#i love these headcanons tho bestie
ackerslut · 1 year
Sorry for answearing only now i did not see the notification.
Okay here we go: • The kelvin decks are played by different people (more specifically i think they would look like their concept art) • Kelvin Mariner and Boimler have cinematic chemistry • As do Rutherford and Tendi. • … and everyone else. • T'lyn may not exist (yeah i hate myself for this one, but it make sense when you think about it. Vulcan was destroyed and only less than ten thousand survived from a population of six billion, so it's likely that T’lyn and many other vulcan characters won't be born in the kelvin timeline) • Intead Ma'ah would come aboard the Cerritos like when Riker served on a klingon ship. • Mariner would take one look at Boimler and Ma'ah and say: OH GOD THERE'S TWO OF THEM😳😱, while thinking: OH GOD THERE'S TWO OF THEM😳😈 • Kelvin Mariner did not lost faith in starfleet like canon Mariner, but she still have the same personality. • Their tech is more advanced. • Kelvin Boimler is more bold and awkward than cabon boimler. • For comedic effect Mariner and Freeman relationship is even more volatile. • Badgey’s still a monster. • The warp core four are best friends like their counterparts (this one in non-negotiable)
I probably left something out.
my ask box ate this and then spat it back out this morning LMAO
all of these are godtier headcanons the only thing missing is the aggressive heterosexualness of abram’s movies that’s so insistent on being straight that it goes full circle and becomes gay again.
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(Context: im thinking abt my post canon au, i explained on my ao3, u dont even have to read it just know its there)
Mizu revealing her being a woman to taigen AFTER he confesses his feelings to mizu AFTER being bested during their duel once again is literally so fucking personal to me. Jesus fuck... FUCK. Like. How overwhelmingly loved she must feel. How SEEN. Truly for once n not just but loved and wanted!!! Its so personal to me. Just. Taigen, losing, n then immediately leaning in for a kiss. Mizu is lost cuz what?? Why?? N taigen just. Confesses, but hes holding back cuz mizus reaction was not great and he doesn't wanna ruin the friendship they've formed these past months, they've grown so close so fast n its scary but so exciting n so right but if mizu doesnt want this then nothing is happening n its ok he has a CHOICE. Like. FUCK!! N then mizu telling taigen to wait and that night she reveals it. And its just sooo fucking intimate. Its so soft. And maybe taigen is confused but one look at how small mizu is making herself, like shielding herself from him. Like he gets it. The danger of it all. And its his promise to protect her if she ever needs to that does her in cuz. SHE HAS A CHOICE. TO BE PROTECTED OR NOT. THATS SO IMPORTANT TO HER. Yes, she can protect herself. Yes, it feels good to be protected. Yknow??
Mizu revealing her being a woman to akemi totally by accident AFTER they just had an argument abt women's choices in society AFTER mizu accidentally took one (1) big sip of sake, n then deciding fuck it im gonna win this argument, guess what akemi. And that's how akemi finds out. N Mizu thinks akemi is going to hate her, n she does for a bit in silence, but mostly shes just hurt? For herself AND for Mizu. Cause she understands, so suddenly, so intimately, how hard being a woman is and how mizu has had to hide as a man to survive (not even for plot reasons that we know, mizu being mixed AND a woman? Death sentence). And she just hurts. And they thought they'd always have this weird rift between them but they cry and they let it out (for Mizu, for the first time in YEARS) and its just. Its so emotional n so important and so personal and intimate. Its maybe winter all over again, a year has passed since theyd seen each other in kyoto, so much has changed and yet not rly and. They've grown but in different ways. Akemi, in taking life by the reins n being assertive and strong and so dangerously intelligent like shes always been but now, now its crucial to be that. And Mizu in realizing that she truly, truly wants to be loved so badly but to be loved is to be vulnerable and thats what scares her the most, to be weak; but ure only strong if u can be weak too, and thats what she learns. And i think this is where they really get deep into their feelings. Before it was a crush, an annoying one. Now? Oh bby theyre down bad. Yes they are.
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noel-levine-fan · 1 month
i think noel would like bugs. like really if you think about it, the scene where he's outside and happens to meet claire, probably makes you think he's been sneaking outside for a while before he met her. i bet he made friends with the bugs while he was out there. i bet he loves bugs. i bet he knows a lot about them. i bet one time sirius started screaming because there was a bug in the house and claire killed it and noel started crying and claire never killed a bug again.
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thedeerinblood · 8 days
I had a vision. Literally a revelation. Venetia Catton could've loved so, sooo much Ayesha Erotica.
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mrsmiroir · 2 years
wait nvm im back on my bullshit. remember how inej refused to meet with the ravkan delegates because of their association with the monarchy (which was deeply oppressive to suli people). like personally i feel like she wouldn’t have attended zoya’s corronation, regardless of zoya’s heritage or identity, and i feel like she wouldn’t change her mind on the matter until things actually changed. i still don’t think she would be a monarchist in any situation though, no matter how lovely the monarch is. i also think she would hate nikolai.
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cavefairy · 25 days
lowkey pokemon fanfic kinda slaps (is reading a legends arceus fic thats helping me understand the plot way better than actually playing the game does)
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dunmeshistash · 26 days
Is there any info about the main party's love lives/sexuality? More to the point, is Laios asexual? The way he wasn't initially affected by the succubus when they were super effective against eyery one else, and hasn't shown any sexual/romantic interest in anyone (except possibly orcs) makes me think he is.
Well, he did kinda fall for the charms of one of their past teammates seduction.
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But this might just be because he's a pushover, he did similar stuff for the gold stripping teammates.
The other argument I can see it's here where he says he'd marry Shuro if he was Falin. But this also could just be Laios simping for his bestie
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The succubus probably didn't work right away cause Laios had a more complex fantasy to be fulfilled, but you can argue she picked Marcille's appearance instead of one of the guys for a reason. Also Senshi aparently also saw his mother or someone from his past too even tho he's an adult
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And Marcille's showed up as a character from her favorite novel
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I think the succubus becomes whatever is more likely to convince the person to let them feed and Marcille is the one he's the closest with from the group
That is all to say! I think there's a good argument for ace Laios, there's not much romance in Dungeon Meshi but Laios seems especially uninterested in the subject. The orc thing might have been just aesthetic since he likes demi-humans and the times he seems embarrassed near Marcille (like when he touches her ear and today when he apologized for touching senshi's thigh thinking it was Marcille) is probably more cause of awareness that's not socially acceptable.
