#i personally greatly enjoyed it
canisalbus · 4 months
I'd like to say that I love your art but never really saw the older stuff where Machete is just getting the shit kicked out of him by a homophobic universe so I only know your cute gay dogs as operatically dramatic dudes getting into Situations that only homosexuality can save them from.
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
In case it wasn't apparent from my recent fic, I believe that a crucial element to writing Metal Sonic's obsession with Sonic is not hatred, but paranoia.
Sonic is capable of arriving at any point on the planet within a matter of hours, if not minutes. The only places of relative safety are Robotnik's bases, but even this is not guaranteed. Sonic can speed through conventional defenses, tear through walls, achieve verticality and attack from every angle, at any time.
And every time Sonic arrives, he attacks with every intent to completely destroy Metal Sonic.
. . . at least, according to the programming Eggman shoved into its head. Everything in Metal Sonic's processor, every scrap of personhood or sentience it clings to, is based on code written with a single purpose. The only way that Metal views the world is through the lens of this purpose. It analyzes locations based on defensive angles or potential resources during a combat situation. It sorts any person it meets into one of three categories: An Ally (aligned with Dr. Robotnik), A Civilian (irrelevant), or A Threat (aligned with Sonic). Its knowledge of objects is a complete toss-up depending on what info's been useful in the past to fighting Sonic- Metal only knows what a grocery store is because he punched Sonic through one once.
And Metal is always scanning, scanning, scanning the environment around it for any sign that Sonic might arrive. When your opponent is faster than the speed of sound, a half-second warning can mean the difference between continued operation or utter destruction.
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prince-liest · 2 months
I… oh my god. So much. Has happened. Bear… bear with me. This time i KNow its gonna be a long one. First of all, oh my GOD. THERE WAS NO BAD NEWS IN UR LAST ANSWER. HOLY SHIT. I see how i read into ur previous answer, that val is the only dumper, but yes what you described is EXACTLY the same flavor as what I was describing. It also works SO MUCH BETTER, OH MY GOD! “Vox managing to be the one to break things off at any given point in time hinges on him being able to frame his rationale as "anger" rather than "upset," the latter of which just gets brushed under the carpet of Emotions That Are Not Taken Seriously. [...] anything that makes him feel vulnerable or, ah, let's deliberately and pointedly use the word hysterical, is a pre-existing internal struggle that Valentino knows how to manipulate to his advantage. [and vox does not break up with val when he feels as such]” PRINCE IM RIPPING MY FUCKING HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! THTAS. THATS EXACTLY WHAT TF IM TALKING ABOUT. You just clarified that extra layer of “oh my god this is fucking perfect.’ also. ALSO. them getting back together being sappy makeup sex…. Oh my god. Oh my dear god. If it wasnt clear, i am a Heathen for voxval, too. If you ever feel inspired to write a voxval fic i promise you my firstborn. 
OHHHHHH  MY GOD IM SO HAPPY MY RAMBLINGS HELPED YOU WITH THE FIC!!!!!! TBH IVE RARELY BEEN THIS OVERJOYED. LIKE I COULDNT STOP GRINNING AND GIGGLING WHEN I SAW IT. FUCKKKKK. Also im fucking cackling that my actual impact was bringing vox to severe distress instead of a more angry and annoyed disposition. Like yeah,,.. Im here to make you suffer, baby. LOVE YOU VOX! 
Im gonna leave my thoughts for actual fic for another ask bc… yeah. I will spare you. - 🌓
Do NOT spare me, I enjoy these immensely. >:) Proof:
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Very genuinely, I had kinda been squinting at the actual scene in question with dissatisfaction for a hot minute, so I was very pleased when your ask made it click to me what the fuck felt so wrong about it. So thank you!
Staticmoth is definitely percolating in my brain and I want to write something for them because, like you, I am also indeed deeply invested in them (they are my favorite ship very much alongside radiostatic, which is probably not obvious given I haven't written anything actively centered around them - but they're like the fucked up, evil version of MHA erasermic for me in this fandom because they Must be present in the narrative and also I love them). I haven't had any specific ideas good enough to turn into a fic yet, but I might just mash them all together at some point or, y'know. Go the Good Olde [insert wanking hand motion here] route!
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fearmeeeee · 1 year
do you think sebek enjoys blood drinking?
Dear anon, this ask... The long answer is, I think he coulddd , I think when you have survived Lilias cooking, everything else looks gourmet to you. He is also based on a carnivore , and was raised by mr vampire too, so he could at least see it as an option? I do think he'd prefer straight up meat but hey. I feel like he'd try it just for the gothic aesthetic if I'm honest , anything to look more fitting for diasomnia. Although it would be a disaster considering his gigantic appetite and hints to his bite strength.... The short answer is yes bcause I want to and I can draw him like a vampire.
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Tysm for giving me an excuse to draw this.
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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sylvies-kablooie · 7 months
really admiring the sylki fandom’s ability to dig up artwork from 2021 to soothe our aching bones after the finale. good work team!
