one thing? Completely fine if not.
This is a super cute prompt!! Thanks for sending it in. And yes feel free to send more than one request 💓
Jason Todd x gn!reader. Abandoned baby, established relationship, Jason being a cutie patootie.
You find the baby in a grocery store basket stuffed with blankets behind a Walmart.
She's a tiny thing, with fat cheeks and a permanent wrinkle between her brow. She's frighteningly quiet.
You take her home.
Home has become synonymous with Jason's apartment. At some point, it just made more sense for you to move in long-term. Jason had gingerly brought it up to you one night and kissed you hard when you'd said yes.
You pick up some formula on the way home and a few other things. The baby starts to cry after a bit, to your relief, and after feeding and changing her, you sway her until she falls asleep.
You're content to hold her until you get a crib. You fully intend to do so.
You hear the first lock turn, then the second, then the third. There's no worry that Jason will wake the baby; he always enters a building like he's casing it.
You have the TV turned down low, channel switched to some late-night sitcom. Jason comes in and closes the door with his foot. He takes off his helmet, revealing his messy curls. You smile.
"Hey, Jaybird," you say.
Jason glances at you as he walks to the bedroom, unzipping his vest as he goes. He grins tiredly.
"Hey, sweetheart. Hello, baby."
You watch him disappear into the bedroom. The baby is still fast asleep. You adjust your legs to get more comfortable in the chair.
Jason backs out of the room a moment later, gear still on. His vest is half-unzipped.
"That's a baby," he says.
You nod. "Yep."
Jason pulls a face like he's doing calculus in his head. "Did—do we have a... did I...?"
"How would that even work, Jason?"
"Look, there's many ways that can happen! Y'know how many freakin' clones are in this city? My freakazoid brother could get you a genetically engineered baby in twelve hours."
"She is an organically produced baby not related to either of us. Okay?"
"Oh. Sure, yeah." Jason starts to turn, then comes back. "Wait, no, I still have questions. Why do you have a baby?"
"I found her."
Jason squints at you, then at the baby. "You found her."
"I don't think that'll hold up in court, sweets."
"Relax, Jason. I'm ninety-nine percent sure she was abandoned. I found her behind a Walmart. I know I could've dropped her at the hospital, but I just..." You look down at her sleeping face. "She's just so little. And she needs human contact. Nurses are already overworked as it is. What harm is in taking her home?"
"Yeah, y'know what that is? A siren song. Pretty soon, you'll be fitting her for a domino mask and dressing her like a traffic light."
You roll your eyes. "Don't be silly. I wouldn't dare try to take Damian's title. Plus, traffic light color palettes are so outdated."
Jason pouts. "Are not."
You carefully stand, baby in your arms, and walk over to peck Jason on his cheek.
"Are too. Wanna hold her?"
Jason looks at her like she's a bomb. "I dunno. I might... what if I... hurt her?"
You frown. "You wouldn't hurt her, Jaybird."
"I might hold her wrong or make her cry, and then I'll have to throw myself off the roof."
"You are such a drama king. She's sleeping like a log. You won't wake her unless you scream in her ear."
Before Jason can reply, you're unloading her into his arms. He jumps into action, arms and hands awkward but trying. You smile gently.
"Put her head in the crook of your elbow. Yeah, good. Support her butt. Both arms. Yeah, good! Good job, honey."
You pat his arm. Jason looks spooked for a second, then seems to relax when she doesn't stir. She's cradled in his arms like she was made to fit there.
"Isn't she so cute?" you whisper.
"She is really cute. So small. God." He watches her for a moment, mouth downturned. "I was a small baby too."
"I bet you were a cute baby," you say, tucking a curl behind Jason's ear.
"Oh, sure. People came from all over the world to have a gander at the cutest baby on the planet. Looks like she's taken my title."
Jason starts to sway lightly, holding her like she's gold. You feel your face soften.
He must feel your eyes on him, because he looks up after a moment like he's expecting you to correct his posture. "What?"
You shake your head. "Nothing. Just... I'm just really in love with you, Jay."
Jason's cheeks turn pink. He bites the inside of his cheek.
"Oh. I'm, uh, really in love with you too."
You kiss him properly for that, and Jason hums into your mouth, then pulls back slightly.
"We can't keep the baby. Y'know that, right? I gotta marry you properly first," Jason says against your lips.
"This is the twenty-first century, buddy. People keep babies all the time, unwed or not."
"Yeah, I know. Still wanna marry you first."
You look down at the baby and give her an air kiss. Then you look up at Jason, putting on the saddest face you can muster. He sighs.
"Well," he says, gently touching her fingers. "Maybe we can keep her for a little while."
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reidsdaisies ¡ 1 day
So a request:
You walk in on Spencer with a dildo in his ass(or vibrator or even just his own fingers), trying to get himself off and he’s never told you he wanted to be pegged or anything but you obviously have to go help the poor whiny man, he needs you. -🐈‍⬛
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༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; spencer reid x fem!reader ༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; nsfw - mention of masturbation (m), sub!spencer. ༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.6k ༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; if this is the same 🐈‍⬛ anon who requested the ‘promise me’ fic.. girly i am so fucking sorry 😭 i started it back in November and never finished it and i feel really bad about it. i’ll try to work on it but i don’t trust myself to make promises :/ i pray you’ve stuck around and i still hope you can enjoy this one, really sorry to leave you hanging for so long i forgot i even drafted this one!
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cm masterlist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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When you walked into you and Spencer’s shared apartment after driving back home from work, his converse lying on the shoe rack by the door, but the place being way too quiet, you knew something was up.
You dropped your things off in their usual place – coat on the hook by the door, shoes on the rack, purse discarded on the table – and made your way to your room.
As soon as you approached the room, you were surprised to hear moans coming from behind the door.
The moans were consistent, and you knew what he was doing in there, or at least you thought you knew what he was doing. But when you knocked once, calling his name gently before twisting the knob and opening the door, you were even more surprised to not find him with his hand wrapped around his cock, but instead in an even more compromising position, naked from the waist down, lying on the bed with your vibrator stuffed deep inside his hole.
He involuntarily moaned at you calling for him, scrambling to pull the toy out and turn it off.
“Y/N!” He shrieked, eyes wide, features clearly conveying just how guilty he felt. “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh, is that so?” You cocked your head to the side, skeptical of him, though you already knew that’s not the truth, it was exactly as it looked. You stepped further into the room, inching closer towards the bed.
“If it’s not what it looked like, then what were you doing?”
“I-I..” he choked, swallowing his words and huffing in defeat as he slumped against the bed, his hand falling limply to the side, the toy glistening. Your eyes darted to the nightstand, a bottle of lube, your lube, out and open. Poor baby was so eager to fuck himself that he couldn’t even close the damn bottle.
“Y-you what?” You mocked. You knew it was cold, you’ve always hated being mocked so why mock him? Maybe it was just something about how adorably weak his voice sounded as he tried to stall, or how absolutely wrecked he looked. He sounded pretty close to coming when you walked in, it’s possible you may have even ruined his orgasm.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about how.. I want you to fuck me.. but not like normal..” he admitted, looking down timidly at his lap, his cock still hard, leaking, and begging for release.
“You want it in the ass, am I correct?”
He nodded. You gave him that look, the look you give him when you need him to speak up.
“Y-yeah, that’s right. I want it in, uhm, I want you to.. in my..”
You beamed at his words, practically hopping over to him, jumping beside him on the bed.
“You could’ve just said so,”
Your demeanor changed, back to the partner he knew to be just as eager in bed as him, though much less shy around topics like this.
“There’s no reason to be so shy about this, honey. Did you think I’d be ashamed of this or turn you down?”
He hesitated slightly, eyes searching yours for any signal of revealing that you were attempting to deceive him. There were none, and you weren’t, so he shook his head.
“Then why wait to get caught in the act before telling me?”
“I was just worried about what you might think of me..”
You gave him a sympathetic pout, gently stroking a hand over his cheek.
“I promise I’d never think poorly of you for liking something like this,”
You paused for a moment, moving your hand down and trailing your fingers gently along the soft skin of his thigh, making him tense a bit.
“..do you still want my help?”
You giggled at the eagerness he displayed as he gave you his answer of “yes!”, and took hold of the toy, ready and willing to help him out.
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Spencer Reid smut taglist: @tw1npeaks @spencerssoup @hiireadstuff @thievin-stealing
If you’d like to join my taglist click here!
Let me know your thoughts about this in the comments or my inbox and like & reblog to support! Much love <33
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Down on Yeoh luck (dp x dc)
“Hey Alysiah, I’m ordering from Del Taco, you want anything?” Jazz yelled for her roommate.
“No, thanks,” said roommate answered as she popped her head around the corner of the living room. “I have a date with Jo tonight.”
“Oh yeah,” Jazz said. “Say hi to her from me.”
Alysiah waved her hand agreeably before disappearing around the bend. A few seconds later she was back with two dresses in hand. “Which one do you like better?” 
Jazz uncrossed her legs and leaned in. “How formal is it?”
“Not. We’re going to a wine bar,” Alysiah said, “Jo knows the owner.”
“Is there going to be food?” Jazz asked, though her mind was still on the two dresses.
“Snacks, but I had a late lunch just in case,” her roommate said.
Jazz nodded before pointing towards one of the dresses. “The black one.”
“Thanks, Jazz!”
A few moments later, Alysiah walked back out wearing the dress and Jazz settled back in to watch some old reruns of some old detective show. Then it was time for supper and she reheated a plate for herself before settling back down in front of the TV, with no plans to move for the rest of the night. And so she did.
Since she’d come to Gotham, life had become pretty peaceful. Not that Gotham was a peaceful city, far from it, but she wasn’t in the thick like she had been back in Amity. It was, well, nice to be able to have an evening completely to herself.
Just as she had the thought, a spectral vulture phased through her ceiling, its fez hat bright red and apparent.
“Seriously!” Jazz said as she jumped behind the couch as an ectoblast hit it, and crawled for her bag she’d left in the entryway, a few meters away
“Plasmius sends his regrets that he couldn’t come fetch you in person.”
This was borderline insulting. To think, Vlad had believed that one of his feathered minion could single-handedly grab her. Jazz reached her bag, and started rummaging quietly in it.
“Plasmius requires your presence,” continued the vulture, not even trying to get a line of sight to his kidnappee, which wow. Henchman-ery had really gone downhill hadn’t it?
She closed her fingers around the metal cylinder and with a victorious smirk, aimed the lipstick laser and fired right into vulture’s stomach, sending it flying into the wall, and tumbling down.
Without wasting a second, Jazz booked it for her room and went straight for the closet. She extracted a box and took her Fenton thermos out of it, and as she started turning, caught a movement on the side of her eyes.
She got down to the ground, the vulture’s talon only brushing her shirt before it phased through her closet and out of her bedroom.
Knowing her best bet was to get to the most open space so the vulture couldn’t take advantage of its intangibility as much, she ran back to the living room. Where she stood in the middle of the room, slowly pivoting in a circle, waiting. There was nothing but the sound of her breath and the vague mumblings coming from the still-open TV. 
Then, the hair on her nape stood up, and there was the sound of a key in the lock.
Jazz didn’t have time to look because just then, the vulture dove for her. She rolled away, barely evading the talons once again and came up to her feet, just in time to point the thermos and soup the vulture in for good.
With a relived huff she capped the thermos and froze as she caught sigh of her roommate standing in the entryway, her face frozen in surprise.
There was a beat as the two girls just looked at each other, before Alysiah let out a long sigh.
“If I had a nickel for every time my red headed roommate turned out to be a vigilante,” she started. “I’d have two nickels…”
Jazz tilted her head. “That is weird that it happened twice.”
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chukys-mouthguard ¡ 3 days
Kinda Tempting pt. 2
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Featuring: matt rempe x female reader x mat barzal
Genre: fluff, angst, little bit of smut
Note: i tried my best to refer to rempe as matthew to limit possible confusion of the guys…this was rewritten like 6 times, not entirely happy with it but I know y’all have been asking for part 2 😅🫶🏼 tried to make it so this could continue and we could see both sides of this story
Part 1
The sun was shining just enough in your eyes to wake you up, immediately making you regret not remembering to close the blinds before going to bed. Though you were a bit preoccupied to remember, chuckling to yourself as you looked at the 6 foot 8 sleeping giant next to you. Now taking notice of his cut up knuckles from yesterday's fight, lightly tracing your fingers over the marks. Earning a soft groan from Matthew. 
His eyes fluttering open as he smiled at you, “good morning sunshine,” he stretched as he rolled onto his side, “good morning to you pretty lady.” A smile now on his face as he curled up with his pillow, looking up at you and studying the conflicted look on your face. 
“What is it?” 
Shaking your head you got up with a sigh, searching for a hoodie to throw on before rejoining him on your bed. “I’m just, thinking.” 
“Let me guess….you regret last night?” His words came out with a playful tone, though his face showed a bit of sadness as he sat up and rested his back against your headboard. “Look if I convinced you to do something you didn’t really want to do, and I stirred up a bunch of shit now for you to deal with. I’m sorry, I truly didn’t mean for any of that to happen I just-“
“No, that’s the thing. I don’t regret it. But I feel bad for not regretting it. Am I a shitty person for that?” Matthew laughed along with you as he shrugged. 
“I mean, I don’t think you’re a shitty person. I think you’re just, conflicted. I think you’re an amazing girl who is being strung along by her boyfriend, not knowing what the fuck the deal is. Waiting for the day he somehow magically turns back into the guy she fell in love with. But I don’t think that day is coming unfortunately.” 
His fingers now entangling with yours as you took in his thoughts. 
“I think, you’re unsure what to do. I think your head is telling you one thing, and your heart another. Personally, I don’t know the reason why you won’t leave him. And maybe that’s not for me to know. But I think you deserve so much more. I think you could do better, be happier, be with someone who isn’t gonna be another Mat Barzal.” 
“And that’s you?” 
