#i love you sm hooty
pluto-destroy-me · 1 year
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i just wanted to take a nice screenshot of Raine and then there’s just Hooty
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morgy-doo · 3 months
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Luz noceda~
has 100% made you read all of the azura books ATLEAST once
has started teaching you spanish because she thought it would be cute if you two had your own cute lil conversations without over people over hearing
always pestering amity on relationship advice
the owl house is basically your second home by now
hooty can never leave you both alone for more than 5 minutes when your with each other
tries to hide whats going on with belos from you but you figure it out pretty quick because she is a BADDDD liar
she just doesn't want you to worry <3
AMAZING at cheering you up, honestly she would throw herself off a cliff just to hear you do that little cry laugh thing
Amity blight~
she is constantly worrying she is not good enough for you
please give this poor girl some love and reassurance
based on the past person she was she is terrified that one day you will realise there are better people and will never speak to her again
even if your not in the track, abomination magic has become a big part of your life
sometimes at school she gets an abomination to follow you around and carry your bags and stuff when she is not avaliable
she thinks its sweet and endearing
you think its terrifying but don't have the heart to tell her
literally gulps down your praise
"you really think i did good?"
she is so proud of herself after that
she cares about you SM
lucky bitch
your safety always becomes before hers and sometimes she forgets to do certain things for herself because she is to occupied with worrying about you
Willow park~
loves gardening with you
honestly you were clueless about how to diffrentiate (did i spell that right?) different types of trees
but ever since dating her you know the label and scientific name of ever plant that's ever grown
good for you boo <3
always is slightly self concious around you
always trying to smooth down her hair
but DAMN this girl is STRICT
if you play a sport or any type of activity that involves potential injury, you better expect her to be wrapping you in bubble wrap the moment you leave that field
if you were trying to impress her with your skills and get hurt, she will scold you the entire time she is fixing your injury, but secretly finds it cute
she will find simple little things to brighten your day like leaving cute little potted plants on your desk before class
Gus porter~
THE MOST supportive boyfriend to ever grace this earth
you wanna try something new? go ahead he will be excited to hear how you liked it
you wanna try out a new sport? he will be cheering you on at every practice and game in the stands
definately owns one of those shirts that say "i love my bf/gf"
tries so hard to impress you
he wants to be the perfect boyfriend for you so if you show interest in the slightest thing then boom you own a whole collection of items related to that interest and he has learnt everything there is to know about it off witchapedia
loves watching you use your magic
it interests him
learns so many different jokes just to make you laugh and smile everyday
Boscha (i only just realised she doesn't have a last name)~
oh god how do i even start this
can be super clingy one minute, but then acts as if she is used to the attention from you and couldn't care less
she takes it upon herself to be your protector
even if its from a potential splinter
BIG on pet names
babe,baby,darling,sweetheart, yk
"heh did you see that babe? i totally just saved you from that rogue grudgby ball"
speaking of grudgby, as cliche as it sounds she has bought you a jersey that has her name on it for when she plays grudgby
honestly dies of happiness when she hears you shout "that's my girlfriend!"
always lends you her jacket when your cold, even when she is freezing herself she is way to stubborn to take it back
or she just lets you wear it around the school hallways so everyone knows the coolest girl in school is your girlfriend
when she is ruling hexside, she keeps an eye on you, no matter where you are in the room, her third eye is always on you
she is terrified she is going to lose you like she did the others
lets you sit on her lap when she is on the throne
can you tell she is my favourite?
Hunter deamonne~
he is literally the definition of acts of service
the biggest gentlemen ever
holds open every door, pulls out your chairs for you, literally he could be your slave
gets red VERY easily
when you give him praise he practically melts
found it hard to open up to you about his past but when he does he feels a huge relief
now he tells you literally everything
you totally gossip together all the time
he loves training with you, it's never serious and he can see your magic in action
you are honestly his everything
he loves playing with your hair too
is honestly so good at doing hair, he has learnt how to get the perfect rounded bun
loves you more than life itself
part two? <3
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cubicle-eyes · 1 year
Never Ever
Anon asked...
This is super angsty but you can always change the plot to make it fluffy if you want lol! But you know how in episode 2 Lilith's tear falls on Hooty and he's able to speak? Imagine an x reader with that but Darius. Where the reader is in the castle for whatever reason ("helping" the collector, etc) and they find Darius and walk up to him & cry because they miss him sm/pains to see him like that and Darius speaks to them and it's all lovey but sad omg :(
I changed it a LITTLE bit to be happier, but there's still crying, in traditional Owl house episode fashion.
