#i love them so much mmwah
npcgrian · 1 year
joel the very instant he finds out hes soulbound to etho: etho i love you i would do anything for you we are an inseparable pair and we are in love
etho: um.. ok
joel: ok bye im going to go form a gang and not invite you
etho: I Have to Kill him and Explode his House
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
Hopeless romantic Yan who's had their heart broken by their darling yet again. A restraining order instead of moving away like all the others - tormenting them daily knowing they're within arms reach, but if they happened to go missing everyone would know who to point fingers at first. They just don't understand - what's wrong with these people? They have so much love and affection to give, but those they give it to either take them for granted and abandon them when someone better comes along, or spits on their affections right out the gate.
Maybe it isn't others. Maybe - they deserve this life. A community toy meant to be used until the newer model is shipped in. Maybe it's God's punishment for loving so much. Maybe they should take back their life and just crawl in a hole and fucking-
"Sorry! - but ya looked so down I had to do something, plus a kiss on the cheek is harmless when it's from your best friend. So the person you like doesnt feel the same. That took your mind off it for a second, right?"
"Right! You're here crying your eyes out over someone who'd never shed a single tear for you while there's billions more fish in the sea. Til you find the right one, I'll always be here to cheer you up and even after you find that special one. I'll kidnap you on your anniversary if you ever ignore my calls and I'm only slightly joking."
Hopeless romantic Yan who has the sweetest dork of a best friend they love so much it hurts. They want to give them the love they've tried to give others, but they're so - so afraid of losing their only support or being hated by them so for now they look elsewhere... Searching the crowd for someone with a smile as kind and welcoming as theirs
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arkiwii · 7 months
Saria and Kristen when they were younger they were a healthy couple but sometime after Rhine Lab was established and built their relationship started to show cracks. Before all that I like to believe that Kristen wagged her tail behind close doors when Saria was around, just a slow wag. What do you think of Saria and Kristen?
oh boy, Saria and Kristen huh. rubs hands with malicious intents. I have, some THOUGHTS about them, i want to study their relationship under a microscope alright
to start with "they were a healthy couple", it's something that i can question. i mostly think about how Kristen lost her parents at the age of 10, and of her conversation with Saria about the subject in the manhwa:
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Saria "always protected Kristen", and she said that since she lost her parents, "not many have been willing to defend her family's reputation". which means, Saria was pretty much the only person Kristen could rely on, and if she was able to continue and go on, it was thanks to Saria. once again, she lost her parents early, she was very likely alone all this time, and for a child, it can create a huge hole in their heart, one that Kristen probably and definitively tried to fill with Saria. she followed her, Saria was like a lighthouse for Kristen; and that's why it couldn't be healthy.
because of Saria's views, her beliefs on how emotions are a bias to scientific avancement, Kristen very likely followed these, but to an extreme. to the point of going against ethics to fullfill her ambition and continue her parent's legacy.
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this is not to say Saria ever agreed with this, maybe even before Ifrit, if she knew about it, she would have stopped it. but it's to say that Kristen used this belief to feed her ambition, to see it as an open door to push the limits of what is allowed.
once rhine lab was created, once it became succesful, and Kristen was at the top of it all, she had no need to "use" Saria anymore. their relationship fell apart because Saria could not "defend" her anymore, now that Kristen was in control. she doesn't need anyone to defend her now.
so now, i'm not saying that Kristen never had any consideration for Saria. people in these situations may not even realize that what they are doing is wrong, that they may hurt someone. and i do believe that Kristen cares about Saria, and in fact, she truly does;
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she doesn't want Saria to be hurt, she actually did nothing that would hurt Saria. but is it the present Saria she cares about, or the past Saria? when Saria met Ifrit and Silence, she opened her heart to emotions, she who never had a family who cared about her, she saw this child being hurt, mistreated, alone, and she wanted to protect her. the present Saria may still struggle, but she discovered what it is to feel loved, which she probably never discovered with Kristen before.
but Kristen, she wants the Saria who is ready to step on boundaries, to ignore emotions, to achieve scientific avancement. she wants the Saria who protected her, who stood by her side when she was alone and hurt.
but, she knows that this Saria doesn't exist anymore and she knows that Saria would never have agreed with her, she knows Saria would have tried to stop her. she studied Saria, her way to fight, her Arts, and she literally created a barrier in her office that cancels her Arts, she created power armors who can also neutralize Saria's calcification. that means one thing, Kristen was afraid of Saria. she knew she fucked up.
of course, Kristen would ALWAYS be ready to welcome Saria with open arms, she doesn't want Saria to go away from her, she never accepted that she left Rhine Lab. maybe Kristen is idealizing a Saria who is like her.
their relationship is MMWAH chief's kiss I LOVE psychology and character development. what i say can work even if their relationship is purely platonic, but i enjoy the little twist it gives if it was romantic, which means that Saria had experienced something toxic and it made her afraid of love above all emotions, which fullfill my evil thoughts about Saria x Silence
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Hey Satanic! Sorry it's so late. I was busy with school work 😒. Anyways, here's my weird little script thing for my fluff idea.
[After a spending the whole day with the other neighbors, y/n is tired and worked to the bone. Fortunately, Wally has an idea]
(y/n enters Home and is greeted by Wally.)
Oh! There you are, Neighbor.. I was waiting for you. (pause) Haha!.. Yes, I know you've been quite busy today.. You're very kind to spend your free time helping the others.. (pause) Hm.. You look awfully tired, sweetheart.. (y/n nods with a small yawn, Wally chuckles softly) Hehe!.. Well, I have an idea. Since you have nothing to do right now, why do you and I cuddle for a bit? (y/n chuckles, Wally tilts his head) What?.. Can't I spend time with my stunning, handsome Neighbor?.. Haha! (y/n sits in Wally's armchair and pulls Wally onto their lap. Wally sighs softly) This is nice... I could spend all day with you just like this... (Wally lays his head on y/n's shoulder) Hehe.. I love you, darling.. (Wally kisses y/n's cheek) Mmwah.. (y/n kisses Wally back) Haha!.. I love very much, Neighbor.. You are simply the most~..