For the others I think Chilchuck could bi cause he thinks senshi is hot, Marcille is probably a closeted lesbian, Senshi has to a job (feeding the kids) so he cant think about that right now and I think Izutsumi is Izutsumi
And just to be clear with this I just meant to point out what could possibly deny an ace Laios interpretation and how else you could see those scenes to argue for ace Laios. Headcanons are fun tho so I'd just say run with it even if there's no proof! Dungeon Meshi not giving us much canon about relationships is a treat for the imagination.
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ghostytoad · 7 months
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Leo
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff, Mild Angst || Words: 2.3k
Raph | Donnie | Mikey | Bonus!!
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oho, hello good lookin'~ it's nonstop flirting and banter from the minute they met and it's not going to stop anytime soon
finally! someone who has a sense of humor and can appreciate a good one-liner or two! and they can dish it out as well as they can take it? be still, my beating heart!
leo genuinely finds it to be a gift from the gods that y/n shares his brand of comedy and will not let up on it when he's around them
the romantic tension between y/n and leo is so thick that he could probably slice through it with his odachi - it makes his brothers sick to have to listen to all the schmoozing but leo ADORES the flirting praise
the boy would bend over backwards for y/n; he'd sell his prized jupiter jim collectibles for them if they asked him to (maybe… he'd probably still keep one or two tho)
there's an unspoken and ongoing (very friendly) rivalry between them; leo and y/n are constantly looking to one up each other and it's getting to ridiculous levels of competitive; they won't stop until things hit "deadly" levels and one of them almost ends up getting hurt
even little everyday tasks become a competition for the two of them, there's just no end to their games
grocery shopping? betcha i can save more money than you! pizza night? i can stuff twice as many pizza slices in my mouth than you can. hanging out in donnie's lab? hoo boy, i guarantee i can make him snap first.
it's the bane of donnie's existence, considering he's the target of most of their shenanigans; if he has to endure another one of their "who can ruin donnie's day" games, he swears it'll be the start of his villain arc
mikey's the unofficial score-keeper and peacemaker when things get too heated between the two of them; although he's more likely to stoke the flames than intervene… he just happens to enjoy watching them get carried away (not that he'd say it to their face). definitely enables the chaos to a terrible degree
"no way, you know i totally had that game last night before you went on to blow up my spot with your little tackle! next time we portal our way onto the superbowl field mid-game, i'm leaving YOU on the sidelines and scoring that touchdown solo!" (concerned raph sounds in the background)
they've absolutely plotted to portal their way into "hard to access" places like the white house or splinter's secret lounge room, but raph and donnie made them promise not to do it for very different reasons (donnie doesn't want to have to bail them out if they get stuck and raph is just being raph)
leo and y/n's carefree attitudes combined has landed them into trouble with the law a few times, both in new york and the hidden city
together, they're banned from like 10 different places and they're legally not allowed within 100 feet of any magicians; leo's only explanation for that is "we couldn't tell if it was part of the costume or if the guy actually had a barber-stache and how were we supposed to know he was blind?!". to this day, no one knows what he's talking about.
leo would absolutely hide the evidence of a crime for y/n; he ain't no snitch either and he's not going to let his bestie take the fall for something that TOTALLY wasn't their fault! more than likely, he'd blame their antics on hypno or if it's something not so bad, splinter.
senor hueso has an entire wall dedicated to leo and y/n: The Wall of Failures and Stupid Mistakes That You Will Surely Learn Nothing From
it has photos of all the times leo and y/n went on a fun little adventure and ended up being taken hostage by a villain, thrown in jail, or overall just beat up (they're mostly selfies and yes, leo is smiling and posing in all of them)
he would never let y/n get into any major trouble and he has the common sense to remember that y/n is only human, so at the very least he knows not to do anything too dangerous when they're around; he's reckless but he doesn't have a death wish
"i'm all for a good espionage mission and all, but this is big mama we're talking about! i say we sit this one out and wait for another chance to come along so we can try on these rad bellhop uniforms."
the two of them have made it a point to announce their arrival anywhere by doing the team rocket motto; occasionally mikey or april will join in as meowth. they have the costumes to match and will inexplicably be wearing them every time they do it.
they truly enable the worst in each other; raph insists on tagging along as the unofficial babysitter to every little hangout because of their chaotic nature, meanwhile donnie has protocols for every possible "doomsday" scenario they could initiate with their little stunts. zombies or accidentally reviving the shredder is at the top of that list.
matching outfits are a big must for leo; someone as UH-MAZING as y/n is absolutely worthy of leo's impeccable fashion sense and there's no way he's gonna pass up a chance to twin with y/n. if they refuse to match with him for whatever reason, he will pout about it for days.
whenever leo is sad or feeling a little down, y/n is the first person he goes to for a little cheering up. they somehow know just what to say to make the boy feel like a champion. and no, he didn't give them a script to read off of! (he totally did)
even with all the flirting and pick-up lines, leo still dreads the thought of ever admitting his feelings to y/n; he's a confident turtle, sure, but that's just the face part of being the face man. he's secretly an insecure mess when it comes to them
will become a flustered mess if y/n genuinely compliments or praises him; he'll stutter for a good minute or two before finally snapping back to his suave cool guy persona (which doesn't fool anyone, he's OBVIOUSLY crushing hard)
after an unfortunate night of misadventure, leo's forced to confess to his feelings AND his crimes
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Well, some adventure this was turning out to be.
"Get in there! Y'all got the right to keep yer traps shut!"
Yep. What a real swell time.
Being hauled away in a prison ball, headed to the Hidden City Police Headquaters, all the while Big Mama's men chasing close behind.
"So much for the adventure of a lifetime." Y/N hissed bitterly as they tugged and pulled from the tangle of limbs they found themselves in, trapped inside the small bubble with Leo tightly packed alongside them.
"Well, maybe if SOMEONE weren't such a slowpoke, we'd have made it back! And I'd like to say for the record, you are the WORST lookout. Maybe next time try to keep up, will ya?" the turtle spat back with a scathing glare.
Y/N could only muster a hearty scoff as they balled their fists, unable to throw a punch from how they were positioned. Their heel found a suitable landing in the direct center of Leonardo's plastron and dug in with a stomp, eliciting a pained groan from him and a satisfied smirk from Y/N.
