#i still like him 😔 but also fuck him 😤
mrtheinsatiable · 2 years
Master Jin you absolute dick you deserve to lose your girlfriend to a 150 year old man
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you grab their chest — akaza, douma, muzan, kyojuro, giyuu, tengen
Author’s Note: pardon the ridiculously long title. 🥴😂 “Fem!Reader” applies to Tengen only.
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when you grab their chest — akaza, douma, muzan, kyojuro, giyuu, tengen
Akaza x Reader, Douma x Reader, Muzan x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~900
CW: dark humor, Fem!Reader, mild sexual content
Suggestion Fulfilled: I have a request😤 I recently read a certain ass slapping fic which I adored could you do a similar fic with the same characters +giyu and Douma with the reader coming up from behind the and squeezing their man tiddies
I 100% would’ve used MAN TIDDIES in my title, but figured Tumblr would hide this post from tags if I did, so I went w/ “chest” instead 😆
Also, some of these are canon compliant — Muzan, Kyojuro, Giyuu
While others are set in modern au (alternate universe; modern setting) — Akaza, Douma, Tengen
Immediately tenses
#noice 😌😎 after all, the man is ripped
The more Akaza tenses, the more you wanna squish
Except, it’s kinda hard to squish pure, flexed muscle ?? 😔
“Akaza, my love, could you relax?” 🥺
He’s still confused, but my love automatically has him at your beck and call, so-
He relaxes
*gleeful squeal* 😍 *squish squish* 😍
Aaand he’s tensed again
If you actually take the time to explain yourself, then he’ll be absolutely embarrassed flattered
Lowkey decides to do an extra 100 push ups daily, just bc he’s so darn in love w/ you 😭
Douma’s been waiting all his life for you to grab his moobs
So like
He’s one happy camper !!!!! 😌🥳
“all his life” = since he met you
As for “moobs”? I had to, just once 😃
Slowly flexes them so he can hear your amazed gasp 😍
“Are you drooling?” he smirks
“Fuck off,” you scowl
You try to withdraw your hands to wipe away your incriminating drool 😒🤤
But he doesn’t let you 🤪
He squeezes your wrists, grinning widely to himself, “Don’t leave me.” 😇
“But I’m done,” you grumble, resting your forehead between his shoulder blades (you’ve already accepted your fate 🤠)
“I’m not,” he retorts, “Not even close.” 🤗
Translation? Douma wants you to massage his pectorals
#pretty pls and ty
Once again, I’m presuming you’re a demon, and Muzan’s immediate reaction is to slice off your hands 💀
Thank gosh for regeneration! 😮‍💨
You’ve gotta quit surprising him 🤪
I mean
He enjoys when you touch him 😅
BUT, he has a reputation to uphold, and being startled by your random displays of physical attention doesn’t exactly help 🙃
The implication that he lets his guard down w/ you (bc how else could you ever hope to genuinely startle him?) is making me feel things 😭
“Do that again, and I won’t be so forgiving.”
The faint dip between his brows has you thinking otherwise 🤭
“What if I ask first?” 😉
You’re treading on thin ice 😬
His eyes flash, “Pardon?”
Good thing he’s close to cracking too 😌
“If I ask to touch you?”
I’ll kill you “You wouldn’t.”
He didn’t say No 🤗
(obvi consent’s a must, but in this specific context mutual flirtation’s strongly implied and also it’s literally Muzan)
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“Oh!” <— Kyojuro exclaims, cheerful as ever ☺️
“Hello there,” he chuckles, smiling at the feeling of your body pressed against his back, “Are you checking something?”
“Mhm,” you grin, “They’re still here!” 😇
“My pectorals?” his head tilts, “Of course they are?!”
He’s ~a little oblivious, okay? 😃
“How about you hug me from the front?” he suggests gently, “That way I get to hug you too!”
He’s so precious
How could you refuse?????
Spoiler alert: you can’t
Spoiler alert: you give Kyojuro his hug, and it is very cozy 🥰
A tad sweaty + suffocating, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world 🥺
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Shocked 😵‍💫
Giyuu’s inner monologue: ????? What? Is? This?
Giyuu’s outer dialogue: *still as stone*
“Giyuu?” you immediately remove your hands, scurrying to his front side, head tilted w/ concern, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfort-” 😕
“You didn’t,” he interrupts quietly, finally grasping his bearings, “It was…” aaand now he’s blushing, “... nice.” 🥺☺️
Your nose scrunches, relief relaxing your shoulders as you nod sheepishly, “I’m glad I didn’t freak you out too much.”
“Mhm,” he smiles reassuringly, “You freaked me out,” gently guiding your palms back to his chest, “But not too much,” winking shyly at you, “The perfect amount, in fact.”
Suave, sexy, knows-what-he-wants, isn’t-afraid-to-tell-you, will-even-go-after-it-himself Giyuu has entered the chat
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You can feel it through his tiddies 😆
“Envious, my dear?” 😉
Presumptuous much? 😒
But alllso 🙄
“If you could share…” you pout, “Gimme just a lil?” 🤗
“You’re welcome to work out with me,” he chuckles fondly, flexing for you, “These could totally be yours!”
You sigh, “Tengen, pectorals and breasts aren’t the same thing.”
“I know that,” he shrugs, patting your knuckles reassuringly, “Your breasts are perfect, and I’m happy to coach you and your pectorals if you so desire.”
You decide to test the waters 🌊
“What if my pectorals get bigger than yours?” 😏
Tengen immediately drowns you 🌊💀
“Not a chance.” 😐
And then he tacks on, a tad nicer, “But you could certainly get very big pectorals.” ☺️
“Just not bigger than yours,” you grin 😏
He nods grimly, “My ego would pop.” 😔
“And that would be tragic.” ☹️
“Indeed,” he squeezes your hands (which remain splayed across his chest), still basking in your touch, “I appreciate your understanding.” 😖🥰
(fyi, if your pectorals did get bigger than Tengen’s, then he’d: survive, be super proud of you, and beg to know your workout regimen)
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done-with-the-shit · 1 year
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->Relationship Headcanons<-
Chuuya x Reader
This is the first time I write headcanons so it may not be very good.. Also English is not my first language, please keep that in mind while reading! Ty and enjoy♡
Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya Nakahara
Note: GN!Reader
I imagine that after an eternity of denying his feelings, he angrily confessed to you without even realising he did😃
Like you'd be minding your own business and he just randomly comes to you screaming in your face about how he hates the fact that he loves you or something...
After that he will most likely lock himself in his office and regret his life decisions😕
But you will go to him and also confess your undying obsession love for him so it's all fine!
Anyways as for when you two start actually dating he would be such a lovely boyfriend♡
Very romantic for sure~
Like definitely buys you flowers 'cause why not?
He'd also spoil the hell out of you.
He works for the mafia after all so money isn't a problem for him😉
If you are taller than him please don't tease him!! (my man's only 5'3🤭)
After all he is still growing!
Lots of PDA.. that's all I'm gonna say
He enjoys taking you out to fancy dinners, but he also loves spending nights in, just watching TV and maybe drinking some wine with you~
You are the only person who can wear his hat and coat^-^
He secretly likes to see you in his clothing but you didn't hear that from me~
Chuuya is very good at cooking😌 so if you can't cook he will do it for you... he may even teach you if you want!
He also loves all the affection you give him!!
Even if you just hug or kiss him he will be melting in your hands literally
Being his usual self fucking tsundere he won't admit that he likes cuddling with you, but don't be fooled, he very much enjoys being spooned and loved by you!