Your tone catching him off guard a bit, but he laughed it off. “I’m not saying that, and I’m not saying any of this to try and get you to leave Mat for me. I’m sure you might be thinking I’m that kind of guy right now, especially after last night, but I’m not. I simply am saying this as a guy who thinks it would be an honor to call you his girlfriend. A guy who would take every opportunity to show you how amazing you are. To never make you feel the way you do right now being with Mat. But by no means am I trying to get you to leave him for me. Because I don’t think I need to convince you to do that.” 
Just as you opened your mouth to challenge his cocky statement, your phone buzzed on the bed. 
“It’s him…” Matthew gesturing for you to answer the call as he got up to get dressed. 
“Hey, sorry about yesterday. Just, wasn’t a good day. You know how it is. But um, I kind of realize I’ve not been the best boyfriend lately. And, I feel like I need to make it up to you.” 
While you wanted to believe that he was being genuine, you’d heard this from Mat before. He’d apologize, be a better guy for a few days, then things would end up right back where they were. 
“Let’s go grab lunch, maybe do some shopping. Spend the day together and make up for the last few months we’ve been apart.” 
Matthew was mouthing the words go for it, and you rolled your eyes at him. His words still on your mind, not sure why you were still going to entertain fixing things with Mat if you just fucked another guy behind his back. 
“Um, yeah sure.” 
“Yeah? Great! I’ll be at your place in like an hour?”
“Sounds good. See you soon.” 
Hanging up the phone you flopped down on your bed face first. “What’s the matter now?” Matthew laughed as he belly flopped onto the bed next to you, trying his best to make you laugh or smile. 
“What the fuck do I do? He wants to make up for being absent and everything, and you’re over here telling me I shouldn’t entertain it!” 
Matthew put his hands up in protest, “now wait a minute i didn’t say don’t entertain it. I simply am saying to be cautious and look out for yourself. Because, after the way you two interacted yesterday, I just think he’s full of it. But I could be wrong, and this lunch date could change everything. I don’t know. I simply am speaking as someone who cares. I want the best for you, and if that’s him, then great. I’ll still be here for the days you need to cry, or vent, or need to have some fun.” 
He shot you a wink as his signature cocky grin found its place on his lips and you shook your head. “Matthew Rempe, you are not going to be some side piece for me while I figure out my relationship.” Standing up you headed to the bathroom to start getting ready for your date with Mat. 
“And why’s that?” He called after you, leaning in the doorway as you pulled your makeup bag out from under your sink. “Because, you’re a human being, you have feelings. And I’m not just going to use you like that.” 
He stepped in front of you, stealing your attention as he brushed your hair from your face. “But what if I’m okay with it?” 
“You are really something else you know that?” 
He shrugged as he stole a kiss from your lips. 
“Well you make it really easy for me to make bad decisions.” He winked at you, stealing another kiss before heading to the kitchen to grab his keys. 
“So you’re saying this is a bad decision?” You gestured to the two of you with your makeup brush. “Maybe, call me after lunch and tell me if you think so.” 
He closed the door behind him and you let out a groan, not enjoying the position you were in at all. On one hand, your boyfriend of 2 years who was your first love. But who has checked out and left you feeling like it was time to walk away. Then on the flip side, a younger and wild Rempe, who knew what he wanted and didn’t hide it. Which you appreciated, and found quite hot. But how do you just up and leave Mat, and did you want to? None of this was fair to him, but then again, the way you’ve been strung along all these months not knowing where the two of you stand wasn’t fair either. 
“Hey babe.” 
Mat smiled at you as you climbed into his BMW. “Hey,” You flashed a smile as he leaned in to give you a kiss, “don’t you look handsome.” 
He shrugged, “wanted to look good for you I guess. So what are we feeling, Italian? Mexican? A burger and fries?” Buckling your seatbelt you told yourself to listen to Matthew, let this date happen how it’s meant to happen. Don’t force anything one way or the other, let whatever the hell is gonna happen, happen. “Well we both know you’re always in the mood for Italian.” 
“I’m a sucker for the carbs what can i say. Plus a glass of wine doesn’t sound too awful right now.” 
His hand resting on the gear shift as he pulled out of the parking garage. The drive to the restaurant quiet, the result of you two being apart for so long that it was almost awkward between you two. 
So far, your brain was telling you this wasn’t a good sign that this date was magically going to fix things. 
“So, how late did you stay up doing your stuff last night?” Mat asking from behind his wine glass as you chuckled. “Um my job? I was up pretty late doing that stuff. Couldn’t even tell you how long I edited for last night.” Your voice trailing off as you sipped your wine, your palms sweaty just thinking about the secret you were hiding from him. 
“I believe it, probably had a ton of footage to sift through.” He didn’t even make eye content when talking to you, glancing over the menu as you rested your chin on your fist with a sigh. “Plus I had extra clips to edit of Matt Rempe since it was his debut and everything.” 
Mat laughed as he nodded, “Yeah that kid is something else. A fight his first shift, probably gonna end up with more penalty minutes than minutes on ice this season. That is if he lasts.” You were a bit surprised by his comments, Mat never the type to shit talk other guys in the league. “Hey, he earned his spot yesterday and he’s gonna keep working hard to stay up here. He’s a great guy. I personally think you’d like him, if you got to know him versus judging him…” 
Your voice trailed off as your server brought your food. “Okay, no more hockey talk. Where shall I take you shopping? Need a new purse? Some shoes? I know you never turn down shoes.” He smiled at you as he wiped the pasta sauce from his chin. 
This was always Mat’s way of fixing things. He loved to shop, both for you and for himself. So anytime he felt like he’d fucked up, his solution was to buy you everything you wanted without checking a price tag. But the material things never actually addressing the root of the problem that was there to begin with. Simply covering it up with new shoes, a new jacket, or purse. 
“I don’t care, wherever is fine. Nothing I really need if I’m honest.” Your tone caught him off guard, at this point you were over this lunch date. Wishing you hadn’t even thought for a second that things were going to get better. “Okay, do you want to just go home and watch a movie or something? Since shopping doesn’t seem to be a good idea today.” 
“Sure, a movie is fine.” 
Mat decided for the two of you to head back to his place, due to traffic being crazy heading in the direction of your apartment. The car ride once again quiet, Mat a bit unsure what to talk about. He’d offended you when talking about your job and judging Rempe. Shopping normally be something you liked to do with him, but that too seemed to be a bad idea. 
It wasn’t that he was on oblivious to the fact that things between you two were different, he just didn’t know why or how he could fix it. Feeling like it was a battle he’d already lost in your eyes. And no matter how hard he might try to prove to you he was still willing to fight, you’d just blow him off. Already moved on in your mind. 
“Wow, someone has been decorating. Who helped you with this?” You looked around his apartment shocked, never knowing Mat to be a good decorator. “Well thanks, I didn’t think I sucked that bad at interior design. I maybe had a little help, but for the most part it was all me.” 
He smiled proud as he grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. 
“So, what movie are you thinking?” 
Taking your glass you shrugged, “surprise me? You’re better at picking movies than me.” Mat laughing as he placed the stopper back in the bottle. “This is true, let me take a quick look at our options.” 
Subconsciously you had practically chugged your glass of wine, your nerves rampant as you didn’t know what the hell you were doing. Clearly you were unhappy, this date not going at all how you hoped. You still were holding out hope, but the more and more Mat didn’t talk to you or kept conversation short, the more your thoughts were racing. 
“Do you still love me?” 
Mat snapped his head to you, almost laughing as he couldn’t believe you’d asked such a thing. Almost shocked a bit yourself at your boldness to just come right out and say that. “Um, yes? Why would you even ask that?” 
“When’s the last time you said it? Do you realize what I’ve been going through these last few months? Hell let’s just say the whole last year. I barely see you! We barely speak, and lord knows we haven’t had sex in months. Not that it matters that much, but we both know you like sex. So the fact we haven’t even done that…Like, are you just waiting for me to breakup with you? Or am I supposed to just wait around for you to start acting like the man I fell in love with again?” 
He set his wine glass down, trying to figure out what to say. Feeling like no matter what he said at this point it would probably come across like an excuse. 
“I, I don’t know what to say. Because, I don’t have a good enough reason for why I’ve been acting this way. And, you’re right. You don’t deserve this. Maybe, you should’ve given up on me a long time ago. I don’t know y/n, I can’t lie to you and say I don’t notice that it’s different. But I also don’t know what to do to fix it.” 
“Kiss me! Hold me! Tell me you love me. Get excited to see me after months of hardly talking. There’s plenty of things you could do. The answer isn’t to treat me to lunch and take me shopping. I don’t need food and clothes, I need my boyfriend. I need to feel like you love me. Like you miss me.”
“And you don’t think I feel that way?”
His tone coming out hurt, his hands running through his hair as he tried to think of a response. 
“Notice how you haven’t said it once. Even when I point it out, you say yes and agree, but you haven’t once said it to me. And that speaks volumes.” 
Grabbing your phone and purse you headed for the door, Mat quickly running to stop you. “Now wait a minute, I get I’ve been absent and not the same guy I used to be, but I’ve never been the type to let you walk out like this. Please, talk to me. Help me understand what you need from me so we can make things work.” 
Retreating to the couch, you sat down with a sigh, not sure what to say. “Mat, I shouldn’t have to tell you what I need. You’re my boyfriend. We’ve been together long enough that you should know me better than this. If you’ve fallen out of love with me, then tell me. If you’ve been seeing other people, then tell me. But please don’t keep stringing me along when it’s clear this isn’t working for us right now.” 
He looked at you shocked, the assumption he was cheating hitting him like a train in his chest. “You’re joking? You think I’ve been cheating on you? Please y/n, that’s ridiculous. Where is all of this coming from? You say that I’m no longer the guy you fell in love with, but you’re starting to give me the same energy. I’ve never heard you talk like this…maybe you’re the one seeing other people?” 
Stopping in your tracks you looked at him shocked, a slight chuckle leaving his lips as you tried to formulate a thought. “Yeah, doesn’t feel good being accused of that does it?” 
“Of course not! No one ever wants to be accused of something like that. You know I love you, I’ve stuck by your side through so much. And I’m sorry if I’ve felt shut out or neglected. But I don’t understand what’s changed, why you won’t make time for me and prove to me that this relationship isn’t lost?”
Mat looked to the floor as he shook his head, acknowledging the things you’d said. Realizing that you were right, things had changed. And maybe he was too focused on his job that he refused to believe he’d dropped the ball. 
The two of you stood in silence for a moment, you sniffled as he walked toward you, wrapping you in a hug. Your body completely relaxing in his embrace, this hug was just like you’d remembered. It was what you needed, to feel him hold you tight and reassure you things were okay. 
He took your face in his hands, resting his forehead on yours as he softly kissed you. “I fucking love you, and I don’t want to be with anyone else. I don’t want to lose you. I will do whatever I have to, to prove to you that you’re it for me y/n. I’m sorry you’ve felt like I don’t care or don’t love you.” 
Your hands anxiously pulling at the hem of his shirt, this was what you’d wanted, needed to hear from him. But at the same time, a part of you wished he would’ve said the opposite. Despite Matthew wanting you to try and make things work with Mat, you knew deep down he wanted things to end. He wanted to be with you, but his heart wasn’t going to let him come between you and another man. That wasn’t the type of guy he was, despite his willingness to see you behind closed doors while you figured your shit out. 
“Please, just don’t walk out on me tonight. Stay with me, let me make this right between us.” 
Simply nodding your head, Mat had convinced you. His lips crashing to yours as he lifted you off your feet, carrying you down the hall to his bedroom before tossing you on the bed. 
He gazed down at you as he pulled his shirt off with a cocky grin, before lowering himself on top of you to bring your lips back to his. “I fucking missed you baby.” 
Arching your back against him you moaned into the kiss, your skin practically on fire from his touch. Something you’d been deprived of for so long. 
“God I missed you Mat.” 
Your thoughts racing as you tried your best to just focus on the moment, ignoring any doubts or worries about Matthew. Mat was your boyfriend, this was the man you loved. 
The two of you couldn’t get enough of each other, hands grazing every inch of one another as you both were short of breath. It was as if it were the first time you two were having sex, having to learn what each other liked, explore each other features again. 
Mat normally loving to tease you and make you beg, but not tonight. Tonight he needed to show you how much he loved you, how much he cared, how sorry he was for being such an asshole to you. Yet you stuck by his side, and he’d loved you so much for that. 
You’d tried to get Mat on his back so you could take some control, but he playfully pinned your arms above your head. “Not tonight baby girl, let me take care of you.” 
His words sending shivers down your spine as he sat up, undoing his belt buckle then forcing his pants and briefs down in one motion. You’re gaze not leaving his as his hands traced up your legs, fingers hooking into the waistband of your leggings, pulling them off and tossing them across the room along with your panties. 
“Mat, hurry up. A girl has gone months without this, I can’t wait much longer.” 
Smirking down at you, he stroked himself as he teased your slit, groaning at how wet you already were. “Fuck baby, I missed how wet you get for me.” Without warning he thrusts into you, the two of you moaning at the feeling, expletives leaving your lips as you feel yourself adjusting to him. Wrapping your legs around him as he slowly began picking up the pace, your nails digging into the skin of his back as your lips longed for his. The kisses not deep enough, thrusts not hard enough, the two of you needing even more. 
“Baby, I’m not going to last much longer. You feel so fucking good.” 
“Cum for me Mat, please. I’m so close.” 
His thrusts quick and sloppy, his breaths shorter as he cursed against your skin. A low groan leaving his lips as he came, the two of you sweaty and exhausted as you tried to collect yourselves. 
“Fuck…now tell me why we haven’t done that in months?” 
Mat smirked at you as he stood up, leaving to go start the shower before coming back and lifting you off the bed. “Alright, now let’s get you cleaned up.” He pressed a kiss to your lips as he carried you bridal style into the bathroom. The two of you rinsing off before climbing back into bed. 
You threw on one of Mat’s t-shirts as he pulled on a pair of sweats. Laying down and holding his arm out for you to find your spot next to him. Fingers intertwining with yours as you lay your head on his chest. 
“I missed this, so much.” 