"If you weren't so cocky, we might've ACTUALLY pulled off your little stunt! But nooo, Leo just HAS to get in the last word!"
"OHO, pot calling the kettle black now, eh?" Leo wore his signature smug expression and attempted to jab a digit into Y/N's forehead. Given the way his arm was caught between his bent thighs, he only managed a slight graze before opting for a flick instead.
The two bickered and took shots at each other throughout the trip, much to the chagrin of the arresting officials steering nearby. It was gonna be a long night for everyone.
At the station, Leonardo and Y/N were placed into holding together, both of them choosing to sulk in silence on opposite sides of the confined room. It wasn't until Y/N was being processed that the question of what to do with the human came up for the arresting officers. With Leo's odachi confiscated, it wasn't like they could just send Y/N home on their own, but they couldn't leave Y/N in the same cell as powerful, human-loathing yokai. Leaving the pair to stew in their anger, the officers left to deliberate on Y/N's fate.
Silence followed. Neither one wanting to give in to this bitter game of chicken, Leo instead let out a loud, exaggerated sigh.
Irked by the lack of response, he threw his head back and gave a loud, guttural groan of frustration.
"Right. So you aren't talking to me." he rolled his eyes and forced his gaze back onto Y/N, who sat indignantly across from him on a cold cement bench, their knees held close to their chest.
Not even a glance back.
"Oh, come on! You can't actually believe this is my fault! If anything, you should be mad at the guard that threw us out and called the cops! He's the one who got us in this little mess!"
The silence tore at Leo's chest, his heart thumping heavily against his plastron as he dejectedly sat back against the cold wall. It was unlike Y/N to ignore him like this. With every second, the stillness became unbearable. This little adventure was truly a disaster, not just for the predicament the two found themselves in but also for the lengths Leonardo had gone to ensure Y/N would have a good time. So that HE would have a good time with them. It didn't matter to him that they could be facing time in prison. That whole deal was practically child's play to the mischeivious mutant. It didn't even matter that they faced a total ban from the mystic city itself. It was the fact that he might've dashed any chance he had of winning over Y/N's affections.
'You just HAD to fuck it up, didn't you? You had to go out and be an asshole!' a booming inner voice fed into his insecurity and the crushing weight was enough to curl the red-eared slider into a fetal position, his lower lip quivering as he fought back tears.
"I…" a sniffle broke Leo from the spiraling despair he'd been wallowing in, unsure if the sound came from him.
"Am I… holding you back, Leo?"
Another sniffle and this time, he was sure the sound came from across the room. Peering over at the source of the sound, he found Y/N curled in on themselves, little hiccups causing their small form to quake and shudder. They were crying.
"Y/N?" Shifting from the bench, Leo took a few hesitant steps towards them as his hand ghosted across their shoulder before pulling away. His face wrought with guilt and worry, he debated scooping them up in his arms and holding them tightly to him right then and there. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. The thought of rejection stopped him in his tracks.
"I don't know why I do it. Why I try so hard to prove that I deserve to be around you." Y/N continued, their voice muffled as they buried their face in their knees. "I'm- I'm just a human. I'm not as strong. I'm not as quick. I can't compete with you and your mystic skills. I can't even keep lookout for you!"
"What? Y/N, no, you got it all wrong! Yeah, you're a human but I-"
"Just stop it! Stop!" Forcing back a loud hiccup, their head shot up to meet Leo's concerned gaze with a fierce, stubborn glare.
"You DON'T have to feel sorry for me and you DON'T have to keep me around! So why? Why keep me around when all I do is drag you behind?"
Their narrow eyes locked themselves with his, desperately searching his expression for any hint of pity. All Leo could do was chuckle, his concern melting into fondness.
"I don't feel sorry for you. Sure, you've looked better but I was so afraid I was the one holding YOU back."
"H-Huh? Me?"
"Y/N." The turtle sighed as he plopped himself down beside them, allowing their back to rest against his side as they unfurled from their little ball of sadness. "You ARE a human, yeah. But do you get how cool that makes you? You can do so much more than I ever could! Look, I might have my good looks, my mad skills, and my amazing charm, but you have that and more in… whew, in spades and for you, it's practically effortless."
As Leo moved to wipe a tear from Y/N's eye, he cupped his other hand on their damp cheek and with a tender tap of his thumb, he parted their lips slightly and moved in to plant his lips softly against theirs. The ghosting of his lips left enough room for Y/N to pull away if they felt uncomfortable. Instead he was nearly knocked back with the full force of Y/N's lips crashing against his, their body leaning over him and practically trapping him underneath their warmth. Leo's hands held firmly onto Y/N's sides and he eased himself back against the cold of the bench, breaking the kiss to let out a soft chuckle.
"I love y-"
"Well, well, well~ Looks like someone owes me 3 months of chores." a familiar, taunting voice hummed not too far from the two.
A jingling of keys had them both whipping their heads towards the now-open cell door, spotting the unmistakable, cocky face of Donatello leaning against the bars with crossed arms.
"Yeah, yeah, you two can get back to your little makeout session. But I thought you'd like to know I paid your bail, you're welcome." He waved them off as he began down the hall. Some adventure this turned out to be.
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Bonus comic: Leo definitely used his one phone call to call Señor Hueso
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kaisfruit · 7 months
Hi! how's your day going?
I'd like to request the ninja from Ninjago and an older sibling reader if that alright? You know just cute fluffy days with siblings.
Ninjago Older Sibling!Reader Headcanons <3
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A/N; Ahhh hi!!! my day is good ty <3 tysm for this ask this is so cute 🥺🥺 i hope u dont mind hcs, but if u do feel free to ask again and i'll gladly make smthn longer :] jus thought hcs fit the vibe
warnings; none! just fluff <3
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Kai and Nya
Absolutely the most chaotic sibling trio
Nya constantly getting upset with you and Kai for playing the "i'm the older sibling" card
You and Kai: older siblings get cake first that's just the rule. sorry <33
But Kai gets just as upset as she does when you do it to him
You guys all love each other though so it's okay
Just the vibes of being their older sibling would be the most competitive basic sibling rivalry type stuff yk
Constantly doting over him
You might as well be his parental figure since MISAKO AND GARMADON WERE THE WORSTTTTT
You and Kai take turns mother henning him
You and Kai are bffs btw like. I don't make the rules. Kai is just his adoptive older brother in my head, so you two bond over caring for Lloyd
Definitely his comfort person after a long day <3
You're the one Lloyd trusts the most in his life and he isn't scared to tell you his fears because, despite any assumed sibling teasing, he knows you'll take him seriously on that regard
You guys make annoying each other a full time job
Constantly fighting over who the favorite is
Y/N: At least I help out at the junkyard!!