Chuuya needs to be the little spoon! My boy deserves all the love you can give him!! (Just don't tell Dazai 'cause he won't stop bothering our chibi about it😔)
He's also secretly scared of hurting you with his ability, so he's super careful around you.
All in all he is such a softy with us🥺
Anyways.. let's get to the interesting stuff~~
Let's be honest this boy is a fucking switch😤
So I imagine him as a soft dom and a braty sub (don't ask why though👀)
And he is definitely open to trying all your kinks you nasty whore😒
But who am I kidding I have no right to judge..
Anyways.. I bet he has a knife and bandage kink
I mean just imagine yourself all tied up with this small man on top of you!!
Or the other way around😏
He enjoy biting you.. (that's all I'm gonna say)
I personally think that he only dom's in two occasions..
First being if you had a rough day and he just wants to make you feel better~
Another reason for you to let him dom is when he is angry at something or someone.. yk to help him relieve stress (if he doesn't ask you to fuck him instead😉)
All the other times?
Oh this boy will be begging you to fuck him while explaining how he is still the one in control denial
I mean as a said earlier he is pretty much a tsundere so..
Because of that you'd have to be someone he really, really trusts for him to let you take control
But once you get his trust? Oh boy you are in for it I'm telling you😩😩
He is going to be such a brat and would love to push you to your limit~
But don't worry he is actually pretty easy to handle
Just pin him beneath you and he will shut up..
And if he doesn't just tug at his choker! What else would he wear it for!?
Oh boy do not forget that beautiful hair of his😍
It's just made for pulling~
Do I really need to say more??
Loud? Yes..
His moans are so incredibly loud like he doesn't hold back😩😫
Edging and overstimulation?
He loves hates it.. And will not tell you otherwise
But his favourite part is the aftercare~
Baby is so tired he needs your help!!
Take him to the bathroom and give him a nice warm bath (he deserves it for being such a good boy for you😖)
Loves it when you give him a lots of kisses and cuddles afterwards~
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achillesuwu · 1 year
AU where Alex save Dream of the fishbowl & Dream get his revenge on his father (+Jessamyis alive ) BUT but
Since he is still a kid well 😕 Alex is in a problematic situation. He needs a tutor but doesn't really trust anyone (and most of the people in the house are forever asleep now) . He is going to need someone to "" "look after him" "" (officially) + he doesn't really want to talk about his current father to anyone for any reason
So, when Dream (pov alex : really scary tall powerful dude) said "I will offer you a boon"
Alex basically thinks "I'm already in deep shit right now. I have nothing to lose" and say : can you be my father?
What Dream understood : "I chose YOU" and for him Alex looks like this :
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Dream hesitate a bit but finally agrees and Alex is like "cool 👍 can you sign some paper, put me in school, assure you that I'm feed and see you in 10 years/for my school graduation/my wedding"
Little did he know that when Dream dads he DADS 😤
Why did I thought about this?
1930!Hob Gadling that is a bit suspicious about Alex of the "Endless"' dad. He never sees the guy but he must be a prick because everytime that there should be a parent's meeting with the teacher Alex avoid his gaze and find some excuse on why his father can't go. Of course Hob never pushed. He gets it 😔 poor boy, to have a rich snob for a father 😔😔
Meanwhile, alex : oh lord, oh god, I can't sit in a parent's meeting with dad again. Too much praise, he is too proud of me, I'm going to die. Please, makes it that Teacher Godlen will drop it. Oh god. please please-
Sadly Alex can't make Dream miss the school graduation
Just the thought of 1930 Hob Gadling face when he sees his stranger walking like he own the place with expensive clothes with Alex trailing behind him.
And well, looks. Hob WAS going to scold Alex's dad but
This is the stranger
Instead of a :( face Alex has a "why is my father embarrassing 😩 yeah yeah see you later I'm going to see my friend yes yes I love you too nooo don't hug me 😩 DAD MY HAIR😩😩" face which put every interaction he had with him in a new light
Hob is half trying to hide himself because what the fuck and half looking because what the fuck HE IS HOT. (Some of his braincells are also running in panic because : wait, WAIT, ENDLESS. OF THE ENDLESS. IT'S HIS FAMILY NAME!? IS IT A FAKE NAME. would it be awkward if I said something like "hey, Mr Endless, about your son" or "Mister Endless, you couldn't wait to see me ~?" ... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT ROBERT GADLING YOU CAN'T SIMPLY GO AND—.... He. He has. HE HAS A SON!?!? )
Little did he know that yes, Dream saw him and once he finally talked to every other teachers about how proud he is of his boy he is very much going to talk about that friendship thing
Meanwhile, alex : .... My dad is seducing my teacher. in my school graduation. Great. Wonderful. Can aunt Death comes pick me up 😩
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bnhxx · 11 months
Coming out of my shell to say that I'm petitioning to be Leon's annoying little sister
Some platonic sibling hcs under the cut!!
Warnings: Platonic! Au, a little bit of sibling violence and A LOT of sibling banter, mentions of ptsd, drinking and alcoholism and events in RE2 and RE4
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It's always I want him to rail me! I want his babies! And I can respect that I can I can but...have you ever considered being his annoying little baby sibling that adopts him as your new family member 😇
Like yeah nah bro I wanna annoy him and tease him for having no rizz AT ALL and just all around annoy tf outta him 😤
Like he's an orphan but not AnYmOrE, scooping this traumatised boy up and making him WISH he never met you but also is weirdly protective you who "adopted" him as their "sibling", and now won't stop saying "point and laugh!" out loud everytime he does smth stupid in the middle of the office when hes back from a mission.
Like, please he just needs an annoying little sibling in his life, I know I can't fix him but by God can I be the annoying little sister he so desperately needs in his life
Like....I KNOW his heels have never known the wrath of MY FEET clipping his shoes up when he's walking too slow but he NEEDS to 😭😭😭 I need to post this and find my PEOPLE
Also I feel like being a sibling vibe you'd have tagged along as a civilian in RE2, also not knowing what the fuck was going on but hey, you're in this fucked up shit together now ig. 🤷‍♀️ And you have some family/friends out of state so after the event you take him to chill at a beach or smth w your family/friends bc you're both well deserving of a fucking break while this ptsd hits the both of you
n everyone talks about how fucking awkward he was w Sherry in game but ayo hes REALLY feeling it now...
Like you're joking when you're like "it's like you've never been to one of these Leon 🤨"
N he just looks at you like "Yeah I haven't 😐"
"You're like 😶....bro....you have now been absorbed.....as my older brother"
And he's like 🧐🧐🧐 at first bc what??? How do I interact w these ppl??? Why me???? but ofc they love him, he's RE2 Leon and although he's super fucking traumatised and still awkward asf he just wants to make a good impression on his friends' close ones
Also he's like sitting there like damn,,,,,I wish I had that 😔
So you're like wELP noW yoU dO 🤪
And of course they're super grateful to him bc he saved you so they treat him nicely but he kinda gets that a lot so he's just like 🧍
So after you tell them hes now your older brother you've deemed it so 🤗 they just start to treat him like that and he just, doesn't know what to do??? Do I salute them, (y/n)???
Do it make him salute them for at least three weeks until you tell him absolutely no one does that and he was stupid for ever believing you 😈
Tbh I feel like this would work for the first couple of times until he mentions it at work in passing n everyone's like 🤨,,,,so then the next time he sees you he just has that pissed off older sibling face and he's coming for you so you better have ran like you did in Raccoon City kahsjehs 🏃‍♀️💨
But yeah after a while you guys stay in touch, he's training and drowning his pain with alcohol and you're trying to get him into more healthier ways of dealing w his pain as well as laughing at him kshsjdhsjs
your just sort of there to support him even when he's pushing you away bc no idiot I will not leave you alone when you're training I will watch and I will LAUGH when you fall. But I will also cheer you on when you win and give you my favourite hello kitty bandaid if you ever get hurt 🥰
And he's super grateful?? Bc your like this stable sort of annoying person who's there for him no matter what.