Y/N is Odalia's brother for plot reasons only because Odalia deserves to be treated like a bratty little sister you dropkick from your room.
Never Ever
Darius Deamonne x M!Reader
Y/N had a very hard time pretending to eat the pretend treats the Collector had "set out" for the tea party. The floating was pretty cool, though. He sighed, and King flew over, curling in his lap.
"You don't have to eat anymore if you're full Y/N." Y/N caught on quickly and let the cake go as Collector spun immediately, eyes widening. He silently thanked King, petting him before the Collector could start talking.
"Full? Already? Okay! What else should we do? Oh, I'll get Mamadalia to clean up the dolls. MAMADAL-"
"Oh, no, Collector!" Y/N butt in quickly. "I'll clean them up. Why don't you and King start brainstorming? That way it'll be a suprise. For me."
The Collectpr looked unconvinced for a moment before grinning.
"Ohhh. Okay! Come on, King! Dad-N/N needs a awesome suprise!"
"OKAY have fun, bye kids. Yeah I'll be right there. Yay!. Alright. Odalia?"
Y/N called, helping all of the puppets drift down and stand carefully. He was very paranoid about them breaking. "ODALIA!"
He called again. His hands lingered over Darius before he rushed over to catch Raine before they fell unceremoniously to the ground. Adrian landed on Odalia as she came quickly around the corner.
"Yes, Y/N- Oh!"
"HA! You alright, Blight?"
"I hate it when you say that." She grumbled.
"I know. Take those ones to the room and I'll take these ones."
"You're taking the easy ones!"
"'You're taking the easy ones!' Don't complain, do your chores, Mamadalia."
"I'm going to kill you."
Y/N opened his mouth to retort, but the puppets started moving automatically, drawing accusing spell circles at the green-haired disappointment.
"Threat detected."
"Ease. Line up, heads, I'm herdin' ya to yer holes." Y/N put on a weird cowboy accent and Odalia grumbled.
"I hate you."
"I love your husband!"
She stomped off, toting the other Coven Heads with her. Y/N usually only took Darius, Raine, and Adrian- these ones never caused any trouble. Hettie loved to poke at whoever was leading her, even going as far as to bubble them. Odalia would hate that.
"Alright, Darius in the back and Raine up front. Adrian, middle. You are no longer allowed to lead."
Last time, he tripped and made Y/N land face first and almost break his nose. The Collector was livid and Y/N pretty much had to bargain for Adrian's life.
The puppets shared a look, then did not move.
Raine fell to the back, letting Darius lead.
"Nope, D. Get over yourself, babes, I need you at the back to do the abominationing thingy if Adrian falls. Again."
Adrian smirked slightly, but fell back into a neutral position just as quick. Darius continued staring ahead, and as Y/N started to protest he simply scooped the witch up and started walking. Y/N inhaled sharply through his nose.
"Stop." The puppets froze. "Set me down."
Once he was back on the floor, he crossed his arms.
"Come on. Raine, why are you letting him do this?"
The witch shrugged, smiling slightly. Y/N grinned, clicking his tongue in mock disappointment.
"Alright, problem children. Just walk in a line."
Darius immediately started walking sideways, just to annoy Y/N, and the other Coven Heads followed suit, making subdued expressions of joy. Y/N rubbed his temples.
"Next time I'm letting Odalia take you. Alright, since you're all INCAPABLE of basic things, I'll show you." He gripped Darius's hand, and soon all of the Coven Heads were connected.
"Follow the leader, bitches." He muttered. Darius openly laughed and Y/N almost jumped out of his skin from the echoing, almost otherworldly change. He spun and Darius grinned.
"I've been waiting for you to do that."
Y/N blinked, genuinely stumped on what the hick-hack paddy wack was going on.
"What the f-"
"Come on, Odalia's coming back. Let's follow the leader."
His entire body went rigid again and Y/N found it hard to force the shocked expression off of his face. Tears were building up in his eyes, and Darius smiled softly before staring ahead again. Y/N inhaled shakily and kept walking, his shaking hand gripping onto Darius for dear life. Odalia looked disheveled and angry.
"Stupid Hettie. She bubbled me! How did she do that? The healing Coven was useless!"
"Ah, ah, Odalia. The Collector helped make the Covens. It'd be a shame if they found out his 'Mamadalia' hated them."
She grumbled something and quirked an eyebrow at his makeshift, kindergarten-style line.