Jay: I'm literally out saving the world everyday!!!
*aggressive slap fight ensues*
OMG no. he's definitely the younger sibling to pull the rapid fire kick tactic
His elemental abilities go out the window when y'all fight. Just straight up, falls on his back and starts kicking up at you
All fun n games until you're able to catch one of his legs
You totally embarrass him as much as you can in front of Nya too
As Jay's older sibling, you're legally obligated to be Cole's bestie since Cole is Jay's bestie. you guys lovingly torment the lightning user together <33
The most chill sibling duo to ever exist
you both didn't appreciate Lou's insistence of the singing and dancing shit so y'all just decided to be ride or dies for life
much like cole, you get along so well with the rest of the ninja
idrk what to say here
nvm i do
You guys play video games with each other and you are infinitely salty at the fact that your younger brother is better than you at most video games
like wtf? isn't it supposed to be a god given right for all older siblings to be better at video games???? the FSM screwed you!!!
but you've never let him live down the one time he lost to you at super smash bros
you have refused to play with him since
See, idk if you'd be his ACTUAL sibling yk since he's a robot? maybe more like you were supposed to be a protege to dr. julien, but decided to just be a 4 lyfer with zane after his passing
you've helped zane understand human culture so much and he's real appreciative of your existence
the ninja absolutely fucking ADORE when you're around because what's better than one zane? TWO ZANES !!!
well, obviously you're your own person but! i could see zane adopting a lot of your mannerisms so you two end up being very similar
quality time is y'alls bread and butter
working around each other perfectly as y'all both cook in the kitchen
words never need to be shared between the two of you. just hanging around the other is enough yk? like y'all are bonding just by existing near each other and it is magical
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ANOTHER A/N; i tried my best to highlight reader being the older sibling but </3 idk if i did it that well. i saw "sibling fluff" and RAN!! im willing to do a pt 2 or like a one shot or anything with a prompt similar to this !! im the youngest sibling myself tho so idk if i can properly portray being an older sibling (only in a mean light. yk like greg heffley and rodrick. do NOT recommend having older siblings y'all /j)
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
Hi there!
Would you please make some platonic Alastor x reader headacanons? Basically, best friend hc's :)
Alastor x Reader: Bestfriend headcanons
A/n: Ofc !! Best friend headcanons are fun as hell to write 😽 (writers block is killing me rn tho so I’m sorry if this is bad, I have some more headcanons kinda similar to this here andddd here)
Warnings: none
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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📻𖤐 Gossip sessions with Alastor would actually be the best omg
📻𖤐 Would 1000% shit talk with you about like… almost everybody.
📻𖤐 Would not have the sessions over tea though, he hates tea and prefers to drink just straight up black coffee (sometimes with a splash of cream, depends on the day)
📻𖤐 Bro does NOT know how to ask to hangout properly. He just shows up and expects you to be ready for his arrival 😭😭
📻𖤐 Like literally he will just randomly materialize himself in your room and stares at you (not exactly quietly though, silly radio man makes radio sounds)
📻𖤐 You’re his bestie? Congrats !! You now have the privilege of getting to manhandle him
📻𖤐 Then again it kinda depends on what mood he’s in. Grumpy? No touch. Happy? Calm?? Sure !!
📻𖤐 How to even become Alastor’s best friend?? Well…
📻𖤐 He’s quite literally a magnet for sweet women. Be a sweet woman who’s maybe batshit crazy as well and you’re pretty much set /hj
📻𖤐 But obviously you do have to be entertaining or interesting to him as well.
📻𖤐 He’s a biter. He bites to show affection 😭
📻𖤐 I know I’ve said this and referenced this a LOT but dancing with him??? He loves it. No matter the time or place.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/headcanons/writing without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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temeyes · 3 months
Hi me again <3
Ignore that I’ve been scrolling your page for like thirty minutes- I was looking for something which is why I’m here now!!!
First of all, loving your improvement, it’s so palpable and I am swallowing it whole
SECOND, do you have any face headcanons of Konig? :0
hey again, bestie!! teehee, glad ya like it! COD has definitely developed my art style since the past year.
speaking of Konig, i did make a [sketch] last year of what he looks like in My Mind. but it's just a side profile, so i drew a frontal portrait for ya real quick:
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to me, Konig's giving unkempt old man. doesn't really care about his looks. i think i didn't capture how old i wanted him here but imagine he has more wrinkles lol!!! but i was going for similar vibes to [Jack Krauser] from RE4 for Konig!
tho, i was somewhat projecting [my fave male OC] onto my headcanons for his looks when i was drawing the old sketch too.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Choi San Boyfriend Headcanons!
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listen, this man is my ultimate bias for a REASON. you are SO lucky if you have him as a boyfriend 😭
he’s a huge fan of PDA. holding hands, linking pinkies, having an arm around your waist, linking arms, hugging, and kissing are all things he’s comfortable doing in public (just pecks on the lips though, not full on making out LOL) he always has to be touching you in some way 🥰
he loves to play with your hair! no matter how long or short it is, he’ll always be running his fingers through it, twiddling with the ends, or ruffling it (if it’s long enough, he’ll even learn to braid it! it’s a very relaxing ritual that both of you love!)
and while kissing, his hands often end up tangled in your hair ;)
san isn’t really into big grand gestures of love… it’s the little things he does for you that let you know he loves you. he definitely has an “acts of service” love language!