Like he knows he can come to yours to crash if he's had one too many drinks to holds his hair when he's puking his guts out hungover.
Yes you are there in the morning to laugh and yell at him for being stupid but he also saw the glass of water you left on the couch next to the ibuprofen and chuck bucket for him. And the little blankets and they you always seem to have waiting on him when he arrives
Yes you will be there to do it all over again if he comes walking to your place after he's drunk again.
And Yes, you will also be there to show him all the dumb photos you took of him drunk on your Kodak once they get developed and cackle in his face 😈
He like actually learns to take a load off with you and relax a little bc you have a bond and you weren't just saying that when you took his ass on holiday, you really meant you'd be there for him and it means a lot to him bc he's never really had that stability in his life before 😔
Also bc the trauma bonding you just get him ✨️ like you can both relate to the horrors you saw and what you unknowingly found out about Umbrella.
Like maybe you work w him in the field or just as an archivist or smth but you're helping him w this cause too, dealing w the same or similar shit he's been dragged into so ofc you guys form a bond w each other.
And so by the time RE4 rolls around imagine you're like talking him through his mission on the radio n he's soo serious around Ashley and Luis so you can't help it you burst out laughing bc he's so stiff, and he's like THIS is a LIFE and DEATH siTuAtiOn now do your fUcKiNg jOb SeNd me tHe coOrDiNatEs
And you're like okay okay grumpy pants 😈 I'll give you the coordinates but you have to say pwetty pwease w a cherry on top for me 🥰
If it were anyone else he'd turn the radio off and find it himself but bc he does care for you, and you're like the only stable platonic thing he's had in ages he's like cursing and swearing until he FINALLY caves in and does it
So you give him the coordinates and just as he's about to go back to almost dying your like "I got that recorded fyi" and he's just 😤😤😤 at Luis for no real reason other than his 'little shit of an adopted sibling' kwhsjshdhd
But also imagine randomly calling him constantly bc you're really worried for him bc this time your not there with him and it scares you
And he's like, I'm not dying here bc who else is gonna put up w your shithead behaviour??? n you're just like, 'aww Leon!! 🥺🥺'
So hes like 'yeah so stfu and let me do my mission 😤' but you swear you can hear the smile in his voice through the radio
OR if you're there, with him it's even MORE chaos kshdjdhdjdn
Like imagine Luis flirting w you n him being all protective older brother on you, n you're just like 🙄 siblings amirite, btw Leon that's a prime example of how to properly rizz someone up you loser 😇 n your not running from ganados this time your running from him (again) 🏃‍♀️💨
If you engage in sibling violence he's like, you haven't hit me once this whole mission n you're like, I'm giving you a vacation since we're running for our godamned lives out here n hes thinking like 🥺 my shins have never know rest like this before since I met you 🥺
but he just gives you a little smirk 'heh' or some one liner and that's it he did it to himself his shins indeed do NOT know rest 💀
Being teased by him more and more as he matures but dw, you're always there to annoy him back 😇 and run tf away when he gives that older sibling look like he's about to wreck your shit for ever thinking of crossing him lajsjsjsbs
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
LMAO Javier and Lloyd pulled an UNO Reverse when it comes to trust in early chapters it's Lloyd asking Javier to trust him but with Javier not wanting to and now it's Javier wanting Lloyd to trust him but Lloyd refusing to 😔 Ohhh these two 😤
they did! the way their relationships develops through the entire novel it's fascinating to me, i love it
the way they trust each other is so very non-straightforward, it has layers to it and it's not a linear process, which makes it really fun to see it unfold!
javier started being really distrustful of lloyd (with good reasons if i may add) and then slowly coming to trust him as he proves that he means well and can be relied upon, eventually reaching a point where he feels confident enough to trust lloyd in whatever he says no matter how crazy it may look. only to have that trust seemingly betrayed when he finds out that lloyd has been lying to him and everyone else for years about literally everything, including who he is and in a way making javier betray the oath he'd made to protect the frontera family.
it was a big deal for javier to find that lloyd is a fake and i will never forgive the webcomic for downplaying this. javier's entire deal is how loyal he is to the frontera family, it's one of the very first things we learn about him, he's completely devoted to them, including og lloyd. yes, it was mostly out of loyalty to arcos but nonetheless, he still felt a duty to protect the guy no matter how shitty he was. so him finding out a member of the family he swore to protect has been replaced by an impostor for literal years and he didn't realize??? big fucking deal. he has a huge crisis about it, nowhere near as chill as he is about it in the webcomic, literally this close to killing lloyd right then and there actually
in the end he tries to be cold-hearted about the situation, deciding that arcos should be the one to decide how to deal with the person who replaced his son and that honestly lloyd is just more useful to the estate than og lloyd ever was, plus he has no way of bringing the young master back to life anyway
and it's at this point that you can kinda see how deep javier's trust in lloyd had gotten, because,,, well you would kinda assume that him finding out lloyd has been lying the entire time and effectively killing a member of the frontera family would be a deal-breaker for him, right? it seems like it'd be the kinda thing that would make him lose all trust in him.
but it doesn't. javier has to decide whether or not to tell on lloyd and reveal his secret to arcos and marbella and he,,, doesn't. because he hears lloyd promise that he will take care of them and he, against all common sense and logic, believes him. or at least, he wants to believe him. he wants to trust him, trust that he's being sincere, trust that he's being honest and that he won't hurt the family javier cares the most about in the entire world. he wants so badly to trust in lloyd that he takes the chance and decides to keep his secret.
because god he trusted that man and he wants to trust him again.
so from then on javier has to rebuild the trust he'd had on lloyd, now knowing who he is, and it is,,, so easy actually. even hurt and angry and betrayed as he felt at that moment, once javier accepts that he's tentatively trusting lloyd to do the right thing and come clean on his own at the right time, it's just,,, very easy for him to fall into the same rhythm they'd been dancing to for the past few years.
because lloyd is still the same person javier had come to trust completely before, he hasn't changed, he's acting the very same way he did to gain javier's trust in the first place and it's so very easy for javier to fall for it again
but now,, now he has to deal with the fact that he knows lloyd is lying to him. that he doesn't trust him enough to tell him the truth. and that also he must think javier's the most gullible bitch on existence. and man, is he upset about it ajksdhkjsf
so he can't resist poking at him, seeing how far he can push, how many excuses lloyd thinks he can swallow. while also trying so very hard to let lloyd know that hey, javier trusts him. like a lot. an 'i would believe you if you told me you can stop time itself' kinda trust. a 'no matter how crazy the things you tell me are i will believe you' kinda trust.
it doesn't fucking work but bless his heart for trying
eventually it's to the point that javier outright admits that the person he's most loyal to, 'his true master in his heart' if you will, is actually lloyd. that's how deep his trust runs now.
babygirl is a goner for this man i tell you
lloyd's journey into trusting javier is comparatively more simple, if only because lloyd thinks he has javier all figured out and there's never really a moment where lloyd has to like. reshape the entire way he sees javier lol
lloyd knows javier is loyal to the fronteras and that's like. the basis of his trust in javier at first. javier is loyal to the fronteras, lloyd is a frontera, he can trust javier to be loyal to him.
eventually as he gets to know javier better he starts to trust him in a more personal way, but he still kinda believes that javier is just doing his duty to him as knight of the family.
