#i reread it and it got me thinking
solitaire-sol · 2 months
Daily Prongsfoot Thought 011
James/Sirius has the same energy as Bill/Richie (IT). Observe:
Both are pairs of best friends even among their other best friends, with special bonds or interactions between them that are noted as separate from their interactions with other friends: Sirius is noted as the only one James will listen to, for example, and Richie is the only one who not only notes when Bill doesn’t stutter, but why.
Both feature characters who serve as the heart/‘leader of their respective friend-groups (James and Bill) and their best friend who is outwardly more surly and prone to stirring the pot, but who are in fact motivated by incredibly deep, unspoken loyalty (Sirius, Richie).
Both pairs are initially stunted as ships by fan adherence to (heterosexual) canon: Besides being dead, James marries Lily in canon, and early HP fandom as I remember it was often obsessed with what is or could become canon, while fans of IT focused on Bill’s childhood crush on Beverly and then on his marriage to Audra.
Both have their original book-based relationship overwritten in the minds of many with their portrayals in their respective movies, which downplays their relationship by marginalizing or outright giving parts of it to others: James’ bond with Sirius is eclipsed (heh) by Remus in the HP movies, while Richie/Eddie is canonized in the 2019 IT movie.
Both pairs are subsequently slept on by fans who primarily became familiar with them through the movies, and who often have little or no engagement with the original books.
Many current fans engage with the fandom’s material purely through fandom - fics, art, TIkTok - thus further burying both pairs’ original chemistry and potential under poor movie adaptations and bad takes, with the resulting fandom takes being treated as universal common knowledge: Ex. Mischaracterization of James and Sirius, Bill and Richie having a vitriolic relationship or barely being friends vs their actual novel relationship.
Both pairs are subsumed beneath the shadow of all-consuming fan-preferred pairings, whose shippers have a myriad of reactions to the pairing in question, with a common refrain from fans who are against these pairings being “but they’re such good platonic friends! :)”: J*gulus and W*lfstar for James/Sirius, Richie/Eddie for Bill/Eddie.
In conclusion, Prongsfoot and Bichie (yes, that’s the most common shipname for Bill/Richie) are both tragically underestimated, and should be more plentiful, but will never be fully embraced, as they would easily become too powerful and devour us all. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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welcometogrouchland · 3 months
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[ID in ALT] I've made posts before about Talia/Dick co-parenting Damian moments (will never happen but let me dream) and this came to me in a vision. Took me ages to finish for some reason 😭 and then even longer to post
#dc comics#dc#damian wayne#dick grayson#talia al ghul#batfamily#dc robin#nightwing#anyway. yes im a self-indulgent ''dick as damians secret third parent'' truther#like i DO think it's way more complex and nuanced than the schmoopy affectionate fan portrayal of it#they're brothers they're father and son they're partners they're the dynamic duo except only in past tense etc etc#but consider! I'm not immune to schmoopy affection in fanworks. it compells me despite itself#anyway it's technically not that crazy when it comes to dick and damian. they hug! often! at least they did#it's not as big a leap to these types of scenarios#also talia ''somewhat absent for complex reasons on both her and damians part but very loving and loved by her son'' al ghul#you will always be famous to me#son of the demon origin...bwahhh#anyway. someone made a comic kind of like this/like a post i made abt this topic#but way funnier bc dick and talia starting trying to beat each other up#so go look at that as well#anyway. it's been a somewhat difficult few weeks so I'm. desperately trying to take it easy#i got some reading with me (first vol of kevin smiths GA run that i found second hand and jaimes BB run vol 2!)#so we'll see how far i get through those. considering there's demons in my head telling me to re-read things (LET ME OUT!!!)#when i finish GA and BB i do plan on rereading robin 2021. as a treat to myself#it's a run I've really warmed up to as time went on#I'm keeping up w/ the current b&r run even though it is. admittedly very slow w/ some weird dialogue#i read it for the damian content more than anything. also nikas back so that's neat :]#idk I have a feeling that after absolute power shakes out we might get some more creative team switch ups#so if anyone at dc is interested in taking over the reigns on b&r...that could be very neat#mine
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pbnmj · 11 months
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noir fanartists deliberately ignoring how he doesn't need glasses anymore is so funny to me. i hope we all think he's blind as a bat
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dragonseeds · 3 months
do you have any thoughts on daenys the dreamer?
