#i mean unless you really want to smoke something for the sake of smoking and get no benefits
Do you have any elaboration on how was the catnip? I suspect bad but I have been staring at that tag for too long and am looking for reasons to not add some to my joint but there are not many
its basically like smoking something that only has cbd. except not at all. its nothing. dont do this.
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socheckitout-mikey · 16 days
heya lovelies, these weren't requested, i'm just on a huge tlb kick atm and wanted to share some love for david! please enjoy and let me know what you think! - mae
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Gif Credit: @bonniebirddoesgifs
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TLB Dating David Hc's:
° Rest assured that dating David means that the journey will never be boring. You're guaranteed for the adventure of a lifetime (or multiple depending on how you look at it). The party never ends until the first rays of the dawn find their way into the cracks of the caved-in hotel he and the boys reside in (almost dare I say) religiously. He bids himself farewell in your sleepy haze, departing on an sudden icy wind that leaves you sitting up rigid with shock. Only to find that you are utterly alone, save for the seagulls shrieking up above and the lulling waves lapping against sea foam cliffs.
° But as soon as dusk settles upon the sunshine resort of Santa Carla, you'll find David having appeared by your side with the same kind of magic of Christ's Resurrection. Sure, you may ask him how he has done such a thing, but it's seldom that you'll get a straightforward answer that doesn't sound as though it's dripping with a whole new meaning of "Oh, I'm going to fuck with you for sure".
(I mean, you asked for it!)
"Oh, that old trick? It's called climbing flights of stairs." David quips, cocking his eyebrow as he lights up a smoke.
"You asshole, I know how to use the stairs- but I swear you-" you are cut off effortlessly by his charming, gritty laugh and the full intensity of his icy blue gaze, which renders you utterly powerless.
"Then why ask the obvious, kitten? I think someone needs to get their brain CAT scanned. Are you sure you don't have some form of early onset dementia?"
° David is a mysterious fella indeed. He doesn't let much ruffle his feathers unless given a valid reason. He's enigmatic with his charm, drawing in droves of curious people, but not many of them live to see the light of day ever again. A peculiarity you were awfully aware of at the beginning of it all.
° He felt someone's persistent eyes upon him, and out of curiosity, he looked up to find you. Now, love at first sight doesn't suit David, but he couldn't deny it: He at least felt something when he stared back at you. Enough to worm his way into your life with wild simpers and an abundance of flirtations. He uprooted your nightly schedule with a promise of escape and eternal youth.
° David's snarky cynicism can often be the cause of a hurt heart,- as he's learned very well throughout his very long life so far-. This is why it's a blessing that you're able to roll with the punches and even fend yourself against him with a playful attitude. He's very much amused when those kitty-claws come out and rake down his chest. He likes to have fun with you, and enjoys it even more when you're having fun with yourself. He'll let you off the hook... for the most part. But it is pretty difficult to actually insult him.
"Oh, isn't that just endearing? You're pawing me to death." David simpers with boredom through a thick jet of dragons' breath, before leaning forward so his elbows rest on his knees. "Tell me something, when are those kitty claws actually coming out? I'm feeling a bit kinky tonight."
° Truthfully you never really will get to the end of his teasing tongue (in more than one way). David is mischievous, and is charismatic in the way he pushes those around him. You are no different, but with thick skin and a sharp tongue that mirrors his own, he cannot help but reward you. He enjoys keeping you on the very edge just for the sake of being a menace, which is more for his own entertainment than yours.
"Are we frustrated, kitten? Who would've thought you'd break so easily from a few touches and a few words..." he breathes in mock disappointment before an impish grin etches itself onto his features. In velvety tones he divulges, "Well, it's a good thing I'm good at piecing back together broken things. I think I might just rearrange you a bit first. Got any protests?"
"Fuck you!" You grit out.
"I'll start with that mouth first," he flashes a sultry grin before looming over you entirely.
° As much as you love this suave bastard, and he too loves you; it has become apparent that such a declaration verbally isn't really needed. Where David is good with his charming words, he feels that his actions also lend a "helping hand" when it comes to luring you into the fold as his partner. David lays claim over you more subtly than some of his other brothers, but said actions speak so loud that even outsiders can hear them as if they were screamed out at them.
° One thing is for certain; David isn't privy to the idea of sharing you with anyone. He is entirely selfish, wanting every part of you (warts and all) to himself. Does he admit this outwardly outside of yourself? No. But he does make it known.
° He has profound issues with jealousy, but unlike Paul and Marko, he's much like Dwayne: Settling scores when your back is turned. If someone is dumb enough to attempt flirting with you or trying to pick you up, David deals with them in fatal arrangements planned precisely in his head. You may notice the disappearances, or you may not. But either way, he's not letting up much.
"Who was that again? I haven't heard of them." He says in a nonchalant tone, but his eyes are biting, warning you to leave it be.
After all, he does this for a very good reason. It doesn't pertain to issues with his confidence. No, he's got buckets full of that. It's just the darkest parts of him have fully invited you in. There's no going back to a "normal life" when a vampire has fallen in love with you. His intent is to turn you- to be with you for eternity. It's just that simple.
° At the end of the night, the many trials and tribulations the pair of you have faced have made you stronger as a couple. From your fragile mortality being altered to the many hurdles you faced with fighting the hunters after The Boys - saving them. David does not know how to properly express his truest feelings through the process of words that aren't bitter or playful. So forgive him for the lack of them, but he also knows your true feelings too: He'd just rather them be shown or acted out.
° There is nothing better than whizzing chaotically through the impressive beams underneath The Boardwalk. To get lost in the night with such a thrill that makes your stomach lurch. Yet with each inhibition David pulls out of you only to guide you to throw into the wind, he's allured you further into damnation. You seem to mind such a thing much less now.
° There is a gentleness to the beast that skulks proudly under those garish lights of the Boardwalk. It is reserved solely for you. It does not disappoint as it protects you with vigilance and ensures your needs are met. Just do not thank the beast too profoundly, because it might just get you teased!
° A sucker for your touch, it's no wonder that David has you proudly lounging on his lap in public or in the cave. Sends out a very notifiable signal of, "Back off, she's mine!"
° However, what about the times when you manage to steal him away to far more intimate places, where it's just the two of you? Your bed, although a foreign concept to this roguish fiend who slept under bridges as a mortal, cannot deny deep down the feathery down tempts him. You lay there with him, either lazily making out or talking about many different topics of interest as the TV in the far corner croons on the summer breeze. You have all of his attention, none of his fellow brothers to chime in some hilarious one-liners to add to the chaos. It's just peace.
David cannot help but sigh blissfully, working his lips against your own. Lost at sea. He doesn't want to be found.
° Spontaneous dates of parking your butts on top of an old building or into the corner of an abandoned graveyard whilst you dig into a bottle of wine you stole from your parent's cellar has to be some of David's most favorite low-key dates.
"Look at Miss Goody-Goody stealing for little old me," he grins, admiring the good year on this particular wine bottle. It's a steal he will ensure is worthwhile. "Did you know that stealing is a sin, kitten?" He coos mockingly.
"So is stealing my soul, but you don't hear me complaining." You snicker, stealing the bottle from him. You uncork it and take a swig.
"Touche, kitten, touche." He grins as you hand him the bottle. "Now, you're not planning on curing me, now are you? I'm not a fan of Holy Water."
"If there was a cure for stupid then I'm sure you would be cured by now." You chuckle. "Besides, why would I waste Holy Water on you? You're past the point of saving."
"That I am, but I have to say... I'm going to make you regret everything else you said," he says testily.
"Oh, bite me, Dracula!" You stick your tongue at him.
You really shouldn't tempt him like that.
° Arguments between the pair of you make the air thick with hostility. Though thankfully they don't happen as easily outside of the cases of some broken trust, which isn't very easy to patch together. Like in other areas of his life, David is just as dominant when it comes to arguments. Your feisty attitude you spit back at him is like cobra venom doesn't help. It's cruel and harsh, leaving both hearts wounded and stubbornly locked away in some indestructible castle up a steep mountainside.
° Depending on the burns and wounds left behind, it may take several days for either of you to even look at each other. Avoiding is easier until one of you grows lonely. It takes further time to reconcile, but once it has been initiated, the hatchet is buried (for the most part).
° Don't plan on holding out for the word "sorry" from David. It seems to have escaped his vocabulary almost entirely. It's reserved for extreme circumstances, and even then he may hint at it, but not actually say it. You just need to get used to that. David will show his remorse in many other ways such as private moments stolen away with you where he seemingly allows you to lay in his arms (but he secretly initiated). He will adorn you with thoughtful gifts, words that are sweet by his standards and when he thinks you have fallen asleep, he may let his guard down enough to say, "I'm sorry,".
Just do not hold it over his head!
° You make one another feel on top of the planet. Heads dizzy with a fatal charm that cannot be hidden even to the outside world. David is charismatic and flirtatious as he sweeps you off your feet under the dark silhouette of his damned soul. Yet you are his salvation to the ride down to those fiery pits of damnation! You make him feel alive again, your fresh immortality irresistible as he goes through the new motions with you. Re-experiencing the rush of your first feed, your first flight and even your first kill for the hell of it.
° The pair of you will only get more twisted and wild as the eons drift on by.
° Where once he believed that being tied down to someone would hinder his nightly life that he was more than pleased about, David has come to realise something else: Having someone to share this lifestyle with who gets him even better than his brothers - someone that he can form a genuine romantic attachment to - is far better than the immortal bachelor lifestyle. You have proved yourself useful to him and he can never reward you enough for it.
° It's a good thing that he'll just show you.
° Your connection with David is profound and unmoving as it licks at haunches of dauntless stakes to be dodged - or in the case of David, antlers -. He would have no one else but you swoop in and save him from eternal loneliness as you embark on revenge against The Emerson's until you squash them one by one. What's more poetic than that?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
please like, reblog and follow for more!
requests: open!
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trainsinanime · 7 months
Your favorite fanfic writer doesn't know (but would like to)
Let's talk about comments on fanfics. This is not meant as a guide or call to action, just a bit of observations. Personally, I always saw it as impolite to ask for reviews or kudos or comments or likes or reblogs or whatever. That's not a rational point of view, it just reflects how I am. And people actually telling others that they have to leave any of this feedback? I've blocked folks over that. In my mind that's not okay. I'm not announcing a change of that, this is not a policy, just some deep-seated mental issues, but I want to write down some more things that have been going through my mind, from the perspective of someone who occasionally writes fanfics. My previous suggestion in this regard was mostly to write some fanfic yourself and see what happens and what you'd like to happen, because it's genuinely fun and I think you probably have more to say than you realise.
But there's also another point here, and that is that your favourite fanfic writer has no idea that they are. If you're anything like me, then it will seem like the great writers in your fandom are obvious. Also, the last time you bought Blåhajs, it ended with you having to flee a smoke-filled subway tunnel. The great stories and great writers in your universe are facts of nature. You read a story and you think, "this is the greatest thing I've ever seen." A story rewires your brain chemistry forever. You keep coming back and reading that one fic whenever the mood hits you. It feels obvious that this story is great. How could it not be?
It feels trite to say that the author of that fic doesn't know that unless you tell them, but it's hard to really understand the feeling unless you've been there yourself. You write a story, but is it any good? Maybe you get a lot of kudos, or maybe very little, but what does either of that mean? Kudos can mean literally anything from "loved this" to "didn't close the tab in disgust". Maybe you just got unlucky. Maybe you just got lucky. What do these numbers mean? What is a good number of kudos? 1? 10? 100? 1000? Should I calculate ratios? How do I know whether people like this?
In light of this, a comment where someone just said, "I loved this", has an almost incalculable worth. A comment where someone says they read this over and over again, or quotes lines they loved, or something? You can't imagine how valuable that is. A while ago someone told me "a couple of us are talking about this on Discord, we love it and we keep repeating our favorite lines". I thanked them, but I was too polite to say, "really? What are they saying? Which are your favorite lines? How many people are there who love it? What are their names? Which lines are the favorite ones, please, tell me!". Part of me still regrets that, because I so desperately want to know! I don't think it was a public Discord and I never heard from the others on it, but just the idea that they're out there and they like my story was so powerful. (By the way, it's not on any account that's linked from here, please don't try to find that comment.)