and i think that's the thing that gets the most in the way of lloyd trusting javier fully. he doesn't,,, mistrust him, not really. lloyd trusts him to have his back, to protect him, to be at his side no matter what. but i think lloyd doesn't realize that javier does all that, not because he's a frontera, but because it's him. he thinks javier is completely loyal to him because he's acting as arcos' son and that if he wasn't he would lose that.
which is wrong! we know it's wrong! because javier already knows he's not a frontera and he's still loyal to him! maybe even more so than before!
but lloyd doesn't know that because javier is waiting for him to tell him. and lloyd doesn't tell him because he doesn't know if javier will trust him after telling him.
lloyd thinks javier's loyalty is conditional on him not knowing the truth and so he feels like he can't trust him completely. and javier can't prove him wrong without telling him he already knows the truth because that's the very thing he wants lloyd to trust him with.
they're idiots your honor
it's a fascinating dynamic! i love it so much! i would've killed to the see the fall out of it, that goddamn conversation we didn't get to see, where they finally realized just how much they had been hiding from each other, i'll never forgive bk moon for skipping it akjshdkads
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ghostfeather · 1 month
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okay, here's what went down
first of all, i just have to say i love coming to kpop concerts alone because fans are just so friendly. i know stan spaces online get a bad reputation (and rightfully so) but i always manage to meet such lovely people at kpop shows so i really appreciate the people that kept me company in line because studio PAV is SO fucking strict about phones 😤
so everything is a blur because i really wanted to record it all in my notes app but they were moving things along like clockwork so there was no time to even sneak it out.
but shout out to the girl who asked rie about deep sexy at that one libido fansign. we actually stood next to each other in line and she told me that was her and i told her how her tweet may have changed my entire worldview about rie lol. chatted for hours so i wasn't bored out of my mind.
but anyway moving on to the fanchat. i thought i could be chill because i'd met them before but no i was not chill. i was shaking.
i rememberrd to bring an album this time so i could get it signed instead of a flimsy poster (good call because i accidentally ripped it 🥲) and i brought a sharpie so i could write my name on my badge. i tabbed pages before i left home so each member could sign the inside so they each wrote my name, but i kind of wish i had them sign the cover because it took up a good bit of time to spell out my name. i don't know if it was that or if PAV shortened the time to sit with them because it went by so much faster than last time. last year i kept running out of things to say but this time, i felt like i got cut short when i wanted to keep talking 😔
first was mill. i just love him so much and he is so pretty and stunning and his eyes are so big and sparkly. i asked him about if he did any fun things in atlanta and he went on about how atlanta had the best steak ever (first rie last year, now him...and i don't even eat meat) and they also had drinks thursday night. at least he was gesturing about drinks but they moved me along quickly. no marriage proposals this time, thank god.
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next was nine. i'll be honest, i haven't been the biggest fan of the blonde on him but it looks super duper good in person. i wanted to compliment him but i just blanked so i asked the same thing about if he did anything fun in atlanta. he just said he slept and rolled around in bed, and i felt such kinship in that moment. i told sleeping is my favorite thing to do (not even lying). i had my nagongie with me but no time to pull him out before i had to move on 🥲
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kb was next. i was trying to find his page in my album but he had already found it but i was like redirecting him to the wrong page so he gently pushed my hand away so that was awkward and embarrassing. but he didn't sign my name so we managed a full conversation:
me: hi, how are you?
kb: i'm good but i'm hungry.
me: oh, you didn't eat lunch?
kb: no, i ate lunch but i'm still hungry.
i told him i hadn't eaten much but the venue served food on the rooftop and there's restaurants nearby so he asked for recommendations. i told him about a couple of bars that i'd never actually been to but were on my list of places to check out. i don't remember if he said i should go there after the show or we should go there after the show but i'd like to think it was the former. and then as i was getting up and moving to the next member i realized i left my poster in front of nine so i had to reach past him to grab it. embarrassing once again 🫠
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next was junji. his english has improved a lot in a year! no awkward silences with him. he had a ponytail and i really wanted to compliment his hair too but he carried the conversation instead. he asked how many times i had seen them and i told him it was my 3rd time and that i had seen him in atlanta and san francisco. then he said thank you and grabbed both of my hands and said "you're my lyon" 😵‍💫 he asked me something else afterwards but i don't remember what it was or what i said lol. i was too frazzled after that. i wish he had fistbumped me instead.
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then it was yoojung. i wasn't too stunned to speak this time, yay! somehow i felt really confident with him. i complimented his handwriting while writing my name because it was so small and dainty, and i told him he looked best in the bedazzled jacket and i wish i had some rhinestones on mine too. he said he really loves denim jackets but the rhinestones hanging from his sleeves were annoying because they kept hitting and dragging the table. not in those words exactly but it was the exact sentiment.
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last was the menace. and yes, the menace was menacing. instead of sitting across, rie moved his chair to the end of the table he could sit next to you, which i was actually grateful for because the eye contact felt less intense that way. he immediately told me "hey baby, come on, don't be scared." i told i'm not scared because i wasn't. i was ready to throw down with this dude. he asked me my name and i showed it to him on my badge and he said "okay, i'll write korean." ??? i told him i could read korean but if i couldn't then what? then he asked me who was my bias and i thought WHY would he ask me that and that's when everything i worked so hard at to build up over the past year went crumbling down. i suddenly had a mental crisis so i said everybody. he kept pushing me to tell the truth. and i kept insisting it was everybody so he said, then who's your bias today, so i told him it was him. so he said okay like he knew i was lying but didn't push it further. then he asked me what was my favorite song and i had been hoping for this question since the tour was first announced because i had to let them know the people want dOra maar KOREAN VERSION. and then they made me leave but as i stood up his eyes went RIGHT to my nagongie and my nine PC in my bag and went "oh, your bias is nine." WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT TO ME? WHY WOULD HE CALL ME OUT LIKE THAT WITH NO WAY TOO DEFEND MYSELF? can't stand this man.
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but i'm glad i lied because he asked the same thing to everyone else and he would GRILL them about why they liked their bias. EVERYTHING'S A GAME TO THIS MAN. so yeah. be warned. prepare yourselves.
hi-touch was hi-touch. nothing special there. rie disarming me with his intense eye contact again but what's new. their hands were cold and dry and my hands felt sticky from the humidity. i was so jealous.
for the concert, i managed to get a great spot. not barricade which i didn't care for anyway but still very close and right in the center too. the concert itself was great minus the short setlist and the lack of bOss. completely and totally devastating to me. i had been looking forward to it so much since they did it in seoul. the did a dopamine rock remix which is so much better than the original. give me the lOve, bitxx is now my new favorite choreo. they did a solo medley which was fun because we got all the solos this time. i think at one point junji missed his cue to join rie on stage so they kept laughing and then he gave rie a piggyback ride. libidO english version is maybe slightly better than dOra maar english version but still 👎 i've been screeching the korean versions in my car for years, why must groups do this? thank god they put ballads in the setlist. the nonstop choreo last year was a concern for me but we got mirage and O and i completely flipped out. i got so emotional watching nine during the ballads because he REALLY felt the lyrics he was singing. also i saw both his nipples in person. the whole time i'm thinking about how i loved the draping of his jacket and then...there they were. and then kb had to follow suit 🙃 also i thought i was safe not being at barricade but rie managed to still make way too much eye contact multiple times. THE ENCORE WAS THE BEST, LITERALLY TAILOR-MADE FOR ME. we got OOO me (!!!!!!! FINALLY), blOssOM, and angel. i was genuinely so upset when it ended because it got SO hype at the end like we were at a festival. and kb and mill were showering the audience with their water bottles and it completely ruined my hair before the snapshots but now i'm thinking we need a waterbomb festival in this city.
so then anyway the snapshot process was annoying. they did premium first and made standard folks wait until they were done and they were still adamant about no phones but i was bored as hell but everyone else i was talking to had either left or had premium. didn't feel like starting up a conversation with anyone new because i was getting people-d out by then. i only got nine and yoojung since i got the rest of the members last year. when i got up to nine, i tripped right in front of him and he reached out and caught me 😵‍💫 nothing monumental happened with yoojung, thank goodness. the photos turned out well so i left but i was beginning to wish i had also bought a mill ticket but oh well.
and that's pretty much it! i'll post some videos later.