"Couldn't reel in just three of them?"
"I'll bubble you next if you Don't stop talking."
"Sure you will! Your magic is practically useless against mi-" She was cut off screaming by Y/N bubbling her and downright kicking her towards the open window-arches.  Sure, maybe Odalia was stronger than him at magic. Didn't mean he couldn't beat her ass either way. Darius chuckled again.
Y/N walked in quick steps, practically dragging the line behind him to the Archive Room. Luckily, neither of the children were in here. He made sure everyone was lined up nicely before inhaling and turning back to Darius.
"Oh. Hey. Why are you- Y/N."
Darius sighed, accepting the hug happily as his boyfriend practically fell against him.
"You're joking." He laughed, feeling idiotic. "I could've just done this the whole time? Talked to you? Instead of ordering? Titan, strike me down."
Darius sighed, helping Y/N ease to his knees. Y/N sniffled, trying not to start sobbing over Darius.
"How am I supposed to know that this can happen and still order you around like that?"
"I Don't know. Don't worry, darling. I'm not going to leave you again. Never."
"Never ever?"
"Never Ever."
"Y/N? You alright? I heard crying-"
Eda jumped when she spotted him and Darius, and Y/N quickly pulled himself up, trying to hold himself together again. Darius stayed on his knees, resting the side of his head on Y/N's leg comforting. Eda was silent for a moment before stepping closer carefully. Then, she grinned, placing her hand on her hip.
"Good job, N/N. Woke your man up. You alright?"
"Yeah." Y/N's voice cracked. "Just missed him."
"Okay, kiddo. I'll leave you alone. Call out if the Collector is coming, per use."
She pronounced "use" as if it were the first part of "usual", bobbing her head and flapping her hand dismissively. Y/N nodded, helping Darius up.
"Yeah yeah, Eda."
She walked off, back towards her cage and behind it as Y/N stared at Darius again. He cupped Darius's face, hopped on his feet for momentum, then smashed their lips together. Darius flinched slightly in suprise, but was quick to wrap his arms around Y/N and press them close together. Y/N sniffled, then pulled away before he could start crying into the kiss. He pressed his forehead to Darius's neck, and the Headwitch lifted his chin to rest on top of his boyfriend's head.
"I love your new outfit." Y/N laughed. "I know that's random. I'm procrastinating saying it so I don't have to wake up or something. But really, it's amazing."
"Of course it is. The Collector put me in it. Y/N?"
Darius pressed a kiss to Y/N's forehead, picking him up and twirling with him.
"I love you."
And they all lived happily ever after and Camila made the Collector apologize and they get married. 😌
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trx34ksh · 1 year
Lilith from the owl house is such a special character to me.
# 1) she’s aroace. She doesn’t feel ashamed about it and her peers do not shun her for it. She shows us fellow aspec ppl that you shouldn’t feel forced to conform to societies norms of being in romantic relationships to be happy. (This leads into my next point aswell)
#2) we get to see her reconnect with her sister after leaving the emperor’s coven. We see her bonds with new and old family that have been such a focal point for her and eda’s lives. She grows a friendship with hooty to where they feel they can depend on each other for support.
#3) her hair change along with her tone,mood, and attitude changes while she grows through the series. At first, with her long dark hair, she keeps her walls up. Only letting in her sister because she wants to ‘save her’ from everyone being after her for being the owl lady by trying to get her to join the emperor’s coven. Then her hair changes to being a bit more curly along with the new grey stripe. She’s opening up and getting help from her loved ones. She becomes more passionate in the things she’s truly interested in. Finally, near the end, when she gets a haircut by eda, her hair is it’s natural color and curlier. She’s learned how to rely on those around her and how to help them back. She’s a backbone for eda, especially with the latter circumstances of the final season.
Basically, I luv her sm and she has great development throughout the series and I wish we could hav gotten more of her. <3
(Here are some pics for reference abt the hair stuff)
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 5 months
For TOH ask game, how about 1, 7 and 9? :)
Hi!! Thank you sm for the ask!! I'm gonna switch the numbers up a bit because I've answered a few you've listed but still wanna answer more.
(Here is the ask game for those who want to see it)
I have already answered questions: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 16, 19, 20
1.) What episode got you invested in the show? Why?
I already answered this one here so I'll exchange this with 3.
3.) Favorite episode? Why? Ramble as much as you'd like.