Now, I firmly believe that you, as a reader, don't have to care about any of that. I know there are people who disagree with me on this point, very strongly in fact, but I don't think it's necessarily your job to care. It's great if you do, and I think a lot of you do in fact care, that's why I'm writing this. But if you haven't thought about that or don't feel comfortable leaving comments or whatever, that's fine, that's normal, and you are in fact part of the majority. Any well-adjusted fic author has found ways to deal with this. They have learned to love writing for its own sake, or they love re-reading their own fics, or they have a couple of trusted friends who like their work, or ideally all three. Personally I was scared of Discord for the longest time, but it really helps with that. One person who you sort of know going "hey that's neat" can outweigh just about anything else. (Still, there will be days when you post something and you won't get a response and that just plain sucks, no two ways about it.)
But if you do care, if you think it's important that a fanfic writer knows what they mean to you, not because of any concern about the wider unpaid fan creator economy but just because of the way their work affected you, then this is important. Your favorite fanfic writer probably doesn't know and/or believe that they're anyone's favorite, and even if they do, a reminder or learning that someone knew found them will make them incredibly happy. And obviously, all of that applies at least just as much to all the beginners with potential that are out there. So if you're wondering whether it's worth it leaving a comment that says how much you enjoyed something: It probably is. And if you shared this with others and they loved it, or if this is your favourite fic, or if you enjoy how original it is, or how well it does your favourite tropes, or anything like that, the writer is going to be so happy to hear that.
A final aside: This obviously applies even more when it's about fandoms, pairings, subject matter and in particular ratings that are considered a bit embarrassing. Writers who write stuff that, say, happens to be E-rated for whatever reason, doesn't matter, will probably get fewer kudos and comments just because people are embarrassed to have their names show up in the Kudos and Comment sections. If that's you, just a note that it is perfectly okay to comment anonymously, or to create a second separate account for leaving kudos on, commenting on and maybe even posting the somewhat more risqué stuff. Now I'm not saying I have one of these second accounts, at least I'm not saying that in public, but it is an option worth considering.
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softxsuki · 4 months
Could I request a letter for your Valentines Day Letter Event? I would love love LOVE a letter from baji. We've been friends since middle school and we became offical when we went to the same University. (He does veterinary medicine and I do art.) I'm 20 and he's 21 (dating for a couple of years at the time of him writting ir) and well... he does call me a variety of pet names depending on his mood (just wanna be call dollface/cutie). TONE: I'm thinking about a hurt to comfort letter where I get hurt/bullied (harassed and peer pressured by bullies and idk how to response bc i thought uni wasn't the place for bullying and high school drama. Guess not 💀) and he saves me but I don't respond bc i feel week and I should have done something instead of waiting for him ro come save me and I just feel undeserving of his love and isolate myself in my dorm (we live in different dorms). Baji not being sure on what to do/not wanting to pressure me (ik he isn't like this but shhh it's for the sake of the letter) write a letter expressing how much he genuinely cares for me and loves me (without it being out of character) and that I'm not alone and I have him. Location: it takes place at uni (so he slips it through underneath the door. After I read it, he comes in and we just cuddle and watch a movie (whilst hes holding me in his strong arms. He stays the night and makes me breakfast, also he "talks" to my bullies so that when I see them again they all run away 🏃 (they want no smoke). Other information: I'm usually the more affectionate one between us and like he reciprocates (was quite shy at first but warmed up to it and how he starts it... it gets a little heated sometimes if he's jealous 😳). I hope I'm not coming off as ooc by saying this (please correct me if I am). I feel like baji is somewhat reserved in public (unless he's jealous) like the most he'll do if give me a kiss or a brief hug (maybe ruffle my hair) but like o can tell he cares. I can't proprrly articulate it but he isn't just a feral troublemaker, he's more than that (acts of service - giving me water, snacks if so I don't get hungry or thirsty/reminding me to like eat and hydrate. Also I can confinde him about anything and he won't judge me for it. Also he doesn't judge me for my autism (actually G checks and fucks up anyone who tries it) and he doesn't care if I'm stimming or pacing around and like it's just really nice to not be seen as weird. Also like he's really attentive like if I'm having a shitty day he wont just not say anything, he'll pick up on it and do his dammest to make it go away. Like giving me advice (amazing if not a bit blunt), or doing what he can. Also I sometimes draw portraits and art of him bc I love him (and my hobby is art) and even if he insists I don't need to. I always make sure to buy him gifts (new cat toys/food, veterinary resources, yskisoba and snacks, etc) bc I want to give back to him.
But yeah that's all there is to it. I hope it isn't too much. Thank you for accepting my request and letting me send this in.
I hope you have a nice day. Ur amazing.
Baji's Comforting Letter to His Girlfriend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Baji x Fem!Reader | Genre: Comfort, Fluff | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 1.1k|
Warnings: mentions of bullying, reader feels a little insecure
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy your letter from Baji :)
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Baji feels awkward standing in front of your dorm door, his letter grasped between his fingers. You had run away from him a few days ago after he helped you out upon seeing your classmates harass you. Not knowing what to say after that, he gave you your space, but you still hadn’t reached out to him at all.
Worry filled him after your silence. Were you upset with him for some reason that he didn’t immediately reach out to you? Anxiety bubbled up within him as he stood outside your dorm room. It was Valentine’s Day and while that usually meant just staying indoors and ordering takeout with you like any other date, Baji felt like he had to do something extra for you this year to cheer you up. 
He wasn’t used to expressing his affection for you verbally, especially not in a letter since his handwriting was horrible and he couldn’t spell to save his life, but this is what lots of guys did for their girlfriends, right? Maybe it would help you feel better.
Swallowing his pride and brushing his embarrassment away, he slips the letter under your door and knocks a few times before rushing to hide behind a nearby wall so you wouldn’t see him.
You, busy sulking on your own in your dorm, jump slightly at the sudden knock on your door. You were  embarrassed that you had run away from your boyfriend after he helped you out. Of course you were grateful for his help and having him protect you like that sent butterflies erupting in your stomach, but you had let your classmates' words get to you. You felt undeserving of Baji’s love, how could you possibly deserve his attention when you were just you?
Sighing, you stand from your bed that you were wallowing away on, and approach your door, seeing an envelope in front of it. Curiously, you pick it up and see your name written on it. You look through the peephole of your dorm door but don’t see anyone outside it, opening the door slightly just to make sure no one was there, before closing it again.
You take a seat on your bed again as you open the envelope and begin to read its contents;
Hey Dollface,
Did I scare you off the other day? Or were you embarrassed that I found out you were getting picked on? You know I don’t care about things like that, but I wish you had told me yourself so I could have helped you out sooner. Don’t worry about those idiots, they won’t bother you again, in fact, no one will bother you again, I’ve made it very clear to them that they shouldn’t mess with my girl…
I’m sorry if I upset you for not running after you and giving you space. I should have looked for you and comforted you right away. But just…don’t feel like you’re alone. We’re partners, I want to share the pain you feel and I want to know when someone is bothering you so I can sort it out quickly. I love you too much to see you throw yourself down like that. If anything, I’m the one undeserving of you.
Anyway, it’s Valentine’s Day and I heard guys write stupid letters like these or something, so here it is. I really don’t get it, but if it makes you happy then good. I love you.
You know who, do I really need to say it??
You smile to yourself as you read the letter, it was so like him. Super curt, straight to the point,  and probably took him forever to write out properly since the grammar and spelling were perfect. You read through the letter one more time, your eyes always stopping at his words ‘my girl’. You were his girl, despite how many times you may have thought you didn’t deserve his love, Baji would never pretend to be interested in you, he knew what he wanted, and that was you.
The only thing you’d ever picture him doing is pushing you away if you were ever in danger because of him. But he’d never lead you on and pretend to care for you, so why were you so worried in the first place?
You laugh to yourself and quickly grab your things, wanting to see him as soon as possible. Two days without being in his arms was long enough. You open your dorm door, but you definitely don’t expect to see your handsome man in front of you already. He backs you up into your dorm room and closes the door behind him, his eyes never leaving yours.
You could see his red ears, hinting as his embarrassment from his letter, but he still stood tall, his confidence never leaving. 
“Did you read it?” He asks, a hand coming up to rub your arms.
Baji had never been one to initiate affection with you, but since dating you for a while and getting used to your touchiness, he finds himself reaching out to you first now more often. He loves it.
“Mhm, thank you,” you smile, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. “I loved it, and I love you. Thank you for stepping in the other day for me…and I’m sorry for running off on you like that without a word, I just felt embarrassed.”
He shakes his head and laughs huskily, pulling you into his arms, his chin leaning on your shoulder as he squeezes you tight, “You don’t need to apologize. It’s my job to look out for you, just know that they won’t be bothering you again. They know what’ll happen if they do.”
You hug him back, missing the feeling of having his arms around you
“I’m sure you did. Thank you,” you hum, before a teasing smile graces your lips, “Happy Valentine’s Day. Such a romantic gesture to threaten my ‘bullys’ for me.”
He groans in your neck, guiding you back to your bed where he pushes you back into the mattress, hovering over you, “Yeah yeah, Happy Valentine’s Day. As long as you’re happy.”
And happy you were as he leaned down to pepper kisses all over your face.
Your day of love was spent cuddled up together with a movie playing in the background as Baji later attempts to cook brunch since it was still early on in the day. It wasn’t perfect, but you could care less as long as you got to spend it with him, that’s all that mattered.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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cannotgiveafuck · 2 years
Hhmmmm I have been inspired. Have a Constantine and Billy drabble.
“Hey, John, you there? John? Hello? Is the mirror on? Jooohhn! I can see you, ya know. C’mon turn around! C’moncmoncmon pleeeaaas--”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Constantine threw the scrolls down on the desk and whipped around, snagging the cig from edge and glaring at the two-way mirror that sat innocently upon the bookshelf, right where he left it. Right where he could see and hear for whenever one trouble-prone Billy Batson could reach him. The little shit was lucky John deemed pants a worthy effort that day. “What?”
Billy grinned at him, all bright eyed and apple cheeked and very obviously up to no good. It was hardly a wonder why John liked the brat so much. “Do you know how I can get to the veil without actually going through it? I mean, how Marvel could?”
Sometimes, he also really hated how much he liked him. 
Through the steady stream of smoke as inhaled and exhaled, John squinted suspiciously at the kid as he tossed the words about in his head for a moment. “Why the fuck do you wanna go there? Not trying to bring someone back from the dead, are you? Cause necromancy is nasty shit, especially for the Big Cheese.”
“No! I am not doing necromancy. I just need to get to the... the midpoint. Not quite here, but not there yet.” And he said all that in a way John was sure Billy thought he was being rightly clever. That he could dance around saying outright what he wanted, using half truths and side steps, as if John Constantine wasn’t the fucking master of that particular game.
“You mean you wanna get to the Crossroads.” It wasn’t a question.
Well, John had to give him that - he knew when to not bullshit the bullshitter.
“Do you even know what the Crossroads are? Literally and figuratively and spiritually - do you?” 
“I mean--”
“No, no. Lemme finish.” He took a long drag just to give the kid time to pout and rethink whatever nonsense he wanted to get into. “The Crossroads aren’t for the likes of you nor me, got it. Because you know who resides?”
“Well, kinda--”
“The fuckin’ Fates, that’s who! And unless you’re going to them to tell personally and explicitly to fuck off, you’re not setting foot passed this plane of reality. Understood?”
Billy sighed loud and dramatic. A 50/50 on if John’s words got through. “I’m not trying to contact the Fates, John.”
Oh. Well, that was good. 
Still, woulda been a joy to hear about bright and shiny Champion of Magic telling Fates to shove it.