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kenobster · 7 months
Okay so I've been watching Higher Ground on youtube (free with ads), and I have some fucking questions. But before we get carried away, please know that, yes, I am aware that Ep 9 is actually Ep 5. A polite youtube commenter on Ep 6 informed me already, so that's fine, it's fine, we're all good now, we figured that out. -deep breaths- 😤 But before that mess even happened, I'd already felt that I missed something... I mean... there were a few indicators, but most notably Ep 4 played a "previously on" recap featuring a scene in which Hayden Christensen calls Shelby a skank... and that scene straight-up doesn't exist in the first three episodes on youtube!? (I mean, idk, I could be wrong, but I feel like calling someone a skank is pretty memorable... And also I frantically rewatched all relevant episodes like four times at this point.) Between Ep 3 and Ep 4, it also felt like I missed the moment when Hayden changed his relationship status from "finally the adults are making me be single" to "canoodling with Juliette after class"... 🤔 (and no, her bringing him an empty cup of water and snuggling up against him in the cafeteria doesn't explain these atrocities.)
I suspect that youtube might have skipped scenes (or maybe even an entire episode) while uploading the show... I know one (1) scene has been skipped for sure. 😒 And fuck, you guys, if they skipped ONE scene, then what if they skipped OTHER scenes? What if they skipped -gulps- scenes that are more relevant to my interests? Specifically scenes involving a certain step-mom of his? Y'all don't even know what kind of tragedy this would be for me T_T
I tried checking an episode list, but IMDb seems to still be under the impression that Ep 5 is called "What Remains" instead of "Hope Falls" ... so that was a washout...🙄 I tried checking wikipedia which does have an accurate ordering of episodes but still no answers regarding Hayden's little love triangle. 😔 So then, I spent an hour scouring the internet with google searches that still yielded no results 😭 So before I resort to impulse-buying some long-ago DVDs, would some kindhearted person maybe explain these inconsistencies to me?🙏 😭
Like, sheesh, I'm just trying to watch so-fucking-attractive-that-I-don't-even-care-if-he's-going-through-puberty Hayden Christensen portray a totally traumatized teenage slut, but now I'm all confused and upset and I don't know what I did in my life to deserve this 😩
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hi! when did matt said ‘who?’ when he was asked about nettles?? i heard that nowhere and im very interested if you have other ‘news’ like that cause i feel like everything that is said during con is being either twisted or hidden😔
It was at the talk in July at London Film Comic Con, I believe (there was a talk at the winter con in November last year too, I went to both)
It’s not a case of everything being twisted or hidden at these talks, it’s because Showmasters (the people who run the conventions) wouldn’t let us take videos 😭 they said at the beginning of both talks that photos were allowed but videos were not, and they’ve got security posted around the audience to make sure of it. Showmasters are also very tight and won’t let people take pictures of the guests (actors etc) at the tables or anything like that. Like during the July con I was going upstairs and I could see into the green screen area from above, and Matt was in there, so I went to take a photo but one of the staff got pissy at me and told me off because “you’re not allowed, it’s not fair on the people who paid money for their photos with him 😤”… like okay, love, I paid something like £235 for the diamond pass AND an additional £110 for another autograph so I could talk to him again, chill the fuck out. Basically Showmasters HATE the idea of people getting photos, autographs or anything from the actors for free since it means they as a company don’t make money off it.
(For the record Matt was super sweet and after his talk was taking photos with a kid dressed like his Doctor, he’s an awesome person)
Some other things I can remember off the top of my head (I’ve probably mentioned some of these before but oh well):
When asked if he was Team Black or Team Green, he said “is that a joke? Team Black”
Someone asked how he felt about certain deleted scenes being cut, namely the scene of Daemon hugging his daughters (which there’s a photo/still of) and he had no idea what we were talking about 💀 he joked that some of the audience must work for HBO because we seemed to know more than him about it
He said that Daemon does love Rhaenyra. “Is it a bit weird? Yeah” but he does love her
“Working with Emma D’Arcy is great”
“No one can trust Mushroom”
Both he and Emma looked at each other like “???????” When they read the choking scene because neither of them thought it made any fucking sense whatsoever
In July he confirmed that he’d been filming in Wales for S2 so we COULD be getting Daemyra scenes since I think Emma was also seen filming in Wales
The reason Olivia Cooke and Bethany Antonia (Alicent and Baela) cancelled their appearances at the con in July is because of filming conflicts, they had last minute changes to their filming schedules
Hasn’t read ALL of Fire and Blood, just the parts related to Daemon (I’m guessing the Dance of Dragons sections)
That man did NOT stop praising the absolute shit out of his co-stars by the way, especially Emma. He also used the correct pronouns for Emma the entire time he talked about them, which I know is a low bar to set but still, my point remains that Matt is just so respectful of Emma and clearly loves working with them
“Come to my kitchen, I’ve got the sonic” 😏
He also talked a lot about Doctor Who at these talks, which - I’ll be honest - I have only watched one episode of (and it was his first episode) so I don’t remember anything that well about his Doctor Who answers. To add, sometimes the people at the con choose audience members with the STUPIDEST questions instead of fans with actual genuine ones - like in November when someone got the mic and asked him to give them middle names for their godchildren or something 💀
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justalildumpling · 9 months
moots as nct members
I'm not sure if uve already done this sorry if u have/ don't want to do this
ahh i love love love moot games like this hehe ty for sending this in💗
(i’m realising that a lot of my moots that i mostly interact with are from deobiblr😭 i’ve only tagged ppl who i am certain they stan nct but if i forgot i’m sorry!! this was written at like 3am delusion)
@sungbeam - mark
miss ma’am works herself as much as sm overworks the shit out of mark lee istg😭 TAKE A BREAK MA'AM IT'S OKAY. ok besides from that, i feel like mark is universally a comfort person for everyone in the nct community and beam is literally MY comfort person, my soulmate, my best friend (yes, she's mine. no buts😤) she's so talented at what she does, an absolute sweetheart, she cares so so much about her peers and i rlly just admire her as a person outside of tumblr. i could literally write an essay about how much i love her but i'll save everyone the read😭
@jaeminvore - jaemin
chaos. the both of them. OK BUT besides from that, nics gives off like hot girl energy like jaemin. he's is like woah he's so sexy and he knows it type vibe and nics is the same! i remember first seeing her blog/works and being like girl. im such a fan (and i still am, she's fucking hilarious and amazing) i folded for nics as much as i did for jaemin fr. it's always so fun talking to nics about literally anything from plain old thirsting over korean men to throwing irl ppl off a cliff and like jaemin she makes any scenario so much more enjoyable!!