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haledamage · 21 days
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some swtor babes in that new picrew, I love it a whole lot and will probably make some more
Arcann/Qora | Torian/Kade
Theron/Marii | Bonus: Tragen/Marii :3
(Tragen, as always, belongs to @queen-scribbles. I can't take credit for how pretty he is)
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dreamaboutwhathappens · 4 months
okay posting this now because i feel like the surprise song combo was so intentional and i hope we get to hear more about it on ttpd !! the getaway car/august/other side of the door mashup got my gears turning and now i can’t get them to stop.
the common thread between those three songs is the third party — i wanted leave him i needed a reason, you weren’t mine to lose, was she worth this? — and i know that basically ever since the breakup people have wondered if joe cheated, and this seemed like it could have confirmed it. while i definitely see the evidence for that, it hasn’t quite seemed like the right fit to me, and after this surprise song combo i finally figured out why. i don’t think that the third party she was singing about in melbourne was an actual person, but the idea of a person.
a huge theme on midnights is what led her to being who she is now. she is both the anti-hero and bejeweled, a mastermind and the unreliable narrator in dead reader… there are so many different versions of herself. clearly she was contemplating these different versions and the implications of being each of them.
a huge theme in gothic literature are characters that are not present in the setting, but the idea of them and what they would do is so strong that they end up influencing the story anyways. this happens in rebecca, the novel that inspired tolerate it, where the main character is haunted by living in the glorious shadow that rebecca cast, an impossible standard to live up to, despite the fact that rebecca died and actually, crucially, wasn’t as great as everyone made her out to be. but it doesn’t matter that she wasn’t that great or that she’s never actually there to be truly compared to because it’s the IDEA of rebecca that’s so powerful. it’s the GHOST that haunts the narrative.
and i wonder if that was part of what drove taylor and joe apart? not an actual ~other woman~ but the idea of who taylor could have been instead. all of the other versions of herself she contemplated on midnights. the third party she seemed to be singing about. even on other albums, before this, she’s contemplated what version of herself could be loved — “i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey, who could ever leave me darling but who could stay?” i wonder if there was an idea of taylor (a taylor that isn’t “too big to hang out”) that was so palpable, so real, that it ended up taking up the space of another person and haunting their narrative anyways? because, like the main character in rebecca, how could she live up to the idea of a perfect life?
basically: how can you say that you love someone you can’t tell has died? did you love the real me or the version of me in your head that perfectly fit into your world?
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
DPXDC Prompt Submission #1
So…have you considered Danny and Jazz with big sister Zatanna? You did say you wanted to use more female DC characters. Zatanna looks like she could be a non white relative. Danny could be her super stage assistant! Jazz could help with stage work or be a manager while saving for college!
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thedressagedraft · 3 months
We are seeing Fall Out Boy soon, and I am trying very hard to not look at setlist fm or read through what songs are played for the IoH rotation, 8 ball, or piano medley because I don't want to know what I'm missing and just enjoy whatever I get.
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artheresy · 5 months
If you don’t want to see like any leaks at all pls avoid
Okay so apparently, APPARENTLY, there has been data put in for a character by the name of Feixiao… y’know The General of the Xianzhou Yaoqing so I think the next ship might already be decided 👀
And listen, I wanted the Zhuming, I still want the Zhuming, I hope it’s next because I need Huaiyan like I need air in my lungs… but Baiheng is from the Yaoqing and Jing Yuan said her family was one of the most renown Foxian families on the Yaoqing which could mean Baiheng lore is very VERY likely WHICH MEANS I STILL WIN 🎉🎉
Say what you want about being tired of the Xianzhou, I NEVER get tired of it not even tired of specifically the Luofu. Partially because I love exploring immortality both in terms of the extent of immortality and self healing but also the extent to which lifespans fundamentally affect all parts of people’s lives like in specifically regards to love to give one example. Thinking about like Banxia from Bailu’s story quest and also the world quest about the Vidyadhara guy (who himself was… ugh) who keeps falling in love with this one Xianzhou Native for multiple reincarnations, jealous of his previos self each lifetime, and how she gradually loses the spark and interest in love and passion due to her lifespan and her continuously going through this?? The exploration is so good… I love that they went multiple long life species with different lifespans and circumstances around being long life, it gives so much to play with and I am so so excited to see us go to another part of the Xianzhou fleet and have just their circumstances explored more !!
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sealrock · 5 months
me: hector is part of a small percentage of garleans that have psionic powers to compensate for their inability to manipulate aether, but it weakens greatly with age and causes immense mental strain
also me: *falls into a deep rabbit hole of paranormal pseudoscience and marvel/dc comic power scaling wackiness in an attempt to explain why and how that is in the ffxiv universe, but suspension of disbelief is thrown out the window*
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me: hermes is a painfully accurate example of how some ways of defending yourself against certain kinds of insidious emotional abuse, gaslighting, ableism, and therapy speak can warp you into a person whose learned helplessness and lack of perspective can result in doing really shitty things, and who passes that abuse along in different forms (hi meteion) + lashes out in disproportionate ways + can be deeply hypocritical.
me: as a disabled person in a society where our systemic mass murder via pressure into government-sanctioned suicide is on the rise, the ancients' society is beyond fucking upsetting to me. i have zero sympathy for anything to do with them pre-apocalypse except for the effects of living in that system.
me: that said, they are a good opportunity to remind oneself that there are children in that burning building; that a society being fucked does not mean they deserve to be wiped out; and that that does not mitigate the harm they do, nor mean that its victims are not allowed to be angry or resist it, including the victims inside it.
me, booboo the fool: oh, this youtube essay about hermes looks interesting--
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dreamsy990 · 8 months
imagine roxas sora and ventus all being roommates. the shenanigans they'd get up to.......... riku goes to sora's apt one day and is like 'why are they here' and he's just like "??? they live here??????'
do you think they'd count as other people. or would only ventus and sora count. bc roxas is just sora.
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sora forgot to put roxas down on the lease and so hes gaslighting the landlord into thinking roxas and ven are the same person
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litany-writes · 19 days
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dress shopping for a school dance, or a love letter to my friends in the languages of quality time and physical touch (january 2023) // dress shopping for a school dance, or a letter to my friends in the languages of amputation and damage control (may 2024)
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