“Then, why the fuck- This isn’t another stupid fuckin’ game Klarion is trying to rope you into, is it? Or a sorry sob story some poor dead sop gave to you about not wanting to move on? Cause there is no goddamn reason you should be having any sort of business there.” And the more Billy delayed telling him the actual truth, the antsier John got. But he knew, deep in his rotted, wicked heart, he knew how to follow these steps. Knew the script Billy wrote by because that was how he lived this long - testing the waters before going head first. John appreciated every wary bone in that kid’s body. Something had to balance out the overwhelming sense of compassion.
This time when Billy sighed, it was more resigned. More coming to terms with the inevitable fact that he was the one that contacted John because he needed to know something, and no matter what, John would tell it to him straight. Wouldn’t tell him no on the sole basis of whatever bullshit the League of Goody Fucks would feed him. Constantine may still very well say no, but he at least gave a good damn reason, thanks.
Blue gaze right on John, “I have business there cause I need to contact the Goddess Hekate to invite her to dinner.”
Oh, for fucks sake.
“Oh, for fucks sake, kid.”
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veritas-scribblings · 15 hours
row - @bartylusmicrofic - words: 1,180 - rating: explicit
Before Barty can get a word in edgewise, the wall behind him explodes in cloud of dust and plaster and wood and he has to duck for cover to avoid getting knocked out. Because, he thinks, there is no way he’s going to allow Regulus to win this one on the mere grounds of being unable to fight back due to lack of consciousness. He’s not going to go down without a fight, and if he has to take Regulus down with him, then so be it. It’s always been a secret dream of Barty’s for them to kill each other, to die together. There’s something darkly sinister and romantic about it, he thinks.
And when the dust clears, Regulus Black is gone.
‘What the actual fuck,’ Barty breathes, ‘was that?’
‘Well,’ Evan says, eyeing Barty like for all his intelligence, he’s still the stupidest creature in all four corners of the wizarding world, ‘I’m not exactly an authority on what is considered “socially acceptable” or “normal” in any sense of the word…but I do believe it’s not “normal” or “acceptable” to ask your best friend to sleep with you when you’re shagging your other best friend. Especially when said other best friend is Regulus Black.’
‘We always sleep together! Like that’s anything new. Sleep. Sleeping. Sleeping, not fucking. Actual genuine sleep.’ And a little bit (or a lot, if he’s honest) of cuddling too, but that’s also nothing new. It’s also something Barty knows will probably not help his case right now.
So sue him, he likes to cuddle. So fucking what.
It means nothing. Regulus could have joined them and cuddled too.
Evan laughs. And when Evan laughs, a truly rare event, Barty knows he’s very likely up shit creek without a paddle. ‘Sure, that’s true. Before you were dating Regulus Black.’
Barty pauses, frowns. ‘We’re dating?’ he asks. Because he hasn’t quite been able to figure out this new dynamic he has with Regulus, other than that it’s messy and involves a lot of nudity, a lot of arguments and a lot of orgasms. And, really, he’s completely here for all of the above.
‘Well, you’re certainly fucking. Every chance you get. And Regulus is possessive and wants to kill you. And you’re utterly clueless and being a menace. And between the two of you, you’ve managed to blow several holes in our house and collectively traumatise all of our neighbours. So I’d say that sounds a lot like dating to me. But who am I to make assumptions.’ 
‘Oh shit, you’re right, he tried to kill me,’ Barty realises, glancing over his shoulder wide-eyed to where Regulus has likely departed for his bedroom. ‘He tried to kill me.’ And then, louder, angrier, ‘The son of a whore just tried to kill me!’
Evan just rolls his eyes and drops down on to the couch, which is now dusty with the ghost of Regulus’s murderous tantrum. ‘Oh, for fucks sake…’
Barty takes the stairs two-by-two, wand in hand, because this is completely unacceptable. Regulus will not be doing any killing alone. Any killing committed within the borders of their ‘apparently dating slash relationship’ will be instigated and enacted by Barty, unless Regulus were to agree that the aforementioned killing be entirely mutual. Because Barty will not rest—no, he will be a tormented soul—if some other being were to put their filthy hands on Regulus. No, if Barty is to die—and he will, if Regulus so demands it—then he is damned well taking Regulus with him.
And maybe Evan too, because it would be cruel of them to leave Evan out and to leave him all alone.
Just as Barty enters the bedroom, a spell whirls towards him and he has barely enough time to leap out of the way before it hits the wall behind him with a deafening crack.
‘You absolute fucking lunatic!’ Barty screams. He hurls a spell back at Regulus. A hex, really. The nasty kind that burns the drapes around the bed in a blast and a waft of acrid, sour, sulphuric smoke.
And normally Barty is quick and sharp-witted and clever. But Regulus is his weakness. Regulus makes him slow and stupid, because Regulus is so beautiful in his righteous fury that Barty is blinded. Distracted. Regulus is fists flying: to Barty’s face, to Barty’s stomach. Regulus is angry, angry words, yelling: ‘I hate you, you stupid cunty shit, I hate you, you stupid fucking prick.’ Regulus is promises of: ‘I swear, if you do that again, I’ll dismember your stupid fucking body and they’ll never stop finding pieces of you. Ever.’
But two can play this game. Barty will merge the two of them together, they’ll find pieces of them both forever. He presses the tip of his wand into Regulus’s stomach (because he loves Regulus’s divine face and his wicked tongue that says acid words and can do such sinful things) and says, ‘Baby, I got you, let’s do us both.’
Regulus shoves him up against the wall, a knee between Barty’s legs, hands pinning his wrists to the smooth, wooden panelling. And when he attacks Barty’s mouth, it’s all teeth and tastes metallic. And he bites and he tugs like he wants it to hurt, and Barty maps out this new territory with thrilled interest.
He likes it, he thinks, how Regulus’s hands pull at his shirt and scratch at his chest, draws blood, leaves marks.
As a teenager, Barty had quickly discovered that he really likes sex. He likes the slow kind that’s all about discovery, about new tastes, new sensations, about learning what makes Regulus moan, what makes him cry out and swear, what makes his back arch and his hips buck. 
Barty likes the hard and fast kind, the kind where he’s chasing his own pleasure, that’s intense and whites-out his brain, that has Regulus begging, and that Barty honestly thinks might lead him to truly, genuinely dying one day.
Barty is now discovering he likes the angry, hateful kind. The kind that burns and vibrates beneath his skin, leaves his blood boiling and steaming until he is nothing but rage and ash. The kind that hurts a bit in all the right ways. That bruises and leaves marks on his skin that he will wear as trophies. 
Evan is standing in the doorway of Regulus's bedroom looking more than a little bit irritated. And Barty is close. He’s so damned close it’s about to consume him and he’s sure they’ll die together, all of them. Because Regulus is on top of him, hands planted securely on Barty’s chest, his hips working sharply in rapid bursts, rocking, riding Barty with such intensity, such fervour that Barty thinks Regulus is about to take them both to the depths of heaven or hell. Barty grips the sheets, chants obscenities like a mantra, certain he is about to shatter into a million particles and transcend the physical plane to a world where only sensation exists.
Somewhere on the periphery of his consciousness, Evan mutters, ‘Oh, fuck me, I was sure you guys would be murdering each other, not fucking it out.’
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spacerangersam · 1 month
Could you tell me more about some of your ocs???? (Only if you’re up for it tho)
I’m always down to gush about my ocs! But I do have a lot of them, especially with the story I'm currently working on, and I don’t always know what to say, so sorry if this is a bit all over the place. This isn’t even everyone, I left out a few like the main antagonist, Irene and a few other side characters for the sake of this not being essay length but yeah. Here are some of the main guys:
(also, unless otherwise specified, they're all welsh)
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Simon Huw Taylor, 32, tenant of flat no. 6, he/they, bi and ace (maybe on the aro spectrum, but idk. It’s none of my business).
He’s the main character of my story, Where the Lost Souls Meet. He’s a pretty quiet guy who likes to keep to himself, much to his own detriment. He’s been travelling around all his life, never really interacting with people his own age, leaving him with mediocre socialising skills. He can see ghosts, has been able to since childhood, and is a mortician while doing psychic ghost stuff on the side. His mum could also see ghosts and she also did the ghost business, which is why he and his parents were moving around all the time, basically living in their van/hotels). To honour her, Simon uses her maiden name for ghost work (meaning his name is then Simon Huw Hughes, which I just thought was cute). She died a few years back, his father even earlier, leaving Simon the last of his family line and all alone in the world.
His whole life revolves around death, which isn’t healthy but Simon would rather die than go to therapy and actually address his problems, so it stays that way for a while. He does try to quit smoking though, so that’s something. He is also a liar. Dear god does he love to lie about everything and anything, to everyone. Well, I say loves to lie, he doesn’t really love it. He does it both to keep himself safe and to keep others from worrying about him. Honestly, he’s fine, he’s functional, and he definitely has family who loves him. Just don’t ask to meet his ‘sister’. He also tries to protect people by keeping a certain distance from them, not wanting to hurt them like he’s been hurt because of [REDACTED], which is why he kept moving around even after his mother died. But he desperately wanted top surgery and so stopped in this town with a well-known trans-safe doctor to get it done, and unfortunately for him landed in a manor turned flat filled with people who very much would like to be his friends, please.
He has no hope for the future, no plans, having a fairly pessimistic look on life because of [REDACTED], and is basically just waiting for the day he finally dies. Again, will he do anything about this? Maybe, eventually, at some point.
He doesn’t like / struggles to watch TV and movies, his ideal night involves doing puzzles and maybe a spot of reading, he loves puns and he’s a vegetarian. I love him and his terrible coping mechanism. Go king, communicate absolutely nothing and never let people share your burdens. 
Also, his neighbour dies in front of him during an argument one day, which isn't great, going on to haunt Simon in a distinctly violent fashion, which is the thing he's desperately trying to deal with in the story.
more losers under the cut
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Charlie Tops, 35, tenant no. 5, he/him, trans bi+ace. He’s a very sweet guy, very open, with major himbo energy, just without the muscles. He makes the best tea and the worst coffee. He writes kid's books in the vein of Winnie the Pooh / Peter Rabbit, taking over the job after his grandfather passed, now writing them for his own daughter, Lottie. But Lottie’s getting older and losing interest in those types of books, and so he’s losing interest in writing them and having a mild panic over what he’ll do next. He’s kinda obsessed with taxidermies. His flat is quite literally filled with them and no one likes it, nobody wants to be in there, and the vibes are way off (except Will for, who thinks it’s very interesting, actually).
He’s deeply in love with Simon and they have a thing. An unexplained, deeply intimate thing that neither talk about, mostly because Simon can’t communicate for shit (which he feels deeply guilty about, and he keeps telling himself that he’ll break it off but can never quite work up to it), and Charlie’s worried if he asks, Simon will end it. He really struggles with Simon’s whole silent martyr ordeal even outside their thing because even if he doesn’t know the extent to which Simon is trying to hide his problems, he knows there is something being hidden, but again, is worried about pushing too hard and losing him completely. It’s messy, but they’ll work through it. 
He can’t see ghosts but does know about them, unlike the other Woodward tenants, and feels a bit left out /awkward about the whole thing. He had an amicable divorce from his wife Irene after he realised he was ace, she realised she was aro, and that they were both trans, the two staying friends and her staying on as the illustrator for his books. And as I mentioned earlier, he does have a daughter, Lottie.
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William Isaiah Beaton, 30, tenant no. 7, he/him, gay, English. An archivist for the local museum who moves into the manor in chapter one, and comes off as a tough, rude ex-vet.  And that is true, to a certain extent. He is rude, and an ex-vet. But he wasn’t in the army for long, he got mowed down by a car on base like, two weeks after arriving, leaving him with a permanent injury to his leg. He feels he failed to live up to his father’s expectations, and in shame, never told the truth to his father about having to leave the forces. Will has… a lot of complicated feelings about that, and his relationship with his father, and his relationship with his religion. He works some of that last one out with help from Penny.