Feel free to change it to your liking! I don't mind. Get some rest tonight, and sweet dreams! Love ya! ❤💙💛
Thank you love!! I'd be happy to do this for ya! <3
(Impression requests are still closed!!)
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
[Subtitles are in the ask above!]
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mondaymelon · 5 months
hello hello!! I've seen you multiple times in my fyp(partially due to the fact that i follow you,) so I just came here to drop that I love seeing your posts in my fyp — also sometimes your interactions make me laugh, it genuinely makes my day !
(I live for your works, really love reading them after a long day too! :))
hihi !! (omg thats so crazy)...
aaa thank you so much!! my mooties and followers' are actually just a giant platonic harem that i use as an excuse to dispense love and affection towards. alsjfkl i try my best to be the silliest person i can be, and it seems like its working <3
oh oh wanna know something? you also just made my day, mmwah <3 thank you dearest!
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minhosimthings · 3 months
i don't understand why someone would say something like that to you :((
i hope you know that those scars make you so beautiful and unique. i am proud of you and i want you to be proud of yourself that you're able to talk about your trauma. many people cannot and talking about what hurt you is a huge step towards accepting it and moving on.
that anon doesn't understand what a huge impact mere words can have on the mental health of a person. they probably don't even realize that their mental health is not okay either, because mentally healthy/healing people who love themselves/are trying to love themselves, do not go and try to ruin someone's day.
their intention is to hurt a person by sending them hate, but here on tumblr, it's going to backfire, because now momo is going to get many love notes appreciating her. so anon, please go take care of yourself.
my dear momo, you're beautiful in your mind, body and soul... please don't let anyone make you believe otherwise <33
I'm still figuring out how exactly that anon decided on the randomest of days to just spew all that shit like I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it.
IM SOBBING SELENE 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you're the sweetest cutie pie in this entire multiverse how did you escape my pocket again
Seriously I feel like I want to offer my therapist to that anon like are you okey dude?
Thank you so much baby, you've made my day better!!!!! Love you mmwah take care of yourself mon chou 💖💖
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chubbysciencenerd · 4 months
(Nsfw at the bottom<3)
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Body hair or not, fucking everyone deserves to be absolutely worshiped and everyone is beautiful with or without.
People with dark spots! Armpits, thighs, genitals, knees, where fucking ever. It’s natural, you’re a human. And I understand not liking it but in reality there’s nothing to not like. All it is, is your PH.
Babes idk what I missed but if you have any fucking insecurity I promise I will try my best to make you love it. Humans are fucking beautiful.
Now I’m not the strongest so I love being with small and petite women, being able to throw them around and hold them easily. It’s just so easy to use one arm to hold her under knees to her chest while I devour her pussy until she’s squirming.
And scrawny men, god… they’re either the most dominant and aggressive bitch ever or such a submissive little boy and I love both. Ugh and something about it being so much easier to see their adams apples bob… 😩
My chubby women<3 Gahhhh! There’s so much to grab and tease, small tits or big tits. God chubby tits are so fucking adorable, especially non perky ones I could just cover them in kisses and hickies they’re so much fun to play with. Ugh and those pretty fat puffy pussies 🤭❤️ I could just lap at one for fucking hourssssss.
My chubby mennn, bears or not, they’re so fucking beautiful to look at. Most likely means they have a chubby cock too 🤭 I love looking up at them as I take them down my throat, it’s one of the prettiest sights.
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objectumluv · 1 year
i have Winnie with me
i love him
shes so soft and sweet im happy i get to spend so much time with them
mmwah <3
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freakova · 3 years
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g4rous · 2 years
Hello, it's 🎃 anon I really hope I didn't waste your time sis!
I came out an idea came in mind, recently when I rewatched Pucca and suddenly this popped in mind so I really need to gave birth to it...
Reader is madly in love (They are far stronger than Saitama) with Garou and chases him to no end, kissing him on the cheeks or lips passionately long, or accidentally punching him to the guts or face, even creating traps for him to able their desire on kissing his handsome divine face.
So he have to be cautious around his surroundings if he's sleeping or about to take nap (cause if he saw glowing eyes through bushes or near buildings He's ready to run for his life for godsake from their lips to lapping his face with kisses).
Also, it's kinda a bittersweet feeling when they are not around and how he HATES it how craves their kisses and chases. He'll punch a hole through the wall...
Another thing he hates was that they switch chases to Badd, He knew how they admire and idolize that pompadour'ed delinquent hero heart eyes and all but...is HE that one you were chasing of? Not me he thought not realizing he's pouting. (Wtf that's cute AAAAA-)
Even though in monster mode, He WILL still receive those rough kisses.
"GAU-CHANNN!!" All hearts coming out of their back as they chase the hero hunter with intense speed.
"LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE!!" He snarled jumping to debris to debris. He was all-fours running away, but how the hell did they catch like that?!?!??
They were giggling in love as they reached out and pulled his ankle down, He was flabbergasted as his arms went right above his head. He growled in annoyance "YOU HUMAN BRAT! LET GO OF ME THIS INSTANT I WILL- HMMMGGGFFHSKSH"
"MMWAH❤️ MMWAH❤️ MWAH❤️MWAH❤️ MWAH❤️ MWAH❤️ MWAH!!❤️~" You giggle and still continue your undying kisses to the monster formed crush who was currently suffering under you.
You don't care about his appearance though cause he was lighting HOT now. 👌
Bang and Boom at the background was rather surprise at how a small human like them could catch up to Garou like that. They saw the two and wave a hello in which two flinch and chuckle nervously before waving at them.