extremely fun and obvious play on the cassandra figure. a version where her family not only believes her but venerates her visions and prophecies—like, she saves them and a handful of dragons and, in doing so, the world, but it also curses her bloodline. the thing that once saved them becomes an obsession that consumes them literally in wildfire. the idea that you can be doomed by believing in and actively trying to fulfill a prophecy (aegon v at summerhall, melisandre and stannis) just as easily as others are doomed by their disbelief or their attempts to circumvent fate (cersei echoing my buddy king laius)—like that’s so, so cool to me. i love the ambiguity between fate and choice, the way grrm takes the whole trope apart and plays with all the individual components.
also very interested in the line running from daenys to daenerys, and i always wonder if daenys saw her too and if so, how much of her life daenys saw and was able to contextualize? did she see clear images like melisandre and bran or more metaphorical ones, like jojen or dany in the house of the undying? something like… a dragon with three heads fighting in a frozen wasteland lol?
considering the the loss of female power in house targaryen is so deeply entwined with the dying of the dragons, underneath all of that for me is aemon’s line in affc and the context that follows it:
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what were they translating?? were some of the documents in other languages? it couldn’t have all been daenys’ works because aemon says they’ve been wrong for a thousand years. this prophecy has been a motivating factor for the targaryens (and valyrians?) for a thousand years, but i wonder at what point the translation error actually crept in? daenys was valyrian and that would’ve been her primary language—i like to think she would’ve understood the nature of the dragon in a way her male descendents couldn’t. no one ever looked for a girl, but it was always a girl. not men in a patriarchal feudalist society reducing women to their reproductive capabilities (rhaella’s miserable life being one of the most egregious examples of this) and then being surprised when a woman is needed to rebirth the dragons lol.
this got away from me because i think the (deconstruction of the) use of prophecy in asoiaf is fascinating and everything we know about daenys is tied up in that. cutting myself off before i start talking about gender as it relates to this prophecy. beyond that, i’m really not interested in interpretations of daenys where she’s catatonic or broken by what she’s seen any more than i am in interpretations of dany where she goes mad, just because i’m sick of the seeing the general victimization of women in asoiaf taken to such an extreme that they’re defined by it—with whoever suffers most ecstatically being the least problematic to stan, especially when the women in question are from/associated with house targaryen.
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puffywiz · 1 year
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you can crown this bitch with so many crowns
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originalaccountname · 29 days
Uhh i just finish stormbringer and i didnt quite understood Rimlaine relationship im sorry if this comes off as annoying its just that i read some of your analysis and you explain thing very good, thanks in advance 💗
Their relationship is complicated and contradictory. Ultimately, their lack of communication (both in talking and listening) dug a hole so deep between them that they both had to die before it was fixed.
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I'm gonna attempt a timeline to break it down, so you can see what happened. This got way too long despite my best efforts so I'm putting it under a cut:
At an undisclosed time, Rimbaud, a spy/special agent working for France, goes to defeat a mad scientist and ability user, Pan. Pan had created a sort of puppet, named Black No12, who could manipulate gravity and obeyed him blindly. Rimbaud managed to cut the link between them, and Black No12 turned against and killed his creator and master.
Rimbaud took Black No12 under his wing as a fellow spy for France. He trained him and made him his partner. He gave him a name, his name from before he changed his identity to become a spy: Paul Verlaine.
Rimbaud wanted the formerly brainwashed person he found to be independent. Despite his origins, Rimbaud wanted Verlaine to feel human. He was his friend and wanted him to be happy.
Verlaine, on the other hand, was haunted by not being or feeling human. He felt lonely and isolated, and Rimbaud pushing so hard to make him feel human only rubbed salt in the wound. But he didn't tell Rimbaud any of that.
Rimbaud gave Verlaine the hat right before their operation in Japan to retrieve project Arahabaki. The hat had a special ability alloy woven into it meant to make sure no outside instructions could be used to brainwash him again. That was Rimbaud trying to guaranty Verlaine complete agency, one step closer to making him human. This was only a grim reminder of what he was to Verlaine. After the lukewarm reception of his gift, Rimbaud starts to feel permanently cold.
When they got (what they thought was) the artificial human from Project Arahabaki out of the lab, Verlaine was taken by the Bungou Stray Dogs curse of seeing yourself in other people and wanting to save them to save yourself. Verlaine told Rimbaud he was taking the child and going into hiding to raise him as a normal human being, to protect the child from the same pain he felt. Rimbaud, who hadn't realized how his dear friend suffered, still didn't understand and tried to reason with Verlaine that they couldn't possibly turn their backs to their home, and that the child would still be with them in France.