It’s a bit of a spoiler, but whatever- he can see ghosts. He doesn’t realise that’s what’s happening though and instead is fully convinced he’s just losing his mind, and that crash did irreparable damage to his head. Nah though, just ghosts. Has a guilty love of werewolf media and cake, and cares a lot about bugs and plants (he even ends up taking Simon’s plants off him, because Simon kills every plant he owns, without question). He has limited zero social skills and finds big groups overwhelming, but nevertheless, he will be dragged into this friendship group (if Penny has any say in it, at least). He came to Hangar for a reason, though he doesn’t say why.
He also definitely fancies Simon and has no idea how to handle that. It’s the first time he’s fancied a man (or at least, a man-adjecent person) who isn’t straight, and that coupled with the fatc Simon actually seems to like him is just a lot for him to process. The two of them bond over their shared loved of history / interest in the history of the manor.
I should make it clear: this isn’t a love triangle, this is poly thing.
The ghouls:
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Florence Blossom (left), 40, and Gwenllian Baker (right), 42. Both were performers in a small acting trope who died in 1941 (though not at the same time or in the same way, funnily enough) in the manor Simon lives in. They love each other very much.
Florence is a bit judgy, loves a good moan, and is very anxious about everything and everyone, always. Her anxiety tends to make her come off as a bit snappy. She can control the lights.
Gwen is a bit vacant, with her head absolutely in the clouds at all times. She struggles a bit with empathy and reading the room, leading her to be mindlessly cruel sometimes. She never means it though and genuinely cares about Simon and Florence, and will look after them both in her own weird ways. she can lock, unlock, close and open doors
Now back to the living:
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Agatha Jeorme, 55, tenant  no. 1. She’s kinda like if an angsty teen was stuck in the body of a middle-aged woman, and we love her for that. She’s the daughter of the landlord and hates it. If she had any other skills / if her father had helped her get a better opportunity elsewhere like he did with her brothers, she would have jumped on it. But instead, he gave her the job of looking after Woodward. She hates him, deeply. She often shovels off small jobs onto Simon because she knows he won’t say no, and is having an affair with the next-door neighbour’s wife. I kind of made her sound like a bastard, and she is kinda, but a fun one I hope, and she does learn to be less of a bastard as the story goes on. 
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Gwynfor Geraint Jones, 34, tenant no. 2, he/she, bigender, aroace. Just a chill guy who loves rock music and slasher movies. She’s in a QPR with Adam, them being the first two to move into Woodward. this isn't entirely related to his character, but he's called gwynfor geraint after two twins i went to primary school with. their names always stuck in my head, in so i thought i'd put them to good use.
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Adam Diana Keats, 36 tenant tenant, no.3, she/her, aroace trans woman, Scottish. She’s a librarian with a love of reading, especially poetry, and a bit pushy, a bit bossy, but ultimately well-meaning. She’ll drag Simon out of his room but with the intent to encourage him to mingle and hang out with the Woodward crew, you know. She hates Will on sight. There’s more I could say, but that would be spoilers. also, despite her dark academic vibes, she does love a good animal print
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Penny Sion Seagrove, 29, no.4, she/her, lesbian. A tired, friendly gardener who would love it if everyone would get along and be friendly. She sometimes sticks her nose in places she shouldn’t to figure out people’s beef with each other (cough, Adam and Will, cough) to see if she can find a way to squash it for them, which doesn’t usually work. She tries anyway. She’s Catholic, shares Simon’s love of puns, and is dating Alice.
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Alice Rhodri Blackwood, 30, she/her, trans lesbian. She lives in town with her best mate Mickey. She’s a loud, cheery, extroverted goth with an interest in witchcraft who can also see ghosts. She has slightly different opinions about ghosts and how they work from Simon, but she’s still his go-to when he’s having ghost issues. 
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Mickey Dolores Palmer, 29, she/her, English (Yorkshire). Idk what her deal is, and she just is, you know. A very nervous, clumsy, mousy person who works at the local museum. She tends to jump to conclusions and is not a fan of ghosts. Unfortunately, she can also see ghosts, so that’s not great for her. She's doing her best.
god i wrote way too much for this, sorry asdfghj. but uh, also, i did a voice claim video for some of these losers, if you're interested. also,t hank you so much for asking. i do love talking about these idiots
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mortuarywriting · 5 months
God one of these days I'm gonna finish writing anything for the sandbox I've been setting up! But I haven't so let's talk monsters
Price I'd love to see as a manticore or some kinda chimera. Something big, intimidating, incredibly poisonous. Keeps everything about it close to his chest, prefers to keep it a bit of a last resort because it generally means either stealth is out the window or they're not taking prisoners. Absolutely would snuggle with a partner in the monstrous form but that is a murder machine of a man. Hell of a purr he's got, though, feel that in your bones no matter which form he's in. Would ramble more but I need to pin down what he is before I can.
Simon is in that fun Limbo of you can play around and try to put labels on him any day of the week. None fit right. He's got so many facets and none of the labels are a 1:1. Makes it a lot easier on his end to make risky moves as nobody can figure out what the hell will actually kill him for realsies. He is smoke he is shadow he can and will just take a 15 minute break when he knows he can get away with it to go shadow walk his broody ass to wherever you are. Just to gently harass and check in on you if he knows your free time windows are lining up. Tries to keep the visits light, just some touchstones to make sure to everything in his being that you're still safe, you're still alright. He'll also fuck off to get you Somewhere Safe Right Now Immediately if he has a Bad Feeling at the drop of a hat. Price knows he can't stop Simon from doing this if he tried, but if it's for a Bad Feeling Price is usually getting the lads together asap when Ghost pops back in not three minutes later. He always explains when he's back in one piece why he yoinked you from the Grocery Store to an Undisclosed Location for an Indeterminate Period of Time but you're safe and that's the goal.
Gaz on paper is a seer. In actuality he's a few things playing well together that it's easier and nicer to put seer on paperwork 'cause he sees and can do a hell of a lot more than whatever paperwork implies. Like yes, he can do limited spellwork but what he sees? Fae, ghosts, connections between people, brief glimpses into the history of whatever he's focusing on in a pinch, probably the lotto if he tried really hard (again that is. He hasn't tried since he was a lot younger- it didn't go well to say the least). He likes looking at the connections he's formed with you when he has some down time, cords that always point him in the direction of you. He will use these to make sure the relationship is in healthier spots, he knows if things start unraveling. It can and will get irksome because he very much wants to help fix what's wrong even if you're not ready to talk about it yet, but he will respect boundaries once set. Doesn't mean he won't keep prodding the line now and again to try to get you to talk about it but he's usually pretty good about not being overt about it unless it's Dire.
Soap I have. Mixed feeling on. Mostly because he can be so interesting and can easily fit into many different slices of beastie! Vamp, werewolf, selkie... but for the sake of keeping it interesting and one i havent seen played with as much, for arguments sake let's say he's a very interesting kelpie. Like obviously man has so thoroughly detached himself from a specific body of water, but I feel like their main base statistically would have some kinda pond he usually is happy to just call dibs on. He sometimes shares but largely people just use a pool instead. Man definitely leans into the carnivore and likes his food a bit more on the raw side if possible. No he does not spook but he does have one hell of a kick. He will bite if he needs to and you really don't want him to need to. Views his horse form as just another tool but largely avoids it for work reasons- namely lack of thumbs or body armor. He will get twitchy around bridles, but otherwise so long as you're his squad or his partner he's fine with giving people a lift in a pinch! Promises he won't drag you into the water to drown you! He will drag you into the water though. That is very much a thing that will happen. He likes it when you spend time with him like this. He likes getting you nice and wet and especially when you ride him :))
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sunnybunny2468 · 16 days
answering a entire ask game for one oc because i can (but its probably only gonna be miley)
(use the link for a key!!)
🌈 orange and grey, mainly neon orange and darker shades of grey (not black, more of a #48494a than a #acadb0 if that makes sense)
👁️ from how i see it? a moody teen who's only like that to counter his best friend. and while that's semi-true, he is meant to be a bit more than that.
💝 eeeeh....he just puts on a grey hoodie and calls it a day 99% of the time. he's always cold.
⚠️ 'incredibly paranoid and easily provoked, interact with caution.'
🌨️ outside with his camera, taking photos of anything that catches his eye, and probably napping in a few places while he's at it.
💙 somewhat messy, a few posters and a desk + spinny chair, closet, and a messy as hell bed
👖 i mean. hes in hs.
☕ he likes soda, cherry to be specific, but also can do with energy drinks sometimes. not often. he would refuse to ever sleep if he had them more.
🧁 8/31/2007, with his friend group. his parents try to leave something for him (one works day shift leaves a gift, one who works night shift gets a cake) but he spends the day with the rest of the quartet. Bri especially makes sure she wears something miku related (since him and miku share a birthday)
🧠 fight. easily fight. though he moreso.....either makes the other person try to hit him so he can dodge and blame it on them, or lets them tire themselves out.
💭 ooooh boy. inferiority complex, anger issues, paranoia, yeah hes doing great. a lot of shame, since he doesnt really feel like he's a good or worthy person.
💔 absolutely hard. he can come around to it after a WHILE, but forgiving himself is off the table.
❗ keeping his friends from other people bullying them, taking photos of important things, and just staying alive.
⚔️ he tries to stay out of it, unless it's someone he cares about or a unfair fight. then he steps in and ends it by either surprising the other person or scaring them off.
🌍 eeeh. he doesnt give a shit. he's not dying, is he? and he's a bad person, right? why worry about a way to redemption when you know you're already damned?
🌊 ...he really wants to take care of animals. cats, specifically. sadly, animals don't like him much, so he doesn't think it's possible.
✨ taking photos of his friends and keeping them physically. it's something to remind there are people who spend time on him and want him around. helps his self-loathing.
🧶 photography. he loves photography.
🍪 rain, somewhat flowers, and fire/smoke.
☔ he loves it. in his words, 'it keeps everyone else inside, so it's just me and my umbrella.'
🌲 his friends houses, but also a abandoned gazebo he found in the woods while taking photos. he goes there when he feels like being 100% sure he's alone.
⚡ no, not really.
🗡️ his camera, maybe?
💛 awkward as FUCK. he'll push lavender instead, he knows he's bad at it.
🧡 eeeeh. if you're trusted, absolutely.
👁️‍🗨️ don't. just dont. he HATES it.
🐺 he's alright with it. not for too long, but for a bit, sure.
🔅 cursing. LOTS of swearing.
🌱 (doing it from from ic dialogue) "Eh?- Early memory?- ...I guess meeting Bri is early enough. She approached me, pulled me up from my seat, and dragged me out to go play with her! ....I was looking for an excuse to talk to her, don't worry. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened to me if we never met...."
🐰 eeeeeh. depends on the person.
🍁 autumn. he likes it being cool but not too warm.
🌕 he'd be a standard orange fox. he loves them.
🦷 ......probably not. i hope.
🐉 dragon.
🐸 a lot of sarcasm, snide remarks and teasing.
🚷 he's blonde and has blue eyes (i have brown hair and hazel eyes)
📓 'I’ll take all your pain, so you’ll escape and leave someday' 'I’ll bear the weight for your sake', 'Your compromise is my invitation to fight', 'But don’t forget with whom you are associated, Which sounds unfair, but fair play is overrated', 'It’s not about the strength, it’s about where you strike', 'I’ve weaponized my helpless spite, Now how about that pride of yours?', 'A matter of morals, of course, Poor little boy can’t solve all his problems with force', 'It’s karma, dude!', 'I’m an undead hero', 'Pressure, pressure! A slick rhymed hooligan', 'Me, the result of blame-shifting, no, can’t find that funny, With just one mistake and I’m out of chances', 'Flames closing in, are both sides losers?', 'Let’s raise umbrellas as we shade the world from rain'
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justasparkwritings · 1 year
Merry & Bright: VI. Christmas for You & Me
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Previous: V. Christmas for You and Me
Pairings: Min Yoongi x Park Jimin; Jung Hoseok x Kim Taehyung
Genre: Fluff, Non-Idol AU, SLOW BURN
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Swearing! Masterbating! 
Word Count: 797
Summary: Namjoon enacts part 3 of the plan
Notes: Merry & Bright this year is taking the form of one cohesive story involving all of Bangtan! Hope you enjoy this change!