he’ll wake you up when he notices your alarm doesn’t go off, brings you lunch while you’re at work, helps you with projects, carries your bag around for you while shopping… he does stuff like this without even thinking
i can’t imagine him yelling at you no matter how angry he might be. he’s very good at controlling his feelings so if he gets upset, he’ll just leave the room to give himself a moment to calm down before talking with you about the situation calmly and rationally
if you ever break a glass or plate of his, he’ll gently reassure you that it’s okay, it was just an accident, and first checks your hands for any injuries before helping you clean it up (cries in childhood trauma 😭)
you catch him just staring at you with a big dopey smile on his face ALL the time. and when you ask what’s wrong he goes “nothing, i just love looking at you.” 😊
he’s the best person to be around when you’re sad. (he is our comforting mountain after all!) he’ll never judge you, and instead just hold you tightly while you cry, whispering little reassurances and patting your back gently… after you calm down he’ll immediately offer to help you with whatever’s bothering you
he’s a big fan of the nickname “baby,” he uses it probably more than your actual name (i’m sorry if you hate it 😟)
“baby, come look at this!” “what’s wrong baby, do you need some help?” “i’m sorry you’re sad baby, everything will be okay.”
every once in a while he’ll let a “my love” slip, and when he’s begging for your attention he uses “honey” in a sickeningly sweet, whiny voice
he’ll never pass up an opportunity to tell you how beautiful you are. even when you’re bare-faced, have bed-head, and are wearing sweats, he thinks you’re absolutely stunning 🥰
you definitely don’t help with his plushy addiction… you buy him one like every week, and soon you both have to buy those nets that hold stuffed animals against the corner ceiling (oh god and if you ALSO love plushies??? your house will be DECKED OUT.)
that definitely wasn’t just a headcanon for me bc i have a squishmallow addiction ahahaha
he tries to act annoyed when you pester him while he’s reading, but he secretly thinks you’re super cute when you’re begging for his attention 🥺
wooyoung is so jealous of you for the longest time… you guys didn’t really get along until san locked you both in a room and told you to work out your differences 😀
which worked, surprisingly 😀 you both came out laughing up a storm and hanging off of each other
now you and wooyoung are besties. you even team up against san sometimes to bug him. he just corners you both and stares at you intensely, forcing you to look up at him to fluster you (he loves his little brats tho 💞)
we all know san needs to hold something to sleep… and i’m sorry if you like having room to yourself when you sleep, but that something is going to have to be you sometimes (cries in starfish sleeper)
maybe not every night, but at least once a week, he HAS to fall asleep with you in his arms
he always lets you lay your head on his shoulder while he does other tasks, in fact, he encourages you to!
like if you’re sitting next to him to relax, he’ll just reach over and push your head down to rest on his shoulder
he loves to paint your nails together 💅🏻 and do face masks!
when he’s away on tour, he’ll stay up all night talking to you if no one stops him (usually hongjoong has to lmaoooo)
speaking of which, he gets all flustered every time the members bring you up… he starts blushing and smiling like a fool 🥺
then he can’t stop himself from rambling on and on about how amazing you are ☺️
he also won’t stop flirting with you just because you’re dating
he’s constantly dropping pick up lines and hyping you up
like if you get all dressed up for a special event, his jaw will drop open and he’ll say something like “hey pretty lil thing, you come here often” 👀
and you’ll be like “san i’m literally your partner” 😑
he shares everything with you, without even thinking about it
snacks, drinks, hoodies… he’ll just hand them to you absentmindedly
at the end of the day, this boy would do literally anything just to see you smile. he thinks your smile is the prettiest sight in the world. he believes you deserve the world and wants nothing more than to give it to you 💞
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gangrenados · 1 year
titans kinks you say 👀 here's my personal headcanons - Dick: breeding, bondage, sadism/masochism, pegging, praise, marking, body worship, getting caught, and of course monsterfucking; Jason: praise, mutual masturbation, phone sex, orgasm delay, overstimulation, cumming untouched, marking, knife/blood play (only on him tho he won't risk it with his partner), and maybe a slight daddy kink? he seems like he'd be into his partner calling him daddy lmao (might send more with the other titans)
(2) back with more kinks! Gar I can see just going with whatever his partner wants to do lmao like maybe a size kink? but otherwise I think he's down for anything; Hank: definitely size kink for sure, public or outdoor or car sex, porn (watch it with his partner or making it), first time/corruption, spanking, lingerie, morning sex/maybe somnophilia; Donna: definitely bondage I can totally see her tying up her partner with her lasso, riding (her or her partner), sensory deprivation, and body worship
Nonnie I love you <3 OKAY TIME TO SIN Y'ALL this is long omg
Warning: a ton shit of kinks like gun kink and breeding for example, sex (obviously)
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Do I think Jason would be able to make you see stars? Yes, do I also think he'd make you laugh cuz he banged his head against the headboard? Of course. The duality of a man.
Sex with Jason is chill, it leaves you with this nice fuzzy feeling in your head.
-Switch: I don't think Jason would have a preference when it comes to which role he takes during sex, he doesn't care as long as he gets to get laid.
Sometimes he'll take the lead, sometimes you'll be the one in charge, or perhaps there wouldn't be any role at all!
However, I feel like Jason (s1 and s2 at least) would brag about him being all dominant and stuff.
Also, I feel like red hood!Jason would rather take a more dominant role to take out all the pent up frustration on you.
-Names: I know nonnie you said that he might have a daddy kink, but I have to disagree (at least with this version of Jason tho). However, I do think the red hood version might enjoy being called sir.
It gives him authority and dominance, it's a strong word that makes him fuzzy on the inside.
-Praise kink: he needs the validation so badly, Jason aches for it and if you tell him how good he's doing he might cry.
-Marking: There's no doubt that Jason is a little shit and would leave a hickey in a place that it's pretty much impossible to cover up. He loves the fact that, by doing this, he's letting the rest know you're taken.
-Gun kink: Jason loves playing with his guns, and the thought of you suckin the barrel of on his pistols, as if you were suking his dick surely gets him going.
He'll facefuck you with it, telling you that you gotta earn it if you want him to fuck you stupid
He's not stupid though, Jason would make sure to empty all of them and put the safety on.
-Mirros: I have no doubt that tmhe would love to fuck you in front of a mirror and force you to see how hot and slutty you look.
-Humilliation: Jason loves dirty talking, most of the time he uses it to praise the fuck out of you, but there are times that he's so mean and all he wants to do is degrade you. Aside from words, I feel like at some point he'll make you hump his boot.
-Sex on his bike
-Mutual masturbation and phone sex (these two go hand in hand most of the time)
-Maybe this might not be related to this version, but comics!Jason would have a size kink
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Imma be honest here you guys, I don't think Hank would be really good at sex lol. Like he's not awful, Hank could probably give you a nice time, not a good time, but a nice kinda decent time.