This poor communication resulted in Verlaine feeling trapped and choosing to shoot his only friend in the back. They fought and Rimbaud got the upper hand before he got surrounded by the lab's guards and desperately tried to use Arahabaki to defeat them too. This ended in the Suribachi incident and his loss of memory. Verlaine still had enough strength to stop Arahabaki/Chuuya's rampage before vanishing who knows where.
Fast forward 8 years, Fifteen happens, with Rimbaud, now permanently cold, who got some of his memories back. Rimbaud wants to know more than anything what happened to his partner and friend all those years ago, and is even willing to kill Chuuya (and Dazai) for it. As he dies, he remembers what happened that night while they were escaping, and how Verlaine chose to shoot him in the back over Chuuya. He tells Chuuya that he was probably human all along, and to live no matter what, before vanishing into thin air.
One year later, and Verlaine has found Chuuya and decided to try again to take him so they can be lonely together. He's trying to both isolate and protect Chuuya in a twisted sense of responsibility and kinship (and the power of projection). When Verlaine finally loses himself to Guivre, he manages to tell Chuuya about how he stopped Arahabaki 9 years ago in Suribachi so Chuuya could do it to him now. Chuuya understands from this that Verlaine might have felt lonely and oh so bitter about the world, that he might have hated his existence, but he had found friendship in Rimbaud and wished to save the world in his name. One person had been worth it, so he couldn't just destroy it all.
After the fight is over, Verlaine is dying from Guivre's energy having been depleted by Chuuya's efforts. As he dies, Rimbaud appears: Rimbaud has created a singularity with his own ability at the time of his death, maintaining his mind alive in his subspace by absorbing himself as his ability on loop. He's like the Old Boss was in Fifteen, just a puppet, not a human... but he's still Rimbaud. And Rimbaud wanted his friend to live and be happy.
Rimbaud apologizes for not understanding Verlaine's struggle with humanity and incidentally handling it badly. Then, he passed on his ability, now a singularity, onto Verlaine to replace Guivre as his source of life: a lot less powerful, but enough to keep him going. Rimbaud tells him he's glad Verlaine was born because he got to meet him, and disappears for good.
Verlaine realized then, way too late, that he really cared about Rimbaud. Rimbaud spent a whole year as something that wasn't human just for the chance of seeing Verlaine again and apologize to him. That got to Verlaine too. Since then, he's been hiding in the Port Mafia's basement, uncaring of the world, and mourning his friend and the friendship he passed by without knowing.
In the shortest, in-novel words possible:
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surreal-duck · 1 year
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Sanji being the only one checking up on Usopp during Water 7 and Enies Lobby makes me ill. The second Luffy and Usopp are arguing and Sanji kicks his own captain for acting that way. The way he snaps at literally everyone. Like-- Okay, everyone was irritable and emotional at the moment because Usopp was leaving. But there's just something about the way they portray Sanji's anger and reaction towards the situation that makes me go insane. It's not only the fact that he defends Usopp at all costs, but also how he's the one verbalizing it too. He cares deeply about him. And I feel Sanji is the one who would look around him to look for Usopp even when he knows he isn't there. And then he finds him again, and the first thing he does is kick Franky for hurting him. No hesitation. "Our long-nose" what do you mean OUR???? He finds the possessive somehow comforting because Usopp is still theirs, no matter what. And then Usopp acts like a proud, stubborn, dramatic idiot. And he wears that stupid Sogeking suit and Sanji is just so done with him but in the most endearing of ways. Then the whole "I'll do what you can't, and you'll do what I can't" thing happens, and it's so important for Usopp's character. It makes him trust in his crew and believe in himself and his abilities and it's Sanji the one saying it because he was with Usopp in Alabasta when Usopp told Chopper "Just do whatever you can". It's just so beautiful. The bond Sanji and Usopp have throughout the series and how much it shows in Water 7 and Enies Lobby that Sanji cares about him in a different way he cares for the others. He wants to protect him but he knows Usopp can do it alone. He protects him when it matters. Sanji understands Usopp because he's been there before, feeling left out, weak, and inferior. Then the whole drama happens yadda yadda yadda. And when Usopp is plotting how to get back to the crew, the one listening is Sanji. He asks himself what is the idiot he has for a friend doing, but he stays to listen to him. To keep an eye on him. He could've just told him to come back right at that moment. Talk to him. But he didn't because he knew this was something Usopp had to do for himself. He just watched his steps carefully and wished for the idiot to come back soon. And you know, I think it's nice to see how Sanji keeps Usopp close all the time.