Step 1: Meet Cute
           Status: Completed
Step 2: Meet Cute Second Location
           Status: Completed
Step 3: Is it a Date?
Who: NJK & SJK
What: NJK will invite Seokjin over to do something innocuous but holiday filled
When: Friday evening, 8PM
Where: Namjoon’s Apartment
Namjoon: Hey – getting trees together had me reminiscing on old times… would you want to come over and help me decorate mine?
           Seokjin stared at his phone, perplexed and alarmed by the message that was staring back at him. What was Namjoon smoking that would make him think Seokjin would want to hang out with him… again? Was this not going from 0-100 30 seconds flat? Wasn’t this too much?
           And if it was too much, why on earth was Seokjin opening the text to write a simple, sure, in response?
Seokjin: You’re a poet?
Namjoon: Always have been. What do you say?
Seokjin: Sure
Namjoon: Sound less excited
Seokjin: Fine
Namjoon: Do you know varied parts of speech?
Seokjin: Yes
Namjoon: But don’t want to use them?
Seokjin: Correct
Namjoon: Friday night, come to my place
Seokjin: Okay
Namjoon: Will you use more words when you’re here?
Seokjin: Yes
Namjoon: Good, I look forward to it
Seokjin: Same
           Tossing his phone onto the opposite couch cushion, Seokjin sunk down in quiet confusion. What did Namjoon want with him? Surely it wasn’t what Yoongi had proposed, to get them to write together again… it seemed more insidious, more… focused and pining. Was Namjoon pining for him? No way, there’s no way that Namjoon knew the quiet longing Seokjin had for him, and still harbored years later. There’s no way – unless someone else knew and told him. Yoongi alluded to Namjoon knowing Seokjin was finally out, but that didn’t mean he knew, or was told that Seokjin had loved him once. It didn’t mean anything, really, if Seokjin was an adult about it. But it could…
           What’s the worst thing that could happen by Seokjin going to Namjoon’s house? Namjoon seduces him, gives him spiked hot chocolate or better, too much mulled wine and somehow they stumbled into Namjoon’s bed together? Soon naked and writhing, hands exploring every inch of their bodies like they’ve always wanted to… touching and caressing, squeezing and stroking and sucking… lips on collarbones and teeth pulling skin until marks could be seen. It would be passionate and heated and fuck – Seokjin glanced down at his lap to find the erection he had hoped wasn’t brewing with his salacious thoughts.
           “For fucks sake,” he said to himself before closing his eyes and slipping a hand down his front, slowly trailing his abdomen until his hand dipped below his waist band. His large hand gripped his base, stroking softly and gently, tugging his cock harder and harder with each stroke. He thought about Namjoon, not Namjoon when he first knew him, sinewy and uncertain of himself. But Namjoon now, dripping with muscles and what he imagined was a taut abdomen… he pictured the way Namjoon’s lips would fall open as he kissed down his neck, the growl that would leave his perfectly parted lips. Seokjin stroked himself faster and faster, his precum a nice lubricant as he tightened and released his grip. His hips bucked into his hand, the desire for release building steadily as he imagined the sinking feeling of Namjoon thrusting into him for the first time, the stretch of his cock, the tightness of his walls, the guaranteed orgasm that the heated exchange would bring. What brought him to the edge, to the brink and spilling over, was the idea, the mere thought of Namjoon’s lips on his, the way his tongue would slip into his mouth, how supple and soft his lips would be, how easy it would be to start kissing and ostensibly never stop. How good of a kisser must Namjoon be? Incredibly good, if he could speak so eloquently and passionately, if he could articulate his every want and desire…. How good could he kiss Seokjin?
           Seokjin allowed the band to keep stretching and tightening, his release pulling and tugging at him as he dared to address the years long want and desperation he’s felt for Namjoon. God he wanted him. He wanted to stretch and bend and open and bloom for him. He wanted to be kissed tenderly and kiss back softly in return. He wanted …. He wanted not just anybody, but Namjoon specifically.
           His release was hard, a guttural moan leaving his lips and the faintest whisper of the name of the man that had brought him, and his hand, to orgasm. As his chest heaved and he stared up at the ceiling, he realized the colossal mistake he’d just made.
           “Fuck,” Seokjin said as he stood to clean himself off.
Next: VII. Christmas for You & Me
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
12,16,18 ^-^
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Already answered this here but I'm going to take another stab at it
I liked Stars and Stripes' character - good example of what happens when you're inspired by a good hero only for the sake of strength, girlboss, I like how she's a hero who was trying to protect people and was still being framed as a person making a bad decision against a character who needed to be saved, she's fucking unhinged, her quirk was really cool and op
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The headcanon/fanon trope that Dabi smokes
I know it's one of those things that makes him look cool but. that mans health is deteriorating so badly, I can't really see him smoking at all unless it's because of self sabotaging behaviour (which I mean. he'd want himself to live as long as he could until he fights his dad so yeah. can't see him doing it)
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Tomura and Izuku's complex relationship and how, while one wants to save and the other wants to be saved, there is more going on than just that. It feels so specific that Tomura wants to be saved but is pushing Izuku and any chance of actually being saved away because he believes he was always the villain even when he killed his family and thinks all he can do his destroy. While Izuku wants to save him, he will necessary kill him if he believes he has gone too far. That's not what he wants to do but there is the possibility there, the angst that accompanies a hero wanting to save a villain and feeling like they might have to kill them in the end, how that is something they would have to carry in their heart
We know Izuku won't do that (obviously), but the complexness of their situation - mostly on Tomura's side of things - is so worth talking about and even exploring in fics and it's a shame I don't see that
And, steering away from angst, there is the saving aspect of it all. Of learning to live again and see life in a new way. Of looking at this hero who saved you, someone you used to hate and trying to decide if you still do (for seeing right through your defense mechanisms) or if you're done holding that hate in your heart now. Of looking at the villain you saved, watching them let go of the manipulation and hate in their heart and being so happy that you didn't give in to people's wishes to kill him, that you stuck by what you knew and reached out your hand and helped him
There's just. There's so much there and I think we should explore it actually
choose violence ask game
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livredebelle · 1 year
TRY AS I MIGHT, IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT OBSESS over Heath and his dark promises. During class, even though I kept forcing myself to try and listen to the professor and take notes, I would find myself wondering about what his mouth would feel like on my neck, my arms, my collarbone...
'What is the matter with me?! Ugh, I need to hurry up and get laid.'
Maybe it was because I hadn't had any romantic interests in a while (other than Quinn, but considering how short-lived that was I refused to consider it as such), but I was positive that the extent of my feelings was that my hormones were spinning out of control because I was horny. There was no other rational explanation for it, and I would accept none other regardless.
It didn't help that I was living in the same abode as the guy who was driving my hormones insanely wild in the first place.
That was it--I was going to have to put my foot down with Mother, and tell her that this arrangement was not going to work. Sure, I knew she wanted to keep him as a son-in-law candidate, but did she really want to risk me losing whatever... sense of purity I had left within me?
I cringed involuntarily. Never mind--the thought alone of having this kind of conversation with Mother made me squirm in my seat. She had never given me the sex ed talk before, so I had a hard time imagining how she'd react to my... inexperience with these matters.
Who could I even talk to, then? My sister?
No--that was probably worse! She was three years younger than me, for God's sake. How embarrassing it would be for the older sister to ask the younger about sex!
"Bah, this isn't any good, I'm driving myself mad like this."
"Excuse me, Miss Everly? Did you have something you'd like to say to the rest of the class?"
The professor, an older man in his fifties, crossed his arms and tapped his webbed foot impatiently. Oh hell, I'd done it again. I had a horrible habit of talking out loud to myself; it was a way of dealing with things I suppose? It didn't make sense to anyone, least of all me, and I usually failed to notice I'd done it unless someone pointed it out to me. Like now.
"Um... I'm so sorry, Professor. I guess I was sleep-talking or something..."
I stared down at my feet. God, my excuse sounded worse than the truth, didn't it? He was going to hate me and give mean F in the class, surely.
Surprisingly, the professor chose to ignore my shit of an excuse and instead opted to sigh dramatically before continuing with his lecture. I could tell just by looking at his face that he was hating his job right about now, and I felt bad about it, but what was done was done.
I texted Maria in my panicked horror because I had no one else I could think of to talk to.
[Oh my God, today just keeps getting worse and worse. Do you want to meet up and smoke some hookah later or something? I need to release some stress.]
[Sure. We needed to talk anyways.]
I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Huh--what could she be talking about? My curiosity piqued, I started typing a response but spotted the professor glaring at my blatant disregard for lecture. Embarrassed even further, I shoved my phone in my bag and tried to avert his eyes to the best of my ability.
I was grateful when class ended. I practically jumped from my seat, dying to escape the class. I had also noticed that one of the groupies from the bathroom incident earlier were in this class too, and I was hoping desperately that she hadn't noticed my presence the way I had hers. Not that I was scared of her or anything, but I didn't want to deal with more drama. At least, not today.
Come on, come on, let me get outta here unscathed...
I made it out as far as to the school gate when I heard a familiar, yet neither welcome nor unwelcome, voice.
"Hey, sis, I was hoping to run into you here!"
Rosalie smiled brightly, the way she always did--so prettily and daintily that I thought she was mocking me for a second. So typical of my evil brain to think that way. I blinked, as if doing so would undo the apparition before me.
"Hey, Rose. Uh--how did you know to find me here?"
"What? Silly, you sent me a screenshot of your schedule a long time ago. It's so like you to forget, but that makes sense because you're so busy." She kept smiling. "I was attending a dance rehearsal nearby, and I thought it would be nice to go grab a bite or something together. That is, if you weren't in a hurry or anything?"
I was at a crossroads--I wanted nothing more than to hurry home and take a hot shower, drink a warm chai latte, and scurry my ass off to bed for a nap. My favorite post-school routine. But Rose's face was so hopeful that I couldn't find the words to reject her offer.
"... Sure, Rose. Do you think we could make it quick, though? I do have homework to get done tonight." Not a lie, and boy was there a lot of homework. It was nothing compared to high school; welcome to the adult world, baby.
"Oh my God, I love taro lattes too. We're so alike it's crazy! Isn't it?"
I smiled, albeit wistfully, trying to stop my eyes from darting to the clock. We were at a cute little boba shop nearby campus, a popular hangout spot and possibly the last place on Earth that I wanted to be. But Rosalie wanted to try coming here, and I didn't have a particular preference anyway.
"How do you like the place? Worth the hype?"
"Sure! I just love that I'm here with you hanging out. It's crazy to think that this is possible now; I used to think the day would never come..."
Her voice trailed off, and she bit her lip. I averted my gaze as usual and pretended I didn't notice the awkward vibe that was going between us now. Of course I had apologized to her already for leaving her behind when I ran away at fifteen years-old, and we had made up, but some things would never feel quite the same as they once had. I knew Rose was trying hard to overcome it, but for me I wasn't sure that I would ever be able to overcome my guilt.
The worst part was, it wasn't either of our faults--the cards in our lives had been stacked against us, and in our circumstances there hadn't been much that could be done. Perhaps if we hadn't been born into an impoverished family, or an abusive one for that matter. But we couldn't change the way things were, and emotional intimacy was something I found unfathomable.
Could Rose feel any different? She had always been the polar opposite of me, so maybe she wasn't as traumatized or fragile as I was...
"Earth to Irina!"
"Oh... sorry. I'm just tired, I guess, from classes. You know how I've always had a low stamina."
"Oh no! Should we mention it to Mother, so she can get you some supplements perhaps? Mother is very good at taking care of things like that."
That's what it was--what unsettled me the most about her. Rose and I had gone through all kinds of crap together, and we had used to confide in each other, which usually meant that we vented about Mother. But ever since we had been reunited, Rose would hardly say anything bad about her, and when I made a comment of the sort she would pretend she hadn't heard me. I had thought it was in my head, but now I knew for sure.
It made me wary, to say the least. Like I couldn't trust my sister--my own flesh and blood.