You felt him smile at your words, kissing your head as he agreed. “Me too baby girl. And I’m sorry you ever thought I didn’t want this with you anymore.”
The room fell silent as you were content just enjoying feeling normal again, like you’d finally gotten back to where you’d been needing to be. In your head, thanking Matthew for convincing you to even go out on the date with Mat to begin with. For convincing you to see what would happen. 
Though a part of you knew it would hurt him to know you were back on good terms. Despite him saying he hoped things would work out, you knew he would still be heartbroken to know you and Mat were making it work. 
The tone is Mat’s voice slightly changing, catching you off guard as you hummed a response, letting him know you were listening. 
“I really am going to be better. Make more of an effort, whether that be calls, or driving to see you more often. I’m going to be better. I don’t want you to ever have to wonder if I’m missing you, if I still love you, or god forbid if I’m cheating on you.” 
Your heart sinking at having accused him of the very thing you’d done just the night before. When here he was, trying to prove to you he’d just been distant, but he never lost his love for you. 
“I know, I hear everything you’re saying. And I appreciate it, more than you know.” 
He’d gone silent for a moment once again, you could sense he was thinking, hearing his heart racing as you laid on his chest. Soon enough, he shot up, moving to sit in front of you. Catching you off guard as you looked at him confused. 
“What is it?” 
Mat took your hands in his, practically choking on his own tongue as he couldn’t get his words out. 
“You’re gonna think I’m crazy, but just hear me out.” Staring at him you were unsure of what you should be expecting him to say. Already happy enough with the fact that you’d, fingers crossed, gotten your boyfriend back. What else could he say now? 
“I have loved you from the first day you’d found me at the rink, and shoved your phone in my face asking me to be a part of one of those dumb Tik Tok challenges. You didn’t give a fuck about who I was, just doing your job. And to be honest, that made me want to chase you even harder. Because you weren’t one of those girls who wanted me because of my looks. Or because I was a hockey player. You got to know me for who I was, and you took the time to see me for more than Mat Barzal of the New York Islanders.”
He smiled at you as he continued on, your mind and heart both racing as you couldn’t foresee the end of his sudden heartfelt moment. 
“It breaks my heart you’ve felt alone for the last year. That you felt I had fallen out of love with you. But I promise, there would never be anything that could make me fall out of love with you y/n. And, I know you’re going to think I’m crazy when I ask this, but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” 
He briefly looked down at your hands in his, taking a deep breath as if to gain the confidence to finally spit out the words he’d been stalling from saying. 
“Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?” 
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mamirhodessxox ¡ 2 days
request for single dilf cody and babysitter where he’s home early from work. the baby’s already down for the night so it’s just the two of them with nothing else to do on a saturday night. maybe they have drinks and put on a movie and one thing leads to another? idk, please take whatever liberties you want!
I Adore You <3
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Single Dad!Cody Rhodes x Babysitter Fem!Reader
Desc: It all started when Cody asked for help on a babysitter site so someone could help his 3 little kiddies when he was at work & that’s when Y/N applied! 3 years go by and after a lot of emotional tension the two finally talk to each other privately!
Contents: Fluff!! Cody weak in the knees for lil miss Y/N, Drinking, Cussing, Body touching, Making out, Fluff!!!, Smut, Crying, Overstimulation, Aftercare.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @bones-rhodes @claymoresofinfamy23 @edtomh @cococodysleevlesshoodie
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Usually babysitting 3 kids wouldn't be easy for the average baby sitter but luckily that wasn't the case..Y/N had been babysitting 3 kids for over 3 years after her employer took to a babysitting blog asking for assistance since he would be going on the road sometimes or needed someone willing to travel with him when the kids were able to go on the road. His name was Cody, Y/N knew who Cody was before even taking the application she just wasn't a die hard fan, that was her parents. She only took the application simply because she likes kid's and she actually handles them pretty well.
3 kids. 2 twin boys now hitting 10 & 1 girl who just turned 3 years old, Braden, Chase & Harper Rhodes. Cody had went through a nasty divorce in 2022 after Harper was born, His then wife was unhappy but also a terrible mother who ignored the boys & kept starting arguments with Cody in front of them. After his divorce he got full custody over the kids but also needed assistance when they traveled with him when he was scheduled for shows.
Y/N had gotten verry close with him & the kids over the years, Cody & the kids had considered Y/N apart of the family, she was invited to every event and holiday party you could think of, she was even at the house almost everyday just to hang out and now that it was summer time she was spending a lot more time with them, chalk activities in the drive way, water balloons in the back, grilling later at sunset, movie nights etc, besides the kids Y/N & Cody themselves had a good bond between each other, Corny inside jokes that he would find himself snickering at if he was doing something in the kitchen, For self defense when she would be out alone he went out of his way to teach her how to fight for just incase purposes especially when she was with the kids.
As of this week Cody was in and out of town doing plenty of promos & Y/N had been watching over the kids & during her free time she & Cody would FaceTime for a fee minutes before finishing up the kids’ screen time, “How’s my babygirl Harper?” Y/N shrugged at the question and turned her head to see the little girl playing in the corner with her dolls while her brothers watched TV for a little bit, Harper had bad separation anxiety when it came to her dad and it was not easy for him or her when he had to go on the road for a few days, She would spend most of her time if her signature corner with her toys down in the dumps waiting for her main best friend to come back home “She’s still a little bit sad, It’s not as difficult putting her to bed as usual but it’s definitely not any easier.” Cody listened to Y/N’s words thoroughly “She’s a Daddy’s girl, Paul had some scheduling problem’s so I’m on the bus on my way back, I should be home by later tonight how’s that sound?” Y/N smiled brightly at his words while balancing her phone against something while she made the kids their lunch.
“Sounds like a plan, They’re gonna be super excited, especially Harper” Cody nodded as he stared at Y/N through his phone screen watching her intently and paying attention to every single detail while she was talking, is that a new shirt? It has to be. He never seen her wear that top before, Her make up with light, casual, nothing about it was heavy or Caked up, “I’m gonna hang up now alright? Lunch time, I’ll see you later yeah?” Cody sighed a bit as his jaw clenched a bit & his heart ached with the fact it was time for her to set the phone down “Yeah, do whatever you need to do Doll, talk to you later.” Y/N smiled to herself at his words and set her phone down as the call was over “Lunch!!”
For most of the day Y/N had spent time with the kids, Harper had a few fits but overall she stayed patient with the kids as usual, The boys were upstairs playing while Harper sat beside the couch this time away from her signature hangout corner, Y/N had been cleaning up the kitchen after dinner for a little bit before giving the little girl most of her attention “Hey honey-girl, how you feeling?” The 3 year old shrugged her shoulders while her lips pouted before setting down her barbies “I just miss my daddy” Y/N frowned before crouching down to her level “I know sweetheart but he’s coming home very soon I promise!” Harper huffed and crossed her arms before Y/N had checked the time & noticed it was pushing bed time, "C'mon harp let's get you and the boys to bed alright?" The little girl nodded her head and got up independently and waddled her way up the stairs while Y/N went into the twins' shared bedroom "Chase, Braden c'mon time for bed" the boys frowned and set down their action figures "a few more minutes?? Pleaaaaase Y/N!” She smiled and ruffled Chases hair “Sorry hun but you know your dad’s rules” the boy huffed and nodded his head smiling before he & his brother got ready to go to bed, Y/N went into Harpers room and smiled softly as the little girl sat on her bed ready to be tucked in.
“When’s daddy coming home?” The little girl chirped before leaning back into her bed comfortably while Y/N hummed as she pulled the blanket over Harper “Tomorrow sweetheart, when you wake up he’ll be home I promise!” She quickly smiled and hugged Y/N before finally calming down while Y/N adjusted her pillows before finally letting her get rest and leaving the room.
The house was silent, the only thing to be heard was her light steps on the cold wooden floors. Y/N sat on the couch and quietly scrolled through tiktok on her phone before hearing the front door close and quietly as possible followed by a sigh, Cody took off his shoes before walking into the living room and seeing Y/N sitting comfortably looking in his direction “Hey.” She smiled at his greeting and jotted her head up “Hi, how was work?” He scratched the back of his neck before sitting next to her “It was alright, just a lot of public speaking y’know?” She nodded while setting her phone down “I just put the kids to bed, they played with chalk, had lunch watched tv and ate dinner, a pretty relaxed day” He listened to her words & had a small smile creep up from his smile before getting comfortable completely on the couch “Why don’t we have some drinks and watch a movie? Been awhile since we last hung out and had together time.” Y/N marveled at the idea & rolled her bracelets around her wrist as she thought before finally giving in and scooting closer “As long as I get to pick the movie that’s quite alright with me.”
Cody let out an airy chuckle before leaning comfortably into the couch while passing her over the remote so she could choose a movie she assumed was simple, easy going and maybe a little funny, they poured a few glasses of wine & paid attention to the screen letting out a few laughs here and there, Cody couldn’t quite remember what the name of this movie was but it seemed like a subtle hint of something since it was some cheesy rom-com, Y/N was drifting off asleep 15 minutes in making Cody do a double take from the screen to her before he decided to shut off the movie before getting up with a light groan & nudging her “hm..?” Y/N hummed out before stirring awake while he sat her up and grab ahold of her hands gently “let’s get you in bed alright? Your falling asleep” he spoke to her in a quiet tone while she groggily stood up and went up the stairs with him, Cody guided her to the guest bedroom she often slept in sometimes & help lie her down on the bed, he was just about to pull the covers over her but she frowned shaking her head in protest “Stay? At least until I fall asleep maybe?” Her lips were curled into a small pout while her hand laid against his wrist while she made room for him in the bed, how could he say no to a sweet thing like her? Cody gave in to her offer & almost immediately climbed in the bed & laid next to her.
The two were face to face with each other, his arm wrapped around her body comfortably while her hand was lying against his shoulder before nudging the tip of her nose against his “Your warm” she whispered while he smiled and rubbed his thumb against her shirt “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders and scooted a little closer “I think it’s a good thing” a small smile crept up his lips before he did what seemed to feel natural and press his lips up against Y/N’s and let out a short moan slip past his mouth while their hands explored each others bodies and grabbed at their clothes, Y/N bit at his lip & tugged his hair while he whined into her mouth before tugging on her sun dress hard enough to rip it apart and snatching off her panties “Co-!!” He tilted his head and planted his hand over her lips “what like I won’t buy you another pair tomorrow?” He teased before yanking his arm away and undressing himself before lying back next to her with her back up against his chest while he left scattered kisses against the nape of her neck. Y/N was busy becoming a hot whiney mess that pressed her ass against his dick more that enough to make him hard & desperate “knock it off.”
Cody warned Y/N when she whimpered from him smacking her ass as a warning , the tip of his dick slipping between her wet folds with ease and caressing up her clit again. She felt his chest rumble with his own moaning, too, however, his precum slipping from him and mixing with her wetness. And while he kept teasing her clit by thrusting in and out of her folds his dick eventually slipped into her pussy causing Y/N too let out a moan while he held her legs open as he fucked her from behind & his fingers dipped down her stomach into the depths of her thighs just too tease and toy with her swollen little bud. “F-Fuck it feels s-so goddamn good!” Y/N cried out while Cody grabbed a fistful of her hair and continued fucking himself into her at a rapid pace leaving the room filled with only noises that sounded like smacking, whimpering & heavy breathing
“What a pretty girl taking my cock so fucking good f’me” Cody moaned in her ear before he continued focusing on driving himself deeper into her, Y/N’s legs were shaking & she was overall overwhelmed from the amount of pleasure she was receiving, her spine shivered every time Cody teased at her clit & fucked her at the same time, he ran his free hand down his face to wipe off any tears from her face before his hips sputtered against her ass and came deep inside of her just as her climax hit “f-ffuck..” he moaned in the shell of her ear as Y/N let out short cries with her head leaned back as she kept convulsing and throbbing around his cock as her legs shook.
He had her roll over on her stomach after pulling out while he got behind her and lifted her hips up and pressed her ass back against them before fucking himself back into her while she cried into a pillow the more his thrusts became faster & harsher while he was leaning forward pressing himself against her back and kissing up on her neck “my good girl” he chanted in her ear like some sick love spell, the air in the room was thick, intimate, intense & overwhelming, Y/N panting and whining into the pillow whenever Cody slammed back into her pussy just to see her pretty face contort into an expression of pleasure while tears ran down her already red cheeks, he laid his hand against her lower back while letting out his own whimpers here and there when he felt the need to cum again, He would bury himself all the way inside of Y/N making her roll her eyes back and clutch ob the blankets, sheets, his wrist, everywhere.
“Yeah? Does that feel good pretty girl? You like it when I do that?” He taunted at her with his words while leaning back over her and kissing her shoulder while she nodded profusely before moaning out once he smacked her clit “f-fuck Cody! ‘m gonna cum again!” He smiled and fucked her at an even faster pace “c’mon angel cum for me, be a good girl for me and cum” he groaned out while she cried and flung her arm back to hold onto his hand for some support, both of them came together causing Cody to topple over her and hug her tightly against his body “love you so so much gorgeous” not a sense of nervousness or anxiety came out with those words, he said it almost naturally as if the two were already together, Y/N teared up and ended up breaking down at the sentence as overstimulation & emotion took over which alarmed him.
Cody was about to pull out to check on her but she protested immediately against his actions and pressed her ass further against him causing his cock to sink further inside of her making her moan into the pillow that was right next to her face “Sweetheart I gotta-“ she turned her head quickly and frowned at his unfinished sentence “n-no! I need you to stay, please?” This is exactly how he got into this predicament, her little pleads & the pout on her lips got him right here in this exact moment “Let me get you cleaned up first and then we’ll get back to..this, alright princess?” She sniffled a bit and nodded as he finally pulled out making her wince at the empty feeling, she rolled over on her back and watched as Cody went into the bath connected to the room & run warm water over a wash cloth & come back in the room to gently clean her up from the mess he made in-between her legs “you feeling okay?” He mumbled before pressing soft kisses against her ankle & tummy before throwing the wash cloth into the laundry basket & crawled back in bed with her & got ahold of the hair tie around her wrist and pulling her hair into a small pony tail “did you mean it?” She muttered nervously while he smiled tiredly and kissed her temple “Of course I did love, I’ve adored you for 3 whole years and I don’t think that will be changing anytime soon in the near future.” He mumbled against her hair while his hands massaged at her side “I love you too Codes.”
