#i order another two sandman Comics
ironic--maiden · 1 year
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Holy fuck, i am so happy rn
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nualaofthefaerie · 7 months
In another post you mentioned you had marked all your favorite Sunflower moments/interactions. Do you mind sharing your favorites with your devout followers?
Much love, Fauxraven
It is high time I come back to writing in here.
I will start by answering some questions, I've been overlooking for a while and then will share why I was away for as long as I have.
Let's discuss my favourite Sandflower interactions though. Thank you for the question and this is going to be quite lengthy as a post, but please bear with me. + the interactions are not ordered by how favourite of mine they are, but rather chronologically for the sake of order in the post 🪷
!Spoilers for the entirety of the Sandman comics under the divider!
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Season of Mists
This one is very easy. It's the first time they meet and immediately two panels are very important to me as far as their relationship goes.
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People make the VERY wrong assumption Nuala was always enthralled by Morpheus but she wasn't. She met him under her "Ice Maiden" title - a fairy so desired men died for a sliver of her attention. She went to the Dreaming as ordered by Titania, the reasons for which could be discussed in another post. Nuala being a gift to Morpheus is a very calculated move by Titania, putting both Nuala and Morpheus in extremely uncomfortable for them positions. Initially. The reason I love this panel is because it shows simultenously that Nuala didn't care about Morpheus at all and she was being arrogant towards him.
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The second interaction in Season of Mists that I want to point out is this panel right here. Although on the surface this entire interaction is quite meaningful this panel right here is very important for two reasons. One and that is the obvious one, he is forcing Nuala on a journey of self-discovery and love, stripping the deceptive glamour thrusted upon her from the moment she first existed (all fairies wear glamour). Second, Morpheus notes to "misliking little magics in his realm", which is factually untrue - everything in his realm is magic in one form or another. What he dislikes is not being in control of the magic being distributed throughout his realm. So here already he had begun very clearly being dishonest with Nuala, which we will see further becomes a pattern - he will say one thing and do the exact opposite.
A Game of You
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The famous page. But what people rarely talk about this panel is that Morpheus makes the active choice to be nice to her. Something he doesn't do. It is okay to not believe me, but go back, read for yourself, Morpheus doesn't praise people, he doesn't hand out empty compliments or say nice things to people in general. Now, this is the first time he does that with Nuala. He will do it one-two more times I think - he will praise her to other people and briefly before they separate for the last time. Nuala is someone Morpheus harbours positive feelings for. However, from that point forward, we will see Morpheus making the choice to act in a way he usually doesn't and do things he doesn't usually do. This is the face of the Sandflower community (me and my three bitches), but it is not my favourite panel by a long slide.
Brief Lives
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I can choose a lot of interactions from "Brief Lives" however that will take an excrutiating amount of time. The most important thing about Brief Lives is the pendant Nuala receives from Thessaly, Morpheus' nasty attitude, because he is being whiny he got broken up with and what a wonderful pretty girl Lala is. This panel encapsulates that so that's why it's here.
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THIS interaction has to be top 3 of my favourite interactions between them. Remember when I said in the beginning people hold big misconceptions about Nuala as a character - that she is a weak, spineless character that fades into the background. This panel is my favourite to disprove those.
"Nuala is meek to Morpheus."
No, Nuala likes Morpheus, there is a difference. Because if she was meek, she would've never stood up for herself or put him in his place, which she does in this very conversation despite their more than obvious power dynamics. While Morpheus shows open distain for her people, Nuala simply and confidently tells Morpheus she cannot change who she is, which is a surprise to the Dream Lord. She is unwilling to allow to be slandered like that whether he is a king or a jester.
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This one is here because 1. He lets her keep the pendant, which at that point is not deliberate on his side but it will become a point of deep connection between them (there is a theory about the pendant, another post I want to write a lot), in a way he didn't have with Thessaly mind you. 2. He calls her "Little one" and I think that is adorable.
World's End
I will not put anything from Worlds End because it's the most important Sandflower volume in my opinion. I will, at some point write a whole post about Issue #52. For now, if you're interested go read Issue #52.
The Kindly Ones
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This is my single favourite panel in the entire Sandman. Nuala and Morpheus were the original "You came/ You called" and I can't wait to see it in the series through the eyes of Nuala's actress and Tom Sturridge. ( I want to write a whole separate post about the pendant too, so, for now this is enough).
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And lastly, I could put their whole conversation here and I could put the numerous comparison's between Morpheus' relationship with Thessaly and with Nuala. But I won't do that because they are irrelevant.
When Nuala became "The Maiden" both in the sense of the Kinly Ones and Persephone, she became a tragic figure bound by her love for a man that is quietly self-distructive. If you go back and read through the comic, there is a distinct uncertainty about Morpheus' coldness from his official partners - Calliope says he suddenly became cold; Thessaly believes he sees people as things he wants until he gets them and then he gets bored; Titania does not talk a lot about the nature of their relationship, however from context we can infer he also stopped responding to her at some point and she is still hung on him (as seen by her conversation with Nuala). Only Nuala recognizes his coldness for what it is - a deep inner hatred of himself and usage of loneliness as a means of punishment of himself. She ecognizes the patterns of his behaviours from his standpoint as opposed to her own, symbolizing the level to which they are connected, whether we as readers realize it or not (because I initially didn't). Nuala wants to save Morpheus, but she is very well aware that she can't.
As for Morpheus he choose Nuala as the last woman (because he did choose to go to her, he had every right to refuse and protect his kingdom, despite the boon) to visit before his death, even though Thessaly had at that point broken him up and he had given up (as by the red flowers in their feet). It is such a heartbreaking panel. Because it is the one that actually shows the depth to which Nuala sees Morpheus past his mask and the level to which Morpheus lies to her for a reason we never find out.
An amalgamation of all they had experienced together is him saying "He didn't notice" and yet, no one who has read the comics from start to finish believes Morpheus. He doesn't believe himself. She was the last person outside of his closest circle he ever saw. Why? Because of his responsibility to a boon? No. He could've left, he knew she would understand, even though she was most adamant he should stay. He stayed because he wanted.
My personal belief here is that Morpheus in his evident self-hatred did everything in his power to make Nuala turn away from him. He recognizes her as something good and we know Morpheus does not believe he deserves good things. So their last conversation is also a way for him to hurt her to a point where she wouldn't be in pain once he dies. Because she is good and he is not.
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Author's note:
It's on posts like these that I realize how much I've uncovered about Sandflower since I first started. I genuinely thought I was in a crackhead space and yet, going back and reading again it's truly baffling how many times Neil wrote actions instead of words - because the good thing about comics is that we can not only read we can see, and the actions Morpheus takes towards someone he doesn't seemingly care about all that much, do not align with his words. I encourage everyone to make their own headcanons or draw their own conclusions. These are my personal and of course they highly reflect my biased viewpoints.
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orionsangel86 · 11 months
Subtext Glorious Subtext! A Dreamling on Netflix analysis in The Sandman - Part 5
How romantic it is to be defended by ones love!
My favourite century! This is where the show starts deviating more heavily from the comic and upping the heat on the subtext (probably why it remains a popular century in fandom especially for gifsets).
Firstly, the show makes some good choices by changing certain elements in order to increase character likeability, which I think were necessary tbh. In the show, Hob mentions getting into a “new trade” regarding shipping and slavery. He describes the process to Dream and is immediately scorned for it via the “poor thing” line. In the show, it is implied that Hob’s involvement in the Slave Trade is something new for him. Dream is immediately dismissive and judgemental of this (as we would expect any decent person to be). Hob initially defends himself “It’s just how its done.”  but agrees to consider Dream’s advice.