I was officially the worst.
"No no, don't say anything. I wouldn't want to make her worry needlessly like that. No, I just need some rest--which I can get tonight."
"Okay, if you insist..."
Again, awkward silence. Ugh, this was unbearable.
"Do you have any boy interests at the moment?" I blurted out, the first thing that popped into my head. Also the worst thing I could have chosen as a conversation topic, as I had almost zero experience with it. So chances were likely that this conversation was bound to be a short one too.
She looked startled at my unexpected question. "I--er--no, not really. I don't suppose I have the time for such things; my schedule is way too busy. Plus, Mother would be upset with me if I chose to waste my time on such trivial matters."
"What? Rose, you're sixteen. At your age, I doubt anyone would think of this as trivial."
"Well, you know Mother--she's always raised us to be independent women and get successful jobs by ourselves. She's said time and time again that my only worth is dancing, so I must give it everything I've got until I can't dance anymore..."
"That's rich, coming from her," I snorted. But then I caught her eye and she gave me a weak smile, not saying anything in response to my insult.
It irked me. I decided to push a bit harder this time.
"I mean, think about it," I said casually but carefully. "She's the least independent person--she's gotten married so many times based off of superficial trysts and affairs. Don't you think it's hypocritical of her--even a little bit--to suggest you do what she herself freely indulged in?"
Rose wrung her hands and looked out the window. "I dunno, I always felt bad for Mother, I guess. She didn't deserve all the bad treatment from the bad men who came across her path in life. It isn't nice to victim-blame, now is it?"
"You think of her as a victim?" I could hardly believe my ears.
"Why wouldn't I?" Her puzzled look baffled me further. It almost made me doubt whether we had lived through the same childhood--I went through a full minute gaslighting myself before recomposing myself.
"I think there's a fine line between being a true victim and bringing trouble to yourself. I think Mother liked the attention, so she kept pursuing men who liked to take advantage of her. And she knew they were doing it, but she couldn't do a thing because that's the type of person she is. She'd already taken advantage of them first, so what defense would she have?"
Rosalie sighed. "Can we just agree to disagree and move on from this?"
I didn't want to concede, so I sipped my taro latte loudly instead, trying not to obsess over the fact that my own little sister didn't have my back. It made her feel more like a stranger than ever.
"I don't want to keep myself beholden to the past. I want us to be a happy family again, Irina. Mother's doing her best to give us a better future, and I'm going to try my hardest to please her because I want her to keep her promises to me."
"What promises--"
"Anyway, it's about time I head back to rehearsal," she said, standing up from her seat abruptly. "It was nice to grab some boba with you during your break, sis. I'll talk to you later?"
And before I could say another word, she was out the door and gone, almost fleeing from our conversation.
"Isn't that just too fucking weird? She's up to something. Mother, I mean."
As we had arranged, Maria and I were sitting in our own booth at a dimly lit, dusty hookah lounge in her city, far away from anyone I knew. I was venting to Maria, the one person who knew the messy nature of my family relationships.
Maria and I had been together since high school, and as my lone childhood friend, she had the misfortune of knowing every dark secret in my private family life. All those times I showed up with a fresh bruise or wound on my face, Maria was the only one who knew the true reason behind them while I would lie to the school and blame it on my clumsiness. Yet she didn't pity me or anything like that. She listened when I had a story to tell, and she offered me rational advice afterward, and would even shelter me when the need arose. Truly, one of a kind.
"Could be, but what's the point worrying about it?" She let out a big whoosh of scented air into my face, and I stuck my tongue out at her. "I wouldn't worry about anything that hasn't happened yet."
"I can't stay calm if I know that she's plotting something behind my back. I thought it was weird ever since she forced me to move into that penthouse unit with Heath. And now, if Rose is in it too somehow, if Mother's plan is to ruin us both for her gain--"
"You really think she'd go that far?"
"Yes." I had zero faith in my mother--she had never given me a reason to change that.
At least, none were good enough.
"If that's the case, then you should probably try and get Rose to tell you what it is. In the meantime, I have something to tell you, too."
Right, she'd said as much in her text. My curiosity was even greater now. "What is it?"
"It's coming up. Abel's death anniversary."
"... Ah."
So that's what it was: Maria wanted to know whether I was going to run away again this year.
Run away from facing the truth...
... that my other childhood best friend was really dead.
"His family... they're going to do a walk in remembrance of him at the old school. I wouldn't blame you if you chose to sit out on that part. But I think at least for the wake... you should be there this year."
"It's not so simple, Maria, you know that."
"True, but that can't stop you from visiting him forever. He's waiting for us. I can feel it."
"Not fair for you to guilt trip me like that."
"I'm not trying to. Look... don't you think it's been too long already? Besides, I know you've been hating yourself for it all this time. Shouldn't you let it go now?"
There was definitely truth to those words. I had been thinking for awhile now that I needed to change, that I needed to apologize for acting like a bystander when I wasn't the only one in pain. I wanted to be someone different than who I was, but nobody changes like that overnight.
I cleared my throat. "It's not so simple. You know that his family hates me. I'd make it worse for everyone to show up there without being invited..."
"I think this time, it's different. Here--" Maria took something out of her purse and put it on the table before us. It was a business card, and when I saw the name on the card I winced a little. "I think Adeline wanted you to make the first contact so as not to burden you by reaching out first. Why don't you just try calling her... see what she wants. This could be seen as something akin to an invite."
"... Okay."
Adeline wanted to talk to me? And she had gone seeking Maria to do that? Or was it that they had been keeping in regular contact this whole time, talking about me?
My paranoia heightening, I took the business card and put it in my bag, folding it. I'd have to face my demons eventually, whether I liked it or not. I had to stop behaving like a child.
I cleaned the hookah mouthpiece and took a drag of the strawberry-flavored haze. Maria scanned my face with her deadpan green eyes, but she otherwise said nothing further, probably not wanting to pressure me too much.
I knew what she wanted from me, though--that was loud and clear. She had needed me this whole time, for the past two years. It was only right that I accompany her to face him. Together.
Like we should've always been.
Not like anything would change from the sole act of me being active for once...
No. I couldn't let myself fall into this deep pit of despair again. I shook my head as if to dispel the illusion.
"I'll call her. Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?"
"Shit, this isn't a business meeting, Irina."
"I'm just making sure. I know it's been harder to keep in touch after you moved and we became two cities apart, so I want to prioritize our communication."
She raised her eyebrows. "You know, you're starting to sound more and more robotic over the years. Almost like a therapist. Maybe yours inspired you too much."
I smiled faintly, choosing not to respond to that. If she only knew. I had been through so many therapists over my childhood--there was nothing I hadn't heard before. I had gotten so good at feeding that crap back to them, my latest therapist had released me from her hold with a blessing.
"You're so grown up now! Honestly, Ms. Everly, the character development you've shown me over our sessions has been quite impressive. I daresay you don't need me anymore; there's nothing left to teach you. Rather, would you mind filling out a five-minute survey regarding our behavioral therapy services at the clinic?"
It had been so funny, because I had just gotten so good at hiding my pain that even professionals couldn't tell a lie from the truth.
My latest therapist, Mabel, had been assigned to me after Abel's passing. 'To help me come to terms with reality,' the school principal had said. The entire school knew that Abel, Maria, and I had been an close--an inseparable trio. The principal didn't want to risk incurring any liability in case either Maria or I would choose to sue them for not doing enough to protect the mental and emotional stability of their students.
Mabel had been a bullshit therapist, though, hired to help with the school's PR after Abel's tragic death on campus...
Again, my mind was drifting. I refused to space out like this--not here, not now. If I did, the risk of me crumbling to dust before Maria's very eyes was high.
"I should get going soon," I said evenly, hoping I wasn't coming off as cross in an attempt to keep myself calm. "I have a shit ton of homework piling up since it's the end of the semester. Thanks for inviting me out today, though."
Not looking convinced, Maria nodded, handing me the hookah one last time. "Take it easy; you work too much and far too hard. Also, talk to your sister--it sounds like you guys have a lot to smooth out, and that will obviously take some time."
The irony of the situation not lost on me, I took a deep drag then stood, shooting my friend one helluva convincing smile.
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
420 of 2022
Do you know anyone who suffers from depression?
Yeah, myself.
Besides texting, what else do you like to do on your phone?
I don’t even like texting lol. I use my phone as a camera.
When you lost your virginity, do you honestly feel like you were ready?
I’ve never felt truly ‘ready’, I’ve been just waiting for a person I can trust much enough to do it with.
How much older/younger than you was the person you lost your virginity to?
Two months younger, but I wasn’t his first.
Did you give up your virginity willingly?
It has never mattered much to me if I have it or not.
When you were younger, did you plan on saving yourself for marriage?
Never thought about it much.
Were you sexually experienced whatsoever when you lost your virginity?
Not at all.
Have you ever had sex with more than one person?
Like, at once? No. in more than one relationship? Yes.
Have you ever slept with anyone you were in love with?
I’ve only slept with people I loved.
Have you ever slept with two different people in the same day?
No. I don’t get why sex is so important to many people.
Have you ever had sex with the lights on?
Yes, I have.
Have you ever had sex on a floor?
When is the last time you had sex?
Two days ago.
Do you care for that person?
He’s my husband, for God’s sake.
Is this your boyfriend or girlfriend?
I just said.
When is the first time you ever smoked pot?
Where exactly were you located when you first smoked pot?
Do you remember who you were with when you first smoked pot?
No one. Jesus, so many assumptions in this survey.
What were you smoking out of the first time?
Did you get high?
No. From what?
The first time you got drunk, how old were you?
Where were you located the first time you got drunk?
Who remembers that?
When you cry do your eyes change colour?
No, they’re always dark. I don’t cry anyway.
Has anyone ever told you that you are cute?
Unfortunately yes. I hate it.
Does your middle name begin with a A, M, or S?
Yeah, with S.
Which is worse for you: being hot, or being cold?
Both are awful, but cold is my first thought.
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
I’m always myself, you either like me or not.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Many people, it’s just unbelievable.
Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
I have two lip piercings and I’ve been having them for many years, so not only ‘thought’.
Would you ever get a tattoo with someone’s name on it?
No. It’s never a good idea.
Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
Short, low maintenance.
Could you go a month without cursing?
Mo godverdomme toch XD I don’t think so.
Would you ever get a tattoo?
I have one and I’ve booked an appointment for another one.
Who has the ability to hurt you emotionally?
My husband. But he never does it, at least on purpose.
Why are you in pain?
Am I? Really? :O
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?
He’s my husband. Honestly, these questions are pathetic.
Have you ever injected a drug?
No. Unless medication counts, but it was in the hospital and done by the nurses.
Do you ever dip your fingers in wet candle wax?
What’s even the purpose?
Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
Plenty of people, honestly.
Does sex mean love?
No. Love is so much more than just sex.
Have you ever fallen asleep on someone?
Yeah, on my husband.
What’s something you really want right now?
This survey to end, oh my God.
Where will you be in an hour?
Here. I just came back from the sea.
Any sexual stuff happen in the past two months?
Yeah, but is it really that important?
Is your phone right next to you, or at least close by?
It is, on a charger.
What windows are open on your computer right now?
Firefox, GIMP, Wordpad, Spotify.
0 notes
lyrabythelake · 3 years
Ghost Wind AU
part 1 || part 2
These heroes can be real idiots sometimes, Wind thinks dully as he watches yet another poorly concocted plan pan out exactly as terribly as he had foretold it would. This one even involves explosives for that added spice of death.
“For Hylia’s sake,” he says out loud as Sky throws his sailcloth over Hyrule’s hair which is literally on fire.
“Well done everyone,” Time praises once all flames are successfully smothered. They look a mess, the lot of them. Hyrule’s hair is missing chunks and still smoking a little bit, Wild is sporting both a wide grin and a broken arm and Legend is noticeably limping as he joins the rest of the group where they’re congregated.
“I would say that was a pretty successful ambush. We managed to take out all the enemies—”
“And half the mountain,” Wind adds.