As my lovely bestie @prettybitchfatwitch said "Hanks treats sex sex as if it's the gym" and well, I have to agree lol. I feel like with him you probably would have to fake an orgasm, anyway that's our little take. back to topic 💀
-Dom: He just gives those vibes, that's all. Maybe during his younger days he watched so much porn that know he has the need to be the one in control.
Names: I feel like at some point Hank would call himself daddy, does that mean he has a daddy kink? No, just like Jason, I feel like Hank would enjoy the power behind the name and how nice it feels to say it and hear you saying it.
Size kink: Hank would use his height and strength to his favor during sex, things like picking you up and fucking you or manhandling you would be his favorite things. Maybe he would brag about how strong and hung he is.
Anal: Hank strikes me as the guy who would be so into anal, I think he would love it.
Butt plugs so he can keep his cum inside of you, or perhaps he'd make you fuck yourself in one, or he'd make you keep it when you go out. Also I feel like he'd be into rimming aka eating ass.
-for some reason I feel like he and Dawn would really into threesomes or they'd be swingers lol
Zero doubt that Dick is good, he'll make you see stars, end of discussion (I mean, have you seen what he had pulled off? He must've got game, passion, skills. Hello?)
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Switch leaning dom: Dick assess in both, but usually he prefers to be the one in control. Totally soft dom vibes, although he can get pretty mean sometimes.
It takes a while to convince him to sub, but he gives in and boy, Dick is a bratty sub. He'll take any chance to get on your nerves, making you mad it's his favorite thing.
However, he can shut up quickly and moan like a little bitch. His brattines it's just a little mask for the slut he hides inside.
Praise kink: this one goes both ways, he'll tell you how good your making him feel and call you things like "good girl" for example. Now, do the same to him and you'll make him explode.
Daddy kink: Dick loves the name and I think he might engage in the dynamic, nothing too wild, but he would make up some rules and pamper you. Perhaps he likes the control this gives him.
Breeding kink: Filling you up with his cum it's one of his favorite activities, it sends shivers down his spine whenever he gets to do it.
Dick loves watch his cum drip down your pussy, but he's also down to plug it, let's not talk about fucking his cum back into you.
This man is gross, he jus loves to fill you up.
BDSM: I mean, it's canon that he loves being tied up, also adding to that I do feel like he would low-key be into masochism.
Like, it might not be his biggest kink, but it's where the mean side of him comes out. However, he knows your limits and will not hesitate to stop if you tell him to or if he notices that something is off.
Adding to this idk why i feel like might enjoy a little bit of pet play? Like he won't engage with it, but would rather use it as a punishment if you really get to get on his nerves.
He'll be condescending with you, pretending to be nice when it really he's quite degrading. He'll put you on a collar and make you walk in all fours, dare to misbehave and he'll tug on it.
-Oral (he's a godsend for oral, the guy's good)
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Just like Gar, Conner doesn't have much experience, but from what we've seen my boy it's passionate and pretty damn good lol
Sub: Conner is a sub, he just screams sub to me. If you wanna switch things up, then he might try be more dominant, but overall he prefers having you take control
Names: why do I feel like he'd melt if you call him baby boy?
Mommy kink: Yeah, I'm a believer of sub!Conner, to be fair he'd be a really sweet and obedient sub. He loves calling you mommy when you fuck him so good he's seeing starts.
Strength kink: Even though Conner is scared of potentially harming you with his strength, he loves the things he can do it it. Like fucking you mid air or manhandling you into a position.
Marking: He wants you to make him as yours.
sadly hickeys doesn't last long on him due his quick healing, but loves when you do it. Perhaps make him wear something of yours as a subtly way to let other knows he belongs to you.
Somnophilia: Conner doesn't need much sleep and sometkme he gets needy on the night, so getting to fuck you while you sleep it's his way to deal with the problem.
-Mirror fucking
-getting spanked
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 5 months
Modern College Student/Gf Mikasa Ackerman Headcanons
Armin Version: Here Eren Version: Here
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scary goth girl that everyone is too scared to talk to but secretly crushes on
psychology major bc I think she had a tough childhood and wants to better understand trauma / help others
somwhere in the middle between Armin and Erin when it comes to academics
like I don't think she is as intense about grades as Armin is, but I also don't think she's as laidback about school as Eren
moderately studies throughout the week, but it's just basic note taking and chapter reading, i don't think she's afraid to miss a few classes though if she feels like it
only really crams and does all-nighters right before an exam if she thinks she needs it
i think she wears men cologne and deodorant and it fits her soo well, idk how to describe it but she smells powerful but comforting at the same time?
maybe like woodsy with strong notes of vanilla and cashmere
loves a black cold brew: no creamer, foam or sugar like she's so intense that way
i think she's that one cool girl who always walks into class like a few minutes late with a hot resting bitch face, AirPods in and a cold brew in hand
tall girl and I think her height is prob her fave feature about herself, like I can see her wearing more heeled boots or platforms to exaggerate it
wears lots of black and hardly any makeup besides some light eyeliner most days
doesn't talk alot unless she fr knows you, i think most people would just hear her say "here" for attendenace and that's it
doesn't go to parties unless she has to
I think think she'll only go to watch eren and armin. she knows eren loves to go overboard and armin will most likely get distracted so she takes it upon herself to be the sober one watching everyone's drinks
def a girls girl like if she sees another female in an uncomfortable situation shes jumping in, no questions asked
i can see her working out with eren so in my mind shes ripped too and yeah...most guys don't fuck with her
has a cute lil skincare routine, only has like a three step process tho since I think she has naturally good skin
she secretly loves facemasks tho and doing her nails with armin as rewards for studying lol
I think out of the main three mikasa would have the most instagram followers, which is so funny bc she doesn't know why she's so popular?
I just think her aesthetic and vibe is very cool, if her account is set to public she would quickly get a lil following
lots of secret admires with this one, men and woman alike
I can see her being BI or Pan too so like that's very conveient
other than armin and eren, I think Mikasa would be besties with Yimir and Sasha
i can see them going to concerts together, shopping, late night drives, getting food (at sasha's demand lol) like i think they'd be a chill lil trio
views eren and armin as brother figures btw, gets grossed out when people ask if shes dating them
obviously a very protective friend
the type of freind whose like "what's their name" when you tell her you're seeing someone new and within an hour Mikasa will have an entire report on where they went to school, all their exes, hobbies, pets, address, ect.