This is not how either the comic or the Audible audiobook go and honestly, I was surprised.
In both comic and audiobook, Hob brags about the slave trade. He talks gleefully about actually having a hand in starting it 200 years back. He’s proud of this. He’s completely repugnant in both comic and audiobook and it makes you want to punch him hard. Dream only makes the following comment: “You take pride in treating your fellow humans as less than animals?” but he is otherwise not dismissive or disgusted by these things. He is not judgemental, just curious and surprised. When Hob dismisses this question as it being “business”, Dream drops the topic. It isn’t until the very end of the scene after Johanna’s interuption that Dream tells Hob its “a poor thing...” and that is where both comic and audiobook leave it without giving Hob’s reaction to this line.
You can see why the show made the wise decision to change these things. I think it is another example of where the show is taking the story and characters in a softer, kinder, and more likeable direction. We have to remember that the show versions of Dream and Hob are NOT their comic counterparts. Both comic characters are unlikeable at times and Hob in particular is just generally a pretty shitty person. It is difficult to marry the two versions of Hob sometimes because Ferdie gives SUCH a likeable, warm, engaging performance. Yes, Show!Hob is still a slaver for a short while, and yes, that is absolutely not forgiveable and fandom would be wise to ensure that this is never downplayed or ignored, but I think it is worth mentioning that the show has made the decision to lessen his involvement in the slave trade compared to his comic counterpart. But we shall see where they decide to go with this particularly nasty part of show!Hob's history in future episodes.
I think the show in many ways is taking a more classical view of the Sandman characters - here are your good guys and here are your bad guys, here are the people we want you to love and root for, and here are the ones you should love to hate. The comic tends to keep the majority of characters in the middle ground of morally grey. They have a rather cynical viewpoint imo that works for a gritty graphic novel about a depressed eldritch entity. But that viewpoint wouldn't work so well in a high budget fantasy drama series with a desire to draw in as big an audience as possible.
Anyway, back to 1789. Aside from Tom and Ferdie acting like they want to climb each other all the way through this scene (the sexual tension is through the roof throughout), all of fandoms favourite elements here are new.
Whilst Hob does ask for Dream’s name again here in the comics, there is no response or reaction from Dream given before Lady Johanna interrupts them. In the show, it is clear that Dream is about to give an answer - Hob almost gets his name. This is - tropey. The interruption may be comic canon but the almost response to the answer you’ve been craving for 400 years isn’t. A brilliant little addition. The audience is on the edge of their seats wishing Dream would just tell Hob who he is dammit! It adds to the expectation that eventually Hob will get his name. Dream's identity reveal at this point is basically a Chekov's gun. Hob will get it, even if we don't see it happen.
Then we get the fight. There is no rambling from Hob about some Jack Constantine he knew, instead he is calmly making flirtatious jokes at Dream right in front of Lady Johanna’s salad. “I look terrible, you look worse.” The terrible drawing from 1689 is new for the show, as in the comic it is simply a description of the 1689 meeting that Johanna found. Making it a portrait instead gives the characters something to react to, and I do love how bad the caricatures are in the drawing. Though sorry Hob, but anyone can see that Dream absolutely does not look worse than you, and your teasing flirtations are kinda obvious.
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The two characters share catty side eye glances in silent communication as Lady Johanna talks which indicates how close and comfortable with each other they have become by this century.
When Hob jumps up to attack the thugs, he goes for the one with the knife at Dream’s throat first. Hob gets to be an action movie star for a short moment whilst Dream looks up at him in subtle delight. It’s glorious.
AND THEN Dream ONLY makes a move once he sees Lady Johanna has her blade at Hob’s throat.
In the comic, the minute the thugs get their blades out and Lady Johanna threatens them, Dream is like nope! Magic sand! Poof!
But the show, oh the glorious, brilliant, creators on the show, decided this was going to be a “partners defending each others lives” scene. They want to protect and defend each other! They care about each other.
And then we get this:
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GIF by ghorestes
Dream. Darling. Sweetheart. He may not have needed to, but you enjoyed it nevertheless.
“Clearly. Still, I didn’t want to be drinking here alone in 100 years time.”
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GIF by mrskillingjoke
(Thank you to all gifmakers by the way I am kissing you on the mouth for the gifts you give us)
LOOK AT HIM. We all obsess over these little moments I know, but this is CLEAR flirtation.
If there is a better example of *eye fucking* anywhere outside of a season 4 Destiel scene I have yet to come across it.
It doesn’t even stop there. Because right after the best example of *eye fucking* I have seen since season 4 Destiel is an honest to god proposition.
Hob: "So do you want to find another pub tonight?"
Dream: "She may have told others about our meeting. It wont be safe for you."
Hob: "Im perfectly safe. I can't die remember?"
Dream: "Aye, but you can be hurt or captured. We must be careful"
Hob: “Always.”
So what new info has the show given us with this scene?
On a surface level, Hob wants more time with Dream. He wants to find another pub to continue their date.
On a subtextual level, Hob is full of adrenaline from the fight and the mystery man he’s been obsessing over for 400 years is looking at him like he wants to jump his bones. He wants to find another place so they can continue their date, and possibly fuck until the adrenaline has worn off.
On a surface level, Dream cares about Hob’s safety. He doesn’t want them being seen together together outside of the tavern to draw attention to anymore of Lady Johanna’s goons.
On a subtextual level. This is 1789 Hob and they hang men for doing what you very clearly want to do, and it’s not safe with the additional attention Lady Johanna and her goons have put onto you. If I go with you now, they could follow and find us in more compromising positions. Don’t risk it.
In the comic at this point, I would argue that Hob is still nothing more than a curiosity to Dream. He does not show him any real affection or care, and certainly doesn’t comment on his safety at any point. Whilst comic!Hob at this point is clearly itching for more info on Dream, he doesn’t ever push for it, and he is never as focused on Dream as he is talking about other people he’s met and interacted with. They are barely friends.
But by 1789 in the show, we have genuine care for each other, camaraderie, a growing friendship, and arguably sexual attraction.
The other point to note is something I only realised after answering this ask the other day. Comic!Dream has never had anyone else truly care about him enough to rescue him or come to his defence since Alianora (and he basically married her). When Hob defends Dream in the show, its so impactful to Dream because this is a version of Hob who truly cares about him enough to endanger himself (a trait comic!Hob never shows). No wonder Dream looked so pleased and acted so coy about it. He really was ready to pounce!
Basically 1789 is the turning point century. The point at which the show starts to lean heavily into homoerotic tropes and increases the tension. In this century we get:
An almost name reveal followed by an unwanted interuption
Amused side eye glances at each other sharing unspoken communication
Flirtatious jabbing over a bad drawing
Defending each other from harm
Putting themselves at risk in defence of the other
A thinly veiled proposition
Genuine concern and care from a character that never appeared to care previously
Ridiculously over the top eye fucking
All of which adds up to further the audiences investment in the continued development of this relationship whether romantically or platonically and which therefore makes the break up in 1889 even more impactful.
The analysis continues for 1889 in part 6!