This took Garou his time to slip off your grasped but failed again when they took hold both of his legs. "HNGH! LET GO OF ME!!!" "NOOOOO~❤️✨"
Before sprinkling his face clean of kisses.
Thank you for hearing this out apologies if I bother your time😅.
I remember watching Pucca all the time before and laughing my ass off at every one of their antics in the show 😂💞
But like imagine him in that au poor dude would be running so much he seemingly wouldn't even have time to hunt heroes 😭✋
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Idk what else to say since you've pretty much said it all so thank you for giving me some inspo for a doodle!! I just had to draw our boy like this aajjahdghj
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Jason and Sia~~
(Noonie: hey you two, get married-)
It's clear that I ship you two with my full heart, i mean- I would make him propose- But uh anyways- Here are the headcanons <3 Enjoy @coffee-latte-sprite!
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+ Babe...you look pretty asleep so get back in heree, he whines, tugging the hem of your shirt
+ ayo, he's so- so soft around you. He whines, grumbles adorably and is just so open with you. It took time ofc, but you two made it!
+ Tries his best to be home as much as he can. Would always kiss your hand if he sees you around when he patrols. Mmwah <3
+ If it's raining, he'll definitely give you an umbrella, "Wh- Bruce needs you!" *bruce in the background clearly needing help-* "It's raining, your clothes are wet, clearly you need me more!" Oh, he's such an idiot- but what can you say.
+ Actually, you could just say, "I'm not coo-" "Bruce! I got ya!" *helps immediately without hesitation.
+ haha-
+ LOVES YOUR COOKING. He comes back to the aroma of your cooking, it filled the room, making his smile bigger. Oh- seeing him smile as soon as he comes back is just- oh- pure heaven-
+ Will not share with his brothers, ok will with Alfred but the others? Oh no no, not a million dollars will make me give you these
+ Ngl, him as his tired eyes can get cute but please, make him sleep Sometimes he looks dreadful, it seems like he needs to have a week of only spa
+ I imagine, in your home, theres a massage chair just for him to relax in.
+ Quiet evenings reading books, continuing the book you two write together (you two have this-) listening to playlists or just cuddling while whispering sweet nothings and everything to each other.
+ Would read to you if the two of you are bored. Unlike Dick, he doesn't act like the characters. Instead, his facial expression and voice depict them.
+ His eyes spark when you voice the characters. When reading to him, he watches your face and once you act, his eyes sparkle~
+ Would leave notes around the house like hide and seek. "Oh heck- you found me ;] How was your day, babe? I hope it was great! There are flowers around the house, mind finding them for me?" <3 Jay
+ He loves bringing home things for you. He once brought home a heart-shaped rock!
+ Matching clothing? Ofc! He loves them casual and comfy~
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+ If he could, he'd make a muffin for you. And he did! With Alfred's help and consent to go into the kitchen- It was in your fav flavor as well! With a small jay bird drawing on in. It was more of a cupcake than a muffin tho-
+ Blurry couple photos! <3
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+ If you two are gonna cuddle in front f me- i will- 💀
+ Oh my- I just adore you two- <3
+ Also, you two have a cat of ying and yang (the thing that connects you two) Meet, Amour~
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+ Midnight rides and you're sitting in front of him, caged by his arms- He makes sure you are seated properly and comfortable :]
+ Not as daring as Dick, he won't swing his girlfriend (*cough* me) around with his grappling hook. No no, he won't. He will sit with you on the roof of buildings tho! It's better to have a picnic there, Gotham at night is- wow
+ 100% THE CUTEST COUPLE I HAVE EVER SEEN. PLEASE, LET ME BE AT YOUR WEDDING AND LET ME SIT IN FRONT-- PLEASEE <3 I will behave, promise, I won't scream like a fangirl- i swear i wont
+ Sia, you deserve him, he deserves you. A completed photo, a full heart. A complete love story with the best plot and plot twists- <3<3
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Kou Mukami– (Chapter 4)
I know there’s already a translation of chapter 4. But since I did chapter 3, so didn’t skip this one by moving directly onto the Final.  (*°▽°*) ♡
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一 一 After we see off the children, Kou kun and I had decided to meet the manager.
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Yui: Let’s see, I think it’s somewhere in this place…
Kou: Umm…
???: Haa...how the parade of this year will look like...in this case…
Kou: Oh, this voice…
Corporation Manager: ...Hm? Over there are…
Yui: Mr. Manager! We’ve been looking for you!
Corporation Manager: Eh!
*Runs up to them*
Haah...hah...uff...what do you mean exactly…?
Kou: I thought if I could show up there in the finale.
Corporation Manager: Yo- you really will!?
Kou: If I wouldn’t then I wouldn’t even ask you for permission.
Corporation Manager: ...Aah...I’m so glad! Thank you so much!!
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The truth to be said, after that, I had some performers on your behalf but it didn’t satisfy me….
I ended up rubbing my head thinking that this year‘s parade will be the worst than ever.
But if you show up then it’s no mistake that this parade is gonna rank the toppest!
Kou: 一 However!
There is a condition.
Corporation Manager: And that is…?
Kou: Since I’ll perform so I want that stage to be splendid.
I want you to devote yourself utmost in selecting the outfits, theater and also in arranging the stage.
Corporation Manager: I roger that!
Order me anything! I can prepare that right away! Because doing this work is one of the highlights of my skills!!
Yui: (S- so much confidence. He must treasures the parade so much.)
Kou: ...And then…
There’s one more request.
Corporation Manager: What it could be?
Kou: And there should be a few first-class seats in the performance area.
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Because there is a number of children whom I want to invite there.
Yui: (He’s talking about those vampire children, right?)
Corporation Manager: If it’s that much then it’s a very cheap task.
Then, I am going to order for the preparations right away.