I can see her getting a masters tbh, I def think armin would talk her into it so I think they would be grad school buddies while eren finishes his BA (he'll lag behind them a year or two since he changed his major so much anyway)
Loves cats and I think she'd have one or two if armin and eren are cool with it
I think she would have a few tatooes and piercings, but very subtle ones she can hide since I think as a psychologist she'd want to be taken seriously
music taste is kinda stuck in middle school tbh, still loves my chemical romance with a passion
I don't think she'd smoke weed or drink
^^ not that she has anything against it but i think she just hates the feeling of not being in complete control of herself so she stays away from things like that
never gets sick? it's actually medically fascinating
Overall she's that one quiet girl in class who looks scary but is a sweethear and everyon'es dying to be friends with
As your GF
omg I think she'd be the best significant other tbh
I think you would meet her in a meet-cute way since it's always the people who you least expect to be cheesy
I think maybe like you accidentally tripped and made her spill her coffee in class. you look up an see this tall, ripped, emo looking chick and you rush to apologise and give her your drink in hopes she doesn't flip
shes like "...ok." and takes it. but then the next class she randomly sits next to you and passes you a drink and is like ... "i hope i got your order right?"
the dork memorized your drink akjglalg
after that she kinda keeps sitting next to you and attempts small talk, so you realize she's actually v sweet and exchange socials
which is great bc I think mikasa is way better at flirting over text than in person and you'd quickly understand that she likes you
First date would probably be a show, i think she'd take you to a local band she likes and would get a quick bite after it
I think for second date she'd like you to choose what you guys do and then third she chooses, you guys switch bc she's all about that equal effort
once you agree to be her s/o she'd gonna be so annoying on social media like she's def gonna loose some followers as she only posts you now
type of partner to notice the smallest changes in you right away
you give her a peck and shes like "why aren't you wearing your usual lip balm? do you not like strawberries anymore?"
in bed she's a dom, is that even a queston?
I think she's actually a brat tamer, in my head rn she gets a lil smirk when you act up and i think she just mentally notes what to punish you for later
mikasa views sex toys as allies not enemies, and yeah i think she has an impressive collection so buckle tf up
okay so she's kinda yandere (tbh i think most ppl from the aot universe are but esp mikasa) I think shes very protective and a touch paranoid?
like i think her past is kinda messed up and I can see her mind running wild with ideas if not reassured
so you can just oversleep for a bit and you'll wake up to mikasa practically breaking into your apartment to make sure you're okay bc you suddenly went silent on her
some trust issues too, would def be really upset if you didn't give her the passcode to your phone
doesn't like your friends or anyone else you talk to tbh, she just doesn't think anyone else has your back like she does and will always remind you
i also know her manipulation skill is cray being a psych major, I don't think she's as good as Armin but ik she can weaponize some therapy speak and make you feel a lil stupid (only does it for your own good she says)
doesn't get jealous but does get even
I can see the little shit putting thumbtacks in pockets or laxitives in drinks if someone dares flirt with you, she can be so evil sometimes i just know it
she isn't even scared of the aftermath bc she knows eren and armin have her back so she wants the smoke tbh
the type of partner to death stare someone from behind your back but when you turn around she's suddenly all :)
would love matching tattoos with you if you're down
think she'll be the quickest to bring up marriage too, porbably only a few months of dating and she's like "so when we get married-" and you're like "!?"
big spoon gf, you can be bigger than her and she don't gaf she's still holding you not the other way around
Overall a really sweet girlfriend who just wants to protect you and keep you all to herself
Can be a lil crazy at times, but she means well I swear !!!
Nicknames for you: love, my other half, wifey/hubbie
Songs that fit the vibe: The Perfect Girl by Mareux, Breezeblocks by Alt-J, Me and Your Mama by Childish Gambino
"You're such a strange girl, the way you look like you do."
"She's morphine, queen of my vaccine, my love, my love, love..."
"Girl you really got a hold on me, so this isn't just puppy love"
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(She's so hot omg I love her, i developed a lil crush writing this! Anyway srry the moodboard didn't include couple stuff, girlfriend aesthetics are way harder to find than bf aesthetics and the ones I did find looked nothing like her :( tell me if you guys like this series, totally open to doing more characters! not even just from aot, i also kinda wanna do demon slayer or hxh, also love jjk and chainsaw man but I didn't read those mangas yet so I may not be the best at it!!)
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gunwoos · 11 months
kim gun-woo relationship headcanons (sfw + nsfw)
a/n: warning these r random and disorganized 😭 also haven't written anything fanfic like in ages so sorry if these aren't the best!
he's such a gentleman/romantic
i feel like getting into a relationship with him, you're either childhood friends with him or u guys become friends when the whole smile capital stuff starts and u slowly realize ur feelings for each other.
even tho he's shy i honestly see him confessing his feelings for u unless ur the one to do it first.
he's very timid/shy especially for the first few weeks u guys are dating
he's just so nervous and really likes u and doesn't wanna mess anything up
when he opens up and gets 100% used to the relationship stuff it's amazing tho
i don't think he'd be super into pda like he'd definitely hold ur hand, sling an arm around u, and hug u in public, maybe even give u a quick kiss but anything more than that he's saving for when ur alone
his love language is definitely a mix of gift giving and physical touch (maybe acts of service too i can't decide)
gives the best hugs. he's so tall and sweet and his MUSCLES. will hug u from behind while ur doing stuff too and put his chin on your head/shoulder
he LOVES having u at his matches, especially if it's a tournament. you're like his good luck charm (he's good regardless of whether or not ur there but it's sweet ok)
or if he's just having a normal practice or training session he loves having u there to watch and support him
we all know he's an early riser and likes to workout / go for runs in the morning. he always invites u to go and if u actually agree he's over the moon
even if u barely participate or give up partway through he's just so happy ur there with him
loves when u wear his clothes. especially if u guys live together he's got that mindset of "my things r yours too"
he loves seeing u in his jackets, shirts, sweaters etc. especially if ur shorter/smaller than him he finds it's so cute
also if u guys r out and u forget to wear a jacket he won't even hesitate to give u his. like u go to mention that it's kinda chilly out and he already has his jacket off and is putting it over ur shoulders
his mom absolutely loves u. we all know he's a mommas boy so he's just so happy seeing u guys interact and get along so well
i see him being very traditional. pays for ur meals if u go out to eat, opens doors for u, my mind is blank thinking of other examples but he's just so sweet and such a gentleman
woojin third wheels u guys all the time. geonwoo is his bestfriend and he lowkey sulks when u guys hangout without him
i feel like unless u were already friends with woojin before u started dating geonwoo he'd give u a hard time at first. he's all like "i was here first 😒"
but eventually he warms up to u and u guys would be besties
u and woojin probably bicker a lot (playfully) and geonwoo just loves that u guys get along well enough to joke with each other. he just kinda watches u bicker back and forth like "😊" and doesn't interfere unless one of u brings him into it
he's definitely protective but just in a way that he wants to keep u safe, he's very secure and he knows he's strong and that he can protect u if he needs to
he also knows that u can handle urself tho, especially if ur a boxer like him
this man is cuddly. any cuddling position is perfect to him like he'll be big spoon, little spoon, whatever but i feel like he'd especially love just falling asleep with his head on your chest
idk if he'd be into pet names but i think he'd call u "babe, baby, honey, sweetie" or some kinda nickname based off of your name
nsfw under ⬇️
this man can be TIMID especially for the first few months of ur relationship when u guys do stuff. like believe me he wants to just as much as u do but he would never wanna make u uncomfortable so he waits for u to initiate stuff for a little while
checks on u like every 2 minutes and before doing anything "is this ok?" "are u sure?" "can i __?"