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thenightling · 1 year
How Morpheus pays his servants
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Every so often I come across Sandman fans who joke (or are serious) that Morpheus does not pay his servants, that they are secretly his slaves.  They’ll even all him a hypocrite when he tells Hob Gadling that it’s a poor thing to hold another in bondage. Let me state, Morpheus IS against slavery.  In The Sandman: Season of Mists Titania ”gave” Morpheus Nuala as a gift as a bit of a trap.  She knew Morpheus fairly well. She must have known he he feels about slavery.  If Morpheus refused the gift the fae could “take offense” and go to war, an excuse to try to take the key to Hell from Morpheus.  And if he did keep her, it rids Titania of a potential annoyance.  In some fae lore Nuala was the name of a fae Oberon had interest in. When Morpheus is given Nuala he is reluctant to accept. Finally he allows her to stay.  He never gives her any commands but he removes her glamour.  Though it was initially against her will, Morpheus’s removal of the glamour actually did Nuala a favor. Nuala’s people are very conformist and they all wear glamours, hiding their true forms to look ‘as beautiful as possible.”  What Morpheus did was teach Nuala to appreciate who she is without conforming to what her society had demanded of her for her whole life. It can be seen as a trans metaphor, especially when, later in the story Nuala shows in the fae court without her glamour on and it nearly causes a scandal but she decides she prefers her true self rather than what her society wants of her. Morpheus never gave Nuala any orders. She went about cleaning within the castle to give herself something to do.  But despite this Morpheus repaid her service with a boon.  A boon being any favor (within reason) that she might want, should she call upon him.  Not only that, but as a bonus, Morpheus rescued her brother from imprisonment while Nuala was still working for him.  Morpheus makes it very clear he saved Cluracaun for Nuala’s sake. Though he does not use money, Morpheus DOES pay his servants in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
Here are some examples as to how Morpheus pays his servants.   Cain and Abel = Morpheus gave them each a magical haunted house that is bigger on the inside and full of stories, ghosts, and monsters, to fit their spooky inclinations and desires.  The houses are somewhat sentient too and they gain caretakers to look after them, make repairs, and keep things up and running. It’s a win for everyone involved.
In the Netflix Sandman series both gargoyles, Gregory and Goldie, were actually given as gifts to Cain and Abel instead of Goldie being a gift to Abel from Cain like he was in the comics.     
Lucien / Lucienne is revealed in the comics to have been the first raven. In the story called The Hunt we see that Lucien can still take raven form at will. Lucien loves books. So how was Lucien paid?  Lucien was given a new elfish form (taller even than Morpheus) and the largest library in the multiverse.  And status as second in command in The Dreaming.  That’s a pretty nice payment for services rendered. Aristeas the Raven is based on an actual myth where he was the raven of apollo. Aristeas was a real Greek poet who supposedly became a raven after his death to serve the God Apollo.  This ties into the running gag in The Sandman of people mistaking Morpheus as Apollo.  After two hundred years of service Aristeas decided he didn’t want to serve Morpheus anymore and he was offered a boon.  He chose becoming a mortal man again but he soon found that he could not adjust to the mortal world after having been away from it for two centuries so he asked to return to being a raven.   It’s unclear where he is now. John Constantine / Johanna Constantine was paid by having their nightmares dealt with.  There’s also the possibility that Morpheus may have rescued Constantine’s soul from self-made damnation since Jon Constantine tends to believe he’s going to Hell and has made some bad decisions / bargains as a result.  In a Hellblazer comic it’s pretty much confirmed that Jack Constantine, Johanna (eighteenth century version) and John Constantine were all the same soul just reincarnated into the same bloodline. For John Constantine Morpheus also helped Rachel to die peacefully in a pleasant dream since there was no saving her (in the comic it was implied she was actually already dead and rotting. The sand was the only thing keeping her semi-alive / her soul tethered to her body.)      His usual method of payment though is a boon.  So I think I’ve made my point here. Yes, Morpheus does pay those who serve him and he never forces anyone to do anything against their will (unless you count him telling The Corinthian not to kill people...)
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writing-for-life · 1 year
Why The Order Of The Last Three Issues Of The Sandman Matters...
... at least to me (I totally appreciate that people might see it differently. Maybe that’s the whole point, and where we come full circle when we talk about “stories”).
And as always: Send me asks about everything Sandman-related!
Major comic spoilers… I know that the question: “What happens to Morpheus after he dies?” is one of the ones most frequently asked. And I also know that a lot of people want him to walk off into the sunset with Hob (especially the Dreamling shippers, but I’m not going to go into that).
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I personally think that the last three issues of The Sandman (#73-75) are in this order for a reason
I find it really hard to take Sunday Mourning/Hob’s dream and say: ”This is it, this is the end, he is a dream entity now and wanders off into the sunset with Hob” (and Destruction, but I’m not even go into that right now because I have too many thoughts on that one, so that might be a diff post altogether).
Yes, he (in one way or another) lives on in Hob’s memory/dreams. And also yes, it is the epilogue to The Wake and concludes it, but if what comes after didn't matter, it wouldn't exist. Everything matters when Neil Gaiman writes ;)
He also lives on because time is warped and not linear (#74, “Exiles”). You need to read it to understand it, and I won’t go into too much detail here because it will get too long. Suffice it to say that in Exiles, two things set in very different timelines happen at the same time for a person. So Morpheus can live on like that. Even if he is dead.
But I personally think the most important truth is to be found in The Tempest (#75). In my opinion, it is the last issue for a reason (otherwise, we could have just left on the note of Sunday Mourning). It’s about STORIES, and that stories live on forever. We come from them, and we RETURN to them. And Morpheus, the Prince of Stories himself, is now also a story - something he never wanted to acknowledge, but I'll get to that in a minute.
The Tempest is about the parallels between Morpheus and Prospero. Prospero gets to leave his island. Morpheus says he will never leave his.
From the epilogue to The Tempest (you can also read it on the last two pages of #75):
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I think this is the most important bit (bold by me): “Now I want spirits to enforce, art to enchant And my ending is despair, Unless I be relieved by prayer, Which pierces so that it assaults Mercy itself, and frees all faults. As you from crimes would pardoned be Let your indulgence set me free."
Dream IS Prospero here (although he tells Shakespeare he cannot/MAY not recognise himself in stories. The sad thing is that he won’t acknowledge he also has a story because he is so wrapped up in his sense of duty and responsibility). Even after death (I repeat, this is the LAST ISSUE for a reason, and IMHO, we do not need to worry about when this takes place), he feels guilt. Just like Prospero in his epilogue.
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In my view (personal as it may be), existing as a dream entity, no matter in whose dream, with his memories intact (because that’s what I read so often when it comes to him having some sort of future in Hob's dream) would be absolute torture for Morpheus. It is largely what led him to give up in the first place. That’s why it leaves me… uncomfortable? Dissatisfied? I can’t quite put it into words, and I also totally get that these feelings are my problem.
I know some people like to see Sunday Mourning as a confirmation that he ultimately does leave his island, and maybe that’s also true in a way. But I personally cannot get over Shakespeare saying “All MEN can change”, and Morpheus replying that he is not a man (as in a mortal human). That men have stories, that men can change, but he cannot. Or even if he has changed ("I was no longer the same" #69), he still has obligations, so it ultimately can never be unless he dies. It is what he staunchly believes in, until the end.
This is how we leave the story in #75 - again, it doesn’t end in #73.
And while all three ways of “living” on (memories/dreams, warped time and story) are true in a way, the ultimate way he lives on is as a story in my view.
He lives on as someone who matters as the protagonist, who makes us feel, who isn’t just the narrator. And that's beautiful - to me even more beautiful than some straightforward, flat happy ending. But I appreciate that mileage might vary, and that people will see things differently, depending on their own experiences. (I first read the comics when they came out in the 80s/90s, and no matter how many times I re-read, I always find something new, I see things differently with the passing of time, and it never loses its grip on me).
We are the ones who forgive him - he will only be free if we do. We see that he has changed, no matter if he believed he did or he didn't. We, the audience (who were even at his wake; we are the last dreamer to wake up), are the ones who decide if it was “worth it”.