My favorite episode most definitely for nostaligic and sentimental reasons would be Enchanting Grom Fright, and I KNOW like there are a TON of other episodes but I cannot deny the fact that EGF really does hold a special place in my heart for being (as I answered in question 1.) the reason I even got into TOH in the first place back in 2020. The entire course of this hyperfixation is BECAUSE of that episode. I love it sm because it literally was the spark of the fandom's outrage over shipping Lumity. Everyone was racing to draw and commit every art medium to fandom space. Ao3 was such a different place back then too for TOH fanfic. I think after EGF came out a lot of things really came to be TOH. Of course then we had WIng It Like Witches (which that's an entire discussion in itself!!) that made us all freak out even more about Lumity. I don't know haha. EGF really holds a special place in my heart that I love more than s2. WHICH- Don't even get me wrong. I absolutely love LOVE LOVE s2. We got the Lumity kiss and all that fun cannon stuff- It's just that nothing to me compares to the absolute sheer ferality I had over them because of that episode. TOH really had a chokehold on me because of that.
7.) Has the show ever made you cry? What scene(s)?
I already answered this one too here :( (its so funny yall asked like almost the same thing whoops.)
I'll do 6 because 4 is super obvious lol.
6.) A character you didn't expect to love? What made you start liking them?
Honestly, I'm gonna give a hot take here but Willow. In the beginning back during s1 I didn't feel like she was all that cool. (I didn't HATE her- I just didn't see the appeal of her) Of course Understanding Willow definitely had an impact but it wasn't until s2 when we really got to see into her more that I started to really think she wasn't half bad. Like s1 was mostly not as plot driven so it kinda felt that she was mid. Was indifferent but I'm so glad the show changed my mind about her because she truly was one of the best characters.
9.) If the show had a full three seasons, whats something you genuinely think would happen? Not a wishful thinking, what do you think is something that would've happened?
Well Beach Episode got hinted at so obviously I would be down for that, but I think most importantly seeing more interactions between the hexsquad. I would've wanted to see a picnic lumity cemetery date obviously, and maybe even the hexsquad going to a convention together. I just would want more shenanigans with them all.
Also more Raeda?? Like I would be down for that. And Steve!! And Lilith!! Lilith and Hooty moments.
I think we would've gotten more clarification on the whole curse and the inner lore of it, because I know KNOW theres more to it there. More lore with Hooty and what even that worm was too. I just know there would've been more lore if we had more time.
Thanks sm for the ask!! Hope you didn't mind I switched them a bit so this wasn't so short.
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traggalicious · 8 months
OKAY. so, first: thank you so much i love you. Second! Lazarus! Here’s a thingy I made for him somewhere else ^^
Character’s full name: Lazarus
Reason or meaning of name: Stole it from Lazarus (of the bible) who was a jesus type and died 4 like 3 days b4 jesus came n got him.
Character’s nickname(s): Laz, The Monster (as like. A title)
Birth date: I honestly didn’t think abt it cos it made my brain hurt
Gender: he/they dude! He’s fine w/ it/its but not 4 gender reasons.
Music for the mood: creature - half-alive, the nowhere king frm centaurworld, me and my husband - mitski
Basic rundown is he was made at a time where belos rlly wanted his curse *gone*, and had been researching ways to get rid of it. He came across that thing (the thing eda and Lilith did) to share the curse, and he’s like. Might as well try it. So he creates lazarus, and laz is a pretty loyal guy, like. Belos raises him w/ traits of selflessness and obedience, and ofc plays up the curse so when he finally tells him to do the curse sharey thing, Laz is all for it. It works well! Fortunately for belos and unfortunately for Laz. Laz is suffering, he nearly dies but the curse doesn’t let him, despite the fact that belos refuses to share palismen, and when he does (which is once) laz refuses for morality reasons. This is how he realizes “oh shit i was only made to die wasn’t i”, confronts belos, belos tries to kill him. But Lazarus is goopy. And we all know that belos being goopy means he’s still alive. And uhhh yeah he nearly dies, makes it out narrowly, and he lives in the woods on the isles, fuckin belos shit up, and experiencing a weird love-hate relationship w/ the bat queen and the locals!