Kou: Thanks! I’m counting on you.
Corporation Manager: Then let me take my leave at once! Aah, time to work and work!!
*After a while*
Kou: Phew…
All now left is just to give it my best. 
M-neko chan, will you support me?
Yui: Ofcourse!
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Please tell me if there’s anything I can do.
Kou: Okay...let’s go have a look at the venue?
I wanna think about what kind of stage should be built there.
Yui: Yeah, let’s go!
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Yui: (This place is going to be the venue…)
Kou: Probably, we can make a gorgeous stage right over there.
If we do that, then we can hang up the illuminations around there. Looks like we can come up with a flashy one.
Following this, the audiences' seats will be here, and…
Yui: (As expected, he’s very familiar with the performances, so he can come up with several things.)
*Kou gets closer*
Kou: Why are you being so shut?
Yui: Oh...so…
I thought you were amazing to plan about many things at once.
To describe it…
Kou: You fall in love again?
Yui: Th- that’s…
→ Selection
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内緒!/ Secret!
うん / Yes (+ Correct)
Yui: ...Yes.
*Kou backs off*
Kou: ...Kh, what are these. You rather got me scared. *flushed*
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Yui: (I- I tried to upfront my feelings a little but he's being bright red…)
Kou: Phew….
Yui: (Maybe I just see one of his rare sides?)
Kou: 一 Anyways!
We have enough with watching the venue.
Nextly, we must make a specific time schedule.
Shall we be back to the hotel briefly?
Yui: Yeah!
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Vampire Woman A: Hey hey, you heard!? Kou kun is gonna be displayed in this year’s parade!
Vampire Woman B: Of course I did! Aah, I’m already  starting to look forward in that!
Yui: (Wow, the news already started to get spread. He’s pretty popular indeed.)
Kou: Sounds like that manager is running around by announcing this news.
Yui: Mhm.
You are a little nervous?
Kou: Nope! I can’t help but look forward to it!
Yui: (That’s awesome...I’ll also do my best to become his right hand even if a little.)
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We had refined the plannings about the programme after we returned to the hotel.
“What can be done to make it exciting for the audiences”
“What can he do to make audiences enjoy the performance all by himself” 
We continued this conversation by sitting face to face with each otherーー
END of Monologue
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Kou: Hmm...so I ought to start with a light piece of melody at first.
And following that, I have to start the ballad…
Yui: Right. Then you can probably try out by shifting the songs’ orders. If you do so, then…
*Takes notes*
Kou: Aah...sounds good. In the mid-time, it will be great if you insert the dance-numbers…
*Continues taking notes*
|| A dance number is a performance, in other words a choreography executed by a group of dance. Idk if it's a familiar U.S English word or not, but I’m sure French and other languages use this a lot!
*After a while + BG sky*
Kou: 一 Finally done!
*BG: Back to the Hotel*
Yui: With these, everything’s decided now.
Kou: Yep!
一Now that you mentioned, we’re missing out on the most important part.
Yui: Which one…?
Kou: For the sake of the best performance, I have to get warmed-up like a best performer!
There will be dance-numbers so I want to do a pretence.
But if I do that here then it will become very noisy. We may even end up getting complaints about it.
I wonder if there’s a suitable place...where no one can’t possibly find me…
Yui: What about that alley? Is that place quite?
Kou: Yeah, that’s right. Great catch, M-neko chan.
Let’s move into there.
Yui: Yup!
Place: Glimmer Main Street, Aizen Alley / グリンマーストリートアイゼン横丁
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Kou: It’s certainly quite here. Perfectly suitable for my practice.
Aight...I’m gonna get started from the dance-practice.
Yui: (I think he can’t concentrate if I stay here.)
Listen Kou kun, I’ll be back to the hotel for now.
Kou: Eeh? But why? Don’t go back.
Yui: B- but we were able to find a less-crowded place after all, plus if I’m here then you can get distracted I think?
Kou: Aah...I don’t get it.
*Kou gets closer*
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Kou: It’s very obvious that I’ll get more motivated if you watch me.
So, don’t say you want to go back. Stay by my side.
Yui: Is it okay?
Kou: I rather want you to stay.
Yui: If that’s so...I’ll be here.
Isn’t there anything that I can at least help you with? I can do it no matter what it is.
Kou: No matter what it is? Then…
Yui: (What does he mean by pointing on his cheek?)
Kou: Come on, hurry up.
Yui: Wh- what do you mean…?
Kou: You gotta obviously give me a mmwah for cheering me up.
Come on! We’re lacking time so do it now!
Yui: Eh, y-yes…!
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Yui: (Feels like I am trapped in one kind of pace but if it’s what Kou kun want then一)
*Yui kisses Kou in his cheek*
Kou: Fufuh, thank you ♪ Well then一
It’s a returned kiss for mutually cheering up to do our best.
Yui: (I’m happy but, it turned out so embarrassing…)
Kou: Ooh, you’re being red all the way up to your ears.
Shall I carry you to the hotel picking up like a princess?
Ah, or more importantly I shall muwah you on your forehead and then measure your fever? How ‘bout it?
Yui: Aah, stop spoiling me.
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Kou: It’s your fault to be so cute that I want to spoil you at the end. Heheh…
*Kou backs off*
Kou: 一 Anyways
I must start to practice right away.
M-neko chan, would you mind resuming where I was by clapping?
Yui: Yes, understood.
*Clap, clap, clap, clap*
Is it okay?
Kou: Okkey. I’m going to...start一!
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Looking at Kou kun practicing putting on a serious face, I already realized that his performance is obviously going to be the best.
Simultaneously, I was feeling proud to be by his side instead of any other else.
While thinking these, time went out in a blink of eyeーー
END of Monologue
*Claps (4x)*
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Kou: Hah, hah, hah…
With this, I am done with dancing practice. Phew…
Yui: Good job, Kou kun. You did so great that it was a real performance.