That’s how he leaves his island, and That’s why “It is never just a dream” in my opinion…
I think @onehundredandeleventropicalfish also wrote on the topic a while back if I remember it correctly, but I can’t seem to find the post in question right now. I just remember I related a lot.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Counterparts (the sandman x OC) - Prologue
As promised. Just another Sandman x OC fanfiction, which will probably turn into bigger series. 
Disclaimer: Dream will appear  a bit later. For now, we just need a little background story.
I don’t own any of the characters, except Kayleen. All credits goes to our genius Neil Gaiman.
Also, I have no knowledge of the comic series, but is that really necessary in fanfiction? ;)  
At the beggining of everything….
There was darkness. Endless night. Surrounding the space with it’s claws, searching for something to hold on. At some point it found Time, whose purpose was exactly the same. Two immaterial beings trying not to be lonely.
Their brief but deep relation resulted in the birth of the Endless – Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delight.  
Those godly creatures were in charge of the order of the universe, each one ruling their own domain. But, since the world needs to be kept in balance, quickly enough the need of the force to guard the reality arose. Everyone understood that quite painfully when the First Humans started to loose their minds because of contact with the Endless. Dream was particularly active in that area, since he was the reason that the Ruler of the Tribe died and was sent to Hell. It’s enough to say that neither his parents nor his siblings (except maybe Despair) approved of such behavior. Still, none of them had any particular idea how to mend the problem of said instability.
Dream’s selfishness lasted, his relationship varied (enough to say that he had a son with Calliope – one of the Muses), Destiny and Despair were causing havoc, Death had her hands full, Destruction got tired of his purpose and left and Delight turned into Delirium. Finally (and luckily) Destiny came up with a solution.
Amongst the mortal there was one special man. A traveler. But, not just any traveler, more of a wanderer. For some reasons, he won Time’s sympathy so he was gifted with the ability to move between worlds and realities. This man had one dream (or maybe desire) – a wife and a child. Since Destiny learned that, he made it all possible by finding the man’s soulmate and soon enough their daughter were born. As well as her father, she was not an ordinary child. She was supposed to be a embodiment of Reality. A guardian of the gates. A protector of the Waking World. A keeper of the order.
Her name was Kayleen.
next part: chapter 1
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phantomfairs · 10 months
Thank you for drawing the second part of the Sandman and Rhino comic! I can see it continuing with the Big Man eavesdropping on their conversation. He's furious as he wants to control them indefinitely, so he arranges for Rhino's abduction and gives Sandman an ultimatum: give up their hard-earned stash and continue working for him or lose his best friend.
Sandman is furious. If there's anything he wants more than his freedom, it's to be free with Rhino. He's blaming himself for his best friend's life being in danger and rampaging in their hideout, which attracts Spider-Man's attention.
They fight briefly, with Spider-Man having captured Sandman in cement. He begs Spider-Man to let him go so he can save Rhino, with tears in his eyes.
"I don't care what happens to me. Take me to jail. Turn me into glass. Whatever. But I can't lose Rhino, wall-crawler! He's my best friend. All we wanted to do was leave this city and just disappear. Get away from this city, the Big Man and you."
Spider-Man is convinced that Sandman is telling the truth and sets him free, offering to help him save Rhino. They come up with a plan, with Sandman pretending to hand over their stash and swear his loyalty to the Big Man.
The Big Man checks the sack and finds it filled with blank envelopes. Furious, he orders his henchmen to destroy Rhino, but Spider-Man bursts in to stop them. Sandman throws sand blasts at the henchmen and frees Rhino from his containment unit. All three take on the Big Man, with Sandman landing the final blow and contemplating on whether to finish him for good.
Spider-Man tries to persuade him not to do it. But he's shocked when Rhino grabs Sandman's enlarged fist and says, "It ain't worth it, Flint. Don't let him turn you into a murderer. That's not who you are. You're better than that. Better than him. I'm fine, bro. Just let him go and we can leave."
Sandman relents and lets the Big Man go, escaping with Rhino and Spider-Man as the police arrive.
Spider-Man loses track of the two but doesn't pursue since there's another crime in progress. Sandman and Rhino lay low, with the former relieved and happy that he has his buddy back.
Rhino then hugs Sandman and tells him how lucky he is to have him as his best friend. Sandman says, "You know I'd never let anything happen to you, bro. We promised we'd always be there for each other. Besides, what's the point of having a dream if you can't share it with your best friend?"
Rhino smiles and asks Flint if he'd be down for a trip upstate. "I know it's not a tropical island but let's take a drive upstate. After all this, we definitely need a break from the city." Flint happily agrees and they ride out into the night, hoping to chill out and come across some money to add to their stash.
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That is a very detailed story and sadly that would be a bit much for me draw. Plus I am incredibly biased and like Tombstone a lot. I encourage you to write the story for yourself as it’s a very good concept!
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glitterypin · 2 months
Good Omens 30 Day Challenge! (x)
Day 26: A thing you read or watched because Good Omens lead you to it and you loved it
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I recently started reading Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic (the first novel in the Discworld series by order of publication) and I am totally loving it. Two lines in the forward to the second edition it occurred to me that unbeknownst to me, it must be Terry Pratchett that I loved most when reading Good Omens, not Neil Gaiman. I mean, I've read the Sandman comics, I KNOW I love Neil Gaiman but it hadn't crossed my mind that I might love Terry Pratchett even more.
On another note, I have several films and shows I've seen as a direct result of Good Omens, by virtue of me watching everything Michael Sheen has ever been in after watching Good Omens and really liking Michael Sheen in it. What started as a minor celebrity crush and evolved into a mission (or, some would say, a problematic compulsion), has so far yielded some interesting results which do not belong in this post (man has been in some AWFUL things, good god) but also some pure gems which I fell in love with. Some examples are: the first two seasons of Masters of Sex, the films Heartlands, Music Within, 7 Days In Hell, the episode of GBBO he was in and the entire Underworld franchise which featured him in two out of five films. Note here that even though I am including the entire franchise in this post, only the first three movies were good ---actually, no, scratch that, only the first two movies were good, the third one was okay and the last two were fucking terrible but I enjoyed complaining through them very loudly, so there.
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chidoknowshit · 2 years
A very Netflix Sandman
So, I just finished The Sandman, it's probably one of the most accurate renditions of a book I've ever seen, except maybe 1985 Pride and Prejudice, which also means that it doesn't really add more to the story. All in all it was a good production and I can see those who have never read the comics enjoying it very well, to me though it was just putting a real human face to Morpheus and the rest. A good way to pass a couple of days but nothing to really write home about.
More thoughts on it under the cut
So while I enjoyed it pretty well there were two major problems to me:
the first was how utterly Netflix the show was. I am no cinema expert and I admit freely that I understand very little about framing and cameras but there is something very specific about Netflix shows that I'm sure everyone who has watched more than one series has noticed. It's how utterly likely they are to one another. I believe it has something to do with the shooting, but if you take The Witcher, Stranger things and The Sandman and ignore the plot you can actually believe that everything happens in the same universe for how similar the general atmosphere is and while in the first two it didn't really impact how I experienced the show, in something like The Sandman, where the atmosphere is half the appeal of the comics, the clean and cut way in which Netflix shot it really bothered me.
the second thing is how human the Endless and the other creatures were. Do not mistake me, most of the actors did a really good job but they lacked everything that made them such iconic characters: Dream looked like a guy who didn't get over his 2001 phase, Death was a woman with a nice necklace, Johanna Constantine with her white coat looked like a cosplayer (I loved her, still cosplay though) and the less said about the demons the better. They had one really great shot of Dream at the end of the first episode but the rest was rather disappointing, the only characters to emerge for design were Lucifer (I cannot be objective about Gwendoline Christie), the Corinthian and Desire.