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Mamirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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mggsv ¡ 2 days
p. jimin x black!f reader || (18+) || reblogs would be appreciated!! <3
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warnings: smut !, squirting, reader is a bit on the more thicker side (but still can be read in any way that you like!), pussy eating, whiny Jimin, dirty talk
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You didn’t talk much. It wasn’t a huge thing for you- or better yet, it wasn’t huge when it came to talking to people you didn’t know. Those close to you got many, many words. Strangers? Not a thing. You’d rather sell a leg. You didn’t speak unless spoken to, it’s respectful.
You’ve just always been a quiet girl. Even when you met your favorite celebrities. All seven of them standing there, smiling at your small group of people. A group trip for college, you’re a dance major. It was only a matter of time before meeting them but this early in your career is insane. The nerves you felt, looking up at them to see them already staring back at you.
It was even worse with Jimin between your legs, your thick thighs being held, one being on his shoulder. “Cmon…still won’t say a thing?” You look down at him nervously, shying away behind your crochet sleeve.
“It’s hot.” you swallow, feeling the tip of his tongue kiss your clit. He hums softly, head lifting up just a bit to stare at you. He was so fucking scary at times. “…Jimin-“
“I love it when you talk.” He dips back in like nothing happened. Moaning softly, you feel the spit roll off his tongue onto your leaking cunt. “My pretty girl..” he muttered into your heat. You gasp quietly, biting down on your lip. His thumb rubbed small circles onto your thighs to calm you. He ate you out slowly, savoring every taste of you- every drop of cum that leaked from your wet cunt.
You trembled. Your hands holding onto the yarn of your sleeves. You whine softly- quietly, but Jimin heard just enough of you. How breathless you sound when you call his name. It wasn’t a secret he was experienced…some people seemed to think the opposite. You knew better though. “Fuck-“ you gasp, crying out. It was embarrassing, a silent moaner like yourself croaking the second Jimin’s fingers laid on you.
A fucking mess he made out of you. Sloppily eating your cunt, tongue flicking inside of you. You shut your eyes, feeling your body heat up- or maybe you were hot to begin with. Sweat bedding your forehead, hands finding a way to Jimin’s hair. You rutted against his plump lips, small whines of “Jimin please…” absentmindedly slipping as you came. You held him in place, wet cunt squeezing around whatever you could. Still, his tongue flicked over your sensitive clit while you rode out your orgasm on his face.
You couldn’t breathe. You felt his touch on the hand in his hair. Too tight, you figured. You release him, hand soothing over the spot. He sits up, erection obvious in the shorts he wore.
“Shit..” He chuckles. He looks over your form, biting his lip on how vulnerable you looked. You glance up at him, spreading your legs wider. Your glistening pussy on display. “Sweet girl..shall I fuck you now? Or are we still playing the quiet game? I mean you lost and everything-“ He licks the slick off his lips, tugging the shorts down to let his cock spring free. Tip pink and leaking. If you weren’t spread out for him you’d kick his hip from his little comments.
Every part of him was just so cute. His body leans over yours almost perfectly, part from the kisses he littered on your neck, up your face, to your lips.
“You alright?” he murmurs softly to you, tucking his face into your neck. “Need a break baby?” You found yourself lifting your legs just a bit.
“..I’m okay..just put it in.” You turn your head a bit, kissing the side of his hair. You shut your eyes once again, Jimin’s cock slipping between your folds. You moan loudly, aching clit throbbing. Every inch of him being sucked in, how you waited and waited..he was such a fucking tease but you loved it. Jimin shudders above you, a small whine leaving his lips as he drew his hips back.
“Oh fuck-“ You roll your hips in sync with his. The thick head of his cock disappearing further with each thrust. Whining softly, your mouth falls open. Jimin speeding up his pace. Your body so sensitive every inch of you felt on fire- every bit on edge. Your legs shook, he held them almost instantly to steady himself. Repeated hard thrusts fucking into your gushing cunt. “Ah- hah…J-Jimin-!” You felt your orgasm near.
Cock twitching inside of you, he slowed down. His moans becoming louder, pants heavier, his eyes fluttering. A whiny moan tearing from his throat as he looked down at you. Sweat covering his chest, balls slapping against your ass. Aside from the wet sounds coming from your bodies connecting, Jimin was going crazy. He started mumbling, gasping when your hole tightened around him.
“..gonna fuck this pussy..gonna cum inside you s’much baby…takin’ me so well so good fuck-“
You came with a silent scream, your body trembling, toes curled as you held onto the man with everything left in you. He groans, eyes fluttering shut as he tucked his face into your shoulder. Hips rolling into you to ride out his orgasm. Jimin panted above you, a small chuckle leaving his lips while he kissed below your ear
Of course that was only the first round..he’d be filling you up more before you know it.
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brandyllyn ¡ 2 days
Silk from their soul (08)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Rated: Teen (series will be explicit) Words: 1.7k Summary: Where'd you learn to shoot like that?
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
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Three days go by and the Ghoul still hasn’t figured out what the fuck’s he’s going to do. He’s managed to redirect them to a farmstead that’s been abandoned for a good decade already. It was a decent enough place to hole up for the night, and kept them from heading straight toward her goal. Kept them closer to the stateline than not.
He needs to just fucking do it.
He knows her now, knows how she walks, how she thinks. She probably wouldn’t try to fight him when he finally told her about the bounty. More likely she would just deflate, that same sad look settling on her face as when they’d found a dead songbird on the path.
She’d still eaten it, but she’d nearly cried.
Something in him recoiled at the idea of putting that look on her.
Not like it mattered much. They had supplies enough, thanks to her haggling, and he wasn’t in a rush to move on to the next thing. The price on her head would set him for a while - his feet would start itching long before he needed to meet his needs
So what was the difference in spending a bit more time with someone who didn’t flinch every time they looked at him? Someone who teased him and acted like they were out for a Sunday stroll every damn day even with the rad roaches and the mole rats. Someone who, occasionally, made him remember the man he used to be.
It was fucking dangerous is what it was.
The man he was couldn’t survive in the wasteland. That man had a sense of honor, of right and wrong, that would abso-fucking-lutely get him killed. 
Get them killed.
Because she was soft cotton and flower petals wrapped in a pretty sun dress and without him she would have been dead a thousand times over by now, he just knew it. Someone had to make those choices, shoot a man in the face, to keep them both alive.
“You need to learn how to shoot.”
She turns to look at him as he says it, carefully clambering over a rocky outcropping. “I do?”
“If you plan to survive out here you need to know how to protect yourself.”
“And you think that means learning how to shoot?”
He grunts and quickens his pace so he can pass her, scanning the area until he sees what he’s looking for - a small ridge line with darker colored rocks buried in the sand about fifty yards away. He catches her by the waist as she tries to go past, spinning her until she’s directly in front of him and they’re both facing it.
“First rule is don’t ever point this thing at me,” he tells her, pulling his pistol and settling it into her hand.
“I thought the first rule is treat every gun like it’s loaded?”
“That’s the second rule.”
She chuckles and he feels it all the way down his spine. He shouldn’t be standing so close to her but he’d be lying if it wasn’t half the reason he’d decided to start this little impromptu lesson. Pulling his gloves off he tucks them into his belt.
“This one’s got a bit of kick so you should hold it with both hands.” He takes her left wrist and lifts her arm, wrapping her fingers around the hilt alongside the other. It’s exactly like a dozen movies he was in a lifetime ago, holding a woman in his arms while he showed them how to do some mundane task. 
They almost always ended in a kiss.
Gulping, he leans over her shoulder. “See that green rock over yonder? See if you can’t-”
The rock shatters.
The Ghoul blinks in the hazy smoke, staring at the hill. When he turns back she’s got her head tilted up to his, their faces inches apart. “The black with a white stripe next?” she asks before adjusting and pulling the trigger. The damn woman never even looks away from him, the rock she identified spinning down the hill in a cloud of dust.
“Did I hit it?”
“Did you-” Stepping away he takes his hat off, squinting at the ridgeline. “Why the fuck am I the one doing all the shooting?”
Grinning, you pass the gun back, carefully pointing the barrel down. “I don’t have a pistol.”
“Why the hell didn’t you buy yourself one?”
“If you spend too much money in one spot people get greedy. We were pretty much maxed out on survival gear.”
And she’d bought him chem instead. He gapes at her, trying to figure her out. Everyone had an angle, everyone was in it for themself. He’d known that for centuries now. And yet she still managed to surprise him.
Even more so when she nudges his shoulder companionably with her own. “Don’t be mad, I’ve had years of practice.”
He stares at her face, untouched by time and a fierce counterpoint to his own. His curious fascination shifts into a grudging respect. Where before he had found her interesting, an anomaly, knowing that she could take care of herself if it came to it made his body light the fuck up. She’s close enough he only has to shift slightly for them to be standing toe to toe - barely a breath between them.
Smooth skin is cool under his palm, her neck arching just so into the curve of his hand. It’s too intense, he can feel it, heat thrumming between them. And it’s not just him - her eyes are glazed, her breath suddenly coming in rapid pants. Not a kiss, a kiss would be too much, too much for her to handle his face and mouth that close.
No, he wants a taste instead. Of all his sense only taste remains as sharp as it once was - undiluted by the effects of time and radiation.
There’s no resistance when he tilts her head to the side, ducking down to run his tongue along the exposed skin. He doesn’t imagine the way she shudders, or that her pulse leaps beneath his lips.
He could bite her, gnaw the life out of her bones.
With a low groan he sinks his teeth into her shoulder, tasting the salt of her sweat and the sweetness of her skin. His head is full of her scent, her body pulled flush to his own. Fuck his missing nose and ruined face, if he can’t taste the inside of her mouth right now he might just collapse right here in the dirt.
Nibbling his way back up her neck, he rubs his lips against her skin, nipping at her chin before swooping in to take her mouth. To tangle their tongues together and feel her moan how much she wants him all the way to his cock.
It’s a bucket of ice water when she jerks away, shoving against his chest and sending him stumbling a step backwards.
Hunger nearly overwhelms him, hazy redness creeping at the edge of his vision. It’s not the Turning, not quite, but something rawer and deeper. He wants to throw her to the ground and rut against her - flip her to her knees and…
A quick jerk of his head and he comes back to himself. She’s a few feet away, chest heaving. There’s a red mark on her neck and he feels a rush of pleasure that he left it there. She looks a bit unsteady herself and he takes a gamble.
“I’ve been told a fair few times that no means no - but it seems to me there might be a bit of room for interpretation here.”
“No kissing,” she blurts out, seeming stunned by her own words.
“Anywhere?” He cocks his head, hooking his thumbs into his belt, “That takes a bit of the fun out of things, don’t you think?”
A hand flies up to cover her mouth and she lets out a strained laugh. It breaks the mood - whatever it was - between them, and he sighs as he steps further away from her.
“We’re gonna lose a crop we keep on like this, you ready?”
She doesn’t point out that he’s the one who called for the stop, nor does she mention that it was his actions that caused the delay. She keeps pace near him, not saying a word and he doesn’t bother to fill the silence.
Had he read her wrong? Her pulse had thrummed like a hummingbird under his hand but that could as easily have been fear. Maybe she had been terrified of him, too scared to stop him. He hadn’t tried to fuck anyone in over a hundred years - hell his cock hardly worked half the time these days. Maybe he’d fucked up.
So much for his thoughts of having a bit of fun before turning her over. 
It was too bad, she was pretty and tasted like cool spring water and spun sugar. It was enough to make his mouth water. And she looked at him like he was still a man, not a monster. Then again, he’d been a hell of a lot nicer to her than he’d been to most people the last few years. Maybe everyone was as sweet if he was just a little kinder to them.
Sure, and he’d wake up tomorrow to find he was hairier than a yeti’s ass.
He pauses, staring at the horizon. The sun would set in about an hour and there weren’t nothing he could think of nearby to make camp at. Maybe a bit of fallen overpass? He’d take second watch and tie her up while she slept. Then he could explain things nice and easy in the morning and quit this stupid ass farce they were engaged in.
“The mouth.”
It was the first words she’d said in hours and he glanced her way with a scowl. “What was that?”
She won’t meet his eyes, looking pointedly away from him. “You asked, and I’m answering.”
It takes a moment for his brain to catch up. He just couldn’t kiss her on the mouth, that’s what she was telling him.
Well hell, he could work with that.
☢ ☢ ☢
For updates follow and turn on notifications for @brandyllyn-writes
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jiminiecrickets ¡ 2 days
another love'a little dagger drabble??🌝
oc and taehyung are doing the nasty and then jimin calls oc, tae ist jealous and picks up the phone for oc and let's jimin hear what they're doing 🌝
warnings: riding/reverse cowgirl, they're so mean to each other for no reason lol, abrupt ending oops, also ignore any continuity errors please and thank
"fuck, you're pretty."
the wet slap of skin on skin only quickens in response. it's obscene, filthy, the way he tosses his head back as he grips your knees, bouncing his tight little ass on your cock with all the crass sexuality of an early megan fox movie. sweat drips down his temple, dampening the ends of his fading red hair. it's a pinkish-orange, uneven with sun exposure and a messy bleach and dye job, but somehow it looks intentional – something like a summer beach sunset. even the striking black roots don't look ugly.
"pretty," taehyung repeats with a hiss. "pretty pretty pretty. i'm never anything else to you, am i? not hot, not sexy, just this fucking pretty. even when your dick's in me, that's all i get?"
you scoff. you'd roll your eyes, but doing so means you'd have to tear your gaze off of his ass rippling off your thighs. your palm cracks against his ass and he jerks, his cry like a snap of a whip. you massage the reddening skin absently. "you know you're both of those things. me saying them doesn't matter. shit—" your head falls back to the couch backrest as he clamps down around you, tight as as vice. "you're shaking. like getting spanked, do you, naughty thing?"