@polarisjisung - jisung
LOOKLOOKLOOK yes he is her bias BUT the amount of rizz the both of has😭 UHM HELLO ALSO BOTH MAIN DANCER ENERGY nah i folded fr😩 ok but besides that, we all know jisung is the most wholesome bean ever and I JUST WANT TO PROTECT HUA YK?? idk she's such a cool person to talk to and i feel like we just clicked from the first time we met. jisung gives off like ride or die energy and i can def say that hua is the same💗
@winterchimez - xiaojun
THIS ISNT CHEATING ISTG ITS A COINCIDENCE THAT HER BIAS HAPPENS TO BE HIM AS WELL OK????? Both ally and xiaojun are literally the biggest sweethearts and can get along with everybody!! I always thought that xiaojun would be such a great conversationalist and no joke, ally and I got along so well as soon as we met and now we're forever emotional support buddies🥹🤞
@sehunniepot - jungwoo
literal golden retriever energy, like ball of sunshine. the most sociable and friendliest person i’ve met. i literally fell in love with nikki’s personality as soon as we met just like I did for mr kim jungwoo😔😔 I just feel like if I were to be in a room with her, she would be the lighting everyone up like idk how to describe it. She’s just someone that I feel like everyone couldn’t help but adore.
@jaehunnyy - taeyong
I LOVE THESE TWO PPL SO MUCH ALSNFOAFEI ok. i've calmed down. but fr tho like u CANNOT hate both taeyong and chip. LIKE she's literally a beam of positivity and she cares so much for her peers and always checks up on everyone when she can🥺 our bubu is a great leader and residential cutie and i feel like chip fits that to a tea
@wuahae - haechan
something about cat always screamed haechan to me idk why. just her mannerism/texting/talking style. as soon i started talking to her on the deoboyznet chat like i knew she and i were on the same wavelength just like i felt with haechan LMAO cat may seem playful and fun all the time but she's firm when she wants to be and she knows her boundaries/morals/values which is very admirable.
@mosviqu - ten
for some reason bar and ten just makes sense. both insanely talented, sarcastic and has strong opinions which they’re not afraid of expressing. lowkey intimidating to approach at first due to how highly i thought of her work, but was literally the most down to earth, loveliest person ever. I always love when she talks about the process behind her pics because they blow me away every time just like ten’s dancing.
@daegall - renjun
yes. I know it’s literally illegal for me to put anyone else other than lee donghyuck for sunny BUT IDK MAN SHE JUST GIVES OFF RENJUN VIBES!! we all know renjun is like the cutest little ball of sweetness ever and sunny is always so lovely and whenever she gets giddy like i get giddy too😭 and her expression of emotions towards haechan is portrayed thru capitalisations, keyboard smashes and typos which reminded me of renjun's little spits of anger yk??
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
*bangs fist on desk*
Just thought I’d give a little shoutout to some of my mooties/some of my fav people ☺️
@meowzfordayz is literally an angel omg when I sent her an emergency request it went way above my expectations. (The OP writing skills? HELLO???) Also she’s so friendly omg like high key- MARRY ME 😩 /p
@xxsabitoxx is fucking hilarious. Her writing makes me giggle and twirl my hair and (sometimes) throw my phone across the room like I’m reading 2018 omega wattpad smut. Also she’s a bad bitch 😤 (love the thigh tat btw) and I would fight anyone on sight for her
@muzanswaifu literally makes me leap to my phone/laptop when I get a notification. Also watching you and May interact is fucking hilarious. AND YOU PROTECTED ME FROM AN ANON THAT WAS HARASSING ME??? Adopt me please
@bunny-n3zuk0 is one of the sweetest people I’ve met. Makes me physically and mentally smile whenever you interact with me. Like- how do I put it- (MARRY ME JULIET YOULL NEVER HAVE TO BE ALONE🎶)
@tomiokas-lunchbox is literally on my top ten kin list. I’m dead serious. (GIYUU STANS WHERR YALL AT??) also like everyone else needs to convert to Sanegiyuuism or else I’ll sacrifice you to my closet that needs cleaning
@renhoeku is…how do I put it? Amazing? Absolutely lovely? A fellow rengoku stan whom I want to marry who I want to be besties with? We can like simp for Rengoku together and like have tea and just read smut abt him like I’m down if you are
@akaza-dono-the-basketball is one of my lovely moots, who I adore interacting with. I mean just scrolling through your page at least once a day makes the sun shine a tad brighter. I literally have no words to explain my appreciation- so- 💖❣️💞💘💝💗❣️🩷
@pammyjammy117 was probably the reason I got the courage to make my own Demon Slayer OC. (ALL HAIL ENŪMA🛐) I love going on their live streams on TikTok, and I am absolutely in love with your OC. (I’m working on the Enūma and Monsterverse Kyo smut I promise 😔)
@thatonegenshinsimp is one of my lovely Genshin moots. ☺️ Got me going feral over Itto I swear to mf Jehovah himself after reading your writing I wish I could go back to like those old Gacha days and like be in one of those “whatever you say comes to life” vids so I could bring my bbg to life (and proceed to turn into the loud house)
@sweet-honey-fruit is one of my favorite writers for Genshin Impact characters! Omg that m’fing poll…I’m still going feral over it oml. 😭 Cant wait to see the finished product!! I’ll try to be like somewhat patient 🤷‍♀️
@moraxsthrone is literally so fucking talented. The way you write Zhongli makes me quiver in my boots (and makes something else quiver) Got me up at 2am in an iPad kid position with my horrid posture just scrolling through your page
@yeahitzally is also a literal angel. WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME 😩. Lemme just- 🌹🌸💐💐🌺🌷🌻🪷🪻 Flowers for you my darling. :) I’m grateful to have you as a lovely moot. ^^ MWAH 😘
@peachdues is so talented that I almost didn’t believe it at first. Like okay Shakespeare you ate that! 💅 No but being fr your writing is so good like I’m jealous at this point. 🥲 (also a fellow Sanemi simp I SEE YOU 😏) Oh and if I’m bothering you too much just tell me 🫠
@knyesplease is one of my many lovely KNY mutuals. (Also shoutout to them go support their works!!) I love love love interacting with them, and I can’t wait to get to know them more! Also, thanks for being willing to help me out on my big KNY project. :)
Please DM me please and very much thank you if you want to be featured in this appreciation post. :) Always willing to add someone I may have missed. (But, keep in mind, if we’ve only interacted a handful of times like maybe once or twice, I might not add you.) Also this post was inspired by Meowz!
That’s all! Charlotte out.
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zuzuzuko · 8 months
Thoughts on Batman and Robin (2023) #2:
watching comic artists try to draw little kids is so funny bc I feel like they rarely look the age they're supposed to be. Like this flashback is supposed to be happening before Damian is 10 but he looks the same age as he does in the rest of the issue 😭
Damian asking Bruce not to hurt the bats is so important to me...
it seems there is a bigger bad than Shush which I'm happy about bc I thought Shush was kind of a dumb idea anyways..