Now that we got that out of the way some more ramblings about things in no particular order:
the show is way less gory than the comics which, whatever
24 hours was probably the episode that suffered the most for the lack of atmosphere imo, reading it in the comics felt like a fever dream (or better nightmare), this one didn't
I loved the outfits of Dream across the century, special mention to 16th and 17th century for being very hot in very different ways
if this Lucifer asked me to renounce Paradise and go fight the Endless i would
also the painting of Villa dei Misteri in Lucifer Palace ??? I want to believe they put them there because Lucifer has good taste and not because painting depicting Mysteries= satanic rituals
Yes, I cried during The sound of her wings
I would have liked to see John Constantine, i know they couldn't do it for copyrights problem and i liked Jenna Coleman but still, it would have been nice
Desire. Just Desire. The cat suit? "Next time I'm gonna draw blood"?? Helloooooo
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silveryinkystar · 1 year
17, 18, and 19 for the book asks!
17. Top five books of the year
skdfjskj this is ABSURD to try to narrow down BUT. in no particular order:
The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi This book basically unravels the mystery of how Vivek Oji died, and explores the lives of a group of queer youths in Nigeria - and the core of the story is the dual experience of wanting to "truly" express oneself while also not being out for the sake of safety, which as someone in a relatively similar situation made me want to scream because the experience is captured so WELL UGH
The Shadow King by Maaza Mengiste This is such EXCELLENT historical fiction - it talks about the involvement of women in the Italian invasion on Ethiopia as soldiers, spies, etc. and examines the dynamics between them on levels of station, power, allyship, etc. It's so SO SO well written and researched, I finished the entire thing in one sitting
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller I'll be honest I was putting this one off for a WHILE now and finally got to it after seeing your posts about it skfdjsk, the spirit of greek tragedies is alive and well in this one T_T
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood Another one I've kind of been putting off, and haven't watched the show for - the entire book is naturally fantastic and then there's the EPILOGUE which breaks the narrative style into like an academic conference at least a century or two in the future which. HOLY SHIT
The Sandman: Overture by Neil Gaiman This is technically a six-issue comic run but ssshhh they're good they're so good!!! Not going into this too much bc Sandman spoilers but it's basically a prequel of sorts to the first issue of the Sandman original run (which should absolutely be read before Overture btw, because Overture contains major spoilers from the final Sandman issues) which messes with such concepts of time, reality etc.. Also Dream reveals a bit of a backstory where he was damselled in a tower while a cool lady came to save him from the dangers lurking outside, which is fascinating from a meta perspective of storytelling.
18. Least favourite books of the year
Heart of Darkness by Joseph fucking Conrad. it's both tedious and fucking AWFUL and i hate that i had to read it not once but TWICE this year for two separate classes. if i have my way i'll never touch this book again in my LIFE
Also The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing. I had such high hopes for this one because the premise sounded interesting as hell but the protagonist is just awful. She's the LEAST compelling person to have written an entire epistolary novel about and her character is the flattest thing on the planet. I've gone on SEVERAL ranting sessions (and even ranted in my essay for the class I had to read it for lol) and suffice to say it's just not my thing
19. Best non-fiction book(s) you read this year
OKAY so there are a few that my professors wrote/recommended that were just incredible but those also involve giving away my location which I really don't wan't to do, but I did read A Feminist Theory of Violence by Francoise Verges and was utterly THRILLED with it!
The book talks through various salient issues (ex. racism, the prison system, sexual violence, capitalism & neoliberalism etc.) and why they don't cross each other out but actually intersect in ways that enrich conversations around these topics individually - furthermore also talks about how the sources of these institutional problems is often very much the SAME thing, meaning they're all interconnected enough that approaching one should, in fact, involve approaching these other structural problems also
Fair trigger warnings for discussion of state violence, racism, rape etc. but it's a genuinely poignant book that I highly recommend!
End of the year book asks
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wingedshoes · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
hi Nivi ♥️ this sounds fun. I KNOW I WROTE A LOT BUT I WAS DOING SOUL SEARCHING and i hope you read all of it. No two from one piece huh? Alright then:
1. Haley James Scott from One Tree Hill
starting with the ones I kin the most, Haley (until she decided to give up her dream college and didn't get an abortion) is the most relatable character I've ever seen. I feel on the outside of a lot of things in life even though I can charm my way into everywhere, it takes a lot out of me in this way, being what people want you to be. Someone who also loves endlessly and unconditionally. That's what I admire the most in her.
2. Holly Golightly from Breakfast At Tiffany's (the BOOK NOT THE MOVIE)
Audrey's a fashion icon, there's no doubt but I've read the movie summary and they've butchered the soul of the book, its theme, its meaning-
if I were Truman Capote i would simply not write another book in my lifetime. ANYWAY. Holly is a sad, rude, gorgeous and lively spirit. The narrator of the book is unnamed and Holly calls him Fred for Fred, her long lost brother who was the only family she spoke of voluntarily. Holly's society card always says "miss holly Golightly- travelling" which can be interpreted in a myriad of ways, you can find your own once you read the book, Nivi. The narrator is also heavily implied to be queer and the only person who isn't sexually attracted to Holly and THEY RUINED THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE MOVIE. Do not get me started. Conclusion: Breakfast at tiffany's is the feminist Catcher in the Rye and also fuck hollywood.
3. Dream of the Endless - The Sandman, Netflix
I don't read comics so I just went into the show blind. And I want this show to eat me. It's so unpredictable and wild. Morpheus is a prideful entity first and foremost. A loyal one but petty beyond anything. I find his personality so very fitting considering he oversees both dreams and nightmares. I almost wrote about the Corinthian (I HAVE DONE MY BEST TO BE WHAT YOU MADE ME) but I don't understand them very well yet whereas Dream feels like my best friend. His fraught relationship with Calliope is so delicate I want to boop it to see if it'll blast.
4. Anne Shirley - Anne of Green Gables, Lucy maud Montgomery
Man, anne is who tween me was before the parental trauma hit. Talks too much, obsessed with my own hair, obsessed with literature, obsessed with violence against boys, romanticizes my name and my life to mean something anything. I could go on and on. But there's this line right before Matthew dies: something about this being the last day her heart would be light and full of pure happiness. Because once you lose someone to death, your heart is never the same.
5. Daenerys Targaryen
My GIRL DESERVES THE THRONE. Okay so i have the 7 book boxed set right? worst decision. ever. i gave up in the middle of second last one and I refuse to pick it up again until GRRM gives a real update on Winds of Winter. not to mention those last two books are unbearable because Dany has no chapters. THE PART WHERE SHE FREES THE SLAVES. I'm fully on board with her villain era but not the rushed way they killed her journey in the show idk tho i haven't seen the show. aaaaaaaaaaa-
6. Alec Lightwood
I read tmi so long ago and I felt this connection to Alec. It's probably the Older Sibling Of A Family Balanced On a Nail energy we have in common, where we just give away pieces of ourselves to keep others happy. It makes me happy to see him happy as an adult. It makes me feel like that could happen for me too.
7. Regina George from Mean Girls
Um, this was Edmund Pevensie five mins ago but you know what, I love Regina too much. Tina Fey's writing>>>>> and Rachel McAdams>>>>> and the way Regina never backs down from threats. Her manipulation is so subtle she doesn't even raise her voice or sound unpleasant until the end of the movie. I think Regina George and Kaz Brekker would learn from each other. Masters of the mind.