"sh-shut up," he growls, his breathy grunts and moans like melted chocolate, heavy over your senses. his lashes flutter as he drops his hips, slowing to lazily grind into you so he can remember how to breathe and to fully appreciate how fucking deep your cock reaches. "oh, god..."
to your credit, you oblige, though he knows the smirk on your face isn't going anywhere. your hands print bruises in their shape on his hips and the pain of your nails digging into his skin makes his cock throb with the shudder zinging up his spine.
he's close. so fucking close.
your phone rings.
taehyung's eyes snap open. that's a different ringtone to your default.
"ignore it," you groan, the impatience in your voice turning to annoyance as taehyung both dismisses you and leans over to pick it up from the side table. "taehyung, damn it—"
"hey, babe," jimin croons from the other side. "i'm lonely. i miss you."
you can't get a single word out before taehyung's brow knits and he grunts, "he doesn't miss you, though."
only silence filters through the phone, and taehyung's heart leaps with the joy of a victory. finally. he's lost enough to the bitch who sidelined him in the first place.
"taehyung, fuck, hang up." your hands push and pull loosely at his still hips, and when he doesn't budge, you try bucking up into him. he clenches around you and glances over his shoulder in warning, settling his entire weight on your lap to pin you down. you hiss as his heat swallows you to the hilt. "taehyung!"
taehyung turns his attention back to the phone pressed against his ear. he won't give you the satisfaction of hearing jimin's voice. "give up. you're temporary, meat to chew up and spit out. there's a reason he never hangs out with you outside of a quick fuck, you know – you've got nothing to show except your money and your ass. you're not good enough for him."
"and you are?" jimin retorts, his voice cold and sharp even as taehyung slams his hips down on your cock and moans directly into the receiver. "at least i could pay for our dates with my own money, give him everything he could ever want. you? you'd give him a single twelve-dollar rose and a blowjob, hoping he won't look too closely at how you can't even afford the touch-ups for your hair. you're pretty but held upright by bluffs and hot air."
high on the heat of your body, taehyung only lets out a breathy laugh, punctuated by a moan as your cock thrusts into him. "you think i'm bluffing? who's the one cold and lonely, and who's got him for company? oh, fuck yes—!"
"you might have him now, but i have him when it matters. people know he likes me because i can show him off in public. everyone thinks he hates you with how much he complains about you and your shitty habits," he sneers on the other side. "sure, he might only like me for my ass, but how is it any different with you? he's not dating either of us, and i'm the one he puts on his arm. sorry, honey, but i don't think you're as much of a winner as you think you are."
he hangs up immediately, and taehyung lowers the phone. he glares at the pixels spelling out his name. he tosses it aside with a huff, leaning back and bracing against your body to ride you faster, harder. your groans are music to his ears.
"shit, taehyung, slow down – gonna snap my fuckin' cock in half like that," you grunt, the squelch of lube and cum stirring arousal deep in your gut.
"gonna make you lose your mind," he purrs, "make you forget all about that other bitch. there's gonna be a time, y'know, when you have to choose. i'm showing you why you'd do well to pick me."
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sunshineandspencer ¡ 2 days
Coffee dates (Iridescent, Part 3)
A/N: I don’t know how to enemies to lovers, why can’t we all just be friends. Again, I haven’t seen past season 10, I don’t know how it works or who is present so if there are mistakes you can blame showrunners for making me too nervous to keep watching <3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!OC.
Summary: Their last coffee date before finally getting back to the office, he’s bored and wants to find out what she’s been working on. 
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: swearing, spencer is an ass™
Parts: Pt1, Pt2, Pt4
Let me stress, this is not Maeve from the show, but my own Maeve just named the same to send Spencer into hell whenever he thinks about it.
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They’re getting close to the end of his probationary period now, and the thought of getting back to the office, and back to catching psychos was intoxicating.
Sure, she enjoyed his lectures, but not nearly enough to deal with him for longer than she had to.
There’s only one of his lectures left, and yet she still finds herself completing the last assignment he gave just like all the rest. It’s due today and mostly completed, but she just wanted to tweak a few things and add some more references. Working quietly next to him in the campus cafe as always.
He’s realised before, but now that his time was coming to a close, he was properly aware of the fact that she was always working. On all their little coffee dates - he refuses to call them that, and she only does it to piss him off - between their lectures, she’s always writing.
So far that’s been perfect, because he didn’t want to talk to her unless absolutely necessary, neither did she. The two of them avoid conversation like the plague and have silent coffee dates in his breaks.
However, he has no marking left, and finished his book, he is bored and wants to annoy her.
A quick text told him that it’s paid leave for her, which he didn’t know until now but makes the fact that she actually put up with him make sense, and means that she isn’t going over casework. He’s dying to know what it is.
When he sends her off for another round of coffee, he barely even waits for her to turn the corner towards the till to reach out and snatches the page she had been writing on.
Surprise turns him cold to find that it’s his work, set in the lectures that he expected his students to complete. Not only that, but he recognises the writing style, and she had been giving in work as someone called ‘Maisie’, lying about who she is.
Of all the people attending his lecture, he certainly didn’t expect her to do the work, much less under a different name.
Especially when the writing is so.. Good.
Maeve finally came back, sitting down and sliding his coffee across to him, not even batting an eye that he had her work in his hands. Sipping her coffee and feeling the immediate bitter tang of caffeine. Setting her own mug down and shrugging at his questioning tone.
“You’re completing the work I set?”
Part of him wondered if she would try to lie, wanting to determine what he could get from profiling her if she did. Expectedly, however, expected her to tell the truth, it’s definitely on brand for her. Suck up.
“I’m not allowed casework when I’m with you, in case you try to involve yourself.” Glaring at him, considering they had proved Emily right by inserting himself uninvited into her work the minute he got bored and she turned her back. Cons of working with profilers, he supposes. “I needed something to do or I would’ve gone crazy. Besides, I felt like you’d want someone completing the work because they enjoy the lecture, not because they think you’re pretty.”
He stared at her for a moment, really using all 187 points of his IQ to take in what she said, then shook his head. Placing the sheet back on the pile and picking up his coffee.
“My students don’t find me attractive.”
Honestly, he’s a little offended by the way she scoffed at him.
“The room is 80% women, they don’t even pay attention half the time, they just stare at you and your hands.” His hands? Now it just feels like she’s projecting, but she doesn’t stop talking yet. “One of them didn’t even complete your last assignment. She just handed in an A4 piece of paper with her number on, it was titled ‘Call Me’.”
He remembers, and he didn’t even look at it long enough to remember the number. The past minute of conversation feels like it shouldn’t be real. Blinking softly in confusion and trying to subtly glancing down from her to his hands and then back again.
Deciding to just hum softly, as if it wasn’t actually something new to him. Picking up his coffee to finally take a sip, irritatingly perfect - God he wished she didn’t try so hard.
“And you?”
“You’re a woman.”
Lifting her head, the look on her face was a picture. Feeling that, had he spoken in Dutch, he probably would’ve gotten the exact same facial expression.
“Am.. I supposed to congratulate you for correctly identifying that I’m a woman?”
He scowled over at her, and that’s a lot better. Their little coffee dates over the last 30 days had been spent mostly silent aside from snide comments and scowls, she wasn’t used to all this conversation from him. So getting him back to scowling again felt like progress.
Until he leant in, a smug grin settling on her face again that she was quickly coming to hate.
“No. But~ surely, if you’ve noticed them finding me attractive, doesn’t that mean you think I’m pretty as well? Hm, little assistant?”
Thankfully, she doesn’t even miss a beat.
“I’d rather make out with a pencil sharpener than you, Doctor Reid.”
Spencer couldn’t help the scowl on his face, even though he was still very smug on the inside. She so gets off on calling him that.
But she got up, and that startled him slightly, watching as she started to pack away her work into her bag. Eyes darting to his, meeting his scowl with a smug grin of her own for managing to get back at him again. Hoping, desperately, that he doesn’t notice that she didn’t actually answer his question.
“Your last lecture is starting soon, hurry up.”
Of course she thinks he’s pretty, but that doesn’t mean she likes him. And she certainly isn’t going to admit it to his face.
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Want more?! Good!
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ok but seriously can't stop thinking about ryu shi-oh taking the drug yk getting all strong and veiny and just monster-fucking you 😵😵
~ I’m back !!💕 please don’t hate me 😭but I just came back after months and seen I had lots of request so I had to come back , as you all know my only grandma passed so I took time off but I’m back loves💕!!!~
Ryu Shi Oh! Fem!Reader
Genre : Smut
Warning ⚠️: Drugs , rough sex , name calling , teasing , shower sex
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It was around 12 pm when you received a text from you boyfriend that he would be home a bit early today not exactly telling you the time that he would be home assuming he wouldn’t be home for a another hour or two as you finish the last bit of your sandwich before placing the plate in the dishwasher
Heading out of the kitchen walking through the living room as you head for the stairs to your shared bedroom opening the door as he was always left cracked open since you lived alone with Shi Oh, entering the bedroom heading for the closet grabbing each handle of the closet pulling the doors open allowing you to step inside the huge closet eyes scanning around the closet before landing on a box that looked to be untouched reaching for the box heading out of the closet as you put the box on your shared bed slowly opening the top of the box …It was a lingerie set a bra with pretty butterfly designs on the breast are as well as a matching butterfly on the front of the thongs * like this *
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Smiling a bit as your remembering how you would always stop and stare at the matching set any time you were in the lingerie store with Ryu Shi Oh but you didn’t think he would actually get it for you staring at the matching set as you then become a bit confused
‘why did he tell me to wait until today to wear it tho, it’s so pretty’ reader thought letting out a small sigh as you shake the thoughts out of your head before taking the matching set out of the box taking the box throwing it in the near by trash in your shared room going towards your dresser in the left corner of the huge room
Opening the top right drawer looking at the drawer full of different colors of silk robes , deciding to go with the white laced see through robe quickly grabbing the silk white robe closing the drawer looking at your different variety of perfumes , lotions and other smell goods on the top of the dresser grabbing your berries scent body scrub along with you 24 hr lotion , perfume and body wash that was also berry scented as it came in a set
Putting your lotion perfume and robe on the bed as you head for the bathroom leaving the door open since you were the only one in the house at the moment, grabbing two new clean one for your body and the other for your girly parts turning towards the walk in shower sliding the see through glass door open reaching your hands for the shower’s knob quickly turning the knob as you turn the water towards hot
Waiting a few seconds before striping completely out of your clothes taking your hair out of your ponytail allowing your head to breath a bit before stepping inside the shower sliding close the glass door behind you, turning to face the hot water sighing as the water runs down your naked body causing your muscles to relax stepping closer to the shower head as your hair becomes soaked the hot water flowing down your hair as it travels down your body while your become deep in thought
It’s been a good 15 minutes since you’ve been in the shower your mind still roaming about what you should do tomorrow since tomorrow would be Ryu Shi Oh only day off sighing as your mind continues to roam with thoughts not allowing you to hear the sound of your name being called from downstairs causing Shi Oh to become a bit confused his brows now knitted together as he looks around the first floor not seeing your presence as he starts to head for the stairs
Reader still letting her mind roam freely not hearing the should of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs , slowly heading towards the bedroom as they come to a stop for a few seconds
Ryu Shi Oh now stopped on his tracks looking at the bed seeing your clothes let out on the bed his eyes which were already dark now filled with lust turning his head towards the open bathroom door smirking as Ryu Shi oh slowly walks towards the bathroom stopping at the door as his eyes stare at your naked form though the glass smirk growing a bit wider as he didn’t make a sound just stares at your naked form , suddenly feeling eyes pierce through your skull lifting your head quickly wiping the water that dropped down your face turning quickly only to for your eyes to fall on Ryu Shi oh becoming a bit confused as he slowly was closer stoping at the sliding door before he strips out of his work suit sliding the door open and stepping inside once he was undressed
Your eyes never leaving Ryu Shi Oh’s form as you feel your breath become caught in your throat .. don’t get it wrong you’ve seen him naked a lot of times but something was different today .. his veins were more visible than they would normally be , his muscles looked more tense than usual as his veins was more of a bluish color as your eyes continued to scan over Ryu Shi oh not telling that he got closer to you eyes never leaving your smaller form
“S-Shi oh what’s wrong..” reader says a bit nervously his dark eyes never leaving yours , closing the gap between you his lips attacking your neck with wet kisses causing you to let out a small moan as his cold hand gently squeeze your plump breast licking up your neck before giving you a rough kiss causing you to moan in the kiss , slowly moving his hand down your wet body grabbing at your thigh wrapping your leg around his torso before slowly moving to your now dripping core as you become more needy with every touch
Deepening the kiss as he plays with your wet fluids groaning into the kiss from how soaked you were and he didn’t do much feeling his member start to become excited as his inserts two of his long slender fingers into your entrance as he starts pumping them at a fast pace causing you to pull away from the kiss as you let out a loud moan , groaning a bit before kisses your neck making sure to leave his mark before picking up his pace pulling away from your neck after a few seconds dark eyes now looking at your dripping cunt as he adds a third finger growing at how tight you were groaning as you tighten around his fingers
“R-Ryu S-shi oh.. p-please” reader moans out feeling you knew your were close but his fingers weren’t enough you need him
“Please what, I don’t know what you mean pretty girl” Ryu Shi oh replies voice deeper than usual letting out a loud moan as you feel his fingers pump in and out of you faster your walls squeezing tears building in your eyes as Ryu Shi oh lets out a dark chuckle curling his fingers in your soaked cunt
Amusement and lust fills his eyes as they never leave your small form your arms wrapped around his neck tightly , your loud moans filling his ears biting at his lower lip feeling his member now harden and leaking of precum quickly removing his fingers as from your soaked cunt now tighten around nothing , grabbing your other leg before wrapping it around his torso keeping your back against the shower wall the hot water now running down both your naked bodies
Attacking your lips with another kiss causing your to moan in the kiss you were so focused on the kiss you didn’t notice as he slowly strokes his member before lining his swollen tip still leaking with precum as he pushes the tip past you entrance making sure to not push another further causing you to whine as you try to push down his whole 8 inch cock only for Ryu Shi oh to grab at your hips making sure you stay in place deepening the kiss as you let out another whine , letting out a chuckle as he pulls away from the kiss once again leaving kisses at your neck before slamming the rest of his member in to your soaked cunt
Letting out a loud gasp as Ryu Shi oh doesn’t give you time to adjust to his size as he quickly picks up his pace pounding into your soaked cunt , grabbing at his hair as your other hand scratches at his back only causing him to grown before picking up his pace , tears now streaming down your face as your mind starts to become blank only focusing on how Ryu Shi Oh cock was now bullying your cervix cash ring you to tighten with each thrust , Ryu Shi oh now looking at your facial expressions your eyes rolled to the back of your head tears streaming down your face as your mouth a gasp stopping his pace as he takes his hands from your thighs now placing them under your plump ass with a good hold before turning to slide open the shower door heading for the bed room not caring how soaked you were quickly throwing your on the bed as he turns you on your stomach in one swift motion pulling your ass in the air before you could process what was happening he pushing his 8inch harden coo back into your swollen cunt picking up his pace your hands now gripping at the sheets trying to pull away as you could feel a budge form in the pit of your stomach and you knew it was his cock leaving a nudge on you stomach with each hard thrust he took placing a hand in the middle of your back his eyes watching as your plump ass bounces back against him with each hard thrust
Letting out a deep groan as he places his other hand in your back causing your back to arch more than it was as your mouth lay agasp
“S-s-shi FUCK Shi oh p-p-please I-I can’t…t-to much a-shi o-OH” reader moans out as you feel one of his huge hands now gripping tightening at your hips as your feel his thrust become a bit sloppy a knot now forming in the pit of your stomach gripping at the sheets as you try to pull away only to be slammed back against his throbbing cock causing him to go deeper in your womb
“F-Fuck just stay-y s-still and hold it” Ryu Shi Oh says more of a demand as you knew he knew you were cumming but you also knew that you couldn’t hold it not with how he was abusing your cervix with is cock not caring that you had tears running down your face it only made him want to fuck into you more he loved how you took him so well letting he toss you around like a rag doll , he loved how his shy and quiet doll could get so loud for him and only him picking up his pace as he throws his head back a grin held on his lips as he feels your juices releasing on he harden member looking down at you gripping at your hips as he pounds harder into you sensitive cunt your juices leaking from your swollen cunt as he strokes become sloppier by the second before letting out a deep grain as he covered your tight walls with his cum tightening his jaw as he slowly pulls out of your soaked cunt sitting on the edge of the bed as he looks at you his cock still hardened , his veins still visible standing to his feet as he heads for the bathroom going for the bath tub as he runs warm water while your tired and sore form slowly drifts off to sleep
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pennylanefics ¡ 2 days
Slow Dancing - Jack Drury
a/n: ever since my friend got me into jack van cleaf, i've been obsessed with his songs, and his acoustic "OurVinyl" sessions is so beautiful and always gives me soft thoughts of dancing with a lover. and because i love the thunderstorm theme, you're seeing it again :D
summary: when the power goes out during a bad storm, jack finds a way to entertain yourselves for the night
word count: ~1.9k
✨the songs are below for your listening pleasure✨
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Rain clouds coat the sky in a thick layer, rolling in faster than ever and quickly shielding your house in a shadow of darkness. The sun was beginning to set at this point of the night anyway, but it was completely overtaken by the stormy weather that was predicted to go through the night.