i feel like he's definitely very traditional or "vanilla" in bed, i don't see him being kinky or liking it rough or anything like that but if ur into that kinda stuff he'd probably be open to experimenting
such a giver. don't get me wrong he loves receiving, but u would definitely have to initiate it he'll never ask u to
as i said before this man is a giver. he gives and gives and gives
this man would happily die between your thighs. i'm telling u he's obsessed with eating u out. he doesn't care abt his pleasure as much, he just wants u to feel good
this man just goes straight in too. he's like "can i?" and as soon as u say yes he's slinging ur legs over his shoulders and diving in
he's so good at it too like. he makes it his goal in life to know what u like and what u dislike and that includes in the bedroom. he makes mental notes in his head of everything and the reactions u have to stuff so he can improve for later
if u do give him head, he's total putty in ur hands. anything u do and the fact that it's you doing this to him just makes it 10x better. he makes sure to return the favour after
lowkey has a praise kink, giving and receiving. when u tell him how good he's doing he just melts he loves it
is big on eye contact. he likes how intimate it is and the non-verbal reassurance from it
likes holding hands or having your hands in his hair
he whimpers. i don't think he'd be very vocal but when he realizes u like it when he is he tries to be a bit more open and do it more
loves kissing u during it and just peppering kisses all over u. i don't think he'd leave hickeys unless u asked him to tho
this man has stamina. we all know he's super athletic so he's prepared to go for as many rounds as u feel up to
he's also very gentle. he's strong and knows his own strength and would never wanna hurt u or be rough with u
he's just so sweet i cant even
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blueberryismilk18 · 5 months
can you please do hcs about Brad? (bistro huddy)
Hi!!! Thanks for being my first ever ask, don’t be afraid to ask for more, I wasn’t sure what kinda you wanted so I kinda assumed! I love this sassy man, tho I’m more of a Joey fan myself sorry it’s not that good again first time, I really hope you enjoy :3
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🍨 Brad has to get feels someone's vibe before fully introducing himself, to which he thought you were chill and he liked that
🍨 From now on you guys are besties even outside of work you guys hang out
🍨 You guys playfully bicker all the time almost like him and Nichole but you were nicer to him about it (cough cough not changing his name on the system to dickface) 
🍨 please let this man rant about how annoying Terry, Tim, or Nichole is during yalls breaks
🍨 You’re guys friendship is one of the only good things in that horrible place
🍽️ Again like the first thing I said he needs to get to know your vibe, if he likes your energy then he'll tell you his name.
🍽️ In order for you guys to be friends you need to be a regular (Your poor wallet)
🍽️ Amber always makes sure to seat you in his section, one time thought in the very beginning or y'all's friendship Amber had seated you in Nichole’s section, he questions you so much on how you could even be friends with him (in more of teasing and playful way, but still comes off as rude) just to get under his skin
🍽️ Appreciates seeing you, again makes this job a little more bearable
🍰 Just like the platonic part that could be how you guys first started off. Until he noticed how much happy he felt when you'd be working the same shift and or hours as him.
🍰 Highlight of this sassy man's day
🍰 Nichole of course noticed it first, she would not stop giving him shit for a week. 
🍰 Eventually the kitchen caught wind of this and they would tease both of you when you guys were near each other, confusing you in the process
🍰 Bridgette and Aaron find out from pickles and that's where it all went down hill.. of course Aaron is the one who slips it by accident to you… Infront of Brad
🍰 Brad was pissed but didn't know what to say, he wasn't a baby of course but bro was actually too stunned to speak, Nichole started to laugh ngl
🍰 Let's just say Terry gave you guys a lecture about leaving “personal feelings at home”
🍰 You guys talked about it after work it went great. You guys started dating and you both got shit from Nichole (I love her guys) 
🍰 Now more into the headcanons part, let thisan rant about his day please, he cannot take it anymore he might lose it
🍰 Tim teases the shit out of both of you, while Pam is super sweet and always complementing you guys
🍰 Don't listen to Terry he's just a sad sad hater
🍰 The kitchen guys always tell Brad what a lucky guy he is to be dating someone as beautiful/handsome as you
🍷 Again you gotta be a regular
🍷 Give this man a big tip, your have his heart!/j 
🍷 But fr tho, be nice to the guy he's gotta deal with this red necks and rudeass customers
🍷 Over time he'll just love the company you give him, tells (begs) Amber to seat you always in his section
🍷 He can't help it! He really likes you but doesn't want to admit it first
🍷 You gotta ask that man out, he literally cannot refuse (go somewhere that isn't bistro huddy, he does not want to hear anything from them)
🍷 He's pretty much a very sweet boyfriend
🍷 Tries to spend a lot of time with you and uses some of his sick days to just take you out and stuff
🍷 I hope you enjoy eating most of your meals with stolen Bistro Huddy stuff! What a gentleman! 
🍷 most of his money comes from your tips!/j (just don’t be like Madge and Cybiel, maybe in private…)
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