8. The Night Circus
Yeah. No characters, just the circus. The feeling of it. I think it's big enough don't you? Its immortality and love shines through even when one of the sisters is gone, when Marco and Celia are gone, they aren't, not really.
9. Mirabel from Starless Sea
There's a major part of who Mirabel actually is which is a huge spoiler, if you've read this book I'll tell you. But basically, I love how kind Mirabel tries to be given who she is.
10. Marinette Dupain Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug
my lady, my bestie, my twin sister. she's so anxious and carrying the weight of Paris with no one to share it with her except her cat partner. I just love this animated kids show and I wish other teens did too so I could talk about it more. My life these days revolves around fanfics of Marinette and Adrien. I debated choosing Adrien or Luka or Kagami because MLB has only relatable, sad teenagers trying to find love and fighting badly dressed super villains.
Hon. Mentions: Cher from Clueless, Aisha from Aisha (the sonam kapoor one) and Astrid from Crazy rich asians
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fluffywolverine · 2 years
ok, i’ve gathered my thoughts (more or less) and decided to rank all sandman episodes. before i begin: i LOVE all of them, and putting them in the right order was very difficult. let’s go
i’m gonna sort them from the one i liked the least to my favourite one
- chapter three: dream a little dream of me - this is gonna be controversial, but i must say it. i’m not a fan of constantine, any version of them, that’s just not my type of character. having said that, i think jenna coleman did great job portraying this character! really loved her sass and relationship with dream. all in all, i was very happy, especially given that this issue was my least favourite when i read it;
- chapter one: sleep of the just - i was amazed with it when i watched in during the special screening, and i still love it! it starts the show really well, sets the events properly, shows us characters, and most importantly - the imprisoning scene looked so good! i had chills when they were chanting. additionally, presenting the corinthian that early was a great idea, everything made much more sense afterwards;
- chapter seven: doll’s house - i was surprised when they switched rose’s mother, miranda, with lyta, but it turned out to have much more sense! i liked their relationship and rose herself is much more interesting character here. also all the characters from the house, hal, barbie and ken, zelda and chantal were perfect;
- chapter eight: playing house - making jed the fake sandman? best choice ever. the corinthian being the one who actually saved him, not just giving him the ride was an interesting choice, as it showed a different side of him (i mean who would have guessed he would be so great with kids??). rose entering the dreams of her friends was done beautifully, they were just as weird as dreams can be;
chapter two: imperfect hosts - how on earth did they make me care so much about a character i’ve met like 2 minutes ago?? poor gregory :(((((( cain and abel are perfect, just like in the comics, and so are the kindly ones! i loved the visuals in this episode, especially dream’s journey and gathering what he needed;
chapter five: 24/7 - i was terrified when i thought i will be watching the diner episode, but it turned out rather tame, or at least tamer than the comic. up to some point i even thought to myself “huh, this is not so bad”, and then they started killing each other and themselves and i was like “ok i take it back”. anyway very good episode, quite faithful, with changes in the right places;
chapter ten: lost hearts - a finale that didn’t disappoint me was such a relief after all the mcu shows i’ve watched. they did a great job making everything right, not rushing anything and letting all the events end the best way possible. and i loved teasing another season with azazel and lucifer!
chapter four: a hope in hell - THE BATTLE. this was very difficult to portray, the comic versions never really spoke to me, but THIS?? the visuals, the creativity, the execution - everything was perfect. hell itself was done with so many details, it was scary, but not unnecessary ugly or evil. and gwendoline christie, oh my gosh. legend;
chapter nine: collectors - listen, i just adore the cereal convention. i loved this absurd concept in the comic and i love it in the show, the execution was flawless. besides that was the episode with the biggest amount of the corinthian, so i can’t not appreciate it;
chapter six: the sound of her wings - i cried through the entire half of the episode :’) death was so gentle, so kind, so understanding, so full of love for people and her annoying little brother. it might sound bizzare, but the episode about dying felt heart-warming and soothing. and then the episode was made even better with hob’s story. this is one of my favourite issues and the adaptation did it justice. the entire thing has a special place in my heart.
phew, what a ride. as you can see, i am very pleased with the entire show, it exceeded my (very high) expectations. can’t wait for season 2 (netflix, don’t you even dare cancel it)
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assassinnovice · 1 year
Chapter One: The Origins of Chaos' Daughters
Disclaimer: I do not own The Sandman, all right belongs to Neil Gaiman. Netflix show based on the comics Lords of Balance belongs to the DC universe, and Ocs belong to me.
The multiverse turns and twists to the very waves of balance. Night and day. Good and evil. Dreams and Nightmares.
There was a group of collective consciousness, separated into two.
The Lords of Order, Justice, and Balance
The Lords of Chaos, Dominant and Destructive
Two Eternal Lords that weigh the balance of the universe. One of each would be sent down and decide which is the strongest, Stagnation or Anarchy.
But one among them grew curious about the universe they fought over, always wondering its worth, so they broke away from the lords and ran to the Universe, taking a human form and walking among the Mortal and God alike, learning their way, their secrets, and their ways of life.
And she grew to love them, learning from them and understanding how Order and Chaos were the same, how they follow a flow and the endless possibility that leads to renewal and destruction.
She was even changing herself, becoming her person, evening finding her first love, giving her a gift of her very own child. The joy she felt when she first held her daughter in her arms, was an experience she could never forget.
But that joy was short-lived as the villagers of her home accuses her of witchcraft and burned her home to the ground, with her infant daughter still inside.
She screams and begged the father of her child to aid her, but he didn't answer as her home and only child were burned to the ground.
The pain that tainted her grew into a fury and uncontrollable rage, as her destructive nature of Chaos was no one she can easily hide away as she punished the whole city for the crimes of one village.
Death. Famine. Drought. And Starvation plummeted down onto the whole vast land that was once rich with life, killing millions. It was an action she later regretted, but made it a lesson to never forget the cruelty of humans and upper powers.
She wondered for centuries, her heart broken and spirit diminished, meeting people, gaining friends, just to lose them, betrayal from one to another, her love for humanity was reaching its very breaking point, but until a group of young orphan girls was running through the woods, trying to outrun hunters, that planned to use the young girls as toys or slaves.
The Lady of Chaos' spirit was renewed and slaughtered all the men, defending the young girls and taking them in as her own. She knew they could never replace the daughter she lost, but they saved her from herself.
They build a small village deep in the forest, away from the cities of men, and grew in numbers, living in peace and harmony, where trust was their greatest alley. But as their numbers grew as did potential threats that could easily kill them.
So she gifted her daughters with her Chaos nature, empowering them and training them to defend themselves and these such actions have drawn the attention of the Endless:
Lord Morpheus. Lord of Dreams and The Nightmare Realm.
The Lady was not trusting of him, at first for the pain and loss of her child never healed her distrust of outsiders, but over time they grew close, sharing stories of the outside world, and becoming the best of friends. she became a place of comfort and safety to the Dream Lord, a place where he can let his guard down and relax. He even walks among her daughters they greeted him with smiles and share stories.
He had grown to love every one of them, but Mother Chaos was unaware of the loving glazes the Dream King always stole, falling for her and her very nature. 
Even once made a Promise under the Promigrate Tree, to always stay together to never lose one another, no matter what. but that promise held a special place in his heart, for he had fallen for the Mother of Chaos.
But thousands of years passed, and as the rumors of them grew, drawing all sorts of hunters to hunt for their very home, the Mother of Chaos defended her home, time and time again, to protect her daughters. but her time came to a tragic end as she was struck down by a hunter that heard rumors of a village of cannibals nearby.