Another thing that contributes to that is when he finds a scout afraid after they didn't do too well in training, and he decides to help, and he ends up having a mentor- like relationship w/ them-and one day they see his face. And at this point he's already got the rot creeping up his face, and. And they look terrified. They ask what happened. And he. He realizes. He scares them. He says it's okay, nothing's wrong- and even when they return to 'normal' he can't help but notice the glances they cast at the right side of his face, at the growing pink glow behind the mask he never takes off anvmore. <- He's so nice to the scouts bc he went thru it too. But younger. With higher expectations. And he doesn't quite get that not everyone has to deal w/ that. So he's just. Yeah. He mother hens them be he doesn't quite understand that many of them are the age he is now rather than the age he was. And they don't know he's their age physically. Like. Based on actual years he's like fuckin. He's like 5 or 6. And so basically that stress and emotional abandonment coupled with his experiences with the Curse and Belos leads to the Confrontation.
Palisman: His palisman is a jackalope named buck <333
On the topic of backstory n shit! I think that he’d have a frenemy relationship w/ Lorelei, in which she sees that he was also a victim but still resents him for her husband’s death, so its a very fragile relationship, mostly transactional in the beginning. Alas, she is a compassionate person, and over time they become…. Friends? Its an odd thing really. Also! Eda and Laz have a tentative friendship based on shitty curses and learning to deal with them. Laz helps protect the Owl House when he can, befriends Hooty (he finds Hooty So Interesting), and Eda takes the fall sometimes when Laz makes an oopsie. Also teaches him magic sometimes. ALSO. on the Eda x Laz thing, he’s around before Eda, but he ages slower and spends a lot of time regenerating after. Events. So yeah. He also ends up being the Fun Uncle of the HexSquad! Sad but funny thing is that Laz is so used to being called mean things that he hears Any Derogatory Term and his ears twitch like heh? Me? Poor guy. He does get a happy ending though! He is forever changed but he gets better.
Really wanna write smth for him at sm point -.- ANYWAY yeah that’s Laz!!! Sorry this is so long ahdgshdhddh. Here! Are some images (couldn’t find others i didnt feel like scrolling forever sorry <333)
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jadeisbetterrrr · 1 year
amity angst !
TW GUYS !!!!
(before day of unity)
Amity POV
Its a cold night in the Boiling Isles. But a loud one in the Blight Manor, Odalia and Amity were going at it.
"Mittens, i can't believe you, i do so much for you and you do this? a 95? really?" "Im sorry! I promise i'll do better!" I said not wanting to make mother angry. "You're distracted, what you dye your hair purple and start getting closer to that "Human" My mom spat at me.
"Her name is LUZ!" I yelled, snapping. I immediately threw my hand over my mouth realizing i just said that. "What? did you just say to me?" Mom said, quietly, too quiet. "I-im sorry-" then i felt a hand across my face.
"You will not DARE talk to me like that. Understood?" Mom yelled. "I understand Mo-" "ITS ODALIA TO YOU." I tilted my head down in an attempt to not cry. "I understand Odalia." "Good. now go to your room." Odalia said pointing a finger towards my door upstairs. I walked up with my head down trying not to cry.
"Eda do we have anything other than apple blood?" I asked. "What kind of question is that? of course not!" Eda said, from her room. I rolled my eyes and went up to my room. I really want to see Amity right now. I then felt a blush on my cheeks as i pictured her laughing at one of my dorky jokes. Next thing i know im kicking my feet in the air and giggling.
"i'll sneak out" i thought, I knew Eda wouldn't let me leave this late. I put on my shoes and quietly climbed out the window making sure to avoid Hooty. I then made my way to the blight manor.
As i closed the door to my room i immediately fell to the floor and cried quietly. Why couldn't i just be happy? That's all i wanted, a normal mom, a normal dad and to be happy with my friends and Luz. Why couldn't it just work out? i touched the cheek where my mother had slapped me.
I then heard something coming from my window, I quickly wiped my tears and drew out a spell to see if someone tried to break in, but it was Luz. "Luz?" I said. "What are you doing here this late?" I quickly hid my red cheek with my hair. "Amity? what's wrong?" Luz asked me with a concerned look on her face.
"Nothing! You caught me by surprise." I said hiding my hands and standing up. "Your lying." Luz said slowly walking towards me. "What?" "What's on your cheek? why are your eyes red?" "Uh- its nothing! i just uhm." I quickly said, i didnt feel like talking about this. Luz then quickly pulled me into a hug.
it took me a while to register what was actually happening but i hugged her back. "It was your mom, wasn't it?" I immediately broke down in her arms. She held me and sometimes planted a kiss on top of my head until my tears dried. "Did she slap you?" Luz asked softly. I nodded and she looked down and got up.