Jack was in the kitchen, washing the dishes from dinner while you put the leftovers away and clean up the table. Both of you watch the sky out of the kitchen window, noticing that far in the distance, it was misty and foggy, a clear sign that rain was headed your way.
“How long did they say the storm was supposed to last?” Jack wonders, turning the sink off and drying his hands on the towel hanging from the oven.
“I think till like eight or nine, then it stops for a bit, before another cell moves in around midnight, and then it’s supposed to continue through the night,” you explain, staring at the weather website open on your phone. “Says there’s a chance of hail, strong winds, and potential flash floods.”
“Damn. At least it’ll be a peaceful night,” he hums softly, walking over to where you stand and wrapping his arms around you.
“Mhm,” you mumble into his chest, closing your eyes for a few seconds. “Wanna watch a movie now?”
“Sure, honey.” He pulls away from you and takes your hand to walk to the living room together, and within minutes, you are curled up on the couch in Jack’s arms, a movie the two of you love playing on the TV, just as the rain starts to fall onto the roof of your shared home.
About halfway through the movie, a bright flash of lightning lights the room, followed by a loud crack of thunder, shaking the walls around you, and unfortunately knocking your power out. Neither of you move, your eyes darting around the pitch black room, trying to figure out what to do.
“Um,” Jack clears his throat after a few moments, “I think we have those flameless candles from that party Jarvy threw somewhere.”
Seth wanted to throw some Medieval-themed party and something that was the main attraction was candlelight, obviously. But since you and Jack offered to throw the party at your place, just big enough to house the team and their significant others, neither of you wanted to deal with real candles and the risk of any being knocked over. Or catching someone’s clothing on fire.
So, you went out and bought a ton of battery powered candles to set up all over the dinner table and around the house. It was quite a fun party, and they really did the job well enough.
“Oh yeah, are they in the office closet still?” You stand up from the couch after turning on the flashlight on your phone, lighting up the room pretty well. Jack squints slightly and looks up at you.
“They should be.”
You head down the hall and to the home office that is set up for your remote job, and dig through some boxes before finding all the pale candles. Dragging the box out, you set your phone on top of it and walk back to the living room.
As the storm continues to rage on outside, you and Jack flick on each candle individually and place them all throughout the living room. A couple were set on the mantle below the TV, a couple on the coffee table in front of you, and a bunch of others spread out around the room on different surfaces.
“I love this,” Jack smiles as you finally settle back down on the couch together. But you come to a realization that you have nothing to entertain you.
“It’s very romantic,” you comment, looking up at him, his face lit in the warm glow of the soft lights, making him appear like he was an angel that just touched down on Earth. He smiles softly, his hand coming up to brush a tendril of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
It’s such an intimate gesture that he does all the time, but every single time he does it, even after a couple years of dating, it sends butterflies to your stomach, swarming around like they were trying to find a way to escape.
“I have an idea of what we could do,” he softly speaks up after a few minutes of cuddling again. 
“Hm, what’s that?” You wonder, raising your head from his shoulder, your eyes lighting up at the mention of entertainment.
“I’ll be right back.” Jack suddenly rises from his spot on the couch, taking a candle with him to guide the way. You giggle as he strides up the stairs, disappearing into the vast darkness. A minute passes before he returns with a speaker in his hand.
He hooks the bluetooth up from his phone to the speaker and takes a moment to select a playlist. He turns the volume up a little and sets it on the coffee table in front of you, rushing over to open the window that leads out to your wrap around porch, the sound of rain hitting the concrete filling the room.
Jack steps back over to where you sit and sticks his hand out, a small, sly grin on his face.
“Care to dance?” He wonders with a sweet tone in his voice. You listen to the song that plays through the speaker and realize it’s one of your favorite songs by Jack Van Cleaf, “Rattlesnake”, and it’s the acoustic version, too.
Standing, you take Jack’s hand and follow him to the open space behind the couch, your arms reaching up to rest on his shoulders, your hands tangling in the hair at the back of his neck. His own hands are placed on your lower back, his fingers intertwined. He holds you close, staring down at you with such an in-love gaze in his bright eyes.
As you softly hum along to the song, Jack can’t help the way his smile widens, thoughts racing in his head. The calming noises of the rain drifting in from beside you, the cool chill of the wind that blows in, the way Jack holds you close to him like you could drift away from him at any moment, all of your emotions get the best of you while the song plays on.
“I love you,” you whisper up at him, staring deep into his eyes, still swaying side to side with him. A blush paints his cheeks pink, which you can barely see in the limited lighting, but you can tell just by the bashful smile that he’s flattered by your words.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he whispers back, leaning forward to capture your lips in a kiss. He then kisses your nose, moving onto your cheek, and finally landing on your forehead.
Jack loved doing that, whenever he’d kiss you, he couldn’t get enough and always wanted more. So he’d kiss around your face, the feeling your warm skin beneath his lips always sending his mind crazy; almost every time he does this, he mumbles how he could kiss you for the rest of his life and never get tired, something you wanted just as much as him.
The song ends and another song from the same artist plays, “Wild Roses”, this time the original verson. Jack’s hands slowly unwind from their threaded position and he ever so sweetly begins running them up and down your back at a tantalizingly slow pace, like he wanted to savor every inch of your skin that he touched.
The song continues to play and Jack begins to hum along quietly. One of his hands leaves your back and raises to grab your own hand, freeing it from the mess that is his hair. It’s one of your favorite things about the off-season, on days where he had no plans, Jack kept his hair free of any products and sometimes didn’t even comb it.
You love the ragged look, something you got to see often after he finished a game and his hair was covered in sweat or still damp from showering, if he chose to; it was also the same sight after a passionate night together, where your hands would be tugging at his hair to pull him closer or to release the pleasure coursing through your body.
He brings your hand up to his face, holding it like a prince would a princess’s hand that he was courting. His eyes never leave yours as he presses kisses to your fingers, before moving to the first set of knuckles, then the next set, and finally the back of your hand, his eyes fluttering shut as he does.
The tenderness of the moment makes you forget about the world around you, the storm attacking the town outside with hail, the music filling the otherwise silent room disappears from your ears, and Jack is the only thing you can focus on; the way his cologne stings your nose in an intoxicating way, the soft fabric of his shirt underneath your hands, the gentle kisses he gives you, everything.
“Honey?” His voice breaks your daze and you shake your head a little, humming in surprise. “You okay?” He lets out a light chuckle, his hand dropping yours to retreat back to your face, caressing the flushed and warm skin of your cheek with his knuckle.
“Yeah. Just zoned out for a moment,” you reply, clearing your throat. Jack doesn’t respond and you take this time to rest your head on his shoulder, your arms now wrapped around his torso. Your fingertips tease him a little by trailing slightly under the hem of his shirt, outlining the ticklish area just above the waistband of his sweats.
The two of you stay put for a little while longer, slow songs continuing to play, some Hozier mixed in as well, and a few songs that Jack loves too. The rain is still falling outside, but at this point, the room starts to get a little too chilly, since the temperature dropped significantly. After seeing you shiver a little, Jack realizes the issue.
He lets you go and shuts the window, rubbing his eyes after he does; he had also began to fall asleep with you in his arms.
“I think we should head to bed,” you comment, noticing the exhausted expression taking over his face. He laughs a little and shrugs.
“Don’t know why I’m so tired all of a sudden, but I’m sure the power won’t be back on till tomorrow anyways. Not sure how much longer I can stand up.”
Jack disconnects his phone and turns the speaker off, but before you head upstairs, you switch all the candles off, but gather a couple to light your bedroom and bathroom for the time being. Both of you take your time doing your nighttime routines, and soon enough, Jack’s got you in his arms again, one candle lighting the room on your bedside table. 
The heavy rain pounding on the roof creates a relaxing atmosphere, one of the reasons you were struggling to keep your eyes open. Jack kisses along your forehead, not saying a single word, but his actions are filled with adoration.
Nights like these were your favorite, where not much has to be said but you can still feel how much the other loves and cares for you, with the lightest of touches or the sweetest of kisses. Loving Jack was easy, and you were very thankful he gave you the same amount of love back, and then some.
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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searchingsomewhere ¡ 3 days
All Too Well, Part 7
{"We're good people, and we both deserve peace."}
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8
I know we're moving quick here, trying to go at the pace the anime generally goes, but I might write some oneshots of them being teens because I just want them to be happy ;^;
Two weeks and they were back in their regular routine, with some exceptions. At Yaga's request, Miho was allowed to attend several of his classes with Shoko, Suguru, and Satoru. Not every class, but some. Shoko pulled her aside one day as they left the library when she finally noticed Suguru walking Miho to and from her room every morning and afternoon.
"So," Shoko said, linking their arms as they walked, "I noticed you and Suguru are pretty close. Are you dating?"
"We're trying to keep it quiet, but yes," Miho said.
Shoko smiled softly, "How serious?"
"Barely. Just feeling things out," Miho admitted. It really hadn't been long.
"That kind of stuff is hard. You never really know when the two of you will go out, and only one will come back."
Miho watched the ground as they walked. It had only been a few weeks, and she and Suguru had already had that conversation. You had to, going out on missions like they did. It was a tentative situation.
"Just don't let the higher ups hear," Shoko muttered.
That was the whole reason they were being quiet about it. Still, hearing it from someone else peaked her interest. "What do you mean?"
Shoko glanced over her shoulder, as if expecting someone to be watching them.
"They're awfully nosey. I just feel like..." she shook her head, "...I don't know. Just be careful."
Miho squeezed her arm in a quiet 'thank you'. It felt strange, having people looking out for her. She was having trouble remembering how isolating the library had been.
Muted afternoon sunlight filtered into the gym. Thunder rolled softly outside. Suguru was waiting for them there, sitting on one of the bleachers. He had just returned from a mission with Satoru, though the white haired boy was nowhere to be found.
"So how many hand signs does it take to activate Retribution?" Suguru asked.
"Eight. I can do them in about a minute, but I'm trying to get faster. A minute is an awful long time."
She molded her hands into the first sign, keeping her pointer and ring finger down. Shoko stood from her seat nervously.
"Should you really be doing that?" she asked.
"As long as I'm not activating it, it's fine," Miho said. She went through all eight motions slowly, feeling them out, fingers instinctively moving without thought. "I think my problem is cursed energy control."
"How so?"
"Retribution allows me to expend all my cursed energy at once into a single seal. And since it's a Domain Expansion, it's guaranteed to work. But," she dropped her hands, sighing, "it's the expending part that would kill me."