The hunter was punished by the daughters of Chaos who sent him as a reminder that no one will cross their village again.
Morpheus and the daughters gathered around the mother as her life was slipping away from her, but she just looked at her daughters and smiled, happy for the days she spent with them, to their first breath and the very last.
Grateful for Morpheus and the time he spent with them and so her last gift to her daughters was her power, her Chaos seeping their very souls and giving them her task, maintaining the flow of Chaos.
And with her last breath, begged Morpheus to watch over her daughters as if they were his own. Even walked in his very realm, bringing their joys of chaos, befriending the residents of the Dreaming, for it became a second home to them.
But the Dream Lord had lost more than just a friend, he lost the only person he truly shared a connection with, he lost his heart that day in the woods.
But over the centuries, he has loved each of them as if they were his family.
But his heart unyearn for the Mother of Chaos, wishing he could have taken her as his bride as it was the promise he made upon the Promigrate Tree, but the company of her daughters was enough to sooth is broken heart.
But the days of joy ended in a night of red night skies, villagers believed that their village was still the rumored cannibals, so the entire village banded together and burned the village to the ground and slaughtered the witches.
Morpheus came only too late, finding the only survivors running from the burning village. He steps onto the burning down as hundreds of Chaos witches were laying slaughtered on the grounds, their blood staining the floor.
But his heart truly broke as he saw the only home of Mother Chaos made for herself was nothing more than ash, smoke, and brunt grounds, losing the only connection he had left of her.
Devastated, the Lord of Dreams scream a low, rumbling, and deadly scream as the whole world could hear the howling cry of a being who lost his first love. And his heart turn numb to the humans as they were nothing but cruel beings that take and destroy everything beautiful and perfect for the world.
The surviving witches bid farewell to the dream lord, wishing him good fortune in his long life and they hid among the human world, still dwindling in numbers, but survived throughout the year.
And the Dream Lord chose to remain in his realm, vowing to never step into the waking world unless necessary.
The line of Witches perished until there was only a handful were left...
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How would you rate Marvel and DC's showings at SDCC?
Marvel was great. DC was terrible. I should be at the point now where I don't let that bother me as it's been the case ever since BvS, but damnit I'm not happy with the state of DC outside the Trinity.
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Running down the list for Marvel:
Comics - Obviously the big news is Hickman writing a "Sandman" for Marvel. My guess is it's either a Dr. Strange book, or a book focused on the Marvel Abstracts (Death, Order, Chaos, the Living Tribunal, etc). Of course I will be picking that up Day 1. Otherwise the Tradd Moore Dr. Strange book sounds interesting, I'm hopeful that the new F4 creative team will come out guns blazing, Aaron is finally off Avengers but we don't know what's next for him, there's going to be a "Cold War" Captain America event featuring Steve and Sam, Cantwell is leaving Iron Man with issue 25, and he's doing a Namor book and another book where Osborn will be a hero going by the moniker "Gold Goblin". Krakoa will last until 2024 at least which is when they might start entering the second act of Hickman's plan. None of the Spider-Man teases interested me.
Animation - Goddamn but that Spider-Man cartoon sure interests me! Gorgeous art style, finally a Marvel cartoon with an actual budget again. They say it's set in the MCU but that can't be true. You've got Norman and Otto showing up here which would outright contradict No Way Home, and Peter gets a classic costume. I assume this is set in the "MCU Multiverse" like the What-If series, on a different Earth. Can't wait to watch, would be nice if we could have great Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man cartoons all running simultaneously like the 90s again. Never seen the X-Men 90s cartoon but maybe I'll go watch that and check out the revival.
Film/TV - Aside from Spider-Man, Blade, and F4 I don't have any interest in the upcoming Marvel slate. Maybe I'll go see the Avengers movies but right now I'm scaling back. Hot damn did this show the confidence invested in Feige all the same, even coming off of the worst Marvel Phase yet he still is able to get people excited over a bunch of logos. That Wakanda Forever trailer was beautiful but I can't help feeling bitter over what it means for T'Challa.
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For DC
Comics - Williamson's big "reveal" only elicited eye rolls and groans from what I've seen. Nobody cares about infinite Earths when you can't even put out books featuring anyone but the Bats. Aside from two Static books and a YA Superman book, EVERYTHING else was Batman related. I get that DC likely wants to hold back on revealing what's coming in 2023 until we're deeper into Dark Crisis, but it's painful to see how small the DCU has shrunk compared to Marvel. They're not even trying right now.
Animation - The only interesting reveal was the 2023 DTV lineup of JL/RWYB, Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham, Legion of Superheroes, and JL: Warworld. Only Legion and Warworld caught my eye, not a RWYB fan, and DtctG's main appeal is the Mignola art which I doubt they can afford to replicate. Other two seem to be the Tomorowverse movies, and both are likely going to star Superman in a lead role given Legion has his symbol in the promo and Warworld is self-explanatory. That takes the sting out of him not getting his own solo movie for his 85th at least. Ideally Legion would be an adaption of the Johns/Frank Superman & the Legion of Superheroes arc, and Warworld would be an adaption of PKJ's Warworld Saga, with the League replacing the Authority, but it's just as likely they will be original stories. Guess the rumors of a CoIE trilogy were false, no matter I'm not a huge fan of that story anyway. Edit: Looks like the Legion story is going to be Superman introducing Supergirl to the team, that could still be fun although I hope Clark is more involved than just passing her off to them and disappearing.
Film - Shazam 2 looks funny but I expect it to be another modest success. Black Adam looks cool but everyone was hoping the rumor Cavill would show up was true, and weren't happy when it didn't happen. Deadline wouldn't usually report "buzz" if there wasn't at least plausible cause but this time they looked like fools. Cavill and WB have been playing a game of chicken for five years and I'm tired of it. If you're seriously going to let the Rock put a post credit scene in BA that sets up a showdown with Superman, fucking get a Superman. Either give Cavill another solo movie like he wants or recast the role, because Cavill is not going to blink. Damn if WB doesn't look sad right now, can't even promote their 2023 movies because of the Miller and Heard controversies, never mind talking about the future.
DC got bodied this year. Speculation that they're saving reveals for Fandome feel far fetched to me given A. the likelihood that there are changes to the slate coming because of the restructure and Hamada's likely departure, and B. last year they announced a date for Fandome in April and it's almost August now. I don't think we'll get a Fandome this year because everyone is waiting for Zaslav to pick his new DC head and then they'll be the one to start greenlighting pitches. Five years since Snyder got kicked out and DC is still a mess. What a waste.
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androxys · 1 year
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I posted 782 times in 2022
That's 782 more posts than 2021!
159 posts created (20%)
623 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 779 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 575 posts
#dc comics - 466 posts
#chit chat - 199 posts
#tim drake - 151 posts
#batman - 106 posts
#moving blogs - 106 posts
#dick grayson - 96 posts
#star wars - 73 posts
#stephanie brown - 44 posts
#ao3 - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#or that it’s some psychological symbol that it appears in tim’s narrative but not in bruce’s
My Top Posts in 2022:
I am being SO normal about the Sandman trailer and release date :)))
71 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
I think if I could somehow mail a single TPB to every Batman fan on the planet for them to really read it would be the Death in the Family/Lonely Place of Dying trade paperback collection.