Bruce is giving Damian a lot of praise in these issues which I'm not opposed to. Damian is not having it though 💀
I thought Damian asking "What could possibly be a challenge for me, Father?" and then the next page is just him standing in front of the high school building was a very good transition.
does anyone get the vibe that this artist likes drawing sneakers bc I get that vibe (valid honestly)
"he's so short" <- trueeeeeeee
the pacing leading up to the bullying scene is kind of weird like I have a hard time believing Damian just walks into a room hasn't done anything or met anyone and they're suddenly all over him.
don't get me wrong, I absolutely think bullies would have it out for Damian simply bc in the US like you don't even have to be THAT different in order to get bullied. Like I and others I know were bullied for the weirdest shit sometimes. I just more so think the pacing was weird and it could have been built up to more? idk
DAMIAN HAS AN ARABIC ACCENT CONFIRMED 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 (i know it didn't specify an Arabic accent but that's what I'm going with because of the context of the bullies not being able to tell what kind of accent it is and IT ALSO MAKES SENSE)
Sad that Damian didn't actually break any arms 😔 He got to kick ass in the dream sequence but I wanted him to beat them up fr fr
he would have definitely gotten in trouble for it but idk I just think racists deserve consequences ya dig
I swear to god though if they're setting up some white savior bullshit I will be pissed 🙄 i've got my eye on you Williamson 😤
Damian not even making it thru first period is such a fucking mood honestly
Daytime Batman and Robin lmaooooo
Bruce and Damian both being like "YOU aren't supposed to be here" was so fucking funny honestly
A note on the art: it's very pretty but the expressions are just kind of blank sometimes... Also like a lot of the characters look the same (example: The bully literally looks pretty much exactly like Damian except his hair is blond)
I am once again asking for them to give Damian's melanin back and his green eyes 😤 (i know it's not gonna happen in this run but I can still fucking complain about it ok)
ALSO I'm choosing to believe that this is taking place After Gotham War is over even though it was implied that it was happening at the same time in #1. it's just that after Batman #138 it makes literally NO sense for them to be happening at the same time.
ANYWAYS those are my thoughts
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magswrite · 1 month
rolling up bc i just read the most recent chapter of ascendant and we’re FIGHTING mags!!!
as always, jegulus is breaking my fucking heart. regulus is truly so soft in both ecliptic and ascendant; i feel like the war has made so many characters angry and hard but regulus remains so kind and empathetic. him telling james it’s okay to grieve lily and harry while he grieves his own relationship with james??? that was sick and you know it!!! even if we see moments that show how much james loves regulus i can understand why regulus struggles to see it. it’s hard to measure up to memories of the dead and lily is always remembered by everyone in an almost reverent way. meanwhile regulus thinks of himself with such extreme loathing even while james thinks the world of him. and it’s hard to blame james for struggling to openly show his love for regulus when he’s been hurt so many times. these boys need a seminar on communication i fucking swear.
sirius black, my darling, you simply never can catch a break. it kills me that just a few chapters ago sirius was thinking about how regulus very well may self-destruct in the name of atonement and disdain for himself. meanwhile, sirius keeps proving how willing HE is to self-destruct for the people he loves. he really would burn the world to the ground to keep regulus and james safe. he has a chance to be freed from his bond but he’d still rather be subjected to it than risk his brother and (ex-)best friend. I also just genuinely adore his relationships with evan and barty. They may have been regulus’ friends first but they’ve become sirius’ people in such a distinct and fascinating way. regulus may have brought them together but their friendship stands on its own now.
and remus! i’m glad that mary is getting through to him. dumbledore is clearly hiding things from remus and it always felt like dumbledore relied on remus’ gratitude as a reliable weapon in controlling him. his friendship with mary has me in a fucking chokehold; she’s the smartest one out of all these bitches 😤 which, by the way, you’re torturing me with the marylily because i LOVE those girls. i absolutely adore her distrustful nature and hostility towards dumbledore; she KNOWS she’s being used and manipulated. remus really needs to listen to her and start piecing out the parts of the story that don’t make sense. mary seems to be almost running out of grace for remus and his unwillingness to look past what’s right in front of him. can’t even say i blame her; it’s gotta be hard to be the only one seeing past the bullshit colored glasses.
anyways!!! love you and your fic as always mags!!! you said you didn’t mind my asks so i’m back with a vengeance!!!
MORGAN HI!! hello!!
(we're FIGHTING?? oh no. okay 🗡️ i'm prepared.)
i feel like i should be apologizing for jegulus over and over in this fic because they are truly. messes omfg. i keep trying to push them together and have them just be happy, but so far it has not worked 😔. we will see, morgan, but i have faith that all of it will work out
saying that as if i don't know exactly what happens. i'm subject to the whims of my characters i CAN'T HELP IT
listen if there's anything i'm going to make a gryffindor it's self sacrificing. i think to me sirius is a character who is incredibly resilient, and definitely loyal to a fault. sometimes i struggle with ecliptic/ascendant/etc. sirius' particular brand of self-sacrificing, because it feels a little contradictory to what we know his relationship was like with regulus in canon
but i think a lot of it goes into his belief in what is "good" and "bad" in his eyes. james to him really represents the "good" in the world, even though it's very reductive of what james is actually like, and sirius has an intense need to protect that. he had this really intense need to protect regulus as a kid because he was "good" and then regulus was "bad" because he was like their parents, and then he's "good" again when sirius learns he's died betraying voldemort. and this is obviously a really reductive view of the world, but in my head it's why sirius is so stubborn and willing to put himself in harm's way, since he's one of the "bad" ones.
(also, i think barty and evan are really interesting for this reason too, because sirius has no idea where to place them in his little boxes.)
and mary <3 oh my beloved. mary is. absolutely done with everything and i truly can't blame her because dumbledore works hard to make sure nobody in that organization has a proper conversation. but dw, the two of them will get there eventually.
(also marylily i love them but they make my heart hurt.)
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analogwriting · 4 months
)&$$&@first off, the rollercoaster of emotions i went thru during this entire series.. it made me so sad and happy at the same time and now that its done o hi jjgjm i cant even express myself rn..
BUT!! I am glad we got our happy ending, “hold the transponder snail” got me giggling fr. Still seriously. my heart hurts from this entire thing ending 😔 I’ll definitely miss waking up to new chapters
the confession scene was done so beautifully oh my goodness… had me kicking my feet I couldnt even read for 2 sentences straight cuz I would get too giddy and end up switching apps midway 💀💀
AND FUCKING EUSTASS??? bros gotta start minding his own business, theres no way he heard all of that 😭 rlly cant have any privacy when u have siblings
but when killer kissed us after taking the medicine I CALLED IT!!! In my mind before the chapter was released i was like “first kiss is gonna be after he takes the cure ik it”
but god seriously that entire series was beautiful, i’ll read it over and over until I turn blind 🥹 i will be missing killer, but i will stick around for mafia cora too!! Cora grew onto me a while back but theres like no content for him shhddhhd I LOVE HIM FOR THE ANGST THO (and also band killer after mafia cora?? CANT WAIT)
anyways sleep with both pillows cold and ur blankets warm, i’ll give u all the kisses in the world for ur wonderful writing
-long rant anon
i almost put hold the phone but I was like nah fam gotta make it historically accurate n shii 💀💀 jkjk I just thought it was funnier
I rewrote the confession eight times and I was still unsure about it so I'm glad you liked it 😭😭🥰🥰 i just overthink frfr. you're just like me fr long rant anon. I get too giddy n I gotta switch the apps to calm down 💀
SIBLINGS NEVER GIVE YOU ANY PRIVACY AND THEY ALWAYS BE INTERRUPTING AT THE WORST TIMES so ofc i had to make eustass do that multiple times cause he's a shithead (love you tho kid I swear)
EHEEHHEHE the kiss after the cure is actually one of the first scenes I came up with actually. circumstances around it and some other things changed but cure then hot kiss was always the plan eheheh i can be predictable sometimes 🤷 I'm a sucker for clichés frfr
it means a lot that y'all enjoyed it so much. I went into this thinking that not many people were gonna be into it but I just HAD to get it out. there wasn't a lot of killer content in general but he seems to be having a boom lately and I am HERE for it 😤😤 but I'm glad I ended up doing this bc seeing y'all's kind words really motivate me forreal 🥰
(might just do a killer au in between all the other ones. I got plenty of em 💀)
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
Isgt I'm gonna try to keep it short but I make no promises lol... I do have LBAF V and VI to catch up to I have no regrets...