"So if we can train you to better control your cursed energy, you may not have to release so much at once," Suguru said thoughtfully.
"That would tamper with its effectiveness," Shoko said.
"But I'd be alive," Miho shrugged.
"I gotta go," Shoko said, grabbing her bag, "But give me some time and I'll see if I can come up with anything that might help!"
Miho waved to her as she left. Suguru stood, grabbing her tote. "I'll walk you to your room."
It was pouring outside. Miho grabbed his hand and began running through the rain. Suguru gave only the faintest bit of hesitation before letting her guide him. The rain pelted their backs, soaking through their uniforms. Something about the cold rain striking her face was oddly both soothing and exciting.
The closer they got to the dorms, the slower they ran, until they were standing in the downpour, just outside her dorm building. Lightning struck overhead. Miho turned to say goodbye.
Suguru pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. He said something she couldn't hear over the thunder before turning to jog back. Miho stood there, dumbfounded, mouth open and cheeks warm. Another strike of lightning sent her running inside, head still reeling.
Satoru's face was impassive as he walked through the school grounds with one hand in his pocket and the other holding an umbrella. He'd only been gone for a few days, just to Sendai to take care of some Curses. And in those few days, Suguru and Miho had both gotten hurt...and started dating.
He was relieved they were both okay. And for that other part...That was fine. Of course it was fine.
"Hey Satoru," Suguru had said just a few weeks before, "What do you think of Miho?"
The two were back in the gym, passing the basketball back and forth.
"She's cute. Not my type, though," Satoru was quick to reply.
He'd seen the way Suguru watched her, how he seemed to hang on to every word she said. He'd been spending a lot of time in the library, too. Satoru only knew because he found himself doing the same thing.
"So, you'd be okay with me asking her out?"
Satoru threw his head back and laughed. "Of course. You think you need my permission?"
Suguru bounced the ball to him. "I figured I'd run it by you. You seem to have taken a liking to her."
He hid his frown with a scoff. "Nah. I mean, she's a sweet girl. I'm glad to have her as a friend. And besides, you two would be cute together."
Satoru blew air from his mouth, rubbing his neck. He'd been fighting a sickening sense of disappointment ever since that day. It was worse now, a few weeks later, seeing their small touches. How Suguru would shyly bump her hand when they walked out in town, fingers interweaving until they were holding hands. Or how he'd put his arm over the back of her chair during studying hours. How red her face would get when he smiled at her. And the way she leaned into his touch.
At first, he told himself that one date didn't mean they'd begin dating. Then, on the train to Sendai, he scolded himself. Of course, they'd start dating. Suguru was a great guy. Truly. He had a good head on his shoulders. He was exceptionally handsome, and incredibly kind. One of the kindest people Satoru had ever met. And Miho was quiet, but sweet and thoughtful. He hadn't quite met a soul like hers. Not once did jealousy ever cross his mind. He wasn't jealous of Suguru. Or Miho.
"Satoru, wait up!" Suguru called behind him. His hair clung to his face, uniform thoroughly sopping wet.
"Dude, you're soaked!" Satoru laughed, stopping in the middle of the path. Suguru ducked under his umbrella. Satoru's eyes glowed and he peered at his friend over his glasses. "Why's your face so red, huh? Huh?"
Suguru grinned, waving it away. "Don't worry about it."
"D'you kiss her?" Satoru gasped, "Oh my god, you kissed her, didn't you?"
"Something like that."
Satoru 'ooo'd and 'ahh'd, jabbing him in the side with his elbow until he confessed. A strange feeling struck him right in the chest, but he laughed it off, opting to tease his friend instead. It wasn't until they were walking to the dorms that he realized what he was feeling wasn't envy.
It was longing.
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beetlejuicyy ¡ 3 days
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"I'm home." Satoru announced as soon as he stepped inside the apartment. It wasn't the usual cheerful voice, since he must have had a particularily hard day. It was long past midnight but he knew you could never sleep until he got home, so he always let you know from the front door.
Too tired to bend over and take his shoes off properly, he only pushed them away from his feet by the heel and abandoned them there, right in front of the door.
"Wait a second, honey!" Satoru smiled as he walked in the spacious livingroom, the wall in front of him entirely made of glass. The night city was this peaceful thanks to him, who took care of three special grade curses today, one after the other. A mellow feeling of pride bloomed in his heart, although his body and his mind were exhausted.
Satoru landed on the couch loudly, his head leaning on the curved back of the sofa. The world surrounding him was even harsher on his eyes now that he was tired, but at home he could relax, at last.
"Aren't you coming to greet your amazing husband?" His voice echoed in the empty livingroom. The lights were off, only a warm lighted lamp in the corner of the room turned on. The silence was so comforting. He took his blindfold off as he waited for you, sky blue eyes brighter than the weak lamp light.
"Hi handsome." You greeted him as you came from the bedroom, freshly out of the shower, wearing the expensive set of baby blue satin pajamas he had bought for you. It consisted of a spaghetti strap short gown and a robe, both of them having soft white lace sown at the hems.
"Ooh. I have such good taste." He said as he raised his eyes to look at you, a smile forming on his lips at your sight. It was the first time you were wearing them. Last monday, he had come back from a week long mission in another city, holding a pretty bag saying he missed you so much he had bought everything that reminded him of you.
"The lace is itchy though, I don't think I can sleep in them." You said, still spinning around once in front of him to show off your fit before sitting in his lap, your arms around his neck.
"I was talking about my taste in women, actually." His hands found your hips quickly and he hummed in approval when his fingers felt the soft fabric.
Now that you were so close to him you could see, you could feel how tired he was. How weak his grip was on your hips, how heavy his eyelids, how sensitive his eyes. But the most telling aspect of his fatigue was his silence. Satoru was usually loud and playful, even if he came back to you at dawn. But his words were scarce now, as soft lines formed between his frowned brows, eyes vulnerable to every little information surrounding him.
"You can keep the blindfold on, you know." Your voice was soft, almost a whisper, your fingers buried in his white hair.
It was almost unbelievable that this spoiled toddler who was burying his face in the crook of your neck was the strongest jujutsu sorcerer everyone was relying on. Satoru took a deep breath, your familiar smell helping him relax a little more.
"Toru..." You hummed as your fingers gently massaged the back of his neck. He whimpered lowly, encouraging you to keep going. "If it's easier for you to wear the blindfold you can wear it, I don't mind."
You once made the mistake of complaining that he would keep his eyes covered even at home with you sometimes. A selfish and unconsiderate tought of yours that you let out without pondering much on why he felt the need to lessen the burden on his senses at all times by wearing a blindfold. Anyhow, he stopped covering his eyes in your presence.
"I want to see my pretty girl clearly." He argued, although he looked for some relief by pressing his eyes closed against your skin, his lips close to your collarbone.
"You can't see me anyway, silly." You giggled. His hands were now shut into fists grabbing your night gown as he pulled you closer, and you embraced him as tightly as you could. "Don't you want to lay down?" You asked after a few short minutes of silence. Only when he didn't answer you noticed his deep, even breaths. He had fallen asleep. "Satoru." You called out his name softly, one hand of yours rubbing his back, trying to wake him up as gently as possible. If you could, you would have put him in your pocket and took him to bed yourself.
"Hmm?" He hummed as he rubbed his eyes against your skin.
"Let's get you to bed, baby." He sighed, a loud sigh that signaled disappointment. "You can't sleep here. Come on." You tried to break away from his embrace, have him put the last drop of effort into walking to the bedroom, but he only held you tightly as if you were his teddy bear.
"Five more minutes." He whined.
"You'll fall asleep again..." Before you could finish your argument, he pulled you to the side to lay down on the couch. One of his legs placed on top of yours, his arms around your body as his face was now buried in your chest. He was completely at peace with you in his arms. You sighed as you shifted under his grip. Luckily it was warm enough to sleep without a blanket, although the couch wasn't the most comfortable spot and the lace at the hems of your pajamas was itchy. Still, you pressed a soft kiss on the crown of his head and closed your eyes, falling asleep in no time. The sun was rising over the city.
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a/n: i miss him so much fr
divider: @dollywons
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silverwhittlingknife ¡ 1 year
How do you feel about Jack Drake?? What are your thoughts on him and Tim’s relationship?
Anon, I hope you were interested in a novel, because look, I am fascinated by Jack Drake.  He’s key to a whole lot of what I find compelling about Tim as a character, and if I were in charge of DC, I’d bring him back to life.  This would make Tim unhappy but would IMO make for good plotlines.
Jack and Tim’s relationship is Complicated (TM)...
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Jack and Tim hug in Nightwing 20 / Jack impulsively yanks a TV out of the wall in Robin 45 / Tim grieves in Identity Crisis
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“I could tell the truth.  But I don’t.” - Robin 66
...and it involves a whole lot of Tim lying, and feeling guilty about lying, and thinking about telling the truth, and choosing again and again to keep lying.
And I think that’s great.
Below the cut:
Shorter version - key points about Jack
Really long version - my gentler take (vigilantism is choir and Jack loves sports) vs. my harsher take (Jack has some major flaws)
Final thoughts
Shorter version - key points about Jack:
He’s a bad parent.  He’s self-centered, he consistently prioritizes his own comfort and interests over his son’s, and when upset, he does things like order Tim off to boarding school.
But he’s never a bad parent in an actionable way.  He’s not like David Cain or Arthur Brown, who are abusive monsters.  Jack’s not a monster!  He just...kinda sucks.
He genuinely loves Tim. If Jack’s aware that Tim’s disappeared or is in trouble, he’s always worried and upset.  He periodically resolves to be a better dad, and IMO he’s always sincere.
And Tim loves him, a lot.  Tim’s protective of him and worries about him when he’s kidnapped or in danger, and when they’re reunited, Tim’s really relieved and usually hugs him (and Jack hugs back!). 
...But they have very little in common, and that’s a problem. Jack doesn’t value the things that Tim values, or respect the people that Tim admires, or care about the things that Tim’s interested in.  Tim lies to him a lot, but that’s partly because he correctly guesses Jack wouldn’t respond well if he knew the truth of what Tim’s up to.
The Batfamily is a surrogate family that Tim’s drawn to because of the ways his real family doesn’t meet his emotional needs…but also he feels guilty about that and disloyal. (And to the extent that his dad recognizes what’s going on, he's jealous and resentful!)
Very long version:
Okay!  So first: Jack’s a character who IMO is pretty up for interpretation.  You can interpret him very charitably, and make excuses for the bad behavior, and fill in the blanks sympathetically when situations are ambiguous; or you can interpret him uncharitably, and emphasize the bad behavior. I don’t think either approach is invalid - it depends on what kind of story you’re interested in!  I have enjoyed Bad Dad stories and also stories that redeem Jack.
My personal take on canon is that Jack and Tim’s relationship is in a gray area.  Jack's definitely neglectful, and he does prioritize other things over Tim, but he’s never so bad that Tim can easily reject him, and he's never so bad that Bruce could justify taking Tim away.  He's just...not great.  Tim loves him, and feels loyal to him, but it’s a very mixed-up complicated love.
I have a gentler take and a harsher one which I switch between as the spirit moves me. xD
My Gentler Take (tl;dr: vigilantism is choir and Jack loves sports)
Here’s the core conflict: Jack and Tim are very different people with different values.  Tim idolizes Bruce and Dick and vigilantism, and secretly gets involved, knowing his dad will hate it. He gets increasingly wrapped up in his secret world and lies to his dad...because if his dad finds out, he’ll make Tim quit.
This is a great setup for an ongoing comic.  It’s practical, because it provides endless potential for plotlines, and it’s nicely thematic, because it maps closely onto relatable real-life situations with extracurricular activities:
Tim the drama nerd whose dad thinks he’s playing football and not in the school play; 
Tim the closeted-queer kid secretly getting involved in his school’s politically-active Gay-Straight Alliance; 
Tim the choir kid whose dad only values making money and wants him to go into the family business (and Tim keeps promising himself he'll give up choir soon, definitely soon, but maybe he'll stay in just a liiiittle longer, because they need him, you see, the last tenor left town, so...); 
Tim the computer geek with the sports-obsessed dad (this one’s just canon);
etc. etc.  
The extracurricular metaphor works pretty well for Tim’s relationship to vigilantism.  Tim's involved in his "extracurricular" because he genuinely thinks it's important and fulfilling, and he values it and wants to be good at it. He idolizes Bruce and Dick because they're good at it. He's been collecting information about it since he was a little kid, and hiding it from his parents because he knows they wouldn't approve. And mayyyybe there's also an element of low-key rebellion against his dad, and maybe that's secretly part of the appeal. And yet also as Tim gets more and more invested, he starts to daydream: maybe I could tell my dad and he'd be proud of me and supportive. But he doesn't, because actually he knows his dad would be upset and angry and make him quit.
And - again, just like with lonely kids and extracurricular hobbies - one of the things that happens is that Tim starts getting his unfilled emotional needs met ... by people he knows through this secret hobby. And people like Bruce and Dick start turning into a surrogate family. Which Tim feels guilty about. And also as Tim gets more and more wrapped up in their world, he has to lie to his dad even more, which means the distance between Tim and his dad gets bigger and bigger and more and more unfixable.
I love this dilemma. It's simple, it's recognizable, it provides endless sources for conflict, and there's no obvious solution! Tim can't tell Jack: he'll make Tim quit! And Tim doesn't want to quit, because he loves choir / art / theater / whatever.  Yeah, it’s difficult, and there are challenges, and sometimes he has doubts...but at the end of the day, he cares about it a lot.  And everything he values is there, and all the people he admires and cares about are there, and all he wants in the world is to feel like he's one of them and belongs there. So he has to lie, even though he doesn't want to lie, and he feels guilty about it...
...but also he ends up lying more and more.
(Sidenote: I think it's important that Tim chooses to keep lying - Tim's narration often glosses this as "I have to lie to my dad," and that's certainly how it feels to Tim, but this... isn't quite true. He has to lie to his dad, because if he doesn't, his dad will get mad at him and try to stop him, not because he literally has no choice about it.)