Kou: Is that so? Maybe I work harder than I expected since you were watching me.
But the real performance won’t be like this, ya’ know?
I’ll perform way better than this, so please expect more from this, ‘kay?
Yui: Fufu, okay.
Ah, perhaps they are done with preparing the stage, so let’s have a look?
Kou: Right. But I wanna have a little more practice then wait for the main performance一
Corporation Manager: AAH! THERE YOU WERE!
*Runs up to them*
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Yui: …? Wh- what happened, you’re being so hurry…
Corporation Manager: Actually...that’s...there are some problems to face.
Kou: Problems? Are they related to the performance?
Corporation Manager: No, that one is all good. But…
The entertainers who asked before on your behalf are not giving up on the performance at all…
The stage that I had completed preparing, they have occupied them.
Yui: Eeh…
Corporation Manager: B- but rest assured! I will manage to move them even if it has to be by force…!
Kou: …
Corporation Manager: E-err...but please don’t say that you won’t be showing up on the stage…
Kou: …...But
Certainly they do have rights to perform on the stage. Because we asked for permission after they did.
Corporation Manager: ……!? B- but…
If we allow them, then you are going to lose the stage.
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There are no places to make a stage since all the preferable spots are filled with some kinds of events…
Kou: …...nnh…
Yui: (What shall we do…, we wanna do something for those kids whom he had promised…)
*Yui starts thinking about places*
BG: Glimmer Main Street
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Yui: (There’s no preferable place here…)
BG: Zatan’s Mouth
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Yui: ………
BG: Rubean Canal
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Yui: (There are only Gondolas here…)
Place: Glimmer Main Street, Aizen Alley / グリンマーストリートアイゼン横丁
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Yui: Gondola!
Kou: Go- gondola?
Yui: Yeah! Gondola! Let’s go…!
*Yui holds Kou’s hand*
Kou: E- M-neko chan!? Uwaa!
*They run*
Corporation Manager: Wa- wait up please!
*He runs too*
Place: Rubean Canal / ルビーン運河
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Kou: Haah, hah...what’s wrong outta nowhere...is there anything here?
Yui: ーLook, we can make a stage above this canal I think.
Kou: ….kh….
Corporation Manager: Eeh!?
What do you mean? How can we do that….
Yui: Using gondola.
By mooring so many gondolas here, we can prepare a stage above that.
Corporation Manager: Wha...he won’t be able to perform in such an insatiable stage.
More or less, it’s above the water anyways…
Kou: ...No…
I think it’s a very great idea, M-neko chan.
Yui: Kou kun…
Kou: ...Because...it will turn out so beautiful...as the reflected illuminations will be sparkling on the water surface.
I should have done it from the before.
So, I’m also requesting to build up here.
Corporation Manager: Y- you too…
...kh, got it! I’ll absolutely do something about it!
Yui: Th- thank you so much!
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Kou: Oh yess, M-neko chan ♪ I’m counting on you once again, manager.
Corporation Manager: Alright! If it’s in this place, then there are many things to get done.
And also...there’s one more thing I want to request.
一Manager san.
Yui: Y- yes!?
Corporation Manager: As we’re changing the location of the stage, we have to inform it to the audiences.
Would you mind laying me a hand in that…?
Yui: Ofcourse. Please don’t hesitate leaving it to me!
Kou: Me too! Even though only I’ll be performing but I want a lot of people to watch that.
Corporation manager: You two...ngh…
I’ll also give it my best!! Let’s make it the best stage!!
Yui: Yeah!
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Kou: You bet!
Place: Glimmer Main Street / グリンマーストリート表通り
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Yui: We have an announcement about the special stage made for the finale! Here it is!
*Distributes the papers*
Kou: Here you go!
Vampire Woman A: Kyaaa! Kou kun, you’re here!?
Kou: That’s right! The performance is going to be very enthusiastic, so I wanted everyone to visit!
Vampire Woman B: Yeah! We will go there for sure!!
Kou: Really? I’m so glad!
Yui: (His effect on the audiences is immense. I also gotta do my best!)
Please look forward to that!
*Continues distributing*
Kou: Uuf...we’re done with distributions in no time.
All I have left to do is just get prepared for the performance and take a rest a bit.
Yui: You’re right.
Oh, and also we’re done with the special sits for those children.
Kou: Really? That’s good! I can carry out my promise then.
Yui: Yes一
*Crowd noises*
Yui: (Wh- what it could be…)
Kou: It’s coming from the boarding place of gondola.
...Perhaps something’s happening out there. Let’s check that out.
Yui: M- mhm…
(I wish everything will go smoothly, but for some reason...I’m in panic…)
*BG turns clack*
Corporation Manager: Wh- what did you say!?
Place: Gondola Platform Place / ゴンドラ乗り場
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Yui: Listen, mr. manager! What’s going on this time?
Corporation Manager: Th...that’s...I’ve just had a contact…
The gondola is going to take a pretty long time to reach here….
Yui: Eeh…! Could it be that it won't make it on the right time for the performance…?
Corporation Manager: ...Yes…
Kou: Wha...we are dragged into trouble.
Corporation Manager: I’m telling them to deliver the gondola by any means so...all we can do is to wait.
Yui: (What if they don’t bring that…)
Kou: There’s nothing more that can be done huh.
*Crowd noises*
Vampire Woman A: It’ll be so fun since it’s been a while to see Kou kun’s performance!
Vampire Woman B: I can’t wait any longer.
Vampire Woman C: Aww~ It’ll be full of excitement! Wait for us, Kou kun!!
Yui: No good, the audiences are also starting to assemble…!
Kou: Looks like so…
Yui: (Aah...so, isn’t there any other choice but to give up?)