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alterigo06 · 1 month
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“The red dragon will return at dawn.”
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honeyhotteok · 11 months
Hi! Can you pls write about when Jake was in jail with a reader who went to visit him all the time and was always by his side through those tough days?
took a minute for the ideas to marinate but i actually had an easier-ish time writing this even though i usually don't write stuff this long🤯 thank you for the sweet idea, anon, and for waiting a bit! <3
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summary: jake's favorite person decides to wait for him.
"Inmate 0706. You have a visitor."
Jake walks into the tiny visitation room and plops himself down onto the chair, thinking to himself that it's probably Jerry again. His breath hitches when he sees that it's you entering and sitting down in front of him before the glass partition.
"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be in a place like this," he says with a half-hearted smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes.
You glare at him before springing up from your chair, brimming with fury. "Is that all you have to say to me? How could you hide a whole illegal gambling business from me?"
You had been holding down the fort at one of the shops on Big Deal street as usual, unsuspecting while exchanging quick goodbye kisses with Jake before he would leave the street to take care of some unknown business the past few months. To think he had been hiding something this wrong and to this degree from you, when you thought he believed the two of you were equals.
He closes his eyes, "it was for your own good-"
"Don't. Save it with the whole protecting me bullshit."
He opens his mouth to defend himself, but stops. Maybe you're right. Maybe he should just sit here and instead savor what could be the last time you argue with him. He waits for the other shoe to drop. This is it, he thinks. Inevitable, even. He did choose this life after all.
You sit back down after having gotten that bout of rage out of your system. "I just...wish you would let me in sometimes," you admit quietly.
Jake finally looks up at you, caught off guard by the shift in your tone and words. "Y/N..."
"Ugh, whatever. I'm leaving." You grab your jacket and stand. You pause at the door without turning your head. "See you next week," you mutter.
Before he can utter another word, he watches the door swing shut behind you.
"Visitor for Inmate 0706."
Jake begins making his way to the visitation room.
Jason and Brad had exchanged glances with each other throughout the week as Jake looked even more lost in thought than usual in the yard, the cafeteria, his cell - thinking about you. He heard you wrong last time, right? Were you actually coming back to visit him not just once but a second time? Yeah, no, it's gotta be Jerry this time.
To his disbelief, you're already sitting there behind the glass partition with your arms crossed.
You open this visit with another glare, albeit a less icy one. Despite still being here, you want to keep holding onto your rightful grudge and hurt so badly. But your eyes finally take in his short hair, the new scar on his mouth, the way the weight he's been carrying manifests in his eyes and body. And you find yourself unable to prevent the soft concern filling your eyes.
You let out a deep sigh.
"How's the food in there?" you finally break the silence.
Jake can't help but crack a smile at your concerned, trivial inquiry.
"It's...edible." The both of you laugh.
"Wait, what the hell is prison spicy chicken?"
After last being together in the outside world only a few weeks ago, the two of you begin to slip back into your usual rapport.
While the two of you still manage to chat it up and laugh together, there are still visits where you find yourself waiting to leave the room before you finally let your tears fall. Days where the ache of only getting weekly glimpses of him behind a layer of glass gets to you, peeks at the world of turmoil swirling in and around him that you find yourself helpless to truly solve.
The seasons pass, and it's getting these weekly looks of you that mark the passage of time for Jake. He looks forward to seeing what new change he can spot every visit - the haircut you usually get around the summertime, whether you had time to change out of your part-time job uniform before coming to visit.
And the weekly visits go like this. Although being separated from you does give him an extra reason to want to kill Gun - it's during these brief moments in time with you that he's reminded maybe there can be more to his life than revenge. The incessant physical training, the brutal fights every day in the prison all blur together in a black and white cut, but seeing you brings a little bit of color back into his life.