Other Reasons Why I Like The "Secret Extracurricular" Interpretation
(tl;dr it complicates not just Tim's relationship with his dad, but also all his other relationships)
Tim's problems have some obvious parallels to Steph and Cass, who both become vigilantes while rejecting their evil supervillain dads. But Jack isn't evil. And that means the Tim-and-Jack relationship is ambiguous and complicated in ways that I like. Steph and Cass can just leave their Bad Dads in prison, and say good riddance, and feel very righteous and triumphant about it! Tim’s more complicated. Tim gets into vigilantism ostensibly out of duty and altruism, but secretly, he's also involved for straight-up selfish self-fulfillment reasons. He's lonely, and bored, and his life feels pointless, but he thinks that Bruce and Dick are cool and amazing and he wants to be a part of the things that they do.  When his dad gets jealous of Tim’s relationship to Bruce, and feels like Tim’s looking for a surrogate family, he’s... not wrong.
And the ways in which Jack is not Actionably Bad complicate things from Bruce's POV.  If Jack was a straight-up villain, it’d be an easy call to keep in touch when Jack finds out and makes Tim quit...but he’s not a villain, not really.  So what do you do?  Do you try to surreptitiously stay in touch with Tim even though you’re ignoring his dad’s express wishes and thus forcing Tim to sneak around?  Do you respect his dad’s wishes and stay away from Tim even though you have a years-long relationship at this point?  
Again: a bit similar to the extracurricular analogy.  Say you’re the choir director and you’ve built this whole relationship with a kid in the choir, and you’re an important mentor to him and you care about him etc. etc. etc.... and then right before a big performance, his dad finds out he’s been secretly involved, and yanks him out.  How would you react?  Well, maybe kind of in some of the ways Bruce reacts.  You replace him. You’re annoyed with him. You miss him. You want him to come back. You’re also worried about him.  You’re upset with his dad.  But also... what should you do, exactly?
Bruce and Alfred and Dick care about Tim as if he were part of their family, but he’s not part of their family, and there’s a lot of interesting tension there.
My Harsher Take
Jack never hits his son.  But his temper is a big deal.
In his worst moments, he takes out his anger on Tim’s stuff - wrecking his room, or ripping his TV out of the wall and confiscating it.  When he’s worried about Tim, he usually expresses that fear by yelling at him / punishing him / sending him away - threatening to send him to boarding school in Metropolis in Robin III, or threatening to send him to military school abroad in Robin 92, or actually forcing him to go to an all-boys' boarding school post-NML.  
This is bad behavior!  It is Not Good!  
And you can easily connect the dots to a bunch of Tim’s terrible coping mechanisms, like the constant lying and or the fact that Tim’s go-to methods for dealing with interpersonal conflict are 1) repress it and pretend it never happened (most of his fights with Bruce), 2) withdraw from the relationship until he can pretend the conflict doesn’t exist (when his friends get mad at him in YJ, he quits the team for a while), or 3) literally run away from home.
Also, Jack is a Manly Man with firm opinions about how men behave vs. how women behave, and he thinks boys shouldn’t be scared and thinks Tim should date hot girls and pushes Tim to work out and wants him to play football and expresses period-typical sexism, etc. etc. etc. ... and though obviously this wasn’t what the writers had in mind at the time, all of that is certainly interesting to read backwards in the light of Tim as a queer character.
More Disorganized Thoughts on Jack Drake
Tim’s our hero, so we’re naturally more sympathetic to him, but it’s also true that relationships are a two-way street, and Tim doesn’t value any of the things his dad values, either.  Jack at various points is shown to care about grades, business, money, boarding schools, archeology, football, a kind of macho bragging-about-dating-hot-women ethos, and a very public and performative kind of caring. Tim tends to respond with discomfort or disinterest or even disgust.  When Jack gets on TV to try to rally the government to save his son from No Man’s Land, Tim isn’t touched—he’s mortified.  When Jack makes some bad investments and loses money, Jack’s deeply upset and his self-image is majorly impacted, and far from being sympathetic, Tim’s annoyed and kind of contemptuous of the idea that this is a problem.  Jack thinks fishing in the early morning and going to tennis matches is a fun father-son activity; Tim finds it exhausting and tedious.  And so on.
This means that Tim often longs to be closer to his dad in theory, but this longing is more tied to fantasy than to reality. He rarely seems to enjoy spending time with His-Dad-The-Actual-Person.  So for example, when Tim’s deadly ill with the Clench, he has an extremely poignant fever dream about telling his dad the truth and getting hugged…even as he insists in real-life to Alfred and Dick that he does not want them to tell his dad what’s going on.
The same is true of Jack, who IMO genuinely wants to be closer to his son and is continually declaring that he’s going to turn over a new leaf and get closer to his son…and just as continually backs out of activities or loses his temper when faced with spending time with his actual son.
Tim and his dad sadly get along best—by far—in Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder situations.  When Jack gets kidnapped or is in danger, Tim worries for him (and Tim grieves him deeply when he dies).  When Tim disappears or runs away, Jack’s genuinely worried about him.  So e.g. they have a really moving emotional reunion and hug when the earthquake hits Gotham, and Tim panics about his dad’s safety and comes running home (and meanwhile Jack’s been panicked about Tim’s safety!).  It’s the day-to-day, regular life stuff where they don’t connect.
Jack's written quite differently by different writers. Mostly, Tim's parents are at their least likable in his early appearances and early miniseries (this is where you get, for example, Jack and Janet being nasty at each other while a pained employee looks on, and Tim disappointed to once again get news of where his parents are via postcard - "I guess that sums them up! Never know where they’re going to be–or when–or even how long!” - and Tim alone on school break, and Bruce and Alfred thinking there's something weird going on with Tim's parents, etc. etc.). Jack's more sympathetic but still often unlikable in most of Tim's Robin solo, and he's almost invisible (but positively treated if he does show up) in Tim's team books.
For obvious reasons, Jack's remembered way more sympathetically after his death. Tim's completely devastated by Jack's murder, which he arrives moments too late to prevent, and he basically never gets over it. We see him grieving Jack again and again in Robin, and also in Teen Titans, and also in Resurrection, and again in the Halloween Special, and again in Batman: Blackest Night, and all the way up to the end of Red Robin. Tim also grieves for an extended time over Janet - he hallucinates a happy reunion with her when he's feverish in Contagion, and hallucinates her in the final issue of Robin, and the reveal-your-buried-emotions song in Robin 102 brings up his grief for her too (meanwhile, other characters dance or laugh or otherwise get giddy).  Tim’s grief over his parents’ deaths is intense and long-lasting.
I'm not going to clip comic panels because this is long enough, but if you're curious, here's a nice and fairly lengthy compilation of comic panels with Tim and Jack.
If you're interested in a Jack-centric story with a softer-but-still-recognizably-canon take on Jack, I really like the way Jack’s narration is written in the one-shots Heart Humble (set shortly before Jack dies) and Never a Hero (Ra's resurrects him during Brucequest, and Jack's archeology skills turn out to be unexpectedly useful).
#tim drake#jack drake#ask tag#i wrote this ages ago and now i can't remember what i was going to add to it so oh well draft amnesty? sorry for the long wait anon!! <333#anyway i kept this carefully on topic and virtuously did not derail into talking about the other blorbo but tags are for disorganization SO#for me this kinda half-in half-out place where tim is with the batfamily is SUCH an interesting part of his relationship with dick#and i never stop turning it over in my head#he's kiiiinda replaced dick in that he's robin - but in a very real way he *hasn't* - he's NOT bruce's new son the way jason was#and early!tim makes a BIG POINT of how bruce is not his dad#and i think this relative distance from bruce is a huge factor in why dick is able to build a close relationship with tim at all#(because dick's still pretty estranged from bruce!)#and there's such interesting tension there when dick starts jokingly calling tim ''little brother'' or when villains call them brothers#because they're NOT. increasingly they would both LIKE to be brothers! but dick has zero official standing in tim's life#if tim got hit by a car in his civilian identity bruce and dick wouldn't even be able to visit him without his dad's permission#which jack would be pretty unlikely to give! jack doesn't like or trust bruce!#or like. this is morbid. but if tim died. dick wouldn't even be invited to the funeral you know?#and there's such interesting tension there for me in the contrast between this vigilante relationship that's very very close#but in their civilian lives no one would assume they're anything in particular to each other#anyway the 1st half of tim's robin solo has this thread of tension between tim's family life vs. his vigilante life (plus his mom's death)#and then the second half + red robin has the thread of struggling with grief in a world that's not fair + feeling lost/alone#and these two threads are a big part of my interest in tim as a character! jack's the backdrop that makes a lot of stories possible
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moonfromearth ¡ 3 months
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Aminzo Rees
for @buttertrait's simblr adventurers guild!!
A tiefling wizard with a constant streak of bad luck and a mean streak. Aminzo is often employed by Lord Drystan, but picks up an odd job every once in a while from the guild. He's not known for being the most pleasant or reliable to work with, but his expansive knowledge of spells usually makes him worth putting up with... At least for a little while. 😅
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cashmoneyyysstuff ¡ 7 months
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you’ve been katsuki’s for as long as you can remember.
sure, he had never outwardly called you his girlfriend, but when you were both seven years old, he came up to you. chest heaving slightly from running up and down the hill where he had gotten you a freshly plucked out bouquet of flowers. the roots were still clinging to them and he got dirt all over your hands from forcibly grabbing them and shoving the bouquet in them before you could even form a sentence.
“since you accepted the flowers, you’re mine now.” he mumbled, his little hands tightened into fists at his sides and chubby cheeks a cute shade of pink, staring at you as confidently as he could.
a grin grows on his face when you respond with a simple “okay !” and a bright smile. the grin on his face never disappears even as his mom scolds him for getting you both all dirty.
you were katsuki’s in middle school too, when the boys in class decided to play kiss, marry, kill and he had somehow gotten dragged into it. the girls in your class tried their best to seem uninterested, claiming the boys were being childish, but you noticed how hard some of them were straining their ears trying to hear what the guys were talking about in their own little corner of the room. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little curious as well.
katsuki was as ruthless as you’d known him to be, choosing to kill any girl that wasn’t to his liking, which ended up being all of them. much to the other boys’ chagrin, claiming he had no taste.
then your name was brought up.
at that, his eyes widened and he turned in his seat to see if you were watching. you had never turned your head away so fast in your life and you were pretty sure you heard something go “crack”.
he clicked his tongue. mumbling something about how stupid the game was before muttering out a “kiss yn, marry yn and kill that other bitch.” before getting up and stomping away, claiming he had to go to the bathroom followed closely by the whoops and hollers of his two friends behind him.
you both made eye contact when he walked out and you think you’ll never forget how red his cheeks were.
you were katsuki’s when he was the one to walk you to and from school everyday, claiming you would somehow get lost without him. you were katsuki’s when he had begrudgingly shoved homemade valentines day chocolates into your arms, mumbling something about how you had been upset nobody had gotten you anything last year, conveniently leaving out the fact he had scared off all the other guys trying to offer you anything.
you were katsuki’s when he grabbed your hand during the winter because he said you’d “end up dying of hypothermia with the way you’re chittering over there.” and you were his when you were the only person he laughed around. loud, genuine laughter that you and only you could squeeze out of him. you were katsuki’s when he randomly kissed you goodnight at your door one night and he’s been doing it ever since, and gets all pouty when you turn away from his kisses to tease him.
“are we dating ?” you had asked him. you’re both in high school now and you’re in his dorm room. your legs are on his lap and he’s got a comfortable grip on your leg, which tightens after he registers your questions “hah?” he looks utterly confused and a little insulted as he looks back at you, his entire face scrunched up in confusion. you pinch his nose and he swats at your hand.
“are we dating ? like—am i your girlfriend.” you say again and katsuki’s face scrunches up even harder. he huffs and looks back at his phone, landing a little smack on your leg still placed in his lap. “ ‘course yer my fuckin’ girlfriend.” he spits out, obviously irritated. then he looks back at you “I haven’t made it obvious ?” he says sarcastically. one of his eyebrows lifted as he pokes at your leg still very much in his lap.
you simply shrug “s’not that. it’s just because you’ve never actually asked me out before, so i was a little confused on where we stood.” you mumble. he stares at you while you speak and he stares a little longer before sighing. then he leans towards you and flicks your forehead.
“ow !”
“dumbass.” he murmurs. there’s a slight pout on his face and his cheeks are light shade of pink when he looks you in the eyes again. he grabs both your cheeks with one hand and smushes them together to push your lips out and presses multiple wet kisses onto them that have you squealing and squirming. his wet lips are pulled into a smirk when he pulls back and you try your best to at least look a little angry, you really do. but it’s useless when he looks at you like that.
“of course you’re my girlfriend” he reiterates. his smirk’s been replaced for something softer, something more sincere as he gazes at you with so much unadulterated affection it makes your head spin a little. “you’ve always been mine.” he says it in a teasing tone and his hand is still smushing your cheeks out and it hurts a little but his eyes are still the same. they’re warm and soft and so, so enamored with you and only you.
when he finally let’s go of your face and pulls you fully into his lap, you realize katsuki’s been yours for as long as you’ve been his.
you smile brightly at him but turn your nose up when he leans in to kiss you again. “i still haven’t heard what i wanna hear though, mr. bakugou.”
he rolls his eyes and pinches at your thigh as he mumbles out a “don’t call me that.” sighing, he looks at you intensely and you suddenly feel very shy.
“will you be my girlfriend, ya shitty girl ?” and he says it as a joke, you both know it is cus his lips are already forming into a smirk the second he finishes his sentence. and you’re pulling at his nose the moment you register it, but you’re both smiling hard. he laughs and you’re sure you’ll never get tired of the sound. “what’s your answer, pretty ?” he asks playfully and you pretend to really think it over just to mess with him, and giggling out a “yes!” when he suddenly pounces on you. flipping you both over and tickling you mercilessly, calling it revenge for you “taking too damn long to answer.”
you’d been katsuki’s for as long as you can remember, and you hope you can be forever.
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