Kou: ...Kh, if it turns out like this, then I have to perform with a stage一
*BG is Sky*
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Underground Dweller A: Heyy! I’ve brought the gondola!
*BG back to previous*
Kou: Ah…!
Yui: That person’s appearance…
Underground Dweller A: Sorry for making you wait! Here you go!
Yui: Th- thank you so much!For you, we can perform on the stage perfectly!
Underground Dweller A: Don’t mention it. But in exchange…
Show up the best performance!
Kou: ...oh!
Ofcourse! Leave it to me ♪
Corporation Manager: A- above all, it’s great news that everything's made out on time…!
Corporation Manager: Well then, Kou san! Please show up on the stage!! Every single audience is waiting!
Kou: Got it, let’s go! 一But before that
*Kou gets closer*
Kou: Nnh…*kiss*
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Yui: (He kissed me on my cheek…kh!)
Kou: 一 ‘See you later’ kiss complete.
Keep cheering me, M-neko chan ♪
*Goes away*
Yui: (Good luck, Kou kun…!)
*After a moment + BG black*
Vampire Woman A: Woaa!!
Vampire Woman B: Kou kun!!
Vampire Woman C: Turn over here~!!
*Fades to CG (1)*
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Kou: Hey everyone, thanks for coming ♪ I wanted to see ya’ all!
*Audience noise*
Yui: (Wow...Just by having only Kou kun performing here, the whole assembled places are turning into one…)
*Fades to CG (2)*
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(Ah…! The area becomes beautiful...as the lanterns start flying up)
(Kou kun can also watch it right?)
Kou: ...Kh, Oh yeah, that’s right. Today there is a special guest with me.
And that is一
*BG black*
Kou: This girl right here ♪
*Fades to CG (3)*
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Yui: H- hey, K- kou kun!?
Kou: Shh...I will tell them that you’re a junior idol from my office ♪
Yui: (Eeh!?)
Kou: ‘Cuz I also wanted you to see the scenery from this place.
Let’s save some memories here with two of us, M-neko chan.
Look up at the sky. So pretty right? It’s lonely if I don’t enjoy the view with you…
Yui: Oh come on…
(Aah, I’m no match for him…)
Place: Glimmer Main Street / グリンマーストリート表通り
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Corporation Manager: Yeaaa! That was super exciting!
For a moment, I thought about what bad could turn out…
It had turned out to be the best parade!
Really, thank you so much.
Kou: Likewise. The directions and every other thing was done perfectly. Such a kind of stage is very rare.
Corporation Manager: I- I am honored!
Oh, one more thing!
I will attend the launch party afterwards, so make sure to go there. Same goes for you, manager san!
Yui: Ah...Y- yes!
...He thought of me as a manager san till the very end…
Kou: Isn’t that good? Because it will mean Mukami Kou owns the cutest manager in the world.
Yui: Stop it!
Kou: Fufu, don’t get mad一
Yui: ….!?
Kou: ...Kh, who’s there...?
???: It’s me, Walter.
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I have observed all of your work. And一
一I have admitted that you two are worthy ones to process the treasures.
Kou: I- it means…!
Earl Walter: I shall return back the heart and the eye where these should belong to一
*BG turns while + Weird noise*
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Yui: (S- so dazzling…!)
Kou: Yui!
Yui: Kou kun一
*BG black*
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Kou: ...wa...up! ...chan一!
Yui: (Kou...kun…?)
*BG turns to Mortstein Hotel*
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Kou: Aah, I’m glad…
Yui: ...Kou kun...you eye…?
Kou: It’s back just as the Earl said. More importantly!
Your heart? Do you feel like it’s back? I can sense the smell of your blood but…
Is it back…?
Yui: (My heart is…)
*Heart’s pounding*
...My heart is back!
Kou: Aah...I’m so glad!
*Kou hugs Yui*
Yui: (Wa, he just embraced me…)
Kou: It means I don’t have to lose you.
I’m really...so glad...!
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I’ll never have to...face such trouble again….
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Kou kun has hugged me.
but certainly I felt his warmth was transmitted and the peace was rising up from the bottom of my heart.
If my heart wouldn’t be back then we wouldn’t even have this moment, and if I would get back my heart but that’s too late, then we would already start shivering.
However, we have seized our desirable future with our own hands.
And 一 一
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一 The END of Chapter O 4
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sugaabooga · 4 years
Chance | 3
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader | Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, rich!Jin, rich!Jimin
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: PG-13, none
Synopsis: Seokjin had no problem of getting girls and also had no problem of getting rid of them. One girl after the next. So why was it that you - a middle-class citizen - was an exception? You - a middle-class citizen - made Seokjin question if he really did have it all. But one thing’s for sure. He didn’t have any of your chances.
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Jimin holds up a hand in response to your confused expression with a small smile.
“Came to check up on my heartbroken friend,” he states, shuffling into your apartment despite not receiving any permission.
You sigh as Jimin’s scent wafts past you and shut the door behind him.
“Jimin,” you start until he tuts.
“No no no,” Jimin turns around with a grin. Your eyes drift away from his grinning form and instead settle upon the bags he laid out on the table. “I bear gifts!”
Despite your scoff, you saunter over to your friend with a small smile. “Gifts?”
Jimin excitedly nods, reaching into the bag to take out some pasta from your favorite Italian restaurant.
Your pupils dilate at the magnificent sight. “Chicken Alfredo?”
Jimin rustles through the bag some more, bringing out his own plate of pasta and a slice of cheesecake.
“Cheesecake!?” you nearly scream, back straightening up in joy.
“Pfft,” Jimin breaks out in laughter. Nothing cures a broken heart like good food.
“Mmm,” you nod in satisfaction after a bite of the white cream pasta, licking at the corners of your mouth to get the remaining bits of sauce. Too busy diving into the food, you miss the way Jimin slowly chews on his own noodles with a sweet smile, eyes endearingly gazing at you. He slightly jolts when your eyes open and dart to meet his own, a slightly crazed grin taking over your face.