“—we may have to work on bringing down casualties on our side, but that’s something we can talk about for next time. Right now, I say we take a well-earned rest. Sky, can you distribute potions to those who need them, please?”
“Pretty successful?” Wind screeches incredulously, following Time as he separates himself from the rest of them and sits down with his back leaning against a tree, lowering himself with a groan like the dramatic old man he pretends he isn’t.
“Pretty successful?!” That was a disaster! I’m better at planning attacks than all of you put together and I have the mind of a fourteen-year-old.”
Time takes off one of his boots with a relieved sigh, wrinkling his nose at the smell. Most of Wind’s senses are dulled these days, but he swears even he can smell the stench coming from those socks.
“You should have attacked from the side,” Wind tells him, settling next to him with his chin in his hand. Time starts to remove his weaponry from the belt around his torso. “I know coming from above seems like the obvious attack, but you could have been stealthier if you’d come from the left. You probably wouldn’t have any casualties and you wouldn’t have caused that landslide.”
Time brings up a finger to clean the wax out of one of his ears and then proceeds to take off his shoulder pads and chest plate.
“I mean, I know Warriors is your best tactician, but he can also be as much of a pyromaniac as Hyrule sometimes, so you’ve got to be the voice of reason.”
Time settles back into the tree trunk, watching the others distantly as they set up camp for the night. It’s a peaceful scene, one much needed after the chaos and volume of the battle.
“Yeah, it’s probably not all that fun being the leader, huh?” Wind nods in understanding. “You do a good job really; who knows where the others would be if they were left to their own devices.”
Time grunts as if to agree and then rummages in his bag for a few seconds before pulling out a large, red apple.
“Now that’s just rude,” Wind mutters as he takes a bite, “you know how long it’s been since I’ve been able to eat an apple? Two hundred years, that’s how long, and you decide to eat one right in front of me. I’d kill to be you right now.”
Wind folds his arms as he watches him with a wistful frown. Even the memory of what an apple tastes like faded for him long ago. Food is something he misses most about being alive.
“This is torture,” he murmurs after a while and he pries his eyes away from Time to look around at his surroundings. The sun is low on the horizon, the faintest blush of pink starting to creep into the clear blue sky and the other heroes, having finished setting up camp, are laughing and chatting amongst themselves by the fire. They’re just far enough away that he can’t hear exactly what they’re saying, but they sound happy.
He stares at them longingly for a while before he realises there’s one missing.
“Huh. Where’s our resident ranch hand?” he asks nobody. He scans the treeline, pausing when he notices a flash of movement heading into the woods a small distance away.
“Or should I say our resident wolf?”
He pushes himself off the ground and heads in the direction he’s certain the wolf went. It’s not long before he catches up to him (he’s able to forgo weaving through the trees in favour of phasing right through them), and once he’s in his sights it’s relatively easy to keep up.
He’s curious about where he might be going; it’s not often that Twilight transforms into the wolf unless absolutely necessary. He probably just wants some time to his self; he’s sure sharing space with seven other heroes is probably quite taxing, so he’s likely after some peace and quiet.
“I don’t blame you,” he says out loud, “those lot are exhausting.”
Wolfie suddenly stops and stands stock still, ears twitching.
“You hear something?” Wind asks inquisitively, coming to a halt just behind him. He hadn’t heard anything himself, but that means nothing considering the proficiency of Wolfie’s ears compared to his own.
Wolfie perks up once more and twists around so his head faces in Wind’s direction, and if Wind didn’t know better, he would have been certain his eyes were locked straight onto his.
“What do you see?” he asks, his curiosity mounting. Wolfie lets out a small whine which turns into a bark before tilting his head ever so slightly to the left. His eyes still seem to look right at him, as if… but no, that’s impossible.
It is impossible. Wind hasn’t managed to gain the attention of anyone since his death over two hundred years ago, he’s accepted that’s how things are supposed to be now.
But what if…
“This is ridiculous,” he mutters to himself before taking a deep breath. He might as well prove to himself that interaction with the living world is just as impossible now as it’s always been. “Okay. Wolfie, bark twice if you can hear me.”
Wolfie barks twice.
Wind’s eyes widen so far, his non-existent eyeballs are in danger of falling out of their sockets.
“Holy shit.”
If Wind had a working heart, he’s sure it would be thumping hard right now.
“Wait… how do I know that wasn’t a coincidence? Er… Wolfie, bark five times if you can see me.”
Wolfie doesn’t bark, but instead lets out a low growl and Wind’s heart sinks. It was stupid to get his hopes up, of course he can’t see him, that would make no sense at all.
The air fills with dark particles and all of a sudden, a man stands where the wolf once did.
“I know you’re there,” Twilight says, “I can’t see you now, but I can as the wolf.”
Well this… this certainly changes things.
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
Can you do headcanons siblings of the gang ? Like, how they act with them and how they treat them and how they let the gang act with them ?
Somewhat important note below~
So we know we said we take requests on a first come, first serve basis; however for the sake of time today (and due to the fact that we did not post anything last week) we decided to take on this request early. PLEASE do not be offended or upset if you are still waiting for your request! We promise we will be getting to them ALL. After this post now, we will go back to our fist come, first serve rule.
We have a few requests which we'll be writing longer stories for vs casual headcannons. Stories typically take us several hours to complete since your 2 lovely bitches who write do not live close enough to one another. We write together via FaceTime and Google Doc. We appreciate all your support and patience with us as we write you guys the best content possible! Enough rambling now, Enjoy these headcannons!!!
Patrick With A Little Sister-
Oh boy… Patrick is crazy over protective of his little sister.
Maybe the word should be obsessive and controlling instead~
He watches her every move. He even comes into her room as she sleeps just to occasionally check on her.
Whenever she gets out of Belch’s car heading to school, Patrick keeps a close eye on her again. Mentally noting everyone she talks to.
He makes sure everyone is in line. It doesn’t matter if it’s an adult or a kid. If they do something Patrick doesn’t like, they’re getting fucked up.
Patrick refuses to let guys talk to her. Only Henry, Vic and Belch are allowed to.
When Patrick isn’t around, he puts the other Bower’s Gang members in charge of her. And she knows well enough to listen to them.
He sometimes makes inappropriate comments about her, resulting in a smack off the head by the other guys.
Patrick LOVES to mess with her.
Always holding things over her head so she can’t reach.
Laughs as she tries to jump up and grab it from him.
He’ll lean down and rest his arms on the top of her head since she’s so much smaller than him.
When she doesn’t listen to Patrick, he will literally just pick her up and throw her over his shoulder and laugh as she struggles to get down.
Even though she’s a girl and a few years younger than him, doesn’t mean she’s safe from how rough Patrick gets.
He still wrestles her to the ground and puts her in a damn headlock.
Definitely gets a few bruises from Patrick playfully hitting her. (Patrick doesn't realize his own strength.)
One word… tickled. Patrick is always tickling the shit out of her to tease her.
It’s even worse when the entire Bower’s Gang joins in on torturing her.
Look… this is Patrick. So he still has a mean, sadistic side.
He gets off on fear so he loves to scare her anyway he can.
Whether that is by jumping out at her, or doing something dangerous and reckless like picking her up and dangling her over the cliff edge to the quarry. (she hates heights and doesn’t know how to swim.)
“Uh no! You’re slipping! Better hold on, sweetheart. I know you don’t know how to swim.” He chuckles darkly, smirking down at her as she grips onto his forearm tightly and cries.
Patrick doesn’t hesitate on the low- blows, either. Making comments that he knows will make her cry.
If she threatens to tell their parents on him, Patrick will grab her from behind agressively, making her gasp as he covers her mouth tightly and whisper tauntingly in her ear:
“Now, Now.. Just why would you say that? You know that only gets you in trouble, little one..” He chuckles darkly and tightens his grip in a painful manner.
Patrick With A Little Brother-
…… I think we all know how this ended…. Patrick disliked his little brother, Avery… a lot. You see, Patrick likes being the only male sibling. It’s less competition and less hassle for him. Only Patrick is allowed to make (more like break) the reputation of his family’s name in the small town of Derry, Maine. Bottom line, if Patrick had another little brother, it would result in the same outcome as Avery. Sorry.
Belch With A Little Sister-
Very protective. Does not let her out of his sight for a second.
Hovers over her when they walk in the woods so she doesn’t trip or fall down.
He brings her along when he goes out with the guys sometimes, unless he knows they will be partaking in illegal activities.
Keeps snacks in his car for whenever she rides with him and always makes sure she eats 3 proper meals during the day.
Not only does he have extra snacks but he has a first aid kit, too.
He’s always prepared knowing she’s small, so there’s a good chance she’ll accidentally get hurt hanging around the guys.
And yes, it has happened on more than one occeasion.
He checks on her during school and makes sure no one is messing with her.
After school, Belch makes sure she does her homework but never really helps her with it. Why would he? He doesn’t even do his own assignments.
For the most part, he’s pretty sweet but sometimes the big brother power goes to his head.
He makes her do her chores and his around the house.
If she ever did something wrong, Belch goes right to blackmail.
“I won’t let mom know about that F on your report card… only IF you wash my car everyday the rest of this week.
Henry purposely spills his drink on the hood of the car right after she just got down cleaning it.
“Opps.. looks like you missed a spot. Better get to it, kid.” Henry says mockingly as he ruffles her hair walking by.
Belch always makes sure she’s safe in bed by the end of the night though.
He even kisses the side of her head when the guys aren’t around.
Belch With A Little Brother-
He takes him under his wing.
Loves to talk about cars- the makes and models, horsepower, you name it.
Even though his little brother isn’t old enough to drive yet, that doesn’t stop Belch from giving him driving lessons.
But bet your life he threatens him before taking off. “I swear to fuck though man, if you crash my car, I will end you. Okay, now put it in reverse. Let’s go”
Belch watches sports with him and even plays in the backyard, as well.
Belch acts as if he’s his coach to prepare him for the school’s team.
He also teaches him how to properly lift weights and spots him, too.
Belch told him “the ladies love a man with muscles, so to keep lifting bro.”
Speaking of girls, Belch was the one who gave him ‘the talk’... in very elaborate and explicit detail leaving his brother shocked, disgusted, and intrigued all at once.
Although he does hang out with his brother from time to time, sometimes Belch chooses friends over family and takes off for long periods of time.
Belch for the most part tries to be patient with him, but still gives his brother tough love as a form of preparing him for the real world.
Overall, Belch is a pretty decent big brother.
He means well but sometimes misses the mark.
Henry With A Little Sister-
Their father works long shifts, often resulting in an absence in their home life.
Henry’s dad basically tells him he’s fully in charge of his little sister.
Henry acts pissed off about that like she’s a bother and interrupts his life but deep down, it makes him feel important for once in his life.
Henry is both very strict and protective over her.
He’s also very controlling such as who she’s allowed to talk to or what she’s allowed to wear.
Nothing short or low cut is allowed. She better not even think about talking back, either,
Henry doesn't have much patience for anything and his temper is even worse.
For example- Her short legs means she walks slower than the rest of them.
Henry rolls his eyes and ends up dragging her by her wrist or sometimes just throwing her over his shoulder because he can’t stand waiting for her.
When it comes time for school, Henry makes sure everyone knows she’s a Bowers. If anyone (child or adult) even just so much as looked at her funny, Henry is throwing hands.
Speaking of school, Henry doesn’t help her with any bit of projects or homework. “Don’t fuckin’ ask me! You do it, or don’t, I don't really give a shit.”
When it comes time for dinner, Henry makes simple stuff like peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, mac n’ cheese, or sometimes just fixes a bowl of cereal. But he always makes her clean up the mess / dishes after.
If she talks back, Henry has no problems getting in her face and yelling loudly.
Sometimes when his anger gets the best of him, he’ll smack her across the face.
He stiffens up when he sees the tears form in her eyes. Sometimes he just walks away and doesn’t want to deal with it, and other times he stands there stiffly and gives her an awkward hug.
“Sorry kid. I didn’t mean to hit you. You just pissed me the fuck off.”