You stand outside of the detention center gates with the other heads of Big Deal, all of you anxiously trying to peer through the doors in the distance for any sign of Jake. He finally walks through the gates with Jason and Brad following behind. "Welcome back, Boss," mingled with big smiles and back pats amongst you. Jake finally stops in front of you, almost in a daze. He's seen your face every weekend for the past 11 months, but something about seeing your entire person standing before him feels like a pair of hands shaking him by the shoulders.
"Welcome back, you big idiot." You give him a light punch in the arm.
He pulls you into a warm embrace while cradling the back of your head, "I missed you, too."
"Hey Boss, the rest of Big Deal are looking forward to-" Lineman's cheerful words immediately get cut off by consecutive smacks from Jason, Brad, and Luah alike.
"Read the room," Luah shout-whispers at Lineman while giving him a second smack in the head for good measure.
"We'll see you later at HQ, Boss. Take your time." Jason waves in Jake's direction before scampering down the road with Jerry and the rest of the crew. Jake chuckles and waves back.
You smile and grab Jake's hand, "let's go get you a proper meal."
You and Jake sit outside your go-to pojangmacha waiting for your orders. His head is swimming with thoughts of how he could possibly begin to thank you for waiting for him this whole time when he least deserved it, how he can articulate this gratitude and affection that's bigger than anything he can offer you in this moment.
Fresh hot plates of vegetable tempura, fish cake, and kimbap emerge before you. He indulges in the first delicious fried food he's had in months with you. The two of you feed each other skewers of tteokbokki while easing back into the groove of your usual banter sprinkled with laughs in between.
"Oh, and this is for you."
You pull out a paper box from the bakery with a slice of red velvet cake enclosed inside.
"Ta-da! It's not much, but I hope this is a slight upgrade to the cigarette-choco pie birthday cake you had in there," you grin. You scoop out a chunk of cake with the fork and hold it in front of his mouth.
"Hey, I told you you didn't need to get me anything." He's already been madly in love with everything about you, but something about this little gesture feels like it's about to tip something over in his chest.
"Hush and take a bite already!"
Jake complies with a smile. He then moves to close the distance between you two with his hand cupping your cheek, his eyes still fixed on you. He gazes at your face with an overflowing amount of affection and presses his forehead to yours, as if to pause and wonder if he still deserves to lock his lips with yours after all this time.
As if to reply with a resounding 'yes,' you pull his face to yours and kiss him deeply, tasting the sugary sweet mild cocoa flavor still lingering on his lips.
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narugen · 4 days
LOVE his kansai dialect so much huge shoutout to his seiyuu (kengo kawanishi) here’s 34 seconds of it from the new episode
(also whilst confirming that i wasn’t saying the wrong shit i found a thread on how his dialect gets translated in the manga from an official translator!)
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numbuh424 · 2 days
shoutout to whatever L and Light had going on in Time Speaks
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autistic-daydreamer · 6 months
Question for my KOTLC fans out there: what is something you read in the series that you couldn't defend the possible reasoning it was written. For research purposes (and specify what book)
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pa-pa-plasma · 10 months
#polls#tumblr polls#fanfiction#fanfic#archive of our own#ao3#believe it or not this isn't actually for like. me needing to know about hiatuses#this is just a sneaky way of finding out. something else#Danny Phantom#;)#on an unrelated note how do you feel about waiting somewhere between 2-9 months for a fic to continue on its original course?#it's probably closer to 2 if i actually do it#i mean the fic would still be updating but it would be. uh. spoiler alert cant say it'd just be 2~ months til the main storyline continues#i've been given the go ahead from someone who knows about it all but i need to know how people feel about rereading#it wouldnt be rereading but there would be an element of things repeating. it would seem to be repeating at first but isnt#oh my.... wait no.... i think i just realized where i got this idea from & it's killing me how i failed to see this sooner#literally listening to the soundtrack & watching all versions of it bro. i'm an ADHD stereotype#anyway the reason i want to know this is that. this part of the fic can be skipped. you dont NEED to read it#but you would need to wait for the rest of the fic to continue if you choose not to read it#it IS kinda important. it's just. A Lot#okay saying it's skippable but also important seems weird but trust me it's all in the name of beating this kid to the ground#''character development'' no. character deterioration#how can i make him better if he isn't super fucked up#he can't have a mental breakdown if he's happy. & i need him to have a mental breakdown#yeah im going the psychological torture route#also this isnt about timeloops btw. it might sound like it but it's not
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riumeri · 1 year
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thank you for the laughs, the thrills, the life lessons, and the journey!
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