“Rhis irz sho good!”
The ends of Jimin’s eyes slightly crinkle. “Really?”
You nod, stuffing your mouth with some more pasta, almost in a hurry to finish.
You scrunch your nose, suppressing the urge to sniffle and trying to swallow away that lump in your throat that indicates you’re about to cry.
Jimin thoughtfully circles his fork in his pasta noodles, taking a big bite off his fork.
“You know what happened at work today?” Jimin asks with hopes of lifting up your emotions.
“The project assistant manager, Karina asked me-” Jimin abruptly stops.
You clear your throat to try to rid of the tightening of your throat, unaware of Jimin’s brain trying to think of a way to somehow switch the topic away from the sudden confession he received after you went home.
“She uh. Asked me how to print her proposal,” Jimin agitatedly slurps his noodles.
Is that the best you can do Park?
Jimin doesn’t realize you aren’t listening.
“Oh really?” you choke out, rushing over to the dishwasher to grab a cup and pour yourself some water.
“Y-Yeah,” he nods, not noticing your reddening nose and instead focusing on stabbing his noodles. “Funny right? It’s been over four months since she started working. She doesn’t know how to print.”
You plop back down into your chair, staring at your plate as Jimin continues rambling.
Your sudden sniffle causes him to stop. 
“Hey. . . you should slow down,” Jimin frowns, the way you’re scarfing down your food making him feel uneasy. “You’re going to get indigestion.”
Just as he says that, you choke on a noodle. Hands hurriedly reach around for your water cup and you chug the whole thing down, a breath leaving your mouth.
That’s when Jimin notices your reddened nose and glossy eyes.
You’re crying.
You sniffle again, grabbing your fork and taking a slower bite of your pasta in fear of bursting into full on tears in front of him. This time, a choked sob escapes your throat.
Jimin lowers his plate and hesitantly reaches over.
You let out a cough, making him quickly retract his hand and grab his fork instead.
“Sorry,” you say pathetically. “It’s just so good. I haven’t eaten pasta since…”
Jimin’s lips turn into a grim line as he mentally face palms himself at your prolonged silence and deteriorating composure.
Of course.
Jimin’s hand immediately reaches over to the Kleenex box and plucks out a few tissues, handing them to you.
You wordlessly take it, blowing out all the mucus that was stuffing your nose and preventing you from breathing. You don’t even have the mental capacity to feel embarrassed when a string of snot briefly connects your nose to the tissue.
“Ah, I’m hungry,” Seokjin slightly whines as he briefly looks out his side of the window in hopes of seeing a fancy, tasty looking cuisine that was probably going to charge more than a hundred dollars for a piece of meat. You suppress a smile at the older’s natural whiny tone that comes out whenever he’s hungry and debate whether or not you should suggest a place.
“I know a really good pasta place,” you suggest with slight hesitance. You weren’t sure if his rich taste buds would match.
Seokjin’s eyes widen. “Pasta?”
You nod, slightly more confident from the eager response. “The texture, the sauce, the service. MMwah,” you cough awkwardly, surprised at how that chef’s kiss just blurted out of your mouth. “It’s actually my childhood restaurant.”
“Then we have to go,” Seokjin states with a grin, silently cooing at your genuine giddiness. You tilt your head at him as Seokjin starts driving towards a curb, slowing down and turning on his car’s GPS.
Was he always this considerate?
“What’s the address?” Seokjin asks, head slightly turning to you when he feels your eyes shooting lasers at him from his peripherals.
Your heart nearly stops from his eyes meeting yours and avert your eyes to your bag. You fiddle around for your phone and quickly start punching in the name of the restaurant.
Seokjin’s lip tilts up to an amused smile, watching as you profusely blush, hands slightly shaking as you type in the address into his GPS.
Before you can catch him, he turns his head towards the window, letting an endearing smile take over his face.
“Kay,” you mumble, making Seokjin compose himself in a nanosecond and start driving off into the streets of Seoul.
You busy yourself nodding to the radio, stealing glances from time to time, admiring how handsome your boyfriend looks when he’s driving. As you turn to look out the window, taking precautions just in case you get caught, Seokjinglances over as well, uncomfortably rubbing at his chest at the foreign feeling of his heartbeat.
You grab another tissue, wiping away your tears. “S-Sorry.”
Jimin shakes his head, merely offering his silent company as comfort. This time, confidence surges through Jimin for him to gingerly place his hand on your shoulder, gently patting it.
“You okay?” he asks, just above a whisper, as you honk your nose one last time.
You offer a smile just as shaky as your breath and nod.
“Pasta must be that good, huh?” Jimin softly jokes, making you snort.
“Yup,” you state almost monotonously. “Moves me to tears.”
Jimin unconsciously ruffles your hair affectionately, making you slightly pause in your actions of crinkling up the used tissues.
Snap out of it, Y/N. You tell yourself. This wasn’t the first time Jimin was comforting you and offering emotional support. You knew Jimin was an affectionate person. You were currently emotionally vulnerable so of course any action would feel like too much.
But that’s when you feel his hand slightly drop to play with your hair then tuck it behind your ear.
This. . . was a first.
You don’t dare to look up, instead grabbing your fork once again to taste some of the cheesecake in an attempt to distract yourself from the onslaught of overthinking.
Jimin urgently removes his hand at your sudden movement, worrying if he had crossed the line of friendship and awkwardly coughs. He hadn’t meant to do that. Sure Jimin engulfed you in hugs, pinched your cheeks, patted your head, multiple times, but he had never done them with such intimacy.
Jimin feels an internal debate of whether he should say something. Maybe an apology? But that would make this whole situation too awkward.
It’s okay, he reassures himself. Friends of ten years can have this much affection right?