Henry would never let anyone ever see this but occasionally he gives her a quick kiss to the side of her cheek when he’s feeling extra guilty. 
Similar to Patrick, Henry loves to get on her nerves.
Tripping her as she walks by.
Embarrassing her in front of the other guys just to see her blush.
Smacking her off the head as he walks by- her angry face makes Henry laugh.
Tickling her to make her admit something or as a form of punishment because he knows she hates that.
Barges in her room without knocking first.
Warns her she's never, ever allowed to have a boyfriend. And if she has a crush on either Vic, Belch, or Patrick...she’s dead meat.
Won’t allow her to drink alcohol or smoke. If she sneaks and does it, Henry teaches her a ‘lesson’.
“Find you wanna drink? Then here, take it. But now you have to drink the entire thing.”
He smirks and watches her get sick from the alcohol thinking that actually taught her a lesson and will deter her from it in the future.
Speaking of drinking-
When their dad comes home drunk, Henry is the one to take all his shit just to protect her because deep down he does care about her even though he calls her a “little fucking shit” daily.
Henry With A Little Brother-
In Henry's warped mind, his brother is a guy too, so he doesn’t need to be coddled like his little sister does.
If Henry has to withstand hits and verbal abuse, then his little brother should too. “Why should he get a pass?” Henry scoffs.
Henry gives him a lot of tough love.
He tries to make him ‘stronger’ by saying some really rotten shit to him. “Builds character, get used to it, kid.”
Henry does teach his brother how to fight though. “Put those stupid fuckin’ books down pussy. Books can’t teach you how to be a fucking man, but throwing punches will.”
Henry gave his little brother his own knife for his birthday.
He told him since he’s a Bowers, he's a target so it will come in handy~
Gives his brother “advice” on girls and sex; telling him which girls around town ‘put out’ the most.
One day when his brother asked Henry about a particular girl Henry responded with: “Ooh yeah, (random girl’s name), the only thing good about her is her pussy. Face is busted.”
Overall, Henry isn’t too bad towards his brother but once again, when his temper is raging, no one is safe from him.
Vic With A Little Sister-
Overly cautious and protective of her. He’s basically like a helicopter parent.
When the guys are swearing around her, he covers her ears and tells the guys to cut it out.
“Guys! Language!”
“I’m only a few years younger than you guys, I’m not a child!” she retorts.
Patrick, being classic creepy Patrick circles around her. “Just give it a few more years babe. Based on how your mom looks...” Patrick licks his lips envisioning Vic’s mother until Vic smacks him in the balls making Patrick hunch over in pain.
Vic likes to keep her in sight so right after school, he goes straight to her locker and makes sure she rides home with them, too.
When they get out of the car to bully some kids, Vic tells her to stay put. He doesn’t want her involved in anything.
When walking through the woods to the quarry, He always has a hand around her upper arm for support when climbing down the embankment.
He watches her like a hawk when swimming, so paranoid something will happen. Again, think helicopter parent
While he’s sweet for the most part, there’s times he just loses his temper.
He’ll explode and begin yelling at her, only inches from her face.
Sometimes when she does something really, really out of line, Vic will shove her into Henry and Patrick.
“Here guys, teach this little bitch a lesson for me. And don’t go easy on her.” Vic says walking off to calm down.
A part of him feels a little guilty when he sees her cry but other times he feels it’s justified.
He isn’t overly affectionate with her around the guys, the most he does is put an arm around her shoulder.
Sometimes sneaks behind her and tasers her sides and laughs when she jumps and collapses to the ground.
But when no one is around, he 100% gives the best hugs.
When she’s going to a sleepover at a girl-friend's house, Vic tells her to be safe and mumbles, “love you.”
Back at home before bed, Vic will tease her for being paranoid as she makes her way around the house, triple checking to make sure all the windows and doors are locked.
“What? Afraid the boogeyman is gonna getcha?” Vic mocks.
If she’s having a nightmare and calls for Vic, he’ll come and sit on the bedroom floor next to her bed until she falls asleep again.
Vic With A Little Brother-
Vic isn’t as protective over his little brother as he is with their little sister; but he still cares for him.
He just feels that his brother is able to hold his own while his sister needs more protection/ guidance.
He let’s his brother tag along with the guys. They all don’t mind. If anything, they refer to his little brother as Vic number 2.
He genuinely listens to his brother’s interests. Okay.. sometimes he zones out when he drones on and on but he always acts interested.
Vic is pretty book smart so he helps his brother with school work, especially in math.
Tries to make his brother more confident when it comes to talking / picking up girls.
Basically acts as his wing man.
The guys try to give his brother tips on how to pick up girls...Vic usually tells him to ignore everything they say because all that's gonna earn him is a slap in the face.
Tells him not to listen to Henry or Patrick for girl advice.. EVER.
He does teach his brother how to fight though.
Just because Vic is one of the sweeter ones in the gang; that doesn’t change the fact that he’s in a gang to begin with…
When his brother told him he was being picked on, Vic taught him how to fight, but also got involved himself.
Nothing like sending an intimidating message to a few assholes.
When Vic and his brother fight with each other, he doesn’t hold back just because that’s his little brother.
Overall, they get along for the most part and Vic is a pretty decent older brother to his siblings.
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i wanna give you a choice between two headcanons that you can choose what to write since valentine’s day is coming up (and i figure to give a change of asks) … either 1. what would the shie hassaikai members love to receive as a valentine’s day gift or 2. what kind of gifts would they give to their s/o? whatever you get inspiration for feel free to write!! thank youu!! :))
(This right here is the main reason I should be apologizing. This ask has been in my box since before V-day! That’s such a long time for me to be on break. I’ll apologize a million times over. Nobody deserves to wait that long! I’m sorry!)
~V-Day with the Hassaikai~
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~What they would like to receive~
-Overhaul: He really doesn’t think of wanting to have anything for a gift. He’s not big on celebrating days when it comes to him (which includes his birthday). He’s much more focused on what he wants to give to you rather than what he’ll get in return. Makes it easy for you to give him things because he doesn’t expect it. You could get him just about anything and he would love it no matter what.
-Chronostasis: Not the biggest on video games but honestly he wouldn’t mind having whatever is the newest on charts right now. Sometimes he enjoys playing games when he’s off work, so I think he’d cherish something small like that. Maybe spring for something more like getting him a new controller and some headphones too.
-Mimic: Money is his thing. To him, getting money for a gift is better than getting a gift. Think about it from his point of view: No need to worry about getting something you won’t use and can’t return due to not having a receipt. With money (or even just a gift card), he can use it to buy whatever he wants. He can even use it to put into savings if he wanted to do so.
-Pops: Tea or some new plant for his garden. He’s big on tea. There are so many different flavors for different uses even. I think he’d love to have his favorite flavor more than anything. He’d even share it with you! With the plant he’d likely name it after you and tend to it as best he can. Also consider getting him something like a framed photo of you two on a special day like your first date, or wedding, or birthday, the list goes on and on.
-Rappa: Do I even need to say it or do you already know what it is? 🤫
-Tengai: Whatever you get him it will mean the world to him. He’s been telling you this for the longest. You can show up with a rock from the dirt pile outside and he would love that thing till death. I’m talking about polishing it every day and whatnot. He’s not a material person and everything you have to offer is sentimental to him including time. You’re his everything so don’t stress yourself out trying to find the right gift for him.
-Deidoro: Jyondai sake is his dream gift. He imagines what the first drop would taste like sliding down his tongue. He knows you probably wouldn’t be able to afford it (unless you’re a rich reader, in which case congrats). He even knows you’d have to save money for a long time to get your hands on it, but he still has dreams and aspirations. Don’t stress over it though...some cheap store sake and a V-day card will do the trick too lol.
-Nemoto: Something like a romantic dinner reservation or simply a night out. Around this time of the year the work for him becomes pretty heavy, and Overhaul isn’t one to bestow off days for holidays like Valentines. What Nemoto needs is a day off to spend with you and some loving words of reassurance that you’re not mad at him for working late on V-day.
-Hojo: A pack of smokes, a cheap corner store beer, and to see your smiling face. Also he wouldn’t mind tickets to the next action movie or tickets to the next UFC fight to happen near town. He’s a simple guy
-Setsuno: Much like Overhaul, Toya doesn’t expect a thing for the holiday and is more focused on going all out for you instead. He loves you dearly so everyday with you is just another valentines to him. However, if you decided to get him anything then he’d cherish it no matter what you come up with!
-Tabe: A homemade lunch themed for V-day specifically would be a dream come true of his. I don’t think he’d even want to eat it without showing it off to everyone at work first. That’s a huge compliment considering how much he eats on a daily. 
-Katsukame: Much like Rappa...do I need to say it?🤫
~What they would give~
-Overhaul: Too damn much. He is an over-spender when it comes to you on 3 holidays: Your birthday, Christmas, and Valentines day especially! You have to stop him because if not, you’ll end up with another car, likely too many sets of jewelry you might not ever wear, and a bunch of flowers...too many flowers. For the love of God, DO NOT EVER say you like something while window shopping because I guarantee it will be on your list of gifts for V-Day.
-Chronostasis: It could be anything honestly. It might be something you said you like 2 years ago, or it could be something you mentioned recently. He likes surprising you so it’ll be something you forgot about. Seeing you smile when you get the thing you thought he didn’t care about is always gonna be his favorite thing ever.
-Mimic: Isn’t big on romance so he tries this year to make you a homemade dinner. He ends up almost burning the kitchen to the ground so he settles for ordering takeout and eating it by candlelight with you. Later that night, he’ll likely take you out for ice cream or desert to make up for fucking the dinner up so bad lol
-Pops: Goes through hoops just to get this one done for you this year. Invites you out for an evening walk on V-day and next thing you know, a fireworks show is starting nearby. You look up at the sky and watch as the dazzling lights spell out a quick “I love you Y/N” right before your eyes. Its a kind gesture and I’m sure you’d remember it for years to come.
-Rappa: Gets you something expensive you don’t expect to get at all. He sucks at saving money so the gift he gets you has value considering it took him more than half the year to save for it. 
-Tengai: I think he would get you a lovely gift like a locket with you and him in it. It’s something rather small and simple but you must understand how meaningful of a gift it is for him to give it to you.
-Deidoro: Something like a bear that he custom made to look like himself with a nice voice recording of him saying how much he loves you. “Never [lay this around the other assholes, alright???” He went through the trouble of getting something like that for you despite the fact that he’s not very romantic (or sappy as he would say it).
-Nemoto:  A loving hand written card or letter, some chocolates, and the classic set of flowers. It’s cliché but it means a lot since it’s something he gives to you with his entire heart. His favorite thing to do with you is dancing so you can expect some of that as well.
-Hojo: He probably gets you some nice new clothes or something like that. He never mentions it, but he secretly wants to see you wearing them soon. He loves the idea of you wearing something he picked out special just for you. After that, he’ll probably take you out to dinner to a steakhouse nearby and then wind down the night with some kissing and canoodling on the couch (which might lead to something more scandalous?)
-Setsuno: He doesn’t make the most money and spends a lot of it trying to cover all the bills so that you can relax, but sometimes he’ll attempt to go all out on his own expense. He’ll sacrifice an entire week of lunch at work just to save up money to get you something nice. He’d probably go online and get you something expensive that’s custom made just for you. 
-Tabe: Goes out and gets you one of those custom books for valentines day. Y’know, the ones where they replace the characters with you and your partner and tell a story about how much you love each other? Anyway, he gets the idea from seeing the ads for it online all the time. Hopefully it’s something you’ll love for many years to come. If not, I can tell you right now that he’s be crushed.
-Katsukame: Sucks at romance and will more than likely give you a gift card with a picture of the two of you attached and some dollar store candy with a bunch of balloons on the side. It’s almost like he went to the nearest grocery tore and picked out a bunch of stuff from their valentines display. You can’t blame him for the bare minimum since he’s told you ahead of time he sucks at romance. Give it some time and I see him getting better at gift giving some years down the line. You might even hit the point where he’ll run romantic candle-lit baths for you.
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