"You know what's gonna instantly make you feel better?" She said. "What?" I said with a confused face. She then picked me up and twirled around. "L-LUZ you're gonna drop me!" "No im not!" we both giggled and we then landed on my bed catching our breath. I then hugged her side as we made ourselves comfortable. "Edas so gonna kill you if you don't go home." I whispered.
"Yeah well, that's a problem for future Amity and Luz." Luz then played some Lana Del Rey (i love lana sm 🫶🏽) as we both drifted off to sleep.
a/n : i loved making the end part 🫶🏽😭, i hate odalia sm i wanna shoot her into outer space so far google wouldn't find her. ANYWAYS gn/gm guys ily sm 🫶🏽
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fandomregression · 2 years
heya! love your content sm ^^ can i get a oneshot of regressor raine (0-2) and cg as eda?
take your time and no rush btw
//this was the only thing i could think of jasdklfhajk hooty tries but raine just does not like him
“Raine, what’re you doing, sweetie?” Eda asked, and her mothering voice just oozed over her words.  Raine peeked up at her, smiling around their pacifier.  They pushed open the cabinet door shyly and crawled out of the cabinet, and Eda couldn’t help but snicker.  “Are you trying to play hide and seek, Rainedrop?”
“Shhhh!”  Raine pressed a finger to their pacifier in a shushing motion.  They got to their feet and took Eda’s hand, dragging her off toward the bedroom.  “Hooty wins too much!” they whispered once they were far enough away.  Raine dropped to their hands and knees and crawled away to hide in the wardrobe, and Eda had to try very hard to not laugh out loud.  Oh, her regressor was far too adorable.
She backed out the room and headed down to the living room, shaking her head.
“Hoot hoot!” Hooty called.  He snaked around Eda and peered at her with narrowed eyes.  “You’ve seen Raine, haven’t youuuuu?”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, Hooty.”  Eda crossed her arms, but Hooty wasn’t buying it.
“Where did they goooo!” he whined.  He snuck around and started going through the pots and pans, and Eda laughed to herself thinking how Raine’s first hiding spot would’ve been discovered already had she not caught them.  “Yoooohoooo, Raine!  Hoot hoot!”  Hooty came back to the living room and rifled through the couch cushions.  “Come out, come out wherever you are!”
“You’re not gonna find them that way, you dork,” Eda said with a snicker.
“Oh so you do know where they are!”
“I didn’t say that.”
Hooty narrowed his eyes are her once more, humming in his suspicion.  Eda silently pointed up and tugged on the shoulder of her sweater, and Hooty gasped.
“I’ve got you now, hoot hoot!” he cried, racing up the stairs.  Eda heard a crash that was most definitely her bedroom door on the floor now, and she heard a yell that definitely came from Raine.
“Mommyyyyy!” Raine screamed as they ran down the stairs.
“I wiiiiiiin!”
Raine crashed into Eda and hugged her close, and Eda just returned the hug.  “Did Hooty find you, Rainedrop?” she asked as she pet their hair.  Raine whimpered and nodded, glaring at Hooty from where he danced.  “Awww well that’s no good!”
Raine was so cute when they pouted, Eda thought, but she couldn’t let them pout for too long.  “How about we get some ice cream to make up for it?  We won’t let Hooty have any at all.”
“Okay, Mommy…!”  Raine giggled and ran to the kitchen.
“Hoot hoot, what was that about ice cream?”
“Not for you, Hooty.”
“Oh come on!”
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cosmixbun · 1 year
my favorite moments from the owl house finale OBVIOUS SPOILERS DUH (timestaps + thoughts)
EVERYTHING IS IN TIMESTAMPS IN RELATION TO THE YOUTUBE VIDEO EPISODE AND NOT THE DISNEY+ EPISODE (they might be the same but it's 2:45 am (now 3:36 am as i publish this) and the disney+ ep isn't out yet lol)
4:50- i love hunter so much he's just like me and when i saw this i think my heart killed itself oh my god.
6:36- i love him, that's it i love him every time he's on screen i get so excited he's literally me, i am him
11:14- i cannot get over how much i love this design ??? i also love raine, ik that they r literally possessed rn (it's one of my favorite tropes omg i just cant they did the belos possession with my two favorite characters in this show)
15:50- i love raine SO MUCH i literally do not care that i keep saying this i just love raine. and the sterness of them saying get out to belos ??? ur literally my fav pls.
21:37- GAHHHHH THIS WHOLE SEQUENCE ???? i love seeing monster animated ESPECIALLY big ones with little details omg i wanna redraw this version of belos so bad.