As if you could sense the shift in his attitude and feel it growing more and more tense, you clear your throat, turning to face him completely.
Jimin slightly looks up just to meet your guarded gaze, the area around your eyes still a bit pink from your crying.
“Thanks, Jimin,” you smile. “I bet there’s no one else in this world who has a friend bringing them cheesecake at 1 in the morning.”
“Of course!” Jimin forces a bright smile.
He can feel it.
“Yoongi-hyung wouldn’t even think about doing this,” he adds.
You drew the line.
You burst out in a laugh, eyes twinkling in the way they do whenever you find something to be funny and Jimin can’t help but to feel his heart skip a beat.
Oh boy. He was in too deep.
“For sure,” you giggle, pushing away the previous intimate gesture, deeming it to just be a comforting action at how naturally Jimin was acting.
Jimin would never think of me like that, you assure yourself.
“Yoongi would never,” you say poking at part of the cake. “Hm… I bet he’ll drop something off in front of my door or randomly burst in and throw takeout at me, saying it’s leftovers.”
Jimin laughs, nodding in agreement as he gulps down his water like a swig of beer. The past three years after he found out he was in love with you, Jimin had never even let a hint of his feelings show. But now, he felt like he was losing control. Losing control of his feelings and losing his hold on you.
You take another bite of cheesecake, oblivious to Jimin’s jumbled thoughts, and feel a lot lighter as you bring up memories of past hangouts with mutual friends.
That’s all Jimin will ever be, you remind yourself as your mouth rambles on.
Just a friend.
A/N: Hello there! I just checked the last time I uploaded a chapter and IT’S BEEN OVER A YEAR. WOW. Thank you BELOVED READER for being so patient and waiting for this new chapter! It’s a short one but there will be more to come so thank you thank you thank you for always supporting :)
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wolftheidioticfan · 2 years
King Dedede
Green Mage
William Afton/Man behind the slaughter/ourple guy/Springtrap/Scraptrap/Peepaw of FNaF Fame
(doing my modified vers)
Kiss: MMWAH Magnificus. love you tree man.
Marry: IM MARRYING GREEN are you JOKING they would give someone so much love.
Hug: Dedede gives the most back breaking bear hugs but its worth it.
Blanket: I'm giving P-03 a blanket. it needs a break, man.
Roommates: Gooey from Kirby I am assuming. Yeah I trust them they're like Kirby but born different. They might eat all my food though.
0 notes
daddybear57 · 3 years
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Daddy's home! I got you a powerade. I figured you'd be thirsty after closing at Wag n Wash. I saves you half my horchatta, too. I did that Applebee's thing with the straw. 😜 I know you think the horchatta's too fake/sweet and not "authentic enough" (tastes too much like vanilla too you), but I know you like half anyways. I see you're wearing that sequin shirt I love so much. You must be cold. Daddy likes it chilly at night. All the better for cuddly-coos. I was gonna split the sandwich with you until I realized we got bacon pizza hut left and you don't like Pizza Hut or bacon, especially on 'zah! You salty fuck! Heh, heh-heh. No you're gay. 🤣. Got you turkey instead on hamm. Oh, crap! Let me grab the cholula before me forget. Spice me uppp! I got you a surprise. Reese's!!! The "Princess" size for my little girl. Dang. You really like them. Nope! Its not just in my head. Idk why I don't like them. Haha. You wanna watch Avatar after dinner, and I can play with your hair? No u! You schtahhp it. Ofc u deserve it, baby. Anything for you. Can't stay up too late again. Gotta talk to Kari in the morning. Yeah, its all retarded. It'll be okay though. I schmink! Schminky-schmoo! What it do! I love you. You know that right? I know you do, silly duck. You're my Little Bear. Never going anywhere! Almost nee-naws time. I'm pooped! I'll try not to steal the blankets or elbow you again. Its okay that you turned away. How do you keep waking up so much? I wish you could take some visterol. Do we have to do that rain sound again? Yeah, you're worth it. Damn, right you are. Your darn tootin. You're full already?? Daddy's just gonna put it in a Chinese container for tomorrah. Remember Lisa shipped Nelly in this? Poor guy. I digress. Listen... Listen, Linda. Okie. Wait right there, okay? I'll be right back. I know... Ofc its a blaster lol. I won't be long, then we'll watch it. Get it ready. Love you, too. Mmwah! Wowza. 🥰. I fucking love kissing you. Such an amazing kisser. Alright, alright. Stop distracting me. Mmmmm. Dat's my baby (at Home At Last) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR58PxyBTUs/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
freakova · 2 years
You already know I gotta do FNAF for the fandom ask game >:]
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
All time fave is Springtrap, Loved him from the start he's the coolest modern day horror villain imo, current characters living in my head rent free are Glamrock Freddy and Daycare Attendant.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
G-G-G-Gregory my little baby boy, I want to adopt him
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Gregory again I think? He seems popular sure but I feel people don't really appreciate how cool of a protagonist he is. You don't really get kid characters that show fear and distress but ARE ALSO super courageous and independent. They either see a little baby uwu or secretly evil™ (Gregbot and GregAfton theories give me hives)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Daycare Attendant if he counts (Only appears once majorly in SB) But I also really love Ballora! Like there's this big theory (fanon?) That she's Afton's wife but they literally never do anything with her. Also her top design sucks (Why that kinda bra.....) but I really wanna see more of them both!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
M-M-M-MONTYYYY I love Monty so much I wanna give him a little saucer of milk but I also want to toss him out a 20 storage window but also I want to sit on his lap. Monty is so good
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Vanessa/Vanny. Could have been really cool characters but in the end it's like *pokes them with a stick* C'mon...do something...
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Springtrap but in a nice way. Also that Frog character from UCN she's kinda weird........Also Vanessa but also in a nice way
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