Like, I’m not saying that these stories are The Best Batman Stories Ever Told, or even that they’re particularly good. (I personally think LPoD is a great story, but that’s neither here nor there.) I do think, however, that these two stories are foundational to SO much of the modern Batman mythos as we know it (or interpret it, as it may be) and people are at a disservice by not understanding
a) That Bruce loved Jason and that Jason’s death was an unquestionable, morally indefensible tragedy
b) That Bruce went Totally Bonkers immediately afterwards, to the point of Superman having to get involved
b.2) That Batman and Superman are more than just co-workers, and that they’re actually friends
b.3) That Superman and Batman still have to exist within larger systems (though this point and everyone’s personal take on the whole U.N. situation varies, because sometimes comics sure make bad choices)
c) That Bruce was devastated by Jason’s death, and went into a death spiral of his own
d) That his friends--namely Alfred--did in fact see this happening and were summarily rejected by Gruff Bruce
d.2) I wish that, in this fantasy world, I could also mail The Caped Crusader Vol. 1 so that people could contextualize what Bruce was like immediately before and immediately after Jason’s death, and how people like Gordon reacted to this obvious and immediate change.
e) That people could see the actual origin of Tim Drake. Like, really, what he actually did rather than all the misconstruction and fanon telephone that is natural, but not entirely correct. This would then hopefully have the consequence of informing everyone’s understanding of Tim’s place as Robin--yes he’s a little crazy. A little intense. A little over-eager and afraid at the same time. But very importantly a character defined by connective tissue.
f) That Dick and Alfred have very interesting roles in those two stories. I mentioned Alfred already in DotF, but in LPoD those two are also cruising on the crazy train (both the normal vigilante one and the dead-Jason express) and picking up speed.
f.2) There’s a lot of Dick character work that happens here in short order--his circus roots, his relationship with the Titans, and then the beginning of his relationship with Tim as brothers. But it also establishes the way that Dick cannot become Robin again, that he can’t regress--Nightwing is who he’s supposed to be. Not being Nightwing, the identity he created for himself, is a disservice. This will color his time at Batman, and dovetails neatly into his held truth that he cannot save Bruce from Bruce.
f.3) Alfred is an interesting case study here in how quickly he jumps onboard with Tim, considering how opposed he is to Bruce’s self destruction in the endless war on crime... unless he views Tim and the dangers of Robin as an appropriate stopgap to hold Bruce from absolute destruction. That sure is a lot of burden to be put on one teen, however, so there’s another interesting wrinkle.
g) That this trauma never goes away. Even once Jason comes back in Under the Red Hood, the pain of losing him is still something that all of the aforementioned people still deal with because the death of a child is something you never fully get over. And it’s not like Batman didn’t try to do anything--he was fully ready to kill Joker. He was ready in the U.N. building and then left him for dead on a crashing helicopter. That’s part of what makes Jason’s return in UTRH so tragic, but the potency of that tragedy (you didn’t avenge me, Bruce) is amplified.
Anyway, this got to be much longer and much closer to a rant than I anticipated, but this thought has been rattling around in my head since I saw one too many things that made me think “this person has not actually read A Death in the Family,” so this is my soapbox.
104 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Forget being normal about your partner, I want whatever River “if I have to harm you I will suffer more than every other living being in the universe so instead I will destroy reality” Song has going on
149 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
I don’t have many headcanons, but I do think that Alfred smoked when he was in the military. He quit when he went to work for the Waynes for a variety of reasons, namely the danger of second hand smoke to a small child and the hypocrisy of smoking while being employed by a doctor. Years later, he swore he was having his final cigarette outside the police station while an eight year old Bruce gave the detective his statement. He broke that promise when he chainsmoked an entire pack waiting for Bruce to fly Jason’s body back from Ethiopia.
378 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I just got the notification about Spotify now having audiobooks, and not to have a knee jerk reaction and shoot from the hip, but don’t give Spotify your money. Download Libby and use it if you have a library card. If you don’t have a library card, as a librarian I feel inclined to tell you to go to your local library and get one! They are almost always the low price of free. Libby is also the low price of free. Don’t keep throwing money in the Spotify pit.
If you’re a person aged 13-21, I also just want to plug the Brooklyn Library’s Books Unbanned project where you can get a free eCard, because it’s such a cool program. Anyway. I’ve typed all this in like five minutes and am going to get a snack. Don’t keep giving Spotify your money when you can support your local institutions who will get you this stuff for free
812 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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emchovy · 2 years
What I Read in September 2022
The Executioner and Her Way of Life Vol. 1
I can't really summarize this one without spoiling the first twist, unfortunately, so no summary for this one. However, it's an isekai and it's a yuri. I've wanted to read this one for a while, and a friend (@cronchadile follow them for great art!!) ended up giving me a copy by pure chance.
I LOVED it. I knew the first twist going in, but the second got me SO HARD. I was HOOKED. If you're at all interested in light novels/isekai/yuri, you gotta check this book out. So good.
Kuma Kuma Bear Vol. 1
Another light novel oTL. A girl who's a genius shut-in gets isekai'd into her favorite game, the twist being that the only gear she has is a bear onesie. My standards going in were rock-bottom, but this was pretty funny.
Arata, The Legend by Yuu Watase
A completely forgettable isekai/shonen thing.
Can't Stop Cursing You by Kensuke Koba
I've never read or watched Death Note, but I have been around anime-watching teens for the majority of my life at this point, and so I feel fairly confident making a Death Note comparison here. A charismatic high-school boy with a hidden dark side makes a contract with a curse god in order to carry out murders easily. Unfortunately for him, his biology teacher is an undercover curse-killing investigator.
This was a really fun one! I enjoyed it a lot. Lots of fun exaggerated faces, and I'm pretty terrible at picking up on foreshadowing sometimes, so the twists managed to get me (if you are better, you might see them coming). I'm excited to read more.
Cherry Magic: Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You A Wizard Vol. 5
A BL about a guy who has the thing in the title happen to him, and one of his coworkers. This story is sweet, and can be pretty funny. The drama in this volume was good, but I do hope the story is close to the end, honestly, because I'm not sure how much longer I wanna see it go on.
Eniale and Dewiela by Kamone Shirahama
A devil and an angel are bitchy besties. And Kamome Shirahama's art is beautiful. Would recommend.
Manly Appetite: Minegishi Loves Otsu by Mito, Vols. 1-3
Read this bc overweight character rep and it is solidly fine. A salaryman BL romance.
Heaven's Design Team Vols. 1-2
A manga I got on a whim because they had the first volumes at HPB. A team of designers fulfill the requests of God and create animals. Enjoyable! I like comedy manga, and this is a pretty good one of those, with very pretty art.
Phantom of the Idol Vol. 2
This is a deep and meaningful manga about the ability to stan two different musical acts. Okay, so maybe it's not deep. An idol who died and came back as a ghost haunts a guy who's an idol but sucks at it. The comedy in this manga genuinely makes me laugh aloud, and I like the character dynamics a lot.
The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter Vol. 2
This is a very fun BL Isekai manga, where a salaryman is sucked along in an isekai event with a teenage girl (who was the intended target.) I really love this manga. It's funny and sexy and the main characters intrigue me.
Witch Hat Atelier Vol. 3 by Kamome Shirahama
Another volume of Witch Hat Atelier! This is still a beautiful and charming manga about a girl at witch school. Always lovely.
The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Sam Keith, Mike Dringenberg, Malcolm Jones III
Look, it's pretty obvious why I read this one, right? The titular Sandman is trapped by an Occult group for 70 years, and after escaping, must reestablish himself. It's PHENOMENAL. We actually started watching the show, and bounced off it, but man, the comic...Can't wait to read more. I really love the subtle twinges of the DC universe.
That's all for September! Kinda an oops, all manga this time, but that's okay. Guess I just gotta read War and Peace in the back-half of October to make up for that.
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