21:44- MY FAVORITE SHOT ??? i live for skull shots.
22:58-die. die. die luz why would u do this and rip my heart out and step on it i cant
24:14- die. die. die. i started sobbing i hate watching other peoples reactions to emotional moments, it makes me cry more. AND CAMILA CRYING EVEN THO SHE'S STILL A PUPPET ?? death. im being buried alive actually.
24:54- THESE CLOSE UPS. KILLED. ME. the very slight detail to the lines is all it did for me, i literally wanted to rip my eyes out and watch these close up again.
25:14- KING ???? OH MY GOD ???? sorry i just love this little guy and seeing him angry is just so good i love it.
25:19- MY WIFE ????? get angry again pls omg i love u sm her losing control is also another one of my favorite tropes to exist ever.
29:59- omg dana im kissing the ground u walk on for this. i LOVE DETAILED MONSTERS OH MY GOD ???? dana u genius you.
31:40- THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND GRIEF OR DEATH :((((( so u want me to die, so u want me dead, so u want me to cry
37:10- STOP I LOVE THIS. ILY RAINE. AND THE LITTLE EDA AND RAINE MOMENT ??? stop i NEED them to kiss rn, rnrnrnrnrnrn.
38:02- THIS. FUCKING. FIGHT. "how anime can we get the entire scene." AND THEN BLEW IT TO 300000X MORE.
38:33- THE CALL BACK AFJAOGFJIHSAODFJSDFN i died actually, i cannot belive this. i think someone called it and im kissing their brain rn oh my god this is just so luz and then instead of LUZURA SHE SAYS LUZ, SHE GREW INTO HERSELF HERE.
41:17- "bitch please." god i loved this moment. luz could literally give less of a damn. i loved belos as a villain and just this is so satisfying to luz and to the clawthore's.
44:22- he's just like me fr, ik he got that pizzazz to him too, just look at him.
45:42- EDA AND RAINE NEST ?!?!?!? crying sobbing throwing up, oh my god when is it my turn to be happy.
46:08- CAMILA AND EDA MOMENT. :'( i shed a tear i loved this moment even if it was really tiny.
46:20- HOOTY AND LILY ADIFHASDIFHASIFI god i love lilith sm
46:42- OMG KILL ME AND KISS ALREADY PLS crying i love them sm
47:00- EDA AND RAINE PLS I LOVE YOU I CANT EVEN. (also didn't mention it before but raine's scars ??? <333333 def just like me) ((where is my eda pls i want to be like them))
48:03- OLDER LUZ AND THE PICTURES FSDKFSJDOFJASIF OLDER VEE ???? cried, im graduating this year and to see the graduation picture and luz going to college is so me and i just :((
48:25- AAAAA OLDER LUZ !!!! i love this design sm i see nothing wrong tbh AND THE FLAPJACK TAT OMG :((((
49:34- stop i love the animation and them sm omg i cant (im not a huge huntlow shipper, i can see it but i like them as friends too)
50:08- OLDER LILITH OMG MY OTHER WIFE she so cute she is also just like me (she has pizzazz bc i have pizzazz and i think all characters i like have it too bc they r just like me)
50:20- i love older amity AND HER MENTOR IS LILITH WHICH IS SO CUTE :(( god i love them sm
51:10- i need these two to kiss so bad it's not even funny oh my god fanfic writers pls GET ON THIS. i love both of these guys so much
51:15- OLDER RAINE DFJAISDFIASDHF OIADJFOSADFH OASJF sorry i died their suit is so ???? gah i love them i just cant contain myself i love them.
52:10- GUSSSSSS !!!! finally a hair change babes it looks so good. and the boiling ises and the human realm exchange program !!! gah i love gus
52:16- WIFEY MOMENT OMG HIIII whoever gave the idea for a hook is getting kisses from me oh my GOD. she is so <33333
52:30- KING !!!! he's growing into himself i love it :D
52:48- sobbing they all look so good i cant even tell u how much i love them all
53:00- THIS. this kiss means so much to me it's so like authentic ??? of course the other ones are too but something about this one being so casual, like theres no threat and they just saw eachother, it's a kiss for just being there, in the moment.
53:19- crying, shaking, screaming, crying, this pan is so cute i cant even
54:46- this. is how u end a show. omg i just, wow
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dumbtheoriez · 2 years
He called Luz his big sister 😭 AND HE WAS PREPARING FOR A WORLD WITHOUT HER 😭😭
This show been havin me in my feels lately 😭
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choccyymilk · 3 years
best of besties, lulu and hootcifer!
the owl house season 2 spoilers !!
i would like you all to look at my babies.