Selena having Arthur will always make me soft, and ngl I was kinda pissed at Lexi and Gabriel at first. I get them, but Lance is just baby🥺. Also, Lance helping Selena with the pain while giving birth and basically protecting Arthur before Arthur was born PLEASE I CAN'T 😭
Fucking hate Victoria for training Kincaid so young and also Madeline making life miserable for David. Those two are on my list of people I am willing to become a criminal for 😤
I don't know what drugs Other Max is on, but I can't deny he is funny as fuck LMAO. That scene with him and the shadowhunters trying to take the institute omfg
Max and Other Max convos always have me conflicted because they're so intense but at the same time it's him fighting with himself! Pls this man took self-hatred to a whole different level😂
Kincaid🥺🥺🥺. The first meet with Arthur was>>>>. I will kidnap that boy if I have to, he's the sweetest boy ever and he likes the other sweetest boy ever MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE THAT!!
“Why would you be scared of shadowhunters?” “Why would you be scared of shadow demons?” Arthur asked, equally confused. THE WAY THIS REFLECTS THEIR REALITIES ARE ON OPPOSITE ENDS. Arthur, growing up with Lance, is used to demons being friendly because his brother controls them and would probably tell them to never harm his family vs Kincaid. Growing up in Idris, being scared of what they have seen the shadow demons do... Fucking wow
Antoine really be giving books and changing lives. I want to be like him growing up🥰. Also he and Abigail???? HOT!!!
Someone said the experiment Atlas was trying with the lemon juice on paper was foreshadowing of Lance having angel blood but only being able to see it if you add another thing and I can't stop thinking about it. Still not sure it would matter to the clave if he did, but at least that way Lance and AJ could be parabatai!!! Tell me they will be. That's all I'm asking at this point 😭
I get Rafael having to put up wards against Lance, or someone might do something worse, but also... Dick move😒
“He does,” Rafael chuckled. “But that’s okay. He is my little brother. He has always hated me a little bit. The same way Abigail hates you. I’m fine with it. I can handle the hate. What I can’t handle is if he ever stops trusting me.” My therapist will hear about this, Dani😭
Gigi is the MVP. Only smart person here with common sense and fucking empathy. I'm glad to see the apple didn't fall far from the tree with Atlas 🥰. I just love how much Atlas loves his mom and is constantly thinking about her sjhskdbdj
Alec's chapter is to chaotic to sum up but I loved movie night 🥺🥺 and these kids are so unhinged jshsjdikwkk. Also see him being a grandparent makes me so emotional. He was just 18 yesterday wtf??? 😭
The confusion was comforting. He knew life wasn’t easy for the residents of this institute. But there was a small comfort in the fact that Arthur would never have to hide that part of himself. BOY DO I GOT YOU SOME NEWS-
Every part of Lance's chapter killed something in me🙂. This one was a whole other level of weakness. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for this boy. I'll have you know I am obsessed with them. Sibling dynamics just hits different 🥲 and I will make a whole other ask about them just because I can!!
It’s Theia Blackthorn. The Inquisitor’s daughter.” “Jesus Christ,” Lance said. “Raziel wasn’t available?” Say what you will about this asshole, but his humor is top tier!!! Also love how Blackbane form the start are so fucking horny and funny. Like they say the most out of pocket stuff and then cough and stutter JSHSJDJKDKDKD
Joan really be having the worst time here. Being 14 years old, wanting a friend and having a big crush on a straight girl??? Now that is a though life😔. I think her and Kincaid's friendship would fix me tbh... And I just fucking love her, she's so chaotic and gay🥰. All miscommunication aside, they did a fantastic trio
Her group chat with her grandparents 😍😍😍. They are the best!!! Damn, I wish my grandparents would have loved me lmao
“Yeah, because, going to a castle full of women is the right solution for lesbianism,” Mommy giggled. Me, age 13 when I thought going to an all girls school would be a good idea to stop liking girls. PS. I didn't go, but I feel it would have only made me gayer...
the way I read this and already miss LBAF V (like I finished writing it only a month ago lmao) these kids have already grown so much WTF.
Also something I really like about LBAF is that it gives me a lot of space (literally - like room!) to explore so many different types of relationships and dynamics instead of just romantic ones - which has anyone been one of my main interests when writing a story. I love that I can explore sibling relationships - like the dynamic between Lance/Arthur is SOOO different, let's say, what exists between Antoine and his sister or Cami and Arjun and all of them exist in the same story and it's just sooooo fun to play around with that.
PS - I went to an all girls school too (a convent no less) and YEAH IT'S TOUGH IF YOU ARE GAY AHHH.
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evansbby · 5 months
I KNEW IT!! ALL OF U GUYS WHO SWITCHED TO TEAM STEVE ARE FAKE HOES (affectionate❤️) ARI CAN DO NO WRONG😤😍😍ok that’s kind of a lie bc he was such a dick but still I think reader finally putting on a strong suit and telling him what she really thought knocked some sense into him🥳🥳 but I have many thoughts, see at first I thought that maybe Steve and Ari were half brothers? They shared the same mum and grew up really rich and they’re both so competitive but I don’t think that’s the case so next case scenario we meet Kira. And we know that she was bullied by a particular someone and I hate to think this but maybe Ari was that tormentor and he might have ignored her after having sex with her? Steve is upset with Ari for that and goes after reader and maybe he might have actually liked reader at first but then he remembered that his mission is to fuck Ari over and reader gets hurt in the process. If that were the case tho i think that might just give me the ick 🥴😭😭 and I KNOWWW that that’s what Ari did to reader but reader’s supposed to be special 😔😔ykwim?? Also Steve really scared me bc he has such bad anger issues my goodness 😒😒🤨 like even if they did end up together I see no way of it working out bc he’s actually fucking psychotic and men who take out their anger on walls or by yelling or violence or just without even trying to talk it out are a bad deal. Ari and reader are definitely endgame. I don’t think he lied about the break up bc let’s be real, there’s no way Ari would just show up with pretty pink flowers sitting on her bed if he didn’t mean it. And Wanda disappointed me, like plss what happened to sisters before misters. Also i love how in every universe Jake gets bullied by Steve 🤓🤓🤓Lmaoo 😭💀💀
Much love girlie!! Thank you so much for this chapter, I hope your phone charger works at every angle🙏🙏 this was soo worth the wait and I thoroughly enjoyed it, 
Your biggest fan Xxx💋💋💋
Omg dinosaur anon, your ask before i posted the fic was the last one before the fic was posted! The one where you firmly said you were in daddy Ari’s corner! Others flip flopped but there are indeed receipts of you sticking to your man! 🥹🥹
ALTHOUGHHH I’m really surprised people have done a total 180 and gone into Ari’s corner! I mean, I’d say Steve and Ari are kinda on the same level of terrible-ness right now! And it’s not like Ari didn’t force himself on reader right at the beginning of the chapter! And he didn’t stop whereas Steve did 😅😅😅 so I genuinely wasn’t expecting Team Steve people to move over to Team Ari! But you were always Team Ari bestie hehehe 🩷🩷
And mwahahaha yep!!! Many many people thought Steve and Ari were half brothers after the last chapter and I’ll admit i kept dropping hints about that (same eye colour, how they look alike) hehehe but maybe those were red herrings??? Bc if THAT is true then the Kira/Ari theory can’t be true🤔🤔🤔 so i wonder what is the truth…
And ahhhh Ari showing up with the pretty pink flowers at the end 🥹🥹🥹 that part was sooo cute i have to say!!! Hehehe AND I LOVED WRITING JAKE GETTING BULLIED BC IT LOWKEY REMINDED ME OF POYT BAHAHAHA
Bestie thank you sososso much for reading!!! ily🩷🩷🩷🩷
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