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lulu and hootcifers friendship is one of the best and most unexpected dynamics to come out of the owl house and i’ve only seen them interact as besties for 2 episodes.
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the way hooty went from trying to k word lilith in front of the owl house to bugging lilith to be his bestie and saving her from a swarm of killer fire bees AND AND AND LILITH GOING FROM TRYING TO K WORD HOOTY AND HATING HIS GUTS TO SAYING SHED PROTECT HIM FROM LUZ, EDA AND KING MESSING W HIM IS SO DFHGJHDHD
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all hooty has ever wanted is a friend to hang out and talk about everything with, and lilith probably hasn’t had a “normal” non colleague friend since childhood, AND NOW THEY HAVE EACH OTHER AND ITS JUST SO WHOLESOME AND PRECIOUS.
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NOT TO MENTION how lilith is gonna be carrying him in a backpack a few episodes from now ,, my god???????
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in conclusion i love them so much and cant wait to see their friendship develop even more and possibly get hooty backstory while he’s gossiping w lilith.
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monochromatic-ahhhh · 2 years
I read the tags on the last ask. I'm pretty sure you clicked on the one shot fic instead of the watch fic.
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edit: aight i just read it i believe the only thing that happened there was hooty and SASHANNARCY 🥳✨🎆🥳💖🎇💖🥳💓💖🥳💖💓🥳🥳💥💓💖💥 whats that, daddy issues? nahhh that did not happen whatdoyoumeanthathappenedwhatsadadanywayahahahaha
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spiced-ciderr · 2 years
anyways,,,this episode was a ROLLERCOASTER. I love raine sm. they need to be protected.
Eda.....MOM EDA.
"MY kids" AAAAAA
"Kings a clawthorne now! That's technically your nephew!"
And luz carving her palisman??
100% I think it's going to be a bat.
(Amity we miss you.,)
Hooty. We love and appreciate you.
I love the character development for Lilith. And has anyone noticed her hair has been getting progressively curlier since she left the emperors coven??
eda and luz had a fight,,, dang kid is too much like her owl mom. that whole scene still has me sobbing yall
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cubicle-eyes · 1 year
This is super angsty but you can always change the plot to make it fluffy if you want lol! But you know how in episode 2 Lilith's tear falls on Hooty and he's able to speak? Imagine an x reader with that but Darius. Where the reader is in the castle for whatever reason ("helping" the collector, etc) and they find Darius and walk up to him & cry because they miss him sm/pains to see him like that and Darius speaks to them and it's all lovey but sad omg :(
This now !! I'm making it a male reader bc we love gay peacock dad Darius. Also, I freaking LOVE ANY excuse to write for Darius and male reader. any. Even if it's parent x child. I will SPAWN that shit.
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4shfur · 3 years
- THE BATS HAHAHAHAHHA also their outfits fuck
- EDA N RAINE KEEP BLUSHINGGGG I said I was gonna commit arson if they weren't her ex but I love this actually they're so cute
- beastkeeper coven leader is such a little guy I love them >:3€
- I hope raines okay?????????????
- this episode was 10/10 raine ily
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ticklytums · 3 years
Where do you think each Owl House member is the most ticklish? Perhaps a top five? Btw, your writing is✨💖✨ 🤌🏼*chefs kiss*🤌🏼✨ 💖✨ I get instant serotonin reading. I hope you are doing well and staying hydrated!
fndjfnd aaaaaa ty sm!! I gotta get back to writing more on this blog, tho headcanons are easier
Okay so Lilith? Middle part of her body. Sides, tummy, hips. Oh and belly button. She’ll s c r e m. But she’s VERY giggly and like the most ticklish so everywhere for her honestly.
King? Oh his adorable little tummy and ‘cute wittle paws’, we know that for a fact, it’s law
Eda? More obscure places. Everywhere might get a couple snorts from her but to really get the laughter it’s like behind her ears, neck, and her knees definitely
Luz? NOTHING BUT GIGGLES. There’s not a single place, similar to Lilith, that won’t have her squeaking but her belly is her weak spot. She loves raspberries too omg. She’s a snorter and squealer.
Hooty ? I’m including him cause he fam. Just…I mean he’s an elongated bird tube so naturally everywhere on his ne…..ck? Body? idk. But he’s more the tickler